#black clover eirwen schneider
hybridanafrost · 5 months
Ship ask. Magna x Eirwen, Oscar x Eirwen.
Okay, here we go. Apologies for the wait! Life's been kicking my butt.
Magna x Eirwen
Makes sense, compels me!
I mean, duh. I have a bias. Obviously!
I made Eirwen just to ship her with Magna. That's why she has ice magic to compliment Magna's flame magic. It's kinda funny how the choices I made for her character worked out. According to the manga, Magna describes his ideal partner as:
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Now, one would expect someone of that description to be like super hyper or bubbly. And then there's me translating "lively" as: she has anxiety!
Which honestly works out well for their dynamic. Eirwen's anxiousness comes from growing up in an environment where she wasn't given a lot of positive reinforcement. She was born with a lot of magic power yet doesn't have the confidence to use it to its full extent. Meanwhile, Magna is the polar opposite. He has confidence and bravado for days, but his mana pool is on the smaller side. Eirwen has the capacity to keep up with him and then some. She just needs the boost in morale. Magna, being the hype man that he is, definitely sparks that energy in her to keep going. That encouragement helps her come out of her shell a lot more. Once Eirwen starts becoming more sure of herself, Magna falls for her more and more.
Eirwen, in turn, is also very bright and helps remind Magna not to behave so impulsively. She's the overthinker while Magna is a driven go-getter. She helps calm him down when he's about to lose his temper, and he soothes her worries. They make a great team. ❤️
Oscar x Eirwen
Makes sense, compels me! (In a platonic way)
God, these two are cute despite them not being meant to be! It's definitely a "looks good on paper" type of ship.
Oscar is definitely the ideal candidate Eirwen's noble family would want her to marry. He's rich, has an excellent pedigree, and is very intelligent and successful in his field. He is also such a patient, well-mannered gentleman. He would treat Eirwen so well and vice versa.
The sad thing is that Oscar and Eirwen can't exactly grow from one another. Maybe they can help each other with improving their abilities and research. However, they both have very similar personalities and temperament. I feel like they would keep each other in their comfort zones to not rock the boat. Both of them need to grow as people and require someone to motivate them to step out of their comfort zone and give them the courage to do so.
They would make wonderful friends, though. I would love to think of an AU where they were childhood friends that parallel played a lot. I picture Eirwen has fondness for him like that. If they were in an arranged marriage situation, it would definitely be the type where they have separate bedrooms. Not because they dislike one another, but maybe because the lifestyle of the other doesn't align. It would be a prudent marriage where the only passion they have is in their hyperfixations.
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A4 for Magwen chibis please 🙏 🥺
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He will fight off anything for her "dw, I got this"
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hybridanafrost · 1 year
I'll ask 7, 8, and 44 regarding Magwen for the ship ask game. Soft questions for a soft ship, you know?
Here is the ship ask game:
Heehee, here we go.
Let the mushy stuff begin! 😆
7. How often do they say “I love you”?
Enough to make Finral lowkey jealous.
In the beginning, they were shy about it. Saying it around the squad got Magna teased a lot! But gosh darn it, he's a man! Real men should never be ashamed about their love! Not long afterward, he was ready to shout it from the rooftops.
Eventually, it just became routine to say it before they leave each other at the hideout. One time, Luck pranked him by saying he forgot to tell Eirwen, "I love you," before flying off on the cyclone, and Magna doubled back to run into the hideout and tell her a second time just to be sure.
When they're alone, they say it a lot when they snuggle and before going to sleep.
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
Eirwen loves Magna because he's so passionate and driven. His boldness drew her in immediately. He doesn't let anything, including his own limitations, stop him from doing the right thing. Eirwen admires bold people because she secretly wants to become bold herself. Magna is her biggest cheerleader, and he always does his best to uplift her into becoming her best self, like with the rest of the squad. He acknowledges her and helps her feel safe, which helps her grow into the best woman she can be.
Magna loves Eirwen's heart. She's got a heart of gold. Despite her being so kind and gentle, she isn't weak either. Eirwen lacked a lot of confidence in herself when they first met. However, she still managed to have enough of a backbone to speak up for others and do what she could to help them in their time of need. Despite getting overwhelmed at times, she still tries her best because she doesn't want to let others down.
44. Do they cuddle often? Why or why not?
They cuddle whenever they can get away with it. Once Eirwen got less nervous around touching others, it became quite common for them. As an ice mage, Eirwen runs cold. So she's always in need of warming up. At least, that's the excuse they use. While the need for warmth is very true, Eirwen is also touch starved, and Magna is more than happy to accommodate.
