#the most beautiful woman on the planet and a wet sock.
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rubbercip · 1 year ago
did everyone just universally decide to forget that tim genuinely believed that jon could pull basira. like. jonathan sims. the archivist. could pull HER. like fully believed it. possibly died believing they hooked up like what the fuck was wrong with him mentally or conversely what did he Know that i Don’t
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seriouslysnape · 4 years ago
Moonlight Dip
Neville Longbottom x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Sexual content (super brief).
Word Count: 2,588
“We’re going swimming.”
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Hogwarts was always desolate and quiet at this time of night. The only person who was supposed to be stirring was Filch, Mrs. Norris, and possibly Professor Snape keeping an eye out for any students who had grown bold enough to break curfew. Most students didn’t bother trying to sneak around the castle at night. Not because they were afraid of getting caught, but because if they DID get caught, they’d have to deal with Filch’s overly strict behavior. Honestly, that was a punishment in and of itself. 
Which was why Neville just couldn’t seem to figure out why you were leading him through the dark corridors, moving like a woman on a mission. You had crept into his dorm around midnight or so, pouncing on his bed and shaking him from his gentle slumber. You barely waited for him to wake up before you were whisper-shouting at him that you had somewhere for the two of you to go. He never minded a surprise visit from you, but he also wasn’t very keen on attempting to slip out undetected. Still, his curiosity won out.
“Hey, uh, flower?” He whispered, not knowing where Filch might’ve been.
“Yes, Neville?” You whispered back, peering your head around the corner to check for anyone coming. 
“Where are we going exactly? And why are you in your robes?” He questioned, feeling a bubble of nervousness in his chest.
Truth be told, Neville felt a little underdressed. He was clad in his pajamas bottoms and an old t-shirt that he only used to sleep in. You looked back at him with a smile, his heart leaping at how beautiful you looked under the illumination of the Lumos you had uttered from your wand. Neville had learned to be more spontaneous after he had begun dating you. You were as sweet and respectful as anyone, but you definitely had a wild side that sometimes shaved some years off of Neville’s life. He wasn’t sure what to think of it at first, but over time he found that he loved all of your silly shenanigans. Even the ones that had gotten you both in hot water before. 
“I told you, Nev. It’s a surprise!” You answered, squeezing his hand that was interlaced in yours, “It won’t be a surprise anymore if I tell you.”
Neville made a puzzled, yet thoughtful look as he racked his brain of possible ideas. He thought that maybe that you were daring to venture to Hogsmeade for a late night snack. Every now and again, you’d convince Neville to help you with sneaking into Honeydukes after hours to snag a few treats (don’t worry, you always left the right amount of money on the counter to pay for it). 
However, his theory was proven wrong when he realized that you were taking him past the courtyard and in the general direction of the Quidditch field. He was glad that it was well into spring now, and the nights were warm with the days. You didn’t play Quidditch though, and neither did he. So he couldn’t fathom why you were headed that way.
“The Quidditch fields are always dark this time of night. There’s no way we’ll be able to see.” Neville pointed out, mumbling under his breath when he almost tripped on a loose rock. 
You turned to look at him again, another smile plastering on your face. 
“Then it’s a good thing that we aren’t going there.” You replied.
Sure enough, you kept walking towards your desired locating, keeping your antsy boyfriend in tow. About the time that Neville had given up on trying to figure out where you were taking him, his question was answered. The lake was always so pretty at night, and tonight was no exception. The moon was only a phase away from being full, but still offering enough light to where the two of you could somewhat see. The reflection bounced beautifully off of the dark lake, creating glittering ripples in the water when it was agitated from it’s still position.
You let go of Neville’s hand once you were standing on the bank, crouching down to untie your shoelaces. Neville stood still, his arms at his side rather awkwardly. He wasn’t picking up on your plan just yet.
“I didn’t know that you like to fish.” Neville said aloud, not bothering to whisper anymore since there was no chance that anyone would be out here.
“I don’t.” You giggled, removing your shoes and socks.
Neville’s eyebrows raised, still oblivious even as your fingertips worked at untying the cord around your robes. Well, he WAS oblivious, until it was literally right in front of his face.
“Then why are we- oh my God, what are you doing?” He cut himself off when your robes fell to the grass, revealing your bra and knickers underneath.
Neville was glad that it was mainly dark outside, because his sudden deep blush would’ve been painfully obvious otherwise. You smirked at the bashful boy who was frozen in place, unsure of what he was supposed to do.
“We’re going swimming.” You announced, reaching for his hand again. 
Except he didn’t take your hand. He wasn’t on board with this idea at all.
“Oh no. No, no, no. I draw the line at swimming naked!” He rattled off, taking a step away from you.
You weren’t offended in the slightest, and you were even rather amused at his skittish behavior. This was nothing new to you.
“I’m technically not naked.” You reminded him calmly.
“You’re in your knickers!” He hissed back, his eyes widening as he actually took a second to look at the lacy material.
“Exactly. Which equals not naked.” You returned, fighting the urge to burst into laughter.
“Nope!” He protested, sitting down on the grass instead, “I’ve defended us for getting caught sneaking off for Chocolate Frogs and breaking into the library at 3 o’clock in the morning. But I will not try to explain why we were in the lake naked.” 
Neville seemed adamant about staying put where he was. He was tempted to get up and leave, but there was no shot in hell that he was going to leave you out here by yourself. He was perfectly fine with sitting off to the side and observing from a safe distance.
“You see me in my underwear all the time, Nevy,” You said, not really believing that the lack of clothes was what he was timid about, “Is it the ‘nakedness’ or the critters that sometimes live in the lake?”
Neville was frightened of a lot of things, and while he tended to love animals, aquatic animals were an exception. Fish and water-based bugs freaked him out for some reason that even you didn’t quite understand. The only animals that lived in and around water that he liked were frogs and toads. The only aspect of the lake that he might enjoy (aside from seeing you wet and half-naked) were the plants that were undoubtedly growing below the surface.
“Maybe both...” He murmured, resting his forearms on top of his knees that were pulled into his chest, “Regardless, I’m staying right here.”
You shrugged your shoulders, believing your intuition that said that he’d be in the water with you in less than fifteen minutes.
“Suit yourself.” You told him before making a graceful entrance splash into the water.
He watched as you plunged in, your entire frame disappearing under the water that looked black due to the inky color of the sky. Neville felt his nerves get fired up when you went under, a slight anxiety in his gut that you might not come back up. The lake wasn’t super deep by any means, only coming up to just below your hip. Neville knew that it was possible to drown in any depth of water, which was why he became a bit on edge.
Thankfully, though, you emerged from below the water before he could get too worked up. He watched with interest when your hands swept your wet hair backwards, slicking it on your head. 
Neville had always found you pretty. He thought you were the most beautiful girl on the planet. While he always thought that you looked stunning, there were still times where it was much more clear to him. For instance, early in the morning when you’ve just woken up is one of his favorites. Or right before a Gryffindor party on Friday nights when you’ve taken extra time to get spiffied up. Seeing you always made his heart beat with a little more purpose. It reminded him of how much he cared for and loved you. 
And this moment now really had him swooning.
His eyes studied as water droplets dripped from your frame, soaking into your underwear and gliding down your beautiful skin. It created a shiny gleam over you, bringing out all of his favorite parts of you. He must’ve fallen into a lusty daze, because he felt himself snap back into reality when you called to him.
“You sure you don’t want to get in?” You spoke, letting your fingertips trail over the surface of the lake.
Neville shook his head in response. 
“I’m good here, tulip. Promise.” He said, still not sure if this was something he wanted to do. 
You never pressured Neville into doing things he didn’t want to do. You never wanted him to be uncomfortable around you or associate discomfort with spending time with you. However, you knew that Neville was a worrier. He was an avid overthinker and sometimes just let his nerves get the best of him. You encouraged him to live a little more, without thinking about every single possible outcome of a situation. It’s great to be cautious and aware, but life without taking some risks could be...boring. You just didn’t want Neville to grow old with you and wish he hadn’t let his head get the best of him.
You swam out towards the middle of the lake, but not so far that you couldn’t see or hear Neville. You floated on your back and played with things that you found on the mushy, sandy floor of the lake. Neville maintained a conversation with you, but found himself feeling tempted to join you. It was just swimming. It wasn’t like the two of you were trying to blow up the lake or anything. 
“How does...how does it feel?” Neville asked, stifling a giggle at how you were bouncing on your feet with your head lolled to the side to get water out of your ear.
“It’s nice. It’s not warm by any means, but it feels good.” You told him, wringing the excess water from your hair, “Changed your mind?”
Neville chewed the inside of his cheek, but he was warming up to the idea.
“I don’t even have a pair of swim trunks with me.” He argued.
You motioned towards your own body with a look of hilarity.
“Oh, and I’m wearing my swimsuit? It doesn’t matter, love. Just take off what you have on.” You instructed, getting hopeful that he was actually going to do it.
Neville stood from where he sat, stripping down to his boxers at a snail’s pace. He folded his clothes neatly, setting them next to your robes that he had also folded previously. He dipped his foot into the water, expecting it to be much colder than it actually was. It was a lukewarm temperature, something that would be refreshing on a hot summer day, but far too freezing for a frigid winter day. For his moderate spring night, it was perfect.
Neville didn’t love how the bottom of the lake felt on his feet. It was a mix of a squishy, gelatinous feeling. You reached for his hands excitedly, taking them as he waded out to where you were standing.
“So, what do you think?” You wondered, careful not to freak him out too much,
“It feels...nice. I don’t think I’ve ever been in this lake,” He admitted, “How did you even come up with this?”
“Well, you told me once that your Gran used to have a little pond behind her house that you liked to swim in during the summer. You said you enjoyed it and I thought maybe this would be something you’d like too,” You explained to him, suddenly feeling insecure about this whole thing, “I know it’s probably not the same or as fun.”
Now things really started to make sense. Neville felt the cage of butterflies flutter all into his belly whenever you did something sweet for him. Especially when it was something with sentimental value. 
Neville had undeniably fallen in love with you. Not because of your witty personality or the random adventures you liked to take him on. Those things were plenty great, and he cherished those things with everything he had. But that wasn’t what made him decide that you were his future. 
It was the pureness of your heart.
He fell for you more and more each time you did something for him. Whether it was as small as you combing your fingers through his hair when he was asleep on your chest in the common room, or as big as the time you devised a plan to throw a surprise birthday party for him at his Gran’s house. No matter what it was, you never hesitated to spend your energy, time, and love on making him happy.
“I did always like that pond, flower. But...you want to know something?” He said smoothly, with just the faintest hint of shakiness in his tone, “This is a lot better.”
He pulled you in close at the sight of your brightening eyes, bringing you down with him as he sank down to his knees under the top of the water.
“Oh, yeah? Why’s that?” You pressed on.
“Because you’re here.” He mewled, pressing a kiss to your forehead. 
His descent of kisses trailed down to your nose, to your cheeks, to your lips. His kisses were never rushed in moments like this. They weren’t ever in a rush to get to the point or so rough that he didn’t have a chance to feel it. He liked to take his time with you. He liked to savor you.
“I love you, Nev. I really do.” You professed once he pulled away from you.
“I love you, petal,” He returned, going to kiss you again, but stopped when he took a big swash of lake water to the face.
He let out a startled gasp at how he was totally soaked now. It dripped from his hair, droplets rolling to the tip of his nose before falling off back into the lake. He caught your mischievous expression, your cheeks puffed out as you fought your laughter.
“Really funny, doll.” He sputtered, nonchalantly reaching around to your back and unclasping your bra with one hand. He managed to whip it off of you with ease, leaving you completely naked on top.
“Neville!” You squealed, “Give it back! That’s my favorite one!” 
Neville teased you as he held your bra high in the air above his head, chuckling as you struggled (and failed) to get it back.
“Don’t worry, love bug. I’ll take good care of it. But if you want it...” Neville paused, shimmying past you and waddling further out into the lake with a sneaky, yet innocent sneer on his face;
“You’ve got to come and get it.”
Tags: @lupinsslut @writingscape @msmimimerton​ @thefilmcity​
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blouisparadise · 4 years ago
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Upon request, here is a rec list of bottom Louis fics where Harry radiates sex appeal. We hope you enjoy this fics! If you find our rec lists useful, please support them by liking the post and reblogging it to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) Gimme Gimme | Mature | 5957 words
He dragged himself to his bedroom and flopped down face-first onto the bed, groaning, and started thinking about that new neighbor. Maybe this was his chance. Maybe this was the time for him to actually try and find a love interest that lasted longer than 2 weeks. He rolled over and sat up on the bed, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked out the window.
And what he saw was probably the most amazing thing on the planet.
Walking into his new neighbor’s house was a man in a suit, carrying a briefcase while his Porsche sat in the driveway.
2) Under the Vanilla Sky | Explicit | 8006 words
Who the hell wears a hat like that on a yacht?  That's one of the things Louis thinks when he sees Harry from across the deck of the most expensive, ridiculous boat he's ever been on.  He also thinks he'd like to get closer.  Just to see what's under those aviators.  Just to verify that, yes, in fact, those white swim trunks might be a little see-through when wet.  Just to see if someone could really be that hot in real life.  On a yacht.  In the Caribbean sea just off the coast of St. Barts.  
Here's what really happened on that yacht.
3) Sweet Like Cherry Vodka | Not Rated | 8039 words
When he exits the building he instantly sees him. He’s leaning against his white Mercedes Benz convertible. The car makes him look more expensive. Of course, the navy blue suit that fits tightly around his broad shoulders — making Louis want to fall to his knees, mind you — also helps to get the message across. He looks up from his phone, his sleek black aviators block Louis from seeing his dark eyes.
When Louis knows Harry's watching him he smiles. A grin grows on Harry’s mouth, his strong jaw moves cockily while he chews his gum. How does someone make chewing gum so hot?
“Need a ride sweetheart?” Harry calls to him, the statement adds to his cocky demeanor.
“You know I do, silly.” Louis laughs at how ridiculous the older man can be.
4) You And I ‘Till The Day We Die | Explicit | 10807 words
Prompt 124: A fic inspired by Groupie Love by Lana Del Rey, where Harry is a Rockstar and Louis is his cute little boyfriend who tries to hide himself in the middle of the crowd. (Preferably set in the 80s)
5) Guns N Roses | Mature | 14069 words
Harry's an assassin, Louis is a government agent. They hate each other but not really.
6) My English Love Affair | Explicit | 19198 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
The thing about sleeping with a member of a famous indie band is that the inevitability of having a song written about you is most likely a hundred percent. The second thing is that in the end, nobody's supposed to find out it's about you.
The one where Harry writes a song about his English love affair and Louis sleeps with someone in White Eskimo and all he gets is a stupid song written about him.
7) The Way The Storm Blows | Explicit | 21649 words
Louis doesn’t have a habit of thinking about Harry’s dick.
That would be weird, seeing as they’re best mates, and they share a flat, and they’ve spent holidays at each other’s family homes. Their friendship hasn’t ever risen to a point where Louis should want to see his mate’s dick, and he’s happy to keep it that way.
Except, all that Louis can think about is exactly that. The size of it. The shape. The amount of people it’s been in.
Maybe it’s the tequila talking, or the fact that Louis’ just recently walked in to an eyeful of Harry taking turns on some slags that he’s never seen before, but. Louis’ mind can’t stop obsessing over the idea.
8) Even The Best Laid Plans | Explicit | 25190 words
Louis wants to have sex with someone and decides Harry is the perfect alpha for the job.
9) A Trail Of Honey Through It All | Explicit | 27086 words
The boy in front of him, well really, the man in front of him, was like something out of a confusing wet dream. Built, tall, tan and muscular, his skin glistened with sweat after a long day of working outdoors with his hands. He was wearing a cut up old American football shirt, the bottom hem was torn and the sleeves were cut off to the point where the t-shirt was really just a loose tank top. The shorts he had on had clearly been full length jeans at one point, and were now just crudely cut off above the knee. His white socks were pulled up too high on his calves, and the brown work boots he had on were old as fuck, the leather peeling along the edges of the soles. Curly brown hair stuck out from the edges of his backwards snapback, and there was a smudge of grease wiped along his brow bone. The smattering of hair along his jaw proved that he hadn’t shaved in a week or two, the hair growing in thicker across his upper lip and around his chin. His sinfully bowed mouth was pink and plump, and Louis was suddenly hyper-focused on the way that he chewed at the toothpick stuck between his lips. He looked like he needed a shower. Louis wanted to lick him.
10) Carnelian | Explicit | 30631 words
Louis finds himself donating blood to the most beautiful being he's ever seen.
11) Take My Pure (And Wash It All Away ‘Til I’m Cured) | Explicit | 40629 words
They're all 19. Louis is a twink, Harry is a frat boy hunk. Harry for some reason wants his makeup done for pride, and Louis is just trying so very hard to stay clear of all alleged fuckboys this year.
12) In The Still Of The Night | Explicit | 68568 words
The Dirty Dancing AU where Louis is a feisty omega who wants to change the world, Harry is an alpha from the wrong side of the tracks, and nobody puts Louis in a corner.
13) Waiting On You | Explicit | 76576 words
“Vampires,” Louis says with disgust, glaring over at the vampire who is noisily slurping from the woman’s neck nearby.
