#the mother she adores and admires but who struggles to accept her as a daughter
mushroomheadgirl · 28 days
On transfemme Draco's style
Draco's style is heavily inspired by Narcissa's. As a child, she always admired her mother's ornate and flowing robes. The way they pooled around her feet but the hems never got dirty. Silks in the summer and velvet in the winter. Embroidery and beads and crystals. But for all the filigree, Narcissa never charmed her embroidered designs to move; she is much too classy for something so gauche.
Draco's style evolves in much the same way. While the styles aren't necessarily old-fashioned—the wizarding world moves much too slow for that—they are a bit modest for someone Draco's age, what with her bell sleeves that touch the ground and high collars that barely allow a peek at the hollow of her throat.
Draco had always kept covered up, but now the habit garners her the reputation of being an ice queen. Anyone who truly knows her knows she is anything but—even approaching thirty she's still quick to anger and known for her legendary strops. But to the general public, her clothes just confirm her new tight-lipped and closed-off attitude.
Pansy begs Draco to branch out a little. She worked so hard on her body, she should show it off a bit, after all. Every birthday she gifts Draco a skimpy new robe that just ends up at the back of her closet. Blaise is with Pansy, though for more salacious reasons.
Narcissa notices the similarities between her's and Draco's wardrobes. She doesn't say anything at all. Lucius does what he always did and purchases anything Draco expresses a passing interest in.
Harry wonders if Draco would still climb trees in her new state of dress. That's the main thought he has when he starts seeing her around again after he gets past the initial stage of confusion. Then he imagines her on a broom, arm stretched in pursuit of a snitch, long curly hair and silk robes flapping wildly behind her. That image does nothing to help how he turns into a stuttering mess every time he tries to talk to her. He only ever regains his footing now when Draco does something to piss him off, because she's still Draco and she's still very very good at pissing Harry off.
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loveforneteyam · 2 years
❝i heart you❞ ( jake sully )
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summary: jake suli brought many traditions from earth, including one he calls "valentine's day". pairing: jake sully x navi!reader wordcount: 1.4k contains: just short and sweet :) notes: i wanted to post a quick little thing for valentine's day and why not for my fav?? i apologize if this is a bit late, hope you enjoy! and i love spelling "sully" like "suli", idk why blah
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If there was one thing about the dream walker, it was that he was a complete marvel to the entire Omaticaya clan. Even his scent was foreign--like metal and strange chemicals. Your people were both fascinated and disgusted by him.
You were the only daughter of your family, so there was a heavy expectation on you to find a mate. Before doing so, however, you would train to become a healer. Under the tsahik's guide, you studied the will of the Great Mother and the way of the forest. You were regarded as so intelligent and skilled that it wasn't surprising when you were chosen to train Jake Suli instead of your best friend, Neytiri.
It wasn't like she wanted the job anyway.
At first, you acted with complete bias. You knew the Sky People to be destructive and ignorant of any culture but their own. Why would this alien be any different? You hardly felt guilty to admit that it was amusing to watch him stumble and lose his balance in the trees. But over time, you felt the strings in your heart play a different way.
His hands and feet grew tougher, his legs and arms became stronger, and his eyes opened to more than just the physical elements of your world. Jake Suli was learning to see.
As he learned more of you culture, you began to learn more of his. While he struggled to learn the Navi alphabet and pronunciations, he also managed to teach you more English than you had previously learned. "This is right up my alley," he said the first day you showed him a bow and arrow.
You cocked your head. "What does that one mean?"
Jake, who thought your cluelessness was adorable, chuckled. "It means, uh," he laughed at himself. He must've sounded stupid compared to your wise words. "It means I'm good at this sort of stuff."
There were other moments where the English language was unnecessarily confusing. "If it is pronounced like 'kernel'," you pondered to yourself. English was even more illegible when it was in Jake's messy handwriting. "Then why is it spelled with an 'l'?"
He had been teaching you the names of the humans who worked back at the RDA. You knew Grace Augustine well, you thought Norm was a funny name for a person, and you refused to accept that the word 'colonel' was pronounced so strangely. Jake deeply chuckled, "I'm not sure why, honey."
You also misunderstood his seemingly unnoticeable pet names for you. Honey, as you had learned, was a sweet food for humans back on Earth; you thought it strange that Jake would call you it, although you never complained...
There were very few days where you were not instructed to train Jake. Instead, he would follow you through your training to be a healer. He would often watch as you read the many scriptures written throughout the years, your fingers delicately tracing the writing. Sometimes, you would read it out loud to him and his ears would gently twitch at the sound of your voice.
It was winter in Pandora, which hardly seemed any different from the other seasons to Jake. The sun was still warm on his skin, the plant-life still flourished. You were already studying in your tent in the morning, wondering why Jake had still not arrived.
Mo'at, who had come to recognize Jake's admiration for you (and your admiration for him), examined you as you completed your small, morning tasks. "Where is Jake?" You asked politely, searching for him. "I have not see him yet."
You didn't see her slightly smirk. She knew what it was like for someone to anxiously await their lover, even though you would never call him that. "It is early in the morning, child," Mo'at noted. She watched your shoulders slump as an idea popped into her mind. "Wait for him, he will arrive soon."
For what felt like hours, you continued to wait for the dream walker. Mo'at was amused at your impatient behavior, how you'd frantically stand up every few minutes and check outside to see if he was there.
"It is very rude to keep someone waiting," you said to Mo'at as you sliced through a handful of herbs and leaves.
Mo'at smirked again behind her book. "Oh, yes, very rude."
Finally, Jake's figure appeared with the morning sun behind him. He had a childish smile, the braids in his hair completely disheveled, and he was holding a small basket from when you'd taught him to weave. He cleared his throat, "Tsahik, (y/n), oel ngati kameie."
You and Mo'at collectively greeted him back. Jake took a seat across from you, setting the basket down next to him. "What're you working on today?"
You ignored his curiosity and began to harshly slice the leaves, leaving small marks on the wooden cutting board. "You took a very long time," You didn't look at him, but if you had, you would've been met with wide, fascinated eyes. "Where were you?"
Jake chuckled and pulled the cutting board away from you, your knife nearly coming down to meet his thumb. You looked at him furiously with wide eyes, but he only warmly smiled. He replaced the board with the basket. "I figured you're always teaching me about this," he motioned to the forest around him. "Why can't I teach you something about my home?"
You were intrigued but refused to show it. "Your home?"
"Yeah," he smiled. Jake enjoyed seeing you try to hide your excitement. "Here," he opened the basket and pulled out several pieces of red paper and a small canister of paint with a brush. "In my home, we have something called Valentine's Day."
You repeated the word silently to see how it felt coming off of your lips.
"It's a little holiday, nothing crazy." Jake handed you a piece of paper. You cautiously watched him fold his piece in half, unsure of whatever he could be doing. "It's supposed to be, you know...about love and whatever."
You always found it enjoyable how Jake could never explain something very well. He often stumbled over his words, like the thought was in his head but came out his mouth in a different way. "Fold yours like mine." You did so and pressed the paper so there was a crease down the middle. "Now, watch what I'm drawing."
He took the brush and dipped it into the paint canister, gently tapping it against the sides so any excess dripped off the bristles. He swung the brush over the paper with a slick curve. Jake was surprisingly smooth with the brush. "Your turn."
Jake handed you the brush. You mimicked him, dipping it into the paint and tapping off any loose drops. You tried to copy the shape he had painted onto his paper, except your lines were slightly more jagged. "Good!" He smiled, a hint of pride in his voice. "Then we take this," he grabbed a small blade from the basket. "And follow the shape."
He retraced the shape on his paper with the blade so it sliced the paper clean. He then unfolded his paper. "And you have a heart."
You cocked your eyebrow and eagerly grabbed the blade from his hand, cutting over your shape and removing the remnants of the paper. "This is a heart? It looks nothing like one."
"Well, it's not like the heart in here," his fingers gently touched your chest where your heart sat. He laughed, "It's different, I know. I guess this type of heart is prettier."
You looked at your paper heart inquisitively. You did like how simple it was...you would even say it was cute. "What is the point of this?"
Jake smacked his lips, "Uh, well..." He was at a loss. "I guess there's no real point to it. It's just supposed to be for love."
"What do you do with it?"
"Well, you can do almost anything with it. Throw it in the garbage if you really wanted to," he looked down at his paper heart, tracing the soft edges with his thumb and smoothing out the crease that ran down the middle of the paper. "I think you're supposed to give it to someone."
Jake shrugged, gently smiling at how you already began to fold another piece of paper and reach for the paintbrush. "To show love." You started to draw out the shape of the heart again on half of you paper before you noticed Jake holding his heart out to you.
The corners of your lips softly grew upwards, a pink hue falling on your cheeks.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
Black Clover OC: Bianca Schneider
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Decided to draw Eirwen's big sister.
Name: Bianca Schneider (Dorothy and Kirsch call her B)
Age: 24
Birthday: January 2nd
Sign: Capricorn
Squad: Coral Peacocks
Grimoire: Three Leaf Clover ☘️
Magic Attribute: Ice Magic
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Strawberry Blonde
Bianca is the eldest daughter and heir to the Schneider family. When her father was alive, he doted on Bianca and admired her athleticism. Despite being a family of mostly women, Papa Schneider raised her similar to a boy by letting her take self defense classes.
Bianca was very skilled at fencing but thrived with using a polearm. Aside from a strong body, her magic control was superb for her age. Her parents praised her for her academic success and her keen mind for business. Bianca was under the impression that as his heir, Papa Schneider would groom her to be the next head of his trades company. It became her dream to work alongside her father.
Unfortunately, after her father took ill and passed away Bianca realized that would have to stay a dream. Due to the prejudice her paternal uncle had for her mother's less than acceptable pedigree, her ability to control the shares of the company was stripped away. If she or her little sister Eirwen could secure a marriage with a man of a higher noble status, they can be granted the shares once more.
Naturally, this posed a problem for the women. Without the shares, they could no longer collect money for their finances and living expenses. Bianca took it upon herself to join the magic knights in order to establish an income to keep the family afloat.
Bianca passed her exam with flying colors and had a good amount of squads to pick from. When she saw Dorothy, the Captain of the Coral Peacocks, actually awake and grinning excitedly at her the decision was already made. Something in her gut told her to join this bubbly witch's squad. What she didn't realize is that feeling was also love at first sight.
Obviously, this would prove to be a problem. She couldn’t let these feelings prevent her from working to find a suitable match for an arranged marriage. And yet, none of the prospects ever met her ridiculously high standards. Perhaps the main issue was that they were men, and she was clearly in love with a woman.
During her time with the Coral Peacocks Bianca thrived on missions and delegating strategies with Kirsch and Dorothy. She climbed up the ranks considerably fast and proved herself an irreplaceable member of the squad. This was all due to Bianca's no nonsense ice queen persona. She threw herself into her work and left little room for anything that could be seen as a distraction, much to Kirsch's dismay. Kirsch adores and respects Bianca for her beauty and her talents, therefore he gives her the authority to boss him around to finish his paperwork whenever he appears to be enchanted by his own reflection. He also never lets her forget who the vice captain is, much to her annoyance.
Bianca had issues socializing with the squad and was very reserved when it came to speaking about her personal life. Dorothy joked that it took her two weeks before Bianca would finally say what her favorite color was. It was blue like Dorothy's eyes. The ice mage only behaved this way because she was under tremendous pressure to put on airs for her family's sake. She didn't want anyone to find out that her immediate family was financially struggling. So she chose to keep all personal information off the table.
Dorothy and Kirsch didn't even know Bianca had a little sister until they had a mission with the Black Bulls. They gushed and cooed over how adorable Eirwen was saying it was like looking at a smaller version of her. Bianca noticed her sister getting flustered and told them to back off and give her some space.
When it came to Eirwen, Bianca was always protective and well-intentioned but never warm about it. She loved her sister, but her words were usually so callous. There was a long period of time after the death of their father that Bianca resented her sister.
Mostly because Bianca had to make all the sacrifices as the oldest while Eirwen wasted her potential to become a powerful mage by being scared and sewing in her room all day. She also didn't like that Eirwen turned her back on finding an arranged marriage.
Eventually Eirwen proves herself as a magic knight in her sister's eyes and they seem to be on better terms despite Bianca remaining rather frigid. She ultimately respects her sister's decision to live her own life even if she makes choices she wouldn't agree with.
For Eirwen's bio click here:
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queenshelby · 3 years
Time for Change – Part One
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: None
Words: 1,193
Notes: Not based on Cillian’s life. This is fiction guys! 
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The spring weather had finally kicked in and you celebrated the warmth of the day with a floral dress. Though modest, the dress was more revealing than he'd see your wear before. Sitting mid-thigh, it had thin adjustable straps and a low cut and ruffled neckline. Your body was curvy, but strong; soft in the right places, and filled out that dress like no-one else could. The gentle breeze played at the dress' hem as you walked, showing glimpses of your smooth tanned upper leg. Your hair was long and fell is soft waves down your back and framed your face.  
Cillian admired your body and the way the dress moved with you as you approached him even though he knew that he shouldn’t have. He was married to your step-sister and he shouldn’t be looking at you like this. It wasn’t right.
‘Cillian, how are you?’ you asked as he welcomed you in with a hug and kiss on the cheek as usual. But he let his hand linger on your lower back just a fraction longer than he probably should have and, as he pulled away he wondered if you noticed.
‘Hey, uhm, come in and thank you again for teaching the kids’ Cillian said and your face gave nothing away and he moved towards the kitchen to make a coffee.
‘Is Danielle not home?’ you asked surprised, not seeing any sign of her. You weren’t particularly close and didn’t talk much but, usually, she was at home when you came around for the boys’ piano lessons. Being a music teacher had its advantages and you were always willing and eager to teach your friends’ and family’s children for free. Cillian and Danielle’s children were no different and, in your opinion, they were immensely talented and you adored spending time with them.
‘She is staying with her mother for a while’ Cillian huffed out before offering you a cup of coffee which you gladly accepted. You never met Danielle’s mother, although you shared the same father.
You dropped your bag by the front door and followed him. He could feel your eyes on his back and he wondered what you were thinking when he told you that his wife had walked out on him for second time within the past four months.
‘She just left you, again, without the boys? Why would she?’ you asked surprised, wanting to know how to handle their lessons. They were only 10 and 12 years old and you were somewhat concerned about the current circumstances.
‘Well, as usual, she left without any sort of explanation’ Cillian said rather frustrated.
‘Fuck Cillian, I am sorry’ you said, looking around for a second to make sure that his boys didn’t hear you.
Sitting in your usual seat at the counter you talked while he made your coffee, checking in and updating each other on your somewhat troubled lives.
As you sat on the stool chatting about your marriage troubles with your husband James, you leaned slightly forward offering him a perfect view of your ample cleavage, causing Cillian to blush.
‘I suppose life has it’s challenges, huh?’ you eventually chuckled and your soft laugh brought him back but the look in your slightly narrowed eyes was, for once, unreadable. He realised then that you had asked him a question, but he'd been so caught up in his musings that he hadn't noticed. But you'd definitely noticed him staring at your breasts.
“Uhm yes, it does” Cillian eventually responded and you sat up straight and you both ignored his lapse. He gave your your cup, and without warning or invitation you took your coffee to the lounge room. He followed you. You sat on the large couch next to the piano, tucking your legs underneath yourself as you sat. Your dress falling a little to one side, he again caught just a glimpse of your upper thigh.
"So, this is my plan for the boys, what do you think?” you asked.
“Pretty impressive. You should teach my how to play this” Cillian chuckled and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Your piano skills are much better than you lead on Cillian. I’ve heard you play at Danielle’s birthday last year” you said, which was shortly after you moved to Dublin after having spent the past ten years in America with your husband.  
The reasons you sought to return to Ireland were your husband’s numerous indiscretions when working at a large corporation in New York. He had one affair after another until you had enough and requested a transfer back to Dublin, forcing him to break it off with his secretary.
You knew you shouldn’t have forgiven him, but you did it for your daughter who you had adopted six years ago, giving her the best life possible. An intact home, close to family.
But, what you hadn’t told anyone was that, two days ago, the last straw had been drawn when your husband informed you that he had to return to New York for two weeks to attend a business conference, a conference which you found out didn’t even exist.  
Cillian’s situation wasn’t much better than yours. Danielle and him had broken up on numerous occasions throughout the past two years and he thought that, by staying with her, he was doing the right thing. But this was no longer sustainable and he found himself conflicted about what he wants in life.
As your conversation about music and playing the piano flowed, you occasionally touched his arm. It was your innocent way of connecting with him, of showing him you were there. You meant nothing by it, but today your touch sent electricity through him, into his core and he had to use everything he had to resist reaching out for you.
Luckily for him, within less than five minutes, his sons arrived in the living room, ready for their lessons and Cillian got up and left you to it.
After about an hour, when you were ready to leave, Cillian thanked you for coming over and, again, you gently touched his arm.
‘You are welcome’ you said with a warm smile, causing him to take in a deep breath.
‘I hope Danielle is back soon’ you then said before continuing. ‘But, in case that she isn’t, do you want me to come over and cook you and the boys dinner tomorrow? James is in New York and I get a bit lonely at home’ you asked politely.
‘The boys are going to camp for three nights with the local football club’ Cillian then said and you nodded before, after a small pause, asking him whether he would like to come over to your house for dinner by himself then.
‘Uhm, I am not sure if that would be appropriate’ Cillian then said, already struggling being around you. The small touches and gestures were almost too much for him especially since, the last time him and Danielle were intimate, was six months ago and they’ve been doing nothing but fighting ever since.
‘It’s just dinner Cilly’ you reassured him and he reluctantly agreed.
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astrognossienne · 3 years
scandalous beauty - dolores del río - an analysis
“I love my native Mexico but I love Hollywood, too. It has brought me much happiness and yet, while here I have been miserably unhappy also. But through it all I have found myself, my work and my true destiny.” - Dolores del Río
Like Lupe Vélez, Dolores del Río was a pioneering Latina actress, however del Río’s reach was longer. Far from being stigmatized as a woman of colour, she was acknowledged as the epitome of beauty in the Hollywood of the 1920s and early 1930s. While she insisted upon her ethnicity, she was nevertheless coded white by the film industry and its fans, and she appeared for more than a decade as a romantic lead opposite white actors. Returning to Mexico in the early 1940s, she brought enthusiasm and prestige to the Golden Age of Mexican cinema, becoming one of the great divas of Mexican film. With struggle and perseverance, she overcame the influence of men in both countries who hoped to dominate her, ultimately controlling her own life professionally and personally. Her sophistication, style and artistry bewitched everyone from Stella Adler to John Ford, Federico Fellini, and her great friends Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, who proclaimed to be “totally in love with her, just like forty million Mexicans and one hundred and twenty million Americans who couldn’t be wrong.” She was America’s first Latina superstar, and by the early 1930s, she was one of Hollywood's ten top moneymakers. Hers was a charmed life, but not even she was without problems. A child of privilege in her native Mexico, her family’s status was destroyed in the Mexican Revolution, and her desire to restore her comfortable lifestyle inspired del Río to follow a career as an actress. Discovered and promoted by American director Edwin Carewe, her obsessive protector and Svengali, as the “female Rudolph Valentino,” del Río’s aristocratic, Spanish-European background was constantly pushed to counteract Hollywood’s racism against Mexicans; indeed she was generally thought to be one of the most beautiful actresses of her era, and was the first Latin American movie star to have international appeal. She worked for over five decades and paved the way for Latin American stars in American cinema.
