#the only time i will NOT reblog a promo is if its on my blog recently. i dont want to spam lol
hegrowth-arc · 1 year
casual reminder that 2023 is the year I reblog a mutuals promo every time it crosses my dash ✌️ remember to be a pal and support your moots and friends, folks. takes a second, means a lot !
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blorbocedes · 2 months
williams!era nico gets a massage by dr.dot for RTL in a video that looks like a casting couch bad porn intro. 1/2/2009
below i explain the lengths i went to find this 👇 its v long
so our story starts a few months ago when i began frantically dming my oldest nicologist friend @colors-of-feeling if she remembered this video. I had only half remembered recollections at this point, and i really only remembered the video because it looks so much like a casting couch porn intro. I know I screenshot it but I went through my gallery and couldn't find it. i knew I had seen it a very long time ago and care is one of my first mutuals, so anything nico I've seen she's seen. she doesn't rmbr 😓
now im like holy shit did i make it up. still i plead care to turn her archive public so i can go through it. no luck. i went through my own archive, even though i know I didn't reblog it because it had been a youtube link instead of the video. and i regretted it so bad, because i know that low quality few hundred or thousand views videos from 2000s is basically lost footage because youtubes search is basically incomprehensible. I also went through the archives of other blogs that nico posted back in 2021 for any sign that I didn't just project and Imagine it. no luck.
feeling defeated i go to my final hope, the nicologist of all nicologists @distantlaughter... with only half baked and increasingly hysterical descriptors "umm its like a casting couch video! a boat! but the boat is parked 🤔 maybe the masseuse had pigtails" i rambled, normally like a normal person.
ren the absolute darling immediately pops up with a video of shirtless nico get massaged. its not.
and another one. not that either 😓 we underestimated just how much nico posted getting a shirtless massage.
finally. FINALLY. ren dms me like 10 seconds of this video hidden in a nico rosberg compilation fan video that is even in worse quality. but it's this video!!!!!! it EXISTS!!! im not crazy....... but that 3 pixel collage was proof that it was real, but alas not post worthy. There was an RTL logo in the corner so in one final futile search, we searched RTL archives which unfortunately did not go far enough. We were doing literal detective work like from the 10 seconds of the fanvid we concluded it was like, probably an RTL monaco promo video hence the coastline and the boat, and given nico's hair length it must be williams (or 2010 merc). but nothing further than that. still ren is the absolute goat nicologist who figured it out from just my descriptions alone 🙏🙏🙏
with that I ended my search, knowing it was real at least, even if it wasn't the full video.
today i got a storage full notification. so I started frantically deleting random videos I had on my phone from years. and buried in august 9, 2022 almost exactly TWO years ago . was 5 seconds of this video and the when the screen recording closed you could see it was from a video called Dr. Dot.
this time im posting the video, im also going to ask @argentinagp to gif it so this buried, almost lost footage less than 1k youtube video can get a second life again, and so we can all enjoy weird late 2000s whoring drivers out. ❤️
all of this could be avoided if simply 2 years ago I had reblogged and tagged the original link. archival work is often thankless and pointless but wow, sometimes it can feel so rewarding. so enjoy!
which brings me to the most important part. doesn't he totally look like a twink in a bad porno here?
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just-some-guy-joust · 3 months
Just Some Guy OC Tourney - Side A: Round 4
do NOT be mean to anyone or any characters in these polls. you MUST clarify if you are joking/teasing or you will be blocked. if you are someone who entered an oc into this and you are mean to other contestants you will be disqualified
do NOT claim a character doesn't deserve to be here. yes including your own. be nice
if you are posting propaganda you have to @ tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will likely be missed
please don't hesitate to let me know if i messed something up!
have fun, hype each other up <3 thank you
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Adan Botello | He/him | @rainecloud020604
Adan is a highschooler who is just looking to pass class, go home and play Minecraft. He doesn't want to be unique or special any more than he is, maybe being a Minecraft YouTuber would be awesome but that's all he wants out of life. No matter what is thrown at him he tends to run away from it, like a fantasy world trying to claim he's a prince, he wants nothing to do with it. He just wants to be a normal kid, graduate high school and play Minecraft. He's also got transgender and autistic swag
Promos: https://toyhou.se/17322997.adan-botello check out the comic featuring Adan on this blog @a-tale-in-a-bottle
Wally Rosette | He/him | @hershelchocolateart
Wally Rosette is a 15-year-old kid who was chosen (and then kidnapped) to attend the Elite Villainous International Learning facility. This position, however, is solely because his parents were world-famous villains. Wally himself has no interest in the business, and is often described as the sweetest person any of the cast has ever met. He spends most of his time in the background, helping out faculty and students with their homework or various tasks, and only ever becoming relevant when homework *is* the plot of the week. Wally is just a kind kid who knows better than to get involved in the plot and loves his friends so so so so so so so fucking much it's unreal
Promos: https://toyhou.se/8256045.wally-rosette <-wallys toyhouse profile! https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/the-villain-school/list?title_no=97541 <-the comic he's in (discontinued because I'm doing a different one - it is 6/40 chapters with a planned remake Somewhere in the distant future)
Tulip | It/Its | @joyfulness03
-Literally just a little tulip mouse -Caught in the middle of a monster war, but is entirely oblivious to anything happening (not privy to The Horrors, because it is literally just a mouse) -Day plans: curling up in the sun to photosynthesize. it is fully booked, indefinitely -The most neutral of neutral parties (group pet) and the most background of background characters (group pet) -very friendly to everyone that pets it and gives its treats. it only bites a little bit, just little love nibbles. Average rodent behavior but with slightly sharper, plantier teeth
Full images and descriptions under the cut!
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Despite the fact all he desires to be is just some guy the universe keeps trying to make him more than some guy. He's supposed to be a hero, a prince, but he keeps running from the idea of it so much he ends up in another world entirely and all he wants is to go home and be normal, all he wants! He's not looking to save his sister, she can save herself she's strong. He just wants to go home :( that's all he really wants in life and he's getting really tired of the universe saying otherwise
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THIS IS MY VERY FAVORITE BABY BOY So Wally is a sweet kid, but because his parents were world-famous, he never really got a choice in who they raised him to be. This resulted in him having a BUNCH of self-worth issues that he tries to deal with on the side because he doesn't want to get his friends involved. He has two (2) major points in the plot (OUT OF 40 CHAPTERS)- one plot point where he ignores the main antagonist to get a boyfriend instead, and one where his entire arc finally culminates in "Wally Learns How To Say No To People." Outside of that, he does NOTHING regarding the main plot and is a C plot character at best. He is simply involved and there in the background because I love him so much and he is my precious little baby boy and yeah sure maybe I loved him so much I made 27 alternate universe versions of him that all have plot relevance in all my stuff but *this* wally is simply a boy and he is blue and he is lovely and I would kill and cry for him every day
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[no extra description provided]
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iinsomnium-art · 2 months
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#IINSOMNIUM  a  selective  &  mutuals  only  BILL    CIPHER  from  the  series  GRAVITY FALLS   as  written  by  ren,  he  /  him,  29,  gmt  -7, sporadic  activity.   read  rules  &  DASH  ONLY.  mature  themes    may  be    present  and  studied,  mentions  of  gore  &  body  horror.  minors  dni.  this  is  a  canon  divergent  portrayal  of  bill,    ruling  on  own  headcanons.
