#the legend of heroes trails of cold steel 4
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gamingladies · 11 months ago
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I told you, didn't I? You and I, we are not friends. My cooperation with you is just a means to an end. If you stop being useful, I won't hesitate to get rid of you!
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inkedmyths · 9 months ago
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toonabby · 10 months ago
Happy belated 33rd birthday, Austin Lee Matthews!
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they-have-the-same-va · 6 months ago
Kanami Mashita from Persona 4: Dancing All Night shares a voice actor with Emma Millstein from The Legend of Heroes series.
Voiced by Rena Strober
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incorrect-trails · 1 year ago
Altina: We're kind of missing something.
Kurt: Cohesion?
Juna: Teamwork?
Ash: A general sense of what we're doing?
Musse: And Instructor Rean is not here.
Kurt: Oh, and that, yeah.
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morgenstern16 · 1 year ago
I knew the Cold Steel writers were afraid of making a point, but holy shit "everything wrong in the country is because of Robot Satan" is a incredible way to dodge talking about how nationalism, ambition, and greed can ruin a nation
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akiizayoi4869 · 1 year ago
I need to talk about one of my favorite video game villains of all time for a minute.
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This guy. The one who I'm pretty sure a lot of people who played The Legend Of Heroes: Trails Of Cold Steel 3 and 4, probably ended up hating for how much of a dick he was in those two games. His change in behavior and attitude in the later games didn't make me hate him, though. In fact, it made me like his character even more because it was pretty easy to understand why Cedric ends up like that when you consider the events of the finale in the second Cold Steel game:
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He was kidnapped by Duke Cayenne during the Civil War in Erebonia and was forced into one of the seven divine knights, Testarossa, which went completely berserk since Cedric was unable to control it's power at the time. As a result, he was forced to fight against Class VII, who ended up saving him, but at a great cost to one of their own classmates. Crow ends up dying, trying to break Cedric free from Testarossa. Cedric saw all of this happening before his eyes and couldn't do anything to stop it. So it's really no wonder that, when we see him again in Cold Steel 3, his demeanor has changed entirely, and he's obsessed with obtaining power. He goes from the sweet, innocent boy whom we are introduced to in the first Trails of Cold Steel game into someone who is pretty much unrecognizable and with his own little crew.
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His sudden change was a shock to me at first. I really wasn't expecting it at all, especially since when he first appeared, he spoke politely. It wasn't until his conversation with Rean on the school rooftop later on that day that we see just how much he's actually changed. The conversation starts out well enough, with Cedric thanking Rean for saving him in the last game. We can clearly see what happened back then really took its toll on Cedric, and that it still weighed heavily on him.
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He tells Rean that during the summer after that incident, he got very sick and, as a result, was unable to start school at Thors Military Academy until the following year. Nothing seems odd... until Cedric proposes that Rean should transfer to teahc at Cedric's school, the main campus of Thors Military Academy. This is when we see his demeanor start to change. He talks down about the branch campus and says that someone like Rean is better suited for the main campus, which Cedric holds in high regard in comparison to the branch campus. Rean's students eventually find them on the rooftop, and Cedric is cold towards them, especially to Kurt. He then leaves, but not before saying that he'll be back to hear Rean's response to his demands another day.
Over the course of the game, we see just how much Cedric changed. He's competitive, thinks that power is everything, and absolutely hates weakness. He constantly talks down to others and doesn't care how he makes them feel as a result. The end of Cold Steel 3 really showed just how far Cedric was willing to go to get what he wanted.
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He attempts to kill another one of Rean's students, Altina, so that she could become the sword of the end, which was needed to bring about the Great Twilight. He was also completely ok with having his older brother and two other people killed to accomplish this goal (even though as we saw in the 4th game, he was relieved to see that his brother has survived). These two acts really shocked me, because not only did it show a stark contrast to who Cedric was before versus who he was now, it highlighted just how much the events of Cold Steel 2 really changed him, and not for the better.
Cedric becomes one of the main antagonists of Cold Steel 4, and he proves himself as a strong enemy to take down. He was way more of a jerk here than in Cold Steel 3, and it has really seemed as if he has gone off the deep end for good. Then we get to the final chapter of Cold Steel 4, where Cedric is one of the final boss battle fights. He's still the same condescending jerk that he's been for a while now, but everything changes when Juna asked him one question: "What are you so afraid of?" Then all of a sudden, the truth comes out: Cedric was being controlled by the influence of Ishmelga, thanks to Chancellor Osborne and Franz Reinford. Now, this certainly doesn't excuse what Cedric has done up to this point, but it certainly explained why he was willing to go so far all of a sudden, when he hadn't been like that before. It was as if Juna asking him that question had suddenly opened a dam though, because this was what finally made Cedric return to how he used to be. What I absolutely loved about this is that he doesn't try and use Ishmelga as an excuse for the things that he did. He owns up to his actions and sets out to atone for them.
