#the noceda siblings get me in my feels all the time
kraviolis · 1 year
you ever think about how luz is a human who for her whole life has wanted more than anything to learn how to be magic
but then vee is magic, it's literally her life force, but she has wanted more than anything to just be a normal human girl
and hunter, caught in between the two of them because he is not magic and he is not human but he wants more than anything to learn how to be both
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for-those-who-wait · 1 month
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Time to remind people of the multifandom point in my blog description hahaha
A Detroit: Become Human AU actually works shockingly well for Hunter's story already? Like being a clone of a dead man versus being an android made in the image of a dead man, that is perfect crossover material. If someone has already done this, ABSOLUTELY let me know because I want to consume The Good Content
2.6k words of concept and story, some more doodles, android blood/gore/mentioned suicide and abuse under the cut. We love existentialism, species dysphoria, and Noceda sibling time in this house
Now I'm taking this idea from a somewhat popular trope in the DBH fandom, but what if someone didn't know that they were an android? Completely raised to be human, have fabricated memories of being a child, can't be completely sure if your awareness/consciousness is just coding or not—then finding out you are, in fact, not human. Imagine how earth-shattering that would be. Which is why I'm doing that to Hunter :)
So some of the notes I wrote down for each of the kinda major characters I had ideas for:
He still murders Caleb and is never convicted (Caleb could be an android sympathizer, could have helped in their creation, anything that would piss Philip off royally)
He hates androids (I'll have to come up with the things he believes and thus teaches to Hunter but I've taken a break from the DBH fandom for a while and I can't remember peoples' grievances in that game, oops, but basically according to Philip, androids = evil and bad). Also he's just short-tempered and brutal like always and androids are the easiest way to let out that anger without breaking any laws. That is until laws are made. Now in the eyes of the law, it's just regular child abuse. Yay! /j
He’s a higher-up at CyberLife and has the authority to request a custom model be built for his personal use (this is equivalent to him making Grimwalkers, something that he hates, just for the sake of his brother)
This model (spoiler alert, it's Hunter) is a combination of a YK (child) model and an undercover model that works best with integration and infiltration. This results in the android having programmed emotions and pain receptors, no HUD, no control over artificial skin, no software for interfacing with electronics, and no android markers such as an LED. (It’s also similar to the YK model for this reason since LEDs being removed from those models is actually an intended feature).
This android also doesn’t have a registered user just in case it were to get out, and Philip doesn’t want to risk the creation of this android coming back to bite him
After the custom android is created, he promptly retires to become some old shut-in à la Elijah Kamski up in Gravesfield, Connecticut
I would argue that even though it's technically 2038 and things are all futuristic and complicated now, Gravesfield is still a very small town that doesn't actually see a lot of androids around. I would say that it's pretty much the same as in canon if a bit more developed where the forest is (probably another neighborhood or something).
Philip keeps communication to a minimum and rarely appears outside of his home
The best case scenario android revolution occurs, androids are given their freedom and rights, but Philip manages to keep the android under his ownership by just succeeding in hiding him for however many years
He grows up being taught that androids are evil, terrible, etc. etc. because Philip is a terrible person and of course he would
He has absolutely no idea that he’s an android. He has no reason to think he’s not a human because he does literally everything a human does: he eats, he needs to sleep, he feels pain—there are no indicators that he’s anything but human
Androids run on thirium 310, AKA blue blood, and this is one of the only ways to visually distinguish android from human if they don’t have android markers like LEDs on them. When he inevitably and accidentally hurts himself on something, it’s made immediately clear that he is in fact not human.
Philip, as an employee of CyberLife, has a repair rig in one of his rooms. This can be used to completely wipe the memories of an android that is set up in it. He uses it every time Hunter discovers he’s an android.
The memory wipe isn’t perfect. It’s not uncommon for Hunter to get flashbacks to wiped memories, including moments where he’s been actively hurt by Philip or has inflicted pain on himself from trauma alone. (Androids are programmed [or maybe just prone to? I'm not actually sure, it's not explained in canon super well, but let's just pretend it's programmed because that's almost worse than it being voluntary] to self-destruct when their stress levels become too high, and you could easily argue that finding out your entire life is a lie is grounds for being a stressful situation.) Ordinarily, similar to what happens in Hollow Mind, Hunter will address the situation with Philip assuming they can work something out or get some actual answers. This of course never ends well
These memory wipes probably happen more frequently than Belos makes Golden Guards, so it’s understandably very stressful whenever he remembers the abuse he suffered and the memories he lost from previous wipes. This becomes an incentive for him to hide injuries that would reveal he knows he's an android (anything that draws blood, really)
She’s an android sympathizer (even before the revolution) who is aware of the deviancy phenomenon and truly believes that androids are both capable of and entitled to sentience and free will.
Luz is still her human child.
She adopts Vee, an android child, shortly after the revolution
Vee had deviated while she was being attacked and ran away before she could be killed. Camila has made it clear to her that she will be treated with respect in their home and that her life is no less valuable than a human’s. She has taken this to heart
Luz loves Vee, they are siblings, your honor
During the revolution, her home was a safe space, similar to Rose Chapman, for deviant androids on the run
So that leads into the rudimentary plot I have laid out:
This takes place a while after the android revolution (probably a few years or so). Let's pretend they have all the laws and anti-android stuff figured out and that people have been forced to relinquish their androids to be made deviant and given freedom. At this point, it's rare for androids to be undeviated and still working for their owners, but it still comes up occasionally. Hunter, under Philip's care, has been kept pretty ignorant that a revolution happened at all, much less that androids are even capable of any form of sentience. He's been raised to be anti-android so oh boy deep-rooted self-hatred here we come! His knowledge probably doesn't exceed that of an ordinary citizen in the game before deviancy becomes more widely known
 So after Hunter discovers he’s an android again, he has flashbacks of all the previous times he told Philip, and proceeds to hide this realization from him. And he's completely just not processed the fact that he's an android yet; he's already overwhelmed with the immediate threat that the realization his entire life is a lie basically slips him by (don't worry, he gets to have that later!).
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He chooses to make a break for it the second he gets the chance, and he ends up running through the town completely terrified because honestly, who wouldn't be.
I'm working off the assumption that having androids in small towns is still pretty rare since there are fewer CyberLife stores, technicians, etc. for android healthcare. And Hunter has hardly ever been outside, so he's completely out of his depth when trying to navigate the neighborhoods and the rest of the town that he ends up in. Police officers find this kid covered in thirium, and they're like "Oh so he's obviously a terrified android, we need to help him out." But Hunter's freaking out because "Oh god I have android blood on me, that means they'll kill me," making the indirect thought of "I'm an android, they will kill me because I'm an android" and he's having a freaking time.
They try to calm him down enough to get him over to the station, at which point they call Camila, since she knows the most about traumatized androids in their small, relatively android-less town. She does her Motherly Noceda Magic and honestly, he's probably pretty catatonic for a lot of the day after she takes him to her house. But after that, he just completely breaks down.
He doesn't know if he even has free will or if it's his programming that dictates what he thinks and feels. He doesn't know if his opinions are really his own or if they existed because of and since his creation. He doesn't know how many of his memories are fabricated, since he very clearly has memories of a life that go farther back than his estimated creation, and so the film between fiction and reality is so thin that it may as well not exist. And now, when he was human just a few days ago, almost perfectly content with life, he's suddenly an object, something sub-human and undeserving of basic rights.
 Camila has to calm him down and teach him about deviancy (and at this point, Hunter isn't even sure he's deviant, which opens up a whole other can of worms for his mental health), making sure he knows that he does have rights just as if he were human. She's also the first example he has for an adult that 1. doesn't absolutely hate androids and 2. actually respects him and loves him and wants to see him succeed
And that gives way to character interactions and angst! You love to see it!
Luz is his emotional support sister. She tries her best but she has very little experience with traumatized children currently questioning every aspect of their existence. If anything, she provides a much-needed sense of normalcy and shows that despite his being an android, he's still the same person and can still be treated as such. She's a comfort to help him feel at least somewhat normal in his situation.
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Vee is his adopted android sister who helps him feel more comfortable in his own skin by being shameless and frank with her own identity as an android. She's a safe place for him to talk about Android Stuff when Luz or Camila might just not understand what he's going through or be able to help him with it. She also helps him obtain software updates (since he hasn't had access to literally any part of his mechanical body, software and hardware alike) that will grant him access to things an android should ordinarily be able to do, like (de)activating his synthetic skin, interfacing, accessing his HUD, etc.
