#the moment when Logan started trusting Rogue
rogueslove · 11 days
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Uncanny X-Men #173
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reduxulousoctopus · 5 months
Logan: “Whatever Chuck did in there, it worked. I don’t know how he faced that thing. He never loses his cool.” Rogue: “Forget it, hon. In our business, we all get shook up every now and again.” Logan: “I don’t.” — X-Men: The Animated Series, season four, "Proteus"
~4500 words, immediately Post-Episode, Morpherine established relationship, The Most Traumatized Man in the World dealing with the fact that he is now Slightly More Traumatized
If you missed my last fic, Morph has in-universe (he/him) and out-of-universe (they/them) pronouns because I think that's funny.
After watching waves crash against the island’s rocky shore for a moment, Logan stuffs his hands into his pockets and starts walking in the direction of the tarmac where they left the Blackbird. He’s ready to go the fuck back to Westchester, find his favorite seat at the bar, and drink until he forgets he even exists. Plenty of ye olde pubs to be found on the mainland, of course, but he’s had more than enough of bonnie Scotland for one day.
Too bad some force out there—be it God, the Devil, or the whims of an uncaring universe—seems dead set against ever letting Logan have what he wants.
“I think the professor’s gonna want to stay a while longer,” Rogue pipes up behind him. “Y’know, to make sure Kevin’s really okay, and to make sure Dr. MacTaggert’s doin’ alright, too. We probably got at least an hour to kill before it’s time to head home.”
Holding back an enraged scream, Logan instead grunts out through gritted teeth, “Uh-huh.”
“Why don’t you pay Morph a visit?” Rogue suggests with a smile. “That might make you feel better. Even if you don’t wanna talk to him about what happened, he always puts you in a good mood.”
Despite her words, Logan’s mood somehow turns even more sour at the thought of seeing Morph again. He crosses his arms and grumbles under his breath, “Morph’s already got more than enough to deal with—he doesn’t need me dumpin’ a load of my garbage on top of everything else.”
Rogue rolls her eyes. “For some reason, Morph actually seems to like your garbage. I already told him you’d come see him before we left. You gonna make a liar outta me, or do I have to throw your sorry butt in through his window?”
How in the hell did Logan end up surrounded by so many females who think they can boss him around? Jean, Storm—even Jubilee’s gotten real bold about demanding rides to the mall.
They’re completely right, of course, but they don’t always have to rub his nose in it.
“I can walk.” Logan gives her a mocking bow. “By your leave, ma’am.”
“Go on, now, get,” Rogue says, nodding her head towards the research center’s entrance. “Surly ol’ polecat. Don’t know how Morph puts up with you.”
Thing is, Logan thinks as he grudgingly makes his way back inside the building, he isn’t so sure Morph wants to put up with him anymore. Three times now, he’s had to watch Morph walk away and not look back, even as Logan called his name.
Kinda hard for a fella not to start taking that personally.
Upon entering the laboratory where the others have gathered, Logan immediately locates the cause of his bad day—across the room, playing some kind of hologram puzzle game with Cassidy, too busy to notice him—before very deliberately looking away and approaching Dr. MacTaggert instead. “Hey, Doc. I’m gonna head upstairs. Unless now’s a bad time…?”
She’s understandably reluctant to tear her eyes away from her son. Even when she manages to meet Logan’s gaze, it takes her a second to actually register what he said.
“Oh! Of course you’ll be wanting to see Morph.” She checks her watch. “He should be nearly done with his morning round of mnemotransience therapy. I’ll call the supervising nurse to let her know you’re on your way.”
Logan frowns, wondering what the fuck ‘nemo-transients’ are, but nods politely when she tells him which room Morph’s in. Not that he needs directions—as usual, Logan opts to trust his nose, letting Morph’s familiar scent lead him through the building, instead. But when he arrives outside the closed door at the end of the trail, something makes him hesitate.
He reaches for the knob. Pauses.
Reaches again, before pivoting on his heel and walking back the way he came.
Stops. Runs his hand through his hair. Returns to the door.
Hesitates again. Growls in frustration.
“Just leave him alone, old man,” Logan mutters to himself. “He’s here to heal.”
Not listen to a whining, yellow-bellied coward like me.
With that bitter self-recrimination, Logan turns away from the door again—only to nearly jump out of his skin when he hears it suddenly open behind him.
“Are you that ‘X-Man’ come to visit Morph?” asks the middle-aged woman with frizzy grey hair and coke-bottle glasses. “Sorry love, Moira called ahead but I only just remembered the door was locked. Must not have heard your knockin’ over my headphones, either. Come on in, love, he’s almost done with his treatment, shouldn't be more than a minute or so.”
Now there’s no chance he can sneak away without word getting back to Morph. Reluctantly, Logan follows the nurse into the room. As soon as he’s through the threshold and he hears the door automatically lock itself behind him, his breath catches and a bolt of sick terror shoots through him, followed quickly by rage.
He hates hospitals, and he really hates laboratories; this room is some hellish combination of both. Sterile metal walls, acrid chemical smells, computers and machinery blinking and blooping with obscure purpose in stalagmite-like clusters rising from the floor. Seeing Morph unconscious on a slab, hooked up to those machines—it makes him want to break things. His pulse is a war-drum in his ears.
This can’t actually be helping Morph get better. They’re hurting him, experimenting on him maybe. Ripping him apart to learn how his shapeshifting powers work. Maybe that’s how MacTaggert figured out how to make her son look normal, because that’s all humans ever want from mutants: to use them, or make them normal.
His claws itch at the underside of his skin. He’s gotta get Morph out of here, run away as far and fast as they can because if they can’t trust MacTaggert then they can’t trust Xavier then they can’t trust the X-Men—
Logan closes his eyes. His thoughts are spiraling in on themselves like a dog chasing its tail; he grabs that dog by the chain and forces it to heel. Maybe he can’t trust MacTaggert—the fact she managed to hide her mutant son from Xavier all these years proves she’s good at keeping secrets, who knows what other skeletons may be hanging in that woman’s closet?—but he damn well knows by now that he can trust Xavier and the X-Men. There’s no point in speculating to the contrary. May as well start doubting that the sun will rise or the tides will turn; may as well send himself to the funny-farm, too, while he’s at it.
“You can sit in that chair while you wait, love,” the nurse says suddenly. Logan’s body jerks in surprise as his eyes snap open. She doesn’t seem to notice, though, already taking her own seat behind a desk not far from the door and picking up a well-worn paperback romance novel. “That one there, by the window.”
“Thanks,” Logan grunts.
The nurse puts on her headphones and presses the play button on her portable tape-player. Logan blinks as his acute hearing picks up shredding guitars, crashing drums, and guttural, growling vocals.
He would not have guessed from looking that she was a metal fan.
Although he moves towards the window the nurse mentioned, Logan doesn’t sit down in the squashy-looking armchair. Instead, he slides the window open and just stands there a while, breathing deeply. No ocean-view this side, but he can smell the brine and feel the cold wind against his face. He can hear crashing waves.
He can still smell Morph, too, which is always a balm—even if he can’t bear to look at him while he’s hooked up to those machines. He can hear his heartbeat and his calm, soft breaths.
Eventually, the room stops feeling quite so much like a trap snapping shut around him.
Morph trusts Dr. MacTaggert. Trusts this place, even if it makes Logan’s skin crawl. He clearly feels safe enough to recover here. Safer than he felt at the mansion, apparently.
Safer than he felt under Logan’s protection.
Some ‘protection.’ Not even one whole day back and I let him go up against Sentinels again.
Yet even when confronted by his worst fear, Morph ran in literally guns-blazing and faced an entire squad of Sentinels almost single-handed to save the team. A true X-Man, through and through.
And what does that make me? Just the guy that turns tail and runs while his friends are in danger, all because he let himself get spooked by a snot-nosed teenager with daddy-issues.
Logan hasn’t forgiven Morph for leaving again—hell, he might even hate him a little—but he’s still so proud of him. That pride only deepens his own shame.
Bamboo and steel, like Master Oku used to say. Guys like Morph, like Xavier and Beast and Nightcrawler, too: they’re bamboo. Strong enough to bend, able to grow back when cut down. For all that Logan’s bones are plated in adamantium, as often as he’s tried to change his nature, he knows he’s made of steel. Tough. Unyielding. Inflexible. Beaten into the proper shape, ground down to a razor’s edge. And if even one crack appears—he breaks.
Even reforged, a broken blade will always be weaker than it once was.
Something beeps on the console by Morph’s bed. Eerily, he seems to instantly snap from asleep to fully alert, like he isn’t so much waking up as activating. His eyes open and he takes a single, sharp breath, which he holds for a moment before releasing it in a sigh.
Logan crosses his arms and leans back against the window-sill, content to watch that long, lean body stretch and those pretty brown eyes flutter.
When Morph eventually sees him standing there, to Logan’s relief, he smiles. That’s gotta count for something. “Hiya, Logan…”
“Hey, kid,” he says softly.
I miss you.
I hate you.
Something terrible happened.
Come home.
I don’t know how to be afraid. I don’t know how to bend.
I don’t deserve you.
“Nice helmet,” Logan says. “You look ridiculous.”
Morph laughs as he sits up and starts to remove the strange device strapped to his head. “You think this helmet looks ridiculous, you should have seen my first and only attempt to design my own costume. There’s a reason why I opted to go with the generic uniform, instead.”
“Well, now I’ve gotta see it. You can’t say that and not show me.”
“And lose what little respect for me you have left? No thanks.” After setting the odd helmet down on the side-table, Morph taps it with his finger. “This is a new thing we’re trying out. Moira says it might help make my nightmares and flashbacks less intense.”
Logan nods like he knows anything about anything. “Nemo-transients therapy, right.”
Morph laughs again. “Right.”
“What’s it do?”
“No idea. Moira tried to explain the science but there were a few too many five-dollar words,” Morph admits. “Basically, it’s meant to make some of my bad memories fade away a little over time, the way the memories of other people do.”
“That perfect recall of yours givin’ you trouble?” Logan guesses with a regretful sigh. It’s a necessary side-effect of Morph’s powers. He can just glance at someone and remember every single detail of their appearance; listen to a brief recording of a voice and replicate it flawlessly; watch anyone perform a physical skill, from a martial arts maneuver to a complicated dance-step, and immediately add it to his own repertoire.
He could probably tell you how many rivets were used to construct the Sentinels that killed him. Or remember the exact moment—month, day, hour, minute, and second—when he realized that no one was coming to rescue him from Mister Sinister; that the X-Men, his friends, the people he trusted most in the world, really had left him for dead.
“On the bright side, I never had to study back when I was in school. You win some, you lose some.”
“Morph…” Logan uncrosses his arms and takes a step towards the bed, but stops himself from getting any closer. Although the nurse is thoroughly distracted by her kissing book and her metal music, she could glance up at any moment. Besides, there’s a security camera looming in the corner of the ceiling, pointed directly at them.
As much as Logan might want Morph to come home, he won’t do it by making this place unsafe for him, should someone at the research center react poorly to seeing two men be a little too affectionate with each other. His hands fall uselessly to his sides.
“I can’t say I like the idea of you lettin’ people tamper with your memories,” Logan admits after a moment.
“It doesn’t erase anything. Just sorta gives me a little breathing room, so the other therapies actually have a chance to stick. That’s all,” Morph assures him. When Logan still looks unconvinced, he adds, “The professor helped design it, if that makes you feel any better.”
It does, actually. Logan can’t understand any of this modern, high-tech psychology mumbo-jumbo. Back in his day, when a fella got a case of shell-shock, the brass would just put a gun in his hands and shove him back in the fight. If Xavier and Morph both agree that this is the best way to help Morph get better, who is Logan to question it?
“I don’t know how much longer we’ve got before it’s time to catch my ride back to Westchester,” Logan says.
“Oh.” Morph shoots him a knowing smile and a wink. “I get you.”
Well. That wasn’t what Logan was getting at, but he definitely isn’t going to say no…
Morph yawns and stretches again. This time, there’s nothing innocent in the arch of that spine or the flex of those lean muscles. “Goodness, these sessions sure take it out of me.”
“How ‘bout I walk you to your room,” Logan offers.
“Thanks, Logan,” Morph says with a shameless grin. “You’re a good pal, y’know that?”
As they walk towards the exit, Morph pauses to drum his fingertips across the nurse’s desk. She jumps and removes her headphones with a slightly guilty-looking smile. “All done, then, love? How was the session?”
“Good. How are Fae and Tavish?” Morph asks. After a moment of confusion, Logan realizes those must be the names of the woman with the heaving bosom and the oiled-up, tartan-clad highlander and on the cover of the nurse’s romance novel. “Have they sorted out that little misunderstanding at the clanmeet yet?”
“Aye, things are finally heating up again,” the nurse replies with a grin. “So if you wouldn’t mind maybe holding off telling Moira you’re done with your session, that’d be grand.”
Morph literally zips his lips shut. After Logan and the nurse have a good laugh, he unzips to say, “Don’t work too hard, Doreen.”
“You know I’m in no danger of that, love!” she calls after him as they leave the room.
Although the two of them don’t speak as Morph leads Logan through the halls of the research center, their eyes keep meeting as anticipation builds. It’s been too long—even longer, if you don’t count that cramped, awkward quickie in the mini-jet en route between Morph’s welcome home party and the trashed polymer factory.
When they arrive at Morph’s guest room, Logan doesn’t have long to re-familiarize himself with the scenery. The door is barely shut and locked behind him before Morph slams him up against it with enough force to rattle the hinges. Logan growls appreciatively around the tongue in his mouth and slides his hands down Morph’s back to grab his ass.
There’s surely no better cure for what ails him.
Glaring up at the ceiling several minutes later, Logan thinks he’s going to kill someone. Possibly himself.
“It… it’s fine, Logan. Really.”
“Shut up,” Logan snaps. He flops back against the scratchy hospital sheets covering Morph’s bed and hides his eyes in the crook of his arm.
“Everybody has trouble, uh, performing sometimes,” Morph insists. “Especially older—er, I mean—”
“Stop. Talking.”
Morph sighs and turns away, looking frustrated, worried, and worst of all, guilty. That last one breaks Logan’s heart a little. This sure as hell isn’t Morph’s fault. He doesn’t deserve Logan’s anger.
Too bad anger is just about all he ever has to offer.
“I should go,” Logan says, wishing he’d stuck to his guns and stayed away instead of letting Rogue bully him. He’s no good for Morph like this.
Not enough of a man to stand and fight. Not enough of a man to fuck. What good am I for anyone?
Logan stops in the middle of looking for his clothes to shut his eyes, clench his trembling fists, and wait for the wave of rage to pass over him before resuming his search.
“Oh… okay,” Morph says. Logan can’t bear to look at him. He has his jeans buttoned and is in the middle of shrugging on his flannel shirt when Morph asks, “How’d the mission go, by the way?”
A pure, wimpering-animal dread creeps into his chest. Morph keeps talking—Logan hears Rogue’s name, and the phrase ‘made of glass’—but nothing else sinks in. His stomach turns. Sweat beads on his brow. Although he can feel air rushing in and out of his lungs, he can’t breathe.
“Why do you care?” Logan snaps. He can barely hear himself over the blood rushing in his ears. “Thought you turned your back on that life.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Morph demands. “Of course I care—you’re still my friends, I’m still an X-Man! Do you think I wanted to leave?”
“I… I don’t know why I said that,” Logan lies. His vision blurs, but he can still see his own body being ripped apart, melted down into slag. He presses the heels of his palms into his eyes as hard as he can. They have to be playing tricks on him. He’d be able to smell that monster coming.
“Besides, I didn’t turn my back on you! You turned your back on me, left me to—” There’s a soft thud behind him as Morph punches the mattress. “No… no, that’s not true. Especially not about you. You did more than anybody to… But don’t you see? That’s why I had to leave! I’m no good for the team like this. I thought you understood that.”
Logan nods, although gun-to-his-head, he couldn’t say what he’s agreeing to. He stands up and staggers a few steps away from the bed on legs that feel like jelly. He needs… he needs… to button his shirt. Find his boots.
Grab your gun and head back out there, soldier. The war ain’t over just because you’re scared.
“What?!” Why can’t he find his fucking boots? Why can’t he see anything besides his own body being ripped apart, melted down into slag.
“Why are your claws out?”
Logan blinks. Looks down at his hands.
His claws hiss back at him like angry snakes.
He retracts them, feels them squirm all the way back up into his arms, alien and repulsive in a way they haven’t felt since they were brand-new.
He blinks again, and suddenly Morph is standing in front of him, between Logan and the door. Wrong, wrong, wrong. Logan should be the one closest to the door. When that monster comes in here—
“I think you’re having a panic attack,” Morph says. He offers a smile completely devoid of amusement or joy. “And I’m heading that way, too, so lets see if all these boring counseling sessions I’ve had to sit through are worth the time I could have spent watching TV.”
Closely observing Logan to gauge his reaction, Morph takes his hand and guides it to his bare chest. His heartbeat is a little too fast, his breaths shaky and hitched. Holding Logan’s hand in place, Morph takes as slow and steady an inhale as he can manage, holds it for a few seconds, then releases a sighing exhale. Again and again. In, hold, out. In, hold, out. Although Logan doesn’t mean to join in the breathing exercises, he finds himself subconsciously matching Morph’s pace.
Over the course of what somehow feels both like several hours and no time at all, Morph’s heartbeat gradually slows to something approaching normal. As it does, the worst of Logan’s terror fades, leaving him exhausted, angry, and embarrassed in its absence.
The monster—the kid is still downstairs with his mother, Cassidy, Beast, and Xavier. The only thing tormenting him is a few bad memories.
“Sit down,” Morph says, pushing him a few steps backwards until the back of his legs hit the edge of the bed. Logan doesn’t sit so much as collapse. His muscles twitch uselessly with unspent adrenaline. “Easy, big guy. A panic attack can really take it out of you. Believe me, I know.”
“You take it easy,” Logan snaps without any heat. “I don’t get panic attacks.”
“Uh-huh,” Morph says dryly, not buying what Logan’s selling even at a discount. Standing between Logan’s spread knees, Morph reaches out and runs a hand through his hair. Logan nearly growls at him—until he feels blunt fingernails scratch over his scalp just right. All the fight bleeds out of him until he can only slump forward and rest his sweaty forehead against Morph’s belly.
While he continues to play with Logan’s hair, Morph speaks again: “You and I aren’t great at this mushy stuff. And I know you too well to bother asking if you want to talk about what’s wrong.”
Logan shakes his head.
“Just… know that if you did want to talk, I’d listen. Okay? I know what it’s like to go through this stuff, and I know it feels like you have to tough it out alone, but—”
“You don’t.”
Morph’s hands go still. “…What’s that?”
“You said you know what it’s like. But you don’t,” Logan repeats, gritting his teeth, “because nothing happened to me.”
“What do you mean, ‘nothing’?” Morph asks, taking a step back so he can look Logan in the eye. “Wait, so this isn’t about Weapon X, or Sabretooth and Fox, or—”
Of course Morph would assume that, because that might actually make some goddamn sense, but no. Some of the worst things that ever happened to him, yet they only ever made him tougher and stronger and angrier. Instead, it’s a kid throwing a temper tantrum that finally managed to break the Wolverine.
