#hirai momo x reader smut
residentflamingo · 3 months
Samurai Momo Headcannons
Hirai Momo x fem! chubby reader
AU: Ancient Japan/ Samurai 👺⛩️
Genre: fluff, a pinch of angst, & smut
Warnings: mentions of violence, war, sexual themes, & cursing
A/N: Surprise you guys! I decided to post this first instead of the Jihyo fic ;) Man this was so much fun to write! I thought it would be cool to write something like this since I haven't seen anyone write about the main love interest set in the Samurai era. It was a little tricky at first since I had to do a little research, but it's nothing I can't handle. Let me know if i did okay! This is my first time writing anything smut related so I’m very nervous about it 😅 It also kind of turned into a yapping session... Fun but also not fun fact, I've had this sitting in my drafts FOR A YEAR 💀 Ik, absolute insanity. Anyways, let me know if I should write more stuff like this! Enjoy reading, and check out my other works if you would like :) It's always greatly appreciated ❤️
Word count ———> 4,932
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Who is this girl?
Hirai Momo is a well-respected and feared samurai in the Paand Xico Nation
Known for defeating many powerful armies and killing the best swordsmen
She is fierce on the battlefield and cocky as hell too
She doesn’t show any mercy
Merciful only towards townspeople who are in danger 
She is a samurai alongside her other 8 comrades called the “Osoroshī Defenders”
They rose to power after defeating an almighty empire, and saving their hometown, the Paand Xico Nation
They are known for being a fierce samurai squad with kind-hearted personalities
Momo has been best friends with her 8 samurai comrades ever since childhood when she first started samurai training
She grew very close with them over the years, and eventually told them that she was gay
The funny thing is, they knew already
When she told them Jihyo was like “Yeah we know. It's pretty obvious by the way you look at Y/N. You are definitely in love with her, and you get like a gay panic attack every time you see her.”
Momo was so glad that they were supportive of her
But she was also a little shocked since there was still the possibility of them being weirded out by her after her confession
She even cried that night while going to bed because she was so happy
The members like to tease her every now and then when she talks to you, or when she gushes to them over how cute you are 🥹
How you guys met
You and Momo were childhood friends
Met each other at a very young age
Both of your guys’ parents were close friends of each other’s so you crossed paths pretty often
The both of you spent time with each other a lot
You and Momo would go explore the woods, and play around in the creeks
Racing to the creek was essential for the both of you
Momo would let you win on some days just so she could see you smile
Sometimes you would dare her to do weird stuff, and she would always do it just to see your reaction
She even ate a worm once just because you told her too…
Momo likes to tease you a lot too
It’s one of her favorite things to do when she’s in a good mood
When you guys would be walking down the creek, sometimes she would splash water at you and you would get mud on your shoes/clothes
And she would just be dying laughing hearing your surprised scream after getting water splashed on you
"Hey why are you laughing at me?!"
"Y/N you should've seen the look on your face whenever you got splashed! Oh my gosh, it was so funny."
You two became inseparable over time
Momo’s mom would have to drag her home some days because she would be at your house for to long
“Honey you’re barely even home anymore since you spend so much time with that Y/N girl !”
As Momo got a little older, she became interested in wanting to be a samurai
She mostly wanted to be one so she could protect you one day, and to show off her cool skills
She loved how cool they looked, and the way they would fight with their swords
So she enthrall y begged her mom to take her to lessons
When she told you she was taking lessons to become a samurai, you were shook
“Y/n, did you hear? I’m gonna become a samurai!”
“Wait what?! When did you decide that?”
“I had my mom start taking me to lessons the other day! Someone’s gotta be able to protect you from the bad guys someday ;)”
You were very happy for her, but also very worried since she can be aloof at times
Momo loves to show off her cutting skills with her katana
After cutting down a small tree she would smirk at you and say, “Wanna give it a try, Y/N?”
How you became her crush
She developed a huuuge crush on you around the time when she started samurai training (10 yrs old)
(A/N: yeah I did some research, they really did have the kids start samurai training when they were 10 yrs old…)
Momo noticed how beautiful you were one summer night, when you both were stargazing while laying in a field of grass
She was mesmerized by your beauty, and how cute you sounded when you would giggle at her ranting about the stars
From then on, she had a habit of always admiring your looks 💕
“Momo what are you looking at?”
“Oh nothing. I just now noticed you have this little freckle on your nose that looks like a heart. It’s cute.”
You developed a crush on her some years later, after realizing how sweet she was with you
(both 16yrs old)
And you thought she was pretty cute too, with her long black hair, and her beautiful features
It was almost impossible not to fall in love with her
Momo would love to hand feed you snacks, and fix your hair when it would get messy
She also loved giving you makeovers during slumber parties
She’s really clingy and affectionate in general
we know what you are Momo
When you would catch her training, she always wanted to teach you a technique she learned that day
Would end up failing to do so because it was always some advanced shit
“Momo I don’t have any idea how to cut things with a katana, let alone do a flying kick afterwards !”
“Oh cmon on pleaaseee Y/N-chan, I promise it’s super easy. It won’t take very long to learn when you got me teaching you ;)”
She would purposely be hands-on while teaching you, and you would be a blushing mess while she helped you adjust your grip on the katana
Momo got protective of you as she got older, stronger, and more experience with training
(now both 18 yrs old)
And damn did she have some killer muscles
Especially her abs good lord-
When she would get a scratch on her, or a cut, you would always be there to bandage her up
And of course, Momo would be a blushing mess as you would put a patch on her cheek
Afterwards, you would always get onto her about how she needs to be more careful and whatnot
She would just laugh a little bit while looking at you with admiration
Momo found it so cute how protective you were of her, even though she was becoming a tough samurai
At school, she would always glare at the boys that would try to hit on you
And she would protect you from bullies too
“Y/N what happened to your arm? Why is it all bruised?”
“A boy wouldn’t leave me alone after I told him I didn’t want to date him, so he fought me because he was so mad.”
“Momo did you hear? Someone beat up the same boy that punched me the other day… I wonder who it was.”
(clearly has bruises on her knuckles) “I don’t know, maybe it was a tougher girl or something. Who knows, he had it comin to him anyways.”
You thought it was cute how protective she was over you
Whenever you would cry, she would always be there to hold you and tell you sweet nothings
She hated seeing you cry :(
Your happiness is her happiness
Momo made a vow to herself that in the future, she would still be the one holding you like this but in a different setting
The confession
When Momo was finally finished with samurai training (20-21 yrs old), she was super excited
But her excitement didn’t last for long
She got the news that she would have to be sent out to war for a couple months, or even a year, along with the other troops and her 8 best friends
You were both devastated
What if I never see her again? What if I never get to tell her I love her?
On the day of Momo’s departure, your face was stained with a waterfall of tears
She was standing outside nearby the army of soldiers with you in her arms , waiting until they were ready to depart
You and Momo had been hugging for a really long time, making sure you both took each other in before it was time for her to leave
After some time, the main advisor of the squadron spoke up…
“Alright everyone, say your last goodbye’s to your loved ones. We will be heading out in no less than 5 minutes!”
Momo tried to let go of your grip, but you held onto her and moved your position so you could look her in the eyes
“Do you really have to go? Maybe you could fake an injury, and say you’re too crippled to fight or something.”
“I can’t do that Y/N, you know that. It’s my duty as a samurai to defend this nation with my life, and to make sure I can be the strongest warrior.”
“Yeah your right, I know you can’t just bail out. But, I’m just scared you won’t come back. How long do you think you’ll be gone? And what if you get really hurt?”
“Our advisor said we’d be gone for months, or even a year. It depends on how long the war goes. Me and the girls are scared too, but we’re also confident in our abilities. Don’t worry Y/N, you know I’m a tough cookie and I’ll be able to handle myself out there.”
She tried smiling at you after she said that, so it would somehow to calm you down a little
But she knew deep down, that you could read her like a book
You already knew how nervous she was just by looking in her eyes
“Alright everyone, get ready. We are leaving as of now! Momo, go get your horse and be ready to leave, or else you’ll get left behind!”
“Okay okay I’m coming! I have to go now Y/N, make sure you take care of yourself okay? I’ll be back before you know it. You won’t even realize I’m gone.”
“Okay Momo stay safe. I lo-.” You quickly stopped yourself. At that moment, you weren’t really sure if you wanted to confess your love to her yet
“What was that last part Y/N?”
“Oh nothing, just go Momorin. Your advisor looks pretty pissed.”
“Haha okay then. Goodbye Y/N. Stay safe for me okay?.”
“I will, I promise.”
Momo walked away with a smile on her face, but on the inside, she was heartbroken
She knew it would be a while before she could ever see you again
Momo jumped onto the horses saddle, and exhaled a long breath making sure it would prevent her from crying
But when she turned around and saw you waving, she made sure to engrave that image in her head until she saw you again in the months to come
You both waved back at each other until Momo seemed to be getting further away from the eye, as her horse trotted away. Soon becoming unrecognizable in the thick fog enveloping the forest
Memories came flooding back, as Momo’s horse trotted through the very same winding creeks and little caves you guys used to play in
Oh god how she missed you already, and it hadn’t even been 5 minutes yet
As Momo started thinking about you, she started getting worried about whether if she was making the right choice or not. So, she decided to asked her best friends for help
“Guys, do you think I’m doing the right thing by leaving Y/N? I mean I feel like I should’ve told her something else before we parted ways, but I can’t figure out what I should’ve said.”
Jeongyeon whispered under her breathe, “you damn idiot…”
“What did you say Jeongyeon? Why don’t you come over here and tell me what you just said, instead of just whispering it under your breath huh?!”
Jeongyeon exhaled a deep breath she had been holding in, and finally let out what she’s been wanting to say for a while
“I said, you’re a damn idiot! Haven’t you loved Y/N for what, I don’t know, 10 years? And you still haven’t told her that you love her? What if you don’t come back from this damn war, and she has to wonder all her life if you ever loved her or not? Don’t you want to marry her someday, and be able to call her your wife?"
Momo sat there for a moment just stunned. As she thought about it for a while, she finally realized she was making a mistake
“God, what the fuck am I doing?” Momo said
“Go get your girl Momoring!” Nayeon retaliated
Jihyo also had a few words of wisdom for her too, “Don’t hesitate to tell her how you feel either! You may not get another chance.”
“You’re right, I need to go see her right now! I’m gonna go, but I’ll be back in 10 minutes tops. Tell the advisor I’ll be right back, or else I’ll get my ass kicked.”
Momo made a sharp turn with her horse and made it gallop at speeds faster than it had ever gone
As she got closer and closer to where you and her last saw each other, she could see your faint figure in the distance
You were finally walking away from the send off area, and accepting the fact that she was really gone
Unitl you heard a familiar voice loud shout from the forest, "Y/N, wait!"
Is that... Momo? you thought
You stopped in your tracks with your face contorted with all sorts of confusion, and then you turned around
And there she was
The horse hooves slid on the dirt, making the dirt kick up and the horse come to a smooth stop
"Y/N!" Momo yelled out
"Momo? What are you doing here why are you-"
She jumped off her horse and jogged over to you
"I can explain!" She stops in front of you panting and out of breath
Your face is still ridden with confusion, wondering why this goofball was standing n front of you, and not with her squadron
"What is it Momo I don't understand..."
Momo's breathing slows down a little bit, and her heart pumps with adrenaline
She speaks a little bit faster than usual, hinting at her obvious urgency, and nerves of confessing to you
She grabs both of your hands and hold them
"I-I have something to tell you Y/N... Something I've been wanting to get off of my chest for a long time."
Your eyes widen
Is it what you think it is?
Momo sees the shock on her face, and she does something that even she surprised herself with
"Oh screw it."
She quickly let go of your hands and brought hers up to both sides of you face, bringing you in for a sudden but loving kiss
"Wha-" You're cut off as she kisses you
It takes a couple seconds for you to process it, but once you do, you melt into it
You smile into the kiss, and wrap your arms around her, bringing her even closer your body
The kiss was oh so romantic, listening to the rainfall in the background, and feeling your clothes get from how long you two were standing there
It was all worth it
When Momo pulled away, she looked at you starstruck, still trying to process the fact that she just kissed you
Her lifelong crush!
You smiled back at her, feeling the same amount of shock as Momo
"Wow... I didn't know you had that in you."
She giggled and then hit pinched your cheeks playfully
"Well, I have many surprises Y/N."
"I can see that... How long have you been wanting to do that for?"
"Years... Most definitely." She caressed your face with her thumb, looking at you with pure love and adoration
You smiled, pulling her in to whisper in her ear, "Me too."
(had to switch to a different writing block since there was a word limit 🙄)
She chuckles, moving lips back down yours and kissing you again
Before she knew it, she heard someone whistle behind her, along with shouts from other people
"Oooo look at Momo and Y/N" Jeongyeon said, quickly receiving a slug on the shoulder from Jihyo
Momo pulled away embarrassed, hiding her blushing face into your neck
You giggled, wrapping your arms around her waist and rubbing her back
"I take it those are your friends?" You said teasingly
Momo mumbled, "Yes... Unfortunately."
You kissed the top of her head and moved her in front of her so could look at her better
"Oh I'm sure they aren't that bad..."
"Hey lovebirds, I don't want to ruin the moment, but we have a war we need to go fight in. Momo, get your ass over here!" Jihyo said loudly
Momo rolls her eyes, and groans in annoyance, yelling back "Coming!"
She turns her head back towards you and smiles, bringing you in for a bone-crushing hug
"Momo... I can't breathe."
She quickly lets go, "Oh my gosh I'm sorry...I can't help it."
"I know."
You smile, pulling her in for one last kiss, then having to pull away since she was in a hurry
"I'll write to you every day Y/N. I love you... so very much."
"I love you too Momo."
Her heart melts as she hears that, feeling her life long dream come true
She smiles, heading back on the horse and waving goodbye to you once again
She couldn't wait to come back and smother you with kisses
Domestic Life
When she leaves for months at a time, she writes you a letter every single day
So when the messenger comes by to deliver mail, he'll have multiple letters waiting for you
She is so good at writing too it kind of surprises you a little bit
Even though she's not there with you during those months, those letters make you feel like she's standing right next to you, telling you about her day and how she's feeling throughout each and every day
When she gets home from the war she will be super clingy 24/7
Which is kind of how she is anyways, so you're pretty used to it lol
Will tell you an endless amount of funny and intense stories that will just make you stare at her in awe, wondering how she's so amazing
During her normal home life away from samurai duties, she loves to spend as time with you as possible
She loves to cook for you, help you do chores around the house, and even do laundry
Whatever you need help with, she will always lend a hand so you don't have to do it all on your own
You guys will go on dates at least once a week to try to get out of the house once in a while lol
She always lets you be the one to pick the restaurant
(she's such a gentlewoman)
If it’s a place that she dislikes, she would never say anything about it
Your happiness is her happiness
Will train at home every now and then
Not all time though since she prefers a perfect balance between her love life and her Samurai duties
After coming back from war, you two decided to get married right away
You knew dating was only a waste of time since you knew each other well, and how good of a partner you guys would be to each other
People in the town WERE NOT shocked when you two got married
Like had been predicting it since you two first started being friends with each other 💀
Momo is super duper sweet when she's with you <3
(but isn't she supposed to be the most feared samurai across many nations?)
Yes, but that doesn't matter!
With people she's not particularly friends with, she will act stoic and reserved, making her look very intimidating and serious 24/7
With friends she's her usual playful self and cracks some funny jokes here and there to make the whole group laugh
But when she's with you, her true self comes out
She is the textbook definition of a cuddle bug
Loves cuddling and being able to hold you in her strong arms
Kisses your tummy and draws shapes on it with her fingers
Gives you back and foot massages
Has to hug you and say “I love you” before bed or else she won’t sleep very good that night
Super clingy and doesn't hold back when showing affection
Compliments you alll the time without fail
"That dress looks so pretty on you my love...
Remembers small details about you, and buys you gifts 24/7
Knows you so well that she knows exactly how many freckles you have on your face
Loves listening to the sound of your voice and finds it cute when you rant about some of your favorite things
She is also an absolute goofball
“Y/N, what’s 3+5 ?”
“It’s 8 honey…”
“Oh. I thought it was 7.”
Doesn’t show that side of her very often, but when she does it never fails to make you laugh
You both have matching tattoos
Hers is hidden since tattoos are prohibited for samurai's
The design is a yin & yang symbol, with yours being a yang, and Momo's a yin
You being the yang, the purity and balance you bring to the relationship
Momo's being the yin side, showing that she brings the fire in the relationship, and the darker side to her that trains in killing people
It also represents how you two were originally best friends, and the soulmate connection you both have
Arguments don't really happen that much between you two
When they do you both always talk through them together, and have good sit-down talks about what you can do better
She hates seeing you cry :(
Absolutely breaks her heart
Especially when she's leaving for war and you're sobbing on her shoulder
Momo usually cries with you and holds you, making you feel very comforted in her grasp
When it comes to jealousy, she's not really the type to get mad at you
Only gets mad at the person flirting with you
Will come up behind you and wrap her arms around you waist, peppering kisses on your neck
"Hi Y/N... who's this fellow you're talking to?"
Loves letting everyone know that you're hers
Mostly in a subtle but not so subtle way since that's the way of the samurai
This girl's loyalty is IMMENSE
When another woman tries to talk to her, she will not hesitate to give them the cold shoulder and ignore them
“No. I have a wife.”
Will not hesitate to fight someone for you
Or possibly will kill them if it comes to that point
No one is talking bad about her you on her watch
Always has a sharp eye on you when in public, making sure you're safe from any of her enemies
Her duties come with a couple cons
In the middle of the night, she will sometimes wake up in cold sweats and start sobbing
Has PTSD flashbacks of the people she has killed in war, and remembers the innocent civilians she couldn't save in time 🙁
You hold her in her arms, telling her that it's not her fault and that she is still a good person
Will train so hard on her own that you have to drag her away from whatever activity she's doing
Is so so hard on herself :(
But when she's cuddled up in her embrace, her mind shuts off, forgetting everything that was stressing her out in the first place
She loves you so so much
Would die for you, no hesitation
You're one of the only things in her life that she finds enjoyment in
Being with her is the luckiest thing you could ever imagine
In The Bedroom
(mentions of strap-ons, praise kink, body worship, pussy eating, dom! Momo, and ab riding. minors & men pls do not interact!!)
Let's get one thing gay straight, when Momo comes home from war after not seeing you for a long time, you better be prepared to not be able to walk the next day
Ends up fucking you for hours, and having to carry you to the bathtub afterwards
After she gets settled in for a couple weeks, she will go back to being her soft and gentle self during sex
She's not really the type to degrade you unless you're being very bratty
Being bratty will result in her teasing until you're a crying and needy mess
Definitely smacks your ass a few times too
"Hm what did you say? You're gonna have to speak up honey. Mommy can't hear you when you're whining so much."
Has you get on your knees and eat her out, running her hands through your hair and pushing you closer to her
Is bigggg on body worship and praising
Momo knows how insecure you get of your body at times, so she'll do everything she can to make you feel good about yourself
Has you strip down naked in the middle of the bedroom so she can admire your curves and your bare body
Then has you lay down, kissing every inch of your body, whispering sweet nothings to you
"You're so beautiful... I love you... I love your stretchmarks... I love your curves..."
Sometimes will have you on the verge of tears from how sweet she gets
Holds you like you're the most precious thing in the world to her
Momo is more of the type to give
But, she doesn’t mind being on receiving side every now and then
When she does give…
She eats your pussy out like it's her last meal every. time.
"Fuck honey... You taste so good."
Loves it when you wrap your legs around her head, and somewhat suffocate her with your thighs
Makes her eyes roll back slightly and digs her nails deeper into your skin
Sometimes she gets so drunk in your taste that you have to pull her away by her hair
She would whine and be begging to taste you again
“Please Y/N, just for five more minutes.”
She absolutely adores your plump figure
You cannot walk anywhere without her smacking your ass or grabbing onto your love handles
Almost impossible for her to keep her hands off of you
Has reoccurring fantasies of bending you over and fucking you with her strap, imagining your ass and thighs jiggling with each thrust
Be careful wearing a swimsuit or dress around her…
She will most likely rip it off of you behind closed doors, and leave plenty of hickeys on your skin to show everyone that you're hers
The sight of seeing the clothing hug onto your curves, and knowing that she’s the only one that gets to kiss it really turns her on
Has also fucked you multiple times in the pool at home because she couldn’t help herself when she saw you in a bikini
Also has an obsession with your boobs
Loves groping them, and being able to nuzzle her face in them after she's done licking and sucking them
Remember her habit of writing letters to you while she's away? Sometimes she will incorporate her neediness for you in them as well
Has to secretly send them in so no one reads them
You never knew how horny she could really get until she left for war
You would secretly stash the letters in a drawer, reading them sometimes while she was away (real)
Momo makes sure she never leaves you unmarked
You always end up having tons of hickeys or will have plenty of bite marks on your neck
Knows how much you love her abs, so she would let you grind on them until you make a mess all over her
"Oh look at you... You love making a mess on mommy's abs don't you baby?"
Works out a little harder when she's training so she can be strong enough to manhandle you
Her cockiness when she’s training is on another level
Especially that damn smirk…
She has a few scars on her body from war and training that she knows turns you on as well
On hot days she would wear revealing clothing on purpose; like crop tops, tank tops, or any muscle shirts she could find
All of those things mixed in with sweat running down her body… damn
Her favorite position is most definitely missionary
Loves being able to look you in the eyes when making love to you, and making sure that you feel loved
But also really enjoys doggy style so she can feel your ass up against her
Always checks up on you to make sure you're doing okay
"Tell me if it gets too much, okay honey?"
Momo takes aftercare very seriously
Carries you to the shower/bathtub and helps wash you off
Then carries you back to bed and snuggles up with you, showering you with sweet kisses
"You did so well Y/N... I love you so much."
Also apologizes and kisses any small bruises if she was rougher with you than usual
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wintersera · 1 year
soooo.. oneechan calling with momo? please 🥺
notes/cw: idk what to say bc again this is not stepcest, reader is just calling momo ‘oneechan’, reader is half japanese bc of plot reasons 😊, 10th member of twice, strap sex
like how it usually goes, you call momo ‘oneechan’ accidentally- like it slipped outta your mouth bc you were so used to calling your older sister that and you missed her so much.
to me, momo’s not much of the aggressor. takes a few more slip ups to realise that its making her feel wildly aroused. you’d see her shuffling around in her seat whenever you’d sit next to her in the car, or maybe she’d start avoiding you just bc she didn’t want to suddenly be turned on by you.
eventually you’d have to make the first move. that being said you were chilling, just the two of you, in the apartment- nayeon and sana were out together on a silly food trip which gave you the opportunity to pounce on momo. telling her that you want to take care of your beloved ‘oneechan’
actually ends up reversed 😭 on her bed with your ass high up in the air, her strap so far inside of your pussy that it’s filling and stretching you out. like you’ve worked her up sm to the point of no return- like she’s long gone, she’s fucking you so hard that you can only cry out “fuckfuck fuck, good- neechan so good”
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twice-inamillion · 1 month
OC’s Birthday Part 1
Smut (Birthday sex, Anal, Creampie, Deep Penetration, Fingering, Teasing, Squirting, Slight Scissoring, Ahegao)
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Chapter 239
Words: 3,680
(The members reward you with a special birthday present after being away for so long. Some rewarding you earlier than others.) 
You’re deep asleep after caring for the children most of the day. Suddenly you sense something climbing up onto your bed. You slowly open your eyes, see a silhouette, and say, “Jihyo?”
 A hand covers your mouth as the silhouette approaches towards you, “It’s midnight, Happy Birthday, babe.”
You move your hand, “hey, what’s going on?”
“Came here to give you an early birthday present,” as she removes her night blouse, revealing her large breasts. “I know how pent up you’ve been, and you've been a really good boy” as she starts to unbutton your sleeping shorts.
“Wow, just a few touches, and it's already leaking? You must have had a hard time while we were gone, but don't worry, I will fix you right up.”
Jihyo doesn't need to grab your cock as it stands hard and ready to go. She licks the side of your shaft, going around it until it's completely covered with her saliva.
She sees your cock twitch, releasing a bit of precum, “Baby, don't worry, I'm going to make sure you have a chance to explode inside of me,” and continues to play with your cock using her mouth. 
“Jihyo, please let me put it in…”
“Aww, baby, it's cute seeing you whine.” Jihyo enjoys seeing you this vulnerable and thinks to herself before saying, “If you hold on for this one round, I'll let you put it in my ass.”
“Yes, really.” Jihyo enjoys seeing your reaction. She typically doesn't do anal but wants to do something special for your birthday. 
Jihyo positions herself better and presses her breasts together, “Are you ready for your Birthday Boobjob?”
Like a hungry idiot, you drool at the sight of your cock in between Jihyo's massive tits. She uses the milk from her tits as lube and covers your length with it. 
“Hmm, I taste good. No wonder you like sucking on my tits, babe.”
You try your best to hold on as you watch Jihyo chokes your cock with her tits. Her brown areolas leak her precious white substance every time she pushes them together. 
“Fuck, I want to cum so bad…”
“You like my tits that much? Or are you that backed up?”
“Both. I miss playing and sucking on your tits. I miss how they would bounce as you would ride me.” 
Jihyo enjoys hearing you compliment her body, and increases the pace of her boobjob. She wants to see you cum, see you in your weakest state.
“Fuck… I feel like I’m going to cum…”
Jihyo grins at the idea of making you cum. “Aww, that’s too bad. You could of had fucked me in my ass.” 
You see her increase the pace when more, wanting to make you cum and cover her breast with your baby batter. Instead, you hold on as much as you can, “No, I can make it!”
After a minute of pure hell, Jihyo finally stops. Her tits are completely red from rubbing against your cock and her tits against each other. 
She gives you an annoyed look of not making you cum with her tits. Jihyo was sure that she could make you cum after abstaining from sex. She knows she can’t make an excuse after promising the use of her ass and musters up the courage, “Alright, a deal is a deal.” 
You can’t help but smile as Jihyo climbs on top of you. She grabs a bottle of lube and pours a good amount on your cock. “Good thing I brought some.” 
With a couple of strokes on your cock she makes sure to cover it full of lube. Jihyo lifts herself, only a few inches away from your cock, “Ready for my ass?”
“Yes… I want it…”
Jihyo grabs your length and aligns it towards her pucker hole. She slowly presses the tip against her entrance and takes a deep breath. 
Both your hearts pound rapidly at the sight and feeling of Jihyo's ass. Jihyo still groans while her ass gets stretched, “Ahh fuck…” 
“Fuck Jihyo, you're so tight.”
She pulls your cock out and pours some lube to make it easier for her. She inserts your cock back in, her walls clench onto your cock as it moves. 
“Fuck… so tight! 
You grab one of her breasts and take it into your mouth. 
“You really like my tits, huh.”
There's no need for an answer as you begin to suckle, milk running down your throat. 
Jihyo slowly begins to ride you, focusing on you sucking her tit rather than the weird sensation of your cock in her ass. 
After some adjustment, Jihyo increases the pace, “Babe, you're so big… you're scraping my insides real good.” 
You grab her hips and hold her still, letting her feel your cock throb inside of her. “You like that? Feeling my throbbing cock inside of your tight ass?”
Yes… you're stretching me up so much…” 
You feel her walls clench tightly onto your cock and decide to have a bit of fun. 
“Let's switch positions; I want to get a better view.”
Jihyo slowly lifts her body and tries to pull herself off your length. You hear a loud pop as she pulls herself out. 
“Get on all fours, I'm going to fuck you from the back.”
With Jihyo's semi-gaped asshole, you spread her ass even further, “Fuck, your ass looks so good. I'm going to fuck you real rough.”
“It's your birthday, do whatever you want…”
With Jihyo's green light, you smack her ass with your cock, smearing it with your precum. You spread her ass cheeks and give it a nice slap, causing Jihyo to yelp.
“I'm going to put my weight on you and start right away so try to relax.”
“Okay, I'm ready.”
You pour some lube and, press your mushroom tip against her pucker hole and slowly insert. “Are you okay?”
“I'm going to go in.”
Jihyo grabs tightly onto the bed sheets, ready for you to slam yourself inside of her. She closes her eyes and yelps when you press your whole body onto her, “Oh fuck!! Your cock is reaching so deep inside of me! Fuck fuck fuck!!” her ass clenching your cock.
With your body on top of Jihyo, you begin to thrust in a slow but rough manner. The only noises you hear are the heavy breathing from Jihyo and the sound of flesh hitting against each other.
The sounds of Jihyo’s moans fill the air, the smell of her sweet scent and her burning skin on yours. “Lift your head up; I want to see your face.”
Jihyo nods her face against the pillow. 
“Come on, I want to look at you.” Jihyo slowly turns her head, and you see her in a complete mess. Her eyes were completely red, with tears running down and drool dripping from her mouth. 
“You said you didn’t like anal, but from your reaction, you’ve been lying, huh. Look at you, looking like a cock hungry slut.” 
She nods her head in agreement, “cum… cum inside of me please…”
“Get up, I want you to see your own reaction as I pump you full of cum.” 
With the both of you still attached, you make your way down the bed and in front of the large mirror by the bathroom. Jihyo tries to stand upright but stumbles, forcing you to make sure she does not fall. You place your camera against the mirror and say, “Look at yourself, a complete mess. You act all tough, but in reality, you’re just a cock hungry slut. I remember you always begging me to cum inside of you, even to the point of getting you pregnant. What are people going to think if they saw you like this?”
Jihyo looks at the camera in a euphoric state and says, “You’re right, I’m a cock hungry slut. I can’t stop thinking of your cock, not after our first time. I don’t care what people think, fuck them. I only want your cock and that baby batter of yours.” 
“Like a true slut… What about making one more?”
Jihyo’s eyes shine, and she looks at the camera, “Breed me, get me pregnant through all my holes.” In a tender voice, she apologizes, “I’m sorry, baby, but Daddy and I decided to give you another brother or sister, so do your best and be a good older sister.”
Jihyo raises both hands and does a set of peace signs as she clenches her walls around your cock. With Jihyo acting like a cock hungry slut you pull out your cock and, in one go, slam it back inside in full force. Jihyo’s eyes roll back, her tongue completely out as you shoot thick ropes of hot cum inside her ass.
Jihyo’s legs go numb, all her energy gone in one go. You hear a loud pop as you easily pull out your cock from Jihyo’s ass. 
You see Jihyo completely gaped, your cum pouring out and onto the bathroom floor. 