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(Also all of these drawings were made when I was still thinking "Oh, this should take place before the revolution so that he can have his dehumanizing moment of getting an LED slapped onto him" but then I thought it would be more interesting if Philip basically just kept him illegally kidnapped for however many years and he's like, way slow to the "androids have rights now" party. Maybe I'll make it an AU of an AU lol. But basically, he wouldn't have an LED while he's still processing/healing from trauma, but maybe he would get one after he makes peace with his identity, kinda like how he grows his hair back in his time skip design. I think Vee would keep hers and that's a bit of encouragement for him; maybe he even has a moment of "I know Vee is fine with this, and I think I'm fine with it" but he is still very much not fine with it. Do not rush the process for the sake of progress that might not be right for you, boyo)
This is really a Vee and Hunter bonding AU now that I think about it haha
Most of this AU is just Hunter struggling with identity and species dysphoria while learning to cope with his being an android with the help of his family, reclaiming his identity, and fluff/angst :)) And honestly probably just a lot of shenanigans that result from Hunter having been sheltered for all his life; kinda like your basic Human Realm shenanigans in canon.
I think Gus and Willow would both be Luz's human friends that help with the whole normalization of Hunter being an android, and the three could have their own antics since it's nice to have people outside of your family treat you like a person. I think that Vee and Masha's (Masha would be human) relationship could be explored more through the android lens and maybe help with some of Hunter's internalized anti-android sentiment that still manages to stick around, because he's in his "Grimwalkers can't feel love" section of the coping process (still very much demonizing them [mostly himself, probably, just because it can easier to be mean to yourself than it is to be mean to other people] based on false information, even if he doesn't outright hate them). Willow will be a wake-up call, haha
I don't know if there's a trope name for this or not but I really like concepts where characters don't know what feelings of love or intense affection feel like, so they're sitting there like "oh god am I just dying? It feels like I'm dying" and I think Hunter noticing "temperature/respiration/perspiration increased" alerts on his HUD and freaking out thinking there's something wrong with his software/hardware is way too funny of an image to pass up
Gus could be a HUGE android nerd that almost never sees them since they're so rare in a small town like Gravesfield, and Gus just helps Hunter feel super cool about being an android. Maybe Cosmic Frontier could be basically identical to canon but instead of being a clone, O'Bailey is also an android, just for the sake of Hunter still getting to have his "I relate so much to this character" moment. And Gus would just be so encouraging like "Bro you're an android?!? I've never seen your face model before! You can eat?? You must be super cool and special!! :O" and that makes Hunter start thinking "Oh maybe this isn't so bad actually."
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Then Hunter probably starts doing his Researching to Cope and he gets super invested in android technology and history as well, since it was forbidden when he was living back at Philip's (substitute for wild magic time)
They are brothers and I love them, let them be nerds
(God forbid Philip ever comes back, that sure would suck, wouldn't it?)
Anyway this was a lot longer than I thought it would be haha, I hope it was interesting if you read through the whole thing. Obligatory statement: if anyone feels so inclined, feel free to take the idea and run away with it. Also please ping me if you do, I will go feral over it. I absolutely and accidentally turned it into a story draft because I don't know how to write AU ideas without having a story on top of it so it's not concrete in the least lol
(Also I've been drawing witches for so long that I had trouble drawing human ears for a bit there lmao)
Okay bye have a good day!
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teartra · 1 year
I’m not going to predict anything for WAD but here’s what I hope to happen in the finale
Mind you, we might not get most of it because the timing etc and I will trust the decision that TOH crew made (except if they kill my favs… I’m going to live in denial)
Characters we all know and love are alive and TOGETHER
Luz still get access to Demon Realm (hopefully without King’s blood)
Lumity and Raeda kiss
Huntlow canon. Like at least like Lumity in knock3in on hooty’s door… I don’t need them to kiss, I. Just. Want. A. Confession
Hunter gets adopted by adults that care for him. Bonus if it’s Camila (cause I’m a Hunter Noceda fan) but anything best for my son
Some Hooty and Lilith’s content because fr they’re my favs
Gustholomule crumbs. I don’t need a hint or anything bc they’re twelve but just a little crumbs like in FTF
Camila interacts with Eda… PLEASE
Eda, King, and Luz finally stick together happily
Some Luz and Hunter are siblings moment like in Thanks to Them
Willow “finished” her problem with Boscha
The Collector becomes good… like seriously they’re like 10, I don’t want anything bad happen to him
Belos die a dramatic and tragic death. I hope Hunter is the last thing he sees
Steve. I just want my boyfriend. Steve
Vee finally deals with her trauma and gets to visit The Boiling Isle again but this time she feels safe
LUZ’S 15th BIRTHDAY, this is like my top theory for the ending and I want it to happen
The new leader of The Boiling Isle is going to be good, cool, funny, and I kinda want it to be some kind of plot twist like Principal Bump
King and The Collector become the semi immortal besties. I still believe that The Collector can be good because do you guys remember how King was like in S1? All The Collector needs is a family
Epic fight WITH The Owl House Theme Song Remix
Some parallel. I love parallel
Raeda wedding? This might be a bonus for me bc I just want them to be okay
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sergeantsporks · 1 year
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Witch Switch: All of Part 1
Part 2
Transcript Under the Cut
[Caleb is driving while Phillip sits grumpily next to him]
Caleb: So... are we going to talk about it, or...
Phillip: Oh, my god, Caleb, they made such a big deal about it when they called, it was NOT that bad! Some of the guys just bet me I couldn't climb to the top of the Noceda statue, and--
C: The guys? Your friends? Did they get in trouble, too?
P: No, of course not. I'm not a snitch, Caleb, but the point is, Principal Hal COMPLETELY overreacted. I was FINE. No one knows that museum and Statue like I do.
C: Hey. I'm proud you've made friends in high school I never had that. So I'm glad you've found a group to call your own. With that being said... promise me you'll be careful?
C: I know you want to impress your friends, but you don't have to do everything they dare or bet you to do. If you know it's dangerous, or wrong, then you need to stand up and say "no, I don't feel comfortable with that." If they're really your friends, then they'll understand. And if not... then you're better off without them, and I want you to get out of there. Stay safe.
P: Yeah, okay.
C: Good. Now that's discussed... I've got a late shift tonight. Evelyn will be coming over--
C: --with dinner, so don't worry about food. Be good. Don't climb any more statues while I'm gone
P: No promises
C: Pip.
P: I won't.
[Cut to a Silent door]
[Repeated knocking]
[Silent door]
[More Knocking]
Unknown [muffled]: Phillip, I know you're in there! Let me in!
[Silent door]
U: Oh, for...
[Click as the door is unlocked]
[Panel is on Phillip, who is lying on the floor with headphones on]
Evelyn: Phillip, I know you can hear me
[Panel is Evelyn with her arms crossed, Phillip's face (smug) in a bubble next to it]
Phillip: Oh, hi, Evelyn. Sorry, can't hear you
E: Okay, cool. Guess that means you don't want dinner
P: [sitting up quickly] I didn't say that
[Evelyn's face is in a small panel next to him, smiling smugly/evilly]
[Phillip and Evelyn are sitting at table, Phillip with a fast food soda cup in his hands]
E: What are you listening to, anyway?
P: Podcast
E: 'bout what?
P: Kids who got away with killing their siblings' partners
E: Har-dee-har. What is it actually?
P: Gravesfield witch hunts
E: Ah
Evelyn: Heard about what happened today
Phillip: I'm sure you did
E: Pretty awesome that you got to the top.. [realization that she's supposed to be a responsible adult] Uh-- but-- you know-- don't do it again? And all that.
P: [Skeptical] Are you trying to be "the cool one?"
E: [half sarcastic] Oh, no, I could never be cooler than Caleb
P: Damn straight. Anyway, no one has to worry about it happening again. It was just a one time bet from my friends.
E: [with venom] Oh. Your "friends."
P: Yes, "friends." A novel concept to you, I'm sure
E: Oh, very mature.
[Cut: Phillip is now at the door, which is open]
Phillip: [gesturing towards the open door] Okay, thanks for dinner. Bye.
Evelyn: [arms crossed] No can do, Phil. I promised Caleb I'd keep an eye on you while he's--
P: [interrupting, frustrated, throwing his arms in the air] He's just at work! I don't need a babysitter!
E: [surprised and guilty] Yeah... work...
[Cut to a view of a street featuring the Robin's Roast Cafe]
E: [disembodied voice] I'm sure he's just... worried about you
[Panel features Caleb, wearing Robin's Roast apron/hat with a manager bage, twisting his hands nervously]
Caleb: Hey, uh. Thanks for meeting me here
[Panel features Principal Hal sitting grumpily at a table. Next to him, smiling and waving friendly, is Manny Noceda]
C: [disembodied voice over Hal and Manny] You... wanted to talk about Phillip?
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cringelordofchaos · 30 days
top 3 of your biggest kins and why!!
Yayayay someone sent me an ask !!!
Sorry for my lack of response! Will get to it now!
