#the metatron and zeus
the-metatron · 9 months
Success. I have arrived safely in 1978.
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I already thanked the Doctor on the way. He's all yours now, @spine-fairy. (Just don't expect him to be able to walk for the next few days.)
Now, to search for @angelo-rib-shack's biological father, the infamous Greek God Zeus. And I already think I might know where to find him...
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Indeed. Just as I suspected. As soon as I entered the Disco Swan pub and dance club, I saw the man himself.
Along with his harem (a bit young for my taste, but I respect his hustle, as the young people call it--or will call it a few decades in the future, rather).
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Zeus complimented me on my beautiful purple ensemble, which I won in a bet while playing strip poker with the Doctor and Missy, and offered me a drink, on the house. I know I came here to confront him for so cruelly abandoning poor Angelo, but as someone who ingests things in my time, how could I refuse a stiff drink? (Or a stiff anything?)
I accepted the drink, then another, and soon enough we were laughing and swapping stories like old friends. Specifically, the kind of old friends who used to be lovers. It just felt so easy. Like I'd known him my entire life.
Zeus took my hand and led me to the dance floor. He hid it well, but I could tell he felt unsure. We disco danced until a slow song came on, and then we just held each other and swayed to the music. It was quite romantic, actually. I could tell I was falling in love again. (Sorry @amagnificentobsession)
Eventually, the music seemed too loud, so Zeus suggested we lose this crowd and go back to his place. I consented to this, and we went upstairs to his loft above the club. It was still pretty loud up there, but it was better this way. Now we could finally be alone.
I could finally do what I came here to do.
I demanded Zeus explain why he abandoned the most adorable, angelic little blond boy as a baby. He grew up on the streets, no father or mother, living like an orphan in a Charles Dickens' novel.
Zeus had no idea what I was talking about. He said he hadn't had any new children in thousands of years. He couldn't because his wife Hera always tried to kill them. (She isn't accepting of their open relationship.)
Zeus expressed his sympathy for Angelo, but insisted he was not the father. I looked into his beautiful big brown eyes and saw he was telling me the truth.
"I believe you." I said.
Then, I leaned in and kissed him.
I'll have to pause the story here, because things get quite explicit after that. Click the link below if you want all the juicy details.
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pissylittlebirdboy · 4 months
@the-metatron IS DYING!!
for those who don’t know - to prove himself to Zeus (yuck), Angelo must kill the wrinkled old bastard. Yippee!!
@amagnificentobsession you might wanna know about this
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@the-metatron you certainly have good genes that you pass along. Almost makes me want to impregnate you. And when it’s like the story of Pinocchio where he becomes a real live boy……..Good Lawd!
How do you feel about having another? Not with Zeus.
@angelo-rib-shack @angelina-rib-shack @angelo-chuck-wagon @baby-angelo
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ome-magical-ramblings · 6 months
Chaldean Oracle Verse 147, Gate of Man and Gate of Immortals, Cancer/Capricorn, and Daniel.
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If you speak to me often, you will perceive everything in lion-form. For neither does the curved mass of heaven appear then nor do the stars shine. The light of the moon is hidden, and the earth is not firmly secured, but everything is seen by flashes of lightning.
If you often invoke me all things will appear to you to be a lion. For neither will the convex bulk of heaven then be visible; the stars will not shine; the light of the moon will be concealed; the earth will not stand firm; but all things will be seen in thunder.
Disclaimer: This post is part of my original line of posts of my own blog where I...you guessed I ramble about stuff even if I am wrong because why not. Take it with a grain of salt AND if you actually know what the verse actually mean and want to correct me please go ahead.
In the sixth hour you have the form of a lion; your name is ΒΑΙ ΣΟΛΒΑΙ (BAI SOLBAI), the ruler of time.
"the light of the moon is hidden" reference to Cancer.
Summer tropic is in Cancer, and the winter tropic in Capricorn. And since Cancer is nearest to us, it is very properly attributed to the Moon, which is the nearest of all the heavenly bodies to the earth. But as the southern pole, by its great distance, is invisible to us, hence Capricorn is attributed to Kronos (Saturn)
in On the Cave of the Nymphs by Porphyry:
Homer was not satisfied with saying that it had two gates, but adds that one of the gates was turned towards the north, but the other which was more divine, to the south. He also says that the northern gate was pervious to descent, but does not indicate whether this was also the case with the southern gate. For of this, he only says, "It is inaccessible to men, but it is the path of the immortals
You can kinda see the similar gnosis/insight people have to associate Helios with Hecate in that sense if you attribute this oracle line to Hecate like Psellus did.
