#the night we met started playing💀
In this week's episode watch me dramatically weep in the shower while listening to 'runaway' by Aurora at 5 in the morning because I didn't shift.
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jazzyoranges · 11 months
Harleys in Hawaii
Tara Carpenter x fem!reader
Summary: you’re Tara’s older girlfriend
Words: 4.5k
A/n: listen to harleys in hawaii
Warnings: i didn’t feel like editing or spell checking sorry bout that 💀, age gap (Tara is 22/23, you’re 27), drinking, kissing, fade to black sex, R is implied to dress more masculine, also Scream 6 doesn’t exist cause Anika is alive 😇
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Tara has gone through 3 girlfriends and 5 boyfriends in the span of 5 months. Currently, she’s having an intervention on how and why. Well, the core four’s version of an intervention at least
“Dude, you have to teach me how to get a girlfriend” Chad begs, and Mindy laughs
“Why am I even here? You guys suck at interventions. If anything, this is the opposite of one”
This time, her sister chimes in. “We’re here because you’ve been going through partners like pairs of clothes. Why are you dating all these people?”
“I don’t know!” Tara groans “In the beginning it’s to be fun dating someone, but after a week it feels like a chore”
“Wow, never knew you of all people would have the same mindset of a frat boy” This earns Mindy a slap on her shoulder from Anika, who was cuddled into her
“Shut up Mindy.” the younger Carpenter spits out
“So you date people and drop them ‘cause they don’t give you the thrill of being in a relationship?” Chad says and everyone in the room goes silent. Momentarily, he stops throwing his tennis ball up in the air
Did I say something wrong?”
“Never knew you could be smart, Chad”
“Sometimes I wish we weren’t related.”
“Is that it, Tara?” Sam asks “You just want the thrill of dating?”
“When you put it that way, I guess? I dunno, I haven’t really met anyone exciting. You’d think there’d be fun people in New York”
“You just haven’t met the right person, Tara. I’m sure there’s someone for you, you just suck at looking”
“Oh, really? Where am I supposed to look, then?”
“I dunno, definitely not where you’re looking right now” Mindy shrugs, and Tara sighs at how helpful her friends are
You meet you coworker’s sister when her and her friends decide to have a study session at the small coffee shop you and Sam work at. You and the older Carpenter instantly clicked as friends. Sam knew you knew about the Woodsboro killings, but you knew not to trust the media entirely. After a few weeks of talking to her, you didn’t understand how Sam could be accused of such disgusting things
Your friendship solidified when you ‘accidentally’ spilled an ice cream sundae on some girl who was being mean to her. Of course you were fired the next day, but Sam left with you, opting to work at a smaller coffee shop run by a nice old man and his lovely wife
Sam considered you a good friend, and she trusted you with being around her sister. Luckily the old couple who ran the shop were kind and trusting, and let Sam’s sister and friends use the coffee shop after hours for late-night studying. It was maybe about 6:30pm when the shop officially closed, and the study session started. Sam insisted she stay by herself, but you didn’t want her to be lonely while watching her kids friends study
Personally, you thought it was far too late to study, but you also hadn’t been to school in 3 years. Soft music was playing while the group studied and you and Sam cleaned up the shop here and there
Tara tried to focus on her work, she really did. After a few glances in your direction and many “sorry, what did you say?”’s later, Mindy finally decided to comment on Tara’s behavior. I mean, could she really be mad? You were breathtaking. Your shirt hugged your arms and torso just the right way, you hand a very pretty face, most of all, you were-
“Alright, what’s up with you? You’ve been distracted this entire time”
“I’m not distracted, I’m listening” Tara lied straight through her teeth, and Mindy just looked at her in suspicion
“You’ve seemed out of it this entire study session, you okay?” Anika reached to rub Tara’s shoulder
“Uh, y-yeah” Tara turned around in her seat looking for you. When she saw you were either in the break room or the bathroom, Tara leaned in closer to the group and so did her friends
“Sam’s friend is really hot.”
“Understandable” Chad nods
“Definitely ask her out”
“Like hell I am, Mindy!” Tara whisper-shouts
You’re about to leave for the night. Gathering your jacket, helmet, and keys from your locker, you barely make it out of the break room before one of Sam’s friends calls you over
“Hey, Sam’s coworker! Are you good at algebra?
“A little above average, why do you ask? You walk over to the booth they’re studying at. You miss the glare the brunette gives to her friend
Mindy motions to Tara “My friend over here is having a little trouble, and we’re all not really good at explaining. Could you help her?”
“Also,” the twin points at each of her friends “Anika, Chad, Tara, and I’m Mindy”
You pull up a chair to sit next to Tara “Y/N, nice to meet all of you. Sam says lots of good things”
“Likewise, Sam told us about what you did for her. We all appreciate it” Anika smiles
“Those girls were assholes,” you shrug “they deserved it.” Now focusing on Tara, you met her eyes while the rest of the group fell into discussion
“So, what exactly do you need help with?”
Tara tries to listen to what you’re saying, but everything is going in one ear and out the other with your proximity to her. You make simple small talk with Tara, and she notes how the corners of your eyes crinkle when you laugh. The brunette learns you’re about the same age as her sister, you have a second job as a mechanic, and you owned a motorcycle (in which her interest was immediately peaked).
A few hours of conversation and studying later, the group decides they’re finished. They pile into Sam’s car to be dropped off at their respective apartments. Unfortunately due to a little clutter, there isn’t enough room for Tara in the car (which is surprising since she’s incredibly small, but you decide to hold your tongue this time)
“Cmon, guys, can’t you make some room?” the brunette groans
“You could ride with Y/n,” Sam suggests “I trust her to get you home”
“Yeah, I got an extra helmet in my locker, I’ll go get it” You jog back to the shop, and you’re back a minute later with a helmet in one hand, and a hoodie in the other. Your hoodie, Tara thinks
“Here, it gets cold. Is this your first time?”
“Yeah, I’ve never been on a motorcycle before
” Tara says nervously, and she has to stop herself from taking a big whiff of your hoodie around her
“No worries! If you get scared just squeeze my thigh and I’ll pull over, okay? Also, make sure to hold on tight” You put the helmet on Tara, inspecting her to make sure it’s on correctly
“Geez, it feels like I’m an astronaut” Tara laughs, flipping up the visor
“Doesn’t it? I always feel like a bobble head or something when I’m in it” You teach Tara how to get on, and soon enough you’re on the road following Sam’s car
Tara’s arms were snugly wrapped around your torso, and she was absolutely having the time of her life. The helmet she was wearing smelled like you and it was absolutely intoxicating. Not to mention how your hoodie sat comfortably on her body — almost like it was meant for her to wear. Deciding to be bold, Tara decides to hug you tighter
When you two eventually stop at a stoplight, you hold out a thumbs up, questioning if Tara is comfortable. The brunette responds with a thumbs up of her own, and the slow circles she’s making with her thumb under your shirt that leave a trail of goosebumps behind
First Sam stops at Mindy and Anika’s, then Chads. Since there’s more room in the car Tara doesn’t actually need to stay with you, but she’s practically glued to your back. The brunette decides to be greedy and hold on
A few minutes later, you two reach Tara and Sam’s apartment complex. When you come to a stop the younger Carpenter gets off first, and you follow after
“So, how was your first time on a motorcycle? Scary?”
“Honestly? Not really. I trust you won’t crash, or else Sam’ll get real mad at you” Taking off her helmet, you get the pleasure of seeing Tara smile again. She starts to take off your hoodie, but you stop her before she does
“Keep it, I already have a bunch of other hoodies and jackets at my place”
“Are you sure?”
“I wouldn’t be saying it if I wasn’t sure, Carpenter”
“You’re an ass” Tara rolls her eyes and playfully hits your arm
“Nice meeting you and your friends, by the way. I’ll see you guys around” After you wave bye and hop back on your motorcycle Tara watches you leave, pulling your hoodie closer to her body
Study sessions at the coffee shop after closing time became more and more regular. Sometimes it’s just Sam closing up, and other times it’s just you. Tara still regrets telling the group about her very tiny minuscule crush on you, since you’re now used as blackmail to get Tara to go anywhere
“Wanna go to the movies?”
“Sorry, I have to finish an essay”
“Y/n’s gonna be there” Mindy says in a sing-song tone
“Fuck you.” Tara groans before grabbing her jacket, fully expecting to be invited for a motorcycle ride from you
At first Tara only saw you during study sessions at the coffee shop. It was the same story almost every time. There wouldn’t be enough room in Sam’s car, you’d drive Tara home, and if she was lucky you’d stop at a 7 Eleven for slushees and a snack
When Sam invites you to a game night with the group, you happily accept the invitation. With a bottle of wine in your left hand, you make some final adjustments to your outfit before knocking. Smoothing out your shirt, you hear a familiar voice behind the door
“So, are you gonna stand there or are you going to knock?” The younger Carpenter teases, and she can practically hear you roll your eyes when you scoff
“I was making myself presentable” You shrug, hearing the click of the door as Tara opens it
“Whatever,” The shorter girl laughs “You’re kinda early so you can wait on the couch or something” She takes the bottle of wine from your hands, setting down on a table
“Geez, don’t people have manners nowadays? I thought it was a given to arrive early”
“I think that’s just you being old”
“You’re mean.” Tara’s face collides with a pillow as she turns around and the brunette can faintly hear you say ‘headshot!’ in an excited voice
“Me? Mean? You just assaulted me!”
“You’ll live. Mario Kart?” You wave a second controller in her direction with the game already booted up, and Tara takes her seat next to you on the floor
The next few minutes are spent casually trash-talking each other. When you get particularly close to winning Tara shoves you to the floor, causing you to lose. A smug grin adorns her face when you throw another pillow at her
“Stop throwing pillows at me!” Tara laughs
“You quite literally shoved me to the floor ‘cause you’re not as good as me”
“Shut up, you’ve have more experience”
“Are you calling me old again?” You say in a dramatic tone, and the door rings a whole 20 minutes after the rest of the group is supposed to show up. Sam lets them in, and you wave hello. Mindy gives Tara a look you don’t recognize, but Chad quickly challenges you to another game of Mario Kart
The twin tried his best, he really did. He took the shortcuts, chose the best character, and even optimized his power-ups. But alas, his efforts were rendered useless as you casually mopped the floor with his ass. The scoreboard with your name at the top is enough for Chad to groan in defeat
“Dude, how are you so good?”
“I guess I just have more experience”
“So you can say it but I can’t?” You end up sticking your tongue out at Tara like a child
“Whatever. You guys got any other games?”
“We have Uno” Sam suggests
Oh how foolish she was.
Arguing, wine, and lots of popcorn later, you’re currently in a battle for 4th place with Tara. Fifteen minutes after Chad won 3rd, both of you insisted a 4th place winner. When you put down a plus four twice in a row, the group only groans
“Please are you two almost done?”
“It’s Uno. How about we play another game?” Chad pleads
“Absolutely not. I refuse to lose to a girl that’s basically half my height.”
“Half your height!? You’ll probably be balding by 30!”
“You take that back!” You slam a hand against the table, and your friends can’t tell if they should intervene or watch the argument play out. They choose the latter
Shallow insults are exchanged between you two and the rest of the group finally understands both of you aren’t serious. They decide to leave you two to pick up some pizza, and you’re far too busy arguing how you’re not going to go bald at 30. Really, whose idea was it to give the most competitive people copious amounts of wine?
Eventually your arguing dies down, leaving you both giggling like middle school kids when they see their crush. The absurdity of the situation paired with the wine you both drank made a very fun combo
“Sorry I said you’d bald by 30” Tara leans onto your shoulder and you lay your head atop hers
“It’s okay. Sorry I said you were half my height
 even if it’s true” You smile and Tara hits your arm while suppressing a grin
“You mind if I sleep here tonight? Pretty sure I can’t drive my baby in this state”
“Your baby?”
“My motorcycle. Her name is Elizabeth” You nudge her shoulder
“You named your motorcycle?
“It’s how you create attachment, Tara. You name everything so you care more about it”
“God, you’re a weirdo.” The younger Carpenter leans into you even further
“You never answered my question”
 I think Sam wouldn’t mind”
“But would you mind?”
“No, you’re my friend”
A comfortable silence passes between you two. Tara, half asleep on your shoulder; and you, trying to formulate a plan to get Tara in her bed. The only good idea you’ve thought of is carrying her, so that’s what you decide to do
Tara makes a sound then holds onto your shirt as you scoop her up from the couch. There’s a feeling in her stomach she can’t quite place when your arms wrap around her. You’re warm, and Tara only wants to get closer to your body heat
“Tara, honey, where’s your room?” You whisper. The pet name accidentally slips, and you hope the younger girl doesn’t notice.
Oh but she does
Tara notices and opts to bury her head in you chest, pointing in the direction of her room. She can feel her face warm up immediately
You open up the door all the way with your foot, and lay Tara down in her bed. You’re about to leave to probably sleep on the couch, but you feel a hand around your wrist and Tara mumble something sleepily
“You alright, Tar?” You bend down
“Please stay
 don’t go.” The younger Carpenter whispers, and you wouldn’t be able to hear her if not your close proximity
“I’ll be in the living room, don’t worry. I don’t drink and drive”
“No, I mean stay here.”
 You want me to stay in your room?”
Tara nods.
“I- I don’t know, Tara.” You were hesitant to accept her invitation.
“I won’t be far, I promise”
“I don’t care you’re older than me.”
“Please, you make me so happy. People my age are so dull
” Tara takes your hand in her own, playing with your fingers
“You don’t mean that, Tar. You’re drunk and tired. How about you get some sleep, hm?” You say in the softest voice you can manage, pushing away the thoughts of how badly you just want to hold Tara in your arms again
” Something in you shifts when the brunette says your name in her sleep-drunk state. You notice the pleading look in her eyes, and it’s difficult to imagine saying no to her
“I can’t say no to you.” You sigh, taking off your jacket before getting in bed. Tara immediately curls up against your chest like it’s the most natural thing ever and you wrap your arms around her waist like it’s second nature
“Thank you. I really like you, Y/n”
“If you end up regretting this I’ll pretend like nothing’s happened if you want”
“No!” Both you and Tara are surprised by her tone
“I- I mean no. I promise I won’t regret this. Regret
 you.” She says in a smaller voice
“Do you like me too?” Tara looks up at you with hope in her eyes and your heart melts at the sight
“I don’t know, Tara. Part of me thinks this is wrong, and the other part just wants to spend time with you.”
“Ever since
 Amber, you’ve helped me move on” This was the most Tara has opened up about her late girlfriend. Of course the group told you a few tiny things about her here and there, but you hadn’t heard from Tara straight up. You knew this was a very hard and difficult subject even as time continued to pas
“You don’t need to feel like you have to tell me about her, Tara. How about we sleep? You’ll have a clearer mind tomorrow” Pressing a kiss against her forehead, your girlfriend(?) smiles
can I wear your shirt?”
“I’m right here, you know”
“I wanna be closer to you”
“Go actually get ready for bed, Tara. I know you don’t wanna sleep with makeup on” The brunette gets up to leave but decides to double back and give you a kiss on the cheek, leaving you a subtle lipstick mark
You hate how she makes you all giddy like a teenager in love.
Getting up to ask Tara if she has an oversized hoodie you could sleep in, you’re caught in the hallway by Sam. You only notice how bad it looks you’re walking out Tara’s room with messy hair, ruffled clothes, and a noticeable kiss on your cheek. You’re quick to wipe it off and smooth out your hair a second later
“Sam, it’s not what it looks like.” You say quickly
“I dunno, it really looks like you’re fucking my sister”
“I-It’s not like that! She- I uh-“
“Listen, I don’t mind you’re dating my sister. Would’ve wished you told me, though”
“That’s the thing! I have no idea what we are” You look behind to look for Tara before turning back to Sam
“She said she really liked me, but then she’s also drunk, but then she also kissed me. What if she doesn’t actually mean it? What if she regrets this? What if-” You’re talking quickly and about to start pacing around before Sam grounds you by holding onto your shoulders
“I trust you, Y/n. You’re my friend. I trust you’ll take good care of my sister”
The older Carpenter gives you a quick hug before leaving to her own room, leaving you staring at nothing as the door to the bathroom clicks open
“Y/n? You alright?” Tara pulls you into a hug, shoving her face in your neck
“Y-Yeah, do you have a hoodie I could sleep in?”
 I think I have one in your size” The shorter girl leads you to her closet. A few seconds of searching lands you a hoodie with an album cover you don’t recognize. Tara notices your confusion
“Tyler the creator”
“Is he any good?”
“Well duh, I wouldn’t have him on a hoodie if he wasn’t”
“Okay smart ass, no need to be mean” You feign annoyance and the brunette can only roll her eyes and drag you into bed for the second time this night
Both of you get into position again. Tara’s arms securely wrapped around your torso, and your arms that bring her closer to your neck. You decide it isn’t so bad you’re in love with Tara Carpenter
You and Sam meet the rest of the group at their college. The lovely older couple that ran the coffee shop insisted you two spent time with Tara. They may as well be your parents with how much they treat you and Sam like their own kin. With the rest of the day to spoil Tara, you happily jump onto her with open arms while spewing a slew of praises and compliments
Your girlfriend should probably be embarrassed at how loud your affection is, but it’s New York. Who really cares? When you’re done being yourself, Sam also gives Tara a bear hug
“So, what’re the plans, birthday girl?” Mindy asks
“Honestly? I just wanna spend time with you guys”
“How disgustingly cute. I think that’s a great idea, babe”
“Are you kidding?” Chad speaks up “The last time we all spent time together, you two were fighting for 4th place in Uno. Fourth place!”
“I think you’re being over dramatic, bud”
“You looked like you were about to flip the fucking table when Tara made you draw 12 cards”
“Like I said, stacking is a curse that makes me angry”
“I gotta agree with Chad, here” Sam chimes in “You almost killed Tara because of Jenga”
“It’s not my fault your little sister is a pathological liar and a gaslighter!” The younger Carpenter rolls her eyes
“You’re awfully childish for someone that’s so old” Your girlfriend laughs, making you look away, embarrassed
“It’s not my fault I’m competitive!”
“So, where do you wanna eat out, Tara?” Anika asks “I’ve been starving practically all day”
“Hooters.” The brunette answers almost immediately
“So, birthday girl, what’s it like being 23?”
“A lot like being 22”
“Noting different?”
“Well, this is the first year you’re here to celebrate with me” Tara turns on her side to face you “I guess that’s pretty special”
You copy her actions, now looking at your girlfriend
“Oh yeah? What’s so special about me being here?”
“Please, you really don’t need a bigger ego”
“Aw you’re no fun”
“I’m plenty fun, babe” Tara reaches down to the hem of your shirt, feeling the skin right above your pants
“Mhm, and what type of fun?”
