#hybridanafrost talks black clover
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hybridanafrost · 2 years ago
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So I took some minor OCs from the back of my mind and made Jack the Ripper a wifey and some kids.
Name: Lorena Harlow
Age: 28
Birthday: September 26
Sign: Libra
Magic: Hook Magic
Grimoire: 3 leaf
Occupation: Butcher
Lorena is a young, widowed mother who lost her husband five years ago. After he had passed, she went back to her maiden name. She has two young daughters, Agnes (age 9) and Abigail (age 5). In order to support her family as a single mother, she works at a butcher shop and is very talented at what she does. She has a younger brother named Bennett Harlow (age 25) who works as a blacksmith to help keep the family afloat and look after her kids while she's away. One day, after losing most of his wages to gambling, Captain Jack stopped by her shop to sell her his latest kill. He was impressed by her expert knowledge on meat and hunting and asked what time she got off her shift so he could take her out. She initially rebuffed his offer until he found her at the local bar later that evening. Lorena had been drinking alone, as was her personal ritual of celebrating the day of her wedding anniversary after her husband's death. Jack sat next to her, bought her some drinks, and tried again to pick her up. She told him she had children, a detail that usually scared most men away. That didn't intimidate Jack in the slightest, claiming he found young mothers hot. Letting the booze and her natural urges get the better of her, she agreed to sleep with Jack the Ripper that night. She would quip that he was lucky he was built like her late husband because she liked tall men. The two had their night of passion and realized they were incredibly compatible. They began a friends with benefits type of relationship for half a year before Lorena gave him a genuine shot at a relationship. Jack got along well with her daughters, and the two eventually got married. Yami finds Lorena spooky with the way she can talk so casually about taking carcasses apart with her hooks and calls her "Mama Mantis." The nickname stuck with her among the Green Mantises. They admire her and her cooking very much.
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Name: Agnes Harlow
Birthday: April 3rd
Sign: Aries
Magic: Knife Magic
Agnes is Lorena's firstborn daughter with her late husband. Agnes is the only one of Lorena's two children to remember their birth father. Being young and finding it difficult to cope with the loss, she develops anger issues. Agnes can be very sweet but has destructive habits. When her magic started manifesting, she began cutting her own hair. Lorena decided to give Agnes the freedom of deciding what to do with her hair, so it looks like a choppy bob most of the time. Once Agnes wasn't paying attention and cut the bridge of her nose by accident, leaving a scar. She usually covered it up with a bandage because she was insecure about it. After getting introduced to Captain Jack as her mother's "friend," she takes to him very well and begins to idolize him. She stopped wearing the bandage because he made having a scarred face cool. After Lorena and Jack explained they wanted to get married, Agnes wasn't as excited as Abigail was since she didn't want to feel like she was replacing her father for Jack. She did admit that she loved Jack and wanted her mom and sister to be happy. It took her a while after the marriage before she was comfortable enough to start calling Jack "dad." He never expected her to, so hearing it warmed Jack's deranged heart. She hopes to become a powerful magic knight someday.
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Name: Abigail Harlow
Birthday: May 25th
Sign: Gemini
Magic: Chisel Magic
Abigail is Lorena's second child with her late husband. Her father died when she was still a baby, so she had no memory of him. The closest she ever had to a father was her uncle Ben. So when Lorena brought home Jack, she was very intrigued and bonded with him immediately. She was the first to call Jack "dad" after he married her mother. Abigail is very creative and enjoys carving or whittling with her magic.
Bennett Harlow profile is coming soon!
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kalolasfantasyworld · 1 year ago
Black Clover Pacific Rim Au
Hi everyone I had this idea some time ago and talked to some people about. Few of us actually started writing something and it looked pretty good. This is still an open idea and very much a WIP, but I wanted to finally share it 💕 (took me 1.5 months to do so)
@funky-sea-cryptid @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @lyranova @loosesodamarble @koneko-pi @hybridanafrost
Some main information
Jeager pairings are the same as combo parings in BC mobile game (I'll go through them below)
This is the time, when the jesger program was at its peak, so there is a lot of them and they are well organised
Characters are stationed at the Clover base (which is in Japan) officially run by Augustus Kira (he's terrified of Kaiju and is there only to uphold his reputation and position)
The story starts with Asta and Yuno arriving at the Clover base as new junior pilots with their jeager
Just like in Pacific Rim, this story happens in real world and suit countries are bases
Jeager pairings at the beginning of the story:
(There could be more, these are just a few I have some ideas for.)
