#the kremling krew
piratesofhyrule · 9 months
The Story That Will Never Be Told 6: Guest Stars
This one will be a thread, several reblogs detailing each different Celebrity Cameo. And to start us off, my favorite of these special guest stars; The Kremling Krew!
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This band of crocodile pirates hails from the RareWare-age of the Donkey Kong franchise, originally appearing in Donkey Kong Country and going on to be the villains of the whole series along with one of my favorite games of all, DK64. They were under the command of the infamous King K Rool and first sailed to the Kong Isles aboard the battleship, Gangplank Galleon, until Donkey and Diddy thrashed him and sunk his ship. Their home island was sunk by Diddy and Dixie Kong (admittedly by accident) when they defeated K Rool a second time, leaving the Kremlings adrift in scattered clans. Although K Rool returned for the 3rd DKC game, he had to do so in disguise because the Kremlings were actually sick of him. His infamous Blast-O-Matic in DK64 was the last time he and the Kremlings got a major appearance in anything and it was disabled whilst K Rool was sent flying into the ocean again.
And from then onwards, the Kremlings and K Rool never got a proper appearance in any mainline games.
They were in a similar boat as Waluigi; designed by a 3rd-party that was working with Nintendo instead of Nintendo itself (Camelot actually devised Waluigi, the Kremlings and all the Kongs post-arcade era were by Rare). Ergo a bit of a debate on Nintendo's end if they kept any of these characters around, Diddy and a few other Kongs got to persist thanks to their popularity. But the Kremlings? Nintendo wasn't keen on them appearing again in a mainline game until Smash Ultimate.
Of all the guest-stars I had planned, the Kremlings were the first. They have such a rich roster of a crocodile cast across the 90s, a bunch of delightfully devious lunkheads determined to one day get even with the Kongs. And what's more, I even had that wonderful DKC tv show to draw inspiration from and provide a leader that was significantly more popular amongst his underlings; Kaptain Skurvy.
The history in my continuity was thus; DKC 1-DK64, with a light sprinkling of the tv show, happened as they canonically did. The Kremlings that you've gotten to meet in my fic are but one of many small factions, this crew of crocs led by Quint Skurvy the Fifth. Thanks to how tyrannical AND disasterous K Rool's leadership was in the past, Klubba led a mutiny aboard the Gangplank Galleon, deserting the former Kremling King with his prized battleship (as an aside, Klubba is from DKC2, a powerful Kremling that actually helps out Diddy and Dixie as "K Rool treats us rotten, I hope ye scuttle his plans"). Once at sea, the crew held an election for a captain (pirates in actual history were democratic), Skurvy winning the vote and he has been in command ever since. He's led them to great profits and spoils of war, earning genuine loyalty from the Kremlings under his flag.
What brings the Kremlings to Hyrule actually stems to the original Quint Skurvy, the current one's great-great-great-grandfather. He had obtained the legendary Crystal Coconut, but was betrayed by his navigator. The navigator, a man history refers to as "The Ancient Mariner" had stolen the Crystal Coconut, hiding it in distant shores from Crocodile Isle. When Skurvy caught up with the traitor, he threw him into a pine box and hurtled it overboard. Ever since, the SKurvies have hunted for the Crystal Coconut, the current of their lineage the first to sail Hyrule's waters.
For the Yiga battle, the Kremlings would actually have been allied with the Gerudo and our protagonists as they mistook the Yiga for the Kongs. They reveal that the Gangplank Galleon has an All-Terrain mode, allowing it to leave the water and assault the Yiga Stronghold itself. Upon finding out that "the death cult of assassins are not the gorillas they've a blood feud with", the Kremlings decide to just loot the stronghold of everything and leave. From there, that would've been the end of their little arc.
At least, until I watched this AMAZING video;
Then I thought up a soft-sequel for the fic. Running with the vid's plot, K Rool is able to reunite the Kremlings under his rule once more. After hearing from Klump, Skurvy's brother and K Rool's former supreme commander, about the wonderous lands across an ocean that no Kremling or Kong have sailed before, K Rool decides that salvaging whatever magic and technology they can from Hyrule might finally give him the edge over the Kongs.
And thus a decade or so after my fic's conclusion, Hyrule recieves word of a massive battle fleet sailing for the kingdom, led by a mobile island fortress that resembles a crocodile wearing a crown.
And of final note, you know who Quint Skurvy the First's navigator is. Submit your answer to me Askbox to recieve the special prize of choosing the next Lore Post!
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karoubrugarou · 9 months
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I have drawn a few Kremlings from the past but Kasplat isn't one of them. As someone who likes big bruisers, Kasplat is one of my favorites from Donkey Kong 64. DK64 may not be perfect but I still enjoy the classic Rare magic coming from it.