“You’re such a tease.” Your girlfriend rolls her eyes. Both of you are inching closer to each other to close the gap. You blink for half a second, and Tara straddles your lap with a hungry look in her eyes and a smile that highlights her cute dimples
Diving into you, Tara kisses you with fervor and lust. Her kisses are sloppy, but you don’t really care. Currently, the only thing in your mind is Tara’s name on repeat. Both of your clothes are off in only a matter of seconds due to the brunette’s growing eagerness of wanting your fingers inside of her
“A-Are you sure about this?” You mumble in between kisses and pecks
“Absolutely positive, baby.” Your girlfriend’s ever growing wetness smears on the skin of your exposed thigh, making you sigh in delight
“If you don’t want to keep going, just tell me and I’ll-“
“Y/n.” Your head snaps up at the brunette saying your name
“I want this. I want all of you. Drill it into your pretty brain, yeah?” Tara makes an act of lightly drilling her finger into the side of your head, making you laugh
When you kiss Tara for a second time it feels different. Her lips taste sweeter and all you want to do is give her the entire world. Unfortunately you’re only mortal, so you opt to give her a few lot of mind blowing orgasms instead
“So, what’re your plans for the break?”
“We were actually planning a road trip to the beach this weekend to celebrate, and you’re coming”
“No room for debate, huh?” You laugh, swinging an arm over her shoulders “I’ll have to bring my truck, though. Elizabeth is 100% going”
“Sometimes I think you like her more than me”
“You may be my girlfriend, but Elizabeth is my first love” This earns you a punch to the arm via Tara. Although it doesn’t hurt much, you feign a wounded expression and place the back of your hand to your forehead
“Woe is I, for my girlfriend no longer loves me
“You’ll be okay” Tara rolls her eyes
“Kiss it better?”
“Please can we have a ride without our helmets?”
“Sam wouldn’t forgive me if we crashed and you weren’t wearing a helmet”
“Please, baby?” Tara uses her best puppy eyes, and she knows they’re working when you look away to resist her charm
“The sunset is beautiful, the back roads are empty, and I want to spend our last moments here on the beach. Don’t you want to see the view, baby?”
You sigh, looking away. This girl was going to be the death of you.
“Well after such a confession, I don’t think I’m able to say anything other than yes” Tara kisses you on the tip of your nose, making it scrunch up just how she liked it
“This is gonna be so aesthetic, babe”
“You’re not that old, love”
Before getting on, you take two spare sunglasses from your leather jacket pocket and hold them out for Tara
“Aviator or round?”
“You take the Aviators, I want you to look like one of those guys from Top Gun” Tara takes the sunglasses out of your hand to place them on your face
“Geez, I look more like a biker than a motorcyclist now”
“There’s a difference?”
“I’ll teach you one day. Cmon, the sun’s setting already”
Tara truly believes she’s made it to heaven while you drive. Arms around your waist, the salty breeze, and not to mention the beautiful setting sun. This is what she’s always been craving
Exhilarated is how she’d describe being around you. The simplest touches sent shivers down her spine. The tiniest glances made Tara’s heart giddy with joy. How couldn’t she fall for you? Picture-perfect is what you were. Not boring, not simple, not easy. You were
With sand in you hair from previous beach endeavors and a smile wide enough your girlfriend can see just from looking at the back of your head, Tara can’t image herself anywhere but with you
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anonimusunnoaniswriting · 3 months
Noni !!!! ♡
Help! Staaap me ! I'm having ideas aaaa, I don't write well, but the muses gave me this, and I need to torment someone with it ! Lucky you !!
Here was I doing the dishes and daydreaming about a certain blonde sorcerer, and I'm giving you the idea/prompt/ idk what this is, but maybe it.could turn into a story in your dexterous hands. Hehehohoho
Your husband Nanami Kento wakes up and you're not there, he hears you the kitchen making Saturday morning lazy day off work breakfast.
He wakes up hit and bothered and go the kitchen to tempt you, he's in grey sweatpants, you are wearing his white t-shirt. In a soft gruff morning voice, you're in the sink washing some fruits, he kisses the nape of your neck, talking smoothly into your ear, you can feel his "discomfort" pressed up into your back, he carries you, coax you back to bed, kisses wherever he can. You continue carrying on with your duty, playing vou, until his slips a finger into your panties, starts toying with you and then your done for it, breakfast forgotten, he carried you back to bed and sweet, spicy love making morning time. đŸ”„đŸ„”đŸ’€â€ïžâ€đŸ”„
Sends you a hug and well wishes ! I'm gonna rot in hell with all these ideas.
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Tags/warnings: MDNI 18+, P in V, Cunnilingus, BJ's Domestic, Established relaationship, Soft Nanami Kento, mention of washing dishes and 1 mention of kidnapping (there is no kidnapping Nanami is just anxiety ball) FLUFF, smut, idk what else.
A/N: Here it is. Im sorry it took me so long to write this i mean i really put the pro in procrastination...
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A sudden clang of metal jolted Nanami Kento out of bed. Immediately, his arm reached out to his right-– empty. The messy bed and askew pillow suggested someone may have lain there, but the lack of warmth that reached the blonde's fingers suggested that the one he looked for had left long before he arose. 
Nanami swung his legs off the side of the bed and, picking up his grey sweatpants off the floor but not quite bothering with his slippers, cautiously made his way out of the room toward the offending noise. His hand balled up in a fist, ready to attack whatever intruder there may have been awaiting and, of course, to defend the love of his life: you. 
But what met Nanami's eyes instead was the most breathtaking sight he had ever seen

In the soft golden glow of the gentle morning sun, you stood— illuminated. 
Your hair was still messy from it being smushed against the pillow. You wore his white tee-shirt, which strained against your hips, tummy, and chest wrapping you in a secure embrace. And on your feet were your fluffy, bunny bedroom slippers. His tee-shirt barely covered your ass which Nanami quickly realised was bare underneath, when you lifted your arms, trying to reach a higher shelf. You were washing dishes
washing dishes
 the clang. Nanami quickly put two and two together and smiled. There was no danger after all – save that of his breath loss.
He silently crept up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Good morning, beloved.” 
You jumped, dropping the bowl you'd been sleepily scrubbing, replicating the sound that woke Nanami from his dreams. “Christ, Ken
you scared the shit out of me.” 
The man behind you chuckled. He dipped his head to rest in the crook of your neck starting to kiss your skin softly. The smell of the bed still lingered on your body, warm and sweet. 
“We'll, we're even now. For a moment I thought you were being kidnapped and were putting up quite a fight.” 
“What—what do you mean?”
“A loud clang woke me up.” 
Silence fell as you stood trying to process the reason, during which time Nanami's nose grazed against your skin trailing down, inhaling your sweet scent. 
“Did you know how much you smell like something terribly edible in the mornings?” He nipped at you. 
” you whispered, “It's early, Ken.”
“We forsook the dishes last night already. I really want to finish up.”
“Well, I'm not stopping you, am I?” 
You sighed and tentatively resumed the slow scrubbing of the bowl you had dropped earlier. 
Nanami dropped his hands from your waist to the hem of his tee shirt on you. You felt the fabric creep up the swell of your ass. 
“Kento-o-o,” you warned. 
“Go on. You're still able to wash the dishes.”
The lips on your neck burned,  sucking and licking at the thin skin. A wanton moan sounded somewhere, and with a blush, you realised it was you. 
Nanami chuckled. “That’s my girl.” 
“Nanami Kento, you really are incorrigible,” You turned around to kiss him. 
“Can you blame me? When I walked in here to find you looking like everything I ever dreamed of?” Your noses touched, and Nanami pushed his hips against yours. Suddenly the room felt hotter than before. “Do you see what you do to me
You could feel the growing bulge in his sweatpants. It strained against the fabric reaching out, needing touch. 
Nanami flipped you around so he could face your back and ground against your ass. His hands reached up to cup your breasts pulling you into him so he could whisper in your ear.
“Let's play a game, let's see if I can make you come before you can finish washing up. If you finish washing first, you win and I'll buy lunch for us today. If I make you come, well, you're buying.” 
Your lover's fingers found your slit. Expertly delving into the folds, he toyed with the bundle of nerves between. You were playing a losing game. The events of the night before were still fresh in your muscle memory and with the lightest touch your libido had been awoken again, remembering the touches from a few hours ago. 
Trying and struggling to pick up a plate and the sponge, you quickly realised your grip was lacking. Kento kissed your neck again, this time with the intention of leaving marks. His semi-hard cock prodded at your back and the thought of him lifting you onto the kitchen counter flashed in your mind. 
“You seem to have lost some soap darling,” Nanami said without missing a beat. You looked down at your hand, curled up in a fist, squeezing the once-pregnant sponge for all it was worth. “Now wouldn't it be something if I could make you come on just my fingers
this isn't fair,” you whined. 
“Oh is that so, would you like me to stop then?” 
You shook your head vigorously. 
“That's what I thought.” 
Keeping his fingers at your clit, Nanami kneeled down and used his other hand, and shoulders, to spread your legs apart. The tight tee-shirt rolled up your ass, exposing it to the cold morning air and you felt goosebumps rise. He spread your asscheeks and dipped his face right in, replacing his fingers with his tongue. You were already dripping. It wouldn't take long. 
The dishes lay untouched. Your knuckles were white from squeezing the sponge, and here you were, just seconds away from coming all over your lover's face.
Anticipating the release, Nanami hummed against your pussy and in his signature baritone commanded, “Come for me.” 
His lips wrapped around your throbbing clit sucking on the nub. Your legs gave way and immediately his hands caught hold of your waist. 
“Fuck– haa– coming, Ken–” 
Your thighs quivered and your orgasm came shattering through and you held the countertop for support as Nanami helped you ride out your high, licking you with slow broad stripes. When you slowly came down from it he withdrew, getting to his feet. 
“Guess I won that round.” 
You did not complain when he took your hands and led you away to the bedroom. The tee shirt was the first to come off. With it, he wiped away any remaining soap suds on your arms. He sat you down on the bed, your legs still unsteady, and you took the opportunity to grab the waistband of his sweatpants. 
“Sweetheart, you don't have to
You shushed him. “I want to, please?” You said, looking up at him with big eyes. 
Nanami nodded. 
You tugged the fabric down, letting his cock spring free. 
Smiling at him, half disbelieving you remarked, “It's like we barely touched each other last night, look at you Min-min
Nanami stroked your head. “It's the effect you have on me, Princess. You turn me on, so fucking much
Your tongue licked a long stripe up his length, while you kept your eyes locked on him. “I could say the same about you, you know.”
Nanami closed his eyes and tilted his head back, the grip on your hair tightened. 
“Really? In that case, I'd suggest we keep doing that for each other for the rest of our lives.” 
You took the head in your mouth and bobbed up and down on it, letting him fill you. Although he allowed you to go at your own pace his hand never left your head, gently stroking your soft hair. With one hand you wrapped the base of his cock where your mouth couldn't reach and pumped him in time to the movements of your head. 
As it was always, Nanami's size was not easy. No matter how many times you took him in your mouth, you would dribble and drool, trying to fit more. Fortunately, this served to only spur the man on, and he gently thrust into your mouth – careful not to hurt you. 
It was evident you were not the only one still raw from the night before. Quiet grunts and deep growls, in the company of sharp hisses, as your tongue found its way around his cock head, told you that despite looking composed, Nanami was as desperate as you felt yourself to be. The wetness between your thighs only increased as you sucked his cock – turned on by not only what you were doing for him but also what you were doing to him.
A sudden loud hiss and Nanami grunted, “Shit, babe, get off!”
Losing yourself in the feeling of his cock in your mouth you failed to notice how Nanami's balls had tightened, ready to unload. You released him with a pop but continued stroking. “Come in my mouth,” You felt a twitch under your fingers but continued your gentle movement. 
“No, not your mouth, need to – feel—”
He pushed you down to the bed without waiting for a response. You smirked, and spread your legs. 
“Look at you, so desperate for this pussy. If only people knew how the great Nanami Kento could be made to kneel so easily.” 
Nanami blushed, lining his cock up with your entrance. His hands fondled your breasts lightly flicking the hardened nipples. 
Your breath hitched in your throat as he pushed past the small opening, stretching you out onto his cock.
“I could– say the same– about you, my love,” Nanami parroted your earlier statement. 
He bottomed out easier than usual, filling you to the brim. Your hands found purchase in his hair – tugging gently and you pulled his head to yours, meeting his mouth in a rough, sloppy kiss. He pinched your nipples just as you slipped your tongue in his mouth and swallowed the filthy moan that dripped from your lips. 
Kisses coupled with well-timed thrusts had you at the edge well enough, but Nanami was far ahead of you. Desperate to have you come around his cock again he searched the bed for the small vibrator that had been discarded among the rumpled sheets the night before. Not once did he stop fucking into you, searching only with the sense of touch and, when he finally came by it, wasted no time in switching it on and laying it on your clit.
The effect was almost instantaneous. Your hips bucked upwards as blasphemous prayers dripped from your swollen lips. He grabbed hold of you, easily lifting your body into an embrace feeling the strong vibrations run up his cock as well. His thrusts grew faster and rougher with each passing minute.
“Hnng– fuck, I'm going to come, baby,” he growled. 
Your fingers carded at his hair and you pulled his even closed faces just inches apart as you looked into his eyes and cried, “C- come for me then. Right– right now. With me!”
Nanami let go with a guttural groan spilling inside you, at the same time you felt your climax wash over you. Your pussy held Nanami in a vice-like grip pulsing and throbbing as he emptied into you and you gushed onto him. The vibrator fell to the bed, once again lost among the sheets but you couldn't care less. Nanami was kissing you, like it was the first time he'd ever kissed you. Lips, teeth, hands, you were pulled into him as he devoured you. 
The high gradually faded. You laid your head on Nanami's arm leaving small kisses along his skin – wherever you could reach. He smiled down at you. 
“I meant it you know, let's actually keep turning each other on for our whole lives
You looked up at him, your heart full. “Nanami Kento, as much as I love you, I'm not accepting that proposal. You have to get me a ring.” 
He chuckled and pulled you into his arms, kissing the top of your head, “I'll do that, and more. Starting with our repeatedly abandoned dishes.” 
You kissed his chest smiling. “I can't wait to say ‘I do’.” 
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A/N: GUys i DROPPED MY PHONE ON MY FACE JUST AS I FINISHED THE SEX SCENE and it very STRATEGICALLY landed right on a pimple on my forehead with the corner like FML. here i am thinking about being railed into SUNday by MR NANAMI KENTO AND MY PHONE SAYS BONK GO TO HORNY JAIL HELP. THAT TOO DURING PRIDE MONTH. is this a hatecrime???
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ruby-winchester24 · 1 year
Craig Tucker headcanons!
{sfw+nsfw} {fem reader}
when you first met Craig your freshman year of high school you were put off by his “i don’t give a fuck” demeanor
ïżŒbut after getting to know him, you found out he was just a sweet kid with many walls
when you first started dating it came as a surprise to the school, that Craig wasn’t fully gay
Tweek was hurt at first to see his past lover move on but he decided to move on also
he is extremely territorial of you, he hates when other men try to talk to you
during football games he can’t stop staring at you on the sidelines in your cheerleading uniform
for homecoming week you wore his jersey for there homecoming game and he was smitten
pda is sometimes okay, he likes to hold your hand out waist when you walk
he is a secret admirer, even when you are dating he will sit there and admire your beauty
writes love notes to you for every month anniversary
since stripe passed away you guys got a new guinea pig and named him spot
his love language is physical touch, he loves holding you close
is super big on cuddles, every time you hang out there is a cuddle sesh
says i love you in the first month because he is smitten with you
plays with your hair
the first time you ever saw him cry is when you had your first fight,
it scared you at first because you have never seen him so vulnerable ïżŒ
“the reason why i am upset is because they don’t have good intentions, they want to use you!”
“your the only person i love, i would give you the whole world if i could”
comforting him was a little bit of a struggle because you didn’t know how
when you cry it’s the same for him
he doesn’t know how to respond to your emotions
ok Fridays you and Craig’s gang hang out at Tolkien’s house because he rich, and they have a pool
you and Jimmy are besties 👯
he loves when he lays on your chest so you run your hands through his hair
is actually a very extroverted person when you get to know him better
6’3, fucker is tall
when he kisses you he holds your head with both of his hands on each side of your head
always updates you on what’s happening when your not in class together
“dude Cartman just swung at Kyle”
“ wtf why💀”
“because remember how we have a presentation about WWII?”
“well Cartmans presentation was about hitler being right about jews and shit like that and obvi pissed kyle off and he just swung out of nowhere and it was great”
“damn i wish i had history with you guys😭”
late night drives are very common for you, it’s when you can be alone and talk about anything
always kisses your neck or forehead
when you are stressed he will rub your back until you fall asleep
he loves movies and makes you watch them with him
is you do any activities, he is always there with a smile on your face watching your every move
for valentine’s day he gets you a huge bouquet of your favorite flowers and a poem he wrote for you
he sells vapes for easy money
gives you free ones if you want any
his family really likes you
his mom always tells you stories of when he was young, and you guys always gossipđŸ€­
his dad thinks your a good match for his son
Tricia really likes you and asks to hang out with you guys all the time
Craig usually says no😞
your name for him in his phone is “Mrs TuckerđŸ«¶đŸŒâ€
will always listen to what you have to say he is more of a listener then anything
when he gives you a sweater of his or a stuffed animal, he sprays his cologne on it
he loves when you wear his hat he thinks it looks so cute on you
always tells you how beautiful you look, it is an everyday occurrence
he sees you being together for a long time in the future but he doesn’t want to say anything to jinx it
he really likes eye contact, it feels so sensual to him
tells you all about his hyper fixations, aka all the space facts he knows
always asks if you ate today
is extremely good at reading people and knows exactly when your upset
“hun what is wrong?”
“nothing is”
“yes, something made you upset your shoulders got tense”
“you know me too well”
his parents are pretty layed back so they let you have sleepovers
once his dad flipped you off and it scared the shit out of you because you thought you did something wrong
almost all the photos you have together, Craig’s flipping off the camerađŸ€ŠđŸœâ€â™€ïž
he really likes to lift it helps relieve stress
he has a photo of you in his car, locker, phone case and room
you made a scrapbook of all the things you have done together, it contains dried flowers, the love notes he gives you, pictures of you guys and special dates
he def listens to R&B
always play fights with you, he usually body slams you on the bed
when you facetime him he always puts spot on the phone so he can say hi to his mom
you babysit Tricia whenever his parents are away and Craig is busy
she loves you though so it’s always a win win
if you ever ask Craig to be in a Tiktok with you it always takes you begging him for 19 straight minutes
when he snaps you it’s always a photo of him doing this face 😐
he loves the simple things in life like taking a walk or a picnic with you
calls you Mrs Tucker in front of his friends
if anyone tries to flirt with you he will go psycho
he will rip that guy a new one and swing, and yes it’s happened before
he hums or taps his finger to a beat when concentrating
he loves music and has a collection of vinyl records
sometimes he will put on his Frank Sinatra vinyl and you guys will slow dance
he is a dom 100%
low key a sadist, he is also very kinky (it’s always the quite ones)
he loves to see you a wimpering mess begging to be touched by him
his favorite is edging
to see you so excited about your release but then being able to take it away makes him feral
6’5 inches but he is pretty girthy
he loves toys, especially paddles
brat tamer all the way
if you have been bad he will bend you over his knee and make you count and say thank you after each spank
he is not lacking muscle, god no, his arms are very defined and he has a great v line and soft abs
is very rough during sex usually
if he is in a very romantic mood it will be slow and passionate
he loves to mark you up, especially on your thighs
loves degrading you,
“god your such a slut”
“you stupid whore, you like it when i fuck you senseless, yeah?”
