#the king's pet or the king
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shamelessliarkickapow · 2 months ago
The King's Pet or The King
Oh, right, I used to post update announcements here and have been forgetting since chapter 43...
Chapter 49 is up on AO3 and ff.net!
(and also ch 44-48...)
This one's especially satisfying. A confrontation that's been coming since the trunk scene in Call Me Katto. Finally, finally, nine (ten?!) years later, there's some closure.
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worm-infestation · 5 months ago
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jonathan sims and his collection of weird mildly murderous lesbians who only sort of hate him (they’re his only friends)
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king-the-pathetic · 2 months ago
Snoozing at my parents place
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sophsun1 · 1 year ago
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Derry Girls – 3.01: The Night Before
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classichorrorblog · 2 years ago
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Pet Sematary (1989)
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facts-i-just-made-up · 1 year ago
Disney has revealed that the so-called “Disney Vault” in fact works like the titular Pet Sematary, in that classic animated films can be resurrected as live action remakes, but they come back soulless and evil.
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emacrow · 10 months ago
There a ghost in the Watchtower vent!
Batman could only sighed in defeat as the Justice league were searching in the vents again, after Superman heard a odd small screeching sound of an animal coming from it this morning.
Which lead to the Justice league searching around the vents to find the source of the sound. He internally blamed Damian for this after he snuck a odd animal in the batcave, and is still looking for that animal whom may have snuck itself into the watchtower teleportor and got beamed there.
So far they been searching for 8 hours straight with no luck whatsoever. Batman could only sighed and calls comms to get Damian to get his newest attempt of pet adoption.
Which only took 7 minutes as Damian in his robin suit just put down one of alfred's special cookies in front of the vent entrance as the Justice league watch along side as a small odd cat lik-, oh that a tiny alien feral child nawing on the cookie.
He looked 4 year old at most, glowing lararus green eyes feral and dilated with long elvish ears, sharp tiny fangs, white but dirty dust covered hair that look like a rats nest, wearing a toddler sized suit that look otherworldly yet similar to a hazmut suit if it weren't so skin tight looking. He was wearing a glowing green skull on his smol middle finger and a floating crown that remind superman of the fairy odd parents except this was black with blue aurora light fire.
"You are so losing chew toy privileges, danny." Damian huffed as he just pick danny up by his armpits and just begans walked away through the hallway door.
The justice league could only look a bit gaped.
"Where did Robin found that?"
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months ago
Prompt 339
So erm, Danny might’ve fallen through a portal. And might have no clue where he is right now. 
He fell into an alleyway! Right into a dumpster! Which isn’t the worst thing he’s fallen into but still. Ew. Well, Dad should be able to find him and bring him back home! …Right? 
He shakes out his itchy fur and scales, already impatient and bored in the single alley despite it only being a few minutes. What’s a realms hatchling to do but explore? Well, besides taking care of his shed, but it’s too dry where he is anyway. Maybe he’ll find a lake! 
Hm. He can’t understand what anyone is shouting or freaking out about. It’s like they’ve never seen a dragon or something, geeze! Oh well, he’s on his way to find water, he’s not built for the desert…
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kingkatsuki · 1 year ago
One more and then I’ll stop but like seriously imagine this hulking brute of a man preparing to mount his dragon to return home to his Kingdom after successfully pillaging another village. The loot strapped to the sides of the dragons as he stands victorious, covered head to toe in a sheen of drying blood that for the most part isn’t his.
And as he’s preparing to leave he notices something moving in the foliage out of the corner of his eye. Immediately reaching for his axe as he holds it up high, ready to strike— when he sees a small bunny rabbit struggling beneath a wicker basket. The poor animal looks injured, its paw a deep crimson that rivals his eyes and his first thought is to put it out of its misery and take it home as part of the feast.
But then he thinks of you, and the way you tremble in front of him much like the little rabbit in front of him now. Sliding his axe back into his belt as he crouches down to pick up the struggling animal, caging it in large palms as he holds it uncharacteristicly gently to his chest. Walking back to his dragon as his men call out to him.
