#the only part i really enjoyed was watch luffy get bit by this dog
pixelhotsauce · 5 months
I gotta let you niggas know
I am not impressed with One Piece
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realisticfanfictions · 8 months
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Being Sanji's Girlfriend & Baratie's Head Waitress - Part 4.
Sanji x Waitress!Reader: Part One, Part Two, Part Three.
Working at Baratie wasn't without its challenges, and the fights that sprung up because of them weren't rare either. You and your boyfriend never sweated the small stuff, after all working in a high stress environment made you, well, stressed. But maybe some things can't be resolved that easily.
Tags: Sanji x Reader, Waitress!Reader, constant bickering, mostly fluff with some angst, (heavy) swearing.
A/N: Initially going into this, I was planning to have the fishmen come in and have the Mihawk fight, but it was a bit more important to set up some more character dynamics before I moved onto 5k words of action scenes. So here's a nice bit of LORE(tm) and a bit more about how Y/N thinks. Next part I promise is 100% action, and I can't wait to show ya'll what I've come up with for Y/N's weapon! It's so cool.
Word Count is 3,421. Hope you enjoy!
Tag list (comment to join!): @siriuslyblackonback @jvhoons
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"So, you're really going to fight him?"
Zoro, not looking up from cleaning his swords, nodded. "It's my dream." He explained, observing the blades for any damage. After he challenged the swordsman, the next few things happened rather quickly. The scramble to get Luffy as if that'll somehow convince him to stand down, the captain instead supporting his first mate's goal, and Nami storming off upset. It all passed by in a blur, and now you were alone with Zoro in their ship.
You nodded and turned to look out of the porthole, observing the calm seas that rocked the boat. "I guess dreams are worth dying for." You sighed and leaned back in your chair. "Sucks you met Mihawk too early."
His jaw tightened, and set down his sword. "If I run now, I'll never become the world's greatest swordsman."
You hummed and watched him through the reflection on the glass. "Honour, huh?" You mused and nibbled on the tip of your thumb. "How ridiculous. You're just like Sanji, uncompromising."
"Don't compare me to that shitbag." He snapped and sheathed his sword, clicking it shut in its scabbard. "Speaking of, why are you with him?"
Confused by his words, you looked over at him. "What do you mean?"
"He cheats on you, doesn't he?" He questioned and turned to face you, leaning against the cabinet. "He seemed pretty friendly with Nami a couple hours ago."
You chuckled. "That's just Sanji. He's obsessed with women. It's more," You thought of the words. "It's like having a dog that you love and care for, and though you go up and pet other dogs, you don't abandon your own dog for some random one on the street."
Zoro's eyebrows raised. "You do realise you just called yourself a bitch, right?"
You rolled your eyes and flipped him off. "Shut up. He's just chivalrous, that's all."
"Well, I'd be watching him if I were you." He walked over, his long strides making it seem effortless to reach you. "Guys like that don't tend to keep only one dog."
You opened your mouth to retort, but shut it and stood chest to chest with him. "Just focus on not dying, alright?" His eyes squinted ever so slightly, and he leaned down close to you, gazing directly into your eyes. "What are you doing?"
He stares for a moment, and then straightens himself back up. "Nothing."
You quirked an eyebrow. "Alright, I'm going home to my boyfriend."
"Wasn't trying to make a move." He retorted and stepped aside, letting you walk past him. "(Y/N)?" You placed a hand on the door frame and turned. "Be careful."
You looked him up and down. "Try not to die."
Mihawk's eyes haunted you like a ghostly presence that you couldn't shake off. It was like you could feel those piercing eyes all over your body, every inch of skin was tainted and you hated it. You always have.
The door to you and Sanji's shared room creaked open, and you popped your head inside. You didn't know what to expect, but Sanji jolting himself upright on the chair that sat in the corner of your room wasn't exactly one of them. The door softly clicked closed behind you, and you slowly walked up to him, his eyes on you the entire time as you sat on his lap. You positioned yourself sideways and leaned your head against his chest, reveling in his warmth when he wrapped his arms around you and placed a kiss against your scalp. Sanji's thumb rubbed circles in your thigh, more of an anxious gesture than anything, as he pressed many more kisses against your skin. You sighed and relaxed into him. "I may have overreacted." You started, ripping the band-aid off. "And I apologise."
He nodded. "Thank you for that. Sorry for not finding you sooner."
You shook your head against his chest. "I was drinking, you would've killed my buzz." You paused. "But I guess it was ruined anyway."
"Oh, I'm sorry-"
He stopped when you held up a hand. "I didn't mean you, Sanji." You opened your mouth, but couldn't find the words. Or rather, you found them, you just didn't want to share them. "A man came asking after our new chore boy."
You felt Sanji tense under you. "Are you okay?"
Mihawk's eyes restraining came to mind. "I'll be fine," You picked at a loose thread. "But Zoro won't."
Your boyfriend's hand stopped and pulled back to look you in the eye. "Zoro?"
"Luffy's friend, the guy with the swords. The idiot challenged him to a duel."
Sanji's head tilted. "Why?"
You let out a small sigh and untangled yourself from him, walking a couple feet to your dresser and pulling out a change of clothes. "Because they're idiots with a death wish." You said as you peeled off your top with a groan. "Fuck. Thank God I don't have work tomorrow."
He watched you for a moment as you shimmied out of your clothes and slipped into some pajamas. "Sweetheart, I'm not really comfortable with you drinking with pirates. I mean, it's a bit dangerous-"
You scoffed, pulling an oversized shirt over your head. "They're not pirates," You said as you tugged the shirt down, barely bothering to notice it was a gag shirt with an octopus on a bowl of rice. "Hell, they barely qualify as sailors." But when Sanji didn't respond, you paused. "Oh, you mean was I drinking with Zoro." You turned around to face him. He was leaning forwards in his chair, leg bouncing. You sighed and walked over to him. "He was just my drinking partner, and he's most likely going to die tomorrow." You run your hand through his blond locks. "It'll be fine. You don't have to worry."
"I'll have to trust you then." He said with a smile, then laughed when your gentle pat turned into a frantic scratch. "Hey! Not the hair!"
A smirk split across your face. "I don't know, Sanji. You might just have to trust me!"
He chuckled and grabbed your hands, pulling you forward onto him and wrapping you in his arms. "You know what I mean."
"I guess I'll just trust you-"
"And trust that you're doing a good job! And- Sanji!" You squeaked when your boyfriend ambushed you with a barrage of soft kisses pressed across any bit of skin he could reach. "You tasteless toad! You're two tablespoons of terrible!"
"Two tablespoons of terrible." He repeated in a strange voice and you giggled when he tried to tickle you. "Oh no! The tickling toad has come to torment you!"
You push his hands away and trap his face in your hands. "You twat." You smiled and gave him a lingering kiss.
When you parted, he gave a soft smile. "And you even ended it with a 't', brilliant."
You quirked an eyebrow. "You weirdo."
He mirrored you. "And I somehow love you."
"But weirdly, you love me very weirdly."
He nodded. "Birds of a feather."
"If we're birds, you're a flamingo."
"Because if I wasn't dating you, I'd think you were a bit of a flamingo."
He gasped. "Then you'd be a penguin, because you bring me rocks."
You leaned back and gave him a look. "Because I bring you rocks?"
He nodded. "Yeah, you even put them on me. And you help me get my rocks off."
He laughed as you hit him. "Sanji! That's so bad!"
Your hands were caught and you were pulled into his chest, both of you giggling and stealing kisses from each other while occasionally snuggling impossibly closer. Sure, you might be a bad person - but you liked who you were with Sanji. And that's all you really cared about.
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You lied. That night you couldn't sleep with hundreds of thousands of millions of thoughts racing through your mind. You felt like you were a greyhound chasing down a slightly too-fast rabbit, every time you got close, sleep just slipped through your fingers. Your gaze drifted from the ceiling where you were counting the nails in the boards, and over to your boyfriend. His sleeping face made a million butterflies emerge from their cocoons in your stomach, your heart beating against your rib cage like an angry gorilla. But something about this wasn't right, and you couldn't go to sleep without doing something about it.
Careful to not wake your peaceful boyfriend, you slowly lifted his arm from around your waist and placed it on his pillow, heart aching at the sight of him trying to seek your warmth. Even in sleep he wanted to be close to you. Grabbing your pillow, you gently tucked it under his searching hand and he brought it to his chest with a soft groan, the smell of you satiating him.
You rolled out of bed and tip-toed over the squeaky floorboards, wincing every time the floor made a sound. After looking back each time and taking moments between each footstep, you made it through the door and quickly shut it behind you. The early morning's chilly air struck you, but you ignored the goosebumps rising under your skin and continued on. It felt strange walking without your heels clicking against the floorboards, but you weren't looking to make noise, or look fashionable in this instance.
The Overnights were rooms for guests who've either had too much to drink, or who pay extra to stay overnight to hookup, or just to stay, again, overnight. You passed by the many in-use rooms filled with snoring and other unseemly sounds, rolling your eyes at the disgusting slobs behind the doors. A room stood out amongst the others, however, and you knew it held what you were seeking. The aura that emanated from it was unmistakable.
You reached into your hair and pulled out a bobby pin, sticking it in between your teeth to open it and then jammed it into the lock. All the locks were the same on the Baratie, and you only had to jimmy the locks, moving the pins frantically within, to open it without much effort. The door clicked open and you gently pushed it open.
When you stepped inside, you felt it. The blade at your neck. Without a second thought, you pushed it from your jugular and grabbed the silver candlestick on the hallway table, holding it firmly as the blade was struck against it. It sliced through with ease and a sharp burning went through your cheek, knowing that if you hadn't moved your head, it would've went through your eye. "You're slow." Came the hauntingly beautiful, yet unsettling voice from your nightmares.
You hissed and shoved his sword away from your face. "You haven't seen me in seven years, and the first thing that comes from your mouth is criticism? How shocking."
"Six." He corrected, and the room was suddenly bathed in a low yellow hue. Dracule Mihawk was a terrifying man. His golden, ringed eyes glowed in the dim light and when they looked you over, it felt like he was observing your soul and picking it apart with the grace one would picking the petals off of a flower. Those eyes locked onto yours. "It's been six years."
You rolled your eyes and pushed past him. The room was a similar layout to your own, with the only difference being the minimalist design and abhorrent amount of red wine. You knew the latter didn't come from the room. Rather, they came from his personal stash that would deem any other man an alcoholic. But Mihawk was simply old-fashioned, born in the wrong non-vampiric century if you will.
He sheathed his famed black blade Yoru in one smooth motion and danced past you, sitting gracefully in his armchair and crossing one leg over the other. Your eyes drifted over to his hat hung on a hook and reached out to run your fingers against the silky feather. "Don't touch it." The old swordsman warned behind you, picking up his book and flipping over the next page. "I despise disorganisation. It needs to be acceptable for my duel tomorrow. Or rather, in the upcoming moments since you have woken me up at such an ungodly hour."
Despite your reluctance, your arm retracted almost on its own. "You were already awake, asshat." You turned around and crossed your arms. "And it'll be creased anyway, so it doesn't matter if-"
"Not necessarily." His words were as sharp as his gaze. "If we go by that barbaric logic, it doesn't matter if a man is murdered since we all die in one way or another."
You scoffed and returned his look with your own glare. "I'm not too sure, you're more experienced when it comes to murdering men."
Mihawk picked up his expensive crystal wine glass, and took a long, silent sip of his Tarapaca. It was placed back down onto the table with a clink. He leaned back in his chair which squeaked as he did so, and interlocked his fingers. "Why are you here, (Y/N)?"
"I was going to ask you the same question."
His head tilted for a moment, before righting itself. "I'm here for Monkey D. Luffy."
You hadn't realised your shoulders were tensed until they drooped down. "That's it?"
He nodded. "I am only here as an obligation to Garp to collect his grandson."
To your annoyance, your throat tightened. "I thought that was an excuse."
"It wasn't." The man you hated sat in his chair completely unbothered. His eyes lingered on you for a moment, before drifting back to his book. He flipped the page. "'But tell me, at the time of those sweet sighs, by what and in what manner Love conceded that you should know your dubious desires?'"
Pathetically, you felt stinging at the corners of your eyes. "'And she said to me: “There is no greater sorrow then to recall our times of joy in wretchedness.”'" You breathed in through your nose. "Inferno, by Dante Alighieri."
You cleared your throat. "Divine Comedy."
"What year?"
You took in a breath and shook your head. "1321?"
He said nothing and turned the page. You stood silently, wanting to run but having no strength to do so. His gaze finally lifted to meet yours. "Is that all?"
A chill ran over your skin, and you were once again reminded of the kind of man he was. There was a lot you wanted to say to Dracule Mihawk. So much hatred and anguish that you had to endure, all the suffering handed to you by the well-manicured hands of the greatest swordsman in the world. You hated him. "Unless you want to say anything?"
His eyes held yours for a moment. "Goodnight."
"Go fuck yourself." You practically grew fangs and spat venom at him. Spinning on your heel, you kicked the wall where his hat hung and stormed out of the room.
A scream bubbled in your throat. Your nails dug into your palms, and your lips were bloodied from ripping them open. He had no- you couldn't- he was such a-
As you turned a corner, you felt something pinch the base of your skull and you whipped around. Pulling your gun and aiming it, you locked eyes with the other swordsman in your life. Zoro, bathed in moonlight, turned his attention from his swords to you. The rag he was cleaning his blade with stopped and he was focused solely on you. "I think I know who you are."
You scoffed and shoved your gun back in its holster. "Well, apparently most people don't, so I'll take anything at this point." He was quiet, and your lips tightened into a smile. "Want a drink?"
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The door opened with a click and Zoro whistled. "Nice trick."
You put the bobby pin back in your hair with a smile. "Thanks." The Baratie after-hours was a sight to behold, but the bar was even better. You smiled at Zoro and guided him around the front of the bar where the shutters were closed.
"Thought you said it's open all night."
You looked behind you as you bent down to the latch holding the fish's mouth closed. "I said you couldn't get anything on tap around three in the morning," You unhooked the chain and pulled it free from the floor. "Didn't say that the bar was open. Come help me." You shuffled to the side to make room for him, and grabbed onto the shudders. He appeared by your side and hooked his fingers under the shudders next to yours, you both nodded to each other and grunted as you lifted the shudders. You expected it to be heavier, but with Zoro it lifted with surprising ease. The moonlight poured in and illuminated the bar, shining through the empty bottles of booze and creating a kaleidoscope of colours.
The green-haired swordsman chuckled and looked around. "I've never been in a bar after hours." He sat down on a nearby couch normally reserved for V.I.Ps. "It feels naughty."
You shrugged, walking over to the bar and reaching over. "Yeah well, if we're caught I'll probably get fired, so don't fuck around." Your fingers wrapped around the neck of a bottle and you hoisted it to eye-level. "You a rum guy?"
He smiled and gave a half-shrug. "I'm a booze guy."
"Good answer." You said and carried over two shot glasses for the both of you. Sitting down, you tugged off the cork with your teeth and poured yourselves shots. You raised your glasses. "To you dying tomorrow."
His eyebrows raised. "To me surviving tomorrow." He corrected and clinked his glass against yours, keeping his eyes on you as you took a shot together. He sighed, flicking his head and nodding. "That's good."
You nodded and sniffed. "It's very good." You filled your glasses again. "Only the best shit for the only guy that knows me." You gulped it down, and didn't wait for him to finish before filling yours back up.
He chuckled. "I'm the one dying tomorrow, and here you are drinking like it's the end of the world."
"Yeah, well," You sniffed and swirled around the liquid in your glass. "My life kind of fucking sucks at the moment. So, I think I deserve to get shit-faced."
Zoro tilted his head and licked his teeth. "I bet you had a miserable childhood."
You laughed and leaned back, tears pricking at yours eyes as you nodded. "Understatement of the century." You said under your breath and looked up at him, forcing a smile. "I grew up on some private land owned by nobles."
He nodded. "You said that."
"Yeah, but what I didn't tell you was I wasn't born there. My Dad, being father of the fucking year, didn't want to care for a baby so he dumped me with some workers. Then, when I truly got attached to my family and finally was accepted as a member of the community, he just came back and picked me up. Like I was some type of broken watch he left to be repaired." You shook your head and reveled in the burn of the rum as it slid down your throat and warmed your stomach. "And ever since then, he's just tormented me. Even when I got away from him, it's like he's always there just watching me - waiting for me to mess up. And you know, all the shit that I did to make him proud of me? Every late night reading libraries' worth of books just in case he quizzed me on it in the morning. Every lesson in combat styles, or how to sense others, whatever the hell that means. Most of the scars I have are from trying myself to him. But never once was I told 'Good job (Y/N)', or that he was proud of me. He never even smiled at me." You finished the shot and placed it down onto the table. "And you know what fucking sucks? After all this time, all the anguish he's put me through? All I want him to look at me and tell me that he loves me."
Zoro looked at his glass and his mouth tightened into a fine line. "I know the feeling." His eyes drifted back to yours. "To shitty parents?" He offered, raising his glass.
You chuckled and shook your head, but poured yourself a glass and raised it. "The shittiest."
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A/N: Um, okay this was pretty heavy and it took me a while to write because I wanted to make it actually matter. I think there'll be a few more parts and then we'll be finished with the Baratie saga! Then, I might take a break and do maybe another series/one-shot while I properly plan the next part. We'll also be naming this series! The poll has concluded and within the next couple of days, we'll be figuring out the name! Comment down if you have any suggestions, or want to join the tag list! <3
P.S: When the Baratie saga is done, I'll release it all as one part so that it'll be easier to re-read. It'll be a bit of its own thing, so stay tuned haha.
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hazzyking · 1 year
Take two. I'm getting writers block so I wanna try something fresh. Enjoy a Mihwak x Reader
Either anime or LA is perfect ((like my Buggy~)) but this fic is based off LA Mihwak
If you like this and want a smutty part 2 let me know, and I promise. I will write a part 2.
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Just a Guy in a Bar
The sun sunk below the horizon giving the Barite a nice orange glow and that same firey glow to the water. You walked in and took your seat at the bar that wrapped around the mouth of the fish ship. The Barite was a perfect venue to you, a nice bar with plenty of space for dancing and a live band, and it was neutral ground for you and your crew to wind down after a long seven months on the grand line.
Once the sun had been replaced by the moon, the Barite was lit with candle light inside and outside, giving the ship a golden aura to shine off the navy blue water. You sat at the bar twirling your drink in your hand, you felt a slight tickle on your cheek of a feather, confused you turned and realized the back of someone's hat was completely invading your space "uh- scuse me" you said tapping the strangers thick leather jacket. The stranger turned around, revealing his piercing yellow eyes that were focused like a hawk - or, like a really wine-drunk hawk from the looks of it. "Mihwak?" You said surprised."What are you doing here?"
"A warlord isn't allowed to go out for a drink?" He said sitting next to you. "I should be asking you, what are you doing here" Mihwak chuckled holding a wine glass in his hand as he leaned against the bar.
"Okay your clearly drunk and super out of character right now" you chuckled putting your hand up as if to catch him if he toppled over.
"I am not drunk" Mihwak said like a white girl who had too many tequila shots.
"Alright" you said in defeat.
"(Y/N) right? How is your life of pillaging and plundering?" Mihwak said smirking darkly.
"You gave up that life remember Mihwak" you chuckled looking the warlord up and down. "You payed a visit to Shanks didn't you?" You smirked and then realized the warlord become defensive.
"A child has a 30 million bounty" Mihwak said "a child Shanks knows well"
"Yeah. I know that child" you chuckled. "Why are you here getting Wine-Drunk, because Luffy is worth a whopping 30 mil?" You asked curiously.
"Were getting old" Mihwak admitted, which caused your face to soften. "It's only a matter of time till the Luffy's and the Zoro's of the world become better than us old dogs and faze us out. Some day everyone will be a warlord and everyone will be an emperor and none of these silly titles will matter" Mihwak simply put- slurring his words a little. This was a surprise considering he was normally, such a well spoken man.
"I don't think warlords will matter in the future Mihwak- the world government-"
"I know, is the enemy. Shanks told me all about how I betrayed the pirates by giving up my bounty to serve a greater purpose" Mihwak said almost falling into you, you put your hand out to catch him, touching his fair, hot skin.
"Mihwak, let's go somewhere more quite, maybe you could sober up a bit" you chuckled taking his arm and leading him to the back dock of the Barite. The area was quiet but you could still hear the band faintly. You looked over at the water, how the moon made the navy blue ocean twinkle, it was almost magic to you. The magic was slowly interrupted when Mihwak attempted a graceful seat next to you which ended up with him stumbling and spilling wine on himself.
"Fuck" he muttered. You laughed, realizing you've never herd him swear before. "What's so funny Dove?" He said in his proper voice again.
"Shockingly- you" you giggled. "A great and powerful warlord is sitting next to me, soaked in wine... and wine drunk like a middle aged house wife" you laughed looking at his serious face which slowly erupted into laughter as well, you watched as his eyes crinkled and his yellow orbs were just barley visible his laugh was beautiful, and it almost took your breath away.
"I told you- I'm getting old" Mihwak sighed. "Sometimes I wish I was just- some guy in a bar. And not- rewnoned swords man" he sighed looking out at the ocean, your features softened as you leaned back to be on the same level as him, your hand was placed on his leather jacket. Your fingers tapping on his chest.
"Your not old." You simply said. "Your still the same old Charming Mihwak. The only difference is- your not trying to overthrow the government" you giggled watching his lips curl up into a beautiful smile.
"You think I'm charming?" He said his eyes darting between your eyes and lips as he began to lean forward a bit.
"Mihwak-" you put your hand up to his lips "as much as I really want to kiss you right now- I can't take advantage of you" you said, regretting the fact that deep down you cared for the swordsman.
"I'm not drunk" Mihwak said smiling. "It was an act" he chuckled looking at you. You looked at him too stunned for words. "I just wanted to get close to you" Mihwak admitted. You felt heat creep up your neck and onto your face, you knew you were bright red by now. "(Y/N)? You really wanna kiss me?" Mihwak said with a smile.
"Well, when I thought you were drunk and you weren't gonna remember what I said. Uh yeah" you laughed awkwardly.
"Hey- I'm just a guy in a bar" Mihwak said as he gently brushed your hair back with his fingers and cupped your face, his gentle touches sent shivers down your spine as he pulled you into a delicate, passionate kiss.
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unknownwriting · 4 years
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Ruin Our Friendship
[Part 1]
Summary: Poor Ace has fallen head over heels for his best friend but he's scared that he'll ruin their friendship if he tells her. (pt. 2) 
Characters: Portgas D. Ace
Song Inspiration: Jenny by Studio Killers
Work count: 4.2k (I was not expecting it to be this long)
Notes: Part 2 of the one shot, hehe it’s a little longer than the first i hoped y’all like it. Sorry it took so long I was not expect 2 book reports and 2 essays to be assigned 🤬🔫 
“...Ace, if I go on one....more rollercoaster, I think Imma...puke.” (Y/n) groaned as she stumbled over to a bench. Ace watched her, her hair a mess and her face flush from the excitement. For the whole mess she looked like, Ace found it so cute. He let out a loud laugh, taking a seat right next to her.
“Giving up so soon? I thought you’d have more in you.” Ace teased. (Y/n) shot a glare over at him but she couldn’t help but let a smile brush across her lips.
“Oi, shut up! I’m not built like a monster like you. And plus-“ (Y/n) leaned back on the bench as her stomach let out a low growl. She let out a soft whimper and placed a hand on her stomach before looking back at Ace, “-plus. I’m hungry. I wanna eat something.”
“I saw a hot dog stand just around the corner. Let’s stop there.” Ace laughed, standing back up. (Y/n) watched him for a moment, trying to calm herself down at but from the rollercoaster they just went on. It had to be their 4th rollercoaster in a row, she was just surprised with how casual Ace still seems to be acting. With a small scoff from her lips, she jumped up and intertwined their fingers once again.
“A hot dog doesn’t sound too bad.” She smiled leading the 2 of them to the food stand. Ace smiled down at her while the 2 of them walked hand in hand through the crowded park. Today was possibly the best day ever in Ace’s eyes, nothing could ruin today. The weather was perfect: not a cloud in the sky nor a chilly breeze. The park was amazing: not too many people nor long lines. And of course the best part of all: that fact that he’s going on a date with his best friend. Nothing could be better than this. After Ace got over his shyness and awkwardness, everything began to flow smoothly. The conversations came naturally and there seemed to be no conflict between the 2 when it came to activities. It was almost like the 2 were hanging out as friends but with all the hand-holding and the way Ace’s heart still raced in his chest, it made him remember it was a date. It also made him realize just how hard he has fallen for her.
“After this let’s go play some games.” (Y/n) had exclaimed as she squeezed his hand to get his attention. Glancing down at her, Ace followed her pointing her finger over at a row of games, “I wanna win a really big bear.”