Porphyry clearly states that the signs from Cancer to Capricorn, which constitute the descent of a soul into a body, are situated in the following order: and the first of these is Leo, which is the house of Helios (the Sun); afterwards Virgo, which is the house of Hermes (Mercury); Libra, the house of Aphrodite (Venus); Scorpius, of Ares (Mars); Sagittarius, of Zeus (Jupiter); and Capricornus, of Kronos (Saturn). “But from Capricorn,” he adds, the ascent is naturally “in an inverse order.” That is, in an inverse order on the opposing curve of the wheel of the zodiac. Aquarius is attributed to Kronos; Pisces, to Zeus; Aries, to Ares; Taurus, to Aphrodite; Gemini, to Hermes; and in the last place Cancer to the Selene (the Moon), only upon the soul’s descent into a body is the sun’s sign (Leo) encountered. This is basically the whole dichotomy of Metatron and Sandalphon, because you get that similar connection between Malkuth/Kether and Enoch/Elijah, what I see personally is this hinting toward merkavah and Hekhalot literature where you descened to the chariot/merkavah. In a way I can definitely say the hints are astrologically coded but the practice itself isn't astrological strictly.
the whole descent into mysteries is in that verse, the curved mass of heaven nor do star shine IS THE LITERAL HEAVEN if you scry them or work through the gates of merkavah. The light of the moon is hidden and earth is not secured because you're reaching a place that's not "here" in the objective sense of the world, everything is seen by flashes of lighting is very apt way to describe how you actually see stuff there! almost very reminiscent of dreamy visions where everything is remembered haphazardly !
In summary the astrological hints are just symbolic not practically invalid but not restrictive into it, since the sun/lion-form is the first thing that come after Saturn in descent and last thing before Moon then you can see the hint THERE. It's not lion, but the sun which when it shine so brightly it will hide the rays of the moon, you can see that the sun is both what we can fall into and we can rise through.
I definitely felt very excited to share my hot take about this oracle line, because it is rather very related to some other blogs that I did work with. Now...dare I say that these lion forms is what Daniel saw in the pit when he got thrown? notice how Daniel immediately start having visions after the lion pits from Daniel 6 to 7, it is an immediate jump.
Daniel in the Lion's Den c1615 Peter Paul Rubens
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the-lady-metatron · 3 months
I look forward to meeting you Lady Metatron. My husband is quite taken with you.
If you need any assistance with Zeus, please let me know. I’d be willing to help you in anyway. He’s quite the douche.
I look forward to meeting you too. If your Metatron married you then I'll likely be quite taken with you as well... If you are willing to help me in any way. ;)
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myvampiricworld · 6 months
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Zeus and Metatron
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papadablo · 1 year
the second coming, jesus and god as a character
as the metatron mentioned the second coming [of christ], it's safe (-ish) to assume that jesus will somehow appear in the next season. this raises a question that good omens has (strategically?) omitted; which, i believe, has been a great choice. nevertheless, change may i come, and it might be for the better.
as of now, the series chose not to depict god in any particular way. this makes sense. each person has a deeply personal version and conception of god. it also makes the situation of the characters more approachable: they might know god exists, but they remain distant from the Almighty. a halo of mystery we are all familiar with. a halo that may be fading away next season, which gives room to one hope: for good omens to choose the hardest depiction of god as a perfect, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent entity.
let's be honest, it'd feel cheap if all the suffering of crowley and aziraphale was the product of a whimsical and zeus-like or a clumsy and fallible yet well intended divinity. because here we have two different ideas that have a complicated coexistence but required for their journey to be completely meaningful:
their suffering and joy to be the consequence of both their free will and/or the free will others.
their suffering and joy to have been known by god and to be part of the ineffable plan
in other words, there has to be a delicate balance between them being simple pawns in a dictator's chessboard and them being helpless in a universal void. neither them nor god can be pointless, or the story will be. i am no writer, i don't know which would be the best way to portray it, but i know a great example of what not to do: lucifer.
