#the main reason i dont often make posts on this is bc a lot of western voices are very Bad at giving statements
hivepixels · 3 months
#i wrote the arsl essay really emotionally if it's illogical i'm very sorry it's just my impression T0TTTTT.........#mumblings#EVEN THE SOLLUX ONE IS CRINGE TO ME I CANT LOOK AT IT ANYMORE i'm just glad people who've gotten something out of it can feel#more reassured in their enjoyment of these characters bcs theyre awesome & i like when people think abt them esp in relation to each other#i was so 👀!!! by how sollux detected his relevancy was reduced compared to the rest of the meteor crew and chose to step away with aradia#and since her arc was pretty much finished around the same time as his i rlly love how they complete their jobs then go off have fun#(well sollux is extra funny bcs he doesnt WANT to be a Main Character but mf can't resist adding his two cents backseat commentary LOL)#anw.. idk if ive ever mentioned but i dont care for pale arsl whatsoever skjskj highkey resent the popularity of that depiction but i don't#have grounds to complain since it gives people a reason to keep including aradia with sollux somehow#once again coming from a dvkt background i often saw aradia and sollux entering as a pair so it was wild to switch to slkt and#find out a lot of sollux shippers don't like aradia as much. or at all#<- was scrolling old posts and saw that people have been discussing this same exact thing years ago LMAO the cycle repeats itself#i think sollux should 🥺👉👈 for aradia forever its funnier to think he likes her so much and she's just. occupied by more important things#ANYTHING SHE NEEDS HE WILL COME.... SHE JUST HAS TO ASK. BUT WHAT CAN SHE POSSIBLY ASK FOR WHEN SHE'S ALREADY SO CAPABLE....... HSJAHAA#back when she approached him for tech and research assistance he could feel useful but now. he's huddled in the corner sad puppy#its so ;;; when ppl make him super relieved to see aradia like WAAGHHHHHH SHE'S HERE... SHE'S HERE FOR HIM!!!!!!!!!#sollux wanting to be more important to aradia is a thought i revisit a lot he just wants to know if there's anything there#but he can't pick Just One Thing and regardless of the outcome good or bad he'll always regret screwing it up#in reality its not his fault lol just like karkat dude's got the self-sabotage instinct for things no one holds him against for so. yeh#STILL don't take my opinions as truth gospel alright i'm a fangirl not a meta writer!!!!!!!!!
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taylorftparamore · 4 months
the way some of yall talk about palestinian lives is giving white saviourism. you talk about these folks like they havent been fighting back and minimize & diminish their efforts of survival. like. palestine DOES still have adults in it fighting to protect their children & their neighbors’ lives. they are passing down their culture to save their culture from destruction & begging us to uplift their voices. maybe we as westerners need to actively check how we talk about this conflict, hm?
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kindred-spirit-93 · 2 days
watch me wip, watch me nuh uh
excuse the awful title lol, but i was listening to the epic version of the arab nokia tune and not only does it slap, but it made me think of a very rough draft of a concept idea for a wip i had a few years ago
i hopped onto tumblr to ask a few questions and get some insight, but in the process of mentally making this post i decided i wont be able to achieve what i want the way want (in the forseeable future at least) so im discontinuing something i havent even started.
thank you for coming to my ted talk :D
curious. i like u. anyway heres what could have been if i slayed as the kids say:
the idea was a fantasy (maybe even futuristic) novel set in a place heavily influenced by the middle east and the regions history, cradle of civilisation and all. the concept idea was for two kingdoms whose rulers where raised as brothers and are very close fall into discord and disharmony after shadowy shapeshifters (bad guys) of another realm sought to divide and conquer the kingdoms and seize their assets and domains (wow this is less subtle than i thought lol)
its up to the two crown princesses of the kingdoms to uncover the evil plots schemed, weed out the traitors assassin style or sum, and reunite the two kingdoms before its too late. all of this of course while they are the most wanted on the planet. girly things amirite
the world building is very shaky and i dont have the patience nor the braincells to spare to really sit down and come up with something, but the idea was several realms that 'represent' (dont laugh at me) the primary & secondary colours, and each one has a bunch of domains that include an element and an area of knowledge, but with time and a few other factors societies merged and theres a lot of diversity and multiculturalism and its all wonderful and awesome till disaster strikes and its used against them.
for example unnamed kingdom one is the biggest producer of minerals and grain, the main colours of the kingdom are gold and green and their domain is agriculture and languages (idk dont ask)
whereas unnamed kindom two is more celestial and astronomy oriented, with colours being navy and silver (or bronze now that i think of it) and its domain is scroll keeping and cartography
now with the passage of time and the rise and fall of dynasties and all that jazz, the domains are much more mixed as a reflection of the developments of the societies (primary colours becoming seconday and tertiary and so on and so forth), many city states specialising in one area of knowledge are grouped under the rule of a kingdom. essentially the world is a big beautiful tapestry :')
like for example a kingdom being home to the worlds biggest trade route and being a melting pot of cultures and tongues and faiths, has no specific colour; all encompasing and its glorious (idk how much it fits in the current timeline & narrative but its something)
again i dont have much world building down and what little i do is very vague lol, but thats the premise. the two princessess as of now belong to these two kingdoms and are bestest best friends, mirroring the epic bromance of their fathers before them lol. they are different in nearly everyhting but they are two halves of the same soul (platonic soulmates lets go!) and fiercely love each other >:D
so yeah. 2 princesses join forces to overthrow the ultimate evil and be the awesome kickass bff queens that they are. friendship (maybe more?) saves the day and reigns supreme as it so often does, but this time theres badassery and murder involved. dark stuff and fluff too
im hesitant to put this idea up for adoption bc a big reason it came to be was me being sick of all the gross stereotypes and tropes of everything ever manufactured and perpetuated by the west and me selfishly wanting to be represented correctly in media, esp original works, so im leaving this here in a sort of grey area i guess.
suggestions question thoughts ideas asks welcome! please be my guest ^-^
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neptuniadoesstuff · 1 month
Finally finished this alcoholic old guy named Beef (joke) whom I'm deff not gonna take in hostage-
(Small Warning for main pics: Does contain scars & burns but those are healed so nothing too serious)
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(Danger Man McGhee on the Left, Normie Beef Man on the Right)
So I am kinda feeling better but still kinda meh atm. Anyways some art I wanted my time on & think it's not really good. (This is for a DT btw but I doubt the person I'm having the dt with will approve since kinda just... boring imo..) (Except one of my frends ON SCREb FRIKIN "SIMPS" FOR HIM BCS HE HAS A BEARD-)
Anyways imma tell you some things about this moron:
He's a complete idiot who's a mechanic, but due to him being a idiot he often hurts himself on accident. (Which explains the burns)
He is divorced 6 TIMES! But only has one kid named Jasoer who is the child of his first spouse. (Which makes Jasper his estranged son)
He's a alcoholic & sometimes passes out from drinking a lot. (Btw kids don't drink you'll prob pass out or even die)
He's jealous of Sanchi (my Fallout OC) bcs well... Sanchi is smarter than him also bcs ANGUS IS LITERALLY JUST A STICK WHILE SANCHI CAN LITERALLY SNAP HIM IN HALF IF HE SO WANTS TO!
