#the music needs to stop being so damn good.
hanglimi · 3 days
opposite - yu jimin
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jimin is sick and tired of the stupid, good for nothing student who keeps throwing parties in the dorm room above hers. but woah, she's the complete opposite of what jimin imagined, and really hot too.
TAGS - jimin x f! reader, fluff, college au
WARNINGS - substance use, swearing, suggestiveness,
A/N - this is really dialogue heavy, and i can't tell if that's a bad or good thing.
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“oh my god, does this ever fucking stop?” ningning whined as she sat atop jimin’s bed, her feet crossed over each other, laptop thrown onto one of the multiple pillows.
jimin threw her friend a questioning look over her shoulder. the girl was acting crazy, and she had no time to engage if she wanted to finish the paper her professor had given her weeks before. the longer she left ning alone, the better chance of there being no continuation to the conversation.
“seriously, jimin! this is driving me insane.”
“what the hell do you mean, ning,” she groaned, laying her head down on her table.
“the dorm above you! i can genuinely feel the ceiling shaking with how loud the music is, and it’s been like this everyday this week!” ningning was practically hyperventilating at this point, and sure, while jimin thought she was being a tad bit dramatic, she also had a point.
but unfortunately, jimin had gotten so used to the girl above her, and her endless parties, that she barely noticed it anymore.
“here.” she reached down into her backpack by the base of her desk, grasping around in the pockets for what she was looking for. she finally felt it’s wire as she pulled it out of the bag and threw it over to her friend, glancing back down at her respective laptop.
“earbuds? really?”
jimin ignored her question, getting back to work. If she wanted to pass this class before the end of the semester, she had no time to idly chat with her friend, no matter how much she loved her.
“jimin!” ningning screamed again a couple seconds later, her head in her hands. “how the fuck do you live with this?” she curled into herself on the bed, as if that would help with the walls literally bouncing with each bass hit from upstairs.
“remind me to never come to your dorm again. from now on, we're studying in the library,”
jimin simply giggled at the comment, tuning out the bass boosted audio and her best friend’s whining.
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“damn, jimin!” aeri said, snatching the girl’s phone from her, pausing her music so she could hear what was happening, “how loud do you need your music to be to actually hear it?”
jimin gave her a sneer, and reached back for her phone, but it was just so far across the table, and minjeong was faster than her, grabbing it, and pocketing it. aeri chuckled at her struggles before slapping a hand over her mouth, slowly turning her head towards the front of the library, hoping she wouldn’t get a third warning from the librarian just today.
“her eardrums are probably nonexistent because of the bitch above her,” ning noted as she scrolled on her phone, obviously distracted from what they actually came here for.
“you’re still on about that?” jimin drawled, dropping her head and leaning down in her seat, giving up on trying to retrieve her device. “and was i the only one still on task? it’s literally only been thirty minutes, guys.”
“on about what?” minjeong asked, leaning into the gossip, “who lives above jimin?”
“dude, if i knew what her name was i'd tell you.” ningning sat up, getting ready to entertain her. “all i know is that she throws a party like every other day, and plays overly obnoxious bass boosted music. and the RA of their floor just doesn't care.”
“jimin’s on the fourth floor, right?”
jimin nodded at aeri’s question. she just wanted to finish the discussion, and get back to studying, but her friends obviously felt otherwise.
“oh my god, jimin, i fucking know who that is! it’s that y/n chick,” aeri said, laughing, but her eyes widened as she heard the loud shush of the librarian.
“as i was saying, everyone on the fifth floor despises y/n, like genuinely hates,” she said.
jimin groaned as the three of them continued to talk about every single rumour y/n was involved in, and she pressed at her eyes with the palms of her hands until she started seeing dots.
“i’m literally the one who lives below her, and i don’t care this much,” jimin complained, adjusting her body so she was sat in the chair properly. “unlike you guys, i actually have things to do, so give me back my phone, minjeong”
they all groaned at her words, minjeong muttering as she handed the device to the girl’s outreached hand.
“you’re such a buzzkill, jimin,” aeri let out a sigh, shaking her head.
“yeah, fucking buzz killer,” ning followed up.
“buzz kill~.” minjeong sang, giggling a bit with the other two girls at the end.
“shut up!”
the librarian near the main entrance lowered her glasses down her nose at the outburst, glaring at their table. “you four girls over there! out!”
jimin made sure to flip her friends off as she snatched her things away from the table, walking back to her dreaded dorm, with a huge headache caused from the three.
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it was never this bad.
like sure, jimin would often notice how loud y/n’s music was, but she never really got this mad about it. it was only a passing thought usually, but today, she couldn’t ignore it. and somehow, her body betrayed her, leading jimin out of her dorm, into the elevator, and facing the perpetrators door.
she knocked once, letting precious seconds pass as she stood in front of the dorm room, tapping her foot against the floor, slipping into the beat of the drums that was in the song playing from inside the room. no one answered, even though she could tell from the yelling that there were at least ten people in there. she let out a deep exhale through her nose, and raised her fist to knock, hitting the door again.
jimin waited there a little bit longer, still tapping her foot to the song as her mind wandered to how she would deal with the infamous y/n. she waited for what she thought was eternity before she got impatient, and raised her fist to knock again, but before she could make contact, the door swung open.
“who are you?” the girl who opened the door asked, while jimin strained to hear her over her overbearing chewing of gum. the stench of liquor infiltrated her nose from the open door, and there was a light fog covering the room, hazing up her vision of any furniture in the dorm. the loud music was piercing her brain now, closer than ever, and it was making her headache stronger.
“is y/n here?” she asked in response, but the girl only stared blankly at her, continuing to chew. jimin’s jaw clenched at the lack of reaction, but assumed y/n's friend couldn’t hear her over the music.
“is y/n here!” she repeated much louder, leaning closer to the girl’s ear, but the girl shoved her backwards immediately, and sneered at her.
“i’m not deaf yet, bitch. i was just trying to figure out if you were one of her exes,” the girl scolded, leaning an arm on the doorframe and turning her body to face the inside of the dorm.
“y/n! did you invite one of your flings to our party again?” the girl screamed into the fog while jimin scowled at the back of her head. apparently, y/n responded, because she turned back around to face her after a couple of seconds. “y/n will be here in a few,” and she shut the door.
jimin already hated the girl, and she didn’t even know her name.
the door reopened after a few moments to who jimin assumed was y/n, and her heart leapt out of her chest at the sight. the girl was the complete opposite of how jimin thought she would appear, and she couldn’t believe she fell for what aeri had said before. the clothes she wore leaned to the pink, feminine side–her tank top a cute combination of red, pink and yellow–and she wore a pearl necklace to accompany the soft vibe. the look was coupled with a pink cardigan over top, which was falling down to reveal one of her shoulders.
jimin was definitely gawking at her too long, because the girl cleared her throat in annoyance.
“what do you need?” the girl’s voice was also the complete opposite of her look, siding more with what jimin had thought y/n would be like originally. the deep, rough tones of it scratched her brain in a way she never imagined before, and she almost melted right there on the spot.
“oh yeah! i’m so sorry about that. my name is jimin, and i live on the floor below you, right under your room, which is actually pretty cool, huh.” jimin stuttered through her introduction, her face heating up at the intense staring contest y/n had her locked in.
she quickly averted her eyes, wanting to look anywhere else but the student's face, “anyways, it usually hasn’t been a problem but-”
the girl cut her off, rolling her eyes at the long winded explanation. “i get it, you want us to lower the volume of the music, right?” she drawled, and her tone grated against the headache jimin had, further enhancing it.
jimin nodded her head rapidly.
“well we can’t.” y/n started, lifting her hand up to take a look at her nails which were–once again a contrast to her voice–painted a mix of pink and yellow. “not that we can’t, just that we won’t.”
jimin cocked her head in confusion, “you… won’t?”
y/n stood there, still observing her fingers, “you heard me the first time, cutie,”
even though she was slightly infuriated, she felt her heart jump at the pet name, and warmth rushed up to her cheeks once again, but she quickly shook away the feeling, steeling her face in anger.
“what do you mean by ‘you won’t’” jimin said, crossing her arms over her chest.
“exactly what it means, babe. we’re having fun, and if it’s really bothering you that much, you can leave the complex for a couple hours.” y/n finally looked away from her nails to stare up at jimin, giving her a smile, as if she was trying to soften the words.
“uh, no the fuck not.”
the girl’s eyes flashed with something jimin couldn't recognise, and y/n stood up straighter, a smirk playing on her lips at the words.
“so you stand your ground, huh?” y/n noted aloud, eyeing jimin from head to toe. “how about you come in here, and we can party together?”
“fuck you.” jimin said.
“that’s what i’m asking for,” the girl replied in a dull tone, rolling her eyes.
the girl was annoying her, and the constant flirty jokes weren’t helping jimin’s case either. she couldn’t tell if she wanted to feel flustered, angry, or perhaps a mix of both.
“i’m gonna get the RA on you. you’ll be kicked out of the dorms, or probably even the school considering the amount of weed i smell off of you right now.”
“you wanna talk to the RA about me?” y/n laughed loudly at the statement, covering her mouth with her hand, as she turned around to face the fog.
“hey, chaewon! come here,” y/n screamed over the music that was still playing, and she stood aside after a bit, letting chaewon pop her head through the door.
“meet the fifth floor’s RA!” the annoying girl cackled, doubling over at the look on jimin’s face.
the girl was wasted–jimin could tell by the dazed look in her eyes, and how she had to lean against y/n to stabilise herself.
“don’t tell anyone i’m here.” chaewon slurred, and hiccupped, slowly raising her pointer finger to press it against jimin’s lips, but she missed, and ended up poking her in the eye. “or we’ll all end up in trouble.”
“shit!” jimin exclaimed, pressing a hand to her eye trying to soothe the pain.
y/n’s mouth curved into a smile, and jimin couldn’t tell if it was from her pain or chaewon’s actions. she lightly pushed chaewon back into the room while telling her to ease up on the drinks, and came back to face jimin straight on.
“see what I mean?” y/n said, shaking her head at jimin’s poor attempts, further belittling her.
jimin scrunched her forehead up in thought. she wasn’t going to accept defeat, and let this go–that wasn’t who she was–and she didn’t want to see y/n’s stupid hot smirk again anyways.
“if you lower the volume of your music, and keep it there” she gulped, “i’ll do anything that you want me to.”
“really?” y/n eyes widened, “if so-”
“nothing sexual, of course.” jimin cut her off before she had the chance.
y/n giggled in response, “well then.”
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listofwhyyouloveher · 23 hours
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Synopsis: You'd always been good at breaking things, eating up boys and spitting them out, so when your friend bet 12 dollars on the fact that you couldn't play Dallas Winston like chess, you had to accept.
Summary: You weren't dumb, you'd never try to go after someone who couldn't be broken, so why'd you choose the tuff greaser Dallas?
Warnings: swearing, alcohol
Author's Note: P1, P2
There were about 2 hours between now and the party at Buck's. You'd chosen one friend to go with you and now you were sitting in her bathroom getting ready.
Buck's parties were the talk of the town, only a certain standard could get in, so you needed to pull out all the stops.
You held a hot curling iron, styling your friend hair while simultaneously blending your foundation.
"You know, maybe this isn't a great idea," you friend spoke, trying not to move as to not burn herself. You scoffed and moved the iron away from her face, her hair falling in a perfect curl, matching the rest of her hair.