during the first seasons of lucifer, we know there is a god, but we don't have a clue of what are His plans. the viewer is left with delicious crumbs which point in the direction that lucifer's suffering and exile, and god's silence had a meaning and a point. sadly, in the last seasons, this is completely lost. after going silent for millenia, god joins in scene and says 'lol my bad'. it's true that lucifer and good omens, although both religion-themed, neil gaiman-authored stories, are given in radically different situations with vastly contrasting production, the temptation is there (pun intended).
it is true that all this fuss may be unnecessary. they might choose a more human jesus and blow up the concept of the trinity (however i don't think they will want to lose the quite non-denominational christian atmosphere of the show). there might not be jesus at all, or 3rd season whatsoever. pero dicho queda.
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ftalos · 1 year
Tactician's Cup power levels [Biased]
Disclaimer: This alignment comes from watching streams. I haven't been able to play a lot of private matches myself.
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Forest (Combo): Relatively weak, its playstyle consists on setting everything in order to unleash a big combo, preferrably Ladica OTK, around turn 7-8, but after that it tends to fizzle out. Condemned, Acclerate and Control drafts are available, but they're not the easiest targets.
Sword (Loot): Next GP's biggest winner, avoid drafting Elana and Vincent and go the midrange playstyle that's tier 1 in rotation at the moment. Octrice just makes it easier. Card Pools A and B have cards like Runie and Covenant mage that must be avoided.
Rune (Spellboost): Spellboost without Dimension Shift and Imagination Realized got some strong substitutes in the form of 0-cost spells. Capable of spamming big boards, with isabelle still around for 10 points of damage to secure your victory, Spellboost is one of the safest options.
Dragon (Discard): This deck is over reliant on Lumiore, which makes getting at least two a priority during drafting in order to win. It gets harder to play when all the cards in hand are potentially good so discard targets might become scarce.
Shadow (Condemned Last Words): As strong as last time, Chris winning condition might become a threat but is not the endgame goal this time, Sephie and (with a bit of luck) Antemaria are the go to pieces in order to get wins. Istyndet + Abyssal colonel is a nice combo to look for.
Blood (Evolve): Zeus (With Metatron) and Skeleton Raider are still good, with the latter being mandatory during drafting phase. This deck has the most consistent playstyle but lacks the explosive lethals around turn 6-8 that other classes have.
Haven (Ward): My personal favorite, this deck is solid enough to see play but not strong enough to get wins consistently, it can be played as control in order to get over loot and has outs/techs for all the other classes, with the trading of being the only class that will need at least two turns lategame to win the game.
Portal (Token): Sword's old playtyle is now in portalcraft and has changed quite a bit. It's one of the few classes that can play aggressive from the early game while Erika, Kyrzael and Ramiel seal the deal. I highly recommend it, but be careful or you might end up without cards in hand.
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the-metatron · 8 months
Coming Soon: Five People, One Baby -- Who's the Father?
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After a wild weekend during which I:
-hitched a ride on the TARDIS with the Twelfth Doctor and Missy, beating them both in strip poker and claiming them as my reward,
-travelled back in time to 1978 and had a romantic evening with the Greek God Zeus that turned into a weekend of horizontal dancing,
-and then going back to the future with Doc Brown in his DeLorean as his passenger princess
I unexpectedly and inexplicably somehow ended up pregnant. So, I reached out to my 'good friend' Maury Povich for help DNA testing my yet-to-be-born child. (If one thing led to another and we ended up in bed together, that's neither here nor there.)
But before the episode airs, would any of my metuals like to place any bets?
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scancerable · 1 year
Recently I've ended up reading or watching a couple of things where the gods from a bunch of different mythologies are actually real. It's not on purpose or anything, they're all from a bunch of different genres and stuff. God of Highschool, Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, American Gods, Percy Jackson, Record of Ragnarok, a couple NSFW. And these take different routes, sometimes the gods are real because people believe in them, sometimes people got the stories of the gods from watching them, but usually in these kinds of things, the power of the gods is directly proportional to how powerful they are in their stories. So it follows that the heads of the pantheons are on top. Zeus, Odin, Ra, Buddha sometimes, that kind of thing. So it stands to reason that the Christian God, or maybe Jesus, would have some representation. But they're never there. In Percy Jackson, Thor had a one-off line about how he challenged Jesus to a fight and Jesus didn't show up. God of Highschool and Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint both made powerful angels the representatives of Christianity (ie Metatron, Uriel) which is interesting, because at least in the Bible, angels barely do anything. And those angels never even mention the Christian God or anyone above them. Record of Ragnarok says that the biblical Adam is real, and the snake that gave Eve the apple is an evil snake god, not the devil, and there is no capital G god. I just find it kind of interesting that even in stories about tearing the gods down from their pedestal, about the power of stories or human belief, which usually don't pay a huge amount of attention to mythological accuracy anyway, they still hesitate to show the Christian God as being imperfect.
