#the queen of terrible starters
qiqi-media · 2 months
Don't know if it's because of the new movie release but I've been seeing a lot more of descendants the og movies resurfacing on different social medias and the Audrey comments have started back up again. One in particular that I've never liked
"Why is she doing all of that over a high school break up?"
For starters Descendants was about teenagers, all of their relationships were high school relationships. The "true love" couple had their true love's kiss while they were both still in high school. So to refer to Audrey and Ben as a "high school" relationship that's purposely downplaying her feelings and their relationship. I get being confused because Descendants goes back and forth with the canon. At the end of D1 she was fine and in Wicked World her life didn't drastically change because of their breakup. But in D3 that is what happened, her life drastically changed and she was treated like shit.
She lost all of her friends "There's nothing to lose when you're lonely and friendless" & "Why is she here." There was no reason why that had to have happen, Audrey was never shown to be so terrible to the point where if she wasn't dating Ben that everyone had to abandon her. Especially in D1 her actions were no worse than Jane's and Jane still kept her friends and were friends with the VKs. Jane in my personal opinion was worse than Audrey, at least to the Vks in D1. Her worst crime was laughing at Jane's hair and I'm not understanding why that's unforgivable in comparison to Mal trying to manipulate her with said hair. Chad was even more social in Auradon but Audrey is completely shunned and for what? Because she's not dating Ben? People were straight up ignoring her when she spoke and in canon Audrey up until that point hadn't done anything so cruel to where that would make sense. She wasn't any snarkier than Chad or Jane on occasions and definitely not worse than things the Vks did. The only explanation we can come to is that when she wasn't Ben's girlfriend she didn't matter to people anymore.
That's not even addressing her shitty ass family, they treated her like dirt because she wasn't in line for the throne anymore. (those were never Audrey's intentions btw) Her cousin, her mother, her Grandma all acted like she was a failure because she wasn't with Ben and more specifically because she "lost" Ben to their Family's enemy. Like she had any choice in the matter, Ben didn't even have the choice of when and how they broke up. So if she couldn't turn to her friends or her family who did she have?? Nobody she was isolated and alone. Other adults? Look at Belle she talked shit about her too. She had Chad but because Audrey knew she couldn't return his feelings she stopped relying on him after a certain point.
All of this because she and Ben broke up, because she wasn't next in line to become Queen of Auradon. (That's another thing, her acknowledging that if she and Ben stayed together forever would end up with her being Queen isn't her being thirsty for the crown. It's her preparing for her future that, yes she was looking forward to but she wasn't thirsty to marry him because if she was, her family seemed more than open to an arranged marriage. But there was never one, they were simply boyfriend and girlfriend.)
She lost her life long best friend too: Ben. Even if they truly made up post D3 we know their relationship would never be the same.
So trying to act like Audrey had an entire breakdown over the simple fact of their high school relationship ending is false.
"How was she not supposed to tie her self worth in dating Ben when people started treating her like a waste of space when she wasn't with him?"
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silkythewriter · 1 year
*jumps through wall* Hello Metal Family Dee and any others with a S/O who basically is the queen of crows cause I’m gonna tame the crows around my house and I must know. Thanks you and I must tend to these unrelated wounds. *jumps through the wall to leave another hole*
//Author note ( ̄▽ ̄): AHHHH it feels so good to write again this request was a nice starter thank you for the ask I absolutely loved this one! And I love crows too their just adorable❤️❤️❤️\(^ヮ^)/ enjoy!! ;3//
Queen of the Crow’s
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You jumped down the stairs of school while humming a small tune. The sun shined bright whilst it set, you shielded you’re eyes with hand and squinted a bit. You heard Dee’s heavy shoes thump on the stairs behind you as he placed a hand on your shoulder. “You alright?” He asked while watching you nod as you chuckled while continuing to walk. “Say where’s your brother? Doesn’t he stand out here for you?” You asked looking around for the redheaded boy in question. “Yea.” Dee scoffed while pinching the bridge of his nose and shutting his eyes while shaking his head “god knows what he’s probably up to, i should go find him before my parents drag me about losing him” he said with a heavy sigh. You laughed at his stress while he glared at you, “oh cmon it’s at least a BIT funny” you said while smiling. “Yea sure” he said as he punched your shoulder softly, a soft smile appeared on his face which he tried to hide but failed terribly as you already witnessed the adorable action. But you decided, for his sake to hide that fact. And instead focus on walking to your destination, “mind if i crash at your place for night?” You asked as you turned your head back to him. “At this point you live at my house so might as well not even ask” he said grunting in fake annoyance one which you saw right through.
Screaming was heard a few miles away, which made you and Dee simultaneously turn your heads to face what could be causing such screeching. After finding out what the source was Dee panicked in embarrassment as his brother came racing over to him, which caused you to chuckle at the brothers. “Heavy quite down! You causing a scene” Dee said in a hushed but angry voice which made heavy nod quickly before quieting down. Once he glanced over to you making his eyes light up “Hi Y/n!!” He said with a grin as he rushed over to you and wrapping his small arms around your waist little over your hips as he buried his head in your stomach. “Hey my strong guy!” You said as you laughed and ruffled his hair making him laugh in response as he let go of you and grasped your arm stoping you from ruffling his hair any longer “Stop!” He said laughing as he playfully pushed your hand back towards you. “Alright, alright!” You chuckled holding your hands up slightly, Dee only looked at his brother with glaring eyes before he began to move again, causing heavy to sprint towards him and you to walk behind him. “Y/n!” Heavy yelled put to you causing you to hum in acknowledgment, “can you do that thing with crows? You know the one you showed me last time!” He said causing Dee to turn his head to his little brother taking interest before looking at you in confusion. “What crow thing? Y/n CANT do a crow thing?” Dee huffed, hating the fact he was the only one left out of such detail. You only chuckled awkwardly “Nah, Dee probably just wants to go home, he’ll probably think it’s stupid” you said as you looked a Dee with a soft smile “wha- no- I mean, I wouldn’t mind.. I have time to spare anyway” he said stuttering as he looked away from you while kicking an old can of soda. “Oh alright then!” You said with a grin as you speed walked over to both of them before taking the lead infront of them and leading them to the old grave yard, “what are you doing?” Asked Dee as he watched you carefully, “climbing over the fence, what does it look like I’m doing?” You laughed as you hopped down onto the dead grass, heavy landed closely to you leaving Dee the only one to jump. He only shook his head as he pushed open the unlocked gate and walking through it with ease, making you and heavy stand there as you both let out an “ohhhh” heavy only shrugged “our way was cooler” he said as he walked over to the nearest tree housing hundreds of crows.
“Watch” was all heavy whispered to his brother as you neared the tree making the crows call out as they all flow towards you, many landed on your your out stretched arms as other landed near your feet, one even landed on your head making heavy chuckle “what the..” Dee said as he looked in wonderment at you and your body basically covered with crows, Dee out stretched a finder as you let one on your shoulder step onto it, Dee brought it close as if to inspect it. “How did you..” he said as his words trailed off being left speechless “they really like me I guess” you said with a laugh causing the crowd around you to squawk as almost in a mimic type way. “Your like their crow queen” stated heavy as he walked over with cupped hands making another crown hop off your head and land into his hands “yea!” You chuckled making Dee shake his head “you like my lil trick?” You asked dee as you let your eyes wonder to him making him nod in amazement
“it’s true you are just like their crow queen..”