They usually do it when Magna's resting to restore his mana to fly them on the crazy cyclone or on their off time in the hideout. Even after a night of partying, the two have a habit of passing out drunk in each other's arms.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
BC OC: Magna/Eirwen - Closeness
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Forgot to post this here. Magna pulled Eirwen in for a hug and gently held her hand. He probably gushing over how great his girl is. Eirwen is crying happy tears because she's still not used to so much praise.
Eirwen's bio:
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hybridanafrost · 1 year
Motion, Informal, and Change for Bianca and Eirwen please 🥰!
Ask game:
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Bianca is very poised and athletic. Her clothing, while layered to keep her warm, is still breathable and easy to move in for combat. Fighting with a polearm requires a lot of flexibility and coordination, which she has in spades.
Eirwen can also be rather graceful thanks to years of etiquette and dance lessons. Her flexibility isn't as good as her sister's, but she has decent coordination in gross motor skills. Her fine motor skills are her greatest strength considering the years of practice she's had with sewing.
informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
Bianca doesn't really do "lazy days" since she's a workaholic. Usually, she wears the same type of clothes as she would for work outside the house unless she was attending an event with a specific dress code. Here's what she wears when it's time for her to relax and get ready for bed, though.
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Eirwen loves changing up her clothes on her days off since she's a designer. Her go-to look to relax is a cute breathable dress with a cardigan or sweater over it so she can stay warm. It's a cozy look for her, and she enjoys wearing something like this while sewing or sketching.
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change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
Bianca stays pretty much the same. She's a pretty frigid person and sticks with what she knows will work. Perhaps she cuts her hair in the future to change up the length by a bit, but nothing crazy. The change will probably be for practical reasons like less time washing it or because it was damaged in battle and needed to grow it back healthier.
Eirwen's personal journey is all about change and coming into herself as a mage and knight. She changes up her hairstyle by picking her hair up into a low ponytail like her sister when out on missions. It's to help keep the hair out of her face while flying or shooting arrows.
She also wears an outfit that is designed to help with her archery in battle. She has a breastplate with her squad logo on it because the cloak can sometimes blow upwards and obscure her field of vision when flying or against the elements. She's also visibly wearing shorts under the breezy parts of her tunic for better mobility. When it gets cold out, she wears tights underneath them to keep warm. Eirwen carefully crafted these changes for herself so she could be the best version of herself. If she was at her best, then her squad had better chances of succeeding.
Bianca bio:
Eirwen bio:
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Request: A MagWen fic where she is trying on new clothes, and Finral starts flirting with her, which makes Magna jealous.
Pairing: Magna x Eirwen (OC)  Eirwen belongs to @hybridanafrost​ Genre: Fluff/general Length: ~1.0 Warnings: Contains themes of self-doubt
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Eirwen stared at the clothes she had just bought, the tags still attached, that she had laid out onto the bed. And the clothes stared right back at her. Not because she didn’t like them, quite the opposite. They were really cute and… nice. But she didn’t really know how to feel about wearing them. Which was dumb, she knew that much. Because clothes were meant to be worn and she had bought them to be worn.
But it was just that… when she had talked about clothes with Vanessa, and she had suggested a wardrobe change to symbolize a new life with the Bulls and leaving her past where it belonged, in the past, she hadn’t… thought that it’d feel this definite. It was supposed to be just a shopping trip, with … Well… Vanessa was like a big sister, though she couldn’t say that Vanessa reminded her much of Bianca. And it had been fun.
Oh, her mind was just a mess. A lot of thoughts and emotions just swirled around in her head, so much so that she didn’t know what to do with it all.
She just didn’t know.
But people, at least Vanessa, were expecting to see her in something new. So, she felt that she had to put on at least one outfit.
And again, it wasn’t that she would have opposed to wearing them. Because she liked these clothes. She had liked them in the store, and she liked them now. The thing that made her nervous, the thing that made cold creep up from her fingertips, was what it meant for her.
She’d be moving forward. Wearing something new, and becoming someone new. Another version of herself, which wasn’t a bad thing to do. People grow. People change. Life shapes them into their new selves, and she was no different.
But change was also scary. And she felt like she was standing in a doorway, ready to step through a threshold.
She wasn’t sure if she was ready. But then again, she wasn’t sure if she was ever ready.
So, she supposed that this was as good of a time as any.
Plus, she was still expected to come out in something new. And she did want to make this change, even if it was scary.
She took a deep breath, and picked an outfit. A cute dress, and changed into it, trying to not think too much about it. But as she looked herself from the mirror, she felt heat rising to her cheeks. Because she wasn’t sure of herself. She wasn’t sure… about a lot of things.
It did look cute. The dress. It looked cute. But she wasn’t sure if it was… her. If it suited her. If.. she was cute, and not just the dress.
