#the problems of being ace
hilsonamore · 3 months
to all the fuckers who post porn on the asexual tag….FUCK OFF SERIOUSLY WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, we don’t need to be fucking FIXED or something and we sure as hell don’t want to see your naked form roaming the ONE safe space that we have, which is our own secluded-ass community
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sadisthetic · 3 months
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the madness frustration loneliness of the dissonance of a mismatch of the rotten heart to the rest
allosexual aromantic swag happy pride *peaces out*
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gdsplicer · 7 months
I'm seeing a influx of people using the wording "aroace spectrum" as opposed to aspec, or using aroace as if it covers all aros and aces, like...
Do I really have to explain why that's not as inclusive a move as you'd think it is?
If someone addressed me, a aro, as "under the aroace spectrum", I would be questioning their allyship even if they themselves are aspec because no where in that's sentence did I say I'm also ace.
Using that wording instead of aspec is as much dismissive and hurtful to non-ace aros as it does when people shove our aromanticism under asexuality without thinking on why it's not helpful or disrespectful.
I feel so strongly on demanding that aroness and aceness is seen as separate, on demanding proper recognition and respect for aroallos and non-SAM aros, on demanding that my aroness is seen as enough on its own because calling me ace or aroace is erasure on my identity; It pushes the wrong narrative and box onto my experiences. It promotes misunderstandings on not just aromanticism but also asexuality. It treats my label something not worthy of taking up space in the aro community, in the aspec community, in the queer community.
Stop using 'aroace' or as the umbrella word to cover the aspec community.
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redysetdare · 6 months
Oh so when repulsed ppl or non-partnering ppl bring up their experiences it's suddenly "not all aros/aces! Don't generalize the community!" But a choir of assholes crying out "Aros and aces can still date!" In response to ppl pointing out the erasure of those who don't is not generalizing and totally fine? Yeah, uh huh ok.
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cubedmango · 10 months
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happy 3 yrs to the aa brainrot 🫵‼️
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mio-nika · 5 months
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part 2: agoraphobia
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feelingthedisaster · 7 months
where are all my people (closeted aroace girls whose parents think they are a lesbian bc they lack interest in men)?
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angryducktimemachine · 9 months
I think what I personally really enjoy about AroAce Rudyard is that I know, in my heart, that he would not ONCE spend a single thought thinking he was broken. This man is fully convinced everyone else is just being unnecessarily weird, which really resonates with me, who also spend like 22 years of his life not even considering the possibility that there's something "wrong" with me and that everyone else is simply a little overdramatic over love and sex.
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He may be. slightly jealous of how well jack and deuce work together in their club.......
(not that he'd admit that---)
('extra' under readmore)
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there is no peace for Ace..................
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techutones · 21 days
Being asexual is so freeing, I'm not blinded by lust, and I get the appreciate the human form for what it is. I can see all the curves and the lines and the muscles or fat of a person and just appreciate them for what they are. That's beautiful to me.
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I keep getting so caught up in the euphoria of so many people getting to know and love Kay Faraday for the first time that for a moment I forget that I live in a fandom that will inevitably reduce her to a prop for narumitsu.
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freshmangojuice · 3 months
The thing is... Ace has the same parents as Rimmer.
When he became successful, what do we think happened to their relationship?
Did they love him and treat him like they did his brothers, or even better? Did they still not see him as good enough? Did they continue to belittle him despite his success and heroics? Or did Ace grow to have enough respect for himself to cut them out of his life?
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hot take: Fantasista Squad did irreparable damage to the PJSK fandom
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suffersinfandom · 5 months
I've been encountering more Stizzy out there lately, and whatever, ships aren't moral indicators, don't like don't read, etc. And so I do not read!
But, like. What do Stizzy folks do with Ed?
Stede adores Ed and would never so much as consider someone else, especially not someone he has a mostly antagonistic relationship with. In-show-Izzy is so tied up with Ed that I don't even know what you'd do with him in an Ed-free environment. Do Stizzy writers kill Ed off? Make up whole new universes where Ed never existed (and in that case, why don't Stede and Izzy just hate each other forever without Ed to bring them together)?
I don't like any Izzy ships because I think everyone else on the show deserves better, but this is really the only one that makes absolutely no sense to me, not even as an enemies-to-lovers situation.
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local-loser-clown · 18 days
The problem kids are a lot to handle, but Dragon has it mostly under control
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wildfey · 2 days
I know I've been Dick (Gumshoe) posting a lot recently and it's not particularly intentional but I have also been rotating him in my mind.
Most loyal man in the world enters an institution that seems to corrupt the morals of everyone who comes into contact with it. Is incredibly shit at his job. Swears he's a good detective despite repeatedly almost being fired. Comes back every time and gets mad because everyone he cares about keeps getting arrested. Does not connect this to the fact that he arrests the wrong people constantly and the only reason he gets in trouble for it is because unlike everyone else he works with, he isn't fiddling with the evidence to justify it.
His best friend is his boss who also keeps cutting his pay because as mentioned previously, he is shit at his job. He outlasts pretty much everyone else in AA because he is the only person not constantly getting caught up in convoluted murder schemes. Presumably this is because he's too busy painting animatronics to actually notice what is happening around him.
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