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Genuinely hated how TA turned Mylène into a mouthpiece during Derision especially since even if we ignore the fact that everyone responds to trauma differently, Mylène's situation is no where remotely close to Chloe's
For starters all we know about Mylène's mom is that she abandon her meanwhile if we look at Audrey she not only is absent for a good amount of Chloe's life but during the rare few time she is actually present she's nothing but verbally abusive for crying out loud just look at 99% of Audrey screen time during Queen Wasp alone, hell Audrey doesn't even get Chloe's name right 90% of the time either, which seems to be intentional given how she has no problem remembering the names of people she likes/ respects.
And that's only just half of the puzzle when it comes to Chloe's shit, the other half is arguably the worst father on the show outside of Gabriel himself, Andre.
While he only has one focus episode, Fred Haprèle actually cares about his daughter, unlike Andre, who not only would rather throw money at the problem than actually parent Chloe but during Collusion reveal that he not only things the daughter he failed to raise his "heartless" but blames her as one of the two sources for all of his problems, that's not even mentioning the thankfully deleted scene where seconds after calling out Audrey for being abusive towards Zoe he TRADES Chloe for Zoe while saying Audrey and Chloe "deserve each other"
It's almost like different people have different experiences that shape their personalities and worldviews.
The thing is that "Having an absent mother can affect a person's development" and "Bad things happening to you isn't an excuse to be terrible to others" aren't mutually exclusive stances to take. Unfortunately, this show decides do go with both in one season, only apply each one to different characters.
Yes, we don't know what Mylene's mother was like or if she was really as terrible as Mylene said she was, but we don't know enough to really compare her to Audrey. And that's not even getting into how Mylene has a father who actually acted as a parent to her, compared to Andre "Rectonned Into Never Loving His Daughter" Bourgeois.
There's an scene from an episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine that really explains the moral high ground the show loves to take when comparing its heroes to its villains and never understands how not everyone's situation is the same.
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bonefall · 1 year
Clan Culture: Familial Terms and the Mi/Ba System
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[ID: A brown tabby and a ginger tabby laying together]
A Clan is a large, extended family of cats, knit together by blood and mentorship. In Clanmew, a Clan directly translates to "Whole Family"-- Ulnyams, further divided into an individual cat's Gan (birth-kinships) and Nyams (created-kinships).
Because of the ancient cultural practice of Kitten Stealing and its modern-day replacement, the Queen's Rights, Clan cats have developed a surprisingly progressive view of adoption. There are many ways that couples incapable of producing their own biokits can find children to raise, leading to the Mi and Ba System.
The Mi is the primary parent of the kittens, the one who is the "legal" decider of the important choices regarding the children. The Ba is the secondary parent. These are not gendered; it does not matter who gives birth in this situation, if either of them even did.
Kin: Gan vs Nyams
Parents: The Mi/Ba System
Types of Love: Friendships, Mateships, In-Laws
Offspring and Siblings: Runt-ness, Litter Order
Gan Starter Set: Auncles, Cousins, Grandparents
Ancestors and Beyond
FAQ (Last Update: 10/5/23, Mi/Ba questions)
Kin: Gan vs Nyams
Blood relation is simply Gan. Historically, this would apply to the family of whoever raised you before you were apprentice-aged, the point where "Clan Loyalty" was supposed to set in. Gan includes everyone within three degrees of separation; Grandparents, auncles, and first cousins.
In a Clan, which is supposed to act as a whole family, Gan that "clots" can become a danger to the fabric of society. Mentorships serve an important purpose in "breaking" the coalition that Gan naturally creates, encouraging relationships outside of the bubble.
The rough Clanmew term for "nepotism" is Byykabrawk/Byykabraw/Byykabr-- the 3-stem verb for "Scab-forming."
Nyams in contrast is the relationships forged through life, and applying this term is a choice. Nyams is applied to most of your Gan, a good mentor, apprentices you remain close to after their graduation, and beloved friends.
Nyams is largely considered more important than Gan, both for the health of the Clan overall and for the ability to 'cut' bad Gan out of your family... but cats have their own stances on this. There are some that even argue that unchanging Gan is always above the conditional Nyams.
Keep your ears pricked for this mindset; it can be an indicator of deeper, more hidden beliefs.
Gan = Blood-kin
Nyams = Family-kin
Byykabrawk/Byykabraw/Byykabr = Scab-forming/Nepotism/Loyalty to one's blood over one's Clan
Parents: The Mi/Ba System
The one constant for all Clan kittens is that they are expected to have a Mi.
A "Mi" is a primary parent, the one that spends the most time in the nursery looking after the kitten. This is a non-gendered term; there are many reasons why a non-birthing parent may be the Mi of their litter. It also doesn't necessarily refer to whoever suckled the kittens.
There will be one Mi. To have multiple cats 'competing' over being a Mi is not considered a good or 'cute' thing, at best it means that one of the parents is unnecessarily shirking on supporting the Clan and their mate, and at worst, it means they're using their kittens as pawns in a domestic argument.
Two parents that, for some reason, have nearly equal time split between their kits will typically choose one parent to take 'Ba' for clarity.
In the case of a Mi who can't be responsible with their kits, such as if they become sick, die, or commit neglect or abuse, the Ba is socially expected to become the Mi. A terrible Mi can even be "evicted" from the nursery entirely, if they were particularly cruel to a child.
(BB!Rainflower is an example of a cat who earns this punishment.)
The "Ba" is a secondary parent, but still one that is actively involved in their child's life. Ba can also spend time in the nursery and take their duties a bit easier. In the case of polyamory, there can even be multiple Ba!
Mi Limit = JUST ONE.
Ba Limit = As many as you want.
A cat that spends no time with their children is not a Ba. To try and imply that a bioparent that did not raise their kids is a "Ba" is something that supporters of Thistle Law do in order to conflate Gan with Nyams.
The title can even be rejected entirely; as Bramblestar did to the Three, and Breezepelt eventually does to Crowfeather.
Relevant biological parents are given the same terms as wild animals that don't care for their young; Usually Mwaow, an egg-laying mother that deposits its eggs and leaves. Though, occasionally Wairre (a buck or boar that had access to several females) is used for "sires" specifically. Wairre is more derogatory than Mwaow.
"Honor Sire" is most often used for a cat that donated material for a pairing to have children, though due to the nature of the Queen's Rights, the true identity of these cats is usually kept secret. The word for them in Clanmew is Kurruaow, Honor-Egglayer.
(In English, Honor-Dam and Honor-Sire are sometimes used depending on if they gave birth or sired, but Clanmew has no distinction.)
An Honor Sire is not a Ba, nor a Mi. Do not use these terms for Honor Sires unless they are specifically co-parenting.
In the case of parents that can't provide milk to their kittens, they will often have a third person step in to nurse the kittens. This person is referred to as a 'suckler', Ssuow. In Clanmew it has a connotation of favor-giving, and can be used outside of parental contexts in that way. A sucklemate is called a Ssuwi.
A mentor, auncle, Educator, den-helper, or any other parental figure who you consider important to your development, yet was not a Mi or Ba, is called a Yyan. It is an honor to be someone's Yyan!
Mi = Primary parent
Ba = Secondary parent
Mwaow = Biological parent, egg-laying animal that doesn't care for its young, slightly derogatory
Wairre = Biological sire specifically, a reproductive buck or boar, very derogatory
Kurruaow = Honor Sire/Dam/Parent
Ssuow = Non-parent who nurses a kit; associated with doing a favor.