a  study  in  —  Cryptic  messages,  mind  manipulation,  nightmares,  the  paranormal  &  the  supernatural,  demon  entity  reaching  for  tyrannical  rule,  breaking  through  dimensional  rifts,  Deception,  Psychological  horror  ,  being  an  Existential  threat,  All  knowing  eye  
  𝐈. carrd.  𝐈𝐈.  main  blog .  𝐈𝐈𝐈.  headcanon .  𝐈𝐕.  prompts . 𝐕. promo.
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 When  gravity  falls   &&  earth  becomes  sky -  𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭  𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡  𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭  𝐎𝐍𝐄  𝐄𝐘𝐄.
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𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥  𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨  —  mutuals  only,  i  am  an  extremely  private  blog  and  i'm  here  to  just  have  fun  and  write.  i  am  not  affiliated  with  any  rpc  at  all  and  i  reserve  the  right  to  follow  people  i  see  myself  interacting  with. 
        border/ pinned template : ©isaworks
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I. my activity is going to be medium to low for as i am busy working ridiculous hours outside of tumblr. please keep in mind my time zone is [ GMT-8 ]. my free days will change but as of now im free Wednesdays and Sundays. and just because im free it doesnt guarantee a immediate reply to threads. or there are times im not mentally there to write for my muse. please give me time. if you lose interest let me know so i wont reply or if you want to start a new thread. feel free to send any prompts from ask memes i reblog at any time. asks are okay to make into threads. multiple threads im okay with as well.
II. i normally write paragraphs - often times more. i don't expect my partners to match me. please write in how youre most comfotable with. just dont half ass it. i also format my posts with small font, colors, and icons. i don't expect that to be matched either. im just dramatic.
III. pairings - i absolutely love it. the possible character development, chemistry and compatibility. i am open to pairings whether its with ocs or canon characters. -though would love to talk it through with muns to see if muses have chemistry. crackships and rarepairs are included. ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS
IV. NSFW \\ dark themes will be present on this blog and tagged accordingly using assigned trigger tags. please let me know if i didnt tag. im very smooth brain . but due to such content if you are under the age of 18, do not fucking follow me. im blocking on sight.
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awesomefringey · 2 years
Hi Sabine , As a popular louie/larrie blog and a big fan of louis, why do you never have any criticism about team louis? And do you always encourage their small movements? (even if it is not efficient and effective)! don't you expect them to do better? Louis is very talented and beautiful, and everyone who knows him will fall in love with him, Louis's team has Louis who has great potential but they don't do well in introducing Louis to GP
Hi nonnie, first of all I’m not popular at all, I’m just lucky a few actually popular blogs reblog my stuff. 🤣 And second of all I’m a bit struggling with posting my response because it could be taken the wrong way.
So about missing criticism on my blog, admittedly all you anons pretty much dictate what we’re discussing, I only curate my inbox.
But you’re probably right, I don’t have much criticism for Louis’ team because a) I wouldn’t even know who these people are? Or b) what exactly we’re criticizing? So to make a very simple question like “why am I not criticizing Louis’ team?” much more complex, I will share all the layers of counter questions I’d have for you:
Who is the criticism directed at? Louis’ team?
Do you mean LTHQ? (Who are they? What is their job?)
Do you mean Louis’ management?
Do you mean BMG’s promo gang?
Are all of the above the same to you?
What is the criticism about?
“They” should do more?
“They” should achieve more?
“They” are failing goals?
Do we know what those goals were to Louis? Or is everyone picturing their own goals and expectations?
And to make everything worse - this a very personal conviction of mine which differs from a lot of fans around here I’m sure. But great music and its success isn’t defined by charts or awards.
That might sound a bit idealistic and naive but I’ve been ignoring mainstream music for over twenty years easily and I’ve still been to sold out concerts and festivals, got merch of all my favorite bands knowing my musicians are allowed doing what they love doing. And that is music.
I’m even that strange, that if my little indie band “only I know” (hi KOL) suddenly gets a radio hit with their possibly worst mainstream crap song on the album (hi watermelon sugar sex is on fire) I usually turn my back on them.
So it’s hard for me to watch people say FITF failed, or doesn’t perform as expected. Because me, I’m absolutely euphoric for Louis! If he ends up in the charts that’s cool, but listen, he’s released a brilliant album with music he always wanted to make and which is already well received critically. He’s able to tour the world again next year, as he always wanted to. We all loooove the album (No shit! This isn’t some clouded judgment thing. It is as brilliant as we all think!) and isn’t that wonderful for Louis?! He’s in such a great place right now!
I get sad knowing that fans - even with the best intentions in mind - still think if FITF is not charting it’s a failure, it’s Louis’ team’s fault and we should all be disappointed. And I get it you know? It’s all coming from a place of love and support for Louis, and wanting him to conquer the music industry.
But I think, all what he’s achieved by now is a huge success for Louis (UK no. 1 on top). And I hope, he doesn’t sit at home right now staring at streaming numbers and thinking his “team” let him down, or thinking he failed us, or worse he was a failure. So maybe that’s why people don’t even ask for my opinion on Louis’ team. I’m just here vibing and being over the moon I’ve been introduced to All This Time and Headline and Written All Over Your Face and Luck-going on and on…
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hewwo ! im vv new to fairy tail (started watching it w my bff maybe a year or so ago bc its her fav (then i only got super attached like a month ago)) and i wanna follow a bunch of ft blogs so i can fill my dash up w it! but i havent found many :(( any suggestions? artists especially would be great
Hey hey hey, Sorry it took me a lil bit to answer you, i've been uh, ive been havin one heck of a week.
But ya know, welcome to FT 👉😎👉, glad theres still new peeps jumping into it still.
I can't give you a super definite list, but i can give you a few peeps off the top of my head:
@kiliinstinct <- i gotta of course, plug my good good comrade, my braincell homie. They mostly write (current fic of focus is Flame's Desire, check it out 😏) but they also draw from time to time! And theyre gettin better every day
@pencilofawesomeness <- Pencil's blog is a bit multi fandom but! Their FT art tag has got tons of good stuff in there and i got a particular fondness for how they draw Natsu tbh. (Also they write fic as well, How To Raise Your Dragon Slayer which is their ongoing one *wink wink*)
@silken-sails <- Silky, nother good comrade (even tho theyre british rip😔). Super unique n stylized art style tbh.