“be quite slut, you don’t want to be punished, huh?”
loves face fucking
his favorite position is doggy style because he can pull your hair and arch your back
is very into bondage and always practices on you
when he does he makes sure to be careful the first time to make sure it’s safe, if he hurt you he would never forgive himself
nipple clamps are also one of his favorites and gags
he loves to see you tied up, a submissive mess, begging to cum
his favorite part about you is your boobs and stomach
loves to be called sir or daddy
when you first did he swore he almost died because of how hard he came
really likes to go raw, he loves how it feels and really likes to cum on your face
when you suck him off he holds your head so he can be in control
loves to give you head, usually overstimulates you on purpose
“p-please sir i c-can’t anymore!”
“yes you can, i need to taste you again”
aftercare is usually really sweet
he usually apologizes if he went to far or said something that hurt your feelings
will get you water and ibuprofen incase your sore
he will get you all cleaned up and dress you
holds you in his arms with a grip of steel
kisses your forehead and your lips
i really enjoyed writing this, and i’m always open to requests i love writing for you guys. i hope you enjoyed this❀
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swissboyhisch · 1 year
We're Not Naked
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Pairing: Nico Hischier x Hughes!Reader
Summary: You just wanted some time alone with your partner. Sadly your brothers are clingy.
Word Count: 660
Warnings: Some making out and mentions of a boner
Request: From Anon I just wanna make out with Nico and then get caught tbh I have no shame 💀
A/N: I would love that as well. So I wrote this little piece. Thanks for the inspo :)
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As the photographer of the New Jersey Devils, you got to enjoy the training and game nights as a part of your job. A perk alongside working in the same organisation as your boyfriend. Nico, the captain of the New Jersey Devils, and yourself had been dating since you had met in 2019. You met through your brother, Jack. Which was the downside of working for the Devils; your brother was also on the team. Oh and can’t forget Luke, your youngest brother, who had moved to Newark to play on the team as well. 
After training, you and Nico went back to your apartment. He was house mates with Jack so it wasn’t unusual for him to stay with you as you didn’t live with anyone. Both of you got comfortable. You changed into your favourite lounging clothes then grabbed out some snacks. Since neither of you had work tonight, it was going to be a lazy day. The movie Batman was set up on the tv. Nico came back to the couch in just a pair of sweatpants. 
“You look cute,” Nico mutters, pressing a kiss to your lips as you two get comfy.
A giggle escapes your lips as he continues to pepper your face with kisses. He shifted you two around so you were under him. It had been a while since the two of you had some time to yourself. It soon heated up. Hands started wandering, finding exposed skin. 
“You taste like skittles,” You laugh, pulling away for a second to catch your breath. 
Nico smirks, “I could taste a little sweeter if you’d like.”
You didn’t bother replying, only kissing him once more. Nico pulled off your devils hoodie, leaving you with your comfy Bonds bra and your fluffy sleep shorts. You grin into the kiss when you feel Nico through his sweatpants. Mid tongue down your throat the door was thrown open. A door that was locked.
Luckily Nico had a quick reaction time and grabbed the throw blanket. He pulled it over you, covering your tits. “What the fuck are you two doing here?”
Your brothers, Jack and Luke, stood inside your apartment with Luke’s friends Seamus and Ethan behind them looking like deers in headlights. The only reason Jack even had a spare key was incase of emergencies. Not for random visits.
“What the fuck are you guys doing here?” You seeth. 
Luke pulled out his phone and called someone. “Yo Quinn. We just walked in on (Y/N) and Hischier making out naked on the couch.”
“We’re not naked!” You shout, hoping your twin could hear you.
“Semi naked,” Jack compromises. 
Quinn sighed on the other side of the phone. Sometimes he was glad he was alone in Vancouver with none of his siblings able to do this exact situation. “Leave them be you guys. They’ve been dating for like three years.”
Nico didn’t move from above you, hoping his hard on wouldn’t be on show through his grey sweatpants. “Can you two please leave?”
“We wanted to go out for lunch, do something on our day off.”
You groaned once more. “Why didn’t you text us instead?”
“We did,” Luke argues. “Neither of you answered.”
“Did you ever think maybe we were busy doing our own thing? You know
 as a couple?”
You huffed, pressing a kiss to Nico’s cheek and standing up from the couch. Making sure to hold the blanket to your chest. Your brothers didn’t need to see anything more than they already have. “Give us 10. But you have to leave and wait in the car.”
Both of the boys raced out excitedly. It allowed Nico to finally stand up from the couch. Both of you sighed and went to your room to change into some better clothes. 
“I feel like we’re their parents,” Nico jokes.
You chuckle, “At least our kids will be better than these rascals.”
“That they will.”
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@findapenny @mp0625 @hischierhaze @11zegras @lvrzegras @francesfarhadi @cixrosie @daisysthings @jayrami3
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multi-fandom-things730 · 10 months
Welcome to Burlesque
Summary: Y/N is a burlesque dancer who works at Taz’s club. She and his son Hook start developing feelings for each other as they navigate the complicated world of organized crime.
Warnings: mob au, guns, blood, injuries, fighting, cussing, violence, angst, fluff, Jack being a little traitor, club environment, burlesque club, creepy man not taking a hint, drinking
A/N: should I have been writing a speech for college today? Yes. Did I? No. I wrote this💀😂 this burlesque idea is a little thing I came up with while listening to the burlesque movie’s soundtrack😂 and I thought it would be something fun to combine with a mob au. There will be a part 2 to this, and I hope you all enjoy!!!!! đŸ€And thank you as always to @99hook for helping me brainstorm and come up with different little ideas for this fic💛💛✹
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Working at Taz's burlesque club was a dream come true to Y/N.
Was it a little bit shady? Yes.
Was she aware of the business the Senerchia family was in? It wasn't very hard to figure out being in the club as often as she was.
But did she care? She probably should have a lot more than she did. But she couldn't bring herself to.
Taz was undoubtedly one of the kindest men she'd ever met; at least to her anyway.
Maybe not to everyone else, but being one of the club’s most popular dancers had its perks.
The two ended up spending a lot of time together, as she performed almost every night. And Taz preferred conducting his business at the burlesque club to anywhere else.
He knew it was safe, and there were back rooms disguised as extra dressing rooms he used when business had to get a little messy.
Y/N knew it wasn't the most conventional dream to have, but she had wanted to be a burlesque dancer for years.
When Taz bought the business from the previous owner, Y/N watched as many of her coworkers left when they realized who their new owner really was.
She knew she probably should have gone with them, but she just wasn't willing to give up on her job.
She loved the club so much; she couldn't imagine working anywhere else.
And it may have also had a tiny bit to do with Taz's handsome son.
Y/N and Hook both remembered the first night they met vividly, and they knew they wouldn't be forgetting anytime soon.
Hook was sitting in a private booth in the corner next to his dad at the burlesque club.
Taz had bought it a few months ago, but he hadn't bothered to come by until tonight.
His dad was dealing with a customer who had put his hands on one of the dancers here, and wanted his men there to help him 'take care' of the problem.
Say what you wanted about Taz, but he and his people did not take that lightly.
The man showed up every Friday night, so they watched the performance while waiting for him to show his face.
Hook was itching for him to show up, ready to beat the disrespect out of the man's body.
But his mind was pulled away from the soon-to-come beat down when a song he vaguely recognized started playing.
It was an older song, but he couldn't quite put his finger on the name.
But when the curtains reopen, Taz laughs when he sees his son's eyes widen and he inhales sharply.
"That's Y/N" Taz informs with a smirk. "She's the most popular dancer here"
"She.. she's gorgeous" Hook mumbles.
Taz laughs and claps Hook on the shoulder. "Don't go getting too distracted, we have business to take care of tonight"
Hook clears his throat and nods, but his eyes quickly trail back to the woman on the stage.
His eyes scanned up and down her body as she sensuously moved across the stage, and her melodic voice floated around the room.
He was so enthralled by her that he didn't even notice when his father's men started shifting around the room.
It wasn't until Taz nudged his side that he snapped out of the trance Y/N had lulled him into.
Later that night, Y/N was sitting at the bar with a drink in her hand.
Her eyes stayed on the stage, watching her friends perform with a smile across her red lips.
"I recognized the first song you sang"
She spins around in her seat, and smiles at the handsome man who had spoken to her. "Yeah? Did you like it?"
"Mhm" he nods, and slides into the empty seat next to her. "But I can't remember the name of it"
"A guy what takes his time. Originally sung by Mae West" Y/N informs.
"You a big fan of her?" Hook asks.
"Very much so" Y/N replies with a grin. "She's such an icon"
"I have to admit, I'm unsure of who she is" Hook says with a sheepish grin.
"She's only one of the most famous sex symbols ever" Y/N says with a giggle. "She even was the first to say the quote 'Why don't you come up sometime and see me?' Rather scandalous for 1933"
"Extremely" Hook concurs with a chuckle, before sticking his hand out. "I'm Hook, but you can call me Tyler"
Y/N was caught off guard by that. Of course she knew who Hook was, but she had heard how he didn't let many people call him Tyler. She even heard a few stories of him beating people up who disrespected him by calling him his real name.
But weirdly, it caused butterflies in her stomach. She placed her hand into his and sent him a sweet smile. "I'm Y/N"
"It's a pleasure to meet you amore" He lifts her hand to place a kiss on her knuckles, and that combined with the Italian nickname had a bright blush flushing Y/N's cheeks.
"So" Y/N clears her throat before her face changes to a serious expression. "Is the problem taken care of?"
"What are you talking about?" Hook plays dumb, and if she wasn't already in the know she probably would have fallen for his charming smile.
"You know what I'm talking about" Y/N stares directly into his eyes, annoyance creeping into her gaze. "He comes here every Friday, and all the girls are scared. Taz told me it would be taken care of tonight. Was it not?"
Hook stares at her for a second, unsure of what to say. He couldn't believe she knew. Furthermore, he couldn't believe his dad was the one to tell her. And even further, why did she seem so fine with it?
Taz, who had been behind the bar checking inventory and eavesdropping on the two, decides to walk over and help his seemingly frozen son. "Good evening miele"
Y/N smiles at Taz, and leans over the bar to kiss his cheek. "Hello Taz. I was just asking Hook if the problem was dealt with, but for some reason he seems to be unable to answer me"
Taz chuckles. "Don't worry about him, he's not used to talking to such a vision. He was dealt with earlier tonight, during your performance actually"
Y/N chuckles. "Good"
"It's getting late, and you spend enough time in this club as is. Tyler, why don't you take Y/N home?" Taz proposes.
"No, that's okay. I don't want to impose" Y/N immediately replies.
"I don't mind at all" Hook finally speaks up. "I'd love to give you a ride"
"Then it's settled. Because there's no way I'm letting you walk home this late" Taz says sternly.
Y/N just smiles. "How'd you know I was walking today?"
"It's my job to be observant Y/N. And I heard you complaining about your car not starting" Taz answers. "So until that's fixed, you are getting a ride from someone. It's not safe to walk around here"
"Alright, just give me a few minutes to get my stuff" Y/N gives in. She stands from her seat and smiles up at Hook.
"Thanks Hoo.. Tyler" she corrects herself, and gives his arm a light squeeze as she walks by him.
Taz smirks over at his son, who is looking down at the bar in an attempt to hide his red cheeks. "Tyler? You just met her and she's already allowed to call you Tyler?"
Hook doesn't answer, which causes Taz to laugh.
"You know, she's a good girl. I think you would be good together" Taz says. 
"Really?" Hook asks softly, looking up at his dad.
"Mhm" Taz hums. "But she's not like those other girls you go out with. You can't flash her a smile and she immediately agrees to go out with you. You're gonna have to put some work in. And it better be good, or I won't let you"
Hook chuckles. "You're not gonna let me?"
"No" Taz immediately answers firmly.
Then Y/N walks out with her bag. "I'm ready to go"
Taz walks out from behind the bar and gives her a hug. "Have a good night Y/N"
"You too Taz" she smiles as they pull away.
Hook walks over and takes her bag from her.
"Thanks" she says, and Hook just nods before placing his hand on the small of her back to guide her out of the building.
That next morning Y/N woke up to a surprise.
Y/N furrows her eyebrows, and stops making her coffee when she hears noise coming from her driveway.
She quickly grabs a jacket before walking outside to see what was going on.
But a smile spreads across her lips when she sees Hook in her driveway messing with her car. "Good morning handsome"
He looks up and flashes her a sheepish smile with red cheeks from her compliment. "Did I wake you?"
"No, I was already up" She answers. "What are you doing?"
"Fixing your car" he says with a proud grin. "I already figured out what's wrong with it. The battery's dead"
"Is that bad?" Y/N asks, not knowing much about cars.
Hook shakes his head. "It's an easy fix. I'm gonna jump-start it and it should be good as new"
"Well, thank you so much" Y/N smiles. "You didn't have to do all this, but I really appreciate it"
"It's not a problem" Hook brushes it off. "I'm glad to help"
"Come inside when you're done. I’ll make breakfast"
And she did. The two talked and laughed the entire time.
It started becoming a routine for them to have breakfast together.
At first, Hook left after breakfast. But then he started staying a little later. Then he started staying for lunch too. And by the time he stayed for lunch, he may as well have stayed long enough to drive her to the club for her shift, right?
Taz couldn't be more excited watching the two of them walk in together every night, including tonight.
As usual, they walked in right at 5:00, making the most of every minute.
"One of these days you're gonna get here at 5:01, and you're gonna be the one in trouble Tyler" Taz jokes, making the two laugh.
"Don't worry Taz, I'll make sure I'm always here on time. I can't let my favorite Senerchia down" she laughs, and walks over to pat his arm.
Hook pouts, but his lips turn up when she pecks his cheek as she passes him on the way to the dressing rooms.
"How's it going son?" Taz asks once Y/N’s out of sight.
"I think it's going good" Hook answers. "I can tell she's hesitant though"
Taz nods. "Just be patient. She's used to men playing her, just keep showing her you aren't like that"
Later that night Hook was sitting in a booth with his best friend, Jack Perry.
He was standing up and applauding as Y/N left the stage, but not before blowing a kiss towards him.
He pretends to catch it before sitting back down next to a snickering Jack. "What?"
"Nothing" Jack raises his hands in surrender. "I can just tell that you really like her"
"Yeah" Hook mumbles. "But I don't know if she likes me like that"
"You told me you spend time together everyday" Jack replies.
"We do" Hook shrugs. "But whenever I try to kiss her or hold her hand, she always pulls away"
"She's probably just nervous bro" Jack pats Hook's shoulder. "I mean, with her job, she's probably had to deal with a lot of scumbags"
Hook nods. "I know. My dad said the same thing"
But before either of them can say anything else Skye, one of the other dancers, walks over to the table. "Hey Hook. I'm sorry to bother you, but there’s this guy at the bar messing with Y/N. He won't leave her alone, and she said she could handle it, but he's not stopping"
Hook immediately stands up, and scans the bar.
He spots Y/N almost immediately, and the guy next to her who is way too close for his liking.
"Thanks" he says gruffly to Skye before taking off towards Y/N, Jack following close behind.
Hook walks over, and places himself in the space between them. "Hey amore"
He can see the relief on her face as he gently pushes her to stand behind him. "Hi Ty"
She holds onto his arm as Hook stares the guy down.
"Excuse me, we were talking" the guy rudely says, clearly not knowing who he was dealing with.
"It's best if you'd leave man" Jack says from his place next to Hook in an attempt to diffuse the situation.
Y/N knew that if looks could kill, that man would already be six feet under from the glare Hook was sending him. So she pulls on his arm, indicating she wants to leave. And he almost does, until the guy opens his mouth again.
"I just said we were talking" The guy repeats.
"You were talking" Hook snaps, pulling away from Y/N to step closer to him. "She wasn't"
"Oh yeah?" The guy stands up, making both Jack and Hook tense up, clearly ready for a fight.
"You got a fucking problem?" Hook demands.
"Ty, Ty let's just go" Y/N says, grabbing onto his arm again. "Please?"
"Yeah, just go" the guy taunts, and Y/N's eyes widen when he pushes Hook.
Chaos happens so quickly after that. Hook immediately pushes him back, and then his fist connects with the guy's jaw.
Jack joins in, and holds the guy still while Hook rains punches down on him.
"Tyler! Tyler stop!" Y/N yells as the bouncers run over and pull the three men apart.
Y/N latches onto Hook's arm as the bouncers drag the guy out.
"Are you two okay?!" She exclaims, quickly scanning them for injuries.
"I'm all good" Jack says. "I'm gonna head out, that was enough excitement for me for one night"
But as Hook wrapped his arms around Y/N to comfort her, he didn't realize what was going through Jack's head. Unbeknownst to Hook, he had just revealed to Jack his weak point.
Y/N headed to work later than normal a few days later. She wasn't supposed to work that day, but Skye was sick and Y/N offered to take her shift.
Hook had some business his father needed him to deal with, so he wasn't there to drive her.
Y/N was headed into the club when it happened.
All of a sudden she was grabbed from behind. She kicked and screamed as loud as she could as the men attempted to drag her into the trunk of their car.
She managed to scratch the hand of the one holding her mouth, causing him to let out a pained yell and loosen his grip.
And with her mouth free she screamed for help; she screamed for Hook.
Anthony, who was one of Hook's friends and Taz's men, heard a scream from his place at the door and ran outside.
Once the men saw Anthony running towards them with his gun out, they dropped Y/N and scrambled to get back in the car.
Y/N let out a yell when she fell onto the pavement and hit her head.
She was in a daze as she just laid there on the ground, watching as the car sped off and blood landed on the ground, dripping from her head.
Anthony kneeled next to her and pulled her into his arms. "Y/N? Hey, you're okay now. I got you"
She curled into his chest as he pulled his phone out and called Taz.
Less than ten seconds later every one of Taz's men in the club came running out with instructions to find the people who did this.
Then Taz himself ran over and kneeled next to them. "Hey hon"
"Hi Taz" she mumbles, sending him a weak smile in an attempt to assure him that she was okay.
He smiled back and brushed some hair out of her face. "You're gonna be just fine miele"
Anthony picks her up and carries her to Taz's car. He lays her down in the backseat before sliding in next to her.