Ssuwi = Non-sibling sucklemate.
Yyan = Non-Mi/Ba parental figure.
FAQ on the Mi/Ba system
"are Mi and Ba gendered terms?" no.
"can Mi be used for male or nonbinary cats" yes.
"What happens if the Mi is changed halfway through?" a Ba becomes the Mi
"What if Mi dies when kit is almost apprentice aged" a Ba becomes the Mi
Types of Love: Friendships, Mateships, In-Laws
In Clanmew, love is not is not a verb, it is a noun. You don't love someone like an action, it 'exists' for them. The largest, most powerful word for love is Mirri.
Mirri isn't inherently romantic, but it can be. It's everything. It's concern, compassion, adoration. Love must exist for your Clan, the cats in it, your nyams, and so on.
Other forms of love are "below" the Mirri, contributing to it. Kind of like different springs that spill water into the same pool. EVERYONE contributes to Mirri, just by existing in the fabric of Clan society.
There are FOUR types of love below Mirri in Clan Culture; Ardor (Sseeo), Trust (Wrarri), Enjoyment (Piwarri), and Righteous Love (Yyaawr)
Ardor = Sseeo Passionate attraction, in the 'honeymoon' romantic crush way. Ardor notoriously fades over time. It is considered very powerful, but something that by nature doesn't last. For a good example of Ardor, Fallowtail claimed she had this type of love for Reedfeather when she had his kits, and that is why she has no love for him now. This made perfect sense to RiverClan, home of the Queen's Rights. Ardor that lasts is a rare and special thing.
Trust = Wrarri Personal, platonic affection. Rapport built between friends, mentors, mates, family. It's not until recently that this has also come to apply between Clans, too. A very strong, reliable kind of love; it is considered traitorous to have a lot of this for someone in another Clan. Bluestar had this for the Forget-Me-Nots, and them for her in turn... but also, it was more than Wrarri. It was Piwarri, Sseeo, and even Yyaawr. They were everything to her.
Enjoyment = Piwarri You know when you find someone entertaining? Or you have a particular friend you love playing a specific game with? You wouldn't fight for them, but you may do them a favor, especially if it means you get to hang out more often. THAT is piwarri. This is used a LOT with inter-Clan friendships. Piwarri is considered easy, soft, and friendly, but not strong like Wrarri is. It is something that can contribute to Mirri, but is also not a threat to it. Buddy-love.
Righteous Love = Yyaawr When Firestar received a life "for the love of a mother for her kits", he was getting 20 kilos of this slammed into his face. It's a difficult translation, because it isn't just for a mother and her kits. It's righteous anger at injustice, the fury in seeing smashed songbird eggs. It's the need to protect helpless things. It's love that makes you sacrifice your food for for kittens, or a leader's lives for their Clan. Sometimes, a person's yyaawr for you can be suffocating. It's not always welcome. ThunderClan identified Millie's feeling towards Briarlight as yyaawr. Brambleclaw (though he, obviously, was mostly saying it to upset her) accused Squilf of wanting to receive one-sided yyaawr over mutual wrarri.
Love in Clan Culture can be understood through these four ideas. Family is Trust and Righteous Love. Courting is Ardor and Enjoyment. Co-Parenting is Piwarri and Wrarri. Together, they all form Mirri.
Mate = Irre Someone that you would share a nest with. You can have multiple mates, but it often becomes logistically limited by how big you can make a single nest. They also don't HAVE to be romantic. If you would call them a 'spouse,' they're your mate.
Significant Other, Partner = Iwaw Co-parents, particularly close friends, a metamour of a mate in the case of polyamory... people who are significant enough that you would consult with decision-making, but you wouldn't describe as a 'mate.'
Date/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/"We're courting but not seriously" = Sseerr When you're in a state of ardor or just dating, this is the word you use. It could become serious, or it could just be for fun. When it gets serious, even if they don't end up becoming a "mate", it becomes Iwaw.
And, lastly, there are a few terms for in-laws of each one of these stages, 3 for Irre, 2 for Iwaw, and 1 for Sseerr.
Mi of your mate = Rrimi
Ba of your mate = Rriba
Family of your mate =Rriga
IN-LAWS OF YOUR IWAW (Significant Person, this CAN be a best friend.)
Mi of your SP = Iwmi
Family of your SP = Iwga
Family of your date = Ssega
Offspring and Siblings: Runt-ness, Litter Order
The average size of a Clan cat litter is 2.5 children (Nia'u), and most parents will have at least 2 litters (Neewarr) in their lifetime. A cat's first litter is something to be very proud of, and the children within it are called Niak. Children of the second litter are Niawi. Any more litters than that are called Nia'eef.
Long ago, stolen kittens who were not from a particular litter were called Kurrnia, "Honor-Children." This word is not used now for reasons that are hopefully obvious.
So, having absolutely no siblings is quite rare!
You refer to all of your siblings as your Firra. The ones from a litter above you are your Kafrrif, below you are your Eefrri, and your littermates are Wifeerr.
So, in addition to having words for an older or younger litter of siblings, there are also words for your size within your own litter. Clan Culture is more concerned if you were a large kitten or a runt than your birth order.
This is because growing up, size would mean you had the upper paw in brawls, to your suckler's milk, and ability to explore the world. A bigger kitten is one that can mature faster. Runts are considered to need more protection and 'babying' to make sure they grow up healthy.
Your larger littermate is your Wikfrra. A smaller littermate is your Weefswa. If you're equally sized, you squabble endlessly over who's REALLY the larger sibling until one of your parents snaps and insists that you're JUST Wifeerr-- similarly-sized littermates.
Nia'u = Child/son/daughter
Neewarr = Litter
Niak = Child of first litter
Niawi = Child of second litter
Nia'eef = Child of third/any more litters
Kurrnia = Stolen kit, rightfully won through battle (Archaic)
Firra = Siblings (Broad term, often assumed to be innately plural and referring to several types of siblings at once)
Kafrrif = Sibling of older litter
Eefrri = Sibling of younger litter
Wifeerr = Littermate (Generic and of a similar size)
Wikfrra = Larger littermate
Weesfwa = Smaller littermate
Gan Starter Set: Auncles, Cousins, Grandparents
Kittens receive a LOT of orbital care. Even if they only have a Mi, the entire camp is expected to become acquainted with the new kits. This one stops a kit from touching a hot soup cauldron, that one explains where clouds come from (starclan ofc), another one keeps them entertained with a funny story.
And, of course, the immediate relatives of the new kitten go out of their way to make sure their new kin is cared for. Is their Mi fed? Are their Bas overwhelmed? Is someone watching them? Grandparents provide advice from their life experience, Auncles make sure their siblings know they're not alone, and Cousins are there to go through it with them.
An Auncle is either your Myami (Sibling of your Mi) or your Byami (Sibling of your Ba). They call their nespring a Rabnif, regardless of their sibling's Mi or Ba status. First Cousins are Rabir.
Grandparents are quite special. While Auncles are defined on if they are your Ba's sibling or your Mi's sibling, the labels of Grandparents are 'looser.'
Your Ami is, by default, the Mi of your Mi... but can easily shuffle around if that specific cat is not present in your life. Like a Ba, your Garrmi is any other grandparent involved in your life who is not your Ami, but is by default the Mi of your Ba or the Ba of your Mi. Finally, a Genrrarg is technically the Ba of your Ba, but more often applies to Grandparents you're more distant with.