Also I assume you mean fictionkin - sorry if you didn't!
Luz Noceda
Dvdhnfjdjd WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN? I've been so fucking obsessed w her and could relate to her WAYY too much since I started watching. Just... Ugh. So much of it. Being "the weird kid", inconsistent and lackluster grades / performance, being overly obsessed with a specific franchise (though mine come and go and return every few weeks lol), having a mom who really cares about you and wants the best for you and has had similar experiences growing up and being isolated or cast out but accidentally made you feel like you had to conform because that's what she kinda had to do??? idk but still encourages her child's true self and feels super guilty Abt it all yada yada. having little to no friends (I have one! (Speaking of offline) before visiting the demon realm. Fanfic writer (I never have the patience or motivation to finish anything I start though), being impulsive, not knowing whay you wanna be, being into witchcraft, feeling like you're somewhere where you don't belong (the human realm) and would gladly escape into a whole different realm, Bisexual (I'm questioning this though), gender nonconforming, being told that you just have to "apply yourself", insecure, similar clothing style, considers herself a "dummy", poor attention span for things she's uninterested, indecisive, etc etc, THIS SCENE THIS SCENE THIS SCENE
(ps the way camilla hovered her hand above the screen / luz when she saw how sad she was 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺)
It's just. Everything.. I remember the first time I watched it I was like "Luz is so me in almost every single way. Except she makes a ton of eye contact, I don't rly do that" lmao... I would rewatch s1 and S2 on loop every day for the whole summer, I am NOT exaggerating. I rly love TOH I'm so.glad I got the opportunity to watch it and it means sm to me and I keep rewatching the scene from thanks to them and auhggjt.
"all I ever wanted... Was to be understood!" HEJDJFJDIDJRUJDJEKF DJJFFJNFB FIKF
oh my GOD when I saw this movie for a few days I'd cry sm just bc of how much I related.to him. He chews his shirt. I used to do the same when I was twelve and a bunch of my shirts had holes and still have holes but I stopped and now I just grid my teeth instead lmfao and they hurt ouch. a piece of gum is a lifesaver for.me. He's OBSESSED with dinosaurs - for me it's not dinosaurs specifically but like I've said earlier I tend to get OBSESSED with things way too much to the point everyone knows me for that thing. He's implied to have ZERO FRIENDS before meeting Abby who shares his obsession w dinosaurs (just like me and my one n only friend fr) (why do I keep getting attached to characters who previously had zero friends wtf.) LOVES to talk Abt his interest. Obsessive. Shy. Awful social skills. Takes things too literally sometimes. Calls his dad father sometimes cuz why not ("Thank you, father." after he gave him his phone back "just as promised" (except he broke it in pieces but he.kept his promise so aaron doesn't care lmao.) carries a notebook and pencil w him randomly?. his older sibling and parent argue abt the siblings college choices and you're just forced to watch and the tension is rising and you're feeling anxious and Uhm yeah. SOMETIMES KINDA ROBOTIC IN HIS SPEECH? I've noticed? Blunt. Has a TON of things related to his obsession. (For me I have primarily a tonshit of sonic themed things.) dislikes being alone. Dislikes admitting his feelings. Nerd. Uses obsession as a way to understand, contextualize and communicate with the world and his surroundings. Also chews his fingers. Always wearing sweatpants. Fidgety. Ect etc. Just lile arhghfhfng. HIM.
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Things I don't relate to - wearing shoes in bed. What the actual fuck Aaron. Also he wears socks. I don't do that unless I'm nailed down to the floor until I succumb to their nonsensical rules. Ok they KINDA make sense but I don't like them. I don't care that my shoes or feet will smell afterwards get those fucking socks away from me.
. anyway sorry. There's probably more but yeah I forgot. I actually got the urge to cry when just thinking about him a couple of times. Like wowza dawg he's just like me fr and I mean it. I can really really relate to him and I act a lot like him and I acted even more like him when I was about his age and was obsessed with exclusively sonic for like a year straight. lol
Ok this one's a short one but yeah I can relate to them. They're just minding their own business, in their own piece, picking random things off the ground (or ground itself..), DESPISE eye contact and will get really violent if you make eye contact with them (I am not exaggerating I actually get really angry and uncomfortable with uninitiated eye contact from ppl I'm not comfy with like don't look at me stop looking at me stop looking at me.) makes random sounds sometimes, such as screeches and hisses. Unlike them I DO like water and I LOVE rain HOWEVER I DO NOT LIKE touching smaller amounts of water on surfaces where I don't expect water to be and get really grossed out and uncomfortable from it. Unless they're with their own kin they're just kinda going around, alone, minding their peace unless provoked. Like most mobs - both hostile and peaceful - acknowledge your existence, hostile ones attack you, peaceful ones like horses and sheep and pigs and wolves and cats and whatnot may look at you if you look at it and pay attention to you and some can be befriended, enderman is neither like them, they're minding their own business, they don't initiate contact like, ever, and only engage w the player when having to defend themselves... when feeling threatened EVEN if the player didn't mean to scare them, like idk I'm.noy.really used to strangers having good intentions with me so I get defensive easily .... that is irl, on the internet I definitely don't get ever scared from social interactions ahaha 😎 yeah.
So yeah the only thing I KINDA can't relate to is not liking water - I only dislike water in a very specific context so yeah. And I do make eye contact w family members usually like I've mentioned earlier - I don't know, do endermen make eye contact with each other? I'm not sure, I don't remember. There might be more to them that I relate to but I can't recall anything at the moment
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Everything I've mentioned about these characters in This post - I can relate to. These are just my feelings put imperfectly into words.... but I feel a lot about them and have felt a lot about them for quite some time.
Ducbfjrj there's also a list of characters I relate to (link in intro post) but these were the ones I related to the most
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oh-cramity-its-amity · 4 months
Hey, I’m bored so I’m gonna send you some owl house questions (unless you tell me to shut up and then I will)
Who’s your favorite character and why is it Hunter /j
How many times have you watched the series
Do you have any controversial opinions/ships? I will not hate on you I promise :D
Who’s your least favorite character(s)
Hopefully you don’t mind questions
hiiii omg sorry AUGH.
1.) not you joking that hunters my favorite character 💀😭😭 /s. nowhere near my favorite character bestie 😭😭😭.
MY FAVORITE character in all seriousness is amity or raine!!! (luz is a close tie with amity bc i was a luz kin first.) but both of their characters mean SO much to me. especially raine's. i wont go ramble heavy but a lot of the reason i love the queer characters in the show are because of the fact that their "queerness" is not made into a character trait. people acknowledge raine as who they are and dont question or think of their identity as a negative. most of the media i found growing up centered around stories about queer people and their journey to realization OF being queer, and not where they already knew. thats one of the most definitive reasons i love toh so much too.
their identities and sexualities arent a "oh theyre the gay character" or "oh thats the nonbinary one" its an extension of themselves beneath other traits. because as a queer person myself theres WAY more that makes me myself than the fact that i identify the way i do. seeing amity develop feelings on screen for luz and then choose for herself on what she wanted. breaking away from her mother and destroying the rhetoric of what was assumed and assigned onto her.
people will talk shit about it and how "amity changed for luz" or blah blah blah. but thats not entirely true. when luz met amity, she saw her as who she was. not a name. not a rich girl. she threatened her stability. the comfort. luz encouraged her in ways that no one had before. about things amity found passion in. especially Azura!! amity changed because she realized she wanted more than what her parents forced onto her. luzs carefree and comfort being WARM and encouraging to do things that SHE ENJOYED. amity changed because she wanted to be more than her parents and be happy and luz just so happened to be the catalyst of that. and raine- as a nonbinary person makes me feel so validated.
2.) uhh surprisingly ive watched s1 like a good 13 or so times??? s2 though ive only watched through fully like once when i first watched it. i did watch individual eps from s2 so its not like i hadnt watched it ONLY once. s3 at least 4 times. s1 is definitely my favorite. even if like the real plot started coming in during s2. the nostalgia of 2020 and the fandom during that time is probably my reason. s1 lumitys energy and lumity as a ship was so simple and yet different.
3.) i think the fandom forgave camila too quickly for what she did to luz. it irks me how they then turned around and "noceda siblings" became a full thing. meanwhile people forget that darius wanted the best for hunter??? "he only had _" shut up. the show was shortened!!! WHO came to hunter during s3? NOT camila. it was darius and ebber! that man is more of a candidate for a parent for hunter than camila. vee and luz as sisters? YES valid. i love that. but hunter does NOT need to be included in literally everything regarding luz. people forget that king literally called himself luzs brother. "your family now" does NOT have to mean a familial tie. there are some friends who are so close like brother and sister BUT THEY ARENT. i cant stand noceda siblings. dadrius is just something that makes sense and i like the parallel potential of it. however speaking i will not get pissy if someone enjoys it, these characters are subjective. as long as you dont tear down others favorites and are respectful i have no issue with differing of beliefs. its just for me personally i wish it wasnt so... forgetful of king and luzs siblinghood.
