#the only time I’ve ever been attracted to a mullet
happy74827 · 28 days
This got flagged on TikTok for “ineligibility” so I’m posting it here ✨
Song: Friends — Chase Atlantic
Show: Stranger Things (S2)
Character: Billy Hargrove
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komunyoung · 2 years
I’m watching Alienoid and the plot is all over the place but this may be the most hot Kim Woo-bin has ever been.
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fic rec friday 16
welcome the the sixteenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.  
1. home depot catalogue by @moonguilt
“No, really, he’d love to,” Lance said into the phone, just as Keith pressed the button for the kettle to start heating up.
Those words were enough to raise Keith’s suspicions just a tad. He shot Lance an inquisitive glance while opening the cabinet to retrieve his box of morning tea, but his husband was the picture of innocence, flipping casually through a Home Depot catalog they had received in the mail yesterday.
“Oh, definitely. If you need someone to paint your insides white, Keith’s your man.”
Keith dropped his box on the counter, tea bags spilling out onto the granite.
Keith is having a normal, relaxing morning. Lance throws him a curveball.
this one made me LAUGH. out LOUD. it’s domestic and fluffy and FUNNY dear god, like it’s such a lance thing to do and such an objectively funny prank that i just!! literally just typing this makes the urge to reread it too great my hand has been forced.
2. kindling by @moonguilt
Lance struggles with his attraction to Keith during training, and it all comes to a head when Keith corners him afterwards to ask why he was off his game today.
Prompt from tumblr: Angry Kiss.
one of my fave vld tropes EVER is lance being whipped and then equally as furious that he’s attracted to keith at all. it’s endlessly funny to me. and then keith being the eyebrows raised, not surprised one??? gets me every time. also keith is a massive sweetheart in this fic and i love him
3. chocolate granola bars by @moonguilt
“A pillow fort sleepover!” Lance cried out, leaping up with such alacrity that Pidge had to grab her laptop to prevent it from sliding to the floor.
“No way, we're not—” Pidge stopped and blinked, exchanging a glance with Hunk, then looking back at Lance again. “... Oh.” She evidently had not been expecting such a tame suggestion. “Okay.”
Or, Lance is bored out of his mind and decides to organize a sleepover with the squad. Nonsense ensues, and Lance works through some confusing emotions—particularly those involving a certain mullet-haired team leader.
okay there are too many good things about this fic i cannot choose which to highlight, and so i will mention them all. ahem: a) lance is a ray of sunshine who regularly uses his power of cuteness to his advantage, b) adorable team bonding, c) shiro is a dorky nerd, d) HEALTHY LANCE AND ALLURA COMMUNICATION, e) krolia and romelle have actual characters, f) lance has allergies which isn’t rly important but he gives me a vibe that he’s allergic to several things and it’s very validating to see it in fic, g) lance validation and feeling expression for the piece of shit game show episode, h) observant lance!! and i) literally the most painful and necessary and well-written klance fight i’ve read in a while! hurt badly but was resolved wonderfully 10/10
4. Terminal Velocity by @speakswords [GORE WARNING]
The only fate worse than being tortured to death is watching, helpless, while the person you love most takes your place.
this is one of my fave vld fics of all time. although fair warning it is very violent for a good chunk of time. the story is EXCELLENT, the entire thing will have u biting ur nails in terrified anticipation and i mean that literally. whole time i was gagged. at the edge of my seat. AND i have several specific lines screenshotted bc the pure fucking devotion and care knocked me out of the water
5. you and me are cosmic dust by Yuu_chi
Knowing that your team loves and trust you no matter what and believing it are two very different things.
i LOVE keith angst. i know this fandom is very langst heavy and honestly i am too but sometimes keith angst is so so good. and this fic is one of them!! excellent read and features observant lance as well. OH and there’s a little sprinkling of suave keith in here too lol
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!    
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russilton · 2 months
Mick Schumacher & Valterri Bottas
(Not sure how long your watching goes back otherwise id have more drivers!)
I started watching in 2020! I have opinions on a lot of the more popular older drivers by nature of being a Lewis fan and being subjected to them on comms or interviews haha
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Mick is an easy one! He is Kyle’s guy and Breanna’s… I can’t type that on a good sfw tumblr post. Poor guy got absolutely fucked sideways by Haas, and while I generally get a little resistant to nepo drivers, like jack, mick is so relentlessly humble I can’t help but pat his head fondly. Yes I am aware of the Doohan Schumacher connection, that photo of Schumacher sr and baby jack makes me feel emotional.
Mick seems like a good lad. Dunno if he’s a wdc rock the world potential, but he’s sorta like looking at an actually cruel version of Logan- mick was truly given a car with no potential and paired up with possibly the worst piece of shit the grid has EVER seen (in recent history) as the PR face, then a year later when he was actually able to compete, he tried his best, put the points in, but suffered his team boss publicly disparaging him, and refusing to drop him till the last second. Guenther makes James look like Cotten candy. As a merc reserve, he is blood of my blood, and I can ignore his Ferrari links, and I’ve been keeping an eye on his WEC while I watch Jenson
Val is…. God Val is hard. Val is really hard, he was the second driver I loved, pre mullet his entire look is deeply gender to me, and post mullet, I admire his body confidence. I used to try to follow blogs that liked him a lot more, but there was a painful blanket of acting as if George ruined his life, when from what I’ve seen, while George forced him to face the fact he would just never be a WDC, he did also free him to be the guy he is now, care free and loved for it. I didn’t like that I had to have those world so separate. He and Zhou are fantastic most days, and if he shaved that damn mullet I bet my attraction would return full force.
But I also go back and forth on things hes said. He’s the only drivers other than Lewis to support trans people specifically, and I can’t let that go. I just can’t. Hes been so beyond supportive of his partner and women’s cycling and sport— But he’s also been careless and thats so shitty. Waving of things about Horner and saying he just wants to drive is shitty and goes against supporting women. His comments during Covid were shitty, giving up on kneeling early in 2021 was shitty, he’s taken shitty sponsors, and admittedly not on him, but during a rough time for me, sauber put out a fuck awful Harry Potter post for Silverstone that while he had no hand in creating, he also didn’t object to.
I view val with a distant fondness of someone who’s past I will always love, who I will love because Lewis loves him and George likes him. Because he was part of merc for the years I joined the sport and I keep his driver card on my shelf with George and Lewis. I am irrationally attached to the fictional version of him we include in rpf, I will always write him as Lewis’ brother, confident, best friend, but real val….it changes week to week. I expect when he retires, the fondness will return full force, sport is always a very very conflicting thing
We all have a guy who we struggle with stuff they’ve done but we can’t let them go, val is my guy for that.
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thora-jane · 3 years
Dress (Matt Mordock x Female! Reader)
(a/n) Hi everyone! here's something I wrote mostly asleep. I have a ton of wips right now but I felt like I should really post something. So here's a little story to hopefully keep you around while I adjust to getting my life together 😅
Summary: You’re Practically Foggy’s sister, so when Matt senses a change in your usual outfit and begins acting differently, it takes some convincing for Foggy to take it calmly, and a little convincing for you to realize how much Matt means what he says
Word count: 1950
Warnings: None? Matt's a Mess? Idk lol
He could sense it the second you walked into the room.
He had gotten used to all the sweatshirts and sweaters, the men’s dress shirts and hand-me-downs you got from Foggy that hid whatever figure you had. They didn’t fit you in a way that made you look particularly attractive, but between your family and Nelsons, the two of you were close enough (and broke enough) that taking his old clothes just made sense most of the time.
This was different though.
First of all, there was no lingering scent of Foggy on your clothes. This was new. Brand new. And maybe it was because of how new it was, or that it had only ever been yours, or just the fact that it fit you like you were a woman, but what he first noticed was the air of confidence you carried yourself with. You were standing up straighter, your walk was bolder.
You had always had shorter hair, you reasoned it was one less thing for you to worry about. Even though you always made a fuss when you hit the in-between months between short hair and long hair, often complaining that you had a mullet. The boys would tease you endlessly, and Matt would laugh so hard he’d turn red when you would threaten to cut Foggy’s hair while he slept.
“But you wouldn’t let her sneak into our room like that, would ya Matty boy?” he’d ask nervously.
“Are you kidding? He’d be holding the flashlight!” you would cackle, slinging your arm around Matt’s shoulder and pulling him close.
God, he would do anything to have you pull him close now.
There was a difference in the way your hair sounded as you walked, you hadn’t cut it, but he could smell metal. You had pinned back some of your hair to the side. He couldn’t sense the presence of any gems or stones on the clip, only metal and plastic, but there was no doubt in his mind that you looked stunning.
“Oh! (y/n)’s here,” Foggy said to Matt, waving over at you. You waved back, not a wild wave you would usually give, you weren’t trying to mess up anything about your look, but Matt knew your smile would blind him again if he could see.
“Oh, is she?” he asked, working extra hard to keep up his act of true blindness. He paused adjusting the grip on his cane before asking, “How does she look?”
Foggy shrugged, “She looks good I guess. I think she went out and got a dress, I’ve never seen her wear anything like that before. I didn’t think she even owned a dress. Didn’t think she wore- huh.” Foggy interrupted himself.
“What? What?” Matt hoped his pressing didn't come off as too desperate, but he couldn’t help it.
“She just turned around to say hi to someone,” Foggy narrated.
But it wasn’t enough for Matt, “And?”
“The dress is…what’s it called…it doesn’t exactly have a back?”
Matt nearly choked on the air he was breathing before spluttering out, “Open back dress?”
“Yeah, that,” Foggy agreed, sounding way too calm in comparison to Matt’s crisis, “Hey are you ok? You’re acting kind of strange.”
“I’m fine,” he cleared his throat, “I’m fine, don’t worry about me,” the very thought of you walking around with your skin exposed nearly sending him into cardiac arrest
He didn’t need super-hearing to hear his heart pounding as you finally made your way over to the two guys, “Hi!” you said, your smile only getting bigger. Foggy pulled you into a hug, “You’re looking good, Nelson. Did you cut your hair?”
Foggy only laughed, “You wish!” He earned a chuckle from you as he shook out his mane of shoulder-length hair, “I’m never going to cut out this regal head of luscious locks.”
“Try telling that to any jury you go in front of,” Matt said, hoping he could get you to laugh, too.
“Matt!” you gasped, turning to look at him better, “You look…you look amazing!”
“Usually that means next to nothing to me, but I’m sure you look quite beautiful so I’ll allow it,” he joked as you leaned in and gave him a hug. He was sure he was just being overly hopeful, but he swore he could feel your heart get faster at his words.
His heart stopped. Your scent overwhelmed him, the fabric of your dress so smooth it felt like it melted against his fingertips. As his hands brushed against your back, he was fairly certain he had died and gone to heaven, the thought of touching you intoxicating all his senses as you leaned into his hug. After a moment, you began to pull away, and he feared he had held the hug too long. But you didn’t step from his embrace, only held his shoulders at an arm's length with his hands still wrapped around your waist.
“You’re uh…you’re wearing a dress.” He pointed out dumbly, too scared to say anything else for fear of confessing all the emotions he felt at once.
“Yeah, does it feel ok? Do you like it?” your voice was tentative. His heart skipped a beat at the sound of your own; so earnest, genuine.
“It feels amazing,” He answered without hesitation.
The two of you stood there for a second, your arms around each other and smiling dumbly before Foggy put his hand on Matt’s shoulder.
“Could I steal him for a second? Thank you,” he didn’t wait for either of you to respond, instead, he yanked Matt to the side and whispered quite harshly in his ear, “What the hell are you doing?”
“What? She hugged you and then she hugged me?” He feigned innocence, adjusting his glasses.
“You know damn well what, Murdock.” Matt could tell in Foggy’s voice that he wasn’t truly mad, but he wasn’t exactly thrilled either, “Have I ever told you how she’s-”
“Basically your sister. I know, I know.” Matt finished his sentence for him, “Pretty much every time she leaves the room.”
“And do you know why I tell you?” Foggy’s voice was theatrical, which would ordinarily make Matt laugh, but his thoughts were directed more towards the pretty young woman in the corner who was in his arms mere moments ago.
“Because I don’t want you pulling out the old Murdock charm on her! I’ve seen you with all the hot chicks on campus pretty much. It all goes the same. I don’t want you doing that to (y/n),” Foggy looked back over at her, she simply stood with her hands folded together, idly swaying to the music playing over the crappy sound system, “And besides! You’ve never acted like this around her before! She’s the same (y/n), I don’t see how this is any different.”
“I don’t see either,” Matt put on his dumbest smile, “I don’t see ever, actually.”
“Oh don’t give me that,” Foggy rolled his eyes, “I suppose there’s no stopping you, is there.”
“I’m afraid that dress has a texture I just can’t pass up-”
“Please, you’re gonna make my puke,” Foggy interrupted. “Well, I guess…I guess if you’re going after her all night that means any other woman here is fair game…”
Matt couldn’t resist a smile, “That’s right, go out there and be the most eligible guy at the law student’s gala, Foggy.”
“Wait and see, Murdock. Just wait and see.” Foggy clapped Matt on the back before walking off and straightening his tie.
The love-struck law student stood there for a moment, frantically gathering his wits before he did anything desperate or embarrassing. He took a second to readjust the cuffs of his sleeves before making his way back to you.
“What was all that about?” you asked, craning your neck to watch Foggy make his way to a group of women.
“Nothing too important, don’t worry,” Matt assured you, “Thank you for being here, by the way. I’m sorry we couldn’t pick you up at your dorm.”
“Oh, it was no trouble, and don’t worry about it. But I am curious, who’s plus one am I again?” you chuckled. This time, the uptick in your heart rate wasn’t his imagination.
“Well, Foggy is currently trying to woo half the women here, so it might not be a good look for either of you,” Matt began, adjusting his glasses, “I don’t have anyone though, so if you didn’t mind…”
“Well, I uh…I figured there was probably some woman you would bring or leave with…” you mumbled, “Don’t you usually find some unbelievably attractive woman to take with you at the end of the night that leads to Foggy sleeping on my floor?” you tried to laugh, but something in your voice sounded hurt.
Matt stepped closer, holding out his hand for you to take, “Do I?”
You took his hand, moving to delicately place your hand in his, “On more than one occasion, actually,” You shrugged, “I generally try to stay out of the way of heartbreakers such as yourself.”
Your shoulders were almost touching, and despite the fact that your words weren’t entirely false, he had somehow forgotten every woman he had ever been with.
You were right there, the girl that would barge into his dorm at the most random times. The girl that would sit and read a book or article or piece of text for him every time they were together and there were no braille copies available. The girl that had always continued to dodge his and Foggy’s questions about why she was still single. The girl who had done nothing but cover up in someone else’s clothes the entire time he knew her. Right there, right next to him, in something entirely your own.
And god how he wanted to be yours as much as that dress was.
“What if I promise to be careful,” he blurted.
“Excuse me?” You asked. He didn’t say anything right away, instead, he reached for your hand and brought your fingers right behind the corner of his jaw.
“You know how someone’s heart rate speeds up when they lie?” he began, trying hard not to relish too much on her touch.
“Well, your heart rate’s already pretty fast, Matt-”
“But you feel how fast it is, right?” He asked, swallowing the lump in his throat, “(y/n) I swear on my life I will not break your heart or treat this as a one-night hookup if you chose to be my plus one and spend the evening with me. Hell, we don’t even have to treat this like a date. In all honesty, you’re the most beautiful person in this room and I would be honored to have you at my side,” He took a deep breath, “Did my heart speed up at all?”
“Matt, you can’t see,” you chuckled.
“(y/n), please,” he practically begged, still holding your fingers to his jaw.
“No, I don't think it has…”You smiled, he could feel it as you leaned in closer. Your face was mere inches away from his and god, he could actually feel your breath and warmth and everything radiating from your face and you were teasing him.
“Never thought I’d see you like this, Matthew,” You mused, pulling his jaw just the slightest bit closer with your fingertips before dropping your hand, “It’s…odd.”
He cleared his throat again, adjusting the grip on his cane before offering his arm for you to take, “Miss (y/n), may I have the pleasure of accompanying you this evening?”
You bit the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing as you placed your hand in the crook of his elbow, “Why certainly.”
