#kaliane bradley
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tuesdaytothursday · 9 months ago
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Oh. So this book’s just gonna fuck me all the way up.
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wizardsvslesbians · 2 months ago
Now that we've gotten Vajra on there is no stopping us. All our favorite authors will eventually guest, lured by our guarantee that we will never ask them anything about themselves or their books.
Instead we talk about a very sad, very funny historical fanfic-turned-novel which posits that your life path is largely determined by which historical tragedy you learn about first.
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coldboysbookclub · 10 months ago
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Book club announcement
Join us in reading The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley (aka the Graham Gore sci-fi romance novel) this summer!
Hosted by @fakrichie and @lonnson
Whether you're an og fan of prestige classic The Terror, love book clubs, always wanted to read a romance novel about Graham Gore, a combination of these, or none of the above — join us in reading The Ministry of Time.
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How does the book club work?
We have set up a meeting time availability survey to find a time that works best for everyone who wants to join.
The book comes out May 7th. To give everyone some time to get their hands on a copy, we will kick off the book club in the week of May 20th.
If you want to join our Discord to chat about the book, don't hesitate to reach out to us here, or at @fakrichie or @lonnson, for the invite link!
Due to the adult nature of some scenes in this book, only people over the age of 18 may participate in this event.
Meeting time availability survey
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myriad--starlings · 5 months ago
Oh, England, England! The thing you do best is tell a story about yourself. Graham Gore went to the Arctic believing that a noble death is possible because of all those stories and then he became a story. Oh, England, you wanted to make stories out of me.
— The Ministry of Time, Kaliane Bradley
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agardenandlibrary · 7 months ago
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The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley
girl, you are unwell about this man
lots of internal conflict regarding being white-passing, being part of the system of oppression.
most of this book is spent chronicling the MC's obsession with historical figure/real person Graham Gore. This may or may not work for you.
It feels like there's lots of plot happening elsewhere that the MC is simply Unaware of.
I wasn't in love with this book. Reflection has only intensified that feeling. It wasn't bad. It just wasn't for me. If you're a fan of RPF or really like the Franklin Expedition, you may like this more than I did.
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inky-peaches · 13 days ago
A playlist to help you process the devastation that is The Ministry of Time by Kaliane Bradley
(or just to sob)
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perllet · 9 months ago
A slight girl sat at the back of the cafe, a smudge against the white linoleum. She was examining a guide book intently, hair falling over her face as she bent over the table, a black apostrophe on a white page. Commander Graham Gore had been sat across the street, on the fading bench, for over ten minutes, watching her. Muscles tensing to stand, (to - what? Enter the cafe, or go home?), before they relaxed, and he continued to watch, letting the roach burn out between his scarred fingers before he tucked another cigarette between his teeth. She was poring over the old travel-book, with a photograph tucked between her fingers, her attention sliding between the two. The waitress had approached twice with the jug of filter coffee, before withdrawing, scowling at the lack of response.
He couldn’t tell what he felt exactly regarding the ferocity at which she was clearly trying to identify his whereabouts - that blasted photo, sent at a moment of weakness, or a moment of courage. She was a picture of everything that he adored and hated in her, a ferocious, calculating, clever little alley cat, who would find a way to track their exact footprints through the wilderness once she decided she would. She was also a woman who was, ultimately, ruled by her devotion, which meant that if she had followed him all the way to the small town they had chosen for its links to Anchorage and the fact that its people all seemed to be living in the past, then he was included within that small bubble of devotion. All her love and devotion, he still hadn’t decided what to make of it.
On Erebus, and before, at Navarino, even on the Beagle, he believed the decisions he made were a product of pure logic, boiled and skimmed of any foolish fear or apprehension. These last few months, however…He had begun to see the traces of feeling, of his heart, in every decision he made now. If he didn’t stop to listen to what that peculiar, disembodied voice advised him, he would never have left the safe house in London. It used to be that logic saved his life. Now, he wasn’t sure if it was working for or against him. Like now. The muscles of his legs pulled taut, again, as he considered his options. He could be back at the cabin, bags packed, Maggie roused from her appalling nap schedule, and into the wild of this sparse state before she had even taken the first sip of her cold coffee.
