#the more time goes by the more i entertain going exclusively by they/them
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olderthannetfic · 11 months ago
I have really mixed feelings about the small proportion of F/F fiction (original or fanfic), because yeah sure, people have their desires, they should write what they want, I get it. It all works out when I hear it from person to person. But somehow the logic only ever applies in one direction? "There are more male protagonists because men only care about male characters! Women also mostly care about male characters, because that's the majority of characters they get!" And then somehow we also yet kvetch when men write female characters (because it's incorrectly or something, nevermind if women are writing male characters correctly). Why don't we expect gay men to feel compelled only by femslash for the same reasons (but gender swapped) as the lesbian slashers/fujoshi? All of those very rational justifications are applied selectively, "for me for not for thee," and it all only leads to "idk I just don't wanna write femslash", for Reasons. Do we get to call them microaggressions yet?
No, you don't get to call other people's fantasy life a microaggression.
That is indeed "for me but not for thee" in the sense that you get to want what you want but other people aren't supposed to follow their id.
Do you also police gay men who spend too much time on drag and obsessing over female divas? That's an actual real world behavior that's somewhat equivalent. It frequently goes unchallenged, at least by progressives, because men are allowed to do whatever they want with chick stuff, while women are "stealing" if they dare to stray into dude stuff.
(God, I've seen so much more policing of drag kings being ~problematic~ for acting out stereotypical gender than policing of drag queens for the same. It's nuts!)
Fujoshi are often queer, but it's absurd to think we're mostly lesbians. We tend to be bi or asexual women with gender stuff going on, though there is a mix of everybody, including lesbians. There are also a lot of AFAB non-women who get lumped in with us. On the rare occasions I find a man willing to admit to being a similar demographic, he usually does like gender play in his hobbies and entertainment. It's just that men face even more pressure than women do to fit into tidy categories. Bi women get told we're whores. Bi men are told they don't exist.
Yes, I know plenty of lesbians who write more m/m than f/f, but in the big picture of all of AO3 or all of fanfic or all of media, they aren't the demographic driving these numbers. They're vastly outnumbered by the bi women, the asexual women, and the straight and gnc women.
The men we should be looking at as an equivalent aren't cis gay men but bicurious soy boys and the like.
Do most of us fujoshi object to equivalent men doing an equivalent thing? I've seen it sometimes, and I agree it's hypocritical. I'd like us to afford men the same ability to play and take on identities in their art. I remember enjoying Ranma fandom back in the day and reading quite a lot of f/f that was probably by men. It had some of that same sense of distance and fantasy that I so enjoy in m/m aimed at fujoshi. (I do consume some by-cis-gay, for-cis-gay content, both m/m and f/f, but it's often too literal and too bound up in specific named identities for my taste.)
On average, the people I see complaining most about men producing f/f material are the same people who think that because I have a clit, I should center my life around women exclusively. In other words, people spouting radfem ideology, perhaps on purpose or perhaps without realizing.
I do agree that some of the ways of expressing a lack of desire to write femslash can get pretty douchey. I want us to move away from some of the less accurate ones like "There are no compelling female characters" because of this.
But the reason for all these jerkass explanations is that women and people perceived as women who like m/m are constantly asked to explain ourselves. These aren't usually microaggressions: they're openly hostile. People get defensive and try to answer with important-sounding reasons about identity and pain because society at large won't accept "I like this" as the true explanation.
Pleasure is never enough of a reason for a woman to do something.
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slocumjoe · 2 years ago
I've said before that the synth thing would work better with a McCarthyism allegory, but for Danse specifically, its so similar to autism that it has to be intentional??
Like. The thing that really solidified that Danse in particular is just straight up about autism is Piper's line in Blind Betrayal. Paraphrased, it goes something like, "I mean...yeah, of course he's a synth. It was kind of obvious, wasn't it? I mean, have you heard him talk?"
The autism accent is a concept that seems to be popping up more recently, but its a real thing, and in my own experience, everyone in my life has been able to clock that there was something different about me from my speech. People thought it was weird that I used "adult" words as a kid, and was very technical and exact when speaking. I was often mistaken as being from places like Brooklyn because I had a weird affectation to my voice.
And there's just. This fucking line. "Have you heard him talk?". Piper is also the person who clicked McDonough as a synth. It's worth noting that McDonough and Danse both use words like "rabble".
But seriously.
Danse goes through his life being respected for his work ethic, intelligence, and strong sense of duty and morals, but he never really bonds with anyone, he doesn't make friends. He's respected, not liked. People want to work with him, but the best they have to say about him is about his work. He makes one single friend in his entire life, and never tries again after that guy dies. And no one tries to befriend him. He's their brother. He's not their friend. And he takes his job too seriously as a commanding officer to attempt emotional connection. He apologizes for overstepping on the few occasions he does.
He talks like a thesaurus, and no one is sure if its to sound smarter, or if that's just genuinely how he thinks. It's strongly implied to be the latter. He's incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about various topics. He sounds like a kid on Christmas when you risk life and limb cracking open a vault that's supposed to have riches, but instead, just has some historical items. He throws his Brotherhood prejudice away the moment he finds a farm run by ghouls that uses pre-war structures in a creative way, and scolds you if you do the Brotherhood thing and insult them. He also seemingly forgets that he's in the Brotherhood when meeting a child ghoul, that kid's parents, a shy, insecure ghoul who clings to children's media (despite Danse finding children's entertainment stupid and a waste of time), and Daisy.
And then there's the synth thing.
Danse has always been Danse, but one little word gets attached to him and his life turns upside down. His work ethic is no longer a work ethic, it's viewed as a perversion. His intelligence and manner of speech are no longer of his own merit and education he had to have given himself, they become inevitable, things he had no say in. His existence is both erased and explained by one word, and anything else is irrelevant or in question. People who once respected him want nothing to do with him, because this one word puts him in a context they find unnatural, corrupted, inhuman. There's even something there with the Institute. Autism is (incorrectly) associated with vaccines, the government, science gone wrong. It's a man-made horror.
And then you have the people he gets lumped in with, after being thrown out for this one word. They take schadenfreude in it. This is comeuppance, this is deserved. This one word, something they take pride in or have sympathy for and want to protect, suddenly becomes weaponized. It's a source of pride for others, but for this one person, we're going to use it as punishment. You weren't with us from the start, so now you really are on your own. It's not that there isn't a right way to be this one word, it's just that there's a wrong way, and even if you change accordingly, you will never belong with the rest of us.
Its. Autism is about exclusion, from everyone and everything. Always being an outsider, often too polite or nervous or jaded to even bother looking in. And at every point in Danse's life he didn't belong. He was a rogue synth, so he didn't belong in the Institute. He naturally thrives as a soldier, so he didn't belong as a junk seller in Rivet City. He was a synth and considerably more kind and compassionate than the rest of the BOS, so he didn't belong there. And because he was a BOS soldier and is still working out some bad traits after his exile, he isn't welcomed by the people who he was thrown to. Everywhere he goes, there's a big neon sign over his head that changes to whatever word will ward off everyone around him and he's so used to it, the thing that makes him angriest about being a synth is that he doesn't even have parents. He doesn't even have that connection to the world, of being born into it. There is nothing he can connect himself to beyond the Institute (which he hates) and the Brotherhood (which, if he continues to connect himself to, will drive him to suicide out of sense of duty, and he already agreed to not do that)
Its just. His entire story is one of absolute isolation and the final dickpunch of "You've always hated yourself, right? Good news, here's a reason to kill yourself that's professional and won't illicit pity from your peers, so no one will judge you for doing it or grieve you."
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changbinsboobs · 6 months ago
tbh I noticed that a lot with several idols, one minute they could be severly desperate for relationship then in other readings someone hurt them or they just dont give a fuck about it. so my question is if skz members would be more into hook ups or temporary relationships or are there members who want something more long term and romantic? or as romantic as they can get with their schedules lmao
SKZ Long-term relationships or Flings?
Hi:) i hope you enjoy the reading💗 i used the 3rd Eye Tarot Deck
*For entertainment purposes only!
