#the rest is trash lmao sorry
gunsatthaphan · 1 year
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
done with the second worst part of cleaning, i have vacuumed
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
demon slayer hcs: the hashira men having a demon!SO that’s immune to sunlight pt.1
characters: fem!reader x rengoku, giyuu
PT 2 with Sanemi HERE
AN: the long awaited request is finally here!! sorry for the delay! im in college and finals week was crazy! but the semester is over and i'm ready to get back to it with a bunch of new content for you guys! <3
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when he comes home from a mission to find the house completely trashed and a trail of blood leading to the bedroom he freezes
his first thought is that you're dead
someone or something has broken in
and he wasn't here to protect you
immediately blames himself
and poor kyo just can't force himself to walk in the bedroom only to discover your broken bleeding body
his heart couldn't take it
its not until he hears movement and small noises of pain that he pushes the bedroom door open
only to discover you hiding in the corner of the room covered with a blanket
until he pulls the blanket from your head to see what you've turned into
he doesn't react
doesn't talk
doesn't move
doesn't even breathe
just stares at you
until you manage to croak out his name
this snaps his mind into high gear
immediately thoughts of the young Kamado girl are running through his head
she has never hurt a human and seems to do just fine
and if you were going to harm him you would have done it already
quickly pulls you into his arms, making sure to avoid the sunlight peaking through the curtains and carries you to the bed to set you down
scribbles a note to the head of the corps to inform him of your condition
and spends the rest of the day and that night comforting and reassuring you because of what had to have been a traumatic night
a week or so passes
you fall back into your old routine of caring for the house
and its quite obvious that you're becoming depressed
no longer able to enjoy the warmth of the sun and being cooped up in the house for your own safety
it isnt until a young man wearing the head of a boar bursts headfirst through the window
breaking the glass, ripping down the curtains
with a "comin through!"
that you realize the sunlight doesn't harm you like it does to other demons
leave it to inosuke lmao
when kyo returns home from another mission around noon
imagine his surprise when his demon SO bursts through the front door into the sun
and into his arms
takes a minute for him to process that you're not burning up
"oh my god we have to get you inside NOW"
the poor man is having a heartattack
but then he sees your smile and hears your laugh for the first time since the attack
finally he's able to realize that the sun has no effect on you
and he's picking you up and swinging you around in a giant hug
i just know he gives the best hugs
i'd let him crush me to death in one
of course kyo is still sometimes crushed with guilt
he blames himself for your transformation in the first place
but the most important thing is that you're safe and happy again
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why can't this man ever just be happy
when you don't show up at your usual meeting place with Giyuu in between missions he knows somethings up
he rushes to your home
and there you are
sitting on the steps in front of your house
covered in blood and in tears
it isn't until he gets closer that he realizes what has happened
he has no words
everyone that giyuu has ever loved has been taken from him
and he allowed himself to love you
thats why this has happened
blames himself even though it obviously not his fault
still not speaking he looks at the sky to see the sun
and then back at you
a demon
who isn't affected by the sunlight in the slightest
and isn't attacking him
and then he disappears
when he returns several hours later it's dark outside
and with him he's brought Shinobu and the Kamado siblings
one of which is a demon
Shinobu checks you over and determines that the blood you are covered in is indeed yours
but any wounds you had have already healed
Nezuko senses what you are but seems to know that you're docile and snuggles up to your side as a comfort
and Giyuu just watches quietly
when Nezuko has fallen asleep her brother picks her up giving you a sad smile before he leaves
Giyuu helps you stand and brings you inside
he runs a bath so you can clean urself off
and goes about cleaning the house which was destroyed during your attack
it isn't until you're in bed that Giyuu lays behind you, tugs you close to him, and speaks to you for the first time
"i am staying with you. and i WILL turn you back."
and those two sentences bring you all the comfort in the world
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onysfavreader · 6 months
Random hc of being Ony's hyperfemblack!wife
You getting spoiled way to much but Ony who doesn't mind because his girl deserves the universe and more
Ony who can never have enough pictures and videos of you on his phone because he is quick to show you off at any chance you recording little maintenance vlogs for your photo shoots together
Ony who just loves you so much and never want to not see you smile
Ony being the only one to help you handle your emotions and make you feel better because he knows you can't help but be so emotional "Shh baby tell me what's wrong" "What happened ma why you look so upset"
Picks you up if you try to walk away from him when you're upset
Ony letting you decorate bc you're helping each other create your dream lives and that included giving you your dream pinterest house and closet lmao
You being the only one who gets to see Ony's soft side after you spent forever trying to get through to him like he put you through the worst when you first started talking but now he makes up for it every day and you brag about it to yourself because it took you forever to get him to that point
You not being any better in the beginning of your relationship those half assed ‘situationships’ could never prepare you for your relationship with Ony your the reason ony’s patience and trust for you is as high as it is
You two giving golden retriever and black cat energy Ony doesn’t look like he likes anyone and doesn’t but is the sweetest ever once you really get to know him especially to you and you looking the sweetest on the outside but you’re are worse then people think Ony is
Ony supporting you through everything and you doing the same even if you don't know exactly what he's doing you trust him
You walking around wrapped in a robe or one of many blankets almost everyday bc your always cold until Ony caught on buying you hoodies and jackets in his size just to see how cute you look when they cover so much more of your body than his
Ony giving you all the hugs kisses and praises he can because he knows you fiend off his attention and will throw the worst fits when you don't get it
You holding onys two fingers instead of his hand bc he's so big
Ony who lifts double your weight on a bad day this and just picks you up and you love it until he pisses you off "Put my ass down now" you shout trying to push him away "Why you not talking to me ma what's wrong" "Boy fuck you" "We gotta work on the mouth of yours" "Ony put me down" You laughed as he carried you to your bedroom “Don’t laugh now” “Baby I’m sorry” “I don’t want to hear none of that ma”
You absolutely loving Ony and the life you've built together
You're only piece of gold jewelry is an anklet with an 'o' charm and you refuse to take off even after he offered to get it in silver
Buying Ony just as many if not more flowers then he buys you
Ony and you having two dogs that are your babies. Ony's being some big 'scary' dog like a black pit bull that absolutely adores you and your a cute little brown toy poodle that Ony tries not to trip over bc they follow him almost as much as you follow him
You and Ony would have different "rooms" that would be your own space yours would be in the attic and he would have his in the basement but you two would still have your bed room
Ony never letting you know what he does for work but he keeps you safe and happy so you push your suspensions aside
You and Ony being the cutest together like your head over heels for him and he completely adores you
You being onys entire world and universe sun and all with the brightest smile on your pretty face and biggest heart
You both having to learn to love but know you want to be with each other for the rest of your lives so you push through the rough patches
Ony cooks and you bake
Ony doing the bathroom, dish, taking out the trash, fixing things, lawn work, bills, bugs, ect
You organizing, decorates, takes care of the dogs, cleans laundry, houses maintenance, groceries, ect
You and Ony who spoil each other rotten and love it
You doing Ony's hair and it's just a cute moment between you two every few weeks one of you will set up the bathroom before going to get the other then you'll sit on the sink with him in front of you most off the time it's quiet as Ony watches you concentrate
You rarely buying Ony gifts because you're always making something for him
You never being able to get enough of Ony
You have the prettiest garden with flowers herbs and fruits that you somehow managed to scared the dogs away from and plug!Ony will some times ask for help when growing his weed
- smut
Definitely the daddy dom of your my dreams he can be the sweetest softest dom ever or the scariest brat tamer but a pleasure dom either way
You almost being apillow princess bc Ony loves being the one to make you cum just by using you but you knowing how to suck it off the bone and neither of you can resist having him down your throat
You being a sweetheart but when you aren’t you can get a horrible attitude and smart mouth only Ony can handle because he knows how to keep your mouth full
Ony can't help but come inside of you so he pays for your birth control
Ony's 's so big and strong and so so big especially compared to you and you love it just the thought turns you on like just looking up at him while you standing next to him maybe holding his fingers and all you can do is squeeze your legs together
Ony fucking you in his hoodies
His voice is music to your ears but His praise will make you're eyes roll back and brain go dumb every time "Fuck you're so good baby just like that" "There you go ma"
You calling him daddy bc what is an Ony
Being each other's biggest eaters
Ony will pick you up and carry you away to your bedroom when he needs you and when you need him you’ll wrap your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist or you’ll straddle his lap until he eventually gets it
You are definitely kinker then ony hands down and has to teach him things like
You liking soft intimate sex and Ony who fucks you so hard you go dumb almost every time And somehow he always knows which one you need
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saberlight1 · 10 months
nurturing — billy the kid
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pairing: billy bonney x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of violence, death, trauma, sickness, established relationship, reader is also a gunslinger, Y/N usage, standard billy the kid warnings.
authors note: yes i love this man so bad. him in billy the kid deadass altered my brain chemistry lmao. this fic is based off of this request— please, continue to send me your ideas and whatnot, i love reading them! i hope you enjoy <3
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When you woke up, that unusual ringing in your ears, that pounding in your head, and the scratchiness of your throat— you knew you had fallen ill. One of the boys in the gang, or hell, maybe even someone you had came across had given you something— you didn’t really want to know.
You groaned, rubbing your eyes as you pulled the covers closer to you, attempting to sleep away the sickness. You didn’t want to get up to go to the doctors nor did you have enough money to even pay one. So you did what you do best— ignoring the problem completely.
You fell back asleep easily, sleeping the day and night away completely. When your eyes first fluttered open due to the sunlight intruding on your slumber, you thought you were free from the confines of your illness, but you were mistaken.
The second you sat up, all symptoms that were now arguably worse returned within an instant, causing you to get dizzy. You crashed back down instantly, a whine leaving your lips. Your muscles ached from staying in bed all day, and you wanted a damn drink— a real one. And you wanted to see your cowboy.. so bad. But with the pounding in your head feeling just as powerful as your heartbeat, the thought of even moving made you want to throw up.
And it did— you wanted to cry as you were forced to rush to the trash can in the corner. After 5 minutes of throwing up, your stomach finally relented. You carried yourself back over to your bed, the exhaustion taking over once again.
Hours later, a soft yet powerful knock on your door woke you up with a jump. Your eyebrows knitted as you heard the knocks only get louder. Now alert and awake, you slowly reached for your gun-belt that was neatly rested on your bedside table, grabbing your loaded pistol and cocking it. You used the pistol to slightly lift up the curtain to your window— it was raining, and it was night.
No one good could be paying you a visit at this hour.
You crept over to the door, the knocks only increasing in volume. You slowly turned the handle, your gun tightly in your grip— finger ghosting over the trigger. Adrenaline and anxiety coursed through your veins, you didn’t even feel sick anymore.
The door creaked open, and you pointed the pistol at whoever was out there before you revealed your form.
“Jesus, lady.” Billy’s soft laugh hit your ears, making you lower the gun instantly, placing it on the table by the door. “Stayin’ ready, huh?”
A heavy sigh of relief left your lips as you silently walked into his arms, your head resting on his shoulder as your headache began to form again. His arms wrapped around you quickly, the tip of his hat hitting your head when he leaned down to leave a kiss on your hair.
“You alright, honey?” He whispered, still holding you. “Been wonderin’ where you were. Supposed to meet me at the stables earlier.”
You sighed, completely forgetting your plans with the man. “I’m sorry, Billy,” Your hoarse voice whispered. “I’m sick, I been asleep all day.”
His eyebrows knitted together in concern immediately, as he pushed you off his shoulder to cradle your face in his hands gently. “How bad is it?”
“Just feel like shit,” You chuckled, sending a smile to his face. “I’m okay, Billy.”
His eyes clouded with worry. “C’mon, let’s get you in— away from this storm before it gets you sicker.” He ushered you in. “You seen a doctor yet?” He asked.
“Nah, I didn’t think it would get worse, plus it’s not like I got the money to pay one. Tried to sleep it off, I felt too bad yesterday to get out of bed at all.” You responded as you went to lay down. He tucked your gun back into its holster, before he went to refill your water.
He came back a moment later, a glass of water and a wet rag in hand.
“Thank you,” You whispered as you took a sip, as he placed the wet rag on the back of your neck.
He hummed back to you, laying down next you once you put the water aside, bringing you into his arms.
“You gotta tell me when you’re sick, darlin’.” He whispered to you in the moon lit room. “Can’t loose you to somethin’ like that. Happened to me too many times.”
“I’m sorry, Billy.. I— I don’t mean to worry you.” You said, looking up at him.
“You don’t gotta apologize, baby, just tell me next time so I can come take care of you, y’know?” He smiled, a lovey smile on his lips as he bent down to leave a kiss on your nose. “What can of man would I be if I left my lady to lay sick alone?” He pinched your side slightly, a giggle escaping your lips.
“I reckon you’d be a regular ole’ cowboy.” You joked.
“Well, luckily for you, I happen to be an outlaw.” He chuckled as he leaned down to kiss you— but your finger pressed into his lips stopped him. He looked at you, offended.
“I don’t want to get you sick,” You told him, your smile now more teasing.
“I don’t give a damn about some cold, baby.” He pushed your hand out the way, pressing his lips against yours in an instant, the man kissing you passionately— as if you possessed the air he so very needed. He pulled back, his teeth nibbling on your bottom lip. “Haven’t seen you in days, missed the feelin’ of your lips.” He muttered against your lips before connecting them again, his words sending shivers down your spine, your arms wrapping around his neck.
You felt comfort in the fact that you’d always have your outlaw to be there to make you feel better, no matter what.
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namranii · 6 months
Spider White x Reader
warnings: spoilers for season 2!! also fem reader, since this works the most. (im watching the ep while writing lmao)
plot: basically, when Mr Voss comes back he puts bullshit in the guys heads-and Spider is affected by it a lot, so and so are you.
spiders changed. he’s went from caring about you, and constantly checking on you to ignoring you.
“women made men soft”
“spider what the hell.”
the coach is favouriting spider, mostly to make him break up with you.
you’re avoiding him, and you’re scared. scared that he’s going to start doing bad things to you.
so you break it off with him, its hard but you had to.
what’s crazy is that he didn’t care.
“i knew it, you don’t support me being a cumlord.”
you tried to take that seriously-but it was too funny. anyway.
staring at him from afar after you broke up with him because you realize that you still love him, even after all the bullshit.
but you cant right now, since Mr Voss has basically convinced him that women are trash and men need to regain their power in the world.
timeskip a few months later, you’re sitting in your room and trying to sleep when who would’ve guessed..spider walks in.
“how’d you get in here?”
“your mum let me in.”
“damn it mum.”
he sits down and looks away, but you notice he’s a bit teary eyed.
well that’s new. he’s never cried during the entirety of your relationship. he’s always been the strong man.
“spencer what’s wrong?”
now he’s sobbing
he’s hugging you and he keeps apologizing, saying that he let all the bullshit get to his head and that he really loves you.
okay now you’re both crying.
for the rest of the night he tells you everything, from how he felt to how he’s really sorry.
he falls asleep beside you as he grips your arm in his sleep.
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weird-is-life · 1 year
Sweet talk
Pairing: Spencer reid x fem!reader
Summary: You tell Spencer how handsome you think he is and he gets flustered
Warnings: use of y/n and petnames, fluff
Words: 0.6k Masterlist
A/N: English is not my first language, so please excuse any spelling/grammar mistakes. I'm sorry this is trash lmao
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Spencer is reading on the other side of the couch and you are, well were reading too. You stopped for a second to give your eyes a little rest, but Spencer's pretty face distracted you.
You are now just looking at him, wondering how can he be so handsome. It's actually really unfair, that he gets to look like that.
The sun shining from outside is making it even worse for you, because it perfectly highlights his features and it makes his gorgeous brown locks look even prettier.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Spencer breaks you out of your thoughts, his eyebrows are drawn up in a question. Your cheeks go pink, but you are only a little embarrassed about getting caught.
"Nothing" you mumble, before you break into the biggest grin,"it's just, that you are so pretty!"
It's now Spencer's turn to blush. Suddenly, you realise you don't say how handsome he is to him as often as you should, so you make it your mission to tell him how handsome he is right now.
You crawl across the couch to his side and put your legs over his, so you are basically sitting in his lap.
"It is actually unfair, Spence!" you dramatically pout at him, "how did you get so handsome?" you playfully poke his cheek.
"Stop...."Spencer begs, as his cheeks get visibly redder.
"I'm just telling you the truth" you giggle, " I mean, look at you!"
"You have such a beautiful hair, how is it so soft? " you say as you play with it, " and such a lovely skin, have I told you, I'm jealous of it? No? Well, i am" Spencer just shakes his head, you don't know if he's answering your questions or if he's shaking his head to stop your praises.
