#the sacrifice of cain and abel
soisaidfine · 18 days
Ethel Cain is the Christ-like reversal of the Cain myth: she is no longer violent towards others, towards her brother; instead, she turns the violence against herself and offers herself as the lamb of God. - Ethel Cain: 'when i was a kid i’d chew holes inside my cheeks until they’d bleed'
Yet the aspiration to break the cycle and heal still remains within her: Ethel Cain: 'If I didn’t choose to heal and forgive and forget, I would be ultimately destroyed, which is what happens to her'
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'You poor thing Sweet, mourning lamb' -> Ptolemaea - Ethel Cain
Ethel Cain: "when i was a kid i’d chew holes inside my cheeks while i read at night until they’d bleed and then i’d have horrible sores that would ache for days afterwards, but sometimes i’d bite the sores between my teeth and make them hurt even worse because when i let go, for a moment they wouldn’t hurt at all. i think life as a whole is kind of like that."
Yet the aspiration to break the cycle and heal still remains within her:
Ethel Cain: 'I always say that she’s a cautionary tale of what would happen if you gave in instead of trying to break the cycle of everything.'
how do i break the cycle
mothercain: prepare yourself for the absolutely insufferable lack of satisfaction found in forgiveness
Ethel Cain: 'If I didn’t choose to heal and forgive and forget, I would be ultimately destroyed, which is what happens to her. She is the mirrored version of what my life would be like if I chose not to get better.'
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Roland Barthes: "Where there is a wound, there is a subject: 'The wound! The wound!' says Parsifal (Richard Wagner), thereby becoming 'himself'; and the deeper the wound, at the body's center (at the 'heart'), the more the subject becomes a subject: for the subject is intimacy ('The wound … is of a frightful intimacy'). Such is love's wound : a radical chasm (at the 'roots' of being) , which cannot be closed, and out of which the subject drains, constituting himself as a subject in this very draining." (Roland Barthes, Fragments of a Lover's Discourse, OC V, 234)
‘Eat of me baby, skin to the bone Body on body, until I’m all gone But I’m with you, inside’
1017 ALYX 9SM, Ethel Cain - Famous Last Words (An Ode to Eaters) Full video on YouTube
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artandthebible · 5 days
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The Death of Abel
Artist: Marco Antonio Franceschini (Italian, 1648 - 1729)
Date: 1723
The Death of Abel
Abel, in the Old Testament, second son of Adam and Eve, who was slain by his older brother, Cain (Genesis 4:1–16). According to Genesis, Abel, a shepherd, offered the Lord the firstborn of his flock. The Lord respected Abel’s sacrifice but did not respect that offered by Cain. In a jealous rage, Cain murdered Abel. Cain then became a fugitive because his brother’s innocent blood put a curse on him.
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ofgreatart · 5 months
René Girard: The ‘jealousy’ that Cain feels toward his brother is inseparable from the deprivation of sacrificial outlet that defines the character. We can only deceive violence to the extent that we do not deprive it of all outlet, where we provide it with something to sink its teeth into.
'Adam Raised a Cain', Bruce Springsteen
French text on X/Twitter: films7
René Girard: “We can only deceive violence to the extent that we do not deprive it of all outlet, where we provide it with something to sink its teeth into. Perhaps this is what the story of Cain and Abel signifies, among other things. The biblical text provides only one detail about each brother. Cain tills the land and offers to God the fruits of his harvest. Abel is a shepherd; he sacrifices the firstborn of his flocks. One of the brothers kills the other, and it is the one who does not have this deceptive violence of animal sacrifice. This difference between sacrificial worship and non-sacrificial worship is truly one with God’s judgment in favor of Abel. To say that God approves of Abel’s sacrifices and does not approve of Cain’s offerings is to restate, in another language, the divine language, that Cain kills his brother while Abel does not. In the Old Testament and Greek myths, brothers are almost always enemies. The violence they seem inevitably called to exercise against each other can only dissipate on third-party victims, sacrificial victims. The 'jealousy’ that Cain feels toward his brother is inseparable from the deprivation of sacrificial outlet that defines the character.”
Adam Raised a Cain (Bruce Springsteen Live at The Paramount Theatre 2009)
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countryimages · 1 year
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Cain and Abel - Offering their Sacrifices - Gustave Doré
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freebiblestudies · 2 years
Lesson from Cain Lesson 01: Sacrifices and Symbols
The story of Cain and Abel is one of those Bible stories that is so well known that even non-Christians are familiar with it.  Cain became the world’s first murderer when he slew his younger brother Abel.  Today we are going to study this story in-depth.
Let’s read together Genesis 4:1-8.
“...Cain rose up against Abel, his brother, and killed him.”  Why did Cain kill Abel?  In order to fully answer this question, we need to dig a little deeper into the circumstances of this situation.  First, we need some background information.
Let’s read together Genesis 3:1-24.