He gave himself the nickname "Danger Man McGhee" which is the most stupidest name to think of but hey a idiot giving himself a dum nickname is prob like "The floor is made of floor" or smtn.
Despite his stupidity & his very poor taste in men (srsly bro yur first lover literally SCRAPED YUR FRIKIN ARMS FOR SOME MALIOUS REASON), he's a good fighter, however ever since he stopped raiding, he kinda just works on machines & be lazy.
Thats really it tbh. I'm just not really to well mentally so I'm not really well motivated to actually do a thing like actually talk to ppl. (Plz don't ask why its... personal)
Some Extras:
(Warning: Does contain lots & lots of bl00d on one of the extras so beware)
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The Moron w/o his cloth things & GoObLeS (God just smite me down I don't wanna be here anymore).
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McGhee but w/o the goggles which aren't even canon to Fallout or FNV.
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MaN, drawing the bl00d on this one was as hard as me trying to keep my sanity & not try to frikin screech at my mom anytime she won't leave me the frik alone. (Dont... ask... Again personal stuff)
Anyways that's all for the bonuses/extras. I hope you enjoy this, or don't, just don't dictate what ppl like or not, I'm just a random ahh kid on the net who draws for a hobby/living & is very much not sane.
Character was created & designed by me.
Art is mine. (Do not take w/o permission or imma throw u off a cliff)
Program: IbisPaint.
Bubs' TOS: Plz don't repost/steal, trace, or recolor my art WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! If you do, I'll take yur femur and pelvis.. SO, DON'T THINK ABOUT IT! (The PNS on my blog's pinned post clearly means "Please No Steal" plz follow that rule.) If you do post my art on anything like yur blog or somewhere else (With my permission) PLEASE CREDIT ME!
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ariscats · 1 year
Jameson Hawthorne POV in The Brothers Hawthorne, why so different?
Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of ppl who dint liked or enjoyed jamesons pov in the new book, the brothers hawthorne, as it felt “rushed” or “flat” to some ppl, and im not here to try to change or fight w you, only to explain why it felt like this.
If you just want the reason, its bc the emotional side of Jameson wasnt worked with bc it wasnt necessary to the purpose of the book and the new triology, but there is an explanation for this.
First of all, Jamesons character already went thought his character arc in the main triology, so when JLB was writing his pov, she dint “care” at all for his emotions, only on the characters on his plot line. Its hard to say now as the new triology (the grandest game) isnt out yet but you cannot say that the characters on jamesons game (the adult ones) wont appear again, JLB let too many open windows to not.
We also have to understand that TBH wasnt necessarily a book on its own in question of character and plot ( i swear to god the day i find the mtf that said it was ok to sell TBH as a standalone) but a rl long prologue to the new saga, so my theory is that when TGG come out, jameson plot line will make much more sense as it will actually have some use.
In my opinion, this is what JBL needed to do, and was thinking, when she wrote the book:
- need to finish grayson character arc as it will be essential to the next saga (he’ll be one of the mc there)
- need to introduce the characters from the Devils Mercy and their secrets as we’ll need to already know they exist for The Grandest Game
In conclusion, Jamesons pov dint rl need its emotional part bc, theoretically, that part was already finished in the main saga. Was it rl finished? For the purpose of what we were presented in tig (the trauma of his relasionship w emily) yes. (but it was rl funny how she wrote 3 book abt jameson and grayson trauma w emily only to mention it twice in flashbacks on their books)
But for the purpose of his family trauma? his so called granddaddy issues? no. So JBL needed to fix that, but i think its clear that she prioritized the plot over his family (mother and fathers side) problems, but that can also be explained.
JBL needed to write two very different plot lines with as little pages as she could, bc lets be honest, no ones wants to read +500 pages books, specially coming from the TIG universe, that is sold as a fast read bc of its short chapters. That means she needed to present all of the things that will be important to the next book AND she needed to finish Grayson character arc as 1- itll be important to the next book 2- there as a popular request to it since THL, and it grew so much after TFG, she just needed to work a LOT w him and w that, jameson got put aside and his pov often felt more of an observer than a character.
honestly? i dont think its that bad as ppl are talking, i see and understand the reasons that ppl dint liked it but i spend to much time overanalyzing it to not like it.
not relevant to this post but if you read until here just be aware that the understanding i have for jameson “hate” in TBH, i dont have for whoever is talking abt my n1 girl Avery Grambs. Im sorry if you thought she was “boring” in this book, again this is your opinion and blablabla and genuine not trying to offend you, but she wasnt. im sorry, she just wasnt, it was simply not her book.
and again this isnt an insult to ANYONE, dont feel offended by anything i said, im not trying to change your mind or fight w you.
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gothlisteningclub · 7 months
I think you'd get more votes if you did week long polls instead of day long ones. I don't always have time to listen to an album on a weeknight but I wanna hear it and vote!! Just a friendly suggestion, genuinely u should run ur blog in the way u enjoy
thanks for the suggestion! we're still in early days and i'm new to running a blog like this so i do appreciate feedback. honestly i'm glad this was brought up bc i have been a bit unsure abt what poll length would be best. the thing is, the point is not really to get a lot of votes, it's to give people a reason to listen to a new album every day or just as often as possible, and talk about it. ive been doing 24 hours bc i think it's good if it moves fast, that way it doesn't really give you a chance to put it off, if you missed rating an album there's a new one up already so you can just do that one instead. buuut i think 1 day is pretty short and i feel bad that sometimes people miss voting bc of things like time zones making it so they saw it way later or smth like that. i really wish there was a 48 hour option:/
anyway i'm definitely open to feedback. obviously i lean more towards the 24 hours, but if most people feel that a week is better I'm willing to try it. My main question is- would a week long poll get you to listen to more albums than a 24 hour poll, if albums are still posted every 24 hours?
(personally i think if i was following this blog, and had a week to vote- i might see the posts throughout the week and think "i'll just listen to that later on a day when i'm not as busy" and then end up with like 7 albums to listen to on the weekend, and probably not actually listen to most of them. buuuut ik my experiences are not universal so!)
i guess we might as well poll this but I also would like to hear reasoning so pls feel free to reply to this post or send an ask. i'm not necessarily abiding by the results of this poll in my decision if i feel like ppls reasons dont reflect the goals of this blog, i just want to get a general feel for everyone's opinions on the matter
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artificialwizard · 2 months
Venting and rambling about ai art discourse
Feel free to ignore this + this isnt an invitation to argue back and forth with me about ai
My tag system on main for years now has been
#art = abstract art
#representational art = all non-abstract art
( + #dreamscape = art that can't be neatly categorized as abstract or representational + art that reminds me of dreaming )
Bc at the time I created this tag system i was very fed up with abstract art and modern art being dismissed as Not Real Art by some assholes and i wanted to put abstract art first in my space and have representational art be the one that needs a descriptor to differentiate it from "normal"/"real" art
Currently holding myself back from doing something similar to be petty about the never ending ai art backlash/discourse
Haven't been posting my abstract art or ai art online much lately but i still make a lot of both (+ getting back into writing and prob won't be posting much of that either). Sharing art online, other than with close friends, seems like hell to me rn.