She took a deep breath and turned her head towards the ceiling while closing her eyes. Her muscles tensed as she tried to prepare herself into walking downstairs. But there still was a faint sense of nausea in her throat out of anxiety.
It wasn’t new to her. Which made it feel just that much more bearable. Plus, she couldn’t exactly stay cooped up in her room indefinitely. So, she might just as well go show her new dress to Vanessa, who was probably downstairs in the common room.
The common room…
It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay. They… there’s not many people there… usually, at this time, so it’ll be okay and if… it doesn’t look good I’ll just come back upstairs. She tried to explain it to herself, even if it was so very difficult to believe it; the words she was trying to convince herself of.
And yet, she took another deep breath and made her way downstairs. Her steps were slightly hastened as she made her way through the halls, and only slowed down as she was reaching the foot of the stairs into the common room.
“Oh Eirwen!”
She practically jumped at the sound of Finral’s voice.
“You look so cute,” he continued while rushing over and taking a hold of her hand, which only made her tense up and a blush rush to her cheeks.
Her mind froze, and she wanted to not squeal in embarrassment. She tried her best to keep her lips sealed shut, despite the sound wanting to bubble up from her lungs.
She closed her eyes, and took another deep breath at the sound of Magna’s voice.
“You shouldn’t flirt with my girlfriend, Finral!” He practically shouted while flailing his hands into the air and taking a stance next to Eirwen.
“Sorry, sorry!” Finral waved his hands in front of himself. “She just looks cute! It was a reflex!” He protested while rubbing the back of his neck.
“Of course she looks cute! Wen always looks cute!” Magna continued.
Eirwen’s eyes fell to the floor with the statement, the sentiment that was much sweeter than anything she would have thought to experience. Her focus shifted away from whatever words were exchanged by the two, until Finral took a step back, shifting away and Magna taking a hold of her hand.
“I get it,” Finral said before taking his leave, and Magna just nodded to it.
A few seconds ticked away in the air as the moment shifted from one to another.
“You… think I’m… cute?” She asked with a whisper, more from herself than him, and without looking away from the depths of the floor as her blush intensified.
“Of course!” Magna’s reply came out, much like a reflex. “You’re the cutest, most beautiful person in the world!” He paused, and as he realized that she was wearing a new dress, his mouth continued even before his mind could register it. “And that dress looks amazing on you!”
She wanted to bury her face in her hands out of embarrassment, but instead squeezed the hem of her dress, because he would tell her not to be embarrassed. He would continue to assure her, she knew as much. And she wanted to be braver. More confident.
For her own sake, and… for the sake of their shared future. That’s what she wanted.
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Eirwen Schneider
Belongs to @hybridanafrost
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
💌 and 🎁 for Bianca & Eirwen? 👀
This is referring to the ask prompt:
💌 - How would they react to a love letter?
Bianca - Unless it was from someone she had an interest in, she will chuck it in the garbage. Words are just words to Bianca. She prefers being shown love through one's actions. However, if you’ve already proven yourself in her eyes, she will hold on to it. I'm sure Bianca has a drawer filled with all the cards she had gotten from Dorothy over the years. Maybe one from Kirsch because she secretly thinks of him as her best friend too.
Eirwen - This poor girl is so flustered. She's so used to Bianca getting all the admirers growing up so she's incredibly unprepared for her own. She will be flattered by the gesture even if she isn't into you. She will try to gently decline it and apologize profusely that she cannot return your feelings. If she likes you, she shyly accepts it with her face flushed all red. Then she'll hold onto it and reread it once in a while.
🎁 - Are they good at giving gifts? How about receiving them?
Bianca - Bianca isn't the best at personalized gifts. She is very practical in her gift-giving. For example, she knows Eirwen always wants fabric and thread for sewing. So she usually gifts Eirwen money instead of picking out fabric she thinks her sister would like. Bianca is usually uncomfortable receiving gifts. Unless it's something she needs, she prefers having someone perform acts of service instead.
Eirwen - Eirwen specializes in making clothes. She makes it a habit of writing notes on everyone's style and clothing preferences. So if she makes you clothes, it's personalized just for you. If you don't want clothes, she'll gift you your favorite kinds of food. Eirwen is very touched when receiving an unexpected gift, even more so when it is a personalized gift.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
Black Clover OC - Eirwen Schneider - Style
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Felt like drawing Eirwen in different outfits with different expressions. The best part about having a character who's an aspiring designer is that you don't have to commit to a single outfit. Wenny loves making clothes and changing up her look. The most beautiful thing she's ever worn? Her smile.
