#the rest i owned before the new ssr came out and before i read that specific backstage
icharchivist · 2 years
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making some points
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freyayuki · 1 year
Fate/Grand Order 6th Anniversary Koyanskaya of Light Pickup Summon Banner
The 6th Anniversary event just started in the Fate/Grand Order (FGO) mobile game.
This came with the 6th Anniversary Koyanskaya of Light Pickup Summon banner, which features the following Servants and Craft Essences (CEs):
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5-star SSR Assassin Koyanskaya of Light (#ad)
4-star SR Lancer Caenis
4-star SR Lancer Valkyrie
4-star SR Lancer Qin Liangyu
5-star SSR CE Summer Anniversary
4-star SR CE Reading Holiday
3-star R CE Gof Special
Thoughts about 5-star SSR Assassin Koyanskaya of Light
Only interested in 5-star Koyanskaya of Light because she’s the meta support for Servants with Buster-type Noble Phantasms (NPs).
With 2 Koyanskayas (your own plus a friend support’s), it’s possible for a lot of Buster NP Servants to loop or fire their Noble Phantasms 3 times in a row.
There are some caveats to that like how some Servants require you to plug in or bring in another support who can further charge their NP or how some Servants may be locked to certain Craft Essences or Mystic Codes.
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I have a few Servants who can benefit from having Koyanskaya, and it would be nice to be able to try out the so-called Double Koyanskaya System or DKS so wanted to try pulling for Koyanskaya.
But so far, based on the story, don’t really like Koyanskaya’s character. At the time I’m writing this post, currently still in Part 2 Chapter 5.5 "Naraka Mandala, Heian-kyo - Thunderous Flash". So don’t know if future chapters and stories or events will make Koyanskaya more likeable or something.
Thoughts about 4-star SR Lancers Caenis, Valkyrie, and Qin Liangyu
Don’t have a single copy of either Caenis, Valkyrie, or Qin Liangyu so it’d be great to get them all while pulling for Koyanskaya.
My preference would be Valkyrie then Caenis then Qin Liangyu. I’ve always liked Valkyrie, and it’s nice to have like 3 Servants in 1.
Didn’t really like Caenis when she was first introduced in the story, but after playing through Part 2 Chapter 5 "Lostbelt No.5: Ancient Ocean of the Dreadnought Gods‚ Atlantis - The Day to Bring Down Gods" and Part 2 Chapter 5 "Lostbelt No.5: Interstellar Mountainous City, Olympus - The Day to Bring Down Gods", ended up kinda liking her so now wouldn’t mind getting her.
From what little I remember about Qin Liangyu, not really interested in her. It’s always nice to get a new Servant though so of course wouldn’t mind getting her.
But if I could choose between the aforementioned 4-stars, then I prefer to get Valkyrie and Caenis first and wouldn’t mind missing out on Qin Liangyu. My priority is definitely Koyanskaya of Light though.
Fate/Grand Order Guaranteed Summon Function
Fate/Grand Order now has a “pity system” but it costs 900 Saint Quartz (SQ) for 1 rate-up SSR. If you happen to get the rate-up SSR before spending 900 SQ, you’re not guaranteed to get another copy even if you keep pulling until you spend 900 SQ.
In short, this so-called pity system sucks. Don’t know if I even Pretty sure I don’t have 900 Saint Quartz.
Fate/Grand Order Pulling Plans
Currently, have 124 SQ on hand. But I should have a few more in my present box and in the form of SQ fragments. Also have some as rewards from clearing permanent missions and such. Didn’t collect any of these SQ yet so I wouldn’t be tempted to spend them.
Would have had more Saint Quartz but ended up using a lot of them recently since I pulled for 5-star SSR Berserker Morgan. I talk more about my Morgan pulls on this post.
Since Morgan gets a lot of banners, my plan was actually to either skip her first banner or just do a few pulls then save the rest of my SQ for Koyanskaya of Light and 5-star SSR Pretender Oberon.
Koyanskaya and Oberon were coming really soon after Morgan’s first banner. And these 2 are meta and top-tier supports. As mentioned, Koyanskaya buffs Buster-type cards and enables those with Buster-type NPs to loop.
Oberon buffs Buster too but aside from that, he also buffs NP damage which all DPS Servants can benefit from. These supports can also charge the NP gauge of their allies which helps with looping or 3-turning fights.
So much for planning though. Not only was I unable to skip Morgan’s first banner, I also ended up doing more than just a couple of pulls there.
Thankfully, I was able to get Morgan. But instead of stopping at that, ended up continuing to pull until I was able to get another copy of her. That really took a lot of my SQ. If I hadn’t done that, I would have had more pulling resources for Koyanskaya and Oberon.
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Considering what happened, I was actually considering either skipping Koyanskaya’s first banner and just waiting for her rerun or just doing a couple of multis for her then saving the rest of my SQ for Oberon.
Both Koyanskaya and Oberon are really good but Koyanskaya is really more for Buster looping whereas Oberon can be used to buff all DPS Servants.
Honestly, I don’t think I really need Koyanskaya because I already have 5-star SSR Caster Altria or Artoria or Castoria. Castoria buffs Arts similar to how Koyanskaya buffs Buster. She also enables those with Arts-type NPs to be able to loop.
Having Oberon will help to make my Arts loopers stronger. So it seems like it would be better to focus on getting Oberon first.
Besides, Koyanskaya will get a rerun banner soon enough but Oberon’s rerun banner won’t be for like another year or so.
6th Anniversary Koyanskaya of Light Pickup Summon Banner Pulls Results
But, well, so much for planning because just ended up pulling on the Koyanskaya of Light banner.
Hopefully, I’ll be able to get her and maybe even copies of the featured 4-star SR Lancers while still having some SQ left for Oberon’s upcoming banner.
Also hoping that I can get at least 1 or 2 copies of the 5-star SSR Craft Essence The Black Grail. My copy of this CE is stuck at Level 60 of 60. Need 2 more copies in order to be able to fully MLB this CE.
Anyway, here are the results of my pulls on the 6th Anniversary Koyanskaya of Light Pickup Summon banner. Only gonna list the notable stuff I get though.
Since I have 26 tickets on hand, decided to start with single draws first. Didn’t get anything worth taking note of until the +1 or bonus summon wherein a gold Lancer card actually showed up.
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This turned into my first copy of 4-star SR Qin Liangyu.
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Would have preferred to have gotten Koyanskaya of Light already or even Valkyrie or Caenis instead but at least I got a new Servant.
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Sadly, my second set of single draws didn’t give me anything good.
So decided to do a multi-draw next. Got 3 4-star CEs, including Divine Banquet, but these were all dupes. Also, by now, I’m so sick and tired of seeing Divine Banquet.
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Already have 1 copy that’s fully MLB but it seems like I always keep getting this Craft Essence. Wish I could get a better CE instead like The Black Grail.
My next multi-draw only had 1 dupe 4-star CE. Meh. Bad pull is bad.
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My next multi-draw gave me my first 2 copies of the rate-up 5-star SSR CE Summer Anniversary. This CE seems pretty good, assuming I can fully MLB it anyway.
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Also kept on getting more dupes of the rate-up 4-star and 3-star CEs but neither of these seem all that good so meh.
My next multi-draw actually gave me a gold Berserker card.
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Too bad I didn’t get a gold Assassin card instead. Anyway, the gold Berserker card sooon revealed itself to be my very first copy of 5-star SSR Berserker Galatea.
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Well, at least she’s new, and I heard that she is pretty good but still. Wish I could have gotten Koyanskaya instead. That way, I could be done with this banner already and I’d have more SQ left to try pulling for Oberon.
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Aside from Galatea, this pull also gave me 3 more copies of Summer Anniversary so I now have enough to fully MLB my first copy.
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It’s nice to be able to MLB a 5-star CE but man, how I wish this had been something like The Black Grail instead. Sigh.
Anyway, my next multi-draw gave me a gold Rider card.
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To my dismay, this turned into a dupe of 4-star SR Rider Marie Antoinette. Ugh. Was so annoyed when I saw this because this is like my 5th copy of Marie.
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Can’t remember the last time I used her since I have lots of other Riders. Haven’t even bothered to fuse the dupes that I got of her to increase her Noble Phantasm level.
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Ahh, if I was getting a 4-star, why couldn’t it have been one of the ones on rate-up instead? Or why couldn’t I get someone new? Also, Koyanskaya of Light, doko da?
After that, decided to do single draws again. But, again, didn’t get anything good. Sigh. Eff this banner.
Went back to doing a multi-draw but got crap as usual.
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My next multi-draw was also meh.
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So went back to single draws where I got yet another copy of Summer Adventure as well as more copies of Gof Special and Reading Holiday.
My next set of single draws actually gave me 1 gold Lancer card.
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This turned into my very first copy of 4-star SR Lancer Caenis. Nice.
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Also got more copies of Reading Holiday. LOL.
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After that, went back to doing a multi-draw. To my surprise, a gold Assassin card showed up. Hell, yes! Also, please be Koyanskaya, please be Koyanskaya.
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Thankfully, the gold Assassin card did turn into my very first copy of 5-star SSR Koyanskaya of Light. Hell, yes! Super pleased to see this.
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Now I can finally be done with this banner. Too bad Valkyrie didn’t show up. Ah, well. Maybe next time.
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At least Koyanskaya didn’t take all of my SQ. Still have some left for Oberon. But definitely not enough to pity him so here’s to hoping I’ll be able to get him with my remaining SQ.
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Anyway, aside from Koyanskaya, this multi-draw gave me yet another dupe of Divine Banquet. LOL.
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5-star SSR Assassin Koyanskaya of Light
Leveled up Caenis and Qin Liangyu but haven’t done anything else with them. For now, focused on Koyanskaya of Light.
After getting Koyanskaya to level 90, spent the materials and such needed to get all of her skills to level 10.
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Just tried her out in a few fights with Morgan and a support Koyanskaya. Was able to get Morgan to loop after a few tries. Needed to equip the right CE and Mystic Code. The order of when to activate which skill was also important.
So, what about you? Did you pull on the 6th Anniversary Koyanskaya of Light Pickup Summon banner? What do you think about Koyanskaya of Light, Valkyrie, Caenis, and Qin Liangyu?
Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging this post.
screenshots are from my Fate/Grand Order game account
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iisuya-simps · 3 years
Hello! May I please request headcanons with the buster bros (+Samatoki? If that’s okay!) with an S/O who is into anime + idol (rhythm) games? Thank you! Hope you’re having a good day/night 💙
A/N: *Rubs hands together* Buckle up yall, this is a long one. I may have had too much fun writing this... :p lol enjoy~
Ichiro Yamada
Ichiro first saw you at a manga cafe rocking some merch from your favorite game franchise and had to go over and talk to you
he also found out that you're into anime too
he may try and quiz you to test how into games/anime you are
his eyes light up and his heart pounds but he plays it cool
after a long interrogation conversation, he asked if you would meet him back at the cafe next week
he lent you the latest issue of a light novel that you never got around to reading
now he would have an excuse to see you again
a few months later one of your favorite animes was being played in the theatre once so you both went on a date to see it
if its a sappy rom-com he will 100% deny that he cried and brush it off as an eyelash caught in his eye
but he totally did
to be fair you did too
though he may prefer light novels over anime most times
he will totally sit down at watch the new season of an anime you two enjoy together
prepare for a brain malfunction if you tell him you're into cosplaying
"oh yeah I cosplayed them a year ago"
"y-you wouldn't happen to have any pictures, w-would you?"👀"
*cue nosebleed*
"That's it, I've found my soulmate" he says he's kidding but actually means it
him being a weeb
Ichiro is also well versed in rhythm games
he will tell you if your waifu/husbando is trash or not
you both have your own little superstitions and rituals you do before gacha pulls
you might use a certain finger to click the screen because that's the lucky one
Ichiro turns the volume up and closes his eyes before clicking
"AHHH thank you y/n! Look at them! They're so cute!"
you both marvel over the cute characters
he is totally impressed by the songs you can do on pro/master
"NO WAY A FULL COMBO?!?!! You're amazing!" 😍
he will totally challenge you to see who can get a better score
but you always win
he did come close a few times
but gets flustered and flubs it up at the end when you're watching over this shoulder
he finds it cute when you're humming along to the songs while DESTROYING the beat map
*you unbox a package left on the doorstep to find a scanty cosplay* "Ichiro, what is this?!?" "What? I thought you would look cute in it" ;p "I'm not dressing up as your favorite idol!" "wh- babe why not?!" :"( "ok maybe..."
Jiro Yamada
Like Ichiro, Jiro is a big nerd too
you two met in a soccer match of all places
you were taking a break during halftime when you quoted a line from some weird obscure anime
"No way you watch ___ too? I thought I was the only one!"
you haven't seen each other before because you're on different teams from rivalling schools
after the game he gives you his number then the rest is history
you two end up messaging each other all night talking about other animes and games you enjoy
he likes sports animes along with action and adventure
you also found out he plays rhythm games too
after a while, he'll invite you over to the Yamada household and show you his collection of light novels and games
"There's more where this came from, my big bro is a bigger nerd than I am."
you'll sit down on his bed and show each other your cards and play a few songs
"Jiro why is your tap sound louder than the music!?!?"
"I need to hear the beats or I'll fail the stage!!"
He might challenge you to see who can get a higher score
you both play on hard
but you're pretty evenly matched
"Haha! That's a point for me, y/n!"
"No fair! I don't know that song very well..."
If you don't have the best gacha luck Jiro will cry with you during your loss
he's not much better...
and because of that, this boy spends all of his allowance on gacha...
"Jiro, don't tell me you actually bought a gacha pass..."
"Here Jiro I got you this." He excitedly opens the package. "No way! A ___ Figure??!" "They're your favorite right?" "YESS" He sets the figure down and bear hugs you. "Thank you y/n, I'll treasure this forever!"
Saburo Yamada
Saburo picked up anime from his brothers
they would all watch action animes together as kids
until Saburo started a fight with Jiro and they tried to one punch each other out of existence
ahem. moving on...
Saburo is a nerd too
but he may be a bit more casual (in his own way)
he spotted you playing a rhythm game in the corner of the hall during lunch break
"Is that _____? I play ______"
"Oh really? Whos your favorite?"
"What? you like them?!? You have no taste..."
"W-what?! Shut up! their cards always have good stats!"
"But look how pretty this one is!"
you two quickly become friends and meet up every lunch and discuss things like your methods to preserve gems
Saburo likes making charts and spreadsheets to predict what event will be next and what characters are featured
"Haha! look y/n I totally called it!"
He likes collecting cards and comparing the stats
cause that's fun too I guess :/
He must assemble the best possible unit
I can see you two having competitions to see who can get the best score
or who can rank higher in an event
Saburo is very good at analyzing the beat map at first glance
he will also point out patterns he sees to try and help you understand the rhythms
he usually plays on hard and pro
while you do pretty well on normal or hard
he likes a good action/fantasy anime
but he likes sci-fi too
maybe even mystery
he was nervous asking you over to his place to watch anime
because you suggested a slice of life rom-com
does this mean he makes a move or you just watch it together and that's it O_o
"Yes! New high score! Y/n, did you see that?" You giggle. Good job Saburo. You lean over to kiss his cheek then see the smoke coming out of his ears. "Y-y/n!" *blush blush* "Hehe, you're so cute when you're nerding out.
Samatoki Aohitsugi
Rio invited Samatoki out to a neat cafe because they offered cool exotic blends
When they walked in Samatoki was intrigued spotting your crazy colored hair and tattoos from the corner of his eye
which was weird cause that's not his type
or maybe it was
After ordering the coffee and sitting down Rio noticed that he was distracted
"I see you staring, why don't you go over and talk to her?"
"I wasn't staring! But there's just something about her..."
you were sitting in the corner of the cafe reading manga when he approached you a few minutes later
"uh hey, I like your tattoos"
"Oh thanks! Do you watch___ too?"
*casual panic* "Oh yeah totally, what are you reading?"
You knew he was faking it but continued anyway
"Eh, what's the difference?" 😮 "The difference is--"
He didn't know much about what you were saying but he loved watching you talk about something you were obviously passionate for
through an hour or so of conversation, you realized you both had more in common than you thought
he asked if you would like to do something like this again and gave you his number
You were happy to explain plots of random animes and games to him
Samatoki may not get the appeal but he likes seeing you happy
You go on a few dates and make your relationship official
he's absolutely fascinated by you and your nerdiness
"BABE!!!" "What is it?! Are you ok!?" "I JUST GOT A SSR CARD OF (insert favorite character here)"
Tch, *rolls his eyes. "That's good, right?" "LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE!"
he may get a little jealous watching you fawn over you your fav
"Hmmph, why would you want a fictional character when you have a real man right here?"
*author sobs* :")
you let him try a song on normal difficulty
but it is still hard for him
"What the hell! Why are these notes coming at me so fast?!"
He doesn't pick up any manga or light novels
but he likes watching anime with you though
preferably a good action and or adventure one
he may become more interested when the female lead shows up on screen
hey, eyes up here buddy >:(
he won't say it but he secretly likes romcoms
maybe cause Nemu used to watch them growing up
I can see him getting so invested he'll yell at the characters
"Are you stupid?? She's trying to confess to you! Moron..." he huffs
(he does this with cooking shows too)
"Samatoki come on! The next episode of ___ is airing! You rush into the bedroom. "Hey, have you seen my pho-" "Shut up, I'm trying- to win." You laugh hysterically at him stealing your phone to get a full combo. "You got this babe, I believe in you!"
Thank you for reading!
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wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Rebirth
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Chapter 6: Couldn’t Call Our Ride
Summary: On the trip back to base-camp, Steve finds himself bonding more with Katie, and also grows close to a number of the prisoners they liberated.
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark Word Count: 7.8k
A/N:  Again, used a fair bit of creative license with this but, what is Fan-Fic if not exactly that? This series is my contribution of sorts to the CATF 10 Year Anniversary Challenge. 
And my girl is back! @angrybirdcr hitting the spot with some wonderful edits to accompany this chapter.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
SSR Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 5
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hey reached the rest of the men a few hours later and Steve was please to find that Dernier and the British officer, Falsworth, had already started to organise things. The wounded were being treated as best as they could by the trained field medics who were amongst the soldiers that had been liberated, a little food was being handed out, and there were men patrolling the perimeter of the area of the old, abandoned camp.
However, the elation Steve felt at having found Bucky and the rest of the men soon died down when, after Katie told him to send the signal to Peggy and Howard, he found out the transponder was going to be of absolutely no use whatsoever.
Not because it didn't work, oh no. But because it had clearly been hit in the crossfire, a corner blasted off somehow. 
Which meant they were alone, with no ex-fill forthcoming.
Katie had, once again, been the voice of logic, this time supported by a few of the other soldiers and reasoned with Steve that they would be best taking a few hours to rest and treat the walking wounded before they regrouped in the morning and came up with a plan. The Captain had obliged, despite his itch to get going as soon as possible. He knew, logically, that she was right. 
After wandering the camp and making sure everyone was okay, Steve’s attention then turned to ensuring that there were enough people ready to relieve the guys on guard patrol for the evening. He wanted them swapped out regularly enough to allow them all to rest. Once he was satisfied they were organised, he walked a little further round the perimeter, his sharp eyes checking into the distance every so often.
His stomach gave a little growl and his hand dropped to the top of his jacket, absentmindedly rubbing at his belly.  He’d so far declined the offer of food, despite assurances from the men handling the supplies that they had ample for everyone. He knew that might not be the case if they were still stuck in a few days, and there were people in far more need of a meal than he was. Still, he knew he was going to have to eat something at some point.
With a groan he slumped down onto a large upturned tree trunk, letting out a frustrated breath. How could he could be so dammed stupid as to damage their ticket out of here? There was no way to call help, and now they were faced with a hundred and twenty click hike back to base through potentially occupied territory. 
As he sat there, mulling over his own stupidity and failings, he heard a footstep behind him and he turned sharply to see Katie approaching him, carrying a foil packet in her hand. Her boots crunched over the frosty layer of leaves and detritus that covered the woodland floor as she approached him.
“Hey,” she smiled, her breath fogging the cold air in front of her. “I know you haven’t eaten, and I also know you won’t unless someone makes you so, here.”
Steve gave her a little smile in return and took the packet she was offering, looking at the label before he took a rye cracker out of the packet and shoved it into his mouth. It wasn’t particularly tasty, and was rather dry, but it was food none the less. She then handed him a canteen of water which he took with another thanks and flipped off the top, taking a huge gulp.
“Everyone who’s ill or in desperate need of a meal has had some hot broth.” She continued to explain. “Bucky managed a good mug or two of it, that is before he started coughing his guts up anyway.”
“Bucky’s sick?” Steve frowned. “I thought he said he was doing okay?”
“Well that’s men for you.” Katie gave him a little smile as she perched on the log besides him. “Insisting you’re always okay when you’re not.”
“Is he in a bad way?”
“No, all things considering he’s actually in pretty good shape.”
 “All things considered?” Steve turned to her, his puzzlement reflected on his handsome face, his brows furrowing. “What do you mean?”
“Has he not told you?” Katie frowned.
“No.” Steve shook his head.
“Well, in all fairness he didn’t tell me either, it was Dum Dum.” 
“Oh.” Steve let out a breath satisfied that his friend hadn’t been holding out on him. “How do you know him, Duggan I mean?”
Katie took a deep breath. “He was part of my specialist team at first, but when we got news that the Nazis and HYDRA were marching on Azzano, well, it was all hands on deck so to speak and he was dispatched with the rest of his original unit to fight.” She paused bit her lip, folding her arms across her chest, almost as if she was hugging herself to keep warm. “From what Dum Dum tells me, that’s where he first met Bucky. Apparently, Bucky contracted walking pneumonia on the battlefield, which got progressively worse in captivity.”
“And let me guess, HYDRA were nothing short of sympathetic?” Steve snorted sarcastically and Katie gave a little chuckle as she leaned against him, shivering.
“I’m sure you can guess why they were kept in those cages instead of being shot.”
“They were being used as labour in the factory.” Steve stated and he felt Katie nod as he lifted his arm so she could snuggle in against him a little.
“Thanks.” She smiled and Steve’s hand curled over her shoulder, gently rubbing her arm. “You’re ridiculously warm.”
“Must be the serum.”
“Must be.” She mused before she lay her head against him. “That the only reason you’re making the moves on me, Rogers? To keep me warm? Because I should tell you, I’m not that kinda gal!”
Steve gave an exasperated sigh as she chuckled. “You forget, I know exactly what type of dame you are.”
At that she let out a full on laugh which warmed his chest even more and he felt her shake her head. “Yeah, I guess you do. Just don’t tell Howie, he likes to think I’m perfectly sweet and innocent.”
“Bull shit.” Steve shot back before he could stop himself and she simply shrugged before they fell silent for a moment, Steve’s hand still gently rubbing at her upper arm. As the silence continued, he worried he’d overstepped the mark a little and he glanced out again across the cold, dark forest, wondering what to say, and then Katie shifted next to him, snuggling in even further and began to speak again.
“Bucky became so weak that one day that he collapsed in front of the Colonel that was in charge.” Her voice was soft, and Steve turned to look down at her, swallowing at the thought of what his best friend had been through, a thought which became progressively worse as she continued. “He took a nasty beating as a result and was dumped back in the cage which contained Dernier, Dum Dum, and Falsworth. The three of them fast realised that if Bucky was made to do any more work he’d die so they came up with a plan which basically got rid of the Colonel for good.”
“What, you mean…”
“They killed him.” She stated, matter of factly. “Crushed him under a tonne of machinery. This left some other goon in charge, and he was slightly, well, a little more compassionate, so Dum-Dum says. When this new guy spotted Bucky was ill he was taken to the isolation ward.”
Steve shifted a little and Katie sat up as he ran his hands over his tired face, dragging his fingers down his cheeks before his elbows came to rest on his knees. He pondered her words for a moment, chewing his lip before he spoke again, his voice soft. 
“How long?” 
“How long what?” 
“How long had he been on the isolation ward?”
“A few days, apparently.”
Steve shook his head. “It doesn’t make sense.”
“Maybe they didn’t want to infect the rest of the workers.” She offered and Steve shook his head.
“But why take him there and not just-“ he stopped short of what he was going to say but Katie gently reached out, her hand laying on his back.
“I don’t know.” She answered.
“Did they do anything else to him?”
“Again, no idea. You’ll have to ask him. He aint gonna give you anything tonight, though. One of the guys shot him with some penicillin that was in the medical supplies we stole and then gave him something to help him sleep. He’s out for the count in one of the tents. He’ll be fine after a rest, Steve.”
Steve looked around, his eyes falling on the soldier currently walking the perimeter as he passed a few hundred yards away from them, before he took a deep breath.
“I should go, see how-“ he made to stand but Katie gently laid a hand on his arm, stopping him.
“Everything and everyone is fine, Steve.” 
“I’m their Captain.”
“Yes, and you’ve done enough. You should get some rest, we both should.”
“How can I just sit here?” Steve shook his head. His mind was whirring, his body positively thrumming with adrenaline and unease, making the mere thought of sleep seem impossible. 
“You need to. We have a long trip back to base ahead of us.”
“Which is on me.” Steve raised his eyebrows, not meeting her eyes as he focussed on a tree trunk a few feet ahead of them.
“How do you work that one out?” Katie frowned.
“I should have kept that transponder safe.”
“Oh for God’s sake!” She spluttered, her tone laced with exasperation as she shook her head as he turned to look at her.
“Stop with this self-pity.”
“I’m not-“
“Yes, you are!” She rolled her eyes. “The transponder got broken, it wasn’t your fault. And short of inventing a time machine, there’s exactly zilch anyone can do about it. So sitting here, wallowing in your own completely misplaced sense of guilt is utterly pointless. You need to pull it together, because you’re right about one thing.”
“Oh, yeah? What’s that?” Steve’s nostrils flared angrily at her tone as she groaned.
“You are their Captain.” She stared at him, her green eyes full of fire. “And if they see you looking despondent and moping around what the hell do you think that’s gonna do to their morale, huh?”
“You know what?” Steve fixed her with an icy glare, his temper flaring. “I’ve had it with you telling me what to do, Agent Stark. I think you’ve forgotten who’s leading this mission!”
“Without me you wouldn’t have lasted five minute in that base, Captain Rogers!” She scoffed. “You hadn’t the first idea about basic stealth or operations.”
“I’d have managed just fine.”
 “You know,” Katie gave a snort, shaking her head as she stood up, “Erskine was right about you, you really are a stubborn asshole”
“And you’re a brat.” He shot back, a little childishly as he too rose to his feet and with that she laughed.
“A brat?” She raised her eyebrows, wrinkling her nose up as she continued, sarcasm dripping off her words. “Original. Never heard that one before.”
She turned to leave and Steve felt his temper rising even more. He was sick and tired with people underestimating him. 
"All you care about is how everyone sees you, because you got somethin’ to prove.” He shot to her back. As soon as the words flew out of his mouth he knew he shouldn’t have said them, his mind whirring back to the conversation he’d had with her the night before his transformation and, as she turned to face him, he felt a sudden pang of guilt at the anger and hurt that was etched across her face as she stalked towards him, stopping less than a foot away, her finger jabbing him in his chest.
“Listen here you stupid son of a-”
Before her tirade could continue, Steve grabbed her by forearms and pulled her straight into him, his lips forcefully crashing against hers. She reciprocated for a moment or two before she made a noise of protest and put her hands on his chest, shoving him slightly.
“You are an arrogant-“
“Shut up.” He mumbled, his lips crashing to hers again and this time she made no further protests, instead she melted into his arms, her lips soft against his as her arms slid round his neck, his own large hands splaying on the back of her combat jacket as he held her close. The kiss was furious, bruising, a far cry from any of the ones they’d shared so far and when they eventually broke apart, he pressed his forehead to hers as Katie stood, her eyes closed for a moment, her chest heaving. Eventually his eyes opened to find hers already studying his face and she took a deep breath.
"Where the hell did you get the sack for that, Rogers?" She asked, her voice little more than a whisper as she continued trying to catch her breath.
“The serum?” He shrugged a little as her hands fell to his shoulders, the heat rising from his neck to his cheeks as he realised exactly what he’d just done. He bit his lip and, as she gave a snort, he cocked his head, feeling a little bolstered by his act of bravery and he grinned and quipped. “Had to shut you up somehow.”
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Before she could respond, no doubt with an equally sassy remark of her own, Steve heard a twig crack somewhere to his right and he whipped round, automatically pulling Katie behind him only to find Dum Dum and Dernier stood a few feet away. Both of them wore similar expressions of amusement as Dum Dum’s head turned slowly to the left.  Dernier met his gaze and mumbled something in French before he laughed.
“Yeah, I got no idea what ya’ just said, Pal.” Dum Dum sniffed before he looked at Katie, his arms folding as he let out a smirk. “Well, well Lady Lieutenant and The Captain.”
Steve swallowed, the heat in his cheeks burning like a furnace and he felt Katie let go of his hand before she stepped out from behind him, smoothing down her jacket, her hands settling on her hips.
 “You’re only jealous Duggan because the closest you’ve been to a woman in the last God knows how long was when that nurse was pulling a bullet outta your ass after the raid on the base in Norway.”
Duggan’s mouth twitched below his moustache before he let out a below of laughter, his eyes twinkling. “You gotta smart mouth, Stark. Gonna get you into trouble one day!”
“It already has, several times. Got me out of it too.” She grinned. “Now, did you want something, Corporal?” 
Duggan shook his head, his eyes crinkling as he smiled. “No, Ma’am. We were just doing the rounds so to speak.”
“Well, don’t let us stop you.” Katie gestured with her arm, making a sweeping motion, signalling for them to keep on walking. 
Exchanging another smirk, the two men straightened up and saluted her before they continued on their way. As they passed, Dernier gave a little nod to the Captain, chuckling as he remarked. “Vous auriez pu au moins lui acheter un verre d’abord, Capitaine.”
“Oh, nous avons bien depasse cette etape.” Katie shot back and Derneir stopped dead, blinking as she smirked before he let out a loud laugh and hurried after Dum Dum.
“Okay, what did he just say?” Steve asked, drawing up behind her as they both watched the men leave.
“He said that you could have at least bought me a drink first.” She turned, smirking as Steve rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “I told him we were way past that stage.”
“Jesus, Doll!” Steve groaned, his face scrunched up in embarrassment and mock frustration, all the while Katie laughed.
“That’s gonna be all round the Camp by morning.”
“You ashamed of me?” She teased.
“No, of course not.”
“Then don’t worry about it.” She gently patted his chest. “All things considered, I think that’s the least of our concerns don’t you?”
With that she stood on her tip toes and placed a soft kiss to the side of his mouth before she stepped back. “Now, I’m gonna go back to the rest of the guys and make sure they’re all okay, and as their Captain, I suggest you do the same. Keep that morale up, like I told you to.”
She gave him a smile before she turned and headed back towards the main part of the camp.
Steve stood stock still, his mind whirring and digesting what the fuck had just happened, before he shook his head, and jogged after her, once more acquiescing to her instructions. 
***** Whilst there may not have been much deep sleeping going on, there was certainly plenty of rest and refuelling undertaken so to speak, and at first light the next morning Steve gathered Katie, Dum-Dum, Dernier, Jones, Morita and Falsworth in the back of one of the trucks to discuss their plan going forward, leaving Bucky to sleep as long as he could. He’d fast taken a liking to the five men having heard from various other men about how they’d organised the troops at the base, and his first-hand experience of how they’d been during the night around their makeshift camp. Plus Katie trusted Dum-Dum and Steve trusted her, so it was good enough for him.
Katie and Falsworth had found maps of the terrain buried in the stuff they’d taken from the factory and worked out their distance to the allied camp was approximately ninety-five miles as the crow flies. They had further estimated that,  given the state of the men and the fact that were going to have to skirt around various battles that were still raging on, they would probably average between twenty to twenty-five miles a day, meaning it would take them at least four to get back. 
They had trucks, a tank, enough supplies to keep them going for a few days, and Dum-Dum stated the obvious, that Steve could go on a head, alone, and be much faster if needs be. But that wasn’t something he wanted to do, plus as Katie rightly pointed out, he would be number one on HYDRAs radar right now. The last thing they needed was to lose him because, as blunt a point as it was, that was just the type of thing Schmidt would need to keep the heat off the fact they had just lost one of their factories.
Then there was the fact that Steve simply didn’t want to leave them behind. They were his men now, he wanted to stay with them, make sure they made it back together. Leaving them would be an absolute last resort. 
They split into groups, heading round the camp to spread the word about the plan and instruct the men to be ready to leave as soon as Steve gave the signal, and the Captain took the opportunity to head into the tent were Bucky was resting. He was pleased to see his friend looked a hell of a lot better than he had the previous night, sat on the edge of the make shift cot which had been fashioned out of a number of broad topped crates and blankets, rolling down his sleeve as one of their medics had just administered another shot of penicillin.
“How you feeling, Buck?” Steve asked, stepping into the tent and to the side to allow the other solider to leave, giving him a salute as he passed.
“Like I’ve been run over by a Panzer.” Bucky grumbled and Steve gave a small smile. Bucky sighed, shaking his head. “I’ll be fine, just got a-“
“I know.” Steve cut him off. “I got the low-down.”
“I bet that’s not all you got.” Bucky smirked and Steve rolled his eyes letting out a groan. “Don’t go gettin’ all coy on me, Stevie.”
“I’m not being coy.” Steve protested and Bucky let out a bark of a laugh.
“Course not.”  Bucky pulled on his boots and bent to lace them. “You gonna tell me yourself or do I need to go huntin’ for gossip?”
“There’s nothing to tell, lay off, Buck.”
Bucky snorted. “I don’t even have to look at you to know you’re lying, you’re that bad at it.”
“It’s, well, it’s a little complicated.” Steve attempted to placate him but Bucky finished lacings his boots and looked up at him, hands resting on his knees.
“You like her?”
“Of course I do…”
“She like you?”
Steve blushed and his hand rubbed at the back of his neck. “Well, yeah, I mean…”
“Well then, what’s complicated about it?” Bucky shrugged.
“In case you hadn’t realised we’re not exactly here under normal circumstances.” Steve arched an eyebrow. 
“All the more reason not to waste any time, Punk.” Bucky stood up, cracking his neck side to side. “Who knows how long we’ve got.”
Steve’s brow raised a little as he looked at Bucky, letting out a sigh. “You sound like her.”
“Well she clearly talks sense, you should listen.” Bucky smirked, taking a step towards him. “So, Captain, what’s the plan?”
“You asking me about Katie now or…” Steve quipped and Bucky grinned, slapping his shoulder.
“Steve, you clearly aint got a plan when it comes to that Dame, so there’s not point askin’ ya ‘bout it is there?” He drawled and Steve sighed, giving him a look. “No, I mean to get us out of this Godforsaken shit hole and back on friendly territory. You do have a plan, right? I mean I hear you always got a plan nowadays.”
Steve groaned as Bucky’s mouth curled up into a huge grain and he shook his head.
“Still a pain in my ass.” Steve grumbled and Bucky shrugged before he took a deep breath.
“But seriously, what are we going to do?”
“We’re getting ready to move out.” Steve’s hands dropped to the buckle on his belt. “We got approximately a hundred and twenty or so kilometres to cover. Gonna be hard but…” Steve popped a shoulder before he studied Bucky as he let out a huge, chest-wracking cough. “You can ride in one of the trucks.”
“I’m fine, Steve.”
“You’re clearly not.” Steve raised an eyebrow. 
“There are men far worse off than me, this is just an infection, I’ll be fine. Dare say fresh air and walking will do me good.”
At that Steve let out a snort. “Yeah, just like it used to do me good, huh?”
“That was different.”
“How so?”
“Damned it, Steve, stop being an asshole.” Bucky shot back, glaring at him. “I’m telling you I’m fine. Coped with more in that base than you could even begin to imagine, a coupla day’s hike will be easy in comparison.” 
As soon as the words were out of his friends mouth, Steve noticed him look away, clearly cursing himself for his outburst.
“What did they do to you?” Steve asked gently. Bucky swallowed and turned to Steve, shaking his head.
“I don’t know.” He shrugged. “I was out of it for the most but they, well I can remember them sticking me with needles and then there were all these bright lights and…” He trailed off. “It hurt.”
Steve took a deep breath and stepped forward, his hand curling round his friend’s shoulder but Bucky shrugged him off. “Don’t.” He looked at him, his eyes fierce. “Just don’t.”
Steve moved back, holding his hands up in front of him, palms out in a conciliatory manner. “Okay.”
There was a moment’s silence, and then they were aware of voices and Steve turned to see Katie step into the tent.
“Everyone’s moving, St-I mean Captain.” She smiled and Steve felt his cheeks flushing as he was well aware that Bucky was watching him carefully. 
“Yes, Ma’am. Be with you in a moment.”
She nodded then her gaze flicked to Bucky who shot her a dazzling smile. “S’up Doll Face?”
“You’re looking better than you were yesterday, Barnes.” Katie smirked a little at his familiar nature and he shrugged, flashing her a wink.
“Takes a lot to keep me down, Darlin’”
“I don’t doubt it.” She grinned, before her eyes locked with Steve’s again and she turned, and left.
“Damned, Steve.” Bucky whistled through his teeth. “The first girl who actually lays her peepers on you, and she’s an absolute dish.”
“Piss off, Bucky.” Steve shot back and Bucky once more laughed, shaking his head before he gave a loud, exaggerated sniff and wiped dramatically at his eyes. 
"My boys all grown up,” he spoke in a theatrical emotional voice, before he swept from the tent leaving Steve glowering at his back. 
After a near miss with a hostile unit on the first day of their journey, Steve took the informed decision to only move under the hours of low light and darkness. He was keen to keep any confrontations to a minimum given the exhausted and weak state of many of the men he was leading. After discussions with the group of seven who were fast becoming the ones he was turning to most for advice and support, they all conceded that whilst moving at night made it almost impossible they would be spotted by any air-borne allied surveillance, it was the best chance they had at keeping casualties to a minimum.
They kept to the less worn roads as much as they could, sometimes having to split up if the vehicles couldn’t make it a certain way, but thanks to the variety of skills the group had, along with Katie’s unbelievable sense of organisation, it seemed to work. By the third day they were almost three quarters of the way there by their estimations anyway.
“St-I mean, Cap?” Katie’s voice hit his ears and Steve turned to face her where she was walking a little behind with Dum-Dum, rifle in her arms. “I think we’ve got about an hour or so before daylight, we should probably be looking for somewhere to make camp.”
Steve looked up at the sky, his eyes straying to the horizon which he could just see through the valley they were set to make their way between and she, as always, was right. The first slivers of daylight were peeking through the dark, tendrils of orange and pink snaking through the sky.
He turned back to her. “Do we stop before or after the Valley?”
“If you want my advice,” Dum-Dum cut in, “I’d say before. If we get caught down there, Cap, we’re sitting ducks. Best chance is after nightfall.”
Katie nodded to show she agreed, and Steve took a deep breath. He was keen to press on as much as he could, and had been hoping to make it through the last line of hills before they stopped. But, he knew they were right and they’d covered a lot of ground over the last march. As luck would have it, the nights were longer than the days due to the season so, despite the fact it was cold and the weather wasn’t particularly kind to them, it worked to their advantage.
