#the modern design agenda of more = better'
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I think we need to go back and really appreciate Drakkon’s original suit as a design that is both reminiscent of the Green and White rangers and doesn’t look at all out of place if it were to stand next to the other MMPR suits
It really is! It's simple, but striking, and the additional details like the pointed shield spikes and red visor feel appropriate for his level of power and not too over the top. I feel if Drakkon was developed as a new concept nowadays the suit would be covered with Tron lines or bulky armor or something. He's by far the most iconic of the comic designs for a reason!
It's kind of a shame that Jamal Campbell doesn't get more recognition of being the one to design it. I love Dan Mora obviously but I feel we've slapped the position of "Ranger comic designer" onto him which has caused designs to feel repetitive or overcompensating the longer he stays on
#transmission#anonymous#the same compliments apply to Ranger Slayer btw. Dan did a good job designing 'strong evil pink ranger' without going too over the top edg#i do like the Drakkon Rangers for the most part but they're definitely designed like 'what if we took Drakkon and Slayer but with#the modern design agenda of more = better'
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On the Origin of RPGs, Part 2
Careers is an unassuming 1955 board game that was seemingly designed as a direct reaction to the single-minded pursuit of wealth in Monopoly. Its designer, seeking to better reflect life's diverse pageantry, asks players to pursue happiness, fame, and wealth. It is also the only commercial board game with the distinction of having directly contributed to the advent of RPGs.
At the start of a game of Careers, players must secretly commit to earning an arbitrary combination of happiness points, fame points, and wealth points (with a sum of 60 in total). It's this idea – of players operating from secret agendas that are, potentially, totally unrelated to the goals of their opponents – that was bouncing around the mind of David Wesely as he was experimenting with Strategos' philosophy that, in a robust refereed simulation, "anything can be attempted".
In 1969, this admixture led to Wesely's magnum opus: Braunstein, the first formal game in human history that clearly qualifies as a Role-Playing Game in the modern sense. At first blush, Braunstein was a perfectly traditional kriegsspiel about a fictional Prussian city coming under French attack during the Napoleonic Wars. A "Prussian General" player would face off against a "French General" player, with Wesely acting as the vertrauter – just as I described it in Part 1.
But the twist, inspired by Careers, was this: several more players would participate in a range of non-military roles, like the town mayor and the chancellor of the local university. These players, too, would receive a secret briefing which would include secret victory conditions tailored to the nature of their role. Just like the generals, these players would privately inform Wesely of their intentions, and would thereafter receive private reports from him, briefing them on the evolving consequences of everyone's actions. It was an extremely novel, exciting concept that had Wesely's gaming circle chomping at the bit.
The result was a catastrophe.
So much buzz had built up around Wesely's Wild Ride that, on the night of the game, more than twice as many players showed up as the number of roles he had prepared, forcing him to improvise several new roles (and their victory conditions). After getting underway, the game almost immediately devolved into a quagmire of chaotic political maneuverings. Many of the orders he received from the players went completely outside the scope of what he had expected or prepared for. He frequently had no idea how the events that needed to unfold could possibly be simulated, and so he found himself inventing sloppy rulings on the spot. When Wesely was finally forced to call the game late that night, neither General had ever gotten around to issuing orders to their troops. None of it was what Wesely had wanted.
His players, by contrast, uniformly loved the experience.
Over the next few years, Braunstein became a term not just for that original scenario, but for a new genre of games created by Wesely and other members of his gaming circle, featuring dramatically charged scenarios in a range of settings. Perhaps the most famous of these, now, is Blackmoor – a "Braunstein" that was set in a medieval fantasy world.
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Joker 2 will (probably) also be bad
I've gone on record saying Joker (2019) was a badly-conceived film, with ideas that are, at best, inconsistent and muddled.
And now they're making another one. With Lady Gaga as Harley Quinn. Maybe it will be better this time?
...no, probably not. Let me break it down.
So, the entire design philosophy of Joker (2019) from writer/director Todd Phillips was, quote, "we're gonna sneak in a real movie in the guise of a comic book movie". That is, Phillips wanted to make Taxi Driver...but he's only a talented enough filmmaker to make The Hangover at best, and The Hangover Part III at worst, and so Warner Bros only trusted him with an IP that was guaranteed to succeed regardless of quality.
This sucks on two levels. If we judge Joker as a "real film"...it fails utterly, because it's using the visual language of the 1970s to whine about 21st century woes, and even then doesn't have anything to say. The "failed standup act goes viral" plot beat doesn't fit with the media landscape of the 1970s, while the clown rioters echo the "eat the rich, defund the police" sentiment that was brewing in 2019 and would explode with George Floyd's murder in 2020. These things are included because Phillips is the kind of jerk who complains about "woke culture" on Twitter. The only reason Phillips sets the film in the 1970s...is because he's cheating off Scorsese's homework.
But if we judge Joker as a comic book movie, it also sucks, because it completely fails to live up to what makes The Joker so fascinating. See, The Joker is a Batman villain; a standout antagonist against the rogues gallery. You cannot understand The Joker except as a literary foil, as a dark reflection of the Dark Knight. Batman is a solemn, incorruptible force for justice. The Joker is a manic, incorruptible force of destruction. While many of Batman's villains are sympathetic (e.g. Mr Freeze), and others are garden-variety thugs with powers (e.g. Clayface), The Joker is pure. He cannot be reasoned with or negotiated with, he has no agenda beyond causing mayhem, and he has no better nature to appeal to. That charisma, that certainty of purpose, is what makes the Joker such a fun villain. Phillips throws all of that in the garbage--Arthur Fleck is weak-willed, cowardly, and just needs a friend.
And now, in Folie a deux...he's getting one, in the form of Gaga's Harley Quinn.
Now, Harley Quinn is different from the Joker. Harley was introduced in Batman: the Animated Series, voiced by Arleen Sorkin, as a counterpart to Mark Hamill's Joker. Her origin story is that she was Dr. Harlene Quinzel, a psychiatrist at Arkham Asylum, who tried to fix The Joker...only to be pulled in by his madness, taking a new name, costume, and falling head-over-heels for "Mista J", her "puddin'".
This is interesting because while The Joker only really makes sense as a Batman antagonist, Harley only really makes sense in the context of the Joker. Harley's story is one of domestic abuse; she is The Joker's greatest victim, and yet his staunchest ally. She sometimes realizes this and tries to get away, but can't escape his manipulative gravity. This obsessive love, however, is not returned; The Joker's soulmate is Batman, the yin to his yang, his equal and opposite. Nowhere is this more clear than in the iconic Mad Love, where Harley almost kills Batman as a gift to her puddin', only for The Joker to furiously lash out in a "no one kills Batman but me" kind of way.
So while the Joker is fun because he's so unsympathetic, Harley is fun because she is sympathetic. The Joker is fully evil, but Harley is only evil because of her exposure to The Joker; without him in the picture, she's just a manic antihero.
And that's exactly what's happened to her character over time; fan and authorial desire to see Harley achieve independence and escape the cycle of abuse led directly to her more modern portrayals, such as Margot Robbie in Suicide Squad (2016), Birds of Prey, and The Suicide Squad (2021). But even then, she was introduced in Suicide Squad against Jared Leto's Joker, and the start of Birds of Prey is her mourning her breakup with him. Her animated series starts the same way, seeking autonomy and an independent self-identity.
Folie a deux...isn't going to be doing that. It can't. It doesn't work with Arthur Fleck. The whole point of Joker (2019) is that Arthur Fleck is a loser, he's a failed nobody, he is the dregs of society that everyone ignores. His sexual frustration and loneliness form the basis of a major (and idiotic) plot beat with Zazie Beetz. He is a million miles from the "charismaniac" of Hamill or Ledger--there is zero possibility that he could "infect" a brilliant psychiatrist.
To his credit, Phillips realizes this, and is taking a different angle. From the trailer, it looks like Gaga's Harley is going to be a fellow Arkham resident, and she's going to be the one who initiates flirtation with Arthur, in a sort of "love letter to a serial killer" kind of admiration. The trailer leans heavily on the refrain of "what the world needs now is love, sweet love", and overall seems to be framing itself as an honest-to-god romance. Instead of the Joker/Harley relationship being abuser/victim, it looks instead to be toxic enabling, where Harley encourages Arthur to embrace his worst, most destructive instincts.
And...that's probably going to be framed as a good thing. See, if Folie a deux is going to be a romance, then plot constraints demand that there needs to be an obstacle dividing the lovers and preventing their happy union. What obstacle could exist between Arthur and Harley? Why, the entire legal system, of course--we see in the teaser multiple shots of them going up courthouse steps. It's likely that the pair fall in love in Arkham, escape ("let's get out of here", Harley says), are recaptured, and then have to defend themselves in court. This might have a "happy ending" where they win and leave together, affirming that enabling a violent criminal is a good thing. Or it might have a "sad ending" where the court outcome separates them, affirming Arthur's nihilism and anger at a system he perceives as unjust only when it inconveniences him. Either way, Harley is going to be framed as good for Arthur, making him better while making him worse.
Could this be done well? Maybe. It's certainly possible. Canon is already so broken that it's no longer a limitation. A talented director might realize the moral complexity in the relationship between two violent, mentally unstable murderers. One could frame the entire thing as a tragedy, where "boy gets girl back again" is shown to be disastrous (as in The Graduate). Or, it could even be something of an inversion of the more canonical Joker/Harley romance; instead of Harley realizing that she's better off without Mista J, it might be Arthur realizing he is better off without Harley.
But it almost certainly won't be any of that. Because Phillips thinks that Arthur Fleck is relatable. He thinks he's a martyr, a victim of targeted injustice, a doomed hero refusing to bow to societal norms. But he isn't. Arthur Fleck is an entitled white boy who simultaneously sees his suffering as a systemic failing, while also refusing to see how the system harms others, and refusing to see how his own choices make things worse for everyone. Arthur Fleck is an embodiment of denied privilege, where cishet white men expect to be lavished with unearned success, and are butthurt when they don't get it.