For Eirwen's backstory:
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
Black Clover OC: First Love (EirwenxMagna)
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So I wanted to draw my OC being absolutely happy and comfortable around her delinquent sweetheart. Obviously, this is after they've been dating for a while and Wenny isn't as shy around him.
I got the inspiration from this pose here:
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For Eirwen's background you can read it here:
For more character info:
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
*Drives up to speaker* Hello, can I get a side order of 2 and 3 for Wenny and 8 and 19 for Odette? Thank you!☺
I gotchu, homie!
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Link to the questions is here for whoever wants to ask me about my BC OCs:
2. Drawing from the language of flowers, what flower symbolizes them?
So Wenny's birthday is in July and one of the birth flowers of July is the water lily which means purity and innocence.
However, I also have another answer to that question and it is the amaryllis flower. Amaryllis are symbolic of a hard won success, particularly in artistic endeavors. Giving an artist a bunch of amaryllis flowers is said to encourage both their creative muse and their achievements and strength in the arts. Wenny is a sweet and innocent girl but she is also very creative and driven.
3. What real life animal would they be represented by?
So I was thinking of cute animals and then I remembered the fact that cheetahs are so damned anxious that they need service dogs in order to remain calm enough in captivity to breed. And that's what Eirwen is, she is actually a dangerous cat, but she does more harm to herself by being so stressed out.
8. Which of the seven heavenly virtues are they associated with? Do they embody that virtue or are they trying to learn it?
So the virtue Odette best embodies is diligence. No one can ever call her lazy, if anything she's a borderline workaholic. Once her mind is set on something she goes out and does it. All those books she reads? Research. All to better understand and learn things that will help her with whatever goals she is trying to achieve.
19. Which of the four temperaments are they?
At first glance? Sanguine. Odette has a people-person persona and is very charming. But this took years of practice, she was very melancholic as a kid before she came out of her shell. So she is actually a blend of the two.
"When the Sanguine and the Melancholy natural tendencies are combined, it produces a people-person who is sensitive, creative, and detail-oriented.
The Sanguine-Melancholy needs to be with people most of the time, but some of the time they need to be alone. When alone they will likely think, review, plan, and be creative. They need information, time to think, and a plan; they function best, and more effectively, when they have a detailed plan.
They often have difficulty going to sleep because they are thinking too much; reviewing, planning, fretting, or creating."
Here's a link about temperament blends:
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
Black Clover OC: Bianca Schneider
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Decided to draw Eirwen's big sister.
Name: Bianca Schneider (Dorothy and Kirsch call her B)
Age: 24
Birthday: January 2nd
Sign: Capricorn
Squad: Coral Peacocks
Grimoire: Three Leaf Clover ☘️
Magic Attribute: Ice Magic
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Strawberry Blonde
Bianca is the eldest daughter and heir to the Schneider family. When her father was alive, he doted on Bianca and admired her athleticism. Despite being a family of mostly women, Papa Schneider raised her similar to a boy by letting her take self defense classes.
Bianca was very skilled at fencing but thrived with using a polearm. Aside from a strong body, her magic control was superb for her age. Her parents praised her for her academic success and her keen mind for business. Bianca was under the impression that as his heir, Papa Schneider would groom her to be the next head of his trades company. It became her dream to work alongside her father.
Unfortunately, after her father took ill and passed away Bianca realized that would have to stay a dream. Due to the prejudice her paternal uncle had for her mother's less than acceptable pedigree, her ability to control the shares of the company was stripped away. If she or her little sister Eirwen could secure a marriage with a man of a higher noble status, they can be granted the shares once more.
Naturally, this posed a problem for the women. Without the shares, they could no longer collect money for their finances and living expenses. Bianca took it upon herself to join the magic knights in order to establish an income to keep the family afloat.
Bianca passed her exam with flying colors and had a good amount of squads to pick from. When she saw Dorothy, the Captain of the Coral Peacocks, actually awake and grinning excitedly at her the decision was already made. Something in her gut told her to join this bubbly witch's squad. What she didn't realize is that feeling was also love at first sight.
Obviously, this would prove to be a problem. She couldn’t let these feelings prevent her from working to find a suitable match for an arranged marriage. And yet, none of the prospects ever met her ridiculously high standards. Perhaps the main issue was that they were men, and she was clearly in love with a woman.
During her time with the Coral Peacocks Bianca thrived on missions and delegating strategies with Kirsch and Dorothy. She climbed up the ranks considerably fast and proved herself an irreplaceable member of the squad. This was all due to Bianca's no nonsense ice queen persona. She threw herself into her work and left little room for anything that could be seen as a distraction, much to Kirsch's dismay. Kirsch adores and respects Bianca for her beauty and her talents, therefore he gives her the authority to boss him around to finish his paperwork whenever he appears to be enchanted by his own reflection. He also never lets her forget who the vice captain is, much to her annoyance.
