#the no reason made me laugh erm
cchuu · 2 years
hey! can i ask if you know wyoung ? i dont really have a reason why i asked this 😭
YESSS THATS MY BESTIEEE @wyoung someone asking abt u 🫣 BFJWMSMFM ILY 🥰💗
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milkteabinniechan · 6 months
bath water | hwang hyunjin
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pairing: virgin! Hyunjin x afab reader // ☕ | m.list
summary: your friend Hyunjin wants to paint on a new canvas: you. And while you are supportive, you didn't think it would feel so good...
warnings: body worship, fingering (f. receiving) smut
part two here
“Well, I actually want to paint on you.” his voice lingered over the receiver. The pause weighed heavy between the two of you.
“You want me paint me?” you held your phone away from your ear, almost about to drop it. Hyunjin was an amazing artist. His pieces could be in museums, in art galleries. Why would he want to paint-
“Huh?” you chimed in finally. 
Hyunjin went on to explain some videos he had seen recently demonstrating what they called a human canvas. Artists would paint on the person’s back, or legs, or arms, or… Hyunjin’s voice became softer until the heavy pause appeared again. 
You agreed, somewhat reluctantly, to meet at his apartment the following weekend. He told you to wear comfortable clothes. As you paced your way up to his front door, all you could think about was his concentrated face as he paints, now that face would be on you.
Hyunjin answered the door in a loose-fitting white t-shirt and black sweatpants. His hair was messy and he looked exhausted.
“Hey, come on in,” he stepped back and made room for you to walk past him, “I was just getting set up. I put some plastic sheets on the floor and picked out all the colors I would need.”
You turned toward his living room to see a corner of the room with a few small plastic squares laid carefully on the hardwood floors. Pastel colors each in their individual cups and palettes. Paint brushes in various sizes splayed out around the floor as well. He really was full prepared. You chuckled to yourself, you weren’t surprised. When it came to his art, Hyunjin put everything he had into it. 
“Alright, so…” hyunjin entered the room after you, “are you ready to get started?” His face was already turning red, as was yours. You could feel your cheeks getting warmer. You cleared your throat and nodded your head.
“Yeah. Let’s do this!” you shouted, fist in the air. Your sudden enthusiasm startling Hyunjin. He burst out laughing and playfully pushed your shoulder.
“You goof.” He smiled.
You smiled back. You had always found a way to make him laugh, and he had always found a way to put you at ease. Then you tugged at your shirt, remembering the whole reason you came over here. Your smile started to fade.
“Did you want to paint my arms? Or my back? Or my-”
“Your back.” Hyunjin cut you off. “I figured it would give me the most space to erm, work with.”
“Sounds good.” your enthusiastic voice now draining by the second. 
You tugged at the hem of your shirt and began to pull it up over your head. Hyunjin quickly turned his back to you, awkwardly staring at the wall in front of him. He instructed you to turn away from him once you were ready and he would get started.
“Ready.” you signaled softly, your bare back now facing him. You held your breasts with both hands, a chill rising up over your entire body. Hyunjin worked in silence as you heard the sound of paint brushes dipping in water, then in what you assume was the paint. 
The first stroke of his paintbrush was cold, very cold. You jumped at the feeling. The soft bristles trailing down your skin, leaving a damp, cool sensation behind. 
“Is it okay?” Hyunjin spoke gently. 
You weakly murmured a yes. Your eyes closed, focused intensely on the swirling motions and shapes that he was creating on your skin. You could picture his face, tightly squeezing and scrunching. Suddenly, he stopped painting.
“All done.” He spoke finally. Your eyes fluttered open. Had you fallen asleep? It all happened so fast. 
“Already?” you tried to turn your head around, attempting to catch a glimpse of his work.
“I was point for two hours, goof. You must have zoned out.” Hyunjin stood up and stretched his arms and rolled his shoulders.
Two hours? You thought. Painting felt amazing. You were almost sad it was over. You didn’t want it to be over. You wanted more. The feeling of the paint brush across your skin. Wet paint dripping down your body. Wait. You thought, This was turning you on. You selfishly had an idea, but you had no notion if Hyunjin would even agree to it. You didn’t even know if he had seen a woman naked before. You didn’t want to overstep, but unholy thoughts were consuming you.
“Y-you know,” you started, “you could paint my front too, Hyunjin.” You turned your body toward him, his body still towering over yours. Your hands were still cupped over your breasts, but it’s where Hyunjin’s eyes were glued.
For a moment, he didn’t speak, neither of you did. You both just stared at each other, unsure what to say next. Eventually, you spoke again.
“Only if you have more to paint, of course. More ideas.” You waited again for a response. Hyunjin’s eyes were wide. His mouth tightened to a thin line across his face. You could feel your face growing hot again. Regretting every moment of the last five minutes.
“I-I don’t think that would be such a g-good idea.” Hyunjin said under his breath, avoiding eyes contact now. He rubbed the back of his nack and stared at the floor next to you.
You felt your heart fall into your stomach. Your throat dried up to dust and the air was pressed instantly from your lungs. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes as you broke eye contact with Hyunjin. You turned your face away quickly so he wouldn’t see how red it was. 
“I’m going to go wash up, then.” was all you could think to say. 
You stood fast and made your way to his bathroom. After you took a few minutes to catch your breath in front of the mirror,  you turned on the bathtub. The hot water filling the tub, inviting you in to wash away this incredibly uncomfortable experience. You slide off your pants and underwear, setting them in a pile with your shirt to dress when you were done. You let yourself slide into the clear water. Just your head poking and bobbing out.
Suddenly, dread filled your entire body. You couldn’t wash all this paint off yourself, it was on your back. There was no loofa or sponge to wash with. And now you just made an idiot of yourself in front of your friend. You could feel tears welling up in your eyes again.
“Can I help?” Hyunjin spoke from the other side of the door. 
“No, no. I’ve got it!” you lied.
“Please, let me help you.” Hyunjin’s sincerity was palpable, even through the closed door. 
You begrudgingly allowed him inside, adding the small caveat that you were completely nude in his bathtub. Suprisingly, he came in anyway. He walked in with eyes closed. Blindly feeling around to get his barrings again. At last, he stood in front of the tub, eyes still shut tight.
“I’m sorry.” Hyunjin whispered. “I just-I’ve never…” his pleading eyes finally meeting yours. You searched his face to try to decipher what he was trying to say. You tried your best to use your hands to cover yourself, to allude to some sort of modesty. But you were hesitant if it was working at all. 
“I’m a virgi-” Hyunjin had lost his train of thought. He had lost everything that was ever on his mind when he saw you laying in the bathtub. The paint from his human canvas has started to dissolve and disperse into the clear water around you. The colors swirling and dancing together to form new color combinations. Reds and purples, and blues and yellows were seeking and chasing new paths around the curves of your naked body. You were magnificent. 
You watched Hyunjin’s eyes trace your exposed body from top to bottom, like he was memorizing every detail. On instinct, you slowly moved your hands away from your breasts and your soft slit. The sight of your hard nipples poking in and out of the swiriling, colorful water made Hyunjin fall to his knees in front of the bathtub. His eyes never leaving your body. You inspected his face to try to see what he wanted, when instantaneously, his hand appeared in the water with you. His long fingers dipped into the warm bath water, lightly grazing your outer thigh. You cautiously lifted your leg, the sound of the water trickling off of your skin. He froze, unsure of what to do next. 
You grasp your hand around his fingers and pull them down toward your slit. Slowly you and Hyunjin inch closer, careful to notice any hesitation, but soon it is his hand leading yours. It is his fingers that are pulling closer towards your enterance. One finger gracefully strokes the outside of your cunt. Starting at the top and sliding down between your lips, then back up again. He was completely entranced, utterly hypnorized. You let out a ragged breath as you watched his index and middle finger, little by little, message your soft lips until your clit began to swell. His middle finger felt it first, welcoming the invitation on sliding in deeper. 
His hand completely moving on instinct now. Rubbing around the clit, small circles at first. He wanted to learn what you liked, how your body reacted. It was like painting again, combining different colors to see what new would come of it. He felt your legs twitch when he applied more pressure, your hips would buck ever so slightly when his rubbed faster. He wanted to see what else he could make your body do. You were his best art project. His human canvas.
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planetaryupscaled · 4 months
Male Reader x Karina
Tags: 6k, cheating, oral, story heavy
The story is not ours; we simply alter the original story to our preferred settings.
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They say everything happens for a reason, if life gives you lemons turn them into lemonade. It always struck me as a strange saying a little too cut and dry. Like a mantra to lead my life with, it had been an upwards struggle. Devoid of any formal degree, in many respects I was a self-made man, grafting from the bottom of the pile and slowly making my way upwards, to the light, the fabled promised land of success, this is my story.
It was early 2020, still fresh from the Covid-19 meltdown. Looking back on it, we really did make a fuss over nothing, it was world ending stuff. Fresh out of a failed college career I had just turned 20, studies had never really held much of my attention, crashing out a year before graduation. Saying this, I was good at building networks, street smart you could say, I knew a good deal when I saw one and over the years, I would develop the timing and nous to know when exactly to pull the trigger. With a heavy interest in films, my main aim was to get into the industry by any means necessary. Luckily enough for me I knew a few people who were runners on in the SM Entertainment back in the day. The pay was basic if that and the job was menial, filled with odd jobs like fetching coffee or printing out stuffs. Nevertheless, it was a start.
“Seriously, where is that guy? the new runner guy, lanky looking kid,” Shouted the set manager.
“Ahem…” I replied, standing next to the sweaty looking man.
“What’s your name? You know what, it doesn’t matter, get a coffee to waiting room 4, quick kid,” he said, bits of saliva spraying everywhere.
God, I hated that guy, his breath always reeked in a mixture of cheap coffee and banana. Reluctantly I knocked on the door, prepping a fake smile for whomever was going to open it.
“Hey,” A chirpy voice said.
My mouth was lolling open slightly, mouth running dry as I struggled to form a suitable response. She laughed softly at my starstruck reaction, holding out her hand to shake mine. It was Karina. She was most teenagers wet dream, well, technically still is.
She was just as attractive as the in the magazines, her smokey brown eyes complimenting her tight, tone, bronze physique. I felt an instant twinge in my pants as I willed myself not to show my arousal, hoping to od it was not obvious that I was attracted to her. Brushing myself down mentally, I took a deep breath and fixed my shirt holding out hand containing her hot beverage. There was something about her, despite her arresting looks that calmed me. Maybe it was the kindness in her eyes or the kindness in her voice, whatever it was, it worked.
“Your- coffee,” I managed.
“How old are you?” She said, taking a sip of her latte.
“Erm… 20- Miss,” I replied.
“Seriously, call me Karina,” She smiled.
“You are pretty cute,” She followed up, handing me the piece of paper with a list of her requirements.
“From now on, you are my personal runner,” Karina said, high fiving me as she left for rehearsals.
I blushed at the comment, a throw away one at that but at the time, it was like gold dust to me. The piece of paper was basically a shopping list of drinks and snacks to get at what time. It remained this way for a year or so as I watched Karina’s fame sky rocket. It was almost inspirational how she climbed the ladder step by step. At that time, she was dating an actor, Lee Jiwook? Jiwoon? or something, I don’t know. Another forgettable character.
I had a sense that he felt superior to me, which granted at the time, he was dating Karina so one could forgive his arrogance. He was in her changing room on a number of times. There were rumors that they were due to get engaged which turned out to be true one it was released in the press a few months later. He was by all intents an purposes the luckiest guy alive in that moment.
On the rare occasions that we did get time alone, Karina and I talked about everything from our past to future aspirations. She even helped me get back into college, funding part of my studies to get into a foundation business course. It was a difficult time, I had to finish college, which I did with after work classes and after that, moved onto that foundation course. I was indebted to her in more ways than one, but our relationship never threatened to go any further.
Over the year I think Karina grew to see me as a brother of sorts. I mean it was fine, what more could I expect. Saying this, I always held on to that faint hope that we could be more, if only the tables were turned, and I was the rising up and comer, one could only dream.
If only I had known my time with her would be limited, maybe I would have been braver, more forward I told myself. However, it did not pan out that way, as per usual, life throws you lemons, make some lemonades right? Coming into the last few episodes of the final series I made my usual rounds, knocking on her door and entering without a response, only to find Karina scantily clad in a white bra and pair of cotton panties. I did it all the time, just enter and drop off a coffee, maybe have a chat, but this time was different.
“Crap- don’t you knock?!” Karina jumped, covering up her indecency.
“I- I did, I thought- sorry,” I replied.
I managed to sneak a peek at her crotch, sending my desires into over drive seeing her, Karina picked up the plushie, covering her sex. A drop of pre cum leaked my tip as I groaned internally at the visual stimulation. She was hot as fuck I thought in my head, what I would do just to be with her for one night. Regaining composure I chuckled, triggering her to break into a smile also, scrambling to get dressed.
“Nice plushie,” I said, winking at Karina
“Oh, Haha,” Karina replied blushing.
“Your morning coffee Miss,” I said, leaving her daily latte on the table, turning to leave as I closed the door.
That was my last encounter with her as I was moved to another set the day after. If we stayed in touch, it would probably be one of those funny memories we could bring up from time to time but it was not to be. Now in the present, decades later I was suited and booted, ready for my fourth-round interview for a Digital marketing executive role at The Prada Group.
“They will have you now,” The secretary called out to me, beckoning me into the conference room.
My hands were steady, nerves of steel. I had interviewed at many companies before, but had a renewed desire to nail this one. I had to; she was the co-founder. The days of being a runner were long gone, as I managed to land a junior marketing role. This however, was my bread and butter, marketing, networking and the like. It was like a hand in a glove, I loved it, and it showed in my work.
Holding my head high, I pushed open the doors, my presentation in hand, ready for whatever they threw my way. Ready for the interview? Yes, but ready for- Karina?! I was not. Under normal circumstances, shareholders would not be part of the interview process. Steadying myself I held out my hand, shaking each interviewer’s hand firmly. There were three, Karina being the last.
“Nice to meet you all,” I said with confidence.
I could see Karina racking her brain as to where she had seen me. The cogs in her head were turning till I saw her face light up.
“Oh my god, Minho!” She said, her face lighting up.
“In the flesh Mam,” I replied.
“Oh, apologies for the lack of professionalism, I worked with Minho...what is it now, Ten years ago?” Karina said, her smile lighting up the room and to my advantage, perking up the other interviewers.
“We can catch up after...carry on with the presentation,” she said beaming.
Unclasping my blazer and setting it to the side I went through point by point my ideas for the new product launch, our target audience, demographic and ways to capture their attention. It was as robust a presentation as I had ever given, leaving very little questions afterwards as the four discussed among themselves after grilling me with queries.
It was a positive sign then that all four were smiling in unison as my hands started to sweat, showing the first signs of how much this job meant to me. It was her presence that threw me a curve ball. After all these years, Karina was still as alluring as ever. If anything, she looked better now than she did when we first met. Now in her thirties, married and with kids, she looked fantastic. I managed to shake my fantasies of once an idol from my thoughts and concentrate on the panel in front of me, glancing at her every so often.
“Listen, we don’t do this regularly, but this interview has been far from the ordinary. Your links with Karina, coupled with her glowing references and your stellar presentation, we would like to offer you the job,” The man in the middle said.
I was slightly taken aback at the praise, this must have been the best interview I had ever had, taking a moment to process I smiled and nodded, shaking their hand in turn with acceptance.
“Minju from HR will settle the contracts with you by phone, I believe you are ok with our pay package?” The interviewer said.
“Yes Sir,” I replied, shaking his hand again.
To be fair it was a big bump on what I was on at the moment with the added benefit of an old love interest entered into the equation, it was a must take.
“Thank you for giving me the opportunity,” I said before turning towards the door.
“Minho, one sec, are you free later this afternoon for a catch up?” Karina said before I left the room.
“Sure,” I replied smiling before exchanging numbers.
It was a move so natural to me now, one which my 20-year-old self would be proud of. I had just nabbed Karina’s phone number.
“Well done on today,” Karina said, putting her hand on my shoulder.
“It’s really good to see you,” She followed up.
“Catch you soon,” Karina said smiling warmly at me.
“As long as you get the coffees this time,” I replied with a wink.
“Good one,” Karina reply, her cheeks turning a light pink for the briefest of moments.
For the first time in a long while, the fruits of my labor were finally bearing fruit. It was a constant struggle to get to this point in my career, blocked off at various stages in the chain by a combination of bad luck and wrong timing. I was always taught that we make our own luck in this world which is why I kept striving forward, kept pushing on, no matter what situation I found myself in. That interview had been a victory, a rare moment where the pieces just fell into the right slots, just at the crucial moment. On the way out, I had a quick glance around the office, taking in what would be my new workplace. Just at the back next to the director’s office was the marketing department, no doubt my new home going forward.
With great pride I made my way down the stairs and back to reception before being gently caught by the arm. It was the HR rep asking if I had a quick minute to sign the necessary documents instead of getting it mailed through. It did strike me as a peculiar move, normally it took HR a few days to draft the offer letter and send it out, but I thought nothing of it, browsing the important bits and signing off with my signature. Luckily, I had no notice to give as I had just left my role the previous week, a risk on my part, but one I felt I could confidently overcome. It proved to be the right choice as I handed the papers to HR.
“See you next week,” She said.