"What's not a good idea?" You ask, pretending to be oblivious as you searched for hairspray.
"This whole, "get Dallas Winston" plan you've got going on," she said, taking the spray from you and dousing her hair in it.
"Why not, I've done it to plenty of other guys before?" You smiled, waving your hand infront of your face to stop the spray from reaching your nose.
"Yeah, but that's other guys, this is Dallas Winston." She threw her hands up at his name and you sighed. You put your blush on the counter and turned to her.
"I appreciate the concern, but I know he can be played. If that bitch Sylvia could do it, I definitely can too." You said, reminiscing on Sylvia before she up and left Tulsa with another guy. She'd been one of the other girls that shared your status, but never to your level of course. In the food chain, she was an anglerfish and you were the Great White. Or at least that's what you saw.
"Damn, Sylvia got him?" She asked, wide eyed. You nodded,
"She used to tell me that she'd get the tuffest greaser to fall for her, I didn't care at that time because I only went for socs" you chuckled. "Dumb broad," you ran a hand through your hair but stopped yourself halfway and mentally scolded yourself for ruining your hair.
"Come on Y/n, we're gonna be late," your friend grabbed your hand and led you out of your house.
Buck's was just like every other house party that was being thrown, except maybe more sleazy, which was probably the draw to this place. You could get away with a lot more than at a soc party. You slid through the crowd searching for something you could recognize, a drink, a chair to sit on, or the dance floor. Finally you found 2, a guy offered you a free tequila and you stumbled out onto the dance floor.
You suddenly felt the draw of these kinds of parties, it was dirty and grimey but by god, did it get you smiling. You were dancing to the music, lost in the alcohol and lights when a hand slipped around your waist.
"Hey," a deep New York voice sobered you up quickly. You looked up, a loopy smile playing on your lips.
"Hey," you said, raising your arms so that they were around his neck, still dancing.
"What's your name?" He asked,
"Cute name,"
"Whats yours?"
You looked up at the lights strung to the ceiling, your heart pounding in your ears because of the alcohol.
"Dallas Winston?" You asked and you felt him laugh. "Been lookin' for you," you murmmured, letting the alcohol consume you.
"So I've heard," he wrapped another arm around your waist, letting them droop slightly, like an untightened belt.
"Heairng doesn't change the fact I was lookin' for you," you drunkenly ramble.
"Wasn't hidin'" he said, tilting your chin up to finally get a good look at him.
Your eyes widened in awe, to say he was the tuffest greaser in Tulsa was an understatement. God, Sylvia knew what she was doing, you thought to yourself, watching this gorgeous man's face shift into a smirk.
Maybe for once you'd bitten off more than you could chew.
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arcane-strangeness · 3 months
finished watching Fiona and Cake tonight and then watched Distant Lands :Obsidian and oh. the brainrot is back again.
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rudeboimonster · 11 months
claws into the earth. if you ever want to talk music with me good GOD please do. i want to foam at the mouth about albums and musicians i like and i wanna hear about the ones you do too. inbox is always fucking open holy SHIT
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gayemoji · 4 months
jesus fucking christ.
#abt wilbur.#abuse#this is largely going to be my rambling immediate largely self centric thoughts so . yknow keep scrollin if you dont want that.#i have nothing meaningful to add to the conversation except watch shelbys vod.#at first i only saw wills tweet bc my brother told me about it#and i thought it was about his EX ex girlfriend or something so i brushed it off like 'oh okay damn a general misunderstanding'#then i searched tumblr saw shubble. found her vod . jesus christ.#hes always poked fun at himself being like 'yeah im shit and manipulative'#so theres always been a nagging. ick . in the back of my head. but never enough to actually. stop myself from liking his content/music.#so yeah. another lesson in 'no no red flags exist for a reaosn. listen to your instincts is a saying for a reason.'#all the love and support to shelby. her candidness & how obviously much she HAS been able to grow past THAT SHIT is genuinely inspirational#not that she needs to be inspirational etc. etc. its just good to know she'll be okay. shes in a good place. thank god.#all the stress for wilburs content friends. whether theyve been manipualteed whether theyve whatever i hope theyre . making good choices.#i say give them time. ik theres a lot of creators immediately coming out. therell be a lot who have to process this shit.#there'll be a lot whove. knowinigly / accidentally been complicit. theyre individuals treat them as such.#personally i just . have not cared about m a n y dsmp era mcyt for a W H I L E . so im happy to detach forever at thsi rate.#i havent been in the mcyt sphere for a hot fucking minute now. i hope youre all doing okay.#this shit hits weird. its okay to feel weird. if you want somewhere to vent my dms the replies on this post the tags are all free and open.#don't stew in it. you dont have to fear feeling selfish or self-centric or shifting the spotlight. you need to let that shit out.#thsis hit sucks !!!! a bunch of his/lvjy songs are comfort songs for me.#idk what the fuck to do about that. my immediate /want/ is to burn it. but thats easier said than done sometimes#if youre gonna 'separate the art from the artist' at least fucking pirate his music. youtube to mp3 that shit.#you can add local 'on your computer' files to spotify.#seperate art from the artist by seperating his monetary gain of YOUR consumption of it as much as possible. /AT LEAST/.#but also good luck separating his largely personal art from him.#im not tryna be condescending im in the same boat.#fucking white whine in a wetherspoons is no. 2 on my panic attacks playlist.#thats not his to take from me anymore. but ik if i listen to it ever again itll make my skin crawl.#ofc its not about me. its not about us the unaware fans. and im glad to know for sure now hes a REAL piece of shit.#m
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piplupod · 11 months
urgh. i feel like my brain needs to bathe in acid or smth. fry off like four layers of it and maybe the rest of it will be workable
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calliesmemes · 4 months
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   Currently considering becoming a bother and a nuisance, maybe even a menace or a rascal. ”
“   Hungry? Eat the government. ”
“   Yes, I wanna fuck after every argument. ”
“   Silence, you uneducated peanut! ”
“  They should invent a being alive that isn’t so difficult. ”
“   Women have to think I’m hot or none of this matters. ”
“   Due to personal reasons I will be named an enemy of the state. ”
“   Being overdressed is a myth made up by people who didn’t want you to have fun and be sexy. ”
“   What even are daddy issues? Just traumatize your father back. ”
“   I LOVE complaining! You can’t take that away from me! ”
“   I went to the silly goose convention and they all knew you. ”
“   I’m simultaneously ‘I’m tired of this grandpa’ and ‘that’s too damn bad!’ ”
“   The word ew coming out of a pretty girl’s mouth holds so much power … I think that it can tear apart nations. ”
“   Someone made fun of my shoes and the whole time I just thought of ways to push them out the window. ”
“   If you’re short, simply get taller. ”
“   I better think twice? Buddy I don’t even think once. ”
“   My off putting looks, awkward demeanor, and strange behavior have captivated you. ”
“   There’s something deeply, fundamentally wrong with you. Can we kiss? ”
“   You are a fool. When you walk, clown music plays. ”
“   I mean yeah he’s evil and all but what if I were his favorite? ”
“   I really do hate thinking. ”
“   In my defense, I simply do not vibe with the law. ”
“   I’ve done nothing wrong. Except all the atrocities. Besides that, I’m innocent. ”
“   Sorry I couldn’t hear you over my internal monologue. ”
“   Of course you have white hair and trauma. ”
“   So apparently the bad vibes I’ve been feeling are actually ‘severe psychological distress’. ”
“   Stop calling me a bad person just because I’m orchestrating your downfall! ”
“   The more lip gloss I collect the longer I live. ”
“   Sorry that I am obsessed with you in the unhealthiest way possible. As if it's my fault ”
“   The multiple failed assassination attempts against me have helped build both character and self esteem. ”
“   I could be your loser boyfriend. Do you ever think about that? ”
“   Accidentally went and got myself killed yesterday, but god wont let me die so I’m back ”
“   What do you mean napping isn't a good coping mechanism? What do you mean my problems are still here? ”
“   Academic validation is required for my sanity. ”
“   RIP to everyone killed by the gods for hubris but I’m different and better. Maybe even better than the gods. ”
“   Researching the stages of grief to see if I can get them finished in ten minutes tops. ”
“   My parents were like I’m gonna make a child that is so beyond help. ”
“   It’s not easy to admit when you’re wrong, and that’s why I won’t do it. ”
“   Why can’t this family ever have a funky good time? ”
“   How do I show people that I’m more than my unethical career choice? ”
“   I fucked my way into this mess, and I’ll fuck my way out. ”
“   You look so biteable today. ”
“   Why am I suffering? I have so many correct opinions and takes. ”
“   Challenging authority, angering gods. The family business. ”
“   Third base is me telling you about my father. ”
“   Hey girl. Plagued by terrifying visions? ”
“   Got caught giving a fuck. Embarrassing. ”
“   I didn’t ‘miss’ the red flags; I saw them and thought that they looked sexy. ”
“   Do my dark circles and deteriorating health make me look hot? ”
“   I get my news from the only reliable source, cryptic symbolism in my dreams. ”
“   Another day of being a bisexual disaster. ”
“   I’m going to let myself be a little unhinged today, as a treat. ”
“   Some of you act like murder is such a big deal. ”
“   You wanna hunt me for sport so bad that it makes you look stupid. ”
“   You’re not a girlboss unless you’ve killed someone. ”
“   It’s so weird how no one ever has correct opinions about things except for me. ”
“   Hello, my love — I mean, my rival ”
“   No one is calling me baby and it’s outrageous I can’t believe it. ”
“   No talking stage. Mutual obsession and you see god in my eyes or nothing. ”
“   Yes baby your emotional walls are high and impenetrable can we kiss now? ”
“   Affection is disgusting. Drown me in it. ”
“   I am gatekeeping my respect from you. ”
“   Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions. ”
“   I am equal parts fuck around and find out and please don’t yell at me I’ll cry. ”
“   Short legs, big butt. I’m a corgi. ”
“   Fuck being the bigger person; I’m going to start biting people. ”
“   Well that wasn’t very slay of you! ”
“   May I please get a crumb of affection? ”
“   I crave power! Please don’t yell, though; I’m sensitive. ”
“   You call it a near death experience; I call it a vibe check from God. ”
“   Here are some scissors. Now cut it out. ”
“   Might commit a little tomfoolery, maybe even some shenanigans. ”
“   All these flavors, and you choose to be salty. ”
“   How can I live, laugh, love in these conditions? ”
“   What if I said ‘to be honest’ but then lied? ”
“   I'm financially at a stage where I understand why people do fraud. ”
“   Yes I may be evil and morally corrupt, but I’m also incredibly beautiful and I think that makes up for it honestly. ”
“   Debates are stupid. Why would I want to sit down and argue with someone blatantly dumber than me? ”
“   I forget but I do NOT forgive.. I'm just walking around hating bitches can't remember why ”
“   Ding dong your opinion is wrong! ”
“   I’m coming for your kneecaps. ”
“   You dropped your nose you fucking clown. ”
“   Are you a fire alarm? ‘Cause you are really fucking loud and annoying. ”
“   Call me an escalator, because I let people down. ”
“   I love me a good lesbian scandal! ”
“   If you can’t run away from your problems, you’re not running fast enough. ”
“   Everything I want to do is illegal. ”
“   Don’t make me hit your ankle with my Barbie scooter! ”
“   I tell gay jokes because I am a gay joke. ”
“   Fuck! I dropped my mental stability! ”
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burnmywholelifedown · 2 years
what did rina sawayama put in hold the girl? cause it keeps hitting like a drug. it's probably the trauma let's be honest.
