#the next mutation
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joining the fandom 30 years late
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nyxchipz · 8 months ago
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The next mutation is not good. In fact it is bad. But I can still hallucinate and pretend Venus and Donnie had an active sibling rivalry based off like 2 jokes in the show because I love Venus and I kind of liked Donnie too.
Venus I will save you.
Also the catchphrases are so terrible in this show but I haven't been able to stop saying "certified-turtlefied" all week and it's ruining my life I hate this show but I can't bring myself to hate this show
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torisaursky · 1 month ago
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TMNT Color Wheel! One of my favorite things I’ve drawn :)
From July 22, 2023
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bobauthorman · 22 days ago
The "Party" Dude
Everyone knows that Michelangelo is "A Party Dude" and most times that means he's the fun guy. But y'know what else that means? What do we do at parties?
We gather. We socialize. We meet other people.
And that's always been Mike's thing throughout the various canons, hasn't it? He's always been the guy most interested in trying to reach out to people.
-Like the 1987 episode "The Gang's All Here", where he takes a spiked cookie that turns him into human so he can go out in public.
-Or in the Next Mutation episode "Turtles Night Out" where he hosts an animal-themed costumed rave. He also hosts a radio talk show which gives him the chance to interact with people.
-In the 2003 canon, his desire to be a superhero is so he and his Turtles can be accepted by the masses.
Of course, sometimes it backfires, like in the 2012 canon episode "New Friend, Old Enemy" where his attempts to befriend famed martial artist Chris Bradford goes wrong because Bradford is in with the Shredder.
And yes, in Mutant Mayhem all of the Turtles are keen on being accepted by humanity, but the one most common to do so is our 'chucker extraordinaire, Michelangelo.
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tmntismdoodls · 1 year ago
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yippee and yahoo
used a reference used by @adorkastock for the pose :3
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poptart-arts · 2 months ago
Now that I’m almost done with Next Mutation, I have decided that Venus is bbg and I love her, so I doodled a Rise version of her and Jennika
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And while I was looking at turtle species, my sibling said I should draw Venus as an eastern long necked turtle, so there’s that
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mcmadcanvas · 2 years ago
i know a lot of current fans came into tmnt through rise, but i wanna know, which was your tmnt baby?
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lotus-duckies · 1 year ago
i like that raph's gender is motorcycle girlie
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slady-ao3 · 5 months ago
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I'm rewatching "The Next Mutation" for the first time since it debuted and... it's not as bad as I remember thinking it was.
Oh sure it's cringe how the boys initially act creepy around Venus and yeah, we didn't NEED a girl turtle ever. Not that I ever hated her as a character- I've always liked her personality and while I didn't understand not giving her a different color bandana at least they didn't make it pink. (Which says a lot back in the 90s, heck even now.)
Yes the series is campy... the puns, the sound effects, etc. But it really wasn't a bad blend of the '87 cartoon and 90s live action movies.
Heck, maybe it's because since then in later iterations we've seen some weirder stuff that puts it in perspective. Who knows.
The main thing I remember back then was Leonardo pointing out what I thought was obvious even as a kid- they were raised together but not biological brothers because they were random pet shop turtles. Didn't change how much I admired how close they were and wished my own family was half as caring as they were...
Anyway... my favorite moment is probably this right here, Leo just watching everyone fuss while he eats straight out of a jar of peanut butter because this is an entire mood most days. XD
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whattraintracks · 1 year ago
1. Watching His Favorite Movie - every iteration I've ever seen
My headcanons based on vibes and thrown together in the middle of the night
1987 Raphael
becomes the most annoying person you’ve ever watched a movie with 
has seen this movie ten dozen times, can and will quote it by heart 
would rather make fun of everything in said movie, witty one-liners galore 
all the snacks which he chews obnoxiously and loudly 
1990s Raph 
as background noise to literally anything 
once he saw it and decided yep this is my favorite he never sat down to watch it again 
he's got things to do and ain’t nobody got time to sit down and watch a movie they’ve already seen 
just has it playing while he works out or cleans his sai or does chores or whatever 
but if someone tries to turn it off he will get pissed, he was paying attention thank you very much and that was the best part 
TNM Raph 
on his own, he either gets super into it or just passes out halfway through 
with some else, he must make them understand why this is in fact the greatest movie of all time 
the kinda guy that goes wait wait wait here’s the best part and gets mad when you don’t react correctly to his favorite scenes 
the guys hate him for it because they’ve all seen this movie a million times 
but Venus has not! and he takes full advantage of that fact 
2003 Raph 
is pretty thoughtful and quiet about it 
mostly because he likes to pull it out when he’s having a low-energy day or just feeling nostalgic 
must be doing something mindless simultaneously: knitting, eating, I don’t know, laundry?