“Okay, let everyone know. Jones, Dernier, can you guys get up high,” he nodded to the hill face a little to his right, “see if you can spot anywhere that might be safe to set up camp.”
“Sure thing.” Jones nodded, and Dernier gave a little salute as the two men took off silently.
Steve declined the canteen of water Katie offered him and she gave him a stern look, her arm remaining outstretched. With a roll of his eyes and quirk of his eyebrow he took it, his fingers brushing hers and he frowned.
“You’re freezing.”
“Soon warm up once we’re round a fire.” She shrugged. “Now drink, enhanced or not, you need to keep hydrated.”
“Yes Ma’am.” He quipped, causing her to roll her eyes, but he didn’t miss the smirk on her lips as she turned to Dum-Dum when he asked her if she wanted him to run down the line and set the communication chain off.
“How you feeling?” Steve moved over to where Bucky had settled, perched on a flat rock jutting out from the side of the mountain face, his legs dangling over the edge.
“Peachy keen, Stevie.” Bucky looked at him and Steve snorted as Bucky leaned back. “Nah, I’m good, Pal. Feel a lot better. Turns out your Ma did know what she was talking about, fresh air can clear your lungs.”
“Yeah, shame there wasn’t much to be found in a cramped, inner Brooklyn city.” Steve smirked and Buck chuckled.
“True.” He bit the inside of his lip as he looked down at his hands. “Do my folks think I’m dead?”
The question caught Steve off guard a little and he frowned, sitting down next to his friend. “You were MIA assumed lost so I suspect they’ve been informed of that. But don’t worry about it, once we’re back you can get a telegram to them, assure them you’re okay.”
“Okay.” Bucky snorted, shaking his head. “Whatever that means.”
“I thought you just said you felt good?” Steve looked at him and Bucky shrugged.
“I do.”
Before Steve could dig further into whatever the hell Bucky meant, a crunch of feet on gravel to his left made him spring to his feet, but it was only Jones and Dernier back from the scouting mission.
“There’s a break in the rock formation, bout half a mile or so further. Reckon it’s a good place to form base. Plenty of spots in and around to hide. Bad news is the vehicles are going to have to go around once we set off again. It’ll take them off course a little but we’ll meet them again about two or three miles through the valley.”
“Thanks, Jones.” Steve nodded. “Get the news down the chain.”
It wasn’t long before they’d found the spot Jones and Dernier had been referring to, and everyone moved around quickly, like a well-oiled machine, establishing the base camp. Thanks to the natural shelter of the terrain, not as many tents this time were required, but Steve insisted, as always, that Katie got her own.
Soon some form of soup was cooking, water was being handed out along with what was left of some sweet liquor that they’d also liberated from camp and soft chatter rang out across the troops. The walking wounded were being treated once more for the night and Steve took the chance to walk around, talking to as many people as he could.
Once he was sure everyone had been fed, he took a helping for himself and settled down round one of the small fires where Bucky was sat with Katie and the other five men that had all formed a close bond. He ate, not really paying attention, until Dum-Dum loudly lamented that his facial hair was getting out of control and Katie snorted.
“You’re not going to find many barbers round here.” She shook her head. “Besides, it all adds to the well-worn rugged look.” She glanced at Steve before she smirked. “Even Cap’s sporting a good layer of stubble.”
At that Bucky laughed. “Makes a change, huh pal. You know he once didn’t shave for a week, looked just as smooth at the end of it as he had at the start.”
Steve groaned, as chuckles rang out at his expense, absentmindedly rubbing his hand over his chin. “Yeah, well, things are different now-“
“No shit”
“- and it seems to grow pretty fast.”
“Were there no razors at all in the stuff we took?” Falsworth asked and Katie pondered.
“There’s some toiletries but no many, that said I can’t say I’ve looked. Why are you bothered?”
“I like to keep up appearances.” Monty looked at her. “Plus, regulations state we should either be clean shaven or sporting a full, groomed moustache…”
“Yeah, come on Lady Lieutenant, surely you know that?” Dum-Dum looked at her, his eyes crinkling in the corners.
Katie shrugged. “Well, yeah, but who’s gonna tell?”
“Well, I like to take pride in my appearance.” Dum Dum shrugged. “Something you’ll understand”
“What, because I’m female?” 
“Are you? Hadn’t noticed.” Dum Dum’s eyes twinkled in the light of the fire as a Katie rolled her eyes.
“Steve has.” Bucky quipped causing them all to laugh as Steve gave an exasperated sigh, feeling the familiar heat of embarrassment spread up his neck and his cheeks.
“Well, if you’re all vain enough to be that bothered, go raid the supplies.” Katie leaned back, resting on her elbows, legs stretched out in front of her, crossed at the ankles. “Good luck trying to shave in the dark though, without a mirror.”
As the night went on, one by one the men peeled off to take their rest or sentry duties, leaving Steve, Katie and Bucky alone round the fire. They chatted for another hour or so before Katie told them she was going to hit the hay.
She stood up, stretching before she reached out for one of the tins in the fire, wrapping her hand in her sleeve so as not to burn herself as she took the heated water. “Oh, and don’t tell the others, but if you guys want help, so to speak, with the old,” she pointed at her face, drawing a circle in the air, “I’ll do it for you. Just give me five minutes to wash up first.”
Steve watched her go before he turned to Bucky who was eyeing him shrewdly.
“You taking her up on that?” He asked and Steve frowned.
“She was joking.”
“I don’t think she was.” Bucky smirked. “In fact I’m pretty sure that was a ploy to get you to follow her.”
Steve sighed, “if that was true, why did she invite you?”
“Jesus, Stevie, you’re so clueless. She did that so it isn’t obvious.” Bucky rolled his eyes. “If both of us go into her tent, it looks a lot let suss than if you or I go in alone. Well, that is, unless everyone thinks we’re having some form of threesome that is.”
Steve grimaced before he took a deep breath, turning to Bucky. “No offence, but you’re not my type.”
“Ouch.” Bucky smirked as Steve stood up. “Oh, are we going now? Damned, you’re keen.”
Steve shot him another look before he turned and strode after Katie, Bucky hot on his tails. 
Katie simply laughed as they entered her tent and told them both to sit on the make shift bunk she had before she disappeared and came back with a cut throat and what little else she could salvage from the supplies.
“Who’s first?” She brandished the razor and her eyes fell to Bucky.
“Trust you with a cutthroat?” He looked at her and she placed her hands on her hips.
“I do this for Howard all the time.”
“No offence, Doll Face, but I'd rather jump on a grenade.”
“Steve already did that.” Katie quipped.
Bucky turned his head slowly to face him. “What happened to not doing anything stupid till I got back?”
“It was a dummy.” Steve shook his head.
“You didn’t know that.” Katie grinned and Bucky snorted.
“A dummy?” He grinned “That’s definitely stooped, with two os.”
“Hey, in my defense it was very realistic.” Steve pouted. Katie chuckled and looked at him, and Steve felt the heat in his neck rising as the memories of that night came flooding back. And from the look on her face she was recalling them too. She stood there, simply looking at him, biting her lip a little, before she gave a yelp.
“Ow!” She raised her finger to her mouth, sucking at where she’d just nicked it on the razor.
“Yeah, now I’ll definitely pass.” Bucky’s eyes widened and he stood up. “You kids behave.”
Katie watched him sweep from the tent before she turned to Steve. “Something I said?”
Steve laughed and rubbed at his neck as she grinned and held up the razor. “What about you, Soldier? Do you trust me with a potentially fatal weapon at your throat?”
“I trust you with my life.” Steve replied immediately and the cheeky grin on her face turned to a soft smile as she stepped forward, folding the razor and slipping it into her pocket.
“Little naive that, Stevie, considering we haven’t known each other that long.”
Steve shrugged. “I’m a pretty good judge of character.”
“Sure you are.” She smiled, before she moved and dipped her hand into the tin of warm water. “Head back, Captain.”
Steve obliged and she wet his face as best she could, the pads of her fingers brushing against his stubble before she then worked the bar of soap into a lather, massaging it against his chin and cheeks. Steve’s gaze was on her face the whole time as she concentrated, his hands flexing on the edge of the thin bunk which was made out of a couple of the supply crates. 
“This isn’t going to be as close as I’d like.” She mused.
“Are we talking about the shave now or…” Steve looked at her and her eyes met his and she shook her head.
“Yes, I mean the shave.” She chuckled. “I can see Barnes is rubbing off on you already.”
Steve smiled as she dipped her hands back in the tin and wiped them on her jacket, before pulling the razor back out. 
“All yours.”
“Are we talking about the shave or-“ She teased, playing his words back to him and Steve held her gaze, her eyes flashing as he took a deep breath.
“What do you want me to be talking about?”
There was a moment’s pause and she dropped her head, swallowing before she looked back up at him. “How many other girls you said that to, Rogers?”
“One or two. In each location, I met a lot on the USO tour.” He teased as she gently titled his head back with her fingers.
“That so?” She mused, swiping the razor down his cheek in a clean, sweeping arc. “Maybe I should carve my name into you.”
Steve smiled.
“Stay still.” She instructed. “Although, I feel I should warn you, if you are mine, I don’t like people touching my stuff.”
“I’d kinda figured that one out.” Steve spoke softly as she swept the blade down his cheek again, washing it in the tin before she moved to the other side. As she stepped across him, his hands fell to the side of her thighs as she continued, her tongue poking through her lips in concentration, before she stepped behind him, his head falling back so she could move down his throat.
The tent was silent, Steve simply watching as she worked, momentarily lost. No woman had ever done this for him before, bar his mother, and that had been when he’d been too sick or sore to do it himself. But this, there was something so incredibly intimate, so innocent, so pure, so ridiculously sensual that he found himself torn between wanting to close his eyes, surrendering completely to her ministrations, and watching her as she worked. As it happened, he did both, shutting his eyes for a moment as she gently moved across his jaw before his eyes opened to focus on her pretty face, as she bent a little nearer and he swallowed.
Eventually she finished and moved round to look at him, tossing the razor into the tin as she smiled.
“There. Almost as good as new. It’ll do until we get back.”
“Thanks, Sweetheart.” Steve ran his hand over his now reasonably smooth face and took a deep breath, before he reached out, his hands taking hers. “Look, maybe, if I mean we actually make it home and get leave or whatever, me and you could, you know, perhaps go out?”
“You asking me on a date?” She smiled, and his face creased into a grin.
“Guess I am, yeah.”
She smiled, “I’d like that.”
She leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, her hands tenderly cupping his strong jaw, his own gripping at her hips, fingers flexing at the roughness of her uniform. Eventually she broke away and pressed her forehead to his, taking a deep breath.
“I really do need to wash up and hit the sack.” She sighed, her voice almost an apology but Steve didn’t mind. Whilst they’d already crossed that line in a way, this was fast becoming a little more serious. Yes, Bucky was right, they had no idea how long they had, but for the time they did have, he was going to at least try and do it properly. 
And bunking up again, on a pile of hard crates in the middle of some god-forsaken mountain trail was not proper. His mother would kill him.
Nodding to show he understood, he rose to his feet, his hands cupping her face as he placed a soft kiss to her lips. 
“Night, Doll. Or Morning, whatever.” He smiled and she gave a little laugh as he stepped back, heading to the door of the tent. With a final look over his shoulder, he swept the flap at the front open and left to find somewhere to lay his own head for a rest.
Dawn had broken on the fifth day by the time they approached the camp gates. As Steve led his platoon over the brow of the hill he felt an overwhelming sense of relieve as he saw the barrier and the men guarding it. His sharp eyes picked up one of them holding up a set of binoculars before he harshly slapped them into the palm of his partner, before setting off at a sprint back into the camp. 
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As they walked towards the blockade, the vehicles rumbling behind them, Steve turned to Bucky, giving him a smile which was met by one from his friend before he felt a smaller hand slide into his, giving a quick squeeze to his palm. He turned to his right and glanced down at Katie who looked up at him, her tired face bearing a look of utter relief. 
The gate was raised to allow them entry into the camp, people rushing towards them, staring in awe. Soldiers began to greet their comrades, and Steve could feel the sheer outpouring of emotion as people greeted the brothers in arms they had obviously never expected to see again.
“Here he comes…” Steve heard Katie mutter and he looked up to see Colonel Phillips pushing through the group. Steve simply continued marching forwards, drawing to a halt in front of the man, offering him a crisp salute. 
"Some of these men need medical attention." Were the first words he offered the Colonel and somewhere someone shouted for a medic. Steve continued to look at Phillips with a knowing expression and took a little breath in through his nose. "I'd like to surrender myself for disciplinary action."
The Senior Officer’s lips pressed together into a thin line and Steve could see him mulling things over, no doubt trying to decide whether to rip into him or praise him. In the end, he did neither.  
"That won't be necessary." Phillips said simply, which Steve knew was going to be as close to a well done as he was going to get. 
The Captain just about managed to refrain from smiling, as the slightest hint of a smirk twitched at his lips. "Yes, sir."
With that, Colonel Phillips turned to look at Katie. “You okay, Agent Stark?”
“Peachy, Sir.” She nodded before she gave a little snort. “Although I expect I won’t be once Howard gets hold of me.”
“Well considering he thinks you’re dead, I expect this will be a rather pleasant surprise.” Phillips arched an eyebrow and Katie looked down at the floor, swallowing. “Don’t worry, I’ll make the call so you don’t have to.”
“Thank you, Sir.”
Steve watched as the Colonel turned to leave the group, stopping as he noticed Agent Carter standing to the side, looking rather smug for want of a better word.
"Faith, huh?" Phillips looked from Agent Carter to Steve and Katie, before shaking his head slightly and heading off towards the tents.
Peggy took a deep breath before she moved, stopping as she drew herself up to full height in front of Steve and Katie before she arched an eyebrow, her eyes flicking between the pair of them.
“You’re late.” She quipped as she locked eyes with Katie who snorted. Steve reached into his pocket and pulled out the broken transponder.
“Couldn’t call our ride.” He smiled back and Peggy looked at him, shaking her head slightly, her lips curling up into a smile, before she turned back to Katie and then all professionalism left her and she stepped forward, wrapping her arms round the other woman.
“We’ve been so worried.” She whispered, and Steve turned away, not wanting to intrude on their moment, even though his super sensitive hearing made it impossible to tune out of their conversation.
“You’re not the only one.” Katie replied, and Steve heard her voice crack a little and before he could stop himself he’d reached out, his right hand curling over her left shoulder. In what appeared to be an automatic response, Katie had reached up, her arm crossing over her chest to allow her fingers to briefly tangle in his and give them a squeeze. 
Agent Carter merely raised her eyebrow further, that smirk on her face growing wider before Bucky’s loud voice rang out to Steve’s left. 
"Let's hear it for Captain America!”
As the cheers rang round the camp, Steve allowed himself a little moment to bask in the genuine feel good factor that seem to have flooded the place at their return. It was self-indulgent, slightly egotistical, a little arrogant even, but at that moment in time, as he glanced down at Katie who was watching him, a broad smile on her face before her top teeth bit her bottom lip as she blatantly eyed him up and down, he couldn’t have cared less.
Chapter 7
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The brothers + Diavolo reactions to you taking them to a water park (and their reactions to seeing you in a swimsuit for the first time wink wink)
This is a continuation to my post on their reaction to an human amusement park, it’s a bit NSFW especially towards the end of the post.
- Ok let’s start with what you came in for, his reaction to seeing you in a swimsuit for the first time
- He’s not a patient guy, so when you make him wait because you’re looking at yourself in the mirror of the changing room, he’s starting to lose his cool
- But when you finally come out, he’s speechless, he didn’t expect you to wear such a revealing swimsuit (you could literally be wearing a ski suit and he would think the same thing)
- He’s looking at every bit of skin that is usually covered by your uniform or everyday clothes and all he can do is smirk a little
- In his eyes, you’re gorgeous and no one looks better than you in the entire water park
- There’s no need to feel self conscious with him, he’s looking at you like you’re a piece of art and he just can’t stop looking at you
- He’s well behaved though, so he won’t make comments expect that you look beautiful
- Now that he has seen so much skin, he can’t help but wonder how you would look naked in his bed
- Ok now for the actual water park part, this dude is soooo pale
- He will put on so much sunscreen so he doesn’t tan during the day, he needs to keep his vampire aesthetic
- He’ll be wearing black trunks and an open shirt because he wants to hide his scars of his precious angel wings
- He really enjoyed the lazy river, for once in his life he got to relax for a couple of minutes
- Well, at least until Levi tried to drowned Mammon in two feet of water
- He’s the one causing the most trouble acting like they’re “accidents”
- As always, he’s having fun but he won’t admit it
- Just like Lucifer, he’s not a patient demon
- He was about to go get you when you came out
- He stop dead in his track, just taking the sight of you in whatever swimsuit you decided to wear
- It’s like he’s in a trance, he can’t get his eyes off of you
- You need to wave yours hands in his face for him to finally react
- He’s red as a beet and he actually can’t formulate a sentence
- When he’s finally calm enough, he’ll start going back to his old self and tell everyone who dare look at you to look somewhere else, you’re his human!
- But if you don’t like when he does it, he’ll stop
- On one particular slide where it’s a two person tube, he gets stuck with Lucifer and almost didn’t live to tell the tale
- Basically, Lucifer “accidentally” pusheed him of the tube and Mammon went over the slide almost falling to his death but somehow ended up falling directly in the pool below
- He also couldn’t use his wings because they’re prohibited from changing to their demon form when they’re in the human world for obvious reasons
- Other than the near death experience, he really liked the water slides and it was a great way to show off his body
- At first he feels super awkward waiting for you to come out, there’s a lot of people and they’re not wearing a lot of clothes either, he’s not use to seeing so many 3D people wearing nothing more than swimsuits
- He was also sad that he couldn’t bring his consoles or phone because they’re not waterproof
- When you come out, he actually gets a nosebleed
- If he felt awkward being near strangers wearing swimsuits, how is he supposed to feel when YOU’RE the one in a swimsuit!
- He will get over it (eventually) but he will be a blushing mess every time he looks at you
- He’s a sea creature, of course he likes water and water parks
- Just be careful that he don’t accidentally change to his demon form and scare everyone there
- If he does and someone sees him, just say that he’s the water park mascot, yep that should work
- He will be in water 90% of the day, on water slides, in the lake if they have one or in the wave pool, as long as he’s in water he’s happy
- Also happy to have a chance to drown Mammon
- He doesn’t like to be kept waiting in general, but for you, he’ll wait as long as it takes you to be confortable enough to come out of the changing room
- When you do, he stop breathing for a second and turns bright pink
- He didn’t thought much of it at first, but now that he’s actually seeing you in your sexy swimsuit, he’s really glad he accepted your invitation to go the water park
- He wish he was the only one seeing you like this
- Just like Lucifer, he has dirty thoughts throughout the day, especially when you get a nip slip while getting out of the wave pool, after that his mind is racing and the image is still burning in his head even though it was barely anything
- He’s a real gentleman, so he won’t make any comment about your little accident and will give a deadly state to anyone who dares even thinking about saying something about it
- On another note, he’s also very pale since there’s no sun in the Devildom and he’s indoors most of the time
- But demons don’t get sunburns, so nothing real happens to his skin other than a little tan that is barely visible
- He actually brought a book with him and instantly got it wet by Mammon, it wasn’t his best idea
- Even thought he didn’t have anything to read, he still really loved his day with you and even propose to go another time, but only the two of you
- Nope, it’s definitely not because he wants to see you in a bathing suit again
- He was probably in the changing room with you, switching between the 10 bathing suits he brought just in case
- There’s also a good chance he gets out of the dressing room after you
- He helped you choose your bathing suit the day before, looking for the one who compliments the most your form and your skin tone
- When he saw you try them on the day before, let’s just say his thoughts weren’t pure, they’re never pure
- But he managed to keep his hands to himself
- He still made lots of comments and tried to make you wear some questionable swimsuit that were definitely not appropriate for a water park full of people
- Honestly the swimsuit he actually chose to wear after trying all of them isn’t appropriate either
- When you get to the water park, he puts so much sunscreen and will propose to help you put sunscreen on places you can’t reach, accept at your own risks
- He doesn’t actually go on any water slides, because he can’t risk ruining his strawberry blonde hair with chlorine
- He might go waist deep in the wave pool if you ask him to go with you, but that’s it
- He’s flirting with anyone who finds him cute at the water park, you actually lose him for a while when he starts talking to some of his new fans
- If you don’t like it, he’ll stop and make sure you’re the only one who gets his attention for the rest of the day
- He brought lots of snacks, and since he isn’t allow to bring food on the water park grounds, he eats them all while waiting for you to get out of the changing room
- When you get out, let’s just say his appetite change for a different kind of snack
- He think you look delicious amazing
- He wonders what he did to deserve you
- He’s trying really hard to not just snatch you and go to a more private place
- You might need to return to the food court where you’re allowed to eat after every few slides because all the walking and sliding is making this boy hungry
- He’s so huge that he needs to go alone on slides where it’s supposed to be a two person tube
- Like mentioned before, he’s easy to please as long as you and Belphie are there, he’s an happy boy
- You’re also quite happy yourself, since you get to see him shirtless alllll day loooong
- He missed you getting out of the changing room because he was sleeping as always
- When you wake him up, he actually ask if you’re an angel and if he’s still dreaming
- When he’s awake enough, he’s acting like seeing you in a swimsuit isn’t anything special, but deep down he’s a mess
- You’ll need to give him a moment before he stand up so he can calm his heartbeat and something else in his pants
- For real, he wasn’t super excited to go to the water park because it requires him to be awake, but after seeing you in your swimsuit he suddenly doesn’t mind staying awake anymore
- Beel will still have to carry him on his back like a koala
- Belphie insists for you to do every slide with him, which ends up with a fight between him and Mammon on who gets to go with you
- You should go on the lazy river at the very end of the day because after that he’ll be too tired to go on any more slides since he sleep all the way through the lazy river
- It will also take him a couple of days of sleep for him to recover from this very exhausting day
(I don’t know why, but the whole time I imagined him being too lazy to change into his swim trunk and just going on every slides with the sheep onesie he’s wearing in his new SSR card)
- Another human culture activity, how fun!
- And he gets to show his awesome body (and see yours), it’s perfect!
- He has a soft spot for you, so he doesn’t mind waiting for you to get out of the dressing room
- When you get out, he thinks you look exactly like he imagined you would look like, even though he won’t tell you that
- His soft spot for you isn’t so soft anymore..... haha sorry
- For real, you can clearly see what effects you have on him since he’s wearing very form fitting swim trunk and let’s just say his dick isn’t small either
- He won’t act on it obviously, he’ll wait till your back at the house he’ll just say you look really good in your swimsuit and leave it at that for now
- He’ll attract tons of looks on himself since he’s really big in size compared to humans
- People won’t dare approch him though, he’s quite intimidating even when he’s smiling
- He will drag Lucifer with him on every single slides, he needs to try them all!
- He’s actually disappointed that he can’t take pictures on the water park grounds, he wanted to show Barbatos how much you guys were having fun that day once you all get home
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sunflowersteves · 4 years
most hated || j.t.
summary || you’ve always hated Jack and he’s always hated you. You wouldn’t dare change that. 
author’s note || this is my first time writing for jack so please go easy on me!
warnings || enemies to lovers, angst, fluff
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You place a file smack dab in the middle of Peggy’s desk. She purses her red ruby slightly while her eyebrows raise.
“You finished paperwork already?”
You nod at your fellow agent and friend, a smile ghosting your lips. You had a coffee cup in your other hand, its warmth tingling your fingertips.
You take a sip of the bitter liquid, relishing in the perkiness of caffeine.
“Did you know that Jack got promoted to chief?”
Your eyes widen, big and bulging out of the sockets. You practically choke on your coffee in unison; which triggered a coughing fit prompting Peggy to hand you a napkin. You thank her while your coughing fit starts to die down.
“I’m sorry- that asshole got what?”
Peggy shook her head a bit in laughter at your reaction. Ever since you got transferred from L.A. and moved to New York, you and Jack have never gotten along. Sure, Jack was known to have a cold heart but with you, it’s like that cold heart was in a fire and the pits of hell.
The two of you always bickered and any time you were around each other, the whole room fell silent from the thick tension. Any time anyone of you got in trouble even, there would be sly smirks and smug expressions. It was like an ongoing competition between the two.
“You know, he’s not as bad as you think he is.”
You turn slightly to see Daniel lean on the door frame to Peggy’s office. Peggy agreed as she gave you a quick nod. You just rolled your eyes and groan at your friends for giving that shit for brains some benefit of the doubt.
“But he doesn’t treat you both like utter horse shit when you’re around.”
A sigh both leaves their lips as they couldn’t argue with you on that one. Ever since you arrived, it was like Jack had this unspoken hatred towards you. Everybody had mentioned he was cold but he was at least avoidable. It was like Jack specifically sought you out to annoy the living shit out of you.
“Wow, agent y/l/n, you sure curse a lot for a lady.”
A scowl forms on your face as you see Jack smugly leaning against the door frame of Peggy’s office. There’s a stupid smirk dancing across his features at your scowl and all you want to do is punch his stupid face.
“Mind your own business, Thompson.”
“That’s chief Thompson to you, agent.”
That stupid smirk is still etched across his face when he waltzes away. Your face was practically radiating anger as Daniel tried to somewhat calm you down. He always seemed to push the right set of buttons.
Luckily, throughout the day you hadn’t seen Jack since. Your desk was in a corner situated on the other side of the precinct, which you sometimes groaned about but in this case, it came in handy.
You could see Jack go in and out of his office occasionally talking to other agents but you were able to avoid him. You could see sometimes that he was angrily yelling at some agents for messing up something. He would always shout and then that little vein on the top of his forehead was always prominent. Not that you would stare, of course.
A smile slowly turned up as you looked at the clock. It was five on the dot which meant it was time for all the agents to go home.
You placed a couple of files into a bin on your desk, making sure to put any last-minute things in proper places. Peggy and Daniel walked by to say goodbye before most likely going to dinner to relax for the rest of the night.
You pick up your bag and started to walk towards the exit, ready to go home and relax for the rest of the evening. A sigh escapes your lips as you hear a certain agent call your name from his office.
“Y/n? You still there?”
You purse your lips slightly, considering not answering and just quietly escaping the building. Another sigh brushes against your lips as you knew you couldn’t do that, you’d help him whenever you could.
“Yeah, Thompson?”
He peaks his head out of the office and urges you to come inside. Your heels click on the floor as you go inside the chief’s office. Most of it was empty and filled with unpacked boxes, considering it was his first day.
“I was wondering if you could help me with a certain case.”
You nodded and took the file that was handed over to you, looking at the contents inside. Your thumb skinned over the name Dolores and your head snapped up to look at Jack.
“But she-” He nodded, taking a hard gulp as his eyes flickered towards yours.
“I know. I think she’s working undercover. I think she may be working for the Russians.”
Your mouth was agape, now often were you fully shocked at much. You’ve been through a troubled life and had stumbled upon the agency. Luckily, you passed all the tests and were able to become one of the best agents out there.
So, you stayed and helped Jack try and piece little things together to understand what was going on. His desk was fully covered in papers right now, you were also able to pin some of the things happening around the SSR like missing files and dead agents.
She was clearly sent to disrupt the SSR and gain control over everything. Especially, since you all have been having issues for the past months.
Jack’s head perked up at the sound of your voice, his hands letting go of the papers in his hands—letting them be buried amongst other papers. You scooted your chair next to his so he could see it, reading the words on the paper.
A gasp left his lips and his eyes widened in glee. “Y/n, this could destroy her. This is enough to turn her in.”
A bright smile returns to your face and Jack’s heart skips a beat. Your smile was radiating and contagious. He leans a bit closer to relish in the moment and then you both realize how close you actually were. Your noses were almost touching and you were able to feel his breath fan onto your face.
You cleared your throat and scooted back slightly, “you know, you should probably go home.” His eyebrows furrowed and he scoffed, waving off your statement.
“Me? I think you should be going home. It’s getting late.”
You roll your eyes at the agent next to you and huff, arms crossing over each other. You definitely didn’t want to go home. Not when you finally had evidence to bring Dot down into the ground. You wanted to make sure the evidence was palpable.
“What? I’m the one that found this information. You should go home.”
Now it was Jack’s turn to huff and roll his eyes at you. “You’re insufferable.”
You furrow your eyebrows and make a scowl, now was definitely not the time for your disagreements to get into the middle of such a devastating case.
“Well, I-”
You couldn’t even get your whole sentence out as a soft pair of lips. Your eyes widen slightly in shock but his lips never left yours, it was almost as if he was getting closer and closer to you. You let your body relax into his embrace and savor the sweet taste of his lips.
His lips felt addicting, your saliva was mixing with each other. He tasted like candy, sweet ecstasy clouded your mind as your kisses got needier and desperate.
Your hands immediately went to his hair, pulling slightly. A moan vibrated against your lips as his hand lightly glided around the small of your back. His heart was beating way too fast, your plump lips devoured him and he couldn’t get enough of the burning sensation your hands left on his body.
A small whimper left your mouth when he pulled away, a smug smirk growing on his lips. He sat up quickly, brushing every single paper and small nicknack off the desk and right onto the floor. He pushed your back onto the wood-carved desk, your legs had wrapped right around his torso.
He leaned forward and connected his lips with your neck, nibbling slightly which prompted a moan. He could feel his body tingling at the sound, he definitely thought it was the hottest thing he had ever heard.
“You drive me crazy, y/n.” He went over to nibble and kiss your ear. “Ever since you walked through that door, I’ve had my eyes set on you.” He left a trail of kisses down your neck, his fingers ghosting your stomach and the line of your bra underneath your dress shirt.
“You always get on my nerves, arguing about everything and anything with me. Not to mention, that goddamn mouth on you.”
His fingers start to fiddle with the buttons on your shirt, successfully opening one. You yelp in ecstasy as he bit down on just the right spot that met the divot of your neck.
“God, y/n, I’ve got to admit that I tried to suppress it. I tried to hate you and pick a fight with you but then you waltz right back up to me and I’m done for.” His lips join yours again, this time more bruising and passionate.
He parts again and stares at you, your legs still wrapped around his. Your back ached slightly at the hard surface but you didn’t give a fuck at the moment.
You were interrupted by his tongue soothing out the now bruises that most likely covered your neck. His hands cupped your face which then slid down onto your now exposed stomach. 
“You really are a prize.”
He then starts to unbuckle your dress pants, pulling them down harshly. Your hand stops his and he quickly does the same, wondering if you were okay.
“Are you sure about this? In here?”
“Well, I am the chief, aren’t I?”
The two of you laugh at his statement but he was able to successfully pull down your pants. He then reconnected back towards you, kissing down your stomach and looking at you with lust-filled eyes.
Sure, you’ve hated the guy for quite some time but you could definitely get used to this new side of him.
Permanent Taglist: @hailmary-yramliah​ @kitkatd7​ @captainchrisstan​ @angstysebfan​ @teenagereadersciencenerd​ (also tagging @fandomsandxfiles​ bc it’s jack thompson)
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namaikiii · 4 years
Twst Ch 5 Thoughts
[Testing out to see if Tumblr eats this one]
I have a problem with Rook: He speaks French. Rook, where did you learn French? Is there a France in Twisted Wonderland? How is French cuisine a commonly known thing in Pomefiore? And if so, where is this France? How can there be a place that speaks French or a Japan for Lilia to learn about natto if Crowley has never heard of our world in his 100 year career? How does this world work???? or maybe the problem lies with us/Yuu
Random Spacefiller Before the Cut: Leona living up to the phrase “cats hate collars”
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Rest is under the cut to avoid spoilers (also it’s lengthy):
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[Spoiler 5-10] Jamil: Kalim, it’s fine if you don’t (clean gym with ADeuce)……This line really stuck out to me because although we’ve seen Jamil be concerned over Kalim before, it’s the first time he’s showing signs of caring AFTER their incident in Ch 4 (AKA new relationship standing is: we are not friends) and it also invokes a different attitude.
Part of it is still probably out of habit, old-Jamil would say a master shouldn’t be doing the work of a servant. Another part I feel like is guilt. Having Kalim follow his orders (even though it wasn’t directed at him) might’ve triggered Jamil to how he treated Kalim in Ch 4. And his discomfort shows that he’s reflected on his actions and knows he was in the wrong. Grim comments the change in Jamil is extreme (duh Grim, his quick turnaround is thanks to his maturity, unlike some Overblotters…). The thing with Jamil is his growth will never by shown explicitly due to his nature, but the small snippets of focus on him give enough to read between the lines.
And throughout Ch 5 we see Jamil still keeping an eye on Kalim from afar, and his expressions are pensive. Kalim is showing signs of putting himself as an equal with Jamil by doing the same tasks as him and learning to put in effort at improving himself so that he may compete with Jamil on equal footings. And Jamil has to fight back old habits of giving in his victories to/coddling Kalim (thereby enabling his ignorant helplessness) and learn to let Kalim (and himself) go through the process so that they can both mature as their own person. And I think this growth between them will develop further in this chapter. Also I high key love Kalim’s reasoning for picking his favorite story. The boy believes in 2nd chances and redemption arcs.
It’s a bit of a pity that Jamil’s frustration was directed towards Kalim instead of the social system of the Land of Hot Sands itself, because he clearly is grappling with himself on his opinion of Kalim (yesss Jamil, be friends. He’s a good guy and you know it). But then again, he’s a teenage boy so it’s understandable that he’s unable to see past the oppression in his immediate space to see the issue in light of the big political picture of it all. And it seems that our overblotters suffering from twisted oppression(s) of this world outside of their control seems to be a common theme.
[Spoiler 5-21] So at this rate, we’ve technically had a sleepover with Savanaclaw, and Octavinelle, and now with Heartslabyul/Scarabia/Pomefiore. Will we get to finish the set with Ignihyde and Diasomnia? Will Malleus finally get invited to something???
Thoughts on Vil so Far: Coincidentally, while playing through Ch5, I came across an article talking about how ultra-Independence is a trauma response and while reading it, a lot of it resonated with Vil from what we’ve observed of him so far. From what I gleaned, characteristics of ultra-independence is:
A survival mechanism stemming from a past trauma (neglect/abuse/bullying/grief/etc.)
Tend to be the rulers of the household (They run the show)
Take on all the responsibilities/decisions because they don’t trust others to make the correct decisions (micromanage)
Results in too much responsibility on one person –> Become overwhelmed/unable to cope with the pressure
Asking for help/Admitting they are not coping is terrifying
Tend to take on codependent relationships (allows them to fix others which gives them a sense of security/control rather than a person who tries to help them)
And in the same order, I’ll relate the observations and how it pertains to Vil:
He holds bitterness to his past/hometown for whatever he experienced there (humiliation?) and is disillusioned by the concept that hard work will bring good results (the falsity of which he is currently experiencing due to, despite all his efforts, Neige is still “#1″). In Deuce’s SR Lab Coat story and other instances, he always scolds those who ask for help without putting in their own effort first.
Uh…..Dorm lead. Fairy Gala/His movie club projects/This training camp also show how much he invests in directing to make sure everything is as perfect as can be
Same as above, the strictness of his lessons in Fairy Gala, the nitpickiness of the smoke color in his Lab Coat Story, his critiques during lessons as well as managing everyone’s diet and skincare
We’re seeing him slowly slip and act out of character like standing blankly in the middle of the hall (every time that ink blot drips yo). Also I could add in the way his severity towards Epel is becoming more and more unreasonable and more of living a projection of his own desires through someone else (tiger mom anyone?)
Rook knows what’s up. Despite others seeing Vil as a very strong and confident personality, Rook’s description of him suggests something fragile and needs to be looked after. More so especially if the person in distress is unable to ask for help himself
His interaction with Azul in Azul’s SR Ceremony Robe story and Jade in Jade’s SSR story shows he is another one of those who hates being indebted to others. He will not be a charity case. His general relationship with Rook is also very quid pro quo. And the whole nosiness of him constantly getting involved in improving others to reach their full potential (he wanted to continue Fairy Gala boys’s modeling career even when it was unnecessary).
Rook mentions how he and Vil are excited for the first years to break out of their shells and show their true beauty and tbh I hope that means one step closer to finding their Unique Magic. Let it happen dang it! Also, when Vil OBs, I see Rook reacting in 1 of 2 ways: him with his beauty optimism will still find OB Queen as Beauté! in its own way OR  he’ll call it out that Vil has strayed from his true beauty (AKA: for once, you no beauté!). But he’ll help get his Roi de Poison come back to his senses and back on track. Yah I’m leaning towards option 2.
Yeah that was an essay but I’m loving Ch 5 so far because! MORE SCARABIA BOYS SCREENTIME AND DEVELOPMENT. and also lots more info on Twst lore. Thanks for reading!!!!!
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blankdblank · 3 years
Brother Dearest Pt 61
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“What the hell happened to him? He been faking that damn limp this whole time?” One of the Agents at SSR muttered to Chief Thompson who had just come from the lab Sousa’s team had shoved the irritated returned Chief from the shared lab between their floors. Already his own team was off sleuthing in Harlem for backup on the tip that Venom and Eddie had given them. With a huff through the passing group of Agents Sousa moved towards the elevator doors. And didn’t even make it halfway before Thompson stated with a smirk, “Few days near your sweetheart and you’re all upright, perfect example of bed rest to make a man out of a cripple again.”
Sousa simply pressed the button to call the elevator and tapped his cane against his fake shin that gave off an eye dropping metallic echo the men around him looked to. “New leg. Said in some time might be able to run on it. Just breaking it in.” The doors opened and before he could lower the cane the men watched with mouths opening to his unassisted step inside the lit up room. And when he turned he said, “Need it too, back up lab since you’ve been hogging ours has stairs.”
One of the guys asked, “Where the hell did you get a metal leg?”
While another asked, “How could you afford it?” As two more wondered on where the back up lab was that he’d never heard of before.
Sousa replied, “It was a gift.”
Thompson asked, “Let me guess, Peggy’s crime buddy ex squeeze Stark?”
“Baroness Bunny Pear Howlett.”
Thompson asked to their open mouthed stare, “Guess she’s trying to buy her way to the pearly gates before she kicks it. How’d you meet her?”
“I have a drive to get to the lab or I’d stick around chasing fiction and sit on my hands with you and your team.” He pressed the button and the doors closed cutting off the scoffs from the men who circled to talk more about the source of the new leg.
“Still say it’s a plot for points towards heaven. Heard she gained another ten pounds last week.”
Smirks spread and another in the group said to the stunned stare of one of the women on the floor passing notes to one of the Agent that came from another in a different department and floor. “I was her husband I’d have dumped her somewhere out of sight and mind instead of parading a whale around for clout in the papers.”
Down in the lobby Sousa strolled along all the way out to the lot where he climbed into his car and muttered, “Alright, let’s go follow a lead from an alien and his pregnant sister.” He shifted gears to the hum of the engine and pulled out of the lot to start the drive to the Hamptons where Stark’s mansion was located. Stretches of city were swapped for long patches of green with sprawling mansions that he sighed wondering how many years it would take him to save to afford one of these houses if he cared. And how many of these people actually owned these houses outright or had unimaginable mortgages on these marble accented wonders.
