#the plagiarism is gone now but I have screenshots
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atypical-artisan · 4 months ago
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First reddit and now wattpad... what's up with orange websites and stealing?
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shiny-jr · 3 months ago
Dear author, I’m so sorry that someone plagiarised your work especially since you work so hard on your stories 💔😞
We want to help the plagiarised book get taken down so can you please share the link?
If enough people report, the fanfiction site admins will finally listen and take down the plagiarised book, instead of the plagiarism claim being buried.
I hope this issue gets resolved quickly and I hope you have a better day.
UPDATE! Based on this and that and also this.
Thank you, anon. I appreciate your words, but as I stated in one of my previous posts, Wattpad reports are finicky. I believe at this point, we're at day thirteen of dealing with this plagiarizer and day four of it being public and yet despite it all, the plagiarizer has still yet to budge.
So, I thought I'd give another update and give the information we discovered in our findings. As to what we know is copied and from who. Keep in mind, one of these four copies stories has already been taken down and done with. I'll specify which in a moment.
Before I proceed, if you happen to be one of the original writers mentioned in this post and you want your portion removed from this post for whatever reason, let me know. I do not want to upset anyone, except the plagiarizer. At this point in time, I care little for their feelings on the matter when they've had plenty of time to make things right.
The plagiarizer: Kristynaka1
Obviously, the first story that was discovered was mine, with all the information linked in the posts at the very top. I was made aware of this by the inbox from a kind reader. Ever since then, I've been dealing with this plagiarizer.
My mutuals and I found it weird that somehow, the plagiarizer had relatively good grammar with few mistakes in the story. Yet every little note or message they sent, had many spelling mistakes and was sometimes difficult to read. It was inconsistent and strange, and we couldn't make sense of it until we had a theory which some readers in the comments here have already suggested. We theorize that the plagiarizer began to use AI.
Of course, we can't prove this but how else would a user who can't format and type proper messages be able to write whole paragraphs that are actually legible and understandable?
ChatGPT was available to the public sometime in 2022. Before 2022, many of their "stories" were copy and pastes from Tumblr. After 2022, there were differences in the copied stories that made it harder to find the original story and connect it to the original writer. Differences in writing that I doubt the plagiarizer wrote themselves if we go by their messages like:
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So yeah. Onto the evidence.
After a few days, one of my mutuals began to suggest searching for the origins of other stories as they doubted any of the posts belonged to the plagiarizer. Low and behold, we found three others. The first of which belonged to @monst and their post. Just by comparing the first paragraph was enough to confirm that.
I won't go into too much detail as the links pretty much say all you need when you actually look at the evidence.
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Not even an hour later, we found the second copied story from that oneshot book. Thankfully, there were only two stories there, so there aren't any more copied parts from that series they claim is theirs. The original is @ppsycho and their post. This one again looks like a direct copy, even the image is the same.
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This is the one that was already deleted, thankfully. So there is not many good screenshots I can present, except one before it was gone. So the original writer is @mint-yooxgi and their post.
Here is the only screenshot I have of the wattpad version, just to showcase that it did in fact exist, and it was copied.
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So yeah, that's everything for now. If you check out the plagiarizer's profile and recognize the other stories I did not name, please let me know. We thought we found one of them on Quotev, but it wasn't.
Please continue commenting discouragements and reporting the account!
I think I'll leave this off with something I typed last night in a chat:
In whatever way this ends, know that it will end badly for the plagiarizer. They can choose to ignore, but that won't make everything go away. People will remember, I will remember. If they go radio silent and try to forget everything but keep the stories up, comments will still be there. If they try to delete the comments, new comments will just be made. The comments will serve as warnings to others that might stumble across their account, and it will immediately make them click off the account or story because no one wants to read a plagiarized story. The account we see now will just be empty of real readers, so it will remain a miserable little place where each comment will serve as a reminder as to why plagiarism is bad.
Even if they do decide to delete and make another account yet again, whether they decide to copy the same stories they did before or pick entirely new writers to prey upon, it doesn't matter. Readers will either recognize them from before or new readers will notice the plagiarism taking place. It doesn't matter what they do. They will be found and dealt with in some way, shape, or form.
I hope those two or so years of small internet fame were worth it while they lasted.
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mx-pastelwriting · 2 years ago
Can I request a negan x reader where they r become a new wife but people in the sanctuary refer to her as "the ugly wife" and negan finds out because she begins to believe them and calls herself ugly as a self deprecating joke on day ? I'd love to see him reassure her that she is not ugly and get angry at people who made her believe that she is
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Negan Smith x GN!Reader
Summary: Request up top!
Warning: Insecurity, Angst
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Tugging at your tight clothes, you look in the long mirror, wondering what is wrong with you. The news of your having married Negan was no surprise to anyone. But your ears perked up to a name given to you by the people of the sanctuary; some of the wives even whispered the name or talked about you being the ugliest out of all of them.
Tears ran down your cheeks faster than you could wipe them away. The noise of your door opening made you jump, quickly turning away, knowing it was Negan who would visit you.
"Why aren't you with the others? What, too much gossip?" He joked you wanted to laugh with him, but the tears started up again.
"No, I'm just tired." You say, voice shaking, he wasn't a fool, His heavy footsteps came closer than a hand on your shoulder gently trying to turn you to face him. "Don't I'll scare you," you huffed a laugh, but he was silent. "Get it because I'm ugly," you said angrily, wanting a reaction or anything from him.
Finally, facing him, his eyes softly looked at your defeated face. What little makeup you had on was gone or halfway down your face. "What happened?" He said then, cupping your face only making you cry harder.
Pulling you into a full hug, he calmed you down enough to tell you what had happened, He rocked you a little before pulling away and looking at you. "Follow me," he says, taking your hand and then leading you down to the wife's main room.
He banged his bat on the door frame, making everyone but Negan jump. "To all my wives, you are on my back burner till further notice, which means no special treatment will come to you." You watched their faces turn into horror, knowing they had to work for points now.