“Fuck, look at that gaped ass,” giving her ass a slap.
“Happy Birthday, babe.” 
Momo wakes up early in the morning and walks towards Sana's room to wake her up. 
“Sana, wake up.”
Sana turns over, “Momo, what time is it?”
“I don’t know but just before sunrise. You ready?”
Rubbing her eyes, she says, “Is it time already?”
“Yeah, let’s wake up, Mina.” 
The two of them head to Mina’s room and slowly enter. They gently nudge Mina’s shoulder, “Mina, wake up, it’s time.” 
She slowly opens one eye and looks at her older members who are standing in front of her. “The girls had a hard time sleeping; I’m tired. Just do it without me.” She turns back and covers herself with the bedsheet.
Momo looks at Sana, “I guess it’s just us two.” 
“I guess so. Let's change in my room.”
With the both of them in Sana’s room, Momo hands her a pair of lingerie she bought a few weeks back, “What do you think?”
“Looks cute.”
“Put it on. I want to see how it looks on you.”
Sana, excited, starts to undress and puts on the sexy lingerie, “Momo-ya, you’re naughty,” pointing out at the slits in between the lingerie. 
“Looks good on you.” 
“You think?”
“Yeah, you have an amazing body.”
This causes Sana to blush, “Haha, you have a sexy body too. Try yours on.” 
Momo drops her skimpy shorts and takes off her oversized shirt, revealing her toned body. She puts on the lingerie, “what do you think?”
Sana grins, “You’re so sexy, Momo-ya, I would totally fuck you if I was a guy.” Sana talks up to Momo and inserts her fingers in between the slit, and grabs Momo’s nipple, pulling it. 
“Sana, save it for later…” causing Momo to moan slightly.
The two of them go over their plan and decide to surprise you now before any of the other members wake up. They head towards your room and slowly turn the door knob. They see you sleeping alone, semi-naked, and only with your boxers on.
Both Momo and Sana look at each other, nodding at their plan. They stand in front of you, Sana inserting her hand between the slit of your boxers and pulling out your limp cock. She grins at Momo and strokes your cock gently, pulling your foreskin to reveal your mushroom tip. 
“Good morning, little guy. We’re going to have fun with you.”
You’re tired from the session with Jihyo, so try to catch some sleep before your busy morning. You have errands to run with Dahyun for most of the day so any chance to rest is welcomed.
You are sleeping comfortably when you suddenly feel pressure on both your chest and lower area. You slowly open your eyes and see a dark figure on top of you and ask, “who is it?”
“It's me, silly.”
With your hand, you turn on the light next to your bed and see Sana sitting on your midsection. “What are you doing here?”
With a gentle smile she replies, “We came to give you a surprise.”
“Momo and I.”
Sana tilts to the side, allowing you to see Momo on the end of the bed. 
“Hello there, birthday boy. Ready for your gift?”
“Wait… gift…” You are cut off mid-sentence as Momo grabs your cock and inserts most of it down her throat. 
Sana works her way up to your chest, just below your neck, and says, “Make sure to enjoy your meal,” before placing her cunt on your face. 
With her folds against your nose and face you get a sweet but faint whiff of her lower mouth. She grinds her cunt and says, “Make sure to drink all my honey,” as you feel her thick liquid running towards your mouth.
There’s no chance to think as her nectar oozes from your lips and onto your mouth. With just a drop of her sweet nectar you’re hooked and decide to go straight for the source. 
“Ahh, ahh… don’t be so impatient, there’s always more from where that came from,” as she feels your tongue penetrates her honeypot. 
On the other end of the bed, Momo is busy bobbing her head. She switches from having your cock down her throat to licking your balls and shaft.
“Your cock is nice and hard, it's ready for the main event.” 
Just like Sana, she mounts you, smacking your cock against her stomach. Momo holds it firmly and lifts herself, tracing the tip of your cock against her wet folds.
Momo's love nectar drips onto the tip of your cock, showing how hungry her cunt is to eat you whole. 
Having no more patience, Momo presses her lower lips against your cock before falling onto your cock. 
“Ahh fuck!!!”
You hit the end of Momo's womb, her walls clenching onto your cock tightly. You feel Momo's body tremble from the sudden shock of getting internally stabbed by your massive length. 
“I love the feeling of getting my pussy ruined by your cock. I'm going to enjoy it and milk you for all you're worth.”
— — —
You feel like you're in heaven as you get pleasured from both sides. With the constant supply of sweet nectar running down your throat and the internal massage from Momo's womb, you feel like you're getting spoiled really well on your birthday.
“You two know how to pleasure a guy.”
“It's your birthday; of course, we'll spoil you rotten, baby.”
“Yeah, like Sana said. Plus, I'm returning the favor from when you gave me my gift,” grins Momo.
You spend yourself in heaven for who knows how long. It wasn't until you found yourself getting soaked by Sana's love juices that you came back to reality. 
“Baby, I'm cumming!! Ahh… make sure to drink all my love juice.”
A heavy stream of love juice splashes over your face. You try to drink all of it when you feel a sudden tightening of Momo’s walls on your cock. “Momo, you’re going to make me cum!”
”That’s the plan. Dump all your cum inside me.” She places her hands on your midsection and lifts herself just enough for the tip of your cock to remain inside. ”Come on, oppa, fill my cum hungry cunt with your yummy cum” and slams herself once more.
”Fuck, if you want it so much, here, take all of it!” 
Momo immediately feels your cock throbbing as it releases a hot stream of cum into her fertile womb. She places her hand on her belly, feeling your cum pumping into her deepest parts.
”Ahh yes… that’s it. I love this feeling.”
The three of you rest and try to catch your breath. The two members look at each other and nod, mounting themselves off of you. 
“Wow, oppa, you came so much.”
”Unnie, let me see.”
Momo slowly spread her legs up, showing both of you the large amount of cum oozing out of her. 
Sana slowly creeps towards Momo and says, “Aww, I’m jealous. I want some, too.” She traces her finger against Momo’s leaking lips, collecting the cum that’s oozing out of her, “Yum…”
Sana moves in close with her head right next to Momo’s cunt. She looks at Momo, who's biting her lip at how close Sana is to her leaking pussy.
Momo makes eye contact with Sana before she dives in and licks the cum that's running out of her. 
“Ahh… Sana, what are you doing?”
“The honey between your legs looks so good, I couldn't help but want a taste.”
You couldn't believe your eyes, you knew they wanted to spoil you, but this might be one of their best presents. 
You watch as Momo uses her fingers to spread her folds, letting Sana get a better view of your baby batter coming out of her. Sana doesn't wait and goes in for Momo, putting her mouth on Momo's cunt and makes out with it. 
Seeing both of them enjoying themselves makes you both jealous and hard. With Sana's ass sticking up, you decide to join them. 
Momo watches up and smiles as you get behind Sana. 
“I want to join the both of you,” you say as you align your length against Sana's folds. 
“Of course, join us,” replies Momo.
Sana is too busy collecting your baby batter with her mouth to answer, so you decide to get her attention. With your cock alongside her entrance, you place your hand on her back and insert the tip. 
“Oppa, wait, I'm not ready,” whines Sana, but it's too late. By the time she responds, she feels your cock hit the end of her womb. 
She coughs as you thrust rapidly, trying to catch her breath from the sudden shock. 
“Ahh… ahh… you're so big, you're stretching me so much!”
Excited by the sight in front of her, Momo decides to hold Sana’s head, preventing her from moving. With her head against Momo's oozing cunt she continues to eat her out. 
You give Sana a firm ass slap and thrust slowly inside of her. Momo plays with her tits, enjoying the view. 
With stimulation from both sides, she can feel her womb dropping, signaling its desire to get fertilized. 
“Babe, cum inside me too. I don't want to be left out.” She shakes her cute bottom, begging for you to shoot your baby batter inside her. 
“Do you want it that bad?”
”Yes! I need it. Please…”
You pull your cock out and slap it against her ass cheek before inserting it again. With your cock in an angle, you scrape her walls with the tip, causing Sana to tremble. “Ahh… yes. Just like that!”
You grab both of Sana’s arms, leaving her upper body hovering in the air, and begin to thrust rapidly. 
“Ahh… ahhh…”
Momo inserts her fingers back inside her cunt, biting her lip as she watches her younger member getting fucked rapidly in front of her. 
“Fuck her harder, oppa.”
You watch Momo fingering herself while looking at the two of you, making you get turned on even more. You get a better grip on Sana and switch to a slow but rough thrusting. 
“How do you like that Sana?”
”I…I love it,” says Sana. She tries to keep her composure but can’t, as she drools from the pleasure. 
Suddenly, you feel Sana’s body tremble, “Ahh, oppa… I’m cumming!”
You let your left hand go and wrap your arm across her chest and release your right hand, moving towards her cunt. 
“Ahh, what are you doing?” asks Sana as she feels your fingers playing with her clit. She stiffens up when she feels her orgasm arriving and shouts, “Oppa, fuck!!!” 
Sana gets embarrassed knowing that Momo is watching her having an orgasm and is masturbating to it. She spasms, her breathing becoming heavy as she hovers in the air.
As her orgasm ends, her body becomes heavy, barely able to keep her head up from running out of energy. Instead, you bring her closer to you, her back against your chest, and whisper, “You did a great job. Now, for your reward.” 
Sana’s eyes go wide when she feels you pull out and slam yourself back inside with no warning. “Here’s your reward!”
A wave of cum rushes from my balls toward the tip of my cock and, like a fire hydrant, gushes out and fills Sana’s womb. You feel her walls tightening, remembering the familiar taste of the strong and healthy baby batter. 
With a large amount of cum which makes Sana look like she has a swollen belly, she falls onto the bed. Momo makes her way towards her, teasing her on her bulging belly. 
“Alight, I need to get ready, so I’m going to head into the shower.” 
“Okay, we’re tired, so we’ll just stay here for a bit,” replies Momo.
You head to the bathroom and take a quick shower, knowing that your time with Momo and Sana might have made you late. You quickly get out of the shower and stumble on the two of them in a scissoring position, collecting the runway cum and shoving it back inside their cunts. 
“That’s hot. Should I join?”
”Come and …” 
*Knock knock*
”Oppa, it's me, Dahyun. Are you ready?”
The two members cover their mouths, trying to avoid getting caught by Dahyun. 
“I just finished taking a shower. Give me five more minutes, and I’ll be out.”
You rush and get dressed, and the other two just watch and laugh at you, panicking. “Oppa, don’t forget your pants.”
”Unless you want to go out like that, haha.”
With you gone, the two pull out their phones and take a selfie while wearing one of your shirts. 
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earlysunshines · 4 months
hirai momo x fem!reader ; pining, fluff, angst, smut
wc: 14.7k
synopsis: when your boyfriend takes you to meet his family the last thing you had expected was to be eyed up and down by his step-sister – and honestly, you’re checking her out too.
warnings: smut!! ; fingering ; oral ; making out against the door, on the couch, in the elevator ; some soft sex ; reader has a *gags* bf ; momo is readers boyfriends’ very hot step sister ; not too happy with the pacing ; pining pining and pining ; brief implied homophobia ; anything else I didn't mention ; not proofread
a/n: i’ve never had a bf ever in my life or even talked to a man romantically so sorry if the whole having a bf part is really bad (lesbian since birth basically)
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literally nothing could have ever prepared you for this moment. nothing.
the woman standing right there in front of you, a foot away looking down at you from the door; she’s gorgeous, she’s fucking hot. 
you’re meeting your boyfriend's family for the first time after dating for three months, yeah you were nervous about this whole meeting, picking out appropriate clothes for dinner with his parents and sibling. it was normal to feel this way, however, you’re much more nervous as the woman in front of you scans you down. 
those cheekbones could have been carved by aphrodite herself, sharp and perfect. her eyes, a dark brown, send a shiver down your spine. her lips are a tempting shade of pink, parting just a bit the more she takes in your presence. she gives you a curious look, you can't help but avert your eyes and your gaze inevitably travels, trailing down her crop top, lingering on the tantalizing glimpse of abs peeking out–
“and you are?” she clears the air, looking you up and down with the same hint of interest.
clearing your throat, you respond, “oh, hi. i’m um, thomas’s girlfriend…” 
the word girlfriend rolls off your tongue weirdly in the presence of whoever she is. you’re indicating that you’re taken, taken by… thomas.
“ahhh,” she says so casually, it still makes your breath hitch right then and there, the tremble of her voice vibrating in the air and reaching your ears like a cold brush of wind. then she smirks, and your knees go weak. “you’re y/n? i didn’t know he managed to get with someone so–” she eyes you up and down, smiling wider now. “--striking.”
you don’t know what to say, don’t know how to react because jesus fucking christ the woman of the century has just complimented you. you’ve just met her and weirdly enough she has you like putty.
“momo?” you hear a deep voice shout from inside the house. 
the familiar face of your boyfriend appears seconds later, he smiles at you, pulling you in by the waist - you almost trip. and then he kisses you on the lips, deeply. the fact that the woman from before is witnessing this makes you cringe internally, so you pull away for a bit, stopping his advances with a hand on his chest.
“hey, babe, not um, now.” you whisper, earning a strange look.  
“oh, okay.” he says dissapointedly. you turn to the side, looking at the woman again. your boyfriend raises his brows in disinterest. “oh, her? she’s my stepsister.”
the stepsister (the prettiest woman you’ve laid eyes on) looks at you again. her eyes go from your eyes to your lips, down your body and back up to your eyes. her brows raise up in interest, amusement – something along the lines of that – before she introduces herself.
“momo.” it’s such a simple name, but it fits her image. you’d love to know this momo more. “it’s nice to meet you, y/n.”
“yeah, likewise.”
she smiles at you, almost like she knows she has you under a spell.
“thomas been treating you well?”
“oh, yeah.” you look over to your boyfriend, he’s rolling his eyes at momo. “he’s great.”
momo snickers, “uh huh, sure. i bet.”
“oh stop that.” thomas says, “you’re being annoying.” he puts his arm around your waist again before tilting his head to the side and winking at you. “let’s go to my room.” 
you nod and he leads you down up the stairs, still, you manage to catch another glimpse of momo before you head up. she looks at you with narrowed eyes, complimented by a grin that shows a bit of her teeth. 
your clench your jaw before redirecting your attention.
the fact that you’re thinking about your boyfriend's step sister more than him the whole time he’s entertaining you in his room is a little concerning.
even when he shows you his stupid trophies and pictures of his lacrosse team, you can’t shake momo off your mind.
momo, momo who’s probably the prettiest person you’ve seen. she looks nothing like thomas, clearly not because if you’re being honest, his visuals don’t have a chance against hers. it’s terrible though, you shouldn’t be thinking this, you can’t.
but even when your boyfriend is kissing you suddenly, sliding his hands up your torso and shifting his lips to your jaw, you still think of her. 
thomas sits you down at the dinner table, squeezing your hand as you situate yourselves.
thomas’s dad sits in front of him and his stepmom – you assume, she has similar features as momo – sits on the same end of the table. 
in front of you is momo, of course.
if you were to lift your head up, even shift your look up, you’d meet her features. 
as she sits at the dinner table, engrossed in her phone as she waits for the food to cool down. your boyfriend's parents initiate the conversation, delving into inquiries about your life, your background, your family, etc – basically throwing around questions you’d expected. they come across as warm and inviting, particularly momo's mom, whose voice is sweet and genuine – contrast to thomas's dad's straightforward and blunt tone.
“so, what are you majoring in?” momo’s mom asks.
“public health, i also used to minor in art… but it didn’t really fit.” you answer. 
she raises her brows, looking at momo now. “did you hear that honey? she used to do art. my daughter does something in that field, what was it?”
momo looks up and into your eyes, making you shrink in your seat.
“architecture and graphic design.” she says, tilting her head. “what classes did you take when you minored?”
“oh, um, intro to art history and the basics, you know… um…” you start to trail off, watching as the woman in front grins wider.
“that’s cool” she says simply. she thinks it’s cool, this is great.
thomas speaks up, chicken and rice still half eaten in his mouth, “yeah, art is cool but it’s not gonna get you paid.” his tone is judgemental, making you frown. “momo spends all her tuition on classes that teach you how to draw a stick figure on a laptop and make buildings with popsicle sticks.”
momo grimaces. “oh shut up, at least everyone that takes art isn’t an egotistical snob.” 
her mom butts in, “hey, let’s not fight at the dinner table in front of our guest.”
thomas puts his hands up in defense. “right, sorry for reminding you that i have a secure job and career coming my way. my bad little sis.” he grins, raising his brows. “y/n has a good path too, not as good as business, sorry babe, but still, good money – at least after you go to medical school or whatever.”
“hey, thomas…” you respond, voice small. he’s unbelievably obnoxious right now. “i think… art is cool momo.”
momo looks at you again after your words of reassurance, smiling. you could be delusional, maybe just a little, but you swear there’s a little flush on your cheeks. you might just be delusional, though.
as dinner progresses, you make a point to compliment thomas's dad on his delicious chicken recipe, eliciting a bright smile from him, probably the first of the evening. momo's mom shares more details about her, capturing your attention more than any information that’s dropped about thomas. you like how momo get’s a little more timid when anecdotes are dropped, you don’t pay attention to any shared of thomas other than the time he got hit by a seagull when he was four. that made you laugh, it made everyone laugh.
the night comes to an end with thomas’s arm around your shoulder, the feeling of it heavy and a little overwhelming, but he’s your boyfriend and you’re in front of his family out for display, so you decide to ignore the weird feeling in your heart – especially the discomfort when momo manages to meet the scene.
thomas is later sent to do the dishes, giving you more time to converse with his parents one on one. they seem to genuinely enjoy your company. his dad's smiles become more frequent, and his stepmom expresses her fondness for you, commenting on how cute and wonderful you are.
you spot momo in the corner of your eye wiping the table down, her tricep flexing when her arm moves forward, the small curve of her bicep prominent when she brings her arm back. you decide – after seeing this sight – that you want to talk to her, alone.
you walk towards her, standing just by the side of the table. feeling the new presence creep in, momo turns to her left, catching you in her vision.
the sight of you there, clad in a loose sweater and shorts, makes her smile a little.
“hi.” you greet, offering a small smile back.
“do you need help with that?” you ask her, “i feel bad just letting you two do the work.”
“i’m almost done.” momo shrugs, then begins to wipe again. “don’t worry about it, you’re our guest y/n.”
you frown slightly, feeling helpless as you stand there, watching momo wipe down the table silently.
“by the way,” she starts, making you perk your head up. “why do you like my brother? how did you two even meet?”
“oh,” you shrink when momo’s eyes meet yours. “my friend introduced me to him when we went out to eat. he made me laugh a lot and, i guess i thought he was cute–”
but wow, if i knew you were even cuter? i don’t know what i’d do.
“--and he’s funny. we went on a few dates later on and now, now i’m here.”
momo hums, looking at you with narrowed eyes now. “well, i’m glad he makes you happy. you guys are cute.”
you respond with a “thanks.” before momo turns to finish off the last side of the table, but before she can do that, you invade her personal space a little. she’s surprised when you’re leaning in, lips near her ear and muttering, “i’m sorry for how he acted earlier, i thought it was really rude, i’ll talk to him about that. i think architecture and graphic design are really cool, my friend chaeyoung is an art major actually.”
when you pull away, faces a hand width apart, the two of you find yourselves staring at each other for a bit. momo chuckles, her smile even wider now.
“wow, you’re really cute y/n. no wonder my brother pursued you.” her words ring in your ear as if you’d been thrown against some giant bell. you find yourself blushing and look away. momo begins again, “it’s fine though. he’s my brother, he’s always like that – it’s how siblings are.”
“right, sorry i just, i thought it was rude.” 
“he’s like that.” momo shrugs, “i guess he’s nicer to you than he is with me.”
“oh, maybe.”
she places her hand on your shoulder, her very nice-looking hand with nude colored polish and visible veins running on the top of it. you almost shudder, the contact makes you stiffen up a bit.
“don’t overthink it.” momo suggests, “he’s just a guy. he’s like that, don’t worry, seriously. i’m not going to cry myself to sleep because some 5’7 guy made fun of my major.” 
you giggle at her joke and find yourself being pulled into someone seconds later – to your dismay.
“alright, that’s enough of bothering my girlfriend.” he teases, kissing your forehead. “let me drive you home babe, that okay?”
“yeah of course, let me get my bag.” you kiss him on the cheek as well. 
momo begins to walk away from the scene and you feel a twinge of disappointment. you kind of hoped to have more conversation with her, but there’s always more opportunity considering the fact that you’ll probably be over more.
part of you has to remind yourself that the reason you’ll be over is to hangout with your boyfriend – not to learn more about momo.
you’ve lived alone for a few semesters, the first two being the year you shared a dorm with yeri. you were sent on a scholarship, almost a full ride, so your parents decided to be generous since you pretty much lived out their expectations.
having your own place also meant having a whole living place to do whatever you want. you had a single bedroom apartment to yourself, no bathroom to share, no roommate to bicker with over stupid little things like dishes. sure, it got pretty lonely without your best friend, but she visited often anyway. now that you have your own place, the world is basically your oyster. you missed yeri a good amount of the time – at least she didn’t have to have that fear of walking in on you and thomas getting a little… intimate. 
thomas hovers over you, his grunts muffled into your neck as he desperately thrusts into you. it’s not the worst feeling – his dick inside – but it’s definitely worse than the foreplay, which says a lot.
now that you and thomas have more time and space to get hot and heavy, he never takes it for granted, and you’re never against it, wanting your boyfriend to feel good.
and when he cums – not really minding that you didn’t do the same – he kisses you on the lips sloppily, muttering a few curses against your lips while you send your hands down his back, falsely scratching at the muscles he’s worked for as if you’d felt the same sensation as him.
(you like him a lot, really, enough to the point where you’ll fake pleasure.)
“fuck, baby,” he sighs as he flops down next to you, catching his breath. “that was so,” he kisses the corner of your lips, “amazing.”
maybe for you.
“mhm,” you hum, he smiles at you, and it’s kind of cute, so is the ruffled hair. thomas can be cute sometimes.
the sound of buzzing fills the now quiet room. thomas looks over to his left, reaching for his phone, then tenses his jaw a bit. you quirk a brow, turning over to place your arm over him and before you can even ask – he sits up.
“baby.” he turns, looking down at you with an apologetic expression. “i’m sorry, i have this thing to go to.”
“now?” you prop yourself up on one arm, your palm holding your cheek as you question, “what thing?”
“business, you know.” and you for one, do not know. what business does he have at three – almost four – in the afternoon? he runs a hand through his hair before kissing you on the forehead, whispering a, “i’m sorry, i’ll text you later, okay baby?”
“um, okay.” you mumble, looking at him confusedly as he finds his boxers, slipping them on before checking his phone again.
“seriously, i’ll text you.”
“okay thomas, have fun.”
you lie there, your eyes half-closed, listening to the rustling of fabric as he retrieves his jeans and t-shirt. just before he leaves, you hear him mumble a "love you," and then the door shuts, leaving you alone, naked in your own disheveled sheets.
turning over, just enough to let the afternoon light seep through the blinds and into your eyes, you pull the blanket up and over you, engulfing your whole body. 
your phone makes a loud ding from the bedside table, prompting you to open your eyes a little so you can check whatever the notification is. you lazily scoot your head over to peek at the screen, reading the words on the screen–
your eyes widen at the “cafe pop up at the park!!! spring flavors!!!” reminder, instantly giving you a burst of energy despite the activity from before.
then it hits you; you haven’t done shit today, nothing at all. waking up with thomas was one thing, but not enough(clearly), and then that movie you can’t even remember the plot of since thomas was too busy eyeing you, feeling you up, rubbing your thigh and fuck, you really wanted to finish that movie. some stupid rom-com that you were invested in, thomas seemed to be interested in something else.
you force yourself up and the blanket falls down to your stomach, your tits out on display now and you can see a faint hickey on the left side of your chest in the mirror across from you. you comb your fingers through your hair, fixing it up before heading to your bathroom.
this is better than being a bum for the rest of the day anyway.
the ten minute walk to the infamous park – adorned with beautiful cherry blossoms, blooming tulips, and public spaces to gather and catch up – makes you forget about everything that had happened before.
there are various friend groups around, each holding a cup of coffee with the words “kim’s kaffeine,” belonging to the new cafe that opened months ago, the same cafe hosting a little pop-up to promote their new blend.
once you reach the cafe, there’s already a line – maybe seven or eight people – unfortunately. 
still, you decide that it could be worst, considering it’s a pop up and at the newest cafe. recently you had seen a promotion video of the place on instagram, so it’s not surprising that there’d be a wait that would take more than ten minutes. 
after scrolling through texts in he groupchat with your friendgroup, looking at their various reels sent and stupid debates on where to hangout next; you look up and finally it’s your time to order. you were here for one thing, that popular latte they’ve been advertising and of course that’s what you had ordered. 
it takes about five minutes for the barista to finish up your drink, and when she’s done, she calls out your name with enthusiasm and smiles at you once you walk over, quickly rushing a “thank you!” before tending to the next order. 
you swirl the coffee around and take a sip, relishing the taste and considering coming over more often. usually you’d be underwhelmed by foods or drinks that had gained so much attention, but this particular beverage really met your standards. 
without thinking, you turn around swiftly and manage to run into a woman. you hear her gasp as soon as you two clash and feel the iced coffee from your drink seep into your clothing.
you look down to see a damp, rosy region on your t-shirt and a few drops on your white shoes.
“oh my god im so sorry–” her voice is laced with panic, and then she looks up, looking horrified when she processes just who she’s run into. “y/n?”
mouth agape and eyes widening, you pause in place as you stare at the woman: momo.
she’s an inch taller, eyes angled downwards in the slightest to meet yours apologetically. she reaches for the pocket inside her blazer, pulling out a napkin before handing it to you. 
“momo?” her name rolls off your tongue almost like a question, but also as if you were happy to see her despite the circumstances.
(you are, in fact, happy to see her despite your t-shirt being stained with half your cherry blossom latte.)
“y/n, sorry, i was rushing and i didn’t see you.” her voice is bashful, eyes tearing away from yours as she takes off her blazer, which reveals a black tank top underneath. she hands you the blazer, insisting, “here, take it – for the trouble of course. i’ll get you another drink.”
shaking your head and waving your hand at her, you flash a smile and quickly respond, “no, no it’s fine. it was an accident, no need to–”
“no, please, let me.” momo butts in, “i know the owners, i mean, i was the one who designed the posters and menu after all. i also know the barista really well, she’ll give them for free.”
you can’t really argue with her after that, so you reluctantly nod. “right, okay.”
she puts her hand on your shoulder, looking relieved. your eyes meet her hand, the hand on your shoulder. your shoulder. her hand. on you. 
“i’m sorry again, here–” momo puts the sleeves of the blazer on either shoulder before making a little knot, which covers the stain solidly. “this should do it.”
she grins at you, looking proud of her work (she’s done the bare minimum, but somehow cutely) and you can’t help but grin back after seeing her like that. the glasses she has on make her seem a little dorky, which is honestly adorable to you, making your smile grow even wider – a toothy one. 
warmth spreads across your cheeks, and you even feel your ears grow a little warm too. “thanks momo.”
momo was right; not only did you get your drink, but it got upgraded from a small to large, with an extra shot of espresso, and it was all free.
she interacted with the barista freely, joking around and even getting teased. the barista had sent you a cheeky look – one which you ignored – when she realized that momo was ordering for you as well. 
“one large iced cherry blossom latte! one hot, large mocha!” the barista had shouted soon after. once you and momo had received the drinks, the barista smiled at you widely, eyes moving back and forth between the two of you with a little smirk. “you two enjoy the rest of the evening.”
“thank’s dahyun, see you soon.”
“yeah yeah, thanks for leeching off my business.” the barista jokes, rolling her eyes at momo. “and have a good one, momo’s friend.” 
caught off guard, you laugh, “thank you, you too!” before momo reaches for your tricep and lures you away from cafe. you turn around to see the barista – dahyun you assume was her name – waving, adding a little wink to the mix.
you and momo find yourself walking over to a bench, and once you sit down she immediately apologizes.
“i’m so sorry again, i’m so dumb.” she pinches the bridge of her nose, shaking her head. “so sorry.”
“don’t say that, trust me it happens to a lot of people.” you assure, giving her a smile. you take a sip of your latte, smiling even wider as you sit next to her. “thank you for the drink – and the size upgrade. your friend is very sweet.”
“it’s no problem, i mean even if it weren’t for free i’d pay for it. you’re thomas’s girlfriend after all.” 
you turn away from her, snickering before you look down at the drink in your hand. “is that all you see me as?”
“your brother’s girlfriend?”
“no, not at all.” momo pauses, turning to face you instead of the little boy playing with his dog across the park. “do you see me as just his sister?”
“not right now, no.”
“not now?”
your faces meet each other now after you turn, smug smirks that mirror each other. momo laughs and all you can do is laugh too.  
“i mean, last time i just saw you as thomas’s really pretty sister. now all i see is momo, the person who spilled coffee all over me.”
she pushes your shoulder playfully, rolling her eyes to hide how flustered she is after hearing you call her “really pretty.”
“oh stop that.” momo sighs, “i’m sorry, again.”
“apologize again and i’ll spill coffee on you.” you warn teasingly, making momo laugh again. 
silence falls over for a short moment as the two of you people-watch. momo sips on her mocha, and you catch her in your peripheral, waiting for her to continue the conversation or say something else.
she’s interesting, you note, with the way you’ve already warmed up to her. she’s a stark contrast from her brother; talking to her is definitely less stressful. you can speak your mind and joke freely. 
momo doesn’t look at you when she suddenly asks, “are you doing anything? or did you only drop by to get coffee and go back?”
“oh, no not at all. i’m pretty much free, thomas had something to do so…” you force a smile, pursing your lips together a bit. “why do you ask?”
“i came here to study for a project actually. do you want to accompany me?” 
you grin at her, crossing one leg over the other before you respond, “of course,” because what else do you have to do? and besides, momo’s company would be much better than walking around the park alone.
“great.” momo says, then stands, grabbing your wrist and urging you up with her.
she leads you down the park, a little deeper where there’s less families and more students trying to study in an area that’s full of sunlight.
the two of you walk beside each other and halfway through the walk momo pulls out a small notepad, then fishes for a pen in her bag. you observe carefully, watching her take notes of her surroundings and sketch small designs of what looks to be some type of public architecture. momo sits you two down by a concrete bench, right in front of a singled out tree that’s surrounded by grass and the wooden trail through the park.
her tongue sticks out as she sketches, then her glasses slip down her nose and you’re quick to push them back up with your finger. momo looks at you in surprise, a small blush painted on her cheeks as she mutters a small “thank you.”
momo’s really cute, which is a little conflicting for some reason. 
you’ve been silent most of the time, not really saying anything because momo hasn’t either, and because you’re too busy watching the way her expression’s change as she thinks to herself, finding the purse of her lips and those scrunched brows oddly alluring – and that smile of yours hard to fight back.
