#oscar albain
hybridanafrost · 5 months
Ship ask. Magna x Eirwen, Oscar x Eirwen.
Okay, here we go. Apologies for the wait! Life's been kicking my butt.
Magna x Eirwen
Makes sense, compels me!
I mean, duh. I have a bias. Obviously!
I made Eirwen just to ship her with Magna. That's why she has ice magic to compliment Magna's flame magic. It's kinda funny how the choices I made for her character worked out. According to the manga, Magna describes his ideal partner as:
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Now, one would expect someone of that description to be like super hyper or bubbly. And then there's me translating "lively" as: she has anxiety!
Which honestly works out well for their dynamic. Eirwen's anxiousness comes from growing up in an environment where she wasn't given a lot of positive reinforcement. She was born with a lot of magic power yet doesn't have the confidence to use it to its full extent. Meanwhile, Magna is the polar opposite. He has confidence and bravado for days, but his mana pool is on the smaller side. Eirwen has the capacity to keep up with him and then some. She just needs the boost in morale. Magna, being the hype man that he is, definitely sparks that energy in her to keep going. That encouragement helps her come out of her shell a lot more. Once Eirwen starts becoming more sure of herself, Magna falls for her more and more.
Eirwen, in turn, is also very bright and helps remind Magna not to behave so impulsively. She's the overthinker while Magna is a driven go-getter. She helps calm him down when he's about to lose his temper, and he soothes her worries. They make a great team. ❤️
Oscar x Eirwen
Makes sense, compels me! (In a platonic way)
God, these two are cute despite them not being meant to be! It's definitely a "looks good on paper" type of ship.
Oscar is definitely the ideal candidate Eirwen's noble family would want her to marry. He's rich, has an excellent pedigree, and is very intelligent and successful in his field. He is also such a patient, well-mannered gentleman. He would treat Eirwen so well and vice versa.
The sad thing is that Oscar and Eirwen can't exactly grow from one another. Maybe they can help each other with improving their abilities and research. However, they both have very similar personalities and temperament. I feel like they would keep each other in their comfort zones to not rock the boat. Both of them need to grow as people and require someone to motivate them to step out of their comfort zone and give them the courage to do so.
They would make wonderful friends, though. I would love to think of an AU where they were childhood friends that parallel played a lot. I picture Eirwen has fondness for him like that. If they were in an arranged marriage situation, it would definitely be the type where they have separate bedrooms. Not because they dislike one another, but maybe because the lifestyle of the other doesn't align. It would be a prudent marriage where the only passion they have is in their hyperfixations.
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whackdreamer · 9 months
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"Show me an angel"
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bestworstcase · 6 months
(hi again fsdf)
If you haven't already touched on it, do you have any thoughts on Mercury's role in the narrative and his possible redemption in V10+? 🥺✨
first i gotta soapbox a little bit grfxvhk
redemption is conceptually fraught because it inherently entails forgiveness of a debt; to redeem someone is to save them, through either forgiveness or repayment on their behalf. the person redeemed by this transaction is often reduced to passive object, and even in circumstances when they do act, the extent of their agency is asking to be forgiven. within the context of fiction specifically this puts the onus for change onto the heroes—the villain is given salvation through heroic forgiveness—and generally elides both the villain’s agency and their emotional interiority because the focus of the redemption arc is on the villain’s salvation.
(this is fundamentally a christian narrative: sin begets suffering begets repentance, often in the form of sacrificial death, followed by forgiveness. it’s also why everyone went nuts for zuko, because his character arc follows the beats of redemption from inside his head, so the character interiority isn’t lost.)
anyway i bring this up not to be pedantic but because ‘redemption’ in rwby is treated as an innately coercive mechanism:
the albain brothers frame kidnapping blake and assisting in the assassination of the elder belladonnas to ilia as an “opportunity for redemption.” implicitly, forgiveness for her “past failures” and her continued place in the white fang is contingent on her obedient participation in what amounts to a violent coup and profound betrayal of someone she loves. redemption is the weapon used to keep her in line.
salem justifies her decision to abandon cinder after haven on the grounds that cinder failed and must therefore be “left to toil in her isolation until she has redeemed herself.” salem is willing to forgive cinder’s failure (and has thought about giving cinder her aid often enough that she feels compelled to raise the possibility specifically to declare that she won’t), but withholds forgiveness to force cinder into this penitent quest for the lamp.
the divine ultimatum is a redemptive project: if mankind is “unchanged,” they will be found “irredeemable” and wiped from existence. the question of whether humanity deserves to exist at all is made contingent on humanity coming together in humble obedience to the gods (humans weren’t executed because they fought among themselves but because they “demanded things of [their] creators,” thus the salient part of the mandate is “if you still demand our blessings” because that is the sin which must be redeemed). and salem phrases her rejection of this mandate as a rejection of redemption itself.
contrast this against the way the narrative handles actual villain-to-hero arcs:
blake confronts ilia directly on both the morality of her actions and how ilia feels about what she’s doing until ilia voices her internal conflict; after ghira saves her life, ilia intervenes to stop corsac’s vengeful retaliation, then becomes the first to step forward and say she’ll stand with blake for haven academy. blake’s emotional appeal and ghira’s decision to save her life both come from a place of wanting to help ilia, without any expectation that she now ‘owes’ them and the inflection point in ilia’s arc is her actions—stopping corsac and declaring she’ll stand with blake if blake will have her. blake’s forgiveness is (in contrast to the albains’ “opportunity for redemption”) an overt rejection of the idea that ilia deserves to be punished for her past failures.
similarly, emerald’s defection is motivated by her fear and moral scruples which she can no longer ignore, and oscar explicitly makes the point that whether they choose to forgive her or not has no bearing on the fact that she defected. the heroes are angry and distrustful but do not inflict any punishment or demand anything from her except that she keep her unhelpful commentary to herself. the idea that she could work with them is presented as an invitation, not a requirement.
winter defects from ironwood and actively reaches out to her sister to offer whatever help they need; there is never a question of forgiveness, only acceptance of her desire to do the right thing.
neo tortures ruby to the point of attempted suicide, and yet as soon as she decides to change herself for the better, she is given the freedom to do so, one way or another.
the distinction in essence is that redemption is explicitly punitive (“you have done wrong and deserve punishment; my forgiveness is a reward you must earn”) whereas the actual villain-to-hero arcs center atonement (“i have done wrong and now i’m trying to do better, whether or not you forgive me”) and compassion (“no matter what you’ve done in the past, what matters is what you choose to do now, and everyone deserves a chance to find their own way”).
