#hellboy x reader insert
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sharkie-ds · 3 months ago
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🦈My type🦈
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floral-and-fine · 2 months ago
Green and Silver
Prince Nuada Silverlance x fem reader
Fem reader x Adopted siblings Hellboy and Abe
A/n: Sooooo… this has been in my drafts for a little under 2 years 😅 and this week I was determined to just go ahead and finish it. It’s kinda long about 12,800 words and it’s kind of a slow burn. Also I gave the reader plant related powers. Enjoy!
Warnings: lemon and probably a lot of things that don’t go with canon
Summary: The reader is determined to help mediate the conflict between man and magical beings, through her efforts Nuada ends up falling for her.
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Entering your old room, a smile graced your lips as you saw that all your plants were alive and well. Someone must have been caring for them in your absence, you thought as you stepped over the healthy vines and roots that had spread over the tile floors. At first you assumed it had been Abe, but seeing how overgrown some of the plants had become, it seemed more likely that Red had been the one watering them.
You worried your lip wondering if maybe he didn’t hate you after all?
Things have always been rocky between the two of you. Constantly butting heads since you were children, always seemingly on opposing sides on certain topics, fighting for father’s attention.
You had always suspected that there was a little jealousy as well. Unlike Red, you could blend in with everyone else, you weren’t forbidden from leaving the compound, or forced to live a life in hiding.
It all came to a boiling point when you made the decision to leave. He wouldn’t look at you when you said goodbye. When he had found out the night before while you were packing up what you could, he was furious and both of you said a lot of things in anger. You immediately regretted it right after.
You left fearing that Red would never speak to you again, but your abilities were better suited out there, not on missions hunting down paranormal enemies.
You wanted to help, really help. You wanted to bring forests back to life and assist in places that had been ravaged by wildfires and deforestation. Staying here felt like you were doing more harm than good.
To make matters worse, shortly after your departure, Liz admitted herself into the hospital and then father died. When you returned to mourn his death with your family, Red tore into you. He blamed you for all of it, claiming if you had been around none of it would have happened.
You hadn’t been back since then.
Looking around your room, you couldn’t help but notice how homesick you had become. So much of your life was spent in this compound. You never intended to be gone for so long.
Your room was designed similar to a greenhouse with a glass ceiling to let in plenty of sunlight. Various sized pots filled with plants and vibrant flower beds lined the walls. Right in the center of the room was a hammock where you used to take midday naps. Your old record player was still sitting on your desk collecting dust along with all your books and art supplies.
Your father had made sure that you, Abe, and Red had some space to yourselves that suited your needs. He always so thoughtful of your individual needs.
You picked up an old frame, wiping the dust away with your sleeve to reveal the photograph under the glass. Your fingers traced over the familiar faces smiling back at you.
You had truly missed them all.
“So,” a voice suddenly spoke up from the entrance of your room. “You really did come back.”
You spun around to see Red leaning against the door frame. You laid the picture back on your desk. “I saw the news… Hellboy is everywhere right now. Thought maybe I could help.”
You swallowed thickly as the two of you stared at each. God, you didn’t think it would be this weird and tense, but simply being in the same room didn’t feel right. You wished you knew what else to say to fix it, but you got the feeling he didn’t want to talk.
“Well guess that’s it, I just wanted to see it for myself,” he shrugged and turned away, heading back down the hall.
All you could do was watch, wondering if it would ever be like it used to.
“He spoke to me at least,” you sighed, shoulders slumping while you sat on the edge of Abe’s tank with your feet dangling in the water. “I honestly expected worse, another screaming match or something like that.”
Abe’s head bobbed in the water as he swam closer to you and noticed how your frown deepened, “And that makes you… more upset?”
You groaned, throwing your head back, “I know, I know, it sounds crazy, but if he had yelled and maybe even slammed a few doors too, it would’ve felt more normal, more like it used to be.”
Abe chuckled a little, “Yes, I suppose you’re right. The yelling would be far more familiar.”
It was true that you and Red growing up always seemed to be fighting or arguing. It was just the nature of your relationship while Abe and Professor Broom were the mediators. Which was why it was so unnerving to be treated like a stranger, so coldly, by the person you had come to think of as your brother.
“I’m glad Liz is back,” you added. “She’s always been good at keeping him more level headed.”
“Me too,” Abe nodded, carefully climbing out of his tank. “And I’m glad you're back as well.”
“Got somewhere to be?” You asked.
“Director Manning is bringing in someone new,” he explained. “I believe he wanted the entire team to be present for introductions.”
“Ah, I see.”
“You could join us, if you’d like,” Abe offered, putting on his goggles and breathing collar.
“I probably shouldn’t, I’m not officially back,” you sighed, rising to your feet. “Pretty sure the government still wants these types of things confidential.”
You walked with Abe down the stairs, your wet feet leaving behind dark footprints on the red carpet. You smiled at him as he left the room.
Without much else to do, you made yourself comfortable in the library. About an hour or so later, you were curled up in one of the arm chairs invested in a first edition copy of ‘The Time Machine.’
Immediately you perked up when you heard everyone bustling about and on the move.
“What’s going on?” You asked, setting your book aside and standing.
“We’re loading up,” Red stated without his usual enthusiasm. “To go on a goddamn wild goose chase,” he added with a scowl.
You furrowed your brow giving Abe and Liz a confused look.
“We’re going to the east end of the Brooklyn Bridge,” Liz explained while going in for a quick hug. “It’s good to see you,” she added.
You hugged her back. “The Troll Market…?” You questioned, putting it together. “Thought we gave up on that myth.”
You heard Red snort loudly, “Yeah, but this time will be different.” He rolled his eyes and shook his head as someone new approached you.
“Ah! You must be Ms. Y/n,” the strange figure said with a thick German accent. He was dressed in a suit that resembled vintage deep sea diving gear. “I am Dr. Kraus,” he introduced himself.
Your eyes widened for a second, realizing that there was no head or face beneath the helmet, just a strange mist. “Uh, yes, nice to meet you,” you half smiled.
“Will you be joining us?” He asked eagerly. “On the mission?”
Your eyes flickered to Red who seemed irritated but not completely against it.
“I suppose I could.”
“Fantastic,” Dr. Kraus clapped his hands. “I look forward to seeing your abilities for myself. I have read extensive dossiers on all of the team, including you,” the doctor explained. “Your powers seem quite… intriguing.”
“Why would you read my file?” You inquired. “No one knew I was coming back, and technically I might be here but I’m not with BPRD anymore.”
“Ah, yes, but you see I’ve heard stories about your missions from a good friend,” he explained. “So I asked for information that pertained to all of you.”
You looked at the doctor uneasy, before following the back of the group as they made their way to the hangar.
Arriving at the destination, agents filed out of vehicles and began prepping the area with practiced efficiency. Liz directed them where to install the cameras while Red and Abe discussed plans with Dr. Kraus. You tried your best to stay out of the way, simply resigning yourself to observe everyone else at work.
“Aren’t you going to go with them?” Liz asked as she grabbed the bird cage that held a little canary.
You shook your head, “I think it’s best if I stayed here. I don’t want to press my luck or step on any toes.”
Liz pursed her lips and nodded, “It’ll get better y’know, Red just needs time.”
“Yeah, I hope you’re right.” As much as you wanted to be part of the action, just like in the good old days, you knew Red already had enough on his plate as he unwillingly adjusted to Dr. Kraus’s lead.
“Help Manning keep an eye on things,” she instructed with a slight eye roll. “I’ll be back shortly.”
You looked back at Director Manning who was still completely astonished that the little old lady was actually a troll.
“What a hideous creature,” he muttered to himself, staring at the monitors. Eventually he peeled his eyes away and turned to look at you, seemingly forgetting what he was going to say as he saw you through the lenses of the Schufftein glasses.
You lifted your brow, “What? Do I have something on my face?”
“You’re… very glowy,” he answered, somewhat entranced.
You chuckled, “Thanks.”
His eyes followed the swirls of green that traveled along your figure like vines.
“Better keep watching the fragglewump,” you suggested with a small smirk.
“Yes, of course, you’re absolutely right,” he said, turning his chair back around.
You, Liz and Manning stayed behind, keeping an eye on surveillance. Over the radio, Red shared how amazing the troll market was. A part of you wished you had gone with them, but it was too late now. Maybe one day you’d be fortunate enough to return and see it for yourself.
With a heavy sigh Liz stood up and left the back of the truck.
“Everything alright?” You asked her, immediately joining her outside.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” she muttered, fidgeting with her hair then her jacket.
“Liz,” you said gently, knowing her well enough to see that something was bothering her.
She rubbed her forehead and took a deep breath releasing it slowly. “I’m pregnant,” she admitted.
“Oh,” you blinked in surprise. “Oh wow, that’s huge!”
“Yeah, tell me about it. I still can’t believe it myself.”
“Who else knows?”
“Just you and Abe right now,” she answered, kicking some gravel away with her boot. “I can’t seem to find the right time to tell Red.”
The two of you stood side by side watching cars and pedestrians passing just taking in the moment. You couldn’t be happier for Liz and Red. Your small family was getting a little bigger which was also a comforting thought especially after so much loss.
“Ah!” You suddenly shouted, unintentionally scaring Liz in the process as you started jumping beside her. “I’m going to be an aunt!”
She laughed, “Yeah, I guess you will be. I hadn’t really thought about things like that.”
“I’m so excited! We’re all going to love this kid!” You promised.
After making sure she was good, you returned to the truck giving Liz some space, not to mention you knew leaving Manning alone wasn’t the best idea. He wasn’t what anyone would call helpful in an actual crisis.
The BPRD truck rocked and swayed as the ground below started to rumble.
Curious if it was just a tremor, Liz opened the doors to the truck, Director Manning stepped back as you and Liz walked out onto the street to see what was going on.
For a brief second everything stilled, everyone’s eyes searched the surrounding area collectively wondering if it was over. Then suddenly the road abruptly cracked like an egg with large thick vines breaking free.
Automatically you recognized that the creature was plant like, leaves covered its body and its head reminded you of a closed flower bud. For a moment you simply took it in, amazed that such a creature existed.
People began screaming and fleeing from their vehicles as the green monster further sprouted from the ground almost resembling a beanstalk.
You remained entranced as strangers ran past you, until Red retrieved a large gun affectionately nicknamed ‘Big Baby’ from the truck's armory.
“Wait! Please!” You pleaded, placing a hand on Red’s arm. “Let me try to reason with it.”
“Are you out of your mind? Look at that thing!” Director Manning argued from the back of the truck.
You ignored him, instead looking at Hellboy for permission.
“You got 2 minutes, Green,” Red instructed as he continued to load his gun. “After that, I’m going in for the kill.”
You stared up at the massive creature, its tentacle-like limbs thrashing around it. The green glow from its center and head was similar to your own, you wondered if it was like you? Would you be able to control it like other plants even though it was sentient?
It was funny to think that you might have more in common with this forest god than you did with anyone else on the planet.
You shrugged off your sweater, dropping it to the ground. Your eyes began to glow as you slowly approached the creature with your hand outstretched. Swirls of glimmering green light traveled down your arms to your palms.
Its flesh felt smooth, waxy, and cold but there was also a subtle pulse beating beneath your hand. Looking up at what you believed was its face, you met its glowing eyes which were warm and very much alive.
The beast howled, using one of its long tendrils to swat a helicopter away.
“Please stop,” you begged. “I don’t want them to hurt you.”
Another tendril came slamming down too close for comfort, successfully smashing a car flat.
“Listen!” You yelled at it. “They’ll kill you.”
You could sense its rage and its fear as it screeched and wailed, thrashing about. It didn’t recognize this world. Where were the tall trees, the giants, the other gods?
“The world has changed,” you said softly. “I’m sorry, this isn’t your world anymore.”
Its body slumped as it whined at you, head tilting to the side.
“It’ll be alright.” You closed your eyes and took a deep breath. “It’s time for you to rest,” you urged.
The creature’s glowing eyes dimmed as it started to fold in upon itself slowly, almost as if it was falling asleep. It started to shrink back down almost in the same fashion when it sprang from the earth, until finally it was a small seed again,
You crumpled to your knees, your own soft green glow fading as the danger seemed to pass. Examining the still crowded street, you noted the damage it caused, it was severe but it could’ve been much worse. A large breach remained in the ground, the cars that were the closest were crumpled like cans.
You cupped the seed in your palm. It was frightening to think that all you had to do was add some water to grow a huge plant monster from this little bean.
“You didn’t destroy the forest god,” the princess said in complete awe, kneeling beside you.
“I couldn’t let it be killed,” you explained, still admiring the seed. “I’ve never seen anything so terrifying yet so beautiful before.”
“That’s quite accurate,” she smiled. “The gods were the Givers of Life and the Destroyers.”
You looked over your shoulder, all the rest of the team and the other FBI agents were busy dealing with crowd control.
You turned towards Princess Nuala offering her the seed.“Here, you probably know more about it than any of us do,” you said, but in all honesty, you just didn’t want it to end up in Director Manning’s hands or the FBI’s. The BPRD already had enough trophies.
The princess looked at you full of curiosity, carefully accepting it and tucking it away in her dress. “Thank you.”
You stood up and joined the rest of the group.
Dr. Kraus informed you that the casualties were minimal considering all the destruction caused in such a short period of time.
Your eyes met Red’s who gave you a nod of approval before you all departed to return home.
“Hello, my lovelies,” you greeted your plants as you shuffled into your room after a long hot shower. Dressed in a long silk robe, you strolled past all your ferns and flowers, reaching around to turn on the irrigation system near the wall. “There we go,” you hummed as water slowly started to trickle out.
Stretching your arms over your head, you approached your hammock and climbed in, reclining on your back with one of your legs hanging off. Using your foot, you pushed it against the floor, gently rocking yourself.
Laying there, you admired the night sky, watching thin wispy clouds floating across the full moon. Your mind drifted back to the forest god, Nuala had mentioned that it was the last of its kind. You started imagining a world full of magical beings like that, it seemed wondrous. Perhaps you made the right choice coming back. You were happy that you saved it.
You squinted once you realized you were absentmindedly humming along to a Barry Manilow song. Swinging your leg over the edge of the hammock, you sat up. The music seemed to be coming from below.
Your feet softly padded through your room towards the door, wondering who in the world was blaring ‘Can’t Smile Without You’ this late at night.
Focused on the music you allowed it to lead you through the halls. You and Red almost ran into each other, stopping outside the golden doors. You both stared awkwardly at each other.
He had an open can of Tecate in one hand and the rest of the six-pack in the other. He sniffed, eyes darting to the door, “Wanna see what the hell is going on in there?”
You nodded, but as soon as he pushed the large doors open the music changed, going from Barry Manilow to a classical piece.
“Ah,” Abe said, jumping a little, clearly not expecting the sudden intrusion. “Hello Red and y/n, you’re both up late.”
“What are you listening to?” Red grumbled.
“Oh, uh, Vivaldi,” Abe answered quickly. “Il cimento dell’armonia.”
You narrowed your eyes and shook your head, “Don’t play dumb. I distinctly recall hearing Manilow just a few seconds ago.”
“Not here, I’m afraid,” Abe said sheepishly.
“Hey,” Red said accusingly, pointing at Abe while stumbling forward. “What’s that?”
“It’s just a remote.”
Red’s eyes moved to Abe’s other hand.
“Oh, this, yes…” Abe mumbled revealing the CD case.
You peeked over Red’s shoulder, reading the title out loud, “Popular Love Songs?”
You and Red had completely different reactions as it dawned on you both.
“You fell for the Princess?” You and him asked at the same time. Red appeared to be in total disbelief while you looked utterly delighted.
Abe sat on the steps in front of the fireplace as he delved into the details of his growing crush. Both you and Red joined him, sitting by his sides.
“You’re in love,” Red announced. “Have a beer.”
Abe tried to politely decline but Red wasn’t having it, practically thrusting the can into Abe’s hand.
Red sighed, freeing another beer from the plastic rings and looked at you, “And well, you’re back, so you get one too.”
You graciously accepted Red’s version of an olive branch, cracking open the can and taking a sip.
“So what track?” he asked, returning to the reason that brought the three of you together tonight.
“Eight,” Abe answered, then explained his love and connection to this particular song. Lifting the remote, he clicked a button and ‘Can’t Smile Without You’ began to play again.
“I wish father were here,” Red confessed, taking another drink of his beer. “He’d know what to tell you… us.”
The sentiment was one you all shared. Each of you were facing new problems, dealing with complicated feelings of loss and love. Professor Broom always looked out for the three of you, offering advice and guiding with a gentle hand.
Abe began to sway with the music, singing along with the lyrics. You weren’t sure if it was the beer or the music, but soon you and Red both joined in belting with him.
You couldn’t quite recall the last time the three of you hung out like this. Red, Blue, and Green back together again, it felt right.
Eventually you parted ways, the boys leaving to get more beer and talk about their girl troubles while you retreated back to your room. Your heart and mind felt lighter now, your relationship with Red seemed to be on the mend, relieving you of a weight that had been crushing your spirit for too long.
“How did they stop it?” Nuada asked as he flipped through another book before tossing it aside. “How were they able to return the forest god to a seed?”
Nuala's eyes briefly darted to the red emergency button on the wall before answering her brother.
“One of them was able to… speak to it.” She wasn’t sure if that’s exactly how it worked, it seemed more as though you had willed it back into its dormant form. It was a curious thing, you like so many of the others she had encountered here were so strange and unique, to be able to have control of such a powerful and ancient being was truly impressive.
