#the poor doctor :D
thefisherqueen · 3 months
“Interesting, though elementary,” said he as he returned to his favourite corner of the settee. “There are certainly one or two indications upon the stick. It gives us the basis for several deductions.” “Has anything escaped me?” I asked with some self-importance. “I trust that there is nothing of consequence which I have overlooked?” “I am afraid, my dear Watson, that most of your conclusions were erroneous. When I said that you stimulated me I meant, to be frank, that in noting your fallacies I was occasionally guided towards the truth. Not that you are entirely wrong in this instance. 
And Watson was so proud of himself :D Kind of rude, Holmes, but also kind of funny
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potatopassenger · 1 month
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Luffy proudly showing off his crew to Ace is so cute
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echo-goes-mmm · 10 months
Hoarding Behavior #7
Warnings: none
Noct frowned. His precious gem was acting strange. He was pale, and took far more naps than usual. He didn’t seem as interested in cooking or much of anything, and he clung close to Noct at night.
Was he sick? He didn’t understand. River had all the things he needed. A warm bed, good food, clean water, attention, regular care, and all the toys and puzzles and games Noct could find.
He looked down at River, partially in his lap, adorably asleep. His freckles were stark against his skin as opposed to beautifully blending into a bronzy smoothness. Noct curled his tail over him and waited for him to wake up.
“You need a healer,” said Master. River chewed the inside of his cheek. 
“Are you sure?” He’d never been to a doctor before.
“Yes. You are ill.” Noct’s voice held no room for argument, and he was too tired to bother.
Noct unlocked the cuff around his ankle. It was a weird sensation after so long, and something about it made him feel exposed.
Noct scooped him up into his arms and walked towards the exit. He was vaguely annoyed that Master insisted on carrying him, but he didn’t feel like walking anyway.
But when they reached outside, Master set him down and transformed into his massive flying form.
“Hold still,” he rumbled, and River froze as Master’s huge hand wrapped around him. Noct lunged into the air, and they were off.
Don’t look down, he thought, squeezing his eyes shut. He knew Noct wouldn’t drop him, but the rush of wind made his head spin and his gut clench.
Soon the wind stopped coming at his face, and instead quieted. River cracked an eye open, and saw the town square slowly come towards his feet. He looked up. Noct’s ruby wings glowed with light, and they were fully outstretched, circling them downward. 
He’d never seen Noct’s wings completely unfolded before, and the size was breathtaking.
Faint shouting reached his ears, and the square was practically abandoned when they landed.
Master changed again, and wrapped his arm around River’s waist. 
His tail swished, and River knew enough about Noct’s body language to tell he was either nervous or suspicious. Probably both.
“Do you know the way to the healer?” he murmured.
“I’m not from here,” he explained. “I have no idea.”
“Hm.” Noct pulled River close to his chest, eyes darting around the street. 
“Come,” he said, guiding River to a bench on the side of the square. They sat together, and Noct put his arm around River’s shoulder.
“Now we will wait and ask a passerby.”
He was half asleep on Noct’s shoulder before he jostled him awake. 
“Stop that.”
“Sorry, Master.” Noct sighed.
“This is not working,” he said, frustrated. People were moving through the square again, but they were avoiding them. The midday sun was in the sky, and the villagers needed to run errands even if Noct was intimidating as hell.
Noct stood and tugged River along by the hand. He cornered a woman by the bakery, and her eyes went wide with fear.
“Pardon me,” says Noct, smooth and in his best calming voice. The effect worked on River, but not her for some reason. “Would you be so kind as to point us towards the healer? I apologize for taking up your time.”
She pointed a shaking hand to a nearby building. Noct glanced down the street. “Much appreciated,” he said. 
The woman squeaked a ‘you’re welcome’ and River mouthed a ‘thanks’ as they passed. She gave him a brief and shaky smile before darting into the safety of the bakery.
But Noct had grown impatient, and picked him up again. He made long strides over the stones, a smooth movement that River barely felt. 
They came to a small stone building with a tile roof. The sign must have said ‘doctor’ or something, because Noct put him down and knocked, tail calmer but still swishing.
“Come in,” said a voice.
Noct reached over him to turn the handle, and they walked in together.
The building was one large room. There was a raised, long platform to one side of the room, and the other side was occupied with jars and bottles.
The doctor was busy stocking the shelves with bottles before he turned. His eyes went wide, and he glanced between them from under his thin wire glasses. But before Noct could comment, his expression smoothed. 
“How may I help you, Mr…?”
“I am Noct. River is sick,” explained Master, gesturing to him. “I do not know enough about humans to fix it.”
“I see. And you’re River?”
He nodded. “Yes, sir.”
“Have you ever been to a doctor before?”
“No, sir.” From the corner of his eye, he saw Noct sit in a chair. His tail was still, elegantly curling near his leg.
“Sit up on this table,” said the doctor. He hopped on. The doctor took out a pencil and a stack of papers. 
“I’ll need to ask some basic questions, give you a physical, and then we’ll talk about any issues. And feel free to ask me about anything you don’t understand. Sounds good?”
River glanced at Master. “Yes, sir.”
“Great. Some of these are fairly personal. Would you like Mr. Noct to step out?”
“Oh, um, no.” River shifted. “I don’t mind.” The doctor gave him a strange look, but said nothing. He turned back to the papers.