He couldn’t imagine a life in the city after his having grown up in a small town, but his sister did need him around. Sure it was just for weekly check ins and a monthly babysitting stop to let her and her husband have the night off. Always where he would be asked about his own future upon their return, now more than ever that his engagement had ended and he was back in town where he was just a floor away from the woman he hadn’t named to his sister that had caught on to his helpless pining. He had missed his sister and now that he had come back the townhouse he had been renting from his friend who had with the first offer stated one day he would be up to selling the place if he had gotten attached. It wasn’t much compared to the farmhouse he had grown up in but by chance if he could build up the nerve to take his chance and ask Peggy out just maybe she might like it for a family home of their own.
Stark’s drive however came into view and he sighed taking the turn and muttered, “Fingers crossed he’s in a helpful mood today.”
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Off to the side of the front door he parked and spotted a curtain from above shift in notice of the company and out he climbed to make the walk to the door where he paused to fidget his hand on his cane before giving the front door a knock. Not two minutes later Jarvis was at the door that opened between them with a flinch of a smile, “Chief Sousa, how might I help you?”
“Mr Jarvis, I was wondering if I could talk to Howard actually.”
“Um,” he said to the faint sound of a one sided argument from a female and things being thrown and he stated, “Mr Stark is currently entertaining, however you are welcome to wait in the parlor.” Sousa nodded and stepped through the door that was shut behind them for the stroll through the echo filled mansion to the lushly decorated parlor where Jarvis asked, “Tea?”
“Sure,” Sousa answered and took a seat on the small couch closest to him.
For a few minutes he shook his head and bit back his ache to laugh at the insults fired at Stark until the faint sound of the kettle brought Jarvis back with a tea cart. Upon it with skillful ease he brought together a trio of cups while the tea steeped and asked, “If I may, are you here on official business, Chief Sousa?”
“Unofficially, yes,” that had Jarvis glance up at him, “Guys downstairs are hogging the lab and I was wondering if Stark might loan me use of his.”
That had Jarvis grin, “Oh, how exciting, new gadget?” A door slammed and he set down the napkin in his hand with a grin at him and said, “Pardon me a moment.”
Sousa nodded and watched him stroll out of the room adjusting his vest and tie to gather the belongings left by the door where around the still shouting woman he grinned in draping her wrap around her shoulders and offered her the handbag that had been left with it and stated, “Have a lovely day, Miss DeCoco.” Her thanks was soon followed by another shout to Stark who was now at the base of the stairs to watch her storm to the sports car she sped off in. Once the door was shut again Jarvis was heard to state, “Mr Stark,”
“Ya, I know, I’ll never learn my lesson. Time to go punish myself with a bubble bath.”
“Mr Stark,” Stark turned his head with brows raised and Jarvis continued, “Chief Sousa is here.”
“Oh, perhaps I should get dressed if I’m going to be arrested.”
“He stated he is here to borrow your lab actually.”
“Oh,” he said in a stunned tone and down the steps trotted in his untucked shirt and badly wrinkled pajama pants that lay over the top of his slippers. “Interesting.” To the door he went and strolled in with a grin and said, “Don’t get up, Daniel, how are you?” offering his hand to the man he approached who’d paused in his reach for his cane and shook the hand offered to him.
“Better than you it sounds like. Lovers quarrel?”
Stark shook his head with a grin at the release of hands stating, “Difference of opinions. I’ll send some scarves and a new purse and she’ll be more than happy to apologize.”
Sousa smirked, “So that’s what that was, denial, a lot quieter in my house growing up.”
Stark asked, “So what goodies did you bring to my doorstep? Jarvis says you asked to borrow my lab.”
After a reach into his jacket inner pocket he unfolded the sheet kept there while Jarvis poured the tea, “Part of my case I came back from LA to follow has some vanishing tech from a guy that came from Barbados. Well, I got a tip where to find him and the invisible ship he’s apparently been using to get around.”
“Vanishing tech, lot of people would love to get their hands on that.”
Sousa nodded, “Especially why we have to take him in and find out who else knows how to make it. However I got a tip on a compound to use to interfere with the tech. Pretty common ingredients, just couldn’t get it from her since she’s pregnant and all. Unsafe for the baby.”
Stark’s eyes flinched wider a moment and swept over the Chief asking, “Pregnant? Who gave you the compound?”
Sousa, “Oh, right, forgot to mention, Baroness Bunny Howlett.”
Stark’s face split into an amused grin, “How’d you get her roped into this case of yours?”
“Oh, her brother’s investigation mixed with mine and he caught some tips for me. Peggy knows them fairly well apparently, said they can be trusted and I mean it can’t hurt to try with what I’m up against.”
Stark accepted the sheet and chuckled saying, “Oh I gotta read this. Knew she was holding back on me.”
“Peggy?” Sousa asked accepting his cup of tea.
Stark nodded in response to his and replied, “Bunny. Babies, by the way.”
Sousa, “Must be twins by the size, no offense to her, and they all keep saying girls, as if they know for certain.”
Stark chuckled stating, “Triplets, actually,” parting the Chief’s lips. “She’s got a pretty good instinct on that from what I heard from the Brocks, can always tell a pregnancy before a blood test can by what they say.” Over the page his eyes shifted to the complex equations and diagrams of chemicals needed and reactions followed by one on how to fold the mixture into balloons. “This is way more complex than I would guess a second year student capable. Seems she’s been studying up on her own time. You must have shared a great deal on the tech with her for her to think up a way to counter it.”
“Venom did, apparently.”
Stark chuckled, “Come on Daniel, his name is Eddie. You can’t tell me you think Venom is real, some human eating monster brought on by a bite from a radioactive lizard. Bet it’d be amusing for them to hear you call him that.”
Sousa forced out a chuckle in curiosity if Stark had been let in on the secret, as obviously Peggy knew and only made him wonder why she hadn’t let him in on the fact that those comics were based on more fact than fiction. “Well apparently she’s been helping him to find a way to counter the tech from some diagrams in his own case which could be pretty deadly if they actually make it.” He took a sip and watched Stark read it again.
Jarvis asked after his own sip when he’d sat down, “How is she faring, Mrs Bunny? The papers, have not been particularly kind.”
Sousa caught his gaze answering, “She mentioned she was tired, she’s acting as Judge for some mock trials in school. Seemed to be a bit amused by some of the stories. Said they have a story planned when winter ends and she can’t hide the belly anymore.”
Jarvis said, “Perhaps we might drop in to make certain she is faring well.”
Stark said in a look up from the pages to say, “I’ve tried talking to the Times. Even been trying to stir up some bigger stories, but they are bent on chronicling Bunny’s health with every trash tip they claim to get. Today’s paper has a whole rehash of that frog dissection report and how that would equal a human’s autopsy if they had those results. Just trash, if anything that amount of metal in the body would leech moisture not allow a person to grow twice their usual size.” He lifted his cup and said to Jarvis’ glance his way, “She’s adorable pregnant, you know what I meant, she had to be what, 80 pounds wet, bound to be a reckoning when she puts that story out.”
A few sips later to the share of more plans Stark paused mid sentence at notice of the dark metal limb opposite the socked leg in view and said, “You um, that’s a new leg isn’t it?”
Sousa looked at him and said, “Oh, yes, the Baroness made it for me.”
Jarvis, “It was my impression she preferred not to be named by that title by friends.”
Stark, “She made you a leg? Out of what?”
“Metal, don’t know why gave it to me the second time I’d seen her. Fits shockingly comfortable. Said my old leg had lead in the securing brace that was leeching into my body and this one would be safer for me and help me to run again eventually when I’m used to it.”
Stark asked in a stunned tone, “Really?” Then glanced at his leg again and said, “Well, if you don’t mind I can watch you strut your stuff on the new leg down to our lab.”
“Nowhere near to strutting yet.” He said then joined the others on their feet to make the walk to the lab which gave Stark plenty of chance to steal glances at his eased stride after such little time with it. “So you have everything on the list, right?” His eyes having shifted away from Jarvis in his entrance of the code needed to unlock the lab.
Stark said, “Oh yes,” following Jarvis inside the room that lit up to the flick of a few switches that Sousa looked around while Stark gathered up a few things along the way to a bare station. Including a small device used to test metal contents, “fairly common ingredients by the look of it. Wouldn’t imagine they could do much of anything, but if Bunny says it should work then best to give it a try. No telling what she can pull out of her bag of tricks.”
He settled that helping of ingredients down Jarvis once he’d removed his jacket and folded up his sleeves got to arranging and finding the proper containers listed in your notes to prep and mix all of it in. Then paused at the final note, “Balloons?”
Sousa said, “She said that you have to keep it in latex, anything else it would eat through.”
Stark muttered to himself, “None of these are corrosive when mixed…” then looped around with more ingredients while Jarvis turned in a puzzled circle.
Jarvis, “We have latex gloves, no balloons.”
Stark said, “We have balloons,” pulling a package of grey balloons from a drawer in a desk along the way he added to the spread across the station and made a loop around Sousa to use the metal contents device on his leg. A single sweep of it and his confusion grew to the puzzling readings that there were no known metals in the known universe in it. “What metal did Bunny say she used?”
Sousa turned to see the device in his hand and answered, “She didn’t.”
Stark showed him the device, “Must have made a new one then, because this says there aren’t any metals in it.” After a pause they turned back to the task at hand and the Chief watched the duo work through the intricate directions that seemed to alter the known reactions of the ingredients. All entirely to puzzle the pair all the more on how you of all people had found them out and how this could react to the tech the Chief was up against.
Partway through the lift of a heated beaker underneath the fume hood as per instructions to be mixed into a cooled mixture in a silver bowl Sousa said, “I know you’re dying to ask more about the leg. Go on.”
Stark asked, “She just gave you a leg?”
Sousa said, “Said it’d help me keep up with Peggy. Seems like she just wants to help. Mentioned her relatives escaped a death camp,” that had Jarvis’ eyes on him, “And they’d seen a couple they were ordered to clear I guess and she was a Medic.” Jarvis looked away, “I mean she’s got that Medic rank maybe she wants to be a Doctor or work with the wounded.”
Jarvis asked, “You said Death Camps, her relatives escaped one?”
“Ya, Auschwitz, her aunt and cousin. Met them in France after they stormed Normandy Beach on D-Day. Haven’t met them yet, but if they’re anything like her and her brother should be a trip.”
Jarvis, “I believe Mrs Bunny has the best intentions for her education. And by your leg alone could change the lives of countless former soldiers at the very least.”
The final mixture came with a balloon to be folded over the fingers to pinch two knuckles worth of the creamy mixture that would upon the pinch of the balloon turned right side up to ease a tea spoon of the other mixture that almost had the men gag for the rancid grapefruit odor it gave off before each balloon was tied off and added to a bag for the Chief. “I’ll be damned,” Stark muttered to the sizzle of his having used the same spoon to scrape off the final creamy mixture than within moments ate the spoon he dropped into the mixture entirely. “She wasn’t kidding.”
Sousa peering over his shoulder muttered, “I don’t think she does that.”
Stark smirked, “Oh she has jokes, probably just missed some. She’s a master of subtlety is my guess with her humor.”
“One thing I cannot imagine her to be anything less than subtle. Title demands it no doubt.”
Stark smirked replying, “She married the title, grew up to barely a dime to her name. Could care less about that title so long as she got James out of the deal.”
Jarvis, “It is so pleasing to know she is so deep in love for all the hassle the press has given her since her retirement from the war.”
Sousa asked, “Where’d they even meet anyways, him being a Baron and all?” His eyes scanned between the duo and he asked to their shared disbelieving glance at each other, “What? What am I missing?”
Jarvis, “They met in the war.”
Stark, “Everyone knows this, it was in all the papers. Eddie had custody of her and he got drafted to the Canadian Forces. The hospital on the base Eddie got drafted to Bunny was a Nurse there then it got attacked.” This parted Sousa’s lips, “Eddie hacked off her hair and gave her a uniform, pack and gun and kept her with him while they were sent on their missions. Military counted her as a POW till a couple years later she ran into Victor and James’ platoon they mingled with. Not long after she got shot in the shoulder and was given a field promotion to Medic, E-4? I think. Then the world knew she was alive and safe out of Nazi hands. Somewhere in there they got sent on separate missions then met up at Normandy. That last year they stuck it out then got shipped straight to King George to be medaled and then out to Canada for her to get her GED and they met Truman somewhere in there and then she went on her University tour and settled on Barnard.”
“She got shot in the shoulder?”
Jarvis, “And the neck,” Only widening the Chief’s eyes more, “And there was mention of a facial grazing.”
Sousa, “She got shot three times above the ribs?!”
Stark, “Hard to imagine how badly she could have been hurt without that magnetic powered weapon she made that kept her men safe and was able to take out panzers and planes. Heard they got put on some harrowing details for their reputations.”
Sousa said, “I’m sorry, I can’t get past the she got shot in the face and neck part. I saw her, from several angles.”
Jarvis, “She was remarkably fortunate in her healing scar free from her injuries.”
Stark patted Sousa on the shoulder, “It’s alright Daniel, give it a few more visits and read up on her a bit, head down to The Blue Bonnet in lower Manhattan they’re playing a rerun of their wedding reel and the news clips they have on her in some sort of romantic retaliation for those headlines these days. Even some comics of theirs, helps to build up some socialization with the living mystery she is, well, the whole lot of them are.”
Sousa nodded and took hold of the bag, “Well, um, thank you for this. I have to get back and try to see if I can reach Eddie to plan a drop in tonight on my perp. Be a real thrill to catch my guy before Thompson catches his Weasel Bomber.”
Jarvis, “How have they not caught him yet?”
Sousa shrugged, “He’s got the whole floor except for Peggy on the case and all he’s won is a whole library of books and evidence that actually is from the case Eddie is searching on so they’ve been chasing an imaginary tail. Just ridiculous.”
Jarvis, “Could you not simply inform this Thompson that he is working on irrelevant evidence from an unrelated matter?”
Sousa smirked and said, “No, if the moron can’t figure his foot for a clue he shouldn’t have been given that promotion. But he’s too good at kissing ass than I could ever be to have been chosen against.”
Stark smirked back, “You got that promotion too old man.” Beginning to lead him off back to the front door.
Sousa rolled his eyes and replied, “They were desperate and I was the only one with enough time under my belt.”
Jarvis, “Sometimes necessity can be quite a virtue to have on your side. You have done more than earn the rank and now you have your own team here.”
“Who hate being stuck on my team. Rather be with the fun boys on Thompson’s floor.”
Jarvis, “Well then perhaps one might be traded for Peggy one day and you might have a worthy asset to your team.”
Sousa chuckled and answered, “Baroness has her way it would be best I wasn’t her superior.”
Stark smiled openly at him and clapped a hand on his back, “Well done, I’m hoping you mean in a matter of work positions, bout time we had another member on the team to know how happy you would make each other. And it’s nice to see Peggy gaining some strong women to back her outside of work. Hard to find someone on equal footing for her I would imagine. Plus Bunny has quite the mischievous streak in her. Hell of a pair.”
Sousa asked, “Have you guys seen that Lizard guy they’re putting up a billboard of over on the East Side?”
Jarvis, “Can’t say I have.”
Stark said, “I heard some big wigs have a big order from DC to post some new ‘official PR’ for one of their new show ponies.”
Sousa, “Why do they need a new show pony?”
Stark, “WW2 is over, Cold War is brewing though. Need someone’s face to slap on those posters now that Cap’s been bought out of their use.”
Sousa’s lips parted and Jarvis explained, “Mrs Bunny owns her brother’s image in and out of the uniform. Which the shield we hear is no longer in the Government vaults.”
Sousa, “Someone stole it?!”
Stark smirked and said, “Or someone took it home where it’d be looked after.”
Sousa muttered, “Home, you mean to his sister? What would she have need for that relic? Sledding with the kids?”
Stark chuckled and Jarvis stated in an amused tone, “That would be an amusing and handy use of the old hubcap.”
Stark more for himself than Sousa stated, “Well she certainly didn’t melt it down for that leg of yours. Vibranium would have been picked up by my scanner. No doubt if she’s got it nobody will see where she’s tucked it away. Just by chance he dropped it anyways, one of the last things he touched.”
They paused at the front door and Sousa said, “Victor said she has his pictures up in the library to honor their mother. To not pretend like he never existed. I can’t imagine, said he abandoned her for the war when she was a kid. Why would she have his picture up?”
Stark replied in a hinted solemn but steady tone, “Because she’s ‘not in the business of destroying little girl’s heroes’. What she told me. Why she shares about Bucky to his sisters and mom, he was all she had and he called her a monster. If you ask me, I think she saw him over there. Mentioned once how pitiful his shows were for the troops. If anyone could keep his memory from being trapped in that forever she would. Steve hated that damn show the minute he did it for the boys over there and not people back home who cheered and clapped.”
Sousa, “People who were out there dying, you mean.”
Stark answered, “Then he ran off on his own to news Bucky got taken prisoner. Had his boots on the ground after that till he took a nose dive in that plane.”
Jarvis, “I don’t imagine it would make much difference to put his photos away. He would still be there, all those years together, would still be there. Everything he said, and did, or lack thereof. Sometimes the silence and unanswered questions can be devastating enough.”
Sousa, “I just can’t seem to get a good read on her. I normally have a good radar for people. But her and her family, I don’t know about them.” The bag in his hand was lifted a little bit and he stated, “Thanks again. Let you know how it goes with the balloons.”
Stark said to his back, “Above all, have fun with it. My good balloons are involved.” The Chief chuckled on his way to his car to make the drive back.
Up against the wall you rested your hand in a moment’s pause once you’d hung up the phone after the call from the Blair House, where President Truman and his family were currently living to let the White House receive much needed repairs. He hadn’t asked again on progress of your pregnancy, yet shared he could have another word with the papers to ease up if they continued on like this when he was set for his next event. This call however came with news that out of respect for you they had found another mascot for their propaganda campaign for this new war on the hope front. Steve was at one time all you had and in that prior purchase of the comics Truman had enforced that ownership of everything Cap to sever that government owned tag from Steve’s ear to spare you pain of his face plastered everywhere once again. The big reveal would be at an event smack in the summer break when you would be in Canada and he said that once it did come out something might be done if you wished to show support publicly. But that would not be required.
Princess Elizabeth had responded to your latest letter in the trade off correspondence and even in her gleeful description of her enjoyment of the book you had gifted the couple for their vows the trunk hidden back in Canada kept popping back into your mind. It had been well over a year now since Truman had it sent to you personally that you had moved with you back there and buried like James and Vic had buried their own treasure hoards you had helped them to unearth and go through.
You had asked Peggy about a secret love child but somehow now thoughts of how his children would have grown up next to yours kept showing their faces like tiny prairie dogs you couldn’t shake while your date grew closer. But that tether had come to an end when the two hadn’t been physical, though not entirely fruitless as you learned by means of another Beserker on earth’s skilled studies that a sperm sample had been collected once from Steve and had been kept on ice in a facility. That upon the discovery to a more advanced facility had fallen prey to a freak accident and was leveled and the sample hidden away for when you might want use of it. Along with notes of the several failed tries of fertilization into volunteers by a group of scientists. By their inspection the sample was still viable and now under their care could last much longer and when the others would arrive there would be ample up to acting as surrogate for you.
But that would all be brushed away from your mind for now once again at the kick of your own girls who would send you back to the sketches you had been working up for the Manor finishing touches when you got back. Papers already had been bought before your trip back to Brooklyn and left there to install upon your return. Colored pencils helped to choose paint shades alongside paint swatches the guys had gathered and the duo helped to design some more furniture to go with what would be divided up to fill each of your wings by means of some books they flipped through. Every one of them secured answer that you were calming upon plans of the move. None more so than a mural of sketches on easels now set aside would be painted and hung when the basic paint smells didn’t make your stomach want to turn after the birth. The plans had been solidified nearly and on the page alone the Brocks who had come over the night prior had fallen in love with the changes to your new family home.
State vs Raslo, Tillinghast, Luckstrim
District Attorney Willie Abraham stood in front of the female student playing the 23 year old Christina Flanagan while she recounted her memory of the Defendant Jesse Rasslo on his way about the building in the process of stealing the information of ownership on each of the liquidated assets. “And you are certain it was Mr Rasslo? And not any chance it could have been anyone else?”
“I could point that hideous burnt orange and fuchsia leaf patterned fiasco of a vest he always wears out of a crowd. And if you mean his face I got a good look when he got into the elevator. It’s directly across from the store room I found a hole punch in to replace mine someone had run off with the week prior. Hard to get that ugly mug out of your mind after you see it with all of his tries at playing Casanova anytime he catches wind of a skirt nearby.”
The male student smirked and asked, “And when was the next time you saw Mr Rasslo?”
“Later on at the party. Came in far more gussied up than usual and made it a point to be social. Like he had to talk to everyone in the room. But then that’s when Miss Tillinghast began to try and put on a sort of one woman musical show and I excused myself to the other end of the room where I saw Mr Rasslo talking to Mr Virgil, who then left the room.”
“Did he seem angry?”
“No, determined, like he’d won something. Every time he won something he would get this one look on his face.” From the crowd now Jarvis, Stark and Peggy were added to the mix. All seemingly impressed of these cases they had caught up on with wonder on what two were next. “The same one Mr Gordon got a few minutes later when Mr Rasslo side stepped his way through the crowd to talk to him too. The brothers left and then it was like a switch flipped and Mr Rasslo joined Miss Tillinghast in her one woman show to keep all eyes on them. Only I couldn’t go hide in the toilet anymore as the lines for those grew and then by the time I’d found another for the catering staff in their office we heard the alarm sound and we all started to file out to wait for the cops to arrive to see what was wrong.”
Impressively a large board with the blueprints of a building to stand as example for the company was used by her and the DA in her show of where everyone was by use of markers and taped up sketches of ‘photographs’ taken from that evening by the team that was usually hired. This was what the Defense teams tried to attack and when they had failed in their tries to do so she flashed you a relieved smile in her being excused from the bench to exit the courtroom again now that her part was done.
And next came the pretend 37 year old, who a student with a blanket shoved into his shirt complete with an all crème suit and hat he carried once removed to play up his part of the back story on the gun expert down to a butchered Southern accent. More large pictures were used to discredit the possible bit of testimony that could exonerate the Defendants on trial if anyone believed the malformation of guns as he stated they were formed. The proper analysis of the evidence of trajectory came next along with copies of sketches of the crime scene supplied to yourself, the General, the Jury and the Prosecution to show that things were thrown both on top of one of the casings while a book found underneath Virgil had another bullet lodged inside of it showing that the so called robbery ploy was used to hide the evidence of the true scuffle. Sketches of blood stains on the carpet came next in larger size to show their hypothesis of who died first and how like footprints and arrows that led to the next clues. All of these things were noted by the impressed author of the case who saw that without the chunk of his case he so badly wanted to have gone other ways than this.
“The State rests, Your Honor.” Mr Abraham stated in the conclusion of the testimony of their fourth witness and your eyes shifted to the Defense for wonder on how their witnesses would go the next time you were together and the case with the sound of the gavel was paused to resume at the next date given for a couple days off and you excused yourself for a mini break. The buzz of the crowd waxed and waned in the switch of the teams and comments shared by the Judges, Professors and student Press here for the trial. Of course only to dim again upon your return to show things were headed back on track.
Firske & Hahn vs Glubb Insurance
Four witnesses filled up the remainder of the time. Louis Levard was first. Age 41 who was the GP Doctor Injured parties were sent to by Ins company. With a smile Mr Bressler questioned him after hearing what the injuries were and then promptly frowned beside his partner in Defense Mr Winters to watch Mr Urton stand with human anatomy chart in hand he taped up with help of Officer Browen on the supplied easel to dig into each of the flaws of the statement he had given. The author for this case shifted uncomfortably in his seat to each mistake named and made note of them to be marked later in his report and stole glances your way as others did for the cool expression on your face and occasional tick of your brow to each note you made yourself. Fully by the end of Mr Winters retaliatory questions the crowds could see just why his license was being challenged.
Wallace Walstead of the seasoned age of 51 was next. The Eye Doctor who felt the same fire from the oven he had been seated upon since the moment of being sworn in also with a challenged license. The student’s clear study into the anatomy of the eye led to a shaky but useful dissection of another anatomy chart that proved Miss Hahn’s injuries to her eye were far greater than put on by the Insurance Doctor.
Samuel Strenberg Age 39 came next for the most amusing one yet. Paid for several cases for their testimonies as it was revealed by use of copies of the bank notices added to the case to go with fake court dates and snippets from each trial where they played the satisfied patient. The audience watched with amused smiles while you shifted back in your seat with ample notes being taken to keep from smiling openly to the nearly awed expression on the author’s face to how this one throwaway witness he had written was being used by Mr Urton for the injured parties.
And lastly, smug as hell Bob Kleeman all of 47, Ins Rep on policy for coverage nearly had to be drug off the stand y the end of his testimony within which he defends his stance that since they didn’t go to approved Doctors first to be referred to ER’s afterwards they are responsible for all charges. Even against all the evidence, diagrams and otherwise, he held firm and heated up the room to a degree that had everyone pleased to call it a day by the time the gavel fell.
Into the halls people pooled with excited chatter on how the end of this phase of the case had gone with hopes that the witnesses for the Defense on the murder case would go the next day the court would be called. Stark however found your side and smiled stating, “Very well done on choosing these cases.”
“Oh I didn’t choose them. Just led them a bit out of the gutter.” Your eyes shifted to some of the awed Science students and you said, “I think you might be paraded around a bit today.”
His head shook, “Easy return for the show you gave us. Enjoy your classes. Gladly play show pony in return for today.”
Peggy with a smirk wished you a comfy next class, a sentiment that Jarvis shared in his own amused send off and shift to follow Stark as if to keep him from being eaten by the crowds that pooled around him to grant you a clearer walk with your family to the next class you had.
Pt 62
All –
@sherala007​, @mariannetora​​, @jesgisborne​, @knitastically​, @catthefearless​​, @theincaprincess, ggbbhehe4455, @lilith15000​​, @alishlieb​​,
Not nsfw(smut) - @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​
X Marvel-Cast - @himoverflowers​, @theincaprincess​, @changlingkhat​
Brother Dearest - @thorinanddwalinsdwarrowdam​​, @swoopswishsward
8 notes · View notes
freigeistundanderes · 4 years
Bucky Barnes Valentine exchange Story
Hey, now we can finally say, which author was out secret Santa. I got @fandomsandxfiles-writes​ and she wanted to have a 40`s Bucky - enemies to lovers story. So I hope I somehow hit the challenged and you like it :) I say sorry in advance, since this is my second English written story ever.  Have fun while reading it!  Pairings: 40´s Bucky x Reader 
Word count: 26.368
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World War II dominated daily life. Many young men already went there to fight at the front lines, and the other few were still at home, waiting for the order to go. School isn't what it was before. Many boys didn't even finish school and went directly to the base training as soldiers. And soon, the classrooms were empty and only filled with girls. You can imagine how sad the Prom looked like, a room just filled with old teachers and girls with slow music in the background and nobody to dance with. Steve went with you to the Prom just because he failed every medical and physical exam to join the Army.
Bucky was still around, somehow, but he spent most of his time with the base training, and when he wasn't training with the Army, he did for himself. He wanted to be a good soldier, and he tried to protect his country. Basically, a good character trait if it wasn't so stupid at the same time. When he got better in his training, they will send him away sooner and sooner. You didn't care as much, but Steve did. Even tho they both have been friends for a long, long time, they were boys at the end of the day. That means, when one got better in material things, the other got minor complexes. And to help Steve get his wish granted, you started to fill out the Army's application form for him. It was the 4th time you two tried, and of course, he didn't get accepted. The thing was, even when the application form was perfect, it was still Steve. Little, lanky, wimpy Steve, and nobody would take him. You promised to help him, but to be honest? There wasn't a big chance that he would be accepted in the Army, and honestly, you didn't want him to go there. He would be dead in seconds since he could not hold a rifle long enough to actually shoot someone.
Today Steve tried to get into the Army again. You filled out the application and waited outside of the building. You got yourself a bench near the entrance, so when Steve walked outside, he could see you. While you waited for Steve to return with a rejection, you pulled out a letter yourself. You got him a week ago. You tell yourself you didn't have time to open it, but the truth is, you were too scared to open it. One of these official letters from the Army was with the lovely white envelope and the American flag. Your Family name in big black letters on the front and an official stamp over the upper right corner. You carried this thing with you for a week, and it looked like that—bends, wrinkles, and folds all over it. Actually, you know what was in that thing. You know exactly what the letters on the paper inside the envelope. It would probably start like My sincere condolences to tell you… It would sound like he was a good fighter, a good soldier in the middle part. He saved many lives throughout his days in service… and the end would be finished with an excellent old: I am sorry about your loss. Usually, you got a letter from her Father, every week, when he was away in War. For one week, however, you got nothing. Instead of an informal letter from her father, you got this official thing from the Army. You didn't have to be a genius to put together the facts. Your father was dead, fallen in service to protect this country against Nazi's. That was what this letter was about. So no, she didn't have to open the letter to know what was inside of it. Your father died, and now she was alone in this world. She didn't have a mother anymore or siblings.
"An official letter from the Army? Why you got that?" Steve was back and looked over your head down to the letter you held in your hands. "My father," you fold the letter and put it in your pocket again before you looked at Steve. He understands your glace and shook his head and showed you the rejection paper. "You know, when they catch you, you will be in trouble?" "I know, but I think they just don't care" he also put the paperback in his pocket and looked around for a few seconds to took a deep breath. "So what are you planning to do?" you asked him, but he just shrugged his shoulders. "For today? I will meet you later with Bucky. He invited me for another double date" "He will never give up, right?" "Probably not, no. He don’t want me to feel excluded" "Excluded from what? Girls?" "Joie de vivre, I guess" "Does he noticed that he doesn't make it better with the double dates?" "I don't think so" Steve smiled and shook his head. "He isn't the smartest" "I know," you smiled too and stood up from the bench. You looked around a while. Trying to figure out what you want to do next when you saw a poster. It said it would be some kind of new-age science exhibition. "What are you gonna do? For the rest of the day?" "I am going there" you nodded your head in the direction of the poster. "Sounds….. interesting" Steve wasn't thrilled about it. He wasn't too much into technology. "Will you tell me one day what was in that letter?" he started another attempt to talk about the thing you had in your pocket. "It's from the Army, and it's about my Father. I didn't open it now" you shrugged your shoulders and took a step back. "Anyway. See you soon, pal" "Yes. See you soon!"
So you were about to go home, and if you liked it or not, you had to read that letter and see what will happen next. Without your Father, you didn't have an income and you didn't decide what you wanted to do just now. Your Father wanted you to start a Study at a University and creating a great career as a professor somewhere and that the War would be over just then. Was it what you wanted? You weren't certain. Sure, being a Professor at some university would guarantee you significant money and a peaceful future. But to be honest, that wasn't you. Yes, you liked reading but being locked up in an office for the rest of your days wasn't quite your style. And finding a well-paid job as a woman was hard and nearly impossible. Maybe you should try to join the Army too? Just because your Father seemed to be so happy in the Army and you somehow had the feeling that it would be exactly right for you. But on the other hand, you couldn't leave Steve behind. He would never be accepted in the Army. It was bad enough for him that Bucky was taken, but if you apply for it and git accepted too, that would mentally destroy him. He felt useless most of his life, even tho he wasn't. Anyway…. You should start thinking about your future in more detail, now your Father died.
When you arrived home, you noticed that the front door of your house was open. You never leave that door open, so someone must have entered your house. Slowly you pushed the door further open, so you could sneak into the front door hallway. You couldn't hear any noises and the lights were out too. If intruders had entered your house, you would have seen chaos along the way or at least some lights on, but nothing. Slowly, light-footed like a cat, you go further into your house. It was a small house, with just one level, so it was pretty lucid. You nearly reached the end of the front door hallway when you heard a few heavy steps behind you and a deep voice talking to you. "You would be dead by now. If I was a burglar," the voice was Smokey, dark, and had that sarcastic tone in it. Very similar to your father's one, and as you turned around, you saw the big man. He was a little bit heavier build, owned to his age, and probably too many steaks with beer. "Uncle Chester," you rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. Visits like this were usual for him. He liked being the mysterious part of the family, or something like that. "What do you want here" "Express my condolences to you. Because of your father" "He was your brother" "You can be sure, I know that. But…. Our relationship wasn't the best in the end. I wanted to check in if you are okay?" "Do I look like a whiny, crying little girl to you?" "No. That's why I am worried about you. Shouldn't you…. Cry?" "He was a Captain. He knows how he would die, and I knew it too. We have War, many people will die" "You are soooo mature, little girl" "Don't call me that" "So…. What are you planning to do next? Without your fathers' money, you need a job! Something in mind?" "no. Not yet" "good! I have a job for you!" he stepped towards you and pulled out a letter from the inside, pocked his official army jackets, and handed it to you. "What kind of job? Nurse? Rubble woman?" "Don't be silly" he pulled his eyebrows together and step aside, and looked at the pictures on the walls. "President Roosevelt himself started a military unit called SSR – Strategic Scientific Reverse. The aim of that is to create a super-soldier army to win the War without losses anymore. That force contains the best minds in the free world-" "I can read," you interrupted his monologue for a second to fly over most of the lines in the letter.
What you couldn't see was that your Uncle slightly smiled. You were precisely like your Father and always a big mouth but down to earth somehow. But – not to mention – you were like your Uncle too. Ever a good slogan on your lips with a sarcastic undertone. When Uncle Chester was more often at home during your early childhood, you had great fun together. He and your Father were a dream team when it came down to raising you since your mother died at birth. That was the primary reason why your summarized the best and worst characteristics of your Father and your Uncle in one person BUT the beautiful physic you had from your mother. She was pretty like an angel, with that soft and lovely scented hair, the open and heartwarming smile, and these beautiful, engaging eyes.
When you were finished with reading, you needed to repeat a few sentences again. It sounded highly impossible and stupid for you, but on the other hand, you wanted to see the outcome. "Why you need me? I am not one of the best minds. I am average" "You are average, when it comes to science, yes. But you are instinctive, a good natural fighter, and have a great sense of strategy. At least, those were the words your Father used to describe you to be the last time I saw him. He was so proud of you, that you are not a whiny little woman, like everybody else. You are strong, and I need Strong soldiers. So…. What you say? Are you in?" – "Yes!" you didn't think about it. It was a clear answer to you. It was not because of what your Father told your Uncle; it was about that little inner voice, telling you, you should go. Like uncle Chester said, you had good instincts, and you used them right now. "You do not want to rethink? Final answer?" "I do not rethink usually. I got my choices right the first time" he knit his eyebrows again and laughed a little bit. "You say that now. Sooner or later, there will be a moment when you have to rethink" – "When do we start?" "Hold your horses! I will contact you, but tonight I want you to meet your head scientists" "Why?" "Because we are looking for a suitable man for the Army, and you know this part of Brooklyn the best" "And how do I find this scientist?" "German looking, small guy, with glasses, head, and a beard. You will find him. Look at it, like it would be your first mission" he grinned at you and was about to leave the house.
In the evening, you were dressed up and ready to go. You dressed a bit more fancy but not too much. It was a plain, dark blue dress in knee-length. Paired with simple black shoes and a small black bag for your porte-monnaie. Nothing spectacular but chic.
It took you around 10 minutes to run into Steve and the annoying attachment when you arrived there. Steve looked bored as hell, too, so he looked around and find you immediately. He waved in your direction, and behind him, the personified idiot – James Buchanan Barnes, friends call him Bucky, but you stayed with James. "Hey, Steve" "Hey!" he smiled at you and stepped aside to introduce the other people. "Cassy and Odette, and you already know Bucky" "Hallo, James" "It's Bucky. Please" "You said, your friends call you Bucky. I am not your friend, so it is appropriate to call you by your Birthname: James" "You are refreshingly nice as usual, Claw" "Don't call me that" – "Make me" he grinned cocky looked her directly in the eyes. His glace got replied with pure and clean aversion with a sour, sarcastic undertone. Claw was the Nickname you got from Steve and Bucky, based on your caustic and harsh kind, sometimes "You really want that?" "Don't get me wrong, little Princess. I believe you when you say you can defend yourself, but I think you need a little more for me than just a good positioned punch" "Bucky!" Steve wanted to prevent his best friend from protentional long term effects of that claim. "James – oh James – you should never underestimate a well-positioned punch" now, she grinned back and looked down for a second to make him understand what she meant. It took him a few seconds until he pulled his eyebrows together and took a step back. "You wouldn't!!" "Wanna bet?" "HEY!" Steve went between the two brawlers. "Never mind. We should go" "Woah, wait-" now it was Bucky who intervene and looked confused at Steve. "You invited her?" "No. We run just into each other" "Well, I would say, 3 Girls, is one girl too much, Buddy" "I guess it will be okay for the rest of the evening. You take these two Ladies, and I take her" "But – Steve-" "We are good with that!" one of the two girls finished the conversation, and then the situation was completed. Steve didn't want this in the first place because he knew the girls Bucky brought are just interested in him. Why not, by the way? He was tall, good looking, and charming - the perfect match for most of the girls. And he had this slightly sinister boy aura around him, even when he was a good guy through and through. At least that was what Steve claims every time you two talked.
The expo was enjoyable, overall, but actually, nothing of that really seeks your attention. Many people around here and you were about to find the German one. The funny thing is, though, that most Germans looked like Americans, so it was nearly impossible to find the right man. When you looked around, a recruitment center catches your eye, and you thought about what your Uncle told you. This German Scientist was about to find new Soldiers for the project. So for him being in that center would make the most sense. "Hey Steve," you put a hand on his shoulder to catch his attention. "I have to go. Get something done" "already?" "You seem to be in delightful company, here" "Funny. Really funny" "Okay, bye, my friend" you see him off before you went to the recruitment center.
When you entered the center, it was full of people. It was different from the other centers you went to before with Steve. In this one, you had a nice, colorful and colossal propaganda part right before the testing area, and it was filled with people. A little bit lost, you looked around and tried to find a man, fitting on the description your Uncle gave you. So many people with a beard and glasses, which one would be the German? You looked around for a few more minutes when a smaller man approached you. "Good evening, Miss. Did you get lost?" he had to be in the age between 40 and 60, had a grayish beard and small round glasses. The way he speaks English suggested to you that this isn't his mother tongue. "No, actually I am looking for someone" "So? Maybe I can help? Who do you looking for?" "An educated man – a scientist! A little bit older with a beard and glasses and German heritage" he smiled slightly and nodded slowly. "That would be me. My name is Dr. Abraham Erskine" he reached out his hand to you, and you did the same. "You must be the niece of Colonel Philips?" "Indeed, yes. He sends me here to find you" "And he told me you would come. Let's go over there and have a little talk?" "I would like that, yes" the Doc led you away from the people into a calmer area of the center.
We entered the testing area for protentional soldiers. The Doctor looked behind one of the curtains to check if someone in there. After that, he thrust aside the whole thing to open it for you to enter.