Nuada snapped another book shut, “They spoke to it?”
“I’m not sure how else to describe it,” she said, shrugging her shoulders slightly.
“Where is it now?” Nuada pressed.
“I have it.”
“They returned it to you?” He asked skeptically, furrowing his brow.
Nuala nodded, reaching into a pocket of her dress and revealing the green seed. “They trust me,” she responded. “They have been… better than I expected, kind and honest.”
Nuada scoffed, casting aside another book. “Do not do this, it won’t work,” he turned his head away, sneering. “I will never trust their kind or the ones that help them.” He carelessly grabbed another book before dropping it on the floor with the others.
“I’m simply telling you what happened,” she argued. “The one who saved the forest god didn’t want to see it destroyed, she said it was beautiful.”
Nuada paused, fingers resting on the spine of another book, deep down he was glad that the elemental wasn’t killed. It was, unfortunately, the last of its kind, perhaps using it was selfish of him. If they would have killed it instead, its death would have weighed heavily upon him. An entire race would have been completely eradicated and he would’ve been the culprit who ordered the last one to die.
That was the last thing he wanted, there was already so little of his world left to save. When he closed his eyes he could still picture the world as it was, how it should be.
“Perhaps you can give these people a chance,” Nuala reasoned.
“No,” Nuada said sharply. “The Golden Army is the only way.” He had already sacrificed too much to give up now, killed his own father, lost his good friend, Mr. Wink.
Upon hearing the conviction in her brother’s voice, she knew that her words could not sway him without any other options, Nuala quickly pressed the emergency button.
You were laying on your bed, warm and relaxed, your eyelids heavy and your body drained. You hazily dreamt about giant magnificent creatures and exploring the wonders within the troll market. Red had mentioned how incredible it was, how every creature, no matter how strange, walked freely without stares or causing a commotion.
Ever since you were little, you found yourself longing for a place that encapsulated the best of both worlds, a place that balanced the ordinary and the fantastical. It was an intangible dream that slipped through your fingers like dust or smoke.
Suddenly alarms began to blare and red lights above flashed. You sprang up and scrambled out of bed, almost tripping on your silk robe as you ran towards the door.
But you stopped midstep, taking a second to think things through. Swiftly turning back around you opted to use the exit that led straight to the library.
You ran down the narrow spiral staircase, taking two steps at a time, hoping you wouldn’t be too late.
Everything seemed to stop when you stumbled down the steps past Abe’s tank and saw the scene unfold before you, a white haired man with a silver spear was preparing to strike while Red was distracted.
You acted without thinking, grabbing the man from behind, wrapping your arms around his waist tightly as you tried with all your might to hold him back. All you knew was that you had to stop this man from killing your brother.
Your fingers curled over his chest and you planted your feet firmly on the floor, you acted as an anchor using all your weight against him.
Vines sprouted from your hands, they twisted around his arms curling around his fingers right before the spear could plunge into Red’s chest.
Nuada’s eyes went wide, he couldn’t budge. He felt the warmth of your person pressed against him. Looking down at your hands on his chest and waist, his eyes followed the vines. He could barely wiggle his pinky finger within the fabricated restraints.
As he recovered from his stupor, he found himself amused by such a brazen tactic. He could feel your heart pounding in your chest and your breath tickling his neck.
It was a desperate move but effective.The prince suspected that you could keep him bound like this with ease if you chose.
Abe quickly tended to the Princess. While Red rose to his feet and dusted himself off. Confidently he approached Nuada, his glare was full of fury while his stone hand curled into a tight fist by his side.
The men didn’t exchange a single word as they stared at each other. Eventually, Red turned his attention to you. “You did good, Green.”
With his arms now bound behind his back, Nuada sat silently in an interrogation room. His face was expressionless like a stone statue. Even with his current status as a prisoner, there was an air of superiority.
He stared at you coolly from across the table. His yellow eyes had already analyzed his surroundings and now were focused on you.
You were different from the Red one, far less aggressive with calm eyes and a peaceful presence. He doubted the demon would have sat in silence as patiently as you had.
“I get it, you know,” you started quietly. “That’s what makes this whole situation so complicated, because your motivations make sense, they’re relatable wanting to protect your people, your way of life.”
Nuada curled his lips in disdain, he didn’t want your sympathies, pity, or your ‘understanding.’
“We aren’t blind to the blight you and your people face,” you pointed out. “All fae folk deserve better. If only we-“
“How would you know?” He seethed, interrupting you. “Your world isn’t the one that’s vanishing!”
You shook your head, “Like my brother, I’m caught between worlds, while I’ve come to love humanity for what it is, my true home is in nature… and with that I’ve had to bear witness to mankind’s abuse to the natural world-”
You closed your eyes, anger from years past resurfacing. You had dealt with your own internal struggle, hoping to find a balance between the man made world and the natural world.
“If I could I would change the hearts of man, make them all see what’s truly important, what’s really at stake here.”
Nuada narrowed his eyes. “So…” he drawled, putting the pieces together. “You’re the one that spared the forest god.”
“And you’re the one that sent it to die for your cause,” you retorted, more heatedly than you intended.
He looked guilty for an instant, eyes downcasted, “My people, our way of life, this is the only way I can save them… the truce between mankind and elves has only brought us loss.”
“If I’ve learned anything,” you sighed. “It’s that you can’t blame humans for their nature, not when you have lived for thousands of years, while a human life is so quick and fleeting,” you explained. “With such little time, it makes sense that they’d act with the greed and selfishness of a child. Even in old age they are practically children.”
“You speak as though you are not human,” Nuada noted.
You glanced at your hands, anyone who simply looked at you would assume that you were human just like them, but you weren’t and unfortunately you didn’t have any answers as to what you were or how you came to be.
“I don’t know what I am,” you said without divulging any additional information.
You leaned forward on the table. “Give us a chance to help, to find another way, no more lives lost… no more races or species extinguished.”
He sighed, his shoulders slumping, not in defeat but in exhaustion. All he wanted was to save his people, and somehow that goal became twisted and sour.
“What do you propose?” He asked, sounding broken. “My people have given up, the Golden Army was the single source of hope that I had clung to… I see no other way.”
“We change the truce,” you suggested. “We create a way for both species- for all species to thrive.”
Nuada’s eyes flickered to yours, still not convinced, “You make it sound so simple.”
“Prince Nuada has made it clear,” Manning shared exasperatedly. “He won’t work with anyone else but you.”
You could feel the blame and judgment radiating from Manning, he didn’t like this deal and neither did his superiors, but the prince’s threat of the Golden Army was still very real. Rocking the boat, especially after your ‘negotiations’ would surely lead to war.
Manning leaned back in his chair, “We could use this to our advantage,” he considered. “You can gain his trust… and simply take the crown pieces when he least expects it.”
You immediately rose to your feet. “Ugh, I can’t believe you people sometimes, always looking for an easy way out, instead of doing what is actually right,” you spat. “Maybe the prince has a point…”
“Oh come on now agent-”
“I’m not an agent,” you reminded him, eyes narrowed. “I don’t follow your orders or your commands. I’m going to do what’s right.”
You stared daggers at the man, not hiding your hostility towards him, “They had the opportunity to eliminate humanity a millennia ago, instead of proving them right, maybe we should focus on proving them wrong… the truce needs to change.”
“I agree with Ms. Y/n,” Dr. Kraus said. “I’ll contact my superiors at Interpol. We should all work together on this.”
You excused yourself from the meeting, feeling frustrated and angry despite Dr. Kraus’s support. No wonder Nuada had no hope, that the only solution he could see was eradicating all of humanity.
Even you had to remind yourself that not every single person was like Manning. Somehow, someway, you wanted to bring all magical beings out of the shadows, give them a place where they could exist, where they could strive.
You threw open the doors to the library, ready to share all your grievances with Abe but unfortunately he wasn’t inside. Instead you found Red.
“Hey,” he started slightly startled by your abrupt entrance.
“Hey,” you muttered back, your fists still tightly clenched by your side.
“So, it looks like the meeting went well,” he joked, noting your tense body language. He knew it took a lot to make you this mad, but once you were, it was like setting off a bomb.
You rolled your eyes and began pacing the room. “I can’t believe those idiots are in charge!”
He nodded, all too familiar with it. He missed the days when father was around to handle all the administrative crap.
“They’re all absolute imbeciles, literally the worst!” You continued to rant. “I hate all the red tape and bureaucratic bullshit… Can you believe that Manning suggested I try to steal the crown pieces? After all this? I manage to find a peaceful solution and he’d rather I betray the elves because it’s easier… the selfish bastard! I’m so glad I left!”
You stopped in your tracks and sighed, recalling how Red and Abe were practically stuck here, trapped into being part of the BPRD. “I’m sorry Red, I’m so sorry for leaving you and Abe here to deal with this alone.”
He shrugged, “y’know I’ve given it some thought and I figured if given the chance, if I could blend in like you, I’d probably would’ve left a long time ago.”
“Still,” you added, taking a seat next to him. “I wish things were different.”
For a while you and Red sat, sharing stories and memories of the good old days before drifting into a comfortable silence. Eventually, you retired to your room. Unsure what to expect over the next few weeks or months or however long this ‘mission’ took.
First things first, you’ll be accompanying Nuada back to his clan’s palace. Maybe you should start packing a bag, you wondered. It was strange, you had just arrived and now you were leaving again, at least Red wasn’t pissed at you this time. In fact, he had already agreed to keep watering your plants.
You stood there admiring your plant babies, thinking back to how you acquired most of them. Professor Broom would come home from some mission with a pleased look on his face as he gifted you a single seed from wherever he had been. Every time you were so eager to see what would grow, you loved them all as much as you loved your father.
A knock at your door snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Princess Nuala?” You asked, surprised to see her at your door. You stepped aside, allowing her into your room.
Her eyes lit up as she saw all the green. “Incredible,” she whispered, her fingers brushing over the delicate petals of a gardenia.
“Thank you,” you murmured, watching as she took in your little version of paradise.
“I heard that my brother has agreed to work with you,” she shared, redirecting her attention from all your plants to you.
“For now, at least,” you sighed, still feeling overwhelmed. “I’m pushing for the terms of the truce to be upheld as well as updated,” you added. “Magical beings need more, deserve more…”
Nuala smiled, “An ambitious plan, but I’m sure you’ll find support from our people.”
“I hope so. We’ll need all fae folk to be willing to give this a try.” Although in truth, what concerned you the most was making sure the officials of the BPRD held up their end of the deal.
“I believe you’re quite capable of accomplishing this. Abraham speaks highly of you,” she said.
“He’s a good brother that’s why,” you chuckled. “He has a lot more faith in me than I do.”
“The three of you are quite close,” Nuala noted.
You nodded, “We’ve always been there for each other, without them, without our adoptive father, we’d each be all alone.”
Nuala’s eyes returned to your exceptional garden. It reminded her of how the world used to be, back when her people lived in the forests and the wilds.
“Here, I want you to have this,” she said, holding out her piece of the crown.
Your eyes widened and you shook your head, “I can’t.”
Nuala held the piece out closer to you. “You were the one who convinced my brother to choose another path, you spared the life of an ancient being,” she explained. “I believe you’ve earned it.”
“I don’t feel right accepting it,” you muttered, eyeing the piece of gold in her hand.
“All the more reason for it to be in your care,” she countered.
Finally, you relented and accepted the crown piece, tucking it into your pocket until you could find a safer place for it. One thing was for sure, you wouldn’t be letting Manning know about this exchange.
“Will you be coming with us?” You asked the Princess.
She shook her head, “I’ll be staying here for now. Especially considering that your people still believe that I have the last crown piece.”
She gave you a knowing look, showing that she already understood that people like Manning couldn’t be trusted. “With me here, they’ll feel more… in control, I believe if I were to leave they’d assume I’d eventually betray them and help my brother awaken the Golden Army.”
Arriving at the palace it was nothing like what you pictured in your mind. You expected bright halls and lush gardens, but instead it was dark, gloomy, lifeless. You could practically feel the oppression outside these walls pushing in, the constant threat of humans looming over them.
Nuada didn’t exactly look happy to be back, his facial expression was rigid and tight. However, the feeling seemed mutual. The elves who were present for his homecoming didn’t receive him with open arms, in fact there was a wariness in the air as they kept their distance from the prince.
You could feel their cautious stares fall upon you as you stepped forward to introduce yourself. The silence was unnerving, you could hear your heart beating anxiously in your ears.
You exhaled slowly, trying your best to relax. “Hello, I’m y/n, I’m with the BPRD and we’re hoping to work with you and other fae folk in an effort to uphold the truce.”
Nuada sighed, then quickly spoke up, reiterating what you said in elvish or at least you hoped that’s what he did.
You mustered up your best smile and the rest of your confidence and continued to explain the plan, going into how you wanted to improve the life for all magical beings. You watched as their expressions changed, from anxious to curious. A few elves worked up the nerve to speak to Nuada, probably asking him questions about what transpired and if you could be trusted.
Your gaze moved upwards, watching discolored leaves fall. “What’s wrong with the leaves?” You asked yourself, but Nuada overheard you.
“The tree is dying,” he answered simply.
“Can I see it?”
Nuada hesitated, closing his eyes for a moment, before nodding. He gestured for you to follow him.
He walked at a fast pace making it difficult to keep up. As you struggled to follow him, the rest of the palace passed as a blur. Suddenly, he came to a halt at the entrance of a rather barren courtyard. Looking at what remained, you could tell it had once been a lush garden, full of wildflowers, ferns, and shrubs.
Despite Nuada being difficult to read, he seemed bothered by the state of the garden. His gaze was hard as he tried to look past the dead land as if he didn’t want to acknowledge just how bad it had gotten.
In the center was a magnificent old tree with a thick and tall trunk and sprawling branches. However, even from a distance, you could see the tree was sick, the bark was discolored and flaking. Some of the branches were brittle and dry. Just looking at it made your own bones ache.
“May I?” You asked quietly.
Nuada shrugged, approaching the tree with you.
One of the elves suddenly spoke up, sounding rather peeved that Nuada brought you here, but the prince was quick to put the elf back in his place, with a sharp and direct order.
You could sense the web of roots under your feet, they were desperately trying to keep the tree alive. You circled the wide tree trunk, dead leaves crunching with each step you took.
Rolling up your sleeves, thin green spirals appeared on your arms as the light moved towards your hands, making them glow. You pressed your palms to the trunk of the tree. Instantly, you felt what you could only describe as a thirst. Your powers felt like a cool spring as your energy bled into the tree.
After several silent moments, you lifted your hands from the tree.
Long thin branches grew and cascaded down like curtains, shielding you and Nuada within. You watched in awe as small green leaves fluttered down like rain underneath the canopy. The entire courtyard was revived, new grass and plants filled the once barren ground. Clusters of wild flowers bloomed around your feet and climbed up the trunk of the tree.
While you were distracted by the surrounding beauty, Nuada continued to watch you, his stare focused and determined. Quiet, with a hunter-like pace, he crept closer towards you.
He didn’t understand it, he didn’t understand you. It was like beholding a miracle.
You blinked in surprise when you realized how close Nuada was. His expression was unreadable as he observed your face, his own merely inches away from yours.
Your eyes widened as his hand rose towards your face. You gasped when his fingers lightly touched your hair, retrieving a single leaf that had landed on the crown of your head.
He held your gaze for a moment, his mouth opening slightly only to snap shut.
“Prince Nuada,” you said softly, somehow finding your voice. The leaf fell from his fingers landing gently on the grass.
But the moment was broken as the murmurs of the other elves grew closer, they spoke to one another in awe, examining your work closely.
Immediately, Nuada backed away.
A few elves that spoke English, eagerly engaged you in conversation. They were all obviously delighted with what you had done, it was as if you had revived their spirits along with that old tree.
Nuada followed behind as a group showed you around the rest of the palace. They discussed preparing a big feast for later in the evening to celebrate your arrival and the new parameters of the truce.
Lilting music filled the dining room as trays of food were brought out. Your eyes widened over all the options, each dish was executed artistically, looking more like artwork than food.
Nuada leaned towards you, filling your glass almost to the brim with a deep red wine. Then stood up and raised his own glass. All eyes were on him as he made a simple toast to new beginnings.
You noted a subtle change in his mood from when you first arrived. He was more relaxed now, conversing casually with his subjects as he ate. He was also unexpectedly attentive towards you, checking if you were alright, translating for you mid conversation when needed, and telling you about elven culture.
You suspected that he missed this, missed being a prince during his exile. It wasn’t that the hardened warrior side of him had vanished, instead another side of him had emerged. This side of him was charming, social, an ambassador capable of persuading even the most stubborn leaders.
It was quite refreshing to get this opportunity to laugh and speak with him and not worry about all the pressures you had been feeling all day.
After dinner, everyone began filing out, one of the servants stayed behind and offered to show you to your quarters, but Nuada dismissed them.
He led you out and towards one of the wings of the palace and up a grand staircase. “You did well today,” he commented as you walked a step behind him.
“Thank you.”
“In a few days we will be hosting officials representing the goblins and trolls in order to inform them of these changes.”
You nodded.
“Until then the palace is available to you, think of it as your home, free to explore and entertain yourself, I recommend visiting the library and the gardens.” He stopped outside of a room, opening the door and stepping aside to let you in.
Standing on opposite sides of the doorway, Nuada looked at you for a moment before adding, “Should you need anything feel free to ask, as your host, it’s the least I can do.”
You grinned at the formality of his words and the change in his behavior compared to your first encounter.