And, like Mi and Ba, these terms are exclusive to cats who are in your life. Your father's uninvolved Honor Sire is not your Genrrarg.
Grandparents have two terms for their grandchildren. A Nini is a grandchild that they have a significant role in raising. This is especially common for kittens that only have a Mi and no Ba. "Niauga" implies a bit more distance.
Myami = Mi-Auncle
Byami = Ba-Auncle
Rabnif = Nespring/nephew/niece
Rabir = Cousin
Ami = Mi of my Mi (This can also be applied as a term of endearment. For example, Heartstar is the Ba of her kittens, but Tawnypelt is still Shadowsight's Ami)
Garrmi = Ba of my Mi AND/OR Mi of my Ba
Genrrarg = Ba of my Ba/Someone who is still a grandparent, but not a close one.
Niauga = Grandchild (General)
Nini = Grandchild (That you have responsibility for)
Ancestors and Beyond
Clan Culture doesn't typically track beyond immediate family, using the same general terms for wide swaths of distant relationships.
Great-grandparents, grand-auncles, and distant cousins are Garrmwa. It could roughly translate to "ancestor" or "relative." These are cats that a connection can be made to with some deduction, but are not relevant.
If a cat ever did become particularly close to their Garrmwa, they would replace the title with the closest approximate term. For example, Jayfeather's mentor was his grand-uncle Longtail. After a while, he was simply acknowledged as his Myami, as he was the brother of Squirrelflight's Mi.
A Sharrarram is an Ancestor. A cat of your kin that has joined the ranks of StarClan. This isn't just direct ancestry; this could include the brother of your great-great-grandfather who died of an adder bite as an apprentice.
StarClan refers to its living relatives as Shegarra, "descendants."
Garrmwa = Relative (For relatives that can still be tracked with deduction but are not close enough to be within Gan.)
Sharrarram = Ancestors (For ancient ancestors, beyond modern memory, who live in the stars.)
Shegarra = Descendant
Mi/Ba System FAQ
"are Mi and Ba gendered terms?" no.
"What if the Mi dies when kit is almost apprentice aged?" Ba becomes Mi legally, probably doesn't change the words they use.
"What happens if the Mi is changed halfway through the childhood?" Ba becomes Mi legally but family figures out if the kit will change the words they use.
"Can the Mi of the first litter decide they want to be Ba of the next litter?" Yes that's fine! The kids will just use the title that was relevant to them.
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rpmemes-galore · 1 month
Daenerys Targaryen quotes ... sentence starters
"If I look back, I am lost."
"Fire cannot kill a dragon."
"Alright then, let it be fear."
"Do the Gods feel so lonely?"
"I am not your little princess."
"I will answer injustice with justice."
"I will do what queens do. I will rule."
"Do not presume to teach me lessons."
"Is it so far from madness to wisdom?"
"All men must die, but we are not men."
"Tell me of a story with a happy ending."
"A crown should not sit easy on the head."
"I will take what is mine with fire and blood."
"They left the world worse than they found it."
"None of you are fit to lead. But I am. So I will."
"You are small men. None of you are fit to lead."
"I am no ordinary woman. My dreams come true."
"I can end it. I will end it. And I will end those behind it."
"A man who fights for gold can't afford to lose to a girl."
"I must have fire in my eyes when I face them, not tears."
"And I swear this. If you ever betray me, I’ll burn you alive."
"We will lay waste to armies and burn cities to the ground!"
"Faith. Not in any gods, not in myths and legends. In myself."
"They can live in my new world, or they can die in their old one."
"If I give everyone what they deserve, I’ll have no one left to rule."
"I swear to you that those who would harm you will die screaming."
"Are you trying to present your own statements as ancient wisdom?"
"So many men have tried to kill me, I don’t remember all their names."
"What kind of a queen am I if I’m not willing to risk my life to fight them?"
"Angry snakes lash out. Makes chopping off their heads that much easier."
"The next time you raise a hand to me will be the last time you have hands."
"We will take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who wronged me!"
"Woman? Is that meant to insult me? I would return the slap if I took you for a man."
"It seems to me that a queen who trusts no one is as foolish as a queen who trusts everyone."
"Why do the gods make kings and queens, if not to protect the ones who can't protect themselves?"
"We both want to help people. We can only help them from a position of strength. Sometimes strength is terrible."
"I value your advice, but if you ever question me in front of strangers again, you’ll be advising someone else. Is that understood?"
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wonyowonyo · 22 days
Wonyo's Starter Pack
Hello there dweller! I'm you writer Wonyo_wonyo or wonyo for short, and welcome to my humble tumblr abode, consisting of my written fanfictions for Kpop girlgroups. I am open for requests, although expect a REALLY long time of wait as I'm terrible at managing my time and mostly busy doing other stuffs. I mostly operate here and on wattpad, so if you want to follow me there feel free to do so: Wonyo_Wonyo Anyways, that was enough yapping; unto the masterlist!
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Flavors of Love
Le Sserafim
Between Us
Tales of Arcana
Racing Hearts
Queen Bee
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drakaripykiros130ac · 9 months
“Errors were made in the hours following King Viserys’ death.”
So much said through that line alone in the teaser. It would have been more believable to have Otto’s voice trembling while saying it.
By errors, he should mean the multiple crimes the greens have committed. Kidnapping, seizure, theft and murder for starters. I mean Otto himself hanged Lord Caswell for the simple suspicion that he was leaving to warn Queen Rhaenyra of her father’s death and the usurpation.
But that’s not what Otto meant. He doesn’t give a damn and in no way acknowledges the crimes his faction committed. What he meant was that the murder of Lucerys before a war had even officially begun, would give the Blacks just cause to retaliate. And he knew perfectly well that this is the opportunity Daemon had been waiting for.
Daemon had wanted to gut him for many years, and now that there was no Viserys to stop him, Daemon would come for all the Hightowers. And what’s more, Lucerys’ murder gives the Blacks the right to shed some Hightower blood and be perfectly justified for it.
I have seen posts with people blaming Rhaenyra for Lucerys’ death (the absurdity of it!)
First of all, at the time, no official war had been declared. Rhaenyra was even considering peace terms.
Secondly, Jacaerys and Lucerys were sent as envoys, not soldiers in battle. What certain people fail to understand is that even in war, there is a code of honor to be respected. You warn the enemy in advance that you intend to declare war, for starters. Another important aspect - envoys are not soldiers! Therefore, envoys are not to be harmed. Borros Baratheon understood that, and even he tried to protect Lucerys from Aemond’s wrath.
The boy was sent as an envoy, and as such, especially when war had not yet been declared, should be given safe passage back home.
Aemond went after him on a dragon 50 times the size of Lucerys’ and directly attacked him. Lucerys was murdered in cold blood before he could reach home from his mission.
Rhaenyra did not send her sons to their deaths. They are not babies. They are teens, on dragonback, sent with messages to the great Lords of the Realm. Jacaerys is a perfect example of a successful envoy. He did his job well and secured the support of the Vale and the North (who have the most powerful armies in Westeros).
Lucerys was unlucky to find Aemond at Storm’s End. How was Rhaenyra to know that the psycho would be there or that he would dare break a code of honor, attack and murder a child sent as an envoy?
Alicent clearly didn’t instill any honor and decency in her own sons, regardless how much she preaches those two qualities. Shows what a terrible mother she is.
