#the next couple were driving SUVs and the spots were small so like. i get it.
grantairezee · 1 year
the people trying to parallel park across from my building: 🤬😡😫🚗💥🚫🙅‍♀️
me, watching them suffer through the picture window in the gym while i do my stupid doctor-mandated cardio for my stupid health or whatever: 🪟😈🍿😂👏👏👏🎉🎉👍👍
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andforthecoating · 2 years
►These things take time
ao3 saw it first
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Summary: 4 times Gideon stops Elle from calling him dad and the one time he lets her.
Relationships: Elle Greenaway & Jason Gideon, Elle Greenaway / Spencer Reid
Word count: 1618
They’re on the phone the first time it happens. There’s a case, like most days, and Elle is stuck with Morgan in the SUV they always end up driving. He’s been blasting music for the last twenty minutes, so when the phone rings Elle is quite happy to hear the signal. She motions for Morgan, who’s not heard the signal, to pause the cd player as she picks up the phone and checks the caller ID.
“Hey Gideon!”
“Are you on your way to the crime scene?”
“Yeah, we’re driving there now. Care to brief us?” She says and out of the corner of her eye she can see Morgan snickering.
“The victim is Peter Andersen, white male, 43 years old. Stabbed multiple times in the abdomen. We think the unsub is still in the area.”
He pauses and Elle takes it for what it is, a warning, and most likely the end of the briefing.
“Ok, anything else?”
She can hear him breathing in and then, with a voice laced with worry, he says
“Be careful.”
And honestly she can’t take the way he sounds so genuine, can’t take the way it makes her stomach twist. So she sighs exasperatedly and rolls her shoulders, satisfied when they make a small cracking noise.
“Yes, dad.”
“Not your dad, Greenaway.”
She’s sitting beside Reid. Up until five minutes ago they had been together in companionable silence, which had now been disturbed.
The paramedic who had previously forgotten about her is on her like a hawk and insisting he take her to the hospital. She knows it’s stupid but she wishes the paramedic would leave her alone a bit more.
Elle’s really not that hurt except for the gash in her forehead, which isn’t even bleeding that much anymore. And the headache, but she has those all the time. So really, she’s not that hurt.
When she spots Gideon walking over to them, she can feel a small sliver of hope burning in her chest. If it were Hotch she wouldn’t even ask, but with Gideon, she thinks there might be a small chance he’ll help her.
“Gideon, will you please tell him that I don't need to go to the hospital?”
“Regulations are regulations.” He says sternly before looking her up and down. If Elle didn’t know better she’d say he looks concerned: “You're all right?”
“Yeah, I’m fine, dad.” And, God, didn’t that slip out a little too easily. She can feel Reid tensing beside her even though he’s trying to cover it by faking a small shiver.
Gideon is the one to break the silence:
“Hey Elle?”
“Don’t ever call me ‘dad’ again.” He says.
As she watches his retreating back she turns to Reid, who’s stayed right next to her for the whole conversation, albeit a little awkwardly. She smiles a little, shakes her head, and deadpans:
“How do you think he’d feel about ‘mom’?”
That earns her a lopsided smile and a:
“Let me know when you’re going to do that so I can uh- run.”
The team is in the conference room when it happens. It’s been a rough couple of days and Elle knows they’re starting to take a toll on her.
She knows because when Reid asked if she wanted sugar in her coffee this morning, she’d said yes. Today, she might actually have a shot at beating his standing record of the amount of sugar in one cup of coffee. She and Morgan have been trying to one-up each other on that front for months, but she usually can’t take more than two sugars and Morgan never manages to finish his coffee when he tries.
“Elle, you take Reid and go over the evidence the Philly PD sent us.”
Elle looks up from her coffee, the spoon in her hand still swirling around in the cup. She shakes her head a few times to try and get rid of the fog in her head.
“Yeah, dad- I mean… dad. Uhh- Jason! Sir.” She can hear Morgan snickering behind her, and honestly, isn’t this just great. Spencer (and when did he become Spencer?) gives her a small, shy smile before he too lets out a quiet giggle.
“Just Gideon, Elle,” Gideon affirms and just like that Morgan’s outright chuckling.
As if the mortification of saying the wrong title at 7am wasn’t enough.
Elle slides down a few inches in her chair and stretches her legs, aiming to kick Spencer under the table, while attempting to send a murderous look Morgan’s way. She probably doesn’t look as intimidating as she wants to.
Spencer is sitting in his desk chair while Elle’s taken the liberty to sit on his desk, her legs dangling off the end and awkwardly brushing against his knees. The coffee cup his hands are wrapped around has ‘pretty high degree’ written on it in bold black letters. According to Elle, it’s the best cup they have in the office- and it’s definitely not just because she has the best humour of the team and had bought it specifically with him in mind.
Her phone rings, disturbing the peace and quiet (or as much of it she can get at the BAU). From across the room, she can hear Morgan whistling.
“Not a boyfriend,” and then, because she’s a tease and she loves to balance the scales “I’m interested in someone else, actually.”
She can see Morgan’s eyebrows raising.
”Get off it, Morgan.” She sighs “I don’t think he likes me anyway.”
“It’s actually highly unlikely that he doesn’t like you. It’s called reciprocal liking, if he thinks you like him, then he’ll start to like you even more. And some peo- “
“Reid,” she interrupts with laughter in her voice, “thank you. But I don’t want someone to like me just because I like them.” She pauses for a moment: “Besides, I’m pretty sure this guy doesn’t fall into the statistics.”
Spencer takes a sip of his probably diabetic inducing coffee and looks up at her.
“Most people do. That’s the point of statistics.”
“I guess so,” she amends, in an attempt
To end the conversation. She has to get out- and fast. ”I’m getting more coffee, want some?”
“Please,” he says and hands her his cup.
Elle grabs her own disregarded cup from beside her on the desk and hops off it, thankful when she doesn’t upend the whole desk. She makes her way into the kitchen seemingly normally but she can feel the ghost of their conversation as a weight. It’s not that she cares what Spencer thinks, not really, but it’s also the fact that she does care.
It’s all too confusing for 2 o'clock in the afternoon so she settles for pouring the coffee from the coffee pot, trying to silence her thoughts. Just as she’s taking out the creamer from the fridge she feels someone’s presence behind her in the kitchen.
She turns around; Spencer’s cup in one hand, creamer in the other and the fridge door wide open.
“How are you?” Gideon asks and he looks genuinely concerned in the way only he can- where it’s phrased like a throwaway question and you can’t really see the tenderness behind it unless you know what to look for.
“I-“ she hadn’t realised she’d been choked up but as she tries to answer him she is made acutely aware of the overwhelming something she feels. “I just don’t think Reid’s right, you know,” she settles for and takes a deep breath.
“Well, it’s only human to be wrong.”
“I know,” she sighs and turns back to the coffee, closing the fridge door as she does so, and seeming the conversation over.
“And, Elle?” Gideon says and she looks over once again at where he’s standing in the arch-way to the kitchen with a knowing gleam in his eyes, “Any boy would be lucky to have you.”
She swallows, shock probably written plain across her face. Sure they’re all profilers and Gideon’s been on the job for longer than any of them but she still can’t quite fathom how he got it right on the nose.
“Yeah, yeah I know,” she elbows him after a moment, before mockingly adding “dad.”
“Elle, I’ve told you not to call me that.”
+ i
Gideon stays behind in the hospital, even though he can feel his eyelids drooping. He wants to blame it on the lack of sleep but, if he’s honest with himself, it’s mostly because he knows Elle’s in there, fighting for her life. She’s out of surgery now but he’d insisted on being there until she’d woken.
People can say whatever they want about Gideon (old, naive, fatherly) and most of it would be right, as proven by how his back is starting to hurt from the plastic hospital chair.
An unsure voice permeates the deafening silence of the hospital room and Gideon lifts his head from where it’s been resting against his hands and is met with an awakened Elle.
Gideon takes her hand in his larger ones, almost hiding them from sight, and lets out a relieved sigh. She looks so, so fragile, as if she’ll flicker away any second. Her eyes are bloodshot and skin is sickly pale. He can see the bandages peeking through where her shirt has bundled up and he resists the urge to straighten it.
She looks horrible but at least she’s alive- she’s alive and she will recover- and that’s all that matters right now. He takes another steadying breath and squeezes her hands.
“Yeah, I’m here Elle. You’re safe.”
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gimmie-a-sammich · 2 months
To Rule Them All | Chapter 3 | The Long Journey
Pairings: Idol!Ateez/???!Ateez x Fem!Original Characters
Summary: Alexis is about to have the summer of a lifetime traveling the country with some of her best friends following one of her favorite groups, Ateez. Little do they know, there is more to this group than meets the eye. Take a trip into the dark as they navigate a world unseen.
Genre: (18+ Minors DNI) smut, angst, fluff, supernatural vibes 
Chapter Warnings: cursing, more hauntings (silly ateez)
Word Count: 2.9k
read here on AO3
To Rule Them All masterlist
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Sunshine was just barely peeking through the window of Christie’s upstairs bedroom, casting small pockets of light onto the wolf gray walls. I was tucked in snuggly within the soft emerald green blankets on her bed, casually scrolling through my phone while Loki’s tail brushed my face gently whenever he flicked it. 
“You know, you always give me grief for never being on time, but look how the tables have turned,” I giggled, casting a glance at the amount of clothes that were scattered across her floor and bed.
Christie rolled her eyes in response. “Really? You act like you know nothing. I’ll be ready.”
Nikki was going to be at our house in a few hours to load up her SUV to begin our trek to Fort Worth. We had settled on driving straight through to Nashville, breaking up the 18 hour trip into chunks between the three of us. 
“You do know that Gale is going to be here any time, right?” I teased her, knowing it would get some form of rise out of her. I laughed as I saw Christie increase the speed she was packing at just the mere mention of her mother’s name, ticking off items on her list at an alarming rate. 
Gale, Christie’s brother Riley, and their dog Kai were coming to our house to watch our fur children, at least for a couple weeks while we were traveling for the concerts. Riley was only slightly annoyed at the fact that the first days of his summer would be spent in Derby, but was also looking forward to hitting up the beaches in nearby Newport. We were thankful that we would be leaving our precious babies in good hands. Hopefully, they would be able to handle Loki and Scout’s newfound behavior problems… something Gale also attributed to ghosts. 
Speaking of which, both of them were turned and fixated at a certain spot on the wall. I shook my head; this was such a common occurrence as of late that their oddness and “Barthalomew’s” movement of things barely phased me anymore. 
By this point, Christie had torn through her list so quickly that she was cleaning up the articles of clothing that had not made the cut and moved to work through her toiletry list. 
“Did you remember to pack extra toothpaste?” I called as she sifted through the cabinets and drawers in her bathroom, bottles clinking as she loaded them into her travel case.
“I thought I was supposed to mom you, not the other way around?” Christie retorted, poking her head out the door to shoot a smile in my direction. 
She had zipped the black suitcase emblazoned with metallic skulls just as we heard the RING doorbell going off, causing Scout and Loki to bolt downstairs to greet their grandmother and uncle. I reluctantly removed myself from the comforts of Christie’s bed, haphazardly throwing the covers back into their original position. I walked downstairs to find Riley and Gale already in the house, clearly the doorbell was a signal for the entry into our home, not a sign for one of us to let them in. 
“Hi, Mama Gale,” I exclaimed, wrapping my arms around her to pull her into an extra tight hug. She reciprocated the pressure, squeezing me almost as hard. 
“Hello, Alexis… has my dumb ass child turned the kettle on?” she asked sharply, all the while a huge smile slung upon her face.  “I have driven seven hours and seven minutes exactly… I deserve a cup of tea.”
Riley had already made himself comfortable on the couch, ignoring all greetings, petting Scout absentmindedly while also playing on his Switch. I could hear the theme song to the latest Pokemon game coming from the device, reminding me that Christie and I needed to download the expansion packs. 
Gale’s bright eyes shot towards Riley. “You, go get Kai Kai out of the car and grab your bag before you get cozy.” 
He shot past me, mumbling slightly, but otherwise following his mother’s direction. Christie had made her way down the stairs, yelling hi monkey to her little brother as he went out the door. 
“You honestly think I would not have had the kettle going?” Christie asked while she enveloped her mother in another hug. 
That was all Gale needed to hear. The three of us beelined towards the kitchen so her daughter could lovingly make her mom a cup of tea, all the while jokingly complaining about the task. Gale informed me of their drive, stating that it wasn’t as terrible crossing the border this time as it was during their initial visit. 
As Gale, Riley, and Kai settled into the house, Christie and I continued with last minute trip prep that had been forgotten. Suitcases were rechecked, snacks were triple checked, and the cooler was stocked with waters, iced coffees, and energy drinks to feed all of our insane need for caffeine. We ran through the trip itinerary once more with Gale, reminding her to at least send pictures of floof butts while we were gone. 
Conversation was interrupted by the screeching of tires and blasting of a car horn, announcing Nikki’s arrival. 
“I’m assuming that is more of Ann?” Gale asked while she gulped down her second cup of tea. 
Christie and I laughed at the nickname she had given us many moons before, lovingly dubbing us her news network for all things k-pop. We grabbed the suitcases and mess of pillows and blankets, lugging them outside to meet our fellow anchorwoman. Gale followed behind closely, while Riley remained fixed on the couch. 
Nikki was already outside the vehicle with the back hatch open. “Are you bitches ready to get this show on the road?” she exclaimed, arms open as if welcoming us into her own personal chaos. She went over and hugged Gale before turning back towards us. “Do you guys have everything? No turning back from here.”
“That depends… Do you have enough fluids for the drive?” Christie questioned, raising an eyebrow at our friend. 
Nikki stumbled over her answer, saying that she had enough bean water to caffeinate an army. She almost fell over when we showed her the cooler we had packed to the brim with her favorites, as well as what we all knew she really needed… water. 
We loaded the suitcases and said one last goodbye to Gale, Riley, and the fur babies before settling into the first shift of the drive. Nikki, our resident speed demon, was more than happy to take the beginning six hour leg of the journey, leaving Christie as the navigator/DJ. I was more than happy to take the role of backseat princess, and snack distributor, making myself comfortable amongst the pillows and blankets we all brought along. 
I was in and out of sleep for most of the first shift, lulled by the music and soft conversations flowing around me. It was the best use of my time in the backseat, a way to catch up on the many hours I had missed the last few weeks. I was fully awakened when I heard one of my favorite songs, Wave coming through the speakers. I flung my Halloween blanket off of me, shooting up in the backseat to scream “HAKUNA MATATA YA,” scaring both Nikki and Christie absolutely shitless by my sudden yelling. The laughter that filled the car was infectious as we all started singing along, filming one of my trademarked Car Concert videos in the process to share with the rest of our little goblin family. 
Nikki’s turn was coming to an end, and we found a gas station off the interstate to take the obligatory bathroom breaks and to switch our positions in the car. Christie took up driving duties, I migrated to the front seat for GPSing, and Nikki took residency in the backseat for a much earned rest. About an hour into the second portion, music was halted by the abrupt ringing of Christie’s phone. 
“Gale, you’re killing the vibe,” she sighed as she handed the phone over to me. 
I couldn’t help but laugh as the video of Gale filled the screen. She looked frazzled, waving about a smudge stick within our living room. 
“I thought you guys were crazy and in desperate need of grippy socks,” Gale began, “but ALL of these damn animals went crazy about 20 minutes ago and only just settled down.” 
“Oh, did dear Bartholomew pay you a visit then?” I joked, cracking a smile. 
“THIS IS NOT SOMETHING TO JOKE ABOUT!” Gale scolded. “I’m smudging the whole house. Top to bottom. I’m going to ask the ancestors to watch over you while you’re on the road, and the house. Keep an eye out for hawks…”
“For safe travels, yeah yeah, I know, Gale,” Christie cut her off. “We need the good vibes to continue, and hopefully Bartholomew isn’t too upset that you drove him out of his home. Love you BYE!” She ripped the phone out of my hand, pressing the end call button firmly. 
The rest of the drive went by just as quickly once the good vibes within the car had resumed.
Nikki’s residency in the backseat was short lived, as the gremlin in her could not handle being away from the actions taking place in the front seat. She was constantly asking to switch places with me, while Christie continued to reprimand her, telling her that her time would come and she needed to chill her caffeinated ass out. Soon enough, her wish was granted, and it was finally time for the final switch, allowing her to become the navigator while I took over driving duties, appeasing her enough that she would be in the front seat at least. We would be in Nashville right around 8am, giving us a full day with Thea before leaving for Texas the following morning. 
The excitement had awoken all in the car as we neared our first destination. Christie, who had perched herself in the middle of the backseat to rest her hands on the center console had already messaged in our group chat to let Thea know we were twenty minutes out. 
Luckily for us, we did not hit much, if any, of the Nashville traffic as we toddled into the subdivision that Thea resided in. It was a newer community, filled with young couples and children, making a perfect hunting ground for Thea’s blooming photography business. We pulled up to her tan bungalow to find her impatiently waiting for us in the middle of her driveway. I was thankful that I was the driver at this time, knowing full well Nikki would have caused a spectacle with a burn out in the otherwise calm neighborhood. 
“YOU’RE HERE!” Thea shrieked, her purple hair shining in the sunrise, bouncing up and down as she hopped with joy. She tossed her hands around all three of us, gathering us into a group hug. “I feel like it’s been an eternity since I’ve been able to squish your faces.” 
Nikki broke away first, her aversion to human contact coming into play. As much as she despised it, she would usually give in to her best friends, especially since the three of us were very touchy. 
“Let’s get inside so we can get you settled… we have a reservation at my favorite breakfast spot at 10am,” Thea said warmly, following Nikki to the hatch to help us bring in our belongings for our stay. “I can’t wait to fill you in on my most recent shenanigans… or rather Bartholomew’s.”
Wooyoung sat motionless in the corner of Christie’s room, fighting every nerve in his body to move closer to Alexis on the bed. He had too many eyes on him, as both the dog and the cat were staring straight in his direction. In a way, the animals had become more accustomed to him. While they still picked up on his presence, they did not react as harshly as they had when visits first began. 
To say he was enamored was an understatement, but he would never admit it to anyone, not even himself. But as he stood there, watching her tease her friend, even he couldn’t deny the feeling in his chest. There was something about the way she was aimlessly playing with her hair while she carefully stroked Loki’s head. The light coming through the windows was hitting her eyes, making the colors in them swirl together like a painting. He was taking all of her in, when suddenly she jumped to the sound of their doorbell chiming downstairs. As the animals ran away, he took his chance to move a bit closer, following her as she went to welcome her guests. 
He continued to watch them when they were settled in the kitchen, conversing over tea about the upcoming trip. Wooyoung debated on how best to inform the others that at least three of chosen ones would be trapped in a car for the next 18-20 hours without revealing how he obtained such information. 
Wooyoung once again followed them out of the room, but instead of walking outside to the sound of tires and car horn, he went in the direction of Alexis’s room. He knew that they had to be leaving, giving him all the time in the world to delve into the contents of her room uninterrupted. Or so he thought. 
After several hours of going through the bookshelves, clothes, and the bathroom, he settled himself comfortably within her bed, bringing some books and binders along with him. He was alarmed when Captain rushed into the room out of breath, although he refused to let the panic he was suddenly feeling overtake his calm demeanor. Hongjoong was just as surprised to see Wooyoung curled comfortably on Alexis’s bed looking through a photo album. “You’re not supposed to be here,” he said sharply. 
“And neither are you,” Wooyoung retorted, a knowing smile creeping upon his face. “The new dog really messes with the whole trying to sneak around thing, huh?”
Captain scowled at him. Of all the members to have caught him, it had to be the mouthiest of the bunch. All he wanted was to have peace in the emerald room, something he had been managing to do here and there these past couple weeks. How was he supposed to know that there would be not one, but now two giant dogs hellbent on making their every single move known. 
“Come here often, Capt?” Wooyoung jabbed, taking full advantage of Hongjoong’s silence and ignoring the rage coming through his eyes. 
“Where are they and who are these people in their house?” Hongjoong asked as he averted his gaze away from Woo. 
Wooyoung’s response was to laugh straight into his leader’s face. “Wow, something I know that you don’t?” He relaxed back into the slew of pillows on Alexis’s bed, outstretching his legs while he brought his arms to rest behind his head. He closed his eyes, clearly enjoying himself. “I’ll only tell you if you say please.” 
“Tell me.”
 He sat up in the bed, crossing his legs, resting his elbows on his knees, and leaning his head onto his hands in front of him. “So demanding… how fun is it going to be for you when I tell everyone that our fearless leader can’t even follow his own rules this time around?” Wooyoung shot back, smiling like he had just won the lottery. It wasn’t often that anyone had the upper hand on Hongjoong, and he wasn’t going to let his opportunity go to waste.  “Now, say please.”
“Do you want to sit out the first night?” Captain growled, moving directly into Wooyoung’s face, flashing his scarlet eyes at him just for a moment. 
Wooyoung flung up his hands in defeat, although the smile never disappeared from his face. “Fine, fine. They are on their way to us… twenty-eight hour car ride, one stop in Nashville for Thea.”
Captain huffed and turned away from Wooyoung, beginning to pace across the room slowly. How could he have been so sloppy? He knew they would have to leave soon, and how he did not put two and two together was beyond him. He, of course, assumed they would fly… why would anyone willingly choose to be in a car for that long? 
“We’re going back. Now. Not a word of this to anyone,” he stated. He caught Wooyoung chastising him once more, miming zipping his lips and throwing away the key before disappearing out of the room.
