#the naps i take on this couch will be legendary
slutdge · 1 year
i finally got a new couch babey 🥳
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cnnmairoll · 1 year
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Napping with the Dozing General
Pairing :Jing Yuan x Reader Genre : Fluff, Domestic Summary : The "Dozing General" Jing Yuan's legendary laziness transforms into heartwarming domesticity as you both find solace and love in shared naps, their tranquility echoing the depth of your affection within the bustling world of Xianzhou. a/n : this fic is part of The Domestic Things They Do With You so feel free to check out what other character will be there!
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In the serene realm of Xianzhou, where ancient traditions intertwined with modern innovations, you found yourself entwined with the enigmatic and charismatic figure of Jing Yuan. As the general of the Cloud Knights, Jing Yuan was known for his exceptional leadership on the battlefield, his unwavering dedication to his people, and, quite notably, his charmingly lazy disposition. The tales of his penchant for dozing off had earned him the affectionate title of the "Dozing General."
Yet, amidst the bustling world of politics, alliances, and battles, you discovered a side of Jing Yuan that few had the privilege of witnessing. It was a side that painted him as not just a leader, but as a partner in the journey of life, love, and domesticity.
One of the most endearing aspects of your relationship with Jing Yuan was the cherished tradition the two of you shared: the art of napping. Despite his reputation as a seasoned warrior and brilliant tactician, Jing Yuan held a special fondness for moments of repose, for the soothing embrace of slumber that would whisk him away from the demands of the world, if only for a short while.
It was a quiet afternoon when you found yourselves nestled in a cozy corner of your shared residence. Sunlight filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a warm glow upon the room. A plush couch served as your sanctuary, the cushions yielding under your weight as you settled down. Jing Yuan's head rested gently on your lap, his long hair fanning out like a cascade of snow. 
You traced delicate patterns through his hair, your fingers dancing over the silken strands. With every stroke, you could feel the tension melting away from his form, his breathing growing steady and serene. His golden eyes were half-lidded, a tranquil smile playing at the corners of his lips.
"Working tirelessly again, my Dozing General?" you teased, your voice a soft murmur that carried a hint of adoration. He chuckled, the sound a melodic resonance that harmonized with the peaceful ambiance of the room.
"It seems I cannot escape the demands of leadership, even in my dreams," he replied, his voice a velvety whisper. "But moments like these, with you, offer me a respite from the chaos. A sanctuary of tranquility."
As your fingers continued their gentle exploration of his hair, you couldn't help but marvel at the layers of complexity that made up the man before you. The same person who commanded respect on the battlefield was the one who sought solace in your presence, who reveled in the simple pleasure of shared moments.
★⋆. ࿐࿔ Bonus (Napping Together) :
You could always tell when he was about to appear. There was a gentle anticipation in the air, a sense of serenity that enveloped your senses. Then, with the grace of a phantom and the quiet determination of a man on a mission, he would appear before you, a small, fond smile playing on his lips.
"Darling," his voice, smooth and deep, would wrap around you like a cozy blanket, "I believe it's time for our well-deserved break."
And with those words, your heart would skip a beat. Without any need for further explanation, you would take his hand, fingers lacing together in a gesture that felt as familiar as your own heartbeat. He would lead you to a room adorned with soft, billowing curtains that danced with the breeze, a haven of tranquility away from the bustling castle life.
Together, you would settle onto a plush, inviting bed. The gentle rustle of fabric was the only sound that dared to intrude upon the sacred silence you shared. His fingers, calloused from years of wielding a sword, would brush against your cheek in a tender caress before he moved to lie beside you.
Jing Yuan's presence was a soothing balm to your soul. As you nestled into the crook of his arm, the world outside ceased to exist. His warmth enveloped you, and his steady heartbeat became a comforting lullaby, easing away the worries of the day.
The two of you would gaze at each other, eyes locked in a gaze that spoke volumes, words unnecessary. His golden eyes held a promise - a promise of protection, of unwavering devotion, and a love that transcended the boundaries of time and space.
In the soft embrace of each other's company, you would drift into slumber, dreams intertwining and melding together. Perhaps you would find yourselves in a shared dreamscape, exploring lands far beyond the realm's borders, or maybe it was a realm where your hearts communicated without words, where your love was the only language needed.
When you would awaken, nestled against Jing Yuan's side, the world would have shifted. The stresses and troubles that had weighed upon you before had been momentarily banished, replaced by a newfound vitality and a sense of renewal.
With a gentle stretch and a contented sigh, Jing Yuan would pull you closer, his lips brushing against your forehead in a sweet, lingering kiss. "Time to face the world again, my love," he would murmur, his voice holding a mixture of reluctance and determination.
And as you both rose from the bed, ready to take on whatever challenges the day had in store, the memory of those shared naps - those stolen moments of tenderness and respite - would remain etched in your hearts, a testament to the power of love and the magic that existed in the most ordinary yet extraordinary moments of domestic bliss.
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What goes on during movie night ?
Ooh okay so movie night:
It's just absurdly hard to decide what to watch. Movies are brutal for the family. No one likes the same things, but they somehow always have fun? They have to institute a family decision making process, and this is how it goes:
It's in order of age. Jake (1), Neytiri (2), Spider (3), Neteyam (4), Kiri (5), Lo'ak (6), and Tuk (7). (Mo'at is 8 when she is around, and when she is she somehow always wins).
Whenever a decision needs to be made, Jake has Neteyam have Siri (Jake does not understand how to use Siri) pick a number between 1 and 7 and whoever's number it lands on makes the decision. This ruling is absolutely final, and the only rules are that parents can overrule for safety and that the same number can't be picked back to back.
Neytiri wins a suspicious amount of time. It's simply Eywa's will. When Neytiri wins they watch a lot of documentaries and classic rom coms. Jake always complains the loudest to annoy her, but then him and Neyetam are on the ground on the floor up close fascinated by the horror of US prison system or by the absurdity of 27 Dresses.
Jake, in contrast, almost never wins. When he does it's always the worst comedy ever but like, the most fun night. It's Grown Ups 2 or The Naked Gun, and Neytiri is trying so hard not to laugh in the corner while covering Tuk's ears and glaring at Lo'ak when he laughs at the jokes.
Lo'ak only wants to watch terrible action movies. This is everyone's favorite night lowkey. No one would ever admit it, but the movies are such a brain break, and they love how much they can annoy Lo'ak during them. They're all munching on popcorn and lounging on the couch absolutely destroying the logistics of The Fast and The Furious.
Neteyam, through a mouthful of popcorn: How would one car cushion the fall of another car?
Spider, throwing m&ms into Kiri's mouth: Oh, it wouldn't, that's a double car pancake.
Jake, intercepting an m&m: As long as you don't think you can drive off of a helicopter, son.
Kiri: well, you could, right, you just wouldn't live.
Lo'ak: PLEASE.
Tuk wins and they watch a classic Disney/Pixar film. No one pretends to hate these nights. Everyone loves Encanto and Moana. Jake is a huge Olaf fan. Spider and Lo'ak's remote-microphone renditions of every song in Camp Rock are legendary. Everyone has joined in at some point, by the end of the movie the family are all exhausted and sweaty and the amount of blackmail on Jake's phone is wild.
Neteyam's picks are always extremely snobby Oscar level A24 films. Tuk always falls asleep. Lo'ak and Jake play games on their phones and miss things and then ask stupid questions and it drives Neteyam insane. He's never angrier than when Jake asks the dumbest question ever that was answered earlier during the peak moment of Three Billboards.
Kiri's picks are super pretty nature documentaries. These nights are instant nap time for Jake, Lo'ak, and Tuk, piled on top of each other on the couch. Spider, Kiri, Neytiri and Neteyam share a carton of ice cream right in front of the tv and marvel at the pretty animals. One time when they are all older teenagers, Lo'ak and Spider decide to take edibles before this endeavor and Jake catches them so they give him one as a bribe and the three of them cry when a lion kills a zebra. It is very obvious but also very funny to everyone else. Also Jake ratted them out to Neytiri right away but said "Babe, they included me! ☺️" so Neytiri let it happen.
Spider's picks are crazy. He's all over the place. For a long time post his adoption, when they were little, he picks whatever movie the person he's felt he most recently pissed off he thinks would like best. Lo'ak discovers this quickly and begins to start a fight with him right before movie night lol. Neytiri and Jake were very suspicious when Spider was like "no I actually want to watch Jackass and it's not because you grounded me yesterday, Jake." Eventually he does pick his own stuff (he likes Homeward Bound and Cheaper by the Dozen) but sometimes he does still pick what his siblings want.
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scarletslippers · 10 months
Nace Countdown to Christmas - Day 3
(From this post of relationship milestone prompts)
On AO3
first time being sick and getting cared for by their partner
“That walk was more tiring than I thought,” Nancy says with a smile, blowing out a breath and tugging off her jacket. Her cheeks are flushed and her eyes bright. “I’m ready to take a nap.”
“I think we can arrange that,” Ace replies with a laugh. “Save me a spot on the couch.” 
Nancy leaves him a little room, snuggled completely under the blankets and barely visible by the time he makes it to her. She settles into his warmth with a shiver. “Now I’m so cold.” 
“Don’t worry, I’ll warm you up.” 
True to his word, Ace is very warm when he wakes, trying to shift the blanket off of him without disturbing Nancy, who’s still dead to the world. Only to realize that the majority of heat is coming from Nancy herself. Her hair is damp with sweat at her temples and a quick steal of his palm across her forehead confirms his suspicions. 
She stirs against him sleepily and blinks up at him. “I feel terrible.” 
“I’d be surprised if you didn’t. You have a fever. Come on, a cool shower will help you feel better.” 
“I don’t wanna,” she grumbles pitifully. 
“I promise I’ll have a surprise waiting for you when you’re done.” 
Somewhat intrigued, half-miserable, and half-too sick to argue, Nancy dutifully follows Ace to the bathroom, allowing him to undress her and hand her into the shower. He’s managed to get the water to the perfect amount of warm but not hot. And he’s right, she does feel a little better when she emerges. 
Wrapping herself in a pullover of Ace’s to stave off the chill, she follows the scent of something delicious into the kitchen just as Ace is laying a bowl of soup on the table for her. “Is this my surprise?” 
“And this,” he says, turning to grab a mug from the counter, steam rising from it enticingly. 
“Coffee?” she asks hopefully. 
“Tea. With honey, for your throat.” 
Nancy makes a noise of discontent but sits, propping her head in her hand and stirring her soup. She looks up at Ace’s concerned and sympathetic smile. “I can’t believe I got sick right when I took the week off so we could spend time together. My immune system is legendary!” 
“Nancy, your body has been in a state of high stress for so long, and you just gave it permission to take the day off. I’m surprised you don’t have the plague.” 
“Who says I don’t?”
Ace laughs. “I promise to still kiss you, even if you have the plague, how about that?” 
“And then you get sick too, and we end up with two weeks off together? I like the sound of that.” 
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Step right up and get your horoscope!
(So, my friends and I used to just have fun by writing horoscopes for each other. Like, "Remember to thank the person you're cheating off the test for today. Who knows? Maybe they'll mark the wrong answer just to spite you." Or, my personal favorite. "Mercury is the fifth house. Compliment someone's outfit today. I know where you live, Sash.")
I wanna keep that tradition alive—because I'm nostalgic after going back through our text threads, so here you are.
♈︎ Aries: Today, your impulsive nature will lead you to buy something completely unnecessary—again. But my therapist-goldfish has told me to think positive, so: at least you’ll have a new conversation starter when your friends ask why you’ve suddenly got a collection of inflatable unicorns. You go, man! Embrace the thrill of instant regret.
♉︎ Taurus: Your love of comfort will backfire today when you refuse to leave your bed. The universe supports your decision to stay wrapped in a blanket burrito, but your boss might have other thoughts. Perhaps consider inventing a "National Stay in Bed Day."
♊︎ Gemini: Your dual personality shines today as you argue with yourself about whether to be productive or binge-watch another season of that show you don’t even like. Spoiler: you’ll do both, but poorly. Perhaps it best to invest in a famous book called Multitasking for Dummies.
♋︎ Cancer: Your emotional rollercoaster takes a nosedive today when you realize that eating your feelings only leads to a belly full of regrets and empty ice cream cartons. It’s okay to cry over spilled milk, but maybe not the entire dairy aisle.
♌︎ Leo: Today, your legendary procrastination skills will hit a new high, or should I say low? You’ll spend hours convincing yourself that starting tomorrow is a better idea, maybe even clean your house while you're at it—because, according to the very legit dictionary you have "in control" means putting off tasks until they become someone else’s problem. After all, why conquer the world today when you can nap and pretend you’re recharging your creative energy instead? Seriously, get off this website and do something. Productive procrastination is still procrastination.
♍︎ Virgo: Your obsession with perfection will reach new heights today when you alphabetize your spice rack for the third time this week. Come on, we both know you could be doing something more productive, like teaching your cat how to play the piano. Don't let your poor kitty down! (Also, your missing sock is under the couch.)
♎︎ Libra: You pride yourself on your ability to see both sides of any situation. Well, I'm here to tell you, WAKE UP, this isn't Dhar Mann; indecision isn't a superpower—it's just a way to avoid responsibility. As you debate whether to eat cereal or toast for breakfast, remember: even a coin flip is more decisive than you.
♏︎ Scorpio: You often believe you’re in control, but today the universe will remind you that you’re not the puppet master—you’re the puppet. And guess what? The strings are tangled. Try to survive the day without tripping over your own feet. But don't worry, another three weeks, and you'll be able to beat Fate at poker. Just don't piss off any black cats.
♐︎ Sagittarius: No amount of plane tickets or hiking trails can outrun your own mind. No horoscope can save you from the existential dread of realizing you’ve been running in circles. Maybe it's best to stay at home today.
♑︎ Capricorn: Don't think about it and don't stay in the house. They know where you live. Hide in the nearest Starbucks and ignore anybody who has a blue briefcase. This is for your own good. Oh, and also, pet a golden retriever and get some ice cream. Just ignore Cancer crying in the dairy aisle.
♒︎ Aquarius: Okay, I'm going to give it to you straight, you’re less of a trailblazer and more of a guy yelling at clouds. The good news? No one takes you seriously enough to care. The bad news? No one takes you seriously enough to care.
 ♓︎ Pisces: I love you, man, but you need to come up with better excuses. Your escapist tendencies will come crashing down today when reality hits you with the force of a sledgehammer. You can try to swim away, but the current of responsibility is stronger than your denial. This is the real world, and you're staring down the barrel of a looming deadline, my friend.
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sportsbianism · 6 months
if my sister moves to athens it will be just like when we lived in utah together but better. i will go harass her uninvited every weekend and enter her apartment without knocking and lay down to take a nap on the couch without advising anyone that i have arrived and i will bring snacks and we will go to the fair and i will bring groceries and steal groceries to cook food for her while she is away. i will go to her workplace and chat up the secretary and walk to the back like it's my job. u guys don't even know how obsessed w her i am we r so legendary together. she was my first friend ever!!
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Henry Danger Reader Insert | Captain Man x Reader: SEASON 5
Episode 41: The Fate of Danger Part 2
Season 5 Masterlist
*So, here we are. Finally at the end. Last episode. Last time we officially see Charlotte, Jasper and Piper. Last video I need to watch to write this series. Last time in the Man Cave. 
If you've made it this far, thank you for reading! I hope you enjoy the final adventure of our sweet girl in the final episode of Henry Danger. (sobs)
This was a moment (y/n) would remember for the rest of her life. A legendary high point as she braced herself for battle - the deep breath before the cold plunge. 
If she looked to her left, she saw Henry. On her right, she saw Ray, both stoically poised to drop onto the Planes-A-Plenty warehouse for the final assault on Drex. She hated leaving the Man Cave, considering it was a ticking time bomb with two of her babies left inside to hold the fort. 
Charlotte demanded to stay behind, shooing the heroes off with a valiant, if nervous insistence that stopping Drex's evil plan was their priority, not whatever Henry's dad had accidentally started back home. With Jasper napping on the couch, she said she'd try to buy them some time and stall the chain explosion under the Earth while Piper took them to their final showdown. 
Even Ray was apprehensive about leaving the kids behind, even though he only gave Jasper a 'not bad' rating for taking out the cavemen in his sleep. It was the best the kid would get from the hero, although (y/n) knew it would make his day when he finally woke up. He'd rise, and they'd be gone, reluctantly following Piper to the Man-Copter whilst Charlotte frantically tapped away on the supercomputer. 
She knew it was useless; once the Irridium crystals were removed, nothing could stop the Man Cave's destruction, but she tried. Shutting off every non-essential system and slowing the spread was all she could do, promising (y/n) to clear out with Colin if things got too hairy.
"You okay, sweet girl?" Ray asked her over the racket of the helicopter. They were just waiting for the opportune moment, ready and standing on top of a crate that Piper would plonk through the roof when Drex least expected it. 
Honestly, they didn't have much of a plan - just to go in, kick ass, and use the Omega Weapon to take him down no matter what. This was mainly for dramatic effect and the element of surprise. She just hoped it worked since her mind was elsewhere, thinking about Charlotte, Jasper, the Man Cave, the hostages--it was impossible to focus on the job at hand. 
"Bit nervous."
"Hey, we're together. I'll never let anything happen to you, darlin'," the hero replied, eyes softening when she shuffled from foot to foot. 
Of course, Captain Man never admitted to any weaknesses. But secretly, he wasn't one hundred per cent confident that everything would be all right. He hated dragging his nearest and dearest into battle, feeling like an idiot for leading her into Drex's clutches. Still, he wouldn't let anything hurt her - or Henry. They were safe with him, and he couldn't imagine doing this without them. 
"Love you, doof," (y/n) whispered, threading their gloved fingers together as they prepared to drop. He and Henry grabbed the thick yellow straps lashed to the crate, so the little affection helped keep her balance and nerves. 
"Love you too, sweet girl... Whatever happens, we'll be together," Ray smiled, holding to that notion as Henry rolled his eyes. Sappy to the end, but at least it gave them something to hope for. He was thinking of his family and the city he'd spent his entire childhood protecting; his efforts would go to waste if they let Drex win now. 
"Hey, lovebirds. You ready?" Piper's voice shouted from the cockpit, alerting the couple to everything happening around them. This was it, and there was no going back as she hovered the Man-Copter over the warehouse before descending. 
With Schwoz kidnapped, the pilot's responsibility fell to her, and she quickly learned that it wasn't much different to a car, which she also wasn't legally allowed to drive. Giving each other a final, determined look, the hero and his sidekicks clenched their muscles and held on tight. They held their breath, steeling their expressions into glares fit for a scumbag like him. 
"Ready." Or not, they were going down. Butterflies soared in their tummies - or maybe that was just (y/n)'s - as they dropped, falling through the air until they crashed through the roof with an all-mighty bang. 
Oh, (y/n) would've paid to take a picture of Drex's face - a pure vision of shock and bewilderment as his enemies descended on him in a scattering of dust and chunks of corrugated metal. God, they felt epic, and Ray had been thinking throughout the flight for a sick entry line.
"Sorry to drop in like this!" He quipped, clenching his sweet girl's hand just annoying the villain, whose gaze inevitably slipped to where they were connected. He couldn't believe his eyes, not only because Captain Man had returned to the present but because he was still keeping his cupcake for himself. This had not been part of his scheme...
"But actually, not sorry at all!" Henry added once they'd touched down. 
"Yeah, it was a sarcastic sorry!" (y/n) sneered, smiling sourly at their enemy, who quickly hid his shock and glowered instead, questions swirling in his mind about how they'd managed to track him down--and just before he was going to initiate his plan's final phase. 
"Hey, who's flying the Man-Copter?" Schwoz shouted over the helicopter's whirring blades, worrying about an unattended cockpit as Drex scoffed at Henry's wordplay. He thought it was dumb and couldn't help clench his fists as the heroes worked over unclipping the crate. 
"My sister!" Kid Danger replied, knowing Piper had everything under control even as Schwoz pouted. 
"But that's my job!" He whined, squirming next to Chapa since Drex had tied them, Bose, Mika, and Miles up with a long, thick strap. He forced them to sit and watch whilst he organised getting the Memory-Wiper up in the air, meaning they were helpless, save for rubbing elbows. 
"Yeah, well, maybe you shouldn't get yourself kidnapped," (y/n) replied as she looked over her shoulder and shucked another buckle from the crate. After all, part of this was his fault, despite being a victim of Drex's malice - he only needed to keep his mouth shut, and everything would've been fine. 
"I have a helicopter license!" Piper's voice came over the tannoy from the Man-Copter, echoing her almost signature catchphrase after years of having an illegal driving license. (y/n) wasn't entirely sure how she'd managed to wrangle one, but she didn't care, not when the girl had clumsily flown them to the warehouse in one piece. 
"Established," the boys grunted, stepping out from behind the crate now that Piper could fly away, glaring harshly at Drex. 
"Is it?"
"It is now. Byeeeeeee!" The girl shouted before pulling away, not wanting to crash once the fighting started. She left it to the superheroes to free the hostages, even though Schwoz wanted to know where she got that license from. 
Whatever; the trio didn't care, feeling responsibility on their shoulders now that it was just them, and (y/n) fought the urge to hold Ray's hand. No weaknesses...and she had to have both hands free for fighting, preferably ripping her ex-boyfriend limb from limb. 
"So, Captain Man..." Drex growled, spitting out the hero's name like venom that left a bitter taste on his tongue, "I don't know how you made it--"
"Uh, excuse me one second..." Ray gave no fucks, holding up one finger and interrupting the supervillain's big speech before he could even throw in an insult. He walked straight past him, swaggering his hips as he touched the small of (y/n)'s back, breezing her past too. They'd get to the finer details in a bit, but first, something had caught their eye, meaning he didn't give a shit if Drex wanted to say something. 
When Captain Man spoke, everyone sat down and fucking listened. 
"I thought we told you kids to go home," Ray said in a stern voice that had his sweet girl shivering. She loved it when he was firm but fair, caring but authoritative, but this was no time to simp, not when those four troublemakers sat next to Schwoz, smiling like they were at a goddamn funfair. 
"We're helping!"
"No one tells me what to do!"
"I'm a hostage!" Came their varied reactions, ranging from Mika insisting that they could assist the heroes without superpowers or protection to Chapa snarling about her authority issues to Bose grinning like an idiot. He was happy to be there, not knowing what day it was, but that didn't mean they were out of danger. The last thing Ray needed was four children to rescue too. 
"Well, we're mad..." (y/n) said in her most disappointed voice, folding her arms before the kids, practically making her doof melt. He loved when she was all motherly and nurturing, but he snapped out of it, remembering that his nemesis lurked behind him. 
"But also glad..." he added, much to Mika's delight and his fiancée's confusion. What happened to acting responsibly and being angry? The kids wouldn't learn anything if they gave them mixed messages, but Ray had a plan, squeezing (y/n)'s hip before returning to face Drex. 
"...That you'll be here to watch us destroy Drex!"
"How you gonna do that? I'm indestructible, too, remember?" The villain asked cockily, brandishing his hands as proof of what happened so long ago. His ordinary, pinkish hand versus the monster paw, hideous but evidence that he was just as powerful as Captain Man--or, at least, he liked to think he was. 
But, as much as he liked to think he did, he didn't have a cupcake or even a sweet girl. That's where he was lacking...
"Well, we were going to start by distracting you," (y/n) said casually, her arm brushing Ray's as they stood side-by-side, boldly looking the blond man in the eye. Anyone else, and he would've killed them for challenging his authority. Still, Drex was so sure of himself that he just laughed, thinking whatever they'd planned was stupid and inconsequential. 
"Distracting me from what?"
"From this!" Henry's voice came from behind, making the villain whip around to see the young sidekick pointing a doohickey at him. That's what they'd hidden in the crate. With Ray and (y/n) providing the perfect bait in the form of the hated enemy and lusted-for prisoner, it gave the boy enough time to swiftly rip away the wooden panels. 
The Omega Weapon was huge, complicated, and glowing, looking like an enormous blaster that Henry pointed directly at Drex with his thumb poised over the trigger, waiting for the word. It was groundbreaking for Schwoz to see since he'd not even come close to finishing its design, but he'd have Charlotte to thank for that - her hard work would end this. 
"Exactly! Now, kid!" Ray shouted, giving Henry the signal as he tugged (y/n) behind him. The danger of being blasted themselves was still there, and he'd rather sacrifice himself than see her hurt, but it never got that far. 
In a moment of horror, a caveman scrambled to save his master, growling savagely as he raced across the floor. He charged into the kid, knocking him to the floor before he could fire, taking the Omega Weapon down too. The fragile equipment ruptured instantly, knocking loose the various pipes and tubes that supplied the weapon's energy. 
Drex didn't waste the moment, flying into an attack while the heroes were momentarily stunned. Luckily, Ray was quicker and smarter than him, ducking and avoiding his high kick just in time before the villain followed with a series of flailing punches. He grunted with each movement, trying to beat the hero down so he could make it to (y/n), but Ray stood fast and blocked each hit, jabbing Drex in the ribs for thinking he could take his sweet girl away. 
"Yeah, beat the shit out of him!" (y/n) cheered, waiting to jump in as Ray harshly dragged his knuckles across his enemy's cheek. He'd waited a lifetime to make him pay for what he did, and unlike Drex, he had a wedding to attend, and no one would make him miss it. 
Meanwhile, across the warehouse, Henry had troubles of his own. His head spun after the leaking Omega Weapon gases clouded his body, forcing him to inhale funny vapours as he tried to get his bearings. Before he knew what was happening, the caveman was back on him, and he had a friend. 
Henry hauled himself to his feet, ignoring how dizzy and strangely tingly the fumes made him feel, and groaned when one of the savages grabbed him from behind. He kicked his legs out, hitting the older one in the chest and sending him back, giving the boy enough space to jerk his head back against the other, using his skull as a battering ram. 
"Hands off my doofus!" An enraged scream screeched, and if he wasn't so busy, Henry would've laughed when he saw (y/n) furiously reaching for Drex's ankle. He busied himself with grabbing the cavemen, bonking their heads together as the heroine punched the bastard in the gut, catching him off-guard. 
She yanked as hard as she could, swiping the villain off his feet so he landed on his back with a thump. He deserved it; he'd tackled Ray into a stack of metal cases, and she couldn't bear to see him wince in pain like that. 
"We gotta get out of this thing..." Mika muttered to the other kids as they and Schwoz squirmed against the ropes. Watching Captain Man and his sidekicks fighting was excruciating when they knew they couldn't help. And she was no scientist, but whatever that colourful gas coming from that weird device was, it wasn't good. 
"I've got thirty tools that are perfect for the job! My adult teeth!" Bose replied cooly before bending down to chomp on the thick, grey straps. Like he could chew through the sturdy weave. Seeing that his plan was useless, Miles opted for something else, straining and groaning until he could reach into his pants pocket for a...thing. 
"Where'd you get that thing?" Chapa asked as she stared at the thingamajig the boy held. It looked vaguely weapon-like, despite being small enough to fit in the palm of his hand, and he had no idea what it did. Still, it belonged to Captain Man, so it had to be helpful.
"I hung onto it from Mount Swellview. I felt I'd need it, and I did," the boy said, thinking it more like borrowing than stealing, and no one complained since it was their ticket to liberation. Slowly and carefully, Miles ignited the firey, knife-like thing and seared through the straps, cutting them like butter until they were free. 
"I did it!" Bose exclaimed, thinking he'd chewed through, although he still held the strap between his teeth so no one heard him. Whatever made him happy...
The fight raged, with Henry kicking Gronk in the face as Tork lay dazed on the floor. He didn't mean to, but the sidekick accidentally pushed the frothing, raving Neanderthal in their direction, making the kids and Schwoz scream in terror. 
They'd be fine - running was the best option - so Kid Danger returned to the damaged Omega Weapon, inspecting it with a dismal expression when he saw the fractured pipelines. And it was fucking heavy, meaning he couldn't lift it alone, not with five million kids running around and two cavemen baying for his blood. 
But his saviour came in an unlikely form, making the boy blink rapidly to ensure he wasn't dreaming when Schwoz, in all his shortness and meekness, rushed up from behind Gronk and bashed him on the head with one of the wooden panels from the crate. It splintered upon hitting his skull, sending the prehistoric man collapsing to the floor, unconscious. 
It was a courageous thing to do - almost medal-worthy - except for when the caveman tumbled backwards, not forwards. The genius yelped as two hundred and fifty pounds of pure Ice Age fell on top of him, squishing him to the floor with no chance of moving. Karma wasn't on his side that day...
"Henry! Careful!" (y/n) exclaimed, panting harshly as she looked away from the fight for a second to see the boy hastily shoving some tubes back into the weapon. She dithered between helping her doofus as he struggled with Drex and helping the kid--and the latter won. 
Ray was only too happy to watch her dash over to the boy, wanting her as far away from the bastard in his clutches as he pushed him against the wall. Drex roared in pain, but after it rapidly faded, he saw a chance to push a big, red button on the wall, slamming his hand against it without a second thought. 
"You have no idea what these gases could do, so let me do it," (y/n) warned Henry, batting his hands away from the green pipe and fitting the next one herself. The whitish smoke almost smelled like caramel lattes and honey, but she assumed it was her imagination. Still, she pushed it out of her mind and fumbled with attaching it in the proper place before she breathed any more mysterious gases. 
Before she could touch anything else, a rumbling echoed behind her, and a chilly wind blew up her skirt, making her thighs shiver. She and the kid stared as they watched the enormous warehouse doors slowly open, ready to allow Drex's aircraft of choice - a goddamn blimp - to exit. 
"Need some help?" A voice asked from behind as Schwoz squealed under Gronk, making them jump for the fiftieth time that night. It was soft, feminine, and annoyingly sweet, causing (y/n) to sigh when she turned to see Mika beaming up at her, buzzing to get to work. 
"What have we said? Get out of here before you get hurt!" She warned, trying to push the girl towards the big doors across the hangar, so she and the others could run to safety. But Mika wouldn't budge; she was as loyal as she was stubborn - a common trait in the heroine's life. 
"We want to help!" She growled, firmly planting her feet against the smooth concrete, even as Henry worriedly glanced from the Omega Weapon to where Ray was serving pain and taking it. 
"No, I think we can--"
"Miss Danger and Kid Danger need help!" The girl bellowed, summoning her fellow children, despite the sidekicks' best efforts to send them away. Chapa, Miles, and Bose appeared out of nowhere, slinking from their hiding places to reach the Omega Weapon, allowing Henry and (y/n) to pull away. 