"Do you know what I also love?" you grin at him.
"What?" his asks, as if he wants you to humor him.
"Your eyes", you say softly, " they are the prettiest ever. I could look at them for hours." You are perhaps being a little dramatic, but it's all true.
"y/n-" Spencer would be lying if he said, he isn't enjoying your sweet words, but he's never had someone say these things to him. Yeah, Derek calls him 'pretty boy', but that's just as a teasing. He knows, when you say it, you mean it and your loving looking eyes are studying him so closely, that he thinks, he might just melt under your gaze.
Spencer is just about to say something, when you speak again,"But most importantly, I love your kind heart and your beatiful mind, it's my favourite thing about you how selfless and caring you are-"
That's it, Spencer can't let you ramble anymore, because he knows, he'll cry if he does. He tackles you gently to the side. "Wha-,"you start.
"Baby, I love the sweet praises, but I m-might just cry, if you continue" Spencer confesses and frankly, he's not far from crying.
"I'm sorry, d-did I say something wrong?" you immediately sober up from your cheery, teasing mood.
"No no, sweetheart. Far from it, it's just- nobody has ever told me all this at once before, i-i guess it feels a little overwhelming hearing all of it, that's all" he explains and your worry fades away a little.
"Really? I didn't say anything wrong? Because if I did, you should tell me Spence-"
"Really, sweetheart."
"Promise?" you ask, just to be sure.
"Promise." He smiles at you and can't help it, so you hug him tightly. " I'm sorry," you mumble into his chest.
"For what? I told you, you didn't do anything wrong."
"For not saying how wonderful you are often enough," you pout.
"But you do, " Spencer argues," you literally told me at least 5 times today, how handsome you think I am."
"Still, it's not enough," you stubbornly reply, which makes Spencer chuckle.
"Okay, pretty girl, whatever you say," he smiles again at you, before pecking your lips.
"I love you, Spence," you tenderly say and fuck, Spencer doesn't know what he did to deserve this, to deserve you.
"I love you more, sweetheart," he replies, eyes almost watering again from your affection. You sigh happily at that and continue to cuddle him. Both of your books long forgotten.
Thank u for reading! Hope you liked it, feedback is always appreciated.
Have a great day☀️peace out
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pajarinwrites · 18 days
中秋节 | Wen Junhui x Reader
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➳ fem!reader x jun
➳ wc: 6.1k
➳ TAGS: idol!au, established relationship
➳ WARNINGS: omg um, cunnilingus, jun is a SIMP, piv sex, unprotected sex (wrap it, my dudes), praise, just general adorable lovey dovey softness, but like medium rough sex? ig, not really rough?, i never know how to write warnings, just like i don't know how to write smut woops sorry
➳ AN: HAPPY MID AUTUMN FESTIVAL BITCHES and 女王们; this is only moderately edited bc i actually meant to publish smt for 中秋节 last year but i didn't finish it in time so here it is now (I’m sure it’s still autumn festival somewhere in the world…)! I LOVE WEN JUNHUI
I DON'T KNOW HOW TO WRITE SMUT I HATED THIS AHHHH i don't think i'll ever be able to write any smut in which the man isn't a simpering, whimpering, submissive, cowering, crawling, obsequious little simping piece of trash; it's just how i like my men, but i kinda wanna challenge myself some time, not this time though :P also i'm low-key proud of this smut? i used miraclewoozi as an inspiration bc their smut is literal art...
also, literally three pieces in one week??? WHO AM I??? this is more than in the entire year before combined, i fear lmao. sorry. i'm off to return to hibernate in my bog for another six months now thx bye, RIN OUT *drops mic
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Jun stepped out of the airport into the sweltering heat, but had to find that merely knowing the weather conditions was quite different from being prepared for them. Luckily, he had left enough space in his carry-on to take off the jacket and sweater that he had needed in chilly Seoul and during the flight – airplane ACs were notoriously unpredictable. Despite this, Hong Kong never seized to amaze him with its constant warmth. At least the eternal sunshine gave him a good excuse to wear a cap and sunglasses at all times.
He flagged down a cross-border cab because, frankly, he didn’t feel like taking the crowded metro all the way home. This way he saved himself from a lot of heat, hassle, and the potential of being recognised, even if it delayed him. As expected, the traffic in the city was a nightmare and he did make it home later than strictly necessary. He paid the fee, dodging the driver’s interested gaze, and mumbling a small “mh gōi” before dashing into his building.
When he was finally standing in front of his apartment door, Jun felt ready to just lock himself in his room for the rest of the night. That was, until the door opened to reveal his parents and little brother. Immediately, his frown softened and he dropped his bags to engulf them in one enormous hug.
“I missed you guys so much,” he exclaimed to groans from his little brother and a soft smile from his mother.
This was most likely going to be the last chance he got to spend more than a day or two with them. With their world tour and his busy filming schedule just around the corner, he wouldn’t have time for months.
Jun had spent years of Zhōngqiūjié apart from them. It wasn’t easy to watch most of his members be able to visit their homes and spend Chuseok with their loved ones. Some years it was only him, Minghao, and Joshua in the dorms. But he wasn’t going to dwell on that. Not when he could finally hold the people he loved the most in his arms. Well, most of them at any rate. He would never get used to having to choose between his biological and his chosen family.
His mother peeled herself away from him, squeezing his cheek and insisting that he had grown even more handsome over the last few weeks.  His step father clapped him on the shoulder and asked him about the flight; his brother asked if he had brought him anything cool. Unable to stop smiling for even a second, Jun assented to both questions. He was led to the living room by his mother to sit and relax after the ‘strenuous journey’, giving him a moment to fish the presents out of his luggage, handing one off to his little brother.
“Thanks, gē!” YangYang exclaimed and bounded off to his room to open it in peace. Their mother called after him, “Don’t forget to do your homework before playing! Dinner will be ready in an hour!” Jun smiled, handing his parents the other one.
“You shouldn’t have! I keep telling you we don’t need anything.”
“But I want to get you guys nice things, mā.”
She looked trapped half-way between smitten and resigned, but accepted the present gracefully. With a kiss on the top of his head she stated, “You can rest a little before I call you boys for dinner. I’m making your favourite.”
He thanked her, foregoing the idea of retiring to his room in favour of joining his mother in the kitchen. Most of the ingredients were already laid out on the counter, but when she bent down to pick up something from the bottom shelf, she gasped, “I can’t believe it! Where did all of our rice noodles go? I don’t think this is enough. And I also forgot to buy bamboo shoots earlier!”
She turned around, apologetically, and murmured about having to go to the market real quick to get some. Jun held out his hand to stop her in her tracks.
“Don’t worry, mā. I’ll go get the missing ingredients, and you can get started on the other dishes.”
“No let me go, Jun. You’ve just had a taxing flight and—“ His step-father tried to intervene.
“It’s absolutely no problem!” Jun insisted, not paying his parents’ protests any mind. He grabbed his sunglasses from the side table by the entrance and was out the door before either of them could stop him.
Jun had missed their shèqū, its homely atmosphere, the bustling of the people on the street, and hence didn’t mind the opportunity for a late-night stroll. The closest super market was just down the short road at the main square, and he stopped by quickly before continuing on his way to the live market.
There was a certain nostalgia in going to the market like this, just the way he used to with his mother when he was younger. The stalls didn’t even seem to have changed at all. There was the same group of old ladies dancing in the small park to the side, and a little further down the road, a small group of children was taking turns, performing on a gǔzhēng. Jun watched the windows of his old piano school pass by, still partially lit as students practiced inside. At the corner of the next street was the second-hand book store they had often visited, next to the pharmacy in which he used to sit on the kiddie rides for ages, singing along to jiātíng chēnghu or liǎng zhī lǎohǔ.
Still lost in nostalgia, he stopped by one of the vegetable vendors to acquire the bamboo shoots. Jun enjoyed strolling the aisles leisurely, taking a look at all the things that were being sold. As he rounded one of the displays, someone else was cutting the corner in the opposite direction. Jun barely managed to dance out of the trajectory of them, murmuring an immediate, “Sorry, are you okay?”
He pulled down his sunglasses and looked at the person in front of him in worry. They looked up, locked eyes with him and whisper-screamed, “Oh my god! Wen Junhui?”
Jun was taken aback for only a split second, which he spent worrying he had been recognised, before he could place your face. He hadn’t seen you properly in years, just another name on the long list of people he had to leave behind. The last time you had run into each other had been during Rock With You promotions, when Minghao and he had taken time for their own schedules in China. His eyes crinkled in the corners but he still didn’t dare to take off his mask.
“It’s been so long!” He said instead. You had pulled him into your arms within a second, just a quick squeeze before remembering where you were. You pulled away, pouting, “You didn’t tell me you’d be back.”
“Sorry, it slipped my mind. I also didn’t think I’d have enough time to meet you. Not properly…”
You wiggled your eyebrows, “What does that mean?” Jun blushed, making you laugh. “I’m kidding, A-Jun. But I’m glad we ran into each other. I mean, what are the odds!”
“I didn’t even know whether you still lived here,” he admitted, sheepishly. But Jun wished profoundly that you could feel how earnest he was being. You didn’t actually seem to mind his failure to alert you of his arrival, despite your history. Instead, you continued in your usual chirpy manner, “Yeah, I managed to find work close by so I could stay here. But I’m here here just for the holiday. Staying at my parents, you know.” Jun nodded, accompanying you to the register under more animated chatter.
“Do you have to get anything else?” You asked after you had stepped out the open market. He negated, returning the question.
“Me neither,” you replied, hesitating shortly before continuing, “I guess that means we’ll have to part ways again…”
The way your voice trailed off and your eyebrows knitted together made Jun reply before thinking better of it, “Actually, I think my mā can wait for these bamboo shoots a little longer…” You face lit up with such intensity and immediacy that Jun had to chuckle.
“In that case let’s take a stroll through the park. I’ve been keeping up with Seventeen obviously, but I want to hear from you, personally, how you’ve been doing.”
Falling into step beside you felt so easy. Together, you walked the same paths you did when you were teenagers, talking about everything and anything – back before he had to leave for Korea. He talked a lot about the shoots, dorm fights and misunderstandings, and how much he had missed his mother’s cooking. You winked, asking whether he hadn’t missed you at all, and he couldn’t string together a coherent sentence in reply. Instead he sputtered for a few seconds before you let him off the hook.
“It’s fine. I was joking, Jun. Oh, look!” Jun was glad for the distraction as he watched you hurry of to the pavilion down the path. If you hadn’t changed the subject he might’ve said something stupid. But when you spun around to face him under the colourful roof, with the small pond and the bamboo in the background, he wasn’t sure that he wouldn’t say something stupid yet.
He was sitting next to you, listening to you rant about your catty co-workers, absent boss, and the general annoyances of adulthood, unable to stop himself from grinning like an idiot at the familiarity, the ease of the whole situation. At some point he shot his mom a text to let her know that he ran into you and to eat without him. She simply replied that he should take his time, but he felt like she was secretly glad to have the two of you reconnect. Your conversations veered from family to old memories together until eventually, when the sun had set almost completely, you got up abruptly.
“I should get back. My mom wasn’t expecting me back immediately but at this point she’s probably wondering if I’ve gotten lost.” Jun nodded, getting up with you and stepping out of the pavilion. You threw one look back over your shoulder before smiling down at your shoes.
“I don’t know if you remember but… this is where you said goodbye…” Jun blinked slowly before the memory registered. He couldn’t believe that he hadn’t immediately thought of the day he went to Korea, the last day he spent with you, the day he missed his chance to say so many things he had wanted to say.
“Oh,” he breathes softly, “yeah, I remember. But it’s not a very fun memory.”
Jun decides to look anywhere but you, at the trees lining the road home to his apartment building, the birds flying overhead, the children playing across the street.
“I have to agree. But I’m glad to have you back now. Even if it’s just for an afternoon.”
“Actually, you should visit tomorrow! If you want, of course. I don’t think my family would mind seeing you again after such a long time, and…”
He stops in his tracks. The two of you have reached the intersection at which your ways part. Jun turned to face you. The words were still stuck in his throat, just like all those years ago, just like every time he’s seen you since. But this time, with your hopeful eyes looking up at him, he takes a deep breath. This time will be different. He takes the leap.
“… and I’d also love to spend more time with you.”
You smile in reply, and agree to visit tomorrow. To say goodbye, you hug him again, and he feels like he’s floating all the way home. Maybe tomorrow he’ll gain the courage to tell you everything that he’s been keeping in his heart.
Their dorms were quiet, the shared living areas swallowed in darkness as Jun excited his room. He had been talking to his family via video call for the past hour or two, catching up and trying their best to celebrate Zhōngqiūjié together, even when they were physically apart. You had initially planned on joining the call, but there had been last minute plans that had kept you from it. Even though Jun understood, he had been able to help feeling a little crestfallen when you had told him about it. The two of you had made it work since he confessed to you a year ago, talking almost weekly on the phone because both his and your commitments kept you from visiting all too often. And since this year he couldn’t visit home because of the impeding comeback, he would’ve at least enjoyed talking to you on the holiday proper, instead of just during one of your regularly scheduled calls. Especially with how long it had been since he’d last seen you in person in June. To him, an eternity.
Vernon, Dokyeom, and Chan had returned to their families for the evening to celebrate Chuseok together, leaving the dorm deserted, save Jun himself. They’d all met up for lunch as a celebration before most left to go home. It was an effort by the Korean members to ease the homesickness of those that wouldn’t be able to see their families over the holiday. Seungkwan had ended up accompanying Vernon, while Joshua and Minghao decided to simply celebrate with each other, even though they hadn’t been lacking in invitations either. Jun had made the same decision. They had let him know they’d be out until the night but that he could join them at their apartment later.
Especially Dokyeom had had a hard time simply leaving Jun behind, but the older man had insisted that he was going to be fine, and that it would give him a chance to call his family in China. But coming out of his room and being greeted with a cold, dark apartment, made Jun question his decision. He sighed, contemplating for a second whether he should simply return to his room instead of feeling the hollow emptiness of their shared dorm. But before he could make a decision, the doorbell rang.
He wasn’t expecting anyone, so the sudden shrill of the bell surprised him. Maybe it was one of the members, back early. Maybe Minghao and Joshua had decided to surprise him at the apartment. But when he looked at the screen of the camera system, he was greeted with a sight wholly unexpected. His breath hitched as he looked at you, your eyes staring straight at the camera, a warm smile on your face. Jun buzzed you in, jittery with nerves as he worried you might disappear or he might wake up. You had been talking about your crazy workload and extra assignments for the past few weeks, how on earth were you here?
This has to be a dream, he thought, standing in the open door and waiting for the tell-tale ping of the elevator. When he heard it, he couldn’t even wait for you to round the corner. In slippers, he sprinted down the hallway to the lift, coming face to face with you as you were trying to heave your luggage out. Jun cast it aside, picking you up and spinning you around. He buried his face in the side of your neck, breathing in the scent of your perfume and your skin.
“How are you here?” He whispered after a good few seconds of spinning and listening to your tinkling laugh.
“Well, you know, I bought a plane ticket, went to the airport in Hong Kong, I got on a plane—“ Jun interrupted you by picking you up again, proclaiming his happiness while you insisted that he finally put you down. If he had been a better man, he might’ve listened immediately. As it stood, it took the two of you several minutes to make it the short way from the elevator to his apartment door, Jun stopping every few seconds to give you another spin or a kiss.
Once you had finally made it safely inside, he brought your luggage to his room, before returning to the shared space and staring at you in fascination. There you were, right in front of him, leaning onto the counters of his dorm’s kitchen as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
“How did you know I’d be home?” He asked and you giggled, presumably at his flabbergasted expression.
“I kind of asked the members for help…”
“What? Who?”
In hindsight, he thought he should’ve expected this. There had been a curious lack of invitations extended to him this year. Especially considering that Joshua and Minghao were still invited everywhere. And, thinking about it now, the fact that the two of them had insisted on spending the evening ‘outside’ without Jun had also been more than a little suspicious.
“Almost all of them helped coordinate it, actually. They all had to be in on it to some extent.”
“When did you start planning this?” He asked, making his way over to you. One last time, he picked you up, setting you down softly on the counter. This time you let him do as he pleased without protest, choosing to answer his question instead, “Like a month ago or so. When it started becoming clear that you’d have no chance to make it home this year.” Jun hummed in response, stepping closer to stand between your legs. His arms found their place around your waist.
