#the nurses set up a little bed for me to hold her under a heating lamp until she woke
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merriblu · 3 months ago
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My little puppy is back from her surgery and my heart is just bleeding for her. We did a lot of training with the cone but poor gal just never could figure out how to lay/sleep with it. I think I have a solution and maybe remove the cone later if the wound doesn’t bother her.
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 6 months ago
i am so obsessed with how you write the poly relationship w wolverine and deadpool, i would love to see more!!!
"Come on Peanut, we're going out!" Wade declared, throwing him his jacket.
Logan groaned and took a drag off his cigar, exhaling slowly. He'd been looking forward to a night in. To some quiet. Wade had been going out with friends tonight, going to carouse and be obnoxious. Laura was busy. Altha was out... It was going to be bliss.
Absolute bliss.
And now that was shot to hell.
"Where are we going?"
"Karaoke," Wade said, "The sweet little angel baby who lives upstairs is going. And so are all her super hot friends."
"Christ," Logan groaned. Wade's sex drive made his look low. But. If you were going at least he'd have someone to talk to. You could talk intelligently about... a lot of shit. And your sense of humor was good.
"Just remember," Wade called over his shoulder, "No stabbing in front of the normies."
"Su-i-cide. Su-i-cide. Su-i-cide."
The crowd took up Wade's chant and you rolled your eyes.
"Good fucking luck, My brain is like 90% song lyrics," you caution, sipping from the pint you'd been nursing.
"That's the price you gotta pay, Angel," Wade teased, fluttering non existant lashes, "if you wanna save Logi-bear from having to sing you gotta take all the songs I want."
"You get 3-"
"7" he countered.
"5, asshole"
"Done!" he said, jumping off the stool and going to put your songs in.
Logan looked at you and shook his head. Your friends had left to go dancing and you bowed out. And for the last two hours you'd been... theirs. "You don't have to do that," he said.
"The mob has spoken. Also, even if I sound like shit they're all drunk so. It's fine. Pretty sure Wade doesn't want to humiliate me. He just wants me to sing something."
He nodded, "Probably." Wade definitely didn't want you humiliated. He wanted you in their bed- Logan was on the fence about it. Something was... wrong with you. Fragile. And he didn't know if you could handle it, honestly. Or if they could handle you.
Your name is announced along with the song and you roll your eyes. "He would. He fucking would. I mentioned this ONE TIME." But you go, Taking the mic and casually giving Wade the finger as you step up and take your first breath. Only to start 'Holding out for a Hero'.
The line up gave you a headache.
'Holding out for a Hero' 'Baby Got Back' 'I'm the Only One' 'Work it' And then to cap the whole thing off 'Lucky' Honestly, either Wade didn't know how old you were or forgot that music tended to stick around for a good long while. But You did all 5, Blind with no time to prep and did your best to kill it. And hell if you didn't need water when you were done.
"Dick," you tell him, without any actual heat, "I told you-"
"And I bow to the queen," he said. "Logan, I'm in love!"
Logan snorted. "She can do better."
"See," you tell Wade, taking the water he offered and a chair gratefully, "someone knows how to charm a girl."
Wade clutched his chest and took own seat, "Angel baby, I'm hurt. We're a package deal. And I'll have you know I can be VERY charming."
"Help me out here, Peanut-"
"Oh no, this is all you. You wanna fuck the girl, you gotta do the work."
You pause, drink half way to your mouth and clear your throat, setting it down, "Pardon me?" You'd been operating under the assumption that this was all just banter. Harmless fun. Wade and Logan were together. Wade flirted with EVERYONE. Logan was a grumbly old man but he was a softy when he wanted to be. You liked them. You knew they liked you. But you didn't know it was LIKE that. At least for Wade.
"Look at her," Wade said "She's precious-"
Logan cleared his throat. You didn't smell aroused. And he could hear your heart racing. "Sorry, kid," he said. "I thought-"
"I-uh... Excuse me for a second?" You hop off your stool and grab your bag, weaving your way through the room to the ladies room. Taking a second to take a breath. To think. You lean on the sink and wonder if you've had too much to drink. But you know you haven't. And you know no one's drugged you. Wade's beat the shit out of people for doing that- and Logan would never. They're good guys. Not creeps. Certified good guys, really. So why- this is wild.
And it doesn't happen to girls like you.
People don't want you like that. Unless it's a weird fetish thing. Or they're hobosexual. Or some other reason. But they don't want you for you. No one ever does, at least not for long. But you like them. They're friends. Will they stay friends if you say no? If you say yes what happens? Do you even want to say yes? What the fuck is happening? There are a lot of thoughts in your head. Too many.
And when you make your way out of the Bathroom, going to duck outside to get a breath of fresh air, an unfamiliar chest stops you. "You did Pretty good tonight," the oily voice said.
"Thanks, Randy," you tell him, stepping back. The Karaoke creep. You all laugh at him. He uses cash advances at strip clubs and tucks in his polos. The most divorced man to have ever lived.
"Suicides are hard. They're not for everyone," he said, picking his teeth with a coke nail. "But for a retar-"
"Hey fuckface," Wade said, "that's not a nice word." He inserted himself deftly between you and the other man and leaned on the bar, "Didn't you ever learn not to say fucking slurs?"
"Wade," you tell him, "It's just Randy it's not that-"
"She's retarded and you're fuck ug-" A crack and a clang made you help and this time it was Logan standing there as Randy crumbled to the floor.
"And he has bad hair plugs," Wade said. "Only one of us has a problem. And he paid for his."
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poisonheadcrabsalesman · 4 hours ago
okay so you killed him now what is the opposite of killing miller?
(this is a prompt)
Hi Zita, it's been 84 years. I wrote something for this finally. There's puns and genuine feelings and baby facts in here, learned firsthand.
Miller's been in the same room for the last 6 hours. That was the last time he left to pop down the hall to get water and snacks for his charges. Before that he was back in the room fiddling with the light settings, helping adjust the hospital bed, and reminding nurses and patients of the most recent pain ratings, meds and dosages, and questions. So many questions. Mostly from Roland.
S-IVs don't need as much sleep as normal people, which is a blessing and a curse. It's what got him into this situation.
All hands on deck means all hands on deck when the Infinity picks up a distress signal and responds to a colony-ship abandoned by its AI.
Roland makes sure to express his opinions straight into Jared's ear, but he switches gears when triage happens. They work in tandem with little bickering as the Infinity's numbers swell with their new pick up.
It's a lot of civilian types, entire families with many generations all milling about and a cloud of anxiety over them. Miller can feel the weight of their stares and the burning curiosity Roland exudes as he leans on Miller's Mjolnir to look closer at so many new people.
Children weren't something he'd seen up close before.
He ends up forgoing the helmet given how jumpy they are around him. The results are night and day: he goes from a faceless tool of the UNSC to Jared Miller, awkward guy and newly designated Au Pair.
Cmdr. Palmer would be laughing at him if there was a single motherly bone in her body allowing her within 500 yards of the makeshift maternity ward in this corner of the infirmary.
Miller had also forgone the helmet due to the amount of questions he'd been receiving from all sides. Between the kids, the civilian parents glaring at him, and Roland's unfettered access to his eyes and ears, he wanted a breather from the HUD and proximity alarms as brave tweens and toddlers approached him.
The previous 12 hours had been a deluge of:
"Have you killed any aliens?"
"Spartan Miller, ask that nurse about the new mottling on the baby's skin. It's probably just newborn rash, but you should ask."
"Why are you so tall? Did they give you more bones?"
"Miller, ask to hold the baby, I want to use the armor's sensors to check oxygen levels."
"Do you know Master Chief?"
"Spartan Miller, are you ignoring me?"
"Mister Spartan, can you get us some extra blankets?"
"Can I hold your gun?"
It's 2300 when the extended family of the newborn shuffle off to parts unseen to get some rest and give the new parents space when it happens. The brave faces tire and the frazzled nerves shine through. Technically, Miller is off the clock. He should go recover in his own quarters. He should leave.
He does.
The assemblage bay is a hive of activity. A well oiled machine taking apart its smaller machines and putting them away for future use. Miller feels more human in his ready gear with a shower and a meal in him.
He wanders back into the infirmary and smiles awkwardly at the faces lighting up to see him.
The baby's just been fed and needs swaddling. Mom hasn't slept in close to 48 hours, and her wife is struggling to keep her eyes open from the awful makeshift bench. Cots were elsewhere and this is what they had to work with.
Mom just needs to lay down without worrying about the baby for a half hour till the next nurse comes. Wife just needs to sit down. Miller takes first watch and swaddling duty. He'd seen it done a dozen times over the last day and then some. Make a triangle with the cloth, tuck the arms gently so they don't scratch the face, move the cloth left over and under, the bottom up and over a shoulder and right over left. Secure and warm in hands big enough to dwarf the less than eight pound bundle. Hat affixed to a dark head of hair to retain heat. Tiny features squinch up and relax at the change in pressure and temperature.
Facts from the last day and a half pour over Miller's mind. Support the head and neck. Check for blue around the mouth in case of oxygenation issues. Newborns lose 10% of their weight the first few days. You have to train them to eat, they're used to getting food automatically. The diapers won't be pretty but black tar and brickdust are normal for the first few days.
He stands and sways. Dinosaurs of all colors look back at him from the swaddle. Wife succumbs to sleep with her head pillowed on a jacket and a spare blanket over her. Mom holds a pillow and curls up, too warm in a newborn temperature room. She dozes as Miller sways, squeezes, and shushes the little one. A red face and a small cry let him know it's nearly time to change the diaper. A glance at the clock lets him know the nurse should be there soon. A golden bit of text on one of the panels lets him know that Roland is still hellbent on learning, nagging, and all around being involved in the whole process.
The nurse comes in for Mom's 4 hour check and another round of meds. They help Mom sit up and adjust in the hospital bed while Miller changes the diaper.
He keeps up a steady stream of words at the little squirming bundle. "I know, I know. It's so cold right? Well we'll get you warm in juuust a second."
Miller's grateful for the nurses and the well-stocked bassinet. Diaper changed, baby cleaned, and the tiny squealing human calms from squeaking cries to small grumbles as they shift from upset-red back to healthy pink.
They're so small. It's insane.
Miller's still staring when the nurse approaches to check and prep for another round of feeding and skin-to-skin contact.
"You're a trooper." They say, nodding to Miller.
"Actually I'm a Spartan." He jokes as he goes to wash his hands.
The baby mewls loudly before quieting again.
"Didn't think it was that bad of a joke…"
Mom smiles and the nurse rolls their eyes.
Miller comes back and moves his vigil to the chair in the corner over the next several hours.
It doesn't get any less surreal, but something's shifted.
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sylkiddsey · 1 year ago
Prompt: “You’re a bad liar did you know?”
Set during 8.01
Her life kinda feels like one of those times when you’re coming out of anesthesia. You’re awake and aware, but completely out of control over what you say and do.
Plus, it takes a while for everything to feel right again. That’s how it feels to live in Fowerlton with her fiancé.
She feels off, but somehow not at the same time. It’s confusing and she misses 51 so much. She misses her people.
“Slutty or sophisticated?” Stella asks over the grainy video call. Sylvie can barely see her since the loft is so dark and the connection from Indiana to Chicago sucks.
“Always slutty,” Sylvie laughs, sitting up against her headboard. Kyle had a work trip so it’s just her alone in their bedroom. She’s nestled under the scratchy comforter in an old band t-shirt and her not so attractive readers.
(Yes, she needs glasses to read really small print. It’s not something she fesses up to, but it’s Stella so who cares?)
“You’re so right,” her friend agrees, snagging a tight deep blue dress with a high slit off the hanger. “The whole point is to make Kelly drool.”
Severide’s yelling in the background about not being able to find the shirt Stella likes.
“It’s in your closet! Do you need cataracts!”
“I can’t find it!” Severide yells back.
Her friend huffs and leaves the bedroom, taking Sylvie along to stare at the ceiling fixtures as she navigates into the living room.
Sylvie’s thrilled her best friend is finally happy with Severide. Her friend is obsessed with him and it’s good to see them both on the same page.
The way Stella talks about him is absolutely nothing like how she talks about Kyle. He’s a great guy, yes. He’s so kind and giving. In some ways, she thinks he’s perfect for her, but something is missing.
The tension. They just don’t have that. She’s tried and tried to generate some heat, but it’s cold as ice. She imagined herself with a man she wants to jump right then and there.
“Hold your horses! I’m coming!” Stella hollers and Sylvie laughs. Those two will be driving each other crazy in a nursing home one of these days. “Here, talk to Brett, Casey.”
Stella’s glamorous face moves out of view. Did she say she was going to give the FaceTime to Matt?
She looks horrible. She didn’t even fully take her make up off and she put on a few of those pimple patches around a few blemishes.
“How do I…” Matt’s face comes into view, clearly lounging on the couch. He grins a little when he sees her on the screen. “Hey, stranger.”
She covers her face. She’s not super vain, but she’s not sure she wants Casey to witness her before bed look.
“Oh god, Casey. I look ridiculous!” She chuckles behind her hand.
“I doubt that,” he replies. “Come on, you’re really going to hide your face from me?”
Yes. She’s protecting this false narrative she’s created that she has good eyesight and never forgets to comb her hair.
“Trust me, you don’t want to see this Sylvie Brett.”
“Try me.”
Ugh, he’s just so smooth.
Oh no. No. She’s engaged. She’s marrying Kyle which is what Casey wants for her. She buried her stupid budding feelings for him months ago.
She’d hide her face all night, but that also means she can’t see his. She’s not sure that’s worth it.
“Fine. Fine,” she mutters. “No laughing.”
“I swear.”
She moves her hands away from the work in progress that’s going on with her face. Now that she can see her phone too, Casey looks ridiculously good in an objective way.
He’s tanner and even the pixelated version of him quickens her heart rate. Her Fitbit physically alerts her about it.
Kyle doesn’t do that to her.
“You look adorable,” he compliments. “I like the glasses. Whether you believe me or not, I like the natural Brett.”
Kyle suggested she put on a little more foundation before meeting his parents. Granted, he didn’t out right say that because he’s too nice, but he implied it by suggesting she should wear more.
Here’s Casey, telling her he prefers the most unattractive version of herself.
It doesn’t mean anything. She’s just losing her mind.
“I think you have bad eye sight.”
“Says the one in glasses.”
She laughs a little too hard at that which makes him chuckle too. She’s missed this lightness. Fowerlton feels heavy.
Matt shakes his head with a little laugh once she’s done giggling. “It’s weird without you here Brett. Really weird.”
It’s weird in Fowerlton too.
She shifts in bed, cuddling into the overly fluffy pillow Kyle picked out. “It’s weird without you guys too.”
His gaze softens a little and she sees a hint of sadness grace his face. “How’s your arm?”
She knows he blames himself for what happened. He doesn’t have to admit it for her to know. He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders.
She wishes she could reach through the phone and comfort him, but it’s probably best she can’t. The last thing she should find herself doing is touching Casey.
“It’s perfectly healed,” she murmurs, suddenly super tired. Lately, she’s been quite the insomniac, but it’s like all she’s needed was Matt’s voice and his kind eyes to fully realize how tired she is. “How are you doing?”
He reads the sleepiness right off which isn’t hard since she keeps letting her eyes flutter closed. “I’m doing okay.”
She hums, eyes closed. Her brain paints this image where she’s not alone in her fiancé’s bed. She’s in the loft on the couch with her head on Matt’s shoulder.
She doesn’t correct her stupid brain out of sheer exhaustion.
“Sylvie?” He asks.
She nods, replying on auto pilot. “Yeah?”
“You’re clearly tired.”
“No, I’m not,” she protests, forcing her eyelids open. She doesn’t want to fall asleep but there is something so calming about Matt.
He chuckles. “You’re a bad liar did you know?”
She is a bad liar. She knows she is but she’s too content right now to defend his assumption.
She can hear Stella’s enthusiastic voice on the other end edging closer. She’s asking something about which heels she should wear, but Matt tells her to quiet down.
She hears small murmurs and creaking leather. It almost feels like she’s right back in Chicago with her eyes shut.
“Goodnight, Sylvie,” Matt whispers and then the call disconnects. She cracks one eye open to plug in her phone and then curls up to sleep.
She misses Chicago.
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michelleleewise · 2 years ago
**Hi I have a idea can you do a Loki and yn pov for me where y/n is Tony’s stark little sister and her and Loki have been secretly dating for a while and the team goes into Loki’s room and she is in Loki’s bed (awake) and Loki is getting dressed and there relationship gets exposed . Can you add some dirty morning talk to it please. I have a feeling it would make a great story.**
@obsessedwithtomhiddleston I hope I do this justice for you!!! Thank you sending this to me!!! 😁😁💚💚
What He Doesn't Know...
Pairing: Avenger Loki x female reader
Warnings: secret relationship, pining, innuendos, mild smut (not graphic), denied orgasm, bit of angst, all the fluff
Summary: you and loki had been sneaking around for awhile, unbeknownst to your big brother, until one day the secret is out.
A/n-grapics by @harlequin-hangout
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You bit your lip, watching Loki stride into the lab in all his regal glory. His impossibly long legs bringing him closer to you, feeling heat rise in your cheeks thinking about the strength hiding just beneath the layers of leather and metal, the muscles of his strong thighs flexing with each step making you remember last night, the way he came to your room bringing you to for bring over and over until you saw stars.
"Hello darling." He purred, snapping you out of your trance as you looked up into his deep green eyes "h..hey Loki." You smiled "oh dear, are you feeling quite well? You seem....flushed." He said leaning forward pressing the back of his hand to your forehead, the touch of his skin making you tingle. "Y..yes I'm fine, I just had a long night." You smiled as his hand slid across your skin leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear "I do hope it wasn't anything to...strenuous." He smiled, his pearl white teeth shining under the florescent lights. "Loki, i..." you started when door behind you opened.
"Hey sis, reindeer games what are you doing here?" Tony asked setting his coffee down "I found myself in need of stimulation, so I thought I would ask the lady here if she required any assistance but I do believe she has fallen ill Stark." Loki said, pulling his eyes from you looking at Tony. "Sis, is that true? Are you not feeling well?" He asked looking at you "you do seem a bit pale." He said "I'm fine!" You huffed clearing your throat "she is quite warm, I think she may need to lie down." Loki smirked looking back at you "yeah I have to agree, take the day off sis." Tony said sipping his coffee "but, i.." he cut you off raising his hand "no buts, go get some rest I'll see you tomorrow." He said walking off into the lab.
"Well, it seems you are free for the rest of the day." Loki smiled leaning on the table "loki, he's going to figure it out." You said sternly slipping your lab coat off "He may be a genius here on Midgard, but I assure he isn't that bright my dear." Loki said "and what is going to happen when he does hm?" You snarked raising an eyebrow at him "I wouldn't worry too much about that, besides what he doesn't know won't hurt him." Loki smiled walking with you to the door. "Now, allow me to nurse you back to health, I have just the thing to help you feel...rejuvenated." he purred holding his arm out. You looked back seeing tony engrossed in his latest project "you win this time laufeyson." You smiled looping your arm around his as he lead you into the hall.
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"Y/n...ahhh...i...I yield! P..please.." Loki moaned, one hand gripping the bed post while the other balled the sheet beneath him in his fist. You knew after the fourth loay orgasm he was about to explode, but you just couldn't resist. "does my prince wish for...release." you purred holding your hips to his unmoving as you smiled down at him watching his chest rise and fall with each breath, his heart racing under your fingertips as you braced yourself on top of him "p..please y/n....yes..." he panted, his voice strained with his arousal, his eyes screwed shut as you lifted up beginning to rock back and forth "open those gorgeous eyes for me handsome." You panted, picking up your pace as his eyes met yours sending a jolt through you.
You flopped down on the bed, wiping the sweat from your forehead looking over at Loki, his cheeks red and flushed "so...you were saying?" You panted rolling to your side facing him. You watched him turn his head looking into your eyes, a softness in them you hadn't seen before filled them as he rolled over facing you "no one has ever made me surrender to them..." he trailed off running his long finger along your collar bone "but, I will always yield to you my love." He smiled leaning forward gently kissing you when your phone rang on the nightstand. "I should probably head to the lab." You said laying back down. "Yes, and I have a meeting with stark today regarding our last mission." Loki said pulling the blankets off of him, your face heating up as you studied his bare form, licking your lips thinking about how much you would love to sink your teeth into those thighs.
You shifted onto your stomach, watching as he walked into the closet coming back with a pair of black sweatpants you watched him step into them slowly pulling them up his long legs "Darling, you know..." he was cut off by the door opening, both of your eyes shooting to it "Horns, your late for our..." Tony trailed off, looking at the scene in front of him "Stark, have you not heard of knocking?" Loki snapped stepping between you and Tony shielding you. "Y/n...what are you doing here?" Tony asked side stepping him "and with him!" He yelled as Loki stepped in front of him again "Stark, I think there is a better time to discuss this." Loki said sternly as you sat up gripping the blanket to you. "Confrence room, ten minutes...both of you." Tony said turning and leaving.
You heard the door close with a loud clock as loki turned to look at you "are you alright love?" He asked stepping towards the bed. "Yeah he...what are we going to do?" You asked looking up at him. "We will need to tell him y/n, I'm afraid there is no way around it this time." He said slipping a shirt on as you found your clothes getting dressed "but if he...what if sends you away, or fires me, or..." you trailed off feeling the bed dip next to you, Loki's arm wrapping around your shoulder "no my love, he can't keep us apart. I will find a way to keep us together." He reassured you, kissing your temple. You nodded, slipping your shoes on as Loki stood holding his hand out to you "well, let us get this over with." He smiled. You linked your fingers with his pulling yourself up as he guided you to the door, opening it for you. Taking a deep breath you prepared for what was about to go down.
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You walked hand in hand with Loki into the conference room seeing the entire team sat around the table as they all looked up at you "ok they're here, what's this about Tony?" Nat asked sitting back. "I called you all here to discuss.." you cut tony off walking to the front of the room "He wanted to let you all know about me and Loki." You said squeezing his hand seeing everyone looking at you. "Y/n, you can't be with him." Tony said crossing his arms "and why not?" You asked glaring at him "because.." Tony snapped back "yeah....why not?" Nat asked looking between you "I agree, I see no problem." Thor added as the rest of the team started mumbling their aggreance.