"Can you buy us some time?" Henry asked (y/n), watching Ray grapple with Drex, who vigorously fought to make it across the room and stop whatever they were doing. If he lost hold of the bastard, he'd tear the Omega Weapon apart, and they couldn't let that happen, even if it meant Miss Danger leaving her wards to face her demons. 
"Leave it to me..." she nodded, bravely swallowing all fear as the children swarmed around her. Adjusting her skirt and flicking her hair back, she met Ray's eyes and saw that he wanted her to stay away--to stay behind the Omega Weapon where it was safe, but she couldn't do that. She'd give Henry all he needed to get that thing ready again, so she took a deep breath and went for it. 
"CHARGEEEEEEE!" She screamed, releasing her ferocious battle cry as she raced toward Drex - the opposite of what her tummy told her to do. It felt so funny, flipping and churning worse than ever before, but she was running towards her abusive ex-boyfriend, so she thought that explained it. 
Oh, and the look on Drex's face as she approached, all the blood draining from his face as she leapt in the air and jumped on him, fists clenched and ready to pound whatever flesh she could reach. He grunted at the force, instantly trying to wrap an arm around her and shake her off, but it was tricky dealing with two heroes at once, and Ray soon wrestled with him too. 
"Everybody, grab a hose and hold it in place!" Mika told them, establishing her as their mini-leader as the others followed her instructions. (y/n) didn't like it, thinking the gas smelled strange as she watched them from Drex's back, but she didn't have time to think about it as she yanked his hair, and they each took a red, blue, yellow, or grey tube, fixing them to the back of the doohickey.
Henry prepared to aim, lining the Omega Weapon's glowing tip up with Drex's flailing body, but there was a problem. They no longer had the element of surprise, and he knew it, taunting the sidekick to fire. It could hit his precious Captain Man and Miss Danger because without them holding him back, Drex could dodge any blast. The kid had a choice to make, but he quickly decided that he wouldn't hurt risking his friends, not when it would leave them so vulnerable. 
Ray and (y/n), on the other hand...
"Shoot us!" The hero growled, latching onto Drex even as the villain tightened his arm around his neck--he couldn't escape if he tried, not with his lover on his back. Ray hated having (y/n) in the fray, wishing she'd leave, but she wound her arms around Drex's neck and squeezed, hoping his head would pop off as she steered his body into the firing range. 
Wild horses wouldn't drag her off...and Ray knew she wouldn't leave him--she was sweet like that. 
"I can't! I'll hit you and (y/n)!" Henry replied, frantically trying to find a spot when it would only target Drex, but the mish-mash of bodies was too higgledy-piggledy. The weapon was ready, but he'd shoot an arm, a leg, a head--any part of Captain Man or Miss Danger, including the bastard they fought to keep still. 
"Just shoot the damn thing!" (y/n) screamed, having no time to make peace with losing her superpower, but she was too deep now, clinging to Drex like her life depended on it as he tried to prise her off his back. If she was gonna go down, she'd do it with her doofus...
"You won't be indestructible anymore! And you won't have your super-regeneration!"
"Neither will Drex! Now, shoot us, you big quitter!" Ray barked, keeping his arms firmly around his nemesis, even when he tried to break free like the coward he was. No superpowers wouldn't be so bad--well, it was terrible. However, at least he'd still have his sweet girl, making a mental note to wrap her in cotton wool, cosy blankets, and the softest things the world had to offer once this was finished. 
But he just had to bring up the whole quitting thing again, exasperating Henry, who couldn't believe his stubbornness. 
"Nah, you're being so extra about this..." he groaned, but one glare from (y/n), and he knew what to do. It wasn't about them or their feelings anymore; this was about Swellview, and as much as it pained him, Henry knew he'd have to shoot all three of them, hoping it stripped Drex's powers too. 
"All right, guys! Hold on to your hoses!" The kid shouted, pressing the trigger button as the kids held everything in place for the powerful blast. A burst of colour exploded from the Omega Weapon, attacking Captain Man, Miss Danger, and Drex in a furious rainbow--the worst rainbow (y/n) had ever seen. 
It burned, feeling like every cell in her body was on fire as the glow enveloped them, burning hotter and hotter until it became a white, blinding light. Was it heaven? Nah, she could still feel her sore toes--or what was left of them--and the rest of her hurting body, and she couldn't remember the last time she'd felt so shit. 
Ugh, since when were humans so vulnerable? Her legs ached, and her arms throbbed, but it wouldn't fade. Neither would the small nick on her forehead or the bruises on her back from where the blast threw her back, but she'd live. That was vital; everyone was still alive when she looked up. Bruised, but okay. 
"Sweet girl?..." Ray's croaky voice asked above the various coughs coming from around the room, and his hand searched for hers as Henry and the kids found their feet. The Omega Weapon was gone, nothing more than a black scorch mark on the wooden crate after the sheer energy burnt it out, but it didn't matter. All that mattered was--had it worked?
"I'm good, doof," she replied, squeezing his hand before the hero hauled her up and into his chest. Everything was blurry, from his super-suit's scarlet and azure fabric to the fuzzy, coughing blobs across the room. Still, she was okay and happily wrapped her arms around him as Drex snuck past them. 
The explosion triggered whatever mechanics operated the blimp, meaning it was preparing to take off without any prior warning. And he wouldn't miss his flight nor the opportunity given by his enemies' temporary dazzlement. 
"What happened? I can't see anything!" Schwoz squeaked from the floor, missing the entire showdown since he was still trapped under the caveman. Still, there was some luck in that - he didn't get fried with the heroes, not that he had anything to lose. 
Everyone ignored him, either struggling to recover after the shockwave or returning to action. Ray, although disorientated, didn't miss how Drex tried to get away by climbing a rope into his blimp, so he went after him, intent on dragging him down and finishing the job. 
However, he was clumsy and sluggish, meaning the villain saw his attack coming from a mile off and didn't think before swiping his mutated paw across the man's face, slicing his claws through the newly vulnerable skin. 
"Doofus!" (y/n) cried in anguish as her lover recoiled in agony, feeling pain like never before as he collapsed to the floor. She rushed to his side, whimpering when she saw the bloody mess on his face. Four long scratches stretched from the side of his eyes to his jaw, marring his handsome features and making her tear up. Seeing him injured was alien to her, and her shaking fingers cradled his face as Schwoz kept blabbing. 
"Who's screaming? Did the Omega Weapon work? Am I still bald?" He asked, although he answered the first question himself, patting his smooth scalp to check if he still had his funny hairdo. 
"Oh, Raymond..." (y/n) murmured, inspecting his injuries as she ignored Schwoz, clearly seeing that the beam worked, stripping her and the hero of what kept them safe. 
"Sweet girl..." he replied, equally tender as his finger brushed her temple, feeling his heart clench when he saw her blood. It soaked into his gloves' fingertips when he brushed it away, making her wince despite her efforts not to. He had to bite his lip to quell his rage, wanting to fight the world to keep her safe, but he was in no state. None of them were, not with half their superhero unit powerless. 
"It definitely worked," the heroine confirmed, wishing she could do something to help her lover, even if it was just cleaning the angry scratches. He was remarkably good at hiding his pain to say he'd had a lifetime of being indestructible. Still, she saw signs of weariness that he wasn't used to, noticing how he put more weight on her than usual. 
"So, we won?" Schwoz asked, unable to see the misery on the couple's faces, how Drex was quickly making his escape before anyone could move, or the utter bedlam around the room. 
"I don't think so," Henry groaned, holding his ribs again after the explosion irritated the harsh bruises Drex gave him in the Man Cave. When it fired, he and the kids were thrown to the sides of the incinerated Omega Weapon. They were winded on the ground and helpless to save Captain Man and Miss Danger or stop the villain. 
"This town's about to have a serious case of Captain Man-nesia..." Drex sneered as the blimp slowly took off, hauling him above the ground as he clung to the rope. His immense strength allowed him to hang in the air with only one arm, looking down on his enemies who didn't hope to catch him now. They'd see about that...
"Because no one will remember you, and (y/n) will be mine because I'm going to use the Memory-Wiper to--"
"We get it!"
"We know!"
"Asshole!" After hearing enough villainous monologues for one day, the heroes shouted after him, so Drex's mad ramblings were irritating. He huffed at being silenced but didn't let it get him down, seeing the chaos scattered around the room and the wounds he'd inflicted on his enemies. 
They couldn't stop him now that they'd stripped themselves of their powers and exhausted their resources, so he cackled menacingly and disappeared into the night. The blimp left the hangar with its course set for Swellview, but like always, Drex underestimated his opponents. 
Ray and (y/n) didn't need to look at Henry to know he was thinking the same thing. They'd hunt that bastard to the ends of the earth, and nothing would stop them from seeing that their city and everyone in it lived their lives in ignorant bliss, safe and sound. 
It was all go in the Man Cave. And that was saying something about the hub of Swellview's problems and predicaments. 
Charlotte didn't have a minute to think as she kept an eye on a million things at once, feeling like her head would explode--much like the ground beneath her feet. 
She had to think about Schwoz, wherever he was, and his silent radio as she tried to find his whereabouts, not knowing he was still stuck underneath a caveman with no one but a few kids to help him. 
And then there was Ray, (y/n), and Henry, who'd quickly regrouped to chase after Drex as he soared through the sky on his blimp. Piper was responsible for getting them there in the world's most unorthodox way. Still, she said she had it under control, and Charlotte had more critical things to consider. She was trying to keep everyone connected, sending the 'Man-Drone' via Jasper to help out the heroes while the Man Caves underneath them imploded. 
She was running out of time, but regardless, she stood steadfast at her post, refusing to leave until the job was done. It was fucking dangerous, but she kept tapping, working on the crashing systems even as they slowly succumbed to the burning chaos. 
"Get the Man-Drone in the air, Jasper! I want eyes on Ray, (y/n), and Henry as soon as possible!" She was pretty snappy when she wanted to be, taking charge in the heroes' absence, although she swore it was all adrenaline and not down to any real skill. 
"I'll take care of the Man-Drone. You keep the other Man Caves from blowing up--" Jasper nodded, working quickly under pressure, but he spoke too soon. A tremor shook the hideout as he fiddled with the drone, readying it for action since Ray needed it and he wanted to impress him. It caused a large chunk of black rock to fall from the ceiling, narrowly missing the boy as they lost another cave.
"There goes another one..." Charlotte muttered, knowing she was running out of spare Man Caves before theirs exploded, and then the heroes would be on their own. It spurred her to work faster, even if the poor computer was on its last legs. 
"Piper, where are (y/n) and the guys?" 
"The squirrels are in the sky. I'm out of here," the girl replied over the radio, leaving Ray, (y/n), and Henry to face Drex before returning to the helipad per the heroine's instructions. There was nothing else she could do; her mission ended there. 
"Copy that. Ray, (y/n), and Henry, you guys got a visual on Drex?" She asked, radioing them in the air as they cruised toward the blimp. 
(y/n) loved this, feeling more alive than she ever had as they skydived Bond-style using a set of suits of her own design. She took inspiration from flying squirrels, hence the name, using fabric between their arms and legs to give them more manoeuvrability in the air, and God, it was cool. 
She had her doofus on her left and Henry on her right, making her feel like a true hero as the wind rushed through her hair and chilled her skin in the dark stillness of the night. 
"Yeah, I've got eyes on him right now," Henry replied, vaguely making out a bastard-shaped lump on top of the blimp in the darkness. That was the target, and he couldn't wait to take him down. 
"And I'll have fists on him in ten seconds."
"And my boot in his face," Ray and (y/n) added, brushing their fingers together mid-air as they swore revenge, the wind whipping against their fresh wounds. Holding hands was impossible and highly dangerous, so that would have to wait. All that mattered was the mission; giving them a do-or-die mentality like this was the end.
"Hey, kid!" Ray called out, looking past his sweet girl and at his youngest sidekick, who looked more grown-up than ever as he focused on Drex's minute figure. He remembered when they trained for this type of freefalling - it seemed so long ago and impossible, given the rarity of such drama. 
"Just want you to know that no matter what happens..." Ray started, making (y/n) smile softly since it sounded like he was about to say something soppy and fateful. They were vulnerable, and the slightest mistake could spell doom for all of them since no one had powers, understandably making the hero emotional...right?
"...I'm still mad at you for wanting to leave Swellview!"
"Way to ruin the moment, doofus!" (y/n) groaned, rolling her eyes as her face fell. Not so touching, after all, making her and Henry giggle at how ridiculously stubborn the man was. He'd never let the boy forget what he'd said, but there wasn't any anger or bitterness now, not when they could lose everything. 
"I know, dude. I know," Henry nodded, giving his ex-boss a cheeky grin as they zeroed in on Drex. They were getting close, yet despite the levity of their banter, a wave of emotion came over Ray. They were a long way up, and he knew that asshole's savagery, so he couldn't help it when he said...
"And, sweet girl..."
"Yeah, doof?"
"No matter what happens, I'll always love you. Remember that," he smiled, brushing her fingertips again as their eyes met, sharing one of their famous, lovestruck gazes in the final few seconds before landing. Henry audibly gagged, having had five years of it, and still wasn't used to their cheesiness. Still, their familiarity and age-old dependability brought comfort. He could trust them to always be little old lovebirds. 
"Of course, Ray. I love you, too."
"Some things never change," the kid chuckled, shaking his head because only they would make goo-goo eyes five seconds before crash-landing on the world's most evil man. 
But, it didn't last long since the high-speed descent prevented them from kissing, meaning (y/n) and Ray had to put their heads down and scream with Henry as they made the final approach. It was a goddamn battle cry, slicing through the air with their arms by their sides for maximum velocity, and Drex didn't notice a thing. 
He was too busy fine-tuning the Memory-Wiper, setting its angle perfectly as he'd imagined during the long, lonely Ice Age nights. He wanted every mention of Captain Man gone from the history books so he could tell a different story, but it was only when it was too late that he heard their roars. 
Ray crashed into him first, body-tackling the villain with all his might, and he hoped it hurt for all the suffering he'd caused. That was for his sweet girl, who soon followed with Henry, although their landings were much more graceful and smoother. There was no time to rest as Drex quickly recovered, shaking off the pain like he was still indestructible, but they were ready to take him. 
"Haven't I beaten you three enough for one day?" He cackled, thinking they were stupid for constantly returning to a fight they'd never win, but that was Ray all over. He never knew when to stop, and it was all in the name of the greater good - ugh. 
"But I always knew you'd come crawling back to me, cupcake. Can't stay away, huh?"
"In your diseased imagination, Drex!" (y/n) snapped, stepping forward to have a piece of him, but Henry held her back. Not yet...and he knew Ray wanted her as safe as houses since she had no super-regeneration. 
"Unlike Kid Danger, I don't quit!" Ray growled, clenching his fists when the bastard taunted his precious fiancée again. He'd teach him to keep her sweet name out of his mouth, although he couldn't help but rub his grudge just to annoy the kid. Never letting him forget it...
"So extra..." Henry grumbled, thinking the constant reminders were unfair, but there was no time to argue. 
"Well, you're too late! Because in five minutes, this blimp will be in range of Swellview! And everyone, including your sweet fiancé, will forget who you are!" Drex snarled. He wasn't so dumb not to prepare everything before they arrived because history had taught him that these losers didn't give up. Plus, he needed enough time to get away and return to his precious cupcake. 
"So, technically, we're not too late?" (y/n) noted, putting her hands on her hips and yawning like she so often did when Drex mouthed off. He obviously didn't keep up with them; otherwise, he'd know that Captain Man and Co could clear any mission in half that time - probably even less. 
"Yeah, five minutes is, like, too much time," Henry agreed, thinking they had an easy, amateurish opponent anyway just to rile the villain up. 
"Do you wanna take a four-minute stroll and then beat him?" Ray suggested, seeming lackadaisical as he unclipped the squirrel suit from his back, but he was an expert at mind games. Their nonchalance caught Drex off-guard, and honestly, with his sidekicks on his side, they could take him down in record time. 
"Uh, I think we should beat him and then take a four-minute stroll, doofus," (y/n) said firmly as she also shirked her suit, wanting this mess over and done with before they thought about relaxing. The longer they allowed Drex to reign freely, the greater danger the city was in, and she was exhausted. 
"That's my clever girl..." Ray grinned, reaching out to squeeze her waist as Henry agreed and removed his suit, haphazardly tossing it to the ground without thinking about whether he'd need it later. He was more preoccupied with Drex, who quickly sized his enemies up and decided their cockiness would be their downfall. 
Ray made the first move, swiftly plucking the laser control from his belt since his sidekicks lost theirs in their first defeat in the Man Cave. He went to blast Drex - stun or kill him, he didn't care - but the villain was too quick, kicking it out of his hand in one smooth move, sending it tumbling off the blimp's edge for some lucky civilian to find. It would have to be a classic fistfight, then...
Next, he aimed for Henry, kicking the boy in the chest to disorientate him as (y/n) rushed forward. She reeled her fist back to try and jab him in the throat, but Drex got there first, seizing the neckline of her uniform and lifting her off her feet as Ray recovered and returned fire. 
His first punch was blocked, and his second was lousy because he wasn't used to fighting with everything hurting - his knuckles never ached like this. Drex cruelly twisted the man's arm behind his back, making him cry in pain as he held his sweet girl in the air like a rag doll. Was this their big plan? It was pathetic...
He tossed Ray across the flat roof of the blimp as if he weighed nothing, sending him sliding across the smooth, slippy, balloon-like material. Seeing him bounce on his butt made the bastard grin, sneering at (y/n) like a madman because she gave up a lifetime of quiet obedience and protection for a moron like him... 
"Come on!" He taunted Ray, wrapping his elbow around her throat, severing her oxygen supply. She'd forgotten what it was like to fight without superpowers and clawed at his arm to try and breathe as Ray and Henry glowered. No one hurt the Man Cave's sweetest girl and got away with it, so they charged, rushing forward with their fists aloft. 
Ray aimed for Drex's face, but it didn't quite work out like that. The guy was sneaky, ducking out of the way and using her like a human meat shield as his powerful blow rained down, striking her cheek before the doofus knew who he'd struck. 
That was Drex all over - he didn't care what happened to (y/n) as long as she followed his instructions and pandered to his every need, unlike Ray, who nearly died when he realised what he'd done. Oh, his sweet girl...
"Raymond! You're supposed to hit him, not me!" The heroine groaned, clutching her sore cheek, which she knew would be sore in the morning. God, he was strong, and any other time, she'd admire how much force he packed in one punch, but seriously, he hit the wrong person, and it made him like a kicked puppy. 
"Oh, sweet girl--I didn't mean to! I'm so sor--" he rambled, switching from fighting mode to mother hen as he reached out to cradle her tender skin--as if she wasn't fighting for every breath, thanks to the bastard behind her. But he never got to finish his apology, and he didn't see it coming when Drex kicked him in the gut, sending him flying back into Henry again and knocking them down like dominoes. 
"Hey!" (y/n) snapped, lifting her foot and jamming her boot's metal heel into her captor's foot, deeming it justice for hurting her family. 
"Don't! Touch! My! Doofus!" She hissed, throwing her elbow back into Drex's gut before punching him with each word, sending him to the floor. Her hands hurt like hell, unable to heal themselves, but she ignored it as she rejoined her friends, happy to see them okay. Slightly bruised, but okay. 
"And don't mess with my babies!" She added, rubbing her irritated knuckles as Henry made a break for it. 
He saw a chance and took it, scurrying past Drex while he was on the floor to try and knock the Memory-Wiper off the edge, but he didn't make it. The villain wouldn't let him ruin everything so quickly, hauling him into the happy couple like a bowling ball. 
The world suddenly felt tilted as Ray and (y/n) came to their bearings, realising they were slipping down the blimp's side, threatening to fall off into the abyss if it weren't for Henry holding onto them. They'd been knocked down, but it wasn't a disaster, unlike the possibility of one falling off without anything or anyone to catch them. 
"Whoa! That was close!" Ray breathed out, scrambling to his feet with the kid's help as he pulled his sweet girl far away from the dangerous drop. If she fell, he'd surely dive after her and seal their entwined fates, but he'd instead not let that happen. 
"Yeah, and you're not indestructible right now. And (y/n) can't heal herself," Henry reminded them, watching as the hero held his girl to his chest for a moment, wishing she'd be kept safe from the horrors of the world, even though he took her into battle. 
"We know, trust us!" (y/n) replied, savouring her doofus' warmth, even for a moment. Every part of her hurt, even the bits she didn't know she had, and his touch seemed to numb the pain, making her sigh and rub her cheek against his chest. Just to smell his cologne one last time was a blessing...
"Dude, you could die! (y/n), the love of your life, could die! Why are you so happy?!" Henry asked, shocked to see his ex-boss smiling like an idiot, even kissing the top of her head when their lives hung in the balance. He'd spent the last five years telling the boy (y/n) had to be kept safe at all costs, but, instead, they were laughing in the face of death, cuddling like their nemesis wasn't a stone's throw away. 
"Don't you see?" Ray asked, grinning brightly as (y/n) hugged him tighter. Of course, he'd always keep her out of harm's way, but he had another reason for his happiness, and it made him feel as drunk as he always did about her love, "This is my perfect fight!"
"Doofus, what are you talking about?" The woman asked, wondering if all the beat-downs had turned his brain to mush. She couldn't think once his masculine scent hit her nostrils, reducing her to a babbling, incoherent mess that just wanted her safety, attention and love. She didn't need a brain for that...
"Remember, sweet girl? It's night. I'm on a blimp, and suddenly, there's this bad guy... I want a kiss as a reward for beating him," the hero said wistfully, casting their minds back to a few months prior when the kids set him up on that bizarre fighting app - Rumblr. He'd described his perfect fight; now, he was living it almost to the exact detail. It was a little creepy how accurate it was. 
"If you beat him, I'll give you more than a kiss, Raymond."
"As usual, I'm very worried about you," Henry muttered. He thought the man was out of his mind for finding joy in the tense situation, especially when Drex glared at them and flexed his weird paw. He'd had enough of seeing his enemy cuddle his cupcake, waiting for their next move, even though Ray held that stupid expression. 
"I never told you this, but during my perfect fight, in my head, I was never fighting him alone..." he gulped, a semi-serious look coming over him as he glanced at Henry, glad to have his sidekick with him at such a crucial moment, even if he had quit."
"Doofus, that's so sweet!" Henry and (y/n) cooed, thinking he was being all emotional again. Still, they liked the sentiment, knowing it reaffirmed their team bond and boosted their morale as he touched the boy's shoulder and tightened his grip around her waist. It was a nice touch...until the man's big mouth ruined it. 
"I was fighting him with Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson!"
"And he killed it..." (y/n) groaned, slouching as Ray revealed that he didn't think of her or Henry, but some celeb none had ever met. Well, she didn't see Dwayne diving off any buildings or driving any fast cars to come to their rescue, so he'd have to deal with his plain old sidekicks for his fantasised dream. However, Henry seriously considered leaving him to it since he was so ungrateful. 
"That guy sweats diesel!" Ray grinned, rubbing salt in the boy's wounds as he fought the bitter dismay of not being chosen, despite his years of service. He knew the hero loved him deep down, but come on...
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, cool, cool, cool..." The boy dismissed whatever he said, shrugging off his disappointment in time for Drex to run at them. He'd grown tired of listening to their babyish prattling. He nearly vomited when his cupcake got too cosy with that stupid superhero, so he resumed the action, taking all three down in one stampede. 
The disorientation lasted a few seconds before the heroes cleared their heads and got back up, wriggling out from under Drex, who had also taken a beating from the force. He hadn't realised the effects of losing his indestructibility, giving them enough time to seize his shoulders. 
Ray and Henry didn't waste the chance to grab Drex in his disorientation. They pulled his body up to take turns slugging his stupidly chiselled jaw, grunting from the effort of packing every punch with as much strength as they could muster. It was satisfying, especially when they felt the bones click underneath or saw the purple bruises forming in the moonlight. 
A swift jab to the gut from (y/n) had the villain doubling over, mouth cocked open from the pain before the boys linked their arms through his and flipped him so he landed on his ass. 
"Stay down!" Ray growled, hoping the guy would take the hint and give up, given that (y/n) took the gratifying move of stomping her foot on his chest. She hoped her boot's pointed heel dug into his chest and left a mark to remind him who beat his ass. 
Drex didn't struggle for a moment, exhausted from their relentless onslaught, giving Henry a chance to kick the Memory-Wiper over the blimp's edge. He watched with a grin as the broken gadget soared down the ground, harmless to all and futile for the villain's plans, so that was one part of their plan completed. Now, just to deal with that bastard...
"Long way down..." Ray commented as he watched the Wiper disappear, making him want to hold his sweet girl close to his chest out of fear that she'd stumble and fall. She wasn't overtly clumsy, but he couldn't help but worry, threading his fingers through hers to soothe his mind. 
"Yeah... Here, take these," Henry nodded, not liking the intimidating view either, but he knew they weren't finished. So, he reached into his pocket and fished for a pair of blue handcuffs - the kind they used to restrain criminals before they were handed to the cops for jailing. 
"What am I supposed to do wi--Argh!" Ray frowned at the cuffs, hoping they could push Drex off the front of the blimp and say nothing. No one could prove anything anyway, and he'd love to hear all about it on the news that they had to scrape him off the sidewalk with a spatula, but they never got that far. 
In the weirdest plot twist ever, the heroes' focus tore away from their enemy when, in a flash of blinding yellow light...Miles appeared...with a caveman...holding a spear. Both looked surprised and almost nauseous to be there, with the boy clinging to the caveman's back like they'd been wrestling before they...burst onto the scene. Where did they come from?
"Miles?" (y/n) asked, wondering if she'd been hit in the head too many times and she was imagining things. She rubbed her eyes and blinked, swearing that her brain just pictured Miles Macklin appearing out of nowhere with Gronk, but it was true. The caveman's spear clattered onto the blimp as he trembled from shock, and the kid didn't look much better. 
"Hello," he said flatly as if what he'd just done was the most normal thing in the world, but if they asked anything, he couldn't answer. He'd just been fighting with Mila, Chapa, Bose, and Schwoz, and then, some bizarre stuff started happening, like weird witchcraft shit. Hocus Pocus stuff. 
"How did you get up here?" Henry asked as Ray looked around them, wondering if he'd fallen from a plane or something, but the night sky was clear. If there was a craft somewhere, he would've spotted it, even though Miles appeared and didn't fall from anything. 
"I do not know," the kid replied, scanning the area with the same puzzled expression. Something fishy was going on...and it started when Chapa exposed herself as a wicked witch, shooting zappy red stuff. 
But he never got a chance to explain the peculiar happenings; he disappeared in the same flash of light as before. The blimp was bare, save for the heroes and their prisoner, making them wonder what sorcery this was. They shared a blank look and shrug, knowing nothing that could reasonably explain what had just happened, not with Schwoz to factor in some science hitherto unknown to the common man. 
"Well, that was the darnedest thing I've ever--" Ray began to say, utterly stunned by the magic he'd just seen. Still, he should've concentrated on the man near his feet, who had regained his strength when they'd spoken to Miles. 
Miffed by how they'd tricked him, Drex sought revenge on the trio, taking advantage of their temporary daze to yank a loose rope under the hero's foot, making Ray trip. He yelped as he fell to the floor, making (y/n) stumble and lose her footing on the villain's chest, allowing him to roll out and get back up. Immediately, he shoved her out of the way, almost making her tumble over the edge before kicking Henry square in the chest. 
Unlike (y/n), he couldn't find the grip to wriggle back onto flatter ground, meaning he panicked when he slowly slid down the blimp's silky side. If it wasn't for one of the ropes draped near a beacon, he would've died, but that didn't mean he was out of danger. The kid clung to the rope for dear life, struggling to pull himself up after Drex's mighty kick. 
"Little help?" He called out in a frightened voice, seeing (y/n/n) curled up on the floor behind Drex with another cut on her face, too far to hear his cry in her dazed state. But Ray did; when the bastard tried to attack him, he powerfully booted him in the face, hoping it damn well hurt for injuring his sidekicks. He staggered and collapsed, allowing the large man to scramble to help Henry. 
"I got ya...I got ya..." he murmured, knowing he had to get the boy to safety before he went to titter over his sweet girl's wound, but it was a fatal mistake turning his back on Drex. 
"No!" Henry cried as the fiend rushed behind him and wrapped his arms around his ex-boss, almost strangling him as the rope fell from his fingers. He was so close... Ray called out pathetically as Henry slid back down the blimp, again fighting to remain on the ship now that the hero couldn't save him, and oh, how Drex loved it. 
"Say goodbye to your hero..." he jeered, making (y/n) clench her jaw and fight to get to her beloved doofus, no matter how much her spleen hurt. Maybe she had broken bones or internal bleeding; she didn't care. All that mattered was getting to her boys before that bastard did something inexcusable, but she could only crawl so fast. 
"Doofus!" She exclaimed in anguish as Drex cruelly raked his claw across Ray's face, ripping his mask off in one agonising move. Her eyes fluttered shut at the toe-crying shred of the sticky adhesive peeling off his skin much rougher than intended and how it made her lover roar in pain. Henry wriggled as best he could, trying to get his stupid knees to dig into the blimp's stupid slippery skin, but it was useless. 
All the sidekicks could do was watch as Drex dragged Ray around like a rag doll, took him to the floor, and rolled him off the aircraft. There was no hope of saving him, making a bitter wail leave (y/n)'s mouth as he fell, screaming for mercy. It was an almost certainly fatal drop, making her reach out her battered hand like she could save him. 
She was a silly girl; of course, she couldn't; if only she'd been faster, wiser, braver, maybe she would've gotten there in time to grab him. All those times, he saved her, and she couldn't be there for him. The thought left a hole in her heart as a quiet sob left her mouth, praying it wasn't true and that by some miracle, he'd survive. It was wishful thinking...
"Good thing he's indestructible..." Drex sneered as if he was reading her mind, deliberately rubbing salt in their wounds as he watched the sidekicks mourn their literally fallen hero. He took delight in her sorrow and tossed away Ray's mask, knowing she was alone now, with no one to save him since Henry Hart was one small flick away from going the same way. 
"Oh, wait... He's not!" 
"You're a bastard..." (y/n) said in a dangerously low voice, not knowing how low he'd stoop, but this took the biscuit. Her breathing was ragged as she stood on wobbly knees, her heavy heart weighing her down, but she had to fight. Someone had to avenge her doofus, and she'd love nothing more than to wipe that smirk off his face because he took the love of her life away... He sure as hell wouldn't take Henry too. 
With Ray gone, that boy was the only thing she had left to fight for, the one good thing left on that godforsaken blimp she'd protect until her last breath. So, like any good superhero, she dusted herself off, wiped her tears away, and clenched her fists by her side, ready to annihilate anything in her path. 