Zayn gives the neat fang marks on Louis’ neck a meaningful look.
“Can’t live with them, can’t live without them,” Louis finishes, ignoring Zayn when he rolls his eyes.
Louis takes a long sip of his milkshake, presses his fingers against the marks on his neck, and definitely doesn’t think about the vampire who left them there.
14) Your Name is Tattooed on My Heart | Explicit | 86809 words
Note: This fic has mentions of top Louis.
Louis is ready to find the love of his life, but first he has to stop falling for the punk rocker next door.
15) Beyond The Point Of Weird | Mature | 108331 words
Louis meets Harry one night and well... Of course things lead from one thing to another. How could Louis not be interested in having a go at the ex-Rockstar who'd starred in his first wet dream?
When Harry asks him to pretend to be his boyfriend to help him clear up his image, Louis agrees because why the fuck not. Yet it kind of feels like the only 'fake' part of their relationship is the title they chose for it... And then it gets confusing.
Louis' pretty sure he walked right into a trap - one he's not quite sure he wants to escape.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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antigoneidk · 5 years ago
Toms kids walking in on you and Tom having birthday sex
Oh no|t.h
a/n : thank you so much for your request and i'm really sorry for being this late.i hope you like it:)
warnings: smut, fluff
part 2
"Good night princess I love you" you kissed your daughter's cheeks and stood up from her bed.
"Love you too mummy" her voice was sleepy, her eyes already closed and her hands squeezing a small teddy bear tight.
You closed the door behind you and headed to your bedroom. You found your husband laying on the bed, his one arm supporting his head and the other one next to his body. His eyes met yours and a smile appeared on his beautiful face.
"Are they sleeping?"you asked, mentioning your two little sons, as you opened your closet, looking for a more comfortable outfit that the one you were already in. It was an exhausting day and you looked forward to just relax in your lover's arms tonight .
It was his birthday today . You spent it with just close family but still it had to be perfect for him. You wanted to make him feel special, loved, happy because that was the way he made you feel every day. You loved and adored him the most and the kids strengthened even more your relationship over the past few years. Maybe it was rough at the beginning but it was worth it.
He nodded his head still admiring you, changing into a baggy T-shirt and a pair of bike shorts. Even in this outfit you had the power to turn him on.
You covered your body with a white blanket and placed your head to Tom's shoulder just for a moment before his arm hugged you. You smiled and kept watching the T.V.
"Did you have fun today?"you asked.
"Of course I did, I spent the day with the people I love the most in this planet and you did all this things for me that I can't thank you enough"his palm came across to your cheek, your eyes staring at his for a while. You leaned over to leave a kiss on his lips, a quick small one.
But you missed him, and he did too. The hunger took over the two of you easily. His touch send shivers down your spine, your desire to feel him closer and closer to you got bigger, his thirst to taste you and your thirst for the pleasure was that huge, even your three kids next to your room didn't exist at that moment. Nothing really mattered except for him and you.
"I need you y/n" his voice got deeper as his breaths quicked. You wanted him too. You missed his touch, his words, his hot breath, the way he feels inside you, his kisses that were not the same way as other times of the day. Also was his birthday and you wanted to make him happy and satisfied,to please him, to feel contended.
"I need you too Tom, like never before" you touched his forehead with yours, your fingers wrapping his curls and your teeth biting your lower lip with lust. That was all for your man to get on the top of you.
His lips were now on your neck, leaving wet kisses all over it, his tongue hitting the right spots and your moans escaping quietly from your mouth every time.
You grabbed his shirt from the bottoms and took it out of your way. Your nails left marks at his back, the feeling turned him on even more.
He pulled your T-shirt exposing your bare chest, cold air hardened your nipples. His tongue made a long way from your neck, down in the middle of your breasts and then to your right nipple. Slow movements you hated.
"Stop teasing please" you cried, tired of his behavior at that moment. He smirked at you, his eyes almost looking into your soul as his tongue started to play, his other hand already slipping in the middle of your thighs. You leaned your head backwards from the enjoyment and pleasure, incapable of saying something. You felt his left hand moving in circles down in your area, your panties dripping by now.
"I haven't even started babe" his voice was hot, giving you chills. You arched your back, wanting more of him. He approached you, kissing your lips once again. Tom's fingers moved the wet fabrics out of his way and he slid one of them into you without a warning.
You gasped at that feeling, your eyes seeing starts and hands squeezing his hair. You missed the way he made you feel, so weak and powerful at the same time, the luckiest woman.
The one became two, and the two three. He moved fast, hitting your spot and coming near to the edge. He loved watching you trembling at his touch, in an unique way he couldn't explain. He scanned every expression of yours, like an work of art, every time different than the other one. Your expressions were always printed to his mind, from the very first time he had you naked underneath him 'till now.
He suddenly stopped, forcing you to wide open your eyes missing his touch. You watched him as he got rid of his trousers and underwear. You bit your lip at the view in front of you, his veins making their appearance through every inch of his body, his messy hair and red face. After all this years and he still managed to be the hottest man in the entire world.
Tom lowered his body, you took his head in your hands, pulling in close to you. Your lips took his into a small <fight>, his tongue fighting yours.
He slammed inside you. You moaned louder than you thought, biting your lower lip moments after scared, hoping that no one in the house heard you.
He found your sweet spot, smiling at the view of you struggling not to make amy louder noices. His tempo started to get faster. His hot breath at your collar bone, felt like fire to your skin. You tried to lift your waist more, needing more of your husband.
He was moaning quietly to your ear, making you come closer to the end than ever. You hugged him, your breast touching his muscular chest, your nails running up and down his back. It felt like paradise,everything was perfect, your bodies moving in sync, your lips kissing his with passion.
"Mummy?" a soft voice stopped the both of you. You looked at the door, all of your three kids staring at their parents, with no emotions at all.
"Oh no"you whispered to his ear,watching all of them completely socked.
"Guys leave please" your husband almost begged but none of them moved.
"Please go to your rooms..I..I'll be there..just..leave" you said feeling embarrassed. Your daughter closed the door and Tom looked at you with red cheeks. Just like you. You covered your face with your hands laughing, only a few seconds after your man.
"Damn..I have no words" you stared at the ceiling and then at Tom, who was now laying next to you.
"Did you see the look on their faces?"he continued to laugh but the only thing you did was to find a good explanation. They were too young to know things like these. And after all they wouldn't understand.
"Don't laugh! How am I supposed to answer their questions huh?"you got up getting back to your previous look.
"Where are you going now?"he complained with deep voice. You turned to him with raised brows.
"I have to make sure they're sleeping I can't leave them like that"
"Just come back soon. We have something to finish"
"You're unbelievable"you were shocked but him. How the heck did he found this normal?
"Best birthday ever"you heard him burst out laughing and you smiled at your self for a while before founding your kids sitting next to each other across your door.
"What do we have here?"
Excuse any mistakes. I'm so bad at writing things like these😂but I'm backk
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nxrthmizu · 4 years ago
Hey please can i request daichi with an insecure s/o? Just a cute drabble or anything you want just need some soft Daichi in my life🥺
| Reasons to Love You | Sawamura Daichi 
prompt | Reasons to love you’ (You didn’t chose a prompt so I just picked one)
pairing | Sawamura Daichi x Reader
words | 1.7k
author’s note | Thank you for the requests baby! Hope you enjoy :) And everyone needs soft Daichi in their lives uwuuu
You stared at the floor-length mirror in your bedroom, poking at the rolls of fat around your stomach. It was just so unfair. You tried to love yourself as much as possible, but the world just had to constantly taunt you and bring you down when you were starting to feel better about yourself. 
It was just so unfair. 
You had put hours of work into your job, working overtime till you were on the brink of collapsing of exhaustion. And yet, your hard work was all pushed aside due to your rounder figure. Instead of you, another woman who had curves in the right places had been chosen to represent the company. Someone who was more ideal for society’s mold of ‘beautiful’. 
Of course, you couldn’t deny that she had worked hard, too, but you had seen the report she had handed up and you knew without a doubt you had poured more effort into yours. 
Every part of you knew that the world was unfair, and that was just how things worked on this planet. That didn’t mean you felt any less frustrated, felt any less upset from the let-down. You had worked so hard, dammit! And in the very end, your hard work was disregarded because of your appearance. 
They were lying when they said: ‘It’s what’s inside that matters.’. No matter how kind your smile is, no matter how hard you work, no matter how much you care, first appearance will always triumph over everything else. It didn’t matter if you looked neat, professional, and hard-working- So long as you weren’t society’s ideal image of ‘beautiful’, you were disqualified instantly. 
“Y/N?” You heard Daichi’s voice as the front door clicked open and shut. Hastily, you tugged down your shirt and stepped away from the mirror, trying to busy yourself with other things. “Hey.” He stepped into your bedroom, a soft smile on his face. “How did it go?” 
You tried not to show how upset you were. “I wasn’t chosen,” You told him truthfully. “[The other person] was chosen. She worked really hard too, she deserves it.” 
Both of you could hear your voice catch in your throat, and you knew that Daichi could sense how upset you were, really.
“Well,” He started, trying to figure out what to say as he clasped your hands in between his, leading you onto your bed. “There’s something else, isn’t there?” He said gently, his eyes meeting yours, showing you that no matter what, he wouldn’t judge, and that he would listen. 
The room fell into silence, the background hum of the ceiling fan sounding deafening. “No.” You lied quietly. 
“... Okay.” Daichi said at last, knowing full well that you were lying. “You know what, I have something really important to tell you.” He tugged you along with him, both of you settling down on the middle of the bed, you tucked in between his arms, right in the middle of his warmth. 
You waited patiently for him to speak, and after a minute or two of silence, he spoke up. 
“I’ve been wanting to do this for a while now,” He begin, his voice sounding like the gentle patter of rain. “I wanted to list out all the reasons that I love you, so let me talk, okay?” 
You nodded, burrowing yourself deeper into his embrace. 
“1,” He pressed a soft kiss onto your forehead. “You’re always so kind to everyone, no matter what. Like the time you ran out into the rain because you heard a cat outside. And then you climbed up a tree to get the cat down and you were fully soaked by the time you got back inside.” 
You laughed, remembering how much he had scolded you for running out recklessly like that. Barely two minutes in his embrace and you were starting to feel slightly better. 
“2. You’re always so considerate.” He continued to talk, his fingers finding a place in your hair and brushing through them affectionately. “Whenever I have a bad day at work, you give me extra cuddles and kisses until I feel better, and that’s the best feeling in the world.” 
“3.” You were about the mention that he was cuddling you just as you did when he felt upset, but he quickly cut you off with a peck on your lips. “You always sing in the shower when you think I can’t hear you and you have the prettiest voice ever.” He grinned when you squeaked in surprise, not having realised that your bathroom was not sound-proof. “I have a few recordings of you singing on my phone and when I have a bad day at work, I always play them on my phone.” 
“Daichi!” You whined. “You never told me you could hear me.” 
He chuckled and raised his hands in defence. “In my defence, if I told you, you’d stop singing and I won’t be able to hear your beautiful voice anymore.” 
You pouted childishly, whacking his arm playfully. 
“Okay let me continue.” He cleared his throat. “4, I adore how you look at me in the morning, when your hair is messy in a sexy way and your eyes are still sleepy. I adore how you look at me before you go to sleep, when the lights are off and I can just faintly see how your eyes sparkle in the dark.” His voice softened. “I love how you look at me like I’m the only person in the world.” 
At this point, you were speechless, but he kept going. 
“5, I love how you laugh. I love when you burst into full laughter and bend over because you laughed too hard and your stomach hurts.” He smiled, putting over a finger over lips as you started to say something. “For some reason, you always think that laugh is ugly, but I can assure you, it’s the cutest thing ever.” Daichi’s voice lowered. “Plus, I know that when you laugh like that, its’ genuine.” 
For the next thirty minutes, your boyfriend continued to list the reasons as to why he loved you. 
6. I love how you always fuss over me when I get injured, even when it’s the tiniest wound ever. 
7. I love how when I’m with you, time goes by so fast, and when I’m without you, time drags on so slowly. 
8. I love how you smile at the littlest things, like a dandelion growing in between the cracks on a sidewalk (It’s not just a weed, you said, it grants wishes). 
9. I love how you can be so childish and let loose when most other adults would be afraid to be childish. 
10. I love how you always work hard despite everything else. 
11. I love how you love the team and my family even though they’re crazy. And they love you so, so much. Just like I do. 
12. I love how you insist on feeding me porridge when I’m sick. And how you always insist that I’m not allowed to get up from the bed when I literally only have a cold. 
13. I love how you snuggle into my side when we’re sharing an umbrella and it’s raining. 
14. I love how you leave sticky-notes with sweet messages on my lunchbox. 
15. I love how you always manage to plan things for us to do despite how busy the both of us are. I’ll always have time for you. 
16. I love how you’re always so patient with me, even when I forget about our date and didn’t text you because I was busy at work. You deserve so much more. 
17. I love how you’re always willing to be the bigger person, saying sorry even when it isn’t your fault. 
18. I love how you never get angry at me no matter how many times I forget to do the laundry. 
19. I love how you always swap out the wet towels for dry ones when I’m bathing after you. 
20. I love how you leave food in the microwave for me to eat when I get home late from work. 
21. I love how you just somehow know that I don’t want to talk and just want to be with you. Everything will be fine when you let me lie in your lap and cuddle. 
22. I love how you stroke my hair at night when you think I’m asleep. 
23. I love how you always whisper ‘I love you’ when you think I’m asleep. Some nights, I lie down and pretend to be asleep just to hear you tell me you love me. 
24. I love that you give me space and let me go out to have fun with my friends. And whenever I get home, you never complain about having been lonely (Although you probably were), and instead you ask me if I had fun with a smile; you tell me that you’ve already made dinner; you’re just waiting for me to bath. 
25. I love that you always make an effort to be nice to my friends and family, because you know how much they mean to me even though they can be troublesome sometimes. 
26. I love how you always sit down to talk to my parents when we visit them. I love how they love you. I love how you love them. 
27. I love how you always press yourself closer to me when it’s raining or snowing outside because you’re cold. 
28. I love how you always pull the blanket over the both of us and make sure that it covers my legs because you know my feet get cold. 
29. I love how you always remember to fix the socks that I tell you have holes in them even though they probably stink even after going through the washer twice. 
30. I love how you put up with all my bad habits and that you’re always patient with me and tell me for the thousandth time to throw my dirty clothes in the hamper and not on the bed. 
“There are so many more reasons I love you.” He whispered, slightly breathless after his thirtieth reason. “Remember that, okay?” 
You smiled, your stomach rolls forgotten. “Thank you. I needed that.” You replied softly, reaching up to press a kiss on his jawline. “I love you too, Daichi.” 
Everything was going to be okay, because no matter how unfair the world was, out of all the girls in the world, Daichi had chose you, and that meant more than anything else to you. 
For everyone out there (Including men, trans people, and basically everyone) who thinks they’re rounder than the general population, or for anyone out there who’s (like me) basically parallel lines with no curves at all, you are beautiful, amazing, and perfect. I also want everyone out there to know that despite me being a literal ‘bamboo’ (As I have zero curves whatsoever), I have stomach rolls too. Athletes and fit people have stomach rolls too. And that’s okay, because it means you’re eating well and you’re taking care of your body :) 
Despite everything we do to our body, our body loves us. Anyone studying biology will tell you that our body does a million things to keep us living and breathing with each passing second. Your body loves you, so love your body. 
- Cady 
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jessahmewren · 6 years ago
“Just The Way You Are” / The X-Files / Fan Fiction
A response to @xfilesfanficexchange​ The X-Files Fan Fic Episode Challenge.  I had The War of the Coprophages for @admiralty-xfd​ who wanted a little bit of Scully’s thoughts post ep on Bambi, Mulder and the whole deal.  I hope I delivered for you dear. 
Also on Ao3 and tagging @today-in-fic
Scully stood bemused as Dr. Berenbaum and Dr. Ivanov retreated into the rainy afternoon, happily chatting about their combined interests.  If only Bambi had found him sooner, Scully found herself thinking.
It wasn’t that she was bitter that her partner had spent the better part of a week working with a smart, beautiful woman.  She was just wet and cold and covered in dung.
That’s what she told herself, at least, as Scully and Mulder made their way to the car.
Scully sat in the front seat as Mulder drove, the combined stink of the two of them almost comical in its overwhelming cloud.  As if reading her mind, Mulder hit the switch to roll down both of their windows.
They said very little on the drive back to the hotel, and Scully’s mind slowly turned over thoughts of a hot shower, bionic cockroaches, and big-breasted, doe-eyed etymologists.
Her cheeks dusted pink, a tight flutter in her chest.
Mulder had spent days with Bambi, working side by side, bouncing ideas off each other.  They’d gotten a lot of work done, it seemed.
Scully chewed on that as Mulder pulled up to the hotel.  “I call dibs,” Mulder called over his shoulder.  He had checked out the day before, so this was her room.
She rolled her eyes, following him inside the small room.  “Be quick,” she said.
It was chill inside, with that stale wet cold common to all motel rooms.  She absently picked through her things, setting aside her hairbrush and clothes on one of the double beds.  She heard the shower start up, and a puff of steam snaking out from a crack in the door.
