#the ones that look good are all one color... most of the paintings of multicolor ones also look like kind of messy smush lmao
blujayonthewing · 11 months
[looking up how to paint autumn trees in watercolors] .... hm. you know maybe this is just really hard to do for everyone
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neonthewrite · 7 months
The Office Fae
The next prompt was Tangled, and I ended up with a brand new character for this one. He's fun so far. I'm enjoying his very gremlin energy. I hope you all like him too!
Life in an office building generally worked well for Simon, despite technically being a house fae. The rules could be fuzzy on that front, with so many humans coming and going every day. Sure, there wasn’t a singular family loving the place and cherishing their lives there, but a lot of humans from many families liked the building and their jobs there well enough to make the energy inviting. Something about flexible hours, good wages, and a solid benefits package made for a harmonious office with plenty of memories–some friendly, some dramatic, even some spicy memories.
Plus there was a vending machine. Simon came for the vibes originally, but he absolutely stayed for the vending machine. At a modest five and three quarter inches tall, he had easy access to a good variety of things in portions that lasted him days.
Another house fae rule he bent–it wasn’t precisely a bowl of cream left out for him specifically, but nobody could expect that these days. Keeping the vending machine stocked was close enough, and if the light bulbs and printer cartridges in the building all lasted longer than they should, well, Simon earned his keep. He probably saved them hundreds on the annual operations budget.
Work always slowed down around the end of winter, aside from some buzzing over in the accounting office. All the holiday parties were done and the potluck food all taken home from the break room fridges. Simon planned for it and handled it well, though things could get cold with the shorter hours and heat on less to make up for the emptier office.
To that end, Simon wintered in the ceiling of the server room. The servers, bulkier and taller than a human, stood clustered in a side room and were never turned off. Blinking lights of green and red and blue twinkled on each machine, colors filtering into the ceiling along with the ample warmth those hulking obelisks gave off.
With so much downtime, he found himself perched near an opening in the ceiling, a spot where the tile had broken off long ago, and watched the server lights flicker on the tangled mess of multicolored cables that ran between them. It was a game of his to trace each cable from end to end with his eyes, idly kicking his bare, grey-skinned feet (his skin had shifted to a tasteful, cool grey a few years ago after an office refresh had updated all the paint). Long, slender fingers absently braided silky hair the color of faded ballpoint ink while he scanned the cables with eyes reminiscent of the shocking, dreaded blue of a computer on its way out.
Most house fae took on colors in equal parts camouflage and defense. Simon would be tough to spot if he happened to be out in the open near a human, but if someone did see him, humans never liked seeing that blue. So his eyes would probably protect him.
Not that he ever intended to test that. As much as he liked his many many humans and their water cooler chatter, Simon was realistic. They wouldn’t like him much even if he shared their scale. All his features were a bit elongated, just enough to seem strange and other. He only wore flowing pants made of scrap fabric and he ate bugs sometimes. Humans would call him scary or freaky or any number of words they had for things they didn’t like, and if his eyes couldn’t scare them off he’d be in danger of a rolled up magazine or a dusty phone book.
He’d stayed hidden for a long time, and he anticipated many games of look-at-cables in his future, all without humans being a bother.
Of course, until they were a slight bother anyway. Simon paused his movements and tensed when the door opened abruptly. Light flooded in and he lost track of the cable he was tracing when he looked over, grateful for his higher vantage point and the human tendency to ignore background details.
Two figures stood there, one familiar and one not. One was Tom, a human whose limbs gangled a bit but whose middle had padded out after so many years in a desk job. His bald spot glowed with light from the hallway, and his rumpled t-shirt sported a band name Simon thought he recognized. From what Simon knew, Tom was every bit an IT master and a vital cog in keeping the office running smoothly. He didn’t have to dress any higher than casual.
The other human was a new face. A woman, probably younger than Tom by a couple decades. Her dark skin contrasted with his pale complexion. Her hair, coily and thick, grew longer atop her head though it was tapered close at the sides. She wore a smart blouse and slacks, which Simon immediately recognized as the sort of thing one wore to a job interview, or one’s first day at work.
Tom waved a hand at the servers whirring away in the room. “Servers in here. Probably not gonna need to be in here a ton, but y’know. If something needs a reset…”
The woman nodded and smiled faintly as she scanned the room. “What are the chances I can fix up some of those cables?”
She said it as a joke. Simon didn’t find it funny at all. Tom did. He laughed. “Now that I get someone to pass tasks like that along to, I imagine I can convince the bossman to let me schedule a maintenance day. Now, let’s get you some of your equipment…”
The door closed and the humans walked away, and Simon cared not at all for their conversation or the rest of the onboarding for this new IT interloper. She wanted to organize the cables, which simply would not do. Simon stalked back to his makeshift camp to get his pack.
This new hire was simply not a good fit, and he’d do what he could to stop her horrible plan.
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Going to use this beautiful user's ask to upload a cute little birthday themed one shot! Happy birthday to you as well twin, and everyone else born during gemini szn <3 (so this is set as a summer birthday - apologizes to all my cold weather kids - pretend global warming took full effect and it's sunny on your birthday).
~*Boot Birthday Special*~
"Sir, I don't think that many candles will fit on one cupcake."
Gavi looked up from his phone and his eyes met with that of the poor teenager working behind the counter of the quaint little bakery in the plaza. It was a gorgeous day, the sun beaming down on the pale bricks and multicolored tile, painting the walls with sprinkles of gold. You were currently out with your friends, glasses of orange juice clinking the soundtrack of your early birthday brunch. Despite the day being about 11 hours away, Pablo's declaration that your birthday was his meant you needed to celebrate with everyone else at alternate times. So while you laughed and basked in light and friendship, Gavi stood at the front of a busy bakery using whatever geometry he possessed to see how many candles would look good on the delicate cupcake before him.
"I mean that's how old my girlfriend is turning. I can't just... change the number?" Pablo asked, nervous hands tugging on the hood covering his face despite the heat. A pink slip peaked out of his hoodie, the details of the real cake he had ordered for you written in scraggly blue ink. The girl at the counter, 15 at most, studied Gavi's features, trying to remember where she had seen these anxious features before. She glanced at the growing line, and turned back to Pablo's hoodie-shrouded form.
"Can I see what you ordered for her? On the full size cake?" She asked, smiling sweetly and extending her hand, gesturing for the form. Her eyes swept over her sister's messy handwriting, recognizing the request.
"This is one of our more vintage piped cakes. Very aesthetically pleasing. If this is something your girlfriend would like, then you should get one of these and put it in the middle of the cupcake. It seems like it would fit her vibe." Turning around, she lifted a large glass jar from the shelf behind her, filled with beautiful swirly candles in a variety of pastel colors. "That top one matches the color of the frosting." Pablo picked out the candle carefully, handing it to the girl to place in the bag. He thanked her profusely while she ran his credit card.
"I'm kind of nervous, if you can't tell. This is the first time I've celebrated a girl's birthday besides my sister so I want everything to look good." She laughed lightly back at him, returning the card. "Of course, happy to help. Can I ask for something, though?"
"Oh, yeah, sure. Do you need a signature for the receipt?"
"Signature yes, receipt no. Could you sign one of our boxes and take a picture with it? We're pretty small and family-owned, and it would bring in a lot of business to the shop."
Gavi's eyebrows perked up. He had had this request before from friends of his such as his barber, but he never expected to get it from just a local cake shop. "Yeah, of course." After taking the picture in the back of the shop, the delicately picked up the pale yellow bag, bidding goodbye to the staff and telling them they would get to meet his girlfriend tomorrow when he picked up his cake. Getting into his car (yes ladies, he can drive now), he checked his messages, ignoring all of them except the one from princesa <3 xoxo, which was a picture of you in red lipstick and a sparkly tiara that read birthday girl in rhinestones. Smiling from ear to ear, he made his way home to wrap the rest of your presents and protect your cupcake from the rays of the Spanish sun.
"Pablo? I'm home!"
Your voice bounced off the ceramic on the walls, echoing down the hallway as you slipped off your heels. The plethora of paper gift bags were placed on the counter as you searched for your fireball of a boyfriend, who you heard before you saw.
"Bebe!'' A yell came, followed by thunderous footsteps from your bedroom to where you stood in the entryway, strong arms wrapping around your waist and lifting you off the ground in a tight hug. Giggling gently, your arms circled his neck and lips pressed to the top of his head, gentle kisses conveying how much you had missed him throughout the day.
"Enjoy going out with the girls?" He asked while returning you to earth.
"Oh, so much! They took me to this great spot that had the best pastries. That crème brulee concha was probably the best thing I've ever put in my mouth."
"Is it now? Well-"
"Ew Pablo shut up! I mean food." Giggles continued to shake your body as you pushed him away, failing as he kept you pressed against him. He pressed exaggerated kisses to your warming cheeks, the sound of your laughter swimming through his veins and causing him to float an inch above the ground.
"I missed you today, amor." You said, head rolling to one side to expose you neck to Pablo, allowing him more space to pepper gentle kisses along your skin.
