#the little oh after Mike hugs Matt
glendover · 8 months
I base my whole personality around w.bg eps. 120 minutes 39:42-41:03 btw if you even care
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sydsaint · 7 months
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Summary: The reader is reunited with her old friend Kyle during revolution. Kyle notices that the reader has become close with Matt Taven in his absence and isn't about to let like slide.
"Don't you think it's a bit of overkill to have all of us out there with you, Roddy?" You narrow your eyes at Strong as he finishes lacing his boots up. "Wardlow didn't need anyone out there with him." You point to the big man who is fresh off of his match win.
"What? It's not a crime to want some moral support?" Roderick replies.
You roll your eyes with a scoff. "Sounds to me like you don't think that you can beat OC, clean." You tease Roderick.
"What? That's not true!" Roderick snaps at you. "I can beat Orange easily! And on my own!" He insists.
You crack a sly grin and lean back in your chair. "Then I guess you don't need us to stay out there with you."
"She's got you there, Roddy." Matt Taven laughs next to you.
"Yeah yeah." Roderick grumbles to himself. "You guys can at least come out and do our entrance." He gives in after a moment of thought.
You giggle and nod. "Atta boy, Roddy." You wink at him.
Roderick finishes up lacing his boots up and pulls an Undisputed Kingdom shirt over his head. With his ring gear on, Roddy walks over to door and everyone follows him out to the ring.
You walk down to the ring at the side of Matt and Mike. Roderick does his usual kneeling pose and you stand between Matt and Mike to pose.
"Good luck out there, Roddy." You give Roderick one last vote of confidence before you head backstage with Matt and Mike.
The group all files backstage and watches the match from the monitor on the wall. You are enjoying watch Roddy target OC's back when movement catches your eye behind you.
You turn around and narrow your eyes at the hallway leading back to the locker rooms. You catch a glimpse of a head of unruly red hair and your heart skips a beat. "Kyle?" You whisper to yourself.
"You say something, YN?" Matt hears your mumbling and sets a hand on your shoulder to get your attention.
"Hmm?" You turn back to Taven. "Nothing. I just thought that I saw someone is all." You shake your head.
Matt nods and both of you go back to watching the match.
After a grueling match, Roderick ends up finally managing to beat OC in a pin. The bell rings and you cheer with Matt and Mike before the three of you rush out to the ring to congratulate Roderick on his win.
"Yeah! I knew you could do it, Roddy!" You meet Roderick in the middle of the ring with a hug.
"Thanks, YN." Roderick happily accepts your hug before turning to Matt and Mike.
You stand by with a wide grin and watch Roderick share a hug with Matt and Mike. He's in the middle of hugging Mike when suddenly you notice someone is coming down the ramp. The sound of the crowd cheering at full volume disorients you as you attempt to see whose coming down the ramp.
"Oh my god!?" Your jaw drops when Mike steps out of the way and you catch that same head of unruly red hair from earlier. "Kyle!?"
Kyle O'Reilly, your long-time best friend and the missing link of Adam's little group steps up onto the ring apron with that goofy grin that you love so much.
You watch Kyle walk over to Roderick and share a hug and a few words with him. Matt walks over to your side and leans down to whisper to you.
"That's Kyle, right?" Matt asks you.
"Yeah," You nod, still in slight disbelief that Kyle is actually here.
Roderick and Kyle chat with one another but the sound is easily drowned out by the crowd. The pair share one more hug before Kyle turns toward you. You flash an inviting smile Kyle's way and wait for him to approach you. But instead, Kyle nods back up the ramp and shoots you a knowing look. You take the hint and nod before Kyle turns and walks off.
By the time the group gets backstage again, Kyle is nowhere to be found. You frown once you see that Kyle isn't around. But you know from that nod earlier that you'll see him later.
"So, are you and Kyle close at all?" Matt asks you on the way back to the locker room. "it was kind of messed up him not coming over to see you in the ring." He adds.
"Kyle and I have always been close, yeah." You nod. "He's just got a certain way about doing things. I'm sure I'll see him later." You assure Taven. "I'm just super surprised that he's back! No phone call. No nothing."
Matt nods in agreement and grabs the locker room door for you. "Yeah, that is kind of weird."
Adam and Wardlow celebrate with Roderick when everyone makes it back to the locker room. You hang off to the side of the room with Matt and wonder about when you might see Kyle again.
Your answer comes about 20 minutes later when someone knocks on the locker room door. Wardlow answers the knock and let's Kyle into the room.
"Kyle! It's so good to see you back again, buddy!" Adam is the first one to greet O'Reilly.
You watch Kyle and Adam catch up for a bit and eagerly await the moment Kyle finally reunites with you.
"YN!" Kyle finally makes his way over to you after he and Adam are done catching up.
"Kyle!" You beam and eagerly cross the room to meet him.
You leap into O'Reilly's arms and he happily catches you with a laugh. You hug him tightly while gushing about how much you've missed him.
"I missed you too." Kyle laughs at your eagerness and enthusiasm. "And hey, I'm sorry that I haven't called or texted in a while." He sets you back down on your feet. "Rehab was really taking a toll on me. I just didn't have the energy for anything else." He apologizes.
"Awe, that's alright, Kyle." You shake your head and hug him again. "I'm just glad that you're back now. And the hair!" You reach out and flick a strand of his untamed locks playfully. "I love the new look."
Kyle laughs and shake his head. "I was too lazy to cut it." He admits.
"Well I think it looks cute on you, Kyle." You card a hand through his hair playfully.
"Thanks, YN." Kyle grins. "I've been keeping up with the show while at home rehabbing." He adds. "I see that you and Taven have become new best friends." He nods over to Matt now chatting with Mike.
You glance over at Matt and nod. "Yeah, Matt and I have been hanging out a lot. He's fun to have around." You confirm Kyle's suspicion.
"Anyway. What were you and Roderick chatting about in the ring earlier?" You ask him.
"Just some stuff about me being back." Kyle shrugs. "He offered me a spot in your group, of course."
You watch Kyle smile over at Roddy and you have a sinking feeling in your chest.
"And you're joining us. Right, Kyle?" You turn to him.
Kyle looks down at you with those brown puppy dog eyes that you adore so much. "YN..." He rubs the back of his neck.
"Oh." You nod knowingly.
"YN," Kyle replies softly.
You shake your head and take a step back. "No, it's fine Kyle. Really." You insist. "I just need some air."
You step back again and exit the locker room. Kyle huffs and shakes his head, intending to let you let off some steam. But when he spots Matt head off to check on you, he realizes that standing idly by isn't an option.
"YN, are you okay?" Matt finds you out in the hallway looking upset.
"Matt?" You sniffle and look up from the floor. "Yeah, I'm okay." You lie.
Matt sets a comforting hand on your arm. "Are you sure? You look like you're about to cry." He informs you softly.
Kyle comes around the corner and hurries over to you. "YN! I'm sorry." He blurts out as he rushes across the hall. "Can we please talk about this for a minute?" He asks you.
You look at Matt who's obviously ready to tell Kyle to get lost if you need. He watches you carefully and you nod to signal he can leave.
Matt walks off and Kyle moves closer to you. "YN, really I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." He hugs you to his chest. "Just, hear me out please." He pleads with you.
"Okay." You reluctantly nod, not ready to give up Kyle so soon after he's come back to you.
Kyle lets you go from his hug and explains to you his desire for a solo run. You listen to him remind you about how he's always been with groups and chasing tag titles and how he wants to try it solo for a change. And you can't blame him.
"I get it, Kyle." You hang your head in shame for being so upset. "It's just..." You trail off a bit, unsure if you should confess your true feelings for one of your closest friends. "I just got you back, Kyle. I don't want to lose you again." You sniffle.
"Lose me?" Kyle replies. "YN, I love you! You could never lose me." He confesses. "Sure, I might be trying out this solo thing on screen. But that doesn't mean I'm going to stop being at your side outside of work." He attempts to quell your worries. "And Matt Taven can be your work buddy all he wants. But I'll always be your number one. Right?" He nudges your side playfully.
You sniffle again and crack a small smile in the corner of your mouth. "Just...don't leave again. Okay?" You hook your arms around his neck and hug him tightly again.
"I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." Kyle assures you and wraps his arms around you tightly. "Just promise me that you and Taven arent dating. Because making you happy is my job."
You giggle and lean back so you can look Kyle in the eyes. "Matt and I are just friends." You ease his worry. "You'll always have my heart, Kyle O'Reilly." You lean forward and peck his lips in a sweet but chaste kiss.
"Good. Because that's all I've ever wanted." Kyle flashes that adorable toothy grin at you and kisses your forehead.
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More Important Than You Think.
A/N: Another Benny story coming up! I adore him and I found this in my drafts, fixed it up all nice and here she is! ❤️
Pairing: Benny Watts x Reader
“Yes, put him through.” We heard from over the phone, “You all there? I’ll put her on.”
I smile, draping my arm over Benny’s left shoulder, resting my chin on right, all while side hugging Harry with my free arm. For how long I’ve been stand here, I’m surprised my legs ain’t give out yet.
“If he goes for the knight, hit him with a king rook pawn.”
“If he goes for the bishop, do the same thing, but open up your queen file.”
“How do you know?” Beth said whilst laugh, still skeptical.
“It’s in the Times. It’s 7 a.m. here, but we’ve been working on it for three hours.”
“We?” Benny hands the phone to Harry, “Hi, Beth.”
“Hi, Harry.” She said, with a soft chuckle. “Hey, what about me?” I grab the phone, and put it up to my ear. “Hey, B.”
“(Y/N)..” She said, most likely on the verge of tears.
“I’m not that good at chess, but I am good at making snacks, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing, whilst helping the boys.” I said, handing the phone off to Harry, putting a hand on Benny’s shoulder, before walking over to his kitchen area, making a little charcuterie board.
“It’s really nice to hear your voices.”
“Oh, well, hang on.” Harry holds up the phone so Matt, Mike, Hilton and Arthur yelled into the phone, telling her they’re proud of her amongst other things.
It truly almost made me want to cry as I brought, the board to the table, gently setting it near the chess board. Benny’s up in seconds, a gentle hand to my lower back. “What’s wrong? You okay?” I nod.
“Just happy you’re all doing this is all.” I said, with a bit of a sniffle.
“You’re? You are helping too. You said so yourself.” I shake my head.
“I did, but I suck at chess, I only offer snacks and emotional support.” I said, pointing to the board, I just set up on the table.
“Okay, come here.” Benny grabs my hand, bringing me into his room, before closing the door. “That? Whatever you told me out there is bullshit. That is not all you do, and is know for.”
“You’re not just that, you’re a best friend, you’re a singer, a musician..my girlfriend? You’re all that and more. Does none of those things mean anything to you?” I nod stating that, ‘it does,’ in fact mean something to me, wiping my runny nose.
“Come on.” He hugs me tight, rubbing my back, before bringing me back into the living area of his place. “You okay? You alright?” Matt and Mike asked at the same time. I smile and nod, standing behind Benny, placing a hand on his shoulder, “I’m fine.”
After listening to them, give Beth all the different combos and variations of how the match with Borgov could go, for a bit, Benny stood up at some point light himself a cigarette.
I backed up from the guys, and stood next to him. “You think this’ll work?”
“It’s gotta work, if not then all those hours looking over all of his old matches, would be for nothing.” I nod, watching him take another drag of his cigarette, watching the end of it become red as it turned to ash and fell to the floor.
I don’t know what came over me, but once Benny took it out of his mouth, I gently plucked it from out his fingers, and held in between my lips. “I thought you, said you didn’t smoke.” He said, as the smoke left his body through both his mouth and nose.
“I don’t. Curiosity, I guess.” I take a drag and almost immediately start coughing, “And that’s why smoking’s for grownups.”
He took the cigarette back, putting it in between his own lips, patting my back with his free hand, I just responded with a death glare, but he stared ahead at the group running up his phone bill.
“You’re very clingy, you know that?” He admitted.
“Well, shit. Thanks for pointing it out. I’ll be outta your hair then.” I start to leave, but Benny grabbed my arm, pulling me back into his chest.
“I didn’t say I didn’t like it, rook.”
“Oh, but of course. You want everyone to know, just who I got to bed with every night.”
“Damn, right.” He pulled me into a kiss, breathing into it cause the cigarette smoke he was holding in, into my mouth and out my nose.