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Chan - Temperance, 4 of Cups
With him i see that he wants to keep his own peace and not get into relationships, but he gets crushes easily, sometimes more than one at a time and that confuses him, causing him to lose his peace over that anyway so he thinks then "whats the harm in a little fun?" and then dips his toes here, then dips his toes there, most of the time i feel it doesn't go very buttery which again strengthens his conviction of having to keep his peace and keep away from distractions like that, but oh my are women distracting...especially when naked 👀
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Lee Know - 6 of Swords
He seems very serious when it comes to relationships and his ultimate goal is marriage. He has left a lot of unserious people once he realizes they mean only fun and games and aren't ready for the real, serious stuff. He seeks this "the one" feeling and looks for that person and i believe gets into serious relationships only when he thinks he has a chance for that with that person.
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Changbin - King of Cups
Short and clear - a one woman man! I don't think he even sees other women when he is in love. Mind you i didn't say relationship👀 i believe being in a relationship and being in love mean 2 different things for him as i think he might have tried (forced himself) into (short lived) relationships where he wasn't really in love but hoped to develop feelings over time because the match just seemed to make sense, or because friends and family nudged him into finding someone. But i don't think he's a supporter of that method and i think his experience has strengthened a conviction in him to only date and begin a relationship if he has a crush or feelings for the person already. If HE is the pursuer and not the pursued. So yeah i think he is kind of in a waiting period maybe, where he is very exclusively monogamous and also believes in "the one" or in soulmates and patiently waits for them to meet. Once that happens i believe he would be pretty quick to escalate the relationship. I see him with time getting eager to settle down with someone and he would probably make an offer to his person very quickly. An offer to get together, an offer to introduce her to his family and friends, an offer to move in together, an offer for marriage, an offer for kids etc.
He always gets so phylosophical in his readings💗 he has lots of strong opinions about many many things that i feel like he can't share very well with others cuz he just doesn't have much or any people around him he can talk that deeply about stuff with.
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Hyunjin - 2 of Swords
He's a long term relationship guy but he can't make up his mind. Like he can't make up his mind if he should or should not get into a relationship, if he does or does not have real feelings for that person. If he likes this person more than the other. I feel like he might be between two or more people quite often and not be able to choose which one he actually likes because he is so quick to judge and react and i believe he holds a grudge too, so if he has interest in person A, but they disappoint him in some way (even with something small and insignificant) he starts doubting this persons genuinity and his feelings for them, and his interest gets sparked elsewhere - with person B. Then they disappoint him too and he's like "Person A was so much better, lemme try there again" and he goes back to Person A and it goes on and on like that. Poor guy wants love and commitment and seeks stability but he's so unstable himself he can't get that for himself, no matter what person stands in front of him.
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Han - 9 of Swords, Judgement, 7 of Cups
Ehmm...i think he gets very intense and only has eyes for one person. Bit sadly very short lived. He fights that tho and wants to become more consistent but as much as his eyes are only focused on that specific person and see nothing else - his focus doesn't last that long and something new redirects him pretty quickly so i don't think he's someone to have serious long term relationships. He craves that tho. Maybe he has to grow up a bit and then he can focus on one person better.
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Felix - Death, 2 of Cups
Almost the same for Felix. But with the difference that he doesn't go move on to another crush quickly. With is that he meets someone, has a great time with them, everything's nice - and then all of a sudden the spark dies. Even if he stays with them a little longer its not the same anymore so he gets bored and with his busy schedual i don't think he's in the mood for driving on something that doesn't excite him in any way. So i think he's kind of in the middle? He doesn't jump from person to person like chan or han, or even hyunjin, but he isn't very long-term oriented like changbin and lee know either.
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Seungmin - Queen of Cups
That man's looking for a wife! Tbh i don't know what else to put to that😅 he says theres no need to overcomplicate it, its as simple as that - "i want a wife."
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I.N - 6 of Pentacles, 6 of Cups
He likes investing and nurturing and building - all long term things. So i believe he is also long term relationship oriented, but im not really getting it as such a strong sense as the other members. Maybe he wants a long term relationship but not right now, and so he puts his (or invests) his energy and resources elsewhere, so later on he can properly focus on nurturing and building the relationship. Omg yes of course i get it. Thats what the investments abut. So right now he's investing in his future by building security in his finances etc. so that later on when he mets the right person and decides to build a life with them he can do that with a peace of mind and provide accordingly for his partner. Very lovely💗
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jkftkth · 2 months ago
i really do wonder what a bts comeback will mean and does every member have a plan figured out for themselves.
fan accounts going awol when some members were exploring their artistic individuality and only now resurfacing because a group reunion is closer - it makes you think. was there ever even an artistic connection? or was it more about what has been sold to the audience over musical talents - an entertaining family dynamic/bond fans can project onto. fitted roles where a member is only likeable if they’re playing it just right.
2024 changed my feelings for good on where i think i belong, and there’s probably little that could happen for me to want to be part of bts’ fandom again.
firstly, there’s only so far you can go being a fan of tae and having to witness on a daily basis the level of disrespect he faces from both company and fandom no one else has. when you see quite literally the worst of the worst, day after day, but it’s only a limited amount of fans who voice concern and make actual space for the exclusive severity of it all to be acknowledged and discussed and questioned…you either stay and pretend it’s not happening/it’s not “the actual worst” because it’s impossible to satisfy every fan, orrrrr—
i mean, everything until up to now has been with the intent of a) making us fall for the brainwashing so we stop advocating for him as an individual, or b) exhaust us into quitting being his fan so his label can turn around and say to him hey look—why did you think you could make it when no one likes you?
and i obviously believe other members are a victim in their own way too. because you would have to be living under a rock to not see that hybe does not respect its idols as workers, as money makers, and as humans. neither does it protect most of them, the actual opposite for specifically taegikook and so a fan of the group or not, anyone would naturally want better for hybes idols across the board because they deserve better than staff badmouthing them in official reports and on online platforms.
of course there are other reasons i’ve had enough, such as contractual fan service being pushed so much whilst at the same time fandom reactions being intensely watched and made note of to the extent labels are out here monitoring fanfiction and assigning tropes to members and not caring what type of delusion and hate that cultivates??! to the group motto of “us is always before me” being celebrated, to fandom not actually caring about idols’ rights, to fandom falling for a dirty pr firm’s media manipulation/fabrication so easily, to hybe basically being in all fandom spaces with their dumb ass bots to sway opinion, to i mean the list goes on.
i don’t think i’d call myself bitter, or a hater, or a “solo.”once they return i’ll feel relief for all of them that that chapter of their life is over and they came out safe and sound (🙏), but i confess i have little excitement for a group album because group songs mean one thing for fans of tae and group arrangements always do the opposite of wanting him to shine and group entertainment is hard to enjoy when you know there’s a script running more often than not at his expense.
a tour? well i know there’s sincerity in how important performing is, and it’ll probably mean a lot after 18 months of being forced away from that, so it will be nice to see them doing what they find enjoyable yes. do i look forward to the exerting schedules for the sake of making up for hybes financial losses? do i look forward to the billionaire continuing to rip them off while he carries on riding their success as his own?
i know there are contracts. i know idols’ rights are a topic of concern and few are willing to talk about it and make a change. i know their industry can get really manipulative really fast as soon as they step out of line and that can lead to a really dark reality. i know there’s always a bad guy in the story. i know the group is still important and loved by tae (and jk), i know he wants to think the best of the group’s fandom because he is still a group member, i know i’ll support him wherever he goes but like
it’s just hard to forget the least three years and stay unaffected.
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wifelinkmtg · 7 months ago
man i'm not gonna figure out which of these beatrix potter animals fuck
I'm predicting I will get less and less interested in reviewing new magic releases as time goes on, but 1) there's still a lot of older stuff I haven't even touched, and 2) you never know, maybe they'll do something to recapture my interest down the road, like bringing Kaja Foglio back, or taking any creative risks whatsoever. Or, you know, there's other games!
Meanwhile, original Theros block!
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Kiora, the Crashing Wave (Scott M. Fischer)
I don't have that much interest in Kiora as a character but I cannot deny that this is a fine piece of pin-up art. Big Hokusai wave, pearlescent light off her thighs, the cheesecake pose, feet - and the gentle way her hand rests on that tentacle. The connection to the other Hokusai piece everyone knows is surely not accidentacle.