—he’s falling apart, weeping at the feet of a stranger he nearly killed, begging her for answers she can’t give him. Why did they do this?—
—pretty brown eyes stare up at him, brutalized and afraid. What’s the matter, punk? Can’t take care of your woman?—
—he sees his own body being ripped apart, melted down into slag. Where are you, Logan? Wolverine!—
“I ran away during the mission,” Logan snarls. There it is, the ugly truth.
A long, terrible silence hangs between them, until—
Logan cringes and looks away like a scolded hound. Shame burns acidic in the back of his throat.
After a moment, Morph moves to sit next to him on the bed. Logan watches out of the corner of his eye as he leans forward, braces his elbows on his knees, picks at his hands.
Then, to his dismay… Morph quietly chuckles.
—high, mocking laughter echoes through the dark jungle. Who could ever love a freak like you?—
“Funny,” Morph remarks. Unlike the corrupted thing he became under Sinister’s control, there’s no sign of cruelty in his voice, his face, his pretty brown eyes. “I used to think you weren’t afraid of anything.”
“I’m not,” Logan insists, before amending: “I shouldn’t be.”
“Why? Is it so terrible to find out that you’re just as human—er, so to speak—as the rest of us?”
Logan frowns down at the floor between his bare feet.
“Or was all that stuff you told me after the Sentinels came back just bullshit to make me feel better?”
His gaze snaps up to meet Morph’s cold, flat stare. “It’s not the same.”
“How do you figure?”
“Because…” Logan starts, and then doesn’t know how to finish.
Morph, the absolute bastard, smirks like he’s already won the argument. “So you ran away. So what? Did you come right here, afterwards?”
“No,” Logan growls.
“In the time it took you to turn around and get back to the mission, was anyone killed or maimed?”
“The professor fell in a pit of fire.” Morph’s eyes go wide, which is a little gratifying at least. All the more unfortunate that Logan has to tack on a reluctant, “Dr. MacTaggert and I caught him.”
“Jesus… Don’t scare me like that, you asshole. Okay, you almost let Xavier fall in a pit of fire; I almost let Xavier’s brain get stolen by Sentinels,” Morph says with a shrug. “We’re as bad as each other. Anything negative you have to say about yourself, you may as well say about me, too.”
It’s a tidy little trap Morph’s caught him in, without a doubt. Hell of a catch, that catch-22.
“Alright, put it away,” Logan grumbles, and covers Morph’s entire smug, cackling face with one hand.
“What, my dick?” Morph asks, muffled against Logan’s palm. “Talking about some guy’s emotions while my whole hog is out. I feel like I’m in a student film.”
Logan laughs. “You coulda changed that at any point, shapeshifter.”
“Hey, I wasn’t complaining.” Despite his words, Morph shifts back into his uniform as he rises from the bed. “Alright, no bars on the island, but there’s probably a boat somewhere we could steal. Or I can turn into a whale and swim you across to the mainland.”
“Can’t,” Logan says regretfully, shaking his head. “My ride home is leavin’ soon.”
“I’ll buy you a plane ticket. Even better, I’ll pull a guilt-trip on Scott that'd put a Jewish grandmother to shame, get him to come visit me tomorrow, and you can fly back with him after. In the meantime, we’ll rent a hotel room for the night and see if Little Logan has recovered from his stage-fright.”
Logan chuckles. Seeing Morph play Summers like a fiddle would be worth the price of admission alone; that he’d be doing it so Logan can play hooky and drink beer and have sex is just gravy. Still, he can’t help but ask: “You sure it’s a good idea for you to leave?”
“I don’t imagine we’ll see Mister Sinister or any Sentinels having a pint down the pub in a random seaside village in Scotland,” Morph says with a laugh. “What about you? Any chance we’ll run into whatever freaked you out?”
Logan thinks of young Kevin MacTaggert, happy and safe with his mother and Xavier—the man who’s been a better father to him in the past two days than Joe MacTaggert has for the boy’s entire life. In a strange way, maybe that makes the kid a bit of an X-Man, too. “I’ll take my chances.”
Morph grins as he pulls Logan to his feet. He doesn’t let go of Logan’s hand right away, almost absentmindedly stroking the thick, rough callouses, the knots of scar tissue, the bulky pugilist’s knuckles.
Steel is tough. Unyielding. Inflexible. Beaten into the proper shape, ground down to a razor’s edge. Even reforged, a broken blade will always be weaker than it once was.
Luckily, for all that Logan’s bones are plated in metal, he isn’t made of steel. Flesh bleeds, flesh breaks; then it heals and grows back stronger.
Logan is pretty damn good at healing.
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Remy and Rogue T4T mpreg Fic
Fluff/domestic/slight angst
Rogue never in a million years would think that one day she'd be a mother. She had spent her whole life living with a mutant power that made it near impossible to touch anyone, and living with guilt that came from the consequences of having such power. It seemed like she would never have any sort of intimate life and therefore sire any children, but things changed when she met Gambit.
The love crazed Cajun had the hots for her the moment he laid eyes on her and although she turned down his advances for years she couldn't help but fall for that sweet Southern charm of his and well it seemed like in no time at all they had become an item among the X-Men. And she would come to learn a lot about him, like how he was trans, which made them even closer as they shared that in common, and despite his attempts to be seen as some sort of Casanova, deep down he saw Rouge as his one and only and had admitted to her one day about his desire to have children.
"You know that just ain't gonna happen, sugar?"
And Gambit knew Rogue was right, she couldnt lay a finger on him without sending him to the infirmary, so there wasn't much of a chance of any sort of procreation to happen. That was until their dear, gentle friend and comrade Dr Hank McCoy would offer them some resolution to their predicament.
Beast's experiments where always for the betterment of man and mutant a like so he would be well trusted in providing the Star crossed lovers some help, that being the option of artificial insemination.
It sure worked for Gambit and Rogue because it seemed like in no time at all Remy had fallen pregnant and well Rogue was the mother. A situation Rogue would have never seen herself in beforehand but it was all coming true now.
Both of them would see their wish of having children, and well Gambit loved the attention he got from it, that being both positive and negative. Even when Logan would throw a passing remark at him about how he was "Getting out of shape" Remy always saw it as Wolverine being jealous perhaps. Although he wasn't going to sugarcoat it, the Cajun wasn't made of the same metal he used to be.
He had softened up quite a bit, it didn't help that Rogue was always overprotective of him and basically wouldn't let him do a thing. The moment Gambit started showing, Rogue would have her gloved hands protectively laying on top of his belly, as if to warn anyone around not to touch him.
When it came to feeling the baby's movement Rogue could feel it, but she did always yearn for the feeling of it without her protective gloves and Remy would have liked that too. He couldn't even get a little kiss without it being a risk to him and the baby. Rogue had felt especially upset about it one morning when they were cuddling in bed together.
There were no missions nor threats to worry about, no word of Magneto causing any problems and certainly no sentinels or intergalactic forces being seen on Earth. So well everyone could just take a moment to breathe. Rogue had been pretty much holding onto Remy all night. Her arms dressed in protective gear touching against his own covered skin. Gambit was still asleep whilst Rogue layed her head in the crook of his neck, a small pillow acting as a barrier between them and she was wide awake and just taking in every moment of rest she got. Her hands gently parading down Remy's figure, to softy graze the surface of his belly. He was about seven months along at that point and was showing very prominently. Rouge loved giving his tummy little pokes to see if the baby would move, but she had left it for that morning as to not wake Gambit so rudely.
There was a little movement, but mostly just the baby stretching, not too much tossing and turning, not enough to bother Gambit at least. Whilst the card thrower was playing sleeping beauty, Rogue had decided she had enough laying by Gambit's head and gently shuffled her way down to his dome of a belly, so that her nose was just lightly bushing against his waist.
Sweet nothing's where whispered to the baby, Rogue telling the bundle of joy how excited she was and how she'd do her best to be the best mother she could be. She swore not to be anything like Mystique. It didn't take too long until the baby started moving, possibly at the sound of such a familiar voice, and began to tumble around, making its presence once again known to Remy.
The Cajun's eyes fluttered open, piercing red and black eyes shooting down in Rogue's direction, seeing her be so loving and tender. Remy stretched ever so slightly to gain some attention from Rogue, having her jerk her head up in his direction.
"Oh, I didn't mean to wake you, Darling."
"Non, don't worry, Cher. Gambit is just happy to see you first thing when he wakes up!"
A small chuckle left Rogue's lips, she quickly placed another kiss on his belly and moved her way back up to Remy. Of course she couldn't place a kiss in his lips, but she could go back to laying her head against the pillow and resting her hand against his stomach. Then hearing Gambit's own sweet whispers.
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roughentumble · 10 days
ok, logan joins the brotherhood AU. xmen2000 happens very similar, but logan and rogue are on magneto's side, and logan knows a lot more about his past without actually remembering any of it. the timeline is stretched out instead of condensed into a few days, because it gives everyone more time to bond and more time for Things to Happen. we're putting deadpool in there in his slightly more morally loose much more merc-y self as hired muscle, because i like him. charles invades logan's mind during a conflict to try and pursuade him to the "good side" as xavier sees it, uncovers old memories that logan had heard about but not remembered firsthand, he decides he hates that shit and never wants someone in his head again so magneto agrees to surgically implant the same metal/circuitry that's in his helmet directly on logan's skull. no psychic is ever gettin in fort knox again, logan's brain is his own. through their newfound bond, logan starts deradicalizing magneto against specifically human hatred-- not the need to fight back against injustice or the genuine war against mutants that's on the way, but the idea of mutants being evolutionarily superior. he's actually making headway, good for him. the plan to have rogue sacrifice herself is instead a plan for her to absorb magneto's AND WOLVERINE'S powers+lifeforce, so she will survive. the x-men still stop their plan, but not before half the summit gets mutated, because wade is there to fight them off. the majority of the brotherhood gets away, but magneto is arrested, and they dont know where he's held. during all these events, the brotherhood including marie, logan, and wade have become like a little polycule/family, so this is a massive hit to morale, but mystique still decides to work things from the inside disgused as a now-reformed mutant hating senator.
X2 happens. logan's been trying to keep the brotherhood together with erik gone and mystique busy playing someone else, but it's a pretty small group. instead of logan left at the manor, colossus is given the honor, and he gets as many kids out as he can when the mansion is invaded, while bobby and pyro escape by hotwiring a car and calling the x-men to let them know what's going on. obviously the magneto escape plan goes off as does in canon, with logan's feathers ruffled that he couldnt be a part of it on account of metal skeleton. in the scene where the two disparate groups meet, it's the x-men(ororo, jean, nightcrawler, bobby, pyro) meeting the fully reformed brotherhood(magneto, mystique, wolverine, rogue, deadpool). bit of sparks between jean and logan, but jean Fully does not like or trust the brotherhood and logan literally doesnt even know she's married so the "women marry good guys" "i could be a good guy" scene plays out much harsher, but also he's not cut /quite/ as deep because he doesnt know this woman. it just reaffirms to him his commitment to the brotherhood and their ideals and their family, because he doesnt feel rejected there, and his ideals arent under attack. he was always gonna feel that way tho so its not revolutionary. logan still splits off from the group when he sees stryker, because even though he thought he closed that chapter of his life he still does have questions about his past and he feels compelled. this means he's not around to talk magneto out of his plan to target humans instead of mutants, which is a major schism in the brotherhood when he finds out about it later. they do pass each other in the hall, though, as magneto and mystique make their way towards the helicopter and logan makes his way back inside. magneto says theyre leaving, and logan says he has to go back. "i'll leave with rogue and deadpool in the jet, you two get out of here." he says. magneto asks if he's sure, and logan says "most of the mutants in here are kids. i cant just leave them." and magneto watches him carefully for a moment, then claps him on the shoulder. tells him good luck, my friend. they nod. magneto and mystique leave in the jet, while logan rushes inside. the end plays out pretty similar, with logan not as devestated because he didn't have that relationship with jean, but it's still rough to see such blatant self-sacrifice from someone he did ostensibly respect despite being on different sides.
obviously when the x-men appear as a group to the president, logan and marie aren't there, but that active role in trying to influence politics for the better ends up being the unknowing laying of foundations for the eventual merging of the brotherhood and xavier's institute, its the first stone layed that the other side needed to see
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importantangels · 2 months
Remy Lebeau x Rouge (Anna-Marie)
Word count: 712
Summery: Remy confesses to Rouge
A/N: This was requested and I usually don't write character x character but I tried it.
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It was getting late, and the sun was setting, leaving the sky a mix of pink and blue. Rouge sat in the garden of the school, looking at the plants, deep in thought. Her eyes look almost sad when she looks up at the sound of footsteps on the grass behind her.
Remy approaches her cautiously, almost like he's worried he'll scare her off, his heart pounding in his chest so hard it would probably ache later.
Rouge turns to face Remy, watching him take a deep breath before speaking. "Rogue, can I talk to ya for a moment?" He let out a nervous sigh, watching her scoot over, leaving room for him to sit. A way to close the gap between them, if she even felt a gap like he did.
He didn't sit, though, he just stood, never taking his eyes off of her.
"Dere's somethin' I gotta tell ya. Somethin' I been holdin' back for a while now." He starts, and Rouge tilts her head, curious at what he might say next.
"What is it, Remy?" She questioned. Remy looked over her face, taking in how beautiful she is, almost like if he looked long enough, he'd get the confidence to finally say it, although that wasn't true. "I love ya, Anna-Marie I know it ain't easy, with all da things we got goin' on. But I love ya, deeper than anythin' else." He spoke before letting his gaze fall to her lips, waiting for the right words to fall from them.
But all he gets is, "I- I have to think about this, Remy." He pauses and blinks at her before speaking again. "Okay, yeah take your time."
That night Remy had barely slept, too anxious about Rouge's answer, and that morning, when Remy found his way to the kitchen, he saw Rouge seated at the table, seemingly lost in thought.
"Mornin', cher. How ya doin'?" He speaks, hoping to lighten the mood, but already has a feeling that it wouldn't help, no matter how hard he tried, the moment she looked towards him. "Remy, about last night..." She starts but trails off, seemingly not wanting to say whatever she was going to. "Ya don't have to say it. I can see it in your eyes." He says he already knew where the conversation was going.
His heart ached, but not in the way he thought it would when he last talked to her, no, it ached more like he had a hole in his chest that was being rinsed with alcohol.
Rouge sighed deeply before speaking again. "Remy, you're a good man. But I don't... I just don't feel the same way. Not like that." Remy shuffled backwards a little, moving towards the door, but gave her a smile that couldn't be more forced if he wanted to be. "It's okay, Rouge. Really. Some things... some things just don't work out, and I understand." He said looking out one of the windows.
"I didn't mean to hurt you, Remy." She tries to tell him to bring a hand up to comfort him, but stops herself and instead holds it close to her chest. "You didn't hurt me. You didn't do anything wrong, Rouge." He said trying to not make her feel bad, but before she could speak again, he turned on his heels and left.
Remy's chest ached in a way that he never imagined, no matter the wounds he got from battles, none would ever compare to the feeling he had now.
He almost wished he never said anything to her that evening, he somehow would've preferred forever longingly gazing at her, but he knew that he would've wondered even longer. "You look like you got ran over by a truck." Logan speaks up from behind Remy before coming to stand beside him.
"Feels like it." Remy let out a dry chuckle before glancing at Logan. "It'll get easier. Trust me." Logan says while crossing his arms over his chest. "You'll be alright. You're tougher than you look." Logan looks at Remy before looking back at the sun that's starting to rise over the treeline.
Maybe Remy would be alright eventually, but for now he would have to hold onto the ache in his chest.
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chargeddeck · 6 months
Whew, watched it. So many feelings! I’m just going to blurt them out while it’s all fresh.
Not sure if I should go into spoilers here or let people message me but I’m happy to talk about them.
Anyway, loved that they re-did the intro. Really smart move and gives it an immediate air of legitimacy. This IS a continuation.
Remy and Rogue’s intro? Perfection. They looked and behaved like a couple. My Romy heart was happy. Then in the nightclub too, with Remy doing as he always does and showing her it doesn’t matter to him if they can’t touch, he loves her for her. There were so many small moments where the two of them were with each other or near each other. I’m not ashamed to admit that I had tears in my eyes, it couldn’t have come at a better moment for me. I needed it.
There were other moments too that will test that relationship and I won’t lie, I hate that stuff. It’s already heartbreaking to watch and I know it’s only going to get worse.
Also loved the way they used Scott’s powers, he’s my second favourite X-Man and FINALLY seeing a piece of media understand his beams are a concussive force and not hot fire made me grin. The way he pushed himself around with them tapped into that and also his perfect geometry and angle skills (also a power?). Brilliant.
They got his personality right too. Driven, perfectionist, takes the world on his shoulders. X-Men and the dream is everything to him.
The aggro between him and Logan is palpable and Jean smoothing it out is just right.
I like that Jean and Scott are in the stage that they are in their relationship. It adds to that sense of progression.
The voice work grew on me over time, it started off sounding like slightly-off impressions of the original but soon fell into place.
I was a teenager in the 90s. It’s weird hearing Jubilee use words like bling and bestie at least 10 years early, we never spoke like that.
Loved the Easter eggs, loved hearing Logan say Bub.
Didn’t like Morph at all. His jokes felt cruel to me, attacking people personally - which I don’t find funny.
Storm is…just as she should be. Love the long Mohawk too, and when she caught Remy she was so careful with him. I hope they explore that bond, especially as the wider plot develops.
As you might expect, I don’t trust Magneto one bit.
Sentinel fight with the theme tune? Magnificent and creative use of powers too.
Overall it was just really great to see X-Men being X-Men again. A new story to tell without being constrained to previous movies or the MCU. These are the X-Men and the Romy that’s lived in my head for 30 years and I’m here for it.
Even if it hurts right now. It hurts a lot.
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lovemybluebully · 3 years
Danger Room Level 1
Posted this at the beginning of the year on my DA account. Thought I’d throw it up on here. This was my first Wolverine tickle pic in 4 years! O_O
Wrote a little story to go along with it.
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Story is below the ‘Keep Reading’ line.
*/M Tickle Fic (Obviously lol) "Any other surprise challenges for me today, bub? Or is that all ya got?" Wolverine smirked confidently up at the team leader of the X-men, glancing over his shoulder at the pile of rubble consisting of destroyed weaponry and dismembered sentinels and robots of all sizes. Cyclops only sighed as he shook his head and looked down at the Canadian brawler from the control room of their training facility, having exhausted almost every combination of attacks that he could think to throw at him.
These scenarios of Wolverine slicing and dicing up every obstacle and foe were quite predictable and honestly getting a tad boring to watch over and over. Scott decided it was time to try something a little different. "No, this just isn't working. These upper level programs are just all foreseeable for you. Lets try something new. I say we scrap everything and start over from scratch. How about we start you at level 1?"
Logan's smirk disappeared as he frowned up at the other man. "Level 1? Yer kiddin' me, right? That's the program the Professor uses to train the kiddies."
"Trust me Logan it'll be perfect for you. Since you've always skipped over the bottom levels you'll have no idea what they contain so you won't be able to predict them so easily. Hell I don't even know myself exactly what is on each level, but lets give it a shot! Maybe we'll both learn something." Scott actually wasn't lying since he himself had been too competent for those beginner programs when he had joined the X-men. It was likely that Logan would just blow right through them, but he was curious and quite frankly desperate for a change of pace. "Fine. But this is gonna be just a waste o' time," Logan grumbled as he lazily stretched out his arms and cracked his neck. "Don't underestimate the Danger Room and dismiss this program so easily. It may be aimed towards the less experienced, but should still provide its own formidable experience. Remember to stay alert and don't let your guard down." Wolverine just scoffed and blew off his advice like he normally did. "Yeah whatever Slim. Lets get on with it."