is also super insightful about it, can and will dissect the plot 
hums the soundtrack to himself for the rest of the day 
2007 Raph 
prefers to watch with at least one other person so he can ✨ discuss ✨
always uses closed captions
loves the IDEA of sneaking into theaters to see it but can’t stand watching it straight through 
frequently pauses and rewinds, especially loves extended cuts and commentaries 
will get sidetracked halfway through by video essays and online debates courtesy of Donnie
2012 Raph 
his level of enjoyment is directly proportional to the amount of scoffing 
even alone actually, it's not just a tough guy act 
it's like when you know something is objectively awful but you unironically love it anyway 
if someone misreads this as dislike or disinterest and suggests turning it off they will be threatened within an inch of their life 
hates interruptions cannot stand people who talk while watching his movie and gets really frustrated when he can’t finish watching it in one sitting 
Rise Raph 
the closest available object and/or person will become his personal teddy bear for the duration of any scene that makes him emotional 
otherwise he’s reenacting the entire thing, as a one-man show or with his siblings 
definitely knows it by heart and all of the trivia 
particularly all the obscure actors and stunt people 
M&M Raph 
so loud, oh my wow, both him and whatever device he’s watching on 
reacts every time like it’s the first time he’s seen it 
especially loses his mind if he notices something he never has before 
talks about it for hours afterwards 
will subconsciously adopt all the catchphrases and verbal quirks 
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ariel-seagull-wings · 17 days ago
Hey Ariel!
I hoped you liked my very first holiday-themed episode.
Ever since I started this series, I always wanted one of the earliest episodes to be The X-Men facing off against Arcade for the first time!
This was been one of my favorite episodes to write so far.
And the same will apply for part 2 as well.
I've been a sucker for theme park settings.
My favorite part of this episode was having the couples of this series getting a chance to shine.
Especially Scott and Jean.
Which you'll see more of in part 2.
I also think this episode has some of the best comedy and jokes so far.
-Xavier looking miserable because he'll be hearing Logan and Mariko getting it on all night.
-Chat getting the seagulls to attack the scamming carnie.
-Jean seducing Scott.
-The rollercoaster scene.
And my personal favorite, Illyana embarrassing Piotr and Scott with "Lollipop" by Lil Wayne ft. Static.
If you have any siblings, you can either relate to Piotr's embarrassment and/or Illyana's mischievousness.
One thing I was really hard for me when during this episode was finding a voice for Arcade.
I thought of a lot of choices for the fun-loving madman.
Eric Bauza, Phil LaMarr, Rob Paulsen, and even big names like Wayne Brady and Jim Carrey!
But I decided to settle on Matt Frewer because I thought his voice would both fit the character and strike that balance of being more goofy and intimidating.
It would sound like a more energetic and lively version of his performance as The Leader in the Incredible Hulk 1996 cartoon.
I'm also proud that I made this episode part of my very first double premiere, as I also released the episode "On Angel's Wings".
On Angel's Wings is another episode I'm really proud of doing for two reasons.
Revealing and showcasing the faiths of The X-Men.
2. William Stryker. He might be the strongest villain I've introduced so far besides Alexei Kravinoff. What makes him so fascinating is that he encapsulates the worst of religion. Being that he willingly commits horrible acts and atrocities in the name of God, and uses his faith to justify it! Which as we all know, is unfortunately something that happens a lot in real life. And even being aside his mutant bigotry, he's a massive piece of shit. If you read the episode, you'd know that he actively insults other religions, shamed Xavier for his mixed rage heritage, and shames Ororo, Kurt, Piotr and The Howletts for being immigrants. I mean, in the comics, he's also incredibly patriotic. But my favorite part about him is who I casted for him.
The fan casting is what intrigues me: fun fact, I started to have the late great Leslie Nielsen as my fan casting for Stryker.
Most of our generation remember his comedy roles, but he started as a classically trained dramatic actor, and was really good!
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s10127470 · 2 months ago
So you guys remember when Beau DeMayo's pitch bible for his own X-Men animated series got leaked a while back and everyone collectively went....
Largely thanks to the blatant mischaracterization and lack of the understanding of many of the characters?
