#the lobby boy is a bug btw
ezzypop · 2 months
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Hotel doodles cus I haven’t drawn them in a BIT 🙏🏼
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dinomite2 · 10 months
Agent 4 x Short! reader
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Ok so the while the big run is still on I managed to get the gold trophy on the SECOND RUN witch is pretty amazing and I hope that you guys will get gold trophy too
Now trophies aside let's start! (Video not mine)
● Hooooooooooo boy it is not going to fun for you at all and I MEAN IT once you two meet each other for first time and it will not be a pleasant experience thanks to your short body
● you couldn't hold up or carry a number of weapons you couldn't really reach up some high places without a chair or a stool and had to use large books as booster seats at times and you yourself even thought you were as smaller than pearl !
● when you two both met in the middle of the lobby at inkopolis Square she thought you were a lost child just sitting around and lost their momma and papa somewhere and when you told her that you were a pure adult
● and after a bunch of clarifications and and repeating for the 15th that you weren't a lost kid she sat right next to you waiting for the next turf war to start until she started to be a little jerk ....
● since you were pretty much substantially shorter than 4 she made constant jokes about you and your stature and time and time again she'll feel like GOD compared to you since she's kinda short herself
" Hey how do you meet other people you do a microwave? " 4 snickered to herself after she made that badly made joke
"Ok not funny man" you said blankly
" How's the ground down there shorty seen every bug down there!?" 4's small snicker turned into a full laugh, you just stared at her with a straight face
● Do anything to make her stop making jokes about your height, bite her really hard. throw something at her face, clog the toilet when she really needs to go anything she throws at you you counter it
● she'll also do her little pranks here and there like set up your favorite snack in a high place or something else that will a she will apologetic if she makes you sad however
● 4 also does likes to play around with your body for a bit if she feels bored or if you're both playing games with each other on the couch lii rubs on the tum some tentacle hair ruffles and some nice TV time together
" Hey Y/n" 4 said with a smug smile on her face
"Hmm?" You respond taking your sight away from your phone and looked straight at 4
"Get cheesed on"
*Slap!* 4 just threw a slice of cheese on your face and she scurried her way out
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(this is my locker btw )
I hoped you all enjoy!
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g0dtier · 4 years
cyberpunk 2077 pisses me off not only bc of the unfinished ass game, crunching developers because even a global pandemic isnt enough to stop CDPR from treating their employees like dogs, but also because its just so fucking boring
the game is empty! there’s nothing there. its sex shop after sex shop after strip club and people sniffing cocaine in some alleyway and thats what CDPR apparently thinks a dystopian future looks like. the most bare, banal, edgy aesthetic straight from the mind of a 16 kid
cyberpunk is not about some “wah wah society has turned degenerate look at all the sex shops!!!!” bs. cyberpunk as a genre asks questions about what humanity comes to once we can pretty much merge with machines. there are SO many more interesting ideas cyberpunk 2077 couldve tackled cause cyberpunk is a genre thats so full of possibilities and so very relevant right now and what they did was make their cookie cutter just-anti-authoritorian-enough-but-we-still-got-famous-actor-man-boys!!! shallow as shit pretty looking only if it gets to burn its way through your cpu game and i cannot believe people actually bought this shit. i could think of 200 things more interesting about cyberpunk that CDPR didnt tackle in their game of the top of my head
what happens to gender identity, to disability, to bodily autonomy, to capitalism when it cant sell us anything new cause we dont need anything anymore? how will society react when the ideas about these things change fundamentally? how far will corporations go to keep themselves afloat? 
once youve got a brain chip installed, are you still you legally? is your brain officially the company’s property now? if a company makes a brain chip to “fix” neurodivergency, for example depression, who’s to say it can’t do the opposite either and actively screw with your hormones to make you happy when you see one of their products or anxious if you dont? (HEY ELON MUSK LITERALLY WANTS TO MAKE BRAIN CHIPS BTW LIKE WE ARE LIVING HERE NOW) do brain chips play ads? could a company take control of your prosthetics if you try to unionize and essentially disable you? are companies allowed to advertise prosthetics/brain chips to teenagers or young children? do they lobby to be allowed to? 