Tony sighed shaking his head "no sister of mine is going to date a homicidal lunatic." Tony said sternly. "Well then, I quit." You said gripping Loki's hand tighter "Darling, i.." loki started when you threw your hand up "I quit this company and i quit this family." You said waving between you and Tony "y/n, don't be ridiculous." Tony argued "no, if you can't accept my decision that has nothing to do with you I quit." You said sternly "now if you'll excuse me i need to go pack my desk." You said pulling Loki with you hearing the room errupt in arguing behind you. "I'm not sure that was a good idea love." Loki said pulling you back to him.
You looked up into his eyes smiling "do you love me Loki." You asked playing with the buttons of his shirt "more then anything." He said smiling back at you "then that's all I need, will you help me pack?" You asked "absolutely love." He said kissing your forehead. You made it to the lab, grabbing a couple of boxes you began packing everything, smiling when Loki whipped you around wrapping his arms around you "so...what say you we have one last tryst on this desk hmm?" He purred lifting you up genlty placing you on the now bare desk "lokiii...stop." you laughed as he leaned down kissing your neck "remember our first time...I had come down looking for stark and you were all alone.." he whispered against your skin, stepping between your parted legs
"The way your hair had slipped from your delicate pony tale." He said "the strap of your tank top dangerously close to sliding down your beautiful shoulder." He said kissing your collar bone. "Loki, i.." you were cut off by someone clearing their throat, looking over seeing Tony in the doorway. "Rei...Loki, could I please speak to my sister alone for a second?" He asked walking inside as Loki looked at you. You nodded kissing his cheek "if you need me I will be right outside...stark." He nodded to Tony walking into the hallway. "Listen sis..." you cut him off standing up "Tony, I don't want to hear it ok, just..." he cut you off "please, just listen for a second." He said leaning on the desk "ok fine, what Tony?" You asked crossing your arms
"You are right, it's not my business who you date. And whether I like him or not, It isn't my place to say anything so....I'm sorry." Tony said looking down "Well, Thank you Tony. But like I said of it's going to be an issue..." he cut you off again "y/n, your my sister and I love you. Nothing is going to change that, not even a crazy alien prince." He said laughing "I'd like you to stay, please." Tony said stepping forward. You smiled, wrapping your arms around him "thank you Tony." You said hugging him. "He's gonna be around alot more now huh?" He asked making you laugh "I love him Tony, so yes." You smiled seeing him nod "and he loves you?" He asked. "He does yes." You smiled "and he treats you well?" He asked holding your hand "better then I ever have been." You said "good, I wouldn't want to kill him." He said making you both laugh
"you could try." You heard Loki say as he walked back in, wrapping his arm around your shoulder "I'm staying Loki." You said seeing him smile "that is good to hear, you have a beautiful mind love." He said kissing your temple "loki.." Tony said holding his hand out "Stark.." Loki nodded grabbing his hand "take care of her yeah?" He said shaking his hand "I always will." Loki said looking into your eyes. "Well, I'll leave you two to it, I'll see you in the morning y/n." Tony said walking out. You looked up at Loki smiling "now, about the desk..." you winked as Loki leaned down kissing you deeply
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@vbecker10 @mochie85 @lokisgoodgirl @springdandelixn @kinky-faerie @xorpsbane @midnights-ramblings @simping-for-marvel @holdmytesseract @kkdvkyya @slpnbty2001 @lokixryss @vane28282 @violethaze @coldnique @aniar4wniak @nate-ate-hate @buttercupcookies-blog @brattymum96 @dukes2581 @your-taste-on-my-lips @mybabyh @blog-the-lilly @irishhappiness @sinsandguilt @filthyhiddles @lovebyloki @kikster606 @javagirl328 @misunderstoodself @highkeysimpingforloki @eleniblue @commanding-officer @athalialaufeyson @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lokiandbuckysdoll @loopsisloops @joyful-enchantress @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @high-functioning-lokipath @kittiowolf210 @slytherclaw1227 @joyfullymassivewhispers @wolfsmom1 @libbybeaz @lokikissesmyforehead @goblingirlsarah
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wildbornsiren · 3 years ago
Magnetism | Robert “Bob” Floyd x F!Reader.
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Magnetism part 1 of 4 What: They say if you love something, set it free. You walked away years ago and Bob let you go. But now you're back, fate dealing him a hand he never thought he'd get.  Part 1 of 4. 4,212 words. AFAB/Female civilian reader. Warnings:  Top Gun Maverick Spoilers, kind of angsty.  Thanks: @writercole for the summary, @hederasgarden @skvatnavle and @yespolkadotkitty for encouragement and eyes. Thank you so much to @therebeccaw​  for the banner. Likes are so appreciated, comments and shares are amazing. Thank you for reading. I appreciate it so much, and it means the most. 
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A gentle salt breeze came from the ocean, providing slight relief from the heat of the day. The beachside café was pleasantly crowded, but the outdoor seating provided a bit of distance between the patrons. Small tables shaded by large umbrellas; soft music pumped through hidden speakers. You’re seated at one of those tables with your aunt who is happily chatting your ear off about her day. It’s comfortable, and familiar and you stretch your legs out a little bit, sighing with contentment. Your phone is next to your empty snack plate, and you glance at the screen when it lights up, not recognizing the number. You reject the call, offering an apologetic grin to your aunt at the interruption. Almost immediately the number flashes again, and you pick it up. “Hello?” “Is this Ms.—” “Yes, may I ask who’s calling?” You press the phone a little closer to your ear. “Ma’am, this is Lieutenant Marshall calling from Naval Station North Island Medical Center, to inform you that Lieutenant Robert Floyd was injured today in a training accident.”
Your heart drops, feeling your coffee threaten to come back up. “What did you say?” “Lieutenant Floyd was injured in a training accident, and you’re his emergency contact…” “North Island?” You interrupt. “Yes, ma’am.” You twist in your chair, instinctively looking in the direction of the base. “I’m sorry, I haven’t spoken with him in a little while. Is he able to receive visitors?” “Yes ma’am. I can’t give any more details over the phone.” “I understand. Thank you so much for calling me.” You hang up your phone, putting it back on the table. Your hand trembles as it covers your mouth, your other arm hugging your midsection. “What’s wrong?” Your aunt looks at you, concern wrinkling her brow. You shake your head, “Robbie’s in the hospital. He was in an accident.” It takes you three times to pick up your purse, keys clutched in your hand. “I’ll be home when I can, okay. I’m sorry.” You get to your feet, kissing your aunt on the cheek before leaving.
The hospital looms in front of you, your purse clutched in your hands. Taking a deep breath, you square your shoulders and enter. You’re able to find the wing he’s in, and uniformed personnel at the nurse’s station let you know what room is his. Standing outside the closed door, you stare at it. You haven’t seen Robert in four years, and the way you had parted, didn’t exactly lend itself to a happy reunion. Desperately hoping your heartbeat slows its race in your chest, you place your hand on the handle, and step inside. There’s two other people in the room. A dark-haired woman in a hospital gown sat on one bed, a man in a folding chair between the two beds, his flight suit unzipped to the waist. In front of him, a small table, cards in his hand. Worry creased his brow, and he glanced at woman who shrugged. Your gaze landed on Robert. Robbie. He was seated in the other bed, holding two cards in his hand. You swallow, throat so incredibly dry. What strikes you is how small he looks in that bed, and the way his weight is shifted favoring his left side. There’s a brilliant bloom of green and yellow under the neckline of the hospital gown, spanning his shoulder, collar bone and up one side of his neck. “Hey,” you manage. He says your name, and your heart nearly stops. It takes a few moments for you to realize that he’s still talking. You shake your head, blinking everything back into focus. “I’m sorry?” “Why are you here?” You lick your lips, looking down at the too shiny linoleum. “One of the med staff called me to inform me that you were in an accident.” Color rises on his cheekbones and he clears his throat. “It’s good to see you, but why are you here. Shouldn’t you be in New York?” “I’m on sabbatical,” shifting your weight, “My aunt needed some help with some things, and mom couldn’t come out, and I had the leave.” You realize that you’re rambling, and all the attention is on you. “The nurse said they were just keeping you for observation, and I’m interrupting something, so I-ah, I’m going to go home.” You rub at the back of your neck. “I’m glad you’re alright Robbie.” At the nickname, he swings his legs out of the bed, getting to his feet. Carefully he lifts the iv tubing from the guard rails and holds onto the stand. “It’s time for me to take a walk, either of you need anything?” He glances at the other two who quickly pretend to be more interested in the cards in their hands. “You should get back in bed.” He's coming closer, and he shakes his head. “I’m supposed to get up and walk every hour. So is Phoenix, but she’s busy taking all of Rooster’s cash.” His hand rests lightly at your elbow walking with you down the hallway to an abandoned waiting room. He waits until you sit, and he beings walking the aisle. “What happened?” “We had a bird strike, lost one of the engines. Phoenix and I couldn’t recover, and we had to eject.” His voice is soft, so gentle, the hint of a drawl coming in softening the words even better. He sounds like home, and you miss it. “I had a bit of a rough landing, they’re worried about some bruising on my ribs, but everything came back clean.” He’s done two laps around the waiting room, and he’s leaning against his Iv pole watching you. Those bright blue eyes that saw more than he let on, a fierce intelligence shining from behind his glasses were focused on you. “I thought I had changed it. I’m sorry. I never wanted to make you worry.” “His call sign is Rooster?” You wanted to change the subject, and quickly. His words turned over in your head, and you believed that he didn’t want you to worry. He smiles then, and you know he’s going to be okay. “Yeah, but I can’t really say anything about it, especially with mine.” “What’s the latest guess for what Bob stands for?” Another smile, this time followed by a low chuckle. And that rolls right down your spine, making you shiver. “Current standing thought is baby on board.” He shrugs, “it’s fun to hear them guess. None of them have come close though.” “I’m really glad you’re okay.” You can’t look at him, and instead study the carpet, lower lip worried between your teeth. You can hear him moving, and his hospital issued yellow no-skid socks appear in your line of sight. The way he says your name reminds you of the times he’d whisper it in the dark against your ear. His fingers are so warm, so light as they tip your chin up, his brow furrowing. His thumb swipes at your cheek wiping away errant tears. “I’m okay, I never wanted to make you feel like this.” You get to your feet, wrapping your arms around him. He’s tense for a moment, before relaxing against you. His cheek rests against the top of your head. It’s comforting, familiar and you feel so damn lonely when you let him go. The sound of a man clearing his throat makes you take a few steps toward the left, putting distance between you and Robert. Rooster is watching the two of you, and he rubs the back of his neck. “The nurses sent me to come get him. Visiting hours are over.” “I’ll go back to the room; can you make sure she gets to her car?” Bob says. “It’s getting late.” “Sure thing man,” Rooster claps him on the shoulder as he passes. “Either me or Seresin will pick you and Nat up in the morning. Just let us know when you’re discharged.” You fall into step with Rooster, who had fixed his flight suit. His hands are in his pocket, and he’s watching you out of the corner of his eye. “Is he really okay, or is he just saying it so I don’t get upset.” “Physically, he’s fine. The stress may hit him later. It’s intense, but Bob’ll handle it.” He presses the button for the elevator. “Phoenix is an amazing pilot. What happened was out of either of their control. It could have happened to any of us.” He pats you on the shoulder, “He’s got you though, and we’re here for you.” The elevator doors slide closed once you’re both inside. “I haven’t seen Robert in years.” You look up at Rooster. “The last thing I said to him…” You shake your head, “I’m glad he has you guys. And a good pilot.” Rooster walks you to your car, holding onto the open car door. “What’s your number?” He’s got his phone in his hand. “I’ll send it to Bob and you two can catch up later.” “I don’t think—”
“Humor me.” You give him your number and get into the driver’s seat. He waits until you’re buckled in, “Get home safe alright? We’ll look after him.” Rooster shuts your door, knocking on the doorframe before he’s walking away. You put your car in gear, driving back to your aunt’s place. The house is dark, except for the porch light. The sound of your car door echoing in the quiet of the night. There’s a note on the fridge, letting you know that there’s leftovers. The ache in your stomach and worry for Robert makes the thought of food sounds very unappealing, so you trudge back to your room. -------------------------------- The sky is overcast, and the breeze is a little cooler off the ocean this morning. You’re curled up under a blanket on the back porch, the quiet punctuated by the groan of the porch swing as you rock gently. The Pacific Ocean is angry today, the waves crashing against the shoreline. It’s also early enough that the damp sand is free of tourists, so you’ve got an uninterrupted view of the rough waves. Your work lap top sits next to you, the screen open and bright, emails open, but you can’t bring yourself to look at them. You wrap your hands a bit tighter around your mug, the rich dark coffee slowly bringing order to your senses. You hadn’t slept well, giving up the attempts somewhere between four and five in the morning. Next to you, your phone screen lights up. “Did you get home okay last night?” You don’t recognize the number, and figure it was Rooster checking in on you on behest of Bob. “Yes, thank you. :) How’s Robert doing?” “I didn’t expect you to be awake.” You stare at that message, fingers posed over the keyboard on your phone screen. “Couldn’t sleep. Now I’m not answering emails and watching the waves. Shouldn’t you be resting?” You watch that he starts to type, a few times before the screen goes dark. “You still like cinnamon rolls, right?” In the distance you can hear a car door open and close, and you look over your shoulder at the sound of footsteps on the wooden porch behind you. Robert shifts his weight looking a little sheepish, a white bakery box in his hands—a box that smelled of warm cinnamon and sugar. “I was going to leave these on the porch for you.” His gaze meets yours, before it’s sliding to the left. “Since you’re awake, we could split one.” He's there, and he’s standing on his own. Dressed in a pair of jeans and a loose sweatshirt emblazoned with the navy logo, his hair tousled, sleep still evident in his eyes. You get up from the swing, putting your mug on the porch railing. Lifting the box from his hands, you set it on the bench, and wrap yourself around him in a hug. He returns the gesture, arms tight around you, one hand at the back of your neck, holding you against his chest. “I’ve got you, Sweet.” He murmurs, and it makes your heart stop momentarily. “Let me get you a cup of coffee.” You untangle yourself from him, swiping at your eyes. “Do you have time for that before you have to report?” “I’m on med detail for the next twenty-four hours.” He says lips twisting slightly. “I’m grounded and off until tomorrow.” “Stay for a bit then.” You turn to head back inside, pausing to glance over your shoulder at him before you go inside. He’s watching you, expression soft. He’s unreadable as always, it was the one thing that bothered you about him.  You pour a mug for him, filling up a thermos, and grabbing a couple of forks before heading back outside. “You remembered where my aunt lives?” He rubs the back of his neck with an easy grin. “You brought me here a couple times. You know how my brain works.” “Not entirely.” You set the tray on the small table on the deck, and hand him the coffee. He exchanges mugs with you, holding the swing still so you can sit down. He sits next to you, tucking the blanket around both of you. You hand him a fork and open the box of cinnamon rolls. “Are these from Ford’s?” “Yeah, I got there right when they opened.” He says easily. There’s a small bakery on the edge of town that made donuts and cinnamon rolls—only until they sold out. Most days there were lines around the block, and they closed within a few hours. It takes a few moments but you’re able to wrestle one out of the box and onto the plate you brought out. He takes the plate from you, holding onto it. “Go ahead.” “We’re sharing right?” He nods, “I also know what happens when someone gets between you and pastry.” The first bite is heavenly, spicy cinnamon blended with butter and rich, fluffy bread. The sugar adds intense sweetness, and it’s perfectly balanced. Eyes closed, you tip your head back, enjoying the taste. You take another bite, licking the stray bit of frosting from your knuckle. “I can’t believe you managed to get these.” “A peace offering.” Robert mutters, swallowing. He wipes the corner of his mouth, tongue meeting his thumb. “It’s good to see you, and I wanted to let you know that.” “I’m sorry Robbie,” the words slip out around a swallow of coffee. It was something that you had wanted to say to him so many times. So many abandoned text messages, so many unwritten letters. You had a stash of them under the mattress in your bedroom. There was so much that you wanted to say, so much that needed to be said—and yet all that would come out is an apology. The minutes stretch between you, and once more you wish that the ability to pluck the words from the air was reality. “Have dinner with me tonight.” He’s looking out toward the water. “No expectations, no conversation about what happened between us. Just two friends getting dinner.” “Friends?” The word pierced your chest, butterflies exploding in your stomach. He nods, the full weight of that easy, gentle smile turned on you. “Of course, we’re friends Sweet. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have brought you cinnamon rolls.” The second use of the nickname within the span of forty-five minutes only made the butterflies worse. “Dinner sounds good.” “Are you stationed out here?” He shakes his head, “I have orders for Lemoore, I’m Phoenix’s new back seater, and in the middle of getting those orders I got called up to Top Gun.” He sips at his coffee. “It’s a pretty intense opportunity if I’m selected.” “Is there any doubt?” He smiles again, “The others are extremely talented. It’s nice to be flying with people who challenge each other.” His arm is resting on the back of the swing, and you find yourself leaning closer. The empty plate joins the box of cinnamon rolls. “Cold?” He asks, and it’s not so much a question as it is an invitation. Heart in your throat, you close those last few inches, curling next to him, head dropping onto the crook of his arm. He adjusts the blanket, his arm dropping lightly onto your shoulder, fingers brushing your upper arm. “One of my friends, she owns a studio space,” you start talking to fill the silence. It’s too comfortable, and you can feel the oppressive weight of what you really want to say bubbling up. “She wants to host a showing for me.” You had taken up photography in high school, the hobby evolving into something more, finding you had a knack for being in the right place at the right time, and having an eye for composition. When the shift to digital happened, your pieces gained attention and your hobby turned into a full-blown business. “That’s incredible,” he says. “You should do it.” “I’m thinking about staying out here for a while though. The city, it’s a lot. I miss being able to breathe. Auntie’s got her hands full, and Jarrod’s in the wind again.” “It’s that bad that you come to California to breathe?” “If I went home, momma would get her claws in me, and I’d never see anything but small town for the rest of my life.” “Exactly why I signed up.” “Yeah, but you go home, and you’re the fighter pilot,” you hold up a finger to pause his protest, “most of them can’t tell the difference between a WSO and a pilot, all they know is the small-town boy has his butt in a jet. I go home, and I’m the weird arty kid sister of the football star who didn’t quite make it.” “I see your point.” There’s the slightest brush of his lips against your temple. “I need to get back to the barracks. I don’t have to report, but I have to check in.” “Can’t have you AWOL.” “They wouldn’t declare that, they’d send the others after me.” He pauses, another easy, genuine grin spreading across his face. “Which would be worse if I’m being honest.” Gently he untangles himself, making sure to tuck the blanket it around you. Robert places the laptop in the empty space. “Answer your emails, so you’re not distracted tonight.” His hand squeezes your shoulder, “I’ll come pick you up at six.” ---------------------
The contents of your closet are spread out on your bed, and you’re sitting on the floor starting at the colorful pile of fabric defeated. “Friends.” You mutter, pressing the heels of your palms against your eyes. “Just two friends getting dinner.” Your phone chirps from under the pile and you shove everything out of the way. “The others just left; I’ll be there in a few.” “Crap,” You mutter getting to your feet. Grabbing blindly, you put on a dress and slip on a pair of sandals, and clatter down the stairs. Your Aunt is in her rocking chair fast asleep. Carefully, you tuck a blanket around her, leaving a note to remind her of your evening plans. The dogs were fed and settled, leaving your aunt a dinner plate in the fridge, jumping when there’s a soft knock on the door. You open the door to see Robert on the porch. “Wow.” He breathes, looking you up and down. “You look amazing.” He rubs the back of his neck before offering you his hand. “You ready?” He’s got on dark blue dress pants and a white button up, the top few buttons undone, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. “Wow yourself, Robbie.” You let him lead you down the stairs and to the car, getting in while he holds the door.
He slides into the driver’s seat and puts the car in gear. He drives like he was born behind the wheel, easy and relaxed. One hand rested on the console between you, fingers flexing occasionally. Hesitantly, you rest your hand on top of his. He moves under you, lacing your fingers together, his thumb rubbing over the back of your hand. The town melts away as he navigates the winding California highway running parallel to the ocean. He takes an exit, taking you through a small town. He pulls up to a small brick building with red and white striped awnings. “Seresin can’t stop talking about this place and their cannoli.” Robert says. “Considering he doesn’t shut up, the fact that this place comes up pretty often means it has to be good.” He turns the ignition off, giving you another half-smile. The walkway is cobblestone, lined with overflowing flower beds. Roses, lavender, bright white daisies, hollyhocks and other flowers, he’s got a hold of your hand, opening the door for you. Inside you’re instantly greeted by the smell of garlic and fresh bread. Italian music plays, and it’s dimly lit, candles on every table. His smile is easy and gentle, and you find yourself drawn in by conversation and good food. You’re not sure how long the two of you sit at the table that’s tucked into a quiet corner. He’s telling you stories about the other pilots up for this mission, you’re laughing so hard you’re crying at some of the antics that they get up to. The waiter comes by, apologetically cutting in, and letting you know that the restaurant would be closing. “Three cannoli and the bill please,” Robert says. “Are you going to let me pay half?” He shakes his head, “Let me. Please.” “Fine, then I’ll get the next one.” He leans across the table, a wicked glint in his eyes, “Next time then.” The waiter drops by with a small box, Robert paying the bill and leading you back to the car. The drive home seems to pass so much quicker, and with it the knowledge that the evening was ending. He pulls up to the house, sitting with you in the car for a little while, the engine off. In the pale illumination of the streetlight, his features are angular, though there’s a softness in his jaw. You’re acutely aware of his breathing, your own, the heat radiating from him, the clean fresh scent of his cologne overwhelming you. His tongue darts out against his lower lip and you shift slightly in your seat. Every part of you is screaming for you to take his hand, lead him upstairs and give in to the burning heat that’s slowly spiraling through you. “I should go in.” You whisper, throat dry. “Thank you, I had a good time.” Your hand rests on the door handle. He nods, getting out of the car and coming around to your side, following you up the walk to the front door. Robert leans against the doorframe, braced over you as you fumble with your keys and the lock. He says your name, and you turn, his other hand curving along your jaw. “Please,” your lips brush against his when you speak.   He groans, and the sound makes your toes curl. His kiss is slow, drawing you closer, tongue sliding past your lips. Your arms wrap around him, your key dropping forgotten, to the porch, pulling him flush against you. Your back hits the door, his other hand sliding to the small of your back. The door gives way under your combined weight, and you tumble through it, landing solidly on the floor, Robbie on top of you. He has enough sense to cushion your head with his hand before it hits the floor, but the commotion of you entering the house sets the dogs off. Two of them bark from the living room, while the third sees freedom and takes it, running out the door. “Robbie, get him!” He's scrambling off you, dashing after the dog. You pull yourself up, grabbing the leash, making sure to close the door behind you before you’re giving chase as well; the dog heading straight for the beach and surf. By the time you both manage to get a hold of the runaway, you’re covered in sand, soaking wet from the waves, and you’re halfway convinced that there’s seaweed stuck to your leg. Bob’s rumpled and breathless, shirt untucked his socks hanging out of his pockets, shoes abandoned somewhere on the beach, but his hand on is on the dog’s collar. You clip the leash to the dog’s collar, who promptly sits and looks up at you, tail thumping against the sand. Robert laughs, hands carding through his hair as he pushes it away from his face. His arm settles over your shoulders, pulling you against him as he walks you home. “Are you doing anything Friday?” He asks, stopping at the bottom of the stairs, watching as you wrestle the dog back inside. You shake your head, and he continues. “I think there’s a few of us that are getting drinks, would you like to join us?” “I’d like that.” “Go on inside, I’ll text you tomorrow with the plans.” He waits until the door closes behind you. You phone pings when you’re headed up the stairs to your bedroom. “Goodnight, Sweet.” ------------------------ Tagging in: @robertcallsignbobfloyd​  @a-reader-and-a-writer  @hederasgarden   @writercole  @evansrogerskitten   @arianna-bradshaw @roses-and-grasses @letsfvckingdance @green-socks @skvatnavle @a-reader-and-a-writer     @mayhem24-7forever @callsign-phoenix @yespolkadotkitty @princessmisery666 @lt-natrace
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uzumaki-rebellion · 3 years ago
Preview! “Shadowed Beneath Our Hand”
A little sneak peek! Getting new stuff prepped in time for the “Wakanda Forever” premiere. This will be out at the end of the month.