After a few minutes Mulder came out, hair spiked in places and sticking to his head in others, his tan skin pinked at the collar of his t-shirt.  Scully swallowed, feeling the color rise in her cheeks.
“Leave any hot water for me?”
His mouth quirked up.  “Maybe a little.  Should’ve showered together, Scully.  Save the planet and all that.”
She cocked her head, eying him hard as her heart hammered in her chest.  When she slid past him on her way to the bathroom, the warmth and clean soap smell of him pressed into her, and it was all she could do not to lean into it.
She quickly scrubbed off, washing her hair and her body, her skin just a touch oversensitive.  She chalked it up to nerves, to tiredness.  After a few minutes, Scully staggered out of the shower and stood in front of the mirror, appraising herself.  Small breasts, few curves.  Her mouth turned down in a small frown.  While she knew Mulder wasn’t interested in her like that, she couldn’t help but compare herself to Bambi, a woman Mulder had been obviously interested in.
Scully turned away, toweling off and dressing in one of her college t-shirts and a pair of sweats.  It would do for tonight; they would be sharing a room, after all, the hotel being completely booked and their flight out not being until in the morning.  Inwardly, she was glad the hotel had given her the double.
She padded into the hotel room in sock feet, finding Mulder propped up against the headboard on her bed watching television.
She put her hands on her hips, her head cocked toward him.  “That’s my bed, you know.”
He worked his mouth.  “Your stuff was on the other one,” he reasoned.  “Come on, Scully.  Full House is on.”
She sighed, flopping down on the pristine coverlet of the other bed.  She propped some pillows behind her, eyes vacant as she stared in the direction of the television.
“Who do you think is more likely to believe in aliens, Uncle Jesse, Joey, or Danny?”  Mulder drawled out between laughing.  He was chewing on the end of a pen he’d found on the bedside table, one leg casually bent where he lounged against the pillows.
“Joey,” Scully replied flatly.  He seems most gullible, she wanted to say, but bit her tongue.
Mulder seemed pleased, happily chewing the end of his pen.  “Ok, then who do you think is most like to be an alien?”  His eyes sparkled in the light of the TV.  He loved it when they got into, and she could see his excitement tensing his whole body.
She rolled her eyes, deciding to play along.  “IF they existed, I would say Danny.  He is very neat.  A being like that IF they existed would probably go to great lengths to replicate what is quote normal behavior for a species and not draw attention to itself.”
Mulder was beaming.  He tossed the pen on the bed beside him, a broad smile on his face.  “So, Dr. Scully, by answering that question you’re admitting to the mere possibility of an alien species are you not?”  He was very animated now, sitting on the edge of the bed.
Scully just smiled.  “No I am not.  It’s merely conjecture.”
Mulder frowned, but still seemingly satisfied.  Then he looked at her shrewdly.  “You know what else I think is conjecture?  That you’re still upset about something.”
He looked at her meaningfully, stood from the bed and crossed to hers to sit next to her.  He could feel the heat from her body, warm from the shower as his shoulder pressed against hers and the smell of her strawberry shampoo.  No hotel-issue stuff for his Scully.  “Wanna tell me what it is?”
Scully looked up at him, the light from the TV casting lurid shapes onto the gentle slope of her cheek.  “Dr. Berenbaum,” she whispered.
Mulder pursed his lips, mind ticking quickly.  “What about her?”
Scully’s liquid blue eyes flashed up at him.  “Did you like working with her?”
Mulder answered without a thought.  “Of course.  She’s very good at what she does.”
Scully sank a little.  “Oh. Yes of course,” she answered a little thinly.
They sat like that a little longer, Mulder pressed up against, feeling Scully breathe and the bed creak under them.  His hand went up, touching under her chin.
“Is there something else?”
Scully swallowed.  She couldn’t get the insecurities out of her mind, nor could she stop the burning desire to just blurt out question after question about the woman and Mulder’s time with her.
“Did you um…did you like her?”
Mulder blinked.  “Yeah Scully, I did.  She was nice.”
It wasn’t enough, and she hated herself for it.  “Let’s just watch some more TV ok?”
Mulder nodded, still concerned, and returned to his bed.  The next sitcom came on, but she couldn’t focus.  “What’s wrong,” Mulder finally said, eyes turning away from the TV.  “You’re too quiet.  Usually you make fun of this.”
Her mouth quirked into a tight smile.  She turned on her side, finally giving in.
“I think I’m just tired,” She said finally.  “I’m going to bed early.”
Mulder grunted, content to leave her for the moment.  Scully reached for the small lamp by the bed and switched it off.
She closed her eyes, trying to sleep, but sleep wouldn’t come.  She heard Mulder flipping through the channels, felt the strobing light from the TV bleeding through her eyelids.  She turned over again, the covers twisting at her feet.
Mulder exhaled, his eyes darting to Scully’s restless form for the umpteenth time.  He worked his mouth.  “Talk to me, Scully.”
She sighed.  “We already talked, Mulder.  I just need to sleep.”
“You want me to turn the TV off?”
“We haven’t really talked,” Mulder said.
Scully said nothing, she just lay in the dark, listening to Mulder wait for her response.  The silence was deafening, despite the noise from the television.
“Is this about Bambi?” Mulder prodded.
Scully squeezed her eyes shut, burying her head in the pillow.
“No,” she lied.
Mulder exhaled through his nose.  “She was just a colleague, Scully.  Just—“
“I know,” Scully said, tears straining her voice.  “I know that.”
They said nothing for a while, the tension hanging thick in the room.  Scully willed herself to sleep, anything to quell her racing thoughts.
“Then what is it?” Mulder asked quietly.
Scully closed her eyes.  She was facing the door, her body curled into itself.  “Is that what you want,” Scully inquired softly.
Scully could almost hear the wheels turning and then click into place.  “What do you mean ‘what I want,’” and Scully could tell he truly didn’t understand and wasn’t just avoiding the question.
She swallowed, not really wanting to explain herself but feeling strangely compelled to.  “Like Bambi,” she said quietly, still looking at the door.  “You know, the way she looks.”
“Forget it,” Scully said quickly, squeezing her eyes shut so fast, wishing she was anywhere else, anywhere but with him in that room, in that town, wishing that the whole week had never –
She felt the bed dip, felt his long limbs fold and arrange themselves on the space beside her.  Her heart flipped as his hand brushed the back of her head.
“Scully, look a me.”
She exhaled, hands gripping the sheets up around her chin, and remained stubbornly stuck where she was.
Another stroke to her hair, his knuckles brushing the now-wavy strands, silky-soft against the pillow.
“Come on, Scully.”  More insistent now, Mulder’s voice dropping low and rough.  She didn’t have to turn around to know he was worrying his bottom lip.
But she did.  She slowly rolled onto her back, meeting his thoughtful gaze.
When Scully turned over, he could see the silver tracks of her tears in the low light, and he instinctively wiped them with his thumb.  She closed her eyes against his touch, her face turning slightly as if she could hide the fact that she had been crying.  He sighed softly, his brow furrowed.
“Do you wish I looked like that,” she said quickly, instantly feeling relieved…feeling unburdened as ridiculous as it made her feel.  She was glad it was out in the open, finally blinking in the light of day.
Mulder inhaled slowly, his face impassive.  His hand slipped down to cup her cheek, a thumb sweeping over the soft flesh.  “Why would you think that?”
Scully pulled her plump lower lip between her teeth.  “Because you and Bambi got on so well.  And she is...,” she struggled with her words for a second…”You know, she looks the way she does.”  Scully swallowed hard, averting her eyes.
Mulder pursed his lips, shaking his head softly.  “That has nothing to do with our partnership, Scully.”  He tutted softly, stroking her cheek.  “I didn’t see Dr. Berenbaum that way at all.  She helped me on a case.  That’s all.”
Scully should have felt relieved, but she just felt miserable.  Embarrassed and miserable.  “I know,” she whispered.  “I didn’t think anything else.”
Mulder just pressed his lips together.  Scully eased into his touch, his presence beside her soothing her anxiety somewhat.  “Is there something else going on Scully?”
She shook her head.  “Everything’s fine Mulder.  She reached up to stroke his shoulder, letting her hand rest along his bicep.  “Why don’t you get some rest, hmm?  We’ve got a long journey tomorrow.”
Mulder worried the inside of his jaw, still looking at her.  His mouth quirked, and then he leaned down and pressed his lips to her forehead.  “Get some sleep, Scully.”
She sighed as his weight lifted from the mattress and the TV flicked off.  She listened in as he busied himself in the bathroom, the tingle of his touch still burning on her cheek.  Finally, he lay down in his bed and turned off his lamp.
Just as she was nodding off to sleep, she heard him turn over.
“Yeah Mulder?”
“For the record, there’s not one thing I would change about you.  Not one freckle, not one lock of red hair, not one thing.  You’re perfect just the way you are.  Do you understand, Scully?”
She lay in the dark, breathlessly still.  “Yes,” she said.
He smiled, even if she couldn’t see it.  “Good.  Don’t ever forget it.”
She wouldn’t, she thought as she listened to his breathing even out and a light snore fill their small hotel room.  She would never forget it again.
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scarletwidowvibes · 6 years ago
Chips pt2
Alex Danvers x Fem!Reader
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“So how did you and Alex meet?” Sam asks, watching as you admire Alex while she’s sleeping on the couch.
“Oh, well it’s embarrassing. Kind of.” You say, Sam gives you a skeptical look.
“Kind of?” She asks.
“Well...” You say, trying to remember the first time you met your amazing girlfriend.
You were stranded on this planet, your ship had crashed into the water and disintegrated. You swam to the top of the water and climbed onto a nearby beach, soaking wet. Your silver skin shimmers in the moonlight, you admire the light as it bounces off your skin. 
Suddenly there’s a loud whoosh to your side, when you turn you see some woman with an S on her suit.
“Oh my god!” She yells, turning away from you.
Feeling self conscious about your skin, you vanish into thin air. You float above the woman and watch as she frantically looks for you.
“No you don’t understand!” She yells out to the beach, “I just didn’t expect you to be naked.” She tries to explain.
A car comes screeching into the parking lot, causing you to fall from the sky in shock. Your body re-appears as you hit the ground.
“Ow.” You whisper, noticing the S woman turn around again while another woman comes from inside the car, dressed in black. 
“Kara, what’s wrong?” The new woman asks, looking at you. “Oh.” She says, taking in your naked form.
“Here.” She says kindly, taking off her jacket and draping it over your shoulders.
“Thank you.” You say, admiring the gorgeous woman in front of you. “You are very beautiful.” You tell her. She ducks her head to hide her smile, making you smile in return.
“Come on, let’s get you back to the DEO.” She says softly, helping you get up. “I got this.” She tells the S woman, Kara, who then shoots into the night sky.
“I’m Alex.” The woman tells you as she leads you to the car she came in.
“Y/n. Alex is a beautiful name.” You compliment, seeing a slight blush come to her cheeks.
“Thank you.” She says quietly as she helps you into the car. She clicks some things on the car and music comes from it.
“You have music?” You ask, adjusting the circles. The music blasts from the car making you curl up to escape the sound. Alex turns the circle the other way and the sound diminishes.
“Yeah we do, do you have music?” She asks, glancing over at you.
“Yes, but it doesn’t sound like your music.” You say, wonder creeping into your voice as you watch this new world go by.
Soon you’re at a building that must be the DEO. Alex drives in and parks the car. She helps you out and walks you through the doors of the DEO. Instantly everyone turns to look at you, most of them gawking at the naked woman that entered the building.
“Do you mind?” Alex snaps at them, pushing you behind her so that your body is more covered. Everyone turns back to what they were doing, some sneaking glances at you as Alex walks you by them.
You end up in some room that looks like a lab. Alex shifts through a closet and brings out clothes, she sets them on the table next to you.
“Here you go, might want to get dressed so that everyone’s not staring at you.” She says kindly, then goes to leave the room.
“Where are you going?” You ask, panic setting in at the thought of being alone in the room.
“I’ll be outside, you can come out when you’re dressed.” She says, then swings the door shut.
You stand up and strip Alex’s coat off, setting it onto the table. You grab the black clothes from the table and examine them. You pull on the black underwear and pants then walk over to the closet. You move the clothes until you find the lightest color you can, which happens to be a sky blue. You pull the shirt over your head then grab Alex’s jacket and put it back on. You grab some boots from the closet and some bright blue socks, once they’re on you carefully open the door Alex left through
“Wow.” She breathes out as she sees you come out of the room. “You look amazing.” 
“Thank you.” You say, spinning in a circle. “Where to now?” You ask. Alex takes your hand then walks with you to the middle of the DEO. You watch all the computers, skimming all the details.
“Is this the new alien?” Some guy in a spin chair asks, looking you up and down.
“Yeah, her names Y/n. Y/n, this is Winn.” Alex introduces you two. Winn stretches his hand out for a handshake, you firmly grip his hand making him wince.
“I’m sorry.” You say quickly.
“Totally fine.” He says with a thumbs up.
“So, you have clothes now?” Some other guy asks.
“Yes.” You say, spinning again.
“A pity, you have an amazing body.” He says with a wink. You see Alex start towards him but a hand holds her back.
“That’s Jason, he was just leaving.” A deep voice says, coupled with a stern look. Jason slinks out of the room.
“My name is Hank.” The man says, also giving you a handshake.
“Nice to meet you.” You say kindly.
“I’m Kara.” The S woman from before says, awkwardly waving her hand.
“My name is Y/n.” You say, giving her a firm handshake. 
“Nice... clothes.” Kara says, gesturing to your now clothed body.
“Thank you.” You say with a smile.
“Where are you from Y/n?” Hank asks.
“Saturn, one of it’s rings.” You say, making Winn choke on his drink.
“Excuse me? You lived on one of Saturn’s rings?” He says, astonished.
“Yes, I am a Saturnite. There are multiple versions of us, one for each ring.” You explain.
“So why are you here? Where’s your ship? Why were you naked?” Winn asks, taking out a notebook.
“I was going to one of the other rings when a meteor hit my ship, sending it to this world. My ship disintegrated in the water, so did my clothes.” You say, taking a seat in a spin chair.
“Why were you going to another ring?” Winn asks, watching as you spin happily in the chair.
“Because the ring I lived on was attacked, so we had to move to the next ring so that we could have reinforcements. I stayed on my ring a little longer so that I could shut everything down, then the meteor hit and now here I am.” You say, emotion void from your voice.
“What about your family?” Kara asks softly.
“They died long ago. On Saturn’s rings I was just another soldier, there’s no one to miss me.” You say, a little solemnly.
“Well here you won’t be just another soldier.” Kara says.
“Thank you.” You say gratefully. 
Winn yawns, covering his mouth with his hand. Kara does the same, then the whole DEO is yawning.
“I think it’s time to turn in.” Winn says, standing from his chair. You stand as well, stretching your arms above your head.
“Where am I staying?” You ask, tilting your head.
“You can stay with me.” Alex says, stepping to your side. She looks pointedly at the others who just nod their head in agreement.
“Great, where do you stay?” You ask.
After following Alex back to her car and once again watching the world go by you stop at another building. You assume it’s her living quarters and once you actually enter the building it’s confirmed.
“This is a very nice home.” You compliment, watching as she hurries around and picks things up.
“Thank you, I can take the couch if you want so you can sleep in the bed.” She offers.
“Nonsense, we can share a bed.” You say nonchalantly, but the look she gives you makes you think otherwise, “Right?” You ask innocently.
“Normally people know each other for a lot longer before sharing a bed.” She explains.
“Oh, then I will take the couch.” You say, falling onto the soft couch. 
“You sure?” Alex asks, raising a brow.
“Quite sure.” You say, settling into the couch cushions.
“Okay, are you hungry?” Alex asks.
“Not really, you?” You ask, peaking an eye open.
“No, if you get hungry the snacks are up here.” Alex says, pointing to a cupboard.
“Thank you for your hospitality.” You say, closing your eyes again.
“You’re welcome. Good night Y/n.” Alex says as she walks to the bathroom.
“Goodnight Alex.” You call to her before turning and covering yourself with the blanket on the couch.
*end of flashback*
“And that’s basically it.” You say, smiling at Sam.
“Wow, when did you start dating?” She asks.
“Like three weeks after?” You say, trying to remember the exact day Alex asked you out.
“Did you stay at her house the whole time?” Sam asks.
“Yes, I’ve stayed at Alex’s house all of my time on Earth. At least I’ve slept here, not exactly stayed all the time.” You explain.
“Wow,” Sam says, slightly amazed.
“What’re we talking about?” Alex asks as she walks up to you.
“How you and I met.” You say, smiling up at Alex.
“Oh, that was a great day.” She says, kissing your cheek.
“It was.” You say, reminiscing on the day again.
“And you got to see your girlfriend naked right off.” Sam teases. Alex shoves her off her seat, her body landing on the ground.
“Ow.” She says, trying to look mad at Alex; who’s trying to keep her laughter in.
“That’s how I felt when I fell.” You say, making the two women break out in laughter, “What?” You ask, missing the joke.
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goldstonegolem64 · 6 years ago
Book 1 Hope return  Chapter 40  A new chapter   By Goldstone Golem 64
Jay and Allura starred at each other as the sound of crying  could still be heard behind jay. 