“So you are Colonel Philips, niece? If I got that right?” “Indeed. His brother was my father” “Was?” “He died a week ago in Service” “I am sorry,” he apologized and looked a bit sad and uncomfortable to step into that huge blunder. “Thanks, but we are not here to talk about my dead father, right?” “Surely. Forgive me; I am a little bit old fashioned. Would you mind having a little talk with me first? I like to know the people I will work with” “Fine,” you shrugged your shoulders and looked for a sitting possibility. You decided to take a lounger and pointed at the chair in front of it, so the Doctor could sit too. “Ask whatever you want” “Whatever I want?” “If I do not want to answer, I will not answer. Feel free to ask anything” You wanted to get it over with. You simply didn’t saw the point of meeting the head scientist of the project since your uncle invites you because of your military talent, not your scientific knowledge. Last but not least, your uncle thought that a little change of air would be good for you. He knew you loved your father, and you are too tough to admit it. There will be a moment when you start to crumble, and the pain will rush over you, and he wanted to have you nearby when it happens. Nobody should be alone while mourning. “Why you entered the SSR?” “My uncle asked. I said yes. Here I am” “No other specific reason?” “No, why? Do I need one? This reason is as good as any other reason people have to serve in War. I think the reason doesn’t matter” “Why? Why does the reason doesn’t matter?” “There is never a good reason to start a war and sacrifice many young lives’. You should protect what you believe in, but it doesn’t have to be in a fight; that should be the last option. That is my opinion, but what do I know? I am just a little girl” he smiled slightly and shook his head softly. “Besides the fact who your uncle is, I can see you are not just a little girl” “How would you know?” “I can see it, your eyes” “My eyes…? I am not into that pathetic stuff” he laughed a bit and nodded. “I can tell you are feisty” “Only on Mondays,” “Today is Monday” “See,” he smiled again. “I like you. I like you a lot. You are refreshingly different, and I like young Ladies who can fight for their ideals” “How do you know I can fight?” “Your uncle told me a few things about you. You a good fighter and have good natural instincts” “Maybe” “Don’t be too modest –“ he stopped short to make a little break before he started talking again. “We already have someone similar to you. She is a Brittan Agent and feisty as well. I guess you two will get along just fine. Her Name is Agent Peggy Carter” “It will be a pleasure to meet her” “I can’t wait to see you two working together, but-“ he harrumphed a little bit and put on a serious face again. “I am here to look for new cadets; unfortunately, most of the young boys are already away. You can suggest someone?” “I don’t know many boys around here” “But you know some!?” “Depending on what are you looking for? The brainless muscle monkeys are already recruited” “’Brainless muscle monkeys’… actually, I am not looking for one of these! Your uncle does, but I want someone with a specific characteristic” “Specific Characteristics-“you were interrupted by a nurse who wanted to talk to the Doctor. She entered the room and reached him a file. You didn’t say everything in the file, but you recognized the photo in it. It was Steve’s. He wanted to try again to enter the Army, and it looks like he got caught with his multiple tries. “I am sorry, I have to do something-“he closed the file and stood up. “He has character” “This one?” he opened the file to read the Name again. “Steven Grant Rogers?” “I don’t know what you are looking for, but he has it. Give him a chance to prove it to you, and he will not disappoint you” the Doc looked at you with a stare glace until he nodded slowly. “would you vouch for him?” “Vouch for him?” “Would you trust him with that enough to confide him your life?” “Yes,” you answered strongly, and there was no doubt in your voice. “So, when a strong and independent girl like you would trust him, I should give him that try to prove me,” then he left the little room. Seemed like that you and Steve would enter the same Unit. One reason more to be expectantly about the next few weeks and the little change.
“I am honest, I am death” Steve came up to you and sat next to a dirty box. His equipment was just hanging down from his weak little body. He was in training for about half of a month, and you were sure there was not only one single small part, which didn’t hurt. After he got recruited into the SSR – like you – he immediately started his training to get a better physical change. But besides sore muscles, there wasn’t much of a difference. For your part, you trained with that Agent the Doctor mentioned. Peggy was good in shape and had a piece of excellent knowledge about self-defense and fighting styles. It was a great addition to your own style of fighting. You two trained a lot for the past few weeks and got quick on an equal level of physical strength. Since you were a new recruit – like Steve – you got simple tasks. Peggy trained the other Soldiers while you and your uncle were studying strategic files and everything possible about an organization called Hydra. You also got inaugurated in what the SSR was doing exactly. The Doctor was creating a Serum, and it was going down o deciding which new soldier should get it first. Your task was also to document every soldier’s progress to make it easier to choose. But honestly? You had a few talks with the Doctor itself, and he was pretty impressed with Steve, so you voted for him, and indeed, he was the one. But still, he had to get in a little bit better shape to have a greater chance of surviving the experiment.
Steve was breathing heavily, his head wholly laid back into his neck, as he sat down on the Box. He was initially coming up to you to get some encouraging words from you. And when he didn’t get these, a sarcastic commentary would do it too. He was happy to have a familiar and friendly face around when he joined the Army. He was really great full for you, not at least, because you were closer with Agent Carter and Steve had a thing for her. She was impressive! Intense and intimidating, and she was so confident. She didn’t need to be saved, and that what he appreciated the most on her. She was simply able to take of herself.
After he didn’t get any words from you, he opened one eye and looked up at you. You were standing here, head down and staring down at a letter you hold in your hands. You had a thing with staring down at letters. “Hey! What’s up?” “I god a letter from James” “Bucky? You got a letter from Bucky? Why?” “I don’t know” “An official one or a personal one?” “Personal” she turned the front side of the letter towards Steve, so he could see the bad handwriting. It was a personal letter, addressed at Claw. “he still calls you Claw?” “Guess so…. Why is he writing me a letter?” She looked more confused than ever since he knew her. “I don’t know! What did you do?” “Nothing…. I guess” Steve stood up from the Box and also started to look down on the closed envelope. “You don’t want to open it?” “Should I?” “Otherwise you will never find out what is in there-“ “ROGERS!” from far away, his drill sergeant was calling for him. Exhausted, he gave a loud groan and started running towards the other members of his Unit.
You just stood there and looked down on the envelope for a few moments, when you shook your head, turned around the letter and opened it. It was childish, not to open it and as you knows James, it will be a stupid prank or something like that. You should get over it and return to your tasks after that. Against your expectations, it wasn’t silly pranks or an inappropriate picture of something. It was an actual letter, handwritten in the worst handwriting you ever saw. The first line said: Hallo Claw, and after that, there were many other lines, and even the backside of the paper was written. On the piece, itself were little dirt stains. After a fast-flying over the lines without actually reading them, you turned around the form and saw the last line: See you soon, Bucky. This was more than just strange. It was entirely out of imagination! You sat down on the Box and started to read the letter, from beginning to end, every single word of it, slowly.
It took you a while to read through the whole letter. The handwriting was awful, and you had to guess every fifth word, and you tried to analyze it. To find the mistake in the word choices to uncover this letter as a prank, still. That James paid someone to wrote you a note to evoke the false belief in you, that he might not just hate you. You had plenty of reasons to be suspicious about it. You didn’t realize how long you sat there reading when a heavy breathing Steve returned to the spot where he left you. “I see you opened it ---- what did ---- he ---- wrote?” he pressed out the words between his intense breathing, trying not to collapse in front of you because of exhaustion. “Basically, he said, that he liked our conversation and that he hoped we had that earlier. We had more in common than I would know now, and that he didn’t know how much he would miss female intellectual interaction. And that he started to get more sarcastic and sharp-tongued because of me – Honestly? I didn’t see the meaning behind the letter” you wanted to hand it over to Steve, who just blocked that try. “He wrote the Letter to YOU. It’s yours now” “He probably didn’t write it anyway. One of his Unit buddy’s wrote it for him to confuse me. I strongly believe that!” “You think so? I know that handwriting; it’s Bucky’s!” “Then he tries to tease me from the front line? Great! Not even during the War, I am safe from him” you rolled your eyes, fold the letter back and put it into the envelope, and stood up. “We have things to do, Steve! Tomorrow is your big day” “I know. That why the Sergeant didn’t let me run the extra mile” “He seems to be nice” “Nice? Ever meet him?” “A couple of times” “I am giving up! I just want to take a shower!”
The next couple of weeks didn’t feel like a success in military history. It was more like monkey business. After Steve’s transformation, you thought he would be trained to be a severe soldier. Still, instead, he was turned into a breathing action figure. He had to do press tours, movies and sing stupid jingles. And from looking at the disappointment on Steve’s face, you know he felt the same. You decided to stay with Steve and distance yourself from the duties of the SSR for a while. You didn’t want to let him alone with all these mindless people, such as today. He was told to say some encouraging words to the soldiers at the front. They put up a stage for him, where he could stand on and talk. And they forced him to wear that bad, bright-colored stupid suit. And then he was standing there. Reading the pre-written words to the soldiers, which didn’t even want to listen. He was a super soldier and supposed to fight for his country, but instead, he was a trained monkey in a circus.
Not what he imaged and not what the soldiers wanted to see or hear. It was a disaster; it couldn’t get any worse. And if this wasn’t enough, Steve listened to the news that Hydra had captured the 107th, therefore also Bucky. He tried to convince your uncle to start a rescuing mission, but there was no chance he would allow that. Hydra had a reputation for capturing soldiers and using them for experiments. So if these guys aren’t dead yet, they might be soon. But would that stop Steve? It was about saving Bucky, and he would do it, without any doubt, and he wouldn’t think twice about it. So he and Peggy tried to convince Stark to help them. So it was up to you to take your uncle busy until these trees are gone on the mission.
“Where is Rogers?!!!” Your uncle slam opens the door into your room with a shattering noise. He wasn’t happy – actually, he was pretty angry. He knew something like that would happen, but he hoped that these three idiots would be more intelligent than trying to attack a Hydra base on their own. You got a little frightened and crumbled the paper in your hand a little bit. “I know that you know the answer, and I want you to tell me. NOW!” he entered your room and build himself up in front of your sitting person. You were resting on your bet and had all the letters from James in front of you. You somehow felt rereading them, since there was a possibility these were the last written word of him. In case of his death, you wanted to send them to his sister. “Strolling?” “Strolling? Are you taking me for a fool? I know he is not strolling! What are those?” he flies over the lines of a few letters and couldn’t see an author of these.
After all, you are still his niece, and after your father died, he is somehow – your chaperone now. “Nothing” you wanted to put them together to stuff them somewhere out of sight when he was faster and grabbed one of these. He read through the lines and raised one eyebrow. “Sergeant Barnes wrote you these? That fledgling? Never knew you would be interested in that kind of man” “It’s not like that” “it is not? These letters are pathetic and greasy love letters” “They are not” you shook your head and stood up from your bed. “These are just letters from a man who was bored at the front” “Bored at the front?” your uncle laughed at this. “You are not bored at the front because you are pretty busy not to die. He wasn’t bored, he took the little glimpse of free time he had to write you. That’s not nothing” “You interpreted it false. James Buchanan Barnes is a prankster, a childish little boy, and a womanizer. He would never write this with a serious background” you shrugged your shoulders. “He just wants me because I don’t want him. I actually couldn’t stand him” “Mhm,” he nodded and knit his eyebrows. “So why are you keeping these then? Quite a lot of letters and effort for a man who is just joking around” “You don’t know him” “Well if he is friends with Rogers, he can’t be too bad of a man” “He is an idiot” “All man are idiots! That’s in our genetic code” “Ahhhh that would explain a lot” “Stop that!” He pointed with his index finger at you with that stern look on his face. “Back to the essential! I know that you know where Rogers is. Tell me! Now!” “I don’t know” you shrugged your shoulders, and your uncle looked even angrier at you. He wanted to say something when he heard something from the outside, so you two decided to go outside.
As you went outside the door, you could see how a bigger group of soldiers is coming towards you. All ahead was Steve, and on his left side, you could recognize Bucky. Guess you didn’t need to send the letters to his sister after all.
“You know this idiot?” your uncle standing next to you when you were looking at Steve, bringing home the soldiers from the Hydra base. You were so proud of your little friend from Brooklyn. “Idiots. I know them both” “Both?” “The on his left side? That’s Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes. The reason why he started this whole thing” “Barnes, huh? I assume he is his friend?” “Best Friend” you corrected your uncle and smiled slightly. Of course, Steve would do something stupid as running into a Hydra base just to save Bucky and man he didn’t know. It is Steve! He is doing these things, and that’s why he is Captain America.
When they entered the camp, Steve was about to talk to Peggy, and it was lovely. You noticed the little growing thing between them, and it was beautiful. Peggy wasn’t like all the girls Bucky had in mind for Steve. She was just right for him because they meet on the same level. She never looked down on him because of his small physical size. She respected his character and values in every shape he was in. And that’s why she deserved Steve. She liked him as a little boy, and she can have him as the soldier he is now. You were good with it, and they both liked each other. They just didn’t confess just now. While Steve talked to Peggy and a short cheers on Captain America, Bucky was stepping out of the line and walking towards you. What will happen now? What will he say or what will he do? Somehow, you had a strange feeling in your stomach. It felt like itching and tugging, as someone with a stomach bug would feel, shortly before they vomit. “Hey” he put on that crooked smile you already knew, Nothing surprising. Somehow, the little girl in you imaged his first words to be more pontifically or…. something like that. Good to know that some things will never change. “As I can see, you are not dead. Now I have to write an apology letter to your sister. We already informed her of your passing” “You are looking good too, Claw” “I was serious” “I know. Did you get my letters?” “Well…. Yeah…. What was the deeper purpose of these?” “Deeper purpose?” “Yes! Why would you write me letters? We didn’t like each other” “Sure about that?” “Well I assumed based on our shared past, James” “James? We are still at James?” “Isn’t that your name?” “Uhm…. Yea, it is” he looked down for a second before he raised his glace again and seemed a bit subdued. You knit your eyebrows in confusion. Did you say something wrong? What you said was the definite truth! You didn’t get the meaning of the letters, besides the fact that they were actually lovely and you two – indeed – didn’t like each other enough to receive these letters. Then you started to look down on his ripped and dirty clothes until you saw a big bloodstain near his stomach. “You-“ you reached out your hand for the stain, to feel if it still was wet. Surprisingly, the loose looking clothes are pretty narrow, so you could feel his muscles under it. “a doctor. You need a doctor! Medical…. Treatment!” “Some of the guys are worse than me” “Now” “Hey, Claw. I am fine. Don’t worry. Wait…. You wouldn’t worry anyway, right?” “That – That’s not fair! You should go and see a doctor” “I will” he stepped back and run past you. Why was he angry this time?
When the doctor was about to finish his treatment with Bucky when you slowly stepped into the room. He was sitting on a lounger without his top but about to put it back on. You could get a view of his upper body and how perfectly smooth it looked. Not a single scratch, not a scar, or anything else. The doc put his stuff together and left the room directly. Seemed like James was the last patient on his list for the day, and then there was silence. Big and uncomfortable silence. He was mad at you, but for what? For you being confused about friendly letters, which he had no reason for? It's not like that you two ever had a long and pleasant conversation before, so he had no right to be that angry with you! "I am confused" you took the word and looked strong at him. He listened to you, shook his head, and pulled on his shirt in one quick and smooth movement. "Why do I got these letters from you? We weren't that close before, so I have every right to be confused, and you never explained it! In none of these letters!" "You read them? All of them?" "Well…. Of course, I did!" "And you still call me James?" "Okay!" you raised your hands and blow entirely off. "Why is it so important to you how I call you? WHY?!" "it just is" "Okay, fine, I call you Bucky. Happy now?" "A bit" "Tell me why!" "Just means I am closer" "closer? Closer to what?" "Don't mind, Claw," he winks at you, and indeed his mood got better, and he isn't mad anymore? Jesus, this MAN is driving her CRAZY!
"Don't call me Claw" he smirked and stood up from the lounger, then he came close to you, very close. He stood directly in front of you, so close, you could feel his body heat on your own body. He lowered his head down to your ear and whispered something in it: "you will always be Claw. See you tonight" "Tonight?" "There is a pub down the street. Come for a drink" "You invite me for a drink?" "I do" "Is it poisoned?" you asked him, what make him laugh. "Not yet" "But later?" "You have to try" "What an enormous stupid idea to go for a drink which is protentional poisoned! You think I am stupid?" "No. Actually, I think you are quite intelligent. I can't force you to come for the drink, but I would love to see you. Please come" more than just confused, you got left behind buy Bucky. What was that? Honestly, what was that? What the hell was that?! James Buchanan Barnes, you ---- Jerk!
"If you want to hear my opinion. A boy will always be a boy. If he was like that before the War, he would not change much" Peggy turned a few times sideways before the mirror and smooth her red dress down. She put it on because she will go to the Pub where Steve and the other from the 107th are. She wanted to see Steve and want to have a little talk with him. You, on the other hand, didn't put anything fancy. Actually, you had your nightwear already. You didn't plan to go to the pub, even though Bucky would be happy about it. This situation was too confusing for you, and you decided to get more distance to the problem. You wanted to look at it more detailed and with a clear view. Bucky behaved strangely, and everything started with these letters, so you asked Peggy about it. You told her the whole History with Past and present, and she said that he probably is just playing around. Nobody goes from enemies to lovers in that short period, without spending time. It was only not possible. The first letter was friendly, but there weren't any signs that he would send her one. Letting the situation cooldown would be the best for her and that precisely what you will do. Let the case cool down! "You look good, Agent. He will love it" "who?" "You know who I meant" "Possible," you smiled, and Peggy smiled too until she went out of the door.
"You look nervous. Why are you nervous?" "I am not" Bucky grabbed his drink and took a sip, but when he heard the door opening, he immediately put down his glass, leaned back, and looked at the door. "Of course you are not nervous" Steve smiled and sat next to his friend at the bar. "It's not nervousness, Steve" "Then tell me what else it is?" he poked his friend, who didn't answer. He just shook his head with a decent smile and grabbed his glass again. He knows this kind of behavior from Bucky. It's about a girl, he is waiting for a certain girl to come in, and the clue was, Steve already knows which Girl Bucky had in mind. What stumbles him was the reason why he chooses her. Before the War, when they were in school together, he never showed special interest in her. It was quite the opposite; he was absolutely not interested in her. He avoided the contact and chat with her after that little accident with the dress. And she? Well, he made her feelings about Bucky more than clear: she hated him from the bottom of her soul. So maybe it was just a typical boy who wants what they can't have in a situation. That would at least the most logical answer to that whole surreal scenario. "Did she read them? The letters I send her?" "She did. Although she was skeptical. Until the 6th or 8th letter, she thought, a friend would write them for you, and you just send them to her to make fun of her" "did she really thought that? That it was a bad joke?" "Well, Bucky-" Steve laughed a bit and shook his head. "You can't deny that these letters came out of the blue! Before that, you never had a good talk without me preventing you two from killing each other. So getting these nice written letters was indeed a surprise, and she had a good reason to be suspicious" "Looking from that perspective…. What did I though? That was a stupid idea" Bucky pinch together his face until he took his drink and finished it in one sip. "Buck… what did you expect from her?" he thought about it for a second when he shrugged his shoulders. "Nothing" "But Bucky-" "Hey Steve, let's not talk about it anymore, okay? It was something stupid, and we put the veil of forgetting over it, okay? It never happened" "But it did happen, Bucky, and now you confused her. So what is the overall plan?" "There is no plan, man. It was just-" he hesitates a second and looked down into his empty glass. Yeah, what was it, Bucky? Was it just boredom why you wrote the letters? Was it desperation? Homesickness? Desire? And unsolved puzzle? The Only woman who doesn't thirst over him? The only one he couldn't conquer? Was it even a little spark of love? He didn't know; it was just a right and good feeling writing these letters to her. He was at the front; things are different there. A fallen friend from his Unit wrote letters to a girl he didn't even like, just because he wanted to. These were nice letters too. He didn't care if she read them or burn them; he just wanted to write someone, something nice. In addition to that, it has to be mentioned that this guy joined the army because he didn't have family left. So writing that girl was the only option he had, and he liked it. Bucky hadn't the same situation. He could write to his sister or Steve. It was not like he had nobody to write to, but writing to her just felt right. "Just nothing serious" he shrugged his shoulders and put on a solid smile. "Sure…" at that moment, it got silent in the room, and everyone's head was turning towards the door. So did Bucky and Steve looked in the same direction. It was Peggy in a stunning red dress, which fit her body perfectly. She was coming directly up to Steve and Bucky, but she just saw Steve. "Captain," "Agent Carter," "Stark has complied some equipment for you. You should come and try it" she looked over to Bucky for a second, who smiled nicely at her, but she just stared him down with that steel brown eyes. He got a little bit scared, but he liked the woman who can keep up with him. In the background, she heard how Steve's man are starting to sing again. "I see your top squad is preparing for duty?" – "You don't like music?" Bucky asked her question, but her eyes and attention were just on Steve, and he was invisible to her. "I do, actually. I might even – when this is all over – go dancing" – "Then what are we waiting for?" he tried another approach at the beautiful Britain agent, but she still ignores him completely. "For the right partner," she smiled slightly. "Tomorrow, 800 captains" then she turned away from the boys and walked out of the pub. "Yes, ma'am! I will be there" "I am invisible" Bucky shrugged his shoulders and looked at Steve with a satisfied smile, that his friend got the beautiful lady this time. "I-I am turning into you! This is a horrible dream" "Don't take it so hard-" Steve pad his shoulder and smiled too. "Maybe she's got a friend! Oh right, Claw is her friend!" "Haha – what?" "You heard it, Claw and Agent Carter are good friends since they met a couple of months ago. They trained together and work well as a team" "You mean that your hard-boiled, sexy, badass British nearly girlfriend is friends with Claw?" "Yeah," Steve nodded his head, not aware of what that meant for the boys. That was a disaster, like – ENORMOUS disaster! "Steve! Agent Carter and Claw are friends? Like… friends?" "Yes? Did something hit your head?" "This is bad! You can't have your best friend and your girl be best friends! They will form an alliance and have all the power to destroy us?" "us? Why us? You have problems with Claw, not me. And I survived this constellation the past few months pretty good, so I am not worried – oh wait! You are worried about your ass" "I am" Bucky nodded his head a few times fast. "Because your pretty but deadly Agent for sure has some tricks upon her sleeve and Claw? Oh, we both know she is full of surprises. I am dead. Officially" "You overdramatize it, Bucky. They are cool" "Yeah, with you, mister perfect blond hair" "Okay, you know what-"Steve raised his hand and ordered a few more drinks. "Let's have a good night! Cheers, my friend!"
While Steve and Peggy were with Stark to test out some new weapons for Steve, you took the chance to use the training room for yourself. It was an excellent opportunity for you to think about everything that happened the past two days. You spend your night rereading the letters to find a hint to solve this situation, but there wasn't. These were just lovely written letters from Bucky to you. Nothing more about it. Just words. Just nice words!
You punched the punching bag a few times pretty hard so that the chain with which it was attached to the ceiling rattles a few times loudly. So when it was just a nice word, written down on a dirty piece of paper, make your thought circle and skip all the time. It was a thug and war game in your head between, admitting that there could be a deeper meaning behind it and just brushing it off and don't think about it anymore. As much you want the one, the other was alarming. And there was this little voice in the back of your brain, saying that you initially hated Bucky. But why is something in you wanted to deny that you hate Bucky and want it to be something? Well, he was indeed a handsome man, and for sure, he could be nice. She has letters to prove that there was something good about him, but why did she initially hate him? It was clearly not just because he vomited on her dress one evening. No, she wasn't superficial like that.
While you lambasted the dummy in the training room, you didn't recognize how someone was entering It. He lends against one of the exercise equipment's, with arms crossed, that little smirk on his lips and looking at you. You noticed him in the corner of your eye and stopped your training. You were sweaty, and you were out of breath, but you liked it like that. A hard training session helped you to clear your mind. "Steve told me, you have a tough punch, but I had no clue" "Because you underestimated me all the time" "Ohhh did I? What a horrible mistake of mine" "Right" you nodded your head and went over to the place where you had your stuff, a little town, a water bottle and a jacked for leaving. You took the city and wiped the sweat away from your face. "You weren't in the pub Yesterday…. I've waited for you" "I-I had…. Stuff to do. Some documents to check and things to think about" "Mhm" he slowly nodded his head and repel from the what he lend on and walked towards you. "Were you successful? With the documents?" "Uhm-"your thoughts went clear for the blink of a second. Did you ever mention how unbelievably clear and beautiful his eyes were? This kind of blue was so light, like a nice clear blue sky. "No," your voice returned, and you shook your head. "There was nothing helpful in these documents" you knitted your eyebrows and took a step back. He was coming unusually near again. What was wrong with him? "Bucky…. What you want from me?" "What I want? From you?" "Yes. I have no problems with admitting that I am confused by your behavior" "You are confused by me?" she smiled a little bit brighter and honest. "That's-"you rolled your eyes. "That's not what I meant! You just behaving oddly! Tell me what's up, now!" "You don't like that?" "Liking what?!" "Liking it when I come near to you? Writing these letters to you? When I devour you with my eyes?" he wanted to get all seductive but no chance. That sounded too stupid for her taste. "Bucky, you know we are not in one of these movies from the theater? Devouring me with your eyes is not the kind of phrase which makes me melt for you" you blink at him and turn away from him. "Indeed… I think a woman who fell for that have very little self-respect" "Claw, come 'one! You can't tell me you didn't like this kind of cheesy! Everybody likes that!" "Ohhh, now I get it" she turned back to him and smiled herself. "I am just a target on your list, and you get frustrated because I am not thirsting over you! Like most of the girls back home? So predictable. And I thought there would be more behind it. Guess it is just the game of an unmatured little schoolboy" you waved it off and wanted to grab your thinks to leave. You were almost out of the door when Bucky asked to hold you back. "Want to hear a funny story?" you give a huge sigh and roll your eyes, but you turned around one more time and crossed the arms in front of your chest. "Sure" maybe he will give up after this story. You didn't want to be the center of a stupid game. If you wanted to have the attention of a man, you wanted it to be real. And when it comes down to Bucky and you, there was just real aversion. "Yesterday – when I waited for you in the pub – I talked with Steve. He told me you were confused about the letters. Maybe I shouldn't have written them in the first place since they came out of the blue" he knit his eyebrows for a short second, and for a moment, he looked lost, but then he regained his confidence and smirked at you again. "I never hated you, Claw. Never" "If that is true… why all these arguments, the comments, and that eye-rolling? That's doesn't make sense!" he wanted to come a little bit closer and smiled slightly. "You don't know about boys, right?" – you wanted to answer when you heard the door and a view voices. "Anyway," he cleared his throat and did a few steps back and folded the arms behind his back.
You glanced up and saw some guys from his Unit standing there, ready to use the training room. Then you looked back at Bucky, who tried to avoid any eye contact with you. That was the reason why you couldn't stand Bucky. He might be a good guy, but he changed his behavior, depending on who was around. Before these guys were here, he tried to be friendly and even tried flirting but now? He put so much space between you two as possible. "James," you said his name softly but with a disappointing undertone. You weren't disappointed that his flirting was just for his fun. You were disappointed because Steve felt so proud about Bucky being his friend. He would be so devastated when he finds out how Bucky behave. "Sergeant," you elongated your shoulders and nodded the head slightly to leave the room. At least you got your answer now, how to value these letters. You shouldn't value them at all, there is the product of a man who is just playing around, and you didn't have time for that. At the end of the day, it was War, and missions had to be planned.
The next few days, you brought as much space between yourself and Bucky as possible. You couldn't stand inconsistency, and Bucky was full of that. Anyway, it wasn't your problem anymore, since you discredited him for your greater good. He would take too much attention from you and your work, and right now, you needed all of your attention. The first mission of the Howling commando will be today. Tony, Peggy, your uncle, and yourself took days for the planning and researching. Since it would be a Hydra Base you are attacking, accurate planning was a necessity. That included calculating all the skills of the Commando itself. Peggy and your Uncle took the central part, planning the attack itself, with time management and others. Your domain was analyzing the abilities of Soldiers, that included Bucky, much to your chagrin. But luckily for you, most of Bucky's skills were written down in his military file, and you doubt that he learned new things. So it was an easy thing to calculate their skills into the plan. Even though many great minds worked on this plan, it was a weak one. You didn't know enough about the Hydra facilities, so you guys planned with some sort of puffer zone for mistakes. That's not the best Precondition for doing such a dangerous mission, but it will go well with a super Soldier like Steve. At least you hoped it for Steve. Lucky for you guys, there was a Hydra base basically around the corner from your Headquarters. So if something would go wrong, there are definitely safe options for retreat or reinforcement.
It was about 3 hours in the mission. You and Peggy were sitting the underground base at the big round table, with all the Plans for Today's mission. You had a walkie-talkie with you in case the guys needed help or further instructions. While Peggy was a little bit stressed and nervous, you were definitely calmer. You knew that Steve would be hard to kill since his wounds will heal faster and his overall senses are better. "How can you be so calm?!" Peggy grabbed the walkie-talkie aggressively and starred it down. Then she stood up and walked around like a chirpy cat. "It's Steve! He is your friend!" she tried to convince you into being worried too. "Steve is a super Soldier; he will manage to return" "And the others?" "They are with Steve" you smirked slightly and got in a more comfortable sitting position. You put your feet up on the seating surface of another chair, leaned back in your seat, and put your hand behind your head. "So much can go wrong! We should have planned it better! More details, and we should have trained more for it" she shook her head and turn over the mobile radio in her hands. "A-And the other one? Sergeant Barnes? I saw you talking a lot a while ago" "You really want to talk about it, right now?" she stopped walking for a second seemed to rethink her choice of Smalltalk. "Yes, why not" she shrugged her shoulders and set down a few seats away, and throw the Walkie-Talkie on the table. "This is what women do, right? Talking and doing nothing" after that, you have to laugh. Yes, that's what women are supposed to do at this age. "Agent Carter, we both know that women like us are supposed to do more than that," and Peggy had to smirk too. "The guys are fine, probably. Maybe already on their way back home. So do not worry too much about Steve" "I- I am not-!" she wanted to disagree, but you just raised your hand and shook your head. "I might not be a delicate woman, but I am no stupid. I can see, and I can interpret. Just an idiot would miss the chemistry between you and Steve" "Chemistry? That sounds like a pathetic movie" she rolled her eyes and sighed. "Even strong women are allowed to have a crush on a very handsome, nice, gentleman soldier with flawless blond hair and a demigod build body," you winked at her. You might be able to see a little glint of red around her nose. "I can relate, don't worry. Who wouldn't be interested in a 1,83 cm tall man build of pure muscles, right?" "I am not that superficial!" "I know!" you nod your head shortly and smiled warmly. "You like Steve because of Steve. Because of his values, principles, and character. Not because of his physical experience. I just want to say, it is okay to have a crush on him. Even though we are strong women, we are allowed to have feelings for someone else" "Is that so? What about you? You and Sergeant Barnes? Hm? You tell me I am allowed to fall in love with someone else but look at you! All cool and cold about the Soldier" "Me and Barnes? James Buchanan Barnes? The Womanizer from Brooklyn? No thanks," you shook your head and thought about Bucky for a second and shook your head again. "No! Never possible" "Sure" "I mean, he is too ---- too Bucky" "too Bucky?" "Yeah, you know, too smooth, charming with that crooked but somehow alluring smile and – you know – the optical appealing physic" "So…. You think he looks good?" "No, that's not what I meant" "That's what you said" "I just…. Analyzed it on a neutral basis!" "If you feel better about yourself if you say it like that," Peggy shrugged her shoulders and turned her back on you. What you said was nonsense. Looking for all those little things about a person, it not just analyzing them. It's giving them this special kind of attention, where you try to find as many little things as possible. "Steve told me about you and Bucky and your rough relationship" "What?! Why did he-" "For research purposes," Peggy interrupted you and turned around to look at you with a little smirk on her lips. "That there is a special kind of tension between you two is obvious. I needed to know if it is helpful or hindering for future missions. If there are problems in the Team, I should know, and he mentioned the thing between you two. I always thought that men are the underexposed gender, but in this case, it's you who is not getting it" "Getting it? Getting what?" "Sergeant Barnes" "Bucky? There is not much about him to get. He is a man; he likes boobs, hips, and most importantly, a lack of brain" "Sure about that?" "You are already the second person who is asking me that. Yes, I am sure! I do not change my mind on things; I am usually getting things right the first time, and James Buchanan Barnes? He is egocentric, idiotic, self-assertive, and the general opinion that a woman will immediately fall in love with his pretty face. So, what is there that I do not get about him?" "You actually have no clue, don't you?" you give a huge groan of annoyance and stood up from your chair. "Call me when they returned from the mission and how it went. I am sure Colonel Philips has something to do for me which is more sense full than…. Waiting," you turned your back to Peggy and wanted to walk out of the room when she mentioned something towards you, which throw out of the line a bit. "he likes you; that's why he behaved like this. I can't say if it's love but measured by the amount of time he has a crush on you, I would suggest it's something like love. Well, you can never be sure with men, but I am pretty sure he likes you" – "That's-" you turned around for a second and shook your head. "He is a little schoolboy who likes to play pranks and joking around. He was never serious about anything or anyone besides the friendship with Steve. It's just…. Bucky" "One of the many things I learned from my brother is that boys show affection by being extraordinarily annoying and mean towards girls. They think it would make them cooler and gives them the Bad Boy Charm. Obviously, it didn't work in that case, but I am sure sergeant Barnes has a little thing for you" Instead of answering her, you just left the room. The guys will be fine and probably back soon. Originally you wanted to ask your uncle for something to do, but now, you just wanted to have a strong and big drink. So you headed to your room, make a quick change of clothes, and left the basis for the pub nearby.
You sat there. A few hours – at least you thought it would be a few hours – but in reality, it must have been an hour or so. Not more than one and a half. Time was rushing in your current state of awareness because your brain was working. Your thoughts were rolling over each other because you tried to find the mistake in that scenario. You and Bucky? You have never been friends before, and now he had a crush on you? Apparently, to Peggy, he had a desire for a long time, but that wouldn't make sense. He was always with other girls, was flitting around, never seemed too happy about your presence. He just had a few nice words for you when you two meet, and mostly they were meant ironically. And then – out of the blue – there were these letters, and now you are completely confused. The people around you, telling you he has feelings for you but does he? Or is he just a good actor? You would assume the second, but Steve would have told you otherwise. So what is it with Bucky? He behaved strangely when he was around you and even more strange when others were around too. He was inconsistent, but why? This man was acting without any kind of logical concept behind it, and it drives you crazy, and then you came back to your old tuck and war game in your head. You wanted it to be accurate, but you know it couldn't be possible. Stuck between reality and a pipe dream (when you can call it like that). But instead of asking why he was acting like that, you should ask a better question: how did you felt about that? All of that? You couldn't stand Bucky because of his lucid character but was that all? Was that the whole reason why you didn't like him all these years?
"Hey, pretty Lady," someone put a drink next to you on the counter. It was a familiar voice you could recognize easily by now. "How you know I was here?" "I didn't. We successfully finished the mission, so we wanted to go for a drink. It just happened to be this pub with you in it" "James-" "Oh no. I thought we would be over the James thing" "I never liked you, and I showed you that I didn't like you. I even told you that I don't! So why –"you moved your head sideways to looked in his face. "So why do you like me? Why the only girl who showed that she is not interested?" he moved his head forth and back and had a slight smile on his lips. "I- I could say because you were the only one not interested, but that would be just half of the story?" "Then, what's the whole story?" "Well… It was somehow a love at the first sight situation, with the difference that you didn't like me" "You vomited on my dress" "Yeah – haha – not my best first impression, right?" "No. Actually not" "The point is-" he wanted to get a little nearer towards you when the front door of the pub was slammed open. You could hear loudly bawling man, and when Bucky leaned back and raised his hand for a greeting wave, you know it was the rest of the Howling Commando. And you immediately had that hunch that Bucky would go on distance now, and your conversation would be over. "Alright. You should go" "No, why? I am here talking to you" "Ohhh, you want to stay with me? All informal?" "Claw-" "James," he shudders his head and grins a little bit. "It wasn't your authority I had concerns about. Your uncle is the Colonel and Boss of this group. I didn't want to fall in disgrace" "A pretty lame excuse, don't you think?" "It isn't an excuse" "Sound like one" "Why-" he knit his eyebrows and shake his head slowly. "Why are you so distrustful of me? What I did to you?" "You ---! Do not act like I am the odd one here" "Odd one? What you mean?" "You have a crush on me?" you decided to jump into the cold water and just asked the question, which burned on your tongue. Also, Bucky seemed to be overwhelmed by that and looked at you like a deer in headlights. You were a little impatient, so after you didn't get an answer, you just rolled your eyes and stood up from your seat. "Boys will be boys…" you whispered, annoyed and thrust past Bucky and head for the Exit of the pub, with fast steps. Behind your back, you could hear how Bucky pushed back his chair too and head after you. "Claw, wait!" he wanted to grab your forearm, but you were faster and went out of the door. If you believe he would give up – haha – good joke. You took a deep breath from the cold evening air when you felt pressure around your wrist. As fast as you've always been, you withdraw your hand from Bucky's, turned around, and wanted to punch him in the face. But you underestimated him and his reflexes. He already saw that coming and dodge his head to the side and grinned. "You know most girls just start whimpering if they didn't get an answer" "I am not like most girls" you were incredibly angry at yourself for wasting so much time with him. You were angry about him for being him! So you went for the next attack and wanted to use a horizontal elbow strike, which was also blocked by him. This time, he holds your elbow tight with his hands he blocked it with. "Yes, that's right. You are not. You are like a feral cat. Always grumpy and always willing to fight" "Right!" you rushed to remove your arm from his hold, took a half step back, and went for a lead head kick, but you got it a little bit lower, so you would just hit his rips. He wasn't prepared for that, so you hit him with full power. He groaned in pain and hold his side; he could already feel how a big hematoma will grow there. This time, he really did make her angry. He heard from Steve that she was a good fighter, but he never knew how good she actually was. She was fast, strong, and had total control over the positioning of her kicks and punches. A real powerhouse of a woman. Of course, he went for the feisty one! "Ouch – that was a good one, Claw" he pulled in air sharply and put again a smile one. "But if you would have waited for 10 seconds more, you would have to get your answer" "I don't need one anymore" you loosed up your attack and defense fight position and pulled straightened your clothes, and wanted to leave when Bucky grabbed your arm, again and again, you punched him. This time, you got his nose. "Jesus – Claw!" he pulled his head back and hold his nose, but you didn't saw blood coming out from it, so it was fine. Maybe it will get a little swollen but not more. "Stop punching me!" "Stop touching me!" "No!" "Okay, then do not complain about punches!" "Why do you have to punch me?!" "I don't know – reflexes?" "Get it under control!" "Stop touching me!" "No!" "Why?!" "Because I don't want to!" "Okay then-" "Even if you use me as a punching sack," "Don't complain then!" "Just stop it for a second" "Why?" "Because I want to tell you that I indeed have a crush on you!" "Why?" "What you mean with why? It's just like this!" "Why?" "Claw!" you looked at him perplexed. When you heard it, and it was clear that he had a crush on you, you were more confused than before. That never happened before. Never ever did a boy admit something on you – except when they said they didn't like you. That was something new, and now it was Bucky too. The only one you could never imagine in that situation. "Claw?" he ripped you out of your thoughts and wanted to take a step nearer to you. Of course, he was careful and afraid that you would punch him again. "Permission to come near?" he asked jokingly, and you nodded slowly. "tell me why" "Why? Claw, I do not have an answer for that" he shrugged his shoulders. "It just is what it is. One day, I started to look at you closer, notice little things you did, and then it just happened" "You stalked me?!" "No! NO! That's not what – Jesus! You are so intelligent and yet so stupid" he seemed to get angry too, or more frustrated. "I send you these letters in the hope you would change your mind about me. There is something private and intimate, so you could know me on a different level. With people around us, it was hard for me to get to know you" "Okay, but-"you knit your eyebrows in confusion. "Why all the flirts with numerous girls? In front of me? Didn't make sense" "Well-" he smirked. "I thought I could make you jealous, but it clearly didn't work" "No, it didn't! The opposite happened; I liked you less" "Wow – ouch – yes, it was a stupid idea but-" "No! You are just joking around!" you made a few steps away from him to leave, but he heads after you again, and he grabbed your wrist again and pulled you towards him, this time. At that moment, you wanted to make a noise of protest, but it was too late. He pressed his lips on yours but not in an aggressive way. It was somehow a gentle and shy kiss, more like a softly putting his lips on yours despite the situation. You were surprised by the act itself but also by the good feeling it gave you. A few seconds, you tried to melt into that new, arousing feeling until your brain started to work again and pulled you faced back and slapped Bucky hardly in the face. "Claw-"but before he could finish the sentence, you grabbed his face and kissed him again. You wanted to make sure this feeling was not just a one-time glimpse, and it wasn't. After a few seconds, you ended the kiss and were shocked about the result, and when the last minute panic was growing in you, you slapped him again. "Sorry," you directly apologized what didn't make the situation better. You kicked him, punched him, and slapped him multiple times. Seemed like he would be over you right now. "I hope it's not getting a habit to hurt me, whenever I am near to you….?" "You plan to do this more often?" "I –" he wanted to say something and just shook his head. You were incredible and so naturally honest. "I want to kiss you again – now – please do not punch me" "I try" "Promise!" "I try, but I can't promise!" "Claw!" "Wait-"you took one step back again. "I still don't get it. You behaved like a jerk all these years because you liked me?" "Yes" "That's so stupid!" "I am a boy, Claw. We do stupid things" "But that even too stupid for you," he groaned, annoyed and shook his head, when he stemmed his arms in his hips. "Just shut up for a second and let me kiss you. Okay?" "But-" she wanted to disagree, but he went to her with a few quick steps to kiss her again. It was still soft but more confident and intense. And there was it again, that little, intense and new feeling which started to grow in your stomach. It tingled a little but was warm – so hot – and it grows fast until that warmth was everywhere in your body. He stated a little sweet, with a bitter undertone, from his drink. His lips were so soft, but his hands on your cheeks felt a little bit sore but not disturbing at all. He smelled a little bit like smoke, sweat, and dirt from the mission he came from. When he ended the kiss, he slightly smirked. "You didn't punch me. We are making progress, darling" "Don't call me that" bumped him against his chest, so he had to make a half step back with a bright smile. You rolled your eyes and turned away from him. "Fuck you!" – "Would you?" "You know, I used to dream about ending your life" you had that little devilish smile on your face, which just get countered by his self-proud smile. "Now you want to spend it with me? I would call that progress" "Na, I still think about ending it if you continue doing what you are doing" "And what am I doing?" "You are driving me crazy. Stop that" "No chance," he shook his head and put his arm around your shoulders. "What are you doing?" – "touching you?" "Stop that" "No way!" "Barnes!" "I love it when you are yelling my Name" "You ---- IDIOT!" "Your idiot. We want to be specific here" "I kill you, I promise!" "Don't make promises you can't keep" "Who said I can't keep it?" "Because you do not hate me" "Grrrrr – you are still an idiot!" "Loooooove is in the aaaaaaair," he stats to sing when it was finally enough for you. You freed yourself from him and ran a few steps forward, but he came after you. Guess you didn't get rid of him any time soon.