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What he eventually chooses to do though was shocking, but it made sense: he decides to join Oroboros, leaving his friends and family behind.
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Just as he says, if he stayed with all of them, he knew that he would be forgiven in spite of everything and he wouldn't really have any consequences for his actions. So joining Oroboros as a way to atone for what he did was the right call imo. Cedric's arc is probably one of my favorite ones in Cold Steel 3 and 4. It was very well done and Falcom handled him really well, and I can't wait to see more of him in future games.
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rehncohro · 2 years ago
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My top 5 most played Steam games.
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azumakaze-blog · 2 years ago
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theguywithaplan · 3 months ago
List of Video Games turning ten (10) years old in 2025
Alone in the Dark: Illumination (if you thought the AitD game from last year was bad, check this shit out).
Angry Birds 2 (yes, there was a 2).
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer
Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival (two AC games from 2015 and neither of them were what people wanted).
Assassin's Creed Syndicate (the Bri'ish one).
Atelier Shallie
Axiom Verge
Batman: Arkham Knight
Battlefield: Hardline (the last game from Visceral Games, the guys who made the Dead Space series).
The Beginner's Guide (the second game from the creator of The Stanley Parable).
Bloodborne (anything for the 10th anniver-- no. Never gonna happen).
Broken Age
Call of Duty: Black Ops III
Chibi-Robo! Zip Lash
Cities: Skylines
Crypt of the NecroDancer
Devil's Third (one of the rarest Wii U games ever).
Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance
Disney Infinity 3.0
Dragon Ball XenoVerse (the first one. not the second).
Dying Light
Evolve (these guys would go on to make Back 4 Blood).
Fallout 4
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water
Final Fantasy Type-0 HD
Game of Thrones (the Telltale game)
Guitar Hero Live
Halo 5: Guardians
Hatred (a game so edgy and terrible that it got itself kicked off of Steam).
Helldivers (the first one).
Heroes of the Storm (the Blizzard MOBA).
Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number
HuniePop (for all you pervs out there).
I Am Bread
Just Cause 3
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes (the quintessential VR game)
Kerbal Space Program
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (one of the few Wii U games that hasn't been ported to the Switch. And probably never will be).
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes
Lego Dimensions (a crossover game with about a billion different franchises).
Lego Jurassic World
Life is Strange (controversial opinion: I sacrificed Chloe and felt nothing).
Mario Party 10 (the only MP on the Wii U)
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (back when the 3DS was single-handedly keeping MH alive)
Mortal Kombat X
Need for Speed (the reboot)
The Order: 1886
Ori and the Blind Forest
Pillars of Eternity
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon
Prison Architect
Rainbow Six: Siege
Rare Replay
Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Rock Band 4
Rocket League
Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell (RIP Volition. You were too good for the modern day).
Shadowrun: Hong Kong
Skylanders: SuperChargers
Soma (the best horror game ever made. Play it if you haven't yet).
Star Wars: Battlefront (the EA reboot).
StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void (RIP StarCraft. You were too good for modern day Blizzard).
Steven Universe: Attack the Light!
Story of Seasons (the very fight one)
Super Mario Maker
Tales from the Borderlands (the best thing that Telltale EVER made).
Tales of Zestiria
Tembo the Badass Elephant (published by Sega and developed by Game Freak... the Pokemon guys).
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5
Total War: Attila
Transformers: Devastation (RIP PlatinumGames. You... kinda started sucking after Astral Chain).
Undertale (yep, it's happening).
Until Dawn
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (just in time for the 4th game)
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood (remember, kids: Nazi lives don't matter).
Xenoblade Chronicles X (finally escaping the Wii U this year).
Yakuza 5
Yo-Kai Watch
Yoshi's Woolly World
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cerastes · 9 months ago
How do you feel about turnbased RPGs? Games like Pokemon, the Mario RPGs, Final Fantasy, SMT etc?
I used to play YIIK-likes in the past but nowadays they don’t really appeal to me. Except the “The Legend of Heroes” franchise, AKA Trails/Kiseki franchise (Trails of Cold Steel, Zero no Kiseki, et al). That’s the only one I love and play.
