#the rock of salvation
lightman2120 · 1 year
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“If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me, and the light around me will be night” - even the darkness is not dark to you. The night shines like the day; darkness and light are alike to you.”
“For it was you who created my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”“I will praise you because I have been remarkably and wondrously made. Your works are wondrous, and I know this very well.”
“My bones were not hidden from you when I was made in secret, when I was formed in the depths of the earth.”
“Your eyes saw me when I was formless; all my days were written in your book and planned before a single one of them began.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭139‬:‭11-16‬ ‭
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age-of-shadows · 9 months
prog if it was woke
porQUEERpine tree
pain of salBItion
dream BIater
between the LGBTQ and me
THEYvin townsend
storm corrosion
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wiirocku · 1 month
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Psalm 18:2 (NKJV) - The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
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liquidstar · 11 months
good lird they NEED use Theater D again for season 3 when the witch cult attacks pristella
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starchaserdreams · 2 years
Screw Sirius being cool about jegulus/Starchaser, because when is he ever cool about anything?
Honestly he'd give BOTH of them the shovel talk.
Sirius: James, my brother has had a hard life and he's fragile and if you hurt him, so help me I'll shatter you into a million pieces to see how you like it.
Also Sirius: Regulus, my platonic soulmate has the sweetest, most kind and trusting heart and if you break his trust or his heart, I will not hesitate to bury you alive.
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Good Morning!☀
The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. Psalms 18:2
David wrote Psalm 18 after years of being on the run from King Saul, whom he had the opportunity to kill on two occasions but refused to do so. He understood that God would elevate him to the throne in his own time and way. God did so and also gave him victory over all his enemies, not just Saul.
Through today's verse, we get a glimpse of what God had been to David during those years. What an awesome list! Yet, had not David gone through the persecution that he had, he probably would not have come to know God in this way. Through his needs, David came to know God as his foundation, his rock. He found God to be his protection surrounding him. In his escapes from Saul he he found God to be his deliverer.
Out of the so-called gods that were being worshipped in that day, David declared that the Lord, the one true God, was his God. He had no doubt who his source, supply, and support was. He goes on to tell of other ways God had shown care and support of him.
David had gone through great trials and battles. Through those experiences, God progressively revealed himself to David and David rightly gave God praise for the victory.
If you identify with David and testify that God has been these same things to you, take some time today to thank and praise him. Then do like David did and tell somebody about it!
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blackros78 · 1 year
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Jimi Hendrix - Salvation Club, NY 9/10/69
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jarofalicesgrunge · 8 months
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th3-0bjectivist · 1 year
The Salvation Day Interviews (1 of 2) with musician Anthony Tadlock
     Dear listener, as a special treat and for the edification of music lovers all over Tumblr this is part 1 of 2 of my Salvation Day Interviews with Anthony Tadlock, A.K.A. t-underneaththeradardancing on Tumblr. Mr Tadlock, I recently spent several hours listening to Salvation Day. Thanks for agreeing to answer some questions about your band’s music. 
    When I dive headlong into music that I’m not too familiar with there’s always this sense of discomfort, but when I started with Mercy from your EP, The Backdoor Sessions, I felt distinctly like I was sitting in a new bar and listening to an exceedingly talented local band perform live. I know we’ve discussed this one-on-one before, but for the peeps on Tumblr, what was the actual genesis of SD, and how did you and Ms Vita Rhie Quintanilla meet? What was the spark that brought you two together to record in the first place?
     to set the stage - so to speak - i had been performing with and jamming and hanging with a young musician - very loose no muss fuss - 3 weeks before meeting vita i had a mild heart attack - mild but the hospital experience was literally a nightmare and nearly killed me - a couple weeks after getting out i was invited over to play/ jam/hang out - wuz expecting at most a couple other ppl to b there - btw to digress - t is very much an introvert - to digress further - t is a stage name but the only name ppl in the music aspect of my life know me by or call me - anywaves - i had just set up my guitar and amp when i could feel a presence coming down the stairs - a young woman - at 1st i guessed 25- ish which would make her the 2nd oldest in the room - she looked at a painting of crows and i said something to her about my love of corvids - i was improvising on guitar - some blues - i think a bass player was playing along and maybe another guitar - she started singing improvising lyrics and we started riffing off each other - her voice blew me away - then she started playing her original songs - omfg ! - anyway - i hoped that we would play together again
     a couple weeks later she walked into Madrone Art Bar where i frequently played open mics -she was with my friend - both joined me on stage and we did what i call "deep space nine " which is what i called any unplanned unrehearsed collaboration onstage - i of course could not remember her name - she handed me a business card lol - she told me she had a weekly gig at a cafe i had performed at and would i like to join her - by this time i knew she was diagnosed w schizoaffective disorder - that she was 17 still in high school and a witch - we started performing together playing her gigs - open mics - on the street ...there is of course more to the story which may be covered as we go on
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    I went through every song on Salvation Day’s YouTube page, the instrumentals and the voice go very well together, and I must admit, there is great synergy on display. You two had me mesmerized a few times, particularly with tunes like Para Ti and Reincarnation. Tell me, do the instrumentals come first, or do the lyrics/vocals come first, or somehow both at the same time? What goes into the process before you record?