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Dolores del Río, according to astrotheme, was a Leo sun and Aries moon. She was born María de los Dolores Asúnsolo López-Negrete in the Mexican town of Durango; she was an only child born to parents who belonged to the wealthy Mexican aristocracy. She was the second cousin of actor Ramón Novarro and a cousin to actress Andrea Palma. They lived the high life in the company of intellectuals and artists. Dolores attended a prestigious school but soon their world was turned upside down, threatened by an insurrection led by Pancho Villa in the region. Del Río and her mother escaped Mexico City disguised as peasants, while her father crossed the border to the United States. When the family eventually reunited in 1912, they did so under the protection of Francisco I. Madero. In 1920 she married the 18-year older attorney Jaime Martinez del Río and became a socialite. Her career got off to a good start when in 1925 when the lauded American director Edwin Carewe was invited to her home and saw her perform and dance for her family and friends. He persuaded del Río and her husband to moved to the United Sates and go to Hollywood to be in his films. While in Hollywood, del Río played a variety of leading roles, from European aristocrat to "native" girl to European peasant.
Within a few years after her arrival, she was a major hit and her appeal was astonishingly broad. She quickly came to command a substantial salary and to exercise control over her choice of films, scripts, and camera angles. Despite the fact that she did not speak English when she first began and had to have the director 's instructions delivered through interpreters, she made the transition to sound films gracefully. Her accent was deemed slight, attractive, and not specific to a particular country. As socially attractive as she was, physically and personality-wise, the truth is that a major part of del Río’s seamless transition into Hollywood is down to racism and white supremacy. While her contemporary (and nemesis) Lupe Vélez was viewed as the "bad Mexican wildcat" (to be fair, her temperament didn’t help this stereotype), Dolores was viewed as the "good Spanish lady." The contrast between the two stars and their degrees of acceptance reflected society’s stereotypical dichotomy between "good" Spanish and "bad" Mexican images– which has its roots in U.S. history. While most Mexicans were perceived as racially inferior, the elite Hispanic Californianas were deemed European and superior while the mass of Mexican women were viewed as Indian and inferior. Californiana women who possessed land and intermarried with Anglo men were depicted positively; they were represented as aristocratic and virtuous and they epitomized "good" women; but this was at the price of denying their racial identity, and being treated as racially superior to Californiano males and the rest of their people. So as such, she soon divorced her Mexican husband Jaime in 1928 and two years later married MGM art director Cedric Gibbons (who happened to be Gary Cooper’s wife’s uncle).
Soon after her marriage, she was romantically linked with actor Errol Flynn, filmmaker John Farrow, writer Erich Maria Remarque, film producer Archibaldo Burns, and actor Tito Junco. However, it was her affair with Orson Welles, who considered her the love of his life, that was arguably her most high profile relationship. She and Welles met at a party hosted by director Darryl Zanuck. The couple felt a mutual attraction and began a discreet affair, which upon eventual discovery caused the divorce between Dolores and Gibbons. Their relationship lasted for 4 years; she ended it when she got word of Welles cheating on her. She decided to end her relationship with Welles through a telegram that he never answered. According to his daughter, Rebecca, until the end of his life, Welles felt for del Río a kind of obsession. Weeks later, her father died in Mexico. With these personal and professional downturns, Dolores del Río returned to Mexico in the 1940s and became a significant part of the Mexican film industry’s Golden Era. She was the muse of director Emilio Fernández and starred most notably in Las Abandonadas (1944) and La Malquerida (1949). On a national and even international level though, Dolores del Río will perhaps always be best remembered for her role in the 1946 classic María Candelaría, which is said to be the film of which she was most proud. It also marked the first tentative steps of the Mexican film industry into the world of serious cinema and was the first Latin American film to be screened at the Cannes Film Festival in 1946, where it won the Grand Prix (now known as the Palme d’Or) for Best Picture. After her triumph in her native homeland, she returned to Hollywood and played opposite Henry Fonda in The Fugitive (1947). She continued to work steadily, starring in various TV shows and films until retiring in 1978. On April 11, 1983, del Río died from liver failure at the age of 78 in Newport Beach, California.
Next week, I’ll focus on her one-time lover, an iconoclastic disruptor who took on the conventions of Hollywood and won: the amazing Taurus Orson Welles.
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birthdate: August 3, 1904
major planets:
Sun: Leo
Moon: Aries
Rising: Leo
Mercury: Virgo
Venus: Leo
Mars: Cancer
Midheaven: Taurus
Jupiter: Aries
Saturn: Aquarius
Uranus: Sagittarius
Neptune: Cancer
Pluto: Gemini
Overall personality snapshot:  She had a large, warm-hearted, extroverted personality that was always eager to embrace life, love and success – in big doses. There was something about her that assumed the divine right to live life to the full, and her intensity and impatience, along with her personal ambitions, pulled her ever onwards into new projects, fresh relationships and greater challenges. She was something of a gambler and had a daring and dramatic spirit which propelled her forward to make her mark, a sense of personal destiny which can only be exciting and noble. And she was prepared to fight for that glorious destiny if she had to, although she would rather simply steal the show and convince everyone with her intelligence, originality, courage and fabulous style. One of her most beguiling qualities is that she was totally lacking in guile and pretense. Although her own personal destiny was what interested her, paradoxically she at first looked for people she could admire and make into personal heroes. Strongly influenced by a favourite teacher, friend, poet, sports champion or movie star, she could then emulate them and learn through experience how to be great.
She loved the process of creating, as well as the applause that came at the end. Indeed, she relied on those adoring strokes and affirmative responses more than she liked to admit. Life without people would be colourless and boring for her. Social interaction was her life-blood – she could be the life of the party, a real ham and an eccentric, ready to take up the most outrageous dare. But when her extrovert escapades dry up, so did she. She may have, in fact, driven herself to exhaustion and then collapse like a child, home from an all-night rave-up. Yet despite her headlong rush into the experience of life, she was not necessarily irresponsible. Daring and highly idealistic dreams worked away inside her and made her want to improve things, to show people the way, and she may have simply taken charge – for a while. Intensely self-motivated, she did not respond well to orders from others, even though she could be quite bossy herself. There is a touch of the preacher inside her, and she approached her work with great enthusiasm and commitment. She needed space to do her own thing, to learn from her own mistakes, and to learn how to impose her own brand of self-discipline. Her innate self-dramatizing tendencies made her a natural for the theater, business, lecturing, the media – areas that involved group interaction and provided scope for her original and iconoclastic ideas.
She had great presence with a strong-featured face and a sunny glow of inner self-confidence and displayed a regal quality in her posture and carriage; was definitely well-built. She sought perfection in whatever she did and could be very critical of herself and her own efforts. In this way, she often became overly critical and pedantic, especially under stress. She was basically an honest person, and it disturbed her greatly when she had to deal with people who were not. Anyone who violated her sense of trust had a very hard time getting it back. It was very important for her to know that she had the security of a guaranteed paycheck coming in regularly. She had an artistic side to her that obviously influenced her choice of career as an actor. Once she had decided upon her career, she was able to (and most certainly did) pursue it with great determination. She had boundless enthusiasm and big ideas coupled with high expectations of succeeding. She was also self-sufficient and broad-minded. Her genuine pioneering spirit, positive outlook and large-scale personal ambitions led her right to the top. She needed to learn to think before you take on a challenge, and all risks should have been carefully considered. She needed to learn to relax and slow down. She was anxious to prove herself both to others and to herself. If anyone said that she couldn’t do something, she defied them to try and stop her. As long as she felt that she was the one in control, she had a high degree of optimism and was fun-loving, loving to play at life. 
She had an original mind and used every skill she possessed to gain control of her affairs. She found it hard to let go of the past, and it would have been good if she did so that she could grow. She was willing to tolerate austerity for as long as it was justified. She respected institutions for as long as they served her purpose. She had the ability to judge what was viable or important. She belonged to a generation with fiery enthusiasm for new and innovative ideas and concepts. Rejecting the past and its mistakes, she sought new ideals and people to believe in. As a member of this generation, she felt restless and adventurous, and was attracted towards foreign people, places and cultures. She was part of an emotionally sensitive generation that was extremely conscious of the domestic environment and the atmosphere surrounding their home place and home country. In fact, she could be quite nostalgic about her homeland, religion and traditions, often seeing them in a romantic light. She felt a degree of escapism from everyday reality, and was very sensitive to the moods of those around him. Dolores embodied all of these Cancer Neptunian ideals, when she returned to her native Mexico in 1943, a country of which she was very proud, her decision to return to her roots changed her career. As a Gemini Plutonian, she was mentally restless and willing to examine and change old doctrines, ideas and ways of thinking. As a member of this generation, she showed an enormous amount of mental vitality, originality and perception. Traditional customs and taboos were examined and rejected for newer and more original ways of doing things. As opportunities with education expanded, she questioned more and learned more.
Love/sex life: She had a heroic conception of herself as a lover. She saw herself as strong and in control, the protector of the weak and the saviour of the desperate. Unfortunately, the realities of her love life didn’t always support this notion. Often it was her tender feelings that required protection and her desperate plunges in and out of love that called for a saviour. In order to justify this discrepancy, she often had to be less than honest, both with her lover and herself. The person most likely to win her heart would have been that individual who made it appear as if  she was the champion when, in fact, she was the one crying for help. Her tendency toward self-deception often extended to a failure to admit to her very natural emotionalism and sexual passivity. Unfortunately, there always came a day of reckoning when she had to “own” her emotional susceptibility and capitulate to her sloppy feelings of dependency and her deep-seated need for affection. The good news was that surrendering everything for love wasn’t nearly as bad as she thought it was. She may have lost her dignity but what she got in return made it all worth while.
minor asteroids and points:
North Node: Virgo
Lilith: Pisces
Vertex: Sagittarius
Fortune: Taurus
East Point: Leo
These points in her chart, however minor, packed a major punch in her sex appeal as well. Her North Node in Virgo dictated that her tendency to dream and be disorganized needed to be tempered by developing more practical and down-to-earth attitudes. Her Lilith in Pisces meant that she was a woman who was a natural born mystic and cultivated her own myth. Her Part of Fortune in Taurus and Part of Spirit in Scorpio dictated that her destiny lay in attaining personal freedom through seeking material security and comfort. Happiness and good fortune came through tangible and practical results that had a solid foundation. Her soul’s purpose lay in delving fearlessly into the unknown. She felt spiritual connections and saw the spark of the divine when she could strip away the outer layers of experiences and get to the core of a situation. East Point in Leo dictated that she was more likely to identify with the need for pleasure (including the potential of liking herself) and comfort. Vertex in Sagittarius, 4th house reveals that she dreamt of the pinnacle of adventure when it came to mating. Her psyche yearned to be carried away to the ends of the earth or to be exposed to every manner of religious and/or philosophical theory known to man and then some. Her yearning was strong and really deep when it came to rarefied experiences of any sort. Encountering and wanting to join with her demanded that she always had an itinerary that will provide her with the maps to explore the roads that they have not yet traveled, to say nothing of the different worlds they have dreamed of but not yet experienced. She had a childlike orientation, in all of its manifestations, toward relationships on an internal level. That implicit dependency and impressionable nature that was instilled in her childhood persisted far into maturity. The concomitant explosions and occasional tantrums when these constructs are violated also accompany this position. She had a need for emotional security and comfort in a committed relationship, no matter how many years it has endured. She often had deep fears, typical of children, of abandonment, as well as a need for protection and universal acceptance, no matter how she acted, which she needed her partner to respect and nurture, rather than rebuke, especially in adulthood.
elemental dominance:
She was dynamic and passionate, with strong leadership ability. She generated enormous warmth and vibrancy. She was exciting to be around, because she was genuinely enthusiastic and usually friendly. However, she could either be harnessed into helpful energy or flame up and cause destruction. Ultimately, she chose the latter. Confident and opinionated, she was fond of declarative statements such as “I will do this” or “It’s this way.” When out of control—usually because she was bored, or hadn’t been acknowledged—she was be bossy, demanding, and even tyrannical. But at her best, her confidence and vision inspired others to conquer new territory in the world, in society, and in themselves. She was a practical, reliable man and could provide structure and protection. She was oriented toward practical experience and thought in terms of doing rather than thinking, feeling, or imagining. Could be materialistic, unimaginative, and resistant to change. But at her best, she provided the practical resources, analysis, and leadership to make dreams come true.
modality dominance:
She liked the challenge of managing existing routines with ever more efficiency, rather than starting new enterprises or finding new ways of doing things. She likely had trouble delegating duties and had a very hard time seeing other points of view; she tried to implement the human need to create stability and order in the wake of change.      
house dominants:
She had great interest in the unconscious, and indulged in a lot of hidden and secret affairs. Her life was defined by seclusion and escapism. She had a certain mysticism and hidden sensitivity, as well as an intense need for privacy. Traveling, whether physically across the globe, on a mental plane or expanding through study was a major theme in her life. She was not only concerned with learning facts, but also wanted to understand the connections formed between them and the philosophies and concepts they stood for. Her conscience, as well as foreign travel, people and places was also of paramount importance in her life. Her personality, disposition and temperament was highlighted in her life. The manner in which she expressed herself and the way she approached other people is also highlighted. The way she approached new situations and circumstances contributed to show how she set about her life’s goals. Early childhood experiences also factored in her life as well.
planet dominants:
She was intelligent, mentally quick, and had excellent verbal acuity. She dealt in terms of logic and reasoning. It is likely that she was left-brained. She was restless, craved movement, newness, and the bright hope of undiscovered terrains. She had vitality and creativity, as well as a strong ego and was authoritarian and powerful. She likely had strong leadership qualities, she definitely knew who she was, and she had tremendous will. She met challenges and believed in expanding her life. She was romantic, attractive and valued  beauty, had an artistic instinct, and was sociable. She had an easy ability to create close personal relationships, for better or worse, and to form business partnerships.
sign dominants:
She loved being the center of attention and often surrounded herself with admirers. She had an innate dramatic sense, and life was definitely her stage. Her flamboyance and personal magnetism extended to every facet of her life. She wanted to succeed and make an impact in every situation. As a Leo dominant, she was, at her best, optimistic, honorable, loyal, and ambitious. She was a physically oriented individual who took pride in her body. She was bold, courageous, and resourceful. She always seemed to know what she believed, what she wanted from life, and where she was going. She could be dynamic and aggressive (sometimes, to a fault) in pursuing her goals—whatever they might be. Could be argumentative, lacked tact, and had a bad temper. On the other hand, her anger rarely lasted long, and she could be warm and loving with those she cared about. She was a discriminating, attractive, thorough, scientific, hygienic, humane, scientific woman and had the highest standards. Her attention to detail was second to none and she had a deeply penetrative and investigative mind.
Read more about her under the cut.
Dolores del Rio was the one of the first Mexican movie stars with international appeal and who had meteoric career in the 1920s/1930s Hollywood. Del Rio came from an aristocratic family in Durango. In the Mexican revolution of 1916, however, the family lost everything and emigrated to Mexico City, where Dolores became a socialite. In 1921 she married Jaime Del Río (also known as Jaime Martínez Del Río), a wealthy Mexican, and the two became friends with Hollywood producer/director Edwin Carewe, who "discovered" del Rio and invited the couple to move to Hollywood where they launched careers in the movie business (she as an actress, Jaime as a screenwriter). Eventually they divorced after Carewe cast her in her first film Joanna (1925), followed by High Steppers (1926), and Pals First (1926). She had her first leading role in Carewe's silent version of Pals First (1926) and soared to stardom in 1928 with Carewe's Ramona (1928). The film was a success and del Rio was hailed as a female Rudolph Valentino. Her career continued to rise with the arrival of sound in the drama/romance Bird of Paradise (1932) and hit musical Flying Down to Rio (1933). She later married Cedric Gibbons, the well-known art director and production designer at MGM studios. Dolores returned to Mexico in 1942. Her Hollywood career was over, and a romance with Orson Welles--who later called her "the most exciting woman I've ever met"--caused her second divorce. Mexican director Emilio Fernández offered her the lead in his film Wild Flower (1943), with a wholly unexpected result: at age 37, Dolores del Río became the most famous movie star in her country, filming in Spanish for the first time. Her association with Fernández' team (cinematographer Gabriel Figueroa, writer Mauricio Magdaleno and actor Pedro Armendáriz) was mainly responsible for creating what has been called the Golden Era of Mexican Cinema. With such pictures as Maria Candelaria (1944), The Abandoned (1945) and Bugambilia (1945), del Río became the prototypical Mexican beauty. career included film, theater and television. In her last years she received accolades because of her work for orphaned children. Her last film was The Children of Sanchez (1978). (x)
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naboo-guardian · 2 years
Elizameera's relationships with the Halcyon crew and the First Order crew (inspired by @wingerondeck, the photo below is not mine!)
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Riyola Keevan: Elizameera did not get along with the captain at first. They butt heads because they were both headstrong and Elizameera did not want to be on the ship. However, once Riyola got through to Elizameera and Elizameera accepted help, they developed a mentor-student bond. They always defend each other no matter what. Elizameera's children call Riyola their "Auntie Riyola."
Lenka Mok: Lenka absolutely adores Elizameera and sees her as a daughter. They had a very positive connection when Elizameera first arrived on the Halcyon and are always looking out for each other. Lenka is like a second mother to Elizameera and helps her feel relieved of the burden of taking care of her brother Temrys alone. To Elizameera's children, Lenka is "Grandma Mok."
Samuel (Sammie): Samuel "Sammie" is Elizameera's husband, so clearly they have an incredibly loving and close relationship. They are very much in love and everyone on the Halcyon knows it. They are in competition with the rest of the couples on the Halcyon and beat them out easily. Everyone is jealous, but they are not witness to Elizameera and Sammie's petty arguments behind closed doors, how they sometimes struggle to communicate, and how their differences in parenting styles lead to conflict. No couple is perfect. When they first met, they did not quite get along and it took awhile for her to warm up to him, but they are very much in sync now.
SK-62O: SK-62O is one of Elizameera's closest companions. The droid was one of the first passengers on the Halcyon to befriend Elizameera and was always on her side. In turn, she was always there for them. Elizameera is also very passionate about droid rights and was part of the plan to get SK unbolted when they were caught by the First Order.
D3-09: D3-09 is another close companion of Elizameera's. She was very helpful to Elizameera and Temrys when they first arrived and continued to be a wonderful friend to them throughout their journey. She would keep them informed, read them bedtime stories, and sing them lullabies when they could not sleep. She still does the same for them now, as well as for Elizameera's children.