"Ok great. Now just a moment here. I'm initiating level 1....," Scott uttered with some fast typing on the control board before pressing one final button, "Now." They waited for a few quiet moments, but nothing happened. Logan was about to quip some sarcastic remark when finally the Danger Room began to show some activity. A compartment on the wall opened and two gloved robotic hands being controlled by metal tentacles began to slowly make their way over to him. Logan snorted in disbelief and shook his head as he looked over the two appendages and noted that they were not holding any kinds of weapons; basically looking completely harmless.
"That's it? This is ridiculous. What's next, a pillow fight? Not that I expected this crap to be any kinda challenge whatsoever," Logan rolled his eyes as he raised his hands into the air and released his deadly claws; ready to dispatch the advancing robot hands with a quick swipe once they closed in. Not even a second later he quickly found his arms ensnared as two metal tentacles had crept in from behind to successfully restrain him much to Logan's shock. He growled as he tried to slice at the tentacles with his sharp claws, but they firmly held his arms away from each other just above his head. The distraction had been just enough that he barely had time to notice that the gloved hands had now reached him as one of them wasted not a moment to grab hold of the hem of his uniform's shirt and roughly jerk it upwards, exposing his bare stomach.
"Hey! What is...?!" He shouted in confusion; his words cut off as the other hand immediately shot forward and buried it's furiously wriggling digits right into his muscular belly.
Logan hadn't listened to Scott. He had let his guard down completely when he had seen this "threat" first enter the room. His overconfidence was now going to be his downfall for mocking the capabilities of the robot hand; the hand that was now ruthlessly tickling him. This tactic was a complete shock to him, and having not put up any of his mental defenses in preparation the laughter exploded out of him as soon as contact was made. "Ahahahaahaa! Wha-Whahahat's goin' ohohohon?! Stahahap thaaat!" He howled out at the mindless hand that relentlessly continued tickling all over his sensitive abdomen; the other hand holding his shirt securely out of the way. Scott too was in complete awe by just what method the program had decided to use, though he couldn't help but grin as he saw the situation that his normally cantankerous teammate was now in. It was already a known fact by the mansion's inhabitants that Logan was surprisingly ticklish as his female team members found it quite endearing and took great delight in ganging up on the burly mutant at times. Heightened senses did have their drawbacks. Still nothing that Scott himself would partake in, knowing that while Logan might put up with it from the ladies he was pretty sure he'd be skewered on the spot if he even made a hint at attempting such a thing. In a way he now felt that he had a sense of power in having Logan in this position. "See? That's what happens when you underestimate the situation, now get to work Logan. Tickling probably isn't a real world offensive that you're going to run into, but no harm in being extra prepared." Wolverine's claws remained out, but he couldn't move his arms enough to free himself. Unable to think straight he continued to fail in his efforts to come up with a strategy to get out of this aside from yelling up at the amused operator in the control room. "Cyyyykehehehee! Tuhuhurn thihis shihihihiiit ohahahahoff!!" Arms bulging he thrashed uselessly in the grip of the tentacles, trying to block the torturous hand from his body by lifting his knee to no avail. He'd been tickled worse than this before, but never had he been this helpless to defend himself. Meanwhile Scott mused over the scene before him. It in fact was a little stupid to be messing with one of the world's deadliest mutant's like this, and he was pretty sure there would be Hell to pay later. His hand hovered momentarily over the button to shut down the Danger Room, but then he pulled back. "No, I think you just need a little more time to figure this out. I have faith in you. I mean, this program is only used to train the 'kiddies', right?" Yup. He was pretty sure Logan was going to kill him after this. "Fuhuhuhuck yooooouuuu!!" Logan cackled as he desperately tried to regain some kind of focus though was only barely able to retract his claws back into his hands, knowing that they were of no use. "Aw c'mon Logan. You're not that ticklish, are you? Can't resist just one little hand tickling you?" Scott couldn't help but tease a bit, having on more than one occasion seen Logan nearly lose his mind from just having his stomach tickled by his teenage sidekick, Jubilee. No sooner had he said that when a third hand began to move in from out of Logan's sight before grabbing the squirming mutant right below his ribs as the fingers playfully dug in over and over again.
"Bwahahahahahahahahaa!! Noooo!! Gehehet 'em offa meeheeheehee!!" Roaring with laughter from the added torture Logan was regretting not taking the lowest level of the Danger Room more seriously. With his arms being held out of the way he couldn't even use them to help guard his body no matter how hard he pulled to free them. It wasn't much longer before his legs began to weaken as he attempted to sink to the floor to hopefully get him a split second of reprieve.
He was allowed to move to the ground, but the hands were unrelenting. With a firm tug the restraining tentacles around his forearms pulled him down onto his back as a few more hands now appeared seemingly out of nowhere to join in tickling under his arms and the other side of his ribcage.
"No!! No!! Stahahahap ihihihihit!! Lemme outtahahaha heeheeheeeere!!" The Wolverine howled as he kicked and squirmed like crazy; his armpits being one of his worst spots. Two other metal tentacles quickly slithered over and grabbed onto each leg to stretch him out and prevent him from curling up in defense. Tears crept out of the corners of his eyes from laughing so hard as so far he had made no progress in getting loose. "Very disappointing Logan. I thought for sure you'd have passed all these lower levels with ease. Well it seems we've uncovered your true weakness. Something that your healing factor won't protect you from. We'll probably have to repeat this level over and over until you get it right," Scott grinned wider, only half serious as he liked to push Logan's buttons at any given opportunity. He was hardly listening though; too focused on the incessant tickle torture. Just when he thought it couldn't get any worse two additional hands made their way over and quickly tugged off his boots, revealing his twitching bare feet as Logan's eyes bulged in panic. "HEY!! Hey hey waahaahaait a m...minute!! No don't!! Not the-AAAHAHAHHAHAHA!!" Fingers wildly scratched at his tender soles, tickling from his wide heels to up under his curled up toes with not a thing he could do to stop them. He was laughing harder than he'd ever had as the tears began to roll down his cheeks. He absolutely could not handle having his feet tickled and once had accidentally kicked Rogue for trying. Luckily she is a tough woman though she used it as an excuse to really punish him with his ankles trapped in the crook of her super strong arm while Logan hysterically cried 'Uncle'. This was more than he could stand. Being spread out and tickled in all his most sensitive spots at once with no way to guard himself was where he drew the line. He loathed the thought of what he was about to do, but he couldn't hold back the frantic pleas that came pouring out. "NAAAHAHAHAHAHOOOO!! N-NO MORE!! STOPSTOP!! PLEEHEEHEEEEASE!! I CAN'T..HAHAHAHAHAA..CAAHAAHAAN'T T-TAKE THIHIHIIS SHIIIIIT!!" Scott was just enjoying the show as he chuckled and shook his head in disbelief. "Wow. Who knew? All one has to do to defeat Wolverine is to tickle him and he'll be begging for mercy. Better hope none of your enemies ever find out about this one."
And with that he finally pushed the button to shut down the currently running program in the Danger Room. He'd have been more than happy to let it keep going, but even he could feel some sympathy for his frenemy and knew once he started begging that he had had enough. Logan instantly panted in relief as the hands all stopped tickling him while he was gently released from the restraints, everything then retracting back into the chambers that they had emerged from. A giggle escaped him here and there as he still had a phantom feeling of the fingers all over on his body.
Scott slowly clapped his hands in jest from the control room as he grinned down at the seemingly lifeless body. "Not bad, Logan! I think you almost had it there, but I'm sure you'll do better next time! So what do you think? Ready for level 2?"
The middle claw that immediately popped out of Logan's fist crudely gave him his answer.
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sanders-sides-dnd · 3 years
Family Reunion Chapter 1
Here it is! The beginning of our adventures. I’m sorry this took so long. This was the first session of the first game we played together, everything the characters do was the choice of their players. This includes the romance, I later worked their pairings into their backstories to add some clarity. If you have any questions for us or the characters our askbox is open. Wordcount: 5048 TWs: Kidnapping, swearing, violence, implied child death, implied child abuse, ghosts, hunting, dog Pairings: Logince, Moceit Taglist (ask to be added): @crazydemigod666 @newtnotfound @star-crossed-shipper @3amthebitchinghour @s4moose 
The group woke up and felt a tight rope tying them all together. They looked around the darkness and most were able to identify they were in a cell, they also saw Prince Roman sitting outside the cell. He softly stroked Kai, the paladin Patton the Moral’s hound. Roman didn’t notice his friends had woken. Logan, a human wizard and partner of Prince Roman, recognised the cell. They were in the castle of Creativiton which explained why Roman was not locked up. His parents wouldn’t lock up their heir. But why were they locked up? Logan was the first to try and get Roman’s attention.
“Why are we here?” Logan asked. Roman’s black eyes lit up when his partner spoke. “What happened?” The group all looked at Roman. Kai stuck his head through the bars to try and get to his owner. Roman felt guilty, this was all his fault. He remembered what had happened. They were happily walking through the forest, unaware how close they strayed to Roman’s kingdom. They were ambushed by familiar guards, his mothers personal battalion, they knocked out his friends before they could even fight. They were all tied up and brought back to the castle. He was separated from his friends and brought to his less than pleased parents who promptly banished him to his room to wait, however he clearly didn’t stay there long. “Are you all okay?” Roman asked full of concern. “We were ambushed on our journey.” The half-orc answered as he slid a cup of water through the bars towards his friends. Patton, being only a few feet tall, easily slid out of the ropes and inspected the water. “My parents are… displeased we left. They wished to speak to all of us, I was waiting for you all to wake up.” Patton brought the water to Logan to inspect, he was much smarter after all. Logan nodded and took a sip, Patton followed hesitantly. Janus the deceiver, Patton’s partner, a wicked tiefling warlock, smirked and took a drink not worried if it was poisoned or not. Virgil drank too and Patton returned the cup. “Why are we in a cell?” Patton asked as he handed the cup over. “Couldn’t they have spoken to us over dinner or something not… this?” Virgil, the rogue elf, piped up. Roman looked away guiltily. Patton moved to pet his hound. “I think they’re just angry we left the castle. Although I agree, locking you up is a bit drastic.” Roman sympathised. Janus scoffed. “And tying us up is just for safety.” Janus remarked, snarky as always. “Right, totally believable.” Janus never trusted royals, the only reason he could get along with Roman is because they met away from the castle. Roman paused for a moment. “We’ve been here a few hours and I haven’t seen Remus yet.” Roman said solemnly. Prince Remus or, as he preferred, Duke Remus was not the kind to be quiet. Especially after his brother who has been gone for so long came back. Virgil knew this was weird too, he was a close friend to Remus. Well, until he abandoned him that is. Roman shook his head and got back to business. “I could break you out of here and we can leave. Or we could stay and talk to my parents… although I am starting to think fleeing might be our best move. What do you think we should do?” Roman nervously eyed a nearby guard, trying his best to stay out of sight.  Virgil asked what everyone was thinking. “Did you know your parents were going to do this?” Virgil pressed. “Of course not, I have no idea why they would lock you up!” Roman defended. “You know your parents best. Do you think talking to them would work?” Virgil asked. He already knew from what he’d heard from the twins that the Queen definitely wasn’t the talking it out type but perhaps the king was? Logan spoke up after a bit of contemplation, working at the castle meant he had a good array of knowledge to help make a decision.  “If Duke Remus is missing then something suspicious is going on. I vote we flee while we have the chance.” Logan concluded. “I’m sure they have a reason to want to talk! Even if they weren’t the best to their guests...” Patton opposed. He always saw the best in people, it’s what he was taught in the temple he grew up in, even when it got him in trouble. "I say we get out now and then we'll see." Janus said. He was Patton’s grounding force, bringing him back from his dream lands and reminding him of the harsh reality. “They were in a foul mood when I spoke to them earlier, I vote we get out of here.” Roman informed. "If we escape do you think your parents will send people after us?" Virgil questioned. Roman thought for a moment before replying. "Most likely, but what other choices do we have?" Roman finally replied.  "What if they just kidnap us again?" "Then we'll get out again." Janus announced. Virgil knew how to do that, he’d been in these jails many times. Logan grew agitated, they needed to make a decision quickly. "We do not have time to worry about that, we must be focused on getting out for the time being!" Logan reminded them all. "The best we can do now is to get as far away as possible, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it." Roman added. With a nod Virgil and Patton finally gave in. Virgil quickly got to work. With his hands behind his back he quickly found the knot keeping the men together, the knot was tough but Virgil was an expert. In mere seconds the rope slacked and the men were free. Virgil knew the key to a successful escape was speed so he wasted no time beginning to pick the lock. Roman looked at the guard, he was still unaware. The bars opened with a quiet squeak. “Where to now?” Virgil whispered as they all exited the cell. They had no gear, no weapons, they weren’t in the best position. Roman remembered all the times Remus and he had snuck around the castle, trying to think of an exit. "I can lead us out of here, but we'd have to go through the main halls. There's a high chance we could be spotted." Roman whispered. "Damn, no secret passageways?" Virgil retorted with a smirk. In all his years here he had never found any but then again he wasn’t a royal. "None that I can think of right now, and none that won't be monitored by my father's men." Roman informed as the group started sneaking. “They wouldn't expect us to go through the main halls, out in the open. It's our best chance of escape." Roman looked around the corner, it seemed clear. The men kept low and ran quietly, Roman took care looking around every corner to watch for guards. Eventually they made it to sight of the door, but as Roman looked around the corner he saw the shins of a familiar human. He looked up to see the black armour his mothers battalion wore, the same colour as the man’s hair and stubble. His helmet was off so Roman could clearly see his grey eyes looking down at him. “Ah Roman, how predictable.” Remy teased as Roman rose in shame. "Remy, " Roman said grimly. "Let us pass, my friends and I have done no wrong." Without a word, guards seized the group and brought them to the throne room. Roman was set at the front of the group with the others slightly behind. They stayed silent as two royals stepped out. A tall and stocky orc woman with brown dreaded hair and a lean human warrior in a golden crown on his silver hair. The king and queen stood on a dais with one throne, looking down at their son and his party.
“Ah Roman I see your companions are awake.” The king sung. The king was a professional man, even Roman had never heard his name. He had always called him Dad or Your Majesty. This didn’t mean he was a stick in the mud, he was a happy man just a stickler for titles. “Welcome to Creativiton!” Queen Bhom Head-Crusher greeted, knowing well some of the group had been here before. The Queen was a true blood orc, married into human society. Steel and war ran through her veins. She was caring but violent and bull-headed. “Salutations.” Logan said with a controlled glare. “Pleasure.” Janus followed with a scoff. Patton tried to bow and Virgil tried not to barf. “It’s been a while since I had you in chains, Virgil.” Remy chuckled. "Can't get enough of me in chains?" Virgil shot back. “What is the meaning of this?” Roman cried, outraged at the treatment of him and his friends. They had been knocked and locked and now, just as they had a taste of freedom, chained. Queen Bhom looked across the group then let her eyes land on Roman. “When you left your brother was quite upset that you didn’t ask him to join you. He felt as if you didn’t care about him anymore. He was sad for a while but then it turned into anger.” She explained. Roman felt guilt begin to scratch at his stomach. “He wanted to find you and make you explain yourself. So he left, without telling us.” The Queen’s black eyes grew sad, but her face did not waver from it’s strong expression. "Is that all?” Janus announced. All eyes turned to him. “Hardly seems a reason to put us in chains and a cell." Janus didn’t let royals hold power over him, he had once and it ended with blood on his face and a demon in his mind. “Well, street rat, we can’t have both of our heirs just off running around in forests. We need at least one of you here or our reputation will be destroyed.” The King reasoned. He looked directly at Roman. “So we're grounding you until your brother comes back and we can sort this out together. Your friends must stand trial for treason and kidnapping but if they leave without causing trouble then I won’t stop them.” Roman blinks, momentarily thrown off guard. "He's never shown interest in fighting with us before, I didn't think this time was any different, so I didn't ask." Roman mumbled. This wasn’t like his brother. Yes he was wild and unpredictable, and he hated the castle, okay maybe it was like him. "Not to be rude, your majesty, but how is it our fault if Duke Remus felt a certain way and did certain actions? Those were of his own volition." Logan asked. “And it’s not kidnapping if Roman came with us willingly.” Virgil added. Patton raised his hand. “Your highnesses?” He addressed incorrectly. “Some of us are not even from here. How can it be treason if we aren’t citizens?” Roman put out a hand to silence his friends. He took a deep breath and stepped forward. He could stand up to his parents one on one, but both of them together is a challenge.  "Mother, Father, surely you see that this is unreasonable?” Roman began. “I went with my friends of my own volition, it was in no way a kidnapping. Let them go peacefully, and I swear to stay and do whatever it takes to locate my brother. He couldn't have gone far. Let me take responsibility for him, but let my friends leave." Roman’s plan to sacrifice himself did not sit well with his friends. However, his mother looked down proudly. “Well how about a trial by combat, an orc tradition.” Queen Bhom announced proudly. The king tapped her arm gently but she gave him a reassuring glance. “If you can find your brother and bring him back then it would be quicker and we won’t have to send more guards. It’ll also prove to us that you can go out and adventure with your companions without getting yourself killed.” The queen waited for a response. Roman looked back at his friends, they all gave him enthusiastic nods. Roman pulled himself to his full height. “I accept.” With a wave of her hand the guards escorted the group to the armoury where all their gear was laying on the ground. While everyone gathered their gear Virgil turned to Remy. “Don’t miss me too much.” Virgil flirted with a wink. Remy looked away, the faint blush on his face mostly covered by his stubble. The others kept a close eye on Virgil while they gathered their stuff. Roman thought it was a good idea to have the head guard on their side. Logan and Roman looked around at the other guards protectively. “Hurry up and get your stuff before I lock you up.” Remy said in a stressed tone. Virgil began collecting his stuff while looking back at Remy. “I’m sure you’ll be looking forward to that.” Virgil shot another wink. Remy looked away awkwardly. Virgil did too as he remembered the last time before this he was locked up, it wasn’t his most graceful encounter. Janus made a gagging noise and rolled his eyes.
When everyone had their stuff Remy escorted them out of the castle and slammed the large door behind them. The streets were narrow and the group walked in sets of two. Logan looked at Roman. “You know Remus the best, where is he likely to go?” Logan asked. “Tavern.” Virgil and Roman answered in unison. Roman continued. “He’s a fan of wandering around. He’s usually at the tavern but I’ve seen him around the inn, the blacksmith, and that old burned farm.” “There’s also a hunting store he likes to visit.” Virgil added. "Maybe we should try the tavern first," Roman mused. "He's probably passed out drunk under the counter." "With so many places, perhaps it would be wise to split up?" Logan suggested. They all agreed. Roman split from the group to go to the tavern, he didn’t find Remus but the bartender did tell him they hadn’t seen the duke in a week. Logan and Janus went to the inn, they hadn’t seen him at all. Patton brought his hound and found the blacksmith, he informed him that Remus had stopped by a month ago to get some weapons sharpened. Virgil took the hunting store where he found out Remus had bought a large sum of dried meat about a month ago.