"Now if you excuse me, I must turn my attention to this beauty," he says, turning to you with a big smile and then taking you away to his room to show you how much your beauty means to him.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is and grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
♥ mx-pastelwriting does not consent to their fanfiction being copied, copied & credited, translated, used in videos and/or audios, screenshotted, used in AI.
Fanfiction is protected under copyright law when plagiarism is involved. If you plagiarize my work, either a piece or whole in any language, I will take legal action. Inspiration or the same idea does NOT apply to this, only word-for-word plagiarism in any language.
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stolentrekblr · 3 months ago
Some FAQs
"I feel compelled to tell you I am pleased/angry/don't care about this!!!" I am not telling anyone how they should feel about this. While my blog title is a touch incendiary, I am tracking down the posts I find in the wild and tracing them back to their original poster. It bugs me when screenshots get reuploaded here when the original posts still exist, so I'm doing my best to track them down for you. I also wanted other people to know when their posts/art/edits/words officially escaped containment. While I'm personally irked by the behavior of taking without consent and/or credit, that doesn't mean you have to be. Your response is valid :)
"Why only Star Trek?" Focusing on Star Trek alone is already a massive undertaking. If I could do more, I might, but I am most active in the Star Trek Tumblr sphere and more capable of identifying and tracking down the original post.
"Can I send you something I found/my own post that was reuploaded?" Please do! I am but one person with a questionable attention span, and this is an ambitious undertaking. Tumblr may be the incubator of the Internet, but its search function makes finding things challenging. There is no way to automate this process that I know of.
"What's your issue with this particular Data page?" Initially, I didn't have a problem with this page. My Facebook friend had sent me a couple memes from it, so I liked the page and moved on. I assumed the page runner was just another Trekkie who made memes and reposted art. As time passed, I noticed that many of the memes that lacked credit were coming from Tumblr and from mutuals who had no idea their words/edits/art had migrated off the platform. I mentioned to a couple artists that their work had been reposted and none of them had any idea until I'd mentioned it. I noticed the page was uploading peoples' edits without credit and taking captions verbatim, and that bothered me personally. Two of my posts were lifted in a row, and I had made a couple posts on my main ( @thresholdbb ) about it. It eventually hit a point that I decided this endeavor needed its own dedicated space.
Maybe it's because I spent my entire professional career in education, repeatedly citing all of my sources and teaching students that plagiarism is wrong. Maybe it's because consent in all spaces is vitally important. Maybe it's because the page runner repeatedly solicits money via subscribers, not to mention the "Gift" button that appears in the corner of every stolen picture. It seems disingenuous to present content as your own and also profit from it. On some level, I think the page runner knows what they're doing is at the very least morally questionable/dishonest/wrong, since they do not like or reblog any of the posts they re-upload to their page. (Believe me, I spent a long time trying to track them down before starting this blog.) Far as I can tell, they do not make original posts here, but I cannot confirm this. They make a few original posts on their Facebook pages (I think there's something like 7 that all have the same MO), but they are mostly selfies soliciting money. Like do what you need to do to support your family or whatever, but stealing from people in this way is not cool IMHO.
While it is the nature of meme culture to spread them around without credit, these posts are regularly being taken from a community in which I actively participate.
"Why would they watermark my post?" From what I can gather, straight up screenshots can get nuked because they go against some term of service, but I'm not a super active poster on Facebook and cannot confirm.
"What's your goal with all this?"
Awareness - now you know if a post has broken containment, if your art has been reposted, if your edit has gone uncredited, and where the original post is so you can reblog and add your own tags for OP to read. I'll often see a post in the wild and want to add my comments on my own blog but then can't find it, so I'm doing that legwork as much as I can for the tumblr community
"What if my blog has a do not repost disclaimer on it?"
It seems reposters don't particularly care, but I do. Even when art is reposted with the username/link/credit, the two can quickly become separated if your work doesn't have a watermark because of how some people tend to repost. Let me know you have a disclaimer and I'll add it to the repost report. If you have merch or a tip jar associated with your work, let me know and I'll add that too.
"I'm concerned about Meta's AI"
You and me both. I'm not wild about the fact that tumblr users have no say in what happens to their words, art, and images on another platform. Here they at least gave us the illusion of choice that we could opt out of LLM training, but that disappears once it migrates to Facebook and other social media platforms. People's art being fed into these algorithms without their consent is a concerning trend
"Can I reblog the post and delete your screenshot from it?" Please do! Let the original post be free! In fact, I encourage you to get rid of my reblog completely.
"Why are the posts delayed?"
This page runs on a queue system because I'm not allowing this pursuit to take up my time and mental space every day
"What's your Facebook name?" Must really suck when someone is anonymously taking screenshots of your posts, uploading them somewhere else, and you don't have a say about any of it. On that note, what's your Tumblr name? Mine is @thresholdbb :)
"Why not make your own monetized page?"
I don't want to. I want to post, connect, and nerd out about Star Trek, not profit from my incessant posting. I could and might have moderate success, but it's a lot harder when the posts are original and haven't been vetted by another user base before reposting. I like the Ferengi, but I don't want to emulate them. Besides, even the Ferengi followed the Rules of Acquisition. As a side note, there is already questionable legality over profiting from a copyrighted franchise such as Star Trek, but I am not a lawyer; I'm just some brainrotted tumblr user
Also as a side note, reposters sometimes take uncredited memes and images from Tumblrs that do have monetized FB pages/tip jars that post all original content
Overall, the Trek community has a lot of good will, but in my experience that typically comes with a strong sense of justice. I'm just out here spreading the word
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pitofsecrets · 1 year ago
The BBC's The Ministry of Time
It's clear that it's a rip-off of the Spanisht TV series "El ministerio del tiempo."
Like what do you mean the premise it's that a secret branch of the government reclutes historical figures to carry out its missions and there is romance between two of its agents?
You could have made it a little less obvious.
Did you seriously think nobody was going to notice!?
That the Spaniards don't use the internet or fucking twitter!?
Once again the British doing what they do best: Stealing from another culture.
I'm so mad I can't even type anymore.
And before any of you start, yes I checked the dates.
The book that the BBC is adapting came out or comes out this year 2024.
But the script was finished in 2023
The Spanish series came out in 2015.