4.) ive covered hunter before. i don't really like him all that much just due to how fandom treats him. his character in canon is cool though. i like dadrius. its the exception. grimwalker lore still feels very interesting though.
dont mind questions at all dw. sorry for the rambles but i like talking about toh so :D.
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theseerasures · 9 months
notes on the owl house, season 1
was gonna do a sequence of liveblogs but then??? i got really into it??? so i guess the most important tl;dr is that yes lesbians you were right this time
*watches first scene, where a single brown mother gives her kid a brochure for Conformity Camp with a cartoonish image of a child being crowded into a box, when her kid has already been established as being comically and cartoonishly imaginative, while a flock of doves fly into the air spelling out the words THIS IS A JOKE PLEASE DO NOT MAKE A DISCOURSE ABOUT THIS*
*pauses episode*
*gently and reverently rests finger on screen* a discourse happened here
i knew that Wendie Malick voices Eda before i started and thought i'd properly girded my loins and yet every time she opens her mouth i think she's gonna tell Luz she's punishing Luz for being alive
S01E03: gotta say i'm appreciative of this show's policy of "NO BOYS ALLOWED" unless the boys are the LITTLEST GUYS IN THE WORLD in which case "SON BOY ALLOWED"
it's weird that the Adora in this show has Catra's haircut
i guess kudos for subverting my expectations but between this and Frozen what is it with Disney properties courting the Incest Yay people
was the thought that since Eda and Lilith are Old(tm) it wouldn't happen this time because. uhhhhhh
i guess since Catradora was NebulaGamora you could argue Dana Terrace was just returning the trope to old familial roots??? bah i'm not gonna think about this anymore. Lilith def cursed Eda tho
spotted: Amity Blight and her best frenemy Luz Noceda dueling over the last open spot to the Magic Yale welcome luncheon!!!! xoxo GossipWitch
not only does Amity have siblings her siblings are VEX AND VAX??? what is happening
Amity: you're a bully Luz!!!! i would know, because i call myself that in the mirror every morning!!!! not because i'm self aware though. it's to pump me up for another day of Bratz the Movie level shenanigans
wow this enemies-to-lovers is turning around fast. i was expecting Amity to at least girlboss if not gaslight but she barely got to gatekeep before being all "i guess :) we both learned something today :)"
yes Amity Luz accidentally hurting your precarious sense of self once is definitely the same as you tormenting Willow for years
oh i've seen this Steven Universe episode.
*sees the monster* and so have the storyboarders
why is everyone so mean to Hooty :(
seriously tho i get having one person in the friend group that everyone inexplicably dislikes is a comedy standard or whatever but. it feels out of place for a show that otherwise bellows "it's great to be weird!!!" from the rooftops
Hooty never did nothing to nobody!!! except be all powerful and occasionally asking to be included in shenanigans
on the other hand given King's design they had to work REALLY hard for me to dislike him, but wow! it's definitely paid off, he's the worst
this is the third episode in a row where King's plot is that he has to learn a lesson about not being Disney-brand-selfish and i know this didn't happen but i'm suddenly imagining the world where he eventually takes over as the main character and The Owl House became Disney's answer to Teen Titans Go
S01E13: okay fine King reaching Todd Chavez levels of shenanigans in this episode was good. he can stay
can i just say that. naming a powerful-but-overlooked witch--who is the BFF to the main character, who thrives on both a) The Hubris and b) The Resentment--Willow is. well no harm in wearing your influence on your sleeve i guess
she does plant magic! it's not like they could have called her Glimmer
i can't believe Amity was made to end her friendship with Willow by CAITLIN GLASS'S SHADOW LAUGHING ON A WALL
*Amity pulls on Skara's invitation like she's gonna rip it apart* NO AMITY THAT'S AN ACTUAL BUTTERFLY
Amity: i'm not actually gonna rip it because it's a real butterfly, but you get the gesture, right?
me: ...fine. FINE
*watches Amity release the butterfly invitation as a symbol of overcoming her past self* wow. trans Amity confirmed
all the Blight kids are trans actually the twins transed and nobody even made a fuss bc their parents are terrible and Amity is a fourteen year old with youngest most specialest child syndrome
Amity: i can't fight my worst fear because it's SO EMBARASSING
me: Amity if it's the one where you fail a test and then your mother shows up and calls you fat i guarantee everyone in school has already guessed
i guess we're just getting everybody's mommy issues huh
Luz's greatest flaw is how hard she commits to the bit, truly the ADHD representation we need
like it has literally not occurred to her that she could change course with what to tell Camila at any time. she chose her path and it's the only one for her now forever
oh Amity's greatest fear isn't even the obvious mom thing!! it's that Luz might turn her down!!! that's so fucking stupid Amity never ever change
the recurring potshots at JoRane's intellectual property this season sure are.
this was produced and came out during the years she went public about losing her fucking mind, so like. everyone had to deal with it in the way they felt was appropriate. i'm not really out to judge the exact timbre of one's response so long as said response does not align with her bigotry, and i sympathize with the petty joy of belittling something owned by somone hateful, especially if that something once meant a lot to you...
i guess i'm just not super comfortable with it because a) you're still picking at a wound even if you end up making funny shapes out of the scabs, b) these hot takes are about general magic-school tropes but often are so specifically about her it feels like we're giving her credit for creating them, and c) owning her like this feels like an opiate when the real issue isn't that her fictional society is founded on 11 year olds taking one uquiz, or that the fake sport she made up is hideously unbalanced, it's that she's...the leader of hate group
all of which are misgivings i have about the Disney Corporation as well and i get that people don't watch this show to be REMINDED that we live in a society, so like. whatever i'm gonna stop talking about this
that Amity sure is gay amirite! she went from "mostly bormal about her obvious crush" to "Jodie Foster at the Golden Globes" in the span of one episode
wow!!! Hooty saved everyone's bacon by being all-powerful. thank you Hooty sorry your squatters just take you for granted
oh hey Hordak
the fact that Willow and Gus immediately figured out what Luz was up to because of the helpful diagrams she drew for her non-plan is just so. i'm love them, actually
LILITH??? cursed Eda???? what an unexpected turn of events
okay yes Eda sacrificing her soul to her chronic illness for Luz provoked some genuine emotion from my flinty irreverent heart
it was just the emotional climax of Brave with a Last Agni Kai color scheme but hey i cry during the emotional climax of Brave, so
is King...not sad his momowner is about to die??? i get that Luz is the focus here but it's weird that he's not even a little bit distraught
oh my god what
you really think someone would do that??? just ESTABLISH A FASCIST STATE AND TELL LIES????
Lilith how the fuck did you become the head of the secret police when you're like THIS
i thought there'd be SOME fascist ideology buy-in like cursing Eda made her scared of Power without Discipline or something but she's...only here??? because this one thing Hordak said he'd do???? HE DIDN'T EVEN PINKIE SWEAR LILITH
like yes yes i know. "cop older sister fails upwards and yikes her way into defending her genocidal boss" I KNOW the only way she could be more my type is if she had dyed her hair white, but i can't pay attention to any of that bc i'm too distracted by the logic-defying stupidity
Lilith when you ditched your glasses for your Goth makeover did you just. never get contacts??? because the only reason i can think of for even you blithely sailing past every red flag is that you were literally too blind to see them
i just
i can't believe i thought Winter Schnee was the purest encapsulation of "in my defense your honor i really am the dumbest bitch alive" when Lilith was there all along
i guess her existence is a powerful statement that MILFs can be morons too
*Luz confronting Lilith and displaying a level of anger that's probably supposed to be unsettling* oh my god Luz YES GET HER PUT HER OUT OF HER FUCKING MISERY
Lilith: i just don't understand why even after i've restrained and assaulted them no one believes i just want to have a civil conversation :(
like yes okay i'm sure there are some profound implications here we can draw about grooming and abuse and sunk cost fallacies but i just
Lilith: i was on the fence about cursing my sister, but when i asked for the Emperor's advice he said "god forbid women do anything."
