#the regency au no one asked for
sylvanfreckles · 2 years
*eyes yearoftheotp*
One of January's prompts is "historical AU"...
*blows dust off the regency/steampunk Destiel fic about the wounded army captain and the companion he hired through the veteran's aid office and how they fell in love*
Someone gave me a reason!
It's called "The Captain's Companion". Wounded war veteran Castiel Novak, who supplements his meager pension by composing cipher puzzles for a few publications, has lived alone ever since he returned from the war. At the prompting of his neighbor, Charlie, he hires a part-time companion through the veteran's aid office. The companion, Dean Winchester, turns out to be a beautiful and intriguing man with a quick wit and dazzling charm. It isn't long before Castiel realizes that even though his body is damaged, his heart is alive and well.
It's at least 60% angsty, silent pining and lingering touches. The drawing table scene will drive you feral.
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f1-stuff · 1 month
Hi 🩵 Can we know more about the Regency AU? 👀 (I love your work 🩷)
Hiii! ❤️ Big fan of you, as well! 😆
S0 my idea for that AU is that the Leclerc family comes to stay with the Sainz's for the social season, hoping that one or more of the boys will find a match with Carlos' sisters. But insteeaaddd...😅 I have a distinct image of Charles, with his eclectic regency fashion sense that sets him apart from his brothers, boldly wooing Carlos, despite period-typical attitudes. And the two of them spending the society balls flirting and joking with each other instead of mingling with the eligible ladies...
Anyway, this snippet is from the very beginning of the fic, and it's actually a carlando (friendship) scene, which I never thought I'd write asfhgfjs. But I felt like it was a cute idea, Lando being a recurring guest of the Sainz's every year. In this scene, Carlos is complaining about the Leclercs' impending arrival...
If Carlos has to listen to one more recounting of the handsome, dignified, witty, admired, magnificent Leclercs, he might be forced to hurl himself into the sea.
“Particular favorites of the Prince of Monaco, and distinct in both societal standing and countenance, the whole lot of them. You’d be hard pressed to determine which of the three is most agreeable to the eye or to the ear,” Carlos performs a rather poor imitation of his aunt’s voice, who had prattled on for hours and hours to his mother these past days.
Lando snickers, idly snapping a twig in his hand into small bits and pieces that he tosses to the side as they walk along the banks of the creek. “They sound insufferable.”
“Doubtless,” Carlos mutters, kicking rocks out of their path. “I’d wager they won’t even know Spanish.”
Not that Lando does either. The comment has the added benefit of being both a criticism of the Leclercs and a method to tease his friend. Carlos knocks their shoulders together.
It’s a perfect spring day, the sun shining and the breeze swirling bits of pollen through the air, carrying the scent of new growth. The perfect day for a walk, which he’d muscled Lando into agreeing to, despite the younger man’s confusing attachment to the indoors. 
They stop for a moment to appreciate the view of the far off mountains, the sea just visible on the horizon, glittering against the sun. Carlos can feel his sour mood lifting already, such is the magic of his family’s estate.
“One wonders why these Leclerc men are still unwed, and why they need someone to sing their praises so exhaustingly prior to their arriving. Unless their real company leaves much to be desired,” he continues, although his heart isn’t in the complaining anymore. He’d much rather find a spot to lay in the grass and feel the sun soak into his skin. So he does just that.
Lando follows suit, curling his legs underneath him as Carlos reclines onto the grass, rolling up his sleeves and shutting his eyes against the sun.
“But why are the Leclercs coming here for the social season? Why not France or Monaco, if they are indeed favorites of the prince? Or England?”
“Not everyone wishes to go to England,” Carlos teases, just to hear Lando’s scoff. Truthfully, he has half a desire to go to London himself. But he mostly says it as Lando always acts affronted when insults are piled atop his country’s name. “Isn’t it obvious?” Lando arches a brow. “Marriage, mi amigo. It’s the reason for everything. Well, most everything.”
“Oh, that.”
“Yes, that,” Carlos chuckles, pinching Lando’s arm.
“Oh, shut up. Anyway. Just because you are still a slight, wide-eyed fawn-”
“I am nineteen!” Lando exclaims, but joins Carlos in his laughter soon enough. Nineteen or not, his boyish curls, along with the spots still dusting his skin, make him look every bit as young as he is. “If I am a fawn, then you are a buck. Surely, you ought to be wedded soon, before you are old and bitter. Well, older and more bitter.”
“Ha ha,” Carlos says, deadpan. “We should have been forewarned of your wit.”
But Lando isn’t entirely wrong. Carlos had just celebrated his twenty-fourth birthday this past September, and he’s getting to the age where his parents might not be so patient anymore in entertaining his hypercritical standards, eager as they are for him to sire an heir.
It isn’t that he hasn’t become acquainted with plenty of eligible women at various balls and dinner parties during the social season over the years - he has. But no matter how lovely they seem, he always finds himself stalling when it comes to the actual proposal, something stopping him from making that final commitment. Until, eventually, another suitor steps up and whisks her out from under Carlos’ nose. And, every time, it doesn’t escape him that the prevailing emotion is relief.
When it comes to the woman he will marry, the woman he will spend his life with, he wants someone pretty, kind, and smart. Someone charming and witty and clever and interesting. And he isn’t keen to settle for less. At least, that’s what he tells himself. 
Sometimes, he even blames himself. I’m too loud for her. I’m not artistic enough for her. I’m too independent for her. Et cetera, et cetera... But, mostly, boiling down to: I’m just too picky.
Still, no matter that he will eventually need to wed, he is set to inherit his father’s lands and estate, so there isn’t much of a rush to send him to the altar. His sisters, however - particularly his eldest sister, Blanca, who is almost as picky as himself. She doesn’t seem overly concerned with the wealth and status of a partner, despite the high ranking men their parents are always parading her in front of. But she does expect an honorable sort of man, and, above all, kind, which Carlos cannot fault her for. She deserves the very best this world can offer her, and he fears no man will be enough in his eyes to deserve her.
With the youngest of the Sainz siblings, Ana, her lack of husband as of yet is more a case of her preferring her independence than ‘pickiness’. She often elects to read a good book or ride her horse or go for a swim, rather than practice dancing or attend a ball. It hadn’t been much cause for concern until she had debuted into society a few seasons ago and had refused any offers she’d received since. 
During their childhood, he would always include Ana (and Blanca, until she had started her schooling) in his games and competitions with his friends, pulling her away from time with their sister and mother. He doesn’t regret the fun adventures it had led to growing up, or their particular bond. But it occurs to him from time-to-time that he could be, in some way, to blame for Ana’s convictions.
If it were up to him, he’d have both his sisters stay with him at the estate forever. But it isn’t how things are done. And he doubts they’d be completely happy here either, longing for something more beyond this country life that Carlos so adores.