This passage is the story of mankind’s fall from grace.  Sin entered the world because of Adam and Eve’s actions.  Humanity had been cursed with death.  However, God provides a path through the first messianic prophecy in the Bible.  
Let’s read together Genesis 3:15.
A savior descending from the line of Adam and Eve will ultimately break the power of sin and defeat Satan.  When Cain was born to Adam and Eve, they may have thought he was the one God prophesied about.  In Hebrew, the name Cain literally means “acquired” (Genesis 4:1).  Interestingly, in Hebrew, the name Abel means “breath” or “nothing.”  It is possible Adam and Eve that Cain was the prophesied messiah.  Perhaps Cain grew up thinking he was the “chosen one.”
Let’s read together Genesis 3:21; Psalm 143:2; John 1:29; Romans 3:23; and Romans 10:9.
It seems that Cain was upset that his offering to God was rejected, but Abel’s offering was accepted.  We need to understand the difference between their offerings.  We read about the first animal sacrifice in Genesis 3:21.  An animal had to die in order to clothe Adam and Eve in tunics made from skin.  This sacrifice pointed to the fact that people cannot save themselves from sin.  They need a Messiah to save them.
Cain most likely offered to God the best of his fruits and vegetables.  This offering came from the ground and Cain’s best efforts.  We cannot be saved by our own works, no matter how good they may be.  This is why Cain’s offering was rejected.  Abel’s offering was accepted because he followed God’s example and gave the firstborn of his sheep.  Abel’s was an offering of true sacrifice.
Friend, will you accept that you cannot be saved by your own works?  Will you accept that salvation is through Jesus only?
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10moonymhrivertam · 2 years
Last Line WIP Game
Thanks for the tag, @wyvernquill !! (That Passing Stranger snippet made me cheer and punch the air, Soulmates Death is finally setting him straight!!)
I’m not super committed to this one but this one’s from me trying to cross over Netflix!Lucifer & Netflix!Sandman without Dream and Lucifer starting a fight with each other cuz Ellis!Lucifer doesn’t deserve that sjdjdjdns
“I was told I might have some luck finding Lieutenant Pierce here?” Chloe glanced over. He was like a lot of the club’s patrons - skinny and goth and pale as death - but his voice cut cleanly through the music, and he sounded just this side of too-tired-for-this-shit. He must’ve already had to go through the station. Patrick’s eyes found hers and she gave him a slight nod.
Hmmmm lessee….
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kdmiller55 · 1 year
Faith in the Faithfulness of God
4 By faith Abel offered to God a more acceptable sacrifice than Cain, through which he was commended as righteous, God commending him by accepting his gifts. And through his faith, though he died, he still speaks. – Hebrews 11:4 ESV This chapter of Hebrews opens with the familiar words, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” But as 21st-century…
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Cain And Abel Are Victims Of Toxic-Priests (And I Kind Of Want To Give Grandpa Cain A Hug...)
[Note: It’s Okay If No One Reads This, And Wait for a Video Game Theory Post....also Please Don’t Reblog Without Permission.]  
if some info I found is correct, it would make sense if it were some Priests that were accepting the offerings...
as well as the whole Cain going through a depression...
plus I can’t really see Cain as being originally evil, seeing how Abel may have suffered from a certain sin himself, which I’m gonna say “Toxic-Ego”
I think I might fall under the Melancholy Sin at times (but I can make sure to find things to make me feel happy, and maybe eating something helps.), which can’t really be helped, even if I am suppose to be a Earth Angel, but I’m a Defective type and could also be called a “Glitch Earth Angel.”
plus it might be possible those Priests, were telling lies and for all we know they could of been working for Caligastia or Daligastia.
I mean it might be hard to believe that Lucifer use to be a Planetary Prince.
so it might also be hard to believe about the whole possibility that Caligastia or Daligastia were involved somehow with those Toxic-Priests. 
even if Cain ended up doing something really bad, but at the same time, he is a victim from his brother acting with a toxic-ego and his parents not really doing much of anything to stop Abel’s ego and making Cain’s depression worse instead of becoming healed and getting better.
and it might be weird, but I couldn’t help but have thoughts of wanting to give Cain a hug, even if both he and his brother were possibly victims from toxic-priests who for all we know, might of been working for Caligastia or Daligastia...
but it doesn’t excuse Abel from his poor actions, or him being half of the reason that Cain’s spiritual depression got worse and reached a breaking point...
maybe Abel is the Embodiment Of Ego...
and no one should encourage him for that...and I am calling him out on his part of making his brother’s depression worse...
if it was possible, I wouldn’t just grab Abel by his ear, I would give him a punch in his insensitive face...I never did that before, but if I can have the thoughts of wanting to groin punch Mammon, then I can have thoughts of wanting to punch Abel for being half the reason Cain fell fully into that darkness.
then again, maybe Abel should get the groin punch as well...