Did she do as Rhaenyra did before sending Aemond to Storm’s End? Did she tell him that he is to go there as an envoy and not take part in any fighting, because no war has yet been declared? Did she tell him the importance of respecting a code of honor? I doubt it. But even if she had done so, I doubt Aemond would have listened to her now. She should have raised him right when he was a child and told him a few things, like:
1. It’s not ok to hit young girls
2. It’s not ok to insult someone’s recently deceased parents!
3. Throwing the word “bastard” around is dangerous
Oh and…
4. Outright killing an envoy gives the opposing side the right to wage war and spill blood as well!!!
Alicent really is “mother of the year”, isn’t she? Maybe she could have used the time she spent rubbing her feet for Larys’ pleasure to actually educate her children.
So yeah, all the “errors” made will cost the greens greatly. It will cost their entire bloodline.
For all Daemon and Rhaenyra lost themselves, they still won and achieved what they set out to do: they eliminated the greens’ bloodline and ensured the Iron Throne for their own children and descendants for the rest of the Targaryen dynasty.
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checkmatehq · 2 months
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Jung Yoojin taps a spoon on her champagne flute and stands. She doesn’t know it yet, but this will be the first and last time that she’ll get a taste of what it feels like to be The Queen. Still, she savors every moment as she smiles plainly at her subjects. Anyone halfway sober can see the devious intent behind her eyes.
“Well,” she says to the assembled party, “now that you’re all drunk enough, I think it’s about time I reveal why I’ve gathered you here for my ritual.”
There’s a buoy about 100 meters from the shore, and the challenge is for her and her fellow initiates to swim there and back. Sounds simple, no? Even the slowest swimmer shouldn’t take more than ten minutes to get there and back — even if they have to do it in their underwear in a lake that’s threatening to freeze over. But Yoojin, ever the brilliant tactician, had planned for this. She’d afforded them a luxurious meal and free-flowing champagne, lulling them into a sense of complacency while she herself had been sipping on grape juice on an empty stomach. Everyone with half a brain knows that drunkenness and a full stomach pairs terribly with swimming — she, for one, hopes it’s enough to slow down the bulk of her competition.
“Hope you guys aren’t too full or too drunk,” she repeats, grinning brightly, “because we need to be at the lake by half past ten — sharp — so if you get there even a minute later, you automatically forfeit the ritual.”
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the following is a timeline of events on DECEMBER 4TH, the day of noh hyungseo’s death. these events have taken place at the club alumni-owned 5-star midas resort approximately 1km away from cheongpyeong lake. all initiates and chessmasters are instructed to arrive by 5pm latest. more information regarding jung yoojin’s designed ritual is scheduled to be released at dinnertime.
12.00PM  the first member arrives. 04.30PM  noh hyungseo and his accomplices, KIM SEUNGHAN ( @5threquiem ) and CHOI HAJOON ( @ofkaan ), decide to play a prank while waiting for the next order of business. the trio obtain BYUN INTAE ( @cntrlaltdel )’s key card from the concierge and break into their unattended room. they steal BYUN INTAE’s belongings and discard them in cheongpyeong lake. BYUN INTAE finds out about this when it is too late. 06.00PM  the last member arrives. 07.00PM  dinner and drinks are served at the resort’s private function room. 09.00PM  jung yoojin announces details regarding the rituals (stipulated above). 09.30PM  HONG JEONGWON ( @furchterlich ) and YOON NAEON ( @grazedbullets ) conspire to sabotage noh hyungseo’s performance in the upcoming ritual. the two purchase laxatives from a nearby pharmacy and slip this into his drink. 10.00PM  all club members make their way to the east bank of cheongpyeong lake for the ritual.
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EVENT DETAILS  welcome to checkmate’s first event! this event is set on december 4th, 2016, the day of noh hyungseo’s death. it features a ritual designed by Qe1's queen initiate, jung yoojin. you can read more about her in the events page! when participating in this event, please only explore events leading up to the ritual — we advise you not to explore anything past arriving at the east bank of cheongpyeong lake at approximately 10.30pm.
OOC INFO this is a two-part event — this first part is set in 2016. please tag all posts pertaining to this event with #cm:sink. the second part of this event will be set in 2024 and is scheduled to be released on 21 july, 8pm pst. please keep your askbox open with the anonymous function turned on in preparation for the second part of this event! all event starters may be posted up until 4 august, 8pm pst and should be wrapped up by 18 august, 8pm pst. participation is optional, though it is understood that your muses would have been present at this event regardless. admin care tip! to avoid overwhelming yourselves, we suggest capping the number of threads you intend to write for each part! if you would like to participate but prefer not to thread, we suggest releasing a list of headcanons detailing how your muse has navigated this event! a list of 5+ headcanons will count as 1 thread activity and can only be claimed twice in this event: once for the first part in 2016, and another for the second part in 2024.
SIGN UPS  character sign ups are available for members A, B, C, D, and E as detailed in the event schedule. if you would like to claim a role, please comment your choice under this post. each role can only be occupied by one character and will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. reasons behind their actions are entirely up to you to decide.
thank you for your interest and we hope you enjoy part one of our first event! if you have any questions or concerns, we are happy to receive them through the askbox or dms!
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sugarroseparfait · 6 months
(for my john simps + johngela audience) what if i told you guys…i was writing a fic where john finds out through andrew that angela has her own blog where she admits she finds john attractive…which leads him to try and flirt with (and failing) her in class…cue john being terrible at trying to be confident!!
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like for starters this pessimistic queen has to get stuff off her chest SOMEHOW 😒😒
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and imagine him trying to impress her and failing and she tells her blog about how embarrassing he is and how attractive she finds it 😭😭 angela (though she wouldn’t want to admit it) loves pathetic men and she is SO real for that
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charlie-rain-0 · 1 year
headcanons percy jackson
nico di angelo is trans masc and he has no idea what periods are before the age of 14
for starters maria di angelo is a super cool and super modern queen for the 40s. she canonically had two children with a greek god, lived more or less as a single mother in the eyes of society during the time of the christian italy of mussolini.
nico probably said he was trans when he was little and his mom probably just said "do you want me to cut your hair sweetie ?"
bianca accepted that easily too and everything was fine
but the story we know happened: maria dies then bianca and little nico finds himself lost in a future where he doesn't really know people
everyone thinks he's cisgender, surely teaches him the word trans in his life from a young homeless teenager (maybe even by our genderfluid green-haired prince•ss) and decides he won't tell anyone
he has no idea how it is in our time to be lgbt and still has the mentality of his original time in mind
nico is canonically skinny, has disastrous mental health and very physically active which delays his puberty. even when this happens his weight is too low to have his period
however after the end of the heroes of olympus he finds himself with a more stable life. he stops running around and completely neglecting his body because will forces him to take care of himself
one morning he wakes up with blood on his underwear and a stomach ache, he thinks he is going to die
he didn't tell anyone he was trans at this point but who realized it (will, hazel (?), reyna and coach helge AND hades who always knew) but no one did comment on this
so he panics, goes to camp jupiter without telling anyone to say goodbye to his two "sisters" (hazel and reyna)
since he is a drama king, he hugs hazel telling him that he was happy to know her in his miserable life before leaving without further explanation to see reyna
reyna don't swallow his shit/m, sit him down and ask him why the fuck he think he's gonna die
then follows a very long and very awkward conversation. nico feels very stupid for not just going to see will
reyna as a super big sister reassures him, explains to him what to do but mentally she is in mode: suzgsunsj'sbvsj
she wonders how this kid managed to survive so long alone-
everything ends well, however, he returns to camp half blood after having spent some time with his sisters (and having told hazel that in the end he was not going to die right away)
ps1/ english is not my first language and i'm pretty sure the spelling is a bit rough. normally i pay more attention to spelling but it's one in the morning where i live, i survive with a terrible sleep pattern and my brain is too tired for grammar
ps2/a few words about what is happening in the united states, it is truly horrible and inhumane. anti-trans laws are against human rights. our lives matter, the lives of trans people matter. trans rights ARE human rights
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sirserpentine · 3 months
Starter for @poisonedspider
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"Your butt will never fit in that, Boss," Freddy Mercury gently pointed out, making Sir Pentious groan and roll his eyes rather exasperatedly. The little egg was pointing at the most gorgeous, light pink gown his boss was carefully altering. It was elegant and shimmered. And it needed extra arm holes for who would actually... hopefully wear it.
