#the opportunity to have a son help his father instead of trying to kill him was. right there lmao
goldieclaws · 2 years
Not to sound like someone who thinks 'blood is thicker than water' is a good quote, but the fact it turns out Jormungandr is not Atreus/Loki's son and just a random ass giant Atreus and Kratos have no connection to completely takes any emotional impact it had when Atreus called for Jormungandr's aid in the Baldur fight, and the fact the giant in question can't even be asked to thank Atreus and Angrboda for the new body doesn't help imo.
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shanastoryteller · 8 months
happy winter time! naruto, dealer's choice. thank you!
a continuation of 1
Sakura is terrified that she’s going to mess this up.
Naruto’s never been mean to her, and has complimented her hair several times, but they’re not really friends. Back when she was friends with Ino, she’d see her at the Yamanaka compound sometimes and they’d play together, but she doubts Naruto remembers that.
Sakura doesn’t think she and Sasuke have ever had an actual conversation. He used to be the center of all their competitive crushes, to his hilarious dismay, but then he got betrothed to Naruto and no one was willing to piss off the hokage’s daughter by flirting with her fiance.
Well, besides Ino, but everyone knows she does it just because Sasuke hates it and Naruto feels duty bound to defend him.
Also because Shikamaru ended up taking Sasuke’s place as Cutest (and Available) Boy and Ino would rather stab herself in the eye than bat her eyelashes at Shikamaru, even if that means there’s a social game she can’t win.
Sakura's on a team with son of the Uchiha clan head and the hokage’s daughter, Rookie of the Year and Top Kunoichi, and their sensei isn’t even some normal jounin, but the Inuzuka clan head.
Tsume-sensei seems dismayed when they pass, although Sakura thinks she should have expected this. Naruto and Sasuke have been working as a team for even longer than they’ve been engaged.
Maybe she’s just surprised that they folded Sakura in with them instead of leaving her behind. Honestly, she’s pretty surprised by that too.
“Does this mean we get a dog?” Naruto asks brightly as Sasuke picks twigs out of her hair. “Mom says I only get one pet and doesn’t believe me that the frog doesn’t count.”
“No,” Tsume-sensei snaps, then, “Maybe, I don’t know. I hadn’t actually expected that I’d have to train you, fuck.”
Sakura can’t see this going well.
Naruto walks home with Sasuke, because her mother is working late to avoid her father and her father is working late to avoid the fact that her mother is working late to avoid him.
She wishes they’d just get a divorce. Maybe they will now that she’s legally an adult. Maybe she’ll move out and take herself out of the equation.
She won’t. But she thinks about it a lot.
“Maybe it’s good that it’s Tsume,” she says. “Sakura’s biggest weakness is her conditioning and you know that Tsume will train us into the dirt.”
Sasuke hums. “Maybe we should introduce her to Gai.”
She stares. “Do you hate Sakura?”
“She’s fine,” he says dismissively. “It’s too bad we didn’t get Hinata, but both my father and hers would have thrown a fit and gone to complain to yours. He’s the best at taijutsu, if she joins Team Nine’s morning workouts then she’ll be up to par in no time.”
“If it doesn’t kill her,” Naruto says dryly. “Why don’t we see what Tsume cooks up first, yeah? The first chunin exam is months away. She has time.”
“How do you know Tsume will sign us up for that one?” he asks, although by the glint in his eye he already knows.
Naruto answers anyway. “Tsume is going to take the first opportunity to get rid of us that she can, which would be the chunin exams. She’ll be praying for us to either pass or die.”
He laughs, a breathy sound that wouldn’t qualify coming from anyone else.
They arrive at the Uchiha compound and she stares at it wistfully. After helping uncover the almost betrayal, every Uchiha is nice to her now. The compound is so warm and bright and everyone is happy to see her and there’s always somewhere she can go.
“You can join me,” Sasuke says. “Mom always makes extra.”
Just in case she shows up.
“They’ll be expecting me to be home after the test,” she says, trying not to sigh. “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
Sasuke nods, a pinched look on his face that she pretends not to notice.
When they get married, she hopes they live in the compound.
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justdiptych · 5 months
The original Fallout had one group of raiders. That was the name the game map gave to them - 'Raiders' - but they were in fact known as the Khans. They were a relatively minor faction, being tied to quests in the first town the player is likely to visit, but we learn a lot about them in their brief appearance.
Many of the Khans are given names and dialogue, and will tell the player about their history - including how they came from the same place as the people of Shady Sands, Vault 15, and feel entitled to share in the town's wealth. Some see their raiding life as a way to claim control of the post-war world - ruling through strength and fear, believing that old ideas of morality died with the rest of the world. Others treat it as just another job - they support their group by trading, maintaining equipment, preparing food, and other everyday tasks.
In short, the Khans are a fully-realised community, as much a part of the story as any other. We learn that their brutal leader, Garl Death-Hand, took command after killing his abusive father. The player can kill him, or negotiate with him, or impress him with acts of cruelty, or even challenge his nihilistic views by convincing him that they're his father, back from the dead. Killing Garl and destroying his compound is treated as the best choice for the region as a whole, and is confirmed to have happened in the next game in the series, but it's certainly not the only option.
Fallout 2 has two groups of raiders. One - again marked 'Raiders' on the map - turn out not to be raiders at all, in that they're not attacking towns to steal their wealth. Instead, they're a mercenary company, hired by a disreputable businessman from one town (New Reno) on behalf of another town (Shady Sands again, now the capital of the New California Republic) to harass a third town (Vault City) to convince them that they need outside help in maintaining their defences. It's part of the game's major subplot about the three societies competing for control of northern California and western Nevada.
The other group are the New Khans, founded by Garl's son Darion after the original Khans' defeat. These Khans aren't nearly so fearsome as their predecessors - they mostly operate in secret, hiding behind a group of squatters who have moved into the ruins of Vault 15 and pretending to help them restore it for use. Darion is wracked with resentment over what happened to his father's crew and guilt for having survived, and his gang ultimately present little real threat to the outside world.
What I'm getting at here is that, in the world of Fallout as it existed in those early games, 'raiders' were not a major factor. There was one group who conducted raids as part of their regular economic activity, but only against particular communities - Shady Sands saw them as raiders, but to the Hub, they were just traders. Raiders only existed in a particular context - they had particular interests, beliefs and opportunities that would not always be possible or applicable.
Most of the games' conflict came not from the existence of raiders but from bilateral political and economic competition between groups with overlapping but not identical interests, which was reflected in their respective ideologies. We see this in Killian and Gizmo fighting to control the future of Junktown, and in the Master's attempt to reshape the world with the Unity while the different groups of New California try to retain their independence.
We particularly see it in Fallout 2, with its three-way battle for economic domination between the constitutional democracy of the New California Republic, the mafia-ruled narco-state of New Reno, and the elitist technocratic slave state of Vault City. Which of these groups continue to rule and expand, and which crumble, is what ultimately shapes the region's future - with control of Redding and its gold supply as the linchpin.
While the Enclave are the story's primary antagonists, they're chiefly characterised by their refusal to engage with this new socio-economic order - they believe that all outside authorities are illegitimate, and all outsiders non-human, and their only plan is to release a bioweapon into the atmosphere and kill literally everyone on Earth but themselves. The Enclave's defeat is necessary for New California's survival, but, otherwise, they change very little about how people live their lives. They're like Darion's New Khans on a larger scale - relics of a fallen order, robbed of their purpose, hiding in an old bunker and driven by nothing but resentment of having been left behind.
I might, in future, talk about the contrasting depiction of raiders in Fallouts 3, 4 and 76, and about New Vegas's use of raider and bandit groups like the Khans, the Legion, the Fiends and the White Legs. For now, I think I've made my point - that raiders are not a fact of life but a product of a particular place and time, and much less relevant to the universe of Fallout than other forms of competition and violence.
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evilbihan · 2 months
Hii! So with the arrival of Takeda (hip hip hooray!) Also comes with his intros. There's a certain intro with Takeda and Tomáš that goes as follows:
Takeda: "From what I hear, Bihan was a bad brother."
Tomáš: "Because to him, I wasn't one."
So that made me :(((. I wanted to ask if this would change your perception for Bihan's and Tomáš' convoluted relationship? Because I wholeheartedly agree Bihan by nature - underneath his built identity and grooming of becoming the Grandmaster and by proxy wanting to act for the betterment of the clan - does hold love for Tomáš and can't help but be endeared to his little brother (no so little, Tom is HUGE). But i suppose the writers want to push the notion of Tomáš and Bihan not being brothers.
I love, love, l o v e yours and inflamedrosenkranz's posts so so much. So thank you if you do respond to my ask! <3
From what I hear, Takeda was a bad cousin.
Didn't he try to murder Kenshi?
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(Not to mention, his official bio in MK1 says he enjoyed his former lifestyle. Doesn't seem like he has much remorse for trying to kill his cousin either... )
And additionally to being a bad cousin, he was an even worse son in the previous timeline who beat up his blind father for "abandoning" him while Kenshi only tried to protect him by leaving him with the only person he knew could keep him safe.
This is the guy who gets to point fingers at others???? Disgusting.
It's beyond me why some people like Takeda. They should have brought back Kung Jin instead.
Now that we have an idea of Takeda's credibility and moral compass, let me answer your question.
"I wanted to ask if this would change your perception for Bihan's and Tomáš' convoluted relationship?"
To me, this intro doesn't change much, if anything at all. Because it adds nothing new, except for Tomas' perspective and it's really not that surprising that Tomas would think Bi-Han never considered him a brother when Bi-Han has always been acting cold towards him.
However, this is Tomas' perception of the situation and Tomas doesn't know everything. Tomas can't read Bi-Han's mind, he can't know whether Bi-Han ever thought of him as a brother or not and again, Bi-Han not considering him a brother is the only point making him a "bad brother" in Tomas' opinion. He doesn't say Bi-Han ever mistreated him or Kuai Liang. In fact, there is no mention of him ever being a bad brother to Kuai Liang at all. This is just Tomas' opinion on Bi-Han and we need to keep in mind from what position it comes from.
Tomas is hurt and angry, the last thing Bi-Han said to him was that his blood is not Lin Kuei. It's understandable why he would jump to this conclusion and think Bi-Han never considered him family.
However, there is proof of this perception potentially being false. You can find my other posts analyzing their relationship here, here and here.
Bi-Han never corrects others when they speak of his brothers (plural).
He doesn't correct Tomas for calling Bi-Han's parents mother and father too.
When Tomas asks Bi-Han why he was cold towards him. Bi-Han says it was because he's not Lin Kuei, not because they are not brothers.