He lifted his brow, giving you a questioning look in return. “What?”
“Sorry,” you smiled wider. “Just didn’t think I’d get the opportunity to see you be so… accommodating.”
He rolled his eyes and turned away. “Goodnight,” he said while heading further down the hall to his own room.
You paced around the library, occasionally selecting a tome and perusing its contents before returning it. You were in desperate need of a distraction from how anxious you were feeling, but nothing seemed to work.
All morning the only thing you could think about was the meeting taking place later today. There was a lot of pressure to make all this work, pressures from the BPRD as well as hopeful expectations of the elves.
It was up to you to get the trolls and goblins on board with this plan. Despite how much faith people seemed to have in you, you never saw yourself cut out for all this diplomacy. Fortunately, Nuada would be there, he seemed to have a lot of experience with this sort of thing, and you were grateful for it.
“Lady y/n,” a servant called, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“It’s almost time for the summit,” she explained. “You should get dressed.”
“Oh, of course,” you nodded.
As you returned to your room, you found a sage green dress waiting for you on the bed. The dress had a similar shape and design to the ones Nuala wore with a lovely band of gold along the waist. Lifting it up, you noted the weight of it.
“How many layers does this dress have?” You wondered out loud, unsure how you were going to get it all on.
You did your best, struggling more than you’d like to admit, as you changed into the dress. You recalled all those movies that showed aristocratic women getting dressed and how they always had a servant around them to help, it made a lot more sense now.
You exited the dressing room and examined yourself in the mirror, fixing a few areas around the collar to show off the fine embroidery and checking your hair.
Nuada stood a few feet away from the doorway, taking a moment to admire you without you noticing. He was satisfied to see the color he picked suited you so well, and that the style of the dress .
Finally, he rapped his knuckles against the door alerting you of his presence.
You tilted your head blinking curiously when you noticed what he was wearing, it was a small change, but instead of his usual black and red ensemble, it was black and green, the same shade of green as your dress.
“It’s time to go,” he announced. “Our guests aren’t known for their patience.”
“Oh right,” you nodded, quickly following him out.
Nuada led the way, his hands clasped behind his back as you walked a few steps behind him. Without being asked, he slowed his pace, matching it to yours, his pace going from a brisk march to a casual stroll just for you.
“Any tips?” You asked him as you both stopped outside the thick oak doors.
He smirked, his eyes lighting up playfully compared to their usual seriousness, “Afraid they’ll be immune to your charms?”
“Charms?” You questioned, blinking. “I don’t believe my ‘charms’ have ever worked in my favor.”
“They were certainly effective on my people,” Nuada elaborated.
You laughed, “You’re confusing charm with skill, I believe I impressed them with my powers.”
Nuada shook his head, “It’s more than that, it’s the way you speak and act… you’re…” he paused, mulling over his next words carefully. “Endearing, genuine.”
You looked surprised at the compliment, “I didn’t know they felt that way.”
“That surprises you? Even after you won m-“ Nuada stopped himself from finishing that statement.
He cleared his throat, “Goblins like precious metals and gems, intricate devices and designs, and of course flattery. Trolls are not as bright as other creatures, they prefer honest loyal people who are clear with their intentions. Speak too fast or too complex, they’ll immediately distrust you.”
“Flattery and honesty, I can do that. Thank you,” You nodded, letting it all sink in as the doors slowly opened revealing the large throne room.
Nuada chuckled, “Are you sure you’re not royalty?” The prince smoothed his hands over his attire and pushed his shoulders back. The stern expression that you were most familiar with returning to his face.
“My friends,” Nuada greeted. “I am pleased to see you all here in good health.”
Trolls occupied one side of the room, while the goblins sat at the other, yet all eyes fell on you as you emerged, standing at the prince's side. The high ceilings looked small compared to the giant mountain trolls that managed to cram themselves into the back of the room.
“Allow me to introduce our guest, representing humanity as their ambassador, Lady y/n.”
Unsure what the proper etiquette was for a situation like this one was, you nervously bowed as Prince Nuada finished introducing you.
You followed Nuada as he made his rounds, personally introducing you to important goblin and troll figures. He tried his best to conceal his amusement as he watched you quickly put his advice to work, easily charming various goblins and trolls with a smile and a few simple words.
“She’s not as human as I expected.” Nuada overheard one of the goblins share with his comrade. His smile grew at the comment, glad he had trusted you so far and that the others were beginning to recognize that you were something special.
Gently taking hold of your upper arm, Nuada guided you back to the front of the room. As you crept up the steps, a hush fell over the room. All in attendance were eager to hear what you had to say.
Nuada stood behind you, his hands clasped behind his back allowing you to address the whole group.
You explained the changes that had been made to the truce, specifically the part that specified that each magical species would be granted land that suited their needs. You added that the mountain region that had been granted would need to be shared or divided amongst the goblins and trolls.
There were some murmurs amongst them, but it didn’t sound as though they were completely against the idea.
Nuada stepped in from there, answering questions and directing the two groups on what to do next. It was obvious to you that this man was meant to be a leader, it seemed to come to him so easily.
“This could actually work,” he murmured thoughtfully, chin resting in his hand as he watched the trolls and goblins discuss the terms of sharing a territory and rather peacefully in fact.
You smiled and nodded, “it will work.”
Over the next few weeks, you traveled to several hidden fae cities and communities with Nuada. Similar to the Troll Market, all sorts of beings congregated in secret, hidden from humanity. You were amazed by the ingenuity of the fae folk and how they managed to find a way to endure, although you knew full well that this situation wasn’t ideal.
Nuada actually seemed excited to bring you along, getting to show you all these unique places that existed right under the noses of humans. And despite his somber appearance, he also seemed to be in high spirits over the plan, over the restoration of the palace, and the allegiances being formed.
To your surprise, you had actually enjoyed these past few weeks with him. He demonstrated that he was more than a warrior, that he was also an intellectual who had interests in engineering and art, and that underneath it all was a man that simply cared for those he viewed as his people, elves and other creatures.
You had worried that working with him was going to be difficult to say the least, that you would have to listen to long lectures about everything wrong with humanity. Instead, he had focused his efforts to unite the fae and become a true leader for his people. He often spoke of the past with a longing in his eyes, one that tugged on your heart strings. You had a similar longing, one where there was harmony between nature and people and now also magic folk.
Browsing through one of the troll markets, you paused when you smelled something delicious, the aroma of vanilla and nutmeg wafting in the air around you.
Nuada chuckled as he observed you. Without asking, he took your hand and led you to a food stall nearby. He spoke briefly to the vendor and handed something in exchange for the pastry that Nuada was now handing to you.
“Thank you,” you beamed. You inhaled deeply before taking a large bite. You hummed in appreciation, the bun was so soft and warm and was filled with something similar to custard.
While focused more on eating than walking, you accidentally knocked into a troll.
The troll growled something in a language you didn’t understand, but you could tell from his tone that it wasn’t anything nice.
Immediately, Nuada lashed out, coming to your defense. He started shouting back at the creature, his voice dripping with venom and his eyes full of rage.
The troll roared, thumping on his chest, looking rather eager to fight.
Clutching Nuada’s arm, you attempted to hold him back, having never seen him this angry before. He reached for his lance, gripping the hilt tightly.
At the sight of the silver spear, the troll seemed to come to his senses, finally backing away, but Nuada didn’t care, all he saw was red.
“Nuada,” you murmured softly, tugging at his arm, hoping to de-escalate the situation. “Come on, don’t let this ruin our day.”
“But-“ Nuada sighed, his rage subsiding as he looked at your face. “Fine,” he relented. “However, next time anyone speaks to you that way, I’m beheading them.”
Returning to the palace almost felt like returning home. This time around, the reception of your arrival was warm and welcoming as many of the elves gathered for your and Nuada’s return.
After another large feast, the prince quietly slipped away while everyone else mingled. You tilted your head, watching as he snuck out through the wooden double doors. Excusing yourself from the table, you followed him.
“Nuada,” you reached out, taking a hold of his arm. Successfully stopping him in the hall.
“Hm?” He turned to face you.
“Here,” you slipped the third crown piece into his hand.
He couldn’t hide his utter confusion as he felt the cold metal in his palm, “This is…”
“The final crown piece,” you answered.
“Why?” He asked, his eyes boring into yours.
“I don’t want you or your people to be out of options if this falls through, I trust you,” you said simply. “And I trust you’ll do what’s right… Wish I could say the same for humans.”
Nuada stared at the gold piece in his hand, rubbing his thumb the length of it as he processed your words. He now had all three pieces and could claim the Golden Army.
He lifted his head, his gaze falling upon you, you had provided him with a better solution, one that he was willing to try, to work towards. He’d keep his word, he wouldn’t awaken the army as long as there was hope for his people.
“Thank you,” he said in a quiet voice, that still conveyed his gratitude. “But it should remain with you.”
As he returned the crown piece to you, his touch lingered on your hand for longer than necessary before he said good night.
The next morning, sometime after breakfast, Nuada came to your room, seemingly in a hurry.
“I’d like you to accompany me somewhere,” he said vaguely.
You lifted your brow, “Um…Sure?”
“I cannot believe I had forgotten about this until now,” Nuada shared with a lighthearted tone as he took you by the hand and led you down several familiar halls.
“The library?” You questioned as you and him stopped in front of the large doors.
He shook his head, pulling you further into the large room. Nuada led you to a door towards the back that easily could be missed, in fact, despite all the time you had spent in here, you had never noticed it before.
His smile grew as he opened it, inside the walls of the small room were lined with tall cabinets that had rows and rows of tiny drawers. On each drawer were words carved into the wood in elvish. Nuada gestured for you to open one.
Sliding the small drawer open, you peeked inside to find a jar filled with seeds. “A seed library…” you murmured, eyes filled with wonderment as you realized the hundreds, no thousands of plants held in this small room.
Nuada nodded, “Most of these were collected long ago, some of these plants no longer exist.”
“This is amazing,” you started as it all sunk in. “Could I try to plant some? Perhaps I could nurture some of these back into existence.”
Nuada smiled, it was a smile you hadn’t seen before, one filled with youthful excitement, “I was hoping you’d say that.”
“So which ones are flowers?” You asked, eager to get started.
Nuada helped you select a few, explaining that these flowers had the most wonderous scent, that sometimes if he tried hard enough he could recall just how lovely they smelled.
Sitting side by side in a courtyard, you and him prepared a flowerbed, breaking up the soil, making sure it was soft and moist. You rolled a seed between your fingers, your arms glowing, but nothing happened.
“Keep trying,” he encouraged when he saw the look of disappointment on your face.
Taking a deep breath, you tried again, “Can you describe it for me, what this flower looks like? That might help.”
“They’re simple but elegant, like gardenias but larger and smell just as lovely and their leaves are a dark green and appear waxy.”
You could almost picture the flower in your mind’s eye, see it sprout and grow and blossom. Looking down into your hand, you laughed seeing that the little seedling had finally sprouted. Delicately, you planted it in the fresh soil.
“You must think poorly of me,” Nuada stated unprompted. “You must see me as a man who seeks violent solutions, solutions where I willingly sacrifice my people and allies needlessly for my own goals.”
You shook your head, “I can tell none of this has been easy for you, I know that it all weighs heavily on your conscious.”
“Still,” he sighed. “I’m not like you, I hadn’t considered any other option, I hadn’t considered that peace could still be possible. You are… admirable to say the least.”
“You’re mistaken,” you whispered, eyes staring at your hands as they padded the soil. “I may be the worst of them all…”
Nuada tilted his head, you obviously had his attention.
“Before Professor Broom,” you began, your mind drifting to your childhood. “I don’t remember much, but I do remember living in a forest, alone, I was practically feral… unfortunately, I didn’t stay hidden away forever, eventually unlucky travelers and hikers stumbled across my path and all my encounters with them ended the same, who knows how many I killed.”
The memories were foggy, but you could still picture roots wrapping themselves around strangers and coiling tighter and tighter until blood ran.
“I don’t know what was different about father when he found me, but I didn’t kill him. He patiently camped in the woods, keeping his distance from me, but stayed close enough that we could observe each other. I remember him being such a gentle soul…”
You recalled watching him from the outskirts of his camp, he started leaving little treats and trinkets for you in the same spot for you daily. Apparently, he used his experience as Hellboy’s father to help him make a connection with you.
“I have a penance to pay, to both humanity and nature.”
Nuada placed his hand over yours, giving it a gentle squeeze, “I think it’s been paid.”
“So,” Red started. “Once you're done with this whole truce crap, what are your plans?”
Nuada opened his mouth to answer the question, but quickly closed it as he realized he actually didn’t know the answer. He assumed that you would be staying with him, living in the palace like you have been, but in all honesty, he had no idea what your plans were, it’s not like he asked or spoke to you about it.
He felt an unpleasant heaviness within him as he acknowledged the possibility of you leaving, moving on to a new and different place to help others.
“I haven’t really thought about it,” you said, working on some needlepoint for the twins’ nursery. “I’ve been so focused on helping the fae, that I haven’t had the time to really think about what’s next.”
You and the prince were currently visiting, mostly to update the BPRD on your progress, but also to spend some time with your family and check in on how everyone was doing. Abe and Nuala appeared all lovey dovey and Liz had shared with you all her crazy pregnancy cravings.
“Well, there’s always room for you here,” Liz offered, absentmindedly rubbing her pregnant belly.
“Thanks, although I’m not sure Manning feels the same way,” you laughed.
“You’re not any worse than Red and they still put up with all his crap.”
“Hey,” he scolded playfully, glaring at Liz. “The BPRD would cease to exist without me.”
Nuada tuned out the rest of the conversation as he contemplated what to do. The thought of you far off somewhere without him stung more than it should. What if something happened to you? What if he never saw you again?
Suddenly you yelped, having accidentally stabbed your index finger with the needle, Nuada’s eyes narrowed as he watched you, he could practically feel the sting of it on his own fingertip. Looking down at his pale hand, he saw a little droplet of blood.
His stomach lurched at the realization. Without a word he withdrew from the group and went out into the hall. On the outside to any of the agents he passed he looked as calm and collected as ever, but inside he was a dam on the verge of breaking due to this latest revelation.
“Have you told her?” Nuala inquired behind him.
Nuada shouldn’t have been surprised that she had followed him, but he didn’t answer her question, he just huffed and turned away.
“Brother,” she urged.
“Have you told the blue one?” He sneered.
“I have.”
He rubbed his forehead, love was a serious matter, especially in their case, it wasn’t something that should ever be taken lightly, because for him it wasn’t something fleeting or lighthearted, it was deep and all consuming.
But when did it get to this point? When did his infatuation become love?
“She has a right to know.”
He began to pace slowly, his arms crossed over his chest. “It’s not that simple,” he argued.
“All the more reason for her to know. We had our suspicions that this could happen,” she reasoned. “That our bond, our ability to feel each other’s pain, could transfer once we each found love.”
His jaw tensed at the word ‘love’, knowing it would only become stronger, that soon you’d experience his every ache and pain and that he’d feel all of yours.
“Human love isn’t as complicated as this,” Nuada stated, glaring at his twin. “What if she doesn’t understand? What if she doesn’t want it and rejects me? What do I do then?”
His mind was already racing with worse case scenarios. The splitting pain he felt over the mere thought of you not loving him had him worried. There was no way for him to stop this, he had no control over it, you and him were now bound to each other, but that didn’t mean you had to remain at his side or even return his love.
“I can see that she cares for you, brother,” Nuala soothed, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Tell her.”
It was nice being back at the palace, while seeing your family was great, something about being there made you appreciate the peace and quiet cultivated here. Life was simpler, calmer, amongst the elves.
Nuada, however, hadn’t been the same since returning. You weren’t quite sure what it was, but he was distant, colder. It reminded you of how he had behaved when you and him first met. It’s not as if he was actively avoiding you, but the rapport that you two had developed had seemed to vanish.
As you were walking through the halls, planning to visit the seed library, but halted midstep when you spotted Nuada training in the gardens… in the rain.
You watched mesmerized from the outskirts of the courtyard. Drops of water rolled down his back drawing your attention to the way his muscles moved and flexed. Graceful didn’t even begin to cover the sight before you.
Despite having already seen him in action, you were still impressed by the fluidity and speed of his movements. He transformed something as violent as fighting into something captivating and beautiful like an intricate dance.
Wet strands of hair clung to the front of his face as he spun with a final flourish. He stabbed his spear into the soft wet dirt, his chest quickly rising and falling while he caught his breath.
Nuada raked a hand through his hair, slicking it back as he lifted his head. He gave you a questioning look when he spotted you on the other side of the courtyard. His lips slowly parted, but before he could speak you scurried away full of embarrassment.
You tried to regain some of your composure as you sped walked through the halls, not really paying attention anymore to where you headed. Abruptly, you halted when you noticed that you were walking towards a dead end, but before you could turn around you heard Nuada say your name.
You could hear him approach, stopping once he was right behind you. Your heart sped up as Nuada possessively placed his hand over the center of your chest, his warm fingertips pressed down into your soft flesh as he pulled your back to rest against his wet chest.
Under his palm he could feel your heart beating in sync with his own. His other arm wrapped around your waist holding you firmly in place.
“This,” Nuada began, his voice low and velvety right by your ear. “This was how you grabbed me that night, do you remember?”
“Yes,” you whispered.
Closing his eyes, he sighed wistfully, his breath tickling your flushed face. “Your touch lingered for days and it was all I could think about,” He admitted, his arms winding tighter around you. “I couldn’t recall the last time someone had held me or touched me like that, with such…passion.”