Y/N was still a bit in and out as Anthony pressed a cloth against her bleeding head, but she heard Taz call Hook.
"Son, something's happened at the club"
"What do you mean? Are you and Y/N okay?" Hook asks urgently.
"Yes, we're all alright. But Y/N was hurt, son"
It was silent for a moment, but Y/N heard when Hook's breathing started getting heavier. "What happened?"
Y/N knew that tone. It was calm, too calm. She knew that he was furious, and it worried her that he would go out and try to find the people.
"I want you to come to the house before I tell you all the details"
"Why?!" Hook immediately snaps.
"Because I know you son" Taz replies firmly. "And the minute I give you any details you're going to go out and try to do something"
"Of course I am! Someone hurt Y/N! I am gonna hunt them dow-“
"I am not telling you a damn thing until you're at the house and that's final. Y/N will be there" Taz says with finality before hanging up the phone.
When Taz pulled into the driveway, Y/N was surprised. "You brought me to your house? I thought only the inside circle knows where you live"
But Taz just turns to smile at her. "That's right"
Y/N smiles after that, before sitting up with Anthony's help.
"Don't get ahead of yourself Y/N" Anthony says.
She just nods, and lets him pick her back up and carry her inside.
"Lay her down in the living room, I've got the doctor coming over" Taz tells Anthony, who nods and does as told.
Y/N thanks Anthony after he sits her on the couch, and he smiles and nods in return.
She looks around the room, and her eyes stop on a picture perched on the mantle. It was Hook and his dad when Hook was little. A smile grew on her lips as she stared at the photo.
"I love that picture too" Taz says as he walks into the room with a cup of water.
She thanks him for it as he sits down next to her.
"He hasn't been that carefree in a long time. I suppose that's my fault. Dragging him into this life" Taz sighs.
"No, I don't think it's your fault. He's told me how much he wants to be a part of it. I don't think you could have done anything to stop him" Y/N replies with a sympathetic smile.
Taz nods. "Thanks, hon"
It's then the door swings open and hurried footsteps echo through the house. "Y/N?!"
Y/N winces at his loud yell, and Taz stands up to meet Hook in the doorway. "Hey, her head is still hurting. No yelling, and be gentle with her"
Hook frantically nods before running over to her.
He kneeled in front of her and cupped her face between his warm hands.
Y/N leaned into his palm and closed her eyes. "I'm okay. Don't worry"
"You're not okay" Hook breathes out. "You don't have to lie"
"I'm okay now" she insists. "You're here now. I know nothing can happen to me"
Hook's lips turn upwards slightly, before he reaches up to pull her into a hug. "I was so worried"
"Don't be. I'm tough" Y/N replies.
Hook pulls away to press his forehead against hers. "Yes you are. My strong girl"
The two smile at each other, and sit like that for a moment. Hook was so thankful to be able to sit there and listen to her breathing while holding tightly onto her hands, reassuring him that she was okay.
Then Taz walks in with the doctor.
Hook sat next to her as the doctor cleaned up her cuts, and held her hand the entire time.
Meanwhile, out in the hallway, Taz was talking to his right-hand man; Tony Schiavone.
"I wanna find the people who did this" Taz says in a dangerous tone. "I want them found and brought to me; alive. Understood?"
"Yes" Schiavone nods. "Out of curiosity, what do you plan to do to them?"
Taz just smirks. "I think I'll let Tyler decide that"
Y/N woke up the next morning with a very sore body.
Every time she moved pain shot through her, and she had a terrible headache.
She slowly pulled herself into a sitting position, and took a second to brace herself before sliding off of the bed.
She looked to the bedside table for her phone, and smiles when she sees more than just the phone. There was medicine, a cup of water, a little bag of her favorite chips, and one of Hook's hoodies folded up.
She reached over and slipped on the hoodie, taking a moment to savor the smell of Hook's cologne that now swirled around her, before taking the medicine. Then she got out from under the extremely cozy blankets and left the bedroom.
She went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth and hair before venturing out into the hallways.
She felt a little awkward making her way around the Senerchia house- well, more like mansion. She was a guest and didn't know her way around very well, but she was really hungry.
She let out a quiet cheer when she found the kitchen, and walked over to the fridge and pantry to see what they had. Y/N pulled out the ingredients to make pancakes, bacon, and eggs. She knew Hook would probably freak out over her cooking after just being injured, but she wanted to do something nice for them.
For absolutely no reason, the Senerchia's had taken her in and accepted her as family. Taz had done so long before she ever even met Hook.
Many people would be angry that they had been attacked because of the Senerchia family, but Y/N wasn't. She knew the lifestyle they lived, and she made a choice to be in their lives anyway. She just wished Hook realized that too. Y/N knew Hook would beat himself up about it for months to come.
As everything was cooking, Y/N was trying to figure out how their coffee machine worked. But she was stumped.
"Something smells amazing" she turns around and smiles when Taz walks into the kitchen.
"Thank you. I hope you don't mind, I just wanted to do something nice for y'all" Y/N says.
"I appreciate it" Taz smiles back.
"I was trying to make you guys coffee too, but I can't figure out this machine" she laughs, making Taz laugh too.
"You've done more than enough this morning" Taz walks over to the pot and takes it from her hands. "Let me make the coffee at least"
"What a great team we make" Y/N grins, before heading back over to the stove.
"I assume you're feeling better this morning?" Taz asks.
"I don't feel great, but definitely better than last night" Y/N answers. "Got a splitting headache though"
"That'll clear up in a few days" Taz comforts.
Y/N nods. "Thank you for taking care of me last night"
"Hey, you're one of us now" Taz says. "You will be protected from here until forever"
Y/N couldn’t stop the bright smile that took over her face, until the next words that come from Taz. "Unless you decide you don't wanna be part of this life of course"
"What are you talking about?" Y/N immediately asks.
"I'm not gonna lie to you Y/N, most people don't make it long-term in this world. The danger, the not knowing if someone will make it back home, the threat of the cops, it's not an easy life to live. And I know Tyler hasn't asked you to officially be his girl yet, but I know he wants to. And when he does, I just want to make sure you know that you have options. This incident.. I can't guarantee it, or something worse, won't happen again. I wish I could but I can't. You know we're gonna do everything we can to make sure no one lays a pinky finger on you ever again, but.. if it all becomes too much for you, I need you to know that I can get you out. I can send you away, somewhere even Tyler won't know. You can get a fresh start away from all of this"
Y/N stares at Taz for a moment, letting his words settle, before she smiles softly. "Thank you so much Taz, but I won't be needing any of that. Ever. I'm here for the long haul as long as Tyler will have me"
Taz just smiles back, incredibly happy to have Y/N as a part of their family.
Now all he needed was for Hook to man up and confess his feelings to Y/N.
Taz knew he was scared; scared of the danger it would put Y/N in. But it seemed that the danger was already present. And seeing it first hand had shaken Hook. The original plan that night was for Hook to finally ask Y/N to be his girl. They told Y/N that Hook had something Taz needed him to do; when really he was out getting some gifts for her. He had dinner reservations at her favorite restaurant, and he was going to pick her up from the club early and take her out. But of course, the night did not end the way Hook had hoped.
Then Hook walks into the kitchen, and his eyes widen when he sees Y/N cooking. "Y/N! You don't need to be cooking, you need to be resting!"
Y/N just laughs as he puts his hands on her arms and guides her to sit down at the kitchen island. "I'm feeling okay Ty"
"No, you need to rest amore" Hook says, and leans down to kiss her on the forehead before taking her place at the stove.
Jack sighed from his seat at the burlesque club.
He watched as Y/N performed, the gears in his head turning rapidly.
His plan to kidnap her had failed, and he was actually kind of glad about it.
He had realized since that night a few things. And the biggest one was that Y/N is fiercely loyal to Hook and his family. Even after almost getting abducted she stuck by his side, perhaps closer than ever.
He realized if his plan had worked, she wouldn't have told him shit about Taz's operations.
Jack couldn't ask Hook; they were friends, but he'd realize what was up if Jack started poking around.
But anyone who was an enemy of the Senerchia may kidnap Hook's girl to try and get information to take them down.
But Y/N wouldn't crack, Jack was now sure of it.
So he decided on a new plan:
Psychological warfare.
He didn't need to take Y/N from Hook, he was gonna make her want to leave.
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residentflamingo · 3 months
Samurai Momo Headcannons
Hirai Momo x fem! chubby reader
AU: Ancient Japan/ Samurai đŸ‘ș⛩
Genre: fluff, a pinch of angst, & smut
Warnings: mentions of violence, war, sexual themes, & cursing
A/N: Surprise you guys! I decided to post this first instead of the Jihyo fic ;) Man this was so much fun to write! I thought it would be cool to write something like this since I haven't seen anyone write about the main love interest set in the Samurai era. It was a little tricky at first since I had to do a little research, but it's nothing I can't handle. Let me know if i did okay! This is my first time writing anything smut related so I’m very nervous about it 😅 It also kind of turned into a yapping session... Fun but also not fun fact, I've had this sitting in my drafts FOR A YEAR 💀 Ik, absolute insanity. Anyways, let me know if I should write more stuff like this! Enjoy reading, and check out my other works if you would like :) It's always greatly appreciated ❀
Word count ———> 4,932
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Who is this girl?
Hirai Momo is a well-respected and feared samurai in the Paand Xico Nation
Known for defeating many powerful armies and killing the best swordsmen
She is fierce on the battlefield and cocky as hell too
She doesn’t show any mercy
Merciful only towards townspeople who are in danger 
She is a samurai alongside her other 8 comrades called the “Osoroshī Defenders”
They rose to power after defeating an almighty empire, and saving their hometown, the Paand Xico Nation
They are known for being a fierce samurai squad with kind-hearted personalities
Momo has been best friends with her 8 samurai comrades ever since childhood when she first started samurai training
She grew very close with them over the years, and eventually told them that she was gay
The funny thing is, they knew already
When she told them Jihyo was like “Yeah we know. It's pretty obvious by the way you look at Y/N. You are definitely in love with her, and you get like a gay panic attack every time you see her.”
Momo was so glad that they were supportive of her
But she was also a little shocked since there was still the possibility of them being weirded out by her after her confession
She even cried that night while going to bed because she was so happy
The members like to tease her every now and then when she talks to you, or when she gushes to them over how cute you are đŸ„č
How you guys met
You and Momo were childhood friends
Met each other at a very young age
Both of your guys’ parents were close friends of each other’s so you crossed paths pretty often
The both of you spent time with each other a lot
You and Momo would go explore the woods, and play around in the creeks
Racing to the creek was essential for the both of you
Momo would let you win on some days just so she could see you smile
Sometimes you would dare her to do weird stuff, and she would always do it just to see your reaction
She even ate a worm once just because you told her too

Momo likes to tease you a lot too
It’s one of her favorite things to do when she’s in a good mood
When you guys would be walking down the creek, sometimes she would splash water at you and you would get mud on your shoes/clothes
And she would just be dying laughing hearing your surprised scream after getting water splashed on you
"Hey why are you laughing at me?!"
"Y/N you should've seen the look on your face whenever you got splashed! Oh my gosh, it was so funny."
You two became inseparable over time
Momo’s mom would have to drag her home some days because she would be at your house for to long
“Honey you’re barely even home anymore since you spend so much time with that Y/N girl !”
As Momo got a little older, she became interested in wanting to be a samurai
She mostly wanted to be one so she could protect you one day, and to show off her cool skills
She loved how cool they looked, and the way they would fight with their swords
So she enthrall y begged her mom to take her to lessons
When she told you she was taking lessons to become a samurai, you were shook
“Y/n, did you hear? I’m gonna become a samurai!”
“Wait what?! When did you decide that?”
“I had my mom start taking me to lessons the other day! Someone’s gotta be able to protect you from the bad guys someday ;)”
You were very happy for her, but also very worried since she can be aloof at times
Momo loves to show off her cutting skills with her katana
After cutting down a small tree she would smirk at you and say, “Wanna give it a try, Y/N?”
How you became her crush
She developed a huuuge crush on you around the time when she started samurai training (10 yrs old)
(A/N: yeah I did some research, they really did have the kids start samurai training when they were 10 yrs old
Momo noticed how beautiful you were one summer night, when you both were stargazing while laying in a field of grass
She was mesmerized by your beauty, and how cute you sounded when you would giggle at her ranting about the stars
From then on, she had a habit of always admiring your looks 💕
“Momo what are you looking at?”
“Oh nothing. I just now noticed you have this little freckle on your nose that looks like a heart. It’s cute.”
You developed a crush on her some years later, after realizing how sweet she was with you
(both 16yrs old)
And you thought she was pretty cute too, with her long black hair, and her beautiful features
It was almost impossible not to fall in love with her
Momo would love to hand feed you snacks, and fix your hair when it would get messy
She also loved giving you makeovers during slumber parties
She’s really clingy and affectionate in general
we know what you are Momo
When you would catch her training, she always wanted to teach you a technique she learned that day
Would end up failing to do so because it was always some advanced shit
“Momo I don’t have any idea how to cut things with a katana, let alone do a flying kick afterwards !”
“Oh cmon on pleaaseee Y/N-chan, I promise it’s super easy. It won’t take very long to learn when you got me teaching you ;)”
She would purposely be hands-on while teaching you, and you would be a blushing mess while she helped you adjust your grip on the katana
Momo got protective of you as she got older, stronger, and more experience with training
(now both 18 yrs old)
And damn did she have some killer muscles
Especially her abs good lord-
When she would get a scratch on her, or a cut, you would always be there to bandage her up
And of course, Momo would be a blushing mess as you would put a patch on her cheek
Afterwards, you would always get onto her about how she needs to be more careful and whatnot
She would just laugh a little bit while looking at you with admiration
Momo found it so cute how protective you were of her, even though she was becoming a tough samurai
At school, she would always glare at the boys that would try to hit on you
And she would protect you from bullies too
“Y/N what happened to your arm? Why is it all bruised?”
“A boy wouldn’t leave me alone after I told him I didn’t want to date him, so he fought me because he was so mad.”
“Momo did you hear? Someone beat up the same boy that punched me the other day
 I wonder who it was.”
(clearly has bruises on her knuckles) “I don’t know, maybe it was a tougher girl or something. Who knows, he had it comin to him anyways.”
You thought it was cute how protective she was over you
Whenever you would cry, she would always be there to hold you and tell you sweet nothings
She hated seeing you cry :(
Your happiness is her happiness
Momo made a vow to herself that in the future, she would still be the one holding you like this but in a different setting
The confession
When Momo was finally finished with samurai training (20-21 yrs old), she was super excited
But her excitement didn’t last for long
She got the news that she would have to be sent out to war for a couple months, or even a year, along with the other troops and her 8 best friends
You were both devastated
What if I never see her again? What if I never get to tell her I love her?
On the day of Momo’s departure, your face was stained with a waterfall of tears
She was standing outside nearby the army of soldiers with you in her arms , waiting until they were ready to depart
You and Momo had been hugging for a really long time, making sure you both took each other in before it was time for her to leave
After some time, the main advisor of the squadron spoke up

“Alright everyone, say your last goodbye’s to your loved ones. We will be heading out in no less than 5 minutes!”
Momo tried to let go of your grip, but you held onto her and moved your position so you could look her in the eyes
“Do you really have to go? Maybe you could fake an injury, and say you’re too crippled to fight or something.”
“I can’t do that Y/N, you know that. It’s my duty as a samurai to defend this nation with my life, and to make sure I can be the strongest warrior.”
“Yeah your right, I know you can’t just bail out. But, I’m just scared you won’t come back. How long do you think you’ll be gone? And what if you get really hurt?”
“Our advisor said we’d be gone for months, or even a year. It depends on how long the war goes. Me and the girls are scared too, but we’re also confident in our abilities. Don’t worry Y/N, you know I’m a tough cookie and I’ll be able to handle myself out there.”
She tried smiling at you after she said that, so it would somehow to calm you down a little
But she knew deep down, that you could read her like a book
You already knew how nervous she was just by looking in her eyes
“Alright everyone, get ready. We are leaving as of now! Momo, go get your horse and be ready to leave, or else you’ll get left behind!”
“Okay okay I’m coming! I have to go now Y/N, make sure you take care of yourself okay? I’ll be back before you know it. You won’t even realize I’m gone.”
“Okay Momo stay safe. I lo-.” You quickly stopped yourself. At that moment, you weren’t really sure if you wanted to confess your love to her yet
“What was that last part Y/N?”
“Oh nothing, just go Momorin. Your advisor looks pretty pissed.”
“Haha okay then. Goodbye Y/N. Stay safe for me okay?.”
“I will, I promise.”
Momo walked away with a smile on her face, but on the inside, she was heartbroken
She knew it would be a while before she could ever see you again
Momo jumped onto the horses saddle, and exhaled a long breath making sure it would prevent her from crying
But when she turned around and saw you waving, she made sure to engrave that image in her head until she saw you again in the months to come
You both waved back at each other until Momo seemed to be getting further away from the eye, as her horse trotted away. Soon becoming unrecognizable in the thick fog enveloping the forest
Memories came flooding back, as Momo’s horse trotted through the very same winding creeks and little caves you guys used to play in
Oh god how she missed you already, and it hadn’t even been 5 minutes yet
As Momo started thinking about you, she started getting worried about whether if she was making the right choice or not. So, she decided to asked her best friends for help
“Guys, do you think I’m doing the right thing by leaving Y/N? I mean I feel like I should’ve told her something else before we parted ways, but I can’t figure out what I should’ve said.”
Jeongyeon whispered under her breathe, “you damn idiot
“What did you say Jeongyeon? Why don’t you come over here and tell me what you just said, instead of just whispering it under your breath huh?!”
Jeongyeon exhaled a deep breath she had been holding in, and finally let out what she’s been wanting to say for a while
“I said, you’re a damn idiot! Haven’t you loved Y/N for what, I don’t know, 10 years? And you still haven’t told her that you love her? What if you don’t come back from this damn war, and she has to wonder all her life if you ever loved her or not? Don’t you want to marry her someday, and be able to call her your wife?"
Momo sat there for a moment just stunned. As she thought about it for a while, she finally realized she was making a mistake
“God, what the fuck am I doing?” Momo said
“Go get your girl Momoring!” Nayeon retaliated
Jihyo also had a few words of wisdom for her too, “Don’t hesitate to tell her how you feel either! You may not get another chance.”
“You’re right, I need to go see her right now! I’m gonna go, but I’ll be back in 10 minutes tops. Tell the advisor I’ll be right back, or else I’ll get my ass kicked.”
Momo made a sharp turn with her horse and made it gallop at speeds faster than it had ever gone
As she got closer and closer to where you and her last saw each other, she could see your faint figure in the distance
You were finally walking away from the send off area, and accepting the fact that she was really gone
Unitl you heard a familiar voice loud shout from the forest, "Y/N, wait!"
