#the new beta blogs just ruin everything they touch
hshmimi · 2 years
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“ then take something from the bottom shelf. don’t waste a good bottle on chugging, ” arnauld sighed. “ besides, if getting drunk is the goal, you should care about percentages not the grape. ” why was it so difficult for everyone to stick to one or two glasses in the evening ? that was all you needed for relaxing. that was all you needed. “ who did you argue with ? ” he highly doubted she could top him, be it the person or the subject matter. as much as fanni’s response frustrated him, he couldn’t feel quite comfortable with his own approach. familiarity had tricked him into unpreparedness. he had been confident in his ability to predict her reaction but had failed to slow down to choose an approach. whether he would have been able to follow it through was also another question he would not get an answer to. “ hmm… ” he absent-mindedly moved the glass to make the wine swirl. hearing a somewhat original idea that wasn’t just an invitation for chaos from mimi managed to make him feel hopeful. “ it will be fair business and if someone gets upset, they should have worked harder to keep their clients. you’ll be able to shrug it off. ” arguments were only difficult if they were personal, he had come to notice. “ it’s quite alright. there’s not much else to talk about. ” the topics he chose for dinner parties were unlikely to engage mimi. “ i’ve been thinking about returning to paris. this place is too much of a bubble. it almost feels like the reality is being warped. ” [ ;; @hshmimi​ ]
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Mimi snorted, “shall I go alphabetically, or chronologically? My father, this morning. He’s upset with Mama, and taking it out on me. --Then I argued with her, because he’s right to be annoyed. She’s been keeping...A gentleman, in Monaco. And sending ‘care packages’” of gold-flake champagne and boudoir photos, “to Klaus, in Switzerland. --He’s the one who wears the, uh, ‘boytoy’ necklace. --Although I assume he has...made himself known to you?” He’d asked to be introduced several times before. Mimi was used to it, unfortunately. Several schoolmates had kept posters of Arnauld above their beds. “But that’s par for the course,” Mimi shrugged. “The really annoying one was with the Panamanian Princess. Do you know her?” Probably not. Recognising lesser, foreign royalty by name was his assistant’s domain. --Mimi was sure he’d forget hers, if she didn’t wear it on a charm around her neck. “She was at the wedding; she was the sad one wearing white....Anyway, she’s gone on a bit of a power trip. It’s fucking with my investments.”
“Well, it’s a little more complicated than that,” Mimi hummed, “I’m supposed to be Godmother to their - Catherine and The Swiss King’s - new baby...Though, to be honest, I’m not much in the mood for parties and babies, recently.” Absent, manicured fingers drummed against the ornate coffee table. “Plus you’re right. This place is...We’ve been living too closely. We’re too enmeshed with one another. --Whatever happened to the days of having a foreign prince shipped over based on nothing but papal recommendation and a portrait? You got married, you made polite small talk for a few months, then you died in war or childbirth. Nice and straightforward.” She sighed, mock wistful, but it turned serious when she looked back to her cousin. “Though are you sure that’s a good idea? Being alone there? --At least here you have Giselle and Jules’ help...I’m not saying you’re overworking yourself,” she splayed out her hands in a gesture of surrender already. “I wouldn’t know ‘overworking yourself’ if it hit me in the nose. Arthur Jr. style,” she mimed throwing a punch, trying desperately to lighten the mood (and probably achieving the opposite) before she said, “but I know you’re not taking coke to party longer.”
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p5x-theories · 5 months
P5X Second Arc Summary
(last updated 5/17/24)
With the confirmation that this is the actual release of the game, I realized it makes way more sense to break these posts up by story arc, heh!
Usual disclaimer: Please keep in mind this game still has no official English translation, so this summary uses a mix of what happens visually, what I understand of the Japanese dialogue, and Google translate for the Chinese text, in order to get the broader picture here. This will be focused on summing up everything that happens overall, without getting into a line-by-line translation.
Contrary to this blog’s name, this post is going to have as little speculation as possible, and stick to confirmed facts.
This post (and its reblogs) will cover the Miyazawa Arc. Several scenes in this arc have been distinctly changed since the beta tests!
Picking up where the first arc left off, Wonder, Motoha, and Ruferu take the train to Shinjuku.
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Motoha looks at Kiuchi's Treasure, and mutters to herself about how this is just a regular rubber ball, like anyone has. Does that mean they could develop Palaces like Kiuchi if they made the wrong choice?
Ruferu reassures her that it's not impossible, but they've already awakened Personas, meaning they faced the embodiment of their desires, their own Shadows, already. They also changed Kiuchi's heart for the sake of others, not their own selfish gain, helping to protect others' dreams and hopes. He firmly believes their desires won't get out of control... well, probably not.
This flusters Motoha a little.
Ruferu continues that they were even able to influence Kiuchi a bit more than he expected, because they were able to convince Kiuchi to keep living even after stealing his Treasure, even when Ruferu thought there's no reason to be kind to someone like Kiuchi.
Motoha explains she thinks that everyone makes mistakes sometimes, even Kiuchi, and even herself. She believes that Kiuchi was really the one who'd given up on his desires. She then credits this realization to Wonder, who reacts with confusion, and she says he's the one who helped her and Tomoko cheer up.
On the topic of Tomoko, Ruferu asks if she's going to tell Tomoko about the news, and Motoha expresses excitement to tell her that the criminal was arrested when she visits the hospital tomorrow.
She then asks Ruferu if any of his memory came back when he touched the Treasure, which he confirms, although it was just a fragment. That's the information he wanted to share with them later (and he clarifies he didn't want to say it in the moment because he didn't want to ruin the mood right after they'd won). He says there are six more Treasures out there, making seven total. Motoha, surprised, asks if that means there are six more bad guys like Kiuchi that the police can't catch, which Ruferu also confirms.
Their train arrives in Shinjuku, cutting the conversation short.
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When they reach Shinjuku, Motoha says they should continue their conversation at the restaurant, and it’ll be her treat since they helped Tomoko. Ruferu asks for the egg topping.
As they continue on to the restaurant, however, Chihaya Mifune calls them over, and warns them that a disaster awaits them if they continue with their plans.
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Motoha kind of brushes her off awkwardly, saying she’s hungry and they’re in a hurry. They proceed on to the restaurant, Ashouken. Motoha explains the main store is a popular Chinese restaurant, while Ashouken is a branch of it specializing in ramen. Ashouken's reputation went down for a bit, but she's heard the taste improved after it was renovated.
Inside, they order food (both Motoha and Wonder order shoyu, with eggs and chashu pork on the side for Ruferu) then get back to the more serious conversation- Ruferu admits that he did only tell them about Kiuchi’s Palace, so it’s up to them if they want to continue working with him for the other Palaces. He doesn't want to force them and ignore their own desires. Wonder recalls Igor's advice from before about preventing ruin, honing his own desires, and connecting with others.
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Motoha seems to need to think about it, and suggests they eat first as their food arrives. They start to eat, though Motoha notices something different about the ramen- the flavor's different than she remembers, and the soup base is lighter- which catches the attention of the Kokatsu student sitting at the table next to theirs. She brushes it off, saying maybe she just remembered it better than it was, and the Kokatsu student goes back to eating.
Ruferu asks if he can have some of his food, since he can't get to it himself. Motoha's briefly concerned whether owls can eat eggs, but Ruferu stresses that his form is just for stealth, and he doesn't have any dietary restrictions from it. He says the eggs will be his appetizer, and the meat is the main course. Motoha tries to give him an egg, but it slips, hits Ruferu’s face, and falls into Wonder’s ramen, splashing him with the hot broth. (Link to a frame by frame post)
Wonder recovers pretty easily, and Motoha apologizes and asks if they’re okay. Ruferu realizes this may have been the disaster they were warned about.
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The Kokatsu student at the table next to theirs, who Wonder previously has seen on the school roof, tries his ramen, before muttering "… wrong". He gets up, and addresses the chef behind the counter as "Masa-san", asking if it's really okay to do this.
Masa only replies "Shun...", catching Motoha's attention. Shun insists that he can't taste the soup base flavor that the boss was so particular about at all, and at this rate...
Masa says it hurts him, too, in a defeated tone. Shun apologizes, bows, and leaves.
Motoha recognizes the student as Shun Kanou-kun from Tomoko’s class, Class D. As she and Wonder start to eat again, someone walks into the restaurant accompanied by a cameraman, and greets Masa. Masa apologizes to him, saying the store's still open, which irks the man, asking if he's going to make him wait, in a threatening tone.
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Masa apologizes profusely to the customers, saying Ashouken is now closed. He and the other employees bow. When people start to complain, he says they’ll refund them for the food.
Wonder, Motoha, and Ruferu exit the restaurant, and overhear some of the other customers as they also leave. One comments that while he didn't get to finish his food, the flavor's definitely a restaurant worthy of Miyazawa's perfect rating. When the other seems less sure whether the food was all that good, the first one insists it is, because Hiromu Miyazawa said so.
This makes Motoha realize that the man that walked in was Hiromu Miyazawa, a famous food reviewer that she's seen on TV who has the nickname "the Flavor Swordsman". Still, she thinks the original Ashouken was better...
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Shun says he agrees, and approaches them. They exchange introductions, and Shun correctly identifies that if they're in Class C, they're in Katayama's class. Motoha asks if he knows the owner of Ashouken, and Shun brushes off the question, and asks what they thought of Ashouken's ramen instead.
Motoha thinks for a moment and says it was “average, I guess.” Shun, seeming troubled, says that's indeed the case, then apologizes for asking a weird question, and leaves.
Motoha's confused, but then realizes she's still hungry, thinks back on everything that just happened, and apologizes for picking this restaurant, realizing the fortune teller was right about the disaster. She suggests they just go home, since at least they'll be able to eat there. Ruferu agrees, but insists that Wonder stop by the supermarket to get some meat first.
Before she leaves, Motoha asks if it’s only terrible people that have Palaces. Ruferu confirms this. She then asks if they’ll all have changes of heart if their Treasures are stolen, which Ruferu also confirms. Motoha apologizes that she said she'd leave but then asked more questions, and says she’ll see them tomorrow.
Ruferu asks if it's okay if he stays with Wonder at least one more night, whether he chooses to continue being a phantom thief or not, to which Wonder agrees. As they leave, the Cyler Eats person from the train bikes past them, but doesn't visibly react to Wonder in any way.
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Once Wonder and Ruferu make it back home, Motoha calls them, and says Kiuchi’s on TV. Wonder and Ruferu rush inside to turn on the TV, where sure enough, the news is talking about how Kiuchi turned himself in.
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Still on the phone, Motoha murmurs that it’s just like Ruferu said would happen- he had a change of heart. An interview with another woman that was a victim of his plays, and Motoha comments that she doesn’t know her, but she’s happy. As phantom thieves, they can help people. Wonder nods.
The news also reports that letters addressed to Kiuchi signed by the "Phantom Thieves" were found around Shibuya station- Motoha realizes he's talking about the calling cards- and witnesses reported a wild bird was the one distributing these letters. However, the police believe there's no connection between the two, and it was a coincidence.
Ruferu mutters he wasn't cautious enough if he was seen, and they'll have to be more careful next time- or, no, he's not sure if they'll be with him next time. Motoha asks Ruferu if they'll be able to help more people as phantom thieves, and Wonder holds his phone up for Ruferu. He replies that if they continue, they'll be able to steal back more people's desires, and make the phantoms more nervous to act.
Motoha then asks what Wonder thinks- can they be phantom thieves? Wonder agrees, and Motoha says she thinks it'd be pretty cool to be normal students by day, then phantom thieves by night.
She loudly, enthusiastically asks Ruferu to let them continue working with him as phantom thieves, then apologizes for saying that so loudly into the phone, bids them goodnight, and hangs up. Ruferu complains that if they were in the Metaverse, an enemy would have found them, but then a bit more fondly adds that sometimes humans choose the difficult path. He says he looks forward to working with Wonder in the future, and his Confidant ranks up.
Back at Ashouken, we see Miyazawa giving a glowing review of Ashouken's ramen to the camera, describing it as the true taste of Ashouken.
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He reminds the audience that this taste was almost lost forever, as the shop's previous owner fell ill, and the quality of the food dropped, leading to Miyazawa having to give it a bad review, as he didn't want to see the flavor lost. Because of this, some people called him a phantom! But he didn't care if it meant he could help protect the true taste. He worked with the other employees to bring the true flavor back, and improve it, even!
Miyazawa seems to get emotional, and thanks the audience for watching this episode of his show. Signing off, he swipes his pen through the air like a sword, and says "Cut off the banal evil of taste with a pen that is stronger than a sword... The flavor swordsman Hiromu Miyazawa reports for you. Good night, everyone!"
As soon as the camera cuts, Miyazawa gets up and stretches, losing the more emotive demeanor he had during the recording, saying it's tiring acting that stupid, and more flatly asking his agent about their plan for tomorrow. The agent confirms it'll be a restaurant in Zoshigaya called Toraiken, which Miyazawa recognizes as the restaurant that Ashouken branched off from. He says it doesn't matter how the food there tastes, he's already planning to "kill" it.
Masa, standing nearby, reacts to this with alarm.
Miyazawa turns toward Masa and grins, saying he'll probably get called a phantom again, and it's so hard for someone like him with a vicious tongue. Miyazawa then asks for him to show his thanks for the review.
Masa sighs, and presents an envelope for Miyazawa, who gleefully takes it, saying they'll protect Ashouken together.
Masa pleads Miyazawa to stop doing this, it's deceiving the customers. Miyazawa replies that he's the one who helped give them dried bonito for the ramen, bringing Ashouken publicity, customers, and praise. Masa protests the method for the bonito, saying you can only get the boss' flavor by using another method, but Miyazawa dismisses him, calling it outdated, and says the cheap bonito he bought is fine.
Miyazawa threatens to "kill" Ashouken again, and Masa reluctantly backs down. Miyazawa then asks if Masa fired the brat that threw water at him, because Miyazawa just saw the kid walking out of the store when he came in earlier. Masa says he's still allowed to come as a customer, and Miyazawa is displeased, reminding Masa that he still has final say in what happens with Ashouken.
The next morning, Wonder receives some more texts from his mother, asking if it's morning there, then if everything's okay, then if phantoms are still causing a commotion, then reminding him to eat well. Once again, Wonder encounters Kayo on his way to school. She asks about his health, and mentions her Darling hates being sick.
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Wonder thinks about how he has to get to school and bows, evidently trying to get out of the conversation politely, but Kayo mentions a clinic in Yongen-Jaya run by a Dr. Takemi. From the bag, Ruferu whispers that medicine might be useful for fighting shadows.
Kayo says he should have medicine, with those phantoms around, but then wonders if medicine even works on phantoms, and laughs, admitting she doesn’t know much about them. As she walks away, she passes a restaurant, and complains that it's closed today, saying she wanted to take Darling there for dinner tonight.
On the train, people gossip about how Kiuchi turned himself in, the fact that he's a phantom, and the calling cards that were scattered around the Shibuya train station.
As Wonder walks to school from the Shimokitazawa station, Motoha calls out good morning to him and Ruferu, and the three walk together. She reiterates that she wants to keep working with them, and when Ruferu calls her another business partner, she says that's too formal, especially given Wonder and Ruferu live together, and they're all just partners. She adds that her parents would never let her have a pet owl.
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Ruferu agrees that his "solemn posture" is too bright and eye-catching for an ordinary family, which reminds Motoha that she wanted to ask him to stop using such difficult words while he talks. It seems like he's trying to be cool, but it's not working. Ruferu is immediately flustered, saying he's not trying to be cool, and when he touched the Treasure before, he remembered he's known humans for a long time, and was influenced by them in the past.
Motoha laughs this off, saying he can say whatever he wants since they're friends. She declares the three of them are a phantom thieves group (this is the same term that’s just translated as The Phantom Thieves in P5’s English translation) from this point on. She then remembers with alarm that today is her duty day, and first period is PE, and says goodbye, running ahead. Ruferu comments, exasperated, that she’s a noisy phantom thief.
Shun sees them walking ahead of him, and mutters something about the two of them walking together.
Meanwhile, at what appears to be the back area of the TV station, Miyazawa's agent congratulates Miyazawa on his latest review, saying he was so intense the part-time workers ran away. As expected someone worthy of being an officially recognized phantom! Miyazawa complains that that makes him sound like a villain, but he just needs to figure out how to use that influence.
He says the restaurant he "killed" today was Toraiken, and all he needed to do was give a few fake bad reviews for people to stop patronizing the store, revealing his bigger plan is to force the boss to give him ownership of Ashouken so he can turn it into a chain.
The agent questions whether lying so much is really okay, and Miyazawa turns cold, asking him what's really true. Nowadays, people don't care about the truth, they just care about the trends. And Miyazawa told them it's genuine. He then threatens to have the agent replaced, and the agent apologizes, then leaves as Miyazawa receives a call and waves him off.
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Miyazawa's speaking tone switches to something soft and placating, almost ingratiating, as he answers the phone. He confirms he saw the news, and that the person on the news was an "alternative "officially recognized" candidate, right?" It's such a shame. He talks about filling the vacancy, and promises to think about candidates.
After hanging up, his tone returns to normal, and he mutters it's not easy to deal with a topical candidate like the "Collision Man".
In their PE class at school, girls fight over who gets to have Motoha on their volleyball team, while the boys are told to pair up for stretches. Shun catches Wonder's attention, and tells him to sit, suggesting they pair up without really giving Wonder a say.
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As Shun helps Wonder stretch, he asks him about Motoha. He asks what their relationship is, and Wonder can reply "friends" or "partners". Wonder can then ask if he cares or if he likes Motoha, which either way causes Shun to insist that's not the case, and push Wonder way too far forward.
He says she noticed that Ashouken's flavor changed, then clarifies he used to work there, and it's amazing that she was able to notice where most people just say it's delicious. He says he can't speak very well, but when he sees her, he feels that she's completely different from him.
After a moment, he finally realizes what he did to Wonder, and apologizes, leaning back again. He stands up, and mutters that whenever someone has something to do with him it ends badly, and walks off.
While Wonder’s gone, Ruferu and Motoha seem to have been talking back in the classroom. Two students nearby gossip about Magatsushin updating to mention Miyazawa giving bad reviews again, and saying he's closed down a lot of restaurants. Wonder slides the classroom door open, visibly exhausted.
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He returns slowly to his seat, sitting a bit hunched over like he’s sore and/or tired. Motoha asks what Wonder and Shun talked about in PE, where the player has the option of responding "He said Motoha knows the flavor well" or "He said he used to work at Ashouken". When the former is picked, she realizes he's talking about Ashouken's flavor, and says Shun must like ramen. Wonder then explains the rest, and she reacts, "He worked at Ashouken? He really likes ramen..."
Ruferu switches the conversation to a more important topic- he and Motoha were talking about their next job. They’ll have to look for the next Palace, and also visit the doctor that Kayo mentioned. The bell rings, and Motoha awkwardly asks Wonder if he's going to go change out of his PE clothes before class, which he sheepishly does.
After class, Wonder and Ruferu plan to visit Takemi's clinic, while Motoha says she wants to visit Tomoko and tell her about Kiuchi. Just then, she gets a text from Tomoko, apparently saying she's being discharged from the hospital today. Ruferu encourages her to go visit Tomoko, following her own desire, while they check out the clinic. Motoha thanks him, immensely relived Tomoko cared enough again to message her, and sends Wonder the directions to Takemi’s clinic that she apparently looked up. She leaves, and Wonder and Ruferu head back to Yongen-Jaya.
At the clinic, Takemi notes Wonder is new here, and asks what problem brought him here. Presumably whichever is picked from the dialogue options, she invites him back to the exam room.
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She says it's probably an issue of too much pressure, and suggests prescribing sleeping pills. Wonder asks for something stronger. Takemi is unsurprised that's what he's really here for, mentioning the rumors about her. She agrees to prescribe him more medicine, but only things that will restore physical condition. Takemi's shop is unlocked.
After leaving Takemi’s clinic, Motoha texts Wonder, checking in after taking Tomoko home. Wonder tells her they finished at the clinic, and she says she's ready to start looking for the next Palace any time.
Ruferu asks to talk to Wonder for a moment. He mentions that that fortune teller’s prediction of a disaster at the restaurant was true, and suggests she might be another valuable service to look into when they get a chance (unlocking the side quest to go back to her, which unlocks her fortune-telling ability).
Later, in Mementos, Closer asks how they find the next Palace, and Cattle says he was able to listen to the inner voices of humans to find it. He says it's difficult to hear the voices of the next path from here, and clarifies that Mementos is made up of several areas. Closer guesses that means the other Palaces are on other paths of Mementos, which Cattle confirms. He leads them to the door at the end of the first path.
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He touches it, and it opens, the MetaNav informing them a new area has opened up. Closer and Wonder check their phones, and sure enough, a new area has appeared on the MetaNav. Cattle explains that people with "excessive desires" are considered troublesome and excluded from the group, and they now have excessive desires because they have Kiuchi's Treasure. Closer wonders if this means the door is opening less to welcome them, and more because it's sort of passively kicking them out of the current area.
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Once they’re in the new area, Cattle says he's sure the next Palace is here, but he can't locate it yet. He explains that it's because he understood Kiuchi's actions in the real world, and they were very straightforward, but they don't know much about the next Palace ruler yet, and Closer guesses their actions are less publicly obvious, which Cattle thinks is likely. Cattle suggests they leave for now, and try to get some more information in the real world.
When they return to the real world, Motoha exclaims that being in the Metaverse always makes her hungry, and they should have another celebratory meal at Ashouken. When Wonder asks her why, since she didn't really like it last time, Motoha says maybe one of their other kinds of ramen will be better. Shun, walking by at the moment, warns her not to bother, it's all the same.
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Motoha asks him about working at Ashouken, and the flavor change. Shun explains that the current Ashouken has given up its dedication to flavor, though it's not the fault of the employees. Motoha laments that means she'll never get to have the delicious ramen from the past again, and Shun reacts, walking over to them. With a smile, he asks if she really wants to have Ashouken's original ramen again.
Confused, she says yes, and Shun invites both of them to come to Toraiken in Zoshigaya tonight. He then walks off, and Motoha excitedly says she's looking forward to having that ramen again. Ruferu wonders something about Shun, but brushes it off, and says that while he can't eat with them tonight, they better not forget his chashu pork.
That evening, Wonder and Ruferu meet up with Motoha in front of Toraiken, but Motoha starts to wonder aloud if maybe they have the wrong place, as Shun still isn’t here, the restaurant has a sign saying it's temporarily closed, and it has bad reviews. She thinks she's heard the name "Toraiken" before, but can't remember where...
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To her surprise, though, Shun then opens the door and invites them in, saying he knows the owner.
Once they start eating, Motoha exclaims in amazement that the food is delicious.
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This pleases Shun, who says that their smiles make all the effort he put into making the soup base worth it. Motoha, shocked, asked if he's the one who made this, rather than an employee. Shun says he's still just an apprentice. Motoha replies that's amazing, and it tastes just like Ashouken used to! But... why does Toraiken have Ashouken's ramen?
Shun explains that Ashouken branched off from Toraiken, and even thought it's a Chinese restaurant, the ramen's very popular, and some people actually come here to study. Toraiken's owner liked the idea of helping young people learn, so he opened Ashouken. Shun's also very fond of the ramen here.
As he talks, a man comes down the stairs in the back, and over to their table. He asks Shun to stop saying such "embarrassing things", and Shun reacts with surprise, referring to him as "Yamagoshi-oyassan".
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Yamagoshi apologizes for the poor reception he gave Wonder and Motoha, and welcomes them to the store. Shun stands up and helps stabilize Yamagoshi, asking if he's alright, and suggesting he rest more. He says he's feeling better, and it's so rare for Shun to bring friends over for him to say hello.
He then clumsily asks something about mobile phone friends, to Motoha's bewilderment, and Shun asks him what he's saying. He laughs, and says this is how young people exchange contact information now, isn't it? Shun tells him no one would ask that now.
Yamagoshi turns back to Motoha and Wonder, and says Shun's a good kid, but he's bad at communication, so they should contact him if they ever have any questions. He pulls his own cellphone out, and shakes it, to Shun's embarrassment, but Motoha laughs, and says she will. Wonder does as well.
He then asks if they liked the food, and Motoha answers very positively, to Yamagoshi's delight. He congratulations Shun, although Shun doesn't really accept the praise. Yamagoshi can identify just from the smell of the food that Shun still hasn't quite perfected his skills, and Shun agrees.
Yamagoshi starts to say something else, but is overcome with a coughing fit. Shun insists he should go back and rest, but Yamagoshi explains Miyazawa came by earlier and scared off all the part-time workers, to Shun's anger. Toraiken will have to stay closed, because there's no one to run it.
Yamagoshi leaves the room (presumably with Shun's help, though it cuts to black for a moment). Shun thanks Wonder and Motoha for coming by, saying he'll close up shop here and then help Yamagoshi get home, and Motoha thanks him as well for the food.
Outside of Toraiken, Motoha worries about Yamagoshi, then wonders what their history with Miyazawa was. Ruferu pipes up, finally popping out of Wonder's bag (Motoha congratulates him on staying so quiet in there the whole time), and says there's the residual smell of stolen desires here. Motoha asks what the connection between the next Palace and Toraiken is, and then Masa walks up to them.
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Motoha recognizes him as the person running things at Ashouken, which prompts Masa to recognize them as customers from the other day, which he apologizes for again. He expresses frustration at Miyazawa.
Ruferu, hidden in Wonder's bag, suggests that they try asking Masa about Miyazawa, since he seems to know him and shows signs of his desire being stolen.
Masa recognizes their uniforms, and says they used to have students from Kokatsu working at Ashouken. Motoha takes this chance to ask him about Shun, saying they're his friends.
Masa explains that Toraiken is his master's shop, and Masa got worried after hearing about Miyazawa's terrible review earlier today, so he came to check on it. Miyazawa puts on a show with his excessive reviews, and will review even good restaurants negatively for the sake of trying to take ownership from them after tanking their popularity. No one can do anything about it because they won't believe it, and even if they do, he's an officially recognized phantom. He also has extensive connections in the catering and entertainment industries to back him up. The only way to stop the bad reviews is to give him what he wants.
He also says Shun apparently thinks it's his own fault that Miyazawa's going after Ashouken, after an incident while he was still working there. When Miyazawa came in and started making fun of their soup stock, Shun got mad and threw water from a glass at him. After that, the bad reviews started. But none of the staff blame him, as he just did what they couldn't.
Motoha suggests he talk to Shun himself, as Shun's still in Toraiken behind them, but Masa says he doesn't want to remind Shun of everything, and heads home instead.
Ruferu says everyone they've talked to related to these stores has had their desires stolen- Yamagoshi, Masa, and Shun- so it's extremely likely the Palace ruler they're looking for is related to all this, too. He suggests they investigate more tomorrow.
The next morning at the train station, Wonder sees Tomoko, who greets him.
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She says she was cleared to return to school today, although she suspects everyone there is gossiping about her being targeted by the Collision Man.
She also says that baseball was the only thing she's good at, so she's not sure what to do now, and even briefly lost the strength to live, but Motoha's been encouraging her this whole time, and she heard a lot about Wonder from her, too. When she heard Kiuchi was arrested, she felt "a "power" welling up from the bottom of [her] heart, as if saying "I want to live"", and then laughs, thinking she's a simple person for Kiuchi's arrest to be enough to lift her spirits again.
Ruferu comments the change of heart helped, but it was particularly opening up the new area of Mementos that had this effect on her.
Tomoko admits she was still a little scared coming to the station, and says she's glad Wonder's here. Their train arrives.
After school, Motoha says they should go to Mementos and look for the Palace, but Ruferu thinks they should visit Toraiken again first, since they know it's related to the Palace. When they get there, Ruferu smells desires being stolen inside, and suggests they learn from their mistakes with Kiuchi, and act now.
Inside, Miyazawa is trying to convince Yamagoshi to give up Ashouken to him, though Yamagoshi keeps turning him down. When Wonder and Motoha walk in, Yamagoshi recognizes them, while Miyazawa dismisses them with "The adults are talking".
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He tries to get his agent to escort them out, but Yamagoshi denies him this as well, saying the kids are his important guests.
Miyazawa warns that Yamagoshi that he's sick, and his restaurant is going to shut down. He's already discussed this with Masa, so Yamagoshi should just stamp the papers to transfer ownership to him with his seal.
Yamagoshi gets increasingly worked up in his refusal, and his illness gets the better of him for a moment. Miyazawa grins, and says he shouldn't force himself like this. This store holds memories of him and his late wife- wouldn't it be better to give it to Miyazawa than see it close down? Miyazawa believes in the authentic flavor of the restaurants, and he doesn't want to see it lost.
This time, as Yamagoshi tries to verbally fight back, his illness causes him to collapse (dropping his seal in the process), and Wonder and Motoha immediately move to help him. Miyazawa lightly suggests the "little girl" call an ambulance.
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Motoha, angry, tells him he doesn't need to tell her that, and exits Toraiken to make the call. While she's gone and Wonder is occupied with Yamagoshi, Miyazawa picks up the dropped seal, and uses it to stamp the papers.
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Miyazawa declares the contract settled, much to Wonder's shock. Miyazawa says his eyesight isn't very good- didn't he see that Yamagoshi stamped it himself?
At that moment, Shun comes in, and sees the scene in the restaurant. Furious, he grabs Miyazawa by the collar and demands to know what he did.
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Miyazawa asks if he's going to use violence again, and his agent takes out a phone to record.
Yamagoshi weakly tells Shun to stop, and Shun immediately lets go of Miyazawa and helps Yamagoshi up with Wonder.
Miyazawa asks his agent if he got that, and after he nods, immediately threatens to ruin Shun's future with the video. He advises Yamagoshi to stay calm, for both his and Shun's sakes.
This only makes Shun angrier, but Yamagoshi urges him not to let himself get provoked and play right into Miyazawa's hands. Shun apologizes, and says he's always dragging others down with his actions.
Yamagoshi reassures Shun that he likes seeing his energy, and how he's honest, straightforward, and informal, but cares deeply about cooking. He reminds him that making guests smile is the "pride" of cooks. As he's talking, he starts coughing again, to Shun's dismay.
Miyazawa comments that this is like an episode of a soap opera, but he hates it, because it makes him look like a villain. This prompts even Wonder to get mad at him (both response options seem to be angry), but he mockingly asks if all young people act like this these days. They look more like the phantom than him.
He then says he'll give Shun a chance, and challenge him to a Flavor Fight. When Shun doesn't know what this is, Miyazawa seems mildly offended, asking, "Haven't you seen it on my channel?". All Shun has to do is make a dish that can satisfy Miyazawa, and he'll win, and Miyazawa won't cause trouble for Ashouken or Toraiken anymore. But, if he's not confident, then forget it.
Wonder tries to warn Shun this is a trap, but Miyazawa says he's being too suspicious, and Miyazawa's lost a Flavor Fight several times, so there's a chance Shun could win. Shun accepts, and Miyazawa gleefully tells him that the time and place will be announced later on his website.
Motoha runs back in, and announces the ambulance is here. Miyazawa casually takes his leave. Down the street, his agent asks why he's bothering with a Flavor Fight when he already has the restaurant.
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Miyazawa explains that Shun is always frustrating him and getting in his way, talking about "genuine flavor", so he wants to return the favor. And, if he can control how the story is told on the internet afterward, he might be able to solve the problem of "filling the vacancy". His agent asks what that means, and Miyazawa says it's not his problem, he should just focus on preparing for the video.
Back in Toraiken, Shun tells Wonder and Motoha that the ambulance took Yamagoshi, and his neighbor went along with it. Motoha says his breathing stabilized, so he should be fine, and then asks Shun about the Flavor Fight.
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She says she's seen an episode of it, with another chef that had a problem with Miyazawa. When he lost, his reviews got even worse, and everyone was on Miyazawa's side. And it's not broadcast on TV, just Miyazawa's personal channel, so he's in full control of the editing, too. It has to be a trap!
Shun says that might be the case, but he has no other choice, he has to take the gamble.
Motoha says Shun should just tell people the truth about Miyazawa and the cheap ingredients he's forcing Ashouken to use, but Shun says that won't work, because Miyazawa will explain it away. The only way it'd work is if Miyazawa admitted it himself.
Motoha then points out that winning the Flavor Fight might not even do anything, and Shun agrees that he doubts Miyazawa will keep his promise, but if Shun, a fool, loses the fight, he only embarrasses himself, and it won't affect Ashouken or Yamagoshi. If he's the only one who has to bear the burden, it's fine. He then says Wonder and Motoha should leave, before they get too involved with him and Miyazawa targets them, too. He'll figure it out himself.
After leaving Toraiken, Ruferu says he's almost certain Miyazawa is the next Palace ruler, as he's the only one benefiting here; even the customers themselves are having their desires stolen. Motoha agrees that after she lost her desires, she felt like there was just nothing she could do, and she just had to put up with it. The only way to stop Miyazawa is to make him have a change of heart. They decide to head to Mementos next, to finally locate his Palace.
To be continued in the next reblog!
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wildflowertips · 3 years
Hi! I was curious if you had anymore Kuroko fic recommendations? Thank you! 🥺💗
hey! 🥺 i do have more kuroko fanfic recs. i didnt know what type of kuroko ship you wanted, so here are a few from some kuroko ships <3:
Kagakuro Recommendations
the flower that blooms in adversity by aotetsu
When Kagami falls for Kuroko Tetsuya, a famous prostitute from the red light district, he manages to find a whole lot of trouble and a person worth it all.
this fic deserves more love and attention. kagami love for kuroko absolutely made me sob
Brothers in Woo by buttwade
in which Himuro jokingly offers to help Kagami win Kuroko over and the joke's on him
kagami is drunk & himuro cracks jokes. this fic is funny. jealous!kuroko
Beastly call by TCon
"You mean," Kuroko started. "You'd be my Heat Partner?" He didn't expect Kagami to explode into a myriad of different shades of red more impressive than his own hair. "Y — yeah tha's what I'm sayin'!" for some reasons he lapsed into english with an odd accent. KagaKuro Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics & Sex Pistols AU - Fusion
Lots of smut in the beginning. there’s crime, suspense, and i read this fic like 5 times.
Stamina Training by tnsxbunny
As the weakest member in the team, Kuroko stays back after basketball practice to train on his stamina. Kagami watches from afar and decides to show Kuroko what real stamina training is.
The advantage of being Kuroko by heartfilledteddybear
mayuzumi hits on Kuroko & Kagami gets jealous 🥵
Akakuro Recommendations
Forget me not flowers in our hair by miniaturepsycho
When Kagami is captured by a beast Kuroko doesn't think twice and bargains to take the red head's position instead but it seems that there is more to this castle than meets the eye, and what has it have to do with forget me not's?? Basically a beauty and the beast AU that I decided to do after seeing the live action (which I totally did not cry at, not at all!!) COMPLETE
Contains Aokaga. Akashi as beast & kuroko as belle. So good 🥺
All I ask by TsuruKuni
"It's none of your business." "Tell me, Aomine. How can it be none of my business when you're throwing away the only person I've ever wanted?"
THIS FIC MADE ME SOB AT 3 AM. I highly recommend listening to ‘All I ask’ by Adele. I promise you will cry. Aokuro & Akakuro.
Bridezilla by DancingMarshmallows
Weddings are stressful... try helping people plan them. With two months to get everything together, a bridezilla and her bitch of a maid of honor, and finding love at the worst time, Kuroko would be lucky if he makes it out alive.
CEO!Akashi & WEDDING PLANNER!kuroko. you will not regret reading this one.
That Ridiculously Long Dance by Harmonia_Silverberg
Aomine, Kise, and Kagami never learn, do they? But apparently their "joke" works in Akashi and Kuroko's favor this time.
literally one of my all time favorite akakuro fanfic
What Would Chihiro Do by anewtinystory
Akashi is dating Kuroko, whose two brothers are very protective of him.[Based on a Tumblr anon's prompt: Nijimura and Mayuzumi are Kuroko's brothers; while Nijimura approves of Akashi, Mayuzumi feels the opposite]
slight smut. protective bros. i love it sm.
Aokuro Recommendations
Traded Mistakes by Acetate, Chrystie, exuberant_imperfection, kate882, luckypen
For the prompt: Aomine having an accident and losing his memory so all he remembers is being best friends with Tetsu and he doesn’t understand how that could stop.
Angst, oh the angst 😫😭.
Third time’s a charm (or maybe fourth) by LajtHane
Aomine really didn't mean to crash into him at Quidditch practice.
HOGWARTS AU. if that doesn’t temp you, idk what will. My fav Aokuro fic.
Maybe a touch of your hand by skinandbones
[Written for AoKuroWeek 2015]: Aomine moves into a new apartment and befriends a ghost boy.
no bc this fic made me cry too. pls read it 🎶ifwehad5moreminutes🎶
The Boyfriend Jersey by exuberant_imperfection, kate882
Kuroko, in a half-asleep mistake, ends up wearing Aomine's jersey to school.
Hey, Come Here Often? by imabignerd
In which Momoi holds his magazines hostage, Aomine hates everything and everyone, and Kuroko is politely bewildered.
Aomine crushes on the lifeguard!Kuroko & Momoi is a little shit about it 😌🤍
Midokuro Recommendations
It’s Always your Fault! by warsandwich
Kuroko and Midorima are secretly dating, but Takao finds out their secret. De-anon from the anon meme.
Short, sweet, & funny 😌.
Partnership by Fayah
Their partnership starts in English class, but like everything else in their lives, turns into a matter of basketball.