The next mission for the howling Commando was in progress. Together with the soldiers, Peggy, Uncle Chester, and you were developing a better plan. They told you that there was some trouble with equipment and gave you information about how this facility was built. Based on the new information's you were designing a new plan of attack. This progress took a while, and it took much time. So you personally had just a little time left and spend this free hour with sleep and rest. Since Bucky didn't have all these tasks, he was finished with his things early on days. Actually, he just had the usual training schedule on his daily routine. Maybe a weapon test, when Stark was finished with something new, but that's it.
"Great! Put it down on a report, so we can give it for further investigations" your uncle closed the meeting for the day and left the notes on the big round table. Today it was your turn to put the stuff you talked about into a pretty file. It would be the last thing on your to-do list for the day. After everybody left the room, you heard how the door opened again. You looked over the big table on the opposite of the room. You saw Bucky standing there, having a quick view over the notes on the table. "paperwork?" utilizing his voice, you could tell that he hoped you would say no, but he knew it was a lost hope. "Yes," you groaned in exhaustion and looked again over all the papers. It was a hard week for you, and you didn't have a lot of sleep. So many things that need to be done, and this was the last drip for you. Since the War began and you were in active service, something like weekend got a foreign word. "Maybe I can help you?" "Just when your fingers can tip on a writing machine as fast as you can shoot" "Uhm…. No" "Then you can't help me" "Buuuut-" he smiled and walked around the table towards you. "I can do other things?" he went behind you and stroke your hair to the side to start kissing your neck softly. "James-"you giggled a bit. "We can't – not here!" "did I mentioned that I love it when you call me James with that flutter voice of yours?" "Sergeant Barnes!" you wanted to talk sense in him, but there was no chance that he would end his activity back there. "I love it even more when you call me Sergeant Barnes," he whispered into your ear with a hot breath, so your whole neck was covered in goosebumps. After a few moments, he started to caress your neck with the tip of his fingers. As he would crawl you. "You are really tensed" then he started to massage your neck, which elicited you a few relaxing groans. It felt so good when he's strong, and big hands knead your hurting muscles in your neck, and you closed your eyes for a few seconds to really lean into his movements. It's been a while since you two had time for each other. After that – more than just awkward – evening, you hadn't had many moments to talk about what happened. You two just agreed – in silence – that you would just roll with it and see where it ends. You are still suspect about him a little bit. On a scale from 1 – 10, you trusted him with a good 6 or 7. So there was a long way to something like a liaison. Bucky was incredibly talented when I came down to being seductive and charming. Nothing you didn't know before, but you had to be careful. After you just let go of most of your thoughts, falling for him completely was a sweet forbidden fruit. He couldn't control any of his desires, drives, or carvings, so you had to be twice a careful. The art was to not get addicted to him and taste too much of that sweet, sweet flavor and have just enough taste on the tip of your tongue to make life delicious as candy. If you tasted too much, you would get into an ecstasy, to less, and you two would get bored. It was a balancing act, or a play with fire because Bucky was like a forest fire. "Hey Claw," his voice brought you back to reality, and you tried to turn your head towards him. "hm?" "Do you want to go out with me tonight? Dancing? Having a drink? Maybe a little moonlight walk?" "A date? You want to go on a date with me?" "I want to take you out, not date. Dating is for people who are not a couple – we are" "Are we?" you asked back. For you, it wasn't a real couple feeling what you two had and did. It was more like a workplace romance, but it didn't felt like something serious, strong, and made for more. "You – You didn't think we are, something?" "Bucky-" you turned around to him and leaned against the table. "What do we know about each other? Most of the time I have known you, I didn't like you" "Thanks for the friendly reminder" "I just want to point out that you can't jump from enemies to lover just by the blink of a moment" he seemed to thought about it and nodded his head. "Good. We have a date tonight. Put on something nice, and I will pick you up. Sound good?" "Indeed" "Great! But-" he put a hand on your cheek and gave you a little kiss on your cheekbones. "I will not give up the kisses, even if it is indecently" he winked at you and wanted to leave the room. At the moment he left, you wanted him back. He smelled so incredible good, and his body warmth was so intense when he was near to you. "Sergeant Barnes!" and as you would pull him back on the string, he turned around to you in one fluid movement, beat the heels together, and stretched his head forward as he would expect any commands from you. "Yes, Ma'am?" To be honest? You liked him in his soldier mode. So serious and receptive to your orders, even though you didn't have a higher military rank than he did. "Please remind your Unit to submit their mission reports in time. I do not want to run after that" "Yes, Ma'am," he winked at you before he left the room. After you were sure he left, you took a deep breath. You needed to get your work done, and after that, you could think about the date tonight. If you manage to be able to go there. You have to admit, you never went on a date before. You never were interested in this kind of activity, AND nobody ever asked you.
It took you forever to put everything on paper and file it away. It was a long evening in the office and your eyes already hurt from the desk lamp's bad lighting. It was somehow a filthy yellowish light, and it started to flicker after a few hours. You realized how late it was when you heard the door behind you. You looked tiredly over your shoulder and saw Bucky in his dress uniform. "You forgot it?" "No. I just had too much work to do" "You need help?" "No, I finished it, like 1 minute ago" you leaned back in your seat and closed your eyes. "So you don't want to go out anymore?" "To be honest? I would prefer to just stay here and have a casual evening" "Okay," he nodded and grabbed a chair from nearby to sit next to her. Before he sat down, he unbuttons his uniform jacket and hangs it over the backrest of his chair. He also got rid of his tie and opened the first two buttons of his shirt, pulled it out of the trouser, and took off his head to loosen his hair too. He looked like a wild night out, with too many drinks and wild affairs. Perfect fit to your optical illusion right now. You were tired, your uniform slipped here and there a little bit, and you already took off your shoes and tie. "Already better! So – I am sure somebody has a bottle of scotch in their desk drawers" "Yes-"you pointed at the biggest desk at the top of the room. "My uncle has some, in the lowest one" "Your uncle? Sure nobody else?" "Just go and grab the damn scotch!" "Yes, Ma'am!" he stood up and walked fast over there. Didn't took him long to get the bottle and came back. "Glasses?" he looked around to look for Something they can use as glass. "Damn it" you overreached the bottle and opened it, and took a sip out of it. You weren't in a pub, fancy ballroom, dinner with parents, or in the company! You could drink right out of the bottle, at least this one time. "Okay," he took the bottle back and took a sip. "You are not ladylike, aren't you?" "Definitely not!" "That's good. I am not a fan of the Gentleman stuff either" "You would look terrible in cylinder and wreck" "You think so?" "Pretty sure, yes" "Thank God I do not have to wear one. The military uniform is already killing me. Do you know how much time it took me to get into all of these layers? An unreasonable daman!" he took another sip. "Be happy you do not have to wear these tight skirts – Jesus, what would I give for a pair of comfortable shoes and pants!" you took the bottle back and also took a big sip. "I mean-" he raised an eyebrow, put on a mischievous smile, and tilted his head a bit. "You could just take all off" "No!" you took another sip. "I am not one for your easy girls, where you just smile, and the clothes fall off" "That's what you think of me? A sex-driven guy?" "I didn't say that! I just said that it took you more effort to take off my clothes" "I didn't doubt that" he took back the bottle and took a big big sip out of it. "What you planned for the evening? Besides dancing and walking?" "Talking. Mostly talking. I already talked with Steve, and there are so many things we do not know about each other. So maybe tonight is a good start?" "Sure. Ask whatever you want to know" "How did you meet Steve?" "Oh good – I guess it was somewhere in the primary school. His father and my father were friends from active Service. So we meet somehow one day. We linked over a book and got into a chat, and – yeah – now we are here. How did you meet, by the way? That Is way more interesting?!" "he got into a fight. Couldn't finish it. So I did. Our bonding moment" "Guys," you rolled your eyes, smiled, and reached out for the bottle to take another sip. "And your father is fine with you being here? And serving for your country? I bet he must be proud that his little wildcat is doing Something in the military as he did?" "Uhm…. He… I hope he is proud, but I don't know" "You don't know? Didn't have that strong bound?" "Oh no, we have – had – we were really close" "Had?" "He died a few months ago inactive Service. Before Steve and I joined the SSR, I got a letter that he passed away. But it's not a big deal, I knew he would die in this way and so did he" "You dad died, that's a big deal" "It was predictable, so it didn't hit as hart" "But --- how can you not be sad?" "Like I said, it was predictable. It's not like that I didn't love my father, but I knew he would die inactive Service, so it was kind of prepared for that" you shrugged your shoulders took another sip out of the bottle. "Is that why you like to follow logic ways?" "Hm?" "I noticed, you are fine with things as long they are logical. As soon as it's not logical, you are confused" "maybe. Maybe not. I never thought about it. Logic is simple and relatable in contrast to people" "That can't be true! You have to have a person you can rely on! What about…. Your uncle!" "Hm… he was there when my mother died when I was younger, but he left someday, without a word" "Then you father!" "The US Army was always more important than me. He would prioritize them over me all the time" you shrugged your shoulders and took another sip from the bottle – a big one this time. "Who else is on your life, then?" "Steve was with you most of the time. I am not resentful because of that. Friendships between the same Sex are always stronger, so it was fine" "You do not have siblings?" "No" "Aunts? Uncles?" "No" "Grandparents?" "Dead. Listen, Bucky-" you shrugged your head. "I am fine. I've been good on my own, so I just will continue doing that; worked out good" "But-" he knit his eyebrows. "You are not alone" "Yes, I know I have my uncle with me all the time, now. And Steve, Peggy – You! But what will happen after the war ends? Everyone will go their own ways then" "You think?" "Colonel Philips will stay in the Army, Peggy and Steve will start something together – at least I hope so and I-" "We could be together too, you know?" "You think that will work? Honestly?" "You don't?" "James-" "Here we go" "Please listen. You are not as bad as I thought, you are a really nice guy. A little bit chaotic but through and through loveable, charismatic, aesthetic, good looking, and you can be a gentleman. Many women lie at your feet, and I believe you would find a good looking one to be your future wife one day. So why me? I do not have a wife's potential. So why me? I really do not get it, not at all!" he listened, nodded his head, and took a sip of the scotch. "You think you are not loveable?" "That's not what I asked. Why me? I was never nice to you. Never" "Good question! Great question! I-I don't know-" "Bucky-" "let me finish! I do not know the correct answer. But….. in the 10th grade – it was a pretty hot summer day, so the school ended earlier – as soon as you left the school, you sat down on this old bench in front of the school. You wore a summer dress in decent light blue with a darker color gradient. Your hair was up in a messy bun, and a few strands hang out. So you sat there, with a black book in your hands with golden letters on it, and we're just reading. It seemed like you were completely sunken into these pages until Steve walked over to you and talked to you. You looked up and had the most beautiful smile on your ever I ever saw. Bright and full of joy! And immediately, I felt warm and happy. This was the only time I ever saw it on you, and somehow-" he interrupted his sentence and smiled warmly and in total nostalgia. "Somehow, I wanted to be the reason for that smile. Claw --- do you believe in love at first sight? I know it sounded pathetic, but at that moment – in that little moment – I started to had a crush on you. So I talked to Steve, and he wanted to introduce me to you, at that summer ball, when I vomited on your dress. Good first impression, right? After that, I noticed you couldn't stand me, but I didn't want to give up because no matter how many times a girl smiled at me, I never had that feeling again, and that's why I cannot let you go! Not without a serious try! Can you --- can you understand that Claw? Even though you do not believe in that?" you listened to every word that he said, and even if you do not understand the reasoning, you somehow understand his emotional situation. "That why you wrote the letters?" "mhm, yes! At the front – when people try to kill you, you find yourself in the position to write a bucket list, and you know what? Giving It a try with you was the first thing that came to my mind. So I started to write you these letters. Worst case scenario? I got to shoot, and it was just a stupid idea" he did a shoulder shrug and grabbed the bottle to take a sip – the last one. "When I think about it now, it was just a stupid idea. Instead of accepting these sad feelings and admitting them," he stood up from his seat and grabbed his jacket, swung it over one shoulder, and grabbed his heat. "I start to get tipsy. Didn't drink that much in a while; I guess I will go to bed now," he explained. "Normally, I would try to sneak a good night kiss or would try to seduce you – well… I guess not tonight. You didn't seem to have decided yet if you want to give it a try yourself. I might be a jerk compared to you, but I am not that stupid" he pinched together his eyes because the dizziness started to grow. "So it's up to you now. Tell me if you like me enough to try or don't" he shrugged his shoulders and head towards the exit. "Oh and –" he turned around for another time. "Have a good night, Agent Claw" "That's not –"you smiled and shook your head. "Good night, Sergeant Barnes – Bucky" you nodded and saw him go. Good question, by the way: do you want to give it a try or not? Maybe it's not the right time to think about that, right now. You were tipsy, tired and it was late in the night. You should go to sleep yourself and rethink your choices for a second in the morning.
The next day was a calm one. This short before a new mission, it was usually hushed on the foothold. The soldiers prepared themselves for the next big thing, and the strategic department hadn't any work left. The plans were made and given to the soldiers, so it was up to them to do as they told. Peggy was fuzzy as usual and studied the method for tomorrow's mission over and over again, in case there was a leak, but there wasn't. So your uncle and yourself were pretty relaxed and were just sitting around.
So you got yourself a quiet place in the conference room, where you gabbed a swivel chair and rotate a little bit while you stare at the ceiling. You wanted to make another full turn when someone stopped your chair. You didn't even notice someone came in. "Hey Claw" "Steve! Stressed out because of tomorrow?" "Not really. Can I have a seat?" "Sure," he placed himself in front of you on another chair. "I guess we have to talk," he started and looked you drop dead serious in the eyes. "Do we?" "About Bucky? I guess we have to. Honestly, I never thought I needed to give a girl a Bucky Speech, but I guess there is a first time for everything" "A Bucky Speech? Seriously, Steve?" "Don't worry, he got the Claw Speech already" "There is a Speech about me? What did you tell him?" he gave you that glace, that he would not tell you this and you didn't care too much. "When I imagined this moment, I always thought I would actually write down all the points I am about to talk about. Thinks like: he is a good man, chaotic but honest, he will care for you and be a good husband and so on and on…. But I guess I do not have to tell you that. You either already know that or don't care, so I can save it for later-" he started to knead his hands as he would be nervous or tensed, Something like that. "Actually, I have to take a different approach. We – we both – know each other for many years, so I can claim that I know you! I know the character you made up to keep the world and their problems away from you. I know the character you turn on when you meet someone you don't like AND – most importantly – I know your real self. And I know that you never let anybody near you, especially not people you weren't so sure about. All the more, it surprised me that you and Bucky started to getting a – a thing. But Claw… Bucky is not like you, you know? He has his edges and mistakes, but he is – open. He is open, honest, truthful, brave, strong, and… delicate. He would never show or tell you, but he very sensitive sometimes, and you? You keep delicate and sensitive as far away as possible. You do that because you are afraid of getting hurt, and you do it successfully. It took me a few years to figure that out, and I think Bucky didn't realize it by now. I am afraid he will find out too late when he got already been hurt by you. Listen, we – you and I – will stay friends – good friends, I hope. But… if you do not take Bucky seriously, tell him now and not, when he already fall for you. Because somehow-" he laughed a little bit. "Somehow, he really is in love with you. I guess the saying that opposite attracted was never as true as right now. You get what I want to say?" you listened to every single word, and he had some points. You thought about it yourself a few times by now. And from a simple logical viewpoint, it was more consistent to turn Bucky down. But somehow, you couldn't. You had him, and you knew that, and now you didn't want to let him go. He was yours now. "I understand your concerns" you nodded slowly and smiled. "But I do not share your concerns" Steve knit his eyebrows and looked confused at you. You just shrugged the shoulders slowly and smiled. "D-Does that mean that you--?" "Well…" "Really, Claw? Bucky? You and Bucky?" "There is no Me and Bucky yet. But maybe? I don't know" "For real? I would never ever bet on that" "It's strange for me too. Such a new and unusual feeling, but Bucky isn't as bad as I used to think about him" "So that means you – you are actually trying?" "I try… trying…? Is that correct? I don't know, Steve! The first time I do Something completely illogical in my life, I didn't feel too bad. Guess it's right, but I don't know. I somehow cannot go fully in, if you understand what I am saying. I overthink a lot right now. So I hope Bucky has a little patience left for me to wait a few more days until I have decided finally" you shook your head and smiled. You liked that picture with you and Bucky more and more in your head, even if it was a strange one. Guess strange was your new thing – your new preference. "okay then… actually…. I don't know what to say anymore!" he stood up, a little bit perplexed still and wanted to leave the room. "Good luck for tomorrow. The mission," you said before he left.
The next day was pretty busy on the base. Since it was the second mission, everything was more detailed and had more context. He changed from the last mission where noted, and a detailed site plan was rolled on the big round table. Every member of the howling commando, which was involved in the current mission, had a Walkie-Talkie to stay in contact with the base. For time management reasons, every member got their own person of strategic support. Of course, it happened that you got Bucky this time since he was the Sniper of the group and needed to have everything on hand. Everything went after the plan they developed until Bucky talked via funk with you. "Hey Claw" "Hm?" "We got a problem" "Problem? Which kind of Problem?" "A big one" "What happened?" "There is a bomb. And it is definitely activated. Some of the scientists turned this thing on when we entered the building" Your uncle heard it and came up to you and grabbed the radio. "Sergeant Barnes, here Colonel Philips. Does the bomb have a time display?" a few moments, nothing happened when Bucky reported back. "It does. It was hidden" "What does the time say?" "two minutes and less" "Is there any opportunity that you guys could just run?" "Negative, Sir. This facility is like a labyrinth. We needed minutes to enter the central point" your uncle shook his head and put the radio down. "This is not good," he whispered before he turned around and screamed into the room. "Is there a bomb specialist here? Anywhere near?" but he didn't get an answer. "Remind me to put a bomb specialist on the shopping list" he turned towards you and retook the radio. "Sergeant Barnes. We do not have technical support here. I would recommend running as fast as you guys can and looking for a safe spot to survive the explosion somehow," and he waited for an answer. "But Sir, we could try to defuse the bomb" "Negative! We do not have a specialist here, and you guys do not know it either" "But the explosion could kill many innocent soldiers, which are captivated here as experiments!" your uncle pinched his eyes together and shook his head. This was a sorrowful and bitter moment because there was no help for these soldiers. He needed to make sure his own people get out there safely. "I repeat! Get your asses out there!" "But Colonel-"this was when you had enough and grabbed the radio yourself. "James Buchanan Barnes! Do what you were told and get yourself and your teammates a safe spot to survive the explosion somehow!" then it was silent for just a few moments, but it felt like hours. "I am sorry. I will try to defuse the bomb!" "Bucky no-" and then the signal got lost, and the Walkie-Talkie went down. "Bucky?" you pressed the button to reconnect your radio with his, but no chance there was a connection build. "James?" you tried again, but there was just a monotony rush instead of his voice. "Sergeant Barnes! James! Bucky!" but there was no connection build. "Someone else?!" your uncle called into the room, but all the others shook their head. Even Peggy had lost her connection to Steve. "all Radios are down, Sir!" "Great. Really great! Get me a technical link to our Team somehow! Wha-What about Stark? He is waiting for our Team to bring them home with a plane! Can we get him on the Phone somehow?" "We are trying!" someone in the base was running around to try out different telephone links and radio frequencies. Then you felt a hand on your shoulder, and when you looked up, it was your uncle. He didn't say anything; he just looked in your eyes, as he wanted to say, that there are not dead and you would have enough time to shoot Bucky your own. Then he went off to try to find a connection to Stark.
It took about 10 minutes to reach out to Stark, who told them that they are safe on board his plane. All of them, the Howling commando and the saved soldiers. Apparently, Bucky just ripped out every cable possible at once, and that somehow worked. Well, seemed to be his Lucky day, at least for now. You had slightly different planes with the hero of the day. And congratulating him wasn't part of that.
You went outside as soon as you heard how a plane was landing. When you stepped outside, you already saw the group of man, walking away from the aircraft towards you and the base behind you. In the middle were Steve and Bucky, while Steve tapped Buck's shoulder as a sign of congratulation. He smiled and laughed, looked around, and everybody was more than happy to be home safely instead of you. You were standing there, in the middle of the base entrance with crossed arms and starring the guys down, which they didn't notice yet. So you started walking towards them until they see your presence. Bucky was the first one, smiled brightly over his whole face, and raised a hand for a welcoming wave towards you. You didn't reply to that and just walked up to him. "Hey Claw!" when he was nearer, he ran the last few meters and stopped in front of you. "I-I am sorry, the radio just went down, and we couldn't keep contact anymore" as proof, he holds up the wholly destroyed Walkie-Talkie. "Mhm," you nodded slightly and didn't even look at the Walkie-Talkie; instead, you gave him a death stare, which kind of scared him. And before he could react, you already gave him a horizontal elbow strike on his cheekbone, making him stagger a few steps back. He releases a painful groan and holds his cheekbone.
Immediately a severe headache started to grow, but you didn't care much. "Sergeant Barnes," you growled, smoothed your clothing, turned around, and walked away. This time, he deserved it! He put himself in a dangerous situation, made it look like his chaotic ass got blown up in the air, and now he pretended to like, nothing happened? Praise the Lord, she was angry. Not just angry, she was about to raise the hell and let it collapse above his head. He was done with living; he just didn't know it by now. Maybe he should ask Cap for his bulletproof shield because he will need it next time he meets her.
Of course, your uncle got the news of what happened and had to disciplinary you. He had a 'no fighting in the team' police, and he was strict. You hit Bucky in front of everybody in the Unit. In consideration of his higher military rank, it was a violation of his authority. Which couldn't be tolerated within the military and especially not in the Unit of your uncle. Since he understands that Sergeant Barnes somehow deserved it, you just had to protocol the incident in your own file by yourself. Writing down things like this was horrible. You had to be honest; it needed to be factual and detailed. That forced you to rethink your actions and made sure that it would never happen again. Under different circumstances, you would get a disciplinary procedure and get kicked out of the military; dishonorable discharge would be called. Your uncle sends you to the secretary's rooms, to get your report done and he wanted it in the evening. So you sat there, with a pen in your hand and paper in front of you on the desk and just starred it down. You know it was stupid what you did, but he deserved it so much! This idiot! This stupid, stupid idiot! A knocking on the door ripped you out of your thoughts. You looked up and saw Bucky standing there. His cheek was swollen and already turned a little bit blue. He looked like a lost puppy or even better – he looked like a puppy who knows he did Something wrong and tried to apologize with big eyes and a cute face. "Claw…?" his voice was flat, and he had that questioning tone in it. "May I-" he couldn't even finish the sentence, as fast as you grabbed the stapler and throw it at him. At least he was fast enough to dodge, but the stapler crashed into the hallway wall and broke into pieces. He looked at the shattered thing and turned his head just in time to see that you already throw the hole puncher at him. "You Idiot!" you shouted at him, stood up from your seat, and grabbed all possible things to throw after him. He managed to dodge every time and didn't get hit. "You are an incompetent and complete idiot! I hate you – God knows I HATE you!" you grabbed a cup standing on the desk and tried to go for the head, but you missed somehow. "I wish you would have blown up!" next thing was a notebook, and you were incredible unerring when it came down to hit him. Lucky him, he was fast. "I really was thinking about letting you in my little world, where it is just me and myself, working together but YOU-!" you even got the writing machine to throw at him. "manage to make me angry all the time! Every time I thought, you changed for the better, you came around the corner with the next stupid action, and it's done!" now you went for the desk lamp. "And then you are coming up to me, with that puppy eyes, and think everything is good again? Nooooo NOT this time!" you throw the lamp at him. After that, have you run out of items. You breathed heavily, and the anger was written all over your face. Bucky somehow covered his head with his arms and looked down at all the broken things to his feet. This was a whole new stage of angry for you. "I am honestly this short away from shooting you right here right now! How does it even crossed your mind that you could defuse a bomb build by Hydra with technology we do not fully understand?! HOW? Tell me how?! You could have died, Bucky!" "St-Steve was there too. Why do you not try to murder him?" "Because he is super-soldier, but you are not! You are as normal as I am, and our life is faster over than his!" you needed to take a few deep breaths when you saw the gears turning in his mind. And then, a bright and warm smile came on across his face. "You---- want me? Seriously? For real?" "Wanting you? I want that you start to delate those stupid ideas in your mind!" "But you want me? Want me as yours?" "What are you? A cup you can borrow?" "Claw!" he rushed over to you and smiled at you like a little schoolboy. Even when you tried to kill him in the past minutes, he is still all yours - like a puppy. He looped his arms around your waist and presses his forehead against your temple. You were still a little grumpy and didn't want to look in his face, so you turned your head slightly away from his, towards the door of the room. All these broken things, when your uncle sees that, he would be as angry as you were when you did that. "But please try to kill me not as often, yes?" "You don't decide that!" you growled. Then you heard immediate steps in the hallway, and shortly after, you saw Steve with his shield standing there and looking down at the stuff on the ground. "What the hell-"you fast grabbed Bucky's short handgun and shoot a few times at Steve. Of course, he raised his shield as protection, so he didn't get hurt. Peggy told you she did this one time with him, so you were sure he managed to shield himself from the bullets. Bucky had let go of you and retracted his head when you gave him back his gun. "You are an idiot too!" you growled at Steve when you decided to leave the room and the two boys behind. Boys will be boys and will do stupid things all the time.
"You are so bad at this-" she laughed because he tickled her while she wanted to move one of her chess figures. "Checkmate, my friend" "Mhm," he just murmur a little bit and continued the work he was doing. It was a nice and quiet morning after another mission. When he arrived after two whole days back at the base, the first thing he did was hijacking you and detaining you in his room. Since he was a Sergeant, he had his own four-wall, which came in handy right now. So after 2 days and a tough mission, he wanted to relax with you and maybe do Something more fun, and you had no complaints about it. The result was, you two sleep way too long in the morning, but obviously, nobody seemed to care. Looked like nobody needed one of you at the moment. And instead of just lying lazily in the bed, you suggest playing a round of chess. Bucky had a total lack of talent; besides, he was busy caress your back a little bit. So he wasn't able to fully concentrate on the game, and he didn't even try. He wanted the game to be over, so your full concentration would be on him again. "You smell different when you are awake, you know that?" "What?" you knitted your eyebrows and rolled over on your back to look in his face. He was still a little bit drowsy with wild and fuzzy hair but with that satisfied glow all over his face. "I had no idea; you were into that," he smirked blissfully. "I would love to do that again," and a little mica of hope came up in his eyes. "James!" "Well… maybe not you are right. My back and neck are full of scratches. It would be hard to explain that" he smirked and layer his head next to yours, and but his body over yours. He was tired, and it was no surprise. He came back from a hard mission, and then you kept him awake all night. You felt how his body got heavier and heavier; he was again about to fall asleep. "Bucky, "you put your hand on the backside of his head and started to caress his hair and head, and immediately, you heard a pleasing little purr from him. "Yesterday, Stark finished your new uniform. Remember that? You should go and try it on to see if it fits," but he didn't give you a reaction. He probably just played dead. "Don't pretend like you're asleep. Should I find a way to wake you up- " "No!" promptly, he raised his head and body from yours and sit up. He pinched his eyes for a second and rub over his face a few times before he crawled towards the end of the bed and sat down on the edge of the bed. He put his elbows on his knees and let his head hanging. "Please don't get me wrong. I would love to have another round with you, honestly. But-" he looked over his shoulder and saw you laying in the white sheets on the bed. You rolled over to lie on your side. Your body well-formed, elegant with nice curves, smooth and soft skin, your head propped on your hand, and your hair falling down in great curls, which had a little shine from the morning sun. You grabbed a little piece of fabric to cover your au naturel body a little bit. Enough to make him resist his inner drives but not enough to stop tempting him. He got a little taste last night. How it was to be desired by you and how sensuous you are. It was incredible and stand in such a contrast to how you behave during the day. Honestly, he didn't think you could be that passionate and how you cloud his senses. And then you smile, that delicate but devilish little smile, almost cocky as you would know you could get him back in bed anytime. You just needed to slip the sheet from your body. "Stop that, please. I beg you" he shook his head and looked away. He never expected to be on this side of the story, being the one who got captured and turned into jelly when the significant other had that specific look on their face. Normally it was always him to seduce the woman, but this time around, he got seduced. "But Sergeant…" this tone in your voice gave him chills and prickles in the stomach. He heard how you moved on the bed, and a second later, you entangle your arms around his neck and shoulders, your bare upper body pressed against his naked back. "But it's not appropriate for a Sergeant to beg," you whispered into his ear, with your lips slightly graze his ears and your hot breath hunting down his neck and jawline, so he got goosebumps. Oh, sweet, sweet temptation. "Maybe I can offer myself to you in the evening?" "You are not a barter object" you gave him a little kiss on the cheek and let him go. "Do not forget to visit Stark!" you let yourself fall – back first – down in the bed again. Because of that, the chess game fell down on the floor. Guess you had to clean it up before you leave his room. After finally managed to get up and being dressed properly, you had to go back to work. Since it's the first day after a mission, you had plenty of time to go back to the headquarters office to do the paperwork. Luckily for you, Steve was fast with his mission reports, so you could at least start with Something, but the other Soldiers will take their time with writing down everything. Because of that, the training room was free today, so it was your chance to get a little exercise without the guys and maybe a meeting with Peggy and your uncle to analyze the newest target facility for the next mission. But actually, she just wanted to stay in bed for the whole day. She felt relaxed and light as it has not been for a long time. Was a great – wonderful – feeling, but after all, there is a war going on, and there is no time for relaxing. "What's your plan for the day?" you looked over to Bucky, who was already half-dressed and just needed to put on a shirt. "Work" the daylight was falling through the window directly on his body. Looked like liquid silk because his skin color was very light and unscathed. "Work?" "Paperwork" "Should I come and save you from the bad paperwork?" "I know you would love to, but this paperwork is essential for your next mission" "Claw," he moaned, annoyed. "I am not even 12 hours back, and you are already talking about the next one?" "Destroying the facilities is the top priority! We need to get it done as fast as possible" "I know, but-" "Bucky. As sooner we are done with this, as sooner the war might be over" "Uhm by the way…. Do you have any plans when it's all done? After the War?" "No. Not really" you knit your eyebrows. "I guess I will start studying Something? Maybe anything like that. What about you?" he shrugged his shoulders and put on a shirt. "You know, the usual: Job, House, Wife, and children. Nothing spectacular, just Something I can call my own" "That… actually sounds nice" "Oh and a dog" "Hmpf… I would like a cat" "We can have both" he winked at you and left the room before you could think about his words more. "WE?!" but before you could have a real protest, he was already out of the door.
You were already a few months into it, destroying Hydra and the liaison you had with Bucky, and it was perfect. Sadly the Hydra mission proceeded sluggishly since their head scientist, Dr. Armin Zola, was still free. When they destroyed one facility, he was building a new one somewhere else on the planet. So your uncle came up with a new priority: capturing Zola. Easier said as done since the SSR never knew where he actually was. You also lost track of Red Skull, so it was a big mess on that side. But the good thing was that every time you find and shut down a Hydra base, you learned new things about their technology, and Stark went straight to the technology heaven. Every time the Howling Commando brought back new weapons to analyze and create new ones, Stark was heavily busy.
Speaking of the Howling Commando – they went to their next mission in Germany this time. This one was long and took over a week but 'luckily' for you, Bucky did not go with them. The reason for that was, he got hurt, so Steve decided to let him at the base, so he could cure completely. So he was staying at the bottom, much to your delight, and even better was the fact that it was up to you to make sure he cured well. Your uncle gave you that task, not knowing what you two would actually do, since the whole Bucky and Claw thing were still a secret and nobody noticed by now. It is hard to believe, looking at the fact that you two were heavily marked by each other all over your bodies and went missing at the same time. Seemed like that everybody was entirely concentrated on the overall mission, so nobody had attention left to notice what was going on with you two.
"Ouch, Claw!" "You are such a baby, Bucky" you rolled your eyes and let off from his shoulder and massages his lower back, which relaxed him immediately. The wound, because of which he was left here, was a woof through his shoulder. He got it while he had a hand to hand fight with one of the guards on the last mission. Earlier this morning, he complained about back pain and had the idea that you could give him a massage, and of course, he would return the favor, so you agreed. "I need to cure! You should be gentle with me" "Ladies and Gentleman, the Sergeant" "You know, what you are doing, is called: disrespecting a higher-ranked person, right?" "You know what it called, what you are doing is? Taking advantage of a higher position of power," and as an answer, he just growled. "Baby…" you whispered again and stopped the massage. Your hands were tired, and besides the fact, you had an appointment. "What? Why you stopped?" "My deepest apologies, but-"you reached out for his bed desk and grabbed his pocket watch. "I have plans" "Plans? What plans?" "I will meet Stark in his laboratory" "Why?" "Because he has a new weapon for me. My old gun didn't work anymore, and he offered me to build a new one with new technology" "You know he is flirting with you, right? Since Peggy and Steve devouring each other with their eyes, he had caught an eye on you" "I know," you didn't sound concerned or even surprised. More like you didn't care too much. "You know?" "Wasn't hard to recognize. I really have to go-"you stood up from the bad and grabbed your clothing and put your stuff on under the vigilant eyes of Bucky. "I think I can convince you to stay…" "I am sure you can" you smirked and button your blouse. "The fun doesn't have to end, you know. We could stay in bed the whole day if you want to" "Bucky…. There is still much to do. War is not over yet" "God, I wish it would be over soon" "When we capture Zola and Red Skull, it will be over, for sure. Then we can stay in bed all day long" "I hope this day will come soon. You know what I was thinking about?" propped up his upper body and slide to the side of the bed to sit on the edge. He reached out to our hands, grabbed them gently, and pulled you closer to him. "No?" you put your hands down on his should and starts to play with his hair. "After the War is finished, I take you out for dancing. We will have a real date and another and another and another, But – here is the clue – after every date, I take you home" "That's the clue? This is good education, Bucky!" "No, no, you miss the point. I take you home, and I am going home with you. I mean, I am taking you to our home" "Our home?" you knit your eyebrows a little, be skeptical about his idea. "Wouldn't you like that? A small house in the city? O-Or a flat! Maybe a flat would be enough for a start, we still need room to grow. You can have your cat!" "Bucky-" "I know, I know, it's much to think about! I am telling you this is because my sister got her second child and will move out of our parents' flat. She and her husband will move into a house so the flat would be available. It's a big one, with plenty enough space for a second person" you wanted to say Something and opened your mouth, but no word came out. It was safe to say that you were a little overwhelmed with that suggestion. "You do not have to answer now. She will sublet the flat until I come back home. When the times come, you can come with me if you want to" "Bucky--- don't you think this is going way too fast?" "No – well – I mean, it's an option. Just a possibility you can keep in mind if you want to. When my sister and her family are gone, it will be quiet in the flat. I assume you will have the same at your home since your father is gone" "You are right, but-" "Hey," he smiled softly. "You do not have to decide now. Just think about it, okay?" you smiled back and slowly nodded. "Now you should go. Stark is for sure already waiting for you" "Right! See you later" you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, and then you left the room.