Bi-Han did seem concerned when Tomas almost died, so even if he doesn't think of Tomas as a brother, he did care about him to some extent.
Bi-Han doesn't necessarily want to be enemies with Tomas, He tells him they will only be enemies unless Tomas submits, leaving open the opportunity for Tomas to either be on neutral terms with him or even return to the Lin Kuei.
Lastly, here comes the most important point: Bi-Han doesn't owe Tomas anything. He has every right to refuse to call a complete stranger his brother. This was a situation Bi-Han was forced into by his parents as a young boy when his father chose to adopt Tomas. If it's true that he never considered Tomas his brother that is an entirely valid position to have. It doesn't make Bi-Han a bad person or a bad brother. I may have said this before, but if you go and ask random people what their defintion of family is, you'll get many different answers. Some will tell you family are those related to you by blood, others will tell you found family and the people you want in your life are the only true family. After all, you can't choose who you're related to by blood. And guess what? Neither of these takes are right or wrong. They're just different from each other and people will have different opinions on what family is. Trying to force Bi-Han to accept Tomas into his family is messed up and wrong.
Anyway, I'm glad to hear you like my posts and thank you for sending me this ask!
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ghenry · 5 months
Rewatched the Avatar TLA series with my partner recently, and fell in love with the world and characters all over again. I especially love the journey Zuko goes through the show as a character.
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Zuko, son of Fire Lord Ozai. He seems pretty by-the-books at first as this angry villain, but something that makes him immediately unique for this kind of setting is his young age. He's barely older than Aang, our child protagonist.
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"You're just a child." "Well, you're just a teenager!"
Although early on you start getting the idea that there's more nuance to him than this villain trying to incapacitate our protag, he shows some depth in his character here and there, usually through his uncle Iroh, a wise warrior that's there to aid and comfort his nephew, joining his banished trip on his own accord. While he's on the villain's side, it's worth noting he never hurts or intimidates innocent people, only ever fighting those already attacking or threatening him.
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Even so, Zuko made it blatantly clear what his intents were. "I must capture the avatar to regain my honor." And he barely changed his mind about this throughout the entire first season, even when the two helped each-other out of hopeless circumstances, hinting that they're not meant to be sworn enemies.
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"If we knew each-other back then, do you think we could've been friends too?"
Knowing the show and how it transpires across all 3 seasons, it's interesting seeing the intent the writers and showrunners had for these characters, and their hidden depth, all the way back in this first season. One of the finest examples would be Iroh sharing Zuko's history with fellow soldiers. A history which helps said soldiers --and in turn, the audience-- empathize with him.
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Behind Zuko's scarred face is a story about a boy already feeling lost and unsure of himself, stumbling into a tragedy where his father --in sheer arrogance-- abused his son to a high degree in front of all his subordinates, in a heinous act he would call punishment.
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Ever since then, he was banished to travel across the world to search for the avatar, a task his father felt was worthless, but was the same as leaving him out to die. This isn't the origin of a villain, but a downtrodden individual who couldn't find his place in life.
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What Zuko called "honor" over and over again wasn't that, but his father's love. He already lost his mother, and instead yearned for his father's approval and affection. This culminated to his ultimate betrayal, siding with his sister and turning his back on his uncle, which lead to his imprisonment. During a crossroad and moment of insecurity, he threw his uncle Iroh to the wolves because he thought he would regain his honor and earn his right to be a part of his family once again.
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Zuko would be welcomed back into his family, he retrieved what he thought was his honor --and what he thought was genuine love from his father.
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"You have redeemed yourself, my son."
But even then, he still felt lost, alone, and without a sense of direction. Nothing changed, his soul still felt incomplete.
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"For so long, I thought that if my dad accepted me, I'd be happy. My dad talks to me, he even thinks I'm a hero! Everything should be perfect, right? I should be happy now, but I'm not! I'm angrier than ever, and I don't know why!"
It took him a long time (about 2 and a half seasons) to realize he didn't need this sense of "honor" and what he was chasing was just a farce. His father only showed Zuko "love" when he seemed useful, an asset that was helping his fascist conquering of multiple nations by killing the Avatar.
All of this drew to an enthralling, terrifying, heart-wrenching moment between him and his father during the day of the eclipse. He used the minutes they could not fire bend as an opportunity to let out the truth and his own epiphany. He admitted that he never killed Aang --didn't even try, for that matter-- and that he's going to help him defeat his father's regime. Ozai immediately despised Zuko for this, proving his 'love' was conditional and hollow. And at that moment, as soon as the eclipse ceased, he attempted to kill his own son right then and there in a moment that never fails to draw tears out of me as soon as it happens.
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Zuko survived his father's lethal attack, only by sheer will, and a lighting-redirection technique his uncle happened to teach him a while back, emphasizing how important Iroh is to him. Iroh is the father figure that truly loved Zuko unconditionally. Ozai, his biological father, could only grant him death. His uncle Iroh, at that moment, inadvertently granted him life.
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And Zuko's story (mostly) ends in the middle of the 4-part finale. With the help of his friends, he tracked down Iroh who escaped from prison. The moment he sees his uncle, he breaks down as he's horribly ashamed of his actions, expecting Iroh to shun him as he feels he does not deserve his uncle's love after what he did to him.
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"I was never angry with you . . . I was sad, because I was afraid you lost your way."
But Iroh doesn't hesitate to embrace him. Like I said, his love is unconditional. He knew Zuko wasn't evil, he was only being manipulated by the likes of his father and sister. He knew Zuko would find the right path, restore his own honor, and come back to him. It's such a beautiful moment and the soul-piercing conclusion to Zuko's story, a story they were building up since the literal first episode.
Of course, there's also Azula, his sister. She was considered a prodigy with her amazing fire bending abilities, mastering the skill of bending lightning, something only her father and uncle were able to do before her.
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She was a spitting image of her father; fierce, manipulative, wrathful, the only thing she shared with her brother Zuko was their sense of determination. But we don't learn what really drives Azula until the finale. It's similar to Zuko. He felt incomplete without his father's love. While this was implied before the finale, Azula felt she was missing her mother's love.
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While I think the argument could be made that this was just her own projection, it's important that this shows how --despite her more respected place in their family and nation-- she was just as broken and spiritually lost as Zuko. While Ozai showered his daughter with praise for all of her life, Azula felt her mother didn't love her, which ate away at her, deep inside. Much like Zuko, who felt he was fighting to earn his father's love.
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Azula, to me, represents Zuko's future if he let his father manipulate him, just like Azula did to him. Would he have become this tyrannical fire lord if he just listened to his father, abandoned his inhibitions, and ensured his nation's regime? Maybe. But like Azula's interrupted crowning, it would have been shallow, lonely, and without any real sense of self-worth. Nothing to show for it but a broken mind.
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Instead, Zuko became the fire lord on his own terms, and with the entire world in support of him, as he helped this quest for peace and balance across the nations. He earned his place in life through his own will, his own actions, and his amazing uncle who only wanted the best for him. He restored his honor himself, with lifelong friends by his side.
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That's it, that's all I wanted to write about. This show rules.
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Ok, hear me out:
Kratos, after the events of the Valhalla DLC, is sleeping peacefully in his home, until someone knocks on his door.
"I didn't know who else to go to." says Thor.
Thor, who had ascended to a higher existence after being killed by his father, rejected that existence and decided to live another live. He wanted to be better for his family, but he didn't want to return to them the way he was. He wanted to change first. So he went to the one person who knew how.
Kratos tells Thor about his past and he realizes that if Kratos can change then so can he.
"You kid is lucky." Thor says. "I hope mine can be as lucky as yours one day."
Kratos decides to take him to Valhalla as a start. An opportunity provided to Thor by Odin's betrayal.
Kratos goes to Lunda in the realm between realms and gets a mace and shield for Thor like the ones Modi had. On his way out of the house, Ratatoskr asks Kratos for a favor and says he'll reward him with materials. Kratos asks for another reward instead. For bitter squirrel to be Thor's partner in Valhalla. Kratos believed the similarities between them would make Thor feel at ease.
Kratos, Mimir and Thor, with much conversation between the three on the boat, go to the same shore and after much trouble, convince Freya to help them and not tell anyone. Especially Sif and Thrud.
"Well, at least with Odin gone, there's no one for him to serve. We could make good use of-" Freya says
"No." Kratos cuts her off. "He is Odin's monster no longer, and he will not be ours. To help us or not is your choice."
Freya sighs "I'm only doing it for you, you know."
"Thank you, Freya."
"Of course."
Thor, with bitter as a partner, tackles Valhalla.
Many obstacles stand in his way: The fact that he simply isn't a disciplined warrior, but a fat dude swinging a hammer, and the new weapons are something he isn't used to. The years of trauma inflicted on him by Odin. The death of his mother which he blames himself for. His refusal to embrace the Johtunar part of himself. His refusal to think and feel.
He tries and fails for many months. He lives with Kratos and Mimir and they get to know eachother better. He has Kratos train him, and eventually, with the help of Kratos, Mimir, Tyr, Freya and surprisingly bitter who turned out to be a better companion for Thor than Kratos could ever for, Thor manages to come to terms with his past, and finally battles Tyr and wins.
However, as soon as he peeks at what's behind the door, he quits. He decides that he doesn't wanna try anymore. Everyone else is wondering why, but Kratos knows why. He knows what's behind that door, or rather who.
Killing his son. Thor could could never come to terms with that. It took Kratos over a hundred years to heal from that.
He goes to the spot where Modi died to remember his son. He looks above, and he is caught by the last thing he wished to be caught by.
He battles it, but due to not having his hammer, and the poison being his weakness, he loses and is knocked unconscious.
He wakes up a bed, wrapped in bandages. It wasn't Kratos's home, or any he'd ever known. The little boy sitting on the edge of the bed greets him. He has red hair darker than his and doesn't look older than three winters. His mother, a dwarf woman, tends to Thor and tells him that her husband saved him and to rest while her husband hunts for food. He tries to decline and just leave, but he can barely walk two steps.
Thor complies, and stays in bed.
He finds out that he is in a magical forest. Those unwanted and shunned by their own people come here to escape. Some dwarves, some giants, some Aseir, Vanir and many others, and that the forest is hidden by her husband's magic, and that he insisted on bringing him here.
Bedridden Thor occasionally talks to the boy and bonds with him. He finds out that the boy has giant blood in him, and works out that his father is a giant or at least has giant blood. No wonder his father never wanted to meet him.
The GiantSlayer he was would strike fear in any giant. He was nowhere near being better. His progress didn't matter to these people. but then why did he save him? That didn't matter as well. As soon as he gets better, he's leaving. It's better this way.