The group met up again at the gates to share their findings as they headed out to the last place on their list. The burned down farm. The sky was a dim orange as the sun disappeared. "This is worrying, to say the least," Murmured Roman. He started to look visibly concerned about his brother. "Sharpening weapons, hoarding dry rations, sounds like he was planning to go away for a while." Logan put a hand on his partner's shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. He knew Remus and Roman were close, this had to be affecting him a lot. "Well we were gone for a while ourselves. It's a good thing he at least has anything with him at all.” Janus reasoned, but it only made Roman’s guilt grow.  “Now what is the deal with this farm?” Roman and Virgil smirked at each other before leaping into a dramatic stance. “We don’t know a lot about the farm…” Roman began suspiciously. Logan knew this song and dance. “I heard a child who was just learning to control magic lived here with her family. One day she lost control and burned down the whole farm.” Virgil explained and Roman made an explosion sound behind him. Janus and Logan rolled their eyes but Patton was entranced. "The flames didn't touch anything on the other side of the fence, and they didn't touch her younger brother's things. The girl and her parents perished, her brother was never found." Roman finished with a flourish. Patton clapped. Roman turned around and saw a charred fence. They were here. 
By this time it was dark, and the darkness only enhanced how creepy the house was. Under the full moon’s glow they inspected the burned walls. The house was a husk, not even the roof remained. However a small hay bed and some kids toys were alone, only touched by a thick layer of dust. They felt a cold presence around them. Janus lit a torch to help them see. “I feel like something doesn’t want us here...” Roman said as he lit up another torch. Logan inspected the toys without touching them, they had no ash on them. Just dirt and dust. They looked like they hadn’t been touched in years. Patton closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Using his divine powers bestowed upon him after a lifetime of prayer, he could sense the presence of good and evil. He breathed deeply through his nose. He could smell the foul scent of an evil and greedy presence. It was so strong it nearly startled him. Virgil saw a flick of white in the corner of his eye but when he turned there was nothing here. "I don't like the vibes of this place. How about we just confirm that Remus isn't here and get the fuck out?" Virgil fretted. He did care about Remus, but this place seemed off. Janus saw what Patton was doing and put a hand on his shoulder. Patton nodded in response. “There’s something here.” Janus shouted to the group who was spread around the house. They all looked over. “What kind of something?” Logan asked. Janus enjoyed being vague but it annoyed Logan. Maybe that was part of why he enjoyed it. “Only one way to find out.” Janus smirked. He gave his torch to Patton and sat down. He began chanting in a language no one else could understand. “Venite Tenebrae Animae et Ostende te.” Three ghostly figures faded into view in front of him. One child and two adults. The child appeared in the corner, she looked to be hiding. The adults, a man and a woman, quickly turned on the party with a hiss. The group readied their weapons. Patton was first to attack as he grabbed his battle-axe in one hand and raised his shield with the other. He pulled back and swung his axe at the female ghost. It passed right through her. “Crap…” Patton let out before the ghost retaliated. She scratched his face with her long nails. It didn’t do much but it was enough that it pushed him back. Roman took out his great-sword and raised it above his head. The heavy steel blade and golden hilt caught the torch light. Roman was about to take a risk. But it didn’t seem like he could do much else. If Patton’s silver axes didn’t work then surely his sword wouldn’t do much more.  "Don't come any closer!" He yelled with his booming orcish voice. "I am Prince Roman of Creativiton, and I command you to stay back!" When they were alive they clearly lived in Creativiton, perhaps not during Roman’s life but at some point. Perhaps they still had some loyalty. Roman’s risk paid off as the ghosts cowered, leaving them vulnerable. Janus took the opportunity. He took out his staff and held it horizontally in front of him. The staff was curved and made of light coloured apple wood. A python is etched into the wood circling to the top, the side of the staff where the head was. “Illusio.” He whispered to himself. He pointed the end of his staff towards the attacking ghosts and a wall of flames shot towards them. They were shocked and backed themselves against the wall, much more scared than Patton’s attack. The male ghost looked to his right to see the scared child. He grabbed her and held her out like a shield. “Janus, what can we do?” Virgil asked as he pulled out his daggers. Janus was their creature expert, there is nothing he hadn’t fought. “Healing items and magic.” Janus shouted back. Virgil put away his daggers. Those weren’t going to do squat. “Healing?” Virgil asked again. Janus rolled their eyes although it was hard to tell since they were pure gold. “They lose connection to the physical realm because of the healing properties.” Janus explained as the male ghost shook the child at them. Logan was the only other who knew spells. He pulled out his silver staff, the blue gems attached to the top already glowing. He pointed the staff at the female ghost, streaks of blue shot out. The ghost disappeared as it was hit by the rays of frost, only leaving behind a thin layer of ice on the wall behind it. Roman shot a proud smile at his partner. He loved watching him fight, the way his face was lit by the magical spells he trained so hard to learn was his favourite sight. “One down.” Logan said proudly. Patton took advantage of his close range and called upon his divine powers again. His hands glowed with a healing light. Janus took the opportunity to reach to the shelf behind him and pick up a few small pieces of rubble discarded there. Patton lunged at the remaining ghost, attempting to avoid the child he shielded himself with. The ghost quickly turned on him, holding out the child. Patton retracted, not wanting to harm her. Across the room Janus put away his staff and pulled out a sling. He closed his hand around the rocks and whispered into it. “Incanto lapis.” When Janus opened his hand, the pebbles had a hint of a pink glow around them. He loaded the three small rocks into the sling and took aim. “Are you aiming at the child?!” Patton yelled from across the room. He knew his partner too well at this point. The rest of the group also looked over at him “Yeah.” Janus responded. The party looked between the two, not even paying attention to the ghost. “The child is a child!” Patton scolded. “Fine.” Janus groaned. He let go of the elastic and the rocks flew towards the ghosts. The little girl put up her hands to block her face but the pebbles went around her, bouncing off the wall and hitting her attacker. The other ghost faded after the rocks hit his head, the small girl fell to the floor. She stood and looked around. She smiled brighter than the white glow around her as the party put away their weapons. “Thank you! Thank you for helping me!” She said gratefully. She looked around at them all before her eyes fell on Kai. “Oh, can I pet your dog?” She asked happily. Patton offered the girl a comforting smile. “Of course you can.” He answered. The girl floated forward and began playing with the dog. They all looked at each other. Roman kneeled down next to the girl. “Hello there.” He said gently, trying to get her attention without startling her. She looked over with a smile. “Hi!” She replied. She looked at Roman quizzically for a second. “You look my friend.” Roman looked interested. For anyone else this’d be just a confused or funny kid moment, but he had a twin brother who hung around this house. “Your friend?” He asked, trying to pull more information from the child. She turned away from Roman to continue playing with Kai. “My friend Duke. He always scares away my parents when they try to hurt me but he wasn’t here this time.” She explained happily. Roman looked up at his friends. “He came by a month ago and told me that he was leaving. I miss him. He was silly and made me laugh. He promised he’d come back though!” The story seemed to fit what Roman’s parents had told them. Remus was a prince but preferred the title of duke in non-formal settings. He always said What’s the point of being called a prince if I won’t get the crown? “He’s my brother.” Roman was excited to finally have some information but tried to keep his voice quiet and reassuring. "We haven't seen him in a while either, do you have any idea where he went? Also what’s your name?" He questioned. He felt guilty for interrogating a small dead child. “I don't remember my name, but I do know where Dukey went. He said he was going to find you. He went to the witches in the north forest to see if they knew where you was.” She stopped playing with Kai and turned to Roman who had now shifted to a sitting position. “I’m looking for my brother too! Have you seen him? His name is Elliott.” Roman looked up at Logan who shrugged. He looked at the others who also didn’t know. "I'm really sorry, we haven't seen your brother,” Roman said. "Or my brother," he added after a pause. The small girl reached out and touched his hand. She smiled at him, he couldn’t help but smile back. “Okay. If you see him tell him he’s late and Mama and Pa are going to be mad.” The child said as she started to fade. Roman gave her one last nod as she disappeared. Roman stayed sitting for a couple seconds. He felt bad for the young girl. Logan put a hand on his partner’s shoulder. “We should find somewhere to set up camp.” Janus prompted. Roman nodded and stood slowly. They all left the burnt out house and set up camp on the edge of the northern forest, lighting a small fire and dropping some of their gear. “Our supplies are low.” Logan said, rummaging through his bag. “We’ll need to find some food.” Virgil nodded. He and Logan went into the forest. “I’ll go too, we’ll have a better chance.” Janus said as he stood. “Take Kai.” Patton told him. Kai trod up next to Janus. They headed into the forest together. After a while Logan and Virgil returned. "I saw some berries.” Logan said upon returning. Virgil settled empty handed by the fire. “I thought they were blackberries. I tried to get them. I was unable to, and was damaged by the thorns." Logan put out his arms to show a number of scratches. Behind him Janus came out of the treeline. "Well it turns out having the dog with us was very beneficial." Janus said and dropped a dead fox in front of Logan. "Look what he caught." Logan flushed red as Janus nudged him jokingly. "Never speak a word of this again." Logan huffed and went over to sit in Roman’s lap, Janus picked up the fox again. "Of course not Logan, I wouldn't want to blackmail you with any of this." Janus teased as he handed the fox to Patton. After the fox was skinned and cooked they all sat around the fire eating together. Janus and Patton sat facing each other, both with food in their lap. “You know I think I left something in the forest.” Janus said as they ate. “Help me come look for it?” Patton rolled his eyes. Janus and him had been dating for near a year now. He knew his tricks. “Janus! Everyone can hear you.” Patton didn’t really mind that much. “Yeah they look very interested.” Janus laughed and nodded towards Logan and Roman. They had abandoned their dinner and started kissing instead. Virgil was playing with Kai nearby. “Even so. I would prefer something a little more romantic then just follow me into the forest.” Patton responded. Again, Patton didn’t really mind. He loved Janus no matter whether he was able to come up with fancy words or not. He just enjoyed teasing him. Janus tried to come up with something quickly but his flustered mind couldn’t find anything. “So…” Janus began. “Papaya?” Janus drew out the last sound of that word. Patton giggled, it was cute putting Janus on the spot. He was usually so sharp tongued but when it came to Patton he would lose his nerve. Patton decided to throw him a bone. He put down his plate and put his arms around Janus’ neck. “Well I don’t know anything about papaya…” He began. He got close to Janus’ pointed ear, his breath warmed it better than the fire did. “But I do know about peaches.” Without warning Janus stood, holding Patton. He ran off into the forest with his partner. Virgil enjoyed the company of Kai. Virgil didn’t talk much and Kai didn’t mind, mostly because Kai was a dog and also couldn’t talk. Virgil also enjoyed being an elf. It meant he could stay up later than his friends. He looked across at his sleeping friends, he hated just sitting around. It meant he had to think. There were lots of things he didn’t want to think about right now. He went into the forest and climbed into the trees. He jumped from one branch to another. He did this as a kid, except instead of trees it was buildings. It helped him clear his head, focusing only on where to jump next. As he jumped he heard a scamper below him. He looked around and saw a fat rabbit. “You shouldn’t be out this late.” Virgil whispered as he grabbed his shortbow. He also took out an arrow, the purple feathers were stiff against his hand as he pulled the arrow back against the string. “Goodnight little bunny.” Virgil hummed as he let go of the string. He gathered the rabbit and took it back to the camp. There were just enough embers left in the fire to cook it. He stored it in his bag and found a place to sit against a tree. The other four were huddled together, sleeping in one big pile. Even Kai was with them. He felt a little left out, but he needed to be alone to meditate. Virgil closed his eyes, signalling the end to another day of adventure.  
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abrushwithdeath · 3 years
Why did you run away with Logan for, Rogue? You left your family for a loner.
Ask my Muse questions about their relationships with other Muses that I RP with. Anon or not.
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"'Cause I wanted to. That enough of an explanation for ya, grey face?" That was a joke, of course. Mostly, anyway. And she followed it with a small grin, something bordering on playful. But she figured a question like that also deserved a more sincere answer, so she let the jesting nature of her previous response fall away after a moment or two. "Honestly, though? I dunno if I could give ya an answer ya'd be satisfied with. It's a lotta little things and it was also kinda done on impulse. For one, I left with the knowledge I could go back home if I wanted to. He wasn't gonna make me stay, and if I was feelin' the itch to head on back, I knew he'd let me. Which kinda leads into the next piece of it all- I trust 'im. And there aren't many people that've got my trust. Not fully, anyway. But I'm safe with him, and he's safe with me. We got each other's backs. We work well together. And we get along, too. Back when I first joined the team, we had... a pretty rocky start, to say the least... but we got a lot in common. Things feel easy between us. It's not somethin' I feel with most people, ya know?" That was her own fault, she realized. She was pretty damn good at pushin' people away. But Logan never let 'er get away with it. Then there was one other little factor- one she wasn't gonna say aloud, 'specially considerin' the team didn't yet know about the little shift in their relationship just yet. But she'd gone with 'im in part 'cause'a some school girl crush she'd been harborin' on 'im for years. She couldn't help 'erself. And that little crush, she'd eventually realized, was reciprocated. It was also, by this point, more'n just some silly crush... "That more like what you were lookin' for? I just wanted to get away and I wanted to spend a little more time with 'im. He's always wanderin' off, thought he might be a'right with the extra company for once. Turns out, I was right. I think thing's've been goin' real well." Like, really well.
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ketchup-monthly · 3 years
Sanders Sides D&D 2
Ooh fresh take: Jan is virge’s patron and that’s why there’s beef
Also: Jan is some sort of fae related being
Jan: i need you to do something for me Virgil: no Janus: that's not how this works!! Virgil: watch me :P
Okay so I was thinking of Patton as a cleric cuz ooh healer however, Patton as a Druid makes me so happy
I want logan to have Rage
(Also that could tie nicely in an arc about Logan learning to accept feelings)
but barbarian logan is going to be a scholar again and is gonna be smort
bc hes logan. he cant be not smart
Oh I figured he’d be the bbeg that eventually joins the party (hurt/comfort baybee!)(Remus)
he was the bbeg but then joined the party as a bardbarian or just a bard
plus, actual bard who accidentally casts vicious mockery instead of bardic inspiration
Side note: please include a scene where Remus attempts to seduce the dragon
also with this second au, i can start them at like level 5 so people can multiclass
Pat as cleric/druid
gasp logan as artificer/barbarian
janus sorcerer/rogue
because basically everything but alchemist would work well with barbarian, but alchemist feels very Logan
bc mad scientist being actually mad
alchemist logan making an experimental potion and going "here im not sure what this does but im sure its fine! someone drink it"
Remus does it voluntarily, but Logan usually tries to get Roman to drink it
Virgil will occasionally drink it when he's on his last legs and is just like.....100% done with the party
remus as a wild magic path barbarian and just fucking teleporting or doing something equally ridiculous whenever he rages
Oh my god Remus with rage would be a force to be reckoned with
You gotta describe the first time he goes into a rage really dramatically
obviously virgil is trying to "escape" his patron, Janus (really just do whatever he says to not do out of spite)
Eldritch knight roman
Feywild warlock virgil
hey so in the second d&d au, should roman and remus be actual full siblings but like remus went darkside and like romans just trying to get back at him for putting a dark stain on the family name
hey hey hey what about warforged Logan? (essentially a robot)(so like "i dont feel anything" becoming real)
okay hear me out. elf roman and elf base simic hybrid remus. so like maybe the reason remus went darkside was experimentation? so like. hes elf but special
virgil just transforming in the middle of a combat scenario and like his eyes turn into black pits and flightless skeletal wings appear on his back and like everyone near him has to make a charisma check and like he deals extra necrotic damage
Pat is the one human stuck in a band of misfits
so with it, roman would be a full elf, and remus would be an elf that has tentacles bc octopus
So robot logan
i meant literally he doesnt feel anything
like he has all the emotions, but he doesnt physically feel the need to like eat or sleep or stuff like that
he just.....he pretend he don't have the feelings.....but he do.....he feel so much and he hides it all in his littol mechanical heart <3
plus......if he warforged, then like.....AC huge
he stands in front of friends.....he protecc...."no, i don't have feelings, i am physically incapable of affection" but he do!! he do! he take hits for them because he do!! he care so much
Bro he spouts all this and then he uses a reaction to dive in front of someone and everyone’s just like oh
hey hey everyone needs to grow
and logan standing up for himself and other people stepping in and saying no stop thats not right
plus if canon wont give me roman facing the consequences of his actions towards Logan......
but also Roman learning how to properly handle his own emotions and how he interacts with others
logan who doesn't view himself as anything more than a machine to be useful to others
the party giving logan love and affection until he slowly learns his own worth as a person
Roman and Logan not getting along (maybe Roman has a Lore reason to distrust Warforged, maybe not) and slowly learning to trust each other
when Logan is feeling real down or having some issue, Roman actually comes through to help him, showing how far both characters have come
Okay yes but also can we please give Roman more confidence than canon? Like I’m sooooo sick of low self esteem being played for laughs or just being really really sad
this boy is going on a mission and will slap his brother upside the head and tell him to shut tf up remus youre not a monster just come back home and he will do it alone if need be
im unsure as to how, but it happened when he was an older teen/young adult. a simic scientist either picked him (read: kidnapped), or remus volunteered (potentially to escape court life, unaware what exactly the experiment was going to do to him physically
bc also, remus and roman are royalty
so like. how best to get at the nobes/royalty/rich famous people than by turning their kid into a monster
wait, wait, wait, because i'm lowkey a sucker for this trope, but i'm not sure if it fits Remus: the experiments left him with some fairly significant physical pain/uncontrolled magical reactions. through some combo of trying to deal with that and trying find a cure for his pain, he keeps like....absolutely wrecking random towns on accident but also deliberately wrecking certain places looking for either a) vengeance on the guy(s) responsible or b) someone who can make the pain stop
Yknow, for simplification purposes, we could say the True Bbeg just gave Remus lycanthropy and Remus hasn’t managed to control it yet
lycanthropy but simic shit?
Mr. I-Don't-Have-Feelings sees the poor dude in pain and also Roman in emotional pain from seeing his brother in pain and is absolutely like "i must resolve this like right now, immediately" because he definitely doesn't hate seeing his friend suffering, or his friend's brother whom he's just met
he definitely doesn't relate at all to the idea of someone else shaping your body and absolutely does not sympathize with Remus's plight
i was thinking the grappling thing and either manta glide or the ability to breathe underwater for the simic stuff, but like he doesnt have control over the tentacles yet?
Manta glide seems like we could have fun battle scenes
he just jumps off a cliff to avoid mushy talk/dealing with his actions/roman
Roman: Remus just because you're a monster and though i wish i was an only child-- Remus, jumping off a cliff: byyeeeeee Patton: Roman, look what you did! Virgil: dammit jan what did you do? Janus: why do you think i had anything to do with that? im a fae, not a genie Logan, thinking: what an asshole. i wish i could do that
oh my god Logan always being tired mentally bc he cant sleep
Oh my gosh I love that. So Remus got kidnapped super young, (from royal family) they never found him, as a result Roman had to grow up super fast (side effect: lowkey inconsiderate and forgets to ask for others input). Meanwhile, Remus was experimented on by True Bbeg and came out with some trauma and super cool additives
yep! chronic pain and ptsd and all sorts of other shit!
so like, simic hybrids are usually created when they're adults. but what if the true bbeg decided to go younger to see what would happen, and thats why remus has chronic pain and stuff
he was still growing when his genes were spliced, so hes dealing with growth plates shifting and his body maturing and puberty and body changes and stuff
Pat is going to have a lighthearted story. Im saying that now. Hes the one without all the baggage
Sure, but his parents have to lowkey be the really kind people who are surprisingly always down for violence
everyone: multiple crises Pat: y'all need help Pat: love and affection in spades for his little band of misfits
Patton (which I think would be pretty simple, honestly he might just see danger and jump in and suddenly everyone in the party has Feelings)
Mhm. So how did he grow up? Was he just poof created? Wait
What if he was created by the king?