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C.W.: NSFW. 18+. Smut.
King M’Baku, leader of the Jabari tribe high in the mountains overlooking Wakanda, has a lot on his mind lately. His beloved wife and confidante Ayomide is expecting twins in two months, adding a total of nine children to his growing brood. He is also licking his wounds after losing Challenge Day and a chance to take over the lands beneath him. When a Jabari fisherman arrives at the palace with a catch he was least expecting to pull out of a river, M’Baku is thrust into a position he never thought he would find himself in: Decider of the fate of Wakanda.
"The ladies on my elbow ain't for the show Every madame on my team is a top general, oh Got to be ready for war, war Should they get into my door, door? Get 'em, we'll get 'em, I know that we'll get 'em Cause I lived through this shit before, oh
I'm a Classic Man You can be mean when you look this clean I'm a Classic Man Calling on me like a young OG I'm a Classic Man Your needs get met by the street, elegant old fashioned man Yeah baby I'm a Classic Man"
Jidenna – "Classic Man"
M'Baku Òkè of the Jabari tribe slumped down low on his throne, rubbing the injured knuckles of his left hand. Swollen and still bruised, he grimaced from the pain radiating all across his massive body. More than anything, the biggest ache he nursed was his shattered ego. None of his royal attendants made eye contact, fearing his mood. Even his most trusted guards avoided stirring up his wrath over the public defeat at the hands of the Panther Tribe's new king, T'Challa Udaku.
He stepped his solid frame down from the throne, shaking his thick thighs as he ambled behind the royal seat and looked down through the glass floor. A giant gorilla carved out of the mountain held part of the palace above the clouds and he gazed into the cloud-laden abyss below. Hidden underneath was Wakanda, the land that could've been his. How bold he had been to show up! No Jabari king had ever come down the mountain for centuries, but M'Baku had the urge to flex his might for his people. The Panther tribe moved too recklessly before the death of King T'Chaka and M'Baku was set on smashing their endless hereditary rule by snatching the throne away and returning the whole of Wakanda back to the traditions they once held before vibranium took over their culture.
Ah, there!
An opening in the clouds gave M'Baku a peek at the tops of Warrior Falls. The place of his crushing defeat. He sighed. Only the great God, Hanuman, knew why he could not beat the spoiled prince. The moment M'Baku held T'Challa's waist in a powerful hold and bashed his face bloody with the gorilla mask, the Jabari king knew he'd won the fight. The prince was no match in stature or strength, and yet somehow, under the gaze of Hanuman, Bast, Sekhmet, and the ancestors, Prince T'Challa claimed his throne, rendering M'Baku a failure before his people.
His council of elders chastised him for wanting to go down the mountain in the first place. His beloved wife, Ayomide, warned him about seeking a foothold in the world below them. Her belly stretched with two of his babies resting inside of her womb and she fussed at him for daring to mingle with the flatlanders.
"You are a fool to go there," Ayomide grumbled at him.
Lying on their warm bed deep inside of their mountain chamber, M'Baku rubbed her stomach and cooed gentle words to their twins who gave up kicking their Mama's insides to get her attention. Ayomide glared at him with blistering heat behind her eyes. She had the nature of a goddess and the beauty of a darkening sunset. The woman also carried the wisdom of the elders he admired in his council, and he often conferred with her before making any decisions for their people. He stroked the skin of her arm and stared into her dark, flashing eyes.
"It is time they witness the might of the Jabari," M'Baku proclaimed.
"Why get mixed up with those people? They are not worthy of our security and happiness if we take over ruling them. We are too different," she lamented.
"There is a new day coming, my love. I should be the one to lead it."
In his mind, M'Baku wanted to lay Wakanda at his wife's feet. She endured an eighth pregnancy carrying two children this time, and her patience was not what it used to be with him. He was even made to use concubines to pleasure himself because she refused to make love to him with his mind on humbling T'Challa and the Wakandans. Inside their bedchamber, he lifted a lover chosen by her, up and down on his tree trunk thighs, parting the wet folds of pliant pussy as she reclined next to him, watching the interaction and guiding the other woman on what to do to please him.
The girth of his dick wore out the concubine, and she whimpered with glassy eyes, staring at his wife while he thrust up into her, his heavy balls slapping against her ass. M'Baku allowed the woman to rest on his broad chest and he leaned over to kiss Ayomide, but his wife turned her head away playfully and squeezed her full breasts for him to keep his arousal going. He preferred to make love to her, spooning behind her and plunging into her slick, engorged heat while rubbing on her burgeoning belly. He could cum so fast just from rocking into her wide backside for five or six shallow strokes. She punished him instead by giving him one of her trusted concubines. Ayomide indulged in lovemaking with other women that they often shared. However, since her latest pregnancy, he only wanted her to himself. Talks of facing T'Challa cooled her ardor, and she sent him her favorite women to play with.
Alas, T'Challa humbled him before the world. Ayomide would probably put him out of her bed and cut off her women for him out of spite.
M'Baku concentrated on the sun dropping lower on the horizon. He spread out his large hand, letting it cover a portion of the Wakandan territory that should've been his at that moment. It cast a shadow on the glass, reflecting his meaty fingers back to him. From his position, he embraced the sensation of floating on the clouds above the world. Such a tiny-looking nation from where he perched hidden behind his hand, so high in the heavens. Yes… heaven. Eluigwe. That's what the Jabarilands were. Wakanda, no matter how technically advanced and powerful they were, couldn't compare to the mountain of heaven that cast shadows over them.
M'Baku balled his hand into a fist. He was still the Jabari king. He was still the leader of a mighty nation. Another snow cloud drifted across the vast swathe of mountain sky, and the first gentle flakes of fresh snow fell to add more powdery layers to the accumulated inches that arrived after his humiliating defeat.
"Eze M'Baku…"
The timid voice of a male attendant broke into his reverie. M'Baku turned and Nebechi, his favorite throne room assistant, held his hands up in deference.
"What is it?" M'Baku said.
"My Eze, your wife, Eze Nwaanyi Ayomide, is here to see you."
Nebechi stood with downcast eyes, his bulky body just as large as M'Baku.
"Tell her I am busy," M'Baku said, turning back toward the window, watching the snow flurries increase.
"You will do no such thing."
Ayomide's voice startled him. M'Baku cut his eyes at Nebechi for not warning him that the Eze Nwaanyi, queen, was already there. He waved an agitated hand at Nebechi, and the man scooted away quickly.
The queen stood near his throne with two female attendants and her personal consort, Ijemma. M'Baku could not tear his eyes away from his wife. The glow of her pregnancy made her seem otherworldly. Nubian knots were twisted and decorated with moonstone crystals with hints of blue deep inside the alabaster color. A long robe made of reddish-brown antelope hide and decorated with a fluffy fur collar protected Ayomide and their babies as she moved around the cooler parts of the palace and her treks outside. He noticed the melting flakes of snow glistening around her shoulders. The other women had on coarse leather coats and furry boots decorated with dark glass beads.
M'Baku lumbered his body over to Ayomide and held her outstretched hands. He kissed her cheeks, then her lips with passionate affection. Her demeanor was pleasant and for once since his return from Wakanda days before, she smiled at him. He leaned over and kissed her consort on the cheek, and Ijemma bowed to him.
"You have graced me with a smile, my love. Am I forgiven?" M'Baku asked.
Ayomide smirked, then rubbed her belly with tender hands.
"You are the king of kings, my husband. I cannot stay cross with you forever, so I came to spoil you with my affections. Ijemma is here with me, so we can all spend some time together. I can pamper you and she will please you in my place."
"The babies are being difficult today?" M'Baku asked.
She sensed the disappointment in his voice. He wanted to pleasure her alone and make up for his rash decision to fight on challenge day.
"There is some discomfort. When there are two instead of one, things exhaust me faster," Ayomide said.
"My Eze, M'Baku, if you wish for me to not share your bed with you and the queen tonight, I can come another time when you need me," Ijemma said.
"Whatever the queen wants, I will do," M'Baku said, staring at Ayomide with longing and lust.
"How you like to be with me… with all of this astounds me," Ayomide said, palming her belly with exaggeration.
M'Baku nuzzled his beard against her face, his fluffy lips seeking her lush mouth.
"Easy, my love," Ayomide said, catching her breath after he released her lips.
"Come, you shouldn't be on your feet much longer. I'll take you to our bedchamber and we can get you comfortable," M'Baku said, cradling her hand.
"Two more months and they will be here, and I can have my body back to myself," Ayomide teased.
"Eze M'Baku!"
Otito, his lead guard, ran into the throne room, shaking snow from his wide shoulders. His leather and furs showed everyone that the snowdrift had stayed for the evening. His fur boots were packed with icy whiteness. Out of breath, Otito waved toward the entrance.
"A fisherman found a body down below and brought it here," Otito rushed out.
"Someone drowned in the waters?" Ayomide asked.
Otito shook his head and M'Baku became worried. Otito was not one to act flustered and excited about anything.
"Please, come see for yourself!" Otito said.
M'Baku followed his guard out of the throne room. Three more guards waited just outside of the door, their faces displaying bewilderment.
"All this for a body fished out of the river?" M'Baku barked.
Ayomide and her women followed him and M'Baku kept a gentle hand over hers, not walking too fast to exhaust her. They moved through the wide halls and made their way to the palace entrance, which was in the shape of a giant gorilla head. More guards stood at the palace entrance with the snowfall covering their bodies.
"Eze M'Baku!"
A young Jabari fisherman with a strong back and strong features lugged a heavy sled behind him. Instead of cold fish caught for him to sell at the market, a body covered in snow and thick furs rested on it.
"I found him. He washed up on shore. He may be dead…."
The fisherman explained his situation, but M'Baku pulled back the furs.
"Glory to Hanuman," M'Baku huffed out.
There, in the falling snow, covered in patches of crystalline ice, with bruised flesh and a fresh stab wound on his side, laid the King of Wakanda, T'Challa Udaku.
"Is he dead?" Ayomide asked.
"Take the queen inside, now!" M'Baku ordered.
Ayomide's attendants and consort ushered his wife back through the gorilla head. M'Baku towered over the young fisherman.
"Tell no one you found him," M'Baku said.
The fisherman nodded. M'Baku's mind spun in a thousand directions. How did this happen to T'Challa? The great Jabari king himself had only fought him a few days ago. Was he assassinated?
M'Baku reached down and touched the new king's skin. Frozen and hard like the ice he floated in before the fisherman pulled him out. The Jabari king quickly covered T'Challa's body.
"Take him to my Hall of Meditation. Let's see if we can save him," M'Baku commanded.
The king's guards took the sled away from the fisherman and pulled it east toward his private spiritual retreat.
"Go with them. They will return your sled and furs, and remember," M'Baku pointed a threatening finger at the man, "not a word to anyone."
The fisherman held up his hands in deference and scurried away, tugging down on his coat to keep the snow from freezing him more. A cold sensation chillier than the snow crept over M'Baku. If T'Challa was near death, and put that way on purpose, who was leading Wakanda? The girl child, Shuri? Ramonda? M'Baku stomped his way through two feet of snow to the Hall of Meditation. T'Challa probably wouldn't make it through the night. He would worry about Wakanda later.
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Hope you enjoyed the preview! 
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talesofstyles · 4 years ago
Good Morning Indeed
absolutely no plot whatsoever, just a bit of husband and dad harry in the midst of the family’s morning chaos 😂
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“Go get the condom on.”
“I’ll pull out, I promise.”
“Your pull out game is weak.”
“Oi, them’s fightin’ words.”
“There’s a reason we’ve got six kids.” Says the missus with a roll of those pretty—but sometimes deadly (please don’t tell her I said this)—eyes. “‘Sides, I’ve just changed the sheets yesterday. You are not coming on the sodding sheets.”
“Fine,” I sigh and reach down to the bedside table. Why is the drawer filled with sodding Duplo and those tiny, pricey Sylvanian Family bunnies? I’m guessing kid number two, three and four have something to do with that. A few more seconds of rummaging before I finally found my treasure in the very back of the drawer. I lay on my back as I sheath myself up, and seeing as I’m already here… might as well, right? I smirk at her as I say, “hop on then.”
“Fat chance that,” she mutters. “Do I have to take off my top?”
“Nah,” I shake my head, it’s cold, and I’m a considerate husband. “A flash will do. Just give me a visual.”
She rolls up my shirt that she wears to sleep, a really old white rolling stones t-shirt that has two holes and a loose thread hanging on for dear life from the hem. She looks homeless. Gorgeous homeless though. 
“Nice,” I flash her a boyish grin, like a teenage boy seeing his first pair of tits. “You’ve got great racks.”
“You’re just saying that…”
I know what she sees when she looks at herself in the mirror and I wish she could look at herself through my eyes. 
“Hey, don’t you dare. My babies grew in that body, that’s everything.”
Her tender smile hits me right in the gut. “I love you.”
“Love me enough to ride me?” I say with a playful flick to one nipple.
“Nice try.”
“I love you,” I mutter near her mouth and give her a searing kiss. I run my tongue over her bottom lip, then I kiss her down her neck, her cleavage and her breasts. I slowly circle one nipple, and she giggles, knowing it’s a well-rehearsed move that is guaranteed to do what’s needed. See, her tits are kind of like start buttons. No matter the situation, a little attention to those bad boys switches things around real quick. Her head slams back against the pillow. And she moans, holding my head in place.
We’ve got ignition lads. 
I nestle my body on top of hers, and there’s a bit of wayward angling and poking until I find my way inside of her. And then it’s on. Two bodies writhing on the bed. My hips rotate in long, slow circles.
“What? The condom isn’t broken, is it?”
“No, it’s bin day. I forgot to take out the recycling bin.”
“S’fine, we’ve got time before the school run.”
The bin’s sorted, back to the shag…
I slide my hands under her, bringing us closer. Rocking us faster. My forehead hovers close to hers and I open my eyes so I can watch. What can I say? I’m greedy like that. I want to soak up every gasp, every flicker of pleasure across her face. Pleasure I’m giving her.
Her breathing changes. It turns panting and desperate, and I know she’s close. I move harder, grinding against her, inside her, with every forward push. Warms sparks tickle my spine and heat spreads down until every nerve in my body is shaking. I slam inside her, burying deep as her hips jerk upward. She spasms hard around me, gripping me tight. 
I rock back my hips and pull almost all the way out, but then I freeze. Because a dreaded sound echoes across the room, grabbing our full attention. It’s coming from the baby monitor. It’s a rustling, the sound of cotton rubbing cotton. Like snipers in the jungle, we don’t move a muscle. We don’t say a word. We wait, until the rustling stops. And all is quiet again. 
Too bad it’s not for long. Because two thrusts in, a light comes on in the landing. Followed by small footsteps heading down the stairs. Shit.
“Harry, just come already. They’ll all be up soon.”
“I’m close… don’t rush it, you’re scaring it away.” 
She grinds her hips. Also another well-rehearsed move that she knows will get me off. But I freeze again, because there’s a second set of footsteps and the sound of a toilet flushing. Oh, and the babies next door are starting to whimper. 
“I’M HUNGRY!” That’s James, darling little cockblocker number four who likes to be fed on time. He’s three.
“WE’LL BE OUT IN A SECOND!” My wife shouts over my shoulder. “Harry for the love of god-”
I pick up the rhythm. Small beads of sweat form on my brow. She grinds her hips again, and I try to focus. “Just like that, fuck, keep doing that.”
“Sshh, keep your voice down.”
“IS THERE ANY BREAD THAT ISN’T 50/50?” That’s Eleanor, child number two. She’s seven, and she’s one of those children who seem to possess a discernible palate that knows when we’ve changed brands of baked beans or attempt to bring sugar-free fruit squash through the doors.
“IT’S THE SAME,” I reply.
Honestly, seven-year-olds gunning for a fight this early in the morning can go do one.
The babies are starting to gather volume next door so I try to focus again. It only takes a few more thrusts before ecstasy wrecks my body, making me shudder. I press my lips against her neck as I come back down to earth. But I don’t move yet. I know we should get going because things are already chaotic outside our door, but I just don’t have the will yet. I’m considering going back to sleep for a minute or two. She won’t mind, will she? Well, I’m wrong. Because she proceeds to perform the move that seems to amuse every sodding woman on earth. And causes every man to squeal like a bloody pig. Without warning, she uses her powerful muscle to squeeze my extremely sensitive cock. 
Girls, grab a piece of paper and write this down. I’m speaking on behalf of every man to walk on earth here; we hate that. We don’t think it’s funny.
I jerk back, pull out, and roll off her. I try to look annoyed as she giggles, and obviously I fail, because that freshly fucked, flushed-face makes it impossible not to grin back.
“CAN I HAVE JAFFA CAKE?” That’s Victoria, child number three. She’s five, and she’s yelling as she thunders up the stairs. 
“JAFFA CAKE ISN’T BREAKFAST,” my wife shouts back as she sits up and hands me a nappy sack. “Harry…”
I wrap up the condom with it and toss it to the bin. “You’ve just taken me life force, woman, give me a moment.”
“NO.” We shout in unison. 
“You want to wrestle a biscuit-hunting kid out of a cupboard and 50/50 bread drama or fussy babies with full nappies?”
“Babies.” I hear a small child get whacked by a sibling downstairs and I feel like I may have got the better deal here.
Next door, the twins are not happy. They’re six months old now, and they’re both teething. Thing one glares at me as I walk into their nursery and thing two stares at me stroppily from the corner of her cot. Their cheeks are scarlet, and thing one proceeds to bark at me like a seal. I pick his warm, sleepy, cuddly body and cradle it close to mine as I lay him down on the changing table. I smell the dampness. It’s definitely wee. He’s soaked through, I think I didn’t tuck his willy in when I last changed him around three in the morning so it sprayed in some upward motion and drenched his clothes. See, this is why girls are better than boys. There’s no way they can pee upwards. 
After I put a fresh nappy and a change of clothes, I put him down on the rug so he can wiggle around while I grab his sister and sort her out. After six kids, I’m definitely a pro with baby duty and can practically change their clothes one-handed. The whole thing takes only a few minutes.
I cuddle the babies on each side as I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. They immediately reach out to their mum who’s cracking some eggs as soon as they spot her, knowing she’s the only one who can cure their hunger this morning. 
“Uniforms!” She says to the big kids as she takes one baby into her arms. “We’ll do breakfast after. Please, please, please…”
Desperate pleas lead them to saunter out and up the stairs. I follow my wife into the living room and hand her the other baby as she plops down on the couch. She rolls up her shirt and the babies latch instantly. Tandem nursing is harder now that they’re a little older and aware of their surroundings. They’re trying to scratch each other’s faces as they nurse. “Oi, what’s this? You each get a tit, stop fighting.”
They seem to somehow listen to me and have stopped trying to poke each other’s eyeballs. We’ll see how long that lasts. “Finish the eggs?”
I nod. “I’m on it.”
I brew some coffee, finish the scrambled eggs, and pop the slices after slices of bread in the toaster. Breakfast is done just in time as my wife walks back into the kitchen with two full and happy babies. She puts them in their high chairs and I scoop a bit of eggs on each of their trays for them to nibble on.
George appears back in the kitchen clad in his uniform with his also dressed brother trailing behind. We always lay his clothes the night before on his bed and he gets dressed all by himself in the morning. And he’s getting better at it, seeing he only missed a button on his shirt.
“Hi mate,” I say as I fix his button and he flashes a toothy grin at me. I plop him down on the chair, he’s graduated from the high chair now but still uses a booster seat.
“No toast!”
“What do you want then?”
I nod before I grab a handful of cheerios and set them on his plate next to his eggs. Then I take a few steps back across the table. “Hey, James, set it up.”
He flashes me another toothy grin before he opens his mouth wide and keeps it open. I hold a single Cheerio between my fingers while I bend my knees and bounce my hand as if I were dribbling a basketball. “Three seconds left on the clock, down by one. Styles got the ball. He fakes left, he drives in, he shoots…”
I toss the Cheerios in a high arc. It lands right into his mouth.
“He scores! The crowd goes wild!”
James holds both hands over his head. “Core!”
“Viv stole the biscuit tin, you know? She ate three jammie dodgers upstairs.” Eleanor says as she walks in with book bags and school shoes. 
George, seeing his sister walks in, proceeds to open his mouth wide and flashes her the half-chewed eggs on his tongue. It’s his current thing and it annoys his sisters to death. The young’uns think differently though as they double over in laughter. 
“Eeewww!” She shrieks. “You’re so gross!”
“I didn’t have any biscuits!” She yells and runs down the stairs.
This kid is the quintessential daddy’s girl. She climbs up onto my lap right away, handing me the brush and a hair tie. 
“See, poppet, I would’ve believed you if you didn’t leave evidence all over your face,” I arch one of my eyebrows as I sweep a speck of raspberry jam on the corner of her mouth. 