Midorima really cares for Kuroko 🥺
Midokuro Ficlet by pandacchii
based off of imagineyourotp blog post: "Imagine your otp confessing while they were half asleep" Pairing: Midorima/Kuroko
short story but it’s really cute ☺️
An Unexpected Alignment by cinnaelle
Midorima Shintarou does not expect such a reoccurring encounter. But the wheels of fate are turning and Akashi moves his shogi piece.
well-written i love it sm. deserves more praise
The Way You Come Undone by oshare_banchou
"Midorima Shintarou is completely silent during sex. And Kuroko, who is both fascinated and frustrated by this discovery, wonders just how much it would take to make him come undone." - Kuroko/Midorima, in that order
do i need to say more? 😫
Kikuro Recommendations
Careless Whisper by DarkWoods
When Kuroko is dared to come up with some dirty talk, no one expects him to be good at it. Certainly not Kise.
my favorite kikuro fanfic. flustered!kise & tease!kuroko
如果的事 (If) by stormterror
People fall in love in many different manners. Love feels like many different things to many people, but Kise Ryouta thinks there's nothing that quite beats the feeling of being in love with Kuroko Tetsuya. [kise/kuroko]
SO GOOD I CRIED I SMILED SO HARD. pls kikuro deserves the world
Wires, Connecting by Bakagami
It's like being blind but not, like touching air, grasping at straws, voices dissipating and reverberating.
This story is locked so you need to login into ao3 to read it. PHONE SEX & DIRTY TALK 🥵
He Promised by imabignerd
Kise promised he'd smile for Kuroko the whole way through, all the way to the end.
Zombie apocalypse AU. Death. sobbing violently.
It’s a Small World by SilentSilhouette
Kise tries to find his soulmate through social media. Soulmate AU where a picture of your soulmate is tweeted to you on your sixteenth birthday.
This one made me crackle & laugh😂😂
Murakuro Recommendations
No Such Thing as Too Much Vanilla by plumtrees
Kuroko and Murasakibara have baking days. What do you mean it isn't canon?
baking!boyfriends & fluff 😌😉
Vanilla Cream by yoimrei
Murasakibara eats Kurokos ass after something Ahomine says which sparks his jealousy.
here me out first, the ass eating in this is *chef’s kiss* 🤌🏽🤌🏽
Philia by DarkWoods
That time Murasakibara and Kuroko started kinda-sorta fake dating, and kinda-sorta never bothered to break up.
Still going & i love this writer sm. i read all their stories 😙✌🏽
Lavender Secrets by SailorHikarinoMu
Kuroko was the one to bring out his true love for basketball, which had been hidden from prying eyes since the beginning. It was one of those things he was unsure whether he should feel grateful for, but all the same, it did mean something. What this 'something' was, exactly? Murasakibara did not know. Not yet.
Rainy by overdose
Kuroko listened to the rain pouring, and more importantly, Murasakibara's steady breathing.
smut. couch sex. size difference. 🥴
Hanamiya Makoto/Kuroko Tetsuya
Scotomas by Darkenedcrystal
After the game against Jabberwock, Kagami goes overseas and Kuroko finds himself without a light. A slightly angsty, rather light-hearted story about what happens to Kuroko after Kagami leaves. Features teens finding their way around life, Seirin without a light, the Generation of Miracles being a family, the teens finding love and appreciating the heartbreaks. Kuroko tries to find his own style without a light, and stumbles into the darkness that is Hanamiya Makoto instead. Extra chapter added!
love this fic so much. downside: akashi is kinda a dick
Of Unlikely Friendships, Sneaky Bets, Shogi and Sake by itsthechocopuff
Imayoshi had introduced his two favourite kouhai to each other as an experiment. He did not predict they'd get along so well, both being shadows, but they did, and they worked, oddly enough. Hanamiya brought out the worst in Kuroko, while Kuroko brought out the the best in the other; and they both caused heartattacks to unsuspecting teammates who could not believe their darling shadow was not as innocent as he seemed.
you wont regret reading this one omg
Haizaki Shougo/Kuroko Tetsuya
A Taste That Lingers by therealmoyashi
I couldn't say anything, and that was alright because he didn't want an answer. I'll never forget the way that tasted. Yeah, I thought, he ruined me.
i cried reading this for the first time. out of character kuroko
By the Tomatoes by Wayfarer_Rye
It starts with a blue-grey t-shirt that says "Nothing but Net".
Haizaki wants to try again.
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httpjeon · 5 years
a piece of you — taehyung+jungkook (m.)
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taehyung/reader/jungkook | smut, fluff | abo!au, camcouple!au
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wordcount: 13.9k
contents: sex work (cam porn), dirty talk, dom/sub themes, pussy spanking, knotting, degrading names (bitch mostly), praise kink, tae is whipped, cam sex, threesome, voyeurism (tae watches), brief handjob, slight biting, theres a slight fight for dominance between taekook, creampie, masturbation, possessiveness, accidentally ruined orgasm, humiliation, jk is a bit gay for tae tbh, lots pet names, use of Alpha and Omega titles, blowjob, fingering, orgasm denial, light cum play, squirting
— synopsis: your alpha boyfriend does cam porn and convinces you to join him one night. somehow, there seems to be a fan of the two of you on campus.
note: this has like 5 fuckin smut scenes and was honestly mostly an excuse to write both a camcouple!au and abo smut...also i write a lot of taekook idk why
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blog masterlist
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© httpjeon 2019. do not repost, modify, or translate.
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"I'm thinking of streaming tonight," Taehyung was panting as he jogged up behind you, adjusting the strap of his backpack on his shoulder.
"Oh?" you turned your head to let him press a soft kiss to your cheek before he took your hand in his.
"Yeah, did you have anything you wanted to do tonight instead? I can do it another day," he offered.
You smiled, shaking your head, "No, you can do it."
"Awesome," he squeezed your hand, beginning to swing them between your bodies.
Taehyung and you talked the whole way back to your apartment — a short trek since you got one as close to campus as you could. He explained the upcoming test he had in Chemistry and how much he was dreading it — debating on getting a tutor so his already low grade wouldn't drop more.
You pulled your keys from your pocked as you approached your door. Taehyung slipped by as you pushed the door open, toeing his shoes off before making a beeline for the bathroom.
As you heard him start the shower, you went to the kitchen to make some ramen. He preferred the burning, hot spicy flavor but you didn't so made his first.
Just as it finished cooking, he entered the kitchen toweling his hair off. He was dressed in sweatpants and you could tell he had nothing on beneath them.
"Ah, you're an angel," he gasped dramatically as you put the bowl down in front of him as he sat at the table.
The two of you ate together, sharing casual conversation as you did so. The time was ticking down to when Taehyung would usually start his live stream so he quickly finished, pressed a kiss to the top of your head before finally disappearing into the bedroom.
As you finished your own dinner, you heard the blow dryer turn on. Placing the bowls in the sink, you vowed to wash them later before heading to the bathroom to shower as well.
You used some of Taehyung's body wash instead of your own, knowing your scent mixed with his would drive him crazy during his livestream.
When you entered the bedroom, Taehyung was sitting on the bed, the camera set up and the laptop sitting on a table at the end of the bed. His eyes were glued to the screen, presumably reading comments.
He glanced up when you entered, a small smile playing on his face. You wore just a towel and opted to wear one of his t-shirts, knowing he enjoyed it. The act of watching him live stream to thousands of people while you sat out of view just teasing him with your presence — it riled him up and made the stream that much better.
Sitting on the chair near the window, you pulled your knees to your chest as a light chill ran through you. Your hair was still wet so you continued to pat it dry as taehyung officially began.
"Ah, we're quite split between alpha and omega viewers today aren't we?" Taehyung said as he knelt on the bed.
He was still just in his sweatpants but you could tell he was growing hard beneath them. The sight of you in his clothes and your scent mixed with his was no doubt aiding his arousal.
"As usual...your tips are highly appreciated and if you're new; there is a list on the side bar with tip goals. As we reach each tip...each option becomes unlocked!" he grinned into the camera and sat back, a brow raised as the tips began to pour in.
You stood up, motioning to taehyung that you'd be right back. He smiled and gave a small nod before he began to read some comments.
You wandered into the kitchen, locating your phone on the counter. You snatched it up and went back to the bedroom.
Once you stepped inside, you were knocked breathless for a second. Taehyung was leaning back, bottom lip caught in his teeth as he stroked himself through his sweats. His eyes flicked to you once you stepped into the room and you could see him inhale deeply, his lashes fluttering.
You bit back a smile and returned to your chair, Taehyung's eyes following you the whole way. Sitting down, you crossed one leg over the other and got comfortable while taehyung continued to flirt with the viewers.
You unlocked your phone and logged into the website to view Taehyung's stream. Immediately, your phone was filled with the comments of the viewers.
Your boyfriend was definitely one of the more popular cammers around. Symbols indicating Alpha and Omega blurred by with a yellow Beta would pop in every once in a while. It surprised you both to know that so many Alphas were interested in watching another Alpha get off.
Compliments flooded in but Taehyung's eyes were focused on you. His tongue slid across his bottom lip as he inhaled, your familiar scent making him smile.
Every move he made was so familiar to you — having experienced his touch for years. His hand reached into his sweats to pull the band down beneath his balls to expose his leaking cock to the cool air in the bedroom. He visibly shivered at the feeling, mouth falling open as he tapped the very tip of himself.
He met your eyes and brought his finger to his lips, popping the digit in his mouth. You clenched your thighs together as he made a show of tasting his own precum.
He smiled, wrapping his fist around the base of his cock and sighed in relief. The slight swell where his knot was so sensitive to the touch his thighs twitched closed at the feeling. His mouth fell open as he began to stroke himself.
Your were lost watching the way his hand moved, precum dripping from the tip. He avoided his knot so as to not overstimulate himself. There had been times he used his knot to ruin his own orgasm — something that sent the viewers crazy. Afterwards, you would sit on your knees and suck him off until he came down your throat. Just the thought of his sweet voice calling you his good girl had you dripping into your panties.
"Fuck..." Taehyung sighed, head falling back as he lifted his hips to fuck into his own fist.
The sight was too much that it had you placing your phone to the side. taehyung glanced at you when he saw the movement, jaw clenched tight as you reached beneath the shirt you wore to pull your panties down your legs.
His grip on his cock tightened as you spread your legs. Baring his teeth, he inhaled deeply to take in the sweet scent of your arousal.
You circled your clit with your finger. Taehyung's eyes were locked on every movement you made. The stream was all but forgotten as he was zeroed in on everything that you were doing. He pumped his cock almost desperately, soft moans of pleasure escaping his pretty lips.
You covered your mouth to stop your own sounds from escaping. taehyung let out a low growl — he wanted to hear you.
"I'm going to cum..." Taehyung huffed, finally returning his view to the computer screen.
Comments flooded in — some teasing him for cumming so quickly and others begging him to let them see him cum.
You halted your own movements to watch him. His thighs trembled as he stopped stroking his cock. His hand wrapped around his knot, cock twitching a couple times before cum finally began to spill from the tip. Mouth falling open, the sweetest whimper fell from his lips as his orgasm ran through him.
Your eyes were locked on his throbbing cock as it drooled cum. Subconsciously, you licked your lips. How you wanted to taste his cum.
Your core was clenching pathetically around nothing as you waited for him to close up his stream. He left his cock out — still hard despite the fact he had cum.
As soon as the laptop was shut, he was off the bed and on his knees in front of you.
"My pretty Omega," he growled, arms wrapping around your thighs to expose your wet cunt to his insatiable mouth.
"A-Al—" you were cut off by his lips catching your sensitive clit.
His tongue was hot as it swirled around the bud. Your mouth fell open at the endless pleasure his mouth brought you.
Taehyung's eyes never left you, even as you grabbed his wrist to bring to your mouth. His fingers, still covered in his cum, were suddenly caught in your mouth. Your tongue swirled over every inch of skin to greedily swallow his cum down.
He growled into your cunt, doubling his efforts on eating you out. The way you were desperate to taste his cum as his cock throbbing once more.
"G-Gonna cum..." you warned as you pulled his fingers free from your mouth.
Taehyung detached his mouth from your bud, making you whine.
"Already?" he raised his brow, making you flush at his teasing, "Watching me get off always makes this sweet cunt wet, doesn't it?"
"L-Love it!" you were trembling as he used his thumb to pull the hood of your clit back, blowing against the exposed bud.
"Love what, Omega?" he growled.
"Love watching Alpha get himself off..." Taehyung grinned at the bashful way the words slipped from your lips.
"Good girl," he cooed.
You didn't have time to appreciate the praise before his tongue was on your clit again. Crying out, you wrapped your hands up in his hair. He didn't mind as you tugged as your thighs trembled around his head.
Your high was growing, making you tremble and cry out his name. Taehyung relished in hearing your pleasure as he felt your bud throb beneath his tongue.
The taste of his cum lingered on your tongue and the image of his throbbing cock drooling for you finally sent you over the edge. Taehyung diligently worked you through the high until you were pushing him off.
He was on his feet in a second, hand wrapped around his cock. You leaned forward, replacing his grip and grinned.
"You didn't knot," Taehyung couldn't respond before you were taking his cock into your mouth.
You moaned around him as you tasted the cum that still lingered of the velvet soft from his earlier orgasm.
"Fuck," he groaned, tangling a hand in your hair, "Let me fuck your mouth, babygirl,"
You nodded, eyes shining as you looked up at him. He grinned, thrusting forward until he hit the back of your throat. Your hands came up to his thighs to hold into him as you felt his cock push past your gag reflex.
Taehyung's cock was big — something he was very aware and proud of. He loved watching you struggle to take all of him. Your throat was tight around his cock and he growled, his grip on your hair beginning to burn. Your eyes were teary but you maintained eye contact, making him grin proudly.
"Such a good girl," he whispered, watching your lashes flutter at the praise.
You let out a soft gasp as he pulled back but quickly wrapped your lips around him once again. His precum lingered on your tongue and you whimpered, gripping the fabric of his sweatpants. Turned on by your eagerness, he pushed back into your throat once again.
Reaching up, you wrapped your hand around the slight swell of his knot. He groaned, trembling at the sensitivity. Instead of fucking into your throat, he used his grip on your hair to force your throat down onto his cock.
You were pliant, letting him use you however he needed. His cock began to throb as he got closer.
"Gonna cum down your throat," he whispered, breathless as the pleasure grew.
You could feel his thighs tense beneath your hands and soon enough, he was pausing his movements. His cock throbbed and you whimpered — he was too deep in your throat to feel him cum but the way he let out a groan let you know he had reached his high. He was still for several seconds before he finally pulled free of your throat.
You let out a heavy breath, releasing your grip on the base of his cock. He wore a cocky smirk as he tucked himself back into his sweatpants.
Swooping down, he pressed his lips against yours. You smiled into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. His hands gripped your hips as you stood up, pulling your body flush against his. He was so warm, hand sliding softly up your back as he pulled away and smiled at you.
"Wanna shower?" he asked.
"I guess we should..." standing on your tippy toes, your pressed your lips softly to his once again before you separated to make your way to the bathroom.
Fresh out of the shower, the two of you snuggled together beneath the duvet. His scent was all around you, calming you and nearly putting you to sleep. His arm was around you as your head was pressed against his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
“_______?" he asked, voice thick with lingering sleep. You hummed in response, letting him know you were listening, "Would you ever join me for a cam show?"
You were quiet for a second, taking in the request before sitting up on your elbow to look down at him. In the dim light, you could make out a soft smile on his lips.
"I doubt your viewers would appreciate my sudden appearance...they subscribed to you, not a couple's channel," you shrugged, though you hadn't given him a yes or no.
"They already know you exist," he placed his hand on the back of your head to urge you to lay back down on his chest.
"Do they?" you asked, surprised.
He nodded, "I've mentioned you in passing and stuff..." he pressed a kiss to the top of your head and ran his fingers along your arm, "Would you if they wanted you to join?"
"...Yeah, I think it'd be fun," you smiled as you snuggled back into him. Taehyung nodded and closed his eyes, falling asleep quickly.
The next day you both had off and you were awoken by your boyfriend launching himself into the bed to wake you.
"Wh-What are you doing up so early?" you mumbled into the pillow, letting him know you were alert.
"Here, look!" he tugged your arm until you were sitting on your heels frowning at him.
"What?" you mumbled, squinting as he pushed his phone into your face.
As your eyes adjusted, you realized you were on Taehyung's cam account. The fiery red symbol indicating his Alpha status beside a verified tick was the first thing that caught your eye.
Scrolling down a bit, you found what he no doubt wanted you to see; it was a poll.
"Would my viewers be okay with a stream involving my girlfriend as well?"
"Wow..." you looked at the results 92% were approval.
"So..." Taehyung didn't bother hiding his smile.
"I guess we can give it a try..." shrugging your shoulders sheepishly, you gave him a half smile.
Taehyung swooped down to press his lips to yours, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you close to him.
"You need to brush your teeth," he mumbled, making you roll your eyes.
"You're the one who kissed me," you fired back, making him laugh.
Through the week, you got swamped in school work. You were suddenly given assignment after assignment that ended up taking up all your time and effectively stressing you out.
Taehyung took notice and watched you throughout the week until Friday night when you were sitting at your desk nearly pulling your hair out over the massive block you had over finishing your essay.
"Baby..." he mumbled from the doorway, sighing when you didn't even notice him. He sighed, walking over to you, placing a hand on your back. You jumped and looked up at him, frowning, "You've been at this all day."
"I have to finish," you replied, shrugging as you turned your gaze back to your laptop.
"Take a break, ______," he mumbled, rubbing your back softly.
You sighed, leaning back in the chair, "It's only 9...just give me 3 more hours."
"______," he grumbled when you went back to your computer, ignoring him.
You could feel his patience running thin and usually you wouldn't test him but for some reason, the more irritated he got, the more you wanted to prod. As you continued to ignore him, he stood up straight and stared down at you. You weren't actually paying attention to your computer anymore — too focused on Taehyung standing beside you.
In a split second, his hand was around the back of your neck. You gasped as he made you look back up at him.
"Are you playing games, Omega?" he growled, catching onto your game when he saw the hungry look in your eyes.
"N-No..." you whispered, lying through your teeth.
Taehyung let out a low chuckle, sending a shiver through you. The power he emitted had you dripping into your panties.
"Come with me," he hissed, keeping his grip on you to lead you to the bedroom.
You both paused when you got inside. Taehyung had the streaming equipment up, reminding you that tonight was the night you were meant to do your first live with him. Looking back at Taehyung, you swallowed thickly at the dark look in his eyes.
"Get on the bed," he ordered, finally releasing his hold on you.
Without wasting a second hesitating, you climbed onto the bed and sat on your heels. You squeezed your thighs together as you watched him turn everything on. You appeared on the screen and you felt your heart skip a beat.
The red light turned on indicating you were now live. Immediately, the number of viewers began to go up. The comments flooded in but you were unable to read them due to the speed they were going.
Taehyung stood behind the camera, simply watching you.
"Introduce yourself, babygirl," the smirk on his lips grew as he noticed how nervous you were.
"I...what do I say?" you mumbled, heart racing in your chest.
"How about..." he rounded the camera set up and over to the side of the bed. He was in view but half of him was cut off as he was still standing. Your mouth ran dry when you reached out to wrap his hand around your throat, "You tell them you're my little bitch, huh?"
You gasped at the name, feeling your core burn with arousal as he chuckled at your reaction. He could see the goosebumps rise over your skin and could feel your pulse racing beneath his fingers as he held your throat. Releasing his grip, he motioned to the camera. Your gaze was already becoming glassy as he brought your submissive side out.
"I-I'm V's l-little bitch," you choked out, squeezing your thighs together once more.
Taehyung chuckled, climbing onto the bed behind you, pressing his chest against your back. Wrapping his arms around you, you noticed him place his phone down. When you glanced over, you could see it was open to the stream's comments.
"She's my sweet little Omega," Taehyung introduced properly, gripping your chin and running his thumb over your lips. You opened up and took the digit into your mouth immediately, making him smirk, "I asked how you would all feel about having her join and she agreed so...here we are. Unfortunately, she's been acting a little bad tonight so I'm going to have to punish her."
You whimpered around his thumb and he chuckled, sliding his hand down your clothed body to cup your heat through your sweatpants.
"What do you say..." he took his thumb from your mouth so you would be able to speak, "The highest tipper gets to decide your punishment, hm?"
"But..." you shifted where you sat, leaning more of your weight on him. He wrapped his arms securely around you, pressing his lips to your hair as you thought of what you wanted to say, "How long do we have to wait?"
Taehyung hummed, sliding out from behind you. You whined at the loss of his heat as you watched him sit on the end of the bed in front of the laptop. He clicked around on the screen for a moment and you took a moment to admire how good he looked from behind with his broad shoulders and white t-shirt showing you the barest hint of his back muscles that flexed with his movement. Scooting forward, you press yourself against his back.
You could see him grin from the screen and it made your heart flutter. Sitting up on your knees, you wrapped your arms around him. Your lips found his neck and he sighed, move his head to the side to give your more access to the sensitive skin.
After a moment of clicking and typing, he finally leaned back.
"You're so needy," he commented, making you giggle as you nodded.
"What did you do?" you asked, referring to the stream.
"Right, so everyone..." you both turned your gaze back to the camera set up, "I've set up an auction type of tipping. Basically in the given time limit, you can tip us and whoever gives the highest amount gets to decide the punishment for my little bitch."
"Tae..." you whimpered, feeling him stiffen for a second before he turned around and pinned you to the bed. As he placed his hand over your mouth, eyes narrowed in a sharp glare, you realized what happened — you referred to him by his actual name.
"What did you call me, Omega?" he snarled, making you whimper into his hand.
"Alpha..." your words were muffled but made him grin anyway before he pulled his hand away.
“You're on thin ice, little girl,” he growled, nose to nose with you, “You want to add onto your punishment?”
“N-No, Alpha…” you breathed, body feeling hot for his touch.
“That's what I thought,” he hissed, “You better be good then, huh?”
“I-I will, Alpha!” you shivered at the proud smirk that crossed over his face.
"My good little bitch," he whispered, his lips grazing the shell of your ear, "Are you wet for me?"
"Y-Yes, Alpha..." you keened, arching your back as he slid his hand down your body once again. This time, he slid his hand down your sweats and into your panties. Your breath stuttered at the feeling of his fingers sliding between your folds, spreading you open so he could circle your clit with his middle finger.
"Yes, you are..." he groaned, burying his face in your neck to lick and nip at the fragile skin until you were whimpering and throwing your head back to allow him more access.
"P-Please, T-Alpha..." you begged, gripping his shirt in your trembling hands.
He cooed, pulling back to meet your gaze with soft eyes.You pouted when he pulled his hand from in your panties. He pressed his lips against yours in a gentle kiss that betrayed the dominant Alpha role he was playing. Sitting up, he pulled his shirt off — making you sigh before reaching up to touch his bare skin. He bit back a smile, taking your hand in his and pressing it over his chest where his heart was racing.
"Let's get your shirt off and show everyone your pretty tits, hm?" his voice was still laced with a hint of softness but the dominance in it had you obeying immediately.
Sitting up, you allowed him to pull the fabric over your head so you were bare from the waist up. Taehyung growled, immediately cupping your breasts in his hands. You sighed, pushing your chest out and biting your lip to let him do as he pleased.
He pinched one of your nipples until you hissed before leaning down to take it into his mouth, soothing the soreness away with his tongue. Pulling back, he moved to sit behind you could see yourself on the screen.
Your hair was messed up and your lips were swollen from biting them. Taehyung grinned from behind you as he saw the tips beginning to come even faster.
Of course the viewers would be eager to punish you after seeing his Omega's pretty body. The thought filled him with pride and he couldn't help but lean down to press soft kisses against your neck as he cupped your breasts once more.
"My pretty Omega, huh?" he grinned, watching as the comments flooded with responses and praises towards you, "Bet every Alpha is jealous only I get to see you like this huh? Torture your little nipples and stuff your pretty cunt..."
Your mouth fell open in a breathless whine at his words, your panties beginning to stick uncomfortably to you because of how wet they'd become. Taehyung let out an almost sadistic chuckle that sent a shiver down your spine before you felt his thumbs hook into the band of your sweats. You eagerly lifted your hips, leaning your weight back on him until you were left in your panties.
"Spread your legs, baby," he growled, eyes on the screen to watch you do as you were told.
He groaned against your neck at the sight of your once white panties turned transparent from how wet you were. The fabric molded to your folds, leaving barely anything to the imagination.
He cursed under his breath, grabbing the band of your panties to tear them but you whined and slapped his hand away to stop him. He couldn't help but chuckle as you pulled them off yourself to save the pair of panties from his destructive hands.
Your face burned hot when you suddenly found yourself completely spread open on camera. Taehyung held you beneath the knees, forcing your legs apart so the viewers could see the way your wet folds parted to give the barest peek of your slit and clit.
His cock was painfully hard in his pants but before he could think to go any further, there was a loud chime from the computer. You both paused to look at what it was.
"Ah, your punishment has been decided," he chuckled darkly, feeling you stiffen in his arms.
Of course you knew he wouldn't do anything that could genuinely hurt you or something he knew you were uncomfortable with. Still, the aspect of an outside voice being the decision in your punishment made your heart stutter.
"Well well..." the excitement in your boyfriend's voice had a pit forming in your stomach, "Looks like my little bitch is going to get her little cunt spanked."
You felt yourself clench pathetically around nothing, no doubt gushing more arousal. Taehyung manhandled you into the same position you were in with your back to his chest and your legs spread obscenely wide to show your wet folds.
He hummed, cupping your core and spreading you open with two fingers. Your face was hot with embarrassment listening to the way he told the viewers how pretty your pussy was. His digits gathered your wetness and he took a moment to circle your clit until he could hear your breathing pick up.
Then, as you were lost in the growing pleasure he brought his hand down in a sharp smack that had your body stiffening in shock. It stung, leaving a burn in the wake of the impact. He found your clit once again, giving a sharp slap to your thigh when your legs flinched closed in fear of another hit.
"Hold your legs open," he ordered, waiting until you hooked your arms under your own knees — leaving your pussy vulnerable for another smack.
Taehyung didn't waste another second in giving you on. It made you hiss as the burn of the previous hit still lingered. He didn't bother trying to soothe the ache now, instead supplied another hit directly to your clit.
Your eyes rolled back at the painful pleasure it caused when he hit your bud. A series of quick slaps rained down on your pussy until you finally cried out.
"Ah, good girl..." he whispered in your ear, running his fingers over your folds to soothe the ache, "Took your punishment like such a good little bitch."
"Alpha..." you sniffled, your watery eyes finally vanishing along with the hits.
"I think you deserve a reward now, huh?" his voice was soft once again with your punishment over. He pressed a kiss to your temple when you eagerly nodded your head, "How about I make my sweet Omega cum."
Licking your lips, your body relaxed against him when his touch found your clit again. His touch was experienced and familiar, making you sigh in pleasure.
"Alpha, please..." you whined, looking up at him, "P-Put your fingers inside please."
"So polite...good girl," he cooed, easily sliding two fingers into your entrance.
There was a burn, his fingers were big and he'd gone with two immediately but you both knew that you loved when it hurt a bit. He let out soft moans in your ear as he watched your cunt eagerly swallow his fingers. Every time he pulled out, he could see the way your juices clung to his skin and he felt his mouth water at the thought o tasting you.
Angling his fingers up, he found your spot with quick ease, having memorized your body even better than you. You hips kicked up in response, abandoning your hold on your knees to grip onto his arms.
Your nails dug into his skin, though he didn't really notice the slight pinch. He was too focused on the way your walls fluttered around his fingers with your impending orgasm. He found your clit with his other hand, giving a few quick circles to your bud before you came. He continued to fuck you with his fingers, milking every second of your high until your legs clamped shut around his hand to stop the overstimulation.
"Shit, you're such a good girl," he whispered, bringing his fingers to his mouth. The groan he let out with your sweet cum met his tongue was lewd — making your cheeks burn.
"Alpha," you sighed, sitting up to finally separate yourself from him.
He grinned, gripping your hips as you stood on your knees, using his shoulders as support to press a sweet kiss against your lips. The two of you sat like that, lips moving eagerly together as his hands continued to wander your body.
"What is it baby?" he breathed when you pulled away.
"Want your cock, Alpha," you begged, making him groan as his cock twitched in his pants.
"Yeah?" he chuckled, "Alright baby, lay back."
You hurried to get into position, spreading your legs eagerly for him to take his place. He crawled between your legs, hovering over your body with his hands on either side of your head. He pressed his lips against yours, rolling his clothed cock against your sensitive folds. The texture almost hurt but it was so good it had you gasping into his mouth. He grinned against your lips as your reaction before pulling back to rid himself of the final article of clothing.
He wrapped his fist around his cock, stroking himself a couple times to watch you lustfully lick your lips. Running the tip of himself between your folds, he watched your thighs tremble at the tease of having him so close but not where you wanted just yet.
"What do you say, Omega?" he growled, slapping your clit a couple times with the head of his cock.
"Please fuck me, Alpha," you immediately moaned, biting your lip as he finally began to press inside.
"Good girl," he groaned, voice choked by the feeling of your cunt stretching around his cock.
Your eyes fluttered and you were trembling by the time he bottomed out.
"S-So full..." you mewled, making him grin.
"Yeah? Your Alpha's fat cock stuffing you full, huh?" he asked as he pulled back out, feeling your wetness cling to him.
"F-Fuck, yes..." you replied, arching your hips when he sunk back into you.
His cock was hot and throbbing against your walls. As he fucked you, the wet sound of your cunt swallowing him reached his ears. He groaned, the fact you got so wet for him making him even harder.
He leaned down and took one of your nipples into his mouth, making you gasp at the added pleasure. Your breasts bounced in time with his thrusts and you cupped your other one to pinch your neglected nipple.
A sharp nip to the bud made you gasp, your walls clenching around his cock. He grunted, pulling away completely to sit back on his heels. Holding you beneath your knees, he doubled his speed and began to fuck you roughly.
The swell of his knot was forming and your pussy fluttered around him in anticipation. Crying out, your back arched at the burst of pleasure when he hit your spot. He chuckled, his heart swelling with pride knowing everyone watching could see how well he fucked his cute Omega.
"A-Alpha...y-you're gonna make m-me cum..." you whimpered, cupping both of your breasts now.
He grinned, watching you pull and pinch at your nipples, "Yeah? My pretty little bitch wants to cum?"
"Y-Yes, please!" you begged, arching your hips up to meet his thrusts. It made him sink even deeper into you, kissing your cervix and making your eyes roll back.
He reached between your thighs and found your clit with his thumb. The bud was hard and swollen from your previous orgasm. Still sensitive, it didn't take long for you to reach the edge.
"Cum, babygirl," he panted, never letting up on his thrusts, determined to get you to cum, "Cream on my cock, you can do it. Show everyone how pretty you are when you cum on your Alpha's knot."
His words were punctuated by his knot popping into your cunt, setting you off immediately. He cursed, falling forward and catching himself on his hands.
You were lost in the euphoria of your high, wrapping your arms around your boyfriend's shoulders to hold onto him. He groaned into your neck, feeling his knot throb almost painfully as he came. The feeling of his cum filling your cunt made your high that much more amazing — feeling him knot you was unlike anything you'd experienced.
Before long, the two of you were coming down. Taehyung pressed soft kisses to your neck and shoulders before reaching your lips. You were still trembling, walls still spasming around him from the power of your orgasm.
"Such a good girl," he praised against your lips, "My sweet Omega, so pretty..."
You basked in his praise and compliments as they helped your body settle down until his knot deflated enough for him to comfortably pull out. Once he did, he turned back to the laptop with a lazy grin.
"Thanks for watching, I guess," he chuckled, feeling you curl yourself around him from behind, "I've got to hurry and shut this down but thank you for your tips and there will be a poll posted later tonight that you should be sure to check out."
He reached forward and immediately turned the stream off and returned his attention to you. You clung to him, feeling a strong desire to be close with your Alpha. He naturally obliged, wrapping you up in his arms as you laid together on the bed.
With his fingers gently caressing your skin, you let your eyes fall shut to sleep.
“I can’t believe so many people are interested in this becoming a regular thing…” you mumbled as you say on your boyfriend’s lap, his account open on comments about the previous nights stream. Over the course of the weekend you'd gathered up hundreds of comments praising you and asking to see you more — rather solo or more couple streams.
“Pretty cool,” he chuckled, pressing a kiss to your cheek, “What do you think?”
“I had a lot of fun so…” you shrugged, looking over your shoulder to smile at him, “I think it'd be nice to do every once in a while.”
“God, I love you,” he grinned, giving you a quick squeeze before you hopped off his lap and left the room.
“Don’t forget we have class at 3,” you called from the hallway as you made your way to the kitchen, intending to cook a quick breakfast.
Throwing you coat on, you jogged down the hallway to meet Taehyung where he was waiting by the door with his car keys in hand. He smiled as you came into view, reaching up to smooth down a stray piece of your hair.
“Ready to go?” he asked, opening the door.
“As I’ll ever be,” you mumbled, wincing as the cold winter air met your warm skin.
You were shivering by the time you made it to the car, waiting for Taehyung to get in and unlock it for you. He was laughing at your pout as you finally sat down and shut the door.
“We need to get that stupid...key thing unlocked,” you whined, referring to the keyfob that had ceased working a few months ago.
“Yeah, I’ll get right on that,” Taehyung mumbled sarcastically as he started the car.
You were dreading getting out of the car when he finally parked on campus. It was beginning to snow, little flurries falling and sticking to the windshield. Pulling the hood of your jacket up, you hopped out of the car and met Taehyung on the other side.
He held his hand out, giving yours a little squeeze when you slipped your fingers between his. He kept a strong grip on you, making sure you didn’t lose your footing on the increasingly slick snow-covered ground.
You and Taehyung shared the first class that day before you ended up separating. By the time you reunited, you were both tired and eager to see one another again.
He was waiting in the campus cafe when you were finally let out of your last class. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, you leaned down to press a kiss to his lips before taking a seat across from him.
“Um...excuse me,” a soft voice nervously called from beside you, drawing both yours and Taehyung’s attention.
“Can I help you?” Taehyung asked, eyeing the young man standing there.
He was about the same height as Taehyung with long, curly bangs peeking out from beneath the beanie that sat atop his head. One hand was shoved into his jeans pocket and the other held his backpack on his other shoulder. It took one look at him to know he was an Alpha.
“This...is going to sound weird and I’m sorry but…” the stranger shifted on his feet and his cheeks turned a bit pink, “Are you...V from abocams?”
You and Taehyung shared a look of surprise before looking back at the stranger.
“Yeah,” Taehyung answered honestly, shrugging his shoulders.
“I...I guess you could say I’m a fan. I caught the stream on Friday,” he said, seeming to relax once he knew he had the right person, “I’m Jungkook.”
“Taehyung,” your boyfriend reached out and shook his hand before gesturing to you, “My girlfriend, _____.”
“Nice to meet you,” you smiled, also shaking his hand.
“How about you have a seat, we were just going to order some food,” Taehyung offered, motioning to the empty seat beside you.
“Really? Thanks!” Jungkook grinned, a cute bunny-like smile before pulling the chair out and dropping his backpack on the ground as he took a seat.
“So how old are you, Jungkook?” Taehyung asked as he looked over the flimsy menu before him.
“22 now,” was the response, making Taehyung hum.
“You’re younger than me,” the younger Alpha nodded as if he already knew it — though he probably did since Taehyung’s age was listed on his profile.
You glanced beside you to where Jungkook sat. He smelled good, a delicate scent of perfume wafting from him. He had broad shoulders, a sharp jawline and thick thighs that were encased perfectly by his jeans.
Looking away, you caught Taehyung’s gaze. He had a brow raised and a lazy smirk on his lips, making your cheeks flush at being caught checking out Jungkook.
After the three of you ordered food, you began to talk. Jungkook was surprisingly easy to relax around — he was funny and charismatic. He and Taehyung shared banter like the two of them had been friends for ages. You learned that Jungkook was in his 3rd year of university with a major in graphic design. He lived alone after moving from his home in Busan, having moved to Seoul for college.
When it was time to go, Taehyung asked for his number and you parted ways with a promise of meeting again.
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Sure enough, the three of you met up again. Since school was closed for a Student’s Day on Friday, you all went to get some lunch.
It was a quiet, rustic little restaurant near your apartment that had some delicious grilled chicken that made your mouth water. Jungkook was a bit late but you and Taehyung ordered a couple drinks anyway. Your stomach was growling by the time Jungkook came stumbling up to the table.
“Sorry, there was an accident blocking traffic,” he mumbled, taking a seat beside Taehyung. You were left on your own side of the booth, much to your delight.
“It’s fine,” Taehyung waved him off handing him the menu he was no longer using since he’d decided what he wanted.
“Thanks,” the younger grinned, making you smile subconsciously. It was contagious and something about the younger Alpha made you feel happy — he was such a bright, lovely person to have around, “I was wondering if you guys want to get some drinks tonight?”
“We can’t,” you mumbled immediately with a frown.
“We stream Fridays,” Taehyung supplied after seeing Jungkook’s confused face.
“Oh, that’s right...I don’t know how I forgot,” Jungkook chuckled, closing the menu before waving the waiter over.
“Sorry, Jungkook…” you pouted, “Maybe we can go Saturday?”
Before he could answer your invite, the waiter came up and you all got distracted giving you orders. Giving the menus back, you got settled down once again to wait for your food to arrive.
“So…” Jungkook pursed his lips, looking from you to Taehyung, “Can I know what’s going on tonight?”
“We never agreed to spoilers when this friendship started, Jungkook,” Taehyung teased with a wide grin, making Jungkook whine.
“Oh, come on!” the younger whined, sinking lower in his seat.
“It’s another couple stream,” you said, making Taehyung squint a playful glare at you. You giggled and stuck your tongue out at him.
“Oh thank god,” Jungkook whispered, tossing his head back with a sigh.