His hand crept a little higher from your chest, gliding over your collarbone before his palm rested on your neck. You released a shaky breath, your head spinning from his touch and the low tone of his voice. You were barely even able to register the words he spoke, completely confused by his intentions.
Nuada exhaled heavily, “I suppose that’s when it started, my infatuation for you.”
“What?” You squeaked.
His index finger traced down the center of your throat as he lowered his hand and loosened his grip on you. “There’s an important matter we need to discuss.”
He started heading towards his room and beckoned for you to follow.
“What is it?” You asked.
He shut the door and stood in front of you with his hands behind his back. “I’ve come to care for you,” he confessed, his expression stern as if he had given you a life sentence.
“I care about you too,” you said in a soft tone.
Nuada shook his head and frowned, frustrated with himself for not being clear and not being more eloquent about it. “It’s more than that… I’m in love with you and there are circumstances that you need to be aware of.”
“Circumstances? Sounds… serious.”
His heart sank at your hesitant expression, but he continued to press on. “You are aware of my bond with my sister, yes?”
You nodded, “if either of you gets hurt, so does the other.”
“Well, I’m no longer bound to her, I’m bound to you.” His eyes studied your face as he spoke, watching your brow furrow as you pieced together what he said.
“Because you have become that important to me,” he answered with absolute certainty.
You looked up at him, slowly closing the space between the two of you. Your fingers lightly brushed over his skin as you tucked several loose strands of his white hair behind his ear.
His hand promptly took hold of your wrist, his expression torn as if he couldn’t decide between stopping you or encouraging you.
“You need to understand,” he started, his grip tightening. “That there will be no turning back, I will never let you go.”
You were aware of Nuada’s intentions, he wanted this to be absolutely clear for you, for you to know just how consequential it was for you to start a relationship with him, even if it meant scaring you off. But, surprisingly you weren’t afraid or intimidated by the thought of being with him for the rest of your life.
Through your observations, starting from the very beginning, you had seen how lonely he was. How he was trying to repair things basically on his own. He kept everyone at a distance while he shouldered a burden alone until very recently.
In your eyes, Nuada was more than a warrior or a prince, you saw all of him… he was complex and intriguing and passionate. You wanted to be the person he shared those parts of himself with, and most of all you didn’t want him to be alone again.
“I want this,” you promised. “I want you.”
His other hand held your chin, his thumb brushing over your trembling lip as he tilted your head up. He leaned in, eyes boring into yours. “Mine forever.”
Nuada didn’t waste another second, capturing your lips with his and eagerly pushing you against the wall, his tongue swept over your bottom lip before finding its way into your mouth.
Your fingers clutched the back of his head, curling around his wet hair as you reciprocated the kiss with just as much passion. Your other hand ran down his chest, his heart racing under your touch.
His fingers hooked behind one of knees, yanking your leg upward, instinctively you wrapped it around his waist allowing him to be even closer to you, his pelvic bone now grinding against you. He pushed your skirts up so his hands could roam over your thighs while his mouth latched onto your neck.
Nuada, under typical circumstances, would be more intentional about where he left marks but right now he couldn’t care less as little pink and red marks bloomed on yours and his skin.
You had never felt this sort of urgency before, it was as if he’d die if he had to wait any longer before being with you.
In a hurried and rough manner, he undid the sash of your dress then began to tear away all the layers in his way. He moaned obscenely, feeling your bare torso pressed against his own. His lips explored the newly exposed flesh, nipping and sucking.
Even he was surprised by how desperate and animalistic he was acting, unaware of just how much his body craved your touch and your skin on his, he was practically ravenous.
You could hear him panting heavily by your ear as he undid his pants. He pushed your underwear to the side, exposing your slit. Fortunately, you were already aroused because Nuada couldn’t wait any longer.
Taking his cock in his hand for just a moment, he aligned it with your tight warm cunt. In a fluid motion, he thrusted into you completely, pausing briefly as he savored the feeling of being buried in your velvety walls.
You gasped, wrapping your arms around his neck for support as he began thrusting. His pace immediately starting out fast and hard.
Nuada’s cock was long, reaching depths no previous lover ever had. Your nails raked across his pale skin as you cling to him, yet this caused you to hiss as you also felt the sting of it.
“You are,” he panted, “enchanting, wondrous, divine…”
He sloppily kissed along your shoulder, loving every little sound you made as he fucked you. He wondered if he’d regret not taking his time with you, for being so rough with his flower, but he didn’t feel any pain, just waves and waves of pleasure.
There would be time, plenty of time, where he could make up for it, where he would be a gentle, more tender lover, who will kiss and touch every inch of you.
It didn’t take much longer before you came. You moaned his name, muscles now tightening and your toes curling.
Nuada immediately followed, grunting as he rode out his orgasm and came inside of you.
Propping himself up against the wall with his arms, he caught his breath. Leaning his head down he kissed your forehead then along the side of your face. Acting with more self control, he cupped your face, gazing lovingly into your eyes, “I am yours.”
The following morning, things progressed a lot more slowly with your new lover.
Nuada groaned as you straddled him, his back arching off the bed as you slowly took his cock. Casually he fucked you from below, rolling his hips at a leisurely pace as you rode him.
He admired you, taking in all the pink and purple splotches left from the night’s activities, but also appreciating how lovely you looked in the light of the morning.
“Have you packed?” You asked Nuada as he entered the bedroom. You were currently packing your own bag, excited to take a small trip back home.
A couple of days ago, you received a message letting you know that Liz delivered two healthy babies. It had been a couple of months since your last visit, so you were already due for another, but this news made it even more necessary to go.
Nuada nodded, placing his hands on your waist. “Do you need help?”
You shook your head, “No, I think I have almost everything I need.”
Nuada kissed you, right under your earlobe. “Are you looking forward to seeing everyone?”
“Of course I am… I can’t wait to meet my little niece and nephew!” You gushed. “What about you?”
“It will be nice to catch up with my sister, see how she’s adjusting to living with the blue one.”
“He has a name, you know?”
Nuada chuckled, but didn’t bother correcting himself.
“What do you think I should have the babies call me? I was thinking of Auntie Green.”
“That is… suitable I suppose.”
Suddenly you grinned as a thought crossed your mind, “This means you’re also an uncle now, because of our lifelong magical love bond.”
He shook his head, trying to hide his smile over your name for the bond. Taking a few steps back, he moved aside as you finished zipping up your bag. Without thinking, Nuada lifted it up from the bed, ready to carry it to your destination for you.
“Uncle Nuada,” you mumbled, but scrunched your nose in disapproval. “Hmmm, what about… Uncle Silver? That’s much better!”
“Must they call me anything?” He muttered.
“Hey! Don’t be like that, plus you might be a biological uncle soon.”
Nuada sighed, “I suppose you are right… in that case, I think I’d prefer Uncle Silverlance.”
He offered you his arm, escorting you out of the bedroom, so you both could be on your way.
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stillnotyourmusebitch · 1 year ago
Ain't nothing but a shower scene - Hellboy x Afab!Reader
I am reposting my old hellboy fics on tumblr again.
(These are from my old account)
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I had to admit that HB truly had the best shower in the whole of the Colorado B.P.R.D. headquarters. So, when I get the chance to make use of these facilities, you know I will.
But sadly, due to the sheer amount of bloody research I have had to complete over the past eight days, I haven’t been able to see very much of or be anywhere near Hellboy. If it wasn’t for Alice insisting, I really need to take a break and that it wasn’t normal to go so long without sleep, food or the basics of hygiene.
Normally I would flip her off, then go back to my work. Drinking my umpteenth coffee of the day, but I hate to admit it the kid was right. Gods, I could actually smell myself. That is never a good sign.
Marking my place in the old dusty tome I was halfway through reading/translating. I scrape the chair backwards unceremoniously loud along the floor to let people near me know I was in fact leaving the much-needed research table and if anyone messes with my organisation system in my absence, I will ruin them.
Upon standing for longer than needed to walk to the coffee machine and back. Only then did I realise how dog gone tired I really was. Taking my time I slowly and carefully make my way through the facilities many winding corridors. Trying my hardest not to bump into other agents or the walls, until I arrive at Hellboy’s quarters. At the first glance I can see he isn’t there which is both a blessing and a little disappointing.
Yes, I do get the shower and bed to myself for the time being but that also means I missed out on seeing him. We have really become good, close friends.
Now you are probably wondering why I have been mentioning HB a lot. Well that is simple we have been sharing his room ever since a certain someone magically managed to punch a massive hole through my exterior wall and out into the cold mountain air. He claims to have been swatting a fly. Not that there were any in my room at the time. But there was still no need to punch a massive three feet wide hole in my wall with his stone hand at that.
So I am now staying with him for however long it takes to patch the damage up. He insisted on sharing with me as an apology. It’s been over three weeks now and there was still a gaping hole in my quarters wall. I ain’t complaining tho. Hellboy really did have the best rooms in the facility and I’m damn well sure gonna make use of them. Since I had the place to myself I start stripping out of my uniform until I was stark naked and fiddling with the nobs and handles to try and get the water running in the oversized shower exactly how I preferred, amping up the heat to scolding levels that I find great comfort in. Maybe it is because it steams up the entire bathroom area nicely to the point I feel like I’m in a warm, safe cocooned state.
The multiple water jets pummel at my aching back and shoulders. I groan out at the blissfully sensation of my body finally unwinding and relaxing. Oh how I have needed this time to gain back my spark. I grab the bottle body wash that smells just like him. A calming fig and leather scent. I work up the lather in my hands then tackle the layers of dried on sweat and dirt I have accumulated over the past 8 days. Somewhere in between cleaning myself and the warmth of the water. I found that it managed to amplify the scent of the body wash. To the point it felt like he was right there with me. Meer inches behind me.
Maybe I let my imagination get away from me but it was as if his unique stone hand was scratching lazily down my hip. I try to lean back into what would have been his chest only to meet thin air.
“Shit.” I mutter to myself. This is not the time or the place to be thinking such things. Scrubbing the hot water over my face to try and clear my perverted mind of thoughts that were just that. Thoughts.
It isn’t that I don’t find him handsome. Oh I really did I mean that guy can charm the pants off anyone given the chance but we were only friends and nothing more.
“No, get outta your head. Finish your shower and have a damned nap, then back to work you go.” I spoke firmly to myself as I shut off the water.
I left the bathroom grabbing a clean towel and throwing it over my head to begin drying my hair as I wander back into the main part of the bedroom.
Someone clears their throat. I rip the towel off my head to see Hellboy stood there staring at me. His eyes are roaming all the skin available to him and it takes me a second to click I am stood there completely starkers. I try to cover myself but at this point what is the use. He has seen all of me now. I sigh.
“When did you get back?” I try and break the awkward silence as I continue to towel dry my hair.
His duffel bag drops with a thud to bring him back to the question I just asked him.
“Urm, just got back from a mission. Was gonna come looking for you actually.” He was clearly unsure if he was to look away or stare.
“Well you found me Red.” I say as I bend to dry my legs. “What do you want?” I ask casually, unsure where this confidence in my body has come from.
“You.” He breathed out the word in a contented sigh and a goofy smile on his lips.
I definitely heard him correctly trying to hide a creeping smile tugging at the corner of my lips. I stood back up to my full height taking the small grey towel away from my legs and dropped into on the floor.
“I didn’t quite hear that. I must still have water in my ears.”
His gaze drops to the floor
“Well.” I take a step closer to him. “You have me.”
His golden eyes flick up back to mine to see if there was any hint of hesitation or a cruel prank.
“Do I?” His voice low in a sort of warning that if I was messing with him I needed to stop now.
I kept moving slowly closer to him. The warmth of his body begins to radiate into mine from a couple feet away. He could see I wasn’t playing with him and that I really did want this. Whatever this moment was that clung in the warm air left behind by my shower.
As I got close enough to feel his body against mine I turn as take his right hand in mine and pacing it over my hip in the way I imagined only minutes before I had turned the water off. He is hesitant in his touch as all he knows is how to break and destroy with this hand but I want to show him the things he was clearly missing out on.
“You know you do.” Saying these simple words seemed to break the dam in both of us. His left arm winds around me stomach pulling me flush against his chest. His right hand caressing my hip and upper thigh. The contrast of his flesh hand and the stone one is magical. All the while his mouth descends upon my exposed throat kissing and suckling at the flesh marking my skin not that I cared. I grind back against him causing him to break contact and spin me to face him dead on.
“You’re playing with fire (Y/n). Are you sure you want this?” I can see a flicker of concern in his features. His golden eyes are purely molten with lust.
“More than you know big guy. I’m not afraid to get burned.” I scratch my nails down his firm pectorals.
His left hand cradles the back of my neck bringing me in for a kiss that could wake a million princesses, princes, kings, queens. Hell a whole kingdom from a cursed sleep. His lips are so intoxicating and I can’t get enough of him. I leap up as we break for air. His strong arms catch under my thighs and we go back to kissing like the world is going to end. It is bound to happen one day but right now all I need is him. I push at his large brown coat to try and remove the infuriating item of clothing to give me more of him to explore.
Hellboy can feel me pushing at the jacket. Seeing no other way to remove it with me in his arms. He moves us both to the nearest divider wall in his room and pins my body there with the weight and strength of his hips holding me in place as we break apart to gasp in lungful’s of air. I’m sure our lip look kiss swollen from such a fiery kiss that has become one of the best make out sessions I have ever had. He tears away the jacket, letting it drop to the ground, his hands go to my chest and thumbs swiping at my hardening nipples.
I’m chanting in my mind for him to use that mouth on them. He leans back slightly before slamming his hands either side of my head.
“We can stop now if you want. I don’t want to overstep.” I see the genuine concern on his beautiful face.
“I want this Red. I need you.” I rest my forehead against his.
“I could sure get used to this.” He smirks to himself.
“So could I. but unless you fucking touch me I will implode and take the entirety of the mountainside with me..” I grind down on his member that was tenting so wonderfully in his dark trousers.
It was my turn to get him panting beneath me.
“(Y/n), baby. I am trying to have some restraint here as not to hurt you . . . “
“I’m no China doll. You won’t break me. Remember I have advanced genetic healing, anyway I want you to mark me. Let everyone know who it is I belong to.” I say as I stretch my arms up above my head to grasp either side of the thin divider wall and use my legs to pull him back firmly against me possessively.
Hellboy is mulling over my words with a hooded gaze. His left hand grasps my throat squeezing it generously. “Is that right? You belong to me and only me now. You are mine.” His words are almost a low growl as he speaks he moves his lips closer and closer to mine. He speaks the last word with his lips grazing mine.
I mirror the word mine before he descends into another mind blowing kiss. I’m so engrossed in the sensation of our lips moving in perfect rhythm. That I don’t notice he has pried away his right hand from the slight indentation he left on the wall by my head, so he can unbuckle his belt and trousers in a swift movement, freeing his engorged cock to slap up against my ass. He hisses at the skin contact. I feel the stuttering in his hips. He really is trying to stay in control. When his left hand loosens on my throat I break the kiss to grasp that hand and bring the digits to my mouth and suck at them in earnest.
I moan around those fingers as I close my eyes and just being in the moment. I stay like this for as long as either of us could take. When I open my eyes, I pull away his fingers from my mouth with an emphasised pop sound. Then guide them in between our bodies till he feels just how much I truly need him. He easily inserts one digit into me gasping at the wet tightness that greets him. A second digit followed by a third in quick succession are enough to have me moaning his name in an almost scared prayer. He thrusts those fingers so well that the heel of his palm grinds down on my bundle of nerves that sparks lightning through my limbs and curls my toes.
“Ffffffuck (y/n) I’m not gonna last if you keep this up.” He is groaning from the way our bodies are so close to that final embrace we both need.
“Then take me Red. Fuck me and claim me as yours and only yours” I’m so close to falling over that blissful edge of completion when he withdraws his fingers, bringing them to his lips he sees the mess I have become.
“Oh (y/n) Is this all for me? It must be my birthday.” He exaggerates the last sentence by swiping the flat of his tongue up to gather the distinct flavour of my arousal. “Better than I imagined.” He cleans his fingers of my taste.
“Bed now.” I need this man to fuck me and or let me ride him. He chuckles at my enthusiasm but takes my ever so subtle hint to move to the oversized bed. Dropping onto the mattress Hellboy turns at the last moment so I’m straddling those thick muscular thighs of his. “Red, you gotta let me take care of you.”
I push his chest lightly till his back hit the plush covers. I manoeuvre so I am able strip him of trousers and help him kick off those clunky boots to free those cloven feet I rarely get to see.
Crawling up his chest slowly to make sure I still have his full attention, kissing here and there to see if I can hear those wondrous sounds.
“Baby, you’re killing me.” His hands move along my sides to my hips, giving them a firm squeeze. “Please I need more.”
I kiss him once more before positioning body so I can stroke his girthy cock in my palm. He bucks into my palm. I can tell he needs more. Mouth-watering ideas flash into my mind which I lock away for later use.
With is cock still in my palm I move so I can gather up the wetness pooling between my thighs.
“You ready big guy?” I lock eyes with him. He can only nod in agreement.
Slowly I guide him to my entrance. I push down till the head of his cock disappears inside me. I gasp at the feel of him stretching me so sinfully. Inch my inch I lower down onto him until I am completely seating on him.
I watch his face melt into that of awe. Here I am taking his cock so well. Clenching at the thickness of him.
“You okay there (y/n)?” He knows that he is well endowed and some people can’t take him completely the way I just have.