“what are you working on by the way?” you ask, which makes her perk her head up in surprise.
“oh, it’s for a project. we’re proposing architectural designs and ideas that might be considered – like, they might actually build it.” momo explains, then scoots over so that your shoulder is touching hers, showing you the notepad. there’s a sketch of the tree and around it are sketches that you can’t really make out. shecontinues, “surrounding it are little sitting areas, maybe to protect the tree and prevent it from deteriorating, i don’t know.” she puts the pen to her bottom lip, thinking to herself again. “there’s not a lot of seating in this particular area because they don’t want to get rid of the natural aspect, but that means it’s not as versatile because people don’t want to stay in a spot thats–”
momo looks up at you, second guessing herself. 
you look away from the notepad and back at her, tilting your head in confusion. “why’d you stop?”
“sorry i just– you know, i feel like im rambling.” momo chuckles awkwardly, looking down at her notepad once again. “it’s just something for my class–”
“no, i like it, keep talking.” cutting her off, you reach out for her hand to stop her from closing the notepad. “it’s interesting, and i like your rambling so…”
your hand is on her’s, spiking both your heartbeats. momo gulps lightly, giggling her nervousness off again.
“you’re so strange y/n.” momo teases, smiling down at the pen in her hand. “anyway,”
she continues on about her ideas for eco friendly study areas, small structures and designs that are fit for the elderly and others that are fit for the younger generation. she’s really lively about it too, using her hands ask she talks, her expressions growing more animated. 
you find yourself propped up on both hands while you sit, body leaned back as you listen and watch her with stars in your eyes.
she hums, looking up from her notepad. “yeah?”
“are you single?”
she freezes, her cheeks starting to flush as she looks away. she starts to laugh under her breath, shaking her head before responding, “what kind of question is that?”
“just curious.” you admit. “you’re pretty and youre passionate about this and it’s really adorable. i kinda just started thinking if you were single or not because if you are, that would be unbelievable.”
your compliments are like bullets, and you just keep shooting and shooting until her knees and body grow weak. momo doesn’t know how many more shots she can take.
“well, i guess you might not believe me then.” she mirrors the way you sit, then turns her head to face you. “i’m very much single.”
“you’re kidding.”
“no.” she looks away again. “you sound so patronizing right now.”
“hey , hey, i’m not making fun of you or anything – i just think it’s weird that no one has made a move.” you say, and momo looks at you in a way that asks for more. you sit up again, slouching a bit as you rest your elbow on your knee. “you and thomas are so different you know, but you both have one common trait from what i’ve observed so far: you both are oblivious.”
you shrug, then state simply, “just an observation.” momo opens her mouth to respond, but nothing comes out. instead, she looks at you again, watching you smirk like you haven’t sent her brain into a swirl. “anyway, tell me more about your architecture stuff.” you tilt your head and laugh lightly. “i think your ramble is much more interesting than anything business related i’ve heard from thomas.”
“business majors…”
“business men.” you correct.
both of you laugh harmoniously, playfully shoving each other in the process and it seriously feels just right.
after getting her number, you discover that she even rambles through text. she shares her thoughts and feelings in a stream of consciousness that makes you laugh. her messages are filled with blurbs about things that have made her happy or pissed her off, the level of openness and expressiveness contrasts sharply with thomas. 
her candid messages and pictures, plus the willingness to share her emotions freely make you realize how much you appreciate that quality. you can't help but wish that thomas were a little more like her, it’d make him just as cute. 
a few days later, while you’re with thomas, momo gets the courage to ask you out to the park again, sending a little text that reads “coffee? won’t spill it on you this time…” and you can’t help but smile at your screen. 
thomas notices the change in expression, raising a brow in suspicion.
“and who’s got my girlfriend smiling at her phone like that?”
you shake your head and grin to yourself. “your sister, actually.”
“yeah, she’s nice.” 
he looks at you from the bed, watching you sit back in the office chair in your room as you reply to the text. your fingers tap against the screen, and your smile grows wider with each second. he can’t help but notice the way your eyes light up, the joy on your face undeniable as you exchange messages. his brows crease as he sits up, looking at you like you owe him an explanation.
you look back at him with a confused stare. “something wrong?”
“when did you hang out with her?” 
“oh,” your face lights up again. “i went to the park after you left for your business thing, and then she bumped into me and spilled coffee all over my shirt.” your tone reflects the scene like it’s some sort of thrilling story, even though it isn’t – at least to thomas. to you, it was a memory you had thought about a little too much. “it was really funny, she’s adorable, your sister is, haha. anyway– she got me some coffee and we just strolled around and hey, architecture is really interesting! i don’t know why you bashed her that one time at dinner.”
thomas lays back down, rolling his eyes and picks his phone back up again. you tilt your head as he responds, “she’s a loser, you know.” the features on his face contort into something not so short of resentment.
“you’re just saying that because she’s your sister.”
he sends you a weird look, nearing a glare, then adds, “not just that.”
you can’t help but giggle at him, finding the chance to poke at him and tease him. your hand meets your opened mouth as you gasp dramatically. 
“you’re jealous.”
“what? no.”
“oh you’re so jealous– that’s adorable!”
thomas loosens up as you laugh at him, immediately making your way over to the bed and pinching his cheek as he pretends to be annoyed by it. you kiss his knuckles, your lips soft on his rough skin before placing his hand on your cheek. 
“your sister won’t take me away from you, and besides, this is a good thing! i’m getting along with family.”
he sighs before bringing his arms out and pulling you closer. “yeah, whatever.”
placing your head on his chest, you let him gently rake his hand in your hair, waiting for him to fall asleep.
the signature snoring – loud and honestly, quite bothersome – fills the room, prompting you to fish for your phone blindly. it’s on the table, still there as you left it, meaning momo had been on read. the thought of her being left with the text “read” at the bottom of her own message makes you pout, so you end up with an apology, a response, and a stupid emoji in order to make up for it.
on the other end of the line, momo watches her phone light up, redirecting her attention from the book in her lap.
the contact reads “y/n,” and the mere sight makes momo smile. she picks up the phone, nearly on the edge of her bedside table, and reads your little text. a small chuckle leaves her lips as she fixes the glasses to sit on the bridge of her nose, the frames just barely reflecting your text:
sorry for the late response :( 
your brother is jealous that you’re using my time for him
kidding lol
anyway, coffee sounds great, i look forward to that.
tomorrow in the afternoon? let’s get lunch while we’re at it
sleep tight, momo
momo grins, immediately typing up a response.
let’s meet at kim’s and find our way out from there
i’ll see you there, 3pm sharp
you sleep well, y/n
your eyes had been closed, kind of, just not enough for you to not notice the light from your phone after momo sends her message. you’re quick to grab your phone, your tired features unlocking it and displaying her text in the small default font of your phone. you grin again, placing the phone back on the bedside. 
the thought of a little “date,” with momo doesn’t sound too bad, it urges you to fall asleep faster. little do you know, your limbs start to loosen up and your body slowly strays away from thomas’s, turning ever so slightly to the point where it faces the ceiling. 
sitting down at a small two seat table in front of the cafe, the sun shines down on you in fragments. the sky is adorned with clouds, they’re scattered all over, but not to the point where you might wonder whether you’ll need an umbrella or not.
it’s not even three yet, but still, you worry.
you worry a little more than you should. worry that momo may not show up, won’t give you that smile that shows her teeth, her eyes won’t slim as she does so – and who knows, you worry that it might even rain despite the forecast assuring semi-clouded skies, a faint breeze, and warm, wonderful weather.
without thinking, you fidget with your fingers before fixing the collar of your t-shirt for absolutely no reason.
“y/n! hey!” a voice calls out, heard from your left and just the sound of momo’s voice reaching your ears makes your turn in her direction.
you’re greeted by a smile as she walks over, and then brown eyes drill into you through black frames and it brings a little warmth to your cheeks. you figure it might be the warm weather, the sun shining – but momo seems to radiate much more than what had been forecasted.
“momo, hey.”
she’s wearing a gray tank top that showcases a small display of her tummy – you note that, making sure to revisit the landmark once you get the chance since it’s oddly enticing – and a light flannel over it. hair flows down to her shoulders, she scratches the dip of her collarbone and it moves a strand. for a moment, you wonder what it’d be like to be the one moving her hair out of the way, how soft the skin of hers feels like if you were to just graze your fingers across.
“hi y/n.” she fixes her bangs. “did you order anything yet? you better not have, you know my perks.”
“relax, relax.” you start to stand, chuckling. “i wouldn’t do that to you.”
“that’s what i thought.”
she tilts her head and signals for you to follow her to the line. thankfully, it’s not busy, lending the chance for you two to be those people who stand and observe the menu carefully with expressions that make you both look more considerate about your choices than you really are.
(at the end of these few seconds, you’ll both be ordering something you’ve already had, nothing out of your comfort zones.)
her barista friend isn’t working that day, but momo manages to playfully banter and immediately, the barista present laughs along with her, waving her hand and you hear a faint sentence that guarantees free drinks.
this time you order a small, iced caramel latte, while momo orders an iced white mocha instead. 
momo waits with you, standing a little close. you watch the barista intently, zoning out a bit as she steams milk and swirls the metal jug around. the woman next to you finds herself staring at you while you’re distracted, eyes tracing you, cherishing the moment to just look at you.
“i like your face.”
you’re quick to snap your head in her direction, immediately responding with an unbelievably flustered sounding “what?”
momo freezes, waving her hands in the air and trying to fight back the flames of embarrassment that threaten to have her cheeks burning. “no! no, no. that came out wrong, sorry, thinking out loud. i just– you have pretty features and… yeah. god that sounded so weird, don’t take it the wrong way.”
“i won’t, i won’t.” you chuckle, raising a brow mischievously which causes momo to gulp. “but i will be using this against you. it would be funny if both siblings were in love with me, wouldn’t it? his pretty sister drooling because of me, how adorable.”
momo rolls her eyes, shoving you with her own shoulder playfully. “oh shut up. i’m not in love with you.”
“right~ it’s okay momo,” placing a hand over your heart, then the other on her shoulder before you lower your voice and push your bottom lip out teasingly. “don’t fight it, stare at me all day if you’d like, gorgeous.”
“gosh, you’re a handful.” momo groans. “i don’t know how my brohter handles you.”
“he–” you cut yourself off, recollecting every moment shared with thomas. 
you struggle to remember when you’ve flirted so… easily. really, you aren’t much of a flirt, but with momo in front of you, looking so good, it’s just relaxing and easy to talk to her; your stupid remarks flow out of your mouth without thinking, but none of what you say isn’t true. and then you start to wonder whether this is morally wrong, flirting with your boyfriend’s stepsister, but really, it’s playful—even if you can’t help but be a little attracted to her. 
honestly, you don’t know how thomas handles you either because you’ve never been this teasing, never been so relentless and filled with stupid remarks. the worst you’ve done is tease him for being jealous and maybe call him hot once or twice. 
– manages.” you continue, looking away from her. “um, enough about him. let’s… let’s get lunch? i would kill for some cold noodles.”
momo sips on her drink, then chuckles. “whatever you want.”
and then you two end up having more than lunch together, finding yourselves in momo’s car while she drives both of you downtown. the two of you explore shops because hell, why not. everything you do with her that afternoon – and into the evening – is spontaneous. 
the minutes pass, and with each store you visit, you find yourself a little closer to momo. your shoulders brush, and your hands accidentally graze each other's skin with every few steps. every touch is like ice water trickling down your back, sending shivers. you start to step in a way that makes your knuckles brush against hers more frequently. there's a pang in your heart, and the thought of maybe linking pinkies, arms, or really anything—anything physical with momo—crosses your mind. the proximity feels electric, and the idea of a small, intentional touch becomes increasingly enticing.
momo is dragged by the wrist into some sunglasses store, following you in while giggles escape from you.
a variety of sunglasses are given to her so she can try them on for you, and each time you look at her with admiration, some sort of pink dusting your cheeks, momo can’t help but laugh and smile like a little kid.
there’s this wall, a wall of tension that’s thinner than thread and both of you are waiting for it to break down – momo’s the one to obliterate it.
she grabs a pair of sunglasses with square-ish frames and tinted, green lenses. you’re standing in the mirror, fixing some strands of hair that fall loose when you feel someone creep up behind you.
momo’s hands reach over your shoulders and one side of her face peeks out from behind you in the mirror. she places the sunglasses she’s brought on your face, fixing how it sits on your nose bridge before placing her hands on your shoulder. momo’s head is still close – even closer when she uses her right hand to tilt your head to the left, facing her completely.
her features become more apparent: the subtle curve shaping her nose, big brown eyes focused on you like a camera about to capture a moment, smooth cheeks, and parted lips revealing her oddly perfect teeth. her rosy lips hold you captive until she gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ear. your eyes shoot back up into hers—those honey-like eyes that leave you speechless and rooted to the spot. 
“these suit you well.” momo says softly. you wonder if your heart is beating louder than her voice.
you’re still stuck in place, faces four or five inches apart when you struggle to mutter out, “oh, thanks.” 
momo smirks like she knows what she’s done to you, moving away and taking her hand off your shoulder, to your dismay.
"you should buy them. here, hold on." she presses the edge of her palm against your face, lifting the sunglasses to hold your hair in place. the rush of heat in your cheeks intensifies, and just when you think you couldn’t feel more flustered, she gently pulls out a few strands of hair to frame your face better. “there we go, the green compliments your eyes.”
it feels like you’ve been punched in the stomach.
momo pulls away, smiling at you. all you can do is gulp.
“maybe i will.”
her eyes scan you up and down before momo fixes her flannel, then she leaves you in front of the mirror as if she hasn’t just rocked your world.
after your first (intentional) hangout with momo, the words “coffee?” and “are you free?” are a common text between the two of you.
from short coffee runs to various cafes after classes to walking in the park at night on a weekend, the two of you become attached quickly. 
eating with momo is your favorite thing to do, probably, and it’s really not the food that you like; the way momo stuffs down food like it’s going to grow legs and leave her only adds to your interest in her.
the thing is, momo listens. she’s aware and attentive, and as much as you don’t want to admit it, she’s not a man-baby like thomas. spending more time with her makes you smile, makes your cheeks burn, makes you feel heard and seen. you start to point out thomas’s flaws everytime you’re alone with him the more you spend time with his sister, and it throws you in for a loop.
hanging out with momo is different than hanging out with anyone, really. you’ve noticed that even when she rambles, she’s attentive to you and your reactions, always waiting for a response and reading your features with every word uttered. 
even worse, or maybe definitely  better; the mention of momo is becoming more frequent whenever you’re with your other friends. they’ve started to notice just how special she is to you. they see the way your smile and laugh come more easily when she’s around, and especially how a natural blush appears on your cheeks whenever her name comes up.
being around momo is wonderful, amazing really – like a fresh breeze that picks you up as if you were a feather.
it’s great, perfect – right until the revelation hits, the one that picks you up and throws you to the ground like some wwe wrestler. 
it can’t be, this can’t be.
you’re at thomas’s house, not with him though, instead you’re with momo.
your visits at your boyfriends house become more frequent; you’d spend three or four hours on a free day there and at least an hour would be with momo. sometimes you’d spend all those hours with her.
she sits next to you on the couch in the living room on her phone as you scroll through movies to watch. 
here’s another thing you like about momo; she’s the type of person who’ll actually watch a movie, and even better, she’s into the same media you’re into. it’s a completely new experience. she’s someone who cares.
she even puts down her phone when you start the movie, even if it’s one she’s watched before. tonight you’re watching lost in translation for the first time, momo tells you that it’s good. you trust her judgement.
with each minute that passes, the urge to scoot closer grows heavier. from your peripheral, momo doesn’t budge. she’s lounged lazily against hte couch, that impeccable profile of the side of her face trying to steal your attention away from the tv in front of you. her hand rests tantalizingly on her thigh, so close yet so far from simply making contact with you. 
and you figure you might go crazy from just sitting there and watching the movie, oddly enough, right until she turns to you, noticing how stiff you are.
“hey, you wanna sit closer?” she asks, you nod like an idiot. 
scooting over, your arms press together. she looks at you, scanning your features and you scan right back, eyes stalling at her lips – plump and soft up close – before she turns back to watch that stupid movie. 
you wonder to yourself, the ache in your heart is like a slap to the face, is this how thomas feels? is that why he’s so eager to be so touchy with you? because everything he does to you, you want to do it too, oddly enough; you really want your hands on her, to be close in any way possible, and honestly she looks really good. good isn’t even enough to describe what you see right now – what movie were you even watching before?
“something on your mind?” she’s looking at you again now, head tilted down as she looks at you through her lashes and you feel yourself shift your hips involuntarily.
“oh, just zoned out.” you assure, pursing your lips together into a forced smile.
she tilts her head and smirks so that her teeth show, earning a quick breath from your lips.
“is the movie getting boring for you? i really liked it to be honest.” 
you shake your head. “no, no, i just– um, my legs–” your legs are tapping up and down against the carpet under your feet. “does the couch have a leg rest? um, there’s just, yeah i just need–”
“it’s broken right now.” momo says, frowning. “i have an idea though.”
“and what is that?”
her grin widens, more teeth showing and you feel that rush of heat in your cheeks again – nothing foreign when near momo. 
she abruptly grabs just below your thigh right under where your knee bends, moving your leg up and over to rest on her lap. she taps your other leg – right on your thigh and you swear there’s a small noise that gets stuck in your throat – which prompts you to rest it on her lap as well. 
“sit back and relax, i can be innovative.” she jokes.
“whatever miss architect,” you laugh, shaking your head. “you gonna make a leg rest out of your lap for your next assignment?”
“oh, no. this one’s exclusive only to you, lucky girl.” she smirks at you knowingly, then rests her hand on your thigh. turning back to the tv, you’re left speechless, gulping, and tense in your spot. 
your teeth trap your bottom lip; you’re head over heels for her, it strikes you like a blow to the stomach.
the flutter in your abdomen, the burn of your cheeks, and all your admiration – it all makes sense now, it’s clear as day the more flustered you get from momo rubbing circles into your skin.
as you two continue to watch the movie, you try not to shift too much in your seat from the weird, hot sensation you feel in the moment. it’s difficult, all too difficult to ignore the concerning rate of your heartbeat or the little pulse in between your legs when momo sinks her hand higher, her skin smooth against your own as she moves it mindlessly, tantalizingly. 
you’ve found your answer, the answer as to why thomas doesn’t arouse you or leave you breathless like this. you’re not sure whether it’s a good thing or not.
your mind runs in circles, you feel your head spin, and it stops whirling once it reaches the idea of momo kissing you, hands falling to your skin and leaving you breathless. she’s still in front of you when you daydream of this, and you realize once she looks you dead in the eye, raising her brows.
fucked, that’s what you are. 
getting fucked? yeah, about to as well, probably.
thomas has his hands around your waist, messily fumbling with the edge of his shirt as he roughly slides his tongue into your mouth.
he’s not a good kisser, not really. his short, sweet ones are nice, the small, rare pecks to your lips are not bad. honestly, you like the quicker ones the most. but right now you can’t really breathe, he’s practically devouring your mouth, not in a good way. you can’t reciprocate the kiss with how bombarded your tongue is, the texture of it all throwing you off so much that you have to place a hand on his chest and push him away for a bit.
he raises a brow, “what?” sounding almost offended, a little annoyed too.
“just,” a sharp breathe leaves your lips, “needed to catch my breath. actually– i just, i don’t know if i can do this right now.”
thomas just stares at you for a moment, then scoffs. you watch him tense his jaw, turning away from you and disappointingly and muttering a small “okay.”
“babe, i’m sorry.”
“it’s fine.” he lies, you can hear the irritation in his voice. 
for some reason, you can’t help but feel off when he touches you or shows affection, anything intimate. you can hold his hand and throw on a smile, kiss him quickly on the cheek or anywhere else – only if it’s brief and swift – and go out with him. the thing is, he doesn’t care for that these days and it’s getting more blatant with each passing day. the only time he seems interesting and pays the slightest bit of attention is when it’s heated.
you haven’t felt anywhere near horny for at least a month with him – it’s been dying down since that first encounter with momo.
thomas noticed the change in your relationship with his step-sister, finding it off, but not really paying attention to the detail of it until recently. he noticed that the time you’d usually spend with him would be shared with his step-sister – and your lowered (almost nonexistent) libido was the biggest deal for him.
he finds himself pissed, confused, and sexually frustrated. not the best state for a man, not at all. of course, he doesn’t draw it down to square one – him – and instead tries to find reasons for why you’re being so difficult. everything leads to momo, it’s all started since then – everything. 
a few days later, he sits beside you on his couch in the basement. his arm is around your shoulder as you two watch the movie – a crime show he likes.
his fingers graze your shoulder, revealed by the tank top you wear. 
your turn your head to answer, “hm?”
“you and momo been getting close, huh?”
giggling softly at the mere mention of your name, you nod. “yeah, she’s lovely.”
you punch him playfully on the chest, earning the tilt of his head. he almost looks offended.
“she is! don’t be so mean to your sister.” you emphasize their relation, because siblings are supposed to be relatively nice to one another (is what you assume, because you have none yourself). “she’s so sweet and funny.”
“she’s a leech, you know. not good to hangout with people like that.”
your body faces him more after the comment, you frown. “what?”
thomas looks back at the screen, watching the detective in the show connect different points from the cases he’s been going through. “a leech. her mom married my dad because he’s rich, and now she gets to live comfortably with that stupid, childish career plan of hers. all she does is take.”
“thomas, what the fuck?”
he rolls his eyes and looks at you again, raising his brows and shoving his face closer to you. “l-e-e-c-h. leech. just wanted you to know who you’ve been spending your time with because ever since you’ve met her you’ve been getting so distant and shit. she’s really stubborn you know, and really, i’m trying to protect you babe. not a good influence.”
scoffing, you remove his arm from your shoulder, scooting away from him and looking at the smug smirk on his face in disbelief. 
sure, you didn’t know the full details of how they became siblings, but still, that’s fucked to say about someone who’s been so sweet to you. 
“what the fuck is wrong with you.”
“it’s the truth.”
“you’re fucked thomas, you are fucked.” you reprimand, “why would you say that?”
“oh sorry, my bad!” he says sarcastically, raising his hands up in the air. “i’m sorry she’s been taking all the fucking time away from you, that bitch.”
you push yourself away from him, standing up. your expression shifts to one of frustration, brows crunched with a trembling bottom lip. he looks at you, raised brows and a shit-eating look that you want to slap off.
“okay, if you’re jealous, i understand that, really. but calling her a bitch? a leech? what the fuck is wrong with you? i know you’re siblings but that’s far.” 
he scoffs, then chuckles unbelievably. “what, you defending the person who’s stopping you from fucking me?”
you want to puke. struggling to contain yourself, your hands shake as they ball into fists, and tears prickle in your eyes.
“fuck you, thomas. fuck you,” is all you can say. he's unbelievable, absolutely terrible and it’s clear as day now, if comparing him to momo didn’t make it apparent already. he's so fixated on this one thing, his lust-driven desires – not even bothering to deny how fucked up and in the wrong he is. 
“it’s true.”
“you know what’s true?” a tear rolls down your cheek before you poke the inside of your mouth with your tongue angrily. “now that i think about it, maybe i spent so much time with momo because she liked being around me, actually took interest into my wants and needs and interests unlike you. you’re really this mad? because i don’t want to makeout with you every two seconds? because i’m – if not before – repulsed by your dick inside of me? for fucks sake thomas, you’ve made me cum like three times total. fuck you.”
he stands up, oh now he’s offended, all from the mere mention of anything sex-related. he walks up to you, looking down at you with a disgusted, angry look.
“you’re so lucky y/n. you know there’s a line of girls waiting for me and it’s a fucking privilege to be with me like this. i’ve been so goddamn patient with you and your fucking priorities. you want to insult me because you don’t feel good? yeah, sounds familiar don’t you think? so all that shit coming out from your mouth–”
your hand comes into contact with his cheek, making a loud clap in the process. 
thomas’s eyes widen, his face turned and angled at the ground. 
his cheek burns, and he presses his hand to his skin. he looks at you in disbelief, watching tears fall and fall until your staring at him with trembling features and visible regret – not from slapping him, but for putting up with him.
“we’re fucking done, fuck you thomas, fuck you.”
“you bitch –”
you scoff, turning around and running up the stairs. 
the bag you had brought is still in the living room, but the last place you want to be is in the same house as thomas – his house – so you’re rushing towards the door, opening it and slamming it close once you’re out.
tears continue to fall, you wipe away at them desperately and sniffle a bit. you can’t be crying over someone like him, you can’t. 
momo pulls up to the house in her car, only to spot you storming out with a disappointedg, bothered expression.
she stops just in front of the driveway, you spot her too. your nerves seem to settle, and surprisingly; you’re relieved just to see her from the window rolling down. immediately, your tears stop flowing down your face, your nose is less runny, and you quickly compose yourself.
“can i get in?” you stop her before she can really question you, ask why your nose is pink, why your eyes are a little red and watery, or really the evidence of a post-crying y/n. “can we just–” you speed over to her car. “get out of here.”
momo shifts the car to park immediately. “yeah, of course, where to–”
“just drive.” you say, opening the door and settling in the passengers seat. “please.”
momo does what you’ve practically ordered her to because one: you’re a mess. and two: she would do a lot of things for you. as soon as you’re situated in the car with your seatbelt buckled, momo shifts the stick to “drive” and presses down on the gas. 
she turns over to you swiftly, only to see you looking forward with a dazed expression. 
momo drives, well, somewhere. she takes the bigger road and finds herself turning into random neighborhoods, glancing over when she hits stop signs to see you looking out the car window. when she’s had enough, the red light at the busy intersection giving her a little time to pry, she places her hand on yours. 
your head shoots in her direction, your eyes locking onto hers. she takes in your post-crying face, noting the remnants of tears but also the effort you made to appear relatively normal again. it's a stark contrast to the vulnerable state she found you in outside her house.
before momo can ask you anything – you beat her to the punch.
“we broke up.” 
momo lets out a breath. “oh gosh, y/n, i’m so sorry–”
“don’t be, your brother is a terrible person. i’m just, sorry for myself. i can’t believe i put up with him.” the light turns green, momo steps on the gas again. “can you take me home?”
“yeah, yes. of course y/n.” she looks at you again, giving you a comforting smile. you manage to smile back. 
she shuffles her hand so that your fingers intertwine, squeezing subtly to offer comfort. she drives one-handed for the rest of the way to your apartment, her thumb rubbing against your skin absentmindedly, providing a soothing, repetitive motion that grounds you both in the moment and really, you feel much better already.
she reaches your complex, then parks in the designated lot. you lead her over to the elevator, then to your place. you left your bag at thomas’s house, but luckily, your keys were still on you.
you two are inside in no time and momo simply watches you flop onto your couch, leaning your head back into the cushions defeatedly. 
she sits down next to you without asking, and without any warning, you place your legs on her lap like you’ve done before. momo watches as you close your eyes, relaxing into the material beneath you. she gently rubs her thumbs along your thigh, comforting you with the small, soothing motion.
“he got mad at me because i didn’t want to fuck him anymore.” you speak up, opening your eyes and watching momo nod. “he’s an asshole.”
“i know.” momo agrees, “he’s terrible.”
“why didn’t you warn me?”
“y/n,” she begins, then sighs. “i’m not a homewrecker. plus, he’d whine to his dad like a man-baby.”
“fuck him.” you groan. “i can’t believe i fucked him. he’s pathetic.”
the tone of your voice slowly simmers down to something more casual, shifting from the brink of tears to general insults. momo continues to soothe you with her touch, her thumbs still rubbing gentle circles on your thigh, providing a steady source of comfort.
“do you feel better?” she asks you again.
looking at her, you’ve honestly just pushed aside the events from before. she’s here with you and that’s all that matters.
“yeah, thank you. you’re so sweet to me.”
she chuckles softly, then her expression shifts to a pout as her phone buzzes. glancing at the screen, she bites her lip nervously. curious, you scoot closer and catch a glimpse of the notifications: one from "mom" and another from "thomas."
“they’re going to be on my ass, especially my brother.” momo frowns. “i should go before thomas bothers you more, i’ll try to diffuse the flame.”
her hands leave your thigh, and disappointment washes over you, making you pout as well. she gently moves your legs off her lap and stands up, her eyes scanning the texts with a stressed look on her face.
she makes her way over to your door, it renders your heart weak. the one person you need with you is momo, especially now, you need her.
“momo, stop, wait.”
you pause her, and she turns around, her eyes meeting yours. for a moment, you both just stare at each other, eyes locked in an unspoken exchange.
she’s a step away from you, you can tell she doesn’t want to leave you alone here. she grips the phone in her hand tightly.
your eyes steal a glance at her lips before your own our on hers. 
she reciprocates immediately, her hand finding the base of your neck as you two exchange a kiss. when you pull away, she looks at you like you're insane—right before pulling you back in by the waist and closing the distance again.
the timing is awful, but so right at the same time. 
her lips are just as soft as they look, just as you had imagined. she brings her hand to your cheek as you desperately grip onto whatever she's wearing. she smells like peaches, and her lips taste like them too. you kiss her again and again, pushing her against the door. then, with a sudden move, she grabs you by the waist, turning you both around and pinning you against the door instead.
you can’t help but groan, feeling your breaths grow heavier as soon as she swipes against your bottom lip, curving her fingers to tilt your jaw up. you two exchange saliva for a minute, tongues against each other, exploring and savoring each other before momo pulls away, halting everything.
“y/n, wait.” she says breathlessly, “i– i have to, you know, go.”
“i need you here with me momo. i need you.” you move over to peck her again, holding the base of her neck.
to fight the urge to go on, she looks away from you. “you’ve just broken up with thomas, i– i can’t. and i have to resolve things, i’m sorry.”
“momo, are you serious?”
you want to cry. she can’t leave you, she’s the only thing you need right now, the one person who can ground you after everything that’s been going out. she’s the reason you went out more, started exploring new places and everything about her screams that she’s the one you should’ve been kissing and loving this whole time.
