#the lost hero trio
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hyperfocuscentre · 6 months ago
both? both. both is good.
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crookedghosts · 4 months ago
Leo "I just like kissing my homies goodnight" Valdez are you aware that you're in a qpr with your two best friends? do they know??
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somewhereincairparavel · 4 months ago
just found out that piper had jason's edgarton classes and their timings memorized, despite the fact that jason joined after the break up, so she basically had no reason to do that. with this information, paired with the fact that piper said jason was still her best friend (even more so than annabeth) i'd like to think that she visited him from time to time to check in on him. jiper friendship along with the lost hero trio in general is so underrated i'm sad :((
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fruggin-bitch · 2 months ago
Yall ever think about how there’s some trios in fandoms/media that are like all besties but you can’t ship them all together?
Like take Harry potter’s golden trio for example; Ron and hermione is canon, Harry and hermione was almost canon, but Harry and Ron are very rarely seen as a ship (mostly because of their friendship is very sibling-like imo)
In heroes of Olympus, take the lost hero trio; Piper and Jason was, of course, canon (for a bit anyway), and Valgrace is hugely popular as a ship, but you never see a Piper and Leo pairing because, again, very sibling-like friendship (also Piper is gay but case in point)
A final example (and what made me think of this) is charlotte, jasper, and Henry from Henry danger. Charlotte and Henry were the most popular ship, and were inches away from being canon, jasper and Henry were huge in the fandom but never was charlotte shipped with jasper
I just think it’s so interesting how common the combination of “three people that can be shipped in multiple ways, but there’s one ship that just doesn’t work�� happens
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thaliasthunder · 2 years ago
instead of a completely random girl created out of absolutely nothing u know who piper should've ended up with??? nyssa. a daughter of aphrodite w a daughter of hephaestus???? the symbolism?? both head consealors of their cabins?? the parallels of silena and beckendorf??? and that would've been an opportunity to deepen nyssa's character instead of just being leo's sister??? also piper & leo would've been not only besties but officially family??? the wasted material to possibly work with in writing????
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iwannascreameurekaa · 3 months ago
the subtle foreshadowing trend but it's piper Leo and Jason on the bus on the beginning of tlh cutting to Jason getting struck by lightning
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lunarrumor · 1 year ago
random valgrace headcanons
- leo cooks for jason all the time because he likes it (it reminds him of his mom and when she taught him how to make his favorite dishes) and his love language is most definitely gift giving because he’s not so good with words
- but one day leo was up all night working on some new machine (again) and jason decides he wants to give him a break so he tries to make some simple pasta. butttt they didn’t really have cooking lessons at camp jupiter and the water overflows and he burns the sauce and when leo gets back jason’s hair is mysteriously red and the kitchen looks like something exploded (it did. the sauce bubbled up and went everywhere)
- however they go camping together once and leo makes a fire and by the time he gets back from going to use the restroom jason has caught a wild bird and is frying it up
- leo makes jason random little trinkets all the time
- when leo and jason are having meals with the seven + reyna and nico they’ll tap messages to each other back and forth in morse code until annabeth gets annoyed by all the banging
- leo loves horror movies and jason hate hate hates them
- when jason gets drunk he likes using a lot of big words except he’s too drunk to use them correctly so he just hopes no one notices (leo does but doesn’t mention it…. without fail he’ll look at him and go “how r u so smart even when so drunk” and jason will give him a dopey smile)
- they go to college in new rome together and visit piper at her mortal school all the time
- they also got an apartment together because yeaa it might be moving fast but they totally didn’t move in together because they’re soulmates or whatever. naaaa it would js be silly not to right ? they shouldn’t *both* be paying rent when they’re gonna be at the same place *anywayss* and jason doesn’t cook and leo doesn’t clean so really it’s just a responsible roommate setup rigggght (aka the lie they tell themselves bc they really js wanna have the security of seeing each other everyday and live a wholesome life where they don’t have to worry if the next time they visit the other they’re not gonna be there anymore)
- but they’re both still worried to ruin the relationship because it’s so new and they’ve been pining for so long so they get separate rooms. except leo is always crawling into jason’s bed at night or jason is playing a movie in leo’s while he works (leo’s barely paying attention but jason likes doing it so he can sneak him snacks because leo has a habit of forgetting to eat while working. and every so often leo will make a goofy joke about the movie n he gets so amazed by how smart n funny leo is. n leo likes the background noise and jason’s little snorts when a character is being dumb. and mostly he just likes his presence. how they can just sit in silence together and without leo having to say anything jason will know how much he cares. how much he appreciates jason caring about him)