She could see Henry on the far side of Drex, still clinging to his sad little rope with shining streaks running down his cheeks, but they wouldn't last forever; one would break eventually, so she had to get to him, and they could end this together like Ray would've wanted. And she didn't care who stood in her way. 
"Move." Her stare met Drex's, almost challenging him to make one more wrong move against her. Outwardly, the heroine looked remarkably calm, not moving a muscle, but Henry knew differently- her eyes said everything. 
Enraged is the word he'd use; pure, unbridled fury boiling inside her, waiting to unleash itself on whoever was dumb enough to cross her path, and he couldn't blame her. Losing her soulmate twice in one day was beyond awful, and he couldn't imagine the pain she felt. Hearing his last screams of terror...they haunted both of them. 
"Make me cupcake," Drex replied cockily as if he had a death wish. Honestly, though, he wasn't scared, not even when she screamed bloody murder and charged at him. If he couldn't bribe or seduce her into loving him again, he'd just have to resort to his old ways of trickery, and they worked a charm. 
(y/n) saw nothing but red as she rushed at the villain, wanting to kick, punch, bite, claw--maim him in any way possible for what he'd done to her family. Their bodies met in a whirlwind of fury, her fists clumsily and predictably aiming for his weak points - stomach, neck and groin. Drex saw them all, blocking each hit, no matter how hard she tried to break through his defences, but she wasn't strong enough. 
Ray and even Henry had the brute masculine strength to power their way through, but she had to use her brains, thinking tactically, to land her blows. But when she was blinded by rage, Miss Danger was sloppy and uncoordinated, fighting like an amateur plonked in the brawl. Henry cringed to see her fight so poorly, her hands getting batted away like Drex was fighting a child, but he couldn't help. 
He slipped further down the blimp as the rope loosened, sparking worry in (y/n)'s chest as she desperately tried to reach him, unable to lose her baby without breaking her heart. It made her frantic, pathetically slapping the villain's chest until he laughed at her, taunting her for how low she'd sunk. 
"Poor little Miss Danger... So worried for one little boy that she's trying to be a superhero," Drex laughed, blocking a strike with his forearm before kicking her in the shin. (y/n) hissed in pain but ignored her throbbing leg since it would entice him to spew more venom. He wanted that, but it was hard not to give in when she'd lost everything...just when she thought they were winning.
"But, of course, everyone knows she's really just a silly little girl who thinks she's strong."
Without thinking, the heroine pulled back her fist and aimed for his teeth, knowing she was much more than the little girl who once fell for his boyish good looks and pearly snarl. She'd show him who was strong, falling hook, line, and sinker for his trick as she ploughed her punch toward his face, only for Drex to catch her wrist in the blink of an eye. 
He twisted it over her shoulder and around her back, making the woman cry in pain as his other hand curled around her throat. One around her back...another holding their faces close... 
It was dangerously intimate, making her freeze in terror at how close his lips were to hers, so near she could feel his breath hit her face as their navels touched. His touch was cruel, making her wrist ache and her throat tighten as the rough paw scratched her skin, but he held her like a lover, reminding her of a long, long time ago...
"Isn't this just simpler?" Drex asked tenderly, his brown eyes burrowing into hers. They were as soft as she remembered, flashing back to cold nights when he held her close and promised to stay with her until the morning came. He said he'd never hurt her, fooling her into making those chocolate pools her home as she gave him everything, only to lay in bed months later regretting it for years to come. 
"Get off me!" She exclaimed, glaring and jerking in his hold once her brain snapped back into action. Back then, she swore it was love, but then she realised it wasn't even close. Then she met Ray, and everything fell into place, with him making the same promises Drex did, although he intended to keep them. He never laid a hand on her, and there was the difference. 
"You feel it, don't you? I love you, (y/n). I did it all for you..."
"Drex..." she breathed, stunned at his desperate confession and how borderline sincere it was. In the few months they dated, he never said the L-word, even when she whispered it in his ear during a few precious moments. He said it was lame, and he was too busy for childish feelings, making her want to die for being such a burden. 
Henry scrunched his nose at the sight, thinking it was almost sacrilege to see (y/n) pressed so closely to someone else in such a romantic position. The city lights, night air, and serenity made for the perfect scene--all that was missing were the fireworks and white doves. Still, if he was a little closer, he would've seen the deranged madness leaking into the man's expression. 
What (y/n) saw frightened her, knowing whatever he felt wasn't love - just obsession. If he loved her, she wouldn't feel hollow or be littered with bruises and cuts, and he wouldn't have taken her happiness away. No... he was so close, almost kissing her, begging for the last human connection he had, but he'd lost it long ago. He'd lost her; now, she only yearned for her doofus. 
"I stopped loving you when you decided you'd rather conquer the world than save it. You made me feel worthless--and I'm not worthless. Not to Ray. I love him...and I'd rather die than be with you," she spat, thumping her fists against his chest and breaking out of his embrace in a forceful leap. 
It was a bold statement, but she wasn't afraid to face him, even as Drex's face darkened and his fists squeezed shut by his sides. That was for giving the best she had to give just for him to tolerate it, but he didn't see it that way. 
No, he was furious, knowing it wouldn't be good enough for her no matter what he did. He could give Miss Danger a thousand diamonds, silk dresses, a kingdom, and a crown, and it would be nothing compared to the junk store that utter moron owned. Like most of the evening, he quickly reworked his plan, scratching the woman out of the picture since she wouldn't love him, just Captain Man. 
He hated him. He loved her. And if Drex couldn't have his cupcake, no one could. 
"Very well..." he growled, lunging almost inhumanly, catching the woman off-guard. Her hands flew up to shield her face, but the villain was too quick, fully intent on ruining everything Ray had left behind. And if that meant killing (y/n) to ensure he'd never have her, then so be it. He'd tie her fate to his in the most wicked way, leaving the hero without his sweet girl in a final fuck you to the universe that made him the bad guy. 
His claw slashed across her face like it did with Ray, slicing her mask to ribbons as four gashes trailed from her temple, across her nose, and to the other cheek. They weren't too deep, thank God, but as she held her face, she could feel the blood trickling down her blazing skin. If losing Ray destroyed her soul, this would destroy her body, everything feeling hopeless as she fell to the floor. 
'I'll see you again, doofus.' She thought sadly as her head hung low, body hunched over as her hands pressed to her wounds to stop the bleeding, meaning she never saw how Drex moved again. Maybe it was the shock, or perhaps she had no tears left to cry, but she remained eerily still as the villain raised his monster paw again. 
It was a shame, really - killing such a beauty. After all, she was his cupcake, but he'd made sacrifices before, and this was no different, so he felt no remorse or mercy as he went to strike her, rip an arm off, or strangle her. He wanted her dead, but when he went to strike her...something strange happened. 
The claw came down, moving with the power of a freight train, when (y/n)'s hand shot out and grabbed his arm, stopping it before he could hurt a hair on her low-hanging head. She didn't know why or how, but suddenly, an energy coursed through her, telling her to move now before it was too late, and so did - without even so much as raising her gaze. 
Across the blimp, Henry nearly lost his grip on the rope, stunned by what he saw before him. Like something out of a fairytale, his friend (y/n/n), Miss Danger, was glowing like a goddamn firefly. He'd rub his eyes if his hands were free because he swore he was dreaming or mistaking the moonlight for giving her that pearlescent shimmer, but it was real. 
And in that whiteish light, she didn't even flinch, grabbing Drex's arm before he could hurt her, squeezing it like she had the strength of a thousand men. Henry knew her well enough to know she was just (y/n) - nothing torch-like or miraculous about her. 
It must've shocked the villain, too - why else would he splutter like he had flies in his mouth? Still, (y/n) didn't move, but Drex went again, huffing like that was just some spoof or coincidence because that silly girl couldn't beat him. It had to be a fluke, so he lifted his other arm and brought it down in a mighty thump, hoping to squish her like a bug. 
Her eyes were closed. She could hear Henry screaming for her to get up. The air was cold. Nothing suggested what Drex was doing, but the energy returned, rising from her tummy to make her free hand counter the blow. It was just as shocking to her to realise she had caught the man's other wrist without a thought, but it also made sense. Gone were the days he could take her by surprise...
"What the--" Drex stammered, wondering what the hell was happening as the mousy girl who used to jump at her own shadow blocked two of his attacks. It should've been impossible, given his sheer size and her pathetic, weedy arms, but there they were. Her vice-like grip prevented him from moving away, causing panic in him as she lifted onto her feet. 
Before the bastard could react, the heroine growled and brought her forehead down on his, knowing it was slightly stupid since it made her head thump, but God, it was satisfying. The blunt force trauma stunned Drex, making him stumble back and giving her enough time to stand up properly. Her hair stuck to the sticky blood drying on her hair, but she pushed it away, cooly looking down on the villain like he used to do to her. 
Oh, how the tables had turned. 
It felt good to stand above him, knowing she was the one who'd beaten him down and reduced him to nothing more than a groaning, whimpering whimper holding his forehead. Still, amongst the pride, there was confusion. A lot of confusion. 
'Did I do that?' She wondered, looking at her dirty, shaking hands in shock as she realised she couldn't remember telling them to move. In fact, she suddenly felt like something had changed, and it came after she got that funny feeling...specifically in her tummy. It told her there was danger, nothing more, nothing less, giving her the split-second strength to stop him. A tingle. A tummy tingle. A well-timed tummy tingle. 
A snarl ripped her out of her daydream, making her gaze snap to Drex, who'd regained his senses whilst she debated whether it was a gassy coincidence or magic. If he looked angry before, this time, he was murderous, growling and pawing the ground like a literal animal as he stomped towards her. He'd end whatever was going on with her and everything that swore their allegiance to Captain Man. 
Suddenly, the feeling returned, striking like lightning and swirling in her tummy as Drex flew at her, only this time, she didn't let it confuse her. Instead, she moved with the energy like a river, flowing with her newfound foresight and finding she knew precisely how to react since it flashed in her mind a millisecond before it happened. 
She dodged his punches perfectly, filled with starlight, knowing that this was what her tummy had been trying to tell her all along - it just needed a slight nudge to fully awaken. No matter what came her way, she shoved it away like Ray had taught her, slowing her opponent down until exhaustion caught up with him. 
With his rhythm gone, Drex faltered, feeling his muscles ache from his repeated, failed onslaught. It gave her the perfect moment to strike, pulling back her fist and hitting him squarely in the face with a pleasing crunch. The brutal blow made him stumble back, nose all bloody and smashed like a pulverise tomato as she looked at her hand with a surprised but satisfied smile. 
"How did you--how did you do that?!" Henry gasped, grunting as he struggled to hold on when his feet slipped against the slick blimp, but he just had to know, even if it was the last thing he ever did, especially after that glow. That fucking glow; surrounded her for one minute, and then, when she looked up...her eyes. They were like stars burning cold, shining an icy white as she beat her ex-boyfriend to a pulp.
This night was getting weirder and weirder; first, Miles, now (y/n)... He wondered if anyone else was being strange and what Ray would say if he saw his sweet girl being so badass. 
"I...don't know," she replied truthfully, rubbing her tummy as the feeling passed, vanishing as quickly as it appeared. Huh... Now that she was safe, everything calmed down, soothed by the knowledge that Drex was groaning, clutching his nose on the floor, and not a danger to anyone. It felt fucking good, although she didn't know how she'd predicted his moves. 
"I just got a tingle...in my tummy. It just told me to get out of the way--but it was different than all those other times. It was...stronger, like I knew what was coming a split-second before it happened. And then, I hit him. Because he deserves it."
"I think you broke my nose," Drex whined pathetically after her explanation, sounding adenoidal and squeaky as he pinched his dripping sniffer to stop the blood flow. He looked in agony, but (y/n) had no sympathy, hoping it hurt like a bitch for everything he'd done. 
"I told you I would," she replied cooly, knowing she'd avenge her beloved doofus and friends in one way or another, and nothing felt more satisfying than seeing him gurgling on his own blood. It took her a few hours, but she got around to her vow, smirking as she skirted past him towards Henry, kicking his shoulder for good measure as she did. 
Rushing to his side, the heroine offered the kid her hand just in the nick of time, pulling him up with a mighty heave before it sapped the last of his strength. He fell into her arms, utterly exhausted and in need of one of her warm, energy-giving hugs, after all, because he'd lost a brother like she'd lost her husband. 
The sidekicks held each other for as long as needed, squeezing the other tightly until Henry felt strong enough again to let go. However, he wasn't done with her yet. No, he needed to know all about the so-called tingle, where it came from, and why it gave her magic powers. 
"Something weird's going on with you. You didn't even look when you stopped that first punch," Henry said softly, analysing the woman and how the mysterious sheen had disappeared as she shrugged. What did he want her to say? She was clueless, too. 
"I know, but I saw it happening in my head. And my tummy...it tingled," she said nonchalantly, a tiny giggle in her throat since she thought it was just an instinct or fluke. That seemed like an oversimplification, and deep down, she knew it was stronger than that, given that its power stopped Drex and made Henry give her a look that said he wasn't buying it. 
"But (y/n/n)... Your eyes...your whole body, even... They glowed!"
"Say what?" The woman blinked, thinking the thin air was affecting the poor kid because he was talking nonsense. She could do many things, but gleaming in the dark like some strange, human glow stick was beyond her. 
"They were glowing, I swear! Like--like--white! They were white and glowing just for a second before you reacted. It was awesome!" He exclaimed with a bright grin, looking impressed with her new party trick, but (y/n) didn't feel so lucky. 
Her hands flew to her eyes, rubbing them like something was wrong with her, or maybe someone put a spell on her--some unscientific sorcery she couldn't explain. And she hated not being able to explain something. 
However, before her little brain could snap into action to present some rational, reasonable explanation, a cough and growl echoed behind her, making her and the kid turn to see Drex back on his feet. He was woozy, looking like hell as he wiped the blood away from his nose with the back of his hand, smearing it across his face, but he couldn't care less. 
With his teeth bared, he stepped toward them, hating their tender moment and how she managed to beat him with that new trick - whatever it was. He'd heard enough to know that he would kill them with his bare hands, and nothing would stop him, not this time.
"My little cupcake always did have too many tricks up her sleeve. Captain Man isn't here to save you this time, though..."
"Contrary to popular belief, I don't need saving. Captain Man made us his sidekicks, and if he can't stop you, then you can be damn sure we will," (y/n) hissed, removing her arms from the kid's shoulders to confront Drex head-on. Henry copied her, circling the villain with harsh glares, and their mouths pressed into thin lines because they weren't afraid, not when they stood side-by-side. 
"Together," Henry confirmed, nodding firmly at the woman to begin their charge, rushing the villain at full speed. This one was for Ray, screaming and tackling Drex as he snarled, readying himself for their attack by digging his heels in and hunching forward. 
They were all too ready to beat the shit out of him...but unfortunately, they never got that far. The tingle returned, but not how (y/n) expected it; she knew to put her out as Drex shoved her to the floor, making her faceplant the blimp as he punched Henry in the gut. He didn't seem as concerned with her, meaning the danger diverted away from the girl and toward Henry, only he didn't have a tummy tingle. 
"Didn't see that coming, did you, cupcake?" He retorted, holding the boy aloft by his throat as she rolled across the spongy surface, too far away to help him. Henry squirmed against the villain's monstrous hold. But all he did was sever his air supply, meaning he could not stop him from tearing his scarlet mask in half with a savage grunt. 
"You know, I always thought this would be harder, Henry," Drex said with a sick smile, knowing he had to be quick as the boy struggled helplessly because that wretched cupcake of his would desperately try to save him. And he'd had enough of that parlour trick for one evening. 
He'd deal with her in good time, wear her down, and put her in her place like he should've done from the start. Or, y'know, he'd finish it quickly. Either way, after tonight, there wouldn't be a thing in the world that could stop him, and it started with ending Henry Hart once and for all. 
"Oh, and one more thing...I was always the better sidekick!" He growled, thinking his few short months in the Man Cave outscored anything the kid could ever do, and it was his final crow of victory as he prepared to throw the kid over the edge. Hoping he'd be nothing but splat on the sidewalk like his old boss, he lifted the boy and almost threw him...but a determined scream stopped him. 
It didn't come from (y/n), although her feet tread against the blimp to try and scramble to the boy. No, it came from above in the form of a flying, red and blue beefcake as it collided with the villain, kicking him in the spine so he released his precious sidekick. Drex should've known better than to think Captain Man could be trounced, and he should've thought twice before trying to hurt his best friend and lover. 
"Ray..." (y/n) breathed, thinking she was about to have another heart attack - her millionth that day - because goddamn, he made a sight for sore eyes. Looking handsome in his maskless super-suit, the hero had used the Man-Drone to save his life and return to the blimp before he could fall to his doom - piloted by Jasper. 
He was too young to die, wasn't about to leave them to fight alone, and still had that wedding to make. And he never had one last kiss...
"Nice job, Jasper!" The hero told the camera mounted on the front of the drone, undoubtedly making Jasper's day since he rarely praised the boy. (y/n) could see it now, how he'd jump for joy at being useful for once, but she focused more on how her doofus was hovering in front of her. 
The scratches on his face mirrored her, making her wince at how deep they were, but he was alive and unsquashed. She'd hug the life out of Jasper when she got hold of him, thanking her lucky stars as he released the Man-Drone and fell to the blimp. Even Henry was delighted to see him, a far cry from the bitterness he'd felt earlier on, but that didn't matter now, not when he got to see the lovers reunite. 
"Doofus!" (y/n) exclaimed, leaping into the man's arms as he broke into a smile. For a moment, he genuinely thought he was dead and done for, falling through the air until Jasper saved him. He owed it to that kid, something he never would've thought possible before. 
"Hey, sweet girl..." Ray grinned, hugging her tightly as she peppered his face with kisses, mindful of the gashes near his eye. She'd never been more grateful to have his skin under her lips, holding them against his cheek before pulling away to gaze into those crystal blue eyes... He was so gorgeous...
"I saw what you did back there. It was hot..." the man whispered, petting her head as she squirmed bashfully, wondering if he saw the entire fight or when she punched Drex in the nose. But Ray knew everything, having seen a faintly glowing figure in the distance as the drone came in for landing, and he knew that was his target. He just never expected it to be his pretty girl...
"You saw me fight? And glow?"
"Yeah..." he nodded gently, seeing how it worried her a little, but he wasn't afraid, angry, or repulsed. Whatever was going on, they'd figure it out together. But first, he had some business to attend to, starting with the man he'd witnessed leaving those God-awful wounds on her pretty face. That was inexcusable. 
"And I saw what this bastard did to you. No one hurts my girl and gets away with it," Ray growled, gently pulling the heroine behind his back as he scowled at Drex, who gritted his teeth and snarled at the accusation. 
He deserved to have his throat ripped out for hurting her like that, having seen how he almost kissed her before tearing her mask off. Leaving any mark on her soft skin was unforgivable, and it made Ray's blood boil, especially when he saw how uncaring the villain was. He didn't give a shit if Miss Danger had blood running down her face, and it was enough to make up the hero's mind. 
He was gonna rip him apart. 
With his teeth bared and a nasty sneer on his face, Captain Man stomped toward his old friend, muscles rippling from the power hidden within them. He blocked Drex's first punch with a swift kick, absolutely done with his malice and lies. He was fully intent on showing him that he never regretted finding a better sidekick or showing his sweet girl what pure love was like. 
"You!--" he punched out as he blocked another blow with his fist, fighting with each word as (y/n) hovered behind him after checking on Henry. 
"--Are!--The worst!--" Another punch, this time to Drex's gut, making him double over in pain before Ray slugged him across the face, "Sidekick!--I've!--Ever!--Had!"
He beat him until he was on the floor, curled up in pain and almost pleading for mercy from the relentless onslaught. He wouldn't find any with Captain Man, who took utter delight in landing blow after blow on the bastard's face for thinking he could ever replace Henry and for all the years he haunted his precious fiancée. 
She crept up behind her doofus, seeing how Drex's swollen eyes met hers like he wanted her help--to stop her lover before he killed him, but she knew he deserved it. Drex was pure evil and the demon who still plagued her nightmares, so she had no remorse when she darted out from behind Ray to glower over his form. 
"...And a really shit boyfriend!" She snarled, booting him in the groin with a satisfying kick, hearing something go pop. Drex's face scrunched in agony as he rolled across the blimp's vinyl surface, too weak and pained to realise how close he was to the edge until he slid down the side. 
His claw frantically searched for something to cling to - a rope like Henry had -but there was nothing, meaning he just sliced the slippery material on his way down--down, down, down, to the ground. And (y/n) hoped he went splat, even though Jasper was waiting to nab him. 
"That's not good, is it?" She asked, happy to see that bastard fall, but no one could ignore the unmistakable hissing noise as the slice in the blimp's skin hissed and spat. The gas leaked out at an alarming rate, and whilst she wasn't an expert, it didn't take a genius to know that precious air kept that balloon floating. And they were going down...
"Guys, you're blipped just veered off course..." Schwoz's voice suddenly squeaked in their earpieces. Where the hell had he been for the last half an hour? It would've been nice to have some outside contact. Still, the small man had been preoccupied...under a caveman...after some bizarre shit started happening. 
"Now you show up? Gee, thanks, Schwoz!"
"Yeah, it's leaking gas and pushing us all over the place!" Henry exclaimed as Ray tried to plug the hole with his hand, not that it helped. Unless someone had a massive bandaid, their chances of saving the blimp were slim. 
"Where are we headed, Schwoz?!" The hero asked, glad to have his sweet girl close as she lay beside him with her hand over his. She tried in vain to stop the leakage too, and any other time, he would've been delighted to be horizontal with her, just not when they were on the brink of peril. 
"Straight into Swellview Baby Hospital!" God, their jobs were never easy. Schwoz couldn't have given the trio worse news, making them gulp and look at each other in a panic because if the blimp crashed into the hospital, there'd be an inferno...filled with babies. Literally (y/n)'s worst nightmare. 
"What?! We can't let hundreds of babies die! Doofus, we have to do something!" She exclaimed, squeezing his bicep and lightly shaking his body, although there was no time to admire his impeccable physique. 
"How do we fix this, Schwoz?!" Ray asked, pressing his hand to his ear to try and hear the genius since the line had gone suspiciously quiet--but nothing. There was no reply; the genius disappeared as quickly as he reappeared, ending radio contact in their hour of need. 
"Schwoz?" Henry called out, hoping the hero's earpiece was faulty, but all he got was static--like something terrible had happened to the man. Couldn't he keep himself safe for five minutes?
"Goddamnit, Schwoz! You're never around when we need you, you little fuzzy coconut!" (y/n) growled, bashing her ear to try and get through to him, even if it was just to say their final goodbyes. 
There was no way she wouldn't go down trying to save the hospital, working with Henry to cover as much of the tear as possible. It was useless, though; as the vast volumes of gas ripped through the hole, it made it slightly more prominent, shredding the fabric until their hands couldn't shield it. 
Ray knew there was no hope of saving the blimp unless they had a sewing kit or something, so after scanning the blimp for any other options, he quickly decided they had to ditch the sinking ship. Jump or die - those were their options, although, unfortunately, when he checked, he found that someone had lost their parachute in the scuffle.
"Hey, kid! Sweet girl! I can't steer this thing to safety! Drex wrecked the control panel. He must've done it before we got here," he said as he dragged a spare chute toward his sidekicks, one already strapped to his back. 
What else could he do? The villain had taken every precaution to stop Captain Man from ruining his plans, and even with him gone, he still pissed them off. But Ray wouldn't risk his family anymore, not after the day he'd had. 
"Dang it!" Henry muttered, cursing that bastard for thinking of everything--for leaving nothing to chance. With the steering gone, the blimp was going down, headed for that hospital, and the gas would certainly ignite on impact, something Ray didn't fancy sticking around for. 
"Found these parachutes, though. There's only two, but you don't mind sharing with me, do you, sweet girl?"
"Yeah, but doofus..." (y/n) started, cheeks heating up as he wiggled his eyebrows at the suggestion that she tightly strap herself to him...with his beefy arms around her...as they gracefully fell to the ground. It was an enticing, delicious thought, but she couldn't accept it, not even when he grabbed her hand and began walking away. 
"Let's bounce!" Ray grinned, tossing Henry his chute before he began threading various straps and strings around his sweet girl, clipping her super-suit to his harness. 
It would be a bumpy ride, but by his rough calculations, they'd make it away from the blimp before it exploded. (y/n) tried to Nat his hands away, fussing as he determinedly fastened everything and double-checked it, obsessive with her safety, even though he'd never let her fall from his arms. But Henry...he straight up refused to touch the parachute, not before the job was done. 
"We can't bounce!"
"Bounce means leave, Henry," the hero said dryly, tugging every buckle and strap on his fiancée to ensure she was safe. However, he couldn't understand why the kid wouldn't budge. Couldn't they be selfish for once and leave before someone got hurt?
"Yeah, like, ten years ago, but also, this blimp is headed straight for a hospital full of babies!" The boy exclaimed, seeing the large, brown, dreary building approaching at the foot of Mount Swellview. He would've wondered why the hero wanted to ditch his morals and leave before they saved everyone, but he knew that once Ray feared for his sweet girl's safety, there was no stopping him. 
"Well... Those babies had a good run."
"Raymond! They're babies!" (y/n) gasped, slapping his chest for even thinking like that. At least adults had a fighting chance of running for their lives, but babies were helpless, bringing out the broody side of her as she swore to help them--somehow. 
"Well, what are we supposed to do, sweet girl?! If you've got an idea of how to steer this thing, I'm all ears!" Ray replied, holding her close as his body thrummed from the fear of losing her. All he had to do was walk away and get her to safety, but he refused to leave the kid alone. Knowing him, he'd pull some do-or-die, heroic shit...
"I've got one..." Henry gulped, rapidly formulating a stupid and brilliant plan that ended with almost certain death. But what choice did they have? They had nothing to help them save for the spear that the caveman dropped when Miles somehow appeared on the blimp, so he quickly picked it up, giving the couple a determined gaze. 
"What are you doing?" Ray muttered, suddenly nervous about what the kid had in mind, watching as he returned to the leaking tear. It seemed so stupid, the pair crying out for him to stop as Henry raised the spear before jabbing it into the blimp's skin, popping another hole to release more gas. But as the air rushed out, it altered its course, blowing the blimp away from the baby hospital and toward the mountain instead. 
"See? One of us has to use this to steer the blimp in Mount Swellview! It's the only way to make sure it doesn't land in the city and light a whole block on fire!"
"Henry, don't be a doofus! Whoever stays on the blimp is gonna end up in a giant ball of fire!" (y/n) exclaimed, seeing so many flaws in the boy's plan, and all of them ended in heartbreak and disaster. There had to be another way because she wasn't strong enough to lose either of them, not after that day, and she sure as hell hadn't beaten Drex just to die at the last hurdle. 
But the kid gave her a slight shrug as he secured his hold on the spear, making her face fall as she realised what he intended to do. No...not her sweet baby boy; she refused to allow him to make any stupid sacrifices, not when he'd already quit to have a normal, safer life. And Ray thought precisely the same. 
"Gimme the spear..." he said quietly, leaving no room for argument after making up his mind because he knew that he should be the one to go down with the ship--to let them have a chance to live the rest of their days in peace. 
This was exactly the type of heroic bullshit the kid was famed for. Still, for once, Ray didn't want fame, glory, or credit - he just wanted to do the right thing, and that was taking the fall for the two most important people in his life. But Henry refused, stepping away from the couple before Ray could take the spear because he, too, had made up his mind, and it wasn't such a bad day to die, anyway. 
"Come on, stop messing around!" Ray growled, dragging (y/n) every which way as he tried to grab the weapon, but with his sweet girl strapped to his chest, the boy was too quick for him. 
"You're not indestructible anymore!" Henry pointed out, thinking that was a good enough reason to make the man back off. It was only part of it, delving deeper into a love story that the teen refused to let end here. He was sorry he wouldn't attend their wedding after RSVP'ing, but he knew they'd understand, even if they never forgave him.
"You never were!" Ray snapped, crushing (y/n) to his chest as she tried to get free, wanting to throw her hat into the ring since she loved them just as much, but neither of the boys would let the Man Cave's sweetest girl die. Ray and Henry would ensure that at the end of all things, her feet would be safely on the ground, and she'd live to brighten another person's day.
"I was for, like, two days a couple years ago when (y/n) got her superpowers!"
"Speaking of (y/n), can I say something?"
"NO!" They shouted at her, wanting the heroine to stay out of it because this was very much an argument between them, and no matter what she did or said, she would be wearing a parachute. This wasn't about who was bravest or most heroic but who had less to lose, and both swore it was them, pitting a lifetime unfulfilled against the universe's plans to keep soulmates together. 
"Look, I am the hero! You are the sidekick!" Ray growled, wanting to clarify that the boy was straying into unknown territory, where he didn't have the authority or rank to make such grand decisions. He was just a boy with his whole life ahead of him - sending him to the slaughter wasn't right. 
"I quit, remember?" But the boy stood fast, holding the weapon to his chest as he stared at his former boss, hoping the bitter memories would make the man leave. He couldn't look Ray in the eye as he sent him away, so he hoped they'd turn their backs on him - as if. 
"Gimme the spear, Henry!"
"No!" They argued, dragging (y/n) around and making her yelp as Ray reached around her to grab the spear, not that Henry had plans to let go. No matter how hard he pulled, the kid refused to release it, using his last strength to battle Captain Man, who would finally live out his life with his sweet girl--like he was meant to. 
"Gimme the spear!"
"No! Swellview and (y/n) need you! Okay?! They need Captain Man! So, marry your sweet girl, and forget about me!" Henry hissed, ripping the spear out of Ray's hands, giving him all the room in the world to turn with the girl in his arms and fly away. He was just a stupid sidekick, and he guaranteed that there were a hundred kids like him in the city who'd make the perfect assistant, not that they'd ever be the same for Ray. 
"You put on your parachute, and you and (y/n) get off this blimp right now!" The man ordered, emotion colouring his voice as tears pooled in his eyes, and he knew that his sweet girl was already sobbing against his chest. 
She twisted in his embrace as best she could with the straps restraining her, wanting to look them in the eye one last time because someone had to stay. Someone had to die...and she swore the pain would kill her too. 
"Henry!" She yelled, reaching out to touch the boy, but he stepped back, bitterly reminding her that he was as stubborn as her doofus. She cursed his courage, wishing she could untie herself and send them away, but Ray's arm was securely around her waist, intent on staying there until he had to push her to safety. 
"No!" He replied defiantly, looking at them, all teary and wracked with sorrow, but he knew they'd heal. Ray and (y/n) could do anything when they were together, and like he had his own tummy tingle, he saw their future in a single blink - house, kids, dog, family. He refused to take that away from them. 