"We were only apart for a couple hours." He replied, eyes fluttering shut as he breathed in your scent, a couple spritzes of Chanel mixed with that special something that only you possessed.
"I know, I know but when I was celebrating with everyone today, I couldn't help but think, 'damn, I wish Pablo was here.'" You turned around in his arms, pressing your forehead against his and looking deeply in those beautiful brown eyes.
"You're genuinely one of my best friends, and I just... always want to be this close to you. Wherever I go, I want you to come with me."
Pablo brought both of his hands to cup your face, pulling you closer to gently kiss your forehead, before gently kissing your lips. It was so innocent, almost like it was the first time the two of you had ever kissed. Like you were an angel who would ascend if he applied too much force.
"I'll always go where you go, princesa. Forever." A beat passed with the two of you just gazing at each other lovingly The digital clocked displayed that it was 11:02pm, and Gavi dragged you into your shared bedroom, giving you a pale blue shopping bag.
"Get in the shower and put this on. Quickly, before you age." He flashed his gorgeous smile as you pushed him out, locking the door behind him. After washing away the excitement of the day, you walked cautiously towards the bag on the bed. You reached in, fingers feeling luxuriously smooth fabric. You pulled the contents out to reveal a gorgeous silk night gown, fabric printed with an array of flowers, a golden crown embroidered on the top left. Your face lit up, stunned by the beauty of the garment. A blue tag hung off the nightgown, careful handwriting spelling out, 'Fit for royalty'.
You walked down the stairs, the lights switched off, and a dull yellow glow emitting from the living room. You walked in to a room covered in glowing candles, Pablo in the center, with a pink box tied in a bow. Hearing your steps, his head turned to you, and his jaw went slack. His eyes trailed up the length of your body, admiring the way the soft fabric hugged your hips and framed your form beautifully, like a renaissance painting in the flesh. Your bare face, still fresh from the shower, took his breath away. The words died on his lips. He knew it was stupid to say out loud, but he knew that he had never laid eyes on something so stunning. He had never looked at something with so much love. He had never wanted to be this close with someone, and was certain that he would never feel this way about anyone else. He was so irreparably in love with you, and he had never felt better.
You walked over, arms wrapping around your form to deflect Gavi's intense stare. You had rarely worn sexy things in front of Gavi for prolonged periods of time, and were not used to the admiration. You moved towards him, sitting across from him on the plush rug.
"Princesa, we have all this furniture and you're sitting on the floor?" He asked with a light laugh.
Grabbing his hand, you laced your fingers with his. "I wanted you to be able to see this beautiful present up close. And plus, this is our house. We can make our own rules."
He moved his free hand up to your shoulder, tracing it down the fabric, mapping the planes of your body. His eyes meet yours again, and the love they're swimming in hits you like a ton of bricks. He loves you. Pablo Gavi loves you as much as you love him. Separating from you, he turns around, and you hear a match light and smell smoke faintly. He turns back around, placing a plate before you, with one perfectly piped cupcake and a beautiful candle. Your eyes began to water, and you looked at your lover.
"Pablo, it's so beautiful."
"Wait, I almost forgot." He pushed the wrapped present towards you., It was now 11:58pm, and he urged you to hurry.
"So you can use it on your birthday." Your fingers pulled at the plush velvet ribbon, removing the lid and moving the matching paper out of the way. You reached in and pulled out a beautiful vintage polaroid camera.
"Pablo! You shouldn't have - this probably cost a fortune!"
His laugh echoed through the empty room. "That's actually one of your cheaper gifts. Hurry, bring it here so I can take a picture of you and your cupcake."
"One of?" You asked, bewildered as you slid your camera over.
"Yes darling. You're my princesa, and I'm going to treat you like one."
You went through 8 sheets of film on your birthday. The first was one Pablo had captured of you blowing out your candle, your nightgown giving off an ethereal sheen. The next was a selfie of you and and Pablo, both smiling from ear to ear after passionate thank you's for the presents. The third was a candid Gavi had taken, your sleeping form with your hair splayed across the pillow. 4 and 5 were dolled up pictures of you in your birthday dress, looking and feeling like a million bucks, not just because of the clothes, but because of the way Pablo was making you feel. 6 was a picture of a little blue bag with 'Tiffany & Co.' in black print, and a silver pendant with a cursive G engraved into it. Number 7 had been gifted to the girl at the bakery who had helped Gavi, showing a picture of the two of you sitting behind your magnificently piped birthday cake, the ruffles and swirls dulled by the grainy nature of the photo. And finally, number 8 was the one you kept by your bed. It was taken by that same bakery girl, and showed you kissing Pablo on the cheek, his smile bright as he looked at your birthday cake, and a silver spot of light glimmering on your neck. In pink sharpie, you put the date, and in your best cursive you captioned the picture,
'my lover'
Hey everyone! THANK YOU SM TO EVERYONE WHO SENT ME BIRTHDAY MESSAGES!!! I SAW ALL OF THEM AND HAVEN'T BE ABLE TO REPLY BECAUSE I HAVEN'T BEEN ON MY LAPTOP AND THEY DON'T SHOW PROPERLY ON MY PHONE! Back after a long while to post a little birthday special in light of me turning 22! It's based on, funnily enough, the events of my actual birthday, and a certain Taylor Swift song that I heard live. I hope you all enjoy, and can't wait to write more stuff for you guys!! (I can't believe it's almost 4am jet lag is kicking my ass).
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fulcrummm · 2 months
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Some stuff I’ve drawn over the past few weeks that I didn’t want to post on the main art acc (fulcrum021) lol. Sorry for the bad lighting/quality but that’s basically my brand at this point
More stuff about the drawings below the cut
I’m especially proud of the Simone Biles figure studies even though most of them aren’t that great. I used one of those non-erasable multicolored pencils and drew each one in only a couple of minutes. A lot of the time my sketches don’t look great (as I’m sure many artists can relate to) but these are just practice and I didn’t go into it feeling like they needed to look good, which I think is a nice mindset to have when you’re sketching but one I don’t often achieve! Also I tried to draw her face on one of them but I messed it up and it wouldn’t erase so that’s why she’s blue <3
The hyena is one of 5-6 sketches I did in a hyena spread, again done with one of the non-erasable colored pencils. I don’t normally draw animals but lately I’ve been expanding my horizons so I’m planning on doing more in the future
Wavey haired Luke is just an idea I had, I plan on drawing more on that page and actually make the waves DEFINED and not just a blob.
I really like drawing din without the flight suit, I have one or two other sketches that I like and I really want to draw more. I just love drawing Pedro’s face SO MUCH. Also the drawing of Din holding Grogu was made with Arrtx paint markers and I fucking love those things.
Sometimes I really hate posting my art because I feel like it’s all bad. Idk if that anxiety will ever go away but I hope it does!
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lllivia · 2 years
I adore you Enid Sinclair.
Enid Sinclair x fem!reader
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You were on your way to study in Enid's dorm one Saturday morning a little bit too early out, because you hated the possibility of being late anywhere.
You were about to knock on her door before you heard your name being mentioned from inside.
"Of course she doesn't like me Wednesday! I mean, have you seen her?? Y/N is like the prettiest girl in school she could quite literally pick anyone she wanted! Also I'm pretty sure she sees me as just a friend, I've been giving her signals all of term, like when I've shared my favorite bubblegum with her and took my time brushing my hand against hers, or when I've held her hand and snuggled up to her while watching a horror movie, or like when she said my favorite teddy that I've had since I was five years old was cute so I gave it to her for her birthday! What more can I possibly do?" You heard Enid's muffled voice coming from the room, she sounded frustrated.
"This is sickening to look at Enid, your fawning and giggling at everything she does is making me nauseous and not in a good way. Just tell her that you have feelings for her and get over it" Wednesday said in her monotone voice, tho she sounded the slightest bit annoyed. You leaned in closer to the door and heard some tapping. "Even Thing agrees that you have to act on your feelings" you heard Enid groan frustrated and heard her most likely fall back onto her bed.
You were honestly really shocked, you had liked her since your first year at Nevermore Academy but never had the courage to say anything. How could someone not like her and her bubbly and sociable personality. She was the prettiest girl you had ever laid eyes on, her multicolored hair, her painted nails, her smile, the cherry vanilla chapstick you always wandered what tasted like on her lips, and her blue eyes that never failed to make your bad mood change.
So, you decided to finally knock on the door seeing that it was actually time for you to study now. You heard some shuffling before Enid yelled "Come in!"