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prettyfastcars · 6 months
dangerous, tainted, and flawed | Dark!Mob!Lando
Summary: You met your husband under disturbing circumstances a couple of years ago. Your home was under attack one night, by one of your family’s rivals, and Lando – one of your father’s allies – came to help. He found you in your bedroom that night, and managed to save you but unfortunately no one else in your family survived the attack. You were distraught after that night, having lost everything, but Lando took care of you. Eventually, you two fell in love, he proposed, and you got married. Your life has been perfect ever since. Sure, you missed your family but you thanked the gods everyday for Lando. However, you didn’t know the whole truth about that night, did you? 
Themes: dark!lando, explicit language, smut, fluff, mentions of death, loss, and violence, possessive!lando
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“Baby?” He called out, “I’m home.” 
His voice echoed in the foyer. 
The house was so spacious that often you couldn’t hear him when he called out for you, and he knew that. That’s why instead of calling out again, he followed the sweet smelling scent and the soft music instead. Both came from the kitchen; the smell of warm muffins and a soft woman’s voice singing about chemtrails over a country club. 
Lando leaned against a wall quietly for a minute, smiling to himself as he watched you moving around in the high-ceilinged, farmhouse style kitchen. You didn’t know he was here yet. You were busy mumbling the lyrics of the song while chopping veggies, probably making dinner and baking muffins all at the same time. 
Cooking calmed you down, ‘It’s therapeutic’ you once told him. And he’d been married to you for not too long but he knew that this is what you did whenever you had a long day at work. You were a successful gallerist and often you had to deal with snobbish people, or ‘young money kids who had no true appreciation for art’ as you also told him. 
He let his eyes take you in. You were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, prettier than anything you’d ever exhibited he often told you, but the way you squirmed in embarrassment told him that you didn’t really believe it. That’s fine though, he’d spend a whole lifetime reminding you of that anyway. 
Once he was done ogling, that damn pale pink corset top of yours driving him insane as it was, he finally walked up to you and surprised you by wrapping his arms around you from behind. “There you are, baby,” He said, shoving his face into your neck and giving you as many kisses as he could. 
You giggled and tried to get away as he attacked your neck with kisses and soft bites but he tightened his grip around you. 
“Fuck, you smell so good.” He groaned, voice muffled now that he was nuzzling your neck like he always does. “I missed you so much.” 
“Lando,” You laughed, “I’m holding a knife!” You squealed, laughing and still trying to escape his ticklish kisses before any one gets hurt. “Okay you seriously need to shave, that stubble of yours hurts.” You managed to get him to stop. You placed the knife down and turned to face him as you leaned against the counter, caressing his cheeks as you cupped his face in your hands. “Too rough.” You commented, rubbing your fingers across his barely visible, but spiky stubble. 
He raised an eyebrow at you, his handsome face lighting up with mischief. “Is it?” He teased, “You weren’t complaining about it being too rough this morning.” He leaned in to whisper into your ear, purposely rubbing his cheek against yours, “Were you, baby?” 
Ah. This morning… 
You woke up feeling… funny. You opened your eyes and found that your husband wasn’t in his usual spot beside you on the bed. Instead he was busy down there, between your legs. You lifted the soft covers and found him looking up at you with nothing but desire and trouble in his eyes. 
You let out a soft moan when he held your stare while kissing your clit, and sucking on it before letting go. “Morning, baby.” He whispered, then got back to eating you out like he was starving. 
You threw the covers off and slid your fingers into his hair instead, “Lando…” You whined, the pleasure taking over you. “I’m gonna be late for work.” You mumbled, already feeling yourself getting to the edge. “I have clients waiting for me, you know? I have meetings, and…” You gasped, forgetting what the hell you were talking about in the first place once he began fucking you gently with his tongue. 
Damn his tongue and soft lips. 
Lando chuckled, a cocky look in his eyes when he pulled away and asked, “Meetings and what, baby?” 
“Don’t be a tease,” You groaned, shoving his mouth back to where you wanted him. He chuckled before working his tongue against your wet slit, his fingers slowly sliding in and out of you until you came with a soft cry. 
But he wasn’t done yet… 
Lando smirked as he looked at you, surely thinking back to this morning as well. 
You rolled your eyes at him. “You did get me late for work, you know?” You shook your head, turning back around to focus on the food that you were making. “Then there’s that anonymous collector,” You sighed. Lando wrapped his arms around you from behind again, placing his chin on your shoulder and gently swaying you side to side as you ranted a little bit. “I don’t mind them, whoever they are,” You said, “I do sell them a lot of stuff but why can’t they just show their face? It’s weird, you know, having a client without a face.” You sighed, “And then a really important meeting got cancelled. And one of the artists’ whose work is about to be exhibited soon is being a real brat.” 
Lando hummed, occasionally kissing your neck and shoulder as you complained a little more. “I’m sorry you had a tough day, baby.” He mumbled, kissing around your ear, “Want me to handle this collector for you? Or the artist?” 
You chuckled, knowing the nature of your husband’s work and his temper, “No. Please don’t.” You added, “I love my work, it’s just a bad day, that’s it.” 
“Okay,” He kissed along your exposed shoulder, “Then how about a bath? You want that? Or how about some wine?”  
You leaned into touch, “Bath for later,” You said, “The wine for now, please.” 
“Yes, my lady,” Lando let go of you with one final kiss on the side of your head.
You watched him as he left the kitchen. He took his suit jacket off and rolled the sleeves of his white shirt up to his elbows. Then before he turned to head to the wine cellar, he gave you a wink, acknowledging that he gave you a little strip show. You shook your head at him. 
Once alone in the kitchen, you smiled to yourself as you thought about how far you and Lando had come in just a few years. 
Your smile faded into a sad one as you thought about the day, or night rather, you first met him. 
The sounds of gunshots and screams woke you up. You couldn’t hear anything but the chaos outside your bedroom. Bullets, screams, orders being shouted, furniture being wrecked, glass being broken, more screams… all of it muffled as you ran into your walk-in closet and hid in the dark. 
You couldn’t stop the silent tears from streaming down your face. You knew what this meant. It was an ambush. And you also knew that a few hours ago might have been the last time you saw your family. You just hoped they made it out alive. But no one was barging into your room yet… this meant that the fight was happening downstairs. 
You cried some more as you heard more yelling, more gunshots. 
This life, this family you were born into came with situations like this. Your father told you this since you were a child. He was well-known amongst gang leaders and mob bosses, which meant he had more enemies than friends. Sometimes those two were the same people. But your father had kept you hidden for most of your life, away from all this. 
The only reason you were even home tonight was because it was your birthday. You’d begged your father to let you celebrate it at home with everyone… 
You didn’t remember passing out in that closet. You didn’t know what happened or how you were found, just that you were. And when you woke up, you were face to face with a handsome young man with pretty eyes who reassured you that you were safe. 
He said he and his family were friends of your father’s. And that he was sorry but you were the only survivor of that attack. Your family was gone, your house was gone. All was gone. 
The year which followed was the hardest of your life. Grieving, dealing with so many losses, moving on with a heavy heart, getting the help you needed, finally learning how to stand on your own feet again… you couldn’t have done it without Lando. 
He was your rock. Always there when you needed to cry, to share a laugh, to make silly jokes, on days when you wanted to spend hours in bed, on nights when you had nightmares, on days when you felt light and happy, on days when your heart broke all over again, on days when it felt like you were finally healing, he was always there. 
He was a busy man, but he made time for you. 
Falling in love with him was easy. The easiest thing you’d ever done. So when time came, and he got on one knee and asked you to marry him, saying yes was the easiest thing you’d ever done. You knew you were both young, but he was it for you. 
Becoming his wife felt like a dream. Like you were a real princess marrying her knight in shining armour, the one who saved her from every bad thing and promised to protect her fiercely forever. Except your knight wasn’t altruistic, he didn’t come on a white horse and with a sword. Yours was dangerous, tainted and flawed. He came with power, money, guns, and expensive cars. 
“It better be thoughts of me that you’re lost in and not that anonymous collector,” His voice brought you back to the present. “Otherwise I might have to hunt them down and make them disappear forever.” Lando joked as he handed you a glass of your favourite red. 
You leaned against the counter, facing him as you took a long sip. Then you said, “I was thinking about you actually.” 
That cheered him up immediately. “Yeah? Do tell then.” 
You smiled faintly. “Just thinking about how lucky I am that I have you.” You avoided his eyes after. You always did whenever you felt slightly emotional. You always tried to seem stronger than you felt in the moment. 
Lando placed his glass down and came over to wrap you in his arms immediately. Somehow, he always knew when you needed a hug. You wrapped your arms around him and let out a sigh, your heart already feeling lighter just by being in his arms. 
“I’ve got you, baby. Don’t worry.” Lando said softly, his familiar scent already making you feel better. “You’re safe here, with me.” He reassured you. Lando knew you still had a fear somewhere, about being attacked like that night. But he often also reminded you that he was the most powerful man in this city, and no harm was coming your way as long as he lived. 
He often wondered whether you realised how lucky he felt that you were his. That night, when he found you passed out on the floor in the walk-in closet, something in him shifted. He knew he had to keep you safe, always. 
“Thank you,” You murmured against his white shirt. 
Lando pulled away to look down into your eyes. Fuck, he hated it when you cried. It felt like he was being torn apart. He quickly wiped that one tear which barely escaped your eyes and said, “You never have to thank me for taking care of you.” He said with a slight frown. 
“I know,” You whispered and pulled him in for a kiss. A slow, gentle kiss that quickly turned into a heated, passionate one. His hands grabbed you by the hips and pulled you into him, so you could feel the very prominent bulge in his pants. 
It made you whimper just feeling it. “Fuck,” You mumbled against his lips, “Will I ever stop wanting you like this?” Your shaky hands reached down to undo his belt, then just as you reached for his zipper, your stomach grumbled so loudly you were sure all the guards outside could hear it too. 
You both froze at the sound of it, then burst out laughing. Lando threw his head back and laughed so carefreely that you fell a little bit more in love with him at that moment. You didn’t think that was possible, but here you were. 
“I would love to bend you over the counter right here baby,” He chuckled, “but I feel like we need to get some food in you.” He said, kissing your cheek and pulling away to look at you as you tried to hide your face in embarrassment. “Hey, look at me.” He grabbed you by the chin and lifted your head up. “Let’s eat, and I’ll fuck you later. Okay? I promise.” 
You gave him a shy smile, “Okay.” 
After a light dinner filled with more laughter and easy conversations, Lando helped you with storing away the cooled off muffins before the two of you finally got into that bath, with another bottle of wine. 
You carefully poured some more wine into your glass before leaning back into Lando’s chest. You sighed again, settling against him. This was your happy place. Scented candles, dimmed lights, warm bath, wine, and of course, the love of your life. 
But then as always, Lando could never keep his hands to himself. It always starts out with innocent touches, along your arm, kissed on your shoulders… then he gets more and more demanding. His fingers caressed your inner thighs until you were squirming against him, his kisses turned into playful bites making you whine and whimper. 
