#the original is under the cut because i hate it so much. but it’s nice to compare them
bluuscreen-png · 5 months
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redraw <3 the lyrics have like no relevance to these characters anymore but oh well it’s cute
the original… it’s from 2019 i think
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xitsensunmoon · 15 days
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My first ever comic con! And first cosplay too. Of course it's gonna be my boy :] Ramblings about the process are under the cut(Let me know if?? You would want me to elaborate with process images for any of the steps?)
The costume took me forever to make, as I've never done any machine sewing, sculpting, fabric dying or spray painting before but learning all of these was so fucking fun!! I never realised just how many different skills go into making a cosplay but it was so worth it!!!
Almost all of the clothes(except the hat) were purchased first as bases, but all of the detailing was added by me. All of the fabric used was originally just scraps that I was given for free so I needed to learn how to dye and dye all of the stars, they were originally white.
The sewing machine was its own beast that brought me tons of frustration from the lack of skill and knowledge (it was devastating to find out that 95% of fuck ups were my fault and not the machine's lmao). But as a result, a hat sewn from scratch, all of the fur trims, embroidery on the corset, stars and the collar(which is very hard to see on the pictures unfortunately) was all added manually. The stars and the stripes(on the back of the cape) were attached using heat-and-bond adhesive (I WISH I knew about such thing just when I started working on this. It would save me so much time and nerves.)
Then I found out about polymorph(mouldable plastic) and it has become the next thing I wanted to learn, to sculpt the claws and the fangs(yes, they're handmade jfksjs). The claws I then primed and painted in trillion coats because I wasn't satisfied with the colour of the spray paint. The fangs I moulded to my own teeth and then stained with tea to match the colour of my teeth :)c
As for makeup, I used Mehron Paradise water activated paints. At first I wanted to try to save money and bought myself Snazaroo instead, which unfortunately turned out to be a waste. Snazaroo didn't hold on my face for longer than 2 hours, cracking and peeling awfully. Mehron on the other hand survived 11 hours of me smiling, talking, emoting and such and didn't even crease at the smile lines(I'm actually shocked about that). It obviously works like any other makeup which means your skin texture and wrinkles won't go anywhere but Mehron's elasticity pleasantly surprised me. It did obviously smear from sweat and saliva(if you're eating and licking your lips) but if you don't touch the skin it just dries again, self setting. But if it's dry it's fully smear-proof. Highly recommend!
And last but not least, I've decided against painting my hands as it was very risky that I will stain everything I touch at the smallest hint of sweat. So instead I got myself gloves-tights(? Not sure how they're called but it's made from the same fabric as tights) and painted them with normal acrylic paint(did you know you could dye fabric with acrylic paint? I personally didn't), then heat set with an iron and voilà, they're reusable, my hands are not stained after an exhausting day and I don't stain everything I touch. It worked wonderfully which honestly was a surprise as I was really sceptical that acrylic paint will somehow stay in place.
I think this whole thing took me minimum of 6 months with big-big breaks for my school and life in general. But I'm really proud! This project taught me so many new skills and I couldn't have been happier about learning new knowledge, even if it sucked to fail in the meantime.
Everyone at the con was really nice and gave me a large confidence boost even tho it was my first time and I had no idea what I was doing. Taking photos with other people was really awkward/new for me as I hate cameras so I really had no idea how to pose/behave in front of one. But that's okay I think. This whole experience definitely made me want to do this again, so I think that will come with experience. Thank you for reading this far, hope you enjoyed this little summary :)
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teaboot · 4 months
you have some really evil, selfish and toxic ideas irt whos allowed to have friends, you know? i see pop psy people like you all the time making lists of things that are clear and obvious trauma induced behaviour, and then immediately flip to how if you have a friend who ever behaves like this they are evil and need to be cut off, theyre not allowed to have support systems to get better! you really hate bad victims, huh? if someone isn't demure and cowering and self effacing in their symptoms they don't deserve anyone? i got assaulted and when my friend group threw me out on my ass and called me too fucked up for acting erratic and strange in the aftermath and being unable to communicate why they used your posts to justify it. its sick that people like you will look at someone uncontrollably acting out their ptsd and go wow you aren't doing this nice enough to be tolerated! people like you talk so much about compassion but when it comes to people in actual crisis you don't give a shit. no, theyre acting too problematic. just cut them off! no one should help their friends!
original post
Please allow me to take this opportunity to make some things clear.
First, you do not know me. You do not know anything about me. You do not know where I've been, where I'm going, or where I am. All that you believe that you know is extrapolated from information I have volunteered to share. Information that is, by clear and honest choice, edited for both safety and personal security. Remember this.
Second, and I say this in the kindest of ways, because I have had to learn this lesson myself:
Nobody Owes You Shit.
Have you ever saved someone from drowning?
I have.
Do you know that a drowning person struggling to get air will instinctively drag you under them?
It's hard to save people in the water. It takes specific skills and knowledge that not everybody has. Not everyone can save a drowning person without drowning in the process.
The lifeguard needs energy, and strength, and expertise, and persistence.
The swimmer needs self-restraint, and composure, and the desire to be helped, and the ability to do what they can to facilitate their own rescue.
I believe in kindness, and generosity, and compassion. I believe in trying persistently, and in giving the benefit of the doubt wherever possible. I believe that people are good, and small, and trying. And I believe that I can give all the energy I have inside of me to help someone and still come up short.
So you're drowning? I'm sorry. That must be terrifying. That must be miserable. You must be experiencing the worst moments of your life. I hope someone nearby knows how to help you. I hope they have a raft you can climb into, or a rope for you to grab, or a float you can cling to. I hope things get better. I'll call for help, and give you what I can to get you to shore.
But don't you dare drag me under water and curse me for saving myself.
Now get out of my fucking inbox.
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chiscribbs · 1 year
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[***NOTE: Leo's design here is no longer accurate, link to the updated version.]
I know there are already a lot of "the brothers are separated at a young age and raised by different people" AUs floating around, so this isn't especially original, but- I've yet to see one with this particular parent-child arrangement, so...
Here’s some rough concept art for what I’m calling the “Grown Apart AU”  Which I've also been affectionately referring to as the "Everyone's a Disney Protagonist" AU for quite some time... you'll see why.
Here’s the gist: Basically, Splinter is only able to save Mikey and Leo from the lab explosion - Raph is immediately picked up by Huginn and Muninn and handed back over to Draxum; Donnie is lost mid-escape and later found by Big Mama's goons, who show up for Lou but bring Don back with them instead when Lou is nowhere to be found.
Details of each turtles’ upbringings (as well as how/when they meet April) below the cut:  
Draxum raised Raph to be everything he originally intended the turtles to be: a ruthless, obedient super soldier whose sole purpose in life is to protect the Yokai by eliminating the human threat. Draxum taught him to hate humankind and trained him up to be virtually undefeatable in battle. However...because Draxum isn't the most attentive parent, most of the caretaking for Raph was actually provided by Huginn and Muninn. And the two little well-meaning gargoyles - mostly unintentionally and outside of their master's knowledge - wound up nurturing a much softer and friendlier side to their supposedly bloodthirsty warrior-in-the-making. As a result, Raph has essentially been living a double-life under Draxum’s ownership; playing the part of a perfect soldier for his father/general, who he's determined not to disappoint, and only feeling free to be himself when he's alone (or with H&M.)
Raph has always known that there were supposed to be other mutants like himself but grew up believing that he's the only one who survived the experiment, making him the only one left in existence (until Draxum’s oozesquitos create more, that is). Even though he had H&M to keep him company, being an only child could still be pretty lonely sometimes, so Raph would often imagine what having brothers - other mutants like himself that he could have grown up alongside - would have been like.
Raph is the only one of the turtles that knows his human DNA comes from Lou Jitsu - just like Draxum, though, he has no idea that Splinter is actually Lou Jitsu.
Donnie had a posh and cushy upbringing in Big Mama's hotel - she raised him as her own son(unaware that he’s actually Lou’s)/apprentice and uses his technological talents to aid her multiple businesses: he supplies new weapons and battlegrounds for the Battle Nexus, as well as automated assistants and security for her hotel, and even pitches in with her more off-the-record dealings that last one being without Donnie’s knowledge. Big Mama's kept him pretty much wrapped around her little finger; praising him for his intelligence and usefulness whenever he does a good job or makes her nice things. When he hasn’t, however, she’s a less-than-affectionate mother. Donnie will do absolutely anything it takes to impress and earn approval from her.
Donnie is largely sheltered and knows very little about the world outside of the hotel - especially the human world, about which most of his knowledge comes from what he finds on the internet. He doesn't even know that he's a mutant, believing himself to be just some uncommon type of yokai, since that's all he knows. He’s not allowed to fraternize freely with the hotel guests and has a somewhat contentious relationship with Big Mama’s assistant, whom he’s always viewed as competition for her affection. The closest thing he's had to a friend is S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N, whom Donnie built to have someone to talk to (besides Big Mama's boring, no-nonsense henchmen).