Captain snapped back awake, anger, frustration, and embarrassment all still running through his system. He knew better than to get caught, and he knew Wooyoung would use his slip up to his full advantage when the time was right. He stomped out of his bedroom, nearly running into Wooyoung in his haste. 
“Call everyone. Meeting in fifteen minutes. My orders,” Hongjoong commanded, looking Wooyoung dead in the eyes.
He laughed, saluting him with two fingers as he pulled out his phone. “Aye aye, captain.”
The group gathered once more within Jungho, Wooyoung, and Hongjoong’s apartment, making themselves as comfortable as they could in the smaller space. Hongjoong cast his eyes along them, studying their faces. It was a mixture of wonder and concern. Normally, he gave more notice for big meetings, but the situation with Wooyoung had the normally put together Captain fraying at his edges. 
“Choices are being made, now,” was all Hongjoong said before sitting down on the floor, leaving the group looking stunned.
0 notes
Always Lift With Your Back
Drove out of my development the other day, saw a young couple, and another young woman, who stood by a small, white SUV, hatch back open and the tail end of a couch hung out over the pavement. The three stared at the car, puzzled looks stamped on their faces.
I stopped, rolled down my window and asked if they needed a hand.
The man looked a bit surprised, then said, “Yes, if you can, thanks”.
I parked and joined the small group. Looked simple enough, grabbed the back end, they pushed from the inside, I pulled from the outside, but the couch didn’t move.
They got it in, it should come out.
Pushed and pulled for a few minutes, then the one woman realized the couch was caught on a small lip inside the car. Needed to lift the couch, but no room for that, so we rocked it back and forth, up and down, until half-inch by half-inch we walked it out of the car and onto the street.
“I can’t walk backwards,” I said immediately and took my place at one end of the couch. The man, about twenty-years-old, took his spot on the other.
Baby steps, I couldn’t see the ground, and as we headed toward a curb, I said to stop. I moved my foot, inch at a time, until it touched the curb. Then, slow lifted each foot until I was on the grass.
“OK,” I said, and continued the slow trek across the lawn.
Carrying a couch at my age, is like dog years, it takes seven times as long to get to where you are going.
Finally, as we reached the back deck, came across a small bricked garden with barb wire around it.
Barb wire??
I need to step over that in order to line up the couch with the stairs.
It was a pretty big step for an old man who carried the back end of a stranger’s couch.
I should have just kept driving.
Maneuvered above, around, and through the garden, and pushed the couch across the finish line.
It rested squarely on the end of the deck; they could take it from there.
Thanks were tossed around, and I headed back to my car.
Once there, with a heart that pounded in my chest, and aches in both arms and back, I thought, ‘what the hell did I just do?’
At sixty-four, retirement going on three years now, I’m one misstep from ending up in the hospital.
I like to help people, but next time I think I’ll drive by, wish those kids the best of luck, and be on my way.
That’s still helping, right?
Photo by: Joyce McCown .
0 notes
reidsnose · 3 years
happy campers
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overview: the bau goes on a team building camping trip but reader and spencer spend most of their time together
genre: fluff
a/n: ive been kicking myself for not posting in forever but i think this one is pretty cute! please lmk what yall think :)
the stuffy, eight person suv finally rolled to a stop, the overgrown children that call themselves the bau tumbling out as quickly and gracelessly as possible. Morgan and Reid nearing the end of a 2 and a half minute long slap fight that you happened to be caught directly in the middle of. you looked at jj, pleading to make them stop with her mom powers.
"boys behave or ill ground you both," she sighed, going to help out with taking things out of the trunk.
they immediately stopped, muttering under their breath that the other one started it. but before they could start again, Spencer caught a glance at you. you were taking a deep breath, smiling contently, very clearly happy to get some fresh, forest air. despite being in direct sunlight, your smile was far brighter than anything he'd seen in his whole life.
before he knew it he was being snapped out of his daze and asked to help set up the tents. he was really hoping to have a chance to share a tent with you, like you sometimes had done on cases when hotel rooms were scarce. but he knew that almost everyone wanted a spot in your tent because you're that much fun to be around. Penelope would win, obviously, and he would be paired up with morgan again.
he let out a sigh as he finished up pitching one of the tents, pulling the corner and nailing it into the ground. as he did so, something caught his eye: a pink, round, fat little worm crawled out of the dirt.
his attention was now fully on the worm, ecstatic to see it because he had been reading up on worms for a while. he called morgan and hotch over since they were the closest to him, rambling excitedly all hes learned about them so far. he looked up and could see the disinterest behind their polite smiles. his own smile faltered for a second, until he saw you finishing up pitching a tent.
"im gonna go show y/n. shes gonna love this!" spencer giggled, already walking towards you.
"hey kid i dont know if she-" morgan began.
"reid she might not-" hotch started as well.
but he had already reached you, sticking out his hand and revealing the worm. hotch and morgan looked at each other worriedly, concerned that the tiniest rejection from you, even about something as small as a worm, would tear his heart to pieces.
their faces changed from worry to confusion as they watched a wide grin crack on your face.
"oh! a worm!" you exclaimed gleefully.
they observed as you put your hand out and Spencer dropped the worm in your hand. you watched it wriggle around and would occasionally look up and nod along with his rambling, asking questions and listening intently. hotch and morgan were speechless, knowing full well if they offered a girl they liked a worm, she would not have the same reaction.
you and Spencer started walking back over to the tent, where hotch and morgan tried their best to seem busy. you two were laughing, something about putting the worm back where he found it so it gets home safely. if there was ever any doubt that you and Spencer would be the perfect couple, its completely disintegrated now.
you and Spencer were typically joined at the hip, but after the worm encounter, you two were especially inseparable.
the girls went down by the lake to tan while you and Spencer tried to build a hut out of random sticks and logs you found around the forest. and while the guys were fishing on that same lake, Spencer and you were rock skipping, and he was explaining to you the physics behind it. and you were both scaring away any potential fish for rossi, hotch, and morgan to catch. so you two were banished back into the forest for the time being. when the rest of the team came back, you and him were up in a tree, eating some of the snacks they'd packed, talking and laughing and subconsciously leaning into one another. you didn't need to be a profiler to see the signs. you two were head over heels already, even if you guys didn't know it yet.
after a bonfire full of roasted marshmallows and scary stories, laughs and giggles. it was a wonderful, but tiring night and before you knew it you were getting ready for bed, sharing highlights of the day back and fourth with Penelope.
"i'm picking up on a bit of a pattern," she giggled, wiggling her eyebrows.
you wracked your brain, "what pattern?"
"all of your highlights included a certain adorkable genius."
"what? no we just...he's my best friend so we-cause its fun and i just-" you stammered, feeling your face heat up with every passing second.
"relax my love, i was just teasing," she chuckled, turning over to go to sleep.
"yeah i know. goodnight pen."
"goodnight lovely," she sighed, "but give some thought to lover boy."
you chuckled lightly before whispering to yourself, "trust me i have."
you woke up and checked the time, it was 4:47am but you just could not fall asleep. you crawled out of the tent, grabbing your blanket when you felt the cool morning air rush at you. you didn't want to wake anyone, so you made your way over to the little hill that the suv was parked on, stealing the keys from hotch's bag and crossing to the other side that faced east. the sun would be rising soon, it would be nice to watch; you draped your blanket across your shoulders. you heard footsteps coming from behind you, your blood running cold, immediately assuming the worst.
you turned around and were met with Spencer's sleepy smile. his hair stuck up in all directions and he looked perfectly adorable. you had to resist your urge to give in and kiss him right then and there.
"you scared me!" you whispered, trying to stifle a smile.
"im sorry," he giggled, "why are you up?"
"im not sure i just couldnt fall back asleep. why are you up?" you echoed.
"morgan keeps farting."
you and him let out hearty laughs, quickly covering your mouths as to not wake up the rest of the team.
you faced the car for a second, legs growing tired from standing.
"look how pretty the fogged up windows look," you observed, facing back and fourth between the colorful sky and the muggy version reflecting on the suv. you pressed your hand against the window, leaving a print, "so cold!" you chuckled.
spencer put his hand next your handprint, quickly recoiling, "you werent lying," he laughed, shivering a little.
you looked at the two handprints, his comically larger than yours and you couldnt help but smile to yourself.
"do you want some blanket?" you asked, opening your arms.
"i think im too tall," he frowned, "maybe if i crouch?"
"how about," you dangled the keys infront of your face before opening the trunk of the suv, "front row seats to the sunrise and some blanket."
"that sounds perfect," he smiled, begging his body not to redden his cheeks.
you two crawled into the trunk, draping the blanket across both of your shoulders, being pulled together by the small piece of fabric. you two were completely cuddled together, getting maximum warmth from the blanket and each other's body heat. a comfortable silence floated between you, faint bird songs and the others breathing filling it with peace. you felt your eyelids droop, despite the breathtaking rebirth of the sun happing in front of you. spencer was just so comfortable.
he felt the same way, his head falling to rest on top of yours as sleep pulled at his eyes. he yawned lightly, pulling you closer and breathing you in. you smiled. perfectly content.
about an hour later, hotch woke up, searching frantically for his keys. he ran up to check if the suv was still there, only to be met with your sleeping figures in the open trunk, wrapped up tightly in a blanket, smiles on both of your faces despite being asleep. hotch was good at predicting things, he saw scenarios play out fully before they truly began.
he snapped a picture, knowing it would be put to good use in a few years, he smelled a wedding.
spencer and you spent the drive home smiling like a couple of idiots, grins growing wider each time the sun hit the window just right, revealing your handprints.
ultra mega super cool taglist:
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9 @vampire-overlord @takeyourleap-of-faith @spenxerslut @violetspoetic @aperrywilliams @b-a-utiful @eevee0722 @srhxpci @reidemandweep @imdefinitelyfloating @random-human-person @gurkiloni @luvspence @calm-and-doctor @ssavanessa22 @singularityjc
2K notes · View notes
alpacaparkaseok · 3 years
The Pact - Date #6
Pairing/Genre: OT7 BTS x reader (not poly), idol!BTS, best friend BTS
Word Count: 5.7k
Premise: The truth about the pact the boys have about you has been revealed. What happens when you agree to go on a single date with each of them?
Warnings: reader is confused about feelings, so that’s frustrating lol. the boys are annoyingly perfect as per usual. other than that, fluffy as always.
a/n: HAHA. well, ngl, this date came for me. pls nobody kill me after reading this lol. as always, your feedback is encouraged and GREATLY appreciated. please let me know your thoughts! also, we are getting down to it! only one more date to go!! so exciting!
also, an official copy of the Pact will be up on Wednesday! so you’ll get two updates next week!! enjoy! 
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Date #6
series masterlist ∆∆∆ join the taglist
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You’ve been staring at this thing for way too long.
You can already feel the hint of a headache creeping behind your eyes, and it’s enough to have you setting the copy of The Pact that you stole from Jin down on the coffee table. Groaning as you clamber to your feet, you take a long moment to stretch and fight off the exhaustion that’s attempting to settle over you.
Tired mind somehow managing to continue limping on in its endless speculation, you yourself limp over to the kitchen. Staring at the kitchen sink with a few dirty dishes waiting, you consider splashing some water on your face.
Glancing up at your reflection in the window that’s just above the sink, you decide against it. Not when you’ve just managed to get completely ready for this date.
Your date should be here in about an hour, leaving you with too much time to sit and think. With a sigh, you begin to fill up one side of the sink with hot soapy water, deciding to do something productive with your time while you wait.
The soap bubbles that grow before your eyes has your mind wandering off again. This time, it’s remembering last week and a similar soapy view. However, you’d been side by side with Seokjin. And that song had been playing in the background…
“What are you daydreaming about?”
You shriek, dropping a plate in the sink and facing the onslaught of sloshing dishwater and stray soap bubbles.
Jeon Jungkook resembles a caught crook outside the kitchen window. You consider breaking a plate over his head, especially as his typical wide eyed gaze has been replaced with a knowing smirk.
“Just thinking about throwing something at your head,” you sigh. Pulling the plug on the drain, you watch as the soapy water disappears. Hopefully it takes any evidence of your thoughts with it, but you have a feeling that your reddened cheeks have already given you away. “Why are you creeping outside my window?”
Jungkook’s golden laughter makes the corners of your mouth turn up. “Ah, I tried to knock. I don’t think you heard me, though.”
You blink. “Oh.” Has it already been an hour?
Did you just spend an hour washing the same plate while daydreaming?
“Oh is right. Now, are you gonna let me in?”
Wiping your hands on a dish towel, it’s one with stitched stars on it that Yoongi gifted you a couple of years ago, you hurry over to open the door. The second you do, Jungkook is stepping inside and locking you in a bear hug. Your squeal is muffled as you’re buried in his embrace, but you can’t quite find it in yourself to complain.
He smells like vanilla.
“Happy Saturday,” you stammer out. From where your head is pressed up against Jungkook’s chest, you can hear how his heart is hammering against his ribs.
Taking a step back to see what’s wrong, you frown as he looks at you with a fairly calm expression. There’s a hint of nervousness in his eyes which you’re sure is mirrored in your own.
“Happy Saturday to you, too. Ready?”
No, not really. Not since you’ve been planted at the sink, little beads of sweat forming due to the steaming water.
“Give me five minutes to freshen up?” You ask with an apologetic smile. Jungkook waves you off, pulling up the sleeves of his black, long-sleeve shirt and heading toward the kitchen.
“Sure, take your time. We don’t have a strict schedule tonight.”
Without waiting to see what he intends to do in your kitchen (pilfer snacks being the most likely course of action), you hurry to your bedroom.
There are hints of them everywhere you look.
One of the flowers from Jin’s bouquet is hanging upside down to dry above your dresser. You felt a bit like a teen doing that, but a small piece of you wanted to keep some sort of memory of last week’s date.
Jimin’s music box sits beside the books you bought with Namjoon. You’ve found that listening to the music box while reading is quickly becoming a habit of yours.
Of course, that means you snack on the walnuts that Taehyung left for you while reading. You hadn’t even realized that he left them until this past week. They’d been hiding in your cupboard, and you’d taken quite a liking to them. Either that, or the small sticky note that was attached to the bag.
A single heart traced in bold lines and scribbles.
Slipping on Hobi’s bracelet has become like second nature, making you smile as you twist it around the face the right way.
“Ok,” you breathe out with a glance toward the mirror. You smooth out your hair, straightening your blouse and black jeans. “Here we go.”
Of course, you can’t forget the biggest reminder of the boys.
The copy of the pact that you stole from Jin last week, currently atop your dresser-
“Oh no,” you breathe out as soon as you remember that the pact is not where it’s supposed to be.
You’d taken it out earlier for some light perusing, and had left it out on the coffee table. As far as you knew, none of the boys were aware of your thievery. Yet.
Sneaking out of your room and tiptoeing down the hall, you hear Jungkook humming to himself in the kitchen. Trying to remain as quiet as possible, you make a beeline for the front room.
You let out a sigh of relief when the pact is still undisturbed on the table. Swooping down to grab it, you turn on your heel and-
“Ah!” Jungkook yells back, towering over you.
“Why would you-” you hit one shoulder “sneak up-” you assault the other “on me like that?!”
Jungkook grabs your wrist, nose scrunching up as he looks at you like you’re some sweet woodland animal and not a crazy woman.
“Why so jumpy today?” He croons, doing his best to get under your skin. Then he frowns, releasing your wrist in exchange for stepping a little closer. “Is everything ok?”
“Y-yeah,” you stutter, gripping the pact in your free hand behind your back. “I just have to put something away and then we’re good to go, ok?”
He assesses you for another minute before stepping aside. “Sounds good.”
Rushing to your room and closing the door, you rest against it for a moment and close your eyes. So far, so good. Right?
Stuffing the pact into a drawer in your dresser, you grab your things and double check yourself in the mirror.
Why are you so jumpy today?
Perhaps the fact that all of this is coming to an end very soon is what has you on edge. The fact that Jungkook is here means that there’s only one date left.
And then what?
It’s a question you don’t know how to answer. And yet, you’re the only one that can.
Taking a steadying breath, you salute your reflection and head out.
Jungkook waits for you by the door, looking…well, looking like Jungkook. Black shirt, drawstring army green pants, thick boots. His hair looks a little windblown, which you know has become a recent sort of addiction for him. The thought of him driving with the windows down makes you grin. No doubt he looked like some sort of excited puppy with his hair flying in the wind.
Jungkook, unaware of you train of thought, just grins back.
“You look great,” he mumbles out, a tinge of pink giving him away. For all of your antics that you have a tendency to get into, you sometimes forget that Jungkook is one of the shyest out of all the boys.
“So do you,” you respond. Turning before you can spot the smile on his face, Jungkook opens up the door and escorts you outside. “What’s on the agenda for tonight?”
“Well, that depends,” Jungkook skips down the steps, shoving his hands in his pockets. He reaches the car before you, pulling the passenger side door open. “What do you wanna do?”
You pause before sliding into the car, noting that it’s the same one you took with Namjoon. It’s an SUV, much more spacious than the smaller cars you drove in with Hobi or Tae. “What do you mean?”
Shrugging, Jungkook heads over to the other side of the car before hopping in. You finally get in as well, looking at the boy quizzically. He fiddles with the keys, glancing over at you before resting his hands atop the steering wheel.
“This is your sixth date,” he muses. “I figured that this might be nice, for a change. You say the word, and I’ll take you wherever you wanna go. We have…” he squint at the clock, which reads seven o’clock. “Approximately five hours.”
“Huh.” You lean back against your seat, staring out at the road with a dumbfounded expression. “Really? Did you just not plan anything?”
Jungkook looks offended. “Of course I did! I have a backup plan if you can’t come up with anything. I don’t know…I just thought it might be nice. Let’s go do whatever you want.”
The gears in your mind begin to turn and you’re half tempted to just go with whatever Jungkook has as his backup plan, until you remember something.
“You mean it?” You ask, wiggling your brows at Jungkook. “Whatever I want?”
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Jungkook stares in disbelief at the rundown building, a smile fighting its way onto his cheeks. “This? This is what you wanted?”
He must have thought that you’d choose something a bit more daring than this. However, you nod happily, slipping out of your seat and wandering over to his side of the car. He still remains inside, looking at the building with absolute confusion. With a sly grin, you open up his door and gesture for him to exit.
“C’mon, let’s eat.”
Together you make your way inside the open air restaurant, taking in the sight and smells. You wave at the worker behind the front counter, who grins and waves back at you.
Taking a seat in the far corner at a plastic chair and table, you can’t help but laugh at the awestruck expression on Jungkook’s face. The lighting inside is poor, it doesn’t quite reach your corner of the room. However, just enough of it reaches Jungkook to highlight the shadows on his face and occasionally catch on his eyes.
“This place has the best lamb skewers,” you explain. “I haven’t come out in a long time.”
Jungkook’s expression melts into one of adoration as he looks at you, and you wonder if he realizes it. “I love lamb skewers.”
“I know.”
When you’re ready, you call out your order to a passing worker. They nod, rushing to the back to pass it on. A few people are scattered throughout the restaurant, most of which are too enraptured by their food or their friends to pay any attention to you two. Jungkook blends right in, except for his giant boots that set him apart. Hopefully nobody will pay them any mind.
Settled across the table from Jungkook, you let out a sigh of relief.
“What?” Jungkook immediately asks, ever the intuitive one. “Are you sure everything’s alright? Maybe I should’ve come up with something fun to do instead of make you choose-”
You hold up a hand, waving him off. “No, I’m happy. This is…nice.”
Jungkook blinks, and suddenly you’re reminded of a date you went on in middle school. He somehow manages to revive those same butterflies when he looks at you like that.
“Are you sure?”
“Positive,” you reassure. “Although I am a little surprised that you aren’t the final date. Didn’t you decide the order?”
“Ah,” Jungkook leans back, forgetting that he’s sitting on a stool. He nearly topples over, making you lurch forward and grab his hand. “Uh, thank you,” he mutters as he sits up straight.
“Careful,” you quietly chide, going to sit back down. You attempt to take your hand out of his grasp, but Jungkook latches on. Intertwining his fingers through yours, he gives you a soft smile which has you relaxing in his grasp.
Resting your hands in the center of the table, Jungkook speaks up again. “Anyways, yeah. The order. I was planning on going last, but then the thing that Yoongi has planned didn’t work out for any other weekend. So we swapped.” He takes up tracing the outline of your knuckles, resting his chin in the palm of his free hand.
“I see.” The way that the shadows are playing with Jungkook’s features has you remembering a different time when you two were stuck a in dark room. “So…uh…” you try to come up with something else to say in order to fight off the memory of Jungkook’s arms around you.
You suppose that’s when it all started. And that’s traitorous question which had popped up into your mind in the haunted house, when you wondered if Jungkook was about to kiss you.
And you wondered if you’d let him.
Sitting across from him now and seeing how his eyes widen with excitement as your food is placed before you, you try and fail to fight off a similar question. One that’s been plaguing you for weeks now.
“These’re ‘mazing,” Jungkook coos as he takes another bite of the lamb skewer. “Why haven’t you told me about this place before?”
Chuckling at his reaction, you grab his wrist and angle the skewer toward you. Leaning forward, you take a bite of the food and watch as Jungkook visibly swallows.
You shrug. “It didn’t seem like something worth sharing at the time.”
“Mmm,” Jungkook appears to be scolding you, but the words aren’t quite coming out as food keeps going in. “Mm-mmhmm.”
You burst out laughing at his impressive performance, leaning back and-
Stool slipping out from under you, you collapse onto the ground in a fit of laughter. Jungkook throws his food down, jumping up to his feet and looking concerned until he sees that you’re still laughing. Shaking his head, he extends his hand and helps you back to your feet.