It was this image that made him stand. And all questions of logic and devotion drained away as he stepped into the cafe, moving towards the table at the far end of the window. Unlike the waitress, his presence made her shoulders come up to her ears, and she raised her head slowly, already knowing.
Their gazes caught on a live wire. His arms were crossed, his face void of emotion - it was his last defence. Her expression was the opposite, so many thoughts passing over the ghostly little face that he had equally no clue what she was imagining. She swallowed, and tucked the photograph into the Alaska: Lost Steps guide, folding her hands primly over them both. For a second, the roles were switched - she was the mouse pinned under his feline claw.
“Hello, little cat.”
[a/n: I am devastated at finishing ministry of time and I need something anything to fill this void. it was just perfect]
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wearethekat · 1 month ago
January Book Reviews: The Minstry of Time by Kaliane Bradley
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Picked this book up because it was on the Best Books of 2025 list on the site formerly know as tordotcom. In The Ministry of Time, our unnamed protagonist is recruited as a "bridge", employed to acclimate people taken from the past in a secret British ministry project. Assigned to doomed polar explorer Graham Gore, our narrator begins to realize that there's something sinister going on behind the project...
I came into this book with low expectations, as one does with a much-lauded novel recognized as one of the best books of the year by Esquire and Vanity Fair, but in fact I was blown away by the quality of the prose and the writing. The Ministry of Time is a very well executed book. As one might expect from a book chosen as one of Barack Obama's picks for the summer, it leans more heavily on litfic tropes, rather than thoroughly interrogating the time travel elements from a SF genre standpoint. Our narrator is a woman supremely uninterested on how time travel works or what implications it might have, and Bradley is clearly barely more engaged in the topic. Instead, this is a book concerned with what it means to be a white-passing mixed race woman, a woman busily trying to assimilate while ignoring the injustices her job entails as best she can.
The Ministry of Time is also a romance novel about our narrator falling in love with Commander Graham Gore from history while sharing a house, and on this point I had mixed feelings. It's a lovely romance as written, a bright gentle slow burn. However! It's a little uncomfortable to read the narration gushing about Gore's clear gray eyes and lithe figure and quick mind when he's a real man from a doomed polar expedition who died nearly two hundred years ago. It feels a bit presumptuous. And also very much like the author wrote this book in a haze of polar expedition enthusiasm immediately after watching The Terror. (The show is, in fact, mentioned in the acknowledgements.) I do also feel that Gore is being fetishized a touch for his historicity and for the morals and repressions of his time. You know. He's not like all the other men, he's a Victorian.
A beautifully written and thoughtful novel, but I do wish Bradley had invented a fictional historical polar explorer instead. I will most certainly be reading a sequel, if it's published.
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redsarchive · 1 month ago
“He combed his fingers through my hair and I was frightened with happiness, harrowed by it. There was no way that anyone could feel this much without also knowing they were going to lose it.”
— Kaliane Bradley, The Ministry of Time
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chexala · 2 months ago
fave books of 2024
I didn't read as many books in 2024 as I usually do (because I got utterly derailed by Baldur's Gate 3) but of the books I did read, so many of them were absolute bangers.
So, without further ado, in no particular order, these were my favorite reads of the year, below the cut
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The Ministry of Time, by Kalianne Bradley I know nothing about Arctic Exploration, I've never seen The Terror, and honestly still don't really know or care anything about any of that; I came this this one for the time-travel forced-proximity man-out-of-time romance with critiques of the Empire, and it absolutely delivered. I've read/listened to this book 3 times already.
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Moonbound, by Robin Sloan Far-future post-apocalyptic epic science-fantasy like I've never seen before; this one is a fun romp with lots of humor and cheeky winks, but it also takes it's optimism seriously. And the beavers, omg, I am obsessed with the beavers.