“But if I catch you smoking again, you and I will have problems.”
Benny laughed, finishing smoking his cigarette, before putting it out, “Yes, ma’am.”
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0ceanic-cosm0s · 18 days
To the Hellfire - chapter 2
[Josh Washington x F! Reader]
6.1k words
masterlist - one - two - three
chapter wrote by @sharkology & @xghostcr0wx
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⚠️chapter warnings⚠️
[mature language, mentions of self harm, mentions of mental health issues, sexual tension]
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"What the hell were you doing on the trail with Em, huh?" Matt tilts his head waiting for a response from Mike. This is not what you were expecting before meeting the last friends of Josh.
"What?" Mike asks in confusion but Matt's glaring gaze doesn't go away.
"I saw you and Em. Through the telescope." Matt replied shortly with clear agitation. Now you know why Matt was in such a sour mood before you, Chris, and Sam got to the lodge. You were still sitting next to Josh by the fire watching everything unfold. You want to look over and see Josh's reaction, but before you could Mike responded to Matt.
"Before? We just ran into each other. It'd been a while so we hugged and I said hello. Is that against the law?" Mike asks in the most laid back tone, as if there wasn't much to be worried about. You honestly didn't know what to make of Mike yet. This interaction between Matt and Mike is kind of weird and you have yet to introduce yourself to the latter.
"Right.. Yeah, duh." Matt doesn't sound so convincing but he continues, "Sorry. It's been kind of a long day, I overreacted." You're glad it didn't continue and you hear a sigh of relief next to you, coming from Josh. You look at him and give him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, earning a small smile from him. You feel your throat dry a bit, reminding you of how little water you drank today. You remember Sam offered to hold your water bottle in her bag on the bus for you since it didn't fit in yours.
"I'll be right back, I'm going to get my water bottle from Sam." You inform Josh and he nods.
"Don't keep me waiting too long," He jokes and you give him a lazy smile.
Once you're over to Sam, who's sitting on the stairs near Chris and Ashley, she gives you back your water bottle.
A new girl you have yet to see walks in. 'Must be Matt's girlfriend?' you think to yourself. She was a beautiful girl with short black hair, dark eye makeup, a leather fur lined jacket, and some expensive jeans. Just from her presence you can tell she means business, giving off an intimidating aura. You definitely didn't want to get on her bad side.
Before you can thank Sam, you're interrupted by a voice from across the room. You look to see the girl everyone refers to by 'Em'.
"Oh my God. That's so gross." She says while walking into the main area of the lodge, crossing her arms, a clear look of disdain on her face directed at Jessica and Mike's PDA. "Are you trying to swallow his face whole?"
All you can think about is how weird this is becoming. You're pretty sure there's much to the story you're missing, either way you can't help but think about how much Josh's friend group doesn't really seem to be on good terms with each other. Clearly something to do with messy relationships and friendships thrown in.
"No one wants in on your territory hunny." Emily continues.
"Excuse me, did you say something?" Jessica asks with sass, puts a hand to her ear, and gets up from the couch.
"Oh did you not hear me? Was your sluttiness too loud?" Emily rhetorts.
"I'm sorry, was someone bitter she didn't make the cut?" Jessica countered. This is what causes you to get the bigger picture of the situation. You start to disassociate from what's going on, mostly waiting for this to be over. You look at Sam who's on your left, sitting on the stairs next to you and she just shakes her head in disappointment at the situation. At this point you're pretty much stuck where you are, because there's no way you're going to walk back to Josh during this cat fight. You aren't trying to get caught up in it.
"Whatever, I don't give a shit what you think." You hear from Jessica after you tune back into the conversation.
"At least I can think. 4.0, bitch. Honor roll." Emily claps back with no hesitation. Matt's interjections only make things worse and before it seems like everything's about to come to a climax, you see Josh stand up to break everything up.
"Stop it!" Josh yells which is enough to catch everyone's attention. "This is not why we came up here. This is not… helping. It's not what I wanted." His tone lowered, no longer yelling.
"If we can't get along for ten minutes then maybe we need a little bit of a break, right? Mike, why don't you go check out the guest cabin. The one I told you about."
You feel bad for Josh, it seemed like everything wasn't going the way he'd planned. It's a shame that there's still some unresolved tension in the friend group that can't be put aside for one night.
"Yeah...Yeah alright. " Mike says in agreement, clearly just going along with whatever. He holds his hand out to Jess. "You want to go do that?"
She takes his hand mumbling, "Any place without that whore." Then Jess and Mike leave the lodge.
Matt does a mind exploding motion with a vocal sound effect. "Man, glad that's over." He says and Josh agrees. You overhear something about Emily losing her designer bag, so she and Matt end up leaving the lodge to go find it.
You start talking with Sam while you were waiting for Josh, presumably giving Mike the keys to the cabin. You ask her what she has planned for the night and she mainly just wants to take a bath and relax, which you find understandable. Afterwards she takes her leave to start a bath, leaving you, Chris, and Ashley.
"Alright, peanut gallery, you know what? I got an idea for you two." Josh turns to Chris and Ashley.
"What?" Ashley asks curiously and you look at Josh, interested in what's going on.
"Okay well, I am pretty sure that somewhere in this crazy place we used to have.. a spirit board." Josh claims.
"A what?" Ashley inquired in a worried tone while Chris was asking if he was serious.
"Yeah they're fun, right?" Josh replies and grins in response, but there was no way you were going to mess with a spirit board.
"Josh, you're kidding! You're not actually gonna use that thing, right?" You push him on the shoulder and he just laughs at your worried antics. "You can't mess with those." You continue to tell him.
"No, those things are a joke, man. They don't do shit." Chris brushes it off.
"No way, bro. We used to do it all the time. Me and..." Josh's voice trails off, "Well-" He's cut off by Sam returning from the bathroom upstairs, and maybe it's for the best. You could tell that the conversation was slowly leaning towards a sensitive topic; his sisters.
"Hey Josh,” she catches his attention, “No hot water's kinda major oversight dontcha think?" Sam reaches the bottom of the stairs and walks over to the rest of the group.
"Yeah yeah, just gotta fire up the boiler, it's in the basement." He responds, "You guys see if you can find the spirit board." Josh suggests, giving Chris and Ashley the task.
"Chris, let's go find it! It'll be like a scavenger hunt!" Ashley exclaims with Chris following right behind her.
"Just wait upstairs in the bathroom and I'll get the boiler working for you." Josh tells Sam and she nods, thanking him. “[Y/n], would you mind helping?" He turns to you, his eyes capturing yours and making you feel instant nervousness. It was something small, but it was Josh asking you to help him. And it made you feel useful to him.
"Of course!" You say, but you felt like you sounded a little too enthusiastic. You didn't want to seem too incredibly down bad, even though you kind of were.
“Alright, rad.” He gives you his signature lopsided grin, and to your surprise, grabs your hand in his and leads you from behind him. Your heart thumps wildly and your stomach fills with nervousness but also excitement. His larger hands were rough-in a sort of comfortable way. You didn’t mind though. He squeezes your hand gently as you both begin to walk, and it makes your body ignite with eagerness.
His actions did confuse you though, making you wonder if this was just a friendly gesture to help guide you through the dimly lit lodge or maybe something more. You wanted to say something, anything, but decided to just let it happen. You wanted to enjoy the moment.
He heads over to a desk, and pulls out a flashlight while he talks, still holding your hand firmly, “Hey, notice how I gave Chris and Ash a mission together? Yeah, I was thinking they could use some ‘alone time’~” He says the last part in a somewhat suggestive way. You roll your eyes, not too surprised Josh would do something like that
“They do seem very sweet together, they’d make the cutest couple.” You reply. Josh nods to your words. “I swear they just need, like, something to bond over, ya know? Some sort of traumatic event to send them into each other's arms. I mean at this rate they’ll be in the geriatric ward before Chris makes a move.” You softly scoff at his words, and he starts to walk with you hand in hand in the direction to the basement doors.
But before you two head in, he stops in front of you for a brief moment, a slight hint of seriousness in his tone as he talks, “Ya know [Y/n]..”
“Yes, Josh?” You say in a hushed tone, looking up at him curiously. Your mind was spinning from the eye contact, and it didn’t help that his fingers were still intertwined with yours. You mentally try to calm yourself down as he starts to walk again and continues, “I just wanted to say.. I…” He trails off, huffing out a sigh. You grow a little worried at his actions.
“What?” You inquire. He stops you and turns to face you once more. “It really means a lot to me that everyone came back this year and you know, that..You agreed to come along. Even without knowing anything about these people and seeing how they were a bit ago..” Your heart swells with warmth at his words. The way he was so sincere made a small smile appear on your lips.
“Josh, we’re here for you. Whatever you need, whenever. Just let us know. You can make it through this. All of us, together.” You give his hand a reassuring squeeze, and he nods-continuing on down the stairs to the basement as he quietly responds. “Um, I just want us to have a good time, ya know?” You hum in acknowledgement.
You guys finally arrive at the breaker, and Josh lets go of your hand. You felt a small sting of disappointment from the loss of the heat between your guy’s palms, but you quickly brushed it off, reminding yourself it was most likely a friendly gesture.
“Hey sorry to drag you down into the bowels, I know it’s kinda dark and creepy.” He says as he leans down a bit with his flashlight, looking at the switches and buttons. You shrug, looking around at the old movie props and other stuff lying around. Probably from his dad. “Nah, it’s all good. I’d rather be stuck with you anyways.” You admit. He smiles, a playful glint in his eyes as he glances over. “Oh yeah? Did you have some sort of activities planned for us?” You scoff, gently smacking his shoulder.
“In your wildest dreams.” you say and he hums, looking back at the breaker with that adorable smirk.
“I mean they can get pretty wild, if you’d be a willing participant in them, Marbles?” He says jokingly, but there was a tone behind his words that suggested otherwise-though you didn’t pick it up. “Yeah right, you just keep dreaming.” You walk behind him, patting his back as you look around some more.
You spotted a baseball bat and grew curious of it, picking it up and swaying it around slowly. You turn to Josh with it. “Be pretty rough playing baseball out in all that snow.” He stands up straight and takes the bat from your hands as you gesture it to him.
“No it wasn’t in the winter, silly. I mean we’d come up for the summer and we would have the best time-the whole family was there Mom, Dad,…” His voice grew a little sad, and his expression dropped a bit as he continued, “... my sisters– It was some serious competition out there on the big lawn…I don’t know.”
Your smile fades to a small frown at his words, feeling a little guilty for picking up the baseball bat and having him talk about his sisters.
“Can’t go back..New reality, right [Y/n]?” You nod, and you want to say something, to at least comfort him-but he continues on and switches the subject quickly, putting down the bat. “Anyway, I’m supposed to be fixing this old guy, right?” He fiddled with the switches but no luck. He hands you the flashlight and you hold it for him as he fixes the breaker.
You were hearing some strange noises though, but thought it was just the old pipes in the lodge and ignored it, for now. Afterwards, Josh heads over to another switch panel and you follow.
“Alright just turn this knob for the water pressure while I flip the switch, think you can handle that?” You roll your [e/c] colored eyes at him, which he always found so cute; your little sassy side. “Pretty sure I can, I’m not five.”
He shrugs, walking back to the breaker. “Could’ve fooled me.” You shake your head at his snarky retort and turn the knob. Loud noises come from it once you hit the turn on button, signaling the boiler was up and running.
“Alright, good job Marbles! Gimme five.” You laugh as you give him a high five, finding it adorable yet the corniest thing. He closes the doors to the breaker, but again you hear a strange noise. “What the hell was that?” You question as you look towards the sounds. “Could be a lot of things..And none of them nice..” He says the last part in a deep sultry voice as he caresses and tickles your shoulder. It sent fiery shocks through your body at his touch, but you were a little scared.
“C’mon Josh, be for real.” You say as you turn to face him, slightly serious. “I’m just.. Just ’Joshing’ ya.” He jokes. You give a sarcastic laugh at him, earning a small one from him. “You were really freaked out huh?” You thought for a moment, thinking on what you should reply with. You decided to get back at him. You look over his shoulder, putting on a serious expression of worry and concern.
“Oh my God..” You whisper quietly. “Don’t move-“
“What?” He asks, mimicking your hushed tone.
“Something’s behind you..” He smirks, raising a brow in disbelief. “Yeah right.”