(a/n) Thank you for reading! Remember to drink some water and do some stretches and take some deep breaths. You made it through the day/night/afternoon and that's something to be proud of <3
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triptuckers · 4 years
I already am home - Obi-wan Kenobi
Request: no Pairing:  obi-wan kenobi x jedi!reader Summary:  you left the jedi temple years ago, hoping you’d be home soon, but master yoda kept sending you on more missions. Warnings: none Word count:  1.7K A/N: ever since I watched the prequels I am obsessed with obi-wan I love him sm so here’s a little something I wrote. enjoy reading! :)
It’s lonely, really. You only have contact with master Yoda, as he’s the one that sent you here, and the locals. Years ago, you were sent on a mission on a faraway planet, and you have travelled the galaxy since, on behalf of the council.
It’s essential that your identity remains secret, so you mostly leave your jedi robes in your bag, wearing an outfit that wouldn’t attract as much attention. But as soon as you’re alone, you but on the robes. You feel as if it’s the only thing connecting you to the jedi temple, and to everyone you miss so dearly.
After every completed mission, you were hopeful you’d receive a message from master Yoda stating you could come home again. But almost always there’d be a new mission on another planet.
You weren’t tired of your missions. You were glad you could help the council. You were just tired of being away from home for so long. Over the years, you thought it would get easier. But you couldn’t have been more wrong. It only got harder. 
You’d recently finished a mission, and are waiting on a new one from master Yoda. Usually he didn’t take so long to contact you, though. But you didn’t worry. Master Yoda was always busy, and you figured he’d have a lot on his mind and would wait to contact you.
A knock on the door of your little house makes you look up. 
You’d made contact with a few locals, but they didn’t come to your door. Of course, you immediately are in fight modus as you slowly get up. You have one hand on the lightsaber that’s on your belt as you make your way to the door. 
You open it just far enough for you to see who is standing in front of it. Your eyes immediately recognise the robes the young man is wearing, and you open your door a little more.
‘My, my, a fellow jedi! Haven’t seen another one in months.’ you say, taking the man in. You don’t know him, but there’s something vaguely familiar about him.
‘Do I know you? You seem familiar.’ you say, narrowing your eyes. ‘We’ve met before, master Y/L/N, I’m Anakin.’ the young man in front of you says.
‘Oh! My goodness, you’re nothing like the little boy I remember, you’re all grown up!’ you say before pulling him in for a hug. ‘It’s good to see you, Anakin.’  ‘It's good to see you too, master Y/L/N.’ he says.
You impatiently wave your hand. ‘Oh drop the formalities, Anakin. I bet Qui-gon taught you that.’ you say.  ‘Actually, Obi-wan did.’ he says. 
Upon hearing his name, you feel butterflies in your stomach and you’re suddenly extremely aware of your beating heart in your chest.
Obi-wan. You hadn’t spoken to him in years. No matter how much you had wanted to, master Yoda told you that in order to remain your secrecy, you weren’t allowed to contact anyone besides from him. It’s not that you didn’t want to contact Obi-wan. But you had given master Yoda your word, and you wouldn’t want to break your promise to him.
Still, you missed Obi-wan dearly. You met him when you were both younglings, and as the two of you grew older, your love for him never faded. As padawans, you were devoted to the jedi, and to keeping the peace in the galaxy. It didn’t stop you from sneaking around, though. 
There had been a few close calls when one of you ended up staying the night and needed to leave early in the morning. Luckily, no one ever found out. 
It broke your heart to tell him you had to leave. He had so many questions. Where would you go? Why did you have to go? What did you need to do, all on your own? Obi-wan knew perfectly well you could handle yourself, but would you be safe, wherever you’d go?
As much as you wanted to tell him, you just couldn’t. You had sworn not to tell anyone about your whereabouts or your mission. You would have done anything to see him again. Or to just hear his voice. A mention of his name. 
And now there’s a padawan in front of you, mentioning his name.
‘I thought Qui-gon was going to train you?’ you say.
Anakin shakes his head. ‘Qui-gon is gone. He never got the chance to train me, so Obi-wan did.’ he says.
‘Oh.’ you say. You hated not hearing anything from master Yoda. He only told you about things that were important for your mission. But Qui-gon was a dear friend of yours, and you didn’t know why master Yoda would keep something like that from you.
‘We’re actually here to pick you up. Master Yoda sent us to come and get you.’ says Anakin. 
You frown. ‘We?’ you say, looking over his shoulder, but no one’s there.
‘Obi-wan is back at the ship.’ says Anakin.
Obi-wan. So he came. You would finally see him again. Suddenly, you can’t hide your happiness. 
‘Obi-wan is here?’ you say, with a smile on your face.
Anakin nods. ‘He’s excited to see you. He told me you were close when you were padawans.’ he says.
‘We were.’ you say. ‘I'll go get my bag, it shouldn’t take long.’ 
Anakin waits outside as you quickly gather your most important possessions and some clothes and put them in your bag. Your eyes linger over a drawing of you and Obi-wan you made years ago. You carefully fold it and put it in your robes. You take one last look around the small building before heading outside.
‘Got everything?’ says Anakin and you nod. ‘Lead the way.’ you say, gesturing for him to go first.
The walk to the ship isn’t long, but you’re anxious to reunite with Obi-wan, so it feels like an eternity. Anakin tries to make conversation, but you’re too caught up in your thoughts to talk much. 
Back when you were younger, you could communicate with Obi-wan without words. You wondered if he’d changed much, and if his feelings for you would still be the same. 
‘Here we are.’ says Anakin’s voice suddenly from beside you, forcing you to stop overthinking. 
You look up and see their ship. The door is open but Obi-wan isn’t there. He must be inside, getting ready for takeoff. 
But when you enter the ship, you see a man standing just behind the corner. 
He looks different than you remember him. But you can’t deny it, he looks good. His hair has gotten longer, and he grew a beard, but his eyes are the same as he smiles at you. Even after all these years, they look at you with the same loving gaze. It feels like no time has passed since you last saw him.
‘Hello Y/N.’ he says. ‘Hi obi-wan.’ you say, smiling. ‘Anakin and I will get the ship going, and then we can catch up, alright?’ he says. You nod. ‘alright.’ 
You’re waiting by a viewport, looking at the stars. The last few months, you’d been on the same planet, not seeing much of the stars and not traveling much.
‘You’ve always loved watching the stars.’ says Obi-wan’s voice as he walks up to you. 
You turn to look at him and smile. The two of you are silent for a while as you look at each other, taking in every detail and new feature. 
‘You grew a beard.’ you state and Obi-wan chuckles. ‘You grew your hair longer.’ ‘You grew a mullet.’
Obi-wan laughs again, running a hand through his hair. ‘Yes, I did.’ he says.
‘It looks good.’ you say, stepping closer so you can run a hand through his hair yourself. The feeling’s still the same.
‘You look good.’ he says, his eyes locking onto yours.
You smile as you look up at him, your hand resting on the back of his neck.
‘I missed you.’ he says. ‘I missed you too.’ you say, your voice barely louder than a whisper. You let go of him and your hand falls to your side. ‘I'm sorry.’ you say, taking a step back.
‘For what, dear one?’ says Obi-wan, the nickname putting a smile on your face.
‘Leaving you behind with so many questions.’ you say. Obi-wan steps closer to you, taking your face in his hands and making you look up at him.
‘You had your orders.’ he says. ‘I understand.’ ‘I felt awful.’ you admit, avoiding his eye. ‘I really did. but I-’ ‘You gave master Yoda your word.’ says Obi-wan. ‘I told you, I understand. We were both so young, devoted to the jedi and the council, I would have done the same if it were me.’
You know he doesn’t blame you, he could never. But you still feel guilty about leaving him behind. 
‘Hey.’ says Obi-wan. you look at him and feel slightly better. He could always do that with a mere look at you. ‘Let’s not feel guilty about leaving each other behind. We’re here now. Let’s enjoy each other’s company while we can.’ he says.
You nod and move to wrap your arms around him. Obi-wan does the same and for the first time in months you truly feel like you’re home again. You close your eyes and inhale his scent. Obi-wan softly rubs circles on your back as he holds you close.
‘By the way.’ he says. ‘After you left one of my robes was missing. I thought I left it behind on one of the ships, but now I know someone took it.’ He tugs slightly at the robe you’re wearing.
‘It’s comfortable.’ you mumble into his chest. ‘And I wanted to have something that belonged to you with me. You can have it back now.’
Obi-wan presses a kiss to your head. ‘No, you can keep it.’ he says. ‘I’ve always liked it when you wore my robes.’
You smile. ‘I know you do.’ you say. ‘I’ll talk to master Yoda, see if I can stay at the temple for a while.’
Obi-wan hums in response. ‘Yes, I'd want to stay home for a while too, after being away for so long.’ he says.
You softly shake your head and slightly tighten your grip on his body. 
‘I already am home.’ you say.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rules Here’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Jo
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Last Piece: JB
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title. Last Piece pairing. GOT7′s JB x Reader genre. slice of life, romance, attempts at comedy, angst warnings. cursing, jb being a cute cat dad, brief mentions of bullying and anxiety summary. As an English teacher from abroad, you get a lot of perks. One of the best ones is that you live in an apartment for free. Another perk seems to be the elusive, attractive man who lives two floors above you… Though his cats seem to find their way to you a lot. And so does his mail, which makes you travel to his place pretty often regardless of whether he wants to see you or not. new beginnings masterlist. part one. out of [undecided]
______________________________________________________________ You never wanted to see another box again. Or a suitcase. Or anything involving packaging goods. You were done with moving, but as you looked around your new apartment, you couldn’t help but be proud.  Finally, you were here. In Seoul, South Korea, beginning your lifelong dream of being a EFL teacher and returning to the city that had captured your heart when you came to study abroad years ago. The past few weeks had been overwhelming, trying to reconnect with old friends, connecting with your fellow teachers, and getting ready to start teaching at your school. But as you took out the last of your recycling, you could finally say you were settled in and ready for the year in front of you. On your way back up, you ran into one of your neighbors, a kind older woman who welcomed you in the first weeks of you arriving.  She smiled at you, “Hello dear! All moved in?” “Mhmm! Finally. I can’t wait to actually find out more about this building. I feel bad that I’ve only met you and not anyone else I’m living next to.” You admitted, rubbing the back of your neck. You hadn’t really prioritized getting to know more about your neighbors or the building; you were too focused on getting your apartment together. “If meeting people your age is your goal, I’d go to the rooftop,” The older woman suggested, “There’s a community area there and I’m sure I’ve seen some young folks heading up there every now and again.” Well that was interesting. You found yourself following her suggestion after thanking her and bidding goodbye, hopping off the stairs to reach the roof. And you couldn’t say you blamed people your age for coming up here once you reached the top. It was really pretty, with a great view of the city and comfy seating and a fire pit. You could see yourself and your friends cozying up with blankets and a few drinks up here.  You’re almost too busy admiring the view and seeing if you can pinpoint some places to visit on your weekends to dismiss small mewling sounds coming from the door of the stairwell. The unfamiliar noise caught your attention and you went over to check it out.  Sure enough, there was a small cat looking up at you with big eyes, meowing never ceasing. You leaned down to let the cat smell your hand, eyes immediately drawn to the red collar resting around its neck. “So you’re not a stray... Where’s your owner, little guy?” You asked softly, not wanting to spook the cat sniffing at your hand. Deciding you were okay, he snuggled up to your hand, allowing you to bring him into your arms and look around the stairwell.  The thought to go to the front desk and ask about who owns pets had barely crossed your mind when you heard a male voice call out from the stairwell below.  “Odd??? Odd?? Where are you??” Based on the way the kitty perked up at the voice and name, you figured you found the owner of the little guy. So you followed the voice, and not even a full set of stairs down were you faced with a very distressed, erratic looking young man.  At the sight of the cat (Odd, was it?) in your arms, the relief that visibly took over his form was almost cute. You took the time to take in the owner’s features. Monolid eyes with a couple of distinct moles, piercings, and a dark mullet with shoulders as wide as you’ve ever seen before, he didn’t seem like the type to be cooing and currently chastising over this small cat. “How’d you get out?” He wasn’t even talking to you, fully focused as he leaned down to quietly talk to Odd. It was... a little awkward and so you carefully pushed the cat towards his own arms, finally bringing his attention to you. “Oh sorry,” He took Odd from you, holding him like a baby, “Thanks for finding him, his siblings were worried. I was worried... obviously...” His expression turned sheepish, once again surprising you at how awkward this man seemed to be despite his appearance. You loved animals, so you couldn’t help but ask, “Oh? More pets?” At the mention of his other animals, he smiled. “Yeah, four others. They’re all trouble makers.” “If this one,” You gestured to Odd, “Is anything like the others, I’d say you have your hands full as a cat dad.” “They keep me on my toes for sure... But they’re my kids so I put up with it.”  The two of you stood there in silence for a little while, not meeting each other’s eyes. You cursed yourself for being so awkward with the first potential friend that wasn’t a fellow teacher.  “So, uh.... yeah.” You wanted to hit yourself. “I’m... Y/N, by the way. I just moved here.” “Jaebum.” He nodded, careful to keep Odd in his arms as he bowed. You returned the gesture before deciding the awkward atmosphere was too much. “It was nice to meet you, Jaebum. I’ll see you around?”  He nodded, waving you off as he went back to his hall and you returned down the stairs to your own apartment. Once inside you banged your head against the wall. You always struggled with making friends because of your anxiety, and not everyone was as kind or patient to you as Jaebum had been in that first encounter.   You were determined to show him that next time, you weren’t awkward and he could be your friend.                                    ______________________________ As it turns out, you didn’t show him. A week or so goes by and you fall into a routine of going to school, planning, and sometimes visiting friends. Occasionally you catch Jaebum getting mail or walking out at the same time, but each time you keep clamming up and unable to do more than exchange small talk. Which, judging by his barely concealed grimances, he hated. But he was polite and you honestly were just hoping that you’d pull yourself together and be able to hold a conversation that wasn’t laced with uncomfortable awkwardness. You got your chance, though, when getting your mail after school. Your eyes lit up seeing the package, only to frown and pout when you saw it wasn’t even for you.  It did, however bring you a little excitement to see it’s for Jaebum (with JB in big English letters next to his name, you guessed a nickname) and you saw the apartment number listed in the address. You considered it for only a moment before going up the stairs. After all, he’d want his package right?  Coming up to the door, you hear music from his apartment. You briefly wondered what kind of genres he liked the most before knocking, trying to be a good neighbor (and hopefully friend after this). There wasn’t a response so you knocked again, a bit louder in case he couldn’t hear you over the music.  “I’m coming, can’t you just be patient Yug-- Oh. Y/N.” Jaebum swung open the door, looking a little irritated and tired. Headphones slung around his neck, traces of stubble from not shaving recently, and the bags under his eyes only confirm your suspicions that he hadn’t slept.  “Rough night?” You meekly offer, only to want to throw yourself off a cliff a moment later. Really? That’s what you decide to open with? No wonder he’s not your friend. He rolled his eyes at your question, but nods and gave you a look that clearly said “What do you want and why are you here?”. You certainly didn’t need to be told twice, even with body language.  Barely missing a beat, you held up the package in your arms. “So, uh, I don’t know if this will help, but here! This got delivered to me by accident.”  The second he saw the postage label his eyes brightened and a grin overtook his face as he grabbed it from your arms. You managed to ignore the small jump in your chest at the sight of his genuine smile.  “This must be from Mark! He’s my friend, he lived here for a long time but now he’s back in the U.S... I really miss him but I know he’s doing well.” Jaebum rambled, his eyes focused on the package but once flicking up to you, as if to see if you were paying attention.  Is he... initiating conversation? With you? “I’m glad you can keep in touch this way, I understand how it feels to miss friends far away...” You managed to get out, and his smile turned to you. Oh... He has a nice smile. You wondered if he did it often with friends. You hoped to find out.  A small meow captured your attention, and you look down to see Odd and this other fluffier cat coming to inspect you and what their owner was holding. Just as you were about to ask Jaebum about Odd, the other cat swatted at Odd’s face and pretty much pushed him out the door towards you. Ah... You see how he got out now.  “Nora Stop! You can’t do that to your siblings!” Jaebum immediately put the package down, picking up Nora to scold her. You stifled a laugh, seeing him be such a dad with his cats. He wasn’t joking when he called them his kids. Odd didn’t even try to go back inside, meowing loudly and coming up to you, rubbing himself against your leg as if to gain sympathy. It worked. You picked him up gently, rubbing his ears and letting him relax in your arms. When there was suddenly no scolding, you looked up to see Jaebum looking at you intensely, making you shift a little as your anxiety spiked. Did you do something wrong? “Odd really likes you. Huh.” Was all he said, a small half smile coming on his face as he looked at you. Suddenly the walls felt like they were way too close and you needed space immediately.  Putting the cat down, you made sure he went back into the apartment and cleared your throat, trying not to make eye contact as you said, “Okay! Sorry to bother you, I’ll just leave it at the door next time --”  You’re already making your way down the hall when he calls your name, making you pause and count the seconds before your fight or flight instinct forced you to run to the safety of your apartment. “It’s not a bother. If my cats like you, I like you. See you around, Y/N.” He waved, his voice almost gentle as he closed the door to his apartment. Maybe... he didn’t hate you after all.
