#the paladins of the republic
theology101 · 5 months
I honestly can’t WAIT for Maxson’s Brotherhood to interact with the remnants of the NCR.
“Like the Brotherhood - they were really good allies against the enclave, but fundamentally they’re just a little inbred cult. No outsiders, no new technology, but damn good with their power armor. Then they went crazy and we had to take Helios. Now they’re just hold up in their bunkers”
And then Maxson just… isnt that.
A massive cult of personality (the kind that the NCR used to mock about Roger Maxson) able to inspire, uplift and enlist THOUSANDS. A faction not only with the capability and technology to have power armor and vertibirds, but the capacity to Mass Produce them too.
A combination of Western Zealotry, Lyon’s Reforms, and a healthy amount of overwhelming firepower
Arthur is a unifying symbol that can take the isolated and sometimes contradicting Brotherhood Chapters and forge them into a Nation. He has two successful campaigns under his belt and two Fusion Reactor.
He has Liberty Prime.
I’m FASCINATED by what he’ll do. Will he reject Elijah and the War and give them an olive branch in their time of need? Will Arthur double down and seek revenge, using this opportunity to finish off the weakened NCR? Or maybe he just… ignores them?
His primary goal is, now that the Brotherhood has 2 cold fusion reactors, is going to be rebuild Lost Hills and then take Vegas, Helios One and the Hoover Dam. That was the original mission of Elijah’s chapter, after all and three incredible storehouses of pre-war tech. But I could honestly see him doubling down and trying to turn LA into a Fortress for the Brotherhood.
I honestly dont know - according to his stated goals, he has no reason to intervene against the NCR when peace is entirely likely. But he’s a Monarch fundamentally, and Monarchs dont like threats to their power.
Good news is he probably wipes out the Legion or whatever’s left of it!
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dairine-bonnet · 2 months
On Dantooine, before Kotor 1:
Bastila *to Darth Revan, who's trapped in a force cage*: Behold a list of your sins! *holding out a datapad in front of Revan's eyes*
Darth Revan *speaking proudly, barely glanced at the list*: Actually, this looks like a list of my achievements!
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pedroam-bang · 9 months
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Fallout (2024)
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sw5w · 8 months
Your Boldness...
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 02:06:13
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themollyjay · 3 months
What was the inspiration behind "The Inevitable Singularity?" Thanks!
I'm tempted to be flip and say "The lack of lesbian Jedi", but there was a lot more to it than that. I don't think anyone is going to miss that there's a lot of inspiration from Star Wars in the "Paladins of the Republic", but something that always frustrated me about Star Wars is how vague they were about how Jedi Precognition worked. Then I was watching a show called Eureka, and came across the concept of the Akashic Field for the first time, and that idea stuck with me. Then I got a degree in Physics with an Astronomy concentration, and of course, I learned a LOT of quantum mechanics during that time. Then, I watched The Clone Wars, and Count Dooku was right there, and he was SUCH a fascinating character, and I never really thought we got enough about *why* he turned to the Dark Side. He was never really the mustache twirling villain that Sidious was. There was much more to him. The final ingredient though, was a discussion I had about Plato's "The Republic" (fun fact, the working title of The Inevitable Singularity was 'The Metaphor of Cave')
All of those things kind of steeped together in my brain for a long time, and I reached a point where I asked myself, "At what point is it justified to burn Utopia to the ground?" and that became the series "Paladins of the Republic" and "The Inevitable Singularity" is just the first part of that answer.
(But really, it was the lack of lesbian Jedi)
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chocomars · 2 years
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From January Commissions!
In order, Alejandro Vargas from COD, Barriss Offee & Spar from Star Wars, and several pieces of the half elf paladin.
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modern-alebrije · 1 year
the triple cone cup feels a little unfair because you have two very skilled and talented but ultimately regular cookies vs a literal volcano elemental who can turn giant
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tazmilyxfamily · 1 year
@cookieofearthbread inquired:
🕯️- (Financier for Dark Choco)
send me 🕯️to hear my character's inner thoughts about your character.
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"Why did she help me? Dictated by fate- by the karma of my own actions- or not, she must have her reasons. It couldn't be that she has need of my strength; she is strong enough on her own. I'd be worthless as blackmail. Pomegranate abandoned me, and my father would not be moved to action."
"...There are times I've seen her eyeing my sword, but she does so warily, though I can't figure out if she's aware that it's cursed. I seem to be as much of an engima to her as she is to me..."
