nerdykeppie · 25 days
New Boneyard Items!
We've added some more sample items and errored pins to the Boneyard. Boneyard items are 40% or more off from retail - they're the things we purchased for samples or photoshoots. Please make sure to read descriptions closely!
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jjmaybnk · 3 months
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party tonight who’s coming
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nocternalrandomness · 4 months
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Area 22 of AMARG - Davis Monthan AFB - Tucson Az
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lonestarflight · 3 months
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A former TWA Boeing 2707 SST in the boneyard.
Note: happy April fool's day
Date: April 1, 1998
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pedroam-bang · 6 months
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Fallout (2024)
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zippocreed501 · 9 months
...images from the lost continent of cult films, b-movies and celluloid dreamscapes
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Cemeteries and tombs in classic horror films
Everyone else on holiday: Where shall we go today? The beach, shopping in the town or maybe we could take in a museum or gallery?
Me: Are there any cemeteries nearby?
Dracula (1931) Frankenstein (1931) The Mummy (1932) The Bride of Frankenstein (1935) The Son of Frankenstein (1939) The Wolf Man (1941)
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thefalloutwiki · 8 months
Fallout: Katja
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“I used to be a scav. We'd go out at night and try to find useful stuff in the ruins of the Boneyard. Very dangerous job. I got sick of Adytum, though.”
- Katja, Fallout
Katja is a recruitable companion, and is able to pick locks for the player. You can read more about Katja here:
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justpicsofstuff · 6 months
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The Neon Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada 🎲
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enddaysengine · 2 months
Shinigami (Paths Beyond)
When the cycle of life and death is disrupted, relentless and towering outsiders seek out the cause and drag offenders back to their proper fates. Old Planescape hands can be forgiven for thinking I’m talking about the marut, but today’s topic is shinigami.
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There is a point to that intro, too. While the 2e marut stats still exist, they will be casualties of the OGL/ORC transition from here on out. While losing such a classic monster is a bummer, shinigami can admirably fill their niche. Maruts were beloved for being implacable and terrifying. While their aesthetic is very different, shinigami check off both boxes. Next time the PCs try to become immortal, they may be pursued by a small death god instead of a ruthless onyx statue. 
It is worth noting that while shinigami don’t have much in the way of elemental resistances in 2e, their fast healing 40 is high enough that they can tank the damage from moderate environmental hazards. The majority of the Plane of Fire deals moderate environmental damage. Sure, it probably will hurt like hell (literally), and it is worth protecting themselves if they know they are headed for the inner sphere. If push comes to shove, a shinigami can stride through the most hostile planes and be fine.
Who needs frightful presence when that’s scary enough as it is? (Although shinigami have a frightful presence as well, so they are bloody terrifying in every sense. Good luck. Fighting that.)
The party wakes one day to find a shinigami sitting cross-legged in the town center, watching people go about their lives. If questioned, Togusa the Judicator responds simply that he is gathering evidence and refuses to elaborate further. Over the next few days, the party gets the distinct impression he is watching them specifically. Worse, the shinigami somehow lurks at the edge of their dreams, keeping them under 24/7 surveillance. Following the monitor into its nocturnal mindscape reveals each party member is the reincarnation of an infamous historical figure who wasn’t supposed to be reincarnated. 
Æown Coppereye has terrorized the Five Kings Mountains for thirteen generations with his ruthless brand of justice. While not as renowned as the Whispering Tyrant or Arazni, the dwarven lich is still dangerous and frequently used as a bogeyman in children’s tales. While the psychopomps would love to see him join Purgatory’s ranks, he is clad in a robe of shinigami bones he stole from the Boneyard. It allows him to flit between dimensions and hides him from all of death’s agents, regardless of which god they serve. Mortal heroes must chase him across the planes if he is to be stopped.
Corruption in the Boneyard is a strange thing. Pharasma does not condone priests who spread cruelty and malice, but Eshi Ōko delights in such acts. The shinigami arranges for powerful artifacts to wind up in mortal hands, then watches the fallout as power goes to their heads. While Lord Eshi’s antics often lead to significant pain and suffering, he is careful not to disrupt the River of Souls or the cycle of life and death. Eshi has a network of adventures and criminals willing to assist his schemes or compromise their morals in exchange for access to the afterlife. Still, he is merciless to those who violate the cycle of souls or deal with oni and nindoru. 
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balu8 · 7 days
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"Please tell me my fly is closed, at least."
by Richard Moore
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blueey-jayzilla · 1 year
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BEAST WARS dodododododododo bana dododododBANA
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nerdykeppie · 2 months
Added new stuff to the Boneyard today! Shower curtain sample, boxers (one of which sold before I could even post?), discontinued pins & more!
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aconcernedgp · 1 month
Underscores fans of Tumblr: we have reason to suspect outskirts album is under production
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jet junkyard
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booknerd693 · 4 months
Dedication of prayer and worship to Lord Satan out by the cattle graveyard, I've found many good bones there for my Satan worship rituals and crafting arts.
Hail Lord Satan! Hail Yourself! And have fun all the while 🖤
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pedroam-bang · 2 months
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Fallout (2024)
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