As soon as you went in Wednesday walked passed you out the door, with Thing sitting on her shoulder. Enid squealed and ran up to give you a hug "Hi Y/N! I missed you so much" "we facetimed for five hours last night Enid" you chuckled loving how warm her arms were around you. "Still! So the project, what should we present about" she said smiling brightly at you. "I'm not sure yet, actually I was thinking maybe you could paint my nails first?" You said wanting to spend as much time with her as possible before sitting down on the edge of her colorful plushy filled bed on her side of the room. "Of course, what colors do you want" she said pulling out all her nail polish from under her desk and putting her desk chair so she was facing you, blushing slightly as she found you already staring at her with a soft smile. "Hmmm OOO we should match!" You answered moving closer so she had better access to your hands. About five minutes in painting your nails where you both just sat in comfortable silence, which was pretty unusual for Enid, seeing that she always had someone to gossip about, you decided to speak up. "I heard what you were talking about to Wednesday earlier" You said blushing. Enid looked up from painting you pinky looking absolutely horrified. "WHAT, how much did you hear? Oh I'm so so sorry I totally understand if you don't want to friends anymore, or even speak to me, I shouldn't have caught feelings for you, you probably don't even like girls, I just couldn't help myself- " Enid's distraught rant came to an end when she saw how close you had moved. You layed your hand on the back of her neck and looked down at her lips and then up at her eyes again and all Enid could do was nod slightly, her whole face a bright pink color, and she looked like she was going to explode of happiness. You leaned in, and finally your lips touched in a passionate and loving kiss. After a few seconds you pulled away slightly out of breath and leaned your forehead against hers. Enid still smiling like she couldn't believe what just happened.
"I adore you Enid Sinclair."
💗 Masterlist 💗
This might be a little bit corny but 💀🤷‍♀
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beybladeninja · 11 months
I’m an avid supporter of the ship Cole x Vania, and I’ve head cannoned for a while that they would have twins if they ever decided to get together.
But then Dragons Rising Part 2 came out, and I wondered… how would they try to prevent another Empress Beatrix?
This is what I came up with.
Cole winced as the frantic voice echoed throughout the cavernous hall. He turned around to find the source and took in the sight of a palace attendant rushing towards him, a harried look on her naturally pale face. There were too many attendants in the palace for Cole to keep track of, but he easily recognized this one.
She was the attendant assigned to oversee his sons’ history lessons.
This could not be good.
“What’s wrong?” Cole quickly asked, fully turning to face the attendant as she literally slid to a stop in front of him. “Are my sons okay?”
The attendant took a while to answer, nearly crouched into an upright fetal position with her hands on her knees as she heaved. She had obviously ran very fast from a very far distance, if the sweat streaking her dark hair was any indication. Her condition only worsened Cole’s worry for his sons, but he respectfully waited for the attendant to compose herself before she answered.
Finally, the attendant straightened slightly from her pained position as her breathing started to slow. “I’m… sorry to… disturb you… your Majesty…” She was able to gasp out, still shaking on her feet. “I was just… giving the princes… a lesson in the garden… because it’s such a… a beautiful day… and I… I guess I said… something wrong…? And, well… one thing led to another… and now…” She started babbling, her eyes darting anxiously to his face, to the walls of the hallway. “I-I really am sorry… b-but Queen Vania is in a meeting with the Queen of the Munce and the Geckle Chancellor, a-and… none of the guards can seem to calm them down…”
A small tremor ran through the palace’s marble floors, so slight that one would have missed it if they weren’t focused on it. Cole quickly got the gist and nodded. “Which garden?” He inquired.
“West,” The attendant immediately replied, and that was all Cole needed as he took off in the direction she’d come from.
The palace was a maze of stairways and corridors, but living in it for over a decade had helped him develop a mental map of the place. Marble columns and colorful paintings flew past him until the white fell away into the sprawling green of the West Garden. The tremor he’d felt before slowly strengthened into a steady rumble the farther he went, with regular intervals in which the tremors grew in intensity before leveling out. Cole was starting to get an idea about the type of fight his boys were getting into, and the garden turned into nothing but a multicolored blur around him as his speed increased.
A decently sized rock flew past his head; it was only thanks to his ninja training that he was able to duck out of its way in time. It slowed him down for a split second before he was up to full speed once more. He was getting close.
Finally, the scene of the crime came into view. Lillian, his and Vania’s oldest son, was standing in a giant crater with other smaller craters surrounding him. His fists were clenched at his sides and he was seething as he stared up at his twin brother, Vincent. The younger prince had so far been able to evade his furious brother by using the surrounding foliage as shields. The result was that everything green within a few yards of the center crater was tragically smashed and pummeled. Vincent was currently perched on the last surviving tree within the danger zone. Both boys’ regal outfits, black with orange lining for Lillian and white with gold lining for Vincent, were dusted in a fair amount of dirt. The states of both the garden and the boys’ outfits suggested that they’d been at this for a while.
The gardener is probably going to quit over this, Cole griped, picturing the angry message that would most likely be waiting for him in the morning.
“Take it back!” Lillian was shouting at Vincent, his normally pale face nearly the color of a tomato. His hand instinctively reached for the earth beneath him, causing another chunk of the garden to crack apart and rise to his beckoning. “Take it back!”
“You can’t take back the truth!” Vincent wailed back. His tone was smug enough to hide his true feelings, but they showed through the sweat slicking his forehead and the way he tensed on his tree. A guttural growl came from Lillian and he raised the earthy mass above his shoulder, ready to throw it. Vincent crouched in response, prepared to make the jump to safety.
It was time to wrap this up. Cole took the tense moment as an opportunity to take a deep breath and bellow, “BOYS!!!”
The twin princes jerked in surprise at the sound of their father’s voice. Lillian lost his control over the earthy mass and it fell onto his shoulder, breaking apart and dusting his skin with a new layer of dirt. Vincent lost his balance and fell at least five feet, though his training had him rolling and on his feet in no time. They looked to their father with twin expressions of dread, made of wide eyes and trembling lips.
But Cole wouldn’t allow himself to fall for their sorry appearances. “Just what do you two think you’re doing?” He asked them heatedly, crossing his arms over his chest. “You’ve trashed the West Garden, traumatized your history teacher, and from what I’ve heard, probably put a good chunk of our guards out of commission.” He hadn’t seen any wounded guards when he’d run through the garden, but he could see enough chips of armor in Lillian’s crater to know that at least a few of them were in the infirmary at this point.
The boys blinked at their father for a second before turning and gazing at their surroundings. They took in the battered ground, the destroyed greenery, the shards of golden armor, and the state of their attire. It occurred to Cole that they had most likely been so caught up in their explosive argument that they hadn’t even realized the kind of damage it was causing. The realization made him even more curious as to what the fight had been about.
His sons glanced sheepishly at each other before turning back to him, their hands folded apologetically in front of them. “We’re truly sorry, Father,” Vincent spoke up, his eyes closing as he bowed his head respectfully towards his father, the King.
“Yeah,” Lillian added somewhat mediocrely. His eyes stayed open as he stared at Cole imploringly. “Are you mad?”
Cole was about to say yes, but the picture of his sons looking at him with such fear stopped him. He sighed and said instead, “I can decide whether or not to be mad once I’ve heard what the fight was about.”
Vincent was all too happy to provide him with an answer. “Well, our history teacher was just giving us a lesson in the garden when she referred to me as ‘Crown Prince’…” He turned condescending eyes towards his brother. “Which Lillian apparently didn’t like.”
The older twin scowled back. “What I didn’t like was the fact that you didn’t correct her,” He explained, putting an angry emphasis on each word. “We’re twins - we’re both Crown Princes! But no - you just smiled your little princely smile and said ‘thank you’.”
“We may be twins and Crown Princes,” Vincent admitted, though his tone remained haughty. “But which of us is inheriting the throne?”
“I told you before and I’m telling you now,” Lillian growled, taking a threatening step towards his brother. “The only reason you’re inheriting the throne is because you’re a kiss-up!”
“And as I told you then and am now repeating,” Vincent sneered, sliding into the crater so that he could match his brother step for step. “The reason Mother and Father passed over you for the throne is because you’re ugly!”
Lillian froze before showing his father a tense smile. “Which is when I started to pummel him like this!” He reached towards the ground once more and started to separate a large chunk from the surrounding earth.
“Boys!” Cole yelled before the mass could be dislodged . He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose, already tired of the whole thing. “We’ve discussed this before - Vincent got the throne because Lillian got the Elemental Power of Earth. Your mother and I just split up your responsibilities!”
Lillian released his hold on the mass, but his expression had turned into one of forlorn. “But why, Father?” He asked, sounding on the verge of desperation. “Why wasn’t I given the throne? I’m the older twin - it’s within my right!”
Cole sighed again. “Lillian, I just told you…” He started, but his son angrily cut him off.
“And I don’t want to hear that trash about splitting up our responsibilities because we’re twins - I may be ten, but I know that’s not the real reason!” He stared up at his father, who was still standing at the lip of the crater. “Please, Father… why was I passed over for king? Is it because…” His voice trailed off as his gaze slid down Cole’s body until it wasn’t on his father at all. “Is it because you and Mother didn’t believe in me?”
A quiet gasp escaped Cole’s mouth. “What…? No… no, that’s not it at all!” He quickly denied, shocked that Lillian would even consider such a notion. His hand instinctively stretched towards his son in an attempt to comfort him. Within the crater, Vincent’s hand did the same as his expression turned from one of smug content to one of guilt-stricken fear.
