fire it up, fire it up. when we find the perfect water, we'll hang out on the shore just long enough to leave our clothes there. fine enough, fine enough; oh we ate all of the oranges off the navels of our lovers, grabbed a book and read the cover .
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Despite Uma not wanting to hear it, It was all Harry could think about, he felt useless that he had died in the brief intermission of being without the crew he had came to love, he felt like he shouldn’t deserve to be trusted with anything ever again, it hurt and he just wanted someone to take the pain away.
“Anything, Uma. We can’t just pretend like nothing in the past few weeks happened, as much as we’d like to, it affected us and we need to be honest with each other.” It was incredibly out of Harry’s usual mannerisms to question his pirate queen, but this was more important than anything she could to do him for questioning her position.
“Of course we can pretend nothing happened. We’ve been doing it for days now,” she snapped back, crossing her arms as Harry spoke back to her in a way he’d never done before. She was used to him deferring to her ideas, although he often perked up with his own (not always helpful) suggestions where he could. She trusted him, and she’d let him down, and he’d died. Right now, the absolute only thing she wanted to do was to tell him to shut up and leave her be.
Except she couldn’t. Not after the talk she’d had with Gil mere days before.
“You died, Harry. I’m not ignoring that fact,” she added after a brief silence. “But I don’t understand what you’re expecting me to do. I need to push past it if I want to get us out of this new bubble and you bringing it up doesn’t help.” Dark eyes cast a look over the man, almost checking to see if her words had caused any damage. She was weak, just like her mother had told her. “I went down there for you. You and Gil. Isn’t that enough? Why do we have to talk about it?”
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The little intimate action wasn’t lost on Gil but he stayed quiet as she brushed her hair away, he knew that she would feel weird if he were to comment on his Captain’s actions and point out that she went to touch him.
Gil shrugged a little at the reprimand sent his way, he knew that she would be back to the little place they had taken as their own; after all, she did enter the Underworld just to drag both Harry and him back to the land of the living. It made him wonder just how much Uma cared for Harry, she braved dying herself to come to the Underworld to pull him back to the living.
“I know, doesn’t mean I’d let ya be alone in this place” Gil shrugged and then frowned as he looked around “Especially since this place ain’t as safe as people think it is, pretty sure Callie Jane died on these docks” He warned her carefully, he had heard that his best friends little sister had died on the docks after falling in and knocking her head.
“Town has a magic bubble like the Isle”
Uma was grateful. As dense as he could be sometimes, Gil was oddly the one most in tune with not only his own emotions but everyone else’s too, and she’d come to rely on him as a gauge of the room. He made it easier to see how others were feeling, and she would never know how to put that in words for him to understand what it meant.
“I can take care of myself,” she replied, although knowing Harry’s sister had died here gave the place a different aura immediately; more sinister but also more sorrowful. That... That wasn’t a way for any pirate to go, and she sent a silent wish for her health out into the world. “More concerned about the pair of you being alone than me.”
Uma turned, hands rising up to her necklace. So this wouldn’t work here, either, it seemed. Damn it. She kicked the nearest object and growled. “Of course we can’t just sail away. When have our lives ever been simple?”
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continued from here | @firstmateguyliner
Uma didn’t want to hear any of it. She didn’t want to hear how sorry Harry was, or that he knew her well enough to know when she was lying to herself, or to acknowledge that she was indeed lying at all. The fact that he felt genuine guilt for it all made it even worse, because... Because it wasn’t his fault. It was hers. She was their captain and they’d both died under her watch, because she’d been too busy exploring to think about the consequences of leaving her crew.
“What is it you want me to say, Harry?” she snapped back at him, arms folded over her chest and one eyebrow raised all but to her hairline. “That I was lonely without you? That I missed you and Gil? Or is it that you want to know my true feelings?” Her tone was mocking, but that very mockery was hiding her greatest fear - the fact that True Love’s Kiss had brought them all back to Storybrooke and she was scared of admitting that weakness, even to him.