One day, he woke up at sunrise and found that no one was home. He found that he could walk and decided to just leave. He made his way through the forest, but it was a labyrinth. He found himself lost. It must be the father's magic. The excited laughter of the boy playing with his father and mother echoed through the forest. He wanted to thank them and say goodbye to the boy. He followed their voices. The boy was playing hide and seek with his father. It sounded like the boy was the seeker and his father was winning.
The father's voice was familiar. His heart grew heavy as he got closer to the source of the voice.
"It can't be." He whispered to himself.
He reached them, and the sight of the father struck him like a thousand lightning bolts.
-Think I should continue this fic?
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brewstersbru · 5 months
A little riz ficlet i started last week and finished today (pok feels 💚)
Your name is Riz.
Riz knows Kristen didn’t mean it, knows she was just being funny, trying to ease his nerves before his first big game on the Owlbears. But he can’t stop hearing his mother’s voice in his head, digging, nudging him to buck up and fight against it.
He regrets snapping at her, but not as much as he should, probably. He’s not certain he would’ve even said anything if his mom hadn’t had that conversation with him.
And now Kristen’s getting expelled, but not really, and instead they have to go through a harrowing trial of standardized testing coupled with fighting monsters where it only ends if all of them die or they kill all the monsters.
No one has ever killed all the monsters before, and Riz isn’t arrogant enough to actually believe they’ll be the first. Not with the weight of Junior year on their shoulders. It’ll be nice to see his dad again, outside of the tiny little hologram on his watch, or when he talks to the air around his grave- never knowing for sure but believing that he’s there, listening.
But dying hurts. Riz still gets nightmares about that first time he did it, and it doesn’t help that the video of it happening is still up for everyone to see. The views keep climbing, no matter how time marches on people still search it up. It makes him a little nauseous to think about.  
There’s a lot on Riz’s mind tonight- not that there hasn’t always been- but for some reason he can’t tune it out right now, can’t push it down with work or school or trying to solve a mystery. His mind is just running, turning over and over itself, churning through the complicated web of problems he’s found himself caught in.
There’s just so much that needs fixing, that needs to be worked on and chipped away at and he can’t do anything about it. Just has to stare at the ceiling of the living room in Mordrid Manor, trying to will himself to sleep while his friends snore beside him. Well- Adiane isn’t really sleeping, but after finally dropping the mental weight of her finances, she’s been falling deeper into her trances to regain her energy.
It feels almost like his heart is about to jump right out of his chest, like it’s squirming around, trying to wedge itself up his throat and out of his mouth. Riz would never tell anyone this but he’s terrified that he’s still that same futile little thing he was in the palimpsest. Scratching at thick walls until his hands bleed, littered with shards of the effort, but in that righteous violence, ultimately having done nothing of real use.
How many times does he have to bleed for it to mean something? How many times does he have to die before his friends can stay with him? Before people and gods and monsters stop trying to pry them away from his bloody, clenched fingers. He worked for this, he dug deep and rent himself in six equal pieces for the hope of staying together. How much more could the universe possibly expect from him? When is it enough?
There’s a soft beep from his wristwatch- which, unlike all of his other gadgets, he never takes off, not even when sleeping- and Riz takes the opportunity to get away from staring at the same crack in the ceiling he’s been looking at for the past hour. He stands and picks his way through a maze of limbs and drool to the kitchen.
With some semblance of privacy, he checks the watch. What could his dad- Agent Gukgak- need from him at this time of night? Does time work the same way up there? Is he ok? Is it possible for him not to be?
A small hologram of his father appears above the watch, disheveled, as if he just got back to the office. As soon as he appears, he steps back for a moment and quickly catalogues his son’s state. After about a minute, he heaves a deep sigh.
“You’re ok.” It’s not a question. Riz nods, slowly.
“I am, sure. But what about you, Agent Gukgak- sir? What’s wrong? Why’d you call?”  He tries to keep his voice quiet, and moves towards the front door, hoping to get outside so he and Agent Gukgak can have a serious business conversation without him sounding like a teenager at a sleepover. He is a teenager at a sleepover, but that’s beside the point.
Agent Gukgak tilts his head at him. “Kiddo, I didn’t call for me, I called for you. Your heartbeat spiked about a half hour ago and hasn’t returned to baseline since. I called as soon as I could get back.”
Riz, having just made it outside- the door creaked just slightly, but he’s not worried about any of the others having heard; they sleep like logs- stumbles a bit as he tries to settle himself on the porch steps.
It’s late, so he can be forgiven for lacking his usual tact as he stutters, “Wha- huh? This thing can track my heartbeat?” Like that was the most important part of what Agent Gukgak had said.
Agent Gukgak smiles at him, wry. “Course it can, and your blood sugar, iron levels, as well as body temperature. You should talk to your mom about iron pills, actually, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that. I know you haven’t been to the doctor for a while, but we’ve been detecting low iron in your blood for a while. And don’t even get me started on your eating habits, you’re just like your mother, waiting until you’re near ready to faint to give your body anything substantial.” His tone starts warm, but quickly devolves into something more scolding. Riz allows the conversation to derail a little bit.
“It’s not that I do it consciously, I just forget. There’s a lot of work to do and it’s hard to schedule out non-school-mandated mealtimes for myself. I’ll make a note about the iron though.” Riz thinks they’re both overtly aware of the fact that he doesn’t move to jot anything down. Iron pills have got to be expensive, and if he’s made it this far without, he doesn’t see a reason to ask for them now. Agent Gukgak sighs.
“Riz- it’s- I-“ He pauses, takes a second to collect himself. “I often find myself wishing, when we talk, that I was able to come down there and live with you and your mother. At least until we sent you off to college.” There’s a wistfulness to his gaze that Riz can’t find it within himself to watch, he knows what’s at the end of this train of thought and it’s never pretty. ‘What ifs’ and ‘could have beens’ are only as good as a wish, because they’re never rooted in reality. Always washed with rose and drowned in nostalgia.
Riz cuts in, “You’ve been doing good work where you can. And- and I think I turned out pretty okay. All things considered.” It feels a little strange to be defending his father to himself, but Agent Gukgak just shakes his head.
“More than ‘pretty okay’, kiddo. You’re the best thing I’ve ever done, not just in your work, but in who you are. I see the way you care for your friends, the way you help your mother, the way you meet every problem head on with a plan and a backup plan, just in case. I just wish the world had been kinder. Wish I coulda been there to make it be, when it couldn’t get there on its own.”
And then, for some, mortifying reason, Riz bursts into tears. It’s not loud or messy or even really all that different than what he usually looks like. At a distance, you probably wouldn’t even be able to tell. But there are tears streaming steadily down his face and every so often he has to sniff and blink his eyes to catch up with the stream. He swipes an arm roughly across his eyes to try and stem the flow, or better, stop it completely.
“I’m sorry, Agent-“
“Dad. Just call me dad kiddo. Please. Or Pok, just- not ‘Agent Gukgak’.” Pok’s own expression has crumpled, brows furrowing at the sight of his son so obviously distraught with no way to physically comfort him.
Riz nods, “Sorry, dad, I don’t-“ He sniffs, “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. It’s just Kristen’s being expelled unless we do this last stand thing tomorrow where we’re probably gonna die at the end, and I saw my name in Kipperlilly’s file but I haven’t had time to figure out why it’s there, and Fig skipped class again, which, I know isn’t going to fail her probably but it makes me nervous because what if she starts skipping every day again? Also our vice principal might be crazy and evil and I haven’t had any time at all to look into that-“
He cuts himself off with a gasping, cut-off sob, burying his face in his arm in his overwhelm but keeping his wrist level so Pok remains visible.
It’s hard to see through the rivers of tears that are spouting from his tear ducts, but Riz thinks he sees his father tugging at his hair, pacing as he watches this unfold. Huh, they kind of are the same.
“You’re seventeen. Seventeen, you shouldn’t- I can’t-“ He seems at a loss for words, baffled by the injustice of it all. Riz has stopped trying to fight the waves of tears, instead letting them wash over them, swiping at his cheeks every couple of seconds to keep them dry.
Pok paces for a few more minutes, fiddling with different parts of his outfit until he’s gathered his thoughts.
“I’m sorry, Riz.” Is what he settles on, moving close to the image capture of the hologram so that, if Riz were to tilt his head forward, it could almost be as if they were touching foreheads. Pok continues, closing his eyes.
“I’m sorry I can’t be there and I’m sorry that you have so much to deal with right now. I wish I could do more, but all I can give you is advice. What you’ve got on your plate right now, every piece of this hellish puzzle, both is and is not a war. There’s you, and there’s the problem, and a lot of times it seems like the problem is so much bigger than you are, so much more than you’re equipped to handle. Like you’re a man at the base of a mountain with a shovel, hoping to dig a hole through it. But once you start thinking that, the moment you let yourself become less than, that’s when you start losing. You either gotta grow to match the size of it or cut it into little pieces you know you can handle, and I’ve never met anyone who could do the first of those.”
Pok takes a deep breath, then his lips quirk into a rueful smile.
“Also, it’s a lot easier to do things when you eat, and you let other people help you.” He emphasizes the last parts with a heavy look directly into Riz’s eyes. Like he knows exactly how he’s been doing things thus far and is telling him to change it up, for his own sake.
Riz sniffles, nodding. If he closes his eyes, he can almost feel the warmth of his father’s skin through the hologram. Or the illusion of it.
“I can do that.” Riz takes a deep breath. “I can do that.”
Pok smiles. “I know you can, kid. Just take it slow. Don’t lose yourself in it.” He speaks as if he’s learned from experience. The realization of how little he truly knows his father hits Riz like a bucket of ice water. A shiver works its way up his spine.
For a moment, he considers asking. Thinks about spending the night on this porch, effectively on the phone with his dad, talking and learning things he’s wanted to know for as long as he’s been visiting Pok’s grave. Then, Pok clears his throat, expression pinched with regret.
“Sorry, kid I-“
Then he remembers that life isn’t fair, and the world moves on, whether you’re ready for it or not. Riz blinks away his tears.
“Yeah- no- I know. You’ve got badass angel things to do. I’m good. Thanks for calling.”
Pok gets a look on his face, equal parts proud and devastated. His eyebrows furrow into poignant resignation.
“I’ll try to do it more. Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
And then he’s gone, and all Riz has is the cool fingers of the wind, grasping over his shoulders in an icy embrace. He puffs a breath into the air and watches it fizzle from fog to nothing.
It’s dark. It’s going to be dark for another eight hours at least.
Riz is going to die tomorrow, probably. He’ll be fine, but he doesn’t want to.
He really doesn’t want to.  