“You never behave.” You mumbled teasingly, closing your eyes and letting him caress and touch you however he wanted. 
“How can I?” He whispered against your neck, “You’re too beautiful to resist.” 
You let out a soft moan when his finger carefully slid inside you. You whispered, breathlessly, “Remember we flooded the bathroom the last time?” 
Lando groaned, pulling his hand away. “Fine, fine. I’ll behave.” He let out a sigh as though you’d asked him to give up breathing. 
You chuckled at his dramatics. 
The two of you ended up staying, soaking until the water got cold. Then went about your respective night time routines before finally getting in bed. Right as you lifted the covers up to get in, Lando grabbed you by the arm and pulled you into him. 
“Ah! Don’t even think about it. We both know you’re gonna start snoring the moment your head hits those pillows.” He pushed you down on top of the covers and tickled you until you were breathless, your satin robe coming undone in the process and exposing your naked body underneath. “Plus, I promised you something before your belly began braying, didn’t I?” 
You shoved him playfully, arguing, “It didn’t bray!” 
Lando pinned your wrists above your head and leaned in for a quick kiss. “Pretty sure the guards will ask me if we brought in a pet donkey tomorrow morning.” 
“Lando!” You laughed, trying to get out of his grasp but he was stronger than he looked. 
He ended up shutting you up with a kiss, his bare chest pressing down against yours. His skin was damp, the chains around his neck were cold, he smelled incredible. He was all you wanted. So you wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him closer. 
He moaned into the kiss when you arched your back, pressing up against him. When he pulled away to look down at you, his stare was fiery, his pretty eyes filled with lust. 
“I love you, you know that right?” He asked. You noticed he often did. 
You nodded quickly. “I know.” You smiled up at him, “And I love you.” 
He smiled before leaning in for a quick kiss before his mouth slowly moved down your body. Kissing along your neck, biting your breasts, kissing down your stomach, your hips, your thighs. 
You lifted your upper body up onto your elbows and met his intense stare. His pretty eyes really were your weakness. Your safe place. Your comfort. Perhaps because when you woke up after that traumatic night years ago, those eyes were the first thing you saw. They’d been your favourite thing since. 
Lando held your stare as he spread your legs further apart, settling in between them. 
He pressed his lips to your inner thigh, his mouth getting closer and closer to your core, you tipped your head back, sighing quietly as you felt his breath against you. You couldn’t help but slide your fingers into his soft, slightly damp hair.
“You’re all mine.” He whispered, his tongue slowly circled your throbbing clit, parting your wet folds with ease. His shoulders parted your legs further apart as he leaned closer. He slowly brought a finger up to your clit, sliding it agonisingly slowly down your slit, parting your wet folds again. 
You trembled under his touch. “All yours,” You sighed in bliss as he slid a finger inside you, stroking your walls gently while he placed his mouth back on your clit.
“Does my face feel too rough now, baby?” He asked. And chuckled proudly when you were only able to moan in response. 
“No…” You gasped, breathless and wanting more even as he teased your clit and finger-fucked you gently. That damn stubble of his rubbed against your poor inner thighs over and over again but you moaned in pleasure despite it all. 
You squirmed and moaned and gasped under his perfect touch. He knew you and your body too well by now, and soon, you were coming undone all over his tongue, your walls clenching violently around his finger. Your fingers scratched his scalp as you tugged harder on his hair as you came.
You were still catching your breath as Lando left small kisses up your body before he hovered above you again, staring deep into your eyes. 
“Please…” You begged, wrapping your legs around his waist again. “I need you in me.” 
Lando gave you a cocky smile before kissing you once again, the taste of you on his tongue still. You didn’t mind the roughness of his stubble this time, but you growled into the kiss because you were impatient and all he did was kiss you over and over again. 
“Impatient, are we?” Lando chuckled at your little growl, not breaking the kiss as he slowly slipped inside of you, groaning into the kiss as he went.
You gasped as he filled you up, all of him stretching you out and fitting nicely inside you. You couldn’t help but moan into his mouth as he moved his hips the slightest bit, making you whine at the feeling of his cock slowly moving in and out of you. 
“Fuck baby, you feel so good…” He groaned, his grip on your body tightens, possibly leaving bruises on your hips and thighs but you didn’t care. 
You would never get bored of this you realised. Of him, his touch, his warmth, his kisses… you were so glad he was yours. 
You could feel your walls clenching around him as he sped up and pounded into you, to a point where the only thing you could focus on was the feeling of him moving against your body. Nothing else in the world mattered. Your long day at work was forgotten, nothing else existed. Just you and him. 
“So fucking good…” He whispered, pounding into you relentlessly, as he bent down to bite your lower lip. 
You moaned at how perfect his lean and muscular body felt against yours. Your legs trembled as you wrapped them tighter around his waist. His thrusts were relentless and unbearably good. You closed your eyes as you felt the pressure around your lower body; tight and hot.
Lando smirked, looking down to where his cock disappeared into you each time he thrust in. “Look at you, baby,” He whispered, “It’s like you were made just for me.” The possessiveness in his voice only made you clench around him again. 
You were unable to say anything because of how good he felt sliding in and out of you. The familiar pressure formed at your core and you whined again when his fingers found your clit while he pounded into you mercilessly.
“Come for me…” he whispered and that was all you needed to hear before you came undone all around him again. Whimpering and back arching off the bed as you came hard around his cock.
He kept pounding into you as your orgasm washed over you, your walls squeezing him violently. Your body trembling under his intense gaze. He watched you in awe, lips parted, breaths in rags, heart racing. 
He almost came as well. But then he slowed down, pulled out and stopped for a moment. He caught his breath, and held back from coming no matter how much he wanted to. He needed to make you come again, he needed to hear you moan for him again. 
“Turn around for me, baby,” He spoke, caressing your thigh as you struggled to sit up. “Come on,” He urged, “Face down, ass up. Come on, baby.” 
You did as he asked, your hips and ass up while your face was pressed against the bed. You were still catching your breath when his hand reached around and touched you in between your legs, his fingers rubbed around your clit and made you tremble and moan given how sensitive you were. 
His body bent over yours, his warm, damp chest pressing against your back as he kissed your shoulder and the back of your neck until his mouth reached your ear, “I know you’re tired, my love,” He whispered, kissing the side of your face while you caught your breath, “But I need you to come for me again. Can you do that for me, baby?” 
You nodded slowly. Lando hummed in satisfaction as he kissed along your shoulder before gripping each side of your hips, and pushing into you from behind. 
Your body was sensitive from earlier, so you whined and whimpered as he filled you up again. Your fingers gripped the covers beneath you tightly, and your mind was foggy, everything was floaty as he pounded into you. 
You reached your high quicker this time, moaning his name and coming undone just a couple of minutes later. 
You felt his thrusts becoming irregular, faster, his cock throb against your walls violently. He groaned and growled as he came, his body wrapping around you from behind. You both fell on your sides, catching your breaths and calming your hearts down. 
“You okay, pretty girl?” He asked, spooning you from behind. 
You could only nod as he kissed you on the back of your neck. 
“You did so good for me, baby.” He murmured, “Now let’s get in bed, yeah?” 
You were pretty much limp after that. So Lando cleaned you up, then himself and then got the bed ready while you just laid there with a smile on your face watching him. He ended up having to tuck you in as well, since you refused to move. 
Lando playfully groaned, “I spoil you too much.” He said, getting on his side of the bed before pulling you close to cuddle under the covers. “People warned me against spoiling my wife too much.” 
You were already half asleep at this point. Damn it, he was right about you falling asleep the moment your head hits the pillows. But still you murmured, more like slurred, “Didn’t they also tell you to shave else your wife will have burns on her inner thighs?” 
Lando chuckled, rubbing his cheek against yours purposely again, “Okay fine, I’ll shave tomorrow. Happy?” 
“Hmm,” You mumbled, already drifting off to sleep. Safe in his arms as you’ll always be. “You better,” Lando chuckled at how you desperately tried to stay awake. “Otherwise I’m gonna run away.” 
With that you were gone. Your breathing changed so Lando knew you were surely asleep. Soon you’ll start snoring softly. He leaned down and kissed your forehead. 
“Silly baby,” He whispered as he adjusted the covers so you were properly warm. “You can’t run away from me,” He whispered against your forehead as he cuddled you, wrapping his arms tighter around you. “There’s a tracking implant in your arm.” 
Then he let out a soft chuckle. “Of course, you don’t know that, do you?” He cooed, “Hmm, baby?” He kissed your forehead again. “There’s so much you don’t know.” He caressed your cheek as you began snoring softly just as he expected. 
He had always found it adorable. He continued whispering to you, knowing you couldn’t hear him. “There’s so much I have to keep from you. I hate lying to you, but it’s for your own good, baby.” 
He kept caressing your face as he spoke to himself, “Like how you mistook me for your saviour that night.” He sighed then admitted, “I was the one who attacked your father’s house. I was the rival. Then I had my men search the house after everyone was dead, and they found you unconscious and brought you to me.” He let out another sigh, pulling you closer. “You were so beautiful, baby. Even with dried up tears on your face. You were the prettiest thing I’d ever seen. And I vowed to never make you cry after that night. It was the last time, I promise.” 
He paused. Then continued, “Your dad was such a pain in my ass, baby. I’m sorry I killed him. I’m sorry I killed all of them. I’m sorry I never told you the truth. How could I? You would hate me forever.” He placed a kiss on your nose, “But look,” He murmured, “All that shit brought you to me. And aren’t we happy together?” 
He let out another chuckle and said, “Wanna know another secret, pretty girl? I’m your anonymous collector. I have a warehouse full of the pieces you exhibit.” He confessed in the darkness and the silence. “I mean, what kind of a husband would I be if I don’t support my wife’s career, huh? Everything I do is to make you happy.” He leaned in to kiss your forehead again. “I love you so much, baby. It drives me insane.” Then he chuckled and added as an inside joke to himself, “Or maybe it did drive me insane already.”
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st4rymoon · 1 year
𝘚𝘢𝘺 𝘪𝘵
*+:。.。 Miguel x afab Reader
Summary - Miguel finally had time to visit your universe , little did you know Dr. Strange would stir up some jealousy inside Miguel.
Warnings - 18+, unprotected, language, semi-public sex?, ass smacking, cream pie, jealous Miguel, pet names [doll, sweetheart, honey, good girl], mirror sex. Strange flirts with you in front of Miguel…, possessive Miguel, pussy eating, edging, teasing
Continuation of this series! (Pt.4) → Consequences
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Miguel finally worked things out so he could visit your universe, Jessica happily volunteered to take care of everything while he was gone. She was thrilled to finally see Miguel happy, blabbering about you, he wouldn’t shut up about how excited he was to see your life.
You were anxious about him seeing your universe, the both of you have been together for around 7 months. Although you were supposed to take Miguel with you when you first went back, an incursion began to form in another universe but as always, Miguel fixed it.
But now that everything is settled and Miguel finally asked if he could go and see where you grew up you happily obliged. The only thing he was silently dreading was being introduced to Dr. Strange.
You suspected from the first time you met Miguel that he idolized Dr. Strange due to his fascination but it turns out it’s quite the opposite. Miguel knew about the mess other Stranges have caused, yet Dr. Strange was talked about like a cryptid or folktale.