“No more rides?”
“Ace if I go on another ride I will puke all over you,” (Y/n) said in a dumbfounded tone as she looked up at her date. Still hand and hand they made their way to an empty table. As (Y/n) took a seat pointed over to the stand and smiled, “Now Ace, go get me a hot dog!”
“Huh? You can’t get it?”
“Nope, it’s the man's job to buy their date a hot dog. It’s the first rule of dating.” (Y/n) exclaimed. Ace's face flushed red before he made his way over to the stand to order. Once Ace got them both a meal he went back to (Y/n) and let out a scoff as he saw (Y/n)'s eyes light up at the sight of food.
“I don’t think I’d ever been this excited to eat a hot dog.”
“So you really didn’t eat before coming here?”
“Of course not. Knowing you, you’d wanna go on a lot of rides so I tried not to eat anything that would upset me.” (Y/n) explained as she took a bit out of her food and hummed happily. Ace froze for a moment as he watched her eat. It was always the little things that made Ace fall for her. Even if she did it for herself, the fact that she thought of him was enough to make his heart explode. With the rush of shivers that ran through his body, he opened his mouth to speak but he caught his breath before he could say anything. He had a plan, well more like Macro and Thatch had a plan, for how Ace would confess. The 2 of you would spend the day together riding rides, playing games, eating junk food, and taking pictures, silly and cute ones. Basically, stuff the 2 of them would normally do together, and then at the end of the day is when Ace would confess. The park plans a huge firework show once every few months, so what would be a better place to confess than a huge firework show. The plan was simple and flawless, the only problem is waiting to see if it goes that way. He felt confident though, the date has been going smoothly so far. He hasn’t seen anyone who knew them or hasn’t run into any problems, with (Y/n) or anyone else. It was going well, nothing seemed to be getting in the way...
But of course, he spoke too soon. As the 2 of them finished their meal and began to ball up their trash, a loud voice called out to them. (Y/n) was the first to perk up and turn around to search. Ace immediately cringed as he recognized the voice. He’s totally jinxed their date.
“Ace, (Y/n) !!”
“Oh! Luffy, Sabo! I didn’t expect you 2 to be here.” (Y/n) called out as she waved back to the 2 approaching boys. Luffy and Sabo were quick to make their way over to Ace and (Y/n)'s side. As soon as Luffy took a spot next to (Y/n) and Sabo took a spot next to Ace, Luffy and (Y/n) already began to laugh.
“Pfftt...Lu-chan what are you even wearing? That headband seems very-“
“Shishishi, isn’t cool!! I beat Sabo and won it.” Luffy cheered as he smiled brightly at (Y/n) and place a hand on the strange hat he won. Now that he mentions it, (Y/n) does remember seeing those hats at the front. It would be a lie to say that winning one of those didn’t cross her mind, but she figured that she would force Ace to win her on one the way out like a boyfriend should do.
“Luffy beat you? Lu-chan must’ve been going easy on you.” (Y/n) teased as her eyes glazed over to the older blonde. Sabo tensed up and shook his head, trying to hide his embarrassment.
“It was dumb luck. I was winning but he came in and won instead. My hand simply slipped.” Sabo explained to cover up his embarrassment. (Y/n) scoffed as she raised an eyebrow at Sabo, who stared down at her. He knew (Y/n) was gonna say something, she always says some type of remark. Just like Ace, Sabo also met (Y/n) in one of his classes. They easily got along and it wasn’t until later on did (Y/n) learn that he was Ace’s brother. That was probably the moment Ace realized he fell. To him, family is extremely important to him and of course, his lover must like his family. So when Ace learned about how well she got along with Sabo, he knew he fell. Ace watched too, wondering if (Y/n) was gonna say anything and she was because she opened her mouth but was quickly cut off by Luffy again. He grabbed her attention and began to talk about who knows what. Sabo seemed to be interested in the conversation but he was pulled away when Ace spoke up. Ace still found it hard to believe, out of all the days, why did Sabo and Luffy have to come today. Out of all the days, why today? It was no lie that it made him frustrated. This day was just supposed to be him and (Y/n) and now Sabo and Luffy showed up. He’s not stupid either, he knows what going to happen next now that they ran into the 2, and it made him upset but he knows that the 2 of them mean no harm, it was simply just a coincidence.
“What are you 2 doing here?” Ace asked, trying his best to not sound upset, although it wasn’t really working. Sabo was quick to catch onto the tone in his voice but for the sake of Luffy and (Y/n) in front of them, he decided not to call him out on it.
“Nothing much.” Sabo shrugged, “I had a day off and Luffy wanted to come. Although we didn’t know you’d be here today, especially with (Y/n). I thought you were busy?”
“...I am.” Ace hesitated as he looked over at (Y/n) who continued to laugh with Luffy about something. The way her whole body would jiggle when she laughed, and the way she would put a hand on the other person’s arm, and the way her laugh echoed through the area, it was all things Ace knew all too well. No matter how many times he looks at her, he just keeps finding more reasons to fall in love. Sabo followed his gaze and looked at (Y/n) before looking back at Ace and the blush that not so subtly covered his cheeks. He’s had his speculation about Ace’s crush on (Y/n) for a while now, and seeing how he can finally connect the pieces, he understood why Ace was busy and it didn’t help that Luffy and he interrupted it.
“Oh.” Sabo hummed as he shifted in his seat grabbing Luffy and (Y/n)'s attention. It was Sabo’s and Luffy’s cue to finally leave Ace and (Y/n) alone to enjoy the rest of their date. It would be a lie to say that he wanted to leave, in all honesty, he wanted to watch Ace go on this date. It’s been so long since Ace has found someone that actually gave him butterflies in his stomach but Sabo respected Ace’s wish. The one he really had to worry about was Luffy, he’s definitely one to not read between the lines, thus this is where Sabo comes in, “Luffy, come on let's go. We should leave Ace and (Y-”
“No!! I still wanna go on some rides with her!” Luffy exclaimed as he jumped up out of his seat and grabbed (Y/n)'s hand. She yelps from the sudden force, causing Ace and Sabo to jump up alongside her to make sure she doesn’t fall. Although she didn’t have time to fall as she was quickly dragged behind Luffy as he pulled her to the next ride he wanted to do. (Y/n) looked back at the others with a worried yet apologetic look as she tried her best to regain her balance. She felt really bad leaving the Ace behind, it was just supposed to be him and her the whole day yet Luffy and Sabo just happened to appear. Even though they did appear, (Y/n) was just going to make a short conversation with them and move on. She was sure Ace had the same idea, but she should’ve known that Luffy was bound to do something. All (Y/n) could do now I hope that Luffy doesn’t stay long.
After a long day of being pulled around the park with a very energetic Luffy and going on almost all the rides, (Y/n) was ready to puke. Not only was she ready to puke she’s also ready to go back to Ace and hopefully end the day together, at least. Throughout the day, (Y/n) barely had any time with Ace because of Luffy. Ace and Sabo tried their best to try and keep up with the 2 but as soon as Ace and Sabo arrived at the ride Luffy had already dragged (Y/n) on it or to a different ride. So much for Ace and (Y/n)'s date, it might as well have been Luffy and (Y/n)'s date. However, Luffy finally began to crash near the end, letting Ace and Sabo finally catch up to the 2. At the moment, Luffy and (Y/n) sat at the front of the park talking about each of their favorite rides while Ace and Sabo made their way to them. Now don’t get her wrong, (Y/n) enjoyed the day with Luffy but she still felt really bad about leaving Ace behind. It was supposed to be their first date today yet they hardly spent any time together.
“I liked the roller coaster that spun around while we rode it. That one was probably my favorite. " (Y/n) explained as she recalled that ride. She made Luffy ride it at least 3 times.
“Shishishi. We rode it at least 3 times, you really did like it.”
“Of course, it was a lot better than those rides you made me ride with all the twists and turns. I’m surprised I last as long as I did, I was about to puke. You're worse than Ace.” (Y/n) exclaimed as she leaned back into the bench, she was happy to sit somewhere that didn’t move. All Luffy did was laugh. It was around sunset, the skies painted hues of pinks and purple with the moon threatening to take over the sky. To (Y/n), there was nothing special that’s going to happen now. She doesn’t know that there’s going to be a firework show tonight, so as far as she knows is that the 2 of them are waiting for Ace and Sabo to arrive so they can go home. Because she already spent most of the day with Luffy, she might as well go home with them and try to make up for the time she didn’t spend with Ace.
“Jeez, we finally caught up with you 2.” Sabo’s voice called out, as he and Ace approached the 2. Both Luffy and (Y/n) perked up when they heard his voice and as soon as (Y/n)'s eyes landed on Ace, she jumped up from her seat and joined him at his side.
“Ace! Your finally back.” (Y/n) cheered while she easily and quickly slipped her hand into his, sending chills down each of their spines. The blush that was missing from Ace’s face had now reappeared as he looked down at his supposed to be date. Sabo scoffed at the 2 of them and looked back down at Luffy.
“You didn’t drag (Y/n) on every ride, did you?”
“Shishishi, nope...” Luffy shook his head, letting Sabo release a relieved sigh but he was quick to suck it back in when Luffy spoke up again, “Some rides were closed and had too long of a line.”
“Thank god for those. Luffy was trying to kill me. We went on like ever ride.” (Y/n) sighed, looking over at Sabo before looking back up at Ace again, “And I can’t believe I thought you were bad. Luffy made me go on every ride without a break.”
“I almost feel bad for you but I told you how much of a handful he was.” Ace laughed. It was nice to finally see her again after a long day of having to chase after her.
“Almost?! Aww, Ace you're so mean.” (Y/n) playfully pouted. Sabo scoffed again as Luffy stood up and join him by his side. Sabo finally felt at ease, Ace was finally able to go back to the date he and (Y/n) were supposed to go on, even if it can only last for one more hour.
“Well seeing how you were supposed to come here with Ace only. I’ll take Luffy and leave the 2 of you alone.” Sabo quickly noticed the relieved look on (Y/n)'s face and could guess for 2 reasons why: One so she can actually enjoy her date with Ace and two, so she can get a break from Luffy. Luffy laughed once again and waved bye to Ace and (Y/n), they finally took off leaving the 2 alone after an extremely long day. As if in sync, Ace and (Y/n) both let out a sigh and looked at each other, and laughed. It was no lie that the 2 of them were finally happy to be alone with each other again, give or take the crowd around them.
“Well, I can proudly say I officially met the whole ASL trio.” (Y/n) chuckled as the 2 of them began to walk hand and hand to the lake that sat in the middle of the park.
“Heh, I did tell you Luffy was a handful. Although I probably wouldn’t make the 2 of you get to know each other at an amusement park.” Ace added, smiling down at (Y/n), “I bet you're pretty tired.”
“Ugh, Ace, that’s an understatement. I feel like I can sleep for days.” (Y/n) said as the 2 of them approached the lake. Ace scoffed at her comment, but then fell silent. All he did was looked down at (Y/n) who began to kick pieces of popcorn on the floor into the lake for the ducks to eat. He really wanted this day to be perfect yet Luffy seemed to come and interrupted that. It was so not how they thought the day would go. The 2 of them had hardly spent any time together, Ace just spent the day talking to Sabo about (Y/n) and tell him every reason why he fell in love. At least he was lucky enough to be with (Y/n) right before the fireworks and if all goes well this time, right before the fireworks Ace should confess his feelings.
“Sorry that Sabo and Luffy showed up. I didn’t know they were gonna be coming today.” Ace started drawing (Y/n)'s attention up to him. She took a moment to look up at him even if its dark outside, (Y/n) could still see the cute freckles that covered his face. Before any moment longer; not wanting to make Ace feel uncomfortable and shrugged her shoulders and smiled,
“Yeah, It was unexpected but I-”
“They ruined our dated.” Ace cut off (Y/n) as he hung his head low in guilt and frustration. It was already hard enough to figure out his feelings for her and now it’s just as hard to just ask her out. (Y/n) could completely understand how he feels, she was also so looking forward to his date but even if it was interrupted by Luffy and Sabo it still considered a date, just not a perfect one.
“They didn’t ruin anything.” (Y/n) scoffed, squeezing Ace’s hand pulling his attention over to her.
“It was supposed to be a date. With just me and you and yet-”
“-and yet, your brothers tagged along. There nothing wrong with that. We still rode some rides together, took pictures together, ate together, and did other couple-y stuff together. Your brothers just happened to be here.” (Y/n) explained as she recalled all the times the 4 of them did meet up with each other. Ace’s face seemed to soften a bit after hearing her explanation, “And plus, I don’t know about you but I think I'm finally ready to be apart of your crazy family. After the hell your brother put me through I better be apart of the family.”
That’s when Ace froze. He didn’t know what to do or what to even say. All he could do was repeat her, “...Apart of my.. family??”
“Well of course,” (Y/n) gave a firm nodded as she looked up into Ace’s eyes. As he stared right back down at her, he noticed there was a look of determination in them. It almost reminded him of the determination he had of making this date perfect, but that had to just be wishful thinking. (Y/n) couldn’t possibly know the plan behind the date. Seems like he was wrong, “All that’s left to do is confess to me, right? So whenever your ready Ace, I’ll give you my answer.”
“You...know? How’d you know??” Ace began to panic now. The plan was supposed to be kept secret and yet she seems to know all about it. He knows for a fact that Marco and Thatch didn’t tell her, they hardly even know her and as far as he knows, she was pretty good at keeping his feelings to himself, so how does (Y/n) know. She giggled as she inched closer to Ace, slowly closing the gap between them. Ace didn’t even notice, he was panicking too much.
“Ya’know Luffy doesn’t have a quiet mouth. Soooo, he ended up telling me. Well, he told me something along the lines. I figured out the rest.” (Y/n) smiled.
“Luffy told you?? God, he so stupid. How does he even know, I don’t remember even telling him anything about it. I’m mean I think I brought it up with Sabo but the only people who knew about it was-” Ace began to ramble on as the heat of embarrassment rushed through his body. He, no doubt, felt embarrassed. Luffy practically told (Y/n) that Ace like her. One more thing that Luffy did to ruin the day. Ace would’ve probably rambled on for a while too, not that (Y/n) didn’t minded. It was cute seeing Ace freak out and see the blush that covered his freckled cheeks, but if (Y/n) didn’t shut him up they would’ve gone nowhere. So while she wanted Ace to be the one to confess, it looks like (Y/n)'s just gonna have to step up for this one. (Y/n) doesn’t know what came over her when she thought of this idea but she has seen it happen in a lot of romcoms so why not try it in real life. Standing up on her tippy-toes, she closed the gap in-between them and connect their lips. Ace definitely froze now. This date is not going how he planned at all. The one he asked out is the one kissing him now.
(Y/n) had only planned to kiss Ace quickly and sweetly; a small peck on the lips to shut him up but things didn’t end up going that way Unknowingly to (Y/n) the fireworks began to go off right in the middle of their kiss. Gasping, her mouth slightly opened for just a moment and Ace was quick to take advantage of that. There wasn’t a lot he could control about this date but he knows that he can easily take control of this kiss. Now he’s taking full advantage of (Y/n). He knows that she’s hardly kissed anyone before so she’s inexperienced. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and began to dance around her mouth, taking his time and enjoying the feeling. (Y/n) face lit up in at least 10 different shades of red, this was definitely now how she imagined the kiss going but she enjoyed it. Her hands found the back of his neck while his hands found her waist. By now, there was no extra space between the 2. A small groan left Ace’s lips as the 2 of them continued to kiss. Fireworks continued to light up the sky, but the 2 of them didn’t even care. Ace probably could’ve kept the kiss going but after feeling a soft tug from (Y/n) on his shirt, he finally broke the kiss. As he leaned back he studied (Y/n)'s face. With the help of the bright flashes of light that illumined the sky, he could see the huge blush that covered her whole face: her cheeks, ears, and even neck. It was an amazing sight to see, especially after all the times (Y/n) had made Ace blush. He easily thought of it as payback, and seeing how he left her speechless he felt satisfied.
“I guess I don’t have to give you an answer anymore, do I?” Ace smirked as his strong arm continued to keep a tight hold around her waist. It still took (Y/n) a moment to regain her composer, the kiss was so unexpected and...amazing. There was no doubt that the feeling between the 2 is very much mutual.
“I...uh..A...a-after that kiss, if you don’t ask me to be your girlfriend now I might as well walk out of here empty-handed.” (Y/n) also kept her hands around her neck not wanting to let go of the warm body. Ace scoffed at her comment. Although the day didn’t go as plan at all, at least Ace was able to confess and not lose (Y/n). It filled him with so much indescribable happiness, he was going to be smiling for weeks. He closed the gap one last time, but this time with a tight hug. As he snuggled his face into the side of (Y/n)'s neck, she giggled feeling his black hair tickle her neck, “Ya’know, I guess we do owe it to Luffy. I mean, if he didn’t tell me then I wouldn’t have confessed either.”
“You? Confessed?”
“Mm-hm. I can’t tell you how long I’ve liked you. But I guess it was the same as you. I was scared to ruin what we already had.” (Y/n) explained as she nuzzled the nose into his hair as if she was trying to hide. Ace’s eyes widen at her explanation, turns out he hardly knows his best friend, “But, we really do have to make sure to thank Luffy.”
“I’ll make sure to beat him up later.” Ace muttered causing (Y/n) to erupt in laugher. Although, (Y/n) thought Ace was joking around Ace knows for a fact that he will beat him up for ruining their date, but he must give him credit at least. Even though Luffy didn’t mean to do anything, he ended up making this the best day ever.
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match up, No. 10
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Anon said:
Hello! I would like the match up please I would like to have a Male character and here are stuff about me!
The thing I do mostly is like to care for others and help others, I mostly get tricked on very easily do to my kindness which will cause me to sometimes get very fiesty which not very but maybe like “ please just stop talking your being to loud.” In a annoyed tone, which is very rarely, I tend to like very many hobbies and I don’t judge people base on first glance I see what on the inside and not what on the outside, a weakness I have is my disability but I never allow it to stop me from my true goal in life! And I practically tend to like doing some boyish stuff like archery! I get a lot of compliments on my archery skill because a lot of people say I have the patients and the accuracy very good! My dislikes are I hate real cocky people who think there all good and don’t take stuff for granted I also hate people who look down on weak person as not a human but a animal. I hate peoples who take kindness for granted and use it for a selfish gain.
I stand at about 5’0 exact! I have long brown hair that gets a lot of attention because some people always say to me “ I die to have your hair:” I’m just a tiny bit chubby and have big blue ocean eye that gets a lot of compliments and a lot of people wanting it to. I very much get the attention for how smart I am and how kind I am! I also get some hate from boys when I prove them wrong that girls aren’t weak and I won’t back down from a fight if it means protecting myself, people or just anyone. I like to have some affection it doesn’t have to be a lot maybe just even a hand on the shoulder is fine! I also very do like to wear some baggy clothes and I do like wearing like summer dresses that are knee high. I also tend to get very excited from the smallest things. A lot of people think I’m a loner but when it comes to babies I’m all for them! My cousin even said “ she likes to be alone into babies comes in the picture and she all for them!” 💕I love children and my parents even told me “ your definitely going to be the house wife.” I don’t know if that a compliment or not but I’m taking it😂✌🏻 sorry if I shared so many!
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Hello there! How are you? I really enjoyed reading all those things about you. Believe it or not but the part in which you said that although you have a disability it is not holding you back to follow your dreams, was impressive. It truly made happy. I have two cousins that have a disability and get me sad every time I see them. But seeing them happy and keep doing whatever they want makes me always so damn happy. You seem to be such a sweet human. Someone bright and jolly. Please never ever change. You are such a strong and great human. Keep that attitude and make sure that even when you end up as a housewife don´t let anyone push you around or take you presence and work for granted. This world really needs more good humans like you. I am so happy you requested. When you mentioned housewife I instantly thought of Hinata (Narutos wife) and then thought about myself who is more of a mixture of Ino and Temari. That thought really made me laugh. LMAO!! Anyways I really hope you will like with what I came up with. If there is anything that bothers you or you don´t like, please tell me so I can change it. Other than that enjoy the little story I came up with. Happy reading!
Match up rules can be found HERE.
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: @/SK,Martins (Can be seen in the pic) (found on the internet) !!!
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· Well my dear anon. Like I mentioned before I think that you are a sweet and lovely human being. On top of that also simply adorable, fun and pure! Therefore I´d like to match you up with the future pirate king Monkey D. Luffy
· I think that you two would get along so well. So, SO WELL! Now hear me out!
· The way you two got to know each other might sound a bit of cliché but that’s simply how you meet. There was no princess in danger or a knight in a shinny armor but a clueless guy who wondered why a woman in a dress would walk around with arrows and a bow when they weren´t cupid. A simple human?! HA! Definitely not!
· Anyways that’s how everything started….
· The strawhats were docked on the island you were living in. At first they were anxious and didn´t want to leave their ship alone but when a worker at the harbor told them that the civilians on the island had cero problems with pirates as long as they didn´t do anything stupid or harm them. The whole crew got happy and started roaming around the island.
· Luffy being Luffy, screamed for food the moment his feet were on the island. And Zoro…. That guy yelled after him saying that if he gets to have food he wanted Sake. So, Luffy, Zoro and Ussop searched for a restaurant. Why Ussop you wonder? Well Nami send him with the boys because they otherwise would end up on the other side of the island. And Ussop compared to the captain and the first mate knew he had an actual brain and also knew how to use it.
· While the pirates were walking around the island you were helping out as a waitress in your uncles restaurant
· Everything went smooth. You served the people and had little chats with some of them. Some gave you too much tip and some other had you sitting with them and eat with them
· The people of the island knew you well. They knew you and loved you. Your uncle once even said that the only reason why his business was doing so well was because of you. The people never came for the food but rather for you. But you always denied it and told him that it was him and his food that was liked so much.
· Bu today there was something a bit different. A group of men you hated from the bottom of your heart came again. They were simply rude and egoistic. They were people from the wealthier part of the city, that was called royal neighbor. The reason why that neighborhood was called royal had nothing to do with the people that lived there. The only reason it was called royal was because it had a lot of wellness centers, hotels, casinos and parks. While this neighborhood, you were living in was given the name of idyll because of the beautiful nature. Landscapes that could have been painted and not to forget the dreamy beaches. But these group of young men simply didn´t understand that and thought of it differently. In a way that even the mayor couldn´t do anything else than just shook his head in embarrassment. But what could that poor man do. They weren´t doing anything against the law. They simply were annoying, stupid and egoistic.
· The group of young man, not older than 25, would always come once a week and have lunch in your uncles restaurant
· They entered the restaurant followed by three men you never saw on the island. At first you thought of them as sailors until you saw the green haired man carry three swords.
· You were in a dilemma. You didn´t knew if you should take care of the men that could have been pirates or the annoying group of disgusting men that always came. You gave your coworker a look and made sure he understood what you wanted. You were about to walk up to him and tell him to take care of the annoying group of men when you heard a plate breaking. You stopped in your tracks and instantly turned around.
· “This is our table. We always sit here. Now move you pathetic poor human.”, said Dean, the head of the group. You were mad. You were extremely mad and it took you so much energy and patience to not walk up to him and cut of his throat. But you calmed down and thought rationally. You took a deep breath and took your little notebook you used for writing down the guests orders when you heard a glass shatter right after Dean grabbed the customer at his collar and made him stand up. And this was exactly the moment you slammed you notebook and pen on the floor and yelled from the top of your lungs.
· “Watch out what you’re doing, you spoiled brat!”
· You stomped towards him and took a knife from a table on your way to him. “If you do not put him down in a bit and apologize, I swear to god I will make you regret waking up today and leaving your fucking bed!”, Dean knew you were no one to joke around with but his pride as a man kept pushing him. He chuckled and looked at you up and down while his friends that followed him like dogs laughed at your words.
· “Don´t make me start counting you pathetic version of a human.”, with furious eyes you looked up at Dean who still held the customer at his collar. “Look at that tiny girl trying to threaten…”, one of his friends was giving a comment but couldn´t finish his sentence because of you throwing the knife in your hand at him and cutting a bit of his ear and hair. You threw the knife with such a precise and strong grip that it ended up hitting the wall that was three meters behind him. “Watch out what you say because I don´t hesitate to drop the sweet girl attitude.”
· Dean looked at you with pure anger and let go of the man he was holding. He looked at his shocked friend and then back at you. “Today’s point goes to you. But the next time we come and this table is not free you will regret hurting him.”, said the angry man. “Listen here you little dumb spoiled creature. This table won´t be free for you. This is our table. Our property. You have no right to come and throw such a tantrum. And guess what, come again and I will be paying your parents a little visit and make them pay for everything you did. And I am sure that they won´t be pleased by your behavior since they are good friends with my parents and the mayor. Right? Now if I ever see you come here again I will make you pay. After today we will not accept your unacceptable behavior anymore. Now get the FCK OUT!!”