“You always do a ponytail,” she huffs.
“Either that or I give you a bowl cut with kitchen scissors. I reckon that fruit bowl will do. Your choice.”
“Can I have some more eggs?” George asks with his mouth full of his last bite.
“God, that’s like your third serving,” Eleanor grumbles.
At that insult, Eleanor flings a piece of toast like a ninja. Before George can retaliate, my wife gives them both the look.
“Viv, will you at least have some eggs?”
“Fine,” my wife sighs. “I’m gonna get changed then.”
I glance at the clock and, well, shit, I should get dressed too. “Can you lot watch the babies and try not to kill each other for the next five minutes?”
“Five quid each?” Eleanor tries to negotiate. “Babysitting isn’t supposed to be free, you know? That sounds like child labour to me.” 
“Two quid each,” I give her my dad look that says the offer is final and indisputable.
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crumbledcastle28 · 4 years ago
Chapter 1: a tug
Warnings: PTSD, sadness, depression, panic attack, mentions of violence
Author’s note: this is part one of my series called “Burning Red.” This is kind of boring because it is a set up for the main storyline, but I hope you enjoy it! Any constructive criticism and support is greatly appreciated. And if I missed a warning, please let me know!!
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After everything you’ve seen, everything you’ve done, everyone you’ve hurt, it felt good to just lay low.
A mechanic on tatooine was not what you imagined, but it did the trick.
No one saw you for who you truly were, and that made you happy.
Well, except for Peli.
You came to her sick and angry and alone, and she nursed you back to health. You would be rotting in the desert if it wasn’t for her, and you felt you owed her a little something.
So, you used your “uncommon” set of abilities to help her with her mechanics in any way she needed.
This included: cooking, cleaning, repairing, negotiating, and most importantly, defending.
Peli was no dummy. She knew you had more experience in that field than she did. So she recruited you, and paid you back with whatever she had laying around. A new outfit once and a while, a warm bed, a hot dinner, and a couple of credits so you could go shopping and get out of her hair.
You couldn’t blame her. You were a hell of a lot of trouble to be around.
Constant nightmares, paranoia, and regret surrounded your aura like a fog. Any normal person wouldn’t notice, but someone like Peli could. And it pissed her off a good majority of the time.
“Stop moping and help me clean this oil off my droid,” and sentences like this one, were said pretty frequently around your place.
Was it even your place? All you did was survive. Is that enough to say you lived there instead of just survived there?
You really liked Peli. She gave you a base. A “home” of sorts, and for that you were forever indebted.
But something in you always called you back to your real home, and that scared you more than Peli’s tough love. More than you could even describe.
It was a pretty normal day on Tatooine. The wind howled, the sand covered everything in its wake, and the heat. You would never get used to it.
You were eating your breakfast when a ship landed on the landing pad, and you could already tell it was a doosey just by the way the left engine was sputtering.
If this ship explodes, we better get a damn good pay, you think to yourself.
The ramp starts to open and you take that as your queue to start the walk to your makeshift room. It was really a storage room, but you didn’t mind.
When you get there, you squat down to the ground behind your door and grab your apron and set of tools. You knew Peli would need some help with this ship.
You hear the ship’s ramp hit he ground and you feel it.
A tug.
Not even a tug, a lurch. It felt like a rope had been tied to your soul and pulled you back into your old self.
This was a tug you hadn’t felt in so long. So long, it almost knocks you off your feet.
I closed myself off from this, you think. I shouldn’t feel this. I don’t want to feel this.
You already feel a headache coming on from the shock and ache in your bones, so you start walking back to the landing pad to tell Peli you aren’t feeling too well.
If I get recognized, we are both dead.
You’d rather get a scolding from Peli than a scolding hot gun wound in your chest.
“Hey,” you hear Peli shout at the client, and you pick up your pace. Your heart is hammering in your chest and you feel the panic ooz through your body.
It’s been so long since you’ve felt this, but you hate how it makes you feel alive.
You finally make it to Peli and you see her speaking very loudly (she doesn’t like to use the word “yelling”) at what seems to be your client.
But this is no ordinary client. This is a Mandalorian.
A very broad Mandalorian who, no offense to Peli, could knock her out in his sleep.
You had heard legends of their kind. But worst of all, you had fought them. And damn were they good.
You hadn’t seen any since the purge. You had heard rumors of them hiding under ground, but they had always been peaceful people. You hated how they got dragged into a war.
“You damage one of my droids, you’ll pay for it,” Peli says, and you really wish she would use a more peaceful tone.
The last thing you want to do right now is fight a very impressive looking Mandalorian covered entirely in beskar while your entire body is tingling.
Is he the one who is force sensitive?
“Just keep them away from my ship” he says, and you are surprised at how well he is taking Peli’s annoyance.
“Yeah? You think that’s a good idea?” Peli responds in a tone dripping with sarcasm and you take this as your moment to try to sneak away.
This however, was unsuccessful.
“Come on y/n. Let’s take a look at his ship,” she says and the Mandalorian turns his helmet towards you.
You probably look like an absolute mess. Your chest is heaving, you are sweating, and you are not at all prepared to do any sort of repairs. You are basically in your pajamas. The Mandalorian’s gaze has you nervous enough, but this familiar feeling in your stomach has you dizzy and nauseous.
Just hold on......
You start to follow Peli to the ship while still looking at the Mandalorian. You learned very early on in your life to never take your eyes off a predator. He follows your form and you try your best to mask his incredibly strong force connection gripping your chest.
This man isn’t even trying to hide it? It’s almost as if he is reaching for me?
You make it to Peli where you finally take your eyes off of him. You can see why Peli was so mad now.
“Oof! Look at that,” she says as she scans the ship with her eyes. “You’ve got a lot of cabron scoring up top. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were in a shoot out.”
Oh my God, he was in a shoot out.
This is really not good. This man could have been followed and you could be surrounded at this very moment. You were a skilled fighter, but those kinds of odds were almost unbeatable. Especially when you were still trying to hide your identity.
You are so tense you feel like you could snap. You still feel his eyes on you, and you are praying to whatever is out there that you can just stay alive. That’s the only thing you’re good at.
“Name’s Peli Motto. That’s y/n,” she says as she points to you with her wrench.
She did not just tell him your NAME.
“This is my operation. You’re not gonna find a better mechanic on the planet,” she says as she leaned in closer to the engine.
“Yeah, I’m gonna have to rotate that. You’ve got a fuel leak. Look at this, this is a mess. How did you even land?”
All you wanted to do was scream.
He is a MANDALORIAN who was just in a SHOOT OUT. He is probably being FOLLOWED and we could be dead because of ME.
“That’s gonna set you back,” she says.
She is concerned about MONEY right now?
Peli is a smart woman, but she was walking you into a trap. You didn’t want her blood on your hands. You didn’t need any more of that.
All of this is happening while you are still on the verge of a panic attack.
This Mandalorian is strong with the force. It is squeezing your lungs and your feet and your hands and your brain. All rational thinking is out the window. You had to get out of here before he manages to suffocate you.
God you hate this feeling. A few years ago you lived with this constantly. It became a part of you. Something you enjoyed. But now...
“I’ve got five hundred imperial credits,” the Mandalorian says.
Imperial credits. Great. How did he get his hands on those?
“That’s all you got? Well..” she says and looks back at you.
“What do you think,” she asks in a teasing tone.
You try to plead to her with your eyes. You are sweating beyond belief and your brain is about to explode.
She tightens her brows in confusion at your state, but continues to bargain.
“That should at least cover the hanger,” she says and you feel your jaw almost drop to the floor.
How can she not see it?
“I’ll get you your money,” the Mandalorian mumbles and you try to take a deep breath. Passing out in front of one of the fiercest warriors in the galaxy who may be here to kill you would rip off the last bit of pride you had left. If you are going down, you are going down with a fight.
“I’ve heard that before,” Peli responds and looks at you in a joking way. Like she was trying to coax you into laughing with her.
You try to chuckle back, but it just comes out in a low breath.
You sound insane.
“Just remember—,” the Mandalorian starts
“No droids. I heard ya,” Peli finishes.
“Why do you think I keep this girl around,” she says chuckling with a pat on your back.
You muster up the strength to smile and feel holes burning in your head from the Mandalorian’s gaze.
He really knows how to stare.
The Mandalorian leaves the hanger, and it takes everything in you not to pass out right there.
You thought with him leaving it would die down, but it’s only getting worse.
“Are you ok,” Peli asks and helps you lower yourself to the ground.
You are breathing frantically now and your hands are clutched to your chest.
“He has it,” you say and you know Peli knows what you mean.
She looks at you with wide eyes and you see the realization on her face.
“Oh my god.... he was in a shootout,” she says.
“Uh huh,” you breathe out. The desperate force connection is starting to fade and you feel your lungs fill up with air once more.
“He could have been followed! Or he could be here to—“
“Kill us,” you say. Peli hates when you finish her sentences, but there was no point in caring right now.
“Ok. Get inside. If I need you I will call for you,” she says and you nod, slowly getting to your feet.
You start to walk back to your room, with Peli’s arms guiding you, while taking deep breaths, but you freeze when you sense something else coming out of the ship and you snap your head to the ramp.
“What,” Peli says as she follows your gaze.
Your heart flutters. The force is slowly starting to ease its nasty grip on you.
If you didn’t sense the creature, you would miss it.
A little green baby, wrapped in what looked like a potato sack, was strolling down the ramp, looking directly at you.
“It’s him,” you say.
“He has it.”
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 3 years ago
XI. the nightmare begins
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✘ Synopsis : when a panicked scream fills the otherwise silent apartment, you run out of the room to find Niki sitting up in the middle of the living after having a nightmare. You could only think of one thing to do, and that was to console the boy who had become your little brother.
✘ Pairing : ??? x F!Reader
✘ TW : nightmares ; insomnia ; nightmares ; brother/sister type relationship ; attempt at humor ; probably the most normal conversation had at this point ; reader taking Niki under her wing basically ;
✘ Word Count : 1.7k
The fact that you were even able to doze off once again after the night you had was a miracle. You were exhausted from nursing the boys as close to back to health as you could, and the feeling of your bed beneath you was akin to laying on a cloud at this point. HIgh in the sky looking down at the hell that you wouldn’t have to endure for the next couple hours that your eyes were shut, allowing you to dream of things that surely would never come true, dreams of the world that had seemed like a distant memory now. 
A scream protruded your thoughts, jolting you awake and sending you, once again, stumbling towards the living room. You knew they were all in the apartment, you were sure that none of them would be dumb enough to leave again, so the only thing you could even fathom to be happening was that someone had come in, someone that wasn’t welcome. “What’s going on?!” You shouted, looking around and trying to adjust to the darkness, looking for any signs of movement that might indicate a break-in, but all you saw was the shadow of one boy sitting up in the middle of the floor with a pillow gripped tightly to his chest. 
“I’m sorry…” Niki whispered almost breathlessly, his head whipping around to look for you, and you quickly lit one of the candles that had been set on your counter to cast a little bit of light in the room. “I just had a bad dream… that’s all…” He excused himself, positioning the pillow back underneath his head to lay back down. “You can go back to bed.” 
You could go back to bed, you could pretend like you didn’t hear him scream, like he wasn’t just a child stuck in a home that he didn’t know with a person that was still practically a stranger to him. You could leave him with the nightmares that were caused by his venture out into the streets with the others. But you didn’t, you couldn’t, and you wouldn’t. You had vowed to protect him, even if that meant protecting him from the thoughts that crept into his mind when it was most vulnerable. 
“How about… We have a cup of tea and talk about it.” You offered, walking over to where he was laying and lending out a hand to help him up. “Honestly, we can talk about anything you’d like… Maybe something happy for once, yeah?” He looked up at you with eyes that seemed tired and confused, but he grabbed your hand and pushed himself up, wincing at the pain that shot through his injured leg when he accidently put more weight on it than he should. “Careful… hold onto me to walk, okay? We’ll go sit in the kitchen first while I make the tea.” 
He chuckled lightly, placing his arm around your shoulder and limping into the kitchen, thankful that the walk wasn’t too long, and you quickly pulled out a chair to help lower him down onto. “Did you ever get to go to one of our concerts?” He asked as you set up the kettle on the stove, watching as you lit the match to the burner for the water to heat up. 
You shook your head in response, pulling out the boxes of tea bags and laying them on the table in front of Niki to choose from. “I never got the chance to actually go to one, but I did stream your last concert. I wish I could have made it.” You answered quietly as you grabbed two cups from the cabinet. “It’s still weird to think you all are in my house though.” You joked lightly, smiling in his direction as you set the cups on the saucers and brought them over. “I didn’t actually expect you guys to get the message.” 
He nodded slowly, letting your words register in his still sleep clouded mind as he plucked a tea bag out of one of the boxes and placed it in his cup to await the water. “Our manager read it and he didn’t know what else to do… We were on our way here and… Well… You know.” You nodded quickly in understanding, not wanting him to get upset or let those thoughts fill his head when you were trying so hard to clear them. “I’m really glad you sent it though. I feel a lot more safe here than I would have in the hotel we were staying at.”
Smiling softly at the comment, your sentence was cut off before you even had the chance to begin it by the kettle singing out its boiling point on the stove. “I guess none of you ever thought you’d be staying with a fan… It’s probably really weird.” He hummed his agreement as you poured the steaming water into his cup before moving on to fill your own, his eyes on his cup as he bobbed the tea bag up and down. “I guess none of us thought the end of the world was coming either… So, that’s probably more shocking than staying here.” You commented as you placed the kettle on the back burner, hearing Niki snort loudly at the nonchalance of your tone. 
“Well actually, the most shocking thing is how calm you are… Not only about seven idols chilling in your living room, but the fact that we’re here and the world is ending.” He retorted as you brought over the canister of sugar and placed it on the table between the two of you before sitting down. “You’re just going around like ‘yup, got seven famous dudes in my living room and the world is going to shit… Who wants breakfast?’ It’s crazy.” 
Your head fell back as your laughter escaped you, running your hands over your face to try to muffle the sound. “Oh no, it’s not like that at all.” You said between little fits of giggles, running your hands through your hair before returning to your tea, placing a scoop of sugar in and using the bag to stir it. “I’m internally losing my mind, but I don’t want to freak any of you out, so I keep it in. Tonight didn’t help though when you all came in the way you did… You almost gave me a heart attack.” You scolded and he sheepishly smiled at you, removing his tea bag and placing it on the saucer before bringing the still steaming cup up to his lips. 
“You handled it well… For a fan, you were quite calm patching us up.” He commented, looking at you over the brim of his cup as he took another sip. “Maybe the fact that it’s the apocalypse now is overshadowing the fact that it’s us… That’s alright though. I think the last thing we all need is for someone to go all fan crazy over us. It’s hard to be normal, but… I think that’s what we need right now. A little bit of normalcy goes a long way.” 
You hummed softly as the tea coated your tongue, nodding slowly as you set your cup back down. “I think that’s all anyone wants right now… It’s just hard to get that.” You murmured, pursing your lips and looking around at the faintly lit bodies of the sleeping boys in your living room. “You can sleep in my room tonight, the bed is more suited for your injury, and since Jake is on the couch, you need to be comfortable too. I’ll sleep on the floor in my room so you don’t feel like you’re alone.” 
He nodded his head in agreement, tutting his tongue as he looked back at the men behind him. “They’re going to be quite jealous if they see me coming out of your room in the morning.” He teased, and you couldn’t help but roll your eyes at the statement, pushing yourself away from the table and collecting the empty cups and saucers to place in the sink to wash in the morning. 
“Jealous?” You questioned, and he hummed out a little ‘mmhm’ in response to which you could only scoff, shaking your head quickly as you walked over to him to help him out of the chair. “I don’t think they think of me like that. I’m literally making them sleep on the floor. Plus, you’re like a little brother to me. I’m sure they see that.” His head tilted to the side, contemplating your words before making a sound of agreement, hooking his arm over your shoulder and pushing himself up to be led into your room. “If you need to use the bathroom just wake me up, I’ll help you out of bed.” You teased as you helped him into the bed, earning yourself an eye roll and a loud groan from him. 
“You’re like an annoying big sister that I never really asked for.” He groaned as you pulled the blankets up over him, ruffling his hair once he laid down. “I appreciate it though… I’ll wake you up bright and early in the morning for my bathroom break.” He teased as you laid on the floor, your head feeling as though it were still on the ground from the flat pillow you were using, but it immediately lifted up to look at him over the end of the bed. 
“Don’t you dare… You better hold it until you hear me yawning.” You retorted jokingly, the both of you laughing quietly as you laid back down, pulling the blankets up to your chin. “Oh… Niki?” You asked, your voice lowering drastically, so much that he could barely hear you, but he hummed just as quietly to urge you to continue. “I think you’re a pretty cool little brother… I’m glad you’re here.” 
He scoffed, but it wasn’t in disbelief or disappointment, it was more like he was embarrassed at the sudden sweetness. “Shut up…” He mumbled, but he quickly sighed afterward. “You’re pretty cool too… Goodnight, Y/N…” He whispered, and shortly after he said it, you could hear the soft snores coming from the sleeping maknae. 
You swore on everything, everything that you loved and held dear, you’d protect him as much as you could. He was your little brother, although it hadn’t been that way a week ago… But now, you couldn’t see him as anything but. 
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crisalidaseason · 2 years ago
Sad story featuring Colt and Porco! Read it at your own risk, I'm not paying therapy. Also, there are spoilers from season 4 of Attack on Titan
Warnings: Mentions of death and corpses (nothing graphic), grief, a lot of sadness and angst. No happy ending because nothing in AOT canonverse is ever happy. Also, this is not extremely canon accurate, don't murder me!
It was beautiful, despite all the sadness surrounding him. Colt wanted to scream, disturb the loud silence of that peaceful place he was stuck in. He didn't know how he got there, or how to get out. Last thing he remembers is finally finding Falco and then a few weird flashes and heat.
Where am I?
The place was endless, just miles and miles of nothingness. Too silent, so peaceful. He felt dizzy, sitting on the ground and contemplating sleeping away. He was so tired. Training always taking too much from him, all the anxiety and worry about his family's safety pushing him down. He gave in, resting a little wouldn't hurt.
The baby was a bit ugly, if Colt were to be honest he found them quite horrendous. Red, wrinkled, a bit smelly and loud. He looked at his mother, her face swollen and eyes tired, while she tried to shush the baby.
"they're quite loud in the beginning" she said, smiling at Colt.
"it's so red" Colt exclaimed.
"don't worry, it's normal. But let's call him by name, hm?"
"have you decided?" Colt's father sat on the end of the bed, caressing his wife's legs.
"Falco" she said, looking at Colt now "what do you think?"
Colt looked at his now younger brother, he didn't know what to think about the name. Names were just a word people often called you by, and the Grice family isn't lucky when it comes to names. A target their name is.
"I guess it's good, mama"
"You were nameless for a few days, Colt. I think it's quite the accomplishment that we have Falco named on the same day" his father said, chuckling a little.
Colt turned to look at his dad. The man had a few bags under his eyes after spending hours holding his mother while she gave birth. Colt wasn't present, since he was training more and more every time.
His dad signaled to Colt to approach him, which he did. His dad embraced him tightly, rocking him a little as if he was the baby in the room. His mother nursed little Falco, starting to gently sing a familiar lullaby.
"can you promise me something, son?"
"Maybe someday we might not be here anymore-"
"why? Did something happ-"
"it's okay, it's okay" his dad tightened his embrace, kissing his son head "it's just a possibility, nothing is gonna happen to us"
"We just wanted you to know that only if something happens, promise us you and Falco will always be together, protecting one another" his mother said.
Colt looked at the baby quietly nursing, he couldn't really understand how a baby would protect him, but he would protect Falco at all costs regardless.
"I will, I promise"
Colt woke up again, still in the same place, same silence. He didn't know how long he slept for, nothing indicated the hours passing. He could have slept for minutes or hours, maybe days.
The dream -the memory actually- was the nicest he had in a while. Lately, when he could sleep, the nightmares of what his brother might be going through in Paradis haunted him. Maybe this dream was a nightmare in disguise, reminding him of his failed promise. His brother wasn't safe, he failed. He failed to free him from warrior training, from the danger of inheriting titans, from war itself, and now his brother is in enemy territory.
But he remembers seeing him. Somehow he remembers embracing his little brother, checking him for any injuries. Did he dream that too? He supposed it was normal to dream about finding you little brother safe and sound. Maybe he is sleeping right now, having this weird dream about dreams. Maybe he went mad and was actually still in Marley, but in the psych ward.
He turned, seeing Porco right in front of him, in a weird set of clothes...he recognized that emblem.
They stared at one another for what seemed like a good few minutes, until both of them reacted and hugged. He wasn't particularly close to the Galliard, but seeing a familiar face in such a huge empty land felt good.
"What happened? Where are we? and what are you wearing?" Colt asked, a little overwhelmed.
Porco looked at him a little confused and then the sadness filled his eyes.
"Come with me"
"Wait you didn't answer-"
"I will! Just come with me" Porco insisted, already walking towards nothing.
Colt had no choice but to follow the other warrior, trusting their bond as soldiers to explain the situation. They didn't walk much until the ground started to shift and suddenly he was engulfed in darkness.
Colt heard faint knocks on the door, almost too faint to hear if it wasn't for his light sleep. He sighed, already knowing what was happening.
"come in"
Falco entered the bedroom silently and got on his brother's bunk bed, trying not to wake Porco while climbing into the top bunk.
"you can't keep doing this, Falco" Colt whispered.
Falco didn't answer, going under the covers and folding like a little ball. Colt's heart ached.
Falco had recently moved permanently into the warrior's headquarters, being away from home was taking a toll on him. Colt remembered his own feelings of loneliness, missing his parents and the daily life they shared. He knew Falco was feeling the same, but he wasn't alone. Sneaking into Colt's room for the first few nights was understandable, but the older Grice feared that Falco would get caught one day and punished for leaving his own shared quarters.
"you can sleep here, but remember-"
"go back to your room before dawn, I know" He said, voice trembling.
"good night, Falco"
"good night"
Colt and Porco emerged in another place, a yard of sorts, less empty than the other place. Colt felt dizzy and paused to get his head cleared up.
"It sucks, I know" Porco said "the memories are overwhelming sometimes"
Colt looked at him, confused.
"Are we dreaming the same dream?"
Porco's eyes were sad again. He helped Colt stand up again and pointed into a weird little structure in front of them. It seemed like a clay bowl with very dirty water.