You went down to Starks laboratory to look for your new weapon. It was a big basement, just for him, since his inventions had the unpleasant habit of exploding from time to time. So your uncle gave him the basement, which was initially build to be an atomic bunker. You opened the big, heavy metal door and wanted to call after Stark when he popped up in front of you out of the blue. "I expected you hours ago!" he raised one eyebrow and looked suspicious at you. "I had…. Something to do" "Something, hun? Guess you didn't get much sleep, based on the circles under your eyes, Darling" "What do you hint at?" "You know what I mean – anyway! Your weapon, this way, my love" he points at a table at the end of the room where you should go over.
"So what can it do?" you saw a little weapon, ideal for having in it with you in a purse or at the belt. The thing was with women and Weapons that they have to be smaller, as usual, to sneak them with you all the time. "Basically working like a normal handgun but with significantly more shots, and I built it lighter than normal. It is basically a normal gun, but I took out the extra weight. Is that what you wanted?" you took the weapon and turned it over and over a few times to see it from all perspectives. Indeed it was incredibly light and handy. "exactly what I wanted" "I am glad I could make you happy. So…. How is Sergeant Barnes?" "Why?" "I don't know-" he shrugged his shoulder and had that all-knowing- look on his face paired with a smirk. "Howard, I have a loaded weapon in my hand. Do you think this is the right moment for unappropriated questions?" you gave him a strong glace with no room for false interpretations. He opened his mouth to say Something, when the light went down and the earsplitting sound of siren halls through the building. "What in God's name-"Stark covered his ears with his hands, but you know the sound of that siren – the signal for everybody in the building that enemies managed to enter the base. "Guess I have to try her out now!" you grabbed the second magazine and put it in your belt. "Hey, Stark! You can use a gun?" "Sure I can!" "Good. Grab one, we have to fight" you unlock your gun and head for the exit of the bunker. A quick look left and right to make sure the enemies are not on the hallway, and then you went straight for the way in the upper floors. Your steps were as quiet as possible, but luckily the heavy sound of the siren was covering most of your own noises you made.
On the other hand, it was also covering possible noises of the others. If this attack was a coincidence, it was a pretty good one for the others. All the Soldiers were out for missions, and the base was just protected by a few ones. Bad for them that you were one of these soldiers. Since you joined the SSR, your uncle and Peggy teach you how to use many handguns and how your combat fight style got better. Long story short: you are as good as any other soldier in this base!
Together with Stark, you reached the elevator and the stairs for the upper floors. Just in time, because the siren shut down and the light went on again. Favorably for you, no attacker was in sight. "Stark," you whispered his name and looked up the stairs. "Yes?" "You take the elevator; I do the stairs. If you see traitors – shoot!" "But-" "Shoot! Go" you shoo him in the direction of the elevator and yourself took the stairs.
Slowly and with the greatest caution you had, you went up the stairs. All your senses tensioned like a bow, ready to shoot. Step by step, you got higher and higher, but you heard nothing; even when the elevator reached the next floor before you, you couldn't hear Stark shooting or saying Something. Maybe the traitors think the basis would be completely empty or Something like that. Stark was already waiting for you when you went on the next floor and looking in the opposite direction. "I can't see anybody!" "Me neither. And I can't hear anything" "Maybe they went for the main office? At least that would be the room I would be looking for if I would break into a military basis. That the place with the most information!" he suggested, and it made absolute sense. "Okay. I am going for the office, and you go and check if anybody is going for your laboratory" "What? We just came from there" "I know, but this would be the second spot I would check out—the Armory. If Hydra is behind that attack, they probably want their technology back" "Well…. Yeah, that makes sense. Be careful!" "Same to you, Stark. See you later" he just nodded his head and took the stairs down again. Since the base was low on Soldiers and battle-tested others, you had to cover the most critical spots. Even when it meant that you have to split up into one-man teams. That was not a good idea at all, because now you didn't have anybody left to cover your back. Anyway – you somehow had a mission to fulfill.
On your way to the main office, you didn't saw any traitors or similar. Slowly you got the feeling that this was just a practice round, and nobody knew about it. The alarm had to be activated manually by one of your colleagues in the monitoring room to warn everybody. Why on earth you had the feeling that your uncle was sitting in front of the camera to see how the base would be protected without the soldiers in it? Like, he wanted to make sure it's safe here when the howling commando wasn't around. It would make sense, in your mind, because that was a pretty strange coincidence that you got attacked while nobody was here. Just people from inside this building knew about the mission and when they got executed. Either way, there was no room for mistakes. You didn't want to look like an idiot in front of your uncle when it was training. And you didn't want to die when it was a real attack.
Soon you reached the main office and went to it, to check if somebody was there. As you went in, you saw that a person – entirely in black – was looking through the papers on the table. The documents laying out there were mission reports about former and future missions you had in mind, and this traitor over there was looking at them. Shit happens; this was a real attack. "Hands up!" you targeted your gun on the person, and it turned around fast, and the face was not covered. It was a younger man, stocky build, with two guns at his belt. He looked a little surprised but didn't seem too worried about you, as soon as he realized that you were just a woman. "Same to you-" behind yourself, you heard another male voice and the clicking sound of a gun, which got unlocked. See, that's the problem when you do stuff like this alone without someone covering your back. "Come 'on, pretty Lady. Drop the gun!" you had no choice but to raise your hands with the gun in your hand. The man in front of you started smiling in a dirty way. "She is indeed pretty" "Shut up," you growled at them. There was no way you could shoot the one without the other shooting at you. You needed a miracle, and you already know how to get one. Bucky was in the building, and he couldn't be that far away, so you needed to gain a little bit of time for him – or anybody else – to get here. "What are you looking for? Need a little help?" "Thanks, but we do not need a secretary" "I am not a secretary, Asshole" you press your jaws onto each other. Maybe you should have deleted that 'asshole,' but he deserved it. "She is a feisty one," the man behind you laughed. "Maybe we can keep her for further things" "She is pretty, but not so pretty. When I am done here, you can shoot her" the man In front of you was going through the papers with the peace in the world. You wanted to say something snappy, as you heard gunshots behind you, and you looked over your shoulder. The man who was pointing the gun at you went down, and Bucky came around the corner. Out of instinct, you targeted your gun at the man in front of you, but it was a little bit too late. The man in front of you pulled out his guns and was shooting at you, and Bucky and you two shoot back. You got him directly, and he got down too, but there was something extraordinary. You had this huge pain in your abdomen, and you felt how it got wetter and wetter around your belly. Unbelievable, that fucking idiot got you. A quick look down and you saw that your originally white blouse was dyed red. "Claw!" somehow, Bucky appeared in front of you. Your awareness was clearly affected. There was just so much pain in your body. It hurt so much like you would burn from the inside, and with every beat of your heart, the pain got worse and worse. It was like, you couldn't even see or hear anymore because your brain was so busy with the pain in your abdomen. You couldn't feel your legs anymore, as they would be numb or something like that, and your eyelids got heavier and heavier. It was so exhausting to stand, be awake or breathe – just ---- so exhausting. You could feel how your body just collapsed and was about to fell down. You could hear someone screaming, calling your name over and over again, but it was like, as he would speak with cotton in his mouth. Or as you hat cotton in your ears. You couldn't understand words anymore, neither did you hear anything. It went slowly down, as your body would just shut down, and you started to freeze. It was so cold around here and so dark and silent, but the good thing was, the pain began to fade away. It got better and better, as more unconscious it got and your heart didn't pump as much anymore. Just a little bit, as it would go on a pilot flame. Funny feeling to feel how the body slowly relaxed and got lighter. A….. really…. Funny….. feeling.
The noises in the hospital were torturing his mind like someone would strike him with a baseball bat over and over again. Why was it so loud here? All the people talking, children crying, nurses running, and doctors rattle with medicine bottles. All the movements in the corner of his eyes, making him aggressive and nervous. Every time a door was opened, he looked up, just to see it wasn't a nurse or doctor with an operation smock. Besides all the noises, he still could hear the gunshots in his head, as they would remind him that he failed this time. No, no, it wasn't too late for her! He brought her here, carrying her all the way down the street in this hospital. He put pressure on the wound all the time and making a tourniquet, and she was still breathing when she got here. The doctors immediately took care of her and brought her into the surgery room. He did everything right, everything he learned to do if someone got shot in a sensitive area and she was strong! So strong! She would fight for her life, right? She would. He gave her plenty of reasons to fight, so she will get better. She will! She had to! His legs seesaw up and down nervously, he tugged his hair, was rubbing his face, looking around all the time, breathing heavily, and looked like a mess. The sweat ran down his face and back; he must have looked like a homeless from the street. His shirt all dirty and covered with blood, as so his hands, and there was a little bit on his neck too. Carrying her to the hospital wasn't the best idea for his wounded shoulder, so he had great pain in that, but he was ignoring it. He told Stark to inform the Colonel and Peggy that he would be here at the hospital. So he waited. Waited, waited, and waited for hours. The next time when he heard a door and raised his head, he saw the Colonel, Peggy, and Steve (?) coming through the door. As soon as the little group spotted him, she stood up and salute, like the soldier he was, because of the Colonel. "Sir" "You look horrible; what happened, Sergeant?" "T-traitors entered the building and tried to steal important information. There was an exchange of fire and Claw – I mean Agent ---- she got to shoot" "Great, and why didn't you cover her? Hm?" "Colonel!" Peggy intervened before he could go after Bucky, who just stood still and listened to his harsh tone. "Oh, to hell with you! Where do I find someone you can give me information's about my niece!" he was rushing by Bucky and towards a little group of nurses. "Bucky" Steve took a step closer and put a hand on his shoulder. "I-I shot one of them and didn't saw the other…." His voice was shaky, and he blinked a few times to keep away the tears. "I-I …. ""Bucky," Steve grabbed his shoulder and pulled him closer into a brotherly hug. He knows how he must felt. When he lost his mother – Sarah – he felt devastated and lost. Everything went dark, and his inward was filled with grieve and darkness. It seems like there was no way out and that this kind of suffering would never end. Like an endless horrible nightmare. "I tried to…. I was so fast" "I know. I know" Steve shook his head. "Don't do this to yourself, Buck. She is not dead, not yet, right?" "No" Bucky freed himself from the hug and ran stressed through his hair. "When – When I got her here, she was breathing, and they said she still has a heartbeat. I told them I would wait here, but they didn't come out of the surgery room since then. If she were dead, they would have told me, right? Right?!" "Yes," Peggy nodded her head calmly. She didn't know if that was true, but Bucky was on the edge of a mental breakdown. Steve looked over the shoulder and looked thankful to Peggy. "We will stay here and wait. We wait until we got news about her condition" he padded his shoulder and offered Bucky to sit down again. Peggy and Steve sat next to him, one at each side. He was so nervous and tensed – Steve never saw him like this. "I-I-"Bucky started to say something and shook his head. He needed to talk about something; he couldn't stand the silence with all the noises around him hammer down on his head all the time. So he needed to distract his brain from going crazy. "We had a talk in the morning before she went down to Starks Bunker for her weapon ---- Rebecca will move from our parent's flat, so I ask her if she would like to move in instead. You should have seen her, looked at me shocked like a deer in headlights" he smiled tiredly. "Did I ask too soon?" he turned his head towards Peggy. "Well… depending on how far you are in your accord?" "I-I don't know, actually. I never knew what was going on inside her head. She was always very devious with her thoughts and behaviors. Did you know-" he smiled when he was thinking back. "That when I first kissed her, she slapped me in the face? Two times! And, bruised my nose and rips" "That's sound like Claw" Steve needed to smile too, he could image that lively, how she did that. She was fiery and sultry when she wanted it, even if she tried her best to be cold and distanced. When you knew her better and longer, you could see how her real- self come through. She was like a fire; you could easily get burned if you get her on the wrong foot, but – if you did it right – was full of warmth and beauty. "God, I really felt for her. Even when he tried to kill me multiple times" "Did she?" Peggy asked, and both guys needed to laugh a little bit. "She did. She throws every possible office equipment after me – hehe – she is really something special. Very special… rare! I got a rare gem," and fast, his glance went from happily reminiscing to an unfortunate reality. "No – don't even think about it," Steve could see, which ugly thought came across his mind and wanted to hinder him from overthinking about it. Bucky wanted to say something when the Colonel came back and stood in front of the tree. Altogether, they stood up and looked, waiting for news. He took a deep breath and started explaining. "She will get better soon. Nothing permanent or serious, just an enormous loss of blood, which will be recovered in a few days. She was Lucky" he took another deep breath and looked straight at Bucky and wanted to say something, but closed his mouth and thought about it again. "All tree if you look horrible, especially you, Barnes! Nevertheless, someone needs to stay here overnight if the intruders' allies will come back to finish it. I will go back to the base and check what they were trying to steal, and the Sergeant will stay here with my niece" then he just turned around and was about to leave the hospital and leave behind surprised people. "Well…" after a few moments, Peggy broke the silence and turned towards Bucky. "You should go then, and we both will see if we can help the Colonel. Steve? Let's got" "Alright," he nodded and looked smiling at Bucky. "See, everything turned out fine. She will be okay soon, so go to see her," and then, Steve and Peggy left the hospital too.
When you awoke, you were in the hospital. You could quickly tell, by the scent of antiseptics, the sad white and sterile walls, and not least of the noises the room makes. The monotonic beep of the mechanicals next to her and the Nurses calling for doctors and medicaments on the floor. You could not remember much, your memories were pretty blurry, but you knew that someone shoots at you and got you. You needed to blink a few times because the room was pretty light. You felt pressure and soft stroking movements at your hand and underarm, so you tried to move your head a little bit to see who it was. As soon as you saw the short brown hair, you knew it was Bucky.
"Hey," your voice was thin, flat, and scratchy, and as soon as Bucky heard it, he raised his head. Man – this guy looks tired and pale like a poltergeist. "I don't have a mirror ---- but ---- I think I look better than you" "Well-" he smiled exhausted, "I aged 10 years since I am in this hospital" "You did?" you tried to smile too, but you were tired yourself. "I am a shadow of myself – the doc's said that you will be good in a few days. You just lost a lot of blood, but no organ was badly harmed" "Blessing in disguise, I guess?" "Yes, something like that" Bucky took a deep, deep breath, and it looked as if the weight of the world would fall off his shoulders. Then – slowly – their last conversation came across her mind. Nearly dying made a lot of things easier and faster to decide. "Hey Buck," you squeezed his hand back. "Hm?" "After the War… help me to sell the house of my father, I guess I will not need it anymore" he knit his eyebrows and needed a few moments, until he realized what she was saying, a big bright smile on his lips. "I will," he needed. He would clasp her under different circumstances, but maybe this is not the right moment for doing so.
Your wound healed perfectly, and you were soon able to work a little bit out. Certainly, Bucky begs you not to overdo it, but you know where your limits were. You could do the paperwork and file on the capturing Plan for Zola. You got new information's regarding him and his whereabouts. Still, it was Tricky to get him there because he would be in the Austrian Alps. As far as you know, there was just one transportation device, which would pass through the alps and that was a train. If you don't know, jumping on a train at full speed was indeed a tricky thing but the best way you could do it. The time slot was tiny, so just a few people could do that and were actually able to do that. Sadly, Bucky and Steve were pretty at the top of this list because they have both extraordinary physical skills. To be honest? You didn't want Bucky to go there, you had a bad feeling about it, and you could always trust your feeling.
This mission was different because it was more dangerous than usual. You had a long and detailed meeting with the guys about it and how they should do it. It was really a matter of small details because if they miss just one thing, that could mean they will die. And after the meeting, nobody was in a good mood. Everybody was somehow severe and lost in their thoughts. The fact that nobody felt right about this one was a massive elephant in the room. Seriously, everybody thought it was a stupid idea. Even your uncle asked the guys if they want to let that opportunity pass. It was a mission, but no mission was it worth do die – at least when it comes down to your opinion. There would be another chance to capture Zola, so it was legitimate to let this one pass. But you know what? This Unit was filled with stupid apes! Of course, they wanted to do it. Just this one time – this ONE TIME – you wished Bucky would be less brave and just stay in the base, but of course, he couldn't let Steve go alone. Well, you wanted Steve to stay too! These were your Boys, your little family; you couldn't lose them! Accordingly to that, you and Bucky were pretty speechless during the night. You wanted to say something like you always do. Poke him, annoy him, tease him, or something else, but you didn't feel in the mood for it. Same for him. Usually, he would say something funny to raise your spirits, but even now, he couldn't say something, so you two just laid there in silence and stared into the darkroom.
It must have been a couple hours, but you finally find your voice, to say at least something. "Don't do anything stupid, okay?" your voice was soft, a little bit shaky, and he could he hear a few cracks in it. "Promised," but you could say that based on his voice, he couldn't. He just said it to calm you, but it didn't work.
"Sergeant Barnes, fall of the train! Bucky is… is gone!"
A few years later…
Over a year later, after the war was won, you found Peggy standing in front of Steve's grave. You didn't saw her for a few years, but you heard she works in a police station – or something like that. You, for yourself, didn't do much. You still worked in the Army with your uncle, but you went here every once in a while. To visit Bucky and Steve and today, Peggy, keep your company.
"Hey" – "H-Hey" Peggy whipped the tears away and shook her head a few times. She was standing in front of the grave of Steve Rogers, alias Captain America. It was a massive light stone with golden letters. Many people left flowers behind, stuffed animals, cards, and different things. They still do this when the anniversary of Steve's death was coming near. They knew the war was won because of what he and the Howling commando did, so they wanted to tribute the fallen Hero. Next to Steve's grave was Bucky's. The stone was a little bit smaller but as beautiful as Steve's was. You and Peggy agreed that these two idiots needed to be buried next to each other, even though you had no corpse to bury. "H-How are you?" she asked you, but you just shook your head. It's been a while since the war, but you still weren't right. "Devastated. Still but I am working on it. You?" "Working on it," she answered and took a deep breath. And then you two were just standing there and staring at these stones in silence. Bucky and Steve shared a special bond, and you can tell it was a strong one. And now? You and Peggy shared a similar bind, created by the pain of the same loss. "I hate my work" Peggy started to say something. "Full of man how didn't take me seriously, and I have to operate in the shadows. I don't mind the shadows, but I don't think I am doing something meaningful! I own Steve to try to protect the world he saved with his life! Or, don't I?" she asked you. Well, you couldn't answer that, not for her or for yourself. But the way she said it sounds like a plan. Like she already had something in mind to do something against that. "What you mean?" "I-I-" she stopped and took another deep breath before she explained her vision to you. She wanted to create an organization to protect the whole world. An institution filled with skilled people from anywhere possible, who come together to save humankind from any kind of danger. She said that Stark liked that idea and was already in, but she needed more people to make it work. Howard would take care of the equipment, but she required Agents and Spy. And she would prefer people she already worked with from war, so she meant you. "and how is that called? This Group? The Fanatic's?" you joked about, but Peggy just shook her head. She didn't have a name either, but it needed to be something catchy. "But would you join and help me?" "Yes," you didn't think long about it. What else should you do? And you liked Peggy and enjoyed working with her. "But we need a good name" "You don't say" she rolled with her eyes and seemed to think about it. "Maybe something like –"Peggy wanted to say something but broke up with her sentence. Apparently, she hadn't a good idea. She wanted something to remember Steve and honor him, but she didn't found a good acronym. You thought about it too, for a while until something catches your eye. Over Steve's name in the gravestone, there was a little symbol. To simplify it, it was his Shield he chooses as his weapon. Funny enough that he wanted to have a tool of protection as his weapon. It was his symbol, his signature to have this Shield with him, and that when it comes to your mind. "S.H.I.E.L.D – Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics" "A long name," she commented. "But it's fitting" "Well…. Yeah. Shield" "With a memorial wall in the main base" "Memorial wall?" "For all the fallen soldiers. To honor them," you said, and Peggy nodded as she looked down on the two Stones next to each other. "Agent Barnes and Agent Rogers will be the first names on it. Because I know they would have joined Shield" "They would," you nodded and smiled, while you softly remember Bucky's and Steve's smile.
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n1ght5h4d3-24 · 3 years
Timeless (VIII)
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A/N: Timeless is inspired by @just-dreaming-marvel 's Out Of Time series.
Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated 💕
Warning: Angst
(Previously On...) 
Over the next few months, Olivia lived her life the best way she could in the moment. She joined the SSR and was put in with Colonel Phillips and Peggy Carter. Agent Carter had been the one to teach her everything she needed to know, and soon Olivia had been passing her tests, coming in the top percentile as if being a part of the SSR was something she was born for. She grew close with Howard, who stepped up to take on the role of being a big brother while her actual brother and other "brother" were gone. He looked out for her when Peggy couldn't. Steve and Bucky's team of men became known as the Howling Commandos. They all left a few days after the trio had said their goodbyes. Olivia's only communication with her boys came in letters.
Don't worry too much. I am watching out for your punk of a brother. He's starting to make risky choices, thinking he's indestructible now that he's Captain America and leads his own team. But, I'm doing everything that I can to make sure he doesn't do anything really stupid, so that he'll make it back to you in one piece. And I'm doing good, I promise you that. I hope you're doing well and have managed to find a semblance of happiness. If it's in the form of a boy though, I will be having words with him. Remember, for every moment after until the end of the line.
The better big brother,
Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes.
Buck probably mentioned in his letter to you about how he's continuing to take care of me and stopping me from doing anything stupid like before I took the serum. But, I am also doing all the same for him. I promise, that him and I will make it back to you in one piece although we may be a little scathed. By the way, how is Agent Carter doing? I haven't heard from her in a bit and wipe that smile off your face. I hope you're looking after yourself, I really miss you. Love you and remember, until the sun doesn't rise in the east I'll be there.
Your Actual Big Brother,
Captain Steven Grant Rogers
Whenever Colonel Phillips had been sent video footage of Captain Rogers and the Howling Commandos, the Colonel's team watched. Olivia used the viewing of the footage as a way to keep an eye on her boys, eyes scanning over the images to make sure they were in one piece and suffered no bad injuries. In one video footage, it had shown Steve taking a glance at a compass that he had on him, with a picture of Peggy inside. She poked fun at the agent to hide how she actually felt.
The younger Rogers had been completing some paperwork that had been stacked up when Colonel Phillips received word about Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes' death, by falling off a train. It had been a couple of days and no one could find the body in the snow. The Colonel broke the news to Agent Carter and Stark first before informing them that he'd like them around as he broke the news to the young girl.
"Agent Rogers? The Colonel is requesting you in his office," a fellow agent informs the girl when they approached her.
Olivia looked up from the file in front of her and nods her head. She closes the manila folder and gets up from her seat before making her way to the Colonel's office. On her trek, she noticed other agents were looking at her, giving her sympathetic looks. She didn't understand why she was receiving such sad looks but as she drew closer to the door to the Colonel's office, her anxiety spiked. When entering, her attention was quickly drawn to Peggy's form which was sitting in a chair across from the Colonel's desk and then she noticed that Howard was also in the room.
"Agent Rogers. Shut the door, please." Colonel Phillips tells her after greeting her.
Olivia did as she was told, "I don't understand...have I done something wrong?" she wonders.
"No. No, you haven't. But please, take a seat. I would prefer to tell you this while you were seated." Phillips says.
The dirty blonde slowly took a seat in the empty chair beside Peggy, who she noticed held sadness in her eyes. She then turned her attention to Howard, who too held sadness in his eyes. The young girl could feel her heart begin to race as she braced herself for the news she was about to receive.
"Your brother, Captain Rogers, and the Howling Commandos had been tasked with stopping a train that was taking Dr. Zola, HYDRA's top scientist, to one of their bases." the Colonel began. "Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes ziplined onto the train to attack from within. While on the train, they were attacked. A hole had been blown in the train which resulted in Sergeant Barnes to fall to his death from the train."
Olivia sat motionless in her chair, her swirling thoughts having come to a stop as the information she was given, washed over her. Howard, who had been watching the young girl from where he stood, saw the moment she broke through her eyes.
"His body has not been found...I am so sorry for your loss." Colonel Phillips ended.
The three adults watched the young girl, who was still frozen in her seat but had put her head down....waiting. Olivia looked up at Colonel Phillips through her brow line causing the man to be taken aback by the look she was giving him.
"You're lying. You don't know that he's dead." she says.
"Olivia..." Peggy began.
"He doesn't! He just said that Bucky's body hasn't been found. Bucky could still be alive!" Olivia tells her.
"Olivia, I'm so sorry but, he's dead." Peggy tells her.
The young girl stands up suddenly and pulls out the handgun she had in the waistband of her jeans. She turned the safety off and aimed it in the Colonel's direction.
"Stop lying to me. You've just given up on him, like before. You go out there, and you find him." she tells him.
Peggy shot up from her seat, holding her hand out towards the girl.
"Hey, hey...easy, Liv. Easy. Listen, I am so sorry for your loss but, this...he wouldn't want you to do this. The Colonel hasn't given up on him, we've received reports from the men in the field that there was no sign of Bucky's body in the snow." she informs the girl.
Olivia's outstretched arm was beginning to shake and Peggy slowly grabbed the gun from her. She turned the safety back on, on the gun before setting it down on the Colonel's desk. The young girl broke down in that moment, falling to the floor, not being able to stand on her shaky legs. She sobbed on the floor.
"I'll leave you be," Colonel Phillips says before he walks out of his office.
Howard crossed the room, kneeling in front of the young girl, embracing her.
"Shh...it's going to be okay Olivia. You're going to get through this. You're a strong girl." he tells her, rubbing her back in a comforting manner.
The engineer held the girl, allowing her tears to soak his shirt until they ran dry. He felt her body go slack in his embrace and he picked her up bridal style.
"There should be a room, down the hall with a cot you can lay her on." Peggy tells him.
Howard gave her a nod before carefully carrying Olivia out of the Colonel's office and ventured down the hallway, bringing the girl to another room to allow her to get some rest.
"He...he c-can't be dead. He...he c-can't be, H-Howard. He just...can't be." she mutters tiredly.
"Shh, you just rest." He tells her, setting her down on the cot, after entering the other room.
Olivia rolled to lay on her right side, to be facing the door and the current man in the room.
"Howard...will you stay with me until I fall asleep?" She asks him in a small voice.
"Of course, Liv." He tells her.
The inventor moved to sit at the end of the cot once the young girl moved her legs to provide him with space. He remained by her side until she had fallen asleep. When he was sure that she was out, Howard got up and left the room. He and Peggy decided that they weren't going to leave the girl alone after the heartbreaking news she had received, knowing that she would most likely refuse to get up. A couple of days later, the Howling Commandos showed up to the base without their Captain. They checked in on the young Rogers' wellbeing before Peggy questioned them about Steve's whereabouts. Gabe Jones informs her that he had gone to the bar.
Peggy had gone to find Howard to inform him that she was going to go speak to Steve and he promised to keep an eye on Olivia, who hasn't left the room he had brought her too.
When Peggy arrived at the bar, she was quick to notice that it was in shambles. She walked inside, following the sound of the radio giving a report about a blackout. When her gaze landed on Steve, she could hear him sniff before he reached across the table to grab a bottle to pour himself a drink.
"Dr. Erskine said that the serum wouldn't just affect my muscles, it would affect my cells." Steve started when he realized Peggy was there. "Create a protective system of regeneration and healing. Which means umm...I can't get drunk. Did you know that?" he wonders.
"Your metabolism burns four times faster than the average person." Peggy tells him, picking up a chair to sit across from Steve. "He thought it could be one of the side effects."
She observes the heartbroken expression on Steve's face, noticing the tears welling in her eyes.
"It wasn't your fault." she tells him.
"Did you read the report?" Steve inquires.
"Yes," she answers.
He scoffs, "Then you know that's not true."
He hesitates before wondering, "Did Liv read it?"
"No, she hasn't." was Peggy's response.
"She should. She deserves to know the truth." Steve says.
"You did everything you could. Olivia won't blame you for what happened." Peggy tells him.
She continues to observe Steve, "Did you believe in your friend? Did you respect him?" she inquires.
Steve looks at her, as if he couldn't believe she'd be questioning him about his best friend.
"Then stop blaming yourself. Allow Barnes the dignity of his choice. He damn well must have thought you were worth it." She tells him, trying to soothe his conscious.
Steve sits there for a moment, "I'm going after Schmidt. I'm not going to stop until all of HYDRA is dead or captured." he says with conviction in his tone.
"You won't be alone." Peggy assures him.
A shroud of silence fell between the two of them momentarily, until Steve broke it once more.
"How is she? How's Liv?"
"She hasn't taken it very well. Howard and I have been trying our best but, she need her big brother." Peggy tells him.
Steve gives her a nod and the two of them get up from the table and leave the bar.
(Next Time On...)
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3pirouette · 4 years
Fic: An Experimental Design (1/ 3-ish)
Title: An Experimental Design By: TriplePirouette/3Pirouette Disclaimer: They're not mine. Word Count: 2739 Distribution: AO3  Anyone else please ask first :)
Story Summary: Sequel to “What Number?”, also prompted from Steggy Bingo Bash Prompts.  Takes place about a week after that fic.
Chapter 1: Far
Chapter Summary: Peggy’s at a nine, and Steve’s nowhere to be found.
Chapter A/N: You absolutely have to read “What Number?” to understand anything going on in this. Steggy Bingo Bash Prompt “Chester Phillips.” There will probably be about 3-4 chapters in this story. Not entirely sure yet.
Peggy marched through the halls of the SSR, gritting her teeth tight. She was at a nine, a high strung, desperate nine, but there was nothing to be done for it.
She’d tried, on her own, last night, but her own hands didn’t temper the pain and she couldn’t get herself off while the agony seared through her.
He’d asked her, before he went, if she wanted him to stay. She regretted her decision, now. She’d never gone more than eight hours since that fateful day when he took her from the Hydra base and his touch soothed every inch of her.
The mission had been simple: in and out with a high value target that was looking to defect in six hours or less.
They’d lost contact with the Commandos around hour eight.
It had been twenty-two hours since she’d touched him, and every cell in her body was screaming.
She stopped, gripping the doorway of the communications room as she leaned in. “Any word yet, Private?”
The young man at the console turned, his face stoic. “Not yet, Ma’am.”
She nodded moving along, missing the cold metal of the doorframe in her hand. The bunker was all cinderblock and metal and cool dirt floors and she was about ready to roll herself along one just to get some relief.
Steve hadn’t let her get to a nine in weeks and she had forgotten just quite how painful it could get. He could see the way her eye jumped, the way she hid it from everyone else, long before she got to her nine, and never hesitated to act.
“You’re sure?” He asked softly, his chest pressed against hers.
She leaned back, sitting on his knees. Straddling him had its advantages, especially when they had nearly no clothes left on. She ran her hands down his chest. “Six hours. Eight if it gets bad? Longest we’ve had to wait is twelve and I only made it to an eight then. I can make it.”
He shook his head, concerned at the ‘stiff upper lip’ she was giving him. “Peggy?”
She let the façade fall, sighing. “We have to try. If I can’t survive you going on missions then we have to talk to Howard.” She shook her head. “As much as I like all this, if I literally can’t exist on my own without touching you…”
He brushed her hair back from her face, forcing her to look up at him. “You know how I feel about getting help with this.”
“And I appreciate very much that you’re letting me do it in my own time.” She leaned forward, kissing him gently. “I’m sure I’ll find a way to survive the day without you.”
‘I’m sure I’ll find a way to survive the day without you.’
It echoed in her head as she felt the lighting pulse through her again, mocking her. Every minute that passed by seemed to take hours, and she could only hide for so long. She was due at a briefing with Phillips. The Colonel overlooked many things, but she didn’t know how well she could hide this.
She pulled the files from her desk, moving to the conference room and taking a seat towards the back of the table. The farther away from Phillips, the better. She kept her head down, looking through reports she already knew by heart, scribbling at making notes as the conference room filled in.
Phillips joined them not two minutes later; his face gruff as he sat at the head of the table. “Let’s keep this quick, today. I have a call with the General this afternoon.”
Peggy almost sighed in relief when he said he wanted to keep it brief. She could do this, she could make it through the afternoon briefing without crying out, without making a scene.
The nine was creeping up to a ten. There was no way to stop it.
She focused on her breathing, slow and steady as Smith filled Phillips in on a hostage situation. Martin talked for what felt like hours about an ammunition logging discrepancy.
It was during Martin’s droll recounting of how forty bullets got misplaced that she noticed Phillips glance at her.
Normally, she’d smile, share the moment with the man and joke about it later. No one cared where forty bullets went in this damned war, least of all Phillips, especially if, as Martin ended up explaining, he’d later found them.
Peggy knew that no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t share the joke today. She attempted to smile, but it came out a wince. She was sweating. Her thighs were shaking and she tried to hide it by tapping her foot. She was spiraling down, fast, and she didn’t know how to stop it.
“Carter,” Phillips nearly barked, stopping Martin’s final accounting of weapons. “You all right?”
“Fine, Sir.” Her voice was clipped. “A bit under the weather.”
He eyed her suspiciously, but it was a Sargent she wasn’t familiar with that opened his mouth. “Missing her boyfriend, no doubt.”
Phillips pounded the table with his fist, the first signs of laughter among the men dying out at his serious expression. He looked at all of them, his eyes sweeping over each man before he spoke. “Good men are missing, you don’t joke about it.” He looked down at his papers, rearranging them, his eyes kept firmly down as he spoke to avoid accusing anyone specific. “And don’t think for a second I don’t know every single thing that happens on and around this base. I can only turn a blind eye for so long, and every one of you should be very, very aware of that fact.”
The silence after his veiled threat only served to accentuate Peggy’s shuddered breathing.
Phillips eyed her for a long moment, folding his hands in front of him. He didn’t look away, and she held his gaze. “Carter, you puke on my table, you’re cleaning it up, understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
He moved on to Hobbs, letting the man talk him through the planned extraction of an undercover agent, his eyes drifting to her every few seconds.
She couldn’t see her notes, didn’t even pretend to be paying attention anymore. Her hands gripped the table, her eyes pressed closed. Her hair was matting to her head and she couldn’t help the way her legs shook.
Phillips put his hand up, stopping Hobbs. “Carter, get out of here. Go find a medic.”
She couldn’t answer him, couldn’t even hear him as the migraine she had began pounding in her ears. She pushed back from the table, her head in her hands.
It made the men around her jump in surprise as her chair slid back across the floor. Phillips was on his feet, pushing the man next to him out the door. “Medic, now.” His order wasn’t loud, but insistent and worried. “Carter?”
Instead of answering him, something she physically couldn’t do, she rolled from the chair. She didn’t feel the impact on the cement floor, but instead felt the coolness of the cement on her body. She pressed her face into the ground as Phillips rounded the table, some of the other men already moving it to the side to give her room.
“Carter?” He bent down, his hand on her shoulder, shaking her.
She cried out, the scream full of anguish and pain at his touch. She hadn’t felt this level of pain since she’d been in that godforsaken Hydra lab.
He pulled his hand away like he’d been burnt, watched as she curled back into herself, convulsing and whimpering on the ground.
Phillips looked up at the Sargent, eyes full of fear. “You think she’s missing her boyfriend now?”
Steve pressed on, though Dum Dum tried to hold him back. “We need to stop, Cap. We can’t go any further tonight.”
“I can’t,” he argued, pulling out of Dum Dum’s grip. “I can’t explain why, but I need to get back as soon as possible.”
Dugan let him get a few paces away before he called out. “You’re no good to her if you’re dead.” Steve froze. “What happens then, huh? When a sniper you didn’t even know was there puts two in your forehead before you can get your shield up?”
Steve turned, looking at the man, broken and frustrated.
“We know that there’s something going on with her, Cap. We know it has something to do with whatever they did to her in that goddamned lab and we’re all trying to get you back to her as fast as we can because we know you can fix it somehow.”
Some of the tension in Steve melted away. “You know?”
Dugan smiled, stepping closer to him. “You two go into a tent, her sounding like she’s dying, a minute later it sounds like a brothel, and in the morning she’s as good as new?” Dugan shrugged. “It’d be easy to just say she’s just like all the rest of us, gets the shakes, gets a little unnerved now and again and needs a buddy to talk to or a bottle to drink, but I’ve seen her go from ready to jump off a cliff to damn right calm just because you held her hand since that day we rescued her. That’s not nothing.”
Steve hung his head. “We don’t know what’s wrong with her. Can’t explain it.” He sighed, “She needs to touch me, skin to skin, and it goes away.”
Dum Dum reached out, then let his lips crook up in a silly half smile. “Well, if that ain’t romantic.” His attempt to lighten the mood did little, but Steve nodded in appreciation. “We’re gonna get you back to her, we just—”
“She’s never gone this long.” He said, his voice cracking with worry. “It was supposed to be six hours.”
“And we were supposed to be pulling out a scientist trying to defect from a nunnery, not fighting off half of the Nazi party at a Hydra stronghold.” Dugan set his arm around Steve’s shoulders, turning him back towards the little camp they were setting up. “Us non-super soldiers just need a few hours. Some sleep, try to fix the comms, we’ll be up and marching soon.”
Steve nodded, knowing his friend was right, he was far too distracted to go traipsing through enemy territory by himself. “A few hours.”
Dugan nodded. “Peggy will be fine, she’s got the finest minds in the Allied Powers on that base.”
“Jesus Christ, Stark, are you an imbecile?” Phillips barked, watching through the glass of the observation window. Peggy was writhing in the bed on the other side, pulling the IVs from her arms. “Help the damn woman!”
“PhDs, not MDs!” Stark cried, pacing behind the man. Howard stopped at his side, throwing up his hands. “Go yell at one of the actual doctors, because none of this makes any sense. She’s fine. She’s literally absolutely one hundred percent, healthy based on everything they’ve showed me and all the tests they’ve run with the exception of her elevated blood pressure.”
Phillips swept a hand out, gesturing to the room beyond them where Peggy was curled on her side, sobbing. His eyes wide, he threw his arm out again, gesturing wildly. “That is not, by any means, healthy.” When Howard didn’t back down Phillips rubbed his hand over his mouth, turning away from the window. “I watched that woman take two bullets in the shoulder and barely wince,” he began turning back to Howard, “She trekked through enemy territory with a sprained ankle and a six-year-old on her back evacuating a town before Hydra could get to it. I have never seen that woman do more than purse her lips and move on and now she looks like this?”
Howard shook his head. “She was in that Hydra base for 16 hours. I should have insisted she let someone look at her.”
“You insist with Peggy Carter you’re risking your life,” Phillips supplied, nearly laughing. “I thought she and Rogers were hiding something from me when they got back, but I just figured it was more hand holding behind the mess. God, that kid still makes me cry.”
Howard stopped, looking up at Phillips. “You know they’re…?”
Phillips scowled. “The things I don’t know about what goes on at this base could fill a thimble.” He sighed, sitting at the small table in the room, his voice growing more sarcastic by the second. “Yes, I know they’re making moon eyes at each other like two teenagers and take long romantic walks in the woods and sometimes he even comes back with, dare it I say it, lipstick on his collar.” He sighed. “As long as the wrong people don’t catch them and I don’t get an official complaint, I can ignore it just like I ignore a lot of other men and women sneaking off when they think people aren’t looking.” This time, Phillips did laugh at Howard’s amazed expression. “It’s war, Stark, you think I’m going to deny these soldiers a little comfort and pleasure while they’re laying down their lives?”
Howard opened his mouth to reply, but was swiftly cut off by a guttural scream from the room beyond them. Peggy had rolled to her side and was kicking off the blankets.