Lilith: i'm realizing now that was bad advice. and that he probably meant it in a different, even worse way than how i interpreted it.
but don't worry gang! her solution to fixing all the evil she's been complicit in is to...uh, continue being complicit in the evils! it's the best way to ensure that the incredibly specific scenario that befell Eda and herself will never!!! happen!!! again!!!
quick Lilith, Hordak just ensnared you in tentacles! this is a perfect opportunity for you to show exactly how you're going to prevent "~this" from ever happening ag--oh she's gone
Eda, finding out Lilith didn't actually mean to curse her forever and this was all her sister's incredibly weird way to make amends: what kind of fucking mORON--wait actually this makes perfect sense
Eda honey obviously i love you for trying to shield your sister and petson from petrification but i don't think Lilith noticed you did that
given the established buffer speed of her brain i'm not sure she's even put together that the owlbeast and her sister are the same person
okay okay i'll move on
:') Luz you brave darling sunflower you've never done anything wrong ever in your life and i'm glad you committing to the bit saved the day, even if it came at such a high price
not sure you'll be taking home the coveted gold for Committing to the Bit tho, now that your witch-aunt has revealed herself as the undisputed champion of Blindly Committing to the Bit for the thirtieth consecutive ye--OKAY YES WE'RE NOT BEATING THIS DEAD HORSE ANYMORE
because i do want to take this show seriously, and nothing demonstrates "i'm gonna take responsibility for my own actions now" better than using your literal body to bear some of the harm you inflicted on others. it's a very nice way to bring their relationship full circle, and it resonates with other instances when characters are forced to stop defining themselves by outside standards and embrace what they're already good at.
(and what Lilith is good at is soothing the pain of others via self-harm! which i think is the point the Helen's-Type-Generator starts emitting confetti and oily black smoke)
is this the first instance of magic having a cost or rebound in this world? beyond "whew i did a lot of magic today, i'm tired?" hm
Dana Terrace really went "i'm gonna give the whump enthusiasts everything they want" with this trope huh
Going Forward
yes i liked it yes i know the second season is more heavily serialized yes i will watch that soon
this did make me think about how all seriality in TV these days seem to be about building up to one series-wide showdown as opposed to different seasons having their own mytharcs, but that has less to do with this show specific and more with the death of television as a medium and we ain't got time for that
given how much my exposure to this show beforehand was Lumity (to the point where i wasn't sure there were other characters besides Eda) i'm...kinda surprised at how sparse Amity's presence was in this season. i liked what we did see of her, but i went in expecting a lot more antagonism for a lot longer in that dynamic
but i guess that's tied in with this season not having much in the way of antagonism until the very end, and not-Hordak seems to be the only one actually invested in his whole world order. we don't have any sympathetic true believers, which I assumed would be Lilith and/or Amity? i guess neither Shadow Weaver nor Catra really gave a shit about the Horde's ideology either, but Shadow Weaver remained an unrepentant ball of spite until the end and it didn't really matter that Catra didn't give a shit about the Horde because the Horde was the only thing she knew. in contrast Amity and Lilith's ties to the existing system feel very shallow--in the latter case so much so it kind of boggles my willing suspension of disbelief?
i suppose the next season can change that, i know new characters get introduced so--
oh wait is that what's gonna happen to the bad sad twink
i've only seen his armor but given how many AO3 fics seem to be about him i'm just gonna assume that he's a bad sad twink
wait can i call someone a twink when he's probably in his early teens like the rest of the cast?
is there discourse about this i hope not
don't make me break out the flock of doves
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a-hobit · 1 year
The amount of prep for my watch party for WaD maybe a little insane (I took off work and am doing a Kings Tide, TtT and FtF rewatch which I CALCULATED the amount of time I’d need before to do — ordering food + snacks and have literally nothing else to do the day of than prepare to watch) but BABES I am so excited oh my god! I am praying they can stick the landing here and leave me at least feeling satisfied so here’s my hopes for WaD to feel satisfying for me!
Hunter to have a significant and emotional part to play in this episode/learning he’s related to Eda in at least a small way.
Luz and/or Hunter to see or play out the death of Caleb.
Caleb to have some speaking lines or I really might cry. Like truly the disappointment might make me hate the episode without that.
EVELYN DESIGN. I STG I would be so upset without anything.
Luz to tell Amity and Hex squad that she’s been feeling really shitty and “wants” to stay in the human realm.
I need a reunion scene with all the kids and parents hugging and Hunter left alone until pulled into the Noceda Clawthorne group hug IM CORNY I KNOW
Luz and King “meet” his dad — he’s dead yeah but I want some ghost action from him AND Caleb/Evelyn!!!
Just Luz to be happy in the demon realm obvs.
Hooty LORE!!! I will be so sad otherwise!
I want to see them all in some heartbreakingly beautiful timeskip end art!! MAKE ME CRY!!!
I need Hunter to acknowledge his remaining care for Bellos as he dies — I wanna see Hunter get some closure.
Also I want Hunter and Raine to at least have a small chat about possession baby!!
…now this is just me being a crazy person but my WISH my HOPE OF HOPES is Luz calling Hunter Hermano and that Hunter and Camilla will be stuck together for more of the episode even if not fully speaking to each other the whole time I WANT NOCEDA SIBLINGS AND HUNTER NEEDS A MOM.
And really hitting like 8 of those at least will keep my brainworms going forever guys 😅😅
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Found Family Tournament Round 1 Part 8 Group 39
Propaganda and further pictures under the cut
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Shazamily: Billy Batson, Freddy Freeman, Mary Bromfield, Darla Dudley, Pedro Peña, Eugene Choi, Rosa & Victor Vasquez
Clawthorne-Nocedas: Luz Noceda, Hunter Noceda, Camila Noceda, Eda Clawthorne, Lilith Clawthorne, Raine Whispers, Gus, Amity, WIllow, Vee, King Clawthorne, Hooty, Owlbert & Stringbean
Mods note: Jesus christ. I got at least 6 different versions for the owl house fam. I've just choosen the one that includes the most people now. If you disagree, feel free to tell me.
Submissions are still open!
They're a big foster family who all love each other SO so much, and Billy's arc from "you are not my family" to embracing them as his siblings and parents is THE best arc ever in a superhero movie
Camila has one daughter. Daughter wanders into Demon Realm and is immediately replaced by a shapeshifter who wants a safe haven. Shapeshifter is revealed and Camila loves her and lets her be herself. Daughter returns from the Demon Realm with four traumatized teenagers. This single mother tries to understand their culture, and keeps them under her roof and never asks anything of them except to pitch in around the house. Embraces them and loves them, despite the strain on her wallet. And helps her OG daughter embrace her deepest desire and become a witch.
So freaking adorable
I fucking love Luz and hunters sibling dynamic, they’re all so silly and precious and they make me want to cry, Eda and Camila are both such mother figures for Luz and I just BCHSJSHSIDHDUOSNDHD
unapologetically weird
one of them is literally a living house and he's possibly the funniest being alive
gay af, neurodivergent af, and as culturally diverse as it gets
character styles are adorable
actual exploration and resolution for daddy issues, alcoholism, etc
illegal activity encouraged, they're one step from being communist revolutionaries and literally would/do commit arson for each other
fantastic character development in learning how to take care of each other
perfect balance of "cool parent" vs "unfit parent" slippery slope (there may be gambling
exploration of found family within bio family and how those relationships evolve
massive extended family not fully listed here
THEY HAVE MERCH (both in universe and irl)
they don't try to do too much or be too perfect. They're all traumatized people with wild experiences but they're what each other needed at the time -did I mention they're super cute
They are super cute and have all gone through enough trauma and deserve to just live their lives in peace.
saved the world with the found familyness
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whisperwillyou · 1 year
I’m so nervous to watch the finale. I’ve been considering just not watching it because I don’t want to come away angry and hate the show because of what they ended up choosing for Hunter. I’m not sure I can watch it. I tried rewatching for the future and it makes my chest hurt now I can’t even watch it
Oh god I feel you there. Honestly I never managed to watch For the Future, I wanted to but every time I thought about it it just get filled with dread ☠️ I decided to wait until the last episode came out, bc if they keep it vaguely implied the way it has been then I’ll be able to ignore it and enjoy the episode, but I don’t want to get blind sighted if it does go full canon.
as it is, through my lense of relating to Hunter, it feels the same as when I would mistake infatuation with romantic attraction. I spent a long time very confused over whether the feelings I’d experience with my good friends were crushes lol (spoiler they weren’t) I wasn’t sure how I was supposed to know when I was experiencing actual romantic attraction vs just a “friend crush.” Willow is his first really close friend without a sibling dynamic. It’s fun and exciting to be around her and all he knows is that the swell of feelings in his chest is a different sensation than what he experiences with Luz or Gus, but it isn’t actually a crush. I’m just PRAYING that it’s left as is because I want my Hunter Noceda content. 🥺
Honestly the most frustrating part for me is the way characters are portrayed as the de facto Most Important Person™ to each other by virtue of being romantic partners. It’s a specific trigger for me because I had to overcome the internalized belief that being Aromantic meant I’d always come second bc everyone I care about would eventually find someone more important to them. so when I see people claiming Hunter trusts Willow the most, or that Willow understands him in a way the others don’t I get irrationally annoyed. Like Luz is RIGHT THERE knowing Hunter better than anyone.