SO all of that is a lengthy way of getting to: mercury isn’t due for redemption, by which i mean no one is going to ‘save’ him in the way a lot of the fandom seems to expect emerald to do. (although i do think emerald will play an important role in his story.) rather, i expect mercury’s arc in vacuo to be about what does he want?
narratively, the point of pairing mercury with tyrian isn’t about terrorizing mercury per se. it’s that both of these characters are nihilists. tyrian seeks total annihilation, mercury actively chooses not to want or care about anything because he feels that being an empty killer-for-hire is what he’s meant for. but mercury’s nihilism is a projection, a brittle emotional armor with obvious cracks (he cares about emerald, he resents cinder, he’s terrified of tyrian).
in a twisted way, tyrian is the idealized form of mercury’s projected self—a living weapon with no purpose other than to enact violence on salem’s behalf—and i think there is a degree of self-recognition lurking under mercury’s visceral discomfort with tyrian. now add to this duo the asturias twins: jax is so fiercely dedicated to his cause that he’s willing to die for it, and gillian loves her brother too much to let him die. the twins are defined by true, passionate, unrelenting commitment to what they want and what they believe is right.
so mercury is positioned between this extreme living embodiment of what he pretends to be, and two people who are exactly the opposite. he is also undoubtedly going to find out that emerald defected sooner or later, bringing his true feelings into conflict with his outward actions. i think it’s likelier than not that he and tyrian will be posing as supporters of the crown, which necessitates some degree of interaction with actual supporters—many of them driven by anger and fear of salem—so mercury is also going to be faced with the harm he’s helped enact in a way that will be difficult to look away from.
where do his sympathies fall in this situation? what does he want? does he know deep down what really matters to him? tyrian and the asturias twins represent the crossroads he’s approaching; at some point the narrative will force him to choose.
which is an interesting set-up because both halves of the crossroads are villainous, so the most intuitive path for a villain-to-hero arc for mercury is one that precipitates villain-to-hero arcs for the asturias twins too. i’ve seen a lot of speculation that mercury might get between emerald and tyrian, but mercury doesn’t pick fights he can’t win, as a point of pride. he does want to protect emerald, but getting himself killed won’t save her from tyrian and mercury isn’t stupid.
but if he and tyrian are masquerading as supporters of the crown, there is something mercury can do that will meaningfully keep emerald safe from tyrian:
tell jax and gillian the truth.
they want to protect vacuo from salem. mercury wants to protect emerald, who is in vacuo, from tyrian, who has infiltrated the crown on salem’s behalf. mercury can’t take tyrian down by himself, but the twins together pose a really credible threat—gil can outlast him, jax can overpower him. they are also generally safer than tyrian or salem, which makes it easier for mercury to take a risk on trusting them.
sure, they might retaliate against him by draining his aura or twisting his memory to ensure he’s loyal to them—but they will definitely take tyrian down. and if mercury comes to them and honestly says he’s been working for salem under extreme duress but he’s got someone he loves in vacuo and he’ll fight to the death on their side if they can help him kill tyrian, well, i’d put better odds on them taking him at his word than i would on mercury surviving if he got between tyrian and emerald on his own. and i bet mercury would run those numbers in his head.
and if he goes to the twins, and the twins hear him out and take down tyrian, then mercury kind of… ends up being a potential point of contact between the crown and shade academy, because emerald knows and cares about him and the twins 1. decided to trust him and 2. know salem benefits from vacuo’s internal conflict and might feel more inclined to set aside differences after being infiltrated by one of her lieutenants.
and. well. yknow. the mythological mercury is the messenger of the gods and all.
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marcmarcmomarc · 9 days
RWBY Spanish dub
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Ruby Rose: Valentina Souza
Weiss Schnee: Romina Marroquín Payró
Blake Belladonna: Alondra Hidalgo
Yang Xiao Long: Mireya Mendoza
Jaune Arc: Óscar Flores
Nora Valkyrie: Analiz Sánchez, Regina Carrillo (young)
Pyrrha Nikos: Berenice Vega
Lie Ren: Alan Fernando Velázquez, Zoe Mora (young)
Summer Rose: Ale Pilar
Taiyang Xiao Long: Arturo Mercado Jr.
Raven Branwen: Fernanda Robles
Qrow Branwen: Germán Fabregat
Beacon Academy
Professor Ozpin: Mario Arvizu
Glynda Goodwitch: Maru Guzmán
Peter Port: Francisco Colmenero
Bartholomew Oobleck: Beto Castillo
Salem’s Inner Circle
Salem: Irasema Terrazas
Cinder Fall: Dulce Guerrero
Roman Torchwick: Sergio Gutiérrez Coto
Emerald Sustrai: Alicia Vélez
Mercury Black: Erick Salinas
Neopolitan: Agustina Cirulnik
Dr. Arthur Watts: Armando Réndiz
Tyrian Callows: Miguel Ángel Ruiz
Hazel Rainart: Octavio Rojas
The Hound: Mario Castañeda
Leonardo Lionheart: Humberto Solórzano
Vernal: Rebeca Patiño
Tock: Simone Brook