“ Why are you like this jay ?”  Allura asked 
“ To be honest I feel like the universe is trying to tell me to stop being a pilot an just be a full time dad “ jay said as he turned back to the gain in the pot and scooped up the two. As he did this the quitter one of the two tried to slap his hands away and hissed at him “ oh looks like l have a fighter on my hands” Jay smiled a little as he picked them both up. “ May I clean this two up before you start yelling at me “ 
“ Alright make it quick “ Allura said as jay walked passed her. Allura sat down on a chair that was nearby  and looked around the room. It was really clean despite all the potted planet that were hanging off the ceiling. She noticed most of them were from the Nalquod or from Daibazaal. Which was nice to see and it was also  a reminded that there a place for her after the empire was taken down and peace was restored. She continued look around the room and saw pictures of a younger jay along with other kids. She guessed they were his siblings or friend seeing as some of the kid in the pictures  were Galra ,Balmeran, or another race  . She then turned to look at the deck in the corner of the room unlike the rest of the room it was a mess there were books ,paper, piece of metal and empty cups and cans  strewn  across the deck top. she got up from her chair and walked towards the desk and looked at the books most of them were in galrain and Altean. But some were in the human language known as germen . Which was the most spoken language on mars seeing as the first colonels there were germen. As she looked at the deck some more she saw a picture of Jays family. She could see which one was jay by his sharp tooth smile and red mark that stood out from the rest of his family. 
There were three other boys there the oldest was wearing a dress shirt had long red straight hair, tan skin, Green eyes but had no visible marks on his face that would had with some hybrid alteans. He most of been Alphonso. the Other boy was wearing a leather jacket his hair was buzzed off completely, His skin was tan, His eyes were Hazel his marks were blue .the boy had a few burses on his face she guessed it was from a fight he got into earlier that day that was Donnie. Then the last boy most of been Herman. He was small had tan skin ,rust red hair a round face with kind hazel eyes and a warm smile. Then there was Herman’s twin sister Wendy she had bright orange cruelly hair Tan skin her eye were closed so she couldn’t tell what her eye color was. Then there was their Father he was a short altean man who looked like he was  in his last few years of his first century. He had bright red hair, light Tan skin and emerald green eyes and most of the kids besides Jay and Donnie looked like him. Then there was the woman in the picture. She was Tall well build some what of a stoned faced that had beautiful light  Hazel eyes. They all looked happy in the photo. 
It made Allure a little sad as she though about her own family. She sat down in the chair by the desk and just waited for Jay to return. 
After twenty minutes Jay walked in socking wet with two cleaned dressed dried  and giggling infant gains” Ha ha laugh it up you little stinkers.” Jay sounded annoyed but was smiling.” Now Boss what were you going to yell at me about ?” Jay asked 
Allura laughed “ it looked like you’ve been through enough so i’ m not going to yell.” She then got up and walked toward him” So boy or girl?” She asked 
“ Surprisingly both girls”  Jay replied 
“ any names in mind?” 
“ Well originally I  expecting only one and that one to be a boy so the name was going to be clay. which is now going to the little fighter her “ Jay raised his right arm with clay in it.” I don’t know what to name this one” Jay raised his left arm” But I'm thinking Molly.”  Jay said as he walked to his bed lied down and well his two new born daughters crawl around the bed and him
Allura sat back down in the desk chair “ So why did you have the gain seeds in the first place ?” Allura asked
“ Well this is going to sound selfish be I bought the seed for the purpose of tax deductions. I'm a collage student with a huge debt  coming my way so I thought a ten thousand credit tax refund along with the normal one I get would have helped greatly to remove that debt ” Jay watch as Molly crawled to his metal hand and pocked at it  for a few” But there was an add bonus to it . I got an heir to pass all my smarts an wisdom to and for them to show me apart of life I never truly understood when I was young. But mainly for the tax deductions” Jay said as Clay crawled up to his face an started smacking him playfully? 
 “Ok I don’t like fact you had a child for tax reasons but seeing as your no longer paying taxes and have been taking care of three sons pretty well so I think you can handle it. But until those two have fully grown and your fully recovered your being benched  . So no missions, no train and none of what you normally do that gets you hurt ok “ Allura said 
“ Ok Boss ” Jay said has he lied there as Molly followed her sister and started to smack jay in the face as well   
“ Also In a few hour there will be a meeting with the rebel leaders about what were going to do in the future after the empire is gone “ Allura said as she left the room 
“Alright boss” Jay said as he was bombarded by four tiny hands slapping against his face .” Ok you two need to stop slapping  dad in the fa” he was cut off when clay punched him in the eye and that was followed by molly slapping his nose  followed by them laughing in delight by the face jay made as he was punch “oh”
A few hours late Jay walked into the bridge of the castle of lions with a black eye and a broken nose.
“ What happened to you?” Shiro asked
“ Altean genes at their worst “ Jay said slightly annoyed as he looked at Allura who was trying not to smile “ So what have I missed ?”
“Nothing much were wait for the rebel leader to show up. But do you care to explain what happened ?” Pidge asked from her seat still wear the prostatic Rolo gave her 
“ Well number 4 and 5 have seemingly taken more of my altean half them my human half seeing as their marks are the same as mine.”  Jay said as he rubbed his chin.
Everyone was silent as they processed what Jay just said. Then the door to the bridge opened and two blue skinned men walked in “ Hello I'm  General Asmo and this is my younger brother Lieutenant Ozer head of humanitarian division. Welcome to the third Moon of Kraydah  “  
“ Hello Princess Allura of Altea and this are the Paladin of Voltron “ Allura said 
“ I’m Jay by the way I'm the pilot of the Valkyrie. “ Jay said putting out his right  hand for a hand shake 
“ It nice to meet you all “ Asmo said as he Shook jays hand “ Lets get down to business “ Asmo walked up to the holo table in the middle of the room and showed off three different locations. One was a shipyard. the other was a weird looked station in the middle of space and the third was a familiar looking refinery” OK  this three location are our most important targets. the first one is a mobile repair station for the empires warship the second is a maximum security prison called deltarun it is currently holding a severely of a high ranking officers And the third is a refueling and refinery. If we could hit anyone of this three place in the next two month we could land a serious blow to the empire.”
“ Well those seem easy enough if I do say so myself “ Lance said 
“ i dose but that only means it’s going to be an actually challagen the moment we get there” Shiro said 
“ Maybe a robeast or two will show up” Hunk said
“ or there could be an Armada of warships.”Pidge said 
“Or zarkon’s fortress shows up again”  Keith said  
“ Nothing we haven’t faced before “ Adam said 
“ look i get all of your fears but i have five kids to take care of so i’m ready to face whatever comes are way. So i’m in” Jay said as he rubbed his nose 
“ Ok were all in right  “ Allura said looking towards her teammates. They all nodded in agreement “ Good so where do we began ?”    
Elsewhere in a hide lad Lady haggar stood in front of three huge Glass tube housing  bodies inside of them. As she looked at it the door behind her opened and zarkon walked in. 
“  my dear beloved How is your latest experiment going?” Zarkon asked
“ It is going better than expected dna of both the black and silver paladins have mixed well.We will have are first one ready in few seconds   “ Haggar said with a smile as she looked up at the three tubes. the one on the right house a detached human hand that once belonged to Shiro. on the left was a red tailpiece that was cut off of a raging jay and in the middle was a being that was a mixture of the both men. As they both looked at the being opened it’s eye to reveal two bright red glowing eyes then Haggar spoke “welcome to the world Kuron we have much to do “  
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salaciouscrumpet · 5 years ago
Whumptober Day 4
Whumptober Day 4 Prompt: “Human Shield”
CW: None, I don’t think, aside from references to blood. I don’t think I even swear in this one.
Characters: Kate, Charlie, Luke
When Kate first drifted back to consciousness it happened slowly and gradually, like a piece of wood washing up on the shore, pushed closer to the sand with every fresh wave. She thought she might have fallen asleep at a party: her head was in someone’s lap and that someone was stroking her hair (that someone had better be either Charlie or Luke, because there were only three people on the planet who were allowed to touch her hair and she couldn’t picture her mother at any party she would voluntarily attend). She could hear raised voices, people shouting and laughing and screaming, and there were flashing lights like at a disco, and music, although it was mostly static and she couldn’t make anything out. She had the presence of mind to hope that no one had drawn a dick on her face in Sharpie when she’d passed out, but beyond that she felt warm and safe and like she didn’t have a care in the world. 
As the world came more into focus she realized that the raised voices were a mixture of adult and child, and that no one was laughing – in fact, she could hear people crying, children sniffling. The lights weren’t from a disco ball but were instead the blue and white and red of emergency vehicles, and what she had mistook for music was actually a discordant mix of police radios and walkie-talkies. Her head was in someone’s lap, however, and it was Luke’s worried face that slowly filled her field of vision; he was hunched over her, his hands in her hair, and it always surprised her that he should have such elegant-looking hands. His fingers were long and slender, a faint dusting of dark hair over the knuckles and the backs of his hands, and it didn’t seem possible that someone who spent so much of his life being used as a battering ram should have such graceful, beautiful hands. Charlie’s hands were nothing of the sort: short, blunt, square-fingered, with chewed-on nails despite his best efforts because when he was nervous he bit his fingernails no matter how hard he tried not to. Kate blinked, and realized Charlie’s hands were on her chest and they were covered in blood and – 
Oh, that hurt. 
She opened her mouth, blinking again at the coppery taste on her tongue. It took her a few tries before she managed to mumble, “Wha’ hap’n’d?”
Both Charlie and Luke looked down at her, and the matching expressions of grief and fear made her heart stutter in her chest. Those handsome faces should never look that sad, she decided. Charlie’s mouth was made for smiling, and his teardrop-shaped eyes had little crinkles in the corners whenever he laughed, and maybe Luke didn’t smile nearly enough but even so he was too pretty to wear such sorrow on his face. 
Somewhere in the distance a walkie-talkie gave a shrill screech and both Luke and Charlie winced. Kate couldn’t summon up the energy, although the noise annoyed her, too. In fact, everything was too noisy and too bright, and she thought all the other people should just up and leave, and let her be alone with her boys. She wanted to curl up with them both, snuggle between them in their big king-sized bed, and maybe drift back to sleep for the next week or so. Let the world sort out itself for once. 
“How much do you remember?” Charlie asked her carefully, even as his hands moved over her skin. She saw that her shirt was more or less gone, tattered shreds of cotton hanging to either side of her chest, and oh that was sad, she had liked that T-shirt. She wondered where her jacket had gone, and if it was in the same sorry shape as her shirt. There was a lot of blood, most of it dark and shining wetly under the flashing lights, and Charlie’s hands were glowing a faint golden-green, like peridots, as he used his healing magic on her. It was warm and tingling but there was an undercurrent of pain, too, like her chest was shot full of fire. 
Kate made a face and tried to raise one hand in a gesture of dismissal. Her hand remained limp at her side, her fingers sticky and cold. She didn’t want to admit that she couldn’t remember what had happened, but talking felt like too much effort. 
“A Hunter opened fire on a group of were children,” Charlie informed her, and that explained why both he and Luke looked so unhappy, if a bunch of kids had been shot. But then Charlie kept talking, adding, “You jumped in front of them like a human shield.” 
“Not human,” Kate pointed out, the words coming out slurred and raspy. It was hard to breathe, like there was a huge weight sitting on her chest, and that made it hard to talk. Both Charlie and Luke winced again, and despite the pain Kate made the effort to talk more, wanting to lighten their mood, “Are you sure that was me? That doesn’t sound like something I would do.” 
Charlie huffed out a faint, broken-sounding laugh and Luke’s fingers tightened in her hair, almost to the point of hurting, but the contact was a pleasant distraction from whatever painful thing Charlie was doing to heal her. 
“Are the kids all right?” she asked. 
“Yeah,” Charlie said softly, and his dark-haired head dipped as he let out a quiet sob. “Yeah, they’re fine. Scared, but unhurt. You … You blocked all the shots.” 
“Huh,” Kate said, more bemused than anything else. “Well, how ‘bout that?” 
She wanted to say more, but the weight on her chest was getting heavier, and it felt like her lungs were on fire. Could lungs feel pain? She knew that most internal organs didn’t have pain receptors, or maybe it was just the stomach? She remembered reading somewhere – she couldn’t remember where – about how if you could actually feel your digestive system you would be in constant agony, something about … how it felt to break down food? She couldn’t remember. She wondered if other organs were like that. 
“Katie!” Luke’s voice was urgent as he gave her the gentlest slap imaginable, like he needed the slap to bring her back to herself, but he was afraid to hurt her. That was kind of funny, since technically speaking she was stronger and tougher than him. “Katie, open your eyes!” 
Oh, she’d been drifting. She hadn’t meant to do that. She tried to dredge up a reassuring smile for him, to show him that she was awake and listening, but she wasn’t sure the expression came out right because Luke still looked utterly wrecked. He also looked completely exhausted, and she thought maybe he’d been giving some of his energy to Charlie to help heal her. Or maybe some of the children had actually been hurt and they’d been helping take care of them first, because Kate didn’t particularly care for children but even she understood that in the event of triage they probably needed to be first in line for medical aid. She was pretty tough, so she could wait to be looked over, she was sure of it. 
“Hey,” she said. “I’m good.” Only “good” came out more like “g-g-good,” because her teeth were chattering, and that was kind of funny because she normally ran hot but right now she was freezing. Wasn’t that the stereotype, though? That the woman was the one who was cold all the time while her long-suffering husband had to strip down to socks and underwear just to handle how high she turned the furnace up? That wasn’t how it worked with her and Luke and Charlie. Luke, in particular – he was the one who was cold, who hated being cold. He was always sticking his cold feet on her, because she was like a furnace, and she liked to tease him about how funny it was that she was the one who ran hot when he was the one who’d grown up in northern Ontario. She kind of liked the cooler temperatures, but right now she was too cold, and even with her head in Luke’s lap she was aware of how much heat was being leached out by the ground underneath her, especially since the packed dirt also felt wet. And kind of ... sticky? She frowned. Why was she lying in a puddle? Why hadn’t Luke or Charlie moved her someplace dry? That was silly of them. 
Kate opened her mouth to tell them they were both being silly, but the words just wouldn’t come out, and before long the thought drifted away, not important enough to hold onto for more than a few seconds. There was someone else at Charlie’s side, an older woman Kate didn’t recognize, and the woman’s hand was on Charlie’s shoulder, glowing a faint white. Kate frowned at that, then closed her eyes, dismissing it as unimportant. Charlie was gay, he wasn’t going to run off with some random MILF, especially not when Luke was gorgeous and perfect and right there and everyone was looking so sad. 
“You’re pretty,” she slurred up at Luke. ‘Pretty’ wasn’t the right word – it wasn’t big enough to encapsulate how beautiful Luke was. How beautiful he and Charlie both were. It would have to do, however, because she couldn’t think of any better words, and it was important to her that he knew that. “You should take me home.” 
Luke swallowed heavily, his prominent Adam’s apple bobbing. “Yeah,” he rasped out, his voice hoarse like he’d been screaming or crying or something. “I really want to do that, Katie. I really want to take you home. You just hang in there, okay? Charlie’s going to fix you up. You just have to hold on, okay?” 
“M’kay,” Kate said, smiling sleepily up at him. “Hey.” She managed to widen her eyes, and struggled briefly to move into a sitting position. Either her body wouldn’t cooperate or Charlie’s and Luke’s hands on her prevented her from moving – she couldn’t be sure which. “Hey. Are the kids … Are the kids okay?” 
“Yeah, babe,” Luke said, sounding weary. “Yeah, they’re all fine.” 
“Thanks to you,” said the woman with her hand on Charlie’s shoulder. 
“Huh,” Kate said again, closing her eyes. “Well, go me.” She thought she heard Charlie let out another huffed laugh, but she couldn’t be sure. She was already drifting off, and managed to hold onto consciousness long enough to say, “Hey, don’t let anybody draw a dick on my face, ‘kay?” 
Whatever response Charlie or Luke might have made was lost as Kate lost her tenuous grip on cognizance. The wave surged up once more, and like a piece of wood, she drifted back out to sea.
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princessofthedarkrealm · 7 years ago
The Ape King’s Raine (A Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Story)- Chapter 8 {pt 1}
(Caesar x human female)
:::::Contains evolved ape and human sexuality. Don’t like, don’t read.:::::
Sooo sorry it took me so long to update this.
“Ape not kill ape.” I watched Blue Eyes try to mouth the words I had spoken. “Ape...not...kill...ape.” I spoke slower this time, like I was the one learning to speak. Blue Eyes repeated back to me what I had just said. I gave a firm nod. “Good. Uh...let’s see. What else?” We were standing next to the lake after our third fishing trip together. Ash was stringing up the last of our fish. It was the morning after me and Caesar had officially hooked up and my first English lesson with Blue Eyes. I had now been with the apes for a week. “You are my friend.” Blue Eyes smiled right away. Apparently he knew that one. “Friend? I know...friend. Me...friend...to you?” He pointed at me. “Sure.” I gave a shrug. “I think of you as my friend. Or at least I’d like to.” He gave a nod and hooted.
I giggled. “So we’re friends then.”
I stuck out my hand for Blue Eyes to shake it. He glanced at it, then back up at me. 
“Oh…uh…do this.” 