Surprisingly, there was nothing awkward knowing Jungkook watched the two of you have sex on camera. Nor did it bother either of you that he was openly into it — really into it. Despite the fact you’d become quick friends, it didn’t halt Jungkook fanboy qualities. Taehyung also seemed quite flattered that the younger was obviously also attracted to him.
It wasn’t something unheard of — Alpha-only relationships did exist. They were usually treated as taboo which was probably so many Alphas watched Alpha cammers. It was a safe alternative than the social stigma. Although, with the younger generation, it was definitely becoming a more widely accepted relationship.
Jungkook didn’t seem bothered in the slightest as he was open in the fact he enjoyed watching Taehyung on his own as well. He’d called your boyfriend hot several times and neither of you really batted an eye. He was confident and sure of himself despite his young age.
Before it got too late, you and Taehyung decided to get home so you could prepare for the stream. You bid Jungkook goodbye, blushing when he expressed his excitement for tonight.
Stumbling into your apartment, your heart was racing with excitement. You always felt excitement when you knew you’d get to feel Taehyung’s touch. No matter what, you always craved the Alpha’s rough hands and soft lips on your skin.
It was no different that night when you found yourself on your hands and knees with Taehyung's cock splitting you open. You bit the sheets to muffle your cry as you were fucked into another orgasm.
"Fuck!" Taehyung snarled, slapping your ass to make you flinch, "You're cummin' so much tonight — is it because someone is watching?"
Your cheeks flushed hot at what he was insinuating — and it was true.
The fact Jungkook was watching, maybe fucking his knot into a fleshlight imagining it was you. You moaned at the idea, your walls clenching around your boyfriend's cock making him hiss.
"What're you thinking about, babygirl?" he chuckled, tangling his hand in your hair to pull you up on your knees. With your back pressed against his chest, he was able to whisper in your ear so the mic wouldn't pick it up, "About Jungkook? About how it would feel to have another knot you while I watch?"
"A-Alpha..." you gasped, eyes rolling back s you fucked yourself on his cock.
The position offered a perfect angle for his cock to hit that spot and had you clenching once again. Taehyung chuckled, letting you use his cock how you needed. However, when you reached down to find your clit, he slapped your hand away.
"Don't you dare," he growled, "You better cum like this, slut, punishment for thinking of another Alpha."
You sobbed, hanging your head as you were forced to take it. It felt like you were stuck on the edge, unable to fall over without the sweet touch on your clit. Taehyung chuckled, cupping one of your breasts to pinch your nipple.
It had you gasping but still wasn't enough to get you off. He took sadistic pleasure in hearing you whine and sob as you were kept on edge, creaming on his cock and clenching him so tight he almost couldn't move.
"What is it?" he whispered, seeing the glisten of a tear on your cheek, "Does it hurt?"
"Mhmm," you whimpered, tossing your head back to rest it on your shoulder.
"Aw, poor baby," the condescending tone made your bottom lip tremble but made him grin.
"Please!" you cried, rolling your hips back on him.
"Please what?" he teased, feeling you tremble in his hold.
"L-Let me cum!" you begged, the heat from your denied orgasm becoming painful.
"Aw, poor baby can't cum on her own?" you let out a choked whine of humiliation, "Need your Alpha to make you cum?"
"Yes! Please make me cum!" the desperation in your voice finally set him in motion.
Pushing you down so you face was in the bed once again, he shifted on his knees to finally resume properly fucking you. Your mouth fell open in a silent scream when his hand finally found your clit.
It was impossibly easy to set you off, you trembled and sobbed into the bed. Taehyung grunted in his efforts, feeling your walls clamp down tight around him.
Suddenly, you reached down to slap his hand away from your clit. He frowned, ready to chastise you but the words caught in his throat as he felt the gush of your cum around his cock.
"Shit, baby," he tossed his head back and moaned, "Messy baby, squirting for me...what a good girl!"
His grip suddenly tightened around your hips and you gasped as the sting of his knot stretching your walls. Immediately, you felt the gush of his hot cum against your walls. He pulsed in time to each spurt and he groaned in pleasure as his thighs trembled through the high.
It didn't take long for his knot to go down. When he pulled out, you gasped as his cum dribbled from your still gaping hole. He groaned, catching some on his thumb to smear along your folds.
"God...you're incredible," he whispered, smiling when you curled up on your side.
Turning around, he took a moment to shut the stream off before turning his attention back to you.
Peppering your face with kisses, he let you cling to him to let the high from being knotted by your Alpha wear off.
He always told you it was his favorite part — when you became clingy and needy for his comfort after sex. You were so sweet and soft, it made him proud as an Alpha.
He closed his eyes and rested his head atop yours as you relaxed into his embrace and fell asleep.
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“Hey babe!” Taehyung called, wondering where you were at.
You heard his footsteps approaching and turned to look at him from where you were loading the sheets into the washing machine. He was holding his phone as he walked up to you, casually leaning against the wall to watch you for a second.
“What?” you asked, shutting the washing machine to start the cycle.
“Jungkook invited us to a party,” he said, handing you the phone.
From: Jungkook [7:10PM] hey i know its short notice but theres a party tonight i was wondering if u guys wanna go with me?
You hummed, handing Taehyung’s phone back before shrugging, “I don’t mind. We haven’t been to one in ages.”
“Really?” Taehyung grinned, “I’ll let him know!”
“What time?” you asked, following closely behind him as you both went into the bedroom.
“He says 10,” Taehyung answered.
“We’ve got a bit of time then,” you sighed, laying back on the bed.
“That we do…” Taehyung crawled onto the bed and over your body until his lips reached yours, “And I can think of a way to kill an hour.”
“Oh?” you raised a brow, already feeling your body heating up at the dark look in his eyes, “How’s that?”
“Wanna eat your pussy so every Alpha at that party will be able to smell how sweet your cum is,” he growled, making your breath hitch and eyes flutter.
“Please,” you whined, placing your hand on his shoulder to urge him down.
“Ah, my good little Omega,” he grinned as you shivered under the praise.
He flipped your skirt up and groaned at the sight of your cute powder blue cotton panties.
Instead of taking them off, he simply moved them to the side. Groaning at the sight of your wet folds, he felt his mouth begin to water at even the thought of your taste.
Not wasting any time, he leaned forward to slide his tongue between your folds. His eyes rolled back and he wrapped his arms around your thighs to keep your spread open for him. You cried out, tangling your fingers in his hair as he began to eat you like a starving man.
He didn't care that your juices were smearing all over his face. His tongue found its way into your entrance, only slightly fulfilling your need to be filled.
Your back arched and he groaned, pulling back and reaching down to spread your folds. Looking down, you saw his pupils were blown wide and his lips were shining red with your juices and swollen. Using thumb to pull the hood of your clit back, he immediately captured the exposed bud in his mouth.
You pulled on his hair, making his cock twitch in his pants and he began to slowly roll his hips against the bed.
Your breathing stuttered and you found yourself grinding down on his mouth. He groaned, lashing your clit with his tongue to make you tremble. The louder your moans became, the faster he ground down into the bed. His cock hurt, trapped in the suffocating material of his jeans but he was more concerned with making you cum.
Your juices were sweet on his tongue and your clit was pulsing in his mouth, indicating you were growing closer and closer with every second his mouth was on you. Looking down only again, you shuddered at how determined he looked — he was desperate to taste your cum on his tongue.
Finally, your whole body froze.
Taehyung whimpered into your cunt, his own his taking over him as he came in his jeans. His felt his cum, hot on his own skin as he continued to hump the bed until he couldn't take it anymore.
His tongue never let up on licking and sucking on your clit as you came. You trembled and gushed sweet cum that he eagerly caught with his tongue and swallowed down with a moan.
He pulled away he felt your hand go lax in his hair. He sat on his heels looking at you as he licked his lips and collected every drop of you he could from his face to taste.
You squeezed your thighs shut, still throbbing in the aftermath of your orgasm. Taehyung watched you with a proud smirk.
"Now I have to change my panties..." you panted, finally relaxing completely against the bed.
"No you don't," your boyfriend grinned, making you roll your eyes.
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You were still feeling the excitement from having Taehyung eating you out by the time you stepped foot into the party.
“Hey, you guys!” Jungkook grinned, bounding over to you happily. He had a red cup in his hand and it was clear he had already been drinking before you arrived. Without wasting a second he shoved the cup into your hand and urged you to drink.
Sharing a look with Taehyung, you shrugged and took a few big gulps before handing it to Taehyung who downed the rest of it. Jungkook laughed happily and urged both of you to follow him to the kitchen.
“This is my friend’s house,” he explained as he grabbed a bottle of vodka and filled the cup back up, “If you want, we can just hang out in one of the rooms.”
“Sure, I don’t know anyone here anyway,” Taehyung took your hand and you both hurried to follow after Jungkook.
The younger held the mostly full bottle of vodka in one hand and the half-filled red cup in the other as he ran up the stairs two at a time. He smiled triumphantly as he waited at the top for you two to catch up. Finally, he picked a room that he had to unlock with a key, ushering you both inside before he turned around and locked it once again.
You looked around, seeing it was a TV room. It had a big screen on the wall and a big, comfy L-couch situated in the middle of the room with several throw pillows and blankets to use.
“Have a seat, my friends,” Jungkook motioned to the couch as he placed to bottle and cup on the table. He flopped back and put his feet up, grabbing the remote to turn the TV on.
You reached forward as you took a seat, grabbing the red cup to take a few sips. Taehyung took a seat beside you, throwing his arm over your shoulder to hold you close. Jungkook was Netflix surfing for a few minutes before settling on Archer.
The three of you sat in relative silence as you shared the cup of vodka, occasionally filling it back up until you were pleasantly buzzed.
You laughed at a scene on Archer, unaware of the gaze burning holes through you. Beneath your ear, Taehyung’s heart sped up as he watched Jungkook’s tongue slide over his bottom lip before he tucked it between his teeth.
Alcohol always made you feel sleepy, so you snuggled up against Taehyung with a small smile on your lips. He leaned down and pressed a kiss against your head.
“Hey Kook,” he said, making the younger break his gaze from you, “Hand me a blanket.”
“Oh, sure,” he mumbled, turning around to grab the one thrown over the back of the couch behind him.
When he reached out to hand it to Taehyung, he paused, “Oh, just lay it over her for me,” Taehyung smiled.
Jungkook swallowed thickly and moved forward, placing the blanket over your curled up form. He smoothed it down and Taehyung noted how his hands lingered for just a second too long before he returned to his seat. If Taehyung was any closer, he would have heard the younger Alpha’s heart pounding erratically.
“Hey Tae…?” he said suddenly, bringing Taehyung out of his thoughts. He hummed, turning his gaze to Jungkook, “I’ve been curious,” his words were slurred from the alcohol and he paused to take another sip, “How is it that you can be so cool with just...sharing her with the world? I mean...she’s your Omega…”
Taehyung shrugged, glancing down at you, “She’s not my property and as long as she’s not cheating...she’s free to do anything she wants as long as it’s in a safe environment.”
Jungkook lets out a soft hum, his head lolling drunkenly, “If she was mine, I’d never let anyone see that side of her. Omega’s too precious to let just any asshole jerk off to…”
Taehyung smiled softly, stroking your hair as you slept away on his chest.
It was nearing 1:30 in the morning before Taehyung decided he wanted to go home. He and Jungkook had watched a Pirates of the Carribean movie to pass the time and sobered up in the meantime.You had also managed to sleep your drunkenness off, though you hadn’t drunk as much as they had.
Stumbling into the house, Taehyung was surprised to find himself pinned to the wall with your lips on his. He groaned, tangling his hand in your hair as you slipped your hand down the front of his jeans to grip his cock. He growled, feeling himself quickly harden as the scent of your arousal pooling in your panties reached his nose.
He eagerly reciprocated your excitement, hiking up your skirt to tear your panties down your legs. You shivered as his nails scraped along your skin, a little prick of pain in the pleasure. His fingers found your folds, wet and ready for him.
“What’s got you excited, little slut?” he growled, plunging two long fingers into your painfully empty cunt. 
Your breathing stuttered and you clutched the front of his shirt as he easily found your sweet spot, abusing it until you were squirming against him and your slick was dripping down his wrist. He chuckled, leaning down to press his lips against your neck. 
“Please,” you breathed, reaching down to undo the button and zipper of his jeans.
“Tell me why you’re so fucking needy first,” he snapped, clenching his jaw as you pulled his cock free, wrapping your little fist around him and squeezing. 
“I-I…” you whimpered, pumping him slowly, “I don’t know…”
“You don’t know?” he scoffed, pulling his fingers from your dripping cunt and bringing them up to slide into your mouth. You whimpered at your own taste and felt his cock throb in your hand, “I think you do.”
“I-I don’t,” you whispered, eyes falling to the fat head of his cock as it peeked through your fist.
“You know what I think?” he asked, a smirk forming on his lips, “I think little Jungkookie got your little pussy wet.”
You swallowed thickly, giving his length a subtle squeeze, “I…”
“I’m right, huh?” he chuckled, taking your hand from his cock.
You gasped as he suddenly lifted you from the back of your thighs, pinning you against the wall. Your cunt, opened from Taehyung’s fingers, was positioned over his tip. He could see the way your gaze darkened in desire at having him so close.
“Tell me,” he commanded, prodding your hole. You squirmed, whimpering impatiently, “Tell me you got wet because of Jungkook.”
“Alpha, please,” you whined.
“Don’t try that with me,” he snapped, making you frown, “Tell me and I’ll fuck you.”
“I…” you licked your lips, looking down at the cock you were so desperate for, “I-I got wet because of Jungkook.”
“That’s my good girl,” he chuckled darkly before his hips surged forwards and filled you to the hilt.
You both groaned in unison at the feeling. You were immediately grinding down on him, needing him to move. He clenched his teeth as he set a hasty pace, the both of you knowing it was going to just be a quickie. Still, you were dripping down his length and soaking the cotton of his boxers. 
“F-Fuck!” you cried out, wrapping your arms around his neck. He panted against your shoulder with the exertion of his pace. 
“You gonna cum already?” he scoffed, tone condescending, “Can’t believe little Jungkookie got you this riled up without even doing anything. Little whore, getting wet over other Alphas…”
His words had you coming undone, twitching in his grasp as you gushed around his cock. He hissed at how tightly you squeezed around him, halting his movement until the rhythmic clenching of your walls had him cumming. You whined in disappointment when you realized he hadn’t knotted, making him chuckle.
“My sweet Omega,” he cooed, letting your legs down while supporting your weight until you could properly walk, “Let’s get washed up and in bed.”
Watching you sleep, Taehyung thought about the look in your eyes when he talked about Jungkook. Biting back a smirk, he rolled over and wrapped himself around you.
When he woke up in the morning, he called up Jungkook before you even woke up. Before he left, he let you know through your sleep hazed mind that he was going to hang out with the other Alpha.
Taehyung hopped in his car and followed the GPS to the address Jungkook had sent him. It was a small apartment complex that the younger lived in and easy enough to get in and find Jungkook’s place.
“Hey!” he greeted as Jungkook let him in.
It was a modest, lightly decorated apartment. There was a blanket piled on the couch indicating that was probably where he had been sitting before he arrived.
“Hey, what brings you over so early?” Jungkook asked, hanging Taehyung’s coat on the wall hook.
“I wanted to talk to you about something,” the words had Jungkook pausing and turning to look at his friend.
“Oh? What’s up?” Jungkook shifted on his feet as he watched Taehyung lean back casually against the wall with his hands in his pockets.
“It’s about ______,” those words had Jungkook freezing.
“Wh-What about her?” he asked, fidgeting with the fabric of his couch as he leaned against the back of it in hopes of matching Taehyung’s casualness.
“I know you like her,” Taehyung said, “Why wouldn’t you, though? She is just perfect isn’t she?” he took sick amusement in watching his friend scramble for a way to defend himself, “You’ve seen her on her knees sucking my dick...you’ve seen her face when I make her cum...the way she begs for cum and a knot.”
He grinned, stepping up to Jungkook’s trembling frame. He knew the boy was hard in his sweats simply remembering all the things Taehyung talked about.
His eyes fluttered and he licked his lips, “Y-Yeah she...she’s great…”
Taehyung chuckled, shaking his head before playfully shoving his friend’s shoulder. Jungkook’s doe eyes were wide in confusion, “You’re so cute, Kook.”
“Wh-What’re you talking about?” Jungkook’s voice was shaky, still nervous from Taehyung’s protective demeanor.
“I was just teasing you,” Taehyung shrugged, “I actually came over here to ask if you wanted to have a threesome.”
Jungkook shoulders relaxed and his face went blank. He stared at your boyfriend for several seconds, blinking repeatedly as he processed the words.
“Huh?” was all he could conjure up.
Taehyung chuckled, “I know she thinks you’re hot too so I figured why not?”
“Dude…” Jungkook heaved a big sigh, hanging his head, “I thought you were going to fucking kill me!”
“Nah,” Taehyung shook his head, “I get it if you think she’s hot or you wanna bang her. I’m not mad about it.”
“She um...she wants to have a threesome as well?” Jungkook asked, almost nervously.
“I haven’t asked her but…” he chuckled, licking his lips, “I brought you up to her last night and...she seemed interested in fucking you.”
“Whoa…” Jungkook smiled, “If she’s down and you’re cool with it then...hell yeah!”
“Perfect,” Taehyung patted his friend on the shoulder, “I’m going to raid your kitchen because I haven’t eaten anything yet today.”
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“Where were you all day?” you asked when he stepped through the door.
“I told you I was with Jungkook,” your boyfriend replied as he slipped his shoes off.
“Yeah I know but like...why?” you turned around when he entered the kitchen, where you were making dinner.
“Wanted to proposition him,” Taehyung shrugged, opening the refrigerator to pull out a can of Coke.
“Oh? How’d that go?” you stirred the sauce in the pan while Taehyung took a seat behind you at the table.
“He agreed,” Taehyung smirked into his soda can when you turned around with a brow raised.
“Care to share with the class?” you mumbled, placing the lid on the pan before taking a seat beside him.
“Well,” he leaned forward, his face inches from yours with that smirk still on his lips, “I asked how he would feel about having a threesome with us.”
“Taehyung!” you gasped, smacking his shoulder before dissolving into laughter, “You did not!”
“I did!” Taehyung began laughing with you, “I scared him as well...made him think I was pissed he wanted to bang you. He was shaking.”
“Tae!” you cried, “You’re so mean!”
“I know but I couldn’t resist!” he defended himself, taking your hand before you could smack his shoulder again. You sighed, a smile still on your lips as he pressed a kiss to your palm, “He agreed so...all I need to know is if you’re on board or not.”
“Of course I agree,” you rolled your eyes.
Before either of you could say anything else, the timer on your stove went off and you both moved to get dinner on the table.
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Taehyung moves fast, and he wasted no time in setting everything up.
You were getting ready to stream in just a few hours with Taehyung when the doorbell rang. Since you were closer to the door, you answered it. The surprise you felt when you were met with the bright eyes of Jeon Jungkook had you stunned.
“Wh-What are you doing here?” you asked, waving him in.
“Tae invited me,” he answered easily, hanging up his coat and kicking his shoes off.
“Why?” you frowned when you received only a shrug in response.
“Ah good, you’re here!” Taehyung grinned, walking out of the hallway shirtless.
Jungkook took a moment to admire the smooth expanse of tan skin before questioning the elder on what was going on.
“We’re going to have our threesome,” you gaped at his words speechless before Jungkook spoke up.
“Aren’t you streaming tonight?” he asked, which Taehyung nodded at, “So...how are we doing it tonight?”
“We’re doing it live!” Jungkook choked on his spit at the words, eyes darting to you quickly.
Your lips were pursed in a pout before you folded your arms over your chest and glared at your boyfriend, “When did we decide this?”
“Hey, if I’m gonna let him fuck my Omega…” he shot a quick look towards Jungkook, who held his hands up in defense, “I’m at least going to make some money off it,” he watched your face carefully and waited for a response but when he didn’t get one, he took your hand in his, “If you don’t want too—”
“No, I’m good with it,” you looked towards Jungkook, “Are you? It’ll be your first time on camera, right?”
“I um...I actually really like the idea…” he confessed, cheeks turning pink.
“Great, it’s settled then!” Taehyung grinned, “Jungkook you can use our bathroom to freshen up while we get the setup running.”
Truthfully, he didn’t really need your help. You sat on the bed watching as he set the camera up and connected it to the laptop.
You were practically vibrating in excitement by the time you saw yourself on the screen.
"You're starting now? Without him?" you asked softly just as the red light turned on to indicate you were now live.
The number of viewers quickly jumped and excited comments flooded in about how they had missed you and where Taehyung was.
"Yeah, why not?" Taehyung chuckled, stepping out from behind the camera, "It can be a nice surprise."
You giggled as he dropped on his knees in front of the bed. The back of his head and shoulders were in view as he began to pepper kisses along the skin of your calves and thighs.
"You look so cute in my clothes," he chuckled, referring to the hoodie you were wearing.
"They smell like you," you mumbled, making him smile against your thigh.
He gave you a soft bite before reaching up to find the hem of your shorts that were obscured by the length of his hoodie.
Tossing them away, he cupped your core through your panties. You sighed, biting you bottom lip and leaning back to let him stroke your slit through the fabric. It was a bit rough on your clit but the texture added to the pleasure.
Suddenly, the bathroom door opened and Jungkook stood there with a towel wrapped around his waist looking a little sheepish.
"I uh...didn't have spare...what're you doing?" he blinked owlishly as he stepped forward to see past the camera set up to find Taehyung on his knees.
"Kook..." Taehyung smiled, waving him over, "We started without you, sorry."
"I-It was his idea..." you mumbled, stuttering as Taehyung lightly slapped your folds through your panties before standing up.
"Everyone, we have an even sweeter treat tonight," Taehyung grinned, tugging Jungkook into the frame and pushing him down to sit beside you, "This is Kook, he's an Alpha and he's going to be fucking my Omega."
You looked to Jungkook, who froze where he sat. His eyes were wide and he looked almost scared but you could see the way he was getting hard beneath the towel.
"I-I am?" he stuttered out, making Taehyung chuckle.
"Of course, what did you think we were doing?" you wanted to chastise your boyfriend for teasing the younger but stayed quiet.
It seemed that Jungkook easily took the offer as he turned to look at you. He cupped your jaw and drew you in for a kiss. It was soft and sweet, he was tasting you for the first time. He wanted to experience a gentle kiss with you and you eagerly allowed him that.
Taehyung huffed out a small laugh as he backed away from the two of you. He took his seat in the comfortable chair near the bed, keeping his eyes on the two of you.
Beneath the tight fabric of his dark wash jeans, Taehyung's cock was painfully hard. Watching how excited Jungkook was for his Omega excited him, filled him with pride. He knew how desirable and perfect his Omega was and it made him feel so lucky to have you as his.
Jungkook's behavior changed quickly and you suddenly found yourself pinned beneath his weight. His fingers slid beneath the heavy fabric of your hoodie up. He paused just before your breasts came into view, dipping his head down to press his lips against your skin. Goosebumps rose following the path of his feather-light kisses.
Taking a deep breath, he pushed your hoodie off, letting out a soft curse as your breasts came into view. He wasted no time tossing the hoodie towards Taehyung. The elder chuckled as the fabric met his face before he chucked it on the ground and settled his gaze back on you.
Jungkook's lips found your right nipple, making you keen. He groaned against your breast as you tangled your hand into his hair and tugged. His towel came undone and fell, exposing his dripping cock. Taehyung's own heart stuttered in his chest at the sight and he had the urge to wrap his fist around the younger and have him whimpering beneath his control.
But alas, it wasn't his turn.
"Please, Kook," you whined, making Jungkook groan. He wished he could hear you calling him 'Alpha' — but it was an impossible desire.
"What is it, baby?" he asked, panting against your breast before giving that fragile skin a soft nip.
"Please touch me," you begged, arching your hips to meet his throbbing cock.
He groaned, whispers of profanity escaping his lips as he eagerly stripped you down completely bare. Spreading your legs, he felt his cock drool at the sight of your slick coated folds.
His thumb met your slit, collecting your arousal on the digit to bring to his lips. He whimpered at the taste, his eyes rolling back in his head.
"Please, make me cum," you asked, biting your lip as you reached down and spread yourself open.
Jungkook's mouth fell open at the sight of your dripping hole and hardened clit that was clearly aching for his touch.
"I don't think so, baby," he chuckled, gripping beneath your knees to pin your thighs open. Your folds spread obscenely and he slid the head of his cock against you. Your thighs trembled as he drug the thick vein on the underside over your clit, "You're going to cum on my cock, got it?"
"Y-Yes," you whispered, meeting his gaze as he reached down to grip his own cock.
Neither of you breathed as he sunk into your clenching cunt.
"Shit..." Jungkook breathed, eyes rolling at the feeling of you squeezing around him.
You were hot and tight around him, felt better than he could have dreamed. From the sidelines, Taehyung squeezed his own cock through his jeans. He was painfully hard and fuck if seeing Jungkook's fat cock spreading you open didn't make him throb. His boxers were no doubt soaked from his own arousal.
Jungkook immediately set a pace that had you crying out. Your breasts bounced in time to his thrusts and he couldn't help but cup on in his hand. As he pinched your nipple, he felt you clench around him. You were soaking his cock, in your slick — it smells so sweet that he was beginning to regret not taking the time to eat you out.
Maybe Taehyung would let him have a taste later.
At the thought of your boyfriend, he looked over at the elder. His hand was stroking himself over his jeans and his eyes were lidded. Instead of watching him, his eyes were on you. It irked Jungkook. He wanted Taehyung to look at him.
"A-Ah, please—" you choked out, clawing the flawless skin of his back, leaving angry red marks.
Jungkook groaned, leading down and pressing his lips against yours. You whimpered into his mouth, clutching onto him. Peering down to where his cock was stuffing you full, his pace stuttered at the juices you were drooling around him.
"My cock's big huh?" Jungkook growled in your ear.
You nodded, "F-Feels so good."
"Yeah?" the Alpha chuckled, casting another glance towards Taehyung where he was sat casually in the chair still. It irritated him that the elder looked completely unbothered by the sight of another Alpha balls deep in his Omega. He wanted to rile him up, see him for the Alpha he really was — get his attention, "Bigger than Tae's? Hm?"
You gasped in shock but still couldn't help but clench around his cock in response, making him laugh.
From the chair, Taehyung's eyes narrowed into a glare. His jaw clenched and he finally moved, sitting forward with his elbows on his knees. You were whining and squirming in pleasure beneath the other Alpha and for the first time he felt the burn of possessiveness. He snapped when he heard Jungkook mutter, "Bet I fuck you better than him, huh?"
You met Jungkook's gaze, worried about if he knew what he was saying but you saw the excited glint in his eye and the playful smirk on his lips. Immediately, you understood the game he was playing — wanted to fire the most dominant Alpha up and make him angry.
It was also a game you enjoyed playing.
Your heart stuttered when Taehyung stormed up to the side of the bed. Jungkook continued to fuck you until Taehyung grabbed a fistful of his hair. The sting made him hiss and he stood buried to the hilt inside you.
"I'd be careful if I were you," Taehyung growled, using a voice even you rarely heard, "Don't forget who's Omega it is you're fucking."
"And it's also your Omega who's creaming on my cock," Jungkook shot back.
Taehyung let out an angry growl that had you clenching around Jungkook again. The younger groaned at the feeling, lashes fluttering.
Your boyfriend suddenly yanked the other back so his cock popped out of your cunt. You could feel yourself gaping around nothing as your pussy fluttered.
Jungkook's back was pressed to Taehyung's front. You clenched your thighs together at the sight of the younger showing submissiveness to your boyfriend by baring his neck. Taehyung took the invitation and opened his mouth, letting his teeth find purchase on the fragile skin. Jungkook winced a bit but it didn't break skin — just a warning.
Then he reached down and took Jungkook's leaking cock into his hand. The younger shuddered and groaned, mouth dropping open as he watched Taehyung give his length a couple quick strokes.
"You better remember that I can always fuck you like an Omega and make you cum on my cock, Kook," Taehyung hissed, squeezing Jungkook's cock until he whined, "Don't get a big head because you've got my Omega's cunt stuffed, hm?"
Jungkook's eyes fluttered and he gave a noncommittal nod. He took it anyway and backed off once again, sparing you a fleeting glance before he took his seat again.
You relaxed into the sheets again when Jungkook quickly slipped his cock back into you. You whined, wrapping your legs around his waist as he resumed the same pace he'd kept earlier. It was easy to wind you back up given the aggressive display of dominance you'd seen from your boyfriend. Jungkook seemed in a daze as he buried his face into your neck and kissed the skin there.
"Fuck," he groaned, feeling his knot begin to swell.
"M-Make me cum, Kook..." you begged, arching your hips up.
He grunted, resting all his weight on one arm as he reached down to find your clit. You keened, eyes rolling back.
"C-Cum, baby," he urged, voice strained as he struggled to hold his own high back, "Be a good Omega and cum for me."
When you fell over the edge, it was a low cry that set Jungkook off. He pulled out of you, missing the distressed whimper from you, and gripped his cock as he spilled over your stomach.
You watched the mess pool and slide down your side to the sheets. Jungkook relaxed and looked down at you, cock giving a valiant kick at the sight of you marked with his cum.
After a moment, Taehyung stood up and approached the two of you.
"You know..." your boyfriend sighed, sounding almost bored, "For someone who talked such a big game about how well you can use that cock of yours..."
He sat down beside you and pulled you so you were sitting up and leaning against him. Jungkook watched with lidded eyes as Taehyung's hand found its way to your cunt. You gasped and eagerly spread your legs for him.
"You barely even got her off," Taehyung tsked, making a show of parting your folds for Jungkook so see your still leaking hole.
"I-what?" Jungkook breathed, still a little breathless from his own orgasm. He was so sure he felt you cumming around him.
"Ruined her orgasm," Taehyung mumbled, reaching up to collect some of Jungkook's cum. Jungkook's brain nearly short circuited as he began circling your clit using his cum, "Pretty mean, huh baby girl?"
You whimpered, nodding your head as you clung to your boyfriend's arm. Jungkook felt his face burn in humiliation as you acknowledged his mistake.
"You were such a good girl," Taehyung cooed, meeting Jungkook's shameful gaze, "Good girls don't get punished but that's what he did, huh? It's okay, your Alpha will make you cum since Kook clearly can't."
You didn't offer a reply, too lost in watching Taehyung smear Jungkook's cum on your clit. Jungkook's face was on fire and he quickly broke Taehyung's gaze, remembering all the people watching who saw what he'd done. The way he talked such a big game only to not even be able to make you cum properly.
It was punishment enough to watch the way you came so quickly and easily for your boyfriend. Your thighs shuddered and hugged his arm to sob out his name in the throes of pleasure.
He wished he had been able to feel it properly. Knowing he'd lost his one and only chance to make you cum on his cock — and knowing Taehyung was going to be able to do that any moment he wanted. It was a taunt.
Your boyfriend pressed a kiss to your temple and let you curl up as he bid goodbye to the viewers and turned the stream off.
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"I swear, I am absolutely beat," Taehyung sighed, throwing his arm over your shoulder as he took your heavy bag from your hands.
"I don't even know why you came with me today," you mumbled, "You got up for no reason."
"I came to school with you!" Taehyung argued.
You laughed, playfully pinching his side, "You didn't even have class today!"
"Oh well shame on me for being a bad boyfriend and wanting to spend the day with you," he shot back sarcastically, "By the way, I have an idea."
"Oh?" you asked, wrapping your arms around him as a chill ran through you.
"How about Saturday night we watch Jungkookie's stream together," he whispered the words low in your ear and you nearly whimpered.
The idea of having his hand shoved down your panties as you both watched Jungkook get himself off — you eagerly agreed, making Taehyung beam happily.
Before the two of you could make it to your car, you were intercepted by an unfamiliar voice shouting, "Hey wait up!"
You both turned around to see a man, shorter than Taehyung and sporting bubblegum pink hair, running towards you.
"What's up?" Taehyung asked with a brow raised.
"Y-You're V and his girlfriend, right?" He panted, giving you a bright smile, "I'm a big fan!"
You and Taehyung shared a gaze before introducing yourselves properly, inviting the young man to lunch.
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whisperlullaby · 4 years
Just Say It and I’m Yours- Ch. 6
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Banner by @dreamslikeaheartbeat
Summary: Steve’s POV. Steve and Bucky attend a dinner party you and Connor are throwing and Steve get’s a bad feeling about your boyfriend.
Words: 1990
Warnings: Alcohol consumption, controlling behavior, explicit language, angst
A/N: Thank you as always to @river-soul for her wonderful beta work. Minors please DNI. Please let me know if I missed any warnings!
Tags: @bestofbucky @syntheticavenger @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @libbymouse @sweeterthanthis @purselover2 @loveyou5everr @freyagreyson​
“I can’t believe she’s still dating that defense attorney,” Steve grumbled to Bucky as they walked to your apartment. “It’s been three months; She’s way too good for him.”
Bucky sighed. “Well, Stevie, you could have told her not to when she asked.”
Steve looked at Bucky with his eyebrows pinched. “I couldn’t put her in danger like that Buck. If she was with me she would never be safe. She has a whole life ahead of her and I’m just a man out of time.”
Bucky clapped his shoulder. 
“You’re a fucking idiot,” he said, knocking on your apartment door.
Before Steve could say another word, you swung open the door and his breath caught in his throat. You were stunning, he could look at you all day. 
“Hey, guys! I’m so glad you could make it. Come in, everyone else is already here!” You stepped aside to let them in.
Bucky gave you a quick peck on the cheek after he hung up his coat. Steve pulled you close and breathed you in. He always thought you melted perfectly into his arms and he could hold you forever if these were different circumstances. 
At the sound of a voice clearing, you pulled away and Steve immediately missed your warmth. He looked over your shoulder and saw Connor. His clothes all perfectly pressed and he chuckled at the thought. You swatted at him and walked over to Connor pressing a soft kiss to his lips, Steve’s heart stopped beating until you pulled away. He didn’t miss the way Connor gripped your hip and you tried to push his hand away. He gave you an intense look and your gaze shifted to the floor.
“Hey, Connor, how’s it going?” Steve stuck out his hand and waited for Connor to return the gesture.
Connor let go of you to shake Steve's hand and he saw you sigh in relief. 
“Glad Captain America could make it to our little dinner party,” Connor gestured to you. “This one has been excited about it all week.”
You huffed, straightening when Connor sent you a glare. “Well, honey I haven’t seen Steve in a month. Between his missions and our plans, it’s been hard to carve out time.”
You pulled Connor in close and whispered, “Please, he’s my best friend, be nice.”
“I don’t trust the guy,” Connor looked over at Steve and narrowed his eyes. “Go finish dinner.”
Steve was grateful and furious for his super hearing. He searched the crowd for Bucky, and when he spotted him he could tell he heard the way Connor spoke to you too. With a swift pat on your butt, you made your way to the kitchen to fulfill Connors request as he led Steve into the dining room. There were a few of your co-workers sitting around talking and Connor introduced Steve and Bucky to everyone. It was a few minutes before you returned with tears in your eyes, Steve started making his way to you.
“Hey, doll is everything okay?” Steve rubbed your shoulders voice laced with concern.
You took a shaky breath. “I, um, I ruined the roast and it just, it is one of Connor’s favorites and it’s ruined.”
Steve hated that you looked like you were going to burst into tears over a ruined roast. Why were you so nervous over a simple mistake? Before he could ask, Connor made his way over with Bucky close on his heels. 
“Is everything okay over here?” Connor looked pointedly at you.
“Honey, I’m sorry, I ruined the roast. I have some pasta I can make with a simple sauce,” You offered.
“But sweetheart, everyone was really excited about the roast. Is there anything we can do to fix it?” Connor asked exasperatedly. 
Bucky placed a hand on Steve’s shoulder and he realized he was clenching his fists and moving forward to intervene. You were clearly upset, how couldn’t Connor see that? 
“I don’t think I can fix it Connor, please, can I just make the pasta?” You looked at the ground and stiffened when Connor pulled you into a hug. 
You didn’t melt into him like you did with Steve. You seemed stiff, but you let him place a kiss on your lips and lead you back into the kitchen.
“Easy, Steve. Just because he’s curt doesn’t mean you can act like a hero. She isn’t a damsel in distress.” Bucky gently warned.
Steve shook his head. “She’s the strongest person I know, Buck. Something’s not right here.”
Bucky nodded in agreement. “Let her tell us that Steve. Just be her friend.”
Steve clenched his jaw and took in a deep breath. When Connor returned to the dining room Steve craned his neck to look into the kitchen where he saw you crying chopping an onion.
“There’s been a slight change in the menu tonight, we had a little snafu with the stove so how does Pasta Primavera sound?” Connor asked, clapping his hands together.
“If Sparky is making it, then I’m sure it’ll be the best thing I’ve ever had,” Bucky grinned.
The rest of the group clapped and Connor made his way over to the bar to pour himself a drink.
“Hey Buck, can you keep Connor busy? I want to check on-” Bucky cut Steve off.
“Go, I’ll handle him,” Bucky cracked his neck and walked over to Connor.
You were sauteing vegetables when Steve came up next to you.
“Is everything okay, doll?” 
Steve placed a gentle hand on your back and you jumped.
“Jesus, Steve, I didn’t hear you. Can I get you something?” You gave a short chuckle.
“I’m worried about you. Is Connor treating you right?” 
Your eyes snapped to his and he saw anger flare in your eyes. He took a step back as you pointed a wooden spoon at him.
“Connor takes care of me just fine Steve. He loves me and he shows me as much. He’s not afraid to tell me what he wants.” Tears fell from your eyes and you angrily wiped at them.
“Doll I just want you to be happy.”
“Well, you don’t have to worry Steve. I am happy. Just a little stressed, and you would know that if you were around more.”