“i wish i weren’t.” she looks into your eyes. “i’m so sorry.”
momo doesn’t text you the rest of the night and you have no clue what to do with yourself.
you lay on the couch, unable to pick yourself up and go to your room. the ceiling is the only thing you can see and momo’s the only one on your mind. you lift up your hand for the first time in a while, bringing two fingers to gently settle on your lips, lips that momo kissed. 
god, everything about the kiss was fulfilling, it was perfect. 
the thought of staying in your apartment alone all night kills you, especially with so much pent up inside of you. you reach out for your phone, unlking it and scrolling through your contacts to find someone who can listen: yeri.
momo grits her teeth as soon as she steps into the house. 
her mom watches her angrily storm through the hall. “thomas is in his room.”
she rushes up the stairs, practically knocking the door open with how aggressive and angry she is in the moment. she watches thomas lay there, on his phone like nothing had happened. 
he spots momo and looks up like he’s just been pestered. “yes?”
“what the fuck happened between you and y/n?”
he yawns, then puts his phone down. 
momo bites down on her teeth, clenching her jaw. just the sight of him there makes her thoughts scream at her to punch him in the face, but momo doesn’t, because that’s something an immature, impatient man-baby would do; that’s what thomas would do.
“she dumped me because i insulted you, guess she can’t handle truth.” he laughs like it’s a joke. “fucking bitch slapped my–”
“don’t call her a bitch.”
“oh? what’s this? defending the bitch now?”
momo moves her lower jaw in an attempt to suppress her anger. “fuck you, seriously. you’re an ass you know?”
“you’re an even bigger one for being the reason y/n wouldn’t fuck.”
she can’t believe what she’s hearing. you were right, you were so right. all he is is a lust-driven prick who’s the reason some of your hangouts with her have been you complaining about him. he’s never really loved you, not at all. 
momo wonders how someone who’s dad had been able to treat her mother right, could love her wonderfully and provide so well, could have a son like this. the sight of thomas after hearing what he’s said – especially about you, calling you a bitch and all – makes her sick to the stomach. it’s difficult to hold back from punching him in the face and kicking him where he’d suffer the most.
he perks his head up. “oh, forgot to mention: picking up your brothers ex-girlfriend after they’ve broken up isn’t the best look.”
“i don’t care what you tell your fucking dad, he actually has morals and a heart. you’re a snob.”
“you’re a desperate little bitch, i knew something was going on between you as soon as she had hung out with you the first time. y/n is a fucking homosexual because of you.”
“or maybe it’s because your tiny ass dick can’t satisfy her, or the fact that you’ve never treated her well, you selfish fucking– ugh.” momo stops right there because it’s no use wasting all her anger on thomas, he’s just a guy after all.
“well, you’re a fucking whore. if anything happens with you two after, i wouldn’t be surprised. all you are is desperate and jealous, getting with her would prove that.”
she watches him poke his tongue at his cheek, then leaves the room, annoyed and frustrated.
momo considers texting or leaving a call, but decides to drop it, afraid of saying something she shouldn’t say or making things worse due to her emotional state. 
the two of you see each other two days later because momo’s conflicted, wanting you to take time for yourself, and you are simply someone who’s longing for a person you’ve recently realized you’re in love with.
the whole time away from her is grueling even though she had texted you.
when both of you meet for lunch you fight the urge to hug and kiss her. 
she looks wonderful walking into the small sit-down restaurant, a tank top – your weakness when it’s on momo – and sweats on. she’s stunning, especially those lips of hers that you can’t stop staring at because you’ve had the privilege and lucky chance to kiss them.
momo on the other hand fights back the urge to kiss you too, because after her anger had fizzled out, that had been the only thing on her mind prior to seeing you at the table for two.
“hi.” momo greets.
you force a smile. “hey.”
she sits down in front of you, then looks at the menu in front of her. “is everything okay?”
“it’s alright.” you say, only alright because one: your ex boyfriend is a fucking bitch and two: momo hasn’t been there when you needed
sure, it was relatively very strange to move on so quickly from your whole thomas situation, but it’s justified because hell, you’ve basically been dating momo simultaneously without realizing you had been in love. 
and now that you’re aware, so aware that it keeps you up at night, you’re hoping for something to happen.
“have you talked to thomas?”
“i’d rather not. he’s not worth my time.”
she looks up at you again through her eyelashes. “you’re right.”
“momo,” she flips through the menu and you focus on each movement. “i really want to kiss you again.”
“y/n, you just broke up with your boyfriend.”
“if this is because of me dumping thomas then throw it out the window.” you respond sternly, almost mad and it catches momo off guard. she looks at you with surprise, stopping her little act of trying to act uninterested. 
she can’t give in; it would only prove thomas right. yet, what you feel is genuine, and what momo feels isn’t born of desperation. the time she’s spent with you has nurtured her admiration and her growing affection for you. momo cares deeply about you, and her feelings are sincere, not driven by a sense of urgency or lust like your ex-boyfriend. she can’t recall the last time she enjoyed someone’s company so much or wanted to be with them constantly. from the start, she sensed something different about you—how you made her ponder at night, made her blush, made her fall head over heels for you.
you continue, “because kissing you was the best thing to happen to be, even after everything that happened – and that says a lot. momo, i’ve liked you for probably so long and i’m a dumbass for realizing it just now, so please, please just consider it.”
“y/n, i’ve thought about it ever since.” her response earns the raise of your brows. “i’ve dreamed about doing that since our first encounter, and i wish it were in a better situation, so let’s just… take it slow from here.”
taking it slow is a much better option than anything that involves cutting her off, so you smile and nod.
the rest of the day is spent with her, both your uncovered feelings allowing you to fully bask in each others presence without anymore concealing. it feels right, talking to momo about everything you’ve felt recently and simply being around her.
and then you both find yourselves glancing too long at each others lips but not commenting on it, despite the easy going time spent together, there’s a thick tension hanging in the air.
the tension is even worse when momo drives you back to your apartment complex, and even heavier when you two step into the elevator.
momo is not a woman of her word. she wanted to be the bigger person by “taking things slow,” but she can’t fight back the urge when you’re alone together, your features drawing her in.
“oh fuck this,” momo groans, pulling you by the wrist and turning you to face her. you look more beautiful than anyone she’s ever seen, your lips are calling her name.
before you know it, momo’s planting her lips on yours and you melt right into it.
“what–” you gasp when you pull away, “happened to taking it slow.”
“fuck that, i can’t if it’s you.”
that’s how you find yourselves stumbling out of the elevator into the empty halls, eager to savor each other’s presence after the arduous forty-eight hours apart. you manage to make your way to your apartment door, fumbling with the key as momo kisses the edge of your jaw, both of you entering messily, unable to keep your hands off each other like horny teenagers in the janitor's closet in highschool.
every kiss that followed felt like cool raindrops during the burning summer day. it’s electrifying, all of it, really.
you’ve never felt this satisfied. nothing really processes other than the pounding pulse from in between your legs, and momo’s lips bruising your own as she pins you against the door after it’s closed. crazy with want, you let her do anyhitng, let her kiss you anywhere. 
she’s in control when your tongues find their way back to each other, fingers bruning as they tighten against your skin, squeezing on it just above your hip bone. she kisses like you’re going to leave her grasp any minute, holding you close and pressing herself against you.
she starts to trail down to your neck in a way that thomas has never done before. she’s not attacking your skin like a desprate, thirsty dog, but like someone who knows what they’re doing. she definitely knows what she’s doing, the way she earns all these gasps and whines proves it.
“wait,” you gasp, then she pulls away, only to watch you hurriedly taking off your top. “continue.”
she chuckles before leaving opened mouth kisses against you, simultaneously moving you two to the couch. 
her fingers render you weak, like putty in her hands while you desperately grip at her hair. she moves you over and sets you down on the couch, gazing as she towers over you.
“you’re so fucking gorgeous,” momo slides her hand down the side of your torso. “you know that?”
“stop, you’re so– fuck you.” 
momo giggles before kissing you again, then retreats from your lips. your arms are around her neck, playing with strands of her hair before she asks,
“you’re okay with this, right?”
you giggle against her lips before pecking her again. “momo, i don’t think anyone has made me this weak – espseically thomas – i’m so wet it’s almost embarassing.”
“oh yeah?” she says teasingly. 
“just  shut the fuck up and fuck me already.” you rush out. 
momo grins against your lips as she kisses you again, and then you feel her hand trail down to your sweatpants. you gasp loudly when she slips her hand inside, pressing against your panties, and you break away from her lips in surprise. 
“you are very wet.”
“thanks,” she presses harder which earns a twitch and a gasp, “s-smartass.” 
her fingers slide your panties to the side of your folds, giving her access to slide up and down with ease. you can’t help but whine lowly at the feeling, biting your lip to conceal your excitement.
she inserts two fingers in, making your head shoot back into the cushion of the couch. you curse when she thrusts in, your walls pulsiate around her, clenching. 
“fuck,” she bites her lip. “you feel so good.”
you gulp roughly. “you– shit momo, keep that going.”
you gasp audibly the more she fingers you, the repetition of her name making her smile against you as she kisses your skin. she’s blazing against you, your bodies so hot against each other despite the clothes in the way. you grip her hair, close your eyes, and shift your hips up the more she pleases you. your back arches, momo keeps you situated in place with her free hand, then slides it over to palm your clad chest.
“m-momo, fuucckk–” 
momo feels you grip her shoulder tightly and watches you throw your head back. your legs close around her when her palm hits the nub above your folds again, and then she moves her palm in a circle over your clit aggresively, earning one last cry from you before your mind goes blank.
you let your head rest back for a while more as you catch your breath. you feel momo massage your thigh as you come down from your high. momo presses more kisses on your neck, letting her hand trail up your body and reach your head, raking her fingers through your hair. 
she pecks your jaw. “how was that?”
“holy shit,” you sigh, bringing your head back up to look at her. momo’s pupils are dilated beyond oblivion, and her flushed skin prompts you to bring a hand to caress her cheek. she looks adorable, even after she’s made your legs shake. “so good.”
she laughs and it’s like angels singing from above. you might melt.
“let’s clean up together, if you’re cool with that.”
you blink. “like, shower together?”
“yeah – unless that’s too forward!” she catches herself. “sorry, maybe too forward, i just want to make sure you’re okay and–”
momo is cut of when you kiss her, and then you pull back. she feels your thumb graze her cheek. 
“it’s perfectly fine momo.”
“okay, and then maybe if you want we can get food or something,” she begins, brushing her fingers against the skin of your shoulder. she moves over to play with your hair and looks at your lips. “or if you’re too tired then we can just sleep.”  
you pull her in for another kiss, that’s all you can really answer with for now. she reciprocates, following the slower tempo of your lips. 
you part from her. “i think i just want to kiss you more for now,” then you catch yourself. “wait, i haven’t even done anything to you yet, oh my god–”
“no, no. i’m already pleased enough hearing you say my name so much.” she assures teasingly. momo presses a kiss to your nose before mumbling, “let’s go with what you want.”
“you’re so lovely.”
“thanks y/n.” 
a hand finds it’s way to just below momo’s jaw on her neck, and momo’s hand slides down to the skin on your rib.
you smile, momo smiles.
you kiss her, she kisses back.
a groan leaves your mouth when you wake up. you feel someone clinging onto you and look down to see a face that brings a lazy smile to your lips.
momo’s head is on your shoulder, features pointing to the base of your neck. her breath is warm against you, and so is her body, and so is your heart. 
you rake a hand through her hair and she starts to shuffle against you. 
“oh, momo, sorry to wake you.”
“no, i kind of woke up earlier.”
“are you lying?”
“no, not at all.”
she lifts her head up and you meet the messy hair framing her face, puffy cheeks, and partially squitned eyes. she’s adorable, you note, just naturally so. 
your bodies are naked, flushing against each other under the sheets because momo got needy and wanted to hear you screaming her name again. of course you didn’t complain, because if anything, you wanted it too. 
momo’s attentive to everything she does, and you find out that she’s like that with what she does to you. with every motion, touch, and anything intimate, she’s making sure you’re into it, making sure you’re left gasping and whining under her. she’s aroused from you feeling good, that’s all it takes for her to be wet herself.
her eyes meet the skin above your chest. “that hickey is pretty dark.”
“and who is responsible for that?”
momo rolls her eyes. “let me give you some more.”
you’re not arguing against that.
it’s ten in the morning, both of you had just woken up and momo is slipping under the blanket. her head makes its way in between your legs and the thrill of not knowing what she’s doing under the blanket makes you blush. and then you feel a hand on your upper leg, her fingers ticklish adn making you giggle. 
you let out a loose groan when momo licks up your entrance, the grip on your legs grows tighter. momo’s tongue moves inside you, then tends to your clit; her tongue moves in ways that has your voice ringing out, reverberating in the room.
and when you cum, so wonderfully when it’s momo who’s making you do so, you shake and arch even as momo keeps going. she slows her tempo down before kissing the inside of your thighs, seconds later she peeks out the covers and you can’t help but laugh at the way she emerges.
“we’ve just woken up and you’re already wet.”
you scoff playfully, ruffling momo’s hair. “again, who’s fault is that.”
“mine but,” she hovers over you before kissing your lips. “you like it.”
she sits up now, straddling you in a way. “now let’s get breakfast, eating you out is great but my stomach might yell soon.”
you laugh at her. “you’re like a vacuum.”
“well who else is going to finish your food, y/n. be grateful. besides, you like that too.”
you like momo a lot, that’s for sure.
you like the way she asks how you are, how she listens to you, and how she’s given you aftercare for the first time since the first time you fucked thomas.
momo’s like a breath of fresh air. it feels different being with her, like a wild animal feeling tenderness and care for the first time – different, calm, and nice. the more you spend time with her after this, going on more dates and rambling your tongues off until you’re both tangled up and passed ou ton the couch; you can’t help but realize that she’s who your time belongs to.
she’s nothing like thomas, light years away from being any similar to him. it’s satisfying watching him watch the two of you bond like you should, his presence reminds you that momo’s the upgrade you need, and he can’t do anything about the fact that he’ll never compare to his step-sister.
it’s a few months later after your first encounter with momo – almost two months after you slept with her – the two of you walk with your arms linked through the same park near your place.
she orders you coffee and you fish out pastries from your bag to share. she leads you to the same place that she had brought you to when you had first met, sitting the two of you down in front of the same tree.
momo pulls out her sketchbook, you lean on her when she unlinks arms.
you peer at her curiously. “yes?”
“remember when i was talking about that design when we first met? the little seating area around that tree right there.” she points over at the little area where the tree stands. “it was for an assignment, but i tweaked some of the model and idea, looked over at some materials and–”
“what are you getting at?”
momo’s smiling big, so big that all her teeth show and her eyes almost close. 
“they’re going to add it.”
“it’s happening, we talked to the park management and they really like my idea.”
your eyes widen and jaw slacks open. momo laughs as you hug her pulling away and then kissing her on the lips proudly.
“oh my god? oh my god. momo! i’m so proud, oh my gosh…”
she giggles before kissing you again. “thank you baby. i actually wanted to thank you.”
“if it weren’t for you who listened to all my stupid rambling and listened so well, i don’t know if this would’ve happened.” momo begins, looking down at the paper and pen in her hands. then she looks at you with those big eyes of her, softening upon meeting your features. “and i know so much has happened and you’ve always been so great and–” 
she pauses, inhaling deeply.
“i just love you so much.”
she’s sitting there, looking at you with so much emotion, and you feel like a star in the sky has just been picked out and placed right in front of you. 
“momo, i love you too.”
if the world fell apart right this moment, you’d cling onto momo like your life depending on it. your hands find their way to her cheeks, you hold her face in your hands like she’d crumble if you let go – then, you kiss her, soft and sweet.
she moves her hand out of the way and you gasp. 
her cup of coffee tips over and leaks over, creating a palm sized stain on your coat. you watch as momo’s face contorts into one of panic, and then she picks up the cup, moving you away from the spill. you can’t help but laugh; you’re laughing at how she reacts to the situation, but also how perfect it is considering how your first time spent together – alone – had happened.
“i’m so sorry.” stars litter her eyes when she says it, you simply pull her in by the collar and kiss her again.
“you’re perfect.”
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anonymousicecream · 1 month
Twice's MiSaMo when becoming escorts
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"Sit." You instructed Momo, the escort you hired for the night, to sit on the bed. She then obeyed to your requests, as you walked up to her. She then grabbed your jeans, unbuttoning them before lowering it as well as your cock. "Mmmm someone's packing." Momo said, before she spat on her hand as she stroke your cock. You immediately groaned, feeling her soft and warm hands. "Faster, slut." You instructed her.
Momo starts stroking you faster for quite some time before changing her pace, alternating between slow and fast strokes, edging you. Feeling frustrated, you grabbed her head and pushed your cock into her mouth, making her moan in pleasure and shock. You held her steady as you start mouthfucking her, hearing groans as you do so, before you felt her scratch your thighs, as she grabbed onto something. It didn't take long before you thrusted one last time, thrusting inside her mouth as you came in her throat, coating her throat with your hot cum.
After you finished cumming, you pulled out of her mouth and pushed her onto the bed, getting yourself naked before you start stroking your cock. "Condoms?" Momo asked. "No condoms." You told her sternly, making her look at you in shock, before accepting your decision. You then stripped her, leaving her lower body naked while her top was still on, before you align yourself with her pussy, thrusting into her as you start fucking her.
"NNNGGGHHHH FUCK YOU'RE SO BIG!" Momo moaned as you start thrusting into her. Your thrusts were shallow but hard, leaving half of your cock inside, allowing your thrusts to get harder and deeper after each thrust. You felt her wrap her legs around your hips, allowing you to thrust deeper into her. "Fuckkkk, kiss me, touch my tits, please." Momo begged.
You leaned in to suck on her neck aggressively while moving your hands onto her tits, lowering her top before playing with them. It didn't take long before she starts clenching her pussy. "Cum. Just cum." You told her seductively.
She clenched her pussy intensely, as she came -- HARD -- on your cock. The sheer intensity of her orgasm, combined with her loud moans, scratches on your back, and increased tightness on her pussy, caused you to cum as well, as you thrusted deep inside her, cumming, filling up her womb. "AAHHHHHH FUCKKKK DADDYYYY!!!!" Momo moaned.
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"Ahhh fuck yes daddy, pound me. Faster please!!!" Sana moaned, as you thrusted harder and faster into her. You moved her hands onto the bedposts, handcuffing her into the bedposts, while still thrusting into her, albeit at a slower pace. After you cuffed her, you returned to thrusting into her, this time going faster. You started rubbing her clit, making her squirm and moan harder, before you reached your climax together.
She then came, squirting onto your cock, forcing your cock out of her pussy. You resumed rubbing her pussy to prolong her orgasm as you used your other hand to stroke your cock, before eventually cumming on her. The first spurt flew all the way onto her tits, before the rest spurt onto her midriff and pussy.
After you two came down from your highs, you scooped some of your cum, pushing it into her mouth as she sucked your cum off your fingers. You then scooped the rest onto her tits, rubbing them onto her tits and cleavage, before getting onto her tits, aligning your cock as you start titfucking her.
"Mmmhhh use my tits daddy, use them however you like." Sana teased you seductively. You then started thrusting faster, before bunching her tits together, making her cleavage tighter. "Imagine cumming on my tits daddy. Me, painted in your cum." Sana continues teasing you.
After a few moments, and more teasing from her, you felt close to cumming again. "Where do you want my load?" You asked her, trying to hold back from cumming as long as possible. "Just from my cleavage honey, try to aim onto my face." She said, as you thrust even faster and harder, before you reached your climax.
You spurt your cum out, hitting her face and lips, as you finish on her face, enjoying how you paint her face. "You like that, you fucking slut?" You asked her. "Yes, but I need more, and it's going inside me." She teased you, making you hard again.
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"Be a good boy and suck mommy's pussy." Mina said, as she raised her skirt, before sitting on your face. You raised your head, meeting her pussy halfway as you start kissing and licking the outside of her pussy. "You're so wet." You told her, before resuming your activities. You moved your hands onto her ass, caressing them and spanking them before you felt Mina grab onto your hands and cuffed them onto the bedposts. "No hands. Mouth only." She said, while smirking.
You then start sucking on her pussy, making her moan louder, throwing her head back. "FUCKKKK THAT'S IT!!!" Mina moaned louder. You got more aggressive in your oral activities, alternating between sucking and licking her pussy. It didn't take long before you moved your activities onto her clit as well, which seems to be the final straw for her.
"NNGGGHHHH FUCKKKKKKKK DADDYYYYY!!!!!" Mina moaned -- LOUDLY -- as she squirted on your face. You lapped her cum up, allowing them to enter your mouth, while still sucking on her pussy, helping her prolong her orgasm.
After she finished cumming, she got off your face and sat on your chest, as she watches you swallow her cum. "Good boy." She said, leaning in to kiss you on the lips, while moving her body downwards, reaching your cock. She then lift herself onto your cock, before lowering herself onto your cock.
"Ahhhh you're so big...." Mina moaned. "And you're so tight." You told her. After she adjust herself, she starts riding you slowly, enjoying each thrust, allowing the two of you to feel each other's insides. Not long after, she starts upping her pace, riding your cock deeper and faster after each thrust, before she manages to bottom out on your cock. After bottoming out, she starts grinding front and back, allowing you to feel her insides, before you managed to hit her g-spot. "AHHHH!" Mina moaned, enjoying how you hit her g-spot.
She then raised herself again, as she starts riding you again. "Cuffs off." You asked her. "No." She replied. "I'll give you the best orgasm of your life." You told her. "And what if you don't?" She asked back. "I'll pay triple." You said, making her consider. She then got onto work, uncuffing you as she continues riding you. After getting uncuffed, you moved your hands onto her tits, fondling with them as she rides you, helping her ride you by controlling her up and down by her tits.
It didn't take long before you felt her clench your pussy. "Cum with me." You told her, feeling her nod. You started thrusting upwards, moving your hands onto her hips, helping her stabilize herself as your thrusts meet hers, still increasing your pace. It didn't take long before you hit her g-spot AGAIN, but this time.....
"FUCKKK" Mina moaned, as she dropped onto your body, searching for your lips. It didn't take long for her to find your lips, and when she did, the two of you kissed immediately, passionately, as she came -- HARD -- onto your cock. You thrusted upwards again one last time, going as deep as possible, as you filled her womb. "Mmmmmhhhhhhh" The two of you groaned between kisses, feeling your cum filling up her womb, and her cum coating your cock, allowing the two of you to enjoy each other.
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ghostykapi · 2 months
need to take this stress off (this stress off)
hirai momo & fem!reader // oopz i made it spicy ehe! // mentions of a lil jealous momo n like also a background jealous sana over dubu ehe!
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momo swears she must have won the lottery to have you as her girlfriend
ever since meeting you, momo has been nothing but spoiled. may it be gifts, affection, time and love it doesn’t matter, a simple smile and you’re already doing anything and everything for her
it’s cute, the way you’re wrapped around her finger and the way you don’t bother denying it. why would you? you don’t even blink when they say you are a simp
it’s because they don’t know how much you’ve wrapped momo around your fingers and how much willing she is to worship you
nayeon can, unfortunately, attest to that
“y/n” the eldest is stressed at the way you are giggling, because she knows that you will cause trouble with that outfit you are wearing “we have work today”
“i also have work today” you pout, but nayeon smacks your arm out of stress “wha-hey! i can’t be the only one wearing cute outfits”
“yes but you have control” nayeon stresses her words, making sure it gets stuck in your head “momo has no self control when it comes to you”
“she’s going to be fine i swear!” you huff, though she knows deep down your intentions are different “she’s a big girl, she can handle herself”
“noooooo she literally can’t unless she’s on stage”
“she will have to make do, i have to look cute while working y’know. i may work as a day bartender but i will always be a cute day bartender”
nayeon is still groaning in protest, knowing how much momo will be distracted when you walk in the practice room, because you always drop food from the restaurant you work at on the dot every practice day
“don’t you have a uniform to wear?” nayeon asks, watching you dust down your skirt. it’s not short but because it’s paired with a cropped shirt that showcases your stomach and that new shiny belly piercing you have, she thinks that you’re looking too good for momo to handle
“yeah well today is the one day i’m free from the uniform rule. won a bet at work and now i’m cashing in” you giggle, and she thinks you are up to no good “anyway please step aside unnie i want to give you guys lunch and give my girlfriend a kiss”
“ffuuuuckking hell fine” nayeon gives up, letting you in and promptly causing all of twice to look over who just walked in the door.
you simply blink at the members who resume ‘fighting’ on the ground as you bring over bags full of lunch, to the couches, where momo gawks at you and your outfit. her words dying as she stares at you, too stunned at your outfit to even say anything
nayeon is right beside you getting lunch out of the boxes, eye rolling at how her roommate is acting.
you better not, nayeon’s mouths at momo over your back, we still have to practice the formation so you better not do what ever you think you want to do
“y/n!” dahyun appears right beside you, whistling at the boxes of food “thank you for bringing over food again”
“no problem dubu” you smile, ignoring momo’s staring, and the fact that dahyun’s seemingly a bit closer than usual. does she have the same intentions as you? “oh! i got you that drink you wanted too, you know the chocolate milk mixed with berries drink. i think i got the recipe dialed down so—”
you stop your rambling when you feel dahyun hug you, which is much appreciated, but you just got (1) caught off guard and (2) dahyun is wearing a short skirt and a tight top that she is using as a magnet for sana
“thank you unnie!” you’re blushing as you realize what she’s trying to do, especially with how (1) close she is, (2) how her lips are dangerously close to yours and (3) she has her hands on your exposed tummy oh god why does twice have such pointy nails–
“dahyunnie” “sweetheart”
whatever is happening though is immediately stopped, as momo and sana approach the both of you. where momo picks you up bridal style once sana manages to pull dahyun away. you swear you saw sana and momo have the same expression before it was wiped out with either a faux smile and a more sinister one
“emergency” momo says as you are carried out by her. her very strong arms carrying you away from twice, whom half are amused and the other half either stressed or confused on what just happened
sana hums at her best friend’s behavior before wrapping her arms around dahyun, whispering to her what kind of treatment she will get when she drags dahyun to her apartment.
the rest of twice watches as dahyun turns extremely red before requesting to finally eat lunch
you on the other hand are just so happy, because momo flags down a taxi, brings you inside and tells the driver to book it towards your apartment.
despite the earlier display, you were the one who puts her hand on your thigh, you’re the one who whispers to her all the things she can do when she gets home, she’s the one who takes in shaky breaths and smiles because goodness momo just looks so cute
despite the multiple texts of nayeon of i told you momo is unhinged when it comes to you, you laugh as you get dragged by momo towards inside your apartment and into your room.
momo is nothing but spoiled by you, so when you pull away from her advances, she starts whining and pouting
“no. you had practice today darling” you push her against the bed, making momo gulp at how sexy you look right now. “and i had work today. the manager only lets me out for 1 hour and you decide that i clock in out early? tsk tsk”
“you know better baby” you continue, but the smirk you wear and the way momo’s teeth are aching you both know whatever ‘scolding’ you have is pointless “so impulsive”
“please” momo lets you open her mouth, your thumb pressing down on her teeth, that brings out a whimper from her “please”
you coo, removing your thumb from her mouth before she can even try to suck on it
“awh baby you must be aching” her eyes are begging for any signal for her to go ahead, to do anything you both want and more
momo is desperate. you love her like this, proves to show how much you both need each other
“what are the magic words?”
“please” she gently grabs one of your hands that rests on her cheek and gives it a kiss “pretty girl please let me”
you kiss her, basically letting her loose. letting her fulfill whatever you promised her in that taxi
“you’re getting eager” you are delighted by the way she’s all over you, her hands sliding under your pathetic excuse of a shirt and bra, playing with the piercings you got just weeks ago “my pretty eager girl”
momo doesn’t bother replying, her mouth too preoccupied biting, nipping and sucking on the skin of your neck. your nails digging in the skin of her back, your eyes struggling to focus on the ceiling as she manhandles you like a toy
teeth aching and ready to do more, you feel her rip out whatever you are wearing. that actually shocks you, because you realize how flimsy cloth can be in your girlfriend’s strong hands, especially knowing she works out when she can
so by the time you’re just basically in your panties, you gently pull her by her hair
“ah ah ah” you gently push her away and standing up, the whine that escapes her mouth makes you even more wet “get rid of your clothes. wear a strap, pick which one you like baby, i wanna make sure you know who i belong to”
it takes her a few seconds to scramble to get rid of her clothes and to grab the pink glittery strap that’s just conveniently there, her mind only thinking of you
“cute” momo is so obedient, back to sitting, the only difference is that she has that glittery pink thick strap on her and you know that thing is going to break you
so you grant whatever she has been pleading. letting her get rid the last of what you are wearing, gently combing your hair as you lube up the strap and gently sink down on it. both of you gently moaning out the moment you fully take it all in, one in awe and one out of bliss
you control the pace by taking it slow. grabbing momo’s hands and letting them wherever you want them to stay on. whispering sweet words of praise at how good she is for letting you control her, how good she is for saying please, how much she deserves your mouth on her cunt after you are satisfied
it drives momo crazy, so much so that she gently thrusts her hips up at every praise, making you bit by bit up your own pace. suddenly you’re full on bouncing on her strap, panting and moaning at how it feels so amazing
“that’s it” momo is drooling over this view, the way you’re bouncing on her with your eyes hazy and the shiny piercings on your tits hypnotizing her “fucking bounce on me jus’ like that sweet girl”
you can feel the strap starting to break your mind, and it gets worse with the way momo is smirking, hips snapping up to meet yours. the slick already covering her hips and spreading to her abs making you absolutely more feral than you need to be
there’s a shift in the air, and all of the sudden momo has the control now
“look at you” she’s taunting you and yet she’s using one of her hands to draw slow tight circles on your clit, forcing you to start moaning louder and lose a bit of your rhythm “such a pretty fucking girl on top of me making a mess”
you can’t even comprehend that it’s coming to you like a truck, so when you snap, your back bends, eyes rolling too far back, thighs shake and you let out a choked up moan. momo’s quick to get a hold of you, pulling you against her, chest to chest, and continue to fuck you with animalistic speed
“oh no no no you don’t get to relax” she’s too feral for your own good, because now she’s got your back on the bed, you’re clinging and scratching unto her shoulders, her hips drilling deliciously more and more “my good girl doesn’t get to relax, oh no, she has to get fucked-mmph!-into oblivion!”