“Last name?”
“Uh, I don't have one.”
“Mm. Age?” 
River shrugged. “Adult?” 
“Slave.” The doctor paused. 
“And I assume Mr. Noct is your master?” River nodded. “I see.”
“Sexually active?”
River fidgeted. “No.”
“Does… does your master beat you?” The doctor asked, quiet.
Noct sighed from his chair. “Answer the man honestly, my gem. He must know, for your health.”
“But... you don’t,” he said. Master cocked his head. River looked back at him, equally confused. Surely he didn’t mean the punishment Noct gave him weeks ago. An open hand, no bruises, barely a mark on him. That wasn’t a beating. Maybe if Master used a switch, or actually used his strength and a fist he’d answer differently. 
“Please elaborate.”
Noct gestured for him to speak.
“Master punished me when I broke something.”
“Go on.”
“It wasn’t- he didn’t-” River’s ears turned red. “It was just a spanking. That’s all. It hurt but there weren’t any marks. That doesn’t count.” Noct was staring at him, and River wasn’t sure how to read his expression.
The doctor made a note. “I see.”
They went through a few more questions before finally moving on. 
The doctor had him face towards a chart of arrows on the wall, and had him list off the directions they pointed.
He checked his ears by whispering and making him repeat the words. 
He checked his throat with a flat stick to keep his tongue down.
He looked at his teeth.
He had him lie down to poke around and feel his organs. He even made him get on his stomach to see if his spine was straight.
But the doctor didn’t seem to find anything wrong.
“So what actually brings you in today?”
River hesitated. He didn’t think there was much to talk about. 
“He is constantly sleeping,” interrupted Noct. “And he is pale and cold all the time.” 
Oh. He hadn’t really noticed. How nice; Master had been looking out for him.
The doctor looked at Noct, and then back to him.
“I hate to make assumptions,” said the doctor, “but you live in a cave, correct?”
“Yes, sir. Master’s home is in the mountains.” The doctor leaned close to examine his skin, especially the part where his freckles were.
“Is it harder than usual to lift heavy items?”
“I guess?” The doctor straightened, adjusting his glasses.
He took his pencil and a small pad from his pocket and scribbled something down. He tore off the paper and handed it out to him.
“I can’t read.”
“Ah, sorry.”
Instead, he passed it to Master. “Spend time in the sun, at least an hour a day. Get some exercise while you’re at it. Eat more fish, especially in the winter when you aren’t outside much,” he said.
“Why the sun?” asked Noct. “There is plenty of warmth inside. I make sure of it.”
“It’s not the heat. There’s not really a good explanation, but sunshine is important for human health,” he explained. 
Master hummed. “And this will help?”
“It’s not a guarantee, but yes. If the problem persists, come back and we’ll figure something out. I’d also like to see River once a year for a physical.”
“I understand.” Noct stood, and reached for a bag on his waist. It clinked with gold coins, and he offered it to the doctor.
“Oh no,” said the doctor with a smile, hands up. “Don’t worry about it. The village takes care of my pay.”
“I am not part of the village.” Master plopped the bag of gold on the chair. His voice was firm. “Keep it as thanks.”
They walked through the streets, and River had to wonder why they weren’t leaving right away. Noct clearly wasn’t very welcome here, and by extension neither was he.
“Are you hungry?”
“A little.”
Master led him back towards the square. They stopped by a pastry shop, and Noct bought a mixed box of them to the terror of the storekeeper.
“Are you mad at me?” asked River as they sat on the bench, munching on sweets.
River usually liked Master’s directness and simple answers. No tricks. Noct was always honest, but doubt fluttered in his chest. He nibbled on his cookie (chocolate chip).
A mother and her child passed by, her face buried in a shopping list. The kid stared at them, and River waved. The child waved back. Cute.
“Then are you upset with me?” 
“No.” His tail swished. “I am simply upset.”
Master reached for a cupcake. It looked smaller in his fingers. Human sized cupcakes weren’t made for dragon sized hands.
Noct studied the cupcake, turning it slowly. It was vanilla strawberry with pink icing. He watched Master take a small bite, licking up the sticky red jam filling that leaked out.
“I apologize,” said Noct. “It was not my intention to harm you.”
“I didn’t know about needing sunshine either,” he said. “It’s okay.”
“I should have guessed,” frowned Master. “Humans do not live inside dens.”
River didn’t have a response for that.
He picked up the second cupcake, a chocolate caramel, while Noct finished off a snickerdoodle. 
They packed up the remaining sweets and started the long walk home. 
River made sure to try and keep out of the forest shade. He felt a little better already.
taglist: @paintedpigeon1 @haro-whumps @mj-or-say10
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buff-muffin · 26 days
Man sometimes i am forced to remember ADHD isn't just a silly lil thing and i will be sending emails at midnight because i am handing in documents last minute for the rest of my life
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god-breast-america · 3 months
Ross McIntyre when I catch you. When I catch you McIntyre.