"You were right, okay?!" Ray bellowed in anguish, losing control over his emotions as the moment's gravity dragged him down. He couldn't bear the thought of losing anyone, but this was the lesser of two evils, and he hoped that he'd see his sweet girl again someday, safe in the knowledge that he didn't send a child to his death. 
"You were only thirteen when you took that oath--you didn't know what you were getting into! You didn't sign up for this! I did!" He cried, watching Henry gulp, having never seen his boss so distraught. (y/n) clung to her lover like it was for the last time, knowing he sacrificed his childhood to prepare himself for the hero's life. He wouldn't ruin another one if he could do it himself. 
"Now, get outta here! Let me save my city and the love of my life... Just promise me you'll take care of her."
For a good long moment, the night was silent. Henry panted raggedly with his boss as their emotions levelled off, stemming from Ray's emotional outburst and how he begged the kid to go and make something of his life as long as he ensured (y/n) didn't drown in her sorrows. 
Maybe she'd find love and happiness again--something the hero hoped for her once he was gone. He didn't want her to suffer for a silly doofus like him. However, still, he selfishly held her close one last time, committing the shape and feel of her body to memory so he'd have something to hold in the afterlife. She whimpered against his collar, clutching his uniform because she didn't want to see him go - if he died, they died together, or at least that's how she saw it. 
"Okay...I'll go," Henry conceded, seemingly moved by Ray's speech, making him place his hand on the boy's shoulder - a touching farewell. (y/n) whimpered at the thought of saying goodbye, feeling them exchange the spear and prepare to give her that parachute too. 
"But...before we go, you have to say goodbye to (y/n)," the kid added, noting how broken the poor girl seemed, shaking in the man's arms as he tried to steel himself. It was no good; the tears in his eyes didn't stop, but he knew she'd be safe. That mattered, even if it wasn't the happy ending he'd pictured. 
"You owe her that, dude."
"Yeah, yeah...okay," Ray nodded, looking down at his sweet girl, who refused to meet his eye. If she didn't move, maybe the moment wouldn't happen, and she'd get to have him for eternity like she was meant to. But the hero was insistent, wanting to look into those pretty eyes one last time, so he tucked his fingers under her chin and tilted her tear-stained face up at his. 
She sniffed, looking miserable as she pouted, her bottom lip wobbling as the water spilt over her lash line. Her fist closed on his chest, wanting to pound it against him for being so stupid--for thinking she could do this on her own, but she couldn't hurt him. Not even when she was angry at him. And knowing he was throwing himself into the fire and pushing her away made her so damn angry. 
"Well, sweet girl...this is it."
"This is what? I'm not letting you do this, Raymond. I'm not leaving you," (y/n) hissed, firmly locking her arms around his neck so they couldn't prise her off when the time came. It was childish, but she was adamant - no one would take her doofus away. 
"Yes, you are, darlin'. The kid's gonna make sure you're safe," the man sighed, resting his hands on her arms before allowing them to slide down her back to rest on her waist. He'd indulge her and himself for a minute or two, thinking the universe could at least give him that since it was taking his slice of paradise away. 
In any other situation, how she wrinkled her nose would've been cute, not that Ray would tease her. No, he wanted their last moments to cement everything he felt for her--that they'd never love again now that they were together. 
"No, if you're going down, I am too! I'm with you, doofus, for better or worse!" She exclaimed, defiantly reminding him that she'd stick with him through thick and thin like any good wife should, even though they'd never actually gotten around to making it official. She regretted that, feeling a bittersweet sting in her heart that she'd never truly know him as her husband, despite it feeling like that for so long. 
"We never made vows, sweet girl... God, I wish we had, though," Ray whispered wistfully, echoing her feelings. The things he'd give to marry her... 
It sucked knowing he was going to his death with the biggest regret of his life, but at least he knew she felt the same. It didn't need to be official, although it would've been nice. 
"I don't care! You know I can't leave you. I only just got you back, damn it," (y/n) sobbed, deeming it the most unfair thing in the world that they went through hell and found each other just to be ripped apart again. But Ray smiled sadly and kissed her forehead, soothing her pain as he rocked her in his arms and shushed her sobs - he never liked seeing his precious girl cry. 
"And that's why you have to go, sweet girl. I waited a hundred and one million years just to see you smile at me again. I got my wish, sweetheart. I can die a happy man."
"And what about me? I want to marry you--I want kids--I want a home! Why don't I get my wish?!" She wailed, resting her forehead against his as he swallowed thickly. 
When she put it like that, it didn't seem right--like they'd done their waiting and finally confessed like they'd wanted to all their lives, but it wasn't good enough. Someone hated them, but the hero didn't swell on it, pushing away any negative thoughts while their lips brushed together. 
"Listen to me, darlin'. You're the sweet girl I ever met, and I know you'd never let anything happen to Henry. It has to be this way, and you know it..." he told her softly, and she couldn't argue. The heroine adored Kid Danger and loved him like a baby brother or the son she'd someday have, so there was no way she'd ever watch him burn in a fiery explosion.
"I don't want you to go."
"I know," Ray nodded, tucking her face into his neck as she whispered. He'd give all the money, fame, and power in the world to stay by her side, but he was a superhero, and the city needed saving. This was the life she'd signed up for - the one left behind should anything ever happen to him. 
"I love you," (y/n) added, hating how quiet and timid her voice was, making it sound like it was for the final time. He'd have her heart forever because no one could ever replace him. How many superheroes would fall for her nerdy, shy charms? Only one. 
"I know," he smirked, earning himself a slap on the shoulder for ruining the moment with his smug cockiness. But seriously, hearing her confession warmed his heart because it seemed impossible at one point. She could never love a loser like him, given that she was way out of his league, but she did. And it was his blessing - maybe enough to grant him eternal happiness on the other side. 
"Say it back, you doofus!"
"I love you, (y/n). I always have, and I always will. I promise I always will..." Ray said firmly, crushing his lips to hers, swallowing a sob before it fell from her lips. They clung to each other tightly, knowing that in a moment, they'd have to let go, and that would be it. It didn't feel like the final chapter, but it had to be. 
Because standing just to the side, watching the entire exchange, was a darling boy they'd sacrifice everything for. Henry was touched that they'd burn their love just so he could live, but even if Ray was willing to leave his sweet girl, the kid could never. He was the grand architect of their story, the one who set everything in motion, and he'd be damned if he did the selfish thing and tore it apart. 
Their love wasn't finished yet, so he curled his fist around the spear again and tapped them on the shoulder, intent on doing something unbelievably stupid. 
"One more thing..." he smiled at them, studying their innocent features one last time before raking his gaze over the parachute. Everything was in order, so he didn't need to worry that they'd be okay. Of course, they would be; he'd never seen a better-suited pair than those two - those icky lovebirds. 
"I love you guys," he told them sincerely, knowing it was the first and last time they'd hear it as he reached over (y/n)'s shoulder and pulled the hook on Ray's chute. 
The couple were helpless to stop the fabric exploded from his backpack, instantly catching the wind and yanking them away from the blimp before they knew what was happening. Instinctively, Ray's arms wrapped around the girl's form as they became airborne, keeping her securely in the parachute's safety as the boy watched them drift away.
In the air, (y/n) struggled against Ray as they fell toward the city, wishing she could sprout wings and return to the ship--anything to save that stupid boy from his stupid ideas. He just had to be brave and make her proud, thus ripping her heart to pieces. She and her doofus hit the ground hard thanks to the added weight, the hero landing on his back with a bump since he refused to let her take the hit, but they were safe if slightly scuppered. 
They panted raggedly as they fought to get free of the chute, tearing the strap and buckles as they raced to get free, scramble their forces, and go back up there. But it was futile; they'd never make it in time, meaning all (y/n) could do was watch in horror as the blimp drifted toward the mountain with her precious baby on board. 
"HENRY!" She screamed, running as fast as her legs could as she tried to follow their path--like she could outrun them. Ray chased after her, looping an arm around her waist and pulling her into his chest before she blindly ran into the road or off a cliff. 
"HENRY! We've got to save him--HENRY!"
The hero was as distraught as she was, choking on his sobs as he trapped her in his hold, refusing to let her go, no matter how hard she struggled. 
"Stop, sweet girl--just stop! There's...there's nothing we can do." And that was the hard truth that made her wail, sobbing silently with her mouth wrenched open as she turned and buried her face in his chest. She couldn't bear to watch the boy die, knowing the blimp was about to crash and he was onboard. 
"Oh, doofus..."
"I know, darlin'. I know..." Ray tried to comfort her, barely knowing what to do with himself as he cradled his fiancée and watched with a heavy heart. 
In all his years as a superhero, he'd saved a lot of people, so he'd thought he'd be able to save his own sidekick-the boy who grew to be his brother. It made him feel powerless, a foreign feeling for Captain Man as he stood there, hollow and empty for the first time in his life, watching the disaster unfold. 
On the blimp, Henry was a mess. Now, he stood alone, friendless and hopeless, as he clung to his spear - the final weapon in his arsenal. It was a funny feeling, aware that he was going to his death, but he'd made peace with it. He knew from the moment he saw Ray climb out of the rotten old tree stump and embrace (y/n) that he'd do anything for them. 
But he'd never imagined it would be this extreme. 
"Okay... That was stupid... That was stupid," he breathed, hyperventilating slightly as he observed the hero and his helper hitting the ground. 
Good, at least he knew that they were okay. They were probably fuming and heartbroken at his recklessness, but their story would continue. And he was privileged to have been a part of it, knowing his final chapter was legendary, if tragic. But, then again, all the best heroes were, making him think of Romeo and Juliet, Gatsby, and MacBeth. People remembered them. 
"Okay, okay..." he muttered, getting to work straight away as he wound one of the ropes around his hand to ensure he wouldn't be blown away. With the spear in one hand and his feet firmly planted on the slippery surface, he looked death in the face and decided it wasn't so bad.
Mount Swellview looked lovely in the sunset, and he hoped they'd give him a nice memorial spot up there. A bench, perhaps, somewhere Ray and (y/n) could sit when they were old and tired to remember their friend. Putting it that way, the mountain didn't seem so morbid, despite his nerves and trembling hands. 
He hoped his mom and dad would be okay, but at least they'd be proud. And God, he'd give anything to have one last argument with Piper, no matter how bratty she was. 
"Henry, are you going down with the blimp?!" Suddenly, Charlotte's voice came through his earpiece, scratchy and staticky from the poor signal, but he could hear her. Of course, she would be there in his last moments, with Jasper by her side. How fitting. 
"Uh, yeah! I think so!" He replied, praying the signal would cut out before the crash landing. But in the meantime, it was nice to hear someone's voice as he punctured the blimp again, wanting to go down hard and fast rather than drag out his doom, so it was full speed ahead. 
"How's everything in the Man Cave?"
"Bad! I can't stop the chain reaction," the girl replied, having held off most of the explosions for as long as she could, but it had finally happened. She'd run out of caves, and the fire was almost at their level. Her controls were practically dead, giving her no response as their circuit boards broke and melted with each rumble from below. 
"Well, then, get out of there!" Henry exclaimed, thinking she was stupidly stubborn for sticking around. Her job was done, and so was Jasper's, so there was nothing left for them to do. No one would blame them for abandoning the ship to save themselves, especially not if she could do nothing to save the Man Cave. Damn her for being so stubbornly loyal. 
"Okay, I just droned Drex over to Swellview Prison." Jasper's voice came in the background as he scurried to Charlotte with Colin tucked into his side. He'd picked up the bunny after passing by his cage and seeing how frightened he was, undoubtedly sensing something was wrong from all the eruptions. (y/n) loved that rabbit, and secretly, Ray did too. 
"How's the blimp?"
"It's crashing into Mount Swellview with Henry on it!"
"What?!" Henry heard them, touched by their concern, but then, he recognised the blaring alarm too and knew he couldn't expect them to stick around any longer. He was done for anyway, so it was pointless ruining more lives. 
"Charlotte, if you can't save the Man Cave, then get out of there!"
"I might be able to use the Man Cave computer to access the blimp's--" she tried to argue, tapping faster until her fingers blurred over the scorchingly hot control panel, but Henry wasn't dumb. If there was something that could be done, he'd have already told her. Why'd she have to be so stubborn? All he wanted was to know that he'd done his job and everyone was safe - he could die in peace, then. 
"No! Drex disabled the steering! Okay? There's nothing you can do--just get out!"
"I'm not leaving you!" Charlotte hissed with the same devotion Ray and (y/n) held, but he wanted her gone like them. This was his choice, but he knew she'd never leave that God-forsaken pit on her own two legs. Hence, he had to call on his other best friend, whose loyalty stretched to doing whatever he said. 
"Jasper, get her out of there! And take (y/n's rabbit with you!"
"But Henry--" he tried to argue, reluctant to leave his friend to his fate, but there was no time. They'd shared six years in the Man Cave, and it had finally ended - it might as well be with a bang. 
"NOW!" Henry bellowed as another explosion rocked the hideout. Jasper knew that he was tight, narrowly esc an untimely death as more rubble fell from the ceiling, signalling that the whole room was about to collapse. 
So, without further hesitation and careful manoeuvring, he adjusted his hand under Colin's belly and hauled Charlotte over his shoulder, knowing she wouldn't run if he didn't. The boy leapt across the main room, leaving the supercomputer to disintegrate as the floor behind them caved in, revealing a river of molten lava lurking beneath the rock. 
The crack chased after them as they raced to the elevator, making Colin squeak and pray that he wouldn't be roasted in the melted Man Cave soup. Still, Jasper was speedy, rushing into the lift as Charlotte screamed for their friend and the hideout they once called home. 
It was the last time they spoke to him; now, Henry was truly alone. He burst another hole in the blimp to give it some ramming speed, fully committed to his fate now that he'd completed his last job. At least he could say he tried his best, and the world was a slightly better place after all the evil he'd battled. 
Ditching the now unneeded spear, he grabbed the ropes at the front of the balloon, having no hope of steering it, but it gave him something to hang on to. What he'd give for one last hug, but there was no time for thoughts like that now, not as the mountainside lay before him. He clenched his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to know when he was about to be blown to bits. 
"This is not gonna feel goooooood!" He mumbled, leaning back as the blimp began to nosedive, gaining speed as it plunged to destruction with its unwilling stowaway onboard. 
The kid bared his teeth, suddenly realising that what everyone said was right; his life flashed before his eyes, making him see that it wasn't a bad life--not as fulfilled as he would've hoped--but not bad. He clutched the ropes tighter, silently saying goodbye to everyone he loved and who loved him, from his parents to his ex-girlfriends to the family he found in the Man Cave. 
This was the end...until a faint green glow emanated from his body. 
It was an oddly mysterious glow, like comic book plutonium or a bioluminescent jellyfish, as it shrouded his body in the same way (y/n)'s shimmered white. He dazzled in the darkness, utterly unaware of the power rising inside, coating every inch of him, until an unfortunate bird descended into his path. 
Whilst it should've broken his arm or snapped a rib from the high-speed collision, the kid felt nothing, just a dull thump like it hit a glass dome in front of him. Henry gasped when he opened his eyes and saw the bird falling in the opposite direction, leaving him totally uninjured in his jade cocoon as the glow protected him from harm. 
"What?!" He stammered, wondering what the hell was happening to him as he neared Mount Swellview. Why couldn't his death be simple? Whatever was wrong, he didn't have time to think about it, holding his breath and shedding a tear as he went down with the ship, safely blanketed by the ghostly green light. 
Across the city, people marked the explosion with wonder, seeing nothing but a beautiful burning light on the mountainside. They knew something was wrong, but there was something so enchanting about the mysterious fire as it danced with green flickers that rose high into the night sky. As they celebrated, others mourned, watching in agony as the smoke signalled the end of the blimp's journey, utterly destroyed from the impact with certainly no survivors. 
It marked the end of an era and the final mission of Kid Danger.
~A few days later~
The news of Kid Danger's death rocked Swellview in ways (y/n) could never have imagined. 
The city mourned its beloved sidekick, offering her and Captain Man their condolences on a life lost too soon. Thousands lined the streets to pay their respects to the kid who'd tragically died for them, wailing and asking why he had to be taken before he'd had a chance to live. It was pretty touching, although she preferred they showed the boy how much they cared when he was still around. 
So, with a heavy heart, she and Ray attended an official statue unveiling on the same mountain where Kid Danger went down with the blimp, looking all weepy and solemn as the battered hero led his sweet girl to the front stage. They had to be there, despite saying they wanted privacy in such a difficult time, and it was only proper that they be the ones to lead the tasteful memorial service. 
Grief was the price they paid for love, so it was easy to dab at her eyes and hide her face with her hair as she stood beside her lover...who, against her advice, thought the most fitting tribute was to sing. About Henry. In front of a packed audience. Looking like he was about to sob. 
Give her strength. 
"And he's gotta be sure...and it's gotta be soon..." Ray crooned to the gentle thrumming of an acoustic guitar - played by Mitch Bilsky, of all people - as he stood before a veiled statue. It would undoubtedly be of the mighty trio so that everyone would remember how they worked together to protect the city. However, (y/n) was sure there would be another death if Ray kept singing. 
It wasn't like he was terrible, but it was embarrassing. Cringeworthy. A tad too tacky for her liking. But, she stayed next to him throughout it, clutching his hand like any grieving mother would as she dabbed her eyes with a tissue. She never asked Henry if he was a fan of Bonnie Tyler, but it was too late now - if he was here, the kid would be giggling. 
"He's gotta be larger than life..." In fairness, they'd had an impressive turnout, with allies and enemies coming together to pay their respects to the boy who always fought a fair game. Not all of them liked him, but he was a good kid, so as she looked across the black-clad crowd, she noticed a few familiar faces. 
"I need a hero... I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night..."
Mary Gaperman was sobbing in a typically Mary-like manner with an unamused Trent on one side of her and that stupid security guard Fran on the other. How she could show her face was a mystery, but the heroine couldn't throw punches at a memorial service, so she looked at Sharona Shapen, Doctor Minyak, Jack Frittleman, The Beekeeper, and The Toddler. 
She respected them for appearing and sitting in the front row, even if Todd didn't look pleased with Ray's high-pitched oohs and awws. 
"Ooooooh---ooooohhhh--oooooooh!" Mercifully, the song finished, and there wasn't a dry eye in the house, whether it be from Charlotte, Jasper, and Piper laughing too hard in the background - earning themselves some killer glares - or some villains sobbing at the touching tribute. And it got even worse when Ray started his written and rehearsed speech. 
"I had a hero..." he began, emotion thick in his voice as Miss Danger sniffled and held his hand, too overcome with sorrow to add anything. "His name was Kid Danger. And we...And we--I can't do this--I can't do this!"
"Uh, thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Please, give us privacy in this difficult time..." (y/n) said hurriedly when her doofus bottled it, choking on his words, despite how much he'd practised them in the mirror. He just couldn't speak about his beloved sidekick's death, not even with his pretty girl by his side. So, the hero rushed off the stage, dragging her behind him as she made some excuses and hid her face. If only they knew...
They hurried through the crowd as if going off to some quiet corner to dry their eyes and compose themselves, but really, the couple slipped away and took out their gum tubes. Vice Mayor Willard replaced them onstage, all too happy to fill Captain Man's speech time because he understood their pain - not that he showed it. 
"Thank you, Captain Man--and, uh, Miss Danger, ma'am. Very moving," he said as he addressed the crowd in a sharp, black suit and tie--very fitting for the service. 
"Next, we have local idiot Jeff Bilsky. He's gonna read a passage from The Bible--eh, the Grilling Bible." With him announcing the following tribute, no one noticed how Captain Man and Miss Danger disappeared in a flash of colourful light, even as the beams broke through the shrubbery. 
(y/n) wouldn't miss Jeff's unholy sermon for the world. So, as the heroes exited stage right, Ray Manchester and his gorgeous fiancée entered, swaggering into the crowd like they were fashionably late. No one said anything, too interested in the utter nonsense Jeff talked to debate young love and passionate clinches in the trees. 
"Thank you, Mr Vice Mayor," Jeff nodded, opening his unique Bible and donning some cerebral glasses as he cleared his throat. This was going to be good...
"You look so hot, doof..." (y/n) whispered to her lover, eyes set only on him even if it was distasteful. She should've been mournful and respectful, but when he cut such a dashing figure with his dark suit and slicked-back hair, she couldn't help but swoon. He was so goddamn delicious. 
"Sweet girl..." Ray giggled, trying to keep it down since any messing around would be classed as scandalous, but one look at her in her pretty white dress and his resolve melted. She looked ethereal and angelic--like something out of a dream with her hair all pretty and her makeup done perfectly, making him proud to be the man on her arm. 
"You don't look bad yourself... You think we can sneak off?"
"It's a funeral, doof!... Maybe in a bit," she replied, acting all scandalised and horrified when really, she was as bad as he was. Still, both were dying to hear what Jeff had to say and boy, he didn't disappoint. 
"In the beginning...there was charcoal. And it was good. And the grill master said, let there be light...ter fluid. And there was lighter fluid."
"I didn't even know Jeff could read," (y/n) chuckled quietly, struggling to keep her face straight as the man read his chapter in a clunky, broken manner. It was even better when he turned the page, reading from something that sounded like a barbecue manual, making the couple giggle like schoolchildren. This was not how ordinary lovers behaved at funerals, earning them some dirty looks.
"So, how'd I do?" Ray whispered, not answering her question since someone else had appeared from the crowd after noticing them sneak in. God, they'd never take him for granted again, breaking out into huge grins as (y/n) turned to see Henry Hart standing before her. The boy who cheated death. 
"Honestly? It was a little much," Henry replied as he turned around, looking very dapper and boyish in his smart checked shit and grey blazer. There wasn't a scratch on him, despite ending up in a blazing inferno when the blimp crashed, which (y/n) deemed nothing more than a miracle, even though it had a scientific reason. She just wanted to pinch his squishy cheeks and coo...
"Perfect. That's exactly what I was going for," Ray grinned, his eyes softening as he took in the glorious image the boy made. He couldn't describe the pure shock he'd felt when the kid staggered out of the burning wreckage, shook but unharmed as his former bosses fell to their knees with him wrapped in their arms. The relief would stay with him for the rest of his life - a moment of pure joy he'd never forget. 
"Aw, I liked the singing. It was a personal touch," (y/n) said jokingly, linking her arm through Ray's as they quietly chatted with the kid. It was strange to hear everyone mourning him like he was dead, but there he was, still alive, much to his parent's relief. 
"So, how's it feel to be at your own funeral?" The hero asked as he glanced down at the itinerary, unsure since he couldn't remember when Henry was just Henry, not Kid Danger. 
"Kinda weird..." Henry shrugged, acting as a silent observer as everyone sobbed at the mention of his name, not knowing he was standing right behind them. But this way, no one would question why Kid Danger left Captain Man, and it ended his career on an epic note, even if it was a little sad - yet only to those who didn't know him. 
"Testing rock!" A sudden shout came from his left as Jasper raised his arm and tossed a pebble toward his best friend. He wouldn't stop doing it, obsessed with Henry's newly discovered power as he tensed up and formed a green barrier around himself. It was his force field - a neat little trick gifted to him by the gas from the Omega Weapon. 
He, (y/n), and the little kids had all been exposed, granting them all various superpowers that were shocking for them all to learn. The shield protected him as the blimp went down, meaning Kid Danger's death was Henry Hart's rebirth - the new and improved Henry. 
"Dude, it's so cool that the Omega Weapon gave you a force field!"
"Right?!" The boys giggled like children, utterly enthralled with the superpower because it was like something out of a movie. Henry pinged that pebble away like it was nothing. However, it made the couple next to him antsy for who could be watching. 
"Okay, guys. We don't want anyone to see us," (y/n) warned them, acting all responsible like she always did, despite having a pretty sick power herself. And Jasper couldn't help but want to see it in action for the billionth time, sneakily reaching into his pocket to pull out another tiny rock. 
"Okay, okay..." he sighed, feigning submission before he ripped the stone from his jeans and threw it at her face, "--Hey, (y/n/n)! Think fast!"
In an instant, (y/n)'s eyes glowed, and her hand shot out, grabbing the projectile midair without blinking before it could blind her. It was so cool, making her look like a ninja, and even though she needed to be strict with them, she couldn't help but smile at how her tummy felt tingly as it zoomed toward her. 
"Awwww, man! The tummy tingle, am I right?!" Jasper laughed, high-giving Henry before going to high-five Ray for how his fiancé had her incredible, instinctive foresight, but facing the brooding hero was a mistake. 
"Hey, hey, hey, that's enough. Stop throwing rocks at my fiancée," he warned, making the woman giggle and hug his arm after discarding the pebble. She couldn't help it when he was so handsome and protective--and secretly enamoured by her new ability. It was hot and practically had him on his knees for her, not that Jasper needed to know. 
"What? I'm just excited that the four of us have superpowers now," the kid squealed, grinning and brushing off the hero's moodiness as he wrapped his arms around his and (y/n)'s shoulders. Although, that made them frown for a minute because...four?
"You don't have superpowers, Jasper," Ray told him, thinking the boy was being weird again because he hadn't been smoked, zapped, or probed in any way. And he refused to be put in the same category as a kid like him. 
"Uh, I fight in my sleep and also speak Spanish! That's dos superpowers."
"Oh my god, this kid..." The man sighed, wondering how he put up with so many years of bullshit as Jasper sloped off to go and find the others. They had a little something planned, organised by (y/n), and they all needed to gather around - it's why the girls were missing. And, of course, Ray had survived with the sweet girl by his side, who just smiled and gently kissed his cheek to distract him from any annoyance. 
"Wait, speaking of that, how's your indestructibility and super-regeneration?" Henry asked, turning to the couple, who'd mainly healed up nicely after the big fight, but their powers were still absent. They were patchy, taking ages to return, even though (y/n)'s tummy tingle was fine - probably something to do with the densitiser. 
"Schwoz says we should be back to normal in a week or two," Ray replied, wrapping his arm around his sweet girl as she placed her hand on his chest. 
They were disgustingly in love, more so than ever before, and Henry couldn't describe the meltdown the man went into when he saw all her bruises and cuts from Drex. They were mostly healed, but they were just taking some time off to enjoy being an ordinary couple. 
"Cool, cool, cool--"
"Testing roc--" Jasper exclaimed as he returned with Piper, Schwoz, Charlotte, and another rock in tow. It was a mistake to aim the thing at Ray, especially when his indestructibility was so patchy. Still, luckily, Charlotte was on-hand to snatch it out of his grasp before anyone could get hurt--or murdered. 
"Nope. I think we're done testing out superpowers in public," she said firmly as she dropped the rock. They gathered around a small table with Kid Danger's funeral cards on, huddling close in their finery. Her, Piper, and Schwoz's appearance made (y/n) smile, utter relief flooding her as she reminded herself that her family was all here, safe and sound. 
Everyone made it out of the Man Cave alive, and whilst she was sad to have no home to return to, she didn't care. That place was just bricks and mortar; home was wherever Ray went, so she followed, knowing that as one door closed, another opened. 
"Fair enough. I should save mine for Dystopia," Jasper shrugged, making the woman's smile shrink because...this was where their paths parted. But that was okay. She was ready...at long last. 
"I thought you were going to Harberd," Ray noted, pulling his girl closer since he knew how hard this was on her--saying goodbye to her babies as they entered the big wide world. 
"Nah, changed my mind. Someone's gotta keep an eye on Charlotte."
"Keep talking like that, and I'll leave you here," the girl laughed bitterly, thinking it was more like the other way around as the adults laughed. They would miss these kids; for all the headaches they caused, they lit up their lives, making even Ray feel a sense of loss. 
"Speaking of leaving..." Schwoz cleared his throat, glancing at Piper and winking, making the girl realise what time it was. They had a helicopter ride to make, but first, a little detour - one that was a long time coming. 
"Oh, yeah. We gotta go," the girl said as she sent a quick text, unable to contain her smile at what she and Charlotte had secretly prepared. It made Ray slightly suspicious, but he just assumed she was talking to her friends, not planning the greatest surprise in the history of mankind. 
"You're going to Dystopia, too?" He asked, suddenly feeling like he should move to that utter hole of a city. At least that way, he'd be with all his friends, even if he pretended not to like half of them. He'd always have his sweet girl...
"Uh, no. I'm dropping these jerks off at the airport, and then Schwoz is gonna helicopter me into Florida State. Hurricane Piper is about to make landfall, y'all!" She exclaimed, strangely beside herself with giddiness as she began to back away, encouraged by (y/n)'s subtle eyebrow wiggling. 
"Peace, and I cannot stress this enough...snitches!" She said cooly, jerking her head so the shades on her head fell over her eyes in a surely rehearsed move. There was no way she hadn't practised that in the mirror, but Ray was impressed. That girl had an attitude and a tenacity that didn't make it to her brother. 
"Maybe I should've made her my sidekick..."
"She never would've taken the job, doofus," (y/n) giggled, watching as the girl disappeared into the trees, turning down a path away from the helicopter and onto a much quieter one. Her friends agreed, knowing Piper didn't come cheap, but that was part of her charm, making them laugh for a minute before things grew serious. 
"So...you gonna tell them or ghost them?" Charlotte mumbled to Henry, who'd had a few days to rest, recover, and think about his options now that he'd quit as Kid Danger. Formal education was out of the picture since he had no high school qualifications, but that didn't mean he had no future. There was still good he could do in the world, even if it meant finding his place thousands of miles away. 
"Uh...gimme a sec."
"Okay, we're, uh...gonna be waiting in the place with the...thing," the girl nodded, oddly losing her cool for a second like something was gnawing away at her. Still, Ray didn't notice their rush to get away, leaving the trio alone. He and (y/n) were taken with the boy's big news, especially since it meant they needed privacy. 
"So..." he said slowly, not knowing how to begin now that they were alone. How could he look them in the eye and tell them? The couple who loved him like he was their own... "I was thinking..."
"Yeah, us too!" Ray cut him off, having done a bit of that himself. Drex, nearly dying and nearly losing everything, gave him a lot to consider and made him less selfish, especially of what he had now. And (y/n)...well, she knew they weren't children anymore and needed to go wherever life took them--although they'd always be her babies. 
"It's time for you to leave Swellview, Henry..." she said, needing to say it out loud so she could accept it. The kid towered over her; he wasn't the little boy who came to her all those years ago. 
"Really?" Henry asked as he gazed at the couple, shocked that they were giving him their blessing. He thought they'd scream, shout, and beg him not to leave, but like him, they'd made peace with it, even if it was sad. 
"You're not a sidekick anymore. You're a hero," Ray admitted, proud of the person the boy had grown to be. His childhood was over, adulthood awaited, and the man felt so damn privileged to have watched him become who he was -  a literal hero, more than he ever was at that age. 