To make up for remuss disappearance
wait, wait....angst......he was created to fight (hence the barbarian stuff) but alchemy is his real passion
wait so like. a second son???
hes there to replace remus?
Yea! (But like in a sympathetic grief way) But that causes a bit of a complex in Roman and ergo Roman and Logan have a bit of a beef
okay so like. hes there to be a companion for roman, and like take remus' place, even though hes not actually in line for the throne?
and just......the conflict of being created for a specific purpose (plus being, you know, robot and technically incapable of deviated from said purpose) vs the fact that he actually does have independent consciousness and like....wants to live life for himself
the parents made Logan a barbarian in hopes that him and Roman would be safe
okay. so logan was created by the king with the sole purpose to take remus' place as romans brother/companion, and to be his like guard? protector? and fight, but logan wants to be an alchemist and study shit
wait, wait, wait.....thinks about Asimov's Laws
he.....his first operative is protect (specifically protect Roman)
oh man. so hes literally just a shield
his second level operative is just like.....care for Roman's emotional well-being, but he doesn't really know emotions because he was kinda just spawned and nobody told him how
and he just....kind of....lets Roman treat him like garbage and take all his grief out on him because he's staunchly in denial of both having feelings or knowing how they work
Anyway Yea so Logan created by royal family in place of Remus which created angst between the two “brothers” and identity issues in Logan. Their arcs are learning how to healthily process emotions plus Roman apology and Logan commits to alchemy
So big question: why did virge make a deal?
he gave janus his name
and instead of janus like killing him or whatever the fae do to people who break the rules of dealing with the fae, jan was like. hey. i'll give you magic, but do what i say
Janus is lawful neutral, but leans towards being selfish
hes self serving, but he has a strong set of morals and rules he follows
Tho I want to Virgil to also not be pushover so let’s say loophole happened and Jan has to stay with virge (hence why Jan is a part of the party)
okay so a couple of the rules are dont give a fae your true name and don't try to figure out their true name
what if virgil accidentally gave up part of his true name, and got stuck in the deal, but then figured out janus' true name
so in the same vein that janus had control over virgil, virgil now has more control over janus
he still gets his magic from janus, so he cant break free completely, but virgil has more freedom and can occasionally tell janus what to do or when to shove it
there should a running gag where virge can explain how he learned Jan’s true name but Jan can make something loudly censor him every time
(he learned his name bc once he heard janus practicing his evil genius voice and talking to himself in the mirror and janus said his true name)
so maybe janus sent virgil on the quest to protect a town or stop something related to remus, but virgil dragged him along
he might just be trying to protect a town thats close to a ley line, or something fae-related, and they just happen upon the whole thing
janus is selfish. but lawful vs chaotic is where he comes through, in morals vs doing whatever. janus has a strong set of loyalties to the fae, and to himself
so like....Remus is just too close to Jan's stuff and he wants to take him down
Virgil is just like....exhausted and said "fine, but if i gotta do this, you're coming, too"
or at least figure out a way to protect his place, even if it doesnt mean fully taking out remus. just moving him would work for jan
Janus: virgilllllllllll hes going to mess up my magic storage locker Virgil: Jan, its empty Janus: but its mine
Yea. Remus attacks a city away from the fae: Jan: Yknow I’m gonna sit this one out Virge: oh no you don’t, get up
Janus vs Janice
so his real name is Janus, but Virgil calls him Janice
Virgil: This is Janice Janice: with a “U-S” Virgil: mhm, sure Jan
I'm a big fan of just like any of the old theory name being various aliases for Jan
Damien, Dante, Ethan, Declan, etc, etc
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Dating FOX's X-Men movies Logan headcanons
Requested by: @zemosimp420
Reader as a mutant headcanon
You meet at Xavier's after Logan and Rogue are attacked by Sabertooth
You're one of the teachers, with your mutant ability allowing you to heal people mentally and physically
You and Logan start growing closer after you say you can help with his flashbacks
Logan trusts you with his past
You hold him when he wakes up from nightmares of his Weapon X days
One night he asks you to stay
The next morning he asks you out
Logan's very protective over you
Kissing is normally in private
Forehead kisses from Logan are frequent
You help him see the good side of the world again
Logan treasures every moment with you
He frequently pulls you into his lap and holds you
He helps you when you have nightmares
Scott, Jean, Orora, Charles and Hank tease you both but are happy for you
Rogue starts seeing you as another parent figure
Logan takes you to dates on his motorcycle
Dates with Logan are frequently out in nature with food brought from the mansion
Sometimes he takes you out to the movies or to a restaurant
For the first time in years Logan is happy
He always lets you know how special you are to him
First time trying a headcanon idea. I hope you enjoy. If you want me to write one where you're a human then I can give that a try.
#Wolverine, #Logan, #FoxMovies, #Logan×Reader, #LoganNeedsAHugtbh
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kurt-nightcrawler · 4 years
Together Again
John Allerdyce x Female Reader
Request: Hi! I love your your writing (especially the mother nature ones and crush honestly,,,,, art lmao) and I was wondering if you could write something else for John? Like honestly anything I'm just really starved for pyro content 😂 if you don't want to then uh dw 💜
A/N: if you guys want a blurb about wedding vows or baby making sex let me know!!
Warnings: teen pregnancy, swearing, mentions of sex, and some angst.
Word Count: 8.9k
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“Hey, I know it’s been a while, but I miss you… and I know I shouldn’t… but I can’t help myself. I’m really sorry for everything I did. I hurt you, I acted out, I ruined all the relationships I had at the mansion…” His voice faltered as tears fell from his eyes.
“Um, you don’t have to call me back… I’m just really sorry for being such an asshole… You deserved better…” 
You jokingly scoffed to yourself.
Typical John, You mused. Never realizing his potential. 
“I love you…” 
The voice message ended. You felt your eyes watering. Despite it all, you missed him. You missed John so much. 
He joined Magento’s army, brotherhood, and left you. You didn’t want to side with either of them, Charles or Erik. 
You wanted to run away somewhere, live a small-town life, maybe in Europe or something. You hadn’t really figured out all the details, but you assumed that figuring it out as you went along would suffice. As long as you had John by your side, nothing could get in your way. 
But then he wasn’t by your side. And your entire world came crashing down. 
You had woken up to an empty bed. Unusual, since John was in it with you the night before. 
His clothes were gone, and it felt like he had never been there to start with. 
You got yourself out of bed, not even bothering to change out of your pajamas. You wanted to know where he went. 
You made it downstairs to the den, where your friends were seated with some staff members. 
“Ah, (Y/N),” Xavier said. “You’re awake. Please sit down.” 
You sat down on the couch next to Kitty. “What’s going on? Where’s John?” 
“Allerdyce left,” Logan stated with a bitter tone. 
“Left? What do you mean he left?” 
“Magento is forming a new brotherhood of mutants, and he’s planning to attack Worthington industries.” 
“Is this about the “cure”?” You asked. 
Xavier nodded, “John left to join him.” 
No… You couldn’t believe what you were hearing. “That can’t be true. He wouldn’t just leave and not tell anyone. He would have told me if he was thinking about joining forces with Magento!” 
“(Y/N),” You looked over at Bobby, “We had an argument in our room late last night. I tried to convince him to stay but—“
“No…” You were shaking. “You’re— you’re lying!” You stood up too quickly and you got a head rush. 
“I wish I was—“ 
You felt like you were going to be sick. You could hear the blood pounding in your ears. Your vision was blurry, and you were sweating. 
You ran to the nearest trash can and dunked your head in as you heaved. 
Kitty held your hair back and rubbed your back. “Let it out. Let it out, (Y/N)...” 
You puked your guts out until you didn’t have the energy to continue. Then, you turned over, moving your head out of the trash and started crying. 
No one knew what to do about you— and Magneto trying to kill a bunch of people was a bit more of a pressing issue. 
You didn’t want to go to Worthington industries and fight. You didn’t want to see him. You wanted to be left alone. 
Plus, with your mutation, the X-Men thought you’d be a good guard for the mansion if anything happened. 
It was a few days before anyone came back, and while they were gone you caught a stomach bug. Constantly vomiting, bad cramps, and your chest was extremely sore. 
You didn’t know what to do about it, so you kept a trash can nearby and drank lots of water and took some ibuprofen. 
When everyone returned, Bobby, Kitty, and Rogue, all ran to hug you, knowing you’d need it. 
“I punched him for you,” Bobby whispered. You held him tighter and let silent tears rain down your face as you hugged him. 
The three of them told you about the battle, and what happened to everyone, and a new addition to the team— Scott’s younger brother, Alex Summers, who had apparently been friends with one of the brotherhood members, but decided to switch sides and support his brother. 
He was in the medical bay downstairs with everyone else, getting checked out. 
“What have you been up to?” 
You let out a weak laugh, “Nothing much. I’ve been watching tv and puking my guts out the past few days…” 
Your friends nodded in sympathy. “You’re probably sick from all the stress…” Rogue commented. 
“Yeah, that’s probably it. When it’s a good time, I’ll ask Dr. Grey to give me some medicine other than pain killers.” 
“Good idea…” 
“I’m gonna go shower,” Rogue said, getting up from the couch. 
“Me too! Kitty replied. “Are you going to change Bobby?” 
He looked over at her, “Uh, yeah. I will in a little bit.” The girls walked off, satisfied with his answer. 
You patted Bobby’s shoulder. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t talk him out of leaving…”
“He’s… He’s stubborn. I don’t think any of us could have convinced him to stay…”
“(Y/N)...” Bobby sighed.
“He never told me about even wanting to leave!” Your words stung in the air like venom. 
“He’s not coming back, is he?” 
Bobby shook his head, “I don’t think so. After the fight, the brotherhood just kind of wandered off… We have no idea where any of them went—“
“And that includes John…”
There was a pregnant pause before Bobby spoke up. 
“He really loves you.” 
“Not enough to stay,” You scoffed. 
“He just didn’t want you to get hurt… And while he’s dumb as shit, deep down, he meant well…”
“It’s just…” You snuffled your nose. “Three years, B. We were together for three years. He confided in me, and we trusted each other and we were gonna move out to the countryside in France or maybe Denmark…” Your cries interrupted your words, and all Bobby could do was hug you. Trying his best to comfort you. 
You weren’t sick with a stomach bug from stress— you were pregnant. 
It was simultaneously the best and worst news of your life. Everyone was supportive and kept reminding you, you didn’t have to keep it, you were only 18. 
You weren’t sure what you were going to do. John wasn’t there and you had almost no money. 
You didn’t want to raise a child alone, but you didn’t want to send them into foster care either. 
It was a messy situation, and with each week passing by, your baby grew, reminding you to make a decision. 
“I’m going to keep it. I’m going to stay here and raise my baby. It’ll probably be a mutant, so what better place for a mutant child to grow up?” 
Everyone was excited for you and your baby.  Kitty was excited to “be an aunt”, Rogue was excited, ablet a little nervous, with her no-touch rule, and Bobby just wanted you to be happy. 
You found out you were having a boy, and you were so excited, you cried. Jean and Ororo threw a baby shower for you and Bobby, Logan, and Scott helped redo your room so it could function for the baby too. 
Everything was going great. So great, in fact, you didn’t think about him most nights. 
You still longed for John, and you wanted him there with you, to see your baby at the ultrasound screenings, feel him kick for the first time, and decide on names. But you had to remain strong. With or without John, you needed to be a good mom for your son. 
Before and after his birth. 
No one was allowed on the roof normally, but you were especially not allowed in your condition. 
Yet you went up there anyway, for a moment of quiet and alone time. 
You had snuck up to the roof before in your 4 years at Xavier’s. Most times it had been to hide with John. Or just lay and star gaze— your head resting on his chest, and his hands either preoccupied with his flames, or they’d be in your hair. 
You placed a hand on your stomach, thinking it would maybe soothe you, but it didn’t really work. 
You heard footsteps, and you quickly looked over to see who it was. 
“Sorry— I uh, I didn’t think anyone was up here.” He started to leave. 
“Alex, no, you’re fine. You can stay.” 
“You sure?” 
“Yeah! Of course.” He walked over and sat next to you. 
“How’ve you been?” 
“Good, good.” He nodded. “How have you been?”
“Same as you…” You both awkwardly laughed together. 
“That’s good.”
Alex shifted in his spot awkwardly. 
“Are you uh… are you excited about being a mom?”
You laughed. He was so nervous. “Yeah. I mean, I’m nervous as hell, but I have all my friends around, more than willing to help me, and my life is secure and safe.” 
Alex nodded, shy and awkward, yet attentive. 
“Is… Is Bobby excited about being a dad?” 
You were shocked. “Bobby’s gay.” 
“I know, but wait— isn’t he— is he—“ Alex was so confused. 
“Bobby’s probably my best friend here, his old roommate, um, he’s the father…” 
Alex’s face was red as a tomato. “Oh…” 
He knew about Bobby’s old roommate, seeing as he took over his spot in his room. He didn’t know much, and he was pretty sure he died or something. 
“I’m sorry…”
“It’s fine. You didn’t know…”
“Did he… did he die?”
You rubbed your eyes. “No… he left to join the brotherhood, days before I found out I was pregnant…” Alex listened to your every word. He still didn’t know who this guy was, considering he too, joined the brotherhood during the battle at Worthington industries, but so did a ton of other mutants. 
“I don’t really know how to contact him now, and… I don’t really want to at the moment.” 
“You don’t have to…” Alex said.  “He left, and that’s his problem.” 
“Yep… And besides, I’m not alone. I have my friends and family here.” 
“Yeah, see! You’re doing great.” 
You laughed at Alex’s words. He was cute and dorky. “Thanks.”
“You’re welcome.”
You were crying. Crying in pain, in joy, in sorrow, in relief— you were extremely emotional. Your baby was finally born. 
Once he got all cleaned up, umbilical cord cut, and was in your arms, laying on your bare chest for some bonding, people started coming in. 
At first, it was just Bobby, Kitty, Rogue, and Alex. They had some flowers, balloons, and presents with them. 
“We got you some things…” Rogue began.
“Awww... how are you guys?” Kitty interrupted. 
“We’re fine. He’s asleep.” You glanced down at your chest. 
“He’s so small.” Alex’s eyes were glossy. 
“He’s all pink,” Bobby observed. 
Kitty hit him on the arm, “He just came out of her vagina!” 
You laughed, “He was a C-section.” 
“Oh, I was a tumor baby.” Everyone looked at Bobby like he grew a second head. “What?” 
Rogue rolled her eyes, “Anyway, we all got you a card and some gifts.” She set them down on the ledge near the visiting chairs and window. 
“You guys didn’t have to do that.” 
“Most of them are for the little guy,” Alex said. 
“Still! He’s gonna be so spoiled…” 
Your nurse walked in after you said that. “Alright mama, we gotta get him weighed and everything. Just get stuff for the birth certificate…” She set papers down on your table tray. “If you’re up for it, you can fill stuff out now, or have someone else do it for you… We’ll be back in a little bit.” 
“Aww, bye…” Your friends cooed at your son. 
You rolled your eyes, smiling. “He’ll be in the nursery, and you can go see him in a little bit. Then if he’s fine, he’ll be back here with me and you guys can hold him.” 
“We can’t stay in here forever. This room is too small, plus Scott and his posse wanna come say hi.” 
“Right, right.” You took a sip from your water bottle the hospital gave you and looked at the birth certificate and other papers with it. 
“So… What’s his name?”
“I don’t know…” You admitted. You hadn’t really thought of a name. 
Well, you had, but it was kind of stupid. 
You wanted to name him after John, his father because he was one of the few things you had left of John. You also wanted to name him after Bobby or Alex, because they’d been some of your best friends and there for you during your pregnancy. 
“Well, you have sixty days to think about it.” Bobby reminded you. 
“Yeah,” You yawned. “Oh boy… Sorry— Sorry, I just—“
“Nonsense. You gave birth like what maybe an hour or two ago? Take a nap. You deserve it,” Kitty told you. 
“Yeah, we’ll go down to the nursery and see if we can spot him.” 
“Okay, you guys sure?”
“Yes, mom,” Alex teased. “We’re sure.”
“Okay, okay.” 
“We’ll be back.” 
Once the four shuffled out of your room, you quickly examined the birth certificate. 
You took a pen and wrote down your name, John’s, and the perfect name for your son. 
“Johnathan-Robert Alexander (Y/L/N)! Get back here!” Rogue scolded. 
“Sorry Marie, I just saw a cool bird, and it flew away…”
She ruffled his hair, “Your mom is gonna be mad if we don’t eat lunch. I let you play outside for an extra twenty minutes.”
“Oh, okay…” 
It had been six years since your son was born. You named him after his dad and your two best guy friends. His nickname was Jr, or Junior, because of his initials. 
He took after you mostly, except he had John’s eyes and mutation. 
You and your friends all became X-Men and teachers at the mansion, and they all pitched in to help raise Junior, despite you telling them over and over again that they didn’t have to. 
It wasn’t easy. You were a young mom— there were some pity looks at the grocery store, people asking if Junior was your little brother, you had no biological family around, despite the X-Men making up for it, and you were single. 
Not the end of the world, but sometimes, late at night, you thought about John. 
You know he did what he thought was right, somehow. You just wish he didn’t leave. Keeping you safe, what bullshit. 
Sometimes you resented him and you were glad he was gone. Sometimes you cried and wished he was there with you. 
He would have been a great dad. Nervous, and a little unsure at times, sure, but you know he’d love Junior and do anything for him. 
You were grading papers when your phone rang. 
You didn’t recognize the number, and you had no idea who’d be calling you at noon in the middle of the week.  
It stopped ringing and you didn’t look at it again for the rest of the hour. 
You glanced over at your phone as you took a bite from your salad. The caller left a message in your voice box, which was weird since spam calls usually don’t do that. 
Maybe it was someone with the wrong number, thinking you were a lost loved one. 
Oh god! I better listen to the message!
You picked up your phone and went to your messages. 
Your finger didn’t even hover over and hesitate when it hit the play button. 
You were crying. Six years later. Six years later, and he finally reached out. 
You didn’t know what to do. 
What did he want?
You rubbed your temple. What if he’d been in trouble with some bad people? What if he was dying?
You quickly selected his number on your screen. 
“Would you like to call? Yes or no?” 
Your thumb hovered over yes. 
Why didn’t you just push it? What were you so afraid of?
“God…” You groaned. “What am I doing?” 
“No! No, no… I have to call him back. Urgh!” You ran a hand through your hair. 
“Whooooo…” You hit yes, out your phone up to your ear, and let the phone ring. 
You were sweating and your heart was pounding like a drum. 
What if he didn’t pick up?
“Hi, John, it’s me… (Y/N).” 
You asked him to come to the mansion, to sit down and talk to you. He seemed nervous over the phone, but he agreed to come and talk. 