“Holy shit, Josh..Seriously. There’s something back there.” He slowly turns around, and you let out an amused laugh. He turns back to you and scoffs, a sweet smile on his lips. “Alright alright I see your point.” Just after he said that, another bang came from somewhere in the basement.
“Okay, so I’m not tripping. You hear that shit too?” Josh slowly moves in front of you, looking towards the area of where the sound is coming from. “Josh..?” You ask, a little nervous. “..What?” He retorts back.
“The rhythm is weirdly regular..” You whisper.
“Not..No..Nothing regular about it.” he responds back.
You walk closer to him from behind. “Maybe we should, you know, check it out?”
“Why?” He questions as you two cautiously walk over to the sound.
“I dunno, what if it’s like, a pipe that’s about to burst or some problem with the furnace?” You say, reaching out to his arm to hold for emotional support. You were getting a little freaked out, and needed something, anything to hold onto. “Unlikely.” He replies.
Josh pretended not to notice your hands wrapped around his arm, but on the inside his heart was racing rapidly, his anxiousness from your touch ought weighing the anxiousness from the mysterious banging. You responded, “If it were me I wouldn’t want this place to burn down on my watch.”
“..Yeah, right.” He replies. You let go of his arm and walk further to the strange sounds. And just then, a figure in a dark robe popped out of the corner. “NOPE!” You turn around so fast it almost makes you dizzy and sprint away, making sure to grab Josh’s hand in the process to drag him along with you. You two bolted from the stranger as they chased you, while you knocked down objects in front of them to slow them down.
You two made it to the door leading out of the basement, but for some reason it was locked? ”Now why the FUCK is this locked?” You yelled. “T-To keep out strangers!” Josh stuttered out. He turns around and protectively sticks his arm out in front of you as the clothed figure approaches you two.
“Hey..” It mumbles.
“..What?” You breathlessly question.
“Heyyy!” It repeats, sounding like a man’s voice. It was oddly familiar.
“..WHAT THE HELL??” You shout.
“Boom!” They removed the hood of their cloak, and it was Chris. “You just got monked!” He proclaimed proudly.
”WHAT??” You exclaimed, feeling your fear and shock turning into anger and frustration. Josh only chuckles, “Nice. Nice one, that was good.”
You stutter for a second, the anxiety you were having building up. “Why w..Why would you do that?” As you start to lay into Chris, you see out of the corner of your eye Josh looking you up and down. His green eyes drinking up your frantic form, and the way you were scared to death. It was almost like he enjoyed it. He bit his lip a little as he continued to stare at you while you tore Chris up like chopping up a fruit.
You try to ignore the way Josh is basically fantasizing about you right then and there and turn to him angrily. “Was your ass in on this putz??” You shove his shoulder slightly.
“Nope. But I wish I was! That was too fuckin’ good.” Chris and Josh high five each other, while you watched in irritation.
You guys opened the door and left. Your annoyed state calmed down a bit, and you started to reflect on the events of what happened. “Alright I’m ready to admit that your dumb little prank may have had a slight whiff of humor to it.” You say to Chris. “Jokemaster!” He exclaims back. As you two bicker, Josh locks the basement door.
“Well I said nothing about jokes, I said your prank, which was dumb-“ You continue but Josh cuts you off.
“Holy shit you were scared. Admit it.” Josh says as he places the flashlight on a desk. “I was NOT.” You protest. “Oh come on, you totally pissed yourself.” Your face was starting to get red from being flustered at being the only one who was actually the most freaked out.
You hear Sam call up from the bathroom, “Hot water’s running! Thanks guys.” Finally, you hear the voice of an angel, the only person who you could tolerate at this moment.
You and Josh call out a ‘You’re welcome’ to her as Chris and Ashley were talking to each other. You stand in front of the staircase while Josh tends to the fire. Ashley asks if Chris found the ‘thingy’ and he pulled out an ouija board from the robe he was wearing, making a goofy ass cartoon sound effect as he did.
You shake your head, “Nooope nope nope, I refuse to take part in that. You guys can have fun getting possessed and getting featured in the next Conjuring movie, but I’m out.” Chris laughs at your skittish behavior towards the board. “Aww, is someone getting scared again?”
“No, I’m being smart. It’s basic knowledge not to fuck with spirits. You’re not always gonna have Casper the friendly ghost come through. And this is Native land, so I’ll continue to be respectful of that thank you very MUCH.” Chris raises his hands in defense, turning back to Ashley.
You start your way up the staircase after grabbing your bag, but Josh really wanted you to stick around. As you make your way up the second floor, he jogs from the fireplace to the stairs, and to you, gently grabbing your arm. “Oh c’mon, you can’t be that freaked out [Y/n].” You huff, closing your eyes and lifting your head up in a mock snobby manner as you ignore him-continuing down the hallway to a vacant room.
“Wait-are you still mad?” He asks, following behind. You enter a cozy room, the moonlight casting a beautiful glow. You turn on the bedroom light and set your bag down as Josh joins you. “Matter of fact, I am. That ‘prank’ scared me to death.” You reply and sit on the bed, removing your snow boots. He kneels down in front of you and helps remove your shoes, and you let him. It was the least he could do.
“Hey I know that was pretty terrifying, I mean hell I was scared there for a second. But that’s just how my friends and I are. We just like playing stupid and goofy tricks on each other. Sorry you got caught up in it, I should’ve warned you.” His gaze was focused on your shoelaces as he talked, untying them and then slipping off the boot-going to work on the next one. But you could tell he was sincere.
You give yourself a moment to take in the view of Josh kneeling before you, giving you thoughts that aren't innocent at all. It's almost like he's in a worshiping position, just for you. Once he is finished with your shoes, he leaves you with your socks, his beautiful green eyes looking up at you. You thought for a moment what it would've been like if he just kept going and started taking off your clothes, and from the looks of it Josh was thinking the same thing. But you knew his friends were out there waiting for him.
"It's okay, I just really scare easily. I may have overreacted a bit." You admit, trying to shake away the lewd thoughts from your mind. However, you couldn't help but stare at Josh's lips. You can only imagine what it would feel like kissing him.
“No, I get it. You were scared, it's understandable.” he gives you a smirk before adding on, “but I will keep the first thing you said in mind.”
“Hey, you ass!” You lightly kick him in the chest in a playful way and Josh just laughs at you.
“Seriously though, you really don't wanna join in on the spirit board?” Josh asks, rising from his kneeling position and now towering over you from where you sit on the bed.
“I don't know.. I'm scared of those things, like giving unknown evils a way into my life.” You bite your lip and look away, remembering all the horror movies, legends, and so-called rules of the ouija board that you've grown up hearing.
“Hey, it'll be fine. Nothing bad is going to happen. I've done it many times before.” He reassures you, putting a warm hand on your shoulder. You relish in the physical contact, craving more.
You ponder for a moment, wondering if you're really about to risk having a spirit haunt you over a hot man. But it's Josh, so how could you not give in?
“Alright, fine,” you relent and Josh lets out a childish ‘yesss!’, “I'm not going to play it though, I'll watch.” You add on at the end in a matter of fact tone.
“Okay okay that's fair,” He agrees, and you're glad he doesn't push you on it. Josh's hand that was once on your shoulder, glides down your arm to your hand, holding it in his. The feeling of his hand inconspicuously stoking down your arm sent shivers down your spine, making your stomach tingle with the need for more. You knew that Josh knew what he was doing. “Let's go.” He says, leading you up off the bed.
And Josh did know what he was doing. He has everything planned out, planned out as much as he could. Him kneeling on the ground to take off your shoes? He wanted a better look at you from below, in an intimate position. His light touches and stroking your arm? Hopefully it would send a big enough message that he's interested and down bad for you. He really does want you and from the looks of it, it seems like you're feeling it too.
When Josh was at the mental hospital, he just thought he was gonna be bored out of his mind and have to stay in that hellhole for a whole month with nothing to do besides having constant breakdowns and therapy sessions. But then you came along, and instantly he felt intrigued. You were breathtaking, even when you looked like you just got out of a fight with the embodiment of depression. You still had this vibe to you, like you still had this luring confidence and uniqueness to you under all that anxiety and suicidal thoughts.
As he grew to know you, he was even more infatuated. The way you would smile, the way your eyes would travel around while you disassociated, how your small little scratches to your arms would indicate that you were thinking of your self harm scars, he would take note and observe everything about you. He wanted you, he wanted to know everything going on in your head. And he wanted to know what you thought of him too. That’s why he invited you here, to his lodge.
Yes, he wanted to make all those fantasies he’s had about you come to real life after months of longing and having to stroke himself out to the thoughts to relieve his frustrations. But he also wanted to genuinely know more about you and your mentality. Overall, he just wanted time with you. He was, for the lack of a better word, obsessed with you.
With your hand in his, you both leave the guest room to regroup with Chris and Ashley. By the time you're in the room with him, Josh lets go of your hand and you find yourself craving more of his warmth.
“So you changed your mind?” Chris asks in a playful mocking tone, you just roll your eyes and smile.
“Nope, still not playing. But I'll watch.” You state and sit down at the table where the spirit board is getting set up. Josh is on your left, Chris is on your right, and Ashley is right across from you. You can't help but steal glances at Josh on your left, especially with how hot he looked with the candle light on him.
“To free yourself from the spirit world you must free your mind of all preconceptions, drop all inhibitions, and generally give yourself over entirely to the will of others, sublimating your every desire to the whims of the ‘spirit master’, which is me.” Chris reads the instructions but jokingly adds what he wants at the end.
“It doesn't say that.” Ashley responds to his antics.
“Aaanndd all present will remove their garments at my discretion-” Chris is cut off by Josh.
“Come on Chris, this is serious.”
“Oh I am deadly serious.” Chris says in a funny voice impression and puts his hands on his hips.
“Shush it, let's try this.” Ashley says, ready to get on with it and Josh adds a ‘Yes please’.
“Okay then, let's see what happens.” Chris surprisingly listens to them and continues, “Ashley, since you're a recent convert, why don't you be our medium for today?”
Even though you're just watching, you're starting to feel anxious and nervous about what could happen. You're worried if anything can happen to you from just being in the same room as people playing the spirit board. And you knew you were already making the wrong choice by choosing to put yourself around one. All those horror movies you grew up on really left an impression on you.
“Okay um.. Anyone there?” Ashley calls out, ”Will you reveal yourself to us… If you're there..?”
After a few seconds of waiting, you see the planchette start to move. “Oh my God, guys!” You exclaim and point in disbelief.
“Wait a minute.” Chris responds in a skeptical tone.
“Did you do that..?” Josh turns and asks Ashley but she immediately responds with denial.
“Oh it's moving again!” Chris comments before the planchette starts spelling out a word.
“H-” Ashley reads the first letter.
“Are you guys just messing around?” You ask, but your question remains unanswered. You aren't fully convinced, considering the jokes this friend group pulls on each other all the time.
“What's it spelling?” Josh is starting to sound more urgent, no longer emitting his laid back attitude which is starting to make you worry a bit more too. You shift in your chair from an uncomfortable and eerie feeling.
“Hold on-” Ashley tries to wait for the planchette to stop moving.
“How is this happening?” Josh continues sounding a bit more frantic, making you panic on the inside more. This is no longer feeling like a joke, and if it is one, it's a bad joke that's starting to mess with Josh. You thought Josh used spirit boards all the time?
“Are you moving it?” Chris asks as the planchette proceeds to move from letter to letter. He isn't convinced that this is actually real, probably due in part to not believing in the supernatural.
“I swear! It's just moving.” Ashley denied, but right as she said that, the word finished spelling.
“Holy shit…” Josh utters out and you sit in silent shock.
‘H - E - L - P’
“How are we supposed to help?” You questioned. you're clearly scared at this point, especially since it's your first experience with a spirit board.
“I don't know, what does it mean?” Ashley asks in response.
“We need to know who it is if we want to help them.” Chris adds on, and you look over to Josh to see his reaction which is unreadable at the moment.
“Who are you..?” Ashley questions the spirit board, waiting for an answer.
The pointer starts moving again and chaos ensues once more. Everyone started talking over each other in confusion, worry, and disbelief.
‘S - I - S - T - E - R’
This revelation makes your mouth open in shock. You don't know how to react so you just look over to Josh.
