#the pregnant pause after miles said ‘whatever’
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trashbending · 2 years ago
i love all the lil brown jokes in spiderverse
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michelleleewise · 3 years ago
Not Meant To Be.......
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of pregnancy, mentions of alcohol, cursing, self esteem issues, self depreciation, mild violence, mentions of cheating, smut
Summary: y/n has to make a decision regarding her child, and how Loki will fit into that......
Part six-
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Y/n sat in the booth at the restaurant waiting for Thor, fidgeting with her hands. Her mind going a mile a minute. What would he say, would he think less of her for not saying anything sooner. She looked at her phone, he was late. Was he not coming? She started to panic "maybe I should forget the whole thing" she said to herself and started to get up to leave when Thor rushed in. "Lady y/n!! So sorry I'm late, i was delayed by......someone" he said as he sat down. She looked at him suspiciously and slowly sat back down.
"It's fine Thor, I just wasn't sure if you were still coming." She said looking at her hands. "Y/n, I wouldn't do that to you" he said gently grabbing her hand. They sat in silence for what felt like forever when she finally spoke "Thor, there's something I need to tell you, something I need to.........." She paused. Thor sat there silently, not wanting to rush her. "You know, maybe this was a bad idea." She said and pulled her hand away to get up. Thor grabbed her hand "y/n, whatever it is you can tell me. I'll help anyway I can." And there were those puppy dog eyes again.........
"OK, but this needs to stay between us until I can figure out what to do" she whispered to him. "You have my word y/n" he said with his hand on his chest. Y/n sighed "Thor, I'm pregnant" she blurted out before she could stop herself, and looked at him. He sat there staring at her for a few minutes. "Is it......" he started "yes, it's his" y/n said matter of factly. Thor opened and closed his mouth a few times trying to find something to say but nothing came out. "I don't want anything from him, I honestly almost didn't want to tell him" she said looking down at the table. Thor sat there nodding in understanding. "But, he does have a right to know, it is his child after all" she said. "How can I help" Thor asked, and they came up with a plan.....
Thor rushed back to the tower in search of Loki. "Brother!!!" He shouted but got no answer. He ran to Loki's room but he wasn't there. He went to the kitchen, the training room, Loki was no where to be found. There was only one other place he could be thought Thor and he ran upstairs to the roof. As he made his way out he saw Loki sitting on the edge staring at the city, he slowly walked up behind him. "Brother....." Thor said quietly but Loki didn't acknowledge him, so he sat down next to him. He looked over and saw his brothers tears. "I'm sorry Thor, for everything. I've ruined everything, maybe happiness for me is not meant to be...." Loki said looking down at his hands. At that Thor pulled him into hug, refusing to let go.
They sat there in silence for a while before Thor spoke. "Brother, there is something I need to discuss with you." Loki didn't say anything and just looked at him. "Y/n has something she needs to dicuss.......with you." Thor said and Loki's eyes lit up "she wants to talk to me!?!" Loki asked. "Loki, I think it best not to assume yet. Just let her tell you what she needs to tell you" Thor said in a stern tone. Loki nodded his head. "She wants to meet with you at the coffee shop around the corner in an hour" Thor said. And with that Loki jumped up to get ready. Thor shook his head, worried that his brother was getting his hopes up, but with the news, maybe there was hope........
Loki got to the coffee shop but y/n wasn't there yet, so he went inside and waited. He wanted to apologize, to beg for her forgiveness, this was his chance to make everything right. He was going to make it up to her, she is his everything and he was going to show her everyday how much she means to him.. He smiled with the hope that he may be able to get a second chance when he heard her.........
"Hey baby, long time no see." She said and he cringed. He slowly turned around to see the blonde from that night smiling at him. "What are you doing here?!?!" He raised his voice at her. "Hey, you don't have to be snappy baby, I just wanted to say hi" she said as she put her hand on his arm. "Do not call me that!!" He said, anger laced In his tone, but before he could figure out what was going on he glanced out the window and saw her, y/n, staring at him and this woman touching him. "No......" he whispered as y/n took off running. He pulled his arm away from her and ran outside but y/n jumped in her car and took off.
"Fuck!!" He said standing there with his head down, trying to figure out what just happened. "Baby, aren't you gonna talk to me?" He heard her say. He whipped around to look at her "DO NOT CALL ME THAT!!!!" He yelled at her and she jumped back. "WHATEVER WE DID THAT NIGHT, WAS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE!!!" He continued yelling "I LOST THE WOMAN I LOVE, WHO I CARE ABOUT MORE THEN ANYONE ELSE BECAUSE I MADE A STUPID MISTAKE AND SLEPT WITH YOU!!!" He yelled trying to catch his breath. She stared at him for a few minutes "we didn't sleep together, well we slept but that was it" she laughed. He looked at her in shock "what do you mean?" He asked. "Well, you were pretty hammered" she said with a slight laugh. "Well it wasn't for a lack of trying. I did want to get you in to bed, I won't lie, your petty hot" she said winking at him. He rolled his eyes "GET TO THE POINT!" He yelled. "Well, you wouldn't give me the time of day. And when I saw you heading to your room I followed you" she shrugged. He didn't even know what to say anymore. "When I got to your room you were passed out in bed, so I climbed in with you, but you were too drunk to even know I was there, and you kept calling me y/n, whoever that is, so I just went to sleep." She shrugged as if it was nothing.
Loki stood there in shock. " So, let me get this straight. You followed me and tried to take advantage of me, and then just went to sleep......" he asked trying to piece everything together. "What can I say, I have a hard time being told no" she said and winked at him. "YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!!! YOU RUINED MY LIFE BECAUSE YOU DONT LIKE TO BE TOLD NO??!!!" He screamed at her. He got face to face with her "if I ever see or hear you again, I will gut you do you understand me!?" He whispered yelled at her. She just stood there wide eyed looking at him. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND!!!" He yelled again, she quickly nodded her head and ran the other way. "FUCK!!!" He yelled at the top if his lungs. "I need to talk to Thor" he said to himself and took off running back to the tower.......
If I missed tagging anyone I'm very sorry! Just let me know and I'll make sure to get you added 💚
@vbecker10 @lokisprettygirl22 @juulle987 @huntress-artemiss @a-lonely-gray-couch @evansabove1981 @xorpsbane @usagishira @asgardianprincess1050 @sweetberry47
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blue-labcoat · 3 years ago
May I request a Spencer x reader where years after they broke up they run into eachother and reader finally tells Spencer they have a child together which shocked him
Don’t freak out
summary: reader and spencer break up when she moves away to pursue her career. not long after she moves, she finds out that she's pregnant with spencer's child. six years later, spencer runs into her on a case and finds out that he's a dad.
genre: angst w/ happy ending, still a little fluffy, 4.2k
warnings: breaking up, unplanned pregnancy, single parenthood, short mention of abortion
you can find my masterlist here
a/n: Just a few notes - italics are flashbacks. As far as the timeline goes, you can consider 'present day' to be season 7-ish. Also, this was my first request! I hope I did it justice :)
Six years ago
"What do you mean, you're moving to Chicago?" Spencer asked, looking at me.
"What do you mean, what do I mean? This is a big opportunity for me, Spencer. This is one of the most coveted internships in the country," I replied, frustrated. "I just graduated law school. I can't be picky about who's offering me a job."
"Well, you could be a little bit picky," Spencer shot back, mocking me. "As in, finding a job that isn't 700 miles away. Did you even think about me before accepting the job?"
"Spencer, of course I did! I love you, you know that. But you also knew when we started dating that I was ambitious, and I'm not going to base my future off of..." I paused, searching for the right words.
"Off of me," said Spencer simply. "Is it really that easy for you to decide to end a four year relationship because you got an 'opportunity' in a different city?"
His words stung. "What makes you think that this was an easy decision for me?" I yelled, tears welling up. "I don't want to end our relationship, Spencer, but neither of us are willing to try a long-distance relationship and I don't see another option. Please, try and understand how hard this is for me, Spence."
"I'm trying, it just doesn't seem like you even stopped to consider me in this decision, y/n! You say that you love me, but you're ready to pack up and leave when something better comes along? That doesn't really seem like love to me."
"Well, what was I supposed to do? Give up what I've worked for over the last four years just so I can stay in DC?"
"Just leave, then," said Spencer. His demeanour had shifted from angry to strangely calm. "I'll stay out of the apartment tomorrow so you can get your stuff. Go ahead and move to Chicago, or don't, I don't care anymore. In fact, do whatever you want." He grabbed his bag and stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door on his way out.
I burst into tears and collapsed on the couch, thinking about when Spencer and I had met. I had just finished my undergrad and had moved to D.C. for law school. Spencer was 22 too, and had just moved to work for the BAU.
"Oh my god, I'm so, so sorry," I gasped, staring in horror at the man who I had just spilled coffee all over. "I wasn't watching where I was going, because I'm in a rush and I thought it would be a good idea to try this place, because I just moved here and I need a new coffee place, but it was really busy and now I'm going to be late for class, and-"
"It's okay," he replied softly. I finally took a moment to look up at his face. He was, for lack of a better word, gorgeous. Honey-brown eyes hid behind horn-rimmed glasses. His face was sculpted with high cheekbones and a strong jaw, and he had beautiful pink lips.
"No," I insisted. "I ruined your sweater. Please let me buy you another coffee?"
"It's really fine," he said. "Plus, you're covered in coffee, too."
"Shit," I mumbled, looking down at myself. I covered my face with both hands, trying to take a few deep breaths before I lost it completely in the middle of the cafe, in front of a handsome stranger, no less.
"Are you- are you okay?" He asked me.
"Not really," I looked up at him. "Just not my day, I guess."
"Well, I'm new to the city too, if that makes you feel any better. Would it help if I got you another coffee?"
"I- you don't have to do that. I was the one who spilled both of our drinks all over us."
"Just let me get you another one. Maybe that will turn your day around?"
I nodded reluctantly.
"I'm Spencer, by the way."
"y/n," I replied, giving him a meek smile.
I hadn't ended up going to class that day. Spencer and I sat in the cafe together and got to know each other. Over the next few months, he became my best friend and we eventually started dating not long after.
Over the four years that we'd dated, we'd had our share of arguments, but never like this. I knew that moving to Chicago wasn't ideal - I really did love Spencer - but I just wasn't ready to give up a career for a relationship. We were only 26. I knew I was hurting Spencer, but I just couldn't understand how he didn't see that I was hurting just as much.
The day I told him I was leaving was the last time I spoke to Spencer Reid.
Present day
"Sweetheart, can you please put on your shoes? Muma's going to be late for work if we don't get moving," I called out to my daughter. She came tumbling around the corner with her backpack, and sat down on the floor in front of the door to pull her shoes on.
"Okay, let's see," I said aloud. "Amelia has her backpack, her lunch, her water bottle... three checks! Mom has her lunch, her purse and her coffee... looks like we are set to go!"
"What do you mean I'm pregnant? I can't be pregnant," I told the doctor, staring at her blankly. "I haven't been sexually active in over two months." Not since Spencer.
"Well, that matches up," she told me. "It looks like you're about 9 weeks along."
How had I not noticed this? I mean, it explained a lot. The nausea, the weight gain, the cravings... I had just chalked it all up to the stress of starting a new job in a new city.
"We can always discuss your options," the doctor continued. "If you decide that you don't want to keep the baby, there's adoption. There's also the option to terminate the pregnancy. You have some time to decide, so take a little while to think about it."
I dropped Amelia off at kindergarten, and then headed to the library.
After I had found out that I was pregnant and decided that I wanted to keep the baby, I had to evaluate my options on the job front. I'd been working 12-hour days at the law firm, and they were barely paying me enough to cover rent and food. Between the bare necessities and trying to pay off my student loans, I knew that staying at the law firm just wasn't going to be a feasible option.
I ended up getting a job at a public library. The pay wasn't much better at first, but the hours certainly were, and I was making enough to get by with a baby.
I always told myself that I would go back to law once Amelia was older, once I was more financially secure, but I ended up staying at the library. I was happy there, undoubtedly more happy than I might have been trying to make ends meet for myself and my daughter, all while working long hours. I didn't think of it as giving up on my goals, but more just like my priorities had changed. I loved Amelia more than I had thought would be possible.
I thought of Spencer from time to time, but I never reached out. He didn't know that he had a daughter, and as the years went by, it just seemed like a worse time to call him up and tell him. I wondered if he still worked at the FBI, if he had ever had Garcia look me up to see what I was doing. He would be disappointed - I'd moved to Chicago, away from him, to pursue a law career and then hadn't even stayed at my internship for six months.
It wasn't a busy day at the library. It was a Thursday, which meant that I had a story-time group for toddlers in the morning, but I worked at the info desk for the rest of the day.
"Excuse me," I heard a voice speak up while I was hunched over a filing cabinet behind the desk. I began to turn around.
"Hi there, I'm Agent Prentiss with the FBI, and this is-"
"Spencer?" I said softly, looking up from my seat at him. I couldn't believe my eyes. He looked the same, but much, much different at the same time. His eyes were older, and his hair was different. He wasn't wearing glasses, either.
"Y-yes, this is Dr Reid," said Agent Prentiss, confused. I didn't recognize her, so she must have started at the BAU after I'd moved. "You two know each other?"
I started to speak, but Spencer cut me off. "We knew each other," he said, not taking his eyes off me.
"Oo-kay," said Prentiss, raising her eyebrows as she looked between us. "Anyways, we're here investigating a string of recent murders in the area. We're wondering if you can help us with a few things."
"Of course, whatever you need." I smiled warmly at her.
"Please feel free to call me if you need anything else," I told Agent Prentiss, giving her my work number as she and Spencer were leaving. She thanked me and shook my hand.
"I'll meet you in the car in a minute," Spencer told her, and she nodded and left. Spencer turned back to me.
"It's good to see you, y/n," he said. "Are you, how - how do you like Chicago?"
"I... it's good," I replied. "As you can tell, I don't work at a law firm."
"Right," Spencer nodded with his lips pressed together. "What happened there?"
I sighed. "It's a long story." It wasn't. But, I didn't know how to tell it and avoid the part where I had his child.
"Look, y/n, we're on a case right now, but I'd really like to catch up a little bit? I mean, you were my best friend, and we haven't seen each other in so long... Would you maybe want to grab lunch, or even just coffee, before we go home?"
I nodded, smiling, and scribbled my number on a piece of paper. "That sounds really good, Spence. I- uh, here's my cell number, just call me and we'll hopefully be able to set a time."
A few days later, I got a call from Spencer. It was 7:30 and I was home, reading to Amelia.
"Hello?" I answered.
"H-hi, it's Spencer?"
"You don't sound too sure about that, Dr Reid," I joked. It was so easy to fall right back into where we had been, even with the way that things had ended.
"Ha ha," he replied dryly. "Listen, we've finished the case and we're leaving tomorrow morning around 10. I know it's last minute, but is there any chance that you're free tonight? I don't know where we could go, but I really wanted to see you again before I left, and-"
"You could come here?" I suggested without thinking. I still hadn't decided whether I was going to tell him about Amelia while he was here. It was better than just a random phone call out of nowhere, but how do you tell someone that they're a father, six years after the fact?
"Oh, I guess that would be alright," he replied. I gave him my address, and he informed me of which hotel he was at and promised to be there in less than 20 minutes.
"Okay, bubs, time to start getting ready for bed," I told Amelia after hanging up with Spencer. "Jammies and toothbrushing, please."
"Just one more book, Muma? Pleeeease?" She begged, looking up at me.
"Okay, one more short book," I conceded, smiling at her grin. One book later, she was all ready for bed when a knock sounded at the door.
"Who could that be?!" Amelia exclaimed, rushing towards the front door and throwing it open. Spencer stood at the door with a bouquet of flowers, and looked down at her with a stunned expression.
"Oh - hello," he was saying as I rushed around the corner.
"Hi, Spencer, come on in," I said, pulling Amelia back and ushering him inside before closing the door. "Can you just hold on a few minutes? This monkey wanted to read an extra book before getting ready for bed," I smiled, ruffling my daughter's hair.
Spencer gulped and nodded.
"Alright, let's get you into bed, missy." I lead Amelia to her room, and got her all situated in bed.
"Muma?" She asked as I was about to turn out the lights.
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"Who is that man?"
"He's just an old friend, baby. He's just visiting and I wanted to say hello."
"Okay. Is he your boyfriend?"
I laughed. "No, honey. Go to sleep, okay? Goodnight." I shut the door gently on my way out, then returned to the living room, where Spencer hadn't budged, wearing the same stunned expression on his face.
"I'm so sorry," he said with a panicked look as I returned. "You have a kid. I didn't even think that you might be married, or seeing someone, or-"
"I'm not, Spencer. Married, or seeing anyone. But yeah, I have a kid. Her name is Amelia," I said, smiling.
"How old is she?" He asked, visibly calmer.
I took a deep breath. I knew that once he knew how old she was, he would probably be able to figure out whose kid she was. "She just turned five a couple months ago."
I could practically see the gears turning in his head, and I saw the exact moment that the possibility of Amelia being his entered his mind.
"Is she - she's not, uh, she's five? And a few months?" He stuttered. I just nodded.
"Is there something I need to know, y/n?" He asked slowly, the blood draining from his face.
"Surprise, you have a daughter," I said, giving him a small, hopeful smile. "Please don't freak out, Spencer."
"Don't freak out? Don't freak out?!" He cried. I shushed him. "This isn't something that you keep to yourself for six years!"
"Can you just give me a chance to explain?" I begged, sitting down on the couch and motioning for him to sit next to me. He abandoned the bouquet he was still holding on the coffee table and sat down.
"You better," he said in disbelief. "I might not leave if you don't explain."
"Okay, well first of all, please know that I did not know that I was pregnant when I left DC, alright? I didn't find out until about two months after I moved here. I didn't call you right away because I wasn't sure that I wanted to keep the baby at first. And then after that, I just kept making excuses to not call you: we had fought before I left, you might have a new girlfriend, you were busy with work, whatever. And after a certain point, it just felt like it was past the point where I could just call you and explain all this. I'm sorry, Spencer."
"I- how do you even react to something like this?" He asked me, disbelief covering his face.
"I don't know. And look, Spence, this doesn't change anything, okay? I'm a single mom, we make it work. I don't expect you to be involved or anything, and we still live in different cities. It's been a long time since we were together, I'm sure we're different people."
"I can't believe you've had to do this all by yourself. I- I'm just like my dad. Leaving a single mom with a kid. I don't believe this." He buried his face in his hands.
"Spencer, no, you are nothing like your dad, okay? You didn't even know you had a child, I was the one who left, and it was my decision to not tell you before now, okay? We're fine, I'm fine. You don't need to be worried about being involved. You're not a deadbeat, okay? I promise you that you're nothing like your dad."
"And what if I want to be involved?" Spencer asked. I balked. I knew from when we dated that he wanted children at some point, and he would be a great dad, but I had to think about Amelia. I couldn't just introduce them and tell her that this was her dad. Could I?
"I don't know, Spencer. She doesn't know anything about her dad, I don't know that she's ready for something like that. Besides, you live in DC," I reminded him. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair.
"What's she like?"
"She's just like you," I reply. "I mean, physically, she's my carbon copy. But you should see her - she's such a smart kid. She's in kindergarten, and she's already reading at a pretty advanced level for her age. And, she loves math. She's way ahead of her class with math; I just started teaching her multiplication."
"Multiplication? Wow. She sounds amazing, y/n. You must be an amazing mom," he said wistfully.
"Thanks Spence." I reached out to grab his hand, and gave it a tiny squeeze.
"So, tell me how you ended up at the library," he said, leaning back into the couch with his eyes on me.
"Well, I liked my internship. I really did, but it just wouldn't have worked while I was pregnant, and then with a new baby. So, I ended up at the library. I always thought that I'd go back to law when Amelia got older, but I love being a librarian. It just works for us, and I think I'm a lot happier than I would be if I was working at a law firm."
"Good. I'm glad you're happy," he replied genuinely.
"What about you?" I asked. "Are you happy?"
"For the most part," he replied. "I've, uh, had a few instances in the last few years where I haven't been. I had migraines for a bit not too long ago, and about two years ago I was shot in the leg by an UnSub. And, I..." he paused for a moment, and tore his eyes away from mine and looked down at his lap. "Not too long after you left, I was kidnapped by an UnSub, and I- I got hooked on a drug called Dilaudid. But I'm sober now, I promise, I have been for almost six years."
My heart sunk. "Oh my god, Spencer. I had no idea, you- you should have called."
"I never told anyone that, you know," he said quietly, fiddling with a button on his cardigan. "That I have a drug addiction. Not even the team."
"Why did you tell me?"
"I don't really know. You were such a big part of my life for so long, y/n, and then all the sudden you just weren't, and I just feel like we never got any closure, I guess."
We sat in silence for a moment.
"I think I might still love you, y/n," Spencer confessed out of the blue, looking back at me.
"Spence..." I said hesitantly.
"No, c'mon! I love you, y/n. We have a child together. You could move back to DC, there are lots of libraries there! Or, you could-"
"Spencer, please don't," I begged him. "You got very emotional news this evening and you're just overwhelmed. We haven't even talked in six years. You don't love me."
"I do! I do love you, y/n. And I want to get to know our daughter. I've already missed out on so much, and we could have a life together!" His eyes were bright, and he was smiling.
"You'll always hold an important spot in my life, Spence. And, if you want to get to know Amelia better, maybe we can work something out. But, be realistic, Spencer. We can't have a life together."
His face fell, and his lip quivered. "That's fine, then," he said. "I guess I'll just go, then. It was nice to see you." He stood up and with a feeble wave of his hand, he left.
My heart sunk. Everything I told him was mostly true, but I'd left out an important part - I hadn't stopped loving him, either. I was just trying my best to convince myself that I didn't.
It was only just past nine, but I crawled into bed anyways. It was only once my head hit the pillow that I let myself cry.
The next morning, I got up and drove Amelia to school like normal. I didn't work Fridays, and I usually went grocery shopping right after dropping her off. This morning, however, my mind couldn’t stop replaying my conversation with Spencer from the night before.
I love you, y/n, he had said. I loved him, too. What was I doing letting him fly back to DC without telling him that I felt the same way? That I hadn't even dated anyone since moving to Chicago?
It was 8:30. He had said that they were leaving at 10, so I could hopefully catch him at the hotel before they left for the airport. I put my car into drive and took off.
When I got to the hotel, it was 9:00. I parked the car quickly and ran into the hotel. I hadn't planned this far - I didn't know which room he was staying in, and I couldn't just wait in the lobby for him because he might have already left. But, as luck would have it, he stepped off the elevator with a few of his team members just as I was evaluating my options. I recognized Morgan, Hotch, and JJ, as well as Agent Prentiss from yesterday.
"Spencer!" I called out, not caring how loud I was. He looked around to see who had called my name. By the time he saw me, I was already running towards him.
"I just - I never told you, last night, that I love you too," I said when I reached him. I didn't care that his coworkers were there. I didn't care that hotel staff and guests were staring at us. I didn't care about anything but Spencer in that moment.
His eyes lit up, and before I realized what was happening, he was holding my face and kissing me. One of my hands snaked up to the nape of his neck, the other wrapped around his shoulder. His arms tightened around me, pulling me impossibly closer.
Eventually, we broke apart from the kiss, still holding each other. I looked up at him and smiled.
"Is that y/n?" I heard Morgan asking Hotch. "What the hell?"
"Hi, guys," I blushed, turning to give a small wave to Spencer's team. I had known them quite well when we were going out. "It's, uh, nice to see you all again, Morgan, Hotch, JJ," I nodded at each of them. "Agent Prentiss, and... I don't know you," I said to an older agent who was watching Spencer and I with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"David Rossi," he smiled, reaching out for a handshake. "Pleasure."
"Okay, well, I know you guys have a flight to catch, so I'll let you go. If I could just talk to you for a minute, Spence?" He nodded, and the rest of the team headed to the front desk.
"I don't know how this is going to work," I told him. "But I want it to. I want everything you were talking about last night - I want you to get to know Amelia, I want you to be her dad. I want a life with you, Spencer."
"We'll figure it out," he smiled, pulling me in for another kiss.
Three years later
"How was school, honey?" I asked as Amelia climbed into the car.
"It was good! Mrs Greene said that she would teach me how to add fractions at lunch, if I wanted, so I'm going to start tomorrow!"
"That sounds great! I'm sure your dad would love to help you with that, too," I said, looking back at her in the rearview mirror.
"He's already helping me with negative numbers, but maybe he can show me about negative fractions. Do you think he'll be home soon?"
"I was actually just about to tell you that - he called a few minutes ago and they're already on their way home. Do you think we should pick up a pizza to surprise him when he gets home?"
"Yes!" Amelia cheered, grinning.
Amelia and I had ended up moving back to DC a few months after Spencer had been in Chicago. We lived on our own for a bit at first, because I didn't want Amelia to have to live with a stranger before she knew Spencer, but they got along immediately, and I knew that I had made the right choice in coming back to DC.
Spencer was still working for the BAU. I was working at a public library still, but I was working on another degree so that I could hopefully get a job as a librarian at the Library of Congress.
Later that afternoon, Amelia and I were both doing homework at the kitchen table when Spencer came in the door.
"Dad!" Amelia cried, getting up and running over to him. He opened his arms and she flew into them for a big hug.
"Ah, I missed my girls," he grinned, holding an arm out so that I could join in on their hug.
"We missed you too," I said, punctuating with a kiss on his cheek. "And, we got pizza for supper."
"Pizza sounds perfect."
"Dad, after supper can you keep teaching me about negative numbers?" Amelia asked as we sat down to eat.
"Of course. As long as your normal homework is finished, right?"
"Right," she grinned.
After Amelia went to bed, Spencer and I turned on Star Trek and laid on the couch with each other.
"I love you so much, y/n."
"I love you too, Spence."
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wrightaboutthat · 3 years ago
Collegial Support ~A Narumitsu One-Shot~
Summary: “I could not stop thinking about you this morning. And it’s landed me in quite the...predicament.” A desperate cry for help brings Phoenix Wright into the Chief Prosecutor's office. The reasoning, however, is beyond anything he could have imagined.
Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn with Feelings, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Office Sex, Fluff and Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Oral Sex, Frottage, Desperation, Riding, all these tags but they're still so incredibly in love your honor, basically just them trying to one up adoration the entire time, Vaguely Set After AA4, no beta we die like miles' self control, Oh and I forgot the Lawyer Cult tags-neck kiss o'clock, Horny Lawyers, Miles Edgeworth is sent to the moon
Additional Notes: Hello everyone! I'm so anxiously excited for this one. I'm still trying to find my footing with this pairing, but couldn't help but dive headfirst into some good ol' office loving. Soundproofing in prosecutorial spaces is a blessing, actually. I'm so obsessed with how much these two adore each other, and subsequently so obsessed with bringing that element to light!
Super happy to finally share this with you all, and shoutout to the Lawyer Cult/the *cough hack* Hivemind for offering encouragement along the way! The excitement and support offered necessary boosts to keep going, so I appreciate you all <3. Hope you enjoy!
You can also read the work on AO3 here [x]
Phoenix was nothing but casual whistles as he strolled through rival territory. Nothing was out of the ordinary; it had been a regular day, a regular workload, and regular chain of beckoning messages on his phone.
“Hey baby. What’s up?”
“Are you busy currently?”
“Not really, why?”
“Come to my office at your earliest convenience. I require your assistance.”
“Be over soon <3”
He had wrapped things up, left matters in capable hands, and headed over to the Prosecutor Building. It was not an unusual sight, as everyone in the space immediately recognized his intentions. Thus, unimpeded and contented, did he journey up to the office of utmost desire, mentally preparing for cases and kisses a plenty.
But walking into his partner’s office changed that. Where he expected to find Miles sitting at his desk, he instead found him standing on the opposite side. Where he expected to immediately catch those gorgeous silver eyes, he instead found a tense, burgundy backside. And where he expected to find the usual poised posture, he instead found a pose of what appeared to be frustration. For whatever reason, the normally composed man was leant over the mahogany, head hung and hands fisted.
Any manner of salutation died in his throat, instead being replaced with a concerned inquiry as he strolled forward.
“Miles? Is something wrong?”
He watched as Miles sighed harshly, but remained frozen in his spot.
“I would say so, yes,” he grumbled, his baritone deeper and thicker than usual.
“What is it?” Phoenix asked, coming up to his partner’s side and seating himself on the edge of the desk.
Again, Phoenix was expecting something work-related. Perhaps one of the other prosecutors was ill-performing. Or maybe a case was quickly getting too complicated. There wasn’t much that seemed to shake the sturdy foundation that was Miles Edgeworth after all; he was poised, stoic, and powerful. So he prepared himself for something of an intellectual explanation, quietly observing and waiting.
He watched as Miles slowly brought his head up, his bangs shifting and continuing to border his face. He heaved another heavy sigh, and still continued to avoid eye contact. Phoenix felt his wavy brows furrow tighter, but he held his tongue. Eventually, Miles did end up breaking the silence, albeit in gritted, deep tones.
“It would appear that certain...matters...are spiraling out of control.”
“Such as?”
Another sigh, another grumble, and another pause. Miles’ head seemed to dip back down then, grey hairs effectively hiding his visage away.
“It’s abhorrent.”
���Okay?” Phoenix softly pressed, “What’s going on?”
There was another pregnant pause then, the air growing noticeably thicker. Despite the uptick in tension, the oddity of it all, Phoenix didn’t take his eyes off his partner, patiently waiting for an answer. He noted that Miles almost seemed to be trembling, something that earned a tautness in his throat. Still, the possible explanations swirling through his head didn’t even come close to what was eventually uttered.
“...Infernal physiological processes, ones that have never hindered me in the past.”
Mismatched eyes blinked numerous times, attempting to make sense of the unexpected shift. What did that even mean? Sleep troubles? Anxieties? A bad craving for burgers from being around the kids for too long?
“I don’t understand,” Phoenix said.
Miles seemed to snarl, his hands tightening against the deep mahogany. Though Phoenix couldn’t see his face, he could easily picture the deep sneer his lips had likely hiked into.
“Must you make me say it, Wright?” he hissed.
“Yeaaaah?” Phoenix drawled, nervously resting his hand upon his neck, “Because I’m not following.”
The harshest sigh of them all sounded in response, before Miles’ head drooped even lower. He seemed to take a few beats of cleansing breaths, before miraculously pivoting to catch Phoenix’s stare. Heterochromatic eyes took note of numerous elements then: the sharpness to the opposing glare, the deep furrow to his brows, the very pronounced swath of crimson beneath ivory skin, and the sporadic beads of sweat against his hairline. He certainly looked shaken, and once more did Phoenix’s brain clamber for a reason. Again, was he proven deeply wrong in a matter of seconds, the true answer utterly whiting out his entire system.
“I could not stop thinking about you this morning. And it’s landed me in quite the...predicament.”
A pin could be audible in the space if one were to fall, the office growing incredibly silent. Likely because Phoenix wasn’t even breathing; words and inhalations had utterly jammed in his throat. Outwardly, he was frozen in time, locked in the utmost surprise. Inwardly however, his subconscious was clambering and screaming. It ran through the words over and over again, attempting to process, attempting to taste. Because, there was absolutely no way that was the true reason. Despite dating Miles for a while, despite being intimate, there was no way such troubles spilled off his tongue.
So, when Phoenix finally got air moving through his lungs again, he quickly spoke his incredulousness.
“You’re kidding.”
An even deeper shade of crimson gripped Miles’ cheeks, and he ran to hide behind curtains of grey hair once more.
“R-really, you must be joking,” Phoenix said, his hand gripping his neck a bit tighter.
“Does it look like I am?” Miles snapped.
No. It didn’t. The tension, the embarrassment, the desperation...It absolutely all checked out. And the more Phoenix processed it, the more he burrowed into the delightfully chaotic situation, the more he fell under a similar spell. The corners of lips began to twitch upwards, and his heart began to pound harder and faster within his chest. He stepped back through the situation, all the way back to the initial text messages. And when the disguising blanket draped upon “I need your assistance” was yanked off to reveal “I need you...”
“Wow, I...Wow,” he breathed, beginning to grin and chuckle all the same. When Miles simply groaned and remained silent, he couldn’t help but state the obvious, cementing them both into the humorous yet delicious reality.
“Esteemed Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth rushed me to his office because he was horny?”
Said esteemed prosecutor recoiled like he been slapped, before scrunching himself down even further.
“Don’t say it like that,” he grumbled.
But where one was falling, the other was rising; Phoenix found himself beaming more and more, amusement and interest quickly surging within.
“Ahh right, always one for eloquence,” he snickered, moving his hand upwards to run through ebony strands, “How about...Miles Edgeworth couldn’t get his rampant, raging desire under control?”
Phoenix couldn’t help but giggle more. The cheerful noise pried silver eyes back in his direction, but not in a preferred manner; Miles was glaring something terrible.
“And quit laughing,” he hissed.
“I’m not laughing at you, baby,” Phoenix said, controlling his mirth but still grinning all the while, “I’m just...blown away- maybe even flattered?”
When Miles answered with nothing but an embarrassed exhalation, Phoenix couldn’t help but look on with a more sheepish expression himself.
“You’re...that attracted to me?”
“Unfortunately...” Miles sighed.
Phoenix couldn’t help but giggle once again, feeling heat spread out across numerous places in his body. He saw fit to punch through the barriers Miles was hidden behind then, reaching out with a hand to softly frame his sharp jaw.
“Well, if it’s any consolation, I’m insanely attracted to you too,” he murmured, giving a few strokes of his thumb, “Always have been. And you’re lucky I am because you’re an ass, and you scared me.”
“Understandable. It was...a shameful move.”
It was then that Phoenix began to grow frustrated with the frozen state of his partner. That, and he felt inclined to test the waters of attraction, to delight in the desperation Miles was trapped in. He had called him over in search of distressed release after all, so it was high time Phoenix unlocked the apprehension and allowed them both to enjoy.
His grin turned a bit slyer then, and he hopped off his mahogany perch, venturing to stand behind his Miles’ backside. Phoenix watched as burgundy stiffened even more, but before any objections could be raised, he was snaking his hands around the bent-over form. Grasping his torso, he pulled Miles upright, pulled him flush. He even went so far as to jut his hands downward, tugging that glorious behind into his already-swelling groin.
The resulting shaky gasp furthered his smile, and he was half-tempted to grind something terrible. But he held onto his composure, held onto his resolve, instead relying on words to chip away at any semblance of control. They were their art form after all, their weapon; surely they’d be just as effective at beckoning Miles into the bliss he craved.
“Yet you called me here anyway,” Phoenix whispered, easing his mouth close to Miles’ ear, “Were you just that desperate, Miles? Longing and aching?”
The effect was immediate; the room electrified and Miles stiffened immensely against him before beginning to quiver.
The reaction caused mismatched eyes to flash, a darker sheen blanketing over the amusement. The longing and aching were quite mutual after all, Phoenix quickly venturing to the same plane. Brazenly, he flicked his tongue up the helix of Miles’ ear, before traversing into even dirtier territory.
“Yeah? Or was it because you knew I can’t exactly pass up on such an opportunity?” He barely gave Miles an opportunity to shudder or whine before he added with beam, “Almost makes me want to subvert expectations. Maybe I need to make myself less available.”
He was pleased to see Miles jerk his head, glaring at him over his shoulder.
“You wouldn’t dare...” he hissed, though his vocals were less solid than before.
“Maybe not,” Phoenix said, moving back to bite and kiss at the offered ear, “Think I’d rather pleasure you until you can’t think straight.”
Miles was definitely unraveling; his backside pressed harder against Phoenix’s tenting crotch. It was a beautiful thing, an unexpected delight. He never pictured that he’d have a Chief Prosector falling apart in his hands, rasping and begging and wanting. He felt inclined to play just a bit more, to savor the moment.
“Ahh right, eloquence,” Phoenix chuckled, moving his kisses to any part of that gorgeous neck that wasn’t hidden by Miles’ cravat, “Think I’d rather dampen the- what’d you call it? Infernal psychological processes?”
“Physiological processes, darling,” Miles rasped, “Regardless, eloquence doesn’t really carry...the same effect...”
Phoenix could barely contain his smile, his excitement, licking a tantalizing trail against sweet ivory skin.
“So naughty, Miles. Yanking me here just to mess around, just to have dirty things whispered in your ear...”
“I’m...I’m certainly not proud of such crassness...”
“No? Well, that’s a shame, because-“
Phoenix finally gave a grind of his hips, drawing sharp gasps from the both of them.
“-it’s driving me absolutely wild too.”
Phoenix managed to contain himself a bit then. He managed to keep a hold on his own hungering pelvis. Instead, he opted to hammer in the last bits of reassurance, whispered between heated kisses to neck and jaw.
“Really, Miles. Don’t worry. Just enjoy yourself, love. I’ve got you. I’m glad you rang, because I want to make you feel so, so good. I always do.”
Miles tensed, as if poised to argue further. But then with a groaning sigh, a heaving breath, he beautifully relented, his head lulling backwards against Phoenix’s shoulder.
“I love you. How is it that you put up with my nonsense?”
Phoenix grinned, a mix of triumph and bashfulness. He thirsted over newly exposed skin for a few beats, before returning such sentiments.
“I love you too. And hey, I can’t exactly complain about getting to bang the Chief Prosecutor. Kinda the opposite- I want to boast it.”
To his furthered relief and amusement, Miles lightly snorted.
But despite the lightheartedness, despite the mirth, Phoenix knew there was a duty to be fulfilled. So he plunged back into lecherousness, whispering against Miles’ ear once more.
“So I can’t wait to make you scream, and let everyone know.”
He snickered as the rested head jerked back up, Miles looking over his shoulder with wide eyes.
“Phoenix Wright,” he gasped, “Were you always this lewd?”
“Mm, maybe; it kinda can’t be helped around you. But hey, you like it.”
Before any objection could be raised, before they fell victim to further arguing, Phoenix hushed it all with just a few calculated movements: he spun Miles around, removed his glasses, and swallowed any poised words with his own mouth. He coaxed the arguments into honeyed nothingness, eased the apprehension into eagerness, and melted the tension into heat. His tongue jabbed, and his hands wandered, wrestling out every sweet little noise he possibly could. But upon plunging downward, upon feeling the extremely taut bulge that was Miles’ front, Phoenix couldn’t help but break away and stare.
“Wow, holy shit- you really like it.”
Once again, he didn’t allow time for a response; he reached to trace the delicious outline with a hand, before giving the entire area a sharp squeeze. Miles of course, immediately acted accordingly. Being so pent up, so deprived, so hungry, his entire body practically rolled from the sensation, coupled with a strangled noise of approval.
And that was the utmost green light. That was all Phoenix needed to leap into action. His eyes flashed with a darker sheen, a hotter spark, and he slipped his hands around Miles’ hips.
“Alright. Enough making you wait- let’s take care of you, sweetheart, hmm?”
“You’re far too good to me...” Miles panted.
“Because I adore you,” Phoenix said simply, before tugging him close, “Now c’mere...”
They locked into a passionate kiss then, one that quickly grew heated, desperate. Mouths wandered like they were each other’s quenching thirst in the desert, the first meal after starvation. Groans, whimpers, and shaky breaths sounded in a libidinous melody, cutting through the silence of thickened office air. And although Phoenix’s mind quickly began to grow woozy with lust, he still acted with his beloved in mind. Not breaking their connection, he softly ushered Miles back around his large wooden desk, guiding him back to his leather chair. And when the constrained hips began to grind, began to search for that fiery friction, Phoenix proceeded further.
He broke their kiss for the purpose of latching his mouth to area just beneath Miles’ jaw, sucking and staking his claim. As he did so, his hands wandered downward once more, fishing for the belt and fly that constricted his love so.
“Wr-Wright...” Miles whimpered, the cracking tonality pure music to Phoenix’s ears. Still, with a heated kiss followed by bite, did he voice his motives.
“You’ve no idea how much I want to get beneath this,” he breathily chuckled, briefly tugging on the damn cravat with his teeth, “But that’s not exactly the most pressing matter, now is it?”
His fingers were deft then, working at the devilish constraints and unzipping the burgundy slacks. Another teasing squeeze was offered to the ever-growing bulge, but when the touch earned a yelp, Phoenix denied no longer. He plunged a hand into soft fabric, grasped his lecherous prize, and finally pulled it free. He removed himself from Miles’ neck just in time to witness him groan with relief, his head lulling and his chest heaving. But unsurprisingly, were heterochromatic eyes drawn downward, marveling in the sight that awaited.
“God...You’re so stunning, Miles.”
And he was; he was utterly engorged and ready. The utmost desire was palpable, what with the tip weeping something terrible. Various twitches and jerks also complimented the display, Miles’ body practically screaming at Phoenix to proceed.
Proceed he did; he nudged Miles backwards and downwards, guiding him to sit. He wasted no time in kneeling betwixt shivering legs, spreading them further and allowing for more space. A second of admiration had to be given, before he finally nestled close, ghosting his breath across Miles’ center. Such an action earned a needy whimper, Miles reaching with a shaky hand towards Phoenix’s head.
��M-May I?” he rasped, just barely touching ebony strands.
“Do whatever you need,” Phoenix said, licking his lips and readying himself. Normally, he would be inclined to tease and taste. Normally, he would give kisses and licks before he consumed. Normally, he would take the time to marvel in Miles’ beauty. But with how heated the situation was, with how noticeable the tremors were, he skipped right over the normal proceedings. All he offered was a kiss to the dripping head, before steadying the shaft with a hand.
“I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.”
“T-thank you...”
The gasped words of appreciation died with the following actions. Phoenix guided Miles fully into his mouth, taking as much as he could possibly manage. As he slid downwards, eyes trained upwards, attempting to watch the reaction such relief earned. It was well worth it; Miles practically rolled like a wave, his head craning back, his free hand gripping one of the rests, and his mouth falling agape.
“O-oh fuck...Phoenix, thank you...”
The expletive rolling off such an esteemed tongue made brown and blue flash, kindling a new spark of determination within. Phoenix eased back, slipped a limp leg over his shoulder, and took Miles deeply again. He hollowed out his cheeks then, watching as the suction took its effect.
“A-ah!” Miles gasped, bringing a hand to his mouth and biting upon his fingers. He likely wouldn’t last long. Beginning actions were almost drawing forth cries already. So Phoenix slipped back once more, before finally starting his rhythmic bobs.
The office turned into a medley of strained pleasure then. Slurps, hums, and moans sounded from Phoenix, complimented by expletives, whimpers, and hissed praises from Miles. The hand against Phoenix’s head didn’t demand more- rather, it tugged against black hairs, communicating the mounting ecstasy. Still, even without guidance, did Phoenix go deeper still, proceeding until he lightly gagged. But despite the discomfort, despite the tears welling in his eyes, he was undeterred.
For he was driving Miles insane and he knew it. The divine baritone he was so accustomed to had rocketed upwards in pitch. The legs that were normally so sturdy and strong had become something of gelatin. The control which Miles normally wielded so well had all but dissipated, sharp noises and hissed vocals increasing in volume and frequency.
“Oh, Phoenix...F-fuck...L-love you...Just like that...”
It was fuel for Phoenix, stoking the inner flames. He grasped his perch a bit tighter, and sped up his movements, groaning and slurping all the while. Fluid was dribbling down his chin, and the occasional tear dripped down his cheeks, but still, he continued. It didn’t matter that his own slacks were painfully tenting. It didn’t matter that his knees ached. It didn’t matter that his jaw was starting to tire. It was all for Miles. And he intended to absolutely see it through to the end.
An end which did indeed seem fast approaching; the hand which had gripped Phoenix’s hair shakily traveled downward, feebly grasping at the working jaw.
“P-please...I’m- Phoenix, I’m a-about to...”
It was a crackling warning that went unheeded. It was a vague instruction that went ignored. Instead of backing away, Phoenix slid deep once again, switching between sucks and swirls of his tongue. He even went so far as to reach with a hand, moving to fondle whatever he could. And that was it. The stimulation reached its utmost peak. Miles’ pelvis tensed immensely, before giving a mighty quake.
“G-God I’m- ah!”
The sharp cry matched the intensity of the first spurt within Phoenix’s mouth. The force made him startle slightly, but he quickly relaxed, eagerly drinking in the release. He hummed a single note as he captured the bursts, taking everything completely in. But to the beautiful torture of Miles, he did not cease with his suction; between swallows, he continued to work his lecherous efforts, efforts which quickly took effect.
“Ah- Ph-Phoen- Ah!”
He pushed through the growing sensitivity, pushed through the crests, fully intent on overwhelming Miles with the deserved pleasure. Cries ventured more towards yells, shivers more towards jerks, those handsome vocals choking off in the utmost ecstasy.
Mismatched eyes ventured to take in the scene. Miles was arched against the chair, gripping the leather like he was holding on for dear life. Moisture dripped down his ivory skin, likely a mixture of tears and perspiration. And when he quickly clapped a hand over his mouth and released a muffled noise that surely would have been a scream, most would normally cease their efforts. But Phoenix remained. Phoenix continued. He stayed until the pulses slowed, the bursts stopped, and the cries blubbered. Only then, did he release Miles from his mouth with a smack, sitting back on his legs to admire his work.
It was like Miles had been reduced to a burgundy puddle, utterly limp against the chair. He quivered and heaved, his pants shaking as he fought for breath. An occasional whimper slipped through his lips, an aftershock or two likely traversing through his system. But he appeared satisfied, appeared entirely sated.
Phoenix ran his tongue across soiled lips, before wiping at his mouth further with the back of his hand. He massaged his jaw for a beat or two, before smirking at the handsome mess before him. Though his knees groaned, he slowly stood up and straddled Miles’ lap. And, being mindful of his positioning, he eased himself to sit, before nuzzling close.
He couldn’t help himself then; he felt inclined to finally rid Miles of the dreaded fabric barrier. He softly tugged at the various loops, and struggled a bit, as per usual. But soon enough, did he finally unwind the cravat, tugging it free and revealing his favorite expanse of skin. Phoenix sighed a bit at the sight, before grinning and easing close. Seeing as Miles was still recovering, he didn’t leap for fervent, desperate kisses; instead, he opted for gentle, for reverent, easing his mouth over dewy skin.
To his delight, Miles softly moaned, his quivering hands easing around Phoenix’s back to hold him close. The soft kisses continued, coupled with a few sucks here and there. Phoenix carried on, even with his crotch atrociously swollen, and with rasped words from his beloved breaking the silence.
“Oh, darling...My dear love...”
Phoenix’s beam grew at the endearment, a delightful blush easing across his cheeks. Through his smile, through his affections, he of course returned the praise.
“Hmm...You did so well, sweetheart...”
Miles’ hands gripped Phoenix’s back a bit tighter, holding him close in a messy embrace.
“I love you...” he said through his slowing breaths, “You’re astounding...”
“I love you too,” Phoenix replied, offering one more kiss before leaning back. He watched as Miles craned his head back against the chair, continuing to wheeze and come down from his high. While the sight was satisfying to see, it caused a rather devious smirk to form.
“But don’t get too tired on me now.”
Wrinkled burgundy tensed beneath him, almost as if Miles was holding his breath. His grin intensifying, Phoenix leaned close once more, offering another kiss to that desirable neck before adding, “I’m not finished with you yet.”
Miles’ head was quick to snap back up, stunned eyes locking with smug.
“I said I wanted to make you feel good, remember?”
“Y-yes but...Phoenix, you already have. You’ve done everything and more.”
“And you were the one who gave the horny summons in the first place.”
“I-inconsequential!” Miles hissed with a furious blush to match, a sight that tugged a laugh from Phoenix. “If anything, it’s high time I return the favor. Your slacks are absolutely bursting at the seams.”
“Heh; the Chief Prosecutor has a perverted eye.”
The biting tone hushed any further cheeky comments. When Phoenix quieted, Miles softened, sighing and reaching with a hand.
“Let me see you,” he said, cupping Phoenix’s face, “And give you what you desire.”
“You will. And I desire more of you.” Phoenix shied away from the touch, leaning close to Miles’ ear once again. He offered the sensitive area a kiss, before smirking and purring more libidinous motives. “I want to be inside you...”
To his delight, he could feel the shakiness that quaked at such a phrase. It seemed like Miles had stuttered on his breath, the intense words likely plunging betwixt his legs. Strangely though, such whispers didn’t beckon like they had earlier; Miles appeared to fight for composure rather than submit.
“You’re far too pent up. You’re seconds away from finishing in your suit.”
Phoenix smirked, leaning back and shaking his head.
“I’ll be fine.”
“I will. I just want- ah!”
The unexpected squeeze to Phoenix’s taut bulge sliced his words with a yelp. It was something of a lightning strike, his crotch electrifying from the touch it so desperately craved. Really, he could barely deny it anymore. He knew he was painfully wanting. Everything between his legs was straining, throbbing. And much to his chagrin, Miles was also aware.
“I know you’re suffering, dear.”
Once more were arguments cut by further touches, further whimpers of need. It felt good, so incredibly good, Phoenix’s hips bucking towards the sensation on their own accord. But still, in the back of his mind, did stubbornness persist. For he wanted nothing more than to pleasure Miles, to focus on sending him absolutely skyward. It was why he had been called to the office in the first place; his own wants were insignificant in comparison.
But oh, how his body fought to overpower his mind. Oh, how it screamed for him to give in. Even still...
“Shh...” Miles soothed, poising his hand over the swell.
“I’m not...This isn’t how I wanted-“
“Perhaps I’m not done with you either.”
It was astounding how well Miles knew him. It was astounding how in tune Miles was with his thoughts. And it was astounding that Miles wanted...more. Naturally, such notions were indeed enough to shut Phoenix up, all points dying in the back of his throat. He fished for silver eyes with widened bicolored, beginning to shiver atop his burgundy perch. Miles gave him a knowing look then, raising a single brow before murmuring further.
“So in the mean time, hush, and let me help you.”
Reflexively, Phoenix opened his mouth to stubbornly resist, but no words rolled off his tongue. He was locked into the silver spell, insistent eyes ushering him away from arguing. Biting his lip, he gave a feeble nod, and that alone encouraged the progression. Miles hummed a sigh, and softly nudged Phoenix’s chest, gesturing for him to stand. He quickly did as he was told, what with the tightness beneath his slacks indeed growing uncomfortable. He watched as Miles momentarily tucked himself out of the way, before rising to join him. He was half-tempted to hold the back of his neck, unsure of where things were going to go. But when Miles spun him around and pulled their forms flush, it became abundantly clear.
He couldn’t help but whimper then, the mere implications of what was to come causing his hips to shift. The movements only intensified when Miles nestled closer, his chin hooking on Phoenix’s shoulder and his hands snaking around his begging form.
“Look at you...” he whispered, pivoting to press a kiss to the side of Phoenix’s jaw, “You thought you were going to last? Truly? You’re writhing, love...”
It really was something- how quickly he fell apart, how quickly he lost his foothold. But it couldn’t be helped; he had always been impervious to Miles’ intoxicating touch. It was a wonder he thought he’d last indeed. Still...
“I...I was going to try...F-for you...”
“So stubborn.”
Normally, there would be teasing and palming abound. Normally, Miles would be meticulous with his touches and strokes. But presently, he seemed to follow the exact route of desperation, skipping directly to the point. For he reached for blue slacks, hastily unzipped them, and tugged Phoenix free. He wasted no time at all, grasping the pulsing length with a hand and immediately creating shockwaves.
“Ohh fuck...” Phoenix gasped, his tone already hiking upwards.
Though his mind was instantly woozy, though his body was focused on sensations below, he could still feel the warmth from Miles’ smile. It glimmered upon his shoulder, coupled with a contented sigh as monochromatic eyes likely looked him over.
“Hmm...Exquisite as usual.”
He released his grasp, leaving Phoenix in a shivering limbo. But then came a sound that drew forth a whimper: Miles licking and moistening his hand. And moments after, it was a wonder Phoenix’s legs didn’t immediately give out. It was a wonder he didn’t yell into the heated silence of the office. Because yes, Miles knew him well; he knew exactly the right pressure, exactly the right stroke. He gave several tugging passes, before fixating on the head, thumbing the slit in circular motions.