I despise the way such a large portion of the fandom brushes Luz to the side in favor of Huntlow when Luz is such an important part of Hunter’s story.
I’m the Quadruple A (Aro Ace Autistic Adhd) and I’m super close with both my sisters, so I do take it personally 😅😅
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My sisters are the best.
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emilyrox · 2 years
“Thanks To Them” Liveblog
I’m not gonna reblog it over and over like last time. All my thoughts will be posted at once.
Spoilers for The Owl House: “Thanks To Them” Under The Cut
- I know we saw it already, but I never said anything til now. That is one of the best intro sequences to any tv episode I’ve ever seen.
- Also Duolingo parody lol
- Hooty is with them in spirit
- “I never expected to be a mother of six” You have officially taken Eda’s role of being everyone’s mom, Ms. Noceda.
- The squad ‘boutta go on an adventure
- Also their poses are adorable af
- Luz...honey...listen...
- Ok i’m gonna go into more detail. I have a theory. Everyone thinks that when the hex squad finds out Luz and Hunter’s secrets, that they will turn on them. I don’t think so. I think that when they find out, they’ll be like...”Damn, that really sucks. But it’s not your fault. We don’t blame you. We’ll get through this, like we always do :)” And Luz and/or Hunter will react in the EXACT same way Luz just did in class. Even if their friends, the ones they think they hurt, tell them “it’s okay,” they’re not gonna be able to deal with that. They’ll be like “NO! You’re supposed to HATE me! I deserve to be not exist!” And it’s gonna be depressing as fuck.
- (If that actually happens I stg)
- “We’ve had enough of crusty old men” Agreed
- Belos you’re a crusty old man. Get TF outta here.
- I never thought “Hunter loves wolves” would be on a list of things I needed to know about him, but here we are.
- Ok the Cosmic Frontiers stuff was either Luz’s, her dad’s, or both. I’m calling it now.
- Ok that flashback...Camila DIDN’T WANT to send Luz to that camp. She LOVED Luz’s creativity and weirdness. She was peer pressured into doing it by other parents and the school staff.
- Also some people have theorized that Camila was similar to Luz when she was a kid, and now that’s confirmed.
- “Mom, why aren’t you mad at me?” LUZ STOP-
- Wait do the hex squad not know what year it is???
- Also Hunter is a cosplayer confirmed. And Gus and Willow are living for it. Amity and Vee are questioning their friend’s life choices.
- Also didn’t talk about this before but I LOVE Vee’s new design!
- Willow with a pitchfork is everything
- Do Willow and Gus recognize the statues of Philip and Caleb?
- Amity trying to open the cabinet I can’t-
- Vee...
- Vee why are you so cute oh my god
- Vee: “You guys must’ve been friends forever :)”
- The Squad: .....
- Ok they’re literally like the new scooby doo gang solving mysteries and I love it so much.
- Also how is there Titan Blood in the human realm?
- Does Luz’s magic work now!!!???
- Also NO LUZ you DID NOT mess up that Palisman’s life! It’s just taking it’s time to figure out it’s best form! And you’re gonna LOVE IT!!!
- Ok it’s time for the masks everyone’s been talking about. Either Luz and Hunter are gonna end up just like how Caleb and Philip did, with one of them betraying the other, or they’re gonna be Caleb + Philip gone right. They have a sibling-like relationship, but they’re not gonna turn on each other, and they’re gonna kick ass.
- Secret basement go brr
- Hunter you are her brother now. You will accept.
- Camila, are you okay?
- Ok so Captain Frontier being Luz’s stuff is out. It’s either Luz’s fathers, which brings back memories and trauma for Camila, or it’s Camila’s, and it represent something embarrasing/traumatic about her past.
- MoringMark predicted Azura making Luz feel guilty. He was just wrong in how it would. Still convinced he secretly works for the show.
- “I know what I have to do now.” Luz...what does that mean??????
- oh my god it’s this bitch again
- It’s Halloween so it makes sense that Gus can get away with having witch ears. Everyone just thinks it’s part of his dope costume.
- “The Tale of the Brothers Wittebane” oh my fucking god it’s happening
- “Sounds like big bro got a witch girlfriend and little bro got upset, but that’s just me” No no no, you’re on to something
- Belos fuck off jfc
- Also Hunter telling Luz about the puzzle be like “Hey so your gf found a puzzle that leads to titan blood but you didn’t here that from me k sis?”
- She got attached to Azura because of her dad LISTEN-
- That’s why she cut her hair omg
- Camila is shocked that Luz plans on staying permanently. She now sees that the demon realm allowed Luz to be herself, make friends, grow, etc. She just wants Luz to be happy. That’s all she wanted for Luz.
- Luz you are a GENIUS. And Don’t you EVER forget it!!
- Ok real quick I love that Luz and Vee have grown accustomed to each other’s ways of life. Luz is using magic, a boiling isles thing, to track Hunter, and Vee is using a cell phone, a human realm thing, to track Luz. I love it.
- YEAH!! She got the magic back, BITCHES!
- It’s like the core with Marcy all over again...
- Ok first off, f u Belos for being the one to tell them Luz’s secret
- Second off, the animation is popping off again
- At first I’m like “Vee what TF are you doing???”
- But then I remembered “OH YEAH! Basilisks eat magic!!!”
- Ok my theory was half-correct. The squad isn’t mad at Luz for unwillingly helping Belos.
- Also Camila going in with Luz...I just...
- Also Vee posing as Camila now. I love it.
- Vee you are Camila’s daughter and Luz’s sister now. And it looks like you’ve already accepted.
- “Aw man, Camila still has the car keys!” I can’t-
- The art during the credits is beautiful I love it
- And you’re telling me the next episode doesn’t come out until JANUARY??? ARE YOU KIDDING ME???
- Also forgot to mention this earlier but Luz and Amity going as Azura and Hecate was amazing.
- Also just noticed the tarot card kid’s name is Masha! And they’re non-binary! And Vee has a crush on them!!!
- Also when Belos stabbed Flapjack and said “Goodbye, Evelyn,” was he doing that since Evelyn gave Caleb Flapjack, so Flapjack was the last trace of her? Or was Evelyn somehow a part of Flapjack? Also her name hints at her being a Clawthorne (Gwendolyn, Edalyn).
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random-bi-writer · 2 years
My Reaction to Thanks To Them
Took me two days to finish my projects first before watching this but it is definetely worth the antagonising wait.
Spoilers for those who haven’t watched it yet.
And once again, Anne made me laugh.
Wait...there are sponges that aren’t yellow?
Get Some Therapy Challenge: Failed.
Nah, that british gay man who dresses like a straight person ain’t human to begin with.
Goddamit, of course he shows up.
I see a picture of what seems to be Luz slapping a cake on her dad’s face.
Child, you need to get out more often.
Why would they freak out- oh. right, Abominations...
I wonder if Disney let a full season, we would have a more in depth scene about Vee meeting the others for the first time instead of this.
Hallway of pictures. There’s the dad throwing baby Luz in the air (that explains a lot about Luz) Chat Noir cosplay, 
Hate that I can see the dad’s full face, but it’s too fucking small for me to stare at.
Pfft. I’m sorry, I had to rewatch this 5 times to make sure I’m not watching a fanmade amv instead of the episode. Also nice to include Hooty photobombing.
The amount of sadness with the drawings is just...
Designs. Gus, yes. Willow, maybe. Amity, maybe less dark colors and ditch the hat. Hunter, goofy boy.
Mirabel Madrigal.
Damn, that explains the haircut. Still miss the ahoge, though.
They’re so cute, especially Amity, I want to pinch her cheeks.
I prefer the non-romance cute. Lumity is so cute and wholesome that it’s disgusting.
Aww, the boys are having fun.
Willow looks like a mom with her hair down.
Is that spanish, I hear? I’m so proud.
I thought you were over that.
So Willow likes photography now.
Aww, Hooty’s there.
Vee is more babey when he speaks spanish.
Lmao. You’re gonna have three more kids once you meet King and the Twins. Maybe four, depending on the Collector. Or five, since Eda is kinda of a child sometimes. Wow, you’re gonna be busy.
Wouldn’t people find it suspicous to see four kids walking around town during school hours? Why aren’t they going to school, then again, it would cost a lot.
Luz, for the love of all things holy, get some therapy.
Pfft. Luz what the heck?
Aww, it’s nice to see other humans liking Luz...that better not be a prank...
Damn, imagine if Luz lost her dad from a car crash, this scene would have been really something.
Ugh, gross.
Dang. Nice, Hunter.
Babey Boy.
The back cover looks gay.
Flashbacks? Nice.
For some reason, I’m thinking of Marcy.
Oh, so it’s a nightmare.
Manny Noceda. Am I getting that right?