· After they left everything was silent for a few seconds but that change after your uncle started to clap and every person in the restaurant joined him. Your eye widened and your started to blush with a huge grin on your face. But that little moment of clapping didn´t last long. One of the pirates that entered the restaurant spoke up. “You did a good job but I AM HUNGRY!!!! Please FEED ME!”, you were confused. You didn´t know how to react and stood there like a statue.
· “Alright Sir. No worries. We will take your order in a few.”, said your uncle and approached you with a huge smile your notebook and pen. He pats your head with a proud smile. “You are such a brave and strong woman. I am so glad to have you in my family and I think it´s enough for today. Please take care of these men and then go rest: You deserve it.”, you nodded and smiled back to him. You pulled yourself together and made your way to the table of the pirates while your uncle left to take care of the broken glasses and the customer who had to deal with those stupid men.
· “Hello gentlemen. I apologize for making you wait I ….”, “No worries I actually enjoyed the show. You’ve got a good and precise eye. BUT NOW MY ORDER! Get me everything on the second site please.”, you absolutely didn´t knew how to react. You were looking at the talking man with a straw hat and then to his friends with big shook eyes. “I know what you thinking but he always eats that much and manages to stay alive. No worries. And getting to my order I´d like to have number 17 and 22 on the menu.”, said the one with a unusual long nose. “I take the same as him but with three bottles of your best sake.”
· You nodded with a disbelieving look on the face wondering if the first one is really going to eat all of the stuff. But you gave yourself a light slap and made your way to the kitchen only to be confronted with overwhelmed and surprised faces of the cooks. You shrugged with your shoulder and went to get the pirates drinks.
· While you went to get their drinks you saw that more people sat down next to the three pirates what made sense since the table they were sitting on was a huge one that usually only families took. Taking the drinks you served the three and greeted the new costumers. At the table sat a beautiful woman with black hair that complimented you for your adorable and genuine smile. With a blush you gave the others a menu too and took their orders
· Slowly with time passing all of their meals were served and you said your farewells and left the restaurant earlier then thought because your uncle said that he will take care of the rest. Thanking him you left and made your way to your archery lesson although it would have been way too early.
· Every time you came your sensei’s face would glow with pride. But the malicious person he is he would then drag you inside and introduce you to another challenge he came up with.
Time skip because ya author is lazy for the first time in a while now. *apologizes in trilingual
· It was late in the evening. You were on your way back home and thought why not take the route that would lead you to walk across the beach. You were having a good time alone. The sound of the waves that crashed on the cliffs and rocks were beautifully calming. The feeling of the sand under you feet were relaxing. With a smile upon your lips you were lost in your thoughts when the same guy with the straw hat you saw in the restaurant looked at you while blinking a few times before he asked you if you were Cupid the god of love like Sanji told him.
· With confusion taking over your mind you stopped in your tracks. Who on earth was he and that Sanji guy and why did he call me cupid? You wondered.
· And there you were looking at him with pure confusion while he looked at you with huge impressed and curious eyes for good 2 minutes until you shook your head and asked him who he and that Sanji were. He smiled at you and let himself fall down to sit cross- legged in front of you on the soft, warm sand. Now how do you think he introduced himself? Exactly my dear.
· “I am Monkey D. Luffy the future pirate King.”, “Huh?”, “And Sanji is one of my crew mates and the cook on my ship. Now tell me are you Cupid or not.”
· “Why would I be cupid?”, “Well you are wearing a pink white dress and you have a bow and arrows. So I thought that you might be on your way to shoot some people with them to make them fall in love. So, are you Cupid?”,
· “Alright first of all Cupid is a mythological creature made up by humans. He or she doesn´t exists. Secondly you really don´t look like a pirate nor do the others in your crew beside that one green haired man with the swords if he is also part of your crew. Thirdly you want to become the pirate king? Why?”
· And this my dear was how you two started a conversation that was to 50 % about him telling you stories of his adventures, 25 % basically about nonsense. And the other 25 % were… well that was about you telling him that you weren´t cupid but a actual human with the name f/n l/n. But he actually never got it. Until now.
· Eight years after your first encounter with the weird men called Monkey D. Luffy you still were busy telling him that you weren´t Cupid. But by now you not only had to tell him that but also your son who rather called you Cupid instead of mama.
· Congratulations you have two idiots in your life you love to the moon and back and would actually fight Garp for.
· “Does he really think that your Cupid or is that supposed to be something like a cute name?”, asked Dragon, the leader of the revolutionary army
· “I stopped thinking about that long ago, Sir. I really don´t know how to answer that. But just to make it clear if that confused you too. My name is y/n not Cupid.”, you told you father in Law with a sweet smile.
· “Wait. Cupid is not your name?! That brat introduced you to me as Monkey D. Cupid!”, Garp looked at you and Dragon with disbelieve.
· “If you ever wonder why you husband is so stupid just please now that, that stupidity comes from Garp. Not me. I swear.”
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animebw · 4 years
Thoughts on One Piece So Far
Oh hey, it looks like I’ve somehow read 200 chapters of One Piece! That’s, like, 20% of its current chapter count. And to think I only started reading it back in October. Guess time really does fly when you’re having fun! But hey, now that we’ve bitten off a sizeable chunk of this manga, I figure now’s a good time to do a quick rundown of my overall thoughts so far. The shorter posts are good for my time management, but I haven’t done too much deep analysis in the way I would with a normal binge-watch. Which means I’ve got a bunch of big-picture thoughts rattling around in my brain that I haven’t gotten a good chance to talk about yet. And that’s no good; with a story as massive as this, sometimes you gotta take a step back from the details and look at its entirely. So, with 200 chapters under my belt and the adventure well under way... what are my overall thoughts on One Piece?
Well, short version: it’s good! I’d even say it’s very good, especially ever since we got to the Grand Line. It moves along at a decent clip, with each new arc introducing something new and interesting about the world and the people within it. It juggles tons of moving pieces, but it’s able to balance them out well and find time to give everyone cool shit to do. These long-ass fight scenes could easily descend into utter chaos from Too Much Stuff going on, but Oda always does a great job keeping all the balls in the air and directing your attention through increasingly complex multi-tiered showdowns. And while his art can be overly busy at times, he 100% nails every last splash panel. Like, goddamn, some of his two-page spreads belong in an art museum. On top of that, this is such a bizarre, fascinating world, and I can’t believe it manages to make magic superpower-gifting fruit and walking gun dogs and specially magnetized islands and the criss-crossing global geography all feel like part of the same universe. And we haven’t even gotten to the musical skeleton yet! You really feel like the possibilities are endless; literally anything could show up on the next island and it would make sense as part of this universe.
As for the Straw Hat pirates themselves, I’d say their strength as characters comes more from their group dynamics than their individual characters. On their own, Nami and Zoro and Sanji and Usopp and even Luffy are all very simple. But throw them together in a constantly evolving series of challenges that demand different kinds of character match-ups, and damn are they entertaining to watch. There’s no shortage of great little moments that spring just from how they interact with each other, whether butting heads or pushing each other forward. They do have a bit of the old Jojo’s problem where they’re basically only dynamic characters when the plot’s specifically focusing on their arc and are reduced to quip and punch dispensers at all other times, but as long as those personalities are entertaining- and they are- that’s perfectly fine. They’re first and foremost vessels through which we get to experience the world and their friendship, only occasionally stepping to the forefront for truly personal introspection. But whenever things do get personal- in other words, the backstories- that’s when One Piece becomes truly great. I still don’t think we’ve topped learning about Nami’s past in the Arlong Park arc. That was just... so good.
All that said, while I’m definitely enjoying One Piece a lot, it’s not yet one of my favorite things ever. It’s not even in my second tier of “I love this thing and think about it on a near-constant basis.” Maybe that changes as it keeps going and keeps getting better; some anime and manga really are designed for the long haul. But even 200 chapters in, there are very few moments where One Piece has really, for lack of a better word, “gotten” me. A god-tier fight scene, a heartwrenching tragedy, a moment of sheer emotional catharsis, something spectacular enough to sweep me away with awe. It’s got highlights and strong spots aplenty, but there have been very few moments where I’ve sat back and said, “Wow, this is incredible.”
Which means we’ve got to talk about the elephant in the room.
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I am trying my absolute fucking hardest not to mentally compare One Piece to Gintama. They’re two very different anime/manga with very different goals, and they both deserve to stand on their own merits. And no piece of media is going to get a fair treatment from me if I’m constantly comparing it to my single favorite work of fiction ever. I am perfectly capable of taking One Piece on its own merits. That being said... yeah, these are both long-running Shonen Jump titles. They’re both huge, sprawling stories with a massive cast of characters, targeted primarily at a young male audience, trading in comedy and drama alike as they seek to restore your faith in the power of friendship and family. They’re certainly the longest works I’ve ever tackled on this blog: Gintama’s manga wrapped up around 700 chapters which translated to 367 episodes of anime and a movie, and One Piece just recently crossed its thousand-chapter mark, which would hypothetically land it around 600 episodes if not for all the gosh darn filler. So it’s kind of inevitable that I’ll end up comparing them to some extent.
And the sad reality is, everything that One Piece does well, Gintama does at least five times better.
Okay, let me clarify: the one thing One Piece has over Gintama is its worldbuilding and sense of adventure. Gintama mostly stays in a single city, but One Piece travels the entire world, and every location we visit is cool and exciting. In terms of the sheer breadth of the story’s world, One Piece is unquestionably king. But in terms of the sheer depth of literally everything else? It’s equally no contest in the exact opposite direction. Gintama’s characters are miles more complex and interesting. Its themes are infinitely more varied and realized with more detail. Its battles are charged with far greater emotional weight and thematic resonance. And it’s just able to do so much more in terms of actual content. Luffy and his crew are on this journey for the long haul, but Gintama’s loose relationship with structure allows it to tackle literally any kind of story you could possibly tell. From big battles to one-off vignettes to meta commentary to subversions and celebrations of every conceivable trope on the market, Gintama is a show that does everything a show can do, and does it better than it’s pretty much ever been done. All while still weaving a long-running narrative encompassing a staggeringly large cast of characters that are all given cool and important shit to do, down to the very last side characters you forgot about because they last appeared over a hundred episodes ago.
Like, let’s compare the Alabasta arc to, say, the Yagyu Clan arc from Gintama. In Alabasta, Crocodile is the big evil baddie who turns the people against their just and honorable king by feeding them lies. They get so swept up in the lies that good people on both sides of the conflict are tricked into attacking each other for crimes neither of them have committed, all while Crocodile stands to profit off it all out of a megalomaniacal desire to rule the world. He is unquestionably evil with no caveats, and his Baroque Works underlings are all equally evil in the exact same way. When the Straw Hats show up, they do battle against the agents in a series of one-on-one duels with few personal stakes beyond Beat The Bad Guy, all while racing a ticking clock to stop Crocodile and expose his lies before the good people on both sides tear each other apart.
Then there’s the Yagyu Clan arc, in which the antagonist is Kyubei. Kyubei is a traumatized enby forced by their family to fit into a toxic gender role, which has turned the a possessive abuser. They coerce Otae into marrying them by playing to her self-sacrificing tendencies, inspiring the rest of the main cast to come and save her. Over the course of their battle, in which the often-antagonistic Odd Jobs crew and Shinsengumi fight on the same side, we learn about all the important members of the Yagyu clan as people and how their influence poisoned Kyubei by forcing them into a box they don’t fit in. It’s not just a battle against evil, it’s a battle abusive parenting, and how that abuse can hurt people enough to turn them into abusers in turn. It sympathizes with the pain Kyubei’s suffered without excusing how they’ve turned that pain against someone else, respecting their identity while acknowledging that even people from marginalized groups can become abusers. And at the battle’s end, a defeated Kyubei realizes they were wrong and apologizes to Otae for hurting her, their parents apologize for raising them so toxically, and Kyubei begins the long and painful process of untangling their gender identity in a world that wants to fit them into a specific box, all while becoming a genuine positive influence in Otae’s life and one of the show’s best characters.
Do you see the difference here? The Alabasta arc is still good, and it does what it does well. But holy fucking shit, can you imagine anything like the Yagyu Clan arc in One Piece? Anything with that level of nuance and intensity and boldness in the subjects it tackles? It’s a treatise on abuse, its often inherited nature, gender identity, and how self-hatred can curdle into hatred of others. And it introduces yet another group of excellent recurring characters we’ll see throughout the show. And it includes a team of protagonists that don’t always work together but find themselves on the same side because of circumstance. And it finds time in the middle of all that for an episode in which four people engage in psychological battle to be the first to wipe their asses in a restroom with no toilet paper without breaking the flow. And it pulls all this off in six fucking episodes. The Alabasta arc is a climactic showdown paying off 100 chapters of build-up that’s over 50 chapters long, and Gintama packs more variety, complexity and emotional weight into a six-episode side arc that isn’t even close to the best arc of the series. There’s just no comparison.
I think the biggest problem with One Piece is that for all the complexity of its world and systems, it’s actually a very simple story. The good guys are good, the bad guys are bad, friendship and teamwork win the day, don’t listen to oppressive power structures because they’re evil and oppressive, live free and true to yourself. That’s not a bad story to tell, but without added complexity, it limits how good One Piece can be. Gintama explores similar themes, but it does so with a level of maturity and nuance that One Piece hasn’t even come close to. Yes, the show that regularly breaks the fourth wall and makes dick jokes every other episode is genuinely mature in how it approaches its themes of colonialism, oppression, revolution, and social issues. I can’t hold One Piece accountable for not being Gintama, because nothing is Gintama, and it was never going to top it in my eyes. But when I think of how fantastic these kinds of long-running shonen can be, I can’t help but see all the ways in which One Piece could be better. There’s a reason the backstories are uniformly the best part of this manga; they’re the spots where we get to see the characters really, truly mess up, or be outright wrong in a way that has catastrophic consequences, or suffer the kind of tragedy that turns them into a different, much more flawed person. Those are the rare moments where One Piece is emotionally complex, where it achieves its full potential and is genuinely great. At all other times, it’s merely really darn good.
But hey, really darn good isn’t anything to scoff at either. At the end of the day, this is just me nitpicking where One Piece falls short to the best of its contemporaries. Standing on its own, it’s still a really fun adventure story, and I’m having a very good time with it. I’d say my current score is... 8/10 or thereabouts? Yeah, that seems about right. We’ll see if it can keep getting better as it goes. Until next time!
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chenziee · 4 years
Leaves and Pumpkin Spice
[Read on AO3 or under the cut]
Super late entry for @lawlu-week‘s 10 Days of Lawlu Day 7: Falling Leaves Sorry for that, life became a real bitch right after the event ended :(
Ship: Law/Luffy Rating: Teen and Up Words: 2730 Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fluff, Humor, Fluff and Humor, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Idiots in Love, college student luffy, not that that matters, surgeon law, Established Relationship
Summary: Walking through the park with two coffees in hand, Luffy mourned the fact that he didn't have any time to appreciate the beauty of the autumn leaves or to play in the meticulously raked piles. But he had only 30 minutes and he wasn't about to waste them.
As he stood in line at his favourite coffee shop, Luffy couldn't help but tap his foot impatiently. Even though there were only two people in front of him, it felt like it was taking forever with the man at the register taking his sweet time with making up his mind on what to order. Luffy would never understand why some people insisted on holding everyone else up instead of waiting to queue until after they knew what they were getting. He hated waiting; hated having to stand in place with nothing to do except listening to people ask stupid questions like if a cappuccino had milk in it. And he especially hated waiting when he was already running low on time.
Thankfully, once the indecisive idiot moved on, Luffy’s turn came quickly since the girl in front of him was seemingly about as done and ready to run off with her coffee as Luffy was.
“Hey, Luffy. What will you be getting?” Usopp greeted from behind the counter, flashing him a grin which was gladly returned.
Luffy was always happy when one of his friends was working and he would be lying if he said it wasn’t a big part of the reason he loved this coffee shop so much. The delicious food and coffee and its close proximity to their college was really just a bonus.
Doing his best to avoid looking at the pastry case next to him, Luffy easily recited his order, “One large pumpkin spice latte with an extra shot of espresso and one large black coffee,”
Usopp nodded, writing his order and names down on the coffee cups before handing them over to the barista on duty. “You going to the hospital?” he asked as he took Luffy’s credit card.
“Yep! I just hope I make it, I’m running a bit late,” Luffy replied with a pout. Stupid indecisive customers. Never mind he had been too busy watching anime to keep track of the time and left late in the first place. No one had to know that, though.
“You better run then,” Usopp said with a smirk. “Stop by on the way back, I’ll save you a quiche.”
Luffy gasped. He had to stop himself from shouting as a wave of excitement washed over him. “Sanji’s?” he asked, nearly drooling at the idea of his friend’s cooking.
Usopp laughed, handing Luffy his credit card back. “Yes. But that’s only if you don’t get killed for being late.”
“Oh shit. Right.” Luffy slapped both his cheeks to bring himself back to reality. Usopp was right, after all; he really didn’t have the time to daydream about food. No matter how tasty it had to be and how good it would smell and how it would melt in his mouth and—
“Oi, Luffy,” Usopp said as he smacked him over the head with his sharpie. “You’re drooling.”
Luffy blinked, then shook his head to clear it a bit. Damn Usopp for distracting him with food. Putting his credit card away, he thanked his long nosed friend before moving over to the end of the counter to wait for his coffees. It only took a minute for them both to be done, the pink haired girl—Luffy was pretty sure her name was Rebecca, a freshman in their college—working blissfully fast. Luffy happily grabbed both cups as soon as they were presented to him and ran off, only pausing to grin and nod at Usopp who called after him, asking him to say hi to his doctor.
The walk to the university hospital from the coffee shop was short, only about ten minutes away, but as he glanced at his watch, Luffy knew he would be cutting it close. Picking up the pace, he quickly crossed the street to enter the city park, weaving his way through the trees and people taking casual strolls while enjoying the view of beautifully coloured leaves at a painfully slow pace.
The third time Luffy nearly crashed into a laughing child or a dog happily chasing said child, he cursed internally. He really didn't have the time for this. He needed to take the shortest route to the other side of the park without any distractions or delays. No matter how pretty the trees coloured with bright red and yellow looked or how much fun playing in the piles of raked up, already fallen leaves would be. He didn't have the luxury to walk at a slow pace like the other adults, or to run and jump around like the children. No matter how much the laughter of kids and happy barks of dogs accompanied by the telltale rustling of the dead leaves getting kicked and thrown all over was making him smile and tempting him to join in.
But he only had 30 precious minutes and coffees that were getting colder by the minute in the crisp autumn air. He had no time to play today.
When Luffy finally made it to the little grassy area in front of the hospital, he quickly scanned all the benches until his eyes caught the white lab coat and the contrasting black, short hair. He grinned, deciding not to call out to the doctor; instead, he made his way towards him slowly and quietly. As he walked, he took a moment to appreciate the wide shoulders and long neck. It was almost as if he was trying to show off how handsome he was with the way he was sitting there. Not that he was doing anything special—or was the type to do these things on purpose—but Luffy still thought looking so good like that should be illegal.
He might have been a little bit biased though. After all, he thought his boyfriend was always handsome, even after several long shifts at the hospital when he was sporting panda eyes worse than actual pandas and hair messier than Luffy’s own, sitting huddled into a blanket while nursing his eighth cup of coffee of the day and throwing glares at everyone. Whenever someone came over while Law was like that, they would all note how awful Law looked before they’d send him to sleep but Luffy never understood that. Even dead tired Law was so handsome it hurt and Luffy was pretty sure it was impossible for him to look awful. Everyone else was just blind.
Luffy sighed; what was he getting so worked up for anyway? It didn’t matter what anyone else thought. Law was his and he was handsome and funny and smart and Luffy loved him and that was all that really mattered, wasn’t it?
Grinning to himself, Luffy took the last few, quiet steps that separated them, standing directly behind his boyfriend and raising one of the coffee cups in his hands up to hover above Law’s head. Luckily, the man seemed to be too busy texting Bepo to notice how dangerously close he was to getting the shit scared out of him and Luffy had trouble keeping his laughter inside and ruining everything.
Taking a deep breath, he slowly let the cup go down—
“Don’t even think about it.”
Luffy groaned. Of course. Of course Law could somehow feel his presence and read his damn mind. He didn’t even look up from his phone, this asshole. As his last act of defiance, Luffy let the bottom of the cup hit Law in the head a little harder than strictly necessary, earning himself an annoyed ‘Hey!’ which he decided to ignore. Instead, he simply walked around the bench to drop down next to Law, a pout on his lips as he looked at his boyfriend.
“You’re no fun,” he complained.
Law smirked, making a show of looking at his phone before he shot back, “And you’re late.”
Luffy cringed, smiling sheepishly. “Sorry, there was a slow idiot at the coffee shop. Usopp says hi, by the way.”
“Uh-huh,” Law hummed slowly, his smirk widening as he reached up to touch Luffy’s hair, pulling out a dead leaf that somehow got tangled in it a second later. “Sure,” he added, twirling the leaf in between his fingers.
Luffy’s eyes widened. “That—” he paused, wrecking his brain for any plausible explanation— “must have fallen on me when I was walking through the park.”
Law raised an eyebrow at that, reaching out once more, this time towards Luffy’s collar bone. “I guess this one just so happened to fall and get stuck under your jacket, then?” he asked casually as he pulled out another leaf.
Just how many of these was Luffy carrying around in weird places? And he only jumped into a pile of them once.
Slowly raising his eyes from the two leaves in Law’s hand to look at the man himself, Luffy gave him the widest, brightest smile he could muster and simply announced, “Yep!”
There was a beat of silence before Law started laughing, tossing the leaves away and giving Luffy a look that was so soft and so full of amusement that Luffy couldn’t help but feel happy that he was able to put that expression there. That he could break the resting bitch face Law was constantly accused of having.
“Well, to be fair, I only just got here myself. A check up ran late,” Law said, gesturing to the coffees in Luffy’s hands.
“Don’t tease me then, asshole,” Luffy grumbled but immediately checked which cup was which before he handed the right one over.
Law accepted the now-lukewarm drink gratefully, then looked at Luffy with that damned smirk again. “Sorry,” he simply said. 
He didn’t sound sorry at all.
Luffy huffed but before he could complain about how mean Law was to his quality caffeine provider, Law leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to Luffy’s lips, breathing a quiet ‘thank you’ as soon as they parted. Now, that was just unfair; how was Luffy supposed to sulk when Law went and did something like this?
Oh well.
“You’re welcome,” Luffy said with a grin, raising his own cup to his lips and humming appreciatively. That place really was the best, even without the fact Sanji did most of their cooking; the coffee was absolutely delicious as always.
“What’s this?” Law asked a moment later, voice full of… something.
Luffy blinked, tilting his head to the side in confusion at the way Law was staring at his coffee. “Pumpkin spice latte?” he tried, unsure why Law needed to hear it. Luffy could smell the distinct aroma of it the entire time he was carrying it.
Law looked at Luffy with something that was probably supposed to be a glare but to Luffy it only looked like he was trying to hide his embarrassment. “You know I always get it black,” he complained a second later and Luffy couldn’t stop the snicker that forced its way past his lips.
Law was seriously so cute.
“Torao, how long have we been together? I’m pretty sure you can stop pretending to like it black just for the aesthetic of it at this point,” Luffy stated matter-of-factly as he took great care to take a long, taunting sip of his own black coffee.
Luffy was pretty sure if Law was wearing his favourite hat, he would be pulling it down to hide his blush right then and he couldn’t stop smiling. Seriously, how was this man real? So handsome and sexy, unashamed and confident in everything he did, yet absolutely adorable.
Luffy was so damn lucky.
Law often disagreed with him on that point but for all his smarts, Law was often wrong. Always wrong when it came to whether or not he deserved Luffy. But Luffy didn’t mind; he would tell his Torao over and over, as many times as he needed to hear it.
Shuffling over a little, Luffy leaned against Law’s side. Law automatically threw his arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer as they sat in silence for a little while, simply enjoying their coffees and each other’s presence. They didn't have much time, after all. Law would have to go back to work soon and then they wouldn’t be able to see each other until late evening when he would finally get home. Luffy couldn’t wait for tomorrow when they were both free and could lazy around in their bed—or possibly on the couch watching movies if they were feeling adventurous—all damn day with no distractions.
Distractions like the nurse who was currently running towards them and calling Law’s name like he was a middle schooler skipping class and they both groaned. So much for their 30 minutes. “Doctor Trafalgar, you need to come back, there’s a patient—”
“Are they dying right this minute?” Law asked, voice flat, and Luffy had to bite his bottom lip to keep himself from snorting.
The nurse looked taken aback, blinking a few times before she slowly replied, “Well, no, but—”
“Then they can wait five minutes,” Law said firmly, sending the now positively scandalized nurse off.