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Every month I lose 100€ to the Who
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pinkcadavart · 4 months
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Mama, they say I'm a terrorist
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worst arcade headcanons (not mine!!):
he is not a doctor (he is literally a doctor he literally tells you this several times directly and indirectly and he literally goes back to practising medicine in one of his endings)
he is sooo sweet and nice just a little baby (he has been forbidden from dealing with patients in the Old Mormon Fort due to his fuck awful bedside banner; probably not unrelated, his cute icebreaker joke is making fun of ‘junkies’)
BUT ALSO he is sooo mean and harsh and unfeeling (he doesn’t like to say ‘stupid’/etc. in front of someone with a learning disability; he’s sympathetic to you wanting revenge on benny though he finds it distasteful to say the least; he will hear you out in pretty much any circumstance, including if you say you have a ~reason~ for murdering his colleague, albeit angrily)
he would fight boone in the l38 (they are two ncr citizens who are critical of the mojave campaign or at least in boone’s case how exactly the sausage is made; arcade literally expresses sympathy towards the perpetrators of the bitter springs massacre)
BUT ALSO he is as anti-legion as boone (it’s true arcade is the only other companion with a firm stance against them, but he won’t attack them unless they attack you, he won’t take a perfect chance to kill caesar, and he flat out tells you he’s ‘sure caesar meant well’)
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I wish we had gotten more positive results with Chameleon Cloaking, it would have been so useful in observing patients when they think we are not with them.
To better treat injuries they are hiding, believing they do not need or want to be in the Doctors office for the proper duration, of course!
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maskyartist · 1 year
Y’all deadass I’ve been sick for five fuckin days now and it’s getting OLD.
Send me cute shit to draw pls and thank u I gotta do fuckin SOMETHIN
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hauntingblue · 25 days
Pluton lore: it can be used to make islands disappear. But why would crocodile want that
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Zoro no learning that a swordsman is worth nothing if he can only attack and can't protect... yeah yeah yeah
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Water luffy is so silly but makes so much sense like this is how we got to gear 5... also robin laughing.... this is where she thought she might join... like at least she will laugh with them. Also crocodile gets mad right after so it works to rile him up too!! Magnificent plan luffy
#omg robin teaseeeeee#sanji telling vivi she will never again fight alone.... omg...#robin laughing at what luffy says... they are already having autism communication... magical#he said you are stupid bc nobody has beaten your ass yet and robin is like yeah.... and also you called me by my name betrayal is imminent#luffy fucking chomps crocodile AJSJAHSKAJAKA if forgot!!!!#porbable news of luffy being defeated and zoro is already training.... yeah...#vivis faith in luffy.... like she doesnt even believe it but its okay.... its the thought that counts#also possible marimo and weird brow introduction here... its like witnessing the first stone being put in the pantheon#the crab is named scissors.... nami named him after her favourite activi- [GUNSHOTS]#also really inch resting... random people that save luffy from death because he is a d: robin. law.#khoza crossing vivi and not hearing her is so heartbreaking akdhakbssk.. the drama#usopp denying luffy is dead saying he is gonna be pirate king and getting the motivation to fight... yesh#exactly.... chopper asking for a doctor... 🚬 comedy#also did sanji evade a swan feet shot bc bon clay said that one is female?? am i getting this right???#sanji making friends with bon clay..... yeah...#zoro fighting mr 1 believing he will be able to cut metal at the end of it.... crazy#OMG CAMIE!!!!! SO SOON???#zoro saying he will not wait for death yeah yeah....#i didnt comment on namis fight bc i was so into it akdjsksj... what can i say she fought for vivi... and also the fight was LONG#not a bad thing but the humor in it... poor girl.... usopp got your ass#imperialism in my one piece?? how a foreign evil infiltrates the state and incites a civil war by infiltrating both sides to ensure mutual#destruction and amidst the chaos extract the state's resources??? its more likely than you think#luffy saving vivi is so :“) also first luffy hug ever??? technically... also we will all hear your voice??? is the translation okay?#namis injured foot being on the panel before vivi sees her.... yeah exactly yeah yeah#vivi is going thru it she has been crying for like 20 minutes poor girl#just realised that robin is kinda oppostie of luffy bc she uses her powers to break peoples bones and she cant do that to luffy ahdkahsk#luffy how are you beating your poor father like that.... goddamn#robin wasnt expecting this??? now what girl?? i think she thinks she might not get to pluton now so she is like fuuck.... why did i save hi#which i do wonder why she saved him did she know about saul being a d? is that in the poneglyphs??#reading one piece
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ssstardust3001 · 5 months
Yeah :) I have the internal organs of a Vulcan, however they're mirrored due to Situs Inversus Totalis. So I gotta wear a cool medical bracelet to signify as such. It's very handy when someone either knows Vulcan anatomy and expects mine to be the same or if they don't and they expect me to have human anatomy and aim too high.
Also! Human blood would kill me! :D
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wandanatw0rld · 2 months
+18 | men & minor denied
beefy!natasha romanoff x pillowprincess!female reader x college!au
warnings: girlxgirl; Natasha being a boxer; rough sex; anal sex; strap on use (r receving); a little bit of praise; fingersucking; brief mention of war; Alexei & Bucky being two assholes; not propfread
b: Natasha's father comes to visit her, but their meeting doesn't go very well, and (un)fortunately for you, you have to pay for her frustration.
I think that's it, have fun ;D
"Okay, I love you too, Mom. Bye" You're sitting on Natasha's bed, notepads and books on every surface, you stop writing and look at the redhair.
"Is everything okay, Nat?" She looks at you, her jaw is clenched, her poor phone pressed against her strong hands, she sits on the edge.