Raithe Cole: Elizameera is fond of Raithe. At first, she did not trust him at all, nor did he trust her, but over time he grew to feel protective of her and developed a fatherly affection for her. Because Lenka cares about Elizameera so much, Raithe cares about her, too. He can also relate to her because he had to grow up at a young age and admires how she turned to something honorable rather than being a scoundrel like him. She brings out the best in him and in turn, he gives her whatever guidance he can offer. Now, her children call him Papa Raithe.
Gaya: Elizameera always admired Gaya and how she became not only an inspiration to her race, but also many others. Elizameera loved Gaya's music, and has always been grateful for her because she server as the inspiration for her brother (who has a huge crush on Gaya) to pursue music. When Elizameera and Temrys actually met Gaya, Gaya made it a point to include them in things and acknowledged their talents. She is very fond of both siblings and they both adore her. Elizameera's children are big fans of Gaya as well, and the whole family always gets VIP tickets to her concerts.
Sandro Alamander Sandro: Elizameera was immediately captivated by Sandro when she met him. Not only did he look cool, but he was so friendly, full of positive energy, he could sing, AND he could play guitar! She was in awe!!! She was so starstruck that she activately avoided him out of anxiety. Ultimately, he approached her when he heard her singing and they did a duet together for the passengers on the Halcyon. They are still best friends to this day. Her children call him Uncle Sandro.
Ouanii: Ouanii was one of Elizameera's first friends aboard the Halcyon. She encouraged Elizameera when she was feeling insecure about becoming a Jedi and would always treat Elizameera like her best friend. Elizameera also encouraged Ouanii when she was lacking motivation for her music. Elizameera also tried to set Ouanii up with Sandro, and Ouanii tried to set Elizameera up with Sammie. Both were successful. They are always supportive of each other. Elizameera's children call Ouanii "Auntie Ouanii".
Harman Croy: Harman is Elizameera's secondary rival. Harman is more of a rival to Elizameera's mother Juliesme, but Elizameera is going to have beef with anyone who did her mother wrong. Though Elizameera intensely dislikes Harman, he has no problem with her and is actually quite fond of her, though no one knows why. Her children adore him for and always want to see him for some reason, but Elizameera and Sammie will not let them near him.
The Stormtroopers: No one really knows where Elizameera and the Stormtroopers stand with each other. She seems to like messing with them and they very clearly amuse her. The Stormtroopers give no indication of their exact feelings towards Elizameera, but they clearly dislike it when she or anyone related to her comes around. Her husband has a very bad reputation among the Stormtroopers, (they still haven't gotten that suit back!!!), and no one knows where the Stormtroopers went after the First Order disembarked. One thing is for sure: Elizameera and the Stormtroopers are not fond of each other at all.
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a-edgar-allan-hoe · 4 years
The Red Witch
Jasper Hale x Reader Part 5
A/N: Part 5 is here my lovelies! Bon apetit! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list. 💕
Summary: Imagine being an immortal witch from the Middle Ages and being the previous love of Jasper before he was turned. You two were separated under certain circumstances and cross each other’s path once again, years later in the present era.
Warnings: Language
Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4
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It was the year 1862. You were sitting in the private carriage of the train that early morning, on the route to Houston. This was your first time in America and you couldn’t help the excitement in you as stared out the window at the vast lands before you. Unbeknownst to Charlotte and some others, you were a countess at the time, in courtesy of your father, Count Balthazar, who was long dead. But you tried to keep your family history as confidential as possible, considering your father was a sorcerer and your mother a witch. When you grew into a young woman, you left your family castle and went your own way, leaving behind everything that reminded you of your cruel father and donated all his wealth to charity. As for your mother, she was a beautiful sea witch. After the death of your father, she was able to gain her freedom and now lives happily in a humble cottage on the coast of Scotland, close to her beloved sea, and married to the local clocksmith who loves her more than your father ever could.
The reason you were traveling to Houston was because you were recently invited out here to preform at the local theatre for charity, to which which all the funds would go towards the families affected by the war. You were a known opera singer at the time and people fell in love with your clear and soft voice that held all the emotion and sadness behind it which was beautiful to their ears. You were also quite an exceptional pianist. It originally started out as a hobby, something you decided to test the waters with, but you didn’t know it would grow into something serious, eventually venturing you out into having a strong passion for the arts like singing, acting, and even painting. When your father was around, you were never able to pursue such things. He believed they were nonsense, a complete and utter waste of time. While these activities were useless to him, they were your whole heart and soul for you. You breathed for the arts. You guess you had your mother to thank for that, she used to sing you a lullaby every night when you were a child to calm your nerves because of the visions you would have. Thankfully, those visions ceased to happen as you got older.
The gentle rocking and sound of the train had lulled you to sleep as you currently had your head leaned against the window and your feet thrown up on the seat of the train. Your hair was tied up in a bun with a peridot green ribbon while a few loose pesky strands fell about your face. A leather bound Wuthering Heights book was tucked neatly in your hands on your lap. You were wearing a simple grey long sleeved gingham linen dress with delicate black lace trim at the sleeves and your collar. A peridot green velvet ribbon was tied around your waist, your neckline sat at the bottom of your neck and covered your collarbone, and a few black buttons ran down the front of your bodice.
Your dear friend at the time was sitting across from you with her fiancé. Her name was Charlotte Griffiths, the daughter of a governor. And though she was mortal, you absolutely adored her, for she took you in when you nearly did not have a home and cared for you as if you were her own sister. Then again, you always adored mortals. This was before you had known Melanie whom you had only met in the 60s. Charlotte’s fiancé was Lord Ernest Thompson, the owner of a estate and a businessman. He was a kind, charitable, and respectable young man, and you thought he was the perfect match for Charlotte. They both were kind and gentle souls.
“Isn’t this exciting (Y/N)?” Charlotte squealed, waking you from your nap.
“Hm?” You opened your sleepy eyes to look at a blur of what most likely was your friend. “Oh of course.” You yawned, giving yourself a minute to adjust your eyes and mind to reality. “Technically you’re the one who begged me to accept the invitation for performing here and practically dragged me along.” You smirked.
“Oh admit it. I saw your face light up when you received that invitation. Anyways, isn’t this a wonderful little adventure for us? You’ve told me how much you liked to travel.”
“Well I wouldn’t quite call a civil war a wonderful little adventure.” You snarked lightheartedly, letting out a scoff before starting to dwell upon what sort of mess you’ve just gotten into.
“My god woman.” Ernest chuckled playfully, lifting his eyes from the newspaper he was reading, his glasses sitting at the bridge of his nose as he glanced at Charlotte. “Can’t you see (Y/N) was asleep?”
“Well I....I’m merely excited my love.”
“Merely?” He raised a brow.
“Oh you’re being harsh on her Ernest.” You joked along, smiling to yourself as the lovers started to lightly quarrel.
You stared out the window again, watching the scenery blur past. You have seen many lands in your time, how they have changed over the course of years, how some have come and vanished to dust. You have seen kings rise and fall. But you haven’t been here, to America. This was all foreign to you.
The train finally came to a stop at the train station and you quickly grabbed your things, desperate to get out and stretch your legs. You hastily threw on your matching bonnet, not caring that it sat crooked on your head. You rushed towards the door and hitched up your skirt, struggling with the petticoat and making sure not to go past the ankles of your boots and expose your stockings or else Charlotte would have a heart attack. You grabbed the handle and stepped down from the train and onto the wooden platform as Charlotte and Ernest followed suit.
Right when you stepped out you could feel the hot and thick damp air surround you, and you couldn’t help but bring out your fan and fan yourself vicariously.
“My goodness it’s muggy. It’s like the devil’s bollocks out here.” You breathed out.
“(Y/N)!” Charlotte exclaimed, smacking you gently with her fan. “Mind your manners!”
“You forgot your parasol by the way.”
“Oh. Right.” You took your parasol from her hands and opened it up, putting your fan away. “Wouldn’t want to forget my complexion guardian.”
You were so used to London weather, now you had to get used to this, and your corset was not helping either.
“Would you look at that Charlotte. The sun.” You made a point to her, only making her shake her head.
Once you were all settled and had your things you all headed to the nearest bed and breakfast and checked into your rooms. You and Charlotte shared one while Ernest had his own. You had just set your belongings inside before Charlotte decided now would be a good time to go to the local tea house, despite your slight dismay as you would much rather be taking a nap. You were sitting out on the tables in front of the local tea house, your head propped up by your hand and a cup of tea in your other, while chatting with Charlotte as you watched the local people pass by.
“My goodness. This heat, it’s nearly disgusting.” Charlotte fanned herself as she wiped her forehead.
“I’m sweating in places I didn’t know I had. I might as well be stripping myself bare to the bone.” You added, fanning yourself with your hand.
“I told you to wear a crinoline.”
“What? Those ghastly looking cages for your legs? Never.”
You stared off into the distance in a sort of dazed state, thinking about your comfortable bed back home, and your collection of books you left behind. You were also starting to miss your mother, wishing you were in Scotland watching the waves with her, before noticing that Charlotte had gone awfully quiet.
“What’s gotten into you?” You asked her, seeing her stare at something behind you. “Charlotte?”
“My my, I think you have an admirer.” She giggled, her youthful face lit up with giddiness as she tried to contain her laughter.
“What on earth are you babbling about?” You turned to follow her gaze and saw a tall stranger wearing a military uniform staring in your direction. You straightened up in your chair, your face firm as you started to feel yourself get anxious. You were silently hoping he wouldn’t come over to your table to strike up a conversation.
“Oh! He’s a rather fine looking gentleman I must say. Annnd he’s an officer.” Charlotte was now leaning in to whisper noticeably in your ear. You can practically hear her next you, trying so hard to contain her giggles.
“You’ve gone daft Charlotte. He’s obviously fancying you. You’re the pretty one.” You turned back around, completely disinterested.
“I think not! You know I’m engaged!”
“And how would he know that detail? Hm? A man who sees a pretty woman without any knowledge as to who she is, is most likely to approach her, without any assumption as to whether she is engaged or not. To which he’ll find out sooner or later I must add.” You ran on before taking a sip of your tea.
“Oh come now (Y/N). You know I wouldn’t.”
“I don’t know, you seem to be a little too excited upon seeing other men. I don’t hear you speak of Ernest as such, as I might recall, a rather fine looking gentleman.”
“You know I love my dear Ernest more than anything. I’m just trying to find you a suitor.”
“I honestly wish you wouldn’t.” You sighed inaudibly. “What I’m trying to say is, that gentleman over there does not know that. So just.....oh bloody hell. I don’t know. Just be prepared to decline his advances towards you.”
“You lack faith my dear.” She gave you a pitiful look before looking behind you once more. “Oh look! He’s coming this way!”
“He’s what?! Charlotte!” You hiss as you lightly slap your hands down on the table as to not draw attention. “Don’t just invite him over.”
“Ladies.” You heard the man now standing beside you as he took off his hat and lowered his head in a polite greeting.
You had gotten so nervous in the mere matter of a minute that you couldn’t stop yourself from letting out the next word that slipped your tongue. “Fuck.”
There was a brief silence as Charlotte and the stranger stared at you in utter disbelief at what a proper lady like you had just uttered. A few others who sat at the other tables near you in earshot stared at you in displeasure before looking away.
Oh just wonderful. You wanted the world to eat you alive right there so you could escape their peers.
You locked eyes with the officer for a brief moment before turning away and fixing your gaze on something else, doing your best to seem preoccupied. You wished you brought your book with you so you could bury your face in it.
Charlotte let out an uneasy laugh befor turning to the man. “Well hello officer! I’m Charlotte Griffiths.” You caught your friend extending her gloved hand out to him, to which he kissed lightly.
“Pleasure to meet you.” You heard him say in this thick southern accent you were definitely not accustomed to.
“This young lady here is my dear friend (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“Charlotte. Stop this instance.” You leaned closer to her only for her to hear.
You were starting to feel embarrassed more than anything.
“Ma’am.” He now turned to you, to which you gave a short reply without making any eye contact.
“Good day.”
“You know (Y/N) here has come to preform for the opera tomorrow night. You should come!”
Charlotte you did not just.
You sat there with your arms folded and glared at her. She loved getting you into these predicaments, innocently enough. If only she knew how much it bothered you.
“Really?” He turned to you now, smiling. “I thought I heard that name somewhere.”
“Oh, well she’s only one of the best sopranos in England.”
“Ehem. Charlotte that’s quite enough. Thank you.”
You almost felt ridiculed at the moment as you felt the stares of everyone around you weighing in on you. And then that sensation started to creep on you. The same one you felt when you were a child. You glanced around, seeing and hearing the blood flowing through everyone’s veins and their hearts beating in their chests, glowing like a red ruby. You squeezed your eyes shut and pinched the bridge of your nose, silently muttering to yourself and remembering the meditation your mother taught you. Earth, fire, water, air, and spirit. You glanced up from underneath your bonnet as the sensation died down and you could finally hear Charlotte calling out your name.
“(Y/N). Are you alright?” Charlotte was reaching out a hand to clasp your gloved one, gently shaking them.
“I’m fine.” You breathed out while rubbing your temple. “It’s just a migraine.”
“Do you need anything for it?” Charlotte questioned you.
“No. God no. I don’t need any of that poison.” You got up from your seat and dusted yourself off before grabbing your parasol. “I’m going to head back to the inn if you don’t mind Charlotte.”
“Do you want me to walk you back?” The officer asked you, his voice laced with concern as he took a step towards you.
You took a step back away from him in response, still avoiding his eyes. “No. I’m quite alright. I’m pretty sure I can walk back to the inn without any assistance thank you.”
“Good day.” You nodded your head at him before turning away and heading back to the inn.
The officer was the most surprised at this situation if anything. He never received this sort of reaction before. Growing up, he always appeared to have a way with words and an influence over people, they always seemed to like him. His father called it charisma. And yet here you were, this woman he had barely just met, and you didn’t have the slightest sway from him. He was a bit perplexed at this, since he was now the one that was drawn to you.
You on the other hand, you found him to be rather bold. This had happened plenty of times before. Charlotte would bring over someone to introduce to you and it always ended up with you turning them down since everyone of them had been a cocky arrogant arshehole. But the one thing you didn’t want to admit to yourself was you were scared of falling in love. The last time you did, it didn’t end well. Ever since then, you tried to keep your distance and your emotions locked up. After all those years of isolation, you eventually led yourself to believe your curse made you incapable of love.
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prinxlyart · 4 years
Oh thos warm moments of redemption hit me right in the feels >///<. (I'mma definitely gonna compile all your headcanons in one doc and you can't stop me!). Anyways, now getting back to lumity (prepare thyselve because I'm HUNGRY): How does the redeemed Odalia's relationship with Luz and Willow develop? And regarding our three girls in particular, how do they act right after their proposals, during the wedding and on their honeymoon?
(Lmao please, lord knows I’ll never put any of these into a doc)
Hmmm, that’s a really good question. Er, several questions. Imma go in order of how they were asked.
[tw: for mentions of severe depression /thoughts of suicide starting with bullet #4. I’ll be sure to add the warnings before and after the section as well. Please continue with caution.]
Blight Parents’ relationship with their daughters-in-law:
I think just due to how they got to where they are by this point, they both have a soft spot for Luz. She’s the one that reached out to them in the first place after all of their kids left the family. They feel a v specific gratitude towards her and Camila both because these humans work so hard to get shit done. It’s an admirable trait. One they’re glad the Nocedas aimed at them. It’s taken so much time and energy to get the Blights be, like. Tolerable people? And then even more to get them to actually act like parents.
I think at first, any time they’re unsure of how to act or react to a situation, they’ll go to Luz for guidance. They’ve gone their whole lives up until just a few years ago acting a certain way and just flipping all that? It can be difficult to break those habits. Any time they feel they should react in anger or irritation or disgust, they stop and think “no, wait. What would Luz/Camila do? Would they get mad...?” And they just give her a look of confusion and guilt before Luz mimes the sort of reaction that would be healthiest. Any time Amity catches them literally looking to Luz on how to act supportive she just rolls her eyes. They’re trying and that’s what matters.
I think at first they just don’t know how to interact with Willow. They apologized for how they treated her in the past at great length, but Willow just sort of nodded along quietly. They weren’t used to that sort of reaction (granted they’ve only just started doing this “apologizing” thing for a few months at this point in time. They’re still getting the hang of it). So they sit uncomfortably for a while until Willow sighs and sort of sits up straighter. She’d resolved to tell them about how their careless and cruel treatment of Amity was the first step in a chain reaction to Willow’s life becoming absolutely miserable for years to follow.
Not only was she forced to lose her best friend at that birthday party, but she had to do so in the cruelest way possible. Amity explained to her years back that she pretended to not like her because she couldn’t do magic to hide the fact that her parents threatened Willow. Because the Blights are supposed to be perfect. Amity has always been smart and she knew what would happen if she let it slip that they had threatened her. If Willow knew the truth, she’d tell her dads and her dads would try to confront them about it. It would end up turning into a scandal (although Amity admitted she wasn’t familiar with the word at the time; it was just one of those words she heard her mom use a lot for situations that were bad). So as a result of Amity doing her part to “protect” the Blight name, she shunned Willow from her life and broke both their hearts in the process.
[TW: discussion of severe depression and thoughts/intentions of suicide. If you’re in a vulnerable headspace right now, please scroll until you see the next notice signaling the end of the section. And please, if you’re struggling with depression and/or thoughts of suicide, please please please seek professional help.]
Willow recounts the years of endless bullying, not always by Amity’s new friends, but often by them. She tells them how Amity wouldn’t necessarily participate so much as observe with a carefully schooled expression. And then there were times when Amity did bully her, and that hurt so much more than everyone else combined. All so she wouldn’t be publicly shamed or get in trouble with her parents for associating with someone like Willow.
She tells them that it literally took Luz coming into their lives for any of that to change. Amity had turned 7 on the birthday she cut Willow out of her life, and they were 14 when Luz showed up. Half of Willow’s entire life up to that point had been friendless (or nearly friendless) and so severely bullied that she was actually debating growing a Graveleaf plant to brew tea with. She still has to take a daily healing potion prescribed by her doctor to keep her mind from falling back to that same state it used to be in. Yes, her life has greatly improved ever since Luz showed up and helped repair her friendship with Amity. Yes, it’s only gotten better since then. Yes, she loves her fiancées with everything she has. But that doesn’t mean all that pain has suddenly been erased and it doesn’t always stop her brain from sinking back into its depressed state.
Needless to say, the Blights are absolutely floored with all of this information. They’re both frozen in shock, they don’t know what to do or say to such an admission. Willow just continues though. She tells them that she’s so grateful to have Amity back in her life. That with therapy, her daily medicine, and time, she’s come a long way from where she once was. Her bad days aren’t nearly as bad as they were when she was a kid. She has both of her fiancées to support her and love her when she’s feeling down. She tells them that no, she can’t forgive them for what they’ve done. But she accepts their apology and appreciates them making the effort to make things right. Seeing Amity happy because her parents are actually trying to be better makes Willow happy.