“Anyway,” he continues. “I hardly need concern myself with such frivolous matters as marriage.”
“What - you have less frivolous matters that require your attention?” Lando asks.
“No - more. Like bathing in the sun and exchanging gossip with my dear friend.” He winks, and Lando just shakes his head with a smile. “If I had a wife, we’d have no time for our walks, or our little competitions, during your visits each year. And that would be a real shame.”
“Says the man who always wins those games.”
Carlos snickers. “Well, if either of my sisters really do marry one of these Leclerc chaps, I might have to let him win. Once, at least, as a gesture of goodwill.”
“You really think they would? Marry, I mean.”
“If they seem a good match...” He shrugs. It is, after all, the whole intention behind the arranged visit.
His aunt and uncle had met the Leclercs on a recent trip to Monaco, where they had expressed interest in visiting Spain and exploring the social scene there. His aunt and uncle had invited them to their home in Madrid, but when Carlos’ parents had heard about it, they’d insisted the Leclercs come to stay with them for at least a few weeks this summer. Carlos doubts the Leclercs had a country estate in mind for their visit to Spain, but perhaps the humble parties they host out here will charm them.
“Well, I don’t know why you sound so reluctant,” Lando continues. “You make friends with practically every person you meet. And for all you know, maybe these Leclercs will live up to the talk.”
But Carlos has his doubts. How interesting could they really be?
He drops the topic for now, preferring instead to tug at the soft blades of grass beneath his fingertips and muse over what will be served for lunch.
WIP ask game
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gncrezan · 7 months
happy valentine's day najam!! 💕 love u so much, you always make my days so bright, i hope you enjoy that same brightness today
HAPPY VALENTINES QUILL !!!!! hope you had a good day, i love you MWAH !!!!!! using this ask like last year as an excuse to post various nickmancing content i've accumulated over the years do not mind me (buttonkenzie sneaking in but still)
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jackwolfes · 8 months
which, do you think are the fics youre going to be posting relatively soon and have been working on recently?🌷🍰 could be soc or any other fandom, or both chaptered and oneshots
so the current priority is posting the rest of wesper regency AU and solangelo arranged marriage AU because they're both either fully or mostly written/edited and have a set posting schedule (sort of alternating weeks ATM)
after that the priority is trying to finish wedding vows, although I haven't really been doing loads for it lately 😅 and other than that I'm just. A very fickle writer. So I don't work on anything very consistently and can't say where my brain will take me??? I know that I'd like to try and prioritise some short oneshots/requests/PWPs because I've not done much of that lately and miss it, and I've made some decent progress on sugar baby au, but the key WIP I've been working on for the past two weeks is my original novel project! So that's where a lot of my focus is ATM
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sea-owl · 1 year
Inspired by my favorite fairytale Snow White and Rose Red. Was originally gonna be for polin week day six but I'm late, oh well.
In the wooded country side of England sat the Ancestral home of the Featherington family, and on the lands their home grew several flowers in honor of the family's crest of the Butterfly. Among those flowers grew two shrubs, one containing the blush white Penelope Roses, and the other grew the multicolored pink, lavender, and green Felicity Hydrangeas.
The lady of the house, Lady Featherington, loved these two flower shrubs so dearly she had named her younger two daughters after them, Penelope and Felicity. As seemed to follow their namesakes the two girls were also like the flowers. Penelope was the quieter one of the two, preferring to read and write her stories. Felicity loved running through the woods, and causing mischief. The two girl loved one another dearly, often seen walking about hand in hand as they roamed about the woods.
The animals of the woods that surrounded their home trusted the two girls. Little hares would eat cabbage from their hands, deer would graze beside them, and the birds would continue to sing their songs in the trees. Neither girl fearing the woods that surround their home, as they knew they were perfectly safe, and trusted the woods. Many a night the girls laid down on the mossy ground when it had grown too dark to continue forward.
On one such of those nights, the two girls were collecting berries and had lost track of time. A tree root has gently raised itself to stop the girls from going forward.
"Perhaps we should stop here for the night," Penelope suggested. Felicity nodded and the two girls drifted off to sleep.
Felicity's eyes shot open at the sound of her sister's gasp and hands yanking her back. "Penelope?!" Felicity exclaimed, still groggy.
She looked up, but Penelope kept her eyes straight ahead. Not far from where the girls were sleeping was a rocky cliff. The trees last night had stopped them from going over.
When the girls later told their mother and older sisters, Portia did not seem at all shocked. "Remember, girls, so long as we take care of the woods, the woods will take care of us."
As summer turned to fall, Portia had to leave for business in London. She took her two oldest with her and instructed her younger daughters to take care.
"Remember, my daughters trust the woods. So long as you do it will not lead you astray."
Penelope and Felicity nodded. "Yes, mother."
As the girls finished their chores, night fell, and they sat by the fire. Penelope read aloud while Felicity practiced her water colors.
"Then the prince kissed the sleeping princess-"
Felicity wrinkled her nose. "That's creepy."
"-with true love's kiss. The princess had awoken and they live happily ever after."
"Could you imagine how weird it would be if you laid down for a nap, and then some bloke is just standing above you and ruining your good dreams by kissing you!" Felicity said, waving her paint brush around. "Like, good sir, I would like to nap in peace, please!"
Penelope giggled but was soon interrupted by a knock on the door. "Felicity, please open the door. It must be a traveler looking for shelter for the night."
Sheltering travelers was nothing new to the girls. It was often told that part of protecting the woods, they must also protect its travelers so no harm came to either.
Felicity nodded and got up from her spot. Unlocking the door, Felicity was not expecting the sight before her.
Felicity let out a shriek at the sight of a very large brown bear head poking through the door. Throwing herself backward, Felicity quickly hid behind her sister.
"Please," a voice said. "I mean no harm. I only wish to warm myself a little."
Both sisters snapped their full attention on the bear. The brown bear was looking at them with green eyes that almost seemed human.
"It's a talking bear!" Felicity exclaimed, now coming out of her hiding spot. She came closer, excitedly curious about their new guest.
"Oh, you poor thing," Penelope said. "Come in and lay by the fire."
"Thank you," the bear said as he made his way inside. "My name is Colin."
Felicity giggled. "How silly, a bear named Colin."
The girls took a broom and gently sweeped off leaves and early frost off the bear's back. He was patient with the girls especially when they brushed through a particularly knoted tangle. When the Colin's fur was dry and warm from the hearth, Felicity had climbed up onto his back. Colin laid down to make it easier for her.
Penelope sat next to them as she read more stories.
"She's likely to fall asleep up there," Penelope said as she finished another story.
"It does not bother me," Colin said. "She's so small I barely feel her."
Penelope tilted her head. "What's it like being a bear?"
"What's it like being a human?" Colin countered.