“It’s gonna be a miracle if we make it out of this place without a concussion.”
You wipe fake tears from your eyes, settling back down on your chair. “Promise me you’ll pay for my hospital bills?”
“I’ll consider it.”
When you gasp in offense, he points to the food. “Hey! It’s not my fault that you were keeping vital information from me! That really threw a wrench in my trust for you!”
“This is what you consider vital information?”
“Hey, don’t judge me.”
“I’m just saying…it’s a little concerning.”
“Don’t we tell each other everything?” Jungkook shoots back with pleading eyes. To an outsider, it looks like a typical lover’s quarrel. Little do they know, you’re bickering about lamb skewers.
You shoot him a pointed look. “Oh-ho, you really wanna talk about sharing everything? Need I mention a certain pact-”
“No, you do not.”
“Hmph.” You cross your arms. “That’s what I thought.”
“In my defense, I did tell you. Eventually.” From the way he begins chewing on his lips you can tell that he’s remembering the circumstances in which he told you about the pact.
However, it’s the way his eyes dart down to your mouth that have you recalling a feeling of unfinished business with Jungkook. You’re not quite sure what it is, but it’s there.
“After two years.”
He points a finger at you. “Hey, two and a half- oh, wait.”
“That didn’t help.”
“No yeah, I see that now.”
You snort, grabbing some food. It’s all too easy to slip back into your familiar banter with Jungkook. You’ve missed it.
Jungkook looks a little lost in his thoughts as he munches on his lamb skewer, a pout forming on his face. You nudge his knee under the table, shooting him a questioning look.
“What’s up?” You ask quietly.
He resumes chewing on the inside of his cheek, staring down at his food like he’s about to interrogate it. “Do you regret it?”
You’re not exactly sure what he’s referring to, but either way it leaves a knot in your stomach. “Regret what, Guk?”
Jungkook shrugs, his pout only growing. “Finding out about it? Agreeing to all this?”
Setting your food down, you ponder for a moment over the past six weeks. Perhaps a small part of you does regret knowing. However, it’s more for the fact that you know things can’t return to normal. Not after all you’ve experienced. Not after the way certain people have managed to lodge themselves into your heart more than you’d care to imagine.
“This,” you begin, and without thought you find yourself reaching across the table for Jungkook’s hand. He reads your thoughts, meeting you halfway. “Is the most terrifying thing I think I’ve ever done. It’s weird, and new, and frightening.”
Jungkook nods, seeming to have expected this. Before he can come to some silent understanding within his mind, you continue on.
“But I wouldn’t change it for the world. These last six weeks have been…” you shake your head, struggling to find the words.
How do you put this into words? Those small moments between breaths, the way you felt from the way some of the boys looked at you. How do you explain that you have never before felt so loved in your life? That despite the worries and improbability of it all, you would never change it for the world?
Blinking up at you, Jungkook looks a little shocked. “Perfect?”
“I’m glad you told me,” you admit, voice coming out a nothing more than a whisper. “I hope you don’t regret it.”
Jungkook’s eyes trail down to where your hands are interlocked. “I’m glad I told you, too.”
You feel so warm, sitting here. The food is half gone, the restaurant is loud and busy. Jungkook keeps one hand in yours as he takes up his skewer again, making sure to give you a bite every once in a while.
You’re so caught up in your thoughts that you don’t notice the rain that begins to fall. It drizzles at first, however when a clash of lightning strikes, you jolt. Jungkook squeezes your hand.
“Eat up,” he mumbles. “What do you wanna do after this?”
The rainfall seems to quell your thoughts, finally silencing them as you focus entirely on Jungkook. “I’m not sure…how about you choose? I already chose the food.”
Jungkook harrumphs his agreement, jumping up to go pay while you finish off the remaining food. It’s utterly delicious, even more so than you remember. Truly, your love of food knows no bounds.
You snort at yourself, probably looking like an idiot but enjoying your own company. Jungkook wanders back over, a half-smile already on his face at your state.
“What’s so funny?”
You shake your head, pointing to the platters of food. “I swear, I’m just using you guys so I can eat whatever I want. It’s amazing.”
Jungkook lets out a startled laugh. “I can’t believe you. Using us like that.” There’s no bite in his words, which only makes it all so much better. “C’mon, we’ll have to hurry to the car. It’s pouring out there.”
Indeed it is. Together the two of you sprint toward the car, cursing the fact that you didn’t have to foresight to at least bring a jacket. Instead you fend off the rain by throwing your hands over your head, heart melting a bit when you feel Jungkook trying his best to lean over you to take the brunt of the attack.
Once you’ve leapt inside the car it’s only a matter of seconds before Jungkook is on the other side. He shakes out his hair as he starts up the car, making you shout in protest.
Naturally, he does it a bit more.
“Yah!” You shout. “I surrender!”
This seems to sate him, making him smile at you mischievously. “Good.” Pulling out onto the road, he takes off toward an unknown destination. “Sit tight, we’ll be there in a bit.”
It doesn’t take long to get there. It’s a little difficult to tell where you are exactly due to the heavy rain, but you can just make out a pond and grove of trees beyond the downpour.
“Stay right here,” Jungkook instructs before diving out of the car.
Like, literally dives. You’re fairly certain he goes headfirst, making you burst out into peals of laughter. He reappears a second later, already drenched while he begins to lay the seats down. You’re dying to ask what he’s doing, but you’re not sure if he would be able to hear you as heavy raindrops thud against the roof.
Once he’s managed to get all of the seats down, he makes his way to the trunk. He glances up to where you watch from the front seat, a look of determination shining in his eyes.
“Close your eyes,” he orders. It’s hard to hear him, but it’s easy enough to read his lips. They’re glistening with raindrops, which he hasn’t bothered to lick off yet-
Er, it’s not like you were staring. Nah. No. Nothing like that. Just happened to notice them.
Yeah. That’s what it was.
Despite your curiosity, you turn around to face the front and close your eyes. It’s hard to tell what’s going on behind you, but you occasionally catch the sound of Jungkook crawling around.
It feels like an eternity later when Jungkook opens up your door, making you jump at the sudden onslaught of rain. He grins at you from behind his soaked hair, extending his hand.
Jumping out of the car, you chase after Jungkook who keeps a firm grip on your hand. He leads you around to the back of the car, where he hurries to open up the trunk.
You hardly have time to take in the sight the unfolds before your eyes before Jungkook wrapping his hands around your waist and hoisting you into the car. You push your hair out of your eyes, about to crawl forward when a hand on your ankle stops you.
“Shoes!” Jungkook shouts, apparently past the point of speaking in full sentences. Turning around to sit down properly, you get to work on one of your sneakers while Jungkook takes the other. Once they’re off, you crawl up to the front to toss them onto the floor.
Once they’re safely stowed away, you turn around and take a look at the back of the car.
Somehow, in the span of just a couple of minutes, Jungkook has transformed the back of the car into an impromptu paradise.
As he clambers in and brushes past you to toss his shoes up front, you gape. A couple of pillows are propped up on the edges of the car, looking like clouds amidst the sea of the comforter. The blanket itself is soft to the touch, and you spot another blanket folded in the corner. Hanging from the latches on the ceiling are battery powered string lights, dowsing you in a fairy-like dreamland.
The hatch remains open, providing a breathtaking view. Sure enough, there’s a pond. Just beyond the bond stands a grove of tall trees, hardly wavering in the rain. The entire view is nothing short of ethereal. It’s enough to leave you wondering for a moment if you’ve unintentionally wandered into some strange remake of A Midsummer Night’s Dream because you’ve become that there’s no way magic doesn’t exist.
And there’s Jungkook, sitting across from you with a timid smile while he delves into one of his many pockets in his cargo pants. A second later he produces a deck of cards, tossing them between you where they land softly on the thick comforter.
“This,” he says a touch breathlessly, “was my backup plan.”
There are no words left in your brain to describe this moment. The way water droplets drip from the long strands of Jungkook’s hair has you mesmerized, and you force yourself to reach out for that deck of cards and slide them from the box.
“This,” you stammer out, “is the best backup plan ever.”
Jungkook is radiant as his smile grows, nose scrunching up and a soft chuckle leaving those lips. “Thanks.”
You’re not sure how long you’re in the back of the car, playing Egyptian Ratscrew until tears are running from your eyes as you laugh and squeal. Jungkook inevitably wins, probably due to your vision being impaired by said tears. Eventually you decline a 33rd round (he says that it’s only the eleventh but your throbbing hands say it’s definitely the 33rd) in favor of laying out and watching the rain.
Jungkook joins you where you sprawl out on your stomach, watching the ripples in the pond as the rain continues. It’s let up a bit more now, but the sound of rain on the roof is enough to lull you into a tired trance.
Leaning into your side, Jungkook loops his arm through yours until his hand is resting on your own. You automatically rest your head against his shoulder, letting out a content sigh.
“Your hands are so red,” Jungkook whispers. You snort, examining your abused hands.
“Yeah, I told you that you slap hard,” you whisper back furiously. Jungkook chuckles, making you shake along with him.
“Don’t act all innocent. You about killed me,” he replies, showing off his reddened hands. “I forgot how brutal that game is.”
“Me too. But it’s so fun.”
“I mean, when else do I get a free pass to slap you?”
Now Jungkook laughs in earnest, the sound going straight to your heart. “You’re ruthless.”
“Hey, you’re the one that has a thing for ruthless women.”
Soon the rhythm of the rain fades into the background as Jungkook takes up a melody, humming softly. Your eyes drift shut, taking in the sound.
It would be so easy to stay here forever. The blanket is so soft, Jungkook is so sweet, the view so perfect.
Your lips form the words before you completely comprehend what’s going on. “…wanna stay here.”
“Hmm?” Jungkook asks, his voice coming from above you. He shifts, arm resting along your back and wrapping around your waist. “What’d you say, jagiya?”
“I wanna stay.”
“We can stay a little longer,” he reassures gently. You shake your head, nuzzling deeper into his side.
“Forever, though.”
“You wanna stay forever?”
Jungkook brushes a hand through your hair before running a finger along your jawline. “Back here, with me? And the blankets?”
You hum in agreement. “And the lights and the rain.”
He lets out a breathy laugh. “It can’t rain forever, jagiya.”
“Why not?” Your brain isn’t completely coherent at the moment, but you don’t try to stop it.
“We’d float away.”
Eventually the rain turns into a light drizzle and Jungkook deems it time to head back. It’s already late, but you find yourself wanting to bask in the soft glow that the string lights provide for just a moment longer.
Jungkook reassures you that he won’t put the seats back up yet, but that you need to head up front. Getting up and moving seems to kickstart your brain, and you’re much more awake when you settle into the front seat.
The two of you settle into a comfortable silence, the radio quietly singing. You two sing along, and you stare out the window as you drive down the streets of Itaewon. You pass the spot you ate earlier, making you smile.
All too soon, you’re turning onto your street. It’s enough to make you attempt sinking through the seat, but Jungkook parks the car and comes around to your side.
“Welcome home,” he mumbles as you slide out of the car. You turn your face up to the sky, allowing the light rain to wake you up a bit more.
“Thank you.”
Jungkook takes your hand in his as you head up the stairs to your apartment, and you wonder for a moment if that’s your racing pulse you feel or his own. It’s that question that has you racing back to reality.
The doorstep.
You reach your door, turning to face Jungkook. You haven’t even tried getting your keys out yet, the thought hasn’t crossed your mind. Instead, you stare up at Jungkook only to find him chewing on the inside of his cheek and staring down at the ground. He massages the back of his neck, looking for all the world like he’s forgotten how to speak.
“Thank you,” you repeat for the second time in less than a minute. “I really enjoyed it, Jungkook. I…” your words trail off as Jungkook takes a step forward, hands reaching around you to wrap around the railing of your porch.
“Do you ever wonder what might have happened…” Jungkook’s eyes snap up to yours, and they betray his next words as they drift to your lips. “If I had kissed you that night?”
A sound comes out of your throat, however you’re not sure if it was a half-formed word or simply a reaction to the way Jungkook nibbles on his bottom lip as he tilts his head to one side.
He takes another micro-step, effectively trapping you between him and the wrought iron railing. “Because I do. Every day.”
Again, that question comes flying back from the catacombs of your memory. Right now, you wonder if he’ll kiss you.
You wonder if you’d let him.
The fact that this question has been on your mind for so long makes you realize the answer to his question.
You’re not sure how you manage to speak as you feel Jungkook’s hands slide onto your waist, but you do. “Y-yes. I do.” Taking a deep breath you utter out, “Of course I do.”
Another step, a bit of rain slipping down the bridge of his nose. He looks like he’s stopped breathing, but you wonder if that’s only because you’re holding your breath.
He’s leaning down, eyes so focused on yours that you feel as though your soul has been laid out before him. Finally, once he’s mere millimeters away, he takes a shaky breath.
“Just once.”
You wonder if it was meant more for himself than for you, but you don’t have time to entertain the thought for long before he’s pressing forward.
The first touch of his lips against yours reminds you of the paradise you were in just minutes ago. His lips are soft – so soft – against yours, reminding you of resting on a cloud. His lips are hesitant, so unlike the iron-like grip he has on your hips.
Some part of your brain is screaming at you, although you’re unsure of why. What could the consequences of such a beautiful action be?
It’s beautiful enough to make you frown when Jungkook pulls away, the raindrops on his lips long gone as you taste them on your lips. He looks down at you sheepishly, taking a single step back.
“I- I…” he chokes the words out, looking like there might be an internal war going on in his head as well. For a moment, he wins. “One more,” he whispers, the words almost lost to the soft pitter patter of the rain.
He’s much faster this time, throwing caution to the wind as he closes in on you. One hand tangles itself in your hair, the other caressing your cheek as you sigh against his mouth. The kiss is a little sloppy, the force of it nearly making you stumble backward. You cling to his shirt in an effort to remain upright, attempting to somehow crawl closer despite your already close proximity.
One more quickly turns into two, then three. All you know is the feel of his lips against yours and the rain gently falling, having lost count a while ago.
Everything is Jungkook, Jungkook-
Completely unbidden, someone else floats into your train of thought.
You gasp as your thoughts take an unexpected turn, eyes flying open. The sight before you completely wrecks you.
Jungkook leans forward once more, hair a mess and cheeks rosy pink. There’s a dazed look in his eyes, and you realize that he must have assumed you just needed to breathe before falling into you again.
He leans in, quick to turn your thoughts toward him again. Soon it’s him, all him in your head.
And yet-
You stumble back as though struck by lightning, then jump in earnest as lightning does strike. Jungkook stares at you, but for a brief moment as his features are lit up by the lightning, all you can see is him.
What does that even mean?
“I- uh…” you’re practically panting, fighting with all you have to not reach out for Jungkook as he takes a step back. His eyes clear a bit, and you can already see the guilt festering in his eyes. You attempt a joke. “Aren’t you breaking rule #5?”
Jungkook blinks at you. “What? I…that was…a lot. I’m so sorry…rule five? What?”
“You know…the pact, rule five-” you throw a hand over your mouth, realizing that you may have said too much.
“How do you know that’s rule #5?” Jungkook asks, but you’re already pushing him off your porch and fumbling for your keys. “Wait, have you read-”
“Thanks again, Jungkook!” You shout over your shoulder, throwing your front door open. “And, er, I liked kissing you- wait, that’s not normal-”
Jungkook laughs, although still looking concerned. He frowns, and you do your best to avoid noting just how much pinker his lips look now. “I hope you’re ok-”
“Great! I’m great!”
You’re not. You’re a little frantic at the moment, but great.
With that, Jungkook waves goodbye and turns away, bidding you goodnight.
It’s a long time before you move out of the front room. Instead, you take up camp on your couch, staring off into the distance. Replaying, rewinding, reliving what just happened.
In the end, you’re more confused than when you began.
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main masterlist
please let me know what your thoughts are! You don’t necessarily have to be rooting for one of the boys specifically, but let me know who you think has the best shot/who you really swooned over! ;) and yes, it’s ok to be confused. like, what the freak just happened. *nervous laughter*
I’ll see you guys WEDNESDAY with a copy of the pact for you to read as well as next Saturday for our final date! thank you for reading!
taglist is open, click on the link at the top of the post or let me know if you’d like to join!
taglist: @secretlycrazyhummingbird @marianeamine @hqtetsurou@protontippens​ @baepsaetay @dreamcatcherjiah @kookie-vuitton​@thecaffeinatedscribbles​ @moon-write​ @fangirl125reader​ @heishichoulevi​ @knjkitten​ @sacha-cff​ @vik7797​  @eusticenatalie​ @hesmyphenominiall​​ @miriamxsworld​ @kayahay​  @delacyrose224​  @luvtaeha​ @fanfictionreader05 @oknymz​​ @dreadity​  @starlight-night0​ @luzaroon​ @seaoffangirling​​ @prachi05 @fangirl125reader​ @bluehairedotakugem​ @hunnibxbe​ @kayahay​ @fanfictionreader05 @seokjinmoonfics​ @littletinyhobi​ @honeyhalcyon​​ @yoontaethings​​ @herrmionejgranger​  @beepbeep11​ @extraordinary_reads @hitsussi
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Spencer Can’t Keep A Secret
Spencer x Reader
Warnings - None? Implied sexual themes but nothing happens
Summary - Y/n and Spencer have been secretly dating. They’ve been trying to hide it from the team but Spencer can’t seem to play it cool.
Word Count - 1.6k
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Spencer was trying not to be distracted however he was absolutely failing at it. When you and Spencer decided to keep your relationship between the two of he thought it would be a breeze. He made it through months of pining after you without anyone picking up on it. Or well if they did they never mentioned it to him. However, this was different. It was harder. All he wanted to do was kiss you. On the jet. In the office. Hell even in the back of the SUV. But he knew he couldn't risk it. Both of your jobs are on the line. What would Hotch say if he found out two of his agents were messing around behind his back. Spencer was worried he'd reassign one of you. Or worse he'd fire one of you. Or both of you. Sure he didn't fire or even reprimand Penelope when everyone found out about her and Kevin but they weren't on the same team- or even on the same floor. You and Spencer were supposed to be on this team together and a relationship might threaten your work relationship. Or at least that's the reason Spencer came up with as to why it was a bad idea.
He came up with about thirty reasons. But none of those reasons meant anything to him at the end of the day. All that mattered is that he loves you...
But that's what got him in this problem. Hell loving you was the problem because all he wanted to do was show you just how much he loves you.
"Spencer- Spencer!" Hotch says at once. The boy snaps his eyes away from your frame back to Hotch. Chuckling weakly. "Are we boring you?"
"No sorry sir," Spencer says softly. You chuckle lightly as Hotch scoffs lightly. He goes back to going over the case. They were going to be landing soon. They should be focusing on the case. Spencer knows that. He knows he needs to go into this with a clear mind. But how is he supposed to focus on everything when someone this fantastic was standing right there. As Hotch wraps up his explanation Y/n moves to sit beside Spencer.
"Nice going Loverboy," She chuckles lightly, "you gonna be able to make it?"
"I'll be fine," He says, "but the second we get away from them just know I'm getting you back for distracting me."
"No my fault I'm irresistible," She chuckles, "maybe you should learn better self-control."
"I was a 24-year-old virgin I think I know self-control," He chuckles. She laughs lightly. Looking back to the case. Trying to at least look like she's trying to work. Considering how important catching this unsub is they really should be focusing. She isn't trying too hard. Spencer can tell that much when she moves to rest her hand on his thigh. The first thing he does is look around to see where the others are looking. Morgan and Emily were talking about some book. Hotch and Rossi were going on about different ways to approach this profile. And JJ was busy shifting through the case files. No one would notice the small touch and even if they did it's not like it wasn't something they did before they dated. Y/n and Spencer were always touching each other like this. Even if Spencer wasn't the biggest fan of touch people he always let her touch him.
"They aren't looking at us Spencer," She assures him, "don't worry." He nods lightly. Trying not to seem too nervous. However, his bouncing knee more than gave him away. She moves her hand from his thigh to rest it on his knee. Trying to help him relax with the action. However, the contact was enough to drive him up the wall.
The plane couldn't land fast enough. The second they got off the Jet Hotch split the two of them up. Reid was with Morgan. Y/n with Emily.
"You are extra tense today," Morgan says as he drives along the open roads. They were heading to the last crime scene. However, that didn't stop Morgan from checking on his friend how seemed more wound up than normal. And that's saying something. "You alright?"
"Yeah yeah," Spencer says quickly, "I mean- it's nothing really." Morgan nods. However, he's not convinced. But he decides to give in. Spencer tries to put you out of his mind to focus on the case. But when you guys meet back up he can't help but move to take your hand. You don't pull it away. Both of you know you should have. Because the look the others give you speaks for itself.
"Spencer I know it's a nasty burn but you don't have to keep checking it," You say as you gently pull your hand away. Lying with ease. "I promise I'm taking care of it."
"Burn?" Emily asks.
"I was on the phone with Spencer the other night telling and I grabbed a pot that hadn't cooled down all the way," She explains, "he doesn't think I've been treating it the proper way." She moves her eyes to Spencer and smiles lightly. "But I promise I'm taking care of it, Spencer."  He's grateful for the save.
The next slip up happens when they get to the hotel that night. The entire BAU got paired up due to limited rooms. Spencer and Morgan were staying together, while Y/n and Penelope were partnered up. At some point, Penelope stepped out to call Kevin. Trying to talk to him about something that came up. The second she left Spencer had slipped into the room.