A bit of heat creeped back into Lillian’s voice as he quietly demanded, “Why?”
Cole hesitated. He wanted to tell them - the words were on the tip of his tongue. But are my sons ready to hear the truth?
He took a long look at his sons - his brave, beautiful twin boys. Both had inherited their mother’s platinum blonde hair and their father’s warm brown eyes, and Cole could already see the shaping of his chin and cheekbones peeking through their baby fat. Though when it came to personality, they acted more like their uncles than anyone else. Lillian was hotheaded and prone to outbursts like his Uncle Kai, while Vincent was more logical and forward-thinking like his Uncle Zane. Neither of them had completely grown into their royal attire, as their sleeves still dropped a few inches past their wrists. Cole had held both of them in his arms, comforted them, attempted to shield them all the horrors of the world. He’d tried to be a good father.
But he was well aware that he couldn’t protect them forever.
It was with this realization that Cole heaved another sigh and sat down on the crumbling lip of the crater - royal attire be damned. He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them and fixing his sons with a tired smile. “Story time,” He announced softly.
His boys immediately sat down in the center of the crater, knee to knee. Cole smiled at this - regardless of whether they were fighting or not, that all went out the window when their father was about to tell a story. He prided himself on his storytelling abilities and the peace it brung.
Cole looked out over his audience before he took a deep breath. Like most of his stories, he started with a question, “Do you know of the city of Imperium?”
“Of course,” Vincent readily replied. “They’re our closest trade partners, supplying most of our computers’ motherboards and hard drives.”
“What he said, I guess,” Lillian agreed with a shrug.
Cole nodded before continuing with another question. “Did you know that it wasn’t always a democratic republic? Up until a little over a decade ago, it was a monarchy, like Shintaro.”
Both of his sons looked surprised at this information. “Really?” Lillian asked. “What caused them to change?”
Cole hesitated once more before he dove into the main story. “The last Imperium Emperor was a good man. I didn’t know him personally, but I’ve heard that he was content with the state of his kingdom and preferred diplomacy before violence. His allies stood with him by choice as opposed to force, and things were at peace. But the Emperor was also an Elemental Master, and-”
“Like you!” Vincent exclaimed, sounding eager to contribute.
“Yes yes, like your old man,” Cole relented with a slight chuckle. “And also like your old man, he had twin children of his own, two daughters. The oldest daughter inherited her father’s powers, and as was the tradition of the royal family, she also inherited the throne.
“Though it probably wasn’t the Emperor’s intention, he started to show bias towards his daughters. He spent most of his time with his oldest daughter, showing her how to use her powers and how to run the kingdom. So not only had she gained her father’s power and his kingdom - she’d also gained his favor.”
“But what about his other daughter?” Vincent asked. “She must have been so lonely!”
Cole scoffed. “I don’t know if ‘lonely’ is how I’d put it,” He admitted. “The younger daughter had been devoid of any form of power her entire life. She was desperate for control in her father’s kingdom. So when she finally got the chance to get some… she took it.”
As was his custom, he took a pause for dramatic effect. He paused for so long that Lillian impatiently blurted out, “So? What happened?”
“Well, they say that her father died in a hovercraft accident,” Cole explained. “And her sister was imprisoned on charges of treason. With no one left to stand in her way, the younger daughter ascended to the throne.”
Lillian and Vincent were both quiet after hearing such news. In an almost scared voice, Lillian asked, “They weren’t accidents… were they?” As his father sadly shook his head, he seemed to withdraw into himself in order to ponder this revelation.
“The younger daughter finally had the control she’d been denied by birthright,” Cole went on, his tone taking a more serious edge. “But after having a taste of power, she couldn’t get enough of it. She demolished her father’s regime and put her own in its place. Allies and loyalties were gained by threats and violence. Dominance was asserted in the form of military and technological might. Anyone who dared to speak against her faced imprisonment… or worse. Dragon, human, animal… no one was safe from her wrath.
“She ruled Imperium with an iron fist, but it still wasn’t enough for her,” Cole continued, his mouth tasting bitter. “She wanted more. She wanted to do something her father couldn’t - place all of the Realms under Imperium control. And she was willing to do whatever it took to do so.” He took a deep breath through his nose. “Even destroy the world as we knew it.”
His sons looked confused, so he asked another question. “Has your history teacher ever taught you two about the Merge Storm?”
“Of course,” Lillian spoke up before his brother had a chance. “That was the day when the sky tore open in order to allow all of the Realms to come together as o-” He abruptly stopped talking as a new expression of horror dawned on his face. “Wait, you’re saying that happened just because some lady was having a temper tantrum?”
Cole nodded solemnly. He hadn’t been in that particular fight, but he’d felt its effects. The memory came unbidden to the front of his mind, the one of the sky becoming speckled with Merge rifts that sucked everything around them into their depths, then splitting open entirely into the universe beyond. He’d heard later that it was only thanks to his friends that the event had been averted, and he’d been so unbelievably proud in that moment that he’d actually cried. He’d rather die than admit it to them, though.
“She’d created a weapon that could tear open the fabric of the universe itself,” He explained softly, swallowing. “She wanted power so badly that she’d went mad with her hunger for it. I don’t know if her original plans as empress were good or bad, but whatever pure intentions she had were squashed the second she gave into her hunger.
“Fast forward a few years to when your mother and I realized that we would be parents,” Cole went on, a small smile lighting his features when he remembered that much more joyous day. “We were overjoyed when we found out, and even more so when we discovered that we were having twins.” His mouth twisted as the feelings came back to him, and he had to avert his eyes from his sons. “But we were also scared. We knew that whoever was born first would inherit my Element of Earth, and royal law decreed that the firstborn child would also inherit the throne. It was the same thing as what happened in Imperium. We were terrified that history would eventually repeat itself.”
Cole couldn’t speak for Vania, but his feelings that day had been especially worrisome. He’d been terrified at the thought that he may show bias towards his own children, just like the Imperium Emperor did. No child deserved such treatment - especially if it led to that child becoming another Empress Beatrix. He’d resolved to himself that day that he wouldn’t do so, and that he’d love his children equally.
“Father?” Vincent asked gently from outside his field of vision.
He took another deep breath to compose himself before going on. “So your mother had an idea. She wrote and passed a law that decreed that if any Elemental Master married into the royal family, and if they had twins, one twin would inherit the Elemental Power while the other would inherit the throne.” He held out his hands for emphasis. “That way, both twins would have their own semblance of control. And… they wouldn’t feel left out in any way.”
His sons lapsed into another period of silence. It went on for so long that Cole finally mustered up the courage to look at them again. Vincent’s hands had come up to grasp his older brother’s bicep, though he didn’t seem to mind one bit. Their big brown eyes, so much like his own, were filled with tears as they stared up at their father. He got the impression that his eyes weren’t doing much better.
“So… the reason why I was passed over for king…” Lillian said slowly. “Was because… you were trying to protect us?”
Cole nodded, forcing himself to smile against the wave of emotions. “The Imperium Empress let her hunger for power nearly destroy herself and Ninjago,” He told them. “Your mother and I love you boys so much. We couldn’t bear to see the same thing happen to either of you.
“You are both important,” He said firmly, stretching out his hands to his sons. Getting the message, they stood up and climbed the side of the crater so that they could grab his hands. “You are both necessary for this kingdom,” He continued, staring into their eyes. “You are both necessary for Ninjago. You are both regal Crown Princes.” He gripped their smaller hands in his big ones. “And you are both our sons. And we love you both very very much.”
That was the dam breaker. Lillian and Vincent started crying and wouldn’t stop, jumping onto their father and burying their wet faces against his silk shirt. Their combined weight ended up pulling Cole over the lip of the crater, causing them all to tumble down into the center. They became even filthier in the process, but the sobs gradually turned into laughs as they realized their predicament.
“W-We’re sorry, Father!” Vincent eventually blurted out. “W-We didn’t mean to bring back bad memories for you! W-We promise to never bring up the subject again!”
“Yeah!” Lillian agreed; his face and that of his brother were still buried in their father’s shirt. “W-We didn’t know that you and Mother had done it to protect us!”
“It’s fine, boys,” Cole sniffed, his own tears coating his face as he rubbed his sons’ backs. “We were going to tell you eventually, anyway. No time like the present, I guess.”
The family lapsed into a brief period of peaceful quiet, father and sons locked into each other’s embraces. It was Lillian that broke the silence by saying, “So… does this mean we’re not in trouble?”
Cole feigned a dramatic gasp and abruptly pushed his giggling sons away. “Oh I knew it - I knew there was a catch!” He exclaimed in disappointment, even while his own bright smile lit up his features. “Buttering up your old man so that he won’t punish you for tearing up the West Garden? Is that the plan?” They continued giggling, so he decided to play his trump card. “Yeah yeah, laugh while you can - you’re still getting punished. You’re both going to help the gardener clean up this mess!”
The giggling stopped as the boys once again took in the sights of the ruined garden. “Oh come on!” Lillian groaned. “I thought we had a moment!”
“Besides, it… it’s not that ruined!” Vincent attempted to protest.