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continued from here | @gvthcl
Uma couldn’t really argue with that logic, mostly because there wasn’t any to be found in the statement. She’d never understood Ginny, never really had to bother with the other girl as she was part of Harriet’s crew, and she liked it that way.
“You’re working?” she laughed, rolling her eyes but watching with interest as the other girl pulled out glasses. “Fine, if it’s on you, I’ll have whatever you’re having. Make it strong.” Poseidon knew she needed something after the experiences she’d had. “I’ve literally been to hell, Gothel. Anyone would need a drink after that.”
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Having a wave of magic wash over him once again was off putting until Gil realised that he was now in being bathed in sunlight with a breeze hitting him in the face, he had gotten out; Uma had succeeded in saving them.
True loves kiss worked, and it somehow pulled him along for the ride when Uma and Harry kissed.
Letting out his feelings to the both of them was daunting and girly because he never did that, but it lifted a weight off of his shoulders that he didn’t know he had and now he was in the land of the living because the three of them proved to each other that they weren’t above emotions.
Uma had left both of them to their own devices but Gil was ansty with her being away from him for longer than five minutes, so after fifteen minutes of her being away he left Harry to follow her and find out if she was okay, and lo and behold, he’d found her at the docks.
“Well, I kinda do” Gil replied in amusement as he moved forward to stand beside her and stare out at the water in front of them, one that he would love to sail to get away from the town they had finally arrived in after the curse ended
Uma tried to ignore the jolt of guilt that ran through her at the sound of Gil’s voice, but it was difficult, considering he made up a good half of her thoughts in that moment. This was what she’d been trying to avoid. She wanted to figure out how she felt, how she was going to deal with this, before she had any kind of conversations with her boys. Oh, Hades, when had she started thinking of them as her boys? It certainly hadn’t been a recent development. Did that mean she’d lo- that she’d cared all this time?
She cast her gaze to the tall blonde, taking him in for a moment. It was weakness and she knew it, but she reached out to just graze a finger over his skin. Warm, healthy, real. Alive. She quickly pulled her hand back, fidgeting by brushing her hair away, as though that had been her intention all along.
“I told you both I’d be back,” Uma replied. Gil was disobeying a direct order - to leave her be and stay with each other - but she didn’t have the heart to yell at him for it. Not this close to getting him back. “Just checking out the ships. Real sure between us, we can steal one of these bad boys and head out.”
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“But this is just me disguised as me.” - Ginny
"Then it’s a damn shitty disguise, isn’t it?” Uma replied, leaning against the bar. It was no surprise to find Gothel in a bar; the girl seemed to enjoy her alcohol and the truth was that she was looking for the solace of a bottle herself. Just a little relaxation of her iron grip on her emotions for a night and then she could be the pirate queen she needed to be. Company had not been on the agenda. “What the hell you want anyway, Gothel?”
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“I never meant to hurt you.” - Harry
"Hurt me?” Uma tried to play it off as a joke. As if someone could hurt Uma. She was a great and mighty sea captain, about to become the scourge of a whole new world; the poor unfortunate souls of this realm had no idea what was coming to them. Of course Harry hadn’t hurt her.
But he’d died, and he had hurt her, and she could never fully admit it to herself, let alone him.
“I’m not hurt, Harry. I’m pissed. That flea-ridden brat is gonna get what’s coming to him for killing my crew. And you’re back. It’s water under the boat.”
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closed starter for @simplyprimcval
They were alive. Herself, Harry and Gil; they’d made it out of the Underworld because they’d been vulnerable, weak, because they’d admitted the deep-seated feelings they held for each other. It wasn’t something she’d ever imagined happening, to be truthful. Uma prided herself on not needing anyone else, on being as independent as her mother had been before she’d been defeated. While she liked to have her crew around, it wasn’t a necessity; she was a proud pirate queen and would be able to conquer the world alone.
Except she couldn’t. The moment she’d lost Gil and Harry, her world had crumbled.