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6- Marina. Thank you.
prompt is from this list - “Don’t you dare touch them!” (ngl this one kinda went in a direction I wasn't expecting but nevertheless, I hope you enjoy *explicit language and TW for minor sexual harassment, you be the judge*)
The bar was packed for a weeknight, but Maya and Carina still went. They had both come off of twenty-four hour shifts, and desperately needed a drink before heading home to crash. Maya offered to grab drinks which left Carina to jostle for a table. She found one in the back corner and sat down, draping her coat over Maya’s chair to save it. It seemed as though a large party was happening near the stage, and a bachelor one at that. Men were shoving each other and Carina rolled her eyes. She would never fully understand the male sex, and didn’t ever plan to. They were stupid and would always hit on her even though she was wholeheartedly taken by the sexy blonde firefighter (who she not only shared a bed with every night, but loved deeply).
Speaking of idiot men who wanted to hit on her, one spotted Carina and came right over. He was part of the bachelor party because he wore a sash across his chest that read “Mikey’s bachelor party” in obnoxious green lettering. It would’ve looked great against a black background, but the sash was yellow. Clearly thinking he looked hot (he didn’t, unless you were into slow-riding jeans paired with a musky t-shirt and a mullet), he sauntered towards the Italian woman with his thumbs in his belt loops.
“Hey there baby,” he said in a low voice that wasn’t natural at all. It was about four octaves too low to be considered “normal”.
Now Carina was a very attractive young woman, and had been hit on almost every time she went out. Normally she was polite and upfront with guys, telling them she had a girlfriend and wasn’t interested. Most backed off immediately and if they didn’t leave right away, chatted as a friend for a minute or two. But this guy looked all kinds of trouble, so Carina wanted nothing more than to send him right back towards the party he came from.
“I’m not interested,” said Carina, leaning back in her chair and crossing her legs. She glared up at the guy.
“Woah, I didn’t even tell you my name and my special tricks I can do in bed.” He winked, and kept coming closer to Carina. “They talk about my wicked abilities all across town. You’ll hear girls say “oh look there’s Norman, I’ve heard he’s wild under the sheets”. Don’t you want to say you’ve done it with Norman Floyd?”
Carina shook her head and continued to narrow her eyes at the so-called Norman. “Absolutely not.” Her eyes flickered away for a moment to see if Maya was heading her way with drinks. “I’m actually waiting for my girlfriend,” she began.
“Well I’ll wait with you then. Maybe she’d be down to join us on our sexcapade.” Norman occupied Maya’s chair and licked his lips disgustingly at Carina. She was very uncomfortable and stood up immediately.
“No. I’ll be going now.” For all she was, Carina wasn’t in the mood to slap this son-of-a-bitch, despite how much he deserved it. She moved to grab her coat from the chair Norman was occupying, but his meaty hand grabbed her wrist before she could leave. “What are you doing? Get off me!”
The noise was too loud in the bar for anyone to hear her except for Norman himself. He chuckled and shook his eyes, his gaze darkening. “No. You’re going to sit back down and play pretty for me. If you don’t want your old chair, I’m sure my lap will suffice.”
“Get away from me.” Carina growled, and snatched her hand away. Just as she was about to slap the asshole across the face, a punch came out of nowhere and landed a hit square on Norman’s jaw.
“Don’t you dare touch them!” Maya’s booming voice shouted, above everyone else in the bar. People froze as Maya landed another punch in the same spot as the first one.
Carina leaped back and prepared to haul the furious blonde off the guy. She’d let her girlfriend get in a few more punches first, though. “Thank you Maya,” Carina said breathlessly. “I had him but thank you.”
“Anytime babe,” Maya replied. Carina’s heart melted; when Norman had called her babe she cringed but with Maya, it was cute and full of love.
From the chair, Norman groaned. “You bitch,” he swore.
“I’m the bitch? Hell no. You just tried to assault my girlfriend. I’d think twice before you start calling people names.” Maya stomped on his foot and he let out another howl of pain. Then she turned to Carina and held out her hand. “Come on, we’re leaving. This bastard needs to go back to the hellhole he came from.”
“I agree.” Carina took Maya’s hand and led the way out of the bar. They didn’t look behind them, and didn’t stop walking until they were safely in the car with the doors locked.
Maya looked over at Carina from the driver’s seat and said, “Are you okay?”
Carina nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. He was just being an asshole, as most men are when they’ve had too much to drink.”
“With you on that one. Although that guy is just an asshole in general.” Maya let out a loud sigh and then turned the car on. “Let’s head home. I’m sure I’ve got wine somewhere. Plus at my place, there’s no idiots.”
“You got it.” Carina leaned over and pressed a kiss to Maya’s cheek. “Thanks for saving me, bambina.”
“Always.” Maya smiled and reached for Carina’s hand. She would always fight for the love of her life, no matter what.
Written by @thedefinitionofendgame (aka me)
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Blue Lagoon - ep. 01 - Rafe Cameron
Summary: Ward announces a family vacation while being the absolute worst and you meet Rafe for the first time. 
A/N: Can’t believe I’m making a Rafe series...super nervous about this one. If you like the first chapter and wanna be tagged let me know! (Also, all the chapters are named after beach cocktails). This is a re-write of Chapter 1!
Holiday in the Sun Masterlist | Outer Banks Masterlist
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Thirteen had been a tragic year. The year of braces and that terrible hair cut that could only be described as the love child of a bowl cut and a mullet. Your best friend had taken scissors to your hair and you had regretted it ever since. It was the year of hoodies and basketball shorts and more layers than Billie Eilish. The year you fell and busted up your face so bad that you suffered through vacation with a bruise the size of Texas on your jaw. The year all your friends caught up to you but you were still taller and your boobs were still bigger and you still felt more awkward. 
The worst thing about thirteen though, had been the vacation. It was the first time your mom had decided to do a joint vacation to the Bahamas over break. You were thirteen and an absolute tragic mess and already so embarrassed just by your existence and then she flew you to the Bahamas to spend Christmas with the Camerons. 
And if Rafe wasn’t already so attractive and beautifully self-assured; fifteen and already tall and funny and you felt arguably worse about yourself in comparison to him and his sister. But especially him. And part of that was entirely because he’d been so nice. You were fully prepared for him to treat you like every other kid at your school treated you but he didn’t. He was so nice to you and you’d spent a vacation that you thought was going to be horrible having an incredible time. 
But that was the last of the joint family vacations, your mom focusing her time on her new job once you’d gotten home, so you were surprised when she proposed the idea again your junior year of high school. 
“The Bahamas?” 
“Over Christmas...with the Cameron’s.” Your mom replied, barely looking up from her notepad. 
“Oh uh, okay,” there wasn’t much else you could say. She wasn’t about it accept a no from you and yeah, the last trip had been fun, but that nervous insecurity ate away at you from the moment she mentioned it. 
You certainly weren’t the tragic thirteen-year-old mess that you had been back then, and maybe that should have inspired some confidence but instead you were just nervous. If you had gotten arguably better than what did Rafe look like? Probably even more gorgeous than he’d been before. One of your friends suggested trying to find him on instagram but you didn’t need any more anxiety pre-vacation so you avoided the possibility of seeing him before you really saw him at all.  
It was Rose who first suggested the little change of scenery for the New Year. Winter break was fast approaching and Ward was at the end of his rope with his oldest and Rose, in an ill-fated attempt to make his exhaustion work for her, mentioned the house in Nassau. Late at night, while Ward sat in his office trying to calm his nerves with a bottle of scotch. He’d been woken by a call from Peterkin that Rafe had been arrested, the third time in two months, for driving under the influence. He didn’t ask what his son was under the influence of and he almost left him in lockup for the night but he got dressed, picked him up, and drove him home in silence. Something had to change and then Rose broached the topic of a vacation. Of course it came with a catch, as everything with Rose seemed to do.  
“Dad,” Sarah groaned, looking up from her homework when he announced the trip over breakfast the next morning. “you can’t be serious?”
Ward had come down to breakfast, calling Rafe into the kitchen where Sarah and Wheezie were already eating. He didn’t hate Rose’s idea, even the part of it that benefitted her need to show off, and he decided not to waste time telling his kids the news.  
“As a heart attack Sarah.” He replied. “It’s been a busy year and I think this is exactly the kind of family trip we all need right now. Take some time away from the island and our,” he looked across the room at Rafe disdainfully, “more objectionable pastimes.”
“It was one DUI.” Rafe said, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. He was still a little hungover from the night before and the weed he’d just been smoking had his eyes bloodshot. He would’ve really loved to get some sleep but just as he was starting to doze off Ward was banging on his bedroom door.  
“And it would’ve been your third if Peterkin didn’t owe me a favor. I’ve only got so much clout Rafe, I can’t keep bailing you out every time you decide to do something reckless. Your choices-”
“Reflect the family.” Rafe replied, “I know.”  
“Then you’ll know this isn’t up for discussion. We’re going to Nassau in a week.”
All of them missed Wheezie’s groan as she laid her head in her hands. The silent onlooker to her family’s revolving door of drama, Wheezie’s role was that of mediator, instigator, and observer, but she wasn’t granted the privilege of an opinion.
“I’m supposed to go to the Keys with Scarlett!” Sarah mentioned, as if it mattered, “why do we all have to be punished just because Rafe screwed up?”
“I didn’t screw up Sarah, I was barely drunk. Shoupe was just trying to give me a hard time.”
“Oh, of course, our mistake.” Ward replied, “the world is out to get you. Do you know where your classmates are right now? In college. Yale, Harvard, Duke, even NCS...and where are you? That’s right, sitting at home every day, smoking weed, wasting my money.”
“I said I’d do some work for you.”  
“Because this is what I want representing my company? You can’t even get out of bed before three in the afternoon most days.” Ward snapped, “take this vacation as an olive branch. And when we get back start thinking about what you want your life to look like because any more ‘wrong turns’ and you can forget the nice stuff and the free room and the bailouts.”
“That’s not fair to me and Wheezie!” Sarah piped up, repeating her earlier argument, “why are we being punished?”
“Don’t rope me into this.” Wheezie commented. She wasn’t going down with this ship. At least not yet.  
“I hardly think a week in the Bahamas is a punishment Sarah.” Ward replied, “now, is it possible to get through this without any other objections?”
“Can I invite Topper?” Sarah asked, “you said Rose’s friend is coming with her daughhter so I don’t see why I can’t invited someone.”
“Rose’s friend?” Rafe asked, looking up from his phone.  
“Yes. We’ve been on vacation with them before. You remember? He daughter is a year older than Sarah I think.”  
“Yeah,” he nodded, the slightest smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth.  
“Can I invite a friend?” Wheezie asked.
“No.” Ward said.  
“If Sarah gets to bring someone why can’t I? That’s not fair!”  
“I’m done with the arguments and backtalk. We’re leaving in a week. If Dr. Thornton says Topper can come, he can come. But I’m not a babysitting service for you and your friends Wheezie.”  
“Sarah always gets to-”
“Louisa!” Ward snapped, hand hitting the marble countertop. Sarah’s eyes went wide and Rafe looked up from his phone, standing up a little straighter at the notable anger in his father’s voice.
“Sorry.” Wheezie shrunk down in her seat, looking away from her dad.
“Now, do you think it’s possible that we can all get through this without any more arguments? We leave on Sunday. Since I have actual work to do, unlike any of children,” Ward said, looking over at Rafe, “I’ll be in my office.”
All three of them stayed put as they listened to their dad’s footsteps as he headed upstairs to his office. Sarah got up from the table, grabbing her phone and heading outside to call Topper while Wheezie still sat there looking close to tears for being yelled at.  
Rafe put his phone down on the counter and crossed the kitchen, putting his hand on his sister’s back and rubbing small circles. “Hey, no worries, okay? I’ll hang out with you on the trip.”
“You’ll just off with Topper and Sarah and I’ll be stuck with Rose while she day drinks.” Wheezie muttered, rubbing at her eyes.
“I promise Wheez, I won’t ditch you.”
“Okay,” she looked up at him, holding her hand out, pinky extended, “pinky promise?”
“Yeah, pinky promise.”
The week went by faster than any of them wanted it to, Sunday creeping up too soon. Trips to Nassau were usually staggered. Ward might go with Rose, or Rafe and Sarah went with friends or Ward took Wheezie, but they never went altogether. A family vacation hadn’t happened in almost four years.
Rafe could remember the last trip. Sarah had brought Scarlett because, once again, she was their father’s favorite child. Ward told Wheezie she couldn’t bring someone, pretending that she was too young but Sarah had been twelve and she’d been allowed to bring someone. Scarlett was a nightmare on vacation and an absolute bitch to you, Rose’s best friend’s daughter. Rafe had spent most of his time with you just to avoid his sister and Scarlett but he’d actually had a great time. Probably the last great time he had sober.  
On Sunday morning he stood at the back of the SUV, helping his dad load it up for the drive to airstrip.  
“Alright, do we have everything we need to go?” Ward asked, looking toward the house as Rose came out with her biggest suitcase rolling alongside her. “Rose, it’s a week for godsake.”
Sarah leaned out the window at her stepmom before sharing a look with Rafe, rolling her eyes. Rose caught the look and frowned. “Sorry all my clothes aren’t the size of Malibu Barbie and require a little extra space.” She said, glaring at Sarah.
“Here we go!” Sarah swore.
Ward took a deep breath, “just get in the car. Please.” He passed the suitcase to Rafe before following his wife around the side of the car, “and Sarah, behave.”
“Are you kidding me? She literally started it. I said nothing.”
“I don’t wanna hear it.”  
Sarah groaned, sitting back in her seat, “this is the stupidest vacation, why do we all have to go?”
“Sarah!” Ward shouted, “not another word! Some of you are lucky that we’re all going since you certainly don’t deserve a nice vacation.”
Rafe shut the door as he climbed in the backseat beside Wheezie, “am I supposed to say thank you?” It didn’t surprise him that somehow his dad yelling at Sarah had turned into his dad taking a dig at him.  
“It’s beyond my comprehension how I managed to raise such incredibly spoiled, ungrateful children.”  
“Sorry dad,” Sarah muttered.  
“Well I won’t wait for the other two apologies.” He said, looking in the rearview mirror at them. Wheezie had her airpods in, staring down at her phone, “this one probably can’t even hear me.”
Rafe nudged his youngest sister and she looked up, “huh, what?” She took one headphone out and looked around the car but Ward had already changed the subject.
“Is Topper meeting us at the airstrip or am I supposed to be picking him up?”  
“He said he would meet us.” Sarah replied, slumping in her seat as they backed out of the driveway and headed to the airstrip.  
“You know Sarah,” Ward mentioned, always happy for an opportunity to dig for a dig at Rafe’s expense where he could find one, “I really do like this young man. He’s very responsible. It’s a shame my own son couldn’t be so disciplined and mature.”  
“This is gonna be a great vacation dad, you were right.” Rafe piped up.
“You can save the snark Rafe.”
The only thing quieter than the rest of the drive to the airstrip was the flight to Nassau. Quiet and awkward, so much so that Topper spent the entire trip too tensed to even move, aside from his knee bobbing uncontrollably. None of the Cameron kids seemed to notice the unease or they were all so adapted to it that it didn’t seem to affect them.  
Ward had eased up on the commentary and Rafe was silent, hoping he wouldn’t have to listen to anymore of his father’s opinions if he just stayed quiet. He knew that wasn’t the case but it was working so far. Rose was too engrossed in her phone to bothered with any of them, Sarah and Wheezie taking up similar approaches to the flight.
“You know we could be taking a private plane to like, Paris or something right now? Wouldn’t that be kind of incredible?” You asked, reaching for one of the bagels that your stepdad had laid out on the table.  
“The Bahamas are equally incredible,” Your mom piped up, smacking your hand and making you drop the bagel, “eat some fruit, you look bloated.”