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Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver (Karla Ortiz)
There's so many good feet in Magic that you never get to see because Wizards crops them out of the final card, because they're cowards. I, however, am not. You're welcome.
Anyway yeah Ashiok's hot, we all know this already.
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Forgeborn Oreads (Ryan Yee)
The starry infusion of Nyx here mixes with the fires of Purphoros to create a look I'm calling Julie Mao if the protomolecule had been red. It's a good look.
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Spirit of the Labyrinth (Jason Chan)
Stupid little airhead can't even solve Mommy's brutalist maze, can she?
Dunno, never played it! If anyone has, let me know if that joke was funny or not!
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Reaper of the Wilds (Karl Kopinski)
I guess I do kind of want a woman who can turn me to stone and also crush my petrified ass into powder with her powerful feral serpent body.
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Hythonia the Cruel (Chris Rahn)
Goddamn, did Elesh Norn really not have an original thought in her life? "Throne of petrified victims" makes so much more sense for a gorgon tyrant than a cyborg cult priestess, too. Anyway this ain't about her, this is about Hythonia turning me to stone and then sitting on me. Look how her snake-hair entwines her victims bodies. It would be like sleep paralysis, but sexy and forever!
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Pharika, God of Affliction (Peter Mohrbacher)
O, for the limb-loosening fever, the delirium of the god-touched! O, for the venom-rite and the sharp ecstasy of the serpent-kiss! O, to be obliterated by a rolling wall of scale and snakeflesh! O O O for Pharika, She of bitter remedy and sweetest poison!
Ooh, yeah, good idea.
O lips full of lust and of laughter, Curled snakes that are fed from my breast, Bite hard, lest remembrance come after, And—
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Aspect of Gorgon (Willian Murai)
The flavor text for this one reads, "My adopted children are loved no less." —Pharika, God of Affliction, so in addition to being an extremely pretty woman with curly black hair-which-is-also-snakes (already a great start), there's a trans metaphor going on here. Which is to say, one can by the grace of Pharika transition to gorgon, and then presumably have a whole lot of T4T gorgon sex. And if I can do all that and also call Pharika "Mommy" then I do think I'm living my best life at that point.
Pharika isn't running a sex cult yet.
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originemesis · 1 year ago
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"creation took 7 days; now watch me fuck it all up in one night"
canon divergent adam / abel // haz.b.in h.o.tel
21 + / mid-low activity / private and 🐢 SLOW
ordained and entertained by skeu ; icon templates by cinna! 💜💛
Commission human icons by bbglucifer --- > xxx
here are some cool people in hell's rpc empire to check out : @mourningstarred, @lilitophidian , @cast-you-dxwn , @reshelldential, @atomeyes , @arachn0philia , @drraphaelmd-a @brokendreamscreation, @chasingrainbcws @danger-tits-lute , @hclluvahctel , @themosthatedbeingg , @metaladam , @hxly-fxther , @alteregozowie , @hells-greatestdad , @voxistem , @dick-meister
about // playlist // active headcanon // current verses // rules [beneath]
Blog is 21+ for content concerns and mun is 25+ (an old) and will not interact with minors on this blog. minors should technically not follow me here either ~ so, don'tttttt...do that? thanks! if i catch you, you're yeeted to the shadow realm.
Do not follow this blog if you are sensitive to the sensitive topics related to this particular genre. I tag with "content word cw" for the extra wild stuff, but that's about it. adam literally has the highest swear/slur count in the show and he's only in 3 episodes, so be aware of that.
I tend to be private/selective as i get fairly overwhelmed with too much activity. i really get into plots though, and i'll spam the dash with some silly original dick chauvinism from time to time when ive fed my inner gremlins past midnight. That said, I do get easily overwhelmed when I'm following too many people and multi muse blogs in particular can exacerbate this feeling, so if I do not follow back - I might just not be in a good place to atm or I just don't see possible interactions btw our characters. It's nothing personal!
This is a mutuals only interaction blog for my sanity (anons being fine). If i can see plots happening between us, I'll likely follow. but i get overwhelmed easily so please don't take it personally if i don't follow back or follow back right away.
I am not exclusive, but I prioritize my plotted threads and may have some mains/activity based off that as far as my main verse goes. But I will never be fully exclusive and i enjoy exploring different character dynamics. Also multi-ship is fine, but I am not exclusively here to ship or write suggestive content. My muses have always and will always require plotting and scene chemistry for me to consider writing ship material. In the case I do reblog shippy prompts still feel free to send in ofc! I'll see if I can make it work or not.
If I don't get a follow back within a week or two, if blogs i follow go inactive for up to 12 weeks, or if there's just no attempt on either of our ends to connect for an indefinite amount of time - I'll occasionally go through my list and soft block to clean things up. if we ever want to give it a go in the future, the option is there for us to re-follow and resume!
I don't like the feeling of being 'collected' so...if you are interacting with multiple of of the muses I portray, I ask you have a different dynamic for mine than them. This is just an act of courtesy I also extend to my rp partners. I interact more with folks that have a special relationship with my muse, so it's needed to deep dive into more interesting topics for me. If you're just concerned with collecting another Adam for 'shipping', you don't want me. I rarely ship unless good chemistry/slow burn.
I know that Adam is a bad guy. He's insufferable and can push buttons- but I am not him and I dislike constantly feeling like I'm being barraged for his actions, especially since I consider him to be a heavily layered character that should not be shoe horned into a standard 'ok irredeemable and never allowed nice things' box. So- if you honestly despise this character on a personal level that can't be separated from ic interactions, we won't work out. I am here for exploring taboo topics and ways that a flawed character can make others think he's justified. Let me explore and enjoy what I like on my blog within reason and do talk with me on dms if you don't like how things are going with our muses and you wanna explore other routes. I love to plot and I am very reasonable.
This is my blog and my verses and my interpretation of what's going on. I am happy to accommodate to any pre-determined and agreed upon thread or verse, but I will not let other characters that are considered 'more powerful' lore wise dictate what I can do on my blog. I am happy to adjust depending on others' verses, but I require direct and forward communication before each interaction if that's the case as I feel like I constantly misinterpret intentions. On my blog, Adam (mainly) is the head of the exorcists and always has been and will be until his death. He commands, sleeps with and is generally the head boss of the Exorcists. Do not force any headcanons or per conceived notions onto my character unless it is in your character's nature to assume things about others because that's different and can be played off.
This post/my rules and conditions are subject to change.
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infernothechaosgod · 1 month ago
I haven't seen your oc's yet! Who are they, do they have reffs? 👀 How many do you have?