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The Fox Wife, by Yangsze Choo Historical fiction, a detective murder mystery, and magical folklore all rolled into one. Deals with heavy themes of loss with a sensitive hand, but/and the fox folk are such lively chaos gremlins, making trouble wherever they go, that the novel doesn't collapse under that weight. The author reads the audiobook beautifully.
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Long Live Evil, by Sarah Rees Brennan Uuugh, so good, so fun, this one kept me on my toes. Come for the villainess isekai, stay for the full cast of morally grey, lovable idiots. (They are all treasures, and I love them.) Buckle up for a series, book two is coming sometime in 2025.
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A Magical Girl Retires, by Park Seolyeon A short, dark comedy for all of us millennial girlies (gender inclusive) who are still waiting for our magical powers to kick in while trying to survive the late-capitalism hellscape. Get this one in hardcover if you like to collect pretty books!
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Someone You Can Build A Nest In, by John Wiswell Do you feel like a shapeshifting people-eating blob monster, and/or would you like to date one? This one is for you. It's fantasy, it's body horror, it's romance, it's queer, it's unrelentingly gory, and also, somehow, cozy (for me anyway).
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The Wild Huntress, by Emily Lloyd-Jones This is a shameless plug of a friend's work, but/and Emily is sincerely one of my favorite YA authors. Wild Huntress is the latest in her series of stand-alone Welsh-inspired fantasy novels. The stakes were high, the plotting was tight, the third act was a punch in the face, and the ending was bittersweet.
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The Deep Dark, by Molly Knox Ostertag I’ve loved everything of Ostertag's that I’ve read so far, and this was no exception. Messy teens figuring out their stuff, coming of age, and embracing the whole of your self, even the parts that seem scary or bad. Such feels, A+, no notes.
Anyway, that's it. Thanks for reading!
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affixjoy · 3 months ago
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I adored this book so very very much. It feels like it was written just for me. Arctic explorers, slow burn love affair, time travel… it was perfectly put together and I LOVED it.
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coldboysbookclub · 10 months ago
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First meeting announcement
It's finally time to kick off the book club! Out first meeting will happen on Sunday, 26 May at 9 p.m. CET / 3 p.m. EST in our Discord group 🥳
If you haven't joined our chat yet, just reach out to us @fakrichie or @lonnson for the invite link.
We'll be discussing the first four chapters at our first meeting.
We're planning on reading four chapters per week, so we can have weekly chats and finish the book in about a month.
Everyone can read at their own speed! If you want to read ahead of the schedule, be mindful not to talk spoilers.
You can absolutely join the discussion even if you haven't read the book yet! Come hang out (if you don't mind spoilers!)
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us!
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the-weed-and-read · 18 days ago
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Snow day read :)
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haredjarris · 6 months ago
sooooooo I finished Ministry of Time
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wordto-thewise · 2 months ago
"He sighed. God, he was a dreadful dancer. Stiff and keyless. Victims of hangings kicked with more vim. I’d never in my life wanted anyone as badly as I wanted him."
— "Ministry of Time," Kaliane Bradley
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semper-legens · 7 months ago
74. The Ministry of Time, by Kaliane Bradley
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Owned?: No, library Page count: 343 My summary: In the near future, the British government are experimenting with time travel. A select group of historical personages have been brought forward to the present, people snatched away at the moment of their historical deaths, and the Ministry is now attempting to resettle them in the 21st century. One of these people is First Lieutenant Graham Gore, lately of Franklin's Lost Expedition, now fish out of water over one hundred and fifty years in his future. A young woman has been assigned to him as a 'bridge', to live with him for a year and help him assimilate. But as time wears on, their relationship starts to get less and less professional…and that's not the worst of it. Not all is well at the Ministry. It seems our duo might soon be in for a nasty surprise… My rating: 4.5/5 My commentary:
Okay. So. Here's the thing. As longtime readers of this blog may know, I have something of a fascination with the history of survival cannibalism. (Bear with me!) As such, the lost Franklin Expedition is definitely on my radar, and as part of that I both read and watched The Terror not too long ago. And then I heard about this book through the grapevine. A book that is, essentially, rpf of Graham Gore, one of the Expedition who died before the survivors set off on their last, fatal journey overland. And, to quote my least favourite New Who Doctor, my whole brain just went 'what the hell'. I was expecting this to be a bit silly, a bit weird, and a bit gratuitous, but honestly I wound up genuinely liking it a whole lot more than I was expecting. Kudos to you, The Ministry of Time. You did good, kid.