@grayseyebrowscar <- Milo my insane comrade. 'Nother combo fic writer and artist. Their fics lean a lil more to silly good times which is always fun lol. Fun fics, fun art (its very shaped) . Win win 👍
@oryu404 <- Stingue expert with top notch colouring 👌👌👌
@celestialrayna <- Another Sting and Rogue expert, has a rlly cute chibi style.
@acnologias-ass <- probs one of the cutest art styles out there.
@zai-doodles <- literally god tier FT character redesigns
@heartonxions <- gajevy and just a team shadowgear afficiando overall. They keep giving Gajeel more piercings and i love it lol
@crowind1 <- the blog for Acnologia art.
Also, of course, I gotta plug the blogs i help run that can help you find other FT blogs easier:
@fairytail-redraw (where lotsa artists take a shot a redrawing the prompts of the month)
@ft-reboost (blog that reblogs art and fic to help give em more love)
@theguildawards (fandom awards event that you can skim through and see the lists of past nominees and winners)
But there's only so many blogs i can remember off the top of my head 😅
So if any other FT artists or fic writers wanna promo their own blog or you got some FT blogs you wanna reccomend as well feel free to reblog this and promo em 👍
It's all about that shameless promo babeeeeyyyy
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Hall(f/)oween Trick-(f/)or-Treat etc
Hi everyone. For a number of reasons I haven't really been active for a couple of months now; I promise I'm not going anywhere, but sometimes lurking is all I have time or energy for. And that's fair enough, but I really appreciate you all, so tonight in honor of Halloween I'm tearing myself away from the clingy grasp of my cuddly F/O's and breaking the rules again...
For a limited time, anyone who reblogs this post will receive a drawing of your F/O wearing a costume you pick out for them.
Reblog this post with:
-Reference image(s) of your F/O
-Reference image(s) of a costume for them
-Name/reference image of your (or your F/O's) favorite candy or preferred Halloween knick-knack (plastic vampire teeth, sticky hand thingy, etc)
-Name/nickname/pet name/etc of your S/I
-Pose reference, if you've got something in mind. Not making any promises on how it'll turn out but I'll give it a shot etc
-You don't have to be following me. This isn't a promo, and if you're like me and your selfship blog is a sideblog that wouldn't really work out too well anyway
-One F/O per reblog; one reblog per blog. I don't have a ton of followers but if this breaks containment I don't want to get overrun etc
-Your F/O can be romantic, platonic, familial, etc. While it won't matter much for what I have in mind, if your F/O is not romantic, please specify just in case
-Costume references can be stock Halloween costumes (like example photos from a costume store) or cosplays (i.e. another character's outfit; in this case please specify which is the F/O and which is the costume etc)
-Sexy costumes = OK (I might be kicking a hornet's nest with this one, but I'm already breaking my own rules by posting anything I draw online. If for some reason you pick something too explicit for me to post, you get the Censorship Nettie)
-Furries/Robots/Nonhuman F/O's = OK (I'll give anything a go as long as I have references)
-OC F/O's = OK (I mean all my F/O's are OC's so it's only fair. Again, as long as you give me enough references. If I can't look up the character I can only work with what you give me etc)
-I'm not a professional, but even by my standards I make no guarantees of quality for this one
-Level of detail may range from a quick sketch to as intense as my executive function will allow, depending on how into a particular drawing I get. (The trade-off is that if it's more complicated it'll take longer etc)
-Not sure how many of these I'm gonna get, but if it turns out to be an avalanche gimme like a week lol (I'm gonna do some tonight, and I'll keep going until I get through them all etc)
-I can't imagine a scenario where someone picks a character I won't draw a halloween drawing of, but my apologies in advance if someone does manage to pull it off
-I'll leave reblogs on for several hours; if you can still reblog the post, it's still open
-Just because I haven't stated it anywhere else, all drawings, regardless of complexity or any extra effort I decide to put in at my own discretion are absolutely free
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iinsomnium · 23 days
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 #IINSOMNIUM  a  selective  &  mutuals  only  BILL    CIPHER  from  the  series  GRAVITY FALLS   as  written  by  ren,  he  /  him,  29,  gmt  -7, sporadic  activity.   read  rules  &   mature  themes    may  be    present  and  studied,  mentions  of  gore  &  body  horror.  minors  dni.  this  is  a  canon  divergent  portrayal  of  bill,    ruling  on  own  headcanons.
a  study  in  —  Cryptic  messages,  mind  manipulation,  nightmares,  the  paranormal  &  the  supernatural,  demon  entity  reaching  for  tyrannical  rule,  breaking  through  dimensional  rifts,  Deception,  Psychological  horror  ,  being  an  Existential  threat,  All  knowing  eye  
  𝐈. carrd.  𝐈𝐈.  main  blog .  𝐈𝐈𝐈.  headcanon . 𝐈𝐕.  prompts . 𝐕. promo. 𝐕𝐈. sc
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 When  gravity  falls   &&  earth  becomes  sky -  𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐑  𝐭𝐡𝐞  𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭  𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡  𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭  𝐎𝐍𝐄  𝐄𝐘𝐄.
  𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐒 - 0. / 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒 - 6. / 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 - 6. 
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𝐬𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐥  𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐨  —  mutuals  only,  i  am  an  extremely  private  blog  and  i'm  here  to  just  have  fun  and  write.  i  am  not  affiliated  with  any  rpc  at  all  and  i  reserve  the  right  to  follow  people  i  see  myself  interacting  with. 
        border/ pinned template : ©isaworks
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I. my activity is going to be medium to low for as i am busy working ridiculous hours outside of tumblr. please keep in mind my time zone is [ GMT-8 ]. my free days will change but as of now im free Wednesdays and Sundays. and just because im free it doesnt guarantee a immediate reply to threads. or there are times im not mentally there to write for my muse. please give me time. if you lose interest let me know so i wont reply or if you want to start a new thread. feel free to send any prompts from ask memes i reblog at any time. asks are okay to make into threads. multiple threads im okay with as well.
II. i normally write paragraphs - often times more. i don't expect my partners to match me. please write in how youre most comfotable with. just dont half ass it. i also format my posts with small font, colors, and icons. i don't expect that to be matched either. im just dramatic.
III. pairings - i absolutely love it. the possible character development, chemistry and compatibility. i am open to pairings whether its with ocs or canon characters. -though would love to talk it through with muns to see if muses have chemistry. crackships and rarepairs are included. ABSOLUTELY NO MINORS
IV. NSFW \\ dark themes will be present on this blog and tagged accordingly using assigned trigger tags. please let me know if i didnt tag. im very smooth brain . but due to such content if you are under the age of 18, do not fucking follow me. im blocking on sight.