yeah I have a few there and there, plan on making more sometime
first we have pallea whom I desperatley need to draw more since shes one of my faves and she gonna stick around the most, Im gonna be honest prepare to see more of her, she's a bit of a trickster, always trying to get on everyones nerves and only geniuenly succeding on mickey, they have a bit going on between them and like I said I need to post more abt my girl TOT
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pallea my beloved, also just throwing it out there, I did NOT name her after pellea the dish I did not even know that existed before making her I remember I was naming her the same way I name alot of my ocs when they dont have irl names and I just took two words and smashed them together, I also wanted a character to have word PAL in the name for puns, I didn NOT name her after the food TOT
then we have my another very beloved oc RAMONA LOSALL
when it comes to her I accualy don't wanna post too much abt her bc shes exclusive for a project I am not even NEAR touching anytime soon simply to not work on whole 4 big projects at the same time like that would just straight up kill me lmao, but she beasictly starts out as a femme fatale untill it turns out shes as good of a detective as mickey and the two of them get into some cases together
designing her was really fun and I am SO proud of how she turned out, I've been meaning to draw more characters in the rubberhose style that fits in with mickey and others that does have more unique features since I am one of the very few people who accualy do mind the same face on every mouse character that isnt just a big snout, shes got much much smaller and in head ears, her eyes are highlighted and big also her pupils are square and my fav her snout is in a diff shape its curved up and goes more thin as it ends that is that one design i am SO proud of omg
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also fun fact, she accualy started out as a redesign of ingrid from old mickey comics but writing just kept going and going and redesign was redesigning
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then we have "elenor"e exe.24 who guess what were just calling elenore, I don't have that much drawings of her and I NEED to redesign her...again bc I dont like how her body turned out as in its not rubberhose enough imo
ofc my art doesnt do full on noodle hands and thin arms and legs and stuff but it never went on the level where I was like "hm looks like my normal human build" untill it came to drawing her, the issue with the rubberhose style is that you will have just awful time while trying to design a curvy character , anyways shes a robot and I can see that you can see that shes inspired by mimi the pin up girl like shes in the photo i can see that you see but ye just like ramona she started out as a redesign of an already existing character in this case mimi and things got out of hand again, she's apart of the "neon city" and works in the entertainer industry [while activley fucking up the entire system when no ones looking]
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then we have amelia who's in something im accualy working on right now so im not gonna tell you much abt her character and will more focus on her design
shes a weasel! her design was my attempt at using shape language more in my art witch i think you can obviously see since shes beasicly a one giant triangle with soft outsides, I tried my best to give her light colors that don't melt together too much and Hopefuly succeded TOT
but I can tell you she would either instantly choke sylvester shyster to death or would sing him lullabies to bed and theres no inbetween
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ignore my minor highlighting mistake
making this post made me realize I have no drawing of the bear workers outside of this witch makes me heartbroken im so sorry, but long story short there construction workers who ended up working for sylvester while hoping someone litellary anyone else is willing to hire them so they can leave that weird rat man alone and behind them
[thats just one of them but theres arounf 6 and there all diffrent types of bears I just have the bear one down like I said I need to draw more of them omg]
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I have few more but I just don't have their drawing on my laptop and also there not as important as the ones above and I don't have as much to say abt them since there still in baking stage
Exept Riots/roxane shes still being baked despite having a design for like few months by now, I don't have much to say abt her exept the fact im also proud of her design I just like it alot and wanna show off despite bad quality
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nayatarot777 · 2 years ago
do they still think of you? • pac
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if you would like to read the extended - what would this person tell you if they saw you again? (a message from them + a message from their higher self) - then find it here on my patreon
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if you’d like a personal reading, then see info here
• pile one •
this person definitely does still think of you. they mainly analyse their own feelings for you because they don’t know why they feel the way that they do towards you. i’m seeing that they feel like their feelings for you were a surprise to them, and perhaps they were in denial about it at the time of being around you. however, now that there’s distance between you two, they’re taking the time to actually learn how to acknowledge their feelings and become more curious about them. they could be the type of person who usually isn’t used to feeling emotions like this for people (especially after this amount of time has passed) but there’s some type of decision that they’re making mentally regarding their feelings and their thoughts/memories. you could’ve known this person through work (particularly as a coworker). i’m hearing that they’re trying to figure out whether or not they’re even good enough for you. i’m seeing them re-evaluate everything that they thought made them valuable in terms of connections with others. and it’s like they’re deciding that they couldn’t actually give you what you want. they see you as someone who’s extremely comfortable and abundant by yourself. perhaps they’re denying that you even reciprocate their feelings. i’m feeling a lot of self-sabotaging energy from this person. and there’s still an energy of denying their emotions currently. but they go back and forth. “do they like me? i think so. they did [xyz] so…probably?” < that’s what i’m hearing lmao. this person could experience you popping up into their mind, forcing them to entertain some type of contemplation about you, however i am seeing that they have the tendency to deny their feelings and go back to a “rational” and “logical” way of thinking to hold onto their self-control and self-governance. they could be someone who’s extremely comfortable being alone and just focusing on themselves materialistically. so, again, they’re confused about what they’re feeling for you and why they’re feeling it 😂. i’m hearing that they’re leaning more towards trying to just not even think about whether or not you reciprocated the energy. and there could’ve been a time when you helped them with something, too. maybe something extremely small. but they’re questioning why. why would you do that? you see how this person’s energy goes from contemplation, to suppression and denial, back to contemplation again? they’re trying to stop the thoughts but it’s not working lmaoo. talk about a vicious cycle.
• pile two •
for this pile, i’m seeing a no. and that’s because your time with this person was not a good one. it was full of ego clashes and conflict that left this person feeling emotionally drained. the 4 of cups has come out in this spread - and that’s a card of being completely emotionally disconnected and checked out of a situation. i feel like, emotionally, they’re done with this connection. and they’ve found a way to move forward into a much calmer headspace. i feel like at one point they did think about you, but it made them angry to think about whatever happened. they’re detaching themselves from that anger though, and they’re just focused on gaining peace for themselves. they’ve clammed up, i’m hearing. they don’t want to be bothered with this and they’re not interested in connecting to anyone else during this time either. they’re just enjoying their peace and quiet and their alone time. i’m seeing that they could be lying to themselves about not caring about you or anything that happened? but that’s the way that they’re choosing to handle this for the sake of their mental peace. they’ve gradually managed to move away from thinking about you - to the point where i feel like there’s a distance between the memories that they have of you and what they think about daily or weekly. perhaps when thoughts of you do pop into their head, they recoil from them and their ego fights them off by detaching themselves emotionally from those thoughts, just so that they don’t experience anger about you and your past connection again. they’re very self-protective right now and they’re really focused on just maintaining peace. they’re taking this time to temper their feelings and become aware of their own ego conflicts. i feel like, the times when they do think about you, it’s to think about what they need to learn from all of the egotistical conflicts that happened between the both of you. before they can fully close out this chapter and move on. i’m hearing that they’re identifying red flags within your past connection before opening themselves up to moving on with others again.
• pile three •
i haven’t really went into the cards that have come out in any other reading, but for you guys, i need to. you got the 5 of pentacles, the 10 of swords, and the 9 of swords. y’all. wtf happened here? this person does think about you - wayy too much - to the point of running themselves into the ground with their thoughts. this is extreme self sabotage for them, but they’re extremely hurt by something. they feel like they’re completely left out and isolated now. and they could’ve even felt like they experienced a financial loss (especially if you divorced this person and got a settlement within that). if not, they just feel like this situation has really impacted their self esteem. like they’re lacking seeing value in themselves now. they don’t see value in themselves - even where value is present within them. they’re so hurt by whatever happened, but not necessarily just an emotional hurt. more so an ego hurt and psychological hurt more than anything. they feel like they’ve completely hit rock bottom mentally, and like they can’t get back up from this. they’re having sleepless nights, weaving through all of their worries, fears, and anxieties. and they’re harming themselves more and more through this process whether they’re aware of that fact or not. i mean, i feel like they are. they really feel like they’re so alone that they can’t really do much else though. and they’re exhausted from living like this. they feel like they can’t take the final step to actually take physical action to wrap up being in this extremely mentally painful situation. this could even be preventing them from working on their usual hobbies and interests. it’s like they go back and forth between being completely exhausted mentally and choosing to just give up under the mental pressure of these thoughts, back to negative rumination and self-talk. they regress back from progress. they could really be trying to make sense of why they were betrayed in some way. i’m hearing them talk to themselves about how they tried everything to keep things together but they still were left in the worst position possible. or they still ended up experiencing major loss and poverty in some way - i’m mainly seeing in the material realm. this could actually be preventing them from seeing something (like a material opportunity) of major value around them now, because they’re so hurt and mentally defeated by this situation.
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wheelchairbatgirl · 2 months ago
I guess someone had to review all the wheelchairs in Nothing Butt Nightwing.
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There are three images of wheelchairs in Nothing Butt Nightwing, which DC Universe Infinite will unfortunately forever log that I have read.
It's a standard hospital wheelchair and the proportions are really weird. Just a note, no one who uses a computer as much as Oracle does would have full length arm rests. You actually cannot get your lap under a table with arm rests like that. So if you're not going to do any research at all about what wheelchair you decide to copy and so you pick a hospital wheelchair, at least pick one with desk arms.
Wheelchair gets 3 out of 10. I was too nice every time before where I rated a hospital wheelchair as "looking like an actual wheelchair", because it does not look, at all, like a wheelchair that an independent person with full lower limb paralysis would use on the daily. At least it's got push rims and breaks. We have that going for us.