Bianca had issues socializing with the squad and was very reserved when it came to speaking about her personal life. Dorothy joked that it took her two weeks before Bianca would finally say what her favorite color was. It was blue like Dorothy's eyes. The ice mage only behaved this way because she was under tremendous pressure to put on airs for her family's sake. She didn't want anyone to find out that her immediate family was financially struggling. So she chose to keep all personal information off the table.
Dorothy and Kirsch didn't even know Bianca had a little sister until they had a mission with the Black Bulls. They gushed and cooed over how adorable Eirwen was saying it was like looking at a smaller version of her. Bianca noticed her sister getting flustered and told them to back off and give her some space.
When it came to Eirwen, Bianca was always protective and well-intentioned but never warm about it. She loved her sister, but her words were usually so callous. There was a long period of time after the death of their father that Bianca resented her sister.
Mostly because Bianca had to make all the sacrifices as the oldest while Eirwen wasted her potential to become a powerful mage by being scared and sewing in her room all day. She also didn't like that Eirwen turned her back on finding an arranged marriage.
Eventually Eirwen proves herself as a magic knight in her sister's eyes and they seem to be on better terms despite Bianca remaining rather frigid. She ultimately respects her sister's decision to live her own life even if she makes choices she wouldn't agree with.
For Eirwen's bio click here:
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
Here's a challenge, could you answer all the oc questions for Eirwen?
Here we go!
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You can find the questions list here:
So for Eirwen's 2 and 3 answers. Click here:
1. What is the main color associated with them? What connections with that color do they share?
White. Eirwen's name is Welsh for "white/blessed snow". Naturally, her attribute is ice therefore the color suits her. It is also the color of innocence and purity. Eirwen lived a sheltered life because of her anxiety so she is still trying to adjust to being out in the real world.
Her favorite color is mint green. It's often associated with creativity which is perfect for Wenny's personality. I chose mint green because the first image that pops in my mind of that color is mint ice cream. Eirwen is very much like that ice cream flavor, chilly yet super sweet.
4. What mythical creature would they be represented by?
A unicorn. Just like a unicorn, Eirwen wants to help in whatever way she can as a symbol of good. However, due to her anxious nature she is rather shy. Unicorns are said to only appear before virgins...So, it goes without saying why she feels more at ease around Magna.
5. Which body part are they associated with?
Hands and arms represent strength, power, and protection. Eirwen works best with her hands. She sketches, sews, and shoots a bow with her hands. Her hands are also a big source of her anxiety. Her ice mana spills out from her bare fingers whenever she's stressed out. Even when wearing gloves, Eirwen still gets nervous about touching people. Compassionate touch can benefit one's life in so many ways. It helps strengthen connections with others. After living with the Black Bulls, Eirwen has become more determined to push past her limits and try to be less afraid of touch. Not only for her sake, but to let her friends know she cares about them too.
6. Which of the 4 seasons best fits them?
White, cold, quiet, and isolating winter was how most of her life was. However, after joining the Black Bulls? It was like a colorful bloom of the warm spring time. A season of new life, hope, and eventual romance. Pastels definitely suit her best.
7. What time of day are they associated with?
Afternoon tea time. Eirwen likes to take a break and relax from all the knight duties and sewing.
8. Which of the seven heavenly virtues are they associated with? Do they embody that virtue or are they trying to learn it?
Eirwen best embodies humility. She's diligent, sure, but her low opinion of herself causes her to doubt herself. She had a big case of imposter syndrome. It takes her a very long time to accept herself as an actual magic knight. Eirwen grew up being compared to her bright, talented, and beautiful older sister and felt like she could never hold a candle to Bianca. So the last thing you would ever call Eirwen is prideful.
9. Which of the seven deadly sins are they associated with? Is it a negative trait of theirs or something that they struggle with?
Envy. Eirwen's low opinion of herself makes her wish for things she can never have or be someone she isn't. She wants to be beautiful, smart, and admired. The sad truth is she already is, but doesn't see it because she wasn't praised as much for it most of her life. She also struggles with jealousy from her insecurities. So there's always a voice in the back of her mind telling her that her boyfriend or friends will leave once they get bored of her.
10. Are they closer to life or death?
Eirwen is no stranger to death. She lost her grandmother and then her father. For a long time, walling herself up from the world was like she was waiting to die.
However, becoming a magic knight put her in many life threatening situations. Every time she came back, she had surprised herself. Whenever she was cornered, she fought back and got stronger. She learned that what she truly wants is to live. So she is indeed closer to life, because she's still not ready to die yet.