Do you know what's funny?
The tweet that announced the BBC series had a community note calling out the plagiarism.
Now it's gone.
I swear to God, everytime I think that the British couldn't be worse they prove me wrong.
Edit: To any of you who think that it's possible that the BBC or the author may have already bought the rights of the original TV series:
They didn't.
Edit 2: So apparently the book is in Goodreads and some early readers who read it called out the obvious plagiarism of the Spanish TV series, some even saying that it was 'ridiculous'.
But it seems now that all of those reviews are 'disappearing'. Now the only evidence there is that even readers and people who have a Goodreads account knew about it are the screenshots on Twitter.
Also 'El Ministerio del Tiempo' was available for a while in Netflix UK.
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triptychgrip · 3 months ago
So sorry to ask @arom-antix but do you think you (or someone else, if you see this first) could send me screenshots of thegirlwhorideslikeasamurai’s post? I am now blocked, so can’t see their analysis for myself 🙃🙃🙃
The topic of plagiarism reminds me of something I’d refrained from including in my earlier post which, in my opinion, is a tendency as damaging to fandom as their trying to dictate how others enjoy the source media: their preference for competition over fostering community
…even when they have posted very openly about wanting to feel like a more rooted part of the fandom.
This actually gets at something you already touched upon @arom-antix and I love how you framed it:
“And considering Samurai believes their interpretations are the most correct according to canon and that anyone who doesn't share those views is illiterate (I can't find that screenshot rn, you're free to doubt my claim), shouldn't it be good that Vic came to the same conclusions? Doesn't that mean that Samurai's analysis is being backed up and that Vic is not illiterate? But Vic's analysis gained more traction and that's apparently enough to accuse the fandom of being a waste of time and energy (Fig. 22).”
I’ll mention a similarly telling example of the focus on traction/ the tendency towards competition: thegirlwhorideslikeasamurai made a post during the past summer, I believe that (paraphrasing) said something to the effect of: “when you plan to post something only to discover that someone has already gone ahead and posted nearly the exact same thing, it makes you wonder why you even bother, sometimes”
I’ll be honest, I found this line of thinking very bizarre, and even more bizarre to readily admit.
Because if you profess to care so much about canon compliance while also feeling that nobody is capable of presenting the kind of intellectually based discourse you really want to see more of, why is someone else posting about something you share interpretations around such a bad thing?
Might it be because they did it first?
I think this honestly goes beyond “well I spent a lot of time developing the post and now that’s all a waste”. Because here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be a waste, depending on your attitude.
Shouldn’t you feel happy that someone else is analyzing things the way you do? Can’t that be a platform to foster a connection and maybe even a friendship (i.e. “I noticed your analysis really resonates with my own headcanons, would you be open to talking about them?”)?
Now, maybe they in fact did reach out to that person via DM’s or a non-public forum, but given the things I’ve already seen people bring up, I highly doubt they did. Because as has become increasingly clear to me, their main drive seems to be to preference appearing relevant over cultivating connection.
And before I get accused of speaking in absolutes, I’ll say that it’s likely true that thegirlwhorideslikeasamurai was indeed genuine on the occasions they’ve said they want more fandom friends/community.
However, it has always read to me that those statements were extremely conditional, and left many things unspoken like: “I want community, as long as I am perceived as the most relevant. Community, but only if I am the foremost authority figure, the person who posts first, and comes out looking like I have the most unique thing to say.”
(If you can’t already tell, I have some long-harbored frustration around this…mostly due to my making excuses for them for far too long.)
I remember a post they made shortly before going on a social media hiatus in which they mentioned (again, paraphrasing) feeling like they are the antipode of fun.
I can’t remember the exact wording, but it was essentially a very vulnerable post about feeling like the odd one out in the fandom, and a general struggle to make friends. I believe I had commented to them with something sympathetic — if anyone who they haven’t blocked wants to look this up and verify, feel free.
But what I wish I would have added had I been more brave is that a really valuable opportunity for making friends could be to engage in conversations with people from a place of curiosity. It’s like you’ve said so well already, @arom-antix : come at things not from a desire to prove anyone wrong — nor in order to come out looking like you’re the only one with something worth saying — but because you genuinely value the opportunity to connect with others around something you’re both so passionate about
Hey, just wanted to reach out to say that I found you pointing out and calling this person was really great and you shouldn't have apologized. It was incredibly true what you said, and to be honest it seems out of touch with the reality of a great deal of the japanese fandom, the nuances and their culture. Also, it was as you pointed out, extreme and may I say rude. I want to mention too that the way it was written, as if entitled of the knowledge and the 'explanation' made it all worse in context of the 'fucked up'. The original poster always gets away by using the 'well-written academic'' statement of their 'metas' as an excuse to do or say and make everyone else agree and if not, uses victim narrative and discourses exactly selecting wording for people to agree on it or feel bad.
I don't know if they tagging you in the way they did made you reblog and apologizing/backing up, but no one thought bad about you pointing it out. On the contrary, a lot of people had been bullied and discriminated by this person when they called them out/disagreed going onto lenghts of sending their friends to harass people, and the other persons can't even defend themselves because they are effectively blocked. To quite a few people in the fandom has been done, even accusing them as 'acephobes' (when they're not) or even Nazis by spreading lies. So yeah, I just wanted to say that. I think you were right to call them out publicly.
Thank you very much for this ask. To be completely honest I agree with everything you said here and don't actually feel bad about pointing anything out. I mainly apologised because I didn't want any potentially poor phrasing from my side to cause unnecessary hostility and because I myself have gripes with this person's behaviour but didn't want to cause a scene.
My honest opinion is that they have a serious issue with taking accountability for their own mistakes and highly overestimate their own intellect. If you're reading this, @thegirlwhorideslikeasamurai, sorry if I seem harsh, but it's true. I saw your post lamenting how you're the only academic meta writer / fan in the fandom and I didn't interact then because I honestly do not care enough to start that drama but with the information Blonndiec has just given me, I think it's necessary that someone calls you out.