Maybe someday i'll start posting my art again it just sucks that anytime i go on any social media from discord to youtube theres an 80% chance i see people shitting on the artistic mediums that i'm most passionate about
And its not like the ai hate train has slowed down the rancid attitudes around abstract art lol, not that I'd stop making AI art if abstract art was more respected
Abstract art is the easiest and most rewarding way for me to express myself creatively and it gels so well with my perfectionism issues bc perfection is Not the point (except when it is, but then its an artistic choice not a constant obligation for every piece). A piece about grief doesnt need to have perfect straight lines or symmetry, the art can be messy if it suits the tone I'm going for.
And AI image and music generation is very exciting to me! I've always been curious about what it would be like getting to see the creation of a new way of making art and its been very cool being able to somewhat follow AI innovations since 2018 and then get to experiment with it myself once more ai tools became accessible!!
Whether im the ai art im making is abstract or representational, i love not having full control over the result! I love bouncing ideas back and forth with the AI. I love having to combine my visual art skills and my language/description skills.
I use midjourney et al. the same way I'd make my OCs in dressup games while brainstorming ideas. Mindless doodling that can often lead to writers block breakthroughs.
I also use midjourney et al. to make quick vent art when I'm feeling strong emotions just like I'd do in my sketchbook or in my digital art apps.
And sometimes i'm using ai to spend hours trying to make something very specific i want to create.
Idk its all just tools to me. Midjourney. Paint Tool Sai. Pen and paper. I get the same joy/relief out of making art with all of the above
Im not aiming for fame or money, i make 0-200$ a year from art, usually 0. I just want to have a little corner of the internet to share my images and reach a handful of ppl who appreciate them and want to discuss abstract & ai art with me thats it. Im not coming for your art job, i dont allign myself with corporations aiming to further disadvantage workers in artistic industries or artists who freelance
Anyway reason #2 i slowed down on posting art is grief has been kicking my ass these past 4 years. Lots of deaths in the family + death of a friend. some relationships were fractured and im grieving those as well.
Reason #3 is started full time library job in november 🎉 its wonderful and its exhausting and im still finding my rythm after years of being chronically un(der)employed and/or in college, but hopefully once life settles down more ill have more and more time to spend on art and writing
Havent vent posted in ages and it feels weird doing it on one of my art blogs so im going to end this with two of my recent(ish) pieces on grief, first made in onelab (not ai, android art app i make 80% of my digital art in) and second in midjourney
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Thanks if u read all/most/some of that :)
Think i just needed to be like "man this sucks" so i can move on to "anyway! Art time >:)"
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wrongcaitlyn · 3 months
hiiiii tawny I had free time for the first time in like WEEKS and so I caught up on your solangelo au week posts and now for my thoughts:
so american: YES. I LOVE. SO WORTH THE WAIT. NO THOUGHTS HEAD EMPTY THE VIBES WERE VIBING. I read this as soon as it came out so the thoughts have left my head but trust I loved it.
renegades au: omg I love it. v v excited to see where it goes. also may have convinced me that I need to read renegades?? but I love the dynamic that the anarchists have. also I love scientist percy for some reason like it’s def not the easiest power you could’ve went with but I like the idea of him being a more behind-the-scenes guy bc I think that’s what he’d choose for himself if given the chance. also your percabeth dynamics are on point in literally every fic from this week (even tho they’re just in the background lmao).
new rome au: I think this route for nico is like. actually way more plausible than what happened canonically. like he DOES have way more friends in new rome than in chb. dont get me wrong im glad he stayed in canon but this was SO INTERESTING. I love the idea of nico healing on his own and separate from will. I feel like it takes away some of the… unhealthy codependency of their relationship LOL. once again the percabeth dynamics🫶🏻 also I feel like some space from percy and then seeing him while he and annabeth are in college more often would be good for their friendship??? like idk I am a big fan of taking ur space when needed. also risk is SUCH a will song. boy was in love with a dude before they even had a conversation.
nerds au: as a nerd a nerds au is something that can be so special LMAO I love this dynamic perhaps bc it is also my life (esp in hs). all of the character dynamics in this fic were just. chef’s kiss. I loved. I think you translated nico’s unhealthy habits from canon into a hs au in a really interesting, believable way bc nico WOULD stay up late to do hw out of spite. maybe not canon nico but a nico who grew up in the (possible public) school system. also I love the quiz bowl addition (at my hs it was called scholar bowl so sorry if I type that instead LOL) bc I had so much fun in quiz bowl. I made some of my best friends thru it :) are u in quiz bowl?!? the rules were way too accurate to be written by someone unfamiliar with it lol.
long story short I love all ur fics and will forever be excited to see an update to any one of them <3
oh my GOD. you have literally made me die dead. kicking my feet and giggling at this AHHGSDF
i'm SO glad that you liked so american!!!! was highly anticipating ur response bc u convinced me to actually write it so!!!! i'm so happy <33
ABSOLUTELY READ RENEGADES. srsly it's such a good series like i will recommend it to EVERYONE. the anarchists dynamic is so😭😭 keep in mind that this is a heavy au of renegades, so the dynamic is slightly different (+ a very different ending in the series, i took a lot of creative liberties) but i'm so glad that you liked it!! and YESLKSDJF i just realized that i had background percabeth in all of my solangelo week fics. which like. THEYRE SO ICONIC THEY HAVE TO BE EVERYWHERE i think there are some couples that i absolutely LOVE but i prefer to actually write them as background couples?? like i obsess over their dynamics, but i like it from an outsider's perspective and not as the main plotline (at least when writing fics) so i very much enjoyed including them in all of these
honestly SAME with the new rome au. like. absolutely love that nico managed to make a home in chb, but like?? reyna jason AND hazel were all in new rome... i honestly wouldn't have blamed him if he took that opportunity instead!!! i think this would be a really cool au to expand on and like actually make a full multichap but i am trying desperately to not turn everything into 100k monstrosities. i tried limiting myself to 5k words and didn't even manage that so. but i definitely think he would've grown a lot + gotten some healthier coping mechanisms when living with all of his friends, then meeting percy a year later, and THEN going into a relationship with will - and ofc, will is happy with whatever ends with a solangelo endgame. he's their own number one shipper!!
I'M SO GLAD U LIKED THE NERDS AU nico's characterization was definitely something that i considered (and, tbh, that i consider in all au's, because trauma and coping mechanisms do not often translate the exact same over universes - characters are always going to behave slightly different in other situations, so it's always exciting to see how that works!!). one thing that DOES translate throughout every universe is that he has no semblance of a sleep schedule; this time it's just due to hw instead of tartarus nightmares! SAME WITH THE QUIZ BOWL and yes i am part of the club!!! genuinely made my friend group through that, and we actually did what was in the fic irl - as in, we made a discord server and like quizzed each other over that. my team lost be an insane amount. i am nowhere near as skilled as nico and will. i maybe have gotten, like, 4 questions right in my two years of being part of the club (though i will use the excuse that my anxiety makes it VERY hard to hit the buzzer. i hate being wrong more than not answeringslkdf) but!!!! i do think nico and will would SLAY at quiz bowl, they both definitely feel like people who have random encyclopedic knowledge on the most niche topics
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sasukimimochi · 1 year
i wanna ramble about my view on JC but i'm so bad at words
so like, i see posts where people talk about these things JC does or WWX holds back from, i don't wanna go searching but also want to leave these details out cuz i don't want to accidentally call people out cuz that is not my intention (not that i have the audience to do something like that) so i'm just gonna go from my memory and kinda summarize what i think abt him...
gonna add a read more line bc this gets long!