And above all, the thing that media has always told men is that a manic pixie dream girl is going to find you and fall madly in love with you despite your obvious failings. That is the heterosexual male romantic fantasy; love without effort, acceptance without labor, companionship without obligation. Todd Phillips might play this straight. Or he might set this up for Arthur, only to deny it as an act of authorial cruelty. But the first film demonstrates that he lacks the self-awareness necessary to actually deconstruct it, to criticize the expectation itself.
So no. I don't think Folie a deux will be better than its prequel. Because for Todd Phillips to make a better movie, he'd have to be a better person. And he's not.
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I am Isrseli. About a month after the 7th, I think I began using a tag "Free Palestine Movement is a Death Cult".
Very early on I think I pinpointed a few very concerning characteristics of the movement: be is indoctrination, "do and don't do", the listingings upon listingings of "acts" that will brand touch as good and deserving". Came across one aimed specifically at minors that has elements of "authority/parents/teachers at school are not on your side". A very hard element of "saviors", absolute "baddy" vs absolute "goodie".
Who to dismiss and brand as guilty of hindering achievement of "the cause".
There is a very strong element of charity for a cause. And ao many other lines of cult like behavior that I am not sure I manage to pinpoint right now, but it's there.
But the most striking element, that really cements this, is that this is an unachievable cause by design. You can't "Free" Palestine. It has no strategy, no boundaries. It's not a goal. Not an achievable goal. It is such by design, for people to throw themselves at, to beat themselves about, to despair about, to throw away emotional labor, and money at, and to never achieve a thing.
It is deliberately tied to each and every possible so called humanitarian cause on the globe, derailing them. It is designed to cultivate a bedrock for recruitment, be it intentional or not.
It sicks in people, as far as I can see, that have a sense of purpose they have nowhere to ahhh go about. How do I even put it into words. Apart from the obvious bullies, I cab say for sure: people tgat are looking for a sense of purpose. That are lacking such on their lives, they are fractured in identity and belonging.
Wr have seen this before. We, Israeli, saw this before. The suicidal trajectory of the intifadas and the Jihad, they are cultivated atop ideologically infused mysery and despair. The more miserable the better. It works just tge same as any other cult.
And if in 2 years time tops, an acne riddles girl with pink hair blows herself up on a subway screaming "For Palestine" I would not be surprised.
This is genuinely a depressing reality with the way media works in the modern age, and it's a whole new way of pushing agenda and propaganda, and I'm sure in the future the methods used on social media will be studied because it's far different from any wars going on at this moment, or in history. One technique I've noticed is one that's taken straight from the playground, and it's like "if you don't like this, you can't play with us" and I've seen this predominantly in the LGBT community or certain fanbases, with posts like "You aren't queer if you don't support Palestine" and just immense social pressure to pick one side or the other, as if being neutral is social suicide. And I honestly have yet to see a post saying "You're anti-Semitic if you don't support Israel". I'm sure it exists somewhere honestly, but it's far more prominent for Palestine. Another thing that really pushes this idea is the complete lack of attention for various other wars going on or issues globally. Currently in Afghanistan, years of attempts to push some level of equality for women are being reversed in months, but I haven't heard anyone crying out for equality in Afghanistan. I've also seen no Palestine supporters in the west protesting against Egypt's blockades of aid to Gaza, and their refusal to accept any refugees, despite the fact Gazans were legally Egyptian until the 80s, making it seem like a complete u-turn from embracing Gazans as brothers and sisters, to ignoring their calls for action entirely.
As for your last comment, that's a scary thought. I somewhat doubt that'll happen unless Israel wins the war overwhelmingly and people stop talking about Palestine, cause while I know many of the supporters for Palestine, especially on tumblr, have some obsession with pushing Palestinian agenda constantly and making it part of their identity somehow, it's very similar to the people in America going "I hate America" but refusing to try make any actual good changes, refusing to even consider leaving the country, I feel like these Palestine supporters will hop on another trend when the war in Palestine grinds to a halt.
What's curious is how 99.9% of them have only joined in after this most recent war, despite the fact there were skirmishes just a few years ago so it isn't an age thing, people weren't too young to know what was going on when that previous conflict occurred, and I think it's generally because once again Hamas instigated it, hurling a few dozen rockets at apartment buildings in Tel Aviv, but when Hamas targets civilians and Israel doesn't retaliate strongly, no one seems to bat an eye. It's like once a movement starts spreading the way this one did, with a mob mentality and where 99% of the people in the movement have done little to no historical research on the conflict, it becomes a dangerous thing having so many people believing in something so much simply because of how many people they feel like they can relate to, have also supported this cause, rather than supporting it due to logic or reasoning.
The person I responded to before this is a prime example of the 1% who actually do research and are willing to hear out the other side in a civil discussion because they use logic rather than just believing mass media and being almost bullied into supporting Palestine. The sad thing is, the people who did research that support Palestine are very unlikely to call out the mass indoctrination of beliefs and agenda-pushing that's been done, because it benefits their cause, so they won't call out how immoral and disingenuous it is.
But yeah some people follow this thing like a cult, intermixing it with their personal lives. To me it's always been clear to have an obvious line between personal and political unless you're a politician, where you can use your personal life to benefit your political standing if used well, hence why I limit my posts about hobbies to very rarely, since tumblr is a social media after all. But the amount of obsessing over this conflict really seems to indicate a lack of previous meaning or purpose, lack of motivation, and desperation to feel included in something, from a psychological point of view, rather than forming opinions based on information. There is a few people who support Israel cause they don't wanna appear anti-Semitic, but from what I've analysed, it's much more in the minority when compared to Palestine supporters. As for the ones who actually do their research, thank you for not being brainwashed into a cause, and being logical. Even if we're on different sides, at least we can both say we used our brains rather than be bullied into believing something.
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I recently purchased the Teletubbies' official Pride tank top, and it is the funniest thing I own. I do think it's a pretty naked example of rainbow capitalism - the slogan 'Big Hugs Big Love' is neither obviously Pride themed, nor even obviously Teletubbies themed, almost as though it was deliberately designed to not be easily associated with their brand if seen by homophobes in public - so I do feel that I may have contributed to something bad here, but it delights me so much to tell people what, exactly, it is that I am wearing. It's just so bizarre that this brand even has Pride merch.
Although, of course, the Teletubbies do have a long history of being associated with gay people. There have been little incidents, like the Talking Po doll that sounds like its calling you a slur, but the most famous is of course the accusations of Tinky Winky's homosexuality during the late 90s. Tinky Winky is purple, and carries a purse, and has a triangle antenna, which were all seen as signs of the gay agenda by conservative pundits. This was of course denied because it was the 90s, and it was a children's show, and also all of the Teletubbies were meant to be little babies themselves. However, in the modern day, the story is very different - Teletubbies has clearly become more comfortable associating itself with LGBT people, and also the Teletubbies are now canonically grown-ups. We know this because in 2021, the official Teletubbies Twitter account took a break from astrology posts to let us know that the Teletubbies are fully vaccinated against COVID-19, including pictures of the vaccine cards. Setting aside the strangeness of their second vaccine dates being two weeks in the future from time of posting, and also written American-style despite the Teletubbies being British, these cards importantly provided us with the Teletubbies birthday - February 2, 2003. This is, admittedly, also very strange, as 2003 was after the show's original run ended, but it does indicate the Teletubbies are legally adults, and thus, speculating about their sexualities is now on the table.
The Twitter account has never outright stated that Tinky Winky is gay, but they've heavily implied it (for example, saying he was 'Born This Way' in a tweet at Lady Gaga - one of many unsolicited tweets they've made at various pop stars - or a screenshot of his AOL status mentioning how fabulous he is). They also once suggested that Po and Laa Laa are dating, which, if true, would make Dipsy the only straight one. This makes sense to me, as Dipsy's always had issues with toxic masculinity. I had the Teletubbies CD-ROM game as a kid, and in the rolling game (where you had the Teletubbies roll down a hill and bump into various objects to trigger cut scenes), if Dipsy rolled into the pink skirt, he would act disgusted by it and run away. None of the others objected in this way, and would simply wear the skirt and do a little dance - including Tinky Winky. Going by Twitter now, though, Dipsy seems like a really firm ally to his friends, so I think he may have left that issue in 2006, and all the better for it, I say.
Also, I couldn't find a place to mention this, but Noo Noo uses they/them pronouns.

#teletubbies#tinky winky#cbeebies#kids shows#pride#sometimes i realise i know an abnormal amount about something
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https://www.canva.com/design/DAGE02N5d0w/vBgIXLeQgdlC-HQ9CcpqDg/edit?utm_content=DAGE02N5d0w&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton @whydontyouputyourseatbelton @crystaltreebee @i-got-personality @aaaaaa-musical-trash
Also here are my notes. Not all of them make sense anymore but some do lol.
So we all know i love musicals and thats why i chose this topic. i knew from the beginning that i wanted to do smt with musicals for this but i wasnt sure whT to chose. I was debating doing the portrayal of death in musicals but nit all of you answered in time whether thya would trigger anybody so that was out. The second option was costumes in musical whoch wooild make sense for us as fashion forst graders but then u realised i could include that in this.
Now obviously there isnt one way to make a good musical and its always a matter of opinion. And while i do have an opinion, i tried to form a critical opinion on everything.