Penelope giggled. "We do humans things, I suppose. Eat, sleep, walk, marry, read, paint, and write, among other things."
"Some of those things bears do too," Colin pointed out.
Penelope giggled again. "I suppose you're right."
The two continued to talk until Penelope could no longer hold open her eyes. Unknowingly, she laid against Colin and his warm fur.
Colin couldn't help but smile himself as he laid his head down to sleep. It has been so long since he had been in the company of others. Maybe listening to the woods wasn't a bad idea since it led him to the Featherington sisters.
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tennessoui · 1 year
Sorry if this has been asked before but have you ever considered posting your tumblr fics on ao3? I only ask because sometimes navigating tumblr can be awful, especially on mobile. No pressure though. I just really love your writing and want to read as much as possible.
hey thank you so much for asking! I currently do not have any plans to move all of my tumblr fics to ao3, but I assure you I’ve thought about it.
I view my tumblr writing as very different from my ao3 writing, which is why it feels like a big deal for me when I start a fic on ao3 that i fleshed out as an au or series of ficlets on tumblr. Putting it on ao3 means committing to the details, the story format, the moment in time of the plot I want to tell.
Take the regency au for example. That’s a series of ficlets on tumblr, but I would love to one day put a story up on ao3 for it. But if I put the ficlets up now in the same format I created the KUWSK ao3 fic (aka ficlets set in the same verse but not necessarily in chronological order), I would feel trapped by the format and I wouldn’t ever be able to post it in a traditional story format….if I one day figure out how I want that story to start. Do I delete the ao3 fic of the disconnected ficlets? Do I repost scenes and pretend they’re all new scenes? Do I just start posting the new chronological story at the end of that ao3 fic?
Tumblr fic posting feels more fluid to me because I’m just writing disconnected moments in an au and I always link them in the tag — and I have a master list of tumblr fics here — so if I get something wrong continuity wise it’s not that big of a deal, and I can jump around to whatever moment I want to tell at any time.
For me, it’s not just reposting a piece of writing from tumblr to ao3– it involves me thinking about what I want this story to look like (ie, the hunger games au on ao3 will be set in space; the playmaker au may involve a journalist obi-wan instead of a detective obi-wan) instead of what disjointed moment i feel like writing.
So it is something I promise I have thought of, and it’s something I’m not interested in at this time. If I were to ever delete my blog and orphan my fics, I’d make a concentrated effort to move some if not all of the writing here over to ao3 for people to save as they’d like, but that’s sort of the only scenario I think I would do that in
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seiya-starsniper · 1 year
Also tagging @mallory-x in this since it's her commission 💖💖 It's an untitled PWP set right after the ending of A Dream for a Viscount:
Hob’s hips snap at just the right angle, and Dream howls as his orgasm hits him like a firework, explosive and molten in its intensity.
Send me a 🌹 and I'll share a sentence from one of my WIPs!
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alittlestarling · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
It's almost time for bed but I had this snippet echoing in my head while I showered, so have this very rough and unedited Regency something, featuring the return of the sisters who got me through 2020:
“I’ll return soon, my darling girls, I promise.” Those words echoed against the nearly empty walls of the Bishop's manor home. Again and again, the words repeated throughout time; in letters, brief moments when Rebecca Bishop returned to them, and again as Clare whispered them against the panes of glass. She was the constant watcher, keeping a weather eye out for the mother who never stayed long enough for the eldest daughter, Laurel, to miss her.
Indeed, Laurel had long since hardened her heart against those words once promised to her. It felt too foolish to believe them now, not when she was older and wiser, looking at the world shrewdly for any hint of deception in her midst. 
Clare kept hoping, small hands imprinted along the windows year after year, her bright blue eyes shining with the flickering joy at any morsel of news that Mrs. Bishop was to return home at last. 
“I don’t understand!” Clare cried into Laurel’s shoulder repeatedly; Laurel held her close, cheek resting against the top of Clare’s golden crown of hair. 
“I know,” Laurel murmured as she brushed her sister’s tears aside. “I’m sure she means to come home. Something must have come up.” The words were as hollow as their mother’s promises, but Laurel would hold tight to the hope that burned in her younger sister’s heart.
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more-than-a-princess · 4 months
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I'm endlessly amused that Sonia can meet your muses who have, quite literally, been transported from another planet, if not time period, and her focus is "Have you bathed recently? What about clean clothes, food, and somewhere to live?"
Never questioning if what they're telling her is true, but instead offering comfort food (that she didn't make herself) while trying to figure out how else she can help them.
Surely you don't want to take advantage of her kindness
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yeyinde · 3 months
regency era Price au where he's a little bit of a creep. thirsting after the poor servant girl attending to his wife. cornering her in the rooms she's working in by putting his burly body into the doorframe, blocking her only escape as he watches her work. and she's so naive that she thinks he believes her a thief. poor thing. refuses to budge when he dismisses her, so she's forced to squeeze past him to get by. gets groped as she does so, but he's her employer. what can she say? and besides. everyone says he's a good man. surely this must be fine, then?
he asks her questions that get progressively grosser and intrusive as time goes on, and refuses to let her leave until she answers. humiliating, shameful questions dragged out into the open. do you have any family. can you really say they love you if they let you work like this? like a dog? does anyone really care about you at all? why are you working here? have you ever been kissed? touched yourself? ever lain with a man?
no? well. he'll help you out with that.
a nasty man who uses your inexperience to his advantage, whispering in your ear that he's the only one who can do this to you, who put that ache deep inside of you. the only one who can fill it, too. gets you drunk and fucks you on his marriage bed, promises that Mrs Price will be gone soon enough, don't you worry your little head over that. he'll take care of everything, sweet girl.
it causes quite the controversy when Mrs Price goes missing the next morning. ran away, you see. was never quite happy with her husband, anyway. A divorcee of only a few weeks and already "courting" the old servant girl who used to attend to his wife. pregnant out of wedlock, they whisper. the poor girl taken for a fool by one of Mr Price's associate. good thing Mr Price is there to step up for you despite the stigma, caring for your child as if it was his own. such a good man, isn't he? you could do a lot worse.
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The most memorable moment for me is the beach scene from the werewolf au! When Ronnie brought the silver knife. I think that was the moment I fell in love with Ronnie
Another memorable scene for me is from the regency au after honora’s birth (I think that’s how you spell her name but I’m terrible at spelling) when Ronnie apologies for having a girl and Jake’s like doesn’t matter that she’s a girl I love her
It seems that the beach scene with the knife is a favorite among a lot of people! And honestly, I get it. I really like that one too. Getting all these asks made me go back and re-read it and MAN....not to toot my own horn but *toot toot bitch*
And the regency au!! Honora's birth!!! Jake being the best girl dad!!! ugh i love them
thank you so much for sending this in love 🖤
what is the most memorable scene from a fanfic of mine that you've read?