“Who’s sister?!” Josh asks in a firm voice, looking like he was trying to decipher what was going on.
“Oh c’mon is this for real?” Chris inquired, not believing what was going on.
“Shut up.” Josh snaps at Chris, “Ask who's sister.” You can tell Josh is getting serious, and you've never seen him in this type of way.
“Josh… it's.. it's gotta be-” Ashley is cut off but everyone here knows what she's insinuating.
“Yeah, okay well,” Josh turns to Ashley, “ask it which one!”
You put a comforting hand on Josh's knee. You don't know if it can really help, but it's the thought that counts, right? He gives you acknowledgment by sending a glance your way, almost analyzing your features.
“Ashley, ask who it is.” Chris says, dropping his playful attitude.
“Who are we speaking to…?” Ashley asks before continuing again, “Beth, is that you?”
Another wave of anxiety washes over you as you wait in anticipation. The planchette moves to confirm Beth's presence.
“Oh God.” Ashley utters in scared shock.
“This is messed up.” Chris shakes his head in disapproval.
“Josh, you don't need to play anymore..” You bring up, trying to get everyone out of the uncomfortable situation. Josh didn't look like he was doing too well.
“I'm fine.”
“Are you sure because we can stop-” Ashley is cut off by Josh, his eyes fixed at the spirit board.
“Dude, it's cool-” Chris starts, but is interrupted before he can even suggest anything.
“I want to hear what it says.” Josh affirms, his eyes meeting Chris.
You're glad Chris and Ashley aren't trying to push him to continue playing, it's quite the opposite. However, you're surprised Josh wants to keep going in the first place. He's used spirit boards before though, so you assume it's for some sort of closure. His sisters are still technically missing, even though he told you he believes they’re dead.
“Think about it. If this is actually Beth, I mean, we can find out what happened that night.” Chris suggests.
“Beth… Oh Beth we want to apologize for what happened last year with Hannah and,” Ashley's voice starts breaking with sorrowful emotion, “if you can hear this, please please know that we are all so sorry.”
“You and Hannah. We're really sorry Beth, to both of you.” Chris adds on, taking accountability for something he had no control over and wasn't apart in.
You decide to stay silent. You didn't want to overstep any boundaries and you weren't involved with his sisters enough to have a say on anything. All you could do is observe and hope that anything doesn't trigger Josh in any way, but you think you're far past that point by now. His sisters were a triggering topic in general. The pointer starts to move again.
‘H - A - N - N - A - H K - I - L - L - E - D’
You let out an audible gasp, and Ashley follows suit. “I don't know if I can keep doing this.” Ashley admits.
“We have to.” Josh urges, not ready to give up just yet. You could tell this was important to him.
“Just- just stay calm. I think it's saying to us that someone killed Hannah..” Chris speculates.
Ashley asks how Hannah was killed. The tension in the room is thicker than ever and everyone seems to be on edge. The planchette spells out something about proof in the library before completely flying off board. You jump and let out a little yelp in response, covering your face to not get hit by it. Luckily, it flies past your face.
“You know what? This is bullshit. This isn't real.” Josh stands up from his chair with a distressed and shocked look on his face. He gives Chris and (mainly) Ashley an accusatory look. Probably because she was the only one out of all of them that was in on the prank last year. You stand up at the same time as him, ready to go after him if need be, but he doesn't pay too much mind to this, still freaked out by the current events. Hell, you don't even know if Chris and Ashley were joking. But from the looks of it, they wouldn't joke about something so serious. Especially such a touchy subject like his sisters. This had to be real.
“Josh, I don't know what's going on.” Ashley instantly claims and puts her hands up, voice shaky.
“Listen, I don't know– I don't know if you think messing with me is somehow going to help me deal with my grief or water but this is not cool.”
“Josh, no! You wanted to use the spirit board–” Ashley denies and tries to explain, but he clearly isn't having any of it.
“Josh..” You try to interject but It doesn't make too much of a difference.
“Hey calm down, it's not Ash’s fault.” Chris tries to reason with him to no avail, he's already making his way out of the room.
“I don't need this right now! Okay?! You guys are full of it!” Josh shouts, clearly upset before stomping down the stairs to leave the room.
“Should we go after him??” Ashley turns to ask you and Chris with a worried look.
“Don't worry about it, I got him.” You answered, gaining a nod from Chris and Ashley.
You leave down the same stairs Josh did, hoping to find him and somehow help. If he doesn't want help, you'll give him his space. You can hear Chris and Ashley’s discussion of the events that just took place growing further and further away as you look for Josh. You just hope you can make a difference.
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[a/n]: next chapter is gonna be supper juicy and smutty so get ready 👌🏽
- 🦈&🦇
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innytoes · 7 months
Mistakes were made and the GPP?
Willie was with Carrie and the Candis when they got the call. Well, Carrie got the call. They'd been doing each other's nails, not really watching Magic Mike except for the Good Parts. Kayla had gotten some fancy foaming face mask for them to try and it was ridiculous and fun. Willie wasn't sure if it actually did anything but he liked the way it poofed up.
"You what?" Carrie asked, pressing the phone to her ear. The foam was flaking off her face because of her frown. Uh-oh. "Fine. When my nails are dry. No, you sit and think about what you did."
"Uh-oh," Heather said, echoing Willie's thoughts.
"Do we want to know?" Kayla asked.
"The himbos got arrested," Carrie said, sighing. "They want me to come bail me out."
"I'll come with," Willie volunteered. Carrie drove scarily when she was annoyed. Also, she would totally forget to take pictures of them in jail to share in the group chat.
"Let them wait," Carrie said, leaning back to watch Matt Bomer shake his groove thang on stage. "Maybe that will teach them."
"Have you met them?" Kayla asked, which was a fair question.
By the time their nails were dry, their face masks were washed off and they got to the station, over an hour had passed. As Carrie paid for the bail, Willie had his camera ready. The hangdog expressions as first Reggie, then Alex, and then Luke came out were hilarious.
He wasn't expecting the last person.
"JULIE?" he shouted. "You got Julie arrested? And I wasn't even along for the ride? How could you?"
"Please don't take a picture," Julie begged. "If that somehow gets out to my Tía I won't be able to leave the house until I'm sixty." Even though she didn't even live at home anymore. Willie had met Victoria. She'd find a way.
"Well, we wouldn't want that," Willie said, because he wasn't an asshole. He put the phone away, opening his arms for a hug. Baby's first arrest was always a little scary. He remembered the first time he and Alex were arrested, the guy had been in tears. Julie burrowed into his cozy sweater, letting him wrap her in a hug.
"So what happened?" he asked.
"There was a cat," Reggie said like that explained it all.
"We thought it was in trouble," Alex added.
"We got arrested for trespassing," Julie mumbled into Willie's chest.
"Mistakes were made," Luke ended.
"You four owe me so hard," Carrie said. "I'm not doing the dishes for four months."
"That's fair," Reggie agreed. Luke shrugged, and Alex looked properly chastised. Julie nodded, still not coming up for air. Willie gently patted her head.
"How about we go home and you can tell us all about it," he suggested.
Eventually, the charges were dropped when Reggie sincerely described the owner's cat back to them, down to the little black spot under its eye, and they realised that the four really had just been trying to help. Turned out Fluffy was kind of a murderer, and the blood on her paws had definitely not been hers but some poor squirrel or something.
And Julie's mugshot ended up on the fridge with the others, though carefully hidden whenever Victoria would be over. After all, Willie didn't want to miss her until she was sixty.
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I love the request that anon did about Matt x adopted son. Could you rewrite the fic but with Matt and Reader celebrating the 12 or 13 birthday of his son? Just if you want to
hii! 🥹 thank you sm! sorry it’s taken so long. thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
birthday boy
Matt Murdock x f reader (with their son)
wc || 0.6k
warnings || none
been so long since a Matt fic, really sorry!!
masterlist + rules
fort stories (in case you want to read the ‘first part’)
Micheal was turning thirteen and neither one of you could believe that your baby boy was about to become a teenager. Not long ago did it feel like Micheal would run around the backyard in his diaper, or when Matt would read a nightly bedtime story. It was all these tiny things that made it hard for you both to accept he was growing up. You were excited for the next step in your parental relationship, but you couldn’t but miss the way he’d fit so snuggly in your arms. Matt was also sad that his boy was growing up, but he was also excited for the next step, excited to develop a deeper connection with Mike.
You originally suggested a quaint backyard barbecue with all of your close loved ones; Maggie, Foggy, Marci and their twin girls. As well as Karen, Frank and their baby boy Ben. You and Matt wanted to share this special time with the people that meant the most, but that being said, it was Micheal’s birthday so you gave him his chance to choose. He had picked a quiet and fun day with his dad, at first you were a little upset but Micheal has always been a daddy’s boy so it wasn’t exactly a shock. Matt tried to persuade him to invite you, but he already had his mind set, just like his father.
To Matt’s displeasure, Michael has recently had a thing for another masked vigilante of New York, who just so happens to be Spider-Man. So you spent the day baking and decorating his birthday cake, working meticulously to get his webbed face mask as neat as possible while Matt played football with Micheal in the backyard. Tackling each other and laughing away.
They had already spent the better half of the day playing video games, using his birthday gifts and eating shitty pizza, so by now, they had plenty of energy to burn off.
You called Matt aside so you could both bring out the cake, singing happy birthday as you walked over to your smiling son sitting at the dining table. You two placed the red-masked face down in front of Micheal which immediately widened his grin. “Mom? Spider-Man?” He excitedly exclaimed, staring at the details.
“Spider-Man? Really?” Matt turns to face you, visibly displeased. Tone flat as he hid a smile. “I’m offended.”
“Don’t worry, I prefer Daredevil.” You grin, hugging his side. Turning to face Michael, your facial expressions are playful as you shake your head. Whispering. “Spider-Man is way cooler.”
“Hm.” Matt jokingly frowns, turning his attention to Micheal. “Make your wish buddy.”
After Micheal blows out his candles, you and Matt grin and clap, cheering him along. “What’d you wish for?” You ask.
“I can’t tell you, mom… it won’t come true.” He says matter of factly, looking at you as though you had just said the most inexcusable thing.
“Yeah, mom.” Matt adds, playfully mocking as he nudged Michael.
Eyes squinted as you jokingly glared at them both. “Oh, I see how it is… no cake for you guys.”
A few more hours went by and it was now bedtime. You and your boys spent the rest of the evening playing games and video-calling family to thank them for their gifts. Micheal was ready for bed, laying snug under the covers, clearly exhausted from his busy day. He pokes his head up just before you two leave his room. “Hey mom, dad?”
“Yeah, sweetheart?” You softly question, turning around to face him.
“Can you read me a story?”
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@mattymurdock1021 @she-bleeds-in-white-roses @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @redecoratestan @kpopgirlbtssvt @scarletsloveletter @princess-pebbles-things @messymissy @schneeflocky
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insane4fandoms · 9 months
I imagine the first time Ness and the other egos met they were all confused because Ness is just like. A normal guy. No trauma, no sad backstory, nothing. (btw I love your stuff!)
Oh, definitely! Matt is relieved that Ness is an alter ego that has a normal backstory and one he can have a nice conversation with. No mentions of murder, taking over the world, digging up mysterious bones, or hot dogs or clowns.
The other egos… well… they would at first be skeptical. How can this average waiter with no outstanding, traumatic, or cool backstory be a Matpat ego? Meanwhile, Ness is just mesmerized with the whole existence of alter egos, and the shock he felt when he was an ego himself to a YouTuber. It made him question his existence for a while.
Eventually, Detective will be the first one to accept Ness with open arms. He may not have a normal backstory, but he is also one of the sane egos. Detective might be a little envious of Ness because he was normal, but it was for a short time and he considers Ness to be his friend. Ness is fascinated with the adventures Detective went through, and how smart the guy can be. As Detective finds clowns delightful, Ness is terrified anything circus related, so whenever Detective mentions something during the Circus Arc, Ness is freaked out like the other survivors.
Hermit is also instantly tackle Ness into a hug and welcome him as a friendo. Would show him all his bone collections, his bats, his family, his island he used be in isolation for 20 years which caused his sanity to forever be lost by lack of human interaction- all the good stuff. I’d think Ness is someone who loves unusual things, so he would be curious about the kinds of bones and built skeletons Hermit would have. And he of course would meet the ego’s family, where they would confidently say he’s one of their favorite egos.