"Well, I learned from the best," Henry replied shyly, looking at his feet because if they cried, he'd cry, especially when he saw water pooling in Ray's eyes. He expected it from (y/n) since she was a bit of a crier. Still, he was supposedly made from steel and obsidian - emotionless and harsh, above tears, except when things truly touched him. 
"My hero... Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson."
"That guy sweats diesel, y'know?" (y/n) grinned, shuffling closer to the boy as they shared a bittersweet laugh, knowing their epic trio was ending. Still, they had a good run, and Henry made one hell of a sidekick. As they laughed, the couple glanced at one another, their eyes shining with tears. However, still, they looked at each other like they hung the stars in the sky, more in love than anyone the boy had ever encountered. 
"I would ask if you're gonna be okay without me, but looking at you two...I know everything's gonna be just fine."
"We'll be okay..." (y/n) nodded as Ray picked up her hand to kiss the back with so much tenderness it was like she was made of glass. They were together, which meant they could get through anything, but Henry was going it alone, making them understandably worried. 
"You gonna be okay in Dystopia? That place is rough," Ray asked, struggling to get the words out as he choked up, genuine sadness making a lump grow in his throat. (y/n) hugged him tighter, ignoring the tears slipping down her cheeks as she looked up at him, seeing how the hero tried to steel himself. It didn't work, not when he knew the boy was leaving. 
"Somebody's gotta keep an eye on Jasper," Henry joked, making them laugh through the teary moment. He wanted them to remember their farewell fondly; it's not like he'd never visit or see them again. 
"You gotta keep an eye on them," he added, gesturing to the shrubbery for some weird reason. Frowning, the couple turned to see what he was pointing at, and that's when they saw them; crouching in some bushes, Mila, Bose, and Chapa poked their heads up, hissing at the heroes to notice them since things hadn't been easy after the Omega Weapon zapped them. 
"Ray! (y/n)! Hey! Guys!" Mika called out to them, making (y/n) feel weird since anyone could see them talking to some kids in a bush. It could get her on some predatory list, even though it wasn't their fault that the children wouldn't leave them alone. 
"We gave ourselves a name!" Bose exclaimed, buzzing with excitement since he'd found himself some friends, and since they were all united with their newfound superpowers, they'd formed a squad too. 
"Okay?" Ray shrugged, wondering what the big deal was since he was supposed to be having a touching moment with his old sidekick. But Henry knew better, and something told him their lives would get much busier. 
"Also, Chapa can't stop sparking, Bose keeps trying to lift everything in sight, and we haven't seen Miles in days!" Mika revealed, having struggled to keep their new powers a secret since they couldn't control them. Chapa's electricity was dangerous, Bose's dimwittedness and telekinesis made him a liability, and Miles couldn't sit still for two seconds without teleporting. Mika, however, had yet to discover her superpower, if she even had one. 
"And we gave ourselves a name!" Bose repeated, making Chapa roll her eyes in her usual dry manner. Her friends were a little chirpier than usual, given that she didn't have any before, but she was learning to like them. Very slowly. 
Suddenly, out of nowhere, and as if he'd heard his name mentioned, Miles appeared in a flash of yellow light, making (y/n) and Ray nervously check that no one saw. He looked kooky, clothed in a poncho and funky hat, as he steadied himself and prepared for another accidental teleportation. He couldn't stop it, landing himself in some extraordinary places. 
"¡Hola! Aloha! And the Russian word for hello!"
"You mean, privyet," (y/n) cringed, terrified that someone would see the miraculous teleporting boy and stick their nose where it didn't belong. They'd all end up in a zoo, and she still had her surprise...
"Where have you been?!" Mika questioned as Ray tried to shield them, also worried that they'd be seen and thrown out--or sent to a lab for scientific research. 
"Did you tell Ray and (y/n) our name yet?" He ignored her, making them all excitedly squirm because finding the perfect name had taken a while. Not too long, short, and not too cliché, either - something the heroes would like and, hopefully, be proud of. 
"Not yet."
"We're calling ourselves..." Bose whispered, glancing at his friends before they decided to say it all together since this was a team effort. A new era for the couple and a whole load of new headaches for them to explore. Plus, a set of new babies for (y/n) to adore...
"Danger Force!" They exclaimed, grinning cheekily at Ray and (y/n), who admittedly didn't hate the name... It was actually pretty cool. But they didn't have time to discuss it as Miles' power went off again, teleporting all four away from the mountainside in the blink of an eye. Well, that was something to look forward to... But not before this business was finished. 
"Hey, look. Before you go..." Ray said, feeling the need to say something now that the seriousness had returned. He couldn't say he wasn't excited to start a new project, get to know those kids and wrangle their superpowers before they accidentally destroyed a whole city block. Still, he hated goodbyes nearly as much as (y/n), and whilst he wasn't good with words, he'd try for the kid, just this once. 
"There's something I've always wanted to say to you. And... It's not easy for me to say this, so...I'm just gonna go ahead and say it," he sniffed, giving Henry an inkling as to what he was about to confess. He felt it, too, knowing it wasn't easy for guys to share their feelings, but it felt like the right moment...until Jeff stepped off the stage after finishing his grilling sermon. 
"Ooh, they're unveiling our statues!" The hero exclaimed, abruptly darting past the kid so he could stand at the back of the crowd. (y/n) groaned and chased after him, knowing he chickened out at the last minute without telling the boy what he should've heard. Honestly, that man...he was lucky she loved him. 
"What were you gonna say?" Henry asked eagerly, feeling like he'd explode if he didn't find out, but one whiff of a statue and Ray couldn't concentrate. Feelings? What were they? He just wanted to see his handsome face immortalised in stone. 
"Man, my statue's going to look so much better than yours!"
"Oh, Raymond..." his lover sighed, shaking her head as the kid visibly deflated. She squeezed his hand, letting him know the truth in the slight contact because Ray couldn't use words, and it would be rude to talk at a funeral, but she could at least let him know - they loved him. 
"--And so, it's my pleasure to present to you this statue of Kid Danger and..." Vice Mayor Willard announced, beaming at the crowd as he left them all in suspense to tug the cream sheet off the new statue. It was big, it was bronze, it was beautiful...but it didn't include Ray...or (y/n). Just...
"Another statue of Kid Danger!" He cried, revealing Henry's likeness so it gleamed in the midday sun. It was kinda weird, depicting the kid high-fiving himself rather than someone else, which infuriated Ray because he was promised half--or at least a third since Miss Danger could've been included too. 
"Oh, my..." (y/n) hummed, trying to laugh at Ray's fallen face or Henry's blush as the crowd applauded the artistic brilliance. Honestly, it wasn't even that good, lacking any authentic detail or fine skill, but it was the thought that counted...and no one had thought of Captain Man. 
"Yeah, we were gonna have one of Captain Man and, uh...Miss Danger, ma'am...but we changed our minds!" The vice mayor explained to more applause, thinking the double statue was a fitting tribute to the sidekick when the hero already had so much named in his honour. And as for Miss Danger, well, she hadn't been working as long, so maybe in a few years. 
"I...didn't know," Henry giggled, finding it hilarious that he'd be immortalised on top of a mountain of all places, whilst Ray just had a few streets named after him. That was karma for not divulging his emotions. Still, the hero wouldn't listen, not wanting to hear any excuses like how he didn't collude with the mayor to destroy his dreams. So dramatic...
"Oh, come on, doofus. It's not that bad," (y/n) tried to comfort him, although he could still hear the laughter in her voice. Traitor. 
"Get. Out," Ray said through gritted teeth, feeling like he was on the verge of a temper tantrum, and he really didn't want his sidekick to see that, not during their farewell. So, tactically, Henry took the hint and began to back away slowly like he would with a wild animal, but not before tapping (y/n) on the shoulder to give her a sly wink. 
"See you at Thanksgiving?" Henry asked cheekily, knowing he was pushing his luck. Still, he wanted to see if the hero truly hated him over a statue of all things. And, of course, he didn't. 
"Of course."
"Thanks, dude!" The boy grinned, nudging (y/n) a final time and giving the impression that he wrapped his arms around her for his last hug. Secretly, however, his mouth dipped next to her ear, stretched into a smirk as she patted his back, nerves bubbling in them both. 
"We'll be waiting..." he whispered, squeezing her one last time before letting go, knowing it was the last time he'd see (y/n) (y/l/n). And he couldn't be happier, skipping off to find Piper, Charlotte, Jasper, and Schwoz if they hadn't exploded from the excitement, leaving (y/n) alone with her doofus. 
The service continued without him, droning on about Kid Danger's valiant deeds and utter devotion to Swellview as Ray vaguely listened, too caught up in his thoughts to realise what was happening around him. The boy thought he was fine, but he wasn't, all alone after all those years of friendship, wondering where he went from here now that he had nowhere to call home and no one to share it and no one to turn to and--
And then, there was (y/n). She looked up at her lover with a besotted, knowing smile because she knew when he was getting lost in that silly head of his. He worried far too much for a man who didn't care about anything or anyone, but that was only the Ray he wanted others to know. Those who truly knew him saw his tender side, the one that begged Henry to jump off that blimp or asked her to marry him. 
She loved that side of him, sighing softly when his eyebrows creased without his knowledge. He did it when something bothered him, so she reached up to smooth her thumb across the skin, not wanting him to get wrinkles before his time. 
Thankfully, it broke the hero out of his trance, making him glance at her sweet girl as she smiled, as enchanting and radiant as the day he met her. He swore she grew more beautiful daily, reminding him that as everything changed around him, one thing stayed the same - how he felt for her. 
"It'll all be okay, doofus. You don't have to worry so much..."
"Who says I'm worried, darlin'?" Ray asked, smirking at her with his usual confidence like she hadn't perfected her technique for seeing through it. His eyes gave him away, looking big, sad, and soulful like a puppy's, despite his cockiness and how he brushed away any emotion. It was all well and good trying to trick himself into thinking he was fine, but he'd need to try a damn sight harder with her. 
"I do. I know you, Ray. I know when your doofy brain is making you think bad things. And trust me, the kids will be just fine," the woman replied soothingly, gently guiding him away from the crowd so they could take privately. Their bit was done, and she was more interested in him, stepping into his space and rubbing her flat palms against his chest.
He didn't know how lovely he was, which was a crime... 
"I hate thinking they're gonna be in Dystopia without us. What if something goes wrong?" He wondered, swallowing thickly since he could reveal his doubts around her, showing fear for his children as they wandered into the world's most dangerous city. And he couldn't protect them, making him nervous that someone would hurt them, even the weird one. 
"They'll figure it out. They're smart kids, even Jasper, and they'll take care of each other..." (y/n) reassured him, smiling sweetly as his face scrunched in pain, fighting the bitterness and remorse at the end of the best time of their lives. 
"We had to let go at some point," she added, surprisingly calm, despite how sad it made her. But Ray just sighed, accepting the truth, yet it still hurt like someone was tearing out his heart and stomping on it. He felt unwanted and old - as if he'd blinked and lost precious time without realising how special it was. 
"I know... I just hate it's crept up on me, though. One minute it was, I'm Captain Man's secret sidekick. The next, they're the heroes. And with everything that's happened with Drex, I just feel..." he grumbled, not finding the right words, no matter how hard he searched. 
All that time spent in the desolate past taught him how much his family meant to him and how selfish he could sometimes be. After nearly losing Henry and losing the Man Cave, he realised how he wanted nothing more than to hold them dearly, but he was too late. Six years too late, and he hated that. Despised how it plunged him into a darkness where no one could find him.
But (y/n) did...
"Empty? I get it, doof. It doesn't feel right starting again..." she said empathetically, soothing his pain like always. The kids were going, but that was okay because a fresh start was something they needed, and she intended to start big. 
"But it's not so bad. I think we're ready..." 
"Ready for what? Another six years of bucket obsessions, sassy remarks, and Schwoz's weird accent?" Ray asked, a jokiness slipping into his tone again as old and new, good and bad memories flashed in his mind. 
As weird as Jasper was, as much as Piper irritated him and as bizarre Schwoz could be, he wouldn't have changed anything. Not a single thing. They could only hope any new adventures would grow to be as treasured, their new home to be as warm, and their new friends to be like family. 
"No!--Okay, yes, but...I've been thinking too, Ray," she told him, pressing her lips together to hold in a squeal because it had been on her mind for a while - she'd just never had the balls or reason to follow her heart's desire. 
"That's hot." But, of course, Ray being Ray, he ruined the moment she tried to create, licking his lips and raising his eyebrows as he pictured her doing something brainy like a math problem or crossword. She was so attractive when she solved problems he never could, but that wasn't the point, earning him a smack on the shoulder for being...tempting. 
"Focus, doofus!" She scolded him, trying not to smile when he threw his head back and laughed, loud and heartily, breaking her resolve. 
It was so easy with him, and he didn't know how nice that was, but she did. He was precious to her, and during the battle with Drex, all she could think about was him and how she'd give anything to wake up to him every morning, to see him smile, to share his life. 
"I nearly lost you the other day...more times than I want to remember. And thinking that I wouldn't be able to see you again nearly killed me."
"I came back, sweet girl. You know I'll always come back to you, even if I have to wait a hundred and one million years," Ray whispered, stroking her cheek as a single tear rolled down her face. Pretty girl...she'd done enough crying for one week, but they were happy tears. It had all worked out in the end, but there was still one thing left to do...
"I know...it's why I love you, and it's why I want to marry you," she replied quietly, like it was a secret just for them. They leaned in close as a grin broke out on Ray's face, making him seem ten years younger since it was the one thing he loved to hear. Sadly, though, she'd been saying it a long time, but it had never really had any substance.
"Aw, I want to marry you too, sweetheart," the man cooed, squishing her cheeks as she grumbled, and the true meaning of her words flew right over his head. Honestly, what a doofus...
"No, doof, you're not listening to me. I want to marry you right here, right now," (y/n) said firmly, having given it some thought - thirteen years of thought - and she'd never been more sure. One hundred and one million years told her everything; this was her moment, and she needed to take it. 
"What?..." Ray gasped, his touch turning featherlight and shaky as he slightly pulled away. She couldn't mean it...but she did. 
"Marry me, Ray. I don't want to wait anymore, not if it means losing you and knowing I never took my chance. It's only been a hundred and one million years. Long time to wait..." she laughed, almost crying, knowing she was about to call the man of her dreams hers...if he said yes, that is. 
It was a bold request, sudden and demanding, whilst neither of them was dressed correctly, perhaps a little casual, but it didn't matter. If you don't ask, you don't get; that was her motto, and she knew what she wanted. Ray Manchester as her husband - that was the dream. 
"But, darlin'," Ray gulped, his heart thundering at what she was saying because it was crazy. His girl was crazy...but his immediate, instinctive response was yesyesyesyesyesyes! It would be a privilege to marry her, but he couldn't just think of himself, nor did she want her to make such a hasty decision solely for him. 
He didn't have much family - no one he cared about anyway. His father was hit and miss with an RSVP, and his extended relatives were snooty and appalled that the son of a scientist ran a now-destroyed junk store. But his sweet girl... this was her dream wedding with everyone she knew wanting to attend. He hated thinking she wanted to speed things up just to get it over with because he dragged his heels. 
"All those plans you made...the reception! Your family! Your friends! What will they say?"
"I don't need a big party. Or a ceremony with people I don't like, or a big fluffy dress, or a big silly cake. I just need you, Ray. I love you..." (y/n) argued, proving him wrong in so many ways. She adored those in her hometown, and they'd probably need one hell of a get-together to appease them for eloping. But she refused to let anyone else dictate her life. 
Her college friends would only come for the buffet. Her cousins would laugh at whatever dress she picked. Her aunts would definitely end the day with a fight. So, she decided to fuck them. Fuck everything. She only needed the people who'd been there for her, and that was a tiny circle of family she found along the way. 
"So, please, marry me..." She didn't like sounding so desperate when her voice died into a whisper, small and pleading, as she looked up at him with hopeful eyes. Waiting was okay, but hadn't they done enough of that? 
She was ready to make it official, and you know what? Ray was too. 
"Right here?" He asked, subconsciously leaning into her as he lost himself in her alluring gaze. Could this moment be real? Was she really asking him to elope with nothing but the clothes on their backs and the love in their hearts?
"Just around the corner."
"Right now?" He asked again, their noses brushing as she smiled, daring to hope that that was an emphatic yes creeping into his tone. Here? On Mount Swellview? That was where she wanted to make their vows? She couldn't think of anywhere more perfect than the highest point in the city...
"They're all waiting for us..." the girl revealed, secretly planning everything with Schwoz and the kids before they attended the funeral.
It would be intimate and private, much more beautiful and personal than any loud, overcrowded wedding they'd shared with anyone else. That's why Piper and Charlotte couldn't stop smiling, Jasper was so happy, Schwoz was so impatient, and Henry wasn't scared. If they were together, they could do anything, meaning he could leave knowing his role as the ultimate wingman was complete. 
"Are you sure?" The hero asked one final time, wanting to give her one last chance to run before he made her his. If not, he'd never let her go; too selfish and in love to let someone else have his wife, not that (y/n) was going anywhere. 
"More than anything," she nodded, brushing her lips against his as they grinned, laughing with pure joy as the realisation dawned on them. This was it; the wedding; the moment everyone had been waiting for, but no one more than them. 
After today, they'd be Mr and Mrs Manchester, which had a nice ring to it if they said so themselves. Ray wouldn't mind hearing it for the rest of his life as he leaned down and whispered in her ear... 
"Well, then, sweet girl... Let's go get married."
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leonardosfm · 2 years
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               【  𝐥𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐨 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐬 !  】
been having many thoughts about my child. i did a little section for tidbits in his intro but i decided to add onto it because no thoughts just the red ear slider turtle boy. 
added inspo figured out. more to come most likely but this is what i’ve got so far !   dick grayson ( dc ) , kendall knight ( big time rush ) , lance mcclain ( voltron: legendary defender ) , sokka ( avatar the last airbender ) , peter parker ( spiderman comics )
he gave himself his middle name. leo likes space and space media. he felt naming himself after jim kirk would be a cool move.
he has vitiligo around his eyes in the same pattern red-eared slider turtles do. would be in the same place the red is here. 
he is gay !! but he doesn’t know it yet … it’s a little self discovery journey he’ll have here in elias. 
he doesn’t know when his actual birthday is. splinter just assigned them random days.
he does have medical trauma from his days of being experimented on. he just blocks it out really well. the fact that he’s the medic of the gang is ironic. he can help others with ease but the moment someone tries to help him in that sense or he’s taken to a doctors office he freaks out.
the turtle transformation is painful so now leo will only transform if he absolutely has to … or if he needs to win a dance competition or something because he’ll do whatever it takes to win. 
he loves glam rock. if he could have background music when he fights rock you like a hurricane would be playing thank you !!
thunderstorm enthusiasts. 
has heterochromia ( blue and brown ) from mutations. when in turtle form his eyes turn blue. in turtle form his red slider marking are in fact red and not pigmentations. this translates to lorena as well. 
theatre kid. ( derogatory ). will take karaoke night very seriously and can sing very well. ( x )
as a kid he was afraid of donnie’s softshell getting seriously injured, so he started researching how to heal softshell injuries along the way he decided to learn more medical stuff just in case. 
banned from asking splinter questions about their origins after leo asked an innocent question that revealed splinter didn’t actually know how old they were. 
speaking of his actual birthday is august 14th. leo is indeed a leo. 
cannot do math for the life of him.
 got scolded a lot more than the others as a kid; it’s why he’s so hard on himself and doesn’t take criticism lightly.
has really great taste in men visually but literally always misses the glaring red flags.
has an extremely flirty personality but when speaking to someone he actually finds attractive my man has no game. cannot pull whatsoever. his brothers are better at flirting at he hates it thanks !
called people ‘babe’ ironically at first, but now he can’t stop.
he sunbathes and tries to convince the others to come with him 
ate a frog for $5 once. purposely freaked mikey out with it. 
he likes nonverbal communication a lot and prefers it when he’s in a mood 
when it gets super cold he and donnie bundle up for what donnie calls “The Brumation Period” and leo calls “The Super Nap” and they just sleep on the couch together for like three straight days
once asked mikey to doodle on him when they were younger and kept his favorite drawing in his pocket once he found out what a tattoo was and plans to get it .. you know when he’s a real person in the eyes of big brother.
would never admit it but watching horror movies gives him nightmares sometimes and he has to hang in raphs room when he can’t sleep. whenever he can’t sleep you can find him in raph’s room tbh. he feels safer in there because he knows raph will keep him safe.
leo has a little bag filled with medical supplies. takes his role as the group’s medic seriously. 
insomnia due to mutation complications. his slider sleeping requirement and human sleeping requirements did not mesh too well. 
fluent in spanish and has spanish nicknames / pet names for literally everyone. 
tw. child experimentation: he and donnie are ‘twins’, loving dubbed the disaster twins. when they were being experimented on the two shared a cage. experiencing the trauma they did together left them ridiculously co-dependant. one is never seen without the other. it might be a problem but it’s a problem they don’t want to address. 
has a small fear of heights after he got dropped from a roof. he almost died and didn’t realize he was in actual danger until raph yelled at him. 
listens to 2000s pop RELIGIOUSLY. britney spears, katy perry, rihanna, kesha, miley cyrus, etc, etc, etc.
big fan of magic. he’s tried to impress his brothers by showing them a few magic tricks. he actually works very hard so they’ll think he’s cool.
he’s a biter. he bites people affectionately, not hard but just a little chomp. he didn’t a lot when he was younger now not as much. maybe when he’s feeling really affectionate. 
does not believe in ghosts. will listen to his brother’s ramblings ( if they believe ) but always reminds them that ghosts aren’t real. 
he’s the fastest of his siblings. he’s mastered keeping his movements light and quick. he might not have the fastest reaction time out of all his siblings but he’s the first one to catch a baseball if you threw one a the group. leo might not be able to deliver hard hits like his brothers can, but he makes up for it by using his speed, portals and a plan to get the upper hand in a fight. 
he’s not a hard hitter so much as he manipulates objects to hit hard for him, usually with the help of his portals. 
he can easily adapt in a fight. he may not expect the unexpected but he can work with it and play it off thanks to his confidence. he can be so caught up in himself and his goals to win. whatever he’s doing that he ends up with tunnel vision in the middle of a battle. 
leo has a win at all costs attitude when fighting. he will do whatever it takes to come out the other side with bragging rights, whether he’s earned those rights or not. 
humor is his coping mechanism. he used to make the others laugh when they were younger and being experimented on to try to cheer them up or distract them. if he’s laughing whatever's happening can’t be that bad or it won’t feel as real if he doesn’t acknowledge it. so he refuses to take situations seriously. leo also jokes to overcompensate for his insecurities, a fear of being average, and his perfectionism. knowing that helps you see that he does the same thing while fighting.
great strategist. he might not always be the one that makes a plan but he’s usually the one to bring ideas into action. 
he can be just as intelligent as donnie but he’s street smart instead of book smart. 
he feels like he’s nothing without his brothers because of that, he sometimes shows off as much as possible in a fight in order to earn glory and praise that could separate him from any other fighter. 
he doesn’t think he’s a good leader and does everything in his power to prove to his brothers that he isn’t a good leader. lot of self sabotage in hope raph will be leader again. 
very self-sacrificing. is willing to put himself in danger for the safety and well being of others. it’s not that he wants to die but leo’s very careless with his life. if he dies he dies. it goes back into leo thinking he needs his brothers more than they need him so he’s willing to throw himself into the line of fire if it means they get a chance at survival. he feels most people in his life don’t need him as much as he needs them. he took the whole it’s not about me thing a little too literally 
he never screams whenever he wakes up from a nightmare, so it’s difficult for someone to tell he’s even having one. before he wakes up, he just curls into himself, clutches his blankets close, and wakes up sweaty and shaking. even after awhile they never fully go away. 
in the future he loses his right arm while saving donnie. ( let’s give it up for the self-sacrificing baby !! ) once donnie was done being pissed at leo for almost dying ( let’s be honest they were all upset with him ), his brother joked it was karma for when donnie saved leo from shredder during the fight that sent them to elias. leo yelled at him for at least an hour saying he got to keep his arm. 
took literal months to convince him to go to therapy because ‘what if the healthy coping mechanisms make me lose my swag’ after a while he talks to his therapist like they’re his best friend. strolls in like he owns the place sunglasses and all.
harbors a lot of resentment towards his younger self. it fucks him up on the daily when lorena acts exactly like how he did when she was his age. he has to constantly remind himself that they’re two different people and lorena is not him, well, not fully. she’s her own person and deserves to be. 
when it came to saving aerwyn, leo was absolutely ready to take her in because he saw himself in her in that moment. had splinter not taken in him and his brothers, leo knows they would have been used for evil. their lives would have been worse than what they were already given which was pretty damn rough. the thought of the little girl falling into that kind of trap solidified her being adopted.
he becomes the leo we know from most other iterations, the mature traditional leader, in the future. he’s a little stricter in the future but mostly when it comes to training the next generation of hamatos. honestly the tired old man who’s a father / uncle figure to too many kids. if you’re wondering yeah, master leonardo has gray hairs and he does indeed dye it. refuses to gray first he’s too hot for this.
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Pidge Gunderson x reader
Request: Since you're taking requests again, I was wondering if you would be interested in writing a short pidge x reader fic of them just hanging around the castle of lions lol
A/N: Could be seen as both romantic or platonic
Warnings: no beta,
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defenders
Genre: Oneshot
Word Count: 177
Pronouns: They/Them
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You walked around the Castle of Lions aimlessly, your training for the day having been finished. You eventually ended up in the common room. Surprisingly you weren't alone. Pidge was there as well, hunched over their laptop while typing frantically. The mice were sleeping peacefully on the table next to them
“Hey!” You called out, leaning over the back of the couch. 
“Hi.” They drawled out.
“No offence, but you look terrible.” You said, noticing their messy hair and the heavy bags under their eyes. They barely acknowledged your jab and just kept on typing. “When was the last time you slept?” 
“Um…” There was no answer, just silence. 
“Alright.” You quickly picked up a nearby blanket, wrapped it around them, and pulled them onto the couch.
“Hey! Just let me finish this one thing-”
“I’ll let you finish after you take a nap.” You interrupted sternly.
 Begrudgingly they closed their eyes. Almost instantly after doing that they fell asleep. You took a seat next to them, to make sure they got a decent amount of sleep.
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talesofsonicasura · 3 years
Hank and Devil Hunter s/o meet Devil May Cry
Not even two days and the first one has like 20 likes/reblogs. Holy shit. Guess I'll post this a bit early. For anyone not knowledgeable in DMC, I'll be filling in the gaps so there is less confusion and I won't be going into any deep lore. I'm using the original Devil May Cry and NOT the awful reboot. Can be read as gender neutral or preferred gender.
You and Hank had gotten a reputation ever you guys started working together. Now getting quests from seasoned hunters to help on jobs. Even got yourselves a (shared) alias: Dual Reapers.
Such attention only sucks when someone started to knock on your door at the asscrack of morning a.k.a 4:00.
The little creachurr of a roommate, who had snuck into your bed again (a habit he started doing a few weeks ago), HISSED before seeing who it was.
Hank had opened the door to bloody Vergil Sparda, one of Devil May Cry's newest yet infamous members. A staredown between the hunter and a growling grunt wasn't something nice to walk in on.
After nabbing the territorial grunt, you naturally asked why Vergil was here. In short, it was a recruitment. The business' owner, Dante, wished to expand the group a bit.
Thus is how you and Hank ended up waiting at the Devil May Cry shop in Capulet for a job interview.
The assassin sitting in your lap like a cat while you were taking a nap on the chafe couch. A two day trip by car will do that to anyone. And Hank is too short to even reach the gas pedal so...
The Crossling currently purring as he kneaded your legs(Kneading is another habit he recently started doing.) A sight your potential boss and legendary devil hunter Dante, walked in.
Could only guess that the man did something to piss off Hank as you woke up to gunfire. The grunt fucking shot the white haired hunter.
Thankfully the rumors about Dante being half demon were true since he sat up after taking a few bullets to the head, completely healed.
"Guess I can add getting shot by a 2 ft grey muppet to my weird life experiences." And Hank manage to shoot him in the shins before you restrained the Crossling.
Dante decided to test the two of you with a job. To hunt down a few Empusa Queens who made a hive in a forest outside the city. A bit difficult since there would be a ton of Empusa workers but not impossible.
Scratch that last part. Why? Cause a bloody Cerberus decided to invade halfway through the job. Sure the massive ice hound got rid of your remaining targets but it was SO MUCH worse.
Hank's guns and knives did nothing but piss it off. He had to turn into his Mag Form just to help you fight. With some teamwork, you blasted the icy armor off the Cerberus so your partner could deal the final blow.
Apparently Hank earned the devil's respect because Cerberus' soul turned into a Devil Arm. An ice element tripartite nunchaku. Practically beaming with pride not only for getting his first Devil Arm but the praise you given.
The still MAG Crossling took a bath and got patched up without a fuss once getting back to Devil May Cry. Guess Hank decided to relent since it was a rough day.
Dante and Vergil came in to you conked out on the couch as a MAG Hank laid haphazardly on you.
The younger twin(Dante) being nosy, went to pull down Hank's face mask. He didn't cringe much from the ill placed prosthetic jaw and gnarly teeth. Moving Hank's goggles to be met with inky pits and pinprick red dots was another story.
You woke up to your partner chasing Dante with Cerberus and a gun. As you went to restrain your partner, you missed Vergil saying something to himself.
"Such foolishness. He should know better to approach a demon next to their sleeping mate."
Hank is possessive as he is territorial as hell and I really wanted that to show. Give them any act of kindness, then expect this little creachurr to be clingy.
Actually, I can see that happening with a good chunk of folks not used to affection. If someone who only experienced pain in their life, gentle touches or positive actions(hugs, kisses and pats) will become something they crave once used to it.
As for the links, I thought of using these instead of the images in question. I usually end up revising a lot of my posts and I know how people don't like their art being used without credit. It's why I always look for official stuff like concept art or character models.
As for Dante getting shot, it's a pretty common occurrence in Devil May Cry franchise. He's been shot and stabbed to the point it's morbidly comedic in the fandom. The man's barely even phased by this point. Mainly getting stabbed by Vergil or shot by Lady for doing something dumb/being a smartass.
I really did give Hank a Devil Arm. There are some demons and devils in the franchise that conventual weapons won't even damage. Weapons are usually made with demon parts so it can damage these particular nasties.
Here's some clarification for those who don't know Devil May Cry. Devils are different than demons in this franchise. They're more powerful, have higher levels of sentience and can become Devil Arms when slayed. Demons can be considered as minions or even cannon fodder to Devils.