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blackflash9 · 4 months
AC and the Conundrum of Sequels
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So I've noticed a particular trend that paraded many people's minds within the AC community, and that's been the gradual descent into this rather presumptuous mentality that the more sequel games a character has, the more unequivocally 'better' their development is as a character. This is often followed by Ezio used as the poster child.
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[Disclaimer: I don't hate Ezio or Bayek, I'm just using them to illustrate my points] While I understand this sentiment, I've also learned that under a more critical lens, a lot in the case of Ezio's supposed "growth" has arguably always been more aesthetical than anything of substance. When we are first introduced to Ezio in AC2, we are already bombarded with a character that is far too perfect. It's hard to think of any genuine flaws in his personality or behavior - especially those that have any lasting consequences for the plot. He never quite makes any mistakes either; it doesn't help that everywhere he goes there's a small army of people desperate to help him out. He also has actual armies willing to help him at the drop of a hat, as well as being best friends with one of the smartest people in human history. His achievements in the plot are all handed to him on a silver platter.
He's never made to learn to do anything for himself. At first, you feel like that could have been the point of the early game. Ezio's father and brothers are dead, he's a wanted man and he needs to protect his mother and sister. Then, instead of trying to get them to safety, he prioritizes a chance for revenge, which suddenly brings the whole city down on him, making it harder to protect his family. The whole thing would then set up a story about Ezio having to grow up, stop being so brash and arrogant, etc. Having been born into luxury and an easy life, he now has to learn how to provide for himself and others. But these opportunities are missed.
When it comes to Ezio's motivations, I always felt like there was no reason for him to continue pursuing the Templars after all the Florentine conspirators were dead. Nor is there any kind of "Creed" or higher calling at play here, since he doesn't remotely know what the Assassins are for another ten years. He just hears that there are some bad guys in Venice and decides to go kill them. By this point, he doesn't have any real reason or motivation to continue hunting them other than his own blood lust. As a result, Ezio often feels like he is a vehicle is that dictated by the plot rather than the other way around.
I mean, only look at the average description for his character arc:  "He went from a young teen to wise master assassin and mentor."  That's all there is to say for most people: arbitrary labels. Rarely do you receive any commentary around here that delves into any shifts within his mindset, outlook, point of view, or anything that isn't just this parroted and outdated take. When we get to Brotherhood, this problem is exacerbated more where Ezio is even more static than he was before (aside from leadership and giving orders), because his arc was already concluded in the game prior where we already spent over twenty years with him where he was already leading people and giving orders. It's just more pointless and reductive padding.
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Bayek is another character that normally gets wrapped up in the sequel discussion, but genuinely ask yourself: Is there anything else left to do with Bayek in a sequel? Much like Ezio in AC2, his arc is also pretty much wrapped up by the end of Origins (including the Hidden Ones DLC). He begins looking for revenge for his son's death; takes a stand against the Templars when he realizes the problem is far bigger than just himself; founds the Assassins to fight this corruption. What else is there to really do with the character? His arc's been concluded, it's not even like AC2 where not killing Rodrigo Borgia left a door open for a potential sequel. Any new game would essentially have to come up with a load of new goals and motivations for him to the point you may as well just come up with a new character.
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But this is frustrating because we see complete and profound development from characters like Altair in a single game, even before Revelations. He begins as an arrogant jerk who sees himself as better than everyone but slowly becomes a wise individual upon learning from the complexity of his enemies and the contradictions within his own Creed. It's learning from his allies and enemies alike, learning the pros and cons of concepts like freedom and control, about what is gained and lost from acquiring both in life, does he truly become not just a better leader for the brotherhood but a better man.
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We also see the same from Connor in a single game. Starting as a naive idealist who wants to fix all the world's problems, only to realize that he'll never be able to do so. The consecutive deconstruction of his naivety through each of his interactions with allies and enemies alike teaches him that the ability to judge right from wrong can sometimes be lost in a world that's presently reluctant to do the same. But through it all, he maintains his faith in his convictions and compromises with what's in his control to forge a better tomorrow for humanity. Altair & Connor reach the same conclusions about life, human nature, and their place within the ongoing struggle in one game, a fraction of the time, as much, if not more than Ezio does in three. Yet, more is needed because we've been spoiled and entitled to more than what was necessary with Ezio. And it's honestly this fixation that holds this series back. Whenever we delve into this topic, I never really feel like the underpinnings behind what sequels actually did for Ezio and his characterization are discussed beyond the surface-level shallow aesthetics, or the ignored light-switch motivations that have made many in the community so insistent that every other character must also have this kind of treatment.
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ehhh2000 · 4 months
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Tekken 8 - Anti Reina Mishima Stamp(Rant) Huge Tekken 8 Spoilers!
This is gonna piss off Reina fans, but just a friendly reminder..... this is my opinion. If you love her, go on a page that praises her. You won't get it here. Alright here goes.
I was playing Tekken 8 at my friend's house. It was a fun time, and the story has improved from Tekken 7 (with the bland, monotone narrator gone, thank god) and..... Tekken 6 (ugh!) but has a few flaws.
The biggest flaw which almost ruined Tekken 8 for me, was this character, called Reina Mishima.
This is without a doubt, one of the most poorly written female characters I have ever seen in my entire life.
You mean to tell me that Lucky Chloe gets shit from Tekken fans, but Reina Mishima gets a free pass? WTF? I mean I am not a fan of Lucky Chloe (ok her character design is cute, but she is abusive AF to Eddie T.T) but at least she wasn't a forced and contrived, plot device character like Reina, and is just a dumb troll character from the creator, as a middle finger to their haters that really hated her guts.
Like you think Rey from Star Wars, Disney Remake Mulan, Bella Swan, or Captain Marvel were bad?
Well, that is nothing comparred to this DeviantArt OC, Mary-Sue reject.
So Reina is the daughter of Heihachi Mishima. (Oh, so we are doing the Lars Alexandersson plot-twist, from Tekken 6 again, in 2024... aka lazy, repetitive writing for Tekken 8 when it comes to introducing new characters... got it 👍) 
My issues with her that makes her a poorly written character is that:
-She is a flawless fighter, like Disney remake's Mulan bad. I know she is suppose to have flawless fighting moves like Heihachi, but good god, this is just embarrasing.
Edit: Ok, I understand that it is a fighting game, and the Mishima's are suppose to be powerful, badass fighters, so Reina should be no exception. Fair enough. I still think she is a self-insert character because she was just thrown into the story, with no buildup or references from previous games (Same issue I had with Lars in Tekken 6 btw, he just exists to replace Jin as a MC, and they made him a Mishima to make him more relavant, instead of him just standing out on his own as a character. I don't hate Lars btw, he has a cool character design, but the hair is riduclous, and I felt indifferent towards him at first, but now I kinda see him as a potential father figure to Jin in Tekken 8.)
-She is trying too hard to be a hardcore, edgy, tomboy, cool-looking version of Asuka, so I will call her the poor man's Asuka Kazama.
-Her character design and oufit is uninspired and too modern for my liking (Black boots, black short-shorts and A black and purple hoddie, huh.... how creative... -_-) oh and short black hair and purple streaks to add to the edgy, tomboy look. (Or the Karen look as I like to call it ^^)
-She is younger than Jin Kazama, YOUNGER! Despite being Jin's aunty. Yes, you heard correctly. I think the creators wanted a self-insert character to have some sort of sex appeal, which is why they made her look younger and prettier, and show off her legs (which gives me the ick.) And her calling Jin "Senpai" didn't help either.
(I also didn't like the fact the creators made Kazumi Mishima and Jun Kazama look younger than their own sons, like what is wrong with looking a bit older, mature and graceful? I actually want to see a badass, old lady in Tekken that can fight! Kazumi felt like a missed opportunity in that sense.)
-She manages to beat the shit out of Kazuya in her ending, despite her looking like a twig. Reminding me too much of something out Inuyasha, when that abusive, unbearable, bratty, girl Kagome would do the same thing to her love interest Inuyasha, for comedy! 🙄
I will admit that Kazuya is a shitty father (Sorry fans 😭 don't kill me) at least Kazuya has flaws, he is a damaged man, blinded by hatred, rage and has an obssession with power, like it's a drug to him. A wrathful devilman, but not completely heartless, otherwise he would just be another mini Heihachi.
Reina has no flaws, no personality, no interesting backstory and is just a pathetic Jerk-Sue Character (a Mary-Sue that is a Jerk, with no consequences for her actions.)
-She is also not a good plot-twist character either, again, she just ripped off Lars' backstory, so there is no originality from her.
-And to add to the cherry on top, when it comes to her being a poorly written, fanfic-styled Mary-Sue character, she is also....... a devil! 😈 Unless if it is revealed that she is Kazumi's daughter or something, then why the hell does she have to devil gene? And she wants to be the new Heihachi, huh? Wait till she finds out that Heihachi is the OG devil hater.
Terrible twist, terrible story, and a terrible first impression of Reina. 🤬 Fuck this character!
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Jungkook: 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝 🔞
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deception- /dɪˈsɛpʃn/ -noun; the action of deceiving someone.
Tags/Warnings: Prince!Cursed!Jungkook, Dragonkin!Reader, mentions of poor living conditions (reader is chained up in a basement smh), magic and other fantasy elements, Angst, tragic lovers au?, strangers to lovers question mark???, did I mention angst, fluff?, it's somewhere I promise, open ending- I might write more dunno yet
Story length: 5k
It's quiet underneath the castle tonight.
No one is probably yet awake- moonlight still brightly shining through the tiny window at the very top corner of your cell, signaling it's still nighttime. There's occasional cats passing by, or mice sneaking in to capture any crumbs you may have left behind of the dry bread they give you to eat- but except this, there's nothing but silence.
It's nothing like the woods you've lived in before, close to the seaside.
There, the waves would've sang you a song to help you sleep, the trees swaying alongside the melody as if to rock you like a mother would her child, side to side, slowly, gently. In here, there's no soft foliage underneath you, no warm pelts that make up your nest. There's nothing but a bit of hay- but not even nearly enough to give you the opportunity to nest at all. It's damp, starting to mold, itching your skin to the point of you rather sleeping on the cold hard floor instead.
Suddenly, there's drops hitting the ground outside.
You turn around to look up at the window properly, before you stand up, shackles clattering loudly as the metal chains drag on the floor. Your hands on the brick wall, you turn up your head to at least try and smell the fresh air the storm seems to bring. And as if mother nature takes pity on you, the wind starts to shift, blowing the cool rain into the cell where you let it patter on your skin and face with a smile.
You don't care that the water runs into your cell now, flowing down the very brick wall you've got your hands placed against. There's no worse for your situation anyways- though one might argue that it could be a lot more evil.