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moonchild1 · 1 year
jeon jungkook fic rec list (Ⅷ)
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it's finally here! i've been working on this list for so long and honestly with the release of seven i had to reorganize it but it's finally ready soooo here's a list of the fics i've been reading lately, honestly i loved every single one of them and enjoyed it so much and i would sell my soul to get a chance to read them all over again, i've been exploring way more and reading genres i haven't read before so i am so excited to post this list, i've grown attached to alot of the series so i'm beyond excited seeing how they all play out but i hope you all connect and fall for the fics as well and experience that excitement too... remember to follow, like, comment and give lots of love to our talented writers they deserve so much love and support i mean look at all the magic they share with us!! and check out their masterlists too you might find your faves as well... as you know majority if not all the fics i rec contain smut so no minors allowed and also dni. i love that you guys have been sending me recs and questions i love hearing from you so please do keep sharing them and asking... stay happy and healthy everyone and enjoy the list till next time 💘🖤
a- angst s- smut f-fluff
employed by @personasintro f s a (ceo au slow burn e2l) updates on wattpad
seven days by @/kithtaehyung f s a (fuckboy jk roommate to lovers)
candles & flames by @taegularities f s a (enemies to lovers royal/regency au fuckboy jk)
ego season by @sparklingchim s (jock jk fwb brothers best friend college au)
the lucky one by @babystrcandy f s a (rivals/enemies to lovers childhood friends)
bangtan scouts by @hisunshiine f s a (fantasy au college au friends to lovers)
seven days by @/hisunshiine f s a (brothers best friend age gap fwb)
bloodline by @jjkeverlast s a (fwb au slow burn college au)
seven days a week by @/jjkeverlast f s a (fwb au college au)
dextrocardia by @jeonstudios f s a (officer au undercover fake marriage e2l)
drown for you by @/jeonstudios f s a (siren au)
as we were by @archivedkookie s a (infidelity au marriage au slow burn) ft yoongi
secret slut by @jeonsweetpea s (office au assistant jk)
moonstruck by @/jeonsweetpea s a (supernatural au slow burn e2l based on the vampire diaries and legacies)
angel’s trumpet by @hansolmates f a (idol au supernatural au)
timing by @spideyjimin f s a (dad jk past lovers au)
full stop by @1oserjk f a (divorce au parents au)
spicy n sweet by @thvhoe s a (boxer au established relationship)
the princess and the rockstar by @httpknjoon f a (rockstar au royalty au)
redamancy by @lesgetittkookie f s a (rich girl au s2l)
the ability to fathom by @hanniwrites f s a (brothers best friend idiots to lovers pining college au virgin au)
denial by @girlygguk f s a (idol au fwb brothers best friend)
safety net by @pradaksj f s a (boxer au e2l)
the forgotten spaces by @oddinary4bts f s a (slow burn e2l dancer au college au)
sinful lust by @oddinary4bts s a (threesome au) ft. boyfriend myg
over wine by @koocycle f s a (marriage au)
friday nights and take-out by @ahundredtimesover f s a (idol au s2l)
blackout by @jjungxkook f s (bf2l roommate college au)
the damsel & her knight by @jimilter f a (chaebol au ceo jk e2l)
at your service by @untaemedqueen f s a (escort au s2l ceo au)
pr disaster by @ughcore f s a (e2l actor au fake dating)
aphrodite in war by @jungblue f s a (frat boy au fake dating roommates e2l)
to err is to love by @jungkookschin f a (exes au dilf au ceo au)
live through this by @starshapedkookie s a (exes frenemies to lovers band au)
my love is here by @solemnreads f s a (unrequited love best friends slow burn)
clash by @matchagator f s a (neighbours slice of life e2l)
to what we were before, and all the things after by @orchidyoonkook f s a (prince jk s2l f2l slow burn college au)
devoted to trouble by @/jeonsweetpea f s (spiderkook)
accidental roommates by @/jjkeverlast f s a (dilf au roommates to lover e2l)
calling you cool by @/kithtaehyung f s a (rockstar au s2l)
college nights, diner fights by @/hisunshiine f s a (e2l waiter au)
love is gone by @jeonbunnie s a (established relationship break up au)
the boy with galaxies in his eyes by @/oddinary4bts f s a (idol au fuckboy au fwb tattoo artist au)
no longer strangers by @soft4gguk f s (summer love strangers 2 lovers)
the hating game by @sxtaep s a (e2l lawyer au)
what if i love you too much? by @taleasnewastime f s a (single mom au neighbours to lovers)
jasmine by @/btssmutgalore f s (friends to lover shy jk) on ao3
please don’t go by @httpjungkookcom f a (spider kook childhood best friends)
boy's a Liar by @/thvhoe f s a (best friends bf e2l college au)
masked by @flymetothejoon s a (drummer jk s2l)
lonely hearts club by @joonbird s a (tattoo artist dystopian au)
this is how you fall in love by @jeonqkooks f s a (rockstar au established relationship)
freak-quency by @gukslut f s (rockstar au s2l)
boots by @/gukslut f s (rockstar au)
wake up call by @junghelioseok s (established relationship)
orange tulips by @kainks f s a (soulmate au reincarnation)
skirt chaser by 1kook s (f2l college au)
blueberry haze by @caelesjjk s (drummer au s2l)
cabin fever by @jeongi f s a (ex best friends unrequited love)
the millionaire and his lover by @gukyi f s a (f2l ceo au fake dating one sided love)
take what’s yours (and stay) by @kidguk f s a (f2l s2l pinning)
overtime by @cupofteaguk f s (ceo au boss au)
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↬looking for other jjk fics or the other members check out my library
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lorelune · 4 months
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regency au jing yuan how you are haunting me.
(continued here!)
a retired general who at the ripe age of thirty five has never taken a wife. never showed any interest in procuring a spouse nor does he entertain any attempts by the mamas of the ton to throw their eligible children at him. he is a polite scoundrel, kind-hearted in a way that makes those with half a mind question how someone with his demeanor could ever be the famed general who's strategies downed Shuhu during the Abundance Upheaval. he doesn't seem to care for his legacy, as much as he has cultivated one. he doesn't mind gossip, but doesn't entertain it much either.
you only meet him due to fortunate circumstances.