White flashed before Phoenix’s eyes, a garbled mess of moans and gasps escaping him. His pelvis thrust towards the skillful hand, chasing after the intense pleasure. It was incredible, or pathetic- he couldn’t quite tell which. Because he was already feeling that clenching fire, that telling tension within his abdomen. Thus, did he heave and lean against Miles, straining to hold on.
“I can’t...I c-can’t...Miles, I...”
Miles huffed with amusement, squeezing the tip betwixt his fingers before shifting back towards strokes. Phoenix had to stifle a cry, clamping down on his noises as flames surged higher and higher.
“Fuck...Fuck! I’m...!”
“Let go, my darling...”
And just like that, he was done for. In just a few passes, he was finished. He stiffened immensely, before arching against Miles, crying out as he finally released the pent up tension. He roughy came in numerous bursts, likely soiling Miles’ hand and the floor before them. But said hand didn’t shy away, continuing to stroke to utter completion.
Phoenix moaned pitifully as he stepped down from immense heights, slumping back against the sturdier form behind him. He could feel the heat from Miles’ smile once more, lips ghosting against his neck as he hummed his triumph.
“There we are...” He eased a series of kisses to Phoenix’s skin before adding, “Utterly breathtaking...”
Phoenix turned his head to meet the advances, easing their mouths together despite his quickened breaths. He kissed Miles deeply, passionately, sighing as the last bits of elation departed his system.
But as he came up for breath, he became...acutely aware of just how fast things had gone. His gaze drifted downward to the mess on Miles’ hand, before shifting to the matching white streaks on the floor. Though Miles was masterful, it had hardly taken any effort. No, he wouldn’t have been able to last in a deeper connection at all.
The thought flooded his face with crimson, sheepishness overtaking his features. He shifted about on his feet, before awkwardly clearing his throat.
Miles could easily sneer at him. There were boundless quips he could launch for such an occurrence. Banter seemed to be threateningly hanging above both of them. But instead, Phoenix only picked up on gentle huffs of mirth, the warmth of Miles’ expression still evident.
“Still going to bluff, my love?”
“Ah, no...” Phoenix pulled himself away then, mindful of the mess as he turned to face Miles. A hand crept up to hold his neck, along with more sheepishness to match. “You...You were right.”
He watched as Miles rolled his eyes and shook his head, though the gentleness remained.
“How ludicrous.”
It was then he surprised Phoenix, drawing his soiled hand to his mouth. Without the slightest bit of hesitation, he licked and sucked at the incriminating evidence, cleaning without complaint. He hummed as he did so, whereas Phoenix couldn’t help but rasp an expletive at the sight.
“Now who’s lewd?” he managed with a strained snicker.
“Hmm...Is it such a crime to marvel in you?”
“I guess not, but...damn, Miles.”
Silver stare flashed as he swallowed the last drops down, the action topped off with a contented sigh. Miles walked towards his shelves then, retrieving a few tissues. He offered Phoenix a handful, before bending down to address the remaining mess- the streaks which had narrowly missed their shoes.
“I’m just pleased I was able to return such a release,” he murmured as he cleaned, “You didn’t need to be hurting on my behalf, dear. Especially when you went through the trouble of coming here.”
“For you. You shouldn’t have even had to worry about my-
“-Hush,” Miles interjected, “Who’s to say I didn’t enjoy it?”
Further banter built on Phoenix’s tongue, but ultimately didn’t manifest. Instead, he opted to tuck himself back in before bending down and offering an additional hand. As he cleaned though, he couldn’t help but wonder...was Miles truly satisfied then? Did his own release mark the end? Would he be satiated until they saw each other again in the evening? Was it enough? Phoenix had been the one to allude to further steps, to delving deeper into pleasure. But the current actions smelt of finality.
That was, until a previous quip entered Phoenix’s brain, something said in passing but dripping with significance. He decided to inquire.
“Did...did you say you weren’t finished with me?”
Miles stilled, a swath of crimson rolling across his cheeks. He kept his head down, hiding behind grey curtains once more.
“I suppose I did, yes.”
“You actually want to go further?”
“Don’t you?” Miles murmured, standing up to throw the tissues away.
“Ah, yeah, of course I do. I always do,” Phoenix said, mirroring Miles’ actions. When he had disposed of things, he opted to stand with a hand grasping his neck. “But you’re not bothered? My beloved workaholic wouldn’t worry?”
“Well, there’s always something to be done,” Miles said, venturing back towards Phoenix to loosely snake his hands around the small of his back. “But all the same, I can’t exactly pass you up.”
“You don’t have meetings or anything though?”
“I can guarantee you I don’t.”
“But that’s- wait.” Phoenix shifted in Miles’ embrace, starting like he did in court when a realization struck. “Don’t tell me you carved out space in your itinerary.”
He watched as Miles opened his mouth, only to be silenced by a new wave of warm blush. As the words died, he avoided eye contact. That alone was an answer, an easy deduction, effectively drawing a breathy laugh from Phoenix.
“Oh my God, you did. Miles, you literally made a dick appointment.”
Such a statement drew the monochromatic gaze back, but in the form of a glare. The angry crimson did nothing to help the rivaling laughs, effectively leading to Miles breaking away.
“Phoenix Wright, your crude terminology has me inclined to cancel.”
“Sorry!” Phoenix snickered, reaching to lace his hands around Miles’ neck and restart their embrace, “I’m just...so blown away. I never thought you’d want something like this.”
Miles heaved a sigh, averting his eyes once again as the blush turned gentler.
“Yes, well...wanting you to such a degree changes a lot.”
It was Phoenix’s turn to blush then. He couldn’t help but grin through the warmth, easing close enough for their noses to brush.
“I love you so much,” he murmured, nuzzling until he drew forth a ghost of a smile.
“I love you too.”
It was only natural that the pair kissed, slower and more purposeful than their previous advances. Even with deeper intimacy on the horizon, even with lecherousness hanging over their heads, their lips only glided and caressed.
“What about you?” Miles softly asked when they broke apart, “Nothing going on at the agency?”
“Nah. I’m sure the kids will keep everything in working order.”
Phoenix’s brows furrowed slightly when Miles looked away, scanning his sharp features for discomfort. He couldn’t quite decipher, so he reached up with a hand, framing Miles’ jaw and stroking with his thumb.
“Hey, we really don’t have to continue if you don’t want to though. Don’t pressure yourself. If there’s any doubt, we can wait until we’re home.”
“No, that’s...” Miles sighed, the color in his cheeks intensifying further. “...I do. This morning, I couldn’t stop envisioning...”
Even though he trailed off, the underlying meaning was apparent. Brown and blue eyes flashed, coupled with the room twinging with a new burst of heat.
“So all of this wasn’t enough, hmm?”
“It was extraordinary, but...”
Phoenix smirked, easing close again. The vice of desire tightened around them, beckoning his lips to that stunning neck once more. He hummed and kissed a trail, already feeling sparks venturing downward.
“...But you want me inside you too,” he whispered against sweet skin, sealing the statement with a nip.
The salacious words and actions prompted another shiver. Phoenix’s grin only intensified, coupled with the frequency of his bites.
“It’s incredibly crass, I know,” Miles eventually said, his voice strained as he shifted beneath the touches.
“It’s amazing is what it is. And perfect because...I want you too. God, I want you so bad.”
Phoenix latched his mouth onto sweet skin something proper then, biting and sucking. He was intent on making a mark, both literally and figuratively, driving his point completely in. Said motives were made worse by a moan gracing his ears, the noise hammering in his claim.
The subsequent grin broke the heated connection. He leaned back to admire, humming at the reddish blotch that seemed to saturate in real time. But though they stood together in the flames, though he could still taste Miles upon his tongue, though their bodies had started to sing once more, he couldn’t help but inquire one last time.
“You’re sure?”
Heated eyes softened, Miles reaching to cup Phoenix’s face.
“I’m sure,” he murmured, before sighing and looking away, “Lest you depart and my thoughts...drift once again.”
“Maybe those infernal physiological processes aren’t so bad after all...” Phoenix snickered, his hands drifting to mirror the frame.
The pair smiled, before easing to close the space between them. Lips initially brushed in a tender kiss, but quickly intensified to something far more molten. Starving mouths gaped, and thirsting hands wandered. As Phoenix plunged downward towards a particular prize however, as hands grasped burgundy curves, concentration was severed once more.
“Ahh, shit,” Phoenix hissed.
“What is it?”
“You don’t...happen to have any supplies, do you?”
“Bottom drawer...towards the back.”
The instruction sent Phoenix off without hesitation initially. He broke away towards the specified destination, bending down to fish for the desired bottle. Upon grasping it though, a lightbulb suddenly popped forth; he couldn’t help but smirk as he processed the location, the readiness.
“D-don’t you say a word, Wright. Just grab it.”
It was like Miles had peered into his cheeky thoughts. That, or he had spied the budding mischievousness on his face. Either way, it made Phoenix snicker once more, standing up and biting back wry comments.
“And wipe that grin off your face,” Miles huffed.
“Do it for me.”
Silver eyes narrowed, but Miles complied, surging forward to lock them in a hungry kiss. Hands from both parties began to wander, groping and attempting to make purchase. Miles’ fingers curled through ebony locks, whereas Phoenix’s hands framed his favorite jawline. The pair moaned through the rougher advances, heat surging and dancing betwixt them.
It certainly wasn’t a bad way to allow their bodies to catch back up.
The swirling warmth prompted Phoenix further. His hands drifted downwards, grasping Miles’ collar and giving a beckoning tug. Miles understood at once, breaking the kiss and panting against rival lips. Phoenix took advantage of the pause, moving to remove his own jacket. He was simply going to shrug it off, to opt for a quick discard, but a pair of hands interjected. He looked on with mild confusion as Miles guided the fabric off, dutifully holding instead of dropping. It was when he meticulously hung it off the back of his chair that things clicked for Phoenix.
“Priorities,” he laughed.
“You’ll thank me later when your jacket isn’t a crumpled mess,” Miles said, repeating the actions with his own, “We’re going to be conspicuous enough already.”
Phoenix snorted, but the amusement did little to slow him. The moment Miles pivoted back to face him, he pounced, locking them back in a kiss as fingers worked at golden buttons. The action drew forth a whimper, but Miles seemed undeterred as well. He too, reached through the passion for Phoenix’s waistcoat, unbuttoning whenever he could manage. The pair worked through the layers of fabric, brushing the coats aside and finally reaching the undershirts. Phoenix could almost curse at their fashion choices, acting as a barrier of sorts against their fire. Instead though, his mind grew giddily woozy, what with the prospect of more beautifully exposed skin on the horizon. He hurried then, desperately working at buttons to remove the last block.
When he finally got it open, when he finally parted the fabric for his ardent eyes, he couldn’t help but break away to stare. Hands reached to follow his gaze, caressing the awaiting chest. The pair shivered at the exchange, but Phoenix was inclined to go further. Wandering fingers drifted to Miles’ dusky nipple, encircling the area before pinching lightly. The resulting gasp drew forth a smirk and magnetized lips to skin.
Phoenix kissed a trail across taut pectorals, humming at the sparks buzzing betwixt their bodies. Just as before, the gorgeousness bewitched him, leading him to lick and bite a plenty. He encircled Miles’ nipple with his tongue, long enough for trembling fingers to thread his hair. If they decided to tug, he would appropriately respond, nipping until a whimper was earned.
Eventually though, his own body grew impatient, beckoning him to press forward. He leaned back to eye his work, grinning at the beauty and marks alike.
“God, I love you. You and your body both.”
“I love you too. Though, did I not say I wished to see you as well?”
“You did, but...I’m not quite finished.”
Motions from earlier were repeated, Phoenix reaching to undo belt and slacks alike. Unlike before though, it was with the intention to completely remove; fingers grasped all matters of fabric, tugging until everything was pulled downward. Burgundy and boxers pooled at Miles’ feet, and Phoenix stooped to follow. He took a moment to remove Miles’ dress shoes and socks, before the other constraints were guided off and away.
Upon easing back to his knees, Phoenix found himself at eye level with the most desirable part of all. It was engorging once more, and already beading with pre-cum. As a result, he couldn’t help himself; he reached to give a tugging stroke or two, before he eased to kiss the awaiting moisture away. Miles’ groan almost coaxed him to pleasure further, but he ceased- though not without licking up the entirety of the beautiful length.
He kissed his way back upwards, murmurs of praise coiling on his tongue. The moment he was standing though, said murmurs were immediately hushed, Miles’ demanding mouth finding his. The two fell victim to yet another heated kiss, moans reverberating through the space. Before Phoenix could caress further, Miles raced for his turn. He deftly unbuttoned Phoenix’s undershirt, and caressed bare skin the instant it was offered. Phoenix couldn’t help but release a whimper for Miles to swallow, the touch trailing sparks across his own chest.
He expected actions to parallel, to mirror. But it seemed desperation was at the forefront; he smiled as Miles jumped right to his blue slacks, hurrying to free him once more.
“So ready for me...” Phoenix purred into swollen lips.
“Have been since the moment you embedded yourself into my thoughts...”
Such words flared nostrils, stuttered breaths, and stoked new fires of determination. He sighed as Miles removed him from fabric constraints once more, but when Miles pulled back and hesitated- perhaps to admire, Phoenix jumped at the opportunity. Clothing didn’t need to come fully off after all. Entire exposure wasn’t necessary. They had everything they needed, with a few conspicuous shields to match.
So he grabbed ivory hips, pivoting Miles around and ignoring the sharp gasp. A beckoning nudge was given, gesturing for Miles to bend over the desk before them. To his utmost delight, Miles did so without delay or argument, reclining and beautifully displaying. Though a new desperation was indeed gnawing within, Phoenix couldn’t help but appreciate the sight.
“I’ll never be able to get over how gorgeous you are.”
“Hmm...” Miles hummed, propping himself up on his elbows, “Coming from the most magnificent man...”
“Says the one who’s insanely irresistible.”
“Objection- ah!”
Arguments were severed by touches; Phoenix’s fingers squeezed the offered cheeks, before easing to simply caress.
“Sorry, what was that?”
“You’re playing dirty, Wright,” Miles said, huffing and shifting against the contact.
“Well yeah, I would hope so. I’ll keep this method in mind for the next time you’re getting too sassy in court.”
“Yes, because they surely wouldn’t hold you in contempt whatsoever- ungh!”
Again were vocals stolen by a squeeze. Phoenix grinned, going so far as to offer a light whap before chuckling over the following gasp.
“Worth it.”
He kneaded the doughy flesh with his fingers, marveling at the sounds such an action earned. Every moan and whimper resonated directly between his legs, slowly coaxing his erection back to totality. He wasn’t quite sure how Miles wanted to proceed, how Miles wanted to be taken, but oh, how tempted he was to simply pound him then and there.
His beloved beginning to whine coaxed Phoenix towards the next steps. He reached for the bottle of neglected lube, popping it open and smirking at how Miles hummed at the sound. Generously, he coated his fingers, before transferring some to his still-swelling length. He stroked and readied with trembling sighs, before reaching for the desired entrance.
The second Phoenix brushed upon puckered skin, their breaths caught, tangling in the new tension gripping the room. Around he rubbed in tantalizing circles, ghosting upon the area in preparation. With how Miles squirmed, Phoenix expected to be implored, to be begged. Instead, he was stunned to watch as Miles reached back with a hand, prying and spreading himself open. It was a miracle Phoenix didn’t leap to sheath himself then and there.
He instead shakily inhaled, and poised a single finger to proceed. Consent had already been given. Approval had already been spoken. But even still, did Phoenix double check, holding steadily in place.
He smirked when it seemed like Miles’ body did the talking, what with his pelvis titling a bit closer. Such an expression warmed all the more when shaky vocals joined the mix.
“Yes. Please.”
Through the muscular resistance he finally pushed then. Phoenix couldn’t help but hum at the tight warmth which awaited, the noise beautifully melding with the opposing moan. He eased in only to his knuckle at first, closely watching Miles for signs of discomfort. But when he only spied breathless pleasure, when he only spied a silent ask for more, did he insert his finger in completely. He allowed Miles a small respite, giving the muscles time to adapt and relax. The moment the tension eased, Phoenix began to move, slowly jutting in and out in a salacious pattern.
Mismatched eyes scanned meticulously, lecherously. He eagerly drank in every sigh, every quivering moan. If Miles seemed to react more to a certain area being stroked, Phoenix would fixate on the spot, jutting until hips quivered beneath his touch. He knew the workings of his partner after all. He knew what he liked, how he ticked. So when that gorgeously stoic body began to tremble, Phoenix went further, slipping a second finger into the mix.
“Phoenix...” Miles sighed, his tone coated with delicious enjoyment, “Yes...”
The praise fueled him, warming both his groin and his expression. He thrust the pair deeply, before taking a few beats to explore the muscular walls. He swirled about rhythmically, before scissoring for that perfect stretch. He couldn’t help but groan at the sensations, at the sounds, at the torridity of it all. He worked for every little bit of pleasure, every sweet vocalization from Miles.
It seemed successful thus far; Miles was writhing against his perch, moaning against the advances. The further Phoenix stretched, the more his reactions intensified. Deeper thrusts seemed to coax his hips backwards, like they subconsciously sought more stimulation.
So Phoenix delivered without hesitation. He slipped a third and final finger in, marveling at how Miles’ back arched in response.
“Fuck...” he gasped, sending a new rush of blood straight to Phoenix’s crotch, “So good...”
Every movement earned a breathy moan then. Every thrust was met with an equal advance. And every jolt of Miles’ pelvis seemed to coax Phoenix’s similarly. He needed more. They both needed more.
Phoenix reached deeply for that sweet inner spot, stroking until Miles began to whimper something terrible. But then, he abruptly pulled out, drawing a sharp gasp into the heated space. It was not without cause; he reached for the lube once more, intent on slicking and readying his erection.
The mewl made him smirk through his preparation, smiling despite the grunts and sighs from touching himself.
“I won’t keep you waiting, baby. You’ve waited long enough.”
Biting his lip, he nestled himself into the constricted space, teasing his head against the awaiting entrance. The pair vocalized at the sensation, Phoenix groaning and Miles whining. But right before he proceeded, right before he could venture inward, Miles gasped with further conversation.
Before he could even question the sharper tone, Miles released his grip on himself, effectively closing off proper access. In the pause he seemed to be taking to steady himself, to catch his breath, Phoenix couldn’t help but buzz with alarm.
“What is it?”
Miles inhaled deep lungfuls of air, before standing and pivoting to face Phoenix. Mismatched eyes were spellbound, immediately drawn downward to the enticing sight between pale legs. Despite their previous ventures, Phoenix was pleased to see that Miles was plenty hard once more- though, the relief was short lasted. Had he done something wrong?
“-I love you,” Miles blurted, rushed and unexpected, “You’ve done everything and more, as you always do. It’s high time you simply sit back and enjoy.”
Before returned sentiments could even poise on his tongue, Phoenix found himself getting dragged across the room, stumbling as he was tugged by his hand. His aroused mind buzzed with confused static, unable to process the new turn of events. That was, until he spied where Miles was headed, where he was being lead to.
The pair of plush couches. A luxurious seat. A location entirely fitting for a different position.
“Oh...” Phoenix breathed, coming to the realization through his buffers, “That’s...”
As desperate as he was, as they both were, he rambled no further, nor did he try and argue. He simply assumed the new position, seating himself on the edge of velvety fabric. The moment heterochromatic eyes locked with fiery silver, he gave himself a presenting stroke.
“I’m yours how you want.”
Miles was on him immediately, gripping Phoenix’s shoulders and straddling his toned legs. Phoenix expected him to lower immediately, to aggressively ride the moment they were situated. Instead, to his surprise, did further honeyed words fall from his tongue.
“I do believe I’m the luckiest man in the world...” Miles said, aligning himself just so.
“Objection- believe that title belongs to-“
Argument and breath alike were stolen by Miles nestling close, positioning to proceed. Phoenix could almost laugh at how Miles turned his own tactics against him, what with hushing words with arousing actions. But he found himself too shaken, merely reaching to steady his shaft with a hand. He groaned as Miles gripped his shoulders tighter, and as cheeks enveloped his awaiting length.
There was the slightest bit of resistance, the smallest amount of give. Before suddenly, Miles engulfed him, sliding down and easing them into full penetration. Colors flashed in Phoenix’s vision, the feeling of connecting so deeply with his partner absolutely unprecedented. He couldn’t help but moan his approval, his hands flying for purchase on Miles’ body. It took all of his self control not to immediately lose it, biting his lip as Miles sunk further and further.
It seemed Miles had been holding his breath, for he released a groaning exhalation the moment he completely took Phoenix in. The pair panted and moaned, savoring the closeness and allowing each other to adjust. Phoenix nestled against Miles’ bare front, hissing quiet expletives with equally soft kisses to match.
“God...fuck...you feel so good...”
“You’re perfect, Phoenix...Utterly...perfect...”
“Love you...” Phoenix breathed, brushing beneath hanging fabric to get a good grip on Miles’ hips.
“Love you.”
And with that, did Miles begin to move, surely readied to chase what he had desired all day. Phoenix watched with thirsting eyes as Miles eased up, before slowly plunging downwards once more. The two moaned from the passes, the stretches, before Miles truly began to ride. He took Phoenix deeply, and rocked his pelvis with reckless abandon.
Phoenix looked on in awe, mesmerized as Miles undulated and threw his head back. Phoenix’s breaths were beginning to dance with moans, matching the grunting efforts sounding from his partner. The familiar fire was already starting to burn in his abdomen from such advances, his entire lower half alight with sensations. But he wasn’t about to finish quickly this time- not until he ensured Miles’ utmost satisfaction.
This was for him. This was all for him.
So he tossed care to the side, and began to meet, began to guide. With a tight grip on moving hips, he coaxed Miles towards bounces, so that he could properly mirror thrusts. Phoenix jerked his hips upward every time Miles bore down, deepening the stroke again and again. It seemed to have an immediate effect, Miles’ head lulling back even further.
“Ah!” he gasped, “Fuck...Phoenix, t-that’s-“
A tighter grip on Miles’ hips angled him forward, just that perfect little amount to beautifully graze the treasured spot within. Phoenix relished the obscenely loud moan such a shift earned, groaning himself as it instantly resonated in his groin.
“Fuck, Miles...God.”
He thrust upwards even harder, racing against his own body and Miles’ building speed. The office became a lecherous cacophony then, what with Miles keening, Phoenix grunting, and their connection squelching. It was music to Phoenix’s ears, utterly captivating and everything he wanted. Though, he still aimed to take Miles even higher, to draw forth uncontrolled noises as he unraveled.
“Phoenix, I’m...I’m close...Please, Phoenix, I-“
That was all he needed. Despite the burn in his pelvis, the tension in his stomach, the soreness in his legs, he strained to give Miles that last burst of pleasure. He continued to thrust, but reached with a shaky hand, intent on addressing Miles’ neglected erection. He grasped tightly as they both continued to move, tugging and jerking as best he could.
Any attempt at talking quickly turned into a jumble of moans and shallow gasps of air. But the moment Miles crested, the moment his orgasm tightly grasped his body, one thing still managed to ring loud and true.
The cry echoed throughout the space and resonated deep within Phoenix’s mind. He felt warmth streaking against his hand and abdomen. He tugged until cries shifted more towards whines and dry sobs. And that was it; the flames had breached the last wall of control.
Throwing his hands back to Miles’ hips, he slammed him downward and came hard, bursting deep within. His head careened over the back of the sofa, moaning the beautiful opposing name through every intense peak.
“Miles! Miles!”
He jerked, pulsed, and emptied himself entirely into the cramped space. When Miles collapsed against him in blissful exhaustion, he too, melted in dreamy fatigue. The moment he stepped down from his climax, the moment he floated back down to Earth, he sagged back against the couch, something of ecstatic jelly.
The room was nothing but deep, slowing breaths then. After a few moments, Miles eased upwards and broke their connection with a soft moan, before easing to carefully settle atop bare skin. Phoenix could feel dewiness betwixt them, and could feel moisture leaking against his thigh. But he paid the sensations no mind; all he wished to do was marvel in his partner that much more.
He snaked his hands around Miles’ back, venturing beneath his ruffled clothing and holding him close. He softly caressed slick skin, before easing close to capture their lips in an exhausted kiss. Mouths lazily slid about, no glamour to the exchange as lips messily smushed. But when they were torn apart by panting huffs of air, did Miles finally find the wherewithal to speak once more.
“God...That...That was...”
“...The only way I’m choosing to spend my break from now on,” Phoenix finished with a breathy laugh. The mirth only intensified when Miles’ flushed expression turned incredulous, furrowing despite the streaks of red.
“You’re absolutely ridiculous...” he said, though twinkles of laughter were evident in his tone.
“Maybe. But you love me for it.”
“I suppose I do, yes. I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
Swollen lips connected once more, a bit more tender and composed. They kissed softly, sweetly, pouring all manner of adoration into the connection. Regardless, Miles seemed keen to articulate further once they broke.
“Speaking of ridiculousness, thank you, darling...”
“Hmm? For what?”
“For this! For...” Silver eyes flitted away, like they hadn’t just been caught up in extremely lewd acts. “...Tending to my...atrocious needs so.”
Phoenix couldn’t help but laugh, at the sight and notion alike. He reached up to brush damp grey strands back, before cupping Miles’ face.
“You’re not still caught up on that, are you?”
He snickered as Miles seemed to blush further, practically sinking against his hand.
“I plead the fifth.”
“Miles,” he laughed, angling for a quick peck before continuing. “I adore you, and will tend to you whenever you want. Atrocious needs, physiological processes, or whatever else gets you going- I’ll be there.”
The murmur of disdain was hushed by yet another kiss. Through the sweet connection, and the honeyed lightness in his brain, thoughts gently drifted. Phoenix wanted to stay there forever, cuddled close and deliriously post-coital. He wanted to bathe his beloved in pleasure until neither of them could stand. He wanted to relish in his beautiful body and handsome soul. But with every passing minute, he became acutely aware of where they were, and the subsequent duties they both had. He almost sighed his disappointment against Miles’ mouth, knowing he did indeed have to get back to the agency sooner than later. Thankfully, his brain offered a solution, a solution that pried his mouth away with further snickers.
“Speaking of which, hope you’re ready for a repeat performance tonight.”