At least they feed you.
Kind of.
For now, you lay down on the bits of hay you've collected to sleep on, sound of the rain helping you fall asleep.
"Jungkook, take it slow, will you." the King sighs, watching as the young prince eagerly swings his wooden sword against the one of a young soldier and dear friend. And while the prince won't listen, Namjoon looses his attention at the sound of the king approaching, becoming an easy target for the younger prince who groans out in a dramatic manner.
"Father, please stop this." he sighs, putting the sword away before wiping his sweat. "Me laying down and doing nothing won't do much except kill me faster by boredom." he tells his father, who scoffs.
"I don't like the way you talk about this." the old man argues, making his son only roll his eyes.
"And I don't like you treating me as if I'm incapable of knowing my body and limits." he says. "I will rest if I need to." he finishes, turning his back to the king who can only click his tongue, before leaving his son alone.
"Your father is right." Namjoon says. "You know, at least until we figured out how to get the wish, you should take it easy-"
"That's all I'm doing!" Jungkook says, throwing up his arms in defeat. "I've been doing nothing but take it easy." he mumbles more or less to himself, shaking his head. "I'm tired of it." he tells his friend, before he walks out the training grounds, and back into the castle. On his way, he walls past the guarded stairway leading down into the basement cells- and curiosity grips him by the hand at the sight of it.
There's no guards around right now. Typically, the doorway that leads into the basement dungeons stays heavily guarded, not ever giving him proper opportunity to step down there and see what's kept hidden inside for himself. His father constantly lectures him about it, tells him that he will have to deal with prisoners soon enough once he's crowned, but Jungkook doesn't want to wait. He doesn't want to be slapped harshly by the responsibilities from one day to the other- he wants to know while he's still got the time to familiarize himself with everything slowly.
So he walks down carefully, aware that nowadays, his balance is sometimes thrown off randomly- one of many health effects the curse has on him.
No one knows exactly what had happened in the past of his family to curse him as the only son of his father and therefore heir of the throne to be cursed this badly. It's a dragon's curse, powerful and without any empathy for it's victim. It's slowly killing him, black marks and swirling lines underneath his skin pulsing in anger about something he doesn't know. He won't ever lie- he doesn't trust his father whenever the man says that dragons have just cursed him out of pure spite and boredom for inheriting the land they once owned. Jungkook doesn't know dragons too well, but he's read about them. He knows the tales. He doesn't think that creatures as old as them would just become petty centuries after the war had been ended peacefully.
But at this stage, with the illness progressing like it does, it won't be enough time for him to ever find out the truth it seems.
There's not many prisoners down here- most are in the corners of their cells, keeping to themselves without sparing the prince any interest. What grips his own however, is the heavy metal cage at the end of the hall, iron bars decorated with runes he knows are witchcraft used to hold powerful beings- with a lump of clothes inside, along with hay and nothing else.
He walks closer, placing his burning torch into the holder at the wall, before he stands in front of the cold metal bars. It's when you begin to move, slowly turning to look at him, that he realizes who you are.
What you are.
"..you are the dragon?" he wonders mostly to himself, barely raising his voice anything above a whisper. He'd certainly expected anything but this; a young, almost fragile looking thing, with eyes so tired and longing. His father had told him a few weeks ago that he'd acquired a dragon in hopes to have it cure him- but other than that, Jungkook had never been told what that would entail for you, what it would take to make you help him. He squats down in front of the bars to instinctively appear smaller and less threatening- his mind unable to quite believe that you're supposedly one of the rare beasts roaming the skies and filling the kid's nightmares with horror.
That you're the same kind that had cursed him for simply existing.
You don't answer him- though you do sit up to face him, curiosity caught at the sight of him. He definitely looks nicer than you'd thought, and yet, the clear marks on his neck and hand speak clearly to you about his fate. It's not a dragon's curse at all, but who would ever believe you? You'd told the king time and time again that your death would do nothing- but there was no talking him out of his ambitions, you've come to realize.
There was no use in fighting.
Jungkook however is now just confused. You're clearly suffering, in bad physical state, and all you had to do is grant a wish. His father had told him about this- that a dragon could grant a wish to anyone once in their lifetime, which was one reason they were hunted years back. People didn't know that the wish couldn't be forced out of someone- it had to be granted in pure willingness. So why was his father putting you in a cage down here, like a prisoner of war, when this very much wouldn't help his need for a wish at all?
"Why won't you grant the wish? You'll be free afterwards." The prince urges, but you shake your head.
"I can't." you say, almost inaudible. "If I could, I would've done it already." you croak out, voice a bit raspy from lack of use- and recent fight with a guard that had been sent to 'make you understand the urgency of the matter', as the king had told.
"what do you mean?" Jungkook asks, before you're both interrupted by your stomach. "did they not feed you yet? My father said they provided you with food..-" he talks more or less to himself, before a guard steps in.
"Your- highness! The king is looking for you." the Guard says.
"Has she not been fed today?" he wants to know instead, standing up to his full height while the guard seems surprised at the question.
"only every second day. We've been told to make her more easy to handle on days where she doesn't receive her ration, your highness." the older man admits, and Jungkook looks back at you, with a look you can only describe as guilty.
Though you're unsure why.
You're not sure why he, as a prince of royal heritage, chooses to eat his dinner with you instead, on dirty concrete of all things.
It's stuffy in here, dark and cold, and yet he seems to be fine with it, constantly urging you to eat what he'd brought you. Was this a new plan created to garner your wish? You're unsure of it, last experiences having made you suspicious of any kind gestures given towards you. There's always an ulterior motive, a goal, no smile without calculation.
At least not inside these walls.
"I can't grant your wish." You say because of that, putting the bread down onto the floor- something Jungkook stares at, for a moment, before he looks back at your face thats turned downwards in a submissive manner. He doesn't know why you're not at all the proud being he's read about in books and teachings.
"Why not? Did you already grant one?" He wonders, but you shake your head.
"What did they tell you about the wish, prince?" You ask him, and he cringes a bit at the title, before he adjusts his pose, leaning back a bit on his hands.
His sleeves are rolled up, showing the extend of the damage his curse has been taking the past few weeks. No one knows if anything he does makes it worse or eases it. It's simply moody it seems, sometimes not spreading for days before it takes over him in waves, making him curl into himself in pain. There's nothing that helps the symptoms, every day a gamble, but Jungkook had been living with this ever since he was born. So to him, it was almost normal.
"That you can only grant a wish once, and that you have to do it willingly." He explains. "You cannot wish for the dead to be revived or to gain eternal life. Thats.. what's been written in the books." The prince says. You sigh.
"The wish isn't a thing." You reveal, making his blood run cold. "It never was. It's a legend, but it doesn't exist." You say, shivering a bit from the cold floor underneath you, small gravel digging into your naked thighs. The dress you wear isn't exactly made for a long stay at an underground prison.
"What- but.." He furrows his brows. "That would mean all of the wars, they've been-"
"For nothing." You say, eyes focused on his. "Without any reason." You tell him. "And your curse? My kind does not possess magic. We cannot curse or heal. Our blood doesn't cure disease, and our horns do not make the blind see again." Your voice wavers, becomes frantic in your emotions bubbling over as your eyes fill with tears. "Our scales don't offer eternal youth. Our liver doesn't make a man stronger than an army. Our eggs only contain our children, never the wealth you all believe it does." You tell him, drops of silver running from your eyes. "You've been killing my kind for centuries, making up stories to justify your murder just to feel better about yourself." You get up, standing in front of the wide eyed prince, his skin pale as he watches you. "Your curse has been given by the blood your father spilled for nothing more than the need for power. And I'm deeply sorry that an innocent man such as you who's never fought a war once in his life has to suffer the consequences." Jungkook gets up as well now, slower, but still with a look of pure shock on his face as he watches you talk. "But if mother earth has decided that you're the price to pay, then there's nothing anyone can do about it." You finish, before walking to the very corner, in the darkest place of your cell, leaving the young prince by himself to stare at nothing in particular.
He doesn't want to believe it.
But why would you lie?
"And this is all you could find?" Jungkook wonders, looking at his friend and partner in crime, who looks around anxously before he answers.
"I didn't have much more time, but yes. This was all he had laying around that I thought would be of interest for you." Taehyung tells him, before he looks a bit more gentle. "Jungkook.. no matter what's in these pages, I want you to know-" He urges, putting his hands on the shoulders of his friend. "-you'll always stay the Jungkook I know today." The young man promises. "I consider you my brother, even if we're not from the same womb."
"I know." Jungkook nods. "And I look at you the same, friend." He offers, before he looks around. "Now go, before they behead you for your actions. We'll meet again, I promise." He says, well aware that if Taeyhung was to ever be found again, it could end in his execution for the act of stealing property of the king. Even if it was on Jungkook's word, it still was a crime he's committed. So the least the prince could do is to give him a fresh start far away from the kingdom- wherever the horse pulling the carriage might take the young worker's son.
Back in his own chambers, he reads with the help of a candle, entire world-view turned upside down as he reads about all of the things his father had done to try and lift the curse the man is well aware of from his son. He never speaks of murder like you'd said- but it's still evident from his writing that he's been using parts of dragons and even sirens to order witches for spells and rituals that might help his prince to gain back his health.
All for nothing, as he now knows.
But there's something else that stands out to him- letters written in ink and careful writing, but in a language he himself doesn't know. It's clear that his father must've had a connection to someone of non-human descent- every letter feeling warm to the touch, as if given to him with magic instead of conventional doves used by his kingdom.
Jungkook doesn't know what exactly he hopes for- but he can't think of anything else.
"I need your help." He says, quietly, making you turn around in the dim orange glow of his lantern. You can see that the curse has been spreading again, reaching the very tip of his earlobe on one side, silver jewelry hanging from his ear standing in great contrast to the deep black marks. He doesn't have much time left before the curse will take his senses, leaving him with no option but to hide in the castle and live with assistance.
You pity him. He's just a victim in this play, after all.
"What do you need me for?" You ask, unsure, when he holds three folded letters between the bars towards you.
"I was wondering if you might be able to read this- or at least tell me what language has been used." The prince asks, more calm now- but you can feel a fire burning inside his chest, an anger that feels more like betrayal than pure aggression over his situation, and you can only assume that he's learned of the past actions of his father and king. So you nod, standing up a little weak today, something Jungkook notices quite quickly- but for now, he can't do much to help.