You're not an academic. You're not beyond the mental capabilities of other fans. You're actually incredibly childish in your metas and analyses and I am not kidding when I say that I was halfheartedly writing essays more academic than every analysis I've seen from you when I was barely a teenager. I don't know how old you are and I frankly don't care. You're not as clever as you think you are.
Also, don't think I didn't notice that you didn't reblog my correction (link here to my correction and here to their "response" for those who didn't see that exchange) of your post so that you could control what your followers saw of the exchange. You're the opposite of an academic. You control information to tailor the narrative, you don't cite your sources properly if at all, you don't format your posts in anything close to how an academic analysis would be, you make unbased claims, you reference posts and canon material without in any way indicating where that information is from, you reference your own (equally unacademic) metas and your conclusions from them without indicating what post it's from or that it's your own theory this new one is based on and instead present it as a common fact, and I could go on and on and on. Your posts are also riddled with logical fallacies and you talk in absolutes and opinions when there's no canon basis to claim such things. I'm sorry, but that's not academic in the slightest.
To be clear, you don't have to be an academic to post on the Internet. You don't have to be anything at all. You could up front be a genuine idiot with no remorse and that's fine. But when you claim to be an academic and also put down the rest of the fandom for not being on your level, you have to be able to back that up. It'd still make you sound like a prick but at least your arrogance would have a basis. It currently does not.
I haven't personally seen the discussions that Blonndiec is referencing and I'm not going to claim anything definitive (because that would be unacademic of me, take notes) but if what they're saying is true and did happen as described, which I have empirical, if anecdotal, evidence to believe could very well be (a friend of mine has personally been blocked by you after they criticised you without actually mentioning your name which I of course can't prove is the reason for the block but the timing is awfully convenient), you should know that you should be ashamed of yourself.
If there's context missing, feel free to enlighten me and call out any incorrect accusations. You have every right to defend yourself. However, I encourage you to cite your sources since you're such an academic. If you don't, then it's just your word against Blonndiec and anyone else who might comment's word and that doesn't prove anything. Don't misunderstand, acephobia and nazi rhetoric should absolutely be called out but only if it's actually happening. False accusations can ruin lives. I hope you know that.
I'm not a fan of calling people out publicly and, again, thank you for this ask, Blonndiec. But considering many of the issues I've personally seen and those I've been informed of by second hand sources were posted publically, I don't really feel bad about calling this out. I could do a full breakdown of just the insulting "academic" comments alone and how there's no academia to be found in said academic metas and, Samurai, if you give me reason to, I will show exactly what I mean point by point (and academically just to give you an example of even low level academia).
If you respond to this, do it in a reblog. That's what a real academic would do. If I'm wrong and you can prove it, you'd have no reason to not show my post in your rebuttal. If I'm right, you'd have every reason to be upfront about your mistakes and how you intend to rectify them. There's nothing wrong with being wrong but there's a lot wrong with refusing to admit to it in a way that lets others peer review you (academic thing, look it up) and come to their own conclusions about the situation. That's what you did when you just @'ed me instead of reblogging my response. A true academic wouldn't hide a peer review. You'd know that if you were one.
I swing in many academic spaces and yet that doesn't make me any kind of expert and I don't claim to be one because I'm not. But since you want to be one so badly, reblog this with a response and show us all how smart you are. I'm dying to know what your academic take on this is.
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pastafossa · 2 years ago
The plagiarist, who has a long tumblr page full of either posts reblogged by me AND ask responses stealing more of TRT (think the psychic animals inside the thread), has seemingly blocked me there. So I’ve sent an ultimatum to their side blog. I’m making the post here, too, since I know they’re active right now - otherwise, they wouldn’t have been able to block me so quickly.
Here’s how this works:
Take the fic down, though hopefully AO3′s going to do that anyway since I sent in an abuse report. 
Delete all of the plagiarized content off your blog, content that you’ve stolen from me, content you’re claiming as your own - the psychic animals, the discussions about Ciro and Eli, how her abilities work, all of it.
Reply to  the message I sent to your side blog, and apologize.
Do that, and I won’t make the callout post with screenshots of your fic, your username, and your blog containing all of the things you’ve stolen from me. I’ve already begun messaging the authors you’ve reblogged, so that they can protect their work, too. The Daredevil circle on tumblr is not huge, and I’m not about to let my friends have their work stolen.
I don’t want to make a callout post, let’s be clear. This is not how I wanted to spend hours of my fucking night. What I wanted was to spend my night editing the new chapter for tomorrow. It’s clear you read TRT if you’ve gone far enough to steal Ciro and Eli, to add in the psychic animals from way, WAY in the future. You’ve read through hundreds of thousands of words, you’ve read my notes. And you need to learn a very important lesson:
Do not shit where you eat.
I have no idea how you could take something that I made, that you clearly enjoyed, and do this. I really, really don’t. I’ve spent years working on this fic, pouring sweat, blood, and literal tears into it. I’ve worked so hard on TRT, and you have absolutely zero right to snatch up these pieces.
I know you’re online right now. I know you’re likely reading this. For all I fucking know, you’re going to be reading TRT’s next chapter, and I can’t stop you since AO3 has yet to perfect a block function. That should be enough for you.
Take your shit down.
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luvdsc · 3 years ago
while she did plagiarize, she didn’t gaslight you. stop throwing that word around.
hello, here’s a refresher for what “gaslight” means:
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and here is what jenovious messaged me throughout the entire ordeal. I have cut it down to the specific messages, but if you take a look at my original post, you can see the full conversation. I really questioned myself in the beginning, like maybe I was wrong about this and it was just a coincidence because we saw the same video. but then she sent me that fake text, and that’s when I started to believe that she was actually lying to me. additionally, I didn’t know she was jensrose at the beginning until I searched through her blog after she sent me the fake text. when I discovered jenovious and jensrose were the same person, I couldn’t believe it. I was truly second guessing everything in this whole situation.
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“I had no idea they were from your post.”
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“i’ve read your fics, yes, mainly pussy blocked and sweeter than honey, but that’s as far as i’ve gone.”
she claims she only read two fics then. let’s review the following messages from her now, shall we? I have gotten full permission from lebrookestore and two who wish to remain anonymous to post these.