Steve felt his heart fall into his stomach. He reached out and pulled you into a hug, rocking you back and forth, rubbing soothing circles on your back. He felt you grab a fistful of his shirt and breathe in his cologne. Your body relaxed into his touch and soon you were pulling away smiling.
“Well, Cap. I have vegetables to sautee so get out of my kitchen and let me work.” You smiled at him. A real one that reached your eyes.
“Alright, alright. I can’t wait to taste it, smells delicious.” Steve kissed your forehead.
He walked back into the dining room and saw Bucky’s vibranium death grip on Connor’s shoulders as he told a story. Steve made his way over to the two and grabbed a tumbler off the bar cart.
“Hey, what are you two talking about?” Steve poured whiskey into his glass.
“I was just telling Connor about our Howling Commando’s days. Remember when I took out that guard from 100 meters away? In the rain?” Bucky forced a laugh.
“Yeah, no one ever did see you coming,” Steve added.
Connor gulped down the rest of his drink and stood up. “Well that’s fascinating but I should go check on my girlfriend.”
Connor gave Steve a pointed look before walking away.
“Were you spending that time scaring him?” Steve laughed.
“I wanted to make sure he knew what we were capable of,” Bucky stated. 
Dinner went off without any more issues. Steve swore pasta Primavera was his new favorite dish. After dinner people started filtering out until it was just the four of them enjoying cocktails. Steve and Bucky were sitting on the couch while Connor sat in his chair with you on the arm. The more you drank the louder you got. Steve thought it was so cute how animated your face became while you were trying to tell a story through tears of laughter. After restarting the story for the third time Steve saw Connor tap your thigh while keeping a steady gaze on you. When you brushed him off, continuing with your story he did it again, hard enough that you jumped. Your drink dribbling down the side of the glass.
“Darling, you’ve had a bit too much to drink, why don’t we call it a night?” Connor urged.
Your smile dropped and you stood quickly. “You’re right honey I’m sorry. You have court in the morning.”
You placed your drink on the table while Steve and Bucky stood. You started moving to the door on unsteady feet. Steve watched as Connor remained seated, finishing his drink as you grabbed Steve and Bucky’s coats.
“You didn’t have to do that doll, we could have gotten them ourselves,” Steve said, grabbing his coat from your hands.
“Don’t worry about it Steve, what kind of host would I be if I wasn’t accommodating,” your words almost sounded rehearsed.
Steve took in a breath to speak when Connor walked up to you and put his arm over your shoulders pulling you close.
“Like she said, I do have court pretty early tomorrow. Thanks for coming, always a treat to have real Avengers slumming it with us regular folk.”
“Connor enough,” you stated pointedly.
Steve watched Connor squeeze your shoulder causing you to look down. Bucky grabbed Steve’s arm before he could react.
“Thanks for the delicious meal Sparky. It was one of the best I’ve ever had,” Bucky praised as his gaze shifted to Connor. “I hope we get a chance to continue our conversation. I have a few stories that I’m sure you’re dying to hear.”
Connor visibly gulped. 
“You’re an amazing cook doll, we are very happy we came. It’s like we got to see a whole different side of you,” Steve stated sadly.
Bucky and Steve left your apartment and started walking home.
“Steve I know what you’re gonna say and don’t,” Bucky warned.
“Buck, he's not treating her right. She should be with someone who knows her worth and makes sure she remembers it. Not him,” Steve fumed.
“You can’t make these decisions for her. She’s smart, she wouldn’t do something that makes her unhappy,” Bucky reasoned.
“I’m going to talk to her again,” Steve resolved as Bucky sighed. “When I can spend some time alone with her.”
“Steve. You are my best friend and I love you but you are also the dumbest person on the planet.” Bucky lamented.
Steve scoffed and stopped walking. “I’m dumb because I want to make sure she’s happy? Being treated right?”
Bucky shook his head and sighed. “No, you’re dumb because you could have been her reason to be happy and you threw it away. Now you’re going to confront her, again, for dating someone you don’t like.”
“I can’t stand around and do nothing. He’s not right for her Buck.”
“I know. You do what you think you need to do, but I’m warning you. It’s not going to go how you expect it to.” Bucky continued walking.
Steve caught up to Bucky and continued walking in silence. He knew what he needed to say to you. Bucky didn’t see you in the kitchen, he didn’t catch the way you flinched at Connor’s touch. He didn’t hear the way you said you were stressed as if you had been this whole time. He knew you better than anyone else and could see through you. He couldn’t just sit back and watch the fiery person you are being replaced with this someone he barely recognized. He was going to talk to you again when it was just the two of you. You were his best friend, you’d listen to him.
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lilsocksiswriting · 4 years
Stuck in A Cabin in a Snowstorm, What Did You Think Was Going To Happen?
Fandom: Haikyuu
Paring: Bokuto X Fem!reader
Summary: You accuse Bokuto of hiding heating packs in his  sweats while stuck in a cabin during snowstorm.
Warnings: NSFW, no beta, minors DNI
Tags: College AU,  Hand job, Fingering, pussy eating, Light overstimulation, 
Word Count:  3283
I promise this whole blog won't be just Bokuto. I just really like that himbo
This was ridiculous, but you keep telling yourself that things could be worse. You could be stuck out in the snowstorm instead of inside in front of a cozy fire. But who leaves their cabin unlocked? What cabin didn’t have electricity in this day and age? And more importantly, why do you have to be stranded in a cabin with him.
You set it in front of the fireplace and it's decent fire. Whoever owned the cabin had a large stockpile of wood kept nice and dry under a thick tarp outside. Between the fire and Bokuto setting behind you not one part of your body was cold, yet you couldn’t settle down. Mainly in part that you hated that Bokuto was right about sharing body heat.
“They said that rescue would be here first thing in the morning right?”, you ask Bokuto for the third time. The cabin wasn’t quite out in the middle of nowhere so you two had cell service, but your phone had died and Bukoto’s was at 10% now which meant he had to conserve that battery power until rescue got here. 
You feel his chest expand then deflate as he lets out a sigh, “Yes Y/N they’ll be here bright and early. Just not soon enough.”
“Rude," you pout, " I'm great company."
“No, rude is asking me the same question five times now.
“Excuse me," you try setting up a little straighter, "it's only been three.”
“Three too many.”, the athlete scoffs.
“You’re insufferable,” you shift around more adding, “and uncomfy.”
You hear him swallow thickly then say in a strained voice like you were testing his patience, “You know I really wish you wouldn't do that.”
You don’t stop shifting as you complain, “Well I really wish I wasn’t stuck in this cabin setting on an itchy bearskin rug with you.”
You suddenly freeze when you feel something poking your lower back. No way. No fucking way. You scamper away from Bokuto and turn your body to face him. Sure enough between his open Legs was a bulge in the crotch of his gray sweats he wore under his snowsuit.
“Bullshit.”, is your response to the sight. 
Meeting his gaze Bukoto’s glaring at you, but that wasn’t new and neither is his annoyed  tone, “What did you just say?”
You try to act like you aren’t phased by the deep tone, “I-there’s no way you're that big. What are you hiding in there?” your eyes narrow, ”Heating packs?”
“What?" he's confused for a split second, "No! I told you to stop squirming!”
“I didn’t do that,”  you deny what you had done and repeat, “And there’s no way in hell you're that big.”
“Well I am.”, he tells you in a matter-of-fact voice.
“No, you’re not. Were you trying to impress that girl in our gen Ed English class? The one that’s always making eyes at you?”
“No- wait she likes me?”
You roll your eyes, “Yes, but not the point. What do you have in your pants Bokuto.”
“My Dick.”
“Bull. Shit.”
“I’m not lying!”, he groans though his head back and gives you a nice view of the way his Adam's apple bobs for a moment.
You cross your arms setting up a little straighter, voice becoming more serious, "Then show me.”
There was a long pause. It takes a moment for what you were demanding him to do to register in Bokuto’s head, “I’m not showing my dick Y/N.”
“Because it's fake. I mean look at it,” you point an accusing finger at the bulge, “How are you still hard.”
Bokuto suddenly becomes bashful looking off to the side. The dim light from the fire is all the lighting you need to see the red inching up his neck, “Seeing you angry it's... kinda hot ok.”
“That,” you scoff, “ is a blatant lie.” Though a small part of wishes that it wasn’t, “Just admit that you're lying about having a big dick. It makes you look worse when you’re still trying to lie about it”
“Fuck! Fine,” Bokuto Throws up his hands then slams back down on the rug with a dull thud and pushes himself off the ground, “You wanna see it so bad.”, he says in a voice that’s low, threatening, and hot.
Time seemed to slow down as he steps towards your spot on the rug.  Bokuto pulls down the waistband of his sweats and his erection springs out right in your face. The mushroom tip already flushed and red and drooling a slimy bead of clear pre-cum. A thick vein runs along the underside of a thicker shaft, all of which sat above a heavy set of balls. And yes, the carpet did match the drapes like the girls in your gen ed English class wondered a little too loudly.
You sit there staring at the monster of a cock Bokuto really does have with your mouth hanging open. Bokuto has half a mind to shove it down your throat if you're just going to sit like that. It's like you were waiting for him too.
Your jaw snaps shut, mouth pressing in a thin line. You didn't want it to be true.  It would just further make Bokuto out to be as perfect as everyone thought he was.
"A Prosthetic," you come to a possible conclusion, "You're wearing a fake one."
You clip your glare up just in time to see the man fisting his salt and pepper hair then running his hands down his face, "Are you fucking serious Y/N? My dick's right in your face and You think it's fake?”
"Yea. I do."
You shrug, not wanting to admit the childish reason why "I just do."
"Ok,” Bokuto breaths coming to his own conclusion, "then touch it."
In your shock you choke out, "Wh-what.
Your expression puts a smirk on his face. He puts his hands and his hips and bounces on the heels of his socked feet making his heavy cock bounce as well.
"Go on,” he challenges, “If you're so sure that my dick’s fake then see for yourself."
Your eyes flick from Bokuto's smug look to his weeping cock.
"Well?", he prompts impatiently.
You not being able to say no to a challenge, especially ones from the likes of the star athlete, reach your hand up. You swallow thickly when your hand wraps around the thick base which it can barely do. The erection was warm, weighty and firm in your hand. You can feel it pulse under your palm. All things pointing to the penis in your hand being very real. When you give it a sharp tug everything stays intact. You begin to stroke his shaft slowly, trying to find any indication of it being fake.
Bokuto trembles under your touch letting out a shaky breath. Under it, You hear him say, “Holy Fuck Y/N.”
Looking back up Bokuto is looking down at you as you jerk him off in shallow strokes. His eyes are dark and clouded, his lips are parted slightly, and his breath comes out in shakey huffs. A quiet moan slips past your lips as Bokuto needly bucks his hips into your fist. Even though Bokuto is standing over you, you feel like you have all the power over him, and you love it.
But Bokuto doesn't. Don't get him wrong, he could just cum from feeling and seeing your hand wrapped around his dick. It was that devilish smirk that spreads across your face as you jerk him off faster knowing he has no power over your hand that makes him feel weak.
 He tries to play it cool, "S-So, real enough for you?"
"Not quite. I need to finish my inspection before I decide that.", you say slyly and it fills Bokuto with both dread and arousal. Just what were you planning on doing to him?
“Then by all means inspect away.” 
The more that you stroke his cock the more Bokuto was coming to undone. By now you had already come to terms with Bokuto's penis being real. But admitting that was the last thing on your mind. You sit on your knees a little straighter, open your mouth, and look up at Bokuto not waiting for his permission.
"Fuck Y/N if you do that. If you put in my month -I’m going to cum.", Bokuto frantically informs you, his voice cracking and desperate to feel your hot mouth.
 You keep looking up at the athlete's face as you lay the head flat on your tongue close to your lips around it. You want to take more, see if you could make it past your gag reflex, but Bokuto wasn't kidding. His hands clench at his hoodie as his jaw goes slack and his mouth hangs open letting out one lang shaky moan.  His cum fills your mouth quickly and seeps down you though causing you to swallow or gag.
As he's calming down from his short high Bokuto smirks. Now it was your turn to be bashful and look away as you wipe your mouth with the back of your hand.
"Real enough for you?”
"I don't know. Tastes a little too sweet."
"Because I eat a lot of fruit."
"Excuses, excuses.", you retort.
Bokuto rolls his eyes. He's not done arguing with you. He'll never get tired of getting riled up, but right now he wants other things from you, “Yea yea, now lay down.”
“Oh are you going to make sure my pussy is real now?”, you tease but you’re already laying down on your elbows and spreading your legs so Bokuto can make himself comfortable between them.
Bokuto laughs resting his head against your clothes thigh looking up at you with darken eyes, ”Oh I'm very sure that it’s real and I'm very sure I can ruin it.”
“Ha,”  you put on a confident front but your eyes are  already clouding over with lust, ”I’d like to see you try.”
“Oh you will”,  Bokuto says, not about to let you have the last word.
Bokuto gets to stripping you of everything below your waist. Once he has your bar and the lips of your pussy spread out with his thumbs his mouth latches onto the sensitive pearl between them in a messy kiss. The sudden sucking and feeling of his tongue flat against your clit causes you to take a sharp inhale of breath and kick out a leg. Bokuto makes a ‘hmp’ sound and throws the leg over his shoulder.
 He pushes a finger into your slick heat then soon after another. It only takes the two to stretch you, but he doesn’t stop until he has four fingers  fucking your sloppy cunt.  All that time practicing those razor-sharp cross shots made his fingers calloused. They drag along your wall and press against a particle's soft bundle of nerves in ways that have you seeing stars. 
But just as your walls start to flutter around them Bokuto pulls his fingers and mouth away before you cum. You don’t even care about the pitiful wine that comes out of you because of how unfair Bokuto was being. He can hover over you and smirk like he won something all he wants. It wasn't fair that you got him to cum and he wasn't going to do the same for you.
“Aww, what’s wrong Y/N”, he pants, and it doesn't take a genius to know that he's stroking himself.
“Ass,“ you exhale, ”Do you leave all the women you sleep with this  unsatisfied?”
“Never, I’d just rather make you cum on my dick.”
On instinct you want to retort with a small dick joke, but you can’t when you have already been proven wrong on that. And being honest with yourself didn't sound half bad. His fingers were thick and rough in all the right ways and his tongue was so warm and wet, but his dick was a whole different story. Bokuto looks like he could rearrange your guts and why the hell not? You were on the pill anyway.
“You know how to use that thing?”
He gives you a blank look, ”I've had this thing for 22 years.”
 “So has a lot of other mediocre dudes.”
“You really like to get under my skin, don’t you Y/N.”,  he growls, his blank look turning into a dangerous smirk
 You smirk right back reaching your arms up and looping them around Bokuto’s neck. You do the same with your legs around his waist, locking your ankles together, ‘And I can do it all night, but I want you to put your money where your mouth is and show me rather or not you know how to use that monster cock of yours.”
“Oh so you're admitting it’s real now?”, He says lining up his penis with your soaking hole.
The comeback you have dies in your throat and you left your mouth gaping as he pushes in. Shit, shit, shit he was so fucking big. You can feel every inch being pushed inside you, stretching you in ways his fingers could never.
Bokuto stiffed his jaw forcing himself to go slow. Too fast and he would hurt, but too slow and he can enjoy how your face contorts between pleasure and pain. He lets a shaky huff of air when he finally bottoms out in you fitting nicely against your cervix. You both stare at each other panting, pupils blown.  Bokuto thinks you look so beautiful like this;  breathless, skin flushed pink, and eyes full of want for only him. It's a look he could get used to.
“Why the hell are you panting?” You ask slightly annoyed, “You aren’t the one being split in half here.”
“Y/N, it is taking everything I have not to move for you. I don’t wanna hurt you.”
You take that as both an insult and Bokuto just wanting to make sure you feel nothing but Pleasure. "Well, I’m not some fragile little thing. So move.”
Bokuto pulls back his hips until only an inch of his cock is left inside you, "You’re going to regret bossing me around like that.”  then slams into you.
It was like you here being stretched all over again. But as Bokuto continues to hump into you the burning pain soon fades. Bokuto's thick cock keeps filling you up over and over with each thrust. His dick dragging along that bundle of nerves from before and kissing your cervix makes wither in delight. Seeing you come undone so quickly further fuels his ego.
"You know for someone who acts like they hate me you sure do seem to love my fat cock."
All you can form are moans as Bokuto continues to fuck you at a growing pace. You are faintly aware of the grunts he makes from above and the wet slaps that echo through the tint cabin. But for the most part, all you can think about is the way he fucking your soaking pussy is bring you closer and closer to a huge orgasm you're not sure your body can handle.
“M’gonna- fuuuuuck Bo-,” your walls suddenly clench around him and refused to let go,” Cummin~  of god! ahhhh~” 
Bokuto follows you soon after you. His thrusts became more erratic as he fucks you through your orgasm and reaches his own. In one more powerful thrust Bokuto moans your name against your skin coating your convulsing walls with his cum.
"So was that real enough for you?", Bokuto can't help but ask as he and you catch your breath.
All it takes is a little push from Bokuto to fall over and let you roll on top of him. Before Bokuto's duck can go soft you start to softly rock your hips. Bokuto gasps and throws his head back. His big hands grip your waist but do nothing stop you. You wait until the athlete looks back up at you to strip off the rest of your clothes. His face was downright adorable. You've barely even done anything and you can already see he was getting overstimulated. His mouth was open, panting like a dog, jaw trembling, and eyes blurring.
"Aww what's wrong Bo?" you mock him as he did with you earlier. You quickly rid yourself of your sweatshirt and reach around unclasp your bra, "Is the star ace already out of stamina? Can he not handle a real pussy?"
"I'm still sensitive-" he's cut off by his own winey moan as you start to bounce on his hardening cock, "oh, fuck, fuck, Y/N  you look so fucking good on top of me."
"Yea?"  you smile as Bokuto continues to stare at your tits as they bounce along with you.
"You can look and touch you, oaf," You chuckle, taking Bokuto's hands off your hips and placing them on your breasts.
You let out a low moan when he gives them an experimental squeeze. Your hands slip back down and under Bokuto's hoodie where they come to rest against his chest. Bokuto doesn't even seem to register you putting your weight on him so that you can ride him faster. He can definitely feel the change in tempo.
You really start to feel the burn in your thighs but you refuse to give up riding Bokuto as hard as you can. He looks like he was about to cum and so were you. 
"So much," he moans,"you going milk me dry."
"That is the pint," you pant, " But  I can't sto-"
"No! please. I'm so close to cumming again and you feel so good bouncing on my cock. Shit, and your tits feel so good too.”
You dig your nails into Bokuto’s chest. He bucks his hips into which seem to be all that was needed to send you into your third orgasm. Feeling his seed releasing inside your messy heat has you creaming on his cock. Your third orgasm racks through your body. You fall forward and bury your face in the soft fabric of Bokuto’s hoodie inhaling his scent as your body continues to tremble. 
You stay like that for a bit, at least until the world stops feeling so light and Bokuto’s seed has begun to leak from your plugged cunt. He's flipping you two around and smiling down at you and you're confused fucked out face.
“What? You thought the starting ace would be tired after a few rounds? I can go all night Baby.”
You  smile back meeting his challenge, ”Bet you can?”
rounds of sex later you and Bokuto bask in the warm glow of the fire. Both of you are too tired to care if recuse finds you like this naked with Bokuto's dried cum between your thighs.
Bokuto's rubbing  a hand up and down your spine when he asks you, "So why do you hate me?"
your eyes were closed listing the heat beat but you were still awake enough to hear him and felt that since he spent so much time ruining all other men for you he deserved to know, "You're a great person, but you just kinda seem entitled. Like you assume everyone will like you. You don't earn it."
"That's all? You don't like me because I haven’t earned it from you?"
you nod.
"Oh! Then that's an easy fix. I just have to earn your friendship, then your love."
"One step at a time."
"And step one is asking you to go out for coffee when we make it back.”, you can hear the beaming smile in his voice.
And you can disagree with the offer,” Coffee doesn't sound bad.
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Upon request, we’ve added to our friends to lovers rec list. You can find part one here and there will also be a part three (and possibly a part four!) up eventually, which will be linked here when it’s been posted. We hope you enjoy these fics! Happy reading.
1) Roses In The Rain | Mature | 5267 words
“Don’t- I know what you’re going to ask, and I… Harry, I can’t,” he said, his voice cracking. “Please. You know that I can’t.”
Louis had his six siblings and his old house with its falling-apart porch to take care of. This town was where people still approached him, 8 years after high school graduation, to tell him that they loved him as Danny in Grease. This town was where he had his pick of suitors, where he had his first kiss, where he took his first steps, where his mama lived, died, and was buried, and he couldn’t leave just to follow some man that he loved.
Harry, for now, seemed to understand that.
“Okay, baby,” Harry sighed, rubbing his eyes. “Okay.”
2) Candy In Your Mouth (I Know You Love Me) | Explicit | 6937 words
Things have shifted since last Christmas.
3) Glimpse Of The Silhouettes | Explicit | 7181 words
Harry isn't sure what the rules are for this. It's hard to believe that there are any, that's there's a handbook just waiting for him to buy: why is my best mate getting hard in my lap when I touch his arse?
4) Woke Up Feeling Knotty | Explicit | 7903 words
Beta Louis has a kink for knotting and the secret aesthetic porn blog he runs about it is more than proof.  When he accidentally finds out his alpha best friend Harry is one of his biggest fans, he knows he has to come clean after everything that has already happened between them.  Harry just might be willing to help him out anyway.
5) A Love Reaction | Explicit | 9968 words
It's never been a thing. Not until now.
6) Got It Right Such A Long Time Ago | Explicit | 9699 words
Four months into One Direction's hiatus, Louis comes to stay with Harry after a bad breakup.
7) (You're Gonna See Me In A) New Light | Mature | 13631 words
A fake relationship AU where everyone knows it's real but Louis.
8) As A Memento From Me | Explicit | 15817 words
Five lives in which Harry and Louis didn’t end up together, and one in which they did.
9) I Put A Spell On You | Explicit | 17525
A BBC/Secret Santa mashup featuring Captain Niall, our intrepid weatherman/amateur matchmaker, rather clueless sports reporter Liam, charming political analyst Zayn, and cheeky entertainment reporter Louis. Harry is the new fashion correspondent who prefers to dress like a flamingo. And pining. There’s a lot of pining.
10) Oblivious | Explicit | 19095 words
Where Louis gets a little crush on Luke and for some reason Harry starts acting weird.
11) Break Open The Sky | Explicit | 20372 words
Werewolf AU. Harry might be a werewolf, but he still wants to experience Uni like everyone else. Turns out he learns a lot.
12) Runnin’ Like You Did | Explicit | 20061 words
The college AU where Louis knows how to hold a grudge and is definitely not in love with Harry Styles.
13) UN(RE)SOLVED. | Explicit | 20873 words
The ghoul boys are back, but this time around there are some unresolved feelings involved. Harry is a skeptic, Louis is not. Watch them go on their ongoing investigation into the question: are ghosts real?
14) Hats Off To My Distant Hope | Explicit | 20990 words
Harry is in White Eskimo. Louis is in London.
15) The Way The Storms Blow | Explicit | 20649 words
Louis doesn’t have a habit of thinking about Harry’s dick.
That would be weird, seeing as they’re best mates, and they share a flat, and they’ve spent holidays at each other’s family homes. Their friendship hasn’t ever risen to a point where Louis should want to see his mate’s dick, and he’s happy to keep it that way.
Except, all that Louis can think about is exactly that. The size of it. The shape. The amount of people it’s been in.
Maybe it’s the tequila talking, or the fact that Louis’ just recently walked in to an eyeful of Harry taking turns on some slags that he’s never seen before, but. Louis’ mind can’t stop obsessing over the idea.
16) Love Like Wildfire | Explicit | 21774 words
Louis was an Omega and a Prefect. Harry was an Alpha and a little rascal. They were mates, drawn to each other since they first met in the Hogwarts Express. They worked well like that, or at least they tried, which only made their relationship way more interesting.
17) Indestructible | Explicit | 24423 words
“Hi,” Harry murmurs, and Louis hiccups out a sob.
“Hi,” he manages, still clutching onto Harry’s shoulders. Harry’s fingers drift across Louis’ cheeks, and there’s something off about Harry’s expression, but Louis can’t figure out what it is.
“I’m okay,” Harry says, and Louis is going to say something to that, even if he doesn’t know what, except Harry’s kissing him.
Louis freezes.
18) A Whole New World | Not Rated | 24967 words
Louis has moved into his new apartment to start his new job as a teacher. Things would be great. If only his arsehole neighbour didn't wake him up every morning by playing piano.
19) Another Day Gettin’ Into Trouble | Explicit | 25619 words
Harry’s drunk when the idea occurs to him. He’s also a pop star, so sometimes his drunk ideas turn into actual things instead of just ideas. The clone-a-willy kit is one of them.
In Harry’s defense, when he first thinks about it his intention is just to buy the kit and give it to Louis to make his own dildo with, because that’s what he wants anyway, right? To have a penis filling him up?
Then he realizes that it would be weird if Louis made a copy of his own dick to fuck himself with. It’d be super weird. Louis fucking himself? That’s a weird idea. Harry’s pretty sure Louis wouldn’t like that.
Clearly the only solution here is to use his own dick for the mold.
20) Brooklyn Saw Me | Explicit | 28537 words
In the cold and unforgiving city of New York, Louis doesn't have a home and Harry wants to give him one. But as their heartstrings become increasingly intertwined, and the snow continues to fall, home is getting harder and harder to find.
21) Rivers ‘Til I Reach You | Explicit | 29315 words
AU. Louis studies astronomy; Harry studies Louis. They spend their summers on the water and it shouldn't be complicated (spoiler: it is).
22) If Ignorance Be Bliss | Mature | 30429 words
Uni AU: Harry is too experienced, and Louis just wants to get to experience him.
23) Blind From This Sweet, Sweet Craving | Explicit | 31170 words
"So, I guess we'll go?" Louis asks later, when Harry has calmed down and eaten his weight in Chinese food. He plays with this chopsticks, spearing another piece of chicken and pops it in his mouth. "I mean, I wouldn't mind. We could make it an adventure."
Harry observes him, watches him seated across from him on their old living room carpet, with a container of food on his lap. He's fidgeting, avoiding meeting Harry's gaze–he probably knows that Harry's mad at him for ruining the one chance they had to get out of this situation. And he's not wrong, Harry is definitely very mad. Harry wants to strangle him and castrate him and smack him upside the head.
But he's also Harry's best friend, and despite everything, despite all the fuck-ups and the plot twists and everything just not playing out the way it should, he'd still rather be stuck in this situation with Louis than any of the other boys. He's got Harry's back, and in a weird, abstract way, he knows they'll be able to get out of this situation, together.
Harry sighs. "We're going," he says resignedly, his shoulders slumping.
Oh well. There are definitely worse ways to spend the weekend than pretending to be engaged to his best friend.
24) Welcome Back From The Friend Zone | Mature | 32354 words
The one where an idea to create a fake wedding with the sole intent to receive gifts from billionaires took a turn no one, but also everyone, saw coming.
25) The List | Mature | 32074 words
'In the weeks that follow, Harry opens his old journal more than he has in the past two years each time he remembers Venice or thinks about Louis. He always flips to the same random page in the middle of the book, marked by the picture of himself that Louis sent him a few days after they got home. There’s a message on the back that says, ‘Spontaneous looks good on you! See you soon,’ and it makes Harry’s chest warm each time he reads it. He wedges their list out from between the worn pages, and it feels silly staring down at a folded up piece of paper with a strange sense of nostalgia for experiences they’ve yet to have; for places they’ve never even been.'
26) Mark My Word (We Gon’ Be Alright) | Explicit | 35524 words
An A/B/O AU featuring an oblivious Harry as the pack leader, a pining Louis as his second-in-command, and an entourage of friends and family who are a little too good at keeping their mouths shut.
27) The Sun Will Rise With My Name On Your Lips | Explicit | 37927 words
When Eleanor breaks up with Louis he finds it hard to keep pretending that Harry isn’t what he’s wanted since the day he first met him.
28) Runner On Third | Explicit | 39643 words
Note: The sequel to this fic is not BL.
The AU where Louis and Harry were best friends growing up, but lost touch after Harry moved away. Ten years later, Harry has moved back to town, but he and Louis don't pick up where they left off.
29) My Sweetest Downfall | Mature | 42048 words
Louis is a retired guardian angel. After the death of his last charge, he became jaded. Humans die—what use is prolonging the inevitable?
He's more than happy to forget about humanity altogether until one day, when Louis is pulled from his desk job for a new assignment: protect One Direction's Harry Styles. It doesn't help that there's something about Harry that Louis can't resist, and it's making him question everything he's ever known. Humans are strictly off limits, and breaking that rule means risking everything, but Harry just might be worth it.
This is a story about forgiveness and discovery, featuring an angel who wants to be a little more human and a human who is so much more than he seems.
30) For the Sake of Propriety | Mature | 52360 words
Louis Tomlinson is the caretaker of an estate that is not truly his, and when his Uncle calls upon him to take it back, Louis knows he will soon be out on the streets with four overly zealous sisters to care for.  His only solution: wed the eldest two off and pray for the best.  When an even better solution unexpectedly presents itself in the form of the charming Mr. Styles, Louis is faced with a difficult choice.  But as with all things in the regency era, reputation very well may threaten to outweigh the fleeting matters of his heart.
31) The Bachelor | Explicit | 53953 words
The one where Harry dates six other guys and still falls in love with Louis Tomlinson.
32) We’ve Got the World in Our Hands | Explicit | 54964 words
Note: This fic has been locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
A mutants/superpowers AU. Louis and his friends attend the Cowell Institute for General Education and Mutant Training in London; when Louis meets Harry, the newest student at the Cowell Institute, he immediately recruits Harry to help play matchmaker for his friend Zayn. Harry and Louis are so caught up in meddling in Zayn's love life, though, that they don't notice that their own friendship is progressing into something more. Meanwhile, an ominous threat up north grows slowly until suddenly, no mutant - or human - is safe.
33) Waiting For The Tides To Meet | Explicit | 49873 words
Soulmate AU. Everyone is born with heterochromia — one eye is their own eye colour, while the other is the colour of their soulmate's. It's only when they meet their soulmate for the first time that their own eyes match properly. After a hazy night at a frat party, Louis wakes up to blue eyes and the shocking realization that he had met his soulmate, without any sober recollection. Seven years pass where Louis comes to terms with the fact that he'll never know who his soulmate is. Then one fated summer, a beautiful green-eyed photographer arrives at Louis' workplace, with promises of endless laughter and a familiar feeling in Louis' heart.
34) Since I’ve Found You | Mature | 74005 words
Louis woke up on the morning he was meant to volunteer at the Feed the Homeless program at St. Mary's church hoping for an opportunity to give back a little to a city that has given him everything he could ever want. Little did he know, there was one more great thing waiting there for him; a boy with radiant green eyes in a weathered jacket and a beat-up backpack slung over his shoulders.
35) Saving Symphony Hall | Mature | 124766 words
Note: This fic is a sequel to this fic.
“I think I have an idea,” Louis said. Slowly, and reluctantly, but with a growing sense of the inevitable. “God damnit, I think I have a really good idea.”
“Oh christ, that's the problem-solving face,” Babs said. “Last time we saw that face, he sold a company.”
“Wait, what?” Zayn asked.
“Right place, right time,” Louis said. “Also, fuck my life,”
“What?” Zayn repeated. Niall patted his hand.
“I usually just roll with whatever Louis is about to do,” he said. “It’s better for us all.”
“That’s the attitude,” said Louis, “I’ll tell you tomorrow. Tonight, I need to do some research. Zayn, give me your number. I’m gonna save our symphony.”
36) Falling Into You | Mature | 143517 words
In the grand scheme of adolescence and boyhood, Harry was still working himself out, so far with little luck. But four things he could say for certain: 1) he'd been at the top of his class all through primary and secondary school, 2) he was the shittiest alpha to ever walk the earth, 3) Liam Payne never let him forget it, and 4) he’d been in love with this boy, Louis Tomlinson, ever since he was fifteen years old.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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axwalker · 4 years
Tears in Heaven 8: Revelations
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Synopsis: Alexis O’Brien is about to get married but memories of her old life are coming back to haunt her.
Pairings: Liam x MC Drake x MC (TRR)
Warnings:  NO ONE UNDER 18 should read this story. This is an 18+ blog.
This story will deal with very dark subjects such as death, severe depression and suicide attempt (among others) if you’re triggered by any of those issues, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS STORY
To catch up: Masterlist
Disclaimer: All characters belong to Pixelberry.
Word count: 6,495
Songs inspiration: Tears in heaven by Eric Clapton
Thank you,  @burnsoslow for being the absolute MVP of this chapter. You helped me find my story back. And, of course for correcting my numerous English mistakes ... 😋  @mskaneko for creating the amazing GIF of Drake and Alexis. @pedudley​ Thank you for beta reading and your great feedback. I LOVE YOU ALL ❤️❤️!!
Liam adjusted his tie and put on his suit jacket. He sat on the bed next to Alexis, who was still sleeping, and ran the back of his hand over her cheek, careful not to wake her up. He had arrived late from Valtoria the night before, so they hadn't had a chance to talk after Bertrand's party. Since Drake's return, Liam was worried about Alexis and their relationship. She seemed different, nervous, on edge. He hadn't seen her that agitated since she had left the clinic three years ago. To make matters worse, Tom's birthday and that damned conciliatory hearing were taking place soon, only days from each other.
What if it was too much for her? What if seeing Drake brought back her old feelings for him? Maybe he should contact Rashad and ask him if the hearing was the only way to get the divorce. Liam couldn't bear the thought of losing her. After 10 years of loving Alexis, he would be damned if he was going to let Drake ruin their wedding and life together. Not now that Alexis finally loved him back.
Alexis stirred on the bed and opened her eyes. Liam smiled at her.
“Good morning, love." He leaned in to give her a soft kiss. "Were you able to work last night at the coffeehouse?"
Alexis knew that Liam wasn't going to be pleased about her afternoon with Drake. Liam was still jealous of him, and her old marriage was a sore subject between them. But she refused to lie. 
Alexis brought her knees against her chin and hugged herself. "I didn't work much. I ran into Drake, and we talked for a while."
Liam stiffened. His eyes narrowed as he spoke to her. "What do you mean, 'you ran into him'? Is he following you?"
Alexis rolled her eyes. "Please, Liam. Of course not. It was a coincidence. We just talked."
 "About what?" Liam inquired.
 "About our jobs, our new lives. Nothing important," she answered, uncomfortable with the questioning.
 Liam observed her eyes darting; there was something Alexis wasn't telling him. "That's it?" he insisted.
"Yes, that's it." Drake touching her face hadn't meant anything. Liam didn't need to know about it.
 Liam took Alexis's hand. "To be honest, I'm a bit nervous about that court hearing with him next week. I'd prefer it if you never had to see him again, darling."
 "It'll be fine, Li. According to Rashad, the hearing is fast. In one week, we'll sign the papers, and then you and I will be able to marry. Don't worry," she reassured him with a smile.
 Liam nodded. He took her hand and kissed it. "How are you feeling with… with everything else?" he asked, frowning.
 Every year, when her son's birthday arrived, she broke, relieving his last celebration over and over again. Every year, Alexis wondered if she really had been that utterly happy or if her mind was idealizing her old family life. Every year, in the days preceding that date, Liam walked on eggshells trying to avoid the subject. Sometimes Alexis asked herself if it wouldn't be better if he'd force her to talk about her son. But it wasn't in Liam's nature. And she didn't want to burden him even more, so neither of them spoke about it openly.
 Alexis tried to comfort him. "I'll be fine, Li. Thank you for everything you do for me. I mean it." She tugged Liam's hand, pulling his body to hers, and kissed him. "What time do you need me to be at the university for the Opening Ceremony?" she asked. 
 Liam aimed to improve education in Valtoria by creating as many schools and universities as possible. One of Alexis' duties as the future Duchess was to make an appearance on the day of the opening, cut the inaugural ribbon, and smile for the press: a job she hated but did to make Liam happy.
 "At 11:00 sharp, darling. And I say this with all the love in the world: Please don't be late. Hana will be there waiting for you. Frantz will take you to Valtoria; he's the best driver there is."
 "I can drive to Valtoria myself; I enjoy the road," Alexis said as she stood up and put on her robe.
 "I'd feel better if he takes you, love. It's safer. And you'll be on time." 
 Alexis sighed; she was exasperated but didn't want to start a fight. "As you like. See you tonight at Valtoria for Leo's welcome dinner."
 "Are you going to be alright with Milos there?" Liam asked, worried, again.
 "Liam, please. I'll be fine." Alexis kissed him before stepping into the shower. "I better start getting ready."
 Hana Lee had been working for the Duke of Valtoria for five years. She was Liam Rhys' right hand. He was the person Hana admired the most in the world. Liam was handsome, intelligent, and worldly but extraordinarily kind and generous. He wanted to improve Valtoria in ways that Constantine, the former duke, hadn’t even imagined. Liam's enthusiasm was contagious; he truly loved his duchy, his people.
Hana would've loved to see him engaged to someone who shared his passion. The future duchess didn't seem very happy with her new role. Actually, Alexis never seemed completely happy anywhere. Hana had heard of her tragedy, like everyone else in Valtoria. She pitied her sincerely, but she wished that Alexis was more involved in her future husband's life. The duke was a formidable man. And his future wife didn't seem to appreciate him as much as he deserved.
 Emily Black, Hana's assistant, was waiting for her with a coffee and the guest list for the event. They had been working together for three years, and more than her assistant, Emily was a close friend. 
 "Is she coming?" Emily's contemptuous expression told Hana that she was talking about Alexis.
 "Yes, Emi, the future duchess is coming. The duke told me she'd be here at 11:00."