"I've wanted to kiss you all day," Spencer sighs as he moves towards her. She chuckles patting the spot beside her on the bed. She moves to peck his cheek first. He whimpers slightly. Clearly wanting more than the sweet action. He pulls her into a hungry kiss. It's sloppy and desperate. But she doesn't mind.  He can barely help himself as he moves hungrily along her neck. Biting and sucking lightly. She moans lightly. Spencer is slightly red-faced at the sound. But boy does he want to hear it again.
"I love it when you say my name like that," He says moving to pull her into a deep kiss. He moves along to her jaw again. Wanting to hear the sound again.
"No Spencer," She says pushing him away. He looks to see Penelope and JJ walking into the room. His eyes widen as his girlfriend jumps away from him.
"Woah Spencer, what are you doing here?" Penelope asks, "I thought you were with Morgan."
Spencer fumbles lightly with his words. Y/n chuckles.
"Morgan was flirting with that detective again and Spencer didn't really want to stay and listen to it," Y/n tells them, "I can't blame him- Morgan's game is hard to listen to." The girls chuckle lightly. Knowing exactly what she meant. "I'm gonna walk Spencer back to his room."
The girls nod. She waves him along. Leading him out the door. Once free of the others she sighs in soft relief.
"Jesus that was close," She sighs, "sorry Spence I think we have to play it extra safe until we get back home. Think you can handle that on your own?" Spencer's face goes red as he looks down at his situation. "Sorry handsome." She moves to cup his cheek. "I better get back there- we all have to get to bed soon. We don't know when Hotch will come to wake us all up."
"Right," Spencer sighs. She pulls him into a quick kiss before moving off to her hotel room. Spencer suddenly really needed to take a nice cold shower before anyone else see's him.
The next day he's trying to follow their plan to be extra safe. He keeps to himself. However, his eyes keep drifting to her. His hands always find hers. Any excuse to touch her he takes. All that he could hope is all the other profilers couldn't pick up on it with everything happening.
When they get their unsub for the cops he couldn't be happier. All he wanted was to get home and be able to finally have a moment with his girlfriend.
"You're so pretty," Spencer says as he moves to take your bag from you. You chuckle lightly.
"Eager huh?" You whisper. The two of you were the last to board the jet. So you weren't too worried about the others overhearing. "Spencer, you have a problem with keeping secrets you know that right?"
"Only when the secret is you," He says softly. Y/n chuckles.  Moving to lace her hand with Spencer's. He brings her hand up to his lips to peck it lightly. "God, I can't wait until we get back- Are we staying at mine or yours?"
"Your place is closer," She tells him. They drop it as they step on the jet. As they settle into their seats they can feel eyes on them.
"Hey Spencer," Hotch says.
"Yes Sir?" Spencer asks nervously.
"Quit flirting on the job it isn't professional”
“I didn’t mean to-” Spencer starts. The others laugh lightly.
"That's what you're going with kid?" Morgan asks, "that big brain and that's all you got?"
"Yeah," Spencer says tensely, "listen Hotch I know that we aren't supposed to date other agents but the two of us just click in a way I've never really got a chance to experience and I can't pass up the opportunity at this type of love-"
"Spencer it's fine," Hotch tells him, "I caught on weeks ago. Just as long as you can keep things professional at work I'm not going to deal with it. I'm sure that is reasonable." The couple nods. You look over to Spencer with a smile.
"And you thought we'd be transferred."
"You still can be so you both better watch it," Rossi teases. The couple nods lightly. Chuckling at the comment.
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
This Summer ~ KSJ [Request]
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PAIRING: Seokjin x GN!Reader
GENRE: Fluffy, age gap, happy ending, first kiss, first date, cute
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This summer was just supposed to be like all of the others that you'd had in Seoul, every summer since you were 18 you'd been coming to South Korea to visit your old Nanny - Areum. She'd moved back to Seoul once she no longer had to care for you but you'd grown attached to her, she'd helped raise you so it was normal to grow an attachment to someone you loved. 
"How was your flight?" She questioned, wrapping her arms around your body as though you were her grandchild and giving you a tight squeeze. 
"Long, I missed you," You told her as she began to try and carry your bags, not that you would ever allow her. She was getting far too old to care for you it should have been the other way around now which was why you were attempting to move to Korea to become her full-time carer. She didn't have much family and you wanted to make sure she wasn't going to strain herself too much. Being 21 now meant that you could legally make large decisions like this one for yourself and moving to Korea had been one of your biggest dreams in life.
"I missed you too, how long are you staying this time?" You hadn't told her about your plan to move to Korea just in case that never happened, it was all about getting the paper worked approved by people and so far everything was going well. Normally when you would come for the summer it would be two or three weeks at the most, this time you hadn't booked a returning flight just in case.
"I'm not sure," You lied as you began walking through the airport together, telling her about your flight and layover that had happened, giving her gossip on the people on your flight. She was always an avid one for gossip ever since you were in High school. She would always sit with you in the kitchen while you did your homework or had something to eat, listening to you talk about what was happening in the school halls.
"I hope you don't mind but a friend of mine is driving us back, I think I mentioned him in our emails," You thought back on all of the emails you'd been exchanging recently and nodded your head. Jin. She said he'd been visiting her cafe a lot and that they'd grown a bond just like yours and hers over a short amount of time. It was nice to hear that it wasn't just you that seemed to get along well with Areum, she was one of the kindest people in the world and everyone seemed to love her. 
"That's fine, I remember him, Jin right?" You remembered she mentioned that he sang a lot but not much else. Only that when he came into the store business began picking up and she put it down to how handsome he was, everyone seemed to want to get a close look at him, some of them even taking photos with him which seemed odd to her. 
"Yes! He said he would give me a ride since I lost my licence and I told him how I didn't want you catching a ride home alone with some strange taxi driver," You frowned at the mention of her losing her licence she hadn't told you that in any emails and it only made you worry that something bad had happened she had neglected to tell you about.
"What happened?" She rolled her eyes at the question as if she was sick of answering it, 
"My eyes, they're not deemed for the road," She mumbled as though she didn't believe it but you did, you knew how terrible her eyesight had been all of these years but she'd had glasses for a long time.  
"They're as good as they've ever been-" She stopped when you pulled her back to prevent her from getting hit by one of the small transit vans that roamed the airport. 
"Maybe not," She grumbled, thanking you for saving her while you laughed softly. You were glad you'd come when things seemed to be going okay for her and that you could look after her properly. 
"I locked up the cafe for the afternoon, I thought we could order some food and then you can get some rest. I know jetlag can get to you a little," It sounded as though it would be the perfect evening after the 14-hour flight you'd had and you nodded in agreement with her, eager to see the Cafe you were used to working in every summer with her. It was one of the cutest cafe's you'd had the pleasure of working in. A small two-floor cafe with an open roof. The top floor was half balcony, perfect in the summer when you wanted to sit and have a nice drink while watching the people of Seoul. 
"Sounds like the best idea," You smiled, humming at the food ideas she was throwing at you, telling you everything she had planned for your visit. Honestly, you were just excited to eat anything that wasn't your home food. You loved Korean food and she knew that which was why whenever you came she tried to cook as much as she could for you. Creating her own mochi, Kimchi and making sure the fridges were always stocked with food for you to eat whenever you wanted to. 
"I'll cook us something tomorrow. Jin will be joining us tomorrow night," You nodded and followed her out and over to a black SUV that was waiting for you in a parking spot, the door opened and a guy jumped out from the seat.
"Hey, you must be Y/n." You looked up at the guy that had jumped out of the car and noticed that he was wearing sunglasses and a mask so you couldn't tell if he was as handsome as Areum had mentioned but you nodded your head at him.
"Jin?" You questioned, sticking out your hand for him to shake. He shook your hand and helped you load your bags into the back of the car while Areum smiled to herself from inside of the car, looking at you in the mirror as the both of you interacted with one another.
"She was your nanny, right? She's told me so many stories." You felt your body heat up at the thought of her telling him horror stories from when you were growing up. She had so many to choose from, not all of them as horrible you maybe thought they were but Areum loved to embarrass you. 
"Nothing bad, don't worry. All good things," He chuckled as he shut the boot of his car, pulling down the sunglasses to the tip of his nose to wink at your playfully. Your heart stopped beating for a second as you realised who he was and why he was in a brand new car, hiding his identity.  
"I have seen some baby photos too, she loves you." You remembered all of the photographs she had of you and you whined at the thought of it, 
"I loved the video of you dancing around the kitchen when you were eight, so cute." You ignored him as he continued to playfully tease you until you got into the car trying to calm down as you realised the Jin that Areum had been telling you about in her emails was Kim Seokjin from BTS. One of the bands you'd loved listening to when you were growing up, not to mention how you'd learnt a lot of your Korean from both the boys and Areum. Had she no idea he was Jin from BTS?  
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After Jimin helped you and Areum into the apartment next to the cafe he left to go home, saying he had something to do but that he would be back to see you both tomorrow. 
"I told you he was handsome," She chuckled at you as she came up behind you to see you were looking at images of him on your phone, you didn't know if you were supposed to tell her or if you were supposed to tell him that you knew. 
"Very," You laughed softly, locking your phone and joining her in the living room for the food she'd ordered for the two of you. There was enough there to feed you both five times over so you knew you would be taking some to the cafe for lunch the next day.
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A couple of weeks after working in the cafe you and Jin had grown a close friendship with one another, you'd told him you knew who he was but that you would keep it secret from Areum who seemed to be clueless on the fact and he thanked you for it. Telling you that he enjoyed going to the cafe as it was only small and very few people knew who he was and if they did, it never got out that he was there. 
"You put too much rice on, watch," Jin chuckled as he came up behind you, the two of you were making Kimbap in the kitchen together. Trying to put together a nice picnic lunch for later that day with Areum. Jin wrapped his arms around you from behind and made sure you were watching him as he created the perfect wrap, taking your hands in his as he rolled the seaweed and got you to cut it with him. 
"See, now it's not falling apart." You nodded anxiously at him as you looked up at him, both of you staring at one another in silence. Over the course of getting to know one another, you'd grown close with him, closer than you could ever imagine being with someone like him. Someone famous that was. 
"You're an excellent teacher," You whispered as he continued to stare down at you, the room falling into a comfortable silence. Jin looked at you as he thought about leaning down and kissing you, his heart pounding as he looked at your lips and then to your eyes. Over the time of getting to know you, he'd gotten attached to you, realising there was something more between you than just your casual friendship between two people but there was one problem. Besides him being who he was, you were seven years younger than him and sure Age was just a number but it was different to him. All he could think about was that when he was 17, you would have been 10 and so on and so forth. All of the different ages seemed to wrong even if it was just a short period of time apart. You were both legally adults now he shouldn't have anything to fear.
"I-I should go, I'm meeting the boys at the studio," He moved away from you, scratching the base of his neck awkwardly as he tried not to overthink the almost kiss.
"Yeah, sure." You watched him leaving as you bit down on your lip, you felt so strongly to him but you were trying to ignore the feelings you got whenever you were around him. There was too much of an age difference between the two of you, not to mention that he was Kim Seokjin, Mr Wolrdwide handsome. You felt as though you didn't stand a chance as you fell for him but it didn't stop your heart from racing whenever he was around you, your heart from thumping whenever he texts you or spoke to you. It was like he had some kind of unspoken advantage over you as if he could control your body without even realizing it, 
"I know that look," Areum said as she came into the back, putting trays into the dishwasher as she watched you closely smirking as she realised her plan was going well. She had known you long enough to know who was right for you and after getting to know Jin on a deeper level he was perfect for you. 
"What look?" You laughed it off, trying to act as though you didn't know what she was talking about but she cupped your face in her hands, 
"You're forgetting I helped raise you...I know what that look is and that look is you hooked on a boy," She ran her thumb along your cheek bone, smiling to herself as your cheeks began to physically heat up against her skin. 
"N-No! That's- Why would I- I don't even know him," You tried to get out but you stumbled over your words further proving to her that you had in fact, had a crush on Jin but it was stupid. There was nothing that could be done about it since he was famous and you were nobody in comparison. 
"It's not as if he would like me back," You mumbled only to get hit around the back of the head by a tray that Areum had picked up, 
"Don't feel sorry for yourself! Why wouldn't he like you back?!" Areum began to rant about all of the things she seemed to like about you, telling you all of your amazing qualities but telling you some of your bad ones so you didn't become too humble over them.
"But you've seen him, you've been around him, there is no way he would like me back." You sighed to yourself at the mere thought of Jin feeling the same way you felt for him. There wasn't a chance. 
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As time passed you got approved for your stay in Korea, explaining that Areum that you would like to live with her until you can find a suitable apartment not that she would let you. Telling you that you would live with her if she was the main reason for you moving to Korea. 
"Areum?" You called out as you headed into the cafe late one night, she'd sent you a cryptic message asking you for your help in the cafe when it was way past closing time and pitch black inside the cafe. 
"If this is a joke I might move back home," You laughed as you walked further into the cafe looking around with your phone flashlight. 
"What are you doing?!" A voice asked out of no where making you scream out in surprise and jump as you spotted Jin staring at you from behind the counter. 
"Looking for Areum! What are you doing here?!" You yelled, holding your hand on your chest trying to calm your heart rate down but it wasn't working. 
"Looking for Areum, she sent me-"
"A text, telling you she needed help?" You asked as you showed him the same exact text message that he had from her only to hear the door to the cafe shut and lock before looking to see Areum staring at you through the glass pannel. 
"She's crafty," Jin laughed before Areum walked away without saying or doing anything as to let you know when you were going to be allowed out. You knew what she was doing, she'd told you she had a plan to get you and Jin alone together for a while but then nothing happened. You assumed she'd forgotten all about it and moved on with things but looking back on it now you were wrong. 
"Here, look-" Jin pulled you towards the back of the cafe to look into the kitchen, there was a picnic blanket laid out on the floor with some candles and fairy lights sitting around it. The old lady had conned you into going on a date with Jin, you looked up at him anxiously wondering if he had any idea what was going out but if he did he was doing well to hide it.
"Come on, she obviously wanted us to enjoy the food together," He nudged, taking your hand and walking through the door. The feeling of his hand on yours made your heart skip as you realised he was holding you so close to him and Jin smiled to himself enjoying the feeling of holding you. He'd been overthinking everything so much about you lately, telling Areum how much he cared for you but that he was worried for anything to happen between you. He didn't want something to happen between the two of you only for it to go sour and end his friendship with Areum but she told him how much of an idiot he was being and gave him a speech about how perfect you would be for one another. He never would have thought she'd do something like this in order for the two of you to come together one night. 
"She made our favourites," He chuckled setting you down on the blanket next to him as he looked into the basket, spotting each of your favourite foods, including Kimbap which you remembered making with him.
"Tell me about what she was like when she used to care for you, she tells me stories all of the time but I want to hear them from you," He said as he poured you both a glass of wine then a shot of Soju, looking at you as you thought back on all of the wonderful memories you had with Areum. 
"She took me to the fair once but I didn't tell her how scared of heights I was until we were at the top of a Ferris wheel and she gave me this large speech...By the end of it I realised she was just talking nonsense so I wouldn't look down at how high we were," You smiled at the memory, 
"Then there was this time I liked someone and I didn't think they would like me back...I told her about it and she went on this large rant - after hitting me with a tray - about how great I was and how I shouldn't let something hold the feelings back no matter what it was," That was when it hit Jin. That you liked him the same way that he liked you and that you had both gone to Areum for advice on the matter. 
"I did the same thing. There's this person that I like, they're one of the sweetest people in the world but there's an issue...It seems insignificant now," Your heart fell at the mention of him liking someone else but you nodded along with him, trying to stay happy for him as much as you could since you didn't own him and he had no idea how you felt for him. 
"There's an age gap before it was weighing me down, stopping me from asking them out on a date but Areum did the unthinkable...Created a set up for us both to come on a date without realising it was a date," Your heart began to pump faster as you realised he was talking about the both of you, looking at him and smiling brightly.
"I didn't want to ask you out, I was afraid the age thing might freak you out and then I didn't know if you were heading home soon...As soon as you said you were moving to Korea it was another sign I should have asked you out," His ears were turning red as was his face as he admitted all of this to you, 
"I'll ask you out on a real date...Somewhere we can be alone and not recorded on the CCTV by your boss," He chuckled as he moved closer to you, 
"I'd like that," You whispered back to him, leaning up to give him a quick kiss on the lips before drinking from your glass.
Areum smiled to herself as she looked at you both through the screen, knowing that her match making skills were still being put to good use even in her old age.
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A/N: I’m not great at the whole slow burn thing but I am working on it I promise guys!Tagline: @taestannie​ @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @rjsmochii​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @innersooya​ @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @that-anxious-bisexual​ @mwitsmejk​
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Grey Sky Silhouette
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Spencer Reid x Reader 
Warnings: Post-prison Spencer (some of y’all don't like it), brief mention of murder, some kisses
Category: Angst/ lil bit of fluff at the end
Word Count: 2.7k
Author’s Note: I saw this picture and idk inspiration struck so here we are
italics are flashbacks 
Grey clouds blocked out the sun, the curtains in the bedroom pulled shut. Rolling to his side of the bed, there was an empty spot, a spot where he should be. 
The sun was gone and so was your sunshine, your sweet love, your best friend, someone you hadn’t seen in months simply because he didn’t want to see you. 
You weren't ready to face the fact that you could have lost him over something he didn't do. Guilt hit you and you pushed the feeling away, you were ready to see him but he wasn't ready to see you. 
“Who are you here to see ?” 
“Spencer Reid” 
The officer took your ID and scanned the list for your name. “Sorry, you’re not on here” 
“What ?” you had heard him but you were still confused. “What do you mean I‘m not there ? I'm his partner” 
“Sometimes the inmates take people off their list” 
The officer looked behind you at the forming line. “Please move, figure this out somewhere else. There are people waiting” 
Looking over your shoulder, there were a few people behind you. An older couple, a woman and a small child, and a man at the end of the line. You stepped away from the counter, fishing your phone out of your pocket. 
Waiting for the phone to ring, her voice filled your ear. “Hello ?” she answered, “JJ?” she knew something was off from the way you called out to her. 
“Are you there?” she asked softly. 
“Why aren’t I on the list ?” 
“He doesn't want to see you” 
“I don't care. I deserve to see him.” 
JJ sighed, there were a few moments of silence before she spoke up again. “I’ll talk to him when I go tomorrow. I promise” she reassured you. “Thanks” was all you mumbled before hanging up the phone. 
The floor was cold, all the warmth seemed to leave the apartment with him. It was constantly dark and cold, nothing you did changed that. The frame on the nightstand caught your eyes, a picture of the two of you in the hospital after one of his multiple work injuries. He sat on the hospital bed and you were standing beside him. His head rested on your side with your arm over his shoulder. 
The frame strung a nerve clearly, it’s just that you didn't notice until you felt the tear roll down your face. Flipping the frame downwards so you couldn't see the picture, you went ahead with your routine. 
Get up, sulk, get ready, work, come home to an empty apartment. 
Over and over and over again. 
Your heart hurt every time you thought of Spencer, you couldn't help it. It hurt that he didn’t want to see you even though you wanted to see him. You just had to move on, move on from the pain but not from him. 
You could never move on from him. 
The phone rang, Penelope’s name flashed across the screen. She had been checking up on you a lot more after she heard about the list fiasco, they all had. 
“Hi Penelope” you cleared your throat, you could feel her happiness through the phone. “My angel y/n! how are you today ?” she asked sweetly, you couldn't help but smile. “I’m okay for now, how are you ?” 
“I’m good! I have to go right now but I'll come by for dinner tonight!” Something felt off to you. It wasn't abnormal for Penelope to stop by or even spend the night with you but she seemed cheery, unusually cheery today. 
“Sounds like a plan, is everything okay ?” 
“Oh yeah, I'm fine sugar” it sounded like something clicked on her end or unlocked. “I have to go, I love you!” she said before hanging up. The sound of an automated voice came from her end, announcing something you didn’t catch before she hung up. 
“I love you” the words rung in your head, except it wasn’t Penelope’s voice you were hearing, it was Spencer’s. 
The sand squished under your feet as you walked down the shoreline with Spencer. His face had a scowl on it as he looked down at your feet. “What’s wrong Spence ?” you asked him, noticing the expression on his face. 
“Does that not bother you ?” he questioned, his eyes still on your sand-covered feet.
“The sand ?” you asked, he nodded. 
“Did you know that sand is usually made of silica?” he looked over at you,
“I didn't, do tell me more doctor” you smiled at the man. 
“It's actually silicon dioxide, which is a compound that makes up most of the earth's crust. It also makes up mineral quartz and has many uses like making ceramics, concrete and countertops” his eyes shifted back down at the sand, kicking some with his shoe
“I love your facts Dr. Reid” 
“And I love you” he blurted out. 
Your mouth opened slightly, letting out a small “oh” 
“I didn-” “I love you too Spencer” 
The same feeling of hurt returned. He filled your thoughts 24/7, his voice, his face, his smile, his hands, everything made you think about him. You pushed the feelings away once again and got ready for work. Dragging yourself to the kitchen, his mug sat on the counter, right where he left it three months ago. Of course you had dumped the stale coffee and washed it, but you returned it to that exact spot. You cleaned and returned it to that spot. 
That was the last thing he left laying around before he got arrested. You couldn't bring yourself to move it. 
Sighing, the kitchen was empty, there was nothing to eat. Giving up on your sad apartment, you headed out for the day.
Penelope stood in front of the green barred door, her heel tapped against the concrete as she waited for them. Only two of them were allowed in and although she worked for the FBI, she didn't have clearance like Luke and JJ did. 