Atlas Military
James Ironwood: Dafnis Fernández
Winter Schnee: Xóchitl Ugarte
Penny Polendina: Cristina Hernández
Caroline Cordovin: Magda Giner
Ruby’s Group
Oscar Pine: Luis Leonardo Suárez
Maria Calavera: Ángela Villanueva
Dr. Pietro Polendina: Gerardo Reyero
Sun Wukong: Alexis Ortega
Scarlet David: Alberto Bernal
Sage Ayana: Abraham Vega
Neptune Vasilias: Enzo Fortuny
Nolan Porfirio: Pepe Vilchis
Coco Adel: Liliana Barba
Fox Alistair: Geezuz González
Velvet Scarlatina: Carla Castañeda
Yatsuhashi Daichi: Óscar Garibay
Clover Ebi: Raúl Anaya
Vine Zeki: Eduardo Giaccardi
Elm Ederne: Gabriela Guzmán
Harriet Bree: Karla Falcón
Marrow Amin: Ricardo Tejedo
Happy Huntresses
Robyn Hill: Erica Edwards
May Marigold: Ruth Toscano
Joanna Greenleaf: Yvette García
Fiona Thyme: Lupita Leal
The White Fang
Ghira Belladonna: Emilio Guerrero
Kali Belladonna: Rebeca Manríquez
Adam Taurus: Alejandro Orozco
Corsac Albain: Emmanuel Bernal
Fennec Albain: Eduardo Garza
Ilia Amitola: Monserrat Mendoza
Schnee Manor
Jacques Schnee: Arturo Mercado
Whitley Schnee: Moisés Iván Mora
Willow Schnee: Yolanda Vidal
Klein Sieben: Jesse Conde
Ancient Times
Ozma: Roberto Salguero/Ricardo Bautista
God of Light: José Luis Orozco
God of Darkness: Salvador Reyes
Jinn: Danann Huicochea
Ambrosius: Rubén Cerda
Xiong Family
Hei “Junior” Xiong: Eduardo Fonseca
Lil’ Miss Malachite: Leyla Rangel
Miltia and Melanie Malachite: Lourdes Arruti
Cardin Winchester: Raúl Anaya
Russel Thrush: Yamil Atala
Flynt Coal: José Ángel Torres
Neon Katt: Meli G
Arc Family
Saphron Cotta-Arc: Erika Ugalde
Terra Cotta-Arc: Carla Medina
The Ever After
Little/Somewhat: Angélica Villa
Curious Cat: Ángel Balam
Blacksmith: Carmen Sarahí
Jabberwalker: Víctor Hugo Aguilar
Jinxy: Jaime López
Red Prince: Pascual Meza
Herbalist: César Bono
Alyx: Julia Bilous
RWBY: Grimm Eclipse
Dr. Merlot: Sebastián Llapur
RWBY: Arrowfell
Amoncio Glass: Alfonso Grau
Hanlon Fifestone: Óscar Gómez
Bram Thornmane: Trujo
Olive Harper: Leslie Gil
Bianca Prisma: Cecilia Gómez
Roane Ashwood: Alicia Barragán
Ivy Thickety: Edurne Keel
Ruda Tilleroot: Jessica Ángeles
Minor characters introduced in Volume 1
Shopkeep: Eduardo Tejedo
Xiong Goons: Ricardo Mendoza “El Coyote, Carlo Vázquez
Cyril Ian: Víctor Ugarte
Lisa Lavender: Alondra Hidalgo
Police Officers: Daniel Lacy, Patricio Lago
Sailors: Marc Winslow, Noé Velázquez
White Fang Goon: David Bueno
Penny’s Driver: José Luis Miranda
Minor characters introduced in Volume 2
Tukson: Octavio Rojas
White Fang Lieutenant: Roberto Gutiérrez
“Deery”: Alicia Barragán
Perry: Arturo Castañeda
Councilman: Kevin Adrián
Minor characters introduced in Volume 3
Bolin Hori: José Antonio Macías
Nadir Shiko: Edson Matus
Brawnz Ni: Abraham Vega
Bartender: Carlos del Campo
Nebula Violette: Karla Falcón
Dew Gayl: Jessica Ángeles
Ciel Soleil: Camila Díaz Fraga
Amber: Ximena de Anda
Atlas Ship Captain: Víctor Hugo Aguilar
Minor characters introduced in Volume 4
Mayor: Alfredo Gabriel Basurto
Blacksmith: Jesús Ochoa
Dying Huntsman: Nando Estevané
Captain: Víctor Trujillo
News Reporters: Eduardo Fonseca, Sonia Casillas, César Costa
First Mate: Paulina García Casillas
Oscar’s Aunt: Kerygma Flores
Higanbana Waitress: Claudia Garzón
Businessman: José Luis Orozco
Businesswoman: Karina Altamirano
Henry Marigold: Emilio Treviño
Angry Businessman: Héctor Estrada
Trophy Wife: Ximena de Anda
Husband: Arturo Cataño
An Ren: Kerygma Flores
Kuroyuri Blacksmith: Alan Bravo
Boys: Luistio Comunica, Regina Blandón, Ana Layevska
Li Ren: Idzi Dutkiewicz
Mistral Pilot: Manuel Campuzano
Atlas Pilot: Hernán Bravo
Minor characters introduced in Volume 5
Mistral Pilot: Irene Jiménez
Menagerie Guards: Tatul Bernodat, Mark Pokora, Andrea Coto
Bartender: Víctor Covarrubias
Shay D. Mann: Esteban Desco
Sienna Khan: Lileana Chacón
Saber Rodentia: Ricardo Brust
Mata’s Mother: Gloria Obregón
Mata: Luis Fernando Orozco
Yuma: Bruno Coronel
Ramen Shop Owner: Ángel Mujica
Small Girl: Ivanna Corona
Trifa: Miriam Aceves
Mistral Police Captain: Rommy Mendoza
Minor characters introduced in Volume 6
Dee: Dan Osorio
Dudley: Alejandro Orozco
Mistral Woman: María Álcazar
Nubuck Guards: Raúl Solo
Red-Haired Woman: Rossy Aguirre
Terminal Soldier: Miguel Ángel Leal
Minor characters introduced in Volume 7
Drunk Mann: Raúl Aldana
Drinking Buddy: Héctor Emmanuel Gómez
Forest: Moisés Palacios
Fria: Isabel Martiñón
Councilman Sleet: Daniel del Roble
Councilwoman Camilla: Graciela Gámez
Minor characters introduced in Volume 8
Atlas Commander: Itatí Cantoral
Shovel Mom: Denisse Aragón
Disgruntled Grandmother: Diana Santos
Fiona’s Uncle: Gabriel Pingarrón
Crimson: José Luis Rivera
Madame: Rona Fletcher
Step-Sisters: Annie Rojas
Rhodes: Idzi Dutkiewicz
CCT Voice: Sonia Casillas
Minor characters introduced in Volume 9
Mouse Leader: Betzabé Jara
Townsperson: Kate del Castillo
Toy Soldiers: Ricardo Mendoza “El Coyote”, José Arenas, Ramón Bazet, Diego Becerril, Óscar Gómez
White Pawns: Cecilia Gómez, David Bueno, Enrique Cervantes, Ramón Bazet
Toy Guard: Roberto Carrillo
Hawker: Erick Selim
Teapot Lady: Maythe Guedes
Paper Pleasers: Iván Bastidas, Luis Carreño, Irwin Daayán, Gaby Cárdenas, Denisse Aragón
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thatringboy · 6 months
Now I’m so curious as to the Paths of the rwby characters omg. You said they’re gonna be mostly The Hunt, but that some are gonna change?
Yeah they’re all almost entirely The Hunt/the Path of their home nation with some exceptions.