Don finally met April when he was about 11 yrs old; he secretly sent one of his spy bots out to explore the human city and she intercepted it. The two have been best friends and stayed in-touch with each other online ever since - April being unaware that Donnie isn't human.
Donnie knows of Lou Jitsu purely because he was Big Mama’s favorite champion in the history of the Battle Nexus - he idolizes him, having watched recordings of many of his fights, and dreams of one day fighting in the Battle Nexus himself (if Big Mama would allow that).
Leo & Mikey
Leo and Mikey were still rescued by Lou/Splinter and brought up in the NY sewers. Splinter felt extremely guilty for not managing to save the other two baby turtles and, for the first few years following the incident, spent much of his time searching for them. Once Leo was old enough, Splinter would start leaving him and Mikey in the Lair while he searched. He eventually gave up his search, presuming them both dead or lost for good, and resigned to keeping the remaining two as safe as possible - teaching them how to defend themselves and warning them never to leave the sewers unless he was with them.
Leo and Mikey were inseparable as kids - they would do everything together, refusing to even sleep in separate rooms until they were too big to fit in one bed anymore. Leo took his job as Mikey's big brother very seriously and always tried his best to protect him, even when they were simply playing games with each other. As they got older, though, the two brothers began to drift apart - Leo started to feel a little smothered; craving more freedom to do what he wanted when he wanted, without the older sibling responsibilities hanging over him 24/7. And Mikey started feeling like he couldn't go/do anything without his brother's judgement or approval, resenting the idea that he needed constant protection.
Finally, when he was about 13, Leo secretly snuck out of the lair one night to check out the city by himself and get a little taste of independence. After that one trip, it quickly became a habit and he soon began making regular “secret” trips into the city.
Somewhere along the way, his innocent quests for freedom and fun grew into opportunities to stir up some trouble - Leo eventually met and became involved with a group of yokai teens with whom he would pull pranks and play jokes on the city's human occupants (harmless ones...usually. They just enjoy causing a little mischief.)
Mikey, having to figure out other ways to keep himself occupied since his brother is usually by himself or busy with his new friends, has picked up a multitude of different skills and hobbies, trying absolutely everything he can get his hands on. His main hobby is spray-painting, which he uses to spruce any wall he can find with his own personal touch. By the time he's 13, much of underground New York has been covered by his handiwork.  Mikey eventually finds out about Leo’s secret outings and follows him when he leaves one night - the two end up meeting April, who's never seen mutants before (having only talked to Donnie online and not seen his face) and promptly freaks out before realizing they're not dangerous. The three soon become friends, too, and April starts making plans to introduce the boys to Donnie - knowing he could use more friends besides S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. and herself.
The four brothers' fates finally collide with one another when an escapee from Draxum's lab - Mayhem - shows up out of the blue and catapults Mikey and Leo to the Hidden City, where they have an unexpected reunion with their eldest brother.
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berzahoes · 6 months
snow lands on top | tom blyth
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summary: a sutherland (not donald) and the younger version of president snow walk into a bar . . .
an: terrible summary ik but eh <3
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when tom told you he had auditioned for the part of a young coriolanus snow, you got flashbacks to attending premieres of the hunger games movies. your grandfather was always taking you to the set of whatever film he was starring in and you loved it. sometimes you even got to yell ‘action’ or ‘cut’. your favorite memories were always on the hunger games set when your grandfather played president snow and now you received the news that your boyfriend auditioned for the younger version of said character.
“what do you think your grandfather would say? it is his character. what if he hates that i’m doing this? say something, you’re making me nervous!” tom said when he noticed how quiet you got.
“i’m just thinking . . you’re going to bleach your hair. i love your brown hair so much.” you ran your hands through his soft brown hair.
“we don’t know if i have to bleach it, i haven’t gotten the part.” tom reassured.
“yet. don’t think about my grandfather, think about how you’re going to be coriolanus snow.” you kissed him.
“tom, if it bothers you that much, you can talk to him about it. i’m having lunch with him tomorrow and i’m sure he wouldn’t mind if you joined.”
and that’s how you ended up having lunch with your grandfather and boyfriend. it had been weeks since you last had lunch with your grandfather and you missed him dearly.
“it’s such a beautiful day. we should go on a walk after.” donald said as he picked up his glass of water to drink.
“it is. a walk sounds nice, but i think tom would like to tell you something first.” you nudged your boyfriend side.
“is that so? don’t tell me you kids got married and didn’t invite me. i always told you that i wanted to walk you down the aisle.” donald said sternly.
“no, sir, we did not get married, but i do intend to marry your granddaughter. she is the love of my life and i know how much it means to her that we have a proper wedding with you there. this is about . . . something else. um . . i recently had an audition for a role you’re familiar with. i’m sure you heard that another hunger games film is being made, but this one doesn’t involve the original cast-” donald cut off tom.
“you’re playing president snow.” he said.
“nothing is confirmed yet, but i’m hoping i get the part. but if you want me to back out, i understand.” you could hear the hurt in his voice. you reached for his hand under the table and squeezed it.
“why would you do that, tom?” donald asked.
“it’s a role made famous by you, sir, it’s your character. i don’t want to mess up such an iconic character like snow.“ he admitted.
“tom, i’ve seen you act. my granddaughter made me watch billy the kid twice. you could never mess up our character.” your grandfather smiled warmly.
“our character?” tom questioned. your grandfather nodded.
“i think i’m going to cry.” you spoke.
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it was days after the ballad of songbirds and snakes premiered and the fans were loving it. positive reviews about the cast and film came out and you couldn’t be more prouder of your boyfriend and his bleached hair. it took some time to get used to, but he was soon back to his brown hair.
tom was currently doing an interview in your shared office on his laptop with josh horowitz from mtv. you were catching up on your favorite show when you heard josh ask tom a question that caught your attention.
“your girlfriend, she’s part of the sutherland family. her grandfather is the og president snow, I need to know if you were nervous playing snow because of who your girlfriend is related to.” josh chuckled when he saw that tom laughed.
“i was and then the three of us had lunch. that’s when i told him i had auditioned for the role of snow and he was so nice about it. by the end of it, he actually called snow ‘our character’ and it just warms my heart that he supported me taking on this role.” tom explained.
“and did donald sutherland have any involvement with your take on snow? any advice?” josh asked.
“the first day of filming, he texted me the usual ‘good luck, have a great day’ but there is a line i said in a scene with peter dinklage that’s in the end of the film. ‘snow lands on top’ that line was actually written by donald sutherland and he told me to say it because he knew that it fit the character of snow really well.” tom explained.
you smiled to yourself as you listened to tom. who knew the character of coriolanus snow would come back into your life after many years?
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fleurriee · 1 year
— stress reliever ; neteyam sully
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pairing ; neteyam sully x fem!reader
synopsis ; your mate never took to stress well - but you couldn’t deny that it was a good look on him. so, when he comes home with a weight on his shoulders, you allow him to take it out on you.
word count ; 2.5k
themes ; smut, fluff, established relationship (mates)
warnings ; explicit content: dom!neteyam, scenting, pussy playing, p in v, let me know if there’s anything else..?
author’s note ; i really don’t know how i feel about this... but we’re gonna role with it. it got quite fluffy at the end bc this is still neteyam we’re talking about & that beautiful boy doesn’t have a bad bone in his body.
main masterlist   request a fic!
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Crouched against the floor, you hummed a quiet tune to yourself - your songcord created by yourself, waiting for more words added on with each achievement in your life. Your hands worked tenderly against the objects you were rearranging in front of you, originally believing that it was time for a new look within your tent. 
There wasn’t much else for you to do, after all - you’d prepared your dinner for that night, all it now needed was the heat from the awaiting fire; you’d spent a good amount of time with both Kiri and Tuk, the former wanting your presence next to you as she worked with her grandmother, and the latter wanting you to play whatever she randomly wanted to on that day. You didn’t mind spending your day with little random bits like this, because it was nice to not have to stress over so much weighing down upon your shoulders... unlike your mate.
Several times since moving in together, Neteyam had come home stressed out of his mind - whether it was from the actions of that day, or any upcoming day, it didn’t matter. Neteyam always took everyone’s blame as the older brother, wanting the rest of the clan to see that he would make a good Olo’eyktan one day. And, despite the way he hated the feeling of being distressed, he continued to do it. 
You only hoped today he’d come home happier. 
You were just finishing the end of your songcord, about to start it over again when you heard pounding footsteps from behind you. Turning around, you watched as your mate stormed through the entrance of your tent, hands clenched at his sides and brows furrowed in clear anger. He was mumbling and grumbling under his breath, shaking his head side to side and eyes casted down as you could only hear fucking Lo’ak escape his laboured breathing.
Neteyam had spent the day with the war party, helping his father train the younger hunters for the moment they’d be taking on more challenging tasks to help protect the clan. By both his actions and the cursing of his younger brother, you could only guess that Lo’ak had done something stupid, therefore causing everything else to fall like dominoes, and there was no doubt in your mind Neteyam probably took the blame. 