 "She's always late. She's so lucky to have this life and share her bed with that delicious man, and she doesn't even realize it," Emily criticized.
 Hana scolded her, "Emily! Please show some respect. That is the duke and the future duchess you're talking about, and there are some things you don't know about Alexis."
 "Sorry! I just meant that the great and honorable Duke of Valtoria is extremely hot." Emily giggled. "Admit it, Han, you think so, too."
 Hana shook her head, laughing. She would never confess it to her assistant, but she found Liam Rhys much more than attractive.
 At quarter to eleven, Alexis came into the university in an elegant burgundy suit with nude heels and soft makeup.
 "Alexis might hate to be a duchess, but she looks the part. She's gorgeous," Hana told Emily, slightly jealous. Of course Liam was in love with a woman like Alexis; he would never see Hana as anything else than his loyal right hand.
 Emily shrugged. "Yeah, she's not ugly, and maybe today she looks fine, but she's not you. You're much more beautiful and poised, Han. You'd be a perfect duchess," Emily claimed, convinced.
 Hana blushed. Making a difference in Valtoria was essential to her. But the handsome duke was her forbidden dream, and she would do anything for him. Including helping his fiancée.
 "Ms. O'Brien. Good morning," Hanna said respectfully, when Alexis finally reached them. Emily excused herself.
 "Please, Hana, as I told you before, you can call me Alexis. We'll have to work together often," Alexis said. She would've liked to have been closer to Hana. After all, they were the same age, and Hana seemed agreeable and smart. She could make a good friend when Alexis would be forced to move to Valtoria after the wedding. But Hana had always put a distance between them, and Alexis wasn't able to get past it.   
 Her old self would have been able to befriend Hana. Drake used to tease her because she loved to be friends with everyone she met. But Alexis' new personality wasn't happy and charismatic anymore. It was sad and bleak, tainted by tragedy. Alexis shook her head, sick of feeling sorry for herself.
 Drake woke up in good spirits, almost hopeful. For the first time in years, he would be able to practice as a veterinarian again. He hadn't realized how much he missed his career. Drake had been up all night going through his textbooks, files, and old cases. He was determined to be the best again. Before getting out of bed, Drake picked up the picture on his nightstand and sighed nostalgically. It had been taken two months before Tom's death, on a camping trip. In the photo, Drake had Tom and Alexis in his lap. He remembered laughing at Alexis' silly attempts to make Tom smile for the picture. Looking at it was painful, but the photo reminded him why he kept living, why he was fighting. Tom was gone, but Alexis was still there, alive. He took a cold shower and put on a blue shirt and a pair of jeans.
 Before going downstairs, Drake stood in front of Tom's old room. Sadly, he thought that he would have to empty it. It wasn't healthy to keep it as a sanctuary forever. His heart tugged when he realized that he'd have to speak to Lexie about it. On the other hand, it might be a good thing for her to face reality instead of running from it. In any case, he'd have to talk to Alexis; it was a decision that they had to make together.
 After the opening ceremony at the university, Alexis decided to call Olivia and Maxwell. They agreed to meet in a bar downtown for cocktails.
 Thirty minutes later, the three friends were sitting in a trendy pub with a dDirty mMartini, a glass of whiskey and a Cosmopolitan.
 Olivia took a sip of her martini. She observed Alexis, who was absentmindedly fidgeting her engagement ring. "How are the wedding preparations going?"
 Alexis flicked her hair. "Regina is in charge of almost everything. Li and I wanted something small, but the guest list is already up to 200 guests," she said, annoyed.
 "In old Connie's defense, a 200-guest wedding is small for him. According to Father, Constantine and Regina got married in front of 500 people," Maxwell said while he stirred his Cosmopolitan.  
 Olivia arched her eyebrows. "Who cares? The point is that you don't want a big wedding, Alexis. I don't know why you don't say anything. The Lexie I knew would have never taken this shit."
 "The Alexis you knew doesn't exist anymore," Alexis retorted.
 "Yes, she does. Liam has convinced you that you're weak now and that you can't take care of yourself. But that's not true." Olivia paused to let her words sink in. "Look, I know that he means well. Li is a good man who loves you. And I understand that he's so protective of you, especially after you tried to … well, you know."
 Maxwell gasped, interrupting her. It was the first time in three years that they had openly discussed the subject.
 "Come on, Max, it's not like she doesn't know this." Olivia turned back to Alexis. "Liam saved your life, and since then, you've been playing these weird roles. You're the defenseless princess, and he's the knight in shining armor. And it suits you both. Liam gets to marry you, and you can finally stop living. You gave him all control of your life."
 "What do you mean, stop living?" Alexis asked.
 "Last time, Maxwell lectured me  for an hour, so I'll try to say this as gentle as I can." Olivia took a deep breath. "You're not living your life anymore, Alexis. You're like a robot. You never talk about Tom. You're in a job you don't enjoy. You're committing yourself to a life that we all know you'll hate. You are with Liam because he makes you feel safe. Because you know he can't hurt you like Walker did. That's why you're with him. Which, excuse me, seems pretty damn selfish to me. You both deserve better."
 Max shook his head. "That's gentle, Liv? What the hell!"
Olivia rolled her eyes. “I’m not apologizing for saying that. I just want Alexis to be the strong, independent woman she was before all of this. And for her and Li to be happy.”
“Do you think I enjoy  this? Do you think I like feeling like this? I feel like my life ended five years ago. Most days I miss my son so much I can’t get out of bed.  I’m aware I’m not the same strong woman that I was before. But believe me, Olivia, I’m trying.” Alexis paused to give herself the courage to say the rest. "You have to respect my relationship. And Liam." Alexis sighed. "Of course, it's not the same passion I felt for Drake when I was 19, but I'm not 19 anymore. My love for Drake almost killed me. The main reason I tried to end everything that day was because of my son, but a big part of me also wanted to die because Drake had left. The heartbreak of knowing that I had lost him forever almost killed me, too. Drake and I are over. That's final," Alexis stated.
 "I know you’re trying, darling. And, I'm not saying that you should get back with Drake." Olivia saw that Alexis was going to defend Drake, so she raised her hand. "I get why he left." She squeezed Lexie's hand. "I can't even imagine how he felt when you said those horrible things to him. But I called Drake three months later, I told him how desperate you were, he promised to come back, and then he didn't. So, Drake doesn't deserve you, Alexis. The point is that you shouldn't marry someone you don't love when you're still clearly in love with someone else. Maybe you should be alone for a while," Olivia advised, as she had many times before.
 "If you'd been in the cabin that day, you'd understand why he never came back. I broke him, Liv." Alexis' eyes watered. "Of course Drake hated me. I would never forgive myself for what I said to him. Never. But he's part of the past. A past that I'm trying to leave behind. Liam … Liam is my future," Alexis said, trying to convince herself more than her friends.
 Alexis had arrived at Valtoria that afternoon. She was reading in the duchy's library when Leo's eldest son entered the room. Milos was an adorable four-year-old. He was dragging a teddy bear and seemed lost.
 Alexis closed her book and took him into her arms. He giggled when she lifted him.
 "Hi, Milos! Are you lost, babe?" Alexis asked.
 Milos nodded shyly. Alexis spun him around the room, and he laughed. "You like this, don't you, little bean?" She gave him a nose kiss. "You're so cute, Milos."
 "I love you, auntie!" Milos screamed happily.
 Her heart tugged. Milos' laughter was both blissful and painful. Images of her own son giggling and smiling as she played with him washed over her. Tears welled up in her eyes, but she was happy to spend a few minutes with her nephew. The Rhys assumed that playing with Milos was too much for her, so they tried to keep the boy away. Alexis understood. Only one year ago, the mere thought of seeing a boy that age would've broken her. However, now that she was feeling stronger, she liked to spend time with him. 
 Liam walked in, and his heart sank, seeing Alexis with Milos in her arms. Every time after playing with him, she felt a bit sad and nostalgic. Liam believed that both feelings were a trigger for her. He took the boy out of her arms.
 "I'm sure Leo and Amanda are looking for this little devil." Liam grinned at Milos. "I'll take him to them, my love; I'll be back in a few minutes."
Alexis wished that Liam wouldn't worry about her so much. Sometimes, his concern made her feel suffocated. And Olivia was right, she was an adult woman, capable of making her own decisions.
She stood up and took Milos back. “I’m going to be fine, Li. We’re just playing, aren't we Milos?”
The boy nodded happily. “Yes, auntie. I want to draw trees!”
“That is so cool, Milos!” Alexis kissed the top of Milos’ head. “Let’s go look for a piece of paper and some colored pencils.” 
“I don’t think that is a good idea, my love,” Liam whispered. 
“I do, Li. Trust me. It’s time.” Alexis kissed his fiancé and left the room with Milos in her arms.
 Liam watched her leave the library visibly worried. As much as he wanted to, he didn’t think Alexis was strong enough yet. 
 A week later, Alexis was getting ready for her court hearing. She looked at herself in the mirror and ran her hand over the dark circles around her eyes. She hadn't slept all night thinking about her son's birthday.
Liam was worried; he thought that seeing Drake was only adding to her stress. But Alexis was relieved to be seeing the only person who understood precisely what she was feeling.
 Drake put on a grey shirt and a pair of black pants and went downstairs. As he poured coffee into his portable mug, his eyes set on the calendar glued to the wall. In two days, Tom would have turned eight. The memory of his last birthday was still alive in his mind, almost burning. He was grateful to see Lexie today: the only other person in the world who knew what he was going through.
 Alexis and Rashad entered the family courthouse and found Drake already there, sitting on one of the benches.
 "Hi," Alexis said shyly, as she tucked her hair behind her ear. Suddenly, she felt like a 19-year-old teenager all over again.
 "Hi, Lex," Drake replied, smiling. His heart was beating abnormally fast.
 "No lawyer?" she asked softly.
 Drake shrugged. "I don't need it."
 "Me neither!" she answered quickly. "Liam insisted. Rashad is only here in case we need him. Plus, he's a friend. He's Max's future husband; they're getting married in two weeks, at the beach in Portavira. The ceremony will be beautiful," she rambled.
 Drake smiled at her reassuringly. Lexie always rambled when she was nervous. He extended his hand to Rashad. "Nice to meet the most patient person in the world," he said, smirking.
 "There's been some talks about making the title official." Rashad laughed. "I'm crazy about him, though," he added.
 Drake smiled. "I'm happy for you both; Max is one of the best people I know."
 A marshal came out to the hallway. "Mr. and Mrs. Walker?" he called.
 Alexis' heart leaped. She blushed crimson red, hearing her old last name.
 "It's us," Drake answered with a firm voice and placed his hand on the small of Alexis' back to let her pass. The movement was soft and brief, but Alexis felt a jolt going through her body, awakening every nerve. She blushed again, ashamed of her reaction. Drake noticed it and smiled to himself, hopeful.
 They entered a conference room. The judge was sitting at one side of a round table with her assistant next to her. Alexis and Drake sat across from them.
 "Good afternoon, I'm Judge Gina Connors," she said, smiling.
 Drake and Alexis answered back, so the judge proceeded, "First of all, I want you to know that this is a safe space. Nothing you say in here will leave this room." she paused to make sure they understood. "The purpose of this hearing is to figure out whether or not you can save your marriage. I'll ask you some questions, we'll talk, and at the end of the hearing, I'll leave you alone for a few minutes. I'll give you my assessment, but the final choice belongs to you. If you're not ready to make a decision at the end of the hearing, the court will give you one week to think about it. If your decision to get a divorce is final, we'll agree on the terms. If everything goes smoothly, my assistant, Tess," she nodded at a small woman with red hair and big glasses who was typing into a computer, "will send you the divorce papers in one week. Is everything clear?"
 They both nodded. The judge looked at them over her glasses. "Let's start. I'll repeat your complete names for the record. Mrs. Alexis Jade Walker and Mr. Drake James Walker. Is that correct?"
 Alexis and Drake answered in perfect unison. "Yes, Your Honor." They looked at each other and exchanged a small smile.
 Gina Connors was 58 years old and had been a judge for almost two decades. She had seen hundreds of couples come and go out of her office, and she prided herself on having an impeccable instinct. Something about the Walkers told her that they still had a chance to save their marriage.
 The judge read the papers that Rashad had sent her. "So you got married 10 years ago, in 2009. Is that correct?"
 Drake nodded. He turned to watch his wife, but Alexis was suddenly occupied toying with her ring. Drake sensed her nervousness and almost reached out to hold her hand, but he restrained himself.
 "You have a son, Thomas Scott Walker …" Suddenly, Judge Connors stopped talking. The room went silent while she read the boy's death certificate. The judge lifted her head and saw that Alexis was looking down, trying very hard not to cry. Drake had immediately covered Alexis' hand with his and was rubbing it with his thumb soothingly. Feeling instantly calmer, Alexis took a sharp breath and looked at the judge again.
 "I'm deeply, deeply sorry. Most couples have trouble adjusting after the loss of a child, but I can give you the number of an excellent therapist who might be able to help you," the judge advised with empathy. Her chest tightened with sadness for the young, broken couple in front of her.
 Alexis talked through the lump in her throat. "Thank you, Your Honor, but that won't be necessary." She folded her arms over her chest.
 "In the documents that Mr. Domvallier filed, it's stated that you separated in 2015." The judge took her glasses off and leaned against her chair. "What happened exactly?"
 Alexis rubbed her eyes and took a deep breath. "It was my fault."
 Drake shook his head firmly. "It wasn't your fault, Lexie."
Alexis raised her hand. "Please, Drake, let me speak. I've wanted to say this for a long time, but I didn't know how." Her eyes watered as she turned to look right into his eyes. Drake's heart broke, watching her struggle to speak. "I'm sorry. I was so angry at life and at our fate that I needed an outlet." Her voice broke, so she took another sharp breath. "But please, Drake, you have to believe me; it wasn't your fault. I don't blame you. I really, really don't. I know how much you loved him. Love him. I know you'd never have done anything to hurt him." Alexis started crying, and Drake couldn't take it anymore. He raised his hand and, very softly, brushed his thumb on her cheeks to wipe her tears.
"Shh, it's fine, Lexie. I know. Don't cry, I know." Drake tried to comfort her, but Alexis couldn't stop crying.
 Drake took her hand and squeezed it. "Lexie, you have nothing to be sorry about. I know you don't blame me." Her eyes were still fixed to the floor, so he insisted. "Hey, Lex, look at me." Finally, her brown eyes met his. "I know, baby. Please don't blame yourself either."
 The judge observed the exchange silently. After a few minutes, she asked, "What happened next?"
 Alexis spoke. "I left our home because I didn't know how to deal with the death of our son. Drake tried to do everything he could. It was my fault.”
 Drake shook his head. "Please, Lexie, stop protecting me."
 The judge interrupted them. "I'll admit that I don't have a lot of couples in here who fight to take responsibility for the divorce." She gave them a benevolent smile. "Let's make this simple. Who left the marital home?"
 They both answered at the same time. "I did." The judge smiled again.
 Alexis added, "I did first. We fought, and I left. Drake must've thought that I wasn't going to come back, and he left for Spain." She looked sideways at Drake.
 Judge Connors looked at Drake. "Is that true?"
 "Yes. It is, Your Honor." He turned to Alexis. "I was a fool. I thought you were gone for good."
 The judge nodded. She kept going through the documents. "In June 2015, you were committed to a psychiatric clinic," the judge looked at Alexis, "and Mr. Walker couldn't come back."
 Alexis looked at Drake, puzzled. "What does she mean you ‘couldn't’?" she asked him.
 Drake rubbed his beard. "Olivia called me to tell me how bad you were. I was desperate to see you, but the night before my flight back to Cordonia, I got into a stupid fight. I was sent to prison for almost a year; that's why I couldn't come back earlier."
 Shock. Confusion. Surprise. Anger. Sadness. A mix of emotions invaded her. For four years, Alexis had lived convinced that the person she loved the most in the world had abandoned her because he hated her. Not one night had passed without her reliving the night she had lost him, over and over again.
 Alexis was unable to talk. After a few minutes, she looked at Drake, wide-eyed. "You couldn't," she murmured. "That's why you didn't come back, because you couldn't." Her eyes teared up again. "Why the fuck you didn't tell someone, Drake? Max or Li? Someone?!"
 "No one could help me anyway," Drake answered. "I wanted our friends to be focused on helping you."
 Alexis ran her hand through her hair angrily. "Do you know how many nights I cried myself to sleep because I thought you didn't care? How many times I crumbled because I was sure you hated me?" Her eyes were filled with tears; her voice was trembling with rage. "I would have done anything to help you, Drake." Alexis threw her hands in the air. "Anything. You didn't have to go through that alone. And I would've known that you didn't hate me. It would've changed everything."
 "I thought you hated me back then too," Drake replied simply.
 "Why?" she asked, almost seething.
 "Why what?"
 "Why did you have to get into a fight the night before coming back? What was so important?"
 Drake knew that he needed to be honest. It was going to be hard to talk about his feelings, but if he wanted a real shot with Alexis, it was the only way. "It wasn't about that. It's like you said, I was so fucking angry all the time that I needed an outlet. I hated myself, Lexie. The guilt was too strong; it became so unbearable that the only way to be able to breathe was to drink and fight. The physical pain made the grief easier somehow. When Liv called, I tried to leave that same day, but there weren't any flights available. I shouldn't have gone out that night; I wasn't thinking straight. I only wanted one drink to take the edge off the idea of seeing you again. But one drink became two and then three and then a bottle. And once the fight started, I lost all control of myself. I'm sorry, Lexie."  
 - It breaks my heart every single time I look at you. You're hurting me. You killed my son -
Her own horrible words came back, rushing at her. "No one knows better than me what it feels like, Drake. I'm sorry, too. It's just that I can't believe you went to prison. That you had no one there to help you." She paused, thinking about all the things they had lost. Alexis turned to the judge apologetically. "I'm sorry for my outburst, Your Honor."
 Judge Connors smiled at her playfully. "I'm a family judge. If someone doesn't yell at a hearing, I feel like I'm not doing my job correctly." She turned to Drake. "Continue your story, Mr. Walker," the judge demanded.
  "I came back to Cordonia when I was released, but Lexie wasn't ready to see me," Drake explained.
 Alexis shook her head in disbelief. "Excuse me? What are you talking about?"
 Drake pinched the bridge of his nose, reluctant to tell the truth about Liam. Again, he decided to be honest. "I came back when you were about to leave the psychiatric clinic, but Liam thought that it was better if I didn't see you. I agreed," Drake said, placing his hand on his chest, "so I went back to Spain."
 "You came back," Alexis muttered. "You came back for me. Liam knew how much I missed you. Why did he do that?"
 Drake's heart leaped in his chest. Alexis had been waiting for him all that time, and he had failed her. He should have known better. "Of course I came back, Lexie. You were the only thing on my mind all that time. I didn't think about anything else. I tried to be the perfect inmate, so they'd let me out sooner and I could come back to see you. You have to believe me that when I was in prison, I didn't know that you had tried to --” Fuck, it was hard to say. “ -- to kill yourself."
 Alexis nodded. "I believe you, Drake." She hesitated before asking, but she needed to know. "And Liam knew? All this time, he knew?"
 Drake knew that Liam was Lexie's rock. He didn't want her to feel lost, so he decided to leave the suicide letter out of the story. "Liam didn't know I had been in prison, Lexie. And I'm sure that he honestly thought that it was best for you if we didn't see each other. I believed it too," he answered honestly.
 "So, both of you decided for me what I wanted, what I needed?" She was beyond angry.
"We were just trying to protect you."
 "From you? You were the only one who could've helped me." Her voice broke again.
 Drake's heart jumped at her last words. "No, not from me. From strong emotions. You weren't ready."
 Alexis didn't reply. She needed to speak with Liam.
  "Well," the judge finally intervened, "after what I observed here today, I don't think you should file for a divorce so fast. I'll leave you alone for a few minutes, but my professional opinion is that you shouldn't make any decisions today. As you know, you can make a request to postpone the decision for a week, or, better yet, suspend the process altogether." The judge stood up and left, followed by her secretary.
 Alexis stood up and opened the window. She needed fresh air. Drake stood up as well and cut the distance between them.
 "Are you okay, Lexie?" Drake asked, worried.
 Alexis nodded. "It's just that all these years, I was so sure of everything. I thought you hated me. I thought Liam was perfect."
 Drake shook his head. He had to be very careful if he didn't want to scare her off. He took another step and raised his hand, slowly placing it on her face. "I could never hate you, Lexie." She didn't move, so Drake raised his other hand as well, cupping her face. "I love you, Alexis. Like crazy, like a madman. Even more than 10 years ago." He sighed. "I miss you so fucking much, baby. I miss everything about you. Give me another chance. Give us another chance."
 Alexis' heart was beating so fast that she was sure that Drake could hear it. He was only a few inches from her. His manly presence was intoxicating her, making it impossible for her to think straight.
And for a minute, she considered it. She thought about leaving everything behind and running away with Drake. But Liam's image popped into her head. Despite his lie, he had done everything for her. He had saved her; he had helped her to come back to life. She took a step back.
"I'm sorry, Drake. It's too late now. I can't do that to Liam."
 Drake took a step in her direction. "You're the only reason I still fight, Lexie." He looked at her, at her flushed cheeks, at her nervousness, at the way she was avoiding his eyes. "I know you still love me too, Lexie."
 "I don't." Her trembling voice betrayed her. She darted her eyes to the window. Drake took a step towards her.
 Drake took her chin with his hand and raised it to him. "Repeat that looking at me."
 Her breath hitched; they locked eyes with each other, both knowing that she wouldn't be able to repeat it.
 Drake loved that Alexis was still using the same cherry fragrance that she used when they were together. He smiled, thinking of the numerous times he had inhaled her scent while he made love to her. Drake would do anything to kiss her again. To feel her again.
 Drake's eyes turned to her lips. He leaned in and whispered, "I'm going to kiss you now, Lexie. If you want to stop me, just say the word and I will."  
 Heat rose from Alexis' stomach to her chest. Drake's lips were getting closer, and her heart skipped a beat; the smell of sandalwood was mesmerizing. His large hands were tenderly rubbing her face, but she felt them everywhere. Alexis parted her lips and felt Drake all over her, filling all her senses as the taste of him nearly silenced all her guilt.
Drake's heart pounded in his chest as every breath he took smelled like cherry. He pulled her in, claiming her mouth again, hungry and intense, until her knees gave in. She tasted precisely as he remembered. Her lips felt so soft on his. As his tongue explored her mouth, he decided that he was never going to let her go. Alexis was his, and he was hers. It couldn't be any other way. Alexis got lost in the kiss for a few minutes until Liam's face came back to haunt her.
 She gently pushed Drake away. "I'm sorry, Drake. I can't. It's too late now. Liam-"
 "I know. You can't do this to him," Drake said, disappointed.
"No, I can't! Liam not only saved my life, but he fought day and night to make me happy again. Liam lied, yes, but he doesn't deserve this. I'm not going to leave him, Drake. I'm sorry." Alexis felt her heart breaking, but she added, "It's too fucking late for us."
"Just one week."
"What?" she asked, puzzled.
"Just give me one week. You can't possibly make a decision right now. Not after everything you just heard. And you can't lie to me, Lexie. I know you're not happy." Drake looked at her. "I'm just asking you to take one week and really think about this. If, in the end, you're still sure that you love Liam and want to divorce me, I swear, I'll sign the papers."
 Alexis tucked her hair behind her ears. She couldn't resist Drake’s pleading eyes. "Alright, one week, so we get used to the idea. But that's it."
 Drake shook his head no. "You have to promise me that you'll think about everything that happened here today; please, Lex."
"Ok, I promise," she assured him.
Judge Connors and her secretary reentered the room and sat in their chairs.
 "Did you reach a decision?" the judge asked.
 "We'd like to take one week to think about it," Drake replied. He couldn't help the hopeful tone in his voice. 
Judge Connors smiled. Her intuition never failed. "You have one week to reconsider. At the end of that week, if you still want to, you have to come back here to sign the agreement for the divorce," she paused and added, smiling, "but if I'm honest with you, I prefer if I didn’t see you ever again."  
She stood up and shook their hands. 
 They both went out of the building in silence. Rashad was waiting for Alexis. 
"Was everything all right?" he asked.
"Yes, Rash, thank you. I'm sorry that you had to come here for nothing."
"Well, I have to verify the divorce agreement. Is it ready?" 
“No, it’s not. We asked for one more week,” Alexis replied without further explanation. 
Rashad arched his eyebrows. He hadn't known them as a couple, but even after a few minutes with them, their chemistry was palpable. He worried about Liam, though; the duke wasn't going to be exactly happy about the news. "All right, let me know what you decide."
"Rashad, please, don't say anything to Liam yet. I'll tell him in person, but he's in Valtoria today," Alexis pleaded.
"Don't worry, Alexis, I won't. It was nice to meet you, Drake."
 "Same, man; give my best to Max," Drake replied.
 "I will! Bye, darling." Rashad kissed Alexis on both cheeks and left.
Drake looked at her, unsure of what to say. They were both exhausted. Alexis probably needed time to process everything that she had heard that day. Drake walked her to her car.
"Are you okay, Lexie?" 
She nodded slowly. "I am."
 "I know you're strong, but this was a lot to take in."
 Alexis bit her lip: her universal sign when she hesitated to say something. 
"What's going on, Lex? You can tell me anything." 
"His things." Alexis turned to Drake as she played with her ring again. "What are you doing with them?"
 "I was actually thinking about emptying his room. What do you think about that?" Drake asked carefully.
 She nodded with tears in her eyes. "I understand. I don't know how you do it, to live in the cabin with his room still intact." She surprised herself by asking, "Can I be there?"
 Drake gave her a sad smile. "Of course. When do you want to do it?"
 "I don't know." She hugged herself, feeling suddenly cold.
 Drake had to actively stop himself from hugging her as tight as he could. "I thought that we could do this on his birthday. We hate that day anyway. Maybe it'll be less horrible if we're together."
 Alexis nodded slowly. "Maybe." She thought about it for a few seconds. "I agree. Let's do it next Wednesday. We'll see each other only for that." She looked at Drake knowingly and he nodded.
 She looked for her car keys until she found them at the bottom of her bag. They stared at each other; Drake leaned in to kiss her on the cheek as he brushed her face with his fingers longingly.
"See you Wednesday, Lexie."
She smiled, flustered. "See you Wednesday, Drake."
Alexis got into her car and drove away. 
Drake was right; she had a lot of things to consider and think about. But at that moment, she was more furious than anything else. Alexis couldn't understand why Liam had lied to her all those years. She decided to go to Valtoria immediately. Her conversation with Liam couldn't wait another day.
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PERMATAG (Drake x Alexis): @ac27dj​ @twinkle-320​ @kimmiedoo5​ @marshmallowsandfire​ @loveellamae​ @burnsoslow​ @mskaneko​ @pedudley​ @lauzales​ @debramcg1106​ @ravenpuff02​ @pug-bitch​ @princessleac1​
TIH: @ao719 @yukinagato2012 @kingliam2019 @texaskitten30 @cordonia-gothqueen @bebepac @nomadics-stuff @cordonianroyalty @hopefulmoonobject @msjr0119  @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @bascmve01​ @marshmallowaremyfavorite 
85 notes · View notes
writtingrose · 4 years
30 Days of Kink; Day 5
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SUMMARY;  lingerie with Elias
WARNINGS; sexual content
REQUESTED BY; @xxghostnappaxx
She had  been saving scarves for months. Each time Elias would throw one away, she would grab it, wash it, and hide it until she had enough for what she was planning. 
It was difficult at first, simply because he was on the road more than he was home. Yet, for the past few weeks, he’d been home in between shows. Giving her a chance to grab more scarves. Sure, she had to be  more careful about when she could stitch them together so as not to ruin the surprise, but it was all worth it as she stood in front of the  mirror. 
She ran her hands over the material and bit her lip. The cotton was rough against her touch, a sign of years of use, and she loved it. Everything about it was an extension of the man in the other room.
Turning, she peeked her head out the doorway to see if he was still focused on the TV. He had only been playing for a few minutes and she really hated to mess up his game, but she knew he’d enjoy this, after all it was basically a game in it’s own right. 
She worked her way out of the room and towards the couch, stepping lightly as to not alert him  to what she was doing. No, she wanted it to be a surprise; to see the look in his eyes change as they roam her barely covered body. It was enough to already have her skin crawl in  anticipation 
Elias could hear her as she reached the arm of the couch but didn’t look, thinking she had just come from either the kitchen or their room. He chuckled gently as she leaned against the arm, sighing louder than she really needed too.
“Something bothering you, sweetheart?” He licked his lips as he sat his controller down and started to look up at her. 
“Yeah actually,” She let her hands slip around his shoulders, her voice breathless. “I can’t help but wonder, baby. Why play with the xbox, when you can play with me instead?” She nipped his earlobe and smiled as she heard his sharp intake of breath.
Elias’ eyes widened as he caught the familiar plain of what used to be one of his favorite scarves. Now, the material set across her check, pulled behind her just tight enough to keep her breasts held firmly and nipples covered; the hard peaks straining against the fabric. His eyes followed the twisted braids over her stomach, to the material covering her pussy. 
He couldn’t help but groan, his hand going to squeeze the front of his sweatpants as he sat the controller to the side. He could hardly believe what he was seeing but it made his cock harder than it had ever been.
She had turned his scarves into lingerie, artistically pieced together to cover only the most important pieces.His eyes snapped back up to hers, mirroring the fire he saw.  
“You want to play, little one?” He stood quickly and pulled her into his arms. “Let’s play.”
TAG LIST; @mondaynightmcintyre​ @theworldofotps​ @sithstatlander​ @kittysilver86​ @xwicker-manx​ @new-zealand-chic​ @brodieleesclothesline​ 
@undiscovereddisneyroyalty​ @sophiewolfheart-blog​
103 notes · View notes
xserpentlife · 5 years
Protect You
Request: @dietothemusic - Can I request a Sweet Pea x Male reader where the group is playing truth or dare and has to give Sweet Pea a lap dance? Or how about the reader is part of the northside being Veronica’s cousin and goes to a party meeting sweet pea and they have to hide their relationship until the reader gets tired of hiding?
A/N: If you don’t like Male x Male stories I suggest you get off my blog because on this blog we support everyone regardless. So sorry this is late by the way, again my schedule may be very off this week but I am going to try my absolutely hardest to keep it at least almost on track but fics may be a day late I’m not sure. Thanks to my beta @wayward-river
Warnings: Cursing? I think that is it.
Word Count: 3661
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For weeks now you had been dating Sweet Pea the big bad brooding Serpent who always had a bone to pick with everyone. You met him three months ago when you started living at the Pembrook with Veronica, your cousin. It was weird the way you met, almost unconventional but also really told a tale about who the both of you were. Tonight was going to be a reminder of all of that. A reminder of the way it all started with the man you have grown to love.
“Ronnie I can’t go to this party I don’t know anyone”
“Come on please Y/N”
“Ugh why”
“Because you're my cousin”
“Like that is a reason”
“Please I bet you will have a great time, actually I promise you will. And I am sure you’ll meet Kevin maybe you two will hit it off”
“And why would you think that? Is it cause Kevin is gay?”
“Okay well…” “No V you always try to set me up with these prissy guys and I am tired of it let my love life be okay”
“Fine but tell me you’ll come”
“I have to it is in this apartment and if you forgot I live here too remember”
“Touche cus touche, see you in a bit”
The party started off awkward at first. You didn’t know anyone considering you had just moved in a few weeks ago. You had only been to school a few times due to you skipping a few of your classes. You were usually an outspoken person not afraid of the fights or saying things to people, but the situation you were in now caused you to be scared and timid. Afraid that the people around you would not accept you. Your entire life you were the head dog. No one messed with you because they knew your family name, but when your parents passed away you became a target and moving in with the Lodges granted you that protection that you had lost. You weren’t like your aunt and uncle, hell you were barely like Veronica but you would only be safe with them, you hated living there. Hated the life you now had but you had to stay. You at least knew the Lodges had their own protection. Your life was too dangerous to go anywhere else. You wouldn’t be safe and no one around you would be.
You sat on the couch in your jeans and button up shirt feeling out of place wanting so deeply to just hide when you saw him walk in. He was hard to miss; tall, dark hair, built. You didn’t wanna seem like you were staring so you got up walking into your bedroom changing out of the button up, it seemed almost too formal for your liking. Formality always made you squeamish, remembering the ways your parents always had to be.
After changing you went back out sitting on the couch, and only a few seconds later that man that you saw at the door had made the couch dip as he sat next to you. Your breath hitched as he did so, but it was odd usually you didn’t get that weird stomach feeling for other people, something was different about him. He tapped you on the shoulder as you had been looking away and when you turn your eyes locked a light blush appearing on the stranger's cheek.
“Did you need something” What else were you supposed to say, you didn’t know him.
“Uh, oh nothing I just wanted to say. Figured I'd say hi you seemed bored, or annoyed, maybe pissed off, either way, uh I’m Sweet Pea”
“Oh cool name”
“Your name… it’s cool”
“Thanks most people ask if it’s real”
“Is it?”
“Yeah, haha”
“Well, nice to meet you Sweet Pea” You got up not wanting the conversation to go on any longer where you could ruin it. You also loved leading the mystery. Would he want to know more?
“Wait, where are you going?”
“Why do you wanna know”
“Thought we could talk more”
“What you think I am interested”
“Uh… sorry”
“I’m kidding Sweet Pea, follow me if you wanna get to know me so bad” You led him up to your room
“Oh, so you just wanted me in your room?”
“Shut it, I just was tired of that terrible music the party was playing”
“Yeah that shit was horrible, should we test to see if you have better taste”
“Oh so now I'm being tested”
“I mean if you want”
“Okay, I’m up for the challenge” You turned on your record player and played Y/F/A (Your favorite album).
“Okay, maybe you ain’t so bad preppy” The word, the word you hated. He knew of who you ran with he must have. Something told you to run but the smile he had given told you to stay.
“I’m not…”
“I know it was just a joke. I could tell you weren’t like most of the people at the party when you changed into a t-shirt and at that a band tee. I like your style”
“Thanks, I like the leather”
“Oh do you now” Before anything could continue a yell came from downstairs. Veronica calling you down. She couldn’t find you not upstairs, not like the way you were.
“We, we need to go downstairs, I’m sorry” You started walking out before your hand was grabbed and you were dragged back slightly.
“Are you alright”
“Yeah, yeah I’m good just my cousin needs me”
“Wait Veronica is your cousin”
“Yeah, wait you didn’t know? Isn’t that why you called me preppy cause I live here with her and you know she is?”
“No, not by a longshot. I had no idea you were related to her. I called you preppy for the pure fact that you were wearing the button up. I was just kidding, to be honest. I’m sorry about that by the way”
“Don’t worry about it Sweet Pea, everything is good”
“You sure?” “Yeah now I really gotta go see what she wants or she is gonna come up here”
“Alright let’s go” Sweet Pea walked out the door walking downstairs without another word.
You walked downstairs a few seconds after Sweet Pea had started. Veronica waited was waiting for you in the kitchen with a few other people shouting a follow me as soon as you had entered. A girl you learned to be Cheryl started talking once everyone entered the living room.
“Alright chums. We are going to play a fun little game of truth or dare. But there will be a twist. If you choose truth you will need to take a shot. Fun right! SO either you quit now before we start, or you will be stuck till it is over. So, ladies, gentlemen are you in or are you out?”
Truth or Dare. Were you in? I mean you damn well wanted to play, but could you now after all of that. You waited for the responses of others. When it got to Sweet Pea he had looked to you before looking to the door but ultimately decided to play. And then you had your answer. If he was playing you were definitely going to be there. So with a shot, you were in too. It started out basic, the normal truths being asked and answered but then it started getting juicy with Cheryl daring Toni to take off her shirt and then the bottle spun and it came back to you. Toni was now asking truth or dare but you had already done three truths and you didn’t want another shot, so dare it was.
“Alright, I dare you to give Sweet Pea a lap dance” Sweet Pea looked up his eyes turning to a new look you hadn’t seen.
“Toni what the hell I barely know the dude”
“Eh whatever that makes it more fun”
So you got up slowly sauntering over to Sweet Pea. The nerves in your chest at an all-time high. But why were you getting this feeling, you had giving lap dances during truth or dare with other guys but with Sweet Pea you felt something so different. You slowly brought your hands down to his shoulders bracing yourself against his body so you wouldn’t fall over the slight tipsiness taking hold at that moment. You slowly moved along swaying your hips as you made your way down dragging your hands with you along his body. Your legs made your way over his hips slowly grinding down against them until you were almost seated on his lap. You saw him biting his lip which made you want to go faster, you wanted his reaction, you wanted to be the one to make him react. Your hips grinded down slowly as you began humping his body, your lips slowly making the way to his neck. You brought your lips to his neck lightly hovering over before finally placing them down sucking what you learned to be his sweet spot, and that was his breaking point. As soon as your lips connected to his neck he had pushed you off lightly standing up and rushing out of the house.
You sat there for a second shocked before Toni had tapped you. “Hey don’t worry about him he probably just got pissed he never gave a lap dance that good” You rushed up before responding not caring what anyone would think, all you cared about was him for some odd reason. You craved him you needed to make sure he was alright. You were an ass and you knew it, you knew he was most likely straight, you knew you shouldn’t have done the dare but you did it anyone and probably ruined the slim chance you had at being friends with him. So you followed him rushing out of the house before anyone could stop you. But you couldn’t find him and then you heard the roar of the bike and you looked to the end of the driveway him standing there the smoke from a cigarette drifting into the air. You ran to him, as fast as you could and as he turned around you couldn’t stop fast enough as you crashed into him.
“Woah what the hell!”