He laughed as silver eyes widened- even more so when hands playfully shoved his chest.
“I’m more than satisfied, you goon.”
He beamed, snorting and chuckling a plenty. Another jest manifested on his tongue, one that would surely earn another shove. But if it meant furthering the moment, and chasing after those “damn processes,” he was powerless to stop it.
“Alright alright. Same time tomorrow then?”
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sirthisisa-wendys · 4 years ago
hope i’m not too late, but congratulations on getting 500 followers! i adore everything you’ve written so far, keep up the good work!
can i request an exes au with geto x f!reader? not too angsty, but whether they get back together or not is up to you 👀
You said "not too angsty" but my mind said "HIT EM RIGHT IN THE FEELS" and I don't know wHyYyYyY
Please forgive me, but this... this is the epitome of my "ex of Geto" feelings. It literally flowed out of me in two hours.
"Yes, But...": Geto Suguru x Fem!Reader
wc: 2k
The large envelope slides from his hands to yours, and you look at the package in confusion as you open the flap.
“You want to get out of here and start fresh,” Geto begins, lacing his fingers together. You find a phone, two banking cards, and two passports inside, which is more than what you asked for. “You’ll need that.” When you open the phone, you see various apps loaded on the device - most of which are foreign to you. “Open the banking app.”
You do as your ex tells you, and see the collection of numbers (six digits) and the single comma that will change your life. You look up at the man in awe, trying to catch his black gaze as he looks outside, not speaking.
“Su, I just needed a new passport, not all of this.”
“It should put you in a good place for a few months until you get a good job. I have a friend in the States that should be able to put you up in a nice house, all paid for, of course. There’s a private school nearby so you don’t have to drive Haru there and back, just walk. And there are--”
“Suguru,” you stop him mid-sentence, placing your hand on the table to try and reach him. “We don’t need all of this. My parents are willing to--”
“I’m not sending you back to them, y/n. I want you to be independent of anyone else,” he retorts, nostrils flaring at the mention of your family. You know his frustration with your relatives comes from an honest place.
They had treated you savagely after you married into the Geto family, calling you all kinds of names and not even attending the birth of their first grandson. You weren’t sure if it was the ties to the underground that set them off or the fact that the Geto family had brought in a considerable amount of wealth and fame to your lives. Either way, you were cut off from them until you divorced Suguru due to--
“Our flight leaves at ten o’clock tomorrow,” you whisper, and Suguru shifts in his seat, sighing. “Will you come to see Haru before we go?” There’s a long pause as your ex-husband weighs his options, but you know his choice before he speaks.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he finally answers.
Tickets in hand, you try to keep your composure as you watch your son hold on to his father for the last time. Your other hand is captured in Suguru’s large palm, and he squeezes your fingers tenderly as you walk to the security checkpoint. While you walk, he talks to your son in gentle tones, telling him to write to him about all of the amazing things he sees and does, as well as the friends he makes, and how daddy still loves him no matter where he goes.
When he finally lets Haru down and places his Inosuke backpack around his shoulders, you turn to Geto, expecting him to say something final, something meaningful. But he doesn’t, opting to pull you into a deep embrace and kissing all over your face. “Please stay safe. Call when you make it in.”
“I will,” you whisper, inhaling the scent of his cologne and reliving your life together in a brief flash. “I promise.”
“I love you, y/n.” You want to reply that you love him, too, that the separation wasn’t his fault - but you just nod. The feeling of tiny arms around your legs makes you look down, and you both see Haru wrapping himself around your legs, holding you two together earnestly. When he lets go, Suguru lets go, and you hoist the toddler into your arms.
“Say ‘see you later,” you tell the child and he slowly waves his hand at Suguru as you walk past the agent at the checkpoint. Haru doesn’t stop waving until he can no longer see Geto, and he also waves until he can no longer see you, finally dropping his hand to his side and wondering why he felt so empty.
“Today we learned about the rainbow,” Haru sings as he skips with you down the sidewalk.
“Oh, yeah?” you laugh, holding his hand as he swings back and forth.
“And we played in the dirt.” That explains the messy pants, you muse, rounding the corner to the back of your home and unlocking the fence before letting Haru run up the back porch and inside the house.
You lock the fence behind you and follow your son inside, thinking of all the things you had to do before his sixth birthday party the next day. Suguru said he would be sending a surprise - you begged him not to send the fake nichirin sword you already purchased and stowed away - so you’d have to accommodate for whatever he sent your way, which was bound to be lavish.
Among other things that he provided (a house, a car, preschool, an on-call babysitter if you wanted to go out, a nain rug you looked at once and said you liked but you weren’t sure about), Suguru also spoke to Haru every evening, which made you feel at ease. He hadn’t ceased to be in Haru’s life after you divorced, so this wasn’t out of the blue. Co-parenting with him was still easy and somewhat effortless, even thousands of miles away.
You’re still lost in thought when the doorbell rings, and Haru leaps down the stairs to answer it, despite telling him not to do that time and time again. Quickly, you sidestep the boy and open the door, forgetting to check the peephole first. If you had, it might have prevented the massive shock both you and Haru have at the sight of Suguru standing in the entryway.
“Suguru…” you whisper, and Haru immediately goes to hug his father, squeezing him tightly.
“Oh, look at you,” Suguru groans, leaning down to pick up his son. “You’ve gotten bigger since I last saw you, huh?”
“I’m two inches taller!” You shake your head at the toddler’s estimation, smiling, but still in shock. Your eyes roam over the man’s appearance. He looks just as you left him, with long hair and that gaze that could see into the deepest parts of your soul. It’s been a year, but nothing’s changed at all.
“Come on in,” you urge him, and he carries Haru inside, setting him down in the foyer. Haru dashes up the stairs to retrieve something, and you walk into the kitchen, Geto following you around and looking over his surroundings.
“It looks beautiful in here,” he murmurs, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “You’ve really outdone yourself.”
“You should see upstairs,” you reply. “That’s your son’s domain.” Suguru chuckles, then places his hands on the counter behind him. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”
“I wanted to surprise both of you,” he shrugs and you sigh.
“There’s no guest bedroom.”
“I’ll sleep on the couch,” he replies, and your first instinct is to balk at his suggestion and offer your bed. But you know Suguru’s considered his options already and would have gotten a hotel if he wanted to.
“Are your things--”
“In the car. I wanted to see if I was welcome first before I barged in with my stuff.” Haru reappears, holding up his drawing from school today.
“I drew this today! They told us to draw something we love,” your child smiles widely, showing his lack of a right front tooth. You peer over at the picture and see you - with a questionable hairstyle - Haru, and Geto holding hands in front of what you assume to be your house, and a grey… horse? cat? dog? off to the side. “And we have a cat. I named him Gojo after daddy’s friend.”
You hand Geto a pile of blankets and a pillow, hoping it would be enough to keep him warm on the couch. “You can turn the heat up downstairs if you need to,” you advise, and he nods, taking the offerings. He pauses in your bedroom, wanting to say something.
“Thank you,” he finally whispers, then walks away, leaving you in the room to contemplate your still brooding feelings for the man who walked into your home less than six hours ago.
“Wait,” you call out softly, and he returns, searching your face. “Did you get me that job at the museum?” you wonder, crossing your arms over your chest. “The head of the museum told me I came highly recommended for the Director of Curation position.”
“And if I did?” he wonders, angling his head to the left a little and frowning. You recognize his tell immediately and nod, biting the inside of your lip. “I promised to provide for you and Haru for as long as I’m alive. I’m not going to break that promise.”
Those words stay with you as you toss and turn in the bed hours later, trying to sleep. You’re failing miserably, you realize when you look at the clock, and you rise out of bed, padding downstairs to get some tea and calm down. You tiptoe past the hallway to the living room, hoping you wouldn’t wake Suguru as you heat up a cup of water.
You’ve almost succeeded in your mission when you hear a yawn and the familiar cracking of toes and ankles as Suguru walks into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes.
“Can’t sleep,” you explain and he nods, pulling a chamomile tea packet from the caddy by the cabinets. He rips open the packet and hands it to you, leaning against the counter as you dunk it in the cup and watch the color seep out.
“I still remember,” Suguru whispers, recalling the nights you spent awake while you were pregnant with Haru and how the tea was the only thing that could soothe you enough to sleep. He thumbs over to the living room and you follow, settling into the couch beside him. “Nightmares? Or just insomnia?”
“Insomnia,” you reply, and he motions for you to place your feet in his lap. He begins rubbing them methodically, taking his time on the soles as you lean into the arm of the couch and sigh.
“Remember when we used to watch Jeopardy before bed and you’d fall asleep mid-answer?” he chuckles, and you shake your head, a smile pulling at your lips.
“Those were some hard nights,” you reply, and he hums thoughtfully.
“I wonder where it all went wrong.”
You both knew where it went wrong. There was no privacy, no semblance of peace, nowhere you two could go without someone knowing everything and being in your business. And adding Haru to the mix made everything worse. The breaking point came when you were playing with him in the backyard and heard the sound of a shutter capturing your every move. Suguru broke the camera and the man’s arm, but the damage had been done. The only way you could escape the limelight was divorcing him and his name, then escaping somewhere where no one cared who you were or who you used to be. Here, you were just… y/n.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be the wife you wanted,” you whisper, and Suguru shakes his head.
“No, you were - are - the wife I want. I didn’t protect you enough. I should be the one apologizing.”
“Don’t,” you urge him, setting the un-sipped tea on the coffee table. “Don’t apologize.”
“Then I won’t,” he replies, pulling you closer. “But I have to confess something.”
“Say it.”
“My family bought property nearby. I’ll be stateside more often than not.” Geto smoothes a hand across your cheek, cupping your chin as you move onto his lap slowly.
“Haru will love that,” you breathe.
“But will you love that?” he wonders, ghosting his lips over yours.
“Yes, but--” He presses his lips to yours tenderly, cutting you off. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer, feeling all of your shared love in that one kiss.
“Yes, but...?” he asks, pulling away and raising a brow.
“Was this your plan all along?” Suguru smiles, nipping at your bottom lip. His arm curls around your waist as he pins you beneath him, pressing a kiss to your neck.
“And if it was?”
“It’s definitely working.” Suguru hums in pleasure and continues to kiss you until you're at peace in his arms again, and fast asleep.
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bunnirs · 4 years ago
Yandere! Gon and Killua with a S/O who tries to leave
Requested by: Anon!
“I don’t know if you do any yandere stuff but if you do I was wondering how would yandere killua and gon react to thier s/o trying to leave them for Accidentally Cheating. Thx love your blog”
First Gon and Killua request!! I’m so excited! For the sake of all things holy, ALL CHARACTERS WILL BE AGED UP A BIT. especially with the cheating thing 👉👈 UMM ALSO THIS IS MY FIRST EVER YANDERE TYPE THING SO IM SORRY 😭
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Alright this dude doesn’t see anything wrong with the fact that he cheated
And to think you’d get so upset over him ‘cheating’ on you??
He would never! He was just being ‘nice’ to one of tourists of Whale Island
A little to nice.
He’s the type of Yandere that thinks what he does is completely fine! He thinks he’s doing the right thing!
So that’s where you had enough.
Gon was a lunatic and you had to get away
Maybe you’d call Leorio or Kurapika, they’d help you
That’s all you had to do
Get to a pay phone and dial Leorio or Kurapika
So while Gon had left to do God knows what..
You packed your shit and walked out the door
Surprisingly.. you got to the pay phone rather easily
Your paranoia had shot up with the risk of getting caught
Like 📈📈📈📈📈
You made the decision to call Kurapika. He was more serious with this stuff.
You waited for Kurapika until it was dark out
But he came all the same
But you hadn’t expected to see Gon right behind him
That’s right. Gon had said something about visiting Kurapika. Shit.
You were an idiot not to pay closer attention
Fuck fuck fuck he looks mad
His eyes were avoid of anything,,,
His soulless hues stared into your own, and you felt like you could throw up
Kurapika seemed rather worried, asking what happened while Gon was gone
You couldn’t tell him about Gon being a psycho
He wouldn’t believe you.. right?
You made the choice in saying that someone had tried to hurt you, and with Gon away, you didn’t know what to do
Kurapika sighed and said he’d get a hotel and would scout the island for any suspicious behavior,,,
But he didn’t know that Gon WAS the culprit.
Soon after that, you went home with Gon.
“....You lied to him, Y/N.” There was a pregnant pause before your name, almost like it was hard for him to pronounce. “You never lie.”
“...Gon....” You said quietly, not prepared for whatever the hell he was going to say.
“Is this about the woman?” Gon narrowed his eyes at his feet, which moved as the both of you took the road to his house.
“No I just-“ you went quiet, not knowing what to say. Make something up. Fast. “I just wanted to.. get away from the island a bit.”
“Get away?” Gon’s dark expression changed into one of confusion. “Do you not like it here?”
“No! I like it here!” You said abruptly, your eyes widening. “It’s just, I was thinking of visiting my parents! See what they’re up too!” You nervously laughed, praying he didn’t notice your smile faulter.
“...Oh well...that’s easy.” Gon smiled at you, and for a second, you thought you did something good. “They’re up to nothing.” His eyes darkened, his smile widening a bit.
“Nothing?” You questioned, confused.
“They’re dead.” Gon hummed. “They kept trying to get in my way.. so I put them out of their misery. They missed you a lot.. and kept saying I kidnapped you! Which isn’t true right?”
You didn’t say anything. Nothing at all. The only thing that escaped your mouth were the harsh sobs, which seemed to shake your whole body. You fell to the ground, the rough asphalt slicing your knees, the stinging couldn’t compare to the state your heart was in.
“...Oh..” His voice lowered, the slight evidence of worry laced his tone. “.....Can you not speak..?” He grabbed your hand, kneeling before you.
You smacked his hand away, falling onto your back. “G-get the hell away from me!” You screamed, your hands slipping on the bloodied gravel below you. You kept trying to stand up, but it seemed that gravity pushed against you even harder than before. “Go away! For gods sake just leave me alone!”
He stared at his hand for about a minute, his mouth wide and agape. “Leave.. you alone? While your upset?” He seemed hurt, his eyes swelling up, tears appearing. “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I left you like this! You’re hurting!”
“Because of you! I’m HURTING BECAUSE OF YOU!” You screamed in his face, somehow gaining the strength to sit up.
“.......I didn’t hurt you! I would never hurt you!” His voice gained in volume, almost like he was panicking. “I just did what was best for both of us!”
“You did what was best for you!” You shoved your finger into his chest, your nail almost bending due to the pressure. “You never think about me! You force me to stay with you! I never wanted something like this! I-“
“Shut up.” Gon said suddenly, shadow overcasting his facial features. “Everything I do is for you... don’t you dare say it isn’t!” His hand quickly grabbed your wrist, the sickening sound of bone being crushed seemed to echo in your ears.
“Y-you’re hurting me... right now... you’re hurting me..” you whispered, trying your best not to cry even more. Your head already hurt from the screaming, the pain adding to your desire to pass out.
“You don’t know real pain.” He said coldly. “But you’ll find out soon.”
That’s all you heard before you eyes seemed to close, your body falling forward into someone’s warm embrace, the air being knocked out of you.
“But everything I do... is for you.. Y/N.”
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Thing is I don’t see him cheating :(
He’s so closed off as is, so it’s surprising he’s in love with you anyway!!
He’s definetly the Yandere who thinks that you need him
Like you’d be in danger without him
He’s definitely convinced himself that you’d die if you weren’t with him
And that makes him so friggin sad
He wants you to be happy
But he wants you to be safe first.
So, if you try to escape, that’ll make him even more broken inside
He’s a tragic yandere tbh
Wants to give you happiness and love, but he can’t let you out of his sight 😭
So you probably try to leave when he kills someone that was close to you
Probably a guy friend of yours
He felt like he was dangerous, and couldn’t have him taking you away
So he murdered him on the spot with a quick hand through the heart, his nails bloodied.
That was the last straw. You were living with a murderer.
How you would get out? You had no idea
You were in the Zoldyck Mansion. Locked away.
If anything, you could try talking to Canary. She liked you. A lot.
So that’s what you did. You told Canary everything.
She believed you almost immediately. She knew the Zoldycks were cruel... Killua included, no matter how much she liked him.
She’d try to smuggle you outside the gate
Hopefully the security guard would understand
That’s what got you here, standing from right inside the testing gate, Killua before you.
Canary was long gone. She had to stop the butlers from following you.. so you were alone.
“....What are you doing so far from home...?” He questioned, his eyes widened at the sight of you with bags in your hands. “It’s dangerous out here.”
“Killua, we’re inside the gate. You know it’s plenty safe out here.” You narrowed your eyes, nails digging into the leather holsters of your bag. You couldn’t back down now. “Besides, I can protect myself if need be.”
“.....Of course you can. I don’t doubt your abilities.” Killua rolled his eyes, his attitude returning to normal. “I wouldn’t date someone who can’t protect themselves.”
“....Then why don’t you act like that?” You felt a pang in your chest. He made it seems like you were weak.... He made it seem like you were helpless. Why would he do that?
“Act like what? Protective? I can’t do that?” He questioned, his defensive tone making itself clear.
“That is not what this is.” You countered, stepping back a bit. “You know this isn’t you being protective! You act like I’m fragile! Some glass vase that’ll break if someone pushes me to hard! I’m not! I’m a professional hunter just like you!”
“...You don’t act like it.” He pouted, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“How can you be so childish right now!? This is why I need to leave!” You stepped forward, your voice gaining in volume.
“...Leaving is a need? Are you sure you just don’t want it?” He stepped towards you, his voice getting low. He was definitely getting pissed off now.
“I haven’t been outside the gate in years Killua! You know how ridiculous that sounds?! Last time I interacted with someone from outside this gate, you fucking murdered them! He was my friend!”
“He was trying to hurt you!” Killua responded, his eyes darkening. “He was inviting you outside the gate! And by yourself no less! He could’ve hurt you!”
“Going out the gate isn’t a death sentence! I need fresh air Killua! I need to see people!” You continued to yell, throwing your hands up in the air dramatically, the bag in your hand almost being flung off to the side.
“You see my family everyday! They’re people!” Killua scoffed. “barely...” he muttered to himself, getting lost in thought.
“What if I don’t want to see your family anymore?! What if I don’t want to see you?!” You gasped right after the words left your mouth, hands covered your lips, almost in disbelief of what you had just said.
As your thoughts consumed you, you felt a slight pain in your abdomen, your body falling to the ground. Your bags cluttered around you, creating what ironically looked like a crime scene. He had just pushed you. That’s never happened before.
Killua stood above you, his eyes pulsating with dark intent, his aura covering for what seemed like miles. “....Don’t you ever say that!” He yelled out, tears almost appearing in his empty voids. “I might believe it one day! That you don’t need me anymore!” He grabbed the collar of your shirt, so his eyes could look into yours. “I can’t lose you like everyone else! Don’t leave me behind! I used to think you needed me but now I think it’s the other way around!” He cried out, tears threatening to spill. “I have to protect you with everything I have! I’ll continue to kill the people who try to take you away! So please don’t make this hard! I know you want to leave! I understand! But that can’t happen!”
You were quiet, your body feeling limp as he had hit a sensitive point on your body. “O-okay...” you muttered out, tears brimming the corners of your eyes. “I’ll stay.... I-“
Before you can finish, Killua hugged you tighter than ever before, knocking the air out of you. You felt like you could pass out, that feeling soon coming to reality as black dots filled your vision. He had somehow managed to manipulated you again. His worry getting the best of you.
Curse you for being so damn sympathetic.
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jaceyneedsabetterusername · 4 years ago
Ni Kar'tayl Gar Darasuum
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Pregnant! Reader
Summary: When you finally wake up, Din knows it’s time to break the news. (Part 2 of Aliit Be Cuur) 
Warnings: Pregnancy, Mild Description of Injuries
Word Count: 3700
A/N: The much requested part 2 to Aliit Be Cuur! I took some inspiration from a comment by @linkpk88​. My apologies for the long ass name. I just wanted to keep up with the Mando’a theme. 
“M-mando?” Your voice shook and cracked from having gone so long without being used. You were trying to reach towards him but in reality, your fingers only lifted off the medical cot ever so slightly. 
Mando looked as if he’d possibly fallen asleep at your bedside, though it was difficult to know for sure with the helmet and the way he had a habit of sitting so still, even when he was awake. At your words, though, he immediately stood up, shooting to attention and coming to your bedside, “Cyar’ika? How are you feeling?” 
“W-water? Please?” Your mouth was dry and throat stiff. It felt like you’d been breathing in hot sand and it had sucked all the moisture from your body. 
Mando reached down to a water pack he had for himself on the ground by the crate he’d been residing on, unscrewing the lid, and tilting it slightly at your lips. The liquid felt like the best thing you’d ever drank, life suddenly coming back to your body at the small amount of water. “Thank you,” You said as he put the lid back on. 
Mando sighed, his gloved hand coming down to rub over your knuckles gently, careful to avoid anywhere covered with bandages, “Why would you run in like that?” 
“I thought you were dead. I was ready to kill the damn thing with my own two hands. I certainly can tell you I wasn’t expecting it to explode.” You attempted to chuckle weakly but you flinched, hand reaching for your torso in a poor attempt at soothing the pain of the broken ribs and burns. 
Mando noticed the way your fingers grazed unassumingly over your belly that held the secret everyone but you knew about and he stiffened beneath the beskar armor. “How long have I been out?” 
“About a day. The attack was yesterday.” He answered, pulling the crate closer to your bedside so he could sit beside you while you spoke. 
You groaned at the thought of being unconscious for so long, “Am I dying?” You asked in an attempt at making a joke to lighten the mood. You could practically feel the anxiety and stress radiating off Mando and you wanted to try to lighten the mood but clearly it hadn’t helped. Your grip on his fingers tightened slightly, reassuring him. “Hey, I’m kidding. It’s gonna be alright.” 
Mando’s silence was not something you were unaccustomed to. Even now that your relationship was much closer than professional, he was a man of few words. You still couldn’t help the way your face a little when you felt like your joke may have caused more harm than good. 
Little did you know that Mando had glanced up over your shoulder and made eye contact with the nurse from yesterday, the one who had shown him the unborn child within your womb. Of course, the nurse couldn’t tell that the Mandolorian was looking at him but he still sent the masked man a knowing, almost pushing look. 
As selfish as it made Mando feel, because obviously he was very concerned for your wellbeing and wanted nothing more than for you to be awake and okay, he was relieved when you remained asleep through the night. It gave him time to get his own thoughts straight, how he felt and how he would tell you. 
Children were sacred in Mandolorian culture. With depleted numbers, many of the Alor had encouraged child rearing amongst Mandolorians or the adoption of Foundlings to save the Way. Even so, Mando had honestly never actually seriously considered being a father, at least not at this stage of his life. He had Grogu, to whom he was a father by the Creed, but physically rearing his own genetic children felt different to him, even if it wasn’t supposed to. He lived a dangerous life full of criminals and skeezy backwater planets and he was comfortable that way. Even if it was preferred that Mandolorians reproduce, he was one of the few that had been called more to a life of service. Besides, after losing everyone he’d ever loved, from his birth parents to his clan, he was used to being alone. A part of him was scared to bring more people into his life because he didn’t want to keep losing them. Even accepting the fact that he loved you took a long time. 
But Mando was nothing if not a man of duty and honor and, as the leader of his clan of two, your lover, a father to Grogu, and now a father to your unborn child, he had a responsibility to protect and care for all within his clan, which was now about to expand to a clan of four. It was a responsibility that he had actually come to almost look forward to in some aspects in the early morning hours when he allowed his mind to move from the hardships that you were sure to face to the happy memories you were all sure to make together. 
“There’s-there’s something you need to know.” He began directly, his modulated voice sounding strained. 
Your smile faded at his tone and you gave him a concerned look, “Wait, am I actually dying?” 
His helmet shook side to side in a moment of silence before he continued, struggling to find the right words. All the words he’d spent all night rehearsing in his head were failing him now. “No. They said you’re going to be fine.” He began, another pause between words as the actual confession was so much harder to get out than he imagined it would be. Mando had never been a man of many words but suddenly there were no words at all that seemed fitting. 
Your eyebrows raised and you shook your head a little, indicating for him to continue. Nerves buzzed through your body. Mando was never like this. Sure, he had never been very talkative but he was concise and straight to the point when he did. He was never one to beat around the bush or draw out information for dramatic effect. Whatever he had on his mind must have been serious if he were struggling this badly. “What’s wrong, Mando? What happened?” 
“The nurse came by while you were out. He said you’re pregnant.” The words came out clear and blunt, straight to the point. It was the only way he could process the information himself and he struggled to find a more delicate way to put it to you. 
Your jaw went slack at the news, “What?” 
“You didn’t know?” It wasn’t so much a question as much as it was a confirmation of what he had hoped. You hadn’t known. You weren’t keeping secrets from him. That alone made him feel better. 
You shook your head, looking a little offended at the suggestion, “No, of course not. I- I wouldn’t have-” Your brain was moving a million miles a minute and cohesive sentences were difficult to form. “You have to trust me that I would have told you if I knew.” 
The sentiment let out a floodgate of relief in Mando’s chest. “What do you want to do?” He asked simply. Throughout the night, he had thought about this long and hard and the more he thought, the more he was actually excited about the prospect of having a baby. An actual baby. He knew that this wasn’t just his decision though. 
You swallowed hard, looking down at your stomach that you had just noticed was covered with Mando’s cape. “I-I don’t know. I need some time to think. This is just… a lot.” 
You didn’t talk about it for a while. You barely spoke at all for almost an hour. After he knew you were alright, Mando had left your side to take Grogu outside. The poor kid had been cooped up inside for almost two days. It also allowed you time to think without the pressure of him being right beside you. Mando didn’t know if you needed time alone to process the information or if you needed him there to talk it through but he knew that he preferred to have time to himself to figure things out and it was the best thing he could think of to help you. 
The nurse had stopped by while Mando was gone, just to ensure that the Mandolorian had in fact informed you that you were pregnant. He went over your vitals, important basic information about being pregnant, answered any questions you had, and reapplied bacta to all your wounds, which were estimated to be fully healed up within the next few hours with minimal scarring, thanks to the miracle medicine. You felt better after he left, physically and emotionally. 