i could go on and on and on and thats just the whole brain chip thing and of all the playthroughs ive seen of this game i havent seen anything like it addressed. bugs can be fixed, the epilepsy shit can be taken out even if i personally think they shouldnt just be forgiven for this, but the game is so fucking barebones storywise its like a parody of the cyberpunk genre with all of these things combined because its literally some capitalistic garbage pumped out by overworked developers who had to crunch hours upon hours in horrid work conditions to give people the most milque-toast “dystopian future” story and it still sold hundreds of millions of copies despite giving people literal seizures. if it werent serious id almost think its funny
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Sugar Daddy Hanzo part 9
Hey guys, I’m sick as well as moving to a new town, so please forgive how short this chapter is. Just 2,500ish words. Hopefully, I can get the packing done soon and maybe get out another chapter this weekend. Take care, everyone!
BTW, this whole business world AU is based on my bud @watch-your-grammer‘s post here. She’s glorious and so is her work.
The rest of the story: pt one, pt two, pt three, pt four, pt five, pt six, pt seven, part eight
You rubbed your eyes as best you could without ruining your makeup and sighed. It felt as if you hadn’t had a good night’s rest in ages, not since the first time you and Hanzo had broken it off. Now, two months since Genji’s house party, you were still feeling crumpled and confused. Yes, the initial pain had subsided quite a bit, but your desire to be with him again was still raging like an inferno. As was your resentment at how terribly you missed Hanzo.
“Distractions,” you whispered to yourself as you slipped on your shoes, “I just need to be focused on something else. I’ll be fine. He’s just a boy, I’ll get over it.”
Which was worse, trying to force yourself to hate a man, or clinging on to every memory you had together like a desperate fanatic?
“Christ,” you hissed, “I’m starting to sound like Lori.”
As soon as you had tossed on your coat, your phone began to sing, and you smiled. “Hey Lucio,” you chuckled as you answered, “did you change my ringtone when I wasn’t looking?”
“Of course I did,” he laughed, “no college of mine is going to have a generic ringtone! Besides, ain’t you supposed to be repping me? Makes sense that you have one of my hits bumping out your cell every time I call!”
“Good point,” you nodded, checking your hair in the mirror one last time. “You here?”
“Yeah, I’m downstairs. You ready?”
“Be there in a sec,” you said, more cheerily than you had sounded in weeks. When your favorite client had surprised you at work the other day, things had instantly felt one hundred-times better. Lucio was always lively, excited, and willing to do just about anything to help someone have a good time. Which was where you came in. When he went a little over the top or stepped on a few toes with his . . . aggressive approach to philanthropy, you came in to smooth things over and convince media outlets to avoid heated words without knowing the facts.
“Lookin’ swanky, girl,” Lucio said as he waved you into his bright yellow sports car. “Those the frog earrings I sent you?!”
“Well of course,” you giggled, “they’re my favorite, and like you said, I’m here repping you.”
“Nice,” he said giving you a loud high five, “and might I say, you’re rocking that bright green dress.”
You flushed, “It’s not too much, is it?”
“No way! Just look at me,” he snorted, lowering his gold-rimmed sunglasses and gesturing to the shimmering golden equipment strapped to his legs. Even though he wasn’t the DJ at tonight’s event, the man wouldn’t be caught dead unprepared if the opportunity to ‘up the tempo’ arose.
“I suppose it’s not every day I get to go to a disco, so I may as well bring out the glittery go-go boots while I can,” you grinned.
“Now that’s what I like to hear,” Lucio cheered, pulling away from the curb like a wild man and cranking the radio, “Woo, let’s get this party started!”