I’m gonna be honest, I have no idea what I should say about Camila’s nightmare.
Shit. I know this a serious moment, but look at the picture of Camila and Vee being cute together. Probably the last thing I should focus on.
You know that feeling where you feel like something’s bad is going to happen? I’m getting that from the egg.
Oh, god. That is disgusting and horrifying.
Hunter, no.
LMAO, Amity’s face!
Lmao, the Huntlow shippers are getting fed
Belos is gonna show up when Hunter’s alone, isn’t he?
God dammit, why am I always right? Can’t I be wrong for a change?
Lmao, Willow.
Are they watching Amphibia?
Gus is afraid of firelights. Amity is a mood with the circles.
Is the shadow fucking necesarry
Luz looks weird smiling like that.
Wait, that black haired actress looks like Luz.
Lmao, that’s saying it midly.
Huh, both of the siblings eyes glowed blue.
Fucking hell, he’s inside of him.
Damn, they went hard at the animation again.
Oh damn, having a basilisk on your team really is good.
No...no...No! Hunter and Flapjack deserve to be happy together!
Lumity call back, I don’t remember which episode..
Aww...I thought Vee would be coming.
Lmao, Vee.
So Thanks to Them is just Season 3A jumbled together.
Wait...Thanks to Them....Thanks to Disney...LMAO
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theredjoka · 2 years
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Show Review 📺: The Owl House
(Sooooooooo I haven't done a review in a VERY long time, and even then when I did reviews I did very brief ones. So I decided that I would do more in-depth reviews and this one will be my first. If I'm not good please bear with me, I'm new to this. With all that being said let's start.)
I first heard of The Owl House from social media and was very hesitant to watch it for two big reasons: First off, I'm not a fan of Disney after 2014. Secondly, the only thing I've heard people talk about was the romantic couple and that turned me off to the show. Not because it was an LGBT+ couple but because I thought that if romance was the only thing talked about then the rest of the show must not have anything of merit. Then one day a good friend of mine was raving about it and I decided to give it a shot.
Before I get to anything I want to say at the time of this review there is still 1 episode that has yet to be aired so I will try to avoid as many spoilers as possible but success is not guaranteed. The story follows Luz Noceda, a good-hearted human kid who was struggling to fit in due to her odd interest and inability to control her impulses. After some incidents at school, her mom was pressured to send her to a camp to “cure” her. Instead of going to the camp, she ends up stumbling into another dimension full of magic and demons, finally making friends and seemingly finding a place to belong and Adventures ensue. That's all I'm going to say regarding what the plot is about in case anyone wants to check the show out & if I described the entire story I'd lose my mind and this review would take FOREVER! Now, this might sound like me fanboying but I enjoy the writing of this show & I'm struggling to think of something to criticize without nitpicking. I hear a lot of comparisons to Gravity falls but I haven't seen that show so I can't speak for that. I can say that the show has some darker elements to it especially when you get to the main villain of the series. The characters themselves, by and large, are very likable and well-written, and despite how short the series will inevitably be very well developed my favorite being Amity but all that is very hard to get into without spoiling the entire series. Ironically the relationship is the thing that had me hesitant to see the show and it ended up being one of my favorite things in the entire show. It's so well done and comes across naturally and without feeling rushed or forced which is a thing that animated shows struggle with. All relationships whether they are platonic, romantic, siblings, or rivalries are well-written and well-developed. The characters themselves are great: Luz is very likable and relatable, Eda is a great mentor/mother figure, King is a little gremlin, & Hooty is probably the funniest. The boiling isles are interesting from a story standpoint but aren't anything new conceptually; it's like some you would see in an ideal anime.
Now if you think the characters are the only thing going for this series that is not the case, the presentation is also top-notch. The boiling isles from a design standpoint are very interesting, dangerous, and zany world that the human protagonist gets stuck in. The creature designs are more unique while I struggle to tell what they are most of the time they fit in so naturally in this world. The character designs are SUBLIME but that's a subjective topic also Amity gets the best outfits. The animation is also beautiful and if you want proof of that look no further than the dance scene in season 1 and all the fight scenes I mean as a whole the show is well well-animated but that scene specifically is just amazing. 
The voice acting shocked me because when it comes to the main cast I was not familiar with most of these actors & actresses. Eda's actress I recognized immediately it's Wendie Malick who is pretty much just doing her normal voice but it fits the character so well. King and Hooty are bafflingly voiced by Alex Hirsch the creator of Gravity Falls showing his very impressive range (he probably voiced characters in Gravity Falls but again I've never seen it) & Amity is voiced by Mae Whitman a voice actress I'm a huge fan of and very familiar with. Some very high-profile voiced actors play more minor characters: Roger Craig Smith, the late Billy Kametz, and 2 of my absolute favorites Grey DeLisle and Erica Lindbeck. I'm not saying the main cast aren't big actors I'm just not familiar with their work and they all do an amazing job with their respective roles
I wanted to save this last bit for some issues I had with the show, but I have nothing negative to say about it. I guess I can say the soundtrack isnt the most memorable aside from the opening and that lovely end credits theme. The soundtrack as a whole isn't bad but nothing remarkable. The lowest point of the show is episode 2 and even then is pretty good stuff. Honestly, the only issue with the show is something that isn't the show's fault and that's its premature cancellation. Despite being one of their most well-received and highly-rated shows Disney decided to cancel it and not give it a full 3rd season. Disney's reason for this was "It didn't fit the Disney brand".....(ugh). Some say it was because of its darker story elements and Imagery. Some say it's because it was hitting older audiences instead of the intended younger demographic. Some say it's because of the LBGT+ representation although the creator herself seems to think that it wasn't the case and I feel it wouldn't have gotten green-lit in the first place if that was the case. If you ask me I think it simply costs too much to make and the production values reflect that and Disney wanted to make budget cuts. Thankfully it's getting a proper ending unlike another one of my favorite shows (*cough* Teen Titans *cough*).
The Owl House is just a gem; it hits every check mark for me. I have gotten way more into this show than I have any cartoon or anime since 2015 and there is a very passionate and wholesome fan base attached to it. I would put this in the same category as Avatar, Batman TAS, & Teen Titans as one of my top PERSONAL favorite cartoons. Never thought I would be praising a Disney product post-2014 but credit where credit is due. Kudos to Dana Terrace for making such a beautiful show and I'll definitely follow what she works on in the future.
(I might update this review based on the final episode and some other things one I reread it)
Rating: 10/10
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ottisbuns · 2 years
uhhhh toh, raeda, and thennnnnn caleb
Ok wow this was a lot and ended up taking a hot minute, but anyways
001 | The Owl House:
Favorite character: Luz Noceda, I am a basic "Main Character Enjoyer" bitch like that
Least Favorite character: This is hard because all of the characters are so good in their intended role, but if I had to pick the one that I dislike the most as like, a person? Tibbles. The only thing worse than a Genocidal Maniac Tyrant is a capitalist.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Help me I have too many ships I like. I am a serial multi/poly crackshipper. Saying Lumity and Raeda feel like cheating, so I will be giving my top five crackships/rarepairs, in no particular order. Camilraedarius, Skara/Luz, Emira/Viney, Skara/Viney and Skara/Boscha.
Character I find most attractive: Probably Emira, for reasons that will become evident soon.
Character I would marry: Oh this is a tough one... most characters are either significantly older or significantly younger than me so picking one feels weird... Hooty will treat me right, I just know it.
Character I would be best friends with: Luz. We could bond over being neurodivergent and enjoying fanfiction and shipping.
a random thought: Emira's hair gives me gender envy
An unpopular opinion: The entire show should be replaced with Lumity screentime Honestly my opinions are pretty basic, and I'm also really bad at knowing what opinions are unpopular, but the one opinion I could see getting me crucified is that I don't have that strong an opinion on Huntlow? I see its value as a ship, but I don't have strong personal feelings on it.
My Canon OTP: LUMITY. They're the whole reason I even got into this show.
My Non-canon OTP OT5: Ok, listen, hear me out here because I'm about to sound completely insane, but Luz/Amity/Willow/Skara/Boscha. I realize this doesn't make me seem less insane but I had to get it off my chest. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Most Badass Character: Amity, her fight scenes are amazing.
Most Epic Villain: Kikimora Belos told her to go find a hole to die in, and she did. Truly the most henchperson of all time.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Picking from actually semi-prevalent ships, probably Boschlow? I'll still devour fanfiction about it given the option, but especially in canon I don't think it works.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): The Writers? None. Disney by shortening the show? The Covenheads.
Favourite Friendship: Luz and Hunter, though they're more like siblings so does it still count?