Nozel & Fuegoleon
Pilot one of the best jeagers in the whole world and are an extraordinary team.
They usually lead missions as captains.
They are very popular and known for their merits.
Everyone looks up to them and they have big fanclubs.
They go way back, so their drift is very efficient, until recent problems
They come from high situated families associated with the jeager program.
Asta & Yuno
They come from an orphanage and everyone suspects, that their parents died because of a Kaiju attack
They participate in try outs for jeager pilots
It appears that their drift is exceptional so they get it in to the training program, despite no one actually believing in them
Asta wants to become a jeager pilot, to obviously protect the citizens and become the next commander, but he also wants to impress a nun that was taking care of the boys in the orphanage
Yami & Jack
They are a mess to say at least, but at least they are efficient
This team is being sent out, when they need some unconventional methods
Their jeager uses sharp plasma edged swords and fights mostly close distance
Noelle & Mimosa
Since they come from the Vermillon and Silva families they are expected to do great
Nozel doesn't want Noelle to pilot a jeager, he says that she's weak, but she ends up signing up anyway
Girls are in the same training group as Asta and Yuno when they arrive at the Clover Base
However since Noelle was badly treated by her siblings she has problems with trust and her drift is very shaky
Her and Mimosa even though being effective in training fail in the jeager while drifting
However after Noelle gets to know Asta better, she learns how to deal with her emotions and past
Magna & Luck
They are the "wild" team
Their jeager is smaller, but very agile
It shoots fire projectiles and is able to electrocute
Luck's mother pushed him into the jeager program
At first it was hard for Luck to open up to Magna through drift
However later they begin to ghost drift... (This is Tam's and @t-f-t's idea!!!)
Also they are CHRONIC drift junkies (another amazing idea of Tam and Alex!)
Finral & Vanessa
Finral was pushed away by his influential family and ended up in the jeager program wanting to prove himself
Vanessa on the other hand was running away from her abusive mother
They clicked in the barracks, when they were sneaking out to a bar, during their training and it appeared they were compatible
They are a support jeager
Charlotte & Sol
Charlotte took Sol under her wing
They have a female looking jeager
Nacht & Morgen (Not active anymore 😔)
They used to be one of the best teams there were
However an accident happened and Morgen was ripped out of the jeager by a kaiju
Nacht finished the fight on his own, but it took a tool on him
He hasn't drifted with anyone since Morgen
He hangs around the base, but is very closed of, he only talks to few people
Julius (is he really by himself..?)
Julius is the only one known to pilot a jeager by himself
He excels at everything he does and quickly takes the lead
Commander of the forces
He has a secret partner pilot he doesn't know about... (yes it's Lucius)
Some relationships that happen:
Asta & Noelle (I have a story idea for them)
At first Noelle is apprehensive of him, but later, when she sees his good heart she warms up
Asta helps her and inspires Noelle to become stronger
She obviously never admits that she cares for him...
Yami & Charlotte
Their two teams usually don't work together and Charlotte seems to not be fond of Yami
However under the cold exterior she hides her crush on the rugged jeager pilot
They get to know each other while working at the same base
Briar belongs to @koneko-pi
Neva belongs to @lyranova
Josele belongs to @loosesodamarble
Lisa belongs to @one-leaf-grimoire
Odette belongs to @hybridanafrost
Helena is mine ;)
Solara belongs to @thoughtfullyrainynightmare
Briar (the meeting happens later in the story)
She is a modified human for a project Azure Queen
Azure-Queen was a scientific attempt to create and control their own Kaiju, made by the Diamond base
Azure queens are genetically modified women who can theoretically control the Kaiju
Each Queen has one Kaiju
Briar has Uroboros
Yuno & Neva
They met earlier in the Academy, previously to being assigned to the Clover base
Neva was adopted and taken care of by a famous pilot William Vangeance
She is closed of and at first they did not get along greatly
However with time they learned to lean on each other
Neva was transferred to the Clover base without a partner pilot
She was amazing at the simulators but was closed of and could not drift with anyone
Now she has six months to find a co pilot or she's out
Nacht & Josele
one of the reasons Nacht stayed at the base was Josele
Josele is a coach for the jaeger training program, she takes care of new recruits such as Asta and Yuno
she used to be with Morgen and his death hit her hard
Nacht experienced through drift the memories of Morgen and Josele, so even though he had feelings for her as well he pulled back
Now he can't leave, something urges him to stay and watch her back
Lisa & Julius
Julius saves Lisa during one of the Kaiju attacks
She is grateful and joins the fight against them
She becomes one of the military advisors and watches over the missions
Her and Julius's relationship develops and they become very close
Zora & Odette
Zora is the best on the simulator. He kicks ass of all of those who are "better fit" to be jeager pilots, but there's one problem. He can't find anyone to drift with.