“I’m so happy you’re here,” he murmured, resting his head on your shoulder and sighing deeply when he felt you wrap your arms around him. He wished you could stay like this forever, or at least for a very, very long time. You turned your head, whispering that you had brought yuèbǐng from Shenzhen with you and he nodded automatically. Mentally, he was still focused only on your presence, the fact that he got to hold you in his arms and use his thumbs to draw absentminded circles on your waist. If he hadn’t been so focused on your body, he would’ve missed the small hitch of your breath as he exhaled against the column of your throat. He smirked lightly, murmuring something along the lines of ‘we can eat them later’ before attaching his lips to the place where your shoulder and neck met. You gasped, more audibly this time as he sucked on the sensitive skin, following the line of your collarbone. You tugged at his t-shirt, whispering that you should move to his bedroom but Jun smirked against your skin, slowly pushing up your shirt. As he tossed it over your head, he whispered, “Don’t worry, we’ve got the apartment to ourselves all night.”
He smoothed his hands under your thighs, grabbing onto your plush flesh and cursing the layer of your pants for stopping him from feeling your skin. Jun pulled you closer, to the edge of the counter, so that he could finally feel you pressed to him again, making his hands wander back up. He placed them on your waist, gingerly at first, as if you were going to vanish into thin air if he didn’t handle you with enough care. He still wasn’t sure you weren’t a figment of his imagination how you were sitting in front of him, hair and clothes messy from your flight, but your eyes shining so brightly he thought you were the most ethereal being on this planet. But when you bucked your hips forward against his, all that restrain flew out the window. He slid his hands lower from your waist, relishing in every inch of skin he got to touch along the way, before he settled them on your ass, encouraging your motions even further. Your arms tightened around him, one hand finding its way into his hair, the other toying with the collar of his t-shirt before slipping downwards and below the fabric to caress his back. He groaned, moving one hand - albeit reluctantly – away from your hips to tilt your head to the side. He was overwhelmed with your nearness, the swell of your breasts pressed against him, the smell of your skin filling his senses, spreading through him, expanding into every corner of his consciousness until all he could perceive was your presence, your breath, your skin on his.
You kissed him with so much vigour that he felt light-headed, the sparkle of your eyes encapsulated him, as if he was floating in space, surrounded by innumerable stars, twinkling around him. In his weightlessness, your hands were caressing him, still. You dropped them to the hem of his t-shirt, tracing along the exposed skin there as the rhythm of your hips never faltered.
You broke away, Jun following your lips with a whine. He wasn’t yet ready to leave your cosmos, but you pressed a soft hand against his chest, tugging his shirt off. Jun, personally, would have preferred to resume kissing you breathless right away, but you had other plans. Your hands returned to his chest, covering the expanse of his pectorals, gliding over the ridge of his shoulder, caressing every centimetre of skin while tracing the muscles across his torso. Every touch left a tingling feeling, pulling him deeper and deeper into your gravitation. His head was thrown back in pleasure, his eyes screwed shut while he tried (and failed) to even out his breathing under your attentive ministrations. When your hands returned to his chest and you flicked against his nipples tentatively, his head dropped forward in defeat, colliding with your shoulder.
He was breathing more heavily than he’d like to admit, as if he really was slowly rising through the atmosphere, the air becoming thinner and thinner. His cock was painfully hard, you grinding against it deliciously with every roll of your hips. Separated by way too many layers, Jun thought dimly before tapping against your ass, signalling for you to lift your hips off the counter.
You complied easily, leaning back in a way that allowed him to strip you of your comfy leggings. He watched you shudder at the feeling of cool marble under your skin, goosebumps forming at the sensation. Reverently, he let his hands glide up and down your legs, watching you shiver again, just from his touch. He hadn’t even realised that he had lowered himself down until one of your hands grabbed for his hair and tilted his head back.
Ripped out of his reverie, Jun stared up at you, towering over him, backlit by the kitchen lights. If it hadn’t meant leaving your reach, Jun would have fallen to his knees right this second. In this light, you looked like a higher being, come to cast divine judgement on him, a final reckoning. Jun found he would have taken any verdict, as long as it meant preserving your attention. He would have obliged any command, taken any punishment with equanimity. He would have taken Prometheus’ place, if it meant he could bask in your presence for another moment. He would suffer any acrimony, any scorn, any tribulation, if it meant your gaze would continue to rest on him like this – zeroed in on his face, your expression soft with adoration. He didn’t have to fear any judgment. The only thing written on your face was love. It was mirroring his own, he was sure, from where he was pleading for you attention from between your legs. You wouldn’t let him out of your sight, your fingers tugging at his hair with purpose. He angled his head, a miniscule movement, just enough to allow him to breathe a kiss against the inside of your thigh, a fluttering promise of continuation. If you let him. You loosened your grip, and Jun took it as the invitation that it was. His path mapped over the fat of your thigh, spilling over his kitchen counters, up one leg, down the other. All the while, he didn’t break eye contact, watching your expression crackle and slip, pleasure and frustration mixing in even measures as you breathed a plea, “Qīn'ài de, you’re teasing.”
His breathing became uneven, for just a second, at the term of endearment. You didn’t need to spell out your request. He could see it in the rise and fall of your chest, the sounds sneaking their way past your lips, the shifting of your hips – almost involuntary. The vision of you before him blurred as he tried to hear the rest of your declaration over the rushing in his ears. Your legs twitched under his hands; he didn’t remember when he had moved them there. But now they were here, holding your legs apart, leaving imprints in your flesh where they pressed against you. Jun searched your face for any sign of hesitance, any doubt, but he found none. All he could find was a sense of desperation clawing its way up your throat, leaving a blooming blush in its wake.
He still continued holding your gaze when he pressed his mouth to your core, pushing his tongue against the wet spot on your underwear. You gasped a little, hands twisting in his hair, the slight pain grounding him in this moment. His hands continued kneading your flesh, wandering, in feverish haste, across every expanse of skin they could cover. Above him, you writhed and moaned, his name leaving your lips as if you were now the one praying. Your head had tilted back slightly, breaking eye contact. But Jun’s gaze never left your face, drinking in every expression as he pushed your panties to the side to gain proper access to your sopping core.
“OhmygodJun,” you breathed, head lolling to the side when his tongue swirled around your most sensitive spot. One hand moved from your ass to your core, probing at your entrance just to feel you clench around him, hear the sharp intake of your breath. You tipped backwards, resting on your elbows as his name continued to tumble off your lips into the still air of the apartment. Jun’s other hand moved upwards, taking no care in pushing your sports bra out the way to grab at your breasts, pinching your nipples intermittently. He watched your chest heave as he slipped two fingers past your entrance at once, his tongue lapping between them, desperate to taste as much of you as possible. Your hands kept pushing him closer and closer, until his every sense was filled with you. Your taste on his tongue, your panting breath in his ears, the plush feeling of your thighs around his head. He moaned against your core.
Jun felt your high approach, maybe knew it was coming before you yourself even did, the way he could read your body in this moment, with how every fibre of his being was honed in on you and your pleasure.
“Jun, bǎobèi, I’m…”
His hand slid down to your waist, squeezing reassuringly. Jun felt you constrict around his digits, your moans growing louder and more desperate. He kept pressing his fingers into that spot that had you squeeze around him, kept his mouth sucking on your clit, humming at the flavour of you, until you peaked. You came with a cry of his name that made his chest swell with pride. Your thighs shut around his head like a vice, your hand evidently torn between wanting to pull him away and push him closer. Jun remained pressed to your core, lazily lapping at your release until your legs relaxed and he gained enough freedom of movement to lean back and search for your gaze.
Even though he had spent minutes staring at the ethereal picture of you earlier, he was still taken aback by your beauty: your hair even messier, your face blushed, your eyes glazed over in the hazy afterglow. He pressed another kiss to the inside of your thigh.
“How are you feeling, my love?”
It took you a few moments to answer him, calming your breath. A moment of which he took advantage to return to his full height, leaving kisses up your body on his way there. Once he was face to face with you, he brushed your hair out of your face, looking at you with devotion. You smiled back, softly, your arms wrapping around his shoulders and immediately causing a warm shiver to run down the length of his body. There you were, in his arms, gazing at him with love, bestowing him with whatever divine favour slumbered in your presence.
You leaned in closer, letting your breath ghost over his skin for a second before whispering, “I need you.”
Jun was sure he was about to malfunction. The way his body reacted instantly, unbidden, must have been proof of your power. He couldn’t suppress the groan that rose to the surface, betraying his helplessness in the face of you. But you only smiled, sliding off the counter, tossing your bra to the side, and leaning into him.
“I know you need me too, baby,” you susurrated against the shell of his ear, your hand falling to his crotch, smoothing over the outline of his cock against his sweatpants. Jun gasped when you gave his balls a squeeze, trailing your fingers back up, pressing them into his slit, already oozing with precum and staining his pants. He felt like melting, like he was Icarus and you were the sun, with the notable exception that your radiance was warm and welcoming. It didn’t burn him, it only made him feel soft, welcome, malleable. He melted at your touch, moulded himself to the shape of you.
Although Jun felt it was very much stating the obvious, he conceded, “I want you so bad.”
You smiled, discarding your panties in a swift motion, before turning around and bending over the surface.
“Then come get me.”
He only stared, transfixed by the way your muscles moved under your skin, how the warm kitchen light of his home cascaded over you, the way your eyes sparkled with mischief when you turned around to smirk at him. Jun’s mind was still fighting with the fact that you were real, you were here, and you were his. You cocked an eyebrow, watching him like a cat watched its supper. When he still continued to stare, your eyes darkened, beckoning him with intensity. You wiggled your ass at him, pushing it back so it grazed his throbbing dick. As you threatened to pull away again, Jun’s hands flew to your hips. You yelped at the sudden strength with which he gripped you, pulling you back against him once more, grinding down against your ass with such verve that your head dropped forward. A long groan escaped you as Jun crowded you against the counter, pushing you down and leaning over your back.
“You need me, huh?”
You nodded your head enthusiastically while meeting his thrusts, moaning his name again and again, and growing more breathless by the second. Jun wanted to tease you, he really did. He wanted to ask you how bad you needed him. He wanted to force you to be more specific, to hear you say how you needed to feel his cock inside you, hitting that spot over and over again. He wanted to make your pretty lips form all those filthy words, say his name, beg for him. But it had been months since he had seen you in person, it felt like an eternity had passed since his skin was last allowed to touch yours, a lifetime since he heard you whimper and moan and pant for him like this. So, he forewent any more teasing. Instead, Jun simply shoved his sweatpants and underwear down his legs, freeing his cock.
You whined at the sound of it hitting his abs, wiggling your ass again and breathing out his name in that way he would never grow tired of. He grinned, sliding his dick through your slick, nipping its tip against your clit, once, twice, three times. So many times that you whimpered, an indistinguishable string of supplications, whines of baby, please please please leaving your lips. Your forehead was pressed against the counter now, as if the cold, hard surface helped ground you in reality while Jun had his way with you.
When, finally, he slipped into you, both of you sighed. You voices mixing in the air of the kitchen that seemed to have been growing thinner by the second. Jun’s breathing was growing ragged, and he could tell you weren’t faring much better than him. He started moving, slowly at first, testing the waters and, yes, possibly also to rile you up a little more. But when you clenched around him, any self-control was thrown out the window. His hands on your lower back were shoving you down against the ice-cold surface, making you hiss. His hips snapping against your ass as he searched for that spot that would make you drool over the marble countertops.
“Fuck… yes! Baby, right there,” you groaned when he found it.
Jun leaned back down over you, his front pressed against your back, his hot breath by your ear, whispered prayers of your name escaping him. He drove into that spot relentlessly, repeatedly until you lost all function of speech, reduced only to swears and his name. Jun mirrored your vocabulary, one hand sneaking around your body to find your clit again and rub punishing circles. With the added stimulation of his hand, the pressure of his weight, and the way his cock was hitting that spongy part inside you again and again, you felt your pleasure crest alarmingly fast.
“Junjunjunjunjun,” you breathed, but, again, he somehow had known before you what was coming. His groans surrounded you, your perception narrowed to just the feeling and sound of him.
“Hold on a little longer, baby,” he breathed, and you barely registered it. Just nodding for the sake of nodding, praying his own release would find him fast.
“Doing so well, baby. So good for me,” he continued, almost to himself, baiting your release even more.
A few agonising, timeless moments passed until, “That’s it, let go. Come for me, baby. Come with me.”
Immediately, you released a sound somewhere between a groan and a whimper, you head falling forward again as your whole body tensed up. Jun followed your example, his head dropping against your shoulder as he drove his cock into you, prolonging both of your releases as much as possible, until the sensitivity forced him to pull out. He remained folded over you, so close that he could feel his cum drip out of you, landing on the kitchen floor with a small splat. The air felt too thin for any movement, so he remained draped over you, his thumb drew circles on your lower back until you returned to him, mumbling his name.
“Are you alright, qīn'ài de?”
You nodded almost imperceptibly, your hair sticking to the nape of your neck. Jun brushed it to the side, leaving a small peck where it had been.
“Nooo,” you whined, “I’m sweaty.”
“I don’t care,” he replied, matter-of-factly, smoothing his hand down your back one last time before peeling himself off you to get some tissue. His heart tore a little at the weak whine you let out in response to his absence.
“Don’t worry, I’m just trying to take care of you.”
You only whined more when he wiped the rest of your combined release from between your legs before also cleaning the floor. He caught your eyes from over your shoulder, smiling softly, and leaving another kiss on your back. After getting rid of the tissue, he pulled you off the counter, wrapping you up in his arms.
“You were amazing. I love you.”
He could hear the smile in your voice when you replied, “So were you, bǎobèi.”
“I can’t believe you’re really here…”
“I missed you something fierce,” you said by way of explanation.
“Me too. I miss you every day. Every hour.”
To his confusion, you smiled warmly at his pout, one hand caressing along the side of his face until it came to rest on his collarbone. You leaned in, lips ghosting against his in a silent promise, “Then let’s make the most of right now.”
Jun grinned, bending down to pick you up, laughing at the surprised yelp you let out.
“What on earth are you doing, Wen Junhui!”
“I think it’s time for a bath.”
“That is not what I was trying to insinuate!”
He wiggled his eyebrows, feeling his heart sore at your scandalised expression. Resting his forehead against yours, his eyes searched for yours, holding their stare for a few moments. With a smile on his lips and in his voice he murmured, “I don’t care what exactly we do in the bath, as long as we do it together.”
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yakumtsaki · 2 months
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AND WE'RE BACK. My cancerous thyroid might have briefly cucked me, but now I'm about to cuck every goddamn semi-incestuous couple in this house. Isn't that right, Baby?
Exactly! Baby here is a parrot that Meadow rolled the want for and I was like sure, what problems could a parrot possibly cause?
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Um it should open automatically for you wtf?
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Ok Baby seriously why won't the doors open for you?
Alright then, clearly there's only one solution to this..
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-Um, what happened to the door?
Well, Baby was clearly a much needed addition to this house. Now, to the main event: an end to the Year of Sin!
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NOP, NEVERMIND, SPOKE TOO SOON, MUST DO THIS INSTEAD. We invite Good Witch over for Spice and she asks to bring a friend and it's FUCKING MALCOLM. LMAO. I simply have to, I can't resist-
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-Well well well, if it isn't the famous Malcolm Landgraab IV, the finest intergenerational concubine the world has ever seen!
-You were too much of a straggot to date my father, but I know you won't be able to resist the charms of the much better looking son!
-God, the conversation is just crackling with sexual tension!
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-So, Malc, I believe we should make out. Thoughts?
-Where are those fucking butterflies coming from?
-Your stomach? ;)
No, they're from the Good Witch, my bad y'all.
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After many, MANY hours of talking, Malcolm finally accepts a lame wolf whistle-
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-but our efforts are interrupted by Felina returning from class. WILL YOU GIVE IT A FUCKING REST FOR ONE DAY
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-Sorry kid, but if Malcolm Landgraab is to ever consider bisexuality, it will be for someone who can beat up his own sister.
Wtf kinda rule is that you freak?? You know what, just gtfo-
-NO. Stay here, Malcolm, I'd like to hear stories about you and great-great grandma Victoria!
-Oh wow, now that was a real woman. She could hold her liquor, she could whore around, she could beat up anyone.. No man could ask for anyone more feminine!
You are so right, Malcolm, the only one to ever do it better was Long John Silver!
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Ok seriously Barth is there a plan here, why are we wasting valuable time on platonic interactions with this loser?
-I just have a feeling true love will prevail!
What are you even talking about-
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OH FUCK YES TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE. Two Babies with one stone if you will!
Ya ok GROSS but finally we can put this behind us, 1 down, 200 more to go. Cyan go back to your other cousin-lover while you still can because I'm breaking you up too!
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-Don't have to tell me twice!
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What now, Barth.
-Nothing, I just keep forgetting I actually have two eyes.