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the first row of screenshots is for sweeter than honey, and that checks out. likewise, the second column in the second screenshot compilation is for pussy blocked, and that also checks out.
but let’s take a look at the first column in the second screenshot compilation. she acknowledges the dumbing down of love (slightly cropped out, but still legible) and recs let’s play pretend, i dare you, a-side, b-side, and the not clickbait series. in the third screenshot photo, she lists the dumbing down of love, all four of my not clickbait fics, and resting grinch face.
I counted 10 fics there. That does not equal only 2 fics. the overall 12 fics she admitted to knowing / reading does not equal 2 fics. Here’s a step by step calculation of that for clarity purposes:
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she also recced anything written by me, which is a bit silly to do if she only read two fics of mine because you shouldn’t be blindly reccing fics without checking them out first, right? moreover, why would she call me as “my fave author” and “the best nct writer ever” if she only read two of my fics?
once again, I would like to say: if this is how you treat someone you had called one of your favorite writers, then I hope I don’t ever see how you treat the writers whom you don’t favor.
and the final screenshot in the second screenshot compilation is of her saying she does not have a phone, so she would not have been able to use any messaging app to text people.
so no, she did gaslight me. multiple times.
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nemesis-is-my-middle-name · 4 years ago
Wait what's wrong with the sunset lesbian flag?
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[ID: screenshot of an ask from an anonymous user. it says “Hello, newly discovered lesbian here, I don’t know much about the lesbian pride flags or the history behind them. Could you explain what the sunset lesbian flag is and why it’s not necessarily the best flag to use? I’ve gone back in your history but can’t find an actual picture of the flag and can’t get a visual idea in my head to know what you’re talking about. Thanks!” /end ID]
someday i'll make a post about this that i can just link people to when they ask me about this anyway. i'm glad you asked and are willing to learn, that's super cool! also congrats on the being gay anon that's fun the sunset flag is this one:
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[ID: the "sunset" lesbian flag. it has seven stripes, three on the top in varying shades of orange, a white one in the middle, and three in varying shades of pink on the bottom.]
i think it's the most popular lesbian flag atm and most of the people using it have no idea of its history, which is understandable. so let's get into it!
first of all, the whole entire reason we started looking for a new flag as a community is because we wanted to ditch the lipstick flag (the old all-pink one you may have seen used up until a few years ago). this flag had a lot of problems, but the short version is: it only represented femme lesbians specifically and the creator was a racist, biphobic, plagiarizing dirtbag. so you can understand why we wanted to leave it behind!
...and then we somehow ended up with a flag that just color shifted the top part to orange? the entire point of getting a new flag has been basically defeated, because we haven't actually left the lipstick flag behind. we need a more visibly different flag, or that flag and its creator still have a massive influence on our community.
secondly, the reason this new flag is so popular now is due in large part to (mostly exclusionist) lesbians going around harassing creators to use it, calling them lesbophobes for not immediately making merch for it, or saying they wanted to "replace lesbians with ace/aros" if they made ace/aro pride merch but not this specific flag. (source: i was there, gandalf) 
this sucks because, first of all, it's nobody's business what a creator makes merch for, second of all, this flag in particular? sucks to make merch for. yes, even the "simplified" one. it requires different tones of the same orange and pink colors, which mean more fabric costs that can't easily be repurposed for other things and can be difficult to find esp. if you're shopping at smaller stores or making knitted things. add on to that that a lot of creators have said that this flag just... doesn't sell well. the people who force them to make it then don't buy it, so they have all this stock or work put into a design that then makes them no money at all. how is that fair?
i won't talk about the flag's creator bc frankly i haven't kept up with her. all i will say is that this flag was immediately claimed and used by transphobes, aphobes, exclusionists, and people who felt comfortable attacking people over not using their favorite Biphobia Racism Pride Flag Rebranded. not exactly something i want to identify with, yes?
there are plenty of other options! i personally favor the "lesbian flag for all" (it's based on a sappho poem! it's explicitly inclusive! it's so pretty and has clean, distinct colors!)
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[ID: the "lesbian flag for all." it has four evenly-sized stripes from top to bottom: purple, pink, yellow, and green. the stripes are all thick and vibrantly colored.]
but there are a ton more and i'm not gonna tell you you have to use this one. just. stop promoting the sunset flag. please? this has been your local tired lesbian.
also if you’ve read this far, please please reblog this post so more people see it. i at least want people to be aware of this flag’s history and connotations.
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bambi-kinos · 2 years ago
just fyi there's a spy in your server. not that anything very exciting ever gets copied across but I'm seeing screenshots of it on another server. you might wanna do a purge of all inactives.
Thank you for the heads up, anon. I have gone ahead and banned all of the inactives.
It's funny that you should mention it now because I was talking to one of the current (vetted) members of the server. She told me that one of the people who came into the McLennon server over the summer had plagiarized one of her fanfics -- not only plagiarized but actually admitted and owned up to the plagiarism when she asked them about it. After I kicked a bunch of people, that person removed all of the attributions that they had put on the fanfiction they wrote, after those attributions fixed the problem. After all it is perfectly fine and reasonable to re-use and remix concepts from other people or else it isn't fanfiction in the first place. The problem is the lack of attribution, and in the comparison reading we did of the two stories we quickly realized just how much had been lifted.
But since that person had been kicked we thought that was the end of it, we didn't think anything of it. Until your message came in and we realized that if certain members were spies then that meant they had to have ties to the plagiarist which only leaves a few possibilities as regards to motive. None of them are good. Those screencaps you're seeing might not be interesting to you but they might be interesting to others, and this time it's not about the fanfiction.
Most of the members of the McLennon server had post-graduate aspirations. My friend from the above interaction freaked out because:
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So if the person running the splinter discord is who I think it is, and since they have a noted pattern of behavior of lifting phrases and scenes without attribution, and you combine that with our professional aspirations in academia, then all of a sudden this gets really, really fucking bad. This could put our jobs at stake. It's not about something as petty as fanfic, it's about our livelihoods.
I am very grateful that you reached out to me about this, anon. We don't know how much damage has been done but hopefully since we haven't gotten too far into our post-grad careers we should be able to recover. It's all thanks to you.