Cain might need both hugs and therapy...
even if Adam wasn’t 100% a good dad, but if some info is right, at least there is one good thing about him, he tried to discourage animal sacrifices...
so he gets some good points in at least trying to stop his Embodiment of Ego of a Son....but then there is the thoughts that came to mind after reading a bit of info about those two brothers...
that if Cain hadn’t well did what he did to Abel, there is the possibility that Abel might of became much worse later on....
some might disagree, but if you think about it, it could still be possible.
even if what Cain did was still wrong, but at the same time he might of unknowingly saved lives from the monster that Abel would of become in the future.
even if Adam did try to be a good parent to his sons, and yeah even if Cain’s bio-Dad was someone else, Adam is still his Dad, and can be seen as his Real Dad, even if they aren’t biologically related.
but Adam possibly never tried to stop Abel’s Toxic-Ego from crossing the line, a line to which would end up costing his life.
and it might still be possible that while Abel did use Animal Sacrifices, but it could be possible he could of been tricked into using a Human Sacrifice.
we know that there is some half-truths and half-lies, and we might not be seeing the full story on why Cain had took his brother’s life.
and I’m not sure if the info I asked about before when using my pendulum, is true and what really happen or it was just one of those pranks...
but if it is really true, than Cain may have had someone he deeply cared for that was the light in his darkness, who he loved like a little sister, who was a Earth Angel....and if it is true (and not a prank from my pendulum...) that Abel was tricked into using their own little sister as a sacrifice, then it could of broke something in Cain and made him reach a dangerous breaking point, which ended up costing Abel his life.
and even if those Toxic-Priests had accept Abel’s offerings, they might not accept that kind of offering, plus if the Heavenly Father did accept, he wouldn’t do it for Abel, he would do it to keep the soul safe, and Abel would be punished for his actions, even if some might disagree with this, but it’s fine that not everyone agrees about it.
but it doesn’t mean that Abel was in the right, both he and his brother did some wrong in their life, but only one of them fell victim to depression that took a dangerous turn when a line was crossed.   
and it still isn’t okay for Abel to take animals lives in the way he did, it’s one thing to do so for food and clothes, but what Abel did wasn’t okay.
Cain may have accidentally became a Monster, but Abel was a Monster before Cain became one by accident, but still....Cain being viewed as the villain and Abel as the tragic hero, isn’t right...
while both were tricked by some Toxic-Priests, I mean if some info is right and some Priests would show up and accept the offerings that Abel gave, while rejecting Cain’s offerings...
but even if the two brothers were tricked, and it’s possible that the Heavenly Father would NEVER accept such a thing, not even Earthly Mother or Mother of All Angels would accept such a thing....
I wonder if technically the Mother of All Angels, would kind of be the Grandmother of All Earth Angels in this modern era.
yeah, weird thought....and then there is the whole theory I have that the book “Confessions Of A Rebel Angel: The Wisdom Of The Watchers And The Destiny Of Planet Earth” by Timothy Wyllie and the book “Stones Of The Goddess: Crystals For The Divine Feminine” by Nicholas Person, might have some kind of connection, even if the two don’t know each other and had wrote two different books with the help of other people.
and I still think it might be possible that Onya and Lilith, may be one in the same, and Onya who would become Lilith, was kidnap when she was close to death’s door, and she was healed and ended up with amnesia.
plus another theory I have is that Lilith wasn’t just a human, she was a Earth Angel.....so yeah, it is possible that some Angels had kidnap a Earth Angel and tried to make her be Adam’s wife...
also this is another theory, but before she became well a succubus...
she might of been the embodiment of empathy, which I do have another theory about that, that has to do with Earthly Virtues, I can talk about that later in another post....but not before posting some other stuff as well, like one of them being a video game theory and another being a drawing.
I may have had two depressions, and the second one lasting a bit longer than that other one, but Cain’s depression may have been far worse than mine was.
also it’s fine if this doesn’t really get read by anyone, or if some do read it, I guess it’s fine if it’s a few, I have doubts that there will be many who would find this post interesting.
and I know some people might still view Abel as the “pure” and “innocent”
but if he is going to kill sweet fluffy babies the way he does, and have a toxic-ego that becomes a part of the reason why Cain ended up falling into a very dangerous depression, then I’m gonna view Abel as a bit of a monster who was so heartless he couldn’t see that his actions was hurting his brother.
I slap my own Grandpa once, when I heard he use to be really mean to my Mom, I still love my Grandpa, and he did become more gentle when he got older, and well, I was a little kid when I had slap him....