Mack sees Ness as inferior. He’s just a lowly waiter, while Mack is the Captain Head Engineer to one of the most advanced space ships in the human race, why would he see the newbie as part of the group? Well, because of Ness’s love for unusual things of course. He has never seen a space ship up close before, and he definitely never interacted with an astronaut, so he would instantly ask so many questions about The Invincible II and what Mack can do as an engineer. Mack would get caught off guard by the waiter’s enthusiasm, but took it to stroke his ego more as he grinned condescendingly and bragged on about his captain’s ship.
Madpat takes one took at Ness, and pulls out his flamethrowing chainsaw. In an affectionate way of course! He respects people who work in the food industry, as he of course owns a restaurant himself. Of course, he kills his employees after awhile, but that’s irrelevant! Mad already made Ness his third best friend (After Hermit and Warfpat of course), but Ness more or less fears Mad to the core, and tries to stay away from him as possible. However, Mad claims Ness is now stuck with him, and drags him to his wacky and bloody adventures. Oh god, someone call Mike another pizzeria killer traumatized his boyfriend.
Darkpat doesn’t like the other egos, why would Ness be any different? Though, he wouldn’t mind having a lackey by his side to do his bidding. He forces his hatred for everything down to get Ness’s trust. Ness is slightly uneasy about the whole vibe Darkpat gives out, but is still fascinated about the whole reality breaking entity. Detective would protect Ness from Darkpat, but the entity would pretend to feign ignorance about his accusations. Curse Ness’s curiosity and love for the unknown! Now Dark’s made a new evil plan to brainwash Ness and use him for his very evil and deadly bidding!! Mwhahahahaha!!! (His plans always fell short)
Warfpat is so happy to have another lab rat ego he could have fun with! He could his him as a puppet! Or a pet! Or bend his mind into insanity! Or warp his reality into nothing but chaos! Or-! Yeah… Matt smacks Warf for trying to already abstract Ness’s mind. Ignoring his intentions, Ness is friendly towards Warf, but only because he feels like if he isn’t, Warf might switch his vital organs around. Warf pouts at his restrictions, but still claims he can still have fun with his new toy friend!
Overall, half of the egos sees Ness as an escape from their messed up lives, and the other half sees him as a puppet to use for themselves. And Ness is still excited about learning what these egos can give his life to make it more adventurous.
(Also did you know there’s an anti-septiceye version of Matpat? And I might add in Matthias Patthias too, but who knows?)
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watchmenanon · 2 years
If anyone understands the sudden shift from “not fitting in” to “one-million-plus followers,” it’s these guys.
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The following feature appears in the September 2017 issue of NYLON Guys.
Finn Wolfhard just couldn’t resist. Despite needing to be camera-ready for his NYLON photo shoot, the 14-year-old star of Stranger Things decided to suck on a blue Warhead anyway, and now he’s paying the price. “All these sets have candy on them, and I can’t help myself. It was a mistake,” he admits, sheepishly trying to scrub the cerulean stain from his tongue with a miniature toothbrush. To his right, Gaten Matarazzo wears a gray T-shirt that reads, uh oh! did my sarcasm hurt your feelings?, a slogan worthy of Dustin Henderson, the lovable wisecracker he plays opposite Wolfhard on the hit Netflix show. Matarazzo, also 14, is getting his trademark tangle of curls straightened, much to the delight of Noah Schnapp, who, at 12, is the youngest in this group of breakout stars that has helped make Stranger Things the most obsessed-over show in Netflix’s boundless roster of original series. Missing is Caleb McLaughlin, the energetic 15-year-old who plays Lucas Sinclair, but he’s on his way over in a black car, having just arrived from Los Angeles, fresh off an appearance at the BET Awards.
It’s the first time the boys have been together in several weeks, and none of them can pinpoint exactly when they were last in the same room. Ever since Stranger Things became a cultural phenomenon last summer, they’ve been swept up in a whirlwind of red carpets, talk shows, and fan conventions. And as the premiere of the sci-fi and horror fantasia’s top-secret second season nears, this summer has been overtaken by a flurry of promotional duties. Next week, while most kids their age are cooling off in pools or testing out the latest in roller coaster technology, Matarazzo and McLaughlin will be at Denver Comic Con, signing autographs and posing for selfies with wide-eyed fans. A few weeks after that, all four will find themselves inside the hallowed Hall H at San Diego Comic-Con, where they’ll premiere the thrilling trailer for Season 2 to rapturous applause.
But on this day, even though they’re technically at work, the boys still find time to goof off. They are, after all, best friends—like brothers, even, they say—and there’s a lot of catching up to do, memes to be shared, and jokes to be cracked. “We used to call Noah ‘Señor Biebs,’” Matarazzo offers at one point, due to Schnapp’s Season 1 bowl cut and its resemblance to the former haircut of a certain Canadian pop star. “He hates it!” he says, just before he sticks his finger into Schnapp’s ear (playfully, of course).
Inside the bright and breezy photo studio on Manhattan’s West Side, publicists abound, but because these budding stars are still minors, there are also parents. It’s an unusual sight, and a reminder that despite having very grown-up jobs, they’re still not old enough to drive. Wolfhard, the Vancouver native who plays Mike Wheeler, is here with his father, as is Matarazzo, who hails from Little Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey. Schnapp and his parents came in from Westchester County, north of the city. When McLaughlin, who grew up in Carmel, New York, finally arrives lugging a suitcase that’s almost as big as he is, he’s accompanied by his father, a burly man in an Atlanta Braves cap who goes around the room with his son hugging the other parents, a reminder of how tight the makeshift family has become since this odyssey began more than two years ago.
Stranger Things premiered as an underdog. Its creators, the twin brothers Matt and Ross Duffer, were unproven talents who had previously written for the Fox sci-fi series Wayward Pines. Except for Winona Ryder’s comeback as a grieving mother searching for her missing son, the cast was composed largely of unknowns and newcomers. But thanks to its double dose of supernatural intrigue and a nostalgic ’80s-tinged glow, along with a miraculous performance by a young British actress with a shaved head, Stranger Things quickly commandeered the pop-culture conversation in a way that few shows have done. In July, the show received a staggering 18 Emmy nominations, including Outstanding Drama Series.
Created by the Duffers in the spirit of the Amblin-era entertainments they were raised on, the eight-episode first season is set in 1983 in Hawkins, Indiana, and unravels the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Will Byers, played by Schnapp, who vanishes in the first episode after an encounter with the show’s resident boogeyman, the otherworldly creature known as the Demogorgon. As Will’s three misfit best friends—Mike, Lucas, and Dustin—embark on a quest to find him, they uncover an alternate dimension they dub The Upside Down, and a sinister government conspiracy that may be responsible for opening it. They also befriend Eleven, the feral girl with telekinetic powers embodied iconically by 13-year-old Millie Bobby Brown.
Stranger Things began filming its second season under very different circumstances than the first. What once felt like a scrappy production free of scrutiny from outside sources suddenly had the mood and atmosphere of a major Hollywood blockbuster. “Netflix knew it would be a good show,” McLaughlin says, “but they didn’t realize how big it would be and that the whole world was going to freak out about it.” Because of that intense interest from both the network and the public, the set suddenly had a noticeable security presence shielding it from nosy onlookers and paparazzi, while network executives showed up to make sure their prized racehorse was galloping along. Suddenly, there were expectations. “We raised the bar pretty high with the first season,” says Matarazzo. “There was a lot more tension on set, in that we really needed to make sure it was good.”
When Season 2 premieres on October 27, a year will have passed since Eleven sacrificed herself to defeat the faceless Demogorgon and save the boys, in the Season 1 finale. Trying to squeeze spoilers out of Wolfhard, McLaughlin, Schnapp, and Matarazzo is useless. Extensive media training, including detailed notes on what they can and can’t discuss, have transformed them into a rare breed: teenagers who can keep a secret. What they can say: Season 2 is bigger, darker, and scarier. There’s also a new character in town, played by Sadie Sink. (According to the Duffers, Millie Bobby Brown was “relieved” to have another girl on set.) “She’s a skater, sort of a punk girl, and she slowly becomes part of the group,” says Wolfhard, who also says his character will be depressed and “a loner” in the wake of Eleven’s disappearance. What they can’t say: pretty much everything else. But it’s not just scoop-hungry journalists who harass them for info. “Whenever you get recognized by fans, most of the time they ask you if you’ve got any spoilers for Season 2, and I’m like, ‘No, none, not at all,’” says Matarazzo. “It’s definitely kind of stressful.”
One of the biggest changes for the new season is the expansion of Schnapp’s screen time. Because his character spends much of the first season trapped in an alternate dimension, Schnapp spent a good deal of time at home in New York while everyone else filmed in Atlanta. “Last year I would drive up to the studio and everyone would be like, ‘Hey, Noah, we’ve missed you! How’ve you been?’” says Schnapp. “This year was a lot easier because last year, I’d have to go in and out of school, and that was hard. This year I could focus.”
Although he’s rescued from The Upside Down, we last saw Schnapp removing a slithery creature from his mouth, a telltale sign that not all is well with Will Byers. For Schnapp, whose character mostly communicated through Christmas lights in Season 1, the new episodes meant new challenges as an actor. “Shawn Levy, one of our directors, was telling me, ‘Noah, you have something really big this season. We have a lot in store for you, and you should get really excited,’” he says. Schnapp felt the added pressure, and would sometimes text his TV mom, Ryder, for extra help with particularly emotional scenes. “We knew we needed a strong actor in case the series moved forward into a second season, because we knew he was going to be a centerpiece,” says Matt Duffer. “We needed not just a good actor, but a really, really good actor.” Schnapp rose to the occasion, according to the Duffers. “Shawn [Levy] was like, ‘We’ve had a Ferrari sitting in the garage all of Season 1, and now the fucking garage doors are open.’”
The Duffers knew that casting child actors, who have a tendency to favor exaggerated performances over naturalistic ones, would make or break their show. “There’s really nothing worse than a bad child performance,” Ross Duffer says. “You couldn’t have any weaknesses, or the eight hours would be excruciating.” Along with their casting director, the Duffers saw what they estimate to be 900 kids, an undertaking they say was easier than it sounds because they could tell within the first few minutes if the actor had what they needed. “You’re looking for something authentic, and most kids don’t have it,” says Ross. “There are the ones that are obviously well-trained, but they feel too Disney, like they’re winking at the camera.” What the Duffers found with their four young male stars were kids who seemed like actual kids.
Matarazzo was the first one cast, his audition so impressive that he found out he got the part on the way back from the airport. “We didn’t really even know who the Dustin character was until we found Gaten,” says Matt Duffer. “He was sort of a generic nerd with glasses. He was a stereotype.” Matarazzo, whose sense of humor inspired the Duffers to transform Dustin into the show’s primary source of comic relief, has grown up with a condition known as cleidocranial dysplasia, which stunts the development of bones and teeth. “We wanted to make a show about outsiders, about kids who didn’t fit in and who were bullied and made fun of,” says Matt. “Gaten was really able to tap into all of that.”
McLaughlin and Matarazzo had known each other from their days as stars in two of Broadway’s biggest shows. Matarazzo portrayed Gavroche in Les Misérables, and McLaughlin played Simba in The Lion King. They’d often see each other in a park frequented by “Broadway kids,” as Matarazzo calls them. “When I found out Caleb had gotten Lucas I was like, ‘Caleb? Where do I know that name from?’” he recalls. Wolfhard and Schnapp established an early connection, too—sort of. “He doesn’t remember me, but I remember him,” Wolfhard says. “Because I asked him what other projects he had done, and he said, ‘I was the voice of Charlie Brown in The Peanuts Movie.’ I was like, ‘What?! You’re Charlie Brown?’ I was so pysched about that.”
Although they had all crossed paths during the audition process, usually around the hotel pool or at chemistry reads, it wasn’t until they arrived in Atlanta to begin production that all four boys, along with Millie Bobby Brown, found themselves together in the same room for the first time. If there was a first-day-of-school feel, it made sense: They met in a classroom, which is where the young cast of Stranger Things still spend most of their time when they’re not filming. That grueling schedule means the only opportunities they get to really mess around are between takes, and sometimes during them. “We have laughing problems,” says McLaughlin. Matt Duffer elaborates: “We definitely have an issue, where we can’t get through a take without someone busting up. They’re always making each other crack up—the number of takes ruined by laughter is in the hundreds.”