I pulled my hand back then stuck it out again. Blue Eyes copied the gesture. I shook his hand.
“This is called a hand shake. It means friends.”
“Friends?”  Blue Eyes gave me a nod.
I nodded back at him with a smile. “Yes. Friends.”
It started pouring before we even got to the village. I was soaked. I decided it was too treacherous to climb up to my tower, so I decided to go see if Caesar was home. I slipped a couple of times going up the platform. I couldn’t reach shelter fast enough. Caesar was sitting by the fire, his left side to me. He looked up as soon as I walked in.
“It’s a little wet out, babe,” I said in a loud voice.
Caesar’s face was a mask of concern. “Raine.” He stood.
I wiped the water from my face with my hands and tried to catch my breath. I hated being wet. I shivered. Caesar came to me. He held out his hand to me and gestured to the fire with his other.
“Come. Get warm.” He put his hand on my arm and led me to the fire. “Do not…want you sick.”
I started to remove my jacket, but apparently I wasn’t fast enough for my boyfriend. I stood with my arms pointed straight down and let him pull it off. He placed it on the hook in the wall.
I started to wring out my hair. My waves were going to be wild after this.
Caesar turned and looked me up and down. “What about…the rest?”
“My boots are all wet. But my pants and jacket got the worst of it.” I glanced down and patted my thighs. My cargos were soaked.
Caesar’s gaze was dark as he approached me. But it was not a look of lust, more of a deep-seated concern. I shivered again, this one a full body one.
“I want you to be…comfortable. To be well. Not to get sick.”
I let out a shaky breath. “I don’t want to get sick either. But I don’t know if I should start taking my clothes off. Anyone can walk in.”
Caesar’s gaze softened.  His nostrils flared. “Raine…” He placed his hand on my temple. “No one will be out…in this.”
“Yeah and leave it up to me to get caught in it.” I raised an eyebrow.
Caesar caressed my cheek. I didn’t have to take everything off. Just down to my underwear. And I was sure Caesar wouldn’t mind me curling up next to him.
“Do you…mind if I take off what I need to?” I rubbed my hands against the sides of my thighs.
Caesar ran his thumb along my lips. “I would help you…take off what you need to.”
I parted my lips slightly. Caesar was going to undress me?
“I uh…” I toyed with the hem of my shirt. It wasn’t near as wet as the rest of me, but still. “I just as soon take this off too.”
I started to lift it, but then stopped. My hair was still dripping. I started to gather it together and wrung it out some more, giving Caesar a smile as I did so.
“I just as soon go through the whole process.”
“What about your boots?”
His voice sounded eager. Damn. Was he that much in a hurry to get my clothes off?
“Uh…sure.” I stuck out one of my feet. “Do you think you can untie them?”
Caesar got into a crouch and went to my stuck out foot. Right away he untied them. Then to my surprise, he started to pull my boot off. My socks unfortunately had a few wet spots. Old shoes will do that to you. Just as soon take them off too. He set that boot aside and then did the next one. Then he lifted his head and his eyes stopped…at my pelvis. He glanced up at me. Was he looking for permission, or was he unsure of how to get my cargos off?
I decided to let him off the hook. I just felt a little like a slut as I untied my pants. Then unbuttoned them. Then came the zipper. My hand stopped, fly midway down as Caesar bent forward and started nuzzling the back of my hand with his mouth. It was a surprising and simple gesture, but having his mouth so close to my mound made it start to tingle. I shivered again, and not just from being wet and chilly this time. I seriously could not wait to see where this was going to go. Were we going to cuddle next? Have sex? Both? Suddenly my clothing felt too clingy. Too restrictive. I pulled my hand away from Caesar’s mouth and pulled my shirt up over my head. My gray bra was gratefully dry. I threw my shirt towards where my jacket was. Caesar lifted his gaze towards me.
“Sorry. I uh…” I went to place my hands on my hips, and then crossed them over my chest instead. “Just wanted to get that off.” I took a deep breath. “Go on.” Another shiver.
Caesar stood abruptly. “You are cold.”
“Uh…kind of.” My arms were covered in goosebumps.
His hands went to my upper arms. “Let me warm you,” he said firmly. “Finish…take off clothes. Let me warm you, Raine.”
Okay. Enough foreplay. I stepped out of his grasp and started to pull my pants down. Gratefully they weren’t snug so I didn’t have to worry about my undies wanting to come down with them. But they were still wet. And I got aggravated. I sat on one of the logs next to the fire and finally peeled my cargos off. I put them aside and pulled off my socks next. Once I was down to my bra and underwear, I found I wasn’t that chilly anymore. Of course the fire helped. I grabbed my wet clothes and put them near the fire. They would dry faster that way. Finally I stood. Caesar’s expression was unreadable as I turned to face him.
“What?” I blurted out.
Caesar said nothing. But his gaze flickered down to my breasts, then just as fast, back up to my face. He stared at me. Thunder rumbled up ahead. This was just like last time.
Not like last time, I reminded myself. I wasn’t almost completely naked last time. I kept my hands to my sides.  Caesar’s chest heaved. His nostrils flared as, very slowly, his eyes raked down my body. Finally, he came towards me.
“No…fur.” His voice was husky.
I gave a nod. “No fur. Just me.” I tucked in my bottom lip.
“Just Raine.” He was right up to me now. He reached up to place a hand on my neck. “Beautiful…” He slid his hand down to my shoulder and ran his thumb along my bra strap. “Perfect Raine.”
Beautiful. Perfect. Things I had never felt like before, but with him, I felt it. If Caesar could see me that way, than what else could I believe?
“Can we sit by the fire?” I asked softly.
Caesar smiled. He reached down and gently grabbed my hand. He led me closer to the fire and then went to add another piece of wood. The fire popped and fizzled. I glanced off in the distance. The rain fell steady, not a total downpour anymore. I sighed contently. I felt like me and Caesar were a couple of cave people, back from when the world was still young. Caesar crouched next to the fire in front of one of the logs and held out his hand. I crouched right in front of him, facing him. And then he sat. I went to my knees between his legs. My left bra strap slipped down to the cusp of my shoulder. I didn’t adjust it. Caesar placed his hands on my hips and ran them up my sides. He rubbed his thumbs along the bottom edge of my bra. His eyes trailed down to my breasts again, and this time, he left them there.
“This is called a bra. Women wear it for modesty and to uh…support their breasts.”
I felt my face flush. Caesar lifted his gaze back to my face and I couldn’t decide what was warming me more: the fire at my back or the one that was smoldering in Caesar’s eyes. His hands shifted to cup my breasts and he started stroking the fabric that covered them. Was he genuinely curious about this new contraption or was he thinking about the soft mounds that it covered? Maybe both?
I couldn’t help but grin. “I guess there’s a lot about me that must seem strange to you. My clothes. My mannerisms.” My gaze met his and the heat in my cheeks intensified. “My body.”
“Not strange. I used to live with…humans…Was raised by them.”
He ran his hands up my bra straps and then to my shoulders. I caught a shiver as his soft leathery skin then trailed down my arms. My heart was pounding now.
“Have you ever felt skin before…like this?”
I couldn’t believe I had just asked him that. But the curiosity of if he had had this kind of personal experience with a human woman was killing me.
“Nothing like this, Raine.”  He put his finger under my chin. “Nothing like you.” He brought his other hand up to my right bra strap and pulled it down.
My mound was throbbing now. I wanted him to touch me. To feel how soft and tender my breasts were.
“You can touch them…if you want to. My breasts.”
Caesar’s pupils dilated and his shoulders started to heave. This was it, no turning back. I had just told a highly evolved animal that he could put his hands on one of the most intimate parts of my body. My hand shook slightly as I brought it up to pull down my size B cup on the side that Caesar had already started on. I was going to just get it down to my nipple, but then decided to hell with it.  Caesar’s lips parted at the sight of my fully exposed breast. Then slowly, his left hand went up. I let out a soft gasp as his warm hand cupped my breast. He gently prodded the nipple with his thumb. Then he ran his hand over my breast, up and down. He started kneading it.  I could feel my undies dampen slightly.
“You…like this?” Caesar asked huskily.
I nodded. Now my mouth was hanging open.  He started worrying my nipple again.
I nodded again. “Do you like it?”
Caesar gave a nod. “I want…I want to feel you…against me.”
Now as I have said before, I am not one for self pleasure. But at that moment, if I were to feel Caesar’s fur against my bare skin, it would take a lot of self control for me not to plunge my hand down into the front of my undies.
But who was I to deny my new boyfriend something that I myself was dying for?
I finished taking off my bra and set it next to us. Caesar’s eyes traveled lightning fist down to my bare chest, then before I could blink, he put his arms around my back and drew me against him. My hands flew up to grab his biceps. When his course fur met my body, I had to fight back a whimper. Right away my breath started to quicken as every nerve ending in my body came alive. Caesar ran his hands up and down my back and it took all of my will not to start rubbing my bare chest against his.
“Caesar,” I breathed. “My God.”
I could feel a bulge form against my calves and knew Caesar was just as turned on as I was. I ran my hands up his upper arms, all the way up to his neck.
“I want to…”
I stood abruptly and then put my legs to stand on either side of his. Then I came back down, straddling him. Now his bulge was against the front of my undies. Without thinking, I thrusted forward, my hands going back to his arms. Caesar’s eyes grew wide.
“Is that better?” I asked.
Caesar didn’t say anything. He put his palms against my back again and gave a gentle push forward. I let out a shaky breath as our chests touched again. Caesar bent forward until his breath tickled my face.
“Soft.” I heard him inhale. “So…soft. Skin.”
He ran his hands up and down my back. Before I could stop myself, I kissed him firmly on the mouth. It was a quickie, and Caesar just looked at me. “Sorry. I uh...” I placed my right hand back on his neck and started rubbing it while giving him a sheepish look. “I just wanted to kiss you. I bet you’ve never been kissed before.” “Lot of this...I have...never done before.” “You mean this whole...fur to flesh thing?” I wiggled my breasts against him and gasped as Caesar grabbed my waist and pushed my pelvis flush up against his. “Yes. Apes do not...see humans. Do not...mate with them.” He lowered his voice at that last comment.
My palms were starting to sweat and I could both feel and hear my heartbeat reverberating in my ears. I could feel the words almost literally aching to come out of me. I had to ask him.
“Would you ever mate with me?”
I took a deep breath. There was silence now accept for the crackling fire. And the rain. Caesar’s face was a mask of seriousness now. Finally he answered me.
“I would mate with you.”
I gasped.  “You w- You would?” I nodded eagerly.
Caesar gave me a lopsided smile. “Yes. One day. And would you let me…touch you again?”
“Holy shit! You can touch me anywhere, anytime! Yes! Please!”
You’d swear I was an excited teenager who had just been asked to prom by the guy she’d been crushing on.  But I didn’t care. Caesar really wanted to be with me. And to touch me. I kissed him again and then threw my arms around him. Caesar embraced me. I didn’t even wonder what would come next. All I knew was that this was where I wanted to be. I didn’t know about permanently yet. It was way too soon for that. But hell, I was living the dream. I was off the grid, in a place where there were not people, hell no civilization period.
This was a paradise. My paradise.
And I would do everything in my power to protect it.
@barbie-the-centrist  @kit-kat-kitten  @lostdarksoul6  @cat1212
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tony-luvv · 7 years ago
Nurse’s Call Button
Summary: Thor and Tony getting caught in the rain leads to teaching Thor another Midgardian custom, playing doctor.
Side Notes: This is for Howling_Moonie (on Ao3) Also I had my friend, who is not at all into fan fiction, edit this story (thank you @vebekah) & she was cracking up so hard. I should’ve recorded it, but she would’ve smacked me. Hope this story makes you laugh as hard as she did!
Links to Ao3 and Fanfiction
Tony laughed, soaked to the bone, as he and Thor ran hand in hand through the rain. They were only a mere three blocks away from the Tower when the first couple of rain drops fell. After that, it didn’t take long for the weather to take a drastic turn, and go from a light sprinkle to a heavy downpour.
With no umbrella, and nothing but thin, fall jackets on their backs, Tony grabbed his boyfriend’s hand and took off running for Stark Tower. Thor could have easily passed him, with his god stamina and superior body, but this was amusing. Rain didn’t bother him in the least, but he knew too much exposure could be harmful to his mortal lover. So he allowed the smaller man to pull him along, keeping pace right behind him.
They reached the tower in half the time, pushing through the glass doors into the main lobby. It was mostly empty at this time of night. Most of the employees were at home where it was dry. The few people they did see stopped and smiled at them as they passed by. Looking around, Tony apologized for the mess they were leaving behind, but the custodian simply waved them off with a “Goodnight gentlemen.”
Carl, a long standing employee, smiled at their antics, “Go dry off Mr. Stark, we don’t want you catching a cold staying in those wet clothes.”
“See Thor, this is why we pay Carl the big bucks.”
The elevator door closed behind them as Thor pushed Tony’s back against the cold, mirrored panel, leaning down to kiss him. It was a mess of open mouthed kisses, since Tony was still trying to catch his breath after their run in the rain. The genius superhero was giggly as Thor’s thick beard scratched against his own.
Tony leaned back and really looked at his boyfriend, with adoring eyes. Dear Lord, was this man beautiful. A demi god among men, you could tell from just a glance that this man was not at all ordinary. Thor’s life as a godly prince radiated in his appearance. Golden locks that looked like silk framed his masculine face. His eyes, the lightest shade of blue, seemed to glow even when he wasn’t calling upon his lightning. His bushy beard only added to that perfectly constructed jaw line. Tony just stared at the taller man, even when Thor quirked a curious eyebrow.
He couldn’t help it. He was just so happy. His relationship with Thor was something he never would have predicted, but thanked any higher power that was listening for this. Them. They almost didn’t happen. Honestly, it was something they started out of sheer curiosity.
A renowned playboy that never lost his sex drive and a god of fertility that was eligible; it made for quite the pairing.
Tony and Pepper stopped working. It was a slow decline, until one day they both just knew it was over. Together, they agreed that they still had love for each other, just not the type that made for a long-lasting relationship. So while Tony and Pepper were attempting to find their ground as friends again, Thor and Jane were calling it quits. They had passion together, but it doesn’t matter when you’re always apart. So now it was back to the dating pool for the both of them.
It didn’t take long at all for the friends to realize there was something more between them. It started right before Ultron happened, when they were trying to one up each other by praising their respective girlfriends. After their break ups, they took a liking to each other as two souls disheartened because they lost what they thought to be “the one.” They were just two men, in love with women that were simply too amazing for them. In all reality, the ladies were better off without them. They could only cling on for so long. But neither regretted their prior relationships. In fact, they even had a small pissing contest to see who came out better, thanks to the women they loved and dated.
That must have been how they had gotten here. They wanted love and companionship, but it was hard. Tony had a boat-load of trust issues and enough work to keep him out of the dating game for three lifetimes. Thor was an alien god on a foreign planet. Being a Norse God ‘Christian Mingle’ wasn’t really an option for him and he preferred time on Earth over Asgard for now.
So they started sleeping together. After the first few times, Tony pitched the idea of more, and the rest, as they say, was history.
Fumbling out the elevator, lips still locked, Tony was hit with the brisk air. He pulled back, goose bumps rising from the chilled air and making his teeth chatter. “Fuck, its cold! Okay, we really need to clean up or change clothes before we get sick.” He wrapped his arms around himself attempting to get some heat back in his body. He glanced at Thor, taking in his lover. The big behemoth was standing there, long hair and wet clothes dripping onto the floor, looking completely unbothered by it all. “Scratch that, before I get sick.” His eyes swept over the bulging muscles of his man, “Hmm, sorry to break it to you babe, but I don’t think you’d pull off the sexy nurse’s outfit.”
He tried to imagine it, just for a moment, before laughing at the idea. Another chill ran over him and he’d had enough. Time for a hot bath.
Tony turned and left the room, leaving Thor to stand there or follow him. He chose the latter. “What is this ‘sexy nurse’ thing you are referring to?”
“It’s kind of a double meaning. In older times, woman wore a nurse’s outfit and took care of someone. Over time we’ve turned it into a sex thing, you dress up and ‘take care’ of someone.” He was in the bathroom, bent over the tub and making sure he got the water to the perfect temperature. When he was satisfied, he got up and caught sight of Thor. He was doing the confused puppy head tilt thing.
“So basically, you put on a cute outfit and please your partner.”
Tony sighed when Thor’s frown deepened. He really didn’t want to break out a tablet and explain this whole thing to Thor. His bath was almost ready! “I feel like I’m still not quite getting this concept, a nurse is a healer correct? Why would their clothing make for such a…ritual.” Tony was starting to accept his fate of another ‘Welcome to Earth Culture’ lesson when Thor continued, “Anthony, I think a demonstration would be most helpful in this matter, will you show me?”
Huh. Tony was removing his clothes, his head popping free of his wet shirt when the blonde finished speaking. He blinked at the older man, thinking about doing a little roleplaying and thought, ‘what the hell, why not?’ “You know what? Sure, this weekend. We’re playing doctor.”
“Is this for theater?”
Tony threw his hands up, “NEVERMIND. Just shut up and get in the tub.” Thor happily stripped down and joined him.
