#the planet crafter
bat-in-the-machine · 3 months
It looks like The Planet Crafter is out of Early Access. Version 1.0 is out with new features like:
An opening cutscene! (It's a really really short one!)
Updated graphics!
New achievements!
New soundtrack!
Same gameplay!
If you're not familiar with The Planet Crafter, the premise is simple as heck: In exchange for freedom (questionable freedom) you have volunteered for a terraforming program that tasks individuals with turning lifeless worlds into habitable earth-like ones. You're dropped off on a barren, lifeless orb and must use materials on hand to release trapped gases from within the planet, generate breathable atmosphere, and eventually, plant and animal life.
It has always had a bit of a Subnautica vibe to it, but the threats are your always-depleting hunger, thirst, and oxygen meters.
And meteor showers.
But the meteors bring more minerals...
It's among the purest crafting/survival experiences I've played. I bounce back and fort between Planet Crafter and Satisfactory because the games are like exact opposite results from the same gameplay loop.
One turns a barren lifeless orb into a habitable world, the other turns a gorgeous vibrant world into a polluted hellworld, but both are pure exploration and exploitation games. Also, Planet Crafter has a nice little story hidden away in special areas that you will discover as you go on, along with unexplained mystery areas (there's a place that washes out the entire color palette and has its own independent night sky that makes it look like you're suddenly on the moon).
There's something up with this planet, and some of that mystery remains unsolved to this day...
EDIT: oh holy shit I just read the patch notes and THEY ADDED MORE LORE AND ENDGAME CONTENT AND LARGER ANIMALS TOO???? HOLY SHIT??????????
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dragonraptyr · 1 month
The funny thing about royalty-free music is where you hear it. Case-in-point, when catching up with Re:Dracula (May 15), I recognized the track they used for his exploration. Specifically, it was one of the common tracks used in the game The Planet Crafter as ambiance. (I'm not certain if it's still in the game, they added a good deal of new music recently).
So I get pulled away from the horror that Jonathan Harker is dealing with by my brain incessantly saying "Terraform the Planet!"
It's a very odd juxtaposition.
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hardcoregamer · 2 months
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Review: Planet Crafter
The simple "pick up rocks, make stuff" beginning slowly turns into an automation adventure through a lush green world that hardly feels like the planet you started on, despite being present for every moment of its awakening.
Read more!
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stinkek · 8 months
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Found The Planet Crafter recently. You can try it for free on Steam.
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fictionalred · 1 year
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raining on my planet
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grazhir · 1 year
Planet Crafter
A couple more.
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Night view facing outward from the "front door" of the base. Lights galore.
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Facing the base. It's neon! I love neon.
Yes, I cheated in more seeds. Of course I did, don't be silly. So now I have four beds of wheat and four of cocoa.
Now I just have to let it run in the background long enough to get the harvest to make 5 more croissant and chocolate, plus 6 cakes, so I can put them on display. [And see if any of it is still there when the "event" ends.]
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clandestinemeeting · 2 years
So, Xiaodan's base huh? I can't wait for more lore to be added to the game!
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kylieneko · 1 month
The Planet Crafter's entire soundtrack is generating copyright warnings. Therefore, I have removed the VOD for today's stream and all prior streams on Twitch, and any further streams of the game will be made without the game music playing.
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ollamhproductions · 1 month
We have moss, and even small plants, but not trees. At least, not yet. With the DNA manipulation that we're doing though, that's a matter of time…
Going live now!
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jitigaming · 2 months
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Je viens de commencer #ThePlanetCrafter. C'est plutôt sympa, je pense que je vais y passer quelques centaines d'heures.
Vous avez des conseils pour un débutant ? 👀
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kostenlose-pc-spiele · 2 months
The Planet Crafter kostenlos
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The Planet Crafter ist ein Survival-Action-Adventure. Entwickelt wurde es vom französischen Studio Miju Games, den Machern von Abracadabrew. The Planet Crafter kostenlos.
Geschichte des Spiels
Das Spiel spielt in einer fernen Zukunft. Wir schlüpfen in die Rolle eines Astronauten, der auf einen unwirtlichen fremden Planeten geschickt wird, um ihn für die Besiedlung durch die Menschheit vorzubereiten. Unsere Priorität ist es, zu überleben und dann Terraforming-Prozesse durchzuführen, um den Planeten zu erwärmen und eine Atmosphäre mit genügend Sauerstoff für die Kolonisten zu schaffen.
The Planet Crafter ist ein Survival-Spiel, bei dem das Geschehen aus der Ich-Perspektive beobachtet wird. Kern des Spiels ist das Crafting-System. Der Spieler muss Rohstoffe sammeln und daraus neue Gegenstände, Maschinen und Basen bauen. Das Crafting-System bietet einen umfangreichen Technologiebaum, in dem alle Objekte verbessert werden können, um ihren Nutzen zu erhöhen. Zu Beginn geht es ums Überleben. Der Planet bietet eine unwirtliche Umgebung, die für menschliches Leben völlig ungeeignet ist. Der Spieler muss natürlichen Gefahren ausweichen und den Sauerstoffvorrat seines Anzugs im Auge behalten. Da unsere Mission nicht die erste ist, ist die Oberfläche der fremden Welt mit Schiffswracks übersät, in denen sich nützliche Gegenstände verbergen. Sobald wir uns auf dem fremden Planeten niedergelassen haben, können wir mit dem Terraforming beginnen. Mit Hilfe von modifizierten Pflanzen und futuristischen Technologien ist es möglich, eine Atmosphäre mit Sauerstoff zu erzeugen, den Luftdruck zu verändern, die Umgebungstemperatur zu erhöhen und Wasser zu gewinnen. Dies eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten für den Ausbau der Basis und den Zugang zu weiteren Verbesserungen. Außerdem gibt es neue Bedrohungen, wie z.B. das sich verändernde Wetter.