You open the letter, gaze running over the words- one writing better than the other you notice, proving to you that while one was simply reciting what they've learned, using their memory of recently imprinted words and writings, the other person was native, well aware and confident in writing. The only thing interesting to you being however, that you can read it. "It's dragon's tongue." You softly say to the son of the king still standing close, holding his source of light close enough for you to comfortably read. "Prince Ju-"
"Just Jungkook. I'm in no way entitled to formality considering what my family has done to your kind." Jungkook offers weakly, and you nod.
"..Jungkook then." You nod, before looking at the letter again. "These are.. love letters."
"What?" He asks, confused. "Why would my father keep love letters of dragonkin?"
"Because he's the one who's sent one of them." You reveal to the prince, who's eyes widen. "It's.. I don't know why this one was kept- it seems like it has never been sent. But the name she writes to is your father's." You explain.
"Is- what.. what does it say?" He asks, voice quiet and unsure. "I- I don't need every word, just.."
"I.. Am unsure how to properly explain this. But this line right here?" You say, moving your finger over a line of text written delicately. "It reads as 'Please do raise mine as your own, as I cannot keep him in a place war has torn.'." You tell him. "Jungkook.. she's talking about you."
"She can't be." He says, shaking his head, before starting to pace around, dark marks of his curse pulsating angrily. "It doesn't say my name now, does it? It's not me."
"It does." You say. "In the letter.. that's not been sent." You offer, not looking at the prince in distress.
Jungkook shakes his head however, biting his lip bloody, before he runs an angry hand through his hair, taking the letters from you and being unaware of the paper cutting your hand a little as he leaves in pure confusion.
His entire life until now has been nothing but a lie.
"You didn't just lie to me, but your whole Kingdom." Jungkook accuses, slapping books in front of his father onto his desk, ink from the man's pen splattering over the documents as the tip of the feather is bent and broken- equally as violent as the trust of his son. "You know exactly why this has been happening to me."
"I don't know what you're talking about." The man he once knew as his father says, eyes hard as he stares at his son. "Do not talk with a tongue like this."
"The tongue of a dragon?" He grits out, laughing without any humor as he breathes heavily. The king's eyes widen, body loosing any tension as he realizes what his son had placed onto the desk.
It's diaries. Notebooks. All of himself. Letters, kept in between the pages, sent between him and the women he used to love.
"It's-" He starts, but Jungkook shakes his head.
"I do not have to listen to a man who does not share the same blood as me." Jungkook barks. "Who's my father? Did you murder him too for his parts, or just for pure sport?" He demands to know, and in the second the prince slams his hands onto the desk of the king, he's back again twenty-five years.
The king remembers Jungkook's father- he'd had the exact same fire in his eyes when he'd confronted him about the fate of his son. As a half blood, with partial identity of the dragons but also the kingdom of men, the king had used this to his own advantage, spite over the relationship his secret lover had held with the man in front of him fueling dark thoughts and desires. Jungkook's father had been protective as a father should always be- not ever letting his son be harmed, not even when just still growing in the safety of the womb. So he had to.
"I had to." The king offers. "He would not understand the situation, and tried to keep you away from me." He tries to explain.
"As he should have." Jungkook barks back. "He was my father- what right did you think you had to take me from him? From my mother as well?!"
"Your mother and I weren't supposed to ever become what we did." The king tries to justify. "She couldn't leave your father, but neither did she want to stay."
"So you decided to kill the only person between you and her- how noble of you." The prince- or former prince- chuckles darkly. "So I was just a biproduct? Simple collateral damage?"
"No. You have the blood of men running in your veins. You're not a dragonkin." The king tells him. "I have raised you-"
"Even though you had. No. Right." Jungkook grits out.
"There is no going back for you now." The man in front of him says calmly. "There is nowhere for you to go but here."
"You do not have the power over me a father might have." The former prince says, calmly backing away from the table, before he rips the gold ornament of his family's crest from around his neck- throwing it onto the table with a cold stare. "In fact, you never did. You just made me believe that. And I will not play by your rules any longer." He says. "Nothing binds me to you, or this kingdom."
"So where will you go?" The king demands to know.
"Somewhere this curse can take me away from this earth in piece and quiet." Jungkook says quietly. "Someplace I can die with the knowledge that I'm not living in a sick dream created by a man blinded by lust."
"I assume you will take the dragonkin as well." His former father figure says. "She sure has twisted your mind. Almost amusing of you to say I was blinded by lust when you're doing just the same."
"I am not." Jungkook says, walking towards the door. "I am not taking her with me."
"So you'll just set her free? She has nowhere to go either." The man behind the desk barks. "Her land is nothing but ashes."
Opening the door, Jungkook doesn't turn around as he speaks. "She still deserves freedom." he says, quietly. "She deserves to live."
Someone gently shakes your shoulder, carefully waking you from your nap on the cold floor in the cell. One look up, and you see the prince again- his face tired, but holding a comforting smile. "Here." He offers, helping you sit up. "It's cold outside. I think this will fit you." He explains.
You take the coat and tilt your head in confusion. "What for?"
"You'll have to travel with me for a bit, just until we're out the border. But after that, you're free to go wherever." He tells you.
"I'm-… just like that?" You wonder, and he nods. "What about you?"
"I don't know yet." He shrugs. "But I can't stay here anymore. Not after.. I just can't stay near him any longer." He sighs, standing up. "Come. I've packed everything already, the only thing missing is you." He charmingly states, holding the cell door open.
You walk out, shackles being undone by a prison guard, before you're free to walk outside, sun blinding you for a good moment before Jungkook helps you onto the carriage where a large horse already in front of it, ready to pull. "Is it winter?" You wonder, as Jungkook climbs up on the other side of the front, nodding towards a guard close by you assume is his friend- before he pulls the reigns, steering the horse towards the main gate of the castle grounds.
"Not quite. But soon." He tells you, calm quietness falling over the both of you, your eyes taking in all the pretty forest and scenery you've not been able to look at for months now. You can't imagine the emotions running through the former prince now- his entire identity a complete lie. Nothing he ever thought he knew was true, his trust in the kingdom entirely broken down to nothing but dust.
"Are you doing this to redeem yourself?" You wonder out loud, not shy or worried he might change his mind and throw you back into the undergrounds of the castle. He's chosen to let you out- and you know the wilds better than he does. You'll survive on your own. Not easily, but you'll manage.
"No." He shakes his head. "There's nothing I could ever do that would make the crimes on your kind disappear, or able to be forgiven." The former prince sighs, puffs of air escaping his lips since his breath is warmer than the cold air outside. "I can comfort myself in hiding behind not knowing what really happened up until now. That's all I have."
"It's enough." You shrug. "You're not the man that led the war. You're-.. a victim just as much as I am, down the line." You tell him, pulling your legs up to snuggle into the way too big coat he got you. It's warm fabric, pelt keeping your body heat safe from the worsening winds picking up the further you go out the forests surrounding the kingdom.
"I guess." He mumbles. "I'm still just a bastard though, with nowhere to go." He more or less says to himself, while you watch him.
Again, you can't imagine what he must go through. At least you can say that you've experienced proper upbringing, a childhood, parents and the feelings of family and belonging. But for him, everything he'd thought was real turned out to be nothing but lies, and it hurts you to imagine that. He's never done wrong from what you can tell. Just like you said; he's a victim, not a criminal. His hands aren't drenched in blood.
If anything, he's the only one who's shown you empathy, who's tried to right the wrongs done by people around him even though he doesn't have to. And with that, you watch him a little more closely as you reach the kingdom's borders.
"Are you warm enough?" He asks you in the back of the cart, making you move around and peek through the coverings of the cart that shield the insides from the cold nighttime air- and you nod. "Good."
"Will you rest soon as well?" You wonder, and he just shrugs, not offering a verbal reply while keeping his gaze on the road ahead. There's nothing in front of you it seems, faint lights of small towns nearby illuminating the far away places you pass by- but other than that, you're alone. "You can't keep going forever. I will feel useless."
"Don't worry, I won't think of you that way." He laughs, glad your attitude has slowly softened and relaxed around him. You're warming up to him, and he can't say he doesn't like it- after all, a companion is what he'd need most in his situation. But he won't ask you to stay, the question itself feeling almost criminal in his mind already, speaking it out loud would surely not be wise.
You huff in playful annoyance, disappearing inside the carriage before you reappear wrapped in a thick blanket, sitting next to him. "Why are you out now as well?" He chuckles, amused by your antics.
"To offer company. Do you not want it?" You ask, looking up at him with your slightly reflective eyes. You spot the same slight shine in his own eyes, reminding you that you're both not the same, but similar at the same time. He might not be a full-blooded dragon, but there's still a heart of one beating in his chest. You blame that exact fact for making you feel so attached to him already- feeling as if you don't want to leave him any longer. He's comfortable, he's nice, and caring, and gentle, and everything one might look for in a mate.
"Oh, I enjoy your company very much, don't you worry." He laughs again, though he yawns. "It might help keep me awake."
"Please rest." You ask of him, and he stutters a bit in his motion, before sighing in defeat.
"Just because I do not want to cause an accident and hurt you." He shakes his head, steering the horse into a space he deems hidden enough to set up camp for the night.
He probably isn't aware of the impact of his words.
You watch as he binds the horse to a nearby tree, his hand almost completely consumed by the black curse at this point as he pets the gentle creature for a goodnight. He climbs back into the carriage where you wait for him, already hiding underneath the blankets he'd brought along for both you and him alike, his gaze only resting on you for a second, not longer. "I can sleep outside as well. I understand if you don't trust me."
"I would've pushed you off the cart already if I wanted to." You answer him, and he chuckles, shaking his head.
"Considering my condition, you very much could've." He says, burying himself under the blankets as well next to you.
You look at the back of his head in front of you. "You'll be cured." You whisper out, and he shrugs again.
"Even if I won't, it's alright." He says. "I understand that it's not a curse, but simply.. I don't know."
"You don't deserve it, and I won't accept you saying that you do." You stubbornly reply. "We'll find a solution."
"It's alright." He just says, before he feels your finger drawing shapes on his back. "What are you doing?" He wonders, but you don't answer for a moment, before finishing what you're apparently writing.
"I've written my promise onto you." You quietly tell him.
"Promise?" He asks, unsure what you mean.
"My promise to stay with you till the end." You say, turning around so your back faces his. "No matter how soon that might be."
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elminsterbignaturals · 5 months
just thinking off the top of my head what i would do to fix wyll’s character arc and make it more in line with the themes of the game (spoilers below)
1. dispense with nonsensical the-emperor-is-balduran reveal. i think instead balduran should be a weird fucked up founder ghost that plucks optimistic young heroes from the city and feeds them to his enthralled undead dragon ex-boyfriend, to keep him alive and in service to the city.