Tony couldn’t believe he was doing this, Thor was so fucking lucky. He went all out. After much debate with himself, he went online to find an outfit, only for that to turn out to be a complete waste of time. From what he could tell, anything for a guy was overdone and trashy and all the women’s versions expected him to be busty up top.
He caved and went to an old friend to get a custom-made outfit. But the results, he hoped, were well worth it. His dress hugged him perfectly. He had a three button collared top that was opened to reveal his collarbones and just a little bit of his chest. Red outlined the edges of the material. It highlighted where it cuffed his bicep and stopped high on his toned thighs. The red cross symbol was a bold contrast on his right breast and the little nurse’s hat he had gotten made to go with. To top off his outfit, he got thigh high white socks and 4-inch white heels.
He looked over the outfit once more, his hands fiddling with the hat one last time before making sure it was perfect on his head. He looked at his reflection, shrugging at his own reflection “Here goes nothing.” With a confidence he spent years crafting, he left the bathroom.
“Hello Mr. Odinson, how are you feeling today?” With the grace of a gazelle, he strode through the room towards the other. He walked in the heels like he was born to do it, not a single slip or buckle. He stopped in front of the king-sized bed, where his patient lay, giving him a chance to take it all in. Thor’s eyes started at the four inch heels and crawled slowly up his body. Tony could see it, the lust and hunger in his eyes, increasing rapidly the more they looked.
“Not so good.”
Tony’s dick twitched as Thor’s voice got deep and rumbled like the thunder he controlled.
“What seems to be the problem?” They talked about this, Tony walking Thor through his ‘role’ to make this work. Thor reached for him, a big hand grabbing his thigh. He squeezed the flesh visible between the socks and dress then trailed down the material over his legs.
“I have an itch that needs to be scratched.”
He hummed, slightly distracted by the wandering hand. “Mhmm, and where is this scratch?”
Tony wasn’t disappointed when Thor’s free hand reached for his cock and growled, “Here.”
So fucking worth it, he thought climbing into Thor’s lap. He straddled him, placing his bare bum (since he didn’t bother with underwear) against the hard length he could feel under the sheet. Thor shifted a little below him, but otherwise sat back and let Dr. Stark handle everything. His left hand went to the head board and his right rested on the t-shirt over his lover’s pec. In place he started rocking his hips, rubbing over Thor’s growing hard on. He kept the motion slow, dragging the movements out and being a delicious tease about it. “Is this helping Mr. Odinson?”
He looked at Thor who was just lying there against the pillows. Satisfied smirk firmly in place on his face and big heavy hands hot on his thighs. “Mr. Odinson?” His right hand scrunched up Thor’s clean white tee where he was still holding onto him. He looked at his lover, trying to gesture with his eyes for him to follow along. Hello! This is your que…
But nothing! Just that stupid smirk that was starting to really irritate him. He stopped moving his hips, “You’re supposed to go along with it, what are you doing?” Thor’s smile was starting to show teeth now.
Tony pulled back, hands going to cross over his chest as he let Thor’s lap take all of his weight. He gave him an imploring look, trying to figure out what was going on in that giant head of his. What the hell?! He was just sitting there with this cheeky look. Like the cat that got the canary, the cream, and–
“Wait,” there’s no way, no fucking way– “did you just fucking troll me?!”
“What is trolling?” He tried, eyebrows scrunching in confusion and eyes trying to be all innocent. But it was that damn smirk that gave him away.
“YOU FUCKER.” He smacked the back of his hand on Thor’s chest. He couldn’t believe that he was trolled into wearing this fucking outfit but somewhere deep down he was impressed that the big lug was able to pull it off. “I can’t believe it.”
Thor chuckled, his arm came up and wrapped around him. Holding him as he rolled them across the bed so that he was kneeling above Tony and he was laid out beneath him on the mattress. “Believe it Anthony.”
Tony laid there, heels still in place, socks torn and dress pushed up but mostly still on. Basking in the afterglow of amazing sex, “Well Anthony, I’m honored to say you make a lovely ‘sexy nurse’ and I would not be opposed to another ‘check-up’.”
He didn’t hesitate, just threw a bunch that landed somewhere on Thor’s side.
Grumbling under his breath he rolled away but Thor’s body and happy laughter followed right behind him.
Ending Notes:
HERE’S TO ANOTHER ROUND OF PROMPTS. I hope the content is better this time around.
Also Prompts are Always Accepted, no guarantee on the response time tho.. Likes, Replies, and Reblogs are always appreciated.
If You’re Willing, Support Me: Buy Me Coffee
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girl-q · 7 years ago
The Originals Season 5 fianale: Welcome to the shit show kids
I had put off writing this. I originally wanted to upload it the next day but I never did and the reason why was cause I was utterly destroyed by the final. I know kind of what people think of me when they read how I write, but I was honestly sobbing my eyes out for quite a while even after the show ended. It started with Klaroline kissing and it was because I was so happy. It was like the time I saw the letter from Klaus at the end of Tvd. I was so happy, but then my tears just turned into sadness, frustration and anger, when they really plunged the stake into each other’s hearts and I was feeling so cheated and lied and as if I wasted my time. This is not only because I´ve been a massive Klaroline since I was younger. They started to mean a lot to me when I was about twelve. I´m a really big fangirl now and I love sooooo many ships and fandoms and I credit it to reading Harry Potter, when I was twelve and discovering the ship that is Klaus and Caroline. In some ways I am who I am now because I knew them and it seems so crazy that all this really influenced my life this much. I went up and down with this fandom. We were pretty hopeless for a couple years and then the phone call happened and I flipped out. Suddenly I had hope and a lot of people did too. I saw it. Time moved on and I got older and I grew up. The finale of TVD came and I was in the same position as now. I had written a whole series like this. I was really happy about the finale. Delena was together, Steroline wasn’t, and I loved Lexie and that letter. I was so happy, man. Then this season came and it was great to see Klaroline and stuff, but side note this season was a flop. On the finale Klaus died. Klaroline kissed. She was his last love, but I´m sad and disappointed in the writers, in Julie and in the world, because I wanted it to be better. I had this fantasy of what would happen and I thought it was going to happen.
Even though I´ve been such a fan of Klaroline for six freaking years now the fact that they weren´t endgame is not why I despise this finale so much. It sucks but I appreciate this show and this family for what they are and this ending was trash and bullshit and I cannot comprehend how this was supposed to A: make sense and B: be cohesive with anything that the characters stand for and C: no then ending wasn’t powerful or special or melodramatic or anything like that. The ending was simply unnecessary. This is my long ass intro, but now I´m getting mad again so let’s get this recap going.
Summary: The fuck.
Hope knocks her dad out before he can kill himself and they bring Klaus back to Nola. They search for a cure and find none. Everyone is all mad and sad and Klaus fantasizes about the ghosts of Michael and Camille. Michael tells him to kill Hope, but Camille as the handy moral compass says no. Klaus escapes for a hot minute, but then gets recaptured. They put some of the Hollow inside Elijah to make Klaus sane for a couple of hours. Kol and Rebekah have some five second drama on the side, because Kol doesn´t want to stay even though Nik is dying. This just reminded me how unimportant all the siblings except Klaus, Elijah and Freya were this season and made me sad.
Caroline comes to see the dying Klaus and they have a nice day trip doing nice things. The scene where he finally showed her New Orleans was cut, but it was quite cute and she played that phone recording from 12 years ago that Klaus made when he was in New Orleans. That was beautiful. In the cut scene they mention Camille and that she was basically a copy of Caroline so lol. Like hoe we went down like the titanic, but at least we know Caroline was more important to him than Camille. Thank you for witnessing my petty moment of the day. In the end they visit the bar and Caroline tries to convince Klaus to say goodbye to his daughter. He doesn´t know how, but she shows him a way and tells him goodbye with that herself. She says she´ll never forget him and then she kisses him, which is ALL we ever wanted and then leaves. I just rewatched that scene and I did cry a little bit again. It´s still so new and the last piece of Klaroline canon we´ll ever see.
The family come together and haver dinner. Kol came of course and they probably have the happiest moment in the show, then Klaus says his goodbyes to his family and daughter. He, Elijah and Rebekah step outside and at this point I still had hope. It all pointed to Elijah telling Klaus he didn´t have to die, but it didn´t and then they killed themselves together, because he feels like he helped his brother achieve redemption and that was his purpose. Elijah had no future and we ALL knew that, but Klaus had and Hope didn´t have to be an orphan and I know a reason he died was because Joseph didn´t want to be in Legacy, but there are different ways of getting rid of Klaus Mikaelson. He could have just stayed in Nola and just simply be mentioned after Hope returns from the Holidays or he could have gone on that world trip with Caroline and help her build more schools or something. I would be so much less upset if there was a genuine reason why Klaus died. There wasn’t one. I´m even more pissed that we never saw what happened to them in the afterlife. Fuck off Julie there is no beauty or allure in guessing what happened to them. These are characters we hold dear and we deserve to know their stupid fate. It´s also so unfair that the greatest character on this show, Klaus Mikaelson, died, but fucking Declan, who looks like he cries every time he has a splinter in his finger and has the emotional capacity of a wet sock lives or Antoinette, who has about as much personality, backbone or use as a coat hanger. These two aren’t even the worst because guess who also still lives and goes about their day. Yes Alaric Schlotzigman and Matt Donotcan. The most boring pieces of trash that ever appeared on TV survived, because they were apparently good at being annoying pebbles for eight seasons. They always complain about every fucking thing and NOBODY LIKES THEM OR WANTS TO FUCK WITH THEM, BECAUSE THEY ARE AS INTERESTING AS MY ARMPITHAIR. Where is the man who survived hell and back? Who was more resourceful than the queen of hell, Katherine Pierce, herself? Where is the I-can-do-anything-I´m-the-oldest-creature-on-this-planet Klaus? There were so many options. They could have put the Hollow in ANYONE else and kill them instead. There was no reason and now I’m crying again, because of something that witch Julie Plec said and I just read it and it was that if you´d ask her where Klaus would go after all this it would be Paris with Caroline, but the stupid fact that Stefan is gone for twelve now made that impossible and she could´ve moved on. Caroline is strong and a lot of things. Stefan would have wanted her to move on and that sucks. Is she just going to be pining after her dead husband for the rest of her immortal life? It´s not about forgetting Stefan. We always love the people we love even if they are not there anymore. We just love their memory, but we can also never stop making more memory and we can´t help falling in love again, because people can´t be miserable forever, that destroys you. Julie should stop walking around blabbing bullshit, because she is not helping anyone. I dislike that woman so much. She thinks she is all special and meaning full, but what fans want after a long time is peace and knowing the fictional people they love are happy and it could have been so great but no she ruined it and I will never watch a flipping moment of Legacy. I saw so many people say that she´ll just destroy it and are also now not watching legacy and me too. I originally wanted too, but I can´t now. I´m not wasting time and emotions on Plecs shows again
This season was bullshit too. It was weak and the plot points rushed so much. Nothing mattered or felt heavy. All problems were just solved in a half assed way and the only thing that all the deaths did was shock value, but hoe that was wrong. You´re not Game of thrones. Josh, Hayley, Elijah and Klaus could have been happy, but no. This sucks and writing this is so emotional again and I feel a little weak and like a loser, but I´m not over it. Everyone deserved better.
I hope Legacy flops and dies and gets cancelled, because I want this bullshit universe to be over and rest. I´m done. I´ll never watch anything she touches. Maybe it´s irrational to blame one producer for everything, but I´m not looking for logic right now- I´m still coping, but I´ll be okay soon. I just need to; I guess, grief a little more for the death of my first ship, for the death of so many people that deserved better and Klaus Mikaelson who could have been there for his daughter. They could´ve been together. It could have been amazing. After all these years we needed a promise of peace and love and that Always and Forever would be alive forever. I guess at the end only Kol lives forever. Rebekah, whose ending I kind of liked, will die and Freya, Davina and Keelin and Vincent will die at some point. Then there will only be Marcel and Kol. I know I skipped over a lot of stuff in this finale, but I´m going to bring this mess to a close now. I will bring everything to a close. This adventure of writing this series for Tvd and TO, my place in the fandom and in a dramatic pretentious way my younger self, because now I´m supposed to be an adult soon and this is over. Farewell kids and all the chickens that read me. You´re cool. It´s been hella rocky, but I made it and I´m proud. I guess maybe it´s just a TV show. Today I´m still angry, but I´ll be fine soon. This shit is really crazy. There is so much stuff I didn´t say, but I’m ready to close this. I´m not apologizing for being emotional or being this intense about it. I can´t apologoíze, because it´s the truth and if that makes me “crazy” or “Stupid” then so be it. Wlcome to being a fangirl hoe. Thank you for being there honey
Bye betches
I´m out
Forever now
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yuckitup-jwd · 5 years ago
Fulldeckisms Part 3
One shot short of a chain. (Shot is a section of anchor chain.)
One shot short of a locker. (Shot is ammunition; a locker iswhere it's stored.)
One shrimp short of a barbie.
One side short of a pentagon.
One signature short of a book.
One slate short of a full roof.
One sleeve/button short of a shirt.
One snowflake short of a ski slope.
One sock short of a pair.
One song short of a musical.
One span short of a bridge.
One spoon short of a full set.
One steering wheel / bolt short of a Yugo.
One step short of the attic.
One stick short of a bundle.
One straw short of a bale.
One strawberry short of a quart.
One strike past being called out.
One sub short of a party platter.
One taco/enchilada/chalupa short of a combination/Mexican plate.
One teabag short of a pot.
One tilde short of a full URL.
One tile missing from his space shuttle.
One tile short of a successful re-entry.
One too many lights out in his Christmas tree.
One too many rides on the Zipper.
One tower short of a castle.
One tree short of a hammock.
One vine short of the tree. (For Tarzan types.)
One volt below threshold.
One weight short of a shipwreck.
One word short of a.
One yard short of the hole.
Only occasionally wets himself under pressure.
Only one oar in the water.
Only opens his mouth to change feet.
Only playing with 51 cards.
Only playing with the jokers.
Operating in stand-by mode.
Organizationally impaired.
Ought to have a warning label on his forehead.
Out of his depth in a parking lot puddle.
Out there where the buses don't run.
Outlet isn't grounded.
Over the rainbow.
Overdue for reincarnation.
Overruns above 110 baud.
Paged/swapped out.
Parallel mind, serial world.
Parallel world, serial mind.
Paralyzed from the neck up.
Parents beat him with an ugly stick.
Parked his head and forgot where he left it.
Pedaling real fast, but not getting anywhere.
People around her are at risk of second hand idiocy.
Perfect chassis, bad driver.
Perfect face for Halloween.
Perfect percussionist for an acapella group (duh, duh, duh...)
Perfect training subject for apprentice hypnotists.
Permanently out to lunch.
Permanently rotated 90 degrees from the rest of us.
Phototrophic on a better day.
Pins 2 and 3 (RS-232) permanently connected to ground.
Playing an endgame with a king and no other pieces.
Playing baseball with a rubber bat.
Playing hockey with a warped puck.
Playing Scrabble, but we can't figure out what words he's building.
Plays pinochle with a poker deck.
Plays solitaire... For cash.
Plays tennis with no net and finds it challenging.
Plenty of myelin but not enough neurons.
Plenty of salt in the shaker, but no holes in the cap.
Posts empty articles to the Net, and enjoys rereading them later.
Prefers three left turns to one right turn.
Pressure's up, but there's a slow leak somewhere.
Pretty as 20 miles of bad road.
Produces a zero-length core dump.
Programmed into an infinite loop.
Proud of his lawn mower.
Psycho pneumatic. (Crazy air head.)
Put a lens in each ear and you've got a telescope.
Put on Earth to be an oxygen converter.
Puts a finger in his ear so the draft through his head isn't annoying.
Putting his brain on the edge of a razor blade would be likeputting a pea on a six lane highway.
Qualifies for the mental express line -- five thoughts orless. -- MacNelly
Quotes entire letters/articles as responses and hides her oneline of wisdom in the middle.
Racing fifty yards with a pregnant woman, he'd come in third.
Radio's playing but nobody's listening.
Reading from an empty/blank/unformatted disk.
Reads her newspaper back-to-front.
Reads Homer in the original Greek, but doesn't know Greek.
Ready to check in at the HaHa Hilton.
Ready to join the Anti-Mensa Society.
Receiver is off the hook.
Relatively three-dimensional, as fictional characters go.
Renewable energy source for hot air balloons.
Reposts this list when someone asks for it, but it's an old copy.
Requires retraining after every coffee break.
Reset line is glitching.
Result of a first cousin marriage.
Result of God's experiments to see if humans can functionwithout a brain.
Room for rent, unfurnished.
Roving target for a surface-to-idiot missile.
RS232C brain with a DIN connector.
Running at 300 baud.
Running lights are on but no one's at the helm.
Running on a 286.
Running open. (Old mechanical teletype term.)
Running U.S. appliances on British current.
Runs squares around the competition.
Rusty springs in the mousetrap.
S p a c e d o u t .
Sailboat fuel for brains.
Sailing with a short seabag / a few skivvies short of a seabag.(Contains all of a sailor's possessions including underwear.)
Sat under the ozone hole too long.
Says profound things but no one listens and no harm is done.
Seen it all, done it all, can't remember most of it.
Sending back packets, but the checksums are wrong.