Theres a lot of stuff that goes into musicals. When you think of a good one you may think of one with good lyrics or a cool story. But theres also stuff that you don’t think of at first, that alone couldn’t’make’ a good play, but in combination are the most important parts! Like the light design >insert rest of agenda.< (kannst einfach ablesen, was auf der folie steht!)
story wise i think heathers did a great job. Heathers is about a girl who falls in love with a killer. Ups and downs, and just a generally creative and good story with a good and,,more or less sense-making plot. The layout is very good too: a great hook, some happy stuff, scary and then things go down with a bittersweet ending. Im not sure how to explain what makes a good or a bad plot but for reference imma give you cats in comparison as an example of a not so good plot
Talking lyrics, i dont need to think twice to tell you hamilton! Its about alexander the great and his life. There is no way to convince me of anything else. Its a peotic masterpiece which especially brings out alexander hamitons own lyrical genius. Lin Manuel Miranda is a great fan of motifs and mass rhymes, and methaphors. His stylisation is nit only unique but really really good!
but I honestly didn’t like the choreo: it was sloppy and ensemble based. They were just rearranging furniture and stuff. There was only one song, “Satisfied” that was choreographed well. i do however think that westside storry has an awesome choreo! Westside story is about racism and separation between gangs in the 1960’s new york city. It tells storry but it’s still dancing. Good dancing i mean. They mixed elements of ballet with hip hop, flamenco and countles other kinds of dancing and it came out with perfection
and while the tunes are awesome there, there are better ones. Like Rent. But even better: hadestown. A modern retelling of the story of greek mythology god orpheus and his love interest euridacy. The tunes are everything there! It captured the mood and it was,,, seductive to your ears! The orchestra and composer did a great job! Its not easy to make all instruments work with each other so well. Or in the hights! Awesome composition!
yk what else is great about in the hights? The mood! It has ups and downs. An awesome balance thats brought acroos awesomely! Some would argue that SIX is by far the play with the best mood and don’t get me wrong SIX also has a great mood but i dont think they found a good balance for that. The mood is almost exclusively positive for what its worth and it didnt have enough variety
while its not like in the heights had the chance to, they still didn’t have the greatest costumes… however six didn’t have the chance either, but they still did it. They’re original and iconic and make the characters! Six tells the story of the six wives of henry the eighth who were divorced, beheaded, died, divirced, beheaded and survived. Of course there goes a lot into costume making which makes this even better Theres a lot to concidder:
-color psychology
And then of course the require some necessary qualities like
-rechognise characters (especially when one actor plays several) and set the ensemble apart
-makes no noises OR make specific noises
-You need to concidder the period in which the play takes place, and clothes aren’t the only complicated part of costumes: wigs/ hair and makeup or facepaint can make a whole look!
And the kind of musical can also influence the kinds of costumes. Some examples are
Types/ways of costumes (I tried to make this as few categories as possibles possible)
- Normal clothing. Examples: come from away, Illinois, the prom
- Periodically./accurate (unter punkt: seemingly adequate) Examples: newsies, the greatest show, something rotten
- Periodically modernised: Hamilton who had periodical clothes and hair and make up modern,
- Modernised: SIX which was almost robitic, descendants
- Interpretation Starlight express, (where trains and cars wore roler skates), tarzan, and lionking? Possibly? I feel like lionking could be a category of its own though to be honest
- made into outfit:: spongebob, Arielle/the little mermaid, (starlight express)
- Actually just costumes: cats, Shrek, beauty and the beast or wicked
- Inadequate: six
- Portraying: into the woods and parts of starlight express
- Simplified: hamilton
- using the stage: illinois, ride the cyclone
then theres storry telling for which i say cats. cats… which is quite ironic. Cats is about…. Well… cats
They could have done better but i still think it’s the best there is! They TELL their storry. Like in six exept they actually have a present that like,, exists. The lyrics alright i guess but the composing could have had a little more variety, however i did love the stage there as well because it was always the same but still did awesome stuff like the train thingy
talking about stages! I think the stage is such an important part thats often overlooked. There are musicals like dear evan hansen, the prom, be more chill or tuck everlasting that have a variety of different sets with self driving probs but it’s just actually different things and not very creative. There are two versions of good stages. One that take you in the setting, but that only works if your setting is a special place. There are many musicals that made this one very well. My top two are frozen on ice and tarzan they are actually in an icepit with icedanging and stuff and in tarzan they swing around like actual monkeys and spray you with water and stuff. The second type is when there is one element thats used through the whole show and that makes the setting. This is also called a Uni-set. One of the best examples for this is probably the grey cube: Falsettos. It’s about aids and judaism (?)
But whats part of the stage design is the light design which is overlooked even more than the stage itself. I know i said said that i didnt like the stage of dear evan hansen but it does have an awesome light design! In general the technical aspects and also the sound design there is really good! Dear evan hansen is about a boy who pretends to have been friends with a kid that recently passed.
then theres what i call the manipulation aspect which is choices that were purposely made but not pointed out. I think that hamilton did a great job here too. A lot of people talking at once when to much is going on in his life and only him talking when he makes the dumbest decision in his life. Walking in straight lines when thinking simple and good but in circles when it’s complicated and a lot. That sort of stuff.
the last aspect is performance. Its hard to rate this since for stage musicals the actors and therefore the performance changes constantly but i think the original tuck everlasting cast did a great job! Tuck everlasting is about a girl, Winnie, who meets an immortal family
something that i honestly probably shouldnt count but gives bonus points is: every musical should have at least one singer tht seems to not even be able to miss a tune if they tried. Sure all singers should be good i love when theres just this one over the top adelle level person. The greatest showman has one and its epic, like,,, goosbumbs throughout the whole song “never enough” with the swedish nightingale. The greatest showman is about Pineas Barnum- an actual guy- who believed in true happiness and that as long as a smile is real, it doesn’t matter if the ‘cause’ of that smile is. He was the reason for the saying “freakshow”
however those are only the best in their aspects but if you’re asking what the BEST MUSICAL IS I definitely say Newsies! im not saying that because i like it -which i do- but actually critically thinking!
Newsies is a Musical based on the newsboys strike of 1899 where the Newsies working for the World and the Journal held the first ever successful strike in america that was organised by kids in history. The story centres Centers around a Newsboy Jack Kelly and his new friend Davey. They start a strike against the owners of the Newspapers and stop selling because they raised the prices for the papers even tho they have more than enough money, when the Newsboys barely make a living. Davey tries to talk him out of it at first but doesn’t succeed. Eveantually he gives in and actually gets really invested in the strike himself in the end.
Now your prolly thinking: why? Well. This presentation is far from over. (That was a lie. Its almost done dont worry)
Lyrics are honestly great! I have zero complaints about that. If anything, i have complements! Sure, its not as good as Mirandas works but, lets be honest: what is? I think the lyrics were still more than A+! The story is simply great. i personally think its harder to make something that already exists or happened into a storry. It requires much more creativity despite already having a ‘template’ you have to make the whole thing fit and make sense with your own thing and still be accurate and theres a lot about this actually. Newsies did great with that! It’s composed geniusly too. Menken/Ortega outdid himself by far with it. The choreo? Bombastic! Don’t even get me started. Prolly the best I’ve even seen! And I‘m not just saying that. I actually don’t think i’ve ever seen anything choreographed this well before. They have dance breaks in songs, DESPITE DANCING THE WHOLE TIME anyways
Tunes? Through the roof top. (Haha get it— cuz of santa fe— laugh>:()
The mood was great but it had a balance! It was introduced with a good mood, making u invested but still,,, deep and sad.
You just need one picture -and this is gonna sound really bad for my case but- this[bild zeigen] is all you need to know about the show
While the costumes aren’t too original they’re definitely iconic and not too bad.
Story telling is fantastic! There are some talking to yourself/the audience and telling the story! Some telling it WITHIN the plot (which they did a gooood job making it seem natural and not forced info) and some middle grounds. I really liked it. They also blurred the lines there perfectly.
Stages! I love using newsies as an example for a good stage because they have BOTH kinds of a good stage! (sorta) its one element that is rearanged to make a whole different setting. They only needed some little elements that weren’t always the same. Add a few tables and chairs? Diner. Ad fancier chairs? Pulitzers office. Typewriter? Boom! Editors office. I also think that the metall stuff did a really good job reminding u where and when exactly this is taking place and that that combination of time and place: lower manhattan in 1899 wasnt the best mix of time and place to live in so that sorta counts for the first type.
We dont even need to talk about the “manipulation” aspect bc i wouldnt even know where to start. Im not even sure it was all on purpose. What character has what choreo, the double meaning of some things, the reprises, the rhymes and so much more
They have medda and jeremy jordan as jack kelly so they have not one but TWO of those perfect singers!
And Ive honestly never seen a bad performance of newsies . So yes. Chritically, Newsies is the best musical
Anyway my favourite is and always will be
Starlight express
Despite not being on place one in even ine of these
#newsies#my posts#kosa newsies strike#heathers#hamilton#cats#SIX#the greatest showman#come from away#lionking#descendants#tarzan#frozen#starlight express#beauty and the beast#wicked#into the woods#in the heights
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Every Record I Own - Day 781: G.I.S.M. Detestation
Back in the '90s, you were more likely to hear rumors and stories about Tokyo's G.I.S.M. than their actual music. It was difficult enough to find Japanese hardcore records in the States, and it was even more difficult when the band was barely active, never left Japan, and had developed a reputation for violent behavior towards bootleggers. It seemed like you either had to have been in Tokyo in the '80s to snag a copy of G.I.S.M.'s debut album or you had to have some solid connections in the pre-internet record collecting world.
But G.I.S.M. did manage to get a song on the 1984 International P.E.A.C.E. Benefit Compilation double album, along with artists like Dead Kennedys, Crass, Conflict, DRI, MDC, and Subhumans, and as a result became one of (if not the first) Japanese hardcore bands to get exposure outside of their home country. The myth began to snowball, and as more Japanese hardcore bands began to find an international following, the G.I.S.M. legend grew.
Most of the stories about G.I.S.M. involved their singer Sakevi Yokoyama. He supposedly fired a homemade flamethrower into an unsuspecting crowd at one of their shows. The flamethrower was also supposedly used on a morning commuter who was staring at Sakevi on a train. There was also the story of Sakevi trashing a clothing store that stocked bootleg G.I.S.M. shirts. Considering Japan's reputation in the West for law and order, tradition, and etiquette, this sort of behavior seemed even more shocking and rebellious. G.I.S.M.'s album art further reinforced the band's nihilistic and destructive behavior. Though obviously culling musical ideas and design aesthetics from the British anarcho / peace punk scene, there was also a heavy dose of heavy metal's gratuitous shock value. So in addition to the anti-war messaging and anarchist symbols on the cover, you also had song titles like "(Tere Their) Syphilitic Vaginas to Pieces" and a swastika in the collage art on the original album cover.