I guess some might say “you shouldn’t slap your Grandparent, even if they were a little mean to your parent before.”
yeah, if only it was that simple....but he was more than just harsh words.
it had to do with beating, I think I was told there was a belt involved and I can’t remember if there was some kind of stick or not, I will have to ask.
but the point is, my Maternal Grandpa wasn’t always so nice at times in his younger days when he was a Dad to my Mom, and he only got better and nicer later on...
so yeah, I was just a little kid when I had slap my Grandpa.
and I kind of view it as his karma, and I could view my pointing out that Abel not really being a “Angel” and being half of the reason Cain fell into that darkness and depression, as part of Abel’s karma.
and as dark as it might sound, it might be possible that while Cain’s action weren’t right, and he could of talked to Adam and Eve about Abel’s poor actions.
but what happen to Abel may have been his karma, a karma he wouldn’t of had coming to him, if he had tried to not break Cain past the breaking point.
and while Cain did a monstrous action, but it doesn’t excuse Abel who possibly would of became much worse later in his life, as I said before, it might be possible that while Cain did take Abel’s life, but in theory he may have also stop Abel from becoming a far greater monster later in life.
I mean he used animal sacrifices, so who’s to say he wouldn’t try to use human sacrifices later on, thinking it would be more “pleasing” and even more “accepted.”, though another way of stopping him from doing that, could be from Adam and Eve stepping up and accepting that they had a big problem with Abel, and he was slowly becoming dangerous.
it’s fine that not everyone agrees about this, or how I believe the Heavenly Father would never let such a thing be accepted, and it could be possible that he could of been not pleased with the Priests that would take those offerings from Abel and say that he accepted them.
but some of the history that has to do with Cain and Abel, doesn’t seem right.
like there is a bigger picture, and if it is true that Cain was going through depression, then it is possible that Abel being all Embodiment of Ego, wasn’t really helping and was maybe half the reason it was becoming much worse to the point it would become dangerous when mixed with some wrath forming in Cain.
I mean I know some toxic-religious people have that view on some descendants of the nephilim, and if I remember right, also the view on those who are RH Negative and the whole “they can’t be saved” bull...
and yeah I’m still procrastinating in checking my blood type, to see if it will come out as O RH D Negative for a third time, we really need to try to get around to doing that.
I can view the “D” part as Determination, like from Undertale.
I think I will play some video games after I post a few things up on here, as well as check some stuff out on here as well.
also I could view my blood type as being “O RH Determination Negative”
cause it would be funny to view it that way, because it would be inspired by Undertale.
and yeah as the title shows, or like hints in case some may not know...
yeah I’m both Seth and Cain’s descendant, and I like to view myself as their little accident, a Defective Earth Angel....
and I had realized that technically being a Princess (even if I don’t have the official title, and it is only because I got royal ancestors, and some of my ancestors were knights...) and a Earth Angel, is like weird.
I doubt there is a “Earth Angel Princess” rank, it be weird if there was.
well, I have another reason to bring that up with the Earthly Virtues.
anyway, if by chance some do end up reading this, even if I believe not many will find it interesting, I hope some can try to understand my view even if it’s okay they don’t agree with it, but keep the disagree in a civilized manner.
I really don’t want to have to deal with toxic-religious people who take my different views the wrong way, I mean one had crossed a line once and made me cry, and wouldn’t listen to me when I tried to point out them using “may god have mercy on you” or “may the lord have mercy on you.” (I know it was one of the two...) at me was hurting my feelings, and I count that as religious trauma, and being part of the reason I really don’t like it when people go all toxic-religious and don’t try to listen to reason when they end up hurting someone emotionally.
I could talk about my own new beliefs, but I don’t want to force convert, because that kind of converting is wrong, and shouldn’t it be viewed as a sin...?
well even if it might not be, but it doesn’t mean force converting is right...
and there can be some messed up stuff that can happen, like holding someone hostage into a religion for one, like saying if they try to leave, they will end up going to hell, that is stupid and messed up...
and if people like that are being allowed into Heaven, even if they said such a disgusting thing and basically try to keep some from leaving and kind of keep the person hostage at the same time, that is gonna give me another reason to want to try to find the edge of the clouds of Heaven....
then again even if I want to, there is a possibility I might end up freezing like a deer in a headlight, I know there was a time that I didn’t do so well in a very high place.
anyway, I’m just gonna hurry up and post this....even if it did end up talking about some other stuff, but I still think that if it is true that there were Priests that were accepting Abel’s offerings and rejecting Cain’s, it would mean there is more to the story of those two brothers than meets the eye...
which reminds me of another theory I have that has to do with Transformers Prime, I think I will talk about that next after I post this...
also another thought I have about Abel, is that he needs a timeout in a corner.
and Cain still needs both hugs (but only if he accepts the hugs, like if he wants one...) and therapy.
and maybe Adam and Eve should stand in a corner as well, seeing as they could of stop their son “The Embodiment Of Ego” from crossing lines that ended up breaking Cain past the breaking point, but they didn’t...
so yeah, Grandpa Adam and Grandma Eve, should go stand in the corner.
also even if it were allowed, but still might not be possible...