“please!” you wail, begging for something you don’t even know, your mind barely clinging on “baby–fuuuckkk–please let me–mph!–let me take a quick breather please please please”
“i can’t stop baby, you just look so good for me” she’s not stopping, only kissing you to silence your moans “sound so delicious for me, i think i need to eat you out after this hmm? would you let me pretty girl? you don’t want me to starve do you hm?”
“n-no i” you are so close again, the pleasure doubling up as you keep on going higher and higher “i’m so close please just let me cum again please”
she grants you what you want, that leads you to scream out, her lips messily locking against yours to muffle the moans, her hips rocking out the orgasm and her hands rubbing your sides to help you calm down when she pulls back
“my woman” you hear her whisper “my amazing sexy woman”
when you finally have the energy to properly take a look at her, you notice that she’s still slowly rocking that strap that’s inside of you. the slow movements and the hands that are placed on your hips only tell one thing
“my stunning girl”
her turn to be mean and ruin you
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unstable-samurai · 4 months
Until You're Mine (Jealous Girlfriend) - smut
Momo x Male Reader
Word Count: 4k
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Tags: toxic relationship, jealous girlfriend, non-linear story, possessive girlfriend, first sex, penetration, boobjob, facial
She was awake when he arrived. She heard the door latch turn twice as it was unlocked. There were always two turns, fast and firm. Y/N saw her lying on the couch, watching another animated movie. It was the kind of movie she looked for when she really needed to be distracted, her escape valve or something, so seeing her there in front of the TV close to midnight (it was much later than that, but he had no idea), turned on an emergency light in his mind.
Normally he was the owl of that house.
“Hey baby, why’re you still awake?” he asked. “I said you didn’t have to wait for me.”
“I just felt like watching a Studio Ghibli film. Only that.” She explained without looking at him.
No fucking way it was just that. She was frowning. One of those moments where Momo turned into a bomb and it was up to Y/N to disarm it without it exploding. The problem was that this was an impossible task to do, any wire he cut would result in an explosion. And that was the last thing he wanted. His head was already a battlefield in itself. That damn company party had exhausted his social battery, which wasn’t much anyway. Y/N didn’t have the courage to provoke an aerial bombardment that night.
He sat on the left end of the sofa, Momo didn't mind moving his legs so he could have more space.
"OK. Is the film already close to the end? I can watch it with you.”
“Did you have fun there?” she asked.
"Yes. Was cool."
“You’re watching the movie, I don’t want to disturb you. In the morning I’ll tell you everything.”
"Just that?
"No details?" she questioned him quite insistently.
Y/N had his head focused on the bath he was going to take in a while and how he was going to sink his head into the pillow. No more plastic masks, fake laughs, shallow people, please.
She paused the movie.
“What a ridiculous excuse. It sounds like you were trying to hide the things that happened at the party.”
“No, it doesn’t sound…” He was almost sure of it.
“Yes it does, you bastard.”
“It wasn’t even a party. We were all among work colleagues.”
“I've been to enough parties to know that it was YES a party. Loud music, drinks, pool, snacks. The complete package.”
“It’s a damn modern company, okay? They please the employees and pretend to be cool so that we forget the slavery we are subjected to on a daily basis. You kids had fun on Saturday and you’ll work overtime on Monday, okay?”
“Wait, I made a mistake. In fact: VIP package. They even hired prostitutes. Five star service.”
“Are you high or what?”
He was too tired to read the signs.
“I saw the way she kept touching you. The giggles... As if you were the funniest clown on the planet and she was a fucking hyena.”
Y/N abruptly stood up from the couch. He had finally understood everything. The last spark of his neurons, probably.
“There were no prostitutes. And I wasn't chatting up with any girls.”
"Oh, really?" She stood up too. “Let me refresh your memory, dear: short black hair, horse smile, lilac dress, can't stand alone unless she's supported by a man, small tits... Seriously, I don't know why she decided to wear that dress with cleavage if there was nothing there to show. Someone should tell her the truth. So, does this remind you of anyone, my love?”
The fucking bomb exploded in his hand.
“That was Rachel, a friend from work. How the hell did you know what was going on at the party?”
Momo laughed sadistically. Her wickedly beautiful eyes looked at him with intensity as she asked:
“Are you afraid?”
"No. I didn't do anything wrong to get scared. Did someone record me at the party?”
"Yes. And it wasn't just that. I also watch the stories of those who were at the party and you appeared in some of them in the corners. I saw everything.”
Here's a little overview of this relationship: A year and a half of dating. They met through mutual friends and the first deep contact was delayed, but when it happened it ended up becoming a path of no return. Y/N avoided her as much as he could, not in a way that would be noticeable and make him seem rude. But we were talking about an incredibly beautiful woman, aware of her attractiveness and unfettered by modesty. She was with a group of eight other beautiful and popular girls. Yes, she was elite. High caliber, my friend. Well, he was... quiet, an avid reader, calm and sometimes melancholic, but he loved being with his friends and enjoying them on the weekends, respecting his limits, of course. When he saw Momo for the first time he cowardly ignored her. She looks stunning in front of his eyes, wearing a short denim skirt, a baby tee that leaves her sculpted abs on display and her hair flowing in the wind as she dances. There was no way to predict that the plan would backfire; by not noticing her, Y/N became one of the few guys who didn't try to flirt with her. Apathetic guy, but handsome enough to take risks, the little boy who only swims in the shallow end, a plastic armor he forced himself to wear.
The reason? Momo didn't know, but she wanted to find out.
On one of the many night outs where they bumped into each other, Momo skillfully simulated an intimacy that clearly didn't exist between them, talking to Y/N closely, fake accidental touches, and killer eye contact. Abruptly, intimacy between them was forged and evolved in a short space of time. After a while it was no longer strange when they were among friends and Momo sat on his lap, or when she felt tired and rested her head on his shoulder. And Y/N could play hard to get, but he loved the attention he got from Momo, the controversial “bad bitch” (as some girls who didn't like Momo called her), the most attractive girl he knew was always glued to him, and the sexual chemistry that grew over time intoxicated his ego. Being with her made him feel good and more confident and also… shit, she was more than a superficial person or 'just another one of those teasing girls' like a lot of guys used to think. She had a unique way, attitude and things to say too.
“Were you acting like a stalker all night? Seriously, watching stories of other people trying to see me from the corners is a fucking weird thing.”
“And you've been acting like you don't have a girlfriend all night? I almost called Jihyo to drive me to this party to say a few things to that bitch. But I’m not that kind of girlfriend.”
“What is the reason we are arguing? This shit doesn't make sense. I'm exhausted..."
“Have you forgotten your promise? You told me you would arrive early...”
“I didn’t look at the time when I was there. I thought it was still early when I was leaving the party.”
A cynical laugh escaped Momo's mouth.
“You didn't even bother to look at your fucking cellphone to check the time. What is your problem?"
Y/N sighed. He should have already known that going to this party wouldn't be a good idea.
“You know I only went to the party to establish some contacts with the other branch. The damn job forces me to maintain a good relationship with everyone.”
"Poor boy! Does it also force you to talk to sluts?”
"This again?!”
“A little bird told me you were too close to each other on the couch.”
“Who was this damn person?”
“Why blow the heroine’s cover? Maybe she’ll be there again at the next parties.”
“Would you like it if I hired someone to follow you around?”
"Go ahead. I have nothing to hide, because I have consideration and respect for you, asshole!”
“According to you, I cheated you just by sitting on a couch talking to a co-worker. A colleague who can help me move up in the company as she has just been promoted.”
“Apparently it’s not just at work where she likes to be promoted.”
"What do you want from me?" he asked, feeling defeated.
"You know what I want."
“Honestly, I don't know. God must be punishing me for some sin I committed, that’s the only explanation.”
“Make me your girlfriend or your tormentor. You decide." She took a step forward. “You know I could be with anyone. But I'm with you ‘cause I love you, idiot.”
If only there wasn't something genuine about it all.
Being alone with her knocking down topic after topic like dominoes was so fucking enjoyable, the way she laughed, the way she listened to him (Momo didn't interrupt him even during the long pauses he took when he needed to organize his line of reasoning, a mere peculiarity of his but which never went under her radar), the way she could be incredibly silly at times and, even without sharing many common interests, Momo liked having him explain things that were previously uninteresting to her. This attention he received was blinding and addictive. Growing up in a harmful and neglectful home, neediness was his compass and his weakness. But he never showed signs. Y/N was good at disguising it... He thought so.
Their first sex was an unforgettable moment, a path of no return, in the same way that a criminal remembers the moment of the crime that sentenced him to prison. It occurred when they were on a camping trip, good friends gathered, each to their own tent, campfire, marshmallows, snacks, stupid horror stories, and wine. One of the few moments where he felt slightly intimidated around her, as he felt Momo watching him like a predator, and after each glass of wine she became more and more intoxicated, grabbing Y/N from behind and wrapping her arms around him. “It’s very cold here” she whispered in his ear. And Y/N couldn't tell if it was the wind or Momo's velvety voice so close to him that made him shiver.
The hours passed incredibly quickly, eventually everyone retreated to their tents, and eventually there was a slow cessation of the noises of people, finally leaving only the cold whistle of the wind, the rustle of leaves in the trees that surrounded the hill where they were camped and the symphony of insects orchestrated by crickets and cicadas.
He heard sneaky footsteps. It was certainly someone who needed to take a piss and didn't want to wake the others. But the footsteps got louder and louder until he noticed that someone was actually coming to his tent, stopping in front of the entrance. The flash on his cell phone was on (he was reading a book and the damn camp lamp was emitting a horrible orange light), so he pointed the light at the entrance of the tent and saw a very familiar silhouette.
“It’s me, Momo. Let me in!" she whispered. "Quickly!"
Y/N lowered the zipper, opening the way for her.
“What are you doing up?” he asked.
“I was sleepless so I decided to come and check on you.”
"I am well thanks."
She was wearing comfortable clothes. Striped pajama pants, a sweatshirt that was too big on her and her hair loose and messy. Y/N noticed that Momo had removed her makeup. It was the first time he had seen her like that.
"What are you reading?" Momo asked as she sat down.
“Tropic of Cancer, by Henry Miller.”
"Cool! What is it about?!"
How the hell was he going to explain this?
“About a guy living in Paris.”
"It seems good. Read a chapter to me.”
"How old are you?"
“Don’t be annoying. Let's do it like this: I point the cell phone's flash at the book and you hold it while you read to me. This way we can read lying down.”
Hard to refuse, hard to say 'no' to her.
“You know I love you too, Momori.” he said
Momo was wearing his long-sleeved shirt, she loved that shirt and, truth be told, it looked incredibly good on her. The legs so sensually exposed... Was that still a discussion?
“Sometimes you make me doubt this love, baby. Do you like making me look crazy? I swear to God you love seeing me jealous. When I get like this, does it make you horny?”
“No” he lied to one of the questions.
“You know how I am, Y/N.” One more step forward. She could touch him if she wanted. “And I only ask one thing: don’t talk to other girls. We establish a limit and then cross it, what is the purpose?”
Now closer he could smell her, her body that was warmed by the blanket. Nipples hardened through the fabric of her clothing.
“You look so beautiful...” he blurted out of her mouth.
“But I don’t think I’m beautiful enough for you since you try to be with other girls when I’m not around.”
"Is not true. I only have eyes for you, Momori.”
With a decisive gesture she grabbed Y/N by the collar of his social shirt. A noise escaped his mouth. Slowly she ordered:
“Say you are mine. Say you belong to me.”
He felt her head moving on his chest, he thought she was just looking for a comfortable position, until he was surprised by a kiss on the neck. And another one. And another, and they were getting more and more intense.
"What are you doing?" he asked as he lowered the book, the air escaping from her mouth.
“This book is really interesting and even put me in the mood to do something more fun.”
"What are you talking about?"
He had his hands pressed into Momo's arms, but he made no real effort to push her away.
“I know what you think about me. I know what you want from me. Don’t try to hide it now.” Her voice breathy and wavering. “I want to fuck you so bad, fuck!”
Y/N turned Momo around, placing her back on the floor and then getting on top of her.
“Momo…” His head was a hurricane. Was this really happening? “I've imagined the two of us doing this, but I never thought it could actually happen.”
There was a pause that was filled by a kiss.
“I don’t think you know how hot you are. Other girls were also eyeing you, so I decided to act quickly.”
Y/N lifted Momo's sweatshirt, and was able to appreciate and touch her abs for the first time. Kissing her abdomen was like an achievement, she knew how beautiful it was, that's why she never made a point of hiding it. The soft, slightly sweaty skin met his lips in a mix of sensations.
He lifted her sweatshirt a little more, exposing her juicy boobs. They were big, he knew that, but the first glimpse paralyzed him for an instant, he was amazed, and his hand filled with desire wasted no time in grabbing one of the tits while his mouth sucked the other..
“Oh, Y/N” she moaned.
The cell phone's flashlight went out as they rolled from side to side in the camping tent. Surrounded by the weak orange light of the camp lantern, the senses now seemed more heightened, the touches more intense and brazen, the breathing more labored and an uncontrollable lust, noticeable in several ways, such as Momo's pussy that wet his fingers when he touched her down there.
“I belong to you” he declared. “Is that what you wanted to hear? I am only yours, Momori.”
She smiled satisfied.
"Sit down!" she exclaimed harshly, and pushed him onto the couch. Momo certainly knew how to impose herself when she wanted, the mechanism of submitting him to her will through horny never failed. Sitting on his lap, she said: “You like to make me suffer, you know that? You like having your girlfriend mad so she can have hard sex with you and get you back on track. So depraved, baby!”
It was partly true, although he wasn't consciously acting to make her jealous. The problem was that this wasn't a difficult task, the girl was possessive as hell, so the options fluctuated between becoming a puppy on a leash or floating on the waves of a tide that could occasionally get... Aggressive.
"Do not say that. I don’t like making you feel bad.”
Momo kissed him, she felt Y/N getting excited down there.
“And yet you hurt me.”
He couldn't refute it, so her tongue had another use; warm and wet, she played with Momo's tongue. She sighed when he lightly bit her lower lip, slowly removing the pressure, enjoying her taste like a professional taster.
“It was never my intention,” he said. “Your jealousy is sick.”
“Living with you is hell, you know that?” she revealed. “But you always make me feel so surrendered." Momo slowly touched her nose to Y/N's. She whispered: "It’s a fucking hell, baby.”
Instead of responding, he decided to dedicate a series of kisses to her neck. Momo loved it, it was her weakness. She smiled while letting out small moans of satisfaction.
Momo stroked his dick and under the fabric of his underwear and pants he was already completely hard, waiting for her. She rubbed her hand on his dick eagerly while he felt her breasts and left hickey marks on her neck.
“Oh baby, I want your cock in my pussy so bad!”
He covered her mouth with his hand while he penetrated her deeply. The friends' camping tents were close to Y/N's, and Momo was moaning loudly, so it wouldn't be difficult to hear her in the silence of the night.
“Shhh! You can’t make noise like that!” he said breathlessly.
“It’s fucking hard. Your dick is really big.”
At one point she crossed her legs around Y/N's waist and he could feel her pussy getting tighter and wetter. Immediately Y/N laid his body under hers, penetrating her with force, feeling her pussy swallow his cock eager for pleasure. She moaned loudly, Y/N sucked on her tongue in an attempt to suppress some of the noise, Momo's eyes rolling back in pleasure as her legs tightened around him, pulling him deeper, as if she could never have him inside enough. Each thrust was an explosion of raw sensation, her insides wetting his cock urgently as he fucked her with wild love, each movement driven by desire that had been postponed for too long.
“Lie on your side!” Y/N asked.
He watched her with burning lust, his eyes fixed on her pert ass, eager to possess her in a different way. With one quick movement, he positioned himself behind her, his cock pulsing with anticipation as he slid in, feeling enveloped by the warm wetness of her wet pussy. He gripped Momo tightly, his hands marking her skin as he fucked her sideways, each thrust sending waves of electric pleasure throughout her body. Momo's moans filled the air, soft and sweet, mixing with the sounds of the wet friction his dick made as it slid inside her. All the touches, the intimate conversations, the looks that met and lost each other when they were in the circle of friends, the jealousy they hid from each other when one of them was talking to someone else, all these things led them to this moment , and now they assumed this feeling… making love.
Momo showed some of her talent when she rode his dick with her back to him, Y/N's body rippling with desire as she rode him with full force. Her hips moved with an erotic cadence, his cock disappearing inside her with each thrust as if he were plunging into a warm ocean. He squeezed Momo's fat ass, guiding her movements as she gave herself over to the frenzy of sex, her moans intensifying with each thrust – fuck if anyone would hear. The tension between them was palpable, the air in the tent stifling as they neared their climax. And then, finally, Momo squirted, her body shaking with the intensity of her orgasm, as Y/N watched her in wonder in the light of the camp lantern, her silhouette writhing with pleasure, so perfect, so sensual that he could fill her of cum at that moment.
Something he didn't do.
Things happened so fast that Y/N didn't have time to put on a condom. Well, truth be told, he DID NOT have a condom in his tent (not the kind of thing you think about taking on a camping trip with friends when you're a single guy).
“Cum for me, baby” she asked, her voice full of lust. “Where do you want to cum?”
“On your tits.”
It was one of Y/N's fantasies, it usually came to his mind when he saw Momo with cleavage. Now it all seemed so intentional...
Y/N stood on top of Momo, his desire burning so strong he could barely think straight. With shaking hands, he grabbed Momo's massive boobs, feeling his hard-on grow as he squeezed them tightly. Y/N wanted to feel every inch of that soft flesh surrounding his thick cock, he wanted to sink into that delicious sensation until he lost his mind. And then, without further hesitation, he began to move frantically, sliding his hard cock between Momo's breasts with great desire. Loud moans echoed through the tent as he gave in to the pleasure of that sensation, losing himself in the sensation of heat and pressure.
“You gonna cum for me, huh?” she asked between moans, making a point of maintaining latent eye contact while smiling naughty.
“Yeah, I'm gonna cum for you, baby! You're gonna make me cum, Momo.”
“please please, cum for me!! Yeah! Cum for your naughty babygirl...” she begged, hot as fuck, while biting her lower lip like a horny bitch.
And when Y/N finally reached the edge he let out a primal groan, his orgasm exploding in a hot shot over Momo's boobs and face. She looked so beautiful like that in the light of the camp lamp. Y/N brushed her face with his dick, making a nice mess on that adorable little face, and she smiled while this happened, Momo smiled until he finished his art, she finished the job by licking what was left on the head of his dick.
Uninhibited from any shyness, thanks to the endorphins his brain had released, he smiled at her, finding her the most beautiful woman in the world, and into Momo's precious eyes, Y/N confessed: 'I wanna love you.’
It's common to look for culprits in a dysfunctional relationship, who manipulates who, the prisoner and the jailer and all that old story. It's hard to admit that sometimes there is a dark pleasure in predicting events, returning to the same place that is your refuge and your sentence. Most people shoot at "emotional dependence", but few dare to target "connivance". Y/N felt like he was part of the second option. Repeat the fucking pattern, see the wheel spin in the same direction, the same trip as before. It's your pit of lies and acceptance, man, you smell the stench and yet you insist on moving forward, it's not much different than a dog licking its own vomit. At the end of the day, no one will tell you that you deserve better.
If you really deserve it.
"I remember what you said to me that night in the camping tent." She whispered, lying under his chest. "When we had sex for the first time. 'I wanna love you'. That's what you said. Your voice was so sweet and calm. I think that's when I realized that my feelings for you were really special."
The two were snuggled in bed, protected from the cold by the blankets, completely naked after having sex. This was always how fights ended, and the question that arose was: what's the next thing, now? An apology? Unfounded promises about how to improve as a person? Affectionate words to dissolve what was said during the fight? It was a mystery box.
"Those were the words? I honestly don't remember the exact words clearly."
"That's exactly what you told me. I slept with you in the camping tent feeling very happy."
"I was happy to be with you too."
"But at that time I didn't realize that you were actually still trying to fall in love with me. You wanted to love me, but you didn't really love me yet."
"I was a little confused at that time."
"What now? Are you still trying to love me?"
"I love you, Momori. but at the same time... I don't think we work together.”
"We agreed to it then. And honestly, does it matter?"
"I don't know. I feel like it doesn't matter anymore."
"Yeah! And look, we're not the only couple to go through problems like this. We're not alone in this, baby. Forget that Hollywood bullshit about perfect couples. It's not real. It's okay for me to stay like this, as long as we stay together."
"We always fix things."
"Making love is a great way to solve problems. That's our formula."
"Come here, my love" he said.
A/N: sorry for any grammar errors 🖖
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cry4mina · 5 months
Death of Peace of Mind
(Dom!Momo x Fem!reader)
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Word Count: 4.6k
Pure Filthy Smut/Maybe fluff if you squint?
Summary: You spend the afternoon being a brat to Momo via text and you pay for it later.
TW: this is literally just fucking. If that’s not something you want to read, please don’t! Strap ons, mommy kink, breeding kink, Momo is a top!, reader is a brat. Yeah.
A/N: Thanks to Momo brain rot for this happening and the moots for listening to me ramble about this for days. @nr1chaedickrider for the breeding kink ideaaaaaaaa.
“Alright babe, I’m leaving for practice…I have a meeting afterwards so I’ll be out a little later than usual.” leaning down to kiss you goodbye as you lay on the couch.
She’s wearing a black cropped tank top that leaves nothing to the imagination, abs and arms out for the world to see. Dad hat holding her hair out of her face and some leggings that hug her figure so beautifully that it makes your mouth water with the thought of tasting her.
Grabbing the back of her head, taking her hat off and pulling her closer to you creating a little more passion, shifting to sit up, holding her tightly while biting down lightly on her bottom lip and tugging.
Momo moans into your mouth, getting lost in you for a moment as you maneuver her on top of you, her knee between your legs and her body pressed against yours. Grinding down on her thigh lightly and running your nails softly over her muscular back in an attempt to snare her into your trap.
“I have to go, my love. You make it so hard to leave when you’re so needy for me. I’ll take care of you later, okay?” whispered merely centimeters away from your lips in a sultry tone, before she stood up and tried to head for the door. Hand not willing to let her go as you yank her back to you, causing her to stumble and fall on top of you.
Momo giggles, caressing your face as she kisses you passionately causing your hips to start lightly rocking against her body again, desperate for her touch.
“Do me a favor, baby?” innocence lacing the tone of her voice as she gets up grabbing her keys and heads for the door.
“Hm?” eyes filled with hunger as you follow her with every movement, hoping she will skip practice and stay between your legs.
“Don’t touch yourself while I’m gone.” Blowing you a kiss with a cheeky smile and stepping out of the door.
Scoffing and rolling your eyes, looking at the clock to see it was only 3:45pm. Even more frustrated knowing she won’t be home until 9ish tonight, you pout to yourself, missing her touch.
You flick on the TV for background noise so you could scroll through your phone and try to keep your mind off of your loving girlfriend.
7:30pm on the clock and your want for her only gets deeper, unable to keep her out of your head space for long. The fire in your stomach aches, thinking of the ways she could defile you and resisting the urge to slide your hands down the front of your pants.
Momo was always so sweet and gentle with you, having a dominant streak in the softest way. You wanted to see how far you could push her and if she would actually break when you did.
A smirk on your face as you open your messages, knowing she would be in her meeting around the rest of twice and her managers discussing their latest come back. You were going to insert yourself into her thoughts.
You: Baby
Momo: Hi honey, almost done
You: I need you
Momo: What's wrong, my love?
Momo: Is everything okay?
You: I miss the way you say my name
Momo: ??
She had to know what you meant but you were going to make sure she knew what was going to happen when she got home.
You: I miss the way you taste
Momo: Y/n…don’t start this right now…I told you I’d be home later to take care of you.
Putting your hand into your underwear and snapping a picture of what seems to be you touching yourself and sending it to her. Imagining her face when she sees it, in a room full of people that know her well enough to know when she’s flustered. Her turning bright red in anger thinking you’re doing exactly what she told you not to do.
You: *photo*
Momo: *thumbs down react*
Momo: Y/n…I told you not to touch yourself and you’re doing it anyway?
The plan to push her buttons was in full motion, sensing her annoyance already seeping into the tone of her texts.
Usually, you were on your best behavior for her but not today. She left you aching and unattended, did she really expect you to wait?
You: Maybe…what are you going to do about it? You aren’t here to stop me.
Giggling at provoking her, hoping you’d get an amplified version of your sweet adoring girlfriend.
Momo: You better stop or I won’t give you what you want when I get home.
You: Make me 😏
Imagining the fire behind Momo’s eyes with her jaw clenched in anger made you drip with anticipation of her arrival home. A new game ensued. How many of her buttons could you push before she got home? How angry can you make her before she gets here?
Momo: Fine. If you want to fuck yourself, do it.
Sighing immediately, was she really going to give in so easily and let you get away with this? It barely even started. Glaring into nothing as you toss your phone on the table, only to hear it vibrate again almost immediately.
Momo: You better not stop.
Momo: You aren’t allowed to cum. I want you ready for me when I get there.
The knot in your stomach tightens at the response you weren’t expecting, realizing she was just as ready to play this game as you were as another ping comes through.
Momo: That’s an order.
A smirk made its way to your face, snapping another picture of your waistband, no hand present down the front this time and sending it off.
Half lidded eyes anticipating her response, hips starting to move on their own without any stimulation, just thinking about what she would do to you if you kept annoying her this way.
Momo: Then I won’t help you cum later.
Momo: Why would I want to help a brat who doesn’t want to help herself?
Momo: Maybe I’ll just get you all riled up and leave you soaked and useless, ruining your panties for me.
Momo: I won’t give you anything you want, slut.
Oh, she is pissed. She’s only ever called you a slut once before and you had to beg her to do it. After years of trying to break her of her soft-top tendencies, she was finally catching onto what you wanted from her and applying it full force.
Whimpering into the quiet room you were laying in, a wet spot accumulating quickly underneath you, imagining her with her hands around your throat as you formulate your response carefully.
You: You wouldn’t be able to resist me dripping for you.
You: You think just because I push a few of your buttons, you won’t make me cum?
You: Aren't you going to take what’s yours?
“I wonder how far I can take this…” thinking out loud as you type out your next message. Momo was already furious with you, why not see how far you could push before she broke.
You: Or should I get someone else to take care of me, since you won’t?
Holding your breath as you wait, only having to wait a few seconds before the messages roll in.
Momo: …Someone else?? Oh, honey.
Momo: You are mine. I’ll be sure to remind you of that later.
A wave of heat flushes through your entire body, you loved how possessive over you she was. Always lightly marking you up anytime she could, even in public when someone looked at you a little longer than needed. Momo would pull you a little closer and bite down hard enough for you to moan in an act of dominance.
Maybe this time her marks would be darker.
Momo: You are lucky you aren’t here.
Momo: I’d have you under this desk on all fours, centimeters away from my pussy. No touching. No licking. Nothing.
Momo: Just making you watch me fuck myself.
Momo: Maybe I’d let you suck in my fingers, just to remind you of my taste.
Eye wide at the response, mouth open in pure shock at what she just said to you. You’d never seen her react this way before and you were very eager to explore it.
You: Come home, now.
Hastily typed out. Aching at the idea of Momo fucking the brat out of you.
Momo: No.
Momo: But maybe I’ll show you what I mean when I get there…I’ll make you wish you never started this.
Momo: Don't test me.
Thinking about how you could provoke her more when a lovely idea pops into your head. You slide your sweats off, pull your panties to the side and run your fingers down your slit and gather your slick, spreading it over your folds. Parting your lips, taking a picture of it and sending it off to Momo.
You: *photo*
Momo: My pathetic little whore.
A chill down your spine causes you to squirm senselessly at her response, moaning lightly into the empty room as she stokes the fire building within you.
You: Yes, baby?
Momo: I bet you’re clenching around nothing just thinking about me.
Momo: I’ll get you so god damn close and then ruin every orgasm you have.
Momo: Keep going to see how this ends for you.
Smirking and knowing you have her exactly where you want her.
You: I want you to ruin me and I’m going to push you until you give me exactly what I want.
Momo: Oh baby, I’m going to ruin you.
Momo: But don’t cry when I don’t let you cum.
You: I’ll cum before you get home.
Relentlessly poking at the tensions building between the two of you, glancing at the clock to see 8:18pm. She’ll be on her way home soon and maybe you’ll ignore her until she’s in front of you.
Momo: You better fucking not.
Momo: I swear y/n if i come home and you are anywhere near close to cumming, you’ll regret it.
Five minutes goes by and your phone is vibrating without any break in sight, just watching her messages come in and giggling to yourself as her rage shows its face.
Momo: You desperate little brat, you better not be doing what I think you’re doing.
Momo: You have 3 minutes to answer me or you’ll regret it!
Phone ringing as Momo calls you, smile across your face as you try to answer the phone with a careless tone.
“What are you doing?” tone riddled with animosity.
“Laying on the couch watching TV…what are you doing?” Nonchalantly thrown back at her.
“Excuse me?” Scoffing at the audacity of you being so calm after what you pulled during her meeting.
“You’re just going to pretend like you didn’t jus- you know what…I’ll see you soon.” hanging up the phone immediately.
You’re surprised as she ends the call abruptly and try to patiently wait for her arrival, deciding to add a little spice to this already heated situation.
Running upstairs and stripping almost completely nude, leaving a trail of clothes behind you. How mad would she be if she came home and saw you touching yourself over your underwear on her side of the bed?
You didn’t start until you heard the front door open, slowly sliding your fingers down to your cloth covered folds. You’re absolutely sopping wet when you hear her exclaim at your trail of clothes, followed by an annoyed chuckle.
“Oh…you fucking bitch.” Grimaced through teeth, followed by heavy footsteps up the stairs. Excitement quickly spreads across your face, hastily trying to hide it before she sees.
The bedroom door flies open, slamming against the wall as Momo steps through the threshold with her jaw clenched, brows furrowed, and a scowl that could’ve turned the meanest person into a crying mess.
“What the fuck do you think your doing?” calmly said through gritted teeth as she watches you rub your clit through your soaked underwear.
“Baking cookies.” taking your finger and bringing it to your mouth to slowly suck the slick that seeped through the fabric of your panties off of them, making direct eye contact with a flushed Momo.
“Did you want a taste, baby?” smug in your expression, so proud of how livid she looks, when suddenly a slight smile forms on her face.
This causes your gaze to drop instantly as she goes into your closet and pulls out one of her black silk ties. Leaning nonchalantly onto the frame, making direct eye contact with you as she loops the smooth fabric within itself to create a pair of make-shift handcuffs, slowly sauntering over to you as she tightens a few of the knots before stopping short at the edge of the bed.