Which was why she was sitting at the docks. It hurt to leave the boys to their own devices for a while, because a part of her needed to keep an eye on them, make sure they didn’t disappear like so much fog again, but she needed time to process as well. She let her fingers drift over her lips, remembering - a kiss to each and they’d been transported. She knew the stories; her mother hated the concept of True Love’s Kiss, after all, and Uma had never considered the possibility that she’d get it for herself. It was something heroes found.
Footsteps interrupted her thoughts.
“You really don’t wanna be here,” she called out to whoever dared interrupt her.
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“It wasn’t a matter of letting themselves die. The realm collapsed. Rescue teams sent over barely got out of there alive. Your boys will have tried their best I’m sure.” But from the woman’s words, they seemed close and when someone you cared about was in danger, every man for themselves always went flying out the window. She knew that from experience, facing Oogie to protect Santa and Jack. Nearly lost her leg doing so, and had to restitch new material and discard of the material he touched though. “I can’t exactly answer any more questions when I likely know no more than you do now.” She’d tried the graveyard, and then she’d tried the forest, looking for a door to Halloween Town. No dice. “I’ve tried there. I don’t think he made it to Storybrooke.”
“If they died,” Uma began, emphasising the first word with as much vehemence as she could muster, despite her exhausted state, “Then they let themselves die. We’re a pirate crew. It’s every man for himself when the ship goes down, except the captain.” Yet she’d been the one on this side of the portal and her boys had likely gone down with the ship formerly known as the Isle of the Lost. She’d failed them, and she’d failed as a captain too. What was the point? Uma was spite incarnate and the news that the other woman hadn’t found her man either filled her with a sick sense of glee. “Seems you’re useless, doesn’t it? Crawl back under whatever board you came out from. I’ll find them on my own.”
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simplyprimcval :
Carlos killed Harry? Gil didn’t expect that and he hadn’t had the chance to see the younger boy either because of the expanse of the Underworld and meeting Harry not too far into his stay in the darkness. Was that what Harry meant about ‘the brat’ dragging him down here? He didn’t really ask anything after reuniting with Harry.
“Don’t try and blame this on me!” Gil snapped at Harry slightly shocked and amused at the fact that he was trying to put some blame on him because he had let go of the others hand and fallen to his death, he wasn’t going to pull Harry down with him while the other still had a chance to try and find their Captain and keep her happy. His gaze then switched to Uma as she turned her ire onto him��“That was the only choice I had Uma” he explained carefully as he helped Harry up “If it was Harry falling then we would have both gotten away but we both know that I weigh more than him and would have ended up dragging him down if I hadn’t of let go; he had a better chance of finding you while alive”
He didn’t often speak out against both of his friends, he preferred to be the ‘intimidating figure’ behind them, although he didn’t really understand why people referred to him as such.
Never leave her sight again. That sounded like a promise he would work his hardest to keep, Harry already knew - to a degree - how Gil felt about him because of the kiss that they shared when Gil had caught sight of him in hell, but Uma didn’t know and he had no idea how to show her except by staying by her side until the day she got fed up by him.
“Keep us close until you get fed up of us?” he suggested with a small sheepish smile “We were already planning on getting out of here as soon as”
[ @firstmateguyliner· ]
“I was going to kill him myself! Just like I did with the brat of a princess who’s neck I slit!” Harry growled roughly, the repressed memories of being tricked by the runt of Mal’s group flooding back to him as a wave of anger rushed over him, but, all it took was one look at Gil and one at Uma and he managed to calm himself down, they really were his anchor that he needed to stop him from going overboard with his emotions.
“Of course, not even a discussion whether or not it’s an if, we’re leaving with you Uma, and this whole thing will never happen again, that I can assure you.” Harry noticed how she seemed to be fighting back her emotions, but he wouldn’t dare comment on such a thing, it would be disrespectful and he was still trying to fight his way back into being accepted by her again.
Harry sighed, but nodded in agreement to Gil’s next statement, “It wasn’t his fault, If I had held on any longer we would’ve both died then and there, he hoped I could at the very least live long enough to find you. He had your best interests at heart, Captain. Didn’t want to see you alone.”