Uh, btw please no hostility i'm not trying to start arguments, these are just my thoughts i really wanted to get out there. i'm definitely no therapist or psychologist so take this with a grain of salt, this is the view of just an average reader who retains a lot of info [tho still manages to miss details at times]. Anyway if you have info you think i should have addressed, reply and i'll make additions if i agree/want to expand on the info presented to me!
So, WWX and JC have a weird thing going on, it's not exactly brothers but they definitely wanted that, the reason why i say they aren't solidly brothers is because i'm pretty sure Madam Yu has influenced JC from the start of his arrival which is why he doesn't call wwx a-xian or Wei Ying or A-Ying- Why he doesn't allow himself to let loose properly around anyone even in private, why he constantly scolds wwx, etc. i believe firmly he's been quite influenced by his parents due to him being the next sect heir and the pressure that comes from it, as well as what he feels like madam yu is correct on- wwx is uncle jiang's favorite.
Madam Yu still chides Yanli for doing domestic acts for WWX but not on the same level as JC, who is constantly under pressure by her to be the perfect heir to the sect. She wants him to be better than WWX, which of course affects all of the family but Yanli gets left out of the fire a bit, which i think is what gives her such a strength to do these supportive acts for the brothers [and why she's also both the brother's favorite. She's basically the mom they wish for. Supportive, understanding, and helps mediate them]. Though this is a burden she has to bear, it's not that big of a burden to her because she loves the two so much.
Jiang Fengmian... i might be spelling his name wrong, so i'll call him Uncle Jiang cuz it will be faster for me to type with no mistakes haha. Anyway, I have complicated feelings about him.
At first i thought he was great and did no wrong, but that was on my first pass and when i had just watched the donghua only. My opinion of him since i read the novel isn't bad, but it's not super good. He's in a complicated position! There's only so much he can do about his wife, they argue super often and while its not usually crazy loud, it's pretty intense. [also, i'm not sure if separation is really a thing that happened back then, i think that's really a modern thing.] I feel like we're likely seeing Uncle Jiang's will to fight dimmed down by the wear of time.
Consider: you have a family member who won't ever listen to what you say, regardless how sound your argument is- you can be completely in the right and have all the facts, but no matter how long you press on, the result never changes. Do you put in the same amount of effort for the rest of your life? No! You understand that no matter how much you argue that their answer will remain the same. I personally have a family member like this, and while i defend myself regularly, it does not go anywhere. That is the nature of some people, no matter what they may not treat your view with the respect it deserves.
anyway back to the main line here, i dont think wwx is wrong about what he said regarding JF to JC. "he's just hard on you cuz you're going to be sect leader" or whatever it was along those lines- WWX does not seem like the type to lie to make someone feel better and i think this is why JC appreciates that conversation so much (besides the heartfelt twin prides which is obviously something that stuck to him for a long time). And i agree, JF is definitely trying to prepare Jiang Cheng for his position as sect leader one day.
do i think Uncle Jiang is completely guilt free of favoritism? No absolutely not, he canonically holds wwx more as a child, which i think is hard to argue against- but i do think the context of that is missed in part by most. WWX may have been a bright kid with sun shining out his ass but he was also a scared kid that just got rescued off the streets after his parents never came home. A kid that was fighting for food from dogs and likely starving and scared because he was on the street for like 5 years [if i remember it was from age 4 to 9 in the novel]. Of course he got held a bit more- i can't imagine he would be completely unphased immediately upon arrival, at least with his Uncle Jiang who was totally willing to provide him comfort- which wwx probably desperately missed from his now dead parents. We know canonically that the memory of those parents, however small, is unreplaceable and dear to wwx- but having JF treat him dearly is truly a balm to what has happened to him.
I'm not gonna say JC didn't go through things that made him cry and want to be held, in fact if WWX came into the house and suddenly got a lot of attention, it's going to feel pretty shitty for JC! Of course this combined with abruptly losing his privacy and puppies was what initially had him pushing the other away, but as you could see, after WY breaks his leg after running off and they make up, they get really close and despite this looming responsibility and family troubles, the two are very bonded. imo making them look like 6 year olds in the donghua is an injustice to their relationship, because 9 year olds tend tend to have more emotional intelligence (?) at that age. I'm not sure how to phrase that, but basically making them look younger and act like giggling children took away from the scene a bit for me lol. Jc is old enough to realize he doesn't dislike wwx! This isn't a child quickly getting over his anger, he's young here yes, but he's decided in this moment that he cares about this new member of the family, despite being called the son of a servant. [which yes madam yu is once again influencing his view of this segregation but i think he is much better at ignoring this particular in his youth]
I am rambling more than i thought i would lmao- i have a lot of feelings about their relationship and i think it's skipped over so much
um, i'm not sure which direction i was going in before i went onto the parents. Let's skip forward.
lotus pier fell and not only did JC see wwx get humiliated and whipped and nearly disfigured, his mother who he was about to lose blamed wwx for so much. When you lose a family member you have an attachment to, whether it bad or good, this influences your thoughts about them and with no way to resolve said thoughts. i find this hard to explain, so i'm just going to hope you understand what i'm referring to here. Especially in ancient china though, i believe it's a big thing to hold such a high regard for your parents, but especially if they have passed? i can't say this is fact but i believe that is the case i just am sticking to my memory here. So these things in combination with Trauma, i believe starts this heavy, negative emotion in JC that is hard to unstick.
JC and WWX may get into a one-sided scuffle but soon after they cry together like children. They just experienced hundreds of lives lost- people they grew up with and trained with and cared for as well as the people who provided and cared for them- their family was unstable, but still was a family and support system- now they had only two people and one of them was far away, the one that was typically their pillar. I feel like a lot of people hold JC to an impossible standard in his situation- having a bad day and taking it out on someone is one thing, going through a traumatic massacre i think allows someone to get a bit unreasonable [though of course nearly choking him was quite far, remember, he's extremely unstable emotionally at this point].
"WWX didn't do that though!" of course not. WWX is a different person with a different personality, is older (though i don't know by how much), and is extremely resilient, but he does process his trauma just differently. As you see over and over in the novel, wwx goes through many things others wouldn't dream of, but he starts acting differently even before the golden core removal, not only after. He's going through the same things, but i'm pretty sure no one reacts to trauma the same way to the T. JC's just happens to be misplaced anger, which is probably way too simple a way to put it, but anyway...wwx also gets angry. very angry. The two both have the correct target of anger in the end, despite Jc's breakdown. He still harbors his mother's words, but at this point they're still in the background of his mind.
Now again we go forward- JC willingly sacrifices himself for WWX. Look, if he doesn't like wwx at all i think this is extremely contradictory. even if he was s*icidal, he could have chose other ways to get to that end if that was the case. and a gentle reminder that JC perks back up and is ready to fight once he believes WWX knows how to fix his core! i don't think he was truly wanting to die or anything like that until he thought he had lost everything except wwx and jyl. He believes in wwx's strength despite his constant fear of inferiority, so if he was gone, what would it matter if wwx was there to continue to protect yanli?