"look inside" Porco said.
Colt stared at Porco like he grew another set of eyes. Look at a bowl of dirty water?
"come on, look inside"
He did it, not understanding a single thing. He saw nothing but dirty water and was about to confront Porco when suddenly the room changed and he saw himself and Porco in the middle of a gruesome scenery. He recognized the place somehow...
"I was here! and Falco was here too, with Gabi" Colt remembered "this is Paradis!"
"yes, we were there" Porco said, stepping in front of him.
"your clothes, they're from the Paradis military. Did the plan work??"
"I really don't know, but it doesn't matter anymore, Colt" Porco said.
"what do you mean? Porco, what happened? what's happening?"
Porco pointed at something in the distance. The buildings were destroyed, everything was completely destroyed, with blood everywhere. But Porco was pointing at the ground, at a corpse. Both men got closer and closer to the body. Colt couldn't really understand what happened, but it seemed like this poor person was burned to unrecongnizable.
"who is this?" Colt asked.
"I think you already know"
Get away from me, Colt!
It's okay Falco! Your big brother will stay with you.
Colt's head hurt. All the memories from his last moment rushing through his head. He quietly sobbed, falling on his knees in front of his own burnt body. He really did fail in everything. Falco wasn't saved, his destiny was cursed with forever wandering the earth as a mindless creature.
"he is alive" Porco said "but you're not gonna like it"
"I know, he told me he drank the wine"
"No, worse" Porco kneeled alongside Colt.
Colt looked at Porco again, the realisation hitting him full force again.
"you didn't!"
Porco shook his head. Looking in the distance, as if remembering his own last moments.
"I'm sorry, Colt" he said, holding back the tears "I couldn't do this anymore. I saw the opportunity, I couldn't- I just-"
He couldn't finish. The pain was too much.
Both men sat there, hurting their knees on the ground, mourning the life they just lost and the consequences they left. Colt felt somewhat relieved Falco wasn't stuck as a mindless titan, but being the Jaw Titan was just as bad. Cursed titan that was. A child becoming a weapon was concept he never wanted for Falco. He wanted to inherit the beast titan and get Falco out of the military, but everything went wrong. What a shit of an older brother.
I'm sorry mama, and papa
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etherrreal · 4 years ago
“when you pass out at practice”
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Pairing: tsukishima x reader ; kyotani x reader ; aone x reader Genre: comfort-fluff ; drabbles & headcanons Summary: the reader hasn’t been taking care of herself which leads to her passing out at practice  Word Count: 2295 Warnings: fainting, or passing out, from sleep deprivation/not eating/heat exhaustion, some explicit language because i’m an adult A/N: thanks for the fun request! i took a little bit of artistic liberties with the scenario to keep it from being so repetitive so I hope you don’t mind! -Luna
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it was rare that you had a beautiful sunny day on a weekend with no chores to attend to or work to complete
so when your boyfriend Tsukishima texted you and asked you to come join him for casual volleyball practice outside, you decided to take him up on that opportunity
however, not even a cap and some cold water could stave off heat exhaustion
Despite it being 95°F and so humid that the air feels thick when you breathe, it is a beautiful day outside. The sky is completely clear of clouds; the sun is shining directly on you as you, your boyfriend, and Yamaguchi head out to practice at the open field nearby Karasuno. The change of scenery was refreshing and even with it feeling just as hot as it usually does inside the school gym, the occasional breeze and lack of sweaty stench was a huge welcomed change. 
There’s very little shade provided by the trees, but you lay out a small blanket under the nearest one anyway. You become the bag and bottle keeper when Tsukishima and Yamaguchi hand you their items, your boyfriend dropping it haphazardly onto the blanket while Yamaguchi delicately places it down with a ‘thank you.’ 
You usually don’t get to see Tsukishima practice, seeing as his normal practices run until the dead of night, so it was fun watching them set and serve the ball back and forth. When the occasional ball lands by your feet, you get the chance to enjoy setting it back to them, even if it often falls short or misses the target completely. 
“Thank god you’re not on our team,” Tsukishima teases, as he watches the ball you set fall 6 feet away from him.
“Yeah, because I’d kick your ass. I know I’m a threat, and you should fear me,” you retort sarcastically. Before he turns away to retrieve the ball, you see him crack a small smile at your tomfoolery. 
However, after a few hours of getting up and down repeatedly to send the balls back under the beating sun, your head starts to pound. Your body is radiating so much heat it makes you want to remove your skin. You know it’s just a matter of time before you start feeling physically ill, as well. You loosen your cap and drink some cold water in hopes that it will relieve some of the tension, but you just feel the same.
You decide to lay down on the blanket, cap laid over your face to block out the sun. You don’t know if you passed out or if you simply tuned out everything around you for a bit, but you jump when you suddenly feel something wet and cold touching your neck.
You reach up to swat it away, thinking it was a bug when you hear Tsukishima’s voice. “Stop that. I’m trying to help you, dummy.” 
Relief washed over you to know that it wasn’t a beetle crawling up your neck but instead your stoic boyfriend pressing his plastic water bottle there to cool you down.
“Yamaguchi thought you died,” he brought up suddenly. “He actually ran to the store to get some more water after I told him to stop overreacting.”
You chuckle, picturing Yamaguchi already mourning over your body just because you were lying down with a cap over your face. “It’s sweet that he cares though, in his own weird way.”
Suddenly, the sky and Tsukishima’s crouching figure are in full view as he flicks the hat off of your face, feeling annoyed that you praised his friend and not him. “What do you think I’m doing, huh?” 
“Aww, do you want me to tell you how you’re the bestest, sweetest, most handsome boyfriend I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing, and that I’m so grateful that you’ve graced me with your help?” you whine in a sarcastic tone, making grabby hands at the tall blond hovering over you.
He slaps your hands away, knowing that if you get your hands on him, you’d squeeze his cheeks and ruffle his hair like you always do. “Well, that’s the last time I ever take care of you.” 
You know he doesn’t mean it and that, if you were ever in some form of peril, he would casually stroll rush to your rescue to make sure you’re okay. You hope that when you look up at him he can see how much you appreciate his efforts.
“Thank you, Kei,” you say sincerely.
“Yeah, whatever.” He sounds dismissive, but you can tell by the scrunched eyebrows and soft look in his eyes as he gazes down at you how much he worries about your well-being, and you’re genuinely grateful to have him be your unofficial nurse. 
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you heard from some classmates that your math teacher was seen printing out math quizzes
*cue studious panic*
 you decided to completely skip lunch and use that time in the library to hit the books hard
your stomach was rumbling, your head was hurting, and your vision would become spotty if you stood up too quickly
you completed your quiz at the end of the day, but by then, you were starving and ready to get something to eat
in your panic, you forgot that you were supposed to meet kyotani after school so you could force him to go to practice that day (or else Iwaizumi would have your ass)
he heard your stomach make monstrous noises and when you let him know you hadn’t eaten, he looked more upset than usual to see you not taking care of yourself
“Let’s skip practice and get some food,” he suggests.
“What? So you can skip out on one of the few practices you go to? Absolutely not!” you reprimand.
“But you need to eat.”
“Look at you being a sweet boyfriend who cares,” you tease, watching him roll his eyes like he’s annoyed, but the pink hue dusting his cheeks says otherwise. “I’ll be fine. I should have an extra granola bar in my bag somewhere.” 
"Whatever, if you say so." He turns his body diagonally, a gesture you know means 'walk with me.' Kyotani has never been keen on PDA, but one thing you have noticed is that he prefers for you to walk directly by his side at all times. To others, it may look like he’s uninterested in you, but you can tell by how often his arm brushes yours that it’s his way of showing affection. 
You stroll across campus together, enjoying a quiet conversation with Kyotani about your day thus far. It doesn’t take long for you to reach the gym entrance, already hearing the balls slamming against the ground inside. You both switch out your shoes before walking in, him going to join his teammates and you finding a seat on the sidelines, seeing Iwaizumi give you a thumbs up for your job well done. 
You take a moment to search through your bag for that granola bar you mentioned earlier. After sifting through books, loose notes, and forgotten pencils and pens, you realize you have no snack to tide you over until the end of practice. 
The market is just down the road. I could probably go pick something up and be back quickly.
You wave Iwaizumi over, figuring you’ll tell him your plans while Kyotani is distracted so he won’t follow you out. You see his back turned to you as Oikawa speaks to the rest of the team, gesturing wildly with a volleyball in hand. 
As Iwaizumi gets closer, you stand up and immediately begin to sway. Your vision grows spotted, and your head feels like it’s floating. 
You hear Kyotani yell out your name before everything goes black.
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When you wake up, the lights are beaming overhead as you lay in some sort of bed. Once you’re coherent enough, you sit up, looking around to see that you’re in the school nurse’s office. You pick up your hand to hold your still aching head when you notice a very angry Kyotani attached to it, already glaring at you.
Your mouth opens and closes repeatedly, not quite knowing what to say after you just passed out in the middle of practice.
"I told you that we should've gotten something to eat," he starts, growling out each word.
You shrink into yourself, feeling embarrassed that you've upset him and couldn’t even take care of yourself properly. "I'm sorry, Kentaro.”
He notices you plucking the lint off your shirt to avoid direct eye contact with him. His eyes close as he collects himself, realizing that now’s not the time to lecture you for something you couldn’t have predicted.
He sighs, standing up slightly to lean over your slumped figure, laying a kiss on your temple. He mumbles a quiet apology against your skin, feeling bad for snapping at you when he should’ve been more kind. He’s working on that, slowly but surely.
“Let’s go get something to eat,” he says, holding your hand while you stand slowly from the bed. You wobble slightly, Kyotani quickly wrapping his arm around your waist to stabilize you. You give him a nod when you’re firmly on your two feet.
“From now on, if you’re hungry, tell me.”
You agreed reluctantly, not exactly wanting him to worry so much but knowing he wouldn’t let you leave without your compliance. 
From then on, he always makes sure to check on you to check if you've eaten or if you need one of the many granola bars he now carries, and while sometimes it's annoying to have him acting like a mother hen, it's also very heartwarming to know that he cares about you that much. Not to mention, he’s saved your ass many times when you have to study overtime for another intense math quiz. 
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the end of the semester was coming to a close and you were scrambling to get everything done on time
there weren't enough hours in the day to study for finals, finish projects, complete homework, and also take care of your human needs, like eating and sleeping
so, you just didn't sleep one night, opting to stay up with some caffeine to power through all of your work
at the beginning of the next day, you felt energetic and peppy, but as it went on, the sluggish feeling started to settle in
by the end, you were feeling absolutely exhausted and ready to drop at any moment
however, you still wanted to accompany Aone to practice that day, as it was your favorite part of your week
aone initially insisted that you head home without him, but he realized it might be safer to go with him after practice, just in case you fell asleep on the train
It feels like it takes ages, but eventually, practice begins to wind down, soreness seeping into each and every team member’s muscles after hours on their feet. A few of them are still practicing quick attacks with each other, but Aone is one more move away from passing out from exhaustion.
He walks over to you sitting on the sidelines, watching you take longer and longer between each blink. Yet, when he gets close enough, you still manage to give him a small smile that kicks his heart into overdrive, his face, no doubt, resembling a tomato because of the gesture.
He sits on the creaky folding chair beside you, taking gulps of his water to try to cool himself down. He almost chokes when he feels your head press up against his shoulder, hand resting on his forearm gently. Sitting still as a rock, he tries to take his mind off his cute partner cuddling up next to him.
"We should stop somewhere and pick up some food on the way to the train,” he suggests, doing his best to ignore the warmth filling his cheeks. “Do you want anything specific?"
You're silent beside him. At first, he thinks you're contemplating what to eat, seeing as you're very particular with your cravings. But when two minutes pass, and there's not even a peep from you, he looks down carefully to find you knocked out against his shoulder, face squished uncomfortably and mouth parting with each deep breath you take.
Aone never pictured this happening to him –mostly because he didn't think he'd ever have a partner who'd feel comfortable enough around him– so he didn't quite know where to go from here. He could wake you up to at least bring you home, but if this is the first time you've slept in over 24 hours, he didn't want to deprive you of more necessary sleep.
The only way Aone can think of bringing you home is to carry you all the way to the train station and... Well, that's as far as he manages to get, but future Aone will figure the rest out.
He asks Futakuchi to gather his things for him because he doesn't want to risk waking you. After some light teasing, he hands Aone his packed duffle and helps put on his jacket with minimal stirring from you.
Aone thanks his friend with a nod before turning to you and slipping his arms under you, one beneath your knees and the other behind your back. He freezes when you begin shifting around, but relaxes once you settle into him.
Aone waves at his team on the way out, with what movement he is allowed, and begins his trek to the train station nearby. 
His arms are aching after hours of practice, but it doesn’t matter, because you nuzzling into his neck with an adorable sigh gives him enough strength to carry you halfway across the country if he needs to. 
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Written by: Luna
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lonely-lost-soul · 4 years ago
Under the Floorboards (Pt. VI)
(Technoblade X Reader) Pt. I, Pt. II, Pt. III, Pt. IIII, Pt. V, Pt. VI, Pt. VII
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    You had barely gotten any sleep that night, it was a shitty time to not sleep but you couldn’t control insomnia. Most nights it was Techno who was the insomniac, he would spend hours laying awake just staring at you waiting for the voices to quiet down for the night. He was in awe of your beauty and grace, and the nighttime moonlight only ever enhanced those features. You couldn’t help but understand what he was talking about as you stared at his features in the moonlight darkness of your room. His hair was out of its typical braid and framed his head like a pink halo, you felt his arms tighten around your waist as you tucked his hair behind his ear. The tension in his brow released feeling your touch brush against his skin and you smiled adoringly at the sight. His nose nuzzles up against your neck and your smile split into a wide grin, god he was so soft. You felt his fingers spread out against the small of your back and pull you flush against him, his breathing changed and you frowned. 
You didn’t expect anything less than the blood god to be a light sleeper. He always needed to be on his feet, ready for any attack. 
   “I didn’t mean to wake you,” your voice was barely above a whisper and he made a tired noise of confirmation. 
   “It’s okay,” He yawned and it echoed across the walls of the house like a lion’s roar. “It’s rare when you can’t sleep, what’s on your mind?” Technoblade shifted a little so he could get a good look at you in his arms, he could never get over how small you were in comparison to him. You flipped on your back much to his displeasure and dragged your hands down your face; a sigh came from your nose before you answered,
   “Thinking about tomorrow is all. Just nervous, typical stuff I think, I don’t trust Dream fully. He gives me bad vibes.” You said honestly, your (e/c) eyes staring up at the ceiling even from the angle Techno was looking at you he could tell they were sad. God, he wasn’t good at comforting people things like this made him feel like such a shitty person. 
   “I don’t trust him either. But, we have mutual goals and a mutual understanding both of which are hard to come by.” He explained briefly looking thoughtful, “the bottom line is this needs to happen. I don’t want you to worry because Phil and I will have your back no matter what, we look out for each other.” You flopped on top of him and he let out a grunt of displeasure,
   “I’m worried about you dummy.” 
   “Technoblade never dies baby what are you on about?” He let out a laugh as you rested your elbows on his chest, his hands found themselves on your back holding you close. He watched you roll your eyes dramatically and pinch at his ears, he clicked his tongue at you. “Keep pinching my ears like that and we’re gonna have to fight it out,” his lips twitched into a fond smile as you sat upon his hips holding up your fists. 
   “Then let’s fight cause I’m not gonna stop. They’re just too pinchable big guy. Your little piglin features are precious and I’m gonna dote over them.” His face burned red and he groaned loudly, his head landing against the pillows with a thump. 
   “It’s just the ears, teeth, and the height. You’re being gross.” 
   “Fuck you I’m being romantic.” 
   “Which is gross and cringe if you didn’t know.” 
   “Fine then I guess you won’t be getting any kisses from me for a long while.” 
   “Now hold on a minute let's talk about this like adults,” You laughed loudly and smirked at Techno’s attempts to keep cool about the situation. You leaned down and peppered his face with light kisses, he hummed pleasantly at the sensation. 
   “I’ll let it slide this time but watch your words.” Techno gave a sleepy nod of his head, and you smiled tenderly at the man. You shuffled around and curled up against his side, he adjusted himself to hold you close, “I love you Techno.” 
   “Love you too princess.” He pecked your forehead before he closed his eyes and fell back into a light sleep. You took a deep breath and buried your face in his chest listening to the rhythmic beating of his heart, this time however you weren’t far behind him.
Technoblade was up as soon as the sun rose over the hills and spilled into your bedroom. He made sure to maneuver around you so that he wouldn’t wake you as soon as he sat up in bed. He stretched his arms behind his back until he heard the satisfying pop of his bones, he scratched at his head and tousled his pink hair. Techno wanted an early start, make sure everything they needed for the day was prepared and ready to go, he needed to brew a shit ton of potions. He also needed to make sure you had an appropriate set of armor, that’s not even mentioning the Withers he needed to gather. A lot to do and so little time to get it all done, he wanted to let you sleep as much as possible considering you didn’t sleep last night. He slid out of bed and grabbed his hairbrush, one thing he could attribute to meeting you was his hygiene habits. Techno always used to keep his hair in a braid and never touch it, it wasn’t until you had first run your hands through his hair that he realized how much of a problem that was. You were very nice about it but he could tell you were trying not to gag when he told you he couldn’t remember the last time it was unbraided. You assured him that was going to change and helped him nurse his hair back to life, whatever you did it was magical. His hair was just as soft as yours, healthy and shiny he couldn’t let you down by not taking care of it. However, since he was going into battle he threw his hair into a quick braid letting it fall over his shoulder before he majestically sat his crown on top of his head. 
Technoblade stared at himself in the mirror and traced his rough hands over the scars on his face and neck, he had no idea what the fuck you saw in him. Honestly, who cares though because by some miracle you love him for him and that’s all that matters. Technoblade continued to get dressed for the day and only stopped when you began to stir under the covers. He watched you sit up and give the cutest yawn he’s ever heard in his life his eyes softened considerably seeing you look around hazily for him. Spotting him you opened your arms and made grabby hands, he let out a deep chuckle and wrapped his arms around you. 
‘Simp. Stop spamming simp. He is a simp though, look at him melt. Shut up.’ 
   “Chat shut it...Morning Princess,” He kissed your lips softly and he felt you lazily kiss him back, still sluggish from sleep. 
   “Morning Bubs. Why didn’t you wake me up?” You complained from his arms only pulling away to look him in the eyes. He always thought you had the most gorgeous eyes, why was he feeling so lovey-dovey today? 
‘Cause, you could lose her today. Her lives are unknown. What if she only has one like Phil and has no idea and she dies? E.’ 
Those thoughts and ideas chilled him to the bone he swallowed thickly, “You sure I can’t change your mind about today?” He watched your brow furrow and you kissed your teeth,
   “No way. Till the end of the line remember?”
   “Oh, I remember. In that case,” Technoblade pulled you to your feet much to your surprise, “You come back to me uninjured, we get married.” He watched your jaw drop and your eyes widen to insane sizes. “If you want obviously, no pressure.” 
He felt panic surge through him when you didn’t respond to him for a good few minutes, oh he fucked up. Technoblade never dies, more like Technoblade’s about to throw himself into lava three fucking times. 
   “Yes! Holy shit yes you idiot! Damn now that’s some motivation!” You laughed in disbelief and you bounced on your toes. Technoblade let out a breath of relief, he took a risk and it paid off, he was Technoblade after all so of course, it did. He wasn’t worried at all. You grabbed the fluff of his cape and pulled him down to kiss him passionately, his hands grabbed your hips and lifted you into the air. He knew it wasn’t official yet, as he said you had to come back okay, but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t celebrate at least a little bit early. He kissed down your face and listened as you giggled, he could tell your face was turning red by its heat, “Okay goober we gotta get ready. There are crimes we gotta commit and I still need to shower.”  
   “Nonsense you smell like lavender and’ all that other girly stuff.” Technoblade scoffed but pulled away as you requested. A smile fell across your face and he felt you poke his nose fondly, “I’ll be gathering potion materials, if you need me just holler.” On that note, he headed down the ladder to gather what he needed for the day. Phil would probably be joining momentarily and he’d put him on potion making duty and also give him a totem of undying. His stomach churned a little as he placed water bottles inside the brewing stands, his singular totem of undying. 
He had already decided he’d give it to Phil, if he didn’t he felt like it would be a betrayal of all the man had done for him in the past. 
Technoblade turned towards the window and saw Phil approaching his home from the sky, he opened the window and gave him a little wave. Phil smiled back at him and climbed the stairs to get inside the house, “Hello. Are you both ready for today?” Phil looked around seemingly trying to spot you, Technoblade pointed upstairs and he nodded in understanding. 
   “I wouldn’t say we’re ready exactly.” He let out a huff, “I’m trying to make triple the potions before Dream gets here, plus I wanna make sure (Y/N)’s weapons and armor are enchanted properly.” Phil hummed thoughtfully opening up some of Technoblade’s chests, only mentally gagging at the disorganization. 
   “I got your back brewing the potions, go double-check everything’s ready for (Y/N), I know you worry ‘bout her mate.” Techno had to turn away because he felt heat flare in his face, he heard Phil begin to snicker and he glowered. 
   “Imagine thinking I care about others, cringe.” 
   “Oh really? I’ll just go tell (Y/N) that then-”
   “Eh? No need to do that. I don’t appreciate being framed. Anyway, potions Phil, potions you need to focus on what’s important here.” Another laugh came from Phil as he rolled his eyes fondly at his friend. 
   “On it Techno.” 
Both men got to work brewing potions and double-checking weaponry, not just for you but for all of them. Well, all of you minus Dream the homeless man can fend for himself. In the meantime, Technoblade gave Phil his totem of undying just in case today went fucking wrong. 
   “Alright boys, what do you need me to do?” You announced climbing down the ladder, you had made sure your hair was out of the way so it wouldn’t be a distraction. Technoblade smiled as he watched the emerald he gave you those months ago bounce against your neck. 
   “Go make sure you have enough ender pearls and exp bottles for your armor. Is all your armor enchanted properly?” 
   “Obviously,” You rolled your eyes dramatically “as if you’d ever let me get away with subpar armor.” Technoblade held up his hands in defensively, 
   “Just making sure. You can’t blame me for wanting you protected.” 