I experiment by rocking my hips gently. We moan out in unison. This urges me to move more and slightly faster.
Hellboy begins to rut up into me, I push down to meet him thrust for thrust. We work up into a pattern that transcends anything my simple fingers could live up to on those late nights alone in my room.
Our left hands interlock as we move as one. The room around us is filled with the wet slap of skin on skin, loud moans of each other’s name and the encouragement to go faster and harder.
“I’m so close Red. Please I need to. . .” I cry out.
“Cum for me (y/n). I got you.” His thrusts are becoming sloppy now. I know he is so close too. I lean forward to kiss him once more. This new angle is all I need to climax harder than anything in my entire life. A few more haphazard thrusts later and he spills inside of me.
I slump against his sweaty chest. Grinning from ear to ear which I know he is mirroring above me. We stay like this till we get our breath back. Shakily I climb off him and lay down by his side completely stated.
“Wow.” He turns his head to look at me. “Are you okay?”
“Mmm, yes I am now.” I try not to yawn but I know I will drift off soon after such a satisfying ‘workout’
He shift on the bed to go and grab something from the direction of the ensuite. He returns seconds later with a damp cool cloth. He takes care of me before climbing back on the bed to pull my against his chest.
“Sleep now. I got you.” I feel him lightly kiss my hairline before sleep takes me.
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 1 year ago
Hi Whimsy🖤
I'm new here and this is my first ask so I'm sorry if I haven't done this right. If you're comfortable with it and are able to can I get a Prince Nuada x chubby f!reader enemies to lovers anything (with nsfw if you're fine with that).
You have full reign over the direction and themes of this, anything is appreciated!
Thank you for your time🌻
Hello! Now this is something that actually deserves a full multi-part fic, so I thought of coming up with a detailed outline for the moment. I hope you like it!
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“A prince’s regard”
Pairing: Prince Nuada x chubby F! reader (Human | Second person POV)
Themes: Enemies to lovers | Soft | NSFW
Warnings : Angst-ish | Mentions of wounds | Mention of character death (Nuada’s mother) | Nuada being a bit of a jerk in the beginning | Insecurities | Nuada gets a little handsy at the end, but in a cute way.
Wordcount: 2.2k words
Summary: As part of a greater plan to encourage peace and understanding between humans and elves, a lottery is held for elves and humans to live amongst each other. You’re one of them, and the elf you are paired off with during the lotter is none other than Nuada himself.
A/n: If anyone wants to make use of these I say go for it, but please tag me if you do.
Minors DNI | 🔞 | You are responsible for the media you consume
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🍃As part of a peace treaty with mortals, King Balor proposed an exchange of culture and knowledge between the two former warring races. Selected humans would live amongst the elves as attendants, handmaidens, stewards, and students, and elves would do the same with humans.
🍃A lottery is organized and monitored by the BPRD to stop parties with vested interests from meddling and upsetting the delicate balance of such a hard-won peace. Offices spread all over the world turn into lottery centers, and any elf or mortal wishing to add their name to the list is encouraged to do so.
🍃The numbers may not have been record-breaking, but enough elves and humans registered all the same. Your name was one of them. You did it on a dare, and with your friends, thinking nothing would ever come out of it.
🍃When the announcements start, you join the others in front of the TV, listening to names being called out, along with the names of families and individuals they would be paired with. Your name was not called on the first day. It was not called on the second or third day either. It was disappointing, to be sure, but you made peace with it. The days passed, with more and more names being announced. Then, after a fortnight had passed, you listened, dumbfounded, while your own name was announced to the world in crisp words. You were even more astounded when you found that you were being paired off with none other than the crown prince of Bethmoora himself.
🍃Your friends take you shopping as you would be moving into a series of abandoned railway tunnels he had converted into a luxurious palace. No one has seen the inside of it except for his father and sister, and the handful of attendants that served him.
🍃You’re nervous. Not just because you would be living with elven royalty, but also because Nuada is well known for hating humans.
🍃The prince was cold and aloof when you walked in through thick wooden doors full of strange symbols carved into them. “For protection,” Princess Nuala said, “against any evil that tries to make its way inside.”
🍃She was exceedingly warm where her twin is not, asking dozens of questions about your life, your friends, your family, everything. Nuala helped you settle into your new rooms and then showed you around the vast network of tunnels and chambers her brother called home. Everything was dimly lit, because that was how he liked it. There were sculptures and priceless works of art everywhere, hundreds upon hundreds of candles, thick, plush carpets, and the library was unlike anything you had ever seen.
“Do not touch anything.” He hissed, startling you. Nuada had walked up to you without making a sound. It was more than a little unnerving that he could do such a thing. “These treasures are priceless, and I will not see them sullied by mortal hands such as yours.”
Nuala apologized profusely. “Some of the sculptures you see here belonged to our mother,” she went on to explain after he disappeared down another corridor. “And my brother is quite attached to them.”
She did not say more on the matter, and she took you to her own rooms and hosted you to a light supper. At least, that was what she called it. An elaborate meal had been laid out in the dining room of her apartment. During dinner, Nuala informed she had to return to the BPRD, as her true home was there, with Abe. She would visit from time to time, but her place was elsewhere. Your heart sank, for it meant you would have to be alone with Nuada.
“Do not fret,” she urged. “My brother has a good heart; it is just that he guards it so fiercely. Give him time, y/n. He will come around. Mr. Wink will be here as well, so you will not want for company.”
“That’s comforting,” you tell yourself. Mr. Wink was large and imposing and spoke in a language you did not understand, and his loyalty would always belong to Nuada. Still, you made peace with Nuala’s leaving, and enjoyed the rest of your dinner.
🍃During the course of the subsequent days and weeks, Nuada would go out of his way to avoid you. He dined by himself, trained by himself, and kept to his own chambers when he was not needed elsewhere. If, by chance, you did run into him, he would respond with a curt grunt before walking away. If you came upon him training, he would order you to leave him in peace. Sometimes, not always, but sometimes, he would walk out of a room if you walked into it. It stung. What made it worse was knowing your stay had to last a full year before a change in placement could be requested. And that made you wretched, because the end of that year was still a long way off. Resentment took root, and you slowly began to loathe the prince for making living with him so hard.
🍃Mr. Wink, on the other hand, was surprisingly nicer, allowing you to join him while he used the mechanical toys that kept him entertained, watching TV with you, and even letting you read to him once in a while. He went so far as to ask through Nuala for you to help him learn your language.
It was a trial. Truly, it was a trial. Mr. Wink was a creature of fixed habits, and modern languages were strange to his ears. Once, he nearly flipped over a table in frustration. You had to keep to your sofa and hide your giggles while he ranted and raved and declared, through Nuala during her next visit, that human languages were languages born from the pits of hell.
“They may be languages from the pits of hell,” you tell him, “but you still need to learn. Come on. You can do this.”
The lessons continued. And Nuada’s avoidance of you continued as well. 
🍃“Why do you always avoid me?” You finally mustered your courage and confronted him after breakfast. “I know you are not all that happy about it, but do you have to go out of your way to make me feel unwelcome?”
“Because you are mortal,” he rasped sharply. “That alone is enough. Now leave me. I have better things to do with my time.”
🍃And so it continued, until one dark November night, when an injured Mr. Wink brought him home, covered in wounds. A raid had gone wrong, you were told. Hellboy had taken it into his head to charge straight into a hive of tooth fairies, the largest that had been found in North America. Many in the team were injured, and Nuada was one of those who were worse off. Doctors from the Bureau came over and did the best they could. You had to see to his care after they left, as Nuala could not leave the BPRD. She too had suffered the same harm, even though she never left the facility.
For several days, Nuada slipped in and out of consciousness. You wanted to let him struggle out of spite, but seeing him helpless and weak convinced you to do otherwise. You changed his dressing, gave him bed baths to clean him up, and even changed his clothes. You avoided looking at the scars that marred an otherwise near-perfect body. It would be rude to do so, you tell yourself. He would not like being gawked at.
You brushed his hair and then read to him before making yourself comfortable on a nearby pillowed bench that served as your bed. Sometimes, you would find him looking at you with a strange expression in his eyes while you went about looking after him. You didn’t know what to make of it.
🍃“You must eat something, my prince,” you insisted one evening, holding a spoonful of soup to his mouth. “Just a spoonful. Please.”
Nuada’s appetite had deserted him, and you had to feed him his meals. He fussed and grumbled and muttered choice words in the language of his people, but he would yield to your entreaties in the end and make himself eat. It started with a spoonful, and then another, and another. Finally, when he was strong enough, he could eat properly.
🍃Then he started to talk. It’s about the little things at first: the meal before him, his sister’s wellbeing, and your lessons with Mr. Wink.
“He speaks very highly of you,” he confessed, much to your surprise. “He says you treat him with respect.”
“Do other elves treat him with respect?”
“No,” he replied. "Trolls are seen as, how do you mortals put it?" Nuada searched for the right word. "Oh yes. As the knuckledraggers of my world. Mr. Wink is a remnant of a more primitive age and, therefore, unworthy of true respect in the eyes of many. Besides my sister and myself, you are the only one who is openly kind to him."
"You are kind to him, and yet you treat me with scorn," you sighed. 
The prince said nothing. He grew quiet and thoughtful. You take it as a sign to clear his tray and leave.
🍃Life with him became easier after that. While he rested, Nuada spoke of all the things he had seen and all the wondrous creatures he had met. You listened to his tales with rapt attention, for few mortals knew of such things. Finally, he opened up about his hatred for humans and why he allowed it to fester in his heart for so long.
“They killed my mother,” he spat. “When father left for war, mother traveled with him. She would stay at camp while he took off for the battlefield. He thought he had no cause for worry, for it was an unwritten rule, you see, for a military camp to be left untouched even during the height of fighting. There could be women and children present. Humans did not care for that. As soon as father’s warriors were out of sight, they attacked the camp. My mother… let us just say she did not survive.”
You did not know what to say, except for "I'm sorry.” Nuada smiled sadly and patted your hand.
“Tis not your fault,” he countered. “And it is I who should be apologizing." Nuada paused, and hesitated. "You have been nothing but considerate of my wishes the entire time, and you went out of your way to take care of me even after how I behaved in the beginning. I am ashamed of myself and must beg for your forgiveness.”
🍃Forgiveness would take a while, but Nuada did all that he could to make amends. He even invited you to accompany him to a great feast as his honored guest. That gave you pause, for while Nuada was lithe and graceful and everything a mighty warrior ought to be, you thought yourself to be the opposite of it all and told him so.
“Everyone would compare me to the other ladies,” you agonized after changing into yet another gown, one that was so soft it felt like you were clothed in nothing but air. “I cannot go looking like this.”
“No one will compare you to others,” he insisted. Nuada came into your rooms after wondering what was taking you so long. “They would not dare do so. Besides, there is nothing to give you cause for concern. Like your hair, for example. It looks beautiful the way you have arranged it.”
A flash of heat crept up your throat. No one had complimented you like this before. “It is?”
“Indeed.” Nuada came closer. “And that dress. How artfully it clings to your body. You have made a wise choice with your garments, y/n.”
“Oh.” Now your cheeks were aflame. “You’re not lying? You really like how I look?
“As my sister would tell you, lying is not something I excel at.” He grew bolder, and brushed his hand over your hip, your waist. “Soft,” he murmured. “Even softer than your dress.”
His touch was electrifying. And he was right. Lying was not something he was skilled at. You saw it with your own eyes—how he could not even pretend to be gracious in the beginning. You flushed and looked away, unsure of what to do or say. Nuada reached over and lifted your chin, making you meet his gaze.
“Did I go too far?” He murmured softly.
“No,” you mumbled. “I… I just didn’t expect such attention from someone like you. You are the crown prince. You’re dashing and skilled, and you're the greatest warrior among your people. And I… I am me.”
He went quiet for a while, as if he were thinking. “Then give me the chance to show you how you are so much more than what you believe yourself to be,” he proposed. “Can you do that, y/n? Give me such a chance?”
He was holding out his hand, his eyes bright and determined. But there was something else in those vivid golden-yellow eyes of his. Something more than determination. It tugged at you and drew you in.
He is trying, you think to yourself. He is really trying. And would it be awful to be at the receiving end of his affections?
You decided it would not be so awful after all and placed your hand in his.
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tags: @nupppuff @thepjofanqueen
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venerable-sun · 1 year ago
Call My Name (Nuada x Reader)
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Nuada Silverlance (Hellboy) x Reader
TW: Some slight violence (as to be expected), but otherwise just Nuada being an emotionally-constipated ass
Word Count: ~5400 words
Prompt: I always call you by your title except the one time when you’re in trouble, enemies to lovers, slight hurt-comfort
I stayed up until 3 am writing this, so if you see a typo... no you didn't. Just a reminder that my requests are open so please send them in!
Your ability to get along with just about everyone is something you take a lot of pride in. When you first came under the protection of the BPRD with Red, you had quickly formed many valuable connections, even if you couldn’t call many of them true friends. And when Liz later joined the team, the two of you got on like wildfire (pun intended) almost instantly. Hell, even Manning acts agreeable towards you. You’ve always thought of yourself as a charming person, despite your somewhat off-putting appearance, and your skills in negotiation and peacemaking are unmatched.
That is, until a certain elf-prince came into the BPRD’s custody and put that to the test.
You hadn’t been part of the task team that fought in the Battle of the Golden Army, your… special skills pulling you away from the conflict to mediate between two warring tribes of giants in the Himalayas. 
You are an Avian, a mutated human with wings and the ability to speak every language, both human and supernatural, on the planet. Had the two tribes gone to war, it would have been devastating for the entire Asian continent and would have exposed the entire supernatural world. Being deep into the world’s tallest mountains and in the throes of complicated negotiations meant that you had little to no communication to the outside world for weeks, so to say you were shocked to find out that the world had been incredibly close to being destroyed by an ancient army would be an understatement. 
Even more shocking was finding out that the BPRD had taken the culprit into custody. 
The compound was bustling with activity as you made your way through the long corridors to Manning’s office for your debrief. Familiar faces greeted you as you walked past, some stopping for a moment to ask you about your mission. There were a few who gave you a wide berth, eyeing your wings warily. You had grown used to such looks, knowing that your wings were far from the prettiest things to gaze upon. Avians are an incredibly rare type of mutation, but your specific type even more so. While most had beautiful feathered wings like that of an angel, yours more closely resembled a bat’s. 
You unconsciously tuck your wings closer against your back, wishing that there was more room underground to stretch out to your full wingspan more often. 
You knock on Manning’s door once before pushing your way in, too tired from your trip to wait for him to call you in. All you want to do is take a long, hot shower and sleep for days. 
You’re surprised someone is already sitting there across from the director of the BRPD, and from the tension in his shoulders he isn’t very happy. His head snaps towards you the moment you step into the room, his golden eyes finding yours instantly. His mouth is pulled back into a sneer as he regards you coolly, eyes flicking up and down your form before settling on your wings. Something hardens in his gaze, and he quickly turns his body away from you as if you were not even there. 
“Ah, you’ve returned!” Manning greets. “Well?” 
“The conflict between the giants has successfully been resolved,” you report, trying hard to ignore the disdain that seems to be radiating from the golden-eyed man. “I doubt they will be so quick to go to arms with each other again.” 
Manning hums in approval, settling back into his seat. “I want a full report typed up on my desk tomorrow.”  You nod, turning to leave. “Wait, there’s one more thing.”
You eye him warily, your hopes of a quick escape dashed. Manning gestures to the stranger in the room. “This is Nuada Silverlance, Prince of the Bethmoora Clan. He is in our charge for the foreseeable future.” You notice Nuada’s hands tightening into fists at his words. “I’ve assigned you to be his personal guide and companion while he settles into life here.” 
“I do not need a guide.” The prince speaks for the first time. His voice is deep and smooth like honey, and you would find it strangely attractive if it weren’t for the fact that he was glaring at you as he spoke. “And I certainly do not want companionship from the likes of her. If I am to be forced to live in this insufferable human prison, then I wish to at least be left alone.” 
“You will escort Nuada around the compound,” Manning ignores the silver-haired elf. “And you will help him with anything he needs as well as teach him about human culture.” 
Nuada growls, getting to his feet abruptly. “Absolutely not!”
Manning eyes him coolly. “Need I remind you of the reason you're here in the first place. And if you have any hopes of repairing your relationship with your sister, I would recommend you behave and do as we say.” 
You stifle a yawn as Nuada growls again, your jet lag really starting to make itself known. The elf turns his angry gaze towards you, rage sparking like molten gold in his eyes. “Am I boring you, human? Maybe a knife to your throat will wake you up.” He threatens. 
“Really? Because I don’t see any weapons on you.” You gesture to his empty belt and  exaggeratedly look around the office. “Unless you’ve hidden one somewhere. Is the knife here in the room with us?” 
Nuada looks like a volcano about to erupt, and you have to stifle a laugh. “That’s enough, (Name).” Manning says. “If you would be so kind as to show Nuada to his room. It’ll be right across from yours.” 
You and the elf-prince exit Manning’s office in silence and stand awkwardly in the hallway. “Okay,” you clear your throat. “It’s this way.”
You walk a few paces before you realize Nuada isn’t following. You sigh, mustering up the last of your remaining energy as you face the still-glaring prince. “Look, I know you don’t want to be here. Hell, I wouldn’t either. But you are, and from what I’ve heard about what happened, there’s much worse places you could be.” You hold up your hand to stop him as he takes an angry step forward. “We can fight about this tomorrow, but I have had a very long day. And I can promise you that of all the people to get assigned to be your chaperone, you could do a whole lot worse than me. So unless you want me to go get Red to be your buddy, I recommend that you follow me to your room.” 