“Whatever it takes to get out of here, we’ll do it, just to be with you again, Uma. Whatever you decide to do with us, I’m sure your plan is flawless. It always is, Captain.”
( @sxawitch )
Harry’s ire was always something to behold. She knew many people were scared of it, but the fire in his eyes when he got worked up was part of what attracted Uma to Harry in the first place, just as Gil’s honesty was what she admired about him. Not that she’d ever tell either of them such a thing, of course; it was for her own private musings, how her two boys were exact opposites of each other. One fire and rage, the other a calm, serene breeze. The knowledge that he’d taken down one of Mal’s crew sent a certain thrill through her; unlike Gil, she was less inclined to think murder was as bad as others made it out to be. Her mother could have done much better if she’d just killed the men getting in her way, after all. No, Uma reached out and slid a hand across Harry’s shoulder, resting on the base of his neck. “You got one of them, Harry, and the other one died anyway. Good work.”
Her glare turned back on both of them, although she didn’t retract her hand. Even though Harry didn’t feel alive, she was reassured by the skin to skin contact, that she could feel his presence, as well as Gil’s steadying the other man. “And how did that work out, you guppies? You both died and I was on my own anyway. Next time, you two focus on getting each other outta dodge. I can take care of myself.”
The truth was that Uma hadn’t come armed with a plan. She’d intended to storm the gates of Hell and get her men back in her life, but beyond that, she hadn’t figured out. “A witch let me in. That means there has to be a way out. We find it, we get to go back to our brand new home.” Storybrooke was as dull as dishwater, but it was still better than being dead. “Move it or lose it, boys.”
[ @simplyprimcval· ]
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Crew. Crew meant pirate right? Sally wasn’t sure, there was never any pirates in Halloween Town, just ones she had ready about in books. “I haven’t seen your crew - if they didn’t make it through the portals, then I’m afraid their gone. I’ve heard people saying the land on the other side collapsed in on itself, anyone who didn’t make if through…” she sighed. “Have you seen a skeleton? Tall, good looking, might not be a skeleton anymore - his name is Jack, I can’t find him either, he wasn’t in Storybrooke as far as I know.” and she couldn’t find an entrance in the woods for Halloween Town.
Uma was listening, but she didn’t want to hear it. There was absolutely no way her first and second mate were d- gone. They couldn’t be. She needed them there beside her, to keep her steady by giving her something to focus on. Without them... Without them, she was lost. She hit the nearest surface with her fist, not even flinching at the pain it caused her. “I’m asking the questions around here! My crew ain’t the sharpest but there’s no way they let themselves die. It’s every man for themselves on the Isle and my boys are the best at what they do.” The pride was to hide her fear that they had indeed died - that perhaps they’d suffered, trying to find her. “I haven’t asked for any damn names, but you want a skeleton? Try the graveyard.”
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Evil, but these people were weak, so easily played. It wasn’t like living on the Isle, where deceit was the only thing that kept you going, where backstabbing and tricking others was literally the only way to live. This woman was clearly a bleeding heart and wouldn’t have lasted ten minutes with the kids of the Isle. “Oh, of course,” she replied sarcastically, turning around on her heel. “I’ll absolutely forgive the fact you’re treating me like an idiot.” Her smile dropped instantly. “I don’t need your pity, Blondie. I need to know where you’re keeping the others. I wouldn’t have asked you if I already knew the answer.
❛ You shouldn’t ask questions you know the answers to, it’s not polite. ❜ - Uma
| ( ᵃˡᶤᶜᵉ: ᵐᵃᵈᶰᵉˢˢ ʳᵉᵗᵘʳᶰˢ ˢᵗᵃʳᵗᵉʳˢ) - @sxawitch |
Emma could feel the rage pour from the young pirate and she shifted from where she was standing. “I am sorry but I had to ask” She stated as she bit down on her lip ; knowing she will always be an outsider to these children since she came from this world and not isle. “I hope you can forgive my rudeness Uma..”