For reference, Atlas follows Erudition, Mistral follows Harmony, Vale and Vacuo follow Hunt, White Fang follow Nihility, and the Grimm come from Propagation and Finality
Each character and their Path is what they are as of their most recent appearance in RWBY canon, whether that’s time of death, last scene, or as of the v9 epilogue. Some minor characters have not been included as I don’t believe they are necessarily Pathwalkers/forgot about them when this list was made. It’s safe to assume that any non-mentioned Huntsmen follow the Path of The Hunt
Additional note, the line in my post about there only being 4 Emanators in Remnant outside of Ozpin and Salem is still technically true as of the information that Ozpin knows. All other Emanators are mysteries to him and were not intentional. The wills of the Aeons is strange…
Ruby Rose, The Hunt, wind
Weiss Schnee, The Erudition, ice
Blake Belladonna, The Harmony, formally Nihility, quantum 
Yang Xiao-Long, The Preservation, fire
Jaune Arc, The Preservation, physical 
Nora Valkyrie, The Destruction, lightning 
Pyrrha Nikos, The Hunt, physical 
Lie Ren, The Harmony, formerly The Hunt, physical
Oscar Pine, The Trailblaze, imaginary
Beacon Teachers
Ozpin, The Hunt, Emanator, formerly Permanence, Emanator, imaginary
Glynda Goodwitch, The Erudition, quantum
Bartholomew Oobleck, The Erudition, fire
Peter Port, The Erudition, physical 
Beacon Alumni
Qrow Branwen, The Preservation, quantum 
Raven Branwen, The Nihility, Emanator, quantum
Taiyang Xiao-Long, The Abundance, physical
Coco Adel, The Beauty, physical
Fox Alistair, The Hunt, physical
Velvet Scarlatina, The Hunt, imaginary
Yatsuhashi Daichi, The Hunt, formerly Remembrance, physical
Salem’s Circle
Salem, The Finality, Emanator, formerly The Propagation, Emanator, quantum 
Cinder, The Destruction, Emanator, fire
Leonardo Lionheart, The Finality, formally Harmony, physical
Mercury Black, The Finality, formerly Nihility, physical
Emerald Sustrai, The Nihility, imaginary
Hazel Rainhart, The Nihility, formerly Preservation, lightning 
Arthur Watts, The Finality, formerly Erudition, quantum
Tyrian Callows, The Finality, wind
Tock, The Finality, imaginary 
Atlas Citizens
James Ironwood, The Abundance, Emanator, formally Preservation, physical 
Winter Schnee, The Erudition, Emanator, ice
Clover Ebi, The Equilibrium, physical
Harriet Bree, The Equilibrium, physical 
Vine Zeki, The Equilibrium, imaginary
Elm Ederne, The Equilibrium, imaginary 
Marrow Amin, The Equilibrium, quantum
Robyn Hill, The Preservation, imaginary
May Marigold, The Preservation, quantum 
Fiona Thyme, The Preservation, imaginary 
Joanna Greenleaf, The Preservation, physical
Jacques Schnee, ew.
Willow Schnee, The Erudition, ice
Penny Polendina, The Erudition, Emanator, ice, formerly physical
The White Fang
Adam Taurus, The Nihility, fire
Ghira Belladonna, The Harmony, physical
Kali Belladonna, mother of Blake
Illia Amitola, The Trailblaze, formerly The Nihility, lightning
Fennec and Corsac Albain, The Nihility, fire & wind
These Two
Roman Torchwick, The Elation, physical 
Neo Politan, The Elation, Emanator, quantum 
Sun Wukong, The Trailblaze, imaginary
Scarlet David, The Hunt, wind
Sage Ayana, The Hunt, physical
Neptune Vasilias, The Preservation, lightning 
Nolan Porfirio, The Hunt, lightning
Other Huntsmen
Arslan Atlan, The Hunt, physical 
Bolin Hori, The Hunt, physical
Reese Chloris, The Hunt, quantum
Nadir Shiko, The Hunt, physical 
Brawnz Ni, The Hunt, physical 
Roy Stallion, The Hunt, physical 
May Zedong, The Hunt, physical 
Nebula Violette, The Hunt, physical 
Dew Gayle, The Hunt, wind 
Gwen Darcy, The Hunt, physical 
Octavia Ember, The Hunt, fire
Maria Calavera, The Hunt, Emanator, quantum
Book Only
Carmine Esclados, The Beauty, wind
Bertilak Celadon, The Nihility, physical
If you’ve got any further questions about this AU, feel free to send them my way!!
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weathermanpolls · 11 months
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armenianwriterman · 2 years
So as you all have probably seen by now, in the other day during the RWBY Roundtable, CRWBY have mentioned that there is gonna be over 100 characters (!) in volume 10. Therefore, I have decided to list all the characters by how likely they are to appear here based on their appearances in the books or otherwise guessing.
Definitely: Arlsan Altan, Blake Belladonna, Bolin Hori, Cinder Fall, Coco Adel, Dew Gayl, Elm Ederne, Emerald Sustrai, Fiona Thyme, Fox Alistair, Gwen Darcy, Harriet Bree, Jaune Arc, Joanna Greenleaf, Klein Sieben, Lie Ren, Maria Calavera, Marrow Amin, May Marigold, Mercury Black, Nadir Shiko, Nebula Violette, Neptune Vasilias, Nolan Porifino, Nora Valkyrie, Octavia Ember, Oscar Pine, Ozpin, Pietro Polendina, Qrow Branwen, Reese Chloris, Robyn Hill, Ruby Rose, Sage Anaya, Salem, Scarlet David, Sun Wukong, Theodore, Tyrian Callows, Velvet Scarletina, Weiss Schnee, Whitley Schnee, Willow Schnee, Winter Schnee, Xanthe Rumpole, Yang Xiao Long, Yatsuhashi Daichi
Possible: Ambrosius, Argento Pocoron, August Caspian, Bertilak Celadon, Bianca Prisma, Camilla, Carmine Escalados, Ciel Soleil, Curious Cat, Edward Caspain, Flynt Coal, Ghira Belladonna, Gillian Austrias, "Green", Henry Marigold, Ilia Amitola, Ivori, Ivy Thickety, Jabberwalker, Jinn, Kali Belladonna, King of Vale, Kobalt, Little, Neon Katt, Neopolitan, Olive Gashley, Penny Polendina (Yep still got my clown shoes on here), Raven Branwen, Roane Ashwood, Rosa Schewin, Ruda Tilleroot, Slate, Summer Rose, Taiyang Xiao Long, Umber Gorgoneion, Zwei
Unlikely: Adam Taurus, Adrian Cotta-Arc, Amber, Amonico Glass, An Ren, Arrastra Skye, Arthur Watts, Asher Mora, Atlas Pilot, Bartholomew Oobleck, Bram Thornmane, Brawnz Ni, Captain, Cardin Winchester, Carmel Vanille, Caroline Cordovin, Clover Ebi, Corsac Albain, Dee, Deery, Dove Bronzewing, Dudley, Fenix Nemean, Fennec Albain, First Mate, Forest, Fria, Glynda Goodwitch, God of Darkness, God of Light, Hanlon Fifestone, Hazel Rainart, Higanbana Waitress, Jacques Schnee, James Ironwood, Jax Austrias, Jimmy Vanille, Junior Xiong, Leonardo Lionheart, Li Ren, Lil Miss Malachite, Lisa Lavender, Mata, May Zedong, Melanie Malachite, Merlot, Miltia Malachite, Nicholas Schnee, Nubuck Guards, Olive Harper, Perry, Peter Port, Pyke Rite, Pyrrha Nikos, Rhodes, Roman Torchwick, Roy Stallion, Russel Thrush, Saber Rodentia, Saphron Cotta-Arc, Shay D Mann, Shion Zaiden, Shopkeep, Sienna Khan, Sky Lark, Sleet, The Hound, Tock, Trifa, Tukson, Vernal, Vine Zeki, White Fang Lieutenant, Yuma
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cursed-rwby · 5 years
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Rwby Volume 5 + Onion headlines
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kithuluu · 6 years
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RWBY AC 1-10 
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hybridanafrost · 6 months
How about Lumiere x Nero? And Oscar x Nero?