- and eventually leo just stops going back to his room, unless he’s working on something, because he likes the smell of jason and waking up with him and bothering him while he does schoolwork. his things slowly start appearing in jason’s room until he’s basically moved in and one day he comes home to jason rummaging through his drawers and he’s like uhh ??? and jason’s like ah rats i was gna surprise you….. i cleared out my closet and got a dresser so that you don’t have to keep going back and forth and i can totally put it back if u don’t want that i just thought maybe you might want to because you haven’t rlly slept here in so long anyway and…. and leo kisses him n grabs the pile of clothes and carries it off to *their* room. and so leo’s old room becomes his new work space
- on this same vein leo will get so distracted while he’s working on a new project that he’ll forgot all about time and sometimes he’s doing this n jason comes in and tells him the time and he drops everything and makes dinner bc his stomach grumbling is fine but when he realizes jason probably hasn’t had a real meal since the last time he cooked now *thats* motivation
- of course jason doesn’t always need him to cook (in fact leo starts trying to teach him no matter how disastrous it is at first. i guess multitasking in battle doesn’t equate to handling the chaos of a kitchen ? but jason actually gets pretty good as long as he’s looking at a list of instructions) but leo just likes all the compliments he gets from jason about his food and how he’ll sit with him in the kitchen and come up behind him with his hands on his waist (jason gets really excited whenever leo asks him to do something like bring him some seasoning or a ladle because he likes being helpful)
- jason also started picking up food after his morning class and bringing leo breakfast because he is *not* a morning person. he’ll also order food when leo’s been cooped up in his room for some time and he knows he wants to keep working so jason brings his lil surprise in along with his laptop and they eat together (with jason making sure leo takes a bite every now n then and eats enough before it gets cold)
- jason wakes up at 6 am everyday to go to the gym, shower, and go to classes meanwhile leo doesn’t have class till 1 and even then he’s late sometimes. because as u could assume leo stays up late at night and jason has trouble staying up past midnight (he always falls asleep during their movie nights even though he tries his very hardest not to but leo is so toasty he just can’t help it. and leo always tucks him in and takes off his glasses)
- also neither of them like waking up alone on the couch in the middle of the night (which is fine when leo falls asleep first, jason just picks him up and carries him to bed. but leo isn’t exactly built for dragging 6 ft men across an apartment floor) so they get a pullout sofa for this exact reason (not a bed pullout couch. he would still have to lift jason off and jason is a heavyy sleeper. he had to sleep through a lot of chaos at camp jupiter. they get one of those couches that extends into more couch and pile a bunch of blankets on it for movie nights. and leo makes popcorn with an ungodly amount of butter)
- leo runs warm and when his emotions spike his powers act up so he stress sweats and everytime it happens jason will cool him off with a nice breeze
- on the flip side jason is always cold so he’s always snuggling up to leo (totally the only reason. definitely not that he’s touch starved) and in the winter they’re literally attached at the hip. jason will not let him go no way no how he *will* stand/walk/lay/sit with his arms around leo at all costs (the cost is piper grossing out at their gushiness)
- jason’s bear hugs are leo’s favorite things in the world he could stay wrapped in those arms forever
- jason and leo live in the same apartment complex as frank and hazel and they become a lot closer
- percy and annabeth live down the hall and leo loves to ding dong ditch them
- annabeth randomly knocks on their door sometimes because she wants leo’s help figuring out the logistics for an architectural project of hers and jason will follow so he can play video games with percy (yeah i said it, percy and leo teach him how to play and he likes it more than he thought he would)
- every week they all get lunch together with reyna, piper, and nico
- nico comes over at first to hang out with jason but he still finds leo…. odd but eventually they bond over their love for horror movies and laughing at jason
- leo loves to sketch when he gets bored in class and he’ll be spacing out drawing until he realizes that his whole page is full of jason’s face from every possible angle
- leo fell first but jason said i love you first (after a lot of coaching from piper)
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the only lost hero trio dynamic i will acsept is all of them are obsessed with each other one way or the other
piper? leo and jason's best friend and SO PRETTY. they 100% remind her of this, always hyping her up
jason? who wouldn't want a friend who can swoop you off your feet, both metaphorically and physically!! piper and leo are 100% making up for all that stuff they though happened
leo? piper's bff and parter in crime and jason is just happy to be there, handing his best firend screws and the wrong
i will have NONE of this shit about them hating eachother
sure, their powers can be scary to the others but all the powers in the PJO universe can be like that.