“What is your problem”
“I… I just wanted to say sorry”
“For what running into me cause that could’ve been prevented”
“No well yeah I am sorry for that too but I wanted to apologize about the dance… the lap dance. I should never have done that. I know you probably are not gay or bi or pan or whatever and even if you were there should have been permission, and I am so sorry to make you run out on your friends I just I shouldn’t have done that and I ju... “ Your voice was cut off as you felt his lips on your own. You melted into the kiss instantly, not caring what it meant, not caring if anyone was seeing. For once in your life, he was the only thing that mattered.
“I… wait. What? I thought you ran out cause you were mad at me”
“I left because well… take a guess” You looked to his cheeks seeing him blush as he looked down, a small chuckle coming from him. “Now shut up” There it was again… his lips felt like fire, hot fire that burned deep inside of you.
“I could get used to that”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Wanna get out of here”
*End Flashback*
The party started well just as it had so many times in the past. Sweet Pea stayed away keeping you at a distant knowing that you weren’t out. But you watched him. The party made you reminisce about the times you both shared together. You were scared shitless for anyone to find out, you needed to protect Sweet Pea. You had only ever gone to Sweet Pea’s trailer a few times. He was scared it wouldn’t be enough for you, but it was the exact opposite, you loved the getaway that his trailer offered and he knew that. He would often come up to your room during parties slipping away when people wouldn’t notice and he would spend the night before slipping out earlier in the morning before anyone would see. The only person that probably figured out the relationship was Smithers and maybe Sweet Pea’s best friends Fangs, and Toni. It was hard for you, and you knew it was hard for Sweet Pea as well. You didn’t want to have to hide but you also didn’t want to put Pea in danger either. If anyone from the rival families knew that you had someone who made you soft or someone you cared about they would use it against you in an instant, so you tried your hardest to keep hidden.
The time of the night you dreaded most came the truth or dare beginning. You sat next to Sweet Pea as you always had. You were ten minutes in the game going pretty smoothly no crazy dares and only a few shots. The bottle landed on Sweet Pea Toni being the person behind it. You knew the dare that was coming you saw it in her eyes as she glanced to you and back to him. “I dare you to give Y/N a lap dance” Sweet Pea glanced top you and you nodded as confirmation. If you didn’t let him it would have been a dead give away that something was going on. So you did. He slowly climbed on top of you still holding his weight up so he wasn’t fully pressing against your body. He grinded down his hips slowly connecting with yours. You couldn’t look at him. But at one point the way he landed made you gasp and turn fully locking eyes. Lost there for a moment his lips connected with yours. You pushed him off running away. Everyone would know. They would know that you were together. Others would find out. He would be in danger. You ran outside and kept running until a hand pulled you back.
“Pea let me go”
“Drop my wrist now!”
“No Y/N what’s going on?”
“You knew Pea you knew”
“Knew what!”
“You kissed me and you knew I didn’t want anyone to find out, and you did it anyway”
“First of all we kissed each other, and you know it. Yeah maybe I started but you felt it too that moment and don’t say you didn’t because I felt it too. Look Y/N if your ashamed of me that’s fine but…”
“Sweet pea I’m not ashamed of you I just… I’m not out you know that”
“So what everyone knows. Toni, Fangs, Cheryl. We are together all of the time hugging, holding hands and doing so much more. I tried. We tried I mean, to keep it a secret we stopped the hand holdings when we saw someone, but people asked me I told them no but I don’t know if they believed me, does it really matter that much babe”
“Pea” Tears were streaming down your face at that point. “It matters Pea, it matters more than you know”
“I want to be with you Y/N I don’t give a shit if anyone knows hell I’ll fucking scream it right now. Look if you're not ready to come out that is fine, but… but I care so much about you and it’s not fair to me or you being hidden like this”
He thought you didn’t want to be with him and that killed you more. You looked up into his eyes the glistening of a few tears rolling down his cheeks and that made you crack. Tears were falling faster than before as you pulled away from him again. You couldn’t watch him as he broke because of you but you needed to keep him safe you had to.
“If you want to tell people I don’t think we can be together Sweet Pea”. Before you could process you were being turned around his large hand holding your cheek as he looked into your eyes and his lips connected with yours. Softer but more passionate than ever before, like at any second you would disappear from underneath him, but you needed to. To keep him safe you had to go away you had to stop seeing him. “Babe don’t do this. I don’t get it. I don’t get why we can’t just fucking tell people. People will support you like they do Toni, Fangs, Cheryl, and Kevin I mean hell even me. You won’t be in danger”
“That isn't’ the fucking point Sweet pea. I am not the one that needs to worry about the danger”
“Fuck can’t you just let it be, I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you. I can’t have you in danger. I would rather leave you and lose you than lose you from you being tortured or killed. I can’t go through that, I can’t let you go through that”
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
“God I should have told you sooner”
“Told me what Y/N!”
“My life Pea it is fucking dangerous. The shady things that Hiram does well my family did them all to. I mean I was never a part of it, but… but when they died I am the one that became the target. The rivals all came after me. I had to move in with my fucking asshole aunt and uncle because of it. You think I choose to live here. You think this is the life I want. I hate living in luxury while others are down in the dumps. I fucking hate this place, but I have to be here or I would be dead. I don’t have enough to protect myself, I need to be here, but I can at least protect you. The rivals will do anything to get to me, even if that means taking you down so they can do so. I can’t let them hurt you, and… and you being with me means that they will know your my weakness. They will use you to get to me. They can hurt you, hell they could kill you and I can’t have that because I fucking love you Sweet pea. I a, fucking madly in love with you hell I would scream it to the world to but I fucking can’t because I need to keep you safe and protected” And there came the kiss. The way you melted into him automatically happening before you realized and pulled away. “Pea we can’t you’re just making this harder on the both of us.”
“Wait you're telling me that we were doing the same thing, I’m not leaving you Y/N”
“Same thing? Fuck Sweet Pea just listen! Fuck what don’t you get don’t you fucking understand Sweet Pea. What are you not getting about? You could be Taken! Tortured! or worse Killed!”
“Babe I know and I don’t give a fuck, they are not going to touch me.”
“Oh my god”
“You don’t know, do you. I mean I never told you… so I mean I guess you wouldn’t but babe I’m in a gang”
“I’m sorry what now!”
“Ever heard of the Serpents”
“Uh no”
“Didn’t you think it was odd I wore a jacket that matched my neck tattoo, or odd that Fangs and Toni, sometimes Cheryl wore the same?”
“I just thought, I thought they were like friendship jackets or some weird shit. Wait you're in a fucking gang”
“Yeah…” “Why the fuck didn’t you tell me”
“I had to fucking keep you safe. The same reason I kept trying to hide this too but I realized it wasn’t worth it, I cared more about being with you in public and unafraid, and I knew that if… if you were going to be targeted I would protect you. If we were public you would be a Serpent by association and you would be protected to”
“This is insane Sweet Pea” He grabbed your hands in one of his, and his other landed on your cheek.
“Babe, are you okay?” “I’m shocked I just… they can still come after you though we aren't safe Sweet Pea”
“Live with me”
“What do you not you understand about NOT! SAFE!”
“Live with me babe or at least think about it. You will be safe. You will be under Serpent protection. No one will come after you, and plus even if they did you would have a full gang of protection behind you. You will be safe I will make sure of it. I can’t lose you Y/N. I can’t deal with that. I love you. I’m not scared. I am not scared of anything but losing you, and if I let you go that is going to happen anyone so at least let me try to protect you, please.”
“I don’t want to lose you either Sweet Pea, I love you too”
Your lips locked in a kiss that felt like it hadn’t happened in a million years. It felt like it lasted for hours, and it was only interrupted by gasps coming from the front steps. All of your friends watching from afar and clapping as you both looked down blushing. You buried your head into Sweet Pea’s chest as he yelled for everyone to go away, and they did not want to question what was happening.
“Hey it is going to be okay, I promise, now you wanna hop on my bike and go to the trailer, our trailer… I mean if you want?”  
“Our trailer?”
“You were always welcome there, always”
“I know”
“I love you Y/N”
“I love you too Sweet Pea”
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antiadvil · 5 years
Dan’s Secret Tumblr
PG13, 1k
Summary: Phil secretly writes phanfic. Dan secretly reads it.
A/N: for the pff bingo fest! prompt was fandom au. shoutout to @flymetomanchester for betaing, here's my card, am I forgetting something probably
read more or on ao3
Dan had just assumed his browsing position on their horrifically deformed sofa when Phil flopped down beside him. “Whatcha doing?” Phil asked, cuddling up to him.
Dan wished Phil knew what it did to him when Phil touched him like that, but on the other hand, he didn’t. Some things just weren’t worth ruining five year friendships over.
“Well, I was planning to scroll through tumblr for six hours before falling asleep, but I’m open to other plans,” Dan said.
“Sounds good to me. Takeaway for dinner then?”
“Unless you had plans to cook,” Dan said, mindlessly opening a new browser window and logging into the tumblr account he used when he didn’t feel like broadcasting everything he liked or reblogged to thousands of people.
“Not really,” Phil said. “What do you feel like?”
“Whatever, just get whatever sounds good to you,” Dan said, already absorbed in his dash.
“You always say that and then you complain when I do that,” Phil said.
“No I don’t,” Dan protested.
“Yes, you do.”
“Well, I won’t this time, okay?”
“If you say so,” Phil said skeptically.
“I do.”
“Okay then, I’ll order,” said Phil.
“Good,” Dan said, redirecting his attention to his tumblr dashboard. He let himself get lost in the endless scroll of memes and fandom posts interspersed with insanely long rants about social justice, occasionally conscious of Phil’s glance over his shoulder.
He followed quite a few of his fan’s blogs. Maybe it made him self absorbed, and looking at ship art of him and his best friend was probably a terrible way to deal with his pent up romantic feelings, but Dan couldn’t bring himself to care. He knew Phil wasn’t as comfortable with the shipping as he was, though, so when he clicked on one of his favorite fan blogs he tilted his laptop away ever so slightly.
Weirdly, Phil’s glance over his shoulder turned to a steady gaze.
“I know you don’t like shipping blogs,” Dan said.
“I don’t.”
“Then why are you looking?”
“That’s weird,” said Phil. “You shouldn’t be looking at it.”
“Come on, Phil. Neither of us have a problem with our fandom. Why are you being so weird about it?”
“I don’t care if people do it, but it’s weird to look at. They didn’t make their blogs thinking we’d be looking at it, and if that person knew you were they’d probably be upset about it.”
Dan rolled his eyes. “Come on, Phil. They’d probably be thrilled.”
“You don’t know that,” Phil insisted.
“You don’t either. Besides, I’m not interacting with my official tumblr. They don’t know it’s me. I could follow them and send them a million asks and they still wouldn't know it was me.”
“It’s weird,” Phil said. “Just let our fans have their own space. Besides, you probably don’t want to see what they have to say, anyway.”
“I read fanfic sometimes,” Dan said, defensively.
“About us?” Phil said. “Isn’t that a bit weird?”
“I didn’t say it was about us,” Dan said. “There’s stuff that’s written about you and me that isn’t about us being in love or whatever.”
“Whatever. I just think you should leave them alone,” Phil said.
“Why do you care so much?” Dan said, opening the blog’s ask box. Normally he wouldn’t antagonize Phil like this, but Phil was being weird, Dan was hungry, and he didn’t want to deal with it.
“Seriously, just leave,” Phil said, sounding almost anxious.
“No,” Dan said, tilting his laptop screen away so Phil couldn’t see it and typing a message into the ask box. He pressed send.
Phil’s phone buzzed.
Dan stared at Phil. Phil wouldn’t look back. He was staring at the ground, his skin red and patchy.
“That’s, uh. That’s probably my mum or something,” he mumbled, fishing his phone out of his pockets. “Yeah, she just wanted to know if-”
“Phil. Is that your blog?”
“What? No. Why would I run a fanfiction blog about the two of us? That would be-”
“I never said it posted fanfiction.”
“Don’t they all?” Phil asked weakly.
“No,” Dan said.
“You seem to know a lot about our fandom.”
“Stop changing the subject,” Dan said, grabbing for Phil’s phone.
Phil scrambled back, clutching it to his chest. Dan grabbed it anyway.
The notification was not a text from Phil’s mum. It was an ask sent to him on tumblr. Dan knew for a fact that Phil’s ask box on his official tumblr was disabled, and even if it wasn’t: it was the ask Dan had just sent.
“Phil. It’s fine. I’m not mad.”
Phil had stopped looking red now and was just looking pale. “I can explain.”
Dan stared. “Honestly, mate, you look like you’re on the verge of death. Maybe you’d better not. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“No,” Phil insisted. “We need to talk about this.”
“Okay,” Dan said skeptically.
Phil took a deep breath. “When we first met- Dan, I- I really liked you.”
Dan’s head was spinning. “You liked me?”
Phil nodded. “But I didn’t want to- I wasn’t sure if you-” The doorbell cut Phil off.
Phil sucked in his breath. “It’s probably the food. I’ll go get that.”
“No, Phil- I liked you too. It’s just, you were so much older than me, and so much cooler, and-” The doorbell rang again. “I guess you really should go get that.”
“Yeah. Probably.” Phil hesitated. “Did you mean it when you said-”
“Yes, now get our food before the delivery man decides we’re not coming.”
“Right,” Phil said, stumbling for the door. “Uh, I’ll go do that.”
Dan moved to the kitchen and sat down, struggling to process what just happened. Phil liked him. Phil, his best friend liked him. Phil, his best friend who he’d secretly liked for five years, liked him.
It wasn’t real. There was no way it was real. It was a prank, or a dream, or something.
Phil came back with the food, setting it on the counter and sitting down.
“I still have a lot of questions,” Dan said.
“Me too,” Phil said.
“But mostly,” Dan said, wrinkling his nose, “Phil, why did you order Chinese?”
Phil laughed. “You said to get whatever.”
“Yeah, but you know that when I say that I don’t mean it,” Dan said, unpacking his box and grabbing his chopsticks.
“Shut up, Howell. I ordered Chinese. You’re eating Chinese.”
“Fuck you.” Dan started eating.
“Maybe later,” Phil said.
Dan choked.
22 notes · View notes
smartcookie727 · 5 years
Malibu Kisses
Long time no see! I am officially back for 2019. Took a break earlier in the year to do a ton of reading and improve my editing skills, so I hope yall can see the difference in my work while still getting that classic cookie vibe. First up is some Sheith! I have absolutely fallen off the deep end for them, and every other thing I see makes me think of a new AU. There’s enough angst to go around, so have some sweet fluff, teasing, and well...its me...so smut. Tis my brand *shrugs*. This is one big ol’ fic at a whopping 7k, which is my longest single fic to date. So celebrate this milestone with me with some fun in the tub. Big thanks to my beta team that listened to me cry about this fic for months. Yall kept me sane and away from the delete button. I hope yall enjoy. Leave me a comment, reblog, tag, anything so I know what yall like. Be sure to check out my writing blog @luminescent-words for all fics, WIPs, and everything literary!
Pairing: Sheith
Length: 7k
Read on AO3
Read on FF.net
They were supposed to be at a hot springs. They were supposed to be drunk. They were supposed to be naked. But their getaway was cut short at “one more meeting”. Shiro has a plan to remedy two of those things, and it requires Keith, the largest tub he's ever seen, and some coconut rum. Drunk and in love is a combination they know well, but tonight things get a little extra steamy.
Malibu Kisses
Malibu was sweet—too sweet—but Keith didn’t mind the sugary taste when he was licking it off Shiro’s lips. Everything tasted better when it was stolen from his tongue. And, tonight, the menu consisted of rum, whiskey, and the most gorgeous man in the Garrison on his stomach beneath the sheets. That was, if Shiro could find his surprise he’d so eagerly mentioned before.
They hadn’t intended on staying so late at the Garrison, but one meeting always led to another for Shiro. Then, the MFEs had come knocking on Keith’s door, and, regrettably, he’d be there to answer. Hours in the cockpit of a new fighter jet, simulator reprogramming, and several ass kickings doled out on the training deck later, he vowed never to make that mistake again.
All they’d wanted was a small getaway, but there was no such thing as a day off for the admiral or the leader of Voltron. It wasn’t surprising that their plans had fallen apart; what had been, was the way Shiro had welcomed him back to their room with a coconut kiss and the promise of something special. Immediately, Keith had dropped his bag, grabbed his own poison of choice, and let a giggling Shiro tug him out the door.
It didn’t take long for the pair to sneak along the hallways of the Atlas or for Keith to catch up to Shiro’s level of inebriation. With a bottle of whiskey in one hand and Shiro’s fingers laced in the other, he let himself be dragged past room after room he didn’t recognize. Though, at the rate they were going, maybe Shiro was a little too tipsy to remember where his surprise actually was.
Keith reached his hand out to grasp Shiro’s shoulder, ready to steer him back to their room and their nice, soft bed, or at least a closet for a little quick privacy, when Shiro made the smallest gasp of joy.
Metal fingers against his chest tilted Keith’s world on its axis. Their feet tangled together, sending him stumbling toward the floor and his back into a door. Shiro crowded around him, held him up—so close he could barely breathe.
Apparently, they’d arrived at their destination.
Keith hardly had a thought to spare about where they’d ended up, though, with the way Shiro was looking down at him, cheeks flushed with that perfect shade of pink he would do anything for.
He raised a hand to caress Keith’s face, twisting and twirling his fingers through dark locks. “I really wanted to go -hic-”
“I know, love, I know.”
It was neither of their faults that their plans for a little getaway hadn’t panned out, still, that knowledge couldn’t help ease the bitter disappointment. Sweet coconut rum, on the other hand, seemed to be doing the trick for Shiro.
“We’ve been planning this for so -hic-” Shiro tossed his head back, laughing at their mutual bad luck. “Iverson just had to have an extra two hour meeting after the three hour war council we’d just finished. He didn’t even want to let us break ten minutes for coffee, but I made sure he knew that it was—”
“Coffee or mutiny,” Keith said, mimicking Shiro’s voice. He might have more than a slight caffeine addiction, and Keith didn’t have the heart to deny him. If Shiro wasn’t careful, though, ‘coffee or mutiny’ would become the Garrison’s newest favorite axiom.
“That’s right. Coffee or mutiny. It could’ve easily been a two sentence email, Keith, -hic- a two sentence email.” He dragged the word out with disdain, chasing it with another sip from the tropical bottle.
Keith wound his arms around Shiro’s neck, gently rubbing circles into the back of his head. “I’m sorry, Shiro. I ended up having to work too,” he offered, hoping to ease the tension that visibly pulsated around him. “Even if it hadn’t been for Iverson, you know the MFEs would have still pulled me away.”
“Yeah, but they grabbed you cause you were here and not half naked in a hot spring where we should have been—where we would have been if not for—” He huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose and leaning into Keith’s touch. “I’m Admiral, right? I should get time to do the things I want too. All we asked for was twelve hours. Not even a full day! ”  
Keith took a swig from his own bottle. “That’s not how it works, and you know it.” He tightened his hold and pulled Shiro down into a long kiss. “Now, Admiral,” he breathed, voice turning dark and husky, “what’s this surprise you’ve brought me all this way for?”
“Well,” Shiro mused, tracing his thumb along Keith’s jaw, “when I got home, and you were gone, I was so very sad. Not only were our plans ruined, but my loving boyfriend wasn’t even there to take me in his arms and help me relax after a long day.”
Keith drummed his fingers along the back of his neck, waiting to see where Shiro was going with this. He was guilty of more than a little dramatic flare when he was buzzed.
“So I found a solution to my problems.”
“You always do, golden boy.”
That earned him a laugh. “I’ve been working with the Atlas, you know? She’s surpassed every standard we can even conceive of, and we’ve still only just scratched the surface of what she can do. There’s so many fascinating things we have left to discover.” He pressed a knee between Keith’s legs, pushing him up harder against the door. “Like this room that just happened to appear this evening. That took care of one problem, and the rum from my office took care of the other. All I needed was to wait for you to get home.” A little gasp escaped Keith’s lips as Shiro leaned in closer. “Wanna see?”
“Yes,” he breathed, cheeks flush with heat and whiskey.  
“Consider this our own little hot spring, baby.”
In a deft movement, Shiro swung open the door and ushered him inside. A large bathroom sprawled before them, clean cut with cream marble and a sparkling chandelier overhead. Hints of mahogany and lavender filled the air, and there was an entire cabinet stuffed floor to ceiling with plush towels, oils, soaps, and every bath accessory Keith could imagine. Out of the corner of his eye, Keith spied a king sized bed in what appeared to be an adjoining bedroom. The crown jewel, though, was the extra large aquamarine tub in the center of the room that looked more like a pool than a place to wash.
“Is your man great or what?” he whispered against Keith’s ear in that deep and sultry register he knew sent shivers down his spine.
“He is. And he must really want to soak, too. I thought he just wanted to get me naked for the fun reasons.”
Shiro cupped his ass and gave it a squeeze. “He wants that too. Patience. Right now, he just wants to see you out of those clothes.”
Quirking an eyebrow, Keith sauntered over to a bench along the wall and set his bottle down. He removed his boots without so much as a trace of urgency and stretched out, lacing his fingers behind his head.
“How about a little help?”
Fire burned in Shiro’s eyes as he cocked his head to the side. “Too sore from all that training to do it yourself? Or do you just want to be taken care of?” he teased, inching closer.
Keith held up a foot, pushing back lightly against his chest.
“Both. Though, now that I think about it, maybe I’d like a little show too, Admiral. You first.”
A devilish grin spread across Shiro’s face, and he took another swig of coconut rum.
“I think we can arrange that.”
Shiro walked a few steps back, refusing to break eye contact, and ever so slowly, popped button after button on his black uniform. It fell from his shoulders, landing in a rumpled mess his feet. All bare skin and scars, Keith was half tempted to cut things short and pull him into the other room, but Shiro was puffed out like a peacock and loving every second of it. He stretched his arms overhead, carefully turning to demonstrate just how many hours he’d been putting in at the gym lately. Then, biting his lower lip, he bent down to grab the garment. It went flying over his shoulder, sailing with a finger gun arrow straight to Keith’s heart.
He caught it, shedding his own red jacket and loosely replacing it with Shiro’s. A soft smile spread across Keith’s lips. It smelled like him—like mahogany with a touch of vanilla—like home. Flitting his gaze up, he caught a sly wink as Shiro lifted one foot up into the counter. The other stretched out behind him in a lunge, and he began to unlace his boot.
Keith whistled appreciatively at the sight. He couldn’t tell who was having more fun with this whole thing: him or Shiro.
Repeating the motion with the other boot, Shiro sank a little lower, surprisingly more flexible than usual. He was going to have to test just how much more later that night.
Clad only in his skin-tight uniform pants, Shiro slowly made his way over to one of the shelves piled high with flowery smelling liquids and salts. He swung his hips back and forth as he walked, calculated and teasing, and Keith fought every terrible instinct to drool.
He sat there for what felt like hours, just watching Shiro leaf through the various bottles and jars at his disposal—painfully beautiful and painfully indecisive.
Keith clicked his tongue. “Gonna make a choice sometime this century, or should I get a cryopod ready?”
“It’s a show, baby. You asked for it,” Shiro said dryly, not even bothering to glance over his shoulder. He did give a little extra flex to muscles, and Keith silently promised he’d make him regret those words.
Crossing his legs, Keith drummed his fingers along the bench. Loudly. He kept his eyes trained on Shiro as he finally turned to face him. Grinning, Shiro turned a small bottle over between his fingers, and Keith cursed his Pavlovian response to whine. Electricity crackled between them. Shiro strode forward for a few heated steps, but, when he was just within reach, diverted his path towards the tub.
Keith cocked an eyebrow.
“It’s bubble bath,” he snickered, bending over to pour the clear gel into the tub.
Damn the Garrison for making standard issue pants that tight.
Not to mention, his were a bit tight now, too. Keith groaned, shimmying them off, and chucked the offending material at Shiro. It hit him square in the back of the head. Shiro almost toppled in, and Keith smirked as he whipped his gaze back at him, expression transitioning from bewilderment, to curiosity, and finally settling on intrigue. He chuckled and tossed Keith a wink, resuming his inspection of the bath. Keith huffed in response, turning his attention to the ceiling in a not-so-silent concession to wait.
Metal fingers brushed against Keith’s hip, giving his waistband a snap, and he jolted forward. Shiro’s prosthetic worked its way up his chest and into his hair, massaging at his nape. A smile pulled at Keith’s lips. Shiro loved to give each and every piece of him attention, and he was more than willing to indulge.
He closed his eyes and allowed the hand explore his body, gently stripping him of the rest of his clothes. Keith groaned as it ghosted over his abdominals. He wanted more—wanted Shiro to touch him in earnest until they were bruised and breathless. Thoughts grew clouded in the haze of his want. He couldn’t hear the bath filling anymore. Truthfully, Keith couldn’t hear anything anymore but the sound of his own moans as they escaped his lips.
A warm presence crowded his space, leaving heated tracks along his skin. His eyes, dark purple and blown wide, fluttered open.
“Hey there, baby.”
Keith surged forward, grabbing the back of Shiro’s neck and pulling him down into a crushing kiss.
“You enjoy the show?” he asked with a chuckle.
“I did,” Keith murmured, desperately tearing off the last of Shiro’s clothes. “But this is better.”
They lost themselves in the exchange of tongue and spit and breath, drunk on the taste of desire. Keith dug his fingers into the freshly bared skin, rolling up into Shiro’s touch and practically begging him for more. Cold air accosted him as Shiro pulled away. Keith whimpered, indignant, chasing the heat he craved.
Shiro dropped to his knees.
Strong hands grasped the underside of Keith’s thighs, and every muscle in his body quaked as he placed a kiss against the sensitive skin. With a grunt, he hefted Keith into his arms and made his way towards the tub.
Shiro’s breath was hot on his neck as he eased them into the water. He settled onto a carved out ledge against the side of the tub and released his grip on Keith’s legs. Draping his elbows over the edges, Shiro sighed long and low.
This was what he’d wanted.
Keith let himself drift, floating until he could no longer reach Shiro with his toes. It was peaceful, quiet. Somehow, they’d found an oasis in the midst of a war camp. He would’ve liked to just float there for days if he could, but there was a more pressing matter at present, and it was pressing against his stomach.
Dipping his head below the water, Keith scoured the lingering thoughts of impending battle from his mind. This was not the time. He inhaled deep as he stood and shook droplets of water from his hair. Scanning around the tub, he spotted Shiro. His eyes were closed and he was sporting a smile from ear to ear. Not for the first time that night, Keith thought about how he might just be the luckiest man alive.
However, this was also not the time for a nap.
He skidded his hand rhythmically across the surface of the water, creating waves that crested and broke over Shiro’s face. Piercing silver eyes zeroed in on him, and Keith’s face split into a crooked smile.
“This tub is the size of our old shack. Did you really need to make it this big?”
Shiro countered with an easy shrug. “I have my reasons.” Languidly, he tracked the line of Keith’s body down to the water. Sparks flashed in his eyes, and he curled his index finger in a silent command.
Keith obliged, closing the space between them quickly.
“So,” he breathed, sliding a knee against either side of Shiro’s hips, “is this what you had in mind?”
“Yes.” The word came out thick and sweet like honey, and although Keith liked a little more bite, he would gladly lap up every ounce of sugar.
Shiro pulled him in close, running his hands up and down his body like it was his ultimate purpose in life. He was so warm, so solid beneath him, and Keith wanted those hands to tear him apart and put him back together. He let Shiro move him as he pleased, responding to every brush of skin. Blissful and unaware.  
Water splashed over his face, and Keith sputtered, gasping for air. His eyes flew open. He was no longer poised over Shiro's lap, ready to make them both squirm and scream with pleasure. Far from it. Now, he faced the opposite direction, nestled on the underwater bench between Shiro’s legs. He looked up, burning accusation in his eyes, only to be met with a soft smile.
“But,” Shiro sighed, kissing the side of his neck, “I’m not about to let this bath go to waste. Relax, baby. Enjoy yourself.”
Keith snorted. He was enjoying himself; it just had more to do with the naked man at his back than the water. Still, he knew how to play the long game. He’d learned from the best how to be patient, and patience always yielded him a reward.
Easing against Shiro’s chest, Keith closed his eyes. Strong arms wrapped around his waist, and they sat there, basking in the warmth of the water, the floral scents, and the press of skin. It helped soothe the deep ache in Keith’s muscles. His day had been a blur of drills with Voltron, teaching cadets, one quick tour of a uniform closet after lunch, waves of robots on the training deck, and an extra three hours fine tuning the controls and programming in the Ares simulator. Keith was tired as hell, and tipsy was just a spec in his rear-view mirror. Maybe, he needed this more than he cared to admit.
“Ya know, this might actually be better than the springs,” he said, startling the silence that had enveloped them.
Shiro’s fingers curled through his hair. “How?”
“Well,” he mused, stretching his arms up and lacing them around Shiro’s neck, “would we have gotten this drunk if we’d gone?”
“Yes.” Shiro drew out the word, almost teasing. His breath was warm against Keith’s ear, and it made his toes curl.
Chuckling, he turned in Shiro’s lap. “Would we be this naked?”
“Would they appreciate the two of us not being able to take our hands off each other in the pool?”
Shiro was silent a moment too long.
“Well then, I consider this a win. Cause here, no one can tell me not to touch you.” Keith’s voice reverberated with a sound more akin to a growl than his usual stardust. Something dangerous flashed in his eyes, and he pounced.
He began with Shiro’s chest. His hands roamed over the expanse of skin, tweaking spots Keith knew would drive him wild. Under his fingertips, the beat of Shiro’s pulse spiked, and an appreciative rumble tore through his chest. Perfect. Keith watched hungrily as Shiro tried to exhale through his nose in a futile attempt to calm his senses, but Keith knew his body better than his own. And Shiro’s praised patience had begun to crack.
Tender and slow, Keith placed open mouthed kisses up the length of his collarbone. The barest whine broke Shiro’s lips before strong hands wrapped around his waist and dragged them both underwater.
Damn. He’d shown his hand too early. But, Keith knew a thousand ways to take Shiro apart, he just needed to find the right one. This time, they ended up seated sideways, legs draped over one another.
Lips brushed the side of Keith’s neck. “Patience, baby. Pamper first, fuck after.”
Keith groaned and splashed the water with his foot.
“You have the cutest scowl,” Shiro said, ruffling his hair. He paused for a moment, then began to massage Keith’s scalp, gently moving his neck back and forth. A rumbling purr rose unbidden from his throat. “You’re just like the wolf, ya know?” Keith tilted his head to the side. “You’ll do anything for a few scritches.”
“Not a bad thing,” he countered, trying to hold the laughter under his breath and punched Shiro in the arm.
“No, indeed.”
Keith smiled and his eyes lit up like the stars.
“I love it when you look like this,” Shiro said, continuing to rub circles into his crown. “Love that I can make you look like this.”
“Love to pamper me?” he teased.
His words were a truth Keith had to remind himself wouldn’t slip away. So much had before, but Shiro, he was a solid tether, and he wanted to love a messed up little punk like him with every fiber of his being.
“We don’t get enough time like this, definitely won’t once we launch.”
Keith sighed, leaning into him. “Yeah. Gotta defend the universe, right?”
The universe in all it’s never-ending mystery. Always on the precipice of destruction with only a handful crazy humans in magic robotic lions to keep it stitched together. It had been his life for so many years now. It could be the rest of his life. The end of his life. He’d run along that razor thin edge far too many times, and one person had only so much luck before the ground fell out from under him. Right? Well, that had already happened anyways, so what the fuck did he know? Nothing. They knew nothing, and it was eating away at the edges of his sanity.
“Baby, come back.”
The words wrapped around his consciousness as something soft pressed against his ear. Lips. Mahogany. Vanilla.
Keith gasped. His heartbeat thundered in his ears. Too many thoughts were flying through his head. Too many images he wanted to forget. Too many faces. Too many names. He exhaled just like Shiro had taught him to, so long ago at the Garrison. One, two, three, four, five. Wait. Inhale. Repeat. The fog thinned from his mind. Sniffling, Keith let his head fall against the warm chest behind him.
“You all back?” Shiro asked delicately, placing another kiss against the shell of his ear.
“Yeah,” he murmured. “It’s just—unnerving. We know so little about what’s waiting for us out there. Nearly got gutted when we fought that one Altean robeast. There could be a whole fleet standing by. I don’t know if we’ll be able to—”
“Shh, Keith,” he crooned, kissing his neck, “we can’t worry about the things we can’t control. We have Voltron—the best version of Voltron—with the best leader I know.”
“Shiro,” Keith groaned, “I’m not—”
“It’s true, baby, you’re amazing.” He nosed at his hair. “You are exactly what this team needs to succeed, and the only one I'd trust to keep everyone safe in my stead. You care so much. You don't give up.” He sighed. “We keep evolving, overcoming the obstacles ahead of us. Yeah, the future is uncertain, but we can’t worry about that right now.”
Keith burrowed into his chest and scoffed.  “I don’t understand how you can be so chill about it, Shiro.”
“It’s because I have you,” he said, gently squeezing his shoulder. “Because I know that no matter what happens out there, I’ll always find my way back to you.” His fingers drifted down the sharp line of Keith’s jaw and tilted his chin. Warm lips pressed against his own.
Reluctantly, Keith broke their kiss and captured every fiber of Shiro’s being in his gaze. “I’m not losing you again, Takashi.” Never again. He’d rip the fabric of space and time to shreds before he ever let that happen again. Shiro was his home, and they’d both drifted alone in this universe for far too long. His eyes softened. “I’ll put you on a chain if I have to.”
Shiro whistled low, wiggling his eyebrows. “Maybe later.”
“It’s the good boys that are always the kinkiest,” Keith said, poking him in the chest and darting out his tongue.
“And the bad boys are always the neediest,” Shiro returned. His hand glided over Keith’s thigh, and it pulled a whine from deep within his chest.
“Maybe I wouldn’t be so needy if my boyfriend would fuck me already.”
“Patience, baby.” But there seemed to be a disconnect between his words and his hands. They’d moved up his thigh and were now perched on the soft swell of Keith’s ass. “I don’t want this nice bath me and Atlas made to not get used to its fullest potential. We worked so very hard, and you look like you need a little more relaxing before I fuck you so good you sleep through training tomorrow morning.”
“That’s some big talk.”
Shiro circled him with a finger, and Keith’s body shuddered with pent-up desire. “On my honor.” Keith groaned, tried to grind down onto him, but Shiro was careful not to give him an inch. “You want me, baby?”
Sweat dripped down Keith’s throat. He was was breathing hard, worked up, and couldn’t form a coherent thought if the universe depended on it. Every witty remark he knew died on his tongue as Shiro teased his rim again. So he let his body speak instead. He was a man of action, not words.
Keith pressed forward until they were flush together, and, God, did Shiro want this as bad as he did. He could feel it. But that damn patience of his was still holding strong. Luckily, Keith knew exactly how to chip away at his defenses.
Perking his ass out, he stood. Water dripped down the long lines of his body, leaving glistening trails in their wake. He looked magnificent, and he knew it. Keith took his own nipple in hand, rolling and teasing it until it stood hardened and alert, then he fisted a handful of Shiro’s forelock with the other and sent him on a one way collision course to his abdomen.
Shiro groaned as he made contact, eagerly placing messy kisses up and down Keith’s stomach from his seat below. His breathing hitched, and the soft touch of lips shifted to the sharp bite of teeth.
“You make it so hard,” Shiro gasped, chest heaving against him, “for me to say no. But—” In an all too familiar flash, he gripped onto Keith’s hips and pulled them both under the water. “You're gonna have to do better than that to break me.”
“Duly noted,” Keith sighed, shaking droplets from his hair. But he didn't mind. Because, the game was afoot, and he knew how to play.
A sudden swell crashed over him, and Keith unceremoniously toppled back into the water. He cursed under his breath. The dunking was getting a little excessive at this point. Shiro offered him a hand, laughing like he was having the time of his life, but, instead of responding with a patented Kogane smart-ass remark and cool stare, fissures formed in Keith’s exasperated facade. He couldn’t even complain. He loved Shiro like this. With a smile plastered across his face, he looked less troubled than a man with as many scars as he did possibly could.
“Well,” Keith said, nonchalant, “if we aren’t going to get a little dirtier anytime soon, at least hand me something to wash with.” As if he couldn’t help it, Shiro sniffed the and wrinkled his nose. “Hey, you didn’t give me a chance to freshen up—you just said ‘grab a drink and follow me, baby, I got a special surprise for you’—and I’ve spent the last few hours in a simulator and on the training deck.” Keith laughed, running his hands through his hair. “Or would you prefer it if I was stinky? Would you like that ba—”
Shiro thrust bottle of shampoo at him. “No. Wash.”
Keith snickered and took it, squeezing a bit into his and a bit into Shiro’s hair. His eyebrows furrowed together until they practically formed a single line and his jaw parted slightly.
“Both. I don’t know where you’ve been. You could be dirty,” he teased, stepping closer. Keith massaged the gel into his scalp until it foamed. “I’ll do yours if you do mine.”
Shiro cocked an eyebrow and rinsed out the suds. “Sit down then.”
Keith wiggled and did as he was told. Rolling his eyes, Shiro began to work Keith’s hair into a lather. A sloppy smile spread across his face. It felt nice to be cared for—and to be clean. Shiro handed him a bar of soap, and Keith turned, repaying the little show he’d so eagerly put on before. When he was finished, and Shiro’s entire face was a light shade of pink, Keith climbed into his lap and smoothed the soap over his skin. Contented hums filled the room as he worked. Keith smiled; Shiro looked so relaxed, so happy.
Gently, he tugged him down to the water’s surface. Shiro's arms spread out until he was floating on his back, troubles rolling off him like waves. Keith pulled him out into the middle of the tub. He was beautiful, his eyes, his voice, the way his lips curled up into a smile, down to every last scar. With a tender touch, Keith began to trace over them with his lips.
