#the magicians fanfiction
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bravelostgirl · 5 months ago
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♥ This is not a shitty  romance novel ♥
Quentin is taking on life slowly after being discharged from the mental hospital, He had a comfortable and stable job at a tiny coffee shop -- everything was so much better thanks to a handsome looking regular. The mystery of meeting someone new and seeing what comes from that would make Q's heart race..
{ Check out the story 𝐻𝐸𝑅𝐸 } { Check out the newest chapter HERE}
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toxicrayofsunshine · 2 months ago
Am I crazy or...
I'm rewatching (binging) The Magicians before it exits the Flix of Nets on the 14th. As a fanfic crazed human, I remembered reading some incredible works on the show my first watch-through, especially about Penny (iykyk... the man is hot as fuck), but after a lot of searching, it seems as though they've all disappeared. Have authors deleted all of their stories or have I stepped into a new a loop? The kind where you KNOW the Sinbad Genie movie Shazaam existed, but is now in a different timeline. Anyway... all of that to say: if you have any suggestions for good The Magicians fics (especially if it's about Penny), please let me know! Also, if you know the name of the story where Penny and a Librarian get hot and heavy, leave it in the comments!
Picture of Penny because... just because
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itsminimes · 3 months ago
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: The Magicians (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Quentin Coldwater/Eliot Waugh, Arielle/Quentin Coldwater, Margo Hanson & Eliot Waugh, Margo Hanson/Josh Hoberman Characters: Quentin Coldwater, Teddy Coldwater, Eliot Waugh, Margo Hanson Additional Tags: A Christmas Story, Inspired by Hallmark Christmas Movies Summary:
Quentin Coldwater and his son, Teddy, meet Eliot and Margo at a Christmas tree farm. All they need is a little Christmas magic and their lives will be changed forever.
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tbraves24 · 7 days ago
Chapter 2 of Pretty Little Lights is up for Week 5 (return to self) of the Welcome Home! challenge from @magiciansfanworksextravaganza
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eliotqueliot · 1 year ago
How They Met Themselves (fanart, my first piece for Queliot Bingo)
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Okay, you are getting the drawing first! But I will paint this when I have time!! And maybe write a fic too!!!
How They Met Themselves (with Art) (656 words) by EliotQueliot Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Magicians (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Quentin Coldwater/Eliot Waugh Characters: Eliot Waugh, Quentin Coldwater, 23rd Timeline Quentin Coldwater, The Monster (The Magicians) Additional Tags: queliot, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Mosaic Timeline (The Magicians: A Life in the Day), Beast Quentin Coldwater, Monster Eliot Waugh, Jennifer - Freeform, Forests, Fillory (The Magicians), Mosaic (The Magicians), Evil Twins, Doppelganger, Pre-Raphaelite paintings, Dante Gabriel Rossetti - Freeform, The Pre-Raphaelites Summary: After more than a year working on the Mosaic, Eliot and Quentin go walking in the woods. There they encounter their evil twins, Monster!Eliot and Beast!Q! OR: Monster!Eliot and Beast!Q versus Quentin and Eliot from the Mosaic! Boom!
Thank you @queliotbingo! ❤️
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morningstarbee · 1 year ago
anyway has anyone written a fic where queliot (cough eliot cough) figures their shit out post 3x05 mosaic timeline and actually enter a relationship and then the rest of the key quest where Eliot gets possessed by the Monster still plays out and Quentin is like crying sobbing over it, I need more angst
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magicianschallenges · 2 years ago
Magicians Settings Week: Here We Go!
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The challenge week is finally here! Our AO3 Collection is open for posting, and we're ready to reblog posts we're tagged in here on tumblr.
The prompt schedule for the week:
DAY 1: Brakebills or a hedge safehouse (Monday, March 27th) DAY 2: the Underworld or the Whitespire throne room (Tuesday, March 28th)
DAY 3: the Muntjac or Baba Yaga’s penthouse (Wednesday, March 29th)
DAY 4: the Neitherlands or the Library (Thursday, March 30th)
DAY 5: Antarctica or Ibiza (Friday, March 31st)
DAY 6: the cottage at the mosaic or Indiana (Saturday, April 1st)
DAY 7: free choice (Sunday, April 2nd)
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simplyalexeiofficial · 1 year ago
Spoilers for the Magicians Season 4:
Anyway, in my Arielle-goes-to-Brakebills AU, my plan is to swap her and Julia as the conduit for the Monster’s sister, but because she’s not a goddess, he’ll literally have to scrape out her organs and replace them with the ones that’ve been collected.
That is to say that once all is said and done and resolved, I think it would be funny for her to wonder aloud if her new organs are MRI compatible.
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iridescent-solstice · 7 months ago
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Thinking about how MC and Asra have been living together for such a long time that they probably spend most of their evenings unwinding together . . . Taking refuge in one another after a long day of dealing with unruly customers, thousands of hours spent making potions, Julian breaking in and also breaking a window in the process-
Both of them, Asra and mc, steal glances at one another from across the room until someone gives in . . . . Soft kisses and wandering hands that make MC feel like they’re on cloud nine. An embrace where he holds MC close and rubs their back trying to help them relax. Loosen all the knots in mc’s back so they feel less tense . . .
Imagine laying on his chest afterwards as he reads some boring magic book to you in his melodic, airy voice that never seems to waver with the amount of affection it holds for you. In these moments its all about recharging and letting the world fade away. Your focus solely and solely on him. A love that can never be tarnished nor stolen just like the heart that you two share together can never be anyone else’s.