“Burns,” she yelled out, left with only the raspiest of voices after crying out for hours on end.
Phillips put his head in his hands. “How much more pain medication can we give her?”
Stark sighed, walking up to the glass. “We’ve already maxed her out on morphine. She should barely be alive, never mind awake and in pain with the amount she’s had.”
Without warning Peggy went silent, sitting up in her hospital bed, eyes glued to the door.
The silence made both men stand tall, eyes glued to her to see what she would do. The commotion from beyond the doors made the turn, Phillips pulling open the door and stepping out into the hallway to see a crowd. MPs were unsuccessfully holding back a nearly feral Captain Rogers, the rest of the commandos standing behind him, guarding his back and removing personnel from the area by force.
“Rogers! What the hell is going on?”
“Where is she?” He demanded, eyes wild, pushing past the MPs, using their surprise at Phillips’ voice to overpower them without hurting them. “Where?”
Howard swallowed hard, setting his jaw and pointing to the door beyond him.
Phillips, however, was not satisfied. “Oh no, you have a lot of explaining to do, and a debrief,” he pushed in front of Steve, half angry as hell that the mission hadn’t gone anywhere near planned, and half hoping to keep him from seeing the painful sight that was Peggy Carter.
Steve, without preamble, pushed past Phillips and disappeared into the door beyond. “Sorry, Colonel, you can charge me with insubordination later.”
Howard reached out, putting a hand to Phillips chest as he tried to follow him, the Commandos starting to flank and guard the rooms. Phillips looked at Howard’s hand, then up at his face, his disbelief that Stark would stop him evident.
“He didn’t ask how she was, or what happened,” Howard pointed out quietly. “he just wanted to know where she was.”
“Skinny bastard knows something.” Phillips murmured as the realization downed on him.
Howard huffed, “You’re going to have to stop calling him that one day.”
“No, I don’t.” Phillips started to move forward, but was intercepted by Dugan, Jones, and Sawyer, who turned him back towards the hall.
“We’ll debrief you, sir,” Jones supplied, pulling Howard by the collar after him.
Phillips set his feet, turning back towards the room. “I don’t think so, I think I’d rather be here for this.”
Dugan stepped in his path, shaking his head. “Colonel, sir, I can tell you with all due respect that from experience, you absolutely do not want to be here right now.”
Phillips pondered yelling, even flat out decking the man for a moment, but was stopped by the loud, breathy moan that came from Peggy’s room.
He looked up: that had not been pain. That had, most certainly, been pleasure.
“You’re right, I don’t.” He led them out, Howard still being dragged by Jones, “But don’t think for one second I am letting any of this go.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, sir.”
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helloprettybb · 4 years
made a mistake
Here’s a prequel to “bring me back.” I was thinking about how interesting it would be to see what made Steve want to come back.
bring me back
warnings: angst, racism 
word count: 3.7k
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Steve knew when and where to be. Even without the super-soldier serum, he would never forget the date. Stepping into 1945 Brooklyn felt surreal especially since he thought he’d never see this again. It’s quite different than the 21st century, but just as he remembered.
No electric screens like when he first stepped foot outside in 2011. It’s nice and comfortable Steve thinks. He looks at the clock and realizes it’s 7:55. He knows where he has to be.
Entering the Stork Club, Steve reads that it’s 7:59. Sitting at the bar is Peggy. “Ready for that dance?” he asks. She turns and can’t believe her eyes.
“Steve, how did you?” she begins. He doesn’t answer, sweeping her in his arms and placing his lips on hers. It’s nice and sweet, nothing like the kisses you two would share. He doesn’t know why you appear in his mind. He came back for a reason: her. So he pushes you into the back of his mind and gazes down at Peggy. She’s as beautiful as he remembered. 
“I’ve missed you,” he says, eyes never leaving hers. He still can’t believe he’s really here. 
It starts with one date and then another and before Steve realizes, he’s getting married to Peggy. Only a few months of coming back, Steve is already preparing to walk down the aisle. It’s all rather fast, but she’s his love. 
At the altar, Steve takes a subtle look to his left and the corners of his mouth go down just a little. Not only his Bucky not here, but his other friends like Sam and Clint. 
Before he could dwell on his old friends, Steve sees the doors open. Peggy walks down the aisle in a modest, yet beautiful dress. Steve smiles at the sight of her. She’s radiant, but he’s hit with an intense flashback.
“How do I look?” you ask, bursting out of the changing room. Steve looks up and laughs. You’re dressed in a big, dramatic wedding dress, even sporting a long veil. As ridiculous as it looked, Steve had to admit that you pulled it off.
“I’m pretty sure that’s a bit much for the gala.” Steve jokes. You ignore him and do a slow twirl in front of the mirror.
“I know! But that doesn’t mean I can’t have a little fun.” you jab back. Tony was having a charity gala, which meant the whole team had to dress up. You practically jumped Steve and forced him to drive you to a boutique. You told him you needed his input, but five minutes in the store made it clear that he was only there to keep you company. Since Tony was paying for the clothes, you didn’t even look at price tags before grabbing everything you could and running into the changing room.
For the last half-hour, Steve sat on a chair too small for him as you occasionally popped out from behind the curtains. After the first fifteen dresses, the rest seemed the same. You could sense that he was getting bored so you slipped on a wedding dress to grab his attention.
You sigh as you look in your reflection. “It is a nice dress, though. I think for our wedding, I’d go for a smaller skirt.” 
Steve’s ears perk up and his eyebrows shoot to his hairline. You notice Steve’s shocked expression and quickly explain, “Oh no, Steve. I didn’t mean it like that. I know we’ve only been dating for four months and saying our wedding sounds really weird, but I just meant that in the future, like far, far future. Because I really like you and want to spend the rest of my life with you and I really should stop talking.” 
Steve eases into a smile at your nervous rambling. He stands and walks over to the mirrors. Your face is in your hands and you keep mumbling out of embarrassment. Steve wraps his arms around you from behind and whispers in your ear, “It’s okay because I want to spend the rest of my life with you, too.”
Steve snaps back to the present when Peggy is only feet from the altar. The ceremony proceeds and Steve is happy. He gazes at Peggy lovingly and when the minister finishes, he kisses his bride. He closes his eyes, but for a second, your face appears. His heart skips a beat at the thought of you, but he pushes you away. It’s his wedding day after all and he’s marrying the love of his life.
Relationships took work. Steve knew that, so when Peggy started leaving him alone to go on missions, he wasn’t mad. Hell, he’d done that to you how many times. But the days turned to weeks and then months and sometimes, Steve would only see her for a day before she had to leave again. He understood because he’d been there.
She offered him a job at SSR, but after all his years of fighting in the 21st century, he figured he’d retire. Although confused, Peggy didn’t pry. She continued her life as normal, going on missions frequently. She didn’t realize it was an issue.
Steve paces the floor as he waits for his wife to come home. He hasn’t seen her in three weeks since she went to god knows where. Steve hates the secrecy but would feel very hypocritical if he complained. After all, he did the same for you.
Oh, you. The more time that Peggy is away, the more often he thinks about you. It started with little things, like waking up in the morning. With Peggy, Steve wakes up on one side of the bed while Peggy wakes on the other. He realized early on that Peggy wasn’t as fond of physical touch as you. Steve told himself that it didn’t bother him and he definitely didn’t miss the way you would doze off on his chest. Steve also most certainly did not miss how your small hands would grab his face and comfort him after a particularly bad mission.  
Still, Steve wonders how you are doing (as a friend of course). Do you miss him? 
Steve hears the door open. He lifts his head and sees a very tired Peggy walk into the house. “I’ve missed you, doll.” he says, walking up to give her a hug. However, she stops him before he could wrap his arms around her.
“Sorry, Steve. I’m just really tired. I need to get some rest. They’re placing me somewhere else tomorrow morning.” Peggy quickly explains before heading towards the bedroom. 
Steve frowns slightly and asks, “Where are you going?” Peggy shakes her head, having had this conversation multiple times.
“You know I can’t tell you, dear.” Peggy responds, already getting ready for bed. “All I know is that I’ll be undercover for two months.” 
Two months! Steve can’t believe that he just got her back and now he barely sees her. His frustration finally taking over, he groans, “Are you serious? Why can’t you just stay?” The last part sounds more like a plea than a question.
Peggy, too tired to argue, sighs, “Steve, it’s my job. I told you when we got married that our life would be like this.” Steve thought he was a fairly patient person, but his anger finally gets a hold of him. 
“If I knew it was going to be like this, I wouldn’t have come back!” Steve shouts louder than he wanted. He realizes what he’s said but it’s too late. 
Stone-faced and very much awake, Peggy replies in a tone that’s too calm, “Then leave.” Steve tries to think of something to say, but it seems that his mind is blank. He doesn’t even grab anything before leaving the house.
He’s such an idiot. He sacrificed everything, his friends, the internet, and you, for Peggy. He knew what he was doing when he took that detour. He weighed all the pros and cons, yet he thought he made the right decision. Was he wrong?
Steve’s feet seemed to have a mind of its own as he walked around the streets of New York. Troubled with his thoughts, Steve blocked out most of the city’s noise until loud shouting pierced his ears. Running towards the noise, he ends up in an ally behind a drugstore.
The closer he gets, the more slurs he hears and it disgusts him. When he’s close enough, he yells at the two white attackers, who are beating up an African American man. The man’s head is bleeding and it looks like he’s drifting in and out of conscious. 
Steve acts before he thinks and throws a punch at the larger man. He immediately collapses to the ground. His friend tries to hit Steve, but he’s too slow and soon enough, he’s also on the ground. He didn’t mean to knock them out, but he brushed it off, determining that they deserved it.
He turns his attention to the injured African American man and crouches down by him. “Hey, you okay?” Steve asks nicely. The man struggles to open his eyes, but when he finally does, he widens them with shock and fear.
Still severely injured, the man attempts to scramble back and cries, “Please, stop. I didn’t mean to be here. I got lost.” Steve’s heart hurts at the desperate plea. He holds his hands up to show that he means no harm.
“I’m not going to hurt you, I promise. Let me take you in there so I can patch you up.” Steve replies sincerely. The man still looks a bit scared, but Steve can see that he’s easing up a little. He moves a little closer, but this time the man doesn’t scoot away. “Do you need help getting up?” The man nods and Steve helps him on his feet.
He starts to direct him into the drug store when the man speaks up, “They’re not going to let me in.” Steve furrows his brow in confusion.
“Why wouldn’t they?” he asks rather innocently. The man lets out a bitter, resentful laugh.
“Are you serious? Do you know where we are right now?” he asks, tone as disgruntled as his laugh. Steve thinks for a second before he realizes. He couldn’t believe he was being so naïve, but spending over a decade in the twenty-first century made him realize how much he took for granted. 
“I’ll take you home, then. Did you come in a car or anything?” Steve asks the man. He nods and points across the street. Steve supports the man while they cross the street to his car. He hands Steve the keys and he starts the engine.
“Where do you live?” Steve acts as he pulls the car out of the spot. The man rolls his eyes at Steve’s cluelessness.
“Harlem.” The man groans as he sits up, he continues, “You’re not from around here are you?”
Steve lets out a short laugh and responds, “Well, I grew up here. But I haven’t been around for a very long time.” It was the truth. The twenty-first century made Steve forget about the bad parts of the 40s. He used to look back fondly, but now he feels like a fool for excluding the extreme racism and segregation. 
He pulls up to the man’s house and helps him to the door. A woman, who Steve assumes is his wife, opens the door and stares at Steve. She cowers a little behind the door until she sees her battered husband. She quickly moves out of the way as Steve moves in. He places the man at the kitchen table. His wife quickly jumps into action and searches for the first aid kit.
“Where did you find him?” she cries, seeing the condition he’s in. He tells her and the woman’s eyes well up in tears. “Oh, Robert, you didn’t have to do that! I already told you. I bought candy from the store in Harlem.” She’s scolding him, but Steve can tell that she’s just worried beyond belief. It reminded him of you whenever he came back from a mission with anything more than a scratch.
“I know, honey, but she loves the candy from that shop in Brooklyn.” Robert replies, slurring his words a bit. Steve’s about to ask who they’re talking about when a little girl walks out from the hallway.
“Mama?” she asks, staring at Steve. She’s small, probably five or six. She catches sight of her father and asks, “Daddy, what happened?”
His wife is about to reply when he interrupts, “Daddy got in a fight, but this nice man saved me.” Even though he has a bandage wrapped around his head, he still has a comforting smile on his face when he talks to his daughter. 
The young girl starts to walk towards them when her mother springs up and starts, “No, young lady. You’re supposed to be in bed.” She delivers a little pout before turning around and heading down the hall.
Robert’s wife sits next to her husband and grabs his hand. They lock eyes and share a look that Steve could only describe as true love. She turns towards Steve and states, “Thank you, sir. If it weren’t for you, I don’t know what would have happened.” 
“Oh, anyone would have done it.” he replies but realizes that it isn’t true, at least now. 
“Please, if there’s anything we could do to repay you.” she insists. Steve doesn’t want anything for just being a decent person, but then he remembers his situation.
He sighs and asks, “Can I stay here for the night? My wife kicked me out.” He hands his head a bit at that last sentence. She easily accepts and fetches some pillows and blankets for Steve.
“Why did you do that?” Robert asks, still confused why a person like Steve would help him. 
Steve simply shrugs and replies, “I don’t like bullies. There’s no reason to be so hateful towards someone different, someone who’s done nothing.” Robert simply laughs at his response, but it isn’t as bitter.
“You’re really not from around here then.”
Steve knew he had to go home at some point. After staying the night at Robert’s and thanking his family for the hospitality, Steve returned home. He expected an empty house since Peggy was on a mission, but when he opened the door, he was greatly surprised.
“What are you doing home?” was the first thing out of Steve’s mouth. Peggy’s arms were crossed and she was staring daggers at Steve. He closed the door behind him. Zeroing in on the carpet, Steve found that he couldn’t look Peggy in the eye.
“I didn’t go.” Peggy replies, stating the obvious. Steve finally looks up at her and all he sees are cold, brown eyes. When Steve doesn’t say anything else, Peggy continues, “We need to talk Steve.”
“What about?” Steve asks, too much sarcasm slipping into his voice. 
Peggy huffs a sigh and starts, “It’s not working out Steve. I know it and I hope to god you do, too.” Steve can hear the frustration and anger in her voice. He doesn’t answer, not knowing if he could control his temper. The two remain in an uneasy silence for a couple moments.
In a softer voice, Peggy asks, “It’s because of her, isn’t it?” Steve didn’t know how to answer that. Was it really all about you? Clearly, Peggy thought it was and in a cold, professional manner, she states, “I’m meeting with my lawyer Friday.” Steve just nods and Peggy moves towards the door. He moves out of the way and Peggy leaves. 
The entire process took six weeks since both of them agreed to keep the court of it. After all the paperwork was filled out, Steve Grant Rogers was officially divorced. He knew it had to happen, but Steve still had difficulty processing it. The day after the divorce finalized, Steve went out for coffee with Peggy.
“So...” Peggy starts, struggling to find something to talk about. Steve felt the same, opting to take a sip of coffee instead of striking up a conversation. The two of them had grown increasingly distant since the day Peggy filed for divorce. It got to the point where they didn’t even share the same bed. It wasn’t just because they didn’t love each other. It was because of you.
Apparently, the stress of the divorce process restarted Steve’s sleep-talking habit. At first, they were just quiet whispers of your name, but they evolved to full-on conversations with you. Steve couldn’t blame Peggy for being irritated at his love confessions toward you so he volunteered to sleep on the couch. 
Peggy taps on her mug while Steve looks around the shop awkwardly. When Peggy offered to go out one last time, Steve saw it as a form of closure. The two of them have mostly moved on, but there were many things left unsaid. Peggy clears her throat and finally says, “Let’s talk about it.” Steve focuses his eyes on her and his heart hurts a little. Although his feelings are mostly gone, he still sees the woman he came back for. 
“Okay. I’m sorry.” Steve states bluntly. If he’s being honest, he doesn’t know what he’s apologizing for specifically since it seems there is so much. He continues, “I left everyone I knew and cared about to come back for you. I think I expected too much.”
Peggy nods and replies, “Steve, I didn’t ask you to come back for me.” He can tell she’s trying to remain calm, but her tone wavers enough to tell him that she’s on the defense.
“I know and I’m not mad at you.” Steve sighs. “It’s just... all those years in the twenty-first century made me long to go back. Even when I met her, I still thought I’d want to be here.” 
Peggy takes in his confession and finishes his thought, “But you don’t belong here.” Steve averts his eyes and gives a tight smile. At least she’s understanding and not upset. “You need to go back.” 
He looks up at Peggy. Her tone is calm, maybe even a little sanguine. “Excuse me?” 
Peggy shrugs and replies, “You should go back. To the twenty-first century, to your friends and to her. You can do that, right?” Steve smiles a little at her curiosity. It’s ironic that this conversation started with her wanting nothing to do with him, but now, she wants to help.
“Well even if I could. I don’t have enough particles.” Steve reasons. Peggy raises an eyebrow slightly confused. Steve remembered that he didn’t tell her exactly how he came back. “I had these Pym particles that allowed me to travel in time. I used them all already.” Peggy thinks a little then comes up with a solution.
“Well, maybe you could find a way to communicate with your friends.” she suggests. Steve searches his mind for any opportunity, then it hits him. His realization must have reached his face since Peggy laughs lightly for the first time in weeks.
“So, I figure you discovered a solution?” she jokes and Steve laughs a little. 
“Yeah.” Steve replies, smiling at the way everything is coming together. She starts to get up and he states, “Thank you, Peggy.” She gets that he meant for everything and she smiles.
In a tone that completely contradicts her words, she says, “I hope I never see you again.” She gives him a final kiss on the cheek and leaves for the last time. Well, that’s one way to say goodbye.
Steve laughs to himself at how lax the security is at Stark Industries. If it were like this in the twenty-first century, missions would get done much faster.  He drives around the complex until he spots it in the distance. Standing tall and proud is The Tree. Although rather younger, it looks like it did on Steve and your first date.
You are beautiful. Steve can’t help but stare as you grab a strawberry from the picnic basket. You notice him looking and blush a little, “What?” 
You laugh a little out of embarrassment and Steve replies, “Nothing, t’s just you’re so beautiful.” Your eyebrow quirks a little out of surprise and you smile brightly.
“Thank you, Steve. If it’s any consolation, you’re very beautiful, too.” you laugh and Steve beams. Everything about you is so perfect that Steve can’t believe you agreed to go on a date with him. When he asked, he had to conceal his surprise at your acceptance. He waited for a nice day so that the two of you could go on a picnic. 
The two of you talked for so long that Steve lost track of time. A large shadow began to cast over the sunny field. Steve looked up and saw giant storm clouds roll it. He mentally cursed himself and his poor technological skills for not checking the hourly forecast. Picking up the basket and blanket, Steve started toward the compound when you grabbed his hand. Before he could ask any questions, you pull him toward the old tree that sat in the middle of the field.
He followed and the two of you make it just in time before the rain starts to pour. Protected by the tree, you say sheepishly, “I didn’t want the date to end yet. I knew that if we went inside, the others would pester us.” Steve laughs in agreement and sets everything down. He looks down and notices that your hand is still in his. You seem to notice it too and with a sly smile, you pull him away from the tree. 
Steve follows and in a matter of minutes, the two of you are drenched. Neither of you cares and he jokes, “So much for nice weather.” You laugh, running your hands through your soaked hair. Steve doesn’t know why the simple gesture gets his heart going, but instinctively, he asks, “Can I kiss you?” He immediately worries that it was too forward, but you smile even wider.
“I thought you’d never ask.”
It’s drizzling lightly when he gets out of the car. Steve’s hair slowly grows damp as he walks toward the tree. Tracing his fingers over the bark, he looks for a place to carve. He stops halfway around and takes out his knife.
Stepping back, he’s relieved to see that it’s readable. Now he prays to god that you get the message.
113 notes · View notes
wiypt-writes · 3 years
Stark Spangled Rebirth
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Chapter 3: You Look Taller
Summary: Steve is transformed into the world’s first Super Soldier, but after a bomb is detonated in the SSR lab, he is soon putting his new found strength to the test.
Warnings: Bad Language words.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Word Count- 7.5k ish
A/N:  I might have taken a few liberties here with the way things worked in the Army in the 40s but, let’s face it, no more than the MCU did! Any mistakes are my own. I’ll probably spot them once posted but, whatever!
This series is my contribution of sorts to the CATF 10 Year Anniversary Challenge.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
SSR Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 2
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Steve didn’t sleep a wink that night. His mind was in overdrive, his body spiking with just about as many contrasting emotions one could possibly feel all at once. Excitement, fear, pride, concern, uncertainty, determination…and then there were his thoughts about Katie and what they’d done last night. He was conflicted about that as well. On the one hand it had been so wrong, to have rubbed one another to release through their clothes, without even courting so to speak. It went against everything his Ma had taught him about treating a dame with respect, instead he’d gone head and behaved just like Bucky normally did when he paraded around in his uniform, using it to pick up any woman he could.
But on the other, nothing had ever felt so damned right to him before in his life.
He still couldn’t quite believe it, although the evidence it had happened was plain to see in his pants which he’d hastily changed and hidden in the bottom of his trunk. What he was having trouble processing was why. Why a dame like that had picked a guy like him. He still wasn’t completely convinced she wasn’t acting out of pity. Pity that he was about to undergo some transformation and had never been touched that way before.
But then she’d admitted that she hadn’t either. “What was it you said about waiting for the right partner?”
Maybe she did actually feel something for him. And whilst it hadn’t been the most conventional beginning, perhaps it might morph into something else?
 With a groan he shook his head, who was he kidding? It was June, 1943 and they were in the middle of a war. He was about to be injected with some kind of serum that was either going to turn him into a soldier with enhanced capabilities or…well, he didn’t want to think about the 'or'. Either way, he knew what should be at the forefront of his mind, and a relationship with Katie Stark was not it.
He went about his morning routine as normal. Thanks to the SSR’s programme being covert, most people on the base completely ignored him as usual, which suited him fine. The last thing he wanted was people asking him questions about how he was feeling, because he simply didn’t know. This time, once he was dressed he ensured all his belongings were packed ready to be taken to his new barracks, wherever they were going to be and no sooner had he done that the door opened and he snapped to attention, saluting the soldier that had arrived along with Agent Carter.
“Hello Steve," she smiled at him.
“Good morning, Ma’am.” He said, his hand, dropping to his side and he relaxed as she instructed him to be at ease.
“Are you ready?” She asked.
“As I’ll ever be.”
“Good, follow me then.”
Grabbing his hat he headed after her, walking in silence through the camp, his eyes focussed directly ahead. Eventually he was led around to the main office buildings, outside of which a car was waiting. Peggy walked around one side where the driver opened the door for her and Steve snapped himself out of his thoughts and climbed into the other side, shutting the door behind him.
 The two or so hour drive from New Jersey to their destination was quiet. Agent Carter made a little small talk, but for the most she was silent or conversing with the driver. That said, it seemed to fly by in comparison to when he had taken the trip the other way a little under a week ago. As he glanced at the buildings passing them by, one by one they started to get familiar.
“I know this neighborhood," Steve said absentmindedly as he looked out of the window. “I got beat up in that alley.” He continued watching his finger pointing out of the window, his eyebrows raised as he spotted another familiar landmark, “and that parking lot.” Another pause as his head dropped slightly, eyes on his hands which were clasped on his lap, “and behind that diner.”
“Did you have something against running away?” Peggy asked and Steve took a deep breath, shaking his head as he remembered his Ma’s words to him.
“You start running they’ll never let you stop.” He explained, once more glancing out of the window, “You stand up, push back. Can’t say no forever, right?” He gave a shrug and once more his eyes fell to his hands. He stared at them, and the longer he stared the more he thought back. 
Hands that had last night traced the soft curves of Agent Stark’s hips, breasts. The vision coming in so clear, nearly like a picture show and it caused him to swallow a little, his throat and mouth feeling dry and he couldn’t help but wish that it was Katie in the car with him, not Agent Carter. Whilst the pretty, British woman sat on the seat beside him had always been pleasant enough to him, there was something about Katie that just kept him grounded if there ever were a word to describe the way she made him feel. He never once felt jittery in her presence yet now, as he sat there being quizzed on something that was actually quite personal, he was starting to feel a little angsty.
 “I know a little of what that’s like. To have every door shut in your face.” Peggy spoke gently as she looked at him and Steve met her gaze for a second before she looked forward once more, and his mind strayed back to something Katie had said last night.
“Yeah, I guess so.” He looked down at his hands. “Katie…I mean Agent Stark told me about how people weren’t exactly open to the pair of you joining the SSR or the Army.”
“She did?” Agent Carter looked at him, her brown drawing ever so slightly into a frown.
 Steve nodded, “last night.” And no sooner had the words left his mouth his eyes widened as he realised he’d outed the fact Katie had come to his barracks. Peggy looked at him, an immaculately shaped brow arched slightly, rouged lips curling up into a smirk at one side as Steve began to babble out an excuse. “She came to check on me, along with Dr Erskine. I mean, well, just as he was leaving that is. There was…we just…”
 “You don’t need to explain. What you and Agent Stark do is nothing to do with me,” Peggy shook her head, the corner of her lips twitching as Steve hastily looked away, out of the window, his cheeks burning. “I do know one thing though...."
 “What’s that?” Steve’s head whipped round to look at her.
“She’s soft on you.” Peggy replied simply “That’s why she’s been torn ever since you got picked to be our candidate.”
“In case it goes wrong.” Peggy shrugged, "Or you change in more ways than physically which means you’re no longer the man she…” Peggy trailed off, licking her lips taking a deep breath before she continued “…the man she clearly cares for.”
Steve met her eyes for a second before he looked away, his stomach now twisting in knots that had nothing to do with the procedure he was about to undergo. But the warmth and excitement he had initially felt at what Peggy had said died all too fast because of course it would be just his luck to finally meet a gal that enjoyed his company, liked him for who he was, a gal who he felt comfortable with and attracted to, just as he was about to undergo whatever the hell this procedure entailed before he shipped off to goodness knows where.
Fate was a cruel mistress sometimes.
The rest of the journey passed in silence, and it wasn’t long before the car pulled up at the side of a fairly busy street and Steve frowned, following Agent Carter’s lead, climbing out of the vehicle. He took a quick look around. There were plenty of people on the sidewalks in the summer sun, going about their everyday business, none paying him any attention.
“This way.” Agent Carter spoke and he spun to follow her, taking a look up at the fairly non-descript shop called ‘Brooklyn Antiques’ which she was leading him towards.
“What are we doing here?” he asked.
“Follow me.” Peggy completely ignored his question and instead walked into the shop, Steve behind her, placing his hat on his head.  The bell above the door rang as Peggy pushed it open, Steve pausing to shut it behind him as Agent Carter strolled into the dimly lit, crowded shop. It smelt of old leather, wax and furniture polish and was crammed full of all sorts of intriguing items that Steve would normally have found fascinating.
 But as it stood he was just plain confused.
Peggy stopped still as an old woman with grey hair, clad in a floaty dress and a pink cardigan emerged through a set of heavy drapes and stopped, smiling at them both. “Wonderful Weather this morning, aint it?” she spoke.
 “Yes, but I always carry an umbrella.” Peggy replied.
 At her words the woman gave an almost in perceptible nod and moved to the desk which held the cash register. Steve heard a faint buzz and then Peggy gently gestured once more for him to follow her. He did so as she walked through the drapes the woman had emerged from into a crowded store room of sorts which held photos, heavy gilded frames, basically everything his Ma would have labelled junk. He stopped besides Peggy as she looked at a huge book shelf which covered nearly the entire back wall and then to his absolute astonishment the book shelf simply opened towards him revealing that it was actually a set of solid steel doors.
 Steve’s mouth dropped open as he was now facing a huge corridor which was in use by a number of military and medical staff walking by. Agent Carter stepped in and he did the same, following her down, glancing every so often to his side at the Military Police Officers and soldiers, trying to figure out how the hell all of this was hidden from public sight on the outside. Eventually they reached a set of double doors which were pulled open and Steve found himself on the mezzanine balcony of a huge circular room filled with machinery, some kind of pod in the middle of the chamber he was looking over. It was full of doctors and technicians, all dressed in white lab coats and the entire room fell silent as everyone looked up at him. He immediately spotted Katie, stood by Dr Erskine. His eyes locked onto hers and even from the distance he was away he could see they were shining in the light of the lab.
 Agent Carter took a deep breath and tuned to her right, Steve hastily following her down the metal steps to the lower part of the chamber. He strode over to where Dr Erskine was waiting, file in hand besides Katie who smiled at him. 
“Hi.” She said gently and he smiled back at her, swallowing a little as his attention turned to Dr Erskine as the doctor spoke.
“Good morning.” He smiled, shaking Steve’s hand when suddenly a camera flashed as a photographer who Steve hadn’t noticed snapped a shot, causing Steve to blink a little. “Please, not now.” Erskine protested and the photographer made a hasty retreat, ushered away by Peggy as she followed him from the chamber, directing him away from the equipment and up the stairs to the side.
Steve turned to his right, looking at the pod, his eyes roving all the dials and the various components, his chest expanding as he took a deep breath.
 “Are you ready?” Katie asked softly and Steve nodded his head, turning back to her.
 “Good.” Erskine spoke. “Take off your shirt, your tie and your hat.”
“Maybe the hat first.” Katie quipped, pointing out the order Erskine had said the clothing items in was a little awry and Erskine looked at her, sarcastically. She met his stare with an equally sassy one of her own, a cheeky grin on her face as she shrugged.
 Steve did as he was told, handing his items of clothing off to a nurse who smiled, taking it away before Erskine directed Steve up the steps to the left of the pod. He climbed up, shuffled around slightly as Katie watched him lay down, his head on the leather headrest at the top.
“Comfortable?” Katie asked him.
“It’s a little big.” Steve joked, smiling and she gave a soft chuckle, reaching out to touch his arm. Her hand was surprisingly warm and she left it there for just long enough before she pulled back as Erskine appeared by her side, smiling. “You save me any of that schnapps?” Steve looked at him.
“Not as much as I should have.” Erskine almost grimaced, “sorry. Next time” at that he stepped back. “Mr. Stark, how are your levels?”
Steve glanced to his left and for the first time caught a glimpse of Katie’s brother up close as he strode towards them, clad in a smart pair of slacks, white shirt, tie and waistcoat.
“Levels at 100%.” Howard replied as he stopped besides his sister, taking a look at Steve. Now they were side by side, the resemblance between the two was clear to see. Same nose, cheekbones, but Katie’s hair was a lighter shade, her eyes a warm, striking green where Howard’s were a deep brown.
 “Good.” Erskine turned away as Howards eyes roved over Steve a little.
 “We may dim half the lights in Brooklyn, but we are ready,” Howard smiled, “as we’ll ever be.”
“He’s not a damned fish in a bowl, Howie.” Katie nudged her brother as he was still staring at Steve. Howard turned to face her, his eyebrow arched, before he gave Steve one last look and headed off towards some kind of machine in the far corner of the room.
 “Ass.” Katie shook her head before she glanced at Steve. “Are you sure you wanna do this?” She dropped her voice, “If you’re having any…” “I’m not.” Steve shook his head.
 “Okay.” She took a deep breath, and for a second looked as though she was going to say something else but she was interrupted by Erskine.
 “Agent Stark? Don’t you think you would be more comfortable in the booth?”
“Oh, erm, yeah, of course. Sorry.” She nodded and turned once more to look back at Steve. Again, she made to say something, but clearly decided against it. Instead she reached out, gave his hand a soft squeeze before she walked away. Steve watched her go and, as she approached the stairs, she stopped and looked back at him, her face softening once more into an almost shy little smile before she turned away again. 
Steve’s head rolled back round, his eyes fixed on the ceiling. His heart was racing now, and he wasn’t quite sure whether that was all down to the procedure or the fact that her hand on his had jolted another memory of their time together the previous night. Luckily, before he had time to dwell on it too much, there was a loud booming noise as Erskine loudly tapped a microphone.
“Do you hear me? Is this on?” Satisfied that it was, the doctor turned and looked up at the small group gathered to watch in the glass walled room on the level above the atrium. “Ladies and gentlemen, today we take not another step towards annihilation, but the first step on the path to peace.”
As Erskine spoke two nurses pulled down the large rectangular shaped pads at either side of the chamber, laying them flush to Steve’s chest.
“We begin with a series of micro injections into the subjects major muscle groups. The serum infusion will cause immediate cellular change.” Erskine continued as the nurses retrieved the vials of blue coloured liquid, slotting them into the appropriate receptacles along the side of the chamber by Steve’s hips. “And then to stimulate growth, the subject will be saturated with Vita-Rays.”
 Erskine walked back to Steve’s side as a nurse approached him with a syringe. She inserted it into Steve’s shoulder and he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath as she pulled the needle out of his skin.
“That wasn’t so bad.” Steve spoke, pleasantly surprised at how easy that had been. He wasn’t a huge fan of needles, having spent most of his childhood one way or another being stabbed by them for his various ailments, but he’d learned to cope with them.
However, his relief was short lived.
“That was penicillin.” Erskine looked at him and Steve felt not only apprehension creeping back into his system, but a deep embarrassment at being so dumb as to think it would be that simple.
Erskine then cleared his throat and spoke once more to the others in the room. “Serum infusion beginning in five, four…” at that two further pads like the one on his chest lowered, cuffing his arms a little “…three, two…” Erskine gently patted Steve’s shoulder “…one.”
 Steve felt the sharp cone-like spikes of the pads attached to his body piercing his skin and he could actually feel the serum as it flowed into his body. It was cold, like he’d dipped each limb into an icy lake, and the shock of it forced his eyes wide open.
“Now, Mr. Stark,” he heard Erskine say and, after a second or two he felt the pod move into an upright positions, the sides and top parts enclosing him inside. He gave a snort as he realised that the glass screen at the front, designed for whoever was in here to be able to see out of was a good 6 inches too high.
 Steve took a deep breath and then there was a little knock on the outside of the capsule.
 “Steven, can you hear me?” Erskine asked.
“It’s probably too late to go to the bathroom, right?” Steve joked, making light of what was happening, the sweat already beading on his brow. And, if he was honest, he probably could have happily peed right then, more out of nerves than anything else.
“We will proceed.” Steve heard Erskine say and then a few seconds later the capsule he was in was flooded with a warm light, as the Vita Rays were turned on.
  “That’s ten percent.” Steve could hear Howard’s voice. “Twenty percent. Thirty…that’s forty percent.”
As the count increased so did the intensity of the light and heat. What started off feeling like a pleasant dose of summer sun was rapidly becoming unbearable. Even the brightest sunlight he’d ever been in on Coney Island during the summer was nothing compared to this. He skin felt like it was on fire.
“That’s fifty percent. Sixty. Seventy.”
Despite his best attempts, the burning was simply too much and Steve couldn’t keep the yell of pain from bursting out of his mouth any longer as the vita rays washed over him. He was hot, hotter than he had ever been before. His skin was bubbling almost as if his blood was boiling similar to a kettle of water. He was vaguely aware of voices outside the chamber and herd Katie’s loud yell as it rang around the air.
“Shut it down.”
Erskine’s voice hit his ears as the doctor banged on the chamber he was in “Steven!”
“You heard her, shut it down!” Agent Carter’s voice was clear and then he heard Erskine once more as the Doctor frantically shouted. 
“Kill the reactor, Mr. Stark! Turn it off! Kill it! Kill the reactor!”
“No, don’t!” Steve yelled back, finally finding his voice. There was no way he was quitting, not after he’d come this far. He could take this. Pain was nothing, he felt it every day of his damned life. “I can do this!”
Famous last words. The heat increased, the pain increased, it was too much. Every muscle in his body was searing in agony and it felt like someone was lancing him with red hot needles over and over again…
But then suddenly it went dark. The pain was gone, the heat was gone and all Steve could feel now was an overwhelming sense of calm and tiredness even, like he’d just been on another one of those damned runs with the unit. His chest was heaving as he gulped in air, his head falling to the side as panted, waiting for his body to recover. After waiting, for what seemed like forever but was in reality mere seconds, he heard Erskine call out to Howard again and then the doors to the pod opened, the cool air hitting Steve’s perspiring skin.
He stumbled out of the pod supported by two people, he had no idea who, as his eyes were screwed shut, his head bowed as he took deep gulps of air. His legs felt heavy and he was a little unbalanced, as if his centre of gravity had changed somewhat, but as he took a shaky step forward he noticed how clear his chest was. His breathing wasn’t wheezy in the slightest and with every breath he took he felt stronger, less lightheaded. All in all, despite feeling completely overwhelmed he felt good.
“I did it.” He panted a little, his eyes still closed as he took a shaky step forward.
“Yeah, yeah. I think we did it.” Erskine’s voice came from his right, followed by Howard’s from his left which was laced with pride.
“We actually did it.”
“How do you feel?” Another familiar voice spoke and with a deep breath he straightened up and looked down at Katie before he glanced around the chamber and realised that for the first time in his life he was looking down at people.
“Taller.” He answered a little facetiously, glancing at Katie as she reached out to touch his chest, swallowing a little as she hastily withdrew her hand.
“You look taller.” She handed him a T-shirt she took off another member of the nursing staff. Steve took it with a thanks and moved to pull it over his head, his breathing finally evening out and he turned to face a doctor who approached him a little nervously.
“Mr. Rogers, we just need to-“
But whatever it was that they needed Steve never found out as at that point there was a loud explosion from the room over the atrium, showering them in glass. Instinctively, Steve pulled Katie towards him, curling his body around hers to shield her from the debris before he stood up tall as he heard Erskine yelling.
“Stop him!”
Then there was a gun shot and, as he wheeled round, he saw Erksine drop to the floor. Katie pushed past Steve whipping a gun from her hip taking aim as the culprit ran up the stairs with the two female agents in persuit.
Steve knelt beside Erskine, his eyes locking onto the doctor's as he struggled for air. Erskine opened his mouth, but shut it again, and Steve realised from the blood that was pooling around the doctors body, there was nothing he could do. Erskine raised his right hand, and simply prodded Steve’s chest gently, right above his heart, similar to the way he’d pointed at him the night before.
“Not a perfect soldier, but a good man…”
The words echoed in Steve’s brain as he watched Erskine’s eyes close as his head rolled to the right, his breathing stopped. Steve took a deep breath of his own and felt another heat radiating through his body, this one out and out anger as he raised his head slowly to look at the stairs the suspect had run up mere moments ago. His jaw clenching he sprang to his feet and ran off, taking the steps two at a time. 
As he sprinted through the facility he could hear gunshots and explosions from the street and as he emerged into the street he saw the woman from earlier led on the floor, not moving, a wound to her chest. Vaulting over her he saw Katie to his left tending to someone who was down on the sidewalk, whilst Agent Carter was stood in the road, un-moving, arm raised as she shot at a Yellow Taxi which was driving straight for them. He threw himself at Peggy, taking her out of the path of danger as the car sped past
“I had him!”  Agent Carter said with an air of annoyance as they both climbed to their feet.