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"It's not for me," the serpent quickly clarified. "Will you please go and get me some letter paper and a pen?"
Pentious looked at his minion toddle off and then turned his attention back to the beautiful garment. It had not actually been Pentious whose attention the dress had first caught; it had been Angel Dust, two weeks or so earlier. Pentious had gone shopping with him, trying to get out of his comfort zone and try some new accessories instead of sticking to his ancient guns.
The dress had stood as one of the shop's centrepieces, worn by a tall mannequin and sparkled in the bright lights. Pentious had naturally noticed it, but even more so the way it had made Angel stop in his tracks. The spider had stared at it for a moment with clear admiration. Pentious wasn't always savvy to the atmosphere at hand, but one thing was clear; in that moment Angel, eyes wide and hazed in thought, had loved that dress and perhaps imagined wearing it. But he hadn't even tried it on. Nor said anything about wanting to. And something about that had made Pentious terribly disappointed.
And that same something had possessed Pentious into returning to the store the very next morning, buying the dress without as much as eyeing its price tag and having it wrapped and placed into the shop's elegant gift box. When back at the hotel, he had first thought about taking it to his flatmate's room without further delay, but then hesitated and swiftly hid the box in his own room. He had been plagued with doubt and shyness.
Would it be too presumptuous of him to gift Angel something like that out of the blue? Would it be seen as rude, or macabre, even? What if he had miscalculated his friend's expression and Angel actually hated the elegant dress? Would Angel laugh at him? Would he be confused, and ask why Pentious would do this? And what would Pentious say? That he just thought it would make him happy? Did that make sense? Was that enough? Why did Pentious want it to be... more than that?
Then his minions had brought Pentious his mail for the day and one envelope, closed with a royal seal, had caught his attention. It was an invitation.
Lucifer would be holding a Charity Gala in one of his lavish premises. Three-course meal, performances, auctions, dancing. Pentious knew the event well, he had even taken part a couple of times. You had to be...well endowed to be invited. The tickets themselves cost quite the bit, which made sense, considering the earnings would be going towards a good (as good as they could get in Hell...) cause.
Pentious recalled the tradition having paused ever since rumours of His Majesty's divorce had begun circulating Pride seven years ago.
Perhaps Charlie's influence had cheered Lucifer back into arranging it without the Queen by his side? If so, that was lovely. Pentious would absolutely buy a ticket. In fact, he could-
And he had eyed the letter and then the box that concealed the dress he hadn't been sure how to gift. And then he had known.
Pentious snipped off the hanging threads that stuck out from the carefully made altercations and smoothed off the dress before gently placing it back into its box. He secured the lid with a ribbon and pushed the package aside as Freddy Mercury returned.
"Thank you, dear," he said as the minion handed him the requested items.
He checked the date from the invitation before beginning to write a note on the paper. He rewrote the message at least three times, shortening it each time, before he was satisfied with its contents. Eventually, the message said;
Angel, Please wear this and meet me at the garden entrance of the Royal Hall on the twentieth of next month; at 18 o'clock. -Pen P.S: No questions! It's a surprise.
Tremoring claws placed the note partially underneath the ribbon, so it wouldn't slide off. Talk about going big or going home.
"You... you reckon this will work, Freddy Mercury?" he asked uncertainly. The minion that had patiently watched the letter's preparation hopped forward to encouragingly pat his master on the shoulder.
"Probably not, Boss."
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When Angel's door opened, Pentious entered into panic mode. He stared at his friend for a moment, blinking his multiple eyes before flustering and pushing the box forward, nearly dropping it as he tried to hand it to the other Sinner.
"GOOD TIDINGS," he blubbered. "I um- I, I um, I came to give you thisss. Here you go, see you later, bye!"
And just like that, he ran off.
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meteorshcts · 3 months
starter for @askaeristheflower
Zack was not ready to die for his country.
For one thing, it wasn't even really his country. Shinra had simply annexed the whole Gongaga area, and there was basically nothing they could do about it. Gongaga had had its own army, sure, but it was nothing compared to the size of the Shinra army. Zack had gone to the capital city of Midgar to enlist, of course, because he had wanted to be a hero and defend his homeland.
For another thing, the fact of the matter was that Zack had no love for Shinra any longer. His hopes of somehow making things better for Gongaga had long since been abandoned when he had started looking into some things. Stories that didn't add up. Orders from the top that he knew were lies.
Angeal was dead, listed as a traitor, and Zack wanted to know why.
Unfortunately, he had turned over too many stones in his time, talked to too many people, and now Shinra was about to get rid of Zack too. He knew this was the case, even though the media hailed him as a hero for it. He was ending the long, bloody war with the merfolk. He was turning over a new leaf for Shinra. He was...heading for his own death.
He wasn't going quietly, of course; he had pushed back on the orders as much as he could have. But the orders came from the king himself, who didn't care to have his own son die, and there was basically nothing he could do about it. To continue to defy his orders would just get him killed anyway, and some other poor schmuck would be put in his spot.
He had also secretly acquired a potion from a local potion shop, one not affiliated with Shinra as far as he knew, for an underwater breathing potion. It wouldn't keep the merfolk from tearing him to pieces, but at least he wouldn't drown. It was potentially a bad idea, but it did give him a chance to get away, if that were possible.
Dressed in his military whites, Zack adjusted the stupid hat over his carefully styled black spikes, trying still to look rakish and cool. He knew it didn't matter, but this union would be attended by a lot of people, so he might as well go out looking his best. Well. He'd probably go out looking terrible and waterlogged, but it was the thought that counted, or something.
"Lookin' good, man," Kunsel said quietly from Zack's side. Kunsel was also in his military whites, but dressed down a bit from Zack's very formal attire. He wasn't the focus of the event, after all -- that was Zack. "You sure you don't want me to cause a distraction and you can get outta here?"
"No," Zack replied, sighing into the mirror. "But, yeah. I'm sure. They'd just hunt me down and probably put you in my spot. No point in both of us dying."
Kunsel said nothing. They both knew it was true.
Ten minutes later, the royal guard showed up to escort Zack to the ceremony, where he would be wed to the killer empress of the seas, the bloody Queen Aeris.
Zack had thought going in that he was about to marry a stranger, and that was still true, but he realized quickly that he had seen her before. He recognized that face, even standing where he was at the end of the pier. She hadn't been dressed quite so beautifully, and her hair had been tied up differently, but it was definitely her, the girl he had given directions to in the castle courtyard just yesterday.