“Well done,” The rep followed up.
I nodded, shaking her hand, before turning to leave.
“Minho..,” A familiar voice called from behind me.
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It was Karina, speed walking towards me through the crowd of workers. She caught many people’s glances, mostly men as they craftily snuck a peek of the former Idol striding confidently across the floor space. She was wearing an elegant cream patterned dress with a black leather jacket draped across her shoulders. It gave her that casual suave boss look, yet at the same time emanated a very elegant and feminine vibe. Her smile broadened as she caught up with me, lightly touching my shoulder as we walked side by side.
“Congratulations again, on landing the position,” Karina said with a bright smile.
It was hard not to be taken aback by her sheer beauty, but if time had taught me one thing, it was to stay calm and measured in moments like this.
“It... was a close one,” I replied with a grin.
“Pleaseeee, you totally nailed it, we are lucky to have you,” She replied.
“Ok now you are just flattering me for a free coffee,” I joked.
“Ah you know me too well,” Karina replied, chuckling lightly.
“I thought you were busy this afternoon?” I asked, as we made our way outside.
She shrugged her shoulders, playfully prodding me in the ribs with her elbow.
“They were just update meetings, not so important, besides it free’s up more time for us to catch up, unless you have other plans?” Karina said.
“No, not at all, we can go over some of my plans for the project,” I replied.
“No business talk, fill me in on everything else going on with you,” She said laughing.
We walked and talked for what seemed like a few minutes, till we reached a quint little French barista tucked away from the main road. Checking my watch, I realized we had literally been walking for a good fifteen minutes as it was already half past four in the afternoon. It felt seamless, chatting to Karina again, similar to the old days where we would talk about everything and anything while she prepared for another shoot in her Idol days.
“Skinny Latte?” I asked, eying up the menu.
“You know me so well,” Karina said in jest.
“Well, I had a lot of practice back in the day,” I replied with a smile.
Karina suggested we sit in the corner away from the busy eyes of onlookers outside. I had noticed she changed much in this aspect, not one to revel in the spotlight, she was quite reserved in many respects, no doubt influenced to some degree by her religious upbringing. I respected that, her values and steadfast nature in doing what was best for her and her interests.
“So, spill the beans, what’s been going on with you?” Karina asked, taking a sip of her coffee.
“Well, it has been quite the whirlwind to be honest,” I replied.
“Once I left that day, I worked on a few other company till I finally got a promotion to the PR team. From there I steadily plugged away, attending business class in the evenings, thanks to you, eventually graduating and landing an entry level Marketing role for a local website. I stayed there for a couple of years, continuing further study and gaining experience, leaving there as a senior marketing lead. My last job, that I just left was as the Digital lead overseeing different internal projects before rising to Miu Miu taking care of bigger picture stuff and here we are,” I said.
“That is quite the journey, I’m so glad you made it work for yourself,” She said, smiling warmly.
“Well, it was all thanks to your encouragement in the beginning, making me pull my finger out and get my ass into gear,” I replied.
“No, that was all you, I just opened a few doors,” Karina said, rapping lightly on my arm.
Something was different with her. It was like I was no longer seen as a brother but an equal in her eyes. It was the way she looked at me, no longer endearing, almost a bit curious. It triggered an itch within myself that I had to scratch, my infatuation with her since the early days only growing stronger. A feeling that I wanted to follow through and see where I could take this. There were the obvious blockers with her being happily married and all, but my selfishness got the better of me, kicking my moral compass to the side as I mirrored her actions, lightly touching her arm on occasion throughout or little catch up. Not that she seemed to mind at all, her beautiful smile always beaming, fixing her hair from time to time as our coffees soon turned into wine and eventually to dinner.
“So, tell me,” I said, motioning to her ring.
“Oh,” Karina replied blushing slightly at my abrupt change in tac, focusing on her personal life.
I did not expect much, as I knew she was relatively private in nature.
“Well, yes, I am married and have three beautiful children,” She said beaming.
Karina showed me a few pictures in my phone, leaning over the gap in the table to flick through the gallery. I could smell her perfume from here, laced in the depths of her nape, filling my nostrils with a sweet aromatic blend of floral notes and citrus. She smelt heavenly, as I felt my crotch stir at our sudden close proximity. We spoke for what seemed an age before she checked her watch after feeling her phone buzz. It was now half nine in the evening.
“Shoot..,” Karina said.
“God I better get going, the husband is messaging,” She said with an awkward smile.
“It has been good catching up, really good, you have changed a lot Minho,” Karina said, clasping her bag.
“Change in a good way I hope,” I replied with a chuckle.
I could see we had got through quite a number of bottles of wine as Karina dialed a local taxi for pick up as we settled the bill and walked outside to wait for her ride.
“Yes by the way,” Karina suddenly said.
“What’s that?” I asked.
“You have changed in a good way,” She replied.
“Ok that was like a five-minute delay Karina, losing your sharpness,” I said laughing.
“Pfftt, it’s the wine, deadly stuff,” Karina said, merrily leaning on my shoulder.
“You are much more confident and forward looking, it’s a good look,” She said softly.
“I can remember the first time we met, you were so star struck it was cute, standing there with a coffee in your hand,” Karina said laughing.
“Do you blame me?” I said chuckling.
“I mean it was adorable, your face was all flushed and, I can say this now but it was a little obvious you were a little too excited,” Karina said slapping my arm in hysterics.
I had hoped that she would have missed that all those years ago, but I guess she picked up on it, all of it. I could not help but laugh with her reminiscing about the past as the alcohol slowly set in.
“Oh, here’s my cab,” She said giving me a hug and pecking me on the cheek.
“It was so nice to see you, congratulations, again,” Karina said beaming, the smell of wine now laced in her breath.
“You too Karina, it was great to see you too,”
“Don’t worry I have managed to curb my excitement this time!” I joked.
Karina laughed, punching my harm.
“Must be losing my touch,” She said, smiling.
“I wouldn’t fret, you still have the same- effect..,” I replied, my expression of the cheeky, implying nature.
Karina blushed, swiping her hair behind her ear while she fidgeted on the spot for a few moments, smiling.
“Well, I best be going, see you in the office?” She said, gathering her composure again and leaning in for a hug.
“Yes boss,” I replied, closing the taxi door and watching her leave.
The walk home was a good one, a feeling of elation at nailing the interview and one of mild curiosity at the unsaid words and feelings I felt between us. With a bright smile across my face, I went to bed eager to get started on my first day.
Strolling into the work on day one all suited and booted gave me a great sense of accomplishment as the HR representative took me to my new office. It was large, much larger than my old one, decked out in a minimalistic art decor kind of vibe. It even had that fancy clap to shut blinds feature which made the inner child in me laugh in excitement.
“This is your team,” The rep said.
She introduced me to my marketing team manager Nayoung, who over saw our junior team members Sohye and Yeonjun. They seemed like a good bunch, all enthusiastic and willing to do the hard yards as we went full on into the new product launch. There was little time to settle in as the launch was happening in three months’ time, so all the marketing and advertisement had to be nailed down asap. From my first few encounters with Nayoung I got the impression that she knew exactly what she was doing, decisive in her actions but at the same time very popular with the other two. She must have been a few years younger than myself, perhaps on her late twenties, but her experience levels shone through her work. She had that girl next door look, yet commanded respect through her calmness and wicked sense of humor. She was sharp, I had to hand it to her, batting off my banter throughout the day and weeks with ease. It got to a point that our team work was seamless, synchronized as the group ramped up for the final presentation to Karina.
It was now week three, and the first draft was about to be presented to Karina for approval. The team had been working hard throughout the process, pulling late nights on consecutive occasions as all four of us tidied up the final bits of the slides.
“So, we heard that you and the boss lady go way back,” Yeonjun said smirking.
“Yeah, I have known her for quite some time,” I replied.
Sohye and Nayoung smiled at each other.
“Seriously guys, we are going there?” I asked laughing.
“Well, she is kinda hot,” Yeonjun chirped in.
“Kinda? She is drop dead gorgeous,” Sohye replied.
“Guys, just get to work, I will leave the company card with Nayoung, order whatever you want,” I said smiling.
“Is that a no comment?” Yeonjun asked laughing.
Before I could hit back with some banter of my own, Karina walked in wearing an eye catching black short, black top, showing off way too much leg for the office.
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“Evening all,” Karina said, smiling, her eyes lingering on me for a brief moment.
I could sense Yeonjun and the team in hysterics as I gathered my laptop. He bit his fist obviously in reaction to Karina’s insanely revealing work attire.
“Let me take you through the final proposal, Boss,” I said with a cheeky grin.
“Lead the way,” Karina replied.
My office was just around the corner as I snuck another peek at her smooth legs before shutting the door behind me.
“Bit bold for the office?” I said smiling.
“Ughh don’t get me started, just rushed off a shoot with Women’s Health, barely made it in time through the traffic,” She replied, sitting down in the swivel chair and crossing her legs.
Something about what she said did not add up though. According to her PA she had finished in the afternoon, as the shoot had been moved earlier on in the day. I knew this because our meeting was due to be the following day but I moved it forward to tonight as we were in good shape with the proposal. With intrigue racing across my thoughts, I settled down beside her, making sure not to stare at her smooth legs.
“So, what you got for me?” Karina said, tilting her head towards me.
I ran her through our slides, pointing out the key take aways and messages of the campaign. Karina nodded intently, chiming in with slight tweaks here and there. She really knew her stuff, explaining the ideology of the company revolving around sustainability and making the world a better place through safe practice and renewable materials. If not for her flawless attire, I would have paid better attention as I found myself staring at her face before being brought back to reality.
“Don’t you agree?” She said.
“What? Yes, yes, I do,” I replied.
“Did you just zone out? Hah for a minute there your face reminded me of when we first met,” Karina said smiling.
The slight awkwardness from a few weeks back when I dropped her off at the taxi were now long gone as I felt her get more and more comfortable with my company.
“What do you mean by this part?” Karina asked pointing to one of the slides.
I moved in closer, feeling the slight brush of her calf on my leg as I explained the ins and outs of the slide. The touch of her leg on mine was not rebuffed as I continued with my explanation, using it as an excuse to gently continue to rub my leg against her bare skin, my knee now sneaking up her leg slightly as we sat side by side. I felt a slight jump in her demeanor so I quickly moved my leg away, maybe I had pushed my luck too far.
“Sorry- bit tight in here,” I said, breaking the silence, which was an odd thing to say as the office was large.
The awkwardness steadily grew as the tension cranked up, Karina finally looking up at me after I had finished my re run through her query.
“Thank you…” For taking me through it.
“It looks, good,” She said.
Her face now a few inches from mine, the silence filling the gap, I felt a sudden rush of blood to my head, moving forward without skipping a beat planting my lips on hers. Initially feeling a tensing in her shoulders, this quickly dissipated as our lips melded together, my hands now resting on the side of her waist as we embraced in deep heavy petting.
“Wait…wait…I can’t,” Karina said, her hands gently pushing me away as I continued kissing up her nape and nibbling at her ear lobe.
“Minho…wait...seriously I’m married..,” She followed up, breaking our kiss and rolling away an inch or so in the seat.
Her face was flushed red, hair slightly out of place as the ravishing woman looked at me, slightly unsure and ashamed. I could see her breathing had accelerated by the way her chest was rising and falling rapidly as she rushed to fix her dress.
“What’s the matter, don’t you want to?” I asked enquiringly.
“Its. Not- I’m married and have a family,” Karina replied clearly flustered.
I closed the distance between us in the chair again without a response from her as she just sat still, pretending to fuss before picking up her phone.
“Jaewook called, just going to call home,” She said hurriedly, turning her back to me as she dialed home.
Catching the chair mid turn, I spun her back around, just as her husband greeted her. Placing my leg in-between her thighs I slowly inched forward. The look in her eyes were full of trepidation, yet her body showed no signs of rejection as Karina sat completely still greeting Jaewook on the other side of the line.
“Hey honey, yes I’m- just…in a meeting,” Karina said.
My confidence now shot to a hundred due to our kiss moments before so decided to take things a bit further, reaching out my hand and running it along the inside of her smooth pale legs. Karina showed brief signs of resistance, squeezing her legs shut before I eased them open again with my other hand, travelling further up her inner thighs till my fingers made contact with her moist sex.
“I should be home...in a bit..,” Karina continued talking.
Her face was clearly conflicted, trying to hold it together while I pleasured her with my hands, cupping her wet pussy through her silky underwear, rubbing firmly on her clit.
“Fuck..,” Karina moaned into the phone.
Her eyes shot open in fear, realizing what she had just said as her husband sounded confused on the other line.
“No... I just found an error in the presentation that’s all,” She quickly recovered.
Smiling, I nodded, our eyes meeting for the first time during this sordid encounter. Her pupils were dilated, washed over in a glaze of lust as her mouth dropped, gaping slightly at the touch of my hands now rubbing her cunt with increased fervor. Easing her underwear to the side, I crept my fingers delicately along the length of her lips, piercing Karina’s slick labia with my digits as I proceeded to stoke the insides of her married cunt.
“God...Unghh..,” Karina gently moaned, holding the phone to her shoulder.
Luckily, Jaewook was in the thralls of an explanation about some work issues he had today, missing his wife’s whispered moans. Slipping in another finger and then another I was basically cupping her sex, removing her soaked underwear completely, placing it in my back pocket while I delved my hand deep within her folds, feeling her walls close in around me. Extending my finger deep inside her tight slit, my digits making contact with her g-spot as applied pressure with my wrist making her twitch and writhe in her chair.
“Jaewook- Jaewook...can…I... call you back..,?” Karina said, her voice now slightly ragged.
Sensing her impending climax, I doubled my efforts flicking her clitoris with my thumb as I rubbed her deep inside her cunt, stimulating her g-spot with my fingers while she creamed all over my hand. Karina’s thighs were covered in her slick juices, my wrist now leaking with her nectar as I felt her cramping up. Her cunt walls squeezing down on my fingers as I impaled my hand within her womb, fucking her with deep steady strokes.
“Shit...mpphhh,” Karina said, moaning into my shoulder as I had moved forward, resting my face next to hers as I attacked her pussy with quicker jabs.
“Babe...you still there?” I heard Jaewook saying on the other line.
“Uhhh...huh…Just finishing up here,” Karina replied.
Her pussy was twitching in my hand as I felt her hips buck, stuffing more of my fingers deeper into her married cunt as she bit down on my shoulder to mask her cries of pleasure while climaxing on my fingers. We stayed in this awkward embrace as I continued to rub at her sex, her pussy leaking down my palms and onto the carpeted floor while she finished her conversation with Jaewook. Hanging up the phone the look on her face turned from the relief of just being brought to orgasm, to more of one of remorse of what had just happened.
Getting up without a word, she held out her hand, wanting me to hand back her sex-soaked underwear to which I refused, standing up and cupping her face in my hands.
“I- can’t...we can’t…” Karina said rather tame.
“We already have,” I replied curtly, planting another kiss on her lips as I eased her back onto the wall behind.
“Wait- seriously...I’m- ughh...married,” She replied, her moans steadily increasing as my hands danced up her dress again.
“Seriously...plll...pleaseeee,” Karina pleaded in vain, her emotions caught between guilt and pleasure as I held a my cum soaked finger to her lips.
“Shhh...allow me to make you feel...better,” I replied.
“I may not be your husband...but you will enjoy this..,” I said, kissing her once more before dropping to my knees.
Karina’s eyes were wanting, slowly turning to my way of thinkings as I proceeded to lift up her dress and take in her essence. The smell of her sex was divine, a mix of the pungent natural notes of her cunt together with the sweet taste of her juice was a dream come true as I licked her slit from the bottom to the top, suckling on her throbbing clit with my lips.
“Mmhh...aahhh..,” Karina groaned lightly, running her fingers through her hair.
I was slowly breaking her resistance, feeling her push her hips into my face as I slung one of her legs over my shoulders while feasting on her slippery pussy. Dragging my tongue up her swollen lips, I pierced her folds, tongue fucking her slit with gradual spears, tasting her cream in my mouth as I eagerly lapped up everything she had to offer.
“Fuck- we...we can’t- ahh…”. Karina moaned louder as I hit the right spot, her clawing more desperate now as she forcefully fed me her cunt.
Karina was on tip toes now, her initial resistance dissipated completely as I had my way with her, licking her pink insides with my tongue as I felt her inevitable climax build. Her thighs were now clamped around my face as I hoovered up her sexual fluids, adding my fingers to the mix, penetrating her sex with my digits while sucking at her reddened clit.
“Shit...shit...mmhh...fuckk...ughh,” Karina yelled, her climax hitting its peak as she shivered and twitched around my lips.
I stayed on my knees for a while, taking in her heavenly taste in my mouth as the sultry woman eased me back to my feet. She was silent, not saying a word, almost as if saying something would be an admission of our wrong doings. If anything, I was leading proceedings backing into my leather-bound chair as I eyed Karina up and down. She knew what I wanted, a slight smirk forming on her lips as she slowly walked towards me.
We kissed softly, as I felt her hands drift slowly down my body as Karina descended to her knees, gently pushing me into my chair. Her expression was livelier riddled with hunger as she bit her lips gently, hurriedly unbuckling my belt and removing my trousers.