I think......Alador would be the one to go to Willow and kneel before her and take her hand, apologizing with as much intent as he can muster. He’s a little more in touch with his emotions these days than Odalia is, and he’s lost a family member to suicide before. He knows how devastating it can be to everyone around them and he’s mortified at the fact that Willow had almost done the same. He understands how much she means to Amity and he comes to the realization mid-apology that he could have very well lost his own daughter in a similar fashion had Willow gone through with that. Odalia goes white as a sheet at hearing that, steadying herself in her chair and it makes Willow feel queasy, but she’s glad that he understands the severity of what they’d done. She does put a hand to Alador’s shoulder to comfort him as he reels from this realization and he stands properly again to wrap Willow in a hug as he cried, still muttering apologies through his tears. I think it takes a while for Odalia to be able to speak again, but Willow is able to see that that struggle means it’s rocked her to her core. Once Odalia is able to also stammer out her own apologies, Willow just gives her a small smile and nods.
[END OF SECTION. Now it’s all fluff from here on out. Have fun, kids.]
After that discussion, Alador and Odalia double down on the whole “being better” thing. During one of their weekly tea meetings, they ask Camila how they might start doing that in their daily lives too, not just for their children. Camila doesn’t know the first thing about their jobs or what they do or the people they work with, so she tells them to make a list of things they can think of that might’ve been considered hurtful to some degree. The tea definitely goes cold long before the list is done; Camila actually needs to leave before they finish it. The next meeting, there’s a comically large scroll of shit they’ve done sitting on the table and they are sitting with their heads cowed in shame. I think Camila pops an ibuprofen before her headache settles in.
They still don’t know how to do nice things without throwing money at it first. That takes a while for them to wrap their heads around. Luz and Willow aren’t ones for like. Big, extravagant, expensive things. They prefer the heartfelt stuff, like hand-made gifts or thoughtful acts of service. (Amity, however, insists they accept her parents ridiculously expensive weekend getaway trip to the Iliac Crest Hot Springs; the top of the left hip bone of the Titan. A well-known vacation spot for romantic getaways. Willow only accepts because she knows they’d never be able to afford that on their own and Luz accepts it as a wedding gift and an opportunity to go to a part of the Boiling Isles she’s never explored before.)
Alador is like every dad ever; he loves talking about random trivia shit to anyone who will listen. Luz is literally the only person that will listen because even though she’s lived in the Demon Realm for years now, she still doesn’t know all the “fun facts” that everyone else has grown up with. Sometimes she’ll bring up points about random trivia bits Alador is going on about and put in her own two snails about something she’s experienced regarding it, and she and Alador will go back and forth for a while like that, talking about the stuff they’ve experienced relating to that thing. Willow thinks it’s adorable and Amity is mostly just exasperated (but she also thinks it’s cute and she loves watching her dad bond with her fiancée like this).
Odalia will occasionally ask Amity about her abominations and they’ll sort of awkwardly talk for a while about the technicalities and ingredients and Odalia will mention adding an ingredient Amity’s never even considered before. When she inquires further, Odalia tells her that she’ll sometimes work with a friend in the Emperor’s coven that specialized in the plant track to experiment with creating abominations with different kinds of ingredients for different tasks. Amity is shocked and impressed to hear about her own mother mixing magic and teases her for breaking the rules right under the emperor’s nose. Odalia stammers at that (she’s still getting used to Belos no longer being in power and the stigma against mixing magic still runs strong in her mind), but eventually admits that yes, technically she’s mixed magic. Amity makes her promise to show her how with Willow and they make a whole day of it.
Spending the day making weird abominations with Odalia Blight was Not something Willow thought she’d ever say she’d done, but hey. She didn’t think King could beat Luz in that one eating contest either because where does he put all that food, but he ended up winning anyway. Willow and Amity are actually super excited to try mixing their knowledge of magic together; it almost feels intimate in a way. It’s something neither have tried before and are able to try for the first time together because it’s their specialties. Odalia guides them through the process of mixing different types of plants into the abomination mixture to make abominations specific for extra strength or abominations that help enhance healing magic just due to its properties. They all end up having a lot of fun that day, just making all sorts of varieties of abominations. By the time the day is done, they’re all covered in abomination goop because one of them accidentally exploded. Luz managed to get a picture of them all laughing together and covered in goop before they go to clean up. It’s one of her favorite pictures.
As time goes on, things get less and less tense between the Blight parents and Luz and Willow (especially with Willow). They grow more comfortable with being good parents, good people, and just kinder and more loving in general. There’s one day when the Blights come to visit and they greet each girl with a hug and kiss without really realizing it. They all go to settle down in the living room, but Amity’s still frozen at the doorway, covering her mouth and trying desperately to wipe away the tears that crept up at the display of affection. No one else had thought anything of it, but that was the first time her parents had shown the same and love and affection to both of her wives without any hesitation or fear of crossing boundaries. She cherishes the memory of that moment often.
Proposal Reactions:
I genuinely don’t know how these girls would propose to each other. There’s any number of possibilities; they’re all so creative. The part of me that wants to make funny cartoons would have them each scrambling to figure out the best way to propose to each other and getting into ridiculous hijinks when they try to get their friends’ help (Amity would ask Emira and Edric [and the detention gang by extension; Viney’s remained best friends with Jerbo and Barcus after all this time]. Willow I think would recruit Gus and oddly enough, Lilith [she sees Eda as too much of a mother to Luz to feel comfortable with asking her to help her propose to her daughter]. Luz would definitely ask Eda, King and Camila to help but regret it almost instantly). Of course everyone would end up tripping over one another and each proposal attempt would end in disaster but all three girls would see the resulting destruction (maybe several things on fire?) and just laugh their asses off. Because wow, this could’ve gone so much better, but hey, you guys wanna get married?
The sappy romantic in me tho. Would want them to discuss it thoroughly before hand; agree that yes they’d love to get married, they’re just not sure if it’s the right time. But Luz, being the person she is, would go and recruit everyone’s help in coming up with the best proposal ever. Willow and Amity are both busy with their respective jobs just enough to not notice all the scheming going on. And then one day when all 3 of them have the same day off, Luz takes them out for a fun day (whatever that entails; maybe a day at a carnival or just wandering around town or something). At the end of the day, she takes them somewhere significant (this could literally be anywhere, Grom Tree is a good place because of the view it has over the cliff’s edge, but yknow. Whatever suits their relationship as a trio) and everything is decked out in lights and decorations. And Amity and Willow are both stunned and enthralled by the display and they turn to see Luz down on one knee and holding two small boxes, holding one out to each of them and a super nervous smile on her face. Amity and Willow maybe accidentally tackle her to the ground when they tried to hug her.
During the wedding:
I think they’re all stressed during the wedding itself. They’re excited, of course, a whole ceremony dedicated to the three of them vowing to spend the rest of their lives together. They aren’t capable of imaging a life without each other at this point. But that doesn’t stop the nerves from settling in.
Eda’s constantly telling Luz to calm down before the ceremony actually begins; Luz is found pacing and coming up with doomsday scenarios out loud at light speed like she always does when she’s nervous. Camila and Eda are also nervous, but they’re doing their best to keep it together for Luz’s sanity. Camila’s making sure (with Emira, as Em is the Maid of Honor) that everything is going smoothly and according to plan. But she has similar nervous habits to Luz when she doesn’t have something to focus her attention on. She ends up fussing over Luz’s hair and getting rid of any imaginary wrinkles in her outfit, making sure her makeup is perfect until Eda tells her to quit treating Luz like a dress up doll. Eda’s really good at pep talks, even when she’s nervous, but she manages to calm both Nocedas down with her patented Soft Encouraging Voice.
Amity’s freaking out in her own way in a separate room with all of her girls (Emira, Skara, a fully and properly redeemed Boscha). She’s freaking out similarly to Luz in that she’s mumbling to herself all sorts of ridiculous what-ifs and wishing desperately that she could just be with Luz and Willow already because they bring her the most comfort. She’s not pacing like Luz though, she’s sitting while Emira and Skara do some intricate thing with her hair while Boscha’s doing her makeup but that doesn’t stop her from wringing her hands and bouncing her leg (something that Boscha has to tell her to stop doing every 30 seconds or she’ll mess up the makeup she’s doing). Emira’s giving her advice for every little “what-if” she can hear coming out of Amity, with some silly remarks from Boscha and Skara that actually puts Amity somewhat at ease. Having her girls acting calm and natural did help. She thanks them for doing as much at the reception.
Willow’s trying to get herself into game mode with a pep talk. No place for nerves, only well-thought action. She’s actually got Viney there with her (who had to kick Gus out because he was crying at just the sight of Willow in her wedding dress), as well as Bo and Kat (I think those are the names of the two healing track girls....someone tell me if I’m wrong, but I think Bo is the one in the Human Appreciation Society and I think Kat is the one with the glasses that played on Boscha’s team in the Grudgby match). Willow’s girls are all hyping her up like she’s about to enter a Grudgby match rather than a wedding ceremony, and the ridiculousness of it all is staving off her nerves. Viney’s also giving her own personal experience as advice; she may or may not have tripped during her own wedding and is making sure Willow knows how to avoid that at all costs.
I genuinely don’t know what the role of the Best Man is, but I know in one of my past headcanon posts I mentioned that both Edric and Gus are asked to fill that role (there’s no such thing as rules when you’ve got a human and two witches getting married on the boiling isles). I think while Emira and Camilia are helping their respective brides-to-be get ready, Edric and Gus are taking over making sure everything is running smoothly and all the guests know where to go. When they’re just sort of standing around and waiting for their next task, Gus starts tearing up again at the thought of Willow in her dress. Willow’s like the big sister he never had and now she’s getting married. Gus is constantly having to perform minor illusions on his face to make it look like he’s not about to cry or has already been crying. Edric hasn’t seen Amity yet, but he’s secretly doing the same thing whenever their minds aren’t preoccupied with whatever Event Tasks they need to focus on.
I think.....rather than a one-by-one thing, all three of our girls enter at the same time from different doors. Luz comes in from the left side door, Amity comes in from the right, and Willow comes in from the main entrance at the back. Luz is practically vibrating with nerves and excitement and the only reason she doesn’t run to the front to sweep her beautiful girls into excited, passionate kisses is solely due to her own mother’s iron grip on her arm as she walks her up. I actually don’t know if Alador has redeemed himself enough at this point for Amity to allow him to walk her up to the front, but I also think Edric would be too much of a mess to do so. I think a lifetime of keeping up a mask helps Alador maintain his composure long enough to get Amity up to the front and to take his seat before he lets the waterworks take over. I actually don’t know which of Willow’s dads would walk her up; we don’t know enough about either of them to make personality judegement calls. Whichever dad can hold it together for longer, probably.
Polyamory isn’t a new thing on the Boiling Isles; it may not be practiced as often among witches, but demons do it all the time, so the person officiating their wedding (it could be literally anyone, I have no idea. Maybe principal bump, just for funsies) knows exactly how this ceremony needs to go. They all planned beforehand exactly the order they’d kiss one another once they were proclaimed officially married: Luz would be too excited to wait and would kiss each of her girls first, Amity then Willow, and then Amity and Willow would share their own kiss once Luz had gotten that out of her system.
I don’t know enough about honeymoons to know if there’s a difference between a honeymoon and a normal vacation except Now You’re Married. Maybe they go on a grand expedition around the Boiling Isles? Maybe they honeymoon in the Human Realm? That’s exactly like the proposal situation; it could be literally anything. Far too many variables and ideas that could make it perfect for each of them. Hell, they could probably just say they’re going out and doing all sorts of stuff and actually just locking themselves in their house so they can just be together and relish in the relief of no longer needing to plan such a large and important event. They can just enjoy each other’s company as Wives now. I really don’t know.
Regardless of what they do, I think they’d be like any other person on their honeymoon: absolutely love struck and over the moon with how much they love each other. Sometimes they’ll catch one another staring and tease each other about it ( “awww you liiiikkkke meeee” “we literally just got married” “yeah I know but stiiiiiillllllllll”)
I actually don’t know what else you expect me to put here, so I guess I’ll just say they lived happily ever after, the end.
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ooc: Alt. Verses/AUs!
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Fire Emblem Three Houses Ai: Ai Malificia is a Golden Deer student. A little shy but friendly and kind to all, Ai mainly focuses on magic, studying Reason and Faith. She can be seen in the library or the courtyard but especially the greenhouse with all the flowers. Ai loves flowers, especially pink roses. She also has a twin sister who has run away from home that she hasn’t heard from in a long time. The two were dotted on by their overprotective parents as both had Crests.
They feared what could happen to the two and though Ai didn’t mind, her sister had enough and decided to run away. Ai was sad for days until she heard about the Monastery. It took some convincing for her parents to let her attend as a student but finally they let her go. Now on her own, Ai strives to do her best and learn to be a healer in order to help others.
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Goddess Ai: Ai is kind-hearted, gentle, soft-spoken, nature goddess who loves flowers as well as relaxing activities like painting or reading with tea. She is quite naive about the world though, only knowing little from books and hasn’t been outside much due to worrying that there is danger out there. Ai is sweet and could possibly never harm anyone no matter the danger she may end up in.
Fire Emblem Three Houses Diana:
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Diana’s mother is a noble knight of Faerghus, retired now after having a child, her father a Monk who used to be an adventurer. Diana would hear stories from both about serving the kingdom and seeing the world. Though adventuring around the world seemed fun, she decided to strive towards a path of being like her mother. At first she trained under her when young, then when old enough was accepted into the Academy under the Blue Lions house.
Knowing Dimitri is the heir to the throne, Diana tends to sway to training her hardest to impress him since she is aiming to be a knight of his someday once she graduates. Her hardworking and studious nature has some students frowning upon her, thinking her an overachiever, while others admire her.
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Tsareena Gijinka Iyumi (A Pokemon Gijinka version of Iyumi where she is a Tsareena. Prissy and can seem stuck up but is actually willing to help others. If you’re charming and caring, her personality flips and she becomes a lot more friendly and adoring.)
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Genshin Impact Iyumi: Iyumi is a Electro Fatui mage on the prowl for someone cute she can call hers. To most she acts vicious and snobby, ready to electrocute them should they get on her nerves. But should she find the someone she wants, she becomes more adoring and flirty, chasing after them until she can have them. Which can turn into an aggressive chase should the other not want her.
Iyumi is a talented Fatui mage from Snezhnaya, obeying the Tsaritsa though sometimes goes off on her own in search of someone to play with and be her lover should they catch her interest. However her aggressive behavior and the fact that she is a Fatui has scared multiple people off, making her a bit hot tempered and grumpy towards others.
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One Piece Xia: Xia started off on an island of rich folk and snobs. She was given  everything she could have asked for except one thing. Freedom. Her parents were terrified of the outside world, even of some of their own neighbors thinking they would try something drastic to get their fortune. She was kept inside for the most part, couldn’t make friends, could barely even set foot outside. It drove her crazy. She could take  care of herself! Nothing would harm her. She tried every way she could  to break free of the cage she was in. And then, she finally saw her  chance when a pirate crew came to her shores.
The crew fell for her charms and looks and made her captain, blinded by their lust for her. Though she had never been a pirate or captain, she led them on one mission, to simply go place to place and have the fun she could never have when she was held like a  captive bird back home. Knowing how easily her small crew succumbed to  her wishes made her decide to branch out and use it more against others. Obtained the Inu Inu no Mii: Fox Model fruit on her travels.
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One Piece Kyana: Kyatana or Kyana as she prefers to be called lived in a humble town. Days were peaceful, all thanks to the Marines. Or so she was told by her parents. She listened to stories of famous Marines and saw them as heroes, desiring strongly to be one. She read as many books about them as she could, trained herself to at least wield a sword, and anxiously waited for herself to be old enough to join. Along the way to getting recruited however, she had some hiccups. As a child, she found a strange fruit that bullies were hiding and she decided to take it for herself, thinking they didn’t deserve it. She ended up being chased and in the middle of it all, swallowed the fruit as fast as possible. At first nothing happened. Then a burst of flame came from her. Her parents weren’t the type to give up though and made things work out, even if they weren’t sure what to think about their daughter’s new abilities. But they knew everything had been an accident. They encouraged her to train her new abilities and keep aiming to join the Marines. That was nine years ago and now much older, Kyana was ready to be recruited, feeling like she had control over her flames. Has the fire fruit.
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Demon Iyumi: A demon AU for Iyumi where she is a demon princess wanting to find her king and become a queen! Though her stuck up, snobbish attitude tends to scare away others. However, if she has interest in you, her personality switches and she’ll be nice and adoring towards you, possibly even flirty. Though watch out, when she sets her eyes on someone she wants, she’ll do anything to get them. Also has a Disgaea verse where she is a wannabe Overlord!
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Goddess of Darkness Iyumi and Goddess of Light Miyuki: Twin goddesses with not only polar powers but polar personalities. Iyumi is a snob and a bit of a brat, seeing herself as above all others (especially mortals) though secretly wants to find someone to love (and dominate over) and has a secret soft side as well. Miyuki is sweet and kind and has a very sympathetic heart, willing to help any mortals she comes across that are in trouble. Though she is also quite gullible and naive. The two bicker at times but try to work with each other.
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Angel Miyuki: Miyuki or Miyu is a young angel of heaven. She watches over humans with great curiosity but also a sense of duty to protect them. She is quite interested in the mortal world and wishes to visit it one day. Though she is no warrior, she wishes to use her healing abilities to help anyone in need. Miyu cares a lot for all living things and sympathizes easily with others’ struggles, even demons and fallen angels. The innocent angel only wishes to help whoever in need in whatever way she can. Face claim: Nasse from Platinum End
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Fairy Miyuki/Miyu: Miyu is a friendly fairy that lives in the forest. Since people who come there sometimes get lost, if she finds anyone with such a case, she tries to help them in any way she can to find their way out and be happy. She feels sorry for them and also as someone who was born in the forest, finds it her duty to help those who don’t know the area well. Miyu is however naive and desires to help everyone even if they might have hidden intentions, and is rather innocent in nature. She could never hurt anyone even if they were to try and hurt her.
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Fate Series Emilia: Emilia is from a family that has some mages, but none of them have participated in the Holy Grail Wars. When she was born, they decided she would be the first to participate once she was sixteen. It sent her family into a feud, some saying that she was much too young to join the Holy Wars, others saying she would be old enough to handle it.
Her family is counting on her to summon a strong Servant like Saber and carry their wish on her shoulders, a wish to make their family famous with a name that will go down in history. But Emilia decided on another wish. Realizing how deadly the Holy War was, she decided on the wish to never have it happen again so no one else would be forced to participate like herself.
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Pokemon Sword/Shield Diana: Diana is a trainer from the Galar region, aiming to become champion and quite strong already. Because of her knight themed team, she’s been called Lady Paladin by random trainers. Her team consists of Aegislash, Sirfetch’d, Escavalier, Bisharp, Gallade, and Ninetails.