Each was a solemn reminder of pain, of perseverance, of the peace they fought for. He loved them all—because Shiro had survived. They were bookmarks etched into his skin, and Keith knew every story. Starting at the beginning, he read over his chapters, working his way up to his mouth. Their lips parted, and Shiro gazed up at him like Keith was every star in his universe.
“Do you know how much I love you, Shiro?”
“To the moon and back?” he asked, chuckling to himself.
“The moon isn’t so far away. Try again.”
He smirked. “To...Kerberos and back, then? ”
“Ha, that’s a start,” Keith conceded, running his hand under Shiro’s chin, “try to the next reality and back. I’ve done it, you know.”
“I was there, Keith.” Lifting a finger to either side of his head, he mimed a lion’s roar.
“Yeah, and you had the weirdest accent.” He grinned, poking at his cheek. “It was cute, though. And, damn, did you have a nice spacesuit over there, really showed off your assets.”
Shiro snorted. “Don’t be drooling over an alternate reality me when the original is right here.”
“Clone,” Keith teased, dragging out the vowels.
Shiro grabbed the back of his legs under the water and stood. “It’s almost like you don’t want to get fucked tonight, baby.”
In general, Shiro was an imposing figure, but when he was barely a breath away, closing into Keith’s space like a predator that’s caught his prey, he looked downright ferocious. It made Keith’s heart lurch forward. He wanted Shiro to sink into him and never let go. But his silver eyes were narrowed, dangerous, and a wicked smile stretched across his face. A fraction of a second too late, Keith realized he hadn’t removed his hands from his hips.
“Don’t you dare, you—,” Keith tried to scream, but he was already being pulled under the water,  tickled mercilessly until tears formed in the corners of his eyes. Like a feral animal, he splashed at Shiro, kicking him playfully until they were both out of breath. They wrestled back and forth until they hit the edge of the tub. Keith’s sides burned as he laughed. Driving his crown into Shiro’s shoulder, he landed a tickle fight ending blow, and they collapsed against the carved out bench together, smiling, happy.   
Feather-light, Shiro brushed a stray strand of jet black hair behind his ear. His gaze was warm, almost protective, and it made Keith feel treasured beyond belief. Catching his breath, he threaded their fingers together and ran soothing strokes under Keith’s palm. It was subtle, but Keith understood every silent word.
I’d claim you, too. If we can both make it out of this alive, in a heartbeat, I’ll make you mine.  
Keith squeezed his hand and watched as Shiro’s eyes shimmered, blinking back something that looked suspiciously like a tear. They’d never needed words to understand each other.
With a sigh, Shiro broke their stare and sent his prosthetic flying out to retrieve the Malibu from the counter. He took a long swig of the clear liquid and smiled. Keith narrowed his eyes at him. The man had saved the universe a few times over now, he guessed he was allowed one flaw.
“Thirsty?” Shiro asked.
“No, way,” he scoffed, nodding at the tropical bottle, “stuff’s pure sugar.”
Shiro shifted until he was cradling Keith’s head in his hand. “And you have a sweet tooth.”
“Only when it comes to you.”
He nearly barked with laughter. “Let’s leave the body shots for another night.”
Keith wiggled his eyebrows and sat up, but Shiro nudged his shoulder with the bottle of whiskey.
“How thoughtful.” He accepted the peace offering. Still eyeing him, Keith took a sip then placed it to the side of the tub. “That magic hand really comes in...handy, huh?”
“Yeah,” Shiro replied, shrugging his shoulder. There was a deep flush in his cheeks and an easy smile on his face. It was the opportunity he’d been waiting for.
“You know,” he mused, dropping his voice down into a register that would drill holes in Shiro’s foundation, “that’s not the only reason I think you have magic hands.”
Shiro’s eyebrows lifted clear into space as Keith stood, stretching, showing off his taut muscles.
“You give the best massages, love,” he said, turning around to sit in front of him, slightly bent forward. “Would you do my back? I think it would really help me relax after the long, hard day I’ve had.” Innuendo dripped with every word, but Keith kept his face all innocence and smiles, flashing him the barest of pouts.
Shiro snickered but obliged, sending his arm to fetch the massage oil from the cabinet. “Anything for you, baby. Just relax.”
Warmth spread across his back as Shiro smoothed the oil across his skin.  Keith sighed a little too loud, and Shiro’s hands tensed for half a breath. Then, he began to rub. Closing his eyes, Keith thanked his every lucky star for Shiro; he had the hands of a God, and damn, did he know how to use them. All knots would eventually bend beneath his will, and there was no muscle nor ache he could not ease.
Moans tore from his lips each time Shiro focused on a new part of his back. He worked his body rough, and it left Keith panting and needy. Eventually, his hands began to linger, languidly tracing up and down his spine. Keith breathed in deep. He craved his touch—would gladly have Shiro explore his body with abandon—but he had to keep his head. Those hands were wandering, and, if he played it smart, their test of wills would finally end.
Slowly, Keith took himself in hand and began to pull long, even strokes along his length. Shiro snorted behind him, but he disregarded the implication.
“You said to relax, Commander. I’m just following orders.” Shiro’s fingers twitched at the title and snuck around to join him, but Keith brushed them away. “Focus, please.” His voice lilted with a sing-song air, and he leaned forward a little more.
Begrudgingly, Shiro began again.
Keith smiled to himself. Never underestimate the powerful need Shiro had to care for him or the ensuing frustration if said need was denied.
Keith moved his fist faster, arched his back harder, and, more often than not, had to bat away a wandering touch. Shiro was relentless in his attempts to place a hand where he didn’t need to be massaged but could make Keith moan all the same.
Always a step ahead, Keith countered every move, never allowing him more than a brush of fingertips. He’d made himself a promise earlier that night to make Shiro regret initiating the long game—regret every sudden dunk under the water—and he was here to collect. There was a new roughness in the way Shiro dug his fingers into his skin, and Keith knew he was losing his cool.
Adjusting as Shiro darted his hands around him again, he forced him to focus on the task at hand. He was close to breaking, and Keith knew exactly how to land the final blow. With a groan, he began to buck his hips in short, quick movements. There was a sharp intake of breath behind him, and a rush of triumph spurred him on. Keith picked up the pace, lightly bumping against Shiro at the end of every thrust. He let himself be loud, each noise that escaped his throat more drawn out and needy than the last.
Suddenly, fingers gripped Keith’s hips and held him in place. With shaking hands, Shiro traced along the muscle at the small of Keith’s back. Direct hit.
Sighing, Keith dropped his head onto Shiro’s shoulder, exposing his neck. “Feels so good,” He purred. There was a tell-tall glazed over look in Shiro’s eyes, and Keith knew he’d won.
“Shiro,” he whined.
“Yeah, baby?” he asked, voice was raspy with want.
Keith scooted back, angling his ass up ever so slightly. “I’m still a little tight in one spot. Think you could help loosen me up?”
“Fuck, yes, Keith.”
Before he could tout his victory, Keith was being flipped over, hips pressed into the tub. Shiro wasted no time. He grabbed a bottle of slick and coated his fingers liberally. Keith shuddered as he licked a hot stripe down his neck.
“You just had to be a little minx tonight, huh, baby?” Shiro whispered, tugging Keith’s earlobe with his teeth.
He craned his neck, fixing Shiro with a devious look. “You started it.” Nails dug into the swell of Keith’s ass, and he groaned. “Just had to play the long game.” Sweat dripped down his temple. “This is all on you, baby.”
Shiro pressed a kiss just behind the corner of his jaw, sucking at his pulse. “And you’re gonna be so good for me from now on, aren’t ya?”
Metal fingers circled around Keith’s rim and slowly teased him open.
He keened. “Yes.”
Gently, Shiro nuzzled his cheek, then curled his fingers inside him so hard Keith had to struggle to breathe.
“Good.” In a swift movement, Shiro removed his fingers and coated his length thoroughly. He placed a kiss to Keith’s nape, lining himself up, then slowly eased inside.
Keith gasped at the sudden pressure. No matter how many times they were together, he could never get over how wonderful that initial, deep stretch from Shiro’s cock felt. It was like he was burning from the inside out, and Shiro was gasoline to his fire.
Breathing in deep, Keith relaxed around him. Shiro was nearly saddled to the hilt. He tweaked a nipple, and Keith’s entire body quaked. Wicked laughter came from behind him, then Shiro began to thrust.
Spots danced across Keith’s vision as he moved. He set a punishing pace, tearing him apart more quickly than normal. Just how Keith liked it. He knew he’d riled Shiro up pretty well with that last stunt, but this was more than just a product of his teasing. They stood on the edge of a precipice, and this was their claim.
Shiro’s hands grabbed his hips, pulling Keith flush against his chest. Their lips crashed together in a desperate tangle of emotion they could not express any other way. Keith moaned again and again as Shiro bucked into him. His nerves crackled and sparked. Every slide threatened to break him in two, and Keith grew pliant under his touch. Shiro angled himself upward slightly, stroking along his prostate. Keith barely muffled the ensuing scream.
“God, I love you,” Shiro murmured, pounding into him harder.
His veins coursed with pleasure. Keith smiled weakly from below, unable to form a single coherent word.
“Love your body. Love the way you feel against me. Love that I know exactly what noise you’ll make when I do this.” He thumbed over the head of Keith’s cock and thrust up simultaneously. His scream ripped through the air, and Keith sank a little lower, panting. “Love that you take all of me. God, Keith. You’re amazing.”
Teeth bit down onto his shoulder. Keith swore he could see galaxies sprawl out in front of him.
Collapsing forward onto the tile, he mumbled, “Want you to—”
Shiro bucked into him again. “What was that, baby?” He slipped a few finger’s into Keith’s mouth, and he sucked them greedily. “Is this what you’ve been wanting all night—for me to fuck you senseless?”
Keith nodded his head ‘yes’.
“I can’t hear you.”
“Yes!” he screamed.
Capturing Keith’s lips in a kiss, he whispered, “Good.”
A warm hand wrapped around Keith’s length, and he thrust up into it wildly. Their bodies slapped together in a fervid need for friction and release. Every nerve ending was maxed out on pleasure. Keith moaned and clawed at Shiro, lost to the erratic jolting of his hips. Shiro’s breathing was heavy as he pumped Keith mercilessly, dragging him over his edge.
It surged through Keith like a tidal wave, punching the air out of his lungs. Shortly after, Shiro crested with his own release. He cried out his name; sweaty, glistening, and blissed out beyond belief.
Spent, they floated back, hands clasped together.
“Think they would’ve let us do that in the hot springs?” Keith asked, breathless.
“We would not have been asked to return.”
Laughter settled over both of them.
“I think this was better, all things considered.”
Shiro sighed in agreement. “One day we’ll go.” There was a far off wistfulness in his voice, like a memory just out of reach.
“I promise, love. One day we’ll go,” Keith crooned, pulling him out of the tub. Gently, he placed a kiss to the edge of Shiro’s jaw. Tension eased from his face, but before he could speak, Keith tapped his nose.
Snickering, he turned on his heel and grabbed a towel from the rack on the wall. Keith dried them both off, giving every inch of Shiro’s body attention.
“Now, Admiral, it’s my turn to pamper you,” he said, ruffling the towel through his hair. “My hands are magic too, ya know.” Keith pulled him down to whisper in his ear, “On your stomach and on the bed.”
Lightning flashed in the silver of Shiro’s eyes, and it sent a shiver racing up Keith’s spine.
“Yes, sir.”
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madboxwithagirl · 7 years
Worried Sick
10th Doctor x Reader
Author’s Note: This took me WAY longer than it should have, but here’s my next story! This was a requested story, but I had already planned on having a sick fic with 10 and the Reader! Thank you once again to my lovely beta reader @blueboxshenanigans11 for reading through and giving me some editing suggestions! Please chuck her a follow if you haven’t yet! And, as always, feedback is always welcome!
Prompt: Yo can i get a tenth doctor x a sick reader! (Btw i love blog)
Summary: You’ve come down with an alien cold, and the Doctor is looking after you! After you sneak off while he’s away, he frantically searches for you.
Warnings: Mild angst, some talk of sickness related things (sneezing, coughing, etc.)
Words: 1,972
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You hadn’t expected to fall ill. Although, no one really expects to catch some alien sickness, do they? But then again, you travel to all sorts of different planets and galaxies, so maybe you should have expected to get something. It didn’t matter anymore though; you were in bed with a crummy cold.
The cold itself didn’t seem any different from a typical human cold besides the fact that it lasts about double the time and medicine doesn’t help. Luckily for you, you got a milder version of the cold. For the most part, you felt pretty okay besides the stuffy nose, mild fever, and occasional sneezing fits. But the Doctor had told you that it could very easily turn into a much stronger and potentially deadly illness with any physical exertion, so he made you stay in bed. You were on day seven of the illness and you were more than thoroughly annoyed with being unable to move except to use the restroom when he wasn’t paying attention.
At first, you didn’t really mind having to stay in bed since the Doctor insisted on cuddling with you to help you feel warmer, which it easily did. It was already difficult enough to resist cuddles from the Time Lord, but the chills from the fever made it impossible to say no. His slim body surprisingly held a lot of body heat, something that you were more grateful for than ever. Despite loving being in his arms, after a couple of days it was beginning to become difficult to want to stay in bed. Your body hurt from lack of use and you wanted to go on an adventure. You had tried to convince him to take you on a teeny, tiny trip to some new planet, but he refused with ease.
“Not a chance,” he said, shaking his head and kissing your forehead. “You’re still ill and I can’t possibly risk letting you get even worse. With too much physical activity, this little cold will become a nasty flu. I can’t let that happen, now can I?” You huffed and buried your face into his chest, happy that he cared about you so much but upset that he wouldn’t give in.
“I don’t like you.”
“You know you love me.”
During day seven, you simply couldn’t handle being in bed any longer. Your joints were sore and you had to get up and do something, even if it was just walking around the TARDIS for a while. The Doctor had left to make you some soup, so you decided to take that opportunity to get up and sneak around for a bit. You knew that you couldn't be gone for more than 15 or 20 minutes, but it was something. You slowly got out of your bed and stretched, happy to be using your limbs again. Slowly, you opened the door to your room and looked around for any sign of the kitchen or the alien. Satisfied that neither were nearby, you crept out and began to look for the library, your favorite place in the ship.
Walking carefully, the Doctor started to make his way out of the kitchen with a tray of hot soup, hot tea, and some solid food for you. He felt terrible for taking you to the planet where you had contracted your cold. He had completely forgotten that humans were incredibly susceptible to the planet’s many illnesses. There were so many more that you could have gotten, each one more severe than the last. He was thankful that you had caught one of the more mild ones and that you would be alright within a few more days. He loved you dearly and would be nothing less than devastated if he lost you.
You and the Doctor had been together for many months and he had never been happier. In that time, he realized that he could never go back to you not being in his life, so he was going to do everything in his power to keep you from getting worse. He knew that you weren’t happy with being stuck in bed, but he simply couldn’t risk it. He knew that you loved being in his arms, so he used that as a way to keep you in bed. He tried to stay with you as often as he possibly could, only leaving to get you food. Not that he minded, of course. You grounded him. With anyone else, he wanted nothing more than to go out on a new adventure. With you, he simply wanted to be around you, even if it meant staying in bed and cuddling.
As he made it to your door, he got a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach. The door was slightly open. He hadn’t left it like that, he was sure of it. Nudging the door open with his shoulder, he looked inside and saw that you weren’t in bed where he had left you. The Doctor dropped the tray on the floor and ran off down the halls to look for you, ignoring the broken glass and ruined food.
His body kicked into overdrive as he went through every door he came across, hoping to find you safe and sound. With each door that didn’t lead to you, the more worried he became. He knew you couldn’t have gone far and that you were most likely alright, but he couldn’t shake off the fear that you had gone and made yourself worse off. He tried to reason with himself, knowing that you knew better, but then he remembered that you had gone off when he had told you not to exert yourself.
Coming to the door to the library, the Doctor rushed in, having little hope of finding you in there. He ran through anyway as he continued to debate with himself on whether or not you were alright. Finally, as he prepared to go onto the next floor of the massive room, he saw you leaning against one of the shelves, eyes dashing back and forth as you tried to find a book that suited your mood. The Doctor called out your name frantically and ran towards you, capturing you in a hug before you could look up.
“D-Doctor?” you said, confused as he quickly lead you to a seat. As he helped, well, forced you sit down, he tried to put on his best stern face.
“Sweetheart, I told you that if you exerted yourself you could make your sickness worse. Why didn’t you listen to me?” He tried hard to keep his face stern, but the fear in his eyes couldn’t be hidden. Your face fell as you realized how much you had worried him. You had meant to get back to your room before he came back, but you must have lost track of time. Now he was upset that you had disobeyed his orders and made him worry for you. Letting your eyes fall from his face, you began to explain yourself quietly.
“I know that if I’m not careful I’m going to make myself even more sick, but Doctor, I’ve just been so bored. I haven't been able to walk around or stretch my body. I’ve been so sore because I haven’t even been allowed to walk. You’ve carried me to the bathroom, bathed me, you’ve even fed me. I know that if I’m too active, I’ll get worse, but I just wanted to move about to try to get the pain to go away and maybe find something to do until I’m better.” You glanced back up at the Doctor, his face having softened slightly. Sighing, you looked away again. “And…”
“And?” he questioned, his head tilting to the side slightly.
“Don’t…you think that you may be a tad bit overbearing?” you asked, your voice growing slightly more quiet. Before the Doctor could reply, you continued. “I mean I know that I have to be careful, but walking for a few minutes? Or giving myself a quick shower? Or lifting a spoon? I get that you don’t want me getting something that could be dangerous, but don’t you think that those things aren’t enough to cause anything worse?” You kept your eyes from focusing on the Time Lord, instead opting to focus on some marks on the floor. Those suddenly became very interesting. What neat patterns those marks make. Your focus was broken with a sigh from the Doctor and his hand touching your own.
“Darling, I…I know that I must seem to be overprotective of you, and maybe I am, especially because it’s you and I want you to be safe and sound and out of harm’s way, but maybe I’m not because the universe is dangerous and you’re a human being and humans are terribly weak compared to other creatures, but I know that you’re a resilient person and that you’re probably fine more often than not, but then again you’re human, but-“
“Right right, sorry.” He chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood the best he could, your slight smile and glance at him showing he succeeded. “I just…worry. You’re the first person in a very long time that I’ve been able to share this bond with and I can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt because of a stupid mistake that I made. I love you, and I want to be able to love you for many more years to come.” The sad look in his eyes was back, the one he got when he thought of his old planet and what he had lost. You realized that he was scared. He had been alone for so long and he didn't want to have that happen again, especially if he could prevent it. You placed your hands on top of his own, giving them a light squeeze as you smiled at him softly.
“Hey now, all of the dangers we’ve faced, the creatures that have tried to kill me, the injuries that I��ve gotten, and you think that a cold is going to take me out?” You laughed softly, moving one of your hands to his cheek. “I’m fine, alright? It was just a little walk. It’s not going to hurt me. It’s alright to worry, but you need to trust me, okay?” The sad look remained in his ancient, brown eyes, but a small, genuine smile graced his lips. He nodded and moved his arms around you, pulling you in for a firm hug.
“I trust you. But no more running off without telling me where you’re going. That’s not a habit we want you to pick up. We wouldn’t want you to get into trouble now, do we?” He pulled back and smiled a bit wider before suddenly picking you up and heading for the exit. “Now, back to bed with you! You made me literally drop your meal so I could come find you, so now I have to make you more! And no joining me in the kitchen. We both know how that will turn out.” You both laughed as he carried you out the door and back towards your room. You began to settle in his arms when you suddenly remembered.
“Wait! I never got a book to read! We’ve gotta go back!” You looked him in the eye and tried to give him your best sad eyes, but to no avail.
“Nope!” he declined, adding a little pop to the end of the word. He grinned widely at your pout before continuing. “I’m going to read you a book that I picked out myself. Trust me, you’ll love it!”
“I thought you were supposed to be the one trusting me!”
“Ah. Yes. Well, maybe tomorrow dear.”
“I don’t like you.”
“You know you love me.”
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hikikomori-kuma · 7 years
[USUK] Right Place
As a thank you! for the 100+ followers of this blog! Thank you very much! Here is an unbeta-ed, flangst (fluffy + angst), kinda “eh?” fic I made months ago. It’s really long but I do hope you won’t get sick of it. Without further ado. Dozo!
PS. Correct me if you see errors!
Edit: Thanks to @chibiblogerchan for correcting me about their child’s name. :)
He watched as Alfred attempt to dance with Tino on the dance floor. He awkwardly sway on the upbeat music but the goofy smile on his face make up for it. Other dancers are on the dance floor but Arthur decided to stay on their table and watch from the sidelines. 
He took a sip from his water - he’s restraining from alcohol for now, he reminded himself - as he scanned the room filled with happy people and even happier new couple. Tino and Arthur had been friends since their university years and even after years of short contacts and brief updates in life events and changes, it was very darling of Tino to invite him to his wedding. The omega met a quiet Swedish named Berwald and now, they are bonded - married even.
He remembered the day that Tino invited him for tea and with his sweet and comforting scent telling him his happiness, he showed his beautiful engagement ring to Arthur. His eyes shining with glee that matched the diamond on it and the usually quiet Fin had been talkative with how Berwald came up with his proposal.
With the reminder of ring, he looked at his own finger. Still pale like the rest of his skin and still untouched with metal on it. He wondered what it felt like to have a cool metal against his skin. Would it be cold to touch or will it share his warmth like it’s a part of his body?
He snapped out of his reverie before anyone nearby guest question his change of scent.
He looked up again to hear that the music has finished with a loud final beat and a round of applause and cheers filled the room. Arthur was one of the more polite one to clap his hands.
Tino and Berwald announced for their guests to continue dancing as they went back to their seats and watch their guest and be merry with each other. Some guest went to congratulate them on their table.
Another song was started by the live band, now accompanied by a Spanish singer and serenading the whole reception area. He saw that Alfred bouncing back to their table, panting, sweating and still smiling from his previous activity. He knew that the alpha would likely pull out his seat and talk to him animatedly thus he smiled at the other quickly before dodging his eyes to look for his glass but he did not expect it when the other stood in front of him and raised his hand.
“Sweetheart, come on. Let’s dance!” He smiled gently to Arthur, one that reminded him of knights on white horses often mentioned in happy ever afters - not that Alfred’s unlike one. He looked at him with wide eyes, shocked by the invitation and hand frozen half way to his mouth. Not to mention the crippling hot feeling of his cheeks. He did not seems to function for a long time that Alfred took the initiative to pick his glass, set it down on the table and grab his hand to pull him on the dance floor.
He felt hesitant yet he complied, keeping up with Alfred but with a distance as they went to the dance floor. Choosing a space near the centre and starting on a close dance position. Alfred grabbed his hand and put a hand on his waist - which shocked him for a moment - before pulling him closer to the alpha’s body.
He looked at the alpha, to his unkempt styled hair to match his suit and bowtie. He looked quite dashing, even with the glasses that made him more friendly. He grinned at Arthur as he hummed on the familiar love song the singer’s currently singing in the background.
He looked at Alfred’s blue eyes - such kind blues like its owner. They said that eyes are the windows of the soul and every time he look at Alfred’s, he knew that they are the purest and kindest. Just like Alfred.
He met this alpha, this man, when he was only an intern and Alfred was a graduating student of Engineering. He would never admit it loud enough or to anyone that the day Alfred spilt his coffee on his table while attempting - and failing - to balance his sleep deprived self was the day that instead of being spiteful to the other rather he fell in love with the man. Instantly! He noted himself. Even with his ruined documents and pants, the alpha made amends by taking out the omega for a night out. Arthur both surprised Alfred and himself for agreeing and one date became two, three, until he forgot to even count the casual visits to cafes and restaurants or movie viewing or even the taking turns of ordinary house visits just to cuddle on the couch.
He had dreams, Alfred also had his - which are always bigger than his, he would always tell Arthur his dreams whenever they watch home movies bundled in warm blankets and picking on a bowl of popcorn and occasionally throwing them at each other - but one ill-timed unprotected heat came and he felt like he failed both of them.
Alfred went to visit him on his home as usual, just to learn from the two red lines that soon - after nine months - he’ll become a father. Arthur knew that he’s not yet ready, he himself was not ready to be a mother yet but the frenzy of having a mate during heat blurred the possibilities of this unplanned future. He saw as Alfred’s bag slowly hit the ground, its thus making a single sound on the quiet room, making him wince, before he was engulfed into a big, apologetic hug.
“I’m sorry.” Alfred chanted into his ears, kissing his ears, cheek, forehead, neck, really anywhere he could reach just to ask to be forgiven.
He felt like crying, he cried many times before - on the bathroom when he saw the blasted positive result, the possibility to be fired on his currently acquired job, the disownment of his own family, rejection of Alfred and don’t even make him think of having an abortion. All those negative thoughts weigh him down and now, now, he felt bad to even letting Alfred catch onto it.
They embraced for a long moment, just standing there and letting the world go round as he felt at fault for ruining both of their dreams.
Arthur dared not to tell Alfred what he has in mind, now that he’s pregnant. He has to mask his scent for work to avoid conflict and he knew that Alfred just got his job and still has student loans to pay. Everything felt unprepared especially when one night, while eating Chinese delivery on Arthur’s couch - nowadays, he felt compelled just to sit and eat and be done with it - Alfred announced something he never thought he’d hear on the alpha’s lips.
“I’m introducing you to my parents.” He said before he started to gobble up again on his fried noodles. Arthur just looked at him with shock.
“We have to make it official, right?” Ah, yes. Yes. To save them faces. To avoid more conflicts and problems in the future.
He just nodded. Resigned to the thought that Alfred need to do that because he just needed to.
He tried cooking, making dessert for Alfred’s parents but he ended up buying a cake from the local bake shop. Alfred tried to comfort him, telling him that everything would be ‘just fine’ but Arthur haven’t been fine for weeks now - he would never said that to Alfred.
He tried to smile more during the night. They started with dinner, with casual talk of 'what’s going on’ to Alfred’s life and the casual talk of whats thrown at Arthur. He remembered being nervous but the 'Joneses’ were always understanding and welcoming. After the dinner, Alfred sat the five of them - including his beta brother Matthew - on the family room and announced his bond with Arthur. His mother has been happy, her initial reaction was to gasp and reach for her son as she congratulate his son with hugs and kisses and Arthur to this life achievement. He cleared his throat and made another announcement.
“Well, there’s another thing I wanted to announce. Arthur is pregnant.” It sounded clinical, too formal, too stiff but another booming joy came to the room. His father pat him on the back with unshed tears and Matthew quietly congratulated Arthur as he offered a quiet smile to the beta.
Everyone’s talking but all Arthur wanted that night was to go home to his flat and curl to his bed as quickly as he can but Alfred’s parents decided - forced - them to stay the night just to be safe. He chose to have a private quarters at the family’s guest room while Alfred on his own room.
He did not know what pushed him to woke up on the wee hours of the next day that he walked down the stairs to go to the kitchen just to hear muffled voices. He stopped by the wall - he did not mean to eavesdrop but the familiar voices of Alfred and his parents has been clear as he listened.
“You still haven’t finished paying up your student loan, dear.” He heard his mother with the voice of concern.
“Yes mom, I know that.” Alfred sounded exhausted but Arthur never heard him like that whenever he visits him.
“Son, are you sure about this?” His father asked the young alpha, like a man to man talk.
There is a long paused before he heard a sigh - one of exhaustion, defeat, forced. Arthur would like to listen more but he knew that the more he hear about this, the more he’ll be hurting. He went back to his room, forcing himself to sleep but he felt empty whenever he close his eyes.
The next day, he felt more tired than ever as he moved around the house with robotic-like manner. Alfred’s parents bid them goodbye with the same enthusiasm as the night before but Arthur felt like they just did it in front of him. He even received an embrace that he weakly returned.
As he head back on his room, after hours of travel and Alfred back to his own apartment, he just stared at darkness while he contemplated on what Alfred would have said that night. His thoughts wondered on 'Alfred being forced to the role of a father simply because he impregnated him’, 'he wanted to save face’ and the worst monster 'he’s just going with the flow and just plainly did not love Arthur at all’ That last one hurt the most.
He became quieter than usual, felt  more defeated to the forces he knew he had been weak against at the first place.
They made the bonding official as Alfred bit him on the shoulder and scented him off with his own scent. His alpha looked at him with such tenderness that Arthur felt conflicted; waking his inner demons and making it fight against each other. That he saw no other way to escape this, to just accept the consequence of their rash action. He wanted to tell Alfred to stop, to voice his thoughts, his hesitancy but invisible force stopped him. Choking his words and preventing them from spilling until he felt tears bead his eyes. They ended up tangled in each other’s arms as they shared warmth on his nest that night but he remembered staring at the dark walls, feeling the sting on his heart much more painful than the bleeding and throbbing fresh mark on his skin.
The people from his work place had been ecstatic with his bond as they fawn on him like birds flocking on seeds. They were very happy especially Feliciano who went on advising him on pregnancy tips.
He would be surrounded by the happy betas and cooing omegas but at home, he would be lonely on his flat and staring at the ceiling while he felt his stomach grew bigger by the days. It would only took a few months before Alfred will leave him, that’s for sure and Arthur just training himself for that.
He never called Alfred for help. He still can function like a normal human being, he reasoned - assured himself, but Alfred would always follow and assist him whenever he visited on the weekends or on his early out from his job. He would send him food and sometimes call to check on him. He never asked for his assistance yet Alfred was always willing to offer his help until he went overboard by completely moving in to Arthur’s apartment.
It was all of the sudden. Completely out of blue. It seemed that his life filled with such surprises. Alfred had his boxes outside his flat on a weekday as he waited for Arthur to return from work and asked him to let him in. With all the boxes and mess on the hallway, how could Arthur deny him refuge.
They awkwardly manoeuvred the boxes inside, well, Alfred did as he pointed to where he could place his packed stuff. That night had been very awkward as Alfred unpacked for his necessities while they remained quiet inside the flat. Bedtime that night even more as the alpha took the couch and bid him a shy goodbye. As he closed his door, he released a breathe he never knew he hold.
Morning came as the smell of breakfast reached his nose and he quietly but quickly excused himself in the bathroom. Making sure to lock the door before he gag and hurl out some rather non existing vomit.
He freshen up before walking out of the room, a frowning Alfred looking at him as he put down a plate of breakfast on his table.
“Are you okay?” Of course he can smell that he’s not but he still asked anyway. He just nodded and settled on making his tea and nibble on his toast for breakfast.
Moving through the house had been a messy affair, they moved around as if they would be stung if they get too close to each other. They fumbled on who will be using the bathroom first, Alfred scrabbled to look at his day clothes as he still hasn’t unpacked - not to mention where he would put his things as Arthur’s flat had been a one bedroom-one bathroom type and the lingering quietness inside the flat. Arthur decided to call in sick which he did not do often as he looked at Alfred struggle to make himself proper before going off.
Bidding the alpha off to work was something he usually see at the perfect domesticated life of an omega but when Alfred said that he’ll be off to work, he just nod in affirmation and waved a small unsure goodbye.
He had an impromptu day off, thus he had to make the most of it, right? He started off by cleaning the house, which was a struggle with all the boxes and hiding some of his stuff to make more space inside the flat. A few hours and he was set to go to even more impromptu check up to his doctor.
Alfred knocked - that’s sensible since he’s the one who just moved in 24 hours ago - into a cleaner house and to a more clinical scent of Arthur. He internally wrinkled his nose as the omega opened to door for him to go inside. He’s been removing his shoes when the omega spoke. He cleared his throat before forming his sentence. “I think we ought to have a talk after dinner.” Then he went back to the kitchen where apparently he forgot the stove’s been in high level and burnt his cooking a little.
Alfred offered his help to clean the dished in which Arthur was grateful and when everything’s done, it is time for their talk.
Arthur patted the couch space for Alfred to seat on, leaving a relatively good distance between them. Not too close for bonded mates but not too far to seem distant. Alfred listened to Arthur as he spoke, a bit nervous but stay still.
“Since you’re here - and your stuff had been loitering around,” If there’s anything that did not change to Arthur, it’s the sarcastic side comment. “I think you should unpack and set your things.” Alfred looked at him, happy to be received inside Arthur’s home.
“Including your personal stuff, I think I can share my bedroom for your personal belongings.” He said in a small voice but he squeaked as Alfred gently tackled him on the couch and embraced him, burying his face on the omega’s neck to express his gratitude, wanting to smell his mate, to know his happiness and gratitude. He felt  him sniffed deeply, smelling the same clinical scent from before. He patted the younger in the back, asking for time out but with a small kiss on the forehead.
The little gesture took him by surprise since they had been dancing around each other ever since his pregnancy. Things had been feeling rather cold as Arthur assumed it is going and this took him off-guard. He guided Alfred on his unpacking but made it very clear that Alfred still sleep on the couch.
Every morning, Arthur would wake up early to make sure that he would patch his mark with a rather expensive scent concealing patch before Alfred woke up. Yes, he did just that, sometimes even watching Alfred sleep for a few moments before he make his morning tea.
Slowly, they felt into something more relax, more comforting, more domesticated state of affairs. They would wake up, greet each other good morning, prepare for work to come home later with Alfred talking about his day, cook dinner before they retire to bed with murmured goodbyes.
They had jobs, which paid them for their expenses. Yes, they had talks about sharing bills but when Arthur, one day, struggled to button his shirt on the belly part, Alfred went home giving him a bag with a few shirts inside fit for his growing belly.
“Y-you don’t have to, Alfred.” His grip on the green shirt tighter than he supposed to. Alfred just grinned as him as he flopped on the couch/bed to went to the omega’s side.
“Nah. It’s okay, I got extra payment for working overtime and since I live at your apartment I think it’s just right to give you something in return.”
“But..” He’s still hesitant but Alfred looked at him reassuringly.
“Oh… I suppose, um- thank you, for all of these.” Putting back the shirt inside the bag since Alfred thought it’s a smart move to remove all the price tags before handling it to Arthur.
“Besides, it’s my child too, so, yeah.” He sounded happy, proud even but that sounded very different to Arthur’s view. Tasted bad to his senses that would surely reach his scent and emit his feeling. He internally thanked the patches but Alfred looked at him with concern.
“Hey, Artie? You okay?” That nickname. Since when did that became something Alfred associated on calling Arthur? He never knew.
“Artie?” Another one.
“Arthur?” He put a hand on his shoulder that startled the omega.
“Y-yes?” Damn. He was caught spacing off.
“You okay?”
“Ah, yes. Rather tired.” He picked up the bag then stood up, a bit slowly as he find balance. “Thank you again for these, Alfred. I really appreciate it. I’d like to talk to you more but I’m quite sleepy, so let’s call it a night, hm?” He offered a small smile. “Good night, Alfred.”
“Good night, Artie.” Alfred reached out for his hand, pressed it before letting it go.
Morning come, he was hesitant to wear the new shirt but his other clothes did not fit like it and when he walked out of his room, Alfred greeted him with a cheery smile.
“Good morning! They look good on you.” He stared at Arthur a bit longer, appreciating the new shirt on his mate then to his small baby bump, making the omega uncomfortable as he stood in the middle of the room before he could nod and proceed to breakfast.
It’s embarrassing to admit that the clothes Alfred bought are very comfortable, making him wear it in repeat for weeks until the alpha bought him a few more until he told Alfred that he’s happy enough with his new shirts.
Over the next few weeks, they grew closer. Sometimes eating out for lunch, walk on the park but Arthur’s secret was when they went shopping for the baby.
Alfred had been enthusiastic, holding his hand as he was pulled on the crib section to look at the selection. Since they did not have a room for the baby in the house, they chose to buy a small crib added with few baby clothes and other necessities for the child to come. Arthur may have thought that it’s safe to say that he’d been anticipating for the baby to come now that Alfred’s with him.
Life’s starting to get good, it seems when one late afternoon and one trip to grocery led him to see Alfred sleeping on his bed, glasses still on his face and his shirt fresh from what he had seen Arthur before leaving. He quietly moved to the kitchen, stacking their food supply before going to his bedroom. Contemplating if he should wake the alpha up or not because he himself is weary. A brief internal battle and he chose the latter, slowly sitting on his bed and settling himself on the space that still unoccupied by the younger. He made himself steady before braving to look at his companion. Looking at the youthful face with golden hair but weigh down by work and an child expectancy. He dared, slowly, to reach for his cheek to know if it’s warm - he’s right - and rested his palm on it.  Feeling bolder by this rare happening, he slowly stroked his thumb under his eye. Touching the bags under it, soothing the darkening skin as if it will be gone in a few. Oh, what will he do when this man left his life. Arthur thought to himself as he studied the sleeping man. It’s comforting as it aches to be with this man but he let the former win when he finally closed his eyes and took slumber.
The omega woke up, the room dark as the hours passed, to feel securely in the arms of the alpha. Spooned and feeling the ticklish breathe of Alfred. He pretended to be asleep for a few more minutes, just a few more to indulge to this feeling. Then on, Alfred tend to sleep on his bed and Arthur found that he don’t mind at all.
The remaining month of pregnancy has been bliss until it finally came.
“Darling?” He himself had finally called Alfred other than his name. He put a hand on his back, holding back a groan of pain as he tried to walk to the living room where the other busied himself with a laptop.
“I think I’m having contractions already.” He soothed his back. Alfred stood up to look at him.
“Really?! God, I- wait,” He went to Arthur and let him sit. “I’m getting the bags okay?” He kissed his forehead, sweat starting to bead. “Be back in a minute.”
The deliverance, to say, was an agony but Alfred had been there to hold his hand as he threatened him in every word he could muster at the moment but one cry from their child made it all worth it. He hold their son - a precious little boy, a very darling creature to Arthur’s eyes - kissed his small but grappling hand and showed him to Alfred.