11. Land, sea, or sky? Of the realms of the world, which one does the character belong to?
Because of her ice attribute, I want to say the sea. Like an iceberg, there's more to Eirwen under the surface of the water. Plus, symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks can give one the sensation of drowning. The sea can be calm and soothing but also choppy and restless in stormy weather.
12. Are they sun, moon, stars, or something else in space?
Moon. It has a gentle glow, soft to look at and admire. Despite taking it's light from the sun, the moon also has power over the tides and cycles. So despite her gentle feminine appearance, Eirwen still has power that one should never underestimate.
13. What kind of metal represents your character?
Platinum, less associated with wealth, but more with purity, especially in a technical kind of way. Eirwen just has no interest in rising above her status like her mother does. She does however want to be recognized for her own merits.
14. What kind of weapon do you associate them with?
Bow and arrow. Eirwen is best suited as an archer. She dislikes head on confrontation and fistfighting. However, she does want to protect and support her friends. So a weapon that allows her to do that from a safe distance is ideal. Plus, a bow has a lot of parallels to her sewing. Aiming is like threading a needle, the arrowhead hitting it's mark is like the needle piercing through the fabric. At the end of the day, it's just stabbing things.
15. Pick an article of clothing to represent them. What does it mean?
A dress. Eirwen will always be a girly girl at heart. The softness and femininity associated with dresses suits her personality. Her love of dresses inspire her passion and her desire to act on them. Dresses can be worn for casual or formal affairs. So Eirwen can be versatile if given the right accessories, or people in her corner.
16. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and anything in between. What kind of dish are they?
Afternoon tea time after lunch. Eirwen likes to take her tea with little finger sandwiches and sweets like macaroons or pastries.
17. What instrument would be used in their leitmotif?
A violin. There's something about the range of the instrument. How it goes from sounding soothing in one second to downright shrill and suspenseful the next moment. It would best capture her feelings of anxiousness.
18. Which card would they be from the major arcana of tarot cards?
I'll go with the Star. "When the Star card appears, you are likely to find yourself feeling inspired. It brings renewed hope and faith and a sense that you are truly blessed by the universe at this time." Eirwen's life changes for the better after she leaves her family home and she's never been more motivated to create.
19. Which of the 4 temperaments are they?
Melancholic. Despite being an introvert, Eirwen does get easily troubled if left on her own for too long. Which is why it's important that she have a support system of people to check in on her.
20. What word/phrase is central to their character?
"You calm me down."
Magna told her this when he was expressing how her being around him made him less mad at whatever shenanigans his squadmates (mostly Luck) were pulling. Eirwen ended up saying the same thing when Magna helped her through a panic attack. Magna and the rest of the squad become her safety net whenever she feels like freaking out.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
BC OC - Bianca Schneider, the CP Trio
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Drew my OC Bianca again with her squad.
Here's her bio:
Been meaning to draw Captain Dorothy and even threw in Kirsch Vermillion for @the-fuegoleon-fluff.
Together they're the Big Three or the "Beautiful Trio" as Kirsch puts it. Kirsch is looking upon Bianca in adoration because he's thankful to have such a beautiful and efficient work wife and "best friend". Alas, her beauty is still not as stunning as his.
Bianca is trying not to punch him in the shoulder in front of Dorothy because she promised her girlfriend she'd be on her best behavior with him. These three have such a funny dynamic suitable for a workplace comedy. I can go on and on about them all day.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
Black Clover OC: Jessamy Hannan
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"Babe, wake up. A new Black Clover OC just dropped!"
Jokes aside, Jessamy is just a minor character. Because the Coral Peacocks don't have enough girls on the squad, I decided to make another female OC for the heck of it.
Name: Jessamy Hannan (friends call her Jess or Jessy)
Age: 18
Birthday: February 27
Sign: Pisces
Squad: Coral Peacocks
Grimoire: Three Leaf Clover ☘️
Magic: Scent Magic
Eyes: Magenta
Hair: Dark brown
Jessamy is one of the 3 youngest recruits to join the Coral Peacocks. She is a commoner from a large family with 5 siblings. She makes her own soaps, candles, and perfumes using her magic. On her way to sell her goods at the market, she came across a group of injured magic knights. She opened up her grimoire and performed recovery magic in the form of scented candles. The knights she healed were Coral Peacocks who thanked her for her assistance. They purchased some of her sweet smelling goods and left. The next day she was graced by the radiant presence of their Vice Captain Kirsch Vermillion. He thanked her for healing his squad members and complimented her on her lovely face. However, his main reason for seeing her in person was to experience more of her beautiful fragrances. Kirsch told her their squad could use a healing mage and it would pay consistently to help out her poor family. Jessamy agreed and became the resident healer of the Coral Peacocks from that day forward. She would accompany her squadmates on missions and offer support with certain smells to weaken enemies or make her companions stronger and faster. She can also soothe nerves with aroma therapy before and after a big mission.