With that, you turn and begin walking away again, a small smile pulling at your lips when you hear light, almost-silent footsteps following behind you. 
By the time you reach your rooms, your wings are dragging against the ground with exhaustion. “That’s yours, I guess.” You gesture vaguely at the door across from yours. “If you need anything, just knock or find one of the guards. I’m sure they won’t be far.” 
Nuada nods stiffly and enters into his room, closing the door solidly behind him. “Good talk,” you sigh. You spend the rest of the evening decompressing from your trip, taking a hot bath and relaxing in bed with a cup of tea, and most importantly, keeping your mind off of the intriguing elf-prince just across the hall from you.
You’re shockingly unbothered for the entire night, managing to sleep well into the next day. By the time you drag yourself out of bed, it’s shortly before noon and your stomach is making its hunger known. 
You dress quickly and go to knock on Nuada’s door. You wait several moments with no response and knock again, louder this time. 
“What do you want, human?” Nuada growls, opening the door half-way. 
“I thought you might be hungry and figured I could show you to the dining hall.” 
The elf narrows his eyes but reluctantly steps out. “If you must.” 
You struggle to hide your amusement at the sight of his disgusted face when you get to the bustling cafeteria. Agents roam between full tables and a clamor of voices and cutlery scraping against plates fills the air. Your smile fades when Nuada suddenly goes rigid. You follow his gaze to see Nuala sitting at a table with Abe. Their bodies are angled towards each other, knees knocking together as Abe leans forward to brush a stray hair behind her ear. 
Before you can stop him, Nuada is stalking forward, and you struggle to keep up behind him without knocking into anyone with your wings. Nuala gazes up at her brother with a face devoid of emotion while Abe pulls back awkwardly. “Sister, I wish to speak with you privately.”
“Whatever you have to say can be said to the both of us, brother.” She replies evenly. You hang back, unsure of if you should redirect this before the elf-prince causes a scene. 
“You really stoop so low as to openly fraternize with a traitor? You would truly embarrass your people this way?” Nuada shoots Abe a withering glare. The fish-man blinks in surprise. “Uhm, excuse me, but-” 
“I love Abe, brother. I expect you to respect my choice.” Nuala reaches over and clasps his hand in her own. “And he is far from a traitor.”
“He helps the enemy! He lives amongst them as if they are family!” Nuada hisses. 
“They are my family,” Abe replies smoothly. “If you were to let go of your hate, you could see all the good that they do.” 
Nuada growls, taking a menacing step forward. “Hey, let’s maybe not do this here, yeah?” You finally butt in, acutely aware that the dining hall has gone completely quiet and everyone’s attention in on you.
The elf-prince turns and stalks away without a word, leaving you struggling to keep up with him once again. He’s already half-way down the hall when you catch up to him, and you reach forward to grab at his wrist. “Nuada, hold on a second-” 
“Don’t you dare touch me, you filth!” 
You reel back for a moment, shocked at his outburst in one second and enraged in the next. 
“And don’t you dare talk to me like that, your highness.” You square up to the prince, matching his angry gaze with your own. “You may be royalty amongst your kind, but that doesn’t give you any right to speak to me in such a manner. I have done nothing but try to help you.” 
“I never asked for your help.” Nuada hisses, looming over you in a certain way that you try very hard not to pay attention to. “If you haven’t noticed, I am being held here against my will.” 
You soften slightly, feeling slightly bad for him despite yourself. “I know you are. But you tried to wipe out the entire human race- what did you expect to happen? The best you can do now is try and make the most of being here. It really isn’t so bad once you get used to it.” 
“I will never accept being a prisoner here.” Nuada growls, whipping around and stalking off in the direction of his room. 
You watch him go with a frown, deciding to give him some time to cool off. 
“I apologize for my brother,” a soft voice speaks from behind you. 
Nuala stands there with Abe standing slightly behind her, a sympathetic look on her face. “He has always been quick to anger, even when we were elflings.” 
You give her a lopsided smile, reaching out a hand to introduce yourself formally. “I appreciate the apology, but none is needed, at least not from you.” 
You cast a glance in the direction the elf in question disappeared off to. “I feel bad for him, in a way. Even though he tried to commit mass genocide and all.” 
“My brother is very passionate when it comes to the preservation of our people.” Nuala sighs. “Unfortunately, his means of acting on them are grossly misguided.” 
You leave the two of them to go on their way, heading back into the dining hall to actually eat this time. After making a quick sandwich, you leave with some fruit and bread wrapped in a napkin. You place it in front of Nuada’s door, knocking sharply twice before heading to the training room for some practice. 
Only once he’s certain you’ve left does Nuada open his door, stamping down the small twinge of guilt he feels as he picks up the food you’ve left for him. 
Nuada doesn’t leave his room once for the next three days. The only indication you have that he’s still in there is the faint light from beneath the door and the fact that the food you leave for him always quickly disappears. 
On the third day, you grow tired of awkwardly hanging around in the hallway debating on knocking on his door and finally do so. 
You wait a few moments before knocking again, louder this time. 
“You humans are so impatient. I was going to answer.” Nuada gives as way of greeting. “What do you want?”
“I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the training room.” You offer with what you hope is a convincing smile. “It’s always empty at this time of day and I figured you might enjoy a change of scenery.” 
The prince quirks an eyebrow at you suspiciously but begrudgingly gestures for you to lead the way. 
You ask him about his preferred weapon, surprised that he answers your question without malice. He tells you of his prized spear, indulging you in a tale of how it was forged. 
You hum in thought before the weapon wall, grabbing a bo staff and handing it to him. “It’s not elven-made, but it’s the closest training weapon we have to what you’re used to.” 
Nuada gives it a few test swings, getting used to its weight. While he does so, you unsheath your personal dual swords from their scabbards, examining them closely before deeming them acceptable for the training session. 
You settle into a loose fighting stance, shooting the elf a wicked grin. “Ready when you are, princeling.” 
He surges forward without warning, immediately going on the offense. You parry his blow easily, following it with a lunge of your own. The sound of metal on metal begins to fill the room as you match each other blow for blow, both of you unable to land a hit on the other. You blink at the sweat threatening to drip into your eyes, searching for any chink in the prince’s otherwise impenetrable stance. 
He takes a small step back, presumably to gain momentum for his next attack, but in that moment you spot his weakness. He shifts too much weight into that one foot, and before he can pivot towards you, you’re darting forward with a well-aimed strike to his knee. 
He wobbles, off-balanced for a second. That second is all you need, and before he can comprehend it, he’s knocked onto his back with one of your blades pointed at his throat. 
He ignores the hand you offer to him, pushing himself to his feet without a word. He can’t help the glimmer of respect he feels for you as you smile at him, finally wiping the sweat from your brow. 
You stretch your arms languidly above your head, and he averts his eyes from the sliver of soft skin that becomes visible as your top rides up slightly. 
“I haven’t had to work so hard to win against someone in forever.” You say. “We’ll have to do this again sometime.” 
“That would be… amenable.” 
You grin in victory, pleased at having won two battles today. “Come on, there’s one more place I want to show you while we’re over on this side of the building.” 
You lead him to the library, which is almost always virtually devoid of anyone else. The prince can’t completely keep the look of pleasure off his space as he explores the countless titles, pulling some of them to take back to his room with him. 
As you bid him goodbye to take a shower, you could swear his gaze lingers on you slightly longer as you turn toward your own chambers. 
Things are slightly different after that day. 
Nuada still makes his displeasure at being the BPRD’s prisoner apparent, and he is often cold and grumpy in his demeanor, but he does not direct such harsh words at you again. You continue to train together, slowly learning each other’s fighting styles and testing them with a variety of different weapons. You know Manning isn’t very pleased that you’re allowing the prince to wield a weapon, but the way you see it, it allows him to blow off some steam and that’s a win in your book. 
You also begin to spend time in the library together, most of the time just reading your separate books in silence. There’s something oddly… domestic about it, if you would allow yourself to think of it in that way. 
Thoughts like these are dangerous though, for as the weeks go by, you begin to find yourself attracted to the silver-haired elf. 
You realize the true depth of these feelings with startling clarity one night after you see Nuada smile for the first time. It is small and barely-there, pulling at his lips after he finds a book of elven fairy-tales on a shelf tucked in the very back of the library, but the sight of it nearly knocks the air out of your lungs.
There’s no denying the elf is incredibly handsome, but his smile completely transforms his face from alluring to ethereal. You avert your gaze before he can notice, and resolve to never let your feelings become apartment to him. 
Because at the end of the day, you’re still just a human, wings or not. 
You struggle particularly hard one evening in the library to focus on the book you’ve chosen, stealing quick glimpses at the elf sitting across from you through your hair. 
“You’re staring,” He hums, long fingers flicking to the next page without looking up at you.
“Just thinking.” You say, forcing your attention back to the page in front of you. You read the same sentence four times before getting to your feet, carefully marking your place before setting the book down. “I can’t stand being inside one moment longer,” You announce. 
Nuada raises an eyebrow. “I do not believe I am ‘allowed’ to leave the premises, if you weren’t aware.” He comments drily, and you scoff. 
“Who said anything about leaving?
Cool wind whips at you as you push open the door to the roof, and you sigh in relief at the open air. Stars twinkle overhead, the compound being far enough from the city lights to be able to see a faint haze of the galaxy spread across the sky. 
You allow your wings to stretch to their full span for what feels like the first time in ages, giving a small flap that lifts your feet slightly above the ground for a moment.
You can feel the prince’s eyes on you, and you extend one of your wings towards him. “You can touch it, if you want. Most people are curious.” 
You suppress a shiver as his calloused hand swipes experimentally over the skin, not expecting your wings to be so sensitive to his touch. He drags his fingertips over the back, marveling at how a limb so strong could feel so soft. “Have you always been like this?” He asks softly. 
“I was born with them, yes.” You say, directing your attention to the stars above your head. “Gave my parents quite a shock, I suppose, seeing as they put me up for adoption immediately after I was born. I was taken in by Professor Bruttenholm, who raised me alongside Red. He taught me that my wings are a gift, a way to do good despite what others may see them as.” 
You turn to see Nuada is gazing at you intently. “Others have treated you horribly for your appearance.” He doesn’t say it as a question.
“That’s true,” you smile wryly. “People can definitely be cruel. But they can also be incredibly kind, and while there may be a couple here who will avoid me in the hallways, for the most part the BPRD is my family.” 
You meet the prince’s gaze imploringly. “I know you hold significant anger for humanity. And I even understand why. But don’t punish an entire race for the sins of a few. There are many who care a whole lot… like me.” For you. 
You don’t say that last part, but you know he understands its implication. Over the course of you speaking, the two of you have somehow gravitated closer to each other. You stare into the elf’s golden eyes, now inches from your own. 
Your hands brush together as he draws even closer, and your breath hitches slightly at the electricity that the touch elicits. 
“I must admit I have grown rather fond of you,” Nuada murmurs, almost as if he doesn’t even realize. “You have made being here slightly more bearable.” 
You huff out a laugh as his warm breath fans across your cheeks. Your eyelids begin to flutter closed as his lips just barely brush against yours. All of the sudden, he yanks himself away, his face a mixture of disbelief and fury. 
“You have bewitched me,” the prince hisses, eyes devoid of the warmth they had held just moments ago. “I see your ploy now, witch. You would make me a traitor to my own kind, complacent to stay here forever and allow humanity to corrupt what little of the natural world there is left.” 
“Nuada, I-” you stumble in disbelief, reeling from the complete change in his attitude. 
“Silence!” He roars, causing you to take an involuntary step back. Gone is any of the tenderness he had directed towards you, replaced with cold, simmering rage. For the first time, you find yourself slightly afraid of him. 
"You are nothing but a filthy human with extra appendages,” he spits viciously, and you rear back as if he had slapped you. “And I will always hate you just like the rest of your despicable kind.” 
He leaves you on the roof, slamming the door behind him with a bang. 
You don’t know how long you stand in the cold, completely dumbfounded by Nuada’s actions. All the progress you’d made with him had vanished in an instant, any hope of him possibly returning your feelings snatched away in the cruelest way possible. 
You finally shake yourself out of your shock, reaching up to wipe the silent tears off your cheeks. You suppose that you should have expected this. You’d been foolish to think that you and the elvish prince could even remotely be friends, much less anything more. 
You bury your hurt deep, deciding that from now on that you would avoid Nuada at all costs. Manning would just have to find someone else to accompany him around. 
You make your way back to your room in a daze, heart twisting as you briefly glance at the door across from yours. 
You don’t sleep at all that night, wrapping your wings comfortingly around yourself and shivering from the cold that has seemed to settle itself right against your bones. 
You and Nuada do not speak for a month. 
You deliberately avoid his gaze every time you pass each other in the halls, and if he happens to be in the training room or library whenever you are, you leave until he is finished. 
By some twisted form of masochism, you spend a lot of time on the rooftop, staring blankly at the horizon.
Life without the elvish prince is boring and monotonous, and you have no idea how you carried out your days before he was there to occupy all your time. It doesn’t help that you’ve barely been given any missions, the few you’re called on only pulling you away from the compound for a few days at a time.
If anyone notices the change in either of your attitudes, they don’t say anything. Nuala often looks at you with sympathy and Liz seems to hang around more despite being constantly busy with the twins, but neither of them address your listlessness. 
You’re sitting in the library pretending to read when a lower agent approaches you. “Manning wants to see you in his office.”
You get up with a sigh, already not looking forward to this conversation. 
You struggle to keep any emotion from showing on your face when you see Nuada is sitting across from Manning’s desk. A strong sense of deja vu hits you as his gaze meets yours and flicks away just as quickly before you can read anything there. The director of the BPRD clears his throat, obviously having caught the brief exchange. 
“There has been a troll sighting not far from here,” Manning directs towards you. “They’re bold, amassing forces so close to our base. I’m sending a large team to go deal with the problem.” He gestures to the elf who is pointedly not looking at you. “Nuada will be accompanying you.” 
You immediately open your mouth to protest, your refusal dying on your tongue as Manning holds up a hand to silence you. “The prince has not caused any problems during his stay here and I believe it is time for him to start becoming more involved with our operations. He will be your responsibility while out on the field.” 
You grind your teeth so hard you fear they might crack as Manning dismisses you both. You speed-walk out of the office before Nuada can get to his feet, trying to put as much distance between the two of you as possibly. 
It’s a little hard to do that while in the back of a transport van, which you find yourself seated in the next morning. You do your best to ignore the elf sitting across the aisle from you as you’re jostled along. You grip your dual swords sitting across your lap, trying to keep your mind on the mission ahead. 
You’re the first out of the van when it stops, immediately beginning to scan your surroundings. Your group has been dropped off right in front of a dense part of the forest, the trees so close together it's impossible to see between them. 
As the rest of the team assembles on the grass, you strap your swords to your back and launch yourself into the air, trying to get a better glimpse into the thicket. You swoop closer to the treetops, but the branches are too thick to see through, and you return to the clearing with no luck. 
“I can barely see into there,” you report. “They’ve chosen their hideout well.”
Red claps his hands together, calling everyone closer to him. “We’ll have to split up to cover more ground. Me and Liz will head north-west into the forest. (Name), you and Nuada will go north-east. The rest of you fan out in between.” 
Ice settles into your heart as the group disperses, leaving you and Nuada alone. “We’d better get going,” you address the elf for the first time in weeks, not waiting for him to reply before you start walking into the trees. 
The two of you hike in silence for some minutes, pushing aside branches and foliage with every step. You grumble quietly to yourself, wishing you could stretch your wings. Nuada stops suddenly, his hand on your wrist and a slender finger pressed to his lips to keep you quiet. 
Warmth begins to creep up your arm from where his skin touches yours, but the hair standing up at the back of your head distracts you from it. The sounds of the forest have gone completely silent, leaving behind an eerie ringing that you don’t know is in your head or not. 
Nuada pulls you down suddenly, wide eyes meeting your own as an arrow embeds itself in the wood right behind where your head had just been. 
“Run,” he growls, and then you’re both taking off through the trees. 
Branches whip at your face as you race through the thicket, knobby roots seeming to reach up to try and trip you with every stride. 
You scramble to a halt as a troll seems to materialize out of the branches before you, his sharp teeth and red eyes gleaming in the dappled sunlight that manages to filter through the leaves. You draw your swords, preparing for a fight. Your swords meet his in a clash of metal on metal, and you grunt from the exertion. The troll is strong, and your stomach rolls at the stench of his breath as he grins wickedly at you.
“(Name)!” A scream of your name steals your attention just enough to notice the troll that has also been creeping up behind you, but it is already too late.
A hard blow strikes you across the back of the head, and you crumple immediately. An enraged roar and a high-pitched squeal of pain that is suddenly cut off is the last thing you hear before your world completely goes black. 
You wake slowly, head pounding with every beat of your heart. 
You blink blearily, the sight of one of the BPRD’s hospital rooms coming into focus. Movement from beside you shifts your attention, and you’re shocked to see Nuada sitting uncomfortably in one of the metal chairs by your bedside. 
He is dressed in fresh robes, his silver hair pulled back and a somber look on his face. You gaze at him silently, not trusting yourself to speak for multiple reasons. 