When Mando returned a few hours later, you were sitting up in bed, having made nearly a full recovery. “You’re looking better.” He commented as he walked over to you. 
You gave a small smile of acknowledgement before looking down at your hands and flexing your wrists. You stretched out your torso a little bit. Your back was certainly achy but at least you didn’t feel like you had been hit by a flaming X-wing anymore. Mando felt better now that he could see the burns and abrasions that had littered so much of your body fading away to your natural skin color, only a few looking like they might possibly even leave a scar. 
“I’m feeling better.” You responded and it was clear that you meant it about everything. 
Grogu toddled towards the bed and reached his tiny arms out in an attempt to reach the frame and climb his way up to you but couldn’t reach. With an amused chuckle, you bent down and lifted the baby effortlessly. 
Mando didn’t want to press you about the matter but he was desperate to know what exactly your future held. He stood in waiting silence until you spoke again, “How do you feel about this?” 
Despite the fact that you were often concerned for others before yourself, he hadn’t been expecting that question. It also just wasn’t a question he had ever been used to being asked. Nobody usually cared. “How do I feel?” 
You nodded, looking up to him, “Yeah.” 
Mando sighed before sitting on the medical cot beside you, the thin mattress dipping more under his weight and the weight of his armor. He struggled to find the right answer to this question. Not just the right answer that you wanted to hear but the right answer that was truthful to himself. “Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum.” 
“What does that mean?” You asked, gently stroking Grogu’s soft head while you glanced to your left at Mando. You had tried to pick up on Mando’a since you’d been travelling with Mando but he rarely spoke it unless it was a knee-jerk expletive, which you too were now an expert on. 
“It means I love you. I know you. But it’s much deeper than those words mean in this language. But… that’s how I feel.” It took a lot for Mando to admit his feelings for you. Words of affection were seldom exchanged between the two of you. Your love for each other manifested more as just a mutual feeling of love, protection, and honesty with each other that extended beyond platonic friendship. Mando especially had a hard time expressing his feelings so when the words left his mouth, you couldn’t take your eyes off the visor in his helmet that hid those eyes you wished so badly you could finally see. 
“I love you too,” You started, wishing you could repeat those words in his tongue but knowing you would do them no justice. There was a brief pause while you inhaled a deep thoughtful breath before you continued, vulnerably honest, “I would like to raise this child with you, Mando.” 
Again, another pause. The silence hung thick and uncomfortable in the air, at least for you. You wished so deeply you could see his face so you could at least try to get a glimpse of something that might be going on in his head. You swallowed hard, attempting to get rid of the lump in your throat that was forming in the midst of his pensive silence. You took your eyes off his helmet that seemed to be pointed towards your knees or the ground just below them, though you could never tell exactly where his gaze ever actually was, and stared at your lap where you began to pick at your fingers with your thumb nail. 
You looked back over to the Mandalorian to see his visor turn towards you and this time you were sure his gaze matched. “If we’re going to have a child together, I want you to know my name. It’s Din. Din Djarin.” 
You smiled, knowing how important this was to him. Mandalorian culture was still something you were learning about and you hadn’t met any other than Man- Din - but he had never told you his name before so you assumed that perhaps it was like his face, where you couldn’t know it in its true form. “Din Djarin,” You tested the name on your tongue, “I like it. It suits you.” 
Din’s mouth fell in disbelief beneath his helmet at the way his name rolled so sweetly off your tongue and he let out a little sigh of happiness when you had said you liked it. Though saying his name was not breaking the Creed, it was something he very seldom told anyone. It reminded him of his home planet and his birth parents, good memories tainted by tragedy that he preferred to avoid. It was also a way that he kept people at an arm’s length, a habit he’d developed quickly as a distrusting bounty hunter. But he didn’t want to be called Mando by you anymore. If you were going to give him the gift of a child, a literal human being to call his own, the least he could give in return was as much of him as he had to give. 
“There’s one more thing,” He began, reaching into his pocket. You stayed silent but waiting as you watched him pull a long chain from his pants, a small pearlescent shard dangling from the end. He held it up for you to see, the jagged and unrefined edges to the uniquely beautiful stone swaying in his grip. “I would like you to become my riduur.” 
Your mouth fell into an ‘o’ shape. That word you knew. The Armorer had asked Din if you were his riduur back on Navarro all those months ago, to which he honestly answered no to. “I love you, Din, but I don’t want you to marry me just because I’m pregnant.” 
“In my culture, we come to have our own children in several ways but marriage is not necessary in any. Like I said earlier, mesh’la: Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum. And I would be extremely grateful if you would do me the honor of joining me in riduurok, baby or not.” He confessed, pressing the necklace into your hands. 
The edges, though jagged, were not sharp by any means. Simply unrefined but there was a beauty in it. The light created the illusions of different textures across the small stone. The chain was thin and of a material that you didn’t recognize, a dark grey metal that definitely was not silver, beskar, gold, or steel. “Usually betrothal tokens are rings. I know this is not a ring but Cobb had managed to scour a few broken pieces of Krayt pearl from the dragon yesterday and should you accept my offer, I will replace that chain with one made of beskar.” 
You shook your head, trying to shake away any doubt as to how perfect his gesture could be, “It’s beautiful. I love it.” 
“You don’t have to decide now.” 
“I would be an honor to be your riduur.” 
“Really?” He asked, sounding genuinely surprised. “You’ve never even seen my face and you’re willing to marry me?” 
You reached a hand out to rest on his helmet, just where it curved inwards where his cheek should be, “I know that I love the heart of the man behind this armor and I know what you feel like without it in the dark. I am willing to marry you without knowing what you look like beneath that helmet because I know I love you regardless.” 
Din’s hand came to press against yours, holding it against his helmet. Inside, his face was pressed against the interior, wishing he could feel more than just mere knowledge that your hand was there. He wished he could feel your skin against his again. “When we are bound in riduurok, I can finally remove my helmet for you and for you alone.” 
Your heart picked up with excitement, “You mean I can really see your face one day?” 
His helmet nodded up and down. 
“I can’t wait to look you in the eye and kiss you one day.” You closed your eyes and leaned your forehead against the beskar shielding Din’s face but he was mirroring the action beneath. A smile crept up on your lips and you handed him back the necklace, “Would you mind?” 
He reached around your neck and clasped the necklace together, pulling your hair gently to lay over the thin metal cord. “How’s it look?” You asked, straightening out the pearl over your chest. 
“Like it was meant to be there.” 
His arm fell to rest comfortable behind your back and you leaned over to rest your head on his shoulder. It was uncomfortable from the beskar that pressed hard into your cheek but you would still rest like that for the rest of time and then some if it meant you could be with Din. Grogu sat between you, a tiny leg on each of your legs and your hand pressing against his stomach gently to keep him from falling forward. 
When he startled wiggling around in your grasp, making tiny grunts of effort, it drew both yours and Din’s attention down to see what the kid was doing. He twisted to face your stomach, your hand now firmly keeping him from tumbling backwards. Neither you or Din were sure quite how much of your language he understood but it would have appeared that he somehow understood that there was now a new addition to your clan because his small three-fingered hand stretched out to rest against your lower belly and he closed his eyes, leaning back into your hand slightly. 
At first, you thought he was just trying to feel for the baby, which of course was far from being large enough at this stage to feel, especially from the outside. “Hey, hey! What’re you doing?” Din asked, not angrily but definitely concerned for what Grogu could be doing to the new baby. Though he wasn't a malicious child, Din had seen him choke Cara with the Force once before and he couldn't be sure what was going on within your womb from the outside. All he knew was that the kid was definitely using the Force. 
Grogu kept his eyes shut, ignoring his father, but a look of contentment spread over his face. That was when you felt it. You weren't even quite sure what it was that you were feeling but it felt positive, like an awareness of the life inside you that had been previously unbeknownst. It was more than that though. You could feel your connection to it and, though you knew it sounded absolutely insane, you could have sworn you could feel Grogu connecting to the fetus as well. 
Din made a move to lift the child from your lap but you put your hand on his forearm to stop him, “Wait, it’s alright.” You nodded in reassurance, looking down to Grogu. “Can you feel them?” 
Grogu reached out his other hand for Din’s, his entire hand only able to wrap around a single gloved finger. That was when Din felt it too. Again, it was a sensation he couldn’t describe. It was almost like an awareness of life but it was clearly emanating from within your womb. Grogu was merely acting as a bridge for Din.
 “Do you feel it too?” You asked, looking up at Din. 
Beneath his helmet, his mouth was agape as he struggled to process the feeling of life and light that seemed to radiate from where his body met Grogu’s and that his mind was able to just innately comprehend that this was the life you and he had created. “Yeah, I feel it.” He breathed out in amazement. “Is that the baby?” Din asked, the idea sounding preposterous but at the same time he had no idea of the capabilities of this new thing he’d learned of called the Force. He didn’t know the limits of Grogu’s power or his connection to it. 
Grogu’s hands fell from both your stomach and Din’s hand as he flopped onto his butt on your knee with an exhausted plop. Nevertheless, his disproportionate green ears wiggled happily and the rosiness in his cheeks made you fairly certain the answer was yes. 
Your hand came to cover where Grogu’s hand had just been, no longer feeling that same light feeling you had when he was touching you. Din no longer felt that connection either since Grogu sat down. “I don’t know what that was but it was kind of amazing.” You let out a breathy chuckle, “We’re going to be an actual family. Can you believe it, Din?” 
“Y’know, deep down, I think a part of me always wanted to have a family. A riduur and a youngling all of my own. I just got so used to being alone that I didn’t think I would ever find someone I’d want that with. But now I have you and Grogu and,” his hand came around your front to gently rest on your stomach, “this. I promise you that I will care for you and protect you both until the day you give birth and every day after.” 
You lifted your hand to Din’s helmet, gently turning him to face you, “Trillions of men in this universe and I got lucky enough to find you.” Grogu squealed in your lap and you laughed, stroking his ears, “And you.” Your hand dropped to Din’s lap and you laid your head against his chest plate, “I love you, Din. I cannot wait to spend the rest of our lives together.” 
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morganaspendragonss · 4 years ago
white noise, what an awful sound
“Their unit is not on the grid. It’s like they have disappeared.”
If Grace says anything else after that, Carlos doesn’t catch it. A ringing erupts in his ears and he staggers, all the breath sucked out of him. TK’s missing. Not running late, not on his way; missing.
ao3 | 3.3k | 2.08 speculation
It’s more than an hour after TK’s shift was supposed to be up, and he still hasn’t come home.
Carlos doesn’t want to worry; Owen told him that medical caught a call right at the end of shift, so he knows that TK will be pulling overtime. It’s actually worked in their favour a little, because they’ve been able to set everything up for TK’s party in the time they’ve been waiting. But, from what Owen said, it was only supposed to be a simple call, and whilst Carlos knows as well as anyone that the simplest calls can often turn out to be the most complicated, they really should have been done by now.
He sends off a couple of texts, telling himself that TK is just busy and will reply when he can, even though his instincts are screaming at him that something is wrong. By the time they hit the two hour mark, everyone seems to be getting concerned - which, in a house full of first responders, is not something to be taken lightly.
Carlos crosses over to Owen. “Have you heard from TK?” he asks, trying desperately to keep his voice as low and steady as possible.
Owen shakes his head, flashing Carlos a smile which doesn’t reach his eyes. “They’re just running a little over,” he says, and Carlos isn’t sure who he’s trying to convince. “I’m sure it’s fine.”
“But what if it’s not?”
“We can’t think like that, Carlos,” Owen says, not unkindly. “He’s probably just in the shower.”
“He would have texted,” Carlos persists. “You know he would have, Owen. Something’s wrong.”
Owen grimaces, glancing around the room of people, who have started to take notice of their conversation. He sighs. “Try calling him,” he tells Carlos. Then, turning to the room, “Can anyone try and get a hold of Nancy or Tommy?”
“Already did, Cap,” Marjan says. “Nancy’s not picking up.”
“Tommy neither,” Judd adds, and Carlos’s heart plummets as the sound of TK’s voicemail confirms that he, too, is still unaccounted for.
“This isn’t right,” he says, allowing a little desperation to bleed into his tone. He can feel it in his bones; TK wouldn’t leave them hanging like this, especially not on a day like today. Carlos has no idea what could have happened to make all three paramedics drop off the grid, but he knows it’s not just lack of cell service or traffic.
Owen closes his eyes and hangs his head, apparently coming to the same conclusions. “Alright then.” He pulls out his phone, and Carlos frowns.
“Who are you calling?”
Owen sends him a wry look, showing him the three oh-so-familiar numbers he’s dialled. “Desperate times, right?”
Carlos manages a nod, but there’s a lump in his throat at the thought of these being such desperate times that they need 9-1-1. Logically, he knows it’s the right step, but he guesses he still has that little flame of hope left in him - hope he doesn’t want crushed by the confirmation they’re about to receive. Owen places the phone on speaker, and Carlos watches it nervously, waiting for a dispatcher to pick up.
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?” It’s Grace, and Carlos could cry with relief. If anyone can help them find TK, it’s Grace Ryder.
“Grace,” Owen starts, “it’s Owen.”
“Captain Strand? Is everything alright?”
“We were hoping you could tell us that.” Owen takes a steadying breath, looking once more around their friends, before continuing. “EMS 126 were sent out on a call at the end of our shift, two hours ago. There’s been no word from them since, and we’re worried something’s happened to them. Could you tell us anything about where they were sent and why?”
There’s a brief pause on the other end before Grace speaks again, hesitant and slow. “Captain Strand, that’s not information I’m sure I should be giving out to civilians.”
“I’m not a civilian,” Owen argues. “I may not be on shift, but I’m always Captain of that firehouse. Please, Grace. They’re our family.”
Grace sucks in a sharp breath, then the sound of typing comes through the speaker. Carlos allows himself a single moment of relief before the anxiety takes over again as Grace speaks.
“EMS 126 were dispatched to a pregnant woman in distress,” she reports. “They… Oh.”
Carlos exchanges an alarmed look with Owen, his panic spiking at Grace’s words. 
“Oh?” Owen asks, not even trying to hide the worry in his voice anymore.
“Captain Strand, their unit is not on the grid. It’s like they have disappeared.”
If Grace says anything else after that, Carlos doesn’t catch it. A ringing erupts in his ears and he staggers, all the breath sucked out of him. TK’s missing. Not running late, not on his way; missing. Something happened to him and his team between leaving the firehouse and now, and they’ve all just been sitting here, doing nothing, for two hours. He should have spoken up earlier, when he first got his bad feeling - maybe that wouldn’t have prevented this, but they could be on their way to finding him right now.
And Carlos knows better than anyone here how crucial every second is in a missing persons case.
When he comes back to himself, a hand - Paul’s - is resting on his shoulder, and Owen and Gwyn are locked in an argument, the call with Grace clearly over.
“What’s going on?” he asks, turning to Paul.
Paul shoots him a sympathetic grimace, squeezing his shoulder. “Cap got the address of their last call,” he answers. “He’s insisting on going, but he won’t let anyone else go with him. Gwyn disagrees.”
Carlos stares at Owen, finding himself firmly in agreement with Gwyn, though likely for different reasons. In his mind, it’s a non-issue; he’s going to search for TK, and there’s no-one who can stop him - certainly not Owen Strand.
He strides over to them, not caring about interrupting their quarrel. TK’s life is on the line, after all. “I’m going with you,” he says firmly, leaving no room for argument.
“Son -”
“You can’t stop me, Owen.” He levels him with a hard stare. “Besides, I’m a cop, and you need back up. I’m going.”
Owen watches him for a long moment, then sighs, nodding reluctantly. “Alright,” he says, clapping Carlos once on the shoulder. “Let’s go find them.”
Carlos jumps out of Owen’s truck before it’s even stopped moving, flicking on his flashlight as he strides through the garage, praying that he’ll round the corner and find them all in one piece. Behind him, Owen is yelling out for them, the only reply he gets the sound of his own voice echoed back. It sends Carlos’s heart plummeting into his shoes, even as it only confirms what he’s known for a while - they’re not finding TK here.
All they do find is a brown van, all its doors open, and a pile of bloodied rags lying next to it. Carlos refuses to think about whose blood it could be; if he does, he thinks he’ll lose it, and that’s the last thing anyone needs right now, himself included.
“Where would they go?” he asks, turning to Owen. They hadn’t seen the ambulance on the way in, so they must have left in it at some point - or someone had.
Owen shakes his head, a trembling hand running through his hair. “I don’t - I don’t know,” he says, sounding more lost than Carlos has ever heard him. It’s a jarring sight; Owen is usually so put together, so unruffled in the face of emergency, and his appearance now cuts a striking contrast. Carlos understands - much as TK has complained about his parents in the past months, it’s clear they love him, even if they might not be the best at showing it. 
Carlos is sure he looks similarly distressed; his curls are beginning to escape from his fingers running through them, and his heart is pounding a mile a minute, but he tries to school his expression into something stronger, as much for his own sake as for Owen’s.
“I don’t know what to do, Carlos,” Owen admits, body sagging in defeat. 
Carlos hesitates, then pulls out his phone, tapping through to his contacts. “I might,” he says, and Owen looks up at him in surprise. “My dad is a Texas Ranger. He’ll be able to help, I’m sure of it.”
Owen immediately nods, seeming to steel himself up a little. “Do it,” he says. “I’ll call and update the others; I’m sure they’ll want to know.”
He walks away, giving both of them some semblance of privacy to make their respective calls. Carlos pauses for a brief second, glancing down once more at the pile of bloody rags, his mind flashing back to four years ago, the last time someone he loved went missing. He knows - he knows the situations are nothing alike, that Iris’s and TK’s disappearances are worlds apart. But the grief crawling up his throat and clutching at his heart can’t help but make comparisons, warning him that he’s going to lose someone else.
Carlos swallows roughly and shakes his head, dialling his dad’s number before he can start spiralling. Now is not the time to fall apart; he has to be strong.
His dad picks up on the second ring. “Carlos? ¿Qué pasa?”
“Dad,” Carlos answers, surprising himself with how steady his voice is. “I need your help.”
They’re on their third dead end of the day, and Carlos can feel his grip on control slipping. 
His dad had tried to get him to leave when he’d arrived at the garage. “You’re off duty; you shouldn’t be here, mijo,” he’d said, attempting to steer Carlos towards Owen’s truck. “Let us handle this now.”
“No,” Carlos had insisted, shaking his dad’s hands off him. “I have to be here. One of the missing paramedics - it’s TK, Dad.”
It had taken a few moments for the penny to drop, his father’s frown growing once it did. “Your friend from the market? I thought he was a firefighter.”
“He switched fields.” Carlos had drawn himself up, staring his dad down. “I’m not going anywhere until I find him.”
Something had flickered across his dad’s face then, something Carlos hadn’t understood. Whatever it was, his expression had quickly cleared, and he’d lain a comforting hand on Carlos’s shoulder.
“Alright, mijo,” he’d said. “You can stay.”
Now, Carlos can feel his dad’s eyes on him as he stares blankly at the building they’d been so sure they’d find TK, Nancy, and Tommy in. It had been empty, because of course it had, and Carlos is starting to wonder if they’re ever going to find them.
They’re supposed to be celebrating right now. TK hadn’t wanted anything special, but Carlos knows he’d secretly been looking forward to tonight, his one year anniversary of sobriety a source of pride for them both. They should be celebrating it; instead, TK could be injured or worse, and Carlos feels like he’s going out of his mind.
(They’d found the ambulance an hour ago, abandoned on the side of the road. There had been blood staining the inside of that, too, and Carlos had had to swallow back bile at the sight.)
His dad comes to stand at his elbow, a hand on Carlos’s back. “So,” he starts, gently, “this TK boy?”
Carlos closes his eyes, desperately wishing for his dad to drop it. He knows what’s coming next, and he knows there’s no avoiding it this time. He doesn’t have the strength to lie.
“Dad -”
“Who is he, Carlos?” His dad’s voice is careful and measured, lacking any hint of judgement, but Carlos still tenses, not fully prepared for the fallout of this conversation.
He avoids his dad’s eyes as he answers, keeping his gaze fixed on the space in front of him. “He’s my boyfriend,” he says. “We’ve been dating for just over six months, and I - I really love him, Dad.”
The last admission is said quietly, but Carlos feels like he’s shouted it, such is the silence that follows his words. His hands start to shake at his sides and a sick feeling begins churning in his gut, but, still, he doesn’t look over.
“Six months…” his dad eventually says, voice strained. “Which means you were together when we met you at the market. Why did you lie?”
A flash of white-hot anger surges through him, tears burning the back of his eyes as he rounds on his dad. “I could hardly tell you the truth!” he cries. “You’ve made it clear you’d rather not hear about my sexuality. I was trying to protect us!”
A sob crawls up his throat, but Carlos pushes it back, determined not to break down in front of his dad’s entire team. His dad’s face is stricken, a surprising emotion glinting in his eyes.
“Oh, Carlos -” he starts, but he’s cut off by one of the Rangers shouting for them. He throws Carlos a look that lets him know they’re not done with this conversation yet, before they both run over to the Ranger, Carlos arriving slightly ahead of his dad.
“We’ve found them,” the Ranger says without preamble.
Carlos stares, the words sending a spark of hope through his chest, but he refuses to give in to it just yet. “How sure are you?” he demands. He knows it’s not his place to ask these questions - he’s barely allowed here as it is - but he doesn’t think he could take one more false lead, one more dead end. The Ranger, to his credit, only momentarily shows his surprise, quickly schooling his expression back into one of firm neutrality. He nods, once.
And, for the first time since they’d heard the news, Carlos dares to hope.
He’ll never get used to this. 
The heart monitor beeping by his side, the smell of bleach, the hardness of the chairs. It’s not something he should really have to get used to, but, with a family full of first responders, hospitals are a fact of Carlos’s life. Especially with a boyfriend like TK, who seems to insist on gravitating towards danger even when it’s no longer his job.
“How do we keep ending up like this, huh?” he whispers, gently running a hand through TK’s hair. 
TK’s asleep, having first woken up around an hour ago. Hopefully, he’ll be discharged later, if all his tests come back okay - which, thankfully they should. 
Carlos’s eyes drift to the bandage around TK’s head, the wrappings around his ribs, the scratchy sheets which Carlos knows covers extensive bruising. They’ve been lucky, he knows this, but he’s not sure he’ll ever be able to forget the sight that greeted him when they burst into that restaurant. Tommy and Nancy were standing by the table, next to an unmoving body, both shaken but unhurt. TK had clearly borne the brunt of the attack, and Carlos hadn’t needed to stop to wonder why; his boyfriend’s too much of a damn hero for his own good sometimes.
Apparently, TK had tried to pull the fire alarm, but had been caught before he could, receiving a blow to the head for his efforts. They’d also broken his nose and several ribs, and his body is littered in marks from the kidnapper’s boots. Carlos’s heart had nearly stopped when he’d first seen TK, cable-tied to a pole and barely conscious, but now he can only thank god that it isn’t worse. 
Carlos stiffens as he hears his dad’s voice behind him, dreading the conversation they’re about to have. He tightens his grip on TK’s hand, not yet brave enough to look away from him.
“Hi, Dad,” he says, voice hollow. “I’m sorry you had to find out like this.”
“Yo también, hijo.” His dad heaves a sigh, footsteps coming closer until he’s at Carlos’s side, easing himself into a second chair. “You know we love you, don’t you?”
Carlos winces. “I know. I’m sorry I yelled at you like that earlier, I was just -”
“No, mijo,” his dad interrupts. Carlos looks up at him sharply, confused by the weariness in his dad’s tone, and he’s taken aback by the sorrow in his eyes. He’s not sure he’s ever seen him cry before, and Carlos doesn’t know what to make of it. “It is me who should be apologising.”
“Dad -”
His dad holds a hand up, cutting Carlos off. “Your mother and I… We have only ever wanted what was best for you,” he says. “When you came out to us - Carlos, I was so proud. I was shocked, yes, but I could see how hard that must have been for you, and I thought you were so brave. We thought that if we carried on as normal, then you wouldn’t feel like anything had changed. Because, to us, it hadn’t. You were still the beautiful son we had always known and loved, and being gay wasn’t going to change that.
“We thought that you would be more comfortable with it like this, but I see now that we made a mistake. I’m so sorry that we made you feel like you couldn’t talk to us about these things. I’d like to change that, if you’re willing.”
Carlos blinks, tears spilling down his cheeks. “You’re really okay with it?” he croaks. “You and mami?”
“Of course we are.” His dad chuckles, rubbing Carlos’s shoulder. “You know what your mother’s like; she’ll be fawning over him as soon as she finds out.”
Carlos manages a laugh, though there’s still a little lingering dread in his stomach at the thought of having to tell his mom. He’ll have to do it, and soon, but he can’t get rid of a decade of uncertainty and fear so easily. At least, this time, he’ll have his dad and his boyfriend by his side.
A groan from the bed pulls his attention, and he looks over to see TK’s eyes blinking open. They immediately seek out Carlos, a frown creasing his brows.
“You’ve been crying,” TK murmurs, reaching a hand up to Carlos’s face, only to freeze before it gets there. TK’s eyes widen, frantically darting between Carlos and his dad. “Uh, Mr Reyes, sir. Carlos said that you helped to find us; thank you.”
“Hey.” Carlos catches TK’s hand, still hovering in mid-air, and smiles at him. “It’s okay, Ty. He knows.”
TK’s lips part in shock. “You told him?” he whispers.
“Kind of had to,” Carlos replies, laughing a little. “I could hardly say I was having a meltdown over a friend, now, could I?”
TK’s face clouds with guilt. “I’m so sorry, Carlos,” he says. “I didn’t mean to scare you like that.”
“Did you ask to get kidnapped?” Carlos asks, raising an eyebrow.
“No, but -”
“Then you have nothing to apologise for.” He presses a gentle kiss to the inside of TK’s wrist, never breaking their gaze. “I’m just glad you’re safe.”
TK smiles, visibly relaxing. He squeezes Carlos’s hand, then brings their joined hands to his lips, lingering for a long moment. Carlos loses himself in it, his heart aching at the thought that he could have lost all of this today. But TK is here, and he’s going to be okay, and that’s all that matters right now.