And hey, I can respect Dick Grayson more as a cheeks-out supermodel than as a cop.
Wheelchair gets a 3/10 because it's definitely a wheelchair but it's not something we could reasonably expect Barbara Gordon to be living her life in. Someone at least give that woman a cushion or something. If she keeps just sitting on the unpadded sling she's going to get pressure sores.
This is a reminder that if you have family members who use wheelchairs even sometimes to get them a basic gel cushion. Meemaw will love that. It's not too late to get her a Holiday present.
My opinions on the comic itself after the jump because I tried to be short but it got too long:
I told myself that I'd limit my actual analysis of the series to two sentences, so here goes. I believe that whoever wrote this thought that they were doing a clever inversion on the often-critiqued "we're only reading about this superhero because she's hot and her ass is out" trope. The problem is that doing that is not clever, and taking that premise and then doing nothing clever or entertaining with it does not make good content. If it's pointless and empty when it's a female character who just exists for male eye candy, it's equally pointless and empty when you flip the genders.
As an asexual disabled woman who reads comics, I'm very aware that a lot of the things that I like I'm not the target audience for. The number of superheroes outright disabled like me is very small. I don't often get to share in someone's power fantasy. I'm not interested in things just for being sexy or sexual. And because there's a lot that I often have to be aware just isn't for my taste, I get to enjoy comics for the other elements. I like the story, the art, all the things that you get out of an issue that isn't the gimmicks. And I think that means that, when something is all gimmick, it's just not something that I'll like. And a lot of people have that experience; it's not exclusive to asexual disabled women. That's something that's very cool and unifying about a good story: we all resonate with different parts but we all end up liking the same story. However, in order for me to like it, it has to actually have a story. It has to have some kind of meaning, or something funny, or something clever. It needs to make a point or have a purpose for existing. And even some really awful art where every shot of a character is her perfectly-rendered ass can pass if the story is really good. But this story felt so empty. And now i've read it and I just feel empty and a little gross. I don't like when spending time with characters I like ends up feeling like this.
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asmrtist-brainrot · 2 months ago
General WotW HCs
Just what I think about the characters
GN! Reader if mentioned
It's the three mercenaries and siren tho
~ Dari
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War of the Witches General HCs
he's insane but shockingly handy, talented in a mixture of things from his time entertaining himself
the best at cleaning and doing laundry because of the multitude of stains he'd had to scrub out of his clothes
his regular manner of art is brutal, even his paintings are pretty nasty - despite how good he is at it
despite the fact he walks around covered in blood, he genuinely hates wet fabric on his skin - it grosses him out
hilariously enough, despite his love for blood and gore and such; Cole is a horrible neat freak
his quarters are always immaculate and his personal hygiene is genuinely impeccable - he also takes the longest showers
collarbone and hip piercings!!! because this man is a slut /j
a whole ass bisexual; loves men that can rip him apart - women? even better
drinks primarily tea, decaffeinated, mostly because he doesn't like how caffeine makes him feel
grumpy riser, always seconds away from throttling someone fresh from sleep
more a coffee than a tea person but will drink both; prefers green or jasmine tea, drinks exclusively iced coffee
green thumb, he has so many potted plants and spices growing in his apartment
his pride and joy is a very finicky vanda orchid with multiple buds
he secretly started growing cat grass for Floofster
often eats exclusively take out because his time is dedicated to work and such
his hair and trench coat are the vestiges of a CW's "Supernatural" phase he had through his teenage years - he still cracks a reference here and there
has always been a cat person, fed strays whenever he could - his grandmother had an old cat he adored
dog person, loves, loves beeg dogs but will absolutely treat small dogs like they're tough lil' K9s
resident cat magnet in despite of being a dog person, purely because they like his vibes
oldest of the group (probably canon tbh)
refuses to just chill in any form, even on weekends - wakes up early, starts breakfast early; sleeps exactly 8 hours and goes to bed early
sort of grew up in mercenary work, took it up after his father retired
if not for the warlock wars, he'd probably go into law enforcement or security or even consider taking up mechanic work
best with vehicles, hot wiring, driving - motorcycle nut (has driven a tank exactly once and hasn't stopped thinking about it since)
only drinks coffee black, strongest can be made - usually double or triple espresso... will drink tea only if it's offered, strong preference for green or chai
unsurprisingly a bird person, has an affection for corvids and pigeons and doesn't tolerate their bad treatment - they flock to his song and chirp with him
scares cats and dogs on principal, just by existing in their space (he thinks it's funny)
is the best cook out of all of them, hands down, might just be the years of experience
bakes the best cakes and cookies; his beloved has a sweet tooth, so he learned all sorts of baking techniques
early riser, sleeps in bursts because he doesn't need too much of it, so occupies his time doing other things
picked up embroidery because the stitches do well for first-aid and it's a way to keep his hands busy - usually also patches ripped clothes seamlessly
will drink either coffee or tea if it's offered, primarily drinks water or juice
if not for the curse, he and his beloved would be living their days out in a beachside cabin and enjoying a domestic life in an actual paradise
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neitomo · 3 months ago
Today, I've been thinking about the U.A. school festival in their second year. Mostly because I want to entertain the idea of class 2-B doing a band performance since class A's was so well received the previous year.
Half of this stems from my headcanon that Tsunotori is a huge Tommy Heavenly6 fan, so I like to think they'd cover one of her songs. Maybe +gothic pink+ or Pray?
Vocals - Tsunotori
Lead guitar - Kodai
Rhythm guitar - Rin
Bass - Kendou
Drums - Tetsutetsu
Originally, I wanted to put a keyboard/synth in the band, and have Monoma play that. This is entertaining the headcanon that he's played piano from a young age (which I think a good few people have!). I'm not actually sure how easy it is to transition from playing piano to keyboard because I don't play either, but he's canonically a fast learner so, it wouldn't really matter? And that's why I was thinking about having him on synthesiser. I don't know how they work either (LOL) but, hey, fast learner!
But, I don't know, none of the Tommy songs I was thinking about really needed a keyboard or synth so I came up with something I think would make more sense. Monoma loves being able to make his class shine, so he'd be more than happy to take on special effects.
I haven't really worked out a way to incorporate everyone's quirks into the performance (and I just can't imagine them having a dance team like class A had), but the visual effects would be mostly done by Shiozaki and Komori. They could get a forest theme going on, maybe? Awase and Bondo would be perfect for building a set for them. If they needed to reach high up to place anything, Kuroiro would be able to just slip up the wall. Tokage would be so helpful during preparations and the actual stage because she can be in so many places at once. I think her and Yanagi would be crucial here. With Tsuburaba solid air to help him around the concert hall, Fukidashi would be able to give them some booms and zaps, along with Kaibara to literally get the room shaking.
I think Shoda would orchestrate everything and help keep everyone on task since Kendou would be pretty busy learning the bass lines. I feel like Shishida would be on sound tech, maybe along with Honenuki.
ALAS, onto the hidden star of the show himself: Monoma. His job is to do the show stopping finale. But, you're going to have to bear with me. It makes sense, you just have to have a little belief.
It's pretty established he can't use two quirks at once, but I've decided he's learned to. I mean Todoroki manages to use his fire and ice at the same time eventually, so Monoma overcomes this obstacle to.
There's a lot of anxiety surrounding this, because it depends on people in class A to be present whilst it happens. Luckily, the songs I've chosen don't last longer than five minutes (cough cough, elongated use of Erasure increased his limit by a few minutes but lets not get into that yet) and most don't anyway. He needs to get Hakagure and Bakugou's quirks.
He just needs to catch them at the perfect time before the show starts. Either before they enter the hall, or whilst they're in the audience. Hakagure's Invisibility would allow Monoma to get on stage without anyone knowing he was there, and I'm imagining something like Bakugou's cluster move, but exclusively visually. Obviously, Monoma can't really replicate people's ultimate moves, but uhh, let me have this? Cluster is really pretty in season 7 anyway so I think it would be cool to incorporate like this.