The other spiders claim to have met Dr. Strange yet Miguel doesn’t seem to believe them since he’s never personally met him.
“Ready?” You smiled as you walked up to Miguel. He was tense, he’s done this thousands of times, traveling through the universe was like breathing to him but he felt like his heart was about to explode.
“A little nervous” he chuckled. “Nothing to be nervous about, let’s go”
Once the both of you arrived, Miguel wasn’t as tense. Your universe wasn’t very different from his which he liked. “I have to go check up on my sister, please don’t bring up any of the spider stuff up… she doesn’t know” you awkwardly smiled.
“Of course, my mouth is sealed” he winked as he wrapped his arm around you “Lead the way”
You made it to your sister’s apartment, you could hear her music blasting from inside. Your sister was the wild child, being only 3 years younger than you she got up to much more mischief even with you being a human spider.
You knocked on the door, once, twice, and still no answer. Finally, you knocked loud enough causing the door to fly open “YOU ARE HERE!” She yelled, jumping into your arms and pulling you inside.
“You must be Miguel? My dear sister won’t stop talking about you when she’s here. Always Miguel’s this, Miguel, that it’s annoying” Your sister smiled as she hugged Miguel.
“I’m flattered” Miguel Chuckles as he returns the hug. “Also I forgot to tell you that wizard guy came looking for you, he said to call him whenever you could” your sister nodded.
Your eyes grew wide. Why the hell was Strange needing you? You automatically think it’s something horrible, he usually never contacts your family if he was looking for you.
“Strange came over? Did he say anything?” You questioned “Nah he just said you work for him at his museum thing and he needed help finding a book” she shrugged.
Shit. It must’ve been that damn book of Vishanti he’s been bothering you about. He had you fetch it for him as a ‘sorry I went to another universe and fell in love with another spider’ apology gift.
Strange was pissed when he found out what had happened but surprisingly said it was meant to happen anyways which was something you’ve never heard strange say.
“Hey, sis? Would you mind if I go see what Strange wants? I promise I’ll be back, I’ll even bring you some ice cream” You smiled with a dramatic grin and your eyelashes fluttered as you looked at her.
“Ew don’t do that and yes you can” she shooed you away as she walked back into her kitchen. “Nice to meet you, Miguel!” She waved as something popped into her oven.
“Fuck! My cupcakes” she whined as you closed the door behind you.
“So what do you think strange wants with you?” Miguel asked as soon as you both were out of the apartment “I’m not sure honestly, the only thing I can think of is the book of Vishanti but I’m not 100% sure why” you sighed.
“You’ll finally get to meet him though! He’s um…. Let’s just say passive-aggressive as a heads up” You rubbed your arm as you looked over at Miguel. You couldn’t imagine the disaster that would happen if both of them got into a fight.
Both stubbornness and believing they are always right is something they have in common. “We’ll see how we get along” is all Miguel mutters.
You made it to the sanctum, the giant building standing tall as you look back at Miguel “Ready?” You smiled “Yup”
You walked into the giant building, it was completely silent as both you and Miguel’s footsteps echoed through the building. “Strange what the hell do you want!” You yell as you look around.
“Hey sweetheart” you hear Stranges voice boom from the left. You rolled your eyes as he walked into view with a confident stride. Strange's pet name wasn’t new to you, you don’t believe he says it in a flirtatious way, more of an enduring way. “so this is that Spider-Man right? Are you as annoying as the other spiders coming in and out of there?” Strange teased.
You can see Miguel’s jaw clench tight as Strange walks down “Can you be nice you shit, yes he’s my boyfriend” You scoff as you move towards Miguel.
Miguel didn’t say a word as he stood there, arms crossed and jaw clenched. “Anyways what do you want Strange” you hiss while pointing a finger at him “Just wondered where you were is all, it’s boring around here with no spiders especially when my favorite one disappears for a while, how couldn’t I miss her?” He teased.
“If you went and bothered my sister just because you missed me I can get 5 other spiders here right now if you want, you’ll surely be occupied” You shrugged.
You could hear it in a stranges voice that he was purposely trying to make Miguel mad. “No, but when will I have you back here?”
“You act like you don’t call me whenever you need help, I was rarely ever here. I don’t know if you're acting this way because Miguel’s here but don’t you ever flirt with me.” You hiss.
“Gosh, I’m joking! Wanted to see if this spider had the temper everyone was talking about” Strange laughed out in amusement.
Miguel was silent, you know he was fuming inside by how red his eyes were. “Let’s go” you seethe as you drag Miguel out by the arm.
He doesn’t move. He stands in the same spot, staring at Strange with narrow eyes “Do you have a bathroom?” Miguel blurted out. “Uh yeah it’s to the rig-“
“She can show me” Miguel Blanty replies as he drags you by the arm “Miguel let’s go you can go at my sister's” you whispered.
“Where’s it at?” he asked as held onto you close. “I- this way” You gave a confused look as you pointed him to the restroom.
Before you could turn he pulled you into the bathroom with him. “God he pisses me off” Miguel groaned as he buried himself in your neck. A shaky moan spilled out of your mouth as his actions took you by surprise.
“What’s up with you?” You chuckled as he lifted you onto the sink. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders instinctively as he began to rock into you.
“I don’t appreciate him disrespecting both of us like that” he sighed, his arms running up your thighs as you kissed down his jaw. You had a clue of where this was going and you loved it.
“Think I should fuck you loud enough for him to hear huh? Let him hear how pretty you sound when you're begging me to cum in you? I think I should” he purrs.
You whine at his words, your hips bucking to his as his hand snake onto your throat “yea…” you pant out, already out of breath from how fast your heart was beating.
Miguel knew the power he had over you, he could have you melting in his touch within seconds. You hummed in pleasure as his fingers unbuttoned your jeans “You want it doll? Say it, tell me what you want” Miguel coos.
“Yes” is all you could get out as he tugged your jeans down, tossing them onto the ground “Yes what sweetheart?”
You could feel your cheeks burning in embarrassment. Where you really going to fuck Miguel in the sanctum? It wasn’t professional on your part but you couldn’t help but feel turned on as Miguel whispered dirty praises in your ear.
“Fuck me” it came out desperate and pathetic, Miguel loved it more than you can imagine. He chuckled at your response, obeying instantly as he pulled your panties off.
You were struggling to get his pants off, the need making you jitter while you unbuckled his belt. He leaned in for a kiss, Moaning into your mouth as he tossed your hands to the side and removed his belt and pants in seconds.
“How can I resist something this gorgeous huh? Look at you” he mocked as he held your face up to his and chuckled at how red your cheeks were. He ran two fingers down your folds, groaning at the wet sound of your cunt when he plunged his fingers inside you.
You let out a shaky moan as he shoved two fingers into you, pulling them out with a smirk as he licked them clean “Taste so good” he purred before kneeling to your pussy.
“Miguel please need you inside me” you pleaded “Shh doll you’ll get what you want, patience” his arms wrapped around your plump thighs, tossing them onto his shoulders as he lifted you to his face.
You leaned onto your elbows, staring at Miguel as he stared at your pussy in awe. He licks his lips hungrily before burying his face into your cunt. You let out a loud cry as he licked and sucked on your clit, fingers tangling into his hair as he moaned into you.
Your head fell back onto the mirror, back arched off the counter as Miguel lapped at your soaked pussy “Why’re you covering your mouth huh? Let him hear you” Miguel seethed as he looked up at you.
He ripped your hand away from your mouth, using one hand to keep your hands pinned onto your stomach and the other to keep you from squirming.
You never got tired of the way he held you down so easily, you didn’t know it was possible for someone to keep you still with only 2 hands but Miguel made sure you knew he could.
Your moans grow heavy and loud as you feel your stomach fluttering, the back of your heels digging into his back as your thighs squeezed around his head.
He moaned at the feeling of your thighs locking him in and before he knew it your orgasm washed over you. That little add of vibration of his moan tipped you over the edge causing you to let go.
“That’s right baby, let him know” he mumbled as he pulled away from your thighs. His mouth and chin were covered in your slick, his lips connected to yours as he pulled you onto him.
You pulled at his boxers, dragging them down to his knees causing his cock to spring out onto your stomach. You clenched around nothing as you noticed how big he was on your stomach.
You had no idea how he always managed to fit inside you, even when you felt like he was splitting you in half. Your hand wrapped around his cock, aligning his thick tip onto your hole.
He pushes in softly, hands on your waist as you buried into his chest. Loud groans came from both of you as you wrapped around his cock perfectly, your nails digging into his shoulders as he picked up his pace.
“Migu- mi-“ you stuttered as he looked at you in admiration, his eyes watching the string of spit from your sloppy kiss drip down your chin as he fucks you brainless.
“Yeah doll?”
You didn’t know why you were saying his name, you had nothing to say. You just bounced along with his hard thrusts as he stuffed you full. He switched positions quickly, turning you around and lifting your ass in the air.
“Want you to look at yourself, look at how pretty you fucking look” he hummed. You were met with your own fucked out reflection, cheeks burning red and saliva all over your mouth as you stared at yourself in the mirror.
He didn’t waste any time pushing into you, his fingers digging into your hips as he watches your reflection in the mirror. Your eyes connect to his, a smile formed on his lips as your mouth hung open at his new angle.
Your eyes rolled back, your hands holding onto the counter as he fucked you hard onto the marble sink. “Oh m- my” you moaned out “who makes you feel this good huh? Say it, who?” He cooed, his hand palming your ass before his heavy hand slapped onto you.
You moaned at his smack, your body jerking as the new feeling made you clench. “Miguel” you panted as he picked up his pace “Not loud enough honey” he seethed, earning another harsh slap on your ass.
“Miguel, you Miguel please please I- I’m so cl- fuc” you whine out as his hand snakes onto your clit, his fingers impressively playing your body like he’s done it all his life.
“Huh?“ he grunted “I can’t hear you doll” he clicked his tongue after his words, his pace slowing as he looked as if he was going to pull back “NO! No Miguel please I- Im so close don’t stop pleas-“ you cry out. You were so lost in the pleasure you didn’t realize why you were even fucking in the bathroom.
You forgot about the whole strange situation, your pleads and begs echoing in the bathroom as you thrust onto his hips for friction.
You hated being edged, he knew that but he loved seeing you like this. Fucking yourself onto him when he decides to tease. His eyes burned into you through the mirror, your teary eyes looking up at him as he rubs your ass.
“Good girl”
He thrusts into you once again, this time his fingers playing with your clit with precision. His name spilled out of your lips, your hand wrapping around his wrist as you felt yourself reaching your 2nd orgasm.
His free hand pinned your hands onto your back, giving him a better grip for him to slam into you even harder. The pornographic sounds of slapping skin and moans fill the room as you stare at yourself in the mirror.
Your eyes fluttered as you felt yourself shake, tears streamed down your face as the orgasm hit you hard. Miguel’s eyes watching your tears stream down as you moaned his name was something he could never get tired of.
“That’s it doll, let it out. Let it alll out” he hummed. His eyes glued onto your pussy, the wet sticky slick sticking and stringing onto his lap with each thrust. The white ring forming around his cock made his eyes roll back, he felt himself twitch. “Shit b- ba- doll fuck”
His body slouched forward as he thrusts harshly, his fingers holding your hips as he took in your tight walls. His heavy pants and groans sounded like music to your ears, you lazily looked up at him and his messy strands of hair stuck to his face.