With your ears high on your head, you moved slowly as you stood up, disregarding your previous task and walking calmly over towards him. “Neteyam?” you questioned, voice soft so as not to startle him too much. You knew he’d never hurt you - he’d rather die before he ever thought about hurting you - but you knew he could set himself off, not wanting to him to spiral down a rabbit hole of despair. “Ma ‘teyam, is everything-”
Your words were cut off so abruptly that you felt the breath hitch in your throat, your legs suddenly leaving the ground as a gasp emanated from your lips. Warm, rough hands grasped themselves against the backs of your thighs, forcefully wrapping your legs around his waist and pressing you close to his chest. He squeezed your soft flesh, your arms holding tightly onto your mate’s shoulders as you stayed suspended in the air. 
In one swift movement, Neteyam had mercilessly untied the knots of your loincloth, movements hurried and fervent, before throwing the material somewhere unknown within your tent to the both of you, without a care for its disregard. At his actions, you couldn’t help the tightening within your core. 
“Need you, my yawne (beloved),” his voice rasped, forcing his head between the junction of your neck and shoulder, leaving teasing bites against your skin. “So fucking stressed, need your body - need your pussy.”
You felt your heat clench around nothing when his rushed words left his mouth and into the warmth of your skin. A whimper left your mouth as his hands squeezed your thighs again, leaving a lingering slap against your cheek. 
“Do you want me to take it out on you?” he questioned harshly, voice low in the back of his throat, sending shivers down your spine. “Do you want me to fuck you senseless, let me fuck all my anger into you?”
A whine, loud and clear, tore through the air, your body subconsciously moving closer to his own, grinding against his abs for some friction. You were so desperate for him, so needy for him, that you weren’t entirely sure what you were doing, mind so foggy, lustful, and full of him.
He left another harsh slap against your ass, rubbing his head further into your neck as he drowned himself in your scent, allowing his own to pore into you, too. “Need you to use your words, my muntxa (mate).”
Swallowing carefully, you attempted to collect your words. You nod your head, your legs tightening around him. “Ye-yes, ma ‘teyam. Please.”
He brought one of his hands around, snaking its way in between your unbelievably close bodies, keeping you firmly in place with just his another one. You could feel his fingers dance teasingly as they lowered further and further down, gasping loudly when you felt the sensation of his cold fingers against your warmth. Neteyam began to rub gentle circles, eliciting a hiss from you, a smirk bubbling up in his throat at your reaction, tail curling around your ankle.
“What do you want, narlor (beautiful)?” His fingers continued their painfully slow pace, knowing that it would drive you over the edge and have you begging - exactly what he wanted. “Tell me exactly what you want.”
You were quick with your words, desperate, lusting for more, for all of him. “You, ‘teyam,” you breath out softly, rubbing your cheek against the top of his head, somehow bringing him all the more closer. “I want you to fuck me.”
A chuckle painted tight against your skin sent you shivering, his fingers moving away from your core and leaving you whimpering at the loss of contact. He loved the way you submitted to him so easily, giving him exactly what he wanted - he loved to hear you beg and plead for more.
He didn’t say anything else - he didn’t have to. In one swift movement, his own loincloth was lying on the floor, his eager and impatient emotions getting the better of him before his entire length was free, slapping softly against your lower stomach as it twitched in anticipation. 
The feeling of him being so close, yet too far had you grinding against him again, his cock rubbing against your skin. Your hands tightened around his neck, fingers cleaving at his hair and pulling. A groan tumbled into your ears at your actions, a faint laugh escaping your lips at the reaction you could garner from your mate. 
But, it was taken away from you the moment you had it. He roughly planted his lips against your own, moving forcefully as your teeth clashed and tongues fought for dominance in a messy show of love. Neteyam wasn’t typically dominant when it came to sex, rather just making love to you the way he knew best - but when he got stressed, he wanted complete and utter control over you. 
And, you loved giving it to him, giving all of you to do whatever he pleased, but you also enjoyed teasing him. You enjoyed making him work for it, pushing so close to the edge he was moments away from snapping, because you knew, in the end, he’d fuck you until you were stuttering, breathless mess.
Hands returning to gripping your ass, squeezing more harshly then ever to show off the power dynamic he was craving, he continued to kiss you, wanting you to lose your breath but have you begging for more. When you pulled away from one another, lips swollen and eyes hooded, Neteyam made sure to keep his attention solely on you when he slammed his lips into your own, forcefully pushing himself inside of you.
On a normal occasion, Neteyam would take his time with you, making sure you were well taken care of and ready for him before bothering with himself. It wasn’t like you needed it, however - since mating, the two of you had had sex too many times to count, too loved up and adoring of one another that you simply couldn’t keep your hands to yourself. Now, you knew one another’s bodies like they were your own.
So, when Neteyam’s entire length pushed itself in you, completely bottoming out, a silent scream tore at your throat, eyes clasped shut, mouth agape and head hung back at how good it felt. You were sure there was nothing better in the entire world than the feeling of having Neteyam inside you, the warmth that blistered your body inside and out, the feeling of being full. You loved it.
Neteyam wasted no time in his movements, moving at full speed and not giving you a chance to adjust. He was angry, pent-up emotions getting the better of him as his eyes glazed over and all he could think about was fucking you senseless. He kept his grip firm on you, jaw clenched and eyes hardened as he watched your every reaction. 
With his cock kissing your cervix so intensely, you tightened your entire body around him, arms and legs moving yourself impossibly closer to him. Lewd noises filled up your tent, the mixture of Neteyam’s grunts, your moans, and your wetness beginning to gush out on your mate’s cock combining together as one, you were sure the whole clan could hear.
But, you found yourself not caring. You almost wanted people to hear - wanted them to know how good your mate treated you, how good he made you feel. You wanted them to know you were entirely his.
Another low grunt fell from Neteyam’s lips, his head beginning to fall back and eyes screwing shut at the pure bliss and pleasure consuming him. He loved the feeling of your body clawing closer to his, loved the feeling of your head burying into the crook of his neck as you whimpered lovingly, the sound music to his ears. 
Everything was becoming too much - you could feel yourself reaching closer and closer to the edge, whining submissively for more. “Nete-” you stuttered, not quite getting the correct words out, mind foggy and hazy. “Neteyam.” A guttural moan pierced through the atmosphere alongside his name, the two sounds coming together as he started to hit a specific part inside of you, spongy and warm and perfect. 
Neteyam forced his head forwards again as he continued pounding relentlessly into you, one hand grabbing the back of your hair and pulling it back so your faces were in front of one another, noses touching and breaths mingling. You were a panting mess, words jumbled and unsure - obvious signs that you were close to cumming. 
“You want to cum, my muntxa (mate)?” he asked, mouth wide open as he whispered the words into your own gaping mouth. Little whines were his only response, the sound sending warmth to both his heart and to his cock. “Hmm? You want to cum all over my cock?”
His words sent vibrations running through your entire system, from the bottoms of your toes all the way to your mind, your thoughts running wild. You could feel your tail beginning to shiver, too, another sign that the pleasure you were experiencing was too good, that you were close.
You nodded pathetically at his questions, desperate for him to give you exactly what you wanted. There was a brief moment where you wondered whether he’d stop so suddenly, ripping you away from your orgasm and making you start all over again just because he could. But, his anger was so prevalent, so built-up inside of him that he didn’t have the energy to be doing that - he just wanted to feel you as you let yourself go all over him like the good girl you were.
Your nod and whines were enough of an answer for him. “Then, cum,” he demanded, teeth gritting sharply and fangs pointing menacingly as he picked up speed, his balls slapping against your folds, willing you to cum. “Cum, my muntxa (mate).”
In an instant, you were completely sent over the edge, all mushy and whimpering and shaking as you came down form your high. You could feel Neteyam’s own release filling up your insides, too, painting your walls and swallowing his gravelly moan. His pounding didn’t stop, but it did cease, ensuring that you were both fully satisfied and his cum stayed inside of you exactly where it belonged.
With slow movements, you continued to pant into his mouth, lips messily attempting to kiss one another, sweaty foreheads coming in contact as you rubbed your noses together. The silence that ensued was welcoming, comforting, just the sounds of your aftermath and the scent of the two of you lingering against one another - heaven.
Neteyam continued to hold you in his arms, making sure you were safe in his grasp but softening his hold. He began to caress your skin lovingly, placing a tender kiss against your lips. You found your head leaning more towards his own once he pulled away, not wanting him to part so soon. “Are you okay?” he questioned, the fast-paced situation finally catching up to him. “I wasn’t too rough on you, was I?”
A blissful smile played at your lips, loving how he could switch from two different types of dominant in the matter of seconds - fucking you until your thoughts were filled of nothing but his cock, and making sure you were safe and rightfully cared for. Your eyes were still hooded and clouded when you responded, so quiet it was almost inaudible. “No, you were perfect.” Unwrapping one of your hands from around his neck, your cradled his jaw, your thumb rubbing gently under his eye. “Are you okay now?”