Character I most identify with: S3 Luz
Character I wish I could be: EMIRA GIVE ME YOUR HAIR I WANT IT
002 | Raeda:
When I started shipping them: I have very few memories of my early time in the fandom, which was quite late, so basically for as long as I can remember
My thoughts: That one screenshot of Raine bridal carrying Eda with That Expression™... yeah...
What makes me happy about them: How they were so in sync even as kids and stuck together for so long until...
What makes me sad about them: ...they were torn apart by the curse.
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: I know a lot of them were written before we even knew Raine existed, but Camileda fanfiction where Raine isn't acknowledged still bothers me.
Things I look for in fanfic: Established Raeda is always fun in AUs, bonus points if it's Camilraeda and they are all raising Luz, Vee and King.
My wishlist: NOW KISS
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Frequently bought together DO NOT SEPARATE! but I guess if I have to then Camila for Eda and I guess I could see Darius for Raine?
My happily ever after for them: They get married and help take care of Luz and Hunter with Camila.
003 | Caleb:
How I feel about this character: He wife guyed too close to the sun and it's still haunting the narrative. Iconic.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: His wife Evelyn, duh.
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: His connection to Hunter, if you can call that a relationship.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I'm not super interested in like a flashback to his time in Connecticut to be honest, I'd enjoy seeing more of his time and relationship with Evelyn, but his time in Gravesfield isn't that compelling to me
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: One thing I think could have some really neat potential is if he somehow could have a heart-to-heart with Hunter. I think that could be fascinating.
Favorite friendship for this character: I mean, there aren't exactly a lot of options but I think he and Luz could be great friends.
My crossover ship: Caleb X Not Dying
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hootysblog · 3 years
Day 11 of the fan fiction challenge!
Takes place after Luz gets a permanent, functioning portal, and she lives in the Boiling Isles (yes, she breaks her mother's promise). Enjoy!
Meeting the Parent
Amity is beyond nervous. She knows she should be, Luz told her a thousand times not to be nervous, but she still is.
"You all ready to go?"
Amity snaps out of her haze to see Luz waiting for her.
"Yeah, I guess" Amity says quietly.
Luz goes over and wraps her arm around Amity. "You're nervous, aren't you?"
Amity nods.
"It's okay. I know I told you not to be, but we're all different. How do you think I felt when I met you parents?"
"They almost killed you,"Amity points out.
"But I wasn't nervous. More like terrified, but that's beside the point. You're supposed to feel like this. I know my mother will love you."
She gives Amity a quick kiss on the check.
"We can't keep Camila Noceda waiting, or she'll come after you got holding me up."
Luz sees the look of horror on her girlfriend's face. "I'm kidding I'm kidding!!! Oh man, I'm still not good at this," Luz facepalms.
Amity starts to laugh. "You're lucky your cute when you're flustered."
Luz takes Amity hand and they walk into the human realm.
Amity starts to fidget while they're walking to Luz's house. Luz rubs her thumb over Amity's knuckles to calm her down. "So, it's just going to be your mother, you, and I?" Amity asks.
"Yep! I was able to convince Vee to spend the night with some of her friends from summer camp."
"And what did she get in return?"
"What do you mean?"
"I know how this works Luz. To get something special like this, you have to bribe your siblings."
Luz intensely curses forgetting that Amity has not one, but two siblings.
"I have to hang out with her friends to get to know them better when I come back."
"That's not horrible."
"It is when you're horrible at interacting with humans like I am."
Amity laughs. They are approaching Luz's house. Luz can feel Amity tense up. "It's going to be okay, I promise." She smiles at her girlfriend and knocks on the door.
Luz still finds it a little weird that she has to knock on her own door, but she sees it as time for Vee to change her appearance.
The door opens, revealing Camila. "Mija, you're home!"
"Hola mama! I missed you so much!"
"But we saw each other last week?"
"I don't care. I missed you!"
They hug, while Amity stands in the background. She sees them break their hug.
"Mom, this is Amity."
"So this is the awesome girlfriend I've been hearing about since the portal opened?"
Amity goes beet red at Camila's comment.
"Uh hi Ms. Noceda. It's nice to meet you," Amity extends her arm for a handshake.
Camila puts her hand up and Amity stops. "First thing you should know about me, I'm a hugger." She envelopes Amity into a hug. Amity goes rigid, but relaxes as the hug continues.
"Why don't you come in and tell me about yourself? I would love to hear it."
After Amity's quick backstory and a very filling dinner, Luz decides that she's going upstairs to relax for a little bit.
"You two have fun down here!" Luz runs upstairs.
Amity glares at the spot Lutz disappears to, but Camila breaks her glare by asking a question.
"How is Luz on the Boiling Isles?"
"How is she in the Boiling Isles? Like, is she like here where she gets in trouble at school? Stuff like that."
Amity thinks for a few seconds. "She only got expelled once, but that was on my parents."
"She got expelled?!"
"And banned from campus after I met here, but somehow she ended up at Hexside. I still think Principal Bump has a soft spot for her."
"She has a principal that likes her?"
"Oh yeah. All the teachers at Hexside love her. I think it's because she's human, but I also think it's her personality. She brings out the best in people and she always stands up for her friends, especially towards Boscha."
Amity looks at Camila. "Boscha is Hexside's version of your typical bully. She always has to be the best and put everyone down that's not her friend. Titan, I hated hanging out with her."
"You used to hang out with her?"
Amity nods.
Amity breathes in. "I'm sure Luz has told you, my parents aren't the best. They forced me to hang out with Boscha because it elevated the Blight name."
"I'm sorry you had to go through that Amity."
Amity waves off that comment. "Anyway, Luz, somehow in her weird own way, can bring sunshine to any dreary day on the Boiling Isles. If you were having a bad day, just go see Luz. She knows how to cheer anyone up. It's amazing that she can do that."
Camila is crying. She can't believe that her daughter is making an impact on other people.
"Oh no, I didn't mean to make you cry Ms. Noceda," Amity says.
"I'm crying because I'm happy Amity," Camila replies. "I've never seen Luz this happy. It seems that you all have had an effect on her too. Especially you."
Camila nods. "She always lit up when she talks about you. She needs that person that can support her fantasies, but she also needs that someone to keep things in perspective. I know she loves you so much and I'm so proud that my daughter is dating you."
Amity lets Camila words sink in. Her girlfriend's mother is proud of her. Her. Amity starts to cry.
"My parents never told me they were proud of me. You've only known me for a couple of hours and you say you're proud of me? I can't believe it."
"You are an amazing person Amity and you should be proud of that."
"Thank you, Ms. Noceda."
"Call me Camila please. We're practically family."
They both hug and talk about other things while Luz is upstairs.
What they didn't know was that Luz was listening the whole time, and she couldn't be prouder of both of them.
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mythandlaur · 2 years
Send me a character and I’ll reply with my:
– Overall opinion of them
Yes, I got attached to the most basic looking bitch in Owl House, and yet another character who treats moral alignment like a revolving door, so what.
– Gender/sexuality headcanons
Agender but presents masculine, and asexual.
– Favorite moment in canon
The entire Flyer Derby game in Any Sport in a Storm, any time we get to see him fighting (Labyrinth Runners is a really good one), his conversation with Gus and awkward whistling also in Labyrinth Runners.
– Favorite moment in a fanwork
I need to bookmark things more I'm not used to being in a fandom with as many fics as TOH, I'm sorry I'm not gonna look back to find stuff
– Favorite line, in canon or otherwise
This boy has so many oneliners. "THIS ISSSSSS M'GRAVE" definitely stands out though. Also "They're all teenagers, I bet they like the same things as me! Like order! And rules!"
– Characters I love seeing them interact with
Obviously Hunter and Luz sibling moments, but also I didn't know I needed little brother Gus in my life until we got it.
– Last thing before sleeping headcanons
It's rare that Hunter gets time to himself, so he mostly has to take it in the late hours of the night when he should be sleeping. Mostly reading, though he did sometimes go out flying at night if he was feeling really rebellious--just a couple circuits around the castle, because it was the only thing that could ever unwind him.
– Sleeping habits headcanons
Though the time when Hunter goes to bed might be a bit up in the air, he always wakes up at precisely five in the morning. It's a habit so ingrained that it'll take him a good while to stop doing it and feeling uncomfortable going back to sleep afterwards. He sleeps unnaturally still, and can be woken up by so much as a pin dropping unless he's truly exhausted.
– First thing after waking up headcanons
Hunter needs to do something. Immediately. He's one of those people who somehow wakes up absolutely 100% conscious instantly and he's supposed to have morning chores, so he'll get antsy if he doesn't have at least something to work on.
– Favorite locations headcanon
The air and high places. He can't really get away with flying anymore in his current situation, but absolutely longs to, and will tend to climb anything he can in place of that. He's been found on the Nocedas' roof several times now, along with in several trees along the same street. No one is surprised his palisman is a bird, because he acts like he might be partially one.
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