A throat clears behind them, and Carlos jumps, turning to look guiltily at his dad.
“I see I’m no longer wanted here,” he comments wryly. Carlos flushes, but his dad just laughs and pats his shoulder as he stands. “I’ll see you soon, Carlos.”
“Thank you again, Mr Reyes,” TK calls. 
Carlos’s dad grins at him. “You take care of my boy, TK.”
TK’s gaze flicks over to Carlos, his eyes full of so much love that it shocks him. “With my life, sir.”
It’s a promise that goes both ways and, as he leans over to kiss his boyfriend, Carlos knows that he’d do anything to keep it.
145 notes · View notes
all-my-love-for-harry · 5 years ago
And now we’re four.
summary: a family of three becomes a family of four.
word count: 2.9k
Based on these requests:
“i love my little shy boy, it's so cute!! what do you think about artemis getting a little sibling? like maybe one of his friends is getting one and he asks y/n and harry if he can have one too? or maybe y/n and harry are actually trying for a baby? the thought of artemis with a little baby sibling is killing me omg”
“I absolutely love your shy!boy series! Harry, Artemis, and Y/N are just so damn adorable together. I was wondering how all three would handle if (Y/N) was pregnant?”
“Hii ! I’m in love with your shy little boy series !!!! I was wondering if maybe you could write something about Y/N being pregnant, and Harry being over the top obsessed with her pregnancy/ the little bub and how Artemis would react?🥺👉🏼👈🏼”
“Hello! I’m absolutely obsessed with the My Shy Little Boy series! Can we get a blurb about Artemis calling Harry, on Y/N’s phone, in the middle of the night because he’s scared?”
“Can you do one where Artemis is curious as to why one of his classmate's mum has a bump on her tummy and when he finds out why he keeps asking for a little sis/bro🥺”
a/n: i’ve got many request to expand this little family so i thought i’d give it a go! Sorry for taking so long!
you can find more of my shy little boy here
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
February, 2020.
Ever since signing those papers, no one could wipe off the smile in Harry’s face. The endless amount of love he had for his family only seemed to multiply. Despite how sad he felt after he couldn’t give the concert the night before his birthday, he still spent the best day with the love of his life and his son.
Unfortunately, that was the calm before the storm. The following weeks Harry would be very busy doing promo for the album. He had some interviews and shows between Los Angeles, Washington and the last stop would be New York.
Y/N and Artemis had to go back to London when their long weekend was over, to return to their normal routines. Although at first the little boy tried to throw a fuss, Harry was quick to promise it would only be for a short time and he’d call every single night before he went to bed so Artemis could talk to him about his day.
It was always the same with them, Artemis had this strong attachment to Harry, one that he devolved as soon as he started trusting him more. Not that Harry would ever complain, the feeling was mutual honestly. The two of them were inseparable, Artemis wanted to do whatever Harry was doing all the time and the latest loved every single second of it.
One year into their relationship, Harry started buying matching outfits for him and Artemis, claiming he wanted them to match at all times. It was the cutest thing for those who get the chance to watch it.
“Promise you’ll call every night?” Artemis asked Harry, who was crunched down at his eye level. He had big, crocodile tears rolling down. Harry’s heart broke as he pulled his little boy for another hug, squeezing him tight to his chest.
“I promise, monkey” After one last squeeze, he let go of Artemis and went back on his feet. “Please call me as soon as you land” He now told Y/N before embracing her.
“I will. I love you so much” She said before closing the short distance between her lips and his. Harry hummed into the kiss, memorizing this exact moments so the following weeks won’t be so hard to live. “Have a safe flight”
“You too, baby” He pecked her lips one more time before looking down at his son. “You gonna take care of mummy for me, champ?”
Artemis nodded while whipping his tears and taking a deep breath. A voice called their flight and that was their call to leave. Harry would be flying to Los Angeles later that day so he needed to get going too.
He looked at his family one last time and sighed, already missing them. It will definitely be hard, but he was confident they’ll pull through.
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
Harry woke up in the middle of the night because his phone wouldn’t stop ringing. He groaned before sticking one arm out of under his pillow and started to look for it. When he found it, he groaned even louder when he saw what time it was.
Without even looking at the ID, he answered the phone. His voice was deeper than usual and he was still half asleep but he managed to mumble ‘what’ to the other line.
“Daddy?” a shaky voice in the other end of the line answered him, making Harry jump out of the bed, immediately alarmed by the tone of his son’s voice.
“Hey, bud. What are you doing awake? Where’s mummy?”
“Daddy, I’m scared”
“Everything’s okay, baby. Tell me where you are”
“In yours and mummy’s bedroom” he mumbled.
“And where is mummy?”
“In the bathroom” he paused to take a deep breath. “I asked the voice in mummy’s phone to call you” Harry and Y/N had been teaching Artemis how to call them during an emergency using Siri.
“It’s okay, sweets. Can you tell me why are you afraid?” Harry was really hoping Artemis just had a nightmare or something, because he already felt powerless being miles away from them.
“I couldn’t sleep so I wanted to ask mum if I could sleep with her but when I entered the room she wasn’t there” He paused to breathe. “She’s throwing up in the bathroom, daddy. What do I do?”
In Artemis’ little six year old mind, he was responsible for his mum because Harry told him to take care of her. Before Harry could respond he heard how a door was opened and Y/N’s voice at the other end of the line.
Harry waited until Y/N had her phone back to talk again. “Hey, I’m sorry he woke you up” She said.
“He told me you were throwing up, are you okay?” Now he was worried for her.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I think I caught a stomach bug” She sighed. Y/N was now laying on her side of the bed while Artemis was cuddled to her side. “But I’m okay now”
“You sure?” Harry passed a hand through his face, rubbing the sleep off.
“Positive” She hummed. “When are you back?”
“Just two more weeks, baby. Please tell me if you’re still feeling bad tomorrow”
“I will. I bet it’ll be gone by tomorrow” She covered a yawn with the back of her hand.
“Would you put me on speaker? Wanna say goodnight to the lad” She did what Harry said and moved the phone closer to Artemis so he could hear clearly.
“Hey, monkey. Will you get some rest now?” Artemis hummed a yes. “I’m counting down the days to see you, kiddo”
“Me too, daddy”
“Good night, baby. I love you”
“I love you more” He yawned, cuddling even closer to Y/N. He was much more relaxed now that his mummy was okay.
“And I love you, Y/N”
“I love you, H. Sorry for waking you up again”
“No, please. Wake me up anytime, lover”
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
March, 2020.
Y/N’s stomach bug hasn’t gotten any better. She kept throwing up every day, so Harry decided to change his flight and come home earlier than planned. He was supposed to go to Los Angeles for another week, but it was mostly to visit some people while he was still in the States so he figured he could do that other time.  
He was waiting for his flight to be called, bouncing his leg anxiously. He couldn’t wait to go back home and do absolutely nothing but spend time with his family until it was time to go on tour.
His phone started ringing so he grabbed it from the pocket of his jacked and smiled when he saw his mum was calling him.
“Hi, mum” He said cheerily.
“Hi, darling. How are you?”
“I’m good, waiting in the airport for my plane”
“I thought you would stay there until next week?”
“Y/N isn’t feeling great so I’m flying early” He shrugged. Taking the decision to change his flights wasn’t a hard one, his girlfriend was sick and it was his job to take care of both her and his son.
Anne smiled even though Harry wouldn’t be able to see her. “That’s nice. I’ll give her a call to see if she needs something”
“Thanks mum. I’m sure she’d appreciate that”
They kept talking for a little more, catching up. He was looking forward spending more time with his mum once he was back. “Harry” Anne called him.
“When are you gonna pop the question, son?”
“What question?” He asked, accent thicker.
“You know which one” He could feel his mum rolling her eyes. “When are you gonna ask Y/N to marry you?!”
“I won’t discuss this over the phone, mother” he chuckled. “Besides, I just made you a grandma recently, woman. Give me a break” Harry joked, making her laugh.
“I’m sorry! All I’m saying is you already have a son together, why not tight the knot?” she paused, dramatically sighing. “I’m getting old and I’d appreciate to watch my children get married”
He rolled his eyes. “One, you’re not old so stop that. And two, you have other child” A voice called Harry’s flight. “I gotta go, mum. I’ll call you when I land”
“Please do. I love you, honey”
“I love you more”
A long trip was waiting for him so he got comfortable on his seat after sending a quick text to Y/N. He’d be landing before lunch, meaning he would be able to pick Artemis up from school. He closed his eyes, hoping to take a quick nap during the flight.
*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *:・゚✧ ✧゚・:
Harry landed one hour before Artemis was supposed to get out from school, so the car he called drove him directly home. He thanked the driver and got his stuff out of the car, when he crossed the gates of the house, he saw Y/N’s car parked.
Y/N had told him she called in sick again because the headache she had in the morning was too strong that one of her mothers had to take Artemis to school. He was starting to get worried, thinking it could be something else and not just a stomach bug.
Opening the door, he called for his girlfriend but got no answer so he walked right upstairs to the master bedroom where she found her curled up in the middle of the bed.
“Hi, baby” He cooed, soothing her out of her sleep by caressing her cheek. Her eyes flutter open and a smile appear on her face when she saw him knelt down beside her, inches away from her face. “How are you feeling?”
“A little better. Gemma was here earlier actually, she brought me soup”
“That’s nice” He smiled softly. “I’ll go pick Artemis up, okay? Then we’ll go to the doctor”
“The doctor? Why?” she said, supporting her weight on one of her elbows.
“To check up on you. Perhaps isn’t a stomach bug” he shrugged, sitting on the empty space of the bed.
She wanted to protest, but she knew Harry would insist until she said yes so she nodded, flashing a little smile at him. “Okay, we’ll go”
He leaned to kiss her forehead, pleased with her answer. He looked at the clock in the wall and sighed. He should leave now to make it on time to Artemis’ school. “I’ll go for the monkey, okay?”
Y/N cuddled back in bed, sighing happily because Harry was finally back home. Her boyfriend smiled at seeing her getting cozy as he stood up from the bed. Harry went back downstairs and out to his car to drive to Artemis’ school.
Walking inside of the building, Harry greeted a couple of parents he knew. When he reached Artemis’ classroom, his smile grew bigger at the sight of his boy chatting with a little girl who was sitting next to him.
Artemis looked up and his eyes lighted up when he saw Harry. “Daddy” He stood from the little chair and ran towards him. “Daddy, you’re here!”
“Hey, monkey” Harry caught him in his arms. “I missed you. Are you ready to go?” His son nodded excitedly. “Go pick your backpack up” When he went back on his feet he recognized someone entering the classroom. “Cece?”
“Harry? Hi?” The blonde, pregnant woman smiled at him. “How are you?”
“I’m great, how are you? When’s the baby arriving?”
“Two months or so, we’re very excited”
“Well, congratulations. Hope it goes well”
“Thank you. Worst has already happened anyway, morning sickness was a bitch” She laughed. Harry chuckled too, something clicked on his brain, a small possibility crossing through his mind.
Could Y/N be…?
“Daddy, let’s go!” Artemis came running back.
“I’ll expect you and Y/N for the baby shower” Cece said.
“Of course. Take care, okay?” Harry smiled one last time before taking his son’s hand to walk out of the classroom.
“Daddy, what happened to Ximena’s mum?”
“What do you mean, mate? She’s pregnant”
“She’s gonna have a baby. Ximena will be a big sister”
“How does it work?” he asked confused. “She looks… different”
They reached Harry’s car and Artemis let his dad pick him up to put him in the car seat. “Well, is because there’s a baby growing inside of her tummy”
Artemis let out a little ‘ohh’, processing the information his daddy had just told him. “So Ximena will get a sister or a brother?”
“I didn’t ask Cece, baby” Harry went in the driver’s seat and started the car, driving away. “But either of them will be perfect”
“Can I get one?” He suddenly asked, kicking his legs back and forth.
“One what?” He already knew the answer but he wanted Artemis to say it anyway.
“A brother or a sister. I’d like one, please”
Harry breathed a laugh at his boy’s politeness. “Is not that easy mate. Takes a while”
Artemis didn’t say anything for the rest of the ride, singing along to the songs on the radio. Harry kept thinking about the possibility of Y/N being pregnant herself. It would make sense to him, all the mornings she’s been waking up to throw up, how she said to him over the phone that her nose was very sensitive lately, how her boobs kind of hurt all the time and lastly, one that Harry didn’t want to mention, how she’s been gaining a little weight.
They passed through a drugstore and Harry made an impulsive decision to stop there. “Are we home?”
“Not yet. I need to grab something real quick, let’s go”
They went inside and Harry grabbed a couple of pregnancy tests of one of the shelves. “What are those for?” Artemis asked.
“Nothing, baby. Let’s go” After he paid, they walked back to the car to continue their drive home.
The arrived and Harry sent him to clean up so he could go with Y/N. When he entered the room Y/N was exiting the bathroom. “You threw up again?” He asked, setting the plastic bag on the bed.
“No, I just wanted to pee” She smiled. “Where’s my baby?”
“Washing up” He smiled back. “So, I saw Cece today”
“Really? How is she?”
“She looks great. She also said she wants us on her baby shower, by the way” She hummed. “She mentioned how at the beginning of her pregnancy she had terrible morning sickness”
“Where is this going?” She asked confused. She sat on the bed and saw the bag. “Harry…”
“Look, it’s a possibility”
“I’m not pregnant” She assured him.
“Just take the tests, please. If it’s negative, then it’s negative”
“What if it’s positive?”
“Then we’ll figure it out” He took her hands. “Please”
She sighed. “I already know this will be negative” Y/N rolled her eyes but took the bag anyways. “And I just peed, fuck” Harry chuckled, shaking his head. “Go check on Artemis while I take these”
Harry nodded and walked out of the room and to his son’s bedroom. He found him sitting on the floor with a picture book in his hands. “Daddy, I’m hungry”
“Let’s get you some lunch then, kiddo”
They went down and Harry let Artemis help in the kitchen, he was fixing something quick for lunch while waiting anxiously for Y/N to finish taking the tests.
“Harry?!” He heard from the top of the stairs.
“In a minute!” He exclaimed back. “Wait in the living room for us, mate. Turn on the telly, we won’t take long” Artemis nodded, walking towards the bedroom and doing what his daddy told him.
Harry ran upstairs to where Y/N was. “Have you look at them?”
“No, not yet” she sighed. “You do it”
“One line means negative, two lines mean you’re pregnant” He repeated the sentence over and over again. He closed his eyes for a second before letting out the air he was retaining.
He gasped when he opened his eyes and saw it.
Two lines.
With tearful eyes he took another test and saw the same result so he took the third one and smiled when he saw every single one of them had the same result. He looked at Y/N, no words needed.
“We’re having a baby” He said as he let tears roll down his eyes.
Y/N smiled before tears formed in her eyes as well. They were having a baby. She was going to be a mother again. Unconsciously, her hands travelled to her stomach. “Well, it wasn’t a stomach bug, wasn’t it?”
They both laughed through the tears as Harry took her in her arms, careful to not squeeze her too tight.
Harry’s heart was about to explode for the amount of love he was feeling right now. There was an actual baby growing inside of Y/N. He bowed to himself he’d be at all times for her, he won’t leave her side for any reason. He wanted to live the whole process. He could already imagine himself with his future newborn in his arms, so delicate and pure.
His heart and soul belonged to his family. But it wasn’t divided in two anymore. Because they weren’t three anymore. And that couldn’t be more exciting.  
@myfavfanficsever @odetostep @la-cey @cock-a-doodely-doo @awkwardbullfrog @mellamolayla @moorgannn @bagtan-serendipity @awesomebooklover17 @finelineribs @sunnybusiness @beanholland @sweetenerstyle @cronias13 @vhsharry @maisley @seasidecrowbar @stylesfics-xx @autumnpauley20 @fineline-hs1
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drabbles-mc · 4 years ago
We’ll Figure It Out
Nestor Oceteva x Reader
Request by the babe @garbinge: Hiii 🖤 no pressure/rush but figured I’d drop a couple requests for Nestor and an OC or reader insert whatever you’re feeling! Found these prompts on a few different lists 1) “Hey, look at me. Focus on me alright?” 2) “Do you think I could be pregnant?” 3) “I’ve been in-love with you since we were kids.”
Warnings: language, mentions of pregnancy and periods
Word Count: 1.2k
A/N: I swear that I still write for all the other Mayans boys 😂 Nestor has just been a hot commodity lately with requests and who am I to say no? Also, I realized about halfway through writing this fic that I never clarified if you wanted all 3 prompts in one story...so I hope this is alright. 😅 Enjoy! xo
Taglist: @mayans-sauce​ @thesandbeneathmytoes​ @paintballkid711​ @tomhardydallasstarsgirl​ @queenbeered​ @sillygoose6969​ @sesamepancakes​ @yourwonkywriter​ @chibsytelford​ @gemini0410​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​ @plentyoffandoms​ @georgiaaintnopeach​ @twistnet​ @amandinesblogofstuff​ @bucky-iss-bae​ @encounterthepast​ @everyhowlmarksthedead​ @rosieposie0624​
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When you woke up, it felt like you hadn’t gotten any sleep. You groaned, rolling over to see that you were in the bed alone. After forcing yourself to sit upright, you reached to check the time on your phone. Your eyes grew wide, not able to believe that you had slept in until eleven. You also couldn’t believe that Nestor didn’t come and wake you.
You stumbled out to the living room and saw Nestor laying on the couch, laptop perched on his legs. He looked up at you and smiled, “Nice of you to join me.”
“Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“I tried,” he laughed, “You were basically comatose.”
You sighed as you collapsed onto the couch next to him, “Then why am I still fucking exhausted?”
He closed and put his laptop away. He gently pulled you closer, letting your head come to rest in his lap, “You sure you’re feeling alright? You’ve been more exhausted than usual this week.”
You nodded, closing your eyes as he gently massaged your temples, “I’m just sore, and crampy. Period is probably just going to be worse than usual this month.”
“Need me to get you anything?”
You shook your head, “No, I’ll be fine. Thank you, though. I love you.”
He hummed in approval, “I love you too.”
The two of you spent the day curled up on the couch together. You didn’t have the energy or the desire to do much else. You tried to push the pain from your mind but couldn’t, allowing yourself to curl up against Nestor for comfort.
The next couple of days ticked by, and the pain wasn’t really letting up. You were sick of feeling crampy, and bloated, and exhausted. Nestor was handling it like a champ, because it was definitely making you cranky. It felt like the longest bout of PMS ever, and you still only had some spotting. You didn’t even have a light at the end of the tunnel yet.
Nestor came home to find you, yet again, curled up on the couch with a heat pack on your lower stomach. His expression fell, you knew he was worried about you.
He sat next to you, “Do you think you should go to the doctor?”
You shook your head, “Why? So they can just tell me that it’s the pains of being a woman? No thank you.”
“Yea, but,” you could see it on his face that he didn’t want to seem pushy, or make you uncomfortable, “but you said that you didn’t even get your period yet. What if there’s something else going on?”
You sat up, “Something else?” you couldn’t hide the look of confusion on your face.
“Yea. Like, you know. What if you’re…”
The reality of what he was saying hit you light a freight train. You’d been so wrapped up in the pain and exhaustion, stuck in the thought of it just being the worst PMS in the world, that you hadn’t even thought about the other possibilities.
“Do you think I could be pregnant?” your eyes went wide.
He could feel the panic radiating off of you. He reached out and took your hand in his, “You gotta admit it’s at least a possibility, right?”
He was absolutely right, and you couldn’t believe that you hadn’t thought of that before. You’d lived your whole adult life with an extremely painful and inconsistent period, and you figured that this was just another month of suffering. Pregnancy hadn’t crossed your mind. You suddenly felt lightheaded, and it must’ve shown on your face, too, because Nestor instantly tried to talk to you and calm you down. You were only hearing a small fraction of what he was saying, too overwhelmed by the racing thoughts in your head.
“Y/N, hey,” he cupped your face in his hands, “Hey, look at me. Focus on me, alright? You’re gonna be alright.”
“But what if you’re right?” you shook your head, “What if I’m pregnant? What the fuck am I gonna do?”
The two of you had never talked about kids. You knew that someday, down the road, you pictured yourself with a family. But it was always something distant. You had no idea where Nestor landed with all of that, especially given his line of work. Every single scenario was running through your brain at once. You didn’t want to put all of that on him, make him feel like he had to agree to something that he didn’t really want.
“Hey,” he was trying to gently tug you off of the downward spiral that you were on, “take a breath for me, alright?” he gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze, “We don’t even know anything for sure yet. Why don’t we get some answers before we freak out too much, okay?”
You tried to take a deep breath. Everything felt like it was moving at a mile a minute but when you saw the expression on Nestor’s face, it all started to slow down. You shook your head slightly, “How are you so calm about this?”
He smiled at you, “Because no matter what the situation ends up being, we’ll handle it,” he pulled you onto his lap and wrapped his arms tight around you, “I love you. I’ve always loved you. I’ve been in love with you since we were kids. And, honestly, there has never been something that has happened that we haven’t been able to figure out together,” he kissed your forehead, “We’re going to be okay.”
You buried your face into the crook of his neck, finally able to take a deep breath. You tried to focus on the sensation of his hand sliding up and down your back, on the warmth emanating from his body, “I love you so much,” you slid your arms around him, “Are we okay?”
He chuckled, pulling back from you slightly, “What? Of course. Why wouldn’t we be?”
“Depending on what we find out, I know this is…a lot. And I know that we haven’t talked about it, kids and shit, I mean. I don’t want to pull you into something that you aren’t comfortable with.”
“I told you,” he pressed a soft kiss to your lips, “we’re in this together. No matter what happens, I’m not leaving you. I promise.”
You rested your forehead against his. There was a lot that you had to figure out, a lot of questions that you had to get answered, but at least now you knew that you had Nestor in your corner. No matter what happened, you’d have him. He was right, the two of you had always figured out everything together and this was going to be no different. It might not be easy, but the two of you could make anything work.
“Thank you,” your eyes were still closed, “for being the one in this relationship that doesn’t instantly lose their shit all the time.”
He laughed, nuzzling his nose against yours, “Anything for you,” he paused, letting a few beats of silence pass between you, “No matter what happens over these next few weeks, I hope you know that I’ve always wanted a future with you, a family. I’ve never had any doubts about that.”
You smiled, “Good to know.”
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doc-pickles · 4 years ago
all roads they lead me here
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This is the last time you tell me I've got it wrong
This is the last time I say it's been you all along
This is the last time I let you in my door
This is the last time, I won't hurt you anymore
“Hey it’s Alex, leave me a message or whatever.”
“Alex, it's Jo. I just talked to your mom because you weren’t answering my calls and she said she hasn’t seen you or heard from you in awhile. So… please call me back. I just need to know you’re okay. I love you.”
“It’s me. It’s just been… A really long day and all I really want to do is curl up in bed with you. But you’re not here and you’re not in Iowa and I’m starting to worry that you’re dead in a ditch somewhere. Anyways I love you, please call me back.”
“Hi, it’s me again. Jo, you know your wife? The woman you married? I just… I’m worried about you and the longer I don’t hear from you the more worried I get. So please just call me back. I love you.”
“Alex, please pick up the phone. I don’t care where you are or what you’ve been doing. I don’t care if you’ve… committed murder or something. I don’t know, I just… I need you to answer me. If you’re not coming home I need to know so please just stop my wondering and answer me. Please. I love you, call me back.”
Alex sighed as he listened to the plethora of voicemails that Jo had left for him, her voice sounding more desperate the more messages she left. He wanted to call her, to answer one of her phone calls but he didn’t think it was fair to her. How was he supposed to drag her away from Seattle and everyone they loved to come to the middle of nowhere? How could he ask her to make that sacrifice when he was struggling to accept it himself?
As if hearing his thoughts, his phone screen lit up with a photo of Jo and him on their wedding day. Despite his doubts and worries Alex punched the green accept button and brought the phone up to his ear.
“Alex? Is that you?”
He only hesitates for a moment before letting out a sigh and answering, “Yeah it’s me.”
The relieved sigh and barely concealed tears break his heart as he listens to Jo on the other line. This was why he couldn’t go back, why he couldn’t face Jo again. Just hearing her on the other end of the phone was breaking his heart, he knew if he stood across from her and told her the choice he’d made that he would never be able to walk away.
“Oh my god, I thought you were dead,” Jo’s voice rang across the line, cries punctuating her words as she spoke a mile a minute. “Are you okay? You’re not hurt or in trouble or anything are you?”
“No… No, I'm okay. I’m fine I promise.”
“Good then where the hell are you,” Jo’s voice went from worried to stern in a flash, her tone almost scaring Alex as he listened to her. “I haven’t seen you in a month and a half and no one has been able to contact you for almost three weeks now. I thought you were lying in a coma somewhere so you better have a damn good reason as to why you haven’t been answering your phone.”
Of course she was angry, she had every right to be. If Alex were in Jo’s shoes he would’ve lost his mind trying to figure out where she was. But he wasn’t, instead he was lying in a hotel room thousands of miles away from Seattle keeping a huge secret from his wife who he normally told everything to. Alex let his eyes roam to the crisp white envelope on the bedside table next to him, Jo’s name in large letters across the front of it.
“It’s a long story, Jo.”
“Well start talking then Alex. I have been losing my mind here and I deserve an explanation,” Jo paused for a moment, her voice coming back clear and resolute when she spoke again. “If you’re leaving us, if you’re not coming home I need you to say it. I can’t keep sitting here playing back everything I’ve done trying to figure out what I did wrong.”
“Jo you haven’t done anything wrong, you could never,” Alex is quick to stop the destructive thoughts he knows are swirling around in Jo’s head. A deep pang of guilt hits him as he realizes that his lack of communication has probably torn her apart. “I’m just trying to figure some things out and… that might mean I don’t come back to Seattle.”
The line is silent and for a long moment Alex almost thinks that she’s hung up on him. Finally Jo speaks again, “You're telling me I didn’t do anything wrong but you’re not coming home? I don’t get it. Can you just tell me what's really happening?”
“I have kids.”
“I was going to-“
“With Izzie. She used the embryos and she has twins. We have twins,”
The all consuming silence from the other end of the line surrounds him once again. This time though, the pause felt like the heaviest thing he’d ever felt, the weight settling on his chest and taking his breath with it as he waited for Jo to respond to him.
