#the observer toh
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"Prasing the light is to be a fool praising a liar"
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subterra-rose · 6 months ago
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Do you have any voice claims for your ocs? I’m really interested in seeing asrar voice claim :)
I actually have already answered this ask here, but I only recently had picked a voice claim for asrar. I've been working on alot of world building in the past two-three months and improving, so I've had little time to focus on the characters little details like that.
For starters, all of their species do have a slight echo (or, in some cases, a very loud one) to their voice. I will quickly recap on who's voice claims are who's so you don't have to go back and read the link :]
The Operator would be Sea Emperor from Subnatica
Orion is Achilles from Hades Game
Young observer is a mix of Messmer the impaler from Elden ring, and Gabriel from Ultrakill
Present observer sounds like Nightmare from Fnaf 4
And after along time of trying to find some voice claim for asrar, I finally had decided the closest thing to his voice would be a mix of the Scream from Scream 2 and Professor Venomous, with a slight echo to his voice.
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i have a few observations to make about Alador based on this photo in Reaching Out so won’t you come along for the ride?
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(ignore the fact that i took this photo from my tv screen, i couldn’t be bothered to screenshot it from the Owl Club website)
observation 1: we can see a younger Warden Wrath in the bottom left corner, my dude you look beat the fuck up and he has abomination goop on him so i think we can safely assume that the part later this episode was not his first time getting his ass handed to him by Alador in one of these.
observation 2/partial headcanon: Eda and Raine (top right corner) used to go to the Bonesborough Brawls together as suggested by the fact that Eda’s throwing popcorn at Raine!
observation 3 + headcanon: Darius is booing Alador also in the bottom left, i think the two of them had a sort of rivalry (friendly rivalry that maybe turned to annoyance with each other when they grew older/grew apart, as we saw when Darius told Kikimora to tell Alador he’s a hack after seeing her with one of Alador’s Abomiton 2.0’s in Eda’s Requiem) possibly based on the fact that they were both on the Abomination track in school.
i currently can’t think of or find any more but please feel free to reblog with your ideas i’m always open to new TOH headcanons and observations!
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random-dragon-exe · 2 months ago
Is it just me, or does Ed have the same energy as King?
They're both small demons who want to come off as frightening to others/build themselves up, and try to command respect through it.
And they dislike being seen as cute.
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anistarrose · 1 year ago
So I have only my two cents to give on the "curing disabilities in fantasy/sci-fi stories" trope, as just one disabled person among many disabled people, but here are my two cents nonetheless.
One defense of the trope is that it's simply a form of escapism, and moreover, a fantasy that disabled people themselves can quite reasonably find joy in — as a feel-good story, a break from all the pain of real life. Many — not all by a long shot, but many — of us would jump at the chance for a cure, after all, and it's not like we're not valid to do so. Lots of us take pride in being disabled, but nevertheless, sometimes it really fucking sucks.
The counterargument to the above is this: that this isn't a realistic trope, and that particularly in combination with the suffocating frequency that this trope is used, this becomes the opposite of a hopeful fantasy. When you have an incurable condition, and the only happy endings you see represented for people like you in fiction are inevitably only achieved once the characters stop being like you — that can be indescribably upsetting.
Disabled characters do not get happy endings while remaining disabled — and fiction is fiction and all, but I'm not going to pretend like this doesn't have gradual, accumulative real-life effects on the amount of effort people/society are willing to put into accessibility and acceptance, because of beliefs like "aren't you going to be cured someday anyway?" Or "isn't this disability just going to stop existing, someday? one way or another?"
I hope I don't have to explain how damaging it is to think the above way, or to imagine a future where disability doesn't exist. (Yes, even though disability is partially socially constructed. That's a load-bearing "partially".)
So, if you couldn't tell, I do generally relate a lot more to the harsher, more critical view of this trope — but I certainly don't want to judge actual disabled people for writing it either (and especially not people with progressive conditions), not when there is genuine catharsis and escapist joy that can be wrung from it. I obviously don't trust non-disabled folks with writing "cure" stories any further than I could throw them, due to a long fucking history of non-disabled people fucking it up — but also, no one should be forced to reveal personal details, let alone medical history, to justify their choice to write something.
This is the paradox that I am willing to come to terms with, by throwing up my hands and saying, "okay, so some of the time I sure don't like it, but it's technically none of my business."
That said: if you're non-disabled, or you're writing about a disability much different from your own (a physical disability when you're autistic, for example), and you want to write an escapist feel-good story featuring disabled characters: I also want to stress that "escapist themes" versus "no one's disability gets cured ever" is very much a false binary. You can have both.
I've never written a "curing a disability" story. But I've both written and enjoyed some extremely escapist, unashamedly hopeful stories revolving around disabled characters — and it's all about accommodation.
A story of any genre where society is more accepting of — and willing to collectively help care for — chronic illnesses and chronic pain? That's escapist, and if it's something that characters once fought tooth and nail for, it's pretty damn cathartic. A fantasy or sci-fi story where medicines are still required to treat a condition, but the medicines are more accessible, more effective, et cetera, may also be escapist depending on the context.