Serving donuts on another planet.
Settled some during shipping and handling.
Seven cans short of a six-pack.
Seven seconds behind, and built to stay that way.
Several nuts over fruitcake minimum.
Sharp, like stone in river. Swift, like tree through forest.
She believes the three great lies.
She can piss standing up, but not much else.
She doesn't suffer from insanity; she enjoys every minute of it.
She fears success, but really has nothing to worry about. -- Thaves
She has reached rock bottom, and has started to dig.
She looks virtually real today.
She only packed half a sandwich.
She only schedules zombie processes.
She put the ding in dingbat.
She runs the gamut of emotions from A to B. -- Dorothy Parker
She sets low personal standards and then consistently fails them.
She sounds reasonable... Must be time to up my medication.
She stopped to think and forgot to start again.
She wears a pony tail to cover up the valve stem.
She worries about the calories licking stamps and envelopes.
She'll be just fine as soon as virtual reality arrives.
She's a screensaver. (Looks good, but useless.)
She's all thumbs.
She's as daft as a brush. (British)
She's running real fast, but toward the wrong goal line.
Shedding a little too much black light.
Short a few cards.
Short-circuited between the earphones.
Should be the poster child for family planning.
Should go far -- and the sooner he starts, the better.
Should have kept his helmet on while riding/playing.
Shouldn't be allowed to breed.
Shouldn't eat nuts -- for her, it's practically cannibalism.
Single-sided, low density.
Sings along with elevator music.
Sinking with a deck full of people; her brain cells can'tfind the lifeboats.
Sitting in the right pew, but the wrong church.
Six-packed seven times. (Volleyball slang: "Six-pack" is tospike someone in the head with a volleyball.)
Skating on the wrong side of the ice.
Skylight leaks a little.
Slept too close to his radium-dial watch.
Slinky's kinked.
Sloppy as a soup sandwich.
Slow as molasses in January.
Slow out of the gate.
Slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter.
Smarter than the average bear.
Smoke doesn't make it to the top of his chimney.
So boring, his dreams have Muzak.
So clueless, he could BE God and still be an atheist.
So dim, his psychic carries a flashlight.
So dumb, blondes tell jokes about him.
So dumb, he faxes face up.
So dumb, he puts postage stamps on outgoing faxes.
So dumb, his dog teaches him tricks.
So far gone, hard drugs push him closer to normal.
So fat, people jump over him rather than go around.
So slow, he has to speed up to stop.
So slow, we drive stakes in the ground to measure his progress.
So stupid, he tries to drown fish.
So stupid, mind readers charge her half price.
So stupid, she doesn't go further than Thursday.
So thick, he sticks to pasta.
So ugly, robbers give him their masks to wear.
Sold his car for gas money.
Solid concrete from the eyebrows backwards.
Some Assembly Required.
Some bugs in his software.
Some drink from the fountain of knowledge, but he just gargled.
Some of her inodes have nodded off.
Some pages missing.
Somebody lend her a quarter to buy a clue.
Somebody put a stop payment order on his reality check.
Someday when she's younger, she'll ________.
Someone blew out his pilot light.
Someone else is doing the driving for that boy.
Someone forgot to plant the seed for his brain stem.
Someone let the air out of her lock.
Someone Reverend Spooner would have identified as a shining wit.
Sort of like an inverse Einstein.
Source code is missing a few lines.
Speaks math/FORTRAN better than English.
Spent a decade on the leading edge of drug experimentation.
Stares at frozen juice cans because they say, "concentrate".
Still boots to DOS.
Still sending messages with his secret decoder ring.
Still struggling up the evolutionary ladder.
Still traumatized from the forest fire in "Bambi".
Still trying to figure out opposable thumbs.
Stocksy-babes. (A truly vile British-slang insult.)
Strolling through life with one shoelace untied.
Strong, like bull. Smart, like tractor. Beautiful, like KV-2.(A WWII era Russian tank.)
Stuck on the down escalator of life.
Studied for a blood test -- and failed.
Stumped by anything child-proof.
Subtle as a well-thrown brick.
Subtle as a wet tongue in the ear / kiss from a cow.
Suffers from Clue Deficit Disorder.
Suffers from excessive headspace.
Suffers from link rot. (The process by which hypertext linksbecome obsolete as their sites change or die.)
Suffers from Paralysis by Analysis.
Suffers from permanent rapture of the deep. (Nitrogen narcosis.)
Supports nativist theories that man is formed from clay.
Surfing in Nebraska.
Surfing the Web with a hard-copy terminal. (Does anyoneremember those?)
Suspend switch is jumpered.
Swimming on a cold shot. (Inadequate ejection force for a torpedo.)
Switch is on, but no one's receiving.
Takes her 1.5 hours to watch "60 Minutes".
Takes her an hour to cook minute rice.
Takes his imagination out for a walk and ends up being draggedaround the block by it.
Talking with her is a career-limiting move.
Talking with him is a waste of good bandwidth.
Talks to plants on their own level.
Tall as a post and just as smart.
Team player... No chance he'll develop a personality on his own.
Technically sound, but socially impossible.
Teflon brain -- nothing sticks. -- Lilly Tomlin
Ten to the dozen.
The aliens forget to remove his anal probe.
The bark on her family tree actually involves canines.
The best part of him ran down his mother's legs. -- Jackie Gleason
The butter slipped off his noodle.
The cheese slid off his cracker.
The definitive answer is: Her glass is half empty.
The fan is working but the freon's leaked out.
The fire is going well, but the flue is closed.
The going got weird, and he turned pro.
The heater's plugged in but the rheostat's shot.
The march of his intellect is like that of a crab, backward.-- Peacock
The most rock-hard argument can crash through his airy head andcause only the slightest disturbance in the air currentsthat surround the void that comprises his knowledge.
The only place she's ever invited is outside.
The perfect personality to write software manuals.
The recesses of his mind are always in recess.
The result of years of careful inbreeding.
The sharpest thing he's allowed to play with is a red rubber ball.
The space between his ears powers vacuum pumps.
The spit valve's fallen off his trumpet again.
The twinkle in his eyes is actually the sun shining between his ears.
The two put together have an IQ over 150.
The wheel's spinning but the hamster's dead.
The world's foremost collector of ignorance.
Their family tree is a tumbleweed.
There are great people in the world, but she's not one of them.
There she sits, Finite State Automation at its best.
There's no ice cubes in THAT tray. -- Second City comedy troupe
There's nothing wrong with you that couldn't be cured witha little Prozac and a polo mallet. -- Woody Allen
They had to burn down the school to get her out of third grade.
They must have done a clean boot on him.
They never shut up on his planet.
Thick as a brick / whale omelette.
Thick as pig dung and twice as smelly.
Thinks "Private Enterprise" means owning a personal starship.
Thinks a permutation is a medical procedure.
Thinks at 5 baud.
Thinks cellular phones are carbon-based life forms.
Thinks Cheerios are doughnut seeds.
Thinks E=MC^2 is a rap star.
Thinks everyone else is entitled to his opinion, like it or not.
thinks in lower case & types accordingly
Thinks like a boar hog looks at a wristwatch.
Thinks male zebras are the ones with the black stripes.
Thinks Moby Dick is a kind of venereal disease.
Thinks Taco Bell is where you pay for your phone calls to Mexico.
Thirteen short of a dozen.
Three sigma off the norm.
Three-bag/coyote ugly. (Ask your mommy to explain.)
Throws his rod and reel off the bridge when casting.(I resemble that remark. -- editor)
Tight / waterproof as a fish's sphincter.
Tight as a bull's arse in fly season.
To make him laugh on Saturday, tell him a joke on Wednesday.
Tone arm is down but no music is playing.
Too dumb to be bothered when publicly displaying her ignorance.
Too dumb to know when you're getting smart / playing dumb with him.
Too many bad drugs, not enough good drugs.
Too many birds on her antenna.
Too many jokers and not enough aces in his deck.
Too many stop bits in his transmissions.
Too much yardage between the goal posts.
Too pointless to even be called a pinhead.
Top paddock is full of rocks.
Toys in the attic.
Train of thought derailed / still boarding at thestation / has no caboose.
Traveling faster than light, but left his sneakers behind.
Traveling without a passport/towel.
Tried welding two 2x4s together and burned down his house.
Tries to forward this list to some friends, but instead shipssix copies of it to the editor (groan).
Trips over cordless phones.
Truck can't haul a full load.
Truly believes "neural network" is a new Ted Turner enterprise.
Trying out for the javelin retrieval team.
Tuning in shortwave with a TV antenna.
Two bits short of a word/dollar.
Two degrees off square.
Two inches taller than spherical.
Types 120 words a minute but her keyboard isn't plugged in.
Uglier than a hat full of assholes. (Whatever that means.)
Ugly as a warthog and half as smart.
Unclear which of Newton's three laws of motion keeps his ears apart.
Understands English as well as any parrot.
Used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
Useful as dinosaur repellent.
Useful as passing gas in a spacesuit.
Useful as piss on a forest fire.
Useful as tits on a bullfrog / bull / boar-hog.
Uses all three functional neurons for his best work.
Uses AOL.
Uses his head best for rolling Easter eggs.
Uses his head to keep the rain out of his neck.
Uses thumbtacks to post notes -- on his refrigerator.
Uses two hands to eat with chopsticks.
Using a 1S-2D floppy for brains in a world of hard disks.
Vacancy on the top floor.
Vacuuming linoleum using a deep-pile setting. (Not pickingup anything.)
Vaginally challenged, and preoccupied with the problem.
Validates my inherent mistrust of strangers.
Vegitatum davenportae. (Couch potato.)
Vertically-fornicated mind.
Views mold as a higher life form.
Vowel-buyer. (As on the TV show Wheel of Fortune, when thesolution is already obvious.)
Waiting on a toaster that's not plugged in.
Warning: Objects in her mirror are dumber than they appear.
Warranty expired.
Was assimilated by the Borg.
Was born an acrobat but landed on his head.
Was born when the planets were misaligned.
Was first in line for brains, but ended up holding the door open.
Was left on the Tilt-A-Whirl a bit too long as a baby.
Was napping in the nut pile the day God was cracking nuts.
Wasn't abused as a child, but should have been.
Wasn't fully debugged before being released.
Wasn't strapped in during launch.
Watches "Beavis and Butthead" to learn vocabulary.
Watching programs not listed in TV Guide.
We're all missing cards from our decks -- and different cards, too.
We're all refreshed and challenged by her unique point of view.
Went in for repairs but wasn't tightened with a torque wrench.
Went to the dentist to have his cranial cavity filled.
Whatever kind of look she was going for, she missed.
When a thought crosses her mind, it's a long and lonely journey.
When God said, "Come forth for brains," he came fifth.
When he collects his thoughts, they fit in a verysmall container. -- Bob Thaves
When he was compiled they forgot to #include<smarts.h>/<iq.h>/<charm.h>.
When her window of opportunity opened, she had the shade drawn.
When opportunity knocked, she refused to open the door.
When she dances, she makes the band skip.
When she hauls ass, she has to make two trips.
When she puts on her lipstick, it keeps backing down the tube.-- Kevin Wilson
When she was born the doctor tried to kill her / slapped her mother.
When they handed out brains he got the short end of the stick / wasat the end of the line.
When they said "drain", he thought they said "brain".
Where it says, "Sign here", she writes, "Pisces".
While he was not dumber than an ox, he wasn't any smarter. -- Thurber
Whole lotta choppin', but no chips a flyin'.
Will never get a ticket for speeding.
Wise as the world is flat.
With one more neuron he'd have a synapse.
Won't eat eggs because he believes the "This is your brain" ads.
Works well when under constant supervision and corneredlike a rat in a trap.
Would make an excellent illustration in a proctology textbook.
Would need help to drool.
Would starve to death in a grocery store.
Wouldn't know a tram was up him if the conductor rang hisbell. (Australian)
Wouldn't know ore if it jumped out of the stope and bithim on the ass. (Said of mineral prospectors.)
Wouldn't make any sense if she ever made sense.
Wouldn't recognize a clue if he saw one / you showed himone (labelled "clue").
Wouldn't shout if a shark bit him. (Australianism meaning hewon't buy a round of drinks (shout) in turn.)
You can hardly tell that he's a simulation.
Zero K memory.
0 notes
vacationsoup · 6 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/a-guide-to-st-andrews/
A Guide to St.Andrews
Interesting Facts, Things to do, Places to See and Where to Eat in St Andrews
A seaside town north east of Edinburgh St Andrews is most famous for it’s golf courses and university.
St Andrews University occupies many of the beautiful and historic villages in St Andrews, it has seen many famous students over the years including actor John Cleese, Author, Fay Weldon and most famous of all the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge who first met at University.
Founded in the early 15thcentury, St Andrews was Scotlands’ first university and the 3rdoldest university in the English-speaking world.  It continues to attract students from all over the world.
The St Andrew Links Golf Course has 7 separate courses, The Old Course, The New Course, The Castle Course, The Jubilee Course, The Eden Course, The Stratyrum Course and The Balgove Course.  You can pre-book all courses online except for the Balgrove Course, simply turn up for the day.  The Old Course., reservations for this are hard to come by and fully booked for the majority of 2019, however, they do run a ballot system, you will be informed 2 days prior to play if you have been successful, the system requires 2 players and a specific handicap.  For more information visit the clubs site, they also have some special offers so it’s not as expensive as you might think. St Andrews
One of the most famous and most popular tournaments is the Alfred Dunhill Tournament, which sees professional golfers playing alongside famous amateur golfers.  The 2018 tournament saw celebrities including Peter Jones from Dragons Den, Ronan Keating, Hugh Grant and Greg Kinnear so a great opportunity to do some star spotting as well a watching golf. Alfred Dunhill Links
There are many other sporting activities to try other than golf.   How about Land yachting, which is a combination of sailing and motor racing, basically a buggy with a sail on top of it!   Also on offer are better known water sports such as Kayaking and surfing. Blown Away
Looking for more of a thrill?  Just 5 miles outside of At Andrews is a skydiving school.  Tandem jumps are offered for those with no experience, a dual harness secures you to a qualified instructor.  Prices from £270.00 so not a cheap day out but certainly one we think you’ll remember forever!
Sky Dive St Andrews
But there are also plenty of other things to do and see in St Andrews besides golf. A walking / food tour is a great way to learn about the historical town from a local whilst also enjoying some local food, wine, beer and whiskey on the way.   Tours start at either 1pm or 5pm and with around 4 or 5 stops at different establishments. Eat Walk St Andrews
Scotland is probably most famous for whisky but many distillers have now branched out into offering gin as well.  Eden Mill is located just outside St Andrews and offers both blended and single malt whisky, including a range bottled in hip flask style bottles. There is the original Eden Mills Gin, the very popular pink gin and now a Golf Gin, made using botanicals found around the coastal golf courses in the region.   They also produce 8 different craft beers, so something for everyone (except Tee totallers!).   Book a tour of the distillery or why not enroll in Gin School?  You can make your own gin and even have it bottled with it’s own label an ideal keepsake or a great gift to take home for a friend or relative who loves gin. Eden Mill
If you are visiting St Andrews at the end of July then the town has it’s own Highland Games. St Andrews Highland Games
After all the sporting activities you might want to treat yourself to a relaxing massage or a spa day.  The Kohler Water Spa at The Old Course hotel has hydrotherapy pools, an indoor pool, a roof top hot tub, a swan neck jet spray to ease those shoulder muscles, steam room, saunas and a whole range of massage options, facials and much more or simply relax on a lounger by the pool with a glass of champagne.
The Old Course Hotel Spa
Looking for a chilled day, if the weather is warm (yes it is occasionally in Scotland) then why not pack a picnic and head to West Sands Beach.  This 2-mile stretch of sands is were the opening scenes of Chariots of Fire was filmed.  It’s about 15 minutes walk from the town and it’s dog friendly too. West Sands Beach
A fun way to explore the city with children is to purchase a treasure trail. There are 3 different themed Treasure Trails in St Andrews, including a spy mission (for those wannabe James Bonds) and a mystery themed Trail as well as the treasure hunt. Purchase the trail for £6.99, you can either print it yourself order in advance and have a printed guide posted to you, you can even have them personalised so great for a birthday. Treasure Trails
Children of all ages will love a visit to the Aquarium.  See everything from cute seals, fluffy meerkats to sharks and reptiles. Children can also feed the animals (only the cute fluffy ones, not the reptiles or sharks!). St Andrews Aquarium
For cold and wet weather days and a good dose of culture and education visit The St Andrews Museum.  The Museum details the history of the town, with regular exhibitions throughout the year and it’s free to enter.
As St Andrews is the home of golf a trip to the town should really include a visit to The Golfing Museum.  Learn everything there is to know about golf since the game began over 500 years ago.  Despite Scotland being the home of golf it was in fact banned in 1457, by King James II of Scotland who also banned football. British Golf Museum
St Andrews is also home to Scotland’s secret bunker, spanning the space of 2 football pitches, the bunker is located under a farmhouse and wascreated as a safe house for the government should the country get caught in a nuclear war. It housed its very own broadcasting studio, staffed by the BBC, to ensure that in the event of a nuclear strike emergency broadcasts could be transmitted. All other radio and TV channels would automatically go off-air and the emergency broadcast would inform people of the dangers. The bunker also had it’s own chapel and resident clergy throughout the cold war. The Secret Bunker
The Botanic Gardens have events for children scheduled throughout the year called Planet Botanic; activities include planting, den building, rock pooling and outdoor art. Botanic Gardens
St Andrews Castle was the official residence of Scotland’s bishops (and later archbishops) throughout the middle Ages. They were Scotland’s leading churchmen so had to be prepared to defend themselves and the property of the Church – hence their strong castle. Its scale demonstrated the power and wealth of the bishops, and it was the setting for many important events, which determined the course of Scottish history.  St Andrews Castle was a bishop’s palace, a fortress and a state prison during its 450-year history.