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icharchivist · 1 year
So ever since roulette season started I not only got 2 Edens, but I also got the last Metatron I needed for FLB, I got my first Lu Woh summon and I also randomly lucked into my first Harmonia in the free 100 from the paid spark. Not only that, but I also have a FLB'd Zeus just from dupes. Really feels like the game is trying to tell me something.
holy shit???
yeah the game isn't being subtle about your new calling. Telling you to see the Light, literally. To answer to that primal urge.
but wow that's incredible!! go go go, go become a light god!!! that's fantastic omg.
so happy for you!!! <3
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c3l3st1al-bab13s · 3 months
Cherubs & their caretakers
◇= Any universe
♡= Chronicles of the Host
♤= Third Heaven
□= Hazbin Hotel
☆= Supernatural
¤= I made up
The key is the most popular version I use them with, that said, no matter the universe, the caretaker doesn't change. Some are just exclusive, whereas with others, I can use multiple variations such as Cael.
Cael: Lucifer ◇
Kokabiel: Kara ♡
Rahab: Rugio ♡
Pascal: Pellecus ♡
Celio: Tinius ♡
Abain: Adam □
Alcure: Adam □
Esth: Adam □
Mercury: Apollyon/Abaddon ♤
Venus: Apollyon/Abaddon ♤
Mars: Apollyon/Abaddon ♤
Jupiter: Apollyon/Abaddon ♤
Saturn: Apollyon/Abaddon ♤
Uranus: Apollyon/Abaddon ♤
Neptune: Apollyon/Abaddon ♤
Pluto: Apollyon/Abaddon ♤
Saint: Michael ◇
Hadriel: Raphael ◇
Zion: Gabriel ◇
Ambrose: Raguel □
Angelito: Azrael (and Leo) □
Issac: Elijah, Enoch, and Hannel ♤
Hamal: Eladrin ♤
Ginger: Undecided □
Wilhelm: Undecided □
Alphonse: Undecided all around
Leilani: Sangius ♡
Halo: Talus ♤
Golden: Sariel ♤
Haven: Jeremiel ♤
Engel: Metatron ◇
Dionysus: Zeus ♤
Conquest: Zeus ♤
War: Aries ♤
Plague: Lilness ¤
Death: Saesheal, later 'taken on' by Lucifer ♤
Famine: Beelzebub ◇
Zelos: Leviathan ◇
Nocturn: Belphegor ◇
Sirius: Satan ◇
Adelio: Mammon ◇
Samson: Asmodeus ◇
Kem: Ashtaroth ♤
Caim: Necros ♡
Amor: Uriel ◇
Atlas: Grolus ♡
Madiel: Serus ♡
Sedekiel: Undecided ◇
Orifiel: Crispin ♡
Valefar: Piamon □
Draco: Poseidon ◇
Priam: Poseidon ◇
Zephyr: Poseidon ◇
Castor: Poseidon ◇
Pollux: Poseidon ◇
Notus: Poseidon ◇
Taurus: Charon ♤
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amagnificentobsession · 8 months
*Smiles looking @baby-angelo *
Hi beautiful! I’ve been wanting to hold you since you were born. 😉✨
Looks like you have had a lot of action since then. Lots of people seem to love you. Sometimes good intentions are a little crazy. @e-w-w-morningstar @kleenexwoman @sliceocheese
I always wondered what @angelo-rib-shack looked like as a baby. I mean @angelo-chuck-wagon is my son and I raised him but that’s been a long time ago.
*Wipes hand across the sky to remove the clouds*
Look at all those stars. They sparkle so pretty. Just for you. ✨
I know that some want you to go back in time. Some want you to stay here.