He meets Odette a new trainee brought by Yami
And somehow they click
Now they need to go through training until getting their jeager
Nozel & Helena (obviously I have a more developed story here as well)
Helena is a doctor from Spain who wishes to help with the Kaiju war so she gets a job at the Clover base
Little does she know, that she will fall for a mysterious and cold jeager pilot
Nozel and Helena meet during a mandatory health check up for pilots, because she fills in for his previous doctor, with who Nozel parted on bad terms
Nozel is even more angry about the doctor change and they start off at the wrong foot
Additionally their personalities and views on how the jeager program is conducted differ
However with time something, maybe curiosity, mystery and definitely desire, draws them towards one another, but they keep their relationship secret
However that's not the only secret that Nozel hides...
The only one who knows about Nozelena is Fuegoleon, because he shares a drift with Nozel
Poor Fuego has to watch them be not necessarily proper 😂. However it's not like his attention is not completely swept by a foreign Drift specialist...
Fuegoleon & Solara
Solara is a specialist, when it comes to drift. She compares the memories to the flowing river and teaches the pilots how to navigate and let it flow, so they would more efficient
She was brought to the base by Mereolona, who normally doesn't pilot, but can join in when needed (she's a beast then)
Solara feels a special connection to a certain red headed pilot, who is one of those she's supposed to help with his recent drift problems
At first Fuego and Lara are shy and some misunderstandings slow down the pace of their relationship
However as time passes it develops into something deep and real
There are some problems, because other bases, especially the one she transferred from, need Solara, but the pair fights to be together
Some OC owners have more developed stories for their own OCs. I hope I didn't mix anything here in this summary.
I to be honest have some specific ideas only for two (Nozelena and Astelle).
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hybridanafrost · 2 years ago
Jack the Ripper x Lorena Harlow OC
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After posting Lorena, I decided to draw her and Jack. I wanted to draw her all dolled up in a nice dress, and it unintentionally ended up looking lowkey like a wedding pic. 🤷‍♀️
Link to Lorena's bio here:
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hybridanafrost · 2 years ago
3, 13, and 20 for Jack and Lorena for the ship ask game please Camy 🥺💕? Thank you so much 🥰!
Link to the ship game ask. 👆
Lorena's bio:
3. What was their first impression of each other?
They first met at Lorena's place of employment, the butcher shop. Lorena almost knew who Jack was immediately from the robe and the amount of mana she sensed from him. She just didn't want to let on that she did. While she never spoke to a Magic Knight Captain before, she didn't want to be unprofessional or deal with someone trying to flash their status for a bigger discount. So she treated him like anyone else.
Jack got a huge kick out of that. When he first walked in, he wasn't expecting the desk to be managed by a gorgeous woman. He also wasn't expecting her to speak to him with such expertise on the subject of hunting and dressing. What threw him off was how Lorena seemed unfazed when he leaned into his reputation to intimidate her. She maintained eye contact and wouldn't budge when he let his mana radiate throughout the building. She remained unbothered in asking him for the standard rate instead of granting him a discounted one. He HAD to get to know her after that. Her good looks were one thing, but Lorena intrigued Jack on a personal level.
13. How do they keep in contact when they’re apart? Do they write letters, talk on the phone, or simply wait out the time?
Jack and Lorena are both too busy to write to each other. Plus, being sentimental in such a way is not their strong suit. They're doers and show they care through their actions and by showing up for one another.
It's hysterical imagining En using his talking mushroom spell for them to talk back and forth for a while. Jack eventually splurged on magical communication devices that he would use to call her while he was away.
They would be used sparingly because they can be detrimental while in a stealth mission. Ultimately, they'll kinda wait it out the majority of the time until he can meet her at her job or vice versa after work.
20. How do they comfort each other when one of them is upset? Is this method of comfort effective?
Jack's really good at making Lorena laugh. There's something about Jack's zaniness that she really likes. Perhaps it's because he doesn't take himself too seriously. He's the total opposite of her stoic younger brother, Ben. Jack bringing levity into situations helps lift her spirits. He also lightens the load on her whenever she feels overwhelmed with cooking and looking after the kids.