Schnapp was at summer camp when Stranger Things dropped on Netflix. He wasn’t allowed to have his phone, but shortly after the series premiered, one of his counselors happened to check his Instagram account—80,000 followers. The next day it was 85,000. “I was like, ‘Wait, what’s going on?’ I think I was at one follower before that,” Schnapp says. Wolfhard also remembers that odd rush of watching his followers skyrocket and realizing his life was changing right in front of his eyes. McLaughlin felt his anonymity evaporate the first time he was recognized. “In L.A., this kid came up to me and was like, ‘Hey, are you Caleb Reginald McLaughlin?’” he says. “And I’m like, ‘What? You know my middle name? That’s nuts.’” 
The connection between the boys is strengthened by the surreal turn their lives have taken, circumstances that most kids their age can’t relate to. When Matarazzo, McLaughlin, and Wolfhard met Barack Obama last October, as guests of the White House’s South by South Lawn festival, the former president, who’s a fan of the show, told them he especially enjoyed their on-screen camaraderie. That bond exists offscreen, too, and has only gotten stronger with every award show and panel. “They really are my best friends,” Matarazzo says. “We can relate to each other a lot more than other people can. People try to understand everything that goes on, but they can’t unless they’ve been there.”
“I don’t think any of the kids would say that our friendship is similar to the friendships they have back home, because it’s not,” says Wolfhard. “No kid has ever really had an experience that I’m experiencing right now—it’s a unique sort of friendship.”
Wolfhard is careful not to bring his work home with him. “If you go home and all you talk about is acting, then you’re a douchebag,” he says. “Your friends don’t want to hear about your professional life, they just want to mess around.” Plus, when you’re 14 years old, talking about work is never cool, even if it involves facing off against a faceless interdimensional demon. The boys are also learning that with a great number of Instagram followers comes great responsibility. “We have to be more cautious with what we say on social media and in public,” says McLaughlin, who was shocked to lose followers after he openly rooted for the Golden State Warriors during the NBA playoffs.
While Netflix has yet to make an official announcement, a third season of Stranger Things is a given, meaning the boys are all but guaranteed to live out their teenage years on one of the most popular shows on television. The Duffers, then, will have to follow in the footsteps of long-running properties like Game of Thrones and the Harry Potter franchise in making sure their child actors don’t grow up faster than their characters. “It’s terrifying,” Matt Duffer says. “I shouldn’t even be highlighting this, but if you watch Season 2, they’ve grown from Episode 1 to Episode 9. I’m terrified one of them is going to have a major growth spurt basically in the middle of shooting. But as long as they’re growing outside of the course of our shooting, I’m not too worried about it, because we just have to build it into our story. As much as you would like to keep some of it more continuous, every time we take a break between seasons, we have to make a year time jump at least.”
All four actors say that they want to remain in show business into adulthood. Wolfhard, who obsessively studies the filmmaking process while on set—he’ll star in the remake of Stephen King’s It, in theaters this month—is eyeing a multihyphenate career as a director, actor, and musician. Back at the photo shoot, Matarazzo and Schnapp gather around his iPhone to watch a video Wolfhard co-directed for a friend’s band, Spendtime Palace. Earlier this year, McLaughlin, who is a trained dancer, played a young Ricky Bell on the BET miniseries The New Edition Story, an experience he describes as “historic.” Matarazzo wants to continue acting, but not forever, and is keeping an open mind about other aspects of the industry. Schnapp, who took his first acting class at the age of six, describes winning the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series as one of the greatest moments of his life, and is doing exactly what he wants. (The boys, who describe the awards as “very heavy,” keep them in their bedrooms, except for Matarazzo, who has been meaning to retrieve his from his grandparents’ house. )
“They all love what they’re doing,” says Matt Duffer. “They love coming to set, they love working, they love acting. In terms of the fame thing, it’s a side effect that I think some of them are more into than others. You’re worried about, ‘What if they realize this isn’t their true passion?’ They’re so young. But this year those fears went away. They’re all very committed to this. That’s the important thing, that they enjoy what they’re doing. And that they’re passionate about it.”
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spinningerster · 1 year
notes from last night (29/7 evening show)
fun random little things I wanna mention
• did matinee stage door and met so many cast members, they were all so lovely!
• mukeni was just casually walking around the foyer talking on the phone
• we got a bereal with him after the show
• also no joke I was sat next to mukeni's mum - she was lovely! we chatted a little before and after the show
• at stage door after the show archie went past on his scooter and everyone cheered
onto the show notes!!
• matthew gave me a cast pape 🥺
• was right up in the immersion (manhattan row P) and didn't know where to look at some points. like during WWK morgan was basically right in my face. damon was in front of me like twice. (fr would've worn my finch shirt instead if I would have known.) him, lucy & lillie were in front of me in once and for all and I didn't know where to look so just focused on michael on the stage 😂
• ryan went past me after kony but I didn't realise it was him until after nesim & bronte went past lol
• michael & matthew ran past me at one point (during carrying the banner iirc)
• three of them ran past me during seize the day (just before crutchie got arrested) but honestly I have no idea who it was 😂
• there was a bit (think it was just before jack, davey & les ran away from snyder) where matthew was just. laying on the floor?? like where the little banister is for the bronx
• morgan albert. LOVED him. he was brilliant. he killed it
• "that is not nice...morris."
• "and who wants brooklyn?" mark proceeded to spend 5 minutes putting a blindfold on. like the scene had moved on from that bit and he was still tying it
• "who's the big spender that ordered the seltzer?" morgan: starts drumming the table "OVA HERE"
• "two cents? for a glass o' seltzer??"
• bobbie was on vocal rest so no splint rip
• she was absolutely hilarious though. "have you seen this boss? these kids put out a pretty good...nope nevermind goodbye!"
• "and such language, which they should not be using -"
• "he doesn't do happiness, does he?" hannah chuckled which made the audience laugh
• hannah started a sing song when they were leaving pulitzers office
• during the fight scene someone jumped onto and then over the cart (think it was spencer but not sure)
• les: "buy a pape from a poor orphan boy." davey: "hey he ain't an orphan??"
• OH MY GOD RYAN. forgot how much I absolutely love his davey
• "your girl?" "YOU HEARD ME!"
• like act 2 davey was SO SASSY. "oooh, so what does that make you?"
• oh yes. above. flip. the. flip. fold. flip.
• him and jack were like a comedy duo in act 2
• "I'm told we once shared a carriage ride." "TOLD YA"
• damon finch my beloved <3 so happy I got to see him he was amazing
• josh blew some of his smoke into nun bobbie's face
• OH THE CUTEST MOMENT. at the end when jack is like 'we won!' specs immediately hugged ritz and then hugged a few other people it was adorable
• when jack told them to vote 'no' mack literally had to hold spot back it was so funny
• mike was the last person to leave after jack betrayed them at the rally and he gave jack such a dirty look
• matt threw the paper for bronte to catch in kony but she missed and it fell to the ground
• michael jack. my absolute beloved. he was so comedic like the way he said certain lines was so entertaining
• there were like two wolf whistles when jack & katherine kiased in stbi
• michael and bronte were so giggly in the start of the finale scene it was so cute
• final nesim performance. what a little star he is
• in the bit after carrying the banner when davey, les & jack are talking the delanceys (aka morris) was basically like just throwing the papers at the newsies
• officially in love with pips. she did a little star jump during brooklyns here it was so cute. AND HER OUTFIT?? obsessed
• background moments during the bows/curtain call: matthew didn't make the shot. morgan & owen did a funky lil dance. lindsay, lucy, sam, jamie and someone else (they were off to the side so couldn't see who it was) did the wave
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delilahcalicocat · 6 months
★~I'll Never Stop~★
{Rating: Cotton Candy Colored Fluff that is hella fluffy}
◆–Warnings: Kissing, Swearing, Hugging, A long car ride with professional yappers, Lilith being Insulted by Trent–◆
【Pairing: Orange Cassidy x Lilith Punk】
《Summary: Matt and Mike tried to make a plan to stop Orange from winning with trent but things before their normal tag match take a turn...》
★– WC: 800 or 900 –★
A/N: This is not proofread, sorry for any mistakes of text color, Fonts or words in a sentence
[Lilith's POV:]
It was 10:00pm, Rampage just started filming. I was planned to appear with Orange and Trent since Chuck was busy with Tony.
A couple hours before the whole Rampage event, I'd heard Taven and Bennett chatting about how they'd interfere with Orange's Match. In which I did not approve of that.
Those little undisputed Asses shouldn't even be in this fucking tournament since they have the ROH Tag Titles. But this was just a normal tag match.
"Orange, You ready?" Trent Asked
"Mmmh" Orange hummed against my chest in the bear hug we had going on.
"I'm sure he's ready Trent, just give us like three more seconds-" I spoke
"Ugh! Enough with that hug! We're gonna be late!" Trent growled
"Jesus dude- calm the actual fuck down. You'll be fine, beside we never complained when you and Chuck hugged-" Kris and Hook spoke in unison
"Oh so what?! You're both gonna side with Lilith because Orange is just being sweet?!" Trent Sighed Loudly
"Trent. I don't think you should wrestle tonight. You should go home and Fucking rest!" Kris Spat with Venom on her tongue
"I agree with Kris here, you should relax. I'll go fight with Orange or something. Because we don't need someone getting hurt over you being angered" Hook Spoke.
"Fine! I'll fucking leave!" Trent Spat before he stomped off
"What the Hell is going on over here?!" Chuck Asked
"Trent just flipped out on Lilith over a fucking hug! Go talk with your asshole!" Hook Shouted
I had covered Orange's Ears before Hook shouted, Because the Anxiety and Anger in the locker room had built up 10x as much as it usually does...
After the Match, Me, Hook, Orange and Kris decided we'd just share the car that Trent and Chuck originally came to the arena with me and Orange in. It took 2 hours to get to that goddamn hotel
"So, uhm Kris. What are you gonna do for this year's Battle of the Belts in October?" Hook Asked Kris.
"Oh, If she still has it after WrestleDream. I'm gonna beat her for it." Kris spoke
I kept my focus on the road, My knuckles Bone-white from the pressure I'd applied to the steering wheel.
Meanwhile Orange was on his phone lazily Scrolling through X until he saw a post that piqued his interest, it was by Trent himself.
Hey All, Just wanted to say. Tonight I almost got fired from AEW thanks to a certain Bitch. [@LilyPunkAEW], over a goddamn hug. If you see this Lilith. This is for You and Orange 🖕😒. ‐ Trent Beretta AEW
[Lilith's POV:]
Orange had gasped at the post and at the red light he'd shown it to me.
So I took out my phone as soon as we got to the hotel and typed out
[Post again this time Lilith's]
Hey Everyone! Lily Here to speak her mind. Since I saw a little Someone [TrentBerettaAEW] Post about me and My Boyfriend. [FreshlyOCAEW] and Complain about us. Fuck off. You're really gonna get upset over a goddamn hug? Like talk about sensitive much. We all sat and ate shit while you and [ChuckieTAEW] would hug, so why can't you do the same for me and Orange. It's a simple gesture of love you fucking dumbass. Get. Over. It. ⛤- Lily Punk ★
[Lilith's POV:]
I put my phone down on the nightstand, gave Orange a kiss and he fell asleep.
I laid down but struggled to rest, since my brain was aching to see what Trent responded, Turns out the Replies I got were
From Hook and Kris, who were up at like 1:30am.
But I think Trent learned something Today.. don't mess with Lilith Punk.
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dayfalwastaken · 1 year
-Chomps on your fanfic-
-FancyGhost anon
Bon appetit! Hope you are feeling better ^^!
I'm running a little late(well, more than a little) behind schedule with the next chapter, but it's not gonna take much longer. Thank you for your patience.
Here's a little preview:
With that, the boy headed for the counter, wanting to waste no time earning his tickets. Evan however decided right then and there to jumpscare the boy by passing in front of him, appearing dead-set on doing… something. Matthew raised a brow at the piece of paper in his hands. Noticing that he’d stopped, the Afton whipped around to apologize.
“Oh, sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you.” Matt brushed it off, motioning to the paper instead.
“I’m good. What’s that?”
Evan rubbed his elbow at the question, trying to hide the blush that was creeping on his cheeks.