I would still want to punch Abel in the groin for being partly the reason Cain had fell into such a dangerous depression, but Abel would come in second, seeing as the first guy I ever thought about punching in the groin was Mammon.
so Mammon, the embodiment of greed, is still top of the list of jerks that cross the line, who I wish I could punch in the groin, even if I know it isn’t possible.                                                                    
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thismustbeso · 2 months
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Everything Sad is Untrue, Daniel Nayeri / Cain Slaying Abel (~1640-1650), Gioacchino Assereto / The Sacrifice of Isaac (1616), Pedro Orrente / Crucified Christ (1896), Viktor Vasnetsov
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soisaidfine · 2 months
Ethel Cain: my teeth - Rene Girard: "something to sink its teeth into. Perhaps this is what the story of Cain and Abel signifies"
René Girard: “We can only deceive violence to the extent that we do not deprive it of all outlet, where we provide it with something to sink its teeth into. Perhaps this is what the story of Cain and Abel signifies, among other things. The biblical text provides only one detail about each brother. Cain tills the land and offers to God the fruits of his harvest. Abel is a shepherd; he sacrifices the firstborn of his flocks. One of the brothers kills the other, and it is the one who does not have this deceptive violence of animal sacrifice. This difference between sacrificial worship and non-sacrificial worship is truly one with God’s judgment in favor of Abel. To say that God approves of Abel’s sacrifices and does not approve of Cain’s offerings is to restate, in another language, the divine language, that Cain kills his brother while Abel does not. In the Old Testament and Greek myths, brothers are almost always enemies. The violence they seem inevitably called to exercise against each other can only dissipate on third-party victims, sacrificial victims. The 'jealousy’ that Cain feels toward his brother is inseparable from the deprivation of sacrificial outlet that defines the character.” - René Girard, Violence and the Sacred (La Violence et le Sacré)
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osmerharris · 2 years
"The Story" Chapter 1, Genesis four, from Adam to Noah. Edit and repost.
When I made the first post in 2014, I did it under protest. Having had experience with Pastor Rick Warren and his 40 days of purpose books, I wanted nothing to do with this, and the small men’s Bible study we had was already going through the gospel of John. Our beloved and fairly new pastor decided it was to be campus-wide and mandatory. I have not been part of that church for a long time.  I…
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hypnos333 · 8 months
Helloooo! I saw that your requests were open for Hazbin- how about a reader who's a seraphim? Kind of Lucifer's protégé/child way before the creation of Eden, Adam, and Lilith.
And he just kind of left them up there alone and neglected because of her association/kind of Dad!Lucifer. So, it's kind of angsty seeing as how Lucifer was a better Dad to Charlie and the reader grew with envy and fell into that ring along with her brother (I've been seeing hc/rumor a lot) Cain.
What would happen their first meeting again? If this is too much I don't really mind so no worries! Have a nice day and thanks for reading!!
A/N: I’m sorry but I go by biblical too so this might be different but same concept and storyish
Like father like daughter
Lucifer x daughter Reader
Synopsis: Your dad left you young now you left him
How it started
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You are my Sunshine My only sunshine
You make me happy When skies are grey
Little you giggles at your father’s little song for you and only you. You were an angel whose mother was long gone leaving just you and your father. You made grabby hands towards him making his heart melt before lift you up.
“Boop” you cutely said as you boop his nose making him chuckle. “Boop” he said back making you giggle this time.
“Okay baby it’s time for me to go to work so Uncle Castiel is gonna watch you okay baby?” He asked you making you nod happily before rushing to your uncles arms.
You never knew that was the last time you would see him and with that you cried and cried for your dad until Sera and the other Angels showed you he forgot about you, he had a wife and daughter….
You watched as he singed the same lyrics he sang to you to her. You were only 5 and parentless watching your father abandon you but staying for another that his. That’s when you grew up odd with another angel. You were evil or as they say a bad apple.
You were Cain’s secret friend encouraging him to kill his brother Abel. That when you were sent down in hell where your dad is but you never cared to look for him finding some friends of your own.
You were older and more mature then her but she was the youngest, and you were the oldest. Does that mean you had to made the sacrifice to be left?
Even so it hurts and your growing hate towards your father and sister grew stronger by the centuries.
With Lucifer though he was trying everywhere to find you, You were no where to seen in heaven and no where on earth so you must be in hell. But even then he couldn’t find you.
You grew close to Cain when he came to hell after being full of pride and thinking he could live without God and with his punishment. You saw him as a brother the only family you considered. You were never gonna be ready to let your other family in your life and you meant that.
When you were both getting ice cream You heard something. “___!” you turned around to see lucifer huffing and puffing finally catching up to you.
“My Sunshine! Woah have you grown into a-” you punched him in the face. You the eldest of Lucifer punched him in the face and my god it felt great to do. Your unbelievable smile widen as you saw his pain. Call it fucked up as you will but you almost laugh on how pathetic he was and to believe you looked up you him.