And, yes, I have considered the fact he would have to be naked. I choose not to think about it. It's fine... he knows his time limits. It's MY headcanon and I say NOTHING GOES WRONG.
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lottiesnotebook · 1 month ago
and/or, because i'm ill and you love me, trevelyan/dorian with the following:
❝  i haven’t stopped thinking about the way you laugh.  i’m hoping i’ll get to hear it again.  ❞
Sorry I didn't get to this prompt last night, dearest! Hope I got your darling Seong right, I'm not used to writing him on his own. Hope you enjoy this now! Not going to tag the Dragon Age Drunk Writing Circle, but very much written in the spirit of the event. <3
Dorian/Seong Trevelyan, pining, depression, pre-relationship, first kisses
like the promise of july
The first time Dorian Pavus hears the man they call Andraste's Herald laugh, he falls a little bit in love with him before he can stop himself. It's a bright, musical sound, impossible to force or falsify, as pure and unexpected as the call of the Songbird Varric has named him. Nobody laughs like that in Minrathous, at least in its highest echelons of society. Everything, from laughter to smiles to the slightest movement of a fan, is political, and carefully watched. Those who call Val Royeaux the city of masks know nothing of its motherland - Tevine politicians make their Orlesian equivalents look like children playing dress-up in their parents clothes.
But he says something flippant and trivial - something, in truth, he barely recalls, beyond its immediate result - Seong's laugh, brighter than summer and just as intoxicating. It makes him feel, impossibly, innocent again. It makes him feel alive, and he wants, in that moment, to swallow it, to let the light and sound of it fill him to the brim and overspill, to become drunk on the sweetness of the sound. The curl of his lips, the tilt of his head to reveal the elegant curve of his throat, even the faint shadow of stubble along his jaw, all add to the tempation of the picture. His weakness for beautiful men drove him from Tevinter - it seems almost unfair that almost as soon as he sets foot in this new land, he's already struck down by it.
The temptation is not one that lasts long. After Redcliffe- after Alexius' spell goes awry, after the future and its thousand horrors, Seong Trevelyan no longer laughs. He smiles, sometimes, but they are forced courtesies, not sunlight-bright hints of the sweetness beneath his chiseled exterior. The weight of that future, of preventing it, has settled like a mountain on his shoulders, and is crushing the life and the sweetness from him as surely as night follows day. He keeps a lute in his quarters, but he no longer carries it down to the tavern to bounce harmonies back and forth with Maryden, as rumour whispers he used to. He does not hang around Haven's great hall to gossip and flirt with visiting dignitaries, or stroll through the village to check on the refugees. He retreats to his study, or to the war room, and chases the next step the Inquisition must take to prevent the end of the world. It is as if, Dorian thinks, he has made of his body one of his arrows, a purpose narrowed to a single, vicious point, with everything extraneous or unnecessary trimmed away.
It is perverse to miss a laugh he only heard once, a smile he only saw once, but he misses them nonetheless. He tries his best to be charming, to make the flippant, airy remarks that drew that irresistible curve to his lips once more. He'd like to say it was for the good of the Inquisition, for the world's sake, but in truth he is a selfish man, and his reasons for wanting to cheer the Herald are predictably and entirely selfish.
"What does a man have to do around here to make you smile?" he demands one evening. He's perched on the edge of Seong's desk, where the other man has been politely humming to half an hour of meaningless chatter he's manufactured exclusively for his entertainment.
"I smile all the time," Seong retorts, which is not technically a lie, in the same way that that the Inquisition is not technically a quasi-religious militia answering only to the man it has elected as a prophet.
"Your mouth smiles frequently. Your eyes smile not at all. Do you think me too oblivious to note the difference?"
He has lovely eyes, Seong Trevelyan - a grey so bright and luminous that they almost loop back around to violet, the kind of eyes a poet would give a hero in a romance, a beautiful flower-faced boy for Destiny to break on her wheel and reshape into something harder, colder. Softness seldom lasts, in the tales Tevine poets tell.
"You've been paying close attention to my eyes, altus?" His voice is light, teasing, almost playful, if not for the space he seeks to put between them with the title he no longer claims. It is as if he fears, if Dorian comes any closer, the weight of the burden he has taken on will crush them both rather than being spread more easily. "You should be careful. People will talk."
"Didn't you once tell me you'd die if people stopped talking about you?" Dorian retorts, and dares to still the scratching of his quill with a single touch of his hand. He feels Seong's breath catch in his throat, his hand freeze beneath his fingers, and for a moment, he worries he's taken a step too far, taken a liberty for which he will not be forgiven.
"I didn't realise you were listening," he replies, and there's a hitch in his voice that Dorian cannot ignore, a dilation of his pupils like an eclipse of the moon - black swallowing silver.
"To you, Inquisitor, I am always paying the closest possible attention," he says, and holds his title in his mouth like the last shield between them, something Seong could set aside, if he chose. Hope and fear mingle in his breast as their eyes lock and Seong's fingers flutter beneath his own. "If I'd had a tutor with your looks and charm, perhaps I would have been a more diligent student." Or more likely he'd have ruined his reputation far earlier than he managed too, but that's a dour thought for such a moment as this.
"And I would have been a very poor teacher, given that I would have been- what, eight? - with no knowledge of magic at all." It is a brush-off, kindly meant but certain.
Dorian pushes himself to his feet, his own false smile affixed to his lips. "I am sure, as far as eight-year-olds go, you were a brilliant one, given your wit and diligence in adulthood. But I should leave you to your work. I've plagued you too long."
He turns to leave, spine rigid, jaw set. Later he can cave to humiliation and foolish, childish heartbreak. Now, he must retain his dignity. It is all he has left.
He does not expect Seong's inkstained fingers to curl around his own wrist. He cannot pull away.
"Dorian," he says, and there is something so fragile, so vulnerable in the way he holds his name in his mouth that his heart comes close to breaking with it. "Why do you spend your evenings stuck in a dreary little office with a man who doesn't give you half the attention you deserve?"
His eyes, his fingers pin him in place, like a moth on a board, like a man turned to stone, if his heart did not still beat like a rabbit's.
"I haven’t stopped thinking about the way you laugh.  I’m still hoping I’ll get to hear it again." He cannot dissemble beneath that silver-violet gaze, those pupils that could swalllow the world in shadow and remake it more beautifully in his quick-whirring mind.
Seong does not laugh. His lips part, his breath hitches in a tiny gasp, and a noise almost like a tiny, swallowed sob escapes.
"It's difficult," he says, softly, "to remember to laugh, when it feels like the world will end if I stop for even a moment."
Dorian pauses, counts seconds on his fingers, looking down at Seong in his chair. "There," he says, eventually. "A moment passed, and nothing terrible happened. You deserve to laugh, Seong Trevelyan. We both saw what the world turned into without you in it. That includes your happiness too."
"My happiness?" Seong looks at him, almost incomprehending. "If all that mattered was my happiness-" He pauses, the bard made speechless. His gaze flickers to his hand on Dorian's wrist, and his fingers slacken, as if reminding him- them- that he can still leave.
Dorian does not move, only looks down at him, mouth curving into an irrepressible smile. "Yes?"
Seong's reply is a searing kiss, surging up from his chair to push Dorian back against his desk. He wraps those strong archer's fingers around his hip and his cheek, pressing against him so that there is no space left between them, and Dorian feels drunk on sunlight even in the Ferelden winter. Parchment is scattered across the floor, ink spilled with reckless, robe-staining abandon, and when they regain sufficient presence of mind to take in their surroundings, they have caused quite the mess in his office.
They look at each other for a long moment, and then Seong begins to laugh, and sunlight returns to the world still left half-broken by what it could become.
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soaps-mohawk · 1 year ago
I honestly wouldn’t mind having a second omega if we get to be a power couple and torture all the boys with how cute and sexy we are tbh.
Would also love to see how the reader handles seeing the omega from the place again
Happy? Nervous? Excited?
Would love to see what you would do with it
(But im also selfish and would be iffy at dirst but it sounds like a cool idea)
That's basically the concept of my idea that involves two omegas 😂
I'm going to use your ask to explain that idea finally lol. I didn't nap but I am more awake now than I was lol.