   “Shut up Phil.” Technoblade watched a smile form across your face as you covered your mouth with your hand. He was just happy you were laughing, “grab your weapons lemme check them.” You nodded your head and kissed his cheek tenderly, he normally wasn’t one for PDA but Phil was a different story. You handed over your weapons to him and he looked over them, he started with your sword that was aptly titled The Wanderer’s Trade all the enchantments seemed to line up properly, he also double-checked your ax to see it lined up too. “Remember their shields go up you use your ax.” He watched as you nodded in response, you weren’t dumb he knew that but he couldn’t help but want to double-check strategies with you. 
   “I know you trained me well,” You hummed fondly, as he handed you back your ax. He watched as you twirled it in your hands, “Good ole’ Foster Mom won’t let me down.” Both Phil and Techno chuckled at your response, Technoblade gave you a loving pat on the head before sending you off to gather some more glowstone. The three of you spent the rest of the morning gathering supplies, and as the afternoon rolled around Technoblade felt himself grow more and more frantic as the time ticked closer to doomsday. He began to ramble a bit about needing to prepare things especially after Dream showed up early and announced they were going early into L’manberg. Dream explained that he was going to need about twenty minutes to prepare the TNT for the cannons, which meant (Y/N), Phil, and Technoblade himself needed to stall for that amount of time. 
That meant the Withers needed to be in play. 
Technoblade distributed Wither skulls and the soul sand between the three of you. 
He watched as you stared at the skull in your hands gently cradling it before putting it into your inventory. He hoped you were being honest and were okay with what was about to happen. 
   “Now we really have to go.” Dream tried to urge your little group to speed up and get this show on the road. Techno nodded his head and clicked his tongue against his teeth, 
   “Alright, first things first let we need to get the hound army.” He watched your entire face come alight, 
   “Hound army? You didn’t tell me we had puppies!” He felt you grip his arm with the enthusiasm of a child, he winced a little bit at your eagerness. Techno glanced at Dream who was just as unreadable as always with his mask but Techno could sense his patience with you running thin. 
   “I didn’t wanna tell you cause there’s a good chance we lose like all of them today.” He watched you deflate but nod in understanding, “so don’t get attached okay?” 
   “I won’t!” 
   “Let’s go. Time’s ticking.” Dream commanded tapping his boots on the floor, “Let’s get those dogs and get to L’manberg.” The four of you grabbed your weapons and headed down the steps of Technoblade’s house, hopefully, you all will come back to see it again. 
Phil walked by your side as Technoblade led all of you through the sewers, Dream was close to your boyfriend’s side almost like he was trying to memorize the proper twists and turns. However, something told you he already knew this place like the back of his hand. 
   “What’s on your mind?” Phil asked you to keep his voice low to not draw attention to yourselves. Smiling over at him you gave a thoughtful hum, 
   “Just the typical worries I suppose. Hoping we win and no one who we care about dies, like the kids you know. I know I can’t control you, Techno, or Dream but if it came down to it I won’t be able to hurt them.” The look you gave him was nothing less than vulnerable and it touched his heart with a soft sigh he responded to you, 
   “I know it’s not specifically in Techno or my agenda to slaughter Tommy and Tubbo. We just want to take down the corrupt government that’s poisoning its citizens. As long as it stands those kids can never be happy.”
   “I’m with you there. Hell, I don’t think Techno and I could date if we didn’t share those ideologies. They made a child president for Pete’s sake I mean no wonder it’s falling apart.” You took a deep breath and nudged the old man beside you. “Even so my priorities are with you and Technoblade. We’re all fucking coming home if I have any say in the matter,” Phil gave a laugh and smiled at you. 
   “That’s a fucking relief to hear. Wasn’t aware you could control death.”
   “Says the man with a totem of undying.” 
   “Guys we’re here,” Technoblade called standing beside a wall, he looked at all of you and opened the stone with his pickaxe. “Meet the hounds,” He mused leading you inside, you were trying desperately to keep your excitement at bay. 
   “Holy shit is it loud.” Dream commented with a disbelieving laugh hearing all the dogs bark in excitement upon seeing their master. Technoblade scratched a few of them behind the ears before commanding all of them to stand, it was insane. 
   “That’s so many dogs they’re gonna be so confused.” You commented, 
   “You know what you should do?” Dream mused, turning to look at you, “splash them with invisibility.” 
   “Already ahead of you,” Technoblade mused as Philza began to splash a good chunk of them. “They’re gonna be so confused it’s gonna be so funny. When they get hit by nothing, it’ll be like I have a forcefield.” 
   “Let's get to L’manberg and surprise them first.” Dream motioned for all of you to follow, and you did without hesitation. Technoblade took your hand and squeezed it tightly, he watched as Phil and Dream went on ahead and he turned to give you a soft kiss. 
   “Don’t die on me, okay princess? You get into trouble protecting yourself, run if you have to. I don’t give a shit I just want you alive.” Technoblade commanded you, even wagged a finger in front of your face. A finger you grabbed and pressed a soft kiss to, 
   “Same to you. I’ll see you on the other side.” Technoblade smiled adoringly at you and you both moved to catch up with Dream and Phil. You pulled out The Wanderer’s Trade and made sure Foster Mom, your ax, and the materials to craft your Withers were at the ready. 
    “(Y/N), Phil when I shoot fireworks into the sky start spawning the Withers. I’m going straight in with the hounds.” He watched both of you nod, Dream let out a hum of acknowledgment. 
   “Sounds good to me. Remember I shouldn’t need more than twenty minutes, I’ll send Technoblade the signal.” 
   “Yes sir.” You gave a teasing salute and no one else seemed amused by that except for the green man himself. 
   “I could get used to that.”
   “Get the fuck out of here you homeless Teletubby.” Techno almost snarled at the man, while the man in question flipped your boyfriend off. Even Phil could tell he had a sickening smirk spread across his face, whether he meant it or not if it bothered the three of you he was gonna continue with it. 
    “Phil, I’ll sneak over to the houses, you gonna stay in this general vicinity?” You quickly changed the subject, the man nodded in response. 
   “I’ll probably stay on top of the bee sanctuary, I figure two people in the air and one on the ground will be a good call.” You nodded taking one last glance at Technoblade before sneaking off to prepare the high ground. 
Technoblade sprinted right into the battle once everyone realized you all were there early. He felt the pressure begin to build in his head, as the voices began to buzz with excitement, they all demanded blood and vengeance. He wasn’t losing any lives today but that didn’t mean anyone else was, it was hilarious the moment he hit anyone his dogs would be at their heels tearing them apart. He stayed on top of everyone, he made sure to keep an eye on his hearts while slicing through his opponents. As they got distracted by his dogs he would come up behind them and drive his sword into their chest. His laughter echoed in the air as the names of the dead appeared in his head, he heard their pleading for a cease-fire and decided he didn’t give a single shit. Technoblade couldn’t find the energy to care for their pleas, even as his dogs began to thin rapidly. There was blood and there was pandemonium and he was living for it, sure there were a few close calls. Not that he would ever admit it, but Sapnap got him good in the shoulder and the back of the leg, almost leaving an opening for him to land a finishing blow. However, he recovered with no problem, he always did, obviously. 
Technoblade booked it away from the fighting and sent the firework rocket into the sky. Almost as soon as he did, he set up his own Wither. The entire battlefield glowed red, white, and blue and he watched people’s faces morph into absolute terror. He heard what sounded like Tommy let out a terrified scream, he had no idea what he was in for if he was afraid of one Wither. Then again, Tommy was the only one who knew about the vault so realistically he shouldn’t have been surprised. 
It was up to Phil and (Y/N) now. 
   “Is that Phil? What the hell?! He’s spawning a Wither!” Someone shouted and Technoblade’s face lit up in delight. He watched Phil send out his Withers before flying away as to not immediately get targeted by them. Technoblade turned his head towards the houses and saw you place your Withers down as well. He thought you looked gorgeous spawning in the Withers, it pulled him out of his blood lust just for a moment, the wicked smile on your face was stunning. He watched as you laughed tossing your hair back, the way it framed your face was remarkable, he thought you looked like Eris. 
An arrow that whizzed by his face and it snapped him out of his ogling, he turned back to rubble only to come face to face with Tommy and Tubbo. 
   “Technoblade! Stop this!” Tommy began to plead as they stood on the opposite end of the battlefield, he did pause to stare at the children. 
   “Please!” Tubbo begged from his side and Technoblade grit his teeth in frustration, after all this time they still didn’t understand his ideals or why he was so mad in the first place. 
   “You betrayed us Technoblade! You betrayed me! Just fucking stop this! Help us kill the Withers and stop Dream. All you’ve ever done is betray us, since we met you that’s all you’ve done. It all started with you killing Tubbo at the festival! Just stop this!-” He felt his blood turn to ice and he turned to face Tommy pointing his crossbow at the two boys. He watched Tubbo flinch and grab onto Tommy’s arm, clearly traumatized from the last time the weapon was pointed at him. Technoblade bared his teeth and felt his face begin to morph into that of a full pig, something that only happened when he was pissed to hell and losing control of himself. 
   “Remember when I was sitting there, alone, against the whole government -- and you and Wilbur just sat there on the sidelines and watched? Did you step in? Did you step in? Were you guys the ones that stepped in and said, "Don't worry, Technoblade, we know you're in a high-pressure situation, but we'd fight the world for you, Technoblade''? No! You guys watched. You know what I did, yesterday when you were surrounded by thirty people? When the whole world was against you? I walked in. I was willing to fight all of them for you, Tommy. I would've been there. That is the difference between us." The man roared his voice carrying over the battleground, catching the attention of a few others who were still trying to kill the Withers nearby. For a brief moment Tommy looked broken up by Technoblade’s words but he pushed it aside with a shake of his head. He was about to argue back when the faintest of hissing sounds came from above. Everyone turned towards the sky, a flash of lightning illuminated the scene above them, Dream was standing on top of the obsidian grid. Technoblade made sure to take a few steps away so he wasn’t right underneath the first bit of dropping TNT, 
   “No,” Tubbo’s voice wobbled “What’s he doing, he can't-” 
Almost like Tubbo predicted the outcome TNT began to rain down in the dead center of New L’manberg, the panicked shouts from the citizens only increased tenfold. The falling explosives spread out in the grid-like pattern Dream had created, making sure to hit every square inch of the once great country. 
   “Tubbo RUN!” Tommy grabbed his arm and pulled this best friends away just in time to not get injured by the first round of explosions that went off in the middle of town. Technoblade made quick work of dodging the falling pieces of TNT as he flew up onto the obsidian grid his Trident in hand. He watched gleefully as L’manberg was sent up in smoke, everything from the houses to whatever the fuck the L’mantree Dream mentioned was, was blown to shreds. Personally, Technoblade didn’t want Dream to stop until he saw bedrock at the bottom of the pit. He looked over and saw Phil smiling widely at him, the man gave him a clear thumbs-up spreading his wings wide. He could tell Phil was proud of him, he was proud of himself. 
   “Where’s (Y/N) mate?” He called out to him and the bliss he was feeling suddenly crumbled into pieces around him. Technooblade whipped around towards the last place he spotted his girlfriend, on top of the houses that were now blown to smithereens. He turned back towards Phil, panic in his eyes, Phil’s smile was immediately wiped off his face and he hopped down off the grid and into the rubble. Technoblade wasn’t far behind in his panicked searching, there was no sign of her anywhere and he was starting to lose his composure. Even as the TNT stopped falling around them and everyone began to head home (if they had one left to return to) he still couldn’t find her. That was until an unfamiliar voice called out to him, 
   “Mr. Technoblade!” The boy was half enderman and bordering on seven feet tall, he turned to face him and he swallowed thickly, “Miss (Y/N), she needs help!” Technoblade didn’t even respond he just let the Enderboy lead him to where she was, god please don’t be dead, please. The boy stood over her, wringing his hands nervously, a jacket was laid over her body and she was dragged far away from the wreckage. Technoblade froze as he watched the boy kneel and pull the jacket away, bandages were haphazardly tied around her waist and her breathing seems shallow. The half enderman looked up at him and swallowed thickly, “I found her under the rubble of my house.” 
   “I can handle it from here. Get out of here kid.” His voice was a low grumble and Ranboo hesitated for a moment before nodding, he knelt, picked up his other belongings, and headed off in the direction of the forest. Technoblade knelt beside you, his hands hovering over your injury, he felt his palms clam up as he opened and closed them. “You better not die on me princess, you promised,” he opened up the bandages on your waist, all things considered, the boy didn’t do that bad of a job patching you up. There weren't a lot of medical supplies on the battlefield so he did what he could with what he had, she must’ve gotten cut by a stray piece of metal as she fell, that’s what it looked like to him at least. Other than the jagged cut across her waist her ankle was twisted in a way that certainly wasn’t normal, his princess was beaten to hell. He swallowed thickly and began to rewrap her wound a bit more tightly so she didn’t bleed out, he felt a gust of wind beside him and he knew Phil was by his side. 
   “Fuck.” He murmured kneeling to set her ankle properly, the old man licked his lips before setting her ankle with a harsh tug. (Y’N)’s eyes shot open and she let out a shriek. “Sorry kid, sorry,” Her breathing went from shallow to heavy and frantic. Technoblade reached forward and grabbed your hand tight. 
   “Hey princess stay with me okay?” 
   “Bubs.” You whined painfully, “I guess I fucked up huh?” 
   “Only a lot,” Technoblade stated bluntly and watched as you let out a wheezing laugh that devolved into a cough. He frowned and took his other hand to card it through your hair, “Just take a deep breath we’ll get you home and all patched up.” 
   “Guess we aren’t getting married huh.”
   “Fucking what-” Phil choked his eyes blowing wide, jaw-dropping Techno’s face flushed red in response. 
   “Half dead and you still find a way to torture me.” You laughed again as Phil only shook his head in disbelief, 
   “That is so scuffed. Go take her home, she’s gonna need stitches and a splint for her leg. Make sure she gets home safe.” Phil placed his hand on Technoblade’s shoulder and squeezed it before kissing your forehead softly, “You’re gonna be fine.”
   “Obviously. Mr. Minecraft, would you expect anything less from me?” 
   “Nothing less,” He smiled fondly as Technoblade cradled you in his arms before hurrying away down the path. Phil stood up tall a frown evident on his features, he turned around to catch Raboo peaking out from behind the treeline. “Hey, Ranboo how’re you doing?”
   “Um. I’m alright. Fine, I’m fine, is (Y/N) going to be alright?” He stepped out from behind the tree patting his hands on his pants a bit nervously. Phil eyed the kid up and down for a moment and he cleared his throat, “I found her she was really, really bad.” 
   “She’s going to be just fine, Techno’s looking after her.” 
   “Good, good.” He nodded the tall mans shoulders seemed to relax and Phil couldn’t help but look at him with pity. 
   “Ranboo, do you have a place to stay?” 
   “Ugh...you know what no I don’t actually.” Phil smiled over at the boy and held out his hand, his multicolored eyes widened a little as he interlocked his hands with the father beside him.
: )
Thanks for reading guys! I think this is the longest chapter yet, let me know your thoughts, feelings and opinions! : ) 
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let-them-read-fics · 4 years ago
Blackpink HC / One Shots: Enemies to Lovers, College AU (1/2)
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Requested: Yes
Warnings / Misc. -- Bickering, Rivalry, Fluff
A/N: Hey everyone! Anon, I assume you wanted to see each individual relationship with the girls and not OT4 x Reader. If not, I apologize, but I hope you enjoy this regardless.
This post includes Jisoo and Jennie. If you would like to see Rosé and Lisa's, click the link below.
Click for Rosé and Lisa
♡ Happy Reading ♡
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Kim Jisoo: The girl at the top of her class, breezing through her school years with little competition whatsoever. She was used to winning, and anyone that ever tried to challenge her eventually gave up.
You: Also used to being at the top of your class, you were the first person to actually give Jisoo a run for her money. You didn't shy away when challenged by her, and that took her aback.
Your rivalry was one rooted in academics.
When a new project was assigned and you were allowed to choose your teammates, everyone would flock to the two of you in hopes of getting picked.
Bragging rights were awarded to whoever had the longest line of people.
Impatiently waiting to see who scored higher on tests.
Rubbing it in when you did better, and vice versa.
"Ha! Take that, Jisoo. I got a 98."
"Don't get cocky, Y/N. I beat you by 6 points last week."
"Yeah, yeah," you brush her off. "Look who's on top now." You hold your paper up, smiling when she rolls her eyes.
Other competitions were held, and even the teachers caught on and would adjust their lessons accordingly.
"Class, today we'll be having a set of one on one debates, and an anonymous vote will determine the winner of each. The person who defends their opinion the most effectively will win. Jisoo and Y/N, you're up first."
Although losing was always annoying, it made you respect each other a little more.
You both loathed and revered each other, though you'd never let that secret out.
Fighting for the best scholarships and rankings.
Constant bickering and one liners in class
"Should I go ahead and apologize now, or is it okay to wait?"
"Apoligize for what?"
"Ending your career."
*unintelligible mumbling*
"What was that, Y/N?" Jisoo inquires, cocking her head to the side as she narrows her eyes at you.
"I said: you're going down."
She scoffs at that, unaffected. "Please, I'd like to see you try."
You ended up winning that day, and she was all *surprised pikachu*
School would always be interesting and eventful with her
Pretty much everyone else can tell that you have a thing for one another, but the two of you remain oblivious.
Turning Point
Both of you joined the academic team when you enrolled, which meant that you'd be going toe to toe with other school teams in pursuit of the winning title.
On one of your overnight field trips to face off against another school, you were assigned to the same hotel room.
"Mrs. Wilson, I can't stay with her--" You walk down the hotel hallway behind your instructor, hoping she'll see your point. Her reasoning for putting you together on the roster is beyond you.
"Y/N, it's only for a night. You know we can't afford to give all of you individual rooms; our budget's already small." She reasons, eventually turning towards you when she reaches the elevator.
"Alright," you relent with a sigh, putting your hands up.
What she says next surprises you. "Who knows, you might enjoy it." A knowing look shines in her eye, and a small smirk threatens to tug at her features.
The elevator dings just as you go to question her about it, and she bids you farewell before heading in.
You can do this, Y/N. It's just one night; how bad can it be? You ask yourself, taking your sweet time in going back to the room.
An Hour Later
In an attempt to kill some time and recover from the fatigue your long road trip brought on, you've been trying to relax and take a nap. In fashion with your typical luck, though, Jisoo is making that nearly impossible.
"Jisoo, turn it down!" You groan, tossing a pillow at her head. She sits on the loveseat at the foot of your bed, completely fixated on the images flashing before her eyes as she plays her video game.
"Shhh, stop distracting me." She says over her shoulder, making you huff.
You value your pride too much to ask nicely, so you suck it up and stick it out for a little while longer. When she lets out a loud shout a few minutes later, though, you've reached the end of your patience.
Wordlessly, you get out of bed and stomp over to the TV, standing directly in front of it.
"Y/N, move! I'll lose!"
You stay there with your arms crossed, and are soon rewarded by the game's voiceover announcing: "Game over."
She huffs and sets her controller down, clearly upset.
"Sucks when people don't listen, huh?" You challenge, still mad that you've been denied a proper nap for so long. Every time you'd be right on the cusp of being drug under, slipping in and out of glorious slumber, she'd do something to ruin it. You're cranky now, and being petty seems like a just punishment for her.
"I can't believe you did that," she shakes her head and rolls her eyes. "That was the championship match!"
"Oh well," you shrug, a smirk tugging at your lips at that new piece of info. Perhaps justice has been served after all.
With one more warning glance at her to tell her not to do it again, you go back to the bed and get comfy, settling under the warm blankets.
30 Minutes Later
"ON YOUR RIGHT, ABOUT TO ROUND THE CORNER!" Jisoo bellows out, smirking when she feels you stir behind her. You scowl, wiping the sleep from your eyes.
"Jisoo, I swear to God," you grumble, feeling the irritation rise in you all over again. You get up again and approach her, but she has a plan this time. In one fluid motion, she sticks her foot out in front of you, making you stumble and fall to the ground.
"What the--" as you prepare to reprimand her, you see something out of your peripheral. Aided by your new perspective, you spot the remote controller on the coffee table right in front of you, just an arm's length away.
When Jisoo notices that you haven't screamed at her yet, she looks down and realizes her mistake. A dramatic moment passes where you both lock eyes, before immediately diving for the remote. You manage to get to it first, quickly hugging it close to your body and rolling away from her. She pounces a second later, reaching her hands around you to pry it from your grip.
"Give it back, Y/N!"
You writhe underneath her until she manages to get the upper hand, straddling your hips in an attempt to pin you down. She sits back on her knees, gazing down at you as your chests heave from the effort you've exerted.
"Give it." She commands, holding her hand out expectantly.
You shake your head, amused that she thought that would be enough to sway you. "No."
"Then you leave me no choice." Her hands dart forward to your abdomen, and she begins tickling you mercilessly in order to make you surrender. Calls for her to cease her assault struggle past your lips, but you know it's futile. She's a determined person just like you, and she won't stop until she gets what she wants.
So, after taking a second to think of a way out of your predicament, a brilliant idea pops into your head.
You finally let her pry your arms open, smirking when she cheers and claims victory. In one fluid motion, just as she had done before, you wrap your leg around one of hers and flip her onto her back before leaning down to kiss her. She tenses up at first, but her hands end up working their way to your hips as her lips begin to move against yours.
Your plan is backfiring a bit; you only intended to shock her and buy yourself time to steal the remote back -- you never thought you'd actually enjoy the feeling of her kiss. You tilt your head to the side to get a better angle and slowly skim your hand down to hers, where the device is tightly clutched. Her other hand has come up to your jaw, which she's gently guiding as she steals another kiss from your lips.
Her distracted state made it easy to get what you were after, and soon -- much too soon for Jisoo's liking -- you pull away with a victorious smile. She doesn't know what to say; in all honesty, she's almost forgotten how to breathe with the way you kissed her senseless.
"I win." You grin, hopping off of her and shutting the TV off before crawling back into the bed. She stays in that same position for a couple minutes, laying on the floor as she tries to sort through what the hell just happened. She can't even be upset right now; she brings her fingertips to her lips, skimming them over the heart-shaped pillows as she smiles.
The Fallout
Things were a little tense when you shared the bed that night
Anytime you'd roll over and readjust your head on the pillow in your sleep, unknowingly positioning your lips dangerous close to hers, her heartbeat would pick up and she'd have to roll over again
You pretended to be asleep when she scooted back against you, pressing herself against your front in search of the heat that your body provided. You brought an arm around her, enclosing her in a soft embrace that had her blushing crimson
Subtle flirting at the competition the next day
Sticking up for each other when one of the other teams got a little rude
"Hey, don't talk about her like that!" Jisoo warns, glaring at the student from your rival school. His uniform is mussed and unkempt, leaving it as no surprise that he was the one to say such a thing.