I stared at her full lips hovering a mere inch from my throbbing member as she kissed my crown through my boxers. My pre cum leaking onto my cotton underwear as she gently pecked at my cock with her soft lips, tasting the hint of salt soaking through the fabric. It was like watching a beautiful car crash happen in slow motion as Karina freed by cock from by pants, fishing it out and dipping her wet lips along the length of my shaft. Her soft hands feeling my meat with a firm grip that pumped with perfect execution as she finally took me into her wanting mouth, eyes locked on mine for the entirety of the act.
“Mmmm...mmm”. Karina hummed on my dick, while she gave me the best fellatio of my life.
I was lost in the sensations of her tongue lapping up the underside of my shaft in one fluid motion, before sucking down again on my crown, over and over feeding more of my twitching cock between her married lips. Running my fingers through her hair I thrust my hips gently into her wanting mouth as her nose made contact with my pubic bone, deep throating my entire cock till my tip made contact with her tonsils. I held her here for a few precious seconds, feeling her tongue coat my cock in more of her warm spit as she took me to the back of her throat, her eyes flushed with desire.
“Shit- Karina...you feel...soo...good,” I groaned, suddenly disrupted by my office door swing open.
It was Nayoung, holding the company credit card with a grin on her face. The instance she went to speak, Karina had expertly hidden herself under my desk, my cock still sheathed between her lips while she continued to feed on my meat, turning her attention to my sack with long deep licks.
“Boss can we up the limit to say 25 each?” Nayoung said smiling.
“Yeah sure whatever you guys want” I replied, slightly breathless.
Karina was staring at me from below, mouth open, rolling my sack around between her lips, slathering me in spit while I tried maintaining my cool.
“Everything OK Boss, you seem a little uptight?” Nayoung said concerned.
“Yeah...the draft went down well, Karina has just popped out for a call,” I said, a bead of sweat forming on my forehead.
“You sure...?” Nayoung replied.
I felt Karina now clamp down on my balls and suck hard while she pumped my cock with her fist, my shaft straining for release as my orgasm built up rapidly.
“Yes...no problem...keep up the good work,” I said, struggling to keep a straight face.
“Ok boss, we are just outside if you need anything,” Nayoung replied before leaving.
I waited for the footsteps to soften before letting out an almighty yawn thrusting my cock further into Karina’s mouth.
“Shit...Karina...I’m close..,” I moaned, gripping the back of her head as I continued to thrust between her lips.
“Mmm...mmhh...mmhhfff..,” Karina replied, her mouth stuffed with cock as my impending release came.
She never stopped sucking, bringing her mouth around my crown and allowing me to unload inside her oral cavity. Spurt after spurt of my sticky load painted her pink insides, feeding her a torrent of my thick and salty seed, the mother of three just lapping up my sperm with her tongue as she pumped my shaft with her fist, milking my twitching cock to completion while swallowing my load, closing her eyes in euphoria.
It was immense, watching her continue to work my spurting dick with her lips until I grew soft within her mouth. A gentle squeeze of my balls dribbling out the final drops of sperm from my tip into her welcoming tongue.
“God damn Karina...that was intense,” I said breathlessly.
She looked up at me in a cum drunk haze, my seed dripping from her bottom lip.
“So...do I taste better than your husband?” I asked cheekily.
She looked at me with a frown, coming back down to reality after her earth-shattering fellatio, she had just given me.
“I don’t usually let him finish in my mouth..,” Karina said meekly.
“Usually?” I replied.
“Never..,” She said, kissing my tip softly with her lips.
I reached out stroking her face as I scooped up the last dribble of sperm on the side of her mouth, letting the ravishing woman suck it clean from my fingers a smile breaking out on her face at the taste of my essence.
Our sensual connection in that moment was disrupted by the sudden ring of her phone. It was her husband and just like that her mood changed from a state of utter arousal to one of panic and remorse as she stood up, flattening out her dress and grabbing her jacket.
“I... I have to go,” Karina stammered, clearly flustered as her cheeks went a bright red.
“Email me the rest of the slides?” She said turning to me.
“Look- about...what just…” Karina started.
I cut her off, kissing her gently on the lips.
“Go... I will see you in the meeting on Friday,” I said gently.
Karina smiled, avoiding my eye contact, clearly riddled with guilt from what had just transpired, but she clearly enjoyed herself. It gave me a surge of confidence knowing that fact, even if she was not ready to freely admit it herself.
The picture of her locked in the thralls of passion as I felt her up for the first time would forever be seared into my memories. I was officially addicted and I needed to get another hit of her...
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cranberryjuice-posts · 7 months
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- this butch this butch -
Pairings - Butch Abby x housewife! Milf! reader
IMPORTANT - takes Place in the 40’s / Abby is referred to as Abby and is written with He/Him pronouns UNTIL reader finds out she’s a she
If ur currious what the Lingerie looked like
Tw - SHITTY SMUT‼️‼️ oral sex, fingering, erm that’s abt it guys it takes place in the 40’s idk 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
An - the smut is like kinda at the end and short bc idk
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Rushing around the house you struggled to prepare dinner. Tonight was important, your father had decided to come by for dinner bringing along his understudy Andy Anderson, your husband was currently out in the living room entertaining your father and your baby girl June was currently playing on the kitchen floor with her blocks.
“Ok ok.. steak for main course and I’ll do lobster bisque for the appetizer” you mumbled while grabbing the ingredients you needed.
“Mama” your daughter asked from where she sat, walking over to your todler you crouched down to her smiling. “Yes baby?”
“Square” she held up a block. Letting out a content sigh you took the wooden toy from your daughter, setting it aside you kissed her forehead. “Yes baby that’s a square, now mommy has to take care of dinner ok so be a good girl and play with your toys” Getting back up you returned to your meal prep.
After an hour the door opened, stepping in John. As he entered the kitchen your dusted the flour off of your hands while he found his way over to you, bending down he placed a soft kiss on your lips before heading towards the liquor cabinet. “John.. common I’m making dinner and June is up, can’t you wait until later”
He didn’t respond. “John p—“
“I heard you the first time” he snapped. Your breath caught in your throat, being married to your husband for the past 6 years you’ve learned quickly about his temper. And his hand.
Nodding slowly you started baking again. Checking on your soup June started crying as she hit her hand on a chair. “Your daughter is crying” John spoke as he prepared two glasses. “Yes.. uh could you please get her I’m sorry I’m just busy with dinner”
John however ignored you, walking out while heading back towards the living room. “God..” you sighed with your daughter practically screaming, before you could walk over to her the door opened once again making you pause in your step, being faced to face with a long forgotten crush of yours.. Andy . “Oh my god Andy I— please you don’t-“ you stumbled against your words while you tried to clean yourself up some. Andy chuckled shaking his head while picking up June. “It’s ok, I don’t mind helping out”
“Thank you” giving him a grateful smile. Sitting down at the counter Andy started to watch as your Finshed your meal. Normally you preferred being in the kitchen alone, but Andy was different. Being around him made you happy, it also didn’t help that he was insanely attractive. His strong arms and short well kept Blonde hair, and for some reason being around him gave you this flustered feeling. It was a wonder how he hadn’t been swooped up by some lucky woman .“so how’s your marriage going” Andy asked drawing your attention.
“Hm? Me oh it’s going.. nothing to bad though” you chuckled trying to make light of the situation. “Oh by the way Andy could you please take June out and set her in her high chair? You’d be doing me a major favor” you pleadingly asked, he of coursed nodded leaving to do as you asked.
All you asked for was a normal dinner. Sitting across the table from you was Andy. You knew he liked you, you may of been younger than him by a couple years but you could tell how he tried to peek at your cleavage through your dress or how he appreciated your victory curls. Though you didn’t mind the attention as it was more than you received from your husband.
Cleaning up the now emptied plates, you smiled as your dad complimented your cooking skills. “Aw dad it’s nothing to write home about”
“Ha! As if im Gonna Need you to start cookin for me every night” he laughed pulling a cigar out his pocket. Going outside you expected your husband to follow him the same as Andy only this time he followed you to the kitchen. “Well I think tonight went gr—“ the next thing you knew your jaw hit the sink then you laid on the floor.
“First thing Sunday you will go to the priest and confess about how you practically eye fucked another man infront of me.” John simply spoke while adjusting his shirt sleeve. “What?” You quietly asked, your tears staining the floor bellow you.
He scoffed. “Don’t act suprised you knew what you were doing. I saw how you act with Andy. Clean yourself up and get this nasty kitchen cleaned as well” he harshly spoke before leaving.
“Annnd here’s mommy” Andy smiled as he brought June into the kitchen, your daughter laughing excitedly. Almost immediately Andy noticed your closed off stance. Setting your daughter down He mumbled “Go find your grandpa ok” making sure the young girl was gone he made his way towards you
“What’s wrong” he asked standing behind you. You both had known each-other for a few years at this point, thus a friendship had grown over time. “Nothing” you mumbled.
He knew. You knew he knew. It was obivous. A small stain of blood on the floor, the first aid kit open and your formerly perfect curls now distressed.
Letting out a deep sigh he moved to be Standing beside you at the sink, now rinsing off the dishes he stayed quiet. “I’ve got it Andy”
He shrugged his shoulders “I know.”
“Andy this is a woman’s job please” You tried to push him back only he didn’t move. Giving up you stepped back watching while Andy finished off the plates putting them now in the drying rack.
Turning around He dried his hands before gently grabbing your face, rubbing a thumb over your bruising cheek and jaw. His critical gaze felt as though he knew how you felt. Your pain. Your cheeks flushed somewhat from his touch. Without realizing it you leaned into Andy kissing him.
A moment later you pulled back realizing he hadn’t kiss you back. “I’m sorry” you covered the bottom half of your face while holding your head low. “No no.. it’s not you trust me” his tone shocked as he quickly tried to assure you— you were in the right by squeezing your arms. “Your absolutely perfect in every way it’s just that.. there’s some stuff about me that you wouldn’t approve of, that would make you reject me”
Looking up confused you tilted your head. “What is it..” keeping eye contact with him. You knew he wouldn’t tell you without you putting up a fight. “I swear on everything Andy that I won’t tell.. if I do then you can tell John how I kissed you…. So please what is it” debating for a moment he finally sighed giving into you. Taking his hands away from you but keeping your bodies close he untucked his shirt pulling it open.
That’s when you realized it. Andy wasn’t a man.. rather he was a woman. “Your..”
“Yeah..” she sighed, Closing her shirt. “My Name is Abigail— Abby for short, not Andy. Legally a few years ago I changed my name to Andy because I couldn’t stand the thought of being a mans wife. So I changed. I changed everything about me and I ended up landing a pretty good spot at your fathers company” she slightly chuckled.
You kept your hands towards your chest. Out of everything Andy actually being named Abigail and being a woman was not what you expected. Pulling your eyes away from Abby you finally reached out, softly touching her chest which was covered by a thin tanktop. You felt the woman’s breath falter.
Standing on your tippy toes once again you placed your lips onto Abby’s. It was a quick peck. “Your not disgusted” she asked quietly with her hands on the counter behind you. “No.. if anything you being a woman makes you even more attractive”
That was all it took before Abby quickly jerking you into her kissing you hungerily. Bringing your hands to the girls face and wrapping an arm around her neck you deepend the kiss with Abby’s hands finding that special spot in your back as if to say ‘she’s got you’.
You’ve heard of lesbians before. It was a new term but still far away from being a socially acceptable term. From an early age you knew you liked women. It was hard not to but you knew that it was either conform to society and marry a man, have a kid and a family or be an outcast and alone forever. However in this moment you were prepared to throw everything out of the window if it meant to be with her
Pulling back you panted keeping Abby close. “John’s gonna leave.. he says it’s because the office needs him but I know he’s going to fuck his secretary. Midnight come by at 12, I know he won’t be back til morning and June will be long asleep” stepping back from the woman you tried to fix your curls in the mirror on the liquor cabinet. “The back door will be unlocked for you”
“What are You saying” she chuckled fixing her shirt some, Abby’s cheeks were completely red. “You know what I’m saying..” looking back over at her, there was this unspoken agreement between you both.
“Ok. I’ll be back at 12:00am sharp” she gave a small smile, kissing you softly once again.
Just as You Said John had left soon after your father. Spending the next hour you put June to bed, now leaving you with three hours to get ready.
Once midnight came around Abby walked in through the back door of your house finding it unlocked like you promised. Making her way upstairs she stopped at your door. Hesitant like this was all some fucked up dream. After a small mental pep talk she softly knocked on the door before stepping in.
Stepping inside the woman paused. You stood by your bed wearing a black lingerie set. The simple black bra and silk shorts with fishnets underneath. A few candles were lit and your hair redone. Shyly standing fiddling with your hands.
“My god.” Abby spoke breathless as she closed the door. Walking to you she held your hips admiring your body. “I.. I tried, um.. I had originally got this for John and I’s sixth anniversary but I figured this was a much better occasion”
Abby leaned forward trailing soft kisses from your jaw to your lips. Her hands dragged up loving your skin while you kissed. Bitting your bottom lip you let out a soft moan allowing Abby to slip her tongue in.
The kiss repeating multiple times until she pushed you down onto the bed. Her knee finding itself between your legs. “Off” she whispered. “What?” You asked breathless. Abby hooked her finger under the bra strap pulling it down. Once realizing you quickly took the top off setting it aside.
The blonde kissed down your neck, finding her way to your breast. Licking over the sensitive nipple she smiled as you tried to hold back a moan. Sucking on your breast she showed the same love towards the other with her hand.
She rhymathically rubbed her knee against your aching core. Covering your mouth you tried your best to hide a loud cry. Feeling yourself grow wetter you couldn’t help but start to grind your hips against the woman’s leg.
“Abby..” you softly cried grabbing at her short mannish hair. “I know sweet girl I know” she whispered still kissing your chest. Switching her mouth to the second revelishing in the fact you never felt like this with your husband.
Letting go of your nipple with a pop like sound she stood up from where she previously was. Taking off her suspenders Abby made quick work of her button down and pants leaving her in her briefs and wife beater pleaser. Taking a moment to admire Abby’s muscular physique, you looked away embarrassed
Getting down into her knees she pulled you to the edge of the bed. Bringing your underwear and fishnet socks down Abby had to restrain herself from loosing control. After your daughter birth you never managed to loose all the pregnancy weight, your lower half of stomach having a noticeable pudge with dark stretch marks.
Feeling Abby’s eyes on you, you tried to hide your stomach with your hands however she forced them away. “Abby please it’s disgusting”
“Oh sweet sweet girl.. it’s the furthest thing from disgusting, baby I’m having to restrain myself even now from fucking your senseless. You are the most attractive woman I’ve ever laid eyes on”
Her words making you turn red. Embarrassed still you stopped resisting Abby’s gaze and let yourself relax. Watching as the woman positioned herself between you, she looked up asking for your permission. You nodded at first which she didn’t appreciate “common sweet girl I need you to give me a yes or I’m not doing anything”
“Yes damnit Abby” you whined. She grinned at your neediness, not wanting to make you wait any longer she leaned in kissing your clit.
A whole new feeling of pleasure courses through your body as you felt Abby start to suck on your sensitive bud. Lapping her tongue through your folds and even teasing your throbbing hole.
Trying to keep quiet you gave soft breathy moans while having a firm grip on her hair. Abby tightly held your thighs as she continued to sloppily lick at you, your juices running down her chin.
Abby looked up at you slapping your thigh to get your attention you looked down. Her free hand now running lines with her thumb over your sopping cunt. “You keep your eyes on me, if you don’t then I’ll stop” agreeing faster than you should of you kept your gaze down at the blonde
Abby knew she wasn’t one to deny you, almost immediately going back to what she had previously been doing.
After taking a few moments she slipped a finger into you. Moaning loud you covered your mouth worried your daughter might wake up. There was a momentarily pause where you both kept an ear out incase June had indeed woken up. You could feel Abby laughing against your leg making you softly hit you with your thigh.
She rolled her eyes before moving back down between your legs. Her thick finger moving in and out as she continued to suck on your clit you felt a long forgotten feeling building up. Abby knew you were close, by how your breath started to increase and how you started to grind yourself against her face wanting— needing more.
Before you realized it yourself you had came. Falling back as you had no strength to keep yourself up, Abby continued to lick at you until you were completely cleaned.
Coming back up she towered over you pinning you down to the bed capturing you in one final kiss.
Laying in your bed together both nude you laughed softly as abby held you close finding one of the dumb jokes she had told you amusing. Hiding your face in her neck you realized that this was where you always wanted to be. To be in her arms, to be in her bed, hearing her dumb jokes, To be her wife.
“Abby” you mumbled against her skin.
“Yeah” she Hummed while playing with one of your curls. “John’s gettin enlisted into the army for the war. He told me a week ago. He leaves in a few days.. while he’s gone if he comes back alive I’ll divorce him and if he dies it’ll make this next part easier.” You spoke with a gentle tone.
Pulling back from Abby you shifted around until you sat up looking down at her. “I’ve known you since I was 18.. the past 8 years I couldn’t of asked for a better friend and now I know what I want.. Abigail Anderson. I want you to be mine.. in public you will be my husband but behind closed doors, in the comfort of our home and in our bedroom away from prying eyes you will be my wife”
Abby stayed quiet for a moment. Trying to search her eyes for an answer you noticed as the strong woman started to cry. Worried you said something wrong you tried to speak but were quickly cut off by her sitting up to kiss you. “I would like nothing more then that.. my wife” she pulled you into her hugging you close.