Ya, you and me both.
-But now that I possess peripheral vision, I see there's so much to be done in this house.
You have set yourself on fire multiple times, please stop with the household tasks, that's why we have a butler.
-But he never actually does anything!
Yes well, his main job is to answer the door and we no longer have one, but it's still money well spent.
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Barth no offense but I think I'm ready for your next electrocution to take you out.
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-As am I!
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-And I!
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You could stop being Satan incarnate?
-No, there has to be a better way!
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-How about I sleep with the boyfriend of the only cousin in this house who doesn't already hate me?
Yes, absolutely, and please take another crack at fixing the dishwasher when you're done.
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solarwynd · 3 months
What iis V problem with Jimin? Nothing about Jimin but posting about his ship (full of Jimin haters) not wonder his Shippers hate Jimin since this man is always acting bitter (old pic but posted when the jikook travel is a Hot topic and after Jimin debut)
Is sad how it seems like Jimin is not only being sabotaged by Hybe but also his bandmates
“Lmao I’m sorry but that member is the epitome of “i am feel uncomfortable when we are not about me?” - anon #2
Taehyung is a bastard like I really do not like that man lmao.
He knows his hype rests on two things, his face and ship baiting. And what pisses me off is armys swear that vmin is still some deep soul bond based off of that one hug they shared when Jin got discharged. But that ngga shows his ass everytime to be a trash friend who NEVER puts any energy into showing up for Jimin for anything. All this outward love and support for everybody but Jimin. Just thoughtless, self centered, untalented and selfish. I pray for the day Jimin finally ditches Jungkook and Taehyung. He’s too good for them
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papersirens · 28 days
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⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏⠀ ͏͏͏͏͏͏REACH FOR THE STARS ʚ﹕gender neutral/no pronouns ʚ﹕AO3 vers // masterlist // 3.7k
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ʚ﹕warnings // classic british summer, eating british food, toji is bullied by a seagul, very very very self indulgent and selfship coded, italics are speaking english, not beta read ʚ﹕comment // uhhhhhhhhhhh so i had this idea for a collab thing initially and i wanted to do it anyway bcos the idea was so cute to me but sorry if youre not british and sorry if you are british lmao i havent been to the seaside in 10+ years so i was writing with like memories of going to scarborough in 2007 lmao (i dont live in the uk anymore i can say that) anyway even if u dont get all the references i hope u still enjoy this living vicariously through toji and if not sorry but this was for me :) ♡
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ʚ﹕18+ only // minors and ageless blogs dni
What a miserable day in the middle of July. Clouds covered the sky, dark grey and threatening to rain at any given moment. The wind blows hard, whistling through the cracks of the windows. You always told Toji that British summer is vastly different to Japan, but he didn’t expect it to be so different. 
“You might wanna put some pants and a jacket on.” You suggest when leaving the bathroom of your hotel, seeing Toji standing at the window in a pair of knee-length shorts and a loose shirt. 
“Is it not going to get hotter later?”
The laugh wasn’t supposed to be mocking, yet Toji looks at you from over his shoulder with a furrow of his brows. “We’d be so lucky.” 
“What about humidity?” 
“Doesn’t exist here.” You approach and rest your head against your boyfriend's arm, a loving hand laid across his back. “I told you it’s cold all year ‘round here.” 
You landed last night and Toji wasn’t in any state to recognise the weather patterns after such a long flight. He just wanted to stretch his legs and sleep in a bed, not compare temperature and humidity levels to Japan. It’s only now that he’s taking in the desolate views; not a peek of blue sky in sight, the back of a building is your only real view, just as grey and miserable as the weather. 
Toji changed his clothes upon your heavy suggestion, almost fighting back but recognising this is your home country, you grew up here and this is his first time abroad. It hits him like a train when leaving the hotel, gasping as the cold wind tears through him. You feel bad for laughing, but the wind was strong today, blowing your hair in all directions across your face. Almost like it was greeting you for stepping outside, the wind eases up just enough for you to gather your bearings. 
“It’s July here, isn’t it?” He gruffs and you giggle.
“Yep! This was my summer and why I can’t handle the heat.” 
“I get it now…” Toji mumbles and follows your lead down the street towards the city. 
Dark and miserable days in Tokyo were still just that, however, there was still a sense of beauty everywhere you looked — or at least if you didn’t venture too far out of the city. Lights flashing and drawing you in to play games, stores showing off their goods and pretty women stand outside to tempt you into their domain. 
Here? There was hardly another soul in sight. 
Most of the buildings were empty and abandoned, trashed and covered in graffiti. Any stores that were open were subtle, Toji had to double take that they actually had people inside of them. It’s definitely a stark difference, but you seem content as you thread your arm through his and walk him down to the pier. 
It was a little livelier by the sea, though not by much. The waters roar with each gust of wind, aggressively crashing against the stone wall Toji watched from. It was oddly therapeutic, listening to the water connect with the rocks before pulling back, cracking into itself with impressive waves. It’s strange remembering this is summer, that there’s no way to lay on the beach in the sand and dip in the sea. 
Almost as loud as the wind in his ears and the rushing water was the arcades nearby. The entire front of the building is open, giving anyone easy access to see what games are inside, flashing and screaming at those passing by. None of the machines he recognises from back in Japan besides old faithful: crane games. 
You noticed him looking in intrigue, leaning against the guard rail in front of the washed beach but looking over his shoulder. “Let’s go play some games.” 
One of your fondest memories from childhood summers were playing the coin machines and you already know Toji is going to love them. It’s nostalgic when you step inside; sticky and old carpet, the distinct smell of smoke from the old men playing card games in the back, unable to hear yourself think for all the stupidly loud games. 
“Wait here, I need to change some coins.” You say and leave Toji standing in front of a box machine. 
Hip height and full of coins, he squints down at the acrylic casing for what’s inside. This game exists in Japan, though they’re much flashier and bigger. Coins litter the metal surface, a raised piece moving back and forth with the intention of pushing after you input more coins. There’s actual prizes sitting atop the coins unlike medal machines — a keychain of a little doll with wild coloured hair, a tiny snoopy figure and a mini rubix cube. You soon return with your hand full of coins, pouring them into Toji’s hand and almost dropping a few. 
“There’s a couple quid worth of coins there, see if you can win something.” You beam at Toji and he can’t help grinning. 
“I thought we came here to do something new. I can play medal games at home.” 
“You don’t win anything in medals.” You steal a few of the two pence coins and insert them one after another. “Here, you can win your cash back.” 
Oh, that’s dangerous Toji thinks but doesn’t fight it, letting his gambling habits run wild as he begins slotting coins through. Medals isn’t his game of choice compared to pachinko or even betting, though he does know a few tricks that will hopefully cross over. You watch and cheer him on as he makes the most of his coins, savouring the rattling of coins that hit the metal rim by your feet. 
“We got twenty pence back and a troll doll!” Your enthusiasm was contagious despite the small return. 
“I probably put in way more than twenty pence.” 
“Yeah,” You hum and pet the troll's hair, “But you won this little guy.” 
It was ugly and shoved into Toji’s face, causing him to reel back a little and grab onto your wrist to keep you at bay. “It’s fuckin’ ugly, that’s what it is.” 
“Don’t be so mean!” 
“Do you like it?” You pout but nod your head anyway, giving Toji the extra change he won. “Then that’s all that matters.” 
Your heart flutters at his sweet words and you nudge his chest with your head, looking down in an attempt to hide your giddy smile. Too many years you and Toji have been dating and still he makes you shy with some of the nice things he says. 
“I worked up an appetite watching you, let’s see if we can find doughnuts.” 
“Doughnuts?” Toji gawks and pulls out his little flip phone to check the time. “It’s not even twelve.”
“They’re good.” You shrug. “That, or ice cream. Depends what we find first.” 
The idea of ice cream when it’s already so cold is astounding to Toji. Buying ice cream in Japan in the middle of summer is a dangerous game due to the heat, so it can’t be any better to eat it when it’s so cold and windy outside. 
Walking along the pier, there were more arcades that offered the same, except one specifically advertised bingo. The announcer with a thick accent and speaking English comes through the speakers outside, calling out letters and numbers as they light up on a small TV. You’re so unfazed by the noise and distractions — he feels a little silly for getting caught up in it all, especially since he used to lightly make fun of you for getting so easily distracted in Tokyo. 
“I smell them.” You announce suddenly but continue walking slowly. “I can smell the fresh doughnuts.” 
There is a distinct smell over the salty sea and general stench of misery that overwhelms the pier. It’s sweet and oily, though he can’t describe what it would be. 
“There! Oh you have to try these, they’re so good.” You giggle, over excited as you speed walk towards the building. Toji was left behind to follow, though his stomach does rumble in interest. 
You order a couple of doughnuts to share, Toji standing to the side and letting you handle everything. He doesn’t know much English even with your help, though it’s pleasant and quite cute to hear you speak in your native tongue. 
“Here, I got us one each and then we can share another if you like them.” You pull out a steaming ball of sugared dough from the white paper bag, handing the fluffy treat to him. 
“Is there anything in it?” He asks before taking a tentative bite. You were pulling out another for yourself as you shook your head.
“Nope, it’s just dough and covered in granulated sugar, but they’re made to order and so nice.” 
Toji isn’t the most enthusiastic about sweets or desserts. He’s a savoury guy through and through but will indulge in something every now and then. The doughnuts weren’t the best he’s ever had, though they are nice and warming against the chill of the wind. 
Opposite him, you’re just about having an orgasm as you take bite after bite. The nostalgia, the sweet sugary goodness, the melt in your mouth dough. Japan has good doughnuts, but they’re too light in comparison to what you grew up with. 
“What?” You ask with a giggle as Toji smirks at you, raising an eyebrow and sucking off the sugar from his thumb. 
“That good?” You nod enthusiastically and hum. 
“I haven’t had them in years. So good, we can go home now.” 
He laughs at your joke and helps you tear apart the last doughnut to share, only eating half of his portion before hand feeding you the rest. You don’t even question it, opening your mouth and happily taking whatever he doesn’t want. 
“There’s a souvenir shop nearby, we should go look and get some stuff to take back.” You suggest, sauntering away before Toji had a chance to respond — not like he had any objections. 
Even gift shops in England were different from those in Japan. Walls were lined with different trinkets, some he doesn't even realise are considered offensive. They’re labelled with the name of the city you’re visiting, decorated with dolphins and lighthouses as 3D magnets and keychains to give to friends and family. It’s all very…Flashy and cheap. 
You’re looking at colourful sticks when Toji joins you, having lost himself to the overwhelming sensations of decorations with English names on them and an abundance of fridge magnets. 
“What are those?” He asks quietly, a little nervous as the shop is empty and the owner keeps staring at him like he’s going to steal something. 
You hum, “Sticks of rock. They’re hard sweets and flavoured different things.” 
Toji isn’t surprised to see on the end of each stick is ingrained with the name of the city you’re in. Each one is different in size, pattern and colour, but you seem to have garnered a collection in your hands. 
“My parents would be upset with me if I didn’t bring back one for everyone at least.” You tell him and begin counting how many you’ve accumulated. “Do you think Megumi would like one?” 
The honest answer is no. His boy has a little more of a sweet tooth than he does but not by much. Considering he hasn’t ever had a ‘stick of rock’ before, it makes his answer that more difficult. He might appreciate it a little more than a keychain, though. 
“Which flavour?” You ask and Toji is at a loss for words. There’s approximately twenty different choices and he can’t read any of the labels. The shop owner's eyes are burning into his skull and the heater that’s shoddily taped to the ceiling of the small open store is beginning to make him sweat. “Aniseed or rhubarb and custard?”
Despite narrowing down his choices, Toji still has no idea what either of those are supposed to taste like in any capacity. 
“I know he’s not an overly sweet guy but I don’t know if he’s like aniseed, I don’t think there’s anything similar in Japan.” You explain and wave around the stick that’s black and white. “But I don’t know if rhubarb and custard is something he would like either.” 
Toji blinks. Naming the boy was easier than trying to figure out which of these flavours he would enjoy.
“Fuck it, we’ll get both and if he likes neither we know next time.” 
You leave the store after paying for everything and Toji lets out a long sigh through his nose, happy to be out of the cramped and overwhelming hell that was the souvenir store. 
Despite the grim scenery and constantly forgetting it’s summer, Toji is having a nice time. Sure, everything is a culture shock but he anticipated that when the plans were made. He isn’t a very social man anyway, so the language barrier doesn’t affect him too much and the pier is empty, bar a couple of older people walking their dogs. What was the most important to him is that you were happy. You’ve been excited to come back for years, unable to visit since you two had known each other, Toji was just pleased to see you in your element. 
Adding to the sounds of the seagulls flying overhead and the waves crashing, bass boosted music slowly begins to enter your ears as you walk. Toji has no idea what it’s supposed to mean or what you’re coming up to, but you squeeze his hand in excitement and gasp. 
“Bumper cars! You’ve never driven bumper cars, have you?” An obvious question that wasn’t intended to be patronising. “Come on, you’ll love it! It’s just getting into car accidents but on purpose.” 
The description makes Toji laugh as he’s dragged along the path, soon seeing that bumper cars was a literal name. A young man stands on the sidelines of the machinery, an open sided box that holds little cars within it. Lined with rubber and gliding around without wheels, Toji actually finds himself interested in the idea as he watches the current players slam into each other. 
Not a word could be understood by Toji as the young man speaks through the microphone, monotone with an obvious lilt in his voice that was beyond forced. At least in Japan they act like they want to be there, though Toji doesn’t blame the guy; he wouldn’t want to stand out in the cold all day trying to be upbeat as his voice is blasted through speakers above the generic music. 
When the current riders exit the vehicles and leave them strewn around, you slide a couple of coins into Toji’s hand and wait for the announcer to come round. Sadly, he came across Toji before you, saying something to him and receiving a blank stare back. The guy is smaller than Toji but clearly not intimidated, almost mocking him as he raises an eyebrow and looks expectantly. 
“Are you wanting to get on mate or not?” The guy says and you realise that Toji has no idea what is going on. 
“Yeah, he is.” You say helpfully, pulling Toji’s hand up with the coins. “Sorry about that.” 
“No worries, love. Bit scary that one, look at him.” The announcer banters and you smile and giggle, though Toji doesn’t have a good feeling. “Too bloody tall. Get on when I tell ya and have fun.”
You paid for your spot too, squeezing Toji’s forearm gently as you wait for the announcer to let everyone into the cars. 
“What did he say?” 
“Don’t worry about it.” You reassure him but Toji looks at you. “I promise, nothing serious. I’ll tell you later, let’s have fun.” 
When the announcer calls for everyone to get in their cars, you tug Toji along and climb into one each. You picked cars that were left facing one another, strapping in seatbelts as you motioned for him to do so and show him how to get himself in — you couldn’t help laughing when he had to extend the straps to accommodate his chest. 
When the announcer begins the countdown for the cars to turn on, you and Toji grin at one another. It’s a competition now and you’ve got your eyes on each other. You point your fingers at your eyes and then back at him, watching as his grin widens in mischief. It’s game on. 
The cars are turned on with the sound of a horn, whirring to life as you pull back and so does Toji. Eyes locked onto one another, you try to swerve his oncoming attack first but he anticipated it, ramming into your side and jolting you. You scream with delight and drive forward, bumping into someone else before reversing and looking out for Toji. He was on the other side of the field, waiting for you and getting ready to hit you again. 
Lining yourself up with him, you’re head on with one another. Even at a distance you could tell what each other was thinking. You know there’s no way for either of you to win going head on, but you were willing to take the challenge. Expectedly, you were the first one to make a move, pedal to the metal surging forward towards him. Toji isn’t far behind and quickly you slam each other head on, thrown forward and caught by your seatbelts as you laugh through the adrenaline. 
“I won.” Toji continued to state proudly as you walked down the rest of the pier. You continued fighting each other in the bumper cars, ignoring the other players and seeing who could slam one another the most. 
“No you didn’t.” 
“I hit you way more times.” 
“How do you know? There’s no score board.” 
“I counted.” 
You scoff. “Doesn’t mean you win. Anyway I’m hungry after that, I want lunch.” 
The argument is quickly dissolved but Toji still accepts his victory over you, grinning to himself as you begin walking ahead on the lookout for some food. It doesn’t take long for you to find a fish and chip shop, decorated with cartoon fish and stinking of oil. You order for him and take control over the toppings, though Toji watches with intrigue as the server behind the counter wraps everything expertly in sheets of newspaper. 
“Do you wanna eat inside or out?” You ask with your hands full of paper and Toji looks around; there are no seats. “Outside will be nice, we can look at the water.” 