I loved Final Fantasy all the way until X/10, don’t really care for the latter releases except 14.
If we can count them, the first two Paper Marios slapped.
SMT I have a love hate relationship with, I liked their vibe, I hate how grindy they were. Nocturne’s a great game I can’t recommend.
I like the concept of Pokemon a lot, the games themselves bore me. I played gen 1 and 4, and enjoyed them, but also don’t think they can offer any more with the formula.
Suikoden was fun!
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genshingorlsrevengeance · 2 months ago
(FE3H Fanfic) House Isekai Primer
Premise: After using a reality distorting magic in order to save someone's life, mercenary Byleth Eisner and his mysterious companion Sothis accidentally create a devastating side effect. They have now brought groups from other dimensions, and must guide them through the lands of Fodlan, and a world that wants them all gone.
Crossovers: Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Persona 3/4/5, The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel, Konosuba, Gakkou Gurashi
Content: A mixture of crack, slice of life at the Monastery with the new members, serious story events, and a mixture of Three Houses/Three Hopes story.
Characters included: Persona 3: Makoto Yuki, Yukari Takeba, Junpei Iori, Aigis Persona 4: Yu Narukami, Yosuke Hanamura, Chie Satonaka, Yukiko Amagi, Teddie Persona 5: Ren Amamiya, Ryuji Sakamoto, Ann Takamaki, Morgana Trails of Cold Steel: Rean Schwarzer, Elliot Craig, Alisa Reinford, Laura S. Arseid, Towa Herschel, Sara Valestein, Sharon Kreuger Konosuba: Satou Kazuma, Aqua, Darkness, Megumin Gakkou Gurashi: Megumi Sakura
A/N: This is actually round 2 of me doing a FE3H Crossover fanfic but the cast being added to the original one was 72. Needless to say that made actually making a story where the heroes didn't just curbstomp everything in their path was a bit contrived. This time, it's only going to be 25, which is FAR more manageable. For those who are just following Genshingorls, this was actually my first major fanfic project, and holds a special place in my heart. Though admittedly, I don't like how the original turned out since I HEAVILY rushed it, but this time I'll take my time, and I hope that it's an enjoyable read for everyone who'll take the time to give it a look! For my longtime followers: Kept you waiting, huh?
Extended character info below the cut!
Persona 3
Date transported from: September 18th, 2009
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Makoto Yuki (Age: 16) - Aigis (Age:???)
Yukari Takeba (Age: 16) - Junpei Iori (Age: 16)
Originally waiting out the storm that was passing over Iwatodai dorm, Makoto, Aigis, Yukari, and Junpei find themselves transported into a strange land by even stranger circumstances. Cut off from the rest of their friends and forced to contend with both Shadows and their new environment, Makoto leads the members of S.E.E.S to protect his newfound allies at Garreg Mach.
Date transported from: No one was looking at the calendar before they left the tavern.
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Satou Kazuma (Age: 17) - Aqua (Aqua)
Dustiness Ford "Darkness" Lalatina (Age: 19) - Megumin (Age: 14)
Originally the four were doing a quest that involved a magical artifact, one Kazuma was dead set on selling for a fat load of cash. Unfortunately for him, Aqua decided to mess with it, thinking it could be used until it horribly malfunctioned, shooting the four into a completely new world. Absolutely pissed but having no time to yell at Aqua and deal with whatever crap lied ahead of them, Kazuma had no choice but to ally himself with the weird emotionless mercenary and the floating green thing with him.
Persona 4
Date transported from: August 2012
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Yu Narukami (Age: 16) - Yosuke Hanamura (Age:16) - Teddie (Age: ???)
Chie Satonaka (Age: 16) - Yukiko Amagi (Age: 16)
Originally visiting for Summer Vacation, Yu found something strange happening with the TV's in Junes, despite the fact the Midnight Channel had long disappeared. Calling who was available, Yu, Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, and Teddie went inside to investigate, only to find themselves ending up in a completely unfamiliar land, with seemingly no way to return. Finding familiar faces in the form of younger versions of the members of S.E.E.S, Yu and friends decide to stay in order to find a way home together.
Gakkou Gurashi
Date transported from: July 2012
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Megumi Sakura "Megu-nee" (Age: Early 20's)
After saving her last remaining three students from the infected, Megumi accepted her fate, her world going dark with a searing pain on her right arm that was only growing by the second. Instead of the end like she expected to face, she suddenly awoke again being saved by unfamiliar faces. With nowhere to go, she decides to stay with her saviors, and start teaching again to the best of her ability with the second chance she was given.