"Why do you care?" He laughs back, spurred on as his friends snicker along.
The question catches her off guard; just days ago, she was the one bantering with you and testing your limits. Now though, when someone else is taking it too far, she can't help but feel angry. "Because she's my teammate. Now knock it off or I'll report you to your dean for unsportsmanlike behavior."
He scoffs, but eventually opts to grumble out another insult and turn away, nursing his bruised ego.
"Thanks, Chu." You quietly say, having witnessed the whole encounter from the row behind her. A small smile tugs at your lips at her actions, warming your heart.
"No problem, Y/N. But you'd better help me beat him; I'm not losing to that idiot." You laugh and agree, shaking her hand to seal your pact. She tries not to get too caught up on the smoothness of your skin or how it reminds her of last night, but her brain doesn't listen.
Needless to say, you beat them.
Your team stopped by a nice restaurant on the way back home for a celebratory dinner
Jisoo sat beside you
Cue the blushing and quiet flirting
It's a new side of her that you're not used to seeing. Now, instead of being all hardcore and witty, a simple look from you can make her blush
It doesn't always, though; sometimes she grows bold and lays a hand on your thigh for a moment, laughing at something you said
It's giving very much so gay panic™️, but you wouldn't trade it for the world
After the dinner, you go back to the bus and sit in your seats (which aren't together, surprisingly).
As you scroll through your phone, you get a text from Jisoo. Attached to the message is an invitation to one of her favorite mobile games.
"Hey, Y/N. Will you be my player 2? 🎮"
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Jennie Kim: The girl who practically ran the school, always getting her way and never having to lift a finger. She was royalty: the queen bee sat atop her throne, giving orders to the masses that they followed blindly. The whole situation seemed straight out of a poorly-written teenage movie, and it always annoyed you.
You: The girl who stuck to herself, only having a close group of friends that she talked to. You weren't popular, per se, but you weren't cursed to exist at the bottom of the food chain, either. Many people knew you, but you only associated with a select few.
You avoid the "popular" crowd a majority of the time, opting to spend spare time in between classes in the library or outside, doing homework
Jennie is the type of person that has people lined up, waiting for her to ask them to do hers for her. She gets to skip class and do whatever she wants, and she usually takes advantage of that.
She's never been mean to you directly, but you've seen her and her posse pick on people in typical mean girl fashion
You've never noticed the way that she usually targets people who've said bad things about you. She sticks up for you without you even knowing.
So, as you would expect, when your best friend called you and begged you to accompany her to one of the biggest parties of the year (hosted by none other than Jennie's brother), you were definitely surprised. Neither of you are the type to go to anything like that, but you know that she secretly wants to peek into that world of luxury.
"Pleaaaaase, Y/N? I'll do your laundry for a month."
The Turning Point
Your stylish boots crunch lightly against the concrete as you stand outside of the frat house, grimacing when you notice a boy stumble to the side of the house and get sick.
"We might have to bump that offer up to two months," you say to your friend, leaning onto her car as she checks her makeup in the side mirror.
"If it keeps you here for an hour or so, then fine." She smiles, taking your hand and leading you towards the building. Upon opening the door you're immediately greeted by waves of the strong bass of whatever song is playing. Their rhythmic thumps reverberate around the house, and you choose to seek some semblance of peace and quiet by heading to the kitchen. Your friend comes with, and the two of you push your way to the drink bar for refreshments.
"Thanks again for coming along, Y/N/N. You're the best." She leans into you, saying the phrase loud enough for you to hear over the music.
"I know," you hold your head up higher, self-assured. "You'd better go find Benji before things get too wild," you tell her, taking note of how the crowd is quickly growing in size. Benji, her longtime crush, is the only reason you really agreed to tag along; she's been head over heels for him for as long as you've known her, and you see this as the perfect opportunity for her to finally tell him. She needed some backup, and you always come through for your friends.
"Alright, I'll come find you later," she says, nervously smiling as she kisses your cheek as a farewell. You shout encouragement to her retreating figure, grinning wildly when you see her throw her hand up in the air.
Considering you made a drink for her just then before sending her off, you take the time now to make one for yourself. Your hands skim through the air overtop of the different bottles, searching for your favorite flavors and types to mix. As you go to reach across the table for one of them, disaster strikes.
You gasp as cold liquid lands on your shoulder, following gravity's command and rushing down your back and chest. A flurry of apologies follows suit, and you feel a soft hand on the small of your back as you go to turn around.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry," Jennie says, covering her mouth in shock. For a moment you're worried that she was dared to do this -- that perhaps her friends sent her off to ruin your outfit and embarrass you. When you find sincere regret in her deep brown eyes, though, all of those worries melt away.
"It's alright," you assure her, shaking your arms to get rid of some of the sticky drink that's trailed its way down. You set your half-filled cup on the table, no longer interested in getting anymore now.
"At least let me wash the shirt for you. I have a coat you can wear while its getting clean."
You furrow your brows at the offer, not expecting that from her. Not only has she apologized, which is practically unheard of from the prima donna, but she's willing to do something for another person?
"Uh, okay." You do your best to mask the confusion in your tone, but it's still plain to see.
"Follow me," she politely instructs, leading you down the hall towards what you assume is the laundry room.
She flips the light on and shuts the door behind you, walking into the closet to search for the spare set of close she keeps here.
When she emerges again, fluffy coat in hand, she begins stumbling over the words she was about about to say. Her eyes land on you, taking in the expanse of exposed skin now that you've stripped off the shirt you were wearing. She can't help but admire the sight; she subconsciously bites her lip, only being brought back to reality when you wave your hand in front of her face.
"Hello? Earth to Jennie?"
"What?" She eventually asks, shaking her head to rid herself of the thoughts swarming in it. She's always had a sort of thing for you, but she never imagined you could look that good. It should be a crime.
"I asked if you have a bathroom around here, so I can, ya know... wash up a bit. Whatever you had to drink is pretty sticky." You chuckle, moving your arm to show her how far it's spread.
"This room over here," she says, approaching a door on the wall opposite you, "is actually a bathroom. Convenient, right?" She asks, flipping the light on for you.
"Absolutely," you perk up, glad to know that you won't have to strut down the hall in your sports bra to get to a bathroom.
She steps to the side and pushes the door open for you, nearly melting when you give her a little wave and shut it behind yourself. She's got it bad.
She takes your shirt and throws it in the washer before setting the knobs correctly, knowing the best combos by heart. She and her brother are close, so it's not uncommon for her to come by and help him with chores when he gets swamped.
A few minutes later you come out of the bathroom clean and dry, nervously fidgeting with your hands as she turns to look at you again. Having the Jennie Kim looking at you in such a way and having her so close is a bit overwhelming, and you're not exactly sure how to deal with it.
"Here," she says, reaching around you to slide her jacket onto your arms. Her face hovers dangerously close to yours as she does, making you hold your breath in anticipation. She pulls the jacket closed, adjusting it so that it lays right, and you look into her eyes.
"Thanks, Jen."
Her heart speeds up at the nickname, though she tries not to show it.
"No problem, sweet thing." She flirts, taking you aback.
Just as you go to say something more, the door blasts open and a couple of her friends pop in. "There you are Jennie! What are you-- oh," they say, watching as the two of you spring apart.
When they realize who you are, they laugh among themselves. "What're you doing in here with her?" They ask, looking you up and down before ultimately appearing unimpressed. Jennie glances at you again, and you can see her going through some sort of inner turmoil.
"Thank God you guys showed up; she won't quit talking. I was just about to leave." She laughs, regaining the bitchy aura that she's known for. You set your jaw and nod, remembering why you choose to stay away from people like them.
"Wow, Jennie. You really had me fooled," you bite back, a bit shocked, but not surprised. You keep your eyes on hers as you take her jacket off and let it drop to the floor in front of her, grabbing a spare towel from the hamper on your way out the door. Her friends scoff at you, wondering what such a nobody like you thinks they're doing treating Jennie like that. You brush past them and send her one last look, conveying all the emotions you feel with a mere glance.
She's disappointed in herself, and she hangs her head as the girls scoop the designer material up and hand it to her.
45 Minutes Later
Just 15 more minutes, Y/N; totally doable. You reason with yourself. Jennie left the laundry room soon after you, leaving it vacant for you to put your shirt in the dryer and retrieve it when it was done. Now, clad in the warm material, you sit outside by the fire. Stars are shining brightly in the night sky, illuminating it so beautifully that your mind is taken off of what happened. They twinkle for you, and the sight puts you at ease.
What has that pleasant feeling dissipating in a second, however, is the sound of Jennie's voice as she exits the patio door.
She's talking to her friends about some boy that's in love with her, as the whole school seems to be, and you roll your eyes. With the moment officially ruined, you decide to head back into the house and spend the rest of your sentence there.
Once you stand up from your seat and turn around to take your leave, her friends notice you. "Jesus, you're really obsessed, aren't you? Are you following her or something?" One of them, a snarky blonde from earlier, asks.
You laugh at that. "Hardly," you glance at Jennie, though she avoids eye contact. "I'm sure you'd like that, though. Give you something to talk about other than your split ends." She reels back at your boldness, prepared to start a fight.
"You bitc--"
"Stop," Jennie finally steps in, cutting the girl off. She moves between the two of you, putting a hand on your chest and looking into your eyes.
"Jennie, I don't know what her problem is," the blonde squeaks out, trying to defend her actions.
"The problem doesn't lie with her," she tells her, leaving her puzzled. Jennie continues, "I lied earlier; I'm the one who invited her to the laundry room because I spilled my drink on her." You narrow your eyes at her following her statement, wondering where she's going with this.
"We probably would've kissed, too, if you hadn't walked in."
Your heart speeds up a little at that, but you're still hurt by what she did earlier. Having her be one way with you in private and another in public is never a good sign.
"I'm done with you guys. You turn me into something I'm not," she looks between the small following that's accrued, letting them know how she's been feeling for the past bit. The majority of them are stuck up and entitled, and seeing the hurt in your eyes put things into perspective for her. She likes you, and she wants to be better because of that.
"I don't understand, Jennie," one of them asks, sounding like she's on the brink of tears. Are these people really that invested? You know the hierarchy of popularity is confusing, but they make it seem like she's breaking up with them.
"We're not friends anymore. Not until you get your heads out of your asses and start being nicer."
The crowd clearly doesn't know how to react at her sudden change in attitude, but they mutter out various responses before some of them break away.
You look down at her and glance to the house, wordlessly telling her to follow you so that you can have a moment alone to talk. You lead her over to the patio and stand against the wall.
"I'm sorry," she says, sounding relieved to finally get the words out. Her previous actions have been weighing heavily on her, and she's been doing some introspection. It's not entirely all of a sudden, though; she's been questioning why she still hangs out with them for a while now. This encounter just confirmed her desire to leave them.
"I shouldn't have lied like that. I know it hurt you." She looks away, feeling disappointed again.
"Yeah, it definitely wasn't fun to have my crush talk about me like that." You nod, shoving your hands into your pockets.
"Crush?" Her head raises up, doing a terrible job of concealing the hopefulness she feels blossoming.
"Crush." You lightly smile at the way she blushes at your simple confirmation. She's too adorable for her own good; it's really no wonder than she has everyone on their knees for her.
"Thank you for apologizing," you say after a moment, nudging her shoulder gently. "It's more than your posse usually gives, so I appreciate it. You'd better mean it, though." You cock your head at her expectantly, a hint of warning in your tone.
"You have my word," she smiles, determined to make sure the opportunity you're giving her doesn't go to waste.
The Fallout
In the following weeks, she cut ties with more and more toxic people, causing a bit more drama to stir up, but she didn't care. You were by her side through all of it, as were your friends, and she saw what true community looks like. She had so many people at her beck and call back then, but none of them cared as much as your close knit group. They were in it because of her status, not because of her.
Walking her to class
Both of you sticking up for each other if people try to start stuff
Helping her correct her bad habits if she starts to get judgemental with someone or slips back into her old ways
Being patient with her
Her spoiling you randomly to show how thankful she is for you
"Miss L/N, we have a Candy Gram for you. Sent by Jennie Kim." A staff member says upon entering the classroom, walking the package over to you. You grin widely as you open the note attached to it.
"Come see me after class, Y/N/N. I have something for you."
You were excited for the rest of class
You rode your bike back to her dorm, parking it outside before knocking on the door.
"Hey, Jendeukie. What do you have for--"
You're abruptly cut off by her lips pressing against yours as her hands pull you in, turning you to mush. You sink into her arms and kiss back, reveling in the feeling of finally having this moment with her. You've been waiting for it ever since the party.
"I've wanted to do that for so long," she softly admits, resting her forehead against yours. "I hope I didn't overstep." You can hear the nervousness in her voice, and you smile at how cute she is.
"Quite the opposite, actually. Come here," you pull her in again, lifting her up into your arms as you walk into her dorm. She squeals at the sudden move, but the sound is quickly muffled as you lean in to kiss her again.
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youarejesting · 3 years ago
Hope in the sheets.10
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Beta: N/A Pairing: Hoseok x Reader Genre: Friendship, Comedy, Soft boy, Fluff, SMUT, Friends2Lovers, Words: 5k
Summary: You held many titles: his neighbor, colleague, wing-man… well, more likely a wing-woman, yet most importantly, you were his best friend. You had been friends since you were born. Between the two of you, you were younger; barely, but he never let you forget it. He always seemed to ruffle your hair and tease you, which could get rather annoying but he made up for it by treating you to things.
What if a drunken one night stand between you and your best friend Hoseok leads to more complicated situations? Your reckless twenties are cut short as you find yourself suddenly responsible for something a little more.
Warning: Implied sex, pregnancy, implied reader has baby.
[First] [Previous] [Masterlist] [Next]
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Hoseok and the others were eventually led into the birthing suite; the entire place had been cleaned and only the bare minimum of staff stayed behind. They were sorting out equipment and monitoring your current state. When his eyes landed on yours he felt emotions bloom in his chest. There you were laying in the bed, a small bundle of soft blankets nestled delicately in your arms. You had showered and dressed in a nightdress that had been packed in your hospital bag. 
Hoseok’s lip curled. He was trying to hold his expression, giving you a forced smile before he broke out into tears. Holding your free arm out to him, he stumbled into your embrace kissing your forehead and telling you how much he loved you. 
His words were broken by the force of each sob. “Are you going to hold her, or do we have to hold you?” Yoongi playfully teased. Hoseok wiped his eyes taking a few shakey deep breaths trying to calm his emotions. 
When you moved the blanket to show your daughter laying gently against your chest, he was a mess once more. “Hobi, you want to hold her?”
“I can hold her?” He hadn’t even thought that far ahead. He could hold this baby, his daughter, he could hold her in his arms and she was real. 
“Of course you can hold her.” You laughed, reaching up to wipe his tears away. Hoseok remembered everything he was taught from the birthing classes, practically reciting them out loud. You placed his daughter in his arms and his bottom lip fell. 
Tears were his automatic response. There was nothing else, this miracle, this symbol of his love for you, his best and longest friend. This was his child, his flesh and blood and he couldn’t thank you enough for giving him such a gift. 
“You have to stop crying Hobi, we need a nice picture for your family.” You smiled and he tilted his head back sniffing. 
“I love you so much, and I love her, I just can’t stop crying.” The words broke again Hoseok turned to show off his daughter to his friends. They were some of the people he was closest to and when he looked at them they were all crying. Jungkook’s wet cheeks and red nose, Jimin’s sweet puffy eyes bubbling with tears, even Yoongi let out a stray sniff. 
By far it was a sight to see big burly Namjoon openly weeping like Hoseok and cooing over how precious she was. 
“Look how little she is,” Namjoon whimpered
“Her hands are so tiny too,” Hoseok said back. The two were just making it worse for each other, a back and forth of doting comments of your newborn each statement causing a fresh cycle of tears. 
The nurse who had been checking your vitals waiting to take you back to the ward rolled her eyes. “I have seen some sappy fathers but you brought a whole troop.”
“Gentleman it’s time to let mum and her baby get some sleep, the father can come back tomorrow morning any other guests can come two at a time during visiting hours.” She ushered the other six males from the room, Hoseok kissed you his cheeks were wet. 
“I don’t want to go.”
“Get some sleep Hobi, get the house ready. If all goes well I will be out of the hospital soon.” The nurse took your daughter from Hoseok’s arms. 
“Wait, can I give her a kiss?” You whispered. The nurse nodded bringing your daughter over allowing you to kiss her goodnight before she was wheeled down to the nursery. 
“Are you ready to go back to the ward? You should get some sleep. Your body will be exhausted. We will bring the child in when she is hungry.”
“Okay Hobi, I have to go rest now you head home and make the house all ready for when we come home okay.” You waved goodbye to him and watched as Jimin took his hand leading him from the room. He seemed reluctant to take his eyes off of you, his hand coming to lay flat under his heart. 
You touched your collar bone watching him mouth the words 'baseline'. It was like everything you ever wanted but such a weird and obscure way you got there. You wanted to be with Hoseok and cherish him and be loved in return, but you never thought you would get there by completely derailing your relationship and almost ruining your life. 
It was like you had to destroy what you had to build something better. It seems counterproductive and a step in the wrong direction but somehow you were able to shape the rubble of your friendship into a relationship stronger than before. 
You love Hoseok with all your heart and he only has eyes for you. It seems you were both delusional to believe that you weren’t in love. Everyone could see it except the two of you and now it was painfully obvious. 
Being a mother was kind of a shock. Scared when you woke up to cramps, only to remember you had already given birth, you were also woken throughout the night to feed your daughter. A part of you worried about taking care of someone, the responsibility setting in as being a mother was a full-time job.
“You are doing wonderful.” The nurse gave you some pain killers for your cramps, your uterus was slowly shrinking back to its regular size and you were uncomfortable. “Would you like me to get you anything?”
“I would love something to drink.” Voice hoarse from sleep, she nodded before setting off for you. You sat up watching the sunrise, your daughter sleeping soundly on the bed in front of you. She was so precious. Even with closed eyes she still wiggled and stretched her hands out to the warm glowing orb.
“Seonhee, do you like that name?” You whispered, taking out a small outfit: a white onesie with sunflowers and bright yellow footed pants with soft yellow ruffles on the butt. “Jung Seonhee.”
“Ah, is that her name?” The nurse smiled, placing some apple juice and water on the small bedside table. She sanitized her hands and began helping you with the baby's clothes and diaper, bagging the old clothes and disposing of the soiled diaper. She smiled down at the little girl in her bright outfit. “I think it suits her, Seonhee”
The doctor came by on her round, her hair pulled into a tight bun and her scrubs pastel blue with stalks. “You are looking better, how are you feeling?” There was no messing around, she was straight to business, checking for any concerns or pain. Your stomach was being palpated while she brought up things to look out for. “Ultimately if anything happens that you are unsure about, even if it is something silly like, should I have coffee while breastfeeding, call this number here, they are a great service and they will help you.”
“Thank you so much.” Taking the card you were handed and a little care package from the hospital, the nurse placed the card into the baby book which had accompanied you throughout pregnancy and after. “Am I okay to go home today?”
“You are all clear. Let us know what time you want to leave and we can have all the paperwork ready.” Pausing in the doorway, a young nurse almost bumping into her, she spun around, her coat swishing with her. “After giving birth a lot of women become a little moody, fatigued, or cry. This is totally normal as your hormones will be dropping back to a normal level. It is perfectly normal to feel these things during this time.”
“Ah, that’s good to know.” You replied while searching through the care package, glancing at some of the booklets and information sheets. There was a number for a community service where mothers take their babies to be weighed and receive checkups. The nurses had few information sessions on feeding techniques and developmental leaps. 
Looking forward to being a part of a group of new mothers, you knew you would have a lot of questions eventually. It would be nice to know if other mothers have similar concerns or effective tips for any future problems.
Hoseok arrived with a big smile, kissing you sweetly before heading over to scoop up his daughter. “Wait Hobi,” you stopped him, “I need to talk to you before you get all teary-eyed again.”
“Okay,” serious expression on his face he gave you all his attention.
“We need to agree on her name and sign the birth certificate.” The smile returned to his face, the twinkle in his eyes never dwindling since the moment he stepped into the room. “I like the name 선희 (Seonhee) written as 善 meaning Good or nice and 希 as in Hope”
Hoseok watched you write an example on a scrap piece of paper, and began nodding enthusiastically. Hands shaking the two of you eyed one another passing secret smiles, the taste of giggles on the tip of your tongue. Once the document was completed Hoseok’s hand swooped up into your hair, cradling your nape as he kissed you.
Neither lazy nor heated, the kiss was full and romantic, his lips telling a story against yours. The world stopped and only Hoseok existed. Until a shrill cry broke through the silence and the two of you apart. The cry brought with it the sound of machines and nurses walking down the hall.
“You want to go home,” Hoseok raced around the hospital bed towards your daughter, wiggling in the tiny hospital portable bassinet. His style was honestly amusing. Strips of fabric hanging from a graffitied shirt with a cargo jacket and sneakers. Strange to see him holding a baby but you loved it so much. 
Just because you were parents didn’t mean you had to get rid of everything you love. Sure you had to grow up and it was extreme. The transition you made while pregnant felt like your life was ending. That you would live to serve a tiny being. But seeing Hoseok still smiling the same, still wearing the same street hip hop style reassured you that you still had a life outside of being a mother and that would never change.
Of course, the two of you probably wouldn’t club anymore. It would be unfair if either of you went out without the other and unfair on your daughter if you were not there for her. Not to mention the cost of babysitting and the trust you would need in order to leave Seonhee with someone who wasn’t you or Hoseok.
Hoseok helped you with your bags packing the car, he had borrowed Jin’s for a smoother drive. Always thoughtful even on the littlest details. Sitting by the baby's car seat while Hoseok drove you home apologizing for every speed bump and every turn.
“Hoseok, I would like to go home before it is dark. You don’t have to drive that slow.” You laughed, he was being so serious like a knight or warrior preparing for battle to protect those he loves. In the reflection of the rearview mirror, you saw his lips twitch in amusement, the sun shining on his shaggy hair. “I love you.”
“Babe,” He whined, “you can’t say that when I am driving, I want to kiss you and then we really won’t get home before dark.”