Luffy waited until she was out of earshot before he started laughing. “Is she new?” he asked, glancing up at Law to watch his expression go from annoyed to slightly amused.
“Yeah, transferred last week or something. Can’t get used to me not giving a fuck,” he said, waving the hand he had around Luffy’s shoulders dismissively. “Also keeps glaring at my tats.”
“God forbid the genius Surgeon of Death has a tattoo or ten.” Luffy nodded solemnly, making Law chuckle.
“Exactly,” Law agreed before rolling his eyes as he continued. “I’m also told she’s extra pissed off because I have a boyfriend and won’t date her.”
Luffy gasped, putting his hand over his heart dramatically. “You have a boyfriend? And here I was, thinking I had a chance!”
“He doesn’t have to know,” Law said, his tone so over-the-top seductive that Luffy burst out laughing.
“You’re a terrible man, Doctor Torao,” Luffy scolded, doing his best to keep the laughter out of his voice and failing terribly.
Law huffed, shoving Luffy away from himself half-heartedly before tilting his head back to drain his cup of the last drops of coffee. “I can’t believe you keep calling me Torao even in situations like this,” he said, giving Luffy a disappointed look. Probably because Luffy ruined the game by using his nickname but like hell could Luffy be bothered to say his full name.
“It’s not my fault your surname is so stupid,” he replied, sticking his tongue out at Law. “Besides, you keep calling me Straw Hat, too. I’m half-convinced you don’t know even a part of my name.”
“Sure, Straw Hat-ya, whatever you say,” Law teased and Luffy was tempted to throw something at him. Too bad there was still some coffee in his cup.
“You’re an asshole. Go off to save some lives or whatever,” Luffy muttered, his efforts to sound upset sadly betrayed by the wide smile that he couldn’t wipe off of his face.
Law chuckled, finally standing up and stretching, giving Luffy a nice view of his back once more. Now, that had to be on purpose. Not that Luffy was complaining. “I’m going then, since you hate spending time with me so much,” he said off-handedly, turning around to glance at Luffy who only rolled his eyes.
“Yep. That’s why I came all the way here with your stupid latte,” Luffy agreed as he took Law’s empty cup to throw out later.
Luffy looked up when he felt warm fingers brush his cheek. Law was standing above him, tilting his face up more and Luffy saw no reason to not oblige. Leaning up into the soft kiss, one that tasted of coffee and pumpkin spice, Luffy couldn’t help but melt into the touch. Law’s hand on his cheek was warm and soft, his lips slightly chapped but so very sweet, smiling against Luffy’s own, and Luffy wished he could keep him right there, next to him forever.
Stupid people who just had to be dying and in need of his asshole of a genius surgeon.
But well, Law loved his work, as much as he griped and complained about it, and as long as he was happy, so was Luffy. Didn’t mean he didn’t want to steal him for himself once in a while though.
“Good thing you hate me so much, then,” Law mumbled against Luffy’s lips when they pulled away from each other minutely.
Luffy grinned. “Hate you so much I could die.”
“Good,” Law nodded, pressing one last kiss to Luffy’s lips. “See you later, Luffy.”
Luffy laughed at the deliberate use of his name. As if he needed to hear it to know Law hated him about as much as he hated Law.
Quickly grabbing the hand that was sliding off his cheek, Luffy briefly kissed the small image of a straw hat on Law’s inner wrist—a tattoo that matched the little heart that Luffy carried in the same place—before letting go.
“See you later, Torao.”
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side-lizabeth · 3 years
This part is the spoiler-free part of my impressions.
I don’t know what I was expecting from Dressrosa but it didn’t left me wanting for more... outside the animation part, probably. But I mean when you get spoiled on how OP’s being animated rn, no sh*t. Although I really did enjoy the new characters. Cavendish is accidentally becoming one of my favourite characters and this is because of the anime of Gintama... But that’s because I’m finding more and more seiyuus in One Piece that just so happened to be voicing recurrent characters (or straight up main characters) in Gintama, so I shouldn’t be suprised.
And then there’s Zou and I’d lie if I’d say I should have had expected an island with furries, and yet I didn’t. ...and once again the “holy sh*t I wasn’t expecting these seiyuus being in One Piece too” striked back. But at this point I don’t know if it’s really because of Gintama or just because I’m starting to go back to my old teen hobbies like when I was a hardcore Seiyuu fan, and recognizing a lot of seiyuus is giving me a huge bust of serotonin. (?)
Above all, I liked Dressrosa more than Zou, even if Dressrosa has... it’s own issues.
If you want to go straight up to the spoiler section, click down here:
Let’s start with Dressrosa:
I thought to just continue this lil update, where I started the non spoiler section by saying that I won’t feel any shame or make an apology for reblogging non stop posts of Roronoa Zoro, I’m still on that Idea, fight me if you want(maybe no); but I decided to explain more about my first impressions, and then maybe elaborate extra stuff from those bullet point-lighning round from that post.
Overall, I had fun. I geniuently enjoyed Doffy as a villain, and his motivations where pretty interesting too. NGL, this arc is basically new world Alabasta” and it pretty much shows... But the thing is that this time it was a little bit more interesting because of Doffy.
Doffy being the combo of Warlord and Celestial Dragon may sound like that moment of the Simpsons of “it’s just the same doll but with a new hat” in comparison to Alabasta, but even if I also enjoyed Crocodile as a villain in there, at least Doffy had a more interesting backstory and motivations to explore... while Crocodile was just an excuse to show off Nico Robin in all her glory. That’s it. I said it. (and probably made a fwend sad). Please, Crocodile, sir, next time you come back please do show us the secret Ivankov and you only know and then we talk.
Overall, I just had the time of my life hating Doffy, that’s it. I’m not going to try to explain anything else. I’m a basic b*tch whose favourite villains are the ones who are just so evil I just have the time of my life hating on. Like Tsurumi from Golden Kamuy, another despicable motherf*cker, for instance.
...Btw, I just need to break this impressions one moment to openly say that, as a Spaniard, I feel weird now saying Doffy’s entire name. For a reason. And Cora-san’s too. Now I understand english speakers(americans to be more precisely) when they watch Bungou Stray Dogs and some characters from there just happened to be named after famous english literature writers... (the first comparison I just thought about, don’t attack me plz)
Also, kudos to the voice actors because they did an amazing job and I had even more fun, like for instance Koyama Rikiya. I absolutely loved Kyros thanks mainly to him... Although I wish I could entirely say the same about Rebecca and Baby 5 because they barelly had any screentime or, at least personally speaking, didn’t to bring something interesting tothe table... Well, maybe I can excuse Baby 5 because of the ending of Punk Hazard, but with Rebecca definetly not. FFS her seiyuu is the Queen Hayashibara Megumi, I was expecting more from Rebecca (although maybe the blame is really in me for expecting that much) than what we got. But don’t get me wrong, I did like her but.. I wanted just a little bit more of her.
Another thing I enjoyed a lot was the introduction of Fujitora. I knew he was popular for a reason, but I wasn’t expecting it to be... because of this. I was expecting him to be popular only because he was a blind old man who could fight harder than the dudebro’s gary stu fanfic-like idea they have of Zoro, but he’s definetly not that. Fujitora is a really interesting man who geniuently thinks about people’s safety (can’t say the same about Sakazuki and Borsalino, lol), and I respect that.
Now I’m just going through some bullet points from the update post:
First bullet point I’m actually elaborating: The Colloseum part was hella boring.
I just couldn’t stand it. I barely gave any sh*t about the characters and there’s also times where I’m just thinking that the Colloseum part could had been handled differently, with more interesting characters but well, that’s my opinion. I mean the only tournament arcs that I genuenly enjoyed were the Galaxy Wars from Saint Seiya (the OG one from the 80′s if somebody’s wondering), and maybe the Heaven’s Arena arc from HxH, so even if I was interested on seeing the OP take on it.. It kinda went sour for me at the beggining of this tournament, honestly. The fight versus Diamante was probably one of the very few interesting things happening inside the tournament.
And don’t get me wrong, interesting things do happen inside, like the encounter of Luffy and Rebecca, the fate of the losers from the colloseum, etc. But the tournament arc itself... not the best thing, pretty boring tbh.
The second bullet point I’m actually elaborating, but this time I’m literally copy-pasting the bullet point... for a reason: I STARTED TO SWEAT IN F*CKING FEAR WHEN NAMI’S GROUP ENCOUNTERED BIG MAM’S SHIP, AND EVEN MORE WHEN SANJI SAID “I’M GETTING INTO THAT SHIP”. NO. PLEASE. DON’T. I’M NOT READY FOR WHOLE CAKE ISLAND YET.
Look, by the time I’m writing this I’m already in Whole Cake and let me just tell you one thing; I’m still not ready for this arc. I know it’s very important, specially for Sanji’s development as a character and it’s like a re-introduction of him, but I’d lie if I’d said that I “do feel sensitive” around the themes explored in this arc, and it’s personally tought to go throught it but... Since it’s just too long and too personal to share the entire reason on a public post, I’m just leaving it as the following: “I’m not ready to tackle those themes, but I feel like I need to tackle them if I want to be the best version of myself”. That’s all.
The third and last bullet point I’m actually elaborating, LET ME TELL YOU HOW GINTAMA F*CKED ME UP ENTIRELY
For the sake of being short, I’m a crazy Gintama fan. I’m almost like an encyclopedia of shorts for all(?) Gintama content. I’ve been like this since I was 14-15 y/o (when I’m writing this I’m currently 25), so of course, if there’s something that remotely resembles something from Gintama (mainly gintama jokes or references when it happens), I’ll react to it instantly (but in a healthy way, not like an obnoxious annoying elitist lil sh*t of a fan), and sadly, part of this curse I ended up with included reconizing every single seiyuu that appeared in Gintama (or at least the ones who voiced important/popular characters) in other anime. And of course, seiyuus from Gintama did already appear before Dressrosa; like kid Ace’s seiyuu Sakaguchi Daisuke (voice of Shinpachi), or... Akainu’s seiyuu Tachiki Fumihiko (voice of Hasegawa “Madao” Taizou)... But then there’s Dressrosa and... It just went all over the board (pun not intended... does it even count as one tho?).
And don’t get me wrong, this did also happened to me on reverse with One Piece Seiyuus, but.... coming back to “Gintama f*cked me up”, it hitted differently, because it almost looked like they were casted to play certain characters based on the characters they played in Gintama and... NGL, it made everything even more hilarious. Like the fact that Kugimiya Rie voices a bad mouthed “child” in One Piece(Sugar)... just like she does in Gintama(Kagura). And I know technically speaking Sugar “is an adult” BUT, if we follow the logic of her Hobby Hobby fruit, she’s doomed to be an eternal child for the rest of her life, as in “no more development like a normal adult human would”. I’m just saying what the canon says, don’t mind me.
...Or Cavendish. I can confirm you that Cavendish is pretty much Gintama’s Katsura Kotarou’s madness as an OP character. And now he’s one of my favourite background characters in One Piece... Mainly because of that. And yes, they do in fact share the seiyuu Ishida Akira. (Also, is it just me or is he inspired by Lady Oscar from The Rose of Versailles???)
...So yeah, TLDR: too much gintama made me shout “oh shit, gintama’s taking over one piece”
Now with the Zou impressions
I liked the idea of Zou being an “island”, that’s not an Island but a millennia old elephant, walking around and hard to track down. Brilliant. Also, I’m pretty sure it’s inspired by something mythological but I still can’t point out which one.
...also I wasn’t expecting Pedro to be voiced by Miki Shin’Ichiro, in the same way I wasn’t expecting Orikasa Fumiko as Wanda... although she already voiced someone previously in One Piece so...
Even if it was a short arc, it gave a lot of valuable information like the origin of the poneglyphs and the link between the Mink tribe and the Kozuki clan from Wano but...
What I wasn’t expecting was how we got introduced to the Whole Cake arc. I came to this arc, thinking the Whole Cake thing won’t be that mentioned and... I ended up crying because of the sacrifice Sanji was willing to partake in... I feel bad for that guy... And since by the time of writing this I’m already in Whole Cake... Without spoilers I’ll say: yeah, no sh*t I was feeling bad for him” (also because I got almost entirely spoiled over all Whole Cake arc).
...but look, ngl, I didn’t like very much the ending of this arc. Probably what happened to Momonosuke and the Millennia old elephant may be more interesting and better explained in the near future but... I was more confused than anything, and I’m hopping it to be better explained in the future. I’ll just leave it as such.
Over all, if I had to choose, I’d say that Dressrosa was more entertaining than Zou... Although Zou did deliver bigger stuff when it comes to plot development, while Dressrosa was more focused on the next step to overthrow a Yonkou than anything, I felt like I had more ”fun” watching Dressrosa... Probably because I also want to get to Wano already.
Now I’m in Whole Cake arc, I’m more or less by the beggining of the arc and oh boy... This arc is going to be harder than expected and the only thing ready I have are the pocket tissues by my side because I already know I’m going to cry the hell out of this arc. And of course, have my soul utterly destroyed by the Reintroduction of Sanji and his past.
I hope he has a break after this because wow... He needs too many hugs to count. Probably more than Luffy in Marineford.
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ghost-kitty · 4 years
Me: I want these prompts to be short, maybe 1000-1500 words  
Also me: *writes 3500 words of p*rn...
Bellamy grins at him through the screen of his laptop, wiping his sweaty forehead and smearing it red with his bloody hands. What an idiot.
“We got all the information we need out of him boss,” he says proudly as if he actually accomplished something big. Law holds himself back from rolling his eyes; if the idiot thinks he will get praised for something as basic as getting information out of a poor bastard with torture, well then he's definitely talking to the wrong person.
“What should we do with him? Kill him?”
He taps his index finger lightly against his lips in thought but before he can answer he gets distracted by a soft noise; a desperate little whine. Taking a sip of his whiskey he leans back in his office chair to look down to his feet.
A smirk soon appears on his lips as he takes in the sight in front of his eyes.
Luffy is sitting on his knees by Law's feet, hands tied behind his back with a silk ribbon and ball gag still placed firmly in his mouth.
He looks delicious like this.
Normally Law doesn’t like gagging him; he enjoys his needy moans way too much. But now and again it’s fun to play with him like this. Especially since Luffy gets so adorably frustrated when he’s not able to shout Law’s name for the whole mansion to hear.
And Law loves it too. However, he has been a bad boy; forgetting to watch his tongue once again. Bad boys don’t get what they want.
Completely ignoring Bellamy on the other end of the video call, he eyes his little pet up and down. The choice of sexy underwear has been a fantastic idea, if he may say so himself.
The teen looks absolutely ravishing in the white lingerie set. Everything from the little bralette to the panties and the garter belt - that looks more like a very short skirt - is made out of ruffled chiffon. The thigh highs match in colour aswell, as do the included choker with the leash attached to it.
He looks perfect. Cute and innocent; as if Law hasn't tainted him in every way possible already.
“Get rid of him,” he finally answers bellamy’s question, eyes not once leaving Luffy’s.
Law licks his lips as he admires his pretty face painted white with his cum from the blowjob earlier.
What a beautiful sight.
They’ve been at this for at least three hours already; with Luffy sitting at Law’s feet like a good boy while he gets some work done. He hasn’t let Luffy cum yet while he on the other hand got to shoot his load twice; the first time down his toys throat and the second time all over his pretty tear-stained face. He really looks too good with Law’s cum all over him…
The thought alone makes him harden in his pants again. He smirks, it’s time for the next round.
Luffy on the other hand seems to be done with the game Law is playing. He glares up at the older man, brown eyes piercing him with an intense stare.
Now that’s not a good pet at all.
To remind him who exactly is in control here, Law tugs at the leash in his hand. 
He tugs hard enough that Luffy’s upper body jerks forward. With his arms tied behind his back he fails to hold his balance and almost topples over if it weren’t for Law’s legs preventing him from kissing the floor
“Be a good boy,” he scolds but can’t help but chuckle at Luffy’s angry expression.
Bellamy clears his throat, forcing Law’s attention back on him. It’s a good thing that he can’t see Luffy on the floor. Good for him or else Law would have to gouge his eyes out…
“Make sure to get rid of his body properly,” he says and with that he ends the call. His erection is throbbing painfully and he can imagine more fun things to do than to make sure that his henchmen are doing their job right. So much more fun things…
Luffy tries to say something through the ball gag and earns himself a slap on his cheek. Not hard enough to hurt him, but hard enough to feel the sting. He feels how warm the skin gets as he gently caresses it with his thumb, humiliating the boy even further.
He lets out a soft whine, fresh tears springing to his eyes but Law can feel his little cock twitch against his leg.
What a good little whore he is, enjoying to be treated like a worthless dog.
“Why so impatient doll?” he asks with a smirk, patting his thigh, “be a good little pet and come sit in my lap.”
Luffy gets up from floor immediately and climbs into his lap like he was told.
Good boy.
With his index, he softly brushes over Luffy’s erection, making the boy shudder in his lap. “Want me to remove this?” he asks while slightly tugging at the gag.
The teen nods vigorously and Law feels generous. He reaches behind his head to undo the buckle and removes the ball. Luffy starts coughing weakly. Tears stream down his cheeks and fuck he looks so unbelievably sexy; Law’s pants are getting tighter by the second. “You don’t like being gagged baby?”
When Luffy doesn’t answer Law grabs a fistful of his black hair and jerks his head back forcefully. The choked out scream sounds like an angel’s choir to the older man’s ear.
Grip still firmly in Luffy’s hair he goes to undo his slacks with his free hand, cock springing free and standing proudly against his stomach.
Luffy’s gaze wanders down to Law’s dick, eyes full with desire. What a perfect little cock-slut – fuck!
“But you love to get your mouth stuffed full with my cock, don’t you.” It’s not even a question. Law knows exactly how much the boy loves to choke on his dick. With his oral fixation he comes easily just from Law’s length shoved down his throat.
Fuck, once again he is reminded just how fucking perfect Luffy is for him.
“Law please,” he begs sweetly, “I don’t want to wait any longer… please fuck me already!”
Finally letting go of his hair, Law tugs at the leash again. “Oh? You don’t want to wait any longer yeah?” he asks mockingly, “want me to bend you over my desk and fuck you stupid? Hm, that’s it right? You want me fill your slutty little hole to the brim with my fat cock and fuck you hard and fast.”
Luffy moans his agreement, subconsciously rocking his hips to get a little bit of release at least.
The tattooed smirks and tugs on the leash again. “Well I have news for you baby boy: this is not about what you want. Now tell me; who’s the one holding the leash baby.”
“Y-you,” he stammers meekly.
“Exactly. And that makes you what?”
“Y-your… your p-pet…”
Gently he pats the teen’s cheek; smiling softly, satisfied with the answer. “See, you can be such a good boy.” Leaning in he whispers against Luffy’s lips: “Good boys get rewards.”
Luffy melts against him as soon as their lips meet. He’s so weak for kisses, it’s adorable.
“So fucking pretty baby,” he mutters, “now, what do I want to do with you…”
His tattooed hands wander to Luffy’s thighs, groping at the exposed skin right above the thigh highs. He pulls at the garter and lets it snap back against his skin.
“Fuck you look so sexy. So sexy for me darling.” Soon he lets his hands wander down to his butt, the soft skin feeling just right in his hands. He kneads the plump butt for a moment, enjoying all the noises coming from Luffy.
“Want to ride my cock, baby?”
He nods, letting out another desperate whine as Law suddenly pulls his cheeks apart - moving the panties to the side aswell - to tug at the butt plug inside of him. “This not enough?”
“N-no! N-not enough! Please… your cock… please!”
Law huffs. “Filthy slut.” The boy shudders at the insult and Law grins. “You really love my cock, huh?”
“Yes! Yes… love it, love it! Law fuck me, please!”
Without a warning whatsoever, Law removes the plug from his slick, lubed up hole and tosses it on the floor. He grabs Luffy’s thighs to hoist him up in the air and line himself up with the teen’s gaping entrance. He cries out Law’s name when he enters him in one swift motion, stuffing his tight little ass to the brim.
“Now be a good little toy for me and ride my cock.”
Without further instructions, Luffy obeys and starts bouncing up and down Law’s length, squeezing him oh so perfectly. “H-hah… Law… oh god! S-so big!”
Law pulls on the leash again, bringing Luffy’s face closer to crash their lips together. Licking his lips he demands for the boy to open his mouth. He, of course, gives in easily and lets Law slip his tongue inside his hot mouth. He licks into it greedily; his own taste still lingering on the younger’s tongue.
They have to part for air soon and Law stops to admire the boy in his lap. The lingerie looks delicious on him, even more so with the debauched look on his pretty face. He’s a mess of tears, cum and drool.
A fucking masterpiece is what he is.
“Good boy,” he praises and Luffy picks up the speed of his movements. He takes Law’s huge cock easily, lifting himself up until only the tip is inside of him and then slams down until his full length is nestled balls-deep inside of him again.
“Please,” he begs, “L-ahh p-please… let me touch… hah… you.”
His speech is slurred and his legs are trembling. With his panties already drenched in pre-cum, Law decides to have mercy with the teen. He frees his little cock and starts to pump him lazily, all while Luffy continues to fuck himself on Law’s dick.
“Hngh… s-so close… hah… please…”
Oh no, that won’t do.
He pulls on the leash – hard – making him fall forwards into Law’s chest. He whines helplessly, being completely at Law’s mercy, yet his ass continues to bounce up and down on the cock inside of him.
“If you cum now,” Law growls, “you will get punished.”
Luffy buries his face in the crook of Law’s neck and sobs: “P-Please…!”
“Do you understand?”
When Luffy only nods his head weakly against Law’s neck, he grips his hair again and yanks his head back. In his deep voice he growls: “You answer me if I ask you a question! Or do you rather not want to talk, huh? Is it that? You want me to gag you again?”
Luffy lets out a sob, a pathetic little sound, and shakes his head as much as he can manage with Law's tight grip holding him in place. “N-no! Please Law… I’m s-sorry…”
“Yeah? You’re going to be a good boy for me?”
“Yes! I-I’m a good boy f-for you!”
Suddenly Law grabs his butt, digs his fingers into the soft flesh, making Luffy mewl in protest when he lifts him off his cock. He stands up from his chair and puts Luffy back down on the floor where he stands on wobbly legs, knees almost giving out under his weight. 
The older man moves his laptop aswell as a few important documents to the side before he slams Luffy face first down onto the desk. With one hand he pushes his face down on the varnished wood while the other is busy groping his butt. He spreads his cheeks and lets out a whistle at the sight.
“Look at that slutty hole,” he chuckles, “it’s twitching. Miss my cock already?”
Before the teen can answer, Law lets go off him completely and takes a step back to give himself some room to admire his toy. His cock feels neglected, missing the tight heat around him, so he wraps his hand around the shaft and starts to sloppily jerk himself off to the erotic picture in front of him.
Luffy lets out a needy moan and wiggles his ass in the air. He holds himself up on his tippy-toes on shaky legs. Law is sure he wouldn’t be able to support his own weight were it not for his upper body to lie flat on the wooden desk.
He looks beautiful; skin glistening with sweat, his black hair a mess and the cute white lingerie a beautiful contrast to how lewd he actually looks.
“Law… please!”
The older man clicks his tongue. “God you’re such a filthy little whore. Acting as if you’re dying without my cock deep inside your ass. Are you that desperate?”
“Y-yes,” he admits with a sob, “n-need it. Need your cock. Please!”
How could he say no to Luffy’s sweet begging?
Quickly Law lines himself up with his greedily fluttering hole and pushes his whole length in with one swift snap of his hips, making the teen moan out his name like it’s a prayer.
Oh, Law definitely is his god and lucky for his little pet, he intends to listen to Luffy’s prayers.
He starts fucking him hard and fast, exactly how he likes it, making sure to hit the sweet spot inside of him with every thrust. He grunts when Luffy tightens up even more, fucking into him even harder. “Fuck you’re so tight baby, feels so good! Aren’t you a perfect slut for me?”
Luffy is panting heavily, his small body being pushed forward with every snap of Law’s hips. It must hurt, the older thinks briefly, the way his skin grazes against the desk. However; from the blissed out look on his face, he doesn’t seem to mind at all.
Law has a firm grip on the younger’s waist, gripping the flesh so hard it will probably leaves bruises for Law to admire the next day. He loves to leave his marks all over his body, making sure that everyone knows Luffy is his and his alone!
“How is it baby boy?” he purrs, leaning forward and blanketing his body with his own much larger one. He nibbles on the boy’s ear, not slowing down his harsh thrusts, and then moves down to his neck; deciding that he needs a few marks there too. “Do you like it to get fucked open by my cock baby?”
“God yes,” Luffy all but screams. His voice sounds hoarse from how hard he got his throat fucked earlier. It makes his sweet moans even sexier. “P-please Law… it’s so good… hahh… your c-cock feels so good! I-I want to cum… god please Law let me cum…!”