He chuckled at your question, understanding that you were insinuating to his stressed-out state when he first came home. Shaking his head, he smiled down at you adoringly. “Much better now, thanks to you.” He noticed your unsure expression, knowing how you’d rather him talk about his problems to you so he wasn’t keeping them entirely to himself. To ease you, he continued to rub your noses together, basking in your euphoric scent. “I’ll tell you about it later... right now, I just want you.”
Still snuggled in his arms, you allowed him to walk the two of you over to your mat in the corner, sitting down first so you could lay comfortably on top of him. The sensation of still having his cock stuffed inside your walls was warming to you, keeping your hands securely around his neck and burying you head further into his chest, listening to the beat of his heart. 
It wasn’t long until you were flat-out, your intimate actions having completely exhausted you. Neteyam stayed awake for a little longer, listening to your comforting breathing as the stress dispersed from his body entirely. There wasn’t anything better than being with you - in any way possible, he wasn’t picky - your demeanour having the wonderful ability to soothe him, to bring him back down to earth. 
Neteyam couldn’t have asked for a better mate - and he thanked Ewya everyday for blessing him with you. 
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envysparkler · 2 months
Jason might’ve mentioned a passing interest in meeting Robin—the old Robin, because he was going to be the new Robin, only judging from the low, furious conversation and the death glares, Bruce hadn’t exactly mentioned that to Nightwing—but he wasn’t expecting Bruce to leave him alone with the guy.
“Justice League emergency,” Bruce had interrupted, cutting off Dick’s half-hearted tour of the parts of the Cave Jason hadn’t explored, and disappeared through a zeta tube with a simple behave for Jason and a growled watch over him for Dick.  Leaving Jason with the guy that spent the entire visit seething in unconcealed distaste.
Alfred wasn’t home, he had left on one of his rare days off, or perhaps he was aware of the cloud of tension that formed whenever Dick and Bruce got too close to each other, and Jason understood that heroes and emergencies were a part of life, but he didn’t enjoy that that meant that Jason and Dick were left alone in the abruptly resoundingly empty Cave.
“Right,” Dick muttered, not quite under his breath, “I don’t know why I ever expect anything different.”  The bitterness was palpable.  “Two and half goddamn hours, and he leaves to space.”
Jason shrunk back slightly.  It had been clear from the start that this visit was not for him, and his desire to meeting the original Robin had fast dwindled in favor of getting out of ground zero before Bruce and Dick actually started yelling.
Dick blew out a sharp breath and turned on his heel, suddenly enough that Jason flinched.  Dick froze, staring at him like he’d forgotten that Jason existed.  Jason couldn’t read the expression on his face, and didn’t think he wanted to.
“Jason,” Dick said, carefully pronouncing his name.  His blue eyes were sharp and cold.  “So.  New Robin, huh.”  His face stretched into a smile that looked warm for all that it was plastic.
“Yup,” Jason said, inching back another step.  “Uh, it was nice to meet you.  I guess I’ll see you around.”
“Where are you going?”  Perfectly level, calm and even, but it still forced a chill down his spine.
Jason had been terrified of Batman, but terrified in the way he was of shadows and ghosts.  Abstract.  Not real.  Once Batman had proved himself to be human, all that was left was a man—large and trained and dangerous, but who got scolded by his butler and forgot to put on matching socks and bought Jason a stepstool to reach the books on the tallest shelves.
Bruce wasn’t scary.
Not the way that Richard Grayson seemed to be.  Quicksilver manipulation of his expressions, smiling when he didn’t mean it, and cold, cold eyes—Jason wasn’t reminded of monsters or demons.  He was reminded of the gang members that watched him ducking into alleys with just a little too much intent, the narrowed eyes of his mother’s dealer, the bright, fake smiles that marked the cops he had to run from.
And Jason was here with him, all alone.  Robin—Nightwing—trained and dangerous and currently looking at Jason like he wanted to leave him in pieces for Bruce to find.
Jason had read a book with facts about robins just last week.  Robins are territorial birds, and disputes can get physical.  Fights to the death often occur.
“Upstairs?”  Jason hated the way it turned into a question.  “I was reading a book, and—um, I wanted to finish it?”
“We haven’t finished our tour,” Dick said, and Jason had preferred the low-voiced hiss to the casual neutrality.  “Come on, there’s lots of cool stuff here I bet Bruce hasn’t shown you yet.”
Jason dithered in place, casting a glance at the stairs—Dick was already walking away, heading for the back of the Cave—but as much as common sense was shrieking at him to stay away, go upstairs, don’t stay down in the dimly lit cave with the guy that hates you, Jason was still the kid that looked at the Batmobile and decided to steal some tires.
“Fine,” Jason said, hurrying up to match Dick’s pace.  “But I don’t know what you can show me that Bruce hasn’t already.”
“Oh,” Dick’s expression twitched, something flashing for a second, “You’d be surprised.”
Jason, mouth agape and neck protesting as he stared up at the acrobatics equipment, was speechless.  Dick was breathless and flushed and grinning widely, and fuck, this was what Jason had wanted to see.  Not Bruce’s sulky other son, or the cold, dangerous Nightwing, but Robin.
“Bruce showed you that yet?” Dick teased, calling down to him from where he was swinging upside down from the ring.
“How do you do that?” Jason breathed out, too amazed to feign at disinterest.  Dick had moved like he was an actual fucking bird, like gravity was for lesser things.
“Practice,” Dick laughed, flipping off from the ring and flopping down on the safety net.  Even across the rope, he was all fluidity and grace, flipping once more before he reached the ground.
“Bullshit,” Jason rebutted, looking up at the silks and the ropes and the swings, the scaffolding, the way Dick flew—“Tell me the truth. You’re a meta, aren’t you.”
Dick laughed again, bright and twinkling.  He looked much happier than the sullen teenager that had met Bruce’s hesitant hope with a scowl.  “Nope, just practice.  Grew up in the circus.  I could fly before I could run.”
“That’s so cool,” Jason said, looking back up at the scaffolding.  “Can you teach me how to do that?”  Flying through the air, spinning and flipping without a care in the world, unbound by physical constraints…it sounded like the best thing in the world.  It sounded like freedom.
It took him too long to realize that Dick hadn’t responded.  He turned towards the older boy and saw Dick stock still, expression frozen in a pinched grimace.  When he saw Jason staring at him, he turned away.  “Sure,” Dick said, in a voice that wasn’t even remotely believable, and Jason flushed at the reminder that Dick didn’t want him here.  “Maybe later.  You need a lot of training first.  How about you show me what Bruce is teaching you so far?”
There was a bite to the words, and Jason had too much of Gotham in him to not respond to the challenge.  “Was that an offer to kick your ass?” Jason retorted, stalking past Dick and towards the sparring area.  Need a lot of training first.  Well, while perfect Richard Grayson had been growing up in the goddamn circus, Jason had been living on the streets.  He knew how to fight.  “I’m ready when you are, Dick.”
That cold smile was back, like Dick was trying to figure out just where he wanted to stick the knife, and Jason thrummed impatiently on the balls of his feet as Dick slowly made his way to the sparring area.
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wayfayrr · 8 months
I can't believe that I almost missed Sky's aniversary!!! happpy twelvth birthday to skyward sword! <3 I'd just like to say thank you to @yourlocaltreesimp for reblogging something that reminded me that today is the boys birthday - this peice is all because of them I wrote it in 40 mins so sky could have something for his bd before the date changes It's a continuation on my self aware sky fic with some headcanons and a small drabble under the cut about how the both of you celebrate his birthday <3
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✦ After about a month and a half of being with you, the both of you are quite used to living together. With Sky getting a grip on how to handle being a real flesh and blood person now - the both of you have even started on getting paperwork sorted for him to be recognised as a real person even if he’s never seen apart from your side
✦ The past few days though he’s had this energy around him, like a little kid excited for their - oh that's right, you’d almost forgotten the anniversary of his game was coming up. No wonder why he’d be so excited about it. 
✦ In the time it’s taken you to realise the date he’s taken his chance to be a little more clingy, you can blame nostalgia for him wanting to be closer. The feeling of the day he was created making him come to terms with just how lucky he was to be standing right next to you - his saviour lover. 
✦ If you were to do anything for him, say buy him gifts, treat him to an expensive meal, take him for a date, set aside the day for him or heck even spend the morning in bed cuddling with him? He’d fall for you all over just being flattered to the core over how much you care about him, if there was even a sliver of a chance of him loosing his possessive tendencies before that chance is shattered beyond repair now. You’re his and he’s never letting go.
✦ with how nostalgic he’s gotten, it’s not all that much of a surprise that he’s asked if he can play through the game on his own, with you sitting right next to him naturally 
“Are you sure about this Link? I mean I’ve not touched it since you well, since you crawled out. Who’s to say that he won’t figure it out as well?”