Persona 5
Date transported from: July 2017
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Ren Amamiya (Age: 18) - Ryuji Sakamoto (Age: 18)
Ann Takamaki (Age: 17) - Morgana (A Cat)
Originally heading out on a camping trip with the rest of their friends, Ren, Ryuji, Ann, and Morgana are caught in a Palace that manifested itself, drawing them into it. To their shock, the unstable nature of the Palace had quickly collapsed, trapping them in another world. After meeting other Wild Card Persona Users, Ren can only deduce that this was meant to happen, and fights with his friends to guide them home, and bring justice to the wicked in this new land.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel
Date transported from: October 24th, S.1204
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Rean Schwarzer (Age: 17) - Elliot Craig (Age: 16)
Alisa Reinford (Age: 17) - Laura S. Arseid (Age: 17)
Towa Herschel (Age: 18) - Sara Valestein (Age: 25) - Sharon Kreuger (Age: 23)
Moments after discovering an Ashen bipedal Machine inside the Old Schoolhouse, a blinding light envelops the members of Class VII as they tried to investigate it. Quickly finding themselves in a land not too dissimilar from their own, Rean and Sara immediately take point to find a safe haven for Class VII, finding it alongside fellow outsiders, led by a mercenary. Though the machine, their Orbal Weapons and ARCUS units are still with them, they are far from safe in this strange new world.
Notable Deviations from the original FE3H timeline for this Crossover:
Byleth has seen Sothis from birth and the two have become steadfast friends, all the way to present time.
Shez and Arval is also present, though the two do not meet before meeting the Three Lords.
Ashen Wolves are present, including their DLC story.
Jeralt will have a stronger presence, teaching alongside Byleth and interacting with the Garreg Mach students and Crossover characters.
Sothis will have a stronger presence, due to being seen by certain Crossover characters.
By the time this post goes live, I'll be working on the prologue chapter, it's SO good to be writing these characters again in this medium.
See ya soon, and thanks for reading this far!
- Chris
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smash-64 · 1 year ago
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2023 Game of the Year Countdown #1 The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie Nintendo Switch, 2023
For a fourth time since 2018, a Trails game takes my #1 for the year.
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Breaking from tradition, this Trails game has no sidequests. It has a very linear story, although technically there are three linear stories and you can jump from one to another for most of the game. In many respects, this is the “Trails in the Sky the 3rd” for the Cold Steel series. Not only is the story more linear, but we get redemption arcs from past villains, and we also get an absolutely disgusting amount of playable characters. Chrono Cross has 45 playable characters, and people often say that’s too many. Well…Reverie has 50. And each of them gets at least a little time in the spotlight. It’s fantastic for Trails fans, and I adored it. I put 150 hours into this game and I’m not sure I could have put less time into it.
Playing the game on Switch, there were definitely a few times the game chugged, so I can’t give the game a perfect 10. Many of the cutscenes in Crossbell City were bogged down by the sheer number of NPCs, and was noticeable to me, a person famously unconcerned with performance. I can see why people advocate for playing this on PC or PS4, but the portability of the Switch trumps all else in my mind. This is really the only downside I experienced with the game, although it did not affect my enjoyment at all.
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Having three linear storylines to follow in any order you want is phenomenal. You can keep going with characters you love, and are never forced to stick with the ones you don’t for very long. And with having a linear story, the pace of the game is potentially sped up a little bit from the traditional Trails experience where sidequests can often lead to very long delays in the main story.
The story itself offers a ton. Obviously I can’t spoil a game that is the 10th in an interconnected, on-going series, but I’ll just say that once the main story is over…the postgame story is equally as interesting and gives fans a peek at some of the series-long questions and issues brought up in previous entries. 
Combat is fairly standard as far as the Cold Steel games go. I love Trails combat and this game tweaks little, as nothing was broken. It’s perhaps a little bit more difficult than CS3 or CS4, since the Break mechanic was pretty OP in those two games and it has been toned down slightly, but you can still take full advantage of it if you’re smart and plan well. I also like how some of the accessories drastically increase specific stats, so min/maxing is actually fun in this game. I was able to get Tita Russell’s attack and HP to absolutely absurd heights in this game. She is no longer baby; she wants power!
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As previously stated, almost every single character gets their time in the spotlight. Some more than others, of course, but the fact that we get 50 playable characters, yet every one of them gets a chance to shine is a wonderful piece of work by the developers and writers. I’d say that perhaps Musse gets very little, but she had more than enough focus in CS3 and 4. Even Machias gets his own episode, and he is so often forgotten that even I forget about him at times.