“Get up.” cold as ice from her lips, one her eyebrows raised at you as she gathers her hair and pulls it up into a small ponytail, a few locks hanging to shape her face.
Completely stunned by the energy she’s emitting, unable to do anything but gawk at how enticing she looked when she was this angry. Watching it steam off of her when she suddenly grabbed your ankles and pulled you to the edge of the bed, causing you to squeal out of shock.
A hand slides from your stomach up your chest, fingertips dancing on your skin as she clamps her hand around your throat and pulls you up into a seated position, squeezing lightly and getting an inch from your face.
“Since my little slut thinks it’s okay to do whatever she wants, regardless of what I say, I’m going to show you what being a defiant whore gets you.” grabbing one of your wrists as she crawls into the bed behind you, pulling your arm with her and fastening it next to the other one, tightening just enough so you can’t wiggle out.
This new side of Momo had you leaking for whatever was next, watching her remove the black tank top and leggings, exposing her bare breasts and red thong with a sizable wet spot on it.
“Seems like you might like me being a defiant bitch…” slyly said as you tug at the restraints, unintentionally making them tighter as you pull.
Chuckling to herself as she pushes you down onto your back by your chest, going over to the nightstand to pull something out of the drawer where you keep the toys. She throws something on the bed, you were too focused on her to even know what it was.
“Awh, look at how your pussy weeps for me. Aren’t you just a perfect little slut for Mommy?” dragging a single finger up your drenched underwear causing a whimper to erupt from you as she licks your nectar off her middle digit.
“Is my baby so needy? Desperate for me to touch her? You’ll watch before you touch…If I allow you to touch.” climbing over top of you and hovering her cunt so close to your face as she teases you.
“I’ll just fuck myself over your face and make you watch. I’ll make you regret defying me” as a hand descends down to her slit, lightly rubbing her swollen clit over the lace that barely hides it.
Your entire body is on fire as you watch the way she rocks her hips over your face, thighs clenched as she makes sure to be louder than normal for you, torturing you with her moans as she grinds on her own hand, smacking your thighs behind her to stop you from gaining any pleasure by your own doing.
“Please” urgently escapes your lips before you can stop it as you tilt your neck up, trying to taste her. Warm breath causes her to let out a string of whimpers before finding a seat on your chest, legs starting to tremble as she speeds up the pace she’s tracing her slit.
Feeling how warm her slick is as she toys with her clit over the fabric right in front of your face. She’s got the most desperate look in her half lidded eyes as she pulls her panties to the side and makes you watch her spread her wetness around her folds.
“That’s right - fuck -, you better fucking beg.” gasped through blushed cheeks. She’s dripping onto your chest as you squirm underneath her, pulsating the words you rarely heard in the times you’ve seen Momo get a little more aggressive than usual.
“Please, I’ve waited for you all day…I need you.” aching as you plead for her to give you something, anything, to satiate the burn between your legs, slowly starting to thrust your hip light.
“…mmm, do you really think you deserve it after what you did? After all, you can’t do one little thing for me - shit- …why should I reward a disobedient brat like you?” cursing at the sensation she was giving herself.
“Be-...because you love me…?” pouting underneath her, catching her a little off guard. She slows down in her stutter, grabbing you hair roughly as she scoots up closer to your chin.
“Open your mouth.” Harshly stated through gritted teeth, eyes glaring down at your fuck me eyes and smirk of defiance, clenching your jaw just to show her you are, in fact, going to make her work for this.
“ I said, " Open. Your mouth.” half hissed as she tightened her grip on your hair, pulling you up to her drenched core. Sticking your tongue out immediately and tasting the sweet juices of a livid momo.
Scooting closer with legs on the sides of your head, she grinds into you at full force, clit hitting your nose and gliding down to your chin. Simply using your face the way that she pleased when she picks up her speed, how was she already this close?
Her flavor permeates your senses, dripping down your neck as she rides your tongue faster, leaning back to lightly tease your clit over the ruined panties you were wearing, causing you to moan desperately into her core.
Shuttering at the vibrations, bucking her hips faster as she lets out one of the most guttural moans you’ve ever heard from her. Moving your face as fast as you can against her, attempting to help her ride out the feeling, her clenching as your tongue passes her entrance.
“Fuck…now you want to be good for me?” harshly questioned as she gets up off your face and removes her underwear for good. Standing naked before you, muscles on display for you to see before she kneels down between your legs, throwing them over her shoulders and bringing her face to your cunt.
“Do you think you’re desperate enough to cum like this?” taking a long lick right up the center of you.
“Or should I be nice and remove these?” lightly slapping your clit, not allowing you to reply, as she pulls the elastic- completely snapping it to remove your panties, nails leaving marks on your hips as she watches you drip for her, leaking effortlessly onto the sheets.
“Such a shame you lost your touching privileges…I’d love for you to grab my head and ride my face the way you usually do, but I think tonight I’ll give you a taste of your own medicine.” breathed out onto your cunt before she sticks her tongue out, lightly teasing by softly tracing only the tip on your lips, grazing past your clit gently just to hear you whimper for her.
Thrusting as much as you could underneath her grip and she teased you, giving you the smallest stimulation she could just to make you insane, knowing exactly how needy and desperate you were for her. She couldn’t help but make it worse.
“Please Mommy. - mmhm- I need yo-” cut off by the feeling of Momo’s tongue coasting through your folds with ease. Mixing her saliva with your slick, moaning while she explores every part of your cunt. Lapping up your heat and making her way to your clit, lightly suckling on it before backing away completely.
“Momo -please- I’ll do whatever you want! I’ll be good, just please touch me.” aching as you make your offer to your counterpart, whose head is tilted, lips pursed and hunger in her eyes as she looks up at you from between your legs.
“Whatever I want?” questioned back at you before she chuckles to herself, not breaking eye contact.
“I think we knew that was going to happen with or without that offer, honey.” batting her eyelashes at you before winking and slithering closer to you.
A loud gasp from your lips as Momo’s tongue finds your clit again, stimulation immediately causing you to moan her name loud enough to suck harshly at you. A groan from her as she slides 2 fingers into you so easily she doesn’t even need to wait for you to adjust.
“Needy slut’s been thinking about my mouth all day, hm?” between licks as she starts to roughly curl her fingers up, no build up to the pleasure she was giving you. Intense, rough, fast thrusts overstimulating you into speechlessness as your entire body tenses. You’re about to cum and you can’t even tell her.
She realizes what’s happening but it’s too late. You’re already arching your back at the rush of adrenaline when she removes herself from you, fully. Ruining the rest of the orgasm for you, completely causing you to shriek loudly as tears filled your eyes.
“Why the fuck did you do that?” as you try to break your restraint so you can take control.
“I told you that I wasn’t going to let you cum.” smacking your pussy again before grabbing the toy she removed from the drawer.
Your eyes focus on what she’s got in her hands as she’s placing it inside of herself, and adjusting the straps and the front so it grinds when she does. Immediately, you realize it’s the one you never use. The one that’s a little bigger than you prefer.
Approaching you again, strap lining up with you as she slides up across your clit, jolting and groaning curses underneath her. Shockwaves from the orgasm she just stole from you returning, quaking as she slides it back down, teasing you until you start bucking your hips at her.
“Awh, is my spoiled brat rutting against me? So desperate to cum?” catching the tip of the strap at your entrance just to tease you, pausing for a second as she spits on your swollen pussy, making eye contact with you as she does.
Getting up to cut off your pleasure yet again, you are instantly frustrated and on the brink of tears, letting out a wail; you’re beyond words at this point.
Momo rolls you over and arches your back for you, placing a pillow underneath your stomach for leverage. Grinding her strap along your slit again before sliding all the way inside you, bottoming out completely, causing a languid moan to erupt from both of you.
“I don’t care if you cum, I’m going to use you until I do,” laying against you and gnawing at your shoulders, being sure to mark you up while she slowly starts to slide in and out of you. Tapping your hips to signal you to make a wider stance as she sinks into you with great force. Slamming over and over again causing you to jolt everytime she hits your cervix.
Vision is blurred, words slurring and completely a mess as she continues quickly pounding you. You’re incoherently moaning and squealing as she slides past every single sensitive spot inside of you. Grabbing your restraints, pulling you up by them as she rails into you aggressively, chasing her own pleasure.
“You’re just -shit- a fucking toy…for me to…cum in” the sound of skin slapping and guttural noises fill the room when your brain registers what was just spoken. To cum…in? Oh!
“Fill me, Mommy! -fuck baby- Make me yours!” Whimpered out, grinning to yourself as you felt the knot of your stomach tighten. She pounds incessantly into you, clenching around her as she starts pistoning her hips harder.
Momo pulls you flush against her and wraps her forearm around your neck, halfway choking you while one of her hands finds its place on your lower stomach to hold you in place.
Soft grunts falling from her mouth as she bites into your neck harshly before whispering, “gonna fill you.”
The build up inside you is quick as you involuntarily clench around her again, almost stopping her movement in its tracks, seeing stars as you gush around her muted movements, practically screaming as your body twitches against her.
“Good girl,” as Momo’s dominance falters along with her pace, becoming sporadic in nature as she tries to hold you up, attempting to force her orgasm away so she can overstimulate you. Ramming into you with no rhythm at all causing euphoria in your stomach as you clench around her again.
“You’re so lucky this is a strap,” gasping as she tightens her grip on you.
“I’d breed you like the little bitch you are, if I could.” nails digging into your skin, leaving crescent shaped indents along your hip.
“Cum in me” breathed between jolts as she gave her last few hard strokes before she let out a snarl, climaxing as she continued to rock into you, letting you fall back onto the bed as she rode it out in you.
Both of you completely fucked out as she pulls the strap out of you. Letting out a whine at the empty feeling as she unties your hands and picks you up bridal style, only to lay you down on your side of the bed, laying by your side, holding you and shifting hair out of your face.
Kissing you passionately for the first time that night and brings you closer to her. You can’t help but feel a sense of calm facing each other and laying in one other’s arms.
“So…breeding kink, huh? That’s new.” teasing her through your sleep laced voice.
“Don’t ruin the moment, I’m still not happy with you.” Kissing your forehead and smiling, despite her words.
Raising your hand up and pulling her face down to connect your lips, pulling her close to you and grinding down onto the cum soaked strap she was still wearing.
Momo’s hand finds its way to the strap and points it up as you grind causing it to slip inside you. Legs now holding onto her torso as she lightly pumps her waist forward into you.
“Fuck, it hurts so good.” whimpered into her ear, continuing by snapping her hips into you.
“I told you, you couldn’t resist me…why did you even try?” as your third orgasm was approaching, she’s circling your swollen clit with her fingers and watching your face contort with her movements.
“I’m gonna cum,” when she pulls out again, removing her hand from you, quickly undoing the leather on her sides and discarding the harness and source of pleasure to the floor, huge smile on her face.
The absolute earth shattering quack inside of you is almost unbearable as she turns to face the opposite direction, wiggling into her spot and letting out a satisfied sigh.
“Momo…you’re kidding, right?” in disbelief, thrusting your hips into nothing as you whine for her.
“Remember this the next time you decide you want to be disobedient.” sharply exhaled as she drifted into a soft sleep.
Death of Peace of Mind - Part 2 - Sugar
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ze-ppe-li · 6 months
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G!P Nayeon would call you every time she's at dance practice, without anyone looking at her, she'd jerk herself off while telling you on the phone how much she wants you. Has anyone see her? Screw them, you are definitely more important, and she is more than excited to come home to fuck you.
G!P Jeongyeon would deny your orgasms if you have not behaved well in public, your hole would already be completely lubricated, begging for her cock to fill it, and after a lot of teasing, just when you're about to cum, she pulls out, adoring the way you whine so that she lets you come.
G!P Momo is the definition of "sub in the streets, dom in the sheets", the way your ass rocked against her thigh made her let one or another whimper out of her mouth, but when you arrived at her apartment, oh god, at that moment she took off her skirt, revealing her very marked erection through her panties, obvious sign that in the next moment your pretty mouth would be brutally fucked.
It was adorable the way G!P Sana begged you to ride her, her high-pitched moans, flustered cock rubbing against your soft pussy not letting it slip inside. Your girlfriend could be very cute sometimes, but other times she could become a total vixen.
If you don't know how to deepthroat, G!P Jihyo will train you, she was definitely more than amused by the sight of you on your knees, your soft fingertips passing through her balls, and her hand in your hair. Once you are ready, she won't stop sliding her cock in and out of your throat until your mouth kisses her pelvis, and your chin is pressed against her heavy balls.
While G!P Mina was playing videogames, you were under her gaming desk, with her cock in your mouth. Your girlfriend hardly spoke to you much, so you had to somehow make her talk to you at least once. And what better way to achieve that was to suck her dry until she tells you "it's too much"? That was one possibility, the other was that she would get up from her chair and fuck you right there.
At this moment G!P Dahyun's cock was in your hand, while your tongue was lapping at her pretty pink asshole. Your tongue ran up and down her rosebud, teasing her quivering entrance with the tip. As you rimmed her, your hand didn't stop jerking her off, all this causing her to let out a cute moan and spurt hot ropes of cum that fell into your hand and part of your hair.
At a dinner that you had with some friends, and G!P Chaeyoung couldn't stop quivering, since at that moment a cock ring surrounded her tip, pre-cum leaking from it. It was a bet you both made, and she had to decide between this or kissing Mina in the lips. Either way, she was lucky that no one was paying attention to her, because her constant hip wiggles and her barely-audible moans could expose her at any moment.
G!P Tzuyu was obsessed with the way your ass cheeks bumped against her pelvis, cock deep inside your rectum. Normally she used to let you ride her and take you in your pussy, but it wouldn't hurt to vary a little. Her beautiful breasts were pressed against your back, balls against your cunt and nylon-covered legs on the sides of yours. Occasionally one of her hands would move down towards your crotch, inserting a finger inside your pussy.
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airaibunny · 7 months
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momo x reader - “it’s you” (warnings: smut[dom reader], angst with happy ending, sexual boundaries being pushed, crying, self deprecation, fingering, oral, heavy jealousy, spanking, cursing, degradation, slight praise, i feel like i’m forgetting something else…)
a/n: req!(“I’m obsessed with concept of being friends with benefits where the reader or member secretly has feelings for the other and gets jealous. If you could, could you do another friends w/ benefits but with Momo?”)okay, idk how this turned into angst like literally i went into it just wanting to make it rough sex. i rolled with it though, if it sucks pls tell me to stfu and stick to smut. hope you like this train wreck, mind you this was entirely written in 2 hours on a plane so like🙏
word count: 2.3k
low moans fill your dorm room as the sweat makes your hair stick to your forehead. with your face between her thighs, momo’s sickeningly sweet scent engulfs your nose. you praise her every sound, “just like that, you sound so pretty,” you coo, “you’re doing so well for me.”
her release comes with a gasp and you greedily lap up everything spilling out of her. your tongue glides up and down her folds, devoted to letting her completely give out.
you come up, wiping your mouth with your fingers and licking her off of them. “you were wonderful as always.”
“hm.” she’s still not thinking clearly, her attempt at a response coming out as a moan. you laugh and get up to find your clothes.
“are you leaving?” she sits up in bed, wiping her hair out of her face. “we’ve been in here too long, they’re going to wonder what we’re doing.” she flops back down. “i’ll be out there in a few.”
after you put all your clothes on, you walk to the door. your hand lays on the doorknob motionless for a few seconds, deciding on whether it should turn it or not.
if you’re being honest with yourself, you don’t want to leave.
momo completely consumes every one of your thoughts. there’s not a single event in your day that you don’t connect to her. you can’t wait for the one or two hours a day you get to have her all to yourself, even if she just sees it as sex. when you’re with her, you swear the world outside could end and you wouldn’t notice. she has become your everything, but you’re not the same to her.
to her, you’re just a friend she casually fucks. nothing more, nothing less. of course you feel incredibly lucky that you at least get to have this, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t yearn for more.
you want to tell everyone she’s yours and only yours, on all fronts.
but you can’t just bring it up to her, you would never be able to move on if she rejected you. even on days when she’s especially clingy and really makes you think she wants the same thing, you still tell yourself you’re over-analyzing.
“did you freeze?” she asks from behind you. you push the door and walk out, not making eye contact with her.
you start making your way to the kitchen to drink water and run into dahyun on the way there. “do you know if momo is in her room?” “she is.”
she walks away, but turns around again before leaving. “is she alone?”
‘why do you care?’
you think to yourself, of course you don’t respond with that, but it takes a great deal of self control not to.
“yes, she is.” you give her a fake smile and continue on your way to the kitchen.
“you’re so great at hiding when you’re angry.” mina teases as soon as she sees you. you roll your eyes at her and grab a glass of water. “were you with her just now?”
mina is the only person you’ve told about you and momo, your feelings for her included. it’s not that you don’t trust your other members; you just trust mina the most. with the others, there’s always a possibility that they might let it slip when they don’t mean to, but you know mina it’s ditzy enough to do that.
“yes.” you take a sip of your water and look down, trying to avoid mina’s gaze. “i’m tired of speaking to you about this, you know you’ll have to confess eventually. you’re destroying yourself, y/n.” she might not be telling anyone, but she sure as hell loves to hammer you about it.
“i know,” you sigh, “but how?” she walks beside you and pulls you into a hug. “you know what i have to say to that.” “yeah, yeah, whatever ‘it doesn’t matter how.’” she’s right, you’re very aware of that, but can’t bring yourself to do it.
“i’m going with everyone else, you coming?” you tell her you’ll be there shortly and let her leave. you stay sitting and contemplating your situation for a few more minutes until you decide to join your fellow members.
as soon as you walk into the living room your eyes dart towards momo, curled up next to dahyun. it instantly makes you see red, and very noticeably apparently because mina shoots you a knowing look.
you sit right across from them, glaring at them. you grit your teeth every time dahyun rubs momo’s leg or turns to whisper in her ear. you know that you all have a very close bond, and this is by no means out of the ordinary, but you can’t handle it when it involves with momo.
you also know she’s allowed to be with other people if so she desires, but if that’s what’s happening, is she really that shameless?
“y/n!?” jihyo yells beside you and you jump. “are you listening or just sitting there?” you are, in fact, not listening, too focused on the two people in front of you.
“sorry, i’m listening.”
“so what do you think?” you stare at her in confusion and your lie becomes evident. “ugh, never mind. i was saying that…” you tune her out again as you watch momo toss her head back in laughter at something dahyun said.
nothing could possibly be that fucking funny.
an hour passes of the same thing; momo and dahyun’s antics being met with your cold stare. that’s why you don’t waste a second when momo gets up and heads to the bathroom.
you make sure nobody can see down the hallway and follow her. she almost shuts the door, but you push it pack and step inside with her.
“oh sorry, i didn’t notice you.” she says, a fake pout on her lips.
“save it.” you walk closer to her, pushing her back until her ass hits the counter. “do you get off by being a slut on display, huh? does having people watch you be a whore turn you on?”
she smirks at you, acting like she’s completely unaware of what you’re saying. you see right through her, her rosy cheeks and labored breathing tell you she’s already dripping.
“what do you mean, are you jealous because of dahyun? do you not like seeing her touch me?” she gets really close, you can feel her breath on your neck.
fuck, even if you can tell what she’s doing, she knows how to push your buttons.
you grab her waist and turn her around, slamming her hips against the counter. she lets out a whine, but you’re too deep in your head to worry about whether it was in pain or pleasure.
“me, jealous?” you laugh, holding her in place, bent over the counter for you. “i just feel so bad for you. are you really that desperate? one girl isn’t enough, you need two?”
you rip off her shorts and panties, delighting in their soaked state. as soon as her ass is exposed, you land a hard hit on it. her back arches and you spank her again, harder. she whimpers with each slap and you can see her pussy growing wetter.
“that gets you really excited, look at that.” you dip your fingers between her folds, a silky string of her glistening slick attached to them when you take them off.
you grab her wrists behind her back, pulling her up by her hair at the same time. you think maybe you’re being a little too rough for a second, but your jealousy completely blinds you.
you shove her once again, against the door this time. you angrily let go of her hair and your hand flys to her ass, spanking her again. your own pussy throbs when you can perfectly make out your hand print on it.
“ow, y/n…” a tears rolls down her cheek and you chuckle at her. “oh c’mon, i thought you liked being treated like a bitch.”
another tear comes, then another. you’d normally ask her if she was alright, but you’re truly not yourself in this moment. seeing her so close with dahyun awakened something you didn’t know you had in you.
you fingers dive right into her entrance without teasing or warning, making her cry out.
“y/n, that hurts!”
her tears don’t stop. you’ve never been this way with her, but now you’re thinking you should’ve done this sooner. she looks absolutely stunning breaking down for you.
“crocodile tears, you know you love this.” she sobs, whining every time your fingers harshly re-enter her.
“they’re not, please…”
you hear her, but you don’t process what she’s saying. “oh shut the fuck up, whore.” another slap on her ass, right on top of the red handprint from before.
“stop, please, stop!”
only when she’s repeatedly begging you to stop do you remove your fingers and ease up, realizing you were basically cutting off her breathing with how hard you were pressing her against the door.
her legs immediately give out on her and she nearly falls to the ground, but you catch her before she does so.
you’re still in shock at what you just did, muttering countless apologies to her. she doesn’t react, just cries.
you hurriedly put her clothes back on and lead her to her bedroom, looking down the hallway to make sure none of the other girls can see you.
you lock the door when you step inside and carry her to the bed. “i’m sorry, i’m so sorry.” your own tears form in your eyes, you feel like a monster. why are you crying? you’re the one who did this to her. if you love her so much, why’d you do this?
“momo, i’m sorry.” her sobs keep coming, each one deepening your wound even more.
“why were you like that?” she asks, wiping some of the still cascading tears from her face. you stay silent, too ashamed to give her an honest reply. “i don’t deserve an answer?”
“i went too far, i’m sorry.” you turn away, not wanting her to see your tears. she pulls your shoulder and makes you face her. “but why?” your heart breaks as you get a good look at her beautiful eyes completely bloodshot, and her rosy cheeks red and sticky with tears.
“because i’m a fucking idiot, and i kept things in for too long, and i just let them all pour out in the worst way possible. i’m sorry momo, i’m so, so sorry.” you break down, sobbing just as hard as she is. “i’ve,” you think about your next words very carefully, “i’ve loved you for so long, momo. i didn’t know how to say it. my incompetence just ended up hurting you, i’m so sorry.”
you feel even worse as her hand trembles on your cheek, wiping away the tears. you take it into your own, turning your face to kiss it.
“you’re not incompetent,” you cut her off. “no, don’t console me, i’m not the one in need of that.” she moves closer to you, settling in on your shoulder and grabbing both of your hands in hers. you can still see the tears falling from her eyes and onto her lap, only serving to make your own sorrows multiply.
“i haven’t been the brightest either.” you turn your face to look at her and she does the same. “asking you to just have sex with me seemed easier than asking you to be my girlfriend.”
you’re in utter shock for a few seconds, her sentence hitting you like a train.
all of this performing and going around in circles you’ve been doing for so long because you thought she didn’t feel the same way, you could’ve skipped all of that?
you should be ecstatic about this, but you won’t let yourself. you hurt her, you hurt her really bad. how could she ever forgive you?
“i’m so sorry i didn’t say anything sooner.” she starts audibly crying again and buries her head into your neck. you lift her face up, holding it in your hands. “why are you apologizing? don’t do that, please, don’t apologize to me for anything.”
for the first time in however many months this has been happening, she crashes her lips into yours. kissing always felt like a thing for couples in a weird way, which you both stressed you weren’t.
“momo…” she closes the distant between you two again, making your lips connect. you don’t try pulling away this time, you let her take the lead. the kiss is deep and passionate, perfectly matched to her lips. right now, her lips feel infinitely better on your own than they do anywhere else on your body. she’s heavenly; too good for you.
“momo, i’m so sorry.”
“i forgive you, y/n, i’ll always forgive you.”
more tears spill out of your eyes, how could she forgive you? “you can’t do that.”
her own tears still stain her face as she grabs your shirt into a fist, making you foreheads touch. “you do not get decide that for me.” she pauses to kiss you again. “i want you, i want you so bad, and you’re not going to pull away now that i know you feel the same way.” she sniffles, looking into your eyes while coming up with her next words.
“please don’t pull away.” you take her into your arms, you both still gasping for air from crying.
“i won’t.”
you wipe the hair from her face, wanting to admire every little detail.
“i love you so much, i’ll never make you feel like that again, i promise.”
she looks at you with pure admiration in her eyes.
“i love you too, and i believe you.”
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dovveri · 3 months
hii!! can you write about momo spanking reader for wearing a short skirt, then making reader ride her face as sana plays with readers bouncing boobs 😵‍💫
out for display
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synopsis: exactly what the req asked for
warnings: dom!momo switch!sana sub!reader - degradation, cursing, spanking, face-riding, cunnilingus, sana’s a little obsessed w boobs
w/c: 3.2k
a/n: u horny mfs
you can feel the set of eyes that's been fixed on you since the beginning of rehearsal.
normally momo was the most focused during dance practices, but today, even the instructors had noticed her lack of attention.
the eyes leave you and you catch her panicked gaze and red-tipped ears in the mirror.
"go home. if you're not going to be serious about practice today there's no point in you being here."
"but- i-"
"go home. come back tomorrow with a better attitude. you're a senior in this industry. people look up to you. you can't be off daydreaming and slacking off when trainees are itching to be where you are."
momo huffs, turning pink and quickly grabbing her bag, stomping out the door. you look at sana sympathetically in the mirror who's eyes follow after her before meeting yours. she rolls her eyes playfully, gesturing something about momo being a child. you snicker in response but you're quickly snapped back to attention when the instructor who reprimanded momo gives you a sharp look, calling for everyone to take it from the top.
the rest of the practice goes by uneventfully. aside from sana sneaking in a few inappropriate butt grabs, which wasn't really uncharacteristic of her anyway, you all manage to get as much of the choreography done as you can without your main dancer present.
sana's all over you on the way home. her hand is practically attached to your ass and you can't help but squirm a little when she sends you a knowing smirk.
"momoring's not gonna be happy with you when we get home."
you roll your eyes, "whatever. she should have been paying attention. you didn't get told off for leering too much did you?"
"no but that's because i keep it in my pants better than she does." she squeezes your ass at that, hand under your skirt and on your bare cheek. it was easier to dance in thongs anyway. less restrictive.
you shoo her away, reaching your shared apartment door accompanied by the sound of her laugh. you insert the key and twist, opening the door and setting your things down, taking off your shoes as you hold open the door for sana to come in as well.
but as soon as your shoes are off and the door closes, you feel your feet being lifted off the ground and you squeal as you’re thrown roughly over someone's shoulder. a hand comes down hard over your skirt and there's a loud smack that reverberates around your apartment walls.
you're flailing around when you realise it's momo who's picked you up and hoisted you over her shoulder, her hand on your bottom, arm wrapped around your legs. you look up and see sana with a mirthful glint in her eyes, picking up your things and setting them aside before heading to the kitchen to get a glass of water before joining you and momo.
"momo- what?! put me down!"
"okay." she drops you unceremoniously onto your shared bed, your shirt riding up and your skirt flipped over. you clamber onto your elbows and find that she's crawling over you already, a dark gaze devouring your body, drinking in the newly exposed skin.
"fucking slut." she tugs on your skirt that you're scrambling to pull back down to cover yourself. "getting me kicked out and embarrassing me in front of everyone."
"how is that my fault?" you struggle against her, pushing yourself up the bed so your legs aren't dangling off the edge.
she scoffs in response, "are you serious? prancing around and bending over in this pathetic excuse for a skirt, this is more of a glorified belt than anything." she smacks your hands away, pulling and feeling at the material around your hips. "and wearing a fucking thong underneath? may as well have gone without wearing any fucking underwear, flash the entire rehearsal why don't you. was that what you were going for when you put this on this morning? huh? wanted everyone to see what a desperate little whore you were, just begging for anyone to bend you over and fuck you from behind?"
"'s not my fault i have a cute butt. why don't you practice some restraint?"
she's leaning down, dangerously close, eyes narrowed and pupils frenzied. you gulp. "restraint? you want me to practice restraint?" her voice is low, laced with venom and spoken directly above your lips.
you can't find it in yourself to answer, intimidated but so very turned on with the way she's treating you.
"what? can't speak up now?"
she's flipping you over before you know it, hiking your skirt up and landing a resounding slap onto your cheeks.
you yelp, scrambling to get away but she holds your hips down, pressing them against the mattress.
there's another slap and you're fingers grip the sheets, squeaking out again at the sting.
you hear a whistle behind you, and you know sana's entered the room.
"what's going on here darlings?"
"teaching our baby a lesson."
"oh yeah? what for?"
you can imagine the look on momo's face, her gaze steely with rage and scorn, the mental image only serving to soil your panties even more.
sana giggles, unbothered, "don't gimme that look momoring. i didn't have a problem keeping it in my pants."
momo grunts, “whatever. you fall out of line and i’ll give you the same treatment she’s getting.” momo lands another hit on your cheeks, punctuating her sentence.
sana rolls her eyes, “like i wouldn’t like that anyway.”
momo sends her a glare and sana laughs, moving towards her to tilt her chin up and kiss her.
the fact that you can’t see them but you can hear the wet smacking of lips, the little whimpers sana lets out and the sighs momo exhales, has you squirming all the more.
“g-guys please- please-“
“shut up- mmf- we’re not talking to you.” momo talks between sana’s kisses, sana pays you no mind, sliding onto the bed and rubbing her hands over momo’s shoulders.
so you’re forced to shift and wriggle under momo’s palm while tortuously listening to your girlfriends get progressively more turned on, get progressively wetter while you're laid on your stomach unable to do anything about it.
you hear when they break apart and momo starts kissing down sana's neck, the shuffle of clothes coming off and bra clasps being snapped open, you’re grinding down into the bed desperate for any sort of stimulation. then you hear full-blown moans when hands start grabbing at breasts and rubbing nipples between fingers. you're preening your ears, trying to catch every word, every gasp, every moan, but even when sana's whispering the dirtiest words into momo's ears while momo's mouth is attached to sana's neck, you can't catch any of it, completely left out and untouched.
that is until sana speaks up, intending for the both of you to hear now, "momoring~ i wanna see her pretty chest heaving. can she ride your face? pretty please?" you can visualise the pout sana has on her, no-one could resist that face, you have been at the receiving end of that many times. when sana pulls that face, she always gets what she wants.
you turn crimson at the mental imagery, slick running down your thighs in anticipation, "yes! please please momo please-"
"how. many. times. do i. have to. tell you. to shut. up." she lands a slap with each word in rapid succession, your ass burns in pain and pleasure. "she wasn't talking to you slut. speak again without being spoken to and i'll gag you."
you whimper into the sheets, thighs rubbing together to get any sort of friction.