Is that... Momo? you thought
You stopped in your tracks with your face contorted with all sorts of confusion, and then you turned around
And there she was
The horse hooves slid on the dirt, making the dirt kick up and the horse come to a smooth stop
"Y/N!" Momo yelled out
"Momo? What are you doing here why are you-"
She jumped off her horse and jogged over to you
"I can explain!" She stops in front of you panting and out of breath
Your face is still ridden with confusion, wondering why this goofball was standing n front of you, and not with her squadron
"What is it Momo I don't understand..."
Momo's breathing slows down a little bit, and her heart pumps with adrenaline
She speaks a little bit faster than usual, hinting at her obvious urgency, and nerves of confessing to you
She grabs both of your hands and hold them
"I-I have something to tell you Y/N... Something I've been wanting to get off of my chest for a long time."
Your eyes widen
Is it what you think it is?
Momo sees the shock on her face, and she does something that even she surprised herself with
"Oh screw it."
She quickly let go of your hands and brought hers up to both sides of you face, bringing you in for a sudden but loving kiss
"Wha-" You're cut off as she kisses you
It takes a couple seconds for you to process it, but once you do, you melt into it
You smile into the kiss, and wrap your arms around her, bringing her even closer your body
The kiss was oh so romantic, listening to the rainfall in the background, and feeling your clothes get from how long you two were standing there
It was all worth it
When Momo pulled away, she looked at you starstruck, still trying to process the fact that she just kissed you
Her lifelong crush!
You smiled back at her, feeling the same amount of shock as Momo
"Wow... I didn't know you had that in you."
She giggled and then hit pinched your cheeks playfully
"Well, I have many surprises Y/N."
"I can see that... How long have you been wanting to do that for?"
"Years... Most definitely." She caressed your face with her thumb, looking at you with pure love and adoration
You smiled, pulling her in to whisper in her ear, "Me too."
(had to switch to a different writing block since there was a word limit 🙄)
She chuckles, moving lips back down yours and kissing you again
Before she knew it, she heard someone whistle behind her, along with shouts from other people
"Oooo look at Momo and Y/N" Jeongyeon said, quickly receiving a slug on the shoulder from Jihyo
Momo pulled away embarrassed, hiding her blushing face into your neck
You giggled, wrapping your arms around her waist and rubbing her back
"I take it those are your friends?" You said teasingly
Momo mumbled, "Yes... Unfortunately."
You kissed the top of her head and moved her in front of her so could look at her better
"Oh I'm sure they aren't that bad..."
"Hey lovebirds, I don't want to ruin the moment, but we have a war we need to go fight in. Momo, get your ass over here!" Jihyo said loudly
Momo rolls her eyes, and groans in annoyance, yelling back "Coming!"
She turns her head back towards you and smiles, bringing you in for a bone-crushing hug
"Momo... I can't breathe."
She quickly lets go, "Oh my gosh I'm sorry...I can't help it."
"I know."
You smile, pulling her in for one last kiss, then having to pull away since she was in a hurry
"I'll write to you every day Y/N. I love you... so very much."
"I love you too Momo."
Her heart melts as she hears that, feeling her life long dream come true
She smiles, heading back on the horse and waving goodbye to you once again
She couldn't wait to come back and smother you with kisses
Domestic Life
When she leaves for months at a time, she writes you a letter every single day
So when the messenger comes by to deliver mail, he'll have multiple letters waiting for you
She is so good at writing too it kind of surprises you a little bit
Even though she's not there with you during those months, those letters make you feel like she's standing right next to you, telling you about her day and how she's feeling throughout each and every day
When she gets home from the war she will be super clingy 24/7
Which is kind of how she is anyways, so you're pretty used to it lol
Will tell you an endless amount of funny and intense stories that will just make you stare at her in awe, wondering how she's so amazing
During her normal home life away from samurai duties, she loves to spend as time with you as possible
She loves to cook for you, help you do chores around the house, and even do laundry
Whatever you need help with, she will always lend a hand so you don't have to do it all on your own
You guys will go on dates at least once a week to try to get out of the house once in a while lol
She always lets you be the one to pick the restaurant
(she's such a gentlewoman)
If it’s a place that she dislikes, she would never say anything about it
Your happiness is her happiness
Will train at home every now and then
Not all time though since she prefers a perfect balance between her love life and her Samurai duties
After coming back from war, you two decided to get married right away
You knew dating was only a waste of time since you knew each other well, and how good of a partner you guys would be to each other
People in the town WERE NOT shocked when you two got married
Like had been predicting it since you two first started being friends with each other 💀
Momo is super duper sweet when she's with you <3
(but isn't she supposed to be the most feared samurai across many nations?)
Yes, but that doesn't matter!
With people she's not particularly friends with, she will act stoic and reserved, making her look very intimidating and serious 24/7
With friends she's her usual playful self and cracks some funny jokes here and there to make the whole group laugh
But when she's with you, her true self comes out
She is the textbook definition of a cuddle bug
Loves cuddling and being able to hold you in her strong arms
Kisses your tummy and draws shapes on it with her fingers
Gives you back and foot massages
Has to hug you and say “I love you” before bed or else she won’t sleep very good that night
Super clingy and doesn't hold back when showing affection
Compliments you alll the time without fail
"That dress looks so pretty on you my love...
Remembers small details about you, and buys you gifts 24/7
Knows you so well that she knows exactly how many freckles you have on your face
Loves listening to the sound of your voice and finds it cute when you rant about some of your favorite things
She is also an absolute goofball
“Y/N, what’s 3+5 ?”
“It’s 8 honey
“Oh. I thought it was 7.”
Doesn’t show that side of her very often, but when she does it never fails to make you laugh
You both have matching tattoos
Hers is hidden since tattoos are prohibited for samurai's
The design is a yin & yang symbol, with yours being a yang, and Momo's a yin
You being the yang, the purity and balance you bring to the relationship
Momo's being the yin side, showing that she brings the fire in the relationship, and the darker side to her that trains in killing people
It also represents how you two were originally best friends, and the soulmate connection you both have
Arguments don't really happen that much between you two
When they do you both always talk through them together, and have good sit-down talks about what you can do better
She hates seeing you cry :(
Absolutely breaks her heart
Especially when she's leaving for war and you're sobbing on her shoulder
Momo usually cries with you and holds you, making you feel very comforted in her grasp
When it comes to jealousy, she's not really the type to get mad at you
Only gets mad at the person flirting with you
Will come up behind you and wrap her arms around you waist, peppering kisses on your neck
"Hi Y/N... who's this fellow you're talking to?"
Loves letting everyone know that you're hers
Mostly in a subtle but not so subtle way since that's the way of the samurai
This girl's loyalty is IMMENSE
When another woman tries to talk to her, she will not hesitate to give them the cold shoulder and ignore them
“No. I have a wife.”
Will not hesitate to fight someone for you
Or possibly will kill them if it comes to that point
No one is talking bad about her you on her watch
Always has a sharp eye on you when in public, making sure you're safe from any of her enemies
Her duties come with a couple cons
In the middle of the night, she will sometimes wake up in cold sweats and start sobbing
Has PTSD flashbacks of the people she has killed in war, and remembers the innocent civilians she couldn't save in time 🙁
You hold her in her arms, telling her that it's not her fault and that she is still a good person
Will train so hard on her own that you have to drag her away from whatever activity she's doing
Is so so hard on herself :(
But when she's cuddled up in her embrace, her mind shuts off, forgetting everything that was stressing her out in the first place
She loves you so so much
Would die for you, no hesitation
You're one of the only things in her life that she finds enjoyment in
Being with her is the luckiest thing you could ever imagine
In The Bedroom
(mentions of strap-ons, praise kink, body worship, pussy eating, dom! Momo, and ab riding. minors & men pls do not interact!!)
Let's get one thing gay straight, when Momo comes home from war after not seeing you for a long time, you better be prepared to not be able to walk the next day
Ends up fucking you for hours, and having to carry you to the bathtub afterwards
After she gets settled in for a couple weeks, she will go back to being her soft and gentle self during sex
She's not really the type to degrade you unless you're being very bratty
Being bratty will result in her teasing until you're a crying and needy mess
Definitely smacks your ass a few times too
"Hm what did you say? You're gonna have to speak up honey. Mommy can't hear you when you're whining so much."
Has you get on your knees and eat her out, running her hands through your hair and pushing you closer to her
Is bigggg on body worship and praising
Momo knows how insecure you get of your body at times, so she'll do everything she can to make you feel good about yourself
Has you strip down naked in the middle of the bedroom so she can admire your curves and your bare body
Then has you lay down, kissing every inch of your body, whispering sweet nothings to you
"You're so beautiful... I love you... I love your stretchmarks... I love your curves..."
Sometimes will have you on the verge of tears from how sweet she gets
Holds you like you're the most precious thing in the world to her
Momo is more of the type to give
But, she doesn’t mind being on receiving side every now and then
When she does give

She eats your pussy out like it's her last meal every. time.
"Fuck honey... You taste so good."
Loves it when you wrap your legs around her head, and somewhat suffocate her with your thighs
Makes her eyes roll back slightly and digs her nails deeper into your skin
Sometimes she gets so drunk in your taste that you have to pull her away by her hair
She would whine and be begging to taste you again
“Please Y/N, just for five more minutes.”
She absolutely adores your plump figure
You cannot walk anywhere without her smacking your ass or grabbing onto your love handles
Almost impossible for her to keep her hands off of you
Has reoccurring fantasies of bending you over and fucking you with her strap, imagining your ass and thighs jiggling with each thrust
Be careful wearing a swimsuit or dress around her

She will most likely rip it off of you behind closed doors, and leave plenty of hickeys on your skin to show everyone that you're hers
The sight of seeing the clothing hug onto your curves, and knowing that she’s the only one that gets to kiss it really turns her on
Has also fucked you multiple times in the pool at home because she couldn’t help herself when she saw you in a bikini
Also has an obsession with your boobs
Loves groping them, and being able to nuzzle her face in them after she's done licking and sucking them
Remember her habit of writing letters to you while she's away? Sometimes she will incorporate her neediness for you in them as well
Has to secretly send them in so no one reads them
You never knew how horny she could really get until she left for war
You would secretly stash the letters in a drawer, reading them sometimes while she was away (real)
Momo makes sure she never leaves you unmarked
You always end up having tons of hickeys or will have plenty of bite marks on your neck
Knows how much you love her abs, so she would let you grind on them until you make a mess all over her
"Oh look at you... You love making a mess on mommy's abs don't you baby?"
Works out a little harder when she's training so she can be strong enough to manhandle you
Her cockiness when she’s training is on another level
Especially that damn smirk

She has a few scars on her body from war and training that she knows turns you on as well
On hot days she would wear revealing clothing on purpose; like crop tops, tank tops, or any muscle shirts she could find
All of those things mixed in with sweat running down her body
Her favorite position is most definitely missionary
Loves being able to look you in the eyes when making love to you, and making sure that you feel loved
But also really enjoys doggy style so she can feel your ass up against her
Always checks up on you to make sure you're doing okay
"Tell me if it gets too much, okay honey?"
Momo takes aftercare very seriously
Carries you to the shower/bathtub and helps wash you off
Then carries you back to bed and snuggles up with you, showering you with sweet kisses
"You did so well Y/N... I love you so much."
Also apologizes and kisses any small bruises if she was rougher with you than usual
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vioartemis · 1 year
Scared to lose you
(Emma Myers x fem! reader)
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Summary: Emma and you are dating, but you play Wednesday's love interest in the series, and your girlfriend doesn't enjoy it Warnings: so short it can't even be called a one shot 💀 (sorry, I ran out of inspiration for that one) (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
Emma and you had known each other since high school, and you started dating just a bit more than a year ago. You didn't even tried to keep your relationship secret; neither of you was famous enough to have paparazzis behind you, and you liked it like that.
You had wondered what it would be like to work together, imagining all kind of scenarios, but didn't actually thought it would happen. And here you were, both hired to play a role in the Wednesday series.
And Emma wasn't liking it. At all.
It wasn't working with you that bothered her, absolutely not. It was the fact that she had to watch you kiss another girl. A beautiful girl. She couldn't deny it.
She tried to rationalize: you played Wednesday's love interest, so the chances that there would be a lot of kisses were low. And she was right, you had only one kiss scene.
And she was fine with it; she knew it was for work, and it was just one kiss.
At least that's what she was thinking before seeing you kissing Jenna almost 10 times, as you couldn't seem to get the scene right. There was always something that 'you didn't do right'.
And your girlfriend was starting to get really pissed. And jealous. And hurt.
"Okay, let's take a break, it's not working. Both of you, get some fresh air, eat something, I don't know, distract yourselves, and in 15 minutes we'll try again" the director told Jenna and you
You both nodded, and stretched, before parting ways. You went to your girlfriend, who was clearly not doing okay.
"Hey babe, is everything okay...?" you asked as you got closer to her
"Yeah, it's just... hard, to see you kiss someone else..." Emma said, looking down, as if ashamed to feel that way
"I'm sorry, I thought we'd get it right the first time, I don't know what happened..."
There was a moment of silence, before she finally talked.
"... Maybe she just wants to kiss you over and over again..."
You looked at her in disbelief, not expecting her to say that about your costar.
"What? No, of course not. She knows we're dating, everyone knows. I don't think she'd be the type to do that"
Emma sighed. She knew you were right.
"I- I know, I'm sorry, it's just... I'm just... scared..."
"Scared? Of what?"
"... Scared to lose you... I mean look at me, and look at her... She's so much prettier that me, she has it all, and I'm just... me... I guess I'm just scared you would leave me for someone better..."
"Hey... don't say that..." you took her hands in yours "I don't care about others, okay? I love you, Emma Myers. You're the sweetest, nicest, funniest, prettiest, most perfect girl I've ever met" you said, smiling "And you're a way better kisser than her" you added jokingly
You attempt to lighten up the mood seemed to work, Emma chuckled, giving your hands a soft squeeze.
"Thank you, for reassuring me... I'm sorry, I'm just... really insecure, and I don't want to lose you..."
"It's okay to be insecure, don't apologize babe... Plus I'd gladly show you how much I love you" you smiled
"Oh yeah? And... how do you plan on doing that?"
"I'd shower you with kisses, cuddle you all night... Y'know, that kind of things..."
To emphasize your words, you cupped her cheeks, and started kissing her face; her cheeks, her forehead, her nose, and finally her lips. All that while Emma was giggling, her hands resting on your waist.
"Mm... I think you will have to do more to fully reassure me" she said playfuly
"Of course, my love... Just wait until we're alone, and I'll give you all the attention you need"
You both smiled, as you rested your forehead on hers.
"Hey lovebirds! Sorry to disturb you, but we need to get back to work" Jenna interrupted you, slight smirk on her face
"Oh, yeah, sorry. I'm coming" you told her, before turning back to Emma "I promise I'll try to be quick"
She smiled and kissed you softly.
"It's okay, take your time"
You nodded, and started to walk to the set again, when you heard Emma's voice again:
"Try not to enjoy the kiss too much!"
"I won't!" you replied with a smile, rolling your eyes
At that moment you were only sure of one thing: you would have to make up for these kisses this very night.
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Nah i just saw the first episode of jjk season 2, then stumbled upon your cat imagine of gojo and geto as well and omg i LOVE IT <3
It git me thinking and if you have time to write, just imagine this:
Geto x reader, where he likes the reader and low-key flirts with her, but she is kinda ignoring it??? And he's just really trying his best to get her to notice him in a more romantic way, but bc of Gojos constant flirty nature (he knows of getos crush and likes to make him jealous, he finds it hilarious how getos face scrunches up like he has diarrhea) she just assumes that Geto is like that as well and that he is just teasing her (HE IS NOT).
So one day geto and gojo had to go on a mission and for some reason gojo was hit by a curse, causing him so morph into a smug little shitty cat, still very self-aware.
So geto trudges back to school (gojo on his shoulder bc he refused to walk even a centimeter and just obnoxiously clawed himself into getos pants and so geto put him on his shoulder), and the reader sees them and runs up to greet geto and ask about the mission and gojos whereabouts, when she sees this cute ass cat perched on his shoulder and picks him up and smootches all over his dumb little face (i mean omg a cute cat, and we all know gojo would be the cutest cat ever) , leaving pink glossy lipstick marks all over his white fur.
She holds him up like simba before turning him around and holding him to her chest, giving one last kiss between his ears, and that little asshole just looks at geto with the smuggest look a cat could have while snuggling backwards in between her boobs 💀.
Geto just looses it and grabs gojo by the nape and throws him away cuz bro??? That's my girl??? And he explains to reader what happened and then at the end confesses when she asks about his anger at gojo and it's just fluffy and they kiss and everything... <3
PS: Shoko and Gojo are now wheeling along, and they hate it. Like?? Stop cuddle-napping underneath the trees like a cute couple??
PSS: At night, Gojo regrets ever being born. Those..... noises from his best buddy's room just won't stop.. please someone help his poor soul, God knows he needs his beauty sleep.
This is my girl, f*cking cat!!
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Summary: For months, Geto has wanted to tell you that he loves you. To show you that he cares about you. But there was always Gojo trying to piss him off, and he made you believe that they both liked playing flirty jokes on you. If Gojo was smaller, Geto would gladly throw him away to be left alone with you. And suddenly he turned into a cat. He is smaller. So...
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Warnings: Mentions of sex at the end
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"You changed your uniform skirt, right? You look lovely in this."
You turned to look at the dark-haired man in the bun who was sitting in a chair at his table in the classroom. Your eyes met his purple ones. There was a soft and kind smile on his lips that made you smile too.
You don't want to have a winter uniform in the summer. You will sweat more than you will walk or run. Even the amount of exercise you do won't matter if you wear winter clothes in the summer!
"Thanks, Suguru-kun." you gave him a small grateful smile for that little compliment.
"(y/n)." He called out as you moved forward to sit in your seat which was behind Gojo's.
You turned to look at him.
He saw how your eyes looked at him curiously. You waited for him to contact you.
Maybe this is finally the moment when he will be able to ask you out on a date and Satoru won't bother him?
It got boring and very irritating when every time he started being next to you, his friend had to interrupt him. He knew exactly that he liked you. And that's why he kept coming out of nowhere and interrupting his time alone with you.
It wasn't because Satoru was jealous of him having you. He just liked seeing his friend get angry at his innocent jokes. Or when he was jealous.
They all knew it when Gojo Satoru comes up to you and makes very flirty jokes.
Flirting with you to see the big grimace on the dark-haired man's face. Because he knew exactly that the white-haired man was doing it on purpose.
And that made you think that they both have very flirtatious personalities and like such jokes. That's why you never took his compliments very seriously. Which were actually sincere. And it's all the fault of a white man named Gojo Satoru who showed you everything that made you think that they, as best friends, joke about such things..
But that wasn't true! Suguru likes you. All compliments and invitations are sincere.