The teen begs and sobs, tears flowing freely down his red cheeks. Law kisses them away before capturing his swollen lips for a passionate kiss. It’s almost gentle – for his standard it sure is – but his thrusts are incredibly rough.
Sometimes while fucking Luffy, he thinks he will break him; that there has to be a point for the teen where he just can’t take it anymore. But Luffy keeps surprising him; he never asks Law to slow down or to stop. He just keeps fucking taking it – hell – he even demands Law to give him more.
It’s almost making him dizzy how perfect Luffy is for him...
Only when it comes to sex of course, he quickly adds to his own thought. For Law there doesn’t exist anything else outside of a sexual relationship.
Law rises to his full height again to thrust deeper and harder into the mess that is Luffy.
He growls: “Yeah? Then cum for me baby!”
As soon as the command is spoken, Luffy comes undone on Law’s cock, spilling his hot seed on the expensive wood. He’ll get a punishment for this later but right now Law couldn’t care less. His vision turns blurry for a few seconds when Luffy tightens even more around him during his orgasm, almost as if he tries to suck in more of Law’s dick when he’s already stuffed full. What a slut…
Luffy goes slack after he comes down from his high, basking in his afterglow as he lies limply on the desk, still getting pushed forward from Law’s hard thrusts.
Arousal rushes hot through his veins; he’s close too but not ready to let the fun end just yet.
Luffy slowly comes back into reality. He whimpers softly as Law keeps fucking him past his orgasm to the point of overstimulation. Drool drips down his chin as he cries and whines: “Law… ahh Law please! N-no more! ‘s too much… hah… please!”
The soft pleas turn him on even more and he picks up his pace, fucking him even harder.
He grabs Luffy by the hair and yanks him up; his back arching so much it actually looks painful.
“N-no! L-ahh please s-stop,” he sobs while contradicting his own words by raising his ass higher up in the air to give the older man better access.
His face is a wreck, his puffy cheeks red and wet from new tears. The sight sets something animalistic inside of Law free. He wants to take apart what's left of him; until he owns him completely. The thought alone drives him crazy.
“You love it!” he grunts in his ear. “Love to get fucked until you’re nothing more than a crying, wrecked mess. A perfect little toy for me to use…”
“L-Law it’s… hah… it’s t-too much. Please…!”
Law’s thrusts start to get more frantic as he gets closer and closer to his own orgasm.
The begging for him to stop continues on, spurring Law on to go at it even harder. They have a safe word for when Luffy seriously wants him to stop; he made sure to go through it again before they started, so he’s not worried for Luffy’s well-being at all.
“You can take it. I know you love it baby. Admit it!” he demands, “Tell me what a good whore you are for me!”
Luffy gives in easily. There’s no resistance left in him. Exactly how Law wants him to be. Fucking him stupid until he’s nothing more than a mess and listens to Law’s every word, until he submits to Law completely – that’s how Law likes it best. And Luffy too, he knows.
“L-love it,” he moans loudly, “l-love your cock so much! Law… ahh… I love it! I love you…”
Hearing the last part, Law gets pushed over the edge. He comes hard, spilling his hot cum deep inside of Luffy, filling him even more.
With a few more lazy thrusts he rides out his mind-blowing orgasm before he pulls out. Luffy whimpers at the sudden loss and pushes his butt up higher in the air as if asking Law to stuff him full again. Unbelievable!
He wipes the sweat from his forehead as he watches his cum drip out of Luffy’s gaping hole. The sight never ceases to mesmerize him. He takes a mental note to prevent his seed from leaking out of the teen with a plug next time. Leaving it in the whole day and watching him squirm, he thinks to himself with a smirk on his lips, that's gonna be a lot of fun.
A sob coming from Luffy snaps him out of it. He grabs a tissue from the desk and quickly wipes himself clean, tucking himself back in his pants before cleaning the cum dripping out of the younger.
He frees his hands, tossing the ribbon to the side, and scoops him up in his arms. Sitting down on his chair again he makes sure that Luffy sits in his lap comfortably before he presses soft kisses to his lips, cheeks and forehead. Long tattooed fingers run through Luffy’s damp hair as Law soothes him and helps him to calm down again. “You did so well baby,” he praises, kissing him again softly. “So amazing. You're so beautiful darling. How are you feeling?”
“Good,” Luffy mumbles, cuddling closer to him. “Just… tired.”
“Yeah? Okay we can go to bed and cuddle. Would you like that?”
The teen perks up at that. He looks up at Law through half-lidded eyes and smiles a sleepy little smile, nodding his head as enthusiastically as he can manage in his exhaustion. So cute…
He nuzzles his nose in the tattooed man's neck and lets out a happy sigh.
Law rolls his eyes; Luffy is always so clingy after rough sex… but he doesn’t really mind it and he knows how important aftercare is. And he sure as hell won’t let Luffy drop!
“Okay. But first we’ll take a hot bath. And get you something to drink.”
He mutters something unintelligible – probably expressing his agreement – and Law takes it as his cue to get up from his seat with the teen in his arms, making his way towards his bathroom.
A soft smile appears on his lips when the younger starts to softly snore, already dozing off. He presses a sweet kiss on top of his head.
It's almost a shame that he has to strip Luffy out of the sexy underwear to take a bath. He'll definitely has to wear this one again. Especially the choker and the leash; after all, his little sunshine makes an excellent pet. 
And his training isn't done yet either.
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inupibaldspot · 4 years
Saviour : Chapter 19
I'm going to be a marine.
After the shock had eventually dissolved and they had finally calmed down and properly digest the fact, Emilia's decision.
The statement triggered two different reaction from the two boys.
Luffy would always be stuck with Emilia. The boy would never leave her side saying that he was going to spend as much time as possible with Emilia. Look at Emilia you'll see Luffy. Kitchen? He was there. Bed? He was there. Toilet? He would be near the door like a overly attached dog waiting for his owner.
On occasions the boy would hug Emilia and give a pout asking, "You're really going to be a marine?" Which made Emilia's resolve flatter abit. The girl would then have to shake her head to vanish thoughts which went against the decision. Emilia would then smile and simply say, "I'm sorry."
However on the other hand, Ace would ignore her and avoid her as much as possible. Every time Emilia would catch Ace looking at her, there would always be a frowning face, seemingly fuming with anger and disappointment. The only time they would share the same room would probably be the bed room and living room; that also Ace would eat really fast and just go outside making a heavy feeling develop in Emilia.
But then Emilia could understand why Ace felt that say. It's seemed as if he was saying "You're going to be part of the organisation which killed Sabo?!".
Celestial Dragon.... Just the name made Emilia frown. The people who are said to be similar to God's, yet have no sympathy and looks down And discriminate humans. And honestly just the fact that she may be someone assigned to protect them when she turns into a marine gave her an headache.
A few weeks had passed but still Ace kept on avoiding Emilia. At first she thought that he might get sick of this avoiding game but she was proven otherwise. Even the bandits tried to resolve the matter between them since they said that the air when ever Emilia and Ace were together was suffocating. It was as if Ace had gone back to the time when they had first met if not worse.
Emilia sighed as she looked at Ace in front of her, who was carrying the deer for lunch. He did help in capturing it and the trio still had a perfect coordination in capturing their prey but still then he refused to talk to her.
"Ace!" Luffy who was beside her called out. "Your still not going to talk to Emilia?" Leave it to Luffy to always ask questions which people usually avoid. The small rubber boy did the same thing a few months ago, when he asked Ace if his father was really Roger, thoughtlessly. And ofcourse that triggered the wrath of Ace.
"Shut up Luffy!" Ace shouted still not facing their direction and walked quietly back to their place even though Luffy kept on asking the reason why.
Soon enough they did reach back home and Emilia went straight into the kitchen and went to make some lunch, followed by Luffy of course. After she was done some bandits came and set the table.
Everyone quietly ate their lunch with their eyes wandering between Ace and Emilia.
"I'm done." Ace broke the silence and picked up his dishes, placed them in the sink and went outside.
Dogra sighed at the scene. "You guys are still fighting?" He sighed looking at Emilia who was staring at the door which was now closed after Ace went away.
Emilia simply smiled. "We are not fighting." Her heart ached when Ace kept on ignoring her and to be honest even though they saw each other daily Emilia missed him. She missed his smile, she missed talking to him ,she missed his presence...
"Did he really take you being a marine that bad?" This time Dadan was the one who asked. When Emilia first told them her future plans evertime was shocked but after a while they eventually accepted it and moved on with their daily lives except for Ace.
"I guess."
Silence took over the room but it wasn't maintained as a rather loud sound of someone shouting was heard.
"This presence..." Emilia almost laughed. It's as if the person knew what was going on in her mind and had come to retrieve her.
"Who is it?" Luffy who was having his second or maybe third share asked, as he kept on eating. The bandits who were in the room and some in the kitchen ,which was attached to the living room, washing the plates also looked at Emilia curiously.
"GYAHAHAH!"  Just as Emilia said those words the man came through the doors making a rather loud entrance. "How are you, brats?!"
"Geh! Grandpa?!" Luffy exclaimed in surprise.
"Hmmm?" Garp made a confused sound. "Where are the other two?" He asked.
This made everyone go silent.
"Sabo..." Emilia was the one who started. "He passed away..." After that she started explaining everything to the old man.
"I see..." Garp let out a sigh. He didn't know the small blond brat for long but still knowing that the boy died made his heart break.
"Garp-san...I have something to tell you." Emilia said looking at the man in front of her. "I want to be a marine."
Garp felt his jaws drop. "A marine?" He questioned wondering if he heard it wrong. Wasnt she going to be a pirate just like Luffy Luffy and Ace? The girl nodded making Garp know that what he heard was indeed correct.
"You sure?"
"To think one of you brats are doing what I say." Garp sobbed as tears rolled down his cheeks. Emilia reached out her hand and passed him a tissue to which Garp took and blew his nose.
"But then" Garp started. "Today I came here because I had a work in East Blue so I have to leave tomorrow. If you're going to be a marine you'll have to go back with me tomorrow since I don't really know when I'll be able to get my next break and come get you."
"I don't mind leaving tomorrow."
"I'll be waiting near the docks of the village." Garp said as he walked away.
Emilia nodded and turned towards the group of bandits in front of her. Some of the bandits were sobbing while others were waving at her with a smile ,saying words of encouragement for her new journey. Where as their boss,Dadan just was looking elsewhere avoiding eye contact with the young girl.
"Thank you for always taking care of me." Emilia bowed showing her gratitude. " I'm sure I was alot trouble but then I really loved and enjoyed the time I spend here.I'll really miss you guys."
Hearing this Dadan turned back and walked into the house. "Boss,are you crying?" One of the bandits teased.
"Shut up! I'm not crying!" The woman objected but the tone she said it confirmed that she was indeed crying. Emilia laughed a bit at the scene. She then turned around and walked towards the forest.
"You're not going to the village,Emilia?" Magra questioned as he look at the girl who was walking in the opposite direction where Fuusha village was.
"I wanted to talk to Ace one last time." Emilia replied.
"I see...Patch things up properly before you go." The man said smiling.
Emilia walked forward following her haki searching for Ace. While walking she looked at the area surrounding her. The large tree which had sunlight passing through the branches, the small river which had a few stepping stones, a few flower which she passed by ; her eyes stayed on the group of cosmos for a few seconds more than others. Certainly each place of the forest held great meaning to her, she was certainly going to miss the place.
Emilia kept on walking and eventually the forest had cleared up. She had reached the edge of the forest where the view of the vast sea was magnificent. The wind here was gentle and sounds of the waves hitting the land was the only sound accompanying it.
Her blue eyes looked at the silhouette which was simply standing there looking forward. Emilia walked towards it and stopped, keeping a small distance.
"Ace." Emilia called out. The boy in front then turned and looked at her. This was the first time in weeks that the boy was properly looking at her. "I'll be going now." She continued smiling gently at the boy.
Ace's mouth opened slightly in surprise. He was so fixed in on avoiding her that she didn't even know she would be leaving so soon. But he didn't voice his thoughts and instead asked something which was always in the back of his mind. "Why...why are you going to be a marine?" He asked as he clenched his fist.
Emilia didn't answer right away, she simply looked at him making silence fall upon them. "I don't intend to be a dog of the marine, Ace." She avoided the question.
Ace wasn't satisfied with the answer but neither did he feel like she would give him the answer to his questions, however the way she phrased her reply made him a bit relieved. It was as if she was saying being a part of the marines doesn't mean she forgave what they did to Sabo. Also as if saying even if they were on different sides, she will still see him as a comrade. "I see..." Ace felt embarrassed now that he thought about his actions these past weeks. Being against Emilia's desire to be a marine was as if he was trying to chain Emilia and stop her from making her own decisions, stop her from being free.
"I guess this is good bye then." Ace smiled at her. How he wished he could turn back time and spend his time with Emilia rather than avoiding her.
"Uhn.." Emilia nodded and smiled back. She raised her hands and waved at Ace. "I'll see you next time in the sea."
"No way!" Ace shouted at the girl making her drop stop waving and drop her hands. "If we ever met in the sea, it'll mean we will be meeting as enemies!" Ace huffed and put both his hands on his hips. "I don't want that."
Emilia's eyes widened and then she giggled. Sometimes Ace was more difficult to understand than Luffy. She the nodded and said. "Bye bye." And turned around and started to walk away from him.
Ace watched the girl in front of him. The winds caused her slightly wavy hair to sway. He held up on of his hands and imagined him holding hers. He didn't want her to leave yet. "I like you..." Ace confessed. It wasn't loud not more than a whisper.
Ace looked at Emilia and saw that she had turned around, her face was slightly red. Shit! She somehow heard it!  Ace cursed himself. Of course! Its Emilia for god sake!
He looked at Emilia's still confused face and then let out a loud sigh, scratching the back of his head. "You didn't hear it wrong... I like you Emilia." Ace said loudly.
"I never had these feelings before so I'm not sure my self but yet I can't really imagine my self having these same feeling again in the future if it is not you. Even though your strong I can't help but think 'I want to protect her'. At first I questioned myself but then I realized that it is because you're someone very precious to me."
Ace walked towards the girl as he kept watching  the girl who still had a flushed face, shifting weight from one side to the other and played with her fingers.She is still bad at dealing with confessions but the way she looked right now.... She look so adorable. Ace smiled.
Emilia bit her lower lips mustering up every courage she had to tell how she felt about Ace. "I...I-"
"I'm not asking for an answer but i guess I really wanted to let you know how I  felt." Ace cut her off.Emilia's eyes widened as she felt Ace hold her wrist and pull her towards him. Her head rested on Ace's chest. Ace wrapped his arms around her as he rested his chin on her head.
"Just let me stay like this for a bit."  Ace whispered. He felt like this was the right thing to do. He felt as if he didn't do this right now he might never get this opportunity in the future.
Emilia nodded as she listened to Ace's heartbeat.
Ace smile turned into a grin as he felt arms wrap around him. He looked down to see Emilia hide her face into his chest however he did notice the way the girl's ears red.
Maybe I should have asked for an answer after all... Ace thought as he slightly tightened his hold around the girl.
"You sure you got everything you need?" Makino asked with a worried look on her face.
Garp, Emilia, Luffy and Ace were on the docks of Fuusha Village. The bandits didn't come saying that they would most probably scare the people in town.
"Yeah." Emilia smiled. She then looked at the doctor who had thought her medicine. The doctor reached out his hands and placed it on top of Emilia's head. "Take care, my lil prodigy." He said.
"I will." Emilia replied back. "I'll keep on studying medicine as well,doctor."
"I'm sure you'll do a great job at it."
"Oi!" Garp called out from the ship. "We're ready! Let's get going!"
"Do you really have to go,Emilia?" Luffy asked with his eyes filled with tears holding onto Emilia's shirt. He really wanted the girl  to stay and be a part of his crew.
"I'm sure we'll meet again, Luffy." Emilia smiled and then finally turned towards Ace. Her face turned a bit red as she waved at Ace, remembering what had happened between them. Ace also didn't say anything and simply grinned back with his hands on his hips.
"Take care."
"I will..."
Emilia then picked up her bag, which had nothing other than a few clothes, her medicine box and a book on navigation, and walked up the stairs leading to the ship. And as soon as she got in, the marines opened the sails, brought up their anchor, making the ship move.
"Bye Bye Emilia!!!" Luffy shouted loudly,both tears and snots rolling down his face.  Along with him others also waved their hands.
Emilia smiled waving back. She kept on looking at their direction till they were no longer in view.
She was going to miss them.
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The Straw Hat Alchemist
// LONG FANFIC! As in 97KB on my desktop long. So be warned if you hit the read below. This is a One Piece fanfic I did way back when. And of my OC Maggie. The alchemist of the Straw Hat Pirates. This is in actuality a LuffyXOC fanfic. And I loved making this despite the fact checking and migraines. //
As usual, I lay on the sheep's head of the Going Merry, my arms tucked under my head as I doze in the sunshine. I can hear Zoro snoring down by the mast, which means I'm not the only one with the idea to nap while the sun is out. My entire frame is warm from laying on my customary perch, my top barely covering my back to show off my scars and one visible tattoo. I'd gotten the tattoo to signify permanently joining the crew, the smiling skull adorned with my captains signature strawed hat with the red band. Though my hair tended to cover it when it hung loose, I did try to keep my bandana on to actively show it off whenever I could. Granted, the bandana doubled as the perfect ascot to cover the tattoo along with my hair when I needed to do so, my hair tickling down my back instead of barely brushing my shoulders as it had when I first set out with Luffy and the others. I think of how I first met Luffy, his smiling face so cherubic and comical as I start to doze off. He'd been grinning at me as I'd stood there with Zoro in the prison yard of the Marine Base in Shells Town. I'd been trying very hard to catch a nap, since I had been exhausted from the beating the marines had given me earlier. But Luffy and Zoro had argued so much, I'd given up and grumbled out, "Can't those of us trying to pass out do so in peace?" Zoro had looked a little guilty at this, but Luffy had just laughed. "Why do you want to take a nap in the middle of the day?" Zoro had growled at him, "Since the Marines just got done beating and whipping her to an inch of her life, not to mention the night long interrogation they gave her." Zoro had looked over at me, his frame just as covered with wounds and drying red as my own. "Why don't you just open that jar for that Helmeppo prick?" I'd scoffed at this, "I'll gladly die first, thank you. What is in that jar is meant only for me, it is of no importance to anyone else. Even if they could see what's inside, what it contains is my only treasure." Luffy had gotten curious. "Oh really? Is that why you snuck in here?" I nod at this, Luffy grinning like a fool as he'd asked me, "What's your name?" I'd blinked at him to answer, "Magdeline V. Ariade. Expert alchemist and apothecary." Luffy grinned to ask me, "Wanna join my crew? I'm looking for members!" I'd looked at him, and struck a deal right off the bat. "Help get me my red jar from Helmeppo, and I'm all yours. Deal?" He'd nodded vehemently and gotten me free, "DEAL! Welcome aboard Maggie!" We'd gotten out with only moderate chaos, the jar easily located since the prissy boy Helmeppo was about to throw it off the tower. He'd had my apothecary bag on him as well, and I'd caught the jar with one hand when I'd sliced him in the shoulder with my dagger. You'd have thought I'd bisected him clean in half with the way he screamed, his father ramming me into the wall for the commotion I'd caused. Axe-Hand Morgan had tried cleaving me with his next swing, but I'd caught his strike with the jar. Everyone had been surprised at this, and I'd rolled out of the way as Luffy took care of him with his fists.
We'd ended up in one of my former haunts soon afterwards, Orange Town. Though the only one's left after Buggy the Clown invaded were Mayor Boodle and Chouchou the dog from Hocker's old pet store. Though Chouchou was very aggressive towards Luffy, he'd openly greeted me with a wagging tail and happy barks to usher me into his master's pet store. Hocker had let me store all my savings in the supply room when I'd been in town last, and the stash was still there along with much of my alchemy supplies. I was very surprised Mayor Boodle was there, since Buggy was adamant at killing anyone left in town that wasn't part of his crew. But since Chouchou refused to leave, since the store was his only treasure, I'd understood Boodle's reason to keep coming back. "No man nor pup left behind, eh Bood?" He'd grumbled at me as Chouchou munched on the dog treat I'd gotten him from out of the back. "Like you're one to talk. If you didn't have a treasure you could take with you everywhere, you'd have stayed put indefinitely wherever it was." I nodded at this fact to say, "It’s a definite plus that the jar can't be broken besides." Mayor Boodle knew what was in the jar, his sadness showing in his eyes as he tells me, "You were always a strange one. I'm guessing it comes with your alchemy territory. But still, to carry the heart of your dead lover, how gothic and morbid can you get?" I snicker at this to give him an evil grin like a sadistic crazed person. "Is that multiple choice or essay, my pretty?" Chouchou had let out a bark of a laugh, my own joining in as I say, "Semantics. It’s better than a prayer tablet or rosary, especially since I had to play a witch a few times and the jar is see through under specific lighting. Makes the act at being a crazed witch more believable, so why not enjoy putting on a show to go along with it? Logan and I made good money that way performing at carnivals when we needed to, it isn't that hard to make a witch costume or deck out a room with spooky stuff. Might as well go for broke, you only get one life to live after all." Mayor Boodle had nodded, only for Luffy to start shouting at us outside that trouble was coming. Luffy'd ended up having to fight Mohji and Richie from the Buggy crew when they burned the pet store to the ground. Zoro had dealt with Cabaji the second mate, then he'd fallen over for me to tend to his wound he'd intentionally reopened during the fight. I'd sealed it closed with my special glue extract as Luffy and Buggy scuffled, Zoro asking me where I'd gotten the glue as I'd sealed his side closed. "I'm an alchemist, Zoro. I know tons of medical and herbal remedies for things, since alchemists also know herbalism and some basic medical jargon." Zoro had laughed at this to ask me, "I take it you do fortune telling and palm reading, then?" I'd glared at him. "Last time someone gave me that line, I ripped their tongue out to stuff it back down their choke hole. I'm not a damn gypsie with a wagon and scarves." Zoro had snickered as he said, "Well then what would you be close to?" I'd huffed at this to give him a malevolent grin. "A witch, just without a broom or black cat stereotype." He'd laughed so hard I feared he was going to rip himself open further, "That explains so much, Maggie!"
We'd gotten tons of new crew members along the way to the Grand Line and afterwards once we’d gotten here. Nami to be our temporary thief to then be our full time navigator after dealing with the tyrant Arlong. Usopp joined as our sniper slash fibber from Syrup Village, along with our ship the Going Merry, after beating down Captain Kuro to save Usopp's friend Kaya. Only for us to end up at the Baratie restaurant to get an official cook, since I was the alchemist of our band and couldn't have two jobs according to Luffy. I'd scoffed at this to ask, "How is mixing potions and cooking things like soup different?" Luffy had grinned, "Soup tastes a lot better than your potions, Mags." I'd raised my eyebrow at him, "What'd you call me?" He laughed at my question to answer with, "Mags. Since Magdeline is way too long for me to say." I'd rolled my eyes to laugh at him, "Then why not call me Maggie like the others do?" Luffy had gotten a serious look on his face. "Because that's who you are to me, your Mags. I'll stop if you don't like it." I'd shrugged my shoulders at this, "Fine by me Luffy, as long as you officially make me your second mate." He'd nodded at this with emphasis, "Deal, Mags." I'd enjoyed getting the position, only for me to get roped into helping work off the damages Luffy had done to the Baratie upon our arrival. Since I was now second mate and just as responsible for the actions of the crew and the captain by deficit, I threw my lot into the responsibility and made the both of us hired hands at the restaurant. I'd been designated as server and hostess in front of the restaurant for Luffy to work in the back as a glorified chore boy. Thankfully I had experience from bartending from the carnival I'd joined with Logan, so I was a bit more help than what the staff first figured. Though none were as happy for my help as Sanji, the head cook's protege and current sous-chef. He'd been so polite when introducing himself, taking a knee to kiss my hand as the others had rolled their eyes at him. I'd been very flattered, telling him that relationships in the workplace would have to stay platonic while working. He'd given me a slightly dejected look, but he'd found one way or another to flirt with me or give me a compliment regardless. I'd laughed and blushed slightly when he laced an origami flower into my bandana, Luffy watching with a neutral expression as he swept. I proved my worth to the Baratie a few hours into working that day, since a large crowd of people from an unexpected cruise ship came in and demanded that we open the bar. Head chef Zeff had originally told Sanji to refuse them, when I told them I could run the bar and mix the needed drinks. Zeff conceeded with a dire warning to me should I screw anything up, but I smiled and opened the bar. I'd mixed and served with all the needed flourish of a professional bartender, earning a whole boatload of tips and acclaim for the Baratie as a result. I'd had a few of the cooks along with Sanji watch to teach them the basic drinks, their enthusiasm apparent at learning a new cooking craft. While I then made the harder variants with everyone watching, spinning the bottles and juggling the shot glasses with grace and ease of movement. After four hours of serving and giving a few shows of my mixing and setting a few drinks on fire, the group had left and we'd made a killing from the extra tip money. I'd handed the overflowing jars to Zeff right away to undo my apron, intending on going back to my position as hostess. But Zeff had stopped me to ask, "You up for making a few drinks for the staff?" I'd smiled and complied, even making Luffy a virgin Brass Monkey when he'd asked for something cool. I'd made Zeff a Flaming Volcano complete with an extra touch, lighting the drink with a flourish to have it spout crimson red flames before going out.