“I’m not bloated mom.”  
“Well, you're either bloated or pregnant and let’s not hope it’s the latter.” She snarked, pushing the bowl of fruit closer.  
“Thanks mom.” You rolled your eyes, “and thanks so much for this vacation when I was supposed to be in Ptown with Ben.”  
“Ptown’s not going anywhere.” She replied. “Try to be positive, remember what Dr. Nygaard said, try not to decide the outcome of an event before it happens.”
“Thanks for that inspirational advice,” you said, “you should get it printed on a t-shirt.”
Your mom had announced the trip not three days after you had committed to going to Provincetown with friends for Christmas. You’d paid for a fifth of the house that your friend group was renting for the week only for your mom to announce that you had to cancel. Rose had invited her (and you and your stepdad) to the Cameron’s Nassau house and she had accepted, effectively canceling any plans that you had. There was no chance of arguing the point with her, if she said you were going then you were going. And to be fair, part of you kind of wanted to go, just for the opportunity to see Rafe. Though it was for that same reason that you were really dreading the chance to go to.  
The Cameron’s landed at the airstrip in Nassau an hour after your family had already arrived and your mom had taken the liberty of renting two SUVs for the week. When Ward did land, Wheezie pressed her face to the window, looking out at the private port. “Who is that?” She asked, not recognizing Rose’s friend or her family.  
“My friend LeAnn, you remember we went to Nassau with them last time.” Rose replied.  
Your mom nudged you, a silent jab meant to tell you to turn your phone off. You were only making yourself more depressed anyway, seeing that your friends were having a great time while you were stuck on a family vacation.  
Rose waved as she exited the plane and your mom waved back enthusiastically. “LeAnn, I’m so happy you could make it!”  
“Thank you for inviting us,” your mom said, hugging Rose before looking to Ward, “we always talked about vacationing together again, I’m so glad it finally worked out.”
“Oh me too,” He replied though it sounded half-hearted.  
“It’s so beautiful here.” LeAnn said, looking around as if she hadn’t had the opportunity to before, “didn’t I tell you how nice it would be?” She asked you.
“Yeah, it’s super warm here.” You made a point of moving your hand up to block the sun, squinting behind your sunglasses and scrunching your nose.
“Don’t mind her, she was going to spend her vacation in with friends but she’ll get over it.” LeAnn said, excusing your behavior.
The rest of the family, Rafe, Sarah, Topper, and Wheezie, caught up with Ward and Rose, bags in hand and ready to get to the house. Wheezie avoided introductions, a quick wave before she headed straight to the second car, putting her airpods back in as she did. Rose ignored her daughter, going through a round of introductions anyway, as if you had all completely forgotten each other. As she pointed to Rafe you looked up from your phone, your eyes meeting his. Four years since your seen him and that same familiar pull in your stomach was still there when he smiled, like butterflies erupting. It lasted only a second as your mom spoke up and you turned to look at her.  
“I can’t believe how old you both are now! And Wheezie, the last time I saw you all you were just kids.”
“Well it’s been four years mom.” You pointed out.
“I know how long it’s been.” She said, glaring at you. “I guess we’ll see you all back at the house right?”
As everyone piled into their respective cars, your stepdad offered up the backseat if anyone wanted, noting that they had four people to get in the back of their car and your family only had you. Rafe looked at the back seat as Sarah climbed in, bag still in his hand as he slowly stepped away from the car.
“If you don’t mind?” He said, catching your attention.
You stopped what you were doing, hand hovering over your bag as you stood there at the open trunk, your stepdad answering Rafe, “not at all, hop in.”
He nodded, coming around the back of the SUV and putting his bag in the back. You were still standing there, practically frozen as you followed the motion of his bag getting tossed in the trunk as he turned to you, “need help?”
“I can lift a bag, promise.”
“I mean, last time-”  
“The latch wasn’t on my suitcase last time!” You laughed, “I can’t believe you remember that, that was so embarrassing.” You had been lifting your suitcase onto the cart at the hotel last time you were here and dropped it on the ground, the latch popping and spilling your clothes and belongings everywhere. The worst of it being Rafe picking up the stuffed dog that you had brought with you. “I did bring Wilbur though,” you said, just to get a laugh.  
It worked, Rafe shaking his head at you as he put your bag in and shut the trunk door. You followed him around to the backseat and he let you get in first, sitting so close to you that his thigh touched yours. It was unnecessary, since there was plenty of room with just the two of you, but he acted like he didn’t even realize it.  
“Sorry you had to give up vacation just to come here.” He whispered, turning to look at you.
“And miss the opportunity to hang out with you for a week?” You asked, grinning.
taglist: @maplelattes22 @poguesrforlife  @freckled-and-daydreaming  @chasefreakinstokes @millie-753 @fangirlwithme @alex12948 @katherine097 @tangledinsparkles @carbonated-beverage @mariofgreengables @damonsalvawhore27 @dopedoodes @dolanfivsosxox @belledutchess @poguelifeeee @faded-blue @parkerpetertingle @thebookwormlife @summer-clouds-and-long-days @jellyfishbeansontoast @minigranger @hoewkeye @love-someone-special @tiredfeels @strangerthanfanfiction713 @the-only-nana @tomzfrog @mozz-are-lla @vindictive-hearts @poguestyleskye @ssprayberrythings @jenahbell @beautyandthebleh @gothackedalready @teenwaywardasgardian @sarahcxmeron @haha-fuck-you-thot @stillbelieve398-5 @rewindlr @queenniccimicci @kissessforharryyy @thedarkqueenofavalon @alytavzla @bqmblebee @linniep @nerdypartytrashpsychic @xxchxrryxx @spencer-reid-is-a-cutie @mirjanak @danielladreaming @obx-saltlife @youngestxhearts @spnobsessedmemes @wowitswondergurl @celestialmaybank @mybnkjj @pineappleandcherries @mysterious-adventurer @justawilddreamerchild @rhyetaylor62 @calm-rejects @balletandyuzu @oh-annaa @aiifandomsunite @x-lulu @ceruleanjj @wicked-laugh @obxwriterfan @allie-mcginn @pcterparxer @literarycharleton @khiaraaa-in-spacee @crushe-s @teamnick @daydreamlilys @lemur46 @haute-shawn @collectiveuniverses @activist-af @mdgrdians @buckys-sunflower @vindictive-hearts @copper-boom @talksoprettyjjx @5am-cigarette @smiithys @dontjinx-it @outerbanksbro @mysticsthinking @heavenlymama  @rudy-pankow-needs-an-oscar @babymatilda @raekenliar @prejudic3 @drewsephsmiles @starrystarkey93 @n1ghtsh4d3-67 
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by mickey-mouse
Do you like shopping alone? I never really go shopping since I’m not too big on clothes; the few recent times I happened to buy shirts or shoes or whatever I was always with a friend or two.
Does your best girlfriend have any talents that you don't? Yes, Angela is great at anything artsy; Andi can play a few instruments, sing, host events, and write poetry.
Have you ever written a song? Not my forte.
Does anybody send you money in the mail for your birthday? This year one of my aunts did, but this isn’t a general occurrence from anyone in my life. I don’t ask for anything for my birthday either; anyone giving me anything is appreciated.
Do you own any shirts that have a year on it? Probably.
What do you think about mullets? I don’t have an opinion.
Would you rather date an actor or an athlete? Athlete; I think being sporty and stuff can be pretty attractive.
Who is your shortest friend? Me HAHA but I’m about the same height as Reena so I should probably say her.
Do you have any scratches on your cell phone? ‘Scratches’ is being too kind to my phone. I have a million cracks and LCD problems on my screen lmaaaooo. I used to feel embarrassed whenever I had to whip it out but all my friends think it’s absolutely hilarious so they’ve been super helpful in making me stop giving a shit.
What grade would you never want to repeat? I was depressed in Grade 6; not the most fun time and I’ve blocked 98% of that year out of my head.
When was the last time you blushed? I dunno; I honestly can’t tell when I blush. I wanna say yesterday at lunch? when my co-workers were cracking jokes and all of a sudden Janine asked why I was quiet and if I was okay. All the attention was then on me and I guess I blushed just a little bit since I wasn’t used to being cornered.
Who is one person you met and automatically didnt like? OMGGGGGGGGG one of our media contacts. So one of the clients we handle recently opened their biggest store yet - so it was a big deal and all, fancy launch, huge guest list, the works - and as PR one of our tasks was to tour all our media guests around and essentially give them a walkthrough. One of them was the biggest fucking Karen I’ve ever met and kept pointing out things she and only she thought were lacking, or things we simply did not have control over because we’re a fucking PR agency and not actually under the damn brand. I could not understand it at all and the whole time I was like does she not get tired of pointing out things? does she not know how pretentious she sounds?? anyway I was so relieved when she finally got tired of acting like a know-it-all for stuff my team genuinely did not have the answers for and left; and I definitely did not hide my discontentment with my bosses right after.
Do you know anybody who has a birthday in November? Yeah, a cousin. I’m sure there’s more but I’m just blanking out.
Is there anything you need to buy at the store right now? New vape pods since my last and current one is about to run out.
Do you have any video game systems in your room? Which one(s)? No, none here. I used to have the PS3 but I never used it so eventually my parents just moved it to the living room for anyone to play.
Is it true that you hurt the ones you love the most? Well yes, since the relationship and connection is there. I would hardly be bothered by a stranger trying to mess with me.
What monster would you be most afraid to have in your closet? I don’t believe in ~monsters~ but I imagine I’d be freaked out over anything that hung out in my closet other than my clothes.
Did you do anything productive today? No. It’s a Saturday, so today is my throw all responsibilities out the window day.
How do you usually wear your hair? It’s usually down but when I get busy or start feeling hot, I’ll put it in a pony.
What movie coming out do you really want to see? I’m honestly not really into superhero movies but I do wanna check out that new Eternals movie just for the BTS OST inclusion HAHA go producer Jimin!!!!!!! But who knows, I might end up enjoying too once I get to see it :)
Is your skin tone lighter or darker than your Moms? It’s slightly lighter, since my dad’s skin is quite light. But I definitely got the tan genes from her.
What is the best thing about the beach? Just the utter peace and simplicity of it all.
Have you ever done another person’s make-up? Oh god, never. Don’t trust me with makeup; I can hardly put it on myself.
Do you get snow days off of school/work? We don’t have snow but in our case, yeah schools suspend classes for the day - usually from August to September - since that’s when thunderstorms and flooding happen most often. We’ve had work suspended once or twice because of the weather as well.
Have you ever spied on your neighbor? LOL just as a kid whenever I heard them fighting. I was literally like, 5, though, so I never did it for malicious purposes or to gossip. I was genuinely just curious and got over it like ten minutes later.
Do you think they’ve ever spied on you? Our neighbors seem to mind their own business 24/7 so I don’t think they have. Whenever I do feel paranoid I just pull my blinds down - problem solved.
What color eyes does the last person you kissed have? Dark brown.
When was the last time it rained? I think it’s drizzling right now.
Honestly, do you double dip? Only with family and extremely close friends. I’d be more mindful with anyone else.
What color is your birthstone? It’s clear.
Do you save your old school work? No, I get rid of them as soon as I graduate from that level.
What is one thing you don’t like sharing? I don’t like lending money. If someone I know is in need of money I just give it to them, as long as I find them deserving. I don’t like waiting lol, nor do I like putting the pressure on them to pay it back.
Where on your body would you NEVER get a piercing? At this point, anywhere. I don’t have plans to get any new piercing.
Do you dress to impress? Eh, sometimes. Sometimes I go for comfort.
Which Adam Sandler movie do you like the most? I only like one of them, which is 50 First Dates.
Who was one of your first celebrity crushes? Ashley Tisdale.
Did your parents ever read stories to you before bed? No. I used to feel sad about it but realizing they were both working hard at the time to keep me and my siblings comfortable makes it easier to accept.
Would you be considered more of a teacher’s pet or a class clown? Neither. Not the biggest fan of attention.
Do you have any family members who are mean to you for no reason? No.
Have you disappointed anybody recently? Hmm, I don’t think so.
Have you ever been hit on through text message? Nope.
What color are your nails painted right now? They aren’t painted.
Do you have to do any yard work? Nopes.
What’s worse, ignorance or stupidity? Ignorance.
When was the last time you had ice cream? What kind was it? Around two weeks ago, I wanna say? I had chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
She Plays Bass (Crygi) - Frankenvenus
Gigi Goode knew bassists were good with their hands, but her sister’s punk band’s bassist gave that thought an entire new meaning.
Read on Ao3
Expression of sibling love wasn’t really Gigi Goode’s strongest point, but she admired her sister Stevie eminently. Because of their mere one year age gap, they had grown up best friends. They’d bicker on-and-off, as most sisters did, but for the most part, they were two halves of a whole.
That was until high school happened.
Gigi remembered the exact day Stevie emerged from the bathroom with silver hair and a mullet. Her mother had to stifle a scream and her father was dead silent. Gigi thought it was the coolest thing in the world, but Stevie didn’t seem to want to talk to her about it.
“Hey Stevie, do you wanna go to the cinema with me? I got tickets to see that new Tim Burton movie with the big aliens…”
“No way. It looks shitty. I’m going to a party at Nicky’s place. If mom asks where I am, tell her I’m staying over at Jackie’s for the night.”
A door was slammed on her face and it felt like her dignity was crushed with it. Little did she know, that was only the first of many slammed doors. For the next year, she wouldn’t understand what had happened to Stevie, but then she reached high school herself and it all made sense.
Gigi was quite the outcast during middle school. Her dark brown hair was frizzy and her large braces gave her a slight lisp, but when her braces were removed and she bought herself keratin treatment over summer, she went from ugly duckling to swan. The minute she stepped into her new high school with hundreds of unfamiliar faces, she was pulled into the popular group and it stayed that way.
Now it was 1998 and she was in senior year, questioning if her friends - the popular girls - were truly her friends at all. They were insolent and loud, and Gigi was constantly riddled with guilt at her passive manner towards her friends’ behaviour. She was too afraid to defend anyone they picked on, so instead, she’d slip them a discreet compliment in the middle of the hallway - only when she knew no one else was around.
Her sister was at community college right now, though still living at home. She and Gigi didn’t talk often. Their high school experiences had been so different, it was difficult to relate to one another. Stevie mastered the art of giving no fucks, but Gigi still carried herself in an untouchable princess-like way.
One thing they could relate to was their mutual lack of interest in men. Gigi was the only person in her friend group without a boyfriend, and she didn’t see that changing anytime soon, despite the constant harassment from her friends Dahlia and Violet. She couldn’t help it - there was just something about the sweaty jocks that made her want to run in the opposite direction.
Stevie called herself a feminist and was very outspoken against sexism, much to their fathers dismay. The girl had recently formed a punk-rock band called ‘Lady Disciples’ with some girls from campus. Gigi hadn’t met most of them, but the group consisted of five girls; Stevie, Nicky, Crystal, Jaida and Widow.
The newly-formed band would usually practice in Nicky’s basement, however, for some reason, their usual location was out of bounds one day, and Stevie announced that they’d be temporarily moving their rehearsal spot to the Goode’s garage. Somehow, their relocation of rehearsal space prompted Stevie to believe that Gigi was now her personal servant. The older girl had requested that when the band arrived, Gigi was to bring them a bowl of chips and cans of beer. Of course, Gigi said yes, the main reason being that she was afraid to say no, but also, part of her wanted to meet Stevie’s friends that she had heard so little about.
The sudden crashing of drums from the room below indicated to Gigi that the band was now set up, which was when her sister had asked her to come downstairs and waitress. Stevie was the lead guitarist of the band, which is why when Gigi heard a complex drum solo, she knew that the other members had arrived.
For some reason, Gigi caught herself checking her own appearance before going downstairs. Her bangs were sitting just above her painted brows, shiny and perfect. Her wavy chestnut locks were thrown over each shoulder. She looked presentable - prepared to impress.
She skipped down the stairs and grabbed five beers from the freezer, wincing at the icy temperature against her warm skin. It felt slightly refreshing, though. The Missouri summer heatwave was getting to her, despite her wearing just a loose white button-up blouse tucked into brown corduroy trousers.
She placed the cans on the counter before reaching into a cupboard for a bowl and some hot Cheetos. She filled the bowl up so it was practically spilling over, before realising that she’d have to carry all five beers plus the overflowing bowl at one time. Somehow she succeeded, but as soon as she entered the busy garage, she dropped all the cans onto the couch.