“He called you? After six years of nothing?” Kitty scoffed in disbelief. 
“My number isn’t the same as it was in 2006. Plus who knows what he’s been up too since…” Your words trailed off.
“Why didn’t you ask to meet up at like a Starbucks or the library?” Alex asked. 
“I want him to meet Junior.”
“Are you insane?!” Rogue asked, looking over at you.
“The mansion is a place we’re both familiar with, and he doesn’t have to see him right away…” 
The three all had unsure looks on their faces. 
“It’s my decision. And while you’ve all been more than supportive, I believe he has a right to meet his son. He doesn’t have to be in his life permanently, as much as I’d like that, but he should at least know about him. See him once, maybe.” 
“You’re right,” Kitty spoke up. “He deserves to meet his kid. We may not like him or want him around, but Junior is his son. We can’t change that.”
“Kitty’s right. John’s not the greatest, but he always tried when it came to you, and he deserves to meet his son.” 
“When is he coming over?”
“Tomorrow at 10.” 
“Hey, kiddo.” You slowly opened your son’s door and peaked in. “You ready for bed?”
“Yep!” He popped the p. “I fed George and Rock and Socks.” Those were the fish in his little aquarium. “I brushed my teeth, and I put my pajamas on!” 
You gave him a hug, “That’s great, sweetie!” 
Junior sat under his covers in his bed, and you sat on the edge. “What’d you do in your classes today?” 
“Well, Ms. Monroe read us a book about a farm where the cows found a typewriter and made the farmer change the farm up!” 
Wow, starting them young.
“And then she taught us about different types of plants. Did you know broccoli is actually a flower?”
“I did not,” You blinked. 
“Does this mean I don’t have to eat it anymore? People don’t eat flowers!” 
Oh, Junior thought he was so slick. 
“Actually kiddo, some flowers are edible. So, no, you can’t cut out broccoli.” 
He frowned, “But I don’t wanna eat flowers!” 
“Rules are rules… And besides, you wanna eat healthily and get strong, don’t you?” 
“Yeah!” Junior’s face lit up. “So I can beat Gabe when we wrestle!” 
Gabe was Scott and Alex’s 10-year-old brother, who also went to Xavier’s school. He was one of the few kids even close to Junior’s age, making them almost best friends. 
“See! That’s the spirit! Now, do you want me to read to you before you go to sleep?” 
“Hmm… Hmm… Hmm…” 
You laughed a little, “I’ll take that as a no.”
Junior yawned, “Hmm…”
“I’ll let you get some sleep, okay?” You got up, bending down to kiss his forehead. 
“Okay, mom… Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, sweetie.” 
You closed the door behind you as you stepped out. You stood there for a moment to take a breather. 
John was going to love him, you weren’t worried about that. You were worried if you still had feelings for him and you were acting irrationally. 
No, You decided as you brushed your teeth in your bathroom. I’m not acting irrationally. I’ve wanted to talk to him since he left. I have no anger or sadness left in me, and I just want to catch up. 
“(Y/N),” Professor Xavier spoke into your mind. “You’re making part of the mansion shake.” 
“Shit!” You dropped your toothbrush into the sink and tried to pace your breath. 
“It’s alright, dear.” 
You had geological manipulation, and while you had practically mastered it, you still struggled at times. 
You rubbed your face with a towel and sighed. 
You knew getting any sleep was out the door at that point. 
You must have fallen asleep at some point and gotten some sleep because you woke up almost an hour late. 
“No, no, no!” You were frantic, slipping on your clothes, trying to brush your hair and somehow rock half-assed bed head and no makeup so you could be presentable in under five minutes. 
“Hey, (Y/N), you slept through your alarm—“
“I know, Bobby!” You were running down the hall to get to your classroom. 
“So I got Junior dressed and ready for the day—“
You slowed down to stop and open your door, looking at Bobby. “Oh my god. Thank you so much…” You instantly wrapped him into a hug. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay…” 
“I’m just so worried… about John and—“
“You’re gonna be fine,” He soothingly rubbed one of his hands on your back. 
“I got no sleep last night… I’m anxious about John coming back too. We’re in this together, okay?” 
“Yeah, together.” 
You stood peeking through a window, waiting for him. 
10:00 came, and a rugged, black Jeep pulled through the gates. 
You watched him step out of the car— brown leather jacket, facial hair, and he looked slightly more muscular than you’d last seen him. He’d aged, just like you, but not in a bad way, despite the fact he looked a bit tired. But then again, so did you. 
You left your hiding spot and went outside to greet him. 
“Hey!” He quickly checked you out, but it didn’t go undetected by you. “Wow, you look— great!” 
“You too.” You stood there, face to face, unsure if a hug or a handshake was appropriate. 
“So, how have you been?” 
“Good, um— well, a lot has changed since you left…” 
John nodded awkwardly. “But uh… I could give you a tour. Tell me about what you’ve been up to?” 
“Yeah, sure. Sounds good.” 
“So… Bobby, Rogue, Kitty, and I all became teachers...“ John chuckled. “What? Hard to believe?”
“No, no…” He shook his head. “Are Bobby and Rogue still together?” 
You laughed, “No way! Bobby came out of the closet and Marie sees some guy from New Orleans, I think his name is Remy? I’m not really sure… 
John smiled, “Yeah, he told me— junior year, he didn’t like girls.” 
“It hurt, Rogue,” You admitted. “But she understood.” 
“Well, that’s good, I suppose…”
“Yeah, yeah.” You wandered down the halls a bit, before speaking up. 
“So… what have you been up to?”
“Well, I lived in Genosha for awhile…”
“Magento’s hippie colony?” 
“Hey!” He jokingly scoffed. “It’s not a hippie colony!”
“Okay, Mister.” 
“Anyway, I uh, I started writing…”
You rose your brows in surprise, “Really? What do you write about?”
“Romance, mostly…” John was flustered. “Gothic romance. One of the people on Genosha knew a guy, he’s a literary agent—“
“Wait, are you…?”
“Yeah, I’m an actual published author. I only have two books out right now, the first one came out in 2008, and the other just last year.” 
You were baffled, all this time, and you could have contacted him sooner somehow. “I had no idea… congratulations! That’s amazing!”
“Thank you…” 
“Yeah, of course. You do anything else?”
“My mom died two years ago… I went to her funeral… I saw my dad.”
“How’d that go?”
“Not great… but, you know how it is.” You nodded in sympathy. “Anyway, what’s new with you? Besides teaching… Any new X-Men? Are you… seeing anyone…?”
“Scott’s younger brother joined the team, and he has another brother—“
“Mommy! Mom!” You froze. John noticed your shift in demeanor and glanced from you to Junior. 
“Junior, you’re supposed to be in class.” 
“I was, but then Stacy Brown, the girl with the lizard tongue, threw up, so Stacy got taken to Dr. Grey’s lab and Ororo let us leave early.”
“I know who Stacy Brown is, sweetie. You don’t have to tell me she has a lizard tongue. That’s not very nice to point out people’s mutations.” 
Junior frowned and sulked a little, “I’m sorry…”
“I forgive you.” 
John’s eyes kept moving between you and Junior. When did you have a kid? He couldn’t be any older than five or six. 
“Hi. Who are you?” The kid spoke to him. 
“Oh,” John crouched down to equal eye level. “I’m John… What’s your name?” 
“My name is John, too! Well, actually Johnathan-Robert, I was named after my dad and one of his closest friends, even though his name isn’t actually Johnathan. Everyone calls me Junior though, cause my initials are JR.” 
John was floored. He had a son. 
He had a son, and he left him. He left you. 
Oh, God… 
“Uh, Mr… Mr. John?” Junior asked. “Why are you crying?” 
“Uh, Junior, sweetie…” You trailed off. “He’s your dad.” 
“Oh! Oh, I’m sorry…”
John wiped his eyes and stood up, “What for?”
“I made you cry… I’m really sorry…”
“It’s okay. They were happy tears.” He rubbed his eyes. 
“Oh… Do you wanna see my fish? I have 3 of them in my room, they live in a terrarium!” 
“Aquarium,” You corrected him. 
“That’s what I said!” 
John smiled, “Yeah, I’d like that.” 
“Come on, then!” Junior grabbed his hand and led him upstairs. 
John moved back in. 
Not with you necessarily, but he wanted to be a part of Junior’s life. He felt like the world’s biggest asshole for leaving days before you found out you were pregnant. 
He joined the brotherhood because he felt like you were the only person who saw him as a decent human being. He didn’t agree with everything Xavier said and stood for, and he was tired of people comparing him to Bobby. 
He wanted to fight for what he thought was right. He wanted to be able to just do what he wanted without hurting the one person he cared about. Which is why he didn’t tell you he was leaving. 
But he knew he hurt you. He knew soon as the battle was over and he claimed one of the small homes on Genosha as his. 
He was scared to reach out the first few months. And then he assumed you left Xavier’s and he didn’t know how to contact you from there. He only just got your number because a graduate from Xavier’s moved to Genosha, giving him your number and telling him you hadn’t left. 
He didn’t even hesitate to call you. He didn’t even care if you cursed him out on the other line, yelling about how you never wanted to see him again. He just wanted to hear your voice one more time. 
What he wouldn’t have done to hold you in his arms again, feel your soft, pink lips against his, your bodies pressed against each other, becoming one. 
But he knew he didn’t deserve any of it. He didn’t deserve you. He knew he fucked up. 
And what hurt him the most was he thought he was worse than his own father. The one who beat him, called him a monster, sent him away to a foreign country, left in the care of strangers— he thought he was worse because he wasn’t there in the beginning. He wasn’t there for the doctor’s appointments, the birth, or his first steps and words. 
You talked to him. Tried to convince him he wasn’t bad, while still holding your ground and making him responsible for just up and leaving. 
“I should have gone with you. You know I would have. I would have followed you to the fucking moon if you asked.” 
“I know… I just thought keeping you out of all that was the best choice.”
“We were fucking kids John! We really didn’t know much. We still don’t! We’re 23 with a child.”
“You don’t have to forgive me. You don’t have to love me again. I just want to be in my son’s life, please.” He was trying his best to not cry again. 
“Most of the time you’re a great guy. I want you in Junior’s life… I just… I don’t know if we can ever go back to how it was before.” I still love you, but I’m not ready to rush into anything…
“Yeah, no, I get that. You have no reason to trust me, and no obligations to date me…”
You sighed, “I want us to be friends. Not for anyone’s sake but for our own… because as much as I should… I don’t hate you.” 
“Thank you.” His voice was breaking. 
He nodded, “Yeah, friends.” You wrapped him in your arms in place of a handshake. Neither of you said anything. Nothing needed to be said. 
John had been living at the X-Mansion for almost two years. He taught an English class or two and continued to write more gothic romance novels while spending as much time as he could with Junior. 
He became friends with Bobby, Kitty, and Rogue again. He became friends with Alex. He was friends with you, despite wanting more. 
But he knew he didn’t deserve it, and he was just glad to get what he could. 
“So… what do they like, do in Romania?”
You looked up from your lesson plan for the week and gave John a funny look. 
“What do they do in Romania? Aren’t you the one writing about vampires? You should know.” 
“Yeah, but you’re a history teacher!”
“I teach kids about the civil war, Marie Antionette, and the Han dynasty.” 
You sometimes worked together in the library or in one of your rooms or classrooms. John— writing the next chapter of his novel— and you, usually doing lesson plans or grading tests. 
“What are you writing about anyway?” You turned in your chair to watch John scribble words down in his notebook. He preferred to write down on paper first, then type it up. 
“Well, she’s making Von take her on a date since she’s been living with him for a month and he confessed he liked her.”
“Isn’t Von a vampire?”
John nodded, “Half. Anyway, he’s gonna like, take her stargazing on the rooftop. I don’t know what else they’re gonna do after that.”
You pondered for a moment, “We used to do that all the time…” 
“Yeah, um…”
You laughed a little, teasing him. “Do you base all your stories on our romantic endeavors?”
“Not all of them!” He defended. 
“That so?” John hummed in response. “What has the great womanizer, St. John Allerdyce, been up to in his love life the last few years?” 
“Not much,” He admitted. “I went on a few dates, a handful of hookups, but nothing really worked out…” He tried to shake the feeling of longing for you off, “What about you?”
“Same as you. Not much luck, especially with being a young mom, and raising a kid with two of her best friends who are guys, it tends to… scare people away…” 
John swung his legs to the side of the bed, about to get up. 
“They’re pussies,” He said while looking at you. 
You nodded, not noticing he got up, “Yeah, besides I’m busy…”
Your train of thought was forgotten as John’s eyes looked into yours. You weren’t speaking. 
Your eyes glanced down at his lips. They were soft and pink. 
You cleared your throat, trying to distract yourself from your thoughts, unaware John’s brain was on the same page as yours. 
He unexpectedly pressed his lips against yours. You were wide-eyed with shock as he did so. You weren’t expecting that. 
But you were glad it happened. 
He broke away too quickly for your liking. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have—“
“Do it again.” 
“What?” John almost thought you were kidding. 
“Kiss me again, Sinjin.” 
And so he did. His lips collided with yours, your mouths moving in sync. 
His weight and force caused you to fall back in your chair, with John straddling your waist. Your hands were tugging on the hair at the nape of his neck, causing him to moan a little against your mouth. His hands were roaming up and down your body. 
You partially ground against his crotch, causing him to break his lips away from yours and curse. 
It didn’t last long, as he went back to kissing your lips like a horny teenager, pulling your shirt up off of you. 
“Wait, wait, stop.” John froze, looking you directly in the eyes, his face barely two inches away from yours. 
“Is everything alright?” 
“Buy me dinner first, before you undress me, okay?” 
You didn’t want to get carried away. You wanted a clear mind before you slept with him again. Kissing and going on a few dates and whatever else you were doing was enough at that moment. 
He nodded, in total awe of you— The small details of your face one could only see if they were this close— “Tomorrow at 7. Does that work for you?” 
“That’s perfect.” 
“So I need you— if you can’t that’s fine! You have lives of your own— but I kind of need someone to watch Junior for the night.” 
You really hated asking people to babysit, but it was Kitty and Rogue. They wouldn’t care. 
“Not that we won’t do it,” Kitty said. “But why can’t John watch him?” 
suddenly, Bobby burst through the door, screaming the girls’ names. 
“What is it?”
“John—“ He looked at you, and then stopped his sentence. 
“Oh… I’m assuming you told them.”
“Told us what?” Rogue asked. 
“John and (Y/N) are going on a date.” 
“Finally,” Kitty let out. 
You were confused, “What do you mean, finally?” 
“Are— are you serious?” Bobby asked in disbelief. 
You nodded. 
“You two are so in love, it’s sickening sometimes!” Rogue scoffed. 
“We are not!” You knew that wasn’t true. You obviously still had feelings and so did he, but love? You weren’t sure if it was that. 
“Please, he never stopped loving you, and you never stopped loving him.”
You groaned. 
“Look, I’m not gonna push you into saying the L-word anytime soon, but the guy writes romance novels for fuck’s sake! You’re gonna have a great time no matter what.”
Yeah, you thought to yourself as John drove down the crowded New York roads. 
We’re gonna have a great time no matter what. 
You went to some restaurant that just opened. It wasn’t too fancy or too casual, but since it was new, you still needed a reservation. 
After dinner, you walked around the city streets, just catching up, looking at shops and apartment buildings and all the people. 
It almost felt like you were teenagers again. 
Holding hands, watching the sunset…
John pulled out his phone to snap a few pictures. You decided to try and photobomb, making dumb faces and peeking your head into view of the camera. 
John shifted his hands and arms so you were the camera’s main focus. 
The way the sun's rays reflected through the lens behind you making you glow, (John already thought you were most of the time), your goofy smile— he took a picture, but to him, it looked more like a renaissance painting. 
He glanced away from his phone to see you without a lense. 
You still looked like a heavenly being to him. You always did— strong, beautiful, intelligent, witty, and you were an amazing mom.
 He didn’t have anyone to use as a base for “mom skills”, but he didn’t need that to know you were amazing. Not just with Junior, but all the young kids at the mansion. 
Of course, there were times when you faltered or felt like you weren’t good enough, times where you would make the mansion shake on accident, but everyone had weak points. 
John didn’t see you as any lesser for them, he knew your life wasn’t easy. Even if he had never left, it wouldn’t have been perfect. 
But he couldn’t dwell on the past forever, despite how much he wanted to at some of his weaker moments. 
“Whatcha looking at?”
He blinked. “You… The sunset… You look like an angel.” 
You nervously laughed, “Stop it.” 
John put his phone away and got back to your side. 
“I’m serious, you’re beautiful…” 
Your gaze fell down to your feet, not unnoticed by John. 
“Hey,” He cupped your face with his hand, forcing your gaze on him. “It’s okay if you don’t believe me right now, but you will one day… I promise you that.” 
His hand faltered and you hugged him. 
“God, you’re so nice to me.” 
“I don’t deserve you.” He plainly stated. 
You narrowed your eyes at him and pointed a finger. “No self-deprecating talk!”
John laughed at your attitude shift. It was cute. “Alright, but that means nothing from you either.“
John kissed the top of your head, causing you to smile like a madman. It made his heart flutter a bit. 
Your first date was almost two years ago. It seemed so long ago, yet almost like it was yesterday. 
You woke up to the sound of your alarm. 
You immediately woke up, but John just groaned and stirred in his sleep a little. 
He had an arm wrapped around you, so you had to wiggle your way out of bed. “Come on, sleepyhead…” 
John groaned some more, his grip on you just got tighter. 
“If you don’t let me out, I’ll pee on the bed.” 
John’s eyes shot open, and you smirked to yourself, having been victorious. 
“That would be hot.” 
You gagged as you walked into your bathroom. “Gross!”
John followed you, “You know I’m just joking.” 
You shook your head, a smile evident on your face. “I know, I know.” 
You turned the sink on and began washing your face. John used the empty space in the mirror to brush out his bed head. 
You caught him starring at you a few times as you both went through your morning routines. 
“What are you thinking about?” 
“Nothing.” He kissed the crook of your neck. “Today’s just gonna be a good day. That’s all. I can feel it.” 
You let his words sink in for a moment. 
“Yeah, today’s gonna be a good day.” 
That’s when John knew. His instinct, gut, or whatever you call it, knew this was it. 
He casually walked out of the bathroom and grabbed a small box. You were preoccupied with applying some makeup. 
He came back in, on one knee in the doorway. 
You looked over at him, nearly dropping your brush on to the floor, your jaw slack. 
“(Y/N), I love you. And this isn’t some big romantic gesture, but love isn’t only seen in big romantic gestures. It’s the small things, the intimate moments. I did have something planned, but I really couldn’t wait. I love you… and…” John’s words trailed off. He was starting to cry. Your eyes were watering too. 
“Will you marry me?”
You nodded, “Yes, yes!” 
John got up and kissed you. Then he slipped the ring on your finger. 
You admired it, “Wow… it’s beautiful…”
“So are you.” 
You kissed him without missing a beat.
“You may now kiss the bride.” 
John didn’t hesitate with that. 
People cheered and some jokingly wolf-whistled. Junior made a sour face. 
Your wedding was magical, and despite having to say hello to every guest and dance at least twice, you were happy. So happy. 
John was happy too. He had a big smile on his face the whole time, no matter what and he was so excited to call himself your husband. 
Some people teased him and others were very surprised, claiming John was really out of his element. 