Cole smirked. “If it’s not that ruined, you shouldn’t have any problems putting it back together,” He replied smugly. At his sons’ persistent complaints, he added, “Oh, you think you’re in trouble now? Wait until your mother finds out about this!”
That surely shut them up. “Y-You’re not going to tell her about this, right?” Lillian asked, searching for any hint of mercy from his father.
The princes winced as the king looked in the direction of the queen’s voice and smiled. “I think she already knows.”
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blazenfire223 · 1 year
[ID in undercut]
My reverse AU Darlings Part 2: Zaraphim 🥰🥰
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If you have any questions about them feel free to ask. I'd love to answer them :] Also his main hair and sunglasses are different now compared to when I originally drew this because I still had no idea what I was doing with his design.
[ID: A character sheet of my Reverse AU Crowley, Zaraphim. They are the angel from Heaven stationed on Earth in London. He has a half up style, gold sunglasses, freckles, a gold nose ring, gold earings, white and blue angel bites, and a gold cross necklace. He also has a tongue piercing and wears various amounts of rings and bracelets and colored nails. Her clothes consist of a grey turtleneck, a muted or olive green cardigan, tan trousers, and grey zipped boots. There are various doodles around the main full body; A profile of him with short hair and lipstick, a front facing head with their tongue sticking out to see their piercing, a close up of their eyes which are multicolored and change depending on Zaraphim's mental state, A potted plant with gems surrounding it, a chibi doodle of them with their wings out, they are black with stardust covering them and eyes all around them and fiery glowing hair, another chibi of them on their knees and crying gold tears that go up, another chibi of Zaraphim chilling, A close up of their hands that are covered in accessories but only one is important and that is a sapphire with pearls surrounding it, a close up of Zaraphim's ass that has a tattoo that says "Frostie" in white, that is Zaraphim's pet name for Ario, and a final chibi of him looking surprised because they picked up Ario's flaming sword. There is a big box with more information; Phillip Z. Zaraphim (P.Z.Z) During the war: Avoided most of it because they were painting stars while it was happening. He didn't take the idea of angels fighting amongst themselves seriously. She genuinely thought it was a joke she just didn't understand. It wasn't until later when another angel finally came to look for her, that she realized what had just occurred. They were put in as a recovery angel and helped to heal all the angels that were hurt during the war. Ex Star maker. Found Ario's sword and gave it to Adam and Eve. They were originally supposed to be given a weapon but they never took it because they thought nothing could hurt them. He works as a bartender at a nearby pub and is good friends with the owner. When they pass away Zaraphim promised to take the place. Her flat is an aesthetic piece of comfort covered in plants, art, and trinkets. It is more of a storage than a home but it makes her happy. Truly channels their inner office angel when dealing with their plants. They don't like slack offs and will make them suffer through a lecture/ 'talking to' or angry screaming (depending on the plant) if needed. Some of those rants will turn into terrible motivational speeches. He does give praise out but only to the most worthy of plants. Just generally talks to their plants, they know all about Ario. He collects crystals and gems and such. They know all about what they do but he doesn't use or buy them for those reasons. They just like pretty things. They met Madame Tracy at an occulty type store and they became friends. That's how they know Shadwell. She loves making art just as much as they love collecting it and they have dabbled in tons of different artistic mediums over the years. The Bentley is alive and her name is Daria. She is a troll and we love her. /End ID]
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chiangyorange · 2 years
I really need to reread all the peepaw fics because my brain has trouble keeping them separate, but I'm pretty sure WMAS has the wonderful marigolds scene that is very memorable to me. (I'd double check, but you know, jail!)
(v excerpt taken ch3 v)
Mikey opens his eyes and he sees a city around him. This… is new. The sky is a pale red like the sunrise and as he looks around him, the city is destroyed. It doesn’t scare him somehow.  He takes his time turning around in place, seeing the tall battered buildings covered in bright colors of paint. Greenery of plants overtake the sides of buildings, framing the bright formless graffiti, the dull grey of concrete to something colorful. It clings to the bricks in a relentless enduring grasp of life. From the windows of the buildings shine lights through them. Multicolored, like they are the LCD screens from Times Square.  It’s bright.  There are no people, the city is in shambles, but it’s still alive.
i wanted mikey to be somewhere that is so familiar but not at the same time. in this one, i was thinking "if you were to make a place, a physical plane that defines yourself by you dreams, your hopes, your desires, what would that look like?" and for this dreamscape, the obvious answer was new york.
(and i think that everyone knows it by now that this is future!mikey's dreamscape) i thought, how different would this be from our mikey in the present?
so i added the broken city, the apocalypse feel, but unlike the city we saw in the movie, this is clean. its not overrun by kraang bio-whatever the fuck, and instead with plants, flowers. i took most inspiration from tlou in this because even though THAT setting is an apocalypse, well, fuckin LOOK
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and then the graffiti and glowing windows, those are colorful, the proof what was alive, the people of new york, the community, the art.
(v excerpt taken from ch1 v)
Uncle Michelangelo said that the old New York could be really pretty. There were so many lights that made the fog glow a brilliant color that makes everything magical. Quieter, he told Casey that there was always a person behind those lights. Someone was always adding to the beauty.
and then we come to mikey's exploring
(v excerpt taken ch3 v)
Mikey looks through the streets as he walks. He sees something move in the periphery and his eyes catch onto an overgrown patch of marigolds from a window’s flower pot bobbing from a breeze. His eyes follow as the flowers seemingly grow in pathways, falling out from the pot, down the walls, and to the streets. He follows the trail. The path of marigolds becomes denser and denser, but the petals slowly recede from the flower heads until the floors are simply just the leaves and plucked stems. Mikey finds himself at an intersection, the metal poles of lightstops fallen over at angles around the area like fencing.  In the middle of the intersection is a massive patch of marigolds with bursting orange petals. The rendering petals from before cover the concrete of the street like a carpet. The patch of marigolds in the middle looks like a bed, how the orange flowers pop out of the ground into a perfect circle like a mattress.
i chose marigolds specifically because 1) theyre orange and 2) to continue that life, everything that's sprawling but in a good way. (and maybe in a smaller, but no less important way, tie back to donnie's passion to botany)
mikey is fire, that much is true, but more than that, its a wish to go back. back to the time where people COULD have planters on their balcony rails of bursting flowers, back to when spray paint breathe life to dull concrete walls.
its a dream, its a hope.
its planting marigold seeds in a pot and nurturing it to brighten your home.
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sleepyowlwrites · 1 year
Sleepy, darling, it's Blorbo Blursday, and I need to hear more about Sebastian and Lunetta. 8) How would you describe their aesthetics? Like, paint me a moodboard with words. 8) 8)
Sebastian is a lazy fashionista, so he wears clothing that fits him very well and that invidually stand out, but puts them together in a haphazard fashion.
he wears a lot of button down tees in every kind of print, but especially stripes, florals and fun ones with mushrooms or cats. he wears skinny and straight jeans in several flavors of brown, green, and grey, and always matches his shoes to his shirt. he favors casual shoes and oxfords, but is not adverse to a boot here and there. he never leaves home without a jacket, even if it's sweltering outside, because he needs to be able to layer and because his favorite articles of clothing are jackets, and he has so many of them, so he has to wear them to justify it. he has leather jackets, bombers, trench coats, sport jackets, cardigans, peacoats, asymmetrical hoodie things, you name it.
he has pierced ears and wears a lot of small golden hoops but also funny studs with alien heads or knives or whatever. his hair is chestnut, and grown to his shoulders during the winter, and he trims it for summertime, but it still falls to his chin. he'll wear it half up or in a small ponytail when he's hot.
Sebastian wears gold, wire-rimmed square-ish glasses, but also has a pair of green and gold plastic frames, and a white-marbled pair as well, both of which he wears less often and when he's in need of a change. he owns contacts but rarely wears them.
in the winter he wears scarves and beanies and fingerless gloves, and he always has a camera on him even when he's not working, because he's a fellow who likes to capture a good shot whenever.
that's Sebastian.
Lunetta wears bright and bold colors, and her hair is usually some bright shade. she changes it about twice a year. in the beginning of the story she's a shade of softer mauve but by the end she's sporting an electric blue.
she wears a lot of cute tops with high-waisted pants or leggings, and also overalls and rompers. she likes a fun pattern graphic tees with pop culture references or cute illustrations. she wears almost exclusively sneakers, usually a sporty brand in a multitude of colors. she favors blues, pinks, and greens the most. she's always wearing multiple accessors, be it bows in her hair, earrings, bracelets, rings, fun bags, belts, etc. she's very eye-catching and likes to smile at herself when she sees her reflection. she dresses to make herself happy and it works. her nails are always in shades of neon, and multicolored to go with any outfit.
she doesn't wear dark colors, really, and uses white to break up all the color she's sporting. she doesn't like to be too hot, so only wears a jacket if it's cold enough to warrant one. her coats are bright colors, too.