“Sorry!” she squealed, before looking up at the five pairs of eyes staring at her.
A girl with short scarlet hair and piercing blue eyes - that was Nicky, a girl with a golden afro and a sparkling smile - Widow, a girl with beautiful black braids wrapped up in a bun who Gigi didn’t recognise, and then the final girl.
The final girl was perched on a stool, tuning what looked to be a bass guitar, but her eyes were fixated on Gigi. Her hair was a beautiful light shade of blue that reached just past her shoulders and her slightly large ears poked through the sides. Her skin was an olive tan, contrasting against her oversized red band tee which had been tucked into a sinfully tight pair of denim bell-bottoms.
Gigi must’ve stared at the girl for a little longer than she should have because the girl began smirking before shifting her focus back to her strings.
“This is my sister, some of you already know her,” Stevie said monotonously, handing a can of beer to each band member. “J, Crys; go ahead and introduce yourselves.”
The tall girl with the braids approached her with a warm smile, “I’m Jaida. Drummer. Genevive, right?”
“Gigi,” the brunette mumbled, shaking Jaida’s hand. The girl was threateningly beautiful, but not nearly as threatening as the blue-haired girl approaching her slowly, her high platform heels echoing across the garage.
That was until she flashed a smile, and everything about her softened. Her teeth were bright, her lips were a glittery red, and her eyes were a hypnotic umber. She took Gigi off guard by pulling her into a hug, nearly knocking all the air out of the frail brunette’s lungs.
“Gigi! I’ve heard so much about you, I’ve been dying to meet you,” she chuckled breathily, blessing Gigi with the softest voice she had ever heard, “My name is Crystal!”
The tanned girl pulled back and shook Gigi’s hand, and Gigi’s gaze remained fixated on her short, black-painted nails for a little too long.
“Uh, can we practice now?” Stevie asked, plugging her guitar into the amp and causing a slight screech noise to fill the room.
Much to Gigi’s surprise (despite everything surprising her because this insanely attractive girl had her breathless), Crystal turned to her sister with a pout.
“Can she watch us practice for a little bit?”
The brunette couldn’t understand why someone as cool as the girl in front of her would want to spend any time around her, but she was absolutely down for watching the band rehearse. Jaida positioned herself behind the large drum kit, Stevie and Widow grabbed their electric guitars, Crystal returned to her stool and strummed her bass, Nicky spoke ‘1, 2, 3’ into her microphone to assure it was working, and Gigi plopped herself onto the tatty garage couch, placing her hands in her lap and waiting for the performance to start.
And when Jaida began to play the intro beat to ‘You Oughtta Know’ by Alanis Morisette - Gigi’s secret favourite song - the brunette knew that the performance would blow her away.
Nicky’s voice was like silk, Widow’s electric guitar was remarkable and Jaida’s ability to maintain the rhythm with so much passion was insane, but Gigi couldn’t keep her eyes off Crystal. The way her lips would part as she riffed under Nicky’s vocals, gently rocking back and forth to the beat of the music made Gigi swoon. Her eyes would darken with concentration as she watched her own fingers move from string to string with such intricate movements.
When the chorus hit, Gigi felt euphoric. She wanted to get up and dance, but she was far too aware of her sister’s piercing gaze. She instead simply tapped her foot to the beat, but her beam was apparent. She hoped no one noticed the way her thighs were tightly pressed against one another as she watched Crystal flex her slender, tan fingers.
Then the second pre-chorus arrived. Everything was going great until Nicky sang the lines, “It was a slap in the face, how quickly I was replaced, and are you thinking of me when you fuck her,” because suddenly Crystal’s eyes were staring down at Gigi with a look that could only be described as lustful.
Boys had looked at Gigi in that way before - when she was dancing around on the football field in her skimpy cheerleader’s uniform - but this was so different. Sometimes Gigi questioned if, perhaps, she was attracted to girls, but that entire prospect was unknown territory to her.
But now she felt as if her entire mind was being read by the blue-haired girl’s hazel orbs, like she was reading her every racing thought. When the song ended, Gigi managed to get out a few compliments before quickly excusing herself to her bedroom.
Her head raced with many thoughts - none of which were any she’d like anyone to hear. She knew she looked at girls in a way that she had been told she shouldn’t, but she had never gone further than checking someone out. One time, in middle school, Stevie had a bunch of her friends round in the basement. Gigi spied on them, just like any curious middle schooler would, and saw two girls - Nicky and another girl she had never seen before - making out on the bean bag. The most prominent thought in her mind was ‘I want to do that,’ and she carried that thought with her to now, at age eighteen.
Now she was so uselessly pretending she didn’t like women. Whatever amount of discretion she had was now futile, considering she practically drooled over her sister’s bassist in front of four other people.
“God. I’m such a joke,” she muttered, staring at the chipped baby pink paint on her ceiling.
Part of her had just accepted that she’d have to live the rest of her life in the closet. She swore she was the only lesbian in Springfield - until she saw Crystal, that was. Crystal looked exactly like the ladies in the Blockbuster DVDs she secretly rented every so often. She had watched a lesbian movie called ‘Bound’ and often found her mind wandering back to the sexual scenarios in the film. She wanted someone to have their way with her whilst she lay back, whining uncontrollably, but she told herself that she’d take those dreams to her grave.
She was on the verge of horny tears when there was a knock at her door. She shot up and told whoever it was to come in, but not without a nervous voice crack. The door pushed open slowly, revealing her mom stood there with her usual warm smile.
“Hey, Genevive. Stevie was wondering if you could drive one of her bandmates home. One of the girls lives a couple of miles out of the city and she can’t drive herself home because she had a couple of beers. I’m really busy with a wedding dress so can you please do it? I’ll give you five dollars for it.”
Gigi thought for a second, before exhaling. A drive out of the city would be nice. She hadn’t been out all day, but the sun was bright and setting a golden hue across her street. She obliged and hopped off her bed, slipping her shoes into some scruffy Vans that were a hand-me-down from her sister - not unlike all her other clothes which she didn’t make herself.
She hopped downstairs, grabbing the car keys from the hallway table. She was about to turn around to go to the driveway when she clashed bodies with someone. It wasn’t hard enough to hurt her in any way, but it did cause her chest to erupt with embarrassment.
“Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry!” Gigi gasped, before nearly dropping the keys on the floor. She saw the cerulean hair, the tan skin, and the red-painted smile.
“Apparently you’re my chauffeur!” Crystal winked, her voice filled with what sounded like excitement. For her age, she had the voice of a mid-pubescent boy, but Gigi couldn’t think of anything cuter.
“I am?” the brunette raised a brow before realising that Crystal was the girl she had been asked to drive home, ”Oh, I am! How far out of Springfield are you?”
“I’m just a little closer to the country - near the zoo.”
Gigi nodded before making her way out the front door, towards the black Subaru in the driveway. Thanks to the colour of the car, she practically burnt herself on the handle. Not wanting Crystal to make the same mistake, she quickly rushed over to the passenger side of the car and opened it for her.
“Wow. What a gentleman,” Crystal chuckled. Her laugh almost sounded like a cry, all breathy and quiet. The brunette wanted it on tape. She stepped into the car, leaving Gigi confused at how in-control she was of her body despite wearing huge platforms.
Gigi returned to her own side, hoping the older girl would see her blush and assume it was a sunburn. She slumped down in the driver’s seat and exhaled before starting up the ignition.
“Your shirt. It’s slipped,” Crystal said abruptly, cutting through the silence. She pointed at Gigi’s baggy button-up, which was falling down her shoulder slightly, displaying her baby blue laced bra.
“Oh. Shit,” the brunette’s face flushed crimson again as she felt the older girl’s eyes burn into her display of skin. She tried to suppress her inappropriate thoughts by beginning to drive. “You can put some music on if you want. There are some CDs under the dashboard.”
Crystal hummed softly and reached down in front of her, pulling out a sleeve of about eight CDs. After scanning over them with a captivating look of indecisiveness, she slipped one into the stereo. ‘The Boy is Mine’ by Brandy began playing quietly through the speakers, and Crystal began singing with the most off-tune, ear-splitting singing voice Gigi had ever heard.
“I see why you’re the bassist, huh?” Gigi joked, surprising herself with how nasty she sounded. “Sorry… I didn’t mean for it to sound like that-”
“Relax, princesa. You’re right.”
That was it. Gigi was nothing more than a puddle. Hearing Crystal speak Spanish almost made Gigi crash the car.
“So. You speak Spanish?”
“Yeah, but not much. It’s just kind of what I picked up from my mom. She’s Mexican. Do you speak Dutch? Stevie said you’re better at it than her.”
“Ja.” Gigi showed-off, earning a few beautiful giggles from the other girl, “I don’t speak much, but I’m learning. I think I wanna live with my family in the Netherlands, cause I heard they’re trying to pass a bill that will legalise gay marria-” Gigi cut herself off, wanting nothing more than to drive herself off a cliff.
She slowed the car down ever so slightly and caught a glimpse of Crystal’s lips in the rear view mirror, noticing the way they began to curl up into a smirk. Perhaps she dreamt it, but she swore she also saw the blue-haired girl swiftly drag her tongue over her lower lip.
“You like girls?” questioned the older girl, her voice an octave deeper than before.
Gigi somehow managed to squeak out a timid ‘mhm.’
Crystal smacked her lips together and shuffled around in her seat before saying, “Me too.”
If the brunette were in her room at that moment, she would’ve screamed into her cushion out of excitement, but instead, she did so internally. Her mind was racing once again.
Heart-shaped pillowy lips.
The gentle mole under her eye.
Faint freckles dusted across her nose.
Gigi had never seen someone quite like Crystal, and she found herself feeling disappointed when the latter was telling her to take a left as they had reached her neighbourhood.
The brunette pulled up onto the lane behind Crystal’s house, as the girl had requested. When the car stopped, the music automatically stopped, and the silence caused thick tension to bleed through the air.
Crystal was looking at her, and Gigi was looking at her own pale hands clasped around the wheel.
“Do you wanna come in?” the older girl asked suddenly.
“Huh?” Gigi responded stupidly fast, raising her gaze to meet the other girl and noticing how close their faces were.
“My guitar is kinda heavy. A second pair of hands might be helpful…”
If Gigi wasn’t so uselessly oblivious, she would’ve known it was just an excuse to spend more time with her. Either way, she would’ve said yes.
The two of them exited the car and made their way to the trunk, where Gigi carefully assisted Crystal whilst the latter lifted her bass and amplifier out. The brunette didn’t plan on locking the car, but quickly decided to do so when she was stepping into Crystal’s backyard - just in case she was in there for longer than anticipated.
The blue-haired girl’s home was filled with art. On every wall, there was a painting or sketch of some kind. She had multi-coloured lamps, disco lights, and fairy lights scattered around the place. The interior was straight out of a movie.
“Wow, it’s so cute in here!” Gigi gawked, her eyes overwhelmed with the number of bright colours surrounding her.
“Thanks! I cleaned it before I left this morning. Usually it’s a complete mess.”
Crystal led her into her bedroom which was just as Gigi had imagined it to be. There were multi-coloured tapestries pinned to each wall and the king-sized bed in the middle of the room had a large rainbow-crochet blanket thrown across it. The room smelt like peaches and weed - an odd mixture that somehow brought a lot of comfort to the brunette.
“That’s a pretty big bed you have there,” Gigi blurted, placing the amplifier down in the corner of the room. “You have a special someone you share it with?”
Crystal placed her guitar on its stand before turning to Gigi, folding her arms casually and shaking her head, “No. I just like a large, comfy bed for all the ladies I take home. I like to give them the best treatment I can, so they’re filled with regret when they run back to their boyfriends.”
Gigi felt faint once more, her breath hitching as Crystal slowly approached her, looking in her eyes like the cat who caught the canary. She watched as Crystal kicked off her shoes, going from 6’2 to 5’10 - something that would be comical to Gigi if she wasn’t soaking her underwear through.
“I saw the way you were looking at me, Geege,” she whispered, her face mere inches apart from the brunette’s, knocking the air out of the younger girl’s lungs simply with the use of a damn nickname. “I want you to tell me you want me.”
The taller girl felt her eyes water with desire. Crystal was so close - her lips could be on Gigi’s with a single movement.
“Please,” she managed to get out. “I’ve wanted you since I first saw you. Please.”
“Tell me how you want me,” Crystal purred.
“I want your…” Gigi blinked back tears, “I want your fingers…”
The older girl hummed, lifting her hand up to Gigi’s lips and tapping on them gently with two fingers, “Can you suck on them for me?”
Gigi nodded, parting her lips and allowing Crystal’s digits in, sucking on them gently and seductively, her eyes not leaving the older girl’s.
“So pretty, baby. Such a good girl.”
After a few seconds, Crystal withdrew her fingers before cupping the side of Gigi’s face.
“Is this okay?” she asked, her voice returning to it’s higher pitch. Gigi’s heart almost couldn’t handle it - Crystal actually wanted to take care of her. It was clear that the older girl didn’t see her as an easy fuck.
“It’s perfect,” she replied, finding herself being guided towards Crystal’s bed. She leaned back, hitting the blankets with a soft thud. Soon enough, Crystal was swinging a leg over her lips, straddling her in a swift motion.
And then she was leaning down, and their lips met. The tips of Gigi’s fingers brushed against Crystal’s jaw tenderly as they found a rhythm with one another. Gigi’s eyes fluttered closed and, at that moment, there was nothing else in the world except Crystal. The older girl’s plump lips pressed and pulled at her own, eliciting moans from the back of her throat. Gigi slipped a hand onto the nape of the tanned girl’s neck, pulling her in closer. Any notion of gentleness was gone.
Crystal pulled back, looking down at the brunette from her spot on her torso. Her hair was messy and her mouth was covered in red lipstick prints from Crystal’s own lips, but she looked absolutely ethereal.
“Is it okay if I take off your shirt?” Crystal asked sweetly, and Gigi nodded frantically.
After many quick pecks of the lips as they manoeuvred the way out of both their clothes, they were both completely naked, Gigi’s back against Crystal’s headboard with the latter sat in front of her on her knees.
“You have the most gorgeous body…” the older girl praised, tracing her fingers from down Gigi’s sternum down to her hips, watching the girl beneath her writhe with desperation.
Before Gigi could respond, Crystal’s plump lips latched on to one of her nipples, drawing her tongue over it slowly, triggering an orchestra of whines to fall from the former’s lips.
“Fuck, Crystal. I need you.”
“Where do you need me, baby girl?”
“Please,” Gigi cried out, “I want you to fuck me…”
Crystal smiled and began to trail her lips down Gigi’s body, softly and gently. No teeth were involved and she was barely rough enough to leave any marks. She held Gigi like a porcelain doll. Fragile. Delicate.
As Crystal was caressing her thighs, Gigi sat up slightly.
“Crystal I-” she began, but found herself trailing off.
“What’s wrong, hermosa?” Crystal pouted, pressing a quick kiss to Gigi’s forehead.
“I’ve never- I’m a virgin. I’ve never done this before… with anyone,” she stumbled, but was quick to react when Crystal began to pull her hands away slowly, “But I want you… so bad… like, I’ve never been more sure of anything. You’re so hot.”
The older girl blushed and she pressed her lips back onto Gigi’s torso, “Mi cielito. So cute. Let me make this extra good for you.”
Crystal’s lips kissed every bit of skin surrounding the place Gigi wanted her most. She was a tease, and her eyes were dark. The brunette couldn’t form words anymore - just pleasurable sounds.
Then Crystal’s tongue was on her clit and she almost screamed.
In her dreams, she had imagined a moment like this, but she thought she would die with that fantasy. Never would she have believed that she would get to experience it, and never did she think it would feel this good.
Crystal ate pussy like it was her job, lapping her tongue and coaxing more whines out of the girl beneath her. Gigi was leaking so profoundly, and combined with how Crystal herself was salivating, she knew the sheets would need to be thoroughly cleaned afterwards. The brunette’s back was arched and she clenched her thighs whilst Crystal swirled her tongue over her opening and began to edge the tip in.
“Fuck… Crystal…” Gigi’s hand was now in Crystal’s hair, tugging on the blue locks like they were her lifeline. She thanked the heavens that the older woman lived alone and not in an apartment, because Gigi was loud - something which she had just learned about herself that day.
Suddenly, Crystal pulled back, and Gigi moaned at the loss of contact. She needed it. She was beginning to get closer to her climax - she could feel it in the bottom of her stomach.