This was all enough to make G.I.S.M. a polarizing band, but we haven't even discussed the music yet. If you were expecting Japan's response to Discharge, you were going to be confused, if not outright disappointed. Sure, there's some of that d-beat speed and power, but the music owes as much to British heavy metal like Judas Priest as it does to British punk. Throw in some truly grimy production and some flirtations with experimental music and early industrial music and it's no wonder a lot of folks responded to the recent official reissues of G.I.S.M.'s first two albums with "wait... THIS is what everyone has been hyping all these years?"
That polarization is even more pronounced in the wake of Sakevi's death at the end of August. There are people praising G.I.S.M.'s pioneering sound and wild art aesthetic, but there are also people criticizing Sakevi's antisocial behavior, misogynist imagery, and references to anti-Semitic conspiracy theories on a later G.I.S.M. album.
My two cents: you don't have to look too hard to find a lot of problematic things with punk and hardcore bands from forty years ago. The ideas espoused in Bad Brains' "Don't Blow Bubbles," Black Flag's "Slip It In," and Minor Threat's "Guilty of Being White" haven't exactly aged well. If anything, G.I.S.M.'s mish-mash of disparate sounds and symbols seems less like a coherent agenda and more like a schizophrenic response to a modern world teetering on the edge of self-destruction. It's ugly and confusing, and the line between what Sakevi is advocating versus admonishing is often blurry, but I don't think anyone has ever looked at Detestation as a road map to a better world. In the final decades of the 20th century, Japan had a reputation in the States as a kind of utopia. It was a clean and efficient culture with very little crime and plenty of prosperity. And then you had G.I.S.M., which countered that reputation by taking all the confusion, fear, angst, and paranoia of industrialized society and reflecting it back in this warped and feral eight-song album.
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Fashion Analysis: a Modern Muu (Part 1/x)
While I know I should have started with a generalized moodboard depicting preferred color palette, day wear vs night looks, etc., that simply is not where we went at this time as we are still deciding upon a template best suited for the details mentioned above.
That and I essentially felt more inspired to go the route of illustrating what I mean by those who have the most significant places in his life having influence over his style by going case by case with a select few. First up on the agenda managed to be Neff, Muu's self proclaimed platonic soulmate over at @cosmicdreamt.
You might not ever call him saying she is his best friend as he knows that role is not for him. As well as the fact he feels it isn't the most appropriate for explaining to those around him that she simply understands him and is there for him really more so than anyone else in his life-- excluding family and Hannah of course.
Below is essentially an array of pieces that have garnered Muu's attention most by being very reminiscent of Neff while also staying true to his own individual aesthetic preferences. For the long dress especially-- one he'd actually rather tailor to be that of a jumpsuit, because the design of it is so whimsical that he'd rather like being able to play in it than not-- he found himself gravitated towards if after primarily looking for a multi designed piece containing cosmic elements not limited to strictly the moon.
There are many dark colored pieces of clothing depicting the sun and moon coincide with one another, and those were not what he wanted either. Just because his melancholy may lead him to be better described as a moon in his adulthood, rather than a radiant sun similarly demonstrated in his radiant youth, did NOT mean he would allow himself to be reduced to almost Gothic palette when his consistent, personal style did not traditionally depict such.

#; ♡ ; fashion analysis#; ♡ ; closet#God I love doing this though because it is interesting to both find what muu likes#and two what elements from those he is interwoven with he finds himself particularly inspired by most#; ♡ ; { the only time I feel I might get better is when we are together so may your dreams be as answered as youve made mine ; neff & muu }
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Sex Holiday Cartagena | Colombiaeroticvacations.com

A lot of clients use to contact us when they have some sexual needs. Sex Vacation Medellin One of those needs is to have some adult fun. You can visit our catalog, select an escort, choose a city in which you were going to stay for a while with the escort and that's it. You can get a quote for it. The models may provide the best girlfriend experience ever, they are professional escorts. You can be sure about the healthy things because they have them medical documentation with them. This adult vacation will let you be the best lover, you can have a lot of fun, and erotic times that you need to experience.
Our clients always want more time than expected from the beginning. they are always asking for an extra night or day. It is simply, think about this and when your adult vacation finished, you are going to come back to reality.
You may have a girlfriend or wife, but our hot guidance’s are going to offer a lot of things that maybe your will never receive again until your next Sex Holiday Medellin with us.
You must know that our latin girls are always disposed to get wild with you, they are always willing to fulfill your desires. This is not just about sex, also the erotic is an important part of the trip. Everyone will envy you for having such a beautiful woman by your side. You deserve an erotic experience, like a hot massage and to dancing. These women use to dance and have fun all the time, also there are some of them who enjoys the passion, the intimate of being alone with you and share a nice conversation. There are a lot of variety for all tastes.
Miami is like a little New York: in it we can find a little bit of everything, especially with a Latin flavor. Going to Erotic Vacation In Miami is going to its beaches, South Beach is one of the most popular among tourists and locals, not only because of its white sand and crystal clear waters, but also because of the whole atmosphere that is generated in its surroundings: skaters of both sexes in Ocean Drive, surfers looking for waves, famous people going in and out of their exclusive clubs and restaurants. Little Havana is another place that should not be missing from our agenda, especially if we want to enjoy some delicious Cuban dishes or a perfumed cigar. About three kilometers north of the bustling Downtown Mayaro, we will find the suggestive Design District neighborhood where we can enjoy a large number of art galleries, exhibition centers, international boutiques and restaurants. In the murals of Wynwood Walls we will enjoy a true explosion of colors through a large number of outdoor murals. For lovers of architecture and good taste, a visit to Coral Gables will be an unforgettable experience: the most opulent neighborhood in Miami and one of the most expensive in the United States. And for shopping, the Brickell City Center is an excellent choice, with its luxury stores and modern architecture. And to give free rein to your erotic vacation, nothing better than going dancing and having a few drinks at E11Even or Liv, two of the most famous Sex Vacation In Miami.
The commercial activity of the port of Cartagena de Indias was one of the most important in Spanish America since the 16th century, which is why it has inherited an important artistic and cultural legacy, in addition to its famous walls.
Sex Holiday Cartagena, bathed by the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea, is a city full of life and color, being considered by many the most beautiful in Colombia. Strolling through the old town and visiting La Puerta del Reloj, the formidable facilities of the San Felipe de Barajas Castle, the La Popa Convent, the colorful squares of Bolívar, La Trinidad, San Diego or Santo Domingo would be a great option. to start a morning of urban tourism. Walking through the streets of the Getsemani neighborhood will undoubtedly be a true explosion of colors before your eyes.But if we want the sea, the right thing to do would be a yacht excursion to the Rosario Islands or the beaches of Cholón and Barú. Not forgetting a stimulating mud bath in the Totumo volcano.
The gastronomic options are varied both in their styles and in their presentations, since the city has extraordinary specialized restaurants, as well as native food that can be tasted in the middle of the street.
And to complete the day of your erotic vacation in Cartagena, enjoy the goodness of the night next to a beautiful escort.
Visit us :- https://colombiaeroticvacations.com
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Ok so this tags made me go "hmm" because I managed to fix it with the link I provided in the masterpost, but just in case I looked again (because I don't often use the Calendar map and just use the flyout to see my appointments) and HAHAHAHAHAHA LMAOOOO
Microsoft is FULLY shutting down the People, Calendar and Mail apps on Windows 11, thus forcing everyone to 1) make a microsoft account to access the most basic of necessities and (if you go through with it) 2) have IMPORTANT DATA ON THEIR SERVERS since everything is now stored on Microsoft's servers (and, obviously, choke-full of AI)(because they have no shame whatsoever considering they changed Microsoft 365's icon to the Copilot one, and has Microsoft edge listed as "Microsoft Edge: AI browser" on Google Play)
Someone did a flyout to have Calendar again, but my three problems with this solution is that 1) you have to use the Microsoft store to install it, 2) it's only available in English and 3) the weeks start with sunday (?? wtf???)
There's another Calendar flyout app but it's ALSO only on the Store and ALSO has the weeks starting by fucking Sunday. It also wasn't updated since 2022 (or at least Microsoft doens't show the updates dates), has limited language support (it doesn't has French) and costs 4$.
Some people proposed StartAllBack, but I can't see when the last update is from and you also need to spend 5$ to have a license to have it work past the 30 days trial. So yeah, might not work.
There could also be Proton, but iirc you can only access it via an app if you have the paid version, and there are chances that it's ALSO stored on their servers and not locally, which, while they are better than Microsoft or Google, is still a problem if you don't have access to internet.
The other solution would be Thunderbird to have a calendar stored locally, but yet again, you need to connect an email account since it's a multi-tool app. (Also there's no flyout, and I want/need a flyout).
I'm stopping my research here for now, but if you have more alternatives, you can reblog this post with them AND PLEASE detail stuff about the alternatives, like if they have a flyout or not, are free or not, are locally stored or not, and/or if they are just a calendar app or a mutli-tool one.
Fixing Windows 11 - A Masterpost
Windows 11 is absolute crap for a good bunch of stuff so yeah, have a masterpost with most of the things I've found around to fix it haha (they're not all here because I did stuff around and I don't remember what)
YES, I KNOW at this point Linux would be a better alternative, however some here can't use Linux due to some proprietary programs that are not on Linux. This Masterpost is for the people in the same situation as I, aka those who have to have Windows or they can't do their job.
I also have a ko-fi if ever you want to help.
Stopping W11 from making you create an account/setting up your computer without internet (with a way to create gpedit.msc if your version doesn't have it)
Fixing the Taskbar (in case you also don't like the grouped Battery/internet/sound or the way the windows look)(there's more to it, check the settings)
How to move the volume and luminosity pop ups (so you can finally see those sweet sweet subtitles)
In case ModernFlyouts doesn't automatically start up, possible solution
Fixing the Start Menu (ExplorerPatcher can do that too, btw)
How to show all options right away
A way to stop Outlook (new)'s forced install (great if you're using the calendar)
(Tumblr doesn't want to embed the link for some reason)
How to remove Copilot if you have it (I don't, but it might be because I'm in Europe??)