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sorceresssundries · 6 days
Until We Wake
Pairing: Gale/Tav
Warnings: Talk of death, afterlife, angst.
Word Count: 1000 words
A/N - I wanted to try and write something different, and move away from my usual overly-descriptive style.
I hope you like it <3
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You are dead.
It was easy in the end. Like taking off a coat you’d been wearing too long.
There’s no confusion. You know you are dead, and it’s okay…Was okay? Is okay? Time is strange here. Slippery.
You are sitting at the edge of a great lake. Well, not really sitting, not really by a lake, but that’s how it feels. There is no sunshine, but you can feel the warmth of it on your—skin? No, not skin. There isn’t any skin. There isn’t a body at all. You just… are.
It’s nice, actually.
“God?” A voice, though not a voice, fills the space around you.
“Erm, no. Sorry. There may be one around somewhere, though,” you reply.
You sense a kind of exasperation.
“No,” it says, more insistently. “Which God is yours? Who did you worship?”
“Oh!” That’s funny. If you had lungs, you would laugh. “I didn’t really worship one.”
The silence that follows is heavy.
You’ve probably given the wrong response and are now going to drift here for eternity in silence. That doesn’t seem so bad. There’s peace in it.
“But, uh, I felt close to Selûne. I knew her daughter, actually. Aylin? I saved her once—no, twice! From an eternal cycle of ritual torture and sacrifice. Twice!” You pause, waiting for the weight of your heroism to settle in. “Can you write that down? Are you writing things down? I don’t really know how this works.”
“I am not writing things down.”
“Right. Okay.”
More time passes—seconds, hours, centuries. It is hard to tell. If experience has taught you anything, it’s that you should probably be a little hesitant about listening to mysterious entities who appear in your unconsciousness. But, for whatever reason, you have no doubt that you’re safe.
“Who are you?” you ask.
“Oh.” Another eternal pause. “Sorry, I don’t know what that means. I know you don’t have a body. I don’t either. What I meant to ask is... what’s your purpose here?”
“To help”
“Ah.” You think about that. It feels distant, though, like the thought isn’t entirely yours. “Can Withers bring me back? He usually does.”
“No. Not this time.”
That’s alright, you realise. Everything ends.
“Can you tell me how you died?” the voice continues, unhurried.
If sadness existed here, you would feel it.
“I failed somebody. I couldn’t convince him he was deserving enough to live. He sacrificed himself. I stayed with him.”
“Gale Dekarios,” comes the response. Even now, even here, the sound of his name warms you.
“Yes! That’s him! Have you met him? Is he here too?”
“He is not.”
You pause, a moment of confusion or relief, it’s hard to say. Perhaps he’s with Mystra.
He had followed her order, hadn't he? He had used the orb. Perhaps he was cradled back in her starlit palm. Perhaps he was finally fulfilled.
“He’s probably with his Goddess,” you say, matter-of-factly.
“He forgot his Goddess. At the end, he thought only of you.”
Right. He had said something like that once. On a boat he had built out of hope and stardust. It felt like a lifetime ago. You wish you had said more to him—something different. You should have been more convincing, made him see he was more than magic, more than martyrdom. He was kind. Funny. So very human.
Not anymore.
“Will I see him again?”
This voice that’s not a voice is not hugely helpful. It feels distant. Somehow big and small. Like many voices, or none, all at the same time.
“I let him down,” you whisper, though no sound leaves you.
“He forgives you.”
What do they know of Gale? This mysterious spectre. Maybe it’s just your own thoughts, your desperation, trying to clutch at forgiveness. Maybe death has splintered you into fragments of yourself whispering back and forth. Maybe the afterlife is nothing more than talking to yourself in the quiet, with no one left to answer. A conversation in circles, where you are both the call and the response.
“You loved him" they say. It isn't a question.
“I did. I do. I always will.”
It's lucky you don't have a heart. It would be in splinters.
“Would you like to try again?” The voice offers.
Your thoughts pause, grasping at the idea. “You mean, go back? To the start? Is that possible?”
“Sometimes. Under certain circumstances.”
A chance to try again. At what? Saving Gale? Having a better life? A better death? Eventually finding your way back to this place, with no regrets holding you back?
You would like that.
“Will I remember this?”
“Will he?”
You could have had this conversation hundreds of times before, or perhaps it is the first and only. It is impossible to know.
“Ok. Yes, please.”
You can feel the pieces of yourself starting to come apart, like threads of a tapestry being unspooled by the oldest and gentlest of hands.
You reach out for those delicate, golden threads on instinct, but they slip away, and it is hard to know whether you are letting go of them or they are letting go of you.
Scratch the Dog. Karlach’s laughter. Night Orchids. Sunlight on scarred skin. Homemade cookies. Gale. Magic. A kiss.
You try to hold them tighter.
“How do I know I won’t make the same mistakes all over again?” you ask.
“You don’t,” the voice that wasn’t a voice says.
A silver sword. A man with horns dancing. Pipe smoke and bear fur. Taverns and temples and soft touches. Gale.
You’re trying to hold so many of them, you have to let others go. What is your name again? How old are you? Who were your parents?
Moonlight through shadow. A boat on make-believe water. A hand in yours. A purple dagger.
“Will I still be me?” You’re no longer sure what that means.
“That depends.”
The lake that wasn’t a lake, the warmth that wasn’t the sun, all of it begins to fade. You feel yourself pulled away, or maybe pulled together. You aren’t sure which—you just know you’re going somewhere, somewhen.
The voice speaks a final time as everything ends. As everything begins.
“Who are you?”
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lcvclywon · 3 months
what if when you're fully awake, i come to my senses
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synopsis ᯓ sunghoon had a picture perfect life planned out with you, but you didn't know how to tell him that wasn't the life you could ever be apart of
warnings ˎˊ˗ cursing, crying, kissing, mentions of family + motherhood, erm lowercase intended, ignore typos lawl, mentions of alcohol
genre ⭑.ᐟ angst
pairings: non-idol ex!sunghoon x female reader
wc ᵎᵎ 1.2k
thoughts frm yuya💭 what acc was this again
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2 years. it had been two years since you had broken up with sunghoon and left korea without warning. since then you had started a new life, new friends, new place, new job, new you. but following a promotion in your job you now had to move all the way back to korea. 
to be honest, a small part of you still did care if you would end up seeing him in seoul again. you really shouldn’t be the one caring considering you were the one who ended things but, a small part of you hoped to bump into him. even if it was at work, a random cafe, a restaurant nearby your office, even a brush of shoulders whilst walking down the street would’ve been enough for you. just to see if he was alright, if he was doing better than you after the breakup. but alas, nothing. who were you to blame really, korea was a big country…stupid to think you guys could ever meet. and so eventually as years passed on, the small hope that lingered in your chest eventually faded and you forgot about sunghoon. and that was going great until- 
“YN?“ no way. 
as if fate would have it, there sunghoon stood before you years after you stopped caring. this wasn’t really the way you expected meeting him after all these years, but there you were standing  face to face with him at your local bar after a tough day at work. splendid, really. 
“Sunghoon!” quickly wiping away the dust of laver on your lips you turned around to face him, it was a relief to you that he didn’t look entirely dreadful after seeing you. but in all honesty it made you feel even worse about how things ended. 
“What are you doing back in korea?” he didn’t really bother for an invitation to sit down before grabbing a stool at the bar for himself and seating himself next to you
you finished off the last few sips of beer left in your cup before stuttering out “Oh my um- my job had me move here a couple years back. i think it’s been what- like two years since i’ve been here, yeah two years…” 
“that’s nice, that’s nice…” sunghoon mumbled out while nodding. then you two just sat there, in silence. god what the fuck were you two even doing….
just as you were about to say your goodbyes and rid yourself from this awkward tension he blurted out “why’d you do it?”
“what?” god why were you even playing dumb right now, your gut knew what he was talking about 
“the breakup, why’d you leave like that,” his voice was shaky as he spoke, glancing over you realised he didn’t even look up to your face whilst saying it. maybe he really wasn’t as fine as you thought “you just left really abruptly, i- i just wanna know why?” 
“i-“ mustering up the courage you finally stumbled out “i heard that day…”
“what?” please don’t make me hurt you by saying it sunghoon…
“that day with heeseung, i heard it.”
“i’m not quite understanding-“
“You were talking about wanting a family, wanting kids….with me-“ 
“i tried you know, i tried to want that too. i tried imagining myself with kids, our kids, and i tried feeling happy at the thought. but i was just scared..” you couldn’t help but laugh at your own pathetic behavior “i’m not fit to be a mother sunghoon, i wouldn’t be a good one.” 
“was that…” he paused to inhale a shaky breath “was that the reason?”
you could only nod in response. 
“yn, why didn’t you just tell me? i would’ve understood, we could’ve talked things through.”
“hoon,” the nickname still left your mouth with a smile “we were together for five years, five years you probably harbored that dream. and i didn’t wanna get in the way of that because i was scared…and god you just- you sounded so happy describing it”
“you could’ve just told me-“
“i didnt want you to change your hopes and dreams just because i didn’t fit it. i wanted you to have a life with a woman who could make you happy, a life where you could have those dreams, a life where you could be a father.”
“i don’t want any part of that life if it’s not with you…” what was meant to come out as an outburst only left his mouth was a defeated surrender. 
you didn’t really know what to say, so you just hugged him. you engulfed him between your arms letting his head rest on the crook of your neck, feeling how his tears stained your collarbones. 
“we shouldn’t do this…” you whispered out, as if speaking too loud would snap him out of whatever trance he was in 
“no, we shouldn’t…” he didn’t let go though “do you not want to at least try, it’s been years. i’ve changed” 
finally pulling away you cupped his tear stained cheeks with your hands before replying with “i get that you’ve changed hoon, probably for the better too. but i don’t think i have, and i still can’t give you that dream. i wouldn’t be giving you a life you deserved” 
“yn,” your name left his tongue like a plead before his hand reached up to meet yours “a life with you is all that i want.”
you wanted to believe this, but you knew deep down it wasn’t what he wanted. it was what he was settling for. 
“i cant take that life away from you hoon. i cant be selfish again.” you smiled weakly at him trying to cover up the fact that you could practically hear your own heart shattering “be with someone who can be enough. please” 
he didn’t respond. he only inched his face closer to yours to press a tender kiss on your lips, and you didn’t bother to stop him. you kissed him back but you both knew, it wasn’t a kiss to save whatever scraps of the relationship you had left, it was goodbye. perhaps that’s why you let his lips linger a little longer, perhaps that’s why you let him snake his arms around your waist and tangled them though your hair, perhaps that’s why you let yourself enjoy the kiss a little more, perhaps thats why you weren’t the one to pull away this time. 
facing his tear stained cheeks and hopeless expression once again, you couldn’t help but feel a sense of deja vu. but this time you let him be the one to walk away first. 
“goodbye yn, i love you”
“goodbye hoon.” you couldn’t really return the last sentiment 
it was sad, the whole situation. but you knew it was for the better. you knew you weren’t what sunghoon wanted, nor what he should settle for. somewhere down the line, even if it hurt you now, it would make sense. it wouldnt kill you everytime you thought of it, it wouldn’t break your heart or make you sob. over time it would get better.
perhaps that’s why, five years down the line, when you happened to cross by sunghoon walking happily down the street wtih his daughter on top of his shoulders as his wife laughed…you could only smile. 
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perm taglist @floweryang @cupidhoons @msauthor @dimplewonie @cholexc @i2ycat @bunnbam @tobiosbbyghorl @jlheon @dioll @jwsdoll @junislqve @jeongonniiee @thatsoraya @antoncyng
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junislqve · 4 months
ᯓ silhouette — jake
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syn following the break up that happened abruptly, your life has found its way through better situations. jake, however, hasn’t found his luck even months later. (310 words)
pairs ex!jake + reader | cw angst angst angst — mlist navi
note emo jake debut (this was supposed to be posted 3 weeks ago..erm) im not proud of this im sawry 😓
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the pattering of the rain is continuous, lathering the streets. the bell of the convenience store ringed as jake walked out, one hand holding the heavy plastic bag.
he looked up at the rain, thankful the storefront had a roof shielding him from it.
his apartment was a 10-minute walk from the convenience store. he had a hoodie on that could last him at least a few minutes before soaking his whole body.
the rain came down harshly, not to mention the raging wind blowing at the trees. jake weighed his options and opted to wait for the rain to calm down.
he sat on the bench, already partly soaked and placed his bag beside him. he searched for his phone on his back pocket and fished it out, trying to entertain himself for however long.
until the sound of a car pulling up paired with bright lights fought through the rain stopped just in front of the store. jake spared a mere glance at the car, the plate number going unnoticed.
then he heard it, someone laughed and a wave of deja vu washed over him. he might be deluded sometimes but he was dead sure it was you, it must be you. he looked back up just as your silhouette disappeared into the store with a jingle.
jake stood up quickly, stumbling. he opened the store door with yet another ring and it closed behind him, muffling the heavy rain outside.
his heart was beating so loudly. the loudest its every been for months. he suddenly looked to the store glass to fix up his appearance; pushing back his hair, fixing his expression.
this wasn’t the first time jake had acted like this, he had had times where he’d hear someone who had a voice similar to yours or seen your silhouette and he would try calling out your name, hoping it was you.
jake took one last look at the glass, fixing his hair awkwardly, and looked away to turn to one of the corners. expecting to face an empty hallway, he ran straight to you, hands embracing you in reflex.
in a daze, you looked up, a warm smile adorning your face that has his body reacting exactly like it did months ago.
another thing he hasn’t gotten over. how sweet your voice still sounded after all this time. the late nights and dreams about hearing your voice once again could never have compared.
“hey, how have you been?”
every syllable uttered that fell from your lips has his mind whirling. all those months ago when he decided to break it off with whatever reason he had, it all suddenly made no sense. his wave of regret hitting him like a hurricane.
the wall he attempted to build up, all cascade away. you always had that effect on him. how could you not? when your eyes were looking at him like that. when you willingly let his hands linger on your waist.
“take me back” he whispers. he watches as your smile wavers.
“jake” you trail off.
“take me back and i swear i’ll treat you right this time”
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© junislqve 2024. liking, commenting, and rebloging are appreciated.
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pygmi-cygni · 23 days
clever boy - MK x GN!reader
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reader gender is not described could be literally anything. inspired by this post that made me giggle for ten minutes
sfw, no risky content, just silly cuteness. jake isn't mentioned sorry lockley stans but maybe I'll do another version w him <3
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Steven and Marc, Marc and Steven. The two of them, peas in a pod. Keeping each other company in Steven's tiny flat.
Until, you.
You'd caught both their eyes, really, but Steven called dibs because he was fronting when you'd met. Though, Marc argued, he was feeding the poor guy lines because he was blushing so hard he couldn't think straight.
From the first day, Steven wanted to jump the gun and tell you how pretty you were and invite you over forever and gush and gush but no. Marc was patient, reminding him to breathe, to take his time. They were in this together, and he didn't want his hope for your affection to be crushed by his headmate's eagerness.
So Steven sat back, hands wringing his sleeves and a stupid smile smarting his cheeks. You thought he was the sweetest thing you'd ever seen. His sass made you keel over laughing, listening to his funny recounts of ignorant customers or mishaps on the bus.
He was sweet and pretty and so, so clever.
Which is what first planted the seed of doubt that he didn't like you the way you liked him. Steven, as much as he stuttered, was sharp as a tack. He loved puzzles and trivia and escape room games (though the real thing made his hair stand on end). You thought for sure he'd sniff you out in an instant; your growing crush wasn't discreet.
But he never mentioned it, never made a move, nothing. Marc, whom you'd met a few weeks later, was also very smart. He liked deeper conversations, and his warm gaze would be intensely focused on whatever subject you'd picked. Surely, if Steven missed your hints, Marc would give him a wink and a nudge and bam, game on.
Still, nothing but platonic smiles.
Little did you know, a tug of war was raging in your friend's mind the second you left his flat.
The three of you shared a wall, so Marc ensured his whisper-fights with Steven stayed quiet.
"Too soon," Marc hissed into the kitchen mirror. It was small and round, and you had left a little sticky note with a smiley face on it for them to see in the morning.
Steven was tearing his hair out in the small frame, eyes round and watery. Mate, I've never had this much courage to do anything in my life, you know that, please, it can't be that bad!
Marc gritted his teeth. Naive little Steven.
"What if you scare them off, huh? We've known them for a month and you think they'll jump in just like that?"
Steven paused his worrying, realizing for the first time the kind of fallout that might occur. His cow eyes saddened, imagining the empty space that would replace you, if you didn't reciprocate. He couldn't live with that.
"Just a bit longer," Marc sighed, rubbing his face. He needed to sleep. Steven continued to fume, for once at odds with his best friend.
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You'd noticed his distance. Steven, always happy to see you, had withdrawn. He waved quietly in the morning, and mumbled a good night when you passed his door. It stung. Marc was stoic as ever, but his jaw was tighter and he didn't look you in the eye.
Something was wrong.
So, like any good friend would, you picked up takeout and a few movies and knocked on Steven's door.
It took a few moments, but your favorite mop of curls soon peeked out from behind the frame.