She started around the same time Wrenly Zamir and Aran Tirus joined. Because they were all so close in age, they became great friends. Since they all needed guidance and training for field work, they were assigned Bianca Schneider as their mentor. Bianca was a strict teacher and could be very hard on them whenever they made mistakes. Jessamy didn't appreciate Bianca's lessons in the beginning. That changed after the elf attacks ravaged their kingdom. She realized Bianca pushed them so hard in order to avoid any loss of life on the battlefield. Jessamy and her friends survived that night despite having slim chance of survival all thanks to dumb luck and what they had been taught. Jessamy began to take training and Bianca's criticism much more seriously after that.
Jessamy is a bubbly young lady with a kind and nurturing heart. Like a true social butterfly, she has friends in and out of her squad. Jessamy often likes networking through her friends in order to sell her goods. She spends most of her time in the kitchen of the Coral Peacock base watching Wrenly cook. In the beginning, it was all to practice copying the scents of Wren's food into candles. Wrenly became comfortable around her enough to talk and a close rapport formed. They bonded over being commoners on a squad of mostly nobles. Eventually these two could talk about anything for hours uninterrupted. Aran teases the two "lovebirds" and tries setting them up on dates with Kirsch's help. They both insist that they are just good friends. Although shy about it, Jessamy does fall madly in love with Wren. She secretly dreams of marrying them and eating their cooking for the rest of her life.
For Wrenly, Aran, and Bianca's bios, click below:
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
Answer all questions in OC themes for Odette😁😈
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For the questions post:
For 8 and 19:
For Eirwen's bio:
For Eirwen's answers:
1. What is the main color associated with them? What connections with that color do they share?
Black - for mourning and her magic attribute, Odette also wears black as a way to blend in with her found family. (Nacht, Yami, and the Black Bulls)
Red - Odette's favorite color. She's very passionate and bold. Red also alludes to anger and blood which is a connection to her Fury Form.
2. Drawing from the language of flowers, what flower would symbolize them?
Aster. It is the September birth flower and the perfect match for Odette. It represents wisdom and love. The red ones symbolize undying devotion and that's exactly who Odette is. She is devoted to the people in her life. Aster is also used as a medicinal herb that’s effective for treating a wide variety of ailments. This medicinal herb can also be quite effective as a relaxant by increasing blood circulation. Odette is a deeply loving person and a healer.
3. What real life animal would they be represented by?
A rabbit. I headcanon Zora watched Odette zip and slide around the hideout with her magic, kicking up ironsand in the air and gave her the nickname "Dust Bunny" due to the fast yet messy nature of her movements. (She cleans up after she's had her fun.) Rabbits symbolize good luck, intuition, spontaneity, and wittiness. With many predators on its tail, it manages successfully to avoid danger thanks to its speed and intelligent nature. Despite her strength as a fistfighter, Odette mostly relies on her speed and wits to get herself out of danger first and foremost. The bunny is also considered widely as a trickster animal in Native American cultures. Which is fitting for her more playful and mischievous side.
4. What mythical creature would they be represented by?
A siren. While she's not an exceptional singer, Odette does has a lovely singing voice. Sirens symbolize temptation and desire, which can lead to destruction and risk. If a mortal stopped to listen to the beautiful sounds of the Sirens, they wouldn't be able to control their desires and this would lead them to their death. Now with Odette, her singing isn't what is dangerous about her. The charisma she possesses is the real issue!
Odette is smart enough to know how to get someone to go along with her on a dangerous endeavor. She plays into their desires and what they can benefit from it.
For example, she convinced Eirwen to come with her on their quest to collect natural silk from giant deadly silk worms. Eirwen wasn't a magic knight at the time, but was still willing to go in order to offer another set of hands to help them carry home more of the spoils.
Odette reassured her that everything will be okay. Afer all, Magna would be there to keep her safe. Odette talked him into coming along because she knew about his crush on Eirwen. They almost didn't make it out of that dungeon alive. She still thinks it was a successful operation to this day.
5. Which body part are they associated with?
Legs are all about movement and stability. Odette is a dancer and a traveler. She also carries tremendous strength in her legs as a fighter.
6. Which of the four seasons best fits them?
Fall. There's something about the coziness of it. Not too hot, not too cold. The leaves start changing color and the harvest is bountiful. It's a time to start getting prepared for the time of scarcity winter will bring. So you count your blessings in the fall. Also, perfect time of year to curl up with a good book and a hot cup of tea.