The officer pulled the door open and Spencer walked through, JJ and Luke not far behind him. Penelope's arms opened and he made his way over to her, pulling her into a long awaited hug. 
“I missed you so much” she whispered to him, her arms wrapped around her friend. “I missed you too” he held her for a few moments longer before letting go. 
The four of them headed to the SUV, Penelope filling Spencer in on everything he missed the last three months. “Sergio is good, he’s at my apartment right now.” she told him while showing him pictures. 
Spencer smiled at her, he appreciated everything they had done for him while he was in there, but his mind kept drifting back to the one person he had yet to see. 
“They came to see you Spence” JJ said to him, there was a feeling of tightness in his stomach. 
“I don't- I can’t let them see me like this” Spencer’s head hung low, he couldn't look at JJ. He knew what she was going to say but he couldn't bear to hear it. 
“Why?” she asked, “y/n called and said that their name wasn’t on the list. Why’d you take it off?” 
Spencer looked up at her. They both knew why he had taken your name off, he never wanted you to see him like this. He could barely bring himself to say your name right now. 
He met you after a low point in his life, you were his saving grace. Letting you see him like this was the last thing he ever wanted. As he went to answer JJ, the alarm went off. JJ promised to be back the next day to talk to him. 
Spencer looked over the window as Luke drove down the road. Penelope’s touch brought him back from his thoughts. “They’re okay. I spoke to y/n this morning” 
“Do they know ?” Spencer asked her, his eyes still fixated on the road. Penelope shook her head. “They should be at work right now. Do you want to go home or go back to the BAU?” 
“Home” Spencer whispered. 
The word felt foreign. Home was somewhere he dreamt of while he was in prison, never did he think he'd be able to see his home again, to see you again. The drive was quiet, the song of the rain hitting the vehicle was all he heard. 
Spencer stood outside the apartment building, Penelope stood beside him. She pulled out a bunch of keys from her purse and handed them to him, “do you want me to come up with you ?” Spencer shook his head. “Thank you” he hugged her once more, he walked towards the door looking back at his friends once more before heading inside. 
The walk up was quiet, it was the middle of the day. He bumped into his neighbour who was about to take his dog out on a walk. He asked Spencer where he had been the last few months, Spencer just told him he was away on a work assignment. 
The lock clicked and he pushed the door open. The scent of your perfume and coffee filled his senses. That was a smell he’d never get tired of. He looked around, taking in the space. Although it was his place, he had gotten used to a 6x6 cell and this would take some readjustment. He slipped off his shoes and walked across the floor, his feet padded across the hardwood floor rather than the sound of clicking on concrete he had gotten used too. 
Spencer’s head peered into the kitchen, there was a pot of coffee on the counter. His hand pressed against the side of the pot, it was cold but he didn’t mind. He opened the cupboard to look for his mug but it wasn't there, he looked down to see it on the counter, the sight of the mug brought a smile to his face. 
“Do you have to go ?” you asked him, your knees curled up to your chest as you sat on the chair by the table. 
“Yes I do, you know I do” Spencer smiled at you, taking a sip of his coffee. 
“What am I going to do while you’re gone? maybe I'll adopt a puppy to keep me company” you tease him, he rolled his eyes. 
This was the first time since you had moved in that Spencer was leaving you at home by yourself for a case. “Read a book my darling, but no puppies in here” he set his mug down on the counter before making his way over to you.
He leaned down slightly, his hands cupping your face. Smiling up at him, Spencer leaned down and placed a small kiss against your lips. Your hands reached up his face, holding him close to you as he began to step away. 
“Mhm no” you mumbled against his lips, getting up as he moved back from the chair. The two of you were still holding each other and you were still kissing but you didn’t want to let go. 
“It’s only 3 days” he mumbled, his lips on yours still. 
“Spencer” you whined, he moved back towards the door and you followed him. Your arms rested over his shoulder and his hands were on your waist. “I love you” he kissed you once more, 
“I love you too” 
Returning to the living room with the mug in his hand, he made his way over to the window. He pulled the curtains open in an attempt to let some light in but was met with grey, cloudy skies instead. Spencer never minded the clouds, he wasn't a big fan of the sun nor the cold, but the rain was perfect. This was his favourite type of weather, it was not cold out but it wasn't hot either, there was a warm breeze out. Everything came to a stand still when it was like this. 
The grocery bags dragged up the stairs as you fumbled through your pocket for the keys. The sound of the record player coming from the apartment, you stopped in front of the door. Taking a moment to assess your options before opening the door. 
Best case, you had turned it on this morning and forgot to take the pin off the vinyl. Worst case, someone broke into the apartment and is waiting to kill you. 
What did you have to lose ?
The lock clicked as you turned the key, you pushed the door open and pulled the bags in with you. All the lights were off, the record player had a vinyl on it and there was a person standing by the window. The person had their back to you, they looked like a silhouette in the dull light coming from the window. 
Stepping further into the apartment, you could see the person a bit better. They wore a white shirt and grey slacks. They had a head full of brown curls, the same brown curls your love has. 
But, it couldn't be him. Could it ?
“Spencer ?” you called out, a few feet away from the person by the window. They turned towards you. 
“Spencer.” you let a breath of relief, Spencer smiled at you. “Miss me ?” he asked, you shook your head. “Always.” you smiled, Spencer gave you a small smile. He picked up the bags you left by the door and walked to the kitchen, you followed him. He began putting away the groceries, “I got it” you took the cereal box from him, “it’s okay. Can I please ?” he looked at you, you handed the box back to him. 
You watched as he put them away. “I’m gonna change, I'll be back” you let him in the kitchen and headed to the bedroom. The frame was faced down, you lifted it and put it back in its place. You changed and headed back, you needed to talk to him. 
“Spence?” you sat on the couch, he made his way over and sat beside you. “Can we talk ?” you asked, he nodded. “We can do whatever you want” he said, you sighed. 
“Why didn’t you let me come see you ? I know it was hard at first but Spencer, seriously ? I love you, I wanted to be- I should have been there for you.” You let out your feelings, you both knew this conversation was coming. It didn't matter if he got out yesterday or 20 years from now, it was going to happen. 
“I couldn’t let you see me like that y/n.”
“Like what?” 
“Rock bottom. You never need to see me like that, you understand ?” Spencer reached out and rested his hands on yours, you held his. 
“Spencer, that’s why I'm here, to help you. Rock bottom or not, I’m always gonna be here because I want to be, you understand ?” putting the emphasis on the last two words. Spencer just nodded. 
Spencer leaned into the side of the couch, you could see the sleepiness on his face. You opened your arms, he leaned forward and made himself comfortable on you. He sat between your legs, his head resting on your chest, his back against you. Spencer let out a hum as you ran your fingers through his hair. 
“I’m sorry” he mumbled. 
You leaned down and pressed a kiss on his forehead. “It's okay baby. You're home and that’s all that matters.”
Tag List: @spencer-blake-supremacy​ @mac99martin @aaron-hotchner187 @tclaerh @luke-alvez @iconicc​ @lieberhers​ @pumpkin-reads​ @katexrichardson​ @sluttytears​ @thelukealvez​ @scandinavian-punk​ @rosesonmyheart​ @haleymalaffey​ @shotarosleftpinky​ @mrs-dr-reid​ @hqtchner​ @averyhotchner​ @willlemonheadsupremacy​ @potter-reid​ @cloudy-reid​
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imjustwritingg · 4 years
Just a short and sweet fic of a few things I thought about for 8x07. Enjoy and let me know what you think! 
You can read it on AO3 and FFNet.
The Intelligence team finally had a lead on a gang affiliated drug crew they’d been trying to get off the streets. Jay and Adam had been successful in infiltrating a meth ring and were gearing up for what would be their final undercover buy to hopefully flip a couple of brothers in the game. Once they did that they would be once step closer to bringing down the entire operation.
“Please be careful,” Hailey said quietly to her partner.
It was just the two of them in the equipment room while the rest of the team had headed down to the roll-up. The buy was happening within the hour and they would have to leave soon.
“It’ll be a piece of cake. Ruz and I will do the buy, Kim and Kev will pull up and make the arrest, and we’ll flip the Becerra brothers before lunch to get the big fish,” Jay told her.
He watched Hailey carefully and noticed the slight shake of her hands as she clipped an audio wire to the collar of his shirt. Once the wire was secured she did a one-two test to check the sound quality and when she was satisfied with the result, she flattened his collar against his neck. She lowered her hands and fastened the top buttons of his shirt, and then dropped her arms to her sides.
He couldn’t ignore the look of worry in her eyes and stepped closer to her. He reached for one of her hands and squeezed her fingers, and then followed her eyes as she glanced down to their joined hands. She took a deep breath as she looked back up at him.
“I mean it, Jay. No cowboy stuff. Voight and I are hanging back, and you and Ruz are gonna be unarmed. Promise me you’ll be careful,” Hailey told him as she squeezed his hand.
Jay took another step towards her and closed the little space that was left between them. He lifted his free hand to her face and held it in his palm while he brushed his thumb over her cheek. She leaned her face into his hand and brought her free arm up to rest around his waist.
“I promise. Besides, I got a hot date tonight. Don’t want her thinking I stood her up,” he said as he grinned down at her.
“Oh really? Lucky girl,” Hailey said with a small smile.
He shook his head at her. “I think I’m the lucky one.”
Hailey rolled her eyes, but still smiled up at him. “You’re also the cheesy one.”
“You like it,” he whispered.
He glanced over her shoulder and clocked the closed door. They were still alone so he leaned his head down and pressed his lips against hers. It was soft and sweet and over far too soon than either would have liked it to be.
“Maybe I like it a little bit,” Hailey admitted a moment later.
Jay smiled at her again before he dropped one last kiss into her hair and then they pulled themselves away from one another. They packed up the unused equipment and made their way downstairs to the rest of the team, both hoping the next hour would go by easily enough.
5021 Eddie…10-1, 10-1! Shots fired at police…
Of course it couldn’t be easy. Shots rang out and chaos ensued in the blink of an eye. Within seconds of hearing the distress call, Hailey and Voight were running out of the bullpen and down to their SUV’s. They peeled out of the parking lot one after the other and drove towards the scene as fast as possible with their lights flashing and sirens blaring.
All Hailey could think about was the fact that her partner, her boyfriend, the man she was so stupidly in love with, was unarmed and taking fire alongside Adam, and potentially Kim and Kevin as well. She pressed her foot down harder against the gas pedal at the thought and sped past her Sergeant.
The radio crackled again a minute later and Hailey’s heart seized inside her chest before another set of words echoed throughout the car.
5021 David…officers are not hit. I repeat, officers are not hit…
Hailey let out a long breath she hadn’t even realized she had been holding at the sound of Kevin’s voice. They were okay. He was okay.
When Hailey and Voight finally arrived at the scene, what felt like too long an amount of time later, they parked their cars and headed down the alley. As they made their way towards the rest of the team, her eyes scanned the faces of patrol officers and members of the forensics team, and then she spotted Kim and Kevin, followed by Adam and finally her eyes landed on Jay. They really were okay. She let out another sigh of relief as she saw it for herself even though she had heard Kevin’s all clear over the radio from just moments before.
Jay met Hailey’s eyes and the pair shared a brief look before he gave her a single nod of his head. It was further confirmation that he was alright and she found herself able to take another breath of relief as she felt her fast beating heart finally begin to relax. He stood beside her while the rest of the team filled her and Voight in on the details of what happened. It took all the control she had inside of her not to reach for her partner’s hand.
The team dispersed after their Sergeant gave his orders and Hailey headed for her Jeep. Jay followed after her and the pair fell in step side by side as they walked up the street together.
Once they were settled inside her SUV, Hailey blew out a long sigh as she leaned back against the headrest and closed her eyes. Jay looked over at her and reached for her hand from the passenger seat. He laced their fingers together and squeezed tightly, making Hailey open her eyes at the contact. When she turned to look at him, he took quick notice of her tears that had formed.
“I – “
“I know,” he cut her off as he squeezed her hand again. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault,” Hailey said with a rasp to her voice.
“I promised you I’d be careful,” he said with a matching tone.
Hailey shook her head and pulled their joined hands into her lap, placing her other over top of them. “You were careful. It’s not like you could have known there would be a shooter. It was supposed to be easy.”
“Maybe, but still. I know how worried you must have been, Hails.”
“That’s putting it lightly. When I heard that call over the radio, it scared the crap out of me,” she told him.
He squeezed her hand again, feeling the way her fingers trembled in his grasp. The adrenaline had worn off and the stress of the situation settled in around them, what-could-have-been scenarios buzzing through their minds.
“I’m okay, Hailey. I’m right here with you,” he reminded her.
She nodded at his words as he tried to reassure her and took another deep breath while they kept their eyes on one another.
“You should strongly consider making Kevlar a part of your daily wardrobe. It’s like you’re a magnet for bullets,” she attempted to joke, but all it did was make the tears in her eyes fall and roll down her cheeks.
“Come here,” Jay whispered.
He tugged on her hand and she didn’t fight it when he pulled her towards him and wrapped his arms around her as best he could over the center console. He threaded a hand through her hair and brought her head into the crook of his neck.
“I’m okay,” Jay whispered again into her hair. She nodded against his shoulder and gripped the back of his jacket with her fists. They held onto each other and he shushed her when he heard the distinct sounds of her sniffling.
When he was sure her cries had subsided several moments later, Jay released his hold on his partner and pulled back to look at her. He wasn’t prepared to see her eyes glistening and red from the onslaught of tears.
“Ugh,” Hailey groaned as she settled back against her seat and wiped under her eyes. “I’m sorry for being so emotional over this.”
Jay shook his head and smiled at her. “Don’t be sorry. It’s a good feeling knowing there’s someone who cares if something happens to me.”
“You’d be an idiot to think I don’t,” Hailey told him. Her eyes lingered on him for a moment, and then she pulled her seatbelt across her lap. He followed suit as she turned the ignition over and started the short trip back to the district.
“I’m just glad it wasn’t you in my position,” Jay said to her a minute into their drive.
Hailey glanced over as she came to a stop light and smirked at him. “Why’s that? You an ugly crier?”
Jay rolled his eyes at her teasing tone and reached for her hand again, a need to touch her taking over.
“It’s hard to find a good partner,” he said. The memory of the last time he’d said those exact words to her suddenly filling his head, followed by the realization of just how much things had changed between them since then.
“Is that right?” Hailey asked with a smirk still on her face.
“Mmhmm, and I don’t just mean on the job. I like having you around,” he told her.
Jay kept his eyes on her and watched as her teasing smirk turned into a soft smile while she pondered the meaning behind his words. It was a quick realization that they weren’t just partners at work, but in every other meaning of the word as well.
Friend. Confidant. Lover. They were all of it. They were everything.
Hailey gave a slow nod of her head and squeezed his hand that was still clasped tightly around hers. “I kinda like having you around too, partner.”
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inforapound · 4 years
The Devil Inside  -  Part 1
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This was written to celebrate @fuchsiagrasshopper​​ 200 followers. Congrats to you. This is not high literature, just a tiny-bop reader insert style romance. 
Warnings -  sexually explicit, hints of dub/con, possessiveness, love
Pairing - Ivar x Reader            Prompt in bold.
There they were. The same unimpressed brilliant blue eyes. It was the second time that week you had seen them in the back parking lot at school.
The student car park was behind the main building where all those who either drove or smoked cigarettes congregated at lunch to sit in their cars, pump music, and yak. You didn’t smoke but had a car so hung out all the same. Students from neighbouring schools occasionally pulled in to visit, always staying in their cars and keeping a distance as these types of schools were full of rules and someone was always watching. That is where he fits it. The dark-haired guy with the cold eyes and the nice flat-black Camaro. Whether or not he was putting on airs, he looked dubious and the kids always hanging about his car were the shadier bunch in the school.
He had been coming around for a couple of months now and you had locked eyes with him once or twice. Maybe more. He always broke the contact first as if looking at you had been in error. Probably dealt drugs or something similar but honestly, you didn’t know. What you did know, with your sharp eighteen-year-old senses, was to keep to your side of the lot. Maintaining your flawless grades was your first priority with socializing a not to distant second. Plus, you had been single for less than six weeks so boys were not exactly a draw.
So… you thought nothing of it when Mark Hasting approached your locker when the end-of-the-day bell rang. Standing with your closest friends, Kim and Amanda, you were deciding on whose house to meet at after supper. Mark was one of those smoking-out-back-leather-jacket-wearing types but he was friendly with everyone so it wasn’t that out of the blue for him to stop by your locker and chat.
“What’s up ladies,” he smiled, looking rather fit for a guy who had never played sports. “Any plans tonight?”
Kim carried on loading her binders into her locker and Amanda gave a breezy ‘not sure’ shrug so you spoke up as Mark was a nice guy.
“Might meet up with some of the others at the beach by my place after dark. What are you up to?”
“Me and some of the guys are going to meet behind Macdonald’s at 9 pm. Go from there. Some boys from Claremont are coming. You should join?”
“Clairemont, eh?”
It was the other private school in the district, prestigious like yours but with the reputation for being wild. Amanda’s brother had transferred there a few years back for their higher-profile basketball program and she had bitched that her parents were playing favourites ever since.
“Yeah, okay, maybe,” you answered not sounding convinced.
“You gonna be driving?” he asked which surprised you as you were the only one with a car. Kim had one that she supposedly shared with her brother but you had maybe seen her with it twice.
“Well, I won’t be getting a driver’s license in the next 6 hours,” Amanda laughed.
“Fair enough,” Mark smiled. “So maybe see you there?”
Hmm. That was interesting and you wondered if Mark or one of the other outbackers were interested in one of your friends. The crowd you ran with were the popular sort; the academics, preps, and jocks. Not the smokers who hit the bong on the weekends but at your school the cliques mixed well. Unlikely hookups weren’t that out of the ordinary but you certainly weren't interested. Hell no.
The evening air was a bit sharp so you were glad you wore your white denim coat and blue jeans. It was nearly dark and you were with a group of eight or ten of your friends standing between parked cars at the playground not far from your school. The closest street lamp was out so the only light came from the radios playing in the cars lined up in a row. The music was just loud enough to hear but not grab the attention of the tidy homes across the street.
If you were being honest, you were bored and the night was shaping up to look like the previous few weekends. Deciding to have a drink, you grabbed a cider from the full box in your trunk, passing your keys and responsibility over to Kim. ‘No problem’ was her reply that came in the form of a quick nod. You had been driving her around for years so she didn’t mind.
The headlights of two vehicles rolling past and pulling in made you all turn and look and you immediately recognized both. It was Mark’s white van and the low-slung Camaro tailing close behind. Blue eyes was in there. He had to be and it wasn’t immediately apparent but you had some reaction, nerves maybe or just feeling a bit on the spot for brushing off Mark’s earlier invitation.
“Guess nothing was happening at Macdonald’s,” Kim laughed.
“Shocking,” Amanda added sarcastically, taking a drag of her cigarette and blowing the smoke in the opposite direction.
“Cause hanging out beside the jungle gym is so much cooler,” you droned, squinting at the now parked cars, noticing that the Camaro looked full of people.
Not letting your sights linger, you turned back to your friends, taking a few long pulls of your drink, and heard car doors open and close. The sound of footsteps crunching over gravel came towards you.
“It’s Amanda, right?” a girl’s voice called and in unison, you all spun around.
“Yeah, that’s right,” Amanda answered, in her overly cheerful voice.
Before you was a tall blonde girl, a little older than you with very distinct features; a small narrow nose and the largest eyes you had ever seen.
“I graduated with Lani last year at Claremont,” she explained.
Lani was Amanda’s older brother, a year and half older, popular but a total prick unless he needed something.
“I’m Torvi,” she smiled and you all nodded your hellos.
“Hey, we are headed to my boyfriend’s if you want to come? Have some drinks. Can’t blow the doors wide but you girls are welcome to come.”
“Yeah, sure, okay,” Kim and Amanda’s mixed replies came at the same time.
Knowing the plan was set, you took a few more drinks of your cider, finishing it off, wondering who exactly was in that car.
The tall blonde turned and began to head back but stopped and looked in your direction.
“You’re not driving, I take it?” she glanced at the empty you were returning to the box in your open trunk.
“For once, no,” you replied quietly.
“Ride with us,” she jerked her head in the direction of the Camaro. “The girls can follow,” she smiled and you felt caught-off-guard.
“That’s okay,” you smiled back. “We’ll see you there.”
“No,” her smile widened and she took a step closer, offering her arm for you to link up. “I insist.”
The Camaro was nice. Really nice. Classic with a black leather interior. It had the faintest smell of cigarettes, beer, and leather. A total guy car and not the BMW SUV’s you were used to. You like it far more than those. But the atmosphere was anything but nice. For you at least. A tall, rather serious guy had opened the door, folding the seat forward for you and Torvi to climb in. Her boyfriend, you assumed, by the way he smacked her ass when she slid past.
Mr. Blue-Eyes was the driver and when you settled back in the seat, you realized those nerves earlier had nothing to do with running into Mark. It was him. As your mom would say, ‘trouble with a capital T’ and being that close to him made you feel.....funny.
The ride was quick and the house you were heading to turned out to be only a few minutes away but it felt like a different neighborhood. They were mansions; the original estates in the area before it was all chopped up into lots and sold. The gates on the driveway were open and you drove up a long driveway to a beautiful Tudor style home set well back from the road. It looked about 10,000 square feet from the driveway and if it hadn’t have been for those cold blue eyes glancing up at you in the rearview mirror, you would have turned around to make sure your friends were still following.