He squeezed his white gloved hands together in front of him. He wasn't afraid to die, but he was kind of afraid she wouldn't kill him before eating him, and that seemed...unpleasant, to say the least.
The wedding was to be pretty stock standard for a Shinra wedding, with an officiator waiting with Zack while the Empress walked the pier -- an aisle, as it was. Many of Shinra's finest were gathered, and nobody looked particularly happy. But if Zack made one wrong gesture, he knew he would be killed instantly. So he followed the motions.
At least she's hot, he consoled himself, studying her slender frame and the flowing, gossamer gown she wore. She was decorated with pearls and seashells, and she had forgone the typical white dress for one coral colored, and the effect was stunning. The color complimented her green eyes, and the dress accentuated her curves. She was gorgeous.
Too bad she was here to kill him.
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lumiereandcogsworth · 4 months
this is kinda vague cause I don’t have any specific question in mind but can you talk about lumiere and adam’s relationship? just ,, anything about them? cause lemme tell youuuuuuuu something 🫵🏻 I think about that fic where he performs a magic trick for little adam all the time
SCREAM!!! the fact that you think about that fic so much makes me SO HAPPY😭 i ADORE adam & lumi’s relationship so YES LET’S GET INTO IT BABEY!
for starters, i headcanon that they’re 11 years apart. i did this because dan stevens and ewan mcgregor are 11 years apart, lmao. but i also think it makes sense! so i didn’t feel like altering that.
they met when adam was 4, and lumiere was hired as a 15-year-old footman. i think they liked each other instantly. lumiere’s jovial/loud/playful personality perfectly filled in all the gaps of adam’s terrible shyness. queen renée liked him, (she was only like. 6-7 years older than him) and he reminded her of her own younger brothers, whom she dearly missed. this helped adam trust lumiere quicker, as lumiere ended up spending extra time with him.
like in the fic you’re referring to, lumiere quickly picked up on how regularly adam needed to be rescued. mrs. potts filled him in on the severity of the situation here, and how it’s been like this since he was born, so lumiere became pretty protective of adam. he’d try to distract him and pull him out of reality as much as he could. cogsworth was always on the fence about it, because on the one hand, he wants to follow the rules and obey the king’s orders that servants aren’t supposed to be friendly with the family. but on the other hand, he cared about little adam too, and he was glad, in THIS case, that lumiere was so good at being sneaky
a couple years later, plumette joined the crew as a young maid. lumi fell for her INSTANTLY, and they became besties very quickly. she, too, of course, felt so badly for the little prince. she also became trusted by queen renée (who was alwaaysss rooting for those two — she’d get their schedules rearranged so they could work together or get days off together, and even find secret rooms to allow them alone time. she’s the OG plumiere shipper😤)
ANYWAY, my point there is that lumi and plumette very much became the big brother & sister that adam very much needed. they both played with him as much as they could. they’d go for walks with him in the garden when his mother was occupied, they’d race boats across the pond. lumiere would give him piggy back rides around the castle and adam would actually laugh sometimes!! he was so,., not very expressive as a kid. especially not happy emotions. so it always melted their hearts when they could hear his precious little giggle🥹
i’ve mentioned this before i think, but for birthdays and christmas and such, queen renée would send lum and plum to paris to get gifts for adam, since she was often not permitted to leave without the king🙃
lumiere also taught adam how to play chess!!!!! he also taught him some “special moves” (cheating) that guarantee (he’s cheating) victory every time😎 (he taught him how to cheat because beating cogsworth is funny). but he still knows (and never forgets!!!) the basics!!
when the queen got sick… ough. everyone was just trying to take care of adam as much as they could. which wasn’t enough At All, but it was all they could do. and when she died? OUGHDKFJSKJ!!!!!!!! adam was 9 (and a half), lumiere was 20. everyone (except the king 🤬🔪) is very very very sad.
adam would have really really awful nightmares, following her death. he’d wake up screaming and sweating and panicking. he’d cry and just entirely be unable to calm down. lumiere soon learned about this and started sneaking to the west wing at night and sleeping in the hallway outside of his room. and then when he’d hear adam wake up, he’d come in and try to soothe him best he could. he’d climb onto the bed and sit beside him and hold him tight until the crying turned to whimpering. adam would mumble “where is she? where’s mama? i want mama” and lumiere would shush him gently and try to keep him calm and pet his hair, telling him to go back to sleep.
the king soon found out about this (he had too many RATS working for him😤) and forbade it, putting a guard outside adam’s room so no one was allowed in during the night. (and sometimes louis would force him to stay in there during the day too! if he was being particularly difficult (having autistic meltdowns or just in general Being An Autistic And Depressed Child) and no one could control him🙃)
anywaaayyyyyy this is the beginning of the many cracks and fractures that would come to their friendship. adam is sent to boarding school in the fall and he just gets more closed off, angry, sad, you name it! from here. it’s not a 180 flip though. the first few years when he comes home for breaks, he’s still drawn to lumi & plum and still leans on them. i have a sweet fic from when he was 11 that’s 🥹🤧 a precious moment amidst the terribleness. and it’s more lumi doing card tricks!! hehe!! he’s an entertainer, what can i say?🤩
by the time he’s a teenager though there’s basically nothing between them. his father beat him enough times to Stop Talking To Them that he just finally gave up trying. and when his father dies just before adam turned 16, it’s all a mess. adam’s completely cold with all of them. he’s been away most of the time the last 6 years because of school so when he does come back and Stay at the castle, he just really makes it his domain. he invites all the awful friends he’s made in the cities, he creates his corrupt and awful court, he indulges and drowns in his self-loathing. all that good stuff 🙃
and where does it leave lumiere? heartbroken with the rest of the gang. feeling like they failed him. which is so hard because it’s like!!! they did as much as they COULD. if they did any more, if they were less sneaky, less careful, they’d have lost their livelihoods! and they couldn’t risk losing their work OR leaving adam to truly fend for himself. so they settled for the brief moments they could each spend with him, desperately hoping it would be enough for him to turn out like his mother, instead of his father😭
but of course. we know how the story goes. during the curse it’s interesting because he’s just stuck with them. like there’s no other people he could distract himself with. he’s stuck with them!!! and he clearly still listens to them, at least to a degree. i really love the scene where he sees a place setting for belle at the table and he gets PISSED and yells “LUMIERE!!!!!!!!!” and goes to talk to him. and he’s all pissy and grumpy but he’s still talking to him!! and cogsworth!! and mrs. potts!! it’s just so complicated!!!! like it’s not like he’s FORGOTTEN how much they meant to him, it’s just that his mind and heart are so DEEPLY clouded by the trauma of growing up with his father and the anger that he still feels for him, and himself! because of him! AGHGHH!!!