Music is good as always when it comes to Falcom. I appreciate some of the battle tunes, like Elegant Prowess, and the game has its own unique sound that sets it apart from CS3 and 4. Maybe not to the same extent that Sky the 3rd sets itself apart from FC and SC, but the tracks unique to this game sound different enough that they are easy to pick out. There are dozens of returning tracks as well, since we revisit quite a few places from previous entries. 
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My favorite character is Estelle Bright, and I was glad to see a focused effort to put her in the spotlight more often. She wasn’t in CS1-3, and played a more supporting role in 4 than anything else. Meanwhile, Lloyd and Rean ran the show. Estelle is not one of the main storylines in this game, but it’s nice to see her back with some of her famous one-liners.
Overall, I can’t really say enough about the game. It’s an amazing JRPG experience, but one that requires playing the 9 previous games in the series. Maybe that’s a daunting task to some, but the good thing about trying out a Trails game is that there is always another one to play afterward.
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fiabex · 7 months ago
Dreamwidth Roundup
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Nominations are now closed, and our closing posts are up! We have final clarification posts, and we have the post about tag set clean up!
Mods will be going through the tagset, but we also welcome your input! If you see an issue with tags already in the tagset, please comment on the tagset cleanup post, but if you think that a tag you nominated didn't make it into the tag set, please send that comment to clarification post 4!
More details about the fandoms that are parts of the clarification posts below the cut:
Nominations Clarification Post 3
Nominations Clarification Post 4
Tagset Cleanup
Nominations Clarification post 3:
Fandoms with Queries
+Anima (Manga)
Crossover Fandom
DCU (Comics)
Dimension 20 (Web Series)
Dredge (Video Game)
Dungeons and Dragons (Cartoon)
Elden Ring (Video Game)
Fairy Tail
Gary and His Demons (Cartoon)
Gundam 00
Imperial Radch Series - Ann Leckie
Magic Kaito
Nantucket Trilogy - S.M. Stirling
Original Work
Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Main Video Game Series)
QSMP | Quackity SMP
Red Dwarf (UK TV)
Ride Kamens (Video Game)
Shadow and Bone (TV)
Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types
Transformers Generation One
Westworld (TV)
Xenoblade Chronicles (Video Game)
Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Video Game)
少年白马醉春风 | Dashing Youth (Live Action TV)
Fandoms with Rejections
A Date With Death (Visual Novel)
Crossover Fandom
Disco Elysium (Video Game)
Dungeons and Dragons (Cartoon)
Earth Girls are Easy (1988)
Exordia - Seth Dickinson
Gothic (1986)
Hazbin Hotel (Cartoon)
Persona 4
Pocket Monsters | Pokemon (Main Video Game Series)
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù
少年白马醉春风 | Dashing Youth (Live Action TV)
Additionally, we have some updates about In-Universe tags and the umbrella tags that reference them (example: "Medium Opt-In: Any - Any Nominated In-Universe Medium")!
Nominations Clarification post 4:
Fandoms with Queries
Barely Lethal (2015)
Batman Beyond
Benjamin January Mysteries - Barbara Hambly
Books of the Raksura - Martha Wells
Chicago Fire
Crossover Fandom
Digimon Adventure Zero Two | Digimon Adventure 02
Doctor Strange (Movies)
Fallen London | Echo Bazaar
Fire & Blood - George R. R. Martin
Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
In Nomine
Mapp & Lucia Series - E. F. Benson
Monster Prom (Video Games)
Murdoch Mysteries
Original Work
QSMP | Quackity SMP
Sanders Sides (Web Series)
Schmigadoon! (TV)
Stellar Firma (Podcast)
Stellaris (Video Game)
The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes - Suzanne Collins
Thor (Movies)
What If...? (Cartoon 2021)
僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Manga)
英雄伝説 閃の軌跡 | Sen no Kiseki | The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel Series (Video Games)
龍が如く | Ryuu ga Gotoku | Yakuza (Video Games)
Fandoms with Rejections
A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Biggles Series - W. E. Johns
Chicago Fire
Chicago Med
Children of Time Series - Adrian Tchaikovsky
Compilation of Final Fantasy VII
Crossover Fandom
Digimon Adventure Zero Two | Digimon Adventure 02
Fallen London | Echo Bazaar
Friends at the Table (Podcast)
John Wick (Movies)
Ladyhawke (1985)
Original Work
Stranger Things (TV 2016)
The Expanse Series - James S. A. Corey
The Fall of the House of Usher (TV 2023)
The Long Earth Series - Terry Pratchett & Stephen Baxter
The Saint of Steel - T. Kingfisher
Voltron: Legendary Defender
Welcome to Night Vale
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coupleskitchen · 10 months ago
Schedule Update
If you're following us, hey there. We've been more or less absent for quite some time. And at the moment, we're working on all of our pages. You may find some real-time changes going on as we're doing a pretty big overhaul. Please excuse the mess! If you're just discovering us, welcome! You can find us in these locations:
Curator Page
twitch (well, one of us anyway)
YouTube (again, one of us really)
Now, for the update!