She is friendly but serious in battle and can seem stuck up. But she loves her Pokemon and is loyal to them and her friends, willing to throw herself in a fight to protect someone.
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Final Fantasy 15 Diana: Diana grew up wanting to become a knight like her mother, her father a black mage she met on her travels. She was granted her wish when she showed great prowess in sword fighting and magic and was determined to do anything to protect her country. When trouble was heard brewing from the kingdom of Insomnia, Diana decided to start her journey as a knight early despite not being officially recognized as one and is traveling with her family friend turned her guardian, a moogle named Vico. Now she helps whoever is suffering under the empire and hopes to meet the prince one day to help him as well.
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Club Singer/Information Broker Xia: Set in a time of gangsters like Al Capone, Xia is a infamous club singer, beautiful and willing to sell information she gathers from the patrons there for good amounts of money. She may be willing to pull other favors as well if there is something interesting for her to gain.
Villain Kyana: Kyana is a villain, her parents both villains but are rather comical about it. She is as well, coming up with catch phrases, monologues, and nicknames for the heroes who go against her. She never murders or kidnaps anyone, rather steals jewels or other cliche villain things.
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lunarwondcr · 3 years
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❝ I accept the fact that tomorrow will come. And I'm going to rise to meet it. ❞
(img cred: x)
Name: Donna Troy
Alias: Wonder Girl I / Troia 
Age: 104 / appears 30 
Occupation: Photographer / Co-Owner of Aurora Photography Studio / Superhero
Gender: Cisgender female.
MBTI Type: ISFP (The Adventurer) 
Height: 5'9″.
Weight: 168 pounds.
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Affiliations: Themyscira, The Amazons, Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, Titans, Justice League of America, The Nomads (?) 
Species: Themysciran / Amazonian 
Divine empowerment, accelerated healing, superhuman speed, strength and agility, flight, longevity, enhanced charisma. 
In her armour, Donna also possesses a pair of arm bracers strong enough to deflect bullets and the silver lasso of persuasion. 
Additionally, Donna has been trained by the Amazons in all forms of combat through thousands of years and with a plethora of weapons, although she has a particular proclivity for staff-like weapons.
+ Grounded; Where Diana may seem out of time, just a fraction out of step with the rest of man’s world, Donna has adapted in a very different way. She feels like a natural fit in this world and has the energy of “one of the boys” - easy to get along with and grounded in a way that other superheroes from outside man’s world so often are not. She’s quick to adapt with the times - both in knowledge and behaviour. This enables her to keep a good head on her shoulders, despite the swirling mess of history that comes along with her past. It’s very obvious that this flexible, easy to adapt nature is a coping mechanism for the longevity of her life and the rapidly changing world but it makes her an easy person to get along with and a teammate that is reliable on every count.
+ Charming; Part of this charm likely comes from Donna’s enhanced charisma - an ability that makes it nigh on impossible to lie to her face - but even without that, the odds are that Donna Troy would be a charismatic woman indeed. Approachable and funny, she is most at home when she is making others laugh and feel at ease around her. In truth, she’s very talented at it - teasing without ever being cruel, flirtatious without crossing boundaries, sheepish without self-deprecation. It’s a fine line to walk but often, Donna seems to do it naturally and it goes a long way in making people trust her. Of course, when she wants to weaponize this charisma, it’s even harder to deny her the truth or even what she wants from you.
+ Loving: Oh god, Donna Troy has so much love to give. So much that it seems to overflow from her very being. She is fiercely devoted to those she loves and there are plenty of those people - whether it be as simple as loving those she works with for their talent or loving her friends for their loyalty to her or adoring the very bones of her sisters for every atom in their bodies. She is affectionate in so many ways - from offering ‘date nights’ with dinner and drinks to unwind to wrapping anyone into one of the best hugs they could ever ask for to telling them, often and sincerely, that she loves them. For a superhero, Donna is remarkably open and frank about just how deeply she loves and she knows it often surprises the Gotham-adjacent people she calls friends. 
- Insecure: As is often the case when you are created to be someone’s mirror - a thing that definitely happens in all spheres of life, right? - Donna often struggles with the idea of her own identity. This is less of an issue these days but in her youth, she was plagued heavily with the concept of what it meant to be so closely aligned with Diana while still being very much her own person. On hard days, these feelings still rear their heads and she is forced to grapple with them and remind herself that she is not Diana and that is her strength. She has never found fault in Diana for this, ascribing the blame firmly with herself - even if that isn’t entirely accurate either.
- Blind Faith;  The flipside of Donna’s incredible loyalty is that she oft suffers from blind faith. She puts her utmost trust in the people she considers her friends and therefore, often makes the mistake of assuming that their values and morals will always align with her own. This isn’t always true and, when they inevitably disappoint her and the faith she puts in them, Donna can be easily wounded and lash out in ways that can seem unfair. She holds everyone to her own standards - and they can be high - and puts an immense amount of faith into the idea that they will always ascribe to these standards.
- Merciless; It’s not that Donna lacks mercy. She has quite a remarkable store of it, actually. However when that store of mercy has been used up? When you cross the lines of what she thinks is acceptable and show no remorse? Well then. Donna will always offer a hand rather than a fist to a fallen foe but when she decides you have gone too far, there is a ruthlessness within her - a steel heart that will do what needs to be done and she will do it herself. She is no coward and if someone must die at her whim, they will do so by her hand. It is not often that the charming, affable Donna takes a life but she can be downright stony when she does so.
PAST ;; 
Donna's story began not with a conventional birth from womb to cry. Instead, her story started upon a potter's wheel, as strange as it may sound. In the wake of her daughter's birth, Queen Hippolyta of Themyscira took to the wheel and began to sculpt a fine looking child from clay, a near perfect representation of her own daughter, Diana. This clay-child, not yet formed, would become a near double of her daughter and therefore, the perfect stand-in for her should young Diana's life ever be endangered.
It was perhaps not the kindest thing for Hippolyta to consider, despite being motivated through the urge to keep her daughter safe from harm. A noble motivation perhaps but one that, even in such early years, did not sit well with Diana. When the young girl overheard a conversation about how the clay-child would be raised to be a perfect mirror of her, Diana told her mother in no uncertain terms that it was an incredibly unfair thing to do. Right as she was, Hippolyta acquiesced to her daughter's wishes and so, the sculpted child was put aside, no breath in her chest and no flush in her flesh.
And so it remained for years upon years. The next time Hippolyta even thought of the clay-child was in the wake of tidings of rage and war and the end of all things. Diana had gone from Themyscira, making the choice to leave behind her ancestral home in favour of doing good. It was an admirable choice, truly, and yet Hippolyta was left quite alone. Antiope fallen in battle, so many casualties in such a short space of time. Yet the child still lay, untapped potential. Hippolyta took the child from its resting place and entreated the gods to put life in her breast.
And so they did.
Donna Troy took her first gasping breath centuries after her creation. A child of one was a child of all upon Themyscira and, much like her sister before her, Donna was raised in the throng of Amazons like an entire family. Everything was good for a while. She brought joy to the island which had once been so plagued with worry and grief and she got to live - something that seemed almost impossible before. Diana's shadow loomed over the island however and, in her youth, Donna hung on every single word about the woman she had once been created for. She seemed incredible. Truly a hero to idolise and she did idolise her for the longest, longest time. Yet, for all their strength and divinity, there is humanity within the Amazons and with that humanity came the seeds of insecurity. When everyone she loved only ever seemed to mention Diana, Donna began to wonder if she was ever truly good enough for Themyscira or merely a pale imitation of the first daughter they loved so dearly.
These thoughts began to plague her. Did she truly have a place on Themyscira or did they simply keep her around to trigger sun-drunk nostalgia? Donna pulled back a little from those that loved her most and spent far more time alone, learning who she was without the expectation of Wonder Woman above her head. All that soul searching meant she found herself a secure idea of who she was - and that person loved her sister, regardless of the expectations it put upon her.
So the decision was made. Donna continued to train. Head down, working hard, becoming someone her sister could be proud of too. When she was ready, when she had been given her own Amazon armour and a lasso hung from her belt, Donna took her mother's hands and apologised for all that she was about to do. She kissed her mother and told her that she had to go forth into man's world. Hippolyta allowed it and Donna promised that she would find Diana - that they would take care of one another.
She did, in the end. Donna took off into the mortal world, seeking her sister like chasing smoke, and yet, she found her. They found each other over and over again. The reality was better than the stories. Diana was wonderful and incredible and infuriating and Donna loved her, oh gods, she really did. When Cassie came along, their family became even stronger. It was the happiest time of Donna's life, if truth be told. When Diana agreed to join the Justice League, Donna struck out on her own - knowing that she could do so without there ever being ill will between them. She found her own team, working with the Titans for a while and finding friends to call her own there. Donna was a hero in her own right.
And then came a most fateful mission. A meeting between the Titans and Young Justice led to the activation of a Superbot that went rogue. It would have decimated the entire world. Donna Troy sacrificed herself in the name of man's world. To keep the world she had come to love as her own safe. It had been an easy decision in the end.
Her story ended there.
Or so she would have thought.
She does not know how long she has been dead. She does know that she came to, swinging in the cell of some ridiculous, overwrought organisation of villainy and listening to them detail all the terrible things they'd do to her in order to draw the superheroes out of hiding so they could enforce the Sokovia Accords. Donna decided to bide her time. This place would prove no match for her in brute strength but there was no need to spill unnecessary blood. She gathered intel, prepared for an escape in the dead of night, and trusted that she would be able to do so with ease.
For all their organisation, the ISA did not count on their own guards causing their downfall in this case. One got too bold, too used to Donna's easy, relaxed energy every time he visited, and in an attempt to rile her up, he threatened her sister. He threatened Cassie. Donna doesn't stand for that. It took her less than three minutes to tear the facility from its foundations.
Donna, unsure where to start, took to the internet to scour for clues and, spotting the news headlines about Wonder Girl, she rushed to her sister's aid. When she got there, she found nothing but a scorched out shell of a building and roasted bodies. She had to hope for the best. Hope is incurable.
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victoria-daydreams · 4 years
Till Kingdom Come
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Prologue: The Portrait
AN: Another Old Guard fic that has been in my head since I wrote my first one. Which you should go check out, by the way. Once I created the moodboard for my OC it was over, I knew that I had to write a story about her. Fair warning, this chapter is kinda of dark, it’s definitely the complete opposite of my first chapter in my other story.
Here’s the moodboard that inspired this fic.
Summary: Most people would find the very thought of looking forward to one’s own death as morbid, but not for Sabine. Death, was something she longed for, it was the only way to freedom from the chains of slavery. And one day, she finally got her wish and she was finally put out of her misery.
Until she wasn’t.
And Sabine learned a dreadful secret about herself from the experience, setting in motion a life altering event that included four immortals who would take her on several journeys that spanned many lifetimes.
Word Count: 1.8k
Trigger Warnings: violence, slavery, abuse, racism, racial slurs, colorism
Chapter One: My Story Is Much Too Sad to Be Told
At age five, Sabine's life changed irrevocably in an instant.
She remembered that day crystal clear, the traumatizing experience was seared into her young mind. 1845, that was the year Sabine's world was turned upside down, the exact day she didn't know, slaves weren't given calendars. That day, the afternoon sun was high in the sky and there weren't any clouds to shield her from the harsh and unforgiving rays of the sun as she worked the never ending fields of cotton. Tirelessly, Sabine labored next to her mother, Anne, as they picked the prickly plant from the row they were assigned to.
Often times, Sabine would admire her mother's appearance to take her mind off the grueling labor she was forced to do. She thought her mother absolutely was beautiful with her rich brown skin, her round shaped dark brown eyes that somehow still oozed kindness and warmth with everything they are put through, and her black curly hair that was always tied up.
A lot of the slaves on the Dillon Plantation commented on the fact that Sabine's older sister, Emile, favored their mother unlike Sabine who resembled her father, Gabriel. Like her father, Sabine's skin was a warm, golden brown shade that had darkened slightly due to working in the sun. Sabine had noticed that her hair didn't have the same loose curl like her mother's hair, instead her hair resembled her father tight curls. The one feature she did inherit from her mother was her eye shape and color.
Doing this had become somewhat of a game to her, it was better than the alternative which was focusing on how many times she pricked her fingers with each hour that passed. This was the routine that Sabine had become accustomed to, from dawn to dusk, she and the rest of the hundreds of other slaves would toil away in the fields to pick the cash crop of the South.
Until one day, that routine was broken.
Sabine could hear hooves beating down on the ground and the sound of a carriage behind her. She didn't pay attention to it, the sound of them passing by on the dirt road between the fields was not uncommon. The sound grew louder and louder as the carriage drew nearer and nearer and suddenly a strong gust of wind blew past her. Sabine expected to hear the rhythmic trotting of the horses continue as they passed by her, but realized she didn't. The carriage had stopped next to her, her mother, and other slaves.
"You, girl!" Master Dillon shouted. "Turn around!" he ordered.
At first, Sabine didn't move, she wasn't sure if Master Dillon was speaking to her. She had heard Master Dillon address slaves much older than her mother and father as either 'girl' or 'boy'. It wasn't until she felt her mother lightly tap her that Sabine finally turned around to face Master Dillon. Temporarily, she was blinded by the glaring light and lifted her hand to protect her eyes from the rays of the sun.
"Yes massa'?" she asked softly.
Sabine looked up at the man that stood outside the carriage. He was tall, had short, raven-colored hair, blue eyes and angular features. Master Dillon was pale albeit with a slightly tanned complexion. A thick, bushy mustache rested between his narrow nose and thin lips, the facial hair reminded Sabine of a caterpillar.
"Oh, isn't she adorable!" a woman gushed, in a high pitched voice.
Sabine turned her head to look at the owner of the voice, a young woman sat in the carriage holding a white, lace parasol. The woman appeared to be the same age as Emile, if not older. Her skin was fair and an oval shaped face which was framed by her chestnut brown, braided chignon. The woman's small lips were curved into a smile and her blue eyes seemed to twinkle in delight as she stared down at Sabine, like she saw a new plaything.
"Brother, bring her closer to me," the woman requested, almost bouncing up and down in her seat.
Master Dillon beckoned Sabine over, "Come on girl!" he demanded impatiently.
Sabine hesitantly placed her sack of cotton on the ground and made her way to Master Dillon and the woman in the carriage.
"Pierre," the woman cooed, looking over at her brother. "You ought to be ashamed of yourself," she chuckled, shifting her stare back towards Sabine. "She's much too light to be working in these fields," she commented, shaking her head in disapproval.
"She's not that light, Genevieve," Pierre disagreed, his eyes scanning over Sabine's skin complexion.
"Well, you're right about that," Genevieve acknowledged, nodding to herself. "Still, she's not a darkie,” she pointed out, scrunching her nose up in disgust. “The girl is....an acceptable shade for a house negro," she continued, twirling her parasol. "Now, give me your inspection brother," she demanded lightly, waving her free hand.
Master Dillon moved to the side of Sabine and forcibly used his fingers to pry open her mouth, showing off her teeth.
"You see here, her teeth are surprisingly healthy," Master Dillon began, before pulling down her lower lip more. "I'm sure some of her teeth are about to start falling out soon," he informed, and removed his fingers from her mouth. "Spread your arms out girl," he ordered, Sabine immediately did as she was told and he roughly pushed the sleeve of her dress up. "She's already got some muscle on her," he stated, squeezing her small biceps. "It's like she was born to work the fields," he added, a proud grin on his face. "So, what do you think?" he asked curiously. letting go of Sabine's arm.
"Oh Pierre!" Genevieve cried happily. "Give her to me, please, please, please, please," she begged, giving her best puppy dog eyes. "This one here will make a nice addition to my collection back home," she explained excitedly, eying Sabine once more.
Sabine's eyes darted between Master Dillon and his sister, completely terrified at the thought of being separated from her family. Unconsciously, her breathing started to increase, her chest rising and falling in rapid, shallow breaths. Master Dillon rubbed his chin in contemplation and after a long moment of silence the man clasped his hands together.
"Aw hell, I can't say ‘no’ to my baby sister, can I?" Master Dillon asked, smiling at Genevieve. "Go ahead and take her, think of her as an early birthday gift," he continued, sticking his hand out towards Sabine.
Sabine's eyes went as wide as saucers.
Genevieve laughed giddily, "You're the best Pierre!" she exclaimed, excitedly clapping her hands together.
Sabine felt her blood run cold just as she heard hurried footsteps approaching from behind her.
Two hands gripped her shoulders and Sabine's body tensed, "Yous can't take her massa!" Sabine's mother cried, and she felt her body relax, slightly.
Master Dillon scoffed at Anne, "Who the hell do you think you are to tell me what I can or cannot do with my property?" he asked, a sneer on his face.
Anne pulled Sabine closer to her, "She's my daughter!" she insisted.
Master Dillon narrowed his eyes at Anne as a deep scowl formed on his face, "I guess you forgot girl, that you're my property as well," he stated, taking a menacing step forward and Anne stepped back pulling Sabine with her. "So anything that you expel out of your womb is mine by law," he reminded, moving closer to the mother and daughter. "I own both of you," he finished, his tone turning sinister.
Anne held Sabine a little tighter, "Sabine is not yours to give away," she stated, a defiant look in her eyes.
"Hand over the girl, now!" Master Dillon demanded, his face slowly turning red from anger and Sabine felt her small body begin to tremble. "If you make me repeat myself, you're going to be in a world of trouble girl!" he threatened, his scowl deepening.
Suddenly, Sabine felt herself being violently yanked away from her mother and loud cries of pain erupted from her, piercing the still air of the cotton fields. Tears fell from her eyes as her mother held her tighter in her arms. A battle of tug war ensued over Sabine with Master Dillon yanking on her thin arm in the direction of his sister while Anne tugged in the opposite direction. The horrific sound of flesh hitting flesh resounded in Sabine's ears as she tripped over her feet from the force of her mother losing her grip on her.
"Mama!" Sabine yelled, as she was roughly picked by Master Dillon. "Mama!" she shouted again, thrashing her small body in the man's arm.
Sabine's struggle in Master Dillon's grasp was futile as he unceremoniously dumped her into the carriage where his sister resided, seemingly unaffected by what was unfolding right in front of her. Sabine's head snapped to the ground where her mother lay collapsed on the ground, soft groans escaping her lips. Out of nowhere, Sabine's chin was yanked to look straight ahead at Genevieve.
"Sabine, that's what your mama called you right?" Genevieve asked curiously, rotating Sabine's head around as she inspected her.
"Yes, Mistress," Sabine answered, her voice hoarse.
Genevieve slightly frowned and twisted her nose in distaste, "What an ugly name," she commented, shaking her head. "We're going to have to change that," she continued, releasing Sabine's chin. "What am I going to name you?" she mused, tilting her head. A short moment passed. "I got it!" she exclaimed, snapping her fingers. "From here on, your name is Cecile!" she beamed, clearly proud of herself.
Sabine didn't bother to argue about her new name, she didn't have any say in the matter anyways.
"Yes Mistress," Sabine replied hoarsely, in acknowledgement.