but you know what scene kicks so much ass??? THE ADAM & LUMIERE HUG!!!!!!!!!!! i’ve already perfectly elaborated on it here, and idk if i’ll ever be able to elaborate on it again because it usually just makes me go GJSKFHWKDHWKDHSKSJ!!!!!!!!!!! but that hug is just. CRAZY. “HELLO OLD FRIEND” ??????? i’m gonna throw myself into the sun. adam calling lumiere his old friend is genuinely one of the reasons i fell so FREAKING hard for this film seven years ago. what a line. what a scene. THE IMPLICATIONS OF IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! adam’s cold heart is thawed and is full of LOVE and he HUGS HIS OLD FRIEND, THE ONE WHO WAS LIKE A BROTHER TO HIM, THE ONE WHO PLAYED WITH HIM AND WIPED HIS TEARS AND HELD HIM WHEN HE JUST WANTED THE WORLD TO SWALLOW HIM WHOLE. THATS HIS OLD FRIEND!!!! ADAM LOVES LUMIERE SO SO SO MUCH 😭😭😭
gosh… anyway, as a last, lovely, note. they of course become such best friends. after the curse, they have a couple deep talks that are so Good for them both, but especially adam. and adam learns how to confide in him, how to trust him again. they play billiards and pass the time! they play chess and adam “wins” and lumiere’s like hey dude i thought we AGREED we were only gonna use those moves on COGSWORTH!!! also lumiere becomes his valet for many years, so they’re just always chattin about one thing or another. (it’s usually court gossip though. lumiere being a servant has ALL THE TEA☕️).
they become fathers together, their children grow up together. heck! they become fathers-in-LAW together!! juliette ends up marrying lumiere & plumette’s eldest son, sebastian!!! :”) (and reecy & their younger child xavier are BEST FRIENDS😤 which is also VERY IMPORTANT‼️) their families are just forever intertwined. even before the marriage, they really are family. in a modern suburban au, i just KNOW they’d be neighbors having barbecues at each other’s houses all summer 🤧 anyway it’s just so beautiful man!! adam and lumiere just have such an important bond. they’ve Truly been through thick and thin. it’s such a sweet love, to have a friend as wonderful as they have in each other 🥹
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zahri-melitor · 3 months
Okay seriously, how many comics HAVE the Bensons read?
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(Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #21)
Oliver Queen is 100% NOT “the one who’s there for me no matter what” to Dinah.
For starters if we are talking Terrible N52 Timeline they didn’t even really interact until Dinah hallucinated marrying him in the future during the time travel plot at the end of Black Canary vol 4, and secondly if we talk pre-Flashpoint, I can point to multiple occasions their relationship was very much on the rocks and Ollie was not ‘there for’ Dinah. Can we mention their post Cry for Justice breakup? Their early 90s breakup, and interactions afterwards including Ollie accusing Dinah of sleeping with Ray Terrill? The time Ollie was unemployed and raiding the till at Sherwood Florist and thought she was sleeping with Gan Nguyen? The time Ollie fake killed Sin and took her away without telling Dinah?
Like yes Dinah famously has terrible taste in guys (including Ollie in that count but Ollie’s fairly normal compared to some of the lowlights) and I am hitting some of the lowest points of their relationship but CMON.
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sonxofxgondor · 3 months
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@tcbefearless asked: 'not a pretty description, but it suffices '
Sentence Starters: Agatha Christie! \\ Lothiriel
Colored to cedar both in eye and hair, the rays of brunette warmed to traits more familial than distant. Born of a countenance that Boromir could recall without strain, the lineaments from the branch of Imrahil, the side of his mother and her complexion. Kindness felt from the mere presence of her - the touch from the hand of Lothiriel - silver wrapped around her finger. No more a child but rather a woman married, the bride of Eomer and the Queen of Rohan. Proud and generous, diplomatic was what the court had dared to call their reunion, her and Boromir beneath the White Tree. A council of relations between the peoples made whole again; the Steward and the Queen. Commanders to the worries of their own kind, as unakin to cousins as could be, the very least in family happiness. Conversation free from the concerns of political negotiation, however, Boromir relished in her company, the taste of sweetened tea and baked treats.
Cup hot to the grasp still, corners of the mouth coated lightly in shortbread cookie crumbs, stories and tales were shared between the pair as if no time had passed. Battle victories and the spoils of war; the promise of good harvest and bountiful flowers come to bloom. All the land reborn, made anew come the end of Sauron, life from it better than before. More ample, the dreams that Boromir had hoped would come to pass come the finish of his journey, the battle against his woes. A wish granted from the heavens above; the prayers that had become answered, the skies over Gondor never to be darkened in the name of misery again. Boromir could find pleasure in his peace. Harmony in the lack of tension, serenity in the chance to be able to breathe without having to look over his shoulder. Boromir could take his happiness completely. Selfishly, with both hands, fingernails sunk deep into, smile that could go for days and days.
Choosing his next victim upon the tray brought to them both by the cook, a glass so clear that not a sole speck of dust dared to corrode, Boromir chewed into a second cookie. Soft and able to melt from the first touch of the tongue, chocolate chips and brown sugar, a delight that was addictive, temptation that gave reason to almost taking a third so soon.
"Had I not known you, dear cousin, I would have sworn you were one of my Gondor soldiers upon the battle field!"
Boromir grinned, cleaning his fingertips with the cloth provided, ivory then stained tawny, the slight smear of chocolate. "Do remind me, you are speaking about the birth of one of your horses, yes? Gorgeous creatures, aren't they? Your husband has promised to show me some of Rohan's best the next time I come to visit. I plan to hold the both of you to that! Oh! Lothiriel! It has been so good to see you. I have missed you so. It seems only yesterday you were following Faramir and I around, trying to best us at sword-play. You were always very skilled - and I do mean that. But now... now you are a queen. As beautiful and as smart as always, if not more so. My cousin, I feel so terribly old! Where has all the time gone to?"
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rpmemes-galore · 5 months
taylor swift : the tortured poets department album pt. 3 ... sentence starters
"Was any of it true?"
"I can show you lies."
"Baby, I'm the one to beat."
"Old habits die screaming."
"What if I told you I'm back?"
"Lights, camera, bitch, smile."
"It's hell on earth to be heavenly."
"Now you know what it feels like."
"So cross your thoughtless heart."
"And they tried to warn you about me."
"'Cause I can do it with a broken heart."
"Hey, you, what if I told you we'rе cool?"
"And I'll forget you, but I'll never forgive."
"This happens once every few lifetimes."
"This town is fake, but you're the real thing."
"I cry a lot, but I am so productive, it's an art."
"Did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed?"
"'Cause I'm miserable, and nobody even knows!"
"The crown is stained, but you're the real queen."
"I move through the world with the heartbroken."
"And you deserve prison, but you won't get time."
"You didn't measure up in any measurе of a man."
"'Cause I'm a real tough kid. I can handle my shit."
"One less temptress, one less dagger to sharpen."
"I'm the life you chose and all this terrible danger."
"Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead?"
"I can tell when somebody still wants me, come clean."
"All your life, did you know you'd be picked like a rose?"
"The devil that you know looks now more like an angel."
"I would've died for your sins, instead, I just died inside."
"Told my friends I hate you, but I love you just the same."
"Lights, camera, bitch, smile. Even when you wanna die."
"He said he'd love me all his life, but that life was too short."
"'Cause the sign on your heart said it's still reserved for me."
"They said, 'Babe, you gotta fake it 'til you make it', and I did."
"I'm so obsessed with him, but he avoids me like the plague."
"All the piеces of me shatterеd as the crowd was chanting, 'More'!
"You know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart."
"I'm not trying to exaggerate, but I think I might die if it happened to me."
"You said I needed a bravе man, then proceeded to play him until I believed it, too."
"If you wanna break my cold, cold heart, just say, 'I loved you the way that you were'."
"Whether I'm gonna curse you out or take you back to my house, I haven't decidеd yet."
"I changed into goddesses, villains, and fools. Changed plans and lovers and outfits and rules."
"And I don't even want you back, I just want to know if rusting my sparkling summer was the goal."
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