When Jack is upset, he won't try to voice his needs because he's so used to dealing with things on his own. He will seem more irritated and take time away to sulk a bit. Lorena is very good at picking up on when he's in a certain mood because of her daughter Agnes behaving in a similar fashion. She lets him have his space for a while to blow off steam and will have a homecooked meal ready for him when he comes back. When they're alone, they get into long cuddle sessions with her running her hands through his hair and down his back.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years ago
Motion, Informal, and Change for Bianca and Eirwen please 🥰!
Ask game:
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Bianca is very poised and athletic. Her clothing, while layered to keep her warm, is still breathable and easy to move in for combat. Fighting with a polearm requires a lot of flexibility and coordination, which she has in spades.
Eirwen can also be rather graceful thanks to years of etiquette and dance lessons. Her flexibility isn't as good as her sister's, but she has decent coordination in gross motor skills. Her fine motor skills are her greatest strength considering the years of practice she's had with sewing.
informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
Bianca doesn't really do "lazy days" since she's a workaholic. Usually, she wears the same type of clothes as she would for work outside the house unless she was attending an event with a specific dress code. Here's what she wears when it's time for her to relax and get ready for bed, though.
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Eirwen loves changing up her clothes on her days off since she's a designer. Her go-to look to relax is a cute breathable dress with a cardigan or sweater over it so she can stay warm. It's a cozy look for her, and she enjoys wearing something like this while sewing or sketching.
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change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
Bianca stays pretty much the same. She's a pretty frigid person and sticks with what she knows will work. Perhaps she cuts her hair in the future to change up the length by a bit, but nothing crazy. The change will probably be for practical reasons like less time washing it or because it was damaged in battle and needed to grow it back healthier.
Eirwen's personal journey is all about change and coming into herself as a mage and knight. She changes up her hairstyle by picking her hair up into a low ponytail like her sister when out on missions. It's to help keep the hair out of her face while flying or shooting arrows.
She also wears an outfit that is designed to help with her archery in battle. She has a breastplate with her squad logo on it because the cloak can sometimes blow upwards and obscure her field of vision when flying or against the elements. She's also visibly wearing shorts under the breezy parts of her tunic for better mobility. When it gets cold out, she wears tights underneath them to keep warm. Eirwen carefully crafted these changes for herself so she could be the best version of herself. If she was at her best, then her squad had better chances of succeeding.
Bianca bio:
Eirwen bio:
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hybridanafrost · 2 years ago
This was sooooo cuuuuute! 😭
Father Orsi crying made me laugh so much oh my goodness! He loves Yuno and it's just so endearing. I also love that William walked Neva down the aisle. That was so sweet. Asta teasing them for the kiss was adorable.
I'm happy Jessamy was asked to be a bridesmaid! She'd be fighting the urge to cry and tear up during the ceremony because she knows how important this is to her bestie! ❤️
At least she'll have Wren's strong arms to cry in. 😆
For those that want info on Jessamy, here is her bio:
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Part I: The Wedding
Hiya guys! I’m sorry i haven’t updated in a few days, I’ve been busy with the holidays 😅. This fic is entirely self indulgent and there will be a part 2 at a later date. All the other OC’s that are mentioned or will be mentioned in part 2 are tagged below (and if I’ve forgotten any OC’s in this chapter I’ll try and include them in the next one 🥰!)
Taglist: @thoughtfullyrainynightmare @loosesodamarble @hybridanafrost @simpingforthisonedeer @sailor-muno @succulentsunrise
OC’s Mentioned in these two parts : Solara, Aika, Josele, Tani, Jessamy, Daphne
Word Count: 2,524
Warnings: None
To say Neva was nervous was an understatement. Today her life was going to change drastically, but this time it was for the better. Today she was getting married.
She never imagined this day would come, she figured she would be alone for the rest of her life and at first she had been fine with that. Being alone was better, she had thought, that way people couldn’t get close enough for her to get hurt.
That was until she met him. The man she was about to marry.
Yuno Grinberryall. Although they didn’t have the greatest start when they first met, he soon became one of her closest allies and most trusted friend. After the elves invaded the Kingdom and her trust in William was completely shattered, Yuno had been the only one who she truly trusted.
The two gradually grew closer, until one snowy day, the two accidentally confessed to each other at the same time. It had taken the two a while, and with lots of encouragement from their friends, the two were finally able to obtain the courage.
Their relationship went through many ups and downs after that, but they always managed to come back together again. Even if it took a while.