His eyes flickered up to meet yours in the mirror before concentrating diligently once more on the road. He was singing softly to the radio as he crossed town, you must have fallen asleep as you were woken by his sweet laugh and some kisses on your cheek.
“We are home Lil darling.”
Breathing deeply trying to clear your head from your nap, as the fog in your mind disappeared your hands were secured in Hoseok’s as he helped you out of the car. Standing patiently for your body to catch up, the tender sensations in your stomach leaving you stiff.
“Seonhee, time to see your new home.” Hoseok scooped up the infant holding her to his chest as if it was the most natural thing like he had several years of experience. As opposed to this child being his firstborn. He took the soft yellow muslin wrap and covered her protecting her eyes from the afternoon sun.
Opening the door, you weren’t surprised, (mostly because you had spotted their cars on the curb) to see the boys sitting on your couch equally as excited to see you as they had been the day before in the birthing suite. Hoseok was placing your bag on the table when Seonhee started crying.
“Hey, sweetheart what’s wrong?” Hoseok patted her bottom to a steady rhythm hoping it would lull her back to sleep. Her crying continued and you felt your shirt grow damp, taking a seat you held out your hands for your daughter and nursed her while the boys kept their eyes firm on one another to respect your privacy.
“Are you drinking or are you sleeping?” You giggled at your daughter who was milk drunk. Burping her gently she wiggled releasing a few loud burps and spitting up a little onto the back of your hand and the small burp cloth you had been holding to her clothes.
“Let me take her while you clean up.” Yoongi smiled, scooping up your daughter, holding her so her head was supported, her arms and legs draped over either side of his arm. His other hand rubbed and patted her back gently as he swayed.
“You look like a squashed pie.” He smiled cheekily talking to the baby in his arms. “Cute bow shape lip from your mum, and your nose is very cute like Hoseok’s.”
“How dare you call her a squashed pie.” Namjoon tried to defend but when Yoongi turned he showed the infant, her cheek squished up against his arm, her drool slowly seeping between parted lips. “Okay, maybe a little but she is also adorable.”
“All babies look like aliens when they are born,” you grinned.
“But do you love her, more than anything else in the world?” Jungkook giggled trying to make small talk while also projecting his newfound love for such a tiny being.
“We just met, I need some time to get to know her some more.” You joke playfully curled up on the couch Seokjin handing you some dinner and a cup of tea while the boys took turns meeting your daughter.
“It says in the paperwork she can have a bath tomorrow, and that her first poo might be really yucky.” Hoseok read the take-home leaflets from the hospital and constantly checked on his two girls making sure they were both safe and sound.
“Put her in outfits you don’t care if they get destroyed,” Yoongi was singing something to the child. It was low and rough. He was talking about dreams, freestyling about how your daughter didn’t need to go to university and that she didn’t have to know everything right at this moment.  
Placing the little girl into Jimin’s waiting arms. His eyes sparkled and his lip dropped as he turned soft for the little girl.
“Hello, I am Uncle Jimin and I am going to spoil you so much.” His sweet voice gasped. He practically wiggled on the spot when she brought her fists up to her closed eyes and yawned. Taehyung was quietly snapping photos, careful not to use the flash as he didn’t want to hurt the baby's sensitive eyes, even while they were closed. He assured you, that he would get photos of everyone holding Seonhee. He had already captured Yoongi and was taking a few extra of Jimin with the small bundle.
It was honestly nice to see them all so supportive and there for your daughter. Images in your mind blooming of her first Christmas and birthday and all that would follow. Namjoon would buy her a green bike with flowers and tassels on the handles and Yoongi, helping assemble it before she woke up, attaching the training wheels for her safety.
Learning how to wrap people around her finger from her Uncle Jimin and then using it against them. She would be a dancer like her father and would light up the room. You could see her performing on a stage with the eight of you waiting with flowers to throw on stage. Maybe she wouldn’t win the first prize at her first show but they would still take her out for pizza and celebrate. Her skills would improve and the day she wins the trophy she would be lifted onto Seokjin’s shoulders. 
Not noticing you had started crying until Namjoon pulled you into a hug.  “Hey what’s got you so upset.”
“No, I am not upset, I was told that as my hormones go back to normal, I might cry and be more tired and moody and upset and I just,” Sniffing Jungkook handed over some tissues and hugging your back. The newer of the group Taehyung and Jungkook had just fit perfectly into the group, it was like they were always meant to be.
“Hey love,” Hoseok said, coming over to kneel at your feet holding your knees softly. "Tell me what made you so upset."
“I was thinking about her first Christmas and her first birthday and how you would all be here and she would be loved and…” Taking a sniff and pushing the tears from your eyes you looked up at them seriously. “You can never leave now, we are going to be one big family. I hope you know you are now each my daughter's uncles and therefore responsible to attend events. If you didn’t want to be a part of the family, I am sorry you are now my family.”
More tears shook your form. “You're the only family I have, I wasn’t exactly disowned more than I left when my mother told me not to have my sweet daughter. My precious baby deserves a big happy family and so I am sorry you are stuck with me. 
“And don’t even think you are getting out of it.” You pointed at Taehyung and Jungkook, “You are my family now. Seonhee needs lots of uncles to protect her.”
“We aren’t leaving,” Seokjin grinned, taking a turn holding the wiggling bundle, smiling for a picture, and looking at her. “She will be a heartbreaker.”
The first couple of weeks were a learning curve filled with broken sleep, reheated meals courtesy of Seokjin, and constant fatigue looming over your head. Jimin appeared one-afternoon Taehyung, Namjoon and Yoongi apprehended your daughter. Settling her into a baby carrier strapped to Namjoon’s chest. The thick bodyguard looked a little silly with a tiny child nestled against his pecs.
Seonhee was wearing a new outfit from her uncle Jimin. It was a sweet-footed onesie with bear ears warm enough for a day out in the park. Kicked out of the house by Jimin who stressed how much you needed a break. Hoseok was at work while you were still on leave which meant you took the larger portion of the home and baby duties.
Mostly because you were at home all day, but also not wanting to interfere with his sleep schedule seeing as he was going to an actual job that needed proper attention. There wasn’t even a moment of hesitation from Jimin as he dragged you into the bathroom and started the bath filling it with a generous amount of bubble bath. It was the sleepy-time product you had chosen for your baby, emitting a soft lavender scent.
“You relax and I will wash your hair.” He smiled and he massaged your scalp to help relieve any tension, after washing out all your hair products he took your skincare products letting you lay in the bubbles as he pampered you. “You are such a good mum, you are doing amazing.”
“I hope so,” you yawned.
You stepped out of the tub, quickly wrapping yourself into the fluffy robe you hadn’t used in a while. Then sat down on your bed whilst Jimin dried and styled your hair. The others had returned, poking their heads into the room and smiling at your new refreshed look. You quickly fed your daughter while Jimin braided your hair securely.
“You rest okay, we will watch her until Hoseok comes home. Don’t worry we will come to you if we are unsure about anything and for food times.” Yoongi said playing some soft tranquil music on the small speaker by your bed. 
It seemed pointless. Laying there believing it impossible to fall asleep. As you walked past the clock reading half-past one, your stomach rumbled in a gentle protest. Before you could even think of the food you wanted to get dressed, pulling on a white crop top and a baggy overall dress. Something easy to breastfeed in. It was definitely time as your breasts were heavier with milk.
Walking out you poured yourself a glass of juice and scooped up your fussing daughter, stomach growling again. Yoongi stood up marching into the kitchen, rapidly chopping ingredients. Soon the house was filled with a savory aroma and the glorious sound of oil sizzling. 
Hoseok was having his first afternoon with Seonhee. You were going for a checkup. Jungkook was free and agreed to accompany you to your appointment, he almost paled when he saw the equipment on the table for your checkup. It made for a good laugh and endless teasing during your small coffee date afterward.
Jungkook’s phone buzzed and he grinned texting back quickly. “Ooh, what or who is making you smile so big?”
“Uh, I just got a funny text from Namjoon. Apparently, Hoseok asked for company so Namjoon and Yoongi stopped by the house after their errands.” He laughed, nose scrunching showing off his front teeth. “And well, your daughter may have accidentally had a poo explosion. So far from the pictures I have seen, Yoongi and Hoseok are covered in it. And while trying to help Namjoon dropped a whole bottle of baby powder and they are vacuuming the carpet.”
“Jimin and Taehyung agreed to pick up some more and I have been asked to keep you busy,” Your smile growing the more you heard, of course, they would make a mess on your first day out. Expecting something chaotic to happen but never something as funny as this. 
“I am just glad it is something like this and not that someone is sick or hurt,” You smiled while eating a strawberry cheesecake and sipping coffee. Not making any move of leaving early and relieving them of their duty. It was a right of passage and showed just how much you trusted them. Hearing that something happened and not jumping to take over.
“They said not to tell you, but how could I not?” Jungkook turned his phone showing you some photos worthy of scrapbooking, the kind you would take out for Seonhee’s twenty-first and a story she would get sick of hearing at every family gathering. “Look at them.”
“Well while they are busy, how about we go grocery shopping? I think perhaps we can make something delicious for dinner,” Standing and collecting your jacket from your chair, and leading the way. Jungkook followed listening to your concerns about your weight and figure, he assured you how good you were looking and even offered to personally train you at 21, the gym.
Seonhee was growing steadily. Each milestone leading into the next, she would roll over and had started to crawl. Finding herself putting things she shouldn’t in her mouth. Going back to work was hard for the first few days, leaving Seonhee at the daycare was easy but she became more clingy when she came home. It was her way of coping with the separation that came with daycare and full-time work but eventually, Seonhee got into a routine.
Understanding that her parents were always coming back made everything in the house run a lot smoother. She had a small handful of sounds, mostly eomma, appa. 
Work was a lot more tolerable and dare you to say fun. Jimin had quit his sugar baby gig and joined the company working alongside you. Sure he had broken a few hearts by canceling his service but he was happier. He never explicitly said it but you believed he was trying to be more independent and above everything else make himself more approachable to Taehyung.
Taehyung however left for a while, he had been away working with a few celebrities and luxury brands, photographing concepts, photos, and more. He had been pushing and working harder and harder as the days passed until he traveled away for his latest project. 
It was a little sad that they weren’t together but you could see the longing in Jimin’s eyes whenever he replayed Taehyung’s Instagram story. Dragging him from his desk to have lunch together and distract him from the thoughts spinning around in his head.
December marked eleven months since Seonhee was born. Cruising against the couch and cabinets opening things she shouldn’t. You had invested in baby locks and a small playpen. Neither really did much as she knew how to push the whole contraption across carpet and tiles to get into things. 
Mostly she would follow you to the kitchen hoping to get teething biscuits or any other treats her father would sneak her. He was never able to say no and you often found them sneaking snacks together where he would give you his big eyes and pouty lips claiming that she deserved a snack.
Christmas had your house filled to the brim with presents and boys, Seokjin was cooking in the kitchen with Yoongi’s help while Jimin and Jungkook were playing with Seonhee. Hoseok was helping Namjoon into a Santa costume in the backyard. No one had heard from Taehyung. You assumed he was busy with work and that he would be unable to make it.
There was a knock and Jungkook raced to answer it and laughed, “Finally, I thought you were skipping out on the family Christmas.”
“I wouldn’t skip out on the family Christmas, you are my favorite family,” Taehyung said handing over a suitcase to Jungkook and carrying in some bags of wrapped gifts, placing them under the tree. “Look at you, you have gotten so big!”
Namjoon Santa came in and delivered gifts and ran off getting changed only to come back and watch the gift unwrapping. Jungkook went to collect the two eldest from the kitchen, pushing Seokjin before dragging Yoongi out the two stopping in the archway.
“Hey, you are under the mistletoe!” Jimin giggled, proud that his trap had worked, he was hoping that some people would get stuck under it. “You are going to have to kiss.”
“We don’t have to, we are watching Seonhee open her gifts,” Jungkook said only to be grabbed by Yoongi who kissed the younger male and pulled away.
“Satisfied.” Yoongi turned back to the young girl opening her presents, Namjoon got her some picture books and a few educational toys. Seokjin had wrapped a small toy kitchen that was her size. Yoongi brought her to everyone’s surprise a little clam pool and some plastic toys to play with.
Jimin brought her a whole lot of princess dresses, tiaras, and fairy wings. Jungkook got her a cozy coupe red and yellow plastic car that she could push around with her legs. Taehyung handed her the small gift bag and inside was a night light that made the roof look like a galaxy and played soft music.
After Seonhee’s gifts from the boys, Hoseok brought out a box. He was struggling with it but when he opened it out popped a little dog who began licking her cheeks and wagging his tail intensely amongst the large group. “His name is Mickey.” Hoseok grinned watching Taehyung taking pictures and smiling fondly as she giggled.
Other gifts were exchanged, the most notable was Seokjin giving everyone matching sweaters with his face on it, and Taehyung’s gift to Jimin. It was a small bag and inside was the signature Tiffany blue colored box.
“You didn’t have to,” Jimin said softly and Taehyung smiled.
“I told myself I would support you, and I know you didn’t want to be treated like a sugar baby, I just told myself that I wouldn’t allow myself to date until I got you those earrings you really wanted. I wanted to give you something you could be proud of.” Taehyung explained, “And it was so hard to resist you when you kept inviting me over.”
Opening the box Jimin saw the earrings he had once mentioned ages back, the exact earrings Taehyung had handmade for him. “Now you can get rid of the ones I made you, they look horrible compared to these.
“I still love the ones you made and I will keep them forever.”
“I won’t treat you like a sugar baby anymore, I wanted to ask if maybe you wanted to go on a date.”
“Well, these earrings will get you about five dates.” Jimin giggled cheekily
“Five I thought for sure it would be five and a half?”
“Five and a free butt grab?”
The nine of you were walking through the kid's attractions at the theme park seeing some familiar faces, you were having lunch when some music started playing. It was the theme park's dance parade and Hoseok was dragged into the dance by Taeyong.
You were giggling when WinWin dragged you up dancing with you and turned to see Hoseok on one knee, a ring box opened in his hands. You felt your chest about to explode as you tackled him to the ground sobbing in his chest. “Hoseok really, you mean it?”
“Of course, I mean it, I have loved you for years.”
“I love you so much, hell freaking yes put that ring on me, quick quick.” You kissed his face nonstop giggling between your tears. He was finally able to get the ring onto the designated finger standing and pulling you onto your feet. He kissed you passionately, you pulled back burying your face in his chest squealing.
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muffindaddystyles · 4 years ago
Hi, could you pls write something about Y/n finding out she’s pregnant and she decides not to keep the baby. Like, maybe Harry and y/n are not married (not that you have to be married to have a baby, it’s just a suggestion) and maybe Harry gets kind of mad at the beginning but then understands why she doesn’t want the baby. In every fanfiction they always end up keeping the baby, yes it’s cute, but babies take a lot of your time, they are expensive and sometimes annoying. Maybe it’s not the right time for them to be parents!! Make it extra angst pls
A/N: I agree with you, honestly it's okay for women/partner not to want kids in a relationship.
Warning: Mentions of abortion and angst.
Y/N just came back from one of the sleepovers of her bestfriend. It was fun, no offence but every food-ly item there made her sick to her core and atlast she ended up throwing. Ofcourse, all her girlie-bestie were there to give her a back rub, hold her hair for her, made her chamomile tea and most importantly did a serious talk to her in their pillow fort while sipping onto their hot bevy.
When Y/N told them she's been feeling like this from goodly two weeks they all gasped making Y/N's nerves jumble furthermore —--- what they advised her next flew over her head as she kept on poking her finger through the loops of her crotched cardigan, "Huh?" She hums innocently tucking her loose hair back.
"You could be pregnant. . ." Feli told her softly grabbing her hand, "Perhaps, could be sick too." Y/N scoffs diverting her eyes somewhere else and all her friends sighed in utter sympathy for her.
Y/N doesn't want to think about it at all. No way! This could happen. It's not right. It wouldn't be fair to anyone. She knows that the worst's been waiting for her as it hits her that her periods are late.
"We can find out, though . . ." Feli slides the offer cautiously to her and when Y/N shook her head in rejection everyone insisted because they care about her. So, they ended up taking the test and it indeed came out as positive now Y/N's a crying mess cuddled with her friends as they assured her that it's gonna be alright.
"I don't wanna go home . . Can't face, Harry." She whimpers. Her heart beating wildly at the cluster of assumptions and thoughts. What she'll do now? What will happen to them? What if their decision wouldn't be same? What if he'll leave her?
"You've to love, Nia will drive you home yeah? Talk to him, I'm super sure he'll understand, he's been so supportive of you since you guys met." They all hugged her warmly before departing her off and Nia told her to call her in the morning walking her to the door.
When she enters the whole house has been dimmed to mellow light just mere instinctive noises of telly buzzing and when she pads inside she's met by the most adorable sight of Harry lounged over the couch one leg dangled over the floor and his neck craned in a bad angle; it seems like he fell asleep waiting for her and Y/N was about to retreat when he stirred up calling for her name.
"Pet?" He tries to open his peepers rubbing them with the back of his hand stretching out like a lazy cat, "You look devastated pet, what happened? Were ye'cryin' baby?" She stays silent taking in large breathers nibbling onto her lower lip. He scoots aside patting the spot beside him to make her sit and grabs her jaw to see her properly.
She looks down lip wobbling as she struggled to utter the sentence, "Harry . . ." She sniffs and he nods caressing the corner of her lip, "'m listening my love –- promise it's not somethin' scary." It is for her.
"I'm pregnant." Time ticks by and it feels like the air has densed to the point her lungs stopped functioning. His thumb, it halts in their loving to her and his breaths hitches in his throat glossing his eyes with lack of oxygen or joy? She can't diminish.
He cackles breathily as if he's hallucinating and then gasps out of the epiphany, her heart shatters into million pieces for giving him fake beacon of happiness when he hugged her tightly to his chest.
"Jesus. 'M so happy darlin'!" He squeaks into the crook of her neck bouncing his knee in excitement and she pushes him away shaking her head, "No, no, no — Harry, I don't want it." Her voice wavered as her eyes held plead for him to understand fisting the hem of his sweater out of anxiousness and Harry feels like someone snatched his grounds, numbness sets into his toes from the distress that's bolting shut his heart chambers.
"Wha –-- what? But we talked 'bout it darlin'." He stammers baffled at her descion. He's too sensitive and all over the place right now, his mindset's isn't capable of doing something that's best for them and maybe it's because of all the images of his own lil baby in all the corners of his home, it would be such a blessing to have one wouldn't it? His conscience screamed at him.
"We did — " She says but he cuts her off, "Then why?" His own voice breaking and she clears her throat to pull some courage. His weakness makes her weak too.
"Let me speak." He nods curtly at her to continue.
"We did. Yes, I want kids with you, Harry nothing will be more beautiful than that but . . . but 'm not ready now, financially, mentally and physically." He stands up at this pacing back and forth massaging the furrowing lines at his temple. At his closed off and cold demeanour Y/N sobs throwing her hands in air.
"Would you speak somethin'!?" He turns in a snap. His eyesblooshot lips quirking up into a bitter frown, he's outraged and been burning from inside but doesn't want to dump it at her knowing it would hurt him more than it would hurt her. He wouldn't be able to forgive himself if he'll break the heart of his most precious human and the person who's been with him through thick n' thin.
He jeers furiously irritated at him and her, "What's there to speak? You've already made up ye'r mind, I've no say in it. Though, you know that 'm enough to raise our baby and could take care of you at the sametime." She grits something under her breath and he squints, "What?" His accent thick and gruff.
"I'm saying you're being a total, asshole!!" She tries not to yell at him groaning into the throw pillow.
She wants to kick him in shin when he just shrugged carelessly, "Okay."
"Trust me Harry not everyone's a rich millionaire like you!! I told you I'm not financially stable to have a kid and you rubbed it in my face, do you have any idea how your words were a jab to me!!" She wants to have an equal share of money in raising her kids, to give them the idea that in this household none of their parents are inferior or superior in bringing them up and she'd love for Harry to take extra care for them but his ruthless words made her feel so small and empty pocket infront of him for the first time.
She didn't notice until now that tears are dripping down his throat. Regret, remorse and guilt evident on his face but he wouldn't apologise and she's well aware of it. Wish she could hug him and kiss him to calm him down but he caused equal damage to her too.
"I'll go to clinic, in the morning." She mutters leaving him pooled into sorrow and the pricking shadow of telly while he cried to himself silently.
If it's the end. Then it should be a better one.
His boots click against the hard tiles getting loud hushes from people in waiting. He ducks down panting hopelessly, slamming his fist at the reception counter and looks at the nurse with furious eyes, "You're here to pick someone, sir?" He nods jutting his lips in attempt to take a good breather.
"Miss Y/N – "
She quickly points at the ward, "There, she might be unconscious at the mo'." He quickly shakes his head running towards it despite of all the stares he's getting from women of all ages.
There she was sitting at edge of bed in a gown –- looking small, defeated and devastated clutching the fabric of it from her knees. Her head perks up at the commotion taking in the sight of a disheveled Harry with a sandwich, vanilla moose, a tinsy plushie and sunflowers tucked under his armpit.
His chin quivers and eyes well up with bulky tears, "I'm sorry." He mouthes to her and she shakes her head with equally glossy eyes. He pads towards her carefully and sits beside her forwarding her the vanilla moose with shaky hand.
"Sorry couldn't get the chocolate one." A tiny sob breaks through her smile, "Don't like the vanilla anyways —" Her meeting his gaze was the ending point for him as he bunches his angel in a hug, smushing his face into the crook of her neck with little sniffles.
"It was very shitty of me." He admits tightening his arms around her waist and she calms him by rubbing his back, "We both weren't at our best last night." She whispers and he nods.
"I don't think you're any less than me baby, rather you're more stronger person than me in every way -- didn't —-- didn't wanna hurt you, promise. I love you so much for some different descion to tear us apart." His thumb runs in circles against her shoulders and she cups his face to look at him properly.
"Forgive me, please."
"I did bug —- the moment I realized you're a human being with emotions and feelings that could tipple over at their worsts. You've dreams too and I'm so sorry I wasn't able to fulfil them at the moment."
"You don't have to, yeah? No more apologising. We'll have a family when we both are ready." He kisses her temple, stroking her head affectionately and she bathes in that warmth.
"We could buy the chocolate moose on our way back home." He quips wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.
A teasing smile breaking through his caring persona and she grins, "Shut up." scooping some of it but he takes the tiny spoon from her feeding it to her himself heating her cheeks with shyness.
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