"My dad's coming to visit, he wants to take a tour of Steve's gym," you crawl next to her, taking her hands off her thighs and replacing them with you.
"Is that so bad?" You hold her face, green eyes with a hint of desperation.
"Let's say my dad wanted me to be a doctor and not a boxer," Natasha didn't like to talk about her parents, especially her dad.
Her parents are both from Russia, late Soviet Union, and came to America after the war destroyed their home, the United States seemed to be a place to have a new life with more hopes. Natasha was young and didn't remember much about it, but she remembered the bombs, a whole reason why she hated New Year's Eve.
"Do you want me to be with you?" Natasha seems to consider for a few seconds.
"Are you ready to meet Alexei Romanoff?" She asks you sweetly. "One of the founders of this masterpiece?" Natasha pointed at herself in a very silly way.
"Actually, I am. But let's stop talking about your dad and talk about how much I need you to kiss me".
"I agreed," she says, standing up, you laughing as she holds you, her lips pressed to yours.
You were nervous to meet Natasha's father, lost count of the number of times you looked in the mirror, even though the redhead said you looked gorgeous as always. At first, Alexei Romanoff seems really scary with his bear, but he's really an idiot like his daughter. He told jokes, shared stories about Natasha wanting to be a superhero, you kissed her red cheek when the old man made fun of her blue hair.
Now the three of you are in Steve's gym, which he closed just so Natasha could show the place to her dad. But the more you listen to them, the more you're worried about Natasha's well-being.
"You're getting too big, sweetheart. And those tattoos, your mom will lose her mind if she sees you," the redhead breathes out, her patience coming to an end.
"I like my tattoos" You watch them very quietly, the way Natasha squeezes your hand and clenches her jaw makes you worry about her dad. "Dad, please. Look at the size of your belly."
"Your mom likes it".
"I bet she does". Alexei doesn't think it's funny, and you only realize that when he say it to her:
"When are you going to get a real job?" His tone is throaty, sharp as a knife, the same tone Natasha uses when she's stressed.
"This is a real job, Dad. I like working here" Her eyes glow with challenge, one more word and she'll explode.
"Yelena is doing great with me, she's really going to run the business one day".
"Yelena was always looking for your approval." You'd never met Yelena before, but Natasha always talked about the blonde with love and affection.
"Someone has to have it" The silence is heavy, you want to say something, but Natasha could kill her father with her eyes.
"Well, my class is in ten minutes, so... Let me walk you to the exit," Alexei seemed shaken, but he turned to you.
"It was really nice to meet you. When Natasha told me how beautiful you were, I didn't think it would be so much". Natasha doesn't look at either of you.
"Thank you, Mr. Romanoff".
"Please, call me Alexei. You make me feel old".
"You are old." The look in his eyes frightened you.
Natasha is taking you home, the fact that she hasn't said a word is worrying.
"See you tomorrow?" You ask and give her a peck on her cheek
"I don't know. I'm busy tomorrow" But she doesn't look at you.
You know what bothers her. Natasha wants her father's approval, all she ever wanted was to make him proud and not being able to do that is killing her. You don't see her the next morning or the day after, so you ask Clint if he knows anything while you both go shopping for baby stuff.
"I don't know, to be honest, she doesn't talk to me" He's looking at the dipers section in the drugstore, you've been helping him for forty minutes now, one of the professors has canceled the class. "I was going to ask her out for a drink, but she didn't answer her phone"
"I'm going to visit her at the gym today after class," you smile sweet at him. "Clint, these are adult dipers".
"God, I'm a terrible dad".
"Don't put too much pressure on yourself, Clint. These are things you can catch up over time.
"Thank you!" You gave his shoulder a good, enthusiastic squeeze.
"I gotta go. I gotta help Wanda with Billy and Tommy."
"Who are they?"
"Her clownfish, but I think one of them is female".
The hours seemed to pass so slowly that you didn't notice anything. You left your things in your dorm and hurried to Natasha's work. You entered, the place is quiet, there are a few people working out on headphones. You approach the reception, Bucky, another employee looks at you. You don't like him, the way he provokes Natasha and worse, his jokes towards you, they aren't funny, but it definitely amuses him.
"Hi Bucky, is Natasha here?"
"She asked Steve for a day off, she's at the arena" You turn to leave, but he calls you. "Can I ask you something?"
"Bring it on".
"Why are you with her?" See, not funny. "I mean, I know she's hot and rich, but-."
"I don't think that's any of your business, Bucky."
They march into the arena, loud rock music, The Marvels really hate somebody. Natasha hits the bag with precision, she growls with every punch, it is fucking hot. She doesn't realize you're there until you turn off the music.
"What the fuck!" You wave to her, she takes off her gloves and grabs a bottle of water.
"Hi to you too" You reache her. "I miss you"
"Me too" Her response is somewhat mechanical.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She drinks the water.
"Not really". Getting close to her, analyzing every single detail in her, sweat running down her chest, on her strong arms, the veins on her forearm drive you crazy.
"You're avoiding me, was it something I did?" Natasha keeps not looking at you and starts to get on your nerves.
"Everything's fine" She doesn't add a nickname, which means she's really mad.
There are a few details people need to pay attention to with Natasha Romanoff and you mastered them quite well.