Art © Franchesca Huerta aka Chibi Brugarou
Kasplat © Nintendo and Rareware
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pokerninja2 · 5 months
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Knockas in DKC3: <:D
Knockas in Super Mario Spikers: >:O
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awthredestim · 6 months
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Commission for FinalGamerJames.
Kruz Tenderleaf 
The moment he sees you, the salt of the sea slaps your nostrils. His scales glisten like a ship's bow, his eyes sparkle with a brigand's glee, and even without his captain's coat, the crocodile just...STANDS like a pirate should with a hook for a hand, pointed down like a pistol in its sheath.
"Kheh, well aren't you a strange one? Not that I can judge, better to die strange than to live normal, right?"
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This one does look goofy, but with that big of a snoot it's kind of challenging to work with a portrait format. I dunno, I like it.
The Kremling Krew should have their own video game.
Please, let me know what you think of it in the comments. I appreciate every single one I receive.
You can check the Making Of post right here.
Thank you!
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makotoskeleton · 1 year
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きまぐれ投稿。 子どもの頃は怖かったけど、今はデザイン割と好き。
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transdiddykong · 1 year
I was doing some research on crocodiles and alligators and stuff and like-
K. Rool has most characteristics of a croc and SOME of an alligator.
First difference is that crocodiles' jaws are the same length, so you can see both their top and bottom teeth, but alligators' bottom teeth are never visible when their mouth is shut. Like...
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Second of all, alligators' scale pattern is rather chaotic compared to the one of a crocodile.
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(you can see some of the scales are big and some other really small with no pattern at all)
And last! Alligators are GOOD with offsprings from the same species. And you might say "but he doesn't have any children". He doesn't but he knows some children...
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And according to Barrel Blast...
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Both of these kids are pretty high up the ranks and pretty adored. It wouldn't be that way if they were hated by the king himself.
He does share the rest of characteristics with crocodiles. V-shaped snout, colors more bright than alligators, lives in salty water, is more violent, bigger, stronger...
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 years
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lm-g1 · 1 year
I guess I should formally make a post here about this, even though it’s been out for a while now:
HISTORY: This project is something that I’ve been actively working on for the past 2 years and I am very proud to be able to finally present the fruits of my labor! Growing up, I’d always been a massive fan of the Donkey Kong Country titles. I remember finding “Legend of the Crystal Coconut” on VHS at my local video rental store and pleading with my parents to rent it for me. I was blown away, finally being able to put voices to kharacters- and while the overall quality of the animation and writing was rather dubious in hindsight, most of the vocal performances always stood out to me as being THE definitive voice cast. For an awkwardly-animated cartoon of the mid-90’s, the writing was fine for what it was and touched on the normal ‘Saturday Morning’ kids block tropes. However, I’d always felt that there was something more that could be brought to the table in terms of storytelling if things were more kongsistent with the games. Here’s where I come in. Fast-forward 25 some odd years and I’m now living out my childhood dream, as ko-producer, kreative kongsultant, kasting director and voice actor of my own little motley krew of Kremlings!
I hope you all will have as much fun watching this as we did making this!
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multix-ct117 · 1 year
DK OC Profile:
*notes below*
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Video Game Series: Donkey Kong
Name: Danica "Dani" Kong
Alias: Dani, Grease Monkey, Grease/Greaser, Fixit, Goggles, Kong
Species: Yellow-Tailed Woolly Monkey (Oreonax Flavicauda)
Gender: Female
Parents: Rocket Kong (father), Juniper Kong (mother)
Other Relatives: *under construction*
Abilities: mechanical engineering, arboreal acrobatics, driving/kart racing, sketching (blue prints)
Love Interest: Donkey Kong
Allies: DK Crew, Donkey K, Diddy K, Funky K, Dixie K, Cranky K, Wrinkly K, Tiny K, Chunky K, Kiddy K, Lanky K, Swanky K, Eddie The Mean Old Yeti, Redneck Kong, Mario Bros, Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Toads, Yoshi, Kirby, etc...
Enemies: King K. Rool, Kremling Krew, Tiki Tak Tribe, Snowmads, King Dedede, Kamek, Cactus King, Wizpig, Manky Kongs, Bluster Kong, Minkeys, Bowser, etc...
she was born in the Jungle Kingdom and lives happily with her family. Well.. as happily as she can....