7. What time of day are they associated with?
Midnight. Odette has a hard time sleeping because her mind is wired when all is quiet. She also likes going outside to look at the stars before getting ready to turn in.
9. Which of the seven deadly sins are they associated with? Is it a negative trait of theirs or something they actively struggle with?
Wrath. Fury Form is a manifestation of Odette's lifelong repressed rage over what happened with her family. It is an uncontrollable state of anger that requires outside intervention before Odette takes whatever damage she is dealing too far. She is actively struggling with coming to terms with that ugly side of herself and is fighting to keep control over it.
Alternatively, Lust is also applicable since Odette's desire for obtaining knowledge is almost insatiable.
10. Are they closer to life or death?
Odette has become overly familiar with death after her mother and Morgen passed away. Her reckless behavior had her cheating death numerous times. Is she running towards her own death? No.
She's chasing the thrill of being alive. Taking chances, making discoveries, solving problems, helping others, perfecting a skill, etc. All of these are reasons for her to push onward. Odette is closest to life, but she wants to live it to the fullest.
11. Land, sea, or sky? Of the realms of the world, which does the character belong to?
Land. Odette's attribute is that of the earth. For the most part she is strong and dependable. That doesn't necessarily mean she is without faults and pieces that can cave in from too much pressure.
12. Are they sun, moon, stars, or something else in space?
Meteor showers. Meteorites are composed of all sorts of metals, iron being one of them. Much like the shower, Odette's free spirit makes her want to travel far and wide. She wants to take in whatever of the galaxy she's able to see on her journey and she's a marvel to look at.
13. Instead of your standard four elements, consider what kind of metal represents your character.
Iron. It's part of her magical attribute and it's still so fitting. Odette is very strong, but she's not as refined as steel. She's still rough around the edges. Odette sees herself as a walking work in progress and is eager to learn whatever she can to improve.
14. Regardless of whether or not they wield any, what kind of weapon do you associate them with?
A rope dart or meteor hammer. The fluid motion of the rope or chain to direct the weapon at the end of it takes so much skill and coordination. I can easily see Odette mastering such a weapon with her dance and fighting experience.
15. Pick an article of clothing to represent them. What does it mean?
Worn boots. Odette spent a decade traveling from city to city, town to town, village to village. She worked odd jobs to fill her pockets before getting into treasure hunting. She ran, danced, and fought in boots. Despite making a lot of money on her travels, she would rarely splurge on herself. She stayed frugal and only bought what she needed, saving a little bit here and there for emergencies. Whatever excess cash she had went to charity or gratuity to those that offered her shelter and food. Those boots reflect her humility and work ethic. She will wear them until they finally start falling apart.
16. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and anything in between. What kind of dish are they?
I see Odette as breakfast. Her favorite foods are usually grab and go like the squid on a stick Yami makes or spicy kabobs. However, Odette loves cooking breakfast for others. It reminds her of the time she used to cook beside her mother as a little girl. She likes being able to make a meal that everyone can sit down and enjoy. Something about watching her found family all gathered around the table eating together, makes her heart feel full.
She usually sings and dances to get motivated to cook. She argues that it helps her wake up and it makes the food taste better if she's enjoying herself. Her specialty is pancakes, eggs, and bacon. She'll make omelets for special occasions or add special ingredients to the pancakes if someone has a birthday. She can cook other dishes but this is the meal that her squad associates her with.
17. What instrument would be used in their leitmotif?
A piano. The piano is very commonly used in music for ballet. So I can imagine the kinds of tunes that Odette could dance to. The soft melodies of the keys can also give you the sensation of melancholy. The sounds of a piano helps convey the liveliness of Odette's spirit, but also speak to the sadness she holds inside.
18. Which card would they be from the major arcana tarot cards?
The Chariot. The Chariot is a card about overcoming conflicts and moving forward in a positive direction. One needs to keep going on and through sheer hard work and commitment they will be victorious.
Upright card: A journey, Ambition, Confidence, Drive, Overcoming obstacles
Reversed card: Lack of direction, Scattered energy, Self doubt
Odette is all about pushing onward, but there are also times she feels aimless and lost.
20. What word/phrase is central to their character?
"That's all I know so far."
Odette grew up being told by her father that she was stupid. Aside from using books as a way to escape reality, they were her biggest tool for self improvement. She learned what she could and spent many hours of her day researching. She has her moments of acting like a know-it-all but frames it in a more humble manner. She's not an expert, she's only learned enough to an extent. Yet she can and will keep going until she finds out more.
For Odette's back story:
Info on Fury Form:
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