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biblicallyaccuratefangirl · 11 months ago
✤ Asra headcanons: walking in on you changing ✤ (revised)
Absolutely mortified. Yk the horrified blushing face he makes. That's the one
Leaves IMMEDIATELY, might slam the door on accident
After some silence he'll quietly knock on the door and apologize from outside
"I'm so sorry (y/n), I didn't at all mean to invade your privacy... Are— are you alright?"
He's terrified he's lost some of the trust you have in him or that you'll feel less comfortable around him now. To him, the best thing he can be is a safe space for you
Assuming you give him some sort of reassurance from the other side of the door, he'll feel sufficiently excused
If there's one thing Asra can't cope with it's awkward situations. He'll try hard to distance himself from the guilt and discomfort
In fact, he'll leave the shop entirely: grab the basic necessities like his bag, and find a way to busy himself
He'll return a while later, an hour or two, and come inside quietly. Without making himself known, he'll leave a small bouquet of wildflowers bound together at the foot of your door
When you find it and come out to greet him, he'll be eager to see you but treads lightly while he tries to gauge your reaction
Reassured to see you relaxed, he murmurs one more apology, holding your hands in his
"I am sorry, my love." He presses a kiss to the back of your hand. "What sorry fate awaits me for my transgressions?"
He's happy to be at your disposal, should you play along. Either way, he spends the rest of the evening pampering you <3
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tbraves24 · 1 year ago
Everything @lizardkingeliot writes is amazing, and this is right up there! 🥰
Merry Christmas, Queliot fandom. Here's a little something I wrote just for you. 🥰
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yall-batman-fanfic · 4 months ago
Batman/Bruce WaynexMagician!OC| Chapter List
Here is a list of the chapters of the Batman/Bruce Wayne x Magician!Reader story in this blog.
Please note that chapters that are marked with the blue highlight are part of the main story and those without the highlights are the chapters that are mostly scenarios and fluffs with the other characters.
I will update this whenever there is a new chapter.
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Season 1
Our First Meeting Involved a Murder and a Cult Part 1
Our First Meeting Involved a Murder and a Cult Part 2
The Three-Way Relationship
The British are Coming!
The Unexpected Guest: The Guardian of Wayne Manor
Children of the Bat
The Time We Got Caught Skinny Dipping
“I’ll Always Be Here for You, Kiddo. Always.”
Fear Toxin: The Memories That Haunts Us
"I Need a Raise."
Along Came Jason
Meeting the Justice League
Day Off & Double Dates
Angels & Demons: Justice League Dark (Part 1/3)
Angels & Demons: Justice League Dark (Part 2/3)
Angels & Demons: Justice League Dark (Part 3/3)
Special Merchandise
A Quiet Night
The Billionaire's Wife
A Promise Across Time (Part1 / 3)
A Promise Across Time (Part 2/3)
A Promise Across Time (Part 3/3)
Moving In
Mother & Daughter
The Consultant: Morgan le Fey Case
In the Events of My Death: The Bruce Wayne Tapes
Dreams and Reality (Part 1/3)
Dreams and Reality (Part 2/3)
Dreams and Reality (Part 3/3)
Damian's Pets
Opening Up
Gotham Year One
PTA Rivals
Wedding: Without Masks (Part 1/2)
Wedding: The One that Gotham Remembers (Part 2/2)
Another Chance
Little One
Love of my Life
Blurred Photos
Valerie's First Birthday
Penny Too!
Family Sports Day
The Crossroads
Wayne Family Holiday Traditions
From Our First Case to Our Last
Season 2
Hiya Mom!
Its a Bat-Thing
In Another Life
[Maxie] Zeus
The Riddler's Mistake: The Wrong Kid for Ransom
Wrath of Wayne [Part 1/3]
Wrath of Wayne [Part 2/3]
Wrath of Wayne [Part 3/3]
Indiana Quinn! Harley Goes to the Temple of Doom
A Family Trip to Liverpool
The Madman's Dream
Superman Saves the Day
Teen Titans!
Happy Valentines Day, Batman
“I’m Sorry, Ma. I’m really, really sorry…”
Dracula [Part 1]
Dracula [Part 2]
Happy Birthday, Batman
Dracula [Part 3]
The Dark Side of Academia
Gotham at Night
Return of Hush
Superhero Playdate
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Please note that some chapters do not follow the chronological order due to time jumps that relate to the story, but are placed in this order as major parts of the story are in that certain timeline.
Gotham Year One
Our First Meeting Involved a Murder and a Cult Part 1
Our First Meeting Involved a Murder and a Cult Part 2
A Promise Across Time (Part 1/3)
The Time We Got Caught Skinny Dipping
The Three-Way Relationship
A Madman's Dream
The British are Coming!
The Unexpected Guest: The Guardian of Wayne Manor
Moving In
A Quiet Night
Meeting the Justice League
“I’ll Always Be Here for You, Kiddo. Always.”
[Maxie] Zeus
Happy Valentines Day, Batman
Fear Toxin: The Memories That Haunts Us
Wedding: Without Masks (Part 1/2)
Wedding: The One that Gotham Remembers (Part 2/2)
Along Came Jason
The Billionaire's Wife
In the Event of My Death: The Bruce Wayne Tapes
“I’m Sorry, Ma. I’m really, really sorry…”
Children of the Bat
Teen Titans!
"I Need a Raise."