Until finally, on the day that Yuno was to leave for the Spade Kingdom and the two were to be apart once again, the black haired man pulled out a string from his pocket, tied it into a knot, and presented it to the Diamond mage.
Because Yuno was unprepared and didn’t have a ring on hand, he had to improvise. He proposed to her on the spot, and promised that he would fight everyone that tried to go against the marriage if she accepted. She had stood there shocked for what seemed like minutes, and Yuno had grown self conscious, wondering if he had made a mistake.
But uncharacteristically for Neva, she had smiled brightly, and with tears in her purple eyes, she had run and jumped right into his arms and held him tightly as she accepted his proposal.
After that she had decided to retire from the Golden Dawn along with Yuno, even though Captain Vangeance had told them that they were still considered members of the squad. The couple then went to Spade so Yuno could learn the customs and how to ‘properly’ be the King.
It was a pain, and a lot of work. But Yuno eventually was able to learn all of it, although he swore to Neva he was going to change things and make them a bit more like Clover since “it made more sense” to him.
Neva also had to learn how to be a ‘royal’ and the future ‘queen’ of Spade. Luckily she had Ciel, her future mother in law, to help teach and guide her. But still, if Neva had to choose, she would choose training to be a Magic Knight all over again instead of this.
One day, after Neva had gone through another ‘royal training session’, Yuno had appeared outside and told her he had an early wedding present for her. She had been confused, but asked what it was. He smiled and told her that he felt bad that she wasn’t able to achieve her dream of being Captain of the Golden Dawn because she decided to follow him to Spade. Neva had tried to argue but Yuno didn’t let her, instead he came up with another idea.
She would have her own secret division that would only answer to, and take orders from, her. They would have to be secret of course, but she would be able to hand pick the people she put in it, and she would be able to name it herself.
Neva had been surprised when he told her this, on the one hand she felt this gift was too much and wanted to refuse, and on the other she felt so happy that he had thought about doing this for her that she wanted to accept it. But then again she also felt bad since she hadn’t gotten him a wedding gift yet.
She told Yuno that she would have to think about it and would give him an answer after the wedding, which he agreed and told her to take her time.
Neva smiled as all the memories floated through her mind, it felt so long ago now that she was thinking about it. She suddenly turned around as she heard someone gently knock on the room’s door, she watched the doorknob turn and the door opened to reveal William Vangeance, her former Captain who was like an older brother to her.
He stood in the doorway with wide eyes for a moment, Neva giggled a bit before standing up and turning around to fully look at him.
“ What? Do I look that bad?” Neva asked softly as a sheepish look appeared on her face. William blinked in surprise and smiled at her.
“ No it’s not that. You look beautiful, Neva.” He told her softly as he looked her up and down.
She was wearing a light lilac colored dress that had diamonds embroidered into patterns on the bodice and they slowly dripped down like bits of rain onto the skirt. She had her platinum blonde hair in a low bun with a simple diamond hair ornament in it, she finished off the outfit with a simple pair of earrings and a simple pair of heels.
This wedding outfit was a lot more casual and a lot more ‘Neva’ then the wedding dress she would be wearing at the couple's official royal wedding in Spade two days from now.
“ Yuno will probably be speechless when he sees you.” William told her with a chuckle, and Neva nodded.
“ I hope so.” She admitted shyly as she turned back around to face the mirror in order to fix anything that might have been out of place.
“ You know,” William started. “ I still remember when I first found you when you were seven years old, and how scared you were, and how rarely you smiled after that day. It broke my heart, and all I ever wanted was to see you smile more, and be happy.”
“ Now when I look at you, all I see is the amazing woman you’ve become. I see how happy you’ve become over the years, and how you’ve learned to trust others even though it was difficult for you. I see just how happy you are when you’re with Yuno, when you think about him, when you talk about him. It makes me so happy to see you this way, the way you were always meant to be.”
Neva watched as a sentimental look in William’s eyes, and quickly cleared her throat as she felt it go dry and felt tears welling up in her purple eyes. She wasn’t good with words, especially when it came to expressing her emotions and how she felt. So all she could do was nod in response.
“ Thank you,” she finally managed to say as she turned back around to look at her Captain. “ for taking me in, and caring for me all these years even though you were under no obligation to do so.” She added, and William’s eyes widened slightly but he shook his head and a fond smile appeared on his face.
“ Saving you back then was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life. So there’s no need to thank me.” He told her before the two heard a soft knock on the door, and in walked William’s five year old son Alistar.