But essentially, that idea exists sort of in a world like the one in CRCB, except the CIA is less involved and it's just more governments that require omegas to join the omega initiative and it's not exclusive to military, it's more just widespread in general packs are required to register and omegas get assigned based on things like personality tests, skills, temperament, etc. This fic would focus more on the opposite end of things, though, as the main omega would not be an institute trained omega.
Basically, TF141 already has an omega at the time the fic starts. She's institute trained (not the reader from CRCB though, would be an OC), and bonded and claimed by Price and Gaz. The fic would focus more on Simon and Johnny because Simon likes Price's omega but just isn't feeling it. Of course, the imbalance is starting to cause some tension within the pack, even if they don't mean for it to. That's a big no no, so Laswell does some digging for them and finds who she thinks is the perfect omega for Simon and Johnny and thus enters the reader.
I don't have much decided on as far as the reader's backstory goes (I'm trying not to entertain this idea too much yet lol) but she didn't attend an institute. So, she gets to go get her life upended and live on base with a bunch of crusty stinky military dudes (i'm kidding...mostly...) and of course there's some adjusting and tension and angst and sweet bonding with everyone. (again, I haven't thought much into the details on this one) But, eventually, the omegas kind of band together since they're in the same boat and they're together and alone a lot of the time while the guys train and are sent out on assignments and such.
Of course we get that sweet wlw goodness in there and it's kind of borrowing a lot from that line in CRCB where the reader remarks that some alphas like to watch omegas together 👀
Probably would be a lot spicier than CRCB has ended up being. Of course there will be angst (it's Ghost what do you expect lmaoo) and drama and probably a lot of tears but yeah. That's the basis of that idea.
Switching gears here, I have played around with the idea of bringing the other omega in for a cameo or something, but I wouldn't bring her in for like a full time kind of situation, a second omega type thing or anything like that. As much as my heart years for some wlw representation, I'm leaving it as just being something that happened in the past and focusing on just the reader and the guys cause I know that's what people have come into the fic expecting.
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cartoon-buffoon · 7 months ago
Random rambles from Toon Buffoon time! So for no particular reason at all I'm gonna go on about an Epic Mickey AU idea I've been planning yet will probably only fully commit to writing once I play Epic Mickey Rebrushed as I actually have no formal experience with Epic Mickey—1 and 2—as I've not played them and know only the surface level plot, crucial events, and characters. Sorry, I'm a classic Oswald fan (disgusting I know)
Anywho the actual AU name is named "Blood & Ink"! And originates from a fic of main from the same name, the fic itself is a setup and an introduction to the AU and tells some crucial details of what's going on in the world. For instance the world of wasteland is going into ruin, Mickey has mysteriously "abandoned" Oswald and wasteland for quite some time, Oswald has the magic brush, and he ventures out to a land tucked away in the deepest corner of wasteland in order to call on the help of powerful creatures to save his world from total disaster only for said creatures to quickly go "lmao, no" and turn on him.
Now for a quick briefing on the AU as I'll avoid going super in depth and I'll hit the key things: The antagonists species' name is called "Terrors", and there are 4 (technically 5) of them. Also wanna note the Terrors aren't original characters and are just my favorite rubberhose horror characters as this is kinda a crossover AU. The 4 terrors are the Cartoon Dog & Cat, Skitzo the 1920s Killer Bear, and Bendy/The Ink Demon and they are neither toon nor human, they do have hearts but not normal ones due to their fame being dark and they aren't made of paint or thinner—like the name of the AU their bodies and hearts are made of blood & Ink, two substances which puts them on a higher plane of power making them effectively godlike compared to toons. Each of them have a unique ability exclusive to them whilst also having some sort of basic toon force like squash and stretch and exaggerated physics. The powers themselves come from a mysterious force in this AU (and this is an original idea!) which are basically corrupted versions of the tints and turps in EM, these malicious trickster spirits are called clots and clods which are red and black respectively representing blood and ink and are chaotic neutral, they give the Terrors powers because it entertains them and nothing more and just like to watch chaos be sown. The idea behind Terrors is also something I came up with where instead of being forgotten and ending up like Oswald and the rest of all the Wasteland denizens who are forgotten toons, the Terrors are creatures—once toons—who are unwillingly remembered by people. People wish to forget them yet can't due to the atrocities behind them, they unwillingly live on in the psyche of the public being not exactly popular but CERTAINLY not forgotten. Said atrocities are also caused via them becoming hateful and bitter, this kinda gives them a parallel to Oswald who was also bitter yet the difference is Oswald resented his brother who he believed took his spot meanwhile the Terrors resent their creators and the people who watched them. Each of the Terrors do have an original backstory for this AU yet that's way to complex to talk about and super long winded.
On the other side of the coin this AU also has Oswald be the main character where he's extremely bitter since the events of this AU take place after the first game (maybe after the second one as well yet I haven't fully decided?) either way he believes that Mickey left them since he's been gone for so long and things mysteriously started to fall apart abruptly. All that progress from the first game effectively means nothing and does little more than sting Oswald since he firmly believes that despite going through EVERYTHING he was still inevitably left to be forgotten which is kinda why he seeks out the Terror's help in the first place. Seeking out their help goes horribly wrong however and in this AU Oswald effectively gets murdered by them only to come back to life with the power of the clots and clods and he's given powers which are basically toon force except suped up and there's no limit to what he can and can't do. The only draw back being he feels EVERYTHING that his body goes through and has no actual resistance, for example he can stretch his limbs yet he physically feels like his skin and body is being stretched out. He can do basically anything as long as he can tough it out for the sake of finishing a fight. Also as part Terror he gains the ability to actually hurt the creatures he summoned and this is where the main part of the AU starts where it's a quest to stop the chaos he awoke.
Alright ramble over, this is a stupid overly edgy concept that only exists because I like crossovers and apocalyptic scenarios/scenes. There's a lot more to talk about such as Oswald's personality shifting due to his new powers and body, Mickey's role in the entire thing and why he "left", the Terror's unique backstory and lore explanation on why they do what they do, the Terror's personality and dynamics with one and another, their powers. As well as a few side characters who are kinda important in helping Ozzie. Idk I'm tired now AU ramble over.
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remedyxtragedy · 10 months ago
Important conversation to be had up ahead--
There are plenty of absurd things in this world I've long since stopping caring about because it is my understanding that there is only so much that can come from fretting over things that are beyond our control, however still I must reiterate that there are equally as many absurd things even I absolutely have to recognize and address because too often do they just fly under the radar. Such things including the romanticization of murderers, serial killers, and literally any disgusting degenerate who we should unconditionally deplore and reject.
Why, why in good God's name is this even an issue? Why must people like this further taint my perceptions of humanity? Frequently, I try to remind myself that this world is still worth living in, that out there exists a vast sea of good, benevolent people who make the experience all the more tolerable and that I shouldn't let a few bad eggs ruin the joyride of life, but then...when I go on the internet and stumble upon yet another case of some fatherless disgrace sympathizing with, simping for, and sometimes even flat out idolizing a serial killer, whether they're real or fictional, instantly I want to leap out the nearest window because I just cannot fathom for the life of me how these people are even real and how on a daily basis, I am coexisting with them.
I don't know why some people think that just because they're folding over a fictional serial killer it's trivial next to the fans of real life shit stains on the cloth of humanity, but I will gladly take them by the hand, sit their ignorant asses down, and explain in vivid detail why that is an abhorrently unsound mindset. I can't help but glare at my own sister in disgust every time she goes on about how she like's Ghost Face; my scorn is not exclusive to people outside my family--I either hate or love everyone, no one is spared.
There's a stark contrast between admiring how these characters are written and incorporating them into your work innocuously, as I too can resonate with, and just straight up finding them attractive regardless of the profoundly disgusting things they've done. I don't know what the psychology behind this looks like, I'm obviously in so such way educated in that regard, but maybe It's really easy for me to not fall head over heels for legit menaces to law and order because in my time I've read a good few encyclopedias on these kinds of people and am now cursed with the knowledge of how life can, has, and always will be horrifically desecrated by these monsters. It's just one of the few things I just cannot stomach.