When she's angry, she gets quiet, refuses to look at or talk to anyone, plus she listens to rock music really loud, just like it happened. When she is jealous, especially of Bucky and his aproaches towards you, her voice gets husky and scary, hands on your waist, pulling you close, and when takes you home, she makes sure of making you hers, every inch of your skin belong to her.
She was angry. In this case, angrier than she had ever been.
"Fight with me" Natasha seemed confused.
"I'm not going to fight with you" You take a few steps closer.
"Why not?" You ask, her woody perfume smells so good. "Are you afraid I'll hurt you?" You know you have no chance in a fight, you're smaller than her, in everything. Natasha Romanoff could destroy you with one blow. "Okay then. Bye, Natasha."
"Wait" She holds your wrist, her breathing at a normal pace, she looks at you. Natasha was so angry that she didn't notice that you were wearing her favorite outfit. "I'm sorry about that. Is just... Never mind, I'm fine".
"You're not fine, Nat. Something is bothering you, you can tell me," but she just avoids looking into your eyes. "Is it your dad?" The grip in your wrist had tightened.
"I don't want to talk about him" Natasha looks at your body, you're dressed only for her amusement and it's a waste not to take advantage. "Wait here," she opens the door to the arena.
"What are you doing?" You ask.
"Steve will be using the arena today. I'll open it for him." After that, Natasha grabs her backpack and drags you to Steve's office, then locks you both in.
"Nat-" She presses her mouth against yours, it's rough, your legs go weak. On your tiptoes you grab her face, her lips a little salty, hands on your waist, nails scratching deep into it. You push her onto the table, paper clips, documents, everything goes down. "You have to use me, okay?"
"About your dad." Her jaw clenches again. "You can bite me, I don't know, just do whatever you want." With worshipful eyes, Natasha turns your bodies over and places you on the table, your legs wrapped around her waist. "I am all yours".
"You are, detka." Finally, the nickname hits between your thighs. "First I'm going to eat you up and then fuck that pretty pussy of yours," you moan, grabbing her hands and putting them over your mouth, sucking her thumb. "You're so beautiful," she touches your lower lip with her wet thumb.
"Nat..." You move your hips into hers.
"No, Malyshka. You have to stay still." Natasha kissed you as she took off your underwear, lifting your skirt just a little, her fingers dipping into your wetness. "This soaked already?" your nails dipped into her neck "And I'm just getting started" You raised your arms to take off the t-shirt, the fact that you were without a bra pleases her, but then she remembered the asshole at the reception. "I wonder if Bucky knows you're not wearing a bra today.
"No, he didn't look at me today." You know that's a lie. Bucky always looks at you, especially today, he definitely noticed the lack of underwear. You bite your lip, her fingers teasing through your folds.
"I think it's just the opposite, Malyshka," she states, her tone assertive. "When he looks at you, he wants you all for himself." Natasha's lips find a place in your neck, a finger dipping gently into your pussy as her teeth in your shoulder. "He wants to fuck you, but he forgets that I'm the only one who can fuck you."
"Nat, please." Natasha firmly squeezes your neck.
"I'm going to remind him, remind everyone. I am worthy of everything, even you" Her fingers slide over your breasts. "Every inch of you is mine, Detka. Your face, your body, this fucking pretty cunt of yours. I can wait until you come in my mouth." Her teeth clamp down on your right nipple, and she sucks hard. You drop your head back, fingers scratching her neck. It hurts, but you're both enjoying it. Natasha spreads your legs wide, her thumb teasing your clit.
"Nat, easy- oh fuck" She buried her fingers deep into your pussy with no mercy.
"You want me to use you, Malyshka. I will. I'll use every hole in you".
"Mm... So good." Natasha's tongue burns your nipples as she adds a third finger.
"Can it fit one more, Malyshka?" You nod, grabbing her fist that adds the fourth one. "So hungry"
"Nat, take off your... "Mmm... please" The redhead is all smiles now, her pretty girl is so needy. Her thumb throbbs in your clit, and you're desperate. Your breasts are sensetive, but Natasha doesn't seem to be tired of them. She'll never be tired of them. "Fuck!" You pull her close with one of your legs, toes clenching inside your shoes. "Don't stop. Please don't" Natasha releases your breast with a lustful pop, her hand bumping for the last time at your soft spot, and then you melt away at her fingers. "Nat..." You hide your face on her neck.
"Thank you, Malyshka." She kisses your cheek. "I'm sorry for avoiding you these days. I've been overthinking about my dad, but I'm handling it."
"Forget about him. For now, I'm going to come into your mouth" You lick her lips slowly.
"God, you're perfect." She kisses you, hungry, her lips pressed on yours, hands on your breasts. You moan on her mouth, they're so painful. Pushing her, you take off her shirt, throwing it with your clothes. Her breasts are perfect, all sweaty, her tattoos glowing. Your hand lands on her ass, squeezing.
She gets on her knees and puts one of your legs on her shoulder. She can't get enough of your cunt.