“That’s barely a snack for a dragon, King.” Sero calls out, grinning from ear to ear as Bakugou shoots him a glare.
“Do you want me to put it with the rest of the food?” Kirishima offers as he reaches out to take the bunny by the ears.
“No,” Bakugou mutters gruffly, opening a sachel at the side of his beast as he places the rabbit gently inside. His men raise their brows but know better than to say anything as they take off, returning back home before nightfall.
The Kingdom is in celebration as the team return, gathering the spoils as a feast is prepared for tonight. And Bakugou decides to clean himself up before seeking you out, worried that if he found you covered in the blood of his enemies you’d never talk to him again. It was much like he looked the first time he found you; and he’ll remember that terrified look for the rest of his days.
Changing into fresh cloth and furs as he makes his way towards your room, and even though he’s trying to be respectful he still doesn’t knock. Stepping inside to see you curled up by a fire with a book that you quickly put down when you notice him, the tension in your body doesn’t go unnoticed by Bakugou who tries to be less intimidating. A difficult feat for a man who’s waged wars on nations, and spilt more blood than the rivers that flow outside the Kingdom.
He’s silent as he crouches, setting his sachel down in front of him as he opens it. Rough hands reach in to take out the quivering bunny rabbit, which you stare at with wide eyes.
“It reminded me of you.” He rasps, holding the animal out to you as you crawl over to him from your position in front of the fire. Gentle hands taking the rabbit from him as you hold him against your chest, soft fingers stroking at its fur.
“You’re not going to cook him after, are you?”
And Bakugou can’t help but smile at your question, it’s the first time you’ve seen him do so and it softens the strong frown lines against his face. His eyes rounder, fierce gaze less intense as he moves to sit on the floor beside you with thick thighs outstretched.
“He looked like he needed someone to look after him.”
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iiileaves · 3 months ago
looove that robin, franky and brook (the grown mature people of the crew) are also the freakiest and luffy’s biggest enablers. people love to call them the mother/father/grandpa but there’s something so much funnier going on
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shamelessliarkickapow · 10 months ago
The King's Pet or The King, chapters 33-38
ff.net and AO3
uuhhhh.... I finally got back on Tumblr! *accomplishments*
I've written about 75k words for this story since picking it back up. A lot of that is process scraps, bits of dialogue that don't make it in the chapter and delicious bits I'm holding back for future chapters. That's also an accomplishment.
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goddisposez · 2 months ago
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yeah no i’m okay. yeah i’m just thinking about all of the solomon tozer certified scared moments. no it’s not dealing me immense psychic damage why do you ask
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king-the-pathetic · 2 months ago
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He is not immune to bad hair days
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glass-joe-enjoyer · 1 month ago
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Punch Out as LPS
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starlight-archer · 10 months ago
The Cat King: I'll stop playing nice! You hear me? I will stop fucking playing nice!
Also The Cat King: "Edwin has been through more pain than you or I could ever imagine"
*gets beaten to death with a stick for warning Edwin about the trap*
"Hey! Keep your paws off of him!"
*proceeds to give Crystal and Niko info that will help them rescue Edwin*
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todayontumblr · 1 year ago
Tuesday, November 7.
Some things are inevitable. The days of the week, for example. Take Tuesday. It's Tuesday today, in fact, and it be like that sometimes. Sometimes, it be Tuesday, and there is nothing more to be done about it. 
Likewise, you have now been SNIFED. Note the past principle: snifed. 'Twas inevitable. 'Twas always going to happen. And so, just as you accept it is Tuesday, the day after Monday, you must accept that this is now the time after the snifing. Your very own Anno Domini, if you like. Your very own brave new world—your own, tailor-made new normal. 
And in this unchartered territory, you are left with two choices. You may carry on as if nothing ever happened. Or you may smash that reblog to snif the next person. You know what you must do.
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So go on. Dew it x
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