You had ordered a battered fish to share and two portions of chips, a healthy dose of chunky fried potato sitting in the newspaper that soaks up all the excess oil. He looks a little lost with the paper in his hands after you unwrapped it, and you can’t help laughing. 
“Hold it with one hand and eat with your other, pick at it with your fingers.” You say and steal one of the chips from his portion that held the battered fish. “Your hands are bigger than mine so you’ll be able to hold that one.”
Soon Toji seems to get the hang of the balancing act, especially when some of the food has been eaten. It’s starchy and incredibly oily, but surprisingly good if he weren’t too judgemental about it. Obviously they have fries and fish in Japan, but this was something totally unique. 
All day the seagulls had been flying overhead, squawking as they looked for their next meal and flying against the winds.  Toji never paid them any mind since they weren’t anything special, though they do look a little different. He doesn’t notice when one settles on the metal barrier behind him, the same one he leans into as he picks away at the half eaten fish and mostly consumed chips. You saw it though, and murmured “Oh no” under your breath.
Toji looks up and around at what you were looking at, seeing the seagull but thinking nothing of it. 
“What?” He asks and you grin. 
“Be careful, don’t let it get too close.” 
“Why? Seagulls are passive, aren’t they?” As he says that, the same one takes flight again and seems to deem Toji too much of a threat. “See, he’s gone. They’re not gonna get anywhere near us.” 
You weren’t going to be the one to tell him, though your portion of chips was almost completely gone. Continuing to talk amongst yourselves as you eat, you talk about plans to go to your family’s house the next day and what time everything is happening, completely unaware of the bird flying towards you. 
It lands with a flutter on the barrier between you, looking between both you and Toji as you scream in surprise. Toji was shocked by the sudden guest too, shouting random noises at the creature and wafting it away, though it takes him almost touching the thing for it to back off and take flight again. 
“I told you! Maybe we should go back inside and finish eating.” 
“No,” Toji grunts, “I’m almost done and this is part of the experience, right?” He remembers all the things you’d told him, the memories you had and he wants you to relive as much of it as you can. “Eating by the sea, it’s not that bad.” 
As though the bird could hear him, it decides to show Toji another part of the British seaside experience. With a chip in the air on its way to Toji’s mouth, the bird swoops in and begins pecking at the food in his hand. 
Toji reels in surprise before it turns into frustration, shouting at the bird and dropping the rest of his food in the process. “Bastard! Get off of me! Flying asshole!” 
You laugh uncontrollably as the bird flies away, likely satisfied with its assault and the delicious dinner that Toji dropped to the floor. Thankfully there weren’t many other people around to gawk at the angry man shouting Japanese at a seagull, though you had a great time at the sight. 
“I told you not to let them get close!” You giggle and Toji sighs, though there’s a small smirk tugging on the corners of his lips as he looks down at the remains of his lunch. 
“I wasn’t that hungry anyway.” He huffs and follows as you begin to walk away. 
“It’s fine we can go to the pub for tea. No seagulls but you might be fighting drunk English men.” 
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firemenenthusiast · 4 months
okay so uh hiii, first off I just wanna say you're writing is top tier, I consider you one of the best writers for Archie's characters, keep up the good work 🩷 ! second off all, the jann fic where he calls the reader mama has plagued my mind for DAYS, like literal brain rot I swear (in a good way tho lol). like I even went on character.ai and got him to call me mama on there like I'm truly down atrocious for subby jann because of you, you must've unlocked something in my brain or something 😭😭.
i don't know exactly if I'm doing this right so if I'm not just let me know and ill try to redo it but i was wondering I could make a request for you to write a few drabbles (if that's the right term, probably not) about casual dominance with subby jann please 👉🏾👈🏾, like not all of them have to be sexual, but best believe I'll have no issue with that lmao. again, I've never done this before so if it's like shitty, all over the place, and makes no sense I apologize 😭. I know you have a couple fics and stuff queued up and other things keeping you busy so no rush or anything.
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domestic sub!jann
he’s a subby man, even casually. here’s some domestic headcannons of my little whiskers meow meow jann mardenborough (gt movie)
a/n: thank you anon for your kind words and request ! SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG 😭🙏🏻 i hope this is what you imagined when writing the ask :] also jann calling reader mama was stuck in my head until i actually wrote it. and i WILL do it again
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- let’s start off by agreeing on the fact that jann is the clingy one in your relationship
- he’s a busy man, especially at the height of his career so whenever he’s home, he just wants to rest his head on your lap in front of the tv
- he NEEDS you to run your fingers through his hair, or gently caressing the back of his head or he’ll take matters into his own hands
- and by that i mean he will grab your hand and place them in his hair himself, but sometimes you just want to tease him. you would constantly pull your hand away each time he’d grab it and he would whine until you give up
- jann’s a snuggler cuddler. he would snuggle himself in your chest whenever you guys cuddle eventho he’s so much bigger than you. he doesn’t care, he just needs to be wrapped snuggly by your arms in your embrace
- jann does silly things at home with you, including opening his mouth at you whenever you eat together, asking you to feed him. then when you actually do he’ll chew his food with a smile that squints his eyes
- other silly things he does is INSISTING on brushing your teeth together after waking up. you’d be getting out of the bed when he’s still chilling around and he would SCRAMBLE out of the duvets to follow your back, like a puppy
- while on the topic, he really acts closely to a puppy around you
- you getting up to go get something from the fridge ? he’ll go: “where are you going ?”
- you pulling his head off your lap to go to the toilet for a moment ? he’ll go: “where are you going ?”
- if you’re slipping on your coat with the trash in your hand at the door ? he’ll go: “im coming with you”
- he knows that you’ll just make him go himself if he offers to carry it so he wouldn’t take the trash off your hand until AFTER you’ve reached the end of the hallway, before the elevator. just so he could go on that little walk with you
- you’ve never felt annoyed or irritated with him, you’ve grown accustomed to his clinginess. if anything you’re happy that he is the way he is cuz it’s not often that he’s home because his busy schedule
- he SO would beg you to play GT with him. he even bought you your own racing wheel and display, and built your whole set up in your favourite colour just so you could play with him
- you guys have your own racing room just sophisticatedly equipped with both of your set ups, a frickin fridge and a crazy sound system.
- he actually uses the sim a lot to practise, and would follow you around the house, watching you do stuffs that you told him you’re going to be busy for that you wont be able to race with him, until you’re done. THEN only he would be willing to practise happily
- if he’s feeling extra clingy ? he’d ask you to sit on his lap, facing him, just clinging onto him like a koala bear while he races
- you’re his first ever serious girlfriend, so he really cherishes you every second he could. scenario of you breaking up with him flashes before his eyes whenever you’re upset
- ego ? dont know her. he’s willing to kneel and kiss at your knees, begging for forgiveness while you sit on the couch, clearly upset with something he’d done
- most of the time it’s just you being jealous of him entertaining his fangirls, him taking selfies with them, sometimes they’re pressed up too close to him
- you love that he’s nice to them, and that he’s loved by many, but you couldn’t help but feeling jealous
- he knows you’d be, so right after the crowd dissipates he’s quick to go to you, pulling at your folded arms.
- “are you mad at me ?” “no”
- then he would rest his head at the crook of your shoulder until you give in
- jann’s also really sulky. he doesn’t really show it, but you’ll know. he’s not the type of person to be giving you the silent treatment when he’s sulking but you’ll notice he’s distracted. he would still do things with you or for you, just quietly
- sulking jann would include avoiding eye contact. jann is generally quite shy with other people, but with you he’ll make eye contact all the time. he would smile and just look into your eyes until you blush, then he’d chuckle. so when he’s struggling to maintain eye contact with you, you know something’s upsetting him
- you know how i mentioned he follows you everywhere ? so that also applies to when you go shopping for clothes. he’s your personal hype-men, a functional one at that too
- he’s not that type of boyfriend that just waits outside the store, just waiting for you to be done. if anything he’s more excited to walk into your favourite stores than you 😭 cuz he knows there’d be new clothing line that you’d want to try on
- he gives legit opinions too, he knows what type of clothes you like, the materials, the cuttings, you would be hearing him say things like: “that looks pretty but are you comfortable?” cuz he notices it’s made with material that you don’t like
- when it’s his turn to buy clothes he lives for your eyes, and your eyes only. you have a vision in mind for the clothes or outfits that you think would make him look cute, so you’d assemble an outfit at the store for him to try on. he’s not picky, he’ll get anything that you say makes him look handsome.
- guys im genuinely tweaking i need him to be my boyfriend
- both of you have your own careers so sometimes his racing schedule clashes with your work, but it doesn’t happen often
- when you actually have a very important thing to attend for your work, and he has a race on the same day, he’ll get really sad that you’re not gonna be cheering him on, or that you’re not gonna be there when he’s done
- you try to finish your work as soon as possible when he has a race, to come to his racing venue. you mostly work remotely, so you’d just finish your work in the hotel room before going to see him. you’re his emotional support, and he’d be really happy if you get to watch him on the track.
- one time he’d been informed that you wouldn’t be there because of work, and he was really sad, pouting his lips, shoulders dropped and all (he’s dramatic like that) but he’s understanding of your work, so he went and raced the best he could so he would get to tell you all about it after you got home
- unbeknownst of him, you finished early that day and were able to catch him on the track. when he got out of the car he noticed your face on the track displays, watching him from the vip viewing area, cheering him on.
- he was quick to take out all his comms wires to go see you, meeting you halfways as you were also running to go see him
- he’s a whole golden retriever puppy boyfriend, who becomes really subby in bed, whining and whimpering underneath you <3
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sadie-bug345 · 6 months
gang playing mario kart
i’m fr a god at mario kart /j BUT STILL i got me some life experience playing this game👇
proud isabelle main
probably drives an actual kart instead of a bike
my guy cannot carry a convo he will like zone out
rainbow road is the way to get him to lose the will to live 😭😭
he just keeps. falling. off.
rage quits and gets butthurt abt it the rest of the day🫶
my guy gives a yoshi user
probably an actually solid kart/bike
if this boy gets ahold of even a green shell you are OUT of here
comes up from behind and wins like 80% of the time
probably lives for daisy or honestly mario
and then steve is luigi😭
he gets so hype when he’s winning
trash talks like no other
but unlike SOMEONE *ponyboy* he doesn’t really care when he loses
which is often i’m sorry man😔
he just gets distracted by the tracks and all the mystery boxes and power ups he just disassociates LMAOO
also spends too much time talking whilst playing and just falls back to 12th place ngl
he really tries to make sure everyone’s being a good sport
but he himself starts raging the second he hits a banana💀
lowk gives up and just stops playing halfway thru when he realizes he’s gonna lose and blames it on “all the work i gotta do around here…”
denial is the curtis brothers collective middle name😔✊
mains bowser or dry bones…only chooses cars based on how cool they look
gets the MOST pressed
acts like he doesn’t gaf cause people pressured him to play so he’s like
“ugh whatever fine i guess 🙄”
but the instant someone starts trashing on him or a he sees the red shell alert go off in the bottom of the screen
just calling everyone and the computers the most foul names
doesnt give up though cause “mama didn’t raise a quitter”
he just locks in and gets to second place but ends up losing so🫢
super fun to play with
hed start tweaking the second he hits a banana
gets grudges against computer players
he probably plays as waluigi ngl😭
if he’s not playing and you are he’s fr the best cheerleader
just adds that extra spice to every game🥰
like crazy intense💀
broseph will GET OUT OF HIS SEAT if he begins to either pass people or starts to lose
just gets as close to the screen as possible
claims his knowledge of cars allows him to select the best kart
lowk works cause why is he actually good LMAO
this idea was an amazing anon request that was a lot of fun to do!! anyways byeeee
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angel-of-the-moons · 8 months
Running With The Wolves
Wolfwalker!Moon Knight (Marc/Steven/Jake) x Fem!Reader
You're on the verge of being labeled a witch, but can one handsome stranger (and his two "brothers") save you from the same cruel fate as your mother, who was labeled as one and burned at the stake?
Can you handle the truth about your heroes identities, despite it all? Would you find out who your masked savior truly was beneath his cloak?
Only you could answer that.
TW/CW: Witch hunts, violence, graphic violence, graphic death, blood, public execution, parental death, persecution, grief, depression, Wolfwalkers AU, Moon Knight AU, incorrect lore
A/N: I was watching Wolfwalkers and it gave me the idea for the boys. I did a little research into the lore, so some will be inaccurate (my pagan ancestors would frown upon me lmao) as well as historically inaccurate; so what is in this fic is largely based on the film. It will be especially inaccurate because y'know, Marc is American and Jake is Spanish and Steven is English etc, as well as Khonshu being around (but in the comics he's had a Viking Moon Knight so this isn't too far fetched he'd be in a place like Ireland) so please bear with me, my poor mind has been going through it lately and I wanted to write somethin' pointless, so enjoy this weird ass AU I came up with! (Header does not indicate the reader's race!)
Taglist: @enheduannasposts
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PT. 1
"I heard tha's the girl who lives on the outskirts." You heard a young woman whisper to her friend. Her accent was clearly not from Ireland. She sounded like one of the people from England. They'd been arriving slowly but surely, like a trickle from a leaky bucket, since you were a child.
Your skin prickled as you looked over the vegetables in the market stall, tended to by an old woman who was blind in one eye. Mary, her name was. Mary was probably one of the only around here who was kind to everyone, unless they gave her a reason not to. And those two English girls certainly gave her a reason...
"Aye, ye two hussies best be leav'n this girl be!" She spat, waving her old wooden stick around. "She 'ent done nothin' to ye!"
The two women jumped back with a yelp and scurried off, an armored guard eyeing you and Mary warily.
Your nose crinkled at him and you turned your nose up as you looked back at the crop Mary was selling.
"I'm sorry, lass. I don't like 'em either." Mary said, winking her blind eye at you.
You can't help but smile as you trade some herbs for the vegetables, placing the juicy morsels into your basket. "I just would like for things to go back to the way they were." You sighed.
"Like when I was a girl, before they came to our town. Things were fine, everything was in balance."
Mary leaned in, holding a finger to the sky as she spoke quietly to you.
"Aye, lass. But don't worry. The crimes these English folk are doin' to us? They'll be payin', mark my words! The land, the very sky itself is angry because we can't honor the promises we made so long ago." She grinned, half her teeth missing from old age. "Then, maybe we'll be forgiven."
"Aye, or maybe be consumed by the wolves and the forest while we're at it." You smile sadly. You remembered being safe in those woods as a girl, playing in the creeks, chasing birds and hares, the wolves singing on the breeze...
But the wolf attacks have become ever so common, now. None had been bitten, but their homes had been trashed, their livestock spirited away into the cover of night, wolf tracks everywhere. You were the only one whose homestead was spared. You often wondered why. The only thing different between your little plot and the rest of the homes that were driven empty was... wait.
They were all English.
You weren't. That house you lived in had belonged to your family for nearly half a century. The English farmsteads were placed on the grounds that were cleared by the King's woodcutters and soldiers, they were the ones being attacked. Not you.
But lately, you've heard other tales as well. A "devil in white" the King's men would ramble, their voices shrill with fear. A man in white armor who moved like a ghost, and fought like hell itself. You paid no mind, figuring it may be some hermetic hunter who called the forest home, who simply didn't want to have them invade his solitude.
"Lass, you should get home." Mary said, looking at you with worry as a small gaggle of women whispered and pointed at you. You were used to the stares, you'd been getting them as a child. But since the English arrived, those whispers became accusations.
Your mother had faced a similar accusation, given her odd habits and ways of whispering to the wind.
Some considered her addled, even moreso when she began raving of spirits and the voices she said came from the ground.
You remembered the night that she died, the horrible, evil way that she left this world.
You were only twelve years old, gripped hard by the local men as the bishop to your village spoke from the Bible, quoting things about the crimes of witchcraft and how your mother could only be cleansed by fire.
You screamed, and kicked, and cried and cursed, but all that earned you was a punch to the gut as they lit the kindling beneath your mother's feet.
You'd heard tales of witch burnings, but you'd never ever thought such horrible deeds would come to your town; your safe, warm little home.
Your mother was strange, yes, but she taught you many things that had proven useful. The best herbs to cure the worst fever, the best tonics to drink to cure an ailing cough, how to track in the woods, how to trust the forest to show you the way home; but only if you respected it as a living being, and respected the souls who lived within.
She wasn't a "witch" to you.
She was your mother.
And she was right in front of you, burning.
"Mummy!" You screamed, your voice sounding as though you swallowed shards of pottery.
She looked at you, and smiled, crying and struggling against the ropes that bound her to the stake.
The fire crept up, up, until it reached her feet.