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lord Luocha, a successful travelling merchant, pledged patronage to you sometime ago. he keeps you in a little cottage on the grounds of his manor where you're allowed to mostly do as you please as long as there's a new painting hung on the lord's wall every few months or so. the lord likes when you play too. he brings back new instruments for you to try, though he never expects mastery. he has an air of mystery to him that, despite all of the time you spend near him, keeps you from understanding him fully. you aren't one to pry about it either.
lord luocha invites jing yuan over to partake in fancy spirits from a country and city you can't ever hope to visit, let alone find on a map. you bring lord luocha your newest work-- (a meticulously completed oil painting. something more abstract, suited to the odd lonely and isolation you feel in your little, cozy cottage, despite all of the comforts you are afforded)-- and happen upon the pair.
lord luocha examines your newest work with pride, and shortly after introduces you. 'his patron' he calls you, but offers jing yuan no title. you--
(do not have one. it was stripped from you a long time ago. you think being an artist suits you better, anyways.)
jing yuan offers you his name, though you already know it. you recognize him based on the prattling of the girls and boys at the market. they swoon over his stature, fawn over his good deeds, and make note of his identifiable red hair ribbon. he has the same soft, sun-colored eyes that you had heard the eligible young of the ton giggle about.
you bow to him politely.
you have no reason to linger, but luocha calls you to anyways. perhaps he is lonely. perhaps you want him to be lonely, so it gives you a reason to stick closer to his side in the rare moments he is home for more than a day or two. the proximity is shared with jing yuan, who regards you with keen eyes and a lazy smile. the attention upon you feels weighted, important, like you're something special.
you savor it, however fleeting.
perhaps, however, you misunderstood jing yuan. or lord luocha's intentions.
because as jing yuan rises to take his leave and you bow once more, he catches your hand, brings it to his lips, and presses a kiss into the soft skin. you're sure you smell of linseed and yarrow oil. he lingers there for a moment before meeting your gaze. there's a light of mischief in them that sends your heart fluttering. your breath catches.
when jing yuan is out of the manor, lord luocha pats your shoulder gently, "quite the man, isn't he?"
"i suppose... he is."
"you may speak freely."
"i am," you mince, and shake your head. you must be careful, entertaining such fanciful thoughts. "he is... kind."
"and handsome."
"lord luocha," you barely keep yourself from whining. "please, do not tease me. or the poor man. from what i hear, he has enough to deal with."
"the mamas do chase after him like foxes to a hen," lord luocha chuckles and studies your painting once more with a curious tilt of his head. "he'll ask to see you again, i'm certain."
"and why do you say that?"
"general jing yuan has never taken the hand of a potential suitor."
your heart feels heavy and warm in your chest, burning. "my lord, you cannot possibly think that this single action indicates that the general will... call upon me? that is highly unorthodox and i don't believe that's... quite allowed."
"jing yuan has never cared for the dances of decorum." lord luocha guides you into your gardens. the peonies are in bloom, full and lush in the humidity of late spring. "and, for the record, i don't believe he'll simply call upon you. court, properly, certainly."
"you're bluffing."
"what reason do i have to lie?"
"to tease me, as you so enjoy doing," you huff.
lord luocha simply hums and pauses near a bush of lilacs. they're fragrant, at the peak of their season. the scent rolls over you.
"if i truly intended to tease you, i simply would abstain from telling you of jing yuan's interest and allow you to be terribly surprised when he arrives and formally asks for you and your time. consider this a warning. i'll walk you to the modiste tomorrow, hm?"
you want to squawk at him. your linen dresses and tunics are fine (albeit smeared and stained with paints and oils over the years. you rarely bother replacing them.)
you want to protest and pry more, but lord luocha strikes you silent when he breaks off a cluster of lilac and tucks it behind your ear. he leaves you with your thoughts, however tortuous. and, perhaps horribly, you find yourself believing him. perhaps the warm-eyed general really was charmed. perhaps, your dresses needed replacing and you should contact your perfumer friend for a fresh vial or two.
perhaps perhaps perhaps, you can still feel where his lips lingered on your skin, like a brand. you never thought you could ache for burning, but in the gardens, you find yourself clutching your hand to your chest, craving the lick of the his sun's heat once more.
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sea-owl · 2 years
Sneak peak of the work in progress I'm currently avoiding. Set in the Travel Buddies au
"So how do you," Daphne trailed off. Using one hand to make a circle she used her other hand to stick a finger in.
Colleen and Penelope looked at her for a moment before realization hit. Penelope's face went red, while Colleen smirked.
"Dear sister," Colleen said, her voice full of laughter. "Has Simon not been using his hands or his tongue? Do Pen and I need to leave him some anonyms detailed instructions?"
The younger woman went redder before saying, "There are also toys that can take place of a man's private parts, such as a dildo."
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tennessoui · 2 years
omg kit i'm absolutely OBSESSED with your regency snippets and the holiday shot ,,,, so good !
Ack, thank you!!! The holiday shot was especially fun to write because they’re absolutely being gross and torturing each other and it’s absolutely needless but don’t you dare suggest that where either could hear you….
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jeonghantis · 1 year
✧ — HEAVEN ANGEL (y.jh)
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PAIRING ⇝ yoon jeonghan x reader.
beautiful, everyone had called you. the compliment lost its charm on you, knowing fully well it’s paid only for the surface-level appearance you kept up and nothing else you had to offer. irritating, he had called you. you let him fuck you.
TAGS ⇝ uni!au, fratboy!jeonghan, fwb, smut, a dash of angst (oopsy!).
WARNINGS ⇝ language, fem!reader (she/her), houseparty scene (not exactly detailed), gossip, explicit sexual content (MINORS DNI!), bathroom (mirror) sex, unrequited crush (or is it?), reader has commitment issues, reader is kinda mean, mentions of p*ss and sh*t but not in a sexual manner, just for jokes.
WORD COUNT ⇝ 4.1k words.
note: funnily enough, i had two requests specifically for house party sex with yoon jeonghan. i lost the ask for them both (accidentally deleted while my laptop glitched). i am insane. and before anyone asks, yes there'll be a part two/prequel :) and also this is somewhat connected to my upcoming cheol fic. so i hope you stay tuned! proofread by the star of my life @cheolhub. sar fr put up with every version and my constant anxiety over every paragraph. i couldn't have done it without them. i love u so much. @szakias was also helpful in keeping me sane as i wrote this out 🙇 i love u so bad. loosely based on the song heaven angel by the driver era. don't think it'd go with the fic but you know :)
reblogs & comments are very much appreciated.
explicit tags under the cut.
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EXPLICIT TAGS ⇝ semi-public setting (bathroom sex while there's a party), unprotected sex, dom/sub dynamics, mean dom!jeonghan, sub!reader, dumbification, teasing, petnames (angel), degradation (whore, bitch), dacryphilia, marking, briefest thigh-fucking, clit stimulation, cumming inside, squirting, light overstimulation, (a little) aftercare.
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A strange rumor went around the campus. A rumor of a person whose beauty was so out of this world that it was terrifying. 
Unreal. Everyone had said. You won’t be able to look her in the eyes! 
But beyond that angelic beauty was a personality so sour, no one dared thought to approach her. Those that tried their luck had it beaten right out of them and they came to hate her to hide their broken hearts.
What a bitch, they had said. Does she think she’s all that?