Essentially he was like 'well what are we going to do if i can't lead the sect? We would be in a homeless situation and there is a war.' aka there's not a lot of hope all around, i don't think he was only upset about the core, but it was definitely the main force because if he didn't have a core, how would he survive what was happening anyway? he's like 'if i'm gonna die let it be on my terms' yk? He also doesn't feel like he's strong enough before he lost his core to protect anyone. Without it? fat chance.
whew... this is a lot already, so maybe i'll post this and do a part two later addressing YLLZ arc, then the "present" one. i just have a lot of feelings about their relationship and i'm sad to see so much negativity around him...JC is quite flawed, but a lot of the characters are flawed! that doesn't make them bad characters, it makes them interesting and human.
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stelar-time · 1 year
I wasn't reallt feeling that Stanley parable spirit as of late you know how it goes, BUT, I did found out how to fully restart the game so I did just that, and in my silly little runs in the original endings I went to to the scape pode one, no bucket tho, whoever I do wonder, what the fuck is this??
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Honestly at first I thought it was maybe some sort of evil scheme as if to make the workers lose their sense of time given that techincally it could still be Stanleys original office, but then you go up the staris and BOOM next thing Stanley's office again, it can just BE his office again ykwim? I was just thinking WHY exactly they needed a replica of this exact office, in my guess it is definitely something that has to do with TK given they have a literal wormhole during the confusion ending which leads to hundreds if not thousands of reports on its behaviors during the experiments.
BUT, that wasn't even my main reason as to why I wanted to post this, but I decided to just post these two together bc to hell with it why not?
I think a LOT about Narrator's existence origin and how aware their are of what's actually around him, I do like to think he does haves his flaws that he cannot just, be aware of everything around the office and building, and that sign, this damn sign.
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Well i guess if youve been here long enough you know what it says if not: scape pod, must have Narrator and player to work properly.
I LOVE this sign, it peaks my interest and makes me question, is this one of the things Narrator created? Why? The only way to acess is by LITERALLY locking Narrator away, and it obvioulsy doesnt work, it would never work we NEED it there with us why would he do this? or is this one of the things he is just not aware of?? I love the theory of narrator also being previously a worker (employee 003 to be especific! ive talked about this before) in the same building as Stanley,of them being and/or going trough things similar as TK, it would be a very funny coincidence, workers in that building, no longer have a body, entities within the game hidden away in corners of the office you dont see often, The Narrator, makes me think of another narrator, Curator also exists, maybe i am just saying that there might be other narrators or Im just really into the subject of the experiments the workers of that building have gone trough and how I think its interesnting that narrator just so happened to be one, this doesnt need to make exact sense and what i am stating couldn't be more far away from the facts ! But I have more fun than you could imagine while writing this
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
okayyy i finished the new ending in Lisa the Joyful so yeah, heres another long Lisa post. this will more so have a short list of what i did and didnt like of the game since i know opinions are often mixed. but ill have a long focus talking about the new content compared to the rest of the game. and will later go on about characterization and writing in detail.
Also while you can find a no commentary video for the new ending, almost all uploads skip an earlier portion of it, so I uploaded it myself! with timestamps.
TW for uhh the same triggers- sexual, physical, verbal abuse mostly.
SO OKAY. Okay.
The brief on the main game....
What I did like:
I like the general story. I enjoyed the horror of watching more and more joy mutants arriving, even some of the warlords being joy mutants already, and normal characters like the uhh shelf vendor guy being a mutant. additionally things like wearing a mask mattering. i think it was important to too still have some weirdos bc thats one of the key things in displaying the cycle of these men's behavior. music always good too of course. i enjoy Buddy's internal conflict too and i dont mind here characterization-- its just the pacing. I actually liked the epilogues a bit more than what the endings actually told us lol... tbh they carry more weight in terms of giving us information about the past. But the ones that hit hardest are the ones where Lisa tells Buzzo to mutilate her so her father wont want her anyways. and the one with Brad's father forcing him to drink alcohol and go with him to lisa's room (to presumedly watch his father abuse lisa).
What i didn't like:
the "original" endings (not the new definitive one) were weak and i am sure most feel that way. I think actually the issue for me is the choice... cuz playing with joy? well i think the "stay with them" makes sense as she gets more fucked up and unstable (and assume addicted). the joyless route makes me feel like i should fittingly take the "leave them" ending bc she is mentally aware enough to know she still hates what happened to her and wants to leave them behind. the choices of them feel conflicting to the routes you might choose but you dont think about it bc there is no consequence to taking joy! the pacing of course is a big complaint. cuz see i dont think the story or writing is horrible i just think it needed to be longer in order to expand on all those things rushed through. the ideas would feel good if the pacing didnt speed through it. the Yado epilogue is fine too but i think just left more questions than answers than the endings themself so i would have rather done without it imo.
As stated i will go WAY more into the characters after I talk about this new stuff. I will talk heavily about what happens in it too so feel free to read this later if you dont watch it... but you really should look at the new Painful and Joyful content as they also kinda go together.
NEW CONTENT..... kind of new ending, it plays directly into it. Unlike Painful where it doesnt alter the actual ending content. and i will go over the normal endings a bit more in relation to this bc of how it affects pacing etc...
So On one hand I like what it added and on the other hand it wasnt great-- which all plays into the games already existing pacing issues. Which is a shame. i liked collecting the items, the meaning of the statues (n the dialog being the same as the Painful one), and the exploration leading up to the warlord fight. I chose not to fight the warlords because they were so damn strong and I like that there was recognition for not fighting back. Idk if i feel like there was a good reason for them to be there but I think it at least gives more meaning to the warlords since they didnt DO that much in the game other than to be killed. Most had barely anything to say.
For the bigger Secret at the grave for Lisa-- I liked this a lot too actually. Getting to hear from the guys their thoughts about Buddy that is from the assumed context theyre already dead here (w how Sticky's death is mentioned esp) is just kinda nice. The further content with Berny and Dusty, where Berny tells him to fight harder and to treat girls with aggression.... yeah that hits. The cycle of abuse really just continues huh. The rest of it is fine, I feel like it does give some better commentary on character's thoughts but it is quite short, and is left on a more metaphorical note with the flowering skull and whatnot.
Now is the part I see more conflict on AGAIN and I dont blame people for being conflicted about it. I didnt mind the way Buzzo talked about Brad in the original-- I dont think that writing was an actual excuse to Brad, I think it was just Buzzo trying to blame himself instead for everything (the new contents dialog with the sticky/rick/cheeks also had good to say on Brad's behavior and not excusing it but talking about the abuse of drugs in the context of that). I did feel that the conversation wasnt enough in the original though, to fully imply that he was talking like that or to give a better conversation on drug abuse. Buuut here we are w the extended new dialog with Buzzo. I did like how he started getting more depressed and angsty about Lisa! And the comment "she would have loved it here" is interesting bc i feel the implication is that she would have loved being in a world where all these men are now gone. but let me move onto the rest bc like, that matters the most here.