Apparently Copilot is being forced on people so hummm
Other stuff not specifically related to the shit W11 did
Changing the size of the scroll bars
How to fully remove Cortana
Website with tools to fix W10 and W11
#W11#Windows 11#Windows Calendar#I'm losing my shit over that like it's the most basic feature and they just... nuked it???#so yeah anyway I'm not working myself into a hypoglycemia mess just for that so I'm stopping here#but HOT DAMN if you can move to Linux DO IT#your life will be soooooo much better y'all
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Transforming Urban Landscapes: Naidu's Pioneering Smart City Initiatives

N Chandrababu Naidu, the former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, is widely recognized for his transformative vision of urban development in India. A strong proponent of modernization, Naidu has been instrumental in initiating several pioneering projects aimed at making cities more efficient, sustainable, and livable. His focus on leveraging technology to reshape urban landscapes has earned him a reputation as one of India's most forward-thinking political leaders. From smart cities to large-scale infrastructure projects, Naidu's urban development initiatives have redefined governance and urban planning. Naidu was among the first Indian leaders to actively advocate for smart cities. His vision was to create cities that leverage cutting-edge technologies to optimize resources, improve governance, and provide residents with a better quality of life. Under his leadership, the state of Andhra Pradesh embraced the Smart Cities Mission launched by the central government. The goal was to develop cities that used digital infrastructure, data analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to enhance public services such as transportation, energy management, and waste disposal.
Vijayawada and Visakhapatnam were two cities that Naidu particularly focused on transforming into smart cities. He envisaged these cities as modern urban centers where technology played a key role in day-to-day life. Initiatives such as installing smart traffic systems, improving public transportation, and setting up digital platforms for citizens to engage with the government became part of his strategy. Additionally, the creation of urban hubs with access to high-speed internet, smart grids for efficient energy distribution, and integrated security systems underscored his ambition for a technologically driven urban future. One of N Chandrababu Naidu's most ambitious projects was the development of Amaravati, the new capital city of Andhra Pradesh after the bifurcation of the state. He envisioned Amaravati as a global city, drawing inspiration from some of the most advanced cities worldwide. Planned as a world-class, sustainable urban center, Amaravati was intended to be a beacon of progress, with a futuristic urban design that promoted green spaces, public transportation, and advanced infrastructure.N Chandrababu Naidu Brought in international consultants and architects to ensure that Amaravati would be built on par with global standards. The city was planned to include advanced amenities such as a financial district, high-tech parks, and state-of-the-art government buildings. The project aimed to attract both domestic and international investment, transforming the city into an economic powerhouse. However, despite its promising blu print, Amaravati's development faced significant challenges, including funding issues and political changes that affected the pace of construction. While Naidu’s urban development agenda was largely focused on building smart and sustainable cities, it also emphasized economic growth. He sought to turn urban centers into economic engines by promoting industries such as IT, manufacturing, and tourism. His efforts to attract global tech giants like Microsoft and Infosys to set up offices in Hyderabad during his earlier tenure as Chief Minister had already paid dividends, turning the city into a major IT hub.
N Chandrababu Naidu urban development projects reflect a forward-thinking approach to governance and planning. From the Smart Cities Mission to the ambitious Amaravati project, his efforts have been a testament to his belief in the transformative power of technology and infrastructure. While some of his projects faced hurdles, the vision behind them continues to shape the discourse on urban development in India. Naidu’s legacy as a leader who prioritized innovation, sustainability, and growth is likely to inspire future urban planning initiatives in the country.. To know more about this, follow TDP Live updates on the website.
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Facts That Modern Women Can’t Seem to Accept (But Should)🕵️♂️
Uncomfortable Truths About Men, Feminism, and the Reality No One Wants to Admit
**Disclaimer: If you think this is “misogynistic,” you should see what I say about weak men. Pointing out reality isn’t an attack—it’s just reality. The fact that it stings says more about you than it does about me.**
📌 1. Men Are NEVER Actually Intimidated by Women Physically – They Just Play Along
Ladies, let’s be honest: when a man tells you he finds a woman “intimidating”, he’s lying—and doing so out of kindness.
No masculine man is ever physically scared of a woman.
The strongest woman on her best day is weaker than the most average man.
Men tolerate delusions because crushing your feelings isn’t worth the trouble.
Feminist narratives love the idea that men are shaking in their boots at “strong women.” In reality? Men just don’t feel like dealing with the drama.
Reality Check: If men were truly “scared” of women, there wouldn’t be weight classes in sports.
📌 2. No Masculine Man, Given a Choice, Would Ever Defer to a Woman
Let’s get real: the idea that men secretly want to submit to female leadership is another hallmark of delusional thinking.
Men allow feminist ideas to be spoken.
Men tolerate being told what’s "right" or "wrong."
But when it comes to real decisions that matter, men take charge—because nature designed them that way.
The only time men act deferential? When society forces them to. And the moment they don’t have to? They stop playing along.
Reality Check: The “strong, independent woman” idea is allowed to exist because men are infinitely kind.
📌 3. Women Would Rather Be Eaten Alive By a Bear Than Encounter a Male Stranger? 😂
You ever heard modern women say:
“I’d rather run into a bear than a man in the woods.”
Really? REALLY?
You’d rather be ripped apart, piece by piece, taint and cervix-first, while still alive and screaming for help?
You’d rather have your intestines gnawed on as you scream in agony?
You’d rather be a fresh, bloody snack for a wild animal than risk an encounter with a man who may or may not even acknowledge your presence?
This is where modern feminist fear-mongering jumps the shark. And worse? It completely insults actual survivors of sexual assault.
You’re claiming assault is a fate worse than brutal death?
You’re telling actual survivors they’d be better off never surviving?
You’re implying that being mauled to death is a noble alternative?
Reality Check: If this is your mindset, you don’t need feminism—you need therapy.
📌 4. Why Traditional Women Think “Male Feminists” Are Just Creepier Versions of Regular Men
Let’s be honest—men who loudly declare themselves “male feminists” have an agenda.
And no, it’s not about “equality.” It’s about getting into gullible panties.
Masculine men see it.
Traditional women know it.
Modern women? Keep falling for it.
Every time a “male feminist” gets caught assaulting a woman, cheating, or being a total fraud, people act shocked. Meanwhile, actual masculine men are like:
“We literally tried to tell you.”
These men agree with everything you say because they know you’ll reward them.
They parrot feminist talking points because they know virtue-signaling gets them laid.
They pretend to be allies while still pumping and dumping you like every other dude.
Then, after getting used and discarded, women turn around and blame ALL men, when in reality?
It was the fake “feminist men” screwing you over the whole time.
📌 5. The Harsh Truth About “Chads” & Why Women Keep Choosing the Same Men Who Hurt Them
Let’s talk about Chad.
You know—the guy every woman wants, but none of them can actually keep.
Chad is attractive.
Chad has options.
Chad has zero reason to commit.
But modern women? They convince themselves:
“I’M the one who will change him.”
No, sweetie. You’re not special.
He has 20 other women just like you.
He will sleep with you, then leave you.
You will call ALL men “dogs” because of the actions of a few dudes who were way out of your league.
Meanwhile, the regular, decent, masculine men on your level? The ones who would treat you well?
You ignored them.
Reality Check: Chad didn’t "use" you. You used yourself.
📌 6. You’re Not a “10,” No One is “Undiscovered” by Vogue, and You’re Not Special
Modern women rate themselves as 10s while wondering:
“If I’m a perfect 10, why hasn’t a rich, famous, high-value man claimed me?”
Because you’re not a 10.
Real 10s are on magazine covers.
Real 10s don’t have to declare it.
Real 10s are actively pursued by the highest-status men.
If Vogue hasn’t “discovered” you, it’s not because of some conspiracy against regular women.
Reality Check: Women want hypergamy—but they forget that the men they want… can do better.