2. wyll has option to side with ansur over balduran and free/resurrect the dragon so he no longer has to eat aspiring heroes or protect the city of his captor. for his compassion and justice ansur gives him a boon to help him in the battle against the absolute, before flying off into the sunset.
3. if wyll chooses to side with balduran and kill ansur, the curse of undead-service transfers to him instead. he is now a sort of fucked up lich king who gets to be immortal but his will is no longer entirely his own (if balduran gives him a command he must obey). possibly he also has to eat the flesh or life force of other heroes to maintain his immortality. basically i think he should have an Evil Ascension option like astarion and gale 👍 and some sexy sexy cannibalism wouldn’t hurt 👍
4. remove the mizora “new contract” scene as it is too similar to shadowheart’s Final Decision and not as impactful. instead, if you want wyll and ulder’s relationship to feel like it matters, allow an earlier scene where ulder finds out the truth about wyll’s pact and asks for his forgiveness, maybe even momentarily breaking through the tadpole control to do so.
wyll being forced to choose between his own soul or his father’s is a punishment without narrative purpose. instead, create reciprocity in the relationship by having ulder be the one to (try to) atone for his mistake, and sacrifice himself for his son. maybe he sabotages gortash’s plan to kill him, or he finds out the truth about balduran and tries to warn wyll away from ansur. (this still allows players to rescue ulder in a jailbreak.)
5. make it clearer what it would mean for wyll to become Grand Duke—does he get his father’s blessing? does he have specific political aims? there is plenty of opportunity here to contrast him with balduran as an actually compassionate leader. or if you want this to be a narrative about independence fine but you have to write that. into the story.
@ larian studios if you’re reading this these ideas are under creative commons BY-SA license and you have my express permission to use them in a patch update, provided that you add “elminsterbignaturals” into the credits
thanks 👍
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momonica05 · 7 months
Jack Jack - my tav for the "jack of all trades" achievement!
My urge to info dump about an oc won so now please, meet my son: Jack Jack (I don't know how to make a good blog post on tumblr, so I apologize if the images are a little too big)
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JJ wasn't born a tiefling. He actually came from a family of humans, but he has no recollection of it outside of his father and grandparents, whom he hates with all his heart
At the age of 6, his father disobeyed his patron (for a good reason, but he doesn't know that, hehe). But instead of punishing his father directly, JJ was the target. He was turned into a Mephistopheles tiefling that day, and his family was horrified. He remembers the look of pure hatred and fear from his grandparents, shouting at him, saying he was now a devil. He doesn't remember his father's face, but he remembers his fingers, pointing at the door, and his husky voice "get out"
Since then, he had to live at the city of Baldur's Gate all by himself. He had some friends, partners, and even a mentor (which the dream visitor had taken form of)... but he never got back what he lost that day: love and identity
He spent a good portion of his life, mainly his adolescence, trying to "fit in". He even cut his horns off, which he regretted later down the road as he's now more confident in who he is. Beeing cursed by a devil at the age of 6, as one might imagine, was no easy feat. And aside from gaining an appearance that everyone deemed as "hellspawn", he also gained powers. Powers in which he can not control very well, but powers nonetheless (sorcerer wild magic)
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After a whole life of stealing, performing, trying out magic and needing to run because uh oh you accidentally sumoned a troll in a bar! He... well, his life continued shit, but he never gave up. He had some not so trustworthy friends, but hey, as long as they're not a devil or a warlock, he's a very social guy!
Before he was captured by the mindflayers, he was actually planning on traveling around! He wanted to get all his skills worked on. Maybe study a bit more of his magic, as a wizard.... maybe becoming a bard with his musical talent... hell, maybe he'd finally accept his calling for the rogue life! The opportunities were endless!
That is until, of course, he got a tadpole in his mind... but eh, he was planning on traveling one day anyways, so why not use this as an excuse? (definitely not frightened at all haha what do you mean?)
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So far, he's really enjoying his adventure! Here's what he thinks about each companion:
Lae'zel: heh, she wants to kill me! (nervously sweating and trying to do what she says because he's terrified, but also really likes her interrogation methods!)
Shadowheart: she's hiding something. She ain't fooling me...
Astarion: he's also hiding something, never EVER trust the snobs from the upper city.... unless, of course, you want their money/sleep with them. (thinks Astarion is a less hot version of him, with how similar they act. Except JJ actually has a soft spot for children and little rascals, so he'll always help them. He's more chaotic good)
Gale: i really liked him and wanted him to teach me how to do magic safely, but never mind! He just ate my magic spear, which doesn't seem very safe...
Wyll: he makes me angry with how he challenges my morals, okay? you shouldn't be nice! You're a warlock! (has a mental breakdown watching Wyll get transformed like he did and wonders if his father was a good man like Wyll all along)
Karlach: I was deadset on killing her... turns out she's not a devil! just a person like me! i really like her (wants to kill Zariel and enter rage like Karlach one day)
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He knew damn well what he was getting into but opened the door anyways and said he was gonna write a smut about it (he's batshit insane)
Anyways... I guess that's it. That's all I have for now, I haven't progressed much into the game... sorry if his information is a little scattered around, I don't have it organized and probably didn't mention somethings (he chose his name, for example)
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quodekash · 11 months
its been an hour and a half and I am precisely 17 minutes through the episode. this is gonna be a long night
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maybe you could've talked to him about it when he was asking you about fifa
you recognised the game, and he said "do you know this game?" and instead of telling him what you know about the game, or how you used to play it, or engaging in some kind of conversation, you say "Ive seen a lot of young people playing it during my campaign" because all you seem to care about is politics and the campaign, and teenagers as a whole generic concept rather than as individuals, and you dont seem to think of your SON as an individual
and I get that parenting is mistakes over and over again and its a learning experience for everyone involved, but I feel like after 18 years maybe you should have a hang on like. holding a positive conversation with your son for over 90 seconds?
and I get that he had good intentions, he saw that kang wanted to be on the team so he wanted to ensure that kang got what he wanted. but it would've been better to actually show an interest in his sons interests rather than keeping it on the sidelines, to let his son work for a reward rather than just giving it to him without having achieved anything.
sorry I need to shut up about this man but I have so many thoughts and he could be doing so much better but he just isn't
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thank you sailom, thank you
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yeah, that about sums it up
good job
you got there
but even though its been so long of you neglecting him, it's not too late to try to slowly fix those broken bonds
if you both work together, you can work this out
(ah crap now ive got the song from high school musical 2 stuck in my head)
(what is it with this series and making me think of high school musical)
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are you okay my guy?
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so the root of the issue: terrible communication
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how very heartliming of them
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noooooo the angst is already here
they had the scene PERFECTLY set up for a tender guynawa moment, and yet they dove right into the angst
guy was injured and in the nurse's office thing
when guy got injured, nawa looked so worried about him
there was a perfect opportunity for nawa to go visit him and tease him lovingly and for them to have a thuakan moment in the sickbay
but no, of course its episode 10 and of course they're following the msp formula where they develop the side couple an insane amount in episode 9 and then come episode 10 and its focused on one of the main character's and their parent
which like is fair, both this plotline and the msp episode 10 plotline are very important but like come on man I just want my side couple content
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oh crap that is bad
but he'll be fine
he'll be okay
he's still alive right?
he's just unconscious
the ambos are there, they'll patch him up and he'll be okay
kang and kong need to repair their relationship, and it's not too late for that
crap im scared
they didnt kill gim in msp, I have to trust that they wont kill kong
istg if they make both the main characters orphans--
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ha fun.
this is so fun.
I am highly amused in this present moment.
how wonderful it would be to see your boyfriend's father potentially dying, and then moments later to see your brother being restrained and taken out of the house, clearly being arrested for that exact crime.
just such a... joyous experience.
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it was an accident right?
or was he trying to keep name out of trouble
FRICK NOW THIS IS MAKING ME THINK OF FREAKING JUSTINE FROM SHAKE AND STIR PRODUCTION OF FRANKENSTEIN THAT I SAW AT QPAC THE OTHER DAY (which, by the way: so freaking good. if anyone happens to be in Brisbane for whatever reason (im not sure why any of you would, I have precisely two aussie bl mutuals, and one of them lives in Melbourne and the other is my irl friend who I watched it with) and you have a spare 50 bucks lying around (anyone under 30 can get a youth ticket for 49 bucks I believe, which is like insanely cheap for such a high quality production), GO SEE IT, THIS IS AN ORDER)
oh I got distracted
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...great. wonderful. so good.
I get it, kang's feeling a lot right now, which is fair because his father got shot for goodness sake, and his father might die, and he's already lost his mother, so he needs someone to blame, and saifah confessed to it, so why wouldn't he be angry at saifah?
but the problem comes in with associating saifah with sailom because they're brothers. he has every right to be angry with saifah (although I still believe saifah didn't actually shoot him), but sailom didn't touch that gun.
and now sailom's gonna have to go back to escorting, because if kang has kicked him out then he needs some way to find money, and that's when that scene from the trailers is going to happen
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well now I feel like crap
is it time for a playful guynawa scene to lighten the mood? please tell me its time for a playful guynawa scene to lighten the mood
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hang on
wait a second
you told him to do it, didn't you??
you asked for his help for a few things
is he just acting surprised? why does he have to say that? he doesnt have to say anything at all he could just be like "well this sucks" and not like condemn him or whatever, I still dont think saifah actually did anything wrong
maybe he was manipulated as well?
maybe the guy, his boss, snuck in and he was the one who shot him, and name didnt know that guy was there so in his mind it must've been saifah?
or maybe hes testing ging to see what she actually thinks on the situation
I have literally no clue right now im so confused
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and he doesnt have the gift basket anymore
has he already gone to visit guy and he's just come back
and we fully just missed an entire scene
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guy only seems surprised that he's here outside of visiting hours
so they've already seen each other??? there was a whole scene of nawa giving guy the basket, and of them being queer as hell, and we didnt get to see it??????
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also: the rooftop???? thats an inherently patpran thing. and patpran = soundwin. soooo... this is more evidence that guynawa are a different brand of soundwin
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oh, honey...
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idk, maybe itll be easier to spot if you kiss first
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2 hours of them just sitting there in silence?? when they couldve been kissing or holding hands or something?
(ps I forgot to actually post this one, I accidentally saved it as a draft so its coming after the final post I made lmao)
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dalekofchaos · 1 year
Why Sammy Emily should be the CEO of Fazbear Entertainment and the villain of the new era of FNAF
In the Silver Eyes trilogy, Freddy's co-founder Henry Emily has two children. Charlie and Sammy. At first we thought William killed Sammy, then we later find out that Charlie was the one he killed, Charlie is remade via Charliebots and Sammy just lives with his mother.