“It should be fine, what would be the odds of it happening twice? Besides if it does I’d bet he’ll feel the same way my dove.”
He’s not certain which is as clear as day, of course he doesn’t have a clue what could happen if he plays. What would happen if the version of himself he plays as hates him more than anything? If he gets jealous? If he tries to bring him back? Link hasn’t considered any of that, not that I can hold it against him. After that first day out of the game he’s mellowed out so much, it really was his desperation that made him terrifying - not that that doesn’t slip out every now and then of course. If he really wants to play? We’ll deal with the consequences of it together.
“If you’re really sure then love, want me to grab some snacks while you set up the switch?”
“I’d love that, thank you, darling.”
A soft kiss to my cheek is all that I need to become a blushing mess as he moves to turn everything on, including the new tv I had to buy after he shattered the old one, not too expensive but still more of a hassle than I wanted to have to deal with. Seeing as he’s never had any previous experience with any technology like this he’s picked it up like a natural, so in no time at all we’re back to sitting together on my couch to play. It’s nice like this, all gentle and domestic. If you didn’t know Link wasn’t originally a ‘real’ person you wouldn’t even be able to tell, he fits in like he was always supposed to be here with me. The clothes he’s nicked only adding onto that feeling of belonging like he’s just any other boyfriend stealing his partner's clothes. 
“Guess now is the moment of truth to whether or not I’ll be dealing with another nuisance stealing my heart then.”
“I wouldn’t let him take your heart, that belongs to me and only me.”
“Alright then, are you gonna make a save then my lovable anomaly or are you just gonna threaten someone you’re not sure even exists?”
“I’m making it my dearest player, I just had to make sure you were fully certain of where I stand.”
True to his word, he did make a save file - although he did name it something different than his own name - not before kissing me yet again though. Playing it with him was nice, seeing his reactions to his past where he didn’t have to get traumatised? It’s one of the sweetest things I've seen in a long while. It did seem I was right though, he didn’t manage to get to demise before we had a shocked link staring at the both of us like his world had been ripped apart. His reaction was so different to my link’s though.
He’s petrified. 
“Wh- What’s going on - who are you both – wh- wh-” … “And why do you look just like me?”
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sabh0 · 2 months
What's your opinion on the anime? I find it pretty funny, but I can't say that I am not disappointed to see so many scenes missing.
For exemple, I wanted to see Dazai cry laugh at Chuuya's young mistress act, show that it was a joke shared by both of them, rather than one made to us at the expense of Chuuya. They took a genuinely funny moment and made me cringe SO hard for no reason T^T
God i could go on for hours about how Bones ruined this series. I'm obviously thankful we have an anime adaptation but. Well just compare bsd anime to jjk one or smth and yeah.
I will be complaining more under the cut,,
First the overall writing choices:
-Deleting or changing skk scenes to the point im not even shocked when ppl think these two actually somehow hate each other.
-The way they portrayed Sigma. They deleted half of his personality and backstory. And just speedrunned the Sky Casino arc like if seeing that place was giving them nightmares. No wonder he gets mischaracterized now.
-Tachihara's internal conflict about belonging to either Port Mafia or The Hunting Dogs? Bones never heard about it. It's not like IT'S A VERY IMPORTANT PLOT POINT.
-Akutagawa's whole character in the anime is just 'edgy and angry and bad grr'. In the manga he had some 'kind' or even seelf-reflection moments that were ommited in the anime. Like where he realizes defeating Atsushi didn't satisfy him (ship fight, season 1). Or when he gives files about the orphanage Director to Atsushi and says he won't fight him today because he lost someone impirtant to him. Sskk vs Fukuchi fight?? No scene where Sskk r helping each other walk. Instead we get Akutagwa just pushing Atsushi away. Won't even start on that last smile that looked more like another angry expression.
-THE WAY THEY CHANGED "DAZAI'S ENTRANCE EXAM" INTO SOME CURRENT TIMELINE EPISODES. IT MAKES ME SO ANGRY LIKE. THIS NOVEL WAS SO GOOD. Showing both Dazai and Kunikida's characters and partnership so well. But no. Let's just??? Put Atsushi there. Let's delete the fact this thing happened 2 years ago. And let's delete everything that was actually important about it, too.
-also some changes in the Dark Era arc. Like. Lord. Dazai is so much more emotional in the novel. His expressions r described so well. But the anime either shows him from the back at those moments (him finding out Oda was almost killed by a sniper in Ango's room) or just deletes/changes the thing (Oda dying. This scene is so emotional in the novel. From the description u can tell Dazai was crying/on the verge of it as Odasaku died. But in the anime he looks calm and then we get a far aeay frame and he just. Gets up and that's it yeah.) They also deleted the scene of him visiting Oda's grave.
-The way they rushed seasons 4 and 5. Just to give us an episode that goes further than the manga and has the shittiest writing ever when it comes to skk's plan revelation (im so angry about this u guys have no idea. I sincerely believe that if this episode never came out, the manga would go differently bc there's no way that Asagiri who wrote things like Stormbringer suddenly thought that some dollar store vampire make up will fool a guy who's centuries old and literally lived next to vampires. But well!! Seems like these two speeches Dazai gave weren't important at all and now we can just forget about them yippiee)
I could definitely mention WAYY more examples of that but this is already long af. Like guys. I know u cant fit everything in an animated show. It takes time to make it and all but. Bro. The character's in the anime r so shallow compared to their original versions.
Now onto the artstyle of the anime.
Lord. U know? It was actually pretty in the first 2 seasons. The official arts at the time were also really nice to look at.
No idea what happened later. Why did Bones suddenly decide that those ugly turtle smiles r gonna become the main thing in the character design. Why so many fisheyes. Atp sometimes i look at the official art and i go oh lord even i could fix it. It really feels like they draw some characters ugly on purpose now (Chuuya being the main victim for unknown reasons).
Tho i must say they have their moments even now. Some last episodes of season 5 weren't really bad, especially the Meursault part (love them for animating Dazai and Sigma dancing so well. And for that 101 animation. And maybe for the heartattack they gave me with 109 and Chuuya shooting Dazai so many times.)
On some other things, i really like the music! Bsd openings and endings never miss,,,
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tenderleavesbob · 1 month
I originally planned on the unicorn fic to include this scene. It grew long so I decided to cut it up.
As soon as he could, Warriors returned to his normal Hylian form and resumed fighting. He had no plans on shifting back, so he had no idea why he was currently in his unicorn form, letting Time and Wind pet him.
"Your form is much bigger than it used to be," Time said. The admiration in his voice and on his face was clear. Right. That was why he was in this form.
Four was holding up Time's mirror shield in front of him so Warriors could see himself. There was a small white bandage on his head. He was mostly healed, but Hyrule sat beside him, paying more attention to Four than Warriors. Warriors appreciated that.
He also appreciated his reflection in the mirror. When Warriors had previously transformed, he looked like a skinny colt barely holding himself up on his thin legs. Now he was bigger than Epona. His muscles rippled under his shiny white coat. He looked like a warhorse instead of a delicate, dainty picture more worthy of a Lady's painting than a battlefield. How he had hated it when he transformed. He remembered that small, awful form every time Cia looked at him during the war and called him pretty.
"You look amazing, Warriors," Wind said in open awe.
Warriors preened and tossed his mane. It just happened to hit Twilight in the face, and Twilight pulled away quickly. Twilight grinned sheepishly at Warriors and rubbed the back of his head. Yeah. Warriors had seen him and how Twilight was studying him. He bet by then Twilight had a good assessment of exactly how tall he was and had made comparisons to the horses in his own era. If Twilight tried to feed him an apple like he would Epona, Warriors would bite him.
"Don't feed his ego," Legend scoffed, but it was too late for him to bullshit. The only reason Time and Wind had convinced him to shift at all was because of how Legend had initially reacted. Otherwise, Warriors would have sworn off shifting for the rest of his life.
Warriors snorted and looked at the mirror again. If he studied it enough, maybe that weak, unworthy colt in his memory would fade away. This form was strong enough to carry Legend and Four to safety. It was strong enough to carry him across a dangerous battlefield to them in the first place. He still would have preferred something like Twilight's wolf, but maybe this form was good enough, after all.
Maybe he was good enough. Warriors huffed quietly and looked away from the mirror.
His colt self was barely taller than Mask, but his current form was taller than Time. He couldn't resist. He leaned forward and started nibbling Time's hair. It desperately needed a wash, but it was worth it to hear Time yelp.
It was nice to be the bigger brother again. Another reason to transform again in the future.
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mask131 · 13 days
I have a question about Greek Mythology, more specifically Hades.
What's the deal with Hades?
What was his original role in Greek mythology and religion, and how and when did the subsequent demonization happened?
Oh, and how correct is it the modern perception that he was "one of the nicest Greek gods"?