Inside the house was equally as amazing; soaring ceilings and a gracious front entry, an incredible kitchen with a large family room off to one side. You settled with Torvi on a large leather couch and from where you were sitting, you saw that the French doors on the other side of the pool table led out to a massive back-lit pool. Homes like this weren’t that uncommon in your world but you still appreciated its elegance.
There wasn’t a parent in sight and no mention of one which struck you as normal. It was always the wealthy and unsupervised doing the most scandalous things. But no one there was doing anything scandalous. You were just there for drinks. Right?
Torvi handed you some type of boozy beverage and you were unsure as to why, yet relieved, that she had taken you under her wing.
Entering the room and walking with the help of some customized crutch, the Camaro driver headed straight for the leather chair on the far side of Torvi. He didn’t make eye contact with you or anyone else but you still felt noticed. The way he hustled made you think that you shouldn’t watch and you wondered if that crutch was the reason he always stayed in his car at school.
Dropping it onto the hardwood floor, he sank into the seat, immediately raising his hand and accepting a bottle from Torvi’s boyfriend who walked in behind, carrying a case of beer.
“I haven't introduced you,” Torvi raised her hand. “This is my boyfriend, Ubbe, and his brother Ivar,” your eyes flitted over to your driver but he was gazing at something, nothing, off in the kitchen. “And their other brother, Hvitserk is just outside having a smoke with his girlfriend, Margrethe.
Your eyes shifted to the French doors and you could see the outlines of two people kissing on the patio.
Okay, realization struck you. They were the Lothbroks! You had heard of them. Definitely. Just couldn’t recall what but you knew it wasn’t good and you probably shouldn’t be there. Where were your friends and why hadn’t Torvi told them your name? As if on cue, Amanda and Kim and the long-lost Mark Hasting strolled in, cheerful and boisterous and thankfully taking the pressure off you from having to talk.  
Someone had turned on music and the other brother and his blonde-haired girlfriend came inside to join. A game of pool begun and you stayed on the couch with your friends and Torvi. Ivar remained slumped in his chair, giving the impression he would have preferred to be anywhere but there.
It was awkward. Torvi and your friends gabbed about the differences in schools and universities and you quietly finished your drink but, in a flash, it was replaced with another.
As always Mark was the most animated in the room, and Ubbe, who then seemed far more at ease, was listening intently to the details of how Mark’s father made so much money selling appliances. Kim was a good sport despite not drinking and joined in the conversation knowing many of the same people as Torvi.
You could have sworn Ivar scoffed when you rolled your eyes at Amanda who went outside to smoke weed with Mark and Hvitserk but when you glanced over, he was back to staring in the opposite direction and picking the label off his beer. It felt strange….. sitting in a room with lively people and you and he were the only ones not joining in. You weren’t anti-social but for whatever reason that night, or in that house, the atmosphere felt… heavy. It wasn’t the alcohol though; you were almost sure it was him. Ivar. Every bit of your focus seemed to be spent on ignoring him and for some strange reason, you felt he was doing the same.
“Whereabouts is the washroom?” you whispered to Torvi and she raised her hand to point down the hall.
“It's just down the...”
“I need another beer,” Ivar interrupted, his voice so much different than what you expected. It was smoother somehow, breathier. “I’ll show her,” his eyes flicked over to you as he grabbed his crutch and pushed himself up out of the chair.
Your instincts from before seemed right as his body language told you he did not enjoy people walking behind him. He moved with a distinct limp but it was still agile in a way, his crutch obviously an extension of his body. But his mood seemed troubled.
Christ, you thought, as you followed, he could have just told you where it was.
Through the kitchen, he moved down a long hallway lined with closed doors and you were almost certain one of them had to have been a bathroom. Just as your feet slowed assessing where you were going, he glanced back and jerked his head for you to keep moving. Ohh-kay……
Opening the door at the very end, he walked in, not looking behind. Stopping on the threshold you surveyed the room and there was no question it was his. It had the same dark wood floors and wood trim, a neatly made bed with navy linens, large windows, fitted with wooden blinds, bordered by matching navy curtains. The room was lined with furniture; a dresser, desk, shelves loaded with books but it was the framed picture hanging above his bed that held your attention. Behind glass was a charcoal drawing of a scraggly, long-haired, bearded man who seemed to be missing an eye. Nice room, you thought, but the art was a touch dramatic.
As he dropped down onto a couch and stretched his legs out onto a low coffee table, he pointed at an open door which you assumed was his private bathroom. Ohh-kay…. you thought as you tiptoed past him and into the bathroom, closing the door.  Again, it struck you how clean everything was, even smelt good like some faint cologne and you hoped the thick wood door with muffle the sound of you peeing.
After washing your hands, and a lip gloss touch-up, you opened the door, not sure he would still be there. He was…. lounging on the couch, watching the tv on the adjacent wall. There was no acknowledgment when you re-emerged so you mumbled some sort of ‘thanks’ and crossed the room, heading for the door.  
“Are you afraid of me?’ he spoke at your back making you stop and turn around. Aside from the glances in the rear-view mirror, it was the first time he had looked at you directly. And holy shit, was it ever direct.
“No,” you lied trying not to sneak a peek at his tight white shirt stretched over his muscular chest and arms. You definitely didn’t want to be caught staring at his perfect hair, styled in that ‘perfect hot guy way.’ Holy god, he was striking, incredibly hot with his square jaw and smooth tanned skin. You hadn’t fully taken it in until then…. when his piercing blue eyes held you frozen in place.
The angle of his chin shifted just slightly, and he subtly squinted making you think he was somehow pleased with himself. A sweep of goosebumps spread over your skin and you crossed your arms as if suddenly feeling a breeze. Was your stomach suddenly upset? Or, maybe it was your nerves clawing out your insides.
“Then sit,” he said casually, as he looked away and you detected the slightest hint of a dare in his tone.
Why? You wanted to ask but didn’t, wondering if he was trying to intimate you. One thing you did suspect was that his aloofness was only to draw you in. Funny, you thought. Wouldn’t work. You had to get back to your friends….
“Okay,” you instead answered and walked over, slowly sitting down, your body sensing the two inches of space between you. Great, it was a love seat.  
Like the force of nature he felt like, he somehow read your thoughts.
“Get me a beer,” he said, nodding in the direction of the bar fridge next to the tv. What teenager had a bar fridge in their bedroom, you wondered, only realizing then that he had ordered you instead of asking.
If your eyes hadn’t scanned his crossed legs extended out on the coffee table, his crutch on the floor below, you might have told him to get his own…. but…you didn’t. Did he not want to get up? Was he in pain? Was it his legs or his back that hurt him? Maybe a knee? Was it from sports? Or, had he been in an accident with his car? The blank one. It looked fast and he looked like he drove fast too.
Slowly but with no attempt to conceal it, he let out a long sigh, snapping you out of your analysis and you realized that perhaps you were a bit drunk. But out of the corner of your eye, you saw him smirk.
“Get a beer for yourself,” he chimed as if offering a token reward for your obedience.
That was likely the extent of his chivalry anyway. Returning with two beers you handed him one not expecting and not getting any sort of thanks. His eyes stayed glued on the tv.
“Do you even like beer?” he asked, and it somehow felt like a dig.
“Yeah,” you answered taking a small sip.
God, you hated beer.
For a few minutes, you both stared at a music video, some ethereal, whining song, about a hunter in the night sung by an emo looking guy. It suited Ivar perfectly and the longer you listened the more uncomfortable you felt being there… alone in his room……essentially two strangers.
Mentally, you cleared your thought. “My name is…”
“I know your name,” he cut you off sounding annoyed.
It was getting even stranger and you wondered if your friends would eventually come find you….
   “Pray to your god, open your heart, whatever you do, don’t be afraid of the dark.”
…the song played on and it felt like the tension was building but what could you say? You didn’t know him and weren’t going to make small talk. Just as the air seemed to be getting sucked out of the room, you shifted on your seat making him look over at you.
“What?” you said sounding defensive.
Without a word, he just stared at you. The skin on your cheeks began to warm and you felt embarrassed.
“Well, this was fun,” you pushed your hands down into the couch to get up but he grabbed your forearm. Gasping, your eyes locked with his blue ones, his brows pinched and his eyes narrowed.
“I thought you weren’t afraid of me,” he whispered and you noticed how much closer he was all of a sudden. Jesus, those eyes…. they were clear and cold yet somehow dark and felt bottomless. You just stared back as if hypnotized but it was the quick flutter of his lashes and a look of uncertainty that flashed across his face that had you come back to the surface.
“My. Arm. Please,” you articulated through clenched teeth, and you knew you sounded scared.
Tilting his head, his lids blinked again and he began to chuckle, flashing a forced smile and releasing your arm. Smoothly, casually, he leaned forward and grabbed the TV remote off the table as if picking it up had been his plan all along. Slamming your beer down, you stood and rushed for the door. You were fucking done with Ivar Lothbrok.
“See you at school, beautiful,” he called in a patronizing voice.
As you rounded the corner, the volume of the tv rose and the last words of the song felt foreboding.
   “Cover your eyes, the devil’s inside.”
Next chapter
@youbloodymadgenius  @whenimaunicorn @ceridwenofwales   @sweeneythots @funmadnessandbadassvikings @redama @mdredwine @didiintheblog   @londongal2810 @fields-and-fields-of-poppies  @oddsnendsfanfics @youbelongeverywhere @blonddnamedhandz @hecohansen31 @naaladareia @gearhead66 @flowers-in-your-hayr @lisinfleur @geekandbooknerd @xbellaxcarolinax @edythofhastings @ivarsgoddess @shannygoatgruff @where-beauty-goes-to-die @zuxiezendler @punkrocknpearls @snatcherheart @xbellaxcarolinax​ @lordsexmachine​
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jengajives · 3 years
Part two of my modern au. will Daeron ever actually meet the family? I don’t know
The Fëanorian house was big. Daeron probably should have expected it, just given the rumors he had heard before he even met Maglor, but it still surprised him with its immensity. It seemed a vast and artificial thing to him- somewhat unsettling if he was being honest- but the Noldorin leaning had always been toward excess and showmanship rather than the subtle, natural beauty his people preferred, so it was easy to calmly set his nervousness aside as simple culture shock. The lack of green anywhere beyond the perfectly manicured garden out front did make him feel somewhat squirmy inside, though; entering that glass and concrete beast was a daunting thought, even when he tried to explain it away. “We’re here!” Maglor said with a sort of nauseous cheeriness that conveyed no particular optimism. “Last chance to turn back.” Daeron craned his neck to get a look at the upper floors, currently glaring with an echo of the sunset behind them. “Wow.” “Dad designed it. It’s pretty, right?” Maglor actually looked over, read Daeron’s expression, and hastily went on. “Pretty horrible. Yeah. Really bad. Let’s go in.” As Daeron stepped onto the ceramic driveway, he was floored by another revelation: he had always thought Maglor’s car to be quite showy, maybe even to the point of tackiness, but seeing the other eight cars lined up nicely on the drive made him quickly change his mind about the rather conservative little blue Porsche. The first one he noticed was the cherry red supercar- it was hard not to look at it, to be honest, because it resembled a spaceship more than any other vehicle Daeron had ever seen. If he was ever unlucky enough to be standing behind it when someone turned the engine on, he’d pretty sure he’d get his eyebrows burned off or something. There was a Rolls-Royce parked next to it, painted a more subtle shade of midnight purple. Behind the two, a restored muscle car sat alongside an old hot rod, both opposite shades of green that made Daeron feel itchy to look at for some reason, and then came the pickup truck. It was the tallest car he had ever seen, iridescent black-to-green, and fitted with a downright obscene array of racks, lights, and speciality equipment, and with a deer skull mounted to the hood. One yellow Jeep and a small grey SUV looked very out of place at the front of the driveway even though they absolutely should not. Maglor had noticed him looking, so he pointed out who each car belonged to, but Daeron was so overwhelmed that everything went completely over his head. He did manage to pick out that the normal-looking ones belonged to Maedhros and to Maglor’s mother, though, and that was the only thing his overwhelmed brain could think of clinging onto. At least two of these people were a little bit normal-ish, at least. He could do this. While he stood staring at the cars, Maglor went on ahead, and he had to scurry to catch up. “Aren’t your parents divorced?” “Yeah.” Maglor gave him a look like that was the dumbest question he’d ever heard. For just a brief moment, Daeron worried it was, until he remembered which of them had a better handle on average family dynamics (ironically, it was the one without a family). “Then why is your mom coming to dinner?” “Why wouldn’t she?” They stopped in front of a big metal door, on what was the most intimidating porch he had ever seen. “She comes every month.” Daeron started to tell him that was weird, but Maglor was already reaching out to open the door, and he didn’t want to be overheard, so he just canned it and tried to look polite. As soon as the knob turned, Daeron was attacked by what appeared to be a red-brown blur. It burst from the cracked door and rammed into his chest with enough force to easily through him to the concrete, and Daeron couldn’t muffle a cry when he saw the glint of cruel yellow teeth and eyes belonging to a creature that knew exactly where it had to bite to end his life. Hot breath panted across his face, and a single line of drool drizzled nicely across the bridge of his nose. He was about to actually scream when he heard a sharp whistle and an even sharper voice. “Huan!” Immediately the creature bounded off Daeron’s chest and pranced out of sight. He only realized it was a dog when he saw the bristle tail swishing happily behind it. Maglor appeared above him instead, face swimming with concern. “Oh Valar. Are you okay?” “Sorry, chief!” Someone shouldered Maglor out of the way to fill Daeron’s view himself. One of the brothers already. Wonderful. “He’s still a puppy. Thinks everyone wants to play. I’m sure you know how that is!” The newcomer had the same basic facial features as Maglor, but he looked sharper all over, from the jaw to the cheekbones, even the teeth. When he grinned, Daeron got the impression he was a rabbit being played with before the meal. His hair was an unusual shade of pale blond, not quite Sindar silver, which Daeron had never seen on a Noldo before. It was almost white and caught the red of the sunset like melted wax. When Daeron realized he was being offered a hand, he took it and let Mystery Fëanorian Number One lift him to his feet. “You must be Mags’s new guy, huh?” The predatory grin flashed again. It was probably supposed to be disarming, but it put Daeron so on edge he jumped when the man clapped him on the shoulder. “Sindar, huh? Excellent. Amrod is going to owe me thirty bucks. Hey, Caranthir really isn’t going to like this, Mags.” He glanced around Daeron to where Maglor was standing stiff and awkward, face a mask of horrified embarrassment. “Dad probably won’t either.” “Celegorm...” Maglor finally groaned. His brother didn’t let him finish. “Hey, either of you want a smoke?” He tugged a pack of cigarettes from the pocket of his worn-down jeans and held it towards the two of them. Because he was wearing just a white t-shirt that looked like it hadn’t been washed in a couple weeks, Daeron could see plenty of exposed skin, and the tattoos that covered Celegorm head to toe. Lots of deers, trees, wolves, and the like, though he did spot a rifle or two and a couple naked ladies as well. He had the words “WOLF PACK” printed across his knuckles. “No, thank you,” Maglor said flatly as he reached over to rest his hands on his boyfriend’s shoulders. Daeron relaxed just a little bit at the touch. “Suit yourself.” Celegorm shrugged. He patted his thigh and the massive red dog came trotting over again; Daeron swore it gave him a dirty look as it followed its master by. “Have fun in there,” called Celegorm over his shoulder. “It’s just starting to kick off.” Daeron waited until he and his dog had wandered out of earshot before he managed a few strangled words. “Is he the one who... fucked Oromë?” “Yep, that’s him.” Daeron stared, dumbfounded, and slowly shook his head. “Charming.” “Do you still want to go inside?” Maglor asked weakly, and Daeron just nodded. He had come this far. Time to dive in.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
acquainted | you choose to stay
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> series masterlist | series playlist <
summary: the biggest goal of a grad student is to get through school in one piece - no petty drama involved, no sweating over the little things. however, that plan almost always never follows through. sometimes, you can’t help but fall into the most unthinkable, unexpected traps and learn the hard way. like, exhibit a: being unable to resist your engaged, substitute teacher, kim seokjin.
pairing: reader x engaged!teacher!seokjin
genre: grad school au, student life au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 2.5k
warnings: cussing/mature language, soft smut, some breast and clit play, slight begging, multiple orgasms, honestly more so into the soft love-making over anything rough
notes: we’ve made it to the end 🥺 yes - there is an option for you to choose to leave as well, please check the masterlist if you don’t catch the post alone! ily all, thank you for sticking through the series! stay tuned for bands, it’ll be just as much of a crazy ride! 💘
tags: @laurynne5 @yiyi4657 @miinoongi @teamtardis-notdead@bluesharksandfish@photographic-girl @yonkoghan @moonchild1​ @thebeebi​ @brightcolorsoffendme​
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"Jin?" You ask as he slowly turns around, his expression warm and inviting. He carried a huge bouquet of flowers in front of him, so huge it almost covered that small smile he gave off.
"W-what're you doing here? How'd you know when I'd be home?" Ryujin.
He scratched his head nervously and chuckled. "Ryujin."
"Figures." You chuckle.
"These are for you, I got them at the farmer's market earlier. I saw them and thought of you." You smile as you take the bouquet and bring it close to your nose. They smelled sweet, and fresh. Just like Jin. "I, uh, was hoping we could talk."
"Sure." You nod as he takes your duffle bag from you while waiting for you to open your door. You set the flowers aside in the vase, Jin dropping your things in the living room before making his way over to the couch.
"How was spending time back home?"
"Good, much needed." You looked up from the vase. "What did you do this weekend?"
"Not much. Spend some time with Jungkook." You nod, feeling relieved that they had been able to spend time together and slowly fix their relationship.
"That sounds nice. I'm glad you two are fixing things."
"Slowly but surely." You make your way over to the couch and sit next to him, your thigh touching his. "How's school been?"
"Fine, not the same since you left though." He chuckled.
"Sorry I, uh--" He looks at you. "I had my reasons." You nod, knowing full well what those reasons were.
"It's okay, you don't have to explain." You give him a toothless smile. "So, what's up?" You ask, as if you didn't have things to say to him yourself. He slowly tilts his head to look at you, lips slightly parted before speaking. His eyes tell you everything you need to know. He missed you. And you missed him too.
"I'm just going to come out and say it." He says softly. "I miss you, Y/N. I-I can't keep going on like this, you know? Without you. You're not gonna be the one that gets away. I refuse to tell that story in the long run because you matter too much to me." He sighs. "I love you, and I'm here for you. I want to do this with you, and I know we didn't exactly have that fairytale meeting or whatever that even fucking means Jin, get it together." He shakes his head at his own words, causing you to softly chuckle to yourself. "But I'm always going to be by your side, and I'll never give up on you, or us. My past actions haven't exactly said that but I'm sure about you, about this. More than I've ever been before." He grabs your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. "Please let me love you." You don't even know what to say, or, I guess it's just that Jin has said all the right things. Everything that needed to be said. You didn't need to say anything else.
So, you silently cup his cheek and bring his face to yours, planting a soft kiss on his plump lips before pulling back to look at him. He smiles, his hand is now holding onto yours, his thumb rubbing the top of your hand. He leans in for another kiss, his lips slowly parting from yours when he pulls away.
"Sooooo is that a yes?" He breaks the silence, causing you to giggle and fall back onto the couch.
"Yeah, it is."
"Okay." He smiles, the dimples from underneath his eyes poking out. "In that case, will you also allow me to cater to you today?"
"Hm, what does that involve, Seokjin?"
"Come with me, you'll see."
"Okay." You respond softly with a smile. Jin sits silently, watching the TV while you clean up a bit and grab a few things before heading out. The car ride is silent, and you realize Jin is taking you back to his place.
It definitely feels a little weird and different being here, now that you don't see Grace's car in the driveway, nor do you see any pictures of the two or anything that signals Grace in general. You follow Jin into his room, setting your things off to the side as he takes off his jacket. He comes to you, cupping your face in his hands before placing a kiss on your lips.
"Come, I wanna cook something for you." He nods you to follow him to the kitchen. You sit at the island, watching him prep his ingredients together and begin to prepare whatever dish he had in mind. He had began to update you on the past couple of weeks, which wasn't much, but he still figured he'd tell you how work was going, or how his friends were doing. Namjoon being completely caught up with Ryujin.
You continued to watch how delicate he was, cooking a meal for the both of you. He pulled out two tupperwares and a few smaller ones, slipping the freshly cooked meal into the bigger containers before getting a few snacks into the small containers. You furrowed your brows, wondering what in the hell he was doing, and why you couldn't just eat here.
"What are you doing?" You chuckled.
"We're not eating here." He looked at you before fixing the food into the containers.
"Where are we eating then?"
"Don't worry about it."
"Y/N?" He says, his brow slightly raised. "Just relax. I think you'll enjoy it." You nod silently as he packs them into a canvas reusable bag that he pulls off of the hook on his wall. He removes his apron and hangs it onto a free hook before putting his jacket on again. "You want another jacket?"
"Will I freeze to death in this outfit?" You stand and he looks at you up and down. Granted, the sun was out and it was a nice day out. You just threw on some grey-ish Gymshark leggings and its matching sports bra under a cream-colored puffer jacket.
"Ummmm." He says continuing to eye you up and down. God, he wanted you.
"Earth to Jin?" You cross your arms and tilt your head, making him snap out of it with a chuckle.
"No, you should be fine. I'll make sure it's warm enough for you."
"You're too much."
"Sorry, you just look really good in those leggings."