"Nat, just fuck me" You demand, she dives into your pussy, and begins to grind her tongue on your clit. "Fuck!" You grab her hair and yank, pulling her closer. You try to close your legs, but she holds them open, her fingers digging into your inner thighs. "God... Shit" she plunges a finger into your cunt. "Mm... Don't" You're trembling, so grab her free hand and put it in your mouth. She's watching everything with adoration, loving the sensations that she causes in you. You're mumbling nonsense, sucking her thumb, and pinching your nipples. "I'm going... Don't stop, Nat. Please, don't... I'm almost" You bite your lips, hands on her head now, her red hair tangled in your fingers, holding her mouth firmly on your pussy, she rasps her teeth in your bud, that's enough to make you come, hard, body shaking, legs like jelly. "You're amazing at this"
"I'm not to blame for your choice in men" You smile, bringing her close to your mouth, tasting you on her. "But I have a surprise for you" You watch her put down the cotton shirt, your mouth getting wet. Nothing compares to the wetness between your legs. Natasha is wearing a pink strap, your favorite. "I was planning to come to your place to use as an apology for my behavior."
"I accept your apology after you fuck me hard"
"I will, Detka" she says, her voice low and seductive. She comes closer, her hands on your ribs, thumbs in both of your nipples. "I'll fuck you so hard that you'll not even walk away from here" She pinches your nipples, her eyes locked on yours. "You want that?" You nod, your lips curling into a slow, sensual smile. "You want that everyone see your trembling walk, especially Bucky."
"Yeah" you say, biting your fingertip.
"Let's arrange that for you" her husky voice commands, sending another wave of pleasure through your body. Natasha pushes her cock inside you, lying down on the desk in a mix of pain and lust, nails scratching her arms. She comes forward, hitting your soft spot, her lips seeking yours. "You're mine. I'm fucking worthy of you. Of anything. This job." She leans her forehead on yours, her growls making you moan loud. "He will see." She's not talking about Bucky. Her hands hold your waist, nails digging into your skin. You're too caught up in the pleasure to feel the pain or the blood from the slightly wound.
"Nat, too much." Her hips don't stop, it hurts, but you're too overwhelmed with lust to care. Then she stops, and you moan in tantrum. Natasha pulls out the strap, and you look at her, confused.
"Turn around".
"I don't-"
"You said I had to use you. I'm using you, Malyshka. Now turn around" You do as she says and turn around. "I've always wanted to know what it's like to fuck your tiny hole" She bends you over the desk, deep inside you regret saying she could use you, but now it doesn't matter. "Don't worry. I'll go real slow, Detka".
"Nat, I've never done this before," you said, holding her wrist and looking up.
"It's okay, we can stop if you don't feel comfortable. I'd never do anything to hurt you." The red hair planted a kiss on your bare shoulder, her hands gently caressing your waist.
"I don't want to stop, I just..." You look into her eyes and you have never trusted her as much as you do now. "I trust you.
"Thank you, Malyshka." You bring her close, kissing her lips, stroking the red hair behind her ears, you feel her positioning the strap on your entrance. You exhale into her mouth as she squeezes a tip, nails digging into her cheek. "Fuck!" She curses, it's fucking painful, no more than the pain you feel on your ass. "You're so fucking tight".
"Nat, I don't think I'm going to-" But then she pulls everything into you, and she starts moving, all you can think is why it's taking you so long to do it. "Fuck!" Your arm encircles her shoulder, she puts one of your legs on the table and spreads it. "Right there, Nat," you feel the plastic going in and out, her hands holding you still, it's fucking good, it burns, but you don't want to stop. "Don't stop, please. Don't stop."
"I'm not going to" And there's the rusky voice, Natasha leads her hand to your clit, touching it very slow, the base of the strap lightly on her clit, then rubbing real rough while she fucks your ass. "You're doing great, pretty girl".
"Mmm... Nat, fuck, please. Faster" Steve's table starts to slide on the floor, more things fall off it. "Almost" Her hips are much faster than you think is possible, you lose control of everything, you start mumbling nonsense again, you don't know what's happening, but you can definitely hear voices coming from the arena, you don't know any of these people, Natasha doesn't seem to care, she's not loud, but she's not quiet either.
"I'm almost there too, detka" You can feel her breasts on your back, her hands pulling your hair to make room for her mouth to find your neck and her teeth dip into it, fingers entering your cunt. You know it's not easy to do it, but Natasha made it seem easy. "Shh Malyska, people will start to hear you," you can't help but moan. You stuffed your mouth with your hand, the teeth go deep. She adds another finger, but then begins to lose frequency, you feel more and more close to the edge. "I'm coming, pretty girl" A few more thrusts and you almost pass out.
Breathes throughout the office, Natasha laid on your back, hands caressing your arms.
"Natasha, are you still there?" It's Bucky. "I didn't see your girlfriend leave. Is she there?"
"Yeah, we're cleaning, Steve asked me to and she's helping me, why?" You only realize what happened when you feel her cock digging into your cunt, a slow moan leaving your lips, it's too sensitive.
"Steve wants to know if you want to join in" Natasha begins to slowly push against your pussy, you want more, you need more, your hands searching for any support.
"Only when I finish cleaning" She kisses your neck, on the mark she made. "No way I'm leaving you for that." She whispers in your ear. Her hips are frenetic. "Can you get that box for me, Detka?" But you don't answer, you can't, it's too good. "You have to say something, Detka".
"T-that o-ne??" Natasha laughs in silence, her smile playful and cocky.
"Okay, I'll tell him." You don't know if Bucky believes that, but it's too good to pay attention.