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owlghosts9 · 2 months ago
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@lost-trio-week Snape absolutely despises Leo (and Leo is terrified/despises him as well) but piper can convince him of almost anything with her supreme potion skills
I was originally going to do an EPIC au but I thought about it a lot and want to involve the rest of the seven as well soooo maybe I’ll be doing that
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ishouldsleepbut · 5 months ago
transfem! jason grace headcanons because i said so 🐺🌩️👓 🩵
- goes by jay or jayce when she's feeling fem (also funny because then her first name rhymes with grace)
- she/he pronouns!!!!
- some amount of gender fluidity in there (she's not fully binary trans but definitely likes being feminine. i'm feeling like demigirl and demiboy at the same time. he's a girlboy.)
- in conjunction with @aroaceleovaldez 's headcannon, he LOVES skirts. 9 times out of ten after coming out, you will find her in a skirt. she likes the long, flowy ones the best.
- realized that his relationship with piper was really just him having gender envy for most of it. remember that scene where piper gets claimed and she gets that "aphrodite makeover" and jason's like "omg, she's so pretty"? yeah, he just really, really, really wanted to wear the dress.
- the all-boys school stint was when she was deep, deep in denial. she spent a few months there and disliked it. heavily (also he doesn't die in this au/headcanon because i said so.)
- thalia was the first person to know because she also fucks with gender like that. he was actually the person who inspired jay to come out.
- like jason saw them doing their gnc thing (in my mind thalia uses any pronouns) and something clicked. it's the "oh wait. could i live like that too?" moment.
- she's not super into makeup but she likes playing with it every now and then. it's just too much of a hassle most days.
- has rose gold glasses. there's no basis to this other than i've had rose gold glasses and i think she would really like them (fem but also a little androgynous).
- is the buffest woman you will ever meet. like holy hera, she looks like wonder woman most of the time. but actually only uses his muscles for cuddling with leo. also her arms look amazing when she's in formal dresses (this is very important to me. i <3 buff women in dresses).
- piper gives jason a bunch of her old dresses from movie premiers and stuff. piper never liked them much and she'd rather they get used by someone who actually wants them. they make a whole day out of it and get the dresses tailored to jay's body so they fit a bit better.
- just. transfem! jason grace <333
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daylightleha · 4 months ago
playlists !!!
im kinda proud of these hehe
i make them with songs that remind me of the characters/ship and choose the specific order based off their story and arcs in the series, hope it makes sense, and if you give it a listen hope you like them !!!
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hyperfocuscentre · 2 years ago
rip jason grace, you would have loved the barbie movie
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riordanverse-ship-polls · 6 months ago
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dontspillthefrijoles43 · 7 months ago
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How it feels to see snow-bunnied Leo
@coquettemouse for their post that they made and commentary on white/light skin Leo think you would find this funny, cool if we can be mutuals :)
@squeliy for the meme idea/inspiration 😭💀 (sorry if this is random lol, also if you wanna be mutuals too 😃👍🏽)
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gardenoftransexuals · 1 year ago
i've been thinking about the lost trio & they are sooo messed up. they never even got a chance to talk before jason died. they never got a chance to joke around or catch up with each other over everything that happened after gaea. they never got their happy reunion. jason died & then piper & leo couldn't even talk before they left. jason was literally their first tie to the demigod world & it is inextricably linked to him. now piper & leo live on opposite sides of the continent & they're learning to live with an ending that isn't happy. do you get what i'm saying
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thaliasthunder · 2 years ago
if u think leo never learned to braid piper's hair bestie you are wrong. if u think leo doesn't casually make veggie empanadas for piper you are wrong. if u think leo doesnt always kisses piper's cheek when he greets her you are wrong. if u think piper hasn't taught leo a bit of french and leo a bit of spanish to piper u are wrong. if you think they are not the best friends ever girl you are SO wrong
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