The Dark Side of Academia
In Another Life
Angels & Demons: Justice League Dark (Part 1/3)
Angels & Demons: Justice League Dark (Part 2/3)
Angels & Demons: Justice League Dark (Part 3/3)
The Consultant: Morgan le Fey Case
Indiana Quinn! Harley Goes to the Temple of Doom
Mother & Daughter
Superman Saves the Day
Opening Up
Day off & Double Dates
Special Merchandise
A Promise Across Time (Part 2/3)
A Promise Across Time (Part 3/3)
Hiya Mom!
Dreams and Reality (Part 1/3)
Dreams and Reality (Part 2/3)
Dreams and Reality (Part 3/3)
Damian's Pets
PTA Rivals
Another Chance
Little One
Love of My Life
Blurred Photos
Wrath of Wayne [Part 1/3]
Wrath of Wayne [Part 2/3]
Wrath of Wayne [Part 3/3]
Valerie's First Birthday
The Crossroads
Penny Too!
Family Sports Day
Wayne Family Holiday Traditions
A Family Trip to Liverpool
Happy Birthday, Batman
Dracula [Part 1]
Dracula [Part 2]
Dracula [Part 3]
Return of Hush
The Riddler's Mistake: The Wrong Kid for Ransom
Gotham at Night
Its a Bat-Thing
From Our First Case to Our Last
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Dark Knights of Steel
Dark Knights of Steel: Ash and Blood [Part 1]
Dark Knights of Steel: Ash and Blood [Part 2]
Dark Knights of Steel: Ash and Blood [Part 3]
Dark Knights of Steel: Ash and Blood [Part 4]
Dark Knights of Steel: Ash and Blood [Part 5]
Dark Knights of Steel: Ash and Blood [Part 6]
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tbraves24 · 6 months ago
New fic drop! This little ficlet is the silliest piece of crack I've ever written, lol 😂 Enjoy! HONK!
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toons-inkwell · 4 months ago
SSKKKSSSTTT—We interrupt your usual Finding "Frankie" AU fic programming to present this star-crossed lovers Lucky Contestant X Monster Frankie fic titled:
WARNINGS: Death, (somewhat) graphic violence, suicide talk/themes, and a good deal of cussing
Summary: Monster Frankie and Lucky are at the end of the line. The audience has grown bored of the same thing every season but neither are ready to say goodbye. With the uncertainty of what will happen, who will live, and what will come after, they take a second to look back on what they had before stepping out and giving the audience one final grand finale before finally understanding what went unspoken. (Author's notes in reblogs)
Slow, long strides were matched with short small steps down the waxed floor of a corridor. The long and spacious hallway was occupied by two different creatures, both of vastly different origins. One was a vicious temperamental killer, this bloodthirsty attitude dwelled within the mascot of the very area they were in, Frankie. Frankie wasn't just any mascot though, although he did represent the place with his imagery plastered just about everywhere, he was also responsible for its closure and current condition. Season after season, he was the sadist responsible for the death of hundreds as he remained undefeated in a twisted game show started by people lusting for money. Countless poor souls tempted by greed stepped inside only to have their dreams crushed by this monstrous rabbit, sometimes it was more than their dreams being crushed. Gutted, squished, decapitated, torn to bits, if you could imagine a gruesome demise there was a good chance Frankie was the one to give it to someone just for the fun of it. Oh god did he have fun with it. He was the star, the namesake of the entire thing with his role being the ruthless monster people tuned in or betted on to end lives. A beast created to kill with not one escaping his springy clutches.
Or at least, he was.
Besides him was the small masked human who was almost a victim to Frankie's bloodlust. Running, jumping, sliding, rail grinding, they did everything in their power to live once they made it to the parkour palace. They had expected to be chased by killer mascots but what they never anticipated was how good it would feel. Although they found themselves winded, scared, with the hairs on their body on edge each time something ran after them, they found it exhilarating. Initially coming for a reason they now looked back on and thought silly, the lucky contestant found something so much better in the twisted show.
It was them living that infuriated Frankie, even looking down at the human they could remember the day the contestant showed up. They were told to wait to kill them and holy fuck was it hard. He had the perfect opportunity to snag them in a vent, he could have so easily shoved their face into the rotating blades of a fan making a fine red mist out of the fragile human. Instead the *other* Frankie gave him specific instructions to keep the contestant alive, to let them go to at least boost ratings a bit before ending them. It was aggravating, it was his show, he shouldn't have had to share it with anyone and he made his opinion quickly apparent by disobeying orders. If that smiley bastard didn't interfere when he wasn't looking he would have succeeded in crushing that pest under his foot too, instead the contestant got by using sheer luck to escape. When that fucking prick showed his face again and tried to help the contestant once more, Frankie was quick to put an end to it. They had reached the end and he—unwillingly—went along with the plan. The contestant was at Hexa-Havoc meaning they werr all his, his to kill, his to rip apart in front of the cameras, it was his right to make them a martyr by displaying their organs across brightly colored hexagons to teach any future contestants what would happen if they dare FUCKED with HIS gameshow!
Instead the reverse happened. He was made a god damn fool in front of over 20,000 people with that audience count only rising each second. Thousands witnessed that costumed weirdo who randomly appeared dash back and forth, dodging him as the timer ticked down. Eventually once the lever lock timer was up the contestant lunged for it, barely any ground to stand on left. From the sky rained the sentient time bombs that were the little noob-noobs and then it was all over. Frankie's life flashed before his eyes, each and every human he killed and the different ways they screamed under their mask embedded into his memory. Their fearful eyes that were once such a delight now mocking him as he descended into a burning inferno that was in the pit of the parkour palace. His transmitted screams rang out from above, the TVs showing the screaming face of a cartoon variant of him as his body began to superheat and melt, and it was all because of that one contestant who had luck on his side. As he watched the contestant get saved from the same fate, them lucky enough to cling onto one of the precariously placed rails above the incinerator, he vowed to not only get his revenge but to take back all that he lost.