“Sorry!” Steve yelled as he started to run after the car, surprised momentarily at the way his legs just seemed to move with little or no effort, covering far more ground than he was used to. He picked up the pace, tracking the car as he went, taking a short cut down a road to his left. But he was going too fast and, as he rounded a corner, he lost control over his new power and crashed straight through the window of a Bridal Wear store, taking out the display. He jumped back up, straight onto the street, tossing another apology over his shoulder as he cut down a narrow alleyway with a chainmail fence at the bottom.
The fence was ten feet tall, easily, and Steve picked up speed a little more with the aim of jumping as high up it as he could get before scrambling over the top, but as he took off from the floor he realised that he was going to clear it. He was going to clear a ten foot fucking fence.
Tucking his legs up, he landed easily and ran out onto a street full of cars, his hands held up, protests of “woah, whoa, whoa” slipping form his mouth automatically as they all skidded to a stop trying to avoid him. He spun to his left, spotted the cab and continued his chase as it weaved itself in and out of the traffic.
He was gaining on it now and he dug a little deeper, realising he had a lot more energy in his tank, his bare feet slapping the wet concrete of the ground. As he drew closer to the car he knew that the only way to get the vehicle to stop was by getting inside it, and to do that he needed to physically get hold of it first of all. An idea suddenly came to him as he saw a car in front of him and he approached he hopped up onto the trunk then the roof, and then to the car in front before jumping onto the back of a truck. With a final leap he flung himself at the yellow taxi landing flat on the roof, his hands gripping either side of the sills above the doors as it began to sharply weave side to side. It took a sharp turn to the left, then right, then left again, forcing Steve to adjust his hold as it tore down a narrow street before emerging on the road which led to the pier. This gave Steve a little time to steady himself and he rose tentatively onto his hands and knees before there was a loud bang and a bullet shot through the roof of the car. Another few shots came, Steve dodging them all as he slid down the side of the car, wrenching the passenger door open. But before he could climb in, the man shot at him, meaning Steve had to let go with his right arm to avoid taking the bullet straight in the chest, but by shooting at him, his target had taken his eyes off the road, meaning he hadn’t noticed the two trucks emerging in front of him. The taxi crashed straight into them and flipped over sideways, beginning to roll and Steve let go, tumbling forward onto the floor before he came to a stop.
Steve rose to his feet and headed forwards as his target crawled from the car. He watched as the man stood, pointing his gun towards Steve and shot, missing him, the various people screaming as the gun went off. Steve picked up the door of the car which was lying in the road and held it in front of him as the man shot twice, the second bullet coming through the door and grazing the left hand side of Steve’s abdomen. As he peered round the side of the door he noticed that the man had now taken a young boy hostage, his arm pinned around his chest as he dragged him backwards, the boy’s mother screaming and begging for him to stop. Steve tossed the door to the side, following him, his right hand clutching at the wound to his left.
“Get back!” The man warned with the boy dangling in his arms as he backed away. Steve dodged another bullet, flattening himself against the wall. The man ran off towards the dockside and Steve followed using a large iron buoy as shield from another incoming shot. He hastily followed, keeping his back to the damp brick of the shipping company building, and as he peered round the arch he saw the man raise his gun and press the barrel to the boys head.
Steve’s blood ran cold, “wait, don’t! Don’t!” He protested, approaching with his arms up. At that the man pointed the gun at Steve and pulled the trigger, Steve automatically flinching as he awaited the shot that never came because the gun was empty. As he had nothing else to do, the hostile dragged the boy towards the side of the docks and Steve realised what he was intending to do.
“No! Don’t!”, but it was too late. With a shove the kid went flying into the water and the man turned, sprinting away. Steve ran to the edge to see the kid treading water, looking up at him.
“Go get him! I can swim!”
Decision made, Steve sprinted after his target who had disappeared, but as he ran he noticed to the right in the water some kind of sleek, black submarine pulling away. With a spring off the edge Steve dove into the icy, cold water, swimming in the vessel's slipstream. Whether the sub wasn’t going that fast, or if it was his ability to simply swim faster, Steve had no idea, but he caught it easily, punching straight through into the cockpit, flooding it with water. He then wrenched the canopy open and pulled the man sharply upwards sending him flying straight out of the surface and onto the cold stone of the dockside where he landed with a thud.
Steve followed quickly, climbing a set of steps out of the water and as the man got up, Steve saw the flash of a blade in his hand. With a reflex that was purely automatic, he dodged out of the way aiming a kick to the man’s chin which sent him sprawling backwards. The knife flew from his hand, but so did a familiar vial which Steve suddenly realised was full of Erskine’s serum. It shattered on the floor, the blue liquid pooling on the damp cobbles as Steve gripped the lapels of the man’s jacket, pulling him harshly forwards.
“Who the hell are you?” He demanded.
 “The first of many," the man spoke in a thick accent. “Cut off one head-” at that he popped a tooth loose and swallowed it, looking at Steve, his jaw set, “-two more shall take its place.”
 Steve frowned, perplexed as none of that made any sense, until he spoke again, through the foam that had now started to bubble from his mouth.
“Hail HYDRA!”
With that the man gave a little grunt, his pupils completely dilated as he grew heavy and limp in Steve’s grip. Steve let go, the body falling to the ground as he straightened up, his chest heaving as he stared at the dead man on the floor.
Steve couldn’t help the disappointment flooding his system at the fact he hadn’t managed to capture him alive. But that said, whilst he hadn’t managed to find out who he was exactly,  he now knew who he was working for and at least they’d managed to stop the serum from falling into the wrong hands.
The serum.
At that Steve glanced down at his hands, which were both significantly larger, then to his forearms where the muscles flexed as he opened and closed his fists. With everything that had happened he hadn’t had chance to appreciate the extent to which the procedure had actually enhanced him. He’d run with a speed he had never thought possible, his lungs had stretched to a capacity that now, he thought about it, stunned him, his ability to swim the way he had, leap, the pure athleticism he had displayed in that short ten minute chase was astonishing.
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His hands flew to his stomach to find a hard set of abs, his fingers tracing the definition of the planes of muscle under the wet t-shirt which clung to his body. His hands moved upwards almost tentatively, reaching the hard curve of his pecs and it was at that point a voiced broke through his stunned thoughts.
He looked up to see Agent Stark running towards him. Behind her, Agent Carter and a few other soldiers and police officers were working to keep the now assembled crowd on the pier back. “Are you okay?  You’re bleeding.”
Steve glanced down at his shirt and noticed for the first time the blood on the white material. He shook his head.
“He shot me but it's just a graze, I’m fine.” He jerked his head towards the guy on the ground by his feet. “More than can be said for him…”
She glanced down at the body on the floor, blinking as if she was seeing the dead man for the first time before she dropped to her knees, her fingers pressing into his neck checking for a pulse.
“Did he drown?”
“No.” Steve said, and he quickly explained about the submarine and pulling the man from the water. As he explained about the vial of serum, he saw Katie’s eyes flick to the broken glass on the floor before her face darted back to Steve as he told her about the man having loosened his tooth and bit something. “I’m not sure what it was but…”
“He bit something?” Katie’s entire face changed into a look of shock, her eyes darting side to side as she wrenched the guys mouth open, her fingers jamming straight inside.
 Steve grimaced. “What…”
“Son of a bitch.” she pulled her hand back and knelt back on her heels, wiping her hands very ungracefully on the side of her skirt.
“I’m not…”
“Cyanide capsule.” She sighed, “a lot of the intelligence organisations provide them to their undercover agents and they keep them hidden in a false tooth. If you’re caught, you can effectively kill yourself before you’re taken and, well…”
“Tortured?” Steve finished for her. Katie took a deep breath and shrugged.
“Questioned was the word I was going to use but…” she shrugged, looking around. “He was clearly a Nazi Spy.”
Steve looked at her, nodding. “He was HYDRA.”
“Heil HYDRA.” Steve looked down at the dead man, “last thing he said before he died.”
 Katie bit her lip, “fuck,” she mumbled, before she looked up at Steve. “Sorry, just, well Erskine warned Phillips not to be complacent about Schmidt but Phillips was adamant that Hitler was the big threat.” She bowed her head a little, her shoulders slumping and Steve took a deep breath as he realised that the Doctor was no longer with them having died in his arms little over ten minutes ago. It left him feeling hollow, sick even and from the looks of it Katie was feeling just as bad.
But now wasn’t the time.
“I err…” Steve cleared his throat a little, composing himself. “I’m not following? Why did Erskine differentiate? I mean, I thought HYDRA were Hitler’s deep science organisation?”
Katie glanced down once more before she turned her pretty face back to Steve, “Yes, they are. But Erskine always said Schmidt had ambitions beyond Hitler’s. Something Peggy backed up from her time undercover.”
 At that point she made to stand and automatically Steve offered her his hand. She took it and he made to pull her up, but with his new strength he was far more forceful than he had meant to be and she gave a little yelp of surprise as she was jerked straight into his chest.
“Easy Soldier.” She gasped, her hands falling to his biceps as she steadied herself.
“Sorry," he hastily apologised, his own hands settling gently on either side of her ribcage, the rough tweed of her uniform jacket prickly under the pads of his fingers. “I’m not used to…” He trailed off as he realised that not only was he looking down at her now, but his new large frame completely dwarfed hers.
“Don’t worry about it.” Her voice was equally breathy as his, her eyes still on his face and she gave him a little smile before she moved one hand upwards, gently cupping his cheek, almost as if she was checking something, which to be fair, she might have been. Steve had no idea what he looked like, he hadn’t seen a mirror yet. The only parts of him he’d managed to get a glimpse at so far were his arms and legs.
What he did know was that her touch was blazing on his skin, more than it had been the night before. He could hear her breathing too, and he could see every single detail on her face and her eyes. Not only were they green, but they were the most gorgeous shade of green he had ever seen in his life. He could see the dots of brown speckled throughout and the slight ring of amber surrounding her irises, reminding him of the sun. Full of warmth and power….
“Hey, you okay?” Katie frowned. 
“Yeah, erm, I just, I can see better.” Steve replied simply, as her hand gently curled in on itself as she dropped it to her side. “Has it…” he began to ask and Katie smiled, shaking her head.
“Still handsome.” She smiled, and Steve felt his neck flush with heat again before a voice cut through their moment.
“Did you get it?” Colonel Phillips was striding towards them. Katie moved back from Steve, turning towards her Superior, steeling her composure. 
“No,” she shook her head, before gesturing to the shattered vial on the floor. 
“Shit.” Phillips exclaimed with a groan.
“But neither did they.” Katie looked at him, before she turned to look at Steve once more, “And there is one upside to all this…”
“Don’t you dare tell me to look on the Brightside, Stark.” Phillips glared at her as she took a deep breath, realising her head, chin jutting defiantly towards him.
 “At least we know it works," she said simply.
 Phillips looked at her, then to Steve, before he gave a snort. “One isn’t enough.”
 Steve inhaled deeply, his frustration mounting but it was Agent Stark that spoke next.
 “Well, one is all you’ve got. I suggest you start treating him with a little more respect seeing as he just chased down a damned HYDRA operative through twelve blocks of Brooklyn, pulled him out of some underwater craft and took a bullet for his troubles.”
 Phillips’ jaw twitched at the way he was being spoken to and Steve grimaced slightly in anticipation of the incoming dressing down Katie was going to get, but it never arrived.
 “HYDRA?” Phillips blinked and Kate nodded.
“Yes, Sir.”
 The man took a deep breath and then turned to Steve, his eyes travelling up and down his body “Rogers, you hurt?”
“No, Sir.”
Philips inhaled again and then turned to Peggy “Agent Carter, I want a recovery unit down here for this so called underwater craft. You two…” he spun back to face Steve and Katie, “back to the lab so the Medical Team can assess you. If you are truly the only super soldier I’m getting, then the last thing I want is you to drop dead of complications.”
 “That means he cares," Katie looked up at Steve who glanced at her as he saw a smile tug at her lips.
 “You’re gettin’ on my nerves,” Phillips pointed at her, before he gave her a filthy look and turned to leave.
 “Is it authority in general you got a problem with or just him?” Steve asked after a moment or two and Katie let out a little chuckle.
 “Believe it or not I actually like Chester.” She smiled, “I just enjoy irritating him more. Come on, we’re attracting a bit of a crowd so…” She gently squeezed his hand before she began walking the same way Colonel Philips had done a few moments before, Steve following, pausing slightly as he felt a tug on the side of his T-shirt. He stopped and turned to find the kid who he’d last seen bobbing up and down in the muggy water of the docks grinning up at him.
 “That was swell!” The kid laughed and Steve raised his eyebrows.
 “That’s not exactly the word I would use…”
 “No, but the way you ran and jumped in and then threw him outta the water like BAM!” The kid smirked and Steve felt his neck growing warm at the praise, raising a hand to rub at the back of his neck. “What’s your name, Mister?”
 “Err Steve.”
“Marty!” A voiced called and the boy turned, Steve following his gaze to see a woman who had been stood talking to a police officer, hastily making her way over. “Come on.”
 “Ma’am.” Steve greeted her as she stopped in front of him, taking a breath.
 “You saved him.” She said, her voice cracking.
“Oh, no, I…”
“Thank you,” she stood on her toes and kissed Steve’s cheek before she dropped an arm round her son’s shoulders and turned him away, gently talking to him.
 Steve stood stock still for a moment, swallowing, before he turned to see Katie watching him, her eyebrow arched a little, smile spread across her pretty face.
 “A regular superhero,” she teased and Steve rolled his eyes at her as he fell into step besides her.
 “Hardly.” He scoffed, “I’m just a kid from Brooklyn.”
Katie stopped and turned to face him, shaking her head, “you still don’t get it do you?”
“Get what?” He frowned as she began to walk again.
 “How many other kids from Brooklyn do you know that would have just done what you did?”
“Well its hardly a fair comparison is it?” Steve pointed out as they walked down the side of the building, Katie nodding to Agent Carter as they passed “How many others do you know that just got converted into…well, a Super Soldier or whatever the hell they’re calling me?”
“You had no idea what that serum had done, other than make you taller,” Katie shot back as they moved back towards the entrance of the pier. “But you took off after that guy, without so much as a second thought for your safety.”
 “I just did what anyone would have done.” He sighed, a little uncomfortable at her praise.
 She stopped at the side of a black car and turned to face him, her face soft, “no, you did what that kid from Brooklyn would have done.” Her eyes remained locked onto his before they were interrupted by an Army official who handed Steve a blanket. He took it with a thanks, wrapping it around his shoulders, despite the fact that he didn’t feel cold in the slightest, in fact he felt a pretty strong sense of warmth.
 And as he watched Katie climb into the car he was pretty sure that wasn’t solely attributable to Erskine’s serum which was now coursing through his veins. 
**** Chapter 4
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Hey there! Coming for the ask game for 2, 45 and 49 please💕 Hope you're doing well too love!
Oh, wow I really wasn’t expecting to get any asks!!!! Thank you so much!
2) Favorite Troupe
I love all of the troupes, I really do. However, I really am partial to Autumn Troupe. As much as I’d loved the upbeat nature of the story when it came to Summer and Spring Troupes, I am WEAK for people with complicated or dark past lives trying to turn over a new leaf. (and the idea that those dark pasts could come back to haunt them at any time and maybe pull the troupe into danger excites me)
Actually, I’m weak for Hurt/Comfort in general, and something about the whole way the portraits were set up and treated by the game left me with so much FUEL.
Like ok, TAICHI.  I seriously love Taichi’s whole character arc, I also seriously love how protective Autumn troupe, and specifically Banri and Juza get towards him after they hear the whole story, ok.  When Beni shows up at their closing night, and Taichi tries to stand up to him, and Juza and Banri chewing him out.  That made me so happy, just SO happy.
I also love Juza, like the poor baby.  He just wants some friends dammit.  (I seriously love imagining what would happen if one of the punks who likes to target him took a cheap shot and went for Muku or Kumon instead.  Can I see Juza in berserk protect mode please?). Also, he’s just such a sweet guy, I mean this figuratively AND literally.  Give him all the pudding he wants, he deserves it.
Like the other troupes had one or two characters with traits like that, and I love them. It’s just that, as a whole, Autumn troupe really makes me happy
(like I was enamored with the idea that Citron was a runaway prince with spies after him for a while)
(Also does anyone else remember that scene that Misumi like got startled but the Director and pinned her in a hold for just a sec because I THINK ABOUT THAT A LOT)(wait a sec I remember reading that in game, I swear.  But, I just reread the whole summer episode and I literally couldn’t find it? I’m afraid I might be going insane, now. )(Does anybody else remember this happening because now I’m really curious what chapter it was?)
(also my crazy imagination running away with the idea that Tenma’s dad literally punched him, though that was before I started reading the Rookie arc for Summer.   I might still write something about them later...)
(Yeah, I really like Summer Troupe too if you can't tell...)
PLUS, their VOICES are so deep. 
I love.
Of their songs. 
I could listen to Banri’s raspy friggin’ voice all day, and Juza’s deep voice harmonizes so well with Banri’s. I want to scream.
45) Did your favorite character/troupe change since you started the game?
Ah, well my favorite character and troupe pretty much changed as soon as I first meet a new character. At least with the first three troupes, I was always convinced that nothing could top how much I loved the previous troupe when I started a new chapter, but the game ALWAYS surprised me.
The only troupe that kinda disappointed me was Winter troupe, but that’s mostly because I’m not a huge fan of Tsumugi. Like I love him, I just feel that his character was not nearly as well developed as the other leads, in fact, I feel like Tasuku would have been a better fit for the lead of that troupe, he has a much more interesting character arc, especially when he has to confront the fact that he hurt Tsumugi and apologize to him.
I just always felt that if you took away his friendship with Tasuku, there wasn’t much to Tsumugi. His character is almost built around Takuku’s character arc and the rest of him just feels fake, I guess? Not that Tsumugi is faking it, just that the character traits they chose for him seeem like they have little to no motivation or reasoning behind them, so he doesn’t feel as real as the other leads. It would be fine if he were a side character, but not as the lead.  
That’s why I’m a bit disappointed, like it would even be something if he showed more than token regret for leaving theatre for as long as he did, but he seems more upset about the fact that Tasuku is upset with him, than the fact that he quit doing what he loved for years. Like, it might be too similar to Sakyo’s arc in that respect, but I would have still been fine with it, especially because Tsumugi had his own reasons for leaving theatre, that are different enough from Sakyo's that I would have been satisfied.  
Anyway, I’m getting way off topic.
My favorite character has waffled like crazy too, its just like the header of my blog says, I love them ALL.  Its a bit overwhelming because I’ve never had this experience before, like I always latch on to a character or two and tolerate the rest for most fandoms I’m in.  
Like, at first, I adored Tsuzuru, like he was so friggin’ relatable, and hardworking and earnest that I loved him, I also loved how he was the big brother character.  Though, Itaru was a close second.
Then, it was Misumi.  I got seriously obsessed with Misumi for a while, he was so adorable and honest, and oblivious sometimes that I also sorta related to him, plus his voice is so adorable.  However, Tenma took over after I saw him get punched by his dad and he took over for that troupe from there.  I didn’t really appreciate Kazunari until I came back and reread his parts in the story, I missed some of the nuance of his small arc in my first read through.
THEN, Autumn troupe destroyed me.  DESTROYED ME, and I’m not even kidding. Like I literally hated Banri at first, though really, who among us didn’t at the start of all this.  I mean he was such a little shit for like the first third of the Autumn Troupe’s arc.  I was also on the fence at the beginning with Taichi, like I had like two SSR cards of him by this point so I knew who he was and he just seemed like an off-brand Kazunari to me, but that’s before I started reading so...
Anyway, but otherwise, right at the start of Autumn Troupe’s arc I had THREE FAVORITES just after auditions.  I’d really been looking forward to Sakyo joining, because he was the first SSR that I’d gotten, and immediately I remembered him from episode one and I got excited.   
Also, Omi just immediately appealed to me, the very second I first saw his dumb little confused face (you know the one), I was like ‘I love this man’ and that was the end of it.  Plus, I was getting serious big bro energy from him.  Juza also immediately appealed to me as well, he was just this intense guy but he was so earnest in the beginning that I really took a liking to him right off the bat.  He just felt like a gentle giant, he looks scary but in the way he acted you could just tell that that wasn't really him.
49) Any favorite quotes/trivia?
(not sure how much of this applies as trivia, I think I’ll do my favorite quote post later tho, I just don't have time at this exact second)
I love Sakyo popping bubble wrap, just going to put that out there.
I love the idea that Itaru just uses Sakuya as his personal gatcha drawer, that's just so cute to me.
I love the idea that Tenma literally has no sense of direction.
I love the Mankai Mahjong Club, and literally everything it entails.  
I love the Minagi family and I need more content with them, (thank you A3 anime).
(^^ I don't know why I love this but I do)
Muku and Sakyo reading Shoujou manga together.  (It’s just too cute that Sakyo gave in after Muku started berating himself for even deciding to ask, I mean seriously it melts my heart every time I think about it.)
I think that's about it.  Sorry this is so long, and my thoughts are definitely jumbled, because I should definitely be doing schoolwork right now...
BUT THANKS FOR THE ASK!  I had a lot of fun answering these, and I definately went on a few tangents there, but I hope you enjoy it.  If anybody have any follow up questions either that's cool too!
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Peggysous Week Day Five: Peony
Read on Ao3 @fandomsandxfiles-writes
Peony: Honor, especially for people who are bringing honor to their entire family through success, wealth and riches, romance and romantic love, with a particular focus on love between two strangers, beauty in all forms.
Bashfulness and shame.
It’s not easy being different in the 1940s, even more so when one’s business is buried in government secrecy and shadow. Sometimes, late at night, one only needs a small desk lamp to breathe a little easier. And company never hurts.
Secrets live in the cold. In dark corners and at the bottom of whiskey glasses.
The New York office is always lit, by the lights inside and the bustle of the city out the windows. The SSR hid its secrets behind cheerful telephone girls and men in suits that blended in with the New York crowd. The secrets hid in dark filing cabinets and desk drawers. At night, the building slept as much as it could, holding its secrets in its belly.
Those that worked night shifts learned to step lightly, keep moving, lest they be caught in the web of secrets and drowned.
Daniel knew how to walk the thin lines of light during night shifts, staying at his desk with the bright glow of the lamp, bent over paperwork, following the patches of light down the hallways when he needed to, never staying too long in the dark. Secrets hid there, grasping, reaching, desperate to struggle out into the horrid light and flourish. It was easy with the others, to guide them through the dark, away from the temptation of the calling shadows. It was easy to let the darkness open your mouth, pull it from within you, because once you started talking it was hard to stop. When he couldn’t help them out of the dark, he made sure to keep the bottles away from them. More secrets lay buried in its liquidy depths, ready to fill lungs and drown hearts. They worked. Until the light came up and the secrets retreated before shame could bathe them in sorrow.
But nothing can stay in the dark of one’s chest forever. The SSR was designed for keeping secrets; a few more, whispered in the dead of night, were no big strain. Letting out a secret and dodging the shame was a learned skill.
Daniel received plenty of opportunities to practice.
First it was in the darkness of a confessional, the ancient wood creaking every single time he shifted his weight. He whispered the truth that ached in his chest and received nothing but pitying looks and advice that didn’t help. He kept trying, pleading that it would be fixed, that he’d been good, hadn’t he? He wasn’t sick. He wasn’t.
Second it was in the dark of night overseas, surrounded by his brothers in arms and not letting himself move an inch for fear that he would make them sick too. It was whispered confessions into the ear of another man, murmured sobs as they were torn apart, stifled screams that he’d paid, he paid with his heart, with his leg, wasn’t this enough? Hadn’t he enough reason for shame now?
Third was the first night shift, before he learned how to walk along the thin fingers of light in the office. Here he was, in the palm of the society that would see him crushed for his secrets, drown him in his own shame, what was he doing here? He worked to uncover secrets, how long would it be before someone found his? The office, its belly stuffed full with secrets, growled for more.
The secret whispered to him with the promise of protection, if he told, it would keep him safe from shame. An empty promise.
It hurt. It always hurt.
Daniel didn’t want anymore empty advice that wouldn’t help. He’d tried. He’d pleaded. He’d prayed.
They took his leg. They took his heart. They took his trust.
She gave it back.
Peggy didn’t blend in with the cheerful phone girls, nor did she mix in effortlessly with the crowd of suits that walked the streets of New York. Peggy marched, yes, but she marched to the beat of her own drum. She was an army, all by herself. She shone lights onto all the dark corners, sending secrets scurrying for cover. But with the light comes the shame, glowing for all to see.
Daniel would willingly burn in the light of Peggy Carter, but the shame for this secret may burn him up.
Peggy didn’t cover the night shifts very often, something the Chief said about making a lady work late. But he wasn’t always able to fight Peggy over everything, and when one of the guys begged off, he let her cover.
Peggy didn’t need to be taught how to stick to the light. So Daniel bent obediently over his own desk and worked, feeling the warmth of the light of Peggy’s desk behind him. He was prepared to fight the cold. He wasn’t prepared to fight the warmth.
Peggy, so formidable during the day, around the others, softened ever so slightly at night. When it was just them, it was easier. Peggy would laugh or groan sympathetically when Daniel muttered about how awful these reports were, or how unorganized everyone else’s filing was. Daniel would be startled, laughing when Peggy cursed a blue streak at someone’s particularly idiotic excuse for something. They made games out of it, who could read out the most ludicrous file in the best impression of the culprit’s voice. Daniel may not be as mature as he thought: Peggy’s Agent Krzeminski lays him out, hunched over the edge of his desk, panting after two minutes, calling for mercy. In the best way, she gives him none, throwing in an imitation of his walk at the end.
Secrets live in the cold and Daniel’s chest is melting.
It’s been a hard few weeks. They’ve been chasing a killer that doesn’t leave much behind. The suspects have no correlation. Different ages, men and women, rich, poor, white, colored, no relationship.
Peggy sits back. Daniel frowns at her frustrated sigh, turning around to see her stand up and stalk towards Dooley’s office. His eyes widen when she reemerges with a bottle of whiskey—good whiskey—and two glasses. His mouth drops open when she pours herself two fingers and knocks it back without even wincing.
“Oh, what?” Peggy stares at him. “Don’t act like you’ve never seen that before.”
“Haven’t actually,” Daniel confesses, “not since—“
He doesn’t quite slap a hand over his own mouth but the damage is done. The ice has cracked. He didn’t even realize it was this bad.
Peggy stares at him, concerned, until he shakes his head and gestures to her. “So, why the sudden interest in the Chief’s whiskey? Wait, how’d you even know it was there?”
Peggy just gives him a look that says ‘are you really surprised?’ He’s not. Not really.
“I think I’ve figured out the link between the suspects,” she says instead, leaning back against her desk and pouring herself another generous portion, raising an eyebrow at him.
Daniel nods, taking the other glass from her. He swirls it anxiously around the bottom of the glass, watching the amber liquid with its empty promise gleam and glimmer in the light. He takes a deep breath.
“What is it?”
“There is a rumor,” Peggy murmurs softly in the dim light of the night office, “that has followed every single one of these victims.”
Something about the way she’s speaking and the weight of the glass in Daniel’s hand makes him think he’s not gonna like it.
Peggy takes another sip from her glass. Yeah, if it’s making Peggy Carter look like this, he’s definitely not going to like it.
The office holds its breath, belly bloated.
“They’ve all been accused of homosexuality.”
The light burns.
Daniel’s head spins. They know, they know, this is it, they’re going to find you, you’re going to—shame, shame, burning shame—Peggy? Does Peggy know?—leg, heart, life, you’ve lost your leg, your heart, now your life—
He takes a swig of the whiskey and it burns. He swallows the secrets in his throat and weakly asks Peggy to repeat it.
“Every single one of them,” Peggy murmurs again, Daniel too preoccupied with a spinning head to notice her hand trembling.
They knock back their glasses near simultaneously, catching the other as they lower theirs. They each huff a slightly sheepish laugh, before Peggy holds out the bottle and they refill.
The office waits, the lamplight providing a ticking clock, encouraged by the alcohol slowly filling their bellies.
“What do we do,” Daniel mumbles finally, “what do we do?”
Peggy looks at him sharply. “We catch them.”
“But…” Daniel flounders, shame and hope warring in his chest. “It’s…how…it’s illegal.”
“Daniel Sousa,” Peggy says, “you’d better clarify what you are referring to as illegal right this instant, or I’m about to have a word with you.”
Daniel raises his head slowly, looking up at Peggy. He swallows, setting his glass aside.
He doesn’t know what to do.
He doesn't want to lie to Peggy Carter.
But he doesn’t know what to say.
He wants to believe he isn’t sick.
He wants to believe he has no reason for shame, at least not this shame.
“When I was in the war,” he says finally, letting the secret start to spill out of him, “there was a man I fought with. He…he was…I…”
No going back now.
“I loved him,” Daniel blurts out, the fear and shame making his tongue clumsy, “I—I loved him.”
Peggy is silent in front of him.
Daniel swallows the shame burning in his throat but it lodges in the space when his chin meets his neck and pinches, weighing his tongue down like a weight. But the secret makes his mouth move.
“I lost him the same day I lost my leg,” he whispers.
“Oh, Daniel,” Peggy’s voice comes from above him, “I’m so sorry.”
Her hand rests on his shoulder and he shakes his head. Her light will—the shame—it will—
His awareness snaps to her hand when it trembles. He raises his head slowly, squinting when he sees her face. She’s…her…she looks…afraid?
He licks his lips, mouth run dry. “Peggy?”
“I…” It’s her turn to swallow heavily, reaching for her own glass. She leans against her desk, curling in on herself. It’s not quite his level of fear, but any sort of fear on Peggy Carter is enough to make him sit up and lean forward.
“…her name was Abigail,” Peggy murmurs softly, her eyes still fixed on her glass.
Daniel’s heart stops. Oh, Peggy…oh, oh, God, what the hell does this mean now?
Judging by Peggy’s expression, she’s got no idea what to do next anymore than he does. Well, except to raise his glass in a toast.
“To them,” he murmurs.
She raises hers. “To them.”
They drain their glasses. Peggy taps her finger idly against the rim. “I would quite like to be just about anywhere else in the world right now.”
Daniel huffs. “Yeah. Me too.”
A clock ticks above Dooley’s door.
“Tell you what,” Daniel says, reaching for the bottle, “since we’re gonna pretend tonight isn’t happening—at least I am, I’m gonna have another drink.”
“I’ll drink to that.”
Peggy sits on her desk and nurses the whiskey. Daniel turns in his chair. Then Peggy looks at him.
“If we’re pretending this night doesn’t exist,” she says quietly, “what was his name?”
Daniel’s hand trembles on the glass.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” Peggy says quickly.
Daniel shakes his head. “Paul,” he says, “his name was Paul.”
“I wish I could’ve met him,” Peggy murmurs quietly.
Daniel frowns. “What?”
Peggy gestures to him with her glass, a sad smile on her face. “I’d like to meet the man who captured the heart of Daniel Sousa.”
His eyes widen and he chuckles nervously. “Uh…why?”
Peggy leans back onto one hand, her hair falling over her shoulder as she moves. “Unlike all the others in this office, I’ve never once heard you talk about yourself. You’re an expert in saying nothing.”
“I’m a spy,” Daniel says weakly, “aren’t I supposed to be?”
“Fair,” Peggy says, “but you can’t blame me for being curious, can you?”
Her mouth curls up into a teasing smirk, but her eyes are soft. If he wants her to stop, she will. Daniel sighs. She’s made him curious too.
“He would’ve liked you,” he says quietly, “he was…soft in a way that most soldiers aren’t. He still laughed, smiled, joked, and not the crass army jokes, either. He…he still believed.”
“In what?”
“In the good of the people,” Daniel mutters, “that’s what he told me before…”
Peggy slides off her desk, coming to perch on the end of Daniel’s. “…before…?”
Peggy’s mouth makes a small ‘oh.’ Her hand lands on Daniel’s again, warm to the touch. He leans into it, and it doesn’t hurt.
He doesn’t feel ashamed, not here. Not with Peggy.
Not with another.
“Who was Abigail,” he asks quietly, reaching for his glass again, “if you wanna tell me?”
“She was a nurse,” Peggy says, “in the SOE. She was lovely.”
“Also wish I coulda met her,” Daniel murmurs, “if Captain America could turn your head, wonder what she was like.”
The second it comes out of his mouth he winces.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that, ah, jeez—“ he pinches the bridge of his nose— “I’m such an idiot.”
“It’s fine, Daniel,” Peggy says with just the barest tinge of amusement, “I know. If it’s any consolation, that was a better apology than I’ve received from anyone else here.”
“I shouldn’t’ve said it,” Daniel says, “and I’m sorry. I do wish I could’ve met her, though. She sounds great.”
“She’d’ve like you,” Peggy says, tapping his shoulder to let him know he’s been forgiven, “well, as much as she could’ve.”
“Because she only liked women,” Peggy explains quietly, “not both.”
“I…” Daniel swallows, the last bit of the secret lingering on the top of his tongue. “…both?”
Peggy looks down at him, a soft smile touching the corners of her mouth.
“I think the word is ‘bisexual,’ Daniel,” she says quietly, “at least it was the last time I checked.”
‘Last time I checked,’ Daniel mouths, the shame evaporating. Peggy glances away.
“I don’t want to pretend this night didn’t happen anymore.”
Daniel’s heart drops like a stone. “You—you don’t?”
Peggy shakes her head, looking back at him. “Because that would mean I’ve never talked to anyone about Abigail. It would mean we didn’t find a lead—“
“You found that lead.”
Peggy accepts his correction with a nod. “…and it would mean I didn’t…find another like me.”
She looks at him apprehensively. “You…you are like me, aren’t you?”
Moment of truth. Daniel nods.
Peggy smiles wider.
“You too?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Daniel splutters, “I, um, yeah…me too.”
Peggy clinks their glasses together. “Welcome to the club.”
“Glad to be here.”
The office rumbles happily, belly nice and full. Secrets are the SSR’s business, after all, and god knows these two can keep them.
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obeymematches · 4 years
Exactly, might as well do that 😋
For real 3 main coon cats in one place? Big kitty love.
I‘d love to go to a cat cafe too. To be surrounded by loving cats instead of demanding and mean Luci would be nice 😂
When we got Luci he was nearly 3 years old and didn‘t have a name at all. It took us a bit to name him but Lucifer was just the most fitting we could come up. So yes, definitely living up to his name!
When we got Luci he was kind of underweight, didn’t find any pleasure in food and didn’t beg at all. We quickly noticed that he was a social eater and was weighting that little because he was locked up alone so much.
He‘s now at around 13 or 14 pounds.
Which isn’t much for a main coon but he‘s mixed, the other part being Norwegian Forest Cat, so he‘s a bit smaller than your usual main coon but way bigger than the other cats around. He got the water resistent coat of NF cats too but that’s also why brushing him would be so important because he isn’t able to deal with his fur on his own and it tends to mat. He absolutely hates it though.
Luci is able to jump really high too and when he wants love he will jump on the stomach of people lying on the sofa. Let me tell you 13-14 pounds of cat landing on your stomach with four pressure points is no fun. Then rushing up to shove his face into your‘s isn‘t either. We‘re working on that. He still does it with my mum. But he has learned to try and make eye contact with me first, waiting for a signal. Starring at him and he hopes for a little longer, than leaves. Blinking slowly means he‘s welcome to come and get cuddles. If you don‘t react to his attempt to make eye contact he will still jump on people without warning though, oh well 😂
One last thing.
Lucy’s former owner came to visit once to see how he was doing.
My mum opened the door, she said hello... Luci, full speed, jumped on the sofa, over the back rest, vanishing in a small space between the sofa and a corner of the wall until she was gone again... I take that as him stating that you are definitely right 💕
Okay enough, I just don‘t get a lot of chances to talk about Luci.
I was a drabble writer for a completely different big fandom for about a year, writing one 500 to 1.000 word story each day for a year.
I got a couple of anons telling me to concentrate on writing and stop talking about my cat because no one cares. That was kind of harsh.
I know I can’t keep things short in general though.
I know! Like that was so crazy lucky for me! 🥺🍀
I have been getting a whole lot former undateable cards in general lately it‘s really kind of weird XD
The twins... how could they! Love it!🤣
Does that make the Belphie card your card with the highest Level?
Mine is Belphie‘s Hatred SSR. Despite taking so long to come home he managed to leave every other card being with a level 9 out of 10.
I really love the way it looks though, so that‘s okay with me 😘
Seems like the lack of Mammon UR was recognised and taken care of then 👏😊
The Christmas UR+ was my first Mammon UR too, as well as my first pink UR yay to both of us getting our „first man“ 😁
I only started the game when the rainy days cards were available, so around Lucifer‘s birthday event. I never saw the bunny UR which is unfortunate.
But Mammon‘s Christmas UR is so funny 😆
I really wish I go Belphie‘s rainy days card.
But as of right now Beels Christmas UR from last year Here Comes Santa Beel that I got from the returning event cards and Belphie‘s Sleepy Detective are my favorites 💕💕💕
Funny my icon is another card from my favorites as well.
And not one of the twins, but Barbatos‘ A Fellow Tea Enthusiast SSR.
I looked through my friend list and there were nearly no formerly undateables.
Besides tea is important, sweets are important, Barbatos would be my mate for sure 😇😋
Oh and I got rid of a few inactive people on my friend list and was wondering if maybe you‘d like to be friends? 😸 - way to long asker Ali
well i mean not every catcoffee is the same unfortuately :( the one i went to was filled with curious & young cats & it’s a new place. but the other one i know about has been open for several years now & obviously cats are much older there. i heard from others that they aren’t friendly and playful & definitely don’t go up to strangers so it’s more like a regular place 🤷
social eater? meaning he only eats when he is not alone? poor kitty, knowing his bg hurts more now :( :(
ahh he’s so cute attacking you when you sit dfgh 🙈 one of my cats also does that, the moment she sees you sit she’s in your lap right away dfg my hairdresser used to have a cat like that too & having your hair gently washed with a white kitty on your lap is a mood ngl (poor kitty got sick and died last year :( )
oh gods when i read that the lady visited i had a feeling what happened 👀 it’s never a good idea to have the previous owner visit for the sake of the pet.. but yh sometimes there’s not much you can do about that. :( (when my ex-friend who i got my cat from visited she got scratched hard & my cat never attacked anyone before...like she’s a completely different cat even when my bf visits)
“I got a couple of anons telling me to concentrate on writing and stop talking about my cat because no one cares. That was kind of harsh.” Alice what?? 👀 👀 👀 oh now this makes me furious... like even if theoretically it was a comission & there is a deadline it’s an asshole move to hurry ppl... i probably would’ve blocked them & congrats they played themselves 🙄 like asking or reminding others is fine but consciously decide to be rude about it like an idiot is something else.. but i know anon hate is something common here, though i never ever recieved one so ig i’m missing out on the real tumblr experience
yh i also noticed that getting a former undateabe on free pulls also is so common that it’s a bit sus
nooo my highest lvl card is the mammon way! at lvl 6 dffg just so yall know what i’m working with 😤
hm i think they’ll probably bring back ur+ cards, like as you said there are so many ppl who missed out on them only because they didn’t play the game at the time.
ohh yess my sister used to play the game too & we joined during the detective event & she got that UR & she loved it sooo much 
 oh ok! here is my ID if you or anyone reading this would like to add me: 
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