As the two of you drove, Lucio chattered away almost nonstop, only interrupting his stories about his tour to bop along to the radio. He would automatically harmonize with any vocals, and his perfect tone gave you shivers.
“Is something up,” he eventually asked as he pulled up to the line for the valet parking, “you’re not usually this quiet.”
“Oh, I’m fine,” you lied, eyeing the big Overwatch logo on the massive limo in front of you.
“Hey,” Lucio said, turning down the music, “come on, talk to me. That’s why you’re my favorite person to work with – you’re honest with me, no matter if I do great or if I really screw something up.”
You looked over to him and sighed. Lucio wasn’t just a client, he was a friend, too. The two of you had fumbled through the beginning of your careers together and backed each other up when things went haywire. He had helped you build an amazing resume, and you had helped him become a household name.
“It’s just,” you began awkwardly, “I kinda had a bad break up a while ago, and I’m really hoping he won’t be here tonight.”
“Oof,” he grunted with a grimace, “that’s the worst. You were right when you told me not to date that pop star, ended in a world of hurt and I have to see her everywhere! This guy, would he be here on the famous people end, or on the sponsoring end?”
“Sponsoring, I guess,” you said waving your hand at the Overwatch circle in frustration.
“You were dating someone with Overwatch,” Lucio asked somewhat incredulously. You nodded. “Well, at least you know how to pick ‘em. Was he a bigwig? Most of the time only bigwigs come to these things. And old friends,” he added, elbowing you gently.
“He’s a bigwig,” you groaned, watching as Gabe, Lena, and Mei all shuffled out of the back seat. Maybe you would get lucky and avoid having to share a room with Hanzo tonight, but that seemed way too fucking unlikely.
“See him,” Lucio asked, leaning around to try to get a better look.
“No, but his brother’s here,” you said softly as Genji waved to the cameras flashing at him.
Lucio leaned over the steering wheel and gave you a sad look. “This is really bothering you, isn’t it?”
“It was a big, stupid, ugly mess,” you huffed. “I just want to get over it and move on.”
“Well that can be arranged,” he beamed, “all you gotta do is promise me you’re going to have some fun tonight, no matter if this jerk is in here or not.”
“How you do you know he’s a jerk,” you asked, slumping onto the armrest doubtfully. How could you enjoy yourself if you were going to be assaulted with Hanzo’s handsome face all night?
“The guy’s got to be a jerk, he let you go,” Lucio said with a wink, “and besides, even if he’s not a jerk we can pretend his is for the new couple of hours and rub our good time in his face. Because that’s what friends do – help their pals get dramatic revenge at fancy parties.”
You couldn’t help but smile at Lucio’s devious and cute smirk, “Alright, I’ll do my best to have a great time, no matter what.” Besides, it looked like Hanzo wasn’t going to show anyway.
“Hell yeah! First round’s on me,” he said sitting up in his seat and accidentally bumping the horn. The chorus from his current number one hit blared out and made the Overwatch crew jump. Lucio quickly rolled down his window and hung out the window. “Sorry ‘bout that!”
As soon as the paparazzi saw him, the crowd went wild with cheers and photographs and calls for his attention, which Lucio soaked up graciously. He waved and blew a few kisses before shouting, “Hey, how about these Overwatch folks though, am I right? Gotta love a group of people who’re trying to make the world safer.” With this, he plopped back in the driver’s seat and grinned at you. “Whoops.”
“Very good of you to put the attention back on Overwatch,” you laughed, “being humble is always a good look.”
“Just being honest, I really do have a lot of respect for those guys,” he said. “I suppose it would be rude of me to ask you to introduce me to some of them considering the circumstances, right?”
“Um, rain check,” you asked bashfully.
“Next time,” Lucio agreed.
After a moment or two, it was Lucio’s and your turn to walk up the party, only there was much more shrieking and, ‘we love you’ shouts than Overwatch had received. So many fans fawning over your friend, all you could do was shake your head. However, when he looped his arm in yours to lead you to the door, you went bright red, and the crowd gasped.