You knew better though. You both just loved each other, and after John spilled his guts on how much he loved you in front of everyone at the altar, he couldn’t care less who saw him like this. 
You just had a quick breakfast before you had to teach your first-hour class. You didn’t think anything of it as you were running a bit behind. 
You were fine though, and your schedule was going smoothly, your class was taking notes as you talked about the French Revolution. Students were asking questions when needed, and most of them were paying attention. 
Suddenly, you felt a wave of nausea hit you. You tried to keep it down, but you couldn’t, and immediately darted to the trash can near your desk. 
Your students were murmuring among each other, unsure of what to do. 
“Um… Ms. (Y/L/N)? Are you okay?” 
You used a tissue to wipe your mouth and applied some hand sanitizer. 
“Yeah— um—“ 
You couldn’t come up with an excuse though, for one of your students opened a portal and grabbed John and another teacher. 
John rushed to your aid, asking if you were alright. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”
“I’m gonna take you to Dr. Grey. Piotr, can you watch her class for a little bit?” 
“Yeah, sure.” He replied, a little unsure and worried about your well being. 
John helped you out of your classroom, despite you insisting you didn’t need help. 
Thankfully Jean was in the lab, so you didn’t have to go looking for her. 
As you explained what happened, John sat at your side like a nervous puppy. 
“Babe, I’m not going to die. I probably just ate something bad and my stomach didn’t agree with it.” 
“Food poisoning is really serious—“
“It’s probably not that.” 
“You rarely get sick aside from the common cold or seasonal allergies.” He reminded you. 
Jean smiled, at how much John was worrying. It showed he cared. 
“Have you had anything else happen to you lately?”
“I’ve been a lot more tired, and more headaches, but that’s just aging, right?” 
“Probably. I’m gonna have you fill this out though, just in case.” Jean handed you a clipboard with a questionnaire attached. 
You read each question, leaving a checkmark or an x, depending on what it was. You handed it back to Jean and she read it over. 
“I’m gonna have you pee in a cup, just so I can test it for a few things.”  Jean opened a plastic wrapping and handed you a small plastic cup. 
“Bathroom’s on the right.” 
You came back quickly, informing Jean you left the cup in the bathroom. 
“I’ll go get that… and I should be back with your results soon.”
She walked out, leaving you and John alone. 
You checked your phone, seeing some missed texts from Kitty. 
 KITTY: heard you puked in class today :( you alright?
 (Y/N): yeah, I’m in Jean’s lab. She’s testing my urine for something…
 KITTY: oh my god! Are you pregnant?
 (Y/N): What!!?
 KITTY: that’s usually why they test urine. Although, when I’d go to the dr. they’d make me pee to see if there was like protein in my pee or something
 KITTY: idk
 (Y/N): There’s no way!
 (Y/N): Well...
 KITTY: *side eye emoji* didn’t you tell me your period was a little late?
 (Y/N): Yeah, but that’s normal! 
 KITTY: You’re almost 30
 (Y/N): So? Your period isn’t always regular, and we’re the same age
 KITTY: I’m a lesbian. You have a husband. 
 You turned your phone off. What if you were pregnant again?
Obviously, you were in a good place, you would be fine having a kid. (Plus, Junior had been asking for a sibling awhile back.) You just hadn’t really discussed it with John. 
Why mess up a good thing? You, know? You didn’t need another child, but you wouldn’t be disappointed. 
Oh god! You were definitely pregnant and what if John didn’t want more kids? What if your body couldn’t handle carrying another baby? What if—
“Sweetheart, you’re shaking.” John’s hands held yours, trying to keep them from moving. “Are you alright? Do you feel like you’re gonna faint?”
“I might be pregnant…” You whispered. You don’t know why you whispered it. 
“Are you sure?”
“My period is late— but even after five different kinds of birth controls it’s never really been on a regular schedule. Me throwing up could have been morning sickness—“ 
John couldn’t hide the smile on his face. You were rambling about how you were probably pregnant and how worried you were. He just held your hand, and calmly said your name. 
“(Y/N), you’re gonna be okay. You’re an amazing mom, and I’m gonna be with you through all of it this time.” 
You nodded, not trusting your voice. 
Jean came back with your results. 
“You must have eaten something bad, or your period is coming up. Some women vomit during PMS.” 
“Am I pregnant?” You asked. 
“No, why? We’re you expecting that?” 
“Oh, no. We’re not— I just thought— cause you made me pee—“
Jean shrugged as she typed on her computer. “I did test for that. But no baby…” 
You nodded, asking what to do next. 
John sat, lost in his thoughts. He was so excited at the thought of you being pregnant. 
Do I want another kid?... 
When Junior had asked for a sibling not too long ago, John said, “No way.” 
“Just drink plenty of water, and bed rest. I’ll get someone to cover your classes for tomorrow after we disinfect your room. If you don’t puke or have any new symptoms within the next 48 hours, you can go back to teaching.” 
“Make sure she stays in her room, okay?” Jean said to John. 
“Yes, ma’am.” He half-joked. 
John led you up to your shared room, shutting the door behind him. 
“Lay on the bed. I’ll get you some pajamas, and then some water. How do you feel? Do you need more blankets? I’m sure I can get Bobby to cover my next class, I can cuddle with you if you’d like.” 
“No, Sinjin, I’m fine, really… besides, I can make another lesson plan, or finish my book—“
“Oh no, you don’t. Jean said you needed to rest. So, that’s exactly what you’re gonna do. Even if that means I have to sit and watch you.” 
“Creep,” You teased as you changed into your pajamas. 
“Edward did it with Bella,” He argued, while quickly texting Bobby, asking to sub for him. 
“Didn’t you say Stephanie Myer was an ‘embarrassment in the gothic romance community?’” 
“Besides the point…” 
“Okay, Edward Cullen.” 
John removed his shoes and socks and joined you in bed, “Shut up.” 
“Make me,” You teased, eyes bearing into his. John kissed your forehead. 
“I would, but you puked up breakfast not even three hours ago.” 
You frowned, “Then don’t cuddle with me! You’ll get sick.” 
“My body is like a furnace. Most diseases don’t last in me.” 
“I don’t think that’s how it works.” 
John shrugged as he draped an arm over you, rubbing circles into your skin with his thumb.
You shifted a little, trying to get comfortable, before settling on a position. 
“Hey, Sinjin…”
“What if I was pregnant?” 
John’s hand stopped. 
“We thought I was for a minute, and you looked excited, despite the fact I was freaking out… Do you want another kid?” 
John flinched a little at your sharp question. “I mean… it’s your body. It’s up to you.” 
“No, no, we’re in this together. Do you want another kid?” 
“Honestly?... Yeah, I do. I know I was on the fence when Junior first asked, but that was months ago… I want to experience everything, and be there for you this time… do you want to have another kid?
“Okay… Wait— when can we— Jean said 48 hours without puking—“
You glanced over at the clock, “10:43 AM. This Wednesday.” 
“Right. At exactly 10:43 AM, on Wednesday, we can have sex… Oh my god.” John laughed, somewhat disappointed and embarrassed by his words. 
“We’re like an old couple, scheduling when to have sex.” 
You laughed, “Plenty of people schedule sex— remember when we were younger? We’d plan around when Bobby and Kitty wouldn’t be around so one of our rooms were empty—“
“Okay, okay… I’ll go to the store and get some viagra.” 
You snorted, “Don’t think you’ll be needing that big guy.” 
“You’re right. I’ll just get some extra large condoms.” John joked. 
“First off, that defeats the whole point of baby-making, and second, you need small at best.” 
“You wound me, woman!”
You smiled stuck your tongue out like a child.
When you were in better health, you and John didn’t waste any time— You went at it like rabbits. 
You thought you’d get pregnant on the first try, seeing as you weren’t even trying for Junior, but that wasn’t the case. You had to try a few more times before getting there.
Test after test, until finally, one said positive. 
You and John were so excited, not a dry eye between the two of you. 
“We’re having a baby!” John held you close, his hands down at your stomach. 
“I’m not showing yet, it’s too early…”
“I know, I know,” He sheepishly admitted.  “I’m just excited.” 
“We can’t tell anyone until the second trimester, or well, we’re not supposed to, because it’s such early development right now that something could go wrong, usually it doesn’t— but that’s what all the doctors and books and mommy blogs online say.”
John nodded, he’d read a few books, and some articles online, but he knew you’d already been to doctors before and just knew more. 
“When do you think we should tell Junior?” 
“How are we gonna tell Junior,” You corrected him. 
“He wanted a sibling. This should be easy.” 
You squinted your eyes at him. “If we start to struggle how to explain this to him, it’s all on you buddy.” 
John knew what was going to happen. He knew what a cesarean section was. He even watched videos, about it. 
But boy, oh, boy, seeing it in person was so much different. 
Your doctor let him cut the umbilical cord, which he was super nervous about. He was anxious about everything. 
Was your daughter safe? What if you woke up before you got stitched up? What if you had a sudden health complication?
His mind raced as he watched your baby get cleaned off and checked on. 
“Is she okay?” 
“So far. We’re going to take her to the nursery to get her weighed and measured and move her mom out of the delivery room. Stay with her, when the anesthesia wears off she’s gonna be pretty sore.” 
John didn’t want to leave your baby girl, but he wasn’t going to disobey your doctor. 
You made it into your recovery room without any trouble, and after a few minutes, your nurse left you and John alone, saying he could visit your daughter in the nursery soon. 
“I’ll wait until our friends and family get here.” 
Your nurse nodded and reminded you to press the button on the side of your bed if you needed anything, before heading out the door. 
You named your daughter after your other two best friends, Katherine Anne Allerdyce. John wanted to name her after you, but you argued what if you had another girl? 
He got all flustered and nervous at the idea, which you found cute. 
“Do you wanna hold her?” He asked Junior. 
He nodded and was told to sit down in one of the chairs. 
“She’s so… tiny…” He emphasized. 
Everyone laughed or chuckled at Junior’s demeanor. 
“She was born a few hours ago,” You reminded him. 
“Oh… Yeah.” 
Everyone else took turns holding her and cooing and doting over Kat. 
“Aww, hello… Hello Kat… Aww, you’re so cute.”
“Bobby she’s asleep.” 
“Hush let me hold my niece.”
John frowned. “She’s my child and I’ve held her less than you have.” 
You rolled your eyes, “Babe, let Bobby dote.” 
Kitty pulled out her phone, “Let me get a picture of you guys! Bobby, John, and Katherine. I think it’ll be cute!” 
“Fine, fine.” John rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless. 
He scooted closer to Bobby and grinned up at Kitty’s phone as the flash went off. 
“Ow!” Bobby winced. “Did you have to use flash?” 
“Aww… you blinked.” She pouted. 
“I was blinded!”
“Hush it, you big baby. Let me take another one.” Kitty positioned her phone to take another picture again. 
“No flash this time!”
“It’s not on!”
John smiled again and so did Bobby. Kitty took her photo and then admired her work. 
“Aww, you guys look so cute together!” 
She handed her phone to John so he and Bobby could look at the picture. 
John smiled. 
He looked tired, normal with age, raising a kid, and being up for hours while his wife gave birth. 
But he was happy. 
His life wasn’t how he thought it would be, but unplanned plans are usually the best ones. 
He had a family— not just you, Junior, and Kat— but Bobby, Kitty, Alex, Rogue, and everyone else at the mansion. He had people to fall back on and that supported and loved him. 
He looked over at you, talking to Alex while sipping from the straw of your hospital cup/water bottle they gave you. His heart yearned. Despite how tired you were, and how you couldn’t even walk at the moment due to giving birth not even 24 hours ago, John still thought you were the most beautiful and brave person he knew. His writing could never compare or encapture your character, no matter how hard he tried. 
But it didn’t matter. 
You both had what you never knew you wanted. 
And you were happy. 
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xmenshenanigans · 3 years
Hey, it's me again, lol!
Well I've been thinking about this pretty a lot and, I don't know if this is your kind of post, but I was wondering who would be like date someone of x-family, but you are an outsider. Like... not of other country or other necessarily human, but... I mean they live in a school and almost don't get out but to stop villains, so they are probably in their own world inside the school. I really hope you got it because I made a mess to explain.
Anyway, how would be to date a member of x-family begin an outsider?
I think I understand!
I did my best to answer, but I may have gone more in depth than you were thinking. I’m not sure exactly who you mean by X-Family, because they’re all one big family. So, I added a lot of people! 
NOTE: I did not put Erik and Charles in because they are kind of the parents of X-Family, and you specifically asked for X-Family. I don’t know if the parents would date anyone besides the other.
I don’t really do character x reader stuff, but this was a fun prompt. I hope I cover everything! Tell me what you think—feedback is appreciated! As always, thank you so much for the ask. Keep them coming! They are a lot of fun!
WANDA MAXIMOFF– Wanda likes domesticity. We saw that in WandaVision! I think you would likely meet her at the movie theatre, or a coffee shop. She can be a bit of a sap for things like that. She would be closed off at first, but if you could make her laugh, she would fall pretty fast. After that, it would be drive-in movies with popcorn fights in the front seats, references to sitcoms that the two of you watched together, and other fun dates (playing Twister, making cupcakes together, pretending to be witches and/or a witch and wizard attending Hogwarts together, etc.). Wanda might even show off her magic a bit to make you smile! It would be very two-way. Both of you would get a lot out of the relationship. Charles would likely dote over you if you could make Wanda smile. He would be the parent that constantly asks Wanda how her girlfriend/boyfriend is doing. Erik would probably be skeptical until he saw you making Wanda happy. Pietro would play lots of jokes on you to see how you react—do you take it well, or get mad? That would determine how he views you. 
PIETRO MAXIMOFF— Pietro does have a life outside of the mansion. He gets away every moment he can, and because he’s so fast, there’s nothing his parents can do to stop him. You would probably be a friend of his that he met on one of his excursions from the mansion. It would start as just a friendship. But then friendship would probably turn into fun practical jokes that you could both laugh at. Karaoke nights would start to get later and later as the two of you refused to watch the clock and just spent time with one another. Halloween would be a lot of fun—I think Pietro would probably want to do a couple costume. He would refuse to call it that, though. Everyone else would meet you first as a friend, and then the psychics (Jean and Charles) would catch on that there was something more to it. They would make lighthearted fun of the two of you, but because they are both so caring, they would also take you under their wings, so to speak. Erik, on the other hand, may threaten you if you hurt his son. And Wanda would probably judge you. 
JEAN GREY— Jean is studying to be a doctor, and I assume she still goes to classes outside of the Xavier Mansion. In order to get her attention, you would need to prove that you don’t like her for looks. She has had a rough love life, and they always seem to want her because she’s pretty. If you could prove to Jean that you like her because she’s funny, CRAZY smart, and fun to be around, then she would start inviting you to things. If you let her make the first move, she would probably like you even more. Dates would include long drives where the two of you could talk about anything and everything, book store dates where you would buy each other books, and the occasional food fight. Jean has a fun side that she rarely shows: she likes to be a kid, too, not just a superhero that studies medicine. She likes to make a mess, dance around, and stay up all night telling scary stories. If you were into that kind of thing, Jean would be a lifelong lover. She’s very heart-to-heart. Erik would probably look at you and nod slowly, because he could see the love in Jean’s eyes. Charles would be the skeptical one here. He would not want to see Jean get hurt, and it would take a few weeks for him to warm up. The other kids would probably adore you—after all, you would be someone totally new that can bring out the good in just about anyone.
RAVEN DARKHOLME— Would You Date Me? That was the song (yes, from the soundtrack of X-Men: First Class) that Raven would think when she met you. You would probably meet her on the battlefield. Raven is attracted to bad boys/girls. You would probably be a villain, and she would be a reformed hero. She would meet you and want to know more. You would not hurt her in battle because you have a softer side, and she would want to understand why. That would lead to her sneaking out of the mansion in the middle of the night to meet with you in various places. The dates would include was-that-fighting-or-flirting and a lot of heart-to-heart talking. Raven needs body positivity, and if you gave it to her, she would be eternally thankful. When you eventually would meet the rest of X-Family, it would be a little awkward... you would have tried to kill everyone in the room multiple times. Charles forgives easily, so he would accept you quickly. Erik has been in your position before, so he would like you, too. The other kids might take some time though!
ORORO MUNROE— Ororo used to be a pickpocket, and I think you would likely meet her by trying to pickpocket her. She would see you and decide that she wants to help you. You would start by meeting up for coffee and lunch where she can help you overcome your desire to steal. After that, you would open up and start to trust her more, but you would also want to spend more time with her. She would meet up with you at any time, whenever you needed her. Dates would include dancing in the rain and Ororo taking you up into the clouds to watch the sun set. She would teach you to garden and give you self-worth until you no longer felt the desire to steal to get by. The others would accept you very easily—if Ororo likes you, you have to be good.
SCOTT SUMMERS— Scott is very traditional. He would probably rescue you during battle—maybe a stone tower was going to fall on you or something, and he blasted it away. He likes to be the hero. After that, the two of you would start meeting up in all the cliche ways. He would take you to the movies or out to food. He would throw pebbles at your window, and send you long texts about how beautiful you are. Scott has gone through many lovers before, but the others would see the way he looks at you through his visor and quickly decide that you’re one of the better ones.
KURT WAGNER— Kurt is super religious, and I suspect you would meet him through church. He would be very shy, but if you were able to look past the blue, two-fingered, tailed exterior, you would find the softest of hearts. He would bring you flowers with small poems attached, and take you on short vacations—teleporting, not traveling—to the beach or to the big city. He would like to see your smile. There would be a lot of surprise gifts, too. If you ever needed him, he would teleport to get there as fast as he could. The others would think it is adorable that you make Kurt smile so much. They would invite you over all the time, for dinner and for game nights. 
ROGUE— The poor woman is so touch-starved. You would probably meet her on an occasion that she snuck out, the little rebel. She would like to give you hugs (without skin to skin contact) and run her hand through your hair. The two of you would spray paint walls and have water gun fights as often as you could. She would probably leave you gifts outside your door on a weekly basis. Because she is, well, Rogue, I doubt she would tell the others about you for a couple of months. She would not want to make a scene. She’s also just rebellious like that. When she finally did, though, she would get a talking-to from Charles. Erik would want to meet you immediately, because he would think that you sound awesome. Charles would come around to that view, too. The other kids would probably be a little wary... until they met you.
KITTY PRYDE— NERDS! She is such a geek, and you would probably meet her through robotics or something. It would start as a school girl’s crush, complete with sending one another notes and giving each other looks when no one else is around. Once you got together (she would probably make the first move, but if you beat her to it, she would definitely say yes), she would make bad pick up lines and puns all the time. She would meet up with you to do things like fly drones over restricted areas. When she would take you to meet her family, she would make a big deal out of it. She’d make sure that it was a formal dinner with everyone on their best behavior, and... yeah. The others would find it endearing, and with a good first impression, they would easily accept you into the family.
LOGAN— This one is fun. Logan is a lone wolf. You would likely meet him on a separate mission, possibly in Japan. You would need to chase after him. He would not make the first move. If you chowed him that you really cared for him, then he would start to get protective and try to keep you safe. There would be a lot of late nights drinking and whatnot... I’ll leave the ‘whatnot’ up to your imagination. I mean, this is Logan. But he would love you very deeply. Seldom does Logan fall in love, so when he does, it’s a big deal. That being said, it would probably be a long distance relationship. You would probably not meet the rest of X-Family for a couple of years, until the relationship was solid and he wanted to take you back to the States to meet everyone. It might even be the wedding. If it was the wedding where you finally met the X-Men... expect some laughs. They would tell every embarrassing story about Logan, just to make him flustered.