“ Dad! C’mon the wedding’s about to start!” The young boy told his father as he grabbed his hand, William and Neva both chuckled, Alistar was probably excited since he would be walking down the aisle holding the rings.
“ Alright, alright, we’re coming.” He told Alistar with a chuckle before turning to Neva and holding his arm out towards her. “ Are you ready?”
The platinum haired woman nodded, grabbed her bouquet of white and light purple colored flowers, took Williams arm, and walked out of the room.
The church in Hage Village was decorated to the nines. There were flowers provided by Tani on the sides and slightly hanging from the ceiling, there were diamonds hanging from the ceiling that Solara used with her magic to create a beautiful light show as Neva walked down the aisle. The younger woman smiled as she recalled the two doing something similar during Solara’s wedding.
Neva watched as Fuegoleon and Solara’s daughter Cyraleona finished sprinkling flower petals across the aisle and went to stand by her mother. Alistar followed behind her, carrying the rings, and walked in front of Neva and William. He stood off to the side and waited for his father and ‘aunt’.
Neva took a deep breath as she waited for the wooden doors to open in front of her again. She couldn’t recall the last time she had been this nervous, maybe it was during the Entrance Exam? Or was it when they invaded the Spade Kingdom? Or was it when they had to face off against the Wizard King as he tried to end the world?
She suddenly felt William give her hand a comforting squeeze and a reassuring smile. She nodded and took another deep breath to calm her nerves.
Once the wooden doors opened and the soft music began to float softly in the air it was like Neva’s nervousness melted away. She and William slowly made their way down the aisle, their friends and loved ones watched with tears in their eyes and smiles on their faces.
She noticed Mimosa, Jessamy, Daphne, and Solara all standing at the front. They were her bridesmaids and maid of honor. She didn’t have any siblings to stand there beside her, so instead she asked her friends if they would, and luckily they had all agreed.
Her eyes slowly moved to the other side, and standing behind Yuno was Asta, Klaus, Langris, and Nash, his foster brother. She smiled, most had smiles on their faces, except for Klaus, who was trying to smile while crying dramatically. Neva shook her head and smiled a bit.
Finally, Neva’s purple eyes landed on the most important person in the room: Yuno.
She noticed his amber eyes were wide in surprise and awe, they looked her up and down multiple times as she walked towards him. A soft blush appeared on his cheeks as a gentle smile appeared on his face. She could see nothing but warmth and love in his eyes, and it made her smile shyly as a blush crept onto her cheeks.
Soon they made it to the end and William held Neva’s hand gently and placed it into Yuno’s outstretched one. Neva mouthed a quick ‘thank you’ to William as he nodded and walked away to stand next to Alistar.
Yuno took Neva’s hand and leaned down.
“ You look beautiful, Neva.” He whispered softly into her ear, she felt her blush deepen slightly as her smile widened.
“ You don’t look too bad yourself, my King.” She whispered softly back, her voice lightly teasing him. She heard the dark haired mage snort and roll his eyes at her comment, he really disliked being called ‘king’, especially by her.
The couple stood in front of one another, small smiles on their faces. She had handed her bouquet to Solara for safe keeping as Yuno held both of Neva’s hands gently in his.
Father Orsi cleared his throat as he began to try and speak, but when Neva and Yuno turned to look at him, he had nothing but tears streaming down his face.
“ W-We’re gathered here today.” He stammered as he tried to read from his book, Yuno sighed and shook his head.
“ I told you we should’ve gotten someone else to officiate the wedding.” Yuno grumbled with a shake of his head, Neva giggled a bit at him pouting. She knew he was a bit annoyed, but she also believed that he was happy to have Father Orsi officiating the wedding. Even if it would take a bit longer to get through the wedding because of his tears.
After Father Orsi was able to calm himself down enough to continue reading on. The wedding then continued smoothly, with Alistar handing the couple their rings as they exchanged vows. The couple had written their own vows, but both were a bit too reluctant to share them with everyone and instead decided to share them privately with each other later.
“ Do you Yuno Grinberryall,” Father Orsi sniffled a bit. “ Take Neva Belmonte to be your wife?” He asked and Yuno nodded as a soft smile appeared on his face again.
“ I do.”
“ Do you, Neva Belmonte, take Yuno Grinberryall to be your husband?” He asked as he grabbed a handkerchief and blew his nose, Neva chuckled but nodded with a bright smile on her face as well.
“ I do.”
“ Now I pronounce you husband and wife,” Father Orsi began to sob again. “ Y-You may kiss t-the bride!”