Your dad @the-metatron wants to take you back to 1978 because he’s afraid all this time travel shit oops sorry, stuff, scares him that he may lose his Angelo. Scary stuff when you really love someone, the thought of losing them.
Since Zeus is your dad along with Met I’m pretty sure you are immortal. I’m really new at this stuff, so I may be wrong. Since Angelo(s) are, I think you are too.
*Shifts baby’s position to be sure he’s comfortable *
Don’t write off the humans. I was human for a long, long time. Your daddy Met, made me immortal because I asked, and @god-in-the-basement made me a God and gave me a cosmos when I joined her in Union.
I know lots of Immortals won’t have much to do with humans, but darling child, they are truly amazing. I know, they are so clever but so stupid sometimes. It’s because they can’t decide whether to listen to their heart or their brain. You will always hear me say, the heart wants what the heart wants. Doesn’t mean it’s always right.
Also, don’t let everyone tell you that all demons are bad and all angels are good. That’s bullshit damnit crap too. Gabriel, who was an Archangel was awful. Aziraphale who is an Angel is wonderful, and his Demon Crowley loves him dearly. (Gabriel is now with Beelzebub and much nicer now)
Nanny Ashtoreth @dream-of-pain is a demon, but she isn’t evil. She tempts like all demons, but she loved (yes Ashtoreth loved) Aunt Sophie (Nanny’s true God) enough to fall willingly with Her.
My darling child, there’s so much you will learn. So much joy you will experience.
*Looks down at you, eyes filing with tears*
You are so beautiful. So perfect. Just like the other 2 Angelo’s. Don’t EVER doubt that. EVER.
I love you so much. ♥️
The best part of this, since I am a God, I can hear your thoughts, your wants. Tell me Baby Angelo…..
Who would you like to rear you? (Pigs are raised, children are reared.)
Who do you want to start this life with?
*snuggles down under the stars with baby angelo*
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atrayo · 1 year
Channeled Angelic Wisdom of the Jewels of Truth Series on Transvestites
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Hello All,
Today's solitary topic is going to be a controversial zinger. Call me an idiot since I broached the topic with the Holy Angel because of all the sociological hate occurring here in my State of Florida. These are the angelic heavenly viewpoint from the mountaintop Big Picture. Don't shoot the messenger meaning, Moi!
Anyhow I'm heterosexual for any homophobic haters out there. (just in case) Throughout history, practically the slow arch of justice has turned in the favor of the persecuted. Pick your type of wrathful animosity be it religious, economic, political, cultural, disability, or even sexual orientation. America for its mighty ideals of Freedom and Liberty has an exceptional fear of the unknown of persecuting all manner of foreigners. Go figure!
As the good book of the Apostle John once wrote in chapter 8 verse 7. 
"So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."
This is just the hysteria of divide and conquer out of irrational animalistic fear by the persecutors.  
3230) For those that have been persecuted in the world for being bi-sexual, homosexual, and certainly fully transvestites. You are the holiest esteemed children of God as the beloved angelic young martyrs to be reborn as spirits. All of you reincarnated into a very vile barbaric society of prudish fools having a myopic homogenous existence thrust upon you. Just so they don't feel uncomfortable with their own Protestant lifestyle. 
Those who insist on becoming homophobic fearmongers with hysterical untruths as unfortunate cultural tropes. Become no better than the disgusting wash thrown out the window in order to keep the House of God hygienic. Such deceivers have no place as tormentors of the inclusive diverse faith of God amongst all religions and spiritual traditions globally.
These are the will of dividers to separate not the wheat from the chaff. But, to mix their inhumanity into an outlook that was settled by countless spiritual masters of grace eons ago as the lesser deified divinities. These angelic spirits are known in your global mythologies as Avalokitesvara, Dionysus, Pan, Hermaphroditus, Eros (ie Cupid), Zeus, and so forth. 
The selective memory of humanity is indeed grotesque when hypocrisy enters into the so-called Puritan values. Something so holy and beautiful to be inverted into its insidious opposite is ungodly by rhetorical hatred of others. So speaketh the Lord of Hosts, Metatron. 
You see spirituality includes a gentle bridge of acceptance of one's multi-cultural identities and lifestyles. Allowing the fullest expression of grace to incapsulate anyone regardless of political, economic, humanitarian, and so forth customs of orientation. There is no shame and guilt or even fear whatsoever of your oriented genders and consensual loving sexual practices in the paradise of the Heavens. 