Walking home with a new addition to the family made the flat more alive, more colourful even when William cried in the middle of the night, leaving them sleepless to function for the next day.
They never had time for each other as the baby occupied most of their time and gruelling twelve months and adjustment period came to William’s first birthday.
It’s been a small and private celebration as two people sang to their children 'happy birthday’ on their kitchen and blow his cake and kissed him on the cheek. They shared home cooked meals as Arthur tried to feed his little William while Alfred complimented him on his cooking. Taking a picture of them three, as a family had been hard but as Alfred settled the camera on the kitchen counter and pressed the timer, he pulled Arthur by the waist, pressing their son on the middle of them and smiled like there is no tomorrow.
He should be in back in heat in a few months but he knew life would be difficult now that he has a child and a job he had to resign from to focus on his son thus he relied on suppressants. He would secretly took one and hid it from the most impossible places Alfred would likely look for something.
It’s been hard, yes, but he kept going because he felt, knew that he’s in the high time of his life when Alfred told him something.
“They wanted to reassign me to a different site.” He’d been feeding William and even tasting a few bits of it when he said that. He hummed to tell that he’s listening.
“They say they’ll give me a pay raise but I refused it.” That stopped Arthur from feeding his son.
“Why?” It’s an opportunity and the alpha refused it.
“Arthur, I don’t want to be away from my family.” He frowned as he stopped from eating and looked at Arthur like deer in the headlights. “Will’s still small and I know that you’re always tired from taking care of him.” Alfred did not emphasize more, it was more than enough for him to know.
He’s holding back Alfred. Still holding him back.
He quieted after that, feeding William and cleaning up his child. He became quieter after that, keeping his mouth shut and his head low whenever Alfred talked to him. Eventually nodding if asked. He felt resigned but he kept his focused on their child lest his deep dark thoughts eat him away again.
One night, as he took a quick nap after successfully making having William sleep, he felt an arm around his waist then enveloped with warmth.
“Hey…” He felt breathe ghost on his nape.
“…Alfred?” He did not turn around.
“Are you mad at me?” He tried to inhale his scent but he got nothing.
“…No.” I’m mad at myself.
“I’m still sorry…"He was tugged nearer the alpha. The only sound was their breathe before Alfred spoke again. "I love you.”
It’s very rare that they exchange endearments like that and those made Arthur’s heart stop. “I love you so much. You and William.”
Stop. Arthur felt guiltier by the minute and when he couldn’t take it, he turned around and hid on his chest. Barely catching the smell of his mate.
“I’m so sorry Alfred.” Alfred just caress his back, reassuring him that everything’s alright.
Second birthday was decided to be celebrated on Alfred’s parents house. With some relatives and friends from Alfred’s side and a few from Arthur’s who looked ecstatic being invited. It felt like an holiday with all the food prepared, balloons, cutely wrapped presents and even silly birthday hats that Arthur tolerated wearing because his son looked so happy giggling with his father.
He went to the kitchen to fill up the pasta bowl as everyone seems to love Feliciano’s special sauce. Alfred’s mother had been busy with the muffins. Some of the noise in the living room reaching the kitchen.
“You okay, dear?” The alpha’s mother asked as she aligned the muffins in a flat tray.
“Ah, yes, everything’s fine here. Thank you for asking.” He smiled to the woman.
“No, I mean, are you okay?” Alfred’s mother leaned on the counter, looking at him.
“Yeah, I mean, yes. Is something wrong?” He did not understand this sudden inquiry.
“Have you gone into heat yet?” He involuntarily shuddered as he felt his cheek redden with embarrassment.
“W-why?” He put down the pasta ladle as he started to shake.
“Honey, I can’t smell Alfred on you and I can barely smell your scent.” Her mother smiled with concern.
How should he answer that? Clearly telling that suppressing his heat to lessen being a burden to Alfred won’t be a good answer. He cleared his throat.
“Maybe it’s just the party that overwhelmed my scent. There are a lot of people here today after all.” He tried to smile but it quivers at the ends.
“Oh, that might be it.” She picked up the tray but before she went out of the kitchen he looked back at the omega.
“But once you had, be sure to be satisfied, yeah?” She said with a wink that made Arthur blush even more.
Alfred’s mother kept on dropping hints.
“Here Arthur, eat this. It’ll make you feel more… energized!”
“Alfred! Give your mate some love!”
“I’ll leave you two to have some private time now.”
“I heard that there’s this good herbal drink that could fasten the coming of heat. You should give it a try Arthur!”
She would always say that while cooing on her grandson, while in the kitchen washing the dishes or even in the dinner table on their weekend visit.
“Alfred dear, do you have any plans on having another child again?” The alpha visibly choked on his food, tried pumping on his chest as he grabbed for his glass. Arthur looked in shock with what his mother had said while their son just giggled with her grandmother.
After some time, Alfred caught his breath again before replying. “Mom! That’s embarrassing!” He looked at Arthur as he muttered a 'sorry’ to which he nodded to.
“But why? I always loved to have a big family! If I were given a choice, I’ll have another of my own but that’s a different story.” She said, swinging her spoon as she explained. “Besides, omegas are only fertile for a certain number of years.” She chewed on her meat.
“Martha…” Alfred’s father tried to stop her.
“Right Arthur? That’s why you and Al should start on planning on your next child! Look at how lovely William is! I’m one hundred percent sure that your next child would be beautiful, don’t you think, George? Oh, I ca-” Martha kept on babbling but Arthur blocked it all off and now blanked with something akin to white noise as his mind’s voice spoke for him.
Can’t they see that I’m already a burden to Alfred? The one holding him back from pursuing his big dreams. That now, he’s stuck with a child and now, they want another?
It continued that even Alfred asked about it too. He had been cradling a sleeping William on his arms when Alfred sat on the couch.
“Hey Artie, when’s your next heat?” He sounded shy when he asked. He stopped swaying William.
“Why?"His voice small.
"Well, y'know, Mom’s been bugging me about it and I thought, maybe we could…try?”
No. No. No. God, please, no.
“You’re okay with that, right?” They never had this talk, or Arthur ever expected them.
“I don’t know…” He whispered.
“What’s that, Artie?"Alfred leaned on his personal space.
"I don’t know when” He tried to look relaxed, “but let’s just see when time comes. Is it okay?”
The alpha looked ecstatic with the idea that Arthur could not help but feel somewhat happy but more of dread.
Months passed and the heat talked forgotten, it being a weekend and Arthur’s busy with his home-based work and typing on his laptop when some flatten medicine boxes, a few empty pill bottles and some unused concealing patches had been laid down - well, it felt like it was thrown on the coffee table and in a very angry way.
Who would have thought that Alfred would rummaged to every corner of the house just to fix the leak under the kitchen sink.
“What are those?” The alpha asked, his teeth gritting together with the strong emotions he’s emitting. It reached Arthur’s senses but with the medication, he can barely smell his rage.
“Those are-” He looked at the forlorn glossy paper with the written medicinal name of suppressants. He gulped. “medicine.”
“Yes, I know that! Are those yours?” His voice sounded accusatory making Arthur internally winced. After the long sullen silence with Alfred impatiently being patient Arthur seemingly stuck on the couch like it take root on his being, he slowly nod his head.
“Why the fuck do you have those?!” He shouted again, pointed at the offending medicine and patches like it is cursed. Arthur flinched on his seat as he never heard Alfred became this furious. Another silence.
“Well? Are you gonna answer my fucking question or not?” And with curses too.
He swallowed the knot stuck on his throat before finding his voice. “T-they’re-” It cracked. Damn it. “-for my heat.” He fiddled with his sleeve. “They suppress my heat.”
“Is these the reason why I can’t smell you? Why you don’t go through heat?!” Alfred pulled at his hair. Arthur dared not looked at him. “Why are you doing this?!” He sounded rather upset than angry, questioning what went wrong.
Arthur can feel his eyes burn with unshed tears as he kept his head low, like the carpet has become the most interesting thing in the world.
“Hey, Arthur?”
Still no.
“Arthur! Fucking look at me!”
Arthur fisted his hands, his inner demons now voicing their thoughts louder. It makes his ears right, blocking Alfred’s apparent shouting.
Tell him.
Fight him.
He’ll leave you anyway.
You’re nothing to him.
You’re just a hindrance.
Say it out loud!
Do it!
“Arthur, why are you ignoring me?!”
That’s the final straw.
“Because I don’t want to be a baggage more that I already am to you already!” He looked up, glaring with threatening tears. He feel dizzy with the sudden movement and the intensity of the feeling he’s procuring.
“I know you have big dreams, Alfred. I know! And you starting a family in such an early age could stop you from ever achieving them! If it wasn’t for me, you could have been in a better place now! With a better job and not stuck with me!” He panted. “I know it’s all my fault. I’m sorry Alfred.” He bowed his head as silence filled the room. The ringing on his ears gradually fading with the replacement of the loud pounding of his heart.
“A-Arthur, I-” Alfred finally spoke but he was cut short by the sound of baby crying from the baby room. Arthur hurriedly stand up and ran to the baby room. Attending to their crying son as if he felt that sooner or later, his family would be broken. And that would be Arthur’s fall again. Arthur gently lifted William as he cradled and gently rocked the child.
Minutes turned to hours, Arthur had forgotten how long he’d been holding William and how his tears dry and eyes swelling. It’s near dinner time and when he opened the door of the baby room, the living room was empty. Alfred left hours ago, that fact did not surprise Arthur.
He realized that without Alfred’s loud laughter, his cooing to William and even the eventual overdramatic singing the apartment is quiet.
Ignoring the stillness of the once happy apartment, the omega focused on taking care of their son.
It’s on the dead of the night that a sound finally heard. The slow opening of the front door and light footsteps woke Arthur, looking at William gently sleeping on his bed. He stood up from his recliner, covering himself with a small blanket and looking for whoever opened the door.
As soon as he’s out of William’s room, his attention went into their room. With the door left open - as they always do ever since William was born - and saw Alfred lying sideways from his side of the bed. His soft slipper clad feet gentle above the carpet as he slowly walked inside, clutching his blanket with his hands and slowly approach his side of the bed. Alfred’s bad was facing him and with a deep breath in and out, he dipped onto the bed and lay.
He knew Alfred is awake by the small hitching of breath. He scoot closer, to the alpha’s side and buried his face onto the other’s back.
“I’m sorry.” Muffled but still audible.
He’d been thinking this through hours ago, while he tend on William and doing other house chores.
“I’m sorry for being selfish, for being insensitive and not understanding your way of looking into things.” He suppressed a sniffle. “But I still regret being the one who dragged away from your dreams. I’m sorry that you are stuck in this situation and I am nothing but dead weight.” He clutched an hand on his shirt. “I respect you and your decision and if you decided to leave us, I will not blame it you. I’ll blame myself for it. I know that I’m unworthy of someone like you and I apologi-”
Alfred suddenly shifted, now facing Arthur with a mix of concern and anger on his face. “You are not unworthy!” His lips formed in a tight frown. He put his arm around Arthur’s waist, pulling him closer. “You! You are not unworthy, Arthur! Don’t you ever say that to me or to yourself!” His eyes glossy as he touched the omega’s face. “Will you hear my side now, sweetheart?”
Why does Alfred has to call him that?! He asked himself but he just nodded.
“I am the selfish one. While you regret this, I don’t. I’ll admit that it was difficult when you handed me that positive result but as the days gone by, I slowly fall into the mindset of having a family with you. I’m working hard because of you and William, because I’m happy to be with you both.” He stroked Arthur’s cheek, momentarily staring at the glistening green eyes before continuing. “I’m sorry if I got angry with you. It’s just, I was overwhelmed by the fact that you’re blocking your heats. I don’t want you to have complications. You know I’ll take care of you, right?” He saw Arthur’s tears finally pour, one after another. His sobs quiet as he clutched on the sheets and cry his heart out. Alfred kissed his forehead, pulling away to wipe the flowing tears away from his lover’s cheek. “It’s okay to cry but it’s better if you share your worries with me. I’m here for you Arthur and will always be.” He nuzzled Arthur’s hair. “I love you so much, please know that.”
The omega has been crying ever since, his worries perishing through tears and replaced by clarity and assurance from this alpha - his alpha. His voice left him throughout Alfred’s speech and all he could is sob and let his tears fall. His heart even ache with the alpha’s declaration of love. He blindly cupped other’s cheek and he looked him in the eye. “I promise to be better from now on. I love you too, Alfred. Very much.” Yes, he loved this man with all his heart that he’s willing to sacrifice just for the man to be happy. He’s so  willing even if it means to give him up and be out of the picture just to see this wonderful man smiling.
Alfred smiled at him, gentle and affectionate with his glistening blue eyes. “I’m glad.” He pulled Arthur until their lips met into a sweet kiss.
Things do not magically get fixed overnight. They both knew it. Baby steps. As Arthur woke up entangled with Alfred and sharing warmth underneath a blanket, he decided that baby steps should start that day. He got rid of his heat suppressant pills together with the other rubbish outside. He even visited his doctor - one after a long time! - despite being scolded for the possibility of drug overdose, the appointment went well. The doctor explained that he needed to flush out the medicine from his body and eventually will start to have heat again. The prospective of heat made the omega blush in which the doctor humoured with a good hearty laugh.
He started to learn new recipes too, cooking for his family even with the usual burning-of-the-meal incidents and teasing from Alfred.
While Alfred got more affectionate towards Arthur. Kissing the omega whenever he got the chance, causing the other to swat him. He would bring him small gift, Arthur insisted on not buying him any gift but Alfred could be hard headed most of the time and bring him flowers, box of cheap chocolates, even a tin can of tea. Arthur would tell him not to spent him money on him but instead to their child but the positive glow on the omega’s face is something Alfred would not replace with anything. They are slowly and gradually getting closer.
One night, Alfred came home without his son’s usual running to meet his dad instead he went home to discover Arthur curled up on their bed. He slowly went to his omega’s side.
“Hey, honey.” He was answered with a groan. Arthur’s face sweaty and red and he’s slightly panting. Alfred felt his forehead, the skin warm against his palm. “Where’s William?”
The other opened his eyes to look hazily at him. “He’s with Matthew. I think I’m coming down with a flu, I can’t risk him getting sick because of me.” He winced as he tried to stood up. Alfred noticed that he’s wearing an old shirt of his, in any day he would tease the omega about it but seeing him in this state now, he only felt more concern by the second. “I’ll just re-heat dinner.” But he was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.
“Arthur, you’re clearly sick.” He looked at the other’s flushed state. “Just,” he sighed “just stay here, okay? I’ll do it myself. Do you want dinner?” Arthur shook his head and with a quick kiss on the forehead, the alpha went to the kitchen and have himself some homemade meal.
Turns out Arthur’s started in his heat - one after two years since - as he looked at the omega trying to built a nest on the carpeted floor of their bedroom. He now stripped himself of his pants as he drag more pillows to make his nest softer. He looked at the other as he settled himself in the centre of it and cover himself with a blanket.
“A-arthur?” He asked with worry.
“A-alfred,” Tears on the brim of those green eyes. “I’m scared.” He’s mind’s fuzzy and the overwhelming heat makes him uncomfortable. He cautiously went to the nest, keeping a distance between him and the scared omega. “I-I’m here, Arthur.” He sat down. “If you’ll have me.” The other slowly nodded. Their child stayed with Matthew for two more days after that.
After his heat, his scent slowly got back. It started out small, noticed only when Alfred nuzzle at the back of his neck. The sweet smell of rain and tea and morning dew getting stronger every time Arthur get embarrassed or surprised with Alfred’s antics.
Even his co-workers noticed the health glow that he seems to 'radiate’. Teasing and cooing at him every time they see Arthur.
Now, five years together with William staying over too Matthew’s who’s very fond of his uncle and them attending Tino and Berwald’s wedding, it’s safe to say that everything’s going steady.
They bid farewell to the newlyweds, with Alfred nudging Berwald with a cheeky grin and a wink to which the other silently blush. Arthur embraced Tino for the last time, congratulating them and wishing them good luck.
“Come on, stop it Al. We need to pick up William.” He hold the other’s hand. He’s not into PDA but the atmosphere had been nice and loving that he can’t help it.
“Ah, yes. Hey, Ber! Don’t forget what I told you, okay?” He laughed one last time before Arthur tugged him away.
They are waiting for the red light to turn green when Alfred suggested something. “Hey, Artie, you think we can take a little detour?”
Arthur looked from his side of the window. “Hm? Going to McDonalds?” When he did not get a response, he shrugged. “Okay.”
But fast food restaurant became a playground from a nearby park.
“Alfred, what are we doing here?” He followed Alfred as the alpha get out and run to the swing sets.
“Your majesty.” Alfred did an overdramatic bow to present Arthur the swing. The omega chuckled to the alpha’s gesture. “What’s up with you today?” But he did sit and braced himself to the metal chains. “Thank you very much.” He posh-ed up his accent. “Will you push the swing for me?”
“Gladly.” Alfred went behind and started to push the swing, slowly at first until he’s swing fully. He yelped at first but it erupted to giggles as the cold air of the night hit his face. The swing gradually slowed down and when Arthur decided that stopped, he looked around to see that Alfred was gone.
“Alfred?” He stood up, looking from left to right. “Alfred?” Alfred would not be that mean to left him alone here, right? The car’s still parked to where they left it. He continued to look around started to get scared when someone called him from behind.
“Arthur, I’m here.” He hurriedly looked back to see Alfred holding a tulip he clearly picked from the park and even though it has such a rich and vibrant red colour, it would not deter Arthur from scolding him.
“You git! Don’t just go- what are you doing?!” His eyes widen as Alfred kneel on one knee, pressing his suit trousers onto the grass. “You’re ruing your suit! Get up!”
“Please accept this,” he looked at the flower in confusion, “this flower.” He tried to smile encouragingly.
“Alfred, I know that you picked that from the park’s garden. You shouldn’t do that.” He shook his head.
“Then I’m not standing up until you accept this!” He understand that Alfred tried to be romantic but he’s such a man-child.
Arthur rolled his eyes before approaching the other. “I’m accepting this just because if I don’t you’ll be kneeling there for a long time and not that I care! I just worry about your trouser’s state-” Alfred gave an hesitant smile before handing the tip of the tulip’s stem. Cold touched Arthur skin. He looked to see something put around the stem. “What i-” He gasped when he saw what it is.
“Will you marry me?” Alfred said, looking hopeful and nervous at the same time.
“Stand up, you git.” He said as he felt his cheeks start to burn.
“I-is that a no?” Alfred stood up, not bothering to shook his trousers off the grass.
“Just stand up. Please.” He patted himself internally for keeping his voice from cracking.
“Artie, I-” Cold lips met his as Arthur wrapped his arms around Alfred’s shoulders. Bringing him down to his height as pressed a kiss onto the other’s lips, effectively shutting him up. It is rare for them to be pressing kisses to each other’s lips outside of his heat, kisses on the forehead and cheek or even on the neck they did but lip kisses are rare enough for the both of them.
Recovering from his momentary shock, Alfred wrapped his arms around the omega’s waist. Arthur pulled away to cover his burning cheeks onto the alpha’s cheek as Alfred inhaled his sweet happy scent.
“What Artie?”
“I said 'yes’.”
Arthur yelped as he was lifted on the ground and twisted around. He clutched on Alfred’s shoulders and being mindful of the tulip with a ring around it.
“Put me down this instant!” He heard his - his - alpha laugh as he was put down.
“Do you really?” He searched the other’s face, waiting for that smile to bloom into a full one.
“Don’t make me kiss you again just to tell you, you git.” He did smile fully now.
“I don’t think I’ll mind that, actually.”
“Why not put this on my finger before sealing the deal?” The flower bobbed its head.
“I don’t mind that either.” Alfred stole a quick kiss before grabbing the stem and fishing out the ring from it.
He pushed it onto Arthur’s finger, the cold metal touching his skin slowly getting warm under.
It glinted under the streetlights and then and there that Arthur decided that he could get used to it. Now it’s his turn to surprise the alpha.
“Alfred, I think the new addition to our family is very happy too.” He grabbed the alpha’s hand and placed it on his stomach. He watched as the other’s eyes widened with glee and smile broke out even more than he thought possible.
“Wha- really?! Oh my God! Arthur, really?!” He picked up the other again, this time more gentle due to the new discovery before placing a sweet kiss on the omega’s lips. Arthur happily reciprocated, drowning in happiness and love.
He was put down but the kissing only deepen as hands entangled on hair and bodies Eager to be closer to one another while Alfred pepper his face with kisses.
“A-al” Arthur was the one to pull away as he panted and looked around the empty playground. His cheeks red as he looked at the dazed expression of Alfred. “We still need to pick up William.”
“I think William can stay the night over at Mattie’s."He nuzzled Arthur’s cheek. "I wanna express my love for you, tonight.” His voice sultry and for the omega’s ears only.
He swatted the alpha on the chest but he has a small smile on his face. “Then, let’s head home. I’m starting to freeze my arse out here.”
“Oh, honey, it won’t be long until its warmed up again.~” The bespectacled man wiggled his brows suggestively but the omega only laughed at him while dragging him back to their car.
It’s then and there that he realized that his life has fallen into place long time ago, he just need to open his eyes to see it clearly.
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dekinswritings · 7 years
Piece of cake to bake
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μ's takes out Nico to celebrate for her birthday. Unfortunately, Maki couldn’t make it, but she had her own good reasons. NicoMaki.
Word count: 1581
A/N: This is a collab with @myonmukyuu!!! sfuibfuiweb I was so excited when she asked me if I wanted to do something with her but don’t tell her that mkay??? thanks
[Ao3] [FF.net]
“So where's Maki-chan?” Honoka asked as she tried to see if the red haired doctor was anywhere to be found behind Nico.
“She couldn't come,” Nico answered, seemingly unaffected by the fact that her girlfriend hadn't come.
“Eeeh?! Why not?! We’ve had this lunch planned for like two months nya!” Rin frowned and got to Nico’s side. “What's so important that she couldn't come to celebrate Nico’s birthday?!”
“Maybe saving people's lives? She told me that the hospital called her in to tend to some patient, even though she asked for the day off.” Nico explained and wrapped an arm around Rin’s shoulder. “I don't hold it against her though, Nico will have more birthdays and Maki gets to save someone's life! That's enough of a compromise for Nico so let's stop brooding and let's get started.” Nico smiled and did her signature hand gesture with her free arm.
They had all met up at a cozy family restaurant that they frequented from time to time; the food was pleasant and not too pricey but what made them stick to this place was Honoka, when she had discovered that a few employees here had recognized her and told her how big fans they had been of μ's. After that, it had become a sort of unwritten rule to always come to this place every times they needed to come together for lunch.
Nico was surprised when desserts had arrived, as her slice of strawberry shortcake had been adorned with a happy birthday message. She was even more surprised to see everyone else as perplexed as her because none of them had told any of the waiters that it was Nico’s birthday. Apparently the employees whom Honoka had met knew about it and decided to surprise her on their own. After a small sing along of a happy birthday song, desserts eaten and bills paid, they all headed to next stop of Nico’s birthday plan: karaoke.
The last step was all up to Maki.
When Maki got confirmation from the others that Nico arrived at the family restaurant, that was her cue on being able to finally go home with all the shopping she had done. Setting down the grocery bags, she took everything out and ran a mental checklist of her shopping: eggs, milk, sugar, all purpose flour, baking soda, vanilla extract, milk and fresh strawberries. Maki had never baked a cake before, but if she can cut open a skull and cut pieces of the most sensible organ in the human body, a cake shouldn’t be so difficult. Right?
Maki set her phone down with a cake she found online. It was for a simple cake: Nico couldn’t expect a New York style cheesecake out of her first try baking. First, preheat the oven to 175C, then take out a bowl and start to mix the ingredients. Maki felt blessed when she found a cake pan in the kitchen that she could use because she certainly forgot to buy one. Putting some butter in the microwave to melt it, next was mixing one and half cups of flour and baking soda each and a teaspoon of salt, the doctor started to mix the ingredients. With all the powders looking equally mixed, Maki scooped a cup of sugar and poured it along the melted butter. This whole mixing situation was much harder than she thought, her cake mix was taking a long time to look like the ones she found online. Almost 10 minutes of hard work with a whisk, Maki finally made it look like something worth putting on an online recipe, so she then added the eggs, milk and finally the vanilla extract.
Maki sighed, wiping off the sweat that had started to appear on her forehead. The kitchen was a mess, there was flour on the kitchen island, on the floor and on herself, she cracked an egg too hard and it was yet to be cleaned up, but the cake mix was finally ready. Out of mere curiosity, Maki dipped a finger in it and tasted a small sample of the mix. Her gag reflex reacted almost immediately with its astoundingly salty taste. Maki frowned, assuming she must’ve mixed up the sugar and salt. The cake mix was basically ruined… or was it?
“Sugar and salt balance each other, right?” Maki assumed as she did a small calculation in her head. She added exactly a teaspoon of sugar and a cup and two teaspoons of salt, so she just needed to add a cup and two teaspoons of sugar. Adding the surplus of sugar, Maki stirred for another 5 minutes, just to make sure the sugar had mixed well.
The last step before using the oven was buttering the cake pan. Maki had to take out another bar of butter and she buttered the plate by rubbing its inside with a side of the bar. Once prepared, she poured in the whole cake mix. Almost filling the entire plate, she opened the oven, slid it in and now Maki just had to sit pretty for more or less 30 minutes. The redhead took a look at the complete and utter mess that she made of the kitchen and considered cleaning it, but right now she just wanted to rest. She had time to spare as the cake baked and sat down for a well deserved rest.
“maki-chan!! nico-chan just left!!!” Maki’s phone buzzed with a message from Rin. She quickly checked the time, only 15 minutes had passed and Nico would be home in 10 minutes, at best. The cake wasn’t going to be ready in time. With a whimper, Maki quickly tried to come up with a solution. With no other choice, she went back to the oven and turned it up it to its maximum temperature.
Nico sighed as she walked up the stairs to her apartment; she had had a fun time with her friends, and it got really fun when Eli decided to order some drinks during karaoke. That alone made her 25th birthday stand out, but she really wanted it to be special. She did her best to not show it, but those with more keen eyes must’ve picked up that Maki’s absence was affecting her. When Nico reached her door, she picked up on an odd smell. It smelled like… a bakery? Confused, she opened the door and was hit with a wave of warm air and the aroma of baking.
“Happy birthday, Nico-chan,” Maki greeted her by the table with a bright and big smile that Nico didn’t see very often. She almost looked proud of herself, the kind of look that she always gave her when Maki was particularly clingy and looked for appraise. That’s when Nico noticed the chocolate cake sitting on the middle of the table.
“I’m home,” Nico greeted her and kicked off her shoes to the side and took off the ribbons on her pigtails. Walking up to Maki, she wrapped her arms around her and pulled her into a kiss. “Did you lie to me about getting called in for work?”
“Maybe, but this was a bit harder than a surgery,” Maki smiled as she pressed her forehead to Nico’s. Nico snorted at the joke and let go.
“Can I eat it now?” Nico asked and sat down after getting a nod from her girlfriend. Maki brought her a plate, a fork and a knife to cut the cake.
Under expectant amethyst eyes, Nico slowly cut herself a slice and served it, taking the single strawberry adorning the cake and popping it into her mouth. Next, she took a piece of the fluffy cake in her fork. “Your chocolate cake doesn’t smell very chocolate-y.” Nico commented before taking the piece in her mouth.
“U-um… well, it’s not chocolate. I-it’s vanilla but I might’ve burned it a bit.” Maki confessed. “I took too long making the cake mix so I had to rush the baking.”
Nico’s gag reflex immediately kicked in as her tongue touched the cake, wincing at its tremendously salty flavor and the gooey texture. Nico noticed the glint of expectancy in Maki’s eyes so she did her best to keep her smile, but her efforts were crumbling down as she tried to chew the salt mine of half raw cake and gulped it down. Her stomach was refusing to take it but Nico powered through it, but by the time she looked up at Maki, she was already looking down at the floor.
“It was awful, wasn’t it,” Maki mumbled more of a statement rather than a question.
“N-no! It was just,” Nico’s gag reflex kicked in again, interrupting her, “uh… unique. Not catered to Nico’s quite picky preferences!”
“You don’t have to sugarcoat it Nico, I could tell from your face that it was the most terrible thing you’ve had to taste.” Maki sighed and fiddled awkwardly with her apron.
Nico got up and took Maki’s hands in her own and gently rubbed them with her thumbs. “It’s okay Maki-chan, I’m really happy you made this for me.” Maki sniffled and looked Nico in the eyes. “I mean it.” The birthday girl felt relief as she finally saw Maki smile back at her.
“Although…” Maki tilted her head, confused that Nico talked so soon after the moment they just shared, “I haven’t really eaten cake yet, well, besides that.” Nico pointed at the one sitting on the table, “so… do you want to bake a cake? Together?”
A/N: This legit took me like 4 times to post bc I forgot the header and then I had a missing words and then I posted it on a wrong blog efuibeufiwebufbn. Thanks to @diverdaddy for betaing my god awful writing!! Happy birthday Nico!! I got such a good roll from step up scouting :))) anyways, yeah title might be a reference to a certain song bc I’m not creative.
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Poor Little Rich Girl-Part 8
This is an A/B/O AU
Your father Lucifer is the Alpha of your pack and he rules your town with an iron fist.  He is forcing you to marry the son and heir of a rival pack.  It is 3 weeks before your wedding when you find out Sam Winchester is back.   Sam was your first love at 17, and when your father found out, he forced his family to leave town.  You haven’t spoken to him since.  What will happen when you see him again?
Characters: Alpha! Sam Winchester, Beta! Dean Winchester, Omega!Castiel Novak, Omega! Mary Winchester, Reader, Alpha! (Nick) Lucifer, Beta! Michael, Beta! Gabriel, Beta! Stephanie (OC), Alpha Eric (OC) Chuck (mentioned)
Master List
Introduction (all parts are linked)
Text messages are listed in Bold
I stared at Dean, willing him to take back those horrible words and stop my world from crumbling.  But he didn’t.  I was silent for so long he began to get nervous.  The only thing that betrayed what I was feeling were the hot, salty tears that began streaming down my face.
“They are calling it a robbery gone wrong.” He told me as if this knowledge would somehow make the news easier to take.  I was suddenly filled with white hot anger so strong it threatened to choke me. 
I knew none of this was Dean’s fault.  He was just the messenger.   “This was no robbery, Dean!” I snapped.
“What do you mean by that?” he said sharply, his intense green eyes fixed on me. 
“My father ordered this. It was payback, plain and simple.  He must have found out Uncle Gabe let me go.“ I said angrily.
“So he had him killed? His own brother?” Sam asked incredulously.
“When you disobey the Alpha there are always consequences, even for family.”
“My father needs this marriage to happen, and no one is going to stand in his way. Not me, not you, not even his own brother.”  I told Sam sadly.  My grief and rage were burning so hard in me I felt like I was going to explode. 
As much as I liked Sam’s family, I needed time to mourn Uncle Gabe in private.  The lump of tears in my throat was so large now I could barely catch my breath.  “Excuse me please,” I said breathlessly as I ran up the stairs to my room and slammed the door shut behind me.
I threw myself on the bed and sobbed hysterically. The worst part was deep down I knew this was all my fault. I was the one who forced Gabriel’s hand. I made him choose, and he paid for that choice with his life.
I cried until I had no tears left.  I had always known my father was capable of terrible things, but I didn’t think he would sink so low as to actually harm a member of his own family.
I drifted into a restless sleep, feverish with my heat, and haunted by dreams of my father and my uncle.  I felt the bed dip, and strong arms encircled me.   Sam’s cool lips pressed against my forehead.  “Shhh. I’ve got you.  I won’t let anyone hurt you, Y/N.”
As Sam’s lips found mine and my body responded to his touch, my desire for him took over and everything else was temporarily forgotten.
When I woke up the next morning wrapped in Sam’s arms,  I felt back to normal and I knew my heat had passed.  Sam was still asleep, and the sight of him squeezed into the too-small bed with me made me smile.  He looked so uncomfortable but he had made the best of it because he knew I needed him.
I pressed a kiss to his lips and he woke.  “Hey, Beautiful.” He said, voice thick with sleep.
“I could get used to waking up like this,” I remarked, rubbing my thumb over his lips.
“That’s the plan.” He said with a grin that made me melt.
“So about last night…” Sam began, and the smile faded from my face.
“I feel bad that I was so nasty to Dean.  None of this is his fault.  I need to apologize.” 
Sam sat up in bed and pulled me against his bare chest.  “He understands, Y/N.  He doesn’t hold it against you.”
I turned around so I was facing Sam. “I need to tell you something.  You’re not going to like it, but it’s something I have to do.”
Sam took in my grave expression and let out a breath.  “Why do I have a feeling that my good mood is about to end?”
“I have to go to Uncle Gabe’s funeral, Sam,” I said quietly, mentally bracing myself for his opposition.
“No.  Absolutely not!  There is no way I am letting you walk into that pit of vipers!   Your father won’t waste an opportunity to grab you first chance he gets! It’s too dangerous, Y/N.”  Sam shook his head.
“Gabriel is.....was my favorite uncle.  If it wasn’t for me he’d still be alive.  I have to live with that.  I won’t let my father take away my chance to say goodbye.  He’s taken so much from me already.”  I crossed my arms stubbornly, determined to get my way.
“This is that important to you?” Sam asked me. I nodded.
He sighed in annoyance.  “Okay.  But Dean and I are coming with you. You aren’t going anywhere near your father without me, Omega.”
“You know that my father will have your head when he realizes that you’ve claimed me.  Are you ready for that, Alpha?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.
“I was ready to claim you ten years ago, Y/N.  He’s not getting rid of me so easily this time.” Sam told me as he pulled me into his arms.
I stayed hidden at Mary’s house for the next few days.  My father was growing more frantic as the days passed and it seemed as though I had vanished into thin air. Dean had gotten Steph a burner phone and we were able to communicate via text, so she kept me updated on what was going on in town.
Steph: Your Uncle Michael has been over here snooping around and asking questions.  I told him I haven’t seen you since the night of the pack meeting, which is true.
Y/N: Sam says he has been to their place too.
Steph: There is something else.  Eric came by this morning.
Y/N: Eric? What did HE want?
Steph: He came to apologize about what he said at the pack meeting, and to see if I had any ideas about where you might be.  He said all the right things, but I don’t think he meant a word of it.  I shut the door in his face.
Y/N:  I don’t trust him and you shouldn’t either.
Uncle Gabe’s funeral was scheduled for the next day.  Dean had managed to smuggle me into the house in the trunk of his car the night before in case the house was being watched.   As soon as the garage door was down Sam was there opening the trunk and helping me climb out.
“Is there any way whatsoever I can talk you out of this?” He asked me as I tumbled into his arms.
“I don’t want to see my father any more than you do, Sam.  I have to do this for Uncle Gabe.” I said stubbornly, brushing my hair out of my eyes.
That night despite the flood of endorphins Sam’s touch produced  I still couldn’t fall asleep. I listened to the sound of Sam’s slow, even breathing and wondered for the millionth time if I was doing the right thing.  I knew that my father was going to be furious that I had ruined all his plans.
Some might say I was asking for trouble disobeying him like I did and then flaunting it so publicly, but he didn’t leave me much choice.  He had forced Sam and me apart 10 years ago when we were young and foolish and didn’t know any better, but that was then.
I may be a lowly Omega, but Sam is my Alpha, and the sooner my father accepts that the better things will be.  To my father, appearance is everything.  If it looks as though he can’t control his own daughter then he appears weak, and that is the last thing my Dad wants.  But is it enough for him to let me walk away?
The service had already begun when Sam, Dean, Steph and I arrived.  We decided to enter separately to keep Steph out of trouble. Dean and Steph were going to sneak in after Sam and I made our big entrance because no one would be paying attention to them then. 
As we stood outside the door of the chapel Sam grasped my hand tightly. “Are you ready for this?” He asked me.
I shot him a brilliant smile.  “Let’s go shake things up,” I said, and flinging open the chapel doors, marched up the aisle.
I heard audible gasps from either side of the chapel as Sam and I made our way up the aisle.  One person took notice of my arrival and sent out a text saying simply:
You were right.  She is here.  She wouldn’t miss her Uncle’s funeral.  The plan is a go.  I just need to get her alone.
We took seats a few rows behind my father and Uncle Michael.  My father turned and when he saw me holding Sam’s hand he looked furious.  He made a move to get up but Uncle Michael grabbed his arm and he seemed to remember where he was. I could hear people whispering during the entire service which seemed to last forever.
When it was time to pay our respects Sam and I went together to where Uncle Gabe was laid out.  I stood for a long time at the edge of his coffin, my hand on Uncle Gabe’s arm, the tears flowing freely. “I am so sorry Uncle Gabe. I love you.” I whispered as I leaned down and kissed his cheek.
When the service was over, Steph and Dean stood with us as Uncle Michael came over. “The Alpha wishes to speak to you both.” He said stiffly.
“Tell my father I need to use the ladies room and then I will speak to him,” I said, turning my back on him. “Steph, will you join me?”
Sam looked over at Dean, “Can you keep an eye on them?” he asked his brother.  Dean nodded and Sam walked over to where Lucifer was standing accepting condolences.  Dean walked us to the ladies room and stood outside of the bathroom while Steph and I walked in.
Steph entered the only open stall and as I stood waiting for my turn a familiar face came up behind me and tapped me on the shoulder.  I turned at the new arrival. “What are you doing here?” I asked before I felt a pinch in my arm and my vision began to blur.  Before I could say another word everything went black.
I never even felt arms dragging me over to the open bathroom window or me being lifted out and handed off to someone without a word.  It all happened so fast Steph never even knew I was gone.  By the time she realized and ran to get Dean, it was already too late.
Part 9
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