🔥 REBLOG if you've seen these delusions in real time. 🤡🔄 💬 COMMENT if you agree or disagree—let’s hear it. 🚩🚩🚩 🚀 FOLLOW for more brutal reality checks. 🕵️♂️💣
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Photo: Courtesy of Fujio EmuraAll products featured on Vogue are independently selected by our editors. However, we may earn\ affiliate revenue on this article and commission when you buy something.From commuting to traveling to everyday outings, there’s perhaps no better bag style suited for a busy, on-the-go lifestyle: the best crossbody bags can elegantly carry you from one situation to the next. After all, being able to effortlessly throw one over your shoulders on your way out the door is key to making getting dressed a breeze.Vogue’s Guide to the Best Crossbody Bags:The It Bag: Loewe Puzzle Edge messenger bag, $4,350The Daily Staple: The Row Regent crossbody bag, $1,290The Minimalist-Friendly: Mansur Gavriel classic leather crossbody, $595The Investment-Worthy: Bottega Veneta Concert pouch Intrecciato shoulder bag, $1,850The Designer Classic: Gucci Horsebit 1955 shoulder bag, $3,400The Everyday Bucket: Cuyana Linea bucket bag, $398The Under-$300 Option: St.Agni soft Crescent bag, $295The Sleek Black: Saint Laurent Manhattan mini bag, $2,100The Spring-Ready: Khaite Lina textured canvas shoulder bag, $1,280The Day-to-Night Staple: Ferragamo Hug soft crossbody bag, $2,600Among the more sought-after qualities when investing in the best crossbody bags is its keen ability to polish off an outfit. Luxurious materials coupled with sleek detailing makes for styles that can, indeed, tie together a look.So what are the must-haves of the season? Expect chic picks from all of the usual mainstays: The Row’s sleek Sofia bag with its crisp gold hardware and structured shape is tailor-made for the loyal minimalist. Bottega Veneta’s Concert pouch is an editor-favorite and perfect for those seeking a textured intrecciato style in their handbag closet. Then there’s JW Anderson’s bold chain motif that’s perennially well-suited for statement-makers.No matter your daily commute—be it by way of bus, subway, or car—consider throwing a crossbody bag over your shoulders for an easy, hands-free way to tote all of your essentials. And if you’re planning a getaway, opt for functional crossbody bags with zippered enclosures and compartments to ensure your passport, tickets, and wallet are safe and sound while traveling. Ahead, shop 28 crossbody bags to wear to work, travel, and well beyond.Saint LaurentManhattan mini leather shoulder bagFor the polished city slicker with a penchant for black, Saint Laurent’s Manhattan bag can take you from business meetings during the day to after-hour cocktails. LoewePuzzle Edge messenger bagKnown for impeccably made leather goods, the Puzzle is a key staple from the Loewe house. This bestseller is now updated with an “Edge” design, featuring clean lacquered edges for a fresh, modern look. It is the perfect traveling companion due to its extra large silhouette, which can easily fit your iPad, water bottle, agenda, and more. Bottega VenetaConcert pouch Intrecciato shoulder bagImpeccably crafted, the Concert pouch is Bottega Veneta’s newest vehicle for their signature Intrecciato technique. I’s petite size makes it perfect for storing the essentials on a night out. The RowFor the ultimate minimalist, The Row’s Regent crossbody is a subtle, barely-there bag, crafted from smooth nappa leather with little hardware. Valentino GaravaniValentino’s practical canvas bag will be a hardworking option for everyday, with enough room for a phone, wallet, and planner. Its distinctly vintage feel, with leather piping and a gold logo, adds a bit of extra flare. BalenciagaLe Cagole studded shoulder bagBalenciaga’s Le Cagole bag is an update on the brand’s It bags from the early aughts, but its crinkled leather and metallic studs still retain their punky edge. Aesther EkmeSac mini suede crossbody bagA soft, suede mini sac from the Danish Aesther Ekme will make an excellent companion for everyday. It’s minimal hardware makes it easy to wear with any outfit. St. AgniSt Agni’s crescent sling bag, while sleek and minimal in soft brown suede, will provide a bit of extra interest to any outfit. Saint LaurentLou quilted leather shoulder bagSaint Laurent’s Lou bag is one of the brands most coveted, signature styles. Its versatile shape, luxe quilted leather and old-school logo make it a timeless classic. The RowSofia leather shoulder bagFor the ultimate quiet-luxury enthusiast, The Row’s Sofia bag is the smaller, elegant counterpart to its viral Margaux bag. It’s crafted from smooth brown leather and features a sleek gold flip clasp. KhaiteLina textured canvas shoulder bagKhaite’s canvas Lina crossbody cuts an understated silhouette, with a subtle logo. Its adjustable leather strap can also be removed, so this bag can double as a clutch. Tory BurchLee Radziwill leather shoulder bagTory Burch’s Lee Radziwill bag is inspired by the personal style of the socialite herself. The structured shape and burgundy shade feel simultaneously classic and au courant. SavetteSymmetry 19 leather shoulder bagSavette’s Symmetry bag lives up to its name, with each element in perfect proportion. Brand founder, Amy Zurek, spent a year studying crossbody bags in order to develop this harmonious and functional shape. Acne StudiosMusubi knotted leather shoulder bagAcne’s Musubi bag is inspired by Japanese obi sashes, with its soft textured knot details. Beautifully crafted, it’s an art piece that’s practical too. FerragamoMaximilian Davis’s Hug collection for Ferragamo has been a fashion editor-favorite ever since it debuted. For a warm winter take, consider the Hug bag in a luxurious pony hair, which has versatile appeal given it can be worn as both a crossbody and a clutch. Polo Ralph Laurenmini ID leather saddle bagThe saddle bag gets an updated modern touch by Ralph Lauren. Available in both rich camel and crisp white, we suggest styling it with your favorite tweed blazer and blue jeans—no saddle required. CuyanaCuyana’s Linea bag is the perfect size for the woman on the go. Stow your book, keys, phone, notebook and more. DeMelliersmall Vancouver leather crossbodyDemellier is known for its contemporary, minimalist handbags and the caramel shade of its Vancouver crossbody perfectly complements its gold hardware. It will go swimmingly with all of your summer whites. PradaIf you are looking for a no-fuss, miniature-sized crossbody to bring with you on nights out, this Prada is for you. Simple in design and featuring its signature logo clasp, it is just the right size to keep your phone, wallet, and keys safely in place as you hit the dance floor. NeousPhoenix suede shoulder bagWe love Neous for its minimalist designs, and the Phoenix bag is a classic crossbody equipped with a boxy silhouette to easily fit your wallet, phone, makeup, and more. It includes an easy access magnetic closure in the shape of a gold sphere. GucciHorsebit 1955 shoulder bagIf you’re going to invest in one Gucci handbag, the Horsebit 1955 is an heirloom accessory in the making. A modern twist on the classic heritage piece, you can wear it for years to come and pass it down to the next generation. It’s a forever classic. A.P.C.A.P.C.’s small Grace bag features a three-compartment interior for easy organization. With its gold hardware, it’s a can’t-go-wrong-with style that you’ll reach for time and again. Mansur Gavrielclassic leather crossbody bagMansur Gavriel’s signature minimalism is on display in this thoughtfully-crafted bag made from vegetable-tanned leather. JW AndersonLarge enough to stow a book or a kindle, JW Anderson’s corner bag is a perfect fit for stylish travelers everywhere. Crafted in Spain, the bag features the designer’s signature gold hardware and a zippered top to keep your passport, phone, and wallet safely in place. Miu MiuWander Matelassé Hobo bagMiu Miu’s retro, quilted Mini Wander Matelassé is one of the brand’s signature girlish staples. Its petite size and top-handle capabilities make it a staple for an evening out. Massimo Duttibraided leather shoulder bagThis braided leather bag from Massimo Dutti closes with a subtle, concealed magnetic clasp, making it essentially hardware-free—perfect for the ultimate minimalist who still wants to add a bit of texture to their ensemble. Proenza SchoulerCity leather shoulder bagProenza Schouler’s City Small bag is an excellent option for urban dwellers on the go. Its compartments and zipped internal pockets will satisfy those with a penchant for organization. LemaireCroissant coated-canvas shoulder bagLemaire’s cult-classic Croissant bag is inspired by the flaky French pastry after which it’s named. This glossy coated canvas version is simultaneously sleek and statement-making. Source link
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Photo: Courtesy of Fujio EmuraAll products featured on Vogue are independently selected by our editors. However, we may earn\ affiliate revenue on this article and commission when you buy something.From commuting to traveling to everyday outings, there’s perhaps no better bag style suited for a busy, on-the-go lifestyle: the best crossbody bags can elegantly carry you from one situation to the next. After all, being able to effortlessly throw one over your shoulders on your way out the door is key to making getting dressed a breeze.Vogue’s Guide to the Best Crossbody Bags:The It Bag: Loewe Puzzle Edge messenger bag, $4,350The Daily Staple: The Row Regent crossbody bag, $1,290The Minimalist-Friendly: Mansur Gavriel classic leather crossbody, $595The Investment-Worthy: Bottega Veneta Concert pouch Intrecciato shoulder bag, $1,850The Designer Classic: Gucci Horsebit 1955 shoulder bag, $3,400The Everyday Bucket: Cuyana Linea bucket bag, $398The Under-$300 Option: St.Agni soft Crescent bag, $295The Sleek Black: Saint Laurent Manhattan mini bag, $2,100The Spring-Ready: Khaite Lina textured canvas shoulder bag, $1,280The Day-to-Night Staple: Ferragamo Hug soft crossbody bag, $2,600Among the more sought-after qualities when investing in the best crossbody bags is its keen ability to polish off an outfit. Luxurious materials coupled with sleek detailing makes for styles that can, indeed, tie together a look.So what are the must-haves of the season? Expect chic picks from all of the usual mainstays: The Row’s sleek Sofia bag with its crisp gold hardware and structured shape is tailor-made for the loyal minimalist. Bottega Veneta’s Concert pouch is an editor-favorite and perfect for those seeking a textured intrecciato style in their handbag closet. Then there’s JW Anderson’s bold chain motif that’s perennially well-suited for statement-makers.No matter your daily commute—be it by way of bus, subway, or car—consider throwing a crossbody bag over your shoulders for an easy, hands-free way to tote all of your essentials. And if you’re planning a getaway, opt for functional crossbody bags with zippered enclosures and compartments to ensure your passport, tickets, and wallet are safe and sound while traveling. Ahead, shop 28 crossbody bags to wear to work, travel, and well beyond.Saint LaurentManhattan mini leather shoulder bagFor the polished city slicker with a penchant for black, Saint Laurent’s Manhattan bag can take you from business meetings during the day to after-hour cocktails. LoewePuzzle Edge messenger bagKnown for impeccably made leather goods, the Puzzle is a key staple from the Loewe house. This bestseller is now updated with an “Edge” design, featuring clean lacquered edges for a fresh, modern look. It is the