You could smell it--the acrid, disgusting stench of oil and burning flesh. You could see her skin blister, peel, and burn away as she screamed, begged for mercy. Mercy that the church was not willing to grant her.
You screamed and cried until your throat was raw and bloody, struggling until you broke free of the men's arms.
You didn't think twice on it--you leapt towards the pyre.
Your mother was dead. You knew this. But all you wanted was to hold her one last time, even if all that was left now was blackened, charred flesh.
Your soft, delicate hands burned, your dress beginning to catch aflame as you desperately tried to reach for what little remained of the woman you loved most in the world.
The pain was so blinding, so debilitating that your vision went white around the edges, and you saw the world begin to go dark.
"Damn it--put the girl out!" Was the last thing that you heard before you lost consciousness.
When you'd awoke, it had been two whole days since your mother's trial and burning. Two days since she plead to the "court" about how they were treating the land; that if they didn't change their ways they would all suffer for it.
The first face you saw was the bishop looking down at you with a solemn and sad expression, completely different from the way his eyes had gleamed maniacally as he cheered the death of your mother.
"I'm sorry, dear girl." He said kindly, resting a hand on your shoulder.
Your arms and hands were wrapped in clean linen--or, well, as clean as they could get it, anyway--your burns itching and painful.
You gritted your teeth, feeling hot tears burn as you glared at him, your throat still raw and aching.
"You killed her!" You meant to yell, but it only came out a hoarse croak.
"Aye, girl, I did. But I took no pleasure in it."
Liar. Filthy, disgusting liar! You wanted to shout, You smiled when she screamed!
"Your mother was bewitched by the devil, don't you see? The only way to ensure she could make it to heaven was if she was cleansed by fire." He told you, his wrinkled eyes looking at you with such gentleness you could almost scarcely believe this was your beloved mother's executioner.
"At least now, you know your mother made it to the gates of heaven. And hopefully God finds it in Him to grant your mother eternal peace." He continued, "After all, she loved you greatly, and there is nothing more pure than a mother's love. Even if it was the love of a witch."
You bite back bile that wanted to rise--partly from the pain, partly from disgust--and turned your head away, your tears heavy like chains that hung from your lashes and held your eyes closed.
"So hopefully, we can pray she found salvation and forgiveness in the fact she loved you so."
His hand brushed a lock of burnt hair from your face.
"Don't worry, girl... You can go home. But I must implore you not to give in to the teachings your mother no doubt gave you. None of that talking trees or animals nonsense, you hear?"
You wanted to kick him, to bite his disgusting fingers off and pluck out his eyes. But... all you did was nod, and say:
"I understand."
Later that night, barring the English women's gossip, you'd had a fairly decent day. Your snare on the edge of the forest had gotten a nice hare; providing you with some nice soft fur and meat and bone.
You'd spent your days thereafter doing much of the same work you'd done since you returned to your empty home the week your mother died. You gardened, placed more snares, cleaned the house, worked the loom, began weaving a small tapestry.
One night, you were broken from your tedium by heavy hands on your door, making you yelp and prick yourself with a needle.
You stuck your bloody fingertip in your mouth and stuffed the tapestry into your heavy wooden chest, rushing to your front door to see what was the trouble.
When you opened it, there was the bishop, flanked by two men in heavy plate armor. You felt a shiver creep up your spine; the sight was eerily similar to the night your mother was taken away, only this time the bishop looked so ancient he looked like a piece of dried, brittle leather.
"Dear girl, thank God you're alright." The bishop breathed, reaching out to place a hand on your shoulder.
Your brow creased, and you opened your mouth to speak, only for him to cut you off.
"That... That man, that devil whom the townsfolk here and elsewhere have been seeing--he was here. Tonight! He killed four of the King's finest men!" He said, panicked, his touch cold and clammy.
"And earlier in the day... wolves. A pack of white wolves! I feared for you, girl. I know that you're alone and so far from town." He shuddered a breath. His lungs sounded awful, even to your ears. Honestly... If the man had allowed it, you could have fixed his long coughing illness. He's been suffering for years with it, sometimes to the point where his surmons had to be delivered by proxy.
He was suffering... but so had your mother, whom he murdered in the name of his god.
Your jaw was tight, and you nodded. "I... I see. I haven't been attacked yet, sir. B-but I will keep an eye out and alert you if I see anything strange."
You wouldn't.
"I don't want that devil to hurt anyone else."
You hoped he chased them all away.
He mistook your shaky voice for one of mutual fear for the man that haunted the nights, like the dreaded vampires back in England and the smaller towns and villages.
"Yes, dear girl." He put his hand to your cheek and smiled, his aged features twisting in agony. "A good girl. May God protect you."
"And He, you." You replied, the words tasting like rotten meat on your tongue.
"Such a good girl." He turned, coughing into his hand. "May God help civilise this land..."
Thunder boomed in the distance, almost as if the very sky itself was urging the cruel men on their way, to leave you be.
As soon as your door was closed, you grabbed a nearby cauldron and heaved it over to your hearth, hanging it from the iron hook and dumping the pail of water into it to boil.
You hastily stripped your clothes free and dumped them into the cauldron, rushing to find your small bottles of tonics.
When you'd found the ones you needed, you dumped them, alongside fresh herbs, into the pot with your soaking clothes.
You knew, based on your own observations, that those who coughed often spread it through touch or spit. And he had coughed into his hands and touched you; you simply don't want to take the risk.
You had to start selling your healing tonics "under the table" as Mary said, as cleaning agents for clothes and blankets just so you could pass it to the townsfolk with sick family. You hated doing that, but seeing a sickly child able to run around with her siblings again without fear of that wretched cough was worth the pain of lying.
You watched as the water bubbled, standing naked as you poked at the fabric with your long wooden spoon, swirling it around and around.
Once you deemed it hot enough, you carefully picked up the cauldron and set it on your stone slab at the mouth of your hearth, you scooped some of the herbal water into your wash bucket and began scrubbing at your clothes mercilessly to rid it of any possible sickness.
Once they were clean enough, you hung them near the fire to dry (but not close enough to catch fire while you were asleep).
You felt goosebumps chill your skin as the wind rattled your shutters, so you grabbed a heavy woolen blanket to wrap yourself up in while you dug around for a new linen dress to put on.
It was a small comfort, given how early in the year it was, and these certain storms always brought unseasonably cold weather in their shadow, but you accepted it nonetheless.
You walked over to your wooden chest and pulled out your half-finished tapestry. It was one your mother started when you were barely hip-height; your father, strong and large, next to your mother, petite and soft. Interconnecting between them was you, holding their larger hands in your tiny ones.
Much of it was unfinished, and only within the last year did your grief finally allow you to finish what she started, as this was the only thing left that you had of her. When the church took her away, your mother knew they were coming, so she hid certain things out in the woods for safekeeping, only telling you their whereabouts. Once the church lifted it's eye from you one autumn day, you finally ran out into the clearing your mother hid her things in.
Being able to have something to visually remember your parents by wrenched your heart in a bittersweet way, but it was all you had of them, other than their rings you wore, hidden and slung low beneath your bodice so nobody would see.
You knew if the bishop found out... He would have them all destroyed, burned like your mother; and he would likely have you thrown into the stocks and publicly lashed as punishment.
In a twisted way, the bishop cared for you. He saw you as an innocent, God-fearing girl who had been brainwashed by your witch mother, whom only acknowledged the paganistic "Old Ways".
You hated having to keep up the act, but you didn't want to die. You owed it to your mother and father, wherever their souls were together, to live on.
You blinked, and a heavy teardrop splashed down onto the tapestry.
Your body jolted with the clap of thunder. How long had you been crying? Had you been crying this whole time, but didn't realize it? Oh, you hated how often these crying fits would strike you.
All you wanted to do was think of the happy times with your family, but it always came back to the fact that they were dead and you were alone.
You dropped back onto your bed, the old, dried wood creaking beneath your weight, the smell of the straw mattress stuffed with dried flowers and clovers soothing to your senses.
Your eyes felt heavy, weighted down from your painful thoughts, and you turned your head to look at the wreath above your bed, shamrocks with dried berries carefully strung together; it was something your mother taught you. You couldn't remember the significance of the thing, but making them when you were bored became a mundane comfort.
You closed your eyes and sighed heavily.
You would need to check your snares in the morning.
Your leather shoes squelched in the mud as you carefully made your way to the treeline early that next morning. You nervously chewed the inside of your cheek to check if the coast was clear before venturing into the bushes.
It was early enough none had arisen yet to start the day, the sun was barely peeking over the horizon as you set off into the forest.
Yes, setting your traps beyond the treeline was dangerous, as they would tell you, but you knew the game in the woods was fat and ripe, perfectly full of meat. If you could hunt at all, you would try your aim at shooting one of those slovenly bucks with a bow and arrow.
But a hunter you were not. Trap-maker, yes. But no hunter.
Your tiny iron dagger was slung low on your hip, your mostly-empty wooden sack carrying fresh bait for any snares that were sprung, or if the bait had been snatched.
The first two traps hadn't been sprung, but picked clean, most likely by birds and quick-witted squirrels. No luck in catching anything.
But as you neared your final trap, you heard an odd noise. A wheezing sound, almost, followed by heavy pants and a whimper.
Your footsteps stopped as you peered around the thick trunk of an ancient tree, your breath catching in your throat as you looked at the sight in front of you.
It was your last snare, set up with some bread and berries to lure in a rabbit or squirrel (as was your typical game) but it seems that this time, somehow... you snagged a wolf.
And this was not a normal wolf; it was one with fur as white as the coldest snow, now muddied and stained from the soggy ground it flailed around in; your snare secured firmly around its neck and front paw, cinching the two together in a painful manner.
Your heart broke as you saw the creature struggle and wheeze, choking out quiet howls that couldn't be heard through the underbrush.
With your jaw set tight, you stepped out of the clearing, and the wolf turned to you, trying to limp away.
"Shhh, hush, now." You soothe the animal, your hands out in front of you as you got lower, trying to seem less threatening.
Yes, the townsfolk feared wolves, but you wouldn't just leave this beautiful creature to slowly strangle to death on one of your own traps; your soul wouldn't be able to handle the weight of guilt.
"I won't hurt you, sweetie." You say, your voice calm and soft as you reached out.
The wolf snapped tentatively at you, whimpering as the pain of the cord dug further into its throat and paw, red stains now blotching the white fur.
"It's all right. I won't hurt you..." You urge the panicked animal. Your own eyes locked with its dark brown ones, and you could almost hear its thoughts plead:
Help me. Please. It hurts. Please!
You wait for the wolf to still, and sit its haunches on the ground, those big, pained eyes staring right through to your very soul.
Once the wolf is calm, you hook your fingers through the snare, reaching for the part of it that looped around, and try to loosen it enough for it to slip free.
But to no avail, the amount of flailing the wolf had done had twisted and cinched it to the point you couldn't. Your brow pinched and you nervously chewed the inside of your cheek before unsheathing your dagger.
Upon seeing the glint of the blade, the wolf whimpered and panicked again, beginning to flail once more as you reached for it.
"No!" You say, frantically trying to calm the beast. "Stop! You're making it worse! Please--I'm not going to hurt you."
You grunt as you leap forward, crushing the wolf against you in a bear hug, trying to calm its thrashing body as you swing your sharpened blade through the cord, severing it from the branch it was tethered to.
You sliced your thumb in an attempt to cut the cord around its throat, but you somehow managed it, your blood leaving fresh streaks of red and pink through the wolf's surprisingly soft fur.
You drop your dagger and release the animal, falling back on your bum as you carefully crawl away as the canine heaved for uninhibited air, its barreled chest shaking with effort.
Once it had collected itself, it limped up to you, it cut paw hanging an inch or two above the ground as its wet, charcoal black nose sniffed at your wounded thumb.
Its pink tongue laved out and lapped up your blood, as if to say "sorry" for causing you to injure yourself for trying to aid it.
Your eyes however, were drawn to the cuts into the wolf's throat and paw, oozing small rivulets of blood as it stared at you.
"Oh... You poor..." You breathed, rising to kneel on your knees, dirtying your skirt even more.
"I... Those can get infected. Please. I... I can help you..."
You don't know why you were trying to bargain with an animal, but somehow it paid off. The wolf nosed its way into your lap, ears flattened up and eyes pleading up at you.
"Okay..." You murmur, scratching behind one of its ears. "Let's get you home, boy. I have stuff there that can help ya."
The wolf whimpered.
"Er... Well, I assume you're male?" You chuckle awkwardly, trying to think of how to carry this large and hefty animal back home without being seen.
"I'm not gonna violate you by takin' a peek or anything." You clear your throat when one of the wolf's ears flop as "he" tilts his head at you.
"Er. Okay. Let's go..."
It was easier than you thought, getting him back home. As the sun crept higher, the fog and mist were your ally as you smuggled the "dangerous" animal back to the safety of your home.
You had to haul him over your shoulders and beat feet through the underbrush. Once you were safely inside, you had to (with great difficulty) maneuver the wolf down onto your bed.
You chuckled when he rolled over--and he was most definitely a "he"--and began rolling this way and that into your blankets, making small huffs and growls.
"Ah-ah..." You murmur, reaching out to brush your hand through his muddy fur. "You might make your injuries worse, 'kay, m'love?"
That seems to get the wolf's attention. You weren't sure if he could understand you, which honestly had you thinking you were crazy, but the way he sat up and stared at you, one ear flopping down as he looked up into your eyes sent a strange feeling through your body.
"Hmm..." You murmur, brushing your fingers tentatively around his wounded throat. From his muddy thrashing he'd accumulated a fair amount of dirt, and that would lead to infection.
You hike your skirts up and tie them around your waist, and you could almost swear you saw a look of modesty cross the wolf's eyes as his ears slicked back against his head and he buried his muzzle into your warm blankets.
You scratch the back of your head, a little confused at his reaction as you adjust your knickers and rush to gather your herbs you'd need, plucking dried leaves and roots that hung above your hearth.
You set the herbs down into your mortar and pestle and begin to grind them down, mixing them evenly into a dissolvable mass that would melt in the water once you'd boiled it.
You crack your knuckles and grab a pail, untying your skirts and smoothing them out, frowning at the mud stains as you reach for your door, making a "shush" gesture to the wolf.
"Stay quiet and don't go near the windows! It's dangerous if you're seen." You gently urge him before slipping outside into the morning light once again.
The trek to the well was always annoying, but your neighbors never minded you coming to fetch water, knowing how dangerous it could possibly be for you to hike to the creek at the edge of the forest just to get yourself some of the life-giving liquid.
You inwardly cringed when the Kenny's daughter, Aisling, was already at the well; her belly already round with her unborn child. Barely 19 years of age and she was already with a babe; she was often sickly as a child, this you remembered, so her family (namely her husband) was very concerned about her well-being and that of her impending birth.
Upon seeing you approach, Aisling smiled widely and waved at you, saying your name chipperly, almost like an excited morning bird.
You were really hoping not to have a conversation so early, afraid someone would know you were harboring a wolf inside your home...
"Hello, Aisling. Feeling well this morning?" You hum innocently at her as you tie your pail up, before cranking the wench and lowering it down to the water below.
"Yes, surprisingly!" She giggled, patting her belly with a soft smile. "M' little one decided it was a good day to let mummy keep food down."
"That's good! I still recommend broths if you feel nauseous, however..."
"I know, I know. My mum is constantly making sure of that." She sighed with a roll of her eyes, hooking her own two pails of water onto her yoke.
Your hairs raised and you reached out, the wench slipping from your hands and your bucket dropping all the way back down into the water below the earth.
"No! You mustn't lift something that heavy." You caution. "It's not good for your baby."
"Ohhh! You sound like my father." She sighs, frowning deeply, her hands on her hips. "I'm not helpless, y'know!"
"Yes, I'm aware, but--"
"Aisling!" Her husband panted, trotting up to the both of you. He was at least a decade or so older than she was, but nonetheless it was a good match; he seemed to love her greatly. He was English, and one of the few kind ones you've known, in fact. A gentle giant.
This fact was emphasized when his large bulky hand reached down to touch her belly, sighing with relief. "No, no, you know that you can't be out here alone! The wolves!"
"I 'ent seen no wolves!" Aisling pouted up at him.
"That doesn't mean no wolves see you, m'love." He sighed dejectedly at her. He gives you a kind smile and a nod, hoisting the yoke over his own shoulders, "Aye, lass. Glad to see someone else talking some sense into my pretty little wife, here..."
"Bah!" Aisling scoffed, throwing her arms in the air as she waddled back down to their house.
He shook his head with a chuckle, "I swear, if we have a girl and she turns out like her..."
"You'll have your hands full, alright." You sigh, cranking the wench again.