And next season, sure enough, he had the chance. It was a surprise to the rabbit but the contestant came back, this time with a whole lot less uncertainty in their actions much to his displeasure. Frankie never did get the chance to enact his revenge, the contestant once more proved to be more than capable of outplaying him. Season after season it repeated, a game with both parties trying to one-up the other and make it so the other would end up losing. Frankie had won for so long that after each loss he felt emotions surface he didn't even know he had, anger, bitterness, hate, it all brewed next to the constant humiliation in front of the audience that once applauded him and screamed his name as he eviscerated all those in his sight. Simultaneously, he also felt something else. Just like the pain he felt upon burning for the first time, the contestant's slowly shifting attitude and actions after the seasons intrigued him as it was all so new. He had plenty of chances to kill the person that proved to be a thorn in his side when off camera, but at the same time he didn't wish to. It was odd but actually trying to win stirred something in him, it was the same feeling the contestant got when being chased. It was a sort of unique thrill they shared with each other, their disdain and hatred slowly changing while the game did too. New obstacles were installed, parts of the parkour palace were renovated, the game was kept fresh with their rivalry enticing people to watch. What started off as a simple game to Frankie and as nothing more than a chance at something else to the contestant became something truly special to the two. Frankie found someone to actually challenge him and the contestant found a new identity as the people's champ. *Lucky* is what they called him, it's what Frankie—both of them—called him. It was something that the contestant embraced and a name Frankie soon found himself thinking about, even when the cameras stopped rolling.
The two came to a halt, both stopping to sit in the dead center of the hallway, neither wanting to go through giant doors with a sign above reading "season finale". No cameras were placed around, just powered off TVs allowing them a small shred of privacy and break. They wouldn't want to be caught dead this close to each other and not in their game of chase, but as it stood neither wished to run. Like the oncoming freeze of winter they both could sense something different in the air, something that neither had a good feeling about. The silence was deafening and both acted out of the norm of their usual circumstances, both predator and prey having a moment of respite.
With a nervous twitch Frankie eventually made the first move, his head turning to look over at a powered off TV mounted on a wall behind him. With less than a thought given he projected his consciousness to it, the much cuter cartoon version of the body he wore manifesting on it drawing Lucky's attention. Unlike the first time they saw the cartoon Frankie on screen, he held no madness in his eyes, instead it was just a somber gaze that shared the sentiment of worry.
["So... This is it huh?"]
Lucky looked downwards, breaking eye contact and nodding "guess so..."
Frankie grimaced, the one on the screen showing emotions whilst his physical body remained in that permanent grin. The silence filled the air once more and it became discomforting, neither wishing to be alone with their thoughts. If there wasn't something to focus on both Frankie and Lucky started to think about what would come next, the thought of after being scarier than the toothy rabbit with a thirst for blood. It was Frankie himself who was scared most by it, quick to speak just to pad time.
["... You think there's a god?"]
Lucky perked up, the question catching them off guard "what?"
["Ya know, god? You believe in one"]
"Uhh... Not really?..." Lucky trailed off and looked at the TV screen, Frankie seemingly wishing for a genuine response which prompted him to continue "I mean... Maybe? I can't say there's definitely not a god but there's no also no proof saying there is...why do you ask?"
["Ehh, I dunno"] Frankie shrugged, his physical body mirroring his movements on screen ["just a thought I suppose, as an AI I really don't think I should have a say on whether a god or not exists, but I know you humans pray to them and I've heard a whole lotta prayers while I–" he made a ripping gesture with his hands ["–ya know?"]
"mmm... Yeah, I hear you" Lucky fiddled with the costume they wore, the fabric sticking to their sweat laced skin underneath "I gotta wonder, do... Do you, uhh... Ever feel bad or anything?" He paused, unsure how to word it without sounding harsh or antagonistic "ya know...for the people you kill?"
["No... Well–not exactly? I mean, I certainly don't feel bad, I just wonder why they risked their lives in the first place?”] Frankie rubbed his chin, the sound his metal finger made making Lucky grimace under the mask ["It just doesn't make"]
"What doesn't make sense?"
["well if the people I kill risk their lives for a measly 5 million then come ooonnn~! They either gotta be a crook, stupid, or suicidal!"] Frankie counted on his fingers each adjective before he rolled his eyes ["I don't care about you humans that much but even I am smart enough to know 5 million dollars isn't going make the average person think they can avoid death where no one else could!"]
"Well, what if they have a family? Being desperate is a reason why a lot of people do things for cash"
["Well that makes even less sense! Why would you attempt to lose your life if you got people relying on you? It'd make more sense to kill someone else before trying to kill yourself for money"] Frankie's spring neck slowly started to extend towards the contestant ["which makes me wonder...]" Now looming over the human, Frankie lowered his face close to Lucky, the smell of rotten flesh still fresh ["which are you?..."]
Lucky squinted their eyes and glared at the rabbit, unphased by the familiar smell and sight "what are you getting at?"