“I owe you numerous apologies,” he begins without ceremony. “I was cruel and incredibly unkind. I have no excuse other than my own bigotry and confusion. I did not know how to handle my emotions and lashed out at you as a result.” 
You allow him to grab your hand, the same warmth beginning to creep up your arm. You can’t deny that it feels nice, but you don’t exactly want to forgive him just yet. 
“I feel… very strong emotions for you.” Nuada says, his face sincere as he looks at you. For once, there is no anger lurking in his sight, and his eyes are golden pools of sunlight. “I did not want to admit to myself what they were at the time, but seeing you hurt proves that I can fight it no longer.” The prince takes a deep breath. “I love you, (Name). And I will spend every day for the rest of our lives making up for the hurt I have caused you, if you would allow me to court you.” 
You press your lips to his, the kiss soft and hopeful. He responds immediately, carefully bringing his hand up to caress your cheek and hold you to him. This kiss is everything that your first one should have been, and you pull away reluctantly despite yourself. 
“You have a lot of making up to do,” you say with a smile. Nuada smiles back, his entire face lighting up with joy. 
“I will make you my queen,” he vows. “You will never want for anything from this day forward.” 
You can’t help the laugh that escapes at how serious he’s being, reaching forward to intertwine your fingers with his.
“Let’s maybe start with dinner, hm?”
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princessvisionary101 · 2 years ago
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💘❤️‍🩹 Nuada x Disowned Human Princess reader who her parents and her sister neglect her.
Part 2 of ?
Summary: Your father wants your older sister to be the perfect queen to the Bethmoora clan. Your sister wants everything to be perfect for her. Your mother never wanted anything much. You however, want to know why your sister’s dream guy, or elf in that matter, wants your attention and your presence to himself.
@meowiemari @ccruzmoon @kitty-chan33 @ozzyynka @helios-dios-del-sol @fictional-hooman @philiasoul @bluebear142077 @personofyou @shiranai-atsune @all—that—jazz @ynskywalker1 @izzyshima @cora-witch @moodyblueberrytree @ajourneytobeweightless @the-lonely-abyss
Part 2 my people! Let’s make this a good one!
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While you two were walking in the hallways of the palace, you wondered if you could find many books about the Bethmoora clan.
Now don’t get it wrong, you didn’t want to learn the Bethmoora clan’s history because of some strategy or something to use against them, but learning more about other beings than just other humans was enough to dream about exploring the outside world.
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Seems as though the advisor was a little concerned about what you were thinking. Probably curious instead since it’s been a long while since anyone showed pi Now don’t get it wrong, you didn’t want to learn the Bethmoora clan’s history because of some strategy or something to use against them, but learning more about other beings than just other humans was enough to dream about exploring the outside world. Who could blame him since he is the one who was technically force to guide you somewhere away from the important “royal meeting”.
“So your highness” he started but you hold up your hand quickly. “If you want you can just call me (y/n). Everyone back home usually doesn’t say your highness only for specific reasons.” You said before walking a little faster to catch up to him. “Oh? A may I ask why do you receive disrespectful treatment as though your title does not exist? Surely your parents must be furious about this sort of mishap with the servants I presume?”
You looked down while walking a little slower than usual. He had to slow down a bit to see your frown better.
“No I’m sorry.” You said while looking up at him with a small smile. “The clan may have seem to have good respect to their king and his children, but mine do not serve the same purpose but just to fetch me food and books from the library.”
“Ah I see then.” He stops in front of the library doors and turns to you in a look you can’t recognize. “Then please forgive me if I seem to have been shown to displease you in any way.” “Oh! Not at all!” You said waving yours hands in front of you while trying to choose your words carefully. “You were great help to me and great company as well! Thank you for showing me where the library will be at.” You both bow before he leaves and you went inside the room where still the knowledge you wanted to see can be found.
The library was very quiet and looks to be taken care of just like yours from back home. It seems as though it was used a lot , account of the books piled up on the tables and the many shelves that look almost like you were in a maze. It was messy, but it made you felt at home with the place you leave through the books filled with fantasy, drama, romance and surprises at every corner in every page.
And speaking of surprises in every corner-
“Can I help you human?” A baritone voice said that sounded more of a command then a question. You turned around and spot a elf with long white hair and a frown that makes it obvious you weren’t welcomed here.
“I’m sorry if I’m intruding you sir.” You bowed with your head hung low. You never got over the habit of apologizing to many people who deemed you as a nuisance. You have your sister to thank for that. “My name is Princess y/n and I am here to spend my time here while my family finishes a meeting. I’m very sorry again for intruding.”
You couldn’t tell if he was upset at you or looking at you at all since you still had your head hung low. Maybe he’s wondering what kind of Princess “hung her head low to a elf no less?”
Huh…he thought so too.
“We’ll I’m not allowed to join them while they discuss about important matters, especially with the king of your clan.” You responded, having no trouble sounding more reserved towards the gentleman who didn’t seem to be displeased at your presence nor didn’t seem to want to dismiss you from the library.
“Very well then,” he says sitting down at the chair across from you while you raise your head and see him walk to the table you are occupying and picks up a book from the table, “then I’ll just continue reading from this book while you bid your time reading from the others. I do recommend though that you don’t cause any disturbance that might upset the librarian.”
He states right before glaring at you with a very look of distrust. You can’t seem to read him that well. He doesn’t seem to have any problems with you staying but he also seems to be annoyed with you around. It’s a continual battle of whether to please him by departing and finding a new place to spend you time or just to stay and be quiet. Since technically you don’t know the place well, it shouldn’t hurt to stay quiet and just find a book to read; especially since he seems to already look irritated by just feeling your presence.
“Alright” You responded, “but I do really mean it about me leaving the room if I’m bothering you sir.” you then pick up a random book from the nearest shelf and start to read. He glances up at you before continuing to read his book.
You both end up reading in silence while the sun was shifting from the afternoon to later mid-day. You would occasionally pick a different book when you finished yours and start reading with a small smile upon your face. It seemed like forever ago when you would go to your library and read books that had questions that you wish to know. For example, you were curious about how pirates act nowadays or if there was really a treasure island for pirates to roam and search of.
While you were busy reading a plot twist in your book, you failed to sense a pair of eyes watching you from time to time when you scrunch up your nose or when your eyebrows furrow during a chapter of the story.
Once you found a stopping point, you raise your head to see those pair of eyes looking at you from across the table. It freaks you out at first because usually the looks you get are either in disgust or in denial of your heritage of your family. In this case, you couldn’t tell what he was thinking of what he felt about you.
“May I ask why you are staring at me sir?”
He closes his book and lays it on top of the table before he crosses his arm on top of them.
“Why aren’t you with your family in the dining room discussing with the king? Normally, most humans are with him trying to have an alliance with our people, especially princesses who generally aren’t found in a library to waste an hour.”
You looked down embarrassed by his remark targeted to you, well it would sound so, and closed your book so that you can try to focus on this elf man across from the table.
“Well for starters sir, my family have always left me out of their conversations, especially when they go on their outings when they have time to get together. I do try to talk to my maids or the butlers, but most of the time I see their displeasure in talking to me. This led me to see that I don’t fit into anyone’s expectations of a good daughter or a great princess in their eyes.”
You looked at him and was surprised that he seemed to pay attention to your words. How long ago did someone look at you and listened that same way this librarian was?
“And are you ok with the way you are treated? It doesn’t sound like you enjoy feeling ignored or disrespected by others, including your own servants whom you have the control over if I’m correct.”
“Maybe so” You responded with a genuine smile at him, “but I rather someone talk to me or like me not because they have to, but because they desire to do so.”
Before he could respond, a servant walks to him and whispers in his ear in the language you couldn’t understand before seeing that he probably is about to leave you alone. He walks with the other elf, and they start to chatter behind your back. It seemed suspicious since the servant kept glancing at you from time to time and the man would have a small frown every now and then. Their conversation probably isn’t a good one you thought. He comes back and takes the books he had in his arms, and you already notice that it’s a sign that he is about to leave.
“Oh! Are you needed elsewhere sir? I’m sorry to take much of your time if you were supposed to leave soon!” You stand up but he stops you before you did anything else strange.
“It is nothing that you should worry about, but yes, I am needed somewhere. However, my servant also told me that the meeting is done, and you are asked to meet your family at the dining room where the king is at.” He gives his servant the small stacks of books for them to put away before strolling over to you with his hand extended in your direction. You got confused for a bit until he chose to grab your hand and leave a gentle kiss on your palm. You never felt so flustered at the fact that a man, let alone a prince had left the touch of his lips linger on your hand before raising his head at your level.
“I hope you have a wonderful time here in the library and I would like to extend my gratitude for your honesty and kindness.” He then leaves you alone at the table, feeling bewildered at his change of attitude, and you start to wonder if what you said to him made him had a different view towards you. You don’t think about it even when you walk out of the library doors, and you hope that the way he talked to you wouldn’t be the last time someone treated you that way. It has been forever since someone didn’t mind your presence.
You’ll probably come to regret that thought once you realize what you’re really in for.
(Hello! Thank you so much for reading chapter 2 of the disowned princess reader x prince nuada silverlance. Now to keep my message short, I have been busy trying to work but currently I've been fired since I couldn't work full time and now I got time to myself :3 I also just started college, but since I got less homework, I will be trying to make more fanfics on this blog, including trying to finish this series which I come to enjoy.
I thank you all for enjoying the first chapter and I hope that ya'll continue to read and share my fanfic by reblogging it! See all of you soon and have a wonderful day!)
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gardens-light · 2 years ago
One Giant Problem
With Abe out of action, due to recovering from the previous mission. Hellboy's 'usual' interaction with Manning, and him not taking well to the new comrad. Things hasn't gone down so well at The Bureau.
On top of all that, duty still calls and Hellboy has another mission to do. Not realizing that it may open up more problems... for what happens when the 'evil' you're fighting against, turn out to be people within your own ranks?...
Contents: Mild Coarse Language. Spoilers for Hellboy film (2019). Fluff. One bed cliche hinted towards end. (Part 3)
New Girl Saga. (If you'd like to be tagged for future parts. Let me know.)
Part 1 Part 3
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You took a step back as Hellboy raised his voice. Keeping your eyes low, simply gazing at the floor, as a gentle sigh left Professor Broom.
"My boy..." Broom approached Hellboy, sitting upon the armrest of the couch while leaning upon his cane. "I know you're upset about Agent Clay. It's not an easy job."
Hellboy continued to stare at the multiple screens, of the box TV's which stacked on top of one another.
"But... it's apart of the job. Everyone here knows that."
"Try and tell Manning that." Hellboy's voice had a firm tone. "He's not in charge, yet the asshole walks and talks like he is."
"I know you and Agent Manning don't always see eye to eye-"
"Father, please! The guy talks to me like a piece of shit, and holds me accountable!"
Professor Broom nodded while placing a gentle hand upon Hellboy's shoulder. "I'll speak with Manning. I agree that he has no right in the matter of addressing people the way he does. But please... there's something important I wish to discuss with you."
A heavy sigh left Hellboy, as he silently nodded. Giving the Professor a chance to continue with what he was trying to say before.
"As I was saying... the Osiris Club. They're a British occult society formed in 1866, by the ranking members of the Heliopic Brotherhood of Ra." Broom adjusted his semi-circle glasses. Feeling Hellboy's confuse gaze. "Like us, they fight against the forces of darkness. Our organizations have had a long-standing relationship."
"We scratch their backs and they scratch ours?" Hellboy questioned.
Broom gave him a warm smile, "in a manner of speaking... they're old friends of mine, and they need your help with dealing a curtain type of problem."
"Oh yea? What kind of problem?"
Heathrow. England. 6pm
The cargo plane rumbled and shook as it came to land. Waking up from an uncomfortable sleep, a groan left you as you became aware of the crick in your neck.
"You alright, Kid?"
Your eyes fluttered open. The leather of Hellboy's trench coat rubbed against your cheek, as you looked up at him. Cheeks going red, once realizing you were resting upon his shoulder.
"H-How long was I out?"
"Roughly about most of the trip. You snored a little."
"O-Oh... umm, sorry."
"Don't be. I thought it was kinda cute."
A small smile came to Hellboy, as he noticed your cheeks redden even more.
"Good morning guys, this is your pilot speaking. We've landed into Heathrow and luckily it's warm and sunny weather. Please stay seated until the plane has come to a complete stop."
Hellboy undid his belt. standing upon his feet and holding onto the railings above him. "Get ready, Kid. These guys run like clockwork from what I've heard."
You struggled onto your feet. Holding onto his coat for balance, as the plane shook one final time while coming to a complete stop. Causing you to fall into his open arms. You both remained speechless as Hellboy helped you back onto your feet, holding you against him to keep you on balance.
A concierge lead you to the taxi which waited at the bottom of the portable stairs. Holding an umbrella, covering Hellboy from any possible views from passersby.
Sitting in the back of the taxi, feeling Hellboy briefly gazing at you throughout the trip. Biting your lip, you slowly looked at him as his attention snapped away from you. His golden eyes gazing out of the black tinted windows.
"Professor Broom was right." Your voice felt loud in the silence that was held between you for so long. "What happened to Abe and Clay... it wasn't your fault. Without you, nothing would of been achieved."
Hesitating for a moment, softly biting your lip before you continued. "I know you don't like me."
Hellboy's attention suddenly snapped back to you, his features softened as his gentle gaze saddened. Looking at you as though he was hurt by your words.
"It's ok." You assured with a weak smile, "but I'll always be here for you- and not because it's apart of my job." You leaned in a little closer to him, "y'know... you're not as bad as you think you are."
"We've arrived." The driver announced, interrupting Hellboy.
Black iron gates automatically opened, allowing the iconic English car to pass. You looked out of the window, looking up at the impressive Victorian manner. Reminding you of the old fashioned manner from shows like Downton Abby.
Hellboy saw the small smile forming upon your lips, as the sunlight of dusk reflected from the windows and sparkled in your eyes.
I don't hate you, Y/N... his sadden voice echoed within his head. I just hate the fact of what I am keeps us apart...
Exiting the car, the driver opened your door. Gesturing towards the large double wooden doors.
You couldn't help but gaze at your surroundings, as you and Hellboy followed the butler's lead. The foyer itself was huge and grand, a crystal chandelier hung central to the space. You and Hellboy gathered around the small, circular table underneath the impressive fixture. An elegant rug covered the vintage flooring, while renaissance style paintings lined the wooden panelled walls.
"Your... guests, m'lord." the butler announced as he stopped in front of the flight of stairs before you. Hellboy raised an eyebrow at the man's appounciation, while well dressed gentlemen came down the stairs. Approaching you and Hellboy with warm smiles.
"Hellboy, welcome! I'm Lord Adam Glaren."
A middle aged man stepped a little further in front of the other two. His studious gaze fell on you, as you held your hand out.
"I'm Agent Y/N, sir. You have a beautiful home."
Lord Glaren hesitated before shaking your hand. Your smile slowly fading as you became uncomfortable under his curious stare.
"Welcome my dear, and a pleasure to meet you as well. I thank you for your compliment."
As he let go of your hand, you slowly stepped back to Hellboy's side. Your eyes slowly looking around the foyer. Sensing your sudden unease, Hellboy wrapped an arm around your shoulders.
"May I introduce to you my associates? Dr Edwin Carp and August Swain." Lord Glaren introduced.
Hellboy smiled at Dr Carp, "hi. Have you guys ever been to the Osiris Club in Jersey?"
"No, I do not believe we have." Dr Carp spoke in thought, "say Glaren. Do we have a club in USA?"
"It's like this, but with strippers."
You couldn't help but smile at Hellboy's joke. Watching the Dr's face screw up into an unimpressed expression eased you to relax a little. Clearing his throat as he walked away and adjusting the blazer of his suit.
"Pay him no mind." Mr Swain politely spoke, stepping closer to you and Hellboy. "Your... hand" he pointed to Hellboy's hand of stone, "a fascinating thing. What purpose does it serve?"
"It smashes things good." Hellboy's voice kept it's bold tone.
"We are so very glad you accepted our invitation." Everyone's attention fell onto Lord Glaren again. "The Professor and I go back a long way."
Hellboy silently nodded, as you slowly approached one of the paintings upon the wall.
"The Osiris Club has been long dedicated to preserving the secret history of Great Britain." Lord Glaren explained, as Hellboy's wandering eyes left him and onto you. "It affords us certain insights into... 'certain individuals'-"
"By that, I assume you mean 'individuals' such as Hellboy?" you spoke over your shoulder.
Lord Glaren raised an eyebrow, as his associates nervously chuckled. The Lord noticing Hellboy's small smile, as the demon's gaze never left you.
"We've also given vital counsel to your B.P.R.D on occasion." Mr Swain added.
Your yawn interrupted the gentleman. Hellboy's attention fell back onto Lord Glaren, "perhaps skip onto the important part? My girl is tired, and I doubt you've flew us halfway around the world just so you could give a little history lesson."
Your body stiffened at the new nickname. An uncomfortable chill slowly crawled up your spine, feeling the two mens studious stare upon your back. While Lord Glaren pulled a fake smile.
"Perhaps... we should just show you?" you could hear the Lord's patronising tone.
Lord Glaren walked towards the bookcase in the far side of the foyer, his fingers tilting the spine of a green, leather book. A squeak echoed throughout the space, as a section of the bookcase opened inward. Exposing a small, spiral staircase which was hidden within the wall.
Hellboy approached you, placing a gentle hand upon the small of your back.
"Shall we?"
His voice snapping you out of your daze, and bringing you back into the moment. "Your... girl?" your brain could barely form the whisper.