Makes sense, compels me!
I really did love the bond Lumiere and Secre shared. They had a tender connection that was gone too soon. I just adored that aside from all the research they did, Lumiere still had plenty of time to make her a pretty dress! While I personally may not get a romantic vibe from them, their circumstances can be read like a romantic tragedy. To be separated for centuries is just heartwrenching. So I understand why people ship them. I see Lumiere having a fondness for her like he would for Tetia. Maybe Secre's the little sister he wished he had since they had more in common while Tetia was occupied with Licht.
As for her relationship with Oscar, that definitely compels me! They're two nerds in love, and it's adorable! Oscar definitely has his similarities to Lumiere, which makes Nero feel comfortable around him. Poor Oscar is just so awkward since he's so inexperienced when it comes to wooing women. But Oscar is passionate about his work, and Nero is a devoted helper. They make a great team and would be good to each other. I can't get over the idea of Sally and Millie gossiping about them in the research lab together. It just feeds into my love of workplace romantic comedies.
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whackdreamer · 1 year
Black Clover OC: Oscar Albain
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Name: Oscar Albain Gender: Male Age: 21 (post Elf-reincarnation arc) Birthday: July 31 (Leo) Height: 175 cm Weight: 68kg Magic attribute: Lightning Magic Occupation: Researcher at the Magic Tool Research Lab. (Defense division) Likes: Studying ancient technology. Crafting magic golems. Dislikes: Social gatherings. Fighting
Family Father: Gilbert Albain Mother: Melanie Albain Older half-sister: Claire Polaris
Love interest: Secre Swallowtail/Nero
Oscar speaks politely and even includes honorifics when talking to commoners and peasants. He is courteous and possesses a gentle demeanor. He has a huge passion for crafting magic tools and is usually found buried in his research work. So much so that he rarely leaves his workshop and often sleeps there. His coworkers have to urge him to take a break and walk outside once in a while because he is too fixated with his work. Oscar is friendly but his fixation tends to overwhelm even the greatest magic scientists in the kingdom. He is aware that this trait causes him to have little to no close friends. To ease his loneliness, he has built, and named a golem and considers it to be his one and only true friend.
Being the only heir of House Albain, he tries to live up to its name as they are well known for their magic tool crafting.
The magic of House Albain is typically known for bearing potent lightning magic earning them the nickname ‘White Lightning Albain’. Despite bearing explosive magic power he hates using it in battle.
Trivia: He has a habit of naming his magic tools like people. Ex. “This is my newest work. Glenn Buster!”
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bestworstcase · 2 months
is there anything about rwby that you would have done differently as a writer? i.e. introducing certain ideas of characters earlier, complete wholesale changes, etc.
in terms of major narrative choices, adam attempts to assassinate sienna as in canon but her personal guard remains loyal, there’s a scuffle, and she’s able to escape wounded but alive, showing up at haven to pincer adam’s forces with the faction of the white fang that refuses to go along with his coup.
the albains are loyal to sienna but still weird and disliked – not for sinister foreshadowing but because sometimes people are just sort of weird and off-putting, and that’s a fun trait to give a couple of good guys who show the fuck up to defend an ally who’s hitherto been a bit distrustful and cool toward them when the violent splinter group tries to assassinate him; narratively the albains being like this while aligning themselves firmly with sienna also provides an opportunity to cast the belladonna’s alliance with and support of sienna into sharper focus and perhaps allows for blake to bounce off and talk to some guys in the “yes direct action and tactical violence, no whatever the fuck adam’s doing” camp to refine her understanding of the white fang and make it clearer how adam corrupted what sienna does and believes.
and the arc resolution is sienna reclaiming leadership of the white fang and preparing to clean house while ghira and ilia plan a second, separate but allied organization focused on advocacy with the overall point being that expecting one group to do and be everything is part of the problem.
i talk about this more here. the white fang arc really isn’t as bad as its frequently maligned but suffers from a lack of clarity in how it’s intended message is delivered; the point of sienna surviving and having genuine allies to represent her side in menagerie is to address that lack of clarity by articulating her philosophy and underscoring that the belladonnas support her and ally themselves with her because the objection isn’t “violence in bad” but rather “indiscriminate violence that materially harms the cause and violent infighting are bad.”
aside from that, i wouldn’t change anything significant presuming that i had to work under the same conditions as the actual writers (<- if they hadn’t lost those two episodes in v9, 9.10 wouldn’t feel so rushed and we’d have got that animatic as a full episode; if there hadn’t been budget issues in v5 mistral wouldn’t feel so empty; etc it’s very easy to fix problems like this in hypotheticals where you imagine you have infinite time and money, but in the real world if this were my story and i faced these sort of logistical challenges it would be to the detriment of the narrative in the same ways and i have no interest in pretending otherwise).
all that said
if i were the one writing this story and either i had more money or it was, like, a series of novels (<- which is what i’d be writing, realistically) – the religious layer of the story would be a lot more overt, not just in terms of the religious conflict with regard to the brothers but i would flesh out 1-2 other religions too. blake’s arc would feature wrestling with complicated feelings about god-of-animals-worship. ruby and yang would’ve been raised monotheistic light-worshippers; weiss would be a lapsed orthodox brother-cultist (in my head this is comparable to, say, the chasm between evangelical protestants and a lapsed catholic). oscar would be stolidly practicing some other religion that has nothing to do with the brothers, to ozma’s consternation, because that’s funny. salem would be still a polytheist but pointedly not worshipping Those Two, because that’s also funny.
<- this is not to “”fix“” anything i just think it’s important as a writer to be self-indulgent. and i like fantasy religions. bfrgscbk
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marcmarcmomarc · 2 months
RWBY Audio Description notes
Think of the Disney+ DVS track for The Sorcerer’s Apprentice and the emotion of the one for Monsters, Inc. For more instructions, be sure to read the Ultimate Guide to Audio Description on u3playmedia.com.