"Oh, erm, uh, heya, sorry, did we plan something? I, um," Steven still didn't look you in the eye, fumbling with the latch as he stuttered through an apology. You stepped forward and touched his shoulder.
Smiling what you hoped was gently, you eased his worry. "I just wanted to say hi. I brought snacks," you said, holding up the warm bag of food.
Still nervous, Steven nodded and beckoned you inside.
Bollocks, he griped. Marc was having a conniption, trying to come up with a reason to push you back out. It's raining, Steven pleaded, and we haven't hung out for ages and Thai smells really good and they've got that cute sweater on-
That's the problem, Marc tossed back, you'll trip all over yourself like a fool. Lemme front-
Steven had to bite his lip to stop from yelling his dissent. He'd been pestering Marc to invite you over for days, now was his chance.
You were dividing the curry and rice into equal portions while he poked through the movies and games you'd brought. There were a couple of his favorites, Clue, James Bond (The originals, of course) and some he didn't recognize.
"Hey, what's this?" He grabbed a small box and peered at it. You paused your chopsticks and leaned over.
"Oh," you said around a mouthful of rice, "I dunno, Rachel from work recommended it." You picked at your food as he flipped it over to read the back.
20 Questions, it was titled. Forty different cards, each with a subject. One person had the subject and the other had to guess what it was in twenty questions or less. Only three hints allowed and nothing made-up.
"Let's do it," Steven decided. He enjoyed a challenge and if it meant he could hear your lovely voice, he wasn't complaining. Marc had fallen silent, taking to brooding in the background. Probably for the best - he wasn't very good at puzzles.
You wiped your hands on a napkin and took the first card.
"A classic movie," you read. Steven rocked on his heels for a moment, fiddling with his plate.
"Got it," he said.
You knew what to start with. Steven loved classic movies, but none of the scary ones. Probably something historical.
"Does it take place in the last fifty years?"
He nodded, chewing. One.
"Does it have a female protagonist?" Two.
He shook his head gleefully. That familiar Steven sparkle was back, and it eased the worry in your head. He wasn't so off, then. Maybe just a bad week.
"Does the man have a whip?" You were grinning, sure you'd got it. Steven's lips twitched - he knew he'd been found out.
It took only two more questions for you to guess Indiana Jones, to his shock. You blamed it on luck rather than the adorable predictability of your friend.
Steven's turn next, and it took him halfway to guess "Fondue" at Favorite food. You went back and forth, giggling at each other on the floor of his rainy flat. Steven protested when you argued that he couldn't use himself for Favorite Superhero.
"I am a hero," he wheedled, gesturing to the Moon Knight stuffie you'd got him as a joke.
"Yeah, but you can't guess yourself," you argued. Nowhere in the rules did it say that, but it felt good to have your bickering sessions. You'd missed this - bantering over stupid issues with tummies full of food and a fun game to play.
Steven blushed when you mentioned it. "Sorry," he mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. "I got busy, 'n Marc was being pissy 'cause - yeah you were, don't be a knob," he muttered to himself. Your grin twitched at the mention of your other friend.
"How is Marc?"
He swallowed thickly. "Uhm...he's, uh, he's swell. Hang on, sorry-" There was a pause as he flickered between scowling and mumbling.
You ignored his stuttering and resumed eating. He needed space at the moment; Marc was probably arguing over something. You didn't want to make them uncomfortable.
"Sorry," Steven said sheepishly. "My turn, yeah?"
Setting down your empty plate, you nodded. Flipping a card, you saw alarm flash across his face. You laughed nervously.
He swallowed and smiled nervously. "Nothing, nothing. Ah, I guess, we can skip it if you want...?"
You snatched the card and froze. Longtime Crush.
Fuck. Stay calm, this will be fine. A door of opportunity glowed in your mind, and you smiled.
"No. Let's do it."
Steven, still wary, nodded and tried to push away the intense shame inside. This was going to crush him. He could feel Marc's annoyance through the barrier. Told you so. Not wanting to ruin your game, he soldiered on.
"Is...are they...a man?" You nodded, eyes glittering. God this was worse than torture.
"Have you known him very long?"
You thought about it. "Yeah, I guess. Feels like forever." Great, you'd had a childhood crush all along. He never stood a chance. Marc was burying his head in his hands. Steven wanted to push him to the front so he could have a good cry, but he needed to face it. His fault you were here anyway.
"Do you see him at work?"
"N....Sometimes," you added. He scrunched his nose.
"Whaddya mean sometimes? Either you do or you-"
"Next question," you laughed. Steven wracked his brain.
"Oh, bugger, uh...." he didn't want to pry, but he couldn't think of anything.
"Need a hint?" You were on the verge of cackling. Grumpily, he shook his head.
"Does he live nearby?"
He pursed his lips, thinking of your small social circle. Your work was a tiny office, there had to be a few guys that he knew.
"Does...Is he friends with our friends?"
You nodded. "He's very close."
He had to be missing something. "Fine, gimme a hint."
"Well," you began, smile stretching to the moon, "he's very clever. He'd like this game, I think. He likes to laugh, but he can be quite serious too." Ignoring the fact that you'd given him two hints, Steven's heart wilted as he noticed the starry look in your eyes. Whoever this guy was, he was a lucky chap.
Marc was miserable, gloominess radiating. Steven felt awful, he hadn't meant for this to go so poorly. Just get through the questions, Marc grumbled.
"Where does he work?"
You tapped your chin. "Well...he's got two jobs."
His eyebrows raised. "Busy fella, huh?"
"Yeah." Your lips quirked. "Almost seems like he's two people."
"What's his jobs, then?"
"Let's see...it's very unconventional," you said slowly, a cute smile on your face, "Sorta self-employed."
Steven cocked his head at the confusing answer. Self employed? That's not really a second job. Marc shrugged. We're kinda self employed, so it could be.
It was strange how many similarities he found between himself and this mystery man.
"I'll give you a hint," you said after the moment dragged. Steven vehemently shook his head.
"No, I've got it, swear."
You giggled. "it won't count, promise. He's got a pet fish."
Steven threw up his hands in exasperation. "How've I never met this man?! We sound almost identical, I'm sure I'd remember him!"
You were bent over laughing now. He sat there, bewildered, while Marc watched with growing understanding.
Steven, he hissed. Steven, hang on.
Stop being a spoilsport, I know you're mad, Steven retorted, too invested in the game.
"Marc's met him," you said between fits, tears streaking your cheeks. Marc opened his mouth again but Steven waved him away.
"Nuh uh, I can do this," he said determinedly. STEVEN! Marc was shouting now, thumping his hands in vain.
You'd stopped laughing, grinning like a loon while you waited. He'd get it now, surely, you hoped, the fading laughter revealing your anxiety.
Steven had short-circuited, eyes flicking around like a pinball machine.
"You're clever," you murmured, "you'll get it."
He snapped out of it and raked a hand through his messy curls. "Hang on, hang on, what? This doesn't- how can he be friends with our friends when the only man friend you've got is me?" He was genuinely perplexed, triggering a sympathetic smile from you.
Marc was in fits now, and Steven was getting a headache. Oi, Marc, chill out a bit, yeah? I'm trying to-
Steven for once in your life listen this is important oh my God-
"What?" he relented, mouthing sorry at you. Marc heaved a breath and closed his eyes.
You. Us. Steven, it's so obvious.
Steven rolled his eyes. "Me? You've lost it, mate, really, you've gone mad."
He froze, clapping a hand over his mouth. "Oh my days, sorry, I didn't mean to guess so soon, sorry-"
You did nothing but grin, leaning closer. "Clever boy," you whispered, then pressed your lips to his.
Marc fainted.
Steven, sweet man, had frozen, too preoccupied with his internal screaming do understand what was happening.
His hands found their way to your cheeks and he giggled, the sweet sound muffled against your lips. It was clunky and off-centered, but it was real and he was laughing and every insecurity he'd ever had vanished in a puff of smoke.
You pulled back for a breath, but Steven hadn't finished, chasing after you with a huff. Marc, finally back online, was sitting in a lovesick stupor. Your lips were soft and your hands were rubbing soothingly down his back. A quiet solitude had blanketed the flat, now dark. Steven leaned his head on your shoulder and you hugged him tight, smiling into his neck. The two of you breathed together, winding down from the excitement of your game.
Once you'd sufficiently relaxed, you pulled away and were met with Marc's twinkling gaze.
"Y'know, I was the one that gave Steven the head's up, so I think I-"
"C'mere you," You huffed, peppering his cheeks in light pecks. He preened, taking a heavy sigh of relief. Marc leaned in and captured your lips, licking gently into your mouth. He'd definitely had more practice, and your heart sang with joy.
Game over, plates empty and hearts full, you curled up and watched the rain pitter-patter in the warm comfort of your home.
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yes i think steven loves james bond. he is the type to try and figure out the mystery along with the movie. also 100% knows all cinema trivia Ever To Exist. Marc hates it.
xox thank uuuu
part 2
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
Of Romance and Play Practice
@wolfstarbingo2024 - square: nerdy Remus - rating: G - no warnings - word count: 974 - based on @probs-reading's HC - AO3 link
To this day, Remus still couldn't figure out how they all were friends. They took up vastly different social circles. Like a smaller version of the Breakfast Club, he, Sirius, James, and Peter were as opposite as could be. James was the school basketball star, cheerleaders constantly hanging off his elbows (much to his boyfriend, Regulus's, disgust). Peter ran the yearbook, and was never seen without a notebook and a camera. Remus, of course, was the textbook definition of a nerd: he was the president of Chess Club, and took more AP classes than all of his friend combined. And Sirius....Sirius was perfect.
Sirius was the star of the theater program, having finally figured out how to put his dramatics to good use. He lived for the stage, and the audience ate him up no matter what his role. Of course, Remus ate him up, too. Or at least, he wanted to.
They'd all been friends since elementary school. Perhaps that was why they were able to stay close, no matter their differences. But Remus's crush on Sirius had developed quite recently, and for some reason, he couldn't shake it.
Perhaps it was the way Sirius oozed confidence. His smile was absolutely contagious and it made Remus literally weak at the knees, often times he had to sit down after Sirius grinned at him. Maybe it was the way he felt safe with Sirius. Though they loved to tease each other, Sirius never judged him when it mattered, and they'd been friends for so long, they knew each other as well as they knew themselves.
Of course, it helped that Sirius was fit as fuck.
But that wasn't it. It was...Remus couldn't help but feel warm when he looked at him. It was a bit disgusting, really.
But one night, when Sirius asked him to help run lines for the new play he was a part of, Remus agreed, because he wanted to help. He figured eventually, this crush would go away, so he should just continue spending time with Sirius like normal, acting like nothing was different. But when he read the name of the play, he froze.
"Erm...Romeo and Juliet?" he asked Sirius, who was sat on his bed, shucking his leather jacket and making himself comfortable.
"Mmm," he hummed noncommittally. "Good thing McKinnon's as flaming as I am, or I'd be dreading the kiss," he grinned, waggling his eyebrows.
And of course. Of course, Sirius needed him to practice running lines for the most romantic play in the fucking universe. What else?
"Alright," he murmured, sitting nervously on the edge of his own bed, as far from Sirius as possible. "Erm, what scene?"
"Let's start..." Sirius flipped through the script, stopping at a page and pointing. "There. I'm having trouble with the emotion, to be honest. If you could just read for McKinnon, that'd be amazing."
But Remus's stomach flipped as he looked over the script, recognizing the scene. The fucking balcony scene?
"Erm, alright," he nodded, trying to pull himself together. "How camest thou hither- er - tell me, and wherefore? Erm, the orchard walls are high and hard to climb, and the place death, considering who thou art, of any of my, erm, kinsmen find thee here," he recited disjointedly.
Sirius chuckled and responded fluidly, "With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls. For stony limits cannot hold love out." His eyes were wide, genuine, and Remus became entranced as he listened. "And what love can do, that dares love attempt. Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me."
It took Remus a second to realize he was done. That it was his turn to respond. Because hearing Sirius speak of love like this, it was doing things to him. "Oh!" he nearly yelled as Sirius gave him an expectant look, jumping a bit. "Erm. If- if they to see thee, they will murder thee. Fuck, this is intense, huh?" he commented, scanning over the script.
Sirius laughed and ignored his comment, going on, "Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye than twenty of their swords. Look though but sweet, and I am proof against their enmity." He said those words with a small smile, eyes on Remus's.
"I...I would not for the world they saw thee here," Remus nearly-whispered, looking at the paper and back at Sirius, who was still watching him with a strange look in his eyes.
"I have night's clock to hide me from their eyes," he whispered, moving closer to Remus- and when had he gotten so close, they were side-by-side, now!- grabbing his hand lightly. "And, but thou love me, let them find me here. My life were better ended by their hate than death prorogued, wanting of thy love."
Remus swallowed, drowning in the look Sirius was giving him, squeezing his hand and allowing the heat and tension to wrap around their bodies. He wasn't imagining it, was he? Was Sirius feeling it, too? The way the very air was pulsating, urging him to move forward, to bring their lips together?
He hoped so.
"Sirius," he murmured, his head hazy, hardly bothering to look at the book, too distracted by the moment.
But Sirius seemed to be contemplating something. "Move not while my prayer's effect I take," he murmured, causing Remus to wrinkle his nose in confusion, before Sirius leaned forward, hand grazing over Remus's jaw and pulling their lips together.
And it was like fireworks. Hearing Sirius talk about love with the words of a poet had just made Remus's crush bloom into something more, and he couldn't resist grabbing for him, wrapping his arms around the other boy, pulling him closer until they were completely entangled in each other, their lips and teeth fighting for control of the best kiss Remus had ever had in his life.
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zablife · 3 months
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Alright so I know this isn’t Tommy but it’s cute and has spicy potential soooo… here we are. Do with it what you will, including nothing at all if you get too many of these, xxxx
Tysm for this amazing inspo, Alex! I always think of this as young Tommy and Greta for some reason 🥹 That's what I've written here, only I've made it a reader insert. I hope you enjoy the fluff!
Two Left Feet
"Tommy, are you drunk?" you giggled, pressing your nose into your boyfriend's freckled face with a slight hiccup.
"No, but I think you may be, love," he teased.
"Not enough to tell you don't know what you're doing," you scolded, dropping your gaze to his uncoordinated feet.
Tommy only shrugged in reply.
"Hasn't anyone ever taught you?" you asked incredulously.
Now that he had been pressed for an answer, heat radiated off Tommy's bright red cheeks, a combination of embarrassment and cheap whiskey mingling beneath his skin. "Erm, no," he confessed with a shake of his head, fringe falling over his deep blue eyes.
You retreated from his embrace suddenly, taking him by surprise. Then you stole his glass, placing it upon a nearby shelf.
"I wasn't done!" he protested with furrowed brow.
"Now you are. You need to pay attention to me," you informed him as you returned to his waiting arms.
"Oh, I will," he promised with a wide grin.
Slapping him on the shoulder you corrected, "To my feet!"
"Didn't know you enjoyed that sort of thing," he mumbled.
"Tommy, please concentrate," you begged, urging him to hold his frame properly. "Now move on my count. Right foot first, 1-2-3-4," you chimed like the old clock in the hall.
Tommy stared at his feet as he moved, trying to do exactly as you said, but he managed to step directly on your big toe with a stomp.
"Ouch!" you squealed, recoiling in pain. "Right foot, Tom! Not left," you winced.
"It seems I've only got two left feet, sweetheart," he chuckled heartily.
You winced at his silly joke, but soon found yourself laughing along with him as he twirled you into oblivion, making you forget all about your throbbing foot.
When his lack of rhythm inevitably landed you on the sofa in a tangled heap, he cupped your face and offered an apology. "You're right, I'm no good at dancing." You nodded in agreement as he raised an eyebrow in your direction, "Would you like to see some of my other talents though?"
Zablife Sleepover
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Daddy Lessons 1
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Rafe Cameron
Summary: You agree to tutor for the Cameron's, but find your student less than cooperative.
Part of the Backwoods AU
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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There aren’t many summer jobs in Hammer Ford, but you promised your parents you would find something. Without any response from the grocery store, cafe, or library, your search is hopeless. That’s until you ran into Rose Cameron.
“Weren’t you valedictorian?” She asked.
The scene plays over in your head as you step off your bike to walk it up the hill. What luck that she found you picking out flowers with your mother. Almost as if she’d been looking for you.
“Uh, yeah, last year,” you smiled. 
It’s been a year since high school ended, since then you’d spent two semesters outside the hamlet. In the city, people don’t just come up to you for no reason, and rarely a good one. Nor do they know you by name. Your home town seems more quaint the longer you’re away from campus.
“Great, I need a tutor,” she tutted, “how’s fifty an hour?”
You shake your head as you straddle your bike again. It’s an offer you really can’t pass up, even if the Camerons weren’t the most friendly family in Hammer Ford. It doesn’t matter as long as you can tell your parents you have a job.
You pedal east towards the house on the hill. You’ve never been up there. Not even in high school when everyone was going on about the ragers at the Cameron ranch. It was never really your scene. That and you weren’t invited.
You slow as you approach the low fence, breathless as you stop by the closed gate. Do you let yourself in? There’s a gold bell mounted on the post. You ring it and it sends a thunderous toll through the air. 
You wait, looking around, though you don’t know if anyone’s coming. Someone appears across the field. You recognise Ward Cameron as he nears, waving a gloved hand as he does.