“Um… it’s just a little drawing I did for- here!” gaining courage out of nowhere, the little boy thrust the paper into Matthew’s hands, looking up at him expectantly. Matt smiled for a moment at the cute sight, before checking out said drawing.
A colored sketch of Mari greeted him, who coming out of its box while hanging from a marionette’s cross, present in hand. The box itself was a proper cube, Mari’s face shape was that cheeky circle he’d grown accustomed to, the pose wasn’t butchered, and even the stripe count was right. And the whole thing was heavily stylized as well, to Matt’s pleasure. He wouldn’t have thought Evan to take after his brother and have an artistic inclination, but he more than impressed with the young boy. There were a couple of erased lines here and there, but besides that the sketch was clear, as was the line art. Technically Mari’s first ever fanart, and an awesome one to boot- oh, he just knew the Puppet would love it. How amazing was it that Evan had been the one to draw this, and that he’d done such a good job? The kid was so precious Matthew was sure he’d melt on the spot. Though, thanks to the mask he wasn’t far from it, as his clear mind enable him to better appreciate the drawing. Part of it had been colored with markers- Mari’s main body- while crayons and pencils had been used for the box, makeup and cross. It also seemed like Evan had been inspired by the Puppet statues they’d seen the previous day on the shelves, which… To draw that from memory with no reference... Wow. Matthew was more than a little envious. Ready to geek out, he handed the fanart back and proudly patted Evan’s shoulder.
“Dude, dude, this is so very well made, and I’m not just saying that! Like I’m genuinely shocked- I didn’t know you were so good at this type of stuff! I- I don’t even know what to say, it’s just- uh, props to you, man. If you keep practicing, you’re gonna be able to do some jaw dropping art.” Evan’s blush intensified at his words, unused to the praise. The boy glanced to the side before biting his lips and speaking in a hushed tone.
“A- Actually, Mikey helped with the lines and the er- the po- position. I did the colors and… yeah. It was mostly him.” oh. Matt deflated a bit hearing that, but he still gave the Afton a thumbs up. It was nice to hear Michael was being decent to his sibling. That was the least he could do.
“Hey, don’t sell yourself short. I stand by what I said, this is awesome. The fact that you didn’t go over the outline and that you weren’t afraid to mix things up is great. Good on Mike for lending you a hand, but I’m guessing you were the one with the idea to draw this, right?” the other nodded. “See? What counts is the intent. This’ll make Mari’s day if you plan on showing him, trust me.” He assured kindly.
From the look on his face Matthew got the impression Ev wished to refute the praise, but he opted otherwise, choosing to flash him a small smile. He hugged the paper to his chest.
“I wanted to make something for Mr. Marionette since he gave me my torch. It’s been helping me with my dreams and mum said that when someone’s nice to you, you have to be nice to them too.” Behind his mask the older boy made an ‘aww’ sound.
“Don’t let me stop you then. Go on.”
Wish you a great day, and sorry again for the wait!
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briamichellewrites · 30 days
The past ten days proved to George that Bria and Brad were great for each other. He went from being hesitant about their relationship to genuinely rooting for them. She tried really hard to be accepted by him. He could tell. Matt even commented on it on the flight home. She already had Matt’s approval, so she sought his, as he was one of Brad’s closest friends. He approved of her one hundred per cent! She could be his little sister, niece or family friend.
She was open to anything they wanted to do because she saw it as an adventure and she never complained. One of the things that got him was her sense of humour. He left a plastic mouse on her bed as a prank the night before they left. They all heard her voice shouting, oh my god! They went in and saw her going over to retrieve the mouse she threw in fear. She picked it up and saw it was fake.
“Oh, thank god! I thought I killed it.”
“Congratulations. You just became a victim of a George Clooney prank”, Brad said.
“Oh my god. This guy is so cute!”
They laughed again, as she held it out for them to see. It was so life-like with its red eyes, whiskers and long tail. Her cats would destroy it in a heartbeat! Her being such a good sport about it was another way she got his approval. He kept that mouse in his luggage, as he waited for the perfect opportunity to bring it out. She had gone into the bedroom to change clothes when she found it.
Now, they were back home. She took so many great pictures that she couldn’t wait to get developed! Mike was also home after visiting Jason. It was a fun trip. They had several conversations about what he was going through. They even attended a Narcotics Anonymous meeting together. Jason didn’t really participate. That was fine seeing as it was his first time. After the meeting was over, he talked to the leader about attending regularly.
He was a recovering cocaine addict, who was struggling with his sobriety. The leader noticed his accent and asked where he was from. He mentioned being from Los Angeles, California. Was that in America? Yes, it was. He was in London for work for a few years. The leader told him he was more than welcome to join them for meetings. He gave him a printed schedule.
Before they left, he shook his hand and thanked him. Mike was proud of him, though he had to prove he was serious about staying sober. He was the only person who could control that. Every decision he made, he had to be accountable for. He knew how hard it was to stay sober. There were times when it was easier for him to drink than dealing with whatever was stressing him out. But, he couldn’t do that to Dave, the band or their parents.
There were times when Dave had to push him to express his difficult emotions, instead of shutting him out. Sobriety was hard but it was worth it. He had faith he could do it. The only problem was that he didn’t have faith in himself. Yes, he knew he had a disease because he had been told that multiple times in rehab. When he got back to the States, he should look into long-term follow-up care.
Maybe a sober living home or outpatient rehabilitation. Sober Living had staff there twenty-four-seven. He could go to them if he was having trouble and needed someone to talk to. Jason nodded and wiped his tears. He hugged his little brother.
The laundry room was full of dirty clothes waiting to be washed. Brad snuck down to the laundry room first, leaving Mike and Bria to wait their turns. She came back upstairs to the kitchen with an annoyed expression. The guys all noticed it. Brad joked about her getting up earlier. It was ten in the morning when she gathered up her clothes. That gave him a two-hour head start.
“You’re lucky you’re handsome.”
They laughed.
Henry came into the kitchen to say hello. His leg had fully healed and he could walk around normally. Being carried around everywhere helped prevent him from putting weight on his injured leg. He was so happy he could be active again. As was Micha. He made sure his little brother was taken care of by the humans. Bria looked down at him and said hello when she felt him brushing against her leg.
She crouched down and scratched his head.
“What leg was the one that was hurt?”
“It was his front right leg”, Dave said.
“Oh, yeah. That’s why cats have nine lives.”
They laughed in agreement.
“Thanks for taking care of him.”
Oh, yeah. It wasn’t a problem. Chester especially loved carrying him around and spoiling him. After getting up, she asked how Princess handled that.
“She came over to see how he was doing. It seemed like she was saying ‘Oh, he’s okay. Now give me attention.’ We had to remind her it was his turn.”
“Once a diva, always a diva.”
They laughed because it was true. Princess came in and meowed to alert the humans to her presence. As the boys made dinner, they continued talking about their vacations. Mike gave an update on Jason. He was cautiously optimistic. It was up to him to do the work of staying sober. He showed him around London and he got to see his office. That was a lot of fun.
He thought Bria would really enjoy the city because of its history. How was Dubai? It was gorgeous, though she could never live there. Why not? It was so expensive and hot. Both she and Brad had fun experiencing a different culture. They toured an ancient fortress. That was a lot of fun. They also did a yacht tour, a mosque tour, a safari, and shopping. She and Brad had dinner at the top of the Burj Khalifa for a date night. What’s a yacht tour?
“It’s where you get to see the city from a yacht. We also got to swim around”, he answered.
“How much did you spend shopping”, Mike asked.
“That’s the thing! We had to calculate the difference between American dollars and UAE Dirham. One Dirham is worth twenty-seven American cents. Everyone had to do the math for me because I could never figure it out. It was around two hundred dollars, more or less.”
“I made sure she didn’t overspend”, Brad said.
The boys laughed. She bought some clothes, a hijab, a traditional Arabic dress and a new handbag. It sounded like a fun trip! It was. She would show them the pictures she took when they were developed. They were excited to see them! She would do that the next day while she ran errands.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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cocoelle · 2 months
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Mackenzie: Unca Mogan I miss you.
Morgan: I missed you too Mackenzie. Look how much you've grown.
Mackenzie: I big girl now.
Morgan: That you are sweetheart.
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Matt: Hey big bro glad you're here, it's been a while.
Morgan: Yeah sorry man, been busy with work and my new man. Don't mention anything yet though, few things I need to talk to Ma about first.
Matt: No worries bro, you can fill me in after dinner when I go for my smoke.
Morgan: Sounds good.
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Martha: My baby boy! Get over here and give me a hug.
Morgan: Hey Ma, good to see you.
Mike: Good to see you son it's been too long.
Morgan: Good to see you too Pop.
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Morgan: So how have you been Bella? You keeping my bro in line? haha
Bella: Trust me I try but you know what he's like.
Morgan: Yeah I do, he's always been a little shit haha.
Mackenzie: Oh oh Unca Mogan say bad word, no cake for you.
Martha: Morgan watch your mouth in front of the baby.
Morgan: Ooops my bad.
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Morgan: How I've missed your cooking Ma.
Martha: Well it's your own fault for not visiting often enough.
Morgan: I know Ma, I'll try to visit more I promise.
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Matt: So what's the scoop with this new man of yours?
Morgan: You've heard of Sapphire Skies? Well, I've been seeing their lead singer Kane Lawler.
Matt: The guy that just got out of prison? Fuck bro, Pop is gonna have a heart attack when he finds out.
Morgan: He's not that guy anymore, I just need to talk to Ma first so she can soften the blow for when Pop meets him.
Matt: You're that serious about him?
Morgan: Yeah, It's time for me to settle down and start a family, and I really want Kane to be the daddy of my kids.
Matt: Shit man, I'm happy for you.
Morgan: Let's just hope Pop will feel the same way.
Matt: Bella and I have tickets to see him in concert, you gonna stay and go to the concert too?
Morgan: Wish I could but got a big podcast with the Mayor coming up so have to go back home.
Matt: That sucks, Bella would have freaked out if she got to meet him.
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measuringbliss · 2 years
Glee Rewatch 1x19, where Will almost kisses his highschool rival
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What do you mean, they don't end up together?
(Confused? Check this out!)
Oooh those recaps are getting faster!
You know, Bryan Ryan does have a point. Will is a teacher because he couldn't become a star and achieve his dream. I also consider that teaching would be a job to fall back on (because there's not much I can do with my degree). In highschool, as soon as we picked our path, our teachers were very frank: "The culture sector is dead-end. You won't earn much and you'll have a hard time finding a job." At the same time, we all knew that if we picked this path, it was because we couldn't imagine doing anything else.
It's weird how much S1 pushes Artina/Tinartie when I remember that I was pretty dead-set on Tike by the end of the show. When does that change? S2? Anyway, Tina and Artie dancing together is cute! We rarely see tap-dancing on Glee. Sadly the scene ends with Artie being a jerk. It's understandable that he's angry but Tina didn't deserve his invective.
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His shirt probably says "Fever Dream". You know. What their relationship ends up being at the end of S1.
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Nice lighting but more importantly, they give boyfriends vibes and I'm here for it. Wemma was fun because it featured the unrequited love trope. Brill is fun because it's gay. Also they hug just after this screenshot and we love hugs!
Wait, is Jesse interfering with the Shelby/Rachel storyline? Completely forgot about that!
Anyway. Boyfriends.
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Bryan and Will after some passionate lovemaking.
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As usual, Tina's fashion is on point.
Dear readers, I have to confess something.
When I said that "Physical" was the first Glee cover I added to my playlist, I lied.
Sort of.
The very first Glee cover I actually added to my playlist was "Safety Dance" years ago, after it featured in "THE BEST OF: Spencer Hastings". Yes, I watched Pretty Little Liars. Multiple times. Bad show. Please don't watch it.
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Oh look, Mike wears another yellow checkered-shirt <3 And Matt has a nice outfit too <3
The dance is quite nice (and I love that Brittany joined in) but the framing is curious (people filming the flash mob). I guess it means that Artie wishes he was a famous dancer. Anyway, the instrumental of the episode is different from the instrumental of the song as released (notably a different pitch for some of the sounds).
We have proof that Sue is into angry sex when she hooks up with Bryan Ryan, and later Will successfully seduces her, which means my Sue/Will ship is actually more likely than I remembered! Anyway, a lesbian actress and a gay actor playing characters hooking up with each other! Quite ironical.