Whenever he wants to show you this sincerity, Satoru shows up and always ruins everything!
He has terrible timing as always!
It appears out of nowhere and steals your attention! All to piss him off!
Because he loved seeing the jealousy of his usually more serious friend at school!
Of course, Gojo wished him the best. Love in life and happiness.
But the sight of his face when you look at him as he holds his hands on you or makes you smile is just priceless. As if he was about to jump on him and bite his throat out.
You could never choose between them because you like them both. They are both your friends. But you take Satoru's advances less seriously, as I'm sure he likes closeness, but it's playful.
Besides, you see how Suguru reacts. And you also see Satoru looking at him as if victorious as he wins a friendly hug from you.
You don't know if they have a profession in getting your attention or what... But given their nature, you can't take their flirting seriously, right?
"Would you like to go out this evening?" The dark-haired man asked as he got up from his chair and stood in front of you.
You looked up at his nice looking face.
"...Cinema? Shoko wanted to see one movie you can watch today!" you said.
"No, I rather meant something else..." his eyes briefly turned to the door, searching for the white danger.
It's a bit difficult to date a girl you like... He was a little nervous and excited that he could finally ask you out and confess his feelings!
"Something else? "Suguru?"
"I wanted us to go. Together. The two of us. Just us–" as he began to explain slightly nervously, the door opened.
"I heard something about cinema! (y/n)-chan, you like movies, right? We go? Shoko wanted to watch a horror movie, if you get scared, don't worry, you can catch me!” Satoru said loudly and placed his hand on your head, pulling you slightly towards him.
When you looked at his hand on your head, they looked into each other's eyes.
And when their pupils connected, it meant war.
A pleased, playful smile with a twinkle in his eye. And on the other side, an angry, irritated, jealous grimace.
The dark-haired man's hand reached for yours and he pulled you towards him.
"I can be the one to let her hold my hand when I'm scared!" He said firmly.
Your cheeks warmed slightly as his right hand pressed your head against his chest as he spoke to his friend.
"Oh yes? She has two strong and quite handsome friends who can protect her from the monsters on the screen. Maybe she will choose the one she wants?"
"Satoru you little–"
"Suguru..." You said, slightly pushing yourself away from his warm chest.
His eyes widened and his cheeks turned red.
He let go of you quickly, and you didn't expect this reaction.
You were more thinking that he would push you away from him and smile because you were slightly shy.
Because they both liked to flirt with you for fun, right?
You saw the vein on Geto's forehead throb as his hand reached for Gojo's collar as he glared at him with murderous eyes.
You were more or less: what's going on here now?
Your views were shared by the second person who entered here.
Yaga, seeing this farce with an angry Geto and a laughing Gojo, also got angry and had to separate the two by force.
Even though it was Geto who wanted to kill him this time and Gojo just stood there.
If only he were smaller, he would gladly throw him far. So that he can be alone with you for at least an hour!
"Enough of that! I don't know what you're talking about again! It's time to calm down or you'll get extra duties!" Their teacher shouted, pulling the dark-haired boy away from Gojo, who was sticking out his tongue at him.
And then the older man looked at you.
Exactly... He didn't know what it was about. About the same as always...
Why does everyone know that Geto has real feelings for you, but you only think that he has a funny flirty nature just like Gojo?? Everyone knows Geto loves you! Only you think this is for fun!
"For what you're doing here again, I have a mission for you!" He pushed them away.
You placed a hand on Suguru's shoulder, checking if he was okay after the chokehold your teacher gave them.
Suguru was closer to you than Satoru.
"... Why, even if it's him, do I have to get punished like him?!" Gojo screamed even though he knew it was his fault.
"Because for what you do, you deserve something like this..." the teacher muttered.
"Huh?" he groaned when he couldn't hear.
He wasn't supposed to hear it.
"You are in this together! Just as guilty! You're leaving soon! I don't want to see you in the dorms until 5pm!"
If only Gojo were smaller, he would throw him so far that he would be calm for at least an hour...
Their dream came true.
It was supposed to be a short mission. You were waiting for them on a bench near the courtyard between the buildings. The trees allowed you to avoid the sun, and the slight breeze made it pleasant to wait for them.
When you saw a figure walking on the sidewalk between the trees, you smiled.
And when the trees showed you your dark-haired friend, you saw that Gojo was not there. Have they argued again?
You saw a cat standing on his shoulder!
You couldn't help but notice it because it was a white cat sitting on a dark uniform and leaning against Suguru's black hair!
You stood up and walked over to him, smiling when you saw him.
"Suguru! How was the mission? Where did you get this adorable cat?" she asked quickly and you reached out your hands to the white furball on his shoulder.
"You don't want to know what happened there. (y/n) this is–." before he could say, he saw you pet his head, smiling as you felt the very soft fur.
"Where's Satoru?" you asked before you picked up the rather heavy and large cat in your arms, hugging it.
Geto didn't speak and looked with a grimace at the smug, shit-eating smile of the cat that was sitting politely in your arms.
As soon as he heard you asking about Satoru, he remembered that the cat with the stupid smile was his friend. He wasn't sharpened enough and the curse turned him into a cat... The fucking furry didn't even want to walk on his own! Such a cheeky, lazy and self-satisfied cat!
And he smiled because now he will have to be with him all the time because they don't know when he will be human again! And because of this, he can't confess his feelings to you again!
Gojo Satoru, the stupid but sweet cat!
And also, he knew you would be pleased with his soft fur! And he had the plan from the very beginning to be that soft, sweet kitten who likes you very much!
"Suguru?" you called out when he didn't answer.
His eyes turned to you as you lifted the cat like Simba into the air, showing him its pink and extremely clean paws.
"Can we keep him? Does he have an owner?" You looked at him with puppy dog ​​eyes.
You brought the fluffy animal to your chest, placing a kiss on its snow-white fur. The slight pink from your lips lingered there.
Purple eyes turned to your lips which were shiny thanks to the pink lip gloss you were wearing.
He wanted to kiss you...
"What's wrong, Suguru?" you asked, slightly worried that he was so quiet.
Holding the cat with its back to your chest, you moved closer.
The white cat purred in your arms. And when he looked at him, he saw the most contented look Gojo could have as a cat as his head moved, cuddling against your breasts.
A vein on the dark-haired man's forehead popped out and he reached for the cat, grabbing it by its fur.
He glared at him.
And his dream came true. If Gojo were smaller, he would love to throw him far enough that he would have time for both of you.
"This is my girl, fucking cat!" He thought and showed it to him with his eyes before swinging and throwing the cat into the sky and into the forest.
The only thing left of the white cat is the long meowing sound it made while flying in the sky.
"Suguru!" You screamed, terrified and surprised by his behavior. "It's just a cat! Why did you do that?!"
You tightened your grip on his jacket, unable to understand why he threw the cat like that.
"This cat is Satoru! Some fucking curse has hit him and he's going to be a cat for a while!" He said, somehow calming you down.
"But why did you throw him so hard? And why... If it was Satoru, then–." He crossed his arms over your chest, remembering how the cat cuddled against your breasts. Your face is hot.
"I don't want him to bother me again."
"In what?"
"Listen... For so long, I've wanted to show you something... Say something. But that fucking idiot was always in the way! He made you think what I was saying was just flirting jokes!
"So you don't..."
"No! Absolutely not! I would never joke about something like that! I like you! I like you very much!" he said and turned his head slightly with a little embarrassment.
Did you see that Geto Suguru blush a little?
"You'll be my girlfriend...?"
You looked into his hopeful eyes.
Well... He's just a teenager, just like you...
Feeling your cheeks heat up, you hugged him.
"...Yes...Suguru..." you replied, holding onto him tightly.
A smile appeared on his face that he never thought he would have. Very pleased but also gentle.
"(y/n)." he exclaimed and lifted your chin to look at him.
He leaned down to reach your lips. And he placed his lips on yours, pulling you into the kiss you both wanted.
You didn't pay attention to the cat that was sitting next to the tree with a dissatisfied face.
Ps. Karma comes back. Especially to someone who interferes with love.
A few months after he was a cat, he began to regret being alive at all.
He experienced sleepless nights because he couldn't close his eyes all night long.
Instead of silence, he only heard the bed in the next room hitting the wall or creaking. And your cracking voice and all the moans that came out.
For all the torment Suguru had to go through because of him, he didn't even bother to keep a secret. That's why he wanted you to moan as loudly as possible so that Gojo couldn't sleep.
During classes, when Suguru is glowing after a nice night, you are tired but smiling, Gojo is simply worn out by lack of sleep and starts sleeping during classes.
Just to get punishment for it from your teacher.
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anemhoez · 1 year
Fun Guy

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Tighnari/AFAB Reader
WARNINGS: unprotected sex, breeding kink
A/N: this idea came to me while i was playing as tighnari 💀 hope you like it!
words: 2k
“Nariiii,” your voice beckoned him like a sweet song, “come to bed.” You currently lay on said “bed”, a straw mat you managed to put together during your impromptu research trip through the dense forest. The rain started to fall and once you and Tighnari finished dispensing of a withering, you made camp quickly in the spot that had cleared up beautifully.“In a minute darling,” his voice full of curiosity at the current specimen he observed in his hand. The rain had stopped and the night air was crisp, the smell of damp greenery permeated the tent as you tried to get comfortable without his warmth.
Tighnari jotted down notes to describe the look of the fungus in his hand, his slender fingers squeezing it softly. “Fascinating!” he said and just wrote down even more words. You sighed and stared up at the low ceiling of the tent, “When did you even pick that thing?” your eyebrow raising at him. He turned to you, his hazel eyes meeting yours, “I grabbed it before we set up the tent, you might have been distracted with hammering the stakes.” He used his pencil to measure the height of the fungus, “Its pretty much bite-sized.” Your mind trailed off thinking about how those stakes weren’t the only things that needed to be hammered. Tighnaris voice was but a whisper suddenly, “Well, it tastes just fine.” You turned immediately and noticed the fungus that was just in his hand was gone, “Nari?!” your voice was loud and he snapped his head towards you, “Did you just eat it?!”
He swallowed audibly, “No?” You shook your head, your hands coming to cross over your chest, “For a forest ranger, that’s pretty irresponsible of you,” what if you fall ill?!” He realized the error of his ways as he felt the fungus slowly travel down his gullet, “Sorry, I don’t have any of my lab equipment and, this is the only way I can test its properties.” He reached out and took your hand in his, “It wont happen again, I promise.” His fluffy ears perked up and you couldn’t help but lean down and kiss him. “Why do you even need to examine it so thoroughly right now anyway?” you questioned the ranger, “you couldn’t wait until we got back to the village?”
Tighnari turned away from you, a slight blush creeping on his cheeks, “Well, about that,” he said and toyed with his earring, a gesture he always did when he was nervous, “that fungus, I actually know more about it then I let on.” He stood up, his tail swishing from side to side, “I ate it, knowing what it will do to me.” His eyes were avoiding yours and you took him by the chin gently, “Oh? Whats it supposed to do to you? Have you been feeling unwell?” He shook his head and took you by the waist, his arms enveloping you in a tight embrace, “Not at all,” he moved in closer and gave you a kiss, his tongue parting your lips. You kissed him back, your hands coming to wrap around his neck. that familiar feeing of excitement in the pit of your stomach catalyzing. He pulled away and met your eyes once more, “I read about it a few weeks ago, and was curious, so while we were out here I took the opportunity to search for it” he explained with enthusiasm, his ears moving in tandem with his words, “It’s a natural performance enhancer.” You couldn’t help but smirk devilishly,
“Are you serious?,” your hands came to cover your month, “Tighnari, you degenerate!” you joked and he pulled you back to him, holding you close. “What do you say Y/n? Would you be interested in being my research assistant?” To say you were surprised was an understatement, you’d never expect this from him in a million years. A part of you was excited, but another part felt guilty, as if it was your fault he needed to “enhance” himself in some way.
“I’m at your disposal Nari but, why do you feel like you need to take something like this?” you asked, your hands coming to tug on his ears playfully. “Not only out of curiosity but, you have no idea how badly I want to,” he stopped and his tail began to wag faster, “fuck you for hours upon hours.” His words stirred something within you, its not like he didn’t have the stamina naturally, you thanked his genetics for that. “Okay, I just don’t want you feeling inadequate in any way,” you said as you trailed your hands down his body. “Not at all I just want to,” he stopped when you palmed his bulge through his loose shorts, “make you feel even better than usual, Y/n.” You rubbed against him, “Hmm I see,” your hand reached inside the hem of his shorts, “Im so lucky to have a guy like you Nari, always so considerate.” He huffed as you continued your ministrations, your soft hands stroking him to erection, “Anything for you- ah!”
Tighnari yelled and you quickly removed your hand from his pants, “Archons! Did I hurt you?” He shook his head to reassure you, “I think the fungus is taking effect,” he looked down and pulled the hem of his pants to peer inside, “it kind of stings? But in a good way?” You peered into his open hem, “I don’t think it should hurt though,” your voice laced with worry, “Now Im worried.” He pulled out his dick and held it. He stroked it lazily, “Theres no need to worry,” his cock looking heavy in his hands, “ It feels incredible.” His voice was low as he threw his head back, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed back a moan.
The sight in front of you made your core tremble. Tighnari was moaning louder than before, his thick cock beginning to drip with pre-cum. You instinctively got on you knees, “Nari,” you cooed and he looked down at you, “what happened to me being your assistant?” He smiled and took the back of your head gently, “That’s right,” he guided his cock to your lips and you graciously took him into your mouth. It felt almost foreign in your mouth, what with how thick the fungus had made him. You pulled away, his cock bobbing and dripping with saliva. “I think you’re thicker than usual, I can barely take the whole thing.”
You took his dick in your hand and stroked it hard, moving to suck at his now thickened sack. He moaned loudly at the sensation, “Is that so?” He suddenly pulled away from you, “One second, let me grab my notes.” His cock bobbed as he reached for his notepad, “Takes effect after a few minuets, almost as if it bypasses the digestive system, may increase in girth.” His tone was serious as he scribbled. You could feel your wetness start to soak your underwear, your boyfriends dick almost taunting you as it stood at full mast. “Ahem,” you cleared your throat and he came back to reality. A smile spread across his face, “My apologies, its all just so, fascinating!” his voice brimming with excitement
He pulled you up and onto your feet, “Shall we try another variable?” his hand came up to your mouth and wiped away some of the mess. You realized what he meant and crawled over to the mat, “And that variable would be?” you teased, your hand trailing down your body to between your legs. Tighnari could hear just how wet you were, “My cock inside of you, of course.” He positioned himself in front of you, his cock in hand, harder than ever. He watched as you opened your legs wide, completely exposing yourself to him. You slid your fingers inside of you, the squelching sounds cause Tighnari to emit a growl from deep within his throat. “You’re already so wet for me,” his voice was soft as he moved to slot between your plush thighs. “like a good assistant should be.”
He pushed the head of his throbbing cock into you, “Ah, fuck Y/n,” he grunted and buried himself to the hilt, “have you always been this tight?” He pulled out and the drag of his cock almost took your breath away, “Nari!” His hand pushed your thighs down further onto the mattress, “Tell me, how it feels” his voice was needy, his teeth coming to bite his bottom lip as he pulled out and thrusted back in. You arched your back, the sensation whenever he hit your cervix causing you to wince a little, “S-so, big, it feels, ah, bigger than usual?” you questioned how that was possible but stopped when he slammed back into you, “Fuck Nari!” Your eyes darted to where he disappeared inside of you, “How do you feel?” He chuckled at your question, “Incredible Y/n, simply incredible!” he exclaimed with a moan as you clenched down on him harder. “I cant wait to fuck you like this for the rest of the night.”
There was barely any space between you and Tighnari with how close he was holding you, making sure his cock was nestled deep inside of you. He picked up his pace and with every hard piston like thrust , his cock brushed against your sweet spot. Tighnaris ears drooped low, and you reached up to scratch behind them, knowing just how needy and whiney it made him. He took your hands from his ears and pinned them above your head, “I’m trying to last longer here,” his tail puffed up, “you know that drives me wild.” You smiled and locked half lidded blown out eyes with him, “Maybe I want you to get wild Nari,” you rolled your hips to meet his in a fervor, “fuck me like an animal and fill me up with your cum.” His eyes went wide, his hips meeting yours harder with a smack, “Oh? Is that part of the experiment?” he joked and smiled down at you. He leaned down and kissed you, his teeth taking your bottom lip and biting down. He brought a hand to your neck, “Want me to fill you up, huh? To breed you, darling?” his tone was intense, with his favorite thing to do to you now on the table, he pulled out of you. “Turn around”
You obeyed, almost immediately and didn’t care how desperate it might have made you look. You got on your elbows and knees, your ass perked up perfectly in the air. “Breed me, please Nari.” He slapped your ass hard and you yelped a desperate cry. Tighnari moved and easily slid into you from behind, “Just how I like it,” his nimble hands coming to squeeze your ass. This new position allowed him to fuck you harder, to hold onto your wrists and use them to pull you onto him. His piston like pumps sending you into a fit of whines and curses. Tighnari grunted and growled behind you, “You always take me so well,” he pushed your arms against you back, crossing them over one another, “so tight, so fucking wet.” The only things holding you up were your knees, your face buried into the pillow, muffling your pitiful screams. He grunted and huffed, “I can feel you about to cum, fuck!” he said and grabbed a fistful of your hair. This was it, that action alone caused your cunt to flutter and clench down on him hard. A guttural scream came from your throat, “Nari!” was all you said through your euphoric climax.
But your fox hybrid boyfriend continued to thrust, still seeking his own release. “You’ll have to explain that orgasm to me in great detail.” His voice was hoarse, his thrusts still merciless. You lay on your cheek, your pussy still throbbing, drool and tears dirtying the pillow. You moaned with every thrust he gave you, like a babbling fool hungry for more. He let go of your wrists, letting you readjust and get comfortable. His thrusts slowed down, “Look at you, this is exactly what i wanted to do to you,” his voice was softer now, “have you so fucked out and drunk on my cock.” You turned to lay on your side, his dick never exiting you. “Fuck that fungus, in the name of the archons,” you huffed and moved to lay back down on your back, “fuck that fungus.”
He was now leaning over you, his thrusts as vicious as ever, your tongues meeting in a sloppy kiss. Your fingers were intertwined, his weight of his body holding you down. “Nari, ah!” you said through the kiss. He rolled his hips into you, not just fucking you now but making love to you. “I know darling, me too.” You continued the kiss and with a few more thrusts from Tighnari, you came on him again, your body writhed in pleasure. His thrusts became erratic as he felt your walls flutter against him, this time bringing him to his own peak. Tighnari howled, his seed spurting deep inside of you. His load was larger than usual, “Fuck, I’m still cumming!” he exclaimed as his body convulsed. You watched his ears droop as he huffed and shook through his orgasm. “Tighnari, I feel so full,” you whispered loud enough for him to hear. He opened his eyes after he finished and pulled out of you. Thick white seed almost gushed out of you, he observed closely as you reached down and used your fingers to push his cum back into you. “Theres so much,” you said and looked at him, “are you trying to become a father?.” The fox hybrid smiled and moved to your side, “Not just yet,” You kissed and cuddled for a few minutes before you felt Tighnaris cock getting hard again. “Already?!” you looked down and there it was, his pretty dick getting hard for you all over again. He held a hand to his mouth to stifle a laugh, “Archons, Ill have pages of notes to write later.”