Fantasy service animals, high-tech service robots, magical or indistinguishable-from-magic mobility devices? They're all possibly escapist too. (Just note that a lot of disabled people may still maintain a personal preference for seeing the "real world" versions, and that's that's also perfectly reasonable. Remember that the gripe with the original trope has a lot to do with a lack of variety in representation, justified by arbitrary rules about how fantasy/sci-fi "should" look, and the goal should be not to replicate that.)
So, in conclusion: if you find yourself writing a disabled character, and want to give them a happy ending, I urge you not to jump to "their disability is cured now" without at least thinking through the alternatives. Do your research regardless, and accept that disabled people will likely have a wide range of opinions on whatever you decide to go with — but accept that disabilities themselves are varied, and should not inherently have to consign either characters or real human beings to tragic lives by their mere existence.
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Since it's taking me so long to finish the wips in my drafts. Here's some twinote things I created earlier just for fun.
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southernbaphomet · 9 months ago
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some palette stuff
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theprinceandthewitch · 2 months ago
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fagbearentertainment · 5 months ago
I think the discourse around lunter when hunters face was first show is what lead to huntlow getting so popular
Like I still remember back when hunting palismen aired I was so anti lunter solely bc every post about it was like “grrr you can’t ship them they’re basically siblings (they interacted once at that point and didn’t like each other) and it’s homophobic bc lumity canon 😡😡😡 (luz is canonically bi and as long as the shipper isn’t being homophobic toward amity/lumity it’s not homophobic imo)” I don’t think I even saw any shippers, maybe like 1 or 2 but that was it it was all hate posts 😭😭😭
I genuinely think that widespread discourse is what bumped huntlow up from crackship to pretty much the most popular ship in the fandom, I saw it happen in real time, the ppl were desperate for a boy x girl ship in this canon wlw world
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Just had to re-write a big portion of what I had planned because I realized that Philip has already robbed Caleb's grave and started making Grimwalkers before Elsewhere and Elsewhen. The good news is, I'm gonna get to have a lot of fun with the Titan and Caleb watching Luz and Lilith.
Other observations: the way those ribs are sticking out of what looks like a still bloody corpse, yikes.
I can also assume he has been numbering his grimwalker attempts. I can only assume they have not been going well, since that hand is reaching up like the failed attempt we saw in FTF. Interesting he is all the way up to four and presumably still has not succeeded since he does not have a grimwalker with him and still has to recruit mercenaries to help him out. I wonder if the Collector gave him the information he needed to make the grimwalkers stable.
He already has the Belos cloak, we know he starts proselytizing while he is still Philip, so I wonder if he starts cooking up the idea for Belos before or after he decides to make grimwalkers.
Last note, this is the first time (and possibly only time) we see a knife with Belos/Philip's things that is not the Caleb Killing Knife, which is strange because we almost exclusively see the Caleb Killing Knife with his belongings.
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curseofhyperfixation · 2 years ago
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The Observer
 An unknown entity with the ability to see everything, they’re often called an imaginary friend to specifically selected young Collectors. They’re harmless until provoked, they only have a bright purple outline that paints their appearance.
  The Observer is secretive, never revealing too much about themselves or what they know.
 Observer puts immortals or gods to eternal slumber by eating their essence, he rarely ever does this for two reasons and one of which is that as long as they do not pose a threat to the universe and someone is able to stop them from doing so then he’ll leave them alone. The second is…
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They don’t taste very good.
He doesn’t receive the power of those he consumes, he just erases them along with the power they’ve had.
He does have one friend, he keeps a close eye on them while they have no idea of it.
Have more lore as a sorry for being gone for week(s?) :D
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no-ones-angels · 3 months ago
Question, I think you've mentioned that the Observer (The Watchers brother) Is sickly? Can I also ask abt his relationship with the Archivists because they seem to know each other! :3
Ong thanks for asking! Yes, the Observer and the Archivists know each other, and without spoiling too much, they used to be really close friends (maybe a little bit more than friends but still) not any more though.
The Archivists are the reason he’s so sickly in the first place after all
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ask-thearchivists · 11 months ago
heck ya, join this archive and you have the chance to possibly meet the last living titan.
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The Copyist: I really would rather not. You have to understand what this sounds like when you make these suggestions to us. It sounds like you want to make it possible for us to die. It sounds like you are suggesting we allow ourselves the possibility to be murdered. Stop it.
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lilmcttens · 11 months ago
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Another thought occurred to me. Speaking of Alador According to the Episode "Reaching Out" Amity seems to be the only Blight child thus far to think Alador was pretty cool there's some more of her bonded daughter and youngest child showing. He was kind enough to make her abomi-mittens and
For Titan's sake LOOK AT HER! Mittens is clearly taking after her dad. Just jobs of a different sort! She's a stem witch!
She's turned into such a Daddy's Girl. She's Daddy's GIrl~
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Is the observer up for grabs..asking for a friend 👀
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Their not too keen on romantic interactions. In other words, you are rejected very mercifully in contrast to other things they could have done. Your offense wasn't severe to them in their eyes.
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