“Why did you- fuck,” she couldn’t finish her sentence because Crystal had pushed a finger inside of her and began to thrust at a steady pace.
“You like that, huh?” Crystal grunted, leaning over Gigi and admiring the younger girl’s large brown eyes, plump lips, high cheekbones and perfect nose, “Look at you. So beautiful. Eres la chica más bonita con la que me he acostado. Eres perfecta.”
Something about Crystal’s foreign tongue drew Gigi even closer to orgasm. She begged for Crystal to go faster, and she did exactly that. Her fingers pounded into her, shaking her whole slender frame with the intensity of Crystal’s digits. Gigi feels like butter in the older girl’s hands.
“Crystal I- I’m gonna- I’m about to-” she choked out.
“Cum for me, mi niña.”
The brunette’s jaw went slack and her lips parted, a whine leaving her as Crystal pressed their lips together again. Crystal’s fingers flexed inside her, and she moaned, swearing she was able to see stars behind her eyelids as pleasure surged all over her body - like blissful electrocution. Her hips buckled below the tanned girl, and Crystal fucked her through her orgasm until she couldn’t take anymore.
“Holy fuck,” Gigi whispered, her eyes still shut as she collapsed down on Crystal’s bed.
Crystal swung her leg off her torso and lay down beside her, “Was that a satisfactory first time?”
“Mhm. Better than I ever could’ve imagined.”
The older girl hummed a response, and they both lay there, completely naked.
“I feel like an absolute state,” Gigi blushed, turning her head to look at Crystal with a soft smile.
“You wanna eat me out in the shower?” Crystal asked nonchalantly.
princesa - princess hermosa - beautiful mi cielito - my sky eres la chica más bonita con la que me he acostado. eres perfecta. - you are the prettiest girl i’ve ever laid with (fucked.) you’re perfect. mi niña - my girl
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BTS and Ateez for the kpop group game ! 💜
My first bias: Hongjoong <3 it was the mullet <3
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My current bias: Hongjoong <3 still sexy without the mullet <3
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Favorite Song: Win, I love this one!! In another life I would have probably said HALA HALA but I’ve listened to it too much lol, but honestly minus celebration the whole Fever 2 album is AMAZING def worth a listen, or several!
Favorite MV: Say My Name/HALA HALA
OTP: ... umm, I don’t really ship any Idols in general, but I tend to like the Seonghwa/Hongjoong dynamics, there was just something about that one time that Seonghwa was like “why aren’t you ever home anymore I miss you” “you want me home more?” “Yes” “then I’ll come home more often” and that other time Hongjoong said something like “you returned to where you should have always been” (with him) when talking about Seonghwa spending to much time with Wooyoung and San... it’s just very funny to me lol (these ‘quotes’ might be a bit off as I don’t remember exactly what was said but that was the gist of both conversations I believe!)
Best smile: Yunho honestly! He’s such an underrated member of Ateez!! He’s my second favorite and needs more love because I love him lol, a big big puppy baby whom I love and adore
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Fave Coreo: HALA HALA!!! ITS SO COOL!!
Fave era: Visuals: Say My Name, Music: Zero: Fever part 2
Merch?: I have a T-Shirt I got at hot topic and a Zero: Fever part 2 album!
Seen em live?: Nope.... but I would have if I could have! Would definitely love to go once we finally can!
Favorite voice: Def Mingi, his voice is what attracted me to the group, I LOVE the deep voice trend in kpop, Mingi, like Felix (Stray Kids) and Leedo (Oneus), really scratch that itch for me!!
Favorite dancer: San I guess?? Dancing isn’t really my thing as you know lol
My first bias: Namjoon (I think Namjoon is a lot of English speakers first bias because of his English skills, and honestly he still has a huge place in my heart as you know! Plus he BIG SEXY) (I think of mic drop Namjoon and my brain implodes)
My current bias: Jimin, I just love his softness, I really love the members that take care of the rest and Jimin plays personal therapist (it’s the libra in him I get it you know?) to all, so I really appreciate this as it’s a very important thing for me (it’s probably my libra moon lol) but that’s what got me at first, then when I was getting into them I saw he struggled and no one was really helping him and he was like trying to do better and honestly it broke my heart so I full adopted the baby because he needed care and protection and actives my Aquarius sun and the ‘leave no man behind’ and ‘help/root for the underdog’ complex we have, so anyways, I love him for his softness and his fighting spirit because I want him to do well and succeed but also he’s a mess and sharp witted and a cheater at games (another trait I tend to like??????? Like that’s on me so????) he makes me laugh and I love to see him do well and win at things because he deserves it!! He’s also really motivated and a go-getter which is v sexy to me!! When things are tough he always works hard to fix them and do his best and honestly is there anything better than that? To me no, to my friend who says I put to much emphasis on work ethic? Yes. Also Jimin is big sexy, this is an undeniable fact
Favorite Song: Dionysus (like have you seen the MMA 2019 performance??? There’s no coming back from that) the song is just such a bop and one of the big ones that got me fully into them and kpop as a whole!! Good memories and a great song!!
Favorite MV: I’m a blood sweat and tears whore, could watch that mv any time anywhere babey
OTP: again, don’t really tend to genuinely ship anyone, but I really like a good YoonMin dynamic, love the way Yoongi roots for Jimin, and pushes him in small ways to be better, I think Jimin is pretty oblivious to this though??? And like Jimin needs so much audible praise and gentle care that I think Yoongi for him is very hard to understand even though I think Jimin is very much Yoongi’s favorite member, like maybe it’s because I’m super empathetic, but I always think of like two moments for them, the first is when Jimin was helping Yoongi makes those like 300 presents for his fans and Jimin stayed all day to help him out, Jimin was being Jimin so he was constantly asking if Yoongi appreciated him being there, and Yoongi being Yoongi didn’t say much to assure him, but like you could FEEL the happiness radiating off of Yoongi but like it hurt Jimin to not be directly praised? It’s just a big mess I love it, it’s horrendously painful to watch,
Then there’s the whole ‘Yoongi told me to be the project manager’ or whatever the job was called for their album, Like Yoongi wasn’t giving out advice to everyone... just Jimin (or at least the way in which I understand it), because I genuinely believe Jimin is his favorite and he’s pushing him to grow into a confident and capable person but like... I don’t think Jimin connected the ‘Yoongi is caring for me in his own unique way that isn’t words of affirmation’ dots... it’s a train wreck but I love it lol (plus also Yoongi saying he prefers Jimin’s voice?? When I think Jimin heard for so long that Kookie sings better?? He just loves that boy so much!!) anyways I digress, I just really love their dynamic and it’s my favorite to watch, I know I’ve talked about their dynamic before but honestly I could go on and on and on about it haha, I’m so glad they’re friends you know? Not only so I can watch them, but because Jimin’s selfless help will always be given to Yoongi without question, and because Yoongi will always push Jimin to be better... ok I’m done now for real this time lol
Best smile: Jungkook, his little bunny smile absolutely sends me to the moon it’s so cute!! (Jimin’s is a very close second!)
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Fave Coreo: Lie for sure!
Fave era: The storyline era with the acronym I always forget!! I think it spanned a couple of eras in the entirety but I loved it!! But also just like straight up Wings era!
Merch?: I have more BT21 one stuff than I think I have BTS stuff tbh haha, but I have all versions of MOS:7 I have some love yourself versions from a friend, and my army membership box I got to purchase the concert tickets we bought but never got to use :{
Seen em live?: was supposed to last year 😢
Favorite voice: Yoongi, love the way he raps, it’s a really aggressive and sexy flow, definitely my type, as someone who stans and loves rappers most, Yoongi will always have a major place in my heart, no one really compares on a talent scale for me, and his solo stuff is some of the sexiest you could ever imagine/hear, love it!!
Favorite dancer: Not super surprising I think but it’s totally Jimin!! Anytime I watch that man perform Lie I die lol, the way that man moves is a crime
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darling-i-read-it · 5 years
Billy Hargrove x reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: none?
Author’s Note: We were robbed. ROBBED. Of Billy and his future. Enjoy girl!
Requested: @ateliefloresdaprimavera , thanks doll :) My Billy imagine is that he's been mesmerized by YN Byers since day 1( it doesn't help that she gives him no attention, always with those pesky kids ans Max is always talking about how cool she is) so he realizes that it's not enough for him to step up his game, he really becomes a better person because of her (because we were robbed of Billys redemption arc and we deserve it!
Summary: the request!
Genre: fluFF
(not my gif)
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You laughed at Will who sat before you and threw a game piece at him. He gasped and tried to catch it before starting to laugh with you.
The two of you had been playing Dungeons and Dragons for the past hour and a half, not your longest time but also enough to let you be better at him. You were his older sister, Jonathans twin and spent more time with him and his friends then you did with Jonathan and his friends.
You tended to find more companions with Will who was easily your best friend then you did with people your own age. You took Mike, Lucas, Will, and Dustin everywhere they needed to go and just recently you took Max and Eleven. You fought with them against the demodogs and demogorgans, making friends with Steve. He was the only accuatiance you had your own age and you sat with him at lunches and he was your partner for projects in your senior year of school.
And then there was Billy Hargrove. Billy, Max's older brother and an absolute prick. You may not keep up with tons of people your age but the gossip that he had come and slept with half the school didn’t pass you by. Max complained to you about how he was mean and ruthless but also how their father was abusive to him. While you felt bad about it you tried your best to get Max out of that environment. It wasn’t an excuse to make his sister scared whenever she went home.
But you couldn’t help yourself by thinking he was attractive and that he had real potential to be one of the best people you knew. If he just applied himself.
Billy saw you the first day he came to Hawkins. You were sitting on a bench and reading one of your many books. He saw Carol and he saw Nancy and all of these girls who were trying so hard to date him. You however gave him no attention when he tried to flirt with you.
One day you had come to his house and he opened the door, a fresh dab of cologne on and an award winning smile. You were there however, to pick up his sister to go to the arcade. He couldn’t express the disappointment of those words as you spoke them.
“Did you see Billy yesterday?” you asked Will as you began cleaning up the things you had thrown at each other. He nodded, handing you a game piece.
“A new haircut. It was weird when we picked up Max,” he told you. Weird was one word for it. Whenever you went to pick up Max, Billy tended to open up the door. He flirted and then one day he just stopped answering. With school out you hadn’t seen him for months, assuming he had run away with one of his girlfriends one day.
Yesterday however you went over and he opened the door and you thought he was someone else. His mullet was gone (which you did mourn slightly) and his shirt was buttoned up all the way. It had surprised you and even more surprising was the fact that he asked you how you were and fidgeted when calling Max.
You didn’t bring it up when she arrived.
“He loves you,” Max said, coming down the stairs with a bowl of chips. You raised an eyebrow and laughed a little.
“Hilarious Maxine,” you commented. The thought had crossed your mind when you saw him yesterday. Not that he loved you but that he had changed for someone. Someone he did love. The rest of the group followed. You hadn’t even been told they had arrived. “Did Steve bring you?” you asked.
You hadn’t been told that they were coming over today.
“No uh I did,” Billy said, coming down the stairs. You raised an eyebrow and leaned against the stairs as Eleven passed you. He stopped halfway down the stairs. You shoved your hands in your back pockets and rocked back on your heels.
“Is that so? Well thanks, I didn’t know they were coming over,” you said with a shy smile. He looked undeniably handsome. The group behind you was whispering.
“This is my house Y/N,” Mike said. Truth be told you had wondered where the Wheeler had gone.
“Oh darn! I forgot the salsa!” Max said exaggerating the loudness of her voice.
“I can get i-” Billy began but the kids were running quickly past the both of you. Soon they were gone and the basement door closed behind them. You took a breath and smiled at Billy.
“You look really good,” you told him and you saw him blush. It was barely there but you could swear it was still there, on his cheeks.
“Thanks I uh-” He started walking down the stairs and stumbled a bit at the end, falling a tad forward. You caught him with your palms against his chest. “-hoped you’d like the hair,” he finished. You laughed and he chuckled and neither of you moved away from one another.
“I do like it. I like this whole look.” You looked him up and down, closer than you have ever been to one another. You brought your hand and touched his neck lightly. He took a sharp breath but you weren’t looking at his face.
“What?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Your necklace. The long one with the circle,” you muttered, finally meeting his eyes again. Strikingly blue. “Its gone.” He nodded, reaching and touching your hand on his chest.
“I tried to be better. I thought if I got rid of everything from before it might make you see me as a different person.” Billy had never been so vulnerable to someone he barely knew. You gave him a look.
“I always noticed you I just... I guess I thought you were no good for me. That's what I told myself at least,” you said with a smile. You turned your hand so that your palms were pressed together.
“I’m real good for you now I think. I’d love to be good for you. If you’d let me,” he said. You grinned at him.
“Billy Hargrove are you asking me out?” you asked with a teasing tone. You moved your hand against him but didn’t intertwine your fingers. He smiled at there was that smile. The charming one you knew so well.
“Yes Y/N. I in fact am,” he said. You nodded feigning seriousness as though you were contemplating this.
“Alright,” you said quietly. It took him no longer to kiss you and you wondered if you had kissed him earlier if you would feel like you were missing out like you were now. You concluded it wouldn’t have felt the same. It wouldn’t have felt that right.
When you pulled away you saw his eyes were still shut, as though he was living in the moment.
“I’m glad you didn’t change your smile. I’ve always loved your smile,” you told him. He couldn’t help but grin. You were going to kiss him again when the door upstairs opened.
“Are you done?!” you heard Will yell and you and Billy laughed, pressed against one another.
“You can come down we’re both clothed!” you yelled back and peeled away from Billy. The kids came trampaling down the stairwell.
“Billy do you want to play some dungeons and dragons?” you asked and he gave you a look.
“I don’t know how,” he muttered and the kids gasped.
“Well Will has been looking for more partners. I’ll teach you.” You finally intertwined your hands. He squeezed his hand and nodded.
“I can learn.”
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moist-astronaut · 4 years
things my friends and I have said over the last year
“I’m verbally illiterate” “Isn’t that called dyslexia”
“I’m going to chemistry and I’m gonna light myself on fire” “No” “Damnit let me burn like the witch I am!”
“Don’t worry it’s not anti-Christ it’s just anti-government”
“I’ve been getting migraines everyday and I’m considering chopping my head off” “But that would kill you” “Two birds one stone!!”
“I swear to god I will hug you” “My house is 5 miles away and my doors are locked” “Your locks are FEABLE”
*writing an email* “Bitch comma”
“Ok but I could be a top” *laughing* “What I totally could be!” *laughing and crying for literally 6 minutes straight*
*on a group call, friends cat misha walks into the room* “Tell misha I would live and die for her, whichever she prefers” “She says thank you” *cat noises*
*joins discord vioce chat at 11:26 pm* “You guys are gae but I love you” “Thank you saeren very cool” “Goodnight” *leaves chat at 11:28pm*
“Jake jake jake jjjake -j-jaaake hey jake” “W H A T” “Can I eat your pens” “I literally have a restraining order against you”
“I’m educatn’t”
“Me calling you to dumb to be a slytherin is payback for you leaving multiple handprint bruises on my legs” “It’s not my fault your skin is weak”
“He’s rolling so that we can walk” *rolling in the grass and collecting leaves on his jacket* “I’m rolling for your sins”
“There are 7 of us so we can each be a deadly sin” “I wanna be Ross” “You mean wrath?” “No that dude from Friends”
“Ok but other than his strict attraction to women, his multiple wives, his hatred of gay people, and the fact that he is dead, what is standing between me and Joseph Smith the All American Hottie from being happy together”
“Consider: Mullet” “No”
“I do my homework while loudly eating a pop tart asmr”
“No no listen, he’s my brother, he’s a bastard of my dynasty…I might just ransom him off”
“These Norwegian bastards indroduced a fucking PLUAGE to my COUNTRY”
“Ooooo meth”
“Half of my life is me resisting the urge to sing the zaboomafoo themesong, the other half is me actually singing the zaboomafoo themesong. So either way my entire life revolves around zaboomafoo.”
“I just don’t think I would hire a gay man-wait no I’m not homophobic”
*chucks half a gallon of milk in a gas station* “-ah- got milk?”
“Gimme your sternum boy”
“Nooooooo he stole my sternum!!!” (Side note these were two separate occasions)
*being force fed milk duds* “No!! This is the worst way to die!!”