Until next time folks, continue to thrive in the madness. Here's Cerberus in both demon and Devil Arm form.
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randomshyperson · 3 years
THE SCARLET WITCH PROPHECY - Chapter VI - The Fourth Year (Final Part)
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Gif is not mine, blessed are the gif makers.
Summary: As the youngest daughter of Howard Stark, you have ordinary expectations for your years at Hogwarts. Little do you know what adventures await you when your destiny is intertwined with the legendary Scarlet Witch.
Warnings: +16. Adaptation of the Harry Potter Saga, Magical Thematic, Prophecies, Mentions of Violence, Torture and dark magic, Language (swearing and minor/major offenses), manipulation of will, Underage kissing, insinuation of smut with minors, Smut (overage), descriptions of death, aggression, obscurity, angst, fluffy, soulmates analogies. | Chapters Warnings: Heavy angst in this.
A/N: This took me a while, because i had writer block (and it's not over yet). Anyway, I hope people like this. Let me know if anything is confusing okay? Sorry about typos too.
Words counting: 11.344K
Series Masterlist ||  Read on AO3 || All Works Masterlist
The Fourth Year - Final Part
Wanda was avoiding you. Well, not just you, but all your friends.
You told Gamora what happened, but you didn't have the stomach to repeat the story to anyone else, so your sister passed the news on.
You were coping well in spite of everything. You missed her terribly the whole time, but you were pushing the feelings down and trying to stay positive about everything.
By trying to put yourself in Wanda's shoes, you understood why she did what she did. You just had to find a way to prove to her that what you felt was real, and for that you needed to find out more about your magical bond.
Your best alternative to the lack of books about it in the library was to talk to the professors. Judging from your experience with them, none of the teachers would tell you anything. But Fury has been acting very differently all year, and although you don't agree with the way he has been teaching D.A.D.A. lately, you have the impression that he would tell you anything you asked.
That's why after a particularly exhausting class where he made all students practice the shield spell until one of the boys threw up, you waited until the room emptied to talk to him, watching with curiosity as he turned a small bottle he kept in his pocket to his mouth.
"What is it Stark?" He asked still on his back. You wondered if behind the eye patch he had some enchanted eye to see around things, but the idea seemed too absurd to you.
"Sorry, Professor Fury." You say. "I have a question about advanced magic and would like to clear it with you."
Fury put his materials away in his bag, and beckoned for you to accompany him into the private office, and you followed him into the small room, watching him set the desk on a coffee table and move toward a glass cabinet of magic supplies.
"Have a seat and make yourself comfortable." He said with his back turned. "I need to prepare a potion, but you can ask me what you want."
You stumble half-heartedly to one of the empty armchairs, and then clear your throat.
"It's about magic bonds, professor." You recount. "I... well, I think I have one. And well, I'm not finding much material on it, and I don't understand how they work."
Fury makes a noise with his mouth in understanding, his hands wandering through the cabinets behind ingredients you don't recognize, but he seems to be paying attention to both you and the brewing of the potion.
"Are you familiar with the concept of magical bonds and connections, Miss Stark?" He asks and you deny it. The professor cuts something that looks like mushrooms on the table as he speaks again. "The reason you can't find books that explain to you exactly the nature of this magic, is because no wizard has been able to decipher these enchantments correctly." He explains. "The magical bonds are one of the oldest and most powerful enchantments in the magical world, Miss Stark. Extremely dangerous, yet immeasurably valuable for some purposes."
You swallow dryly, but do not interrupt. Professor Fury bends down to reach a tin cauldron and places it on the counter in front of him, on a small makeshift stove. He deposits some ingredients inside.
"Have you ever heard about any of these bonding spells?" He asks and you think for a moment.
"I think I've heard about the perpetual vow, sir."
Fury gives a small smile, nodding. He sniffs a small bottle before pouring the contents into the cauldron.
"Yes, the perpetual vow is a great example of a magical bond." He says. "But it is still an active spell, you need to recite an incantation and both parties need to voluntarily close the bond. Some witches believe it's a contractual magic, much more than a natural connection." Fury explains. "I particularly prefer to use another example, Stark. The life debt."
Fury has a smile at the corner of his lips, and a strange gleam in his eyes when he looks at you for a moment, but you don't have the courage to ask. He turns his attention back to the cauldron, lighting the flame under the metal with his wand.
"I don't know what that means." You confess and the professor doesn't take his eyes off the cauldron.
"A life debt is a magical bond created when a wizard or witch saves the life of another magical being." He explains. "And I say magical being, not just another wizard, because I've seen it happen once for a centaur to owe a wizard their life. But never the other way around."
"How does that work?"
"It's very simple really." He says. "If you save someone's life, that person or creature will owe you a debt. The bond is created, without needing an incantation. The act of preserving a life is magical enough to create that bond." He explains and his expression turns almost somber. "The best part is that the person saved needs to pay back."
"And how do they do it?"
"A life can only be paid with another life." He declares. By now, the potion is smelling. You don't know what it is, but it looks like lavender, and it makes you a little dizzy. "I have witnessed a quitting in my time as an auror, Miss Stark." He tells you, and you already imagine that what he is about to say is not something you should tell a fourteen-year-old witch, but you don't think to interrupt. "The debtor throws himself in front of the Reducto incantation to prevent the death of the witch who saved him once. I still remember the pieces flying around the room."
You looked away, uncomfortable with the mental image you were given. The professor didn't seem to mind.
"But of course not all debts are paid off like that." He added as if he hadn't just told the story of someone tearing themselves apart. "Stopping a friend from falling off his broom in a game of quidditch might be enough to pay off a debt. Or to create one too." He counters. " This kind of magic has always been very difficult to decipher."
You murmur in understanding, keeping your gaze on the floor. The professor sighs lightly, moving away from the cauldron to sit in the empty armchair in front of you.
"But I'm guessing you're not talking about any of these bonds, are you?" He hints and you swallow dryly, feeling intimidated by the watchful gaze he gives you. You figure that lying is not an option.
"N-no sir." You reply. "I wanted to know more about protective bonds. Like... like the idea of someone you care about getting hurt, causes you a really bad feeling. And it makes you ignore your own safety and makes you go too far e...."
"Impressive." The professor interrupts, his gaze almost fascinated on you, and making you swallow dryly. "And how far are we talking about, Stark? What's the limit? Would the wizard put themselves in front of an unforgivable curse? Would they offer themselves up as a sacrifice? If one were to get hurt, would the bruises show up on the other, or does the very idea make your insides turn? Or…”
"Fury." You jump in fright when Strange's voice interrupts the monologue of the other man, who was very close to you now.
Fury looks annoyed that he has been cut off, but he turns away with a smile. "Pardon the interruption. I need to have a word with you on a matter." Stephen said, but he didn't look happy at all, and his expression was one of concern and disapproval, probably from the discussion he witnessed.
You stood up awkwardly, taking a step back, your heart still racing from the things the professor told you.
"Of course, Professor Strange." Fury spoke as he stood up. "Stark, I hope that has cleared up your doubts. If there is anything else you wish to ask me, you may come to my office as needed."
You bit your tongue to avoid saying that Fury only scared you rather than clarifying anything, and nodded in understanding.
"Defense Against the Dark Arts may not be my class, but I am also available to talk with you, Miss Stark." Stephen added softly as you passed him in the doorway. You mumbled a goodbye before walking out of the office, ignoring the horrible feeling that settled in your stomach.
You were really disturbed by the conversation with Professor Fury. The story of the wizard casting himself in front of a spell gave you strange dreams, and you could no longer be sure that you wouldn't do the same for Wanda.
Your friends were equally impressed by what you told them, and you ignored the feeling of dissatisfaction at the pit of your stomach that you felt because you wish you were talking to Wanda about it, and tried to be more grateful that you have someone to talk to at all.
You were thinking of talking to Tony about everything, and you thought you'd look for him in the Slytherin hall, and to your surprise, he showed up in your common room. You thought he was there to spend some time with Steve, but he really came to see you.
"Daddy wrote for us." He explains as soon as he greets you. The letter already open in your hands as he throws himself on the couch in the communal hall. It is Sunday, but the room is very empty because with the amount of free time and foreigners in the castles, most of the students are socializing outside. You had dismissed your friends' invitation to practice Quidditch in exchange for a nap, as you were upset by the way Wanda left the main hall at breakfast when she realized you were sitting at the Slytherin table with her brother.
"Finally." You grumble as you sit down in the armchair across from Tony, stretching out your arm to pick up the letter. It must have been the first letter in three months or more. Last time, your father had said he was overwhelmed with work and would not send any news for a while. You thought it would be days, but it was months. Jarvis at least wrote to tell that he was alive, working in the basement.
Looking down at the paper, you began to read:
"Dear children, how is school going? I hope you are studying as I have always asked you to do. I have been busy with an important project at the ministry, an invention to improve the astronomical forecasts of the wizarding community. Please forgive me for the lack of contact these last months.
Tony, I received the letter about the detention, and I was quite upset when I heard about the bet. You are the older brother and you should protect your sister, not put her in danger. But I am glad that everything ended well and hope that this kind of behavior will not happen again.
Y/N, dear, I heard about your willingness to start studying Muggle Studies, and I'm very glad..."
You stop reading the letter halfway through, frowning and looking at Tony next, who was lying with his head on the cushions and his arm under his eyes.
"What kind of crap is this?" you ask with confusion and irritation, causing Tony to let out a short chuckle. "Dad telling us to study? What the...?"
"It doesn't sound anything like him, I know." Tony interrupts and then sighs, sitting down on the couch to point to the paper. "And see how he doesn't make any jokes about the dare, or any comments about your incident at the lake? It sounds so mechanical and vague."
"Do you think he hasn't read our letters? He only mentions the one from school." You say and Tony leans back on the couch, thoughtful.
"I don't know. It just doesn't sound like him." He says. "I wouldn't be surprised to find out that Jarvis wrote it."
"Why would Jarvis do that?"
"Because Dad hasn't spoken to us in three months." Tony retorts with irritation. "And well, you almost drowned and he didn't even bother to read about it."
"No, it's fine." He grumbles, taking the letter from your hands and standing up. "Screw him." Cursed the boy in annoyance, tossing the letter into the fireplace in the room. You frowned, sighing. "We don't need him. I'll take care of you."
You were tired of this. Running a hand through your hair for a moment in frustration, you let Tony take your hands in his as he knelt in front of you next.
"I'm sorry I've been absent this while." He says surprising you. "I hated how all the adults were hiding things from us, and I did the same with you. I promise I will tell you everything from now on."
You nod in understanding, squeezing Tony's hand lightly.
"I need to tell you something too."
And you do. The whole conversation with Wanda and with Professor Fury shock Tony. And he has a frown creased in concern when you finish.
"I know it's a lot." You say. "But I'm terrified. I don't know what will happen to me if I lose Wanda, and all I can do is miss her."
"Hey, it's going to be okay." Tony says tenderly, releasing his hand to caress your cheeks and wipe away the dripping tears. "I won't let anything bad happen to you. I promise."
"What if you can't avoid it, Tony?" you retort softly, your voice whiny.
"I will." He assures you. "I will help you. We'll figure out a way to break this bond, and then you and Wanda will be safe."
You nod, deciding to believe his words. Your brother hugs you next, and you wish he is right.
Just like you, Tony was also unable to gain access to the restricted section of the library. But that is the least of your problems.
As the date of the last task approaches, you are a pile of nerves. Tony assures you that he will try to find something about ways to break magical bonds on the last trip to Hogsmeade in a local library, but you are barely listening to him, your thoughts wandering towards Wanda.
The other girl, on the other hand, continues to avoid you and your friends. Your only option is to ask Pietro about her, and he assures you that she is as upset as you are as if he is trying to make you feel better somehow. But all this information causes is a worsening of your distress. Pietro is not comfortable coming between you two, so you don't insist that he spend time with you or your friends, knowing that Wanda needs company. You also insist that Gamora and Nebula continue to spend time with the witch, but they comment that Wanda is not really sociable after the whole thing.
The rest of the school starts to notice the way the Maximoffs are no longer hanging out with you, and since everyone in the school loves a little gossip, the news that you and Wanda broke up starts to circulate very quickly.
You don't want your detention for the lake story to escalate, but it's hard to control the urge to jinx your classmates when their snarky remarks reach your ears.
"I heard they broke up because Wanda became a champion, and didn't want to be seen with a hufflepuff anymore." Said in a not so low tone, a Ravenclaw boy as you were walking ahead of them toward the Potions classroom.
"No, dude, that's not true. I heard that Wanda got pretty close to the other champion, Jean Grey, and obviously she'd go for a famous quidditch player than a nobody." Added a female voice, and you clutched the books in your hands tightly, but didn't turn around.
"Come on, the girl's a Stark." Retorted the boy. "I think Maximoff is a winner with either one."
The girl laughed lightly, and you wished you reach the classroom soon.
"I think you're right." The girl spoke up. "Maximoff has always been weird, I don't know how she got such great options."
Your attention wandered from the conversation when Mantis reached you. She went back to the dorm to get the potions book she had forgotten, and frowned at your annoyed posture when she arrived, but when she caught the words of the pair behind you, she threw them an annoyed look that made them fall silent.
"Don't pay any attention to that kind of gossip, Y/N." She asked gently and you just sighed.
"I just wish people would mind their own business." You grumble annoyed and Mantis agrees with a murmur.
Potions class was as difficult as it usually is. What surprised you was Professor Lensherr's tired appearance, but you imagined it must be because of the tournament finals that were being organized by the teachers.
When you were packing your materials, you almost knocked over the glass jar when he appeared in front of you.
"Stark, a word, please." He asked earnestly, and Mantis shot you a glance before hurrying to leave. The professor waited until the room was empty and then nodded to the door, which closed. "Wanda told me about your magic bond."
"Shit." You grumbled immediately, and Professor Erik raised his eyebrows. You cleared your throat, apologizing for cursing. "Look, sir, I don't know what else to say about it. I don't know where the bond came from, and I'm trying to find out..."
"I can help." He interrupts and you fall silent, surprised.
"Yes." He says straightening his posture and crossing his arms. "I obviously have more magical knowledge than you, and your nosy brother." He says and you understand that he is talking about the way Tony has been pestering the teachers to get information. "And if this bond affects Wanda, it is of particular interest to me."
You swallow dryly, nodding in understanding. You explain to him how you feel next, and Erik absorbs your words with a neutral expression.
"Interesting. I had my theories since you couldn't duel with Wanda in the second year, but since you became close, it wasn't my place to intrude.” He tells with a bit of a nostalgic face as you finish speaking. “I have a few questions, Miss Stark. I need clarification on the nature of this bond." He says with his arms still folded across his chest. "Last summer, Wanda had a cold. Did you feel anything?"
You thought about the vacation for a few seconds.
"No, sir." You reply. "I don't remember getting sick."
"I see." He says. "Tell me, have you ever had dragon pox?"
You nod in agreement.
"At how old?" The teacher asks, and you think for a moment.
"I don't know, four I think. Maybe five."
"Wanda had dragon pox when she was six." He declares, his gaze assessing you. You blink, trying to follow what he is trying to say. "It's not a very common disease in England, is it?"
"I don't think so." You mutter without understanding why the professor is looking at you like that.
"Wanda caught the disease in Sokovia, the country where she was born." He recounts. "We were on vacation and she came back sick. The last case of that disease here in England was almost a hundred years ago."
"I guess I'm unlucky then." You try to joke, and Erik almost smiles.
"The flu Wanda had last summer was not of magical origin." He adds, and you frown slightly, not knowing what to make of this information. "But dragon pox is magical in nature."
"Professor I don't..."
"Wanda broke her wrist at the age of seven." He interrupts as he uncrosses his arms, gesturing slightly. "She and Pietro were playing in the backyard, no magic."
"I imagine Wanda has already talked to you about her exceptional magical abilities, Miss Stark." The professor continues. "Her visible magic, I meant. It started when she was three years old, when she was able to bring her toys into her crib and wrap them all in a magical cloud." Erik tells and you smile briefly at the image of a baby Wanda, but his expression makes you bite the inside of your cheek the next second. "I want to know how much of this you were able to experience, being on the other side of the country."
You swallow dryly, looking away and trying to think back to your childhood.
"I don't know, professor." You reply. "I was a child. Maybe Tony or dad will know something."
"Come on, isn't there anything you can tell me?" He insists. "Any specific memories, any strange dreams? Anything."
You think, and think, but none of your childhood memories seem relevant. And then you frown, remembering one.
"Actually... There was this one time I got really sick. I think I was about eight. Maybe nine, and dad took me to St.Mungus. I had a high fever, and I couldn't sleep at night with nightmares, but I don't remember what happened. They thought it might be the flu, but we never found out what it was. The next day I was better."
Erik was slightly wide-eyed and then he sighed.
"Before she came to Hogwarts, Wanda was afraid of losing control of her magic at school." He starts to tell. "I tried to calm her down, but she was very upset. She managed to convince Pietro to help her into my potions room and took an entire bottle of a brew for magical containment. Her magic seemed almost enraged, and she destroyed the greenhouse with a wave of energy. I've never seen her so out of control." He says thoughtfully, as if remembering the events. "She passed out from exhaustion, and didn't wake up until the morning. She was ten.”
"You don't think...?"
"That's exactly what I think, Miss Stark." He interrupts, "The dates match. Every time Wanda was in danger from a magical source, you were affected, because the nature of your bond with her is magical. And that was confirmed during the tournament by noticing the way you jumped into the lake during the second task. I imagine your little interaction with Professor Heimdall when Wanda was facing the dragon was about this as well?" He asks and you nod your head in confirmation. "Right. Well, that's a problem."
"I noticed." You grumble, but then realize from the professor's expression that in addition to what has been said, it seems to be a problem for another reason. "Why?"
"Regarding your safety, I mean." Explains the professor. "The last task of the tournament is going to be exceptionally challenging, and perhaps not the best of experiences for you."
You widen your eyes in anticipation.
"Professor, what will happen in the third task?"
"I can't tell you." He says. "But there will be many challenges. And Wanda may encounter difficulties, especially since she is only fifteen."
You sigh, trying to push the wave of worry down.
"I hate this tournament." You state in a mumble and Professor Erik gives a short little smile. "I hate to see Wanda in danger. If it's for the gold, she can have all mine."
Erik laughed, and you blinked in surprise at the sound.
"Believe me, I dislike this competition as much as you do." He says. "There is no pleasure in seeing Wanda in danger for something as superficial as eternal glory. But the goblet chose her, and she would have suffered a magical penalty if she didn't obey the contract. It was a difficult decision, but it was the best for her."
You mutter in understanding and the teacher is thoughtful for a few minutes.
"I would recommend you not watch the competition so you don't get so nervous, but clearly distance doesn't matter for the bond." He remarks. "I need more information about how all this works. I want to run some tests with you two."
You frown slightly, but before you can ask what kind of tests, the teacher speaks again.
"That will need to wait, of course. With the competition and the final exams, I understand that you are experiencing enough stress and I don't want to cause any more suffering." He explains. "Over the vacations, perhaps I can write to your father. It's time to see old friends again after all."
You are surprised that the professor makes this mention, but you don't bother to comment. He clears his throat, and signals that this is all. You thank him as you get up and then leave the room.
When the day of the last task of the tournament finally arrived, the whole school was in a joint peak of excitement.
You could hardly sleep, strange nightmares throughout your entire night combined with the anxiety at the pit of your stomach made you wake up several times during your sleep. In the morning you decided to ignore the buzz around the hallways about the task and the possible winner, and joined your friends for breakfast.
You wanted to talk to Wanda, but you didn't see her at the Slytherin table, and Gamora tried to cheer you up with news about a band you liked playing in London next month, but you could barely force a smile, feeling tired and irritated.
You heard a group of Gryffindors commenting excitedly that the occultation spell had been removed from the quidditch field, and that the gates of something that had been conjured for the last task were already visible, but before you could try to hear what they were saying, the boys were already leaving the hall and Pietro came to talk to you.
"Hey, good morning, how are you?" he asked curiously, taking a seat across from you at the table.
"Not well, if you want to know." You grumbled dejectedly, your fingers lazily stroking the piece of bread on your plate. "What about you?"
"Worried." He replied shrugging his shoulders with a small corner smile. "But I'm optimistic. Wanda is confident, and thinks she can win. And I'm trusting that everything will end well."
The mention of Wanda makes you sigh slightly and lean your chin on your arm on the table, looking at the boy in front of you.
"I miss her, Pietro." You confess upset and ignore the way Gamora and Nebula who are sitting next to the boy look at you with pity, but appreciate how Mantis strokes your back lightly. "She won't talk to me, and I can't blame her or even be mad at her."
"Wanda asked for some time, didn't she?" he asked slightly curious and you grumbled in agreement. "Well, I guess you have the right to ask the same."
You frown in confusion, and Pietro has a little smile as he pours himself some juice.
"What do you mean?" You ask.
"Ask her for, I don't know, five minutes of attention?" He suggests. "Five minutes to at least give her good luck. You look miserable, and I hate to see you like this."
You sigh, thinking about the idea. And then you smile.
"Thanks, P." You say as you raise your head.
"No problem." He says. "You can try now, Wanda should be on the lower floors. She wanted to talk to dad before the task."
You nodded in understanding and then said you would meet your friends outside.
It didn't take long for you to find Wanda. The girl was walking up the stairs as you were coming down, and well, she had no choice but to look at you.
You felt your heart race to have her looking directly at you after so long, but you ignored the sensation as you walked down the steps and stopped in front of her. Wanda swallowed dryly, but held her gaze.
"Hey." You greeted half breathlessly, smiling slightly.
"What do you want?" she asked uncomfortably, her gaze serious. You ignored the seriousness of her words.
"Talk to you."
"I already said I need time."
"I know." You said without hesitation. "But I also have the right to talk. Can you give me five minutes?"
Wanda looked away, and then at her feet. She sighed and nodded, and you waited for her to look at you again before speaking.
"I miss you, Wanda." You confessed and watched Wanda swallow dryly, her eyes filling with tears as she looked away. "And I wanted to wish you good luck in the last task."
Wanda sighed faintly, nodding in understanding, her gaze on the stairs. You raised your finger to her chin, gently turning her face so that she was looking at you. Wanda closed her eyes as you fitted your hand to her cheeks, your thumb stroking her skin tenderly as she leaned into the touch.
Her hand moved up to your forearm the next moment, squeezing before moving your hand away from her face as she pushed your arm away gently.
You sighed, ignoring the feeling in your stomach and the urge to kiss and touch her again.
"Please don't do that." She whispered. "Don't touch me as if you love me as much as I love you."
You gasped, widening your eyes at the confession. But before you could add anything else, footsteps approached and Erik was coming up the stairs behind Wanda. The girl took a step back, wiping her eyes quickly.
"Stark." The professor greeted politely. You had a hard time disguising how much Wanda's words stirred in you. "Wanda, you'd better hurry up for breakfast. The task will start soon."
"Yes, dad." Wanda agrees and she doesn't look at you as she leaves. Erik nods politely and you stand on the steps for long minutes, your heart racing in your chest.
Wanda loves you. And you can't be with her.
Ignoring your broken heart, you turn and walk back into the hall, following the crowd of students who are making their way to the site of the last assignment.
The third task was a maze full of magical trials.
You gasped as you reached the sight of the large grass ones that were raised at the entrance to the quidditch field and the matched grass gates.
The crowd of students spilled out onto the bleachers set up in front of the maze, and you began to look around for your friends, ignoring the urge to run to Wanda and tell her you loved her back, not wanting to upset her before the task.
When the crowd was fully seated in the stands, and some students were already raising their cheering posters in the air, you watched the tournament judges move along with the faculty as Agatha took her place to announce the start of the competition.
"Hey, it's going to be okay." Gamora whispered to you as the director made the announcements. "I bet Wanda will be back before you can miss her."
You try to smile, your stomach turning in nervousness.
Watching the field below, you see the champions positioning themselves at the entrance.
Jean Grey had the highest score, so she entered first. The Durmstrang students cheering loudly until she disappeared into the maze.
Soon after, Wanda entered. The Slytherin people conjured a serpent of artifice through the air that disappeared as soon as she walked into the maze.
And then Maria Hill last, the Beaubatox crowd clapping their feet until she entered.
Just like the second task, all that was left for the crowd to do was wait once the champions entered. So as soon as the gate closed, the students started talking animatedly among themselves, in addition to the betting chart that began to circulate.
You also noticed that the reporters of the Daily Prophet were asking the cheering people in the front row about the bets for the winners.
Trying to distract yourself from the sense of worry that had taken over you most likely linked to the fact that Wanda was inside a place dangerous enough to kill her, you tried to engage in some of the conversation with your friends.
With thirty minutes to go, a movement in the field below caught your attention.
"Y/N, isn't that your father?" Gamora asked poking you in the ribs to call you, but you were already looking down.
Your father was not alone. There were four other witches with him that you had never seen before, but judging by their capes, they were aurors from the ministry, as they were dressed exactly like the witches that day in the cup.
There was a sudden movement among the teachers, and then the aurors were opening the gate to the maze and Headmistress Harkness was talking to the judges, all looking extremely worried. The crowd was buzzing, and it didn't take long for the comments to reach you.
"They're saying they're going to cancel the test!" Told a Ravenclaw girl who had just leaned forward to listen to her classmates, and then he turned and said to you and Gamora, making you both widen your eyes. You looked around next, in time to catch Tony coming down the bleachers from the side until he reached your father.
"What do you think happened?" Gamora asked you.
"I don't know, but it doesn't look good." You replied already moving to leave in Tony's direction. Gamora and Nebula looked at you, but you just signaled for them to wait up there.
When you reached Tony and your father, they seemed to be arguing.
"You didn't think to send at least a letter?" Tony squawked angrily, but your father was distracted, looking around and especially back at the entrance to the maze.
"I can't talk now, Tony, please." The man asked. He gave you a short smile as you approached, and Bucky and Steve joined you all next.
"Dad, what's going on?" You asked, but before your father could say anything, the principal was asking the students to return to the castle and the crowd erupted in booing.
The tournament judges were commenting quietly among themselves, and you frowned when Professor Erik approached and whispered something in your father's ear, who made a worried frown.
"Go back to the castle." Your father ordered looking at you and Tony, but you didn't move and Tony pushed your father's hand away.
They began to argue, but you felt your whole body shiver all at once, and you looked back, thinking that someone had called your name.
Professor Erik looked at you curiously, but before he could do anything, you ran past him and into the maze.
Gasping for breath from the run, you blinked in confusion as you stopped at a crossroads. Your head was spinning slightly, and you looked around.
The maze was dark, and the walls were high and shadowed the path. You noticed that the noise of the crowd was muffled from the inside.
Taking the left path, you were not fully conscious, following only the magnetic energy that seemed to pull you around the correct path.
Your wand was raised to your hand, an illumination spell that you don't remember conjuring. You frowned slightly when you noticed another light, and then Maria Hill was standing in front of you.
"Who are you?" she asked, but you didn't answer, walking past her in a mechanical manner. The girl looked at you with confusion. "Girl, can you hear me?"
"Wanda." You whispered without stopping your walk. Maria hesitated but then began to follow you through the labyrinth.
"Are you hexed?" She asked curiously but got no answer. When she tried to hold you by the shoulders, you pushed her to the ground. "Hey, no need for that!"
You didn't answer and Maria sighed in irritation as she stood up, running lightly to catch up with you as you turned the corner.
The tugging on your abdomen began to get stronger, and then you reached the center of the maze.
"Wow, you found the center." Maria commented in surprise next to you. "But where's the cup?"
You looked around confused, feeling the pain in your head increase.
And then noises of footsteps and shouting became closer and a moment later your father and Professor Erik entered the center through one of the trails.
"Honey!" Your father exclaimed worriedly, but before he could reach you, you fell to your knees, a shrill cry of pain escaping your throat.
Your vision blurred and you had another vision.
It was the graveyard from your dream, but now much clearer than before. You were attached to something, and there was a tall wizard standing in front of you.
The man turned around and you could see his red eyes staring at you with hatred.
"Erik, what is happening to her?" You heard your father's voice sound muffled by the ringing in your ear. You were trying to breathe normally, lying on the grass with your hands on your head.
"Look out, Howard!" It was Professor Erik's voice, but you didn't have the strength to look up.
"Protego!" Someone shouted the incantation next to you, maybe it was Maria but you can't open your eyes to see.
The pain in your head seemed to subside slightly and you forced your gaze upward, not understanding what was happening.
There were two bright lights in front of you. The image was not very clear because of the pain, but you struggled to understand what you were witnessing.
A wizard you didn't know was exchanging spells with Professor Erik. And Bucky was standing next to him, his robotic movements exactly matching those of the mysterious sorcerer. Your father was dueling with the younger one.
The unknown wizard let out an angry grunt, and said something in a language you didn't recognize, and then a green light shot out of Bucky's wand and hit your father in the chest, knocking him backwards.
"Stupefy!" Shouted a female voice from your side, and the spell hit Bucky squarely.
You whimpered in pain again, and could stare no longer.
A few minutes passed before you gasped back to consciousness, or perhaps it was hours. Your tears wet your shirt, and you coughed helplessly.
You raised your eyes to a scene that you didn't understand at first.
There were three people lying on the ground. A man you had never seen before, Bucky and your father, and Professor Erik was kneeling beside the last.
You blinked in confusion and then Tony came running out of the other opening and he widened his eyes when he noticed father.
"Hey, can you stand?" it was Jean Grey beside you. Maria Hill was holding you in her other arm, and you blinked in confusion at both of them.
"Where am I?" you grumbled, and then looked forward again. Tony ran up to your father, and you widened your eyes.
"Dad?" Tony asked with his face wet with tears. "Dad? Wake up!
"Stark..." Erik started as he touched the boy's shoulder, but your brother didn't look at him as he pushed his hand away.
You forced yourself to get up and with the help of the girls you succeeded. You took two steps and then fell to your knees again, understanding what had happened.
You had just witnessed your father being murdered.
The maze was dismantled from the inside out.
The rest of the teachers moved to remove the incantations and the maze disappeared around you, while you and Tony were kneeling beside the body of your father.
Soon there were reporters trying to reach the center, but Principal Harkness ordered them to stay away.
The aurors from the ministry were also there and they conjured a containment spell around the man who dueled the professor.
"We need to get the children out of here, Harkness." You heard someone say, but their gaze was on your lap, the hand you entwined with your father's.
"We don't know how many of them then here." Another witch said.
"Darlings, let's go inside, okay?" Professor Erik asked you. You were too tired to contradict, but Tony refused.
He said something about responsibility, and they did not contradict him again. You were led out of the maze, however, and the place where the entrance was located was empty.