The Cathedral was Scotlands largest medieval church. If you can face the climbto the top of the 33m tall St Rule’s Tower it is well worth it for the views over St Andrews and out to sea.
Retail Therapy
Surprising St Andrews has some really great independent shops, and not just ones that sell jumpers with diamond patterns and long socks.
For a designer fix head to Sam Brown Boutique for a great selection of womanswear, accessories and scented candles. Sam Brown
If you’re looking for tartan or cashmere head to Johnstons of Elgin for mens, womans and childrens clothing as well as luxurious throws and cushions. Johnston of Elgin
As you would imagine, a town with one of the most famous universities in the world is bound to have a good book shop, well, it has two actually.
Topping & Co is the largest independent bookshop to open in Britain in the last 30 years. Feel right at home with floor to ceiling bookshelves, a wood burning stove, free-flowing coffee and regular book signings and talks. Topping Books
For a fine selection of antiquarian and second hand books visit Bouquiniste Bouquiniste
The Sky Candle shop will ensure the scents of Scotland can be enjoyed long after the holiday ends.  The Scottish collection includes Heather, Pine and Gorse scents. Skye Candles
For those with a sweet tooth, Burns is a traditional sweet shop that has been in St Andrews for over 60 years.  Step back in time with real old-fashioned favourites such as Rhubarb and Custard, Strawberry Sherberts and many more. Burn Sweet Shop
For cheese lovers I.J Mellis has a great selection of artisan and farmhouse cheeses including locally made cheeses and very expensive French butter. Mellis Cheese
With so many historical buildings, ruins and its seaside location make St Andrews a great place for photography.  Impress the folks back home with some really great Instagram shots by taking a 3 or 4 hour photography tour of the town.  It’s also a great way to see places not on the tourist trail. St Andrews Photo Tours
Food and Drink
Just outside the town, Balgrove Larder is a must for all foodies, whether you are after some local produce to take back to your holiday home to cook up a feast, a cup of tea and a freshly baked scone, a steak supper or some beautiful flowers for your dining table, Balgrove Larder has everything you might need, even some excellent homemade ready meals if you’re feeling lazy.  They also offer butchery classes if you want to indulge your inner Julia Child and learn how to French trim a rack of lamb.
The former sawmill is home to the steak barn, the menus offers a selection of their 28 day matured steaks, homemade burgers and a weekly specials menu.  There is a small wine list and beers and gin from local distillery Eden Mill.
Special events are held throughout the year including an evening Christmas market, flower arranging, festive menus etc.
The Seafood Restaurant is a must for a touch of luxury, amazing locally sourced seafood with stunning sea views.  The restaurant is located right next to The Royal and Ancient.  As well as the usual seafood platters, oysters and smoked salmon expect to find inventive dishes on the a la carte menus such as John Dory with Orkney scallop, truffle gnocchi and sweetcorn or Wild Halibut with razor clams, coco beans and verjus.  All menus have locally sourced meat options and there is also an interesting vegetarian menu as well as a very reasonably price Bollinger Sunday lunch menu at £29.50 for 2 courses with a glass of Bolly. The wine list is impressive with over 35 Italian wines and 29 French Wines as well as New World Wines. The Seafood Restaurant
Champagne and Prosecco brunch specials are also on offer at Rogue, enjoy a full Scottish Breakfast (that’s with Haggis and 2 types of sausages) with either Prosecco or the champagne of choice at this establishment is Veuve Cliquot.  They also have a full a la carte menu with plenty of local seafood and steaks as well as a dedicated childrens' menu. Rogue
For a touch of luxury why not have a Savoy Afternoon tea at The Fairmont Hotel.  Served in the Atrium Lounge which features a 60m lighting sculpture that hangs gracefully above.  Worth going just to see this which is quite an amazing work of art. Chose between the Savoy Afternoon tea and the Traditional Scottish Afternoon tea, both available with champagne as an option if you want to make it a truly special occasion. The Fairmont St Andrews
The Fairmont Hotel is a luxury 5 star hotel set in 500 acres, it enjoys a hilltop position with views out to sea and over its’ two golf courses.
For a low-key relaxed place to eat, try The St Andrews Brewing Co.  Offering a selection of traditional pub style food to complement their many selections of beer, they even have a Christmas Beer as well as an Espresso Beer “A beautifully balanced porter, which starts with an espresso nose and ends with a chocolate, malt led finish” If you’re not a fan of beer they also produce three exotic sounding gins, Pink Gin, Lemongrass and Ginger and Orange, Cardamom and Tonka Bean.
St Andrews Brewing Co
Mitchells Deli is well worth a visit, whether you just want a bottle of wine and some olives, a great selection of take out meals, amazing sandwiches, afternoon tea or a relaxed meal, you will find everything here.  A mixture of traditional fair mixed alongside modern day classics, such as avocado on sourdough bread or Rose Harissa spiced Chicken wraps.  A childrens' menu is available and there is live music every weekend.   A short wine list is available, plus local spirits and more local ale including the Drygate Disco Forklift Truck, Mango Pale Ale apparently brewed in Scotland!
Trip Advisor quotes: The Best Haggis in St Andrews” Mitchells
Eat like Royalty.  The North Point Café is something of an institution in St. Andrews and supposedly the scene for the first date between Prince William and the then Kate Middleton.  It has a reputation for the best pancakes in the town, as well as a great selection of cakes.  It’s so well known it doesn’t even need a website.
The Saint Bar and Restaurant is the place where the young and trendy of St Andrews hang out.  As with all establishments local produce is in abundance on both the menu and drinks list and they also serve Haggis.   We recommend ordering the Harviestoun Schiehallion at the beginning of the evening and the far easier to pronounce, Cold Town lager towards the end! Saint Bar & Restaurant
St Andrews isn’t the place you’d probably expect to find a traditional Italian Gelato but there has been one in the town since 1908 and still belongs to the same Italian family.  Expect the usual flavours plus some with a Scottish twist including Scottish Tablet and Cranachan Jannettas
Strange Scottish Foods you are likely to come across on your travels
So what is a Scottish Tablet? No it’s not an Ipad, a Scottish tablet is a medium-hard, sugary confection made from sugar, condensed milk, and butter, which is boiled to a soft-ball stage and allowed to crystallise. It is often flavoured with vanilla or whisky.  Think fudge.
Cranachan is a dessert of cream and fresh raspberries mixed with Scottish oats and whisky – so slightly better for you than a tablet but not much!
Irn Bru – the Coca Cola of Scotland and a favoured hangover cure for many a Scot.  Approach with caution if you spill it on the carpet it literally does not come out, don’t even ask what it does to your insides!
Haggis – the most famous food to come out of Scotland and still a mystery to many people.  It is a mixture of the heart, stomach or liver of a sheep or calf; minced with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, mixed with stock, and cooked while traditionally encased in the animal's stomach though now often in an artificial casing instead.  Traditional served with neeps and tatties (Turnips and potatoes mashed together) and gravy.
A more sophisticated dish is Balmoral chicken, a chicken breast stuffed with haggis, wrapped in bacon and served with a whiskey sauce.
Porridge is of course another famous dish from Scotland and one that is very popular around the world as a healthy breakfast option, however, be aware, in Scotland they often make it with cream and sometimes butter so not as healthy as you might think.
0 notes
allanpaulvin · 7 years ago
Good morning, to you, I just wanted to welcome all of you to another day here on Planet Earth.  I hope it's a day that helps make you smile, provides you with whatever it is you desire, and gives you some time to read my long donation to your psyche that will add a smile to your furrowed brow.
So what's up with you and yours?  Have you been able to tote every barge in your life? I wonder if you've had time to take a long walk on your path to righteousness?  Have you been able to do the right thing in the right places?  Are you enjoying the impact of the sun that shines above?  Have you connected with those you need to connect with to help make their lives the best that they can be?  I, for one, certainly hope so.
Today's New York Times reports that:
1.  "Once-mighty Deficit Hawks Hardly Peep at Tax Cuts."  Well, why should they?
2.  "Twitter Seen as Key Engine in Russian Influence Campaign."  What else would one think?  It happens to be the "DUMPSTERS,"  favorite means of communication.
3.  "IBM Now Has More Employees in India Than in the United States."  Unfortunately, that's the road most big businesses travel to keep their profits at high levels.
Before moving on, I'd like to extend my condolences to the family of Hugh  Hefner, who has left us, at age ninety-one.  Mr. Hefner, I enjoyed your monthly publications when my heart was still able to deal with those incredible photos of some of the most gorgeous women I've ever seen.
The "Weather Mavens, at AccuWeather, appear to be back on track.  Their forecast calls for the sun to be present in the skies over Central New Jersey.  Temperatures should range from fifty-one to seventy-eight.  Let's enjoy while we can.
Enough bullshit for now.  Let's move forward to today's edition of, "Al's Diatribes."  Our subject is:  "WHO HAS THE ANSWERS?"
I search for the answers to this question, because:
-  Without them, how do I march on? -  I need to know when the 9,500 trucks that are waiting, at the Port in San Juan, Puerto Rico, with much-needed supplies for those affected by a horrendous storm, will be unloaded? -  I need to know how do  I thank a young woman, from Cranford, New Jersey for her love, caring and daily gift to my life? -  it's important to me to know where I can purchase the least expensive pair of sweat socks  -   I need to know how do we help those of us who suffer from severe illnesses -  All of us need to know how we ensure that all Americans have easy access to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? -  how do I march on through the rain, without getting wet? -  when does a smile return to my aging face? -  will my eyes continue to see the beauty that surrounds me? -  will my heart continue to beat without assistance? -  will the New York Mets to return to their winning during 2018? -  will the Media's reporting become my positive, once again, in the days ahead? -  Will the word counts, of my daily rants, lessen?  Only time will tell.
We need to keep searching for the answers, at least until, a smile returns to our faces.  Make it a great day!
0 notes
marigoldblues · 8 years ago
File Under...
I feel like motherhood has turned me kinda into a man. Hahaha.
I find myself too tired and too busy to deal with my emotions/feelings/thoughts--like seriously, who has the time or energy to cry, get mad, or even show real happiness anymore? I feel like on a scale of 1-10, I'm always 5 now.
I've been compartmentalizing everything into the file cabinet of my mind. And maybe one day I'll get to feeling every little thing I've filed away, and if I never get to it, at least it's filed away somewhere safe instead of rotting away in my heart... 
so here goes. 
 -i never thought I would be one of those parents that posted 10million pictures of their baby. Sorry social media friends, I'm one of them...
then again, I sift through  political posts/quotes/posts about sales at friends online store/weight loss stories/  old memories/ complaints and rants...so isn't it only fair that you sift through Yume's pictures too.. :) At least my posts are always cute.
-I never thought I would be THIS tired. Omg, if I were to sleep a full 24 hours I would still wake up tired. I have averaged about 3 hours of sleep for 8 months. I know what you're thinking "but Yume's only 5 months..." ya, I barely slept during the 3rd trimester...
- I never thought I would walk 2+ miles everyday (except when it rains) 
-I never thought I would hate rainy days. Hahaha, I live for my daily walks, and I'm all about keeping Yoomz on a schedule, so when it rains it throws off the schedule, and then I'm in a totallllll tizzy. Oh, and dirty wheels fucking suck.  
  -i never thought I would want to and/or care to write to the city and county about their bumpy-ass uneven sidewalks
I'm trying to take my baby on a smooth ride without tripping and/or waking her up with every huge bump in the road. Get it fixed, Pearl City...
-I never thought I would miss real adult human interaction. For the most part, I'm really not a people person and I love my anti-social-ness, but now that my existence is pretty much ignored (people talk to me through Yume. For example: (in baby-talk-voice) "did you go walking already?" "Did you go ne-ne (sleep)" "have you had milk yet?" "Did you go to the store? Oh ya! what did you buy?" - I guess me wishing someone would just talk to me would be silly, right? I not asking for a full blown, --let's sit down over coffee and talk-- but a "how are you?" Would be nice, sometimes.  Sigh
-I never thought I would appreciate my sister so much. She's seriously like the only person (besides Dean) that talks to me about like nothing and everything--like general life stuff...
She sends me articles, she texts me recipes, she makes me laugh, she asks about my day, and shows that she cares and doesn't just text me when I send her a picture of Yume--she is basically is my daily reminder that I'm still winnie, and not ONLY Yume's mom. I really...really...appreciate it. Thanks Rei-rei. (Sigh)
and, to be fair...when my friends had their children, I pretty much dropped off the face of the planet, because I thought they would be too busy to talk to me, and now, of course, I get it. It probably would've been nice if I called more and asked about how everything was going...but, that wisdom only came after-the-fact.... 
-I never thought I would feel confident as a mother. But surprise, surprise...every once in awhile I get the "you got this" shiver that goes down my spine.  it normally happens when I'm the only one who can comfort Yume's cries... or when we have our day together and she just looks at me and smiles. :) it's nice to feel like a hero every once in a while...
-I never thought a 5 month old could make me laugh so much. Yume is a really funny girl, and her little giggles crack me up. She laughs at the most unfunny things, and that really tickles my funny bone. Haha
 Next file folder  
   -Places that are not stroller/baby friendly...  
omg, my friend KC and I went to the Contemporary Museum last month, and it is SOOOOOO not baby friendly. It's a two story museum with no elevator, no ramps, nothing. There is a beautiful grassy sculpture lawn, with no cement walkway, so people with babies are supposed to, 1) only view the top gallery (and/or leave their stroller in the front and walk down a flight of steps holding a baby while trying to balance) and 2) I guess, push their strollers through and/or carry their baby through the normally wet thick uneven grass. (the museum is in Makiki, one of the wetter parts of the island)
Like omg, seriously it's 2017. put a ramp and cement path in, not just for the strollers, but for the wheelchairs...
unless of course, people with babies and disabilities aren't supposed to enjoy contemporary art... time to Yelp it. Lol
 -Mom Forums 
For those of you without children, bless your heart for not having to read through any mom-forums. Mothers (women) are the most judgemental people on the planet who tend to give horrible (online) advice. I have like 10 thousand baby apps on my phone becauseI like knowing about milestones and whatever, but every once in awhile I check a forum when I have a small concern about Yume (I.e fussiness at the breast) and I'll scroll through pages and pages of bad advice and women who ride their high-horse of "well, my baby never had THAT problem..." ugh.. it is time I'll never get back again. I've decided, if it's a real concern, just call a doctor and fuck the forums.
 -omg, Me. Lol, I'm a lot more annoying now. I've turned into the complainer mom that wants the world completely to change to fit my needs, or else (dun dun dunnnnnnn) I'll Yelp it.  All i need now is an A-line hair cut, and khaki shorts that bunch at the crotch showing off the "v" shape of where my thighs connect to my vajay...and then I'll completely be your full-blown complainer mom.
with that said, let's move to the last file folder (lol) 
  because, after all of that, it's nice to know that I do still love things... 
duh, I love Yume.  
Lol I could devote an entire website with blog after blog writing about how much I love Yume, and it would just be the tip of the iceberg. She's the absolute best. And ya, duh...she tops my list of loves. ❤️awwwww❤️ 
now on to my more superficial loves... 
 omg, I love Target. 
If i could live in a store like corduroy the bear, I would choose Target (welllllll actually it would be Neiman Marcus, but we're talking about right now in my life...I'm living on a stay at home Mommy budget, and I'm definitely nowhere near my well-showered, groomed self--so ya, no living at neimans right now. Lol)  anyway, omg Target. Cutest baby things. Cutest home style stuff, loooooooove the kitchen supplies, and thank you for well priced pantry items! :)
 -Omg, and I love Safeway! 
I've always been a Safeway girl (sorry Foodland and Times) but now that Pearl City has finallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly jumped on board with the new renovations, omg, the Safeway is like beautiful. It's no Whole Foods, but I'm not in the position to drive 45 mins to buy lettuce. Maybe next year..lol
Anyway, I'm all about picking the nicest clean and unbruised apples, and i looooooove checking every single egg for hairline cracks, but I'd rather do that in a nice clean atmosphere where people are few and far between (foodland is SO crowded!) so Safeway, thank you for not being the local favorite~ :)
I love doing laundry. 
omg, hi domesticated woman. No, I don't exactly loooooove doing laundry, but now that I'm a mom, I love finding a tiny random single sock in the laundry. It is the highlight of the moment, because it's soooooooo cute.  
    I'll try to keep my file folders as a reoccurring blog, because it's kinda fun to write this out, rather than just keep it all in my head. Plus, I have sooooo many more things that I love, and so so so sooo many more things that annoy me, but I just don't have the hours in the day to list them all In one sitting.
anyway, thanks for reading!  
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