Your eyes widened a little, as Hellboy's cheeks flushed to a deeper tone of red. Using his hand of stone to scratch the back of his neck.
"Ye..ah" he nervously chuckled. "You're... y'know... and we're..." his body slouched as a heavy sigh escaped him. "F-Forget I said anything... let's... just follow Mr Fancy-Pants..."
You tried to keep a straight face, as you and Hellboy followed the three men down the spiral staircase, and into a basement like space.
"Giants once dominated the British Isles." Mr Swain explained. "Vile, loathsome creatures that would likely eat you, as to look at you."
"They've always been a problem." Dr Carp added, stroking his mustache. "Bodies buried all over England. It's a curious feature of giants, that they occasionally rise from their graves and wreak havoc."
Lord Glaren flashed a smile that made you comfortable, "and when they do... we organize a hunt."
I'm not liking that tone of his... your thoughts wandered.
Coming to the bottom of the stairs, and walking into an archway. Your eyes looked up, placing a hand to your throat as you swallowed your nerves. Framing the high, circular ceiling was a ray of severed heads of giants- multiple ranging in size and colour. Some had broken tusks and horns sticking out from their grotesque faces. Your stomach turned as your eyes continued to scan the area.
"And I thought you had a big head." Nerves taken over your voice, reducing it to a small whisper that Hellboy couldn't hear your joke.
Slowly panning down from the ceiling to the walls, more paintings and photographs came into view.
"We call it, The Wild Hunt." Lord Glaren announced, as Hellboy walked around the room.
"Clearly, you guys are old pro's at this." Hellboy's attention fell onto Lord Glaren, as his associates stood behind him. "Why request my help to kill a giant?"
Hellboy's looked over his shoulder as you bumped into his back, you flashed him a weak smile. Attempting to not raise his suspicions, as Lord Glaren caught his gaze again.
"Three giants, actually."
Hellboy raised an eyebrow at the gentleman's cocky tone.
"One we can handle. Perhaps even two. But three?... now that's a different matter altogether."
"This particular trio is terrorizing the New Forest." Dr Carp explained, his gaze studying you and Hellboy made your spine tingle. "Sucking on the bones of anyone unlucky enough to fall foul of them."
"The marrow, you see." Mr Swain added, "they can't get enough. So if any were to reach a populated centre-"
"It's meal time?"
Mr Swain turned up his nose at the demon.
"This task isn't something to be taken lightly, Hellboy." Lord Glaren's voice held a serious tone. "These are Gigantum Mortis. The most unpleasant and horrid species of the giant-kind. Just ask your father..."
Hellboy followed the direction of Lord Glaren's pointed finger. His eyes widening as his gaze fell onto a black and white photo. Framed in a copper frame, the photo showed a group of men in their twenties. Standing around the severed head of a giant, while they wore armour that looked like something a medieval templar knight would of worn.
"Professor Broom was a guest of The Hunt, when we took a giant down back in '43." Lord Glaren's voice eased his serious edge, but a firm tone could still be heard.
"I always knew Dad aged well..." Hellboy looked at Lord Glaren, "but you guys... picture looks like it was taken yesterday."
"There's a reason for that..." a feminine voice echoed throughout the basement. Everyone's eyes fell onto a beautiful woman, as she emerged from the spiral staircase.
You couldn't help but gaze at her appearance. Silver hair styled in a 1920's updo framed her delicate face. Rabbit fur coat complemented the pearls that hung around her neck, while her pure white eyes gave her native complexion a mystercal glow.
"The phenomenon you so rightly observed was the by-product of a seance." Her voice held an elegance that just captured the attention of anyone whom she spoke to. "The four of us- along with your Professor Broom, were involved in just before the war."
Your eyes widened, "the war? You mean World War II?"
The woman smiled, appeared to be amused by your shocked tone.
"Allow me to introduce our resident seer, Lady Elizabeth Hatton." Lord Glaren introduced.
"The spirit I made contact that night was exceptionally powerful." Lady Elizabeth circled the room, continuing speaking as though she didn't hear Lord Glaren's voice. "It warned us that something was coming... Something that would end all of mankind, as we know it. Therefore we were chosen to seek it out. And destroy it..."
You felt the atmosphere change within the room. Biting your lip as the stare's from the men begun to play on your building anxiety.
"Ever since, we've aged at a snail's pace in order to fulfill that mission." Her eyes wandered over you briefly, "no matter how long it took."
"Okay... and this, ugh thing you're worried about." Hellboy spoke, "did it show up?"
Lady Elizabeth's eyes wandered over the demon, raising her eyebrows as she said with a small smile. "Yes... it did..."
"You and... your girl, must be exhausted from your trip, Agent Hellboy." Lord Glaren butted in, attempting to ease the tension that begun to build. "I have a guest's quarters prepared for you. One bed wouldn't be problem would it?"
You and Hellboy stiffened, as you both awkwardly glanced at each other.
Oh shit...
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gaysindistress · 1 year ago
My favorite movies are the absolutely unhinged ones that came out in the 90s and the early 2000s. But my all-time favorite is Hellboy and I blame it for my likes page.
We can do better than Ron Pearlman on this blog though, right? Imagine if HYDRA hadn’t turned Bucky into a super soldier but instead turned him into a demon, a Harbinger of the Apocalypse. What if HYDRA had made him into Anung Un Rama?
He would’ve been nicknamed Hellboy, much the same as the demon he’s created to emulate but his true name, Anung Un Rama, is what strikes fear into his enemies’ hearts. He chooses to go by Bucky as a way to feel normal but Hellboy sticks no matter what he tries. He wears hats to cover the shaved horns that adorn his forehead and he keeps his head down when he can’t. He is massive in comparison to his FBI nanny, Sam Wilson, and can take up an entire door frame, making it hard to move around if he’s not careful. His left hand is bionic instead of oversized and stone but it’s still a point of contention for him. It’s one of the first things that people see and they immediately know who he is. When they look up in fear and spot his low-sitting hat or the stumps, they gasp and run away. It’s awful really.
The only person brave enough to stick around is you, मधुर बालिका.
His sweet girl.
It’s gut wrenching what he feels for you. It’s not yearning. No no yearning is far too delicate a word for the ache that you cause inside of him.
What he feels for you is more much disgusting. So much so that he refuses to name and tries desperately to ignore it. But he can’t, not when you’re so willing to accept him, to take him as he is.
Fitting is it not? Anung Un Rama, a creature whose name means “and upon his brow is set a crown of flame” craving a sweet human girl like you?
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disclaimer: credits to original creator/poster of image/gif. found on Google/Pinterest.
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poltergeistsidekick · 1 year ago
I need some more fic content for my f/o's expeditiously, I'm tired of the same obsecure fics and headcanons from 4 years ago. 😩😩I need FOOD please writers I'm begging you. Anyone taking requests or even commissions please let me know I'm fucking starving. I'm not that confident about my writing but fuck it I might have to do it myself
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sharkie-ds · 3 months ago
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🔥Hellboy artstyle 🔥
🔺I love hellboy and the comic art style so I wanted to give it a try
🔺Mike Mignola use of limited color palette and black shading is so good
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c-estlamour · 1 year ago
Hellboy fans!
I'm making a self insert romance between Hellboy, Abe Sapien, and the reader and I need your help to decide which the reader should be!
If you'd like more info on either choice please feel free to ask!
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macabrebatz · 16 days ago
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Masterlist/Intro Post
Batz || she/her || 22
I’m a multifandom fanfic writer and a chronic reblogger. I mainly use this blog to post about men twice my age lol.
Reminder: This is an 18+ account. I write and reblog adult content. Minors, please do not interact.
I write a lot of fluff, angst, and occasionally smut. I write for a lot of different fandoms but I write about horror characters a lot. I mainly write reader inserts. Very rarely do I write character x character but I like to sometimes.
Requests are currently: CLOSED (all fandoms except for Saw)
About requests: I very rarely open requests nowadays mainly due to my schedule outside of writing. I also tend to prefer to write fanfics for myself rather than writing a request. However, I do enjoy taking requests when I’m stumped or in a creative rut.
Although I do write smut, I don’t take requests for smut at all at the moment. Even when my requests are open. I might in the future but at the moment I don’t. I only take nsfw requests from mutuals or friends (through messages) and I very rarely do that. I prefer to write those types of fics for myself and I share them when I feel like it.
If I receive a request for a fandom that is currently closed it will be ignored until I open requests again.
About my ask inbox: Even when requests are closed, my inbox is still open for questions, comments, movie discussions, sharing memes, etc.
Please do not republish/copy & paste any of my work onto any social media platforms, apps, or third-party sites. The only places I post my writings are Tumblr, AO3, and in the past I’d occasionally use Wattpad (all under the same username: macabrebatz)
Down below are masterlists for each fandom I currently write for or plan to write for. Feel free to click and explore. They will be regularly updated with every new fanfic post.
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a-world-of-whimsy-5 · 7 months ago
I have passed 1k followers!
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I have been remiss in doing something about it earlier, so I am having a little event in honor of passing this milestone, and for the following prompts:
A thrall's brand Eönwë/Gothmog
House of Cedar (pleasure houses in Lórien AU inspired by this fic by @furious-haste-of-malice ) Tolkien only Amrod/Amras
Bejeweled (Feast of Horns AU) Tolkien only Melkor/Maedhros
Many appetites
As sweet as a nightingale Oromë/Dior
Hollow praise - Medieval! Melkor/Nienna
Rose of Bethmora Hellboy/Prince Nuada only
Son of Balor Hellboy/Prince Nuada only
Your most faithful servant Gothmog/Melkor
Street of silk A Song of Ice and Fire/Fire and Blood only
Silver and gold - Curufin/Finrod/Celegorm
Sworn shield - Tytos Blackwood x Fem. Reader 
Fandoms I will write for: Apollo & Hyacinthus | Tolkien | Prince Nuada | A Song of Ice and Fire / Fire and Blood | Dracula (Francis Ford Coppola's film)
Characters I will write for in Tolkien stories: Elves and Ainur only.
Other AUs I will write for: Medieval AU only.
One or two requests will be answered per week.
Please specify if you prefer soft/fluff, NSFW/Smutty, Dark/Dead dove.
I will not repeat prompts nor character(s)/ships, so requests will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis.
I will not reply requests if proper details are not given.
For reader inserts: Please specify if the reader is to be AFAB, AMAB, or gender neutral
Ships: If the pairing appeals to me, I will write for them.
I will not write any sexual or dark content featuring minors.
For smut: Please mention your wants/do not wants.
For dark content: I will take requests for violence, death, dub-con, non-con, and incest.
I will not take requests for scat splay, water sport, or spit kink.
Minors DNI
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venerable-sun · 1 year ago
Upcooming Nuada x reader teaser...
You knock on Manning’s door once before pushing your way in, too tired from your trip to wait for him to call you in. All you want to do is take a long, hot shower and sleep for days. 
You’re surprised someone is already sitting there across from the director of the BRPD, and from the tension in his shoulders he isn’t very happy. His head snaps towards you the moment you step into the room, his golden eyes finding yours instantly. His mouth is pulled back into a sneer as he regards you coolly, eyes flicking up and down your form before settling on your wings. Something hardens in his gaze, and he quickly turns his body away from you as if you were not even there. 
“Ah, you’ve returned!” Manning greets. “Well?” 
“The conflict between the giants has successfully been resolved,” you report, trying hard to ignore the disdain that seems to be radiating from the golden-eyed man. “I doubt they will be so quick to go to arms with each other again.” 
Manning hums in approval, settling back into his seat. “I want a full report typed up on my desk tomorrow.”  You nod, turning to leave. “Wait, there’s one more thing.”
You eye him warily, your hopes of a quick escape dashed. Manning gestures to the stranger in the room. “This is Nuada Silverlance, Prince of the Bethmoora Clan. He is in our charge for the foreseeable future.” You notice Nuada’s hands tightening into fists at his words. “I’ve assigned you to be his personal guide and companion while he settles into life here.” 
“I do not need a guide.” The prince speaks for the first time. His voice is deep and smooth like honey, and you would find it strangely attractive if it weren’t for the fact that he was glaring at you as he spoke. “And I certainly do not want companionship from the likes of her. If I am to be forced to live in this insufferable human prison, then I wish to at least be left alone.” 
“You will escort Nuada around the compound,” Manning ignores the silver-haired elf. “And you will help him with anything he needs as well as teach him about human culture.” 
Nuada growls, getting to his feet abruptly. “Absolutely not!”
Manning eyes him coolly. “Need I remind you of the reason you're here in the first place. And if you have any hopes of repairing your relationship with your sister, I would recommend you behave and do as we say.” 
You stifle a yawn as Nuada growls again, your jet lag really starting to make itself known. The elf turns his angry gaze towards you, rage sparking like molten gold in his eyes. “Am I boring you, human? Maybe a knife to your throat will wake you up.” He threatens. 
“Really? Because I don’t see any weapons on you.” You gesture to his empty belt and  exaggeratedly look around the office. “Unless you’ve hidden one somewhere. Is the knife here in the room with us?” 
Nuada looks like a volcano about to erupt, and you have to stifle a laugh. “That’s enough, (Name).” Manning says. “If you would be so kind as to show Nuada to his room. It’ll be right across from yours.” 
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moxfirefly · 3 years ago
intertwining fingers when making love, with Hellboy please? If that’s alright.
Let get it
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
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He rolled against you, hips snug against your own and deeply buried in the warmest parts of you.
Hellboy’s mouth connected with yours, hot and needy as he thrusted into you. A groan found it’s way into your mouth as your nails ran up the sides of his body. The act itself had him heated, groaning with each thrust of his hips. Those lips of his travelled down your chin to your throat and bit down enough to make you squirm.
Your hips raised, enjoying the way Hellboy cupped your breasts and pushed them together between his face. He had to inhale naturally, obsessed with the mix between your sweat and perfume, he could never truly get enough.
A guttural groan was muffled against your soft warm skin as those golden eyes found yours. His teeth sank again on the plushness of your breast, sucking a bruise to the side of your mound. Your hand gripped his biceps, slipping towards his forearm to find his hand. You clasped yours with his left hand just as his lips went in for another breathtaking kiss. He held your hand, privy to his weight falling somewhat more on you but you didn’t seem to care, the pressure was welcomed, he was always welcomed.
Another hard but slow thrust made you whimper and grip his hand, soft little moans against his lips that only seem to push him further, made his insides twist with glee and lust. He stole a brief kiss to the hand he was gripping before he continued to thrust.
You could stay in this moment forever with him.
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domesticandlovingmonsters · 2 years ago
Their First Christmas With You:  Hellboy
Just wanna give a little FYI: I’ve kinda mixed all the characters from the movies together. Abe is obviously from the 2004 movies and the others mentioned are from the recent one. Obviously, Hellboy is just Hellboy. 
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He would never forget to get you a gift. Never. Why would you ever doubt his love for you in such a way? 
But later you did find a search history of gift ideas on his phone one day. And Abe had come to you once or twice asking what you wanted for Christmas. Which made you chuckle, because you damn well know, Abe has had presents for everyone since March. 
You didn’t say anything about it. You just started dropping hints around Red so the poor man didn’t stress too much. 
But other than gifts, Hellboy is all over Christmas. His room was full of blinking lights and little Christmas trinkets. The Bureau's tree was decorated by him. Anytime he saw an empty hallway, he demanded it be decorated with some sort of Christmas theme. 
When he was able to go out on missions, a Santa hat was clipped to his hair between his horns. But he refused to wear the big red cloak or a white beard. 
You had the best idea of putting bells and baubles on his guns. Like little charms you see on FPS games. And since then, everyone has to at least have some sort of trinket hanging from their pistols. 
Coming up to the big day, it's a party. Red is in the best mood, always with a drink in hand and going around running amok while feasting on all kinds of Christmas food. 
The Christmas lunches/dinners you used to have with your family? Imagine it spreads over a week leading up to the big day and then when you thought you’d eaten your last dish, Red demands more and every night you went to bed in a food coma.
As gifts are exchanged, gathered under the massive, stupidly expensive tree, you hand Big Red your gift to him. And he almost cries at it. 
You know he’s a big gun nut. And also a massive comic book nerd with a flare for the dramatics. And you were pretty sure he was still tipsy when he tore open the wrapping to reveal an exact replica of DoomSlayer’s shotgun. A WORKING replica of the weapon to be exact. 
He stared at it for so long you thought that made him have a heart attack. But he hugged it close to his chest and pressed the biggest kiss on your cheek. 
“Christmas is canceled! Nothing can outdo (Y/N)’s gift.” Hellboy says, still hugging the gun like a puppy. 
To you from Red, it's a scrapbook of photos from all of your missions with Red, Abe and the others. And with each photo was a little description in Hellboy’s handwriting. All of them were about the moments he loved or was proud of you from each photo. 
One was a very gruesome photo of you, Hellboy and Daimio’s were-jaguar covered in filth after a nasty fight with a giant toad monster in the swamp. The photo captured you laughing, a deep gasp over your right eye, pushing away the jaguar beast as it tried to lick your cheek. Red was leaning against a tree behind the two of you looking winded but holding onto the tail of Daimio in a meager attempt to stop him from pushing you over.
The description read: “I love that even after being beaten, swallowed and thrown against a tree, you still find the kitty cute enough to let him cover you in tuna breath.”
All of you spent the rest of the morning flicking through the book and reminiscing about the times that were shown in each photo. 
P.S. It was Sasha’s idea to make something more personal than something from an online store.
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