Holy cow, that was long. I hope you liked it, and I hope it answered your question!!
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roughentumble · 10 days
like ok so i think if we're putting wade there, at first he's hired muscle that magneto finds the funds for and he has no connection to any sort of cause, and logan hates his guts. like logan appreciates him as a fighter and as backup, but wade makes everything a joke that logan takes seriously, he's there for the money while logan is there to protect his own people, wade is loud where logan seeks silence, he's action and movement and noise and stupid jokes and infuriating nicknames, and he stands for nothing, and logan HATES IT
but then they have a confrontation, violent and clashing, where all their issues get put on the table. wade reveals it was logan's blood that mutated him, that he's technically not a mutant but one of the protected "mutate" class(protected thanks to the brotherhood's stupid stunt with the world leaders), and it shakes logan to his core. he didnt know they had pieces of him, that they used him, that his body hurt other people without him having to even BE there. he turns all that pain and confusion and devastation into rage, because it's the emotion he knows, but wade can see that he didnt know, and some of his own resentment bleeds away, because they were both experiments from the same people. neither of them asked for it. "do you really want to protect humans, after everything they did to you?" wade asks, and logan bares his teeth. "no-- i dont know. but what the fuck else am i supposed to say when erik gets on his shit, 'no buddy, a genocide sounds like a great idea, keep it up'? of course im trying to talk him down. its whats right. i just-- war cant just be fought off, but that doesnt mean you usher it on anyway... i wanna do what's right. im trying to do what's right."
"...you're a good guy, arent you?"
"im an asshole, a wild animal. i fuck up everything i touch. im a tool to be used. i just need to point myself in the right direction and hope it-- hope it turns out."
"i dont think you're any of that, munchkin. unless you mean an animal in the sheets, which im sure is true."
"why do you do that? why does everything have to be a fuckin joke?"
"because what the hell else am i supposed to have? am i supposed to wallow in my misery? in the fact i look like a freak, in the fact i cant make anyone stay? might as well have fun with life. maybe /you/ should try lightening up, grumpy pants."
"...i dont know. maybe i should."
"gasp! did madonna's angelic choir just descend from above and start singing? did the big bad wolverine just admit i was right?"
"dont push it, bub. i have to ask, though... you dont have a dog in this fight. you're a legally protected class. why stick with us? is it just the paycheck?"
"sad to say its true. ammo costs money, pumpkin. but dont worry, no one's outbidding you anytime soon. you're stuck with me."
"...yeah. stuck."
it diffuses some of their tension, even if wade still puts logan on edge half the time, and he cant abide by someone who he cant truly trust in a fight to be on his side. but eventually, the fighting leads to fucking leads to something a little more, and logan becomes the reason wade sticks around. if logan's here to protect rogue, wade is here for logan. he doesnt think logan is an untamed beast, a monster, he thinks logan's a good guy. reliable. the one you bring home, if wade had a home to bring someone to. and in logan's weakest moments, he wants to be the good guy, that you bring home, the one you trust to stay.
it feels good, when wade startles a laugh out of him. it feels good, to lay next to someone and not worry he'll kill them. it feels good to fight wade, to fuck wade, to hold wade. it feels good to be wanted, to be seen as a person. and wade likes logan for a lot of the same reasons.
so then wade is sort of a tertiary member of the group, swinging solely by the axis of "being on logan's side". he still asks for a paycheck tho cuz ammo does cost a fuckton
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thepineapplejuicer · 4 years
Know it all
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Chapter 8
Nightcrawler fanfic (I do not own the X-men or the gif).
Violet Ashbourne is a gifted human hacker in possession of a radio, a secret device that gains her access to a large underground information network and electronics all over the world. Human and mutant coexistence has always been her goal, but will the betrayal of her mutant mother and father- once partners to her rise to power- distort her beliefs? Will the X-men be able to save her from her own pride and ambition? Or will she sacrifice everything, including the only boy she’s ever trusted, for vengeance?
Hunching over Forge's workbench, I gently place the wires between each other. The baton was now nicely polished and the newly attached, shiny red button made me feel safer already.  I place the tweezers down gently, still in slow motion so to not harm my new prototype. Setting it down, I glance at the other two things I tinkered with. My watch, once recovering scrap metal that was shattered from my encounter with Pietro, is now improved with wireless communication linking capability, an electronic overload capable of blacking out an entire street block, and preset orders to my favorite Chinese delivery joint.
The last gadget is not complete. It was an old Rubix cube, but with enough wires and an- illegal- AI program I was able to make it into a small command drone. High pitch chimes and digitalized chirps come from the Rubix cube as it tries to float on its own.
"Easy, your not ready for a flight test just yet." I catch it in my hands and smile as the small light that mimicked an eye movement stared up at me.
"I think I'll call you, DOD; Drone of Defence. What do you think?"
It hums.
"Oh yeah, voice diagnostics aren't done. Sorry."
DOD beeps and directs its glowing eye to the door.
"Yeah, I just need to grab something from my workbench." Forge barges in and is shocked by my presence.
"Oh, you're still here." He glances towards my room, "Did you even sleep last night?"
"Night?" I looked at the time on my watch, 5 am, amazed that I hadn't registered the hours pass me by. "I guess I was on a roll."
"Well, I see you made use of that old baton. What does the red button do?"
"Want to find out?" I grin, reaching over and putting on a pair of safety glasses, "I haven't tested it out yet, so be prepared for sparks. Literally." before Forge can take any procautions I press the red button lightly, igniting the white electric current wrapping around the metal baton.
"Woah!" A new voice comes in.
I switch it off and notice that Kurt is standing behind us, awestricken by the electric baton.
"You have a knack for this kind of thing." Forge smiles.
"My other creation isn't quite ready yet though." I rub one of DOD's Rubix squares with my finger.
"You're kidding, you made a drone?" Forge looks at DOD closely.
"That is so cool!" Kurt smiles, adjusting his odd-looking helmet.
"I can't say the same about that getup, what are you wearing?" I look over the panel box strapped to his chest with a datapad and the bike looking helmet.
"I've been working on a device to help Kurt slow down his teleporting speed so that we can see just where he goes. That brimstone dust has to come from somewhere, right?" Forge explains.
"Ja, and maybe we can figure out a way to make me teleport faster and farther."
"That's incredible."
"We are going to do a demonstration once everyone wakes up if you're interested."
"I'd like that," I look at Kurt, "Did you install any safety precautions?"
"No why?" Forge asks, rummaging through his workbench.
I glare at him, "because we have no idea what Kurt will run into if there is another place he transports to."
"He will have Logan with him."
"Oh yes, and Logan is a great help. I'm sure he will throw him extra carefully at enemies."
"He is sorry about that." Kurt interrupts, looking back and forth as Forge and I argue.
"Point is, Kurt should have something to protect him."
"It's too late to install something like that before the test run."
"I'll program it to overload if prompted."
"What?! No! That will fry the circuits!"
"Well, you should have been thinking about Kurt's safety. I won't allow him to go into danger like that without proper defense."
"Allow?" Kurt and Forge grin romantically.
"I absolutely forbid it," I whisper sweetly to Kurt. He smiles leaning casually into my personal space.
"And you can relax, Forge, this overload will only activate all active systems at full compacity, letting off an electrical shock. It will spook off anything directly in front of Kurt, but will not harm key components."
"You talk like a computer," Kurt chuckles, "It's kinda cute."
Forge rolls his eyes, "fine, you better hurry though the others are gathering in the training room." He walks out, leaving Kurt and me alone.
I begin working on the panel, exposing its wires and circuitry. I feel Kurt's eyes leave me and land on my computer systems, "Your work is fascinating, Vi. Why do you have so many monitors on? Can't you just do it from one?"
I smile at the nickname he called me, "It helps me sort through information simultaneously. Helps when there is a lot of information on a subject or I don't want to keep flipping between pages."
"What kind of information?"
My hands stop once I grab a wire between the tweezers, "Kinds that are better off controlled by someone like me."
"Then why do you do it if it makes you stressed?"
"Someone has to keep other people safe. The Xmen have their way of helping and I have mine. My parents used to help me with all this, but they don't exactly have the world's best interests in mind anymore; they'd start a third world war if it got what they wanted."
"You've never mentioned to your parents."
"That is a long story, Kurt. All you have to know is that they aren't the nicest people and I have no way of controlling their ambitions anymore."
"Maybe one day, you'll tell me the entire story."
I chuckle well aware that if I told him the whole story, how I got the radio, how I dealt with the previous owner of it, and what I've done to get this far, he would never look at me the same. The way he looks at an innocent person; a normal person.  I didn't want to ruin that.
"Yeah, maybe."
I close the panel on his chest but don't let go.
"Are you busy this Saturday?" he asks.
Goosebumps run along my arms, hoping that he is going to ask me to his school's dance. "No, not at all why?" knowing that I can't know for sure in my line of work.
He rubs the back of his neck and starts to trip over his words, "I had so much  fun on our date at the carnival." he stopped, "I mean- was it a date?"
I nod, moving the hair from his face.
"Well, there is this dance..."
"Kurt, everyone is waiting for you! Come on, we are so tired, I'm trying to catch some more Zs." Evan shouts from the room across from us.
"Ah, well, can we talk later?" Kurt asks, rubbing my elbow.
Evan walks in, obviously not a morning person. Kurt and I back away from each other, "Yes, you're all set, just hold this switch here and the panel will overload." I go over.
"Right, thank you, Vi."
Kurt walks out the door with Evan. "I'll be there in a moment," I say, latching the baton into a clip holster on my thigh.
I hear Evan whisper teasingly to Kurt, "Vi? Dude!"
"Shut up!" Kurt hurries into the next room, ducking from my view.
Xavier watches as Logan and Kurt finish getting ready for Forge's test. The rest of the Xmen yawn and groan. "Did you get my pictures?" Kitty grins and elbows me. "Yes, Kitty."
"Did he ask you yet?"
"He's getting around to it."
"You two would look so cute together, Vi." Rogue chimes in.
There is that nickname again...
"Does everyone know?" I chuckle.
"He was asking us for advice," Scott whispers in, placing a hand on my shoulder.
I look at Jean, hoping she would let me in on something Kurt said to her, but she just stays silent, focusing on Forge's demonstration. We all follow her example and pay attention as forge prepares his demonstration.
"Alright Kurt, everything is hooked up- teleport at will. "
"Hey! I'll head over to the school and get a sneak peek at the decorations for the dance."
Everyone murmurs with glee and while Kurt readies himself to teleport. They stand there for a few minutes staring into space.
Then a few more seconds pass, "uh Kurt?" Logan asks.
"I- I don't know, I can't teleport."
Logan slowly turns his gaze to me.
I raise my brow with attitude, "What is there something on my face?" I feel Scott knock on my wrist bands.
"Oh. sorry." I move towards the door and Kurt and Logan immediately disappear in a puff of purple smoke.
I pick my cuticles as my eyes scan the open area of the training room, waiting for Kurt's return. "Do you have a visual on them?" I ask Forge while getting up and shuffle him out of the way of his monitor.
He huffs, "yeah, right there." he points out Kurt's vitals and I am somewhat relieved. "Brief me on your back up retrieval plan."
"My what?"
I look stirnly at Forge, "your plan if they get stuck in there?"
Xavier looks over waiting for Forge to explain.
"'Uh' is not a backup retrieval plan!"
"Forge, you informed me that you had a plan." Xavier wheels up to us.
"Well... I had one coming."
As everyone questions Forge I hear a small buzzing noise come from his computer. "uh oh." I quickly kick Xavier's chair away and tumble to the side with Forge in my arms as his computer explodes from overload.
The sparks settle as the team coughs from the rising smoke. "What happened?" Forge asks, getting startled by the sprinklers turning on. I gather my wet hair and begin to drain it, "I happened, genius. That overload happened because Kurt activated MY safety measure."
A phone begins to ring and I instinctively grab my own.
"Logan?" Xavier asks into his own phone. "at the school?"
I can hear Kurt in the background, "Never teleporting again!"
I fidget with my keyboard as the day goes by. Once the professor and storm retrieved logan and Kurt from the school everyone gave them some space. I objected to him going to school for the rest of the day, but he insisted he would be alright, even with how shaken up he was. He told me he saw red dinosaur monsters in the dimension he traveled to.
I sit up and search through the information my previous agents acquired. "Says here that there have been sightings of red reptilian giants when Doctor strange opened a portal two years back."
My monitor starts ringing as I find his contact information.
"Doctor Strange? This is the commander." I ensure that the voice masking is working properly before continuing. "I'll cut right to the chase. I hear you've opened a dimensional veil in the past and some creatures had escaped from its fragments. Could you describe them?"
"Which commander? I hear your litter brigade is going through some dilemmas."
I pause, " Where did you hear this?"
He chuckles, "So this is the real commander? I had a hunch the last one was a fake. Someone contacted me claiming to be the commander and if I spoke a word about it I would be eliminated."
"How do you know I am not the imposter?" I continue baiting him.
"Because killing isn't your style. It's been a long time since you came to me for information. I'm guessing you're referring to the apex predators belonging to the brimstone dimension, courtesy of our mutual friend Azazel? Yes, I've run into them, and the only way to be rid of the pests is to mimic the portal of entry."
"So it is possible for them to escape through cracks of the closed portals?"
"I appreciate the detail."
"Of course, commander. I do owe you after all."
I stay silent remembering the information I used to feed him regarding his old human girlfriend.
"And commander? I hope you kick those frauds out."
I hang up hesitantly.
"Find anything on those creatures?" Logan's voice comes from the door behind me. My brow narrows, "fortunately, I have."
"Great, whatcha got?"
"What do you have."
" 'scuse me?"
"It's 'What do you have?' not 'whatcha got?"
"Gotta problem with how I talk?"
"That is hardly the problem."
"So what? Is it ma throwin arm?"
My fists tighten, "Enough of this, I will report my findings to the professor." I lock my monitors before I leave Logan with an idiotic smile plastered on his face.
"So we could be looking at these creatures coming into our dimension?" Xavier asks.
"We WILL be is more accurate." I correct.
"So we have to mimic Kurt's teleportation right?" "Forge begins, "Oh come on that is child's play for Vi and I. HA! Vi and I..."
Forge looks at my unamused expression and kills his chuckle, "Anyways we can totally rig that up, Vi!"
"I am glad you're enthused, we will need to construct it right away."
The front door opens and the student's laughter pours into the mansion.
"Let's keep this to ourselves, we wouldn't want to alarm the students so close to their dance."
Forge and I nod and walk out into the main corridor. I spot Kurt and decide that this is a better time than ever to give him the chance to ask me to the dance.
As I approach him his eyes lock on me, but he quickly turns around and teleports away. I reach the others as they look at me with an apologetic face.
Earlier that day (Kurt's POV)
"Ah, man! What do I do?!" I groan letting my forehead hit the table. "Well, you've kind of set yourself up, man." Evan chuckles.
"It's not funny! You know how much I wanted to ask Violet to the dance! I was so caught up in trying to ask her I didn't even think that Amanda would ask me."
"Why don't you just tell Amanda the truth?" Scott offers, more sympathetic to me.
"Oh ja. Hey Amanda! I can't go to the dance with you because I want to go with a different girl who doesn't even go here. I'm not that stupid!"
"Point taken. Sorry, pal."
later that night (Violet's POV)
Back at the monitors again. I lazily click around the blueprints for the device Forge and I need to complete as soon as we can. It's ridiculous for me to be upset that Kurt has another date, I am here for one purpose. "Geez, its only been a few weeks of being here, why do I feel so emotional about this?"
"Because you're a teenager." I groan as I see Logan come up next to me.
"That was a private thought Mr. Howlet."
"Oh ho ho, ya know ma actual name. How long it take ya to fish that out?"
"Please, your information may as well be posted on a wiki page."
He chuckles then shifts closer to me, "look I know ya don't like me, but you're still a student here-"
"I am no such thing! You will do best to remember that I came here to complete a job, not condone or contribute to your training of mutants."
"So you hate mutants."
"No! I don't. I - I don't know. No."
I sigh and get out of my chair, "regardless of my opinions on mutants I am not here to explain it to you. Nor do I need you to explain my own feelings."
Logan nods sarcastically and begins to walk out. Honestly, I am surprised he is leaving without a fight.
"Remember, we all have one thing in common kid, " he stops at the door, " We've all been afraid of our own minds."
My body cradles itself once he leaves.
"I'm here to do a job. I'm here to do a job. I'm here..."
The lights go out and the only thing illuminating on my body are the countless monitors on the wall.
"God. Why am I here?"
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chemokol · 4 years
There’s a pleasant calm that settles over him as he leaves the diner and Logan behind. Something that felt good about just sitting across from him in a booth in some greasy, hole in the wall diner eating chicken and waffles and shooting the breeze. It had started off something serious, started off scary, but it had wound up something he hadn’t expected of the night. A reminder that he had more than he thought in this world. And hopefully a reminder to Logan that the feeling should be mutual. 
They’d parted ways with Logan agreeing to ask his contacts for information, Kol would do the same and Kol had it in his mind that maybe they’d make a habit out of this. Not too habitual, not wanting to become predictable and paint targets on their back, but more than just texts to communicate. More than just phone calls that were all business. 
It leaves a bright feeling in his chest, something new he doesn’t know what to do with, but it sits there up until the moment he pulls his truck to a stop in front of Hayden’s apartment building. And even then, it takes a while to fade. Only dampened by the thoughts that come to Kol’s mind. He hadn’t decided how he was going to handle this part yet. Keep the truth from Hayden or tell him where he’d been tonight. Tell him what he was planning, all of it, bits and pieces of it, none of it? He doesn’t know what the right answer is in all of this and the last thing he wants is a fight with his boyfriend over it. Not tonight. But even that feels like a disservice to Hayden. 
It’s that thought that finally has him nodding his head to himself. It’s late, chances were Hayden could already be in bed, well past midnight. But if the man was up, he was going to trust him with the truth. Trust him with open discussion, because Hayden had promised him that they were in this together and going rogue now meant Kol hadn’t been listening. 
Taking a deep breath, he heads inside, walking up the stairs and when he gets outside the door, key in hand, he pauses. Noise coming from inside the apartment and he scents the air, making a face because he knows those scents. Knows those voices too once all his senses piece together the picture. He checks his watch again before putting his key in the door and opening it up. 
Since he’d known Hayden, he’d never known him to have people at his place. Always somewhere else. Usually Liz and Matt’s, or just at the bar. But not really people who came over and if there’s concern at first, it turns into surprise the moment he opens the door. There’s dust and tools in the apartment. Hayden, Matt and James are spread out on the couch, beer bottles on the table in front of them and two boxes of pizza that are partway gone. Though once he looks them over, his eyes are drawn to something different and much newer in the apartment that he wasn’t expecting. 
There’s a punching bag in the middle of it, newly installed and hanging there that he’s not sure what to make of. He realizes he’s standing there like a dope and he steps inside, closing the door behind him, smile curving up the side of his mouth as he looks at all of them and then settles on Hayden. 
“Looks like you guys have been busy,” he greets him, happily. Then offers him a joke. “Taking up boxing?” 
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