He dropped onto your back, kissing your shoulders as he filled you full of his seed. He stayed inside for a few seconds, waiting to come back to earth before pulling out of you. He watched as he spills out of you, the white warm liquid dripping down your thigh making you shiver as you heavily panted.
Your hair was a mess, eyes puffy and red, and cheeks burning. Miguel looked just as fucked out as you did, his lips puffy from the amount of biting he did, hair sticking to his forehead, and cheeks blushed.
“Don’t you look pretty?” He coos as he leans forward to grip your face, teasingly moving it side to side as your droopy eyes stare at him through the mirror. You chuckle at his actions, slumping completely onto the counter as you eased your heart rate.
“You okay?” He smiled at you as he lifted you back up “mhm” you nodded as he pulled you into a kiss.
Miguel grabbed some paper towels, turned on the sink, and cleaned you up. He cleaned himself up soon after, collecting his leftover seed and shoving it inside you with his fingers before putting on your panties “Make sure we don’t miss any” he cooed.
You stood up straight as he buttoned your jeans back up, you held yourself onto the counter as you watched him buckle his belt. “I need to fuck you in front of mirrors more”
You stood anxiously as the actions you both did sink in. You just fucked your boyfriend. In your boss's bathroom. Well, could you call him your boss? You didn’t know but you considered him one.
“Hope he heard all of it” Miguel chuckle as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder before pushing the door open. As soon as you walked into the hallway your eyes darted around, waiting for strange to appear and say something.
Both of you walked to the stairs, seeing Strange walking over awkwardly as Miguel smiled at him “We found the bathroom, thanks. Nice meeting you” Miguel cockily smiled as the both of you walked down the stairs.
“He knows you’re mine now”
Tag-list: @tati-the-fangirl @mxtokko @taleiak @zelzablues
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jinwoosungs · 6 days
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labor of love.
kenji (ken) sato x fem.reader
ken sato had never known the joys of being pampered and cared for in his adult life-
that is, until the moment he meets you.
you were someone he believed he never truly deserved; a woman who was far too giving, far too kind for the likes of him. yet against all odds, you were someone who remained by his side, knowing of his struggles with taking on the responsibilities of ultraman while maintaining his status as a star baseball player.
you kept him grounded; filling his days with joy when the weight of own personal world was on the brink of collapse as you gave him an unconditional type of love. he never had to hide his emotions or his true self from you when things got hard-
and he loved you dearly for it.
coming home from practice with his team, ken parks his motorbike on his driveway, settled directly next to your car as he smiles at the sight of it. knowing you were already home fills his heart with joy as ken walks with a noticeable bounce in his step up to his house.
his keys weren’t even inserted into the keyhole when the front door suddenly opens, revealing your beautiful features to him. ken smiles, calling out your name with a fondness as you eagerly welcome him into your embrace. “kenji! you’re home…”
he chuckles and wraps his arms around you, stepping into the living room with you still clinging to him while locking the door in the process. “yeah, i’m home, babe.” he brushes his lips against your hair, watching as you scrunch up your nose in response.
“gross, ken, you smell musky and damp.”
feigning offense to your words, ken ends up wrapping the entirety of his limbs around your form, earning a series of giggles from you. filled with affection and a playfulness for you, ken ends up leaning the entirety of his weight on your back, making you let out a grunt as you dragged him with you into the bathroom.
“you’re such a big baby, ken…!”
“yeah? well i’m your big baby, sweets.” ken finally loosens up his hold on you, bringing you back into his powerful embrace when his eyes take in the sight of his bathtub filled to the brim with warm water.
ken could feel his muscles aching with need from the sight, the memory of his coach’s training regimen coming back to him in full force as he let out a loud groan. “babe, for real? you did all this for me?”
“of course i did, you big baby.” you hum while peeling off the rest of his clothes, not stopping until he was bare for you as you carefully lead him into the tub filled with piping hot water. as you help him get into the tub, ken lets out a hiss in response before visibly relaxing, letting out a sigh before submerging the entirety of his body beneath the waters.
“honey, you shouldn’t have… but i ain’t gonna start complaining now.”
your constant giggles were like music to ken’s ears as he felt your hands massaging at his shoulders, working out all the tension his muscles had developed during practice today. “baaaabbbby damn, this feels so good. you’re spoilin’ me too much.”
his voice was drawn out, letting out deep grunts and purrs of your name as you continued to treat him with your massages. when you were certain he was satisfied, you turn away from him and grab his trademark beer, cracking open the can for him while silently beckoning your beloved to take a hold of it.
“holy shit, what in the hell did i ever do to deserve you?”
you giggle again and give him a loving smile, carefully wetting his dark strands of hair before lathering it with his favorite shampoo. you work on massaging his scalp, basking in his groans before admitting to him, “what can i say? my beloved is a star baseball player and ultraman; of course i’d wish to spoil you, kenny.”
ken visibly blushes at the sound of your nickname for him. he lets out a gentle scoff, trying to hide his embarrassment by taking a sip of his beer. the smile was heard from your voice, and you continue to wash his hair until he was satisfied.
after helping him rinse off his hair, you carefully dress your boyfriend in his signature silk robe, pressing a chaste kiss against his lips before leading him back into the kitchen. “sit at the table and i’ll heat up dinner for you.”
ken hums, but stops you from moving when he grips at your wrist to press another chaste kiss against your lips. “you know how much i love you, right?”
“of course i know, you dweeb. i wouldn’t have stayed by your side if you weren’t as crazy about me as i am about you.”
ken rolls his eyes upon hearing your words, but couldn’t stop the blush from deepening against his cheeks. finally, he lets you go and allows you to heat up dinner, continuing to take casual sips of his beer all while eagerly waiting for your return.
within the next 15 minutes, you come back to the dining table and place a piping hot plate of omurice in front of him, drawn with a cute ketchup heart on top of it. feeling like he was on top of the world right now, he gives you a grateful smile before digging into his food, telling you how delicious it tasted as he practically devours his meal within seconds.
not only was his stomach full, but his heart as well. ken was filled to the brim with so much love for you that he honestly felt as though he were living in a dream. as if mesmerized by your tender love and care, ken simply follows you without saying a word, allowing you to take his hand before leading him back to your shared bedroom.
you slowly take off his silk robe, helping him get into his shirt and sweatpants before beckoning him to get into bed. he does so with a low grunt, his handsome features slowly upturned in a smirk before teasing you.
“heh… i’m surprised you haven’t pounced on me yet with the amount of times you’ve seen me naked…”
you roll your eyes at his attempts at seducing you, “don’t be ridiculous, ken, you’re exhausted and mentally drained right now.”
ken merely hums in response, his eyelids starting to grow heavier while yawning. once he was tucked in, you had every intention of finishing up some chores around the house when ken manages to stop you, his large hand gripping at your wrist. you look back at him with a smile, hearing him mutter to you, “mmm stay….”
“you want me to stay with you?”
cue ken giving you a sleepy nod.
“but i’ve got dishes to clean.”
“fuck the dishes.”
you let out a gasp when ken takes advantage of his strength to pull you back into bed with him. he lets out a satisfied hum, allowing you to rest your head on his broad chest. the sound of his calm heartbeat against your ear makes you visibly relax, finding comfort within his warmth while being surrounded by his scent.
“you’re spoiled, you know that, kenny?”
“hmph… y’love me anyways.”
you giggle and nod, pressing a kiss against his chest. “you’ve got me there, kenji.” was your whispered reply, but by now, you were certain that he had fallen asleep. you could feel the way his chest rose and fell in tune with his breathing, making you smile in response.
with a sigh, you cuddle your body closer to his, feeling your eyelids grow heavier before falling into a peaceful slumber. for the next several minutes, silence was heard, and only when ken was certain that you were in a deep sleep did he open one eye to look down at you. remaining ever so careful with his movements, he takes a hold of your left hand and makes a note of your ring finger, already imagining the perfect engagement ring for you.
he lets out a gentle whisper of your name before pressing a kiss against your left ring finger. “i hope you’re ready to be mine forever, babe, because there’s no way in hell i’m letting someone as good as you go.”
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a.n. - ken is so cute tbh tbh, i can’t stop thinking about how cute and soft he looks in ultraman rising 。゚(TヮT)゚。
all stories are written by rei; reposts, translations, and plagiarism are not allowed.
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greatdenimbeast · 3 months
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Diamond Castle au- introducing, Shadow, Muse of History, Astrology and Astronomy
Once a mortal in ancient Greece, moulded from clay by an inventor and brought to life by the blood of a god, he spent his years caring for his ill sister, Maria. Doing his best to assist his creator in finding a cure. Since the blood of god ran through his veins and, seeing that his existence was a miracle in of itself, it stood to reason that he could be the miracle that helped save her
Cuz he was quite literally born yesterday, his sister loved to tell him stories about historic events, tales of gods and heroes to teach him about the world and how it cane to be. She was a damn good storyteller too, always leaving Shadow craving for more.
His favourites were the ones related to the stars, the constellations, so much so that Gerald noticed and taught him how to properly chart them
Maria wasn’t allowed to leave the house, her grandfather fearing that the elements would be too much for her and that often made her sunny demeanour dull and, looking to cheer her up, he did his best to find ways to brighten her mood until found one that worked
He entertained his bed-ridden sister with tales of history, of old dead heroes, of gods, of prophecies, things that he had picked up from local traders and travellers when he was out running errands for Gerald.
Maria was enthralled by them, hanging off of his every word
“The island of Crete truly holds such a monster?”
“It’s travellers gossip, but who’s to truly say.”
He wasn’t as good of a storyteller as she was but he did keep record of every story he could, and Maria loved it so that was all that mattered
As Maria got worse, Shadow started praying and giving offerings to the god Asclepius and the god Apollo, he doubted they would come to his aid but if there was a chance they could help he wanted to be sure.
But it was getting harder to cure her, some of the medicinal herbs they needed grew far off and the merchants that brought them to the markets to sell them kept marking up the prices out of greed. So Shadow, who had been blessed with inhuman speed, was sent off to pick the herbs himself, allowing him the opportunity to venture and see more of the world and bring back more stories, even making a few of his own, slaying a few monsters on the the way
The soldiers for the nearby king didn’t make it easier, tormenting the people for laughs, outright stealing, sometimes outright killing people when they refused to cave to their demands. Gerald was always being pulled away from his work for a cure to craft machines and statues for the king, the only reason the soldiers were unable to harm him or Maria when he refused was because of Shadow being there to protect them.
This became an issue when the king decided that he wanted Shadow
Soldiers stormed the house and workshop, taking the inventor prisoner, dragging him away to the castle and as Shadow tries to get Maria to safety she pushes him out of the way of blade and gets stabbed through her stomach
Shadow blacks out.
When he comes back, his hands are covered in blood, the bodies of dead soldiers litter the floor, his ears are ringing.
The only other breathing Shadow could hear besides his own was the shaky, laboured breaths of his older sister
He rushed to her side and examined her, the wound was deep, too deep. He tried his beat to clean up the blood but he could barely see what he was doing past his own tears. As he did he prayed, to his other father, to Apollo, to any god that would listen, to please save his sister, to not let her die
Then Maria’s hand squeezing his stopped him
“Sh…Shadow… o-one more story…”
“Maria please, please, i have to treat this, I won’t let you die, i won’t let you, i can’t let you die!”