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hello tumblr im back making 30 blogs again because i can't stop
if you don't know me uh hello!! i'm kieran / moose tracks (he/they/astrals, see my pronouns page for other neos)
professionally my pen name is alvin viana, i'm a young audhd author and this blog is primarily dedicated to the series i'm most proud of;
The Journal
it started as a minecraft roleplay series but then i turned it into a book series, and it's much better this way (even if my primary refs at the moment are made in gacha club LMFAO), i do wanna make it into an animated series or a comic at some point in the future i just. need the funds for it lol
anyways enough rambling uh this blog is primarily my own personal fandom space, i wanna be able to interact with my fandom with their headcanons and what not but i don't wanna feel intrustive so if you have headcanons, fan-art, redesigns, rewrites, etc. that you wanna share with me feel free to! if you wanna ask stuff to the characters from the journal but you don't know who all is available, just know that every character in my toyhouse folder for the series can be asked questions, even the deceased!
currently the journal is unreleased, but i am more than halfway through completing the first book and i will happily promote it here once it's done <3
in the mean time i'd love to see if others are interested in my work (even if it's not the journal) so i want to just kinda vibe out on this tumblr lol, if you want to reblog this post as a promo go ahead idm
my askbox is open for asks or headcanons or theories about my characters, whatever you want to send in! my submissions are closed just because i fear being sent graphic content, but if you have fan-art or what have you please feel free to tag either this blog or my main (@trackdntraild) and i will happily do this to it (/pos)
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my special tags are under the cut if you wanna look for specific stuff
asks.txt = answered asks random.txt = miscellaneous posts the journal.txt = posts specifically about the journal & its characters other books.txt = posts about non-the journal content fan art.txt = special tag for fan-art posts only official art.txt = official art that i or my friends have created headcanons.txt = headcanons from other users or myself writing struggles.txt = complaining about having to write, shame writing help.txt = helpful tips & tricks, from others & myself progress report.txt = updates on how the books are coming along collabs.txt = promotion of stories i worked on alongside others memes.txt = inbox memes for my characters; they never expire!*
*note: yes im serious even if i reblogged a meme like 4 years ago i will still answer it if you send it in (assuming i can find the link lol)
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hellsbroadcaster · 3 months
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion. Bonus points if you include a topic. ( IE. shipping, roleplaying, ect. )
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Okay. I struggled to come up with some topics to talk about for a while plus just issues through the entirety of this week. BUT I FIGURED IT OUT.
🔥 - PROMOS. tbh, promo's main use were to help roleplayers find other roleplayers, to spread the word about your blog and find more partners and people to make friends and broaden your experiences with learning about new and exciting fandoms. Now I just find them tedious, and annoying to make. if you aren't a popular blog the odds of your promo being reblogged and spread around is so minimal. it also just feels like clout chasing at this point. and yeah nothing wrong with reblogging your promo and having your friends hype you up, but then ppl wonder why they think the rpc is so alienating? cuz someone else will reblog their promo's expecting the same thing and they don't get it and then they feel left out. but if its just so you can get some nice thrown at you, it just feels like more clutter for my dash especially if I'm already following you. now if you're a NEW blog. if you just joined a fandom, and you want some exposure, I'm down for that because that is what a promo is supposed to be for.
🔥 - Personals. I actually like personals. sometimes personals care more about what I post than my own followers. i get ppl being upset if they reblog their threads, but liking your posts? and maybe reblogging a headcanon or something but idk i guess for me that stuff just doesn't bother me. I love when people reblog my headcanon and they agree. or they add onto it, with their own thoughts. or they tell me how much they love it. makes me feel seen. makes me feel cool. i just think people forget that tumblr is NOT a roleplay site. yes, we found a use to tailor it to our hobby, that doesn't mean everyone who comes across our blogs know that. they arent apart of our community, what makes you think they have to abide our guidelines for it? tbh, roleplayers have just gotten entitled to thinking that tumblr is supposed to bow to our whim. we share a space with non roleplayers. to demand, and just expect ppl are just going to see your rules and read them and respect it rght away?? come on ya'll. we know to look for rules cuz its what we've been doing for years, but you can't expect that from strangers who are likely mobile bound just seeing something you wrote in the tags. its gonna happen. i just dont like the mannerisms some people have with them. you dont gotta be rude about it. if its really bothering you just block them and be done. problem solved. going out of your way to make posts about how annoying they are is just unnecessary.
🔥 - duplicates. this is one is gonna get me fired but oh well. Ya'll we have GOT to love ourselves better. because it is plain and simple insecurity for why people feel they cant talk or write with duplicates. i know it does deeper in some cases, like your current partner leaving you for the shinny new roleplayer of the same muse you write. believe me I've been there. but fuck those people. when are we gonna stop letting others dictate how we feel about ourselves? i hate seeing shit when a new roleplayer pops up with the same muse and suddenly you get the vaguing posts about 'suddenly feeling very doubtful of my portrayal' like its not obvious you are threatened. and in this fandom??? we're i follow like 30 different alastors?? lucifers?? Angels"?? all different, all got something to add and share. i got news for you but your portrayal isnt the only ONE. its not the end all be all. and yes I talk to my ego all the time, cuz there are some muses i write where i'm like I AM THE GOD FATHER OF THIS MUSE. but thats me and my own pride, doesnt mean anyone else who writes this muse is less than me. or i'm suddenly less than them. and there are portrayals i dont fuck with. i simply just do not look their way. but theres always muses i love roleplaying with duplicates cuz its FUN. also being able to talk to people who love this muse as much as you?? learn to stop looking at everything like its a competition and things will not be as stressful. its what makes this hobby unfun when you let those insecurities eat you up. im not saying its not valid, and im not saying you cant be upset, but what does it really do for you? what would happen if you just went and talked to them? imagine it goes well? you make a new friend. dont deny yourself opening a door just because you are scared of what 'might' be behind it. and its something I am learning and teaching myself. our issue is we all wanna be see, and heard. we all wanna be the absolute best. we wanna have the best portrayal like this sort of acknowledgement does anything. cuz while I know ppl love my own portrayals, still doesn't change the fact that i got issues and i cry myself to sleep still. the 'love' i get on here, ain't a fix. and if you think seeking validation on tumblr dot com is gonna fix you? its not. the attention and love we seek on here is just a placeholder, its us using this as a distraction from actually fixing our problems, and turn i still see how so many of us are unhappy. let it go.