Narrator: Leilani Jones-Wilmore (The Nightmare Before Christmas, the Monsters, Inc. duology, the Finding Nemo duology, Shrek 2, the Cars trilogy, the High School Musical trilogy, Ratatouille, Cars Toons: Mater’s Tall Tales, Up, The Princess and the Frog, Alice in Wonderland (2010), Toy Story 3, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, The Social Network, Gnomeo and Juliet, Brave, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2, The Radiator Springs 500 1/2, Annie (2014), Inside Out, The Good Dinosaur, Despicable Me 3, The Boss Baby: Family Business, Sing 2, Hotel Transylvania 4: Transformania, Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, The Super Mario Bros. Movie, Trolls Band Together)
Credit rolls (Mistral arc)
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Here’s a demonstration (sped up because the normal speed is over three minutes long)
Volume 4
Created by
Monty Oum
Directed by
Kerry Shawcross
Gray G. Haddock
Miles Luna
Story by
Miles Luna
Monty Oum
Kerry Shawcross
Written by
Miles Luna
Kerry Shawcross
Executive Producers
Burnie Burns
Matt Hullum
Supervising Producer
Gray G. Haddock
Koen Wooten
Post Production Producer
Chrysta Hiser
Technical Producer
Sean Murphy
Assistant Producer of Pre-Production
Nick Todd
Assistant Producer of Animation
Luis “Paco” Vazquez
Starring the voices of
Lindsay Jones as Ruby Rose
Kara Eberle as Weiss Schnee
Arryn Zech as Blake Belladonna
Barbara Dunkelman as Yang Xiao Long
Jessica Nigri as Cinder Fall
Christopher Sabat as Arthur Watts
Josh Grelle as Tyrian Callows
Jen Taylor as Salem
William Orendorff as Hazel Rainart
Katie Newville as Emerald Sustrai
Samantha Ireland as Nora Valkyrie
Neath Oum as Lie Ren
Miles Luna as Jaune Arc
Mike McFarland as Mayor
Chris Guerrero as Blacksmith
J. Michael Tatum as Klein Sieben
Howard Wang as Whitley Schnee
Jen Brown as Pyrrha Nikos
Alejandro Saab as Dying Huntsman
Jason Douglas as Jacques Schnee
Jason Rose as James Ironwood
Bruce Carey as Captain
Tyler Coe as Reporter 01
Amber Lee Connors as Reporter 02
Jason Douglas as Reporter 03
Jen Brown as Lisa Lavender
Burnie Burns as Taiyang Xiao Long
Yunhao Zhang as Crew Member 01
Kendra Ziegler as First Mate
Michael Jones as Sun Wukong
Chris Kokkinos as Crew Member 02
Aaron Dismuke as Oscar Pine
Shannon McCormick as Professor Ozpin
Marissa Lenti as Oscar’s Aunt
Ryan Haywood as Peter Port
Joel Heyman as Bartholomew Oobleck
Vic Mignogna as Qrow Branwen
Kim Newman as Higanbana Waitress
Anna Hullum as Raven Branwen
Tara Platt as Kali Belladonna
Kent Williams as Ghira Belladonna
Derek Mears as Corsac Albain
Mike McFarland as Fennec Albain
Scott Frerichs as Businessman
Amber Lee Connors as Businesswoman
Alejandro Saab as Henry Marigold
Nick Landis as Angry Businessman
Kyler Smith as Waiter
Felicia Angelle as Trophy Wife
Chris Kokkinos as Husband
Cherami Leigh Kuehn as Ilia Amitola
Dawn M. Bennett as An Ren
Apphia Yu as Young Ren
Connor Pickens as Young Blacksmith
Scott Frerichs as Tall Boy
Marissa Lenti as Short Boy
Amber Lee Connors as Medium Boy
Kaiji Tang as Li Ren
Kristen McGuire as Young Nora
Stan Lewis as Mistral Pilot
Richard Norman as Atlas Pilot
Alena Lecorchick as Train Announcer
“Let’s Just Live”
Lead vocals by Casey Lee Williams
Lyrics and music written by Jeff Williams
Performed, produced and mixed by Jeff Williams
“Like Morning Follows Night”
Lead vocals by Jeff Williams and Casey Lee Williams
Lyrics and music written by Jeff Williams
Performed, produced and mixed by Jeff Williams
“This Life is Mine”
Lead vocals by Casey Lee Williams
Lyrics and music written by Jeff Williams
Performed, produced and mixed by Jeff Williams
“Bad Luck Charm”
Lead vocals by Jeff Williams
Lyrics and music written by Jeff Williams
Performed, produced and mixed by Jeff Williams
“Armed and Ready”
Lead vocals by Casey Lee Williams
Lyrics and music written by Jeff Williams
Performed, produced and mixed by Jeff Williams
Recorded and performed by Jeff Williams
Additional music by Alex Abraham
World of Remnant music by Alex Abraham
Vocals by Casey Lee Williams
Copyright ©2017 by Jeff Williams
Jeff WilliamsMusic (ASCAP)
Music available at the Rooster Teeth Store and iTunes
©2017 Rooster Teeth Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This piece of media has been described by the Media Access Group at WGBH with funding from Rooster Teeth Productions and Viz Media, read by Leilani Jones-Wilmore. For more information about motion picture access, visit our website at access.wgbh.org.
Volume 5
Created by
Monty Oum
Directed by
Kerry Shawcross
Gray G. Haddock
Miles Luna
Story by
Miles Luna
Monty Oum
Kerry Shawcross
Written by
Miles Luna
Kerry Shawcross
Executive Producers
Burnie Burns
Matt Hullum
Supervising Producer
Gray G. Haddock
Lead Producer
Koen Wooten
Technical Producer
Sean Murphy
Pre-Production Producer
Nick Todd
Animation Producer
Luis “Paco” Vazquez
Visual Post Production Supervision
Joe Clary
Chrytsa Hiser
Post Production Supervisor
Laura Yates
Starring the voices of
Lindsay Jones as Ruby Rose
Kara Eberle as Weiss Schnee
Arryn Zech as Blake Belladonna
Barbara Dunkelman as Yang Xiao Long
Vic Mignogna as Qrow Branwen
Samantha Ireland as Nora Valkyrie
Neath Oum as Lie Ren
Miles Luna as Jaune Arc
Richard Norman as Pilot
Reina Scully as Mistral Pilot
Daman Mills as Leo Lionheart
Kent Williams as Ghira Belladonna
Michael Jones as Sun Wukong
Tara Platt as Kali Belladonna
Gio Coutinho as Menagerie Guard
Cherami Leigh Kuehn as Ilia Amitola
Christopher Sabat as Arthur Watts
Zane Rutledge as Bartender
Clifford Chapin as Shay D. Mann
Aaron Dismuke as Oscar Pine
Jen Taylor as Salem
Jessica Nigri as Cinder Fall
Monica Rial as Sienna Khan
Garrett Hunter as Adam Taurus
William Orendorff as Hazel Rainart
Chris Kokkinos as Bandit One
Anna Hullum as Raven Branwen
William Ball as Saber Rodentia
Shannon McCormick as Professor Ozpin
Billy B. Burson III as Bandit Two
Amber Lee Connors as Vernal
Victoria Holden as Worried Mother
Scott Frerichs as Mata
Mike McFarland as Fennec Albain
Derek Mears as Corsac Albain
Nick Landis as Yuma
Nick Landis as Ramen Shop Owner
Emily Fajardo as Small Girl
Yuri Lowenthal as Mercury Black
Emily Fajardo as Trifa
Stan Lewis as Menagerie Guard 01
Jenn K. Tidwell as Menagerie Guard 02
Willem W. Keetell as Faunus 01
Ariel James as Faunus 02
Christine Stuckart as Young Faunus Woman
Patrick Rodriguez as Older Faunus Man
Katie Newville as Emerald Sustrai
Luis “Paco” Vazquez as White Fang Member 01
Willem W. Keetell as White Fang Member 02
Jamie Smith as Mistral Police Captain
Jenn K. Tidwell as White Fang Member 03
“The Path to Isolation (Mirror, Mirror Part 0.5.)