The games have never alluded to Sammy's existence. The story was not thought out in FNAF 2, but it's suggested The Puppet was originally meant to be possessed by a boy as the Give Cake minigame says "SAVEHIM" so maybe Sammy was meant to be The Puppet. TSET most likely made Scott change his mind and switched to Charlie.
Now what if the fate of Sammy in the books happens in the games. Imagine this. Your father abandons you. Your sister's death is all he thinks about. He lets his pain and grief consume him and leaves you and your mother behind. Throughout your life you are bitter over what your father did and decides to rebuild what his father destroyed, but better.
Sammy is the heir of Fazbear Entertainment and those who want to rebuild the brand would flock to Sammy.
Sammy being the new villain of the franchise would slap. Think of it.
Imagine the story of a kid who's father forgot about him over the grief of his preferred child, Charlie. With Sammy having to grow up in the shadow of his grieving father, always third in his mind two his two favorite kids. His daughter and his business. Imagine if in the story that Henry had rubbed off on Sammy in the worst way possible. And that all Sammy learned from his father is how to step on other people in the ladder to success, which Sammy deciding to use his anger and neglect to not only just walk the way of his dad, no, but to take the extra step and do it better. With Sammy becoming a very successful businessman, growing industry lead tech companies, while his dad and the company he had started just rotted alone in the dark and that is the catalyst for the new era of FNAF when Sammy found out his father had died in a fire in his own crummy little restaurant, Sammy saw it as an opportunity to strike. Using whatever legal leverage he had as the son of the former of Fazbear Entertainment, along with his exuberant amount of cash and influence to reconstruct the company his dad once owned. But unlike his dad, who always wanted to keep the franchise in a cheap and nostalgic past, Sammy was going to take the company to the future. But how exactly? By doing the opposite of his father and dancing with the trauma the franchise had endured. Sammy knowing that the company was a national pariah at this point, but instead of trying to cover it up as previous owners of the franchise had done, he decided to run full force with it. With Sammy commissioning a series of Indie Horror Games to jump on the growing popularity of the franchise becoming a trendy creepypasta/urban legends fodder. Sowing the seeds of well timed publicity stunts for the franchise and at the perfect moment bringing back the Pizzerias themselves, but with a modern twist. Not letting the nostalgia holding the franchise back like his father did, but instead using it as a springpath forward. With all this bringing us the Pizzaplex and Fazbear Entertainment that we all know today and all while creating new monsters within the Fazbear name to sell a profit.
Creating Glitchtrap to create the new boogeyman of the franchise and unintentionally creating Vanny. But to Sammy, a new killer means a new form of profit for Fazbear and further spitting on the memory of his father. You could even have the theory that Charlie is haunting the Pizzaplex as a means to stop her brother and using Gregory to help stop him. Or why not go all the way? Why not make Sammy unwittingly responsible for everything? Have Sammy being the one who locked Charlie out of Fredbear's on that dark and stormy night and this new story is a battle between a cold hearted soulless businessman and a vengeful sister seeking to bring everything he build down.
That would make for an amazing story and one hell of a direction to take the franchise in the future. Focusing on the unintended legacy and domino effects of the hurt that the characters of the past caused, instead of just pointlessly reviving them to pad out the future.
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alumi-san · 8 months
So... did somebody think about JJBA Hazbin au? Cuz I did.
The Jojos (and Giogio)
Jonathan Joestar - one of the archangels. Has no idea about the extermination, Giorno just assumes he does. He refused to have a winner's name. Share personality with Lucifer (at least the father aspect). Too good and naive, even for heaven. Represents the Commandment of Piety.
- he loves Giorno more than anything (except his wife and husband and other sons and-), tho it's kinda hard to explain how he created three children with the ruler of hell who was his foster brother when they were alive.
- not allowed to visit hell (it was done so he wouldn't learn about the extermination). He hates that because he can't visit Giorno and the rest of his family, but he can't obey the main seraphim rule.
- despite being and trying to be a good father to George II and Giorno, he kinda forgets that he has three other sons. Mostly because Giorno is the only one with strong angelic powers (and doesn't worship Dio), so he's the only child who is allowed to visit heaven (don't worry he'll try to fix this).
Joseph Joestar - honestly, I have no idea whether I should put him in heaven or hell. Siner's/Winner's name is Battle Comet. If winner, then he represents Reticence if sinner then Lust.
- learned that he has a son only after death.
- tries to fix the relationship with his children and partners.
- when he brings Shizuka, Ceasar, and Suzi Q's immediate reaction: "You cheated on us again?!" And Joseph is like: "Guys, I can explain!" (Don't worry, they love her)
Kujo Jotaro - a mysterious man. Nobody knows why he got to hell, but he got a lot of power and beat up a few overlords in a matter of a week. Siner's name is Sea Star. Represents the Sin of Wrath.
- everybody thinks he's some dangerous creep, but when they ask Cherry Splesh and Silveref about him they first tell them about how the overlords started to disappear after he arrived and that it's better not to get on his nerves "Oh, but he's a total sweetheart! Just talk to him about the ocean, give him a sugared and you won't recognize him!"
- he doesn't admit it, but he misses his mom.
- tries to be a good father for his little butterfly.
- hates Dio. Nobody knows why, but as rumors go, they had a battle in which Dio almost killed one of Star's friends. Because of that, he doesn't trust Giorno. He knows that he's a good kid, but he can't help but worry when he sees Gio around Jolyne.
Higashikata Josuke - a troublemaker in heaven, but because of his good heart, nobody dares to send him to hell. The Winner's name is Star Dimond. Has the Emily role. Represents the Commandment of Pacifism.
- also not allowed to visit hell, but unlike Jonathan, he's a rules breaker, so he visits anyway.
- acts like a big brother to Giorno, Jolyne, Shizuka, and Hayato.
- loves his great-grandfather Jonathan.
- has a complicated relationship with his father but likes his stepmom and stepdad. The feeling is mutual.
- he likes to make jokes about him and Josuke having the same name (tho, Gappy doesn't understand them).
Giorno Brando Joestar - Prince of Hell. Half demon (from Dio) half angel (from Jonathan) (don't ask how it happened). Hell and heaven born. Has the role of Charlie. Created the hotel because he believes that some of the sinners don't deserve to end up here (and it was a great opportunity to move out from his dad's place). He has a grey morality but sometimes sees the world as black and white like killing is good as long as you don't do it for selfish reasons.
- Gappy is the only family he has a good relationship with from Jonathan side in hell. However, sometimes, he feels like he has a good relationship with two/three family members instead of one.
- allowed to visit heaven, but doesn't do it often because he feels unwelcome there. Only visits to see his father and Dimond.
- much more sweet, caring, and at some point goofy than he shows. Also, secretly a musical/theater kid.
- one time, he called Erina mother. He's embarrassed by this (jonerywagon cried tears of joy when this first happened).
- he adores Jolyne, but because of his tense relationship with Star, he doesn't spend time with her as often as he wishes. The only opportunity he gets is when Dimond sneaks out in hell to steal/babysit Jolyne while Star is working, and they both play with her and somehow have a good and bad influence on her.
- Has a stable relationship with his brothers. In a good relationship with Rikiel and Ungalo, who look up to him. Tries to be a good big brother/role model to them. In a complicated relationship with Donatello. He doesn't spend time with Jorge but thinks he's good.
Kujo Jolyne - Star daughter, nobody knows who her mother is. Thinks of Cherry Splash/Kakyoin as a second father. She loves her bizarre family.
- she's a kid here.
- dreams of having a younger brother.
- loves to hang out with Josuke and Giorno. Wishes to see her other family from heaven.
Johnny Joestar - Jonathan's cousin. Seats at home all day. Distanced himself from his family. He only speaks with Gyro. Siner's name is Star Dancer. Represents the Sin of Sloth.
- not sure if in hazbin lore if you die disabled then you'll stay disabled in hell/heaven, so for now, I can't say if Jonny is disabled here.
- kind of depressed.
Josuke "Gappy" - he's a hell born, obviously cus he's a total sunshine! At some point, it feels as if he had just been born. Share personality with Charlie (yes, I'm making him a musical/theater kid as well). He and Yasuho are the first people to believe in Giorno idea so they immediately started helping him with the hotel. Believes that siners deserve a second chance. As I said, total sunshine, but doesn't have a black and white view on the world somehow.
- has amnesia only remembers how he woke up naked after the previous extermination where he was found by not other than Yasuho. After she asked him what his name was, he said that the only thing he remembered was that he's a hell born. She asked him if she could call him Josuke? He said yes, thus accepting his new name. Later, they fell in love with each other and started dating.
- loves his girlfriend very much.
- when he and Giorno first met, they had no idea that they were related, but they felt some kind of connection between each other.
- despite not knowing/remembering who his parents are, he feels like they're always with him.
Jodio Joestar - I don't have anything on him yet. But in my vision, he will be Giorno rival and will be shiting on the hotel (yea, kinda like the V's, I guess?). Represents the Sin of Gluttony.
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wellwrittenevilbitch · 11 months
Who is the better written evil bitch!
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Henry Stanford
Kills the father of the main character (Richard)'s future wife while disguised as him. Stalks, blackmails, manipulates, and sexually assaults Richard to convince him to become king, therefore securing his own power as his advisor. Worsens Richard's self-loathing "Demon" complex for his own benefit. Tells somebody that Richard killed her husband and gets her to target him for revenge. Gets pissed at Richard for sleeping with his own wife. Or trying to. Gets pissed at Richard for not sleeping with his wife also. (Really for finding out their son is illegitimate, but like. Come on.)
Gets Richard to the throne only to realize he's obsessed with him and wants him all to himself; probably gets him pregnant, and then tries to kidnap and imprison him. Starts an uprising to pull Richard from power when Richard refuses to run away with him and be his housewife. Gives himself up as a war prisoner and gives Richard no choice but to execute him, instead of going into hiding like Richard set up ample opportunity for him to do. Somehow is still charming and complex enough that Richard is genuinely in love with him despite all of this. I have a lot of feelings about him including both "I get why he turned out this way" and "I want- No, NEED to feed him into a woodchipper". He's also just a bitch and loser all around. Fucking guy.
Martin Whitley
Martin Whitly from Prodigal Son! He's the worst but you kind of can't help but like him anyway. He's also played by the same guy who plays Aziraphale in Good Omens and it's amazing how good and natural he is in both roles, whether he's being creepy or nice. Do I believe Martin Whitly is being the best dad he can be? Of course! Do I believe he's a ruthless murderer who would not have stopped killing without being imprisoned? Also yes. He's very scary. 
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