Genevieve grinned at the young girl in front of her, "Good!" she cheered, with a nod of her head. "Now, Cecile, take this parasol and shield me from the sun," she ordered, sticking her arm out that held the parasol.
"Yes Mistress," Sabine answered, gently grabbing the parasol from her new mistress' hand.
"There's a good girl," Genevieve complimented, and moved her eyes to her brother who was currently gripping Anne by her hair. "Thank you Pierre!" she smiled. "I think Cecile and I are going to get along just fine," she stated, patting Sabine's head as if she was a dog. "Take me home Cyril," she ordered, and the coachman nodded at her before tugging on the reins.
The carriage carrying Genevieve and Sabine slowly moved further and further away from Master Dillon and Anne when a loud, agonizing wail penetrated the atmosphere. The heartbroken wailing made the hairs of Sabine's neck stand up and it took a few seconds for her to realize who those wails were coming from. It was her mother's. Sabine turned her around in her seat to see that Master Dillon was forcing her mother to watch her being taken away.
"Cecile, pay attention!" Genevieve snapped, making Sabine swivel her body back around. "You're letting the sun hit me, I don't want to get as dark as you!" she sneered, and Sabine adjusted the parasol to protect Genevieve.
As the carriage turned out of the Dillon Plantation, Sabine had only one thought in her mind.
She knew at that moment she would never see her family again.
Chapter Two: Life Being What It Is
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letswritebangtan · 4 years
Brave Tender Heart 02 | What it Means to be Human...
pairing: princess!reader x knight!jungkook
A warm evening held out its hands for y/n to take. She had been planning on this visit for weeks and there was nothing that could stop her from going. At the orphanage, y/n felt most like herself. People often tended to forget that the term ‘Princess’ was merely a title. y/n was still a girl and she found joy in being one. The little smiles and loud cries of joy that she witnessed at the home made her heart swell. In the past, she never could fathom how children who had almost nothing rejoice every single day. She had so much admiration for them and felt that she could learn a thing or two on how to be happy from them. With the children, she never felt alone. Children did not discriminate, and they were more than happy to accept y/n as part of their social group. 
“Princess, please could you tell us a fairy tale?” asked Jeongsan. 
Jeongsan was seven and he had a wild imagination. He loved listening to stories as much as he loved telling them, and y/n was in awe at how his little brain could come up with such fantastic stories. 
“Fairy tales are boring, ~san! Princess, tell us again about the time you fought in battle!” Jisoo exclaimed. 
y/n laughed, “Now, now, let’s decide on a story we all like. That sounds fair, does it not?”
The children nodded in agreement, and y/n cleared her throat preparing to tell them a story she knew they all loved. 
“Father, look! I painted all of us, there’s you and ma on the big chairs. I’m over here holding Tae because he can’t walk yet.” y/n talked in her father’s lap. 
“This is beautiful, y/n. Go and show it to your mother, I’m sure she would be delighted to see it.” the king smiled fondly at his daughter. 
With no hesitation, y/n jumped out of her father’s lap and her little feet moved so fast as she ran to the garden where her mother sat, having her evening herbal tea. Just the scent of it was so nostalgic. 
“Ma, I painted a picture.” y/n said as she skipped towards her. 
“y/n, no stepping on the grass. I have reminded you endlessly to use the stone path, dear.” said the queen. 
y/n ignored her words and held the painting up to her mother for examination. The queen smiled, finding her daughter’s creative imagination adorable. y/n was talented in arts ever since she was little. Her mother made it a point to frame and hang up all of her paintings. 
“Well you have certainly captured your brother’s chubby cheeks.” she said smiling.
y/n giggled and placed her hand on her mother’s big, and perfectly round belly. 
“I drew the new baby too.” said y/n, as she used her tiny finger to point out a small human next to her. 
The queen laughed in awe, “And you have done an amazing job at that too, considering you have not seen him or her yet.”
y/n grinned and left the picture with her mother. She skipped to the pond and sat at its edge, dipping her hands into the water. Underneath, there were silhouettes of fish and frogs. Small insects roamed the top, and y/n having the curious little mind she has she dipped her hands further and further into the water until her entire body fell in with a loud splash. Her feet could not feel the ground, and her head was beneath the surface. Struggling to push herself up she inhaled a big gulp of pond water and it filled her lungs till she could not breathe. The sounds above her were muffled but she could hear the loud, worried cries of her mother and soon a blur chatter of many voices lurking above her. It was not much time before her eyes began to close and her body went rigid.
Everything else was a blur, when she woke she was sputtering large amounts of water from her mouth and she was gasping for air. They sat her up and her head felt extremely light. She felt herself being lifted and as her head hung over the arm of her helper she noticed the figure of a young boy with doe eyes and black hair. He stood alarmed and worried at the sight of the princess almost losing her life in the sacred garden. Slowly, he lifted his hand and signaled her a small thumbs up and y/n remembered his smile. The same smile she had seen not a while ago from the present, the smile that told her that she was going to be okay.
“I really thought you were going to die, princess!” one of them said. 
“I knew princess y/n would survive, she’s so strong!”
y/n laughed and made them quiet down. “The moral of this story, my dear children, is that you should never be afraid to be inquisitive. Explore, search, delve and find whatever you want only because you can find it. There is so much for you to learn, and you will not be able to do it if you just sit here. Test the waters, ignite fires, go against the wind or even dig yourselves to the bottom of this Earth, and do not be afraid.” y/n whispered the last part. 
The children grinned at her feeling passionate about this new adventure princess y/n had drawn up for them. It was time to call it a day and y/n bid goodbye to her friends and walked along the path to the palace. As she walked her mind drifted to that day she nearly lost her life. Had it been any different, she wondered if she would have survived. The queen was terribly paranoid that y/n would try something again and called upon the family’s most trusted servant, Sir Kim, and made him teach y/n how to swim. Surprisingly, after that terrible incident in the water y/n was not afraid to enter a large water body such as the ocean. She jumped in headfirst and her mother nearly fainted at the sight but y/n learned quickly enough that her mother never had to worry about any more drowning incidences in the future. 
“Princess!” she heard from behind her. 
She stopped in her tracks and turned to her side, and there emerged Sir Jeon sat on top of his horse. 
She smiled brightly at him, “Sir Jeon, delighted to see you.”
“The pleasure’s mine, princess.” he grunted as he hopped off of his trusty steed. 
He performed just as he did the last time, lifting her hand and placing a soft kiss on the back of it. 
“Do you charm every woman you meet just like this, Sir Jeon?” y/n teased. 
Sir Jeon smiled sheepishly and laughed feeling embarrassed. “Are you saying that you feel charmed as well, my princess?”
“Never answer a query with a query, defeats its purpose.” y/n said being didactic.
Sir Jeon pursed his lips and nodded in agreement, “Very well said.”
“What business did you have here?” y/n asked. 
“I was merely delivering a message that the prince wanted to get to a family at town. They are in terrible need of financial support and the prince is determined to remove that burden.” 
“Good to know that my brother is being helpful.”
“The prince is very kind to offer his support, he needn’t have to yet he makes it a point.” Sir Jeon said impressed. 
“Well, our father always told us that humans corrupt balance at most times. Just because we were born into the throne does not mean we are deserving of it. He made us understand what it is like for the less fortunate, and whatever that we can provide, we do.” y/n said as she reminisced of that moment with her father. 
“The king was a good man.” Sir Jeon agreed.
There was an inkling of sadness in y/n’s eyes, and Sir Jeon noticed it. 
“What happened was certainly not your fault.” he confirmed, looking her in the eye. 
She nodded, “Some people think otherwise.” 
Sir Jeon did not know what to say next, and y/n sensed his awkward nature. 
“I should be heading back, thank you for stopping to see me.” she said. 
“Actually, princess, I was hoping to give you a ride back to the palace.” Sir Jeon said motioning to his horse. 
“Oh, how very kind of you but I enjoy my walks back home. They give me peace of mind.” 
“It would be no trouble at all to transport you back, princess. Are you certain?” he said concerned. 
“Very much certain, Sir Jeon. You need not worry about me.” she said with a small laugh. She found it endearing how he always seemed to be concerned with her. 
“Well, would you prefer an escort on your walk?” he suggested. 
y/n thought for a moment, “No, I would not. However, I would love a companion.”
She held her arm out hoping that Sir Jeon would link it to hers, and when he caught her drift, he slowly interlocked one arm with y/n’s and his other hand guided his horse. Sir Jeon looked carefree, easy and happy to be there. y/n could not think of the last time she had been accompanied on her walk back to the palace. 
“May I ask where you have been spending your time today, princess? You had seemed excited to leave this morning.”
You smiled as you thought back to your young friends. “I had made a trip to the orphanage. I make it a point to visit every week, however I failed to visit them last month due to certain responsibilities. It has been a while since I saw them, hence my excitement.”
Sir Jeon observed as y/n’s face lit up like a star as she talked about the children. She talked about their stories and their role-playing activities. There was an incident where her foot had landed painfully on a small, sharp rock. As she groaned in pain, the children failed to hold back their laughter, and soon y/n found herself laughing with them.
“When I am with them, it is as if all my troubles fade and I finally feel like myself.” y/n sighed. 
“I understand what you mean. I have not felt like myself in what seems like ages.” Sir Jeon wondered. “It is very kind, and thoughtful of you to spend your time with them, princess. I can tell from your stories that they very much enjoy your company.”
“I can most definitely say the same for them.”
Sir Jeon admired y/n’s personality, as soon as he found out that she had one. She pursued art and was amazingly comfortable with children. There was more he wanted to know about the princess, his conscience was telling him that her traits did not end there. 
“You mentioned that you do not feel like yourself, Sir Jeon? What is it that prevents you?” y/n asks. 
Sir Jeon felt like he had so much to say, his entire heart to pour out to her. Yet when he tried to explain it, the words that he had rehearsed in his head to himself over years and years, suddenly found itself twisted and stuck. 
“Well...it is rather difficult to explain.” Sir Jeon said confusedly. 
y/n nodded, “It is not something you can quite put your finger on, isn’t it? It took me a while to figure mine out as well. My problem, Sir Jeon, is that all my life people have seen me as a princess. A girl with royal blood, a girl with power, a girl who confident and strong no matter what. Despite all that, they failed to see me as just, a girl. That is what I am, Sir Jeon, a girl, and so I try to live my life as just a girl from time to time because no matter what, I cannot throw away my title as princess. Hence, I spend my time at the orphanage with my little friends, I ride my horse on windy evenings, I pour the emotions of a girl into my art, I stare at the pond in my garden hoping to see life underneath the water, I read books because of my inquisitive nature, and I try to do what a girl would do. These things make me feel human. Most of the time, I find myself doing activities alone so that there is no space for an individual to say ‘Good morning, princess.’, ‘May I help you, princess?’, ‘Whatever you need, princess.’, none of that. The space is for me, myself, for y/n to be before anything else, an ordinary girl.”
Sir Jeon listened attentively and not only understood the words that came out of y/n’s mouth, but he understood her feelings. At such a young age, he was picked out to serve. He had scarce memories of his childhood, and what it was like to be a boy. He loved catching beetles in the garden, he enjoyed the feeling of carbon on his fingers as he sketched on paper, he relished in the warm and hearty feeling of a good lunch prepared by his mother, he missed dancing to music, singing his mother’s favourite songs, he missed laying his head in her lap and hearing her voice send him to sleep. He missed his father who told him he could achieve anything, he missed the nights he had playful sword fights with his friends and when he could dip his feet into the water and just relax. He missed being a boy.
“I must admit it is in my nature to be loyal and to guard you, princess. However, to me, you are heaps and bounds more than just a princess. I see a girl, taking her time to blossom into a beautiful woman. I see a girl with refined taste, with hobbies and interests, a girl with an enormous, brave, tender heart. No one can take that part of you away from yourself, my princess, and you must not let them. The part that makes you human is the most precious part of us all.” 
Their conversation was long enough to sustain on the entire walk home. Sir Jeon felt comfort and familiarity in y/n’s feelings, and y/n felt that there was no one in this world that understood her better than Sir Jeon. As soon as y/n stepped into the palace, her handmaids were plucking her bags and items off of her and as she made eye contact with Sir Jeon, he sent her a knowing look and the two of them smiled at each other widely. They ascended the staircase together, continuing to talk about each others’ lives and their experiences. 
“It is extremely questionable that we have not had many conversations before.” y/n said to him. 
“I was told to stay out of your way, princess, even in the short time that I remain here. That does not mean I have not paid attention to you.”
y/n felt something warm rise up to her cheeks and she pressed the back of her hand against her skin. She realised that she was flushed in pink. Sir Jeon happened to take notice and a small, proud smirk forced its way onto his face. 
“I have taken notice to you as well, mostly as a boy. I hear you were and currently are very talented in your field.” y/n said quickly trying to change the subject. 
“I did the best I could for this family, and I always will.”
“And we have have always appreciated that.” y/n looked at him with a sense of gratefulness. 
Sir Jeon stood staring at y/n for a few moments before she saw his eyes sparkle with admiration. 
“You have gorgeous eyes princess, I remember it to be exactly like your mother’s.” Sir Jeon said softly. 
y/n felt her heart melting, she looked at Sir Jeon as if she needed help because she knew not what to respond to him. She was touched, and utterly smitten. A gush of wind suddenly entered the palace blowing onto y/n’s soft face and she squinted, blinking multiple times when she realised there was something that had entered her eye. Sir Jeon looked worried and stood there not sure of how to help. A knight’s training does not prepare them for situations as such. 
“Princess, may I help?” Sir Jeon asked. 
“N-no need, do not fret about it.” y/n hesitated as she stood trying to rub that darned particle out of her eye. 
Soon she felt her hands being removed from her face with a firm, yet gentle tug. She struggled to see with one eye, and she saw Sir Jeon in close proximity to her. 
“Just try opening your eye, and when you do I am going to blow.”
“Blow?” y/n sounded confused. “Sir Jeon, really I-”
“Please listen, princess. Just do as I say.”
“I have it under control-”
“Open your eye, princess.” Sir Jeon said with a more demanding tone.
y/n faltered, and did as she was told. In a second, Sir Jeon blew quickly into her eye and the particle was carried away by his breath. y/n blinked a few times feeling a lot more comfortable. There was a tear sliding down her cheek and Sir Jeon quickly caught it with his thumb.
“You’re okay.” he mumbled as he smiled at her. 
y/n looked at him for a while trying to process the events that had just occurred. In the next moment, they were giggling at each other like idiots, still maintaining the close proximity. 
“Now that was something I had never experienced.” y/n said surprised. 
“My mother would do it for me when I had something in my eye. It always worked.” Sir Jeon said smiling. 
“Thank you, for saving my eye.” y/n laughed and Sir Jeon laughed with her. 
“It was not much time, princess, but I absolutely enjoyed spending it with you.” Sir Jeon said as he took hold of her hand for the second time that day, and left a second kiss. 
y/n bit her lip to control the colour on her cheeks and looked away. 
“We could do this more often if you wanted to, Sir Jeon.” y/n said shamelessly. 
He raised an eyebrow, amused with her proposal. y/n rolled her eyes and stomped her right foot on the ground. 
“Stop making it seem like I am the only one who wants this, Sir Jeon.” y/n complained. 
Sir Jeon’s eyebrows raised even higher at that and it elicited a grin from him. 
“No need to get upset, princess. You know very well I would love to spend more time with you, therefore, will you join me on my morning walk at dawn tomorrow?” he said with a hopeful tone.
y/n pulled a rehearsed, contemplative expression on her face for longer than Sir Jeon desired. He felt her teasing behaviour and proceeded to mimic her actions. He stomped his right foot on the ground and crossed his arms. 
“Stop making it seem like I am the only one who-alright, princess! I shall stop.” Sir Jeon laughed out loud as you playfully hit his arm. Briefly, you felt how sturdy and firm his muscles were, must have been a result from all the knight training. 
“Say you’d love to join me.” Sir Jeon insisted as he took her hands in hers. 
“You are definitely quite bold to be taking on such a tone with the princess.” y/n said teasingly, although she did quite like it when he was firm with her. 
“I am known to be the bravest knight in town.” he playfully bragged and y/n could not hold herself back from laughing at his endearing and fun behaviour. 
“What is this obstruction?” another voice questioned. 
y/n and Sir Jeon tilted their heads upward seeing the prince on the top of the stairs. 
“Brother.” y/n greeted. 
“Your majesty.” Sir Jeon bowed. 
“Have your conversation above or below, not in between. The stairs are not built as platforms for conversation.” Taehyung complained.
“My apologies, your majesty. I will be leaving soon.” Sir Jeon responded. 
“Do not worry, Sir Jeon, there is no need to apologise. My brother has just woken from his short slumber and is unsurprisingly moody.” y/n spoke. 
Taehyung sent her a small glare of disapproval and started ascending from the stairs. 
“Sir Jeon, there is work to be done. Follow me into the main room, will you?” 
“Right away, prince. My dear princess, I shall take my leave.” Sir Jeon bowed and y/n tried hard to repress her smile but it shone right through, making Sir Jeon smile back as well. 
y/n mouthed a small ‘yes’ and Sir Jeon beamed at her before taking her hand for the third time that day, planting a soft kiss, and then returning to his duties. y/n was giddy and smiling to herself as she walked to her dressing room. She had known Sir Jeon for years but just within a week of speaking to one another, she realised she had grown to like him. Was he generally this polite, fun, and easy to talk to? In that case, he must have a long line of women knocking on his door. y/n did not care about them though, what mattered was that after many years, she was not alone. At the entrance of her dressing room she ran into Sir Park, he bowed in her presence and she put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. 
“Please, Sir Park, you know I would always prefer to skip the formalities.” 
Sir Park nodded in understanding and sighed, “I know you very well indeed, princess. I also know that you have recently acquainted with Sir Jeon?”
y/n was slightly surprised, “Ah yes, he is wonderful. It is nice to have him back, I’m sure.”
“Indeed, princess, he is liked by many here. He deserves good rest back at the palace, he serves us an awful lot out there, even if it kills him. I feel sympathy for what happened to him.” Sir Park said sadly. 
“Sympathy? My god, did something terrible happen to him?”
Sir Park looked at y/n with surprise, “did Sir Kim not inform you? There was a fire in the village and Sir Jeon’s family home was subject to it. Their home burned to ashes and his family lost all their possessions, including his father’s memorabilia. It is deeply saddening. The prince has offered to help since Sir Jeon has been loyal and brave for our kingdom.”
y/n frowned upon hearing the news, and then it had occurred to her that Sir Jeon had visited town today, and he had mentioned the prince giving him some money to lessen some burden...
y/n gasped and looked at Sir Park, “But he seemed so fine-”
“A knight is supposed to be brave and strong, y/n. They should not show any sign of weakness.” Sir Park reminded her. 
“But he has a tender heart, Sir Park. He does not deserve this.” y/n said sadly.
“There is only so much we can do, princess.”
“Do you think we can restore his father’s medals? I can talk to the prince.”