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simplyprimcval :
Oh Hades, Harry had no idea that he was pushing his luck with their Captain; his best friend sometimes had no self preservation.
“Harry” he warned softly as he began talking in the cocky way that he always did, hiding from Uma was definitely the way to go at the moment and he hoped that whatever happened with Uma would mean that she wasn’t as angry when facing him.
The hope though. That was something that Gil would back because he also believed completely that Uma would come for them, their Captain was so loyal and amazing that she would never have been able to leave the both of them; it was one of the things that he loved about her. The clang of metal on rock once again echoed through the caves causing him to jump slightly as Uma grabbed Harry and pulled him close.
Gil had never thought that any of their crew would be able to show much emotion other than anger when they were either in front of each other or other people, but within the past two weeks he had witnessed Harry cry and now he spotted the glisten of his Captains eyes as she growled at Harry.
Catching Harry was the first job on his list as Uma pushed the lanky boy backwards, as roughly as she could; his arms wrap around Harry’s waist as he keeps the red leather clad pirate from hitting the floor. The second job is for him to try and soothe his beautiful captain.
“It was either me or Harry at the time” he offered quietly, if anything he was hoping that informing her that he was trying to save their third would take away some of the sting of her anger “And you are definitely the smart one of the crew, there’s a reason you’re the Captain after all”
“I’m sorry Captain”
[ @firstmateguyliner· ]
Any traces of his cocky attitude left Harry as he found Uma’s hands grabbing his jacket and pulling him close, he wasn’t uncomfortable with the closeness, of course not, the roughness of the said closeness was just something he found himself desiring a lot less.
“Th-..That bastard, Carlos! He..I hate to admit it but he tricked me, Uma.” He sounded ashamed, his sentence had started with him being filled with rage, but it turned to disappointment in himself, “Of course he also died in the process..”
The push backwards caught his just as off-guard as the initial pull had, luckily he had Gil to catch him, finding himself secure in the other boy’s arms. “I tried to keep him alive, Captain. The Island was crumbling and there was a massive chasm, If Gil had just held on a little longer I would’ve been able to pull him up.” A slight eye roll aimed at Gil, as if to shove some sort of blame onto him, but not too much.
“We’re sorry, Captain. If we manage to get out of this mess, I’ll make sure we never leave your sight again.” He tried giving a light smile in her direction for some attempt at a positive outlook.
( @sxawitch )
Of course Gil caught their boy - Uma didn’t expect anything less. The first thing she had insisted upon as Captain was that the crew looked out for her, then themselves, then each other. She’d often thought Gil got that the wrong way round, but over the years she became glad for it, because it meant both he and Harry were safe. His words weren’t a comfort, though, and her ire turned upon him the moment he spoke. “You or Harry? That’s not a choice, Gil, and you damn well know it,” she snapped back, noting the apology and not mentioning it at all. It wasn’t good enough - they. They shouldn’t have died in the first place.
The mention of the dalmatian-haired freak made Uma flip her gaze back on to Harry. “The puppy killed you?” The fact those words even left her mouth was more surprising than she was able to admit. Of all of Mal’s crew - and she hated them all with the same burning passion that she hated the faery - she had a hard time believing that Carlos of all people was capable of murder. Yet Harry wasn’t quite that mad, not unless a lot had happened in the Underworld. “Pity,” she added, in regards to him being dead. “I would’ve liked to gut him myself.”
“If?” she retorted, taking a step closer so she could make sure both boys understood her rage. “We’re walking out of this pit, boys. All three of us, whether you like it or not. I didn’t come all the way down here for an if.” Dark eyes drifted over both of them as Harry tried to make a promise he potentially couldn’t keep; she looked at Gil, watching to see if he was agreeing to the same impossible conditions.
“Fuck,” she muttered to herself, closing her eyes and looking away so she could blink away the tears threatening to fall again. “By the seven seas, what the hell am I meant to do with the two of you?”