Oh a most interesting question indeed! I will try to be as simple and efficient as possible - but since people spend their entire lifetime dissecting this kind of topics I am bound to miss or oversimplify certain details. (I'll put this under a cut because it will be quite long!)
I. Basic stuff
So... In Greek mythology, Hades is one of the "three kings of the world" (not an official term! It is just a random denomination, the same way the Riordan books use "The Big Three"). The six first Olympians, born of Cronos and Rhea, were three sisters and three brothers - and after vanquishing the Titans, the three brothers split the world between them. Zeus had the sky, Poseidon the sea, Hades the underworld.
The role of Hades in Ancient Greek mythology/religion is that he was the ruler of the Underworld and the "king of the deads" so to speak. The underground realm where all the shades went after their physical death is his, and in fact it is often called "Hades" - showing the true connection between the two, since both the realm and the ruler share the same name, Hades the god being LITERALY the personification of the underworld. (I use "shades" because the concept of "souls" would come much later and mostly in philosophico-religious currents, by the old mythological texts the dead were "shades" or "shadows").
Hades main "role" or "function" in the greater scope of things is to maintain not the balance, but the divide between the livings and the dead. On one side, his job is to keep the dead in the Underworld and make sure they do not return or stay among the living. This is why he got VERY pissed off at Sisyphus for cheating death and returning among the living ; and this is why only the greatest and mightiest heroes could manage to bring back a soul from the Underworld (Orpheus, Dionysos). It is also why Hades' main threat, during the whole Persephone debacle, was to unleash the dead upon the world if he wasn't allowed to keep his wife: one thing to understand is that, in the mindset of Ancient Greek religion/mythology, death was not a nice thing. It was a scary and dirty thing - literaly. Death was seen as something impure, the shades of the dead were perceived as being frightening and horrifying. The gods absolutely HATE death and dead things (since you know, they are immortal) - and if the sight of the shades is mostly just unpleasant to them, if the dead returned to earth the humans would all perish in horror and fright upon merely seeing them. (I'm exaggerating a bit - but the Ancient Greeks did have an immense fear of dead spirits and what is beyond death, and so in their mythology going to the Underworld is always a horror movies and even the bravest men shiver in horror merely Upon seeing the shadows even of their loved ones. See Odysseus' journey to the Underworld, not a happy camping trip)
On the reverse, Hades job was also to prevent the living from accessing the Underworld - the living should stay with the living, the dead with the dead. This is why there are so many guardians around the Underworld - Charon, Cerberus and more. Not just to prevent souls escaping, but also to make sure no living being can come down there - hence why very frequently in hero legends a trip to the Underworld must happen at some point to prove their heroism (Herakles, Theseus, Odysseus, Orpheus and more). This clear-cut "isolationism" is part of why Hades very rarely leaves his realm - in fact almost never outside of important business (like snatching a girl out of a field as if she was the last orange juice bottle at a store). Because that's something that is needed to be established: Hades is and is not an Olympian. As in, Ancient Greeks did NOT recognize him as one of the Twelve Olympians, and Hades did not live on or even visited Mount Olympus - mostly because the Underworld is literaly the sort of opposite realm/opposite pole to the celestial, immortal Olympos. But he "was" an Olympian, as in during the Titanomachy he was one of the six gods who dwelled on Olympos and made it their "headquarters" for the war, and he was originally an "Olympian". And while he is not part of the Twelve Gods anymore, he is still one of the major gods of Greek mythology - as proven by one of his famous titles, "Chthonian Zeus". He is literaly the "dark twin" or "dark clone" of Zeus - both supreme masters over their respective realms, the sky and the underground, the up and the above, immortality and death.
If you want a more technical term to designate Hades' Olympian/notOlympian status, you can use Cronid, a term designating the children of Cronos.
II. Was Hades nice?
Now that the basis were laid down, I'll tackle your specific questions. What about the modern "Hades was the nicest god"? Well... it is a yes or no. It is important to fight off the "demonization" of Hades and to point out he was not an evil god. Depictions of Hades in the Disney Hercules movie or the remake of the Clash of Titans, depicting him as some sort of evil plotter out there to overthrow Zeus - that's deeply wrong. I'll return to the demonization later. Yes, Hades (unlike Zeus or Poseidon) wasn't a womanizer who went around sleeping with everything ; yes, Hades did not meddle with human businesses, caused wars or threw curses left and right ; yes, Hades always stuck to his word, and always respected the law, and just did his job and didn't bother anyone else with it. And that, indeed, makes him much more positive than what we usually think of him as. However! Positive does not mean "nice". Hades was FAR from being a "nice" or "benevolent" god.
The thing with Hades is that he is neutral. A neutral entity, in all that it entails. As a result yes he is "positive", as much as neutrality can be. But the key trait of Hades is that he is what you would call today "heartless" ; or rather "flint-hearted" to take more ancient poetic imagery. Hades always stick to his word and to the rules and just does his job and duty, true... But he is also an extremely stern, austere authority figure who never allows for any nuance or compromise (the fact the whole Persephone deal could even be settled by a compromise is like a big WOW!). Hades does not have pity or compassion for people. He is not moved by tears, by cries, by begging, by anything. If he felt pity every time someone begged him to release a dead back to the living, well he wouldn't do his job anymore so to speak. Hades is a cold and uncaring figure in many ways: the whole reason Orpheus' plea to Hades is remembered as the peak of his legend, is because Orpheus managed to MOVE Hades. He managed, with his magic and emotion, to touch Hades' heart, something that NEVER happened before and that no other mortal ever did. This is VERY important. Hades embodies the cosmic rule of "the dead are dead, and the living are the living, and that's it." In a sense he is a form of cosmic balance and justice who maintains the world in order ; but to human eyes, he is still an unfair oppressor who enacts and defends the principle of death in all that is unfair to our mortals' eyes. This is part of the complex beauty of the Persephone legend: you have Demeter and Hades, life and death, battling over the young girl (who embodies all young people), and both are in the right and both are in the wrong. Because Hades stands by a stern, cosmic point of view: what belongs to the dead belongs to the dead, there's no return and no use in obsessing over what is gone. But Demeter stands by a human point of view: she is a mother who saw her young child being taken by an early and unpredicted death, and she tries her best to mourn and return her daughter to her.
Another thing people tend to forget is that Hades is not a joyful or humoristic or enjoyable god to be around. There's a lot of takes of Hades as a, I don't know, shy little thing or joyful person. But Hades was in the image of his realm. A cold, dark, damp place devoid of laughter or smiles or light. Nobody is happy in the Underworld in the sense we understand it. Yes the Greek Underworld has the Elysian Fields, which is the Ancient Greek equivalent of Paradise - but it also has Tartaros, the Ancient Greek equivalent of Hell. And here's the thing... The Elysian Fields and Tartarus are not the "regular" Underworld. They are extremes and special cases. The Elysian Fields are only for mighty heroes - and heroes are not your regular Joe, and they are above regular humans. Tartaros is for those that perosnally offended the gods, and again this is not an everyday occurence. Regular people, be them good or bad, rich or powerful, famed or unknown, ended up in an Underworld that people describe mostly today as the "Asphodean Fields". Just... a life of endless wandering and awaiting. As shades, living shadows without any body (and thus without any need or desire). They don't even have a voice - one must bring them blood sacrifice for them to speak again - and they sometimes don't have memories thanks to the whole Lethe deal. This is just... the very typical Antique conception of the drab and dreary underworld that you find back from Hel's realm to Ereshkigal's domain. A place of shadows and silence, or forgetfulness and endless, meaningless wandering, a place without punishment or reward, just to keep what doesn't live anymore. "All equal in death", but this equality is not pleasant. And thus Hades himself is not pleasant. Heck, one of his epithets, Agelastos, was tied to the concept of "melancholy", and another, Stygeros, means "horrible".
While Hades seems to a modern audience much more pleasant and decent due to his role (or non-role) in myths compared to other deities, we have to remember how the Ancient Greeks themselves considered him. And the Ancient Greeks DREADED Hades. They feared him - one had to avoid calling him directly by his name (hence his numerous nicknames, often pleasant in the old apotropaic logic of calling negative entities by nice names not to anger them - like the Erynies becoming the Eumenides, the "kind ones". Similarly Hades was "The Rich One", "The Host of Many", "the Chthonian Zeus", all names based on his traits but twisted in a way that sounds more pleasant). Hades was at the core of Ancient Greek superstitions because there was the belief that attracting Hades' attention would cause one to have an early death, or to be "welcomed" too early in his realm. You know, it is the old logic of "death calls for death", "since death is a soilure, it can corrupt the living who interact too much with it", "if the god of the dead pays too much attention to you, he might send his underlings go get you". And while Hades was dreaded, his underlings were EVEN MORE SO (Hades wasn't the god of death per se... but he was the god who could boss around the personification of death, Thanatos, and he had "hired" numerous primordial monsters, such as Cerberus).