"Aye." He says, giving you a cautious look. "But, I must warn you, the same way I did Aisling... with these wolves about, it's dangerous..."
"I know." You smile. "I'll be fine."
"Alright..." He replies, giving you one last look before going back home to his wife and family.
You on the other hand, rushed back home with your water to your waiting furry companion...
You almost dropped the pail of water when you saw what he was doing. Somehow he managed to nose open up the chest containing your mother's things, and was insistently sniffing the tapestry.
"Ah! No, no, no!" You frantically say, setting the water down to rush over, gently shoving his snout to the side to close the chest.
"Gah..." You sigh in relief, and smile softly at the wolf, reaching out to pinch and squish his cheek. And surprisingly, he took it well, making a little "whurf!" as you do.
"Don't go through my stuff, it's not very polite after I risked my arse you take care of you." You chuckle, setting yourself to task of boiling the water with the ground herbs. You kneel next to the remaining bit of water on the floor, dipping a rag into the pail and making a clicking noise with your teeth.
The wolf tipped his head to the side, ears pricking up at the noise as he slowly moseyed over to you shyly.
"Oh relax, I won't poison ya." You chuckle, dabbing the soaked cloth onto his fur, cleaning him of the muck.
He of course, did not like this. He whimpered and tucked his tail between his legs, his gorgeous brown eyes pleading with you.
"Ah! That won't work on me, Mister... You need to be clean before I can clean your wounds!" You cluck at him, not falling for his cute little attempt.
Thankfully, he sits there and lets you gently massage the mud away, carefully cleaning around his wound sites before hastily grabbing the pot of boiling water and pouring some into a wooden bowl.
You scratch behind one of his ears and say softly, "Now... I'm going to take care of you, okay? Now... just let me..."
"No! Down! Bad wolf!" You groan, watching as his tail wagged happily, one of your kirdles firmly in his jaws, daring you to come get it.
"Ooooh! I should have left you in the woods!"
His ears flatten back and his eyes get big, giving you the sweetest, saddest look you've ever seen...
And it definitely broke you.
"Ah... You little... mouth off my clothes!" You grunt, tugging the garment from between his teeth, groaning at the sight of tears from his fangs.
He dropped down onto his front paws, wagging his tail happily as he makes a playful whine and yip.
"Oi! Ya seem just fine now!" You scold the animal, shaking the torn kirdle in front of him.
It was true. In just one day, your furry companion seemed to have healed miraculously faster than what was natural. It concerned you... but you didn't feel threatened by the creature's playful antics.
If anything, having him around made you feel less... lonely.
Dinner was almost ready, a simple stew with vegetables and salted meats tossed in. You weren't sure if wolves could eat such a meal, but you would feel awful if you were eating and your new friend merely had to sit and watch.
You sigh and toss your clothes aside, watching with a snort as the wolf playfully dove for it, rolling around and kicking it with his feet as you used your ladle to scoop two bowls.
You curled your feet beneath you as you plopped a spoon into your bowl before placing the spare on the floor. Your wolf's ears perked up and he sniffed the air, licking his chops as he abandoned your torn-up kirdle in favor of investigating the food you placed for him.
You smiled around your mouthful as he accidentally dipped his nose too deep into the broth, whipping his head around with a heavy snort.
"Ah, that's not how you eat, by the way..." You hum innocently, and again, your wolf gives you an almost human reaction, flattening his ears back as he seems to glare at you for a moment, before lapping at the food, curling his tongue around to eat the bits of veggies and meat.
"Oh, I'd love to keep you, but you don't belong here, fella." You say, scratching his ear softly in an affectionate way. Your skin crawls when you hear a mournful howl travel from the forest, across the fields, and into your house.
Your wolf whimpers and looks at you.
"As soon as you're ready, I'll sneak you back out to the woods." You promise him.
"I won't let anyone hurt you."
He looked out from the treeline, his glowing white eyes staring out from the darkness.
A large, fluffy animal--a gorgeous white wolf, fur stained with mud--sidled up next to him, ears flattened back.
"Still no sign of him?" He sighed, frustrated.
The wolf whimpered, his tail tucking and nose dipping towards the ground in a response that seemed to say "no".
"Damn it!" The man roared, his fists balling tight as he began to pace angrily.
"Still no sign of your third?" A deep voice rumbled from the trees.
He lifted his gaze to spot him in all his imposing glory--Khonshu; god of the night sky, the moon, justice and many things in-between. His lithe frame ominously perched on the limb of an ancient, thick tree. One of his legs dangled down while the other supported his arm, his dominant hand clutching his staff in a tight-fisted grip as he stared down at him.
But mostly, he was his fist of vengeance. He was dispensing justice against those who imposed their will on the weak; like the other Englishmen who oppressed the local populace with their threats of jail, execution...
He also had to deal with bandits. Bandits, constantly seemed to prey upon travelers trying to find better places to live, to eke out a livelihood to support their families.
But right now, he was on edge.
He was incomplete. He was missing a vital part of himself. Someone he would not be able to fully function without.
Finally, his tongue unglued itself from the roof of his mouth and allowed him to speak.
"He is alive. I can feel it." Khonshu sighed, almost sounding bored. "You and your wolves... Sometimes they are a gift... other times it is a curse."
It was true... there weren't many of his kind left, and they were useful as a commodity, but also a vast hindrance if they were separated. Very few were born after being hunted to near extinction, and even fewer still were bitten and turned.
He tipped his head to the side, "He will come back. But until then, we have work to do. There is a group of soldiers that have taken women and children from their homes. I'm sure you can deduce what it is that they intend to do to them. I want you to stop them and set their captives free." Khonshu tapped his staff against the thick bark of the tree, and in a sharp breeze, he vanished.
"Right..." He said, his throat tight; his body thrumming with anxiety, his hand shaking immensely at the strain of lacking such a vital part of himself. He wondered still, if he would be able to control himself, to hold himself back without him.
His wolf companion moved forward, nudging his snout into the palm of his hand, whimpering softly.
Sparing one last glance over the countryside, he made a hefty sigh.
"Where the hell are you?"
Pt. 2: I will get to it eventually, I swear you guys
Extra super late author's note:
Yeah it's gonna be at least one or two more parts. I am gonna split it up to ease on the scrolling time for you guys! That and it feels neater than cramming so many lazy time skips into one post. I am going to get the rest of my drafts cleared (hopefully) and begin eating away some of those asks I have piled up in my inbox (that Tumblr didn't manage to delete by some miracle...)
My trip might be postponed, dealing with a lot at home, like me almost burning the house down today and almost passing out from the damn smoke because wooooo fire is bad
If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have none whatsoever!
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ohbo-ohno · 1 year
Ghoap: Cabin + Something isn’t right about (setting). Something is off.
1k game here - no more please!
so sorry, i have no idea if you meant ghost x soap or ghoap x reader lmao but i did ghost x soap cause it's the first thing i had an idea for!
3.8k of a little red riding hood au featuring hunter ghost turning the tables on werewolf soap. noncon physical punishment and smut below the cut! also i put this one on ao3
Something's gone wrong with Price's cabin.
Ghost can tell something isn't quite right as he steps past the little wooden gate, the air still and silent around him. Not a bird or a buck in sight - the forest is unnaturally mute.
Ghost doesn't walk up the path yet. He stands as still as the forest, watching for any hint of movement beneath his red mask.
There's nothing.
He moves slowly towards Price's cabin, footsteps silent even against gravel. Still, nothing moves.
The door is cracked open. Not enough for him to see inside, but enough for him to know that something must be truly wrong. Price has long since spelled his property so that it can only be found by those who want to find it. It should be impossible for anyone unwanted to stumble by.
Unless they're somehow immune to magic.
Ghost draws his gun, quickly checking to make sure his silver bullets are loaded. He pushes the door open, grateful for the oiled joints as it's silent.
The cabin is trashed. Price seems to be unharmed - he's resting on his bed, a large bruise painting one side of his face but his chest rising and falling steadily. All of his furniture is destroyed, though, and his carpet is shredded.
The wolf is in the kitchen.
It's a big fella, dark brown fur and a few scars decorating it's sides and haunches. It's snuffling through a cupboard, probably looking for food that doesn't exist. Price hasn't kept up the facade of eating in decades, so it's not going to find anything.
Sure enough, the wolf ducks out of the cabinet a moment later, empty-handed. It sneezes, makes an unhappy noise in his throat, then spots Ghost.
It's younger than Ghost originally assumed. Not a pup, by any means, but it's limbs are a bit lanky, it's fur is far thicker around the neck than he'd thought, and the teeth it bares in a snarl are pearly white, not stained from years of eating raw carcasses without a way to brush.
It's growl is loud, but surprisingly unintimidating. It doesn't even make to lunge for Ghost, just settles back on it's haunches and lets it's fur stick up, making it look bigger than it really is.
It almost seems like it's not worth it to kill the beast.
But still, Ghost has been hunting the supernatural under Price's command for a long time. If he was a betting man, he'd say this wolf is the one who's been causing disturbances in Price's wards for the last few months.
"You feral?" He asks, leveling his gun at the dog's head. Not much you can do with a feral wolf but put them down, but if the thing still has it's sanity than Ghost can try and talk some sense into it. Put it in it's place a bit.
The wolf's growl tapers off, and a moment later there's a naked man standing in front of him.
He's definitely young, like Ghost expected, but still grown. His shoulders are broad and he stands tall, his muscular frame filling up the kitchen. His scars carry over between forms, scattered across his body. His hair - a fucking mohawk - matches the pair of ears on either side of his head, dark brown.
He's a pretty thing, for a wolf. Big blue eyes framed by dark lashes, plump pink lips, a nose with a little bump in the middle to give it some personality. He'd be cute if he didn't look so scruffy.
"You know where you are, kid?" Ghost grunts, keeping his gun pointed between the wolf's eyes.
He doesn't look too happy, but he answers. "Yeah, 'course. Figured a witch might have some half decent food." He kicks the cabinet with a little pout. "Guessed wrong."
Ghost almost snorts at that, letting his gun fall and holstering it. Idiot kid.
He takes another moment to scan his body. He's quite attractive, with tanned skin and toned muscle. His cock hangs soft between his thighs, thick but not all that long with a dark trail of hair leading down to it. He's got thick thighs and a light dusting of hair across his entire body. There's an extra limb in his shadow that Ghost can tell is a tail, but it's drooping low. Not quite tucked, but close.
A bit of interest sparks in the back of Ghost's mind. It's been a while since he's played with a wolf, .
"Do you know who's house you've just trashed?" He asks, adopting an authoritative tone.
The kid tenses a bit, but doesn't break eye contact with Ghost when he shakes his head.
Ghost gestures over his shoulder to Price's prone form. "That witch you knocked out? That's John Price."
That gets his breath hitching a bit, eyes flickering from Ghost to Price and back again. Ghost can smell the hint of fear in the air, relishes in the slightly widened eyes.
He gets himself under control quickly, stands up a little straighter and plays and being unbothered.
"That make you The Ghost?"
His tone is steady, unwavering. Good for him. The stench of fear doesn't waver, though.
Ghost nods once, lets a bit of his own power shine in his eyes through the mask.
The pup mimics his nod, then rolls his shoulders back, like he's come to a decision. "I don't want any trouble."
"That so?" Ghost asks softly, menace creeping into his tone.
"Yeah. Didn't mean any harm, comin' here. Just wanted something to eat."
"Hmm," Ghost hums, taking a few steps forward. "And knocking out Price, trashing the room, all of that was necessary?"
The wolf scowls, shifting back on his feet. "He's a rude bastard."
Ghost almost snorts at that. "So am I. You gonna pull the same shit with me, pup?"
The man snarls a little, finally taking a little step back and planting his feet again. "Don't call me that. I'm not a pup."
"No?" Ghost coos a bit, stepping so that he's only a few feet away, blocking the only way out of the cabin. "You don't seem to know how to solve your problems like a man. You wolves are good hunters, couldn't kill even one doe to keep yourself fed, puppy?"
It's never good to imply a wolf is weak or unable to take care of themselves, but Ghost knows this man couldn't hurt him, and it's fun to see him riled up. His shoulders rise up like he's trying to make himself seem bigger now that their height difference is more noticeable, and his teeth are fully bared.
"Fuck you," he snarls. "Your boss is the one chasing all the animals away! Some of us have got to fucking eat, it's only right Price goes hungry for once."
He's a bit of an ornery thing, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring up at Ghost like he's being victimized. His ears lay flat on his head.
"Not how this works, puppy," Ghost shakes his head, stepping around the counter. He purposefully leaves a space open beside him, hoping the wolf will try and make a run for it. "These are Price's woods. If he wants to kill every fucking animal in them, he can. You don't like it, leave."
He snarls, head whipping side to side a bit like he'd like to lash out. He takes a step forward, glaring up at Ghost. "Oh yeah? Think it's that easy, jackass? I can't just find another fucking pack to join!"
Ghost tilts his head. "Let me guess, they don't want a pup who can't even carry his own weight?"
The scent of fear has disappeared, leaving just anger and stress in its wake. The boy's cheeks flush a lovely red, and his ears shift to stick straight in the air, pointing forward.
He's so close to snapping. Ghost licks his lips in anticipation, eager to see if fight or flight will win out. 
The poor pup is stressed out of his mind, that much is clear. Even with his muscle he’s clearly been going hungry, and he can’t seem to decide what the right course of action is with Ghost antagonizing him like this.
Honestly, Ghost would usually let someone like him go without much fuss. Times are tough, and Price is has been weirdly stingy with the wildlife in the last decade or so. He should probably talk to him about it, but Kyle's always been better at getting what he wants out of the old grouch.
If this werewolf weren't such an amusement, he'd already be on his way. It's his own fault Ghost isn't going to let him go that easily.
"You fuckin' bastard! All you witchy-types are the same, you don't get how fuckin' miserable you make everyone else in the woods!"
Ghost pauses at that, a little shocked the pup assumes he's a witch. He's not, but he's also not offended. He's not going to dissuade him of the notion, either.
"An adult would learn to deal with it," Ghost taunts, leaning his torso closer. The wolf inches to the side, eyes darting to the front door. "But you're just a dumb pup, aren't you? Can't even figure out how to take care of yourself. Should I call your mum? See if she can sort you out?"
For some reason, that dig seems to be a step too far. The wolf's growl is loud as he lunges towards Ghost, feinting away at the last second and darting towards the door. He's on four legs before he hits the porch.
A smile stretches over Ghost's lips, and he cracks his neck as he strolls to the door. From his bag, he pulls out a collar and leash - Price's never-ending enchantment comes in handy once again. The wolf is slower than he'd expected and he seems to be favoring his back right paw. He'll be an easier prey to catch than Ghost had hoped.
Oh, well. There's always next time.
It takes very little effort to pin the pup to the ground. In only a few blinks, Ghost's on top of him, using his weight and momentum to send them both to the dirt and rolling until he's pinning the dog to the ground.
He gets one hand around the wolf's neck, forcing his head down while he gets the collar hooked around his neck. He spits and yowls like he's being tortured, but can't do much to fight with Ghost's entire body-weight over him.
It's easy to shift his hand to the tender spot between neck and shoulder, fingers searching, searching, searching.... there. With a cruel press, and a magical pop, there's a writhing boy beneath him instead of a wolf.
A forced change is never easy on a shifter, the wolf's face reflects that. His eyes are pinched shut, lips pushed out in a pout as his body squirms against the pain, small whines eeking from his lips.
"Quiet," Ghost rumbles, ruffling an ear. "It's gonna get a lot worse for you, puppy."
The collar fits him nicely in his human form - not so tight to choke him, not so loose it feels like a necklace. Ghost tugs the leash up to keep his head in the air as he forces the wolf to his feet, dragging him over to Price's fence while he's still reeling from the pain.
He forces the boy to bend over the fence, tying the rope around one of the fence posts with a knot complicated enough that no wiggly puppy fingers will be getting it undone anytime soon.
He's just pushing himself up as Ghost steps back, snarling as he tries to turn around. Ghost whistles sharply, making him freeze mid-turn.
"Stay." He commands, voice stern.
That sets the pup off more, and he tugs at the collar and leash as he turns and presses his back to the wood. "I'm not a fucking dog! Untie me you fuckin' asshole, this is bullshit-"
"Turn around," Ghost raises his voice to be heard over all the bitching. "Or I'll whip your front. That how you want this to play out?" He undoes his belt as he speaks, making it clear what's going to happen next.
The boy's face flames, and his struggles become more desperate. He doesn't shift - he won't be able to for at least another hour, but he doesn't even seem to be trying to.