It is an all-inclusive Immaculate spiritual reality that exceeds the dogmas of Patriarchal men. Who fear the lack of procreation of the species due to all manners of homosexuality. Passing Judgement is wholly based on the concept of the freedom of sexual expression that is against the so-called Orthodoxy. Of any particular castrated and mutated religious tradition bent out of shape over the centuries and eons ago. 
A warped religious tradition by the so-called Councils of Nicea was more a pecking order of who's who importance representing Christianity long ago. The Manichaeism be Damned into submission to their way of life or else!
The persecution of the martyrs of the world regardless of the type of hatred endured. Becomes redeemed in God instantly through a Gnosis of utterly Pure Compassion for all souls and reincarnated spiritual beings upon this world of yours. The Heavens aren't just for one earthen religious practice for the world based on whichever epoch in question has supremacy culturally and historically speaking. It is an umbrella a beautiful sanctified macrocosm of the infinite expressions of a benevolent Creator Almighty God reborn as its children.
A united dominion beyond the need for humanistic reaches of justice. What counts as justice upon the world when it is corrupted by evil doers becomes a tyrannical empire by any other name. Heaven is more of a Perfect Union not of only exceptional luminaries as the Heavenly Host, but of all the gentle loving souls that are its native utopian citizens metaphysically. 
To hate and deceive based upon disgusting and twisted fears is anathema to the grace of God in Paradise. Puritans of so-called family values as conservatives are nothing more than well-meaning souls tricked by a false prophet leading them into perdition instead. 
The Hour of the Lord God casts a long shadow of ill-ease for those that profess Christos and then do the opposite in political rallies of subjugating the other that is different from their own lifestyle. Such backward mentality spells an unease of the faithful being tricked to hate in the guise of being pious Christians instead. Wasn't the WWII (World War 2) Holocaust of the Jews, Gays, Disabled, Political Prisoners, Criminals, Gypsies, and so forth enough to not repeat that demonized history? 
When times are difficult humanity is always key to blame the other minority group as a mere convenient scapegoat. Nero did it in Ancient Rome against the cultists of the early Christians in the Coliseum making sport out of their devoted piety unto God himself. Will the insurrectionists do this again in America of your Trumpian hateful era? Will the disgruntled Confederacy rise again out of the ashes of destruction to wield its divisive head? 
Humanity in America is at a crossroads again to choose from during your troubling times of distrust and unease. Flashpoints of historical need always reveal both villains and heroes at every possible turn. Will those brave martyrs of sexual orientation to be knighted by God(dess) as reincarnated angels please step forward with conviction. 
Those as Homosexual, Bi-sexuals, Pan-sexuals, Transvestites, Queer, Non-binary, and so forth please realize. That each of you is spiritually transforming your beautiful remarkable essence of God from your biological sex at birth into its twin opposite within a temporal lifetime. 
The Divine Perfect Constant Almighty Apex Supreme Identity of Patriarchal Father God is also equally and forever Matriarchal Mother Goddess for all countless Creations times Infinity! You are the spiritual transformative heroes and heroines of the ages volunteering to be reborn at this chaotic barbaric animalistic simian flash point. You are indeed the Heavenly Children of God reborn! Amen.  (Channeled via Metatron the Archangel) ---Ivan A. Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.
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Ivan "Atrayo" Pozo-Illas, has devoted 27 plus years of his life to the pursuit of clairaudient Inspired automatic writing channeling the Angelic Heavenly host. Ivan is the author of the spiritual wisdom series "Jewels of Truth" consisting of 3 volumes published to date. He also channels conceptual designs that are multi-faceted for the next society to come that are solutions based as a form of dharmic service. Numerous examples of his work are available at "Atrayo's Oracle" blog site of 17 years plus online. You're welcome to visit his website "Jewelsoftruth.us" for further information or to contact Atrayo directly.
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shinmegamitensei · 3 years
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smt v demons (part 21)
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the-lady-metatron · 3 months
@angelina-rib-shack My sweet little profiterole, can you please tell @the-metatron and @god-wednesday to please be patient. I don't want Zeus to ride my ass all the way to this safe universe!
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