So while Hades was more positive than, let's say Ares or Hera in mythologies... It doesn't mean he was liked or perceived as a jolly good fellow. The most accurate thing we can say is that Hades was a lot like Hestia: the most neutral of the "Olympians". But "neutral" doesn't mean "good", "nice" or "pleasant"...
III. The demonization of Hades
Now that I took down the recent "moeification" of Hades, I do need to talk about his demonization, since you asked. Hades might have not been a pleasant guy or a good guy, he was dreaded and hated by the Ancient Greeks, and by extension the other gods were known to be uneasy with him or not particularly wishing to interact... But there was a big demonization inflicted upon him that clearly turned him into an evil caricature of what was just a scary neutral big force of the dark side of the world.
When did it start? I would guess with Christianity. And it isn't just how Christianity, when it came to the Greco-Roman world, slowly started taking actual deities and turned them into devils and demons (the most famous example being Pan and the satyrs who provided most of the devilish imageries of the Middle-Ages). You see, one key element must be taken into account: Bible translations. One of the most famous and spread out Bible translations was the Greek one, and the Greek translation used the term "Hades" quite regularly - to designate very negative and unpleasant death-places like the Sheol or the Gehenna, that would later become the Christian Hell. A Hell typically called "Hades" in Greek - clearly divided from the Heaven/Paradise of God and angels. And this would be the start of Christian culture assimilating Hades with the devil, demons, and the torments of the dead.
This religious confusion still exists today in many countries with a dominant Christian culture. For example, in France there is this famous linguistic complexity. French languag does not have a single world for "underworld" as the English have - or rather they are, but they are not commonly used. So in common language, the mythical underworlds of various cultures are designated by "enfer"... a world which means "hell", in the Christian sense of the term. Which always forces people to explain "Greek Hell wasn't Christian Hell". In fact, the tacit rule is that to designate the Christian Hell, you must use "l'enfer", singular, while for a mythical underworld you must use "les enfers", in plural. But it is still very, very confusing.
And so, through Christianity, Bible translations, demonization of Greek principles, etc etc, we ended up with stuff like the Disney Hercules movie, whose original concept-art for Hades was literaly just the Christian "red horned devil living in flames":
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IV. The technical details
Now this post is already a bit long so I'll move on to the last thing you specifically asked - origins and religion. (Because so far I speak mostly of mythology or broad point of views)
Hades did have a cult and worship, since he was one of the main gods of Ancient Greece. But it was a careful worship, due to the superstitions I evoked above. For example you did sacrifices to Hades, of black-colored animals whose blood was thrown on the ground or in a pit - but by avoiding looking at Hades' faces (well his statue's). You could praise Hades, pray him or call for him, even banging the earth with your hands to make sure he heard you - but you avoided saying his name, and you certainly did NOT use his name for oaths.
Mind you Hades HAD a worship... but not a big one. In fact, his sanctuaries and temples were so rare in Ancient Greece that a scholia of the Iliad went as far as to claim there were none at all and Hades was a cult-less god. Pausanias did note that the only place where he knew of a real cult of Hades was the Peloponesse city of Elis, where Hades had a temple opened only once a year, to welcome Hades' priest and him only, and then it was closed for another year ; but he evoked other cults he heard about elsewhere, and Strabo did mention an Hades worship at another Peloponese city, Hermione. Though, again, reports are conflicting - some authors claiming Hades had libations of the blood of black sheep and bulls, others like Euripides saying Hades never had any libation... And we do know of some "peasant ritual" or "agrarian superstitions" where before sowing a field, the farmer had to call and pray to the Chthonian Zeus (aka Hades). That was because Hades, as the master of the underworld, also was seen as having ownership and influence over everything located below ground - be it the grain under the soil, or the various metals and stones dug out of mines. This is why his most famous and common epithet was "Plouton", "The Rich One, "The Wealthy One" - and also why Hades got involved with Demeter, as the Persephone myth can be read in an agrarian angle (Demeter is the life-force force of plants and the goddess of harvest and crops ; Hades is the one who keeps the grains under the earth until they grow out of the surface).
Finally, Hades' name is written in Ancient Greek "Aides", or variations "Aidos, Aidoneus", which is commonly agreed to etymologically mean "The Unseen One". A good reflection of Hades as the master of all the things located beyond life (afterlife) and below earth (underworld), associated with darkness and shadows and the things you SHOULD NOT SEE. Plus there's how, during the early Titanomachy, of the Cyclops' three gifts, Hades received a "helmet of invisibility" that prevented anybody from seeing him.
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whipped-bean · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel redesigns that will make you prefer the originals pt. 1
i hate this show's designs and storytelling so much so i made them look better, feel free to request someone next i guess idk lmao.
slightly disturbing imagery below (???)
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also no i don't support the show's creator and i hate her guts, the only stuff I've seen from the show is clips from tiktok :P
these are NOT meant to be animator friendly, srsly, i know its a running joke amongst redesigns but pls don't be like 'omg these would be such a pain to animatteeee' bc thats THE WHOLE POINT >:(
info under the cut
For angel:
-arms, legs, and big ol abdomen are NOT retractable because that just felt like a cheap way to make him look less detailed and pisses me off because its just wasted potential :P
-less of a formal outfit because if he wore one it would be too stuffy and uncomfortable'
-'shorts' that are basically just a skirt due to his back legs
-curly hair because it looks nice on him
-very uncomfortable boots, they force him to walk tip-toed 24/7 because theyre form fitted and stiff
-wanted to play up the spider theme AS MUCH as possible, if it wasnt obvious lmao
-no lower jaw
For Vox:
-a more or less 'imposter' kind of theme, he doesnt look human or demon, but his death was too severe for him to keep his entire body once he was sent to hell
-pieced himself back together with his very minimun memories of his past life as a simple and sad old man working as an electrician, so the engineering wasnt very good at first
-he didnt look creepy enough to me so obviously i fixed that
-kept his hat though to piss people off i guess, also cause its funny to me idk
-rubber gloves and shoes, and random patches on his clothes are rubber to absorb shock while he works
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greenbetula · 4 months
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i'll be disappearing for a while so have this drawing I submitted for art class back in november. we were just told to make a digital drawing so i took the chance to make more milgram fanart!
alt version under the cut (+ slight rant about our printer)
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this was the first version I was supposed to submit. unfortunately we had to print it out and our printer hates me so it decided to completely go wild with the colors (even though I carefully chose the colors so that it's somewhat bearable for the printer, but sure yeah, make everything super saturated and dark since you want to suffer that much). so I had to go and adjust the colors and details, which is sad because I really like the original palette but we can't have nice things I guess.
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ravenbronze · 5 months
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Food is the Language of Love
Inspired by this post by @applinsandoranges, which, in summary, is basically about how Sebastian really loves to cook. As it happened to be Pancake Day and Valentines Day this week, naturally I thought the Headcanon paired very well with the two!
More under the cut if anyone’s interested:
The first one is the Pancake Day one and Sebastian has dragged everyone down to Feldcroft so he can make pancakes for them (duh).
Even though Anne hates cooking, I like the the idea that she would sit with Sebastian while he cooks and try and wind him up in any way possible (“Are you sure you added enough flour?” “That looks a bit runny to me!” “Hmm, perhaps should have whisked a bit longer.”). Sebastian is just trying to concentrate, do his best not to burn anything and tune his twin out. He knows he’s followed the recipe correctly and everything is going to plan so he’s not going to let his sister plant doubts in his head.
MC is doing what MC does best and is trying to help by setting the table and getting everything else ready so Sebastian can focus on the cooking. And Ominis is fed up of listening to the twins bicker, is getting hungry and is wondering why yet again, he has gone along with one of Sebastian’s ideas, when he could have just stayed in the castle and eaten there.
The second one is the Valentines Day one and, because I’m a big sap for Seb x MC, it’s a romantic candlelit dinner where he’s cooked for her. As per the original post, his food doesn’t always look good but is always tasty, which got me thinking about what he’d make. In the end, I went for cottage/shepherds pie. Basically because it’s hard to make it look nice but it is tasty and warming on a cold February night. Also, I wanted to pick something that would have been around in the 1800s that Sebastian could have easily got ingredients for - pretty much just potatoes, mince and veg.
I figured that even though he cooks all the time and knows he cooks well, he’d still be nervous to cook for MC because obvs the whole point of a date is to try and impress and he doesn’t want to mess anything up. But she would be pleased with anything that he put on a plate for her and is happy just to be spending time with him.
Anyway, I’ve put way too much thought into what is only a couple of drawings but I had a lot of fun using the ideas from the post to come up with how everyone would behave and what would be going on. It’s also the first time I’ve done a proper background (At least since I’ve started drawing again) and I can’t decide whether I enjoyed doing it or absolutely hated it lol
But if anyone’s still here, thanks for reading and I hope you all have a lovely week, whether you’re eating pancakes, celebrating Valentines Day or doing something else entirely!