“Don’t… Don’t call me that. I thought we both grew out of that nickname a long time ago” You mumbled before turning away from him having nothing else to say.
“___ I was trying to protect you! Don’t you understand I was going to come back for you. I-“COME BACK TO ME? NOW THATS BULLSHIT “DAD” BECAUSE SPENDING TIME WITH YOUR OTHER BORN WAS NOT LOOKING FOR ME” You interrupted him turning into your full demon form Lucifer looked at you in shocked and stunned.
“I was 5 waiting for my own father to come home” You stated calmly as Lucifer looked at you with tears in his eyes.
“Please give me another chance, I love you too much to let you go” He pleaded taking you hand but you yanked it straight away.
“You gonna know how it feels to let go of the person you” You growled before walking away from him.
“You’ll never know dear, how much I love you. Please…. Don’t take my sunshine away” He prayed as tears slipped down his eyes reaching out to you knowing your already far from him. knowing he lost his firstborn hurt
“Daddy! teach me how to dance!” A little you say as Lucifer looked up as a little you held your hand towards him he tried to reached but then you just faded. That little girl was long gone the moment he didn’t take you with him.
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ohmerricat · 4 months
missy says “the doctor kills people too, i just enjoy it more. he’s the farmer, i’m the hunter, you know” and that makes me think she’s intimately aware of the sacrificial lamb paradigm. the lord is my shepherd. companions as beautiful little foals raised for the slaughter. with sorrow, of course, and remorse. the farmer loves every new creature in their flock with an emotional tenderness reserved for children and lovers. he’ll grieve when the butcher comes. he always does. but it’s inevitable. and you can always pretend your pet will live as long as you but fifty dog years are ten of your own. and when the time comes to put them down you’ll blame the vet. you’ll blame whoever has to bleed the calf. you’ll try not to blame yourself. after all, creatures in the wild alone lead such boring, listless lives. you’re showing them the wonders of the cosmos they’d never have seen with their normalcy-blinkered gaze. you’re doing them a favour. you’ll adopt another one. it will thank you as the light leaves its eyes.
but the hunter is evil, you say. the hunter kills willfully, the hunter stalks its prey, the hunter attacks with no mercy. instantly. painlessly, maybe. is that really so much worse?
after all, many moons ago, with a bloodied rock in his hands and the spectre of Death breathing down his neck, the hunter’s future had become the farmer’s first sacrifice. many moons ago, cain was the farmer and abel the hunter. and cain killed abel
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fandumb-thoughts · 7 months
“What did you do?” Adam asked.
Cain—his first born, the first ever born—looked at him with eyes wide and terrified. Adam’s eyes, Eve would say, the same brown of rich, rain-watered soil.
“I don’t know,” Cain said. “I don’t- Dad, I don’t know. Why won’t he wake up?”
Cain’s lip trembled, hands clasped tightly together, tears welling and falling in great fat drops. He was still so young, younger than Adam had ever been. His knees were knobbly and his wrists thin and he barely came up to Adam’s chin. Big enough to work, to till the fields and pull the weeds and harvest the crops, but small enough to curl tight in his mother’s arms when lightning cracked the sky.
On the ground was Abel, even younger yet. He tended the flocks and kept watch for anything that might want to harm them. He was good with them—gentler than Adam understood, though Eve told him to let him be. Even now several sheep creeped closer, braying nervously at the sharp scent of iron.
Abel was still shorter than Eve. He had a gap in the far back of his mouth where the last of his molars had popped out only a handful of days before. He had freckles that showed up in the summer sun, as if he had grown them there, all over his face and shoulders and arms.
“Dad, what do I do? What can I-?”
Abel’s eyes were open, looking to the sky that they so resembled, but they didn’t see anything. Somehow, Adam knew. Abel wouldn’t see anything ever again.
Adam hadn’t known that they could die. Humans, that was. Adam hadn’t known that Humans could die. How could he?
He’d suspected, of course. He bled when he was cut just like the animals he’d learned to butcher for their fat and meat and skin. He grew weak when they had little food to come by, they all had fallen ill a time or two, he’d watched as Eve lost what would have, otherwise, turned into a child. It wasn’t a shocking conclusion to reach, but he’d never known for certain. Not like he did now.
Adam fell to his knees, hands helplessly cradling Abel’s face. His son, his body, his baby-
There was so much blood, comign from the cracked-open place in Abel’s brown hair. It dyed his curls slick black, spilling down his neck. The soil was covered in it. This place would be stained for days—weeks, maybe even months—just as the place they slaughtered the livestock was marked as a place of death.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what to do. I’m sorry.” Cain was sobbing, hiccuping over his words and gasping for breath.
Adam’s vision was blurring as his own tears came. Abel’s face felt rubbery and wrong underneath his hands. Lifeless.