Yoon Jeonghan, for one, thought they were being overly dramatic. It was a strange and interesting phenomenon how gossip can evolve to add in such theatrics. It was like living in one of those regency novels his sister owned which he had perused over on one particularly boring day. Had these people really had nothing better to do with their lives? Were they trying to live in a novel of their own? Jeonghan never understood them, neither cared for these kinds of things. He’d much rather form his opinions. He had better things to do than to dabble in such frivolity. 
What a stuck-up, one would say. What better things could Jeonghan be doing that puts him above everyone else? 
Oh, fucking the subject of the rumors of course. 
“How irritating,” Jeonghan sighed, abruptly ceasing his thrusts inside you to harshly yank you back by your hair. 
You yelp, a deer in the headlights, when your neck is forcibly craned back, made to look up at his looming figure. You looked pathetic from where you were pinned against the wall, exposed breasts pressed flush against the cool tiles and your mini skirt flipped upwards to reveal the swell of your bare ass flattened against his hip bone.
“I said to keep your voice down,” he tuts. “Do you want the whole house to hear you?” 
“I’m s-sorry,” you stammer out, throat raw and chest heaving. 
“Are you?” He mused with a raised brow, mocking and unbelieving. 
You couldn’t meet his gaze, or at least you tried to. Jeonghan liked to make eye contact, he once told you, for he loved to see your sanity visibly ebb away from your eyes, leaving you a mindless, glassy-eyed whore. You had not reached that stage, not yet, not when some semblance of your being remained clear in your gaze, dilated pupils fearfully wavering back and forth between his simpering face and the bathroom door where a rather large, booming frat party laid beyond.
He cocked his head to the side and tightened his grip on your hair, forcing your eyes back on him. He leaned forward until he’s breathing your air, and all you could do is stare up at him pitifully with quivering lips. “Or…” he starts, his lips twisting cruelly. “Do you want them to hear you? Want them hear how good you’re being fucked right now?”
You remain silent, the lump on your throat bobbing as you swallow hard. But your walls tighten around him and Jeonghan couldn’t help the curve of his lips.
“You’re really weird, you know that?” Jeonghan sighed, releasing his hold on you. A lithe finger curls a lock behind your ear, the gesture jarringly affectionate from his prior cruelty, before his mouth moves to hover over it, his warm breath tickling. “You moan loudly when I tell you to shut up. You shut up when I ask you questions. Have I fucked you stupid already? Or have you always been stupid?”
You let out a shaky breath. “I’m sorry.”
“Is that all you know what to say?” Jeonghan laughs. “A renowned bitch, known to reject her admirers without so much of a second thought, now reduced into this pathetic bitch in heat. What would everyone else think, hm?”
His derogatory spats clamored down to your bones, making you shake with emotions that you couldn’t quite place with your hazed mind. At one point, with the last bit of pride you had left, you’re irritated, and it’s shown in the twitch of your eye and narrowed gaze. Then there’s embarrassment, shown by how your face warms and flushes. There was no denying how fucking dazed and desperate you had been, that much was true, and the demeaning tone of his voice did its job of filling you with shame. The twisted part of it all is that you enjoyed every minute of this ridicule thanks to pure, carnal desire. You couldn’t care less about what other people would say about you, what matters now is when the fuck would Jeonghan move his dick inside you. 
But Jeonghan being Jeonghan, he wanted his answers. His last question was rhetoric. You knew. He knew. And yet he looks down at you with cruel expectancy masked in the sweetest, angelic smile that has fooled so many, and had once fooled you. 
“I-I don’t care,” you say, deciding to be honest. “Who the fuck cares what they think?”
“Oh, but I’d like to know,” Jeonghan said. He hums for a moment, looking you over in consideration, before speaking again. “But you’re right. They don’t matter right now, do they?” 
You release a breath you hadn’t known you were holding.
And Jeonghan watched, amused. He wasn’t done speaking. “But I’d at least like to know what you think.”
You blinked. “What?”
Before you could question him some more, Jeonghan pulls out of you, leaving your weeping cunt fluttering around nothing. You cry out, high and broken, from having pleasure ripped away with such cruelty. Jeonghan ignores it and his own throbbing problem as he goes to peel you off the wall with a rough tug on your arm. He has you by over the sink, has you staring at yourself through the vanity mirror. Jeonghan casts a smile at you through the reflection, his gaze weighted as he drinks in the sight of you as well.
Jeonghan had to admit, the rumors weren’t all baseless. You were stunningly beautiful, there was no denying that when anyone with functioning eyes could see it. The way you carried yourself tells him you’re well aware of it too. You held confidence with a raised chin, an allure with your own posture and stance even in this vulnerable position you were forced in, looking as disheveled as you are with tufts of your hair sticking out in every direction, framing your flushed face. Your blouse had been carefully unbuttoned despite how desperately urgent you both had been for each other the moment the bathroom door shut closed, but the rush was evident in how your bralette had been roughly tugged down enough for your perked breasts to spill over. Jeonghan had been anything but kind to your skin, having left angry red splotches blossoming all over your chest; you weren’t either on his, knowing if Jeonghan had craned his neck enough from behind you, they’d find similar markings on his throat, though considerably less in quantity.
Jeonghan also looked considerably less damning. He had not made moves to remove any of his upper clothing and so he remained presentable with his black varsity over a loose white shirt. Even his long hair had not looked loosened from where it’s tied up. But below, away from the mirror’s sight, his dark jeans had been unbuttoned and unzipped for his curved dick to spring out freely, for it now to rub over your ass teasingly.
“So?” Jeonghan asks. “What do you think of yourself?”
You glare at him through the mirror. “Fucking awful.”
“Of course you’d see it that way,” he laughs, resting his chin on your shoulder. “For me, I think this is the most beautiful you’ve ever been.”
It’s your turn to look unbelieving, but your pulse rouses. 
Jeonghan grinned. “Ask me why.”
You reluctantly indulge him, “Why?”
“Because you finally look fucking awful,” Jeonghan said cheerfully. You turn to glower at him but stop when he lifts a hand to trace a line over your chest, mapping out the marks adorning you with a nimble finger. “And because I’m the reason for it.”
“A little vain, don’t you think?” You remark, albeit breathily, your face heated.
“I can be proud of my work,” he quipped, pressing his smile against your skin. He looks you over once more, taking in every detail down to the last freckle, and something deep in him thrums sweetly. “And I had a beautiful canvas to begin with.”
“How charming,” you sighed, derisive, as you threw your head back against his shoulder so you could look at him with batting lashes. “Can you fuck me now?”
“But I mean it,” Jeonghan murmured and relented, reaching around you so he could press a roughened finger over your swollen clit.
 “Mean what?” You ask, but you’re barely listening, not when your focus is narrowed to the deft circles he’s making on your sweet nerves.