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thebottomfromhell · 4 months
Hi, i would like to request a hantengu clones (you can add zohakuten or original hantengu) x (any gender) reader, so reader is (most of the time or maybe all the time) really really nice but something had snapped inside reader, they/he/she go all mad because of an argument or maybe something had happened with someone they had bumped into.
I will use GN for this one, I hope nobody minds. I also disn't know if this meant individually, but I took it as if you wanted a drabble... I hope I was right and that you like this work.
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GN nice reader snaps at the Hantengu Clones (ft. Hantengu) after a bad day
Warnings: Polyamory, Implied Self-cest (due a poly, nothing about it actually there), Angst.
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You don't like too much attention or to cause trouble, you also hate treating others badly, even when they deserve it. For all of that, more often than not you tend to hold your tongue and keep your mouth shut everytime you get angry, and if the situation doesn't get better you leave the space and go back the second you manage to calm down. Sometimes it works better than others, there are still time you got to face the situation still angry, but having your time and space always help.
Today, though? It was a nightmare. It seemed everything and everyone today needed you urgently, didn't give you any time to even eat or drink something, and for some reason more than one people had the urge to talk back to you today for stupid things. Now you are tired, hungry, resented... this doesn't help. This days has already ended, you are unsatisfied about it, yet, you don't have it in you to do something about it.
It doesn't help that you know what is waiting for you at home, Hantengu and his clones. Don't misunderstand, you adore these guys, to the point you are in a romantic relationship with the clones, sometimes you even feel like the owner of a harem with them around, but... they are pretty handy. Not only by their nature of being a human flesh eating demon that burns under the sun, but the fact that they are the personification of an specific emotion each, some even opposites to each others. Because of that, the fact that they act up on that emotion and clash with each other is to be expected, so you are the one who must put order in your own home.
So you sigh as you get home, contemplating just... staying outside or going to an inn to spend the night. You can imagina already Karaku and Sekido making a mess in their arguments, Urogi clinging to you, Hantengu sobbing with no end and and Aizetsu... well, Aizetsu will not do anything wrong but he also won't be helpful at all, and you are not in position to really care about it.
Then, the door opens and you need to swallow a groan of frustration when Urogi comes out and gets on top of you. "Y/N! Y/N! You're home!" Usually you would find this endearing and cute, but you are not in the mood. "Yeah, I'm home..." you say tired as you support yourself with the wall as you get in, not even bothering in closing the door behind you. If someone or something gets in then there is a demon to face, not that it matters. "Welcome." You nod at it, too tired to actually answer, even worse with Urogi on top of you. Aizetsu tilts his head but he doesn't say anything else, just close his eyes and keep himself to and for himself. Most likely bracing himself for the next part.
"You DISGUSTING PIG! I'l KILL YOU, Karaku!" You hear ceramics break, well, there goes a tea cup. "C'mon, Sekido. We both know you are just jealou-" the sound of flesh being penetrated and a liquid splashing in a surface interrupt him, and now you gotta clean your kitchen. Oh joy, that is sarcasm. Usually, you would try to ask what is going on and intervene before they break something actually vauable or needed in the household, but right now you are becoming every time more frustrated. "Eeeeeck! It wasn't me! It wasn't me!"
Breath... count to ten... anything... just don't- "CUT IT OUT, FUCKING-!" you shut yourself up before finishing the sentence, making everyone look at you, making you feel embarrased, making the anger fade away into a more miserable feeling. You want to cry, scream into a pillow, be comforted, to sleep, to eat. You don't want this. Why is your day hoing so bad? "I'm sorry..." you whisper as you cower away, face a bit heated, eyes a bit blurry and throat with a knot that starts to fill your nose with the need to sob.
Urogi gets off you to see you as the others also get close, minus Hantengu, he keeps cowering away, but at least has the decency to cover his own sobs. "Y/N, are you ok?" "Shhhh, shhh, babe, it's ok. Let's go to sit down." Aizetsu is the one who grab you and guide you to sit as the other stares. "Stay here. I'll bring tea." But you don't want tea, amd that sounded ungrateful to yourself. There is a moment that the only noise are your contained sobs as the other clones see you, making you cover your face with your hands put of shame, only rubbing your nose and eyes.
"Karaku. Urogi. Take some steps back!" They do, giving you a bit more of space. "Bad day?" He ask, softer, to you, as you can only nod with the soreness in your throat and the lack of trust you have in not starting to cry right away. "Is there anything we can do?" You shake your head as Aizetsu puts the tea in fron mt of you and Karaku streches a hand to pat your back. You stay like this for a while, until you fall asleep with them tryibg to comfort you.
It really sucked.
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wilsonphiggs · 3 months
I fucking hate mcsm btw (lying)
hey guys so I thought a bit too hard and I was thinking about how I would rewrite the story. one of my gripes specifically being with how they handled lukas and axel’s relationship. I went on a really long tangent on how I would’ve fixed it and I’ll paste it under the cut. (WARNING: IT’S A REALLY LONG RANT.)
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so, I didn’t really like how they treated their dynamic. axel was so concerned for petra—and that’s understandable, considering she’s a friend—but they never gave a reason as to why axel SPECIFICALLY was worried so much, which caused him to lash out more. therefore, resulting in him mad at lukas for getting scared, along with the fact that he was the leader of the ocelots, yatta yatta etc. etc.
but my main point is: their mutual disdain for each other not only felt forced, but artificial. it felt so unreasonable, with axel shoving lukas around for seemingly no reason at times. not only that, but axel was just generally an asshole of a character. I get having someone joke around a little rudely if it’s all jokes and you know that—my friend group and I are like that all the time. but there’s a fine line between crude humor and outright bullying your “friends” or allies. not to mention he was just a frustrating character. “but… finders keepers!” when EVERYONE is in danger and he just refuses to give up the thing that would stop the witherstorm? a dick move.
and apologies, but lukas felt a little TOO nice at times in the first one or two episodes. yes, he’s generally a nice guy. and yes, he’s had some moments of getting frustrated or prickly. but considering that he was rivals with this group for so long, admitted that he didn’t really think highly of them for a while, AND petra herself called him arrogant? you can’t blame me for thinking that he was a bit too kind, even if he was trying to stay on good terms with everyone while the world was seemingly ending. yeah, he was awkward. and no, I don’t think he should’ve been outwardly hostile. but I don’t think he should’ve been quite as friendly as he was.
they should both have little quirks and flaws, but they should also both be lovable characters in their OWN ways. this is honestly how I would’ve written it:
it would’ve been better to make axel really stand off-ish because he doesn’t know how to really act around someone who was once “bad” in his eyes, but is now suddenly “good.” especially when the change is so sudden. distrusting, awkward, unpleasant interactions would feel much more natural rather than downright antagonizing lukas at every turn.
axel is really awkward and is a little distrustful of him because of so many factors, but maybe lukas interprets that as aloofness and detachment. lukas tries not to really disrupt conversations because he feels as though he’s intruding, but axel perhaps interprets that as arrogance and conceit. miscommunication, misinterpretation—these are much more natural ways of having animosity grow between two parties.
and hey, even better! this could allow you to have a choice ACTUALLY make a difference TELLTALE GAMES. (the company infamous for having choices in games that don’t Actually matter!)
maybe if you have axel stay behind with lukas to fortify the temple while also getting magnus, MAYBE you can see them actually visibly get along better! even if axel went off on his own to get magnus—which was him straying from the plan—maybe they agreed and decided it was for the better to get the order together again rather than just a few members. maybe you can see them having similar ideas, talking more, etc. etc.
and on the other hand, if you go with axel for magnus and choose olivia to stay, maybe axel feels a little more bitter towards lukas since olivia went off to get ellagaard. he feels bitter since he just let her go instead of convincing her to just STAY and wait for petra like the original plan was (even though he knows he would’ve broken that himself to go out for magnus, but moral highgrounds and such.)
yeah, sure. it’ll end in you getting both members of the order anyway. that won’t change. BUT, it still affects the characters! it fleshes out the characters more. makes them both have perks AND flaws! it HUMANIZES them, makes them more realistic.
and MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, if the conflict between them builds up enough, you might have to choose one side or the other at some point in the story! there could be several decisions that alter their relationship and how they function! one of your lifelong best friends who has ADMITTED that you’re one of his only friends, and you can tell he cares about everyone there (even if not entirely obvious,) or a friend that, while you once bickered a ton with in the past, is now genuinely making an effort to change and care and seems generally more agreeable now? they both love you and your friends, undoubtedly, but they’re too bitter to be around one another. there isn’t enough room for the both of them. one has to go, jesse. so, who’ll it be?
in fact, maybe there’s a scene where lukas and axel are in danger. in the ellagaard route (followed by more good decision making,) one actually saves the other from said situation and everyone lives. in the magnus route (followed by more bad decision making,) they both intentionally sabotage each other and you have to choose to save ONE. either that, or it’s as originally said, where there’s a story-changing fight and you have to choose one or the other.
this is a minor thing but I could not stop thinking about it. but oh well them’s the breaks pal /ref
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