Lunetta likes experiementing with colored contact lenses, but mostly sticks to her glasses, either her round silver ones or the bright blue ones with the screw that comes loose. she accessorizes with her makeup too, preferring bold lip and eye colors to neutral or smoky looks. she's a bright personality and dresses like it.
she always has a drink with her, usually a cold one, and consumes so much caffeine it's a wonder that she gets any sleep. she has this in common with Sebastian.
Lunetta's world is bright and saturated, full of blues and pinks, and Sebastian's is also saturated, but in richer tones, greens and purples. Lunetta's world is accented in white, Sebastian's is accented in black. she's living in vibrancy, he's living in emphasis. she's sparkling, he's sophisticated. she's looking up at the sky, he's staring at the horizon.
Lunetta is all warm blues, Sebastian is all cool orange. and they meet on a train, and they're the same.
thanks for asking, Breezy!
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So I know Luz and amity are part of the cheerleading team but what if they were like auxiliary members of the emerald entrails if they need a sub, I do feel like flyer derby would be a good fit for the two since it’s a less dangerous than grugby for amity and Luz is pretty skilled with a palisman
Honestly, I think they’d probably be happy to join Flyer Derby as stand in’s. There could be an incident where Hunter and Viney crash into one another during practice and injuring themselves before the big Glandus game, and now Luz and Amity have to step up!
•First and foremost, uniforms! Due to Flyer Derby allowing more freedom of expression in their uniforms, Luz and Amity can choose anything so long as it matches the general green-and-black color scheme and isn’t pre-enchanted. Amity, wanting to keep it simple and nostalgic, chooses to use her old Grudgby uniform, except painted with green shoulder pads and gem with a magenta undershirt and black shorts, plus a black left glove and a green right one. Her war paint is the same as her circles under each eye from Wing It, matching the emerald green of the entrails.
•Luz, meanwhile, goes a bit more out there, choosing to modify her sea-faring shirt with green-and-black stripes going diagnollay across, along with her Grudgby shorts, also now green with a black stripe. Her undershirt, though, is multicolored, like her Hexside school uniform, and gives her the most colorful look in the team. Her hair is spiked like her original design, and her war paint is a spiky orb around her left eye, sorta like Skara’s star, except emulating the sun.
•They have less then a week before the next game, so Amity and Luz have to work overtime to learn all the strategies and moves. Thankfully both are fast learners, and the rest of the team is able to learn how to make up for whatever weaknesses the two have.
•When the day of the game comes around, the Entrails show up at the stadium, ready for whatever Glandus throws their way. Viney and Hunter are there too, having been brought to the stands with help from Ed and Em, who will spend the game doting on and smothering their injured partners instead of cheering. This leaves only Jerbo as the cheerleader for the game, while Barcus and Puddles continue their epic duel for team mascot.
•As the game begins, Luz and Amity slot themselves into the team dynamic perfectly: Amity is able to score a number of points like Hunter, and Luz serves just as well in the defensive role as Viney. Even though there were doubts about their abilities from both Glandus and Hexside fans, Luz and Amity help prove to stand with the rest of the team.
•Though Gus is incredibly happy with his team winning, he can’t deny how incessantly eye-rolly it is to be on a team with not one, but two adorable couples on it. Every time any of the other Entrails score a point their partner immediately flys over to kiss their cheek or hug them or say something sappy and Gus can’t help but feel like a third wheel on two dates that are currently happening in the middle of the game.
•After a few rounds, Hexside is declared the winner, and Amity and Luz accept the trophy alongside the rest of the team, with Hunter and Viney joining in alonsgside Ed and Em and, since he did have to do the entire cheer routine himself, Jerbo. The picture is ruined by a rampaging Puddles crashing the stage trying to grab Barcus, but the Entrails are all still happy with their performance, and Hunter and Viney declare Luz and Amity can take over their roles anytime.
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crossbackpoke-check · 2 years
most boys could be improved with a little nail polish bit thomas bordeleau especially. like what is not clicking for him that he hasn’t done it already my god
EX 👏 ACT 👏 LY you understand. i saw this post one time and simply never looked back so without further ado here are the top ten nail polishes, in no particular order, that i think thomas bordeleau should try:
1. sally hanson xtreme wear in 140 rockstar pink
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we’re starting with this one because i previously mentioned it in another post, and, while i think thom gives the vibes of a single color natural nail mani, i like this one because it’s one polish that’s multicolor—dark pink glitter with a little bit of blue to call in the sjs and the baby blue suit he was wearing. also, glitter nail polishes will last you FOREVER
2. chanel le vernis in 339 cassis
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also have to start out by including my closest approximation to the nail polish in the photo that started this all. i love the sheerness of this polish, which means it can be more unobtrusive and a little blink-and-you’ll-miss-it barely-there detail or more prominent with more layers
3. gucci glossy in 715 winterset snow
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personally i don’t often go for a white nail but i think borde would like something very crisp and clean (white does look nice on him). however, i think his white and/or cream needs to be a little cooler and not as much on the yellow side, which made finding this polish difficult but like. what else was i doing today (so many things)
4. les mains hermès in 85 rouge h
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we have solid evidence that borde loooves a good maroon moment and i did specifically pick hermès (no idea why. fancy? would appeal to him?). love the cooler tones in this red for him and i heavily debated giving him this really deep rich purple (violet byzantin) of the same style of polish but we can work up to wearing that one
5. cirque colors x live. love. polish in puttin’ on the ritz
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while i know the first color on here is literally a fine glitter, To Me thomas bordeleau is a chunky glitter gorl. it’s got artsy details, a bunch of different types of glitter, it’s iridescent, it can be layered, i’m in love with it. it will match any outfit thom i promise
6. maniology in b333 gold rush
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imho i would wear more silver jewelry to compliment the cool tones he likes to wear BUT. borde almost always sports gold (honestly not bad wrt bringing out the california tan, it doesn’t wash him out) so i am giving him a boring, but very specific metallic not-too-yellow-or-light-or sparkly gold nail color. sorry. just paint one nail and use it like an accent or for french tips for spice, idk bud you’re the hand model here and i am simply an incredibly picky art director
7. àuda.b in my cactus
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i love how vibrant this green is, i love the finish on it, i think we could convince thom to branch out into more jewel tones and pastels. also yes i picked this to match his houseplants
8. nails.inc caught in the nude in hawaii beach & boy de chanel in 404 black
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i have a lot of shiny and glittery finishes on this list and i reeeeally wanted to throw in a matte finish so. this is a two for one because i couldn’t find a matte version of this chocolate brown that i really liked for him but also i’m giving him a special matte black polish because to me these are both neutrals
9. mooncat in millennia
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this one just looks dope. i feel like he would like the chrome effect to it? it is more high effort because it’s a magnetic polish, but also given that he loves juicewrld now i think i could swing this one on that basis alone (it’s the same colors as legends never die).
10. zoya in zp797 cecilia
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how could i make this list and not include a pacific teal nail polish for the san jose sharks 🦈 this also would be stunning as a pop of color to accent his grey game day suits just saying
ok if you made it to the end of this i love you ✨ thank you for coming to my ill-advised impromptu ted talk @ thom please paint ur nails and also confirm or deny whether you have pierced your ears thank you
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tde3e5re65e6e · 4 days
Colorful Glass Bangles for Women: A Splash of Tradition and Style
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Colorful Glass Bangles for Women: A Splash of Tradition and Style
Colorful glass bangles are more than just accessories; they are vibrant expressions of culture and femininity, deeply rooted in the traditions of India. Worn by women of all ages, these bangles are a staple in festive celebrations, weddings, and daily wear. Their enchanting hues and intricate designs make them a popular choice for adding a touch of elegance to any outfit.
1. The Significance of Color in Glass Bangles
Each color of glass bangle holds unique meanings and cultural significance:
Red: Symbolizing love and fertility, red bangles are often worn by brides and are considered auspicious.
Green: Associated with prosperity and harmony, green bangles are believed to bring good fortune.
Yellow: Reflecting joy and positivity, yellow bangles are popular during festivals and celebrations.
Blue: Often representing calmness and stability, blue bangles add a serene touch to traditional attire.
Multicolored: Bangles that blend multiple colors are festive and vibrant, perfect for special occasions.
2. Craftsmanship and Artistry
The creation of colorful glass bangles is a meticulous process that showcases the artistry of skilled craftsmen. The bangles are made from molten glass, shaped and colored before being cooled and polished to perfection. Many artisans incorporate techniques such as engraving, painting, and embellishing with glitter or metal accents, resulting in unique designs that reflect local traditions and artistry.
3. Styling Tips for Colorful Glass Bangles
Colorful glass bangles can elevate any outfit, whether traditional or contemporary. Here are some styling tips to make the most of these beautiful accessories:
Pair with Ethnic Wear: Colorful glass bangles complement traditional outfits like sarees, lehengas, and salwar kameez. Stacking multiple bangles in coordinating colors can enhance your look and create a stunning visual effect.
Mix and Match: Don’t be afraid to mix different colors and styles! Pair solid-colored bangles with patterned ones or even mix glass bangles with metal or wooden bracelets for an eclectic look.