“That is a thoughtful idea, princess, but it won’t contain its sentimental value.” 
y/n was thinking, she was determined to make Sir Jeon feel better. She knew not where this feeling came from and it was foreign to her, but it felt right. 
“We could make a plaque, something to commemorate his father’s service over the years, don’t you think that holds sentimental value?” y/n suggested. 
“I am sure he will be delighted. If you convince the prince, he can get it done by tomorrow.”
“Will you stand by me, Sir Park?” y/n asked hopefully. 
“Always, dear princess.”
y/n knocked on the door of the main room with Sir Park next to her. Taehyung was sitting at the table, and Sir Jeon must have left since he was nowhere to be seen. Taehyung turned around and spotted his sister with her sidekick. He sighed and returned to his original position. 
“Can I help you two?”
“Your majesty, the princess would like to have a word.” Sir Park bowed.
“Brother,” y/n started out slowly as she sat on the chair opposite him. “I have been informed about a recent fire in the village.”
The prince nodded, “Sir Jeon and his family have been affected. Not to worry, I have provided him with the funds to rebuild his home.”
“Yes, that is wonderful, Taehyung, however, the more pressing issue is that Sir Jeon lost his father’s medals and awards in the fire. Those were of sentimental value to him, Sir Park has confirmed it to be so. I would like to request a special plaque to be made in honour of the previous Sir Jeon and his contributions to the kingdom. I need your help to do that.”
Taehyung sighed, “y/n your idea is thoughtful however it is not really necessary.”
“If we only did things that were necessary the world would not be half as good as it is now, brother. I plead to you, I would like to get this done for their family to show my gratitude for their loyal service. It would not take much effort on our part, would it?” y/n persuaded.
The prince looked at her and then at Sir Park. He contemplated the idea for a while and then huffed. 
“I can request for one, it can be done by tomorrow. But know this y/n,” Taehyung said seriously. 
“I am doing this for Sir Jeon and his entire bloodline of men who have sacrificed their lives to serve us. Not at all for you.” he finished. 
y/n nodded and looked down, feeling the familiar ache in her chest she stood up quickly and regained her composure. “That is more than enough, brother. Thank you.” and with that she retreated to her bedroom hoping for an even better tomorrow. 
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highkingfen · 4 years
A TM FB ground asked ‘’What do you love about fen’’ I had a lot to say...
Alright, so I am procrastinating to do something else so let me write why I love fen. 
Something Brittany said as she was saying goodbye to her character was how Fen was born to be a side character and became a hero. I remember starting to cry after hearing that because this is exactly why I adore her. 
I had an abusive relationship where the guy didn't even realize how abusive he was and destroyed the little self-confidence I had build in myself after years of bullying and not being smart enough in math for my high school. And then I decided to stop dating and rebuild myself and it is by mistake that I fell in love with my husband (We both didn't want to date, the irony) and when he introduced me to The Magicians he told me I’d associate with Fen. Most likely because I’d love her kindness and princess-y vibe. What he didn't expect is that I loved her for so much more than that
Fen comes from a world that doesn't value women the same as men. In a world where her father refuses to show her how to make magical blades because she was a girl . And yet, she learns how to use them and how to sharpen them with whetstone, despite not what a woman should do. She learned her father’s craft enough that she was able to appreciate a good blade (The couple’s torture device) or even know the difference between a blade cut vs an animal one (S03E02)
Fen was raised with the only goal to be a wife; one day it might happen that a stranger comes at their door and she will have to marry him without even saying anything, so her family could rise in the rank of Fillorian royalty. And arrive, Eliot who married her, thinking he would die and not to have to handle her, so when he came back alive she had to manage to be newlywed to a self-destructive man. 
Tick never valued her or the pesant, we see her face when he get means to the FU fighter, and I am sure it is not the only side remark Tick has done toward her; she was never one of the ‘’royalty’’.
One of their first conversation in the castle is how she wants to be obedient to him. which means she was told to be so, and probably that her job was also to produce an heir. Her job was to be the quiet wife of the High King and provide lineage. But that is not what happens. Despite Eliot saying he wanted her to be his equal, it took nearly 4 seasons for him to do so. He dismissed her, never told her when he left or what would happen and only truly cared when she was in danger or taken over by the fairy. Fen only knew what she had to do: be a wife and give a baby . But Eliot was not attracted to her and would never love her and Margo gave her baby away. 
So this leads us to her breakdown. Margo and Eliot clearly didn’t know what to do with her because they let her be in a psychosis where she was carrying a log as a baby, but losing her baby to the fairies was Fen's last straw. I think she was starting to accept that Eliot would never love her and that she might be able to help Fillory by staying with Eliot (’’You think I stay because of how deeply attracted to me you are. I love Fillory. It is my home’’ - S02E06) and losing her baby, the one thing she knew she could provide, was just too much; everything she was told to be and do she could not. 
This is why Margo giving her the crown as an Acting King in the end of S03 is HUGE. Not only she became the first crowned Fillorian (Tick never wore it) but it was also a sign for Margo to recognized that during season 3, she was learning how to heal and becoming her own person. Not Eliot's wife, but fen. There is this amazing moment where Fen says to Eliot that she can’t go to her old life and they are stuck together. This is both of them admiring their marriage will never work, but they promised to care for one another and they will. At least, they try. They do. 
If Julia showed Fen that healing of trauma is complicated but does not mean going toward a darker you, Margo showed Fen how to be her own voice. Not to be Eliot’s wife or Margo’s confidente, but Fen. Margo even let her lead the quest and make her own mistake before saving her from fraud (S04E08) because Margo knows that she would stay naive if she is never given the chance to do something on her own. Even more, when Margo learns that Fen wants to overthrow her, she trusts and know her enough that this is not a back-stabbing move but something bigger, and she accepts her fate in order to save Eliot, but also making sure Fen will be safe (’’I curse you Fen! But be nice to her!’’ S04E09) Fen will try to lead like Margo leads, being daring and trying to use her power to help; this is how her and Josh discover The Secret Sea in the castle after all. 
But then she gets abandoned in the past and learns that Margo had given up on saving her and even tried to kill her in the heat of a battle. While part of it could be forgiven (margo was wolfing hard let's be real) That is when Fen stop seeing Margo on a pedestal. (S05E03) She discovers that Margo, much like Eliot, has severe flaws. This doesn't mean that she will stop caring about her, but that she will be able to have her own voice when talking to her.
Season 5, now having a voice, she had to struggle just like Kady not to be the one in the background that nobody listens. If more than once she is ignored and that some of them are just cruel for no apparent reason when they need her she decide to say no. To call their bullshit and say that they would try harder to save Earth if it was happening on their planet. Eliot teaches her then what it means to have a voice and to be a hero; sometimes there is no perfect solution, just two choices and you take the less shitty. She learns there that having a voice is to listen to what other say and then put your own knowledge into the group instead of trying to do like Margo and stump on everyone with her idea. (S05E11) We see her during the heist episode, she use herself being FIllorian to insure her friend security (S05E12) and this confidence was totally new for Fen.  I don't think she would have been able to put her life on the line without what Eliot had told her before). 
Lastly, Fen wanted to be a mom. Losing her baby will be a trauma she will have to live with forever. But it is beautiful that, in a sense, she carried Fillory within her (i Mean literally) until it was ready to be hatched. (S05E12-13) FIllory 2.0 is her baby, she will be forever the mother of the land, forever linked with the history of the one place she loved and defended from the moment we met her. 
I love fen for all those reasons. Because sometimes, rebuilding yourself after trauma is messy and full of mistakes. But when you are ready to listen to your friends, to forgive and to stand up for what you believe, you can become a version of yourself nobody ever believes you could ever be. I am pretty sure if she’d go back to her dad, he would not recognize his daughter. This proud and self assured woman who, despite her trauma, seek to find good and kindness in people, try to forgive those who hurt her and also, fucking put fillory in her vagina. 
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alexannah · 5 years
MLB: Character Theory
***season three spoilers***
I’m no psychologist, but I’ve had some thoughts about Chloé Bourgeois that have made me look at her in an entirely new light …
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First of all, let me say that this is entirely speculation. I’m not saying this is definitely canonical. But it’s a thought that occurred to me when I started exploring a plot idea last night, and it’s certainly an interesting way to consider Chloé’s character. (But the more I think about it, the more I believe it.) (Also after writing all of this, it occurred to me to do a Tumblr search to see if someone had got there before me. Although some of this has definitely been touched on, I haven’t found anything which puts it all together.)
Chloé became added to my list of favourite characters very recently (a couple of weeks ago), despite what happened in Miracle Queen. Actually if it hadn’t been for that episode, she might not have done; which sounds weird, but although I warmed up to her a lot in season 2 and loved the development of her character we saw in that, I wouldn’t have called her one of my favourites until the urge to write her a redemption arc struck. (And I am. Several. But, not the point of this post …)
Anyway, so this theory is about why she is the way she is. And I know we already have plenty of canonical evidence for that, but I’m going to dig a bit deeper …
To recap the obvious:
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André Bourgeois. He’s spoiled Chloé rotten by giving her anything she wants, and has no backbone whatsoever, so the few times he’s not sure about giving into her demands, he usually does anyway. The only time I can think of when he does say ‘no’ is when she demands he close down the school, and then right afterwards when she and Audrey decide to move to New York. Giving your child whatever they want is terrible parenting enough on its own, but since he’s the mayor, she ends up getting whatever she wants from other people as well just by threatening to call “my daddy”. Case in point: Despair Bear, when everyone’s punished except her, the actual culprit. He abuses his own power for her, as evidenced in Rogercop; and yet I headcanon that the reason he said no in Malediktator was because he knew that closing a school down just because his daughter told him to would cause an uproar, and he was too afraid of losing his position. Also why he didn’t want to go to New York, because he loves his power too much.
Now Audrey Bourgeois. She comes on the scene not long after the first sign of Chloé character development we get, which I bet is no accident. She’s also a power abuser, firing people without a second thought for minor or even non-existent crimes, including people she has no actual power to fire. She has a huge ego, demands the best, and basically is a total bitch. If it wasn’t obvious enough from all of that that Chloé mimics her, the fact that they have the same catchphrase basically seals it.
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(Now I’ve added that picture, and look: she is literally mimicking her mother.)
So on one hand we have a parent who panders to Chloé’s every whim, and on the other we have one who sets a terrible example of how to treat other people.
But I’m beginning to think there is more to Chloé’s bad behaviour than that.
We know that, at some point before the show began, Audrey took off for New York. We don’t know when exactly that was, but I’m going to go out on a limb and guess it was several years ago. Chloé herself says that she “felt so sad”, which is completely understandable, even if they didn’t have the most loving relationship. (Which they obviously didn’t.) We can only guess whether or not they had any contact while Audrey was away, but if they did, I doubt it was very much. Even when Audrey comes back, at least at first, she’s dismissive of Chloé, ‘firing’ her for something as trivial as her choice of gift wrap, getting her name wrong repeatedly (which I’ll come back to in a moment), and she clearly struggles to say the words “I love you”.
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I don’t think anyone would disagree that’s pretty neglectful behaviour. And Chloé’s response is pretty heartbreaking. Despite her mother having left her and ignored her for goodness knows how long, she still gets her a gift (this being a girl who doesn’t even get gifts for Adrien herself—it’s possible she had Sabrina get this one too, but I don’t think so), and tries to impress her. When Audrey eventually does accept her, it’s only because she realises Chloé is “just like” her. That’s not unconditional love.
(On a side note, I think it was pretty sweet of Marinette to do that, though in the end I don’t think it was particularly good for Chloé’s character development. But that’s not the point of this post.)
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It makes sense for a child who’s been abandoned by a parent to have some abandonment issues, and this is where I finally get to the point! See, I think there’s more to Chloé’s bad treatment of other people than simply mimicking her mother, or because she holds herself above them, or just doesn’t think of other people’s feelings. I think those things are all true, but I also think there is another reason, and that is a fear of getting close to people. A subconscious one, most likely, but one that results in her intentionally keeping people at an emotional distance.
There is one particular reason I think this, and that is Butler Jean. One of his lines from Despair Bear: “I’m sure mademoiselle can remember when she was a little girl; when Mr Cuddly was always nice to mademoiselle when she was sad.”
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I draw two things from that. One, that Jean has been in that job at least since Chloé was little, if not before. And two, that when she was little, he used to make Mr Cuddly ‘be nice to her’, showing that Jean used to comfort her when she was upset. He’s one of the very few characters who show Chloé genuine affection, so you would think that Chloé would appreciate that. Yet she treats him as badly as she treats everyone else, going as far to call him the wrong name, a different wrong name, every time she addresses him.
Audrey does the exact same thing with Chloé; calling her a different wrong name; though in Audrey’s case she does actually correct herself, at least when we see her do it in Queen’s Battle. Whether Audrey does it on purpose or is really that forgetful of her own daughter’s name, I don’t know. But in Chloé’s case, I think she must know Jean’s real name. If he’s been waiting on her for most of her life, paying her more sincere affection than either of her parents, I just do not buy her really not knowing it at all. Either she pretends not to know it, or she’s repressed it. But if she actually tried, I’m sure she could recall it.
Now to the three people other than Audrey that Chloé does not treat like dirt:
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First, Miss Bustier. Chloé is more respectful to her than she is to other adults, and clearly likes her (as evidenced in Zombiezou when she wanted to give her a present); but I think the fact that she’s her teacher and therefore is expected to keep a certain professional distance is enough to keep her from wanting to push her away, if that makes sense.
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Next, Adrien. We know that the two of them have been friends since they were toddlers. We also know that Adrien had a lonely, isolated childhood. And that, I think, is the crucial reason why Chloé is never mean to him. Nowadays, I’m sure her crush on him comes into it, especially since he has other friends now. But when they were younger, she knew he was as reliant on her friendship as she was on his. And therefore he was the one person she could be certain would never leave her.
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Now to Ladybug. As we all know, prior to season three, Ladybug was Chloé’s idol. The reasons for this are never explicitly stated, but I reckon it’s because Ladybug is universally adored and admired, and Chloé knows full well that she’s hated: “I have no reason to be here. Nobody likes me; I have no friends; I’m useless.” She clearly didn’t want to become a superhero in order to do the right thing, or otherwise she wouldn’t have deliberately jeopardised the Metro train; instead she craves the admiration, and we know she became Queen Bee in response to Audrey dismissing her and offering Marinette the chance of a lifetime. (Only now noticed she actually has tears in her eyes in this moment; see the picture below.) The fact she wanted to be Queen Bee for the wrong reasons is greatly criticised by the people who don’t like her, but it just makes me feel more sorry for her.
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(With regard to the ‘I have no friends’ thing, I always thought of that as an odd thing for her to say, because of Adrien and Sabrina. I’m still not one hundred percent certain on why she says this, but I don’t think it’s because she’s trying to get Ladybug to feel sorry for her. At least in that moment, she clearly believes it.)
Becoming a superhero was a dream come true for her, so when she started to realise that Ladybug was neglecting her in favour of other superheroes, it’s no wonder she was hurt. As usual with Chloé, it showed itself in anger. When Ladybug actually explains to her that she can’t give her the bee Miraculous back, and why, I now think Chloé reacted the way she did because she felt like, once again, she was being abandoned. This time by her idol.
I’m not saying this excuses her eventually accepting Hawk Moth’s offer, but I do think it explains it better than Chloé just having a tantrum over not being a superhero anymore. When Hawk Moth (very manipulatively) says “You’re Ladybug’s biggest fan. You’ve helped her. You’ve trusted her. And what has she done for you in return?” Chloé responds, “Nothing! She couldn’t care less about me!” Which is not true, and Chloé should have known this, because Ladybug specifically told her that not giving the Miraculous back was “for your own safety”. But Chloé’s response says, to me, that she felt betrayed. Feelings of abandonment are not necessarily rational. Back in Miraculer, when she said “I understand,” I think she was trying really hard to accept Ladybug’s explanation. I do. But she clearly was hurt, as evidenced by ripping up the photo of her and Ladybug and saying she didn’t want to pretend to be her anymore when playing with Sabrina. Then time went on, and then Ladybug chose Ryuko when it was Chloé’s own parents that had been akumatized, and that was just the last straw. She forgot what Ladybug had said, and she forgot all the times before that when Ladybug had helped her, out of feeling personally rejected.
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When I’d written all of this out and went back to the episodes to check the accuracy of my quotes, I was much closer to crying than I had ever been watching those moments.
If this is canon, then it gives me hope, because I don’t see how the writers can not give her the redemption she needs. If her abandonment issues are addressed/dealt with, if she finds people who accept and care about her no matter what she’s done (I’m looking at Jean and Miss Bustier here—possibly Adrien, but I think it might take him a while to forgive her considering he and Ladybug were personally hurt by her actions), I think she could actually change for the better on a more permanent basis.
As I’ve written this post, I’ve come to believe more and more in my conclusion. Really, now I think about Chloé in this light, I don’t blame the writers for what they did. As destructive to Chloé’s development as it seems, it was a logical and in-character plot direction. Hawk Moth had already taken advantage of knowing Queen Bee’s identity to distract her during Heroes’ Day; there was no way he would pass up on using it against her again. He knows Chloé personally and was able to press all the right buttons to tap into her unresolved issues. What happened wasn’t just foreshadowed in Miraculer; it was probably inevitable. But that doesn’t mean Chloé can’t come back from it.
I’ve also said before and I’ll say it again; Chloé was fated to be Queen Bee, and I don’t believe that was because her destiny was to betray Ladybug and Cat Noir. I’m starting to think that she’ll be the key to the heroes’ eventual victory. Perhaps because Hawk Moth now sees her as an ally (or at the very least a pawn he can manipulate), she’ll be able to use that against him in the end. So Miracle Queen had to happen in order for them to win.
I hope this proves hopeful to everyone else who felt let down by the season three finale.
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kadeu · 4 years
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Accepted — Meredith Anne Robin
◆  Meredith Anne Robin aka. Eclipse looks like Katie McGrath (Actor) ◆  She was born November 2nd, 1939 ; making her 81 but she appears 34   ◆  This Water Elemental is Pansexual and an Ace of Diamonds ◆  She is the Hydrokinetic Combat Instructor at the Acadamy, Director of Research and Development at Aster Stone, and an Anonymous Rebel Backer
The odds had been stacked in Meredith’s favor years before she had been born. Her parents were King and Queen ranked, with the mother standing to inherit her family’s company in crystal manufacturing, Aster Stone, and the father coming from a legacy of stage performers. The marriage came at the height of their careers and seemed to be a natural match that only the births of their two children could perfect. Anyone watching would see nothing but a loving and fortunate family. None could know it had all been carefully planned for the sole purpose of profit and prestige.
The little Robins grew up blissfully ignorant of the world that watched them through a semi-public eye. Their father had liked to take them to The Palace for his premieres, and they would have a nice story for the papers afterward. It wouldn’t be until adulthood when she realized she had been more like a prop then, rather than a child being doted on. But Meredith had enjoyed those nights where she and her brother would sit in a top box and watch the performances, though she did occasionally wonder whether the show was better on the floor with everyone else. Why else would all of them choose to be down there instead of up here?