["Well it's just you don't take ANY of the money!"] Frankie's head snapped back to its original position, bobbing ever so slightly on its spring ["If you had a family to feed you'd take it without a second thought and leave, if you were suicidal you'd just let me kill you, that just leaves you either being some criminal on the run with this being your only safety, or plain stupid"]
Lucky chuckled and gave a dismissive wave "heh, well I know I'm stupid for staying but as for why I found this place in the first place?..." They looked towards the big door awaiting them both, it's presence making any humor vanish "... It really was because I couldn't think of any better way to go out, after all dying live in front of thousands is a whole lot better than tying a noose around my neck"
["So why is it that you ran? Why didn't you just let me kill you, I don't know if you could tell but I wasn't really keen on listening to the asshole watching the cameras"]
"Yeah... I could tell real fast you didn't care if I made it to the end..." Lucky grumbled before registering the question. With a small bit of thought they answered, their voice cracking from a small bit of uncertainty in their own words "I suppose it was just instinct? I did think the money would be nice but I didn't really think I'd last long... When I heard about–" the gestured to the surroundings "–this I watched a few clips online to see what exactly I was getting into, upon finding out barely anybody made it past the lobby let alone the first obstacle course I just said fuck it, blew a few grand on your crap cereal, and when I actually got here I got ready to die..."
Frankie's ears twitched, by his cartoon version's face filled with intrigue ["...And then?"]
Lucky took a second to recuperate their scattered thoughts. The fear they felt, the hopeless knowledge of what would happen when they walked in through those doors and put on the suit was still so fresh even after years. With a sigh they began to speak again, their words holding the same confidence that grew in them overtime.
"I found it... Fun" they met Frankie's gaze, the blue lights of the rabbit's eyes a lot easier to look at than the headache inducing fluorescent lights above "I know I'm crazy but when you were chasing me it felt like I actually had a purpose, obviously my body just wanted to not die, basic science behind survival and all that, but after the initial fear started to fade and I could begin to think clearly I wanted more, it's why I kept going, it's why I didn't stop and give up, it's why I kept trying to get to the end and managing to outrun you"
["Atatata!"] Frankie sputtered ["let's get the story straight here, I "LET you live, reminder that the other called me back when I was so capable of killing you"]
"Oh of course, it's not like after when Henry was close to killing me you just couldn't let your fragile ego be broken so you tried to catch me when he was attempting to kill me as well" Lucky stood up, a snort was given as they recounted the past "oh! Oh! Can't forget 'STOP MESSING UP MY FUCKING GAMESHOW!' can we!?"
Frankie sat back, watching the human he could so easily crush begin to laugh. Way back when if anyone dared to mock him in such a way he would be quick to put them in their place, not even the other wouldn't be safe if they acted in such a manner. Frankie couldn't help but feel different when Lucky did it, like he actually liked getting mocked? It was strange, but it was sort of nice knowing his little outburst was memorable, that Lucky still recalled their first interaction. It gave him a sense of nostalgia that he had never had before.
["... You know, I actually liked it when you ran"]
Lucky's laughter was cut short, the words making him sputter and cough "CUGH! ugh! Wh-what!?"
Frankie covered his mouth and snickered ["I said: I actually liked it when you ran"] he shrugged ["you're the first little fucker who ever gave me a run for my money, well— I guess the company's money, but my point still stands, you were the first to make the game a bit more interesting and made me think about actually winning rather than just coming up with new execution strategies"]
"Ahh yes, I'm sooooo~ grateful I made you think about killing me rather than coming up with whatever sick shit you thought about before"
["You should be, you should also be grateful I never caught you because if I did I would of found out real fast if my springs were durable enough to be used as guillotine"] Frankie flicked the spring that acted as his arm ["there's a good chance they would of just painfully dug into your skin and strangled you, but I believe anything can be used to cut if you try hard enough"]
As grim as it sounded, and as genuine of a threat as it was, both cracked up laughing. It was dark, but to them it was playful. Death was really always how they played, it was the foundation of what they built and what kept their interactions interesting. As the time ticked by, and the laughter subsided, both knew the borrowed time they ran on had to be given back. If they spent too long out of the camera's view they knew the other would creep in with a camera to catch their bonding moment. Both would rather be caught dead than having the audience know of them. It was a bit more than fondness of course, although neither wanted to admit it. Instead they looked towards the glaring pink elephant in the room. A pressing issue that only grew more pressing by the moment, the one that spurred them to stop and talk in the first place, the aforementioned end. It was a bitter truth neither wanted to face, but an unavoidable one that Frankie spoke about, the warmth in his voice vanishing.
["... They didn't bother making a new suit for me this time around..."]
Lucky joined the rabbit in his unease "The other one told me already, turns out seeing me win is getting boring" They sighed and began to raise their voice "How could they take it out on you though? Why wouldn't they just kill me instead of replacing you?"
["Hell if I know"] Frankie shrugged and got to his feet, with a huff he shook his head ["that fake bastard nearly got scrapped by the higher-ups and he barely gets a say in how the show goes, my best guess is the reason why they don't just get rid of you is the same reason this entire show started in the first place, humans being the greedy fuckers they are are willing to find the cheapest solution to any problem"] a deep rumbling growl came out from Frankie's physical body, one of the few noises he was capable of making ["hay, maybe you'll find it fun getting chased by whatever new horrifying fuck takes my place, I'm sure the higher-ups will think of something, like maybe a person with a etch-a-sketch for a head"]
Both looked at each other before chuckling. The very idea that anything could replace Frankie and his brutal ways was hilarious. After all, what would this show be without Frankie? Sure Deputy Duck and Henry were there, but Deputy Duck wasn't really an obstacle and Henry could be easily avoided if you didn't irritate him with his telephones. The show was centered around the rabbit mascot, it was named Finding Frankie. Without Frankie it wouldn't be the same no matter what and with the way the rabbit spoke about the future off-put Lucky. It caught him off guard"
"Heh... What uhh... What makes you assume you'll lose?"