This was wrong. This shouldn’t have happened. This should never happen. Abel was so young, had so much more to live. He would keep growing—maybe until he was taller than not only his mother but Adam too—and he would continue to tend the flocks like personally tending to the lambs that fell ill with sudden weakness and some day he would have his own children because that’s how it worked, how God had told them it worked and He never lied.
“D-Dad, say something, please. Daddy, say something!”
Cain was his son, too. The first Human ever born when Adam and Eve still struggled to provide even the most basic needs for themselves. He was a good boy—always so helpful, always so smart. He knew when food ran low, when the well pulled up dry, when the hearth burnt out, that it wasn’t easily fixed and so he didn’t complain and tried his hardest to make it better, somehow. He was a good son. 
So why had he done this?
“What happened?” Adam asked, still looking at those glassy blue eyes.
“I-” Cain stuttered, like he didn’t expect to be asked. “We went to bring out sacrifices to God. I brought what extra I had grown and Abel slaughtered a goat—the little one, with the limp. God accepted the goat but He…He said I was to do better.”
God was like that sometimes, Adam knew. He didn’t know why, maybe He just liked meat better than grains and fruit. 
Each time they had to butcher even a chicken Abel got—had gotten—upset. When they slaughtered the goats and sheep and cattle he always cried, but they needed to eat and God needed to be praised and worshiped.
“He- He always says that, but I give Him everything. I’ve always set aside the sweetest fruit, the finest wheat, the very best of the lot. I make sure to give Him everything Mom thinks we can spare—sometimes even more because I don’t want to disappoint Him.”
Cain sounded desperate. Like he needed Adam to understand.
“What happened?” Adam repeated. His voice thundered, and he saw Cain’s feet stumble back. Some part of Adam was distraught at having incited such a fearful reaction, but some other part nearly reveled in it.
“I was just so angry,” Cain said, sounding miserable and defeated and small. “It isn’t fair Abel is always getting praised when he’s choosing the weakest and worst of what he has. I didn’t…I wanted him to hurt but not this badly.”
“Wasn’t,” Adam said.
He was shaking, but not from cold or fear. Rage coursed through him like it never had before—not even when Lilith left him, or when he’d bitten into the Fruit and understand what they had just been tricked into doing, or when God had cast them from Eden.
“What?” Cain asked. He still sounded so small, like he was Seth’s age instead of nearly fifteen. Maybe even younger than that.
“It wasn’t fair. Abel was getting praised.”
“No! No, Dad, he isn’t- I didn’t-”
He understood what he’d done. He probably had since the very start, or close to it. He was never stupid.
“He is,” Adam said, and finally looked at Cain.
Cain looked lost. Frightened, in many ways, like every single thing he knew had been upended and scattered. Adam…couldn’t feel much of anything.
“He can’t be,” Cain said, a plea like a prayer. “I didn’t mean it.”
“He is. He’s dead. You killed him.”
“No,” Cain wept. “No!”
Adam was standing. His hands were covered in his son’s blood, his son who lay dead on the ground at his feet. Cain shrank away from him, like-
Like he was afraid Adam might kill him.
“Leave,” Adam said.
Cain sobbed. “No, Daddy, please- I didn’t know! I didn’t know!”
“Leave!” Adam shouted. “You killed him! Get away from here, get out!”
Cain tripped over his feet, scrapped a knee and both palms in the dirt. And then he ran.
Adam watched until he left the field they had tended together, that Adam had first sowed when Cain was first learning to wobble on chubby legs. He watched as he tore through the brush and sharp brushes, until he lost sight of his hair and brown tunic, until he couldn’t hear him in the forest. He stayed there, staring off into the space where he had gone, until a small lamb brayed near his feet.
The creature had crept closer to him and its fallen favorite master. It bleated at the boy crumpled to the earth, clean white wool coming nearer and nearer to being stained by the blood congealing in Abel’s clothes.
“Fuck,” Adam said. His boy—his boys. Cain and Abel, the first two and then only two for several grueling years. One always coming right after the other.
Hadn’t Eve seen this coming? Had a dream so terrible it woke her in the night with a start so strong it had woken Adam, too? She’d begged him to help them, their two eldest children, to prevent the animosity she knew was brewing.
Adam hadn’t believed her, not really. The boys adored each other, it was plain as day to see. Still, she had insisted and it wasn’t that bad of an idea to separate their area of work. Perhaps it would be best, in the long run, for Cain to know as much as he could about farming the earth and for Abel to know how best to tend to their animals. A downright practicality. Up until this moment, had Eve come to him again with her concerns, he didn't think he would have believed it. 
Even now, even after all this…he couldn’t actually believe that the two hated each other. Certainly not their sweet, gentle Abel and their thoughtful, dedicated Cain. Not when the roughest tumble they’d gotten into before had only resulted in bruises because they’d accidentally fallen from the river bank they’d been walking near. Not when Adam had watched Cain rise from the bed he and Abel shared with their youngest brother, delicately extracting himself from the tangle of limbs so as to not wake the others, only this morning. 