"tch. you're lucky sana babies you. if it were up to me you wouldn't be getting anything at all today." she's shuffling up the bed but you don't dare move, straining all your senses to get any clue on what was happening.
then momo pulls your hair, not gently but not too rough either, just enough to get you gushing. she turns your head to face her on the bed, she's already lying down, not looking at you, eyes trained on the ceiling, but you can tell from the way her pupils are blown and her breathing is heavier that she’s just as turned on as you are right now. "well? give her a show. you'd love to be on display like the slut you are wouldn't you?"
you scramble up, catching a glimpse of sana smirking and completely naked, a hand between her thighs, the other one groping a breast.
momo's also been stripped, you drink in the skin as you clamber over her, sana sliding forward sultrily so she's grinding down on momo's abs. you'd feel jealous but in that second, momo pulls your thong to the side and slides a tongue along your cunt, her hands gripping your thighs to bring you down harder onto her face, and any thoughts that weren’t pure pleasure and relief vanish from your head.
the choked out moans you let out at finally being touched, finally being able to see your girls, you were so tightly wound up already.
sana's got that lidded gaze, dragging herself along momo's abs just a little rougher at the sight of you, bringing a hand up and under your shirt, grasping a breast between her fingers and squeezing. she has you lurching forward, but momo's grip on your thighs is firm, holding you up while she licks stripes of fire up your spine.
sana giggles, gasping, the sound quickly turning into a moan as her clit catches on the ridges of momo’s stomach, but her sweet sweet smile remains, it’s pornographic the way she looks, how she sounds, she’s unreal.
your attention is divided though, from sana pulling at the hem of your shirt to get you to take your top off, and momo sucking your clit into her mouth, its hard enough to think as is.
"there we go. that's my pretty girl." sana giggles again when she manages to unhook your bra, tugging it off and throwing it off to the side.
"god look at the two of you. my pretty darlings. look at you, your chests heaving up and down in sync, those pretty pretty tits. you both drive me positively insane." she tilts her head back, the tone of her voice lilting as she brings a free hand to rub at her clit. “how- ah- how’s she taste momoring?”
momo slurps at you noisily in response, you buckle at the feeling, her hot tongue thorough and firm, not missing a single sliver of skin, she’s absolutely devouring you.
sana chuckles lightly, reaching back and parting momo’s thighs, running a finger lightly down momo’s wet pussy. momo’s hips buck up at the motion, only serving as a harder board for sana to slide across when her abs tense in effort. sana keeps a finger rubbing circles on momo’s clit while she moans unabashedly and leverages the ridges and lines on momo’s stomach.
when sana dips a finger into momo’s pussy, momo moans around your clit, the sensation sending sparks of pleasure up your body.
you’re desperate to talk, to voice just how good she was making you feel, but you were terrified of the warning she gave about gagging you if you spoke without being spoken to. you hated the gag, it always left you in tears and your jaw sore.
sana saves you, a twinkle in her eyes that barely come up to wink at you before drifting back down to your bouncing breasts. she loved a show. “what’s wrong sweetie? want to talk hm? always one for words aren’t you? go ahead. momoring won’t gag you, she loves to hear how good she makes you feel even if she won’t admit it.”
momo can’t even reply, her face stuffed full with your cunt.
“f-fuck oh god- momo fuck- that’s so good right there oh shit- mm oh my fucking god you’re so good-“
sana giggles at your eagerness, edging you on when her fingers that were inside momo come up to twist at a nipple, the slight sticky shine on them is vulgar.
“ah-! fuck sana- oh my god not- oh you’re so pretty i can’t- you look so pretty-“
“what are you saying darling? think your mind’s turning to mush with how good momo’s tongue feels inside you hm?”
“fuck- yeah- can’t think-“
“shh you don’t have to think sweetie. just ride her face and look pretty for me. the both of you- god- you’re gonna make me cum-“
her movements speed up as she glides along momo’s stomach faster, harder, her breath catching, fingers rubbing tight rough circles onto her clit before she cums, head thrown back in a silent scream, sweat dripping down her throat, you want to lap her up.
that thought reminds you of the one thing that gets sana just a little further while she’s cumming.
so you lean forward as much as you can, momo’s arms supporting your body, still drinking you dry, dangling your tits in front of sana’s face once her head comes back down.
her blazed eyes meet yours just for a second before she grins, taking a nipple into her mouth and sucking, moaning around it while she rides out her orgasm, her oral fixation fulfilled.
the sight of her cum staining momo’s stomach, the feeling of momo’s wet hot tongue inside your throbbing pussy, and sana’s perfect mouth suckling on your tit, it’s enough for you to cry out and cum as well.
momo slurps you up happily, her own hips grinding up into nothing of their own volition. you try to pull yourself up but a tug at your nipple and a hint of teeth sinking in, as well as momo’s firm grip on your thighs traps you there, writhing and moaning as you cum for them.
when they finally let you go you collapse on your side next to momo, breathing hard and pussy still tingly from the aftershocks of pleasure.
you can barely move but when you hear the sweet sounds of momo moaning you force yourself to roll onto your stomach and turn your head to see her eyes clenched shut, mouth open, and hand tugging at brown locks between her legs.
you rub your thighs together at the sounds, the moans and sloppy wet kisses sana’s leaving on momo’s cunt.
momo feels your eyes on her and turns her head, her eyes peeking open and you whimper a little at the sight, clenching around nothing.
“you can kiss me.”
that’s all the permission you need, rushing forward and almost smacking your teeth together in the hurry but she adjusts and it’s hot and wet and now she’s moaning and gasping those illegal sounds directly into your mouth.
you can tell she’s getting close when her throat gets all high-pitched and whiny and sana moans at the way she pulls on her hair, tugging her impossibly closer so her entire nose, lips, chin is drenched in her essence.
your hand lazily goes to a tit, grasping at it and letting it spill between your fingers, feeling the hard little nub against your palm and rolling it around. you go to the other breast and repeat, just playing with her and feeling her up.
“oh fuck that’s- right there sana-“ momo pants into your mouth, hips bucking upwards.
sana licks and sucks, eager to make her baby cum, and that eagerness is translated easily when momo moans and does exactly that. you take the opportunity while she’s slack-jawed and mouth open to lick into her, tasting yourself on her tongue and humming in satisfaction. sana continues eating her out, helping her through it and you squeeze her tit lightly, trying to prolong the heights of her pleasure.
when she comes down she’s sighing into you, able to kiss you back lovingly, and sana’s sliding up her body, kissing her stomach, her breasts, momo has to pull her up by her hair when she latches onto a nipple, too sensitive to let her have her fun. sana pouts but adheres, kissing up her neck and whispering how well she did and how good she tasted into her ear.
momo’s lips part from yours as she turns her head to reconnect with sana. you snuggle into momo’s neck, sliding your hand down to her stomach and wrapping your arm around her, cuddling in and closing your eyes.
sana doesn’t let you fall asleep though, breaking apart from momo and tilting your head up slightly to kiss you. you hum at the taste of momo on her tongue, breaking apart gently and nuzzling back into momo’s neck.
but when you feel a hand sneaking down your back and flipping your skirt up again, fingers gently tracing your ass, you whine, the sensitivity from being spanked still there.
you can hear sana tsk, “we need to get some cream on that darling. is that okay?”
you hum, not bothering to open your eyes when you feel sana leave the bed, clinging onto momo.
momo turns her head and kisses your forehead, “‘m sorry baby. was i too rough? does it hurt a lot?”
“noo it was perfect. you didn’t hurt me at all.”
“okay. don’t wear this skirt again in public. you can wear it at home or when its only us but not for anyone else.”
you pout into her neck, “i was wearing it for you! i don’t care what other people think. just wanted to be pretty for you.”
“and you’re always pretty for us baby. but i don’t like when other people look at what’s mine.”
you hiss when you feel the touch of cool cream against your ass, sana dipping onto the bed again and carefully applying it over your skin.
“momoring just let her be. they can look but they can’t touch like we can right? they don’t get to hear or see all the pretty sounds and faces y/n makes when she comes apart.”
momo pouts, looking up at sana, “the same goes for you y’know. you loooove to flaunt your body and you live off the attention don’t you?”
sana shrugs, “there’s nothing wrong with that. you both know i’ll only come home to you two.”
momo grumbles, shifting a little so she’s on her side facing the both of you as well, “whatever. i’ll kick anyone’s nuts if they even think of getting close to either of you.”
you and sana giggle, “they look at you the same way idiot.”
“yeah yeah now hurry up so we can sleep and cuddle.”
sana rolls her eyes but finishes up, stepping away to put the cream aside and coming back quickly to wrap her arms and legs around both of you, squeezing all of you together and pulling the blanket over the three of you.
“you act tough but we both know you’re just a big teddy bear momoring.”
momo begins to protest but you lean up and capture her lips in a kiss and her words die down in her throat, sighing gently into you. you break apart with a giggle, nuzzling back into her throat, placing a hand over sana’s who’s got her arm around your waist and drifting off.
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baelabong · 29 days
ᴄᴏɴꜰᴇʀᴇɴᴄᴇ (ꜱᴍᴜᴛ)
ᴛᴇᴀᴄʜᴇʀ! ɢ!ᴘᴍᴏᴍᴏ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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plot: y/n being too hot for her own good and Momo wanting to keep her for herself
Warnings: smut
Rq: yes
Wc: 2.5k
You walk through the bustling hallways of the school, guiding Momo towards your child’s classroom. The conferences have gone well so far—each teacher has been professional and focused. But as soon as you step into Mr. Kim’s classroom, something feels off.
Mr. Kim, a young, overly friendly teacher, greets you with a smile that’s a bit too wide. His eyes light up when they land on you, and he quickly extends his hand. “Ah, you must be Y/N. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” he says, his voice warm in a way that feels a bit too personal.
You smile politely, taking his hand. But his grip lingers longer than necessary, his eyes fixed on yours as he continues, “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Before you can respond, you feel Momo’s presence beside you, her energy radiating irritation. She steps closer, placing a protective hand on your lower back, asserting her claim silently but clearly.
Momo noticed how Mr. Kim’s handshake lingered just a little too long, and her jaw clenched. You, being the ever so polite one, smiled warmly. “Nice to meet you too, Mr. Kim.”
“Please, call me Jisoo,” he replied, his smile widening as he finally let go of your hand. “Your child is doing quite well in my class. But I have to say, it's no wonder, considering how involved you seem to be.”
Momo's eyes narrowed as she watched Jisoo’s gaze travel from your face to your figure. She stepped closer to you, placing a possessive hand on the small of your back.
“Of course, she’s involved,” Momo interjected, her voice low and firm. “We both are.”
Jisoo blinked, as if noticing Momo for the first time. He quickly recovered, though, offering her a somewhat forced smile. “Right, of course. It’s always good to see both parents taking an active role.”
Throughout the meeting, Momo’s temper simmered as she caught Jisoo’s lingering glances and overly familiar tone. When he leaned in too close while showing yoh the grade book, Momo tightened her grip on your waist, pulling you closer.
At one point, Jisoo “accidentally” brushed his hand against your arm while pointing out a detail in the notes. Momo's patience snapped.
“Careful there,” Momo said, her voice laced with warning. “You wouldn’t want to give anyone the wrong idea.”
Jisoo chuckled, trying to play it off. “Just trying to make sure everything is clear. I wouldn't want Y/N to miss any details.”
Momo’s eyes were cold as she stared him down. “She won’t. I make sure of that.”
You, sensing the tension but not fully understanding its source, tried to smooth things over. “Thank you, Mr. Kim, for taking the time to explain everything. We really appreciate it.”
Jisoo nodded, but his eyes were on you, not Momo. “Anytime. If you ever have more questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. I’m always available… for you.”
Momo's grip on Y/N’s waist tightened almost painfully. “We’ll keep that in mind.”
As you left the classroom, you noticed Momo’s rigid posture and the angry set of her jaw. “Momo, are you okay?”
Momo didn’t respond immediately, her mind replaying the way Jisoo had looked at you. When they reached the car, she finally spoke, her voice tight with barely contained jealousy. “I didn’t like the way he was looking at you.”
You frowned, confused. “He was just being friendly.”
“Friendly?” Momo scoffed as she started the car. “He was practically undressing you with his eyes.”
You laughed softly, trying to ease the tension. “You’re overreacting. It’s not like he did anything.”
Momo’s hands gripped the steering wheel tightly as they drove home. “That’s not the point, Y/N. He was checking you out, right in front of me. It’s disrespectful.”
You reached over to place a hand on Momo’s thigh, rubbing soothing circles. “You know I only have eyes for you, right?”
Momo’s jaw unclenched slightly, but the tension was still there. “I know, but it doesn’t mean I like it when someone else thinks they can look at you like that.”
The car ride home is thick with unspoken tension. Momo’s hands grip the steering wheel tightly, her knuckles turning white. You glance over at her, trying to gauge just how angry she is.
The moment you step inside the house, you barely have time to take off your shoes before Momo’s hands are on you dragging you to your shared bedroom. She pushes you against the wall, her body pressing into yours, her lips crashing against yours with a mix of passion and frustration.
You gasp into the kiss, caught off guard by her intensity. “Momo, what—?”
“Do you know how hard it was for me not to punch him?” Momo growls against your lips, her hands gripping your hips tightly. “To not knock him out for even thinking he could get close to you?”
You can feel the anger and jealousy radiating off her, and it sends a thrill through you. “Momo, he doesn’t matter,” you manage to say, but your words are lost as Momo’s lips move to your neck, biting and kissing with possessive fervor.
“No,” Momo murmurs, her hands already working on undressing you, her touch rough and urgent. “I need to remind you who you belong to.”
Your breath hitches as she tugs your clothes off, her movements almost frantic with need. You can feel the jealousy in every touch, every kiss, and it makes your heart race. “Momo, I’m yours,” you whisper, trying to reassure her, but she’s not listening.
Momo pulls you closer, her lips capturing yours in a bruising kiss. “Damn right you are,” she growls, her hands sliding down your body, claiming you in a way that leaves no doubt in your mind who you belong to.
You’re breathless as she presses you harder against the wall, her hands possessively exploring every inch of your skin. There’s a desperation in her touch, a need to make sure you know exactly who you belong to.
Y/N blinked in surprise at Momo’s sudden aggression, but she didn’t resist. “Momo, it’s okay—”
“No, it’s not,” Momo interrupted, her lips crashing against Y/N’s in a heated, possessive kiss. “You’re mine, Y/N. No one else gets to look at you like that.”
Y/N moaned softly into the kiss, her hands moving to grip Momo’s shoulders as Momo’s hands roamed over her body. “Momo…”
Momo’s lips trailed down Y/N’s neck, nipping and biting possessively, leaving very obvious red marks on her neck. “I need to remind you who you belong to,” she murmured against her skin, her hands already working on removing Y/N’s clothes.
Y/N shivered at the intensity in Momo’s voice, her body responding to Momo’s touch despite the aggressive edge. “You don’t have to be jealous,” she whispered, trying to reassure her girlfriend even as her own desire grew.
Momo growled softly, her hands gripping Y/N’s hips as she pressed her against the wall harder. “I don’t want anyone else even thinking they have a chance with you.”
Y/N’s breath hitched as Momo’s hands slid lower, her touch possessive and demanding. “They don’t,” Y/N managed to gasp out. “I’m yours, Momo. Only yours.”
Just as Momo’s hands started to slide beneath Y/N’s clothes, a small voice interrupted them. “Mommy, I’m hungry…”
Both of you froze, turning to see your daughter standing in the doorway, her big eyes blinking up at you with curiosity.
Momo groaned softly, pulling back slightly, her possessive demeanor momentarily replaced by a softer, more tender one. “Sweetheart, why don’t you go change into your pajamas?” she suggested gently. “Then Mommy and I will make dinner.”
Your daughter tilted her head, glancing between the two of you. “Okay, but don’t take too long!” she said with a giggle before running off.
Momo turned back to you, a smirk playing on her lips. “Where were we?”
You laughed softly, pulling her closer again. “Dinner, huh?”
Momo’s smirk deepened as she leaned in, her voice low. “That can wait”
Momo’s eyes were dark with desire as she pressed you firmly against the wall, her breath hot against your neck. With swift movements, she undressed just her bottoms, the fabric dropping to the floor in a careless heap. Her hands then found their way to you, deftly stripping away every last piece of your clothing until you stood bare before her. The air was thick with tension, every second charged with anticipation.
As Momo wrapped her hand around her veiny cock, you couldn’t tear your eyes away. The sight of it, glistening with pre-cum at the tip, sent a shiver of excitement down your spine. She noticed your reaction, a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. “You like what you see?” she teased, her voice a low, husky whisper that made your heart race even faster.
With one arm, she pinned you against the wall, her strength holding you in place effortlessly. Her free hand guided her cock to your entrance, teasing you with its warmth. You bit your lip, your body trembling with need as she took her time, drawing out the moment until you were practically begging for her. Finally, with a satisfied sigh, Momo began to push into you, her movements powerful and relentless from the very start.
Your breath hitched, your body arching against hers as she filled you completely. Every thrust sent a wave of pleasure crashing through you, your mind spinning with the intensity of it all. “Momo… dinner,” you managed to whisper, though your voice was shaky and uncertain, your words almost lost in the haze of your overwhelming sensations.
Momo chuckled against your ear, the sound deep and filled with confidence. “Dinner can wait,” she growled, her pace quickening, each movement more intense than the last. Her grip on your hips tightened, pulling you closer as if she couldn’t stand even the smallest distance between you two. It felt like she wanted to claim every inch of you, to make sure you knew you were hers.
“Jump,” she commanded, her voice low and authoritative. Without hesitation, you obeyed, wrapping your legs around her waist, holding on for dear life as her thrusts became more forceful. Every movement sent sparks of pleasure coursing through you, your whines and moans filling the room as you begged for more.
Momo’s cock found that perfect spot inside you, and when she hit it, you let out a loud, uninhibited cry of pleasure. The sensation was almost too much to bear, your body trembling uncontrollably as you teetered on the edge. But just as you were about to lose yourself entirely, Momo leaned in, her lips brushing against your ear. Her hand slid over your mouth, silencing you with a teasing yet commanding touch.
“Shh,” she whispered, her voice a tantalizing mix of amusement and authority. “We don’t want Juna to hear us, do we?” The thrill of her words sent a new wave of excitement through you, your heart pounding not just from the intensity of your connection, but from the possibility of being caught.
You shook your head slightly, your eyes wide as you looked into Momo’s gaze. The possessiveness in her eyes made your pulse race even faster, a deep, primal part of you responding to her dominance.
Momo’s smirk deepened, her voice dropping to a low, possessive whisper. “Unless… you want to be loud, so that dumb teacher knows exactly who you belong to.” The mere suggestion sent waves of heat through your body, your eyes fluttering shut as you nodded, unable to form words. The intensity of the moment had taken over completely, leaving you at Momo’s mercy.
Seeing your response, Momo didn’t hold back. Her pace quickened, her thrusts becoming harder, more insistent, as if she was determined to push you both over the edge. The rhythm of your bodies moving together became all that mattered, the world around you fading away until there was nothing but the two of you.
But just as you were about to reach that sweet release, the sound of small footsteps echoed down the hallway. Momo cursed softly under her breath, her movements slowing in frustration as Juna’s voice called out, “Mommy, I’m ready!”
Momo’s eyes met yours, a mixture of frustration and amusement flickering across her face. With a groan, she picked up her pace again, determined to finish what she started. “We’ll be there soon, baby!” she called back, her voice strained as she tried to hold onto the moment.
The urgency in her movements grew, her body pressing against yours with renewed intensity. You could feel her getting closer, her breathing becoming more ragged as she struggled to keep control. Before you could say anything, Momo leaned in, capturing your lips in a heated, desperate kiss that stole your breath away.
“Just let me finish,” she whispered against your lips, her voice thick with need. “Let me cum in you. Please, baby. Please.” The raw desire in her tone sent shivers down your spine, making it impossible to deny her.
You nodded, still breathless, your body aching for the release that was just within reach. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck,” you whispered into her ear, each word spurring her on, urging her to go faster, harder. “Just a little more, Momo. You’re doing so well.”
Momo’s movements became frantic, her body trembling as she reached the edge. With one final, powerful thrust, she buried herself deep inside you, her cock pulsing as she spilled herself into you. The sensation was overwhelming, your own orgasm ripping through you as you clung to her, your bodies trembling together in the aftermath.
As you both caught your breath, Momo slowly pulled out, her cock now softening as the last of her cum dripped from you. The intensity of the moment lingered in the air, a shared understanding passing between you as you hurried to put your clothes back on. There was no time to clean up, no time to savor the moment as Juna’s voice called out again.
With a quick, knowing smile, Momo helped you straighten your clothes before turning to tend to your daughter. You followed her into the other room, your legs still shaky from the intensity of what had just happened. Momo took Juna’s hand, her demeanor shifting effortlessly from passionate lover to caring mother.
As you started making dinner, you could hear Momo and Juna laughing together in the next room, the sound warming your heart. The chaos of the moment faded away, replaced by the quiet comfort of your family’s routine.
Later, as you lay together in bed, you stroke Momo’s hair softly, your body still humming from the intensity of what just happened. Momo’s arm is wrapped around you possessively, her earlier anger slowly fading into a gentle protectiveness.
“Momo,” you whisper, kissing her forehead softly. “You don’t have to get so worked up.”
Momo sighs, her hold on you tightening slightly. “I just… I hate when someone else thinks they can have you.”
You tilt her chin up to meet your gaze, your voice full of affection. “No one else can. I’m yours, Momo. Only yours.”
A small smile tugs at her lips as she finally relaxes, the jealousy melting away as she buries her face in the crook of your neck, content in the knowledge that you’re hers and hers alone.
“Good,” she murmurs, her voice soft as she kisses your neck gently. “Because I’m never letting you go.”
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earlysunshines · 10 months
dreamer girl
hirai momo x fem!reader ; smut ; wc: 5.4k
synopsis: momo has a sex dream which has her rethinking her roles in bed, it even makes her realize she’s into a lot of things she thought she would never be intrigued with.
warnings: smut with no plot i just wanted her crying (^‿^) ; kink discovery!!! ; almost somnophilia?? ; reader being called “miss” and “ma’am” ; mommy kink ; overstimulation kinda ; bondage ; ummmmm did i miss anything ; momo is a bottom!!! ; whipped momo ; kinda filthy idk i got carried away ; cursing lolll
a/n: the first half of this was written right before i fell asleep i apologize, but it gets better (i think)
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momo was always known to be the more dominant girlfriend, not that it was explicitly said or anything—she just had that rep.
to be fair, it was true. her hand would be on your waist when you were out together, ensuring that everyone knew you were hers. she’d drive you everywhere and you were content being her passenger princess, enjoying the occasional squeeze and caress of your thigh every now and then. typical pillow princeess, spoiled, and bottom girlfriend treatment—you loved it.
it was safe to say that momo wore the pants in the relationship, but she was a sucker for you behind closed doors. you’d pamper her endlessly and to your amusement; she’s incredibly easy to fluster.
now, what’s also behind closed doors is what happens in bed (and on the couch, the kitchen counter—pretty much any space in your house where you can be held against—basically anywhere, but bedroom can be used as an umbrella term in this case.) momo can be pretty versatile when it comes to sex; she can be the sweetest soul ever, whispering sweet nothings and endless praises while her fingers pound into you ruthlessly. there are also moments where she’ll be holding you by the throat and making you scream, teasing you endlessly and degrading the hell out of you while stripping your orgasm away, she loves the control she has over you in bed and she knows you like it. momo loves it.
most of the time—if not all the time—momo is in charge when in bed and sure, maybe you’ll finger her or eat her out here and there, but it’s usually her taking the lead, always pleasing you.
momo is content that you easily submit to her and you’re fine with letting her ruin you; after all, no one else can do it like her. momo’s pretty content with this dynamic, she’s never had to think twice about it.
not until recently.
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momo does not know how she had gotten here, there’s no memory that had led up to this moment.
you’re sitting on the couch with the tank top that momo adores on you and it shows a bit of your stomach, your collarbones, and your toned arms; your girlfriend is all worked up just from the sight of you like this.
momo is on the ground—on her knees—and your gaze is lowered down on her. your eyes hold a strange allure, something lustful, and hungry; momo feels small in the position she’s in, she’s never seen you like this, but fuck does it make her all nervous seeing you in this new light. she ignores the discomfort building up on her knees as she kneels before you.
“you look so pathetic like this.” you say, voice low and dangerously sweet, opposing your words. momo whimpers unintentionally and you laugh at her. “i haven’t even touched you yet, don’t tell me you’re all riled up from this?”
“i— no,”
you grab her face so her cheeks are squeezed between your thumb and the rest of your fingers, her lips squish a bit and she lets out a small, nasally whine.
your jaw tightens and you correct her, “no miss.”
momo is not used to this side of you—not used to you being so stern—but holy shit she’s entranced. her body tenses up and she gulps lightly.
“s-sorry miss…”
you loosen your grip. “that’s more like it.”
momo’s breath quivers when you rub her bottom lip with your thumb, pushing it down slightly while looking at her with a lidded, lust-filled stare.
“i wanna have my way with you, you’ll let me do that, yeah?”
“yes miss, whatever you’d like.” momo responds almost immediately; it comes out rushed and breathless. you giggle at this adorable, needy version of momo.
“what a good girl…” you coo, “let’s go to the bedroom, yeah? rather i’d make a mess out of you there than here.” you say, and momo nods eagerly.
when the two of you make it to the bedroom, you quickly order her to take off the shirt she has on. your girlfriend is quick to follow your commands, and when you tell her to lie down on the bed she does as told.
you walk up towards her then situate yourself so you’re straddling her, your core just barely making contact with hers. leaning over, you press a kiss to her forehead and back away, bringing your hand up to her face to cup her chin.
“you look so adorable, baby.” you mumble, sliding your hand down her neck slowly. momo’s tummy hitches when you trace down to her collarbone and she moans softly. just before you trail down to the prominent line that separates the muscles at her core—
momo wakes up, a sharp breath slipping past her lips.
she blinks once, twice, then shifts in the bed. her eyes are squinty when she opens them despite the room being pretty dim.
there’s a weight on her shoulder and she turns to see you sleeping peacefully, feeling the soft breaths you let out on her neck and the way your chest heaves up and down against her. you shift closer to her in your slumber, lazily draping your arm across her torso and snuggling her like a teddy bear.
your girlfriend smiles softly and kisses you on the forehead groggily before closing her eyes again, she almost forgets about the thrilling dream before she falls asleep.
momo spends a minute or two replaying the scene in her head. she hates to admit it, but the thought of her submitting to you turns her on more than she’d figure it would and makes her ponder for a while before she actually falls asleep. she thinks about the way you looked at her, how you called her a “good girl,” and the tone of your voice. after a couple of minutes of her furrowing her brows, shifting her hips around, and trying to shake off the thought of you being all commanding; momo is finally drowsy enough to fall asleep again.
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a week after momo has this enticing dream, you’re sat on the couch with her head on your lap. your fingers twirl her hair around subtly, every other minute they dig deeper and massage her scalp gently.
your pointer brushes along the curve of her jaw, then runs down her neck and onto her jawline. you rest your hand there, rubbing her soft skin lightly before going back to massaging her scalp. with this action, momo shifts in her place a bit, and a slow, pleased breath leaves her lips.
you giggle quietly. “damn, must be comfy huh?” you mumble, continuing to massage her head how she likes it.
momo shifts again, and this time you catch her thighs rub from the corner of your eye. your brows furrow just barely when momo sighs, mumbling something you can’t seem to catch. you take your hands out of her scalp and watch her squirm more, her lips part as her brows crease. she continues to rub her thighs together, even biting her lip in her sleep. you tilt your head, looking at her with curiosity, and then everything clicks:
she’s having a sex dream.
a small laugh leaves your lips and you rest your hand against her cheek while her features etch into a familiar expression of bliss while her breaths get shakier. you watch with interest, curious and honestly pretty very turned on by the way she’s squirming; it’s different than her usual riled-up self, a little more needy, almost—compliant?
“y/n— i, i mean— miss, sorry miss…” she says under her breath, but loud enough for you to hear. your brows raise and you look at her with surprise.
there’s a blatant moan that leaves her mouth and her bottom lip trembles a bit. “p-please, please miss, i’ll be a good girl for you… please…”
“holy shit,” you mutter, watching your girlfriend rut her hips up and lean her head back slightly. “oh my god?”
something about this momo makes your own hips move up involuntarily and your top teeth trap your bottom lip as they subtly bite down. your hand finds itself inching down to momo’s thigh, and your thumb rubs small circles against the skin below where her shorts end; momo groans at the contact.
your middle finger finds its way in between momo’s legs and lightly grazes against the cloth covering her heat—it’s damp, no, it’s soaked.
“fuck,” you sigh, “bet you feel good in that dream, yeah?”
“y/n, please…”
before you can touch her where she needs it—before you can touch her properly as she sleeps, not just a feathered touch—momo jerks and sits up, groaning then rubbing her eyes. she turns so that she’s sitting like you; legs dangling off the couch and back facing the cushion behind her. she sits up properly while she recovers from her quick nap; and her tremendously appealing dream.
her cheeks grow even warmer when she sees the hand that is still in between her legs. “w-what, what are you doing?” she stutters, flustered from the dream and how wet she is.
you chuckle and decide to tease her just a bit, “were you having a sex dream about me?”
momo pauses, eyes widening. she chokes out a response, “i um, well, yeah… was i—”
“you called me miss, what’s with that?” you ask, watching her whole body tense up and eyes dart away from yours.
momo shakes her head then rubs her eyes, shifting away from your spot on the couch. you’re not going to take that as a response.
you lean closer and place a chaste peck to her jawline, then mutter in her ear, “c’mon, you seemed like you were enjoying your dream, it was cute.”
“y/n i—” she starts, shivering when your lips graze her earlobe and your breath hits it suddenly. “it’s just a dream i mean, i just—”
“too scared to admit something babe?” you laugh, “it’s okay if you want to bottom, not judging ever. actually, i’d be more than happy to switch roles y’know. i wanna make you feel like that, can i?””
your hand snakes around her waist and slides under her shirt, the feel of your skin on hers makes her breath tremble. momo whines when your lips tease her jaw again.