Jeonghan guides his length between your thighs, letting it glide languidly right under your weeping and throbbing cunt at a lazy pace. His lips are still curled, his eyes bright when he gazes down at you before he’s responding, “You’re absolutely beautiful.”
Sincerity was not something you’re used to when it came to the ever sarcastic Yoon Jeonghan, and yet here it was, bleeding into his tone in its purest form. Never in the entire three months of sleeping with him had he ever complimented the way he had just now, and if he had uttered any, it was quickly followed with ridicule or said with ridicule.
Good, he called you when you were obedient.
Cute, he called you when you were crying.
Beautiful. It was new. From him at least. 
It was a temporary moment of clarity in your lust-addled head as you blink at him, making sense of what he had said, making sense of the warmth that starts to bloom throughout your chest. And temporary it remained as Jeonghan led his cockhead right back to your entrance, pushing himself in without so much of a warning, and the bare grasp you had on lucidity loosened.
You gasp out loudly, doubling over the bathroom counter as your walls tense and quiver painfully from the sudden breach, but still yield around him nonetheless. Jeonghan was quick to catch you, to force you right back up with his long fingers encircling your throat. 
“Again?” Jeonghan barked out a laugh but it’s hoarse. “You really want everyone to hear you.”
“I c-can’t help it,” you whined, your head resting weakly against his shoulder, warm breath puffing over his marred skin. 
Jeonghan looked unimpressed. “Well, help it.”
“Oh, fuck!” you cry out when he starts driving into you with no sense of leniency, your body thrown fully forward and voice shaking from the repeated impact that clatters your bones.
“You’re horrible at this,” he cackled. He grips at your hips this time, pulling you hard against him, balls slapping heavily against your ass. He's practically pulling and pushing your cunt onto his cock as if you weighed nothing, as if you were nothing but a cocksleeve for him to enjoy. Each decadent slide of his length in your heat draws out breathy grunts from him, his head drunk with pleasure.
You weren’t faring any better. Your head is thrown back to reveal flushed skin stained with tears that drip from closed eyes as you try desperately to hold yourself up with palms flat against the cold marble counter. There was nothing else for you to do but feel it, feel his cock stretch your pussy, its silken insides practically making way for him with each piston that has you crying out more in volume and pitch.
“Open your eyes.” His hot, staggered breath wafted over your ear. His thrusts ease its pace, slowing into something more languorous and teasing. “Open your eyes and look at me.”
You whine but your eyelids flutter open. Glassy, unfocused eyes find Jeonghan.
A devious smile splinters across his face. 
There you are.
“Please,” you whimper, your hand reaching to paw at his nape. 
“What is it, angel?” His tone is sweet but it rolls off his tongue sharply. “I n-need - ”
Jeonghan laughed cruelly. “I don’t think you’re in the position to demand something from me when you can’t even listen to my one demand.”
You grab at the ends of his hair and rock your hips back into him, fucking your cunt right on his dick in a faster, but struggling, rhythm. 
“Hannie,” you mewl. “You feel too good. Please, please, just fuck me. I can’t help it, I just - Please? I’ll b-be good. Just please fuck me, Hannie.”
Jeonghan doesn’t respond right away to your pleas, allowing himself to revel in the broken desperation you display with an amused smile and delighted throbs made inside your velvety walls. Perhaps Jeonghan should be used to this sight now. He’s seen you in much messier and miserable states, ruined you far worse than he had now. And yet he’s plenty invigorated than he’s ever been, pure excitement searing his veins.
What would everyone else think, hm?
Jeonghan thought it was rhetoric. Jeonghan said it didn’t matter. 
It wasn’t. It did. 
“I don’t think you can be good,” he began as a hand inches forward between your legs, “But if you’re going to be loud, then at least use my name. That way, everyone will know who’s fucking you so good.”
“H-Hannie!” You mewl, oh so pitchy, as your frame jerks from the brush of the roughened pads of his fingers on your clit, pleasure flickering up your abdomen so wildly that you could not easily bear through it. 
“There we go,” he crooned, pride gleaming in his eyes. Jeonghan was much too familiar with your body by now, so it’s easy when his hips brings back its pace, fucking at your insides at an angle so the length of him glides over your sweet nerves with each impact. 
“Yes, yes, yes,” you sob out like a mantra, spreading your legs a little wider to accommodate his brutality, your channel tightening around his throbbing girth. “Ngh, Jeonghan, right there! Oh my god - !”
The nectar that leaks out of you coated his shaft with an amazingly significant amount that makes the slides so much easier and louder, the wet noises bouncing off the four walls and meshing with your own cries of his name like he wanted. It was almost enough to drown out the muffled music of the party that seemed many worlds away now.
Jeonghan soon enough joined in this sinful chorus, letting out panted moans of his own. Some were incoherent but when it wasn’t, it was mostly your name, just in case everyone couldn’t tell who was screaming his name like a wailing prayer. How he’s managed to keep himself restrained and sane for this long was a strong feat in itself. Your everything put him in a trance, every touch of you—nails, fingers, and obviously your tight cunt, was a little too much, it was dizzying. 
Even at your seemingly waning state, your hips somehow finds itself moving back against him, undulating with the same force and rhythm. You’re driven by the tightness both in your chest and in your abdomen, white flashing across your vision the more you keep up your pace, your moan becoming more muddled as your thoughts were. And when balance fails you, having you bow back down and lean all your weight on your forearm, Jeonghan inclines with you, his chest pressed right against your back and you could feel his raging heartbeat that very well matched your own.
“How are you holding up, angel?” He chuckled and pressed his face against your neck, his breathing hard and warm on your skin, as his thrusts become more shallow. “Doing okay?”
“I-I’m close,” you whimper. “Please, Hannie - ”
“I’ve got you,” he whispered back as nails dig crescents on your waist, muscles flexing as the intensity of his strokes inside you extends once again and remains at the same tempo. He doesn’t know what came over him the next moment, his senses just completely overtaken and all he could do was be at awe at all this perfect bliss you’re bringing him, and only him. “You’re mine tonight,” he breathed. “I’m going to fucking ruin you for everyone, angel, you understand that? You’re mine.”
There it was again. The clarity. The warmth. It all happened in a single moment.
You turn your head and stare up at him. Jeonghan stared right back at you. A completely indecipherable expression confronts another.  
Where it had been temporary then, it intensified now. Where there had been questions, suspicions took its place. 
Then came fear.
Jeonghan catches a glimpse of it in your eyes and for the very first time, his stomach sank at the sight of it. 
But his facade is flawless. It comes too naturally before he’s fully aware—a sweet curl of lip, the faintest crinkle at the corners of his eyes. He’s fooled too many. He could fool you again. 
Jeonghan takes advantage of your moment of daze to toy once again with your clit, and is relieved at how immediate your body reacts. 