“Jo, I had no idea. I called Izzie before Mer’s trial and I was telling her all about you and then… then I heard them in the background. Alexis was singing some song and Eli was yelling at her to stop and I couldn’t not ask about them,” Alex let out a sigh as he ran a hand across his face. “They’re perfect Jo, god they're… They’re everything, the best of me and the best of Izzie. I have a chance to make this family whole, and I just hope you love me back enough to let me ta-“
“You have a family here too Alex! You have people that are depending on you and waiting for you to come home,” Jo was on the verge of tears and she yelled down the line, her voice trembling as she tried to get her point across. “Why didn’t you tell me? Or answer your phone? God Alex I love you but sometimes you can be so stupid. I’m looking up flights now, I can get there tomorrow afternoon.”
“No babe, I don’t need you to come out here.”
“Then tell me what I’m supposed to do! Because I’ve been sitting at home for the last month and a half waiting for you to come home and that didn’t do anything.”
Alex let out a sigh, his shoulders falling as he leaned back against the headboard of his hotel bed, “Jo I’m sorry but I have kids and I need to be here for them. I’ve already missed five years of their lives, I don’t want to miss anymore.”
“Then let me come out there Alex! If you’re planning on staying why won’t you let me come out,” the next pause that comes is from Alex as Jo let’s his silence answer her questions. “You really weren’t planning on coming back to me, were you?”
“Jo, please-“
“No Alex! You don’t just choose to end things without asking me! It's like the past seven years have meant nothing to you,” a steadying breath sounded over the line, Alex’s heart beating out of time as he listened to Jo. “You cannot just leave us here like garbage Alex. I deserve more than that, we deserve more than that! So either you come home or…. Fuck! I don’t know. Alex please.”
Alex thinks he can almost tangibly feel his heart breaking in two as Jo cries out to him. He loves her, more than anything he thinks, but he has children and their faces pop into his mind every second of the day now. He can’t fathom leaving them after already missing so much of their lives.
“Were you even planning on coming back home? Or were you just going to ignore my calls until I got the hint.”
“I didn't know she would have my kids, and now that she does, I don't know how to look anyone in the eye if I don't stay and do everything I can to make this work, make this a life, make this a family,” Alex’s pauses to catch his breath, listening to Jo’s cries. “I never meant to hurt you Jo-“
“Then you should’ve told me! You knew for weeks before you left and you didn’t say anything. You just kissed me and laughed at my jokes and ate dinner across from me crawled into bed next to me and made love to me like nothing was wrong. But the whole time you were just counting down the days until you left without another word,” her breaths are unsteady now, Jo hyperventilating on the other end of the phone in a way that makes Alex want to forget everything he’s seen in Kansas. “I can’t breathe, I can’t do this Alex. If you’re leaving us just say it. Please.”
“Jo, I’m sorry-“
“Just say it!”
“I wish getting everything I always wanted didn't have to hurt you in the process. But I can't lie to you. And I can't come home,” Alex is forcing the words out, barely able to say them without bursting into tears himself. “I'm not coming home, Jo. I can't face you. I can't look you in the eye because I wouldn't be able to walk away.”
“And that doesn’t mean anything to you? Everything we worked for, every uphill battle we fought to be together means nothing now? Did you ever think I would go with you, no questions asked,” Jo takes a deep breath before finishing. “I get that you have kids in Kansas, but you have a family here too Alex and we’ve been here for years, we’re always going to be here waiting and wondering and… I have to go. I love you and I’m sorry we weren’t enough.”
The line finally drops silent and Alex lets the tears he’d been holding back fall. He thinks he’s making the right choice, being there for his kids and giving them what he and Jo never had as children. But the pain and aching in his heart make him second guess his decision, if only for a moment.
It’s two days after his phone call with Jo when Alex realizes that he might have royally screwed everything up. His eyes follow Eli and Alexis around the farmyard as Izzie tells him about their life.
“We were actually in Tacoma before moving out to Kansas. Well, really it was just me but I was already four months pregnant by the time I decided to move,” Izzie let a chuckle out as Alex’s brain began to work overtime. “Somehow we made it though, I swear those two have been keeping me on my toes since they were in the womb.”
Alex ran back Jo’s words from their conversation in slow motion. He had played them over and over again in his head since she’d hung up on him but now he realized they might have a new meaning.
“If you’re leaving us, if you’re not coming home I need you to say it.”
“You have a family here too Alex!”
“You cannot just leave us here like garbage Alex. I deserve more than that, we deserve more than that!”
“We’re always going to be here waiting and wondering.”
“I love you and I’m sorry we weren’t enough.”
Sure she might have meant Meredith and her kids and the family he’d found for himself in Seattle but Alex knew Jo better than that.
“You know what I mean,” Izzie’s voice snapped Alex out of his daze, his eyes glassy as he looked from his hands to the blonde next to him. “You okay?”
“I uh… I think my wife is pregnant.”
It’s nearly 10 PM when a knock sounds on the loft door. Jo almost doesn’t get up from her spot on the couch as her fatigued body sinks into the cushions, reasoning with herself that anyone of importance has a key. When there’s another knock however, she begrudgingly drags herself up to slide the metal door open.
“Oh my god…”
Standing in front of her is Alex, eyes tired and hair damp from the near constant downpour of Seattle rain. She tries to ignore the suitcase at his feet, not wanting to get her hopes up when they’d already been so crushed just a week before when she’d spoken to him.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I walked away from you and from all of this,” Alex runs a hand through his hair, his gaze floating to the ceiling as he struggles to keep his composure. “I want to be here Jo, you mean everything to me.”
“How am I supposed to believe that? How am I supposed to let you back in when I know you were about to leave me without a word,” she’s begging herself not to cry right now, she’s done enough of that in the past week. But her stupid hormones bring tears to her eyes that she tries unsuccessfully to blink away. “Alex, you were ready to walk away from everything we’ve built without so much as a goodbye!”
“I know but-“
“But what?! Izzie sent you back home? Your conscience suddenly crawled back into your body after taking a two month vacation,” Jo’s voice rises as she stares Alex down. “What do you think you could possibly say that would make this better?”
Alex takes a step forward and Jo can’t bring herself to step away from him. Her mind is swirling, tears stinging her eyes as she meets his gaze, “Jo, I’m sorry.”
“Well sorry doesn't fix everything Alex.”
There’s a quiet moment between them as they stand mere inches from each other, eyes locked but no words exchanged. Alex does look remorseful, like every decision he had excluded her from is finally weighing heavily on his shoulders.
“I’m not going back to Kansas. Well, I’m not staying there at least,” Jo blinks up at Alex, waiting for him to continue before she says anything else. “I love my kids, god they're perfect, but that’s not where I belong. And I’m sorry it took so long for me to realize that, I’m sorry it took you yelling at me to realize that because it just confirmed that I should’ve talked to you as soon as I found out.”
Alex takes another step forward, his chest almost touching hers as his hand comes up to cradle the curve of her stomach that one of his old shirts had hidden. In the month and a half that he’s been gone Jo’s figure had curved outward significantly, the baby bump now noticeable no matter what she wore. She’s not sure how he’d figured it out, but the simple act breaks the flimsy hold she has on her emotions. Instead of the tears she’d become so used to though, Jo finds herself overwhelmed with anger as she pushes away from Alex.
“If this is why you're back you can turn around and leave again.”
"It's not…. Well it is but it's not the only reason."
“Just listen please. I'm not back because we're having a baby, I’m back because you being pregnant made me realize how stupid I was being when I decided to move to Kansas. Eli and Alexis... They're amazing, but they were amazing before I got there too. And I don't want to be a dad without you by my side. I want it all with you Jo and I know that might be hard to believe right now but-“
Before Alex finished his statement Jo had launched herself into his arms, tears staining his shirt where she had her face pressed against his chest, "I'm still pissed at you but these stupid hormones all telling me to give you another chance.”
“Thank god, I didn't have a backup plan if you kicked me out again.”
"But,” Jo leaned up and fixed Alex with a serious look. "This is your last chance. If you EVER screw up this badly again…”
“I won't.”
Jo leans back, pressing her lips to Alex’s as she pulled him into the loft, “Welcome home.”
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notquitecanon · 5 years ago
Anyway you could write a Jasper Hale with a mate much shorter than him but with an snarky sarcastic attitude seemingly 5 time their size? Other than that free reign, thabks!
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“One day that mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble, darlin’.”
Or that’s what Jasper always told you when he was scolding you, usually before tugging you a little closer and pressing his lips to yours.
“Is that a promise?” You’d challenge, eye brow raised. You knew he’d never let anyone actually hurt you, no matter what you’d said. Edward protected Bella from her clumsiness, Jasper protected you from your attitude.
Like when you were stalling for time at the ballet house, when James was their biggest problem. He and Edward were about to bust in when you were distracting the blonde hunter, anything to get him away from Bella. Even with James’s hand against your throat you had let sarcasm drip off your every word, “Listen, we get it, you have an inferiority complex and can’t stand being challenged. I’d be the same way if I looked like a nickel back song sounded.”
Jasper had tackled the tracker off you a moment before your neck could be snapped. Later that evening, he sternly told you it wasn’t wise to piss off someone planning to kill you. You had just smiled and winked.
Or when your sharp words had turned on Jacob, berating him for lying to Edward about Bella’s death. (Not on Edward’s behalf of course, but because that meant you ran off to Italy after her).
“Who in the hell answerd someone else’s phone? You didn’t even have to tell him she was alive, but,” You’re voice had dipped lower, in a crude imitation of the werewolf, “ ‘no he’s a funeral.’”
You paused again clearing your throat, “Even if it was your house, why would that be you first reaction? Personally, my first reaction to seeing Edward again was shouting at him for putting my best friend through that.”
You had kept going, but eventually Jasper stepped in between you and the younger shape shifter before things could get out of hand. Jacob disappeared into the woods angrily as you turned to the blonde vampire. “And don’t think you’re off the hook either. You disappeared for months-“
Jasper just stepped back and listened to your tyrade, he really did feel terrible about leaving you alone (especially after he found out about the Laurent situation), but couldn’t fight the small smile that crept up his face as he watched you. He had missed everything, even this.
Another example was before the new born army showed up, when the Denali refused to fight with the Cullen’s. You had a field day with that one. He was glad Irina wasn’t around to hear you angrily ranting in your bedroom.
“Listen, I feel for her, I really do. If you were killed...” you trailed off for a moment, your pacing slowing before you riled yourself back up, “But also, if Laurent was truly a changed man or whatever I don’t really think that traveling hundreds of thousands of miles out of his way with the explicit intent of killing two teenage girls as a favor to his ‘ex’ friend (who by the way? Still killing people) really aligns with the Vegetarian Vampire handbook.”
Jasper nodded, wondering if he should attempt at calming you down. At his silence, you just continued, “And then she had the nerve to say she doesn’t believe he would do that? I was THERE when he explained in detail how his killing us would be more merciful. And even if she doesn’t care about me and Bella, that’s fine, whatever, to turn your back on friends?”
You plopped down beside him on your bed, tangling his fingers into yours. He could feel all your frustration and anger, but underneath all that was a little fear. Holding it in his, he lifted your hand to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles, “Even without them, we’ll have the numbers darlin’, we’re going to be fine.”
You settled after that, still pouting slightly as you curled into his chest. He chuckled to himsef, “We’ll just have to avoid Alaska for a bit, just so you don’t start a fight.”
“I’d kick their ass.” Your words were muffled by this jacket, an empty threat. But if produced another round of quiet laughter in him, your favorite sound in the world, which honestly was a reward all in of itself.
There were other instances, your sharp wit indiscriminately unleashed on anyone who did something dumb enough to deserve it. Edward and Jacob were the usual targets, and Edward definitely had it worse- he could hear the ones you decided not to say aloud. Every now and then, you’d snarkily reprimand Bella for her reckless decisions (not that you had any room to talk). Jasper always kept a close eye on you around Rosalie, but Emmett loved having you around. You atleast tried to keep yourself in check around Esme and Carlisle. Other times you couldn’t help it, like when Edward came back with a pregnant Bella and you looked him dead in the eye and asked, “Literally, how many times have you taken sex education? Vampire or not, you would atleast something would have stuck.”
Emmet still brought that one up.
Already wary around the wolves, Jasper actively avoided them with you around. You were friends with some of them, so you obviously weren’t worried about it, but listening to you pop off at Embry or Paul was enough to give Jasper the vampire equivalent of a heart attack. It was even worse when you’d do it during a tense moment. Like when they came for Renesmee. You’d simply stood on the porch, rolling your eyes. “Yeah, ‘what if this baby can’t control itself’... but if y’all kill the baby, that would make you child killers... some would argue that’s worse.”
Fortunately, you were atleast smart enough (or maybe just feared for Jasper’s saninuty enough) to never sass the Volturi (even if he could feel that you really wanted to).
Yes, for a human you had always had a particularly sharp tongue and an attitude that didn’t quite match your fragile reality, so Jasper had always kept close. Always ready to stand between you and anyone who couldn’t handle your words (or just calm you down when you were toeing a dangerous line).
So of course he felt a little relief when you were finally turned. He could breathe a little easier as you stood beside him, immortal, strong, and fast, with the skills to back up your heavy handed sarcasm.
Not that he’s ever let you have the chance, he’d always step between you and danger, immortal or not. And you’d always tease him for it, the overprotective fool.
This is unedited and a first draft sorry it sucks lmao
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maxineswritingcenter · 4 years ago
You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 24
“We lay to rest a beloved member of the community. A mother. A friend. A daughter. A wife. Claudia Stilinski...” We stood on the lawn of Beacon Hills Memorial Cemetery, watching Aunt Claudia’s casket being lowered into the ground. She had been sick for so long and it was starting to turn ugly... But she was in a better place now, that’s what Uncle Noah said. When he spoke at least. I looked past the grieving people, like Ms. McCall, Scott, the entire police department, and looked at Stiles. He looked so tired. His cheeks were tear stained and his eyes were red from crying. 
Once people started to disperse, my parents and I made our way over to Uncle Noah and Stiles. While the adults talked, Stiles and I just continued to stare at the grave. The grounds keepers were starting to cover her body with dirt. 
“Do you want me to spend the night tonight?” I whispered, reaching over and holding his hand. 
Stiles shook his head, chewing on the inside of his cheek, “I want to be alone tonight.” He gave my hand a squeeze.
“Wouldn’t tonight be the worst time to be alone?” 
“I just want to be at home with my dad. I need some time for myself.” 
“(Y/N).” We both turned at my father’s voice, “Let’s go, sweetie.” We both looked back at the grave.
“Okay. Well, call if you change your mind.” I gave his hand a squeeze before letting it slip away. 
We got into the car, making our way back home. 
“How you holding up, sweetie?” Mom turned back and looked at me over the sink. 
“I don’t want to be alone tonight.” I said, looking out the window.
“Well, you don’t have to.” Dad said, “We’ll get into our pjs and watch Disney movies. You know how much Aunt Claudia loved Disney movies.” 
I swallowed thickly, “Actually... I was hoping that I could go to see the Hales. If that’s okay.” Dad sighed loudly and mom smacked him subtly. 
“Sure, baby.” Mom said, a sad smile on her face, “I’ll call Talia when we get home.” 
When I was dropped off at the Hales’, Talia welcomed me with open arms, a blanket, and a hot chocolate. I guess what I needed was away from the whole situation. We played games, Laura braided my hair, we made friendship bracelets. At the end of the night, Laura and Cora had fallen asleep to the movie we had been watching and Derek had snuck us both onto the roof of the Hale house. We were on our back, looking up at all the stars in the sky and the moon shining down on us. We had been in silence for a while until Derek cleared his throat awkwardly. 
“So, uh, are you excited for high school next year?” 
I sighed and shook my head, “After today? I don’t think I’ll be ready for anything.”
“Yeah...” He turned on his side to face me, “I’m sorry about your aunt. I know she was important to you.” 
“Thanks...” I turned, “I guess I’m just kinda worried about everything. I don’t know what life is going to be like without her. And I’m worried about Stiles too.” 
“I bet. I don’t know what I would do if I lost my mom.” He said. Then, he reached out and grabbed my hand, “Whenever you feel like this again, let me know. You can come over and we can do this again. Whatever you need, I’ll be there.” 
I smiled, a slight blush to my cheeks that I really hoped was hidden in the dark, “Thanks, Derek.” 
“Of course.” He smiled, “It’s what friends do.” 
The communication with Beacon Hills was slim to none. And, ya know, that didn’t feel great. I understood that everyone was busy living their lives whether it was being a high school student or fighting supernatural beings or being a supernatural being or the sheriff in a town full of both. But unanswered texts and calls were starting to get to me. 
The ones I got weren’t great either though. Stiles occasionally sent me a long email about the events that had happened since long distance calls weren’t in the phone plan. 
I had learned more about the alpha pack - a blind one, a woman who could definitely use a manicure, a strong man, and twins who could morph into each other. I was almost a little happy I didn’t have to deal with that. 
All the betas were missing except Isaac who had stayed behind. Even if he did get in trouble every now and then. 
And then missing turned into dead. Hearing that Erica was dead really hit me hard. I barely knew the girl, a few moments and quick chats usually didn’t mean that much. But they found her locked in a closet, rotting. It was horrifying. She was a child. She was finally enjoying her life - a new life without seizures and bullying, her parents had taken her to get pictures taken; happy to see that their little girl loved herself for the first time. Now she was gone. 
They found Boyd alive, thankfully. And surprisingly, they had found Derek’s sister: Cora. 
Not forgetting that there were flocks of animals committing mass suicide and kids turning up murdered. It seems home is getting more and more dangerous. Not only was there an alpha pack but there was a creature called a Darach, a dark druid. 
The leader of the alpha pack, Deucalion, was trying to get Derek to join his pack. He also wanted me to join as well, apparently he had been asking where I was. To join, he would have to kill the betas. Derek, who I’m sure was done being manipulated, refused. To keep him safe, Derek kicked Isaac out of the depot to live with Scott. 
Speaking of dead...
Even thousands of miles away, the vision of falling three stories still hurt as much as if I was actually there. A battle between the alphas, Derek and Scott. And honestly, I wasn’t sure if Derek was alive or dead. Every little message I thought to him just echoed in my head. I had cried, tried forcing myself to work through it. But nothing really worked. I still woke up in the middle of the night, naked on the castle grounds having shifted my feelings or else I was instinctually trying to search for him. First it was anger, next it was denial, then more anger. And that was all just last night. 
Hell, not even forgetting to mention the fact that the test Lachlan ran on me was a little more than just a blood panel. They checked for human chorionic gonadotropin hormone aka the pregnancy hormone. And things were just getting better and better. Because it was positive. I am pregnant. And the father may be dead. 
Sending a preemptive long distance fee to Stiles’ PayPal account, I called the house phone. It didn’t have caller ID but it was something. Michael didn’t think it was a good idea, however, it was gonna be a cold day in Hell before I listened to his double agent ass. Lachlan thought I deserved closure. And I trusted him more. 
“Stilinski residence.” Stiles’ voice was a little scratchy, but still loud and clear. 
“Stiles, if you hang up on me I swear you will live to regret it. I still have access to your secret YouTube channel.” There was a pause on the other end, then a sigh. 
“Hey (Y/N). I was wondering why I got an email from my PayPal."
 "Is there a reason I've been on everyone's pay no mind list? Because it's starting to piss me off."
"Well... Derek said that we shouldn't worry about or get you stressed out."
"So not talking to me for months is supposed to help?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Uh... Ya got me there."
I groaned and started tapping my foot, "I just...." My mind seemed to go blank, my heart rate going up. That's not right. I wasn't doing anything to make it spike like this.
"I know, I know. And I'm sorry, I wish I could contact you more. But there's a lot going on here with the alpha pack and Lydia and-and Derek-"
"Shit." I wheezed, sitting down on the bed. My body felt so warm and not in the way it normally would.
"Yeah I know, it's a lot right now-" His voice was drowned out by my senses taking over. It was the familiar warmth of intimacy. But not from me. It was Derek! He was alive. But he was with someone. And that someone-
He was kissing her. Touching her. His heart racing. Her touch set his skin ablaze and nothing else mattered. Not even the wounds on his body that nearly killed him. But all that mattered was her intoxicating touch. The touch of a woman he didn’t know. But her whole being enveloped him.  
I screamed loudly in anger, but behind that anger was so much pain. My chest ached and felt like it was being pulled across the world. I dropped the phone, holding my chest.
"(Y/N)? (Y/N)! What's wrong?!" My breathing was erratic and my thoughts were going wild between what had just happened and what I was thinking and what I had to do from here. I felt so helpless and alone. What could I do?
Then... There was an answer. Maybe it was the stress? Maybe it was my raging hormones? But I had my answer.
I picked the phone back up.
"(Y/N)! Talk to me, what's going on?"
I inhaled and exhaled deeply, "Derek’s alive."
"He is?"
"But not for long." I hung up.
How dare he? HOW COULD HE? AFTER EVERYTHING WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH OUR ENTIRE LIVES AND HE JUST- JUST THROWS IT ALL OUT? And for what? Who could have been more important than me? I'm his stupid mate for Christ's sake.
But if he wants to sleep around?
He could for the next thirteen hours. Because I'm going back to Beacon Hills for the soul purpose of ripping his heart out like he did mine. And if this emotional trauma affected my child? Well, there were repercussions for that too.
Michael and Lachlan were in my room, watching me as I threw together a bag to take on the plane. Remarkably, as a member of the Lunar Circle I would get free airfare courtesy of Lachlan mostly because the guy was insanely rich and he agreed with my revenge plot, for the most part.
"Okay, let's think rationally here." Michael said, taking things out of my bag as I was putting them in, "He's a total douche bag for doing this. We all agree. But in your state, I don't think you should fly. I mean anything could happen."
"I can fly until I'm thirty-six weeks along." I said curtly, grabbing my things out of his hands and putting them back in the bag.
"Come on, think about what you're doing-"
"I have thought about it. And I'm going to kill him."
Michael looked back at Lachlan who had his arms crossed over my chest, only observing.
"A little help here, Praetor McLeod?"
Lachlan shrugged, "Seems justified to me."
"Murder? Murder seems justified to you." He asked incredulously.
"It's the werewolf way." Lachlan said simply.
"Thank you, Lachlan." I smiled.
"Okay, what about this?" Michael stood in front of my path to my bag, "Murdering him seems like a great idea right now, I totally get it. But-but if you do that, it will weigh heavily on your conscience."
"The Lunar Circle has excellent insurance, including therapy." Lachlan chimed in.
I moved Michael out of the way, "Duly noted."
Michael sputtered, "And-and your baby? What about your baby? That's their dad."
"Their dad who decided to stick his penis in another woman." I raised my eyebrows at him, "That one? Yeah, what a stand up guy."
“But you love him. Don’t you think killing him-”
“Michael!” I slammed my suitcase shut, “Shut up.” I turned and faced both of them, “You’re right, okay? I do love him, which is the worst part. I hate him so much but I still love him. I dedicated my life to him and I thought he had dedicated himself to me. I was wrong.” I zipped the bag and made my way out the door, “I’ll be back at the end of the week.”
Getting on the plane didn’t take long. Relatively short lines, quick ticket, fast boarding. Like someone was looking out for me as I went to kick Derek's ass. Becoming alpha to Derek's pack was starting to sound better and better as the pain continued to radiate through my body. Eventually, I just felt numb.
The people on the plane were nice. I sat next to an older gentleman who slept for the most part so I could whisper profanities under my breath. The stewardess had been kind, making sure I had enough to drink. It seems someone had tipped them off I was pregnant, probably Michael. The guy had been a nervous wreck since he found out I was pregnant. He wouldn’t even let me train, not like he had much of a choice in what I did. But he sure knew how to annoy me out of a room. Lachlan had been supportive, talking about adding an additional room onto mine for a nursery. I told that it wasn’t necessary since I wouldn’t be staying in Scotland that long. 
After the plane landed, I was met by a very tired looking Stiles. We didn’t speak much, just began the drive back home. 
"So...." He swallowed, his eyes darted from me to the road ahead, "Pregnant," He chuckled nervously, "That-that's great! I'm so happy for you.” He tapped his fingers against the steering wheel. He was hesitating, he wanted to say something else, “Uh...Speaking of-” I groaned loudly, another lecture. 
He ignored my dramatics, “Maybe you shouldn't kill him. That's not good for the baby..." 
“It wasn’t good for the baby when he decided to take our bond, step on it and rub it in the dirt.” He was silent, but not for long.
"Yeah-but you see we kinda need Derek to help with some big bads. Like Deucalion and the Darach and ya know, other stuff." 
"I remember you telling me about it. I tried to do some research but Lachlan said that we didn’t have too much information on them.” 
“Well that’s not too helpful.” 
We made it back to the house at sunset, which was perfect timing. The cover of night would be great to conceal me in the dark. Sure, he would smell my scent but he would have no idea where I was coming from. I pulled on the handle on the door but stared at it when it didn’t budge. Still locked. I looked back at Stiles. He looked tired, a wreck.
“Would you just... See dad before you cover yourself in blood? He was really excited to hear you were coming home.” Like he always seemed to be, Stiles’ was right. I should see Uncle Noah. 
“I will. I need to rest anyway. Besides, I can’t kill him on an empty stomach.” I winked.
“You terrify me.” He unlocked the doors. We got out just in time for Uncle Noah to jog down the driveway. 
“There she is!” He grinned, wrapping his arms around me and hugging me tight. 
“I missed you so much.” I said into his shirt, giving him a soft squeeze. He pulled away and looked over me, “Look at you.” He motioned to my stomach that looked more like I was bloated than a fetus growing inside of me, “This-this is... Mhm. Exciting!” 
I chuckled, “Thanks. Very mhm.” 
“Uh, you hungry?” 
Dinner had been extremely awkward, the conversation mostly coming back to the child growing inside of me. Lots of questions from both of them. Mostly how I hadn't called. In actuality I had called approximately twenty times a day with no answer from anyone per Derek's request. Unfortunately for him, his requests were now being put on the back burner. I excused myself to my room.