[ @simplyprimcval· ]
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simplyprimcval :
Of course there was the hope in Harry’s eyes as he heard the metal clang going through the caves
He doesn’t even bother protesting as Harry grabbed him by the arm and then began to drag him through the damp caves that he had slowly started to think was going to be his home until Uma joined them at an older age. He had the same hope that Uma would come for them.
Of course he did, their Captain was a fierce and loyal woman who would never leave either of them behind but he was worried - deep down - that she was going to be down in the Underworld permanently rather than alive and storming the hellhole like they assumed she would. “Damn i’ Harry, hold on” he grumbled as he tried to keep pace with him. He had longer legs though.
Catching sight of the woman, decked in blue, that had been their lifeline for their entire time on the Isle with her cutlass out as she approached them caused his sense of self preservation to kick in as they continued to run.
He pulled back a little and let Harry go first.
With everything with Evie, Gil still held a little bit of annoyance with Harry so would happily let him go first to face her ire before he had to face her second.
[ @firstmateguyliner ]
Harry continued his approach, noticing Gil’s hesitation or desire to let the hooked pirate go first, he shrugged not thinking much of it, he was just glad to see Uma again, “Don’t tell me you’ve died already, couldn’t live without us right?” Harry joked, not knowing of the trouble he was in, noticing the slight hint of fear that caused Gil to slow his pace in the slightest, he decided to move infront of him as they became within reaching range of Uma.
“It really is great to see you again.” He stated, his tone now one of complete content, he had been stressed to all hell these past few weeks, with losing Gil and Uma, dying, thinking he’d be without Uma for years upon years, this was a nice change in fortune for the pirates.
He couldn’t stop himself from giving his signature smirk, his mind only filled with delight as the two people he loved had been reunited with him once more, now as close as Harry would call ‘safe’ to Uma, he gave a brief bow towards her, showing he was still loyal even in death.
“I knew you’d come.” He chuckled softly, no doubt in his voice or in his mind.
( @sxawitch )
Dark eyes watched her boys as they drew closer, Gil sinking back behind Harry. Smart move, a small part of Uma’s mind decided. It wasn’t that she was mad at them, per se - she was upset and distraught that she’d had to come to hell to find them, to know that they were dead. Was it their faults? No, of course not, but she was the captain. She had to be tough. She couldn’t show them how much this had destroyed her, to be without them even for this time.
She said nothing until Harry was within reach, at which point she threw her cutlass to the floor and punched him in the shoulder. Quickly, she grabbed the front of his jacket and dragged him close, face to face, nose practically grazing his as she snarled.
“Who gave you permission to die?!”
(They weren’t tears in her eyes. No, of course not, and if they were, it was because she was so goddamn angry, obviously.)
She pushed him backwards, roughly at the blonde man behind him to try and express the myriad of emotions she was feeling. She brushed off her outfit, trying to hide just out of control she’d been, but her gaze kept drifting over to the two of them, checking them. They were dead but they were here. They were dead but they were right here-
“Of course I’d come and drag your sorry asses out of hell. You ain’t getting out of my crew that easy,” she retorted, unable to keep that final wavering note of relief out of her voice. “And some of us are smart enough to find a way down here without walking the plank.” She crossed her arms over her chest, fighting to keep the scowl on her face. And yet she couldn't quite, her expression softening just a fraction, only noticable to those who truly knew her.
[ @simplyprimcval ]
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simplyprimcval :
Gil had no idea whatsoever about just how long it had been since the Isle had collapsed around them, Gil falling into the depths while Harry joined him not too long afterwards; he wondered if Uma had found out about them yet or even if she had moved on with her life.
Sticking with Harry was the only thing that he could think of doing as soon as he had found the taller boy, he wouldn’t allow them to be separated again after going through the hell of finding each other again; plus, the reunion kiss was something he wasn’t going to forget and didn’t want to forget if he strayed too far from his best friend for too long.
Seeing a soul - that he had watched walk past their spot a little while ago - dart past him with fear in their eyes and what looked like tears their clothes; sent his curiosity into overdrive. But it wasn’t until the second soul with the same fear and injuries ran past him that he climbed up from where he and Harry had rested.