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Beautiful shot.
Emma talks about a student eating her own hair as a reference to extremely popular game The Silver Case: The 25th Ward where one of Kurimizawa's traits is that he eats women's hair. It's a game that exists and is playable. Aesthetically wonderful. Anyway that's not the point of this post!
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Nobody's gonna read this post anyway.
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Matt's sweater looks comfy! Will has his usual preppy look, Finn his usual blue shirt look, and Jesse his usual nothing look.
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I love Mike's hoodie! I need Mike's whole wardrobe actually.
0 notes
the-faceless-bride · 2 years
It was 'just a prank' Han.
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~-~-•The Prologue•-~-~
You were new to the friend group, a friend Hanna made in her Algebra class after helping you study.
She had invited you to go spend the weekend with her, her sister, her brother, and her sibling's friends. You agreed, you had become close friends with Hanna when her main group didn't have time to hang out with her.
Getting to the lodge, the main group of friends looked slightly confused as to who you were and why you were there. But after Hanna with Beth's help explained she wanted one of her friends from class to stay with her to hang out, Josh shrugged giving you a friendly "welcome to the party!" And hugging you.
You flushed, you had been an admirer of Joshua for years now, just never had the guts to tell him. He had quite the reputation of being a strictly hook-up and Friends-with-benefits kind of guy.
You really didn't think you had a chance, but as long as you got your nice best friend and a new friend in beth and Josh now knew of your existence, you were happy.
Now you didnt know the friend group, but with how much Hanna talks about them you felt like you knew them. Josh, Chris, Matt, and Beth had warmed up to you rather quickly but Mike, Jess, Emily, and even Sam were still on the fence. Even if it was all for different reasons.
The first day had gone great, everyone joking and laughing; you had gotten very close with Beth and Josh, Hanna was so happy that her best friend and siblings got along so well.
Taking photos and making silly faces with Beth, Hanna telling you all about her plans and how when summer starts up you could play baseball with her and her family! Josh taking videos and dramatically recreating your favorite movie, show, and musical scenes and joking with you about when he becomes a big movie director he'll be sure to cast you for the main role.
Even getting closer to the whole friend group!
It's so sad knowing how terrible things would soon become...
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You were sat on the bar with Chris and Josh, both boys passed out; Josh's body slumped against you. You had watched this drinking game to be the voice for reason in case anything between them went wrong.
But little did you know it wasn't them you needed to be watching.
Beth came down the hall trying to talk to Josh about something she saw but laughed seeing him Passed out softly snoring.
"Once again brother, you've outdone us all." She says as she reads the bottle making you giggle softly.
But you and Beth stopped smiling when you both heard a commotion going on upstairs, Beth rushed upstairs and you began to softly push Josh off of you to follow after Beth.
But by the time you got down the hall to the stairs, Beth was already yelling and Jumping two stairs at a time. The rest of the group followed.
"What the hell is going on?" I ask through the turmoil of people arguing, accusations, and blaming.
"It's nothing, some people just don't know how to take a Joke." Confused you stare at Jessica, what was she on about? But after hearing more of what others had to say, you caught on to what was happening and what had happened.
Disgusted and disappointed you start yelling at the group, Beth quickly takin your arm grabbing your attention.
"Forget these assholes! You go wake Josh! I'm going after Hanna!" She tells you
"But-" you didnt get to finish as she told you to "go!" Before running off to get Hanna.
The group all turned to you as you rushed inside yelling for Josh, now while the group were friends they all knew just how protective he could be when it came to his little sisters, and you telling him while he is in such a drunken state he would definitely get very angry, and an angry ready to through a drunken punch Josh is a Josh no one liked...
Protests of,
"Oh com'on!"
"It was just a JOKE!"
"It's her fault!"
"I didnt even want a part of this!"
"Com'on we can talk about this when the Twins get back! Josh doesn't need to know!"
"Look, maybe let Josh sober up before telling him!"
But you weren't hearing any of it, you knew Josh was far too wasted to be woken up but a simple nudge and a call of his name.
You rushed up to the bathroom grabbing a bottle of rubbing alcohol before rushing down and placing the bottle down and filling a glass with water.
The group was all watching your movements as well as Josh's sleeping figure knowing they were about to do a lot of explaining and someone was getting punched, some of the group members looked annoyed, others scared, and a few guilty...
Opening the bottle of rubbing alcohol you placed it under Josh's nose, a moment later he sat up with a sneeze and a groan.
"Josh, here. Drink some water hun." You speak softly, knowing his head must be pounding.
He gave you a silly lopsided smile and a whisper of "thank you" before guzzling the whole glass down, Josh took a deep breath rubbing his eyes before letting his hands slide down his face.
Now, much soberer than he was a moment ago but still tipsy and out of it he looks around, making eye contact with everyone's expressions. He looked to you, and then a still passed out Chris.
Letting out a nervous laugh, "why is everyone looking at me like that?" He asked and no one answered, "Josh..." You say as quietly as you can and he turns to you, you place a hand on his shoulder... "It's Hanna..." You say and his goofy expression drops, you hated being the one to make his smile disappear...
"What?" He asks his face becoming worrisome and he starts to quickly sober up. "She ran off into the snowstorm... Beth rushed after her, she told me to tell you what happened."
His puppy eyes look into your switching between them, "what happened... What did she need to tell me? Why did Hanna run out into the storm?" His voice is still quiet, but his breaths are uneven. Like he's preparing himself for what he is about to hear from you.
"It was just meant to be a prank." Emily interrupted and that is what set Josh off, he was ready to hear it from you. Not wanting to scare you he tried to keep calm and think of things rationally, whatever it was could be fixed right? Talked and smoothed over? Talk to each other like a mature group of people?
But that thinking was thrown out the window after hearing Emily's snarky comment with no sympathy, no emotion but annoyance and frustration.
He knew that whatever this 'prank' was, it was NOT 'just a Prank' his sisters grew up with him and he played pranks and jokes all the time, he knew his sisters could take a joke. They wouldn't just store out of the lodge into a SNOWSTORM because someone prank called them, tossed a water balloon at them, filled their bedroom with balloons, or hell even set a bucket of water to splash them; again they grow up with Josh they could take a lot.
So he knew what they did was not a prank, it wasn't nice, and it wasn't funny.
Sam rushed to the front of the group and quickly ran through the events of the night, however halfway through her explanation Josh put the pieces of the puzzle together and cut Sam off by shooting off his chair and taking two long strides before landing a hard blow to Mike's jaw.
Mike fell to the floor and Josh was ready to kill Mike at this point. kicking Mike in the ribs before mounting him landing blow after blow to Mike's face. Emily and Jessica rush to Mike's side as Matt and Sam pull Josh off of Mike, Ashley who was now filling in a slowly sobering up Chris of what was happening and why.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Josh yells at not only Mike but at the group, "WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! WHEN THE TWINS GET BACK YOU ARE ALL GOING TO APOLOGIZE AND YOU'RE GETTING THE FUCK OUT OF MY LODGE!" he yelled looking at the three main people of the group who came up with this fucked up prank in the first place.
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An hour has passed... And the twins were still nowhere to be found; at this point, Chris was comforting a crying Ashley, Emily and Jessica were patching Mike up who had a split lip, a swollen black eye, and a bruised jaw, Matt and Sam were standing near the door trying to spot the twins through the raging storm guilt painted all over his face, and you were holding a very anxious and emotional Josh.
Josh looked to you before standing up, you follow his lead. "It's been too long, I'm calling the cops." Which promoted many emotions, Sam and Matt agreeing, Ashley crying even harder, and protests from Mike, Jess, and Em.
But Josh wasn't listening to any of them, he just went into the other room calling the police.
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The group had gone home, The police were talking with Josh's parents, and you were trying to comfort a distressed and sobbing Josh.
He cried about how it was his fault, he couldn't stand the way his parents looked at him when they had gotten work a rushed to the Lodge.
'Why couldn't you've protected your sister better' that's all he said he could see in their eyes.
'Why were you passed out drunk? Not watching'
He could take the way they looked at him...
He held onto you, only knowing you for such little time, and yet you'd become attached at the hip by the end of that night.
"Please, please don't go..." He begged, as much as he wanted to be, he couldn't stand being alone. Not now. Not after all that happened.
You ended up staying in Josh's house in a guest room, using his shirts as Pj's and rushing to his room when he woke up screaming from a nightmare.
It happens so often, You spend most nights there anyway now. Why wake up and run to his side when you can be there right when he wakes up?
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Part 2 ->
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confoundedluna · 3 years
Here's the Until Dawn iconic and absolutely ridiculous lines masterlist, please let me know if there's any good ones that I miss! Sorry this took a while, I had to be Thorough with this. (no they aren't in any particular order, I apologise for that)
Maybe we should start with a little, you know, making out, and see where it goes from there.
Jesus hot sauce Christmas cake.
Oh my God, totally, we're SO gonna make-out!
Shutters are shutted.
That scared the blue out of my jeans!
Alright! Let's get going, ya fucked up sonnovabitch.
What- are you serious? Now I gotta find a fucking keycard?!
Fuck nuggets!
All wrapped like a little present with a bow on top for that thing to tear us apart on Christmas morning?
This is the safe room, Em!
One at a time, boys. There's enough of me for all a'ya.
Got any marshmallows?
Go suck an egg!
What are you tweeting?! Hashtag there's a freaking ghost after us?!
Chris, if this is your way of trying to make me feel better... you're fired.
We're freezing our buns off out here!
Understand the palm of my hand, bitch.
It was just a prank, Han!
Rule number one, Emily is always right. Rule number two, nothing else matters because Emily is always right.
Holy Cannoli.
Ugh. Unfollow.
Oh, did you not hear me? Was your sluttiness too loud?
At least I can think. 4.0, bitch, honor roll. Suck on that when you're trying to sleep your way into a job.
Oh God. Here goes six hundred bucks... Better be worth it. I looked great in that top.
Meatbrain? Mister Musclebrawn? Matt the incredible sulk?
I found her head. I found Beth's head. ||| Beth freaking Washington.
That bitch is on crack or something.
You couldn’t buy a moldy loaf of bread with your skanky ass.
Michael! I have the best idea! Let's go hug a bear!
As far as I can tell, I still have all seven of my limbs!
That's what bats do! They bite me!
Maybe nosey nannies shouldn't go nosin' around in other peoples'... nostrils...
Boom shakka-lakka!
Stand back, Debbie Downer.
I should have paid more attention in climbing class.
Your ass just got saaaacked!
Panel opens, head explodes!
Boom! You just got monked!
(They don't like fire.) I don't like fire!
I'm bad. I'm a badass.
It's a dummy, dummy.
Any, uh, pro Wendigo tips? Like if I rub garlic all over me they won't be able to smell me or something?
Let's party like we're fucking porn stars, okay?
Ooh, a sleepover! C-Can we order pizza?
Can't tie 'em up if they just wriggle around!
Godspeed, pilgrim.
Chris is an ass, Ashley’s a dumb dumb.
Do you have an app that can get you laid? ||| Dude, you don't. The answer is that you don't.
I hope you appreciated my little phantasmagorical spectacle!
Guaranteed for at least three hostages, or your money back!
You know what that sound is? It's the sound of never kissing Ashley, you pussy!
I don't take orders from you. You can't tell me what to do.
Why do you hate my jacket?
I've seen you fit into some pretty tight jeans, Em. ||| It's a talent!
It's no prob, babe. But you gotta remember that there's more to this guy than just bein' a lean, mean, luggage lifting machine.
I was bein' like... sexy.
This ain't roomy enough for you?
Does this 'spot' start with a 'G'?
Boy I'd be a terrible boyfriend if I let a scary old totem pole bite your hand off, wouldn't I?
Nice shootin’, Tex!
I see a hot bath in my crystal ball.
Watch out for that Josh, he's a schemer!
The towel didn't turn out to be the best outfit for fighting off killer maniacs.
It was just a cute little baby wolverine!
Can I have my clothes back now or am I supposed to hang out in a towel for the rest of the weekend? ... Towel it is, then.
Spunky for an old timer.
You need to listen to me. I don't care if you believe me or not. Doesn't matter because you will. You need to go down to the mines.
I've seen what's down there... and I'd give anything to unsee it.
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