Yuno sighed and shook his head before turning back to look at Neva, who was giggling quite a bit at Father Orsi’s reaction.
“ He’s embarrassing.” Yuno grumbled again with another shake of his head, but Neva looked at him. He only partially believed that, but Neva knew deep down that Yuno could feel all the love that Father Orsi, Sister Lily, and everyone else at the church had for him.
The couple then looked at each other with red faces and shy smiles, they had almost forgotten about this part. That they would have to kiss in front of everyone.
“ C’mon, we don’t have all day!” Asta said teasingly as he patted Yuno on the shoulder. “ As Captain Yami always says: ‘Surpass your limits’!” He added encouragingly.
Yuno sighed but nodded at his foster brother's words. He took a deep breath before cupping Neva’s face in his hands, leaning down, and capturing her lips in a sweet and gentle kiss.
Neva slowly placed her hands on his chest and leaned up on her toes so he wouldn’t have to bend down as much. This kiss oddly reminded her of their first ever one, it was soft and hesitant, but gentle and sweet, and she could feel just how much Yuno loved and cared about her.
She really hoped her kiss conveyed the same.
The two pulled away, red faced and embarrassed, but everyone cheered and clapped and shouted their congratulations to the couple.
As the two held hands and walked down the aisle with their bridal party following behind them, the two noticed the bright smiles on everyone's faces, and the tears that were unshed before were now falling freely down the peoples faces. Yuno and Neva looked at each other with the same bright smile and had the same exact thought as they walked outside for their reception.
They had finally done it, they were married. It took them a long time, but the couple finally got their happy ending that they deserved.
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day 🥰~!
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hybridanafrost · 2 years ago
change, stillness, and canvas for Bianca and Odette?
Here is the oc ask game:
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
I already answered for Bianca here:
For Odette, there's been way more changes to her look. Most of it has to do with her hair. She goes through a whole hair journey while growing up. In her teen years, she had a delinquent phase because she looked up to Nacht. She dyed her hair black with white streaks. The black was so she could look like she was related to Morgen since she called him "big brother." The white was meant for Nacht since he bleached his hair a lot during that time. She wanted to be like them because she admired them both.
After Morgen died, Nacht and her had a falling out, so she cut her hair. Then it became this black messy bob. The bob is what she had before Yami saw her off for her 10 year adventure and made her promise to join his squad when she got back. It was cute because she had a couple of fly away hairs. That made her look like she was unintentionally trying to imitate Yami's wild look, signifying their sibling bond as well.
Then she had an awkward green roots Billie Eilish phase until her natural hair fully grew back within that decade. It was plenty of time for her to embrace her authentic self without anyone's influence while out on her own.
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Once she's back to her long natural green hair, she styles her hair in a milkmaid braid style. Her original hairstyle as a kid was low braided pigtails, and the braid crown is just picking them up and pinning them in place. It's a more sophisticated and mature look. Plus, it keeps her hair secure for fighting.
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stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
Bianca can be still as a statue if she wills herself. If she's just idle, she'll twirl her polearm in the courtyard or a pen in her hand indoors.
Odette is more fidgety. She cracks her knuckles/joints (picked it up from Yami), does standing heel lifts when idly waiting or standing for a prolonged period of time, and sometimes spins her chakram.
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
Odette has several scars. The more prominent ones are the ones on her back that were given to her by her father. She covers them up because she still feels ashamed of them and just wants to avoid bringing up how she got them. She also has multiple ear piercings from her teenage delinquent phase but stopped wearing the jewelry when she started traveling at age 15.
Bianca has a few battle scars on a couple of areas, like on her shoulder or thigh, but they're pretty minor. They're usually covered up because of how she dresses so conservative. She only has her ears pierced for her earrings.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years ago
Happy early birthday @crazycookiemaniac! Have a Magna with his cloak off. 😁
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hybridanafrost · 3 years ago
Vermillion Sibling Headcanon
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We all know this aspiring Crimson Lion Kings captain admires his big brother so freaking much. However, this doesn't stop Leo from being a meddlesome younger sibling!
Leo is THE kid with all the audacity. The moment he catches wind that Fuegoleon likes someone, he has to know about them. He will be his brother's wingman whether Fuego likes it or not.
Leopold would flirt for Fuegoleon. He just knows his brother is a perfect gentleman and doesn't want to be too forward. So as a younger sibling, he takes it upon himself to just ask outright if his crush is single. He really means well, but ends up embarrassing everyone in the situation.
"My brother thinks you're ravishing!"