"Uh huh." You playfully roll your eyes and grab the canvas bag from his hand. He leads the way to his Audi SUV, opening your door before situating himself into the driver's seat. The sun was slowly setting, and Jin took you over the bridge and into San Francisco. Except not, because his car continued to drive off towards the Peninsula. He took the exit towards Pacifica and it suddenly clicked in your head - he was taking you to the beach to eat. In this weather though? You hoped not. He said you'd be fine in your outfit, but you were starting to think he planned it all along just because he liked how good you looked. But, you sat silently, letting him take you to the final destination. The sky was now filled with dark orange hues, one side of the sky quickly darkening before the other.  He turns onto a road, about three houses lining the road way before there's a patch of dirt and a car or two parked facing towards the water in front of you. The cars were pretty spaced out, Jin finding his own spot to park into - the only thing blocking the car from the heavy waves in front of you was a flimsy, rusty railing and a small stone wall. He gets out and immediately pops the trunk open, laying his back seats down and spreading out a few blankets he had hidden in the trunk before calling you over.
"Come join me." You hop out and sit next to him, tucking yourselves away in the opened trunk, watching the waters roll in and crash against the wall.
"Oh shit, this is beautiful." You say. You never knew of this spot, and it was isolated from the main beach itself. It was nice to have some privacy, but also get this front row view of the water.
"Isn't it?" He wraps another blanket around your shoulders for you to snuggle into before laying out the food in front of you both. The sun is about to sink into the horizon as you quietly start to dig into the food, thanking Jin in between chewing for the amazing dinner he had prepared for you two. He uncapped a bottle of wine, mainly for your enjoyment, pouring it into a fancy plastic  cup. He pressed his back against the side of the trunk, allowing you to crawl in between his legs and get comfortable while you sipped on the wine and picked at the grapes he brought. He leaned his head back, his arms wrapped around your neck, holding you tightly as you both watched and listened to the waves.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For all of this."
"It's no biggie." He says softly, your temple resting against his jaw. "I don't think you'll ever understand how much you mean to me. You make me feel complete." He turns to place a kiss against it, causing you to sink deeper into his body. For a moment, you both are just still. In peace. Listening to the waters ahead. Your hands rest on his arms, caressing it gently with your thumb before turning to look at him. "Hm?"
"Nothing." You smirk.
"That's not nothing."
"I just wanna show you how much I appreciate you and all of this."
"Oh, yeah?" He chuckles as he watches you stir in your position to fully face him. You're on your knees, keeping yourself steady as you lean in to kiss him. He deepens the kiss, his hand tugging your jacket to keep you close. You straddle him in his position, gripping his chin with your hand. "Fuck, I missed you." He says breathily before your tongue licks his entire bottom lip, causing him to tilt his head back and hiss.
"Wanna close this up?" You nod towards the trunk, causing you to giggle when he quickly shuts the door with his car remote and wraps his arms around you to lay you down gently. He takes off your jacket, tossing it aside in the front seat before softly kissing your neck and nipping on the surface of your skin. You feel his tongue swipe up your neck before he plants a kiss on your jaw, then back up to your lips. He aggressively lifts up your bra, exposing your breasts for him to play and suck on. He grips them as he sinks his mouth lower onto your nipple, sucking and letting his tongue explore on your bud. "Ohhhhhh." You mewl as he lets go with a pop, moving onto your other nipple, his hands now starting to pull your leggings down.
He begins to make his way down, leaving kisses on your stomach, abdomen, inner thighs, then your clothed clit. You slightly hiss at the feeling, causing you to wiggle a bit underneath him, signaling that you want more. He doesn't argue, or tease, and instead immediately pulls your soaked panties off, allowing his tongue to freely explore down your folds and push in and out of your entrance. "Jin." You moan as he's now sucking gently on your clit, two digits pumping in and out of you. "Fuuuuck, Jin. Stopppp." You whine. "I'm gonna cum."
"Why would I stop?" He says in between sucking your clit. The more he's pumping his fingers in and out of you, the more you feel yourself unraveling. It's not long before you're trembling under his arm, almost squeezing Jin's head in between your thighs as he continues to suck on your clit slowly while you ride out your high. Once you've been able to regulate your breathing, you watch as he undoes his belt and slightly pulls his pants down just enough to let his hardened member spring free. He spits onto his hand and pumps himself a few times while you've taken the initiative to suck on the two fingers he used to help make you cum the first time. He groans at the sight, wasting no time to line his tip with your entrance.
His body is lowered onto yours, your heels planted steadily as your hands explore up his back and inside of his shirt. He leans down to kiss you as he's inserting himself slowly, your moans being captured by the kiss. When he bottoms out, he begins to roll his hips into you, your kisses becoming messy and wet. Your hands are getting tangled in his hair, gently gripping the strands as he works his way with you, careful not to shake the car too much.
Either way, he feels fucking good. You feel fucking food. He fills you up so well and you're sure he'd make you cum any second with the way he's rolling into you. The moment is sensual, and full of passion. He's holding you closely as you with him, the crashes of the waves still echoing in the car even though the trunk is fully closed.
"Jin, please." You whimper, causing him to let out a small moan.
"God, I'm not gonna last if you keep doing that." He says, your hips now working against his.
"Fuuuuuuck!" You cry, your nails digging into his back, causing him to slightly groan and pick up his pace just a bit - he still manages to fuck you slowly and deeply, his tip hitting your core every second. "I'm gonna cum. Cum with me."
"Cum, baby." He nods, his hips slightly moving at a faster pace. Just as the waves crash against the wall, you feel yourself hurdling over the edge for the second time. It hits you so hard that you aren't able to make any noise, except let your body tremble and your face make the expression for you as your eyes roll back and your hands grip onto his hair and shoulder. The look sends him over, especially with your walls constricting tightly around him. He groans into your neck, thrusting hard but slowly just to let you both ride out the last of the high. He stays there for a minute before he's slowly raising his head and brushing the hair out of your face. The windows are all fogged up and it suddenly feels like that one scene from Titanic. "I love you, Y/N."
"I love you, too."
And in this moment, this is when you felt completely still. At peace. Like you could finally breathe. You rested your head against Jin's chest, listening to his heartbeat in one ear and the waves through the other, closing your eyes to take in this entire moment.
Let yourself live, and be happy.
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lokis-army-77 · 3 years
If You Please
Chapter Fourteen
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 4440
This is technically a reader insert but without the (y/n) and all that. She also has no name mentioned so feel free to imagine as you please.
Follow the reader through the events of the Captain America movies and experience her love for Bucky Barnes.
Warnings: canon typical violence
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We escaped quickly and descended down into the dark, damp sewer system of D.C. until we came to a steel ladder directly in the middle of our path several minutes later. Maria climbed up first, to make sure the coast was clear then she signaled for us to follow. There was an SUV waiting for us a few paces away from where we had emerged. I slowly trailed behind the others and into one of the back seats. The drive to the base, which seemed to be a rundown dam in the middle of the woods, took us almost half an hour.
After getting out the van we rushed in through a singular gated door at the base of the dam. Nat was still losing blood but the first aid kit in the van helped slow it down. As we walked down the dimly lit hall I spotted a man running towards us.
“GSW,” Maria shouted out to the man. “She’s lost almost a pint of blood.”
“Let me take her,” the man shouted back, still jogging to us.
“She’ll want to see him first,” she said before we reached a set of double doors and hurried through them. Maria led us down a long corridor which opened up to a large room with a section closed off with plastic strip curtains. She reached out and pulled part of the curtain back to let us see inside. There lying down in a hospital bed was Nick Fury, who was supposed to be dead.
“Well, it’s about damn time.” Fury stated in a sarcastic tone. I looked to Steve, Who was holding Nat up, and gave him a quizzical look, which he returned with his own shake of the head.
After the initial shock of seeing Fury alive, Nat was sat down by the doctor who was trying to stop her arm from bleeding. In the meanwhile, Fury was explaining to the group how he was able to fake his death and why he was hunkering out in a dam. This plan also helped him to know which people he could have some trust in, seeing as how SHIELD was now compromised and there was no telling how far the clutches of HYDRA had gotten. Now that people thought he was dead, it would come as a surprise when he inevitably resurfaced.
When Nat’s stitches were done we headed to a table on the other side of the room which had several files and computers scattered about. I took a seat on the far end and put my head in my hands. I could feel a massive headache coming on, which was uncommon for me since I took the serum. It felt like white-hot knives were digging through the back of my skull and into the spot right between my eyes. It was so bad that I completely missed the whole conversation the group was having. I eventually laid my head down in my crossed arms to try and combat it, but the pain never subsided.
A hand came down on my shoulder, startling me out of my painful daze, it was Steve. I saw his mouth move but couldn’t hear anything but the loud ringing in my ears. I just looked at him confused. He tried saying something again but I still couldn't hear him.
“Stevie, I can’t hear anything over this loud ringing in my ears,” I whispered, I knew if I talked loudly the vibrations of my voice would hurt. He gave me a nod and held up his finger, telling me to wait as he walked away. The doctor from before came back with him and sat in front of me. The doctor motioned his hand like it was talking and I knew he wanted me to tell him what was going on, so I did. When I was done, he took a small flashlight out from his pocket and shined it in my eyes. He turned to Steve and said something then turned to me and grabbed hold of my hand.
Both the doctor and Steve led me to a second hospital bed, which was a couple feet away from where Fury had been and made me lay down. As I got situated under the covers, Steve tapped my hand a few times to get my attention and when he got it, he started to tap again. Morse code, he had made me learn it as kids, that way mom could never hear our secret conversations, it even came in handy when I joined the SSR. I watched closely as he tapped out a series of long and short patterns. He was telling me the doctor was going to give me something to help me sleep and that I would be okay. I nodded and tapped back a thank you before the Doctor came back and inserted a syringe into my arm, seconds later I could feel myself drifting away.
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I woke up hours later without the searing pain of a headache and my hearing fully intact. I flipped the covers away from myself and turned to let my legs drape off the side of the bed. I hulled myself onto my feet and began to make my way to the table the group was setting at yesterday. Sam was there drinking coffee and talking to Nat, and from what I could tell, it must have been early morning.
“Good morning sleepy head.” Sam sang out. I gave him a small smile as I took the seat to his right, across from Nat. “How ya feeling?”
“Eh. I’m not in physical pain anymore if that’s what you’re asking.” I looked down at my hands and eyed the ring I had been wearing since a few days ago. It glimmered in the light as I took it off and placed it on the table. I then took my locket necklace off and slipped the ring onto the chain. I was lucky I hadn't lost it yesterday, but I wasn’t thinking I would be going into a fight. Now that I knew more fighting was to come, it would be safer around my neck.
“Is that your engagement ring?” Sam asked quietly.
“Yeah. It was Bucky’s mother, Winnifred. He originally proposed with this locket, but a few months later, after talking to her and begging her to keep it a secret from Steve, she finally gave it to him.” I smiled at the memory.
“Wait, I thought Steve knew.”
“He does now. I kind of blurted it out when he tried to stop me from going with him to rescue the 107th from the HYDRA base in 1943, but we got engaged in ‘41.” I took a long pause before talking again. “You know it feels like just yesterday when I lost him, like the pain from him being gone still hurts, but I’ve learned to cope with it over the past two years. Now I have to find out that he is alive, but not himself because he's being used as a mercenary by HYDRA. He looked at me after you knocked him down and that look broke my heart. It wasn’t the look of a man wanting to kill, it was of someone who was scared, someone who had no clue what was going on. He’s still in there, I know he is and I’m going to be the one to bring him back.” I jammed a finger down on the table to make my point.
“Are you sure he’s really still in there? He’s been in and out of cryo hundreds of times throughout the last 70 years, no to mention, he’s probably endured countless hours of brain wiping and torture from HYDRA.” Nat said in a concerned but doubtful tone.
“I didn’t lose hope when he might have been dead in the forties, I won't lose hope in him now. I’ll find a way to bring him back to me.” That was when Steve came through the double doors and into the room wearing his old suit. “Steve, where in the world did you get that?”
“I borrowed it from the Smithsonian. Here, I found your office. Thought you might want it.” He tossed a bag at me and I caught it, slowly opening it to reveal my old suit. “I still have no clue why you keep it in there and not on display with everything else.”
“Thanks, that was very thoughtful of you.”
“Don’t be sarcastic. You’re gonna want it when we go to take out the helicarriers.” He looked at me then to the other two, “Come on suit up, we don't have much time before they launch,” he looked back at me, “I’ll fill you in on the plan after you get dressed. Oh and Maria has your staff, and new guns for you.”
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It was almost noon now and Steve, Sam, Maria, and I were quickly ascending the back stairs of the SHIELD base. We made it to the thirty-second floor in no time, only for the door to be locked. We all held our guns up to the door as Maria sent out some radio interference so one of the people in the room would come to check on the dish that was outside. When the door opened the man was surprised and instantly let us through
Steve came to a stop at the PA system and turned it on. “Attention all SHIELD agents, this is Steve Rogers. You've heard a lot about me over the last few days. Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it's time, to tell the truth. SHIELD is not what we thought it was. It's been taken over by HYDRA. Alexander Pierce is their leader. The STRIKE and Insight crew are HYDRA as well. I don't know how many more, but I know they're in the building. They could be standing right next to you. They almost have what they want. Absolute control. They shot Nick Fury. And it won't end there. If you launch those helicarriers today, HYDRA will be able to kill anyone that stands in their way. Unless we stop them. I know I'm asking a lot. But the price of freedom is high. It always has been. And it's a price I'm willing to pay. And if I'm the only one, then so be it. But I'm willing to bet I'm not.”
“Always been one for speech haven't you Stevie?” I joked.
“Shut up kid, let's get going.” he shook his head, bemused.
“He totally came up with that on the spot didn’t he?” Sam asked.
“Definitely,” I replied.
We left Maria in the PA room where she would be able to monitor the status of the helicarriers as we tried to take them offline. Making our way down to the docking bay I looked out one of the windows next to where we were running.
“Steve, we need to hurry, the bay doors are opening,” I called out.
“Only a few more floors, we can make it.” After he said that, we started running faster, almost leaving Sam behind.
Finally, we pushed through one of the lower roof doors. I started to sprint toward the edge and before I jumped off, Sam grabbed my outstretched arm and started to fly. He maneuvered us to the far-right helicarrier and then let go of me. I plummeted to the deck and as I made contact with the ground I immediately threw myself into a tumble so I didn’t get hurt. As I sprang to my feet I was met with an onslaught of bullets. Ducking to dodge them I ran off to the side where a stack of crates was lying. I fished one of the guns from the hustler and cocked a bullet into the chamber. Taking a deep breath I stepped out from my cover and shot back at the men.
Two of the seven went down as a bullet went through each of their chests. I went to shoot again but a hand came out from behind me and yanked my right arm down. They tightly brought my arm to my back and grabbed my gun with the other hand. With my free left arm, I swung it back and clipped the person in the chin hard with my elbow. The grip they had on my right arm fell away as they fell to the ground. I turned around and quickly grabbed my gun from his hand and resumed shooting at the others.
I reached to the back of my holster where I had clipped two grenades before we had left the hideout. Pulling the pin and letting go of the trigger, I threw it at the men, who were immediately taken out with the blast.
“Hey kid you good?” I heard Steve's voice come through the comlink.
“Good as I can be. The deck is all clear, where are you?”
“Sam and I are inbound.” as he said that Sam shot up from below the carrier with Steve holding onto his hands. They landed a few feet in front of me and I jogged to catch up to them. “Wow, you took them all out really fast.”
I just smiled and held up the second grenade, “Work smarter not harder. Come on let's hurry up, the fact there weren't that many people on here is making me suspicious.” As soon as I said that we walked past one of the crates and Steve was pushed over the edge of the carrier by Bucky. “Steve!” Sam and I yelled simultaneously.
Sam jumped into action, trying to take off to save Steve from falling to his death, but Bucky grabbed one of the wings of his suit and flung him back. “Go put the chip in, I'll take care of this.” He yelled out to me.
I turned and sprinted to one of the doors that led into the carrier and I was met with two corridors. After looking down at each of them I decided on taking the right one. Reaching the end I heard a soft noise around the corner, I peaked around slowly and saw a man carrying an assault rifle. He was close enough for me to run up on him without him being able to get a good shot in with a gun. So that’s what I did. I ran at an angle from the corner and used my left leg to push myself off the ground and then my right to push off the wall and kick the man directly in the side of the head. He fell to the ground, completely unconscious. Not turning back I continued down the hall until I came to the stairs that would take me down to the systems room.
“Are you both okay?” Sam cut through on the coms.
“Yeah, I'm still on the helicarrier.” came Steve.
“Me too, I’m almost in the systems room. Where are you?”
“I'm grounded, the wings are busted.”
I exited the staircase and walked to the middle of the systems room. The opening to the targeting system was on the other side of the large cylindrical computer that took up the whole center of the room. I made my way around but stopped short when I saw him standing there, glaring.
“Bucky,” I held my hands up and took my finger off the trigger of my gun to show him I wasn’t going to do anything. “Bucky, I know you’re in there somewhere.” He just kept staring blankly. “I don’t want to hurt you, but I will in order to get this chip where it needs to be.” I took a slow step in his direction, but in an instant, he pulled his gun and shot mine out of my hand, and started to stalk towards me. I reached over my shoulders to grab the two separated staff pieces from their holsters as I moved backward. Bucky stopped walking and just started some more before he came at me full force. I quickly stepped up onto the railing and did a flip over him, landing behind him. Before he turned around I slipped the piece of the staff in my right hand around his neck and latched on with my left, forcing him to stumble back. This didn’t hold him long because he grabbed the bar and forcefully twisted it over his head, thus breaking my grip. I stumbled a few feet ahead, almost barely missing the punch that he threw. That was when I noticed Steve had made it into the room.
“Steve, a little help here would be great,” I said as I started to run back to Bucky who had turned around to face Steve. I jumped up doing a backflip kick, using Bucky’s back as a kicking-off point and landed back on my feet as Bucky slammed into the railing. Hoping he would stay preoccupied with Steve, I hurriedly ran to the system console and opened the chip holder. I took out one of the chips and placed it off to the side before reaching into my pocket for the new chip. I had almost put it in the open slot before I was knocked off my feet and the chip flew from my hand and over the banister. I turned over off of my stomach just in time to see Steve and Bucky also fall over the banister. I scrambled to the edge to see what was going on as I called out, “Steve the chip fell over.”
“I got it, stay there.” He yelled back before Bucky sent him flying. I watched as he grabbed the chip but it was dropped further down as Bucky came at Steve again. I took my second gun out and started to shoot near Bucky’s legs, in order to try and veer him off course without hurting him. Steve reached the glass bottom of the room and started sprinting to the chip which was nestled in between the glass and a metal beam. I stopped shooting as it became harder to get a clear target without also shooting Steve.
They were fighting now, hand to hand, Bucky had knocked Steve’s shield away and he pulled his knife out in the process. He stabbed Steve in the shoulder, when he fell to the ground Bucky dove for the chip. Steve wasn't far behind him, He latched onto Bucky, choking him then throwing him to the ground.
“Steve, don't hurt him,” I cried out as I watched them struggle on the ground, my hands went straight to my mouth as I heard the loud sound of bone breaking and Bucky’s scream right after. He tried rolling over but that gave Steve an opening to put him in a chokehold. “Steve stop, that's enough, you’re hurting him,” I yelled out in despair as I watched bucky struggle to stay conscious, I couldn't watch it anymore, I turned away. Seconds later Steve yelled my name. I hesitantly looked back over the railing, Bucky was lying unconscious and Steve was jumping up onto the landing under me.
“Here”, he tossed the chip up to me and I caught it. Suddenly a gunshot rang out and I looked to where Bucky was once laying, he was standing now, gun raised.
“Thirty seconds” Maria’s voice came over the com.
“I've got it,” I spoke back, making my way to the control board.
Another shot rang out, this time I heard the impact right behind me before a pain erupted on my side. I turned to see Steve laid out on the ground clutching his stomach, the bullet must have gone straight through him to me.
“Guys, they're going online right now, hurry!” Maria almost yelled into the com. I turned back around, holding my side and took the last few steps up to the console, and securely placed the chip in the open space.
“Charlie lock,” I huffed out, confirming to Maria that I had successfully put the chip in, as I slid to my knees.
“Okay, both of you get out of there.”
“No fire now,” Steve yelled.
“But Steve,” Maria said almost reluctantly.
“Just do it,” he yelled again.
The helicarrier jerked seconds later after being hit with the rockets. I slammed into the railing and was flung over, landing ungracefully in a heap on the glass floor. I could hear shouts of pain echoing, looking around I spotted Bucky stuck under a massive metal beam. Steve apparently had to because he was climbing down to him. He got to him quickly and started to lift the heavy thing off of him. Bucky wiggled out from under the beam and knelt there for a second before Steve said something to him that I couldn't hear, he reared back and swung a punch at him after that. I stood to my feet and slowly made my way to them, stopping multiple times to steady myself as the carrier trembled violently. I reached them just as a large metal cylinder fell into the glass floor, making it give way. I fell through the broken glass and into the cold water of the Potomac River.
I swam weakly to the surface. Once my head came out of the water I took a deep breath in and made my way to the rocky shore, careful to not be hit by any debris. The shore was farther away than I had anticipated and I was almost completely out of breath as I crawled my way out of the water. Laying on my back I looked and the smoke filled the sky.
‘So much for laying low,' I thought to myself. I was broken from my thoughts as a few yards down the shoreline Bucky came out of the water dragging Steve with him. He looked back at me as he dropped Steve to the ground but then turned to walk away. I got up quickly and ran to Steve, making sure he was okay. I took out the tracker Maria had given each of us in case anything happened and set it off. They would come find him now, I gave him a short kiss on the forehead. “Goodbye Stevie, I'll see you again some time,” I whispered to him before taking off my tracker and throwing it into the water.