“Uh, Lucio,” you said tentatively.
“Let them jump to conclusions,” he scoffed, “it makes for good news, and if your ex comes around I want him to know that he’s going to have to deal with me if he wants to bug you.”
A snort burst from you as you looked at Lucio’s incredibly un-scary ‘tough-guy’ face. “He’s going to be petrified,” you laughed.
“Hey,” he said, feigning being hurt, “are you saying I’m not formidable? ‘Cause you know I am.”
“You’re the best, Lucio, that’s what you are,” you snickered as you pulled him to the door.
The lobby was decked out in neon lights and fluorescent colors, making you blink involuntarily. “Damn,” you gaped, looking at the tie-dye carpet that led to the massive glass elevator, “they really went all out.”
Suddenly Lucio gasped and gripped your arm and shook you. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! It’s D. Va!”
“The pilot and gamer girl? Wonder what she is – Holy shit! She brought her mech?! That’s – ” you reeled.
“That’s the coolest fucking thing ever,” Lucio squealed like an excited little kid. “You think she’d let me say hi? Or is that weird and needy? Or too super fan-y?”
“Didn’t she tweet out a few months ago that she was super bummed she wouldn’t be able to see your show in Seoul and – ”
“And gave that ticket to one of her fans! That’s right! She’s badass and a good person,” Lucio said with a wide smile.
“Not to mention a fan of yours,” you said. “Go see her! I’m sure she’d love to hang out with a fellow ‘badass and good person’ like yourself.”
Before you knew what was happening Lucio had swept you up in a massive hug. “Thanks, girl! You cool on your own for a few?”
“I’ll be fine,” you said shoving him away playfully, “now go, goofball.”
He scuttled off and disappeared into the growing hub of party-goers waiting for the elevator. You headed to the catering table nearby to wait, absently looking at the twelve disco balls twirling above you.
“Pretty, isn’t it,” snapped a familiar voice from behind you. You frowned and twisted around.
“Lori? What the – what are you doing here,” you asked worriedly. Since the whole incident with Hanzo, you hadn’t seen much of her, especially after she got fired for pitching fits at work all the time and trying to sabotage your work. Judging by her enraged scowl, she hadn’t gotten over it.
“Watching the mother-fucking finger food,” she snarled, gesturing to her little apron.
“Oh,” you said, taking a step back, “I, um – ”
“You ruined my life,” she seethed, grabbing your arm and pulling you toward her.
“Lorelai,” you sighed, “I’m sorry about the way things went down, I really am, but come on, can’t we just put it behind us?”
“What,” she said with an unsettling laugh, “you want to be friends again? No way in hell.”
“That’s not what I want,” you frowned, “but I don’t think charging me at a party is necessary either. That, and you weren’t exactly ‘friend of the year’ anyway.”
“You stole my boyfriend! You’re the shitty friend,” she barked, dragging you toward a corner. The music was so loud her outburst hadn’t turned any heads, but the sudden confrontation had a few people looking on curiously. Lori had always been very good at causing a scene.
“Look,” you sighed, “will it make you feel better if I tell you we’re no longer together?”
“What,” she asked, her voice no longer filled with malice.
“Yeah, I broke it off,” you shrugged, “had to.”
Lori’s head dipped back as she laughed mockingly. “Bullshit! He probably dumped you, saw what a damned mistake he made with your ugly ass.”
“Believe what you want,” you said trying to yank your arm away from hers, “but it’s over, for he and I, for you and I, now leave me alone.”
“No,” she growled, shoving you toward the wall and reaching for her apron’s pocket, “we’re not done yet, you homewrecker.”
“Woah now,” a very tall woman said as she approached the two of you, “is it not a little early in the party for fights to be starting up? I have not even had a drink yet.”