The reporters who had been thrown out approached you and the ministry's auror immediately as soon as they saw you two, and you blinked at the flashes of the cameras.
"Can you tell us what happened inside the maze Miss Stark?"
"How are you and your brother going to take care of the fortune now that you are Howard's heirs?"
The lack of sensitivity made your stomach turn, but you were too tired to cry.
The auror who was with you said something to keep the reporters away, and then you were taken back to the castle.
"Hey, kid, are you still with me?" The lady asked as she knelt in front of you, her expression concerned.
You sighed, feeling an urgency to close your eyes. You think she called you again before you blacked out.
When you woke up, it was warm. And when you realized that you were in the infirmary, it took you a few moments to remember everything that had happened. As you did so, you began to cry. Finally understanding that your father was dead.
Your pillow got wet, but you didn't care, finding it hard to see past the tears.
"Hey." It was Tony, looking extremely tired, standing at your bedside. You couldn't tell if he was already there when you woke up, or if he had entered the infirmary at that moment, but you didn't ask. He lay down on the bed with you next, and hugged you.
You know that he was crying too, even though you didn't look at him.
You eventually fell asleep between sobs, and when you woke up again, you were feeling better physically.
Tony was standing in the doorway of the infirmary, talking to the Auror who brought you in. When she noticed you looking, she nodded slightly to Tony and he looked at you, forcing a smile.
The two wizards walked over to you next, and you sat down on the bed.
"Hey, are you feeling better?" Tony asked and you shrugged. "Carol wants to ask you some questions."
You looked away from Tony to the woman, and she looked slightly embarrassed to have to question you after a situation like this, but she did it anyway.
"My name is Carol Danvers, Miss Stark." She introduced herself first. "I am an auror from the ministry of magic. I brought you to the infirmary, can you remember this?"
You nodded in agreement.
"I need to tell you some things, and then I'll ask you about what happened in the maze, okay?" She asked and waited for you to confirm before she started talking.
Carol explained to you how the dark wizard Korvac used polyjuice potion to disguise himself as Professor Fury all year long, and infiltrate the tournament organization. The real Fury was a family friend of the auror and was able to warn her in some way that she didn't tell you, and then the aurors used flu powder to get to Hogwarts. Your father was still an auror in secret to the ministry, and so he also joined the operation group.
When the Aurors arrived, however, Korvac had already entered the maze and they went after him. Neither your father nor the professor were supposed to enter the maze, but when you did, your brother followed, and consequently Steve and Bucky did the same. Your father and the professor went after, but the maze was enchanted to make everyone get lost, and that's exactly what happened. While you were guided by your connection to Wanda, everyone else was lost all around.
Carol told you that Korvac had found Bucky and used the Imperio curse to control him, so he was fighting on behalf of the dark wizard against both your father and your teacher. With Jean Grey's intervention, Bucky was knocked out and Professor Erik hit Korvac, but it was too late.
Everyone eventually found themselves in the middle and the maze was dismantled. Tony had already given his statement to the ministry, and Korvac was sent to Azkaban.
"Your brother told me that you have some kind of magical bond with one of the champions and that's why you went into the maze right?" Carol asked as you wiped away your tears. You sniffled slightly as you confirmed. "Miss Maximoff won the competition and she has also talked to my colleagues about what she saw in the cup portal."
"W-what?" you questioned with confusion.
Carol sighed slightly and then her posture changed. She looked back for a minute.
"Look, I trusted your father. He knew there was corruption in the ministry, and he warned me about it when he recommended me to work with him." She began as if telling a secret. "Let's keep that between us for now. I don't know who I can trust in that department."
Carol told about how the triwizard cup was bewitched to become a portal key, most likely by Korvac. She repeated Wanda's words to you, saying that the girl had ended up in a graveyard with the remnants of Mephisto's followers in place. Wanda also said that Mephisto himself had returned and that they faced each other. She managed to escape by touching the cup again.
What made you angry was knowing that the minister didn't believe any of her words, and refused to acknowledge Mephisto's return. The whole thing would be treated as a trial of the tournament that got out of hand, and Korvac, who had been captured, would be accused of all the crimes.
Carol didn't seem happy with the minister's decision either.
"I have nothing to say but tell the minister to go fuck himself, Carol." You informed irritated and the blonde smiled at you.
"You inherited your father's attitude." She comments and you think the intention is good, but it makes your heart ache. "I will close your statement then. Thank you very much for your time, Miss Stark."
You nod and Carol hesitates. She sighs lightly and touches your brother on the shoulder and your outstretched hand on the bed.
"I used to be friends with your father." She says. "Don't think you are alone, children. You have more family than you can imagine. And you can contact me if you need anything."
Carol smiles and walks away with a nod. You and Tony exchange a slightly surprised look. Tony sighs and sits down next to you on the bed. You say nothing, but you both know that this should be one more among your father's many secrets.
Nurse Cho released you from the infirmary that same afternoon.
Aside from the mental exhaustion, you were perfectly healthy.
Your friends, with the exception of the Maximoff twins, approach you in the dormitory. They hug you together, mourning the death of your father. You want to say that you feel a little better about this, but that is not true.
As you are seen in the corridors, students and professors stop you to say "my sympathies", and you answer them in a polite way. You can also hear the gossip after all.
Wanda did not obey the order of the minister of magic, and when the journalists of the Daily Prophet asked her about the tournament, she told her version. Nobody bought her story, and she was branded a liar after the minister denied the return of the dark wizard.
Professor Erik also greeted you in the hallways, and Pietro was with him. The boy hugged you tight, and you held back your tears.
"Stark, my home is always open to you and your brother." Erik said as his hand was on your shoulder. "I just want you to know that."
You nodded in understanding and then walked toward the communal hall intending to organize your belongings, since the school year would end that week.
On your last day at Hogwarts, you finally talked to Wanda.
Because your nightmares had become more frequent than ever, you had spent the last days at school without sleeping properly, and on the last night you gave up sleeping and decided to go to the kitchens.
You were in the empty halls when you heard the familiar noise of Drax monitoring the castle and stumbled to the first door you found, trying to avoid being seen.
As you waited for the hissing noise to become distant, you looked back and gasped in surprise.
There was a girl sitting on the floor and it took you a few seconds to realize that it was Wanda.
"What are you doing here?" You asked curiously, and your voice startled her. She stood up quickly, looking at you in surprise.
"Shit, you scared the hell out of me!" She complained and you frowned slightly as you realized she was crying, but Wanda quickly wiped her face.
Only at that moment did you notice the large antique mirror behind her. On the metal rim was a Latin phrase that you didn't understand.
Biting the inside of your cheeks, you looked away to the floor.
"Sorry to bother you, I couldn't sleep." You mumbled clumsily and Wanda shifted the weight of her feet before clearing her throat.
"Do you wanna stay?"
You raised your head in surprise, but then nodded in agreement.
Walking up to the girl, you stopped about four steps away from her, not knowing exactly what to do next.
"Are you going to tell me what you were doing here?" You asked again, and Wanda bit her lips before turning toward the mirror.
"I found this place in second grade." She counters. "That's the Mirror of Erised."
"I am supposed to know what that means?" You ask with mild irony causing Wanda to smile slightly.
"We studied that in fourth grade, so yes." She retorts.
"I haven't been busy this year, no time for books, if you know what I mean." You say with a smile and Wanda laughs softly. You stare at the mirror in front of you, but there is nothing special about it. It seems to reflect you and Wanda just like any other. "What does this mirror do anyway?"
Wanda turns her face to you, and you want to ignore the nervous feeling that settles on the edge of your stomach, but to no avail.
"Look closer." She says, and her gaze lingers on you for a moment before she takes a step to the side. You turn your face to the mirror again, and then step forward.
It takes a second for the image to change. It is you in the reflection, but you are not alone. Your father is standing beside you, smiling contently. You frown in confusion, gasping slightly at his sudden appearance.
Ignoring the lump in your throat, you continue to stare. The image trembles slightly, and you try to understand what the mirror is telling you. Nothing looks much different except the image of your father, but then you notice the wedding ring in your reflection.
You look down at your hand for a moment and then back at the reflection. Your image copies the movement with delay and you squeeze your eyes shut to read the letters on the ring.
Your face heats up as you read Wanda's name and you take a step back. The image becomes fainter, but doesn't disappear.
"What do you see?" Wanda asks curiously from beside you, and you startle, turning your head to her quickly.
"M-my father." You answer at the same moment, biting your tongue to make sure you don't say anything else. Wanda's expression tumbles, and she looks down at her feet. You swallow dryly.
"I'm sorry, y/n. I really am." She whispers, and you look away. There is something that is bothering you as much as your father's death, and it is the distance that seems to exist between you and Wanda now.
"Thank you." You mumble the response you have learned to give whenever someone says that to you. "W-what do you see in the mirror?" You ask next, trying to change the subject from you. Wanda looks surprised at the question and even in the low lighting, you notice the slight redness in her cheeks.
"My mother." She answers without looking at you. "And... myself. No magic. Just me and her, and Pietro and papa at a distance. We look happy and normal."
It is the most intimate confession Wanda has ever made to you. You want to caress her face, hug her and thank her for her trust, but you just nod in agreement, swallowing her words and pushing the desire to touch down.
"Have you been here many times?" You ask after a moment and Wanda sighs before confirming. "You never told me about this place before."
"I never told anyone." She retorts without sounding angry, just slightly weary. "I guess I wanted it to be something just mine."
"I understand." You comment as you look into the mirror again, the image of your reflection and Wanda's now visible. "A private space for you to visit your mother."
Wanda murmurs in agreement, and you think she won't say anything else, but she does.
"I need to tell you something."
You turn your head toward Wanda's direction, but when she turns her body toward you, she keeps her gaze on the floor.
"About the day of the task." She says. "About Mephisto."
"Okay." You mumble as you wait. Wanda takes a deep breath.
"I guess you've heard from the whole school that I fought with him." She starts with a sad smile, and you nod in agreement. "Well, there's a reason he couldn't kill me."
You frown with confusion.
"It’s better if i show you." She takes a deep breath, raising her hands between you. "Can I?" she asks, and you notice the red magic escaping her fingers.
"You can do that?" You ask impressed and Wanda nods with a shy smile. When you consent, she raises her fingers to your forehead and then you have another vision.
You see the moment when Wanda was teleported into the graveyard, and it's as if you're seeing everything through her eyes.
The moment when a hooded wizard appeared and locked Wanda in a spell against one of the tombstones. You watched the wizard walk to the center of the graveyard and conjure a rune on the ground that you didn't recognize. He recited a few words and then cast an incantation in the sky. The mark of a hydra.
Walking back to the rune, the sorcerer deposited a necklace on the ground. With a dagger he took from his pocket, he recited an incantation in a language you didn't recognize, and cut his own palm. When the blood fell on the necklace, Wanda gasped in pain.
The ground around the rune began to open up and a man crawled out of the earth. You imagined it was a necromancy ritual and they were resurrecting someone. You didn't have to ask to know that it was Mephisto.
When the wizard stood up completely, he laughed darkly. The man who helped him bowed.
"Master, you live!" Celebrated the wizard. Mephisto approached, a gentle flick of his wand wiped all the dirt from his robes, and you could see the metallic Hydra strolling along the entire length of his robes, as if getting used to being awake again.
"All thanks to you, John." Mephisto said his deep voice echoing through the room. "Your loyalty will be rewarded, my friend."
"Thank you, master." Said the man without raising his head. Mephisto touched his hood, pulling it back, and you looked at the kneeling figure. He was a man of about thirty, his blond hair was long and dirty. There was a deep scar across his cheek to the extent of his right eye, which was closed.
Mephisto raised his wand toward the young man's face, and a silver spell escaped from the tip along the scar. The mark didn't disappear, but when he opened his eye, you noticed the metallic glow of the reddish iris.
"Be my eyes again, John Walker." Mephisto commanded and the boy thanked him again. He continued kneeling as Mephisto turned toward Wanda, who was still attached to the tombstone. "I almost forgot about my guest of honor."
"Who are you?" Wanda asked angrily, you could almost feel her fear.
Mephisto smiled devilishly, ignoring the question as he took a deep breath. He raised his wand high and the Hydra's mark seemed to glow even brighter.
In the following moments, shadows began to appear in the sky, and only when the first one of them landed on the ground that you understood that they were wizards appearing.
There were at least eight of them, but because of their position, Wanda couldn't see them all. The masked witches remained static, waiting for their companions. Mephisto murmured softly, and after a moment without any movement in the sky, he sighed.
"It is only at our worst that we see who is really loyal to us." He comments somberly, before opening his arms to the crowd. "Friends! It's so good to see you all again, finally. So many years!"
Mephisto's smile doesn't reach his eyes, and then the wizards are kneeling, and recite together an "It is an honor, master." Mephisto laughs lightly, lowering his arms.
"Look at you folks." He comments with a psychotic look on his face. "You're not even ashamed that you abandoned me." He charges, but no one speaks up. Mephisto sighs impatiently. "No one has anything to say? What a disappointment."
"Master..." Started a wizard on the edge and then Mephisto raised his fist toward him hanging him in the air with his magic. Wanda's eyes widened, but the wizard let go just before the one in the air stopped struggling. As the wizard coughed to try to breathe again, Mephisto pushed his long hair out of the front of his face.
"I don't want your hollow apologies, Zemo." He says. "Nothing will erase the betrayal of all of you, cowards."
No one makes any mention of interrupting the speech, and Mephisto puts his cloak away momentarily.
"But a new era begins, and we need to leave the past behind." Says the mage. "I finally have my treasure where I wanted it, and nothing will stop me from reaching my power again."
Mephisto turns to Wanda now, a mental look on his face. The wizards look at her too.
"Master, is this...?" One of the masked men begins, and Mephisto interrupts with a devilish grin.
"Yes, my friend!" He says. "The Scarlet Witch."
The group loosely shares a buzz of excited excitement, but falls silent the next moment. Wanda wriggles uncomfortably against the spell.
"What is it, my dear?" Mephisto asks as he watches her struggle. "Is it tight? Try a coffin underground. I guarantee the discomfort is greater."
The comment makes Wanda clench her jaw as the group lets out a chuckle.
"I'm not who you say I am." Wanda retorts with irritation and Mephisto lets out a laugh approaching. You wish you could enter the vision to get him away from Wanda.
"Your name is Wanda Maximoff." He says looking her straight in the eye. "You were born in 1989 in a dirty muggle neighborhood of Sokovia. And you are a scarlet witch by birth." He narrates and then his gaze changes to malice. "And you belong to me."
"Fuck you."
Wanda's rude response makes Mephisto smile.
"Perhaps you, my dear friends, were not aware of what really happened that night fifteen years ago." Mephisto says as he turns to the group again. "I can only imagine the lies the ministry of magic must have told the world, making sure to tell I was defeated by some of their pathetic aurors."
The group exchanges surprised looks and Mephisto laughs, walking ahead.
"I think everyone has a right to know what really happened that day, don't you, my dear?" He asks Wanda, and then lets out a wry laugh. "Oh, I forgot that you were just a filthy brat back then. I'd better tell them instead."
Wanda struggles against the grip again and Mephisto raises his wand toward her, causing the spell to tighten more and Wanda to grumble in pain.
"Hold still and listen to the story, little brat." He commands. "Didn't the blood traitor teach you manners?"
You know Mephisto is talking about Wanda's father, but the girl doesn't respond to the teasing.
"Do you remember how well everything was going for us, my friends?" Begins the wizard, and he waits for the group to agree before speaking again. "I should have known that the cursed muggles in your community would bring more trouble than I expected."
Mephisto looks slightly nostalgic, but no one is going to interrupt him. He gives a wry laugh before continuing.
"You know that I was seeking the power of a scarlet sorceress for myself. And well, with all the commotion in the ministry, I decided to capture the child without being accompanied by any of you." He says. "I was always the most powerful, but now that I look back, a companion would have prevented so much delay."
When Wanda makes mention of fighting again, Mephisto strengthens the spell.
"I went to take what was rightfully mine in that muggle pigsty that is Sokovia, and I never expected that a filthy muggle would be able to stop me." He tells you and you notice Wanda's interest in the words, curious to know what he was talking about. "Maybe the traitor lied and she had some witch lineage. We'll never know, since I killed her." He comments humorously. "Contextualizing my friends, I went up to the second floor to get the child of prophecy, and I ended up running into two of them."
Mephisto counters with a wry laugh.
"Crazy isn't it?" He says. "But of course it was easy to figure out who the right baby was, since the sorceress' power emanated in the child's aura. I had no function for the other one so I decided to discard it."
Wanda's eyes widen at the confession. Mephisto was going to kill Pietro. She gasps slightly, feeling her anger rising.
"But the muggle pig begged for mercy." He continues. "You know very well how much I hate muggles, but if she had stood in the corner as I told her to do, I would have done no harm. But of course she had to throw herself in front of the infant, become a pathetic martyr."
The group laughs at the narration and you feel like vomiting. Mephisto stared at his own wand for a few seconds.
"I should have realized the sacrificial bond that was created, but I did not expect such a thing from a muggle." He counters somberly, sounding bitter. "When I skipped over her body and repeated the curse, it came straight back to me."
The group let out a chorus of surprise, but Mephisto just smiled.
"Don't worry, friends. I'm here after all." He says. "But a death curse is powerful enough to injure a body. And so I needed to escape." He counters as he walks around. "I would return for the girl as soon as I could restore myself, but where there is one blood traitor there is always another."
The group listened to the story intently and you swallowed dryly, trying to remember all the details.
"The traitor Stark and that muggle slut he called his wife were waiting for me downstairs." Mephisto counters and you hold your breath. "I knew that in my condition I couldn't stand up to an auror like Stark, but he could be useful to me. It was the perfect opportunity to have someone look after my belongings."
Mephisto sighed lightly.
"I think muggles must have some sort of self-sabotaging lifestyles about throwing themselves in front of spells, folks." He mocked causing the group to exchange confused looks. "I aimed at Stark, commanding him to protect what was mine, but it was the muggle who received the enchantment." He counters and you gasp in surprise. "Stark was furious of course, but I used the moments he spent assisting his wife to apparate."
Mephisto's expression was no longer content.
"My body couldn't handle the power of the apparatation, obviously." He counters. "After the curse, it began to betray me. I was on the brink of death for months, until I finally succumbed. My consciousness shallowed, waiting patiently for my faithful followers to find me. And here we are."
The group lets out a small exclamation and Mephisto forces a smile, straightening his posture.
"But that's in the past, of course." He says. "My sorceress is here for me, and I can regain my full power now."
Wanda swallowed dryly as she watched Mephisto approach. The wizard made a motion with his wand and the grip around her neck shortened slightly.
"I never had any use for the witch's receptacle." He says raising his wand to Wanda, you held your breath. "It's nothing personal, dear. At least you'll meet that pig of a mother of yours in hell."
The green incantation comes out of the small wood next, but never reaches Wanda. A yellow energy bumps into the magic and deflects it almost hitting one of the wizards in the circle. The group moves in fright and Mephisto has a psychotic but surprised look on his face.
"The protective spell... How?" he asks, stepping forward. “The spell killed the muggle, I saw her body! How is it still there?” He angrily asks .
His followers look as surprised as he is, and Mephisto assumes an angry expression. He raises his wand again, and even without saying anything, the emerald incantation escapes and the same thing as before happens. Distracted in his frustration, he doesn't notice that with each attempt, the spell binding Wanda grows weaker, until the fourth time he tries to curse the girl, the golden light explodes in the air, ricocheting light startling all the wizards in the circle, as Wanda falls to her knees, free.
The second of shock from the group is enough for Wanda to cause a wave of energy with her powers that kept the wizards away as she reaches for the cup at her feet, teleporting back to the school.
You stumble out of the memory, your eyes watering.
Wanda looks at you, but you turn away feeling overwhelmed by the amount of information.
"W-what was that?" You gasp taking another step back.
"I'm sorry if that was too much." She hastens to say. "I-I needed to tell you. About your mother."
You wipe away the tears, moving further away.
"I can't do this." You grumble. "Not now. M-my father just died, Wanda. I can't. I'm sorry."
The words are a little disjointed, but Wanda understands. She doesn't stop you when you rush to leave the room.
Coming home is much more difficult than any other time.
The ride on the Hogwarts express is longer than ever, but you don't mind, wanting to avoid the moment when you and Tony will set foot home without your father.
Jarvis picks the four of you up at the station, and you are grateful that Gamora lets you eat all her candy left over from the trip.
The whole feeling of stepping into the house and looking around and seeing your father's objects all around is oppressive, but you try to get used to it. You think the conversation with Tony about your mother can wait.
Tag list ( let me know if you want to be tagged or removed idk haha) @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5 // @myperfectlovepoem // @helloalycia // @ENSORCELLME // @AIMEZVOUSBRAHMS @imapotatao / @aimezvousbrahms/ @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia //   @ichala​ ||  @madamevirgo
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theringers · 3 years
V-card anon: hi sorry about that first ask i kinda went into a fugue state (spelling?) altered state of reality maybe when i wrote that and damn near outlined a fic in your inbox
The way we played hot seat was either part of a larger drinking game when a certain card was pulled from a deck, or just on it's own. You sit in a circle, everyone has a drink, usually a beer or cider. In the card pull version, the one who pulls the card gets asked a question by every person playing and if they refuse to answer they drink from their drink. In the standalone, you do that but everyone gets a turn being asked until people get bored and leave. Fun way to find out shit about people. Usually the unwritten rule is that you can't lie. I imagine everyone sitting on shitty chouches and chairs in a semi circle around a table full of cups and bottles playing it
Questions i have been asked: are you a top or bottom? Do you like anal? Wheres the weirdest place you've fucked? Body count? Favorite position (sexual)? Fuck marry kill/ignore people in this room (EVERY TIME I PLAYED I GOT THIS QUESTION)? Tits or ass or other? Favorite non sexual body part ex. Thigh? Ideal fuck buddy? Sex regrets? Etc
Also more weird details i have head cannoned out for some drivers and most likely does not fit with irl personalities, do with this what you will, use it or don't i just have feelings. Also everyone is like compressed in age to like 20-27ish except for some of the grid who i will just think of as younger alumns who come back:
Danny R: social chair, owns a jeep he takes the doors off of in the summer, walks girls home at night to make sure they're ok, tries to DJ house events and is rebuffed by literally everyone, has like 30 pairs of vans you trip over in his room, stolen roadsigns everywhere, masters in something arigcultural or physiological, cutoff frat shirts for days, fuckboy but nice, a bit cringe, will drive around with you at night so you can scream, met reader bc she had a band tee on and wanted to talk to her about it (no gatekeeping)
Charles: some kind of engineering or math degree but no one has any idea how the fuck he's gotten so far, 4.0 never studies, games with other house members, will show up at events randomly you will have no idea how he gets on your couch but he is there, the best and worst taste in clothes, is the only one allowed to play the piano in the house, sweet, cannot help you with studies but is always down for helping you out after, has to be reminded to clean stuff, disaster bi, reader met his gf first and they probably met through that
Pierre: good fashion and music taste, shirt is gone halfway through the night, also fuckboy but wholesome, actually studies, plays a sport for sure probably soccer in some way either club or Division he's too good for rec, will hold your hair back so you can throw up, will tell you your outfit sucks, good at math, also part of the squad that games, econ major, workout buddies with reader anday have taken a math class together
Max: is part of the hockey team he will go pro, also actually studies, got into gaming because of Charles, has the nicest car, is serious until he gets a couple drinks in him, he and Daniel are close and roomed together at some point, owns like 30 sets of the same outfit a white tee and jeans, knows reader through Dan and they get dragged by him to some of the same stuff
Lando: is a pledge or new member his big is Carlos, undeclared major, just happy to be here, gaming squad, used to play lacrosse or something equally obscure, king of knowing where the good snacks are, weirdly good at beer pong, growing into a fuckboy wholesomeness level tbd, probably sweet with reader as she helped him through a blackout or something, met her because she's basically house mom for some of the new boys (the kind of mom who will teach you to do laundry or iron ONCE)
Carlos: hockey flow but does not play hockey, actually studies and is smarter than what people give him credit for, came from a private high school and uni really opened his horizons, also good study buddy, gets along with most people, goes to office hours the most out of the actually studies gang, fun at parties, owns the frat dogs, he and reader met at Office hours (they were the only students) and found they had mutual friends too
Lewis: is/was president of frat, great grades greater bod, did full evolution from fuckboy to good man, has the back tests and the moral support, up for late noght talks about life, definitely was a D1 athlete, best fashion game, implemented no hazing policy, fits into notable alum or PhD category
Mick: undergrad like Lando, also plays soccer or something, too sweet, also walks girls home/holds your hair back etc, cleans parts of the house that aren't his responsibility, higher alcohol tolerance than you expect, everyone is bizarrely protective of him, legacy member (his dad was a legend), drives a motorbike around campus and can't decide between law and psychology, actually studies, met reader through the frat and she would die for him, brings her to class on the bike sometimes because the bike is faster
George: business major, frat treasurer, three ring binder business casual in class kind of guy, nice enough, shirt comes off when drunk, runs marathons and a podcast about investments, best notes in the game and great study partner, actually studies, is drinking monster at 6AM but not because he stayed up late, he and reader met through the frat and sometimes drink wine and bitch together
Lance: hockey player, legacy member, studies sometimes, sarcasm on point, great at stack cup, very chill, knows every good nap spot on campus, also has high alcohol tolerance, is the kind of person who does well in the cold but does not like it, wears headphones so people don't talk to him, great one on one but not in crowds, business major and minor in computer science, probably also met thru Lance's gf but vibe as more introverted people and will cover for each other if one does not want to go out
Nicky: a good boy, part of the walks people home squad, sets up designated drivers for parties, good snack game, future in medical field, good listener, pretty good study buddy, midnight snack enabler, met reader through frat and his gf he and reader are on babysitting duty together sometimes when others get too drunk/high
Yuki: also a pledge or new, majoring in games or computer science as they gave me the same energy as him, games squad, bit of a mad lad, has several stolen street signs, good, met reader through frat and Yuki is the only one patient enough to explain some games to reader, they cuss people out on mic
Esteban: good man, has a full ride scholarship, actually studies, also good study buddy, Dan's little, plays soccer but maybe on a rec team because he prioritizes school, very sweet guy as well, probably chose a really practical major/dual major, met reader through Dan and are also dragged similar places by him
Antonio: manbun, philosophy or classics major possibly business dual, generally good natured but can be seen supplying his own wine at parties, used to be really into metal but kept the hair, does not know that people find him attractive, soccer boi, met reader through frat and she's the only one who will (pretend) to listen to him rant about philosophy
Alex Albon: another full scholarship guy, somehow gets along with everyone, switched majors due to an asshole professor, electrical engineering or computer engineering, actually studies, helps with frat pets,will show you pictures of his cats at home, sweetie, another contender for will hold your hair or walk you home, probably met reader through a class or club and found they had mutual friends and that reader is friends with his gf
Notable alums:
Checo - dad, successful in finance somehow (he looks like an really successful accountant of CFO to me idk why)
Kimi - dad but people forget he is, holds the record for most drinks in 24 hours that will never be come close to by anyone else, shows up on random alum weekends with 2 kegs, legally cannot tell you what he does or he would actually have to murder you
Valterri - was good at a sport when he was there, now a very effective lead engineer at an architectural firm
Seb - environmental or mechanical engineering, all around good guy with someone the best grades in frat history
Alonso - legendary for sexual exploits (consensual)
Anyone I put as actually studies is probably the type reader would hang around for more serious stuff/schoolwork and would probably be closer to, with the exception of Dan bc I feel like he'd be like we're friends now :)) we shall hang or Charles bc he will just show up. I also imagine she has a pretty good friendship with any existing gf, however if a driver does have a gf and he is the love interest sorry bb girl u gotta go for the purposes of this fic
Sorry this is so long hahaaaaaaa glad you liked my Charles thoughts ilu
i honestly wasn’t going to share this like the rest of the anon asks i’ve gotten that i keep close to my heart but this was just too good to keep to myself.
f1 drivers as frat bros/college students headcannon
i’m writing a series - each “chapter” will be a smut with a different frat bro and i’m hoping to post a sneak peek this week some time but here’s something to hold you over and give you some ideas
to my vcard anon - i appreciate this so much. my inbox is always open for ur thoughts bc they are SO GOOD !! can’t wait for you to read the first part of the series bby
PS if some of this doesn’t make sense to u feel free to send in asks (i know a lot of this is focused on american college culture so if u don’t get it i’m happy to explain)
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rodeoxqueen · 4 years
Stuck Thinking About You-Dante/Reader
TheLastCrusader Requested: Dante or Vergil gets immobilized in some embarrassing or inconvenient way during a job and then (Y/N) pays them company until they can be freed. How about they have a crush on (Y/N) and they don't know it is returned until the end?
Vergil’s Part: Coming Soon. 
Read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28187496
Warnings: Fluff, Romantic Comedy, Taking Care of The Twins, Vulnerability, Breaking the Fourth Wall, Characters Call Out The Writer for Her Lazy Writing
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Dante was the Legendary Devil Hunter, a tried and true hunter with the might of hundreds of men. And here he was, paralyzed by a venomous demon. During a hunt, it had a lucky shot and hit him with a dart. It would have killed a normal man three times over, causing the victim to lose muscle function and die. Since Dante was not a normal man, his body would metabolize the poison in due time. It’s just too bad he was stuck in his current form, arms to his side and stiff. He was lucky to be able to talk anyway. 
Nero had laughed at his predicament and dragged him back to the van by the boots, throwing him onto the spare seat like a sack of potatoes. His brother had smugly walked alongside his son, entertained by how Dante complained about his now immobilized situation. 
“Laugh it up. When I can move again, I’ll be kicking your asses.” Dante threatened, face down on the cushion with his sword strapped to his back. He sounded muffled and Nero laughed at him again. 
“Wait until (Y/N) found out you got shot in the butt by a demon.” Nero jeered. Dante groaned. 
Oh God forbid you found out, his crush. The gorgeous and funny (Y/N). He’d be a laughingstock. 
You had been working on the Devil May Cry paperwork when the red devil was carried in looking like a cardboard cut out of himself. The red devil was incredibly displeased and had a sour look on his face. 
Nero and Vergil dropped him onto a couch, dusting themselves off and high-fiving. 
“What happened to Dante?” You ask, seeing how Dante was unnaturally still. 
“My brother was unluckily poisoned. The toxins shall wear off soon, although he will be stuck like this for the meanwhile.” 
You see Dante attempt to move with his grunts and groans, yet to no avail. 