Our unnamed protagonist is a woman who is the daughter of a Cambodian refugee, mixed-race, living in London, and working for the government as a translator. She gets involved in the time-travel project without knowing what it is, but seeks to do her best for Gore and the other time-travel refugees all the same. She's an interesting character - I am fascinated by the choice not to give her a name, as well as how slow the relationship between her and Gore was to build. There was obvious attraction between the two of them, but it's not until the final third that they consumate their relationship and lay out what is lying between them. Which I appreciated - it felt a lot more natural than if this man from the 1840s was immediately jumping into bed with the first woman he saw! And it would have been wholly unprofessional and unethical for the narrator to do so. As written, however, we get to see their relationship develop smoothly and naturally over the course of the book before they get together, which is neat. Another thing I really appreciated was the subtle hints of what, in-universe, this book is. I won't spoil the ending, but the narrator is writing this for a purpose, and there are bits of foreshadowing and subtle clues scattered throughout as to what will go down. I guessed a bit of it beforehand, and was very satisfied to see my suppositions ring true.
This book could have died so quickly if Gore was mischaracterised, so I am happy to report that he is utterly charming and very plausible. While not understanding the 21st century, particularly not initially, he isn't shown to be a lost little lamb, he was a middle-aged man with experience of sailing to unfamiliar places and surviving there. Thought we don't know much about Gore the real person, the author's afterword lays out why she characterised him the way that she did - the smoking habit comes from a description of him, there's evidence that he was a pretty good shot, that sort of thing. He's very real. While he displays era-appropriate bigotry, he learns and grows the more he is exposed to the modern world, though there are some sensibilities he never loses. He's got a sense of humour, he makes friends with other 'expats', he is self-depreciating and proper and exasperated and loyal. He's a very credible person, and the author shows him off so well that, like the narrator, you can't help but fall a little in love with him.
I also really liked the other 'expats' that we see - Arthur, a man brought forward from 1916 who is a flaming fruit, and Maggie, a woman from the 1600s who adapts to the future the best and also is a giant lesbian. See! Complicated portraits of people from the past! (It's also hinted that, while Gore claims no experience with women, he may have had some experience with men, being a Navy type.) The Ministry actually has some trouble with Maggie, because she's running riot, downloading Tinder and Lex and having a wild old time. I love her to pieces. (And I also liked that our protagonist displays some attraction to her, as well!) Arthur is also very adorable in that older gay man kind of way. Every character in this book felt like a full person, with thoughts and opinions and a life outside of the purview of the narrative, which is always good to see. They were very memorable, and very entertaining.
And all in all, this book just had so much charm. The premise itself is interesting in a soft sci-fi sort of way, very clearly skipping over the complicated physics of time travel in order to get to the sociological meat inherent there. Seeing these people adapt to modern society in their various different ways is interesting in the variety - some characters are more conservative in their outlook, others more open-minded, different people struggle with different things, that sort of thing. I liked that the emphasis was less on the romantic/sexual relationship between our protagonists (though, of course, that was there) and more just on the relationships that develop between bridges and expats, and between different eras of expat. And the larger plot with the Ministry and the protagonist's shady boss balanced out the more character-driven drama brilliantly. Again, I won't spoil the ending, but I liked that the book did not have a straightforward happy ending, though it was bittersweet and still somewhat hopeful. That felt more true than the alternative, and I really admire the choice that led to it.
Next up, back to Outlander, as Claire and Jamie make their way in an America teetering on the brink…
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