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minniepetals · 3 years ago
Yo, sorry to be a bother to you but I would like to ask a favor (tho you don't need to do if you don't want to, I am not your responsibility, I just thought I'd try).
So basically, there is a blog called "chaibts" which encourages anons to harass and bully content creators, their latest target being a minor (she's not the first nor will she be the last one). Saying shit like "this is the most attention you’ve ever had, be thankful! is it disturbing that a couple of people are sending you asks, calling you out? you find it disturbing that there are people “keeping tabs on you”? ah, the irony of a yandere and assault writer. 🥰" (I cannot send the screenshot since I asked anonymously).
You are free to investigate this yourself, but it had gone so much worse to the point that the writer being bullied is getting rape threats (AGAIN SHE'S A MINOR) and those that bullies her were using the excuse that they're only doing so because they're responsible adults who don't like minors on the site. This is truly horrifying to see, as there is a place for them that encourages to do so.
Again, she's not the first one nor she's the last. The cult-like behavior is baffling, they even had the pride to boast that they were successful in bullying someone off the platform before, and she's next. Unfortunately, that's becoming a reality. Again sorry for dragging this to you, but just feels bad really.
Thank you, and if you ever decide to report the said account due to hate speech, please ask your followers to do it too. Thank you.
i honestly don't like involving myself in anything related to things like that but i did go onto the blog to see what's up and it's honestly so disgusting. if people have complaints, why don't they just go to the writers themselves and tell them the problem rather than going behind their backs and talk about them on another blog? not to mention doing it anonymously just goes to show how low they are. their intentions are to "educate" people and to show them their wrongdoings but doing so in such a blatant way is absolutely disgusting. no one deserves hate whether they've made a mistake or not. i've had people plagiarize my works before but never would i ever want to have myself or my readers go to them with hate and bully them off a platform. educating people with good intentions is alright but sending hate to people with the pretense of educating them isn't right. i don't understand why people are the way that they are. if you don't like certain accounts interacting with your blog, block them bruh. you shouldn't bully people and intentionally hurt them. this is honestly so sickening. watch people come after me now lmao
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mx-pastelwriting · 2 years ago
Can you write a mini series with poly sinclair brothers as reader insert? Like where the timeline when house of wax takes place. Ex. Reader is apart of Carly’s group, meets Lester on the ride to Ambrose, Bo at the church, and Vincent at the house of wax? Maybe they all decide to keep reader alive and to stay at Ambrose with them? Try to suck up to them and make them feel welcome. Also Jonesy practically tackles reader to the ground with kisses upon first meeting them.
Hope this makes since and is easy to write!
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Bo Sinclair x Vincent Sinclair x Lester Sinclair x GN! Reader
Summary: Request up top!
Warnings/Tags: Kidnapping, Tramtic events, stockholm syndrome
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It was all fine; the jokes echoed loudly in your mind still, but the memories of the recent events made you gag. From meeting the nice, smiling man to the grieving man in the church and the long-haired man, any one of them could come for you.
Hiding in the darkroom of the house, the man named Bo brought you there with Carly; she got away, but not without a fight. The house was quiet, only your soft breaths could be heard. Now the hard steps of boots raddled the house, along with shouts sounding like Bo's.
"We need to find the third one," Bo said, sounding like he was struggling, then yelled, "No!" "Just find them." His words were stern and a wish that had come true for him as you were found knocked out and now tied to a bed you can only guess is in the house.
You stayed quiet as slow, heavy footsteps made their way through the hall and stopped at the door. You played asleep, hoping whoever it was would go away if you were asleep.
They came in, moved slower, and placed something on the nightstand. The bed dipped, and then you could feel fabric touch your skin. They said nothing before getting up, but a loud voice boomed in the small room.
"I told you not to come in here, Vincent." It was Bo; his booming voice let it know he was pissed. Vincent was quiet as he got off the bed. "Don't get mad at me because you didn't listen." Bo yelled a scuffle and stared as the house rattled with what sounded like a fight, but a new yet familiar voice yelled out.
Opening your eyes, you see Lester break up the two of them, looking pissed. "They're awake," Lester says softly, and they all look at you. Vincent rushes to your side, grabbing the glass of water that he had placed earlier.
Helping you drink in a second it was gone, letting you speck a hoarse "Thank you." He tucked you in again, making sure you were comfortable. "Don't feel too welcomed, your luck, we all agreed to your stay for now," Bo said, but Vincent shook his head and placed a hand on yours, telling you something.
Lester was quiet, but not long after, they all exited the room, leaving you tied and feeling a bit better than before with a whole new life ahead.
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Hello, I hope you enjoyed if there is any grammar mistakes or misspellings sorry about that feel free to let me know in the comments, have a great day/afternoon/night!
♥ mx-pastelwriting does not consent to their fanfiction being copied, copied & credited, translated, used in videos and/or audios, screenshotted, used in AI.
Fanfiction is protected under copyright law when plagiarism is involved. If you plagiarize my work, either a piece or whole in any language, I will take legal action. Inspiration or the same idea does NOT apply to this, only word-for-word plagiarism in any language.
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nyerus · 4 years ago
The Absolute Clownery....
Ya’ll so someone actually tried to plagiarize TGCF?!!?
Gonna try to keep this insanity short but OH my god. Some people (possibly young teenagers; no ages were given on any profiles, so just please keep that in mind) on Instagram started promoting a work of theirs called “The Third Ascension”... featuring main character Xue Yuan, a crown prince who ascended to godhood and then fell from grace over 800 years ago, and meets a ghost king by the name of Ze Cheng....
If you’re thinking “well golly that sounds a lot like something we know” YEAH SDLFKJSDLKFJSDLKFJSD
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The “author” wholesale ripped of TGCF and changed Xie Lian + Hua Cheng’s names (AND ONLY THEIRS, BTW). I really hope no one bought the fake books off Rakuten’s Kobo (e-book) site. You can self-publish on there, and the “author” also spared no effort to make fake reviews. Well. Some effort was apparently spared because they were all made on the same day and clearly fake as hell.