woof okay. So Buddy goes off when Buzzo says that which i get. However this conversation falters in the same way the whole game does. Buddy gets a LOT of talking time here. And she kind of keeps going in a way that really doesnt feel plausible you know? The new stuff added more connection between her and Lisa but its not enough to make us think she should be defending Lisa. I think there couldve been a neat exploration of all this comparing to Lisa but Joyful doesnt have that time. While I cant claim it, Buddy's rant kiiinda feels like a rant from behind the scenes with how less in character it feels. Buzzo is made far more pathetic and I don't disagree with this realization that he'd dissolve into a little pathetic man, again the game just doesnt have the time to make it work better.
and dont even get me started on Buddy's inconsistent opinion on Brad... this is like, annoying and I mentioned it in relation to the ending choices. After this new dialog rant Buddy sounds like she is forgiving Brad/coming to realize things about him that gives her more understanding. And i think that is fine BUT the issue is that right after talking to Buzzo the game returns as normal and when she sees mutant Brad approach, she reacts with genuine upset at seeing him and comments how she never wanted to see him again :/
I know at this point there is no way they could have "salvaged" Joyful for this release-- that would be too much and I dont think itd be right to get rid of the old endings entirely (Painful didnt, nor did the new content change anything about it). Its a shame- some of it was good. some of it i think they just shouldnt have done (the end buzzo fight) because it just conflicted more/kind of highlights the pacing problems. if anything i think leaving out that buzzo rant would have made the rest of that feel like it did help the pacing because it gave a pause between the ending of the game. anyways.
righto. i think i covered pacing enough so i will try and leave that out of every comment i make here lol.
So like, I dont have a problem with Buddy's intentions in the game exactly. Her actions in many ways make sense... at least I would say that its fine she is very violent. That is literally the main thing Brad taught her whether or not you look at the start scene of Joyful, it reflects in how she would always be told how dangerous the world is too. The pace of course, makes this all happen so fast.
And of course the biggest hit that I think turns off many is how much talking there is. I certainly love hearing more from characters, Brad was quiet because he was brad, yet no one else needs to be quiet too so i think thats fine. But with Buddy's life it seems like she should have been quiet until her mental state and mindset shifted due to her treatment and justification of violence. even in Painful she seems relatively quiet and Joyful takes place right after pretty much.
In terms of others-- Rando is fine, like hes not that bad. We didn't know him all to well and what we know of Dusty i expected him to be a nice kid, esp w the whole adopted thing. But his back and forth with Buddy was more annoying w how short the game was (doing things, wanting to run to the other place and being stopped for a scene at the campfire by force. repeat.) I did like the whole deal with his friends and later his death too. Buzzo so i dont completely hate buzzo minus the fast jump in the new content. but he was pretty unhinged in Painful and to see it completely drop seemed wrong. i do think it make sense he probably felt loads of guilt for brad... but we just again, didnt get enough time with these characters.
Other characters? Well i mentioned it above but the warlords did NOT get much of any character. Which sucks bc if those parts alone had been extended (their area being longer or more full of interactions) i think it would have helped the game too. In terms of the other antagonist, Bolo, considering he was new for this game I think he was just fine. His role was small in a good way and honestly when he did appear it was for good moments that worked. The whole scene with him, Rando, and Buddy where Buddy tries to save Rando was probably my favorite part lol? Simply bc i think it worked well for all of their characters. For all of them I think it was my favorite moment of characterization-- Buddy's choices to drop or hold him both work for her i think. And yikes, disgusting moment with Bolo. And I will be real, I think Joyful needed that. The game was short so i wouldnt have wanted more but, Painful had it uncomfortable and gross moments and I think that is important to an extent of really pushing the importance of narrative and experiences of Buddy (and reflecting Lisa).
uhhhhh yeah i think thats most of what I can say. iirc i wasnt around for the old kickstarter but Joyful was a stretch goal right? and i heard Austin isnt exactly happy with it either? its really really a shame that it was a stretch goal that felt forced. I get why it was a tempting goal for people but.... it just sucks bc its clear that is why this game turned out the way it did. i wonder often if him not doing much else with the series is simply bc joyful had to be the "conclusion" and its not one hes exactly happy with either. tbh the series could have just been Painful and it would be fine. but if Joyful wasnt a DLC i imagine it would have been likely we'd see a full fledged sequel instead and it sucks it had to go that way. i definitely dont hate the creator for it but itsucks for everyone that even the additions in Definitive cant fix what happened already with that game.
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i am very bored rn, so
ride the cyclone youtube au
they all have semi-popular yt channels in this au. i dont know what counts as popular so take that as anywhere from 1-20k each. whatever you see it as will work
had to start with the king of kaching himself. Obviously he posts frequently to badegg, most of his time on his yt chamnels goes to his music, but he'd start badegg_games as a little side thing and react to horror games he really likes, which gets peoples attention. he puts links to the original badegg in his descriptions which leads to more people finding his music. how much more? you decide. he also collabs pretty frequently with ricky, and brings other choir members on sometimes. his backgroud is just his room, maybe with some extra lighting. he edits his own videos and they are exactly how you'd expect them to be.
he absolutely has a gaming channel. he might stream as well. he's played every single fnaf fangame, including all the dating sims. hes also played onlycans. that one got age-restricted. any niche game he finds he makes a video on it. he uses text to speech in his videos, most of the time in post production so he doesn't have to type as he plays, and adds big subtitles. he also has a complete timeline of zolarian history. mischa and him collab pretty frequently, often playing multiplayer horror games together. he spends a lot of time on his video borders, and his channel logo is very fun and colourful. his cats show up very frequently in his videos, and when its something he doesn't think will jumpscare him, they're often sat on his lap as he plays. rpgs and sci-fi are some of the main types of games he plays, but theres a big variety. his channel name is linked to cats, zolar, or both.
she is freesciencelessons, but for every single subject. she is the only reason anyone is passing anything. she started it as either some extra credit project or as a way to revise, but people started following her and she actually quite liked making the videos, so she kept going. she doesn't bring other people onto her channel very often. her videos range from ten minutes to half an hour, depending on the subject, and shes very thorough. if its on any type of standardized test, ocean has made a video on it. she makes props for her videos and asks penny or ricky to animate things for her sometimes. her channel name is something simple like rosenbergrevision or something.
did anyone watch quake n bakes? because that is what she'd do. shed post themed tutorials on how to bake different things. if it was a choir member's birthday, shed make them a themed treat and give it to them in the recording (if they were ok w it). her most popular tutorial/recipe were these 3D minecraft mob marshmallows she made for ricky, but her personal favourite are these little rose-shaped meringue cookies. sometimes she posts sewing videos as well, or little arts and crafts videos. she also promotes the cafe or makes cafe vlogs, but not often. her set up is pretty aesthetic and neat, but nothing extremely fancy. her intro is. short but sweet and she. has a little logo. her channel name is smthn like blackwoodbakes or connie'skitchen.
he started making videos about poetry and film history and french cinema just to talk about them really. it was a passion project, he wasn't really too bothered about how many people saw it. he put work into it because he liked it, and he's haply with the followers he has. his videos are really long, and he goes super in depth. and then, he loses a bet to someone in the choir, and makes one of those "i watched _____ so you didn't have to" videos about some rlly bad movie that everybody takes the piss out of (think after or something). im picturing him with like a wine glass in hand making quips about whatever scene is on. it gets so many more views than his other videos. he's absolutely livid. but he makes more bcs people genuinely seemed to like the video. his dramatics and insults were quite interesting to watch, and soon its a pretty regular thing (if regular means once every four months). he still mostly makes his videos on things he likes, though. also, he managed to rope ocean into watching some horrible basic film with him and people like their dynamic, oddly enough. on halloween he reacts to horror movies with mischa. his channel name is something serious and probably ties into france somehow.
shes a faceless youtuber and she has a pretty wide variety of videos. she used to be a stan acct for johnny moon before legoland, and she had to post a video on why what she did was wrong as community service. that one got a lot of views. she has a lot of art tips and speedpaints, as well as a lot of vlogs and a draw my life. she has a lot of videos about different types of music as well. her username has something to do with jane doe, she thought abt it because shes faceless and doesnt show her identity online and thought it was a fun idea. her set up is pretty basic, but its nice, and ezra's voice features in a lot of videos. the other choir members don't normally appear on her channel, but she, ricky and constance did an art challenge once.