Zeff had been impressed enough to applaud as I'd made one last drink, telling me he'd hire me for keeps if I ever wanted a permanent position. I'd smiled at this. "Thanks, but I prefer to mix potions and elixers of the alchemic variety." I'd then finished the Painkiller I was mixing to slide it over to where Sanji was leaning against the bar, his hand catching it automatically to look around at me. "I don't remember ordering this, Maggie." I gave him a smile before walking off. "That's on me, enjoy it while I get some air." I'd headed outside to the patio area, hanging my head all the way back so the breeze could lace over me as I stretched all my kinks out. My head was pounding as if I'd had a dozen or so shots of whiskey instead of serving them, making my eyes ache like crazy as I'd given a long sigh. "Yep, just like always. I get a hangover from the fumes and none of the fun. Though Logan would have taken over halfway through that to let me have a break. Ah well, it's part of the job. Even if you aren't supposed to get buzzed from the fumes like I tend to do." I heard a laugh from my right, Sanji coming up to lean against the banister next to me."Is that why you came out here?" I nod, though I wince slightly at the motion. "Oxygen is the best cure for a hangover, at least that's what I was told. It's why I don't drink alcohol for any reason. I'm that much of a lightweight. How was the Painkiller?" He'd smiled at this to tell me, "Very good actually. Remind me to make you a special dinner later." I'd grumbled, "I'd rather have you make the little imps in my head stop bashing my brains in, please and thank you." Luffy had chosen that moment to take out the trash, giving us a look as he'd come over to me. "Mags? You okay?" I'd given a long sigh, "I'd kill for an asprin right now. But this'll have to do." I got out my herbal packets I always carried in my pocket, popping the mix in my mouth to chew as I made a sour face. "Bleck, at least it works right away. So how many dishes have you broken, Luffy?" He snickered at this to state, "A bunch." I gave him a frustrated growl, "You are going to put us in more debt that what I can help work off at this rate. Maybe I should stay behind so you can go achieve your dream in the meantime." Luffy had gotten mad at this to shout, "What?! No way, Mags! Why would I leave my second mate behind like that?!" I'd smiled as I chewed the herbs. "Necessity. The Grand Line is your dream Luffy. I just said I'd tag along for the ride. If serving the crew is best done working off our debt for me to follow behind you afterwards, then that's what I'll do. Don't have a fit, it was just a suggestion. You want us to work this debt off together, then I will respect your descision as the captain and do so. Though as your second mate, I will tell you it would be better to leave me behind to work on this solo." Luffy had shaken his head vehemently at me, nearly losing his hat in the process. "Absolutely not! You and Sanji are coming with us! I won't leave either of you behind! You're my second mate and my cook and that's final!" Sanji had rolled his eyes to snarl at him, "Would you drop that already?! I told you I'm not coming with you, idiot!" Luffy and Sanji got into a shouting match at this, making me break the two of them up to have us get back to work.
A hand full of days after this, the infamous pirate Don Krieg had been brought to us by his best man Gin. Though Sanji and I had agreed to helping Gin out readily a few days prior when he was about to keel over from starvation, I did recommend lacing the food for Don Krieg with a paralyzing agent to keep him from hurting anyone. Sanji had scoffed, "I won't do that. It'll compromize the taste of the food. I do have my pride as a chef, Maggie." I'd rolled my eyes to walk down with him. "I get that, Sanji. But it's gonna get you killed. Let me serve it to him then, at least that way Zeff won't lose his best chef." Sanji had glared at me for this, but he gave me the food and I served Don Krieg the meal with professional courtesy. I'd had Sanji stand back a bit as I'd poured water for Don Krieg and Gin in turn, giving Gin the sandwich I had made for myself with a smile. "Here you are, sir. Since you probably haven't eaten since your last visit. My treat to you, in hopes to make up for our staffs poor hospitality earlier." Gin had gone bug eyed at this, his shock apparent as Sanji had given me a warm smile. I was about to get back up on my feet when Don Krieg showed his true colors, grabbing me by the neck once his strength returned to then slug me full force. My eyes had gone wide as all the air left my lungs, a few bones audibly snapping as everyone had given shouts of alarm. Gin had gone dead white at this, his eyes begging me for forgiveness as Don Krieg demanded we supply his full crew with food. The rest of the staff had been horrified as Don Krieg held me in the air, his threat apparent as he'd shook me like a rag doll. But no one was more surprised by my words than Gin, if not Don Krieg himself. "Go ahead and feed them Zeff... I'll work off the tab for it... Every last grain of rice and granule of salt..." Gin had clapped a hand to his mouth, Don Krieg laughing as Sanji and the others complied. I'd been dropped into Gin's arms for Don Krieg to tell him, "Keep her as our hostage, Gin. Slit her open if they try anything funny." Gin had been shaking as I'd coughed up a bit of red, his words hissed through his teeth as he whispered to me, "OH SHIT! Maggie! I am so sorry for this! Don Krieg gave me his word that no one would be harmed! Damn it all! I never would have brought him here if I'd known! I swear it on my honor as a pirate!" I'd reached down and handed him the sandwich to shut him up, my smirk evident. "Enough, Gin... I know... So stuff this… in your mouth… Before I deck you..."
Gin had lowered his head as tears leaked out of his eyes to comply, not wasting a single crumb. By the time the crew of the Dreadnaught Sabre had been seen to and fed, I was half conscious and still having breathing issues. I just couldn’t seem to get enough air, each ragged breath torture as Gin kept me propped up to help me without Don Krieg catching on. Gin had intentionaly taken off my bandana to let my hair down, the strands of chocolate brown hiding his hand at my neck to keep his fingers pressed into my pulse. Though he did make a convincing show of twirling my dagger in his free hand, giving as neutral of an expression he could possibly manage as I choked and coughed with every other breath. But I knew he wouldn't hurt me, Sanji knowing the same thing as he watched Gin tap his foot to keep perfect time to the pace under his fingers. He'd even brought out one of my herbal packets out of my back pocket, feigning threatening me by gripping my jaw to snarl at me for a supposed whispered comment. "Watch your tongue, or I'll see how you enjoy watching me cut it out of your smart mouth!" But he’d done so to help, palming the herbs into my mouth for me to chew them and relieve some of my pain. Don Krieg had noticed my hair being down as Gin had threatened me like that, his sneer curling his lips to question this interest. "Playing with the harlot isn't like you, Gin. Have you taken a particular interest in our hostage?" Gin had brought the dagger up to tilt my chin upwards, barely nicking me to trace a line of red down my throat. "Perhaps. I do have a preference for my prey just as much as my women. It helps she's half decent looking, albeit a cheeky smartmouth. It would be such a pity to have to take her tongue for such a slight." Don Krieg had laughed long and hard at this to tell him, "Just don't let your interests in her stop you from slitting her open should I deem it prudent, Gin the Mad-Demon. I'm half tempted to hang her violated carcass from the mast of the Baratie later when we take it back to the Grand Line." I'd shivered at the idea, Gin giving a smile he didn't really feel as he'd nodded to his Captain's departing form. I'd whispered one thing before I finally passed out. "Gin... Don't let Don Krieg keep my red jar... Please... Ensure that much to me at least..." His hand at my neck had twitched in response, giving the barest of nods in consent before I'd gone limp. Sanji had tensed at this, but Gin kept tapping his foot to the floor without breaking pace to my pulse, removing the dagger at my throat to continue twirling it in his hand in feigned casual nuance.
By the time I woke back up, chaos was underway with Dracule Mihawk showing up to finish his destruction of the Dreadnaught Sabre. I'd gotten outside to see him slice Zoro open with his blade, my fingers tightening over the rail as I vaulted over it to bolt for Zoro with all I had in me. I caught him before he hit the deck, unlacing my needle and thread from my pocket to start frantically stitching him closed. My other hand got out my last herbal packet to pop it into his mouth. "CHEW DAMMIT! This duel or fight or whatever this was is over! Don't you dare even twitch, Zoro!" Mihawk had blinked at me in evident surprise as he stated, "I was not going to kill him. He shows far too much promise to have his life be wasted here this day." I'd given a choked laugh to say, "Glad we agree on this, Lord Mihawk. Zoro, I'm going to kill you for being so stupid! You should know better than to throw yourself at a practical dragon when you are yet still a fledgeling! I'm thinking I need to try teaching you some basic common sense, dumbass! Thank you Lord Mihawk for not cleaving him in half! I'd rather not have to see such a display! Geez, I hope I have enough reagents to make more of that glue, if not the salve to numb pain receptors! I ought to strangle you with my thread Zoro, or grind your nose into my spices, you stupid halfwit!" Mihawk had sheathed his blade to openly stare at me, recognition alighting in his eyes. "You are Magdeline V. Ariade, are you not?" I nodded at this, my hands still stitching Zoro closed as Mihawk looked at me as if he'd seen a ghost. "Yes I am, Lord Mihawk. I take it you know of me, if only by my reputation in the East Blue." I'd almost stopped working on Zoro when Mihawk said to clarify his reaction, "So you are the love of Logan D. Rossi. He spoke well of you Magdeline, along with your skills of alchemy." I nodded to show I'd heard his comment, though my mind was half fogged over from the mentioning of Logan by the Pirate Lord standing behind me. "Yes I am, and I thank you for the compliment. I take it you know him?" Mihawk had nodded to tell me, "Logan is my distant relative. Though it has been a long time since last I heard from him. Is Logan here with you, by chance?" I'd lowered my head, tears lacing down my face as I told him the news. "No. He is dead, the marines felled him a year and a half ago." Mihawk had lowered his hat at this. "...Regretable. My sympathies to you, my lady." I'd choked to say, "And to you as well, Lord Mihawk. He did mention he knew you, though he never said how. Be sure to pay your respects if you do end up at the church we called home. I laid his frame to rest there." Mihawk had nodded, then he'd held up my red jar to place it next to me. "I do believe I may have done so in part already. Logan mentioned your promise and your shared belief." I'd nodded to look up into his eyes. "I thank you for returning his gift to me, Lord Mihawk. All that I treasure rests inside that one simple container. The contents will always be priceless to me and my own." Mihawk had placed a warm hand to my head, his fingers lacing through my hair to promise me something. "It is an honor to serve a lady that gave much to one who was both a blessed scoundrel and dreamer. In resciprocating his evident affection for you, I will provide any form of help you may ask of me in the future." I'd finished my stitching of Zoro by then, tying the thread to then shorten the lengths with my dagger. "I am honored at this gesture and thank you graciously, Lord Mihawk. I'm sure that will happen if and when my world comes to an end. But I don't take hand outs from anyone as a rule of thumb. Even so, I will keep that in mind. I thank you for letting me keep a friend when I have none to spare."
Mihawk had given me a small smile at this, then he left to return to the Grand Line. Zoro had declared to Luffy afterwards he would never lose a fight ever again as I'd helped him up, handing him off to his friends Johnny and Yosaku for safe keeping. I'd picked up the jar and held it tight, glaring at Don Krieg with vehement hatred. I told him, "You will pay for touching this, Don Krieg! I take it nothing is sacred to filthed meat like yourself?!" He'd glared at me for the insult, ordering his men to attack. I'd fought right alongside Sanji, my martial arts having me weave in time with him to have us descimate the enemy. Until the Dreadnaught Saber's commander Pearl had entered the fight and sent me flying to where Gin was standing, my ribs cracking further on impact with the wall and blacking out after landing on the deck. Gin threw me into the Baratie to keep me out of harms way, the jar still clutched tight to my chest as he did so. By the time I came to inside the restaurant, the entire fight was over and Luffy was out for the count right next to me. Gin was half dead from saving Sanji from the poison gas Don Krieg used, but my antidotes worked for him to depart with his crew. I had to give him five of the vials to take with him, since the MH5 bomb had such a powerful poison in it and he'd not fully recover without them. He openly thanked me for my help, to which I'd hugged him tight in farewell. Sanji had spent a few moments outside sitting with Luffy and myself after Gin left, openly telling us about finding the Great Blue one day as the others cleaned up the inside of the Baratie. I'd smiled as he talked, noting how Zeff was standing above us to listen and see Sanji's enthusiasm before we heard the call for food. The whole staff tried a coy attempt to get rid of Sanji at dinner, critisizing the soup he had made to exclaim he needed to leave. But I gave a long sigh as I then took a direct sip our of Zeff's bowl, making the others shout in surprise. I said to them, "Then your taste buds are all dead and you should hop in the same boat out to sea. Just tell him you want him to pursue him dream instead of acting all macho and tough. Men are measured by their words as much as their actions, and lies are a bitter concoction to stomach even on a good day." I'd gotten Zeff to sigh at me as I added in, "It isn't nice to lie in front of a woman. So just tell him to pack up and head out with us." Zeff had glared at me. "You are a very pretentious girl, aren't you?" I nodded to then hand over my untouched soup, drinking the rest of Zeff's directly out of the bowl as I walked outside. I threw over my shoulder, "This is fantastic Sanji. I'd love to compare recipes with you sometime, since my soups tend to taste a little off in my book. But you need to get things straight with Zeff and the others, and I suggest everyone be open and honest. Luffy, you wanna make sure I don't fall over into the ocean out here? My ribs are still killing me and everything is telling me I'd like to fall over flat sooner or later."
Luffy had brought out a few plates of food with us, our enjoying of the meal shared between us as he'd asked me, "Are you okay, Mags? That Gin guy didn't hurt you when he held you at knifepoint, did he?" I shake my head. "Nope, he actually fed me one of my herbal packets when he grabbed my jaw that one time." Luffy smiles as he notes, "Okay. So that's why you had a few green bits in your teeth earlier." I whacked him over the head at this, his laugh echoing over the open ocean as I'd threatened to chuck him out into the water. But I didn't have the energy, since my ribs were very cracked and my sides were turning many different colors of painful. Luffy had frowned when I took my long sleeved shirt off, his hand reaching up to gently touch my one side where my ribs were a dark blue. "Ow. I'm guessing you won't be able to fight for a while." I'd snorted at this to state, "I'm going to have to breathe on the weekend. It just hurts too much to do so now." I got up and sat on the railing at this, Luffy looking at me with a serious expression. Then he'd gotten up to come forward and carefully hug me, his head leaned down to my shoulder as he said, "I'm sorry you got hurt. I should have kept that Donny guy from even getting a hand on you. I won't let that happen again, Mags." I'd chuckled to hug him back. "Don't Luffy. I knew the risks and I did it anyways. Granted, I had suggested we use a paralyzing powder on the food, but Sanji declined. So I got slugged, but I'm not dead and we won." Luffy shakes slightly as tears lace down his face, and I go wide eyed as he whispers, "I'm still sorry, he hurt you and would have killed you and everyone else. I should have killed him." I honk his nose at this, making him look up in surprise as I shake my head. "I'd rather you didn't. It's better not to get used to such thinking." Luffy smiled at the warmth in my eyes, and I'd hugged his head to my heart as he thanked me. His hat came off when it bumped into my chest, but I caught it as he went wide eyed and blushed slightly. I'd laughed to hug him tighter, his eyes closing as we'd hugged each other with the breeze playing over us. His hands had held me around the waist as I set my chin on his head, his hat hanging by the string I'd laced into the rim as he asked me, "Are you sure you're okay, Mags?" I'd nodded to tell him, "Of course I'm okay Luffy, hugs always make everything better." His smile was warm when he looked back up at me, "Then can I ask for one whenever I want?" I brought his hat back up to set it on his head again. "Sure Luffy."
I spent our entire excursion through Arlong Park pretty much on the sidelines, my ribs aching so badly I could barely breathe or move without wincing. Though that didn't stop me from helping Luffy when Arlong tossed him into the water with his feet stuck in a chunk of the floor. I'd plunged down towards him to give him air, bringing out  a vial of acid to eat away at the stone surrounding his feet. But my own air gave out too quickly to be of much help, since my ribs refused to accomidate me. Add on the fact that one of Arlong's crew, a ray fishman by the name of Kuroobi, had decided to openly attack me the moment I tried coming back up. But Sanji had kept the thug from reaching me, and I headed up to gasp and choke the moment my head broke the surface. Then I realized Sanji wouldn't have a prayer without some help in the water, so I dove back down after drinking a flask of my rejuvinating potion. Kuroobi was swimming rings around Sanji, bashing him relentlessly as I unlaced my steel thread from my bracelet to then take it off my wrist and hook it around the fishstick's neck. I'd given Sanji a few signals to give him a game plan, and he'd nodded as I moved into position. I was able to get behind Kuroobi, looping the thread around his neck and cinching it tight to then snap to the bracelet. His shout was evident as his fingers delved for his neck, but then I leaned down as Sanji swam up next to me. We took what air we had left and blew into Kuroobi's gills, effectively asphixiating him soon after he snapped the line around his throat. Kuroobi went bug eyed to thrash and smack us away from him, bolting for the surface as Sanji grabbed me to tug me up with him. The moment we broke the surface, I carefully uncorked a few flasks of my more powerful healing extract for him. I put them in his teeth for him to tilt his head back and chug down fast. Sanji was halfway out of the water when I shoved him back up to dry land with a sputter, "Hurry up and floor him!" He'd nodded to exclaim, "Thanks, Maggie. I'm glad we were thinking along the same lines with that." I nodded and then got out, coughing a few times in vehemence as my lungs burned. I turned when I heard an annoying laugh to my left, a jellyfish like chick coming out of the hideout to openly insult me. "Hoo hoo hoo! The drowned little dreg can use what brains she has, it would seem!" I ended up facing off against her, the haughty primadonna saying her name was Nanami, who was too busy fanning herself to do much of anything else as she looked at me with disdain. I gave her a few flippant comments as she started snapping a whip coated with nasty looking slime at me, and I'd rolled and jumped to avoid it as best I could. My tictures came out of my belt to have me grip them in my fingers as she laughed and chided me. The whip burned when it snapped over my skin, making me hiss as I threw a vial at her. She snapped the whip to cleave the vial in half, the acid and evident sparks of the whip making the slimed coating catch fire. Though she'd cackled as she used the whip with the flames over it's length, the material of the whip soon dissintegrated for me to push forward. She'd shrieked as I tossed an open flask into her face, it's poisons seeping onto her face and under her coat as Nanami fell to the ground and writhed. She rolled into the water to wash it off, but I just grinned when I heard the splash. Her shrieking became tenfold as the water took her flesh off along with the poison, blood billowing around her as she cursed and screamed before sinking below. The bubbles only lasted for a few moments as the red continued to spread in copious amounts, my laugh barely audible as I'd hissed out, "That's for making me dance around like a ballerina on strings, you arrogant bucket of chum."
Sanji had looked very impressed with my victory as I had panted for air. "Do I even want to know what's in the other two vials, Maggie?" I snickered at him to say, "Orange is oil that stays lit even in water, yellow is a more concentrated paralyzing agent like I would have used for Don Krieg. Either one means falling down and not getting back up, since the paralyzer can keep you from breathing if you get enough of it into your system." Sanji shivered at this to state, "Remind never to piss you off, or you'll put that yellow one in my drink." I nodded at this, getting up onto my feet as Sanji went down to get the chunk of stone off Luffy's feet. I ran over to where Nojiko had Luffy's head stretched above the water, Genzo staying below to do what he could. I was frantic at the sight, my terror all consuming as Luffy looked very much drowned. I'd had Nojiko keep watch as I'd helped Luffy, blowing air into him to keep him alive. I was about to give up hope by the time Sanji got him free of the boulder to slingshot into me and have us roll a few times. Then Luffy had gasped and whipped his head up to clunk it full force into mine. I'd given a loud yelp as he coughed and sputtered, my head in my hands as I layed there unmoving. "OW! LUFFY! Don't do that! We won't make it out of this if you take your crew out along with that Arlong prick!" But we made it out alive in the end, albeit further broken and bruised after the fact. I had decided to make my joining the crew official during the huge celebration that night, having Dr. Nako do my Straw Hat Skull after he’d finished with Nami’s pinwheel design for her shoulder. Luffy had teased me relentlessly for kissing him, my chosen tattoo design giving everyone even more cannon fodder for the joke. We'd stopped to resupply in Loguetown, and I'd gone off on my own to restock on all my alchemy supplies and reagents while I could. I also ran into Alice from the carnival I had joined with Logan years ago, the two of us grabbing a meal in a nicer restaurant at my insistance. We chatted and laughed for hours, though she was rather upset hearing that Logan had died. Alice had shed copious amounts of tears as I told her what happened in full, her misery evident as she said, "Oh, Magdeline! I am so very sorry! The carnival was headed back to your area next month. I'll make sure we go there to all pay our respects. Logan was amazing! I wish he was still with you, if not the rest of the world." I nodded to then tell her, "Thank you for that, Alice. It means a lot to hear that after all this time. Feel free to use the church as a campsite if you guys want. There's plenty of room for all the tents up there. I won't mind in the least if you all crash at my old haunt." She'd raised and eyebrow at me, and I smiled when she asked me, "You aren't staying there anymore? Was living at the church just too hard for you to stay, or did you find another gig?" I nod to show her the Straw Hat Skull, "You better believe it. I'm a second mate of a crew now, as well as the Alchemist of my merry band." Alice had clapped her hands to her mouth to squeak with vehemence, "MAGGIE! You are in such deep-" Then she stopped herself to whirl around, noting the few people who were looking at us as I asked, "What's wrong with you? Scared of my change in lifestyle?" She'd then lowered her voice to a bare whisper, "There's a bounty out on your captain! Or didn't you know that yet?!" I give a casual nod to intone, "Attitude Alice, tones it down m'dear." She looks around again and gives and understanding nod, sinking back into her chair as she says, "Why am I not surpised? You always loved the unorthodox, it's a part of your roll as an herbalist slash alchemist slash apothecary. At least tell me you're happy." The smile I gave was warm and full of joy, "That I am Alice. It's really crazy at times, but I am very happy."
She'd nodded as we heard a commotion outside, people saying there were pirates in the square where Gold D. Roger had been executed. I went wide eyed when they mentioned Luffy by name and that he was going to be killed, whipping my bag of supplies over my shoulder to slam the money down onto the table. "SHIT! Can't I leave him alone for one afternoon?! I'm sorry Alice, I gotta book it!" I sprinted full tilt out of the restaurant, heading with all due speed throught the streets to get to the square. I ran into Zoro and Sanji, unlacing a few smoke bomb as I told them, "You two get him free, I'll make a cloud cover for-" But then we got to the square, and Buggy was standing on the execution platfrom with a sword at the ready. He was standing right over Luffy, who was in the actual guillotine with his hands and neck bound. I started shoving people out of the way, shouting out, "Luffy! Don't panic, we're coming! Damn it all, move or get squashed!" But then Buggy started to swing, making Luffy give us a wide smile to say, "Sorry guys, looks like it's the end." My eyes went as wide as allowed as I watched the sword come down in slow motion, my hands going into my hair as I'd shrieked with all the air I could muster, "LUFFY!" But then a bolt of lightning struck Buggy's sword at the last second, blowing the platform to pieces as I charged forward. I threw my smoke vials with vehemence as I moved, giving us cover as I sprinted to Luffy to hug him tight when I reached him. My hands gripped his shoulders as I shook him as hard as I could while shouting in his ear, "Don't you ever dare do that to me again! You hear me, Luffy?! You do this to me again and I'll stuff my resignation down your throat!" He'd stopped smiling at the last bit, his head swaying as he'd told me, "Okay, okay, Mags. Can we run now?" I nodded and helped him up, running alongside him with my hand in his as we bolted for the dock. Zoro was stopped by a marine who starts cursing him for tricking her, and he stayed behind to fight her as the rest of us kept running. My lungs started burning from the lack of air, but I was in the lead when a big marine stopped us. He told us his name was Captain Smoker and he wouldn't let any pirates escape his base of operations. Luffy and Sanji tried to fight him, but he kept using his Devil Fruit power to turn to smoke. I brought out a particular blue vial, throwing it at his feet to grab the others and yank them away from the mist. "BACK UP!" Smoker's frame started to freeze over as he shivered and cursed out, "What the Hell?! What is this stuff?!" I gave him an evil grin as I slipped into my act of being a witch for him. "Do you like my magics, my pretty pet? It is my Freezing spell, and you'll be a rather good ice sculpture once it encases you. Tah tah my pretty, it is time we took flight from this meager town." Smoker had shouted as the ice covered his entire frame, my legs shaking as Luffy and Sanji kept me upright between them. Sanji noted how hard I was panting, then all three of us noted the cracks that were forming in the ice over Smoker. Sanji hitched my bag onto his back to pick me up, telling Luffy, "We'd better move it!" Luffy nodded to then look at me, his frown evident as he told Sanji, "Get Maggie back to the ship, I'll hold this guy off and meet back with you all later. Just get Maggie to safety, that's an order Sanji."