"You think I'm just gonna stand here and let you whip me, you goddamn bastard? Fuck you! You're not gonna do shit to me, you bawbag, I'll-"
He's cut off, again, when Ghost whips his front. One long strike across his middle, horizontal. He yelps loudly, skittering back as much as he can. Ghost raises an unimpressed eyebrow.
"Odds are, a whipping to your front will injure you. Then we'll have to split this into two parts. That what you want? You turn around now, we get this over with in one session."
The boy's chest is heaving, and the stench of fear returns.
"You can't- why are you even doing this?"
Ghost tilts his head and adopts a condescending tone. "You're clearly not mature enough to handle an adult conversation. I think the only thing that'll get through your head is pain, puppy. Now turn around."
The real reason is that Ghost wants to paint the man black and blue then fuck him while he's screaming. A face that pretty is meant to be dripping in tears, and Ghost can't wait to make it happen.
The wolf takes a stabilizing breath, then turns. Wolves are a physical species, it's not unlikely he's been punished with pain at some point before. His alpha probably gave him a few of the scars decorating his back.
Ghost doesn't waste any time. He steps far enough away to cause real pain with each strike, but not so far that he can't appreciate the way the man's muscular back lights up red.
He doesn't make the wolf count, as much as he'd like to hear him struggle. Something tells him that might be the wolf's last straw, and Ghost doesn't particularly feel like dealing with a wolf gone half-feral from rage right now. He'd rather break the man down to tears of pain, not anger.
They're both silent throughout the punishment. The wolf manages to keep a shocking amount of composure considering how heavy handed Ghost is, but he's clearly struggling. His breaths are audible even from several feet away, and sweat drips down his back to make the strikes gleam in the sunlight.
He lasts about ten minutes under Ghost's belt before he whimpers for the first time.
"There ya go," Ghost hums when he hears it, snapping the belt across an already forming welt to hear the noise again. "Starting to sink in now, pup?"
He doesn't get a response, but that's alright. Ghost knows he's almost got the boy at his breaking point.
It comes about five minutes later, when a strike to his ass wraps low enough to glance off his balls. The wolf falls forward with a loud cry, limp and shaking against the fence.
Ghost finds himself nearly purring as he drops his belt to the ground, quickly moving to ease the man into the dirt. He's shivering in Ghost's arms, face pinched in pain.
"Took your punishment well, pup," Ghost praises, stroking a hand over the man's ribs. "Good boy."
"Jo-" the man grunts, pushing up to his elbows and knees. "Johnny, not pup."
"Johnny?" Ghost hums, leaning back to kneel behind the man. "Hm. Fits you. I think I like pup better, though."
It's a testament to how far gone he is that Johnny only whines instead of arguing.
"Hush. Your punishment's almost done. Just gotta take your fucking, and then we can all move on."
Johnny's head jerks up at that, looking over his shoulder as best he can. "Wait, what-?"
Ghost doesn't stretch him much. He keeps one hand beneath Johnny's body to keep his head tugged back down by the leash, and uses his others to stuff a few fingers into his hole.
He only gives him a bit of spit - he doubts Johnny is clean enough for him to lick. He lets it dribble from his lips and into the little hole, then begins stretching him.
It must sting something terrible, with the way that Johnny squirms. He's forced to keep his head against the ground, left pinned by just a leash.
"No, no, you can't-"
"Clearly I can," Ghost says meanly, shoving in a third finger just because he can. Johnny's a werewolf, he'll be perfectly fine in an hour or two. The pain is the point of the lesson.
"I don't want- stop, please dont... please, you can't..."
"You're not supposed to want it," Ghost says, letting his voice dip into a more comforting tone. "Punishment isn't meant to feel good for naughty pups. You just lay there and take it."
He spits into his palm when he pulls his fingers out, slicking up his cock as much as he can. It'll be a pain in his ass if Johnny tears, so he lubes himself up just enough to avoid that.
Johnny's squirming gets more vigorous when he feels Ghost line his cock up at his entrance, and he nearly manages to pull away.
Ghost growls at that, yanking the leash down far enough to grab and squeeze Johnny's heavy balls. "You keep up your wigglin' and I tie you leash to these. That what you want?"
He whines, shaking his head no. "No, sorry, I won't... I'll stop moving but please, please, you can't fuck me."
Ghost rolls his eyes and chooses to ignore that, instead sliding into the pup's warmth.
He feels good. Tight and hot and squeezing around the intrusion. He nearly wails beneath Ghost, body going limp at the pain. Ghost uses his free hand to turn Johnny's face to the side, so he can see the inevitable tears.
Sure enough, the waterworks start as Ghost finally bottoms out. He moans in sync with Johnny - one from pleasure and one from pain. The way the boy tightens beneath him is delicious, he's not sure he'll ever find a hole as good as this one.
He praises Johnny as he pulls out and fucks back into him.
"Good boy," he says on a moan. "Feel so fuckin' tight around me. Just wanna keep my cock deep in your guts, huh pup?"
"Nooo," Johnny hiccups, shoulders hitching.
"It's alright, you don't have to lie, Johnny. Your tight little hole's tellin' me all I need to know. Were you a virgin?" He grunts as he bottoms out again, quickly tugging out and snapping his hips back in. "Musta been, way you're grippin' me. Did I take your virginity, sweetheart?"
The hitched cries and tiny nod are enough answer for Ghost. Johnny just barely manages to tuck his hands beneath his face as Ghost starts to really work him over, free hand planted on the ground as he bullies his cock deep into Johnny.
"Might just have to keep you," he pants. "'S only right, huh? Mold you right to my cock, nothin'll ever feel like this again for you. Can't send you out into the world, hungry for somethin' you'll never find. That's what got you into this mess, isn't it?"
Johnny's not quite capable of speech anymore, just breathy little whines and moans. Ghost gives his cock a few strokes, grinning at the way Johnny's head jerks in time with the movements.
"Feel good yet, puppy? It will, don't worry. I'll teach you how good a fucking can feel, make sure you never forget. Make a space for myself right-" thrust "-here, huh puppy?"
The first time Ghost nails his prostate, it's like Johnny wakes back up. He rockets back up to his hands, back arching as he throws his head back despite the leash. He cries out loudly with his face thrown to the sky.
"Aw," Ghost breathlessly chuckles, angles himself to hit that spot on every thrust, raising his voice to be heard over Johnny's noise. "You howlin' for me, pup? Want everyone to know how good you're bein' fucked, huh?"
Johnny huffs, shakes his head like he hadn't realized what he was doing.
"No, no," Ghost rumbles, using the hand with the leash to tug Johnny's head back by resting his fist in the small of his back. Johnny is left with a beautiful arch to his neck, blinking up at the sky. "Keep goin', I wanna hear you, Johnny."
Seemingly against his own will, he does. His howls don't stop as Ghost fucks him - not when he comes from all the prostate stimulation, and not when Ghost himself paints his insides.
He lets the boy ease down to his chest again as they both pant through the aftershocks. He traces Johnny's rim with one finger, just barely slipping the tip in.
Johnny doesn't like that, whining high in his throat as he tries to jerk his hips away.
"Hush," Ghost soothes, petting the rim and forcing a second finger in, watching the rim of his hole go bloodless. "Thought you wolves liked a knot?"
That gets a sob, and finally, beautifully, Johnny shatters beneath him.
Ghost lets him cry himself out on his cock. occasionally cooing to him when his sobs get a little dramatic. He really must've been pent up with how long it takes him to come down.
He calms himself eventually, though, sobs petering off into pathetic little sniffles. That's when Ghost pulls both of his fingers and his limp dick out, rumbling low in his chest when Johnny cries out at the abscence.
"You're alright, calm down," he mutters, pushing himself back to rest on his ankles and then up to his feet, looking down at the pup.
Johnny looks good like this - naked in the dirt, sweat-slick and covered in welts, hole loose and dribbling come. He makes no effort to move and Ghost sighs loudly, nudging him with a boot.
"C'mon, pup. Your pity party's over. Time to go clean up your mess."
Johnny blinks blearily up at him, a little furrow between his brows. Ghost sighs again and ducks down, gripping him by the elbows and forcing him to his feet. He holds the man steady until he's sure he won't crumble, then grabs the leash and takes a few steps away.
"Let's go. Unless you want Price to wake up before you finish cleaning, I suggest you get a move on."
Johnny blinks dumbly at him, big wet eyes shining. Ghost's heart skips a beat.
"Come," he command, tugging until Johnny is forced to stumble forward. "Good boy. Now, heel."
Johnny - amazingly - listens without a fight, staying to the right of Ghost and one step behind.
Once there in the cabin, he's still fucked out enough to not complain. Ghost settles against the counter, sips on a cup of tea, and watches as Johnny cleans with shaky hands.
He looks good with a collar around his neck, and it's been a long few decades without any companionship.
Maybe, Ghost thinks to himself with a small smirk. It's time to get a dog.
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ofoceansandtombsanew · 2 months
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now & forever
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cw. olnf week 2024, pre!release, step 2, day 3, pre!relationship, slight angst with a healthy dose of comfort
pairing. qiu lin/hash browns (ft. sparkling leaves)
notes. day 3 of @olnfweek2024. me? writing for qiu lin? i know, check and see if it is hailing in summer i can't believe this is happening either. my good friend @hash-slinging-slasher-trash recently got done with their final exams for their summer semester so this is a treat for them. surprise! (even if i am sure this was obvious considering my questions from yesterday lmao)
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“You can roll your neck and stomp your feet but this black girl you sure won’t beat!” Nyla and Serenity chant in audible unison from across campus, moving in accordance to the words. From where they sit, Hash can see Tamarack giggling at the antics. Black Kid Solidarity, Nyla calls it. She finds it where she can. While not a member of that particular duo, Hash’s lips curl into an instinctive smile. The energy is contagious.
Dark raspberry eyes catch blue eyes observing the scene.
“Hi,” Tamarack mouths, her smile small but courteous as she waves.
Hash waves back with a small smile of her own, balancing her tray carefully with one hand. “Hey,” they mouthed back.
Hash remembers Tamarack’s squeals as they climbed atop the tire swing her grandfather set up. The cool autumn wind scratching their cheeks and lifting their laughs and giggles to the heavens.
When was it those times playing in that tire became infrequent? Hash can’t recall; four years is four centuries in teenage years.
Tamarack shuffles to the side on the grass with a hopeful expression, thin eyebrows knit carefully. When did Tamarack start plucking them again? When did I start noticing in the first place? Hash wonders what it says about her that she can’t remember that either when a long time ago it felt like her and Tamarack’s friendship was tighter than gorilla glue. Slowly but surely, that bond had been weathered by the rain.
There were no storms that attacked their friendship. No trials.
Just the passage of time.
Hash sees the spread of trays on the grass, like it’s a picnic. “Sorry,” Hash mouths and Tamarack nods in unsurprised understanding.
Hash and Tamarack were friends; they’re still friends. Standing across a ways from one another during lunch hour, however, the physical distance feels representative of their state of affairs.
Hash, Nyla, Tamarackー The new kids.
Four years ago, it felt like the three of them against the world as fellow newcomers to Acorn Rd. Golden Grove, Oregon.
“You ever stop to think how we’re like a reverse oreo?” Nyla, age 11, noted from where she lazily laid back against the Browns porch step. Summer was the worst season in Golden Grove and not even the chilled watermelon pieces in the bowl split between them could completely fight the heat. “Y’all are the vanilla whites, I’m the chocolate filling.”
Hash choked on their piece, “Nyla, shut up!”
“Hey I’m the one who said it, y’all can laugh,” Nyla stuck out her tongue with a snicker. “Quit smiling if you don’t think it’s funny, Lord Hashington!”
Tamarack’s small hands covered her face, unable to contain her laughter. There hadn’t been an attempt to stop it in the first place. The two of them were always the blunt new kid trio members, saying most anything that came to their mind.
Four years later, the world has split a world with the three of them distinctly in different sects. Friends… but not best friends.
Four years in the past, the kids of the cul-de-sac were a quartet.
Four years in the present, there’s a line. A distinct one.
We’re all still friends, Hash tells themself. Most of us. 
Qiu and Tamarack’s relationship had fallen off compared to the rest. The two of them aside, things aren’t the same anymore and Hash has come to accept that. Tamarack is going to leave one day, tugged down a path by her parents. Qiu sinks more and more into themselves, outsiders unable to penetrate their newfound icy fortress. Nyla’s problems are harder to look into when she keeps them hidden behind bad jokes and laidback nonchalance.
Of their original friend group, everyone has a favorite.
Nyla and Tamarack’s eyes have always been reserved for each other.
Qiu has Hash and Hash has Qiu.
Nyla’s lunch hour is reserved for Tamarack and Hash’s hour has always been reserved for Qiu. Speaking of Qiu, Hash knew they were waiting for them in Mr. Murray’s class. “See you,” they wave one last time before turning towards the building the professor’s class is located in.
Things might have changed with Nyla and Tamarack, simultaneously grand and minute the changes have been, but things have never and will never change with Mx. Qiu Lin.
Hash finds them as they always do, draped over a desk lazily with their brown hair spread across their shoulders haphazardly. “Qiulet,” Hash calls playfully and a brown eye opens unamused. “I’ve finally returned from the battlefield. Looks like you don’t need to come down from your balcony, after all.”
“It was never a balcony in the first place, you weirdo,” Qiu murmurs, leaning back to sit properly in their chair as Hash placed their tray between them.
“Not-so-secret hideout, Juliet’s balcony,” Hash rolls their eyes in mock irritation. “What’s the difference?”
Qiu smirks, resting their chin on their palm, “sounds like plenty to me.”
Hash sits down with their nose in the air pointedly smug, “well it’s a good thing you’re not the one in charge of my allusions.” Qiu’s response is to take one of Hash’s fries. For someone who said they weren’t hungry, that never stops Qiu from suddenly desiring food when someone else provides it. Regardless, there’s little that isn’t shared between them now. Hash feels no reason to make a fuss. “You gonna go to ballet practice for once?”
“That depends, who’s asking?” Qiu raises a brow lazily.
Your mother, technically. Mrs. Lin knew it’d be a pointless endeavor in bringing it up herself, however, so she relied on you, the Qiu Whisperer. “Me,” Hash replies smoothly. “I wanna have a post-lunch show after school. I haven’t seen you practice in a while, so I guess I felt like going. Only if you want though.”
Qiu shrugs, taking another fry thoughtfully before eventually relenting, “I guess.”
That’s as much of a ‘yes’ as one will get in the language of apathetic Qiu Lin.
“Good because I have your leotard in my backpack,” Hash grins giggling when Qiu flicks her forehead lightly. “What? I had to be prepared just in case you said ‘yeah’, otherwise we’d be late!”
“Yeah, yeah, if you say so,” Qiu rolls their eyes but Hash can see amusement swimming in them. Sees their lips quirk into a playful smirk and how light and airy their movements are. It’s a shame people like Vianca and Serenity don’t get to see this side of them but you can’t help relishing in how you’re one of the coveted few that do. “You’re not slick.”
Hash bats their eyelashes adoringly, “I know not to what you are referring.”
“Mhmm,” Qiu hums in disbelief but unbothered as they are, they let it go. If they truly hated it, after all, Qiu would have let you know expeditiously. Pretty as a rose Qiu may be, they have their thorns. They never seem to brandish them against Hash, however. Any pushback they have are small pricks, soft. This isn’t anything that has them pressed. “But the next time you decide to beat me into going to ballet practice, I demand compensation.”
“Is my charming personality not enough?” Hash gasps, clutching their chest in imagined pain.
“It is most of the time, but I like to shake things up from time to time,” Qiu chuckles.
Hash isn’t sure if it’s the joy they got them to smile that has them flushed or the comment. Probably both. It’s just them joking around, Hash reminds themself. Just a joke. Nothing serious. “Well what will satisfy you, Mx. Qiu Lin? Your humble servant will provide the goods tomorrow.”
“Mom’s making dumplings tomorrow and is forcing me and Dad to help,” Qiu sighs painfully. Hash’s mouth waters at just the thought of it. Dumplings are a long but rewarding affair in the Lin household. “You’re suffering with me.”
“That isn’t even a punishment,” Hash smirks, moving a stray lock of dirty blonde hair from their vision.
Qiu smirks in return, closing their eyes in satisfaction, “glad to know you’ll be there then.”
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i was really trying to keep in mind the hash lore they developed from their playthrough of the ol2 demo and our discord chats fjnfkjsdnf. things get a bit angsty TmT. still homies with tamarack but because tam might be leaving, there's a bit of distance between them and they've gotten real close to qiu because of the insurance their not going anywhere. i wanted to play with that concept with a mixture of the day 3 prompts with crossing our verses together and hash looking back on the memories
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