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Since I posted my other RotR last week I figured I’d add the other fanart I did for the series. I’d hoped to draw the entire cast, but instead all you get all a couple portrait sketches. Don’t ask me why I drew Ethel so much I don’t know, I think I just wanted to draw someone with a Big Side Braid.
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the-wereraven · 2 years
I had a dream where there was a wack update to CRK
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ADBK: Paladin of White Dragon
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Epithet: The Dragon Tamer in White
Voice Actor: Ralph Lister (Paladin), Dee Bradley Baker (Dragon)
Tribe: The Dragon Republic
Biography: Riding across the sky on a blue-white Dragon is a powerful paladin with a sword as swift as the wind. This is Dante of Whitestone, a Germaine native who found and tamed a wild Gold-Eyes White Dragon and in time became known as Paladin of White Dragon. He's a recurring threat of the Dragon Horde, with a rival in the form of Mikazukinoyaiba.
The two have fought for at least ten years, half of those involved Dante wandering the Duelscape in search of adventure and evil Dragons to defeat. During this time, he met a fellow native of Germaine named Samuel, and the two became fast friends.
When Samuel finally entered what would become the Dragon Republic to aid in the rebellion against Five-Headed Dragon, Dante came with him and even defeated the undead Dragon Skelgon. The two were made honorary citizens for their service, and began pushing into the newly named Dragon Horde's territory, especially around Germaine.
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ampleappleamble · 4 months
getting raised or healed by a
priest of Berath: there's an oddly ambivalent feeling of logic and certainty to being raised by a priest of Berath– you feel foolish for having been scared of dying because it's so obvious to you now that it wasn't your time yet, but you can't quite shake the feeling that you're living on borrowed time. getting healed by a priest of Berath tends to make one feel rather melancholy for a time afterward, leaving even the rowdiest roustabouts contemplative and somber.
priest of Magran: an intense, fiery determination surges up inside you, and you arise eager to face your next challenge head on. you also feel a flash of extreme heat over the wounded area as the priest's magic heals you. sometimes particularly bad wounds healed by a priest of Magran leave behind a shiny, puffy burn scar.
priest of Eothas: the healing comes on slowly, like the rays of the sun as it rises over the horizon. it's just as warm and invigorating as sunlight too, and you wake up from a rez like you might from a beam of sunlight finding you in your warm, cozy bed, peaceful and content, full of hope, feeling grateful for a second chance, another new day– although you can't help but feel just a little bit sad, too.
priest of Wael: bizarre images and phrases flash through your mind as you try to comprehend what's happening to you while you're being healed, and although you're sure they're all connected somehow, you just can't make sense of your own thoughts at all. sometimes when waking from a rez administered by a priest of Wael, you have a striking revelation about something that's been nagging at you in the back of your mind for years, but then you fully come back to yourself– and you can't, for the life of you, remember what it was.
priest of Skaen: hatred and contempt boil up inside you, and you wake with a burning need for revenge against not only those who harmed you, but against anyone who might wield power over you, oftentimes including even the priest who healed you in the first place. sometimes those healed by a priest of Skaen come back to their senses to find themselves literally licking their own wounds, and the taste of blood doesn't leave their mouth for hours.
priest of Rymrgand: the heal is cold, not like ice soothing a welt, but like rubbing alcohol evaporating off of your skin. sometimes instead of knitting the edges of a gaping wound together and revitalizing them, the skin surrounding the wound bloats and festers before withering and falling off, revealing the healed flesh beneath. being raised by a priest of Rymrgand is a harrowing ordeal, for to evade death at the whim of the Beast is to tremble helpless beneath his hoof for a time before he finally snorts and looks away, choosing to savor your soul another day. one tends to wake from a rez chilled to the bone, an oppressive weight on their shoulders and the stench of rot caught deep in the back of their throat.
paladin: fills your mind with thoughts, images, and/or feelings related to the paladin's object of zeal, eg. a Brother of the Five Suns laying hands on you makes the faces of the Ducs Bels flash before your mind's eye, and you feel a burst of awe and respect for the Vailian Republics; being raised by a Bleak Walker has you waking up with a brief but overpowering feeling of cold determination to kill every single person on the battlefield who'd dare raise a hand in violence against you or any other kith.
chanter: the events detailed in the chant used to raise or heal you play out in your head as you come back to your senses or feel your wounds close up. a common joke amongst seasoned adventurers is to tease one another about how well they recall the plot or lyrics to Rise Again, Rise Again, Scions of Adon!/...And Face Your Foes (implying they're very familiar with it from having heard it so often due to needing to be rezzed frequently).