As a child, Dani enjoyed swinging in the trees as much as any other Kong, yet she never went beyond what she knew, preferring to take a more introspective approach. But don't let that fool you.. once Dani has her hands on some old parts and a wrench, she's going full throttle. She may not have as much interest in exploring the outside's greatest mysteries but when it comes to her work, she loves testing the limits. Dani is ambitious and analyzes anything she comes across. She's more reserved compared to her friends but can be just as outspoken, not afraid to tell anyone when she disagrees on a matter. She'd like to say she's a fairly reasonable and easygoing monkey but her own stubbornness has clashed against Cranky and DK's more than once. Although reserved, Dani is friendly to those around her and is devoted to her friends and family. Her ingenuity, reasonable nature, and loyalty to her friends makes her a valuable member of the DK Crew.
As she gets older, her skills in mechanical engineering improve greatly. Dani is responsible for improving kart conditions and track structure. After helping upgrade the Jungle Kingdom Raceway, she further evolved karts to have hang-gliders and even anti-gravity wheels.
Despite her abilities and supportive friends, Dani often puts pressure on herself for not knowing something or being useful. She stays in her own space and is perfectly happy working on her projects, even at the cost of other things in life. In fact, Dani sees no reason why things should change.. that is until a certain ape prince barrel rolls into her life....
Normally, I wouldn't post an OC profile until I have everything lined up, but due to what happened with my previous OC, I'm doing this to stake claims and avoid more conflict.. This post may be edited as I continue tweaking Dani's story, but thoughts and constructive criticism are appreciated (:
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museaquarium · 1 year
Medusa, if you had to form an alliance with some other faction, who would you pick? Koopa Troop, Kremling Krew, Ganon's Dark Forces, Space Pirates, Black Sugar Gang, Andross' Army, Team Rocket. Rate them 1-7 with 1 being the highest.
"Hm, this is an... interesting question."
7. Team Rocket
"They an organization comprising entirely of humans, so I am not at all interested in allying myself with them. This is especially worsened by the fact they played god with Mewtwo."
6. Space Pirates
"I wouldn't know about the space pirates from Samus' world, but the ones in mine are rather... incompetent. I'm not sure I want to take that risk."
5. Black Sugar Gang
"Regular pirates would provide me some advantage at sea, but their leader is a human. I could put that aside if she swore loyalty to me, but... Syrup doesn't seem the loyal sort."
4, Kremling Krew
"I'm biased as someone with reptilian features myself, but out of all my pirate options, this is my favorite."
3. Andross' Army
"Since I already dismissed the space pirates, I do realize that having allies in space would be a great asset to my goal of conquering Skyworld. Not to mention their technology surpasses anything I've been able to use in the Underworld."
2. Koopa Troop
"Bowser has plenty of experience with kidnapping. I'd argue he's also a master deceiver, considering how often his foe has to fight false versions of him. Also, I can only imagine launching a Bonzai Bill into Palutena's temple. It sounds rather thrilling. The only disadvantage I could see is having to deal with his children."
Ganon's Dark Forces
"Ganon is the incarnation of a demon's hatred for his world's goddess, so I feel we can relate to each other on that front. I also heard through the grapevine that Palutena has a rather intense fear of bugs now, so if he could lend me Gohma, I imagine I could scare her enough to be at an advantage."
"...Not to mention the ties between Ganon and a rather handsome man my enemies have fought in that tournament, but an alliance can form for mutual interest in toppling the beautiful goddess of our respective worlds, and doesn't have to go further."
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zay91horne · 1 year
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Donkey Kong Country King K Rool
King K Rool Is A Main Antagonist In The Donkey Kong Series 
He Is The Leader Of The Kremling Krew And His Main Goal Is To Collect All The Bananas And Taken Over The Island He Is Donkey Kongs Archnemesis 
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This Poster was inspired by the Donkey Kong rumored and not yet reveled, so I thought to made my own version with a story. PS- This took place after Mario Movie 2023 and my own version of the Movieverse timeline. (Its been a few After helping out Mario defeating Bowser, King Cranky Kong imforms him that Donkey Kong was next in line to become Kongo Bongo's King by the nasonal treaseher the Crystal Coconut, but first DK will have to earn it by not just saving it but Saving the island with allies from the Clutches of the Kremling Krew lead by King K Rool.)
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"Hm...I don't recall seeing you in my Kremling Krew..."
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pokerninja2 · 11 months
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While I thought the original art was good enough, looking back I didn't think K. Rool's appearance in Super Mario Spikers had much to set him apart.
So he got a rework, complete with new art and a new, steampunk, indestructible belly! Good luck breaking this now.
Old vs. new
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awthredestim · 6 months
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Mini-collection of WiPs for @fgsshinyhoard
Didn't do many WiP shots for this one, so I have less to share. I got to wrapped up into finishing it quickly.
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is-it-raining-yet · 8 months
Krag the Kremling assassin, an OC I created out of my desire for the Kremling Krew to return.
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