"You liked that, huh?" She raises her torso, holding your waist, her movements bursting. "Don't try to deny it, Malyshka, I can't keep my cock inside you"
"I like it" She bites your sholders, her tongue burning your skin.
"Malyshka, you're so good to me" Her nails dig into your waist, her hips bump against your butt, the strap gliding smoothly over your wet cunt. "So beautiful accepting everything from me" You feel her front on your back, her teeth biting hard into the skin of your ribs.
Natasha's fingers rub your needy bud.
"Nat... I'm going to... Fuck!" You bite your hand, the small room insanely hot, the voices of people on the other side of the door adding another layer of lust.
"It's okay, pretty girl. You can cum on my cock," the walls are tightening around Natasha's cock, she's gripping your jaw very gently, very different from what her hips are doing, she kisses you. And then you feel the nod in your stomach to undo.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" Your teeth mark your hands.
Her hips slowly stop, you feel her heartbeat on your back. She pulls her cock out.
"That was hot." She says, kissing your cheek.
"I don't know if I can walk".
"That's what you wanted," you look at her, almost offended. "I'm joking, Malyshka. We'll have to stay here for a while.
"As if I'm going to leave with all these people".
You watch as Natasha goes to her backpack, grabs a towel, and wraps the strap to clean it later. She picks up your clothes, you can't move, the orgasm has melted your legs.
"Let me help you, Malyshka," Natasha pushes one of your legs through the panties, then the other. "Okay. Do you need help with your shirt?" You nod, you don't need it, but you have a soft spot for her being so sweet and helpful. You raise your hands, she helps you, then she pulls up your skirt, your shoes. "Come here, let's get you somewhere more comfortable" You hold her like a koala while she leads you to a sofa. "I'm going to put my clothes on and then put everything back. You need to rest.
"I want to help you" You try to get up, but your legs are still wobbly.
"It's okay, I can do it myself." She strokes your hair behind your ears.
"Nat, I don't care what your dad thinks. I'm really proud of you and I'm happy to be your girlfriend" The way she smiles at you makes your heart warm and race.
"Thank you, Malyshka. I'm lucky to have you as my girlfriend," you kissed her, your hands pulling her closer, legs around her waist. "Detka, you have to let me go, otherwise we'll have to stay here forever.
"I'll stay." You wanted to tell her that you loved her, but you were too afraid of being rejected or of her not feeling the same, so you backed off, you didn't want to ruin this.
You just didn't know that the redhead felt the same way.
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 10 months
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David Tennant with Michael Sheen (Good Omens promo video) and then David Tennant with Catherine Tate (Doctor Who bts video) trying to convince us that they work very very hard :D ❤ (poor David trying to censor his actor companions :D)
David and Michael smol interview for Virgin Media Television, 10.7.2023
Michael: We never bicker.
David: Nooo.
Michael: I mean, that's that's sort of the key to it, I think. Yeah. Is that when we're not directly working together with each other on screen or whatever, it's just very sort of easy.
David: Mmm.
Michael: I mean, we're we're both essentially quite lazy actors, and we… it's too much hard work to be…
David: We can't say that!
Michael: We can't say that no.
David: No, we're very professional.
Michael: Sorry. Yes, we are, we are.
David: We are very appropriate.
Michael: It's too much. We see it, you know, we see other actors on set and everyone's working very hard, and it's just very easy for us.
David: We work very, very hard. Don't listen to him.
David: We have to make it sound that this has been difficult.
Catherine: No.
David: Do we have to say it's been hard.
Catherine:It's not hard work or… I don't mean it's not…
David: It's not easy!
Catherine: It's not easy!
David: Don't think this is easy!
Catherine: Don't get me wrong, don't think this is a walk in the park.
David: Very hard! Very… it's a very specialized job!
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heartfullofleeches · 29 days
Fletch with a feinting goat reader, like hare reader they’re scared of him but instead of running they feint when they see him
- Cap Anon🧢
Goat Reader sees this big ass rabbit and their mind is racing a mile a minute trying to figure out how he's so big-
"This guy is huge! Does rabbies get this big- I thought they were tinier. Can a bunny get this big on a fruit and vegetable diet? D-does he eat meat?! Like goats who get lost in the woods!"
"You alright there, Friend?"
"Gah!! Please, don't eat me!"
And Readee crumples like a sheet of paper in front of him. Fletcher was only asking if they got lost. Heat must've gotten to them. He can't leave a poor critter like them on the side of the road like that.
Fetch carries them on home to his farm. Reader comes too and after another scare, informs the rabbit that this is totally normal for them. Fletcher can't let them out of his sight now- They'll be in the grave before noon if he does! They have to stay, world's too dangerous for a fragile heart like theirs-
"Rest easy, now. You hit your head pretty hard. On the bright side, we've got the best doctor this side of the country and unlike some other rabbits you'll met here, they don't mind strangers. They'll be over in a jiffy."
"A-a-actually I should get going... I need to make it out of these woods before it gets dark. I'm sure everyone back home is worried sick about me!...hahahaha"
"And you can phone them once I know for certain you don't have a concussion. You may feel find now, but the second you step foot on that road-"
The goat jumps as the farmer snaps his fingers.
"Gone. And nobody can save you then..."