I started walking in the direction Bucky had gone, He couldn't have gotten far with that broken arm and I was right. I found him slowly making his way through the woods. I stayed away from him, but he never left my sight. I knew he realized I had followed him when he tried to slip away behind a group of dense trees but was unsuccessful. He tried this a few more times before giving up and acknowledging that I wasn’t going anywhere. Finally, we broke out into part of the city, but we kept a low profile, or as low of one as two people in fighting suits and a man with a metal arm could. I kept inching closer to him as we walked and twenty minutes in I was almost next to him.
“Quit following me” He let out gruffly without looking back at me.
“No,” I argued.
“Quit following me, now,” He said a little more agitatedly.
“No, I won’t. I’m not leaving you alone and hurting Bucky. I love you, I can't leave you again.” That made him stop in his tracks and eye me down.
“Don’t know who you are.” his voice sounded uncertain.
“Yes, you do.”
“No, I don’t.
“I have proof that you do.” I yanked the necklace with the ring and locket over my head and marched to him, holding it out. He took it hesitantly and looked at the ring first then opening the locket he just stared at the picture of the both of us together. I saw something flicker in his eyes before he gave the necklace back, it almost looked like he remembered something. He started back walking but didn’t say a word when I kept following, just let out a long huff.
It took us an hour to reach Ronald Reagan Airport, and I finally understood what his plan was. “So your plan is to hijack a plane?”
“You aren’t coming.”
“I don’t know why you want to argue with me, I’m coming with you.” He gave me another glare after that.
We were walking through the small wooded area across the road from the runway when suddenly Bucky stopped. There was a small metal sign secured to one of the trees to the right, in big bold letters it said ‘NO TRESPASSING’. Bucky pulled on it and it opened like a small door into the tree where a keypad was nestled. He typed in a series of numbers and a few seconds later the ground started to move several right next to us. I jerked my head in the direction of the commotion only to see the ground opening up to a narrow staircase that descended into the earth. Bucky then closed the sign and started down the stairs, I followed suit.
It became darker the further we descended, the sounds of cars faded into the steady dripping of water. By this time I was thinking to myself that we weren't hijacking a plane, but I was proved wrong as the stairs leveled out to flat ground and Bucky turned the hanger lights on. There in the middle of the room was a black jet with a red HYDRA symbol on its side.
Looking around the room there were papers strewn about, dust even covered some of the desks along the walls. The place looked like it hadn't been used in years. To my left, I spotted Bucky grabbing all sorts of weapons from a rack on the wall and shoving them in a tattered duffel bag before zipping it up and heading to the jet. I trailed behind him.
He raised his hand up and pressed on part of the back flap to the jet, a small handle shot out and he pulled on it, which opened the back hatch of the jet. When it settled on the ground Bucky and I climbed up the ramp and into the cabin. Bucky tossed the duffel bag onto one of the benches and headed for the cockpit. He hit several buttons and switches before sitting down in the pilot's seat.
“Where are we going?” I asked softly as I sat myself down in the copilot’s seat.
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Tag List: @ginger-swag-rapunzel @underc0vercryptid-reads @geek-and-proud @intothesoul @leyannrae @starkleila @andy-is-gay
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 4 years
Mission of Mercy: One
“Where’s she headed?” Bucky asked watching the woman loading the back of her small SUV with a duffle bag and assorted odds and ends.
She was a friend of Sam’s, one from his days at the VA, Bucky knew, but he couldn’t remember her name. Sam had got her the gig with SHEILD. I guess he figured they all needed counseling. Or a team mom. Or whatever it was she did. Outreach, Bucky figured. Generating good PR. 
“Looks like a mission of Mercy,” Sam said with a small, slightly sad smile. Bucky looked at him for explanation and Sam sighed, instantly looking sadder and a few years older. 
“She’s a third generation Army Brat,” Sam explained. “Dad never came home from Desert Storm and Brother didn’t come back from… whatever the fuck he was doing. Mom was a VA nurse before she retired… So Y/N knows a lot of grumpy old fucks that don’t like to leave their houses. She makes rounds a few times a week still, for the people she’s known since she was just a kid. Friends of her dad’s, some cousins twice removed.”
Bucky exhaled slowly and nodded. That he hadn’t known. He’d never really paid that much attention to you. But now he looked again. You were packing down styrofoam coolers with what looked like milk, eggs, cheese, and assorted lunch meat. And you had a few labeled boxes of cans. A couple cases of beer… That made Bucky smile a little. And he could respect what you were doing. 
“Y/N!” Sam called across the motor pool, “Who’s on your list?”
“Joe, Rocky, and Cooksy, at least for today,” you answer, “Mac and Wild man are still in the nursing home for rehab.”
“Joe, huh?” Sam said walking over, Bucky trailing after him looking confused.
“You wanting to go along?” you ask, smiling, tightening the ratchet straps that held the styrofoam coolers in place.
“That old man still owes me a rematch,” Sam said grinning. 
“Rematch in what?” Bucky asked, catching a case of beer that had started to slide of it’s perch and slotting it carefully into an open space for you. 
“Dice,” you snort, “Sam swears he cheats.” You give Bucky a smile of thanks and slot a small gift bag in next to the case and Bucky has to look away from you. His face feels hot and he feels like you’re looking through him. So he looks at your hands. Work roughened. Nails bitten to the quick. Useful hands. Not just ornaments at the ends of your wrists. Efficient. 
“He Does!” Sam’s voice breaks through Bucky’s distraction and jolts him back to the world. Back out of his head. And for that, Bucky is momentarily grateful. And a scolding gasp from you immediately makes him too aware. 
“Get off my bread you fucking heathen,” you grouse, only half playing as you give Sam a shove away from a bag.
“My bad,” Sam said, quickly, holding his hands up in surrender, “You got a minute though?”
“Yeah,” you sigh, “Go get your stuff. I don’t want to wake Joe up before he’s ready.”
Sam gives you a grin and trots off and Bucky sighs, mentally trying to figure out what to do with the rest of his day. He didn’t want to assume he was going. 
“Joe did intelligence work during WWII,” you tell him, “You guys can always swap some bullshit stories… If you want to come.”
Bucky looked at you. You aren’t looking at him, instead you’re leaning on the bumper of your car and looking somewhere not quite the middle distance, but at something, anything else. And he can’t decide if you’re nervous or just awkward. And he can’t decide how he feels about making you nervous. He was nervous. His palms felt clammy and the rolling in his stomach couldn’t decide if it wanted to be butterflies or hornets. 
“Joe won’t mind?” Bucky asked. 
“A friend of mine is a friend of his,” you say, and Bucky can see that the corner of your mouth is upturned in a smile. “He’s a cousin… kind of.”
“Kind of?”
“He’s a cousin of a friend of my mom’s… He used to look after me sometimes when mom had to run a night shift.”
Bucky nodded, “That-” he couldn’t decide if that was “nice,” or “Cool,” or “weird.” 
“He taught me how to draw in three point perspective, gamble, and make a decent martini,” you say, and Bucky can hear the fondness in your voice. “Most importantly I guess, he never let me be a weirdo by myself.”
Bucky let himself chuckle. And when you chanced looking up at him, the rolling in his stomach decided it was butterflies. 
You were smiling. The kind of smile that would be seductive outlines in red. But right now? With no make up on and your hair falling out of a haphazard ponytail? You looked like a kid about to cause trouble. And he wanted to see what trouble that was going to be. 
Sam retuned before Bucky could formulate something flirty to say. Something that wouldn’t sound too dirty or too corny. Something that might make you swoon a little... though. As you swore at Sam across the motorpool telling him to hurry the fuck up, Bucky doubted very much that you had ever swooned in your life. But he could absolutely see that having a grumpy old man baby sit you had had some other amusing outcomes. 
Swear words didn’t look like they fit you. Your mouth was too sweet looking and the words were too blunt and ugly. It looked like they would fit wrong and come out worse. But. The way you said them was so casual. As if you had never not said them. And that… For some reason, tickled Bucky. He likes smart girls. He liked girls with a temper. And listening to you bicker with Sam just… It definitely burst some more butterflies out of their cocoons. It was nice, Sam having to put up with a smart mouth instead of being the one to dish it out. 
The drive was fine. 
Sam didn’t even complain about the music you played. A blend that gave Bucky whiplash and something of a headache behind his eyes. But. That wasn’t your fault. A lot of the music past his own time did that. 
The Audio bombast of discordant sounds and coded meanings of the ever evolving slang was… a lot. So he mostly focused on the scenery. The cars. The people. The sky. The architecture. That helped. Some things about New York would probably never really change. There were more people now. Fewer dresses and more people in pants… And fewer roving packs of kids. But. It felt the same.
It wasn’t until he was standing on the doorstep. He and Sam looming over you like bodyguards that he noticed differences. The lack of washing hung out to dry. The consistent low hum of multiple air conditioners. The lack of kid noises. The lack of… community. The way everyone was together, and apart simultaneously. 
But when the door swung open slowly, and Bucky was greeted by a little old man. One with thick glasses, a bald head, and stooped shoulders. A neck that made him look like a turtle… A sudden warmth washed over him. 
“There’s my favorite ray of Sunshine,” he said, pulling you into an unembarrassed hug. The kind men in his time reserved for their mothers and beloved children. “And my second favorite pain in the ass!” he said, rasping a laugh as he clasped Sam’s hand in his. 
“I moved up a spot,” Sam chuckled.
 “Eh, the neighbor’s dog died last week,” Joe said, giving Bucky a steady, appraising look.
“Aww, Bear died?” you say sadly, “poor old man… How’s Irene doing with it?”
Joe turned back towards you and chucked you under the chin gently with a small smile. Bucky didn’t miss the tears that had welled up, and evidently, neither had the old man. “She’s heart broke,” he said, “But, she told me to tell you he loved the blanket and it made his last couple weeks more cozy.”
Joe stepped back and ushered you into the house, letting you pass him to go and quietly pull yourself back together, Bucky figured. The butterflies in his stomach catching a sudden chill. 
“Who’s he?” Joe asked, arms folding across his scrawny chest as he straightened himself to his full height… or as close to it as he could manage.
“Winter Soldier,” Sam said grinning, clapping him on the shoulder before going to get the stuff you had for him out of your trunk.
“No shit?” Joe said, adjusting his glasses.
“No shit,” Sam answered, calling over his shoulder. 
“Well Son,” he said to Bucky, “Come on in. I gotta add a bottle of Jack to my grocery list… it looks like I lost a bet.”
And Bucky can’t help it. He laughs.
In the Hall, just inside the door, Bucky  can hear you rattling around. It sounds like dishes being done. And maybe a broom being used and Joe shakes his head. “She’ll make someone a nice wife some day, but fuck if I know what kind of man could handle her.”
Bucky wasn’t sure if that was for him to hear or just Joe Musing to himself out loud, but he smiled anyway and followed him inside. On the walls, there were pictures. Covered bridges, flower gardens, portraits… Presumably of people that the old man knew. Or had known. And the smell of dust and old paper. Decades of smoke from meals cooked and packs of cigarettes. It smelled like age. A sepia tone that mellowed and dulled all the colors around him. But somehow there was nothing harsh. Or forbidding. 
“Will you sit down?” The old man groused, “I have a broad that comes in and does all that shit.”
“Then you’re paying her too much because she ain’t been doin’ it right, old man,” you tell him over your shoulder as you rinse a plate. 
“Bah,” Joe said, flapping his hands at you. Clearly realizing that this wasn’t a fight he could win as he lowered himself into his spot at the kitchen table. “Siddown, son,” he said to Bucky, “Take a load off and let these stupid kids do the grunt work.”
“Kids,” Sam scoffed, putting boxes on the counter with an eye roll as he nudged you.
“I hear him,” you snort. “Careful old man,” you tease, “You’re cruisin’ for a bruisin and at your age, replacement parts are hard to come by.”
“Listen Heifer,” Joe said, eyes dancing behind his thick glasses, “If you wanna kick my old ass, you better pack a lunch.”
You shake your head, and pull the top off a styrofoam cooler, “I got your lunch meat and some eggs. That was it right?”
“Yup,” Joe said, “How much do I owe you?”
“A Dr. Pepper,” you answer over your shoulder, making Joe give you a stern look. 
“Young Lady-”
“You’re not giving me money, ya old coot,” you say, more fond than scolding as you kiss the top of his bald head.
“The hell I’m not-”
“I’ll tell momma and she’ll have both our asses. Me for taking the money and you for payin’ me.”
“She’s got you there Joe,” Sam said, grinning. 
“You shaddup,” Joe said grumpily, eyeing your back. And Bucky could see he was trying to gauge how likely it was that he could slip you some money without you knowing you’d been given any. Bucky grinned and Caught Sam’s eye before bumping the table with his knee to get the old man’s attention.
Once the Old man’s sharp eyes had fixed on him, Bucky glanced meaningfully towards the coat rack. Where your jacket hung so conveniently.And Joe followed his gaze, he grinned and touched his nose in acknowledgement. 
“Don’t you fuckin’ do it,” you say not turning around. 
And Joe made a silent “rats” gesture, before sticking his tongue out at your back
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paversandplatters · 4 years
||𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙱𝚎𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚂𝚑𝚎𝚎𝚙|| (5/20)
Apocalypse! Au (TW! Minor gore and cussing)
Reader x multiple
Chapter 5: A Flock Found
They pack a wheel barrow to the brim with the newly acquired supplies they find not botheringing to leave behind much of anything, making sure to cop the twenty five gallon container of gasoline from the tool shed out back behind the building... Lord knows they'll need for the grand task ahead of them. By the time the light in the south western sky began to fade from a light gray to pink over the backwaters of the panhandle they're ready. They slip outside through the rectory's side door and creep single file along the edge of the property. Y/n takes the lead, periodically glancing over her shoulder for any sign of the herd that had crossed the highway or any sign of the group that occupied this space all too recently. She carries a glock with a full magazine just in case. The dusky air gets clammy and cool on the back of the stranger's neck as he follows them to the car. They climb in hurriedly, stowing their provisions in the rear cargo bay. Y/n kicks the engine on as the newcomer clambers into the passenger seat next to her- much to the dismay of the other two- unfolding an old dogeared map.
"They usually stick pretty close to the ocean." He says almost to himself, silently calculating the mileage between them and the gulf. "Probably should start down by Perry or Carwfordville." He senses movement ahead of them through the windshield and glances up in time to see a couple of jagged shadows emerging from the woods about a hundred yards away, drawn to the sound of their engine. Garbled growls can be heard over the drone of crickets. The trace smell of garbage on the breeze, the light and space of the outdoors is almost overwhelming to him. He feels like he's been asleep for a hundred years, locked away in that dank and dirty church- he starts to feel dizzy.
Y/n gooses the accelerator and the SUV lurches away. He sinks into his seat as they roar down the road, swerving to avoid the half dozen or so biters now skulking out of the woods blocking their path. They sideswipe one the creatures, ripping a chunk of its shoulder, splattering fresh gore across the glass of his side window.
"You get used to it." she states after he flinches in disgust. He just stares at the splatter, flecks of bone chips, and a long trail of black bile.
"I don't think anyone can get used to that ..." Nick mutters from the back seat.
Night falls and the darkness deepens behind the trees on either side of the road. Most of the streetlights in this part of the country have gone the same way as the internet or cable TV, so the road only gets darker and darker as they head south towards the steaming thickets and festering swamps of the coastal lowlands. The going is slow, most of the two lanes are crowded with rusted out wreckages ,the carcasses of cars and trucks so old now that the weeds and switchgrass have begun to grow up from their metal endoskeletons. The two young men in the rear breathe heavily, thickly, half asleep while Y/n drives and softly hums some forgotten tune. They had passed the jerky and water around a few minutes ago- their standard fare of supper- and now their bellies growl and their eyelids droop with exhaustion.
"You never gave your name..." His hushed voices rings out from the shotgun seat.
"Hadn't crossed my mind at the time, sorry about that... It's Y/n" She chuckles softly. "The one with the headband is Nick but goes by Sapnap, don't ask i don't know- the other one with the accent is George." he just simply hums in reply.
"What about you big guy? What do they call you?"
He takes a moment to regard the woman seated next to him; his head still trying to wrap itself around this complete stranger who's shown him nothing but kindness. On the one hand, she seems trustworthy enough, friendly, a good listener, courteous and capable of single handedly taking out an entire chapel full of reanimated corpses... On the other hand she seems like a walking time bomb. He'd seen her type before- they type that's too kind until something or someone breaks that trust. A hairline trigger. The sad fact is he doesn't have a large array of options. Staying in that hellhole of a church with those enslavers, listening to the groans of the dead, waiting for whatever those bastards would do next quickly loses its charm... Seeing the aftermath of her cleaning house with that knife had given him an odd charge- a cathartic release. He's also aware that he'd never be able to find the caravan on his own given the sorry state he's in. He really has no choice but to go along with her and her scruffy ass men and hope for the best.
"I don't have a name.. that is, one that I can remember.."
She desperately wants to pry, how could he not remember his own name? But the thousand yard stare and glassy gaze is enough to stop her from inquiring any further. "Well we've gotta call you something big guy." She's met with silence in response. "Alright, I guess Big Guy it is then." He offers only a meek hum in response. In an attempt to silence his own raging thoughts his eyes landed on the red bandanna tied to the rearview mirror for what was probably the hundredth time since he started on this way too long car ride.
"... What's that about?" He points to the red scarf.
"It belonged to a friend of mine a long while back, before Sapnap and George were a thing." Her hands tighten their hold on the wheel. "I was caught by 'traders' and he was stuck in the same hole as me... Couldn't have been any older than fourteen at the time. One night the compound was under attack, their front gate was breached- luckily we were kept at the very back end, so when the opportunity came we managed to escape our holding cell and I hoisted him over the wall. Told him to keep running, to not look back. He got away but I was caught again," She takes in a deep breath before resuming her story.
"I was quickly sold off to some asshole who had these two chained up for breaking into their stores... one thing led to another and we snuck out and snagged this ride... we've been moving around since." It was obvious by her tone there was a lot she was leaving out and probably for a good reason. Notably the two in the back seat were dead silent, so much so that it made the air feel heavy and dense enough to cut with a sharp enough knife. Suddenly he was wishing he hadn't bothered to ask in the first place
"That sign back there," He manages, desprate to break the heavy air "Said 'Cross city 12 miles" He glances up from the map in his lap, gazing out the side window at the stewing darkness of Dixie County Florida. "Got a feeling we're getting close."
The vast patchwork of wetlands passes in a blur on either side of them. The land oozing a low blanket of methane as gray as mold, clinging to the shadows of pine thickets and gullies like dirty lace. The air smells briny and rotten with dead fish. Every few minutes they pass the ruins of a small town or wreckage strewn trailer parks. No sign of survivors in these parts, though only the occasional silhouette of an upright corpse shambling by, it's eyes like twin yellow reflectors in the darkness.
"We can't just keep burning gas all night." Sapnap says from his place in the rear, his voice all cranked up with pain and panic "and we can't just go off of what you overheard those traders talking about- Much less go off of feelings.." Big guy just keeps a neural face.
"We're in the ballpark" He persists "Believe me they'll be hard to miss." Y/n grips the steering wheel, her jaw working overtime on a piece of gum, snapping and chewing complusively as she drives.
"How many vehicles do they have in this convoy?" George questions between wheezy breaths.
"No idea... but it's quite a few ."
"That's pretty general."
"They'll be easy to spot." He replies once more, gazing back out at the darkness. "Our best bet is to follow the coast, they like to keep close to the water.."
"Why's that?"
He shrugs. "According to those 'traders' they keep their eyes peeled for ships or any possible way they might get their asses the hell out of here. Most of the bigger boats around here have been destroyed by the hurricane that hit a couple years ago, so it's a long shot that they'll find anything..."
They're about to give up the search when they start to climb the gentle slope- at first so gradual it's almost unnoticeable - up the side of a vast malodorous landfill- the barren trash-strewn scrubland to their left reaches across miles of sandy berms, all the way down to the deserted ghostly boardwalks that wind their way along the beaches. The sky has begun to bruise pink with predawn light and Y/n has just started to say something when the Big Guy sees the first faint streaks of red dots in the distant haze.
"LOOK!" He points his large gnarled hand down at the far dunes of ashen white sand winding along the coast. The surface is so pocked and windswept it resembles the dark side of the moon.
"Where?" She cranes her neck, slowing the vehicle down to a crawl.
"I don't see anything."
"About Half a mile up there... Look at the tail lights!"
She takes a deep cleansing breath as she finally sees the caravan chugging along the coastal road in the predawn light, it looks like embers throwing up puffs of smoke in their wake.
"Holy shit, I see it." A big smile washes over her face, Glad she decided to follow through with this insane plan.
"What do you think of those boys?" The two young men in the rear lean forward, transfixed by the sight, each of them rapt and silent as they gaze at the convoy.
"What are you doing?! Blaster your horn at them," George stutters anxiously. "Don't let them get away !"
Y/n smiles to herself, in her former life she used to be fascinated by the wildlife shows, often catching them in the late night showings after work before she turning in for the night. She remembers one episode in particular, on the behavior of sheep vs the behavior of wolves. She remembers the flock mentality; the sheep moving almost as one, easily managed by a single sheepdog. She remembers the instinct of the Wolf, stealthy, patient as it and its pack creep up on the flock. She shoots a glance across the dark interior at the larger man sat next to her before turning her head to face the two sat behind them.
"I have a better idea."
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@the-wandering-pan-ace @hvrcruxes
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