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starlitcircus · 4 months
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🌟Pierrot | they/he | 1993🌟
✪ A mix of canon divergent muses & (eventually) OC's. If you have any questions about certain muses, or my portrayal, feel free to ask! ✪ 18+ only regardless of blog content. I'm an adult, and I will only interact with other adults. I may post or reblog saucy things from time to time, but I won’t write any outright NSFW on the dashboard for my own comfort. I prefer a “fade to black” approach for threads/asks, and things can continue privately via Discord DM’s if need be. All my muses are of age, and I will only be open to shipping if both mun and muse are of age as well. Some muses are not available for shipping for various reasons. ✪ This is a hub blog! All my muses are sideblogs, and likes/follows will come from here. They all have their own rules page too, so please read those. It's not mandatory to follow this blog if you follow/interact with any of my muses, but it's encouraged! ✪ I’m mutuals only and selective! Primarily for the sake of preserving mental energy. I’m open to writing with canon muses and OC’s of all sorts, even muses from media i’m not familiar with if i’ve given your rules and bio a looksee. I’m of course very aware mun =/= muse, and that dark or difficult topics can be explored through fiction within reason. Media that has been created–either partially or entirely–by people who turned out to be scumbags can still have its merits to a degree (I mean, I write Earthworm Jim!), and I try to keep that in mind when considering whether or not to follow a blog/muse, but I also have limits.  ✪ I will not follow blogs portraying Nazis or fascists, even those with fictional ideologies only “mirroring” real-world Nazism. (Marvel’s Hydra organization, for example). This includes AUs and OCs. If I find a blog following me that has this kind of muse or AU, I will soft or hard block as necessary. I am also not interested in following or interacting with Hetalia or Attack On Titan muses, or Harry Potter muses or AU’s. This is purely for my own personal comfort. ✪ If I follow you, and you have no interest in writing with me/any of my muses, please let me know privately! Because of my memory issues, and also because Tumblr's a glitchy mess, I may either not catch that i've been softblocked, think that it's a goof-'em-up on Tumblr's part, or forget that i've been softblocked and follow again. ✪ Non-RP blogs are welcome to follow and send in asks here or to any of my sideblogs, but please do not interact with any roleplay threads. ✪ My activity may be sporadic. I have severe memory and time blindness issues, and sometimes life kicks my ass. It can take me a while to get to things at times, and i’ll often prioritize one of my muses over others depending on where i’m at mentally. Plotting helps me a lot, and if i’m stuck with something i’ll reach out to you. ✪ Any art posted across all blogs tagged with some variation of “Mun art” is my own. Please do not repost it or use it for anything.
Spotify - Pinterest
Blogroll under cut!!
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SEGMENTEDSUPERSTUD - Earthworm Jim / Mixed canon/headcanon
Promo - Rules - Bio - Playlist - Pinboard
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POLYESTERPEACOCK - Larry Laffer / Leisure Suit Larry
Promo - Rules - Bio - Playlist - Pinboard
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FEEBLEFORTUITY - Eric Feeble / Stressed Eric
Promo - Rules - Bio - Playlist - Pinboard
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hello! so hypothetically if someone made a vocaloid art challenge prompt list (like a list of vocaloid songs to use as daily prompts) would it be alright to tag you for it to gain traction? for both the list and a submission form?
(when I say hypothetical I mean there is no list but me and a friend are discussing making one and the logistics lol)
short answer: no, sorry! please don't take any offense, i wish you good luck with your challenge! if you like, you can tag my main blog and i could reblog it there, though i honestly don't think it'd be very helpful either way.
long answer:
i want to avoid using this blog to promote things. which i know sounds hypocritical because i do use it to promote my own things sometimes, but this is just limited to 1. my vocaloid music (which i try to promote very sparingly to avoid spam) and 2. livestreams about vocaloid that i think this blog's followers would be interested in (which i've only done 2 of so far and i don't even remember if i promoted the second one lol...they were respectively "discussing every vocaloid voicebank" and "drawing vocaloids from memory"). once enough time has passed sometimes i'll delete my promos just to clean up the blog
there's a couple reasons for this:
i want to avoid too much irrelevant (i.e. not related to vocaloid facts) content on this blog. this is partially to avoid spam/clutter, which would be intrusive if someone just wants to scroll through to look at facts, but also because this will lessen the chances of the random button (which isn't visible on mobile, but it's on the blog's desktop theme) selecting an irrelevant post when its purpose is to show random facts.
i don't think there's that much of a point to it. promoting my own stuff (particularly the music) does get me a little attention on my youtube channel sometimes, but it realistically makes very little difference. i'm not sure anyone has actually found my music through this blog. this blog has over 1k followers and my youtube channel has under 500, and my subscriber count tends to stay stagnant for long periods of time. i can't imagine it would make much of a difference if i promoted your art challenge - the posts themselves might get more reblogs, but the actual amount of participants probably wouldn't increase very substantially.
i personally find it a bit awkward to promote stuff from people i don't know on this blog. or even from people i DO know, honestly. it just doesn't really fit on this blog. i'd be more okay with doing it from my main, but even then i don't typically promote things i don't pay attention to (like music i don't listen to, commissions from artists i don't follow) or participate in (though a vocaloid art challenge might be different - i don't think i'd participate because i'm a slow artist, but it'd at least be interesting to see the art that results from it)
this kinda loops back around to the "minimizing clutter/irrelevant posts" point - but this is a vocaloid trivia/fun facts blog. this is not a general vocaloid blog, i don't use this to share/post just anything vocaloid related (i do plenty of that on main). if i use up all the vocaloid facts, maybe this will change, but i currently have no desire to stray from this blog's purpose.
sorry for the long response! i hope this doesn't come off as a rant or anything, the main reason i'm posting this publicly is in case other people have similar questions/requests in the future. i appreciate you asking!
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chacusha · 6 months
Hi everyone! Time for a new sticky post. Here are some important, high-level things to note about me:
I am mostly inactive on Tumblr. I have uninstalled the Tumblr mobile app and use a siteblocker to limit how much time I spend on here. I do try to respond to personal messages and asks, but I'm pretty unreliable about everything else -- I mainly only use this blog for self-promo, sorry. See the bottom of this post for other places to find me.
Fandoms: Very many and change unpredictably. Star Trek is the main one at the moment, but I like various JRPGs (Mana, FF, KH, Bravely Default). Soulcalibur and ReBoot are some fandoms I find interesting and dabble in on Tumblr.
I am a proshipper. Not in the sense that I wade into fandom discourse (as I don't like it and so try to avoid it entirely) but that my opinions on fiction and fictional ships 100% aligns with the proshipper position and I avoid antis and people with anti opinions like the plague. More on what I mean by these terms below as there has been a lot of obfuscation (often purposeful) regarding these terms.
More detail on these under the cut.