Yeah, so recently I've been thinking about it again and comparing it to my own X-Men fanfic, "X-Men: The Next Mutation".
And it gave me the idea to do a Virgin vs. Chad thing where I compare the DeMayo versions of X-Men characters (more specifically, the ones that got the most controversy) and compare them to my versions of them.
The Virgin DeMayo Nightcrawler:
-Raised by Xavier and Magneto.
-Seemingly isn't related to Mystique at all.
-Was wasting his life away in a sideshow freak attraction (most definitely because of his mutation).
-Favors Magneto.
-Doesn't seem to be religious at all.
-Most definitely not a skilled swordsman.
-Most likely doesn't get any admirers.
The Chad Next Mutation Nightcrawler:
-Was raised by Mystique and the Brotherhood, but ran away because he couldn't take anymore of their violent ways.
-Pretty blatantly the son of Mystique.
-Although he did join the circus because of his appearance, he loved his time with them!
-Knows Magneto, but he ABSOLUTELY hates him! Since he's, ya know, still evil.
-Is a proud Catholic and very open about his faith.
-Is a skilled swordsman! Rocking the cutlasses everywhere he goes!
-Has a lot of admirers. But he only has the eyes for particularly lovely Romani mutant with probability manipulation powers.
The Virgin DeMayo Emma:
-A old colleague of Xavier.
-Is the school's guidance counselor because it fuels her love for gossip.
-Walking definition of a mega-bitch.
-A former London socialite and most likely rubs it in everyone's face.
-Treats Jean like absolute shit. Has literal beef with an actual teenager.
-Lets her pupils get away and even actively encourage them to treat others like shit.
-Definitely got her......endowments from surgery
-Definitely single.
The Chad Next Mutation Emma:
-Personally knows Charles, but not an old colleague of his. She's like, 21 in this series.
-Serves as kind of the resident therapist for X-Factor. But does so out of respect and genuine care for her teammates.
-Is rather stoic, straightforward and businesslike jack-of-all-trades with a caring side. Think Joe Friday from Dragnet or Cornfed from Duckman.
-Also comes from a wealthy London background, but prefers to keep that more on the low-down.
-Is very civil with Jean. In fact, out of all the X-Men, she's the second closest to her. Also, Jean is like three years younger than her.
-Doesn't have any pupils as of right now.
-Got her....endowments from puberty.
-Is currently dating a hot telepathic Japanese-English ninja girl.
The Virgin DeMayo Storm:
-Basically an edgelord
-Finds Xavier's ideals old-fashioned and out-touch and expresses genuine curiosity in Magneto's beliefs.
-Is literally a mean girl, seeing herself as a superior to everyone else, which somehow made her popular!
Hates Jean Grey and dead-ass sees her as competition for homecoming votes!
-Most likely straight (possibly even homophobic) and definitely not dating anyone.
The Chad Next Mutation Storm:
-While more street-smart and witty than most of her other iterations, still carries the trademark regalness and composure.
-Firmly believes in Xavier's ideals and wouldn't give Magneto the time of day.....because he's a madman.
-Is popular among her peers as well, but simply because just how naturally cool she is. Also, she treats her peers with respect and doesn't view herself as being superior to any of them.
-Loves Jean, is literally her best friend, and even considers her a SISTER! Plus, she would absolutely root for Jean if she had the chance to become homecoming queen!
-Is proudly bisexual and happily dating a beautiful winged flyer.
The Virgin DeMayo Colossus:
-Raised in the criminal underworld of Russia.
-Is the big jock on campus.
-Definitely isn't into the arts.
-Is a social climber and desperate to fit-in.
-Is a lousy student (because of course the jock would be a lousy student).
-Is quite aggressive and can be kind of a bully.
-Most definitely straight and homophobic. Probably trying to chase chicks all the time.
The Chad Next Mutation Colossus:
-Living a simple life on his family's farm.
-Not a jock (though he does love baseball).
-Is passionate about the arts.
-Perfectly fine with where he is socially.
-A pretty solid student overall (has a B+ GPA).
-Is a gentle giant, usually calm and would never bully anyone!
-Is pansexual and dating a cute cryogenic class clown.
The Virgin DeMayo Quicksilver:
-Is an all-around asshole and doesn't respect anyone.
-Impatient and entitled.
-Is of Boston aristocracy.
-Looks up to Magneto and follows in his beliefs. Though most likely not his son.
-Has no sister.