Mereoleona would also make it worse by scolding Fuegoleon. Thinking he was making Leo flirt for him instead of being a man about it. Fue is just overwhelmed with embarrassment. He asked for none of this.
Once things calm down and they talk things over, Leo understands his actions were not helping. Leo apologizes to Fuegoleon and the object of his affection before leaving the room. Much to Fuegoleon's surprise, he actually got asked out to dinner instead of it being the other way around. Apparently his crush found the whole thing adorable!
When Leo finds out he'll be boasting.
"I knew it would work, brother."
"Leo, you are IMPOSSIBLE!"
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hybridanafrost · 3 years ago
Yessss! STEPH!
THANK YOU FOR BRINGING MY ICE QUEEN TO LIFE! The colors are perfect along with her stern glare! I love it!
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For Bianca's bio:
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I drew this a while back but here is a portrait of our ice queen, Bianca! She belongs to @hybridanafrost~! 💖💖
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hybridanafrost · 2 years ago
BC OC Odette Dumont - style practice
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Drew assorted fashions and expressions for my OC Odette.
On the top left is her beach wear. She wears a shirt over her swimsuit to cover the scars on her back. Bottom left is her wearing a sunflower dress and got a more stern and serious expression. Middle is her crying in her sleepwear, possibly from a bad dream. Bottom right is her excited and wearing her usual outfit. Before she was given a Black Bulls robe, she wore a black shawl over her shoulders and used that as a hood. Finally, the top right is her in more royal/noble attire. Second pic is a zoom in. Odette's paternal side of her family has ties to Diamond Kingdom royalty. She kinda looks outraged at the depiction of her in a swimsuit. Oh well.
For Odette's bio:
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hybridanafrost · 2 years ago
Black Clover OCs: Welcome to the Coral Peacocks!
Happy Birthday to my mutual Blaze aka @prince-of-peacocks! I decided to draw Blaze's OCs Wrenly and Aran with my OC Jessamy since they're all besties.
Wrenly and Jessamy are madly in love and Aran is the happy third wheel.
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hybridanafrost · 3 years ago
Ideale Family Headcanon
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Thought I'd throw my hat in the headcanon ring by saying these men can DANCE.
It's because the Ideale men have passed down their dancing skills from generation to generation. All in the name of wooing the women!
Zara was very talented at it and I recon he probably woo'd Zora's mom with a waltz. Naturally, Zara taught Zora some traditional dances for festivals to impress girls.
Zora was a shy 12 year old before his father died. Zara had encouraged him to be more talkative and make friends. He even made a doll for his son because of how lonely he was.
So you know he must have taught Zora dancing despite his son's whining and constant eye rolling. All this effort in the hopes that he can one day stand out and socialize with more confidence.
Zora: Dad, this is so embarrassing! Why do I have to learn to dance? Girls probably only want to dance with the noble boys anyway.
Zara: Why? Because women love it. Good God, Zora, if a rich man ever lost a woman, it was to a man who could dance!
Fast forward to Zora in his 20s not advertising that he can dance since it would ruin his street cred. However, if he found someone worth while, he would definitely dance with them in private. Zora would get a sick satisfaction in telling that person the Black Bulls will never believe that Zora Ideale can ballroom dance. That cool masked jerk.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years ago
Omg! Asdfghjk 🥹
I love them! I'm so sorry that this response took forever. It has been collecting dust in my drafts, but maybe that's because I had to read it countless times over and over. I was so excited about it and it didn't disappoint. I love the detail of Eirwen experiencing her anxiety symptoms acting up and her still feeling a bit awkward about her place in the squad and the big changes. Magna is so sweet and supportive despite being a bit jealous of Finral shamelessly flirting.
It's just so sweet and I love it. Ty so much!
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For those that don't know Eirwen, here is her bio:
Request: A MagWen fic where she is trying on new clothes, and Finral starts flirting with her, which makes Magna jealous.
Pairing: Magna x Eirwen (OC)  Eirwen belongs to @hybridanafrost​ Genre: Fluff/general Length: ~1.0 Warnings: Contains themes of self-doubt
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Keep reading
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hybridanafrost · 3 years ago
"I'm not crying. My eyes are just taking a piss."
- Yami Sukehiro, overwhelmed with love and pride in his squad.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years ago
BC OC: Magna/Eirwen - Closeness
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Forgot to post this here. Magna pulled Eirwen in for a hug and gently held her hand. He probably gushing over how great his girl is. Eirwen is crying happy tears because she's still not used to so much praise.
Eirwen's bio:
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