Inactivity on Tumblr:
I have tried to make changes to make Tumblr more usable for me, but I still don't really have a healthy relationship to the site and still find it socially isolating, especially as a venue for artists who post art. I do respond to messages and asks, and I try to reply to replies and tags as well (sometimes they fall by the wayside, sorry...), and I reblog once in a blue moon, but I mainly use Tumblr for self-promo nowadays. Also, I don't really like talking about my personal life out in the open, so if you want personal updates on my life, I'm much more active on Dreamwidth, which has better privacy controls than Tumblr.
I tend to complain about Tumblr (while continuing to use the site) so much that I have a tag for it (#complaining about tumblr on tumblr). If that kind of negativity bothers you, you may want to unfollow me or filter that tag.
Some helpful links and resources related to my inactivity and frustrations with Tumblr as a platform:
Tips to new users to make Tumblr more usable
My Dreamwidth pitch (and the more readable Dreamwidth version).
Not mine, but here's a guide to using Dreamwidth for Tumblr users.
Here's also my pitch for why dA is not actually a terrible site for posting art compared to Tumblr (but Tumblr still has its advantages).
Some posts I made on why I find Tumblr socially isolating and why I don't tag dive on Tumblr, which are both largely still true.
Proship? Anti?
Most of the time, you can go through fandom without ever running into the proship/anti debate, and this has pretty much been my experience in my JRPG fandoms (Final Fantasy, the Mana series, Bravely Default, etc.). I have unfortunately not really had this experience in Star Trek fandom, sometimes being blindsided by people who seem chill in public then reveal themselves to have kind of unhinged views of fiction and immoral ships in private, so I have decided to just start proactively identifying as proship to ward those people away and will now only join Discord servers of people whom I know are not antis, or which have an explicitly proship moderation line.
Since it is often unclear what people mean by "anti" and "proship," I'll provide my own definition to make it clear what I'm talking about here.
Antis are people who oppose certain ships and the existence of certain types of fictional content because those ships/stories are immoral. While there is quite a bit of variety in where antis draw their moral lines, some common types ships/content that antis view immoral include incest, underage, rape/noncon, power differential, age gaps, etc. as well as being fans of dark (e.g. abusive, genocidal, villainous, etc.) characters, especially if this fannishness has a romantic/sexual attraction sort of element. The general anti approach to fannishness and fiction is to treat people who draw/write/consume fiction featuring these elements and themes as perpetuating harm (sometimes serious harm) through their fictional tastes. Such harm includes normalizing/endorsing/excusing abuse/rape, and grooming or normalizing/promoting pedophilia.
These are pretty weighty accusations, and needless to say, believing that (a) you can tell whether someone is an abuser/pedophile/groomer/etc. based solely on their fictional output or consumption (including what characters/ships they like), and therefore (b) your fandom is filled with literal abusers/pedophiles/groomers/etc. operating completely out in the open, led to people sending death threats, organizing campaigns to chase these "predators" out of fandom, and otherwise raising the cost of people existing in fandom while being a fan of "problematic" ships, whether through a private or public harassment campaign, by doxxing people, sending messages to their employer, etc. etc.
The proship stance/proshippers arose as a reaction to this harassing behavior of antis to basically establish an alternate approach to fandom that allows people to ship whatever relationships they like and which recognizes that fiction and reality do not map one-to-one, and which believes that treating fiction as if it is entirely equivalent to reality, treating fictional characters exactly how you would treat a real-life person, policing the immorality of fiction, etc. tends to lead to unhinged behavior like this (doxxing, harassment, etc.).
There was a very strong backlash to the anti movement and the anti approach to fandom has largely been discredited at this point by being portrayed as "fans taking fandom way too seriously," which is in some sense, accurate. But I don't think that this means that antis and their approach to fiction is entirely gone, just that they are merely more quiet/underground/cryptic about their anti positions. Also, I am a bit unusual in that I don't think that it was only the behavior that was wrong (doxxing, harassment, death threats, etc.), although it certainly was very wrong! But I also think that behavior was the natural consequence of a set of beliefs that generally equates fiction and reality; that is uncomfortable with the eroticization of the dark, immoral, and taboo; and that views the "point" or "main activity" of fandom and fannishness as being to write/consume/love "good" ships/content only. So long as people possess that particular approach to fiction, they are (in my mind) an anti at heart and their approach to fandom is probably antithetical to my own.
I take an approach to fiction that includes:
A recognition that there are plenty of reasons to want to write about certain characters having sex (even titillating, pornographic sex) that aren't "I am literally attracted to the characters and would still be attracted to the same characters if they were real."
Not harassing creators or other fans over shipping or creative output.
The view that "thoughtcrime" is not a legitimate concept.
Being against the idea that enjoyment of art can lead to moral contamination through association.
Art is not (and cannot be) the same thing to everyone. From "I couldn't enjoy this art for moral reasons," it is incorrect to conclude that, "If people enjoyed this art, that must mean they are immoral."
Just being chill about fandom, fans, and creators -- having a sense of perspective that fandom is a minor part of life and a minor part of pop culture, that fandom is a hobby filled with amateur, self-published creators who are learning their craft as they go, and often using fiction and art to explore their own sexuality.
I find this write-up to be a good outlining of the anti vs. proship debate and how antis tend to behave in fandom. People often also classify the anti phenomenon and approach to fiction as a kind of "purity culture" derived from an evangelical Christian upbringing (which views bad media to have a corrupting influence and the goal of reading/fictional consumption is to read "good" things only), but with the Christian social mores rejected and swapped out for non-Christian secular social justice values (consent, diversity and humanizing/"good" representation, etc.), and this seems to me a plausible theory and is largely how I understand the anti phenomenon as well.
Also, very tenuously related to anti/proship stuff, but I am generally someone with low tolerance for character/ship bashing, and for "I ship this problematic ship in the RIGHT way while other people ship it WRONG" type posting, and generally for making snide comments about other people's fic/art in public. Don't get me wrong -- I love a good rant about fandom, even a good public rant if it's not my fandom and I can eat some popcorn as I read. I have ships I can't stand and am happy to rant about them at the drop of a feather. But sometimes you have to pick the right audience for a rant, y'know?
Anyway, I generally try not to wade into fandom discourse (this is a self-imposed ban as I know if I let myself post about it, it will consume my brain), but I don't want my overall silence on this topic to be taken as neutrality or indifference in the whole anti/proship debate.
Oh yes, and if it wasn't apparent already, I am a very tl;dr person.