And yeah, they did tag @/scholasticinc on instagram -- you know, the children’s books publisher, with titles like “Captain Underpants” and “Clifford the Big Red Dog.” Please just. Take a moment to imagine a world where Scholastic would publish a Chinese xianxia novel featuring horror, gore, violence, suicide, sexual content, and psychologically distressing material -- just to name a few things! BUT APPARENTLY, no need to worry about the gay stuff, because the “author” so generously made Hualian’s romance into a bromance. Like. Legitimately took TGCF and said “everyone’s het tho!” No genderbending, just het-ification. Idk.
I really cannot. I’m moving on for my sanity’s sake. I’ve already lost so much time to how many hysterical breakdowns I’ve had because of this in the last hour and a half.
Meanwhile, the “artist” ripped off not only STARember, but various other fanartists. They have a slew of stolen artworks on their instagram even from artists like GEAROUS. Absolutely baffling.
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However, Things Are Happening already, so we can rest assured. Because both of them have set their profiles to private, the carrd and wixsite they had to promote it are down, the discord server was purged (unclear if deleted, people tried to raid it and got kicked lol), and the books were taken off listings from Kobo’s sites. There are multiple sites in different languages though, so it will probably take a little bit of time to get them all down. Fans on Weibo have also been made aware of it.
What’s infuriating is the idea that these people profited off of stolen works, and had thousands of followers. The “author” has over 18k followers on insta!!! Like wth!? Surely amongst those 18k, there was at least one gullible person that fell for this and gave them money. Yeesh. If these people are indeed kids, then I hope they’re really young and stupid -- and that they learn from these. Parents please pick up your kids omg. If they’re adults, then I really do not know what to say.
Technically, it’s still a developing situation, and I don’t have more screenshots because things moved SO fast. By the time I was done screaming and processing the whole situation, telling people I knew, and reporting what I could, that shit was gone LMFAO!!! Fandom moved hella fast, thank goodness. I don’t know what’ll come of it, and I’m really just making this post to archive the fact that this happened at all because I’m not entirely convinced that it’s not just a stress dream I’m having right now.
This twitter user is doing a really amazing job of cataloguing what the hell is going on, so please check out their thread if you wanna see more: https://twitter [.] com/wwxwashere/status/1376948807729045512?s=20
Also rest assured that Suika and the other translators know about it already: twitter [.] com/yummysuika/status/1376952468899295234
Thank you very much to Otonozhin on the Suibian discord sever for bringing it to my attention, as well as others on there + the HOBL server + on twitter who helped spread the word and report all this.
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cleocazo · 4 years ago
hey hp rp + rpc tags ! i’m popping by to make a public service announcement / callout ? regarding blatant plagiarism from the admin of @impiushq​. so far, i’ve discovered the plagiarism in question taking place in two rps under the details ELENI / ADMIN E, 18, est, she / her (  o worm#5862 on discord ). i have no idea whether it goes further than this, but where my initial concern was simply my creative property having been swiped and used in another rp, i’ve since discovered that eleni was brave enough to open her OWN rp at the above url knowing full well that her ‘interpretation’ of her character was stolen, and i think the rpc should know exactly who they’re shouting out and supporting by joining her rp. anyway. onwards with the necessary info, right ?
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so the first penny drop was when i saw that petrificushq had a lily evans on an activity check with a martyr related url ( @mcrtyris​ ) which at first was just SUPER funny to me, since i play a lot with the theme of lily being a ‘little martyr’ and have used it in the past as blog title, playlist title, label, etc. i opened the blog and immediately felt as if... the layout to everything was very similar to my own and that the use of a theme made by the same person who made a previous one of mine ( subsequently changed due to the fact that it came out the themes had all been stolen, but i digress ) was... weird. fast forward to me knowing with complete certainty everything they used on that blog was stolen from me, i messaged the rp to let them know and began to search the marauders rp tags on the off chance they had taken my lily elsewhere, since they were on an activity check in that rp.
here’s the thing : i’d like for this to be the ONLY instance i had to screenshot, but as it turns out, it’s not. so stick with me, please ! 
the search ended at @impiushq​, which is an rp RUN by eleni. in it, she’s playing lily evans ( @puermiles​ ) - once again with my information. it was one thing to take my bio to another rp, but it’s another thing ALTOGETHER to open a roleplay with my information for your singular character, and it seemed to me that eleni got braver when she was finally in a space created by herself : my tag system, my musing posts, even character development things i did were taken there. 
i couldn’t work out the best way to go about this, so while i do in fact HAVE screenshots and all of eleni’s information copied and pasted to google documents in case she deletes her blogs, i’m choosing just to link the major instances because frankly : its a LOT, and all of it was stolen. screenshots just won’t do, here. i’ve gone with the oldest google doc i actually own of this information ( last edited june 17th ) because i want you all to know that my lily predated eleni’s by MANY weeks, and i’d be happy contact the first rp i was apart of with her for the may timestamp of my application, lmao. my lily potter blog has always been @flevrdelis, currently privated. the two blogs of eleni’s where she is using my information are @mcrtyris​ & @puermiles. as of now, you can view both. if they go down, i will still have screenshots & copies of both, so eleni : there’s no point in removing the proof of your plagiarism in hopes of it not being seen. 
THIS IS MY LILY POTTER TIMELINE / biography. here & here you can find the watered down copies, stolen by eleni. 
THIS IS MY STATISTICS PAGE, copied from my blog as i’m not taking it off private now. HERE & HERE are eleni’s. in the first, the first time she copied and pasted my work, you can see she left ( evans ) when she shouldn’t have in ‘meaning of names’. on top of stealing my work, here, she’s also stolen my ‘only the good seasons’ joke about tvd in character parallels, lol.
THIS IS MY INTRODUCTION, the earliest iteration of it. HERE & HERE you can find eleni’s ‘abriged bios’ / intros, which are both also blatantly ripped from me, and contain all MY jokes and information.