“One…one m-more… please?”
“…okay… okay, one more story.”
So he shakily told her a story, about the fabled diamond castle, the birthplace of music, home to the museum of music. He struggled to remember parts of the story but Maria shakily helped him fill in the blanks
Then as the story concluded, Apollo made his presence known and applauded the two on how exemplary their storytelling was. It turns out Shadow has gained Apollo’s attention for a while, ever since he started praying to him and he had an offer for him
He wanted him to be his muse, an inspiration, a god. Initially Shadow wanted to refuse until Maria winced and coughed in his arms, then he got an idea
“…Lord Apollo I will accept this honour on one condition, that you heal my sister of her wounds and her ailment so that she may live as freely as she wishes.”
Apollo accepted these terms and gave Shadow, ambrosia (the food of the gods). It burned away his mortality and left him a god
And Apollo fulfilled his part of the deal, healing his sister, and did Shadow one better by turning Maria immortal so that she may be Shadow’s attendant to assist him in his duties before whisking them both off to the diamond castle
50 years later Shadow meets the next muse
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marlenesluv · 10 months
book lover. (LN)
summary: you’re a booktuber, always posting about your books, coffee, music, and of course, your amazing boyfriend, lando norris.
warnings: none!
note: i’ll probably write another book reader for daniel as well. (the polls were close and idk i think they’d both be cute.) also, another note, haley pham, sara carroli, and destiny sidwell are bookstagram/youtubers, so keep that in mind while reading. this is for my taylor swift and books lovers, cuz me too.
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
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liked by: landonorris, haleypham, and 246,275 others
y/n.user: “and it would’ve been sweet, if it could’ve been me”
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landonorris: are you breaking up with me????
|> y/n.user: HUH??
|> landonorris: the caption??????????
|> y/n.user: thats a taylor swift quote, lan. and it’s about the book i’m reading
|> landonorris: you NEED to update me on these posts before you post them
|> oscarpiastri: he was literally running around the paddock thinking you were mad at him
|> y/n.user: oh no, my baby 🙁🫶
haleypham: i cant wait for your new video :))
|> y/n.user: :))
|> booksfan: Y/N AND HALEY COLLAB????
georgerussell63: how on earth did you take a picture of your phone with your phone…
|> y/n.user: that’s not my phone….
|> georgerussel63: we’ll it isn’t landos?
|> y/n.user: i have other friends besides lando
|> landonorris: *boyfriend*
|> y/n.user: right, he’s also my only boyfriend
readerpop: live, laugh, love, y/n <3
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liked by: y/n.user, danielricciardo, and 346,015 others
landonorris: my little book worm🫠❤️
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danielricciardo: what book is she reading, lando?
|> landonorris: i think “the tales of the housewives”?
|> y/n.user: i’m reading THE HANDMAIDS TALE LANDO
|> landonorris: i was close
f1wagsupdates: OUR book worm, actually
landonorris.fanpage: they are too damn cute
carlossainz55: mate, i think she rather read than be with you rn😬
|> landonorris: she said she’s “escaping reality”
|> oscarpiastri: so “escaping you”
|> landonorris: what
formula1.fp: cutest f1 couple
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liked by: landonorris, des.sidster, and 251,947 others
tagged: haleypham
y/n.user: new video out with haley!! we read, drank wine, played uno, and suffered listening to lando and ryan talk about football🙁
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haleypham: literally, suffered. but at least we got reading time
|> y/n.user: so true
f1.edits: am i obsessed with the fact that y/n gives us lando snippets? yes, yes i am
|> y/n.fans: just wait, she said a while ago that she’s posting a video from game night with the grid
|> y/n.fp: is that even still happening??
|> y/n.user: mwahahaha, soon
|> y/n.fp: i think i j shit my pants omg
landonorris: everyone go watch my girlfriends new video!! she’s so pretty and cool and awesome and sexy and funny and adorable and etc
|> charles_leclerc: there isn’t a better promotion for this video
|> y/n.user: thanks lando! my boyfriend is also so pretty and cool and awesome and sexy and funny and adorable and etc!
|> landonorris: you think i’m pretty?🥹
|> y/n.user: my pretty boy
|> landonorris: ive passed out
|> maxfewtrell: YOU BROKE MY BSF
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liked by: y/n.user, carlossainz55, and 401,284 others
landonorris: date nights consist of book shopping, reading, and y/n taking pictures of me in a golf cart!
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y/n.user: good thing you’re the photographer in this relationship
|> landonorris: and you can read enough for the both of us
f1wags: cuties are being cuties
bookstagram.edits: so y/n has GOOD book taste, i see
alex_albon: i think y/n has an eye with the camera
|> landonorris: don’t lie, alex
|> lilymhe: at least y/n can read
|> y/n.user: GO OFF QUEEN LILY✊
formula1updates: pls pls why are they so sweet, WHY AM I SINGLE
carlossainz55: how did you manage to get a girlfriend who reads and deals with you
|> y/n.user: he offered to buy me books, so i give him gf content
|> carlossainz55: ah yes, this makes sense
|> landonorris: thats not funny
|> y/n.user: hehe
|> landonorris: let’s see how “hehe” that is when i don’t cuddle you tonight and throw ur books away
|> y/n.user: NO MY BOOKS
|> carlossainz55: AHHHAHAHA MATE OMG
|> landonorris:…..cuddles……
f1xupdate: omg the comments HELP
y/n’s instagram story:
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seen by: landonorris, maxverstappen1, and 324,048 others
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liked by: landonorris, saracarrolli, and 399,824 others
y/n.user: “he was sunshine, i was midnight rain” (lando its just a t.s. song lyric i love you.)
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landonorris: i love you more☺️
taylorswift: you guys are adorable! i wish you nothing but happiness and love <3
|> pierregasly: uh oh, taylor broke y/n….
|> des.sidster: OMG Y/N TAYLOR AHHHHHHHH
|> maxverstappen1: lando. your girlfriend is glitching
|> landonorris: she’s sobbing in my arms, she’s more than glitching, mate
f1.edits: i am LIVING for taylor being here
y/nxlando.fans: where did taylor, mother, come from?
|> arthur_leclerc: GRRR?????
|> olliebearman: i get it
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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buckyalpine · 1 year
Modern Bucky
This wasn’t even supposed to be smutty but I took it there. I was just thinking it’s so attractive to think of Bucky as being perfectly adjusted to the modern world and most of the time he just acts like he’s still figuring stuff out. Without a doubt, he’s been through so much but no one realizes just how smart he is and how quickly he picks up on things. 
Like people forget he is a trained assassin and he’s Sergeant Barnes, he moves with ease and stealth just about everywhere. He knows how to blend in and It didn’t take him long to figure out technology. Didn’t take long to pick up on the culture. He walks around with some shitty burner but has a proper phone few people know about. 
It catches you off guard when you expect him to be seated in the corner of the bar, nursing on a whiskey while talking to Steve but hes nowhere to be found. Everyone else is on the dancefloor, which definitely wasn’t Bucky’s scene. Your body doesn’t stop moving while your eyes scan the crowd, where would he- 
You gasp when he suddenly appears in front of you out of nowhere, damn his ability to move from place to place without being noticed until he wanted you to see him, dressed in all black from head to toe, biting his bottom lip while he eyes you up and down. 
“Buck- What are you doing” You whispered, your skin growing hot, feeling his hands move down from your waist to your hips, turning you around and pulling your back flush against his chest. 
“Well if you’re gonna be moving around like that...” He smirked against your ear, pressing his erection against your ass. “What did you expect, doll” 
His body moves with yours, hands placed firmly on your hips and waist, guiding you the way he liked. You nearly lose your rhythm with the way he grinds against you because how and when did he learn to dance like this. Your body wines with the movements of his hips, you can’t think straight with how perfectly he moves with you. 
“You’ve been giving everyone a real show, tonight baby” Bucky whispered in your ear, nipping your neck, “You just wanted me to sit and watch the entire time?” 
It’s sexy enough to get others around you hot and bothered between the way he alternates between keeping his face pressed into your neck to whisper the filthiest things in your ear and bending you over to his hearts content, just to pull you back up and turn you around so he can rock your hips on him. 
“Is-is this what it’s like to be into voyeurism” Sam mused from the side where everyone gathered one by one, needing a solid minute to take in what was unfolding before them. 
“Shhh, I’m watching something” Tony half assed smacked his hand over Sam’s mouth, watching you and Bucky still on the dance floor. “Holy shit...”
“He has a big dick, I just know it” Nat cocked an eyebrow, unwilling to tear her eyes away from the growing tightness of Bucky’s jeans each time he brought your ass to grind on him. 
“They should get a room...but also I don’t want them to get a room just yet”
“What the hell is wrong with you”
“You’re telling me watching them right now didn’t give you a hard-on?” 
“Please stop”
“I don’t think it’s fair that he can look good and also know how to dance, shouldn't he be tripping on his own feet or pouting in the corner cause this isn’t old music, when the hell did he learn that”
“Big dick energy” 
“Oh God” Steve covered his face in his hands while everyone else continued to watch you both in awe and tinges of jealousy because again. When. How. HOW. 
“What baby” Bucky smirked at the needy whimper you let out when he held you firmly against him, swaying in place, letting you feel exactly how badly he wanted you take you apart.  
“Let’s go” You turned around to clutch onto his tshirt, squeaking when he effortlessly carried you up with your thigs wrapped around his waist, going straight to his floor. 
“What’s wrong princess” Bucky loved how flustered you were as he dropped you on his bed, your legs squeezing together. You stared at him with wide eyes because where was this side of Bucky coming from, where was your precious sweet baby who only danced to 40′s music in the kitchen in between dorky Hobbit references. “Need something?” 
“Need you” you nodded with a whisper, confused over the new dynamic that was happening, your body screaming for more of whatever was happening. You took your time when it came to intimacy with Bucky because you didn’t want to over step a boundary, keeping things tame. 
“You need me baby?” He crawled on top of you, smirking to himself; ready for you to have all of him, every part he’d been holding back on. He wasn’t sure before but after catching a glimpse of the books you were so into, why would he hold back what you seemed to love so much, what he needed himself, “Need daddy to take care you?” 
Take care of you he did. 
He tore you dress off before throwing his own clothes aside. You didn’t even have time to process what was happening when he grabbed your ankles and pulled you off the bed, man handling you and wrapping your legs around his tapered waist, walking you to the floor to ceiling high windows of the bedroom. He slammed your back against the cold glass before nudging his tip against your sopping hole, shoving it in with one stroke and fucking into you like a ragdoll. 
All you could do was desperately cling onto him, scratching and biting his shoulders while he pounded you relentlessly. 
“You like this baby, like when I fuck you hard like the needy slut you are for me?” He grunted, muscles all pulled taut, loving the way your arousal squirted out, getting his shaft creamy. Before you could beg for more, he pulled out and turned you around so you faced the window instead, slamming back into you and letting his hips snap against your ass. “Bending this cute little ass over, grinding on your friends, what did you think would happen doll, you wanted to tease daddy, is that it?” 
“N-no” You sobbed out, your pussy quivering when he spanked your ass, fucking you till the window panes nearly shook. 