-More than happy to abuse humans.
-Definitely straight and most definitely homophobic.
The Chad Next Mutation Quicksilver:
-While cocky, is a pretty chill guy.
-Actually rather laid-back and humble. Despite moving fast, he would rather take things slow when possible.
-Is proudly of Romani background.
-Although he's Magneto grandson, does not look up to him at all and wants nothing to do with him in general.
-Has a sister.
-Doesn't want to hurt or abuse anyone in general.
-Is pansexual and dating a big blue furry, shapeshifting hunk.
Well that's all for now.
Let me know how my versions of the X-Men characters stack up to DeMayo's versions.
In fact, I'd like to see other X-Men fans to this as well.
Taking their own interpretations of the X-Men cast and comparing them to DeMayo's.
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Speaking as someone that neither writes nor reads shippy TMNT stuff (aside from the very occasional Mike/Oyuki thing), I have to wonder...
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scarredwoods · 9 months ago
I am writing the next chapter of the Samurai and the Kappa fic right now and I'm trying to have a long discussion with myself on who could be the next leader and why or why not. But I feel like I want other people's input on the whole situation.
By the way, this is just in general, I'm not specifically talking about the IDW turtles, I'm talking about all the turtles from all the different iterations. I'm trying to lay out each of their pro and cons and who could most likely be second in line for leader. But this is a decision that comes from Leo himself. He has to choose who he's resigning his title to. So I have to keep in mind what his opinions would also be and who would he choose. Which is what I'm struggling with.
So If you guys could vote and go out of the way to explain why, that would be very helpful, thank you
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bulbabutt · 2 years ago
I’m the wrong person to ask to be objective about next mutation because every night when I can see the planet Venus in the sky I blow it a kiss because I am think abt her
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snackugaki-jestsjapesjokes · 5 months ago
i am finally in 1/3 of a mood to finally get some of this down. kinda. hhhh
anyway my precious, beloved turtle daughter Mei Pieh Chi/Venus de Milo is a cultivator (sort of) and I am absolutely going to be fast, loose, and entirely lazy 'justifying' it because it's now 97 fuckenheit degrees outside.
first, point of contention, during the East Meets West five parter that served to introduce Venus she declares herself 'shinobi'. which, was so supremely silly and massively dependent on the audience of the time (late 90s U.S.A) being monolingual. mostly.
... that's more of a hindsight nitpick tbh. I mean Venus used 'shaman' interchangeably to refer to what she and Chung I were on the show so why wouldn't-- ahem. anyway.
(i know why but I'm not about to get into asian-american history and asian depiction in hollywood 101, it also just became 100 fuckenheit degrees.)
functionally in the show, the distinction between the boys being 'ninja' and venus being 'shinobi' started and stopped with venus' spirituality and attunement with the supernatural. she fought with punches and kicks like the boys, used her cape to fight and her kai mai balls like the boys used their signature weapons. (the shit with the fan was because her toy came with fans, she never actually fought with them in the show).
now onto the reasons why, for purposes of understanding original Venus' magic/mysticism and having a frame of reference, I would categorize her as a 'cultivator' rather than 'shinobi'/shaman.
though to clarify I wouldn't necessarily ascribe actual daoist cultivation with what Venus does. i mean sure she wears the taijitu on her arm. and her little leg garter but uhhhhhhh. considering what she actually does in the show plus the show's tone? i'd more easily say she's like a modern day xianxia cultivator.
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look at her, i love her so much. and now
the list of shit Venus canonically did and said on the show about her 'magic'.
She was taught neigong techniques and,
She's part of a sect, to watch and guard against the return of evil dragons (she failed but)
She can uh... idk what this is, calling up an old version of yourself to call your current self cringe until you quit being The Shredder?
She can do the Jedi Mind Trick
She has a 'revealing' powder
She can astral project/plane walk
She's capable of time/space displacement
She develops her own techniques
She's got her collection of medicinal herbs
She's a linguist.
She has... uh. "Mandarin itch powder" (file under: Shit Before 2001)
She's skilled in telepathy!
Also uh "long distance telepathy" and i guess candy telelocation?
She employs kai mai balls (that are also used as glue traps, long range blunt force impact etc.)
She's trained in cape fighting
She's the team medic
She studies up because in-show she's a masterless student
She can decode mystical cyphers
She can pick locks with magic and with tools
She can cast Fireball, a very low level Fireball
Also telekinesis
and in 5e she'd be a Wizard
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