perfect traveling companion due to its extra large silhouette, which can easily fit your iPad, water bottle, agenda, and more. Bottega VenetaConcert pouch Intrecciato shoulder bagImpeccably crafted, the Concert pouch is Bottega Veneta’s newest vehicle for their signature Intrecciato technique. I’s petite size makes it perfect for storing the essentials on a night out. The RowFor the ultimate minimalist, The Row’s Regent crossbody is a subtle, barely-there bag, crafted from smooth nappa leather with little hardware. Valentino GaravaniValentino’s practical canvas bag will be a hardworking option for everyday, with enough room for a phone, wallet, and planner. Its distinctly vintage feel, with leather piping and a gold logo, adds a bit of extra flare. BalenciagaLe Cagole studded shoulder bagBalenciaga’s Le Cagole bag is an update on the brand’s It bags from the early aughts, but its crinkled leather and metallic studs still retain their punky edge. Aesther EkmeSac mini suede crossbody bagA soft, suede mini sac from the Danish Aesther Ekme will make an excellent companion for everyday. It’s minimal hardware makes it easy to wear with any outfit. St. AgniSt Agni’s crescent sling bag, while sleek and minimal in soft brown suede, will provide a bit of extra interest to any outfit. Saint LaurentLou quilted leather shoulder bagSaint Laurent’s Lou bag is one of the brands most coveted, signature styles. Its versatile shape, luxe quilted leather and old-school logo make it a timeless classic. The RowSofia leather shoulder bagFor the ultimate quiet-luxury enthusiast, The Row’s Sofia bag is the smaller, elegant counterpart to its viral Margaux bag. It’s crafted from smooth brown leather and features a sleek gold flip clasp. KhaiteLina textured canvas shoulder bagKhaite’s canvas Lina crossbody cuts an understated silhouette, with a subtle logo. Its adjustable leather strap can also be removed, so this bag can double as a clutch. Tory BurchLee Radziwill leather shoulder bagTory Burch’s Lee Radziwill bag is inspired by the personal style of the socialite herself. The structured shape and burgundy shade feel simultaneously classic and au courant. SavetteSymmetry 19 leather shoulder bagSavette’s Symmetry bag lives up to its name, with each element in perfect proportion. Brand founder, Amy Zurek, spent a year studying crossbody bags in order to develop this harmonious and functional shape. Acne StudiosMusubi knotted leather shoulder bagAcne’s Musubi bag is inspired by Japanese obi sashes, with its soft textured knot details. Beautifully crafted, it’s an art piece that’s practical too. FerragamoMaximilian Davis’s Hug collection for Ferragamo has been a fashion editor-favorite ever since it debuted. For a warm winter take, consider the Hug bag in a luxurious pony hair, which has versatile appeal given it can be worn as both a crossbody and a clutch. Polo Ralph Laurenmini ID leather saddle bagThe saddle bag gets an updated modern touch by Ralph Lauren. Available in both rich camel and crisp white, we suggest styling it with your favorite tweed blazer and blue jeans—no saddle required. CuyanaCuyana’s Linea bag is the perfect size for the woman on the go. Stow your book, keys, phone, notebook and more. DeMelliersmall Vancouver leather crossbodyDemellier is known for its contemporary, minimalist handbags and the caramel shade of its Vancouver crossbody perfectly complements its gold hardware. It will go swimmingly with all of your summer whites. PradaIf you are looking for a no-fuss, miniature-sized crossbody to bring with you on nights out, this Prada is for you. Simple in design and featuring its signature logo clasp, it is just the right size to keep your phone, wallet, and keys safely in place as you hit the dance floor. NeousPhoenix suede shoulder bagWe love Neous for its minimalist designs, and the Phoenix bag is a classic crossbody equipped with a boxy silhouette to easily fit your wallet, phone, makeup, and more. It includes an easy access magnetic closure in the shape of a gold sphere. GucciHorsebit 1955 shoulder bagIf you’re going to invest in one Gucci handbag, the Horsebit 1955 is an heirloom accessory in the making. A modern twist on the classic heritage piece, you can wear it for years to come and pass it down to the next generation. It’s a forever classic. A.P.C.A.P.C.’s small Grace bag features a three-compartment interior for easy organization. With its gold hardware, it’s a can’t-go-wrong-with style that you’ll reach for time and again. Mansur Gavrielclassic leather crossbody bagMansur Gavriel’s signature minimalism is on display in this thoughtfully-crafted bag made from vegetable-tanned leather. JW AndersonLarge enough to stow a book or a kindle, JW Anderson’s corner bag is a perfect fit for stylish travelers everywhere. Crafted in Spain, the bag features the designer’s signature gold hardware and a zippered top to keep your passport, phone, and wallet safely in place. Miu MiuWander Matelassé Hobo bagMiu Miu’s retro, quilted Mini Wander Matelassé is one of the brand’s signature girlish staples. Its petite size and top-handle capabilities make it a staple for an evening out. Massimo Duttibraided leather shoulder bagThis braided leather bag from Massimo Dutti closes with a subtle, concealed magnetic clasp, making it essentially hardware-free—perfect for the ultimate minimalist who still wants to add a bit of texture to their ensemble. Proenza SchoulerCity leather shoulder bagProenza Schouler’s City Small bag is an excellent option for urban dwellers on the go. Its compartments and zipped internal pockets will satisfy those with a penchant for organization. LemaireCroissant coated-canvas shoulder bagLemaire’s cult-classic Croissant bag is inspired by the flaky French pastry after which it’s named. This glossy coated canvas version is simultaneously sleek and statement-making. Source link
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Photo: Courtesy of Fujio EmuraAll products featured on Vogue are independently selected by our editors. However, we may earn\ affiliate revenue on this article and commission when you buy something.From commuting to traveling to everyday outings, there’s perhaps no better bag style suited for a busy, on-the-go lifestyle: the best crossbody bags can elegantly carry you from one situation to the next. After all, being able to effortlessly throw one over your shoulders on your way out the door is key to making getting dressed a breeze.Vogue’s Guide to the Best Crossbody Bags:The It Bag: Loewe Puzzle Edge messenger bag, $4,350The Daily Staple: The Row Regent crossbody bag, $1,290The Minimalist-Friendly: Mansur Gavriel classic leather crossbody, $595The Investment-Worthy: Bottega Veneta Concert pouch Intrecciato shoulder bag, $1,850The Designer Classic: Gucci Horsebit 1955 shoulder bag, $3,400The Everyday Bucket: Cuyana Linea bucket bag, $398The Under-$300 Option: St.Agni soft Crescent bag, $295The Sleek Black: Saint Laurent Manhattan mini bag, $2,100The Spring-Ready: Khaite Lina textured canvas shoulder bag, $1,280The Day-to-Night Staple: Ferragamo Hug soft crossbody bag, $2,600Among the more sought-after qualities when investing in the best crossbody bags is its keen ability to polish off an outfit. Luxurious materials coupled with sleek detailing makes for styles that can, indeed, tie together a look.So what are the must-haves of the season? Expect chic picks from all of the usual mainstays: The Row’s sleek Sofia bag with its crisp gold hardware and structured shape is tailor-made for the loyal minimalist. Bottega Veneta’s Concert pouch is an editor-favorite and perfect for those seeking a textured intrecciato style in their handbag closet. Then there’s JW Anderson’s bold chain motif that’s perennially well-suited for statement-makers.No matter your daily commute—be it by way of bus, subway, or car—consider throwing a crossbody bag over your shoulders for an easy, hands-free way to tote all of your essentials. And if you’re planning a getaway, opt for functional crossbody bags with zippered enclosures and compartments to ensure your passport, tickets, and wallet are safe and sound while traveling. Ahead, shop 28 crossbody bags to wear to work, travel, and well beyond.Saint LaurentManhattan mini leather shoulder bagFor the polished city slicker with a penchant for black, Saint Laurent’s Manhattan bag can take you from business meetings during the day to after-hour cocktails. LoewePuzzle Edge messenger bagKnown for impeccably made leather goods, the Puzzle is a key staple from the Loewe house. This bestseller is now updated with an “Edge” design, featuring clean lacquered edges for a fresh, modern look. It is the perfect traveling companion due to its extra large silhouette, which can easily fit your iPad, water bottle, agenda, and more. Bottega VenetaConcert pouch Intrecciato shoulder bagImpeccably crafted, the Concert pouch is Bottega Veneta’s newest vehicle for their signature Intrecciato technique. I’s petite size makes it perfect for storing the essentials on a night out. The RowFor the ultimate minimalist, The Row’s Regent crossbody is a subtle, barely-there bag, crafted from smooth nappa leather with little hardware. Valentino GaravaniValentino’s practical canvas bag will be a hardworking option for everyday, with enough room for a phone, wallet, and planner. Its distinctly vintage feel, with leather piping and a gold logo, adds a bit of extra flare. BalenciagaLe Cagole studded shoulder bagBalenciaga’s Le Cagole bag is an update on the brand’s It bags from the early aughts, but its crinkled leather and metallic studs still retain their punky edge. Aesther EkmeSac mini suede crossbody bagA soft, suede mini sac from the Danish Aesther Ekme will make an excellent companion for everyday. It’s minimal hardware makes it easy to wear with any outfit. St. AgniSt Agni’s crescent sling bag, while sleek and minimal in soft brown suede, will provide a bit of extra interest to any outfit. Saint LaurentLou quilted leather shoulder bagSaint Laurent’s Lou bag is one of the brands most coveted, signature styles. Its versatile shape, luxe quilted leather and old-school logo make it a timeless classic. The RowSofia leather shoulder bagFor the ultimate quiet-luxury enthusiast, The Row’s Sofia bag is the smaller, elegant counterpart to its viral Margaux bag. It’s crafted from smooth brown leather and features a sleek gold flip clasp. KhaiteLina textured canvas shoulder bagKhaite’s canvas Lina crossbody cuts an understated silhouette, with a subtle logo. Its adjustable leather strap can also be removed, so this bag can double as a clutch. Tory BurchLee Radziwill leather shoulder bagTory Burch’s Lee Radziwill bag is inspired by the personal style of the socialite herself. The structured shape and burgundy shade feel simultaneously classic and au courant. SavetteSymmetry 19 leather shoulder bagSavette’s Symmetry bag lives up to its name, with each element in perfect proportion. Brand founder, Amy Zurek, spent a year studying crossbody bags in order to develop this harmonious and functional shape. Acne StudiosMusubi knotted leather shoulder bagAcne’s Musubi bag is inspired by Japanese obi sashes, with its soft textured knot details. Beautifully crafted, it’s an art piece that’s practical too. FerragamoMaximilian Davis’s Hug collection for Ferragamo has been a fashion editor-favorite ever since it debuted. For a warm winter take, consider the Hug bag in a luxurious pony hair, which has versatile appeal given it can be worn as both a crossbody and a clutch. Polo Ralph Laurenmini ID leather saddle bagThe saddle bag gets an updated modern touch by