Where to find me:
Art Tumblr: https://denahi.tumblr.com/ 
Dreamwidth: https://chacusha.dreamwidth.org/ 
DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/chacusha 
Discord: chacusha
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/chacusha/profile 
Communities I run:
Quodo discussion/fan community on Dreamwidth: https://quodo.dreamwidth.org/ 
Quodo fanart archive on DeviantArt: https://www.deviantart.com/quark-x-odo/ 
My Discord for Quodo (18+ with a proship moderation line): https://discord.gg/VaCnMYvKu6
My Discord for the Mana series (all ages, also technically with a proship moderation line but the issue just never comes up in this fandom ¯\_(ツ)_/¯): https://discord.gg/6wFWwnRvJr 
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mdzsartreblogs · 1 year
hey! i'm so glad i found your blog, its like a blessing to me! not exaggerating! i wanted to ask, do you have all official art from mdzs in your collection in your blog? like from the donghua, novel, game, and novel and all? i'm looking to make my own private mdzs art collection, so a reply would help!
also what would you suggest as the best sources for collecting mdzs official art? any twitter acc or zerochan?
Hi! Thanks for getting in touch!
I don't have all the official art, because there's just so darn MUCH of it, and because it's actually much more complicated to curate than most other art.
See, I try not to post duplicates, and usually I can easily ensure that by just searching for the artist and checking what of theirs I've posted, and/or by looking at the notes and just seeing if mdzsartreblogs is already in the "reblogged with tags" part of the notes.
But official art mucks that system all up because multiple people post it! I might have reblogged that piece, but not from that OP, and not in that post version. So if something isn't brand new, I'll often toss it in my likes for a later date when I can check if I've reblogged a different version of it, but I've been so busy recently that said later date really hasn't been coming, oops.
I also haven't been super consistent about reblogging art that's only on merchandise - sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, without much rhyme or reason. *sweatdrop*
There's also the complication, from the curation point of view, of where to draw the line on what counts as "art." So like...the donghua is composed of cels of drawn art, so should I count every screen cap I see of it as "official art" and reblog it? Or what about the manhua, the entire manhua is "official art," so should I try to collect every single panel? I've decided to draw the line on "no" for treating donghua screen caps as art for this blog, and I don't (usually) count comic pages from the manhua (though I've definitely made exceptions) but I'll reblog more "arty" stuff, like promo posters for the donghua, or chapter lead-ins for the manhua (or the incredibly sexy stuff that the manhua artist has been posting on Twitter of late, coughcough). But you may choose to draw the line in a different place, so what I have may not include whole categories that you'd want to collect.
That said, I've reblogged approximately 500 posts with official art over the almost three years I've run this account (three years this September!). And I can probably help a little with your question!
Resources from Me:
#official art on mdzsartreblogs: https://mdzsartreblogs.tumblr.com/tagged/official%20art
My (six months out of date) organization spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nrSuFDL12MZ4O9_LFcbm7Tq47z_aiOl6I-xj8BNHs-c/edit?usp=sharing
This is the sheet I've used to organize these blogs and to keep the tags organized, though during 2023 I've had no time to maintain it. The reason I'm sharing it now is because the last sheet is a list of official artists (now a couple years out of date) with examples of their work and select links for finding them, so that might help.
Other Resources:
I don't really use twitter and have only vaguely heard of Zerochan, so I'm no help with those. Tumblr is my primary social media account, though I did recently make a Lofter account and I'm gonna try to find some official accounts there to follow directly. I can report back on that if people want, my Chinese isn't great tho so it's slow going and, as I've mentioned, I'm stupidly busy rn so it's hard to find the time.
For other Tumblr blogs that have a lot of official art, here's a few I know of that post it often:
@hanguangjunn - especially active recently, has done a lot of compilation posts that I don't always reblog because I often have some or all of the pieces as solo posts already
@t110n - posts a decent amount of MDZS, and posts official art for a huge range of danmei fandoms. One of my favorite blogs for that kind of thing; I super appreciate how much work they've put into sharing manhua art from a huge range of danmei fandoms.
@fluff-crt - also doesn't post everything, but is still active and has been active since before I joined the fandom; they also have posted some scanalations/translations and reposts with permission, though not as much recently.
@shandian-go - this is a Group Order account (the one I use personally, in fact, highly recommend) but from an art standpoint they're also a great resource for finding official merchandise art, as Mel always posts about the new merch with pictures and doesn't delete the posts advertising closed GOs.
@mdzs-equine-archive - posts official art that includes any equine (Apple, Lan Wangji's horse, etc.)
@minmoyu - in general, Minmoyu is one of the most incredible, helpful people I've found running a danmei account, and I've used resources they've written to help me buy print books, to find new danmei to read, and more. They also fairly regularly post official art, and have done so since the early days of danmei fandoms on Tumblr.
@p-h03n1-x - not active anymore, but used to post a lot of official art.
@zam81 - not super active, but basically all their posts are official art and/or photos for MXTX fandoms.
Those are the ones that spring to mind; if you scroll back through the tag on mdzsartreblogs and see who I've reblogged from, you'll spot some more; if you go back to waaaay in the beginning you'd probably be able to spot some folks who were more active once upon a time and are less around now (@aliceindanmeiland springs to mind, they haven't posted official MDZS art in a long time as far as I know, but were very active in the period when MDZS first hit Tumblr as a fandom, around the summer of 2018. Note that I personally joined the fandom in the fall of 2019.)
Hope this helps! Happy collection building!
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mass-convergence · 7 months
A collarary to the advice of "they'll read it if they want to and they won't if they don't" is - they need to find it. People not reading your work is not a mark against its' quality, it's simply evidence that people haven't found it. As a published author myself I get it, it sucks when noone reads your work. It feels that you have put something out into the world and that it is being ignored. But it is not being actively ignored, it is not being judged as poor quality. It simply hasn't been found. Courage and patience. Don't be scared to send links to reviewers or people in other circles.
Sincerely - thank you.
Long, somewhat disorganized, ramble
It is frustrating, and part of this is my (admittedly ADHD related, though trying to blame it solely on that isn’t really getting the full picture) need for instant gratification and complete lack of patience in anything. And the general insecurity that if it doesn’t get some kind of recognition, positive or otherwise, that I’m just showing my whole ass to the world and people are being too polite to mention it. I also have issues with emotional regulation so it literally feels like someone’s squeezing my heart whenever I get into this state.
And I’ll be honest: I’m frustrated with people who have said they’ll read it or check it out and then never do. And I don’t feel like keeping on poking them and asking them if they are. Because I’ve gotten the “I’m sorry I’ve just been so busy” explanation about a hundred times now (only slightly exaggerating).
And I don’t want to call them liars because I’m an adult with a day job and a mountain of responsibilities that I’m only somewhat keeping up with. There’s plenty of stuff I want to watch or consume that I don’t have mental bandwidth to handle. I’ve read the first paragraph of Gideon the Ninth and I want to read more I just haven’t gotten a chance. Which also is lending to mental health issues but we do not have the time to unpack that rn.