A/N: hehe this unlocked a kink!! đŸ˜€đŸ„Ž no, im not okay!
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aleksanderscult · 6 months
Since we have officially entered the Aries' season I thought I should honor the fact that it's the Darkling's birthday! 🎉🎊
(No, we don't know his exact birthdate but we know he's an Aries. Anyways)
To celebrate it let's remember some facts about him.
Even though he was a Shadow Summoner, he loved bright colors. Blue, red, purple but most of all the color of sunlight.
Since we mentioned that he was a Shadow Summoner, isn't it endearing and ironic how he feared the dark when he was a child?
Once he didn't sleep for two nights because his mother had left him in a tent without a lantern.
He loved sweets! Cakes, pies etc. but his two favorites were a cake with cherries and sweet cream from Kerch and candies coated in sesame from Shu.
He had trouble mastering his powers as a child. He felt embarrassed for the fact that he couldn't make the Cut at the age of 13.
He could play the violin. đŸŽ»
He was really intelligent from a very young age. Until the age of 13 he could speak three languages fluently and could read people and their behavior like an open book.
He was awkward and felt uneasy around children his own age since Baghra always kept them on the move and insisted not to let anyone touch him or for him to get close to someone.
He never met his father although he kept asking about him to his mother and wanted to meet him. The only thing he (possibly) ever knew was that he was a Heartrender.
He loooved nature. The trees and forests. The smell of them. Especially the evergreen trees. He even decorated his room in the Little Palace with carvings of trees.
Oh and he loves animals too! In the "Demon in the Wood" he got excited in the thought that he would see white tigers for the first time and Leigh once mentioned that he's kind to animals (we even saw that in "The Tailor" when he took time out of his duties to visit his horses, pat them and whisper to them soothingly).
And he actually saw those white tigers eventually.
Apparently he has great good looks to the point that he attracts others (and especially girls) like magnet since forever.
And his life was full of sex so he was experienced with it (Alina, your opportunity to fuck around and find out was literally right there).
The author confirmed (in 2014-2015, years before even the show came out) that he indeed harbored strong feelings for Alina and believed that they were destined for a future together (my man was ready to buy IKEA furnitures for their future house😭😭).
He had many, many half-siblings (one of them was a mermaid) and throughout the centuries he sought them out, out of a need for kinship, companionship and a desire to not be alone (đŸ„ČđŸ”«)
This one is especially sad. He wasn't conceived out of love.
On another note though, his smell has been described as the smell of winter, forests and of the night.
In a solar eclipse his powers wouldn't be affected.
He's the Grisha with the most aliases in the Grishaverse (that's what living in a persecuted environment as a child does to you).
It's confirmed by the author that he was created after fantastical villains that she used to love, so please let that rumor that he was inspired after her abusive ex finally rest for good.
He had indeed fallen in love many times in the past but he kept witnessing the people he loved die from their mortality. At some point he just gave up on love and became more and more closed off. (Let's talk about the break he never had💀)
We might not know which person was the first he ever fell in love with, but we know which was the last one: Alina.
Do you remember those countless letters Alina was sending to Mal in "Shadow and Bone"? Well, the Darkling not only kept them secretly but read ALL off them.
He has a throat-neck fetish. And it's probably canon. The way he kissed Alina's throat every chance he got, the way he once nipped it, the collar and how he was always touching it.
According to Leigh, he didn't start wanting to be King. But this ambition came eventually after deeming it the only way to change things.
Kaz has been described as more selfish than Aleksander.
Well most of them turned out to be sad and tragic but that's because he had a tragic life and he himself was a tragic character.
Happy birthday to one of the best and most iconic book characters ever created. 🎉🎊
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seenoversundown · 2 months
For Death Or Glory : Chapter Thirteen
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Jake Kiszka x Charlotte (Fem OC)
Warnings: 18+ Smut (a small amount of masturbation) Alcohol / Drinking, Suggestive conversations, dicking around on the job, Mentions of Sexual preferences, Flirting, Fluff, terrible dad jokes, and unfortunate amounts of pirate comments.
Word Count: 4k
Summary: Jake is still reeling from the events of the night before, when Charlotte rolls up with a wonderful proposition that he could NEVER refuse. Leading them into a fun game that helps him get through the rest of the night.
Author's Note: THE GAMES HAVE BEGUN. They really are so precious and watching them learn how to interact with each other has me giggling and kicking my feet. (even though I'm quite literally in charge of them 💀) Can't wait to hear how you guys feel after this one!! 💕😍
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Bathroom Light - Mt Joy "So, come on, baby, let's do this right, I think I like falling in love in the bar bathroom light."
“I feel like we should talk.” 
Not my favorite thing she’s said to me, if we’re being honest. Charlotte’s leant against the doorframe to my office, her hands are busy playing with the dainty rings she has on. 
“Okay,” I say, “you can come all the way into the room though.” She scurried in, shutting the door quietly behind her. 
“I don’t know how to say this,” she starts, sounding timid, which is unusual for her. 
I can’t stop myself from speaking up, “Did I overstep?” 
“Oh my god, no. No, not at all,” she spits out. “I actually.. um.” She looks back down at her hands, a small grin grows on her face. 
My eyebrow pops up, waiting for her, “What?” Comes out with a slight laugh. 
“Maybe we could be friends who, like..” her face turning red as she whispers, “maybe hook up sometimes..” 
We’re friends? She wants to - with me? I- oh my god. 
“Oh,” I can hardly form words with the speed my brain is moving at, “Oh, uh, we can. Yes. I would be okay with that.” My eyes finally met hers, knowing full well that I probably look far too excited. 
I watch her chew the inside of her lip and see her hands shake slightly, which honestly makes me feel a bit better. At least I'm not the only one who gets nervous. I reach out, grabbing one of her hands with both of mine, which gets her to look back at me. 
“Really,” I say quietly, “Whatever you're comfortable with.” Finally standing up from my desk, she just looks at me, and I can’t quite tell what's going on inside that pretty little head of hers. 
Suddenly her arms are wrapped around my neck in a hug, catching me off guard. I let my arms sit around her waist as she lets out the sweetest little laugh next to my ear. 
“You’re sure about this?” she asks, leaning back to look at me. I get to spend more time with her and possibly get laid once in a while? YEAH, I THINK I’M SURE. 
“You can be the Captain of this ship,” I tell her, choking back a laugh as hard as I can. 
She does not; she drops her head, leaning against me as she barks out a laugh. Her small frame just shook against me, but at least this time, it was happy. 
Still laughing, she looks back up at me, “You’re so dumb,” she manages to get out before leaning forward to press a sweet kiss on my lips. I could get used to that.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
I didn’t anticipate the torture that I would endure after that conversation, having to be around her in the bar and stay normal about it. She already made me feel on edge, in a good way, before the last twenty-four hours, but now it’s ungodly how tense my body feels. 
I try to spend as much time cleaning and talking to the regulars that have come in, but I continuously find myself looking at her. I just want to talk to her. 
I pull out my phone, quickly type out a message, and slide it under the bar in front of me. 
Me: so.. does this mean I can just.. kiss you if we’re not around people?
My hands sweat at the thought, but god, what I’d give to kiss her again right now. I glance over as she picks her phone up, seeing the smirk creep onto her face. Looking around the bar to see if anybody might need something until my phone lights up. 
Charlotte: I'd like that. đŸ€­
Charlotte: You have a pretty mouth, so I think we should. 
Feeling warm at the compliment. A pretty mouth? I had been told on a multitude of occasions that I’m a bit more feminine, but given that my counterpart is Josh, who keeps his hair short and has facial hair, I don’t think I had much of a fighting chance. But I’ve never been complimented like that before, and I think I liked it.  
Me: play along 
I walk over to where she’s sitting, and her eyebrows pull in for a second looking at me. Sliding carefully behind Mel and Josh, I lean against the bar facing her. 
“Can you come with me? I need your opinion on if something is up to code,” I tell her, my voice at a normal volume but giving her a slow wink. 
“Oh, absolutely,” she replies, “Mel, I’ll be right back.” 
I meet her at the end of the bar, gesturing toward the hallway and leading her to our cooler. Once we’re out of sight, sticking my hand out behind me for her which she immediately grabs. We round the corner into the back room, and I turn to face her, pulling her into me. Tilting her chin up with my free hand, seeing her smile as I do. 
“Hi,” she mumbles, pressing a kiss against my lips. 
Letting out a small ‘mmm’ as my arms rest around her waist, “Let me just—“ Leaning in, noticing the way she doesn’t actually close her eyes. She just watches my mouth. Feeling her hands find their place on my stomach as I take her bottom lip between mine, making my heart shake. I wonder what makes her feel like this. Pulling my arms back slightly, letting my hands hold her waist, lightly squeezing her when I feel her hands grab my shirt. That must be something. 
“So, about that opinion,” I whisper into her, making her giggle. She reaches up, wiping the smudge of lipstick she left on me, and my stomach turns at how gentle she is.
Her eyes slowly look up, meeting my stare as she lets out a quiet, “I think that exceeds the standard, for sure.” 
We both hear footsteps in the hall; backing away from her quickly and folding my arms across my chest as she nods when Mel rounds the corner into the cooler.
“Jake, the POS is living up to its name.. Can you help?” she rolls her eyes, clearly frustrated. 
“Shit, yeah, I’ll be right there.” 
We both watch as Mel quickly turns, leaving the room looking fairly defeated. Standing there in silence for a matter of a few seconds before we both let out a quiet laugh. 
“I guess I need to do my job,” I whisper to her, making her smile. She turns to face me, fixing my shirt for me and moving a rogue hair back into place. Her hands linger on my chest as she looks at me, which only makes the butterflies in my stomach go wild. 
The smirk on her face is killing me when she says, “Go save them, boss man.” 
The bar continued to get busier, making it harder and harder for me to not actually do my job. Almost as if flirting with pretty girls isn’t in my job description or something. Stealing little glances at her any chance I could while we quietly texted each other random things. 
Charlotte: You have to stop looking at me like that 
I grab the empty glasses from a table, walking back towards the bar but sneaking up behind her. 
“Like what?” I whisper next to her ear, setting the glasses on the bar top in front of her. Giggling as she jumps slightly, scowling at me, but that doesn’t stop my stare. It would be easier if she wasn’t gorgeous. My eyes fell between her lips and holding eye contact.  
“That,” she whispers back, “whatever that is.”  She leans into her hand while the other falls into her lap. 
“You don’t like it?” I ask, forcing myself to stay focused on her eyes. Leaning onto the bar next to her, letting my hand hang over the edge. 
She smiled softly, “No, it’s terrible,” oozing with sarcasm fell from her lips, feeling her hand graze mine. 
My head tilts slightly as my eyebrows raise, “and why is that, honey?” I whisper, pulling my bottom lip in with my teeth, watching as her face flushes. 
Forcing myself to back up, grabbing the glasses as I go, what I wouldn't give to just spend the night with her instead? 
Me: do you like being called honey? 
I set my phone under the bar, pouring a few drinks for the regulars sitting there, trying not to look over at her, but it’s impossible. Glancing out of the corner of my eye, I see her pulling up her phone. What if she hates it? 
Charlotte: Mmmm I might đŸ€­
I'll never be sure what possessed me to call her that the first time. I've always just used ‘sweetheart’ or ‘dear’ because they feel safe and really can’t be taken too out of context. Also, to be entirely honest, I typically don’t get far enough with a girl to give her a cuter pet name than those.  It just sort of came out when I saw her start to melt down, and it’s stuck. 
Charlotte: Do you like that I use your full name? 
Her sweet voice calling me ‘Jacob’ plays in my head on a loop, so it’s safe to say I don’t mind it. Although, the way she called me ‘baby’ made me want to crawl out of my skin. She had me wrapped around her finger in that moment.  
Me: you can call me whatever your heart desires 
I looked over at her, saw her smile at the response, and quickly started to type. This game of twenty questions is definitely making tonight go by a little faster. 
Charlotte: That doesn’t really roll off the tongue nicely- I think I’ll stick with calling you by name or baby 😉
I audibly laugh at her text, unprepared for her to get me with a classic dad joke. It was almost enough to distract me from the last part, but no such luck as my heart fluttered at the pet name. I could go for hearing that a little more often. Wandering over towards her, I lean down as I grab the glass from in front of her and whisper, “You’re more than welcome to slip a ‘Captain’ in the mix as well, yknow?” 
She leans into her hand, propped up on the bar, “So, you do like that, huh?” 
“Felt a little different coming out of you,” I tell her, shrugging as I back up a little and biting the inside of my lip as she watches me. 
Her eyes rake down me before letting out a quiet, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
I help Josh for a few minutes, pouring a handful of drinks for some regulars and running to grab orders from a few of the new tables that just came in. Rounding back behind the bar, I slide my phone out of my pocket quickly. 
Me: since we’re doing this- do you have questions or shall I continue 
Tossing my phone under the bar, turning to wash a handful of glasses for them. I try to just focus on what I’m doing. But I just want to pay attention to her. I turn around as I’m drying and putting away the glasses, doing my best to scan the room for anybody who may need anything. My eyes fixate on her as she sets her phone down and looks over at me. I pick up my pace drying, sliding the glasses onto their shelf quickly so I can grab my phone, needing to know what she said. 
Charlotte: I’m assuming you’re a physical touch person? 
Me: you would be correct but I’d like to say I can cover all the bases if you like something else more. 
I’ve always been a touch person, especially given that I’ve spent my whole life with Josh. He can’t go two seconds without grabbing your arm if he’s telling you something. So, it’s definitely something I’d developed over time and also suffered from; the lack of physical touch I’ve had in the last couple of years is contributing to the urge to ask her every two minutes to meet me somewhere hidden. Even though I would do whatever she prefers, I just hope she enjoys physical touch because I don’t know how I’m supposed to avoid it. 
Charlotte: Oh, touch is near the top with words of affirmation for me, so I think you’re doing just fine 
Knowing she likes words of affirmation makes my stomach knot up, the amount of things I’ve held back because I don’t want to overwhelm her. But I’ll tell her that she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen every day if she’ll let me. Despite the fact she was just being open, I decided to test the waters on this situation we’ve put ourselves in. 
Me: soo.. does that mean you like to be..reassured or no?
Hitting send, I immediately feel like I’m sweating. I pour a few beers waiting for her reply, hoping that she knows what I meant and that she doesn’t take back everything she said in my office today. 
Charlotte: A little praise never hurt anybody.
I whip my head over to her, and my hand wipes over my mouth as she smiles at me. The fact I’m blushing over the answer to the question I asked feels ridiculous. Why did I think this was a good idea? Making eye contact with someone at the bar who wants to order, I walk over to them. Taking their order and turning to grab all the bottles needed for it, I slide my phone from my pocket, setting it on the counter as she texts me again.  
Charlotte: Do you always like to be the Captain? Or do you like to let others assist? 
My eyes shut while I take a deeper breath; why is she doing this to me? Forcing myself to focus on mixing their drink, but my brain feels like it’s short-circuiting. She did have a little dominant streak in her yesterday. I grab a napkin and bring the drink back over to them, nodding as they thank me. 
‘All for me, baby?’ plays in my head, and I guess I had never thought about preferences like that before. Most girls I had been with at this point wanted nothing to do with being in control. I also was typically not the most sober in these instances, so it’s debatable how dominant I even was. They just wanted me to do the work, which in the grand scheme, was fine. 
The way that she wants to have control makes my body tingle. Something about the idea of her telling me what she wants me to do is kind of hot. She basically had me begging for her yesterday, so maybe I’m a bit more submissive than I thought. I get head one time, and I’m reflecting on my entire sex life. Jesus Christ, chill out. 
Me: I’ll gladly let you steer anyday, don’t have to ask twice 
I wipe down the back counter, reorganizing a bit, anything to keep my brain from spiraling out of control over her. I wash some glasses in painfully hot water in hopes that it’ll prevent anything uncomfortable from happening to me while I’m just trying to get through this shift with her. 
After a few minutes of torture, I pick up my phone again. 
Charlotte: In that case, meet me in the bathroom? 
I’ve never replied faster.
Me: đŸ«ĄÂ  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
“Couldn’t wait any longer?” Winking at her as I lock the door behind me. 
Her smile is devious as she runs her hands up my chest, “When you look like this? Not at all.” Tugging me closer by my shirt, tilting her head back as I lean in to kiss her. 
All I can think is how lucky I am that I’m in this weird little situation with her. The fact that she’s communicating things to me, even if we’re doing it in a kind of vague way, makes me feel a little more confident with anything that’s potentially going to happen. 
Pulling away from the kiss for a second, I gently move some hair away from her face, just taking her in. My other hand is holding her lower back, keeping her close. The way she’s looking at me makes my heart pound. 
“Can I ask you something while we're here?” I mumble, watching her eyebrows pull together. 
“I just want to hear your response to this one,” I start. “Can you promise me that if I say or do something that you don’t like, you’ll tell me?” 
Her eyes softened at the question. Her hands grabbed the sides of my face as she pressed a soft peck against my lips.
“Of course, I will. Promise.” 
“I never want to make you uncomfortable,” I mumble against her, “okay?” 
Her soft laugh against my lips before pressing a few sweet kisses into me, I swear this girl could get me to fold so easily. 
“You really are something, Jacob.” 
My stomach flips as the sentence leaves her lips. My heartbeat felt stronger than before, and my mouth basically ran dry; what is she doing to me? The look in her eyes as we stared at each other in the subtle glow of the light, even after the past few days, I’d be lying if I said she didn’t still make me nervous. Every kiss makes it feel like there are fireworks in my chest and a ton of excited butterflies in my stomach; my entire body gets warm, and I have to fight the slight tremor in my hands, so she doesn’t know. But god, this girl has me stumbling over myself every day.
“What if we just stay in here for the rest of the night?” I whisper into her.
Her hands slid down onto my stomach, “I think they might notice we’ve disappeared.” 
“Unfortunate, innit?” the English accent sneaking out of me, making her laugh. If that’s all it takes, I’ll use it more. “Why don’t you go back out there first? I’ll go to the backroom first, so it’s more convincing.” 
“Sounds like a plan, Captain,” she winks as she pats my stomach and then quickly sneaks out the door. Leaving me there, speechless, staring at the door for a moment. I think I just tripped.
I hid in the backroom for a few minutes, bringing out a handful of things to restock with. I try to wipe the smile off my face when I can feel her eyes on me. I have Mel run to the tables and get some drink orders taken care of; she’s been trapped behind the bar all night, at least get her a few minutes of a new scenery. 