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taetaerec · 8 months
Masterlist Rec 2:
Multi Members
brave it together | Bully!Jay x Strange!reader, Slightly Jake x reader
Closer | LegalLine x 8thMember!reader
DRIPPED IN YOU. | Boyfriend!Sunghoon x reader x Boyfriend!Jake
I would give up heaven if I had to.. | Stepbrother!Heeseung x reader x Stepbrother!Sunghoon
kang della's 18+ works | LegalLine x 8thMember!oc
paid in & paid off | Stepbrother!Jay x reader x StepbrothersBestfriend!Jake
Pent up | Idol!Hyungline x Cleaner!reader
rosebud | Stepdad!Jay x reader x BestfriendsBrother!Sunghoon
🔑secrets that you keep | Boyfriend!Sunghoon x reader x BoyfriendsBestfriend!Heeseung
strip for me. | Bully!Hyungline x reader
Stupid Games | Stepbrother!Heeseung x reader x BrothersBestfriend!Jungwon
take the back-seat. | Boyfriend!Jay x reader BoyfriendsBestfriend!Jake
The Hunt is On | Ghostface!Heeseung x reader x Ghostface!Sunghoon
The Pantheon: A Series | Gods!OT7 x reader
Toxic | Toxic!Hyungline x Bully!reader
two boyfriends dress them up like twins. | BasketballCaptain!Jungwon x Cheerleader!reader x BasketballCoCaptain!Sunghoon
No title | Ex!Jake x reader x BrothersEx!Virgin!Jungwon
be with her tonight | Yandere!Heeseung x reader
ㄴ CHERRY🍒 ㄱ | Pervert!Heeseung x Virgin!reader
Coffee & Cream | Homeless!Virgin!Heeseung x Virgin!reader
✧ Homecoming | Idol!Boyfriend!Heeseung x reader
— 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 ? | Stepbrother!Heeseung x reader
PLAYER RANK: PLATINUM | SistersBoyfriend!Gamer!Heeseung x reader
VERBOTEN | DadsCoworker!Older!Heeseung x reader SMAU!
YOU'RE STILL A VIRGIN? | Roommate!Heeseung x Virgin!reader
A La Folie | King!Jay x Healer!reader
bless or curse | CEO!Jay x reader
dried flowers | Idol!Husband!Jay x reader
From This Moment On | Chaebol!Jay x Doctor!reader
Hold Me Without Hurting Me | CEO!ChildhoodBestfriend x CEO!reader
NATURALLY | Chef!Jay x reader
🍀no limits | Jay x reader
Priorities | Husband!Jay x reader
see you again. | Friend!Alpha!Jay x Omega!reader
SPACE BETWEEN US ➽ | Husband!Jay x Virgin!reader
stuck with me | smuggler!Jay x reader; Zombieapocalypse!Au
Training Wheels | Boyfriend!Jay x Inexperienced!reader
Undercover Lover | detective!rival!Jay x detective!reader
BIG D*CK FOR DUMMIES | Jake x Virgin!reader
EROTIC EMPATHY | Virgin!Jake x reader
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ FORBIDDEN ATTRACTION | Hufflepuff!Jake x reader
love on you | Idol!Boyfriend!Jake x Artist!reader
♠️off limits | BrothersBestfriend!Jake x reader
One-time thing | Girlfriend!reader x Boyfriend!Jake x ReadersBestfriend
past midnight ፤ [1:34 am] | Idol!Boyfriend!Jake x reader
SHAMELESS | Alpha!Jake x Omega!reader
silver spoons | OldMoney!Jake x Poor!ScholarshipGirl!reader
SIMS ANATOMY | neurosurgeon!Jake x cardio surgeon!Reader
Royal Sacrifice | Prince!Jake x Maid!reader
✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺Addictive ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺ | Toxic!Sunghoon x Toxic!Reader
⊹₊。ꕤ˚ “all of you” ꕤ˚₊⊹ | Boyfriend!Sunghoon x reader
Favorite Flavor | BestfriendsDad!Sunghoon x reader
Here Comes The Fall-Out | Mafia!Sunghoon x Virgin!reader
I’ll pick you up | Idol!Sunghoon x Fan!reader
LITTLE BIT OF AFFECTION 박성훈 ᥫ᭡ | Manager!Sunghoon x Actress!reader
OKAY | Toxic!Sunghoon x reader
Sample Session | MedicalStudent!Sunghoon x MedicalStudent!reader
Stretch it Out | Instructor!Sunghoon x Ballerina!reader
strip for me. | Bully!Hyungline x reader
stupid in love | Bestfriend!Virgin!Sunghoon x Virgin!reader
𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞, 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 | nerd!inexperienced!Sunghoon x experienced!cheerleader!reader
Wicked Games | Yandere!Sunghoon x reader
you, me and our peeping tom. | Idol!Boyfriend!Jay x reader x Idol!Sunghoon
you need a man | Detective!Sunghoon x MafiasDaughter!reader
(No title) | Duke!Sunghoon x Duchess!reader, Bridgerton!au
(No title) | Stepbrother!Sunghoon x Virgin!reader
Only One For You | FoxHybrid!Sunoo x BunnyHybrid!reader
Cat Girls Chronicles 1 | Idol!Jungwon x CatHybrid!Reader
ꜜ : 𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝑷𝒊𝒍𝒍 | Idol!Jungwon x 8thMember!reader
one step at a time | Idol!Jungwon x reader
sea salt. | Pirate!Jungwon x princess!reader
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