“Hi, Mr. Cameron, um…” you hold onto your handlebars and dismount, “Rose, uh, asked me to drop by.”
“Sure thing,” he unhooks the inside of the gate, “I was just brushing Juliet.”
“Oh, okay,” you smile.
“You can work in the dining room if that works, or the back porch? It’s pretty nice out,” he lets you through the gate and secures it before he points you towards the house. “Really glad you could come out. We went to an agency in the city but they wanted us to go to them.”
“Um, yeah, sure, no problem,” you peer over at a foal and its mother in a pen, “nice place.”
“You think so? Does it look different in the day?”
“What do you mean?”
“Oh, I know about the parties,” he chortles, “it’s fine.”
“Well, I never…” you rub the back of your neck, “anyway, I guess we can study where Sarah wants.”
“Oh, erm, Wheezie?” You wonder.
“Did Rose not… explain?”
“I… assumed, well, she just said you needed a tutor so I thought…” You blink and chew your lip, “Rafe?”
He laughs again, “the one and only. We’re tryna get him back in good graces. He has a conditional offer in the city but he has to take an entrance exam.”
“Right,” you try not to show your discomfort. 
Rafe is a year older than you. Even so, he never failed to knock your books out of your hands or laugh in your direction. When he graduated, the student populace sighed in relief but he only made it through one semester in college before he flunked out.
“He’s not the kind for ranch work,” Ward says as he gestures you up the front steps, “frankly, I don’t know what he’s cut out for but a degree will at least give him some prospects.”
“Mhmm,” you drone nervously. If Rose had said so, you may not have been so eager. You just assumed it would be one of the two Wards still enrolled in school.
“He should be around–” he pulls open the front door and lets you in first.
You step aside to slip your shoes off as he hollers for Rafe. You glance out the screen door and wonder if you can come up with a good excuse. Your mind is racing but you come up with nothing. 
“What?” Rafe snarls as he traipses in through a broad archway.
“Tutor’s here,” Ward says.
“Tutor?” Rafe mutters.
“I told you,” he chides, “go get your books.”
“Dad, I told you, I’ll write the damn test–”
“And you’ll pass,” Ward insists, “books. Now.”
Rafe huffs and stomps upstairs. You turn around to watch him go. Ward shakes his head and beckons you onwards. You marvel at the neat interior. It’s all a lot more modern than the rest of Hammer Ford. A rustic contemporary mix of sleek white and faded pine.
“Feel free to help yourself to some water, or there’s a Keurig,” Ward offers, “I’d get you some myself but…” he holds up his gloved hands, “I doubt you like the taste of horse hair.”
You smile and nod as you slip your bag off your shoulder. 
“Thanks, uh, I’m good,” you say.
“Don’t let him get to you. I know how he can be. He gives you any trouble, I’ll deal with him.”
“Sure, uh, no, shouldn’t be an issue,” you shrug, though you sound less than convincing.
“I’ll be around,” he says and taps the door frame as he leaves.
You sit as he goes and you open your laptop on the table. Your parents bought the used model for your first year of college. It’s a bit slow but it works. You’ll just need the wifi.
A sudden slam makes you yipe and jolts the table. You look up as Rafe stands across from you, scowling. Behind your laptop, there’s several textbooks and a notebook with curling pages. You try to smile but your lips only tremble.
“Oh, hey,” you eke out, “uh, so… we can start on comprehensive literature–”
“Fuck off, dork,” he drops into the chair. 
“Well I… your dad–”
“My dad wants me to sit here and waste his money, sure thing,” he crosses his arms and rolls his eyes, “but i’m not takin’ no lessons from you.”
“Right, well, I…” you don’t know what to say. “Can I have the wifi at least?”
He doesn’t acknowledge your question as he pulls out his phone. You think he’s looking it up but he just sits and scrolls, his floppy hair drooping down his forehead. You fidget and flutter your fingers listlessly over the keyboard.
You should just go but you need the money. You close the laptop and reach for one of the textbooks. You open it and smooth the pages with your hand.
“Right, rules of grammar,” you begin, “nouns, pronouns, verbs–”
“Fucking dweeb,” he drops his phone and stands up, “for someone so smart, you sure are fucking dumb.”
“Identifying sentences…” you focus on the page as he paces.
“You think you’re so fucking clever,” he startles you as he pulls out the chair next to you, sitting in it as his elbow hits the table.
“Read the following and underline–” you angle the book towards him, silence by a jarring squeeze on your throat.
You recoil as his hand closes on the front of your neck and you push yourself back in the chair. You grab his wrist and choke, wiggling in your seat. What is he doing?
“Shhhhh,” he puts his finger to his lips then presses it to yours, “you talk too much.”
You stare at him, wide-eyed, pulling helplessly on his arm. He smirks as he leans forward, pulling you towards him.
“You think you’re better than me?” He snarls, “let’s see about that.”
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badgyalshii · 5 months
word count: 3.1k?
warnings! smut, maybe some typos, oral (f) and missionary, overstimulation, some dirty talk.
pairing! only fans!timothee chalamet x (f) friend!reader (ALWAYS SAFE FOR POC + PLUS SIZE)
a/n: hereee goes my long awaited apology for the finale of its never over🙄 i hope you guys enjoy! two hands on the phone please😏 the “xxx” is a divider btw i just got lazy lmao TELL ME IF IT SERVES CUNTTTT (requests are open)
have you read the series? check it out!
like shii’s writing!? check out her masterlist for her future imagines/series! (that needs to be updated, come on shii wtf r u doing😒)
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It was no secret that timothee owned a onlyfans, he didnt really talk about it though. He didnt want it to be the main conversation between him and his friends, he kept the subjects separated but he was very close with his fans. You said you would always support what he does and even registered for an account to follow him, he tried to fight it and block you from his page, but you said it wasnt really that big of a deal considering you would never open the app and just to let you love him, to which he sighed and let it go, but convsersations were awkward because in the back of his mind he didnt know and was wondering you ever watched his videos. It was only a side gig, but he wanted to focus on college and small acting.
One day, you decided to initiate the conversation with timmy while you both ate chinese. ¨i just felt like if i talked to you about it then it would be hard for you to separate me from being a normal sensitive person from being ya know….that¨ he explained, you shrugged. ¨i mean, i wouldnt look at you differently- not that ive watched but i know you, and how could i judge such a sweet person like you? The only thing that i would have questions about is, like, is it awkward? On camera? Im not even comfortable with myself so put myself on camera and do that-¨ ¨if you dont like yourself, trust their is someone to appreciates you like ten times more than you do on a good day. Theres no reason for you to feel like that¨ he said looking over before eating the rice with a fork. You let out a hum and things fell silent as you both watched a movie, but it was clear you both were thinking. ¨would- would you like…¨ he looked over at you, your eyebrows lifted as you looked at him, he seemed nervous as his cheeks were slowly turning rosy, he cleared his throat before finishing his question. ¨like try it?¨ he asked, ¨erm¨ you said before thinking to yourself, ¨maybe with someone i trust, could be fun¨ you smiled before asking for the rice, taking a forkfull bite off of the same utensil that timmy used. He shrugged, becoming more comfortable, seeing as you were rather chill about the situation, it was a joke to him, what he was about to say, but the tone that came out otherwise said different.
¨wanna try it with me?¨ your eyes widened in surprise, to which he laughed, ¨joking, im joking¨ he let out with a nervous chuckle leaving his lips, his face was visibly warm now, a big grin on his face trying to fight off the fact that he said that. You chewed and swallowed your rice carefully, not saying a word and looking at him while he looked at you, itching and waiting for your response. You shrugged, ¨fuck it¨ your stomach was doing flips, what were you saying? Are you fucking serious? You thought after you said that, your eyebrows high and a side smile on your lips. His mouth parted, ¨when-when would you wanna do it?¨ he asked, ¨its your page, shouldnt you make the rules?¨ you muttered, setting down the rice. ¨tommorow maybe?¨ he let out, watching you get up, you said yeah and said you had to use the bathroom.
When you made it to the bathroom you looked at yourself in the mirror before letting out a sigh and putting a hand on your face is disbelief, what had you singed yourself up for? Why were you just talking? Were you just talking? It was clear that you both were very attractive, so imagine what people think. Your shared friends already think you guys have something casual going on, so would they really be surprised if you both busted out with a cake saying ¨we did it! We fucked! (and recorded)¨? You bit your lip before running the water and washing your hands, before exiting out of the bathroom and sitting next to timothee again.
You both shyd away about the idea even if it was just the next day, but here we are. You sat ontop of timothees bed, fully clothed and your hair out of the way. You bit your lip, you were anxious, you didnt know how to feel about this, how would others take it? What if they didnt like you? What if you didnt like it. Timothee sat infront of you the entire time, telling you that it was okay if you didnt want to do it and reassuring you the entire time and double checking in with you. As nervous as you were, there was a small burst of excitement that jumped in your stomach.
He bit his lip, ¨you ready?¨ he asked, holding up the camera, about to record you. On the nightstand sat a white viberator, body oil, and lube just incase. He raised three fingers behind the camera, initiating a count down, he very soon pressed the record button, you saw the red small light from the camera flicker. A smile played on your lips from awkwardness but you tried your best to cover it up. ¨this is y/n. One of my closest friends who wanted to join us today¨ he chuckled, ëyes on the screen as he looked through the camera to see you. ¨but ill let her introduce herself¨ he finished, your eyes widened, you didnt know what to do. ¨im nervous¨ you let out with a pity smile and you both let out a laugh, ¨just get undressed while you introduce yourself¨ he let out a small grunt as he watched you immediately catch on and start pulling up your top.he bit his lip, he couldnt deny you looked fucking great, the way your breasts were laid pretty in that bra and how your hips sat with the hidden treasures just waiting to be touched. You watched as he slowly palmed himself and continued to record. You decided this was the right time to speak up.
¨my name is y/n, but timothee told you that¨ you laughed as you stripped your shirt off, muffled music played in the back but you both werent too focused on that, you wore a matching set for the circumstance, and when your bra was revealed he let out a muttered fuck and applied more pressure to his clothed cock. T̈his is my first time¨ you continued, looking over at the oil before reaching over, your ass in the air as you reached for it he let out a sigh, and watched as your back arched and when you came back at sat correctly, he lended his hand out, ¨i wanna do that¨ he said, and you complied, handing him the oil, he let out a small groan, he was as hard as a rock and youve barely even started, he had no shirt on but he had his grey sweatpants, he took the camera and set it up on its stand on the end of the bed.
When he looked back at you, you sat there innocently, you sat on the back of your calves, legs closed and looking up at him so lost, it turned him on that he could take control and lead you. He softly grabbed your neck and pulled you in for a slowly soft to passionate open mouth kiss, pulling your head towards himself before letting you go and moving behind you, his warm touch on your arms, following all the way up to your neck and you tilted your head back on his shoulder as he now kissed your neck and uncuffed your bra. ¨shittttt¨ he muttered, looking at your tits and taking them into his hands, to which they fit perfectly, your nipple between his first and middle finger, rolling them around as soft sighs of pleasure left your lips, he looked at you the entire time before applying a kiss to your cheek, then your lips. You closed your eyes and let him lead you, you felt like you were falling in his arms and allowed him to take you anywhere, you swore this is what you needed, you almost forgot the camera was even there. He put his hand on your waist before he reached for the oil and while he did that, you stripped yourself from your shorts, revealing your matching thong before getting back into pisition and you looked at the camera, thinking you should be more seductive, you looked at it and let out a moan as the warm oil hit your body, he rubbed it over your chest, your stomach, his touch was gentle the entire time, ¨can you bend over infront of the camera for me?¨ he asked gently, you looked at him and nodded, your ass was pointed to the camera and he moved behind you and to the side, his eyebrows raised as you arched as your already glistening cunt was soaking the thin material of the thong, he applied oil over your ass and rubbed it in before his hands crawled up to the sides of your thong, ¨is it okay if i pull this down?¨ he asked, you nodded and he looked at you before dropping your panties, he let out a sigh of satifacation and rubbed over your entrance, you let out a hum and arched your back further before he plunged a finger into your soaking wet cunt, your mouth dropped as he slowly fingered you, he watched as your walls tighten around his fingers, his mouth dropped and he couldnt wait to put his dick inside.
He lifted up your ass as he started to apply pressure and finger harder, your eyebrows furrowed as you looked back at him. ¨like that?¨ he asked as he continued to finger, you bit your lip and nodded your head, your hips moved back into his hand as a small smirk played on his face before he stripped his fingers away, you let out a whine, wanting him to keep going before he surprised you and applied his tongue to your clit, your mouth dropped, his tongue was circling and you let out a moan.
¨timmy” left your lips, fuck. Is this what you were missing out on? Your stomach has butterflies as you leaned back wanting more, he let out a chuckle against your lips in cockiness seeing as you were enjoying this. He shook his head against your pussy and you moaned his name again. ¨dont stop, make me cum timmy¨ he let out another hum against your pearl before pulling away with a pop. ¨make you cum? Want me to make you cum baby?¨ he asked, pumping his fingers.
You looked back at him and seen your juices covering his lips, you could finish just now, looking at his low eyes, looking at him made it seem like he was clouded with ecstasy. He licked his lips and you nodded, letting out a soft please. He kissed your ass before getting on his knees and pulsing into your pussy harder, your eyebrows furrow as you close your eyes, opened mouth gasps and a deep moan just rips away from your lips, fuck, you couldnt take it. And the way timothee looked at you didnt help, ¨shit¨ he muttered, taking his thumb and rubbing your pearl in complete circles. Your mouth hung low as your belly started to heat up, you could feel yourself about to explode. You let out a whine and he bit his lower lip, ¨look at me, look at me while i make you cum¨ he circled faster, you looked at him desperate, desperate to finish.
And suddenly you did, ¨timmy!¨ you let out, your eyes rolling and the way he tried to ride your high out was overstimulating for you so you jerked your body from his fingers, to which he laughed at. ¨shut up¨ you laughed, putting your heand in your hands as your stomach continued to burn from the release. ¨you okay?¨ he asked again, you nodded yes and it was okay and that you were ready for the next round, he smiled at you, and you smiled back, before something else caught your attention. He was clearly breathing heavier and as you shamelessly panned his body, and something else was clearly looking at you.
He didnt try to hide it, instead, he grabbed it while he looked at you, ¨missionary? Or?¨ he asked. You shrugged in return, you liked that he mentioned missionary first, “is that a good angle?” you asked, “any shot with you in it is a good angle, y/n” he said, stripping from his sweats and boxers before coming over to press a kiss on your lips. Once again, the kiss became heated, he leaded you to lay on your back while your lips were still together. He came down and laid firm on you, pressing up against your bare pussy. You held onto his curls as his soft lips were on yours, his tongue entered your mouth, shamelessly clashing against yours, your teeth. It was so hot, he pumped himself before pressing up against your entrance. He rubbed his dick messily against your clit, looking at you jutter under his touch, he kissed your head before he entered slowly, a soft sigh left your lips as you made eye contact with him, watching his eyebrows press together from the easy slip in, to the tight satisfying feeling of your pussy wrapped around his hard throbbing dick. He looked at you for approval, and you nodded.
“y/n, fuck you feel good” he muttered, his mouth opening as you opened your legs further, wanting more. A throaty moan left your mouth as you leaned up on your elbows to watch him fuck you, his dick hit your spot everytime and he only moved faster. “Timmy, keep going” you moaned, your head tilting back from the euphoria. He reached up and grabbed your tit, massaging it as he continued to let out moans, “fuck, like that? You like that?” he muttered, now focusing and putting his hands on both sides of your head. He rocked his hips thorough, his mouth agape and low groans ripping away as the headboard of the bed clashed against the wall time and time again.
“yes! mmph-“ you were cut off by how deep his dick was inside you and how your sensitive nipples tickled in his touch, the way he looked so focused and lost in the moment only made you more wet, you tilted your head back and let out a cry, he was hitting the same spot over again and fucking you harder, you felt your walls clench desperately and that only motivated him more. “timmy!” you whine, putting your hand on his stomach and closing your legs around him, the sound of skin on skin became more relevant as he didnt stop, “i got you” he let out in a breathy, low and seductive tone.
he slapped your hand out of the way before taking it and your other and placing them ontop of the pillow, holding your hands by the wrist as he came down and kissed your sweet spot, “oh my- mmm!” a high pitched hum broke and tried to hide your neck, this was all so overpowering and it felt so good, “where do you want me to cum, y/n” he whispered in your ear, “fuck!” he closed his eyes and his hips rutted slowly, still having powerful strokes, “inside” you let out, he looks up at you before letting out a laugh, “are you crazy? you’re gonna get pregnant- shit” the pleasure took over, canceling his sentence.
“i wont” you shook your head, fuck thats all you wanted, for him to fill you up, give himself to you fully. he looks at you and presses a kiss to your lips before letting out an okay, he takes one of his hands off of your wrists to come down and rub your clit, but it was difficult considering how wet you were. your body was overstimulated and tried to fight his hand off by moving your hips, but when you moved them it just made him go deeper, past your spot, you froze in that position, your body shocked as he hit a point you didnt know anyone could. “fuck! dont stop!” you scream in a whiney tone, keeping your hips where they were. “cum for me” he said, his jaw clenching as he looked at you with all seriousness, “take it, take it from me make me cum!” you cry, his hand moved faster against your clit and more rough groans left his lips, your mouth suddenly became agape and he looked at you, your eyes pouring into his as you came. “timmy, im, im cumming” your eyebrows furrowed, it felt like the world stopped, your body jerked and released all the knots in your stomach. he came down and you both shared and open mouthed sloppy kiss, he bit his lip and and looked down at you, fucked you harder and the bed creaking and the camera was so close to flipping over.