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limboraptor · 7 months
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I think its pretty fucked up how after Caviar kicked the paladin's asses he IMMEDIATELY became a target. Like thats mad dark how he was wanted dead for that shit.
At first Caviar wasn't interested in Oyster's offer, nor did he seem to show any concern of his current situation (in fact he probably knew exactly what he was getting into) which is understandable, since he JUST beat the asses of every paladin (and pirates alike).
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But it's until Oyster brings up the safety of his crew does he suddenly perk up. Caviar can easily hold his own against assassins, but the thought of his crew, his family, being put at risk of danger like that? That's something entirely different.
And these aren't pirates that can be dealt with like usual, no, these are most likely assassins or even bounty hunters that are from the Republic, his own home- a whole different, unpredictable kind of threat that Caviar was not willing to risk dealing with. Caviar couldn't refuse Oyster's offer, not after she twisted his arm so well. The safety of his crew always comes first.
I can only imagine how on edge Caviar must have been returning to his ship that night; getting a lot of dirty looks from some shady individuals as he passed by them, the air heavy with tension. All eyes were on him, and he knew that some of those eyes wanted him dead.
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pedroam-bang · 5 months
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Fallout (2024)
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djljpanda · 1 year
(you have made a grave mistake accepting the self aware au /j)
With the crk self aware au, I've always thought that different places would think you were a different entity.
I HC that the baker is a more recent thing, some bizarre entity that appeared, seemingly leading Gingerbraves kingdom, advising battles all from the shadows. People would undeniably have questions.
(I'm going through a bunch of locations, so sorry if this is a long read lolol, you can stop here and get the point--)
The Modern Vanilla Kingdom are kind of confused, but overall wouldn't push forward with finding out what MC is, they've been friendly so far, so they don't try and pry or come up with theories. Overall, they're in agreement you're some kind of fae.
Hollyberry Kingdom would have the most range in opinions, some would think you're a witch, knowing their obsession with dragons they might coin MC as some really powerful dragon, overall, all the opinions of the other locations bleeds into here.
The Dark Cacao Kingdom would undeniably think MC is some Deity of War or Battle. You've advised way too many fight not to be- heck! They saw it with their own eyes!!
(Dragon Valley probably agree ^^^)
Although not much is known about Golden Cheese and her Kingdom yet, they probably think you're a deity of wealth, seeing as Gingerbraves kingdom always has an extreme surplus of resources and wealth.
Creme Republic has some differing opinions based on religious beliefs. Paladins will be quick to call you a celestial, while some of the lower city, influenced by the Pastry Order, might seem you a witch, there are probably others that suspect you're some extraterrestrial that, through the ways of dimensional magic, is able to contact and interact with their world. Many of this final belief what to run experiments on the land Gingerbraves kingdom falls on, after all, it's got to be some kind of epicenter for your magic!!
(this final belief is probably in Parfaedia too)
I don't know City of Wizards lore well, but they might thing at long last one of their creators have returned, but I could see them agreeing with Parfaedia too.
+(Also bad at Tearcrown lore, so on your own with that one)
It's been such a long time I've talked abt the self aware au lmao, feel free to build on this- if at all, however you want, If I come back, can I come back as Hydrogen Anon? (If you have anons)
You are so creative. I like the idea of how no one really knows what Mc is and it's not like they're gonna tell them any time soon.
And how they all have their own theories is awesome. And how they just recently popped up during the era of Gingerbrave I can see why some would be curious and scared.
Like how we have the four horsemen here, I can see how some may think that it's a sign of the end.
I would love to build more on this concept because I love the self aware Au.
Thank you for sharing this with me Hydrogen Anon (yes I do accept anons), I hope I can see more about you in the future. Cheers!
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themollyjay · 11 months
The Inevitable Singularity Cover Reveal
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I'm extremely happy to share the cover of my next novel, an epic space opera titled The Inevitable Singularity, with you. This beautiful cover is by @rachelgeorge. The Inevitable Singularity will be released as an eBook, Paperback and Hardback on November 21st by Desert Palm Press. Preorders will be available in the next few days.
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