["Hmm?"] Frankie's head twisted to look down at Lucky, his ears twitching as he wondered if he heard correctly ["what? Do you really think I'll win this time around?"] He scoffed ["you've been beating me since you first got here, why is this season gonna be any different? We'll do Hexa-Havoc, you'll beat me, I'll fall, you'll catch the rail, collect the money and keep playing, it always ends like that no matter what"]
"You don't know that" Lucky said quickly.
Looking back down from where they came from, the whirr of buzzsaws that were dangerously close to their being made Lucky think about just how close they were to death. They were still close to death, but they didn't fear it. Not now at least.
"Can't be flawless always right? I was bound to slip up eventually... Make a wrong step, maybe trip... It'd be so easy for me to just make one simple mistake and fall..."
Frankie glared at Lucky and crouched down to face him, even his cartoon version had its face zoomed in on to accentuate its attitude ["what are you saying?"]
"Nothing, nothing at all" Lucky began to walk forward, the sounds of their footsteps echoing off the walls "just that maybe this will be the time you actually get me"
Frankie's face dropped hearing the human's words. Although they didn't say it outright, he knew what they were insinuating. The talk about death, not having purpose and the inevitable end made it all too clear the message. He didn't expect for the human to try and sacrifice themselves, and as much as he would have loved to continue owning the show, he didn't want to. Never once would he expect a human of all things to pity him and he was quick to make his opinion known. He couldn't let Lucky give up, it didn't feel right to them and it certainly didn't feel right to be without them.
["You hold the fuck up!"] He snatched up the human, making sure not to crush them in his metal grasp but still make sure they couldn't squirm out ["You can't just lose on purpose!"]
"Who says I was gonna loseon purpose?"
["YOU WERE IMPLYING IT!"] Frankie stamped his foot on the ground, the cartoon version getting sudden flames in his eyes ["I'd rather be awake and have some fuck-head mechanics the company send dismantle me bit by bit than just let you throw away your spot in the show"]
"I DON'T WANT A SPOT IN THIS FUCKED UP SHOW!" Lucky felt themselves tear up under the mask, the material underneath becoming damp "the reason why I never took the money is because I never wanted it! I want to continue running! Continue playing, but it won't be the same without you!" They choked on a sob, their voice cracking as they pressed a hand to their pulsing heart "I won't be able to continue if you don't come back..."
Frankie didn't have a heart but those words pained his virtual feelings all the same. His grip faltered and Lucky dropped to the ground. The human turned away and removed their mask, beginning to wipe their tears off their unseen face. Whenever the rabbit saw any other cry he'd laugh, mock their pain before biting their head off. Instead he found himself also tearing up, or at least the virtual display which was a true depiction of how he felt. With a quick wipe of his own tears—his physical body wiping nothing—he placed his giant hand on Lucky's shoulder, the size difference would be comical in any circumstance other than the one they found themselves in.
["I don't think I'll be able to continue without you either..."] Frankie grumbled, trying his best to hold back any more emotions as he pulled away ["as much as it sucks, It's just how things gotta be..."]
Lucky sniffled and swallowed a ball of spit that built in their throat "I guess so..." They looked downwards at the mask in their hand, it felt more familiar than their real face "if... If this is the last time we see each other, than I guess I won't lose anything letting you see what I always hid"
Frankie's eyes widened as Lucky began to turn around ["ATATA! NO! NO!" He twirled his torso around, his feet staying in the same place as his springs twisted to make him face away [“keep the mask on! I don't wanna see it!"]
"..." Lucky raised an eyebrow before slowly placing the mask back on "you don't wanna see my face?"
["see your face!? Why the hell would I wanna see that!"] Frankie crossed his arms and let himself snap back around after he heard Lucky's mask be fastened ["If I never see your face I get to know that I look better than you"] he said with a smug grin as he adjusted his bowtie.
"Really?" Lucky snorted and placed a hand on the hip "I think it's safe to say there's not a deformity, defect, or skin condition that could make me look worse than you, and I ain't talking about what's actually standing here”
Frankie flinched back, his ears sagged as he looked at his cartoon appearance which he prided himself on ["wow... You REALLY know how to push my buttons don'tcha?"]
"It's what throws you off your game, makes ya sloppy during chases"
["Oh! Well, ain't you just a lovely cheating cunt!"] Frankie chuckled and let his neck drop his head, with a face that was now upside down he let out another growl and stared down Lucky ["let's not do that this time, capiche? I want a good clean game, none of your little cheating and riling me up, no goofing off or not taking it seriously, and certainly no going easy on me so you can fulfill a death wish"]
"Rules go two ways Frankie, I know for a doubt sometimes you don't run as fast as you could when chasing me, why don't you show everyone why it's called Finding Frankie instead of being just a sore loser"
Lucky pressed one of his gloved fingers to Frankie's nose. Much to their surprise a distinct robotic voice line came from his body, a giddly little chuckle that rang out to both their shock. Lucky couldn't believe such a thing was built into the toothy monster and Frankie didn't think anyone would find out.
["Oh.... Okay!"] His head slingshotted back to its original position and he began to march off ["I'm gonna have so much FUN killing you!"]
"not if I send your sorry ass into the fire!" Lucky yelled after them.
"hay moron! Look at the screen!"