I was going to protest right along with Sanji, but then Smoker broke loose. Luffy shouted as he charged, Sanji giving a growl to then run with me in his arms. I'd gripped his front tight to tell him, "Damn it all Sanji! We have to go back! As second mate, I order you to-" Sanji had fumed at me, "Quiet, Maggie! Our captain gave me an order, and I'm going to insist we get you back to the ship!" I'd started to beat my fists against his chest, though my strength was mostly spent as I fumed at him in turn. "I'd have God damn you to Hell if I believed He would do so for me! Shit! Luffy had better come out on top, or I'll make myself captain and order us all to go back and get him!" Sanji nodded to tell me, "I'm sure the others would agree with you completely on that course of action, though Usopp would most likely challenge you for the title of Captain." I'd scoffed at this, my eyes going half closed as I said, "I'd deck him easily and you know it." He laughed at this, then I gave a moan and went limp. Sanji skidded to a halt as he exclaimed, "Maggie? Maggie?!" I gave a tug on his coat to tell him, "Breathing is all kinds of not fun. Keep going, Sanji." He started running again, his concern making him frown as he said to me, "It probably doesn't help you that your ribs are still healing. Plus all the excess punishment we put ourselves through just makes your injuries that much worse." I give a choked out sigh to tell him, "Dr Nako said the ones that were healing recracked from all my acrobatics against that Nanami bitch. So I essentially put myself back at square one, but that doesn't change the fact we will be going back for Luffy." A thunderstorm had started pouring down rain, lightning flashing over us as I blacked out when Sanji reached the port. I came to with Luffy kneeling over me, his smile a welcome sight as I'd reached up and hugged him tight. "Luffy! You're okay!" He'd laughed as I openly cried, his hands on my shoulders as he said to me, "Of course! We're you worried?" I hugged him tighter as I sobbed and choked, the others going wide eyed as I wailed, "Don't ever do that to me again, Luffy! I thought you were gonna die! I thought I was going to have to watch someone I cherish be executed, all over again! Please Luffy, for the sake of my sanity! Don't ever do that to me again! PLEASE!" I'd leaned my head onto his shoulder and bawled like a toddler, my entire frame trembling as I hiccupped and sniffled into his vest. None of them had ever seen me cry, the sight making Zoro lean down next to me. Zoro put a hand on my head, his fingers lacing into the strands to ask me, "Why are you taking this so hard, Magdeline? I get that it was scarey and all, but you've never gotten this shook up before. Why?" My hands laced into Luffy's vest as I choked out, "Logan didn't just die like I said, Zoro! He was executed in front of me by the Marines!" Zoro's fingers in my hair went tight, the others giving sounds of horror as Luffy went stock still. I started sobbing so hard I choked and coughed with vehemence, my misery streaming down my face as Luffy crushed me to his front. His words were hard as he told me, "I promise, Mags. I'll never make you watch me be executed like that."
The next few adventures with Laboon the whale and on Whiskey Peak Island had felt like a blur once Vivi and Carue came into our fold, meeting the giants Dorry and Broggy had also been quite an experience. Though dealing with the Baroque Works agent Mr. 3 had been a scary experience. Vivi, Zoro, Nami, and myself had all been stuck to a massive waxed cake as decorations, with a spinning upper pedestal to lace wax over us. Mr. 3 had said we would be perfect works of art when he was finished, and I'd given a large groan as Nami started to freak out. Zoro had decided to take a cool looking pose in case we didn't make it, and I slapped a hand to my face to lightly chide him. "If anything, make some comical expression to ruin the artwork. Don't give the nut bar what he wants, you doofus." Zoro had started fuming at me, but I just laced my bandana over my face and sat down. Vivi had asked me, "Don't you have a flask full of acid or something to get us loose, Maggie?!" I nodded. "Yeah, but it's too small to eat away all the wax to get any one of us free. The best use for it at this point would be a mercy killing, with all of you getting to watch as I drink it and melt my insides." All three of them go wide eyed. Zoro telling me, "If it comes to that Maggie, I'd rather you just let me run you through. Since you're standing close enough for me to reach you and it would be a lot less painful." I shook my head and told him, "Not through the heart, Zoro. I've always believed that ones heart holds ones soul, and I'd rather you not shatter what's left of mine. I'll let you kill me if we lose all our hope, but I'd rather have faith that Luffy will get us out of this." Zoro had smiled to nod in agreement, our faith in our captain proving to be our salvation. Luffy and Usopp defeated the Baroque Works agents, Mr. 3 and Mr. 5 along with their partners, and got us free of the wax cake. Luffy hugged me tight as I'd coughed vehemently from the traces of wax in my lungs and the pain from my still healing ribs. Dorry wasn't feeling much better, so I had Broggy help me make a larger batch of my healing potion for them both. Dorry wasn't happy to drink it, but I told him, "Fine, if you aren't going to use it, then I see no point in having me drink any of it. What's the point if even a giant can't get any benefit out of it?" But Luffy had shot up to the rim of the cauldron and intentionally knocked me off balance. I'd yelped before falling into the potion, my splashing evident as Dorry and Broggy laughed in good humor. I'd coughed and sputtered to shout with vehemence, "ACK! LUFFY!" He'd snickered as he croutched down to watch me splash around in the red liquid. "Sorry Mags. But you need this stuff. Plus it's gonna work loads better if you're soaked in it instead of just drinking it." I'd flailed about a bit as I fumed openly, my cursing evident as Dorry held out a finger for me to latch on to. I got up and into his hand to lay there and huff in air, his amusement evident as he said, "Well then, if you are this active after sampling this drink, I have no choice but to do the same." He drank several bowls under my direction, having him save the rest for him to drink a few times a day to get him back to par. I had Broggy take some too, since he also got pretty banged up in the scuffle with Mr. 3. Broggy had laughed to say to me, "Of course, pretty human woman. I will gladly drink your potion. Though I get the idea it will not taste good." I smirked and told him, "That means it works Broggy. Now stop talking and start drinking." He'd laughed to then do show, shivering before laughing again, "Indeed, this will work well by the bitter taste." I nodded at this to say, "Good then. Just be glad it's fresh, it starts to get thick and sludgy after a week or so. But the sludge makes it stick to your insides and it works even better." We parted as friends with the two giants, then we were off to head for Alabasta with all due speed.
Tony Tony Chopper was added to our rag tag band when we had to detour. We went to Drum Island to get a doctor for Nami, since I could tell it wasn’t a minor fever and we needed a professional expert on medicines to help. I'd stayed behind with Vivi and Usopp to help Dalton, the former captian of the guard, to defend the city against the returning King Wapol. Dalton had been formidable against the enemy, his Devil Fruit ability to change into a half bison gave him more strength and even more speed to defeat multiple henchmen with each swing of his spade. But then Wapol's hencemen Chess decided to fight dirty and riddle the townsfolk with arrows. I knew full well Dalton would use himself as a shield in order to protect them, and I moved without even thinking of the consequences. I didn't realize I had vaulted off Dalton's bent knee and up to cover his frame until I got hit, the move placing myself between the arrows and his chest as all three arrows hit home. One had gone right through my leg, just stopping against Dalton's shirt. The other one had gone right through my chest, impaling me into Dalton's frame slightly as the third had gotten him in the far right between his chest and shoulder. Red ran freely from my mouth as Dalton wrapped and arm around me told hold me perfectly still. His words pained as he exclaimed, "What possessed you to just up and throw your life away?!" I choked on the red as I gave a hoarse, "Pot calling kettle black, Dalton..." He'd gone wided eyed as I'd slumped into his chest, my eyes glazing over as he pressed his fingers into my neck. "You have moments if that. What words should I give to your crew?" I'd coughed to take a ragged breath. "Make sure my red jar... is with me when... they lay me to rest... And tell them all... especially Luffy... I was truly happy again... GHAH!" My air had cut out as blood flowed freely from my mouth, Dalton's front getting soaked as he heard the approaching avalanche. I took out my special white vial and told him, "Help me... drink this..." He'd uncorked it to bring it to my lips, the liquid burning like alcohol as he asked me, "What will it do Maggie?" I'd shivered to tell him, "It will buy us time... Give it to Dr. Kureha... and she'll explain... what it is..." I'd gone limp in his arms after the concoction started to work, the avalanche burying us both as he'd hugged me into his frame to protect me. Though the townsfolk got us out once Zoro showed up, I was pretty much dead as Zoro took me from Dalton. His anger and grief was apparent as he took in my ruined chest and my sightless eyes, his head coming down to listen as he choked, "Please Maggie... Don't do this to us... Please!" But there was no indication of life, neither of breath or the steady beat of my heart. His eyes burned with tears at the silence in my frame, hugging my lifeless body tight as he growled in a mix of emotions. "NO! Damn it, Maggie! One of you quacks get over here! Right now!" The cold helped preserve me enough for the Isshin-20 to try helping me. But they were only able to do so much. Dalton had been tended to and he helped everyone get to Drum Castle, carrying me in his arms as they hurried to where the final battle was taking place. Dalton had brought my limp frame to Dr. Kureha and handed her the vial, her eyes going wide to exclaim, "Who the devil made this little miracle?!" Dalton told her, and she cackled ruthlessly. "Smart, very smart indeed! Talented little fox! With this little cheat, there's definite hope to salvage-" Then Luffy had seen me, his scream stopping her mid-sentence as he'd run up to collapse next to my bluing frame. "MAGS! NO! MAGS! YOU CAN'T BE DEAD! MAGS!" Dr. Kureha had smacked him at this point to state, "Calm down, kid! She's not dead yet! CHOPPER! Get over here and bring this clever fox inside! Then get the surgical tools ready!" Chopper had lifted me up in his full human form with care to bring me inside, the others following as Luffy demanded at the top of his lungs, "How can you be so sure she's not dead?!"
Dr. Kureha held up the empty vial, a few droplets still swirling in the bottom as she told him, "This is how. This is a very special concoction, putting a person into a state of metabolic rest. Her body is in a type of suspension, and will be like that for quite a while. In a sense, this elixier is time in a bottle, halting a life to keep it in stasis." Luffy had growled audibly at her, "I don't even get what you're talking about!" Dr. Kureha smirks at this, "Okay, I'll make this simple. She's not dead, more like under a sleeping spell. Once the potion wears off, she'll wake back up again. That easier for you?" Luffy had lowered his head, tears burning down his face as he shook all over. Dr. Kureha raised and eyebrow at him, then he gave a whispered, "I don't care what it is... Just save her... Please... I'll give you whatever you want... Just don't let her stay asleep forever..." Dr. Kureha raised the other eyebrow when Luffy got down on his knees and touched his head to the ground, his entire frame trembling as he waited for her answer. She looked over at Dalton to ask him, "Did she get skewered helping you?" He nodded and said to her, "Yes. If she hadn't shielded me, I'd be the one in critical condition." Dr. Kureha gave a loud snuff of air at this news to state, "Well then. Best not let that kind of charity go unpaid then. All right, get up off the ground you twit. I'm not about to let such a skilled alchemist like her kick the bucket." Luffy had leaned back up to kneel in front of her. "Thank you... so much..." He'd rubbed at his eyes with an arm to sniff and choke, Dr. Kureha getting a knowing smile on her face as she and the others headed into the castle. I wasn't the only one she'd had to treat that day, Sanji and Luffy getting more work done along with Dalton getting his shoulder rebandaged after carrying me. Dalton was the first one I saw when I woke up, my body snuggled in a comfy bed and blankets piled over me. He'd been sitting at the fireplace with his chair turned towards me, his eyes closed and his head resting on his hands as I'd blinked a few times. I'd noted I was still among the living, and my lips had pulled into a wide smile. I also noted the tingling over my nerves, the given side effect of the white potion and what that meant. "It worked..." Dalton had opened his eyes at the sound of my voice, his gaze locked on my face as he'd gotten up out of the chair to walk over to me. "Magdeline?" I'd started laughing, though I didn't have much breath or energy to do so. "It honestly worked... I'd cheer if... I could breathe..." I'd started to cough a few times, Dalton getting me a glass of water to gently lift my head so I could drink. "Here, you have to be parched. Weren't you sure that it would work?" I chuckled as I finished the glass. "Nope... Never used it before..." He frowned at this bit of news, placing a hand over my chest to say to me, "Dr. Kureha was rather impressed with whatever it was. She told us what it did, but she never gave us the name." I'd smiled as I told him, "The name in... my alchemy book... is Halted Pendellum..."
Dr. Kureha made her presence known at this point, walking in to snort out, "Who came up with that cockamaimee description?!" I'd said, "Whoever wrote... that section... of the alchemy book... My mom... or my dad... I'll never know... I have no memory... of either of them..." Chopper had walked in to bring me more medicine, hopping up onto the bed from a chair to have Dalton remove the blankets over me. I was covered in bandages, my chest wrapped like a mummy as Chopper lifted up my arm to inject the medication. I'd gotten more of my wind back to look to each of them. "Thank you, all of you, for helping my friends and myself... I am truly grateful, since I would hate to lose my family twice..." Dr. Kureha growled at me, her aggression evident as she'd said, "You're welcome. But I'm not of a mind to let you fool me with polite words. For all I know, you'll try finding a way to discover the secrets of my youth and long life. Those are my trade secrets, missy. Nobody gets those save for Chopper." I'd nodded in understanding as Chopper examined me in detail. "Noted... But I have enough herbal mixtures... to promote health and youth... I'm not about to steal yours..." Dr Kureha had raised an eyebrow as I offered, "I will gladly share them with you... as thanks for all that you've done... If you like, I have full copies... of all my alchemy recipes that you may have... As payment for your help if you... do not accept gifts of that manner..." She'd gotten a gleeful look on her face, nodding at me to say, "Excellent! I happily accept! Is it one of the rather thick binders in your bag?" I shake my head as Chopper grips my wrist. "No, it's all of the binders..." Her eyes went wide to exclaim, "There's five thick volumes in that bag!" I nodded. "Was a pain to... sit and write everything out... But those original books... are really huge... I have a spare set of binders... Though the last one isn't completely finished..." Chopper had gotten out his stethescope at this point, making me take deep breaths for him as he listened. I got halfway before coughing, my ribs complaining as I shook slightly. Dalton took my hand on that side and held it tight, his smile warm as I panted and squeezed back. Chopper listened to my heart as I lay there wishing everything would stop aching, my eyes drifting closed as I grumbled out, "Time to pass out again..." I did so as Chopper moved the stethescope over my front, my heartbeat kissing the listening end in a gentle rythmn. He told Dr. Kureha, "She's showing vast improvement. I'd say she's been in recovery for a few days by now if we hadn't just stitched her closed a few hours ago." Dr. Kureha nodded at this to state, "I had a feeling those healing extracts were potent. But even I have to admit, I didn't expect them to work this well. She's a progidy, an alchemic wizard. I haven't seen the like since my own younger days. I've half a mind to adopt her as a daughter." Dalton raised and eyebrow as Chopper hopped back down off the bed, lacing the blankets back over my front but making sure they only came up to my collarbone since I was slightly warm. "Really? Interesting." The both of them turned their gaze back to me, my head slightly tilted towards them as my chest rose and fell slightly. Dalton leaned forward to lace his hands together, his eyes never leaving me as he asked her, "Do you think we should tell her the truth? That her parents are from our Drum Kingdom?" Dr. Kureha shook her head to scoff at him. " Oh, don't be a fool. If she really has no knowledge of her parents, it's best left that way. What good would knowing such things do for her now? No. Best to leave that nasty business alone and in the past, Dalton."
I adopted Chopper as a little brother right away, having him bunk with me the past few nights to help settle him into being a part of the crew. He’d nuzzled his small frame into my chest to fall asleep each night, his warmth snuggled close as I ran my hands through his soft fur. He especially enjoyed the belly rubs I gave him all the time, his little heart kissing my palms as I would stroke my fingers in his plush pelt for him to give a loud sigh. He’d giggle as I sang a silly song for him I made up, Usopp and Luffy joining in during the refrain to make us all laugh. I didn’t actually mind bunking with the guys one bit, it made the nights more enjoyable as we chatted with each other and swung in the hammocks. Now we were on our way to fabled Alabasta to help Princess Vivi and her people, since the Baroque Works was about to destroy her kingdom and hunt us down for good measure. I give a long sigh as I open my eyes and look out to the fading sunlight, it's rays casting oranges and reds along the water as we sail towards Alabasta. I was half baked by now from laying on the head of the Going Merry all afternoon, my skin taking on a bit of a tan as I'd laid and turned and basked in the sunshine. My hair was no longer straight brown anymore, but kissed with evident highlights from the constant sunshine. I laugh at this, the months I'd spent as a Straw Hat Pirate changing me on the outside and the inside in turn. My smile is full of contentment, my grief at losing my lover nearly twenty months prior much more muted. I wasn’t alone anymore, after making good friends in the crew and the few others we'd met along the way. Especially Luffy, his simple ways and bright smile making me feel whole and full of joy. I think back to my life before as I gaze at the sunset, when it was just Logan and myself all the time. We'd been everything to each other, meeting one fateful night back at the orphanage when I was five. He'd snuck in to get food, and I'd packed a bag from the pantry to give to him. When the caretaker caught me in the kitchen moments after he'd closed the back door, she'd beaten me badly to then lock me in the cellar. Logan had gotten me out by picking the locks on the door outside, having me come with him to the next town over where he lived in an abandoned church. He became my teacher in the ways of survival and trust, to then be my best friend and sparring partner when an older man had come to stay at the church a few weeks later. He'd taught us both a mixture of martial arts in payment for the roof over his head, leaving ten months later to say we'd learned all he had to give. We then spent a few years traveling as a part of a carnival, where I'd polished my alchemy and pawned it off as witchcraft to the ones that came to the carnival. I'd always had my books of alchemy and apothecary studies, those items being the only thing I had of my parents who I didn't even have faces to recollect on. But by the time Logan and I had gotten back home to the church, I was a highly skilled and well known alchemist as well as a first grade apothecary. I was also more than just Logan's friend, we had fallen in love after finally giving in to the romance under our platonic relationship. Though I was a few years younger than him, we were both fully commited to being together in every possible way. Our nights at the church were spent making love in copious amounts once I hit sixteen, and each night we'd pass out on the old mattress under the stained glass window. I was almost twenty now, my age making me the senior member of the crew. Though none of them ever dared to point this out for any reason.
I hear a loud laugh as Luffy hops up onto the sheep's head of the ship next to me, his grin wide over his face. "I figured you'd be up here, whatcha doin' Mags?" I stretch at this to then give a loud yawn. "Besides getting a tan and a nap? Just thinking about all that's happened. I mean that whole escapade on Drum Island was quite a thrill ride." Luffy nods at this, his smile fading as he says in a more neutral voice, "Yeah. I'm glad we have Chopper with us now as our doctor. But I was really worried when you got hurt again." I give a light snort. "Comes with the territory, Luffy. I wasn't about to let Dalton get skewered." Luffy frowns, placing his hand on my back where the arrow had hit home and gone through my chest. "I thought you were dead, Mags. It scared me to see you like that. It was bad enough when that Donny guy broke you, but this time I really thought you were gone for good." I give a long sigh. "Sorry Luffy, I didn't even think when I moved. I just reacted to keep Dalton from getting killed. Though us getting buried by your avalanche didn't help the town much." Luffy snickers at this to say to me, "Whoops. I forgot about that part. Sorry, I know how much you hate the cold." I pinch him. "Convenient memory loss is so you." I tackle him to tickle him all over, making him laugh so hard he can't breathe. His mood only stays improved for so long though, his frown coming back to say to me, "Don't die on me Mags. I don't want you to go away. Please Mags, you're my second mate so we can all conquor the Grand Line together. I want you as my second for when I make my dream come true and I become the Pirate King. So please don't leave like that before we do make it. Please?" I hug him tight as I say, "I promise I won't willingly keel over dead on you, Luffy. I will always fight alongside you and I will help you in achieving your dream. For as long as I'm able to share in the adventure. It's all I can promise, since I’m only human. Is that good enough for you, Luffy?" He nods at this to say, "I guess so, but I'd rather you never die on me ever." I flick his nose to tell him, "Likewise. Now are you going to tell me what brought this up, or are you gonna avoid it again like you keep choosing to do lately?" I hold my gaze to Luffy, noting the apparent frown on his usually cheerful face. He sits back up to stare off into the sunset, making me tilt my head at him. "You keep trying to over think this, and you're gonna break your brain. Just say what's on your mind already. You know full well I'm not going to hold it against you." He just keeps staring off into the distance, the waves lapping against the bow of the Going Merry as he asks me, "Anything, Mags?" I nod at this, "Go ahead, before your head pops off your shoulders for me to go fetch and sew back on with Chopper's help."
Luffy lowers his head, the brim of his hat hiding his eyes. "What does it feel like to fall in love?" I blink at him. "Really? Is that what's been bugging you?" He nods. "I know you've fallen in love before. I just wanted to know what it feels like. Would you tell me?" I smile and look out at the horizon as I tell him, "It's amazing, Luffy. From the moment you realize the sensation, your heart and your life feels full and vibrant. Every heartbeat is filled with a tingling lightness, like a bird fluttering about in your chest. Each breath is lush and savory, like a bouquet of fresh flowers held to your nose. Your vision is full of color, the world bright and gleaming all around you. Every moment is more important and worthwhile, as if filled with sunshine you could drink out of a steaming mug on a cold day. Just being around the one you love makes you feel fuzzy fluffy all over, as if your insides are the softest wool. It's the best feeling ever, and you never forget the sensation once you find it." I laugh at the memories, my smile warm yet tinted with sadness. I lace my fingers in Luffy's hand next to me, and he grips my hand tight in his own. Luffy asks me, "Is someone able to find that kind of love again when they lose it?" I think for a second. "I'd certainly hope so. Logan would be devastated if I wasn't able to find someone who could love me like he always felt that I deserve. His death won't have changed that, he'll always want me to be happy and well cherished. Even though my heart broke at losing him, his love is still in my heart where it always will be. I can feel it even now, though it's been nearly two years since he was killed by the marines. Each pump of my heart inside my chest is tinted with him, but there is always room for another inside of it's chambers. I just have to catch the one that would want that place inside of me." I give a long sigh as I look out to the sunset, my mood darkening. "Granted, the one I have fallen for isn't showing any open signs of doing so. I'm about ready to stop waiting and tell them myself." Luffy goes stock still, his hand crushing mine as he starts to shake. "Is it Zoro?" I shake my head. "Nah. He's great and all that, but Zoro isn't the one I fell in love with." Luffy keeps shaking. "Sanji?" I roll my eyes. "That flambe of a flirt can't commit to a relationship like I would really need. And don't even suggest Usopp as a possibility, I'd rather strangle that idiot most days!" Luffy looks down at me. "Then who else is left, Mags?" I give Luffy a very warm smile to tell him, "Point your finger at your nose, Luffy." His eyes go as wide as allowed in his head for him to stare at me, his hand in mine going limp in shock. I grin at him. "Granted, there are times I'd like to deck you along with Zoro and Sanji. But it's time I told you the truth. I'm in love with you, Monkey D. Luffy."