CLICK HERE TO BE REDIRECTED TO AN IMGUR PHOTO ALBUM, containing all instances if theme stealing, etc.
please also note that where my go to fc for lily and the fc i was using when she would have stolen this information was melis sezen and that my lily potter, regardless of where played, identifies as NON BINARY. both times eleni has changed my lily to a abigail cowen, and has turned her into a cis woman. if you’re going to steal from me, can you at least keep what you’re stealing intact ?
look : as a wise individual has since said to me... the level of no concern that she has of the consequences for this to do it TWICE is baffling. the fact she could KNOWINGLY steal my writing ( because whatever the excuse, your finger doesn’t just slip for you to steal so much information directly from someone ) in one rp was bad enough, but that she went on to create her own and think it would never come out is... shocking. my lily potter / evans is a carefully crafted character that i’m attached to for a lot of reasons, but most especially because she’s the only character in recent years i attached so much personal information to. she’s formed out of people and situations specific to my family and me, and it’s FUNNY, but it’s also absolutely shocking behaviour. this is illegal. i don’t OWN the rights to lily potter, but i own absolutely EVERYTHING that went into her. eleni, this is illegal. it’s shockingly bad, disgusting, HORRID behaviour, but it’s also illegal, and you should absolutely be aware of that. 
obviously, i would like first and foremost an apology from eleni for this. an explanation. absolutely anything at all. but second to that, i’d really appreciate the rpc seeing this and making sure that MY creative property isn’t taken to another space yet again by this person. 
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bondsmagii · 4 years ago
I'm pre-emptively wincing but.... what's the slenderverse tea
alright. so.
recently it’s come to light that the creator of a Slenderverse video series the name of which has something to do with a certain number of tribes is an unmitigated piece of shit. basically he’s been doing the usual bullshit that assholes like that do when they get any kind of influence or power: he was grooming minors and sexually assaulting people. now, I hate the guy, and I have since 2012, so I never doubted it considering some of what I saw even way back when 🅱ribe12 was first starting out, but you know how it is. cancel culture, a lot of people do tend to stretch things... I thought it would be a few messages, more of him being a fetishising creep, etc. and it was. but it was also so, so much worse. I won’t go into detail because it’s nasty, and the accusations are pretty graphic in their detail and there’s a lot of screenshots of him being an unholy jerk, but I’ll link the megapost at the end for anyone wondering.
on top of the assault and grooming, he’s also highly inappropriate when it comes to his massive list of fucked up fetishes, which are incredibly messed up (z**philia, b*stiality, inc*st, etc). he also apparently has a fetish for trans people, which he’s pretty explicit about, and the whole thing is just :/ yikes. he was out there sending graphic messages about this stuff to people, including trans people and minors, and also people who had told them they were uncomfortable with it. he was also a shitty friend in general, trying to scam people out of money, worrying more about losses to his Patreon account when a donor was considering suicide, etc. generally everything you would expect from an entitled asshole, but somehow so much worse.
honestly? I feel so bad for everyone affected by this, both his victims and the people who have to come to terms with the fact that someone they respected turned out to be a complete asshole. it’s extra frustrating because I saw the warning signs in 2012, and I have always hated this particular creator. my beef started when 6x2 Tribes had just begun and I saw a lot of plagiarism going on -- a lot of things were ripped off directly from some Hornets That Have Been Marbled, and I was pretty vocal about how shitty that was. this lessened pretty quickly, probably due to backlash (the creator later said it was just a “homage”, but like... dude, that would not have passed TurnItIn) but I always had a bad feeling about him because someone who can do that so shamelessly always sets off my asshole vibes. 
I kept a close eye on him after that, and I quickly saw him saying a lot of inappropriate shit on Facebook. the way he interacted with fans skeeved me out -- it was clear he was using them for an ego-boost, for validation, and just generally to make himself feel important. the way he would also bully newer fans for being too cringe or whatever also set me off, and I yelled at him a few times for that, as well. finally he made this gross post about shipping, where he said that mlm stuff grossed him out but wlw stuff was OK because it was hot, and I knew from that moment that he was going to end up grooming and probably assaulting people. I even said to some friends at the time that this asshole displayed the exact kind of power-hungry arrogance that predators always had, and I’ve been waiting for something like this to break with profound dread. now it’s blown up and it was so much worse than I thought it would be. I’m so glad that he’s no longer active and hopefully he’ll just disappear and stay gone, but I really wish that I’d managed to get more people to listen way back when. the only problem was that he hadn’t done anything serious enough by then, because so many people would defend him and he would just say he was joking or it was taken out of context, and unfortunately you can’t persuade people to give up something they love just because you have a hunch. but man, was I right about this dickhead.
megapost of all the accusations, statements, and screenshots (Reddit link). warnings for just about everything you can think of.
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agent-aurelie · 4 years ago
It’s also been brought to my attention that the “eyes” that are stalking my tumblr and reporting to Ris (i.e. batmanwholaughss/kaneralovebot/whatever) have apparently sent her screenshots of the passages I’ve claimed to be stolen.  She has since apparently gone in to literally cut ENTIRE CHUNKS of stolen content from her fanfics out of her AO3 postings.  I have two things to say to this: 
1) the first thing we did when we found the plagiarism was to save/download the fics, so we’re working with the original, unedited content that she later changed after being called out.  If you don’t believe me, message me or @specseven and we’d be happy to send you the (totally legally) downloaded original files from AO3. Moreover, these original files are where I took my screenshots from before she edited them on AO3, so these were the versions available for people to read since their posting, likely edited in the last 24 hours.  So if you’re looking at the fics now and saying “But Aurelie, those passages aren’t there any more!” They’re not there because she’s been exposed as a thief and she panicked. 
Am I glad she deleted some of my stolen words from some of her fics? Sure am.  But it doesn’t change the fact that she’s stolen my work and took credit for my words.  In fact it only further condemns her.  And we have proof.
2) it’s the most damning thing in the world to be called out for stealing and then to panic and go back into your fics and delete whole passages of them because you’ve been found out.  Not only does the integrity and continuity of your story now suffer because you had to hurriedly chop out everything that was stolen, but you’re basically admitting guilt.  “Yup I stole this and I was caught, better remove it real quick before more people notice!��� 
Nice try, Ris.  Receipts save lives.
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