“The Triumph”
“All Things Must Die”
“All That Matters”
“This Time (From Shadows Part II)”
Score by Alex Abraham and Jeff Williams
Vocals by Casey Lee Williams
Copyright ©2018 by Jeff Williams
Jeff WilliamsMusic (ASCAP)
Music available at the Rooster Teeth Store and iTunes
©2018 Rooster Teeth Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This piece of media has been described by the Media Access Group at WGBH with funding from Rooster Teeth Productions and Viz Media, read by Leilani Jones-Wilmore. For more information about motion picture access, visit our website at access.wgbh.org.
Volume 6
Series Created by
Monty Oum
Directed by
Kerry Shawcross
Connor Pickens
Story by
Miles Luna
Monty Oum
Kerry Shawcross
Written by
Miles Luna
Kerry Shawcross
Executive Producers
Burnie Burns
Matt Hullum
Executive Producer
Kerry Shawcross
Head of Animation
Gray G. Haddock
Supervising Producer
Koen Wooten
Lead Producer
Joe Clary
Technical Producer
Jason “Jax” Kane
Art Associate Producer
Brian Lee
Layout Producer
Rob Thomson
Animation Producer
Luis “Paco” Vazquez
Animation Associate Producer
Scott Morgan
Motion Capture Producer
Luis “Paco” Vazquez
Visual Post Producer
Shane Davis
Post Production Supervisor
Laura Yates
Department Coordinator
Emily Hamel
Line Producer
Nicole Fisher
Additional Production Staff
Chrysta Hiser
Joshua Miller
Sean Murphy
Jamie Smith
Jennifer Tidwell
Nick Todd
Script Consultants
Yssa Badiola
Gray G. Haddock
Connor Pickens
Eddy Rivas
Koen Wooten
Starring the voices of
Lindsay Jones as Ruby Rose
Kara Eberle as Weiss Schnee
Arryn Zech as Blake Belladonna
Barbara Dunkelman as Yang Xiao Long
Samantha Ireland as Nora Valkyrie
Aaron Dismuke as Oscar Pine
Christine Stuckart as White Fang Guard 1
Garrett Hunter as Adam Taurus
César Altagracia as White Fang Guard 2
Connor Pickens as White Fang Guard 3
Vic Mignogna as Qrow Branwen
Neath Oum as Lie Ren
Alex Mai as Dee
Christopher Guerrero as Dudley
Shannon McCormick as Professor Ozpin
Cherami Leigh Kuehn as Ilia Amitola
Michael Jones as Sun Wukong
Kerry Shawcross as Neptune Vasilias
Miles Luna as Jaune Arc
Melissa Sternenberg as Maria Calavera
Jessica Nigri as Cinder Fall
Lauren Aptekar as Mistral Woman
Colleen Clinkenbeard as Jinn
Ethan Marler as Newscaster
Luci Christian as Lil’ Miss Malachite
Jenn K. Tidwell as Body Guard
Jen Taylor as Salem
Aaron Dismuke and Shannon McCormick as Ozma
Chase McCaskill as God of Light
Bruce DuBose as God of Darkness
Richard Norman as Frightened Man
Jenn K. Tidwell as Eldest Daughter
Lauren Aptekar as Youngest Daughter
Josh Grelle as Tyrian Callows
William Orendorff as Hazel Rainart
Yuri Lowenthal as Mercury Black
Katie Newville as Emerald Sustrai
Christopher Sabat as Arthur Watts
Ruth Urquhart as Tock
Lindsay Sheppard as Saphron Cotta-Arc
Lucella Wren Clary as Adrian Cotta-Arc
Jamie Smith as Terra Cotta-Arc
Kyle Phillips as Nubuck Guard 1
Kyle Phillips as Nubuck Guard 2
Mela Lee as Caroline Cordovin
Jen Brown as Red Haired Woman
Connor Pickens as Terminal Soldier
Jeb-Aguilar Kendrick as Atlas Soldier
Danzer Koehler as Argus Air Control
Noël Wiggins as Manta Two-Two
Dalton Allen as Manta Three-Four
Melanie Stern as Manta Two-One
Joe Clary as Manta Two-Four
Alena Lecorchick as Atlas Air Traffic Female
“One Thing”
“Forever Fall”
“Big Metal Shoe”
Score by Alex Abraham and Jeff Williams
Vocals by Casey Lee Williams
Copyright ©2019 by Jeff Williams
Jeff WilliamsMusic (ASCAP)
Music available at the Rooster Teeth Store and iTunes
©2019 Rooster Teeth Productions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
This piece of media has been described by the Media Access Group at WGBH with funding from Rooster Teeth Productions and Viz Media, read by Leilani Jones-Wilmore. For more information about motion picture access, visit our website at access.wgbh.org.
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otp-bumbleby · 7 years
RWBY Volume 5, Chapter 5 'Necessary Sacrifice' rapid fire thoughts (warning, spoilers)
Blake doesn't seem that...enthusiastic about recruiting Faunus
Sun once again is carefree and 'earnest', c'mon boy do you have any other aspects to your personality?
Hanging upside down is my favourite kind of Sun, though (is that racist or?)
Sad Blek is sad
Sun needs things explained to him again (is your head empty? Do you have thought processes or nah?)
Blake bringing hard truths; Menagerie holds Faunus that simply don't want or don't care about what's happening elsewhere. Secluded by the world was a bad thing but they're not going to make progress sitting out in spite.
Blake used to 'work'? with Adam...lmao
Sun, have you ever thought to yourself...NAH SUN DOESN'T THINK MUCH OF ANYTHING SORRY
Aw Blake talking fondly of team RWBY just makes me miss their dynamic more :(
Ruby is PURE confirmed
Weiss is DEFIANT confirmed
Yang is STRONG confirmed
Sun is ? but maybe EARNEST confirmed [kinda]
Adam is not JUSTICE, not PASSION, not HATRED, not RAGE, he is SPITE confirmed
Adam only wants justice for himself (we knew this already he fucking sucks)
Blake DOES care about Ilia still and wants better for her (called it)
I kinda think Blake's more concerned about facing Adam but yeah sure let's worry about Ilia being difficult
Blake did feel guilty and fearful, but since Sun didn't give up on her, she's convinced she can help Ilia, even though Ilia might not see it as help. Interesting, I think this might be the reason Sun was there all along. To be that catalyst for Blake to step up instead of stepping away. INTERESTING.