“Why’d you hide what a little slut you are babygirl, reading all those horny little stories by yourself. You think I didn’t know about that pathetic little toy you have tucked between the shelves, hm? Thought I wouldn’t know how to fuck your pussy raw till you were crying all over my cock?” 
“Oh God, Fuckkkk” You had no idea what monster had unleashed itself while Bucky tugged your hair back, his other hand still snaked over to strum your clit. 
“C’mon, scream for daddy baby, I want them to hear how good I make you feel” 
“D-DADDYYY” You wailed as he railed you,  his fingers to rubbing and playing with your swollen clit, hitting that spot only he could reach. 
“Y’know they were all watching baby, let’em all see” He growled against your neck, “N’hear how much you love daddy’s cock, go a head and cum baby, make a mess, make a mess all over my cock” 
There was no doubt most of the compound could hear your salacious moans and cries as your orgasm started to pulse through your body, your cunt clenching and milking his cock making it hard for him to move.
“Choking my dick you little slut, make room for my cum baby” He jackhammered into you before stilling, groaning loudly letting his seed fill you up till it dripped between your thighs. You expected him to gently pull out and carry you back to bed but no. 
“Bucky? Bucky what are y-ooh fuckkkk ” Your eyes rolled back as he  sunk down to his knees, spreading your ass apart as he dove in between your folds, nursing and lapping at your sensitive nub, his beard getting messy in the process. “Fuck Bucky, What-Oh God, Don’t stop” 
“Oh doll, theres so much more I’m gonna show you” 
Anyway. Modern Bucky seems pretty cool. 
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 6 months
sending him a naughty pic
(cw: age gap 25/41, naughty pics, sexting, masturbating in a bathroom, mdni)
part before: listening to music in his car
In the morning, when I wake up, the first thing I do is send König a message. And a naughty one at that. I lift my phone over my body and my shirt over my boobs, trying to get a good shot. After a few clicks of my camera, I choose one of the pictures, tits on full display, a slight smile on my face, and send it to him with the caption “early morning thinking about you”.
Then I get up and get myself ready to go to work. While I drink my coffee, my phone dings. Twice in quick succession.
👑 thinking about you as well
And a picture of his morning wood poking out of his black boxers which has me on the floor.
God damn it, this man is going to be the end of me.
I hop into the car and shoot him a message before I drive to work.
me: you not gonna do anything about that?
The little ding of my phone while I’m still driving sends a shiver of excitement. I pull myself together and wait to look at the message when I pull into a parking space at work.
👑 about what?
Oh, he’s acting coy now. A stupid little smile forms on my lips as I make my way to my desk. Wrecking my brain what to say next.
me: well, you’re clearly happy to see me… if i was there i’d already have my hand wrapped around you
I press send, feeling very cheeky right now, but I try to shake the blush from my face. I check my emails, answering the most pressing ones, waiting impatiently for his answer. Ding. Ding.
👑 you mean like that?
His boxers are pulled down now, his hand wrapped around his girth. My breath hitches in my throat, my eyes fixed on the picture, taking in every little detail. The black sheets underneath him, the happy trail on his lower stomach, the little vein popping out. The piercing on his tip that has me wondering how it would feel to lick over it.
me: yes just like that although… i couldn’t resist running my tongue all over it taking you in my mouth
Oh fuck, I’m fully sexting at work right now.
👑 yeah? you sure it would even fit? texting with one hand is hard
The last message makes me chuckle.
me: we won’t know until i try… or maybe my hands will need to do all the work while i lick just the tip
I’m feeling hot all over while I send the message, putting the device away like it’s burning me and trying to calm down while I stare at computer screen in front of me.
Just one Ding. I look at my phone and it’s a fucking video. I groan inwardly, looking around. There’s almost nobody here, but I can’t risk being seen watching this on my phone. I quickly grab my headphones and head to the toilet for some more privacy, locking myself in one of the stalls, lowering the lid, using it as a seat.
He sent another message in the meantime.
👑 i can’t stop thinking about yesterday
Yesterday when we fucked in the back of his car. Needy and quick, almost fully clothed. So hard, the whole car was shaking.
His words make me tingle all over, while I hurriedly put my earbuds in, intently staring at the screen as I press play, anticipation halting my breath.
The black boxershorts are gone now, but I can’t help notice them lying beside him on the also black sheets, before my attention gets pulled in by the - uhm - matter at hand.
His strong big hand is moving up and down his length, softer than I would have imagined. Pulling back his foreskin, lazily pumping up his dick. His thumb grazes over the exposed tip, playing with his piercing for a little bit. I want to do that as well, is the thought that floods my mind. Preferably with my tongue. A little bead of precum forms at the top, running down his length, before his fingers stroke over it.
He pulls his hand away for a moment, and I can hear him spit. I groan. Fuck. His fingers grip his cock again, coating it in his own saliva, jerking himself faster now. The grunts and heavy breaths… he isn’t holding back at all. “Fuck.”, he sighs, and hearing him, so close, makes all of this even hotter.
And it feels dirty, but I can’t help it, my hand wanders down to my pants, hastily opening the button, lowering my zipper, my fingers disappearing into my panties, until they find my pussy. Fuck, I’m so wet, holy hell. I bite my lip to stifle any moans as I push into myself, the memories of him doing that heightening the sensations… while I wish it was him again, touching me like this.
Knowing that he is touching himself thinking about me, thinking about what we did yesterday… is turning me on. His little video, with the soft moans and the grunts, isn’t helping either. I press play again, his sounds right in my ear are spurring me on, my fingers frantically strumming over my clit now.
The visuals of him fucking his fist, the memories of him fucking me from the back, his hands digging into my hips, the slaps of skin against skin, our panting breaths...
And when I hear the little “Fuck” again, his voice deep and husky, I cum, pressing my lips together not to make a noise, while my fingertips still stroke over my wet folds. When it subsides, I finally dare to breathe again. This… was definitely something I didn’t anticipate when I came to work today, but I can’t keep the little dirty smile from my lips.
I snap a picture, with my fingers still buried deep inside me, so he knows I touched myself as well. Then I type out the message that has been circling my mind those last few minutes.
me: wish those were your fingers inside me instead
His answer comes quickly.
👑 fucking perfect
A slight smile on my face and a little tingle down my spine I’m still sitting on the put-down toilet lid, feeling the cold tiles against my shoulderblades. I just try to breathe calmly and get rid of the blush that’s surely staining my cheeks, so I can go back to work.
Ding. Ding. I straighten back up in an instant, unlocking my phone, looking at the chat.
👑 you made a total mess of me
A photo attached of his hand and dick, sticky with his cum, little pools of the white liquid on his abs and tummy.
me: and i would clean it all up 👅 👑 you’re killing me me: the french don’t call it la petite mort for nothing 👑 don’t bring the french into this
I have to cover my mouth to not fully burst out into laughter, but our little back and forth pulls me from the naughty little situation and I get out of the stall. I make my way back to my desk, my ears still burning, my cheeks bright red, and sit down on my chair, because those emails won’t answer themselves. I send him another picture of me in this state, obvious that I’m at work and still very flustered.
me: you got me like this at work so don’t ever doubt my interest in you again, big guy
👑 i’m not doubting anything anymore, promise
And he has the nerve to also send me a picture of him, lying there in his bed, against his cushions. One arm holding up the phone, the other one tangled in his hair, deliciously showing off his tattooed biceps. His strong pecs peppered with dark hair. His lips are curled into a satisfied smirk and there is just the lightest blush on his cheeks, that I’ve been noticing on him after he’s just cum. And the lids are hooded a bit, his bedroom eyes gazing into the camera, the familiar mischievous spark in them. Fuck, can he stop being this dreamy?
👑 so, speaking about my fingers inside you… can i kidnap you to my humble abode this evening?
I chuckle a little, but the message only intensifies the blush on my face, while it simultaneously makes me also type faster.
me: yes pls, i would very much like that
next part or more stuff in the Masterlist ~
thanks to @notknickers who i told about my ideas for this little chapter and they gave me even more ideas <3 to our blorbos!
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boxtea · 5 months
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🎀imagine making padawan Anakin sleep in your frilly pink bed (18+)
「 I mostly wrote this because I wanna make someone sleep in my hello kitty bed tbh 」 not proofread
After a day of following around your master on a mission you were so god damn tired with two things on your mind, cuddling Anakin and taking a nap.
You marched your way to his quarters knocking on the door, when he opened it his eyes lit up to see his favorite girl “You’re back!” He said as he grinned and picked you up. “Oh I missed you so much” Anakin mumbles into your neck, taking in your scent. “Ani..” you whine, “I missed you too, can we please have a nap?” He sets you down and takes in your tired expression. “I’m sorry princess of course.” He goes to lead you back into his room but you stop him and tug on his sleeve. “Noo.. in my room please” during your time away you missed your comfy bed with all your stuffed animals so much, thats the only place you wanted to be. Anakin stop and stared for a bit “your room?” He hesitates. “Sure I suppose..” he reluctantly agrees.
Being a hard headed teen boy he wasn’t exactly thrilled to be sleeping in a pink girly bed, and your stuffed animals and pillows never really left room for him. But on the other hand that meant you being pressed against him and the whole bed just smelled like you.
As you led back to your room, guiding him by holding his hand he couldn’t help but think about how his hand was so much bigger than yours and how soft your hands were. Then his eyes drifted to your hips swaying and how perfect your butt looked, but before he knew it you opened your door and dragged him into your room.
Taking no time you slipped off your pants and shirt, not minding Anakin watching and he did. He couldn’t take his eyes off you as you struggled to take off your bra. Of course he rushed over to help you, admiring the way your chest looked. “You’re so pretty..” he mumbles, reaching his hands to grope and feel you. “Ani..” you let out a soft moan and it was music to his ears. “I missed you so much princess” he whines out, backing you onto your bed. “Ani I wanna sleep..” you protest but it’s no use.
Anakin can’t help himself, you look so perfect and he missed you so much while you were on your mission. He gets off the bed and gets on his knees in front of you, pulling your clothed pussy to his face by hooking his arms under your thigh. He presses his nose to the area between your hips and your thigh and inhales before deciding it’s not enough and sticking his nose directly to your panties and huffing you like a drug. “Fuck you smell so good” he groans and you melt at his perverted actions. He pulls your panties to the side and kisses all over your pretty pussy. You moan and dig your hands into his short hair. “Ani please!” It comes out as almost a moan, your want for him is almost a need at this point. “Please what? Tell me princess.” He stares at you from between your thighs as he pulls off your panties. “Please eat me out Anakin..” before you can even finish your sentence he’s licking up your pussy. The man practically moans at the taste of you, shoving his tongue inside for more.
“Anakin!” You squeal as he eats you like a starved man.
He moves up, taking your clit into his mouth and sucking on it while shoving two fingers inside your pussy, curling them and rubbing along your walls. It doesn’t take much longer until your close. He can easily tell by the way you tighten around his fingers and you tug on his hair. Your moans get louder until you can’t take it anymore and cum all over Anakins hand and face. He removes his fingers, shoving them in his mouth and licking them clean before moving to clean your pussy until he hears your whines of overstimulation. “You did so good princess” he praises while rubbing your thigh, getting up onto the bed to pull you close to his body. “You’re so good honey” you can feel him poking you but you’re just too sleepy to care. Anakin pets your hair and kisses your temple. “Have a nap princess.”
「 I have no clue how to write sos critique welcome ily 」
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