Casual Chic: For casual outings, wear a few bangles with western outfits like jeans and tops to add a pop of color and a touch of cultural flair.
Special Occasions: For weddings or festive events, opt for ornate bangles with embellishments. Wearing them in pairs on each wrist can create a striking and elegant appearance.
4. Care and Maintenance
To ensure the longevity of colorful glass bangles, proper care is essential:
Storage: Keep your bangles in a soft cloth or a separate compartment in your jewelry box to avoid scratches and breakage.
Cleaning: Gently clean them with a soft, damp cloth to remove dust or grime. Avoid using harsh chemicals, as they can dull the shine.
Avoid Impact: Handle them with care, as glass bangles can chip or break if dropped or struck against hard surfaces.
5. Conclusion
Colorful glass bangles for women are not just beautiful accessories; they are a celebration of culture, tradition, and individuality. With their vibrant colors, intricate designs, and rich history, they have a special place in the hearts of many. Whether you're dressing for a festival, a wedding, or simply want to add a splash of color to your everyday attire, these bangles are the perfect choice to express your style and embrace your heritage. So, adorn your wrists with these stunning creations and let your personality shine through!
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spacecadetspe · 2 months
A snippet from last year...
Aug. 7, 2023
Last night was the second night of the full moon, and Morpheus and the others have been planning a shindig for awhile.  About 50 of the elder oneiroi were planning on reuniting for a family portrait, with Nyx as the centerpiece.  There were, of course, those who refused the invitation, and others who were skeptical about the event.  The oneiroi haven't gathered like this in... well... ever.  For the most part, they keep to their factions.
Phantasos, who invited me as his plus-one, explained that, with all the oneiroi gathered, if a random dreamer should appear and everyone tries to process them at once... He likened it to a schizophrenic zombie apocalypse.
He explained that this was also why he was wearing so many "mati," which one might recognize as a blue glass drop that looks like an eye.  When held to the ear, they seem to chime like bells.  The louder the chime, the closer we are to trouble.
At first, I poked fun at Phantasos for worrying so much.  By far the most colorful of the bunch, he wore a beautiful embroidered vest with gold hems and a fringe and a pair of billowing, cream-colored pants and matching gold shoes.  Somewhat Arabic in fashion, I think, with the exception of his multicolored hair.  And then of course, the mati jewelry around each wrist and a single bright blue earring.
A quick look around the banquet hall told me that it was bound to be a crowded night.  Moni was off in the corner, being a wallflower.  I was glad she had come, even so.  Nia was busy barking orders in Cassia's absence, but Cassia looked like she couldn't quite focus on the festivities, and was yearning back toward the kitchen.  Morpheus and Phobetor were talking... animatedly... which is a bad thing.  Watching those two wave their hands around is never a good sign.
But Phantasos broke me out of my worrying and made me laugh over at the punchbowl, talking about our annoying family members and comforting me when I didn't know everyone's faces.  He handed me a cup of kykeon and explained to me that it was one of the things the oneiroi used to invoke Nyx.
Aloro is the sommelier of the kitchen staff, but Phantasos told me in secret that Dimitrios actually makes better kykeon than him!  Unfortunately, how he learned it was not a happy story.  
Pasithea named Dimitrios after her aunt, Demeter.  Apparently he kicked her belly more vigorously whenever the goddess of plenty was about.  When Dimitrios was small, Pasithea brought him and a few others to Olympus to visit her mother, Hera.  There, they met Demeter during a dinner, and Dimitrios got a bit too curious (as children do), and accidentally spilled a cup.  Demeter grew enraged and demanded not only that Dimitrios clean up the mess, but remake the drink to her liking.  And she made him do it over and over, berating him the entire time.
Dimitrios hasn't returned to Olympus since.
Aside from the sad story, I thought that would be the end of the excitement for the night.  Nyx would come down, the portrait would be painted (or whatever art the artist had in mind), and we would all enjoy ourselves until dawn.
But luck was not on our side.  At least, not for the entire night.
During the Mystery of Nyx, a thief stole his way into the Dream World, broke into the castle, and attempted to ransack the guards' locker room.  And it was clear that he was after a Dream Nail.
Luckily, Phantasos was wearing no less than three lucky mati charms, and the thief was caught by morning.  By the time I woke up, he was gagged and bound hand and foot, and Phantasos was literally sitting on top of him.  He was yelling through his gag, so he probably hadn't been there for very long.
I removed the gag, and he started yelling in... something that wasn't English.  I waved for him to wait, and then tapped the Dream Staff so it would translate for me.
"Unhand me!" he yelled at the top of his voice.
I cringed.  I hadn't even had my cup of coffee yet.  "That's not how this works.  You broke into my home and tried to take something that wasn't yours.  You don't get to demand anything."
"He was trying to steal the guards' Dream Nails," Phantasos confirmed.
I furrowed my brow.  "Why?" I asked.  "They're bound to their users.  They don't work for anyone else."
The thief tried to gesture with his bound hands.  "A sigil on my hand allows me to manipulate them."
I took a look at his hand, but neither Phantasos nor I had any idea what it meant.  But I knew who might; Orpheus.
Phantasos suggested we take a chariot, and it was a nice day to have a ride, so I agreed.  Pegasi are much wilder than horses, but even so, I got the feeling we were being followed.  Phantasos had a look around, and replied that the thief had placed one of those sigils on the bottom of the chariot, much like a gps.
So we unhooked the chariot and let the pegasus wander for awhile, and took off toward the hidden glen where the Prophetic faction secreted its temple.  Epivlepsi (Hindsight) met us there and showed us the way to the chamber where Orpheus was playing.
After finishing his music, Orpheus told us that the sigils belonged to the Maenads, of which he was once a member.  The Maenads, who follow Bacchus (Zagreus' brother-aspect, for anyone keeping track), were the same ones who ritually sacrificed him.  Orpheus claimed that his ritual sacrifice was how he found his way into being an astral guide.  I don't know how all this works; frankly it seems contrived.
Either way, I got to call Zagreus and Bacchus, who at first both wondered if they were in trouble.  Since the thief hadn't hurt anyone, or even been successful stealing what he had come for, it didn't seem right to kill him.  So we went back to the palace to confront him.
Upon seeing his patrons, the thief prostrated himself and began sobbing apologies and begging forgiveness.  He explained that Orpheus had been the guide for the cult, and since his departure, the "flame of olympus" had gone out, and no one had been able to rekindle it.
Oh boy...
I sighed.  "Do you know who I am?" I finally asked.
He looked from me to Bacchus, and then to Zagreus, unsure of what to say.
"I would much rather you be ignorant."
He shook his head.  "I do not."
I straightened.  Good.  A lesson could be learned.  "I am Hope; that is my role in the cosmos.  I can do anything at all, have killed beings you can't possibly imagine, carried my children to greatness, taken the role of Dream Lord from Morpheus, and am consort to Lord Hades.  The rainbow fire you speak of... I am her daughter."
The man's eyes grew wide, and he began begging and crying again.
"Enough!" I said.  "As I told one of my children, not so long ago; you cannot make people do what you want.  They don't like it.  If you want them to do something for you, you must give them a good reason."
He stopped weeping and thought for a moment.  "Orpheus was our guide," he said.  "He was the only one for whom the fire would stay lit.  Without it, we are lost.  Part of the cult has gone rogue, searching for ways to reignite it.  The Mysteries are what led me here, hoping to find Orpheus."
"There are a hundred million ways of lighting that fire, and you are so fixated on that one way that you have forgotten there are others," I said.  "When one goes out, you find another.  This is your opportunity to branch out; to learn to find the divine flame for yourself."
Zag leaned over to his brother.  "I guess this is how we can tell we're not in trouble."
"That's true, but the cult is still your responsibility," I said.  "You may deal with this one how you see fit."
Bacchus took a swig of his wine, grabbed the man by his collar, and spat in his eye.  The thief's eye began to take on an iridescent glow.  Zagreus tied a cloth over the man's eyes and gave him a curse.  "Should you remove that cloth yourself, you will go mad with the very visions you wanted so badly.  And after that... well... you'll lose a lot of weight very quickly."  That was to imply that he would leave his body behind.
And with that, the brothers opened a portal and threw the thief back into his world.
They took bets on how long it would take him to go mad.  Whoever won gets the poor man's soul.  But I doubt it's quite so simple.  With that amount of divine fire, it's possible the cult will use him as its next guide, or even kill him themselves.
I wagered a conservative three days.
Phantasos asked me why I don't have a cult, and frankly... I don't like the idea.  I don't like sycophants and two-faced people.  I don't keep fake friends, so the idea of a cult fawning over me is... kind of gross.  He told me that Phobetor incarnated once; a cult leader of some sort.  That's hardly surprising... but... even if he led another cult, I probably wouldn't like the idea.  Maybe that's just me.
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justafleck · 2 years
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@vegaprose​ :  🌼 ― a happy memory.