Confidently, I can declare that we as a species are regressing, and it's evident in the good-for-nothings who spew nothing but parochial, myopic bullshit and are ever so sneakily infiltrating the public scene. As I'm a Christian, I trust in Jesus's return and the rapture, but as an individually intuitive girl with a wild imagination and dark thoughts that ceaselessly loom over me no matter how badly I want them to go away, a funny thought I quite like entertaining is that every effort humans make to consolidate our presence here on Earth only brings us closer to our inevitable demise, at some point we will outstay our welcome in this world, try and bush barriers we were not mean to, and the outcome is gonna be ugly. It all starts with little oddities here and there, little creases and cracks being formed in our design, and those things amass into a bigger formidable issue composed of all the fissures we've failed to patch, and that happens over and over all gain until it balloons far out of our control into a permanent fracture that we're just gonna have to learn how to mold around and coexist with. Perhaps one day, and one day soon, they become too much for the scaffolds of our civilizations to bear, which at that point causes the creeds and views we've founded our homes, hospitals, economy, society, and government upon to come toppling over until finally we find ourselves descending into a downward incline towards total catastrophe. Let it be known, that Idiosyncratic is founded upon this random notion I threw together during a more darker period in my life. I never would've thought such misanthropic thinking would culminate into the best premise I've ever come up with, obviously in my personal person.
Imma be working on a series of artworks showcasing what the Whitman propaganda in my book is gonna look like, and an idea I have for one of them is a visual displaying the human evolution chart except after the Homo Sapien stage we start regressing all the way back to whatever the hell the first stage is, until again they continue to evolve but iat the end of this series instead of there being a human it's Whitman himself, who is by the by no way shape or form human. It's like, we rose, we fell, then rose again--but no longer are we what we were before. I probably sound mad right now, but I promise it'll make a lot more sense once I actually make it.
Anyways, that's all I got to say right now, but just as a final comment--why is it that people are so adamant that it's either science or religion? Why can't everything be perfectly and meticulously intertwined? The way I see it, faith is not founded upon having absolute definitive proof of a a higher omnipotent being, it's believing in them and trusting in them unconditionally and wholeheartedly, you needn't know that they're there to know that they're there, if that makes sense. For me, it was never a matter of whether or not God is real--that much is practically innate to my being--it was always, why does he work in such esoteric ways? When I was younger, the answer was far beyond me, but now I know better--and I am endlessly astounded by God's work. That's my take, though.
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tzigone · 9 months ago
Headcanon reboot - super tech for the masses
So one of the aspects of my headcanon reboot is that it kinds ends - people age and retire, we don't have to keep villains in play (the reformed ones stay reformed) and so on. And one thing I started playing with is that this world doesn't have to stay like our world. I completely understand why it does in the comics, and I do think it a good business decision, but this is just for fun, not money, so I can make characters do logical things.
So, when someone invents a potentially world-changing and fortune-making technology, it can actually be mass-produced, used by ordinary people, and change the world. Instead of being confined to heroes and villains with no proper reason given (because it would make the world our heroes operate in unrecognizable and be a barrier to entry for new readers).
Please do forgive me if I've misremembered the details on how these techs work. Or if they've been given multiple explanations, chime in with others.
Chronologically, the first one I have on my list is Ray Palmer/The Atom's tech (shrinking things or people and with the ability to alter mass while in shrunken state). This would be circa 2001. Originally he was thinking about how, with everything shrunk, farmers could grow more and freight trains transport more. But the tech only worked on him, so he wasn't ready to publish. But later, he did manage to get it work on others...and still never published or put it out in the world. At least, he unshrunk the Hawks. It's been a long time since I read it. Hope I'm not misremembering the details and that wasn't another "it only works this one time" sort of thing.
In this universe, he will. He's still a graduate student, so I guess we know what his thesis is. I'm undecided on whether to make the lens still made from white dwarf star (which makes no sense) or make it regular lens inspired by the idea of a white dwarf star (which also makes no sense, but lends itself to the mass use he was thinking about, since material for the lens would be available). A lens (that he crafted himself, so the precision shouldn't be an issue), a control panel, and an ultraviolet light - doesn't like it should be too expensive to manufacture (though end-user price may still be very high at first depending on supply and demand). I was modeling IP treatment after Yale's for compensation, but I don't really know how universities deal with tech patents like that - sell or license the patent and would licenses be exclusive? Anyway, he'll have a hell of thesis. But the rest of the comments on him are only relevant if the tech goes mainstream. Then he started traveling through phone lines. That has even more massive implications for goods transport (I haven't really put any thought into the agriculture, I admit - just transport). But it's not going to happen overnight. I would expect massive regulatory hurdles. Safety tests (both on goods shrunk and people). And if they use phone travel, there's other safety issues to be addressed. Do they use the same phone network? What about infrastructure improvement? Obviously some countries will move more quickly than others and some will be more likely to respect the patent than others. The mid and long-term effects as the tech actually goes mainstream - takes time for factories to be built or modified but it will happen. I could still see lots of loading and unloading jobs, of course. Eventually expect your Walmart's to have their own and get things shipped to them that way. Businesses like gas stations may still be getting last mile delivery of chips, but the number of truckers should go down a lot, so there's unemployment in that field. Not mention trains and shipping companies and ports. Recession time? Some countries even heavily hit. Job rearrangement from things it's more profitable to outsource now that shipping is so quick and cheap. This could really impact commuting. Many people love cities for the entertainment, etc. But then you have the folks with hour and half commutes from the suburbs. It may not be affordable to the average person to own their own for a long time (so they can dial a phone, shrink, then their desk phone auto-answers and they unshrink and thus have a 30-second commute), but bus-depot like places could allow someone in Lawrence, KS to park their car (pay a parking fee), shrink and transport the location a 5-minute walk from their work in Manhattan instead of having a more expensive home closer by. I find decoupling employment location from living location interesting (and often discussed in regards to remote work), but I'm not sure how much it'd happen. More useful for long trips than short ones, of course. We have to think about security implications (especially if used internationally). Gotta check passports, go through customs, etc. Could someone send a bomb via phone line? This is pretty fantastical tech to start with, but with the ability to not decrease mass, would it still have full explosive power - I really don't know how various bombs work.
Next up is Karen Beecher/Bumblebee in 2003. I am not using her shrinking, as I think it makes to much like Wasp. But from one of the guides, it was said the antennae of her costume were solar panels and that's what allowed her to user her mechanical wings and fly. That kind of solar panel and battery would make massive, massive impacts (I'm assuming it's easy to scale up/down). And quite likely move though regulation way more quickly than Ray's tech. Solar panels and batteries already exist. Now, like so many comic heroes (and villains), she's a genius, but she's still just a teenager (and not a wealthy one) when she builds it, so it should be very affordable to produce (possibly only a couple thousand dollars retail for car-size setup once competition is in place). She was on the Teen Titans with Roy, and Ollie is all for the environment, so Queen will be the first company introduced to her tech, and the first to license it. Non-exclusive licenses all the way (which Ollie is happy with and spreading the news himself, as it suits his personality). The solar panels are great for houses and cars and factories, but the batteries should end up all over the place - cell phones, children's toys, remote controls, etc. It'll take to time to get production chains in place, but she's going to be a billionaire very quickly. Geolpolitical consequnces are again rampant - based on who produces oil, who refines oil, who has the contracts for mining the material, where production factories are, etc.
Flash has some genuisy rogues who reformed (fora while) and they come later. As this universe doesn't have to keep them in play, I'm not flip-flopping them - if they reform, they reform. So I may have Captain Cold and The Trickster in play. The Trickster has anti-grav tech. I'm not sure how much planes are still in play, but it's a thought. Might be moving furniture around. Finally have flying cars (with regulations/mechanical restrictions that people will try to get around)? Now, Cold had freeze gun. A nice safe one that has no negative consequences. Good for home protection, since it doesn't really matter if you accidentally shoot your kid. And could you just have the ambulance arrive, freeze the patient and transport them to a hospital? That would effect EMT jobs. I'm not going to have the gun do some the wackier stuff (like de-aging someone - wow what a tech to to introduce).
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