And cue another RUBY INSPIRES CUTE BOY OZPIN scene
Oscar has already descended into madness see ya lad
YOU'LL BE COMBAT READY IN NO TIME. I'm not crying, but you're crying?? Why you gotta do this to us! First it was Nora thanking the Schnee Dust Company, now it's Ruby saying Penny's catchphrase...UGH
Oscar needs to be cheered up (thanks Ozpin you're not helpful at all)
Oh no she's talking about Pyrrha and Penny...everyone, get your kleenex!
Being kind doesn't save you from murderers NEWSFLASH
Some Ruby feelings exposé here, used as motivation...one day, maybe she will break rather than keep moving forward (pretty much expected)
You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Thanks, Christopher Robin! I mean, Ruby! Nek minnut Oscar is looking for a honey pot
Ozpin is the founder of the Ruby Rose Cheer Squad™
These two creepy sneaky foxy fox cunts again?? The one with a tail is creepiest
Change can be painful what is this bullshit that's just some excuse to murder people
Okay, so they actually are going to assassinate Ghira and Kali. MMMBOI DON'T YOU DO IT
Ilia don't you fuckin do it
Adam seems crazier than usual... is that possible?
SLAUGHTER? Thems fighting words, boi
A promise to keep? FUCK ME UP THIS IS DARK
Narrator: all is well.
All was not well.
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Volume 5, Episode 5
The Rosegarden is strong with this one! It had me squeeing! Now, I know a lot of people have a problem with that ship, and understandably so. Ozpin is still there, and it’s a bit creepy. But, I don’t think he’ll be there forever. Either his consciousness will merge completely with Oscars to the point where he’s almost not there at all except for his memories and a few mannerisms, or they will win eventually and Ozpin will be freed from his curse and will finally be unbound from the boy. Even if that wasn’t the case, you can’t condemn poor Oscar to a life of loneliness because of something like this. The body and main consciousness is Oscar, not Ozpin. Oscar is his own person, and Ruby clearly sees this from their interactions so far.
Now that rant’s over, gotta get my squee out, on to Illia. She’s getting harder to like. Like, damn, girl! You so callous! Scary to think this is what Blake could have been like if she hadn’t snapped out of it. Blake tried to make her more likable, but that was totally ruined by the next scene! She did seem very VERY conflicted about the plans against Blake’s family, so not all hope is lost though. Also, the Blacksun vibes are there, and I loved it. Again, I love Bumblebee and would not be at all disappointed if it happened instead, but  god do I love those two! Sun’s such a goof and it’s great! 
On a less happy note, Blake was right in the way she described Adam. The man’s a walking salt lick and I want him dead sooner rather than later! Even Fennec’s questioning whether they should really be following him. 
There’s no way Ghira is making it to the end of this volume, and I’m already sad!
Also, we got to see some hella cool Funus types this episode!
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armenianwriterman · 9 months
After hearing someone talk about the Hunger Games prequel movie a few weeks, I remembered the hunger games simulator and started fooling around with it, until I found one that lets you add as many characters as you want. So, out of boredom, I have decided to present:
I'll be posting the major events and the interesting minor ones onto here for whoever reads this' enjoyment.
Starring: Pretty much every character that has had some role in canon RWBY media. Must be a human/faunus or have human level intelligence (Book and JL Characters will not be included, they might be included in the future if I ever do this again) Specific list of characters beneath the cut.
Adam Taurus, Adrian Cotta-Arc, Alyx, Amber, Ambrosius, Amoncio Glass, An Ren, Arslan Altan, Arthur Watts, Atlas Captain, Bartender, Bartholomew Oobleck, Bianca Prisma, Bill, Blacksmith, Blake Belladonna, Boat Captain, Bolin Hori, Bram Thornmane, Brawnz Ni, Camilla, Cardin Winchester, Caroline Cordovin, Cerise Claire, Ciel Soleil, Cinder Fall, Claret Berbere, Clover Ebi, Coco Adel, Corsac Albain, Curious Cat, Cye Ayu, Dee, Deery, Dew Gayl, DJ, Dove Bronzewing, Drunk Mann, Dudley, Elm Ederne, Emerald Sustrai, Fennec Albain, Fiona Thyme, Fiona's Uncle, First Mate, Flynt Coal, Forest, Fria, Ghira Belladonna, Glynda Goodwitch, God of Darkness, God of Light, Gwen Darcy, Hanlon Fifestone, Harriet Bree, Hawker, Hazel Rainart, Hei Xiong Junior, Henry Marigold, Herbalist, Hound, Ilia Amitola, Ilia's Associate, Ivori, Ivy Thickety, Jabberwalker, Jacques Schnee, James Ironwood, Jaune Arc, Jinn, Jinxy Peddler, Joanna Greenleaf, Kali Belladonna, Klein Sieben, Kobalt, Leonardo Lionheart, Lewis, Li Ren, Lie Ren, Lil' Miss Malachite, Lisa Lavender, Little/Somewhat, Madame, Maria Calavera, Marrow Amin, Mata, May Marigold, May Zedong, Melanie Malachite, Mercury Black, Merlot, Mikado Lim, Miltia Malachite, Mistral Woman, Mossius Berbere, Mouse Leader, Nadir Shiko, Nebula Violette, Negative Blake, Negative Weiss, Neon Katt, Neopolitan, Neptune Vasilias, Nicholas Schnee, Nolan Porfirio, Nora Valkyrie, Nubuck Guard #1, Nubuck Guard #2, Octavia Ember, Olive Harper, Oscar Pine, Ozpin/Ozma, Penny Polendina, Peter Port, Pietro Polendina, Pilot Boi, Pyrrha Nikos, Qrow Branwen, Ramen Shop Owner, Raven Branwen, Red Haired Woman, Red Prince, Reese Chloris, Rhodes, Roane Ashwood, Robyn Hill, Roman Torchwick, Roy Stallion, Ruby Rose, Ruda Tilleroot, Russel Thrush, Russet Ka, Saber Rodentina, Sage Anaya, Salem, Saphron Cotta-Arc, Scarlet David, Shay D. Mann, Shion Zaiden, Shopkeep, Shovel Mom, Sienna Khan, Sky Lark, Sleet, Stepsister #1, Stepsister #2, Summer Rose, Sun Wukong, Taiyang Xiao Long, Teapot Lady, Terra Cotta-Arc, Tock, Trifa, Tukson, Tyrian Callows, Velvet Scarlatina, Vernal, Village Blacksmith, Vine Zeki, Waitress, Weiss Schnee, White Fang Lieutenant, Whitley Schnee, Willow Schnee, Winter Schnee, Wizard, Yang Xiao Long, Yatsuhashi Daichi, Yuma, Zure Ayu, Zwei
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