It feels nice to make drinks mindlessly for customers sometimes. The muscle memory starts to kick in, and I can just go for a while. It’s just a bonus having Charlotte sitting at the end of the bar, intently watching every move I make.
“Aren’t you supposed to be watching Melody?” I tease, sliding a drink to her. 
Her hands rake through her curls, softly laughing as she says, “Well, she isn’t making drinks right now, is she?” 
“So you’re making sure I know what I’m doing then?”
“Something like that,” she says, biting her lip subtly. The goosebumps erupt on my arms instantly when she does that. 
Folding my arms across my chest, I look at her to ask, “Anything notable?” 
She slides her paper out for a second, quickly tucking it away so I can’t see what she’s written down. Sneaky little thing.
“You seem good.. with your hands,” she tilts her head slightly, slowly blinking at me. I can’t stop myself from smirking at the comment. I had noticed before that she watched my hands, but nothing was more validating than that comment. 
I step closer to the bar, leaning towards her a little so I can whisper, “Guess you’ll have to find out.” I watch her jaw slack at my comment, chuckling to myself. Seeing her flustered makes me feel less insane for being so antsy all night. The way she shifts in her seat as I look at her, I don’t think someone has ever reacted to my stare like this before. 
We spend the rest of Mel’s shift making unbearably tense eye contact, which makes me want to get her alone even more. She stayed for a little longer after Melody left, but I practically begged her to get home before it was too late. Something about the thought of her trying to drive in the Old Port when all the late-night bargoers are out just makes me nervous. 
After what has seemingly become our nightly routine of walking her to her car, with the new bonus of getting to kiss her before she leaves, I’m met with an empty apartment. 
She won’t be home for a little bit. I pull open the fridge staring mindlessly, realizing that I’m not even really hungry. Taking the opportunity since Josh isn’t home, I wander into the bathroom, starting the shower. 
I stood under the hot water, letting it beat against me for a moment. My brain runs rampant with thoughts of her, still unable to process that she’s giving me any time, let alone wanting to spend more time with me. 
My eyes close as I think of the way she touches me; her hands are so delicate, and she’s so careful. Her hands always find a spot on my chest or stomach when she kisses me. Grabbing fistfuls of my shirt when we make out. Her lips though— those are something to write home about. God, I really was touch starved. 
My heart flutters at the thought of her kiss and how good it felt with her. Even when she was just leaving tiny pecks down my neck, I swear I could get goosebumps just from the memory. It had been so long since I even had the option I forgot how exciting it was. 
The thought of her sitting on my lap, her hands tangled into my hair, god. I feel the twitch, trying to ignore it. No, don’t be weird, Jake. Just think about something else. Rinsing the shampoo out of my hair and trying to refocus, but all I can hear in my head is, “all for me, baby?” A small groan comes from me, and I can’t stop myself from sliding my cock through my fist to relieve some of the tension. 
Her lips wrapped around me, the way she seemed like she was enjoying it, and her little moans as she slid me as deep into her mouth as she could. 
“Fuck,” I mutter, stroking myself a little faster. The visual of her on her knees for me has me reaching out to hold myself up. How is she real?
My hips jerked forward as I heard her voice in my head saying, “Come on, Captain.” 
Another moan sneaks out, my eyes fixed shut at this point, wishing she were here. God, she was so good. The way she swirled her tongue around me, her hair wrapped around my fist. Her green eyes look up at me as she takes just about all of me into her mouth, holy shit, I’m–.
“Fuck me, Charlotte,” I quietly groan as my orgasm washes over me. The water is hardly even warm at this point, while I frantically clean myself off to avoid a cold shower— that’s five minutes too late. 
Tapping my phone as I’m drying myself off. One Missed Call. Unlocking it instantly, seeing her name sitting there, I call her back with no hesitation. Is she okay? She hasn’t called me until she’s home before. 
“Hiii,” her soft voice dances around in my ear. 
“Hey, are you okay?” I spit out, knowing I probably sound insane. 
“Oh! Yes, everything’s fine! I'm just still driving,” she replies; a sigh of relief escapes me, grateful that she’s okay. Until all my nerves come flooding back when she says, “I just wanted to hear your voice.” 
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
FDOG Master Post | Masterlist | Playlist
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issacballsac · 1 year
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“Being Best-friends with Dante Sparda„
Being a son of Sparda doesn’t mean he doesn’t have time to fool around with you ! Gender neutral human reader
Teenage Years | DMC3
Being the massive flirt he is he’ll most likely try and flirt with you upon meeting
Seeing as his twin brother is currently trying to kill him and take his necklace he’ll keep your first conversation short and leave you with his number
After literal Hell on Earth he’ll remember to give you a call
Y’all click instantly
he’s also just a really easy person to get along with but we’ll just ignore that
Now we all know he STAYS broke so either you pay for a meal or y’all are taking a walk in the park somewhere
Getting him to actually talk about himself is pretty difficult
Give him space and he’ll open up about deeper things in his life eventually especially things that concern his demon half(brother, childhood, etc.)
He does enjoy throwing compliments everywhere so expect daily words of praise whether it be sarcastic, goofy, exaggerated, or sincere praise
If you like to compliment as well it’ll be like the most sickening bromance ever
If your still in school DO NOT go to him for homework help
He’ll hype you up for sure but if you need genuine academic help just get a tutor💀
Would be genuinely upset if you made a joke regarding his white hair bro would get hella moody and claim you aren’t friends anymore
If you have a part time job you can BET he’s gonna ask for some bread
Not exactly outright but he’ll allude to it like..
“You remember all the damage those demon guys did to my shop? Yeah
it’s gonna cost A TON to repair it by myself
“Are you hungry? Well I heard about this new pizza spot that WE should totally tryout 😁.”
If you like to make clothes/jewelry/accessories he’ll totally wear it
Refuses to let you mess with his hair until like two years into knowing each other
Takes pride in his looks and you should too! Self care! Ofc you’re paying for any and all expensesđŸ«¶
Glorified sugar daddy😭
If you live with your parents
so does he
Congratulations you have a new brother đŸ©°
If you don’t he’ll offer to be roommates so he can get a cheaper rent
You’ll definitely meet Lady she is absolutely appalled at how you tolerate him constantly sarcastically ofc she knows he’s a good guy
If you’re into video games he’ll play with you granted he doesn’t have the money to pay for a game console so it’ll be on whatever console you have
Once he’s in your life he’s never leaving literally.
A best-friend for a lifetime
Adult Years
He probably saved you from some demons
Like if you met him in his teenage year he’d def start flirting
What can I say he stays true to himself
His personality would never change regardless of his aging
Still the same wacky woohoo pizza man we know and love
Thinks you look hot and invites you on a date which quickly just turns into a hangout after the LACK of romance
Still finds hanging with you to be fun and keeps a friendship
Even after establishing a friendship he still flirts here and there—force of habit
Would definitely teach you how to ride a motorcycle if you didn’t already know
More willing to let you mess with his hair
Like put it in pigtails or tie it up/braid it
Introduced you to the whole DMC gang
Now depending on the time period he’ll tell you about Vergil and his upbringing
He would totally tell you all about it after the events of DMC5 after he returns ofc!
I feel like he’s an animal guy so if you have any pets they’re now his pets too
Co-parenting coređŸ©°
If you’re an artist he’ll be your muse/reference material any day
Loves the attention
Drunk dance nights
Karaoke too he doesn’t have the best singing voice but it’s not the worst
Since he’s a devil hunter he goes on missions a lot and seeing as you don’t want to get your shit rocked you stay behind
Cherishes every moment spent together and will make sure you know that
You always take him with you on vacations
How could you not???
He appreciates if you chip in helping him pay off his MASSIVE FUCKING DEBT
He doesn’t expect you to though
Despite being broke he stays stylish and if you asked would help you with fashion
Ofc he isn’t like BIG on fashion but cmon have you seen his looks? He dabbles
Immediately sees you after missions and starts ranting about the entire thing
“Can you believe it?! So obviously I shot that nasty bitch and it had the nerve to explode all over my jacket! It died so I can’t even get it to pay for a new one!”
“Don’t worry about why I smell like this worry about the fact that Trish totally took MY commission!”
Very dramatic but laid back too if that makes sense
Calls you cheesy nicknames that I will not elaborate on use your imagination đŸ—ŁïžđŸ«¶
Enjoys live music and will go with you to concerts if you like
Shows you his demon form if you’re interested
Whatever your hobby is he’ll be interested
Would make sure nothing ever bad happened to you regarding devils ofc
Best bros for life and in deathđŸ«Ą
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slowlydifferentbluebird · 10 months
Snsd reaction
To you being there younger boyfriend please
Hi Anon, thank you for your request. I slightly changed the plot, opting for a neutral gender reader, to be more inclusive and enjoyable for everyone. I hope it's not a problem💙 Also, I'm including Sica in the line-up because I felt so lol
SNSD reaction to the reader being a younger partner
Being the leader and oldest of her group, having a younger sister, being tutor and teacher for a lot of trainee in her agency...having younger people around her was nothing new for Tae. Actually it's something that makes her comfortable, she has that sense of control but without being possessive. Sometimes she needs your help to discover and understand the new trends.
When she left the group, she felt like she didn't have nobody to trust anymore...but then you suddendly appeared, overcoming her coldness somehow. You were so fresh in your attitude and behaviour, and maybe even a bit immature, that it was refreshing for Sica having you around. Also, you were still kinda innocent and that was really important for her to give you a chance. She never regretted it.
Often you look more like a couple of siblings bickering more than a dating couple. Or better, sometimes you two are so funny together that from outside you two look like a comedy duo. Your chemistry in the jokes and the sense of humor was something that Sunny couldn't find in partner of her same age or older. But now there's no a day where she can go to sleep without having a great laugh.
She's such a soft person, always smiling and kind with everyone...but with you? She reaches a new level: always so delicate and careful, almost being afraid of breaking you. She's calling you "baby" at 100%, because you're indeed her baby and be sure that she would spoil you so much. Also, she kinda fell in love when, despite being younger, you were so much attentive to her needs in her moments of down.
This agent of chaos will have fun messing up with you. We know she's the most serious during practice, but she's also a goofball in her daily life, so she will definitely playing with you using her duality. Be ready to be called "dummy" day and night, even if she does that out of love. Also, be sure to have a suitcase always ready, because she's taking you with during her travel to work as dj.
Dramas, movies, tv shows... she's always so busy and that really influenced her romantic life. She was successful but lonely...until she met you. Being young you had the perfect mentality to understand her schedules, not making her feel guilty about not interacting too much sometimes. But, oh boy, when she is free, she's spending all her time with you, cuddling her baby that she missed so much.
Bruh, why is your girlfriend roasting you? Like, there's no need to be that savage😭 But hey, you knew from the beginning what you were getting into. Sometimes she can come out as rude or indelicate, but it's just her way to worry about you. She's honest till to the end, making her look like a firm teacher(the hot one 👀)
Now, who's the youngest between you two? Because she's always acting like a child around you💀 Sometimes she can be a tease, some prank always ready for you. You are starting to think you're a babysitter more than her partner, but you know it's just her playful side and that if things get serious, her adult side will come out(and that's kinda scary).
The national maknae being the oldest in a relationship? It was a dream to her. She really likes this dynamic in which she has the opportunity to be seen like an actual adult. It was like you really understood her persona. Despite that she would still your full attention like a real maknae lol. But in general she would be great help in your difficult moments, always supporting you in taking decisions.
I hope you liked it, Anon. Thank you again for requesting 😄💙
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menlove · 3 months
i’m new to the whole beatles rpf (i am an rpf veteran though i wrote 75k words of michael jackson fanfiction in middle school and 15k of queen freshman year of hs 😐) so what are like the tenets of beatles rpf. what’s the need to know.
YELLS that's so fucking valid of you I can't even lie
and HMMMM okay I can only speak for mclennon bc I observe the other ships from a distance but don't chomp at the bit about it but here's some things that come up A Lot in fics
john & paul met on july 6, 1957 at a church garden party. john played "come go with me" & got the words wrong while paul watched from the audience and Fell In Love. after, they officially met. paul took john's guitar, tuned it, then flipped it upside down (he's left handed) and played 20 flight rock perfectly. john was smitten and the rest was history
oh shit edit I forgot! john used to climb the drainpipe into pauls room. VITAL info that comes up so often
they had group wanking sessions (beat the meatles lmfao) & they'd call out the names of various female celebrities during it (john would apparently call out male names as a joke to throw people off which 💀)
STUUUUUU. we love stu, paul hates stu. stuart sutcliffe was a boy john met at art college & he became His Boy Bestie instead of paul for a while which had paul FUMING. john & stuart lived together for a while & in mclennon lore john was in love with him (& I do also think that lmao). which brings us to
HAMBURG. in 1960 the beatles went to hamburg & stayed several months in the world's dingiest room. they shared bunk beds & stayed up all night playing music & took pills (prellies) to stay the fuck awake. stuart went with as their bassist & paul hated him soooo bad so bad. in part bc stu did not take the band very seriously & was not good at playing and paul is a notorious perfectionist. fun hamburg facts! here stuart met astrid, his future fiance. and she took them to a gay bar lmao. also, at one point, in the most heinous and toxic move, john walked in on paul fucking a girl and lost it. he cut up her clothes with a pair of scissors and then started stabbing the wardrobe 💀 normal behavior. the whole thing was just drugs and sex and music. great fic setting always.
eventually they got back. george was deported first bc he was underage & then paul and the drummer lit a fucking condom on fire where they were staying and got deported too. john stayed an extra bit & when he got back didn't tell anyone. in the meantime, stu stayed in germany w astrid and paul Got A Job at his dad's insistence bc they all thought the band was over when john didn't show back up. but eventually he did. and made paul pick between the job and the band...... or rather, his dad and john. and paul picked john.
Some Months Later john took paul to paris for his 21st birthday. 200000000000 fics about this. all legendary all gay.
stu died </3
there's barely any fics of the touring days which is tragic I think there should be 60000. I guess the only thing that comes up semi often from that era is that they played lovers in a play, pyramus & thisbe, and paul named two kittens pyramus & thisbe. and gave pyramus (the character he played) to john. not joking at all.
next biggest Canon McLennon Event everyone brings up is lsd. george & john got into lsd first & ringo tried it as well. paul was extremely reluctant to and this caused a bit of a rift between him and john. eventually though, they did trip together and the first night is McLennon Fic Lore. john accidentally dropped acid in the studio (smth he avoided) & was out of it. almost jumped off the roof. paul took him back to his home (cavendish) & took lsd with him. there's a lot to this trip I can't even summarize but it was gay and there's lots of fics abt this incident
was Not the first time paul took lsd though which brings us to the Next Big Tropey Players: tara browne and robert fraser. both are men paul hung around in 1967 and there's looots of fics where he was gay w them and john is Seething
india! I'm not an india truther so I don't really get into these but the fandom at large thinks Something Happened during the beatles' 1968 trip to india. this usually takes the form of john confessing to paul and them fucking and then paul turning him down. background lore for many many breakup fics
and that's the stuff that tends to come up Most Often. there's so much lore I could probably write an entire novel & a lot of it gets referenced but these are some of the biggest players lmao
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yamahex · 2 years
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Summary: You confront Jack on his cheating.
Content Warning: Angst (Gaslighting and Insult Spewing)
Pairing: Cheater Jack x Wife Reader
A/N: I hurt my own feeling with this one. I was in my lifetime movie moment💀 And before people try to come for me, Ik he wouldn’t act like this. THIS IS FICTION
Jack entered the house quietly, the sight of no lights on gave him relief as he closed the door slowly. He stepped softly towards the direction of your shared bedroom. He was almost in the clear, just had to make it into bed and sleep the rest of the night off.
Suddenly a lamp in the living room was turned on and his eyes met yours as you sat in the love seat with your legs crossed. Immediately his face dropped at the sight of your stone cold expression.
“So, Mr. Harlow returns.”
“Uh-baby, what are you still doing up?” His voice shook and his eyes watched you make your way to the kitchen.
You wore your silk nighttime robe on top of your pajamas, it was clear you’ve been up for awhile.
“You know-“ You began pouring wine into the glass that was left on the counter. “The next time you wanna run off to your little girlfriend can you at least have the decency to tell your kids goodnight?”
You looked up from your pouring to see Jack’s shocked expression.
“I mean I’m sure she can wait till after we put them to bed like a good side piece should, right?”
His throat was dry, his mind was blank, he truly had no words.
“I saw that pic she sent you. She’s cute. Reminds me of the first girl.” Your eyes looked back down into the glass, the liquid circling inside before you brought it up to your lips. Once you finished your sip, he swore your eyes were as red as the wine.
“Baby it’s not like that. She’s just a friend that’s been trying to get at me for minute-“
“Please save me the “friend” act. It’s unoriginal and played out.” You looked at him with the most somber expression. “But then again, so are you.”
He watched you tilt the glass towards him in a mocking way.
“Y/N I think you should lay off the wine, you’re being ridiculous right now.”
Your eyebrows lifted in amusement.
“Oh really? Well I think you should keep your dick in your pants but I guess we don’t always get what we want.”
Irritation started to take replace his nerves.
“I don’t know what you expect from me.”
“As the wife and the mother of your children I expect you to be faithful, seems like that’s too much to ask for though.” He looked down in defeat.
“We’ve been together since we were 17, if you were falling out of love with me I expect you to be a real fucking man and tell me. Rather than sneak around and think I’m too dumb to notice.”
“It’s not that, it’s-“
“It’s what, Jack?” Your patience began running thin.
“You changed after having the baby. You’re not affectionate anymore!”
You scoffed at his audacity.
“Yeah Jack, that tends to happen after you find out your husband is cheating on you. Don’t act like this was happening because of me, you were doing this before I gave birth. You think I didn’t know about the South American tour??”
“You were pregnant and wouldn’t touch me! Not only that your body changed. I felt like I had no other choice!” His eyes widened when he realized what he said.
Pure shock. Did he really just say that? Your mouth fell open and tears threatened to fall. You made your way from behind the counter to stand in front of him, glass still in hand. Without thinking you threw whatever wine was left at his face. He stood there, not daring to move.
“You are the most selfish man I have ever met. I have stood by you for everything. I believed in you when no one else did and this is how you treat me?! Trust and believe that you will never get the chance to do this to me again, because I’m done.”
With quick movements you took off your wedding ring and threw it at him. Then brushed past him to gather you things and the kids.
Jack reaches out to grab you arm.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” You yanked your arm out of his hold and you continued your task.
Jack stood in place, not knowing what to do or say. He really just threw away his life and for what? A good time? His head lifted up when he saw you with a few bags and the kids in hand.
“I’ll be back for the rest of my shit later. And don’t worry, I’ll make sure everyone knows of your little affairs.” You paused before leaving.
“I really hope it was worth losing me.”
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