As they aged, the importance of their capabilities began to take priority. Their toys were traded for tutors and their nights at The Palace were preceded with sparring matches. An immense amount of potential was expected from the siblings and their mother was a firm believer in beginning training as soon as they showed signs of magic. Aster Stone employed some of the higher ranking Academy students, and she urged her children to practice their abilities against them for private exercises. Any failures were met with an assertion that they could have done better, no matter the circumstances. Nothing could be a blemish on their reputation.
If Meredith had been alone, she would not have chosen to comply with her parents’ wishes as eagerly as she had done. It was the pride in their voices when they spoke of her brother that she wanted. She had tried her best to keep up with her brother in every aspect but had trailed behind him since she could crawl. Even with the notable improvements she had made, they were expecting more. When their pushing became too great, and she began to think of running away, it was his insistence that made her stay. They had started this together and were going to finish it together.
But he left on his fifteenth birthday. She had gone into his room to wake him for breakfast and his bed was empty. All she had been told was that he had left, that others had convinced him to leave, and finally that he had died. Meredith was almost insulted that they thought she would believe he would run when he had told her to stay, but there was little she could do other than shoulder the brunt of his absence and continue forward. It was a mystery that she was unable to get a straight answer about for nearly fifty years.  
With their son gone, the Robins turned their focus on their daughter to ensure her success in his place. In the time after her brother’s disappearance, Meredith had come to think of it as a mixed blessing. Their mother had taken the instruction drills into her own hands and refused to hold back as the tutors had before. She had become relentless and unforgiving but the father had doubled his attention. She felt as if she was being strangled by one parent and suffocated by the other.
Her moment of reprieve came with the ranking on her fifteenth birthday; a 9. Her parents finally had the proof of her capacity, but it did not stop them from continuing to push her further. It was at this time that the reason for their marriage was revealed to her. Their families had traced through bloodlines to find a minuscule percentage of royal ancestry and had convinced them to accept an arranged marriage in exchange for social favoritism. Her existence was an experiment, and she needed to prove successful.
When it came time to join the Academy, Meredith completed her beginners courses with ease. She had already been fighting at that level for a few years and her confidence soared knowing that she was above the average, even with rank aside. It was now validation for herself to know that her strict childhood had been purposeful, though she was reluctant to admit this to her parents even years later when they continued to ask why she insisted on taking every class possible.
She had tasted freedom and loathed the moments at home. Now she had her parents’ adoration, but it felt hollow when it all revolved around how they had made her successful. She hated that they now bragged as if they had been the ones to struggle through the training and impress her professors. So, rather than subject herself to listening to their empty flattery and forcing a smile, she frequently chose to stay at the school on their coin instead whenever she could.
The promotion to 10 came quicker than most expected. Her instructors were thrilled with her proficiency and tenacity in skirmishes, but this brought negative attention from her classmates. She struggled to make friends that lasted after they had fulfilled their ambitions, though there were many more who were openly averse to her presence as she reached the advanced levels within the Academy. At the end of it all, she preferred these types of people; they were easier to identify and eliminate in competition.
With the J, came her first real attempts for freedom. She had proven herself capable of holding her own and after it was agreed there was nothing more for her to learn at the Academy, she was left with a choice of what to do next and how to keep climbing. Her father offered to use his influence within The Palace to find her a position on the stage, but she reasoned that a life outside the public eye would be easier in the long run. Instead, she became friendly with her mother and returned to Aster Stone as an executive, instead of a test subject.
After a while, Meredith landed her place as Director of Research and Development, and her K. Crystals remained unchanged over the centuries, but it was now her job to find new uses for them. Or rather, to oversee the other inventors’ work on their ideas. She was more interested in the testing of these new devices, particularly those with combat purposes. The Council had been pressuring the advancement of weaponry, and they were expecting her to provide something to keep Diamonds ahead of the other factions.
Her favorite piece was one yet to be used in battle, but it ultimately earned her A. As impressive as the testing results had been, there were not many who seemed enthusiastic to try it for themselves and it landed on her to prove its capability. Manacores were known to be amplified in the presence of crystals and for centuries they have been used in the forms of jewelry, adornments on clothing, or embedded into weapons. Meredith dared to take it a step further and explore the benefits of crystalline sub dermal implants directly into the body itself. Admittedly, the process was intimidating.
She came out of the surgery with minimal complications, aside from the minor infections at the incisions resulting in raised scarring, and the endeavor was overall considered a success. Her strength had been admirable before the procedure, but it had increased significantly afterward. The Council was thrilled with their creation and her mother was given a substantial payment for production, but Meredith had received the ultimate prize in the end; a level of status and power beyond anything her parents could have ever given her.
The Dean of the Academy convinced her to take a teaching position within the school, specializing in her water elementalist techniques. She would be able to push the limits further and hand-pick those that succeed to move forward for advancement. It did not take long for her to draw criticism after taking interest in those who were ‘below’ the privilege she had been granting them. Nothing was more frustrating to her than being challenged to find the talent within the trash, then being denied the recognition of her findings because they are not ranked ‘high enough’.
It became her personal mission to go against the idea of a person’s potential based on their ranking, despite the grumblings from the Academy and other Aces. Nearly every student she nominated was received with a lengthy debate and over the years the opposition against her choices became more of a formality than a true dissent. Whether it was due to her own stubbornness or the results of her gambles proving themselves to be worthwhile, she wasn’t sure, but the questioning subsided, and she seemed to have earned the respect of her peers.
The sudden death of her mother threatened to change that, however. It was reported as an accident, an unfortunate carriage collision happening on a rainy day, coincidentally the same afternoon she was set to announce her retirement. Meredith’s grief was unanticipated, considering their difficult relationship, but it was her father’s resolute calmness that surprised her. Others believed he was putting on a brave face, after losing his son long ago and now his wife, but she knew when he was acting; this coldness was the truth.
With the mother gone, the father laid bare all their sins. He reiterated that they had been an arranged marriage as an experiment and that she and her brother were the results, ones that they had to ensure were successful. He explained that in the early hours of her brother’s fifteenth birthday, his ranking was significantly less than what they had expected. The two parents fought, and the mother let slip that she had had an affair shortly after the wedding with the man she truly loved, became pregnant, and passed off the son as a Robin. She was his only child.
Naturally, he was furious, and banished the boy to his ‘true home’ and forbade the mother from speaking of it again before they fabricated a story of their sons radicalization and disappearance. He had not asked his wife for details then and therefore, did not have any answers for Meredith as to where her brother may have gone. He even went so far as to imply that if he were to see him again, he would likely ‘kill the bastard’. Hearing her father’s open rejection of her brother only made her want to start searching and to use his money to do it.
First, majority control of Aster Stone was given over to the Board of Directors after Meredith had secured her mother’s posthumous salary for herself. It was not difficult, considering it was her own developments that had landed their most lucrative contract. The next, and most difficult step, was to find her way into the rebel communication lines and gain enough trust to be able to ask around without raising suspicions. Then, should she find something promising, there was still the matter of proving his identity somehow.
For now, Meredith continues her day job in the Academy as the Hydrokinetic Combat Instructor, a member of the Council, and occasionally sits at the table of Directors for Aster Stone. She uses her position to guide the future of Diamond Territory with every generation of students that passes through her curriculum successfully. She enjoys the benefits of her rank openly, and can frequently be seen in the Palace or a nightclub before heading home. There, she investigates her leads and waits for her opportunity to leave everyone in the dark.
Meredith is surprisingly polite for someone of her rank. She finds it easier to let the other think everything is their idea and to ‘firmly guide’ the situation to her favor. Those that are willing to please her to begin with don’t typically argue against her suggestions for long. She can be patient and enjoys frustrating her opponent into submission. She is intelligent, and intuitively knows what others need to feel accepted and comfortable. Do not mistake her charm and kindness for naivety. Not many are successful in their attempts to take advantage of her; the only exceptions being those she loves dearly.
Should she be challenged and find her adversary as stubborn as herself, she takes it as a personal offense to her own credibility. She can be vengeful and unforgiving, holding onto grudges for long after the matter had been settled. Her enemies are either ignored or obsessed over, there is no in-between for Meredith. In an outright fight, she will always attempt to subdue her rival before moving to the maneuvers meant to overwhelm and destroy.
Those who only know her in passing or as an acquaintance would never see her falter in her decisions. Those doubts were saved for those she held in the upmost respect or loved intimately. She has the fullest trust and faith in these people, earning them her steadfast loyalty and affection. In moments of insecurity, she may become suspicious or possessive of her lover and begin to cling to them for comfort.  She feels her emotions deeply and does her best not to let them dictate her actions, oftentimes choosing to react wholly one way or another.
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nightcityhqs · 4 years
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case  file     ;  Maddox Kingsley
nicknames     ;  None.
associations    ;  The Entertainers
occupation    ;  Host of the Sunset Frequency, Owner of Persephone's Den.
birthdate    ;  November 22th, 1980
hometown    ; London, England
current  location     ;  Downtown
pronouns     ; She/Her
mirror image     ; Charlize Theron
the record stops, the player tape states, and the radio static is replaced with voices;
 — And our dear listeners are eager to know, how long have you been in Sunset Port? — Most importantly, why do you stay? 
"You know, I'm normally the one doing the questions," Maddox says, accent heavy on her tongue, blowing the smoke from her cigarette away as she watches her assistant tug on the collar of his shirt, visibly uncomfortable. She sighs, "I've been in Sunset Port for twelve years. Stuck in this studio for what? Eight years?" her accent is thick, and Maddox shifts on her seat, clearing her throat. "Why don't I leave? I think about doing it, often. But I made a home for myself here, despite how dull the city can be. And if I leave, who will be the joyful company for our dear listeners every night?"
  Of course! We can all identify with the sentiment. Well, at least some of us. [LAUGHTER] What do you do in Sunset Port? 
A brow is raised, and Maddox groans, half annoyed and half offended. "Is that how I sound when reading those questions? This script is badly made, you know! Who is responsible for this? They should — What? I wrote it?" There's silence, before a tongue is clicking against the roof of her mouth. "Ah. Well, I should rewrite it, then. Well — Isn't it quite obvious?" She leans forward, mouth close to the microphone and voice low and dark, full of mysteries as she repeats the well known quote, "Good evening, Sunset Port. You've tuned in the Sunset Frequency, 66.6. And I will be your company for the night. Here all night, every night." 
  Admirable! Now, I’d have left this question last to finish with a bang, but our listener is impatient, oh my! Have you heard of our little organization?  
Nothing but silence can be heard through the radio, long and uncomfortable. The cigarette burns as the fingers holding it tremble slightly, and Maddox sighs after some time, clearing her throat once more and taking a long drag of her cigarette. "Who hasn't?" The question escapes her lips with no emotion, no surprise. It's cold, and sharp as knives. "Why is that an important question?" 
  Oh my! — And if Isabella Castello came knocking at your door, what would you do?  
Maddox chuckles, the absurdity of the questions finally catching up to her. "Well, darling, I would tell her to go fuck herself." Her assistant goes pale as a ghost, his next words barely leaving his lips. 
  Interesting. Well, I think I’ve kept you here long enough! Thank you for speaking with our public! Which song would you like me to play for you, now?
"Let’s put something inspiring for our dear listeners, huh? How about The Other Side, by Woodkid."
Trigger Warnings; Violence, Murder, Guns, Drugs, Serial Killers Mention
Maddox Kingsley understands enough of human nature to perceive her morals; nor black nor white, but shades of grey. Most are darker than others, more prominent. Some are hardly noticeable, but the danger is still unmistakable. In hindsight, it should be said her morals are questionable, simply put. There is no wrong or right, for Maddox. Sides are of little importance, as the only side she cares for is her own. A selfish little thing, with only her well-being in mind; she doesn't partake in any activities if she is not gaining something out of it. Maddox is easily buyable, and that's where the trouble resides; her loyalty is not worth a penny, at the end of the day — Not if someone pays better for it. Betrayal is part of Maddox's nature; it's in her blood, her instinct. Not born with her, but shoved in her bones, carved into the space where her heart should've been. Survival had been the first thing Maddox Kingsley learned, forced into her veins by unpredictable events and painfully drastic circumstances — 
You see, Maddox Kingsley had not been planned by loving parents intending to start a family. She had not been imagined, had no one who had longed for her — who had dreamed of her. No. Maddox is the outcome of a series of unpredictable events and terribly, comical if not painfully drastic, exaggerated misunderstandings. A tale so entangled in lies and achingly raw sorrow it is hardly possible to determine the truth. Few things were undoubtedly accurate, facts people embraced without question or suspicion. But the truth, not in its entirety for many pieces of the puzzle were in possession of wrathful and indignant people who would not abide Maddox's questioning, laid dormant and guarded within the confines of her mother's broken heart, hidden from those who found fondness in rumors. Her mother bore the harshness of words in a selfishly selfless act to shield her daughter, and herself. A deed meant to reassure Maddox of her devotion, and thus devotion would be given in return. 
So Maddox knew she was not unloved, her mother’s love had been her only certainty amidst the turmoil, but she wasn't awaited.
At eighteen, Lucrecia Kingsley found herself aggravating her family's situation — once prominent but now sunk in a sea of disrepute and misery. Pregnant. Surprisingly, unseemly and in her father's perspective, undesired. To further his despair, orchestrating a marriage with the father would be improbable, as the man was to be engaged. Not to his daughter, thus saving the family from bankruptcy, but to a society lady. Maddox's mother was adamant about keeping her child, despite that her father threatened to disown her. Thankfully, the man she had slept with during a moment of intoxication and hurt provided accommodations, given she allowed him to share the child with her, and she willingly accepted in a moment of desperation.
The first few years weren't cruel to Maddox. They were not particularly kind, by any means, but the child was shielded from harshness and ruthlessness during most of her first years. Her mother was young, inexperienced, fighting to overcome an essentially empty bank account — but the woman was loving, in a way her own mother had never been before. Maddox was attached to her, clinging to her mother's dresses whenever the woman had to leave for work or when Maddox's father arrived to pick her up for weekends each Friday night. Maddox's mother gave her as much care and comfort as she could, but the woman couldn't preserve her from the distant home her father dared take Maddox to every weekend.
A psychiatry student, Bertrand was a man none dared challenge in fear of his influence and authority. Rumors of Bertrand fabled cruelty were shared in hushed whispers by those brave enough to speak words considered blasphemy, but no eyes had ever witnessed such evil coming from the man's hand. Cold, yes, but not brutal. The man adored Maddox, pampering, and doting on her whenever they spent weekends together, but his family did not share the sentiment. Maddox never met her paternal grandparents, before.
She was young, barely 5, but her first memory is of that night. 
Sat in the back of an ambulance, the police lights bright and vibrant amidst the darkness, Maddox hardly paid mind to the yells of an elder woman she had never met before, who was daring to disturb the ghostly silence plaguing the night. Her attention was solely on her father, his calm eyes staring at her through the car window. To this day, Maddox remembers the strangest feeling creating roots in her lungs at the sight of her father in the back of a police car, officers and agents crowding their house and invading their space.
Your father killed a bunch of people, the agent with kind eyes had informed her, and Maddox remembers how she struggled to speak the words - had to force each syllable and consonant out, her brain surely wondering how to best tell a young girl her beloved father was a killer — and that her mother would not be returning. Her blood continued to stain the blanket wrapped around her shoulders, and her father’s eyes never showed any sign of emotions — Maddox knows, now, if she was in the agent's shoes, she would’ve been struggling too.
When Maddox had been discharged from the hospital — an extraordinary child having survived the impossible — it was to the stern hands of nuns with kindness in their eyes, faintly. Taken to a countryside orphanage, Maddox Kingsley turned out to be a difficult case for the nuns and caretakers to restrain. It was to be expected, of course, with her father in jail and her mother murdered. But Maddox's refusal of cooperating, accepting the affections of candidate parents, and simply not speaking whatsoever — proved to be rather complicated. She went and came, a family never settling with her or accepting her into their folds, wishing for an easier child to love and support instead, and returning Maddox to the hands of desperate nuns had been Maddox growing years. Coupled with fights she would often get into with the other children, well — They couldn't do much for her. 
It wasn't until Maddox turned twelve that a man with a prominent glare on his face and few words on his lip finally sealed the deal, taking Maddox in and signing the adoption papers when they were ready. Unusually quickly, but the orphanage was thankful for the money the man provided and to see Maddox finally with a 'family'. Little did they know the man was nothing of a father, but a mentor of sorts; an assassin, one with quick hands and light feet. Maddox kicked and screamed, but soon she fell into her new routine. The man did not care about the fights she picked in school, as long as she kept her head down and the attention on her to a minimum — and every day they trained. Trained until Maddox bones were sore and heavy, until her lungs ached in her ribcage, her ears ringing from the gunshot noises, and her arms burned from the weight of guns.
Maddox and the men held no affection for each other, traded few words, but he shaped her to be a merciless killer, one who could survive the dangers of this world and would not be bound to the grieves and disturbances a heart might cause. By then, she did not remember her mother by face, and tried not to think of the woman — choosing to guard the good memories in a dark place of her heart, a place where the sun doesn't shine and her blood-stained hands couldn't cause such joyful things to root. Maddox and the man held no affection for each other, traded few words, but he shaped her to be a merciless killer, one who could survive the dangers of this world and would not be bound to the grieves and disturbances a heart might cause. By then, she did not remember her mother by face, and tried not to think of the woman — choosing to guard the good memories in a dark place of her heart, a place where the sun doesn't shine and her blood-stained hands couldn't cause such joyful things to root. By eighteen, Maddox started taking her own jobs, and proved to be quite adept at it. She was never caught, and never left witness behind. Fighting came as easy to her as breathing, and Maddox paid no heed to pain. She was a machine, good as they come. By twenty-five, she was running in with a partner, a man she met during a job who was paid to kill another target in the same party she had a target. It wasn't a life she was proud of; running credit card scams, killing for money, and never settling down in one place — but it was the life she knew. The only thing she had been good at. Perhaps it is genetics. Perhaps she is as rotten as her father. Thoughts that kept her awake at night, knowing them to be true. Everything she touched died, just like him. 
With her story and her past, it didn't take long for the Organization to contact her. They promised her the world for her skills, but it came with a price. She had to leave her partner behind, and kill a target that had been escaping the Organization grasps for some time. Maddox faked her own death, leaving London, and following the trail, she was given up to Bulgaria, where she found herself face to face with the man that had raised her, taught her. It wasn't an easy fight. But she came out victorious, and at first thing in the morning, was leaving on a plane to Sunset Port. 
After that, guilt began to settle in her bones. She continued to do her job, but the taste of blood now left a bitter aftertaste in her mouth, and when she turned 32, Maddox decided to leave this life behind. She couldn't, not fully, of course — one does not simply leave the Organization. But they offered her a retirement plan; take charge of the radio station, and be free to do as she wishes in her free time. She accepted it with no questions asked, and has been the radio host for the Sunset Frequency since then.
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