“Yeah, he’s gonna have to wait for it to wear off. You should’ve seen him, he gets jabbed and he just drops like a dead body!” Nero wiped a tear of laughter off his face. 
“Anyways, I gotta go back to Fortuna. Call me when he’s back to normal.” Vergil nodded as his son left the door. 
He turned his gaze to you. 
“I am going to retire to my room. Please let me know when he can move again.” He said as he exited the first floor. 
You put your hands on your hips seeing the devil still face down on the couch. 
“Yeah?” He said, slightly muted by the cushion. 
“Are you alright?” 
“Can’t move. Stuck.” 
“..Do you want some help?” 
“Nah, I’m alright.” 
“Well, are you sure?” 
“Yeah, don’t worry about me. I’m fine.” 
There was a pause. You could hear Dante trying to breathe with the leather of the couch right up on his nose. 
“Would you like to be face up?” 
Dante stopped for a moment. 
“Yes.” You grinned, getting up from your seat to help out the red devil. Rolling up the sleeves of your sweater, you began by pulling on his side at the innermost of the sofa. You grunted as you put all your might on him. 
He was literally built like a brick house, and he sure as hell weighed like one. You broke a sweat getting him to be perpendicular to the couch before gravity helped out and you tipped him over. He fell back on the couch with a resounding thump. 
“Thanks (Y/N).” He flashed his charming grin, a bit of a struggle as his face muscles were slightly numb.  
You smiled at him. You saw how his veins were slightly darker, and he was quite pale. His body must be working overtime to detox itself. 
“Do you want anything while you’re trapped like this?” He made an effort to try to shrug. 
“I’m good.” Dante was not good. He was freaking out. You were used to touching him, punching him when he said a joke too cheesy, and those grazing touches he’d freak out internally over. You had such nice hands. His side where you pulled him up had tingled. 
You made your way back to the desk, Dante’s eyes on your rear. 
You went back to work, typing up reports, and examining payments from clients. Music played from your headphones, leaving Dante in silence. 
The sounds of you typing, scratching down notes on a notebook, and humming lull him to sleep. Maybe when he wakes up, he’ll be up and running again. 
You were half an hour into your work when you heard snores. Looking up, you see that the younger Sparda twin was fast asleep, probably sleeping off the toxins. An endeared smile crept up your face, seeing how at peace he was. 
Dante was an attractive guy, he was nice and funny. He seemed to always want to hang out with you and make you laugh. What a nice half-demon who was your boss. 
The veins around his neck seemed to pulse, forcing the blood to withdraw the demonic toxins within it. 
You admired the white-haired male, before going back to the papers. 
Dante woke up a few hours later. 
He tried to stretch, only to find his limbs were still stuck to his sides. 
“Ah shit.” He mumbled, yawning. His jaw popped in several places and he tried turning his head to see you. 
You answered the phone tucked by your ear as you rapidly typed out more reports. 
Once you had hung up the phone, you saw that the sleeping man had awakened. 
“Hey, Dante. You’re up. How are you feeling?” Dante sighed.
“Still can’t move.” You frowned. Even with his metabolism? 
“Aw, that sucks.” 
“Is that all my paperwork?” Dante asked, seeing the mountain of papers on the table. You slapped the yellowed papers. 
“This bad boy can fit so many missing payments.” You joked, quoting a car commercial you saw. Dante rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah, let’s all make fun of Dante.” He said. 
You went back to check a few things. Dante peered at the clock. Crap, he always forgets to fix that clock. It’s been 4 o’clock for three months now. 
Dante coughed. He hadn’t had a sip of anything for hours now and napping always made him wake up with a desert-dry throat. He also wanted to rub his eyes but once again, can’t move. 
There was a knock on the door. You grabbed your wallet and got to the door. An amazing smell hit Dante’s nose. 
You came back into his line of sight when you came back with a plastic bag
“You hungry?” You asked, opening the box of pizza you had ordered. You hummed with approval when you saw no olives. 
“Meh, not really.” 
Just when Dante wanted to be low-key, his stomach made the loudest noise. It was like a damn whale call. Mind you, he was starving after his nap. He flushed with embarrassment but tried to play it off. 
You laughed. You made your way over to Dante. 
“It’s fine, I got enough for the two of us.” Setting the pizza box on the ground, you sat next to his still paralyzed form. 
“Oh man, you totally didn’t have to-” His stomach made a louder noise at the amplified smell of baked goods. 
You laughed at his expression. 
“It’s not like I can just move and take a slice right now.” He groaned. His eyes widened when you held up a fork of sliced pizza. You absolute angel. 
“I know.” You winked. 
“Now say ah..” You teased. He smirked, opening his mouth to be fed. 
Dante felt the warm cheesy culinary creation hit his tastebuds. He reveled in the lack of olives, something he always got on his slices whenever he ordered. 
You helped yourself to your own slices between feeding Dante. 
He swallowed wrong, and coughed. He had already hid his dry throat from you, not wanting to be needy. He continued coughing like a madman. A straw hit his lip and he simply sipped it, doing whatever he could to counter his fit. 
The familiar sweetness of cola soothed him and he let out a small burp.
“My bad.” He smiled as you laughed. His eyes darted to the can of soda you put back on the floor. Holy shit. You were drinking out of that. You gave him your straw. You were cool sharing drinks with him. That was an indirect kiss. Dante was ready to implode. Before you could notice his shock, he quickly made a diversion. 
“Where did you order this? It’s a lot better than the place I order at.” He asked after another forkful. You shrugged. 
“It was this new place that recently opened up. It’s close where I live. Thought I’d spice things up a bit and pick a new joint.” 
“Have you been there before?” 
You shook your head no. 
“Yeah, I haven’t. This was my first time ordering there.” Maybe next time Dante could take you there. 
“Feeling bold aren’t we?” You asked smugly at his mumbled sentence. Shit. He did not mean to say that out loud. 
“Uh. Yeah. I am.” He sputtered. You chuckled at the devil’s sudden bashfulnes. 
Dante wished he knew when to shut up. This was one of the times he wished he could. 
“Yeah. I like you a lot. You’re really nice to me, you’re real good looking too. This is totally not how I wanted to ask you out but here I am. This is really awkward for me. You can totally say no. I’m not going to be mad. I’m also your boss so that might be weird-” 
“Tell you what-” You quickly gave him another piece of pizza. 
“Once you can move again, I’ll take you on that offer.” You winked. Dante almost choked again. 
“I like you too, if you haven’t noticed.” You added, looking away for a moment. 
He laughed. You angel. 
Once the slices were cleared and the drink finished, you cleaned up. Dante saw through the window a completely dark night. 
“Whoa. It’s super late. Are you sure you want to go out that late?” Dante asked, genuinely worried. 
You shrugged. 
“I mean, it’s not too bad. I don’t live that far-” 
“I can teleport you home.” Vergil called from the stairs. The older twin came down with his book in hand. 
“Oh Vergil. Nice to see you again. I saved you a couple slices of pizza.” You pointed to the box that lied on Dante’s desk. 
“No need. Although the gesture was very kind of you.” Vergil quickly took out the Yamato, slashing through dimensions.
“Well this is oddly convenient plot-wise. Totally lazy writing. The writer definitely gave up with the conclusion. This is outrageously well-timed.” You said, hands on your hips. Vergil gave you a look.
“Anyways. I’ll see you soon. Call me when you’re back to normal.” You say to Dante. He winks at you and makes a click noise with his mouth. He’d do the finger guns too but again, he can’t freaking move. 
You left promptly, waving at Dante and thanking Vergil. 
The older twin turns around to see his shameless brother. 
“So, how long were you upstairs waiting for her to leave?” 
“Too long. I’m surprised she took overtime just to take care of your sorry self.” 
“I’m the one with a hot date, Mr. I Got Laid Once.” 
His brother scowled. 
“If it were not for the fact that you are not a fair match in your current condition, I would have slaughtered you by now.” The Yamato was pointed in his direction and Dante blew a raspberry at him. 
“I’m going to bed. You can stay on the couch, you dolt.” Vergil snipped, going back up the stairs. The lights were shut off, leaving Dante in darkness. 
Dante smirked, closing his eyes. He can’t wait to wake up tomorrow and plan out a date with you.
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asks-shu-sakamaki · 3 years
Which comfortable spots do you like to take a nap or listen to music? It’s nothing serious and nothing wrong. Just wanna ask of what place makes it most quiet and comfortable you sleep or listen to music?
Well I have to say the legendary couch I always sleep at might be the place I nap & also listen to music and when I’m at school the floor or the rooftop is ok too
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If Reiji comes I’ll just try to ignore him tho….
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shhhlikeme · 4 years
Losty Aone” / “Losty Mountain Man🏔” Series:
Outtake Collection #9 (NSFW)
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A/N: I want everyone to meet my OC Katana drawn by @gothicbitkh 🖤HERE. Next two outtakes are not NSFW, but the drama begins omfff. Explicit smut below!
From Steamy Hot Tub to The Bedroom With Your Boyfriend 🛁 🔥
“Oh my God it’s soooo hottt,” Kusa groaned as she slipped into the tub, you and Katana following.
Koganegawa and other boys were already sitting in and upon hearing Kusa he leaned in to quietly say to Kenji,
“Yes.... yes you are....” to which Kenji agreed.
Futakuchi couldn’t help but smirk because being the true player that he was he definitely loved seeing smoking hot cheerleaders in bikinis enter his tub.
The music’s volume had lowered and the songs changed to chiller songs like The Weeknd, the tiki lamps turned on. The 30 or so people left were spread out, some chilling on the outdoor couches, some in the pool for night swimming, some by the outdoor fire place, which left you, Kusa and Katana and some other cheerleaders in the giant steaming-hot hot tub.
You had been drinking, not too much as Aone would have stopped you being the perfect boyfriend he is, but just enough to get you happy drunk.
You looked over at your boyfriend who was sitting alone on the far end of the hot tub. He looked angry like he always did, but you knew he was probably just tired from this long day. (Nah he was just horny as shit lol).
You watched him as you slipped your body in the hot water, both of you burning holes into each others figures. While he had finally removed his shirt before coming into the hot tub half an hour ago, you could never get used to seeing your man shirtless. You along with every girl in this party had their tongues wagging when he finally removed his top. But only you could properly admire him.
This chiseled mountain man had the body of Aqua Man: broad shoulders, deized biceps, a chest so hard and muscular it made you dizzy with lust to look at, and of course his legendary 8-pack that any girl was lucky to see once among three years at Date Tech. God, he was so fucking hot. How had you not noticed before?!
a reminder of what zaddy aone looks like shirtless:
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As you checked him out, Aone checked you out: his eyes zoning in on where your nipples are supposed to be, seeing the water caress just under your tits. Then when you submerged yourself under and came up with your hair wet, Aone sucked in a small breath.
As the other good looking people began a game of drunk truth or dare that you knew your bf wouldn’t take part in, you played for a bit getting more drunk. Having had a few drinks himself because you wanted him to have a bit, Aone didn’t know the drinks would make him one of those silent-drunks. But he was glad to be so calm. He just chilled and had both arms spread out on either ledge, staring at you openly with lust filled eyes. You wanted him to fuck you so bad, and he wanted to—too. He was enjoying how good the warm water felt on his sore muscles and he was enjoying even more how dead sexy you looked in your bikini. Life was good. Even in the slight darkness you could see the outline of his muscular arms as they were spread, which made you think very very dirty thoughts.
Aone’s arms were spread like:
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“Koganegawa, truth or dare.” Katana asked.
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Kanji’s eyes lit up. “Ummmm dare.”
“I dare you to tell us why you donated to our fundraiser 3 times after Kusa asked?” Katana laughed.
Everyone looked over at Kusa, who was shyly covering her face and smiling nervously. Koganegawa looked mortified, but up for the challenge. “The reason? Duh. She’s smoking hot, and I kind of have a crush on her.” He answered.
“Oh my god!!!” The girls screamed, and from afar, Aone noticed Futakuchi glaring at his setter. Hm, Aone thought Kenji would be proud.
“My turn. Futakuchi-senpai, truth or dare?”
“Dare. Always.” He snapped, seeming to be a little pissed about something.
“I dare you to give Katana two hickies on her neck.”
Kenji smirked. “No problem,”
“I miss Aone,” you pouted to Kusa during the game.
“Aw, baby,” she giggled, tipsy. “He’s over there. He looks like he misses you too.”
“Aone misses you allllll the time, Y/N.” Futakuchi answered, bringing Katana closer to him to kiss her neck for the dare.
“But I can’t leave the game!” You whined, making Aone smirk from afar. Everyone knew how competitive you were and it was just another thing that attracted Mountain Man to you. When you were drunk, your competitiveness and lostiness spiked, which Aone thought was adorable. He had you all to himself once he left this party, so he didn’t mind.
Katana giggled as Kenji left pleasurable kisses on her neck. She knew you were a horny-drunk and she wanted to help. “Why don’t you be a good friend and truth or dare her to do something to him, then?” She offered.
Kenji nuzzled his nose into the cheer captain’s neck, speaking. “Dare or Dare, Y/N?”
You beamed, drunk. “Dare.”
“I dare you to go over to your boyfriend and show him how much you miss him when he’s all the way on the other side of the tub.”
You excitedly swam over to Mountain Man in your drunken state. He didn’t move from his original position, looking like a total bad boy that you shouldn’t approach.
God, he’s so hot, you thought. You just wanted to be near him.
God, shes so hot, Aone thought at the same time, as he watched you come over. While it has gotten easier to not drop everything and stare at you like Aone did when he was crushing big time, he still enjoyed it to be honest. Sitting back and relaxing, he watched his girlfriend speak vibrantly to her friends, your gorgeous lips moving then settling in a pout... looking so kissable....damn. When he heard Kenji’s dare he’d been sightly alarmed but it didn’t show. You were supposed to show him how much you missed him......? Hell yes.
Aone flicked his eyes down to the way the bikini material clung to your body so well that he could tell exactly where your nipples were. Mountain man bit his bottom lip watching them move when you jump-pouted, missing him and excited about the dare. He literally felt like he was in one of his wet dreams.
When you climbed into his lap, feeling the water woosh toward him, his dick reminded him he wasn’t in a dream because your skin felt too real on his. You sat down on his lap normally, facing the same direction as him and Aone felt the pressure of your practically bare ass on his dick. Keeping his hands away from you in fear of what he might do, he leaned his head down to kiss your hair from behind.
“Y/N. You know I’ll need you to get off me soon.” He said huskily, sending shivers down your spine.
“No. I was dared to show you how much I miss you.”
Before Aone could react you turned around and began nibbling on his ear and Aone just sat there, wondering how long it would take for this party to end so he could ravish you—whether that be in real life or in his dreams tonight. You trailed both of your soft hands over his strong arms and then stood on your knees so that Aone’s face was level with your boobs.
He just about fainted. “Uh-ummm...”
“You’re all I can think about when you’re not with me, Aone-san....” you whispered arousingly, stroking his muscular arms.
He wanted to tell you that you haven’t left his mind since he’d first laid eyes on you 2+ years ago, but he was having trouble since your boobs were in his face.
“You are so sexy,” you whispered, sitting back down then running both hands along his hard abs. Aone’s abdominal muscles clenched under your touch.
“.....” he bit his lip as this touch-starved bb leaned into your touch. He’s been waiting for you all day.
“Did you see me staring at you when I was on the bull? The only thing going through my mind was riding your hard cock.” You admitted drunkenly.
Underwater, said cock sprung up, pushing against his swim shorts.
“Me-me t-t-too....” Aone was proud of himself for being able to say something, but the combined heat of the water and your body on his, he knew that would be the last thing for a while.
“Did you like the feeling of my mouth on your birthday?”
Did he ever. Takanobu nodded like his life depended on it.
You chuckled. “And did you like when my pussy lips were around you?”
Aone closed his eyes as he felt a shudder run through him when he thought about the one and only time you two had sex, the shudder giving you your answer. The clock was ticking, his control was going to snap soon. He kept his hands far away from you on the ledges.
You knew your boyfriend was on the edge. You also knew how good it felt when he let lose after you’d teased him past his ranks. You went in for the kill.
“Baby, do you still want me to sit on your........?”
Your words triggered Aone to move then, his eyes opening, his arms splashing as they submerged under water and made you sit down on his hard dick. He could speak now, he had to. He looked into your eyes deeply when you hissed out of pleasure.
“—On my face?” He finished in a low tone that made you squirm. “I want you to sit on my face more than ANYTHING. Right Now? Can you? Please?” He asked lowly but eagerly, as if he was a starving man and you were a dinner made by Gordon Ramsey himself.
You smiled in your horny stupor.
“Maybe I’ll let you.....when we go to your house.” you teased, causing Aone‘s bright eyes to turn midnight black from lust.
“We’re going to my house, then,” he commanded back, getting out the water gracefully and then lifting you out with him.
.....And that’s how you ended up back on Aone’s bed after the party, on round three, your own shin by your ear, doing the splits on your back as your boyfriend’s hard length pounded deep inside you. (It was like 2am at this point, and there had been a nap in between rounds one and two).
“Fuck, Y/N. Oh my God,”
Mountain Man moaned as he felt your insides grip his length, making him want to cum again even though round two just ended. Aone only wanted you to sit on his face, but you had other plans. He knew you were a cheerleader but when you told him to try this position by lifting your leg over his shoulder, he wasn’t prepared for how fucking deep he’d get inside your slushing pussy. He was in heaven.
You, on the other hand, couldn’t stop crying tears of joy? Pleasure? As he rammed into you, this position making him hit your g-spot directly over and over.
“Y/N, you are SO fucking sexy...”
“Aone, shhhhhhhh.....” you whispered, using one hand to stroke the back of his head. He was getting so loud and although he lived in a big house you couldn’t risk his mom waking up.
Takanobu leaned in to kiss your tears away as he opted to growl instead as he slowed his pace to slow down his incoming orgasm. How would he ever get used to this level of pleasure? You were made for him. Takanobu reached over to pull some more pillows under your body so that you were more comfortable as he continued thrusting into you.
“Ugh, I can’t believe this is real.”
He moaned on your cheek, brushing his lips there.
Both of your bodies were coated in a layer of sweat, which Aone thought made you look so fucking attractive he couldn’t fucking believe it.
Turning on his dom!side because you’d teased him out, Aone made you keep the monokini on the entire time, only moving it to the side by your crotch so that he could ram into you after preparation. The feel of cloth stroking one side of his dick added to the stimulus.
You still hadn’t sat on his face like you promised which ticked Mountain Man off a bit since that is one of his biggest fantasies: but that just meant he went harder during sex—and fuck if it wasn’t exactly what you wanted from him!
“Oh, baby,” You moaned as he gave you a deep lingering kiss. Aone sucked on your tongue and it neared your orgasm like a mf.
“I’m going to cum again, Aone—“
Aone’s dick twitched inside you just from hearing those words and you cried out because his twitch stroked your g-spot and it felt so good.
Takanobu lifted a bit to hover over you so that you were facing him directly. As he continued to thrust, his eyes scanned your face. When all he could see was an expression of ecstasy set there, your eyes half lidded, tears on your face from pleasure, mouth open........ His dick twitched again. You moaned. He needed to stop doing that!
“Sorry. I can’t help it. You are stunning, Y/N.. and you feel amazing. I love you so so much.” Aone just couldn’t believe this was real. His praise kink was on 1,000 every time you two had sex. The feeling of you taking his dick so well and liking it, did something to him.
While what you two were doing was very raunchy and hot, Aone’s thoughts have never wavered completely from pure fluff. He kept thinking about how much he wanted you to be his wife one day so he could spend more time learning how to pleasure you even better. Being inside you and connecting ones bodies and juices literally made his heart explode with the same fireworks he felt when you first noticed him. Even if it seemed like he was just giving you a good fucking, in his heart he was always making love to you. You could see it in his eyes......in his rough slam but then tender stroke to make sure you were okay........You could see it in the way he kissed your tears away....and asked you if any and all positions worked for you.........You could see it in the way he’d much rather give you oral than receive it......You always came first to him, it was clear even during sex that Mountain Man was devastatingly in love with you. Sex only multiplied those emotions.
Aone removed your leg from his shoulder softly moving it to wrap around his waist. He leaned down to suck on your nipple that was on display because you’d pulled down your bikini for him to go gaga over see your boobs. He sexily bit your hard bud which made you arch your back, massaging it with his tongue right after.
Holy shit you didn’t deserve such a man!
One who made you feel so good but also so cared for during sex? He literally treated you like a fucking Queen, you could feel it when he held doors for you and when he fucked you. You tightened the grip your legs had around his waist. You wanted to keep him there. You loved him so much.
Peeking down at his ripped muscles contracting, you moaned his name: Aone’s weakness.
He looked at you, pondering how he has never seen a prettier person. How the fuck were you his?! Would he wake up soon from a dream? He couldn’t actually be the cause of this flushed erotic expression you’re making? The moans of his name? Fuck, realizing and admitting that he in fact—was, made Aone want to cum, like now. His dick twitched again because seeing your beautiful face and your expressions were a sure-fire way to get him to paint your pussy walls white, even before you’ve had a chance to finish. Ugh, but as bad as he wanted to, he refused to cum first. Mountain Man pulled out of you swiftly.
You whimpered from the loss.
“Y/N, I apologize. Please turn around. I cum way too fast when I see your face, love.”
You did as you were told because you don’t think there exists a better way for a guy to ask you to switch positions. You were happy you affected your man so. You spun onto your knees as Aone stroked his cock with his hand and licked his lips when you presented your ass to him. The ass he’d been watching all day in this bikini and dreaming about, fuck. Those guys talking about you were right, He really is so lucky.
Your soft-heart, hard-dick boyfriend didn’t need to shout at you what position to get in because you were just as good as sex and knew what he’d want as well. Like the flexible cheerleader you are, you leaned your top half down, forming the perfect doggystyle back-arch for your mountain man.
“Oh my God......, Y/N.”
he growled 😩. Seeing you fold the body he worships in half, bringing your entire chest to the bed but your ass sticking up - he almost came just by watching you get into position, you were that good. You decided to tease your hopelessly horny boyfriend a little and shake your ass cheeks a bit. Whereas Aone groaned again and immediately removed his hand from his length to stall his release.
You both were so close to your orgasms the anticipation was palpable!
“Aone, please put it in,” you said softly, missing the way he filled you up so perfectly.
Your boyfriend didn’t need any more instruction. He lined his tip up with your sex and ran it up and down your slick folds before slowly pushing in, placing his hands on your waist as your vagina slowly tried making room for his size again. It always took a while to re-enter because of his girth and length. You both groaned as he pushed in inch by inch, until finally, he was balls deep, making your eyes roll back into your head.
“Yesss, fuck me,” You whined.
Aone pulled a pillow under your stomach so your back wouldn’t hurt you and he was just about to bring you both to your third mind blowing orgasms—when
He was stopped by his phone ringing loudly on his bedside table.
Your boyfriend stopped moving when he saw his phone and you growled for the first time tonight.
Did Y/N just growl?? Aone thought. So hot! 🥵
“Aone. Don’t you fucking dare.” You ordered.
Aone rubbed your sides comfortingly before using his impressive wing span to lean forward and reach his phone on the nightstand. His best friend would only call him at this late hour if it was emergency. The two of them knew that, which is why Kenji always answered at this time for Aone. It was Aone’s duty as a best friend to return the favour for once.
When Aone leaned forward to grab the phone his dick entered you completely, rubbing against your g spot before he pulled back. You moaned into the pillow in front of you in erotic agony!
“I’m sorry. Just 5-seconds Y/N, he’s my best friend and I need to be there for him. He would do it for me, then we can continue.” Answering his phone while remaining in the same position, Aone heard Futakuchi speak right away.
“You answered,” he panted gratefully.
“What’s wrong?” Aone asked, concern evident in his voice. “It’s not like you to call me at this hour at all, Futakuchi.”
“I know.” He panted. “But I don’t know if I am going fucking crazy over the past few weeks and I need you to tell me if I am or not.”
“I’m here. I’m listening.” Aone reassured.
Meanwhile .....
Down on the bed in a perfect arch cockwarming your boyfriend, you pouted. Was he really answering the phone right now?! Granted, you would have done the same thing if Katana called at this hour, but....... AONE WAS YOURS AND YOU ARE SO CLOSE TO YOUR RELEASE !!!! 😣
“Would you say.... that when you were crushing on Y/N...... you felt.... weird..?” Kenji asked his best friend.
Aone’s was confused. “Weird? Weird like how?”
Frustrated from this cockwarming, you tried your best not to disrupt your boyfriend by rocking ever so gently so that his steady dick that wasn’t moving was still stimulating you. You moaned into the pillow again. Soooo good.
Aone sucked in a deep breath, pinching your side to stop you from rocking like that.
“You okay?” Kenji asked, hearing Aone suck in a short breath.
“Y-yes. Weird like how?”
On his end of the line, Futakuchi let out a long sigh. He sounded like someone who was really going through it. “Weird like......fuck, how do I even phrase this stupid shit: .......When you heard her name, your heart drops? When she, uh, smiles at you, it’s like everything is fine in your life for that split second?.......Um, her scent is like simultaneously something that can make me want to jack-off and write poetry about? It’s hard to explain.”
The silence was deafening for you since you couldn’t hear Futakuchi freaking out. Like the minx you are you started rocking your hips again desperately wanting release, rocking harder this time so that you were sliding your boyfriend in and out of you slightly yourself.
Fucking tight, Aone thought. Your movements feeling remarkable, Aone didn’t have the power to stop you this time. He only bit his lip and tried not to let any of his moans come out.
“Futakuchi, I know this is not what you want to hear but it s-sounds like you might be in love,”
Kenji made a choking sound on his side. “Disgusting. That’s what I was afraid of, I just needed a second opinion, so that I can crawl in a fucking hole and die. I mean.....LOVE?! How could this happen to me!” He practically sobbed as if he’d just been given a life-without-parole jail sentence.
Still meanwhile....
Feeling your orgasm approaching you again, you picked up the pace, beginning to grind on your boyfriends cock long and slow, biting your tongue in order to keep quiet.
Aone threw his head back and squeezed his eyes shut. You were very skilled in sex—and It was so hot—He was going to fucking cum.
“L-love is a g-good thing, Futakuchi.” A really fucking amazing thing, especially during sex—Aone thought to himself as he felt you slide his cock deep within your heavenly walls again. His balls tightened.
“No it’s not. It turns big guys like us into simps. I don’t even recognize myself ever since I started liking her, it’s gross. I catch myself thinking about when I’ll see her next, and I went to that pool party just to spend time with her and—“
“Oh, right....” Aone bit his lip to keep himself from moaning, recalling the fact that Kenji said there’s a girl he wanted to see at the pool party. But Aone doesn’t recall seeing his friend spending time with anyone particularly new or special the whole day......
“You will come to love love once you two are together, Kenji, I p-promise. but I S-still don’t understand.....why call me now about this? At this hour?”
You had picked up the pace again, your stomach coiling because your orgasm was near. You used the mattress as leverage as you threw your ass back with your boyfriend’s cock deep inside you, driving you both toward the edge.
Kenji let out an exasperated sigh on the other line. “Because I just had a wet dream about her!!!! It’s a third night in a row. I thought they’d go away but they didnt! So now I’m calling you, and I’m freaking out. Fuck I’m as pathetic as Koganegawa!.”
Aone could hear the panic in his friends voice: making him feel awful. It was finally Mountain Man’s turn to give advice because usually Kenji knew everything—just not when it came to love. “
“That’s okay....... I went through everything you are feeling, but the good thing is that you are much more confident than I am, Kenji-san. You will get your girl so much easier...”
Not being able to stand your slow and torturous pace anymore, Aone licked his thumb then used it to stroke your clit. If he was about to cum you were going to come with him. Since you didn’t expect it, you cried out at the pleasurable touch, grinding on him faster to trigger your release.
“What was that?” Futakuchi asked quickly, hearing a distant cry.
“Erm.... nothing. It’s a cat outside. Um—so when are you going to ask her out?”
Good save.
Kenji whined in anguish at the new question. “That’s just the thing, Aone.....”
You rolled your hips at the same time as Kenji tried explaining, causing Aone to have enough.
“—S-sorry. Can you hold for a second, Futakuchi-san? I need to deal with this cat and then I’ll be back. 2 minutes.” He bit back a groan when he felt you clench around him at his cat innuendo. “Actually, 1 minute.” Aone corrected himself, muting his phone and tossing it to the side.
“Oh you are going to be the death of me, Y/N......you feel so g-good.....”
Mountain Man growled deep in his chest before he roughly grabbed your hips in his large hands and thrusted inside you: deep, hard, and fast. The way you love it.
You moaned uncontrollably, tears staining your cheeks as you were thrown over the edge into ecstasy, orgasming harder than the other two times tonight. Your moans of his name took your boyfriend with you, as he emptied out his balls deep into the condom, filling it 3 quarters of the way. Fu-uck. 😩
You both tried catching your breath as the giant collapsed beside you on the bed, you still cockwarming him.
You slipped him out of you and passed him back his phone, getting up to go get cleaned. Aone wiped the sweat off his brow before returning to his phone call.
“You deal with the cat?” Futakuchi asked.
Aone blushed. “Yes. For now..... sorry about that. So what were you saying?”
“You asked me when I’m going to ask my ew.....crush🤢....bleh...... out.”
“Oh yes! When?!”
Kenji paused for a long time.
Now that Aone’s dick wasn’t inside you anymore, he was able to think much more clearly as his blood distribution went back to his brain. Aone realized that whoever Kenji liked was really troubling his best friend. His best friend that NEVER had any issues with girls, EVER. It was strange.
“What’s wrong, Futakuchi-san? I’m here for you, you know that right?”’
Kenji groaned.
“I know I know you are. It’s just that.......when it comes to this girl.........”
“Yes....?” Mountain man pressed.
Kenji sounded defeated when he said what he needed to say next:
“Well you see the thing is......... Koganegawa has a crush on the same girl, and—“
Immediately, Aone sat up on his bed in alarm. There was no way.!
“KUSA?!” Mountain Man shouted into the phone, making Y/N drop her toothbrush out of the her mouth with alarmed eyes too.
Kenji groaned again, obviously distraught.
“Kusa.” He confirmed.
Taglist: @crushzone @galagcica @chaichai-the-weeb @nairobiisqueen @bisasterrr @juminly
Outtake #10: CLICK HERE
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rangergirl3 · 3 years
Oh my gosh...? I got the whole fic up...yes!!! WHOO!!
*slumps onto couch and takes an hour long nap*
And, just for fun, here is animated Sam Vimes, from Discworld. He’s grumpy, always in need of more sleep, and one of my favorite characters EVER. His morning routine literally includes avoiding assassins as a day-to-day event. I freaking LOVE him, you guys. <3
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