The stranger tried to put a hand on Lori’s shoulder, but your former friend was quicker, pulling out a small handgun and pointing it at you. Before anyone had time to say anything, Lori fired a shot at you.
You watched in horror as the big woman snatched Lori’s wrist and twisted it behind her before pinning her to the ground. The woman was a beast, holding tiny Lori with one hand and shoving the gun in her waistband with the other as if it were nothing before looking up to you. “Are you al– pizda rulyu.”
Everything felt tight and wrong as you tried to take a breath. But nothing happened, at least not as it was supposed to. Everything hurt as you looked down and saw the blood pouring from your chest. But it couldn’t be yours, could it? Everything swayed to the side as you touched your breast and the blinding pain hit you. But the choking feeling in your throat was somehow even more oppressive.
Somewhere you could see flurries of movement and frenzied noises, but your mind couldn’t process anything but your inability to take a proper breath. You were so scared. And confused. What had happened? What was happening? What was going to happen to you? Were you – were you dying? You looked up at the faces trying to help you, but they only frightened you more.
None of them were familiar.
Where was Lucio?
Where was Mags? And the rest of the girls?
Where was your mom? Your dad?
Where was your grandmother? Your grandfather?
Where was Hanzo?
You wanted Hanzo.
You didn’t want to die without him.
Instead of words, you hacked out blood as you tried to ask for him, which made you panic triple, but your body wasn’t your own right now. It flopped about and trembled and leaked and sputtered without your control. Everything was so blurry and painful. You grabbed out for someone – anyone who could help you find someone you loved, but no one understood. They laid you down and tried to stop the bleeding and said things you were sure were kind, but nothing helped.
Everything hurt, and you wanted Hanzo.
That’s all you wanted.
To tell him he was an asshole for ever ruining what you had together.
To tell him he was the best sex you’d ever had.
To tell him he was a persnickety dick.
To tell him he was the most important person in your life.
To tell him he was an uptight grouch who was about to turn everyone away.
To tell him he was an incredible man for trying so hard to better himself.
To tell him he was a pain in the ass.
To tell him he was the only man you’d ever loved.
But you wouldn’t get the chance.
He wasn’t here.
And you couldn’t force yourself to stay awake any longer.
@collinssie @watch-your-grammer @zarcake-writes @yesthisisbae @eebbapanda1@deercapitate @missbumblina @skyrina @justjaaaay@thewetbones @skyelentnight @ilovebva @punk-dork @cbrokeherboobs@sobanoodledragon @sydniesamm @honeyburger @knightofsexyness @queenoflabyrinths @speakingishard @iknowimcutethanks @ninevast @ivymarquis @sydniesamm @barbie-the-centrist @tumblertrash @angle0fthegourd @shaybae1997 @lillypet95 @rusty-potato @tt-nikithakppr
** please let me know if you would like to be tagged or removed from the tags in future updates and sorry if I missed anyone, I feel like tumblr is deleting my shit**
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Solved: Starwars Battlefront 2 Hackers - Page 7 - Answer HQ
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥 I managed to record a lobby getting hacked. Here's what it looks like:. No but really it looks like PC Bois are going through some crap right now with the game being left in the hands of Hackers. Hope it gets fixed soon. BTW what actually happened in this clip? I missed the "hack" part. After it goes away, the actual hack starts no one can die, they get stuck on 1HP. Its not a hack. Its a bug. Severe bug. It happens also in co-op and mostly in starfighter assault. In ground mode you can explore 'death zones' with this bug and in starfighter assault you can reach map borders. Sources I've found say that it's "unclear if it's a glitch or a hack. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Wookieepedia Explore. Star Wars. By individual articles Project Defender Project Stardust. Administrators' noticeboard IRC Discord. Tutorials Editing sandbox Things to do Status article nominations Featured article nominations Good article nominations Comprehensive article nominations. Here's what it looks like: BF2 lobby gets hacked YouTube. Star Wars Battlefront II. There's a bit of text.
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