This is something I’m passionate about and pouring my heart into and not even getting the bare minimum of support from people who purportedly said they’re interested is not really a fun spot to be in. (And I know one or two of my friends have been reading and I love you guys). My mom said she was gonna read it which is slightly terrifying because she’s not into queer fantasy but she’s also like unabashedly supportive and has been trying to get me to publish my writing and sell my art for goddamn ages. I’m not on the level of Tolkien or Pratchett or Gaiman (Martin you stay the fuck out of this) and I’m not trying to be them either. But I think I’m like decent.
And I guess I took some of the advice when I was writing fanfic that “well people who aren’t interested won’t read it so don’t worry about posting cringe” and extrapolated it to original fic. Which isn’t a 1:1 - people legitimately do not give a shit about other’s OCs unless they’re given a reason to care.
Side note: Partially the reason that while I could advertise this (and probably should) as a story lead by queer protags, two of whom are POCs, that doesn’t really tell you anything about them. Aside from representation. Admittedly: I’m not too great at self promo because I feel like I’m hyping me and my story telling ability way too much. Which is a self fulfilling prophecy when I inevitably don’t get any bites.
It’s a rough situation all around and frankly demotivating. Part of the reason I just didn’t post on Thursday because I was just so damn tired of posting and having to deal with the pain over and over again. I have a huge buffer of words and chapters and I’m frankly having a hard time deciding if I should keep posting them. I mean my last chapter didn’t get any notes except for the one reblog … which was my own fucking reblog onto this blog.
And I think I’ve come a long way from like not disparaging my own shit. I love my writing. I love my art. I just hate sharing it and not getting the same level of excitement I feel to tell a story I want to tell.
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Tumblr media
I posted 1,878 times in 2022
48 posts created (3%)
1,830 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,875 of my posts in 2022
#star trek picard - 443 posts
#funny stuff - 442 posts
#cristobal rios - 152 posts
#star trek picard season 2 - 115 posts
#star trek - 110 posts
#picardpositivity - 98 posts
#i have such talented friends! - 90 posts
#picard season 2 spoilers - 85 posts
#cats - 76 posts
#tumblr - 75 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#and how else are you going to share bits of stories that you won't post for months or years if ever because finishing things is hard 🙈😅
My Top Posts in 2022:
I spent quite some time yesterday yelling about Star Trek with the wonderful @regionalpancake and @curator-on-ao3, and I need to share their comedic genius with the world!
We were talking about how, if the Zhat Vash are so extremely opposed to synthetic life and any form of AI, could they possibly manage to hack the androids on Mars and to cause them to go rogue? To which Curator commented:
“I’m an iPhone user and I couldn’t hack an android!”
This was followed some time later by a discussion about how in recent Trek, there has been an increasing distinction between People Who Matter and Those Who Don’t. And how its encumbent upon the people who are less significant for the fate of the world to sacrifice themselves for the Important People.
With regards to this, Pancakes observed of Rose (from Dr Who), a character who thinks she is unimportant and whom the Doctor tells that There Are No Unimportant People:
“If she were a Star Trek character, Rose would have been cannon fodder.”
Curator: “You mean... canon fodder? :D”
I don’t know if these are funny to anyone but me, but I laughed so hard I had to go find my asthma spray. So I needed to share XD
59 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
Holo-Tech Database
Over the last seven or so months, I have watched through every episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. It’s the first time I’ve seen the entire series, there were quite a few episodes in the later seasons I’d never seen before. Quite an enjoyable experience on the whole.
But because I’m me, of course I didn’t just watch TNG. Instead, I took notes every single time the holodeck or any other piece of holo-technology played a part in the plot, were the setting for even the briefest of scenes, or so much as got mentioned. Essentially, I’m building towards a database of every little scrap of canonical information about holo-technology that I can get my hand on. And this was a start.
I haven’t had the time or energy to look through all of my notes in detail. There is a lot of information in there already. Of course, I’ll only be able to draw any real conclusions once I add in all the data from DS9, Voyager, and PIC, (since I’m interested in the state of technology at the time La Sirena is in operation, because of course that’s what this is about), but it’ll be quite a while before I get there.
So, in lieu of any detailed analysis, here are some quick impressions of my first foray into holo-episode-tracking!
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[Image ID: a table showing the number of total holo-episodes for TNG is 58, and breaking that number down for each season. Season 1 has 10 episodes, season 2 has 8, season 3 has 6, season 4 has 9, season 5 and 6 both have 8, and season 7 has 9 episodes. /end ID]
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65 notes - Posted January 27, 2022
30 Days of Picard Postivity
With just over 30 days to go, the premiere of Star Trek: Picard season 2 (3rd March in the US, 4th March internationally) is fast approaching, and I for one cannot wait to get back into the world I fell in love with two years ago. Thirty days is quite some time, however, and even though new trailers and promo pics seem to be dropping daily, I felt like we could use something to tide us over until March.
After the long hiatus, I think this is the perfect time to revisit all the things we enjoyed about season 1. I’m sure I’m not the only one who has forgotten a lot of the details of those episodes, and who would love to see some of the wonderful characters, locations, and stories back on my dash. So, without further ado:
ProcrastinatorProject Proudly Presents:
30 Days of Picard Positivity
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70 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
Massive Picard Season 2 Spoilers Ahead
So the latest episode of The Ready Room, the Star Trek recap show hosted by Wil Wheaton, had a preview of Season 2 of Star Trek: Picard. It's interviews with all of the main actors and they explain in some detail where they're characters are at at the beginning of season 2.
It puts a lot of shots from the trailers in perspective and I have a lot of thoughts that I want to share, but because this is a very, very explicit spoilery preview, I'm putting both the video and my initial reaction under the cut.
Anyone in the US (or with a decent VPN): You can find the full Ready Room episode on the Paramount+ youtube page, but I'm not going to link it here, because, youk know, tumblr 😋
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73 notes - Posted February 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I just had a realization about why Agnes Jurati’s story in Star Trek: Picard season 2 feels so wrong to me, and I am going to inflict it on all of you!
Spoilers for the entirety of season 2 ahead! CW: Mention of depression, PTSD, anxiety, and emotional manipulation
Also: CW long post
(NB: I’m going to completely disregard the discrepancy in Agnes’s character between seasons 1 and 2. I think when you take Agnes’s story and development from the first season into account, her “arc” in season 2 falls apart completely. But for the sake of this argument, I’m going to meet the season 2 writers on their terms. I’m going to ignore the character of season 1 Agnes, and instead will simply look at season 2′s Jurati to explain why I think the story the writers gave her falls flat.)
I was taking notes for a way-too-long essay about my problems with PIC season 2 (which I may or may not write eventually), and I was trying to put into words why it always irks me when people say merging with the Borg Queen was a satisfying end to Jurati’s arc.
What I was never able to put my finger on until now is that when the Borg Queen and Jurati merge at the end of episode 9, that’s not actually the culmination of Jurati’s arc. It’s the Queen’s.
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74 notes - Posted May 20, 2022
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