My room was kept the same, I'm certain no one had been inside besides Uncle Noah. And from the ruffled blankets, maybe Stiles. Back when we were kids, we used to sneak scary movies and had to sleep in a huddled pile because we were too scared to sleep by ourselves. 
I grabbed a jacket and opened up my window, I was half way out of it when my door opened. Stiles stood in the doorway. We stared at each other for a minute. 
“I may regret saying this one day because I don’t care for Derek, but don’t kill him.” He said, “Kick the living shit out of him, sure. Get in a few punches for me. But don’t kill him. We need him.” Of course, all it took was Stiles to talk me off the murder-ledge. 
“I won’t kill him.” I smiled, “I’ll be home soon.”
Odds are, with the alpha pack threat Derek will have the depot protected. What he failed to remember was that the most dangerous being in the world had a key to every place in the depot. I simply walked in the front door. Almost like he was expecting me.
His scent was so strong, like the forest after it rained. It made this ball of emotion well up in my chest bringing me back to all the love and memories we had shared together. Not all the memories were life and death. They weren't all fights. Some days, Derek and I would curl up and bed and never leave, only grabbing food here and there. His smile would light up his whole face, sometimes it would even reach his green eyes and make them sparkle. When he would nap, he would lay his head on my chest and sleep, like he was finally at peace with himself and the world. That was the person I loved. 
I walked through the main room at the depot, getting to the stairs. The worst part here was the pictures, us together, the pack. I want to make the depot less abandoned and more homey for the betas to have a place to go and relax. Some of the pictures had turned heads at the photo developing counter (but I had managed to convince them that it was for a theater class). The worst part was that on my way here Boyd had been killed. If only I had been here soon, if only I had been here at all. Only two of the pack remained, Isaac and Jackson who was no longer a killer lizard thanks to Lydia. Say what you will about Peter Hale but sometimes he knew what he was talking about.  
If Derek knew I was here, he hadn’t tried to make a move. Smart. 
After wandering a bit, I finally decided to face the music. I found him hunched over his desk in the main office room. Rain was dancing against the fluorescent lights from the street lamps down below. He hadn’t looked up at me the whole time that I walked up to him. He felt defeat and alone. He had lost everything. He was looking down at his desk, his hands laced together. He looked up slightly, more looking at my shirt than my face. 
“I...” His voice was soft and quiet, something unlike the loud, booming man I was used to, “I messed up.” 
“Yeah, you did.” It was silent for a moment, then he spoke again. 
“Who’s with you?” He asked, his eyes scanning the room. 
I narrowed my eyes at him, “No one.” 
“Then why do I hear another heart-” His eyes widened. He stared directly at my stomach. I thought I almost saw his ears perk up. 
“Are you...”
“I am. I’m having a baby. Emphasis on the ‘I’m’.” I really hadn’t wanted to do much talking, I really hadn’t planned on saying anything besides obscenities and screaming at him. He stood up from the desk and quickly came around, he reached his hand out towards my stomach but I smacked it away. 
“You have no right to touch me. Especially when I can still smell her stench on you.” I scrunched up my nose and sneered. 
“Look,” He licked his lips, “I can’t give you a good answer or an excuse-”
“Good, because I don’t want one.” I glared. 
He looked at me a moment then continued, “I don’t know why I did what I did. Something just came over me. Please tell me you believe me.” He put his hand on my shoulder. 
He really should have taken a lesson out of his own book. With amazing speed, I grabbed him by the throat and threw him across the room. When he landed, my features shifted and my eyes glowed red. He groaned, holding at his waist. That’s where he had been injured in the alpha fight, it had healed but it was still sore. 
“I don’t want your apologies.” I growled, walking towards him, “I want you to feel what I felt. The pain and the suffering. The violation...” I chuckled darkly, “You know that I felt her hands on you? Touching the most private parts of your body that only I was supposed to feel. Do you know how disgusting I felt afterwards? I felt used and dirty and it wasn’t even my body.” I stepped on his chest with my boot to keep him down on the ground. He still wasn’t looking at me. I snarled, grabbing him by his shirt and shoving him against the concrete pillar he landed on. 
“Look at me!” I roared, “You broke me into a million little pieces. You didn’t answer my calls.” I punched him. 
“You kept me hidden in the dark about Erica’s death.” I hit him again. 
“You wouldn’t let my family communicate with me and when they did they couldn’t even tell me everything that was going on. I was begging to hear from someone, anyone, I was all alone!” I threw him across the room. 
“You blocked my number two months ago.” I stalked over to him, ignoring the tears running down my face, “I couldn’t even hear your voice on your goddamn voicemail!” I got down on my knees and grabbed his chin so that his eyes met mine. 
“LOOK AT ME!” I screamed, “Look what you did to me! For months you’ve been using our bond for your own strength, strength that used used to heal and have sex with another woman!” My voice was starting to crack as all the things I had thought about were coming out, “See how much my heart broke when I felt how happy you were with someone other than me.” He was finally looking at me. The worst thing though was that his eyes were full of so much love for me, that special twinkle that Peter said only happened when he looked at me. I wasn’t angry anymore, I was devastated. 
“I came here to kill you.” I sniffled, my features shifting back to normal, “I wanted to tear your heart out. But I can’t... I can’t because I love you and I don’t want to hurt you anymore. I shouldn’t have hurt you, but I want to because of what you did.” As the anger fogged cleared, I realized that I was just as bad as he was. 
“You had every right to hurt me-”
“No, I didn’t. I shouldn’t have hurt you. I’m sorry.” I looked down at my hands, “I felt so out of control. I thought I was getting better at it.” 
“You were.” Derek sat up slowly, “It’s the baby. All of your emotions are going to be heightened. More than usual.” 
“It doesn’t matter.” I made my way towards the exit, not caring that he was calling after me, running to catch up to me. I just left him there. Even when I got home and he tried to get into my window, I just ignored his pleading. What I did wasn’t right, I shouldn’t have hit him or punched him. I was just so angry and that anger clouded my vision. 
Weren’t we a pair - one cheats and the other goes into a blind rage. Perfect. 
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charlottesmidnight · 4 years ago
Distance || Sirius Black
Part 2 here
Summary: Reader gets accepted into a prestigious school to pursue her dreams of becoming a healer. The only problem: it’s 3000 miles away from her heart and her home.
Words: 880
Warning: Angst
A/N: First time publishing my writing! Excuse the grammar errors, I didn’t really re-read this one :/
You stared at the piece of folded paper for what seemed like forever. It was a piece of paper that you would have been so excited to receive if you had been the same woman you were 6 months ago when she applied to the prestigious American healing academy, in fact you would’ve been over the moon. However, in six months a lot of things in life can change. In six months, you started dating your soulmate. So now, you weren't happy at all to receive the letter.
“Hello love,” Sirius greeted as he attacked into a hug from behind, breaking up her string of thoughts. “What do you have there?” He asked as you cautiously folded the letter and placed it in your pocket. “Nothing,” you replied, masking your inner turmoil with a bright smile as you pulled away from the hug and returned to you and Sirius’ shared room quietly making Sirius frown in confusion. He knew whatever you were hiding from him wasn’t “nothing” but he also knew that sometimes it was best to give you some space. Afterall, two of you might have only been dating for 6 months but both of you had been friends for much longer than that, he knew you like the back of his hand.
That night’s dinner was a quiet one with James and Lily out on their date, it was just you and Sirius. It was an awkward 30 minutes before Sirius spoke up.
“Are you okay?”
It took you a few seconds to consider what to say to Sirius before you finally replied.
It only took one word to cause Sirius to look up from his meal and stop eating. He raised his eyebrows in concern as if asking you what was wrong and you took the sign to continue speaking.
“I got accepted by this prestigious American healer training academy.”
“That’s amazing.”
“No. No it’s not”
“Wait, you are still going to continue studying-”
You looked up from your plate and stared at Sirius, a hint of guilt present in your eyes, and it didn’t take him long to understand why.
“I think I might want to go to America.”
“And what exactly do you mean by ‘you think’”
“I want to go to America”
There was a pregnant pause as both you and Sirius attempted to comprehend the weight of the words you just spoke.
“Say something” you urged as the tension between both of you increased.
“I don’t know what to say.” he replied silently as he continued with his meal as if nothing even happened.
It was around midnight when Sirius crawled into bed with you already lying in it. You both had your backs turned towards its other, eyes closed but unable to speak. That was when Sirius decided to speak up again.
“Are you sure? About....the whole thing?”
“I think.” you replied which was enough to shut Sirius up for the rest of the night and the morning after that.
-1 week later-
“I need to tell the academy about my decision.” You said, voice low and hushed as you washed the dishes with Sirius right by your side.
“We’ll make it work.” He said with a voice equally as hushed.
“Really, you think we can make this work?” Your voice teeters on the brink of screaming. “You barely said a word to me all week and you think we can survive being 8 hours apart?” You scoffed.
“No. You want me to tell you the truth? No.” He said, almost slamming the plate in the soapy sink. “We had a plan. You attend St. Mungo’s healing school here and I undergo Auror training here. You can’t just dump a bomb on me and expect me to be ok. You know how rigorous both Auror training and Healer training can be! You can’t just expect me to fly out every Saturday just to see you for a few hours! We don’t even have that type of money or time!”
“I’m not asking you to visit me every week! We could visit each other during term breaks! We could write letters, we could make this work!” You sounded out, voiced laced with desperation.
“Oh so you think seeing each other 4 times a year is enough to sustain a healthy relationship?” He rebutted.
“I’m asking you to try” voice on the verge of breaking.
“What’s the point in trying if we already know the outcome?” Sirius replied, anger and sadness both equally evident in his tone as he walked away from the kitchen, leaving you alone, on the brink of tears.
Knowing Sirius was right hurt you. Knowing that seeing each other only 4 times a year was a stretch even for both of you. However, what hurt you even more was that Sirius didn’t even want to try and make it work. Wasn’t your relationship worth fighting for? Only 6 months of dating but 7 years of being best friends and that relationship wasn’t even worth fighting for?
You stormed out the kitchen, warm tears rolling down your face, as you headed to your room and pulled out your suitcase. Pulling out your muggle phone, you checked for how soon there would be a flight to New York City, America.
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crockettmarcel · 3 years ago
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sleeping in | 4000 miles!au
wc: 1186
prompt: medtober 2021, day five alt, “sleeping in”
warnings: pregnancy, mentions of birth
Crockett wakes to the sound of a car alarm going off outside, and without thinking, looks over to check on Sarah. She’s still asleep, curled up around the U-shaped pillow that’s been taking up most of the bed for the last four months, and he breathes a sigh of relief. The third trimester has been hell for her, leaving her constantly exhausted, and being woken up early for no reason is the last thing she needs.
Carefully, Crockett pulls the covers back, then gets out of bed and tiptoes across the room to the door. Sarah hasn’t stirred, and for a moment, Crockett just stands and watches her, heart so full he’s sure it will burst. She’s beautiful, and he has to resist the urge to lean down and kiss her. That would wake her for sure, so instead, he leaves, gently shutting the door behind him, then makes his way to the bathroom.
He showers quickly, then, with a towel wrapped around his waist, brushes his teeth and works his way through his morning skincare routine. He’s got it down to a fine art by now, and five minutes later, he’s hung his towel up to dry and is getting dressed. Every night, he leaves his clothes for the next day folded on a shelf in the bathroom, so that he doesn’t end up disturbing Sarah by trying to find clothes while she’s sleeping in (because no matter how quiet he tries to be, something always manages to go wrong).
After opening the window to let the bathroom air out, he heads to the kitchen, pausing outside the bedroom to check if Sarah’s still asleep. There’s no sound coming from inside, and he hadn’t heard the door open at any point while he was in the bathroom, so he guesses that she is and continues on his way.
As soon as he gets there, he beelines for the coffee machine, grabbing a mug and one of the extra strong pods to give him the energy boost he’s so desperate for. He’d planned on going out to buy things to make breakfast for Sarah, but there’s no telling how long it will be until she’s ready to eat, so he rummages in the snack cupboard until he finds one of Sarah’s chocolate and peanut butter protein bars to have with his coffee.
(And of course makes a note on his phone to buy another box of them, just in case.)
He takes the mug and protein bar over to the armchair by the window and watches the city come to life as he drinks. It’s bright outside already, the sky that pale blue you only get in the summer, but there are so few people around. Like him, they’re probably still getting ready for the day ahead, and as he stares at the windows of the apartment block opposite, he can’t help wondering what the people inside are like.
Sarah’s still not out of bed by the time he finishes his coffee, and as much as he wishes she was here with him, he’s glad that she’s finally getting some proper sleep. After the stress of the previous day, when they were sure that the twins were going to be making their arrival, god knows she deserves it.
There’s nothing left for him to do in the apartment, so he puts his mug in the sink to wash later, then grabs his wallet and keys and leaves to go and get their breakfast.
It’s a quick drive to the nearest grocery store, and once he’s there, he easily finds what he needs. There are only a few other shoppers, mostly elderly people, and a couple of parents with young children, who he guesses have been up for hours already. That will be you in a couple of weeks, a voice in his head reminds him, and he’s almost giddy with excitement at the thought of it.
When he leaves the store, everything around him feels more alive. There are more cars on the road, more people walking up and down the streets, and the sun is brighter than when he was having his coffee. Chicago’s a beautiful city, he thinks as he turns onto his street, and he’s so grateful to get to raise his daughters here.
He takes the elevator up to the apartment — walking up all those stairs with heavy shopping bags is never fun — and is about to put his key in the lock when the door opens for him.
“I heard you walking down the corridor. You’re not good at being quiet,” Sarah explains. “Do you want me to take one of those?” She holds a hand out to take a bag, but Crockett just shakes his head.
“I’ve got it. Pregnant women aren’t supposed to carry things.”
“Whatever you say.”
With one hand on her bump, she follows him through to the kitchen, then takes a seat on one of the stools at the island while he unpacks everything.
“So, how long have you been awake, darlin’?” He asks, going back and forth between the island and the fridge.
“I woke up when you were in the bathroom. The twins have been giving me hell all morning.”
Crockett pauses, raising an eyebrow at her. “I thought you were asleep.”
“Well, yeah. That was the point.”
He smiles, then throws a packet of something in her direction. “Almonds. You said you were craving them last night, so I got some while I was out.”
“Have I ever told you I love you? Because I do.”
“I love you too.”
The rest of the food doesn’t need to be unpacked straight away, so he makes his way around to the other side of the island to stand behind Sarah. He places both hands on her bump, and almost immediately, he’s met with kicks against his palms, from what he can only guess is both twins. This is the thing he’ll miss the most when they’re here, although, judging by the look on Sarah’s face, she doesn’t feel the same way.
“This might be a cute bonding moment for the three of you, but right now I’m being pummeled from the inside, so do you maybe want to not be doing this?”
“I’m sorry,” he says, kissing the top of her head. “If it makes you feel any better, your hair smells nice.”
“It doesn’t. Thanks for trying though.”
For a moment, the two of them stay where they are, Sarah leaning her head back against his shoulder, and him still with one hand on her stomach, until finally, she speaks up.
“So… is breakfast happening anytime soon?”
He nods, then pulls away to go back to the other side of the island.
“Avocado toast okay? I know that’s what you’ve been liking recently, but I can do pancakes if you’d prefer.”
“No, that sounds perfect. We still have hot sauce, right?”
“We do…” He lets his voice trail off, looking expectantly at Sarah for an explanation.
“Some people think spice can induce labour, and I’m done waiting to have these babies.”
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moxfirefly · 4 years ago
Video calls and confessions
Part 2
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Rated Explicit (18+)
Got around to that part teo for this one shot.
The world going to shit wasn’t exactly how’d you planned out your Friday afternoon. This morning you had woken up with enthusiasm and a desire to treat yourself.
You’d gone out to the city, had your nails done, grabbed an obscenely priced coffee and on your way had stumbled on a museum.
A little culture never hurt nobody.
For Christ sake it was a free entry day too.
So why then, as you admired priceless art and sculptures had literal hell descended upon the evening?
Creatures. Actual monsters. The screams of the public deafening.
That had happened about half an hour ago. In your haste you had thanked you fight or flight mode to quick into flight. The shaking in your body had cause you to run into one of the exhibit rooms most cluttered with random ‘junk’ whatever this art installation had gone for it was surely not for somebody to duck behind for safety.
You checked your phone. The news was reporting the attack of the art museum. Authorities had been sent as well as the B.P.R.D...
That made you pause and clutch your phone.
If the bureau was on its way then that meant Hellboy was too.
The very notion of possibly seeing him in the flesh made your heart skip a few beats. The two of you had been communicating on and off for a while now since the private shows had started. You knew mixing work and pleasure wasn’t smart but fuck, you had it bad for this guy.
There was a sense of relief washing over you. He’d be here, he’d take care of this mess. Maybe you’d finally see him and not through a computer screen. You knew things had escalated with him although neither of you had really properly addressed it.
“Please whatever is up there, if I survive this I’m fucking telling him I’m in love with him” You whispered to yourself. This possibly couldn’t be your last day on earth.
Something screeching and something akin to a human scream startled you. You hugged your knees closer and tried not to breath loudly. Gunshots and more screams could be heard.
Then something came crashing into the installation where you were hiding. Your scream was imposible to hold in. The creature was screeching so loudly, a sound that left your ears ringing.
Adrenaline made you run out as fast as you humanly could. You heard the great strides it took to catch up to you. This was it wasn’t it? You were gonna die?
Your legs kept pushing you forward even as your muscles burned with pain. Your eyes hurt from crying and your throat felt like it was sandpaper. Something like a claw reaching for your hair made you close your eyes. There was no way you wanted to see how this ended for you.
Two shots.
Loud and so very clear, the sound coming out of left field made you trip and fall. The screening fortunately had stopped.
“Miss?! You’re safe! Hey! You gotta get out of here now!” That voice you knew all to well. You looked up and saw red and a stone hand.
“R-red...” Your voice was small, a sob catching in your throat.
“Y/N!?” He was shocked, eyes wide as he knelt in front of you.
You weren’t sure how your body moved or if he moved you but somehow you’d ended up with your arms around him sobbing into his neck. Hellboy held you tightly, whispering that you were safe, an array of cusses slipped out as he breathed heavily.
The knowledge that you were here, if he’d been a millisecond too late, all crashed down on him as he picked you up and carried you to safety.
You could’ve died, was all that ran through his head.
You’re alive, was all that ran through yours.
One helicopter ride, a medical exam and a shower later you found yourself at the home base of the B.P.R.D. A nice young woman by the name of Alice had loaned you some clothes and had taken you to Hellboy’s room to wait. A debriefing was happening and all you could do was sit tight.
You resolved to canceling all your cam shows for the week stating you had fallen terribly ill. There was no way you could work, your hands were still shaking as you typed out the post and notified your one on one shows. It felt like hours as you sat on the couch, you had looked around at his room, seeing and array of personal items that made up his personality.
Such a big part of you often dreamt about this but your nerves had you glued to your spot.
The door opened and Hellboy came barreling in like a tornado. You flinched and bit too hard on your already chewed off nail, so much for that manicure.
“I’m so sorry, I wanted to leave that stupid meeting but it’s fucking mandatory because Daimio thinks it’s necessary, asshole that guy I tell ya-“ He took in your state, the still slight tremble in your hands, the few scrapes here and there. You looked small and scared and it absolutely destroyed him.
In his silence he made his way towards the coffee table and sat in front of you. “You know I often fantasized what it be like to see you in the flesh, this wasn’t how it usually went I promise” He smiled and for the first time in this piss filled day, so did you.
“How would it go?” You asked softly.
“Some mood light, a little wine maybe some music” The two of you chuckled. Your chuckles quickly dissolved in you trying to hold back your tears.
You were almost killed tonight, the shock would take some time to subside. “Hey hey kid, it’s ok, I’ve got you. Ain’t nothing gonna happen to you on my watch” Hellboy’s flesh hand rested on your knees.
You leaned forward and rested your forehead on his shoulder. “...When I read you guys were sent out, I really got excited that I’d finally see you” You felt his flesh hand stroke your hair.
“I’m in love with you” You blurted out, his hand going to still. “I said, if I’m making it out of this alive I’m telling him, so I’m telling you...” You looked up at him, e/c meeting his golden ones.
“I-Im not dancing around this no more, I’m tired of pretending that what’s been going on isn’t just some work thing that I do, fuck, I love you I really do and I think you do too” Your mouth want dry again, the scratchy sensation making you swallow.
Hellboy searched out your eyes, something in his head was going a mile a minute. Was he searching for a lie? Something disingenuous?
That all died when he lunged forward and kissed you.
A kiss that truly and utterly left no worry.
You were kissing Hellboy. You were gripping Hellboy by the scruff of his shirt. The way his lips molded against yours, the abnormal warmth to them, the softness to them, the roughness of his scruff.
Pulling back for air felt obligated but he’d insisted by pressing the stumps of his horns against your forehead. “Wow...that’s...so much better than I could’ve imagined” He was star struck in a way and it honest to god made you laugh.
The days events took a back seat for now you wanted to take in the being before you. You scanned everything you normally did while on cam with him. Your hands explored his face, running across scars and hair.
Then you remembered what lay to his right and your heart raced.
You gripped his stone hand, fascinated by the texture of stone, how he held your hand with so much regard to his strength. The patterns, the markings everything has you entranced.
“Extraordinary” Was all you could muster as you rubbed on what would be the inside f his wrist. “I’m sorry, is this weirding you out?” You looked at Hellboy only to find him grinning. “Having a beautiful girl touch me? Yes it’s completely weirding me out” He mocked and you couldn’t help but playfully shove him.
“God I need a beer, can we...?” He was leaning over toward the mini fridge next to the couch and pulling said drinks out. “Read my mind, beautiful” He offered one towards you.
This morning you were going about a normal routine, and now after a near death experience you were in the room of a man you had been falling in love with for months. The twist and turns of life.
Around round 3 you’d excused yourself to use the bathroom. As you washed your hands and saw your normal pristine face a little worn down from the stressful events you frowned.
But there you stood in Hellboy’s bathroom. Surrounded by things all him. The tips of your fingers ran through a brush of his. This was a reality right now.
You stepped out and caught him shrugging off his coat. Busying your thumbnail again at your teeth you watched his now visible arms flex with the movements.
“All good?” He smiled leaning against the dresser.
There was a pregnant pause in which the two of you merely just ogled one another from across the bed.
You moved first.
You walked over the bed and stood on it, you reached out a hand that he took without hesitation and with the extra height from the bed you met in a heated kiss face to face. You wrapped your arms around his neck, you felt his around your hips.
In a wordless haste you yanked at his black T-shirt and busied yourself with taking off yours. He watched mesmerized, as always, the revealing of your skin.
The image before you though, god you wanted to scream.
Hellboy undoing his belt and swiftly yanking the whole thing out of the belt loops without breaking eye contact. Off were your pants, and on was him as he took you down on the bed.
It was a haze, breathless kisses and chants of desire. He one handed the button of your jeans and his own. The brief separation to take the offending items off had the two of you giggling almost. In record time he was back on you and you welcomed it with a ferocity to your kisses. Tongue slipping into his mouth, you swallowed a groan of his that vibrated all the way to your cunt.
He was here, you were here. Physically.
You grinned as he trailed kisses over both your covered breast. “Take-fuck-take it off please, now right now” You felt the air leave your lungs when he simply broke the bra in half and met his reward, two beautifully round breasts he had craved more than any meal. Hellboy pressed his face between them and inhaled before leaving a series of bites and marks. Each time he bit down your raised your hips in search of friction.
The heaviness in the air, the warmth of him lapping and sucking at your breast. The heated tongue wrapping around a nipple. Hellboy devoured you, and if your breast had him like this...
“Baby please, wanna touch you too” Your hands ran down his back, sharp nails leaving a path. Hellboy shuddered as he left a nipple with a loud pop. “Go on, I’m all yours” That very comment sent a gush of heat and you bit your lip to hold a moan in.
You nudged him to lay on his back and you climbed on top of him. Hands running over your body, the feeling of that stone hand gently cupping your rear was enough to make you grind down on him with purpose.
“I promised you something every time we spoke, you remember what that was?” You rubbed yourself on him as you began to trail down his body. Hellboy’s eyes were fogged with lust. “Oh, you remember” You kissed his stomach, nails scratching his sides before hooking into the waistband of his underwear.
He was going to have a stroke.
Hellboy watched you slide his underwear down. Eyes hungry and mouth engulfing his cock. He bucked up without meaning to but you caught most of the onslaught by closing up your throat. A minor choke and you were back on track.
Fuck he was big and thick, you did your best swallowing as much as possible before settling the rest with your hand to jerk. The gut punched groan that left him egging you on. He saw your head bob, the way your lips stretched around his length, the blissed out look as you sucked earnestly. “Shit shit, you look beautiful” Hellboy reached a left hand across your cheek.
Letting him go with a breathy inhale, spit on your chin you jerked him lazily.
He was putting this look away for a rainy day. You had no right looking so utterly debauched and perfect.
“C’mere and kiss me, beautiful” Hellboy whispered softly and you obeyed crawling on him to meet him in a sensual slow lip lock.
Underwear gone, or more so also ripped apart. You were now on top of him about to guide his cock into your drenched hole. The initial burn was actually delicious, that breach between pain and pleasure sending a delightful shock through your body. Once fully seated on him you reveled in stretch and burn. “God this is, fuck I-“ You moaned as you tested with a sway of your hips, he was hitting your spot perfectly. You rested your hands on his chest and he gripped your waist.
Hellboy was gone, the sight of you riding him, lost in your pleasure caused by him nevertheless. It was the most beautiful thing he’d ever see. Lost to it all you fell forwards, burying your face in his neck. Your impending release had you stuttering your hips. “I got you baby, I got you” He muttered against your ear. You moaned as he held you, hips pistoning upwards to drive that orgasm out of you.
It crashed something fierce, running all over your body and coming out as a scream against his neck. You felt limp as a noodle but held onto him as he fucked his way through yours. When he came he yanked another orgasm out of you along with his.
The two of you laid there, a mess of limbs clutching at each other. Hearts racing, lungs trying to catch up.
Exhaustion won. You fell a sleep on Hellboy, still inside of you, his mouth against your temple.
There was no turning back now.
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