Lucky looked upwards, he usually looked at the rabbit themselves rather than the avatar they used to speak. Although their body was out of sight, their cartoon appearance could more than aptly send a message. With his little rabbit toon body bouncing, Frankie made a cranking gesture with one hand as the other slowly flipped them the bird. Once the gesture was fully given Frankie gave a mock face of shock before vanishing.
Lucky quickly yelled back down the hallway "FUCK YOU TOO! GET READY TO EAT SHIT DUMBASS!"
With their respective taunts spurring them on, both raced to the arena. Lucky wasted no time in kicking down the doors to the season finale and sprinting down the familiar corridor to the final game, Hexa-Havoc. It was a path they had walked before, but never once ran. Just as the show was about to change, so did their attitude towards everything, no longer somber, they eagerly jumped down onto the colorful hexagons to get into the ring. With an unseen smile on their face they witnessed Frankie join them, hurling himself into the ring with a lunge intent on already killing. It was a game they had played countless times, the showrunners incapable of thinking anything more climatic. It was fine, it just meant they had seasons worth of experience to play to the best of their abilities.
And played they did.
Methodical, careful, deliberate in each and every movement they moved. What once was a sloppy frantic chase with falling platforms became a graceful rehearsed dance of two parties in a game with the odds stacked against both. Lucky and Frankie both made it apparent they weren't going easy, Lucky was careful to jump on every other platform conserving as much space as possible within each level. Frankie's jumps which were once used to merely catch up were now used to eliminate and were made with deadly accuracy. Each time the giant rabbit hopped up Lucky had to slide away else they'd be as flat as the platforms they ran on. It was refreshing and even with the intial diminishing views the sheer skill both displayed began to attract new watchers. Numbers rose as the time fell, more and more people tuned in to see what was once a chase become something so much more. The chat, unseen to both, exploded with new people wondering if this was the constant quality, meanwhile old viewers were astonished at how both acted. It was something they had never seen from either, old and new watchers alike were left starstruck as they witnessed time the climax to the show they mindlessly tuned into on the dark web.
["our show just reached a world record for death shows across the world! It's at a million views!"] The other Frankie yelled over the intercom ["the lever is now unlocked! With this many viewers the prize money may QUADRU–"]
Frankie hacked both the intercom and televisions scattered around the arena. His cartoon appearance held a familiar flame in his eyes but unlike the past it held no rage or crazed desire for death. Instead his gaze fixated on Lucky and the way they ran. The human locked eyes with the screen and knew it was a fire of passion.
Wait—Our show?
It didn't matter if Lucky heard correctly or not, the show carried on with both not even finishing with the second level of platforms. Lucky didn't even give the noob-noob release a glance, instead their attention was given in full to Frankie and their reaching hands. The rabbit repeatedly swiped as they marched towards what they once considered a victim. Now with both near the end, their fates currently uncertain, they felt that same something that only Lucky managed to give them. When he finally managed to corner them only to be met with them slipping between his legs and keep running did he have a rough idea of what it was. It was a feeling Lucky too shared, it was one that made their blood pump and heart pound louder than any scream that could be given by the million people cheering them both on at once. Some of the viewers wanted Lucky to die, finally have the champ meet his end and descend down into hell, meanwhile some rooted for the fragile human to best the monstrous rabbit that was responsible for murdering a large portion of people. Neither really cared what the audience wanted, both were having the time of their life and it only got better once 0 platforms remained on the second level.
Down to the third and final level, both could barely feel the heat looming below as they continued. Even if machine, Frankie's body started to overheat in the same manner Lucky's began to exhaust. Movements became a lot less graceful as they became literally one step closer to the end each moment. Raw and tired, Frankie stopped jumping and instead focused solely on grabbing and Lucky stopped sliding, it was too damn effort and with no safety net it was too damn dangerous. The desperate huff of a masked individual and the creak of mechanical rabbit's joints replaced the dubstep track that played during the finale. The soundtrack wasn't intended to be played this long, but considering Frankie and Lucky never intended to feel such deep things about each other it was safe to say life was full of surprises. It certainly was a surprise to both how much they thoroughly enjoyed it. Each step ignited past memories of doing this very thing, only with a lot less of a rush this time around. It was these memories that flashed before them as the game eventually came to a complete stop. The show reached its peak with both Lucky and Frankie on their final platform, both had given it their all yet it didn't change their fate.
["Game over... Goodbye, Lucky"]
Lucky was left speechless as he looked to see Frankie on the screen shed a tear through grit teeth. Just like their very first encounter and subsequent encounters they fell down into the incinerator below. Useless merchandise, bits of garbage, and the old clothes and remains of past contestants were piled around the hellish flames that were at the center of the parkour palace. The smell of burnt flesh filled Lucky's nostrils, the past 3 contestants who didn't make it as far as him invading his senses. Frankie knew this was his end and couldn't accept anything less than what he got. Initially wishing for nothing more than to remain the top dog who racked up views as they killed Frankie was happy he was dethroned. Not only happy but overjoyed he could play with his lucky little contestant one last time before he would die. The grind rail couldn't support his weight and from past attempts trying to claw out only extended the pain, it was futile but he was okay with it. The smile on his body's face would be genuine as he watched his contestant above grab onto the rail. Saving themselves just as they had saved themselves countless times before.
Only this time they didn't.
In a shocking display that made chat and the other watching erupt into screams Lucky actually missed the railing. They themselves didn't know if it was on purpose, after all just as they said you can't go so many seasons and not make a misplay. But was it really a misplay? They meant it when they said they wouldn't be able to go on with Frankie, but would it really mean they would accept death with him? They didn't know. All that they did know was that no end could have been better.