“mmm” his lips pursed together, fucking you faster now, “timmy!” you cried again, before his mouth dropped, a whiney moan left him lips “y/n, y/n, aw, fuckkk y/n” he said over and over again, feeling his seed shoot up in your stomach as he looked at you, both eyes were desperate for each other, so hazed in the stars. he let you go and your arms went under his, holding him as he let out “uhs” as he finished cumming inside you, and making sure you got all of it as he messily rutted his hips until failure. your back came off the matress as you accepted the cum shooting up your pussy as your chest uncontrollably heaves.
his head falls into the deep of your neck, still breathing heavy but applied kisses there. Once he catches his breath, he sits back up and pulls out, a curse leaving your lips as he grabbed the camera and pointed it at you, you looked at him behind the camera, he was still breathing heavy and he reached his hand to your lips, his thumb brushing over them before you took it into your mouth and sucked, a smirk and a small chuckle left his lips before he took out his thumb and traced it along your body, you were covered in sweat, your body glistening heavenly, or at least he thought so. the camera following, all the way down until he zoomed in on your fucked out area, seeinng the cum slowly leaking from your hole and your clit visibly swollen. he separates your folds from each other, “man i could really eat you out again” he joked.
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napakmahal · 7 months
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Chat i MIGHT have cooked with this one
This is bad, this is so bad.
Less than two hours ago you left your house to drive over to a nice restaurant in downtown San Fransokyo and now you were pulled over at a gas station parking lot staring at your dreaded flat tire. If you hadn’t turned off your music to take a phone call from your friend mid-drive you probably would have never heard the dreaded: BANG!
What’s even worse is you were running late for your first formal date with a guy you met at an off-campus study site where you worked as a barista. He looked so cute in his little academic grind, so focused you thought his eyebrows were stuck in a permanent scowl. Thankfully, said the boy was studying so hard that he refilled his caffeinated iced tea almost four times and he came up to you. He started the conversation by rubbing his beautiful brown eyes tiredly saying “I am really tired, but I’m trying to stay away from coffee for a little bit.”
And somehow, his voice made him almost ten times more attractive than you originally thought him to be. By the time you finished pouring his tea, he’d complimented everything about you. From the hairstyle, you had dawned that day to how well you did your job. He was perfect and you were so excited for this date.
Until the universe had just to come and ruin it.
Canceling is one thing, but canceling because your tire popped is another. Everyone knows that whenever someone cancels last minute because they’re having ‘car troubles’ actually means ‘I wanted you to get lost from day one and now I have a reason not to see you.’ That and the lame excuse of ‘Oh I’m just really busy this week.’
This is why you can’t help but feel a sense of dread boiling in your stomach while you hear your phone ring and ring, waiting for him to answer. You like this boy, honest. But after this, he may not be so sure.
You swear you can feel your heart drop to the pits of your stomach when you first hear his voice.
“Hi, I’m not there yet. I just turned onto the 5 and-oh shit! Are you already there? I’m so sorry.”
You would laugh if you didn’t feel like crying. “Umm no, I’m not. Tadashi I have some bad news.”
“Uh-oh, what’s up?”
You took a deep breath. “Okay umm, so when I turned onto the highway my right tire popped and now I’m outside this sketchy-looking gas station trying to figure out what to do.”
Silence. All you could hear on his end of the call was the zooming of other cars next to his.
“Tadashi?” You confirmed. “Are you still there? Look I know it sounds like such a lie and I’m sorry. I really was looking forward to going out with you and I feel so bad about-”
“Drop me the pin.” The sound of his voice forced you to have such a visceral and public reaction.
Drop the pin? Like-to him? Why?
“L-Like,” You stuttered. “My pin? Right now?”
“Yeah, your pin.”
So you did. You sent him your GPS pin and waited for a little less than ten minutes. What did he want with your location? Maybe he just wanted to make sure you weren’t lying to him about being at the gas station. He could just never show up. After about seven minutes had passed, a rusty old work truck drove off the exit and into the gas station parking lot. Flashing bright yellow headlights. The truck pulled up almost directly in front of you and for a moment you felt fear. A stranger just coming up to you in a car in a sketchy area while you have no other way of escaping. But that fear dripped away when you saw it was Tadashi who was driving.
“Oh my gosh, hi.” You stared at him, slightly confused but extremely relieved.
He opened the door and walked towards you. “Hey, are you alright?”
“I’m fine, but my tire isn’t and I really don’t want to have to pay to get a new one.” You groaned at the thought of dealing with car troubles.
Tadashi squated down with a grunt at your popped tire. “Do you know how to change one of these?”
“Erm, kind of.” You answered honestly. “I don’t know it well enough to try it. I’m too scared to try it on my actual tire.”
He hummed before asking you to pop open your trunk so he could reach in and get your spare. And for the next twenty-two minutes, you watched your date grunt, sigh, groan, and flex all the muscles he had lifting and changing your popped tire. You learned two things in those thirty minutes.
1)That your date is one hell of a handyman and 2) That your date is not only cute but damn is he hot.
When he finished, he stood back up stretching out his limbs and cracking his neck.
“Now, you can’t really drive on a spare for too long so we’ll just go back and change it.” He said as if it were the most nonchalant thing in the world and not an act of pure chivalry.
You, who was almost starstruck at this man practically launched yourself and him in the biggest hug you’ve ever given someone.
You gushed, “Oh! Thank you so much. You’re so sweet!”
Thankfully, he hugged you back. Arms fully wrapped around you and jaw rested on the top of your head. When the two of you let go, he took your phone and put an address in it. One you had never even heard of. A place called the Lucky Cat Café and when you asked all he said was “We’re going there to change your tire.”
So the two of you got back onto the highway and drove backwards from your original date spot. For most of the drive you tried to keep the back of his car in your sights even though you had the GPS on. By the time you’d arrived, the street that the Lucky Cat was located on was practically empty. Everyone and all businesses seemed to be asleep for the night, which is why you both had decided on a place in Downtown San Fransokyo where the city rarely sleeps.
You shut your car door behind you. “What is this place?”
“It’s my aunt’s café, we live on the top. You see?” He pointed at a window in the top of the building with a glowing light through it like someone was home. “So my garage is on the side over there, do you want to just park there and I’ll change your tire.”
Wait he was serious. Like he was full-on going to change your spare tire.
“Seriously?” You double-checked.
Tadashi smiled followed by a light and airy laugh. “Yeah, I’m serious.”
So you drove past the main building and into the rather large alleyway where his garage was. From where you were you could see the garage door that was painted on the sides with traditional Japanese art.
“Did you paint that?” You pointed at the door.
Tadashi fumbled around in his pocket for the garage door key. “Me and my brother worked on it when we were in middle school.”
“So you guys are close?”
Guys that love their families are mad hot.
The door slowly propped open. “Extremely close and- oh. Speak of the devil.”
Sitting inside the garage was a boy who couldn’t have been any older then fifteen on the couch resting flat on his back. Scrolling on his phone and eating a green melon popsicle in white calf socks.
He lifted his head to see the two of you standing in the frame of the garage, large brown eyes that resembled Tadashi’s staring like a deer in headlights.
“Oh shit,” He grunted. “What’s up?”
Tadashi alternated his hand between the two of you. “Hiro this is y/n, y/n this is my little brother Hiro.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Hiro.” You smiled. Tadashi had mentioned him a few times and you’d heard him in the background of some of the FaceTime and regular phone calls you had with Tadashi.
Before he could respond, your date looked around his garage with a look of confusion on his face. “Dude, where are the tires?”
“Behind the dumpster.” Hiro said like it was obvious.
Tadashi rolled his eyes. “The unused ones, dumbass.”
“Oh, side shed.”
Your date excused himself and pulled out his phones flashlight to navigate his way through the dark of the night to his familys storage shed. Leaving you alone with his younger brother who had since put his phone down.
“You’re y/n?”
“Yep.” You popped the ‘p’ rocking back and forth on your feet.
Hiro’s face filled with a sudden smugness. “You know he’s like super into you, right?”
You tried to fight the obvious smile that wanted to come to your face. “Really?”
“Before he left he called all of his friends to make sure he looked good enough to leave the house.” He scoffed at the memory.
Just then, Tadashi came back rolling a brand new tire for your car. He told Hiro to scram before setting it down and grabbing his own tools. The garage itself was crazy, filled with tools, walls of water stained blueprints, chalk drawings, and premade machinery including a 3D printer and two different computers.
While changing your new tire, you took the time to really apologize for the messed up ‘date’ you were having.
“I’m so sorry about this, this is not what I planned at all.” Your voice laced with sincerity.
Tadashi’s face fell into one of fake disbelief as he joked, “You mean you didn’t intentionally pop your own tire so I would come and get you and we had to change it instead of going out to the restaurant we’re both appropriately dressed for?”
You laughed and gently punched him in the arm. “Don’t be an ass.”
“I know, I’m just joking.” He reassured you. “You look really beautiful though, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that before.”
“Aww, thank you. You look half decent as well.”
The two of you laughed as he continued to change your tire. There was a point where the new one he brought out for you had weighed so much he had to take off his dress jacket and lift it up like a deadlift. At his obvious struggle you offered to help but it was pointless.
“No it’s okay I got it.”
“Really?” You asked. “I can help you out. Plus it would teach me for the future.”
“Well when you’re with me, you won’t ever have to change your own tire.” Just as he said it, he regretted it. The two of you hadn’t even really been on a first date, just a few flirty texts and calls. That’s it.
He covered his mouth. “Oh-that’s not- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-”
To his relief and surprise you laughed in the most adorable way he’d ever heard someone laugh. “It’s okay, that was cute. Really cute.”
“Oh thank god.” He breathed out.
After a couple more flirty conversations and remarks, he’d finally finished installing your new tire and placed the spare back in your car.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.” You cooed and kissed him on the cheek.
A warm blush expanded across his face after the kiss your given him as he dizzely responded, “No problem.”
You had your arms hooked around his neck as you both just stared at each other. Tadashi looked down at his watched and hummed.
“You know, they’re still open.” He referred to the restaurant from your original plan.
To say you were shocked would be an understatement. He did all of that for you, and he still wanted to go out?
“Y-you,” You began to stutter in disbelief. “You still want to go out with me.”
“If anything I want to go out with you even more now.” He whispered so low only you could hear. “Do you want to go out with me?”
“Yes.” You whispered back, falling into his dark brown eyes.
He smiled, face getting closer and closer to yours. “Yeah?”
Kissing before the first date even starts is unheard of for you. It’s not something you would ever do…normally. But to be fair nothing about that first date was normal. You ran you hands up his jet black hair, lightly pulling at the strands while his hands held yourl ower back. How could making out with someone you hadn’t even gone on a proper date with in the middle of his garage with the door wide open feel so incredibly intimate?
When you two had pulled away all you could do was laugh. What was so funny? You don’t actually know, but something about it had made to so giggly. Face pressed into his chest, laughing.
You two had decided that it seemed like a better idea for Tadashi to drive to two of you downtown and when you opened the passenger seat door there was a large bouquet of pink tulips and daisy fillers on the seat with a calligraphy card with your name on it wrapped in brown paper. You covered your smile with your mouth as you picked up the bouquet.
“I was going to give those to you when we got there.” Tadashi said shyly, embarrassed that he missed the opportunity to give them to you when he pulled up to the gas station parking lot.
All you did was stare at him, endearence in your eyes before kissing that boy straight on the lips another time.
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little-emerald-snake · 8 months
Getting Caught pt 3 - Ominis Gaunt X F!MC
Warnings: masturbation, awkward moments, hand job, fingering
2k words
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A few days later he’d barely walked out of his last class of the day when suddenly a soft body collided with his, gripping his shoulder and steering him down the corridor. “What in Merlin’s name…”
She shushed him, continuing to guide him down the corridor quickly. He held his wand in front of him uselessly, they were moving so fast it was struggling to register. “S-slow down. What is the meaning of this?!”
She shushed him again, finally finding a long empty corridor and pushing him against the wall. “I need to borrow you for a moment. Meet me in the secret place. It’s urgent.”
As quickly as she’d appeared, she was gone. He blinked with confusion, stuck trying to find where she darted off to and trying to understand what had just occurred.
Once he’d oriented himself he made his way to the Undercroft, knowing that was exactly what secret place she’d meant.
The clock whirring and door clanging signaled his arrival which had her jumping up from the cushy hoard of bedding they’d acquired in the corner. “Come on over here, hurry. We only have while Sebastian is busy with quidditch.”
He tried to blink the confusion away, letting the blinking of his wand guide him to where she was standing in the pile of pillows and blankets. “W-what do you mean? Has Sebastian done something we need to speak about?”
She huffed in frustration. “No! Nothing like that. I just…wanted to…erm… hang out while he’s busy.”
His brows furrowed with confusion as he made his way closer to her. “You want to ‘hang out’ in the Undercroft with just us? Why would you wa-“
She huffed and interrupted him. “Because, clearly I want to do more than hang out with you down here…okay…I just don’t want to have to say it. But if you’re interested…we could do what we did a few days ago?”
Ominis jaw would have dropped if he wasn’t so skilled in holding a neutral expression. Many thoughts raced through his mind such as ‘she does this often then?’, ‘she really wants to do this with me already?’.
He bit his lip as heat pooled in his abdomen at the mere idea that she was already so eager to do this with him again. “I-I see no reason why not. I suppose I see your desire for discretion and keeping Sebastian busy. I apologize for being confused.”
He could tell she was shaking her head at him. “No it’s fine! I’m sorry for being shy about it. Come on then, let’s get comfy?”
He allowed her to take his hand and guide him down to the pile of blankets. He got comfortable against a crate, propping a pillow behind his back. He heard her sliding her clothing up and his mind was already reeling at how eager she must be, moving so quickly.
She softly moaned, rolling her fingers over the spot between her legs while watching him. “I-I suppose I have a small request if that’s okay? But you can say no obviously. I was wondering if I could…touch you? Just to see what it feels like.”
His cheeks flushed and he nodded. Flustered didn’t even begin to cover what he was feeling at her request. “That would be fine. Of course.”
She bit her lip, looking down at the swell that already began to show in his trousers and the spot between her thighs dampened. “If you’d like, you could also feel wherever you’d like on me. Since you can’t really see the experience like I can. I wouldn't mind.”
His mind felt like melted plastic. One sentence had been all it had taken to strike him down. His cock grew immensely hard in his trousers. “Oh. Okay.”
He mentally smacked himself for sounding so awkward in front of her. She’d granted him permission to feel her up and he’d mumbled like an inexperienced idiot. Which he was, they both were as far as he’d known. “Sorry I erm…that would be lovely. But you don’t need to feel pressure to offer in trade for touching me or anything…”
She gave a breathy laugh that made him twitch in his pants. “No, I want it. I’m not only offering as a trade. I really would like to feel your hands on me.”
If he were any weaker he would have burst in his trousers that very moment. Instead he swallowed the urge to groan and nodded. “Then I’d be happy to oblige your desires.”
Beside him he could faintly hear her shimmying out of her skirt and popping the buttons of her blouse. He did the same, sliding his pants down to his knees and shedding his top layers till only his white button down remained, unbuttoned all the way open.
She sighed beside him, causing him to pull his lip between his teeth to quell his urges. His cock stood proudly in his lap and he carefully reached for it, squeezing lightly to calm his raging need.
She licked her lips beside him, hand inching toward his arm where she delicately traced across it till her hand met the silky smooth skin that covered his thick erection. He traded his hand for hers and she gripped him, careful to give a few languid strokes. He hummed but when she squoze gently and stroked a few more times his hips rolled up to meet her hand.
She swallowed, stroking him again, this time with her eyes trained on his delicate features. His lips hung slightly parted and his eyes remained gently shut, squeezing together whenever she stroked long enough to get his hips stuttering.
He groaned and she stopped, releasing him and pulling away nervously. “D-does it hurt when I squeeze?”
He shook his head, licking his bottom lip carefully. He did his best to compose himself, knowing if he wasn’t careful he’d cum too quickly for his liking. “No, not at all. In fact it feels incredible. Thank you.”
She blushed, reaching for him again, eliciting a gasp from his thin lips. “So you aren’t in pain then?”
She kept on stroking him urging his hips up, watching him groan and buck into the hand that wrapped around him. “Merlin, no. It feels so good, so incredible when you touch me with those soft delicate fingers.”
She reddened, pulling her hand away and biting her lip. “Would you like to feel now? I’m curious what it's like when someone else touches me.”
His suspicions were confirmed and he thanked whatever powers existed that he wasn’t just some silly inexperienced virgin when compared to her. “Id be honored. Would you…guide my hand where you’d like to be touched?”
She bit harshly into her lip. She wanted his hands all over her honestly but she supposed starting his hand on her breast would likely be a good start. So she took his offered hand and gently pressed it to the lace garment on her chest.