     virtually all of salvation day songs are mostly vita - the lyrics in particular - some have come out of improvising at gigs - or as vita would say - we are just gonna pull something out of our ass now - some she has already "arranged " before i hear them others she asks me to figure out some chords and key - it should be noted that after graduating high school she moved to davis ca about 100 long miles away with no good way of getting there and back on public transit - required bus ride - a subway ride and finally a train and took 3 hours - neither of us drive though she recently learned - t cant see for shit so - and there was lots of drama in the summer preceding - however we rarely felt the need to rehearse - at early gigs i would ask whats the 1st chord and what key - sometimes the answer was - idk - jimi hendrix chords lol - sometimes they were jazz chords i didnt know - i still play a lot of chords im not quite sure the name of and double stops that suggest a chord - on a good night i play by ear and improvise mostly - when we decided we were gonna make an album - we formalized the arrangements and figured out keys etc ...
     sometimes - like last week when we got together after not playing together in a couple months - tho exchanging some snippets thru email text etc - vita thought of some lyrics on the spot - i started playing some chords - we fucked around w it a bit - made a rough recording on fones and will see if something comes of it - Reincarnation was written just before we met - vita says the songs morphed and become different thru my influence - Para Ti she had come up with a couple months after we started playing together - we were at the friends house - and he had become totally indisposed - we were supposed to start the recording process that day - we waited around to see if he would improve and she started playing it - i came up w the lead guitar lines - btw to digress to q 1 - vita was often in and out of hallucinations and delusions at the time - she has no memory of the 1st time we met and hazy about the beginning period - one last example Mercy - written entirely by vita - tho my guitar was central - she sent me an audio file - it has chords i dont know - i just followed her voice and elaborated - tbh i still dont know what key it is in lol - like jack sparrow eluding capture we just make it up as we go
    Do you have any advice for aspiring musicians out there based on your experiences with SD so far? Have you had any creative blocks or serious problems when generating new music? If so, how do you get through them, and what do you think the most important thing is for a musician to do when they feel discouraged or dejected by their own bad experiences with music making?
     whew - thats a tough one - i have been playing guitar for almost 60 years - been in a number of bands and playing situations - have been discouraged countless times - most recent was the whole experience of recording a studio album with a producer - it was hugely stressful for myriad reasons and ego deflating and not in a good way - we coped w that by recording the Backdoor Sessions ep - the bulk of was recorded in a couple hours in vita's tiny dorm room using garageband - it was done without rehearsal - and we played 2 gigs in january that we were happy with also w no rehearsal - we also released vita's book The Schizophrenic Dialogues - all while covid was rearing its ugly head - no gigs to promote anything - no spoken word opportunities - vita was in terror of infecting me - between age COPD and heart i was a likely candidate to die - so we saw each other rarely
     i had invested a huge amount of $ in the studio album - to cope vita started a collective based on Sacred Arts Productions - a jewelry biz and an art biz - i worked w our web designer / friend / collaborator maggie umber to get our web site up - and started recording daily snippets for instagram and spammed the fuck out of tumblr - vita and i met mostly outdoors - playing mostly acoustic where the chances of infecting me were minimized (she got covid twice during this period ) so i guess my advice is 1) forget the ego and bullshit that goes w doing - anything - but particularly the creative 2) forget about "success" and numbers - sales/listens/hearts...3) just keep on keepin on - that said it aint easy sometimes - i been playing as i said almost 60 years - theres still so much i dont know - i try to learn new things and ways almost daily - just showing up is sometimes a victory
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     Listen to Salvation Day on Youtube. Back at the end of the next week with part 2 of my Q&A with Mr Tadlock. If you liked this post, please spread the word about SD and consider reblogging this set of interviews. And if you haven’t done it yet, scroll to the top of this post and smash play!
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justana0kguy · 1 year
2023 SEPTEMBER 11 Monday
"Only in God be at rest, my soul, for from Him comes my hope.
He only is my rock and my salvation, my stronghold; I shall not be disturbed.
Trust in Him at all times, O my people! Pour out your hearts before Him; God is our refuge!"
~ Psalms 62:6-7,9
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mjrimando · 5 months
Anxious for Nothing
Is your heart weighed down with worry? Could you use some calm? If so, you aren’t alone. Conquering anxiety and worry requires some work on your part, but it is not God’s will that you lead a life of perpetual anxiety. God loves his children. He oversees your world. He monitors your life. Click the title to see the entire article. Enjoy reading!
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“Let the wicked one abandon his way and the sinful one his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, so he may have compassion on him, and to our God, for he will freely forgive.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭55‬:‭7‬ ‭
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Blessed be my Rock!
The LORD lives; Blessed be my rock; Exalted be God, the rock of my salvation, — 2 Samuel 22:47 | Hebrew Names Version (HNV) The Hebrew Names Version Bible is in the public domain. Cross References: Exodus 15:2; 2 Samuel 22:3; Psalm 89:26
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nugothrhythms · 1 year
"Absence of Salvation" by Detroit, Michigan-based dark punk and deathrock act Throe Garden off of their 2020 debut demo
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Thinking about Jon, Jaime, and Theon all journeying to the underworld and being surrounded by death/dead people. I’ve always believed that the important connector here is Jon (because I believe he functions as a sort of God of the Dead figure - though that’s a story for another day), but like…it’s so interesting that all of them have this experience, and that Theon’s and Jaime’s dreams are connected mostly to Jon (and I guess to each other if you buy into weirwood.net). It’s hard not to read into the religious symbolism here because GRRM is no C.S Lewis so it’s hard to tell what Christian parallels are intended by the author. But like…one messiah, two “criminals”, all go through “death”? But who will reach salvation and who won’t? 🤔
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