Even with Frankie holding them against his metal body, the flames only making it hotter, they didn't regret a second. No screams were made as they gazed into each other's eyes, Frankie's bright blue piercing the surrounding red and staring deep into the masked covered one's of Lucky's. Metal melded into flesh that was seared black, the pain of which would make any scream out or writhe in pain. Instead Lucky just kept their vision focused forward towards Frankie, the rabbit doing the same as he fought with his circuits which wanted to shut off. It hurt, it hurt like hell, but it would pale in comparison for either to live another second without seeing the other. Memories of all the fun they had, even if it was built in the foundation of death, were looked down upon fondly as the end came by the millisecond. Tears which were almost immediately evaporated tried to roll down burnt flesh, and if he was capable Frankie would return the human gesture if not limited by his metallic body. The rabbit's tears were in the same vein as the human's, he wasn't sad but rather was overjoyed he wouldn't be alone. He *did* wish for Lucky to survive, move on, continue living without him. But maybe this was their fates. Their true fates. It took so long for both to finally realize what they was truly special and would never again happen, but maybe it was for the best. Hatred that sprouted into fondness, fondness which grew into care, care which bloomed into love was now fully understood by both. Frankie, happy he managed to find such a silly human emotion in his life filled with death and Lucky, grateful they were ironically saved from their depressing life by the very thing that wanted to kill them, closed their eyes. They embraced each other for what would be the first and last time in their lives as the fire covered them, shielding their love from prying eyes. It was an end, but one both could accept. Even as Lucky's brain began to melt they still thought about the name given to them and how each time Frankie called them that—even out of anger—it made their hate race in a way no chase could. It repeated, stuck on loop as their life came to an end.
Lucky's name being screamed made them jump up and look around at their surroundings, their heart not stopping for a second. It scared the hell out of them and they couldn't understand, what just happened? Their head was pounding, their body was all warm—wait! Weren't they on fire and dying a second ago? No. Of course not, why the heck would they be on fire? The sun was shining down, it was warm, pleasant, like a comforting blanket. Where the hell would fire come from? In fact, where would dying even come from!?
Lucky spun around, their floppy ears instinctively laying flat at the sound of a loud noise "huh!?"
There running through a flower filled meadow was a familiar sight. Robotic prosthetic limbs attached to the body of one small grayish furry rabbit with lop-ears, bowtie, and magician hat. It was Frankie, it was their Frankie.
"THERE YOU ARE!" The rabbit yelled as he wagged his finger at Lucky "where the hell were you! I was looking around for ages, I thought you fucking DIED!"
"Ugh... Sorry" Lucky groaned and pressed a paw to their forehead, the sight of their hand made them flinch for some reason but they shook it off "think I tripped and got knocked out or something... would explain why I feel like I got a whole lotta head trauma"
"Knocked out!?" Frankie repeated, their nose twitching as they inspected the other rabbit "oh god! I– I didn't know! Do you need to stop? Go to the ER?"
"ER!? And let YOU win!?" Lucky scoffed and shoved the other rabbit playfully, a smile playing on their lips "fat chance magic boy, round 2 is starting now!"
Frankie shrugged "eh, if you say you're alright I ain't gonna push the issue" the rabbit tapped his foot against the ground "so, you wanna be the tagger or tagee this time around? Pick the option that WON'T make you accidentally crack your skull open"
"I didn't crack my damn skull open!" Lucky said as they thumped his paw into the dirt. With a low growl they suddenly stopped and began to think of the game they played that had been interrupted by them falling unconscious "hmm... You know, I think I wanna go back to being it"
"Ughhh..." Frankie's limbs extended and limply laid on the ground, his entire body unraveling to express his disdain "you're **ALWAYS** it! That round was the first time I got to be it in forever!"
"Welp, I guess we can just go back home and sleep, you can take the couch or course–"
Frankie stood back up "You're a bitch ya know that?"
"A bitch who's your lover, may I remind you?" Lucky leaned in close, pressing their snout close to Frankie's.
Seeing that stupid smile on Lucky's face made Frankie roll his eyes "fine! You're it!, gimme a 30 second head start this time okay?"
"Fine–" Lucky quickly grabbed the rabbit and pulled him into a kiss.
Frankie's eyes went wide and tensed up, his body slowly melting into Lucky's grasp before realizing what they were doing "wait! No!"
"20 seconds left~"
"You can't fucking do that!" Frankie blushed, his cheek fur magically turning red as per toon rules "you're cheating!"
"19... 18..." They kept counting.
Frankie stumbled away and quickly began to break into a sprint. They would certainly get back at Lucky for the sly move but pushed revenge out of his mind. For now they would appreciate their rabbit partner, even if they were a dirty cheater.
Looking back Frankie locked eyes with Lucky. The smiling rabbit still counting as they watched him run. It was the start to another one of their games, a game that would eventually end like all things would. For now they wouldn't think about the end, for now they'd just be happy and enjoy what time they had.
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bravelostgirl · 1 year ago
【[ New chapter is up ]】
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♥ This is not a shitty romance novel ♥ Quentin is taking on life slowly after being discharged from the mental hospital, He had a comfortable and stable job at a tiny coffee shop -- everything was so much better thanks to a handsome looking regular. The mystery of meeting someone new and seeing what comes from that would make Q's heart race..
{ Check it first chapter on Ao3 ~~ 𝐻𝐸𝑅𝐸 }
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eliotqueliot · 1 year ago
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