The wind whooshed out of him at the feel of delicate lace under his fingers. He could only imagine how beautiful she looked wearing it. Upon letting his hand wrap around it properly he could feel the swell of her breast and marveled in it.
He twitched, fingers lightly exploring her, finding the peak of her nipple under the fabric. He let himself pull the peak between two fingers and pinch lightly. She softly whimpered and his cock twitched again. He’d caused that detrimental sound. It drove him wild.
The urge to pump himself was strong but he focused on her instead where she now led his hand down between her warm supple thighs. He gasped when his fingers met a silky wetness. This memory would be his undoing. He’d simply force this into his memory to use as fodder for the rest of his life.
She dropped his hand, allowing him to slide his fingers where they desired. He slid them along the seam of her carefully, feeling all the blood in his body rush south so fast his ears rang.
He pulled a lip between his teeth, pushing his fingers lightly into her where he knew that silky cavern would give willingly to him. She gasped, spreading her thighs a bit wider and he took this as a sign to keep progressing.
He’d read enough romance, spice and just plain educational books in his time to be familiar with the sex of a woman. He felt like maybe in this moment using his touch and what he knew of descriptions would aid him greatly.
He gathered her wetness on his thumb before sliding it up to the apex of her folds. She gasped, thighs parting further and allowing him far better access. He heard her head fall back into the crate behind her and he slowly moved his thumb in a circle around her bud, fingers inside her sliding deep.
A shaky moan left her and she keened, looking over at him. “You’ve done this before? T-touched someone I mean?”
He shook his head, rolling his thumb in a tight circle again. She sighed with pleasure, biting into her lip. “No, I haven’t. I just paid attention to all those naughty romance books you’ve shared with me in hopes that they would guide me when I got the chance. I suppose it’s working?”
She gasped as two fingers inside of her gently pushed, teasing his second knuckle. He slid back out to the first knuckle and she gasped, lifting her hips with need. “I’d like to try something if that’s okay? I’m going to slide my fingers all the way in.”
She nodded, giving him a noise of approval. With her permission. He slid those fingers deep inside of her, feeling around for that spot he’d heard described so many times. He knew he’d found it when she gasped in pleasure, hips arching off the blankets as he curled his fingers against it.
She moaned and writhed but he didn’t pull away, instead forcing his fingers to remain buried inside of her, thrusting them against that spot mercilessly while rolling his thumb gently over her clit. Spots danced behind her vision as she tumbled so completely into oblivion that it shook her to the core. “That’s right, cum for me pretty dove.”
She did just that, crying out his name as her core spasmed around his fingers wildly. Never had she ever cum so quickly, and on her best friends fingers no less. He worked her through it till she was a breathless heap against the creates and blankets. Heat flushed from her neck to her ears which she was thankful he couldn’t see.
He pulled his fingers from her with a wet pop, groaning at the sound and trying but failing at ignoring the desperate throb of his leaking cock.
She watched with fascination as he used those same fingers to spread her wetness on himself and use it to pump into his fist. He groaned, bucking up almost immediately into his hand as he pumped himself to the memory of that tight pussy squeezing his fingers, imaging that tight warmth around his cock.
She sat sated and mesmerized beside him. Watching as he grunted, lifting his lips as he pumped himself faster. She could tell from his sounds and the desperate movements that he was about to plummet over his own edge.
He pumped himself urgently, whimpering as he fought to stave out his pleasure as long as he could. “Fuck you felt so good. So fucking tight around my fingers. Gonna cum to the thought of you crying my name while you let me finger you for the rest of my life. Fuck!”
She watched as he came, hips stuttering and hand moving so quickly as his cum shot from his tip, messying his hand, and his chest in the process. She watched him stroke away the last bits of pleasure before releasing himself and letting himself fully slump against the crates.
She knew when his milky eyes, sated but burning with lust, looked her way and heat pooled in her core with renewed urgency that they were 100% royally and absolutely fucked. They’d started a silly game that was going to end somewhere farther than either of them had expected.
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whorediaries-09 · 6 months
don't blame me;
pairing- priest!remus lupin x reader warning(s)- illusions to sex, dark themes. (let me know if i should add more). [this is a dark fic. your media consumption is your choice and i'm not responsible for it. please do not continue under cut if you're uncomfortable.] a/n- i found this in my drafts. i have no idea why this wasn't published yet but okay.
ps- not using my regular taglist since this is a topic many people can be uncomfortable with.
little train inspiration (for god's sake please use headphones) 700 followers celebration post.
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' and baby, for you, i would fall from grace, just to touch your face. '
remus slowly read the verse, the thick spine of the bible tucking into the flesh of his thighs.
'amen,' he said, speaking his final lines of the verse. the sound from his lips was blinded over the noise of the hinges of the church door opening. he snapped his head, eyes darting towards the entrance. the soft sunlight peaked through the glass, creating a beautiful kaleidoscopic effect.
'hello?' his voice echoed through the empty church. when his eyes met yours, he couldn't stop but dawn his eyes upon yours. you were clad in the white clothes you regularly wore when you went to the church. but there was something different around it. perhaps an extra sinch at the waist which highlighted the curve of your breasts. or was it the sunlight behind you making a halo like effect which made you look like an descending from heaven.
'oh, it's you,' he gathered, his fingers raking over the bible, closing the hardcover. 'come on in, then,'
'am i interrupting anything?' you asked. your voice was soft, like cool breeze blowing after the first rainfall. he chuckled.
'no, no you're not interrupting anything,' his statement ended, clashed with the sound of the door closing. you walked towards him, twiddling with your thumbs, your eyes transfixed on the statue of jesus.
'do you need something? i can leave you in peace if you prefer.' he said, standing up and dusting his clothes. he wasn't wearing his usual robes. he had opted for gray slacks paired with a soft blue shirt.
'no it's fine,' you walked towards him. 'i actually like some company, when i pray,' he smiled, his gaze smoothening down on your form.
'no no, i understand,' he said walking towards you, his thumb raking over the rosemary beads in his palm. 'lots of people prefer company in the church. physical company anyway. he,' his index pointed towards the stature of jesus, 'is always here.'
'a constant companion,' you said, recalling his words from a few months ago. 'i remember that. you enlightened me with that information during our gospel interpretation session.' he chuckled softly,
'i'm surprised you remember i said that. that was quite a few months ago,' you nodded, twisting your fingers together.
'speaking of which,' he whispered, so as to not let his voice echo. 'erm, you have been missing for a few weeks.' you stare at him, your eyes glossy.
'are you mad? that i've been missing?' he moves forward, waving his hands quickly reassuring,
'no no, not mad at all. i just,' he pauses, as if choosing his words carefully, 'missed your presence. and our discussions afterwards.' you let his words register into your senses. it's quiet as the sun settles, the blue hue of the sky meddling into a beautiful orange.
'there are other people who come to the church, mr. lupin.' he takes a deep breathe. it's serene, the way his name spills off your tongue.
'yes, but it gets quite boring with the same old people and the same old interpretations. you're intelligent...you're curious. i enjoy your fresh air of understanding.'
'you don't mean that.' you laugh. he sighs, letting his tongue dart over his teeth.
'oh no, i mean that,' he twiddles with his thumb, running his fingers through his locks with his other hand. he rubs his neck, drawing your attention to a small patch of ink on his neck.
'may i ask you the reason of your absence? it's none of my business of course,' his stale amber eyes pierce into you, as if trying to scan for answers.
'i got a few days off work. so i wanted to go on a little vacation.' you say.
'oh, i see, i'm glad you're out there having some fun. i'd do the same in your position. especially with the weather we've been having recently,' he emphasizes. his eyes wander about, as if searching for words, looking for phrases to let the conversation continue. 'i understand your need for freedom.'
you let the words hang in the air, tasting the freshness of the newly spoken sentences. you watch his nicely polished shoes, before you bite your tongue, meeting his eyes, allowing yourself to drown in the burnt amber color of them.
'do you mind it? the freedom? the fun?' he stands silent, as if speechless. it was extremely difficult to keep a man like remus lupin dumbfoundedly silent.
'no,' he says, 'i don't particularly mind it. i've...dedicated my life to this... this is my calling.' he laughs a little, a bark like laughter echoing through the walls. 'besides, i live my life through hearing your escapades.'
'i think you should live life a little. i'm saying this because i consider you my friend.'
'you do?' he says, softly biting his beautiful pink lips. 'well i consider you a friend too.' you nod.
'not many, erm, consider me other than someone who's a priest or think of any... friendly interactions, so... i appreciate that very much.'
you twiddle with your thumb, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. your mind floods with screams as you think of the next question you want to ask him. your heart thumps loudly in your chest, the heat of the blood curving through every inch of your body.
'can i ask you a question?'
'of course, you can ask me anything.'
'have you kissed anyone before?' it's vague, short yet straight forward. a slight pink tint overcomes his pale skin, his tongue tying up in knots before he processes his answer.
'oh, i- yes. i have kissed people before.' he licks his lips. 'though, in secret. we're not...uh meant to have relationships but... everybody needs company...sometimes.' you hum softly at his answer, minutely surprised at the lack of a reaction. then, you frame your next question, almost like a child so free of sin. you are, if partly so.
'do you consider it a bad thing mr. lupin?'
'no,' he laughs. 'i don't consider it a bad thing. i enjoy your curiosity.' he moves forward, a few painful inches away from you. it's as if he can feel the heat from your body. he enjoys it. 'and, neither do i think you're going to tell on me or anything, but yes, i have had companies of a different nature, too.'
the gasp ends in your throat. it's as if he reads your mind.
'i'm not such an extremist that i condemn that kind of thing. carnal desires are...human. the lord created us with them. so why should we deny ourselves?'
'isn't it wrong? a sin? perhaps you... don't mean it.' you say.
'no, i do mean it. to want intimacy is such an intricately human thing it isn't...wrong to want it or engage in it.'
'i've wanted intimacy, desired for it. for so long, mr. lupin, but i find myself stranded. because nobody expresses it back. perhaps you can tell me how it feels, with your experience of the humane carnal desire for intimacy,'
'oh.. well we've established that we're friends but... is that really something you should be asking a priest? you're a curious little thing aren't you?' you smile paired with a little nod of your head. you truly are curious.
'well,' he pauses, looking into your eyes, trying to search for something. 'if you must know, i haven't had any complaints. i've been told i give a rather...satisfactory performance.' he laughs. 'but, it has been quite some time.'
'oh. how long?'
'almost eight months so uh..nearly about a year, roughly,' he whispers, as you move closer. you're close enough for his warm breath fan over you, letting goosebumps kiss your skin.
'i think... i'll also be a satisfactory performer in bed,' you say. he laughs his eyebrow tilting.
'oh you think you are? your confidence is very cute.' he says, moving closer. you watch his pupils dilate, as the distance decreases between your bodies. something takes over him, as his breathing turns erratic, his heart palpitating. 'although,' he continues, 'the matter of one's performance in bed is highly subjective.'
'i can show you, the performance. i want to feel the intimacy, how it feels to be wanted, mr. lupin.' you say, almost begging. his hands twitch and your body aches for the touch of someone you've never felt before.
'i guess i'm sure you would like to find out, but...we shouldn't... we really shouldn't,' he feels his nerves turning shoddy as tries to not drown into the depth of your eyes. he says it, trying to convince himself more than you. but how can he when you look so pretty, like dew strewn across fresh grass. you jut out your lower lip.
'don't you find me pretty mr. lupin?' his eyes widen, his palm cradling your cheek. his thumb runs over your cheek and he enjoys the warm flush of your skin upon his touch, the goosebumps on your kissing every inch of your body.
'no, you are very beautiful. i mean it. apart from your intelligence, your beautiful mind is what...drew me to you.' he watches you melt into his touch and words and knits his eyebrows. 'but, we can't, we really can't, someone could just walk in.'
perhaps that's what excites you. the idea of someone walking in, the idea of somebody catching you. perhaps it's the sin that excites you.
'please,' you beg, your eyes glossy with an unsatiated lust, the carnal desire for intimacy, for his touch. 'please, remus, i need to know.' he takes a deep breathe, as the warm blood rushes between his legs.
he grabs your face, touching his temple with yours. 'fuck it,' he whispers, capturing his lips with yours. he's the priest, he needs to enlighten you with the knowledge you beg for, the experience you beg for.
perhaps it's sinful, but when his tongue meets yours, swallowing the sounds from your mouth, there's no sweeter innocence than his gentle sin. he'll be a poison ivy just for you, just to worship you at the shrine of his sins.
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dark-frosted-heart · 2 months
Roger Barel Main Route - Chapter 13 His POV
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As usual, can’t guarantee 100% accuracy on this. I’m doing this for archiving purposes and you can probably find a better translation out there.
(He wanted to eat the person he liked…?)
In this case it wasn’t a euphemism for love, but literally that dead man’s intent.
Roger: —Could it be that…
His cursed sin is…cannibalism?
(I’ve never Cursed One with cannibalistic urges. There’s no past data. But…)
But when you think about everything that happened—It all made sense.
(That guy…was really Cursed)
He didn’t know he was Cursed and didn’t know that his urges were from his cursed fate. He died blaming himself.
(Ah, it happened “again”. I…led another innocent “Cursed One” to their death…”again”.
Roger: “‘Cursed One’s’ tragic fate can’t be altered. In the past, there have been no exceptions.”
That’s so true, it makes me laugh.
Kate: Um, Roger…
???: Hey, hey. A man dressed in all white with a nice smile and parted bangs just told me something.
You were talking about the murder from last night.
I turned around and saw a stranger leaning against the counter with a smile.
Kate: And you are…
Nicholas the novelist: Just some insignificant novelist called Nicholas. And these are…
Michael the playwright: Michael, a playwright.
Joanna the caricaturist: Joanna, a caricaturist.
Barkeep: Ah, these three are people of culture who are regulars here. They like to stick their noses in other people’s business.
Nicholas the novelist: We have to! We’re always looking for inspiration for our works.
Man tries to eat a girl with red hair. It’s like the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood.
Joanna the caricaturist: Don’t lump this together with a childish fairytale like Little Red Riding Hood. It’s an insult to a sensational incident.
Michael the playwright: A bloodstained girl and a man standing over her in shock. Aha, I have an idea!
(...Ah, I see…these guys…)
The reason why they came to be known as “Fairytale Curses” is because of novelists, playwrights, and the like who created works based on existing “Cursed Ones”.
But nowadays, the relationship’s been reversed and they’re referred to as “Fairytale Curse”.
My curse is the Double-Crossing Hunter.
Elbert’s the Greedy Queen, Alfons the Mirror.
The reason for these names must have come from Cursed Ones that lived before us.
Tonight, another fairytale would be born from a Cursed One.
(I know people are free to create what they want and no one can fault them for that)
Michael the playwright: I hope more tragic incidents happen. That way I can create the best stage performances!
Nicholas the novelist: More material for our works! Haha, just kidding!
Next thing I knew I was slamming my mug down on the table as if to cut their laughter off.
Roger: They didn’t die to be a spectacle for you lot.
Michael the playwright: Ah, erm…
Nicholas the novelist: Um…We didn’t mean to make fun of people’s deaths.
Joanna the caricaturist: That’s right. Just having jokes at a bar.
I heard voices repeatedly try to defend themselves within my distant consciousness.
I was already well aware that the “sinfulness” of “Cursed Ones” couldn’t be understood.
That’s why they’re “curses”.
Roger: —Just kidding.
Michael the playwright: …Huh?
Roger: You were starving for stimulation, so I thought I’d surprise you.
Michael the playwright: …Wha
What the heck! You scared me!
Roger: Ahaha, sorry.
Michael the playwright: That performance was so real. Want to join my troupe?
Nicholas the novelist: You can scout later. Let’s have a drink as thanks for surprising us!
Roger: Yeah, sure.
They’ll never know what we “Cursed Ones” mourn over or what’s fated ends are.
So I just pretended that nothing happened. This “acceptance” was a technique I took up to get by in this world.
—However, there was one person beside me that didn’t agree with this acceptance.
Kate: Roger…
There was a hint of anger in Kate’s voice and disapproval in her eyes. 
(...Kate, you’re too nice. You’re the only one willing to stand with the Cursed)
Kate was a kind person and now held feelings for the Cursed, Crown included.
That’s why there wasn’t a need to feel worried or hurt anymore.
Roger: Hmm?
I downed my beer and ruffled her hair like usual.
Kate: Stop…
Roger: We heard what happened. The investigations’s over so there’s no point in digging any deeper.
Kate: I don’t think that’s how you truly feel.
(—Yeah, you’re right, Kate. It’s not…how I truly feel)
When Kate wasn’t looking, I went outside. The rain poured down relentlessly, but I didn’t care.
Alone, pitch-black despair that I’d been holding back starts creeping up from beneath my feet.
(If we told Lance “you’re a Cursed One” back then, would things have changed?)
I could imagine all the what-ifs I wanted, but the dead never return.
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My dear little friend, you will no doubt encounter despair in the future. However, don’t let yourself be defeated.
I remembered the words of a dead friend, words that I’ve repeated over and over.
(...I’ll be fine. I won’t let despair consume me)
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(I’m strong, I won’t be defeated, I won’t be lonely, I won’t let my soul rot, and…I’ll fulfill my ambition)
(That’s why I’ll be fine. …I’ll get back up and continue like nothing’s happened)
(I still don’t know if there’s a shadow watching over me)
And that its existence will save me.
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