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The scent off antiseptic is overwhelming and yet, it brings him an unusual sense of comfort. He hates the hospital, but in the same beat, he likes it there. He’s spent his fair share of time within these walls. Some of it for his mother, other times for himself. It’s more of a home for him than his own apartment: the nurses are tentative to his need and this is perhaps the only place he’s ever found any sort of attention, even if it is while he’s housed in the mental ward. He’s here for a different reason though: his job brings him here and his oversized, multicolored shoes squeak against the white linoleum tiles beneath his feet. He’s in full carnival, though one of the doctors thought it would be a cute idea to add a doctor’s coat ( a great touch in his opinion ). It’s his first time snagging a gig here : most of his gigs were spent out on the street side spinning signs for failing businesses. He’s often surrounded by adults who brush past him as if he weren’t even standing there. Children often point and try to drag their parents over, wanting to get a closer view but they are tugged back towards their parent’s side and weary eyes of the adults dart towards Arthur as if he were something atrocious and they murmur to their children and hurry them away.  But here, it will be different. The staff are more than welcoming as they lead him through the pediatric ward, expressing the children’s excitement for their big surprise. These kids: they are dying. Sick with various things, cancer mostly, and the hospital brings in a clown every Friday to entertain them for an hour. Arthur has had his eyes on this gig for months, though Hoyt seemed to put everyone except Arthur onto the act. It took a lot of pestering, but finally, his boss caved and Arthur was allowed a test run. If he does well, there’s a chance he can obtain more of these shifts. They pay was no different: and though he needs the money, he doesn’t care about it. He just wants to make the children happy. To make them forget about their woes if even only for an hour because they deserve to feel happiness during their darkest days.  He’s nervous, excited, both emotions strong enough to churn within his stomach and he’s beginning to doubt himself. Is he good enough? Will he scare the children and the nurses will run him out of the hospital only for him to get fired? What if they don’t think he’s funny? What if he ruins their day? Time trickles thin as they approach a large set of windows that revealed a roomful of children, some in bed and others in wheelchairs behind the glass. His heart is pounding in his chest and he cannot even hear the nurse walking alongside him speak as she opens the double doors and the children’s gazes lift as they enter: all eyes are on him. There’s no hesitation as he jumps into action: starting with an animated gasp as he throws his hands to his painted face and drops his bag of props at his feet and jumps in his shoes to fein being startled.  A handful of multi colored juggling balls come rolling out from the bag and he pretends to not notice them as he quickly bends down to pick up the bag. With a step forward, he ‘trips’ over them as if they were marbles and he couldn’t keep his footing. It’s exaggerated and accompanied by silly yelps from him, earning the beginnings of amused laughter from the youngest children. He wants to grin ear from ear: the sound was angelic to him, but he refrains as he stays in character. Finally, he comes to a standstill,  scratches his head as he turns to look over the juggling balls as if they baffle him. He picks one up, holding it between two fingers as he pretends to examine it and exclaims with a finger and another gasp as he a ‘bright idea comes to mind.’  He picks up a second one, then goes for a third. But he he pretends as if he can’t lift it. As if it were the sword in the stone and he would be the brave hero to draw it. He tugs and tugs until he lifts it and tumbles onto his backside. Most of the children are giggling now, his antics are working and his heart flutters with joy.  His act continues to go well, and for the first time in years, his mind is quiet. He’s focused on his work: the smiles and laughter he earns from the children as he entertains them with silly gestures, songs and dances. His first gig with the children turns out to be a hit: the nurses are even dancing and laughing along with the kids and he knows it’s going well. He’s by far the best clown they’ve had and they make it well aware to him. The end of his shift comes faster than he’d like. Kids were begging him not to leave; others begged him to come back next week and he’s overjoyed. Genuinely happy for the first time in his entire life. His mother always said that his purpose was to spread happiness and laughter, and here, he’s achieved it. It’s the first time he’s ever felt like he wasn’t a failure. Leaving was hard for him, though he makes sure to make his exit something funny. Positive for the children as he doesn’t wish for them to be sad for his departure.  He feels wanted. Taking his leave, he ‘struggles’ with the door, pushing on the pull doors and uses his shoulder and body weight against it until his feet slide beneath him and he sinks to the floor. Face to face with the ‘pull’ label on the door’s handles , he bops his head with the palm of his hand dramatically earning a silly squeak from a tiny squeaker he’s hidden beneath his gloves, rises to his feet so that he could pull the door open and dance comically out of the door, offering the children a tip of the tiny hat resting upon his head to see them off as they laughed at his silly exit. He leaves the hospital with a smile on his face, one that stretches from ear to ear and he finds himself laughing whimsically to himself. Arthur can’t stop smiling, his heart full of pride and there’s a certain skip to his step. For once, he’s excited to share the news with Hoyt and await the conversation they will have about the hopefully positive reviews from the hospital staff. Arthur struggles with confidence, but right now, he’s beaming with it. 
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justbass · 2 years
Pixelmator pro icon
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Designed to be the ultimate Mac app, Pixelmator Pro has won multiple awards, including the Mac App of the Year awarded by Apple, and is one of the best-rated apps on the Mac App Store. With over 50 image editing tools, Pixelmator Pro has everything you need to edit photos, draw illustrations, create designs, paint digital paintings, and be creative in just about any way you can imagine. Pixelmator Pro is an incredibly powerful, beautiful, and easy-to-use image editor designed exclusively for Mac. Pixelmator Pro is rated 4.8 out of 5 stars worldwide with over 30,000 five-star ratings.
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zoeology31 · 2 years
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MLB City Connect uniforms thus far, a personal ranking/analysis. There wasn’t a good way to get a third axis in, or I would’ve done graphic design/visual appeal separately — the Royals’ uni isn’t particularly novel but it looks very nice, for example.
My worst to best ranking:
14. Dodgers. All they did was make the pants blue, add “Los” on the front, and a barely noticeable spray paint texture. A single Spanish article and one (1) inch of color is not a proper tribute to your city, guys.
13. Giants. The Golden Gate Bridge design is good, but why is the whole thing so minimalist? Also the fog effect looks really bad on the white uniform. Once again, there’s just not enough going on to really tie this to the city.
12. Diamondbacks. I feel bad for ranking them this low, but the graphic design isn’t great. Font is thin and hard to read, and the color, while unique, doesn’t really pop. “Serpientes” is great though, and the Arizona flag is a nice touch.
11. Cubs. The Chicago flag tie-ins are cool and it’s a nice clean look with a good balance of colors. Unfortunately “Wrigleyville” is pretty boring, I’m surprised they didn’t go with “Northside” given what the White Sox did.
10. Brewers. The colors really pop, especially the use of yellow for the font and edging. It doesn’t feel much like a City Connect, though, beyond the “Brew Crew” name; more like a throwback uni. Also that hat logo, uh, sure exists.
9. Royals. A very one-note theme is elevated by a super sharp and cohesive visual design. The stylized font looks really good, and the color layout is strong. The lack of city tie-ins beyond the fountains theme holds this one back though.
8. Red Sox. They really went all out on this one, at the expense of any kind of team identity. The Boston Marathon/Patriots’ Day theme is unique and they did a good job incorporating it, but I wish it wasn’t the only theme they used.
7. White Sox. A minimalist approach actually works here, since the monochrome and gothic style is such a distinctive Chicago look. I think the pinstripes would look better thicker and more spaced out, but can’t complain.
6. Padres. This one's divisive, but I like the supersaturated multicolor look, it’s unique and captures the vibes of the city they were going for. It can be a bit jarring visually, but the design reminds me of some WBC uniforms.
5. Angels. Now this is how to do an LA City Connect. It could use more variation from the Angels color palette, but it’s a very cohesive design, with lots of details like the fishtail underline and number patches that tie everything together.
4. Marlins. This is an extremely sharp uni, and the tribute to the Sugar Kings is awesome. Red with pinstripes and the bright blue accents is a bold, aesthetically pleasing combo. Probably the best-looking City Connect on the field.
3. Astros. The best attention to detail of any uni, even if the navy blue overwhelms on the field. “Space City” in the NASA worm font is great, and the repeated use of the Tequila Sunrise gradient works perfectly with the rocketry theme.
2. Nationals. A well-chosen combination of tributes to the city itself and historic D.C. baseball teams. The graphic design of the block “WSH” and the cherry blossom decal is strong, and the blossom print pattern looks so. good.
1. Rockies. The Colorado license plate inspiration is one of the most creative, and very well executed with the mountain design and distinctive font, plus a unique color scheme for baseball. The hat logo and ski patch are clever and cohesive tie-ins too.
Overall, year 2 of the City Connect uniform rollout has turned out significantly better than year 1, with 5/7 year 1 unis in the bottom half of my ranking and 5/7 year 2s in the top half. This is likely a good sign for the rest of the teams coming in 2023/2024.
It’ll be really interesting to see what they do for the Twins, especially considering the big uniform/branding redesign the team has announced for next season. Hopefully that turns out good and not bad, and hopefully the Twins’ City Connects say “Twin Cities” on them, because c’mon, that’s as obvious a choice as it gets.
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