And then there was the familiar clang of a cutlass against a rock echoing through the caves.
“Ya hear that?”
[ @firstmateguyliner ]
He chuckled deeply and turned to face Gil, a wide smirk filling his features. “I knew she’d come for us, there’s only one woman with a cutlass able to put that much fear into someone.” He adjusted his coat. examined his hook briefly before, upon grabbing Gil by the arm, began walking towards where he was sure the noise came from.
He tried calling out for her, “Uma!” the Underworld was a massive cave, filled with immense echoing so it was possible his ears had deceived him. But he chose to believe that she was here, that she wouldn’t just leave the two of them in the Underworld.
“Come on, Gil. Pick up the pace she could be anywhere! Before she manages to double-kill some unfortunate soul down here!” Harry had practically took off into a run now, his pace only quickening, but he still kept a tight hold of Gil’s arm, not wanting to let him go, ever again.
The pirate queen of the Isle (as she preferred to be known) was beginning to stalk her next target when she heard it. A shout echoing throughout the endless caverns she’d been wandering around for who knew how long, a familiar voice that she longed to hear again. “Harry,” she breathed to herself. Was Gil with him? With how the echoes worked, with how big the space was, she wasn’t entirely sure where his voice had come from, but she span on her heels, looking to see if she could spot her boys.
It took more time than she wanted, but she could hear the sound of running. Of footsteps approaching when all others had been getting the hell away from her. Could she really find them so soon? A week without them had felt like an eternity and she was a villain, for crying out loud, she wasn’t meant to have this kind of luck-
A flash of red. A shining hook. A tall, lumbering blonde decked in brown.
For the briefest of moments, Uma forgot how to breathe.
“Gil!” she called, taking a step closer to the two approaching men, picking up her pace after a few steps. Her cutlass was still out of its scabbard, clutched in her hand and there was a spark of a thought about sticking it through one of the men because how dare they leave her behind? “Harry,” she followed up with, her tone becoming more of a growl.
They were in so much fucking trouble.
[ @simplyprimcval ]
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closed starter for @simplyprimcval and @firstmateguyliner
There was no logic to her decision. There was no thought process at all behind her actions; upon hearing the words that her boys were down in the Underworld, Uma had immediately begun making the movements towards getting down there and hauling their sorry asses back up to the land of the living. She was desperately pushing down the panic setting off in the back of her mind - they were dead, they died, she let them die, she let them fucking die - by focusing on her righteous anger instead. Her boys had been taken from her and come literal hell or high water, she was going to make someone pay for separating them.
By entering the Underworld itself.
The old woman was forgotten as soon as she’d served her purpose, guiding Uma through to the land of the dead. She was no longer important, in Uma’s eyes. She’d been able to feel that the woman was telling the truth and they’d find their own way back to this Storybrooke place if they had to. There had to be more than one route out of hell, if she’d found one.
Of course, Uma had no idea where to start. Hell, it seemed, was a huge place and her boys could be anywhere. They could be separate, although she hoped they were together, so she did the only thing she could - grabbed the first soul she found and threatened them into telling her anything they knew about the two pirates she needed to find. She was through her fourth victim, kicking them violently and terrorising them into running away when she- no, she couldn’t admit that she was worried. She’d spend eternity down here if she had to. “Where the fuck are they?” she growled to herself, hitting a nearby rock with her cutlass in frustration.
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“We’re not friends and I don't give a shit about your games.” - Jay
thor ragnarok starter sentences
"You give a shit about your crew," Uma retaliated with venom in her tone, heart burning with a rage she hadn't felt in quite some time. "You're lost without them, we're in a strange world. I'm not playing games, sand rat. I'm calling for a truce. You watch my back, I watch yours. We find our crews, we go back to fighting." Uma could fight, that wasn't a problem, but she knew muscle wasn't a bad thing to have on her side and as much as he tried to hide it, Jay was smart. Besides, it didn't hurt to try and steal anything away from Mal when she could.
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