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noirineverysense · 1 year
(About your proship/anti post) tbh it's kinda both sides that don't think critically, but I think the "anti" side is worse about it? Proshippers are usually obnoxious online, but some/most of their views are at least informed by research and studies, whereas a lot of (not all) antis say stuff like "if you put these barbie dolls in this specific situation you are automatically excusing and/or directly causing pedoincest abuse to happen, also if you are a survivor I'm gonna have a savior conplex and demand you find a 'better' coping mechanism. I know better because I'm 15 and take AP psych classes"
Both sides suck overall and the discourse is stupid, but I'd say the "viewing/creating problematic fictional work doesn't automatically brainwash you or define/express your morals or make you a bad person" makes a lot more sense than "liking problematic media makes you an abuser or complicit, and even if someone bypasses all warnings or invades a space they shouldn't be in, it's your fault if they react badly to it. Censor all stuff I dislike now"
Also most "proship" people wouldn't even be doing discourse in the first place, if they weren't getting harassed, doxxed, having to publicly lay out their trauma (if they have any), etc by the anti side over cartoons and video games and books. Abusing/harming real people over fictional content to (not even) prevent hypothetical abuse/harm is, objectively, worse than reacting to said abuse in ways that are annoying or obnoxious, especially when the typically more abusive side has such weird takes that...really don't involve much critical thinking At All, past maybe middle-school-level media literacy
I dont think its that simple tbh. I mean I occupy circles of tumblr that do bat hard against ideas that writing fiction about "problematic" subjects is not inherently harmful (which is true!) but I dont think that belief alone shows a level of "media literacy" whatever you think it means and I don't think implying that people who think differently to you just aren't as educated is really a useful way to engage in discourse. I also don't believe that proshippers who simply yell about intellectualism, critical thinking and media literacy actually do care about those things when someone is critical of their interests for a valid reason (e.g. misogyny).
I think there are probably a lot of proud antis who would say theyve been doxxed and harassed too. You use the example of a particularly combative 15 year old, meanwhile teenagers who do in fact express those views, which may not be ones they hold once they've grown a little, have been harassed by people on the internet who are much older who believe they are justified in their actions for the sake of preserving fandom.
You also imply that the views of proshippers aren't as harmful and simply react to being harassed but this untrue. Proud proshippers often harass people of colour for speaking out against fandom racism, viewing them as aggressive outsiders who disrespect the (white) culture in fandom spaces. The pro/anti divide isnt that simple bc a lot of people of colour get depicted as antis for criticising fandom behaviours which, in these proshippers minds, further justifies their abuse.
Overall, I think a lot of proshipper views don't start and end with writing any fiction is fine because its fiction (even tho thats the main view which i agree with), theres a lot of believing of the preservation of fandom culture on that side, which has always been one way of course, until the "puriteens" showed up which is silly and it just as easily leads to harassment as antis beliefs can do and can end up leading to misogynistic and racist beliefs too. Always believing you're the victim in a scenario (say you're a proshipper thinking you're up against a wave of antis) can often make you believe that any action you take is justified which can lead to you harassing and abusing people and claiming youre defending yourself before theyve harmed you. As long as you feel you're being harassed, as proshippers often claim they do over anything that disagrees with their views, its fine for you to attack. Proshippers can be just as abusive online as much as anyone can.
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rt-lots · 11 months
Joining in on the Ian and Rammy ask train… 🌂✏️ (and 🍎 specifically for Ian!)
TW for a fair bit of suicide talk!!!
umbrella - i assume this doesnt need an answer for both of them, bcuz they belong 2 the same story. i imagine ian and rammys story being a vidya game, and i guess itd b a psychological horror? which feels like, pretentious to say but the main scaries of the story are how much ians life sucks and he wants 2 die. so... i think itd count. thats all overarching stuff tho... most of ian n rammys time spent together is lightheared, i think. theyre two dudes hanging out and one of them is slowly coming to terms with the fact his suicidal thoughts won. whatever genre that is
pencil - WAHHH it depends a lot of the time... ian and rammy have definitely made a big resurgence in my brain recently (past month) bc im 18 and can post bout em, but also just cuz i love them sooo much and want to chew on them constantly. id say i write abt/draw them pretty frequently tho!! i doodle them on my school work and in notebooks a lot and they have some of the bigger galleries on my toyhouse lawl. i dont write much directly for their universe, but ive typed... many paragraphs to my friends just braindumping the shit i think about them. so, yeah, less often than id like, but theyre up there in my priorities of ocs :3
apple (for ian) - GRAHHHHHHHHHHH u dont know what demons uve unleashed w this. i already twed this post for suicide but im gonna move this part under the cut bc mentioning ians dad specifically ties a lot into the suicide aspect of the story
OKAY SO. ians family consists of his mom, sister, and him. his dad was in the picture when he was a little kid, like early elementary age, but ditched after some time. his relationship with both parents was relatively normal, they definitely couldve done a better job raising him, but they were never intentionally hurtful nor did they scar him at all. (well, correction, his MOM didnt scar him at all)
after ians dad left, though, his side of the family still kept in touch... they gave very flimsy reasonings for his fathers absence, why he couldnt make it to holidays, why he wasnt saying all these things directly, etc. it kept things strained and tense as the family knew things were being kept from them but never got to know why. the last interaction ian ever had w his dads side of the family was on his 18th birthday, where his uncle gifted him a silver handgun with his name carved into the handle. it was a hollow attempt to connect with ian, a display of violent masculinity that ian would later use to try and take his own life.
i dont have it fully figured out what this *means* for ians character, but its something i go insane about. ians only memories of his dad are him doing stereotypical masculine dad things w him, like fishing. maybe he didnt interact w ian ass if he was his child, but if he was his son, and that improper socialization is part of the reason he hates himself- why the gun is what kills him. but... i dunno really. ians social anxiety, addiction, and general collapsing in on himself are cuz of a life time of mental illness that went unchecked until he successfully isolated himself to the point no one *could* care, not just cuz daddy give him gun.