Ralph Lauren. Available in both rich camel and crisp white, we suggest styling it with your favorite tweed blazer and blue jeans—no saddle required. CuyanaCuyana’s Linea bag is the perfect size for the woman on the go. Stow your book, keys, phone, notebook and more. DeMelliersmall Vancouver leather crossbodyDemellier is known for its contemporary, minimalist handbags and the caramel shade of its Vancouver crossbody perfectly complements its gold hardware. It will go swimmingly with all of your summer whites. PradaIf you are looking for a no-fuss, miniature-sized crossbody to bring with you on nights out, this Prada is for you. Simple in design and featuring its signature logo clasp, it is just the right size to keep your phone, wallet, and keys safely in place as you hit the dance floor. NeousPhoenix suede shoulder bagWe love Neous for its minimalist designs, and the Phoenix bag is a classic crossbody equipped with a boxy silhouette to easily fit your wallet, phone, makeup, and more. It includes an easy access magnetic closure in the shape of a gold sphere. GucciHorsebit 1955 shoulder bagIf you’re going to invest in one Gucci handbag, the Horsebit 1955 is an heirloom accessory in the making. A modern twist on the classic heritage piece, you can wear it for years to come and pass it down to the next generation. It’s a forever classic. A.P.C.A.P.C.’s small Grace bag features a three-compartment interior for easy organization. With its gold hardware, it’s a can’t-go-wrong-with style that you’ll reach for time and again. Mansur Gavrielclassic leather crossbody bagMansur Gavriel’s signature minimalism is on display in this thoughtfully-crafted bag made from vegetable-tanned leather. JW AndersonLarge enough to stow a book or a kindle, JW Anderson’s corner bag is a perfect fit for stylish travelers everywhere. Crafted in Spain, the bag features the designer’s signature gold hardware and a zippered top to keep your passport, phone, and wallet safely in place. Miu MiuWander Matelassé Hobo bagMiu Miu’s retro, quilted Mini Wander Matelassé is one of the brand’s signature girlish staples. Its petite size and top-handle capabilities make it a staple for an evening out. Massimo Duttibraided leather shoulder bagThis braided leather bag from Massimo Dutti closes with a subtle, concealed magnetic clasp, making it essentially hardware-free—perfect for the ultimate minimalist who still wants to add a bit of texture to their ensemble. Proenza SchoulerCity leather shoulder bagProenza Schouler’s City Small bag is an excellent option for urban dwellers on the go. Its compartments and zipped internal pockets will satisfy those with a penchant for organization. LemaireCroissant coated-canvas shoulder bagLemaire’s cult-classic Croissant bag is inspired by the flaky French pastry after which it’s named. This glossy coated canvas version is simultaneously sleek and statement-making. Source link
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Photo: Courtesy of Fujio EmuraAll products featured on Vogue are independently selected by our editors. However, we may earn\ affiliate revenue on this article and commission when you buy something.From commuting to traveling to everyday outings, there’s perhaps no better bag style suited for a busy, on-the-go lifestyle: the best crossbody bags can elegantly carry you from one situation to the next. After all, being able to effortlessly throw one over your shoulders on your way out the door is key to making getting dressed a breeze.Vogue’s Guide to the Best Crossbody Bags:The It Bag: Loewe Puzzle Edge messenger bag, $4,350The Daily Staple: The Row Regent crossbody bag, $1,290The Minimalist-Friendly: Mansur Gavriel classic leather crossbody, $595The Investment-Worthy: Bottega Veneta Concert pouch Intrecciato shoulder bag, $1,850The Designer Classic: Gucci Horsebit 1955 shoulder bag, $3,400The Everyday Bucket: Cuyana Linea bucket bag, $398The Under-$300 Option: St.Agni soft Crescent bag, $295The Sleek Black: Saint Laurent Manhattan mini bag, $2,100The Spring-Ready: Khaite Lina textured canvas shoulder bag, $1,280The Day-to-Night Staple: Ferragamo Hug soft crossbody bag, $2,600Among the more sought-after qualities when investing in the best crossbody bags is its keen ability to polish off an outfit. Luxurious materials coupled with sleek detailing makes for styles that can, indeed, tie together a look.So what are the must-haves of the season? Expect chic picks from all of the usual mainstays: The Row’s sleek Sofia bag with its crisp gold hardware and structured shape is tailor-made for the loyal minimalist. Bottega Veneta’s Concert pouch is an editor-favorite and perfect for those seeking a textured intrecciato style in their handbag closet. Then there’s JW Anderson’s bold chain motif that’s perennially well-suited for statement-makers.No matter your daily commute—be it by way of bus, subway, or car—consider throwing a crossbody bag over your shoulders for an easy, hands-free way to tote all of your essentials. And if you’re planning a getaway, opt for functional crossbody bags with zippered enclosures and compartments to ensure your passport, tickets, and wallet are safe and sound while traveling. Ahead, shop 28 crossbody bags to wear to work, travel, and well beyond.Saint LaurentManhattan mini leather shoulder bagFor the polished city slicker with a penchant for black, Saint Laurent’s Manhattan bag can take you from business meetings during the day to after-hour cocktails. LoewePuzzle Edge messenger bagKnown for impeccably made leather goods, the Puzzle is a key staple from the Loewe house. This bestseller is now updated with an “Edge” design, featuring clean lacquered edges for a fresh, modern look. It is the perfect traveling companion due to its extra large silhouette, which can easily fit your iPad, water bottle, agenda, and more. Bottega VenetaConcert pouch Intrecciato shoulder bagImpeccably crafted, the Concert pouch is Bottega Veneta’s newest vehicle for their signature Intrecciato technique. I’s petite size makes it perfect for storing the essentials on a night out. The RowFor the ultimate minimalist, The Row’s Regent crossbody is a subtle, barely-there bag, crafted from smooth nappa leather with little hardware. Valentino GaravaniValentino’s practical canvas bag will be a hardworking option for everyday, with enough room for a phone, wallet, and planner. Its distinctly vintage feel, with leather piping and a gold logo, adds a bit of extra flare. BalenciagaLe Cagole studded shoulder bagBalenciaga’s Le Cagole bag is an update on the brand’s It bags from the early aughts, but its crinkled leather and metallic studs still retain their punky edge. Aesther EkmeSac mini suede crossbody bagA soft, suede mini sac from the Danish Aesther Ekme will make an excellent companion for everyday. It’s minimal hardware makes it easy to wear with any outfit. St. AgniSt Agni’s crescent sling bag, while sleek and minimal in soft brown suede, will provide a bit of extra interest to any outfit. Saint LaurentLou quilted leather shoulder bagSaint Laurent’s Lou bag is one of the brands most coveted, signature styles. Its versatile shape, luxe quilted leather and old-school logo make it a timeless classic. The RowSofia leather shoulder bagFor the ultimate quiet-luxury enthusiast, The Row’s Sofia bag is the smaller, elegant counterpart to its viral Margaux bag. It’s crafted from smooth brown leather and features a sleek gold flip clasp. KhaiteLina textured canvas shoulder bagKhaite’s canvas Lina crossbody cuts an understated silhouette, with a subtle logo. Its adjustable leather strap can also be removed, so this bag can double as a clutch. Tory BurchLee Radziwill leather shoulder bagTory Burch’s Lee Radziwill bag is inspired by the personal style of the socialite herself. The structured shape and burgundy shade feel simultaneously classic and au courant. SavetteSymmetry 19 leather shoulder bagSavette’s Symmetry bag lives up to its name, with each element in perfect proportion. Brand founder, Amy Zurek, spent a year studying crossbody bags in order to develop this harmonious and functional shape. Acne StudiosMusubi knotted leather shoulder bagAcne’s Musubi bag is inspired by Japanese obi sashes, with its soft textured knot details. Beautifully crafted, it’s an art piece that’s practical too. FerragamoMaximilian Davis’s Hug collection for Ferragamo has been a fashion editor-favorite ever since it debuted. For a warm winter take, consider the Hug bag in a luxurious pony hair, which has versatile appeal given it can be worn as both a crossbody and a clutch. Polo Ralph Laurenmini ID leather saddle bagThe saddle bag gets an updated modern touch by Ralph Lauren. Available in both rich camel and crisp white, we suggest styling it with your favorite tweed blazer and blue jeans—no saddle required. CuyanaCuyana’s Linea bag is the perfect size for the woman on the go. Stow your book, keys, phone, notebook and more. DeMelliersmall Vancouver leather crossbodyDemellier is known for its contemporary, minimalist handbags and the caramel shade of its Vancouver crossbody perfectly complements its gold hardware. It will go swimmingly with all of your summer whites. PradaIf you are looking for a no-fuss, miniature-sized crossbody to bring with you on nights out, this Prada is for you. Simple in design and featuring its signature logo clasp, it is just the right size to keep your phone, wallet, and keys safely in place as you hit the dance floor. NeousPhoenix suede shoulder bagWe love Neous for its minimalist designs, and the Phoenix bag is a classic crossbody equipped with a boxy silhouette to easily fit your wallet, phone, makeup, and more. It includes an easy access magnetic closure in the shape of a gold sphere. GucciHorsebit 1955 shoulder bagIf you’re going to invest in one Gucci handbag, the Horsebit 1955 is an heirloom accessory in the making. A modern twist on the classic heritage piece, you can wear it for years to come and pass it down to the next generation. It’s a forever classic. A.P.C.A.P.C.’s small Grace bag features a three-compartment interior for easy organization. With its gold hardware, it’s a can’t-go-wrong-with style that you’ll reach for time and again. Mansur Gavrielclassic leather crossbody bagMansur Gavriel’s signature minimalism is on display in this thoughtfully-crafted bag made from vegetable-tanned leather. JW AndersonLarge enough to stow a book or a kindle, JW Anderson’s corner bag is a perfect fit for stylish travelers everywhere. Crafted in Spain, the bag features the designer’s signature gold hardware and a zippered top to keep your passport, phone, and wallet safely in place. Miu MiuWander Matelassé Hobo bagMiu Miu’s retro, quilted Mini Wander Matelassé is one of the brand’s signature girlish staples. Its petite size and top-handle capabilities make it a staple for an evening out. Massimo Duttibraided leather shoulder bagThis braided leather bag from Massimo Dutti closes with a subtle, concealed magnetic clasp, making it essentially hardware-free—perfect for the ultimate minimalist who still wants to add a bit of texture to their ensemble. Proenza SchoulerCity leather shoulder bagProenza Schouler’s City Small bag is an excellent option for urban dwellers on the go. Its compartments and zipped internal pockets will satisfy those with a penchant for organization. LemaireCroissant coated-canvas shoulder bagLemaire’s cult-classic Croissant bag is inspired by the flaky French pastry after which it’s named. This glossy coated canvas version is simultaneously sleek and statement-making. Source link
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