Ever so slowly, Luffy gets that grin back on his face, his eyes shining as much as the water that is kissed by the rays of the sunset. His excitement alights his entire face, his hand gripping mine tight as he shouts, "REALLY?!" I reach up and honk his nose playfully. "You bet your berries, Luffy." He falls backwards to lay next to me, his legs pumping furiously in the air as he roars with laughter. His eyes leak tears of joy as he exclaims, "ALL RIGHT! This is so awesome! It isn't just me then, you really are in love with me?!" I roll on top of him, my nose to his as I tell him, "Yep!" He hugs me so tight I can't breathe, but I couldn't care one bit. Luffy nuzzles his nose against my own, his laughter ringing in my ears as he crushes me to his chest. "YES! I've been wanting to tell you for ages! I'm in love with you too, Mags! WOW! This has got to be the best day of my entire life!" I give a somewhat breathless laugh as he let's up on his hold on me, asking me with a gleeful grin, "Does that mean I can kiss you now without you trying to kill me like you did to Sanji?" I lean down and do so in order to answer his question. I press my lips lightly to the corner of his mouth, his eyes popping slightly before drifting closed. His hands lace over my back to press my chest to his front, his fingers wrapping into my top in the process. My hands drift to his neck as I continue pressing light kisses to his lips. Luffy shivers slightly before he snickers against my mouth, his words breathing over my lips. "Mmmm! That feels great! No wonder Sanji risked getting himself killed to steal a kiss from you!" I give a low chuckle to say, "I take it you've never been kissed before?" Luffy smiles at me to remind me, "No. You've kissed me already." I snort at him. "Oh good grief! That was to get you to start breathing again! Which reminds me, don't ever get caught under a boulder at the bottom of a water source ever again, you dork!" He gets a naughty grin to say, "Why? You'll definitely kiss me again if I did!" I tickle him, his laugh vibrating through his chest as I scold him. "I'm going to be doing that regardless, smarty pants! I'd rather not have to think you're going to die on me like Logan did!" Luffy nods his head at me, "Okay." I give a sigh as I lay there with him, my mind drifting to the past as I start to cry slightly. Luffy frowns at this, knowing where my mind is right now. "It was bad. His death. I take it that's why you wake up at night either screaming or not being able to breathe." I nod, my eyes leaking as I tell him. "Luffy... they... the marines butchered him. Logan had his body pretty much cleaved in half before they tossed him over the wall down towards me." Luffy goes wide eyed as I tell him what I haven't said a word about to any of the crew since I joined. "It was horrible, Luffy! His insides had come free of the opening in his front! I had to watch his lungs gasp for air and his heart beat in his ruined chest! But I was so adamant at not losing him! I tried to breathe for him when his air cut out! I put my hand to his heart and squeezed it to keep it working! Even after his body was long cold and pale white from losing too much blood! I knew it would make no difference, but I spent a full hour trying to bring Logan back to me!"
Luffy hugs me tight, his hand in my hair to press my head to his shoulder. Then a thought dawns on him. "Mags? Is that why you have that red jar that can't break or be opened?" I nod into his shoulder as I continue to cry. Luffy thinks for a moment, then he whispers in a dead pan voice when he realizes what I did. "Logan's heart is in the jar. You took it out and kept his heart after he died. That's why you got arrested and tied up next to Zoro in the prison yard. You were caught by the marines taking back the heart of the man you fell in love with and lost." I nod again, my eyes streaming. "Yes. I kept and preserved the one piece of him I could never let go of. Call it morbid, call it psychotic, but I just couldn't give all of him up to the cold hard ground. His heart has always been my treasure, whether it was beating to keep him alive or in the jar after it's pace was silenced." Luffy flinches slightly, but he doesn't seem that freaked out by my admission. "I get it, Mags. You're an alchemist, mixing potions along with other really odd things is your specialty. Preserving his heart to keep with you isn't that much of a stretch to me." I choke and shiver, my sob breaking my voice slightly. I tell Luffy, "It's believed that the heart holds ones very soul in it's chambers. I was so distraught, Luffy. Logan meant everything to me, he was my treasure. I only had Logan to make my life whole. But his death destroyed me. I had to carry his body all the way back to the church we lived in. I had to sit in the church after I got there, with his body next to me to leak red all over the floor. I had to dig a grave for him in the cemetary out back, crying all the while because I had to leave him in the church while I did so. But I couldn't stand the idea of giving him up completely. So I took my dagger and carefully removed his heart to place it inside the jar, adding the last bits of my reagents to preserve the contents before sealing the jar closed. I had to lay him into the cold ground and put the dirt back over his body. I passed out onto his grave with the jar in my arms, his heart inside clutched to my own as I laid there as dead as he was beneath me. If the mayor hadn't come to find me, I would have frozen to death right there at his grave."
Luffy lays there with me as I sob and choke, my misery practically drowning me as I wail into his vest. But then Luffy lifts my chin, placing his mouth on mine in a sweet and somewhat sloppy kiss. I blink a few times as his hands rest on my shoulders, then I return the kiss eagerly. His yelp of surprise is lost in my mouth as I practically devour his tongue. Then he moans very loudly and hugs me tight, his own tongue running into my mouth to copy me. I taste the legs of meat he snuck out of the kitchen with my help earlier, but I don't mind in the least as he licks at me with abandon. Luffy ends up drooling slightly as our tongues clash, and he notes the wetness to break away. "ACK! (cough) Sorry, Mags! Why do you taste so good?!" I snicker as I tell him, "I was chewing one of my herbs earlier, the one to keep my teeth from rotting out. So I bummed a tangerine from Nami to rid myself of the sour aftertaste." Luffy smiles at this, wiping the drool off my chin with his thumb as he laughs. "No wonder you taste so sweet. I didn't mean to slobber all over you like a dog." I burst out laughing at this. "Yeah right! If anything, you'd have started licking my face and barking at me if that was the case!" He blushes at this to then get a wicked grin. "Not a bad idea! C'mere kitty!" I give a shout and hightail it, Luffy chasing me as he barks and howls behind me. I shriek with laughter as we loop around and about the Going Merry, his barking and my laughter getting the others to watch us from the kitchen door. I backflip over Luffy into to the netting leading up to the crows nest, Luffy skidding on the deck as I climb with all due speed to then crawl over the side pole holding the sails out. I look down at Luffy as he gives a convincing growl at me, and I mewl at him to lace a hand next to my head like a paw. He snickers at this. "The kitty is very nimble." I meow at him, "Nyah. So what now, sweet puppy? You gonna chase the pussykitten all night?" Luffy gives me a wicked snicker as Sanji goes bug eyed at the kitchen door, his cigarette nearly falling out of his mouth as he exclaims, "MAGGIE!" I jerk in surprise, losing my balance on my perch as I yelp. My foot just catches the pole before I go tumbling down, the rope of the sail winding over my ankle to pull something in my foot. I cry out in pain as Luffy goes wide eyed in fear. "MAGS!" The blood starts rushing to my head as I try to get loose, my fingers fumbling with the rope as Zoro exclaims, "Great job, dumbass! She'll break something important if she falls! Maggie, I'm on my way up!"
I give a growled curse to shout out, "Hurry, Zoro! This cat does NOT have eight extra lives! I'd be lucky if I have four left at this point! DAMMIT! I can't get lose! Zoro, get me free before my head pops off!" I give an extra twist as I struggle to get free, my ears roaring as my head gets lighter to seemingly float away on the breeze. Zoro fits my fallen dagger into his teeth to climb up to me. Nami shouting out to me, "Maggie! Try and stay calm!" I give a snarl as I tell her, "Too late! Get me free before I lose my lunch or something else!" Chopper runs to the banister to shout, "Try climbing back up onto the pole! You need to get upright before the pull of gravity messes with your head and blood vessels!" I try to grab the pole to pull myself back up, but by then I'm ready to black out as Zoro gets to me. "Luffy! Get your hands around her! Hang tight Maggie!" I give a snarled, "Not... funny..." Large hands evelope my frame as I go limp, my eyes rolling back as I black out. Zoro cuts me free with a few slices of the dagger, Luffy's hands catching my weight to shoot me back down into his waiting arms. "Mags! Say something! MAGS!" My nose starts to leak red as Luffy lays me down onto the deck, Chopper running down with his bag to help me. Luffy is bawling at this point, his fear evident as he chokes and sobs. "Mags! Please be okay! Please be all right!" Zoro puts the dagger back in his teeth to hang from the pole before jumping down to the deck, his legs taking his weight to then roll forward to lessen the jarring on his frame. Chopper checks me over thoroughly, Luffy holding my hand in a death grip as I lay on the deck with more red leaking from my nose. But then I give a loud cough, my eyes opening for the others to give shouts of relief. Luffy openly cries as he clutches my hand in both of his. "Mags! You're okay!" I give a groan as Chopper listens to my heart and lungs with his stethescope. "That's up for debate... Ow much on many levels..." Chopper looks into my eyes at this point to flinch slightly. "Ow indeed. Your left eye blew." I take a ragged breath of air as I note, "Great. So that's why I feel like I got shot in the head. Terrific. Anything potentially fatal, Doc?" Chopper frowns as he listens to my chest and tells me, "Not that I'm noting at the moment. But that could change any minute." I give a hiss as I look down with my one good eye. "Peachy, wanna make sure my foot is still attached when you get the chance?" Chopper looks and flinches again, noting my ankle and heel are bruising over and getting darker by the minute. "Yeah. I'll check that once I know your heart isn't going to jump out of your chest." I give a breathless laugh as I say, "Luffy can always catch it for me. My heart is his to keep after all." Everyone goes wide eyed as I look at him, my free hand flicking him playfully on the nose as he says, "Honest, Mags?" I nod to then wince slightly. "Yep. Might as well make us official for the whole crew. I'm all yours Luffy."
Nami gives us a wide smile as Usopp gives a chuckled, "It's about time, you two." But Sanji starts fuming, his shouts making me wince as he bellows, "Are you kidding, Maggie?! How can you do this to me?! It was bad enough I had to compete with your dead lover! Now I get completely tossed aside! For Luffy, out of all the guys in our crew?! You're seriously going to do this to me, Magdeline?! DAMN IT ALL TO HELL!" I give a very long sigh as he continues to fume at the top of his lungs. "Sanji... Sanji! SANJI!" He stops mid sentence to look around at me. "WHAT?!" I glare at him with my one good eye and state, "We both know you'd rather have Nami! You're just too much of a halfwit to make a commitment to her! So enough with the bellowing already!" Sanji glares at me to state in turn, "And just what exactly gave you that kind of impression?! Yes, I really do love Nami! But I wanted to try being with you all the same! Besides, she isn't even interested in me, or I'd have given Nami my heart a long time ago!" Nami goes bright red as Sanji whirls around to start cursing and stomping over the deck. Luffy looking at Nami to say, "But you told Mags and me you were in love with him, Nami." Sanji goes ram rod straight at this, whirling around to exclaim, "SAY WHAT?!" Nami goes as red as Luffy's vest, her eyes looking away as she fidgets slightly. "Yeah... but he and Maggie were kissing that one time I was going to ask..." She looks up at him with a tear coming into the corner of her eye. So I tell her, "Nami. He's an idiotic flirt that needs to be roped and hog tied in order for you to keep him. If you had stuck around for the show of me chasing him around the kitchen to rip his heart out, I'd have gladly handed it to you after I had done so. As long as you don't mind keeping him on a tight leash, he's all yours." Chopper moves down to examine my foot, his hooves flexing my ankle with care as I snarl and jerk when he does so. Nami lowers her head as Sanji kneels down next to her, his hands coming to rest on her face as he whispers, "Nami? You-" Then she whips the cigarette out of his mouth to crush him to her frame. They go down onto the deck in a heap as she tells him, "No more smoking, Sanji! I expect my guy not to taste like he licked an ash tray! And you so much as chase down an old lady in a walker, and I'll break every bone in your body!" Sanji goes wide eyed as she looks him full in the face. Then he smiles to look at me and ask, "Maggie, you still have those ingredients to make that herbal chew to kick my bad habit?" I laugh at this and tell him, "You bet. Already measured and waiting to be combined, along with a mint extract for you to get rid of that said ash tray taste. I am the Alchemist of the Straw Hat Pirates, so I was just waiting for your all clear." Sanji nods to then look at Nami, his hands lacing over her as he says, "Guess that means I'm all yours." Nami gives a slight sniff as they hug, her head pressed to his heart as they fall over again onto the deck.
Luffy snickers as he watches them, then he looks down at me to ask, "Are you okay now Mags?" I give a flinch as Chopper rotates my foot some more. "OW! Mostly, though my foot and ankle feel very different shades of not pleasant at the moment." Chopper gives a loud sigh, "Yeah I know. It's pretty bad, Maggie. You tore a lot of muscle and ligaments when your ankle caught in the rigging. I may have to set this in a cast for you." I fall with vehemence onto the deck. "Great! So I get to have an eyepatch and we might as well put a peg leg on me! How more cliche can we possibly make this?!" Usopp grins to say, "I can always stuff a parrot and squack behind you if you like." Luffy laughs really hard at this, but I tell Usopp, "You do that and I will stuff the parrot in your mouth! Or better yet, up your reared end where that idea came from!" This gets everyone laughing as Luffy says, "At least we'll know what happened if Usopp starts waddling around." I then take it a step further as the others start choking and sputtering even harder, "You forgot him farting out feathers when he waddles." We all laugh so hard we end up splayed out on the deck, our roaring evident as I pound my free hand to the deck in mirth. Zoro crouches down with his arms around his middle as he shakes all over while he roars with vehemence, Chopper rolling around to smack the deck with his hooves. I laugh so hard I start coughing, Luffy laying next to me as he laces his hands over my middle to hug me tight. “You are hilarious, Mags. You should have been our comedian instead of our alchemist.” I honk his nose before bringing my arms around him. “Thanks, but I’ll pass. I don’t make good money from being a smart ass.” Luffy grins to then place a tender kiss to my neck, his nose lingering as he inhales to say, “Yummy. You were making perfume with Nami's tangerines again.” I nod. “Those tangerines will spoil if we don’t use them, Luffy. So I made a few bottles to make sure they didn’t go to waste.” Nami gives a grumbled, “I’m hoping you plan on splitting the profits for them? They are MY tangerine trees, Maggie.” I laugh to tell her, “I gave one bottle to Vivi and the others are on your work desk.” Luffy looks down at my foot, then he gets his arms under me to pick me up. “You aren’t walking for a bit, let’s get you into your hammock.”
Chopper follows along behind us as we get to the sleeping area, Chopper standing on a barrel as I sit in my hammock. He brings out one of the herbal salves I made, having Luffy rub it over my heel and ankle as I growl and flinch. “Ow! Careful, that- OUCH! We getting the casting mold out?” Chopper shakes his head to say, “I think a good and sturdy wrap job will do. But we’ll have to keep a special covering over the wrap for when you’re walking in the desert.” I nod for Luffy to say, “I can always just carry you, Mags.” I tug on his hat, “No. You aren’t having me ride piggyback through all of our trip. You’d keel over from heat stroke.” Luffy grins as Chopper gets the bandages out, running the roll over my foot and ankle with care. I wiggle my toes as he works, both of them laughing as I do so. “At least the digits still work. Remind me to be more careful when I’m up so high. I’d rather not break my neck or repeat this little adventure a second time.” Chopper nods at this, “Me either. You're really lucky your foot caught in the rigging. But the fact your eye blew out means you’ll be wearing an eyepatch for a bit.” I give a long sigh as Chopper finishes wrapping my foot, getting out an actual red eyepatch to give to me. I lace the string around my head to knot it tight with a doubled bow. Chopper leaves his bag on the barrel as he hops down. “All done. Now you lay here for a bit and rest. I’ll make sure Sanji sets something aside for you to eat later.” I nod to then look a little surprised as Luffy sits in the hammock with me. “Okay Chopper, thanks. I’m gonna stay with Mags.” Chopper grins at this to then hurry off, Luffy wrapping his hands around my waist as I smile. “I must be important if you’re forgoing food. Does this mean I can ask you for something?” He nods for me to finger his signature straw hat. “Mind if I try this on?” He frowns for a moment, then he takes it off to drop it onto my head. The hat fits snug against my hair, Luffy tilting the rim up to look at me. I give him a warm smile as my face heats up. “Does it suit me?” Luffy nods his head, the look in his eyes melting my insides. “It’s perfect on you, Mags.” I ask him, “I know it’s important to you, but you never told me why. You mind telling me now?” He nods to tell me all about how he acquire his signature straw hat, laying us into my hammock as he hugs me. When he’s done I’m wide eyed to say, “I think I’ve met Shanks before, your description of him fits.” Luffy goes wide eyed to shout, “What?! You have?!” I nod as I close my eyes to remember. “Large crew, flaming red hair, one arm missing. Red sash and a saber at his waist.” Luffy hugs me so tight I choke, “THAT’S HIM! Where’d you meet him?!” I growl out, “Luffy!... AIR!...” He lets up to let me get a breath. “Sorry! I just got really excited. But you’ve really met Shanks?!”
I nod, “Yep. He and his crew bunked at the church for a while about four years ago. They had to make repairs on their ship, so they beached it on the shoreline in front of the church to do so. They were expecting the church to be empty, but were very surprised when Logan and I tried jumping them for coming in without knocking. We both ended up on the floor with our heads under a boot, but Shanks apologized profusely when he realized they’d intruded into our home. I made a large dinner with the supplies they brought from the ship, even making a salve for Shanks when he kept flinching any time Logan slapped his shoulder. Turns out he got an infection a few days prior, and he was very happy for the salve as I rubbed it in for him. We were fine with them bunking at the church, since it's huge and has three stories counting the empty bell tower. Though most of the time they were too busy getting hammered and partying all night long to care where they eventually fell over. I was surprised that any of them had any brain cells to walk, let alone work on the ship each day. Shanks was constantly fighting a hangover and I had to make him a tincture to help him see straight every time he woke up for breakfast.” Luffy frowns at this. “But Shanks has never been a lightweight when it comes to drinking.” I laugh really hard as I tell him, “That was my fault, Luffy. Shanks kept demanding me to give them some hard core liquor drinks and to make it as laced as possible every night. I got to show off my bartending, many of them tossing back drinks to then go red as tomatoes after the burning laced through them. I’d told them that I had an open bar policy for houseguests, but they left an entire bag of jewels when they left. Shanks also made sure Logan and I were down there partying right along with them each night, instead of letting me get any extra work done. He’d enjoyed watching me mix and measure out my alchemy, even helping me double check my measurements and keeping me compay as I worked. Logan was always outside helping them with the repairs on the ship, or getting into a contest of some kind with the other crew members. By the time they left, we were honorary crew members. Shanks promised they’d stop by if they ever came back into the area. I made sure to carve out a note for them into the door of the church so they’d know… So they’d know… Which gravestone to pour sake over… And to use whatever was left there to find… to throw one last party… If only for them to give tribute to… the man named Logan D. Rossi…” Tears burn in my eyes to trek down my cheeks, even though one eye is covered by the eyepatch.
I tilt Luffy’s hat so I can lay on top of him without bending the rim, my head nestled over his heart as he sighs, “I’m sorry Mags. I know how much remembering hurts for you. What can I do to help? I’ll do anything if it will make you feel better.” I close my eyes as his arms circle over my shoulders to hug me tight, his heart thumping in my ear. I ask him, “Anything Luffy?” He hugs me tighter, “Anything.” I bring my arms around him to hug him back, my words aching in my chest as I beg, “Promise me you will never stop loving me. No matter where we go, no matter who we meet, no matter how long we stay together. Promise me that I will never lose your love. Please Luffy?” His hug is like steel as he crushes me in his arms, his heart starting to pump harder. “Always, Mags. I love you. Forever. I promise.” I lift my head up slightly, pressing my lips to his chest over the apex of his heart. His heart skips a beat as I do so, his gasp of surprise making me smile. I do so again and he shivers, his heart thumping hard in his chest as I laugh. "I take it you've never had a girl kiss you here before." He snickers as my fingers lightly tickle his sides, my lips feathering over his chest as his heart hammers at my attentions. "Nope! And I'm loving every single bit of this! More!" I oblidge him as he shivers and jerks as I tickle and kiss, his entire body going slightly red as I do so. Then I lay next to him as he asks me, "I was wondering since you have my hat, can I see your jar, Mags?" I nod and tell him, "I have a better trick for you to enjoy, Luffy." We sit up for me to turn to where the jar sits on a table close to the hammock, setting the jar onto a special metal pedestal that was next to it and telling him, "Instead of just seeing the jar, I'll show you what's inside." Luffy goes bug eyed as I turn a few switches on the pedestal. "Really?! Is that why you have this special boxy thing next to your hammock?" I nod as the pedestal charges slightly with electricity. "Yep. The jar is made of a special ceramic material. It goes trasparent like glass when you charge electricity into it. I also added some extra touches to Logan's heart in the jar as well. But you'll see once the pedestal starts working." Luffy hugs me tight as the pedestal starts to whine slightly, then I flick the switch. The electricity of the apparatus courses through the jar, instantly changing the red ceramic into what looks like glass to reveal the contents inside. Then the jar stats to vibrate slightly as Luffy goes wide eyed in amazement, watching in avid fascination as I hug him tight. There in the jar rests the heart of my first love, Logan D. Rossi, the electricity lacing through special nodes and wiring I placed within the jar to have his heart beating at a slow and steady pace. Luffy reaches a hand out to the jar. His fingers touching the surface to say, "Amazing... The jar is actually moving..." I nod to then carefully hook two wires from the pedestal into the rim of the jar, taking it off the pedestal to place in Luffy's hands. He holds the jar with great care as I place my hands over his, Luffy's laugh full of evident wonder. "Wow, this is so cool. The whole jar vibrates with every heartbeat. This is amazing. Logan's heart is really strong to pump this good, Mags." I nod as I watch Luffy, his smile of amazement warming my insides. I tell him, "Logan was always very healthy, Luffy. My alchemy and special herbs helped keep us both at our peak. The only time we ever really needed to see a doctor is when one of us broke something." Luffy gets up to set the jar very carefully back onto the pedestal, kneeling down to watch closely as he tells me, "This has to be the coolest use of your alchemy I have ever seen. How'd you even know how to do this?" I laugh. "There was a letter stuffed in the jar when I found it next to the pedestal, the writing the exact same as in my alchemy books. Apparently, it is a common practice in my family to keep the heart of one's lover should they pass away too soon." Luffy gets up to stand in front of me as I reach out to turn the machine off, his eyes hidden by his hat on my head as he says to me, "Thank you for sharing this with me, Mags." I smile. "You are most welcome. Like I would say no when I'm wearing your own treasure. I love you. As such, all my treasures are now yours to enjoy right along with me."
Luffy goes dead still at this, then he says, "Does that mean I can keep your heart for myself?" I look up and give him my warmest smile. "Yes, Luffy. My heart is now yours to treasure. Always and forever." Luffy leans down to kiss me, and I wrap my arms around his neck to kiss him back. Then he says to me, "Then I have a great idea." He reaches over to delve a hand into Chopper's bag, making me raise an eyebrow at him to say, "What are you up to?" He pulls out Chopper's stethescope, his grin evident as he says to me, "Isn't it obvious, Mags? I want to listen to my new treasure." I laugh as he puts the stethescope on, so I take the listening end in one hand to then have him lay next to me in the hammock. I place the listening end of the stethescope to my chest, right over where the apex of my heart is as he smiles to exclaim, "Whoah! Awesome!" I put my head to his own heart as he chuckles and says, "Damn. You've got a strong heart, Mags. It's really pumping." I touch my free hand to his chest to note, "As is yours Luffy." I can feel my heart as it thunders in my ribcage, the pace hard and fast as Luffy snickers. "Is your heart supposed to be thumping this hard?" I smirk to casually say to him, "What can I say Luffy, today has been a very exciting day." He snickers at this to say, "True. But I have to admit, this is exciting in itself. Especially with how hard your heart is thumping. I could lay here all night and listen to this." I laugh as I nuzzle my head to his front. "It'll slow down once I pass out again. But feel free to continue after I've fallen asleep. My heart is now yours to enjoy whenever you wish." My heart skips a beat the same time his does, his amusement in his voice as he snickers. "Heh! I heard that, your heart skipped a beat before it started thumping again." I poke his chest to tell him, "I heard yours do the same thing, Luffy. So lay off the teasing." His laugh vibrates in his chest. "I know, I felt it. Man, your heartbeat is really strong, I can even feel it against my fingers." I give him a purred, "The better term for that is my heart is kissing your fingertips, Luffy." His heart skips again to start pumping hard. "Cool, I kinda wish I could hold your heart as it thumps in my hands without a jar to keep it in. But I'd rather you kissed me for real while I listen." I lean my head up and do so, his fingers pressed into the apex of my heart as I place my mouth to his at the corner. We both shiver as I press my lips to his in a shower of kisses and a few licks over his bottom lip. His face goes flush as my heart pounds hard in my chest, his free hand tracing to my neck to press his fingers into my pulse. My entire body goes hot as my heart skips and thuds under his love and attention, my air coming in hard pants as I deepen my kissing. He gives a long moan as I lace my tongue into his mouth, his own tongue copying me to then give a light nip to my lip. Luffy and I spend a long while kissing and enjoying each others company, my heart thumping and soaring in evident joy as Luffy listens with avid attention. Then he gives a breathless laugh to lean back and say, "Oh wow, that's so good I want to do this forever. But your heart is going to explode if we keep this up any longer." I give him a wicked grin to snicker at him, my humor and love evident as I tell him, "That's a clear sign you got this right, Luffy." He laughs loudly at this. "Great. But I think that's enough for our first date, Mags. Besides, you need to sleep." I give a long yawn, wrapping my arms around his middle to say, "Yeah, time to do so. I love you, Luffy." His free hand laces into my hair. "I love you too, Mags." I drift off very quickly, Luffy smiling as my heart settles to beat in a relaxed pace as he closes his eyes. His enjoyment is evident as he twirls the strands of my hair in his fingers, the steady beat of my heart like a well played symphony as he whispers, "This is the best treasure I could ever have found as a pirate. All I love about you is in this one piece of you, Mags. This treasure that is your heart is now my own personal One Piece."
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