“it’s stupid, y/n, really.” momo tries, “it was just a silly dream.” she argues. your girlfriend inches away from your touch and starts to stand, you catch her by the wrist and grip it firmly.
“not so fast momoring.” you say sternly, looking at her with a quirked brow. you stand up swiftly and push her down onto the couch, standing in front of her now and looking down, eager for an answer. “you’re going to tell me what you were dreaming about.”
momo looks up at you and something about how helpless she looks turns you on more than you’d like to admit.
“words momo, use your words and tell me. you can do it, yeah?”
her hips subconsciously shift when you say that, and she continues to avoid your gaze, frantically looking around the room, the floor, and anything but you. her unusually timid self makes you laugh at the sight of her—sleepy and bashful, also pretty turned on from the way her thighs rub against one another—and then you use your hand to tilt her head up so she faces you.
“words, or i can stop what i’m doing, you want me to stop?”
“no, please no.” momo responds almost immediately and unintentionally—she said without thinking—almost as if she were out of breath. you laugh in response, tucking her hair behind her ear. “it’s just… embarrassing…” she adds.
“just tell me about it and we can make your dream a reality, yeah? seemed pretty good from the way you were moaning my name, baby.” you tease, “now, speak up.”
momo hesitates for a moment, looking at you and folding from the sultry voice you talk to her with, low and alluring. she darts her eyes away quickly and then returns to the burning eye contact. she gulps lightly, then starts to speak with a trembling voice,
“i um, you… i,” she clenches her jaw before starting again, surprised at how she’s obeying to you so easily. “first i was on my knees—for you—in the bedroom.” she looks down quickly, jaw tensing when she cringes at her words. her mind is a mess and her heart beats at an abnormal pace, but she’s way too turned on to turn back now.
you snicker, “were you now?”
“yeah.” she admits. your hand slides to her neck and your fingers play with her hair subtly, she continues, “and… you told me to call you miss and ma’am—which i did do—and, fuck this is really embarrassing y/n, it’s all stupid, really—”
 “ah ah, keep going.” you say in amusement, breaking the eye contact so you can look at how her lip’s part and jaw tighten.
“you took care of me,” momo finally says, “really well.”
“yeah? want me to take care of you like in your dream?” you ask, and she nods eagerly.
you smile proudly at how brave it was to admit this to you, and you’re glad because holy shit did it sound intriguing and as her girlfriend, you have to make her dreams come true.
you bite your lip while tilting your head slightly, then simply say— no, you order: “bedroom, come.” and momo follows you when you start to walk towards the shared room, feelings of excitement flowing throughout her body. there’s no way her sex dream is about to come true.
the door closes behind you and you turn to see your girlfriend standing there nervously, looking at you eagerly with a lust-filled, yet anxious stare.
you take a step forward and her breath quivers, you smile at the sight. “down on the bed, sit.” you order, momo listens competently and does as she’s told. “good girl.”
now with that remark momo feels her tummy do a flip and her pussy throb, the way you say it with that low, seductive voice kills her. it makes her knees weak. you walk up and trace your finger up her neck, and with the way her muscles contract subtly when she tenses up, you can tell she’s already sensitive and on edge. it’s ironic seeing she’s the one who usually has you like this.
“now tell me more about your dream, give me the full details.”
“i told you, you made me feel good… y/n please, it’s embarrassing—” momo is cut off when you harshly hold her face up, her cheeks being squished by your fingers when you do so. a low whine escapes her lips and she grips the sheets, looking at you with puppy eyes that make almost make you laugh.
“god you’re pathetic, so shy it’s almost annoying. now, miss or ma’am from now on, since you’re being so incompetent.” you scoff. “when i tell you to do something you do it. got it?”
momo nods quickly.
“and now i’m telling you— no, this is an order: tell me about your dream, momo.” you say sternly, and momo gulps, looking at the desire and lust in your eyes.
she’s not used to this side of you, not used to this bossy type of y/n and it’s making her wetter than she had anticipated. momo hesitates and tries to maintain eye contact with you, but it’s hard.
“sorry miss,” she says in the cutest voice ever, so desperate, so obedient. you could get used to this.
for the most part, you’re being so stern with her because it’s really fucking hot seeing her like this, seeing her fold under you so easily when you’re the one who’s usually in this position. you also need to know more about her dream because one: how will you know what she really wants from you, how you can please her to the best of your ability. two: you want to know more of what’s going on in that dirty little brain of hers., what fantasies you’ve been unaware of.
momo cannot believe she’s submitting so easily to you, and there’s no escape from this confrontation of her little sex dream. so, she does what she has to, what you ordered her to do—all because she’s a good girl, your good girl.
“my wrists,” she begins, struggling to recollect the memories from her dream due to how flustered she is. momo can feel her cheeks literally burning, and the way your eyes drill into hers does not help her state right now. “they were tied with the black tie i wear to work and i was naked, you were touching me, ruining me.” momo locks her eyes with yours and her brows give in, relaxing as she fully gives herself to you with that helpless, needy expression. “i was being good and you said i was a good girl too, yours. you left me a mess, left me crying.” and after saying all of this, after recollecting the memories from her very enticing dream, she musters up the courage to ask, “can you take care of me like that? please?”
her pride and whatever embarrassment she had from earlier is out the window at this point; now the only thing she wants is you to ruin her, she doesn’t care how flustered she’ll be after this, the only thing taking over her is the hungry desire for your care and touch. just like that damn dream of hers.
you smile, satisfied with this more detailed answered. “of course baby, as long as you’re good for me.” you assure, cupping her cheek and letting her ease herself into your palm. “you can do that, yeah?”
“yes ma’am.”
you take your hand off her cheek and she whines lowly, earning a small chuckle of amusement from you. turning around and taking a few steps, you reach for where momo hangs her work tie on the hook drilled into the door, then grab the fabric hung on it. you wrap it around so that it’s resting around your neck untied. momo watches you attentively, focusing on the way your hips sway subtly, eyes the way your fingers play with the fabric as you walk back to her.
“clothes off.”
“yes, ma’am,” momo responds, quickly taking off her t-shirt and shorts. you bite your lip when you see her nipple just barely poking at the thin bra she has on, leaving a small—yet noticeable—small bulge in the fabric that covers her breasts. your eyes run down her body, pleased to see the damp fabric that’s darkened by her arousal, which paints a smirk on your face.
“you’re so pretty baby, i’m gonna ruin you, ‘kay?
“yes, please, do whatever ma’am.” she says, hands gripping the sheets to contain her eagerness. “i’m all yours.”
“i’m glad you know your place.” you mutter before placing your hand on the center of her upper chest, just under her collarbones. you ease her into lying down onto the bed—making her shift over a bit so her shoulder blades press against the headboard—and straddle her. “my good girl.”
to be completely honest, you’re not one hundred percent sure where you’re going with this, and really, you’re using what momo does to you against her, she’s better at this dominance thing than you are. your first instinct is to close the distance and kiss her, locking your plump lips against her soft ones. your girlfriend whines into the kiss, hands desperately clawing at the exposed skin that isn’t hidden by the crop top you have on. she lets you take over and lead the kiss, following your lips when you decide to linger and then pull back half an inch or two. she’s desperate for your touch and whining each time you tease her, it’s amusing.
you start to suck at the skin on her neck, earning a choked-out groan from momo and a string of curses when your hands start to add stimulus by rubbing circles down on her inner thigh. you pull away from her skin and gaze at the artwork you’ve left on her neck. momo looks at you with the neediest look you’ve ever seen; it’s incredibly tempting and makes you want more.
“so cute.” you mumble. momo sighs, resting her head against the headboard before you press another kiss to her jaw. your hands slither to around her back and your fingers unclasp the navy bra she has on, it falls down around her, leaving the top of her body uncovered. “i’m gonna ruin you.” you say, almost as if it were a promise; a very dirty promise.
you kiss her deeply again, letting her chest squish into yours as you do so and she’s so sensitive that the small amount of contact makes her groan weakly.
“mommy, please… need you, please” her voice breaks slightly, so desperate for attention her sensitive tits that push against you. what she calls you catches you off guard, and it even takes momo by surprise, it just left her mouth on accident. she pauses in place after processing what had slipped past her lips, quickly backing down from embarrassment and her voice shakes when she catches herself, “i-i didn’t mean to say th—"
“shh, shh baby,” you assure, growing needy yourself from what slipped from her lips. “miss” and “ma’am” were already hot enough coming from momo, but “mommy?” holy shit that made your head spin, and it’s the last thing you would’ve thought you were into—but now you’re sure you’re into it after hearing her say it like that. undoubtedly, it’s undeniable that you’re into all of this.
“be patient baby, mommy knows what she’s doing, ‘kay? i’ve got you.”
momo lets herself relax again knowing that you don’t mind her slip-up—one that made your pussy pulse severely—and she lets you make your previous marks darker, you make sure it’ll take at least a week for them to fade away.
you’re pretty new to all of this, new to being in control, the new title you’re being given, this momo; everything is all so thrilling and you fucking love it.
finally, you decide to give momo what she wants, she’s been so obedient and patient, you might as well be generous.
“sit up for me princess, hands behind your back.” and momo does exactly what she’s told just like the good girl she is.
you pull the tie off of your neck and hold it with both hands, bringing it over momo’s head and behind her so you can wrap the tie around her wrists, restraining her hands with a secure knot when you finish tying. now momo’s completely under your control, and her hands are all tied up, meaning you can do whatever. it makes her cunt pulse so badly and she desperately needs you to ease that.
you start by pecking her lower neck sensually, then you start planting kisses down to her breast and eventually latching your mouth onto it. momo moans immediately—and very loudly—as soon as your lips make contact with her sensitive area. your tongue abuses her nipple, swirling around it while you suck and stimulate her; momo might cum just from this, and she’s baffled at how sensitive she is for you.
she shivers when your hand slides up her torso, twitching when your fingers graze along her abs. she continues to moan, it’s more of a whimper at this point from how fucking delicate she is, and she can’t do anything about the overwhelming sensation due to her hands being unable to grip at your skin or hair.
you pay attention to the other tit, giving it the same treatment as you did with the other: sucking on it, swirling your tongue around, leaving marks, and making her breath stutter. momo’s back arches as you leave a trail of kisses down her abs, whining strangled “mommy’s” and begging you to fuck her good.
she’s lightheaded when you press your fingers against her panties, and when you slip them off she whimpers pathetically; it’s adorable.
momo sighs desperately, pretty much begging every time she says something coherent. “a-ah, p-please mommy i’ve been good…”
without warning your lips clasp onto her pussy, and momo’s wrists strain against the tie wrapped tightly around them. she twitches when you eat her out, your nose pressing to her clit every now and then while your tongue fucks her into oblivion. momo tries to hold back her orgasm, i mean, you’ve only toyed with her tits so far and you’ve been eating her out for the past (what momo thinks, though her mind is really fucked right now) thirty seconds, and her breath is already erratic.
“m-miss, fuck, m-mommy p-please i-im—"
her attempt to hold back her climax fails when you suck on her clit and she feels herself shudder as she cums into your mouth. her thighs close around you and words twist at her throat; she practically sobs as you lap up all her arousal. you look up and catch the way her tummy quivers when she breathes, the way her head rests against the headboard while she collects herself.
when she looks down, she looks at your eyes peering back into her own, lust filled and lidded.
“you sound so pretty all riled up baby.”
a smirk finds its way to your lips and you trail back up her body with kisses, making your way back to your chest. before you indulge into her sensitive tits again, you decide to be a tease and brush your fingers over, they spring back into place from how hard they are and you smile. you flick them and momo lets out a choked-out moan. then, you make her scream by suddenly pinching the hardened bud between your fingers, you like this helpless momo. she’s unable to do anything about your teasing and touching. you place hand in between her thighs and two fingers run up and down her folds, teasing her entrance while you kiss her lips hungrily.
she struggles to kiss you back properly, distracted by the sensation down at her core. when you pull away she whimpers, then moans when you stick two fingers in. her head leans into you and she groans into your skin breathlessly, “m-mommy, agh keep going… so good miss, fuck,”
“mommy making you feel good?” you ask, and she nods against you, making you smile. “my pretty girl, so good for me just as she should be.”
you plunge into her harshly, fingers making contact with the sweet spots of her walls that make her bite into your shoulder. at this point, her wrists are going to have crimson marks from how much they’ve been pushing and struggling against the fabric that restrains her.
her breath grows heavier and tears start to form from how overwhelmed and sensitive she is, the word “please” is repeated at least ten times as you fuck her relentlessly. she’s quick to cum again after you thrust into her with your fingers again—this time pretty harshly, the top of your palm abusing her clit as you do so—which makes her back arch dangerously and tears roll down her cheeks, her flushed, hot cheeks.
holy shit. you think, looking at her state. her face is rosy, her pussy is already starting to swell, and tears form in her eyes again; she looks so goddamn pretty like this. you want her sobbing.
without warning, you shove two fingers back in and momo yelps, her body jerking from the sudden pleasure.
“w-wait, m-mommy— ‘s too much—”
“shh shh baby, i know you can take it. you’re a good girl right? gonna take it for mommy?”
momo closes her eyes tightly and catches her breath. she nods, then responds with a strained voice, “anything f-for you,”
“good girl.” you say, and you decide to push her limits a bit, adding a third finger to her battered, swelling pussy.
this is what has tears flowing down and despite the sobs, momo doesn’t want it to stop; she’d cry even more if you were to take your fingers out, if you were to stop abusing her core with those fingers of yours. her mind is so foggy, everything starts to get dizzy and you simply watch your girlfriend squirm and lose herself from your touch.
“so much, ah— m-mommy ‘m gonna cum, c-can i cum? please? please let me…” she begs.
“of course you can sweetheart, mommy is going to take care of you, always.” you assure, kissing her cheek and tasting the slight saltiness from her tears. “cum for mommy, yeah? you’ve been good.”
your fingers move in and out of her cunt with a sharp rhythm and curl at the spot that earns the loudest lewd noises. her breath hitches again and a knot forms in her stomach. she groans, cries, and whines—all at once, somehow—and you feel her walls tighten around all three fingers.
momo cums and a loud cry—practically a scream, one that might have your neighbors asking what’s going on—escapes her, the loudest of the night probably. her hips jerk up, she twitches, and tears fall onto her collarbone and chest. she falls limp against the headboard when you take your fingers out and her breath is still heavy, but she recollects herself.
with your thumb, you wipe away a few of her tears and kiss her incredibly swollen and red lips softly. she whines quietly into you as you do all of this, you caress her neck and help her relax after her overwhelming climax.
you pull away and admire your girlfriend: flushed cheeks, puffy lips, pink nose, and dampened cheeks from the tears that wouldn’t stop flowing down.
you undo the knot of the tie tightened around her wrists and throw it somewhere to the right. momo brings her—now free—hand up to her face and wipes her tears away, sniffling lightly. you smile at how adorable she looks; she’s all ruined and littered with deep red marks all over her neck, body, and inner thighs.
“c’mere.” you mumble, settling yourself beside her. you put out your arms and momo weakly leans into you against your chest, you pull the (now slightly dampened at the bottom) blanket over yourselves.
“was i good?” momo asks genuinely. you smile and kiss her forehead, then push her hair out of her face.
“more than good, you did great.” you assure. momo moves her head so that it’s situated in the crook of your neck, and she kisses it softly; a small giggle leaves your lips. “did you always have dreams like this?” you ask.
“once,” momo mumbles, “i woke up in the middle of the night from it last week, but that’s it. only that dream and… earlier…”
“would you have told me about these dreams if i didn’t catch you sleep-moaning?” you say teasing her with the last part of your response.
momo thinks to herself for a brief moment, then says, “i don’t know, it’s embarrassing.”
“no, not at all.” you say, “i didn’t know you had a mommy kink—i didn’t know i had one.”
“me neither… it just, slipped out.” she says, “ugh, this is so embarrassing, stop.”
you laugh and kiss her head. “well, i liked it a lot. you clearly liked it too.”
“uggghh.” momo groans.
“c’mon, am i wrong?”
momo pauses for a bit.
“no.” she responds.
you decide to leave momo alone and give her a little breather after fucking her to tears and teasing her about her newfound kink. you massage her scalp and feel her fully relax into you, her eyes close and she kisses you one more time.
“momoring, before you sleep.” you mumble, she hums. “can we do this again?”
she responds quickly, “please.”
you giggle and smile again, pressing her naked body closer to you and closing your own eyes. momo is glad that her dreams came true, and she hopes there are more dreams like these that can be fulfilled in the future.
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nr1chaedickrider · 3 months
i've been thinking of subby gp momo lately ☹️
she'd be so cute!!! super whiny and needy, just begging to ruin ur cunt :(((
its time i answer this omg bruh i love your thoughts
"fuck please just-" momo moans next to your ear.
your hand grips her cock as you move your hand up and down, painfully slow.
"please what baby? use your words" you tease, smirking at her attempts to fuck your hand.
"please let me fuck you.. i wanna hear you moan for me. i wanna ruin you so fucking bad-" she whimpers, her cock twitching.
"how can i say no to that, hm?" you answer, your hand leaving her cock, just to replace it with your cunt.
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ghostykapi · 1 year
but you can’t touch me (if you love me)
misamo & fem!reader // filth so minors dni
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“you know better than to move sweet girl, now stay still”
when you agree to your girlfriends to a bet, you knew better than to push it to the limits. you knew that your girlfriends are the competitive kind, the one that can leave you wondering what dormant devil lies underneath them
you still however lost the bet, and that’s why when one of them enters the room, you wonder if this is where they will start getting their reward.
“good morning my princess!” sana smiles, her energy always unmatched in the morning “i brought you some coffee down the block to start this friday morning”
“thank you sweetheart” you don’t argue when she sits on your lap, and starts kissing you, giggling in between the kisses “don’t you have to go to a photo shoot soon?”
“i do” sana’s hands grab the back of your neck to connect her into a more messy kiss “but my turn is still later this afternoon. i want to have fun with you first”
you work from home, staying cozy in your own makeshift office room, giving her a surge of confidence of what she wants to do. she moves her hands to unbutton your blouse before running them on your chest and tummy, lightly scratching her way down and going back up to do it again and again.
“so cute” sana is a meanie when it comes to teasing you, always managing to turn any of you into a stuttering mess “so fucking cute. gosh i love messing you up”
“sweetie” you’re head is spinning, but it’s still work hours and you’re pretty sure she might be late to work “sweetheart i have a meeting in 10”
“fine i’ll let you go” sana gives you another kiss and fixes your blouse, her hands tracing your fading marks on your neck and collarbone “but i expect good pictures later”
even if sana left to go to work, her teasing comes in form of texts that render your brain into mush in between those zoom meetings.
i miss you princess
i miss making you messy n all worked up for me :((
sweetheart you would be good girl and wait for us right?
you can only sigh and continue to work, as you weren’t allowed to touch yourself or do anything that will help you unless one of them is there
it was after your lunch break that you finally got what you needed
momo is one of the more, generous ones when it comes to bed. just let her hands roam everywhere on your body as she fucks you then it’s all good
“hi baby” you kiss her when she’s behind you, letting you tend to your work on your computer screen “how was work”
“missed you” she pouts, tugging you to your shared bedroom and unto the bed “do you have do some work?”
before you can even reply, she’s already kissing you, pinning you down and effectively trapping you there
“baby i still have to finish something” you try to complain but it falls on deaf ears as momo turns the kisses into a messy make out session
“don’t care” she mumbles while kissing you, her hands already disregarding both of your clothes “got to have you now”
you let her have you, in all ways that makes her happy and makes you feel good. her mouth everywhere on your body as you grip the sheets to keep yourself grounded. her hands playing with your clit, sending you shivering and moaning at the pleasure. her strap, her fucking goddamn strap, is ready and on her. so fucking ready to fuck you deep
“baby” you call out, thighs shaking as she plunges her fingers into you, preparing for what is about to come next “baby come on please”
“please what?” momo circles her tougne around your clit before sucking it, making you scream out in pleasure
“fuck! please just fuck me with your strap mommy!” you give in, already throwing out the rest of your dignity out the window
“that’s what i wanted to hear” momo pulls out her fingers before lining up the strap unto your pussy. she lets you grind unto it before slowly pushing it in
“you look so pretty like this” momo moans as she sinks down, the strap effectively stretching you out “you look so good being stretched out for me”
“mommy” you moan out, letting her hands play with your breasts as you bottom out on her strap “fuck mommy you feel so good”
“yeah?” momo grunts, starting out slowly to help you adjust with the feeling “feel so full don’t you pretty girl? so full of my cock”
that immediately goes straight to your brain as she starts to move a bit faster, her hips starting to gain a sense of rhythm that makes you melt against the sheets
“hngg–ugh–fuck!” you feel your hands twitch against you, seemingly wishing to grab onto momo. she notices it before you can even move
“nuh-uh baby” momo taunts, grabbing both of your hands and pinning it above you head “no touching remember?”
right, the whole reason why you lost the bet is because you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself
“please” you beg as you begin to feel your thighs shake, your back arch, your “please mommy let me cum”
momo grins and starts to move at her fastest and hardest, slipping one of her hands to rub on your clit that sends you screaming
you let go loudly, sure that whoever your neighbors are, they can hear you and will probably file a complaint tomorrow. it takes you a full minute to even regain your focus on momo, who’s diligent to help you clean up and do some aftercare
“good job baby you did so good” momo coos and helps you come down from your high, rubbing her hands on your sides to help you calm down “so proud of you baby for taking me so well”
“thank you” you gasp, the amount of energy taken from you already showing its signs as your eyes start to close “cuddle with me at least?”
“always baby” momo wraps your arms around you, whispering soft nothings as you drift off into sleep
though it doesn’t take long for you to wake up again, when mina’s having the time of her life eating you out
“hmmph–m-mina” you call out, her eyes drinking you up as she sucks on your clit “hngg-oh g-gods why are you so–hng-fuck!–so good at that”
“hello my love” mina sing songs, inserting two fingers to replace her mouth “i think i’ll take my reward right now so be a good slut and take what i’ll give you”
mina is a lot of things and maybe that’s why she loves to make you feel a lot of things. first making you orgasm on her fingers, then on her thigh, then on her face and then now she’s pounding you down on the bed with her own strap.
so yeah she likes making you feel a lot of things, that’s why whenever you are with her, overstimulation is bound to happen.
“not enough” mina moans as she brings you up to your knees, and continues to fuck you, her arms helping you stay upright “i need you wailing and squealing for me”
“hngg-uggghhh-fuck!” your mind is nothing but a mess now, her dirty whispers and moans absolutely not helping you at all with this case
“that’s it” mina smirks as you continue you only let out moans and whimpers “that’s what i love to fucking hear”
mina’s thrusts sends you throwing your head back against her, the loud slapping echoing across the room that makes sana and momo drooling by the door
sana and momo drooling by the door?
“fuck look at her” momo can’t take her eyes off the both of you, hypnotized by the way you beg mina to go harder with only broken moans “she’s taking mina so well”
“that’s not mina anymore” sana makes eye contact with mina, who smirks and makes a show of the new fresh marks she put on you “that’s sharon taking over”
“looks like we’ve got an audience” mina’s voice is nothing but mean and seductive that makes you almost weak on the knees “won’t you let them mark you up? hmm? will you be a good slut and let them play with you?”
you can’t even give a response before the other two join in the fun, their once shocked behavior replaced with a hunger of a predator that wants to play with their prey
momo is quick to latch unto your tits, her hands already all over your chest and tummy. sana prefers to messily kiss you, perfectly invading your senses and rendering you weak
“you look so good” sana praises you, even as the combined spit of both of you cover most of your jaw at this point “such a pretty obedient slut for us”
“fuck i can feel you shaking baby” mina pants, her thrusts not stopping even if her abs are burning “we need you to cum ok? just cum for us. make a fucking mess”
you don’t fully register it, but you were sure to give them what they want and more.
“good job sweetheart, you did such a good job” sana is quick to praise you, proud and a little bit shocked that you just squirted “let’s run you a bath hmm?”
“we’ll order some take out” momo kisses you softly, helping you melt in their arms “you did so good for us baby”
“our love deserves to be pampered tonight” mina sighs into your neck, kissing the fresh marks she added “so amazing for us”
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soyeonsbabygirl · 4 months
Never Lose Me | Hirai Momo x Reader
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You and Momo met years ago as trainees. She barely spoke Korean and you knew no Japanese but despite the language barrier, you both became fast friends. You guys were instantly inseparable almost always being seen together. You guys were both excited when you found out you’d be on SIXTEEN together despite it meaning you would also be each other’s competition.
You still remember the face she made when she was eliminated and how distraught you felt at the idea of not being able to debut with her. You sobbed in Jihyo’s arms loudly as she and Chaeyeon both tried to comfort you. You still made it to the final lineup despite struggling to actually want to debut after she had left.
When she was revealed to come back for the final line up you remember the hug she gave you and how good it felt for her arms to be around your waist. From that point, one thing became clear to you. You could never lose her.
All of you were in the practice room trying to perfect the choreography for your guys new song “I Got You”. You all were currently taking a break after working nonstop and you were currently sitting on the floor not paying attention to whatever it was Nayeon was telling you. Your gaze was on Momo and Dahyun.
Those two had gotten especially close during the tour and during the music video. Momo was holding Dahyun close to her whispering things in her ear that made Dahyun giggle, making you dig your nails into your thigh. Momo’s hand resting on Dahyun’s waist made your skin crawl and in the worst way.
“You’re not subtle you know” you turned looking at Nayeon who gave you a teasing smile. “It’s obvious you like her” you sighed in response to Nayeon’s words “not to her.” Jihyo who was sitting near you put her hand on your shoulder comfortingly. “I wouldn’t worry about them they’re just friends.” “Friends that try to kiss each other.” You spat back clenching your jaw at Momo kissing Dahyun’s cheek a bit too close to her lips, “well staring at them isn’t gonna solve anything for you.” Nayeon replied attempting to lighten your mood. You sighed , looking away trying to busy yourself with something else.
Back at the dorms it was worse. Those two were practically all over each other as if they were the only two in the world. You were sat across from them on the couch while they cuddled and whispered sweet nothings to each other. You were jealous you knew that, but you couldn’t help it. It was hard not to be especially since it felt like you were losing her, but this time it felt worse than SIXTEEN, worse than all the other times where you thought she liked other people, it was one of your friends and members you were losing her to.
The last straw for you, was when Chaeyoung had attempted to make a joke . “Are you sure that you and Dahyunie aren’t dating? you guys are so close you might as well be!” majority of the group laughed but you didn’t. It looked as if Momo’s grip had gotten even tighter around Dahyun’s waist like she was about to kiss her which was something you didn’t want to see.
You stood up going to your room ignoring the girls calling you back. You slammed the door to your room the sound being heard throughout the dorm. You didn't even realize when you started crying but when you did you couldn’t stop, the tears freely just falling down your cheeks.
You always thought in a weird way that you and Momo were always gonna be together or at least that in a weird way were destined together, but with the way she was acting with Dahyun made you think otherwise. Maybe you just needed to accept that you had lost her or realize the fact that you weren't good enough for her. That’s probably the real reason why you guys weren’t dating right now.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a knock at your door which at first you were gonna ignore but you didn’t get the chance to since they opened the door right after they knocked. You looked up about to tell them to leave assuming it was Nayeon or Jihyo but you were met with Momo’s face making the words get stuck in your throat. Her hand went to your cheek in an action so gentle you couldn’t help but lean into her touch. After a few minutes of you both just sitting on your bed like that she eventually spoke.
“Why did you leave like that? Chaeyoung was just-” you cut her off with a kiss before she could finish her sentence. Her lips were softer than you had imagined, the faint smell of her shampoo filling your nose making you dizzy almost. You pulled away quickly when you realized she wasn’t kissing back an unreadable expression on her face her eyes filled with multiple emotions you couldn’t read at the moment.
“I’m sorry, I don't know what came over me. I just saw how you were Dahyun and felt as if-” this time you were cut off by Momo’s lips meeting yours. this kiss was more passionate than the other, she got scared and almost pulled away when she didn’t feel you kiss her back but you relaxed into the kiss pretty easily feeling as if all your fantasies were coming true. Momo deepened the kiss as she held your face while one of your hands moved to her waist bringing you closer to her.
She broke the kiss giving your neck attention as she left a mix of kisses and small nips down it making you gasp softly, her fingers went underneath your shirt, needing to feel your skin under her fingertips. You didn’t protest, allowing her to take the lead as if it was all meant to happen.
“Fuck!” you moaned out while Momo had one of your legs on her shoulders and held your waist with the other. She was grinding her clit against yours creating sensations in your body that you felt only she was capable of making you feel.
You’ve hooked up with other people before but never have any of them made you feel this good like Momo did, she was so attentive with everything at first from the way she had ate you out earlier to how she was scissoring you. Momo loved watching the faces you made every time her pussy collided with hers, it felt even better each time.
The hand on your hip pushed you down even more as she sped up both of you getting wetter leading to you both moaning at same time. Momo’s nails dug into your skin creating little crescents while you whined thrusting your hips up.
“Shit, you look so good like this yn. I’ve never had a girl make me feel this good before” she moaned out bending down desperately needing your lips against hers again. The kiss was feverish as you let out a mix of moans and whines against her lips only focusing on the pleasure you felt.
You pulled away from her lips eventually moving down to her tits that looked so beautiful and full from this angle, you took one of them in your mouth sucking it hard as she sped up moaning even louder from the the stimulation of you sucking her breast. She could feel herself even closer as she let out more moans and judging by the way you whined against her she could tell you were too.
You pulled away from her boob arching your back letting out a chorus of moans whilst chanting her name like a mantra, your hips shake as you climaxed as Momo made you feel as if you were seeing stars. The sight of your face contorting to pleasure as well as the moans you let out was enough to make her orgasm as a string of profanities left her lips, you both now stared at each other panting heavily.
She fell onto your chest completely slumped as you both waited for your heart rates to settle and regain your composure. “I’ve never had someone like you in my life” Momo said looking up at you. You meet her gaze, only to be met with the beautiful beautiful sight of Momo after sex, her bangs as well as a few stray hairs sticking to her forehead. “I’m sorry for leaving like that earlier. I just couldn't stand the sight of you with Dahyun” you confessed making her smile slightly, “just like how I can't stand the sight of seeing you with Nayeon sometimes.”
You both looked at each other in silence an unspoken tranquility filling you both. Momo was yours and you were hers, you would never lose her.
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