The Planet Crafter bietet neben dem Einzelspielermodus auch einen vernetzten Koop-Modus.
Technische Aspekte
Das Spiel bietet volle 3D-Grafik. Read the full article
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jeuxgratuits · 2 months
The Planet Crafter gratuit
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The Planet Crafter est un jeu d'aventure et de survie. Le projet a été développé par le studio français Miju Games, auteur d'Abracadabrew.
L'histoire du jeu
Le jeu se déroule dans un futur lointain. Nous incarnons un astronaute envoyé sur une planète extraterrestre inhospitalière avec pour mission de l'adapter à la colonisation par l'humanité. Notre priorité est de survivre et de réaliser des processus de terraformation qui réchaufferont la planète et créeront une atmosphère avec suffisamment d'oxygène pour les colons.
Mécanismes du jeu
The Planet Crafter est un jeu de survie dans lequel les événements sont observés d'un point de vue à la première personne. Le système d'artisanat est au cœur du jeu. Le joueur doit collecter des matières premières et les utiliser pour construire de nouveaux objets, machines et bases. La production offre un arbre technologique étendu, dans lequel tous les objets peuvent être améliorés et ainsi augmenter leur utilité. Au début, nos efforts se concentrent sur la survie. La planète possède un environnement inhospitalier, totalement inadapté à la vie humaine. Le joueur doit éviter les dangers naturels et garder un œil sur la réserve d'oxygène de la combinaison. Notre mission n'étant pas la première, la surface du monde extraterrestre est remplie d'épaves qui cachent des objets utiles. Une fois que nous nous serons installés sur la planète, nous pourrons commencer à la terraformer. En utilisant des plantes modifiées et des technologies futuristes, il est possible de créer une atmosphère avec de l'oxygène, de modifier la pression atmosphérique, d'augmenter la température ambiante et d'obtenir de l'eau. Cela ouvre de nouvelles possibilités d'expansion de la base et permet d'accéder à d'autres améliorations. Cela s'accompagne de nouvelles menaces, telles que les changements météorologiques.
Modes de jeu
The Planet Crafter propose un mode coopératif en réseau en plus du mode solo.
Problèmes techniques
Le jeu offre des graphismes entièrement en 3D.
The Planet Crafter gratuitement
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linuxgamenews · 3 months
Experience the Planet Crafter: Crafting, Survival, and Space Exploration
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The Planet Crafter the open world terraforming crafting game launch soon on Steam Deck and Linux via Proton with Windows PC. The skilled team at Miju Games deserves our heartfelt thanks for their exceptional work. Currently available via Steam Early Access with 95% Overwhelmingly Positive reviews. Big news from Miju Games! The Planet Crafter their amazing project that's been brewing in Early Access since March 2022, is finally launching into its full glory on April 10th, 2024. If you're into crafting, survival, and space exploration with a first-person view, this is something you don't want to miss. And it's not just for the solo players out there; the launch will bring a new feature – a multiplayer mode for up to 8 people. Imagine teaming up to transform a barren planet together on Linux and Steam Deck. Let's dive into what's making The Planet Crafter stand out. You're in the vastness of space, on a planet that's inhospitable. Your mission? To make it a home for humanity. That's no small task. You'll be generating oxygen, generating heat, and gathering resources. But it's more than just survival; it's about creating life on a lifeless rock.
The Planet Crafter - Official 1.0 Launch date
The best part? Your actions shape the world around you. As you advance your tech and use your resources wisely, you'll literally see the planet transform before your eyes. The more you work, the more you unlock, leading to new challenges and surprises. It's all about bringing a dead world to life, watching barren landscapes bloom into lush habitats. You won't get bored, I promise. The Planet Crafter has over 30 biomes to explore and a story that unfolds across various arcs, there's always something new around the corner. And with different difficulty levels, it caters to everyone, from casual players to those who like a real challenge. But here's the best part: this isn't just Miju Games' vision. It's a creation shaped by over 750,000 players during Early Access. Their input led to significant additions, like the much-requested animal species. It's a true community-built experience. As for accessibility, The Planet Crafter priced at $23.99 USD / £19.99 / 23,99€. But from April 10-17, there's a nice 30% discount, so mark your calendars. Given its history in Early Access – 7 major updates and 25,000 positive reviews – this is more than just another release. It's a journey crafted with love, both by its developers and its community. The open world terraforming crafting title is playable on Linux and Steam Deck (Verified) via Proton with Windows PC. Currently available via Steam Early Access. So gear up, future terraformers. The Planet Crafter is not just another title; it's an invitation to create, explore, and transform. Yes, it's also available on GOG, should you choose.
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kinggkrustie · 1 year
Windows, Windows, Windows!!! New Episode of The Planet Crafter out today!!! Go check it out and bring a friend!
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kingsteamkeys · 2 years
Free The Planet Crafter Steam Key, CD Key and code (2022)
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fictionalred · 1 year
Ooh the Planet Crafter has an update and it involves fishies 👀
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