okay! that is NOT what u asked at all but now u know it. hehehe. of course ian and rammys story is a big wip forever so excuse me for any side tangents and/or general plot points w loose ends
but! as for his actual relationships w family (ill include sister since his relationship w mom isnt rlly fleshed out yet):
he and his mom havent spoken in 6 years, nor have he and his sister. he slowly faded out of their lives when he moved away, partly out of a subconscious desire to isolate and partly due to just not having the social confidence or energy to maintain regular communication w his family. his mom is the first person he talks to when he escapes his Puter, and she's his rock in his remaining months of recovery. shes very underdeveloped as a character atm, but what is certain is she tries her hardest to understand her sons struggles and support him, offering to pay for therapy for him. ian loves his mommy lalala
ian and his sister are... dddifferent. ian also had an average relationship w his sister, but shes a lot more upfront with him when it comes to talking about how his 6 year absence effected her than their mom. their mom, while wanting her children to seek help for their respective struggles, doesnt really want to actively talk about those things with them. shes terrified of saying the wrong thing, and it doesnt help that she doesnt even have a clue what *to* say. ians sister, though, isnt afraid to tell him "hey man we fucking missed you. your absence hurt a lot because i didnt have any friends either, and i wish we couldve had eachother. jackass" post main-story they are friendly and hang out. during his time w rammy, ian does talk about his thoughts on his sister before he left, that being that shes a "crazy bitch"... family <3
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of-dream-land · 2 years
For this post ... If you haven't been asked yet, Magolor ~
YESSSSS omg this is perfect bc i have a LOT of hcs about magolor
attraction headcanon: i see him as pansexual !! leaning maybe a little more towards guys though
gender headcanon: i think he just doesn't rly care about that. like he says he's a guy out of convenience but i don't think he cares or thinks about that too hard
a ship i have with this character: oh boy. oh MAN. i have quite a few ships with magolor LOL so ill just go through all of them and explain my reasoning behind them i guess?
magoranza: GRAHHHHH.... i love them a lot. i think its my number one ship w him. i like to think that its smth that happens very gradually too. maybe they don't really like each other at first/find the other a little annoying but then eventually they get closer and catch feelings idk.... i like to imagine them as part of the same best friend group (w marx and susie too) so they get to spend more time that way since theyre together more often. also i just think they contrast each other nicely!! like ally who turns out to be an antagonist + antagonist who turns out to be an ally....auauauau
magochilly: THEY'RE VERY CUTE...!! its a little particular tho bc i dont necessarily like/agree w the way it was portrayed in the manga (making magolor this obsessive over chilly is very weird and creepy) but i think the fandom version of magochilly is adorable so im choosing to make my own too. i kinda just see them as magolor being all loud and open abt his love for chilly and chilly just being a little shy abt it but reciprocating when its just the two of them bc hes not used to pda and all... idk!! its very sweet to me
magoroach: so like. this one kind of started as a joke LMAO,,, the little animation scene in the main menu of star allies where daroach steals the lor and magolor runs after him kind of defined their entire relationship to me ngl LOL. like, magolor is a snarky piece of shit but daroach is someone an even BIGGER snarky piece of shit and i think thats smth magolor doesnt expect so he gets riled up p easily by him. i dont rly ship it that seriously tho i mostly see it as like,, smth they just Have eventually but its never that serious
magometa(?)/metalor(?): i dont know the ship name but LMKSDJJSDKL THIS SHIP IS FUNNY TO ME bc i already have a hc that meta knight fucking HATES magolor after the events of krtdl, so their rs to me is basically just the "you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up" "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you look stupid" meme. again more of a joke ship that i plan on making very specific fanart of eventually but i dont rly ship it that seriously
thats all for the ships. ahem. back to normal business
a brotp i have with this character: MARX!!!!! i think marx and magolor are best friends but in the way that they can't stand each other. they hate each other but they're always together. they enable each other. they bring out the worst in one another. if one of them died the other probably wouldn't care. they complete each other they start shit together they-- YOU GET ME. i love them. best worsties. worst besties. etc etc. i could talk abt their dynamic all day they mean so much to me
a notp i have with this character: m*rxolor im sorryyy (censoring so it doesnt end up in research tags)... there's nothing wrong w the ship! it's just not my cup of tea bc i see their rs as strictly platonic. also obvious one but him and kirby bc kirby is a child and i hc magolor to be a young adult so.
a random headcanon: i like to imagine that magolor has more cat-like attributes that arent just shown on his appearance. like he probably has a cat tree in the lor that he just uses for fun. he reacts to lasers the same way cats do. he probably purrs idk? if u dangle smth in front of him he'll stop what he's doing to catch it
general opinion of this character: I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM SO MUCHHHHHH he might be my current fav character of all times :] he's so fun and cringe (lovingly) and loveable!!! he makes me very happy. i could talk abt him for hours i could draw him for hours i could watch video essays abt him and abt kirby's return to dream land for hours too he is my everything my little meow meow my nyagolor (heart emoji) (heart emoji) (egg emoji) (gear emoji) (cat emo
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hi hello ghost thank you for enabling me anyway i’m gonna talk you about my favorite guy ever Ray!!!
so general information that’s important: he’s between the ages of 19-23, i do not like giving my characters actual ages bc that’s way too much work anyway, he works in The Council, which is a government facility specifically made for killing demons/soul eaters, hes pretty far up in the council (they work in ranks and stuff), he is in a qpr with another of my characters called soren and they live together, also ray is very close to his family
Ray is such a fucked up guy and i love him for it, he’s sooo naive and childish and stupid and before the story even starts manages to fuck up so bad he gets his demon killing license revoked (that’s not something that happens often at all) but he tries his best!!!! the specific reason why he got his license revoked is not very fun (lots of death) so idk if i should get into it but i hope you don’t mind if i don’t specify
His story actually revolves around the disappearance of a ton of people which the higher ups are trying so hard to cover up, as they slowly uncover more and more information the government tries it hardest for them to stop and i soemthing i really want to do if i ever write this is at the start portray the council as something beautiful that’s out there to help other and slowly become this jail ray cant escape, it’s also really bad for him bc not even soren trusts him when he tells him something bad was happening :D!! i have so many notes on the structure of the council and how it works but i think i would take soooo long actually explaining everything, i actually call his story the main story of the demon world bc i have multiple stories within the same world and this one is were you learn the most about how everything works and it makes me so happy, feel free to ask me about anything :O!!
ooooooh thats soooo coool!!1 i find the world so interestig1!!1 iremember i read a couple of posts of yours about that most of ur ocs where in this world (?) does monica's story also take place in this world?? :OOO also ray sounds lovely!! i would like to know more about his relationships with his queer platonic partner soren! or about soren in general their relatonship sounds very interesting!1! also is there some kind of category in wich demons are split?? like are some demons that are harder to deal with, are demons sentient'????' do they interact like humans?? are they a higer power beyond comprehension?? or are they more like animals?? (or all of the above abdjhb) also!1 id like to know how the council works if u dont mind dbahjbad i really like how u r picturing the council, like id some kind of man made cosmic horror, if they are even human, are the council human?? how does the lisence thing works? do they have to go through some kind of training to get their licesnes or they just snatch sum people from the street that they think are capable of handling the work of killing demons?? are the demons involved in the desapearence of people??? and is it bc of fuck ups from part of the council, OH or are the COUNCIL involved in the dissapearence and thats why they are trying to encover it so hard, is soren a demon hunter under the council and that's why he doesn't believe ray???? aaa so sorry if these are a lot of questios khkbdjhbsjh ur world seems very very cool aa PLEASE FEEL FREE TO ONLY AWNSER THE ONES U LIKE THE MOST JKJBJH :'D
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