“Hey babe come over I have a hammock and a heated blanket”
“Be afraid, be prepared- IN THE WORDS OF SCAR”
“Stress eating stress gummies Stress eating stress gummies Stress eating stress gummies stress eating-”
“I thought to myself ‘Y’know if I die today this is how I want to be remembered- a leather skirt and leg warmers’”
“I think I’m telling you to go to sleep” “You’re gonna have make me” “I can’t tell if this is cry for help or flirting” “Yes”
“This is at best cannibalism and at worst being straight”
“Oh look Percy Jackson’s here now, ooh they replaced every character’s face with Mr. Bean. I hate it”
“You can’t be mean to me! I’m gay AND a woman! That’s a hate crime!” “Yeah well I’m brown and Muslim! Square the fuck up bitch!”
“Babe it’s not very metal to be afraid of your hair dresser” “It’s not very metal to have a hair dresser and yet here we are” “It’s fine you’re into glam metal”
“Hey augie, got any grrrrrrapes?” “I’m doing IXL :(“
“Can I come?” “No” “What if I bring watermelon?” “You can come, leave the watermelon, then leave” “:(“
“What in the jersey shore”
“Ok but consider: Mullet-hawk” “I can and will divorce you”
“Dee-vorce 👏 Just to 👏 re-vorce 👏 👏 “
“Ah yes, that’s why I’m fat…for combat reasons…”
“You fool I consent!”
“My Boston fern is being a bitch but that’s because it’s winter and that’s BITCH season”
“You walk through the rest of the house and it’s like ‘ooo witchy and aesthetic’ then they’ll get to the guest room and it’ll just be a tacky twink Fever dream”
“Who needs a scalp”
“HeHe, sexing”
“Council has decided, your vibes are rancid (and not the band)”
“You’re never to young to hate women”
“Look at me I did the dishes I’m a 1950s housewife with a strangely new jersey accent and affinity for lesbianism”
“Well look who has the table now”
"contrary to popular belief, fuck you"
"There's nothing here that requires whisking, i'm just problematic"
"If you could go anywhere in the world with two people, who would you choose?" “New Orleans!”
"So he proceeded to bite me on the butt...like, really, really hard."
“I don’t cheat, I win. It’s not cheating if it’s consensual.”
“My mouth, my choice”
“Do you like my ombré of a tan"
“Who’s the cutest in the chat right now then?” “It’s Paige!” “No, it’s obviously Augie.” (paige's boyfriend)-said by a straight man
“Francis is just a one and done.”
“Would you ever have a threesome?” “...yes...” *To Francis* “Sure!”
“How do you feel about anal sex?”
“Of the people in this room, who would you most want to make out with?” “Augie” “The answer is yes, but only if it’s 6 feet apart.”
“Square, flat, and overcooked.”
“The virus would be over if everyone would breathe underwater for 5 minutes.”
“I have daddy issues, but not with my father.”
“You’re a ladies man but you have two boyfriends.”
“That means lesbian in sign language” “No, that means fuck boy in American”
“I’m like a parasite, you can’t get rid of me. I’m here forever.”
“You’re like my long term hit man”
“Is it Jake?” “No, why would the evil Russian man be Jake?” “Because he would never hire a gay man and you don’t look like a gay man”
“Jake is homophonic, Augie is racist, and Francis is a woman hater!”
"Grew a korean radish, 1 star"
"I've got more cause i'm a rich boy, and by that i mean my father sometimes buys avocados. And that's on what? Upper middle class"
"Tell your good for nothing boyfriend to stay away from my mom"
"It's not inciting violence it's just ~inspiring it~ "
"Listen bitch just because you have avacados and a roomba doesn't make you better then me"
"i would totally let narthex ruin my life. and that's on what? daddy issues and bisexuality"
"who is titty"
"how is he racist" "he hates the french and russians right?" "don't forget italians" "that's just self loathing"
"This is the last time i wear a thong- it's for educational purposes"
"babe come over i'm a burrito"
"he put bread with milk. luckily he passed away"
"you touched my wiener!" "you offered it!"
"i took a shower and realized the floor doesn't bounce"
"i love ass whoooaaaaaa i meant cassie"
"Rosalie you're the deciding vote. Be decisive." "Dude i'm bisexual and a gemini. what're you talking about?"
"Okay so to recap: jake is homophobic, augie is racist, francis is a woman hater, and now paige is a bunny abuser?"
"Just bring a watermelon keychain and it'll be fine" "Whooaaaa i'm gonna need a big key then"
"If you were blind what would you even see"
Post Traumatic Youth, plus D for danny's disorder"
"i think she's past the phase where she likes people just because they're russian"
"francine is a lesbian, but only during quarantine"
"don't be a home wrecker!" "i can't help it!"
"we are not doing coed tents" "i wanted to go purple-ing though"
"if it's not perfect i'm gonna through hands" "with who" "i don't know, the CEO of stupid"
"don't make me feel guilty for bullying you"
"it doesn't look very cash money cool but okay"
"slinky cat" (ferret)
"The pond behind my house didn't freeze all the way through this winter, so i couldn't go ice skating" "okay, so i have an idea. we can go to walmart and get-" "ANTI FREEZE!" "well, yes- wait, no. No, the more i think about that definitely no."
"The amish will win, the amish will prevail" "the amish will conquer us all!"
"He do be kinda mafia doh"
"i'm being sneaky sneak. stairs go creaky creak. and i need. DRUGZ"
"brain on shutdown, power saving mode"
"Somebody go tip her, she's dancing like a stripper" "thatd be nice- oh wait no!"
"fellas, is it gay to lick your homies eyeball?"
"it's not racist if you're only targeting one group of people" "that literally racism" "but what if they're french"
"i'm not racist yet but the option is available, and it's good to have options"
"they don't call me Mr. Steal Yo Boy for nothing!" -a straight man who has a girlfriend
"i think he has a bad habit of not dating girls"
"kinda hot tho 🥵 in a Santa Claus kinda way...hoe hoe hoe"
"i'll be your hot jacuzzi bubble dealer"
"when deceit and doubt fills you up, you cleanse your mind through creative activities, such as making organic soap"
"friendly reminder #4: you're never to old to eat a freezie-pop"
"sorry i'm just nervous" Chinese Teacher: (Waving her hand in front of her face) “Just pretend I’m cabbage.”
"me when my dads name is publicly broadcasted on the radio for his 14 felonies and assorted war crimes"
"<@!523669420435046401> I sentence you to a solid nine by the banhammer. For your crimes against Humanity, God, Satan, and Matt Frank. See you in hell."
"Danny, just because you're playing *Just Cause* doesn't mean you need to Just Cause our friendship!"
"Silly Matt! You fell for the ole’ Heimlich maneuver!”
"i got a bunch of new shirts over quarantine" "you would"
"Ok, there's a 32 year old doctor in new Jersey dying right now" "Yeah, but to be fair everyone in new jersey has a pre-existing condition"
“This is the longest period of time we’ve had without a Nintendo direct” “Maybe they’re gonna make a Nintendo indirect?”
"you’re looking extra white today.” "thanks i've been practicing"
"do you have any batteries" *looks inside shirt* "not yet"
"let's go colonize the middle school!" "yyayayyayayay!!!" " wait I gotta ask my mom first" What happened next is know called the *Juniors burden*
"oh so you're a DOWNSTAIRS milk kinda guy"
"you are literally the human embodiment of crumbs in a bed"
"The Berk-ey Creamery isn’t a place, it’s a people!”
 "He shoved a floating joy-con straight up his flux-capacitor.” "great! now it's paired"
"No, that isnt armor, the real armor are the friends you made along the way"
"This one goes out to all my lady friends out there *proceeds to kill himself in game*
"i'm a coward" "that's what a coward would say!"
"rest is for cowards and fools"
"every time you speak you take years off my life"
"Shark dick hoo ha ha"
"Me and the boys brushing our teeth at 3 AM"
"remember if you kill yourself the fascists win"
"The Beatles aren’t real. Have you ever seen a beatle? No? Exactly." "Babe” "Shut up I’m right."
*reading over these quotes* "god i hate that" "you said that!"
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makorragal-312 · 4 years
Void (Part Four)
This was by far the hardest chapter I’ve ever written, but I really hope you guys still like it tho. XOX
"...or the time when we were kids and Veronica mixed dirt with the water and told Lance it was chocolate milk."  
Lance heard the entire table laugh at the memory. Normally, he would laugh along, too, or at the very least attempt to deny his young obliviousness. But he just didn't have it in him tonight. Fifteen minutes into the dinner and the most that he could do was move his slice of chicken from one side of the plate to the other, head slightly down. He had a knot in his stomach that gradually began to grow the longer he sat and hasn't gone down since he had left the Garrison.  
The paladin's ears suddenly perked at the sound of Allura's laugh. Her vibrant, gentle laugh. He finally cut a piece of his chicken and plucked it into his mouth, hoping its juiciness would quench his now dry throat. His eyes slowly moved to focus on the princess. How her hair bounced when she laughed. How much her eyes sparkled with clear intrigue. How her bangles accentuated her beautiful hands.  
"What did he do?" Allura asked Veronica, the current topic of the chocolate milk incident still fresh.  
"He told on me, of course. Then Pop-pop gave him ice cream and I got none." Veronica replied. Lance managed to let out a small smile as he took a sip of his drink. It didn't take long for the knot to lessen for just a moment. Guess I was just thirsty, Lance thought.  
"Speaking of dates, maybe you can put in a good word for me with that long- haired friend of yours, hmm?" Veronica asked teasingly, a seductive smirk making residence on her face. It didn't take long for the red paladin to remember who in his circle had long hair. The same person he left atop of the Black Lion. The knot returned instantly as Lance's eyes widened.  
"What, Keith?! No, no, no!" Lance shouted. Just the thought alone of his sister having anything to with Keith just bugged him out. At this point, he wouldn't be surprised if the knot in his stomach erupted into a fireball and started destroying his organs. What if it did and he had yet to feel it? Was this how the red paladin met his end? Set aflame by his own body because of the mere thought of his sister dating his friend? Lance laughed nervously before getting a grip on his senses.  
"No way. No."
"Why not? She seems to be cool around you guys. I've even seen her spar with your friend Keith a couple of times. I just thought you were at least on speaking terms with, um. What's her name?" Veronica replied in confusion. Lance's eyebrows furrowed.
"W-wait? You mean, Acxa?" Lance answered with hesitation.  
"Yeah, her! I've been wanting to talk to her but nowadays I rarely see her. Plus, I don't think she really talks to anyone."
"Oh. My bad." Veronica smirked.  "What's wrong? Worried I was gonna steal your friend away?" Lance leaned away from her in disgust.  
"Are you crazy?! AS IF!!!" the Cuban teen exclaimed, earning laughs from the table and chuckle from his older sister, along with a bump on the shoulder. Yeah, there was no way in hell that Lance was gonna let Keith near his sister in any capacity after this conversation. The red paladin shoved the remainder of his chicken into his mouth and chewed in earnest embarrassment, plotting the black paladin's murder for no apparent reason.  
Yeah, there is no way in HELL he's getting near Veronica. It's not like he's interested in anybody. Unless there's something in his Galra DNA that can attract people. Great, one look at his purple eyes, cool dog and sexy mullet and the masses are done for! I swear, the moment he even looks at Veronica or Rachel, it's ON!  
Did I just call his mullet SEXY??!!  
Veronica stood from her chair and raised her glass, everyone else doing the same.  
"A toast...to family. Though we may be apart after tomorrow, we'll always remain close at heart. Family is forever."  
"To family!"  
As glasses were clinked at smiles were shared, Lance took another look at Allura, who was sharing a smile at his mother. To say that Lance was confused was definitely an understatement. He had the girl of his dreams right in front of him, with his family no less. She was laughing and smiling and having a good time with them. Having a good time with HIM. For once, everything felt right.  
Listen, if she's going out with you, it's because she likes you. The annoying, stupid, Earth version of you.  
So why didn't it feel like enough? _________________________________________________________________________________  
The sentiment continued to ring through Lance's head as he and Allura walked through the park. They had just finished dinner with his family not too long ago and his sister Rachel suggested he take her to his favorite park for some "royal private time" as she called it. His eyes became trained on the tree that stood at the center of the park, all withered and drained of life. As he stood before it, he became reminded of when he was a boy, running around the tree with his siblings in an intense game of tag that resulted in him and his siblings being covered in handprints. Fast forward a few years and he would carry his niece and nephew on his back, pretending to be an airplane and zooming around the tree.  
"This place used to be so beautiful." Lance said somberly.  
"It's all my fault the Galra did this to your home." Allura replied, guilt laced in her voice. The red paladin was quick to shut down her notion. He swiftly turned his head towards her.  
"No, it's not your fault. Besides, meeting you is the best thing that ever happened to me." Lance replied, smiling fondly at the Altean. His sentiment though seemed to be unheard as the princess walked towards the tree, placing her hand against it. Guess I said something wrong, Lance thought in disappointment.
Suddenly, his eyes widened in amazement as the tree began to glow, trails of quintessence consuming every root and branch upon it. Soon enough, balls of light began to float in the air as new batches of leaves grew on the branches and the tree's base. It wasn't long before the tree was revived to its former glory, strong and covered with healthy leaves; New flowers in bloom as the once blue balls of light were dimmed down to a calming orange hue. A smile graced Lance's face as he gazed upon the newly revived tree, amazed at the sight. He was so entranced with the sight he almost didn't realize that Allura had started to speak.
"When we were out there, fighting the Galra, I somehow felt like...like we were a family. Each of us was alone, but we were alone together."
Lance stayed silent as she turned.
"But now, here on Earth, I see that everyone already has a family and a home to return to once the war is over. Everyone except me. And for the first time, I feel uncertain about what my future holds."
Heartbroken couldn't begin to describe how Lance felt at that moment. He never realized just how along Allura felt. She had always made it clear that she saw him and the others as her new family, but deep down he knew that they couldn't replace the ones she knew before them. Looking back, he could see why. Since they've been back on Earth, Hunk has been spending time creating new recipes with family and feeding them Earth versions of the Altean dishes they had in the Castle of Lions (with Coran's permission of course.) Pidge has been busy doing her tech stuff with Matt and her dad, along with the occasional squabbles she has with her mom with her being grounded. Even Keith, who he once saw as nothing more than a moody loner, now has his mother and Kosmo. And even though he knows nothing about Shiro's loved ones, the red paladin is fully aware of the place he has in Keith's life and how much Keith viewed him as his older brother. Hell, Lance had just finished having dinner at his family home filled with his parents, siblings, niece and nephew. All Allura had was Coran, the mice, and her memories of a home who she's giving her life to avenge.
"It's silly. I used to think that the team relied on me. That I needed to be strong for everyone else. But now I see it was I that needed all of you. You are my strength." Allura finished, a small smile finally gracing her face as she looked at the young man before her.
Her strength? I'M her strength? No, by "you" she probably meant the team. Yeah, that's it. Or maybe...not?
The red paladin gathered his words together, not wanting to mess anything up.
"Allura, you are not alone. And if I have anything to say about it, you'll never be alone."
This is it. No turning back.
"I-I don't care if this is only our first date. I..."
Say it, damn it!
"Allura, I wanna be your family. Earth can be your home, or anywhere you wanna go. It doesn't matter. I would follow you across the universe if it meant helping you find your home." he finished somewhat confidently. Allura was frozen as she took in his words.
"You truly feel that way?" the princess inquired. The Cuban teen walked towards her and grabbed her hand, putting it on his chest. He held it tighter as a light smile formed on his face, his eyes holding sincerity.
"With all my heart." Lance said, love and admiration laced in his voice. He was frozen in place as Allura continued to look at him, her body completely towards him and looking at him in pure relief and security. Her smile soft, yet still full of hope for the future. Lance continued to stare as it appeared that the princess was moving towards him slowly. His breath became hitched, as he never in a million years expected this. For so long, the princess would pull away, sometimes hesitantly or immediately depending on what he had said or done before hand in his vain attempts to steal her heart. This might be the first time she actually pushed towards him. So why turn away now?
He exhaled shakily as he contemplated leaning forward or staying in place, his gentle grip on her hand becoming slightly firm. As he gazed into her eyes, he thought about all the things that brought him to this moment. Finding the blue lion. Getting tossed into space. Finding the Castle of Lions. Finding her. All the battles. The fights. The cheers. The tears. Everything. This was it. He saw everything he ever wanted and desired. The blue waves from the beach near his home. The hues of pink he would spot in the seashells his niece would pick up for him. The orange rays of light the sun would cast as it set for the night.