“Ngh, J-Jeonghan!” You keen high as you reach a hand to cup over to where his fingers flicks and pinches at the delicate bud, pressing down on him for added pressure to alleviate your own self. Oh, how embarrassingly easy it was for your thoughts to be completely overwritten by your own lustful desires, but as you have learned, it always prevails, doesn’t it? 
Your thighs seize up from the overwhelming pleasure crawling up your spine; while your rhythm falters from it, Jeonghan’s is relentless even when his own breathing turned ragged and his body strained from the effort. It all becomes so much so fast; the feverish heat spreads under your skin, tightening up coils in your abdomen, but your frame is trembling, as if a chill settled so deeply into your bones. 
“Hannie, Hannie, I’m going to -”
“I know,” Jeonghan grunts as his face falls in the juncture of your neck, lips pressed right over your pulse point. He can feel your walls start to restrict around his twitching girth, and it did little to aid his own self-control. “Let go for me, angel. C’mon. Let me hear you. Let them hear you.”
And you do. With the most shrilling wail, you come, your warm release spilling onto his cock and, much to your surprise, squirting onto themselves, their clothes, and his hand. 
“Holy shit,” Jeonghan marveled under his breath. If he could burn a memory into his brain, this would be fucking it. Just you shivering and quivering around his dick. Your back prettily arched back with tits hardened and perked. The fluids spurting all over yourself and him so shamelessly and so intensely until you're convulsing back down on your front from it all. 
Watching this whole brilliance of you, just reminded Jeonghan of how lucky he truly was to have you like this, to be able to make you this fucked out with crossed eyes, pupils blown wide out of proportion. Hidden concerns were washed away by this single glance, replaced with nothing but gratitude, pride, and true bliss. And with all that and a poorly thrown out warning, he’s thrown over the edge. A moan is punched out of his gut as he’s releasing inside you with one last valiant thrust, his cum white and hot as it spurts and paints your walls.
And poor you having to tolerate this continued abuse of your insides that pushes you close into the sphere of overstimulation. You’re spent, fatigue already ebbing into your consciousness, but you stay still for him, letting him use you for all your worth until the last few twitches of cock, until the last few spews of his cum is fucked back into you.
For the next few moments, only a dulled bass fills the air as two heaving bodies try to steady themselves. When the remnants of carnality wane, Jeonghan finally pulls out of you, your channel left with nothing but their shared release dripping out of you, beading down your legs. There’s a crack of a smile thrown your way through the reflection just as you feel a light tap made over your cunt. You resist the urge to roll your eyes at the gesture. And to rock back into it.
“If I clean you up,” Jeonghan began, eyeing the puddle on the floor, “could you help me with the rest of your mess?”
Now you did roll your eyes. “Ever the gentleman.”
“Hey, I just thought I should ask. It’s a lot.” 
Your face warmed up. “Forget it, I’ll clean myself up. You clean the floor.” You move to lift yourself up from the counter, but catch yourself as your muscles start to strain, limbs shaking. 
Jeonghan raised a brow.
You winced. “Can you help me over to the toilet?”
 “Need to piss it all out again?” He jests and takes a hold of your arm to gently pick you up. 
You sneered. “That wasn’t piss, asshat.”
Jeonghan laughed. “I know it wasn’t. But it was hot as hell.”
“Shut the hell up.”
That only made him laugh again.
Then came a knock, a very aggressive one.
“Yoon Jeonghan, are you done fucking in there?” Said a male voice beyond the door, sounding just as irritated as his knock was. 
“Ah, damn,” Jeonghan muttered quietly to himself, then raised his voice at the door, “There are other bathrooms, Cheol!”
Choi Seungcheol, you now recognized Jeonghan’s fellow frat brother, responded right away. “All occupied! Can you hurry your shit up?”
“No!” said Jeonghan, but he’s quick to guide you over next to the toilet with an arm now encircling your waist; you tell yourself this was just a helpful gesture, but there’s no helping how your skin heats up under his touch. From where you stand leaning against the wall, you watch him rush around the bathroom, first cleaning himself up and shoving his dick back in his jeans before he throws a clean towel down on the floor to soak up your mess.
“I’ll leave first,” Jeonghan explained as he sauntered back to you with soap and another fresh towel in hand, setting them down where it’s within your reach. “I’ll appease Cheol first and buy you some time to clean up.”
“Is he always so impatient?” You asked.
“Always,” he sighed, “but once I explain, he’ll understand. I don’t know why he’s fussier than usual though.” 
“Maybe he needs to shit.”
“Shitting at a party? That’s disgusting of him.”
“He has no respect for the partygoers out there.”
You exchange grins with each other. 
Then another round of knocking came around.
“In a minute!” Jeonghan called back, trying to sound calm but his face was scowling. He lowers his voice when he speaks to you again, “Are you sure you don’t want any help? Now I just want to make him wait.”
“Go,” you tell him and wave him off. “He sounds like he’s about to kick the door open. I’d rather not have that.”
Jeonghan huffed a laugh at that. “I wouldn’t put it past him.”
Jeonghan turned to leave. Your heart lurched from your chest.
“Jeonghan?” You call out before you could stop yourself.
He looked back. “Hm?”
“Do we…” You didn’t know what to say, how to phrase it. “Should we talk about it?”
It was miniscule, but you caught his wince. “Talk about what?”
“About what you said?”
“Angel, I said a lot of things.”
“Don’t play stupid with me. You said - ”
Another loud knock, quickly followed by Seungcheol yelling. “Jeonghan! Hurry up!”
Jeonghan let out another sigh, a mix of annoyance with a tinge of relief. “We’ll have to talk about it another time.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Jeonghan - ”
“We will talk about it,” he said firmly, his tone spoke of sincerity, but his face said otherwise. “Just not now. Not yet.” 
You gave him a skeptical look. 
He tried for a smile, perfectly saccharine. You saw right through it.
“Fine,” you relented.
Jeonghan gave you a grateful nod of his head and made a move to leave again. You watch again with the strangest restriction in your chest.
“Cheol, you have got to learn patience,” Jeonghan said once he cracked the door open.
“And you have got to learn to be quiet,” the disembodied voice of Seungcheol parried back. “I’m sure the people passing the hallway could hear you both.”
“Well, we were trying to get the whole house to hear us.” Jeonghan spared a quick glance your way and grinned. You wanted to punch his teeth in.
Seungcheol groaned. “Of course you fucking were.”
Jeonghan laughed and finally stepped out of the bathroom. “At least I’m getting my dick wet. You haven’t been with anyone since - Oh, I spoke too soon. Cheol, you sneaky son of a - ”
The door shut closed behind him, leaving you all alone, and you buried your face in your hands.
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© jeonghantis. all rights reserved. do not re-publish, translate, plagiarise, edit any of my work on any other platform.
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