“Fuck!” Adam yelled, tears falling hot and fast.
It was frighteningly easy to gather Abel into his arms. To carry his limp little body back to the house—back to his bed, his mother, their hearth.
“Adam?” came Eve, as he entered their little yard. “What- no, no!”
She must’ve thought he was carrying something else, at least for a moment, but the instant she realized her scream was shrill enough to send the chickens flying to the trees.
“No, no, my baby, my baby,” she cried, running to Adam as if she could take the weight all unto herself. “No, please, this can’t- oh!”
From where Eve had come was Seth, only seven and still little enough to cling to his mother’s legs when uncertain. He looked very much like he would like to do just that, now, old enough to understand that he wouldn’t be able to. Not when Eve wept as she did, not when Adam’s face was wet, not when Abel was limp and Cain was nowhere to be found.
Eve crumpled to her knees, taking Adam down with her. Her arms crossed beneath his. Between them they cradled Abel, so small and so young and so very dead.
A/N: Full disclaimer I did in fact write this because I watched Hazbin Hotel. Yes, it did surprise me that such a stupid little show (that I have semi-complicated opinions about but did enjoy watching) inspired something like this. I don't think it's strongly related to Hazbin Hotel in any way, though it could be if I was actually interested in expanding it (and I'm not really). There is non-negligible impact from Supernatural and Good Omens in this as well.
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greyssketches · 5 months
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What if C&A wasn't for "Caine and Abel" like people theorize?
But Caine and Aclima?
The story of Caine and Abel has been told time and time again. However, no one ever talks about the daughter's of Adam and Eve.
I should clarify that this story is not accepted by most religions with a "Cain and Abel" retelling
TW: Murder, incest:
In some retellings of Caine and Abel, Caine and Abel were each born with a twin sister for the other to marry. However, in this story, Caine wishes to marry his own twin, Aclima. Ot is said that they both made a sacrifice to God in order to win her. God favored Abel's sacrifice. Caine then kills Abel over Aclima.
Aclima is treated like an object in this story. Something for the brothers to fight over. Her input is not taken into consideration. Her thoughts not recorded. Her account not considered. Her twin takes her away from her mother, her father, and her other siblings. She is isolated with a murderer.
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nostalgia-train · 2 months
Yandere hazbin Hotel x Cain Reader headcannon
This has supernatural elements mainly the idea that the reason why Cain killed Abel wasn’t out of jealousy but because whenever Abel thought he was talking to god it was actually Lucifer (satan in this case) so to protect his brother from sin Cain made a deal with Lucifer (satan) where he would guarantee Abel a place in heaven while Cain would be condemned to hell forcing Cain to kill his brother and becoming his soldier after his death.
Once Cain is in hell I’d like to imagine that the Morningstar family take him in because Lucifer might feel bad about the whole Satan thing and also because they’re kinda related because of the whole Adam, Lilith and eve thing. To pay them back for taking him in Cain becomes Charlie’s bodyguard (before Vaggie does) to parody the whole “soldier of Satan thing”. I also imagine the Morningstars as platonic yanderes each one a little different from the last but they all work together to keep Cain with them and away from heaven. After all even before he sinned he was the least favorite child with heaven and Adam preferring Abel so they clearly don’t deserve Cain based on how they’ve treated him.
This would make Cain a pseudo royal member who I imagine as a very responsible and caring person after all he sacrificed his after life for his brother.
Meanwhile in heaven after their deaths Adam, Abel and the rest of heaven find out the real reason why Cain killed Abel and most of them start to realize their mistake. Abel and Adam would also be platonic yanderes with Adam’s take being that he wants his brother back Ann he finally understands his mistake so why can’t he have his brother. Adam on the other hand is a bit more complicated there are two parts of him where one just wants his son back but the other larger part views his kids as his possessions and what hell did as stealing after all Lucifer already stole Lilith (and eve maybe?) and as the person whose subordinates go down to hell he’s probably given the order where Cain isn’t to be killed and if they can try to “bring him back home”. Heaven definitely uses Cain as propaganda against hell martyring him to a degree for his noble sacrifice and this actually causes some people to be more open to Charlie’s hotel idea because it might be a chance to have Cain where he rightfully belongs. Cain of course knows none of this and if he did would want know part of it as he’s quite happy with his new family who love him very much.
Other ideas for Cain is that when Charlie makes her hotel Cain goes with her to still protect her but not to an insane degree (vaggie is still head of security) but he also might have a little garden or farm at the hotel to give the sinners a more productive hobby. He also would oversee hells agriculture as he was a farmer when he was alive.
I’ll probably put more specific aspects like specific characters and Cains role in the story in different posts but when I do I’ll make sure to link them to a master list
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