[the below text has been taken directly from our blogspot]
Our reviews have not started back up again. We're hoping to return to writing reviews in July of 2024. It's been a while, but life has presented many obstacles in the past couple of years and we've experienced great losses. That being said, we're still here. We've just been doing other things. We planned in the past to redo all our older reviews, and that's still on the table. We have also received new titles since we last posted publicly, so we're going to review those as well. The schedule for all of these specific things, however, is kind of up in the air. We do have a few newer things to include now though. And if you've been missing our awkwardness and cringey wit, you're welcome to join us during one of our streams. We will also no longer be posting negative reviews to our tumblr or blogspot, and they will remain only on our curator page. While we've always tried to be compassionate and speak with constructive criticism, we fear that even this amount of scrutiny may negatively affect those who have devoted their time and care into the games they're creating. And, after all, we are just two people. We can't speak to what everyone will enjoy. We'll only go into depth on the things we really want to encourage in the future. Game Reviews: the 9th and 23rd of each month. Anime Reviews: once a month, on the last Tuesday of the month (once we begin, as we want to get our game reviews started again and don't know how much extra time we'll have to devote yet). Manga Reviews: once a month, on the first Tuesday of the month (as with the anime reviews, these likely won't begin as soon as we return). Curator Page: reviews for our curator page will be posted as soon as we've formulated a thought about the games we're reviewing. The full reviews will fall into line with our schedule as they've been completed, with games that have been gifted to us taking priority over others.
Streams will be on Mondays and Fridays. At this point, there is no specific time to when these will begin, but we will post over on the paptain tumblr roughly thirty minutes before the stream starts. Since we have already been streaming so many different games, there will be a cycle between the streams from month-to-month. If this system works well, then we'll continue doing it. If not, we'll slowly phase out the cycle once each game is completed. Month A Monday Rotation: Dark Chronicle/Dark Cloud 2 > Persona 3 Reload Friday Rotation: Ys VIII > (Unannounced) Month B Monday Rotation: The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel > NEO: The World Ends with You Friday Rotation: Persona 4 Golden > Saturnalia
VOD Uploads
Monday: The past Monday stream will be uploaded. Friday: The past Friday stream will be uploaded. Saturday: Beginning in July, a YouTube exclusive playthrough will be uploaded. These videos will follow the same game to completion, unlike the rotation we have with our streams.
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satoshi-mochida · 1 year ago
Rhythm Game ‘DJMAX RESPECT V’ Announces Falcom DLC Pack Featuring Ys and Trails Songs
From Noisy Pixel
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Developer and publisher NEOWIZ has announced a new DLC pack for their rhythm game DJMAX RESPECT V containing songs from the Ys and Trails franchise under Nihon Falcom. Set to be released on March 14, 2024, the pack will cost $14.99.
The Falcom pack will contain the following songs:
Ashita he no Kodou (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel)
Blue Destination (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel)
Inevitable Struggle (The Legend of Heroes: Trails from Zero)
To the Future (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel)
NORSE WIND (Ys IX – Monstrum NOX)
Silver Will (The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky)
STEP AHEAD (The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel)
You can purchase DJMAX RESPECT V for $49.99 via Steam.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak will be released for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC on July 5, 2024.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails through Daybreak is the eleventh mainline entry in the Trails series, taking place after the events of The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie. Following the war with Erebonia initiated by Operation Jormungandr, the Republic of Calvard has thrived economically thanks to reparations. Within this chaotic republic, protagonist Van Arkride makes his living as a Spriggan. This profession takes on the roles of many as it remains within the gray confines of legality that legitimate avenues of employment can’t accept for one reason or another.
The English cast has been unveiled, and physical pre-orders are available with a special limited edition.
Character profiles, numerous English screenshots, and gameplay details have also been posted.
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