He saw the red and blue fireworks in the sky in celebration of the war's end.
He saw the green pieces of envy in the team's faces when he told him about tonight.
He saw the yellow in the lemonades he would sip with his family and friends once they had time for a proper vacation.
And when thought of this moment, he saw purple.
Purple eyes.
The grip on Allura's hand was revived as he lifted it to his lips, giving it a gentle kiss. He felt the pause in Allura's movements as he bent slightly in a princely manner, his best attempt of a smirk appearing. The Altean seemed to buy into it as she chuckled, bringing her hand to her lips as she laughed on.
"I guess I shouldn't expect anything less then." said the princess. Suddenly, her eyes moved past the paladin as she gasped, making the boy stand in front of her for protection's sake. Luckily for them, it was simply the robot Pidge had built...who just so happened to be stalking them. The two looked in confusion as it squealed.
"I think he wants us to smile." Lance guessed. Allura looked at him for a moment before she put two and two together. The two decided on standing next to each other, Lance with his hands in his pockets with a wink on his face while Allura stood with her hands clasped in front of her, head on Lance's shoulder. As pictures were being snapped, Lance couldn't help but reflect on everything that had just happened prior to this.
He was moments away from doing the one thing he always dreamt of doing since he met her. He was almost going to kiss her. He was almost going to kiss the girl of his dreams. He had every opportunity at that moment to go for it, but he didn't. So many emotions were rushing through his head at once.
But the one that stuck out most was relief.
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theunboundmeg · 5 years
Nefarious (Chapter One)
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Summary: It wasn’t a year ago and Y/N can still remember being the new girl in school. Now it’s a new year, SENIOR year...and there’s another new kid at Hawkins High School. Billy Hargrove is a jerk, headstrong, and extremely presumptuous. And yet...he still manages to find his way in Y/N’s path...and it’s really starting to cause some “problems.”
Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Y/N (Reader)
Word Count: 2,973 Words
Rating: 18+ (For the Future)
Warnings: Cussing, insinuation, angsty angst! And some other stuff!
Other: Please note, this story takes place at the beginning of Season Two and actually follows to the storyline. I thought it would be interesting to write from a different perspective of the main story and see what happened to one of our favorite characters while the others were off fighting the demodogs! Enjoy this and if you guys like this chapter, I’ll probably write more! <3 Also note that there is no planned amount of chapters for this yet. I will write this story until it just naturally folds up. So...look forward to MANY more to come!
Chapter One: Tell Your Friends It Was Nice to Meet Them
   The first day was always supposedly the worst day, right? Well, this wasn’t exactly the first day...but still. I looked in the mirror at myself, cringing slightly. What in the world was with my sense of fashion today? Seriously? And why was it that no matter what I put on, I felt as though I was an imposter? It just felt...different. That day did, anyway. 
 My mother’s voice echoed up the stairs and floated about the space in my room. She wasn’t wrong. And it wouldn’t be the first time either. One more tardy mark in homeroom and I’d be serving detention for a week. That was just how “serious” Mrs. Perkins had become with me. I didn’t exactly have a great relationship with my homeroom teacher, but we still managed to coexist...for the most part.
“Coming!” I screamed, grabbing up my backpack and taking one last look in the mirror. Out of control hair, high rise skinnies and a tank. Fine. It would do.
  Just as the last bell sounded off, so did my footsteps on the tile of my classroom.
“Ah, Y/N! You did manage to make it on time! How gracious of you!”
  Mrs. Perkins, along with the twenty or so other students in the classroom all gazed at me, causing my face to flush even more than it already was.
“Yeah, sorry. Just...tough morning” Not much to really say on the matter, I just shrugged and made my way to the back of the classroom.
  Nancy and Jonathan were both there, seemingly lost in a hushed conversation that was only becoming more hurried and hushed the closer I got. I let my backpack hit the tabletop of my desk, causing Nancy to nearly jump out of her skin, which in turn brought a snort from Jonathan.
“You guys talking about creepy monsters again? Or am I actually going to understand the conversation you’re having this time around?” I asked.
  Their adventures from before weren’t exactly a mystery to me. In fact, Nancy and I had become so close, she’d disclosed nearly everything that had happened before our friendship had blossomed. She’d told me all of it: from the Upside Down to how some small chick named Eleven or Elle or...Ellen...(I honestly couldn’t recall half of the time) had saved everyone in Hawkins. And while I’d be forever grateful to the girl I’d never meet for saving the small town I’d only just recently moved to with my mother, it was just difficult for me to buy...most days. Naturally, the thought of such a story intrigued me, it even drove my imagination on the dullest of my days. But still...monsters? Right here in this place? Come on now. 
“Nooo...I was just telling Jonathan that he should reconsider the Halloween party. They’ll eventually be handing out flyers, but I already heard something about it.” Nancy replied, shrugging her shoulders and leaning back slightly.
  I perked a brow and looked to Jonathan, who began to shake his head immediately.
“Come on.”
“No.” he hissed, clearly firm on the answer.
  I glanced to Nancy then and shrugged again. 
“I’d tell him to come but, he’s clearly made up his mind.”
“We’ll see.” Nancy huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.
  She wasn’t really in the wrong for wanting him to come. Jonathan hardly got out much lately. Ever since the incident with his brother Will, he’d always made a point of trying to be home with him as often as possible. Then again, who could blame him? If I’d almost lost my mother, I’d be the same way. She was the only person I had left in the world, after all. It was then my attention was yanked back to the present by the door creaking open. The male walking in seemed to attract the attention of pretty much everyone in the room, even Mrs. Perkins. A mullet well kept, jean jacket and tight fighting jeans to boot and one would almost assume they were looking at a model. 
“Mrs. Perkins! Sorry for the interruption! I’ve got a Mister Hargrove for you.”
  The Principal pressed his lips together firmly as Billy moved past him, looking around for a chair. Something about him already seemed to pick at me. Not a word had escaped from between his lips and there was just something that was off about him. Cockiness? Or maybe he was an asshole.
“Mister Hargrove, are you-”
“We probably won’t be here for long, so maybe it would be worthwhile to just skip over my introduction and move on to better things...Mrs. Perkins, was it?”
  While Billy had pretty much insulted Mrs. Perkins and talked over her, he’d done so in a way that oozed charisma. Asshole. Definitely asshole. I frowned and glanced downwards.
“Please...find a seat then.”
  It wasn’t long and Billy was making his way between the desks, girls giggling and whispering about him as he passed them. Nancy leaned over towards me, lowering her voice.
“Steve and I saw him pull up outside earlier. Think he’s got a sister too.”
  She tilted her head, her tone holding that of a curious nature. Other than that, she didn’t really seem to have much more to offer. The scrape of a chair caused me to jerk my gaze away and look to my left. Billy had apparently decided to make himself at home in the empty desk next to mine. Just my luck...a whole fucking classroom full of other people and he’d chosen to sit by me. Great.I made a point of looking away from him and back over towards Nancy.
“So about this Halloween party? I’ve got nothing to wear, but I thought I might go out today and see if I can find something at one of the thrift stores in town. Think there might be something good?”
  Jonathan scoffed. 
“Could always go looking like a goddess or a cat? Like most other girls do.” he replied.
  I shrugged. “I happen to like cats, Jonathan.”
   The chair scraped again, this time forcing my attention away once more and back over towards Billy as he leaned back, seemingly considering whether or not he could balance himself in his chair with his feet up on the desk. The look on my face must have said enough, because he took the time to actually stare back, inquiring now.
“You got a problem?” he asked, eyebrows shooting up.
“Not yet.” I replied, sniffing.
“Not. Yet?” he repeated, furrowing his brow.
“Did I stutter?” I asked.
  Okay, perhaps that’d been a bit too forward or rude. After all, I’d been the new kid once as well...and I’d known how hard it was to acclimate to a new setting and new people. Just as I opened my mouth to apologize, he began to laugh. Billy actually began to laugh and just shook his head.
“My first day at this place and I thought I was going to run in with a bunch of airheads. Instead, I only run into a few airheads and one smartass. Might even be too smart for her own good!” he barked.
I could feel my face going hot as his chair finally sat back on all fours and he leaned over towards me.
“Sweetheart, lighten up. I’m not going to bite you. Unless you’re into that sort of thing.” 
His gaze roamed downwards slowly, then back up, causing the heat in my face to travel to my ears and neck. Finally catching hold of myself, I inhaled sharply and shook my head.
“You know...I WAS going to apologize for being an asshole, but I feel like you feed into that sort of thing.” I retorted.
“I feed into whatever feeds me.”
  It suddenly felt like a sparring match of sorts. The more I threw at this guy, the more willing he became to throw it right back at me. Dealing with my mom and her various boyfriends had always caused me to become a bit more straight edged...perhaps even cold. I’d never really been able to flirt well and guys tended to stray away. Usually. So, this encounter was different. He was flirting...but he was also being a dick about it. THAT was what made me feel more irritated.
“By the way, cat ears would look good on you. Don’t let the guy who’s clearly never been laid tell you otherwise.” Billy said, jerking his chin in Jonathan’s direction.
“God. Welcome to Hawkins.” I grumbled, looking away.
  Nancy had managed to keep herself quiet during the small exchange. Her gaze darted between me and Billy, and then back again. Jonathan seemed to be struggling with something to say, perhaps even something towards Billy for his comment about the cat ears.
“Christ...” I mumbled, glad to hear the bell ringing to signal the beginning of classes. 
Chairs were pushed and shoved and the stampede of feet began towards the door. I grabbed up my things and nodded to my two friends. “I’ll see you guys in second. Going to head to Chem and hope I don’t die from boredom.” And I’m also in desperate need to get away from this jerk.
I glanced towards Billy one last time, who seemed to be in no rush to get to his first class of the day and shook my head. He was going to end up being one of those. You know the one. He gets in good with the Kings and Queens of the school. Cool guy, cool hair...cool car probably too. And they’d suck him dry. Or perhaps it would be the other way around. Of course, that crowd didn’t exactly exclude me either. I’d been very lucky my mother had the money she did. And because of that, I’d earned a free ticket into the club as well. And while I never really partook in any of the “cool” kid activities, I made myself known there ever so often with Nancy and Steve.
“Come and get sheet faced?” I heard Jonathan say to Nancy as they left the classroom.
  If I’d been paying any sort of attention, I would have seen the flyer that had been waved in my face before the girl had given up and given it to the person behind me. The flyers they were talking about were the Halloween party ones everyone had been buzzing about. Well, perhaps cat ears would end up being a thing after all. I shrugged, my backpack shifting weight on my back, and began heading off to class.
The day hadn’t really been anything to write home about. Classes had dragged and by the time sixth period had rolled around, my brain was fried. Chemistry test in first period, and countless amounts of note copying in the classes after had made me wish I’d stayed home. The only thing that had pretty much gotten me through the day were my friends and trying to figure out what costume I’d be wearing to the party. I pushed open the door to the front building and began making my way around. The courtyard was empty, save for a few students rushing from the back building to the front. I had my last class of the day in the detached building and like most, enjoyed the possibility of skipping. Such was the freedom of being able to actually...you know...go outside between classes.
“Hey! Cat Ears!”
I stopped and looked around. Cat Ears? I furrowed my brow and searched until my gaze fell on Hargrove. He stood there, just out of sight enough of the common passerby so that he could sneak his cigarettes under the stairwell on the side of the building.
“You going to class or you actually doing what I think you’re doing?” 
   I moved over towards him, nose wrinkling at the smoke curling upwards into the air. I’d only ever smoked once in my life. While I didn’t really complain about it, I’d heard from my mother it was probably something I shouldn’t pick up. The smell was just something she didn’t enjoy...therefore I shouldn’t either.
“We have a back building. I’ve got my last class of the day there.” I huffed. “I do have a name, you know?”
“Cat Ears just fits you so much better though. Makes you seem...more...crafty.”
“Did I stutter?”
There it was...he was throwing it back at me again. Then again, I’d probably deserved it. Especially since I’d said it to him earlier.
“Don’t you have somewhere to be? Like class?” I asked, shifting the weight of my backpack again.
Billy’s eyes roamed over my face and he reached up, plucking the cig from between his lips.
“Sure, I’ve got class.” he replied, “But I figured I’d take in the scenery first.”
  He motioned towards me, causing me to feel that hot feeling creeping up my neck again. He wasn’t terrible to look at. But he also seemed like the sort of guy that had a shit personality...and enjoyed collecting women like he collected trophies. And I wasn’t about to fall for THAT sort of type. He stepped forward and circled around me, causing me to turn and watch him. Now, my back was near the wall and he stood out in the open.
“What’s your name?” he asked, finishing off the cigarette and flicking it away.
“Y/N.” I replied, curtly as possible.
“You don’t seem like the other Hawkins girls. Sure, you dress like the royalty, but you don’t seem like them.”
“I’m not from here.” I replied, “ My mother and I just moved here this past year.”
“Ohhhh, so we DO have something in common.” he jested, grinning that wolflike grin.
“We have NOTHING in common,” I said, stepping forward to try and pass him.
Billy sidestepped and put himself directly in between me and my route to freedom. It wasn’t long and he was stalking forward, causing me to back up until my back was firmly planted against the wall. He paused...eventually. He stood close enough that I could smell the mix of cigarettes and cologne on his jacket. He was clean and the way his jaw worked, it almost made me hold my breath.
“Here’s the thing Y/N. Usually, I get what I want. And right now, I’m wanting to know more about you...a lot more. Want to skip class with me and find out more about me to?”
Was he actually asking what I think he was asking? For fuck’s sake.
“Listen...buddy...” I reached forward and gave him a small push, causing him to blink in surprise.
“You might not be used to being turned down by girls, so let me go ahead and educate you. I’m not some prize to be won. I don’t just randomly go off with guys and explore with them. You seem like the type that enjoys an easy catch, so how about I point you in the direction of Carol and her flock of bitches.”
If Carol had heard me talking about her like that, she’d probably have ousted me from the “group” then and there. But she hadn’t...and this guy knew nothing about the social system at Hawkins High. Yet. Billy stood there, taken aback, before letting out another round of that barking laughter.
“You’re actually-?”
“Yes. I’m actually turning you down. A nice looking guy who is acting vile and quite frankly looks like he enjoys the feeling of being on top.”
“Well, you got one of those things right for sure.” he affirmed, nodding slowly.
  He watched me, like a predator hunting his prey. But I wasn’t about to become his prey. Not today. Not ever. And yet? Some part of me...deep down...I felt that feeling. I felt it. He ENJOYED that about me. And perhaps that was why we were in the situation we were in now. He held his hands up and backed up. 
“Pretty girl like you...I just couldn’t NOT ask. Was worth a shot.”
The smell of his cologne lingered on my jacket and in my nose. That’s how close he’d been to me...and it was going to haunt me for the rest of the day, I just knew it. I let out a breath and perked a brow.
“Maybe if you didn’t put off that asshole vibe, I would be more inclined to be curious about you.” I said, stepping back further.
“What can I say? People just seem to love that about me.” he replied, opening his arms wide. 
 It was sarcasm, but I understood what he was saying. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried not to think about the way he’d looked at me. It was a look that had made me feel something I almost wished I’d never felt. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t the least bit curious about him. But I knew Billy’s type. I knew we’d only destroy each other if we got close enough.
“I hope I see you at the party!” he called after me as I turned and began to walk away. 
I shook my head and looked to the ground, feet carrying me as quickly as I could. I only just made it to class and sat down, clearly looking as though I’d run a marathon.
“What’s wrong with you?” hissed Nancy. 
Yeah, having class with her this many times in the day had brought about a great friendship. And an open one at that. Though, part of me didn’t want to tell her about running into Billy. News was already spreading around the school about the hot, new guy...and I really didn’t want to get THAT look from my friend.
“We’re going to that stupid Halloween party.” I replied, “And need to find some fucking cat ears.”
Chapter Two>
Author’s Note:
Hey guys! So, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything and I’m super sorry! I apologize if this chapter seems a bit short, but I’m rusty and finally starting to get back into writing again. This story idea came to me while I was lying in bed one night and I just couldn’t help but get started on it. I really love the idea of seeing a more thoroughly explored story for Billy during the events of season two and even season three...so